#i've been very productive lately
mysticalcats · 2 months
hi!!! been a while!!!
how are you?
hello!! i'm doing very good, thank you for asking!
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fiblertsos · 1 year
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sciderman · 6 months
I swear I have read your big post regarding Peter Parker's neurodivergence and why it is best to avoid labelling him, but he definitely has a weird brain
Can't find it and feel kinda sad about it cuz I deeply related to it
i know exactly which post you're talking about and i can't find it either! i've raked through my archive, and it's just - nowhere to be seen. i think tumblr eated it (it happens.)
really, tumblr's search functionality is so so useless, i don't know what to tell you. there are plenty of keywords i can search to find it that post, but the search functionality actually just does not work!
undiagnosed audhd-addled peter parker, my darling, my light, my life, my everything.
i think peter parker's such an interesting creature to write, because a lot of people will point to a certain behaviour about him and say "this is an autistic thing, right?" but a lot of those behaviours are actually, in my head, tied to certain traumas in peter's life too.
people say "oh, the food thing, peter's a picky eater because he's autistic" and yes, absolutely. but also it's tied to his trauma with his parents.
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peter gets overstimulated, and yes, it's an autism thing, but also he was bitten by a radioactive spider and his senses are dialled to 11.
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it's a similar case i've found for myself, too – where a lot of friends i have kind of diagnose me because i have autistic traits, but actually - i'm hesitant to claim the label or pursue diagnosis because, actually, i know where these certain behaviours come from, and they come from certain traumas. there are events i can pinpoint in my life and say "yep. that's where this behaviour comes from."
so - i think there's a lot of overlap between trauma and autistic traits. the brain is very complex! i think the reason for that overlap is maybe as simple as the fact that people with autism and people with trauma are both doing the same thing - developing behaviours to protect themselves or soothe themselves. so - i think it's nice to be able to see a character like peter parker, who may or may not be autistic, but recognise behaviours in him and see yourself in him.
people who go undiagnosed for whatever reason - people who are really good at masking - so good, in fact, that they have no idea they might be on the spectrum - everyone and anyone at all can look at peter parker and recognise themselves. because i think we discredit the thought that every single brain does the same thing! develops certain behaviours in order to survive. every brain has that same software - we've just all been faced with different hardships that we need to overcome, and that's were all the differences come in.
autism is a spectrum, i guess - everyone falls into it to some degree. and i think events in your life probably push you along on it. but i don't know, i didn't study brain science. probably what i'm saying is very stupid and uninformed. of course there's brain chemistry involved. but i know people in my life living with autism and certain events in their life have exacerbated certain behaviours or made coping with it a lot more difficult. so maybe trauma is a catalyst.
#a lot of my traits have been exacerbated lately and i remember it was much easier for me before#and some of my friends have said “oh it's because you've been masking too long and now you're facing autistic burnout.”#and that made sense to me i think.#but then i found out about the stress thing. me overproducing stress hormone. and that's a very physical thing.#and that explains why i've been overstimulated more than usual lately. and why everything feels like too much.#and i wonder how many of these traits of mine are going to subside once i have lamar removed#and it makes me wonder a lot of things. and it's so weird how much your brain is tied to your biology.#i wonder how much i'll change. i wonder how i'll feel. i wonder if i'll still feel like me. i wonder how much me is me right now.#and how much of me is being altered by weird freaky hormones. who am i?? who will i be??#i'm almost looking at this as like. a superhero origin story of some sort. like this is my spider-bite moment. maybe.#will i be different? will i cope with things differently?? now that my body isn't fighting something anymore??#maybe i'll be normal. i don't know. i don't know.#i don't know what it'll mean for me.#but all of these things mean i relate to peter parker in a certain kind of way#i don't think you have to be diagnosed with autism to recognise and empathise with those traits i think#i think everyone can see themselves in peter. and i think that's the benefit of having characters that aren't diagnosed.#because there's so much overlap in the human experience. and certain feelings aren't exclusive to just one group of people.#peter has such a rich identity actually. it's an autistic thing. it's a queer thing. it's a jewish thing. it's a trauma thing.#there are so many overlapping parts of peter's identity that inform who he is and how he behaves and it's never just one thing.#it's a product of all of his things.#just like me! just like everyone.#so me? i guess i can be a million things. you can explain what i am in a million different ways.#a hundred different psychologists can all come up with different ways to explain why i be the way i be.#i don't think it's something that can be simplified.#sorry wow. i'm really going off here in the tags.#i hope people don't think i'm stupid. i don't know brain science. i'm just philosophising as usual.#sci speaks
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stardestroyer81 · 5 months
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Happy fourth anniversary to... well, me! It was four years ago that I signed up for tumblr under the now all-familiar StarDestroyer81 name, and to celebrate, I come bearing some particularly exciting news I've been waiting a few months to announce...
