#i've been feeling the come-down of this and the weekend before all week i miss everyone 😔
bananayuyu · 3 days
Lust is in the Air
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Pairing: Hongjoong x f reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 6.4k
Summary: Your best friends drags you along to a family wedding, wanting to add some fun to your all too serious life. Turns out her uncle is the one who really provides the distraction.
Warnings: smut, MDNI, age gap (Hongjoong is 40 reader is 23), some talk during sex about the age gap so really don't read this if you don't like that, some dom/sub dynamics, throat fucking, degradation and praise, bratty y/n, use of pet names (baby, doll), ass eating, anal, unprotected sex
A/n: Sometimes I see a random video of him and I'm reminded all over again how hot I think a very mature Hongjoong would be. Especially if he was mocking me and making me feel pathetic. Yeah this was pure horny, quite filthy for me. This isn't as proofread as my normal stuff so apologies for any mistakes
Well, maybe it was a good idea. You had been staying in every weekend since the breakup, and maybe being forced out of the house would be good for you. Force you to interact with a few people, to actually put some effort into your appearance. Maybe put on a little makeup, or actually brush your hair.
"Please don't say no," Beatrice says through the phone. "My family would love it if you came, and I'd love it if you came. And we haven't had a chance to spend a weekend like this in forever. There will be free food and free booze!"
"I know you're worried about me, Bea," you respond, sighing.
"I'm not inviting you out of pity," she says.
"I know, I know. Just, give me some time to think it over. I've got an assignment I need to finish for one of my classes, I think it's due this Sunday night. So if I can't finish it this week I'll need to do it this weekend," you reply.
"Okay, just text me. I'm not gonna invite anyone else as my plus one, if you don't end up coming. So no rush, take your time," she says.
"Thank you. You know I appreciate you so much," you say, sighing into the cushion of your couch.
"You know I feel the same," she says, sighing too. You'd both been through breakups recently. It seemed like your hardships always occurred on nearly the same timeline, making you both able to rely on each other for understanding. And she knew getting you out of the house, especially for a weekend wedding, would be good for you. Her cousin's family was rich and hadn't held back in their planning, booking the fanciest hotel in town for everyone. They were paying for everything; the food and drinks of course, and everyone's hotel expenses. You'd knew you'd go. You'd try to finish the assignment beforehand. But even if you didn't, you'd still go.
Driving up to the front of the hotel together felt surreal. Beatrice had asked to take your car, as it wasn't the bright purple color that her's was. This place was fancy, and though neither of your cars were deluxe, at least your's was black.
"Miss McArthur?" the valet asked once you rolled your window down.
"Yeah, that's me," Beatrice said from the passenger seat, reaching over you to hand him her ID. "This is my plus one, y/n. She should be on the list."
After a brief look at his clipboard the man gave you both a satisfied nod. "Do you ladies have any bags we can carry up for you?" he asked.
"Yes, in the trunk," Beatrice answered for you, which you were grateful for. You'd never interacted with a valet before, never been in such a fancy situation in your life. You stumbled out of the car a bit awkwardly, your jean shorts and t-shirt looking ridiculous next to the suit and tie of the man in front of you. He held out his hand to you and for a moment you paused, wondering if he was offering to take your hand. But then you realized he was actually offering to take your keys. Duh.
"Thank you," you said quickly, heading around the car to meet Bea as you walked behind the man carrying your bags.
On the sixth floor you entered your shared room, a spacious and beautifully decorated space with a huge window covering the far wall. It was a sliding glass door, that led out to a balcony overlooking the river below. In the afternoon sun the water glittered, but you knew the view at night would be the real show, absolutely magical.
"Everyone is meeting in the restaurant at 7," Bea tells you, glancing at her family's group chat.
"Well then I've got a little over two hours to make myself look at least a little bit nice. Like maybe I actually belong here," you laugh, opening your bag to grab the casual dress you'd packed.
"Oh dinner tonight won't be fancy, wear whatever," Bea replies, kicking off her sandals.
"Okay but, with your cousins family not fancy would still probably be a little fancy, right?" you ask.
"You don't need to worry about fitting in, dude. No one will care," Bea replies.
"I just don't want to look like an idiot," you say, eyeing her.
"Y/n, you really need to stop worrying. This weekend is about us having fun. I'm not even that close with my cousin Amana, to be honest. We'll probably barely interact with her family. But we get to attend this fancy wedding, all expenses paid. Just wear whatever you feel like, do whatever you want to. Just promise me you'll have some fun," she says.
"Okay, fine," you respond, rolling your eyes jokingly. "I guess I'll try to enjoy this super nice luxury hotel for the weekend."
Bea laughs in relief, at hearing you joke around. It was what you both needed more of; you both had serious work and school lives already to contend with. And seriously disappointing dating lives, too.
As seven approaches you both make your way to the elevator, pausing at you exit the door to inspect the slight amount of makeup you'd put on. You hadn't worn any in weeks and it made you feel really pretty, along with the flowly sundress and sandals you'd decided to wear. You weren't always one for such feminine clothing but today it felt right, and you both bounced down the hall, spirits high. Bea led the way through the lobby to a long hallway, past what looked like a bar and some other room that had a bouncer, to the large restaurant at the end. Immediately you saw the long tables lined up, clearly set up for the wedding party. This wasn't the dress rehearsal, just the welcome dinner. It was only Friday, and the wedding wasn't until Sunday. Immediately you spotted the wine and appetizers filling the table, scanning the tables to try to find your seats.
"I can't find us Bea," you laugh, awkwardly walking past family members you'd never met before.
"Y/n, you're at our table," you hear a familiar female voice say, and turn to see Bea's mom.
"Oh, hi! Thank you!" you say as you walk over to her, giving her a quick hug.
"So glad you could join us sweetie," she says, gesturing to your seats. "See, you and Beatrice are near the end there, across from Nathan. Oh and have you met Beatrice's uncle Hongjoong before?" she asks, gesturing down the table.
You look down to see Beatrice sitting, pulling her chair under her and smiling wide. Across from her, in a casual but fitted grey t-shirt, a man smiles back, handing her a glass of wine he's just poured. He is striking, with jet black hair and tattoos, piercings donning his right ear. His jaw is sharp, his teeth perfect when he smiles. He looks maybe 27, 28. He's wearing an expensive watch, or at least a watch that looks expensive to your eyes, and a small simple chain necklace. His hair is cropped short at the sides; he looks so put together, so professional. So mature. So fucking attractive.
"That's Bea's uncle?" you ask her. It's not just his age that makes you ask. It's the fact that he's basically your dream come true. You see the muscles in his arm flex as he pours Nathan a glass too, and it makes your eyes cross for a moment.
"Well technically I think he's a second cousin, once removed, or something like that. He's a part of Wooyoung's family." Wooyoung was her husband, Bea's dad. You'd met her parents, and her brother Nathan, but never anyone else in her extended family. And you struggled to recall ever hearing about a Hongjoong before. You stared at him a moment before he moved his eyes over to you, catching you off guard. His look was mischievous, like he wants to play or mess with you. It made it hard to believe this was someone Bea called 'uncle.'
"Do you want to sit?" Bea's mom asked you.
"Yeah, sorry," you smiled at her, making you way down.
"Y/n! This is my uncle Hongjoong, and Hongjoong, this is y/n," Beatrice says as you pull out your seat next to her.
"Very nice to meet you," he says with an outstretched hand, his handshake strong and confident in a way that makes your body tingle.
"You as well," you reply, with a bashful smile. Immediately Bea asks you a question and you respond on auto-pilot, not even really hearing. Because your head is swimming in water just from being in this man's presence, and you can't focus. You don't even notice the glass of wine he'd poured you until he sets it down by your appetizer plate, gently bumping the stem on the rim of the plate to make a gentle clink. The sound makes your eyes snap up, and for some reason he looks amused.
"Oh, thank you," you say to him, bowing your head slightly. That mischievous smirk is back on his face when you lock eyes again, like he's trying to tell you something, but you can't be sure what it is. You certainly hope he's thinking what you're thinking. God, he's fucking stunning.
Those are the only words you speak to each other for the entirety of dinner. With so many people in attendance the restaurant is loud, louder still as everyone becomes tipsy, and then outright drunk on the unlimited wine.
"Hey, my parents want me a Nathan to go take pictures with them on the golf course nearby. They booked a photo shoot or something," Bea tells you, rolling her eyes slightly. "I'm not sure when we'll be back but feel free to like, go to the hot tub or do whatever around the hotel," she says.
"Okay, sounds good. Thank you, seriously," you say as you hug her. "I hope it's fun."
"Oh, I'm sure it will be," she laughs. "My parents and their family photos," she shakes her head, making you giggle, as she slowly makes her way to meet her brother at the front door of the restaurant.
You take stock of yourself for a moment, making sure you have your phone and your wallet in your purse, making sure your room key is still in your wallet. You take the last swig of your second glass of wine, patting yourself on the back for not overdoing it this first night when basically everyone around you did. You start sipping on your nearly empty glass of water too, knowing you don't want to wake up hungover tomorrow. The table is basically empty, with everyone slowly clearing out or making their last requests at the bar. You decide you'll go explore in a moment, go scope out the pool and hot tub situation, and maybe see if you can figure out what room is behind that bouncer. But just as you start standing up, Hongjoong approaches the table.
"I got some more waters for the table, but it looks like they've all left," he chuckles, his arms full.
"They went to do a family photo, Bea said," you reply, stuck for a moment awkwardly between sitting and standing. Hongjoong nods, like he already knew.
"Oh, were you about to leave too? Don't let me keep you," he says, the glint back in his eye again.
"I was thinking I'd go take a look at the pool and hot tub, maybe explore a bit," you say. It sort of takes you by surprise that you're sharing this with a total stranger, given your usual instinct to not share anything with people you don't know. You easily could have excused yourself, and been exploring the hotel alone. But deep down you know why you're sharing it. You hope he picks up on that reason, too.
"That's a great idea," he says, gently setting the waters down. "Mind if I join you? I was thinking of exploring the hotel some myself."
Bingo. You smile, eyes fluttering at him for a second. You truly don't even mean to do it, but the way he looks at you has you feeling shameless.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind," you reply, stepping out from your chair and gently pushing it into the table.
"Want to take a water with you?" he asks, holding one out.
"I don't think we can just take the glass with us," you reply, narrowing your eyes at him.
"Oh, who cares," he says glancing over his shoulder, seeing all of the wait staff occupied at the bar with everyone's last minute orders. "I'll carry it out, if you're that worried," he says, cocking his head slightly to the side and eyeing you with what must be mock pity.
"Fine," you roll your eyes at him, trying to fight the smile forming on your face from betraying how much his tone and facial expression are affecting you. You turn around and start strolling out of the restaurant, not even waiting for him. Once you're exiting he's already caught up, two water glasses in hand. You turn to your right, heading for the lobby.
"Wrong way, y/n," Hongjoong says lowly from behind you, making you stop in your tracks. "The pool is out those doors at the end of the hall."
"The sign in the lobby says the door to the pool is by the front desk," you reply, looking over your shoulder at him. The hallway is dimly lit, and the shadows on his face make his jaw look even sharper.
"Well that door also leads to the pool," he says, gesturing to the end of the hall. You just stare at him a moment, not sure why you feel the instinct to argue. "You don't believe me?" he asks, chuckling and looking you dead in the eye, before obviously snaking his gaze down the entirety of your body. Now that he's standing you see the fitted black pants and black dress shoes he's wearing, making his outfit look even more professional. His thighs look strong, and his stance is one of confidence, his entire demeanor cool and collected. You want to come up with a witty retort but can't think of anything, so you just start walking the way he's said to, again passing him by without slowing down to meet him. You open the doors gently but don't stop to hold them for him, brattiness taking ahold of you. Maybe it's the fancy hotel, or the wine, but you feel like a princess who deserves whatever she wants. And right now that's to piss Hongjoong off a bit, and see the pool.
"I thought nice girls hold doors open for the elderly," he says once he's exited too, sidling up to you. You stand by the long edge of the pool, taking in the lights below the surface that dance through the water. You turn to him and roll your eyes, taking the water glass he offers you immediately. "So, what do you do?" he asks.
"I'm still in school, I'm in my senior year," you say, turning back to the water. "And I work part time as an administrative assistant in the Dean's office, to help cover some of my tuition."
"College senior," he says, like he's mulling it over. "So that makes you how old?"
"Guess," you say, turning to him again, this time with your whole body.
"22," he replies. His voice low, like he's hesitant to say it.
"Close, 23," you say, not lowering your voice to meet his.
"And how old do you think I am?" he asks you, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Mmm, like, 38?" you joke, squinting your eyes as you look intently at his face. The feeling of wanting to piss him off still hadn't left you.
"How astute," he replies, nodding. "People usually think I'm younger."
"You're actually 38?" you ask, bewildered.
"Actually, 40," Hongjoong replies, making your eyebrows shoot up.
"You're lying," you say, rolling your eyes and shaking your head at him.
"Wow, second time tonight you've thought that. I don't know what I've done to make you think so poorly of me," he replies, that mischievous look again painting his face.
"Oh, shut up," you say, rolling your eyes harder this time, wanting to reach out and playfully punch him. Or maybe not so playfully. He's looking more and more perfect by the second, and his attitude, the way he's just so confident and calm, is making you hot and bothered. You know it maybe it's wrong, but now that you know his real age you find this whole scenario even hotter. If you were honest with yourself you'd always dreamed of fucking an older man, but the few you'd gone on dates with or had the chance to talk to had always been so immature, insecure, and underwhelming. Just like all the other guys you'd dated. It was a massive disappointment to learn that age didn't often give people that self-assured demeanor that you so desired. But clearly it did sometimes; the proof was standing in front of you.
"That wasn't very nice," Hongjoong replies, fixing you with a look of disapproval that makes your thighs clench involuntarily, as the two of you stare each other down merely feet apart. You hold his gaze as long as you can before you look down at your feet, his stoic demeanor feeling like a brick wall you can't break through.
"You're very pretty, y/n," he says, stepping forward to lift your face up to his.
"Really?" you ask him, eyes wide. Playing it just the way he likes.
"I know you know how pretty you are, you've been giving me those eyes all night," he says, looking like he disapproves. "You're a bit of brat, too, aren't you?" he asks, his hand moving to the side of your cheek.
"No comment," you giggle, and he grabs your hand, bringing it to his upper arm. You grab onto his bicep as he moves his hand to your waist pulling you two closer.
"Dance with me," he says, pulling you slightly into his chest.
"There isn't any music playing," you say, laughing. And it's the way that he doesn't just automatically laugh at your little comments that really gets you going.
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you didn't like me very much," he says seriously, pulling you in and starting to rock you back and forth. You dance together for a few minutes, no words being exchanged as your bodies get used to the proximity, as your mind begins to swim again, even more so now that his hands are on you. You want him to kiss you, do anything, now, but he keeps his hands where they are, still leading you around in slow circles. Fuck it, you think. You lift your hands to his face and pull him in, your lips meeting in a perfect kiss, his hand on your waist moving up your back as he holds you to him, leaning you back as he deepens it. You hold steadily onto his bicep for balance, your breathing fast as you stick your tongue in his mouth, not hiding your desperation. You don't care to, not when you've spent two months without this feeling, tortured over the idea that no one at your school would ever consider you an option after your last relationship ended the way it did.
And just when it seems like you're the only desperate one, Hongjoong moves his hands down, running them up your thighs and under your dress to find your panties. He finds none, much to his surprise, which makes his dick harden even further. He gropes your ass, deepening the kiss more, making you arch your back in neediness. And then he snakes his hand around, slowly moving to your core, before suddenly running a finger over your slit, making you gasp. You've forgotten where you are, totally engrossed in the feelings he's giving you. You buck your hips against his hand, moaning pathetically into his mouth, your legs feeling like they might give out on you. He starts circling your entrance, finally pushing one finger in maybe an inch, when you finally remember where you are.
"Wait, fuck, not out here," you say, pulling back from him. He pulls his hand away immediately, his fingers glistening in the lights of the night.
"You don't want everyone to see?" he asks, a smirk on his face.
"Not when the people paying for me to be here could see," you say. Your lips look swollen and wet from the kiss, and it makes him want to grab you again.
"You're the one who kissed me," he says, his voice low. And you know there's more he's implying, that you weren't just the one who kissed him but that you had rocked against his hand, had wanted his touch. That you'd kissed him desperately, making him unable to stop himself. The implication is inappropriate, the accusation he's laid on you not fair in the slightest. He has no way of knowing what you were trying to make him do, or what you wanted to happen. You hadn't said a word. And yet, he's totally right, making it hard for you to respond.
"That's-," you sigh, your pussy still throbbing from your proximity.
"My room is on the 7th floor," he says.
"Okay," you reply. It's all you can say. You stand completely still, stuck to the spot, waiting for him to move. Instead he puts his wet fingers in his mouth, sucking off your slick in one smooth motion, humming in satisfaction. Your mouth gapes at his lewdness, struck now by just how visible you both obviously are.
"Let's go," he says, motioning his head towards the door.
Your legs move automatically, your mind playing over and over the visual of him licking his fingers, the look of utter bliss on his face. As you walk the hallway he comes behind you, putting a hand on the small of your back, making your body melt into him slightly. It feels good but you gently remove his hand, not wanting anyone to see. You pray that neither Bea nor any of her family are in the lobby when you enter, and thankfully, your prayers are answered. Nor does anyone join you two on the elevator, which makes you willing to stand closer to Hongjoong than you would any other stranger. But still, you don't touch him. As you both exit you walk behind him, almost enough space between you that you could believably look like two total strangers, walking to separate rooms. Until he unlocks his door, holding it open as you slip inside, like you're really not supposed to be in here.
As soon as he closes the door he's pulled you to him, his back slamming into the wall as you nearly crash together, the air between you thick with lust.
"I'm almost twice as old as you, y/n," he whispers in your ear, feeling your pussy clench against his thigh that you're straddling, your mouth on his neck. "You like that," he states, not even asking you anymore. "You like that I'm way too old for you. Too old to be touching you like this."
It's wrong, so wrong and you know it, but the further he pushes it the more you're surrendering to what's happening, to what your body truly craves.
"You've never been fucked right by those stupid boys at your college, have you? You need me to fuck you right, to show you how good you can feel. That's why you were bratty with me, you wanted me to be riled up. Want me to fuck you hard, like I'm mad. Like I'm punishing you," he growls, his breathing heavy as you bite down on his neck, sending sparks of pain and pleasure through his head. "Fuck, you really want me mad, don't you?" he asks and you whine in response, your whole body tingly with anticipation.
"Get on your knees," he says, pulling you back from him, your hair already a mess from his hands, the straps of your dress falling down your shoulders and nearly making your tits spill out. "Open your mouth," he commands, and you follow immediately, your wide eyes looking up at him in desire, his thumb running over your bottom lip. "I like when you do what I say," he says, pinching your cheek and making you blush, the praise making your insides turn to jelly. He unzips his pants smoothly, undoing the button and swiftly pulling out his hard cock, the tip a slight shade of red and already leaking slightly.
"Look what you did to me," he says, palming himself, your tongue nearly falling out of your mouth as you salivate over his beautiful cock. "I thought for a moment I'd have to come up here and deal with this all on my own, after you eye-fucked me all dinner," he continues, slowly stroking his length, moving closer to your open and waiting lips. "I should have known you weren't wearing any panties from the way you were acting," he says, gently running his tip along your outstretched tongue, spreading your spit around your face with it and making a mess of you. "No bra, no panties. You wanted to be fucked tonight." Slowly he enters your mouth, gently holding your head as he pushes further in, gently tapping the back of your throat and making you gag. You moan, your pussy clenching around nothing, wanting him to fill all of your holes at once. "That feels good, doesn't it. Gagging on my cock," he smirks, your eyes fluttering closed as he pushes in again, this time a little harder. "Eyes on me baby, don't look away," he says, slowly beginning to fuck your throat, gently enough not to choke you but deep enough to make you repeatedly gag, your spit covering his cock and running down your chin, your face a complete mess. "Fuck, your mouth feels good," he groans, his face scrunching up in pleasure for a moment, before he looks down to meet your eyes again, which are now glued to him, glued to every change in his expression, every flick of his tongue across his bottom lip. "I'm gonna go harder baby, I know you can take it," he warns you before picking up his pace, his cock nearly bottoming out in your mouth as he holds your head in place, repeatedly fucking into your throat. You're automatically swallowing around him, your body's reflexive actions taking over. "Fuck, so good," Hongjoong sighs, your head feeling light from the lack of oxygen and your body swimming in pleasure. You could let him use your throat all night if he wanted to, especially if he keeps talking to you like that. Like you're dumb and you don't even know what you want. Like he has to tell you or you'll never figure it out.
Finally you choke hard, your body instinctively pulling you back, and he pulls out of your mouth letting you catch you breath, stroking a hand through your hair. You run a hand across your mouth, trying in vain to clean yourself up a bit, wiping the saliva on your dress and staring up at him open mouthed, your entire body covered in a sheen of sweat.
"Hey, don't ruin this," he says pulling at your dress, moving behind you to help take it off. He slowly undoes the zipper, gently pulling the straps down and off your arms before helping you stand to step out of it. Completely bare, you stand in front of him, his hand coming up to spank you, grabbing your ass hungrily in his hand. You yelp at the impact, like you weren't expecting it. Like you hadn't been sticking your ass out ever so slightly, arching your back to add to the affect. "Don't write checks you can't cash, doll," he says, making you giggle and turn your head to face him, a look of utter delight on your face. "It really makes you happy when I scold you, doesn't it," he says, staring you down.
"Why are you so clothed?" you ask, finding your words.
"You want to see me naked?" he teases.
"Just seems like you're hiding something. Maybe under all that nice clothing you're really not that built," you laugh, knowing it would strike a nerve. It wasn't hard to tell that he cared about his figure.
"Go sit on your hands on the bed," he retorts, his eyes narrowing, as he starts taking off his watch, undoing the clasp on his chain. He sets both down on the table gently, pulling his shirt over his head next, revealing that most of his abdomen is also covered in tattoos, his broad shoulders and broad chest. Slowly he sits on the side of the bed to untie his shoes, periodically looking up at you to make sure you haven't moved, moving almost comically slow. You wriggle in anticipation, watching him slowly reveal himself, his muscular thighs finally on display to you as he pulls down his pants and boxers, his cock hard and a deeper shade of red now, still glistening from your spit.
