#i'm so glad you're interested in beau
jackinalex · 9 months
Hi! As far as your post asking what we’d want to see for WCW, I hope to see more of Beau and Alex, to see more of Beau’s true colors with Alex. I’m interested to see where that goes, especially because of the story’s summary (about how Beau could cost Alex his life, I love angsty stories). Whatever direction you take it, I can’t wait to read it!! It’s the best jalex story I’ve read! :)
We definitely have a lot of character development for Beau to get through, so that's going to take up several chapters that are upcoming. But don't worry because it is a Jalex story, so that means that Jack is never far off. :-)
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bodyhopper-files · 1 year
Just A Dream
Beau woke up with the sun shining through his window, breaking into his bedroom with a ray of light. With a start, he remembered the peculiar dream he had just had.
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"Bro, I just had the weirdest dream..." he said, gazing up at the ceiling with a perplexed expression.
I had been waiting for this moment. I knew it was my chance to make sure Beau never figured out my secret. Pretending to be deeply interested in the dream, I asked, "Oh yeah, bro? What did you dream about?"
Beau's expression changed from puzzlement to awe. "I dreamt I used to be some skinny nerd but then I made a wish to be a dumb bro."
I chuckled, trying to sound as casual as possible. "No way, bro! Just look at you. You're a real bro with a sexy jock body, not some skinny nerd."
As my words hung in the air, I silently thanked the supernatural forces that gave me the power to transform him into a dumb, obedient bro while he was sleeping. I continued to act clueless, though I couldn't help but feel aroused at the thought of his new personality and the possibilities that came with it.
"Huh. So, what do you wanna do today, bro?" Beau asked me with a smirk and a slow, stupid drawl. I could sense the easy confidence settling into his voice and it only fueled my desire for him.
"I was thinking we could hit the gym and pump some iron, bro."
He nodded eagerly, flexing his biceps. "Hell yeah, bro! Let's get jacked!"
"And then I thought we could come home and you could rail me real good."
Beau's eyes widened in surprise at my suggestion, but then his thick, dumb jock-brain caught up and a cocky grin spread across his face.
"Fuck yeah, bro!" he exclaimed, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me close. "I've been waiting for you to ask me that."
My heart raced as I felt his muscular body pressed against mine, his hot breath tickling my neck. I could feel the bulge in his shorts growing harder and I knew he was just as turned on as I was.
"Maybe we should just skip the gym for today," I murmured in his ear as he nibbled my neck.
Beau leaned in, his lips brushing mine. His eyes opened slowly and a devilish smirk appeared on his face.
"Whatever you want, bro."
My face heated up and my heart rate quickened as I realized how far I'd taken him in such a short amount of time. His transformation was complete, and I was ready to enjoy every second of it.
We stripped off our clothes and tumbled into bed, exploring each other's bodies with eager hands. He kissed me deeply as I ran my hand over his bulging muscles, marveling at the perfect body I'd blessed him with using my special powers. We explored and touched and tasted each other until neither of us could take it anymore. Rolling over on top of him, I leaned down to meet his lips with mine, pressing my body tightly against his as our passionate lovemaking began.
He held me close and moved inside me in an exquisite rhythm that only heightened our pleasure. Every touch was electric and every movement was athletically performed. The new dumb jock might not have been all that smart, but his sex game was about to be legendary. I gasped and moaned as we both reached our climax. He finished by pumping his hot jock load into me with deep, animalistic groans.
We lay there afterwards spent but satisfied, curled up next to each other in a blissful afterglow. With one last kiss and hug Beau whispered softly "Bro, I'm so glad being a skinny nerd was just a dream."
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wuntrum · 1 year
Oooh I just started rewatching Twin Peaks yesterday! The last time I saw it was around 4 or 5 years ago. Just putting on the first episode again made me realize how much like home this weird little show feels like to me. It’s been nice to see your enthusiasm for it on my dash :)
may I ask what you enjoy most about the show, or why it appeals to you, if anything comes to mind? I find it’s a bit of an odd one to try recommending to people - I love it, of course, but my taste is a little strange, and I don’t find other fans out in the wild that often.
oooh, that's an interesting question! i think theres a lot of aspects that appeal to me about twin peaks...on a very surface level i love the aesthetics of the show, as someone who lives in new england (pacific northwest and new england are connected pacman-map-style in my mind), the settings and fashion are all excellent. i also love its absurdity, i love the fact that no one talks like a real person and theres people with such weird and distinct archetypes and over the top emotions all colliding with each other---that, and the way it approaches the sort of worldbuilding going on, plus the importance of dreams in the narrative contribute to such an interesting and dreamy atmosphere. i think what makes twin peaks special compared to things that were made after it and were inspired by parts of it is that even when its confusing and strange on a literal level, its always emotionally resonant--you don't need to understand it, because you feel it. the way they're able to set up all the people and relationships in this town so quickly, you really feel like you're a fly on the wall in this living and breathing place, even when its strange. you rarely see how buildings and places connect, but you don't need to because its all so convincing as a woven together location (and of course thats for like logistical/filming purposes, but it creates an interesting effect lol). it uses the familiarity of americana tropes (and even television tropes) and distorts them to create meaning, while still keeping parts of their signifiers intact. even watching it for the first time in 2021 was shocking throughout, so i genuinely can't imagine how it felt catching it live when it was airing, like there was nothing else like it! the fact that david lynch helped to make a prime time television show is something that like logically should never have happened, but i'm so glad it did. i also think on a production/creative level, its so interesting to see how it sort of morphed and developed as the original run and fire walk with me and the return unfolded, like what themes were dropped versus what (at first) insignificant details were given meaning and expanded upon.
