#i'm the fucking sicko meme right now
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q!Forever being manipulated by the black matter is opening the possibility of evil 4halo and I don't think I'm coming back guys goodby-
#qsmp#q!bbh#q!forever#forever#q!badboyhalo#bbh#4halo#qsmp 4halo#badboyhalo#OH THE FUCKED UP POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS#OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#TOXIC EVIL YAOI MY BELOVED#YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS#YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS#i'm the fucking sicko meme right now#positively quacking
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The SOMA - CROMA peace treaty
Well, seems I kinda was indirectly at fault for starting a "shipwar", so for Christmas I'll be the Grinch and steal all the animosity away:
Soul and Maka being together is obviously implied, it's not even just subtext but basically the point of the first one shot chapter. There are countless moments in the anime and manga that work with that and it is undeniable that the romantic part of "being partners" is the most felt with them - from all the handholding, dieing for each other, bickering but actually caring deeply for each other, the pseudo-kiss at the anime end, etc. Crona and Maka's relationship has romantic undertones too - and that is also mostly undeniable, especially in the anime but also in the manga - like Maka calling Crona's soul beautiful, abandoning her past believes and resentment for Crona, Crona defending and later even taking a deadly blow for Maka, saying Maka "made one happy for the first time", etc (Also manga spoilers, so I leave that for the iceberg videos later)
So what am I trying to say by this? That in the end, there really isn't any battle for "truth" - Ohkubo was simply too much pussyfooting and didn't really want to commit enough for either side in the end - because yeah, both side make sense but both also exclude each other. Prefering one or the other is not as much as one side being "wrong" but seeing another thing being reflected in you - basically what I mean - Soul and Crona are both self-inserts of Ohkubo, parts of his view of himsellf or better said archetypes that reflect on the audience: That's why maybe SOMA and CROMA both work in their weird ways - both are just the author shipping himself with his dream waifu - Wait, now I have ruined this for everybody- No, what I tried to say is actually, that charachters aren't "real". not in the sense of "oh it's just entertainment, don't overthink it", but in the way that they aren't individuals like me and you, in the end they are ideas being mediated, emotions being expressed - so is it really the right aproach to try to "PROVE" one's side? - And I'm being self critical here, cause even if I tried to make those posts "Memes" or kinda tongue in cheeck, I did express a sentiment of mine - one which thinking deeply is just emberassingin the end lol. But fuck, I probably miscomunicated with this again - look simplyl said, these charachters are written by the way one reads them, each interpretation is a seed of a story - cause that's what storys are themselves - a series of reteling and changes building on each other - like Soul is obviously inspired by Joe from Ashita no Joe - not consiously necessarily - but being the archetypical "too cool for school" ruffian with a secret heart of gold - but he also isn't just a retread - but an evolution, with the change of backstory from a street urchin to a rich kid under presure: So as "real" authors reinterpret storys, so does everybody, hell I freely admit that in my comic I bend the charachters in a way that I think is interesting and lets me say something new or funny or weird or just even stupid for the sake of it: So Tl;Dr - it doesn't matter which ship is "canon" or "valid" because in the end both "sides are doing something different which doesn't really denys each other - two different storys that yet reflect the one world we all are living in, so vast it's more diverse than any corporate "multiverse"
(Oh also on the whole "problematic" aspect - I think in the end one gets if they aren't some sicko, that yeah, one aspects the charachters in time to get over the charachter flaws that would make a relationship be not the best idea - like yeah Crona should become more of an independet person before "dating" Maka, so unless one wants Crona to stay either a murderous psychopath or a baby that has to be cared for by Maka 24/7, I think there isn't some problem - and why one then probably writes in the change in their interpretation - like I'm trying in my stupid comic, and why I didn't tag it as a CROMA story, firstly because I tried not to get into this whole shipping thing, which probably would have been better and why I' try to get out of it again lol, and because I thought that yeah a lot of things should happen before and that there is a lot potential beyond some generic "fluff" story or whatever people like) So yeah, this will be my last post about "shipping", and I hope people get something from it - worst case scenario CroMa and SoMa shippers can be united in actually having evidence and reason for their shit unlike shit like KidMa which has no canon at all lol But hey, I won't be an asshole for once and say even that could be an interesting thing to explore - the story of a bookworm that competes with the privileged talented Kid, only to see the imperfections as not things to gloat about but as what binds them all. IDK
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you again in 2024, and if this post only causes more drama, as allways:
#soul eater#soma#croma#soul eater evans#maka albarn#crona#shipping is kinda stupid in the end#should have followed my natural instincs as a boy on that lol#better hate me than each other#cromaka#soul x maka#merry christmas#happy new year
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I have scrubbed a bathroom floor. Saer is making apple pie?!