"Lay on your stomach," he says, moving over you when you oblige, raking the hair out of your face so he can see you. "This is what you get for sticking your ass out," he says, swiftly moving down to lick over your hole, making you gasp at the coldness of his tongue. Immediately the feeling runs to your clit, your entire crotch alive with pleasure, your back arching instinctively to meet his movements. He spreads your cheeks to get better access, moving his tongue in quick circles around your tight entrance, your body slowly relaxing from the pleasure he's providing.
And suddenly he's off of you, reaching into his bedside drawer and pulling out a bottle, swiftly lubing the fingers of his right hand and moving them to your waiting hole, gently pushing one in. You groan, the tight muscles stretching already, your body arching even further to give him the perfect angle as he gently starts pumping in and out of you.
"You like getting your ass eaten, I knew you would. So dirty," he says, making you whine in agreement, your brows scrunched together in pleasure. Soon he adds another finger, the stretch again making you groan, your body instinctively tightening up at the intrusion. "I know you can take it," he says, not even attempting to comfort you. "Don't brats like getting their asses fucked?" he asks, his words making your clit ache, your body finally releasing again as he works you open with two fingers, taking the opportunity to quickly add another. "I knew it," he says, satisfied with how quickly he's stretched you open, how pliant your body is in his hands, how he's getting exactly what he wants from you. Still fucking you with his fingers, he opens the lube bottle again with his other hand, generously dousing his achingly hard cock. Gently he pulls his fingers out of you, frozen for a moment staring at the way your hole has opened up, nearly drooling from the visual.
"Spread you legs," he says, pushing your knees apart himself, pulling you ass up towards him, just where he wants you. Lining himself up, he slowly pushes in, the stretch even more severe this time, making you whine in pain, your breaths short and stifled with your head now shoved into his pillows. "What, you can't take it? Is it too big?" he asks, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "My little brat can't take my cock in her ass?"
Tears start forming in your eyes from how turned on you are, the pain a secondary feeling as it all starts to feel just right, as it starts morphing into only pleasure as your muscles finally relent. You feel like you're being split open, like you're opened up more than ever before, like he's gutting you from the inside. Finally he bottoms out, reaching into you further than you thought you could feel, your clit throbbing painfully with need.
"Fuck, you're so tight," he groans from above you, brushing a hand along your cheek in an almost sweet gesture, seeing the single tear stain on your cheek. He waits a moment, waiting to feel if your body is ready, and suddenly your hips are moving into his like your body is begging him to move. He slowly pulls out, almost all the way, then thrusts back in, making you gasp at the intense pleasure, your breath nearly getting caught in your throat. Grabbing your hips he starts forcefully thrusting, chasing his own pleasure as he's sucked into your ass, the tight muscles threatening to make him come in an instant. Desperate for some relief you move your hand to your clit, desperately trying to circle it as he rocks you hard with the force of his thrusts. His eyes are glued to your ass, glued to the way his cock looks buried inside you, and your face, the way your mouth hangs permanently open as you moan in earnest, clearly not controlling a single sound that is coming out. The raw sounds make him fuck into you even harder, the way you sound so pathetically fucked out, like you can't believe this feels so good. Eventually his eyes roam down again and spot your hand, swatting it away in an instant, his anger boiling up again.
"Is my cock not enough?" he scolds, his voice gravelly from breathing so raggedly, the air in the room stiflingly hot. In this position it's hard, but quickly he finds a good angle and lands a sharp smack on your clit, the pain lancing through your core like lightning, and suddenly your whole body is shaking, your nerves completely on fire. "Even with my cock buried in your ass you want to piss me off, don't you?" His voice is raised, nearly to the point of losing control, but still very calculated. He lands another sharp slap on your clit, this time not as hard, but in an instant your orgasm washes over you, your whole body shaking hard as you squeeze down around his cock making it hard for him to keep moving.
"Fuck, baby, shit," Hongjoong curses, his climax hitting him by surprise, his cock milked by your tight walls squeezing down on him, your body taught with just how hard you came. His orgasm crashes over him fast and hard, his body going limp just after yours does, as you both collapse in a pile on the bed, his cum coating the walls of your ass in silky wetness. Your legs are still shaking, tucked up underneath you, his cock still buried deep inside. The position is awkward but you don't even feel it, the pleasure still rippling through you as you breath hard into the soft pillow. Hongjoong crashes onto your back, his arms instinctively wrapping around you, his chest and stomach rapidly rising and falling from his heavy breathing. His skin feels sticky and hot against yours, his hot breath fanning over your cheek as he plants a kiss there, intently watching your face as you come down.
"I'm gonna pull out now, okay?" he asks, eliciting a hum of agreement from you. Slowly he pulls backwards, his cum spilling out of you the moment he's pulled out entirely, spilling down your ass cheek onto the bedsheets. Hongjoong makes his way to the bathroom, quickly cleaning himself up before grabbing a washcloth for you, dousing it in luke warm water. Coming back to the bed he gently moves you onto your back, to the side of the pool of cum. He gently wipes you down, making you moan when he brushes over your clit, making himself chuckle.
Glancing over at the clock beside his bed you see it's nearly 11pm, your mind spinning. Quickly you move to the ground to rummage through your purse, glancing at your phone to see a text from Beatrice reading 'I'm back now, don't stay out too late miss.'
Be back soon, you write back.
"I should be going," you say, trying to stand up, your wobbly legs making it difficult. Hongjoong is at your side in a moment, stabilizing you, helping you to sit down on the bed while he grabs your dress off the floor. You hastily pull it over your head, running your fingers through your hair and feeling the knots that have formed. Quickly you zip the back of your dress, shove your phone in your purse and stand to slip on your sandals, not wanting to keep her waiting. The sudden quietness of Hongjoong also has you feeling slightly on edge, and really your head is just spinning, from every unexpected thing that happened.
"I'm not still mad, you know," he says gently, grabbing your hand as you move to breeze past him.
"Yeah?" you ask, looking at him with confusion.
"You don't need to still be acting like a kid who is in trouble," he says, kissing your hand. "That was just, that. You can talk to me like anyone else, now."
You eye him, swallowing thickly. What does one even say, now? Could he tell how inexperienced you were with hookups?
"I'm not sure what's going on in that pretty head of yours. I hope it's happy thoughts."
You nod, a smirk playing on your lips. You're speechless, unable to think a complete thought. It all just plays in your head, his tongue on your ass, his fingers stretching you out, his cock pounding into you so hard. And the smack on your clit, the way it made you come so fast, the ghost of the feeling still present in your core.
"Not those thoughts. You're gonna jump me again," he laughs, and finally you smack him, punching his arm soon afterwards. Pushing past him you walk fast, opening his door and spinning around, your eyes piercing as you meet his.
"What, you can't take my teasing?" he asks, but suddenly his door swings shut, your face gone in a flash.
As you saunter down the hall to the elevator you feel fucking amazing, swinging your purse over your shoulder and flipping your hair to the side, your sleepy eyes boring holes into the metal doors.
Well, she did tell you to have some fun. You just hoped Beatrice wouldn't be too mad you fucked her uncle.
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hegodamask · 2 months
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My pictures from last weekend in London seeing People, Places & Things one last time and visiting some Andor* filming locations.
I had the best time with @supervisormeero, @lighttailoring (and a surprise @karnpuffs!). I think getting to hang out with you all at the ISB boardwalk and freak out about the D23 trailer together has rewired my brain 🥴 You are all super super super super cool irl and I hope we get to do it again someday 🫶
*Pictures 4, 5 and 6 were used for Season 2 when they filmed at the Barbican in February 2023. The last picture is Canary Wharf station which was used in Rogue One!
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themultifanshipper · 2 months
i will pay GOOD MONEY to read this bro
You hadn't been in the paddock for several months, being too busy with your career, and the drivers were starting to get antsy about your return.
But who would be good enough to have a go at you was anybody's guess as the Hungarian Grand Prix weekend got underway.
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Warnings: Kinda paddock bunny vibes, but reader more in control, smut, brief stuff with Lando and Charles, slightly creepy/predatory behaviour (but everything is consensual), hand job, oral, PinV, PinA, anal, like 3 lines of dirty talk, aftercare, eeeeh idk what else
Also, here's part 2!
Max was the first to spot you on Friday morning, you were chatting with some of the formula 3 drivers who were getting ready for their practice session.
He wrapped you in a big hug from behind and lifted you up.
“I know it's been a while but these guys are a bit young for you aren't they?” he said teasingly and you slapped his arm, giggling as he put you down.
“Don’t worry, I already have my hands full with you lot. They'll get their turn if they get into formula 1”
You walked with him on his way towards the redbull hospitality.
“Yeah?” he smirked “Speaking of, what's my prize going to be when I inevitably win on Sunday?”
You laughed at him.
“Given how your car's been performing lately I'm not sure your cockiness is justified”
He gasped and put a hand on his chest in mock offense.
“How dare you doubt my talents?”
“It's not 2023 anymore Max, you can't have me all to yourself. You need to learn to share…” you smiled at him devilishly “And for your information, I won't be giving a prize to the winner anyway, so it's anyone's game”
You winked conspiratorially and sauntered off leaving Max on his own to wonder what on earth you meant by that.
The next person you saw was Lando, that very afternoon. And word had obviously traveled fast.
“A little birdy told me you weren't interested in podium sitters this weekend…” he hooked his arm over your shoulder and pressed a kiss to you cheek in greeting “So what's a man gotta do around here to get you to himself?”
He deepened his voice seductively , but it just served to make you laugh at him, given the number of times you'd heard high pitched whines come out of his mouth during your… celebratory activities.
“Well, hello to you too Lando, how was your week?” you teased and he almost looked guilty for a second, before grinning and hugging you tight.
“I missed you in Miami, so I think you owe me something for my first win, no?” he smirked and walked you over to a secluded corner between two garages.
You rolled your eyes at him, amused by his impatience.
He crowded you against the wall and your hands went to pull him closer by his belt loops, so his hips were flush against yours. He gasped and his hips bucked involuntarily at the action.
You laughed “Come here you horndog” and he crashed his lips to yours in a desperate, messy kiss. His lips came to part yours immediately. He hadn't tasted you for so long it took him seconds to get hard.
Your hand made it inside his pants and he whined and rutted against your hand as his head went to the crook of your neck. He was breathing hard and you could almost feel him trembling in your hold.
This was going to be the quickest handjob of your life.
And he never did manage to ask about Sunday's prize.
A few hours later, in the car park, you were cornered by none other than Charles Leclerc.
“Hello” He murmured in your ear and you jumped at the sudden presence behind you.
You turned around quickly and he pressed you against your car to hug you.
“Hello Charles, how are you?” you said while Charles tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Horny” he answered immediately with a smile.
You laughed and he put his hands either side of you, caging you in.
“I can wait until I win on Sunday of course, but I've been told you have something else in mind”
He raised an eyebrow in question and you sighed.
“I'm not telling you what it is Charles”
He nodded solemnly “In that case…” he swiftly opened the back door of your car and pushed you inside, climbed in and closed it behind him.
“I think you owe me a little something for my Home win in Monaco, don't you think?” He wiggled his eyebrows but you just scoffed. “Come on princess, I want to taste you. It's been so long” he whined.
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. Well if you weren't going to be doing any work… might as well enjoy a treat for once.
You smirked at him and he grinned, spreading your legs and lifting your dress…
This was going to be a long weekend.
You managed to mostly avoid the drivers’ advances on Saturday, them being pretty busy with prep and qualifying and sticking around the feeder series drivers.
You hadn't even checked the group chat you'd been added to, you assumed it would just be full of questions about Sunday so you steered clear. Your plans would be revealed soon enough.
Sunday morning you arrived bright and early, catching Carlos on your way in and told him to spread the word with the others:
To shake things up a bit, and to celebrate you returning from your lengthy leave of absence, you would be rewarding the top 3 fastest laps of the race, regardless of the placement in the standings.
As you watched the race unfold you were getting more and more excited. The fastest laps were getting passed around like a football, and you were looking forward to potentially getting to have some fresh blood.
And you were right. The fresh blood came in the form of Logan Sargeant. You hadn't been able to spend a night with him yet, him never having gotten a podium.
After the race you sent a message in the group chat:
‘Congratulations to George, Logan and Max! (And Oscar of course 😘)
The three of you are welcome to stop by my hotel room (306 at the hilton, Lando don't you dare) and you need to decide between yourselves about the order etc etc… I'll be waiting ;)’
After a quick shower and a quick meal you lay on your bed and checked your messages.
There was just one from George.
‘we'll be there at 7:30’
They were all coming together. (pun intended)
You imagined what it would be like. Would they take turns with you? George or Max showing Logan how to handle you. Fucking you into the mattress while he sat in the chair and watched, waiting for his turn.
Or maybe two of them would fill you up while the other ran his hands and mouth all over your body.
Would any of them be into touching each other? You knew Max and George were closer than what they revealed to the public, and that they had hooked up, but would you get to see it?
You imagined what Logan could be like… Was he inexperienced? Did he fuck like a pro?
All these questions were swirling around your mind when a knock at the door interrupted you. A spark of arousal shot through you and you hurried to go and open it.
Max was leaning against the frame, George stood behind him, smirking, and Logan was leaning against the opposite wall, looking cool as a cucumber as his eyes roamed your figure.
“Come on in boys” you said cheerfully, stepping aside to let them through before closing the door and sitting yourself on the bed in front of them.
“So what’s the plan, Max?” you said mischievously “You going to show these guys how it's done? Or is George going to come and claim his prize for Austria?”
George chuckled.
“Actually, we're going to fill you up.”
You frowned at him in question. “Fill me up?”
“You've got 3 holes for a reason, right?”
Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped.
“Fuck, okay…”
You found yourself bent over the bed, Max's mouth on your cunt and his fingers in your ass, stretching you out for him.
George's cock was in your mouth, and your hand was wrapped around Logan, pumping him at a leisurely pace.
Once you had come from Max's expert fingers and mouth, he deemed you ready and you were repositioned to their liking.
You straddled Logan, Max behind you, and George in front of you.
Pulling Logan into a sloppy kiss, you sank down on him slowly. Your heat enveloped him and he moaned into your mouth as you ground your hips down on him.
You felt Max's presence behind you and he pushed you and Logan to lay down. He positioned himself at your entrance and stroked your flesh tenderly.
“You ready, baby?”
You nodded and he wasted no time pushing the tip in.
You moaned, he was pretty big, and Logan was already filling you up nicely.
He pushed in slowly, and with every inch your moans increased in pitch.
Logan could feel you fluttering around him and it was driving him crazy, choosing to distract himself, and you, by sucking marks into your neck.
Once Max was fully inside, George came forward and stroked your cheek.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
You felt so full you didn't quite know how to respond, overwhelmed by the feeling of the two men inside you.
But when they started moving it was a whole different ball park.
The drag of two cocks against your walls was sending shocks of pleasure throughout your body, it was indescribable.
They didn't have the same rhythm so sometimes one pushed in while the other dragged out, but when both of them pushed in together you swore loudly as they nudged every single one of your sweet spots.
George wrapped a hand in your hair and you looked up at him, already fucked out of your mind.
“Mind if I use your mouth, love?”
He asked with a sweet smile.
You grinned at him and stuck your tongue out.
“Good girl”
Being used by 3 of the fittest men on the planet was exhausting, but incredibly rewarding, as you felt your orgasm creep up on you.
You moaned around George and he pulled out to let you breathe.
Max piped up.
“You getting close, baby?”
You whined out a yes before grabbing George's hips and shoving your mouth back on him, the weight of his cock a grounding presence to counter the white hot pleasure coursing through your body.
“Good, because we're close too, we're going to fill you up. Right guys?”
George hummed and stroked your tear stained cheeks. “And you're going to be a good girl and swallow it all, yes?”
You hummed around him, and then Logan spoke for the first time since he'd walked in the room.
“Gonna fill this sweet pussy full of my cum, baby. You like being full of cum? You like being used like a slut by your friends?”
The shock of his voice in your ear sent a shockwave through you and you came on the spot, creaming around Logan and spasming around Max. They both came inside you with a groan after a couple of rough thrusts and stayed there while you came down.
George wasn't far behind and you swallowed all of him as his come filled your mouth.
The aftercare was amazing. George and Logan accompanied you in the shower, one washing your hair while the other scrubbed your body clean of sweat and leaked come.
Max changed the sheets (he called room service for clean ones) and then went in the shower once you were done.
You went to sleep with the three of them huddled around you, their hands wandering over your flesh affectionately.
You always took care of your boys, and they always took care of you.
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f1fantasys · 6 months
Summary - basically just Lando smut.
Warnings - smut. p in v. unprotected sex. dominant Lando.
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The final race weekend - in Abu Dhabi. Your boyfriend Lando was currently placed second on the driver standings. To say he was hyped up was an understatement. The whole week has been filled with a buzz of excitement. It had been a long time coming for an amazing McLaren result, and you couldn't be prouder of it was your Lando who achieved that.
You hadn't seen Lando all day as he was tied up with media duties today. You got yourself ready for a dinner that you both were going to with Charles and Alex. Lando, however, had other ideas. As soon as he'd arrived back to your hotel room and saw the mini black dress you were wearing, his hands were on your ass and his lips were on yours.
Tongues battling for dominance. Biting. Licking. He was starved of you.
''Y/N, Fuck I've missed you all day. Been waiting to taste your cherry lips for hours'' he said as he cupped your face and kissed you again.
''Lan,'' you chuckled. ''I've definitely missed you too, and as much as I want to carry on, we have dinner with Char and Alex tonight. She's just texted to say they're waiting downstairs for us'' you said as you pushed his chest away, but not before pecking him again.
He backed away, quicker than you thought he would, smirking at you.
''You asked for it, baby. Remember that for later'' he winked at you.
While Lando was in the shower you touched up on your makeup and fixed your hair. What you weren't prepared for, was Lando walking out of the bathroom. Butt-naked. Dick looking painfully hard, bouncing up and down, abs on full display and his little curls looking beautiful as ever.
Of course, you're always naked around each other. But there was something about him being naked and wearing a face that says ''I know you want to fuck me, but save it for later.''
You watched him with your mouth slight agape, clenching your thighs together because you could already feel the wetness pooling where you craved him the most.
''Y/N to Earth, baby'' he said pulling his boxers on and eventually the rest of his clothes, while you really couldn't think of anything but his dick in your mouth.
While in the elevator, Lando's hands found your ass again, and since you were wearing a short dress, it was easy for him to slip his finger under.
It was now his turn to widen his eyes when he discovered you weren't wearing panties and he immediately felt your wetness.
He smiled at you, ''You've made your own bed now, love, by not wearing any panties.'' Lando removed his hand from your pussy and licked his finger clean from your juices, which, thanks to him, were present.
''Oh boy'' you thought to yourself. But you loved this side of Lando. The release later would be worth all the tension now.
You walked hand in hand and found Alex and Charles waiting for you.
''Mate, took you long enough'' Charles said shaking hands with Lando.
''Yeah, Y/N missed me too much'' Lando smiled at you.
''Yeah right'' you stuck your tongue out at him.
The restaurant was a lovely intimate place. You took your seat next to Lando and immediately felt his hand on you thigh, where you knew it would take up residence for the rest of the evening out.
You quickly realized that the waiter was paying too much attention to you. Always looking at you only, always leaning over your side of the table. And he even winked at you a couple of times. You weren't sure if Lando had noticed, otherwise he would have reacted by now.
When it was time to choose dessert, Lando, having no filter with his mouth, looked at the waiter and said ''I know what i want for dessert, but unfortunately eating my girlfriend out is not on the menu'' he smirked at the waiter, whose face turned red and had no words to say.
''Fuck, Lando'' you shrieked. Charles and Alex trying to keep their giggles in.
Lando's hand slipped under your dress again to touch your core, and by now you were flustered. Firstly, by Lando saying things like that in public, and now sliding his fingers through your pool of juices again. Your breathing picked up and you started squirming in your seat.
He bought his lips by your ear and whispered ''Behave, or you'll pay for it later. You've already put yourself in trouble twice tonight..''
All you could do was bite your lip and nod.
Thank fuck you were in the uber back to the hotel. You needed him. The man fucking drove you crazy tonight, and you couldn't wait to let him have his way to you. And thank god Alex and Charles were in another uber. Lando's mouth was currently on your neck, leaving marks for sure. He was biting and licking and sucking, all while his had found your nipples through your dress and was pinching them harshly.
When you finally made it to your room, his hands and body were off from you.
You watched as he stripped down to his boxers, went for a piss, wash his hands, and climb into bed. You were dumbfounded.
''Night, baby'' he cooed and closed his eyes.
You were speechless. Is he really leaving you unsatisfied tonight? Yes, he is, because by the time you changed and climbed into bed, he was softly snoring. And you could always tell when he was faking it. This time, he wasn't.
'''Fucking hell'' you muttered. You were still so turned on. But you'd decided you'd fuck him senseless in the morning.
With that, you drifted off to sleep with your head nuzzled in his neck.
You weren't sure if you were dreaming or not - probably not, because you suddenly felt harsh licks on your cunt. You moaned out and your hands instinctively found Lando's head, in between your thighs.
He was lapping at you, sucking and biting down on your clit.
''Fuck Lan, what time is it?''
''Just past 2, but time for your punishment my baby'' he said looking up at you.
''Fuck'' was all your mind could form. You craved him and the whole yesterday, and night, and now your body was finally getting some pleasure.
Lando was so good at oral sex. The best you've ever had. And he knew your body so well. He knew what turned your moans into grunts and what turned your grunts into ''fucks.''
''Please, Lan'' and not a second later his tongue entered your hole. Sliding in and out of you, while your hands grabbed and pulled at his curls.
''Don't cum until i say you can'' he mumbled between your folds.
The room was filled with breathless ''fucks'' from your mouth, licks, and wet lapping sounds coming from Lando's mouth.
''Please Lan, i need to cum, please'' you begged.
''Nope, not yet.''
It took everything in you to hold it in, and when Lando knew you were close, he replaced his tongue with his fingers. He thrust two fingers in you at once. Hard and fast.
You grabbed onto the sheets until your knuckles were white.
''So tight for me baby. Cum'' was all he said before your juices erupted all over his fingers.
Your body was shaking from the stimulation as he slowed his movements to ride your high down, until he pulled out his fingers and licked them clean.
You pulled him up for a kiss and you could taste yourself. Salty and warm. But mixed with him, it just turned you again.