i do think it can be a hard sell to convince people to give it a chance--i've had a friend or two try to watch it and say its too slow for them, or it just wasn't clicking. but i've also had more friends really get into it, probably because i have a lot of weirdo artsy friends (i say that with love of course). but i think it's a great gateway into other weird and absurd stuff, or at least it was for me. i also enjoy a good ol "weird thing happening in small town" story, and so it was interesting watching twin peaks and then revisiting stuff that was clearly inspired by it, or at least partially (welcome to night vale, s1 of stranger things...s1 of riverdale. but also i think the return has its own sort of inspiration fuel, like season 4 of barry and beau is afraid struck me in the same way that the return did)
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 months
Good evening,
Just popping in to say hi and check in on how you are doing? I’m really enjoying the pieces you have put forth for your febuwhump! There are all so good and leaving me wanting more and imagining what would happen next. I’m also loving how each piece features a different character I.e Dean, Jensen , or Beau. And especially Beau since we got to see so little of him so I’m enjoying all fics that expand on his character.
Couple of questions.
When ideas spark for a new fic with no specific character in mind. You know you want your reader to be this and dealing with that and have X Y Z happen but it doesn’t matter who is the character, my question is how do you pick. As in how do you decided to make it a Dean, AU Dean, Sam, Soilder boy etc? Do you just choose your favorite or brainstorm the world you want it happen in and then think the idea would fit if better if it was in a world with powers or spn-verse? (I hope that made sense)
Also who is your favorite non Jensen character to write for?
Lastly do you ever go back and just read your own fics for fun or simply to dive back in the world or are you the type of person who doesn’t like to read your own stuff? I find myself personally doing it a lot lately and it makes sense cause I wrote it bc I wanted it and was curious if others did the same.
Hope you are doing well. Thanks for everything!
Hi there! Things have been a little hectic lately! Overall things are good but work's been a wee bit nuts to put it mildly. I've been working late most nights this year (and last) but my boss told me to leave early today which was a win!
The febuwhump drabbles have been fun to work on! They're definitely snapshots in time that could easily keep going. There's one in particular that's not out yet that I think could draw a lot of interest for more 👀 I'm glad I'm able to jump around with the characters! It makes things a little harder which is a good thing to me since it makes me think.
For your first question of how I pick characters for stories, I try to let the plot drive the decision. If it's set in the SPN world, in cannon where the boys are hunters, I generally go with Dean because he's my favorite but also because I feel like I can write him better than say Sam. Now say it was a story about a superhero. Well let's say I've got AU Dean, AU Jensen and Soldier Boy as my options. Do I want the hero to be dark? Vulgar? Sensitive? Rich? Poor? How do I want the relationship with the reader to develop? Short answer is I ask myself a lot of questions in a short amount of time and branch down whatever path I think makes most sense. Sometimes where it really could be anyone, if I'm leaning towards someone in particular I'll pick them, or if I haven't written for them lately it'll go to them. It's a complicated answer but it really does change depending on the story!
Favorite non-Jensen character in the fanfic world to write for is Benny and Michael (I'm going to consider him separate even though he's Michael!Dean). Benny's one of my favorite side characters to throw into AU's you might notice. He's easily a good fit for a best friend character but has a certain...roughness to him that compliments Dean if that makes sense. If they do more SPN, I demand more Benny lol. As for Michael, I think he's a truly complicated character that is capable of both good and evil. When I wrote Wicked Game that was a big risk since it's a story focused so much on Michael. A reader is absent for a significant part of it even. But I just find the concept of the villain having a soft side so much fun (and writing that dark side too).
I do read my own stuff! Generally I do this with series more than one shots or imagines but I have my favorites I revisit with those too. I think all writers should re-read their stuff for fun. There's so much that's freeing when you're not being critical of the work but just enjoying it and it really helps you understand why readers might love something you think is awful. One of my favorite things is to see someone like or reblog a fic in my activity feed and then I get reacquainted with a story I completely forgot about! You're definitely not alone in re-reading!
I hope you're doing good and have a great day!
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I'm actually glad you said something about the tagging because I tag a/b/c, a/b, a/c, b/c but not for traction purposes but rather because from my perspective as someone who ships all 4 dynamics, it never occurred to me that it would be annoying. Cause when I see a/b/c in b/c tags I'm perfectly fine with it even when I don't want to read it at that moment because I like both ships but also cause I vew polyships as individual relationships that work together.
So to me it always made since that yeah Widomauk and Shadowgast should be tagged on the Shadowidomauk fic, particularly if Essek/Molly isn't part of the whole dynamic because those are the relationship dynamics within the larger relationship. So it was housekeeping on the poly end to let people know hey this is a poly relationship but these are who's dating within it.