Shirts, stickers, pins— you want it? It's yours, my friend; as long as you check out the above link! If you've ever wanted to directly support me— or would just love to have select works of mine on merch of your choice— I highly suggest giving my store a look as I put so much work into prepping it for my blog's fourth anniversary! 💙🏳️‍⚧️✨
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pynkhues · 5 days
It is interesting with Antoinette. I could see it being that Lestat genuinely had affection for her, even if he would certainly have killed her had Louis personally asked him to -- or it could be that she was just familiar, and he wanted the closest thing to intimacy he could get, so someone who knew him was better than someone who didn't. And the whole possibility that she reminded him of Gabrielle in some ways...
Yeah, I totally agree, anon.
I actually unfortunately suspect that Antoinette isn't a character the show will really come back to, and I think I'm one of three people that cares about that, haha, but where I tend to land on her relationship with Lestat is the fact that neither Lestat nor Louis actually have any friends.
That's not to say that I think Lestat and Antoinette were just friends, I don't, they obviously fucked a lot (which like, also comes down to the fact that Lestat doesn't know how to have friends he doesn't fuck, haha), but I do think the reality is that Lestat and Louis have very different racial and cultural contexts, hobbies and areas of interest which aren't things they can easily share with each other, especially not in early-1900s America, and I think that's a bigger factor in their relationship breakdown than either will admit to.
It's why Louis' able to reconnect with Jonah so quickly - they might be leading different lives, but they have more overlapping factors than they don't, whereas he and Lestat have less than they do - and for Lestat as a white theatre kid, he needs to be around other performers. I think with Antoinette, she's obviously a talented vocalist and an ambitious artist, and I can see that genuinely just being company that Lestat wants to be close with. They probably talk shit about crap theatre they've seen and do vocal runs together and fuck, and honestly for a part of Lestat, that would lowkey be a dream relationship, haha. Do I think they have a deep emotional connection? No, but given even Louis' willing to admit she's talented, and his own complex relationship with not succeeding as an artist, I wonder how much that factors in to his portrayal of her and his insecurities around their relationship (to say nothing of the fact that she's both white and a woman).
This feels like it's going on a hundred tangents, haha, but my point is maybe they'd step out on each other less or descend into unforessen levels of chaos and destruction if they both had a few friends they could talk about their identities and niche interests with!!
#this is not actually related to your ask but i've been thinking a bit about different family make ups lately#and while i was hungover this morning after yoga and getting breakfast with my mum#i told her about how one of our production coordinators at work - let's call her A - had a baby last year with her wife#and they had a very good friend who's gay who became their sperm donor#and he's like#LOVING being fun uncle and A and i were talking about it the other day at work because she was genuinely shocked because he's#been very open about how much he does not want kids of his own and it caused a lot of hesitancy with her and her wife taking him up on offe#but how much he's stepped up#she said he's been amazing#and he's been so helpful and supportive and done so much running around for them when they've been knocked sideways with having a newborn#and he loves being with his little niece who's actually his biological daughter and getting to give her back#and A was like we were close before but now he's my daughter's uncle and now he truly feels like my brother#and A and her partner and him are already talking about having another baby in the next year or so#idk why your ask made me remember this#maybe i was just thinking about it still after talking to mum about it over breakfast#but idk maybe it comes back to this whole idea that queer family units are inherently unconventional in our current structure#and applying conventional tropes to them doesn't work#which again has nothing to do with your ask haha just something i'm thinking about#lestat asks#iwtv asks
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sysig · 4 months
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Having fun, more and more! (Patreon)
#Doodles#Unicorn Tails#Dangersoft#Villainsona#Just Desserts#True Villainy AU#Okay fine I'll talk about the really silly fixation I accidentally fell into lol#It's all Jello's ISaT stream's fault they mentioned Wall Day and I got curious!#Actually it was Jello reciting Will's line as the mad cultist in a kids' unicorn game that got me interested lol he just went all out#And it really is a kids' game! Like yeah some of the lore is dark and ominous and weird but it's genuinely just a nice unicorn game#And the character customization is cute and you can buy a spider hat! I want a spider hat#I'm fully onboard at this point lol I intend to buy it for realsies and play as an alicorn and go hunting for the Estranged Rabbit#Dangersoft is great of course <3 Neon green horse love that for her#Some happies <3 I've been quite happy lately :D Big Loves yay <3#If there is an article of clothing I can hide in I will take the opportunity every time lol#Regularly hiding in hoods and collars - it just feels nice!