''Need to feel you in me, please Lan'' you begged him again.
''On the floor, on your knees'' he instructed, and you quickly obliged. You didn't want to waste time.
He sat at the edge of the bed and pulled your ass up. Stroking himself a few times, he plunged into you at once. He held his position.
''Baby, you okay?'' he asked.
''Yes, please. Please just fuck me'' you begged.
You could hear him smirk. ''You asked for it baby''
And he pulled out fully before thrusting in again. Hard. This is what you call fucking. In and out. In and out. Grabbing your hips for support, definitely leaving purple marks to show everyone you're his.
He was grunting now ''Fuck Y/N, how do you feel more amazing every time i fuck you? How do you take me so well? Fucking hell.'' he muttered.
''Lan, oh my god, please, yes. Feels amazing.'' you replied, moaning between the words.
You were sure that the people on the other side of the wall could hear you, but you didn't care one bit. If you could, you'd happily let the whole world listen to how good Lando fucks you.
''M'close'' you moaned.
''Fuck, baby, wait for me'' he said through gritted teeth.
''FUCK Lan I can't, I'm cumming'' and as you spluttered around Lando's dick, he let his warm cum fill you up. This was a position that Lando loved to cum, so his load was full and thick, hot and sticky.
He slid out of you and pulled you onto his la.p. Both of you breathing each others' air in, stealing pecks here and there.
''Lando that was incredible. Oh my god'' you said as you felt your legs were still shaking.
You suddenly got a burst of energy and quickly peeled yourself off of him to go on your knees again, except this time you were facing him.
His dick wasn't fully soft yet, so you took him into your hands and licked the tip.
He shuddered. ''Fuck Y/N, you're gonna make me hard again.''
''Need to taste you, please Lan'' you panted.
''Gonna be the end of me, you are'' he grunted before he held your head in his hands and guided you back and fourth on his cock.
You took what you could in your mouth and sucked, already tasting his precum leaking out of him. You pumped the rest and fondled with his balls.
Gagging you took one of his hands in and just held it, squeezing it when you felt tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
''What the fuck did i do to deserve this. Holy mother of fucking'' he said breathlessly.
You held onto his thighs for support and within minutes he was moaning your name.
''Y/N, I'm gonna cum, fuck'' and he let go. The warm liquid that he spluttered in your cunt minutes ago was now being spluttered to the back of your throat, delicious as ever.
You swallowed every last drop before finding your place on Lando's lap again, kissing him senseless. Both yours and his spit, plus him cum dripping down from your mouths and on to your bodies.
Eventually, when you separated, Lando got up to get a towel to clean you both up before jumping back into bed to cuddle you.
''Fuck that amazing.'' he said, still slightly breathless.
You were fucked out, your brain already seconds away from sleep, and all you could do was nod your head and mutter an ''I love you Lando.'' before falling into a well deserved sleep.
''Love you too baby'' he said kissing your head.
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sofiawritesstuff · 2 months
part 6
summary: When Lando's "playboy" image is setting a bad reputation for him. He turns to the person the trust most in this world for help.
pairing: landonorris x bestfriend!reader
warnings: none
part 5
AN: Before we start I do want to say that I’m sorry for how this story has turned out, I’m lowkey hating it but i will come back with a better story soon. If anyone has any longer stories they would like to see, then please leave it in my submissions box, in my comments and/or feel free to message me privately. I also apologies about the wait for this. Sorry guys and thank you.
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Lando had woken first, the light of the early morning sun filtered through the curtains. He stretched over you, smiling to see you still asleep against him.
He kissed your head before sneaking out of bed, this was the first morning in a while that Lando woke up feeling refreshed and confident for the race, he was also early, early enough to make you breakfast.
He reached for the t-shirt that lay on the floor beside him before trotting his way to the kitchen. He began by making you both coffee before moving onto toast.
"Good morning" you said with a smiles, your voice still rough from just waking up "Well hello there princess, what woke you up?" he asks holding your hand that wrapped around his waist from behind
"The beautiful smell of coffee, and the cold bed. You're up early is everything okay?" you question, resting your head on his back "I'm feeling so good, about today, I got the best sleep last night, we've got so much time before we need to leave too" he smiles buttering your toast and sticking it in your mouth
You smile, taking it out your mouth “I’m glad” you say chewing covering a hand over your mouth “Are Max and Pietra awake?”
“I don’t think so” he smiles leaning down to kiss you
Neither you or Lando had mentioned all the kisses throughout the weekend, the ones in public and in private, but you were both enjoying whatever was going on.
“So today, I was thinking of wearing my new white summer dress, what do you think?” you tell him, sitting on the chair next to him “The one that you ordered last week?”
“That’s nice, I like that” he nods pulling your legs up on top of his
Lando had decided to match your all white outfit today, he held your hand tightly entering the paddock, pulling you closer to him as people rushed by.
You could sense the rise of Lando's nerves, in attempt you comfort him you put your free hand on his bicep
"How are you feeling today Mr Pole Sitter?" Ted Kravitz asks walking up to you both with the camera crew in front of you "Feeling good, hopefully can perform well enough to get the win, got a lot of support here so it would be good to put a smile on peoples faces”
“And you’ve also got that support of your lovely best friend too” he nods and you and you smile at him “Yeah I love having my girlfriend at races with me, she’s my biggest supporter so”
“Oh i’m sorry i didn’t realise that you were finally in a relationship” he apologises “congratulations to you both”
You both thank him before heading into the McLaren garage, stopping to say hello to everyone
"I'm glad to see you here, I've missed you the full weekend" Will smiles opening his arms "Glad to see you too" you hug him "Stealing my girlfriend now are we?" Lando jokes wrapping an arm around your waist
"Wouldn't dream of breaking you two up, feeling good about today?" he asks Lando "Good aren't you" you answer before Lando says something negative "Yep all good" he rolls his eyes "Hey! I'm going to the bathroom, make sure I've not got moody Lando" you kiss him before leaving him with Will
"You're kissing now" Will smirks "I mean, yeah" Lando shrugs "There's no cameras about" the engineer pushes "We've actually had a few kisses back home" Lando says hiding a smile
"Well it's been a long time coming, just make sure your heads in the game today. I'm happy for you though" he pats Lando's shoulder "Trust me, that girl is the reason I'm feeling even the littlest bit confident today"
"Really?" Will asks turning to face him "Well yeah, she's the only one that really understands me. I just love her so much" he blushes
"So you're in love with her"
"What? No I'm not?" Lando scoffs "The way you talk about her is the way I first talked about my wife, now we have a child together. You need to realise how you feel about her without people telling you"
"And if I admitted I was in love with her?"
"Then you should tell her, the way she looks at you is the way Hayley looked at me. Get yourself ready mate"
Lando sighed, looking at Will one last time before heading to his drivers room where you were sat "Hi pretty boy, I've left your shirt out, your hats there too" you point to his chair
"Thank you, are you going to chill in here until the race?" he asks taking his shirt off "Yeah, I'm going to wait on Max and Pietra. I'll be watching"
"Good, I'll see you later. Let me know if you're going anywhere" he says leaning down "I will" you lean up to kiss him "Bye" he shouts leaving the room
As it got closer to lights out Lando walked around the garage talking to everyone he needed to, he sat with Will for a while before he needed to get into the car.
As he approached you, you knew what was coming. The dreaded moment you had before every single race.
“Be safe, I love you” you tell him, wrapping your arm around his waist “I promise I will. I love you too” he says holding out his pinky finger. You link yours with his and both of you kiss your hands.
He hugs you tightly, kissing your head before moving down to your lips.
“Come home”
“I always do” he winks before getting in the car
It never got any easier, it hadn’t since he first started in 2019. Watching him leave the garage not knowing what where he was going to finish after the race and your worst fear it he didn’t finish at all.
Max stood beside you, putting on a headset, in a selfish way you were glad he wasn’t racing anymore, it means you didn’t have to worry about two people, but you knew Max wished he continued, he could have made it to Formula 1.
“He’ll win” Max wraps an arm around your shoulder, rubbing it reassuringly “I know” you smile
“I just wish he knew that” he nods to Lando’s car on the screen “He’ll see what we see one day”
The race was tense, within the first lap six cars had locked up and people were losing positions. The upside to it was Lando keeping his place and Oscar moving up to P2, getting out of the mess without harm.
You could feel your heart beating against your chest, fighting to leave your body as the last lap of the race came closer.
Two laps to go.
He was seconds ahead of the cars behind him.
One lap to go.
The crew ran across to the pit wall, as Lando approached the final corner, as he crossed the line you could hear him screaming down the head set.
Your eyes filled up with tears, you turned to Max as he engulfed you in a hug jumping up and down.
As he came down the pit lane, you threw your head set off, pushing through the crowd of papaya to the front where Zak was.
He stood on the top of the car, throwing his hands in the air while everyone around you cheered. He took his helmet off running and jumping into the crowd of McLaren and eventually he was pulled to the other side of the barrier
“Where is she?” you saw Lando looking around, when he spotted you, he lifted you up hugging you tightly “I’m so proud of you Lando, you don’t know it”
“You’re the best, I love you, I love you so much”
“It was you that did it baby, get on the podium and get drenched in champagne”
He leans down kissing you before jumping over the barrier again. You let the nickname slip, you didn’t mean to say it but the way it made you feel was so good, it felt as if it was normal.
The media covered up how Lando felt about it, the way he was yapping in his interviews when the only thing he could think about was you and the nickname. “Baby” he wishes he could get used to that.
part 7
@harrysdimple05 @ironmaiden1313 @charli123456789 @alltoomaples @jule239 @panicsinvirgo @cmleitora @blueberry64857959 @imboredway2much @landoslutmeout @obxstiles @morenofilm @formula1mount @dreamercrowd @brekkers-whore @sialexia @bokutos-babyowl @merchelsea @lexiecamposv @lunamelona @nightlockcornucopia
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hs-is-loml · 10 months
You Know This. (cl16)
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x best friend!Reader
Summary: moments of charles and reader throughout the years that show they are so obviously meant for each other so carlos gives them a small push. (they are basically together but without the title...)
Warnings: mentions of Jules and Hervé so little angst but the majority is fluff! one kiss? lando swears. cute couple moments of two idiots UNEDITED
a/n: almost forgot how to write compared to the social media AUs i've been doing... hope you enjoy :)
all translations of french below
Chérie = darling
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19 years old
You stared out the window overlooking the streets of Baku until you heard a sigh from across the room.
“I’m so tired. Is it even worth going through this weekend?” Charles admitted as you looked over to him running his hands over his face while he took a seat on the edge of the hotel bed. “I don’t know if I’ll make it through.”
“No one will blame you if you don’t,” you said walking over to stand in front of him. 
“That’s what they all expect isn’t it?” 
“You’re doing more than enough just being here,” you brought your hands to his face and gently rubbed your thumb along his jaw. 
“I miss him, Y/n. How am I supposed to continue without him?” he whispered while he wrapped his arms around your frame and pulled you closer to lean his head against your stomach. 
You could tell that he had finally reached a breaking point from holding out on his own emotions as he helped everyone in the family with theirs. You knew that he was staying strong for Pascale and Arthur while Lorenzo was handling everything for Hervé’s funeral. When he asked you to accompany him for this race, you said yes without any doubts crossing your mind.   
You soon feel his shoulders shake as he lets out soft sobs. “You continue for him. Just like you have done for Jules, they’re going to watch your legacy grow together. One day you’ll be driving in that red car placing poles and winning races. You will make it through this,” you played with the hair at the nape of his neck as you reassured him.
You were aware that he had told Hervé a few weeks ago that he had signed with Ferrari already. In the past few years, it had always been the goal. Everyone understood how crucial it was for him to make that come true.
“You can’t be sure of that.”
“I know, but I believe in you. We all do. It’s only a matter of time.”
“What would I do without you?” he lifted up his head to look at you.
“Well, it’s a good thing I never plan on leaving you,” you leaned down to press a gentle kiss on the crown of his head. 
"I'll never let you go."
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20 years old
You were talking with Andrea and Lorenzo near the Alfa Romeo motorhome while you all waited for Charles to finish with media day. “How do you think he’s doing with the news?” you anxiously looked around in the hope of seeing him heading your way. “The media has gone wild when the contact got out that he signed with Ferrari.”
“Probably basking in the attention,” Lorenzo laughed. “You know how long he’s waited for this.”
“That boy never fails to catch the camera either,” Andrea added while you covered your mouth with your hand trying to stifle your laugh when you realized that Charles was finally done for the day. 
Charles came to your side snaking an arm around your waist and teasingly poked you, “What are you three laughing about you?” 
“You,” all of you replied, causing him to gasp in fake annoyance. 
“I know ma chérie would never do such a thing,” he shook his head at the two men. “Enzo, look how bad of an influence you are.” Which was Andrea’s queue to quietly leave before he was targeted by the young driver too. He took Lorenzo along with him as the older brother gaped at the accusation. 
You both started to head to his driver’s room to gather his things before driving back to the hotel. “How was it?” you asked him while you took out his phone from your purse.
“A lot. It feels like it’s never ending and everyone keeps congratulating,” he smiled and reached out for the phone. 
“I’ve only heard of all the good things so far,” you tell him and hand the phone back to him. 
You had begun to look for your jacket, and it was almost as if he had read your mind, “It’s right here, I’ve got it.”
As you two walked out of the paddock, there were still crowds of fans and photographers lingering around the area hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the drivers. People started to whisper and squeal when they saw Charles place his hat on your head allowing you to shield your face from the now flashing cameras. 
“Who is she?”
“Aww, that’s so sweet!”
“They must be dating.” 
“Charles! Over here!”
“Can you sign this for me please!”
You listened to all the hollers from the crowd as you got into the car, “Wow.”
“You okay?” Charles softly asked and glanced at you before starting to drive back to the hotel.
“Were they always like that while you were in F2 and I’ve never noticed?” you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“I’m not sure,” he chuckled at your reaction. 
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21 years old
“He has one more corner!” you held onto Andrea’s arm anxiously looking at the screen.
“HE’S GOT IT!” one of the crew members screamed when they saw Charles shoot down to the line.
“HE WINS IN SPA, HE WINS IN MONZA! CHARLES LECLERC IS THE WINNER OF THE 2019 ITALIAN GRAND PRIX!” David Croft announced as Charles crossed the finish line. He had just won in Monza in front of the infamous Tifosi. 
You felt yourself get pushed to the front of the barrier as people started rushing to see the winner. The momentous scene couldn’t have been better. He had just ended the nine-year winless streak in Monza and scored his second consecutive race win. All you could hear in the hectic moment was the Ferrari crew chanting out in Italian for Charles. The crowds of fans roared out in cheers and the stands filled with raised Ferrari and Italian flags. 
You will never forget the moment he jumped down from on top of his car and made his way over to you. His hands found your sides as you held the sides of his helmet. “You did it,” your smile wide and eyes filled with tears as you focused on him. 
“For them,” he told you tenderly.
“For them,” you repeated and placed a kiss right where you thought the corner of his mouth would have been. The crew reached over to congratulate him, and the cameras were pointed directly at him wanting to capture the moment. 
The podium ceremony was scintillating. The crew, media, and Tifosi all packed in to see their winner. Andrea knew to keep you close to the front knowing that Charles would want to see you more than anyone else. It wasn’t only you looking up at him in admiration though it seemed like the world stopped for a moment when he blew a kiss back down to you from the podium.
Your cheeks flushed from the action and beamed as you met his eyes, “I love you,” you mouthed to him hoping he could read your lips from the stand. 
“I love you,” he replied back.  
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22 years old
With COVID delaying the F1 season and everyone having to quarantine. You and Charles had decided to move in together into his apartment to keep each other company. It wasn’t hard to fall into a routine for you two. 
“Y/n! Can you bring me water please?” you heard a yell from Charles’ gaming room.
You got up from the couch and set aside your book heading into the kitchen. Decided to bring him a small pack of crackers as well along with the water since he had been on stream for a while. You brought the plate to him which he thanked you for and gave your hand three small squeezes. 
The simple interaction caused the chat to make tons of new comments flow through regarding you. Over the past few years, you found yourself more comfortable with your life in front of the camera because of his career, and it makes you look back to the times of Charles’ first year in F1. You could now give a small wave to the camera before you planned to head back out to the door.
“That’s not fair,” you heard Lando complain from the screen, causing you to halt in your footsteps to listen closely. “You have Y/n to bring you stuff, and you don’t even need to stop the game.”
“Lando’s just jealous he doesn’t have anybody,” George snickered.
“Damn right, I am,” Lando huffed out. “I want a Y/n.”
Charles noticed you silently laughing and he motioned for you to come back over wanting to tease Lando a bit more. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you in closer to be in the frame, “Too bad there’s only one of her.”
Lando started muttering about how it was not his fault that he was alone during these times all while you shook your head at their antics. Alex and George continued the jokes creating a newfound argument that moved the topic away from you and Charles. “What do you want for dinner?” you questioned him softly not wanting to disrupt the chaotic banter from the others.
“Will you make carbonara?”
“Sure, Lando. Once quarantine ends we can plan something out,” you replied with a sweet smile towards the camera.
“YES!” he cheered out at your response.
“Once we get back to racing, will you bring your cookies again?” George asked excitedly.
“Or the muffins!” Alex added on. 
“I’ll go and bring them if you bring Lily, Alex!” you answered them.
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24 years old
You told Charles earlier in the week telling him that you couldn’t make it to the Bahrain Grand Prix due to work. Really you just wanted to surprise him, and you had been in contact with Carlos planning it out.
“I think he is getting suspicious of me,” Carlos told you over the phone as you got your bags together waiting for Carlos’ cousin to come and get you from the airport.
“Well, I’ve only sent him short messages for the past few days and maybe ignored a couple of his calls because I can’t keep lying to him…” you explained which caused the man on the other side of the phone to snicker at your dispense. 
“I swear you want him to kill me, Y/n. Once he finds out.”
“Find out what? Who are you talking to all the time, mate?” you listened to Charles continuously question Carlos.
"No one!" Carlos quipped.
"Is that Y/n?" Charles asked him.
"No, it's my sister..."
“Good luck!” you hung up the call quickly and got into the car with Carlos Oñoro.
“Charles found out?” he started heading to the hotel that the Ferrari team was staying at. 
“Hopefully not yet, but Carlos was talking about how he’s on to him already.”
A notification went off on your phone and you saw it was a text message from Carlos.
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You opened your messages with Charles and came up with something quick to text him about.
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at the circuit 
“Hermosa! You made it!” Carlos exclaimed when he saw you walking towards the group of the drivers that just got out of the media pen. "I swear he was going to choke me earlier."
You laughed at his remark and went over to his side to whisper to him, “He doesn’t know I’m here yet, right?”
He tugged you a bit closer and kept his hand on your upper back. He spoke into your ear in a hushed tone while carefully looking around, “Not a clue, but you remember what I said over text? You say he’s not your boyfriend yet, so let’s mess with him just a little. It’ll prove something to you.”
“Prove what-” 
You were cut off by Lando as he finally took notice of your presence, “Y/n! Tell me you brought them!”
“Yes, Lando,” you smiled, taking a small packaged bag of cookies out of your bag before you could even hand them to him. He had snatched it and already begun opening the bag. “Yours are back at the hotel,” you told Carlos who was trying to take one from Lando.
“GIVE ME ONE!” George yelled at Lando who took his chance and ran off with his cookies. 
“NO!” causing George to chase after the Mclaren driver. 
Another group of drivers came over as they had just finished with their interviews. You saw Charles talking with Sebastian but he didn’t see you yet. “Sweetheart! A pleasant surprise, Charles was just talking about how you couldn’t make it,” Sebastian said with a smile as he walked past you with Fernando. 
“Hello, Sebastian,” you smiled back and felt a breath near your ear. 
“How long do you think it will take him to drag you away?” Carlos said in a low voice.
“He wouldn’t,” you mutter back.
“Oh, yes he would. Good luck with him,” Carlos grinned as Charles had stormed over to you two and grabbed a hold of your wrist.
“Charlie!” you yelped as you tried to keep up with his pace towards the Ferrari’s motorhome and into his driver’s room. 
He shut the door behind him, “So you can text Carlos but not me?”
"What are you talking about?" you acted confused."
"I know you were on call with Carlos earlier. But you couldn't even answer mine this morning?"
“It was supposed to be a surprise, Charles,” you huffed out.
“What a surprise that you and Carlos are together now?” he scoffed at the mere thought.
You began to laugh aloud which caused him to frustrate even further, “E-ex-cuse me?” you said through your laughter.
“This is not funny, Y/n.”
“Charles, it’s funny you think that I would even do anything with Carlos in the first place,” you pointed out to him while setting your bag down on a chair. 
You heard his footsteps come closer to you until you felt him press against your back, “Are you not?”
You turned around to face him and took his face in your hands, “Of course not.”
“Good,” he placed his hands on your waist rubbing up and down your sides.
“And why is that?” you raised your eyebrow at him.
“Y-you kno-o-ow b-b-because you’r-re…” he trailed off a stuttering mess caught off guard by your question.
You stroke his jaw with your thumbs and brought his face closer to yours, “Charles, I’m yours. You know this.”
He leaned down and closed the gap between your lips in a long-awaited kiss. He kissed you gently as if he were testing the waters. You smiled against his lips and moved to wrap your arms around his neck as his hands moved to your hips. You moved forward slightly to lean more into him and he let out a groan against your mouth. He stilled in the kiss, keeping your hips in place from moving further. 
“No more surprises, okay?" he said as you separated.
"Okay, but no more jumping to conclusions either."
"You are going to give me gray hairs early, Chérie," he exasperated.
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velariscalling · 4 months
Morally Grey - An Azriel Imagine
Characters: Azriel x Archeron!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: Cassian drags the IC to his new obsession: open mic night at Rita's, and much to his delight, Azriel has been paired up to sing with the Reader.
Warnings: Alcohol, suggestive language.
A/N: My first ever imagine is HERE!! Honestly I've been so nervous to put this out as it's all very new to me, but I really hope you guys enjoy it! I'm really looking forward to see how my writing develops as I post more, but for now, I hope you enjoy my first post! It's just a load of silly fun tbh. And finally, thank you so much to @sarawritestories for helping me out with the ending, you're the best! <3
Soundtrack: 'Morally Grey' by April Jai feat. Nation Haven
Disclaimer: GIF isn't mine - credit to whoever it belongs to.