I never really realized it might be annoying or misleading to tag that way if someone was scrolling through Beauyasha fics and there's a Beau/Yasha/Jester fic in the bunch but after seeing your post I realize it's the same thing that irritates me about larger ships that tag smaller ships who show up only for two seconds and clog up the smaller ship tag.
So, something new to keep in mind.
Thanks! Yeah I realize I went pretty hard and like, people who genuinely did not realize this are fine; it's the people who, as you say, either throw smaller ships into their favored larger ship to get people interested in the smaller ship to look, or people who tack on their fave onto a larger ship for the attention they'll get.
For what it's worth, I also think this is a limitation in Ao3. Like, in real life, I know one polycule that's a straight man and his bi wife, her lesbian partner, and his long-term girlfriend (idk if she's straight or bi). The first three people also all live together and have a child together, so it's like, a trio and three couples; not every possible grouping of these people is sexual, romantic, or even queerplatonic.
I think it would be great to cover a dynamic on Ao3 of like, "A/B/C with A/B and B/C but not A/C" more intuitively. Sub-ships for poly ships? idk someone bring this to the OTW. But in the meantime yeah I feel the best way to handle it if you're talking about a poly ship and then individual pairings or groupings within it is to tag the poly ship and then put pairings in the additional tags so people looking exclusively for A/B (or for that matter A/B/C but not A/B/C/D) don't see it but people looking for poly dynamics can pick it up at a glance.
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hide-in-imagination · 4 months
Helloyyyy, I'm so incredibly glad to have found a creator like you! Until now I have been a big fan of one creator in my country, she has amazing fanfics, yes, but what can I say, she is incredibly rude about her fans. It was enough for a fan to ask her something that she didn't fully understand and her only answer was 'isn't that obvious?' and nothing more, she didn't explain anything to him, and then she called her all fans 'stupid people' and literally always insults her fans while answering their questions . So I am very grateful for you! ❤️ Not only are your stories literally works of art, but you're also an incredible sweetie who obviously loves her fans very much and answers everything they're interested in, even if it can be weird at times 💞 So here's my question 😅 I want to ask if you plan to make Silvana and Simón meet at Roads That Cross? So if it's not something you want to keep secret, like 'yes or no? Who knows? You'll find by yourself, just wait'. Or if you're not planning some kind of one-shot about where Ambar can no longer hide the fact that she knows about her biological mother and tells Simón. And if this isn't the case either, I'm interested in what you think it would look like. Like under what circumstances would Simón find out? If he met her and she told him something like 'Hey I'm looking for Ámbar, she's my daughter, didn't you see her?' or if Ámbar was too much for one moment and she just wanted to tell him? Finally, I would like to apologize for such a long message. It's the first time I write a question like this and I don't really know how to formulate my thoughts 😅
Oh my god, I'm so sorry to hear about that writer. I mean, even if you thought a question was dumb or whatever, saying it is just so rude, especially considering that we write for a KIDS SHOW, I mean, did that person even take into account that there could've been a 10-year-old behind that question? A 12-year-old? 15? Calling them stupid is so mean when you have no idea who's on the other side. You never know what someone is going through, that's why you should always be kind; especially to people who consume your content, omg.
I might not be the fastest or most reliable writer, but you can always count on me on at least try to not be rude because that should be the bare minimum.
Having said that, you have no idea how giddy it makes me to read the word 'fans' related to me, I mean, I'm just a small fanfic writer?? I have fans?? sdkjfns *kicks her feet giggling and hides her face*
Now to answer your question... !👀 Yes, Simón will meet Silvana in Roads That Cross. I don't wanna give any details because I don't wanna spoil anything, but YES, he does, and I am so excited about that scene; I mean, it's not like a huge scene, but I love it, nonetheless.
Now, in canon-world, I imagine that Ámbar eventually told Simón everything, but she wouldn't seek out Silvana herself, so Silvana would have to show up again, either at the mansion or at the Roller to talk to Ámbar, and then, I imagine, she would meet Simón. I don't think she would introduce herself as Ámbar's mother because that would be pretty presumptuous of her, considering, but Simón could put two and two together after everything Ámbar told him, and maybe Ámbar is already there with him too, so it would be even easier to deduce who Silvana is by context clues. Simón would notice little similarities between them, like 'She's got Ámbar's nose' or 'she does the same thing as Ámbar when she's nervous.' How the whole encounter would unfold would depend on Ámbar though. I imagine she would be more open to listen now that her life's in order and she's happy, but at the same time, this is the woman who abandoned her for 17 years, so I don't think she would be very kind about it.
Anyway, do not worry about the long message, I don't mind at all! 💕💕💕 It actually brought a huge smile to my face, so thank you for that. And thank you for calling my stories 'works of art', that's beautiful, I'm so happy you like them💙
See you, anon, I hope you have a great week ^^
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mcalhenwrites · 5 months
A bit of a rant.