s4 ep2 The Valley of the Lost
Edit: this one has more Adult References than usual 😬 oops
okay so the problem with reading (...and rereading) That One Adora/Huntara Fic is that now EVERY TIME I see Huntara I'm just doing the Sickos meme again (link leads to my jokey post about the fic not the fic itself side note)
Especially in this room!!!
I'm literally like "ehehehe they fucked on that table"
plot plot Glimmer's gonna send them to the Crimson Waste to get Mara's old ship and fix it up so they have a space ship
I have a problem
I will attempt to stop thinking about them banging every time they're on screen together
I didn't mean to get a shot of her cross-eyed but I'm not mad about it
Perfuma's frustration about cacti is relatable
of course it turns out there's a whole fuckin' city
🎵I know who that is🎶
there she is, my bb, being all mean and shit *sigh*
obviously I can't make it show up in a screenshot but Catra's eye fucking twitching is HILARIOUS
Okay so they ship shift into Catra, and Catra shrieks and backs away, and it makes me think of that old joke about "would you fuck your clone" and (at least as of right now in the plot) Catra's answer would definitely be "no, because my self-loathing is just that strong"
plot plot Huntara's old friend got paid off by the Horde and now She-Ra and Friends are trying to fight off/run away from Horde soldiers
But also:
aaahahaha she's just like "stop making me look at myself omg"
I love Double Trouble
poor Glimmer has the worst FOMO
Today in "getting the exact moment Catra or Adora realizes the other one is there" ehehehehe
the girls are fighting!!!
go Perfuma go!!
(tbh this is just really well framed)
I had to slow it down to get this shot bc lolol look at it
wait this one too AHAHAHAH
how's that joke go? "you can bowl a cat"

(from this post)
y'know we don't often get to see Adora literally taunting Catra like this
it's too fucking cute i can't
OH RIGHT I forgot that was actually Double Trouble pretending to be Catra at ....some point during the fight scene. possibly the whole thing. I will still treasure those screenshots tho okay
BUT YEAH the rebellion has Mara's ship, and the Horde has Double Trouble the shapeshifter, dun dun DUNNNNN
Also the apple pie smells so good!!!
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Pokéchronology, Volume I: Yellow
Day 2
Things are really hitting their stride already. I'm finding and catching new Pokémon left and right, evolving them, adding to my type coverage, and doing a lot of battles. I can get used to this.
Something I'm finding as I go on however is that fighting every battle I come across, especially in a dungeon, is very taxing on my team and my resources, especially since some Pokémon are surprisingly strong and I don't have good counters to them yet. Money is limited and Potions aren't necessarily cheap.
Spoilers for Pokémon Yellow (lol) ahead.
Route 3
Something I forgot to mention in the last post is that I caught a female Nidoran before fighting Brock. Named her Prinzessin. She didn't help in the fight against him, I just realized that I had forgotten to mention her.
Anyway, LOTS of trainers on Route 3, which means lots of opportunity to level up. I focused mainly on getting Butterboy and Prinzessin leveled up, and occasionally BIRD UP whenever I felt they were suited to the battle. Butterboy had evolved into Metapod a little earlier and shortly after evolved into Butterfree. I knew Bug Pokémon typically evolve early, but not that early. But it's great that it happened because Confusion is proving to be a very useful move right now.
Prinzessin also learned Double Kick during the trainer battles, which actually would have been very useful in the fight with Brock. But of course, I didn't know that at the time.