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Rita’s was bustling.
As it always was on a Friday night, really. They probably should have known better than to come on a weekend, but the welcoming vibrancy of the bar was a welcome reprieve from a long week’s work. Y/N took a deep breath as the music hit her, exhaling as she let any remaining stress seep from her body and into the night.
Before she could think too much about the busy days she’s had as of recently, a hand grabbed each of hers - one perfectly manicured, one covered in swirls of black ink - and pulled her in the direction of the bar. Mor flagged down a barman who recognised them immediately - it wasn’t a rare occurrence for the Night Court’s Inner Circle to make an appearance here.
After a moment, she handed her a shot glass filled with bright green liquid. “Bottoms up, you’re gonna need it tonight,” she grinned, already having necked her own. Feyre giggled as Y/N raised a questioning eyebrow at the blonde, throwing back her shot anyway and wincing at the tangy liquid.
“And why is that, exactly?” Y/N cocked her head at her friend, who’s brown eyes danced with excitement.
“Oh come on,” she rolled her eyes playfully, already flagging down the barman for yet another shot, just for herself this time. “You really think Cassian’s going to let us miss out on tonight? He’s been preparing his song with Rhys for days.”
It’s true - Cassian’s favourite night of the week was their newest tradition, open mic night at Rita’s. Four songs, four duos, randomly selected. Or so he says, anyway. He probably matched himself with Rhysand so he could convince him to sing Mysterious Girl together.
Feyre gripped Y/N’s hand from her other side, clearly trying her hardest to hold back a squeal of excitement. “How are you feeling?” She knew that there was more to that question than meets the eye. It wasn’t a secret that Cassian’s little game had paired her up with Azriel, much to his delight.
She put on her mask of indifference that she had mastered over the months of knowing the shadowsinger, refusing to give any details away of her incessant feelings for him that prodded at her constantly. “I am feeling absolutely fine, High Lady,” she smiled, eyes shining, but a scoff from her left interrupted her.
“Please,” Mor drawled, looking at her with a face that said, don’t even try. “You literally can’t fool anyone, especially not us, so drop the act.”
Okay, so maybe she hadn’t mastered her mask as well as she had initially thought, her twin’s nod of agreement cementing that conclusion. “Okay fine, but what do I have to be nervous about? You are all the ones who should be nervous when we out-sing you.” She smirked at them, but they shared a knowing look.
“There it is, changing the subject,” Feyre chuckled, nursing her drink in her hand. Y/N scowled at her, but she could never actually be mad at her. Frankly, she was more irritated by the fact that she knew her so well. “What? Y/N, this is what happens every time we bring him up.”
She opened her mouth to argue, when an arm was slung over her shoulder, and Feyre’s. “Ladies,” Rhysand’s melodic voice sounded over the music as he appeared between the sisters. He nodded at Mor with a grin, who was already on her… third, or fourth shot? Who knows. “Cass will have a temper tantrum if I don’t drag you all over to the stage right now.”
Feyre rolled her eyes with a laugh and allowed her mate to spin her into his arms, and they both made their way over to the Inner Circle’s area of the bar. Y/N’s heart warmed at the sight of them, knowing that her twin, her double in every way, had found her happiness. Mor looped her arm through hers as they walked behind them, her eyes following Y/N’s gaze. “You’ll have that soon, you know.”
Y/N looked over at her. She was so breathtaking, her brown eyes contrasting her golden hair, and her signature red dress hugging her flawless body in all the right places. Any male or female in this room would be lucky to get her, and yet, she didn’t care. Next to her, though, Y/N felt like nothing. As if Mor could sense her thoughts, she squeezed her arm affectionately. “Come on. Tonight’s the night you’re going to show that other side of you- oh don’t give me that look, I know it’s there.”
Y/N huffed, a lighthearted sound, and shook her head softly. “I wish I had your confidence,” She murmured, a dry joke.
“Babe, you’re sexy. When are you going to realise that?” The sheer certainty in Mor’s voice had Y/N raising her eyebrows at her friend, who simply nodded, as if agreeing with herself. “Channel it tonight. I’ll be watching.” She winked, and released her arm as they arrived at their own table right in front of the stage.
Rhys and Feyre had already taken their seats at the centre, High Lord and Lady looking elegant as ever. Cassian sat to Rhys’s right, his excitement akin to a golden retriever, as Amren, who was sat next to him, clearly tried her hardest not to throttle him. Next to Feyre sat Azriel, his looming shadows making the already dark bar appear pitch black in his presence. There were two empty chairs to his left, and finally Nesta sat at the end of the table, clearly trying to make the most of as much peace and quiet as she could get before the night’s shenanigans unfolded. Mor was quick to take the seat next to her, leaving Y/N between her and Azriel. He gave her a short smile as she sat down, ever the emotionless. “Are you ready?”
The low, icy voice of the shadowsinger never failed to take her by surprise. If the living embodiment of darkness could talk, it would sound like him. She looked at him, his hazel eyes glowing even in the darkness, and replied, “Are you?”
Before Azriel could respond, a flute of sparkly champagne slid from Y/N’s left into view. She turned to see Nesta, wordlessly handing her the drink, with grey-blue eyes that told her that she, too, thought she needed an extra little liquid confidence tonight. She noticed Mor biting her lip so hard she looked as though she may explode, and she rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips as she turned back to Azriel. To her surprise, it appeared as though a similar grin was tugging on those lips as well.
He merely raised his glass to hers, eyes shining with a grin that he wouldn’t let fully show on his face. She picked up her own glass and clinked it against his, matching his honey gold gaze.
Let the night begin.
It’s safe to say that the performances of the night were… well, entertaining. Cassian was a little too excited dragging Rhys up to perform their number first, giving major boyband energy up on that stage. Feyre was in fits of laughter, but Nesta looked like she wanted to claw her eyes out… but perhaps secretly enjoyed it behind that mask of disgust. Y/N’s two sisters were up next with a rendition of Love Story in which Nesta was surprisingly involved, followed by Amren and Mor’s take on Lady Marmalade, which was frankly the worst thing anyone had ever heard. If the monster lurking beneath Amren’s skin was anything like her singing voice, then Mother help us all.
It wasn’t long before her friends were cheering and whooping as Y/N stood from her seat - the final song. “Get him girl,” Mor whispered as she passed her, Azriel on her heels. She felt the shadows licking at her ankles as she ascended the steps to the stage, gripping the microphone that had been handed to her on the way.
As Azriel situated himself to her left, she stole a quick glance at him. He was looking at the floor, uncharacteristically tense under the gazes of all their friends. It was no secret that Azriel had the most beautiful voice you’d ever heard, a gift from the Cauldron itself, but it occurred to her now that maybe no one else had heard it before. Aside from her, at the couple of short practices they  had done. Even then, she didn’t think he was giving his all.
Y/N faced the front and prepared for the music to play - she was more of a seasoned performer than Azriel. She had played her fair share of gigs around Velaris, a good handful of which on this very stage. If she was showing some confidence, she hoped that it would spark some inside of him. She steeled herself, breathing in deeply as she raised the microphone to her lips, and the music began.
“He’s got gold eyes, crooked smile, knows that he drives me wild,”
She felt the heat of the spotlight on her as she let her voice ring through the bar. It was soft, to begin with, giving the song room to breathe, to build. She looked over at the man she was sharing the stage with, noticing tension already lost from his shoulders at the sound of her voice. His eyebrows were raised ever so slightly, and she knew then that he’d realised how she’d changed the lyrics to fit him, those perfect golden eyes.
“Can’t help myself, no I’m not in denial,”
The smile she sent his way was telling, it spoke a hundred words. But it wasn’t just her grin that conveyed the message she sent: you’re okay, you’re with me, move with me. There was something between them, an invisible thread connecting the two of them, body and soul and mind. Certain thoughts, certain feelings - she could feel his, and he could feel hers. A bond like this had meaning, they both knew this, but neither of them were bold enough to explore it, acknowledge it. Across that bond, she beckoned him: Azriel, you’re with me, and I’m with you… play with me.
“I know he’s no good for me,”
There was a flicker of something in the shadowsinger’s eyes, as if his mind had decided to pull him down an alternative route to the one he was prepared to go down, the one where he’d back out and run. A shadow of a smirk lingered on his lips, as his own shadows danced around him excitedly, egging him on. The weaving tendrils were clearly more than satisfied with the idea that flashed through their master’s mind, whatever images Y/N’s words had conjured up. Azriel, play with me.
“But when he gets down on his knees,”
The spark in his eyes only seemed to brighten as he brought the lyrics to life, sinking slowly down onto his knees before her. The shit-eating smirk he wore on his face in response to her evident surprise could have sent her to her own knees as she beheld him, kneeling, for her. Mother spare her. A quick glance to her right at the others confirmed that they had all had the same reaction she had, and she feared that the bar staff may have to assist in picking their jaws up from the floor. Azriel’s face was challenging, knowing, yet almost the picture of innocence as she felt his response in her mind: You told me to play with you. She sent one word back at him: Bastard.
If he was going to play dirty, so was she.
“He’s so eager to please, knows the right frequencies,”
He reached a hand out as if to touch her - where, she wasn’t sure - but she grabbed it before he could make any contact. Scars felt rough against her soft skin as she walked slowly, teasingly around him and she sang the chorus, her heeled boots tugging her posture upright so her body curved in all the right places. She caught Feyre’s eye as she circled Azriel, still knelt on the floor and looking as though he was more than content to stay there forever. Y/N’s sister looked like her eyes were about to bulge out of her head, her smile growing so big that Y/N thought it would be too big for her face. Next to her, Rhysand simply winked, an encouraging smirk boosting her confidence.
“They say he’s morally grey, what can I say? Grey’s my favourite colour,”
As she made her way back to the front of Azriel’s view, still gripping his hand as he held it upright for her to use, she slowly lowered herself down to a squat in front of him as she sang the line. From this angle, she was now much closer to his face than before, and she noticed the subtle sheen of lust glazing over his eyes. It almost made her lose balance - almost. She brought his hand gently to her lips, placing a chaste kiss onto his marred knuckles, and he took in a sharp breath. Most people flinch when they see his hands, or grimace, or turn away. Not Y/N. No, she thinks Azriel’s scars are part of his story. The backstory to a warrior, a survivor. Scars are not the memory of what happened, but a testament to who you have become.
“Morally grey, what can I say? Grey’s my favourite…”
She rose to her feet, prepared to give Azriel some space to begin his verse, remembering the nerves that clung to him barely a minute ago. As she began to turn, taking the first step away from him, something cold slithered around her ankle, and one around her waist. The shadows pulled her straight back to where she was as the music lowered, and held her in place, as if they knew that hearing his voice would send her to the floor. And Mother above, they knew her well.
“What can I say? No I don’t pray, but for your body, I’ll worship,”
She could have sworn her knees buckled, but she couldn’t tell from the shadows holding her still. Azriel’s voice was like silk, so soft and pure, yet it lit her insides on fire in a way that she’d never felt, burning her up like a beautiful, dying star. If his voice was to be the thing to send her to her death, then so be it. She would die very, very happy. He reached out once again, and this time she did not stop him as he ran his hand up her thigh all the way to her waist from his position on the floor. Even kneeling, his Illyrian frame was intimidatingly large, her body standing not too much taller than his. His eyes watched his hand intently as it traced the curve of her side, as if they didn’t have an audience, one that was most definitely gaping at Azriel’s sudden brazenness.
“Girl don’t be afraid, my love’s a grenade, just be a good girl, you can take it,”
Like an angel rising from the ashes of war, Azriel stood slowly, wings flaring as he rose to his full height. His gaze was already intense when she was the one looking down at him, but now that he was the one towering over her, the darkness in his eyes shot electricity straight through her body and into her core, her head reeling with thoughts so sinful that nothing could save her. His hand on her waist squeezed on the words good girl, and she was forced to bite her lip hard to stop herself from reacting in a way that would later be incredibly embarrassing. His eyes tracked the movement, lingering on her bottom lip as she released it from her teeth with a pop.
“Call me insane but for you, I was made, I’d burn the world down if it’d make you feel safe,”
The fire in Azriel’s eyes blazed as he took one step toward her, and another, and another, closer and closer. The upper hand that Y/N had held up until now had slipped, yielding step after step backward, her control completely faltering. She had always known that doing this with Azriel would likely create some… tension between the two of them, and he must have known, but Cauldron, this was unlike anything she had ever expected. Azriel was so close that she felt his body heat, felt her face warming, likely for everyone to see under the harsh glare of the spotlights.
“It’s you that I crave, and nothing compares to your taste,”
Y/N couldn’t help but feel like Azriel meant every single word he was singing. No, he didn’t write the lyrics himself of course, but the way his eyes burned with such feeling, and… what looked to be desperation, told her there was much more to this than meets the eye. And Gods… the way his voice cracked ever so slightly with a primal need as those final words left his mouth had her praying to whatever higher powers she could to forgive her for the damning shivers he was sending straight to the very heart of that taste he craved so badly.
As the chorus rolled around once more, their voices finally blended as one, and nothing had ever sounded so right. Azriel’s shadows danced freely around the two of them, creating a tornado of darkness, of intimacy, where they were right in the eye of the storm. The song continued, and the pull between the two of them was magnetic, almost hypnotic as they completely forgot about the audience they had; their family who were most definitely gaping like fish out of water. Y/N could feel Azriel’s warm breath on her face as he sang, his angelic voice whispering less-than-angelic promises that only she could hear in the way it trembled.
Y/N honestly didn’t think that Azriel could get any closer - what she failed to consider was that the shadowsinger was in so deep that he wasn’t planning on stopping until there was absolutely no space left between them. As the song once again softened, Azriel took his chance and leaned impossibly closer, abandoning his vocals in favour of a different use of that mouth. Y/N inhaled sharply as Azriel’s lips brushed against hers, gently, experimentally. Some instinctive part of her that knew this was right pushed her forward to press her lips a little harsher against his, earning a shiver from the shadowsinger. She heard a soft rustle coming from behind him as his wings twitched from the anticipation.
As he pulled away, Azriel heard a shaky exhale escape her lips, caused only by the feeling of him, the heat of two bodies pressed close together, the rush of meeting the lips of the person who, deep down, you know is made for you. Your partner. Your mate. That shiver he elicited from Y/N was the final straw - the last thing he needed to cement his plans for the night. His face still inches from hers, he whispered with a voice so low he wasn’t sure it had even come from him, “You’re mine tonight.”
One moment, the IC were watching dumbfounded at the scene playing out in front of them, some wondering if they really should be averting their eyes (apart from Cassian, who sat with a shit-eating grin on his face). The next moment, the stage was empty, a whisper of shadows the only thing left standing in their wake. Azriel had disappeared in a flash, winnowed to who knows where, taking Y/N with him.
“Goddamn, Az,” Rhys chuckled into his drink after a beat of shocked silence. “Nicely done.”
“No! But they didn’t even finish their song!” Cassian pouted, gesturing wildly at the empty stage as the music still played from the speakers.
“Somehow I don’t think that’s their priority right now, Cass,” Mor giggled, practically vibrating from excitement and pride, exploding with glee at what had taken place since her little pep talk earlier.
Rhys set his glass down on the table in favour of throwing an arm over the top of Feyre’s chair. “It’s about time those two did something about the obvious, right?”
As Feyre’s eyes sparkled with delight for her twin, she giggled at his words, overjoyed at the knowledge that Y/N may at last feel the happiness of having a mate. A partner for all eternity.  “Yeah… finally.”
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lustfulslxt · 8 months
hi yk that one vid of matt where its like boston matt and hes scratching his arm with his phone in his hand... can you make a fic where matt and y/n fuck in the bedroom and then they walk out into the kitchen and they start cooking dinner or something and have y/n make the video
Wind Down - Matt Sturniolo
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warnings : nsfw
After a long week of seemingly never-ending work, I am finally able to make my way to my boyfriend's house. He's who I always run to when I have a rough day, so after the treacherous week I had, he's exactly what I need. Since we're both free this weekend, he invited me over for a little relaxing slumber party.
We both just finished school, and since summer started, we have been so busy with working and trying to stack money before moving forward with our careers. Saying that, the last couple of months have been exhausting, neither of us really having a well-deserved and much needed break. So, when he texted me and told me to come over, and that he's got snacks and movies for us, I was beyond ecstatic.
Within ten minutes of leaving my house, I'm pulling up to his. I park beside their minivan and grab my overnight bag, quickly making my way through the back, towards the backdoor. Before I can even open it, it's opened for me, revealing Matthew.
"Hi, princess." He smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me into him for a kiss.
"Hey, baby." I smile, planting another sweet kiss on his lips.
"Ugh." He groans, pulling me into his arms, squeezing me. "I've missed you."
"I know." I whine, enjoying his warm embrace. "Everything's been so chaotic. I was thrilled when I got your text."
He grabs my bag and ushers me upstairs, following close behind me. "Of course. I knew we both have this weekend off and I just want to spend it with you."
Once we get to the kitchen, I interlock our hands and place my head on his shoulder. He's always been the best boyfriend, and I'm so thankful for him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, with our hands still connected, and walks us to his bedroom. There, on the bed, are all of our favorite snacks and drinks.
I turn to him with a huge grin, "You're seriously the best. What would I do without you?"
"Simply cease to exist." He jokes, earning a playful shove from me.
We both giggle, me skipping to the bed while he sets my bag aside and gets his TV ready to play a movie. I gather all the snacks up and push them aside, making room for both of us to cuddle.
"Are you hungry?" He asks, joining me on the bed.
I shrug, "Eh, not really. But if you are, we can eat something real quick."
"No, I'm all good. I was just making sure." He replies, getting under the covers with me.
He lies on his back, me curled up at his side with one of my thighs wrapped around him. I place my head on his chest, and watch him flicker through Netflix, looking for a movie to watch. His scent fills my nostrils, making me feel all warm and giddy inside. He always smells so good. I slip my left hand under his shirt, resting it on his abdomen, rubbing soft circles just how he likes.
"God, I've missed you." He mutters, kissing the top of my head and pulling me closer to him.
He sets the remote down on his nightstand table and turns to face me. Closing his eyes, he pulls me flush against him and buries his head in the crook of my neck.
"No movie?" I question, closing my eyes and indulging in the warmth he's providing.
"Not unless you really want to watch something." He says, his eyes fluttering down at me. "I just wanna lay here with you."
I smile and place a kiss on his lips, burying my face in his chest. "That's completely fine by me."
He grins, snuggling impossibly closer to me, both of us finding solace in one another. His hand sneaks up my shirt and rubs my back up and down, the heat of his hand causing goosebumps to spread across my skin. I wrap my arms around his neck and hike my leg up higher, desperate to be as close as possible. Time like these, I just want to live in his skin.
"I love you, Matty." I whisper against his cheek, the side of my face now against his.
"I love you more, pretty girl." He responds, planting his lips on mine.
It was a soft, but meaningful, kiss. His lips always move so tenderly against mine, both of us savoring the feeling it never fails to bring. We pull away, cheeky smiles adorning both of our mouths, before going back in. Our lips blend perfectly, moving together in a delicate and loving manner. My hands tangle in his hair, massaging his scalp the way I know he loves.
He pulls away and looks me in the eyes, quickly putting our mouths back together more desperately than before. His hands continue to roam along my back, my shirt riding up the higher he goes. One of his hands reaches the back of my neck, deepening the kiss and slipping his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues glide over each other with ease before he's exploring my whole mouth with his. After a moment, he pulls away, tugging my bottom lip in the process. It didn't take long for the heat to grow in my core, suddenly needing him in another way rather than just cuddles.
"You're so perfect, baby." He groans against my lips, brushing the hair out of my face.
"Matt." I breathe in a slightly whiny voice.
His eyes stare into mine, and I know he can read it all over my face. I need him so bad. He gently flips me onto my back, hovering over me and putting our lips together again. His hands slip up my shirt once more, softly gripping my waist and caressing my curves. It only takes him a second to decide to remove my shirt altogether. I slightly lean forward, assisting him in removing the piece of clothing. The moment my shirt hits the floor, his is also on the way down.
I pull him back down to me, our lips meeting in a feverish and heated kiss. My hands run up his bare torso, feeling the definition of his body beneath my fingertips. He turns my head to the side a bit, his lips trailing down my cheek and to my neck. He flicks his tongue along the sensitive skin, latching his lips around it. Nibbling and sucking all over, leaving me needy and breathless. He continues working his mouth lower, now peppering open mouthed kissed along my shoulder and collarbone, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake.
His hands never leave my body once, him straddling one of my legs with his knee pressed directly into my core. The small gesture is enough to have me clenching around nothing, excited to be filled. I can feel his dick growing, the bulge pressing against my inner thigh. I loop my fingers in the waistband of his pants, attempting to tug them down. He reluctantly pulls away from me, leaning back to remove the rest of his clothing. I do the same, both of us tossing them aside with our shirts.
The sight of his erect dick, his tip red and secreting the slightest dribble of precum had my mouth watering. His hands engulf my breasts, kneading them as his mouth takes turn sucking each nipple. The way his hands and mouth work against my skin, and the feeling of his dick brushing against my clit, has me softly moaning beneath him.
"Please, Matt." I moan out, slightly lifting my hips to grind against him.
"I know, baby, I know." He assures, pulling back.
He wraps his hand around his dick, stroking up and down, closing his eyes at the sensation. He leans forward, sliding his member in between my slick folds, coating it with my arousal. He aligns himself with my entrance, slowly pushing in just enough for his tip to be buried in me, before he's pulling back out.
"Don't tease." I whine, my hands clenching the sheets beneath us.
He slightly chuckles, pushing back in, this time all the way. I gasp, feeling the hard muscle deep inside me as he bottoms out. He stills, letting both of us adjust, his teeth biting on his bottom lip from the pleasure. After just a moment, he begins pumping in and out of me. I squeeze my eyes shut, my back arching off the bed. His strokes are slow, but hard, my boobs shaking with every movement.
He reaches forward, gripping plush skin on my chest, pinching the sensitive buds. Soft moans emit from my mouth left and right, my face turning to the side from the overwhelming pleasure. He grasps my jaw, turning my face back to him. He gazes down at me, studying my features, his thrusts gaining power, but keeping the slow pace.
"Always look so fucking pretty under me like this." He groans out, his hair dangling in front of his face.
"Mm, you fuck me so good, baby." I moan out, my nails digging into his bare back.