My dad is abusive and misogynistic. He claims every bad driver is a woman. He has treated my mom as an object and a house servant, all while berating her because she couldn't do everything he wanted of her. It was hard to watch. My dad mistreated his kids. He isolated my mom from her friends after they married. He tried to isolate his children as much as possible. I have begged my mom to try to get away from him almost my entire fucking life. I have gotten mistreated because I stood up against my dad to defend her, and he would tell me it was none of my business - even in my adult life. I'm so mad for her, and mad at myself for not being able-bodied and successful enough to make an income that supports me, much less affords my brother and my mom. (And I would admittedly choose my brother first, he's disabled as well and didn't sign up to be in my family either.) Now I am a trans man and have been out for 20 years. I was out before I even knew what the fuck BL was. I am pro-abortion and so many other things. Like, I do not even care what your reason is for terminating a pregnancy, that's your business. I'm upset by unequal pay. I do not like that we have a culture of men dominating households. Been there, done that, do not recommend. And I still have to live my life straddling this strange space where everyone only wants to see me as a woman, even though I'm just unable to afford top surgery and wasn't exactly in a safe place to do it either. And even if I never get it, that doesn't matter: I shouldn't be misgendered. So hearing the young ones say that I'm upholding patriarchy, that all men are bad (and deciding this changes between cis/trans so that you know you're never actually a man if you're trans!), that writing BL makes me a misogynist... I'm sorry, but some of you have no fucking clue. And it really shouldn't take my years of trauma to explain to people who aren't going to listen anyway that I'm not interested in IRL misogyny. Also, I have written women together! I have Seth and Bertina, Lydia and Alexia, Adelaide and Cora (but I'm sure they don't count in a lot of people's minds), Andy and Lucinda, Daphne and Eloise, and more as far as OCs go. I also have Wendy and Ruth and many others who aren't in relationships yet, and I have another ship in a new untitled story. I also have trans characters and some of them are also in relationships! Robin (she/her), Beau (he/him), Ambrose (he/him but I think he'd like neo-pronouns if he thought about it), Todd (he/him), Mish (they/them), my dragons are canonically gender apathetic and don't really care about pronouns as much as humans do, Mir (they/them)... honestly Seasons has a lot of trans characters. So yeah, I'm... tired. Very tired. Glad to know I'm sooooo on my abusive shitty dad's side of things because I like to write BL, which I'm sure he's not weird about at all, considering he got mad that my mom watches gay movies on Netflix.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 9 months
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@waxgentleman asked: Holidays Special Candle Service ! °❆⛄⋆.ೃ࿔🦌*:・❄️ “ What more could be? Obvious. It’s end of the year! Time to celebrate after all, ga ne. ” Silver tray’s lid is open and besides the fresh baked croissants and tea as she demanded, there’s a nice tied gift box as he waited for her to get it. Rolling eyes as he placed the dessert and teacup on the nearest table. “ How can I be thankful for a woman that makes my life both easier and difficult—I don’t know but; It's been an interesting year. I have to admit,  ga ne. Huh. Happy Holidays, Milady Ikkaku. You little master manipulator. ” Only failing behind his assistant Marianne. If gods were good they would never meet. “ I’m glad Mr Hawkins knows exactly the size of your head. I was afraid to have made something too small otherwise, ga ne. What a romantic guy, isn’t it? Keeping all important details of their future wwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.*・゚♫₊ ♪ *♬ Fu ha ha ha ha! ”
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"If there's one thing I do well - I mean, besides repairing engines and attracting grumpy men - it's making people's lives more interesting," Ikkaku chuckled, gladly taking a croissant from the offered tray. True, she could be a bit demanding of the artist whenever she stopped by Mihawk's castle, but she was surely less so than Perona. Besides, it was good to keep Mr. 3 busy. It gave him less time to plot with a certain beau of hers.
"If it's any consolation, I'm thankful for you, in a way. I think Mihawk's been a bit...well, not necessarily happier, but more content since you've started working for him. I think he appreciates your hard work more than he lets on. And I like seeing him like that," she stated, smiling fondly.
Then she noticed the box, and Ikkaku could hardly say no to a present, could she? The holiday season was still a bit strange to her, but she could appreciate the sentiment and made a mental note to try and get him a gift in return. Opening it, she was extremely pleased with the cute white beanie with the little polar bear ears. It was absolutely precious and she couldn't wait to wear it around Bepo. They could match and be adorable together, especially if she paired it with her fuzzy white sweater!
"Awwww! Thank you!!! It's--wait. Hawkins knows the size of my head?" she asked, peering at Mr. 3 with an expression of confusion and exasperation. "Seriously? Did he measure it in my sleep? Actually, wait, don't answer that. And I'm not his fucking wife, past, present, or future. So you'd better not call me that again, otherwise you're getting shoved up the chimney."
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luckylenses · 8 months
First of all l wanted to say that l love your artstyle and the drawings that you post, so thank you for posting them
Also, l don't know if your werewolf drawings have some story behind them, but the ones about Yasha's mark left me intrigued... Did Beau hel Yasha free herself? Is the scar afecting her transformations in some way?
Hope you recover from your artblock soon!
hello! that's very sweet and I'm glad you're enjoying my scribbles! These doodles are apart of a silly slow burn AU i got up in my noggin yes! Just because i can skip all over the timeline at any given moment but they do eventually face obann & co together (But Yasha is not free in that image) The art was more trying to depict Beau being inquisitive and or trying to sooth Yasha through bouts of lost control. I wanted to play with the dark angel thing bc its fun & why not. That scene in particular is pretty early on in their arrangement and its still eggshells & figuring each other out.