#More Charm more cutes <3 I've had the idea of her cutting her hair for S3 since she was created but I still don't Actually have anything lol#She's just cute and I love her! She's adorable no matter what she looks like#I think I was thinking something along the lines of her long hair being used against her in her True Villain form#Like how it's normally up and ice cream shaped but Kaiein wanted it down and it gave her a different look#But short it can't look like that :) She's always light and fluffy if it's short! I like it <3#Speaking of - her candle wings popping out from her Kaiein wings!#It's weird to see her with her hair down and glasses on in that context haha#I do like the symbolism of dark inky wings being cut through with fire and light :) Still drippy tho lol#And rounding off with a Just Desserts bee <3 I posted that one JD Pet Bee a while ago but I think bees are also wild animals#They're important for sweets production and pollination! Fruit-based sweets need them!#I personally really love bees I think they're the cutest but I also get really stressed about buzzing :'D#Does Not help that my hair is a colour they're attracted to so they come up right next to my head to investigate agh#So Charm is the same! Loves bees! They're wonderful and important and cute! But the buzzing...#She's being very brave tho <3
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shimyereh · 4 months
Done with my fourth semester of grad school!
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lizardrosen · 2 months
i feel like merry wives of windsor would work really well as a regency era comedy of manners. it's got everything: letters sent to the wrong people, overly jealous husbands, overly trusting husbands, a duel for stupid reasons, a love match to an unsuitable wooer, and fake pagan rituals in the woods!
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magentagalaxies · 5 months
girl help how do i prioritize (not actually asking for advice just ranting). i have a performance tomorrow that's technically part of my final but also the Events of the last week on campus it's technically optional. but that being said i really want to be memorized for that performance and put the time in to make it really good bc even if it isn't graded it's still an opportunity for me to test out new aubrey material (and i'm definitely gonna film it and send it to bellini). i have to turn in a "final" for my independent study which is just my way to get credit for the buddy cole doc, but that final is editing a ten minute piece out of my tour footage and because of the Events i think i will get more grace if it's not a great edit but i need to turn something in by wednesday. i have a final for my history class that's just a presentation and i've already made the powerpoint and researched so i'm confident i can improvise (it's fairly low stakes) BUT i still have to do a quiz for my history class that was due last week but i somehow missed and i haven't been able to get to it bc stressed about finals and also the Events but since it was assigned before the Events i don't think i'll get the same grace as post-Events assignments, and this quiz is worth like 10% of my grade so i need to turn something in like even tho i currently have an A in that class and Cs get degrees i still don't know what grade i'll get on my final so better safe than get a zero on the quiz but i have no motivation since it's not a final like the rest of my stuff (even if the aubrey thing is lowkey not graded??? even before the Events that class had a unique grading system so i already know i've got an A in that class regardless this is just like an optional showcase). and i also have a zoom with bruce tomorrow for the buddy cole doc which i'm very excited for but also will have to plan around the amount of hours in the day i have left to get things done lmao
anyway it's wild being in finals week bc half of me is like "i just wanna go hoooome alreadyyyy" but the other half is like "holy fuck there is too much to do i need an extra week to get it all done"
but anyway less than a week from today i'm gonna be done with my penultimate semester of college (graduating in december!!!) and i have literally zero plans for the months of may and june rn so like. i know i'm going to get incredibly bored super quickly but like one of my favorite inspirational quotes is that tumblr post that was like "in two weeks you will have different problems" and yeah that sure is true
#i remember some people on that post being like ''that's not comforting the problems are endless''#but i saw that quote for the first time when i was like 12 days away from my production of other girls and SUPER stressed#so i was like. yeah that's actually a great thought i'm still gonna have to do things in 2 weeks but it won't be what i'm working on rn#anyway i am also obviously grateful for most of the things making me busy of course#bc like. my finals are literally performing my favorite new aubrey monologue i've written in the past few months#and i have to rewatch a bunch of scott tour footage for the independent study video#and like i remember just a year ago getting to zoom with bruce was such an event it would be the most important part of my day#and all i could talk about for weeks leading up to it#and obviously i'm still super excited to get to talk to bruce the only negative thing is how busy i am with everything else#and having to do time-management factoring in my classes alongside the zoom#also when i refer to the Events that has to do with like the protests happening on campus etc.#like my college has been in the news lately for some shit#and like. yes it's a very important issue and it's really altered the climate on campus and added to everyone's anxieties#however i do NOT want to talk about it. like i support the cause but for the sake of my own mental health i will only talk about it as much#as referring to it vaguely like i did in the post.#anyway i should sleep i have a 10am class tomorrow that i might have to present my final in
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zipmode · 8 months
what its saying in tha last post. btw.