He smashes his lips onto mine, his hand still gripping my jaw as he fucks into me. He kisses me so deeply that it leaves me breathless. I'm on cloud nine. I can feel every vein that runs along his cock as he slowly pumps his member in and out of me, hitting my g-spot over and over again. The lewd sounds of my arousal and our skin slapping rings through the air, making this moment all the more delicious.
"Your pussy feels so good wrapped around me. So tight and wet." He moans, his thrusts becoming slightly sloppier. "Whose is it?"
I can't comprehend anything, my mind hazy with pleasure. Pornographic moans fall from my mouth, repeatedly. I can feel my orgasm sneaking up on me, causing me to clench around his dick.
"I asked you a question." He growls, his hand on my jaw turning me to look at him. "Whose pussy is this?"
"F-fuck." I whine out, "Yours. It's yours, Matt. All yours."
"Oh fuck-" He moans into my neck, his breath heavy. "You're goddamn right it is. All mine."
His thrusts speed up, him chasing our highs. My thighs clench around his waist and I can feel him throbbing inside of me. His tongue dances along the sweaty skin of my neck, teasing the sensitive bit. His panting and moaning in my ear, along with his deep strokes, push me over the edge. My legs begin to tremble, my head thrown back, nails digging into his back muscles. With a loud moan, I'm releasing onto his cock.
"Such a good girl, baby." He moans, his thrusts now completely abandoning their previous rhythm.
With just a few more pumps, his hips are sputtering and he's emptying his seed into me with a loud groan. He continues slowly fucking into me, riding both of our highs out, before he comes to a halt. He gently pulls out of me, collapsing on the bed beside me. Both of us have erratic breaths, our cheeks flushed a rosy, pink color. Our skin is slick with sweat, his hair stuck to his forehead, mine stuck to my neck.
"That was, wow." He pants.
"Matt." I breathe, causing him to look over at me. "I'm hungry now."
He bursts into laughter, making me join him. He leans over and places a sweet kiss on my cheek before getting up, grabbing my hand and helping me to stand.
"Let's get dressed. We can make something to eat, then shower and actually watch a movie this time." He suggests.
I nod in agreement, quickly dressing myself as he does the same. Combing my hair out with my fingers, I follow him out into the kitchen. He rounds the counter and opens the fridge, browsing for something to eat.
"Hey, do you wanna make a pizza?" He asks, looking back at me with raised eyebrows.
"Ooo, yes!" I cheese, "I'm just gonna go pee real quick. Get everything out and we can start when I get back."
He nods and does so as I make my way to the bathroom. I quickly go pee and wash my hands, heading back out to start out food. On the counter lays a baking sheet and a Totino's frozen pizza. I laugh upon seeing it.
"I figured we could just make this, since it's late and I know we're both tired. But if you don't want to, we can make a homemade one. It's up to you, princess."
I smile at him, "This is perfectly fine."
He smiles back and goes to preheat the oven. I take the frozen pizza out of the wrapper and place it on the baking sheet, then sit down on one of the bar stools while waiting for the oven to reach temperature. Matt comes and sits beside me, pulling his phone out to keep him occupied.
He looks so cute and so handsome. His hair falling over his face so delicately, his lips so pretty and pink. I pull my phone out, opening snapchat and start recording him. He doesn't have to do much of anything at all to make my heart flutter. He reaches back and scratches his back, suddenly catching my eye and seeing me record him. He flashes me a smile as I grin at him.
"You're so handsome, baby." I tell him, ending the video.
"Thank you, princess." He says, pecking my lips.
Once the oven preheats, we place the pizza in and set a timer for when it should be done. After it finishes, we run to his room with a plate and get in bed, eager to eat and watch a movie. This is exactly what I needed after the week I had. Matthew never fails to make me forget about everything else, instead, showing me a good time and making loving memories that I'll cherish forever.
a/n : hii, this was kinda just short and sweet! i hope it was still enjoyable! and sooo sorry for the wait, still tryna get back into my grove :))) love uuu x
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withleeknow · 9 months
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort; implies that minho has anxiety, unedited bc i am me and you shouldn't expect much from me lmao word count: 1.2k note: hello hello!! i've been meaning to write this since the day of the rock-star comeback but i'm only getting around to finishing it now lol. but the timing's pretty neat so consider this a christmas present from me and mine to you and yours!! <33
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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when the sun rouses you awake in the morning, you feel two arms loosely wrapped around you that weren't there before you fell asleep last night.
you smile to yourself, enjoying the warmth and comfort that he brings you. home, finally.
you turn in his hold, as gently as you can to not disturb your slumbering minho.
you don’t know when exactly he got back, but it couldn’t have been more than a couple of hours ago. sometimes, when he has night schedules, he doesn’t usually return until the sun is peeking over the horizon. you’re used to him having to work throughout the wee hours of the night every other week. you don’t like it, but you’re used to it.
you expect to find him snoozing peacefully beside you, with his handsome face and his lips parted cutely as he lightly snores, but when you finally shuffle around to look at him, you instantly frown.
a frown that matches his own.
baby, you think, what’s wrong?
even in his sleep, minho’s brows are knitted together, the corners of his mouth tugged downward like he’s having a bad dream. the instant concern that rushes through you parts the hazy fog in your brain, and then... you remember.
it was only half past three in the morning when your phone buzzed to life, the vibrations resounding brassily against the wooden surface of your nightstand. reaching out blindly for the device, you only needed to peek through one eye to scan the time and the caller id before you held it to your ear, your face still smushed against your fluffy pillow.
"i'm sorry," minho was quick to apologize. "did i wake you?" he sounded rushed, like he had wandered off to a corner to steal a few minutes for himself before having to go back.
you made a noncommittal noise, already feeling the exhaustion luring you back to dreamland. it had been a long week and you'd endured five whole days just to get to the weekend, to be able to spend hours on end with your boyfriend. it'd be just you and him, wrapped up together in your cozy little bubble, all your stresses and troubles kept at bay. he was always the best part of your days, your weeks, your months, even your years.
even though you were drifting, you still managed to ask, "is everything okay?"
"yeah, everything’s fine. i just missed you."
it made you smile nonetheless. he didn’t often disturb you in the middle of the night just to be sappy with you whenever he was stuck working odd hours, but it wasn’t necessarily anything out of the ordinary. minho could still be needy and clingy sometimes. it was one of the things that you loved most about him - that he could be a grumpy cat most of the time, but underneath that prickly exterior, he was just a big softie. you loved it even more that you were the only person who could bring out that side of him.
"missed you too," you mumbled. it didn’t sound at all lively, but you knew he could tell that you meant it.
you caught a sigh from his end before he continued. though this time, he let his defenses down when he spoke. his voice came out along with a tired exhale, laced with something that you would’ve been able to pick up on had your mind not been delirious with sleep. "wanna be there with you," he said in earnest. "want you to be here with me."
"when are you coming home?" you asked, even though the words came out a little garbled, your voice heavy with sleep.
"in a couple hours. i'll be home right after this."
"okay. we can-" cue a big yawn. "we can stay in bed as long as you want in the morning."
"yeah, that sounds nice."
"then i’ll see you in a bit, okay?"
he paused briefly before his next words came out a little unsteady, hesitant. the unease with which he spoke bypassed your unassuming radar completely. "can we just stay on the phone?"
"you don't have to talk to me. just... stay with me for a while."
you think you might've passed out again after that, the subsequent silence and his breathing on the other end having lulled you back to sleep in a matter of seconds.
my love, it brings tears to your eyes just thinking about it, how could i have missed it?
you quietly move closer to him, shuffling inch by inch until you’re chest to chest, hoping his body could sense your warmth and be comforted by it, even just a little bit. you press a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth, but even that simple touch stirs him awake even though minho is usually a deep sleeper.
his eyes slowly open, and you suppose the tug on your heartstrings loosens when the furrow between his brows eases as he takes in the sight of you.
he heaves a sigh of relief, and it’s like you can actually see some of the tension leaving his body as he pulls you to him, holding you against him so tightly that it’s impossible to move even if you wanted to.
"hi," you say, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck, snuggling further into him until it’s hard to tell if the heartbeat you feel is yours or his.
"hi," he replies, his soft lips placing a greeting kiss on the top of your head.
"bad day?" night, but oh well. technicalities. 
his answer comes muffled against your hair, though you feel the slight vibration of his chest when he mutters, "it wasn’t that bad. i was just a little overwhelmed."
"but it's better now?"
"much better, now that you’re here."
truthfully, you don’t really know what to say in moments like this. you want to be able to offer him reassuring words that could ease his nerves and calm his raging sea, but you’re not good with words. you never have been. you don’t think you ever will be, as much as you want to. for him.
it makes you feel guilty at times, not being able to give minho the peace he needs.
you do try though, to comfort him as much as you can.
"i love you," you say quietly. your arm wraps around him, your palm landing on his upper back where your fingers tenderly soothe the firm muscles you find. i'm sorry i wasn't there for you. i wish i have the right words to say to you.
"i could listen to you breathe and feel ten times better," he admits, putting some distance between your faces so he can look at you, as if it'll help emphasize his words. "i don’t even need you to do anything. i just need you. you’re more than enough for me."
his eyes bore into yours, glittering with nothing but a kind of sincerity that he never shows anyone but you. you kiss him then, soft and slow. you want to pour as much love into him as you possibly can. and even then you don't think it can amount to a fraction of what he deserves.
but nonetheless, you try. you try because he means the world to you.
i'll do better for you. let me share your burdens with you.
pulling away, you tell him, as your palm gently holds his cheek, a touch which he leans into instantaneously. "go back to sleep. i’ve got you."
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 25.12.2023]
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dsireland86 · 3 months
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The band has been working vigorously the past few weeks, making it difficult for you and Noah to have any personal time together. But you understand. Even went as far as getting him a little something and planning a special night together this weekend since Noah said it's some much needed time off. Getting to come see him and the guys at the studio is always a treat, and today is no different. But Noah is handsy and there is a deep need coming from him you're picking up on. It sparks the need and want in you, too and before either one of you can stop, want, lust, yearning, and desire take over both of you, stopping you from using your better judgement.
TAGS: @lma1986 @foliosgirl @thefallennightmare @concreteemo
@like-a-omen @magnificentstrawberryomen @dravenskye
“I’ve got a spot for you right here, baby. Come here,” Noah says, patting his lap. He removes his headphones once he catches me looking around for a place to sit. I've been here about ten minutes, coming in at the tail end of Nick and Jolly working out the last minute changes to a song they’ve been working on. I look at Noah, a bit surprised by his offer because normally he's the “all work no play” kind of guy when it comes to studio time. But his lopsided grin makes my heart jump and I can’t help but return the smile. 
Noah senses my hesitation. He slides the white roller chair he’s sitting in closer towards me. “What?” His eyes narrow while trailing up my body. I don’t miss the underlining grin that lingers on his lips when his eyes land on my bottom; his favorite thing.    
“I said come here,” he demands in a low, raspy voice, reaching for me and wrapping his large hand around my thigh to pull me into him. His firm grip creates a burning ache that shoots straight up into my core, making my muscles tighten. Staggering just a bit, my hands land on his shoulders as I’m forced to straddle his long, bare leg that’s exposed from the light pair of shorts he’s wearing. It differs from the black shirt covering his torso and the contrast fits him perfectly. His face, slightly covered by the ball cap he chose to wear today, holds an enigmatic expression, telling me he has some deep thoughts running through his mind. I run my fingers down the side of his face to feel the warmth and softness of his skin, watching his intense, espresso, almond-like eyes flutter shut briefly, only to reopen with a leering expression. My skin prickles from the familiar look, knowing that it always leads into something hot and heavy.
“That's better. I don't like it when you're so far away,” Noah pouts, removing his hat before burying his face in my tummy and planting kiss after kiss on the thin fabric covering my skin. I sigh and welcome the feeling of his hands running over my hips and down my legs and the gentle kisses that have more than a few times turned into feral bite marks and dominant clenches of passion around my throat. Those secret moments between us have brought me over the edge of extreme climaxes so many times, making me cry and sore for days. I smile, thinking about the way Noah often pins me down and makes me take him, moaning that deep moan in my ear that he does while he’s all the way in me, and how it gets me wetter than he thinks. I shudder at just the thought and suddenly I’m filled with a strong itch to devour him. I can already feel the wetness from my desperation forming a slight puddle and coating the brand new red thong I’m wearing. I bought it with a few others yesterday as a surprise for Noah. It’s my first time wearing it and I have to admit, it’s quite comfy. 
“You are very tense, Princess,” Noah murmurs, observing the tightness of my muscles as he runs his large hand up the inside of my thigh, faintly brushing against my already aroused sex. I grip his shoulders tighter to signal my awareness of his actions and he does it again, quietly groaning into my tummy before laying his forehead into me. His faint explicit choice of words makes me snicker because I know how frustrated he already is in more ways than just one. I suppress my whimper by clenching my jaw and taking a deep breath through my nose. 
“Got something on your mind you want to share with me?” Noah looks up at me with a disarming smirk. I want to slap it off him, because I’m aware that he knows exactly what he’s doing to me; on purpose. “You’re blushing.” The smirk turns into a sweet smile. I bite my bottom lip, placing my hands on either side of his sweet face.
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know,” I tease, running my hands through the loose tendrils of his soft brown hair, watching the way his eyes close and his head falls back a little at the feeling. “God, I love it when you do that,” he purrs, finally pulling me into his lap and wrapping his arms around me. Sitting on just one of his long legs hurts my bottom, so I stand back up to reposition myself. 
“You have the perfect ass,” Noah praises with appreciation, making my heart race. The slight way his hands grab my cheeks, palming them and lightly squeezing has me giggling.
“Wait, hold up,” and I can hear the playful surprise in his voice. “Are you,” but I quickly shut him up by turning around and placing a quick kiss on his lips. He tastes so fucking good, I can’t let go. And neither can he. I try to separate us, but Noah just tightens his grip. “You know, we’re in public, right?” I mumble against his lips. “I really don’t care. You look so hot, I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now,” he grumbles. Laughing, I’m finally able to push him away. “You better watch your mouth.” I grab his chin and give his head a small shake. 
“Stop trying to change the subject,” he accuses, trying to grab my ass again. “Noah! Stop!” I squeal. “I want to know what you’re wearing!” “Why does it matter?!” Noah scowles. “Why are you teasing me?” “Ha! What are you talking about, I’m not teasing you,” I lie, knowing fully well that I am. Payback for earlier. Our eyes lock. Noah just stares at me for a moment until I see the small flash of a spark that’s about to ignite a whole firestorm. 
“Oh baby, you’re playing a dangerous game,” Noah chides into my ear as I settle back into his lap, squirming until I find the perfect spot. I feel his soft cock already harden beneath my ass, making it harder to resist him. I can’t help but wiggle against him, loving the feeling of him beneath me. “Especially if you keep doing that. Fuck,” he growls before kissing my cheek. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” snickering while I do it again. The deep rumble in his chest that vibrates against my back is proof of his sudden agitation. “Stay fucking still, Princess unless you’re in the mood to take care of the boner you’re giving me.” Oh fuck. 
His bluntness catches me off guard as my eyes widen and face reddens. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you use the term “boner” before," I say, trying to suppress a laugh. “Well, what else am I supposed to call it?” He snickers, making me cover myself from slight embarrassment. “I have no clue,” still laughing. I lay my hands over his this, softly touching his tattooed covered skin before locking our fingers together. I relax against Noah, resting my head against his shoulder, relishing the feeling of his lean yet strong body beneath mine and letting my eyelids flutter close. I listen intently to the sound of his voice and how it rises and falls, reminding me where his famous growl and bark come from. I grin when I hear the slight lisp of his s sounds that are so adorable. Just like him. 
I can’t escape the yearning that’s been building up inside me for a few days since   Noah and I were last intimate. The band's grueling work schedule has had them either here or in Noah’s at home studio, working vigorously on their new content that’s had all of them super excited. I know Noah feels bad about not having much time for us, but I understand, and I often make sure he knows that. Hence why I bought the thongs. He’s often mentioned how much he wants to see me in them just because of how much he loves my butt. But today, I’m just antsy. I want him, I need him. I’m craving to have every part of him, every inch in me, on me, under me or on top of me. I didn’t realize how hard I was clenching his fingers just thinking about it all until Noah gently tells me in my ear that I’m starting to hurt him. “Gosh, I’m so sorry baby,” I say quickly releasing them. “It’s alright,” he assures me with a light laugh. “Are you okay? You’re really quiet all of a sudden.” I shrug, but nod. “Yeah, I’m okay.” “You sure? Your face is telling me something different.”
He nuzzles his face against mine, the contact of our skin connecting sends shivers over me. “I just miss you, that's all,” I admit honestly. “I miss the feeling of you.” I brush my lips against his cheek and hear him grunt. “I need to be inside you, Princess,” he whispers, after lowering his head so the others can’t hear him. “I want… shit….” he mumbles, squeezing his eyes closed. “What, baby, what do you want?” I ask him gently. He pulls me to the side of him so that we can look at each other. “I just want to make you cum,” he chuckles, lowering face. I can see red hue spreading over his cheeks and it makes the aching for him explode in me. “Shit, Noah, who’s blushing now!” I jokingly point out. He laughs, covering his eyes to hide his embarrassment. All of this makes me realize that we both need each other desperately right now, and since I’ve been dying to show him his surprise, I share an idea with him.  
“Hey, do you have a set of extra keys to the building?” “Matt does, why?” He looks at me with eyes that are twinkling with excitement. “You should get them. I have something to show you.” A wide smile spreads over his face as he pats my leg, indicating to me to stand up. He goes to Matt and gets the key, coming back over and reaching for my hand. “Come show me my surprise, baby girl,” he murmurs in my ear, leading me out the door into the hallway. 
Following the small hallway all the way down and then turning left, Noah leads us to the studio at the furthest end of the short hall. He shoots me a coy smile, reminding me that he has thoughts running around in his head; thoughts that I’m sure are just as hot and dangerous as mine. 
Noah fumbles with the keys, trying to find the right one, cursing each time he doesn’t until he drops them, growling in frustration. I force myself between him and the door, gasping slightly when his hard erection pushes against my aching pussy, making me whimper. “Fuck, Princess,” he whispers, reaching over and slipping his finger beneath my chin and grazing my lips with his thumb. I slowly lower myself to the floor and pick up the keys, suddenly eye level with his hard cock. Noah is so erect that his tip is welcomingly before me, making me fight the urge to undo his shorts and fuck him with my mouth right here in the hallway. Keeping eye contact, I instead, take his cock hidden beneath his shorts, and give it a little pump, then lean in and take his tip between my teeth, lightly nipping at the skin. “Oh my god, Y/N,” he growls between his teeth.
We’re greeted by complete darkness, but Noah knows his way around enough that he immediately finds the light switch and flips it on. A soft glow lights up the room, showing off the equipment located around the room. I don’t have much time to look around anymore, as Noah yanks me by the arm and turns me around to face him, slapping my ass so hard I cry out with a slight moan. He pushes us tighter together so that I can feel his pulsing cock against my belly. The tingles creep through my sex, bringing that familiar spreading heat to the wetness of my folds, causing me to whimper. He takes my hand, bringing it to his mouth and kisses my palm before trailing his lips up my fingers only to take a few of them in his mouth. He runs his tongue over them, soaking them with his spit then sucking it off. I don’t hold back the moan that fills the back of my throat. Noah grins. “I know I’m fucked when just the sound of your moan turns me on, Princess,” Noah praises, grinding against my soaking wet pussy. I whimper again, but it quickly turns into another moan. He drags my hand down his abs, past the button of his shorts and lays it on the bulge between his legs. “Feel how fucking hard you make me. He’s ready to fuck your pretty wet cunt.” My knees are weak, possibly about to buckle, so I grip Noah’s forearms for support. The images flashing through my mind make me feel flushed 
Rising to my feet, I capture Noah’s mouth with mine, slipping my tongue inside his mouth and tasting his warmth while unable to keep from palming his cock, grabbing its entirety. “Goddammit, Princess if you don’t fucking unlock that door right now, I’m going to yank your leggings down and pound into you so fucking hard you won’t be able to walk,” he growls into my mouth. I love when he gets so worked up and feisty. “Yes, sir,” I reply with a smirk. I turn around and easily find the right key and insert it into the lock. Noah braces himself against the doorframe, pushing himself into my ass so hard I hit the door before I’m able to unlock it. “Hurry up.” I bite the inside of my cheek, suppressing my laugh. 
“I know that look,” he grins, laying a kiss on my lips. “You’re crazy. I have no look,” I deny. But I know I’m not fooling him. “Ohhhh yes you do, Princess. Why don’t you tell me what it is,” Noah says, trying to convince me by sliding his hands under my shirt. He gropes my breasts, pulling a slight cry from my lips as my breath hitches. The fierce, heavy-lidded look taking Noah over by the second is fucking with my head in ways I can no longer control. I’m done trying to resist the tempting thoughts and desires I’m having for him. “Tell me, baby, tell me what you’re thinking about.” Noah raises my shirt above my head, taking it off and tossing it on the floor, and revealing my red-laced bra that matches the thong he has yet to see. The sight forces a groan from deep inside his chest. “Wow! Red is definitely your color, Princess,” he coos, lifting my head and getting lost between my lips, my jaw, and then my neck. His kisses, wet and sensual, trail all over my skin. Finally, his lips find their way back to mine and I exhale against his mouth, melting. Into him. Into the kiss. Into us. 
I help Noah remove his shit and run my hands down his naked chest, drinking in the sight of his beautiful tattoos that are such a fucking turn on for me. 
“You really want to know what I’m thinking about,” I ask, snaking my hands around his neck and locking them together. Noah nods and slips his hands inside my leggings. “I’m thinking of seeing how long you’ll last when I take your cock in mouth.” Noah’s dick twitches against me and from the blown look covering his face, he’s speechless. “What the actual fuck, baby. Wh…” but he can’t seem to find the right words to say. I have no idea where the new found confidence I’m feeling has come from, but I’m loving it; just as much as I’m liking the expression on his face. 