Beau is the kinda girl that i think would just touch a freaky glowing brand on someone's neck and give herself forth degree burns in the process, there was supposed to be more panels before i lost the motivation to work on it. Just depicting Beau being able to communicate with Yasha even when she's not entirely there, Rage, dissociation or anything in between. I dont think there's any actual link between like necrotic shroud or i guess fallen aasimar shenanigans and her mark, I think they trigger from the same place of despair and lack of control and maybe dark entities are pretty into feeding off that. Also thank you! again you're very kind and people showing genuine interest in my goofy doodles helps a lot.
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Super happy to see you're back and doing better. I reread your mer stuff all the time, was kinda hoping you'd do more this year... but noticed it says something about commissions in your bio?? 👀 Is there more info on that by chance?
I'm so glad you like my mermay stuff! The pod bois are one of the things I liked the most from my writing challenge! I had planned on doing Mermay stuff this year, but with school getting ready to get out it all just got a little hectic lol. Maybe I'll do Mer June, I have loads of merfolk ideas that I never got around to writing and posting.
As for commissions, I have all my commission info right here!
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi there! I was wondering if you could do like general being a parent headcanons for Caleb-Essek, and Beauyasha? Thank you!!
Parent Headcanons
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Caleb Widogast, Essek Thelyss, Beauregard Lionette, Yasha Lionette-Nydoorin
Type of Request: Headcanons, Character x Character
Note(s): Tagging this was interesting because I'm so used to "x Reader" stuff, hope I did okay with these headcanons for you anon!!
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So many stories. And you get fun magic to go along with it. Just some illusions and colored lights, but it's very fun to experience.
I can see them both being a bit of helicopter parents. They won't tell you what not to do (unless it's concerning your safety) since they think you should experience things, but Caleb has a cat following after you to keep an eye just in case.
Both had been very hesitant to be parents. They each have their trauma and aren't great people. But they do their best for any kid they have. There's probably some tears once they've dropped their kids off at an aunt/uncle's because they both can't believe they got lucky enough to have this family.
They're the parents that will tell you to punch another kid if they're messing with you. If you've already told them to knock it off and had gone to the teacher and nothing has changed, then punch that little shit.
Yasha absolutely makes your lunches and helps you get ready for school. Beau does her best to be there to give you a nice pep talk about being a badass (don't repeat her bad words please). They're the best moms.
I know teenage years is hard on lots of parents, but considering both of these girls were angsty teens in their adults, they have this handled. Just know that you're very much loved and if you need space then they both get it. If their kid is having a rebellious streak then Beau would be glad to show you some fighting moves just to keep yourself out of real trouble
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Hey Dear..As you can see i am hooked to your page
My fav being mini series between Y/N and Dean sharing her firsts
I was wondering if you get sometime…You can do similar with Beau Arlen
Just a thought
Xoxo 😘
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Yay!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it and that you've found that series. I really enjoyed writing their relationship and watching it develop, so I'm always thrilled when someone finds it. ❤️
It would be interesting to do something similar with Beau. I do have a second similar series of one shots with Jensen already, so I'd definitely have to try and find a new spin on it. But I will for sure give it a think and try and see if I can come up with something.
Thanks lovely!! 🥰
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mikaharuka · 2 years
7 Snippets, 7 People
So, I noticed this new tag game that @late-to-the-fandom posted, and decided to jump on the open tag, because why not? From what I've seen, the concept is seven snippets with a common thread
I'll tag (no pressure): @tsunderewatermelon, @udaberriwrites, @mrsmungus, @sliebman10, @writingpotato07, @oceangirl24, @danceswithdarkspawn, @kayedium-writes, @sarahlizziewrites, @axolotlsupremacyowo, @alpaca-clouds, @frostedlemonwriter, @aohendo, and the open tag for anyone else interested.
For my seven snippets, I figured I'd capture the evolving friendship between Beau and Mike, over the 14 chapters of Apricity that are up.
1 - Amethyst Impasse (Ch 3)
While Mme. Allaire took attendance, a hand tapped lightly on his desk. Beau looked over to find a conventionally cute, slightly baby-faced blond guy. “Are you Beauregard Swan?” “Yeah, though I go by Beau. And you are…?” “Mike Newton.” He nodded at the half-Korean boy. “Looks like you already met Eric.”  “He helped me find the room in time.” Beau looked at Eric. “Thanks again.” “All good!” Eric grinned at him. “By the way… what classes are you taking?” Beau put his schedule on his desk and motioned at Eric and Mike. “Honors student, huh? Definitely not me… we might share lunch though,” Eric said. Mike looked at the schedule. “We share a lot of classes… but in different blocks. We have AP Bio together after lunch, though. Did you need help finding the rooms?” “I think I can find them, but I’ll be sure to ask if I need help.” Mike nodded at him. Right then, Mme. Allaire called out another student for texting in class. Mike and Eric quickly turned their attention forward, not wanting to get called out. Beau was secretly grateful; though he appreciated their kindness, he needed a quick breather. He wasn’t used to that level of interaction or attention yet - hopefully that would change soon.