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sixofravens-reads · 1 year
I think perhaps my reading goal for June will be to, aside from finishing The Historian, not read any books over 400 pages long
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arcadian-vampire · 2 years
Oracle and Ravio's Terraria Playthrough!
aka another long-ass post full of screenshots, wahoo
@ravio-the-cabinet-man and I beat the Moon Lord yesterday, the first time ever for both of us! So while we decide what we wanna do next (aside from playing with Rice), I'm finally gonna share screenshots of the things we've built. This is a medium world if I remember right, on Journey mode (bc we just like to goof around), and it's named 'Quack', thanks to Ravio's habit of naming things different animal noises
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Up first, our house! Its name is Jeremiah, bc I asked Ravio what we should call it, and he immediately suggested that. The basement originally was the same length as the house above it, but as we got more and more items and more and more crafting stations, we had to expand, lol.
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We made sure a lot of these rooms were vaild housing, so that whenever new npcs arrived, they'd come to our main house until we found a new home for them. The Tax Collector and Golfer still live with us, bc I never got around to building places for them (and it's nice to have the Tax Collector nearby, even if I feel bad abt having npcs pay rent).
To the left of that is Ravio's lil greenhouse, bc he's in charge of potion-making, and a heart-shaped pond. The greenhouse has a name as well, but I can only remember the last part of it, which is '-Jeremiah's Lover'. The buildings are gay
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Further to the left is a lil arena where we go for events like Solar Eclipses. Pretty much all of our banners are hung here lksdjf;al
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Continuing on further left, we've got a fishing dock! One of many around our world. It's pretty close to the Event Arena, so monsters get stuck under the dock. a Lot
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Left some more, we've got the snow biome, where the Goblin Tinkerer, Mechanic, Steampunker, and Cyborg all live, ft. banners from the Celestial Pillar monsters bc one of the pillars always spawns nearby
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We shimmered most of our npcs btw- the minute we found the Aether biome, we went ham dunking everything in the water (including Ravio)
Past that, is our desert ghost town (desert-ed town?). It HAD been the home of our Nurse, Arms Dealer, and Dye Trader, but when we defeated the Wall of Flesh the corruption spawned here :/ We tried purifying it, but the npcs still refused to move back in, so we ended up building them a new place on the other side of the world
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Instead of just leaving it or tearing it down, we turned the old desert settlement into a ghost town, full of holes, cobwebs, and gravestones that say things like 'RIP Twitter'. Just for funsies
A ways past that, we have the Dungeon, an arena built in front of it, and our underground 'temple'/palace deal so we could put a pylon here. One of the Celestial Pillars spawns above the arena, so that's neat
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Unfortunately I tried to make this arena look interesting, but the way I did it, it kind of gives me a headache if I run through it too fast, rip. It has been So easy to trigger migraines lately, I have to be careful even reforging items too fast, bc the flashing colors get to me. But anyway
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This was built quite a while after the arena, and I had a LOT of fun with it. The Tavernkeep, Demolitionist, and Clothier live here. The pylon is just off-screen to the left, at the bottom of the stairs. The elevator on the right just leads to the entrance of the arena above
Left again, we've got some Corruption we purified, along with a tunnel we dug around the Glowing Mushroom biome juuust in case we missed any Corruption
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The Glowing Mushroom biome, built over the remains of an old patch of Corruption. I'd done a big mushroom in my own single-player world, but it ended up really stiff, so I tried to improve on that here.