Noah slams his lips on mine, attacking me like a starved animal. He shoves me against the soundboard, lifting my leg to hook it on his hip. “Goddammit, princess you’re fucking with my head so bad, baby.” My fingers claw his back, digging into the colored flesh of Jesus, as small cries and breathless moans begin to seep out of me. Noah’s panting, his tongue fighting mine for dominance. His fingers tangle in my hair, yanking and pulling, making me want him even more. “Fuck, Noah,” I hiss, but we don’t stop. “I’m sorry,” he says, nipping my lips; the top first then the bottom. I groan, as his tongue plunges back into my mouth, forcing its way through my lips with brutal force, licking deep. “We can’t do this here,” I mumble through his kiss. His tongue tangles with mine as his hands wrap around my face, holding it tightly to force my head up, Another growl rips through Noah, desperate and feral once he breaks away from our kiss. Both of us are breathless, overly stimulated by each other’s actions. I glance around and my eyes instantly land on the soundbooth.“That booth,” I say, nodding towards the room through the window. “Those things are sound proof, right?” A wide smile spreads across Noah’s face. “They are,” he replies. 
I close the door behind me, making sure to lock it. The room is a little small, especially with Noah’s size and height, but there’s enough space for what we’re wanting to do. Noah’s looming presence behind me gives me shivers and I nearly come undone when I feel his soft kisses on my back. His fingers dance over my arms, making my skin prickle. I suck in a shaky breath, but once Noah spins me around to face him, I forget every thought. “I want to feel how wet you are for me, baby,” he demands. “I want to see what you’re hiding.” 
He takes my face in his hands, his long fingers spreading over my jaws, and carefully presses me against the cold hard door. I grab his shoulders to steady myself. Our breaths are hot, pouring over each other like gasoline that’s about to explode. Noah’s growing impatient. I can tell by the way his pupils suddenly dilate. He takes his hand and tightly wraps it around my throat, his hip thrusting against me as his other hands slip inside my leggings. Somehow, he manages to tug them down, and I kick them off,  finally revealing my little secret to him. The unholy sound that leaves Noah has my arousal coiling up in the pit of my belly. I hold back a whimper, afraid to even breathe. The clicking sound Noah makes with his tongue is followed by the shaking of his head, a few tendrils of hair falling into his eyes. Noah takes a step back, hand still wrapped around my throat, taking in the sight of me. “Holy shit, Princess. You look like a Goddess. I didn’t think you could look any more delicious than you already do, but damn I was wrong. This,” reaching for the front of my thong and running a long finger up my covered folds, sighing. “Mmmm, you’re wet.”
Noah looks down at me, his gaze is dark and hungry. I’m a writhing mess for him now, my walls aching to tighten around his thick, pulsing length and cum all over him. Pushing my panties to the side, Noah buries one finger, knuckle deep inside my tight pussy and invades my blood like an all consuming poison, humming in approval as I squirm beneath him. His hand around my throat tightens every time his finger slips in and out of me, making my walls quiver around him, and moan when his thumb finds my clit, drawing slow circles around it. “So fucking wet for me, Princess,” Noah purrs, kissing my forehead. “Fuck if I’m not hard for you.” Before I can stop myself, I reach down and cup him through the fabric of his shorts, squeezing him hard. He curses, muffling low noises in my ear. 
“Please, Princess, I’ve been such a good boy… I’ve waited so patiently for it. Don’t I deserve a reward for my patience?” Our eyes meat, locking together in a leering stare. Noah doesn’t have to ask me twice. 
“Sit,” I order, nodding at the chair behind him. Sliding his finger out, Noah obeys, resting his hands on his knees. I stand in front of him, hands on my hips, looking down at him and the blissful way he’s watching me. To the world, Noah is hot, sexy, gorgeous, and a million other crazy, sensual adverbs. He’s someone’s fantasy, someone’s desire, someone’s weakness. But to me, he’s just Noah. Sweet, soft, not so sure of himself Noah. I’ve seen him at his worst, loved him through his best, and stayed by him when everything seemed to be coming apart around him. Noah is my safe place. He’s my comfort and shield. He’s my heart. “What?” he asks, a small grin hiding in the corner of his lips. I shake my head, indicating nothing. Coming closer to him, I straddle his leg and run my hands through his hair, leaning down and kissing him. Gipping my hips, Noah pushes me down until I’m sitting with his leg between my legs. “I wanna watch you cum on my thigh, baby,” he admits openly. “I want you to make my skin wet.” I groan loudly.
Even though his offer is so tempting, I have something better in mind. “Not yet,” I smile while climbing off his lap. “Turn around so I can see your ass then.” I oblige Noah, turning around and showing him what he wants to see. “Mmmm, fuck, princess,” he stammers, tugging me backwards and lays small kisses on the skin of my bottom that sends the blood rushing to my head and my heart racing. “Bend over.” I obey, whimpering when his hands slide up my ass cheeks and his finger finds its way in between them, tracing the thin fabric that is laid between them. “Noah,” I whine, needing him to stop, but also not wanting him too. “God, Y/N I need to fuck you, baby. I need to cum inside you. Fuck baby, please,” Noah suddenly begs me. I turn around, taking in the washed out, tassel look that’s washed over him. He looks love drunk and it makes me giggle. “What, baby, I’m serious. Just come here and sit on me,” he pleads, reaching out for me. I shake my head. “Uh-uh. Nope.” “Fuuuck, why?” Noah’s whines are adorable. “Because I have another idea.”
I keep direct contact with Noah as I sink to my knees. He licks his lips, wiggling in the chair, as a small smile crosses his face. I undo the button on his shorts, aching to set his cock free, and tug them down from the sides, revealing the black tented boxer-briefs beneath. He’s so fucking hard and I groan when I notice the wet puddle on his briefs from the tip of his cock leaking pre-cum. “Shit, baby, I’m so hungry for you,” I breathe, feeling my jaws water while tugging his briefs off, putting his entire beautiful naked body on full display for me. My pussy screams and clenches for him.
“Holy fuck, Noah,” I breath, glancing up at him. Noah runs his hand over my cheek and wraps it around my jaw. “Then eat, Princess.” He gives me that shit-eating grin that drives me out of my mind. His words are all I need to begin. Sliding my hands up his long thighs, I lower my face towards his hard shaft and run my tongue straight up it, over the groves, until I reach the very tip where I finally take him into mouth. I moan the second my tongue tastes the sweet saltiness of his juice as I begin to slowly sink further down on him. “Fuck,” Noah breaths out harshly, trying to catch his breath. “I need more, Princess. Keep going,” he pants and I feel the soft pressure of his hand on the back of my head. I willingly obey, taking more of his delicious cock, attempting to go all the way down until it hits the back of my throat. The muscles in Noah’s thighs are tight and twitchy, telling me I need to do more to loosen him up and help him relax. I reach down and gather his balls in my hand, moaning more as the soft liquidly feeling of them in my fingers makes me wetter. “For the fucking love of god, Y/N, shit!” Noah’ bucks, rutting his cock further into my mouth and it finally hits the back of my throat. I gag, slide back and release some saliva, then sink back down while massaging the tender flesh in my hand. Noah’s moans grow louder the more I suck him, up and down, harder and harder, while pumping the thick shaft with my free hand. “You’re a goddamn, fucking goddess for this, Y/N, “ he mutters in a quivered breath.
His hand moves to cup my face, holding me in place as he begins to fuck my mouth. Noah’s breathing is ragged as I give him the moment to take charge, feeling my own arousal building up. A soft whimper escapes me as I try to match his slight pace, taking him deeper into my throat each time he pushes forward. His grip in my hair tightens, bringing my lips closer to his shaved base. I gag harder, saliva running over my hand. Noah inhales sharply. “You’re such a dirty little girl, Princess,” he groans. My eyes turn teary with the overwhelming sensation rushing through me. Noah undoes the clasp of my bra, releasing my breast. He pulls it off me and his fingers instantly find my nipples where he takes them between his thumb and finger, pinching them and twisting them until I’m moaning and whimpering louder than before. “Yeah, you like that, don’t you dirty little thing. God you’re fucking perfect, Princess.” Noah’s praises roll off his tongue like a prayer. With each hard thrust into my mouth, his cock flexes against my tongue. It sends shockwaves through my body. Sucking the salty taste of him and swallowing it makes me eager for his cum to fill my mouth. I pump him faster and deeper, suck him harder, swirl my tongue on his tip and play with the small hole at the end that makes Noah cry unholy words and sounds. “Take it all, Y/N, make me cum, baby, fuck, please!” 
His body tenses and his ragged breathing has turned into full panting. He groans and suddenly, I feel a hot wave of his cum in my throat. I gag, but he keeps his hand on my head tightly, giving me no option but to swallow all of him. “Urrghhhhhhh! Fuck!” Noah groans louder. His hips jerk violently in rhythm with each pulse of his release. I keep sucking around his head, milking every last drop of him before slowly pulling away. Noah goes limp, long legs falling open, head falling back, and arms falling to the side before he drags his hands down his face, dropping curses under his breath. “I don’t think you’ve ever made me cum that fucking hard before, baby. Holy shit,” he chuckles. “And you swallowed me. That’s a first. Why?” He takes my hand and helps me up, pulling me into his lap. He’s still hard, ready for round two, while I’m eager to finally feel him inside me. “It’s been a fantasy of yours. That and the thong. So I figured I’d make you feel better by giving you what you want.” Noah holds out his hand to me. “Spit.” I spit, then watch him use it as lub for his cock. “Ughh, god Noah, please fuck,” “Come here,” Noah begs, moving my panties aside and lining his cock up to my entrance. “Let me inside that pretty cunt of yours, Princess.” He shoves himself into me, and I cry out the moment I watch him disappear inside me, throwing my hand over my mouth.
“No,” Noah shakes his head, yanking my hand away from my mouth. “Soundproof, remember?” he says, gently pounding into me. “Scream for me baby. Let me hear you.” I pick up the pace and continue to fuck Noah unlike any time before, my hands gripping his shoulders, his hands gripping my hips. “Fuck, Noah, I’m close, baby,” I whine, unable to slow my pace. The way he fills me is heavenly, the way his cock molds around the tender flesh of my pussy fills me with indescribable pleasure that only he can fulfill. His mouth finds my breast and he takes each one into his, nipping and sucking the pebbled flesh until I’m crying out his name. “Noah,” I pant, urging him on with the movement of my hips with his. “Louder,” he growls out between clenched teeth. “Noah,” I moan louder, feeling all the ridges of his cock, his pulsing veins, naked inside me. “Faster, Princess. Fuck me faster.” His thumb finds my clit again and circles it, rubbing until the fire in my body concentrates on my burning core and I start to shake. “Fuck Noah, baby, oh god,” I scream louder, my fingernails digging into the flesh of his shoulders. “That’s it baby. Fucking take me. Make me cum inside your cunt, Princess.” Noah’s coaxing pleas are making me light headed. And then I feel his teeth on my neck. Hard. “Noah, oh god, oh god, yes! Baby don’t stop, please don’t, f-fuck!” My breath hitches and I throw my arms around Noah’s neck screaming as I suddenly explode around his cock, my walls releasing like never before. My heart beats through the roof, so loud I can feel it thundering through my whole, entire body. Noah doesn’t stop, only continues dragging my pussy against his base until the tension in him snaps and finally, I feel his second release as he spills himself inside me. His hips shudder and body jerks, the release pushing him so far over the edge that he bites down on my shoulder. I cry out, but take it, gripping the back of his head while holding him close. He clings to me,  breathing so hard, and I can feel the thunder of his heartbeat. 
“Thank you,” Noah whispers into my neck after examining the small bite mark he’s left. “For what?” I’m completely gone, lost in the aftermath of his sexual healing. “For making my fantasies come true. The fact that you would do something for me that you normally wouldn’t do for reasons I understand speaks loud.” Noah pushes me back and stares at me with the most loving look in his eyes. “I don’t deserve you, Princess.” I smile, brushing the hair out his face. “Yes, you do.” He kisses me. “I love you.” I lean back into him, locking my arms around his neck, thankful that I have him for life. “I love you, too. 
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its-avalon-08 · 2 months
it all fell down (ln4)
multipart story! part1 part2 part3 part4 part5
✦ pairing - lando norris x female reader
summary : lando norris and y/n were friends for 20 years, fell in love and dated for five. until it all fell down. they left each others lives abruptly and never spoke again, until they met again in the most unexpected way. can they find their way back or will certain scars never heal?
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A few weeks later, Y/N found herself at the Red Bull Formula One team’s headquarters. Her company had been invited for a special event, showcasing new collaborative projects. The idea of being back in the F1 world was both exciting and nerve-wracking, but it wasn’t race weekend, so she didn’t expect to run into Lando.
As she walked through the impressive facility, she spotted a familiar face in the crowd. Kelly Piquet, Max Verstappen’s girlfriend, was chatting animatedly with a few team members. Penelope, Kelly's adorable daughter, was playfully twirling around nearby. When Kelly’s eyes met Y/N’s, her face lit up with a warm smile.
“Y/N! Baby!” Kelly exclaimed, rushing over to embrace her. “It’s so good to see you!”
Y/N returned the hug, feeling a wave of nostalgia. “You too, Kelly. Oh my god it’s been way too long. I've missed you so much!”
Just then, Penelope ran up and wrapped her little arms around Y/N’s legs. “Auntie Y/N!” she squealed, looking up with bright eyes.
Y/N crouched down to give the little girl a proper hug. “Hey, P! You’ve gotten so big!”
Max Verstappen, standing a few feet away, turned around at the commotion and grinned when he saw Y/N. “Well, if it isn’t the famous Y/N,” he teased, walking over to join the group. “Long time no see.”
Y/N stood up, returning Max’s grin. “Hey, Maximus. Congrats on the last race, by the way. You were incredible. Cute little family you've got here.”
“Thanks Y/N,” Max said, giving her a friendly hug. “How’ve you been? We haven's seen much of you since- well yeah, missed you alot. How are you?”
“Busy, but good,” she replied. “It’s nice to be back in this world, even if it’s just for a bit.”
Kelly looped her arm through Y/N’s. “We’ve missed having you around. It’s not the same without you.”
Y/N smiled, her heart warming at the welcome. “I’ve missed you guys too. It feels like coming home.”
Penelope tugged at Y/N’s hand. “Come play with me, Auntie Y/N!”
Laughing, Y/N allowed herself to be pulled towards a small play area. “Alright, P. What are we playing?”
As she engaged with Penelope, Kelly and Max exchanged knowing looks, happy to see their friend smiling and relaxed. It was a moment of genuine connection and warmth, a reminder that some bonds remained unbroken despite the turbulence of the past.
Kelly watched Y/N with Penelope and then leaned closer to Max. “I hope today goes smoothly for her. She deserves a break from all of that. She is still hurting y'know baby?”
Max nodded, his eyes thoughtful. “Yeah, she does deserve a good day today. It’s good to see her smile again after we missed out on seeing it for months..”
Y/N lifted Penelope onto her shoulders, the little girl giggling with delight. “Alright, P, let’s go get some apple juice!” she said, feeling the joy of the moment lighten her heart.
As they made their way through the crowd, Y/N’s thoughts drifted. It feels good to be surrounded by friends again. Maybe I can finally put the past behind me. She smiled at Penelope, who was happily pointing out various sights around the Red Bull facility.
Turning a corner, Y/N suddenly collided with someone. Penelope squealed in surprise, and Y/N instinctively reached out to steady herself and the little girl. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up and met Lando’s equally startled eyes.
Oh no. Not now, not here.
Lando’s surprise quickly shifted to a mix of emotions. Y/N? Of all places, here? And she looks as beautiful as ever, You're joking. His heart pounded in his chest, memories of their recent argument and their past flooding his mind.
Before either could react, Penelope squealed with delight. “Uncle Lando!” she exclaimed, leaning over Y/N’s shoulders to hug him. This caused Y/N and Lando to be pulled closer together, their faces just inches apart, almost as if they were embracing. Lando wanted to wrap his arms around the woman in front of him and never let go. He missed this, the feeling of being loved by Y/N.
“Penelope, careful,” Y/N said, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart racing from the sudden proximity to Lando.
“Hey, P,” Lando managed to say, his voice strained. He gently ruffled Penelope’s hair, trying to focus on the little girl and not the overwhelming presence of Y/N so close to him. Why does this still affect me so much?
Penelope’s excitement was palpable. “Y/N is getting me apple juice! Come with us, Uncle Lando!”
This is not happening. Please, not now. Y/N could feel her pulse quicken, a mix of anxiety and the unresolved feelings she thought she had buried deep.
Lando forced a smile, though he could feel the tension radiating from Y/N. “Sure, P. Let’s get you that apple juice,” he said, trying to keep his tone light. Stay calm, don’t let her see how much this affects you.
They walked together, a somewhat awkward silence settling over them. Y/N could feel the weight of Lando’s presence beside her, each step bringing back memories she had tried so hard to suppress. Just focus on Penelope. Don’t think about him.
When they reached the refreshment table, Penelope squirmed off Y/N’s shoulders and eagerly grabbed a cup of apple juice. “Thank you, Auntie Y/N!” she chirped, then looked up at Lando. “Can we play a game now?”
Y/N forced a smile, her voice strained. “Why don’t you go show Max your juice, P? I’m sure he’d love to see it.”
Penelope nodded enthusiastically and ran off, leaving Y/N and Lando standing awkwardly by the table. The tension between them was palpable, neither knowing what to say.
Lando finally broke the silence. “Y/N… I didn’t expect to see you here.”
What are you even supposed to say in a moment like this?
“Yeah, I didn’t think you’d be here either,” Y/N replied, her voice tinged with an edge she couldn’t quite suppress. Stay calm. Don’t let him get to you.
Lando looked down, his fingers drumming nervously against the table. “How have you been?” he asked, the question loaded with more meaning than he intended.
“Fine,” she said shortly, trying to keep her emotions in check. Don’t show him how much he still affects you.
The silence stretched between them, filled with everything left unsaid. Finally, Y/N took a deep breath. “Lando, about what I said last time…”
Lando shook his head, cutting her off. “It’s fine. You don’t have to explain.” But his eyes betrayed the hurt he still felt. I don’t think I can handle this right now.
Just then, Penelope returned, tugging on Lando’s hand. “Come on, Uncle Lando Auntie Y/N! Let’s go play!”
Lando forced a smile, grateful for the distraction. “Sure thing, P.”
As they walked away, Y/N watched them go, her heart heavy with the weight of unresolved feelings and the painful realization that moving on was going to be much harder than she ever anticipated. Maybe it’s time to face the past, no matter how much it hurts.
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peachhcs · 4 months
a fic or blurb of ryan’s farewell party for will pls?!
charm bracelet
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy heads to boston after ryan begs her to fly out for will’s farewell party in hopes of reconciling things between the ex-couple (writing grace and samy’s dynamic was actually so fun because i’ve never wrote them before)
2.1k words
i got so carried away with this it wasn’t gonna be this long but it turned into a whole fic. the ending of this is a bit interpret how you want, but in my mind it’s them not completely ignoring one another, but they aren’t gonna talk it out for a long while. p.s. the baby grace and will photo i found is actually adorable!
au masterlist
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"please come?" ryan begged over the phone while samy sat at her desk pondering the offer he'd been trying to convince her of for the last twenty minutes. "if not for will, then for us? don't know when we'll see you if you aren't coming out to boston as often anymore," the brunette continued making samy feel even worse.
"hey, i'll still come to boston. i didn't just go for will, you know," the girl rolled her eyes slightly.
"then come out to see us. you don't even have to see will if you don't want. there will be enough people that you'll probably be able to avoid him," ryan kept persisting because 1. he knew samy still cared deep down and 2. she was their friends too and he knew the guys really wanted to see her again before school started back up.
"you're so annoying," she teased a bit making them both laugh. "i'll think about it, okay? i might have to be back at school, but i'll see."
"i promise," samy nodded and the two ended the call. when her phone found its place back on her desk, samy knew damn well already that she was completely free that weekend. she just didn't know if she could stomach potentially seeing will.
two weeks later, samy and her mom were on a plane to boston for the party. ellen was still very close to colleen and after being there for will his entire life, she wasn't missing this despite everything that's happened.
gabe and ryan drove into the city the day before to catch up with samy themselves. will didn't have much idea that the hughes were in town and probably wouldn't find out until tomorrow at the party.
"hey, hughesy," ryan greeted with a large smile. his arms quickly slid around the girl's frame in a tight hug before letting gabe take his turn.
"hi, it's good to see you guys again," samy grinned widely. she really did miss seeing them. it'd been since worlds that they were all together like this.
"i'm glad you came out. i didn't think you would," gabe admitted as the three sat at a small table waiting for the waiter to take their orders.
"i didn't think i was coming either, but i wanted to see you guys before school started and we'd get too caught up in everything," the brunette explained which made them smile.
"i can't believe school's gonna start again. feels like it just ended," gabe chuckled.
"don't remind me," ryan groaned earning more laughs from the other two.
the three quickly filled each other in on the things they missed. it felt like old times when everyone was in michigan together spending weekends sitting on a floor going back and forth with stupid little games. all of that felt like such simpler times because no feelings were involved. at least not any known feelings.
things settled a bit as samy and the boys ate their sandwiches they ordered and the topic shifted to one samy knew was gonna come up eventually.
"i don't know if i've said this to you, but will's a real idiot," gabe said quietly.
samy's jaw clenched a bit, "yeah, he is."
"have you..talked to him at all?" ryan wondered and the girl instantly shook her head.
"no and i don't really want to. i don't even know what i'd say to him or what he could say that would make me forgive him. he threw it all away and that really fucking hurts," samy admitted truthfully.
"right and you have every right to not wanna talk to him. he was an asshole for not trying to talk things out with you," gabe nodded in agreement.
"can i just say one thing though? i'm no way trying to defend anything that he said or did, but you gotta remember how will is with this kind of stuff sometimes. he says the wrong things when he's thinking something else. you guys were best friends above everything. you know him better than any of us probably. you really want to leave things on this note?" ryan said softly.
samy's gaze flicked away from the boys knowing ryan did have a small point in the back of her mind, but she wasn't ready to admit that. things were confusing and hard.
being back in boston had this pull on her. everything she's ever known came from michigan and boston—will being one of those things. he hurt her so badly, yet a really, really small part of her wanted to reach out.