2 - Cerise Blossom (Ch 6)
Mike was only a few yards away from Beau when everything went down. Maybe he could help him make sense of things? Beau would have to ask him later, but for now, he read Mike’s messages. Mike: ‘Beau. Just wanted to check in’ Mike: ‘Hope you're feeling a bit better’ Mike: ‘Reply whenever works. No rush’ Mike: ‘Make sure to rest though’ Beau appreciated the space Mike offered, but he wanted to ask him about the accident. Or should he? He wasn’t exactly in the best state of mind. Maybe, Beau could give himself a few days. Beau: ‘On my way home now. Everything’s good’ Mike: ‘Glad to hear. We were really worried about you’ Beau: ‘I bet the gossip mill is running at full speed’ Mike: ‘More like it's working overtime lol’ [...] Mike: ‘Should I tell the others if they ask?’ Mike: ‘About the accident, I mean?’ Beau: ‘Sure, tell them whatever’ Mike: ‘Will do. Go home and get some rest’ Mike: ‘I’ll try to keep the others away for now' Mike: ‘We’ll figure out the notes and homework’ Beau: ‘Thanks Mike’ Beau: ‘I'm ready to call it quits for the day’ Mike: ‘See you when you get back’
3 - Jade Challenge (Ch 8)
It would be really useful to see Mike’s brain pick the hospital mess apart, but… “I… err…” Beau flushed slightly. “If you don’t want to say, that’s fine. Other clues will show up.” “No, it’ll be better to get everything on the table now.” “Are you sure? You’re looking a bit… err…” “It’s fine. It’s just… this is going to sound really stupid, but… uhh…” “Beau - we’ve already sailed well past stupidity into outright supernatural conspiracy.” “Oh my god. Mike! We’re full-blown conspiracy theorists now!” Beau cackled loudly. Mike put his head in his hands. “What even is my life right now?” “You sure you want to ask me that?” “Point. I can’t imagine what that feels like.” “Well, it became your problem ever since you overslept and ran late that day.” “Oh come on! I was just trying to do some last-minute studying for the midterm!” “And where did that land you?” Beau asked smugly. “...point. Again.” Mike shook his head. “So… what was your idea?” Beau sighed. “It’s a long story.” Oh well. In for a penny, in for a pound. [...] “I know everyone makes eyes at the Cullens, but wow. That’s certainly… uh… intense.” “Hey, you’re the one who asked!” Beau exclaimed. “I know, I know, thanks for sharing.” Mike appeased him, holding his palms up. “I do see why you think it’s related, though.”
4 - Azure Mystique (Ch 11)** [**this takes place in Agni: Nakshatra, Ch 3's fire/star phase]
The two boys stood frozen for several moments before Mike broke free first, tapped on Beau’s shoulder, and led them both outside. Once the door closed, Beau addressed him. “Dude, what the fuck,” Beau said in a rush. “That’s… one way to put it.” “How the fuck is this getting so complicated?” “You’re asking the wrong person, dude.” “No seriously - what is this? Some kind of cosmic joke?” Beau asked more rapidly. Mike looked Beau over and furrowed his eyebrows, deep in thought, before grabbing his free hand and leading him back to the coffee shop they visited earlier. “Let’s get something to eat before we head back. We should still make it back by nine,” Mike looked back at Beau. “Besides, it looks like you could use a strong mint tea.” “Huh?” Beau paused for a moment before he snorted. “Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks.” Beau looked over the other boy, deeply grateful for his steady presence through the entire mess they were caught up in. Mike pulled him along before Beau picked up the pace to match his stride. “What about you? It must be pretty crazy for you too.” “I just need some time to think over that info dump before Saturday. That’s all.” Beau really hoped that was the case, for both their sakes.
5 - Sapphire Precipice (Ch 12) 
“Wait.” Beau narrowed his eyes at Mike. “What were you thinking about just now? And don’t say ‘nothing’. Because I know something had your attention just now.”  Ah… well, shit. This was awkward. Beau continued a bit sharply. “You have this subtle, far-off but focused look when your mind runs off. It’s hard to spot, but I noticed it after spending the month with you.” Of course he did. Beau was more observant than most people, with only a slight delay in reaching the conclusions Mike did. If anything, this was inevitable. Mike really should have known better. “I…” Mike faltered. “Honestly, given everything that’s happened so far, I doubt you’d faze me much.” Beau’s lips quirked slightly. “I mean, this is me we’re talking about…” Beau wasn’t wrong - he owed him the truth, considering the situation. Still, he’d have to watch himself closely going forward. “I…” Mike forced himself to continue. “I didn’t plan on hiding anything. I didn’t want to, really. It’s just that things kind of got out of hand, and somehow…” Beau’s face softened slightly. “I get it, dude - trust me, I really do. But at this point, we need everything on the table to make the most of today’s trip, right?” Of course he was right. Mike sighed and resolved himself.  [...] “Would you have said anything, if I hadn’t asked just now?” “Yes. Later today, to be exact.” Mike met Beau’s eyes. He needed- no, wanted Beau to believe him at least on that count. [...] Beau paused, turned around, and gave him a smile. “Earlier, you said that part of why you kept quiet was because you were worried about me. That goes both ways, you know? So you’re not off the hook yet… but thanks. For helping me. For being around in general. I’m not sure how I would’ve reacted or handled any of this without you around… so yeah!” Beau finished before speeding off to the red sedan. How was Mike supposed to respond to that?
