#i'm unreasonably tired
makanioverlord · 7 months
just a heads up, if you get a dm from nobugdev, this person is trying to scam you and will tell you to kys r slur (then deleted the specific kys message before I could screenshot it lol) when you tell him you don't want to be paid under federal minimum wage :)
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this is just a small sample of the lovely conversation I had with this guy. it didn't last long because I didn't actually plan on taking the commission, and wanted to give this guy a wake up call as to how shitty it is to expect a grown ass adult to work for a wage that can barely buy a single candy bar in our current economic climate.
I've had an influx of scam artists and underhanded clients like this in the past 2 years, partially which I blame on AI art making ppl undervalue every creative profession out there. I'm fucking exhausted from having hours long conversations with someone only for them to tip toe around the fact they think my art isn't even worth a single grocery trip. not to mention people think artwork can be mass produced by a human like a machine now- it is not possible to do 10 cleanly lined images in "an hour or two".
even when I was working as a caricature artist, I was paid a base hourly rate on top of tips and was given much more time to work on black and white illustrations than what this guy was offering me. I usually block immediately and move on, but I'm tired of putting up with this type of shit on a daily basis.
tl;dr: know your worth artists, don't let these scumbags try to force you to do what is essentially sweatshop labor!
do NOT take this weirdo's commissions, even if the diary of a wimpy kid art style is simple you shouldn't be charged under federal fucking minimum wage for that type of illustration!
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soaked-ghost · 3 months
i was put in the utmv fandom to take all the edgy sanses that do nothing but kill and make them all actually want to live their lives and keep going despite their past mistakes
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dnangelic · 8 months
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hi. this might sound very funny given the muse but try not to steal from me. i know i talk a lot about my portrayal if not the series itself all the time, and i'm happy to always try to share canon resources/material while being more than welcoming of dupes, (i still love them very much,) but many, many, many of my metas, even the ones that might seem like 'base canon,' are usually still laced with my personal interpretations or outright headcanons that i'm not comfortable with being overly plagiarized, at least especially without being asked or spoken to. (it's also because my hcs are sprinkled in so much that i like to think i can tell.) muses should bear their own integrity and be able to stand on their own as their own characterization. some overlap is inevitable when multiple people are writing the same character, but it just gets weird when, as soon as one person writes or talks about something, it seems to show up immediately in another person's portrayal when it wasn't there before. don't use me as an interpretation resource outside of learning about my own specific portrayal for rp; read canon and come to your own conclusions.
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If you've never heard an LRAD go off in person, I *genuinely* do not want to hear your opinion about methods of resistance in the US.
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seaofreverie · 11 days
Anyway how is everyone doing
#had to get up at 6 in the morning and therefore had 4 hours of sleep today (a weekly occurence pretty much)#so i just took a nap which took all evening and i'm still tired yayyyyy. because naps only work how they should about 10% of the time#and also i did nothing else today because sleep and now i'm truly wondering what to do with myself anymore#meanwhile i have to get up and go to school again tomorrow 😑 and the day after that 😑 and the day after that 😑#or i could drop out again and have nothing else to do anyway and continue rotting in my room#(whether it's my dorm room or my actual room doesn't matter). what's the pointtttttt#might be reaching some kind of limit or maybe i'm truly just dramatising and should just chill about it all#save me 4 hours of music listening now probably. idk man#got my minimal amount of social interaction today in the form of riding the elevator with 3 of the ppl from my course#when i could have (and normally would have) just taken the stairs instead#i feel like i made a big important step today that will help me later on through this year (no not really)#at least one thing i've noticed recently is that i might have the reverse of what is i guess is usually called seasonal depression#in the sense that now that it's chilly and cloudy and it gets dark earlier i feel like i'm finally LIVING in a way#the good effect of that will probably pass after a week or two though#but also just a bit over a month left now until my birthday and then my long awaited trip!!#anyone else get unreasonably excited for their birthday each year even though there's never anything special about it in the end#and that only makes the day more depressing lol#ok whatever i'm done whining now i think. music time then#celebrating (a bit late) one year of gratsax and lil beethoven today. some of the albums of all time for me personally#goosepost
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
ughhhhh my boss keeps changing my goddamn schedule
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salsflore · 10 months
i found happiness in 1 cup of boba and god decided to punish me for it tenfold
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forcebookish · 1 year
god if any of you could send me your favorite forcebook video/interview/whatever of them just being cute and happy that would be great idk why but i saw literally two people being nasty and it's ruined my whole day lmao
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biollyante · 9 months
if you put on a mask to be loved, they will love the mask, not you
if you put on a mask to be loved, the mask will drain you
if you put on a mask to be loved, the mask will ingrain itself into your identity forever, becoming part of you
if you don't put on a mask to be loved, would nobody love you?
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allyouzombies · 10 months
I just read a goodreads book review that made me angrier than any inconsequential thing has made me in a WHILE. I loved the book, and I'm not a good critic of novels (or anything); I'm decent at analysis to be fair, but I like a read or I don't (on a spectrum of course).
But good goddamn, this review reeked with pretension and was written like the most unbearable food or music critic's diatribes. Adult character is lost in life, makes stupid choices out of grief/running away from issues/thinking distance from community will help/doesn't act logically as a character in a horror plot? Childish and not very bright! A large bustling family coming together for a major cultural and spiritual threat and asking the same damn questions over and over again, repeating the same arguments, etc.? Tiresome and muddled! Bro is your family (bio or chosen) totally chill? Have you never at least seen (in media or in others' lives) annoying family members beating dead horses for days on end out of concern and love and lack of knowing how else to help???
Dude I dunno, it just felt like legitimate criticisms one might have if they dislike a book or parts of its structure, but then those criticisms were a molehill buried beneath a mountain of hating some super fuckin' flawed characters making wild and awful choices in a time of grief and isolation. Screaming!!!!
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bambiraptorx · 2 years
okay can we as a fandom please stop ignoring the fact that the infamous line "she's crazy and she needs to go down" comes literally a day or two after Azula shoots Iroh with lightning and almost kills him?
I personally would not be too charitable to someone who almost killed me on the day after they almost killed me either
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caracello · 1 year
downstairs neighbors cast spell of hammer things for ever so loudly after only 2 blissful hours of sleep so i'm awake now.
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
Friends I crave distraction. Please feel free to send me random Star Trek asks - about the shows, the characters, hot takes, theories, your fics, my fics, someone else's fics- anything is fine, I would very much welcome it
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thelibraryiscool · 1 year
maybe i need to turn my monolgues (rants to myself in my room) into dialogues (expressing my annoyance)
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imwritesometimes · 1 year
having to tell my family I can't make the marinara sauce today like a solemn press conference 'due to unforseen circumstances I cannot make marinara today...' and everyone being like ok :(
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girlbossdean · 1 year
just got an email from netflix informing me that they're gonna put an end to account sharing, so guess who's gonna put an end to their netflix subscription <3
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