"it doesn't matter anymore, ry. he meant what he said and even if he didn't wanna say it, he still did. i was basically worthless to him," samy couldn't though. her head overruled her heart knowing she needed to stand her ground because there was nothing more she could say to him.
will's entire house was packed with people. room to room, wall to wall, lawn to lawn—there were people everywhere. ryan wasn't wrong that samy could lose herself pretty easily into the crowd.
she hung outside a lot because out there she could escape anywhere if she saw will whereas inside could end up trapping her if she wasn't careful. she happily caught up with drew, aram, vote, and cutter who greeted her with bright smiles.
the idea of even being in the same proximity as will sent goosebumps down the girl's arms. her eyes were constantly flicking around as if she would see him turn some corner and make eye contact.
somehow, she managed to find a corner where it wasn't too crowded by the lawn chairs. the youngest hughes sat out on them just people watching when familiar locks of blonde hair started coming her way. for a moment, samy tensed, wondering how grace took the news about their breakup because she hadn't exactly talked to the oldest smith sibling since it happened.
"hey, samy," the older girl greeted warmly.
"hi, gracie," samy smiled, relaxing a bit when she saw the girl's smile.
"i'm happy to see you. it's been awhile," grace found a seat beside her for a moment while the brunette nodded a bit.
"yeah, it has," her gaze flicked away because they both knew why it had been awhile since they saw one another. grace didn't make a huge appearance at the family vacation a few months ago since she was busy apartment hunting and even then, her and samy didn't talk much because they never got to catch one another at the right time.
"this might be a stupid question, but..how are you?" the older girl wondered gently.
"i'm..i'm okay. hanging in there, i guess," samy nodded, biting the inside of her cheek.
"i'm sorry i haven't talked to you since..i don't want you to think i hate you or anything. last month was super busy and you looked busy and i didn't know if it was too soon to ask about everything.." grace trailed off a bit when she realized she was rambling. samy quickly shook her head.
"don't worry about it. i was worried you hated me," a small laugh sounded from the soccer players lips.
"oh my god no! i don't. i promise. i actually..am mad at will for how all of this happened. i..i was shocked when you left and i found will out there..i'm sorry. i..i wish i had an answer for my brother's reason, but i don't. i..i don't know why he broke up with you," grace frowned deeply.
"i left in such a mess, i'm sorry again. everything happened way too fast," samy shook her head.
"have you talked to him since.."
"ry and gabe asked me that yesterday and i said no. i mean, i have nothing to say to him, so why would i, you know?" the brunette shrugged.
"right, of course. mom told him this morning you and your mom were coming. that went over..interesting to say the least," grace tapped her finger against her cup.
"i've been avoiding him, i guess. i'm not sure i can really stomach seeing him, but..i don't know. felt like i owed it to him to be here at least? and the other guys too. don't know when i'll see them again. this whole thing feels like it screwed up everything with everyone," samy laughed dryly.
"i get it. i'm glad you did come. i saw your mom earlier, it was good to see her. even if will won't admit it, i know he's glad you're at least here too. one last hurrah before we move him out to california," grace said.
samy thought back to all the times will would talk about his move to cali whenever it happened. he'd always say how she'd fly out with him to help him decorate his apartment when the time came. plus, all the times will told her how he couldn't wait until they could live together so long distance would be over, yet he'd wait forever for her.
god, what happened to that will?
"you're thinking," the blonde pointed out, snapping samy back into reality.
while will knew her insanely well, so did grace. the two girls did grow up alongside one another even though there was a three year age gap. grace was the older sister samy never had as a little girl and she still was, so of course the older girl knew when samy was lost in thought.
"yeah, sorry," the younger girl shook her head.
"penny for your thoughts?" the expression made samy smile because will said the same thing.
"just how will always talked about me being there with him when he moved to california and how he couldn't wait until i was done with school to move out there with him. i wonder where that will went who was so ambitious about us and saying he would wait forever for me," the younger girl smiled sadly.
a little sigh escaped grace's lips hearing samy sound so heartbroken still. "i wish i knew what was running through his mind. i didn't even know he was considering it. it shocked the hell out of all of us. he's in there still somewhere, i know it and i know you don't wanna hear that, but i gotta believe it. i have never seen my brother like someone as much as he likes you, it confuses me how he just threw it all away like that," the blonde shook her head.
"you and me both," samy frowned this time.
"i think you just gotta give it time because damn, all of us believed you guys were it for each other. you'll find your way back, i think you two just need some space. will needs to settle in california and play a few games with the sharks and then i'm sure he'll come around. i don't believe this is the true end for you guys," grace said firmly.
the youngest hughes wanted to believe her so badly, but she just couldn't.
"maybe. it's hard to say though," samy said instead of being a complete pessimist about it.
the party ended a few hours later with samy successfully avoiding any contact with will. she didn't even see him which was surprising because she knew he was making his rounds.
her and her mom drove back to the hotel in silence just unwinding from the long day and talking to everyone they saw.
samy was brushing her teeth when her mom stuck her head in. the younger girl raised her eyebrow in confusion.
"i have a gift from you from someone i spoke to today," ellen said vaguely. the brunette raised her eyebrow.
mrs. hughes didn't say anything while she just placed the envelope into samy's hand. the girl saw her name scribbled across the top in handwriting that she quickly recognized as will's. samy's gaze snapped to her mom's.
"i told him he's gonna do great in san jose," ellen said because she knew her daughter knew who that envelope was from.
the older woman slipped out of the bathroom leaving samy with the gift in her hand. she should've thrown it away, but curiosity got the better of her and she carefully ripped it open.
there wasn't any note or card, only a small charm of a shark.
her eyes danced to the charm bracelet sitting on her wrist that held her most precious charms.
will knew everything about her charm bracelet because he supplied most of the charms on the chain.
she remembered seeing the shark charm in some little gift shop with will many months ago, quickly mumbling something about how adorable it was and would fit the aesthetic for will's soon to be san jose career.
she had no idea will went back to buy it for her.
samy even wondered how long he's had it for.
without a word, samy clipped it onto the chain, adding one more pretty charm to her bracelet and a tiny smile painted her lips.
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allthelovehes · 6 months
The Author*
Summary: You just moved into your new apartment and your new neighbour turns out to be the author of the smutty book you're currently reading.
Pairing: Author/Neighbour!Harry x Reader
Word count: 2.8K
Warnings: Smut, basically strangers, it's cute tho.
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles @bohemianrhapsody86 Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
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The first few weeks of living in your new apartment were, thankfully, relatively uneventful. You had managed to find a new job and keep your finances balanced, and the building you were in seemed to be relatively clean and well-maintained, and you'd never seen anyone who you thought would have a problem with you.
You travel back and forth between work by bus, not really feeling the need to have a car in the big city. Plus it gives you the perfect opportunity to read a good book, something you love but always slips in the cracks of your busy life.
It's the last day of work before your weekend, and you're on the bus home deep into a chapter of the book you're reading, everything is going perfectly fine. You're excited for the weekend as you still have a few boxes to unpack and some cleaning and organization that needs to get done.
You've been so into the book you're reading, that when you realize the bus just drove past your usual stop, you're shocked.
“Oh, shit.” You mutter under your breath as you try to think of what to do. You could just walk the few blocks back to your stop, the weather is fine anyway. You press the button, the bus comes to a halt at the next stop and you step off, thanking the driver for the ride. You begin walking, a tote on your shoulder and the book still in hand.
The streets aren't busy, it's not a particularly busy part of the city, and it's a beautiful afternoon. The sun is shining and there is a slight breeze, but not too much. You can hear the birds chirping and see the small kids playing in the nearby park, all in all a nice day.
You reach your building after a few minutes of walking, and the front door is unlocked and ajar, so you let yourself in and start to head towards the stairwell. When you reach the right floor, you spot your neighbour coming out of their apartment, the one you had seen the first night you'd arrived.
He was tall, much taller than you, and wearing a t-shirt that clung to his form nicely, and his sleeves were rolled up to reveal a collection of tattoos that ran all the way down to his hands. His hair was curly and looked incredibly soft and you wanted nothing more than to run your hands through it. His jaw was chiselled, sporting a stubble. He looked good, really good.
“Hey.” He says, his voice deep and smooth, and you can't help but notice the accent he has. “I haven't seen you around before, are you the new neighbour?”
“Yeah, I moved in a couple of weeks ago.” You reply. “My name is Y/N.”
“It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Harry.” He extends a hand and you shake it. You notice the rings on his fingers, they're large, but not tacky, and they suit him. He looks at the book in your other hand and chuckles, “A reader, eh?”
“Yeah, I've always loved reading, and this one is really good, I've been wanting to finish it, so I'm glad I missed my stop, I was so deep into the story I hadn't even noticed.” You chuckle and it's then when Harry notices what book you have in hand, his book.
“Hey, wait a second. You're reading my book!” He points at the cover.
“Oh, you wrote this? Well, now I feel kinda embarrassed.” You say, laughing, trying to hide the embarrassment and your blushing cheeks. The story is based around quite a few explicit sex scenes, and you're hoping he won't bring it up.
“I'm just messing with ya. I'm actually quite flattered.” He chuckles.
You talk for a few more minutes and then go on your way. He is funny and kind, and his smile is one that you know you would kill to see. His eyes are bright, and you love the way his curls move when he laughs.
As you make your way to your apartment, you're smiling to yourself, thinking about how good-looking your new neighbour is. He seems kind and easy-going, and you wonder if you'll ever be able to spend more time with him.
When you get to your apartment, you drop your things, kick off your shoes and throw yourself onto your sofa. You sigh and close your eyes, taking a moment to process the day, and what just happened.
Knowing the man who came up with those incredible sex scenes was living right across the hall from you, is driving you absolutely wild. You're not sure why you're reacting the way you are, you have no business thinking about him like that. But he's just so fucking hot, and his accent, and his body, and the way his arms looked...
You feel your skin begin to heat up, and a tingling between your legs, and before you even realise, your hand is down the front of your jeans. You start touching yourself, and all you can think of is him, and the words he has written. Your breathing becomes heavier and you close your eyes, imagining him doing these things to you, his lips and hands exploring your body.
You're abruptly ripped from your fantasy by a knock on the door, and you jump and scramble to pull your hand from your pants.
“Fuck.” You hiss under your breath, and run your fingers through your hair, trying to get it to look presentable. You look through the peephole in the door and your eyes widen, there stands Harry, and he's holding a bottle of wine. You take a deep breath and open the door, trying to appear as composed as possible.
“Oh, hi.” You say, smiling, but you're nervous. “What can I do for you, Harry?”
“Hey, Y/N, I just came to drop off some wine.” He seems nervous. “I figured since you're new it'd be a nice thing to do.”
“That's very sweet of you, thank you.”
“Well, I hope you enjoy it.” He turns and starts to walk back to his own apartment.
“Harry, wait!” You shout, and he turns back to face you.
“Yes, love?” His British accent thick.
“Do you want to come in? I'll pour us some wine.”
“Yeah, that'd be lovely.” He follows you into the apartment. You take the wine from him and pour two glasses. You hand him the glass and sit down next to him, making sure to keep some distance between you.
You chat for a while, sipping your wine, and you find yourself enjoying his company. He tells you about his writing and how he's working on another book, and that he's glad that you've enjoyed the one he already published. You tell him about yourself, about how much you love to read, and he tells you he'll send you copies of the other books he has published.
The wine is flowing, and so is the conversation. Harry is really nice, and you find yourself wanting to spend more time with him. The bottle is empty and your cheeks are flushed, but not just from the alcohol.
“Well, I should probably head home.” Harry says, and the disappointment is evident on your face.
“No, don't leave yet.” You protest, and his eyes lock with yours. “I'm enjoying your company.”
“Well, alright. I can stay a bit longer.” He says, smiling.
You're not sure why, but you feel compelled to lean forward and kiss him. Maybe it's the wine, or the fact that he's just so fucking hot, or the stories and sex scenes in the book he had written. You're not sure, but something is driving you crazy, and you need him. Your lips crash against his, and it takes a moment for him to register what's happening. But when he kisses back, your heart flutters and your stomach feels like it's doing somersaults.
You pull away and stare at him for a moment, and he looks at you with a mixture of lust and surprise in his eyes.
“Sorry.” You mutter. “I shouldn't have-“
He cuts you off by leaning in and kissing you again, this time deeper, and more passionate. His tongue finds its way into your mouth and your tongues collide, tasting each other. He pulls away and stares into your eyes, his lips slightly swollen and a smirk on his face.
“You're a good kisser.” He whispers.
“So are you.” You reply, a smile spreading across your lips.
He leans back in, kissing you more roughly than before, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek. He begins trailing kisses down your neck and jawline, eliciting small whimpers and moans from you. He makes his way down your collarbones and chest, then moves back up to your ear.
“Y/N.” He whispers. “May I take this off?”
“Please.” You reply, almost begging. He grabs the bottom of your shirt and pulls it over your head, revealing the lacy bra underneath. He stares at your breasts for a moment, drinking them in, before he dives down and sucks at the exposed skin. He moves to your other breast and does the same, and his other hand begins to unbutton his own shirt.
He removes his shirt, revealing his tattoos, and you can't help but stare. He has a slim yet muscular frame, and his arms are toned and strong. You trace the ink on his chest and torso with your fingers, and he watches your reaction with a smirk.
He stands up and grabs your waist, picking you up and setting you on the kitchen island. He leans down and kisses you again, and you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. You can feel his erection through his jeans, and it's big, really big. You can't help but let out a moan at the thought of him fucking you with that monster.
He reaches around and unclasps your bra, pulling it off and exposing your breasts. He leans down and takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling at it, while his hand plays with the other. You throw your head back and moan, grabbing at his curls and tugging slightly. He lets out a groan and grinds his hips against yours, and you can feel his cock harden even more.
“Harry.” You moan. “I want you.”
He removes his mouth from your breast and looks up at you, his eyes dark with lust.
“Are you sure, love?” He asks, his accent sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes, please.” You beg, and he smirks. You're so eager and it's making him impossibly harder. He undoes his belt and his pants fall to the floor. You stare at his cock hiding in his black boxers, and your mouth waters. It's long and thick, and you know that it's going to feel amazing. He pulls off his boxers, and his cock springs free, standing proudly.
He grabs your jeans and tugs them down, revealing the matching pair of lace panties. He groans as he looks at you, and his fingers hook under the fabric, pulling them down your legs.
“Fuck, Y/N, you're so fucking beautiful.” He breathes, taking in the sight of you. You're completely naked and exposed in front of him, and he can't help but marvel at how perfect you are. He leans in and kisses you, and you wrap your legs around him, pulling him close. He grinds his hips against yours, his cock rubbing against your wetness. He's teasing you, and it's driving you insane.
“Harry, please.” You whine, and he smirks.
“Please, what?” He teases, continuing his slow grinding.
“Please fuck me.”
He groans and searches for his wallet, finding a condom. He slides it on and lines his cock up with your entrance, pushing in slowly. He fills you up completely, and you cry out, arching your back. He lets you adjust to his size before he starts moving. He sets a slow and steady pace, and you're moaning and whimpering.
“Fuck, Harry.” You gasp. “You're so big.”
“You feel so fucking good, Y/N.” He groans. He thrusts his hips, his cock sliding in and out of you. You reach down and begin rubbing your clit, and the extra stimulation has you seeing stars. No wonder the smut in his books is good, the man himself knows exactly what he's doing.
His pace quickens and his breathing becomes laboured. He leans down and captures your lips in a searing kiss, swallowing the sounds that escape your mouth. He picks you up from the countertop and carries you over to the sofa, never breaking his rhythm. He lays you down and continues pounding into you, and you can feel the pressure building.
“Harry, I'm so close.” You moan, and he reaches down to rub your clit.
“Come for me, baby.” He growls, and that's all it takes for you to come undone. You scream his name and arch your back as the orgasm rips through you. He keeps his pace, thrusting harder and faster, prolonging your pleasure.
When you come down from your high, he pulls out and grabs your legs, flipping you onto your stomach. He positions himself behind you and pushes back in, causing you both to moan. His hands grip your hips and he begins pounding into you, and his grunts fill the room.
“Fuck, Y/N, you're so fucking tight.” He groans, his voice thick with lust.
“Oh, god, Harry.” You moan. The sound of skin slapping skin and the scent of sex fills the air. He reaches around and starts rubbing your clit, and the pleasure is almost too much for you to handle. He thrusts his hips, filling you completely.
“Come for me again, love.” He commands.
“Yes, Harry, fuck.” You cry out, your walls tightening around his cock. You know that anyone passing by your apartment would definitely hear the sounds of sex, but you don't care. The only thing that matters is the feeling of him inside you.
You come undone once more, and he fucks you through your orgasm. He moans, his thrusts becoming erratic. You turn him on so much, he never wants to stop fucking you. His cock slides out of you and he pulls you back up, turning you around to face him.
“I want you to ride me, love.” He growls, his voice deep and rough. You straddle him, your wetness coating his cock. He positions himself at your entrance and you slide down, moaning as he fills you again. You start moving, your hips rocking against his.
“Fuck, Y/N, you feel so good.” He moans, and his hands grip your hips, guiding you. Your pace quickens and you can feel yourself getting close again. You look at him and his eyes are filled with lust and desire, and it's the hottest thing you've ever seen.
Harry's lips crash into yours and his hands tangle in your hair. He breaks the kiss and his mouth moves to your neck, sucking and biting at the delicate skin. You let out a string of curses and he groans against your neck. He leaves a trail of kisses down to your chest, taking one of your nipples into his mouth. He nibbles and sucks on it, and his tongue swirls around it.
“Fuck, Harry.” You moan.
“Do you like that, love?” He asks, looking up at you with dark eyes.
“Yes, fuck, yes.” You reply, your voice wavering.
He continues his assault on your breasts, switching from one to the other. Your breathing is heavy and you can feel the pressure building again.
“Harry, I'm so close.” You breathe.
“Me too, baby. Come for me.” He growls, his fingers rubbing your clit. The combination of his cock filling you his mouth on your nipples and his fingers stroking your clit sends you over the edge, and you scream his name, your nails digging into his shoulders.
Your walls clench around his cock and he loses it, his thrusts become more erratic, and his breathing is laboured. He moans your name, and the sound is like music to your ears. He comes hard, and his cock pulses inside you.
You both collapse, breathing heavily. Your heart is racing and you can't believe what just happened. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. You lie there in his arms, trying to catch your breath, the scent of sex and sweat filling the air.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Harry says, breaking the silence. “That was incredible.”
“Mhm, you're far better than your books.”
“Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.” He chuckles. You snuggle into his arms, and he holds you tight. You've never felt so safe and secure in someone's arms, and you know that you're already falling for him.
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april fic recs
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𖤛 hi everyone!! i've read so many great fics this month, so i hope you all enjoy my faves of april!! 𖤛
⚘ remember to like and reblog the works you enjoy in order to support each incredible writer!! ⚘
֍ however, make sure you read the information on each story themselves such as triggers & warnings ֍
◈ if you’d like me to remove your fic from this list, message me! ◈
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lewis hamilton
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 it sounds silly by @pickingupmymercedes lewis hamilton x reader | bit of angst, self image problems, body image discussions
-reader is struggling with a self image issue and where lewis gives words of encouragement
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 lewis drabble by ^ lewis hamilton x reader
-lewis where he casually mentions in his gq interview that he has a longtime gf or wife.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 lewis blurb by ^ lewis hamilton x reader
-reader comes home drunk and Lewis reacts to seeing roscoe with those marks next morning
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 pipe down by @thef1diary lewis hamilton x fem!reader | 18+ smut, oral, fingering, reader says ‘sir’ like once, pussy obsessed lewis tbh, allusions to riding
-you were straddling lewis, stripped down to nothing but your panties.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 unexpected find by @waterlilydrops lewis hamilton x fem!reader | 18+ only, nsfw, explicit sex content, threesome f/f/m involved lewis, sex tape, reverse NTR, p in v sex, masturbation(f), slight dom/bub,spanking, dirty talk, blowjobs, mirror. If you feel uncomfortable, please exit promptly, 4k
-as you were helping lewis tide up the old apartment, you suddenly found out a video tape. however, as you inserted it into the vcr and pressed play, you realized just how interesting the content of this tape was.
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lando norris
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 dad!lando blurb by @russellsppttemplates dad!lando norris x reader | fluff
-lando posting or sending his family pictures of his milk drunk babies because he thinks it is the cutest/funniest thing
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 lando blurb by ^ lando norris x reader | fluff
-reader always forgets or looses hair ties and lando noticed this so he started to always wear one on his wrist for her
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 what i'm missing by @uglyducklingofthe2000s dad!lando norris x reader | fluff
-lando comes home from a race weekend to find his wife and kids in a moment that makes him wish that he wasn’t gone so often.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 my boobs by ^ big yitties!reader x lando norris x reader
-lando loves his girlfriend's boobs and she's just got used to him in private and public, in fact half of the time others notice before she does
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 the slip up by @loveluvrs lando norris x reader
-max was streaming with lando at his place. lando drags his feet over to the stream room, sitting on a chair next to max. he was scrolling on his phone, trying to pass the time. 
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carlos sainz
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 cooking up some fun with the sainz’ by @eccentricwritingbaby dad!carlos sainz jr x wife!mom!reader | fluff
-y/n sainz is a successfully famous chef with her own restaurant and ever since covid, she has been cooking on instagram live once a week. fans adore the sweet interactions between her and carlos and their little baby girl. 
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ellie williams
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 ellie drabble by @elliesprettygirl ellie williams x reader | fluff
-ellie desperate for reader but reader is always acting hard to get just for their ego. but ellie doesn’t back down..
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 ellie blurb by @ourautumn86 ellie williams x fem! reader | +18 content, mdni
-she tries to shush you but you’re scratching her naked back and it feels so good…
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alexia putellas
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 the mountain is you by @ceesimz alexia putellas x reader
-barcelona. once a place that felt like home to you, yet now as you clamber into the back of your taxi outside of the airport, it's the same but different.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 golden key to the sweet life by ^ mom!alexia putellas x mom!reader | fluff
-there was something intoxicatingly endearing about the way alexia interacted and whole-heartedly cared for her family and friends' children.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 our sun is setting by ^ alexia putellas x reader | mentions of homophobia and grief for a parent. It's quite a heavy fic, please keep that in mind.
-"i told my mami about you today."
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 close your eyes by @ktgoodmorning alexia putellas x reader | mind-numbingly fluffy, inspired by the song "close your eyes and count to ten" by grouplove
-you and alexia take a moment to yourselves on your wedding night, soaking in your time together.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 familia by @barcaatthemoon alexia putellas x reader | fluff
-how alexia realizes that you're the one.
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alessia russo
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 make yourself at home by @p0orbaby alessia russo x reader | SMUT 18+, not explicit but smut adjacent, oral (alessia receiving)
-all you want is a quiet night in with alessia, and tooney?