6 - Sangria Totality (Ch 13)
“You’re exactly as he described you,” Mina said as she met Mike’s eyes. “What?” Mike turned to Beau. “Hey, do you gossip about me during your little sauna sessions?” “Obviously not, you idiot. Why would I even do that?” Beau retorted. “She’s clearly talking about Edward.” “Huh? That makes even less sense! We barely even talk outside of AP Bio - what is there even to gossip about?” “Don’t ask me, dude,” Beau shrugged before considering him more thoughtfully. “Hmm… though now that I think about it, he has mentioned you quite a few times.” “Of course he has, dumbass. We’ve been bugging him this entire time about this mess of a mystery, and you’re the one who talks to him all the time outside of school.” Beau snorted. “Obviously that's true, but he also mentions you when-” A sudden burst of laughter interrupted them. The two boys turned to face the gold-eyed girl who was trying and failing to stifle her laughter and keep a straight face. “Sorry, sorry,” she said after calming down… though that smile never left her face. “He’s right about Edward, but that’s a completely different issue.” No? No it wasn’t? What the hell was going on this time? [...] “You didn’t talk to your dad after the bonfire last weekend, did you?” “Of course not!” Beau looked at Mike like he thought he was stupid. “What would I say to him? ‘Hey Dad, did you know that the Cullens are vampires and that magic is real and this strange mark showed up on my body? Of course I didn’t say anything to him!” Mike sighed. “At least your dad knows, so this won’t come out of the left field for him… but my family has absolutely no idea about any of this.” Mike turned back to Izumi and Mina. “That’s why I can’t stay here. I have to get back to Forks tonight.” “You don’t have to worry about that either,” Mina spoke up. “Charlie told your parents that you’d be staying with him and Beau in Seattle tonight and they seemed fine with it.” His parents went along with that story that easily?  Hmm… to be fair, though, his parents had no reason to think that Chief Swan was covering for him - after all, Mike spent quite a few nights at the Swan residence over the past month. Besides, it wasn’t like Chief Swan lied about anything.
7 - Midnight Freefall (Ch 14)** [**this takes place in Prakriti: Nakshatra, Ch 6's prime/star phase]
“Err… the situation turned out okay in the end, but Beau got this tiny scratch near the mark. Don’t worry though - it was quite minor and Mina looked it over. He’s doing fine now, probably off doing his own thing in peace,” Mike concluded rather quickly. “That certainly explains a lot. I am relieved to hear that Beau is doing okay. However…” Carlisle took a few steps towards him and Mike would be lying if he said that his first instinct wasn’t to step back - though he held his ground in the end. “I believe I asked after you, Michael. Are you faring okay, or at least well enough at the moment?” Why was the doctor asking him that? [...] “You don’t know what’s going on, then?” “There are a lot of mystic phenomena out there and I could make a few educated guesses with enough time, but no. I do not know very much right now.” “You…” It was Mike’s turn to look away awkwardly. “You know you have to talk to Beau at some point, right? You say you don’t know much, but he knows even less than you do, so I’m sure he’d appreciate any information… considering the circumstances.” “Yes, I am aware,” Carlisle said with a somewhat resigned tone. “I will speak to him and do what I can to resolve the circumstances as quickly and efficiently as possible.” [...] He… he really knew nothing at all. It wasn’t just the lack of control, but also the lack of foresight to even look within himself. Just stumbling in the dark, thinking he’d made sense of the hand he’d been dealt, only to find out he’d been doing it all wrong - wasting his time and energy and whatever else until a few hours ago. And even then, it wasn’t Mike who initiated the breakthrough - it was Beau and his throwaway comment. ‘Because it’s harder to see things when you’re in the middle of the mess.' Beau said that to him, but it wasn’t like the other boy was distanced from the mess. Hell, he was right in the middle of it! Even deeper than Mike was! Yet Beau still had that presence of mind, that way of pointing Mike in the right direction and sending him off. Really, Mike was an idiot for not talking to him about the colors before that morning.
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ask-edd · 2 years
AJ *is* cute, in fact everyone is and I'm about to say one cute thing about them:
AJ's little PJs and looking like they're all ready to be bundled up just makes me want to tuck them into bed
Beau's cute very Halloween hoodie and edgy demeanor might put you off but honestly their messy hair just makes me think they just get out of bed and it's so cute I want to ruffle it
B0n my beloved just looks so huggable. I hope for nothing but the best for this adorable little robot
HZ and Hertz are quirky little zombies and I've only had them for a day and a half but if anything were to happen to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
Christi's puffy Little ponytail and scrunchie is just such a vibe and reminds me of being a kid hehe
Pink's design outfit is really cute and they just look so friend shaped. I would like to take Pink out for lunch sometime and just talk about things
Mia is so AH I love her little scarf it's so cute it's such a cute little aspect of her she has such an adorable round feeling
Pluto's mask is so interesting and I love the adorable tiny little star on their sweater. They make me think of an alien that just wants to tell you about their home planet
Dan is, man I don't know how I could possibly describe Dan there's not enough characters allowed in an ask to describe Dan's cuteness. He just seems to be a wonderful friend and I love his little derpy eyes
CL's short lil pixie cut and smug demeanor just gives me vibes of a kitten trying to look tough but I bet she would melt easily or is cute when flustered
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Anon...You're not trying to steal our hearts now are you? Kidding, that's really sweet of you, I'm glad you also had something to say for everyone.