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The inside of the cap is sorta unfinished but shh don't worry abt it, there were other projects that needed to be done
The left ocean got turned into a quick arena that we used for the Pumpkin Moon and Martian Madness events, and Duke Fishron (a boss we died to so, so, SO many times before I realized I'd had the difficulty turned up to 'expert' like a goof)
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Zooming back to the center of the world, we've got a fishing pond to the right of our beloved house Jeremiah, and a small graveyard at the initial spawn point. The graves are dedicated to our first guide who died to summon the Wall of Flesh, our second guide who was accidentally murdered when Ravio's minions killed a demon over lava in the Underworld (followed by shrieks of panic when Ravio had to face WoF alone, pff), and the six (6) npcs that were slaughtered when we fought the Empress of Light during the day- we didn't realize just how far her attacks could reach, and they're all one-hit-KOs during the day... Pretty sure everyone living in the Hallow Tower died (skill issue. get good)
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Next to the graves is an unfinished house I built for the Guide, the Merchant, and a slime pet or two. At the time I took this screenshot, the Nerd Slime was dead :( Daytime EoL again, smh
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To the right, over a hill and a hellevator, is the Hallow! It initially spawned in the Jungle (SIGH) so I bought some seeds to spread it into the forest a bit, though I never ended up planting trees and making it pretty. We've got two dorky lil 'arenas' where we fight EoL bc we're stupid <3 She's the only boss fight we do repeatedly for fun, but we never bothered to build a proper arena for it. Spending any time in the Hallow? Fuck building, we're fighting EoL
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One of my very favorite builds, the unfinished Hallow Tower... full of random doors in the walls, because the Pylon is inside the tower, and a Celestial Pillar always spawns Right Outside (or, on the very fucking top of the tower, unfortunately), so we kept getting trapped in the tower with a ton of monsters harassing us </3 The Party Girl, Princess, and Wizard all live here, with a pet rabbit and the Cool Slime. They die all the time.
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I ended up having to fill the uppermost roof with grass + spray it with Hallow solution so the top half of the tower would still count as being in the Hallow, because it's just so tall, lol
Past the Hallowed part of the jungle is. probably the funniest bit of our world. I um. made a BIG fancy arena specifically for the Old One's Army event. Went all Extra with it, made it real grand. And we've left the jungle npcs in one of those wooden apartment buildings ;jflaskdjf;a;
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Even on Journey mode with two players, the Old One's Army was DIFFICULT omg. I'm not sure I want to try it on my own
Through another small forest, we've got the non-Corrupted desert! Full of Celestial Pillar banners, because this is another spot a Pillar always spawns. Our Dye Trader likes to sit on the balcony and watch fire rain from the sky. Remarkably, he hasn't died yet
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And finally, we've got the right ocean, where the Angler, Stylist, and Pirate all live! This was another pretty early build
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And that's it for now! We're for sure gonna continue goofing off here, and start a new world with new characters at some point- potentially in Classic mode, depending on if I can work out how to make a proper server to reduce lag, lol
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
I didn't go online at all yesterday. I self-designated a reading day and finished a book for class (The Good Solider) and one book on my owned TBR (Convenience Store Woman). It bothered me that I didn't have any books done yet for this year. I'm in the middle of three others, with a mind to start maybe one or two more, but still, it feels like very slow going.