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call of duty
simon riley
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 simon blurb by @cntloup simon riley x reader | smut
-it's safe to say simon is utterly and completely devoted to you. 
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 ghost losing his ring by @ch1n1tahwrites simon riley x reader | fluff
-he was just coming back from a long mission, awaiting to be in his wifes arms in his big comfy bed.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 tommy by @simonrileysfavteacup simon riley x reader | fluff
-he came out looking exactly like his father. he acted exactly like him. he didn’t sleep, he had nightmares too often, he loved watching telly, he wouldn’t sleep without you near him, and so much more. 
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 the next of kin by @soapybutt17 simon "ghost" riley x wife!reader, oc daughter (cassandra "cassie" riley), john price | mentions of injuries, drug consumption, slight angst, mostly fluff, 1.6k
-simon needed to update his contact information, as dodgy as he was for giving everyone even a glimpse of his private life, he did so. who would have ever thought that it would become handy after an injury left him high on painkillers and needy for his girls back home.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 like mother, like daughter by @anangelwhodidntfall  dad!simon riley x reader
-in which you and ghost have a baby girl who loves to copy your facial expressions
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 olderbf!simon by @heavenbarnes simon riley x reader | fluff
-thinking about your older bf!simon that cannot cope with being far from you.
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harry styles
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 that 4am cry by @signoferoda dad!harry styles x mom!reader | fluff
-harry’s daughter has a set routine when it comes to her night time feed
✦ dividers by @cinnamoncafe, @saradika-graphics, @thecutestgrotto, @silkholland ✦
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geotjwrs · 4 months
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Jenna x male reader where she comes home from filming for the weekend because she has to see him and they fuck in the car going home from the airport because she can’t wait any longer
homecoming (18+)
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; smut
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It was a Friday evening when Jenna returned from filming a movie. The young actress had been away for weeks, working tirelessly to bring her character to life on the big screen. As her private jet touched down at the airport, Jenna couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of excitement. She couldn't wait to see her lover, Y/N, and the thought of their passionate reunion was enough to make her heart race.
As they made their way through the airport, Jenna and Y/N exchanged flirtatious glances and playful banter. Their chemistry was palpable, and the anticipation of what was to come only intensified their desire for each other.
"I missed you, baby," Jenna whispered, as she wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck. The warmth of his embrace sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't wait to feel his touch again.
"I missed you too, beautiful," Y/N replied, his voice low and husky. "I've been counting down the days until you'd be back in my arms."
As they walked towards the car, Jenna couldn't help but glance at Y/N suggestively. The thought of their impending lovemaking was all she could think about, and she knew that she couldn't wait any longer.
"Let's skip the drive home," Jenna purred, her eyes locked onto Y/N's. "I can't wait another second to feel you inside me."
Y/N grinned devilishly, knowing exactly what Jenna meant. He opened the car door, allowing her to slide into the backseat before climbing in beside her. As the car pulled away from the airport, they wasted no time in indulging their lust for one another.
"You know I'm always ready for you, baby," Jenna moaned, her voice breathy as y/n's fingers began to explore her body. He traced the outline of her curves, his touch soft and tender as he slowly undressed her.
"I can't wait to have you, Jenna," Y/N murmured, his eyes locked onto hers as he pulled her closer. "I've been fantasizing about this moment for weeks."
As their lips met, the passion between them was electric. Their tongues danced together in a sensual ballet, their bodies pressed tightly against one another as they deepened their kiss. Jenna moaned softly, her fingers tangling in Y/N's hair as his hands roamed freely over her body.
"I need you, Jenna," Y/N growled, his voice thick with desire. "I need to feel you, to taste you."
Jenna gasped as Y/N's fingers found their way between her legs, his touch gentle yet firm as he began to stroke her pussy. She arched her back, her hips moving in time with his skilled fingers.
"Yes, right there," Jenna cried out, her voice mingling with the sounds of their passionate lovemaking. "Oh, God!"
Y/N continued to work his magic, his fingers sliding in and out of Jenna's wet pussy as she writhed beneath him. The car was filled with the sound of their heavy breathing and the wet, sloppy sounds of their lovemaking.
"I want to feel your cock inside me," Jenna moaned, her voice raw with need. "Please, baby, I need it now."
Y/N didn't hesitate, quickly unbuckling his belt and freeing his hard cock from its confines. He positioned himself between Jenna's legs, his cock throbbing with anticipation as he prepared to enter her.
"Are you ready for me, baby?" Y/N asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Jenna nodded eagerly, her eyes never leaving his as he slowly pushed his cock into her waiting pussy. She gasped at the sensation, her body tensing as he filled her completely.
"Oh, fuck, yes!" Jenna cried out, her voice echoing through the car as Y/N began to thrust in and out of her. "Harder, baby, give it to me harder!"
Y/N obliged, his hips pumping steadily as he fucked Jenna with a fiery passion. The car rocked with the force of their lovemaking, their bodies slick with sweat as they surrendered to their primal desires.
"You feel so fucking good, baby," Y/N groaned, his voice strained with pleasure. "I could fuck you all night long."
Jenna moaned in response, her eyes closed tight as she focused on the exquisite sensations coursing through her body. She could feel her orgasm building deep within her, the promise of sweet release just within reach.
"Oh, God,Y/N, I'm so close," Jenna gasped, her voice barely audible over the sound of their heavy breathing and the wet slap of their bodies coming together. "Faster, baby, please, faster!"
Y/N responded by increasing the pace of his thrusts, his hips moving in a blur as he drove himself deeper into Jenna's willing body. The car filled with the sound of their lovemaking, their cries of pleasure mingling with the soft hum of the engine.
"I'm coming, baby, I'm coming!" Jenna cried out, her voice hoarse with passion as her orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave. She writhed beneath Y/N, her body trembling with the force of her release.
Y/N groaned in response, his cock throbbing as he felt Jenna's pussy clench around him. He thrust into her one final time, his own orgasm exploding deep within her as they clung to each other, their bodies entwined in the aftermath of their passionate lovemaking.
As their breathing slowed and their heart rates returned to normal, Jenna and Y/N lay together in the backseat of the car, their bodies still connected by the physical bond they had just shared. They knew that this was just the beginning of their weekend together, and they couldn't wait to explore each other's bodies and desires once they arrived home.
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reidbae · 11 months
DAY 27: Stress Relief — period sex w/dom!aaron hotchner
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KINKTOBER 2023: masterlist
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summary: Your hot, older boss, who’s been protective of you since day one, helps to remedy your stress when he finds out your time of the month has come.
pairing: dom!fwb!aaron hotchner x sub!fem!reader
warnings/mentions: mention of periods (obv), along with blood but it's nothing crazy, use of a condom and small mention of latex, very heavily implied age gap, reader is very shy, vaginal sex, piv sex, hip/thigh gripping, fondling, use of my love, angel, honey, sweet girl, and princess, reader is fucked dumb but also not rlly, hotch is super doting but there's some teasing, too, lots of praise, SO much slowburn i'm sorry lol (like the first 1.5k ish words), lmk if i missed anything!
wc: 3.3k
a/n: went a little overboard with this one oops :P also i'm gonna *try* to fill in most of the gaps i've missed for kinktober this weekend, but no promises <3 hope y'all enjoy this one!
tags: @nalycandy @prettyboydrspencerreid @mega-kittyglitter-1 @mrs-ssa-hotch @boimlers-gonna-boim
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You were working tirelessly in the bullpen of the BAU, when a caring, yet firm, hand landed on your shoulder.
It was that of your unit chief, Aaron Hotchner’s: And also, your lover’s. You and Aaron had been seeing each other in private for a while now, and while not officially together, you were pretty damn close to it.
The older man had taken on a calm, caring, and loving role in your pairing, always handling you in a sweet, and never hostile way.
It was a sharp comparison to the manner in which he carried himself in the field, but that was a different story, for a different time.
You usually saw Aaron everyday when work ended, you coming over his house, or vice versa. If you didn’t, you’d let the other know, and there would be some exchange of affection, at least.
But that wasn’t the case this week.
You had dozens of case files and paperwork to finish. You had work to do in general because of the main job, but even more than your team, mainly due to the way you had handled your previous case. Strauss wasn’t happy about it, and neither were you, because you had a hell of a lot of work to do now because of it.
As a result, you had been spending less and less time with Aaron, even avoiding him when you could, so he wouldn’t get a feel for your grouchy mood.
It didn’t help, also, that you were on your period.
When Aaron’s kind hand landed on your shoulder, you looked up in surprise to see him hovering above you, all packed up and ready to go home. He would usually stay a little later as the week ended, working as tirelessly as you were on paperwork.
So to seem him here, ready to pack it in for the day, was a little unusual.
“Hi,” you spoke, looking up at him with a shy expression. He could see the worn out look that your eyes held, the bags under them giving you away.
“Hello,” Aaron spoke in his calm, composed tone of voice, one you usually heard when he was addressing people in the field. It wasn’t always a bad thing, really, seeing as that’s the way he was supposed to speak.
But when he used it on you, you knew you were in for a bit of a talk.
As you’d done various times before, you moved the case files you were working on aside, so that Aaron could lean on your desk. He did so, and crossed his arms as his gaze lingered on yours.
“You want to tell me what’s wrong?” Aaron said brusquely as he looked down at you; His expression was genuine, though, as he did, and you could tell that he cared.
You looked down and away from him, letting out a heavy sigh, not prepared to have this talk with him. “What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong,” you said in a timid, low voice, avoiding the tall man’s gaze.
“Please don’t lie to me, honey. I can tell something is wrong. I’m a profiler, remember? Just like you,” Aaron reminded you, and from the corner of your eye, you could see his expression change from loving to firm.
“We’re not supposed to profile each other,” you reminded him, your tone small as you answered him. Aaron let out a little chuckle, shaking his head above you.
“Fair enough,” Aaron chuckled. “That doesn’t mean I can’t still worry for you, honey. You haven’t been yourself. I’m sure you know that.”
You gave him a shrug, not quite sure what to say in response to that. “Yeah, well—I haven’t been the best,” you admitted to him.
Your reveal caused Aaron to crouch down next to you, the way he likely had done for his son, Jack, so many times. You suddenly felt just as small, and turned your head away from him.
Aaron guided your face back to his seconds later, his dark brown eyes boring into yours. The look was sweet, though, and soft, as he put a warm hand on your thigh.
“What’s wrong, angel?” Aaron asked you curiously. You couldn’t deny the wave of butterflies that soared through your figure when he said that, and you bit your lip.
“I just have a lot of work to do, that’s all. And I’ve been—Moody,” you vaguely explained to him. You avoided using the word, “period,” for a fear of the weirded out look Aaron could give you if he heard it.
But Aaron took the words from your mouth in mere seconds, like he’d been able to do on numerous occasions. “Are you on your period, my love?”
Your eyes widened when he asked you this; Your cheeks warmed up as soon as his words finished, and you swallowed. “H- How did you know that?” you asked bewilderedly.
“Come on, princess. Do you really think I wouldn’t pick up on it? You get moody like this at least once a month, and I’ve been seeing you for seven. It doesn’t take a profiler to figure out what the cause of that is,” Aaron explained to you, rubbing his hand over your thigh. His tone wasn’t teasing, though, his words flowing from his lips in a warm manner.
You hid your face with your hands, hating, and loving, the way he could read you so easily. Aaron chuckled as you mumbled to him, “That’s so embarrassing.”
“It’s not embarrassing,” he assured you, moving his hand from your thigh to your shoulder. You’d be wondering how he was keeping his balance so well, if it weren’t for the fact that you were being so awkward. “It’s normal, and nothing to be ashamed of, honey. You’re okay.”
After a while of Aaron rubbing your shoulder, the unit chief broke the silence once again. “Is this why you’ve been avoiding me so much?” he asked.
“I have not been avoiding you,” you said to him, even if you knew you were lying through your teeth.
That was the very thing you’d been doing.
“Do you want to convince me that, or yourself?” Aaron chuckled, keeping his hand where it was on your shoulder. You shrugged.
“Okay, so maybe I have been a little bit. But it’s not you. I’ve just been so tired and stressed, and—I don’t know. I know it doesn’t make sense,” you said to him.
“It doesn’t have to make sense to me, honey. As long as it does to you, that’s fine with me. I understand,” he told you. “You need a break from work. Come on. Let me take you home.”
“No, Aaron, I need to finish these files,” you all but whined, the very idea of abandoning your unfinished work making you uneasy. Aaron chuckled and got up, holding his hand out for you to take.
“Come on, sweet girl. Don’t force me to make this an order,” Aaron said to you. You couldn’t really tell if he was joking or not.
But you weren’t about to argue with him regardless.
With a huff, you took his hand and got out of your chair. Aaron draped your coat over your shoulders, making sure you were warm. He then took you by the waist and walked you out of the bullpen, and out to his car.
Knowing you didn’t feel like driving, and promising to give you a ride to work the following day, Aaron drove you home in his car, attached to your hip until you reached the front door of your house.
“Here we are,” Aaron said as he held your hand, guiding you to your door, like you would fall if he let you go. Aaron pressed a loving kiss to your cheek, smiling down at you. “Call me if you need me, okay?”
You gave him a confused, and a bit of a sad expression when he said that. “Wh—You’re not going to stay?” you asked.
Aaron’s expression then mirrored yours, and he looked as confused as you were. His eyes glimmered, though, with what you assumed was hope in response to what you had just said. “I—Well, I didn’t think you’d want me to. I figured you needed your space.”
You shook your head at his cluelessness, sighing at the fact that he could even think that for a second. “No, I—I do want you to stay. I didn’t think you’d want to.”
Aaron chuckled, shaking his head at you and cupping your face with his hand. The heat of it engulfed you, and you nuzzled into his touch. “Of course I do, angel. You know I love taking care of you,” he murmured. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before saying, “And I always will.”
He wasn’t kidding.
Hours later, you were curled up in Aaron’s lap after an evening of pampering from him. He had made you tea, gotten you all of the snacks you were craving, even leaving the house to do so, and gotten you changed into comfy sleepwear, but not before showering you clean first.
It was days like this that made you wonder how you had landed yourself such a wonderful man; A man who wasn’t even fully yours.
But, God, the way he handled you—Like you were a real life princess, and he was ready to serve you at any command. It was nearly impossible to comprehend.
The unit chief’s hands were tangled in your hair, playing with it as he held you there in his lap. Your face was hidden in his chest as you closed your eyes, relishing in his touch.
You had been sitting there in silence for a while, and Aaron finally broke the silence by pressing a small kiss to your forehead. “Is there anything else I can do for you, angel?” he cooed. “Anything at all that you need?”
You shook your head, lifting your eyes up to meet his soft ones as he looked down at you. “No. No, I’m fine. Thanks for being here for me," you smiled.
Both of Aaron’s hands went down to your hips, holding them in a tender manner as he smiled warmly at you. “You know I always will be, princess.”
You smiled back at him, moving closer to him to press your lips to his. Aaron responded by rubbing your back, his lips eagerly answering your kiss.
When your kiss moved from slow to passionate, Aaron moved you in his lap, so that your legs were on either side of it. He was rubbing your back as you kissed him, and you all but melted into his embrace.
You had never felt this needy for him before. Never felt this needy for one human being before.
That’s just the effect that Aaron had on you.
You were snapped back into reality seconds later when Aaron’s hands began to dance at the hem of your underwear, close, too close, to pulling them down.
You tried to move his hands away, quickly growing shy at Aaron’s move. “No, Aaron, I- I’m on my period, w- we can’t—“ you began to slur.
Aaron cut you off.
“Come on, angel. Do you really think I care about that?” Aaron cooed in a loving tone, looking into your eyes. “I won’t pressure you, princess. But I can feel your need, and I am happy to oblige you.”
“No buts. It’s up to you. If you need me to wear a condom, I will. And if you need me to just pleasure you, then I am okay with that, too,” he whispered, cupping your cheek gingerly. “You’re not feeling good, and if I can make you feel better, I will.”
You were rendered speechless for several long seconds, unsure of how to respond to Aaron’s kind words.
Fuck, was he even real?
“Are—Are you sure?” you asked him, because you were unsure yourself about this. You had never had sex on your period before, let alone with a man who worshipped you like a goddess.
“I’m sure, princess. Say the word and I’m yours,” Aaron told you, running his thumb up and down your cheek. You gave him a shy look, and then a nod.
“I want you. I really do, Aaron, but—Only if you’re sure,” you said again. Aaron chuckled, shaking his head at you.
“How many times do I have to tell you, princess? I’m sure. Positive. Get that in your pretty head,” Aaron chuckled, causing you to smile as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Now, tell me what you want," he said.
“I—Um—“ you began, really not knowing the answer to that query. You bit down on your tongue, taking some time to think to yourself, before speaking once more.
“Well, I want to feel you, but—Can you use a condom, please? It’d just make me feel better,” you said timidly. Usually, you and Aaron didn’t use condoms very much, but you had a box of them in your house, anyways.
“Yes, honey. Go grab one for me,” Aaron smiled, kissing your lips before you got up.
Aaron took the condom from you when you came back with it, not saying another word on the matter. This is what you wanted, so that’s what he would give you.
You sat back in his lap as Aaron moved down his joggers, followed by his boxers. After what felt like years, Aaron’s cock sprung free from them, and from what you could see, he was already incredibly hard; Pre-cum leaked from his tip.
You sat in your own neediness as Aaron put the condom on, making sure that the latex reached the very bottom of his dick.
When he was finished, he gripped your hips, and pulled you to hover over him. He didn’t say a word on the blood that was so clearly in his vision; Instead, he lowered you down onto him, allowing you to take all of him.
Even after all this time, you had never gotten used to just how big Aaron was, his cock leaving you brimming with it each time you had sex.
And, as it happened, “Fuck,” was always the first word that left your lips.
Aaron chuckled at your vulgar use of language, and pulled you closer, beginning to kiss your neck. “Language, princess,” he said in a joking voice.
You giggled, biting down on your lip as you rode him. “Sorry.”
Aaron smirked up at you, but didn’t tease you more. Instead, he began to kiss your neck again, attacking it with a fervid passion.
Aaron left a trail of hickeys behind as he kissed and sucked at your neck; You were surely going to have to cover them up for work the next day.
One of Aaron’s hands went under your shirt, and with ease, unclasped your bra in one go. He discarded it to the side, as though it were the most unnecessary thing in the world, and began to circle his thumbs over your nipples.
You were worried you would hear the sound of blood as the two of you made love, but your whines and whimpers fully combatted the noise: You couldn’t hear a thing.
“There’s my good girl. You feel so good, princess,” Aaron inattentively praised you, his lips split open in pleasure. You whined in response to his words.
“You—Too,” you stuttered back out at him, your brain fogging up with the pleasure of the experience. “Mmm.”
Your eyes closed, and you leaned your head on Aaron’s shoulder as you moved yourself up and down. Aaron chuckled, bringing one of his hands away from your nipples to tangle into your hair. “What’s the matter, princess? Am I fucking you dumb?”
You let out a low whimper at Aaron’s teasing words, scrunching your face up in embarrassment. “Y- Yes, Aaron. You are.”
Aaron chuckled in response, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Good. That’s what I like to hear, honey,” he smiled.
After a while, Aaron felt the need to take over, and grabbed you by the hips once more. He flipped you over onto your back and climbed on top of you, moving into you now at a lethal pace.
“Oh,” you whispered in surprise, Aaron’s sudden change in pace causing your eyes to widen. But you weren’t complaining.
“Hm?” Aaron hummed to you, his breath warm on your nose as he moved himself into you. You shook your head in response.
“Nothing,” you murmured, earning a sly smirk from Aaron.
“Your thighs are shaking so much, honey,” Aaron whispered to you, kissing your neck again. “Relax for me, okay, princess? I’ll make you feel good," he cooed.
You felt yourself blushing as you nodded your head, surrendering to Aaron without having to think twice about it.
You were all his.
You were a hot, moaning mess under Aaron as your high approached dangerously close. Your period made you so much needier, so much more sensitive, and you were beginning to feel the effects of it.
Your expression was lewd as Aaron sensed your need, moving into you as quickly as he could, needy as you were to get you off. You were whimpering his name like there was no tomorrow, your climax burning low inside you.
“Shhh, princess, I know, I know. Almost there, honey, okay?” Aaron cooed in a loving voice as an answer to your whines, pressing butterfly kisses to your neck as he spoke to you.
All self-control fled your body as Aaron fucked you, and there was never another moment where you knew more what it was like to feel alive. Human, even.
“Please, I wanna cum. I wanna cum so bad,” you were mumbling over and over again, your speech unclear, all logical words fleeing your body.
“I know, my love,” Aaron whispered to you.
Then, Aaron did something you didn’t think would happen; He moved his hand down your body, and began to rub circles into your clit.
Immediately, you shook your head, trying to get his hand away as you realized what he was doing. “No, A- Aaron, no, the—Blood,” you all but exclaimed. Aaron shushed you with a kiss, letting his tongue slip into your mouth.
That sure as hell shut you up.
When he pulled back, his cheeks were flushed pink, and his dark hair was smeared over his forehead, stuck to it with sweat. “I don’t mind it, princess. I told you this. You need this, don’t you?”
Your eyes met his, and you nodded shyly.
“So stop it, and let me make you feel good, angel,” Aaron cooed, kissing your lips.
Your brain was too cloudy to argue back to him, and you relished in the feeling of his tongue tangled with yours, his thumb working rapid circles into your bundle of nerves.
“Aaron—!” you whined.
He had you finishing in seconds.
“Go ahead, princess. Scream for me.”
You did just that, his name leaving your lips in a way that your neighbors were going to hate. Your eyes shut with the feeling of pure bliss washing over your body, and you whined over and over again as you came down from your high.
When you were both all done, Aaron moved out from inside of you, and took the condom off. He smiled down at you, and pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose. “Was that good?”
You didn’t see how that was even a topic of discussion. Eagerly, you nodded. “More than.”
“Good. Let’s get you cleaned up, okay, sweet girl? I don’t want you to feel messy or anything,” Aaron said in a sweet voice, running his fingers through your hair.
You nodded at the brown-eyed man, smiling. "Aaron?"
"Yes, my love?"
You giggled up at him, responding to him in a soft, shy tone of voice, "Thank you."
Aaron's face softened, and he pressed one more kiss to your cheek for good measure, smiling down at you. "Anytime."
reblogs are very much appreciated! <3
please let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
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