Having fought my way through all the trainers, I entered the Pokémon center by the entrance to Mt. Moon and bought the Magikarp, which I named Ominous. Don't know why, probably because I thought it was funny to name the OG meme Pokémon something really edgy.
Mt. Moon
The first real dungeon. Mt. Moon is quite a trek to get through as I'm constantly harassed by wild Pokémon and taking a beating, not to mention the numerous trainers wandering the area. I picked up the Moon Stone and TM12 and caught three more Pokémon: a Zubat, a Geodude, and a Paras, which I named Nighter, Dwayne, and Mycoboss (that Paras was kinda strong when I fought it okay). Eventually I made it to what I believe is Team Rocket's Hideout.
I didn't get very far though as all the battles up to that point had drained my resources and I soon ran out of potions. With most of my Pokémon on the brink of fainting I decided to withdraw with the Escape Rope I had picked up earlier.
Time to prepare for another run. I decided I would use TM12 on Prinzessin to teach her Water Gun, adding even more to my type coverage, and evolved her into Nidoqueen with the Moon Stone I picked up. She's now an absolute unit, rocking 30+ in all stats and 60 HP at level 16, and ready to completely fucking demolish any Geodude who dares stand... or uh, float, I guess, in my way.
I pushed through Team Rocket's Hideout much easier than before, using Butterboy to clown on Zubat and Prinzessin to clown on everything else. Fully evolved Pokémon it turns out are pretty strong and make the game a lot easier. Caught a Clefairy that I named Fairyberry on the way to the end.
I chose the Helix Fossil after defeating the Super Nerd later in the dungeon, deciding that I liked Omanyte better than Kabuto. Shortly after, I'm challenged by that eternal dorky duo Jessie and James. Prinzessin swept away their entire team with little difficulty. Finally, I was able to exit the dungeon to Route 4, now on my way to Cerulean City.
Cerulean City
After wandering around checking the place out, I decided to head north to see what I could do before challenging the gym. Got spooked by Gary and his four Pokémon. I kicked his ass. Then I continued across Nugget Bridge, fought my way through the five trainers and got bamboozled by Team Rocket member #yes, but as usual Prinzessin cleaned him up pretty good.
I receive Charmander from the trainer with self-worth issues after the bridge, and catch an Oddish in the grass around the bend to the left. I named the Charmander Sicko and the Oddish Canteven. Then I proceeded to the east, challenging every trainer along the way to Bill's house. I realized I was REALLY soft to Psychic types while fighting one of the trainer's Slowpoke, which is a bit of a problem. Psychic is one of the strongest types in Generation I though, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I really need to get some good Bug type moves. Maybe Mycoboss can learn some, but I've been too busy leveling up Ominous to give them the attention they need.
Having beaten all the trainers in the area, I proceeded to rescue Bill and return to Cerulean City to deal with the Team Rocket member who stole the Dig TM, and once again, get destroyed because he has a fucking Drowzee on his team. But I manage to win the battle anyway and proceed to the south to see that the road is closed. I noticed there was some underground route to Vermilion City but dealing with that is for later.
It's time to challenge Misty. With my trusty BIG RAT by my side I felt I had little to fear, and while some of the Water types in the gym were surprisingly tough, I still dispatched them with ease.
Misty herself put up a bit more of a fight, as her Starmie is level 21 and has a considerable amount of health. BIG RAT could deal substantial damage but he also took a sizeable amount himself. I had to switch out to different Pokémon a couple of times to give him the chance to heal, and I have to say these 20 HP Potions are starting to feel a little inadequate. With Starmie having such high offensive and defensive power, I decided it was time for my trump card: Sleep Powder.
Sleep is kind of a stupid status. It can either be incredibly broken, completely disabling a Pokémon for five whole turns, or do basically nothing. Luckily for me, it was the former. I landed the move with Butterboy, took the opportunity to heal BIG RAT, and sent him in to finish off Starmie, defeating Misty. I'm surprised she only had two Pokémon. That combined with having effective types for the battle made her considerably easier to deal with than Brock, although I still had to use cheeky tactics to make victory achievable. But hey, all's fair in love and Pokémon battles, right?