#all those posted were queued on Monday or something and the queue ran out so I'm back to posting in real time#I've been online way too much lately and I'm absorbing a lot of stuff I don't want to so I had to step back#also I have so many books to read#I'm even looking at thriftbooks for more books#cuz I haven't read anything very good in a while#convenience store woman was interesting but focused way too much on a draining character who was basically an incel and pissed me off#the woman was interesting but the main guy character was infuriating#I treated it as a character study of this woman and how her mind worked otherwise it wouldn't have been enjoyable at all#I liked following her but the guy was in the book too much and almost took over the story at points very obnoxious#the wlw book I'm currently reading is weird and I'm not sure how I feel about it because the characters are related (though not directly)#and no one in the reviews said anything about that either- I noticed#it's also weird because it feels like a draft not a final product...there's just a lot of jumping around that makes no sense#and Ford Madox Ford wrote an INSANE book#there was no hinged character in The Good Solider- and you could trust no one#I'm going to try to argue it's a metaphor for King Henry VIII and his six wives... because it's heavily implied that's what the story is#but rewritten so it's in the 1910s and the Catharine of Aragon character never divorces him so it gets even wilder#that's the only fucking way I'm getting any sense from that book sorry but it's too odd otherwise#books#bookblr#mychatter#grad school
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sysig · 2 years
Hope you had a great 2022 and 2023 is even better! Thanks for all the wonderful art :3
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(Hope your spider buddies are doing well :3 )
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Thank you! I’m hopin’ the same, for y’all too! Thanks for sticking with me so far! :D
Also [baby] is doing well! :D
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Big handsome strong lad ❤️💕💖💞❤️💕
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wishmkr-jirachi · 1 month
#wishtalks#vent post time ^_^ yay ^_^#feeling very neglected atm#nothing feels like it's going right anymore#school has been tough im literally failing exams#barely have any times for hobbies anymore because i've gotten so busy#depression has been hitting really bad stopping me from being nearly as productive as I should be at a daily basis#I can't shake off the feeling of being burned out from that alone#it doesn't help that i've been struggling to connect to ANYONE at all lately#classmates are nice people but the connection I feel with them is so superficial.#Feels like i'm only ever around because I'm just there by default#I feel like people only really fuck with me here because it directly benefits them#I feel so wrong#I feel like the way I am right now I can never truly connect with people#the few friends I had back home are all growing more distant#they themselves are busy and this new timezone schedule just makes me completely unavailable#I feel like things haven't gotten better for the past 8 months and instead is either remaining stagnant or getting worse#and I can't do anything about it except for idly sit by and watch it deteriorate in front of me#but in a way I don't fault anyone. I would have wanted others to live their lives without me.#It's funny that thought I was deserving of anything different#the only way I can cope is by just accepting that i'm wrong and this is how just how it's supposed to be for people like me#I'm just tired. Nothing I do ever feels right. I feel like the world is telling me I don't deserve anything and I kind of agree#I'm so used to the feeling of neglect it sometimes feels like i'm actively pushing any help or support away. but nothing else feels right#I feel like i've exhausted every person willing to help me out. I feel like nothing helps anymore and im just slowing others down#if you know me personally and you're reading this. i'm sorry I failed you#I'll be okay I just need time to pass
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whispering-kavka · 2 months
the struggles of today proved to me that i might indeed be a little mentally unwell
#not enough to go to therapy but at least now i know what i should work on#correct me if i'm wrong but most people probably don't start to feel suicidal if there's like. a problem at work#i've been asked to support the back office and help with managing cases which is okay i guess. but i'm not a support team person so#i don't know how to do a lot of things despite using the learning resources provided by the workplace#and this one case i'm handling was rather easy on the surface. no info in sys so parcel can't move forward. ask origin to release data. eas#but then origin says that they can't because they get an error message when putting in receiver's acc number. ruh roh#if origin can't release data no one can. i've asked them to handle it with IT but had no response. in the meantime the other involved CS#started getting involved and now a production in a factory is stopped. and i know it's not my fault but i could've done better#acted faster. thought smarter. and i hate this kind of responsibility. and that i care too much#i've cried so much today i'm so tired. from the stress of this task i've been given and because of the IT issues popping in all the time no#i logged into work 45 minutes late because the VPN i've been using shit itself and i had to get a backup one#i should've gotten it installed ages ago but nooo let's do that laterrrrr you definitely won't regret that#i hate having to put up with this bitch (me) .#another thing is. it's currently summer vacation season so i'll have to brace myself for more support work to come. it's probably gonna go#just as bad if not worse. i'm so not cut out for this. i'll have to ask my boss if he can move me to a different service#so i can have an excuse like sorry i can't help i'm no longer associated with tnt~#but that's gonna have to wait until he;s back from his vacation in august . oh well#also all this stress might result in me getting something akin to an ED#my stress response other than crying and shaking is not feeling hunger. i ate something substantial at 5pm and had breakfast at 6am#between that i had two small pieces of candy and water#i'm already bad at feeding myself or at the very least eating nutritious food . this could make me worse#“oh but kav everyone makes mistakes and it's important to learn from them! keep fighting!” bitch i don't want to i didn't sign up for this#if i wanted to work for Support Team i'd have applied there. i did not wish to get involved with them and their work#sorry i needed to get this out of my system. i'll probably complain to some irls too but i might be able to do that without crying now#laments#<- i think this is going to be my vent tag
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