Well, that's all for today. Another day, another gym. The game has continued to be pretty fun so far, I'm almost surprised how much I'm enjoying myself. I never used to think the core series games were something I'd be interested in, but I guess I was wrong.
Judging by the name of the next town, I'm guessing Lt. Surge is the next gym leader. I'll need to find some Pokémon that can deal with Electric types, and since I already know about Geodude and Sandshrew I think I'll go with them. Gonna have to train them up though, which could take a while.
Also, given my experience with Psychic types... I'm a little concerned with how that gym battle is going to go. But I'm sure I'll figure something out.
#rapifessor rambles#nerd shit#pokémon#pkmn#pokeblogging#long post#pokemon#pokechronology#pokechron#retro gaming#classic games
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Au things I'm thinking about right now:
Sidon seeing the spirit of Mipha for the first time
Sicko mode Link, who will he electrocute (hint, it's yiga members)
Aoc Zelda and botw Zelda a la Spiderman point meme
Revalink and sidlink existing at the same time among 2 different links
Angst. Good old fashioned angst
Zelda having a breakdown, what will she say
Link having a breakdown, what will he not say
Riju being an adorable child with Urbosa, Link gets his hair braided, it is Fun
Riju being fucking chaotic, do not give her the knife
Teba is a tired dad, oh shit he forgot he was a dad, oh God oh fuck how long has he been in the past for oh my God he has a wife and kid-
So if Link and Sidon are both in the past... Then who's ruling Zora's domain in the future...?
Where the FUCK did Zelda go? No not that Zelda, the other one
Hey do you guys think this is going to emotionally impact future link and Zelda in a negative way? Probably
Oh hey look were all going to die here!
Terrako shenanigans brings the aoc gang 100 years to the future, we will not emotionally fuck up the entirety of the Zora race by bringing Mipha here
No seriously, we're going to fuck them up emotionally
Regular Hyrule Warriors shenanigans, Midna and link reunion and it's GOOD they are in LOVE Hyrule is in trouble AGAIN but it's okay because they're TOGETHER
If you're link, and you're link, and you're link, and I'm link, then what the fuck is going on holy shit is that a robot what the fuck
Lana and Cia have officially fucked up, too many links
Ruto and Revali are BESTIES
Riju and Skull kid create CHAOS
Everybody loves Sidon, everybody, it is illegal to hate him
Ghirahim is forced to work with Master Kohga, it goes exactly as you think it might
Battle tested guardian and it's small egg child defeat Usurper twilight King Zant, fallen king now afraid of spiders
Ganondorf is a tired dad who doesn't understand technology
Astor is hated by all, until he becomes useful for a few seconds
There can be only one gray twink, heated debate between Ghirahim and Astor ensues
Marin will protect the egg robot with her life
Botw Zelda and link are honestly pretty terrifying to literally everyone who isn't from the same universe as them
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🥺🛒✨ for the fic asks!
Ooooo okay!! thank you for the ask!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
...Okay so like. I tried to think of a better answer, i really did. But the only think I can think of that WHENEVER I write a fight and it starts getting bad (aka GOOD) I start laughing a bit maniacally AS I'm typing. Writing conflict is FUN. writing characters pushed to meanness is FUN!! My earlier stuff was more focused on resolution, but the more I write the more I feel a bit like that meme of the guy going "hahaha, yes!" in the window and he's labeled as "sickos."
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Well, my most commonly used tags are Unreliable Narrator and Humor, so for sure those things. I think I also tackle loneliness a lot, even though I don't usually spell it out explicitly. A theme that I never really thought about but I'm realizing is in a LOT of my fics is a physical and emotional separation paired with The Yearning. The four most recent fics I have right now are very... divorce-ish? (behold, my writing ability.) So it's two characters who arent in great terms and have a pre-existing agreement that they're not really seeing eachother anymore but they MISS eachother.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
I'm funny as fuck, actually, and my dialogue is good :3
Thank you again for sending me an ask! I really appreciate it <3
fanfic writer ask game
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