ha, you're not too far off. i do in fact sport a constant bedhead, even at work. as for the hoodie... well, i guess it's a halloween-looking thing? i always wear this hoodie. i don't really have a choice.
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Wow I uh- thank you!! I wish all the best for you too stranger
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Aww thank you anon! I like your sunglasses, they're so stylish!
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*too blushy and flattered to make coherent words*
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Aww, thank you! I had shorter hair as a kid and I occasionally describe my fashion sense as ‘children’s show host’, so this means a lot!
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Whawawawa-whaaaaaaaaat!!!!! Awww I-- You-- Uh-- Th-- UH ASDASHDGK THANKS ANON!!! I'd be down to hang out with ya! Now, what do you recommended around here?
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O-oh geez, Anon. You just know just what to say to flatter this little ol' lady, don't ya?
Oh my gosh, awww!! You're gonna make me want to hug you so bad, dude! That's so sweet of you to say that to me and everyone else!
You hush
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14 notes · View notes
Well, friends, get a load of this...
Hey, I found your account by accidentally adding a space to my search query. I've read some of your takes and have a suggestion for you: I think you should consider taking a step back from discussing shipping with others. You've obviously had experience with warring ships in the past (something that I think is incredibly immature of those who participate), and judging by your posts, it has affected you quite a bit. I still participate in shipping with friends privately, but keeping discussions offline has been great for my mental health as I don't brush up with toxic people in the fandom. Also, just so you know, you come off as quite aggressive and antagonistic with your opinions, so it might be something to be aware of (it's the only reason I felt the urge to send you this ask). This being said, I do disagree with a lot of your takes, so take my opinion for what it is. I'm a gay non-binary person and have a degree in film/screenwriting, plus primarily direct queer media, yet I have not been offended or triggered by the cast's representation of queer characters or queer relationships since some instances in Campaign 1. I think the cast & company have made great strides in efforts to have respectful representations and are constantly improving. Call it both age and experience, but when taken in the context of an improvised D&D game, characters are going to fall in love with whomever they do, and it might not be the person they were first showing interest in. That's pretty normal in real life, and not all queer relationships are the same nor have the same dynamic. I rarely send asks, but since you're someone who openly debates others, I decided I'd pass my criticism along. I genuinely hope you're enjoying I/modna more than you enjoyed Beau/yasha, and congrats on being this passionate about something. Cheers.
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Thanks so much for the unsolicited advice.
You have a degree in filmmaking... Okay, you're one of those.
Do you think that makes your opinions more valid? Also, I don't remember ever bringing up anything to do with films or even queer media. What post prompted the sharing of this information?
That's another thing about this ask. You say you 'disagree with a lot' of my takes, yet don't even bother to reference which takes those are. Where are the specifics?
'Just so you know, you come off as quite aggressive and antagonistic' 'Aggressive' huh? Wow! Thank you for pointing that out! I had no idea!
Honey, sweetie, babycakes... this as a RANT blog. That's made CLEAR AS DAY in the blog description. You must be brand spanking new to Tumblr if you don't understand what a rant blog is. It is a space for myself and others to VENT. THAT'S THE POINT.
'Antagonistic' though? I've never been antagonistic toward any of my anons, or anyone else I've interacted with on here. I'm definitely being antagonistic toward you though, but only because of your tone.
'characters are going to fall in love with whomever they do, and it might not be the person they were first showing interest in' Sure. But Beau and Jester both ended up with the person they were first interested in (despite the FACT that those initial feelings were fizzling at various points). I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.
'Openly debates others'? Um, where? I have never 'debated' anyone on this blog. Not once. Also, you're not 'debating' here either. This is a hit and run. You came across me 'accidentally' (which I have NO reason to believe), then decided to condescend, then run away.
Also, I'm really not inclined to take someone seriously (who clearly takes themselves incredibly seriously), who is willing to lecture (and psychoanalyze?) a person they randomly came across on here and not have the guts to do it with their URL attached.
Anyway, you will, more than likely, never even see this response. And honestly, I'm glad, because otherwise that would mean you've begun stalking my blog, which would be incredibly fucking weird.
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atmymercy · 2 years
Hello! Notification Gang!
I just wanted a reading on my next (future boyfriend or partner) anything about him? Characteristics ? Personality, appearance??
TFA/ ♌️
I love your page!!
hello tfa! aww thank you for being apart of my notification gang! i'm so glad we could clear up that silly issue! obviously spirit wanted us to be interacting or something, eh? lol awww! and thank you! i really appreciate the love! i love you too, honey ps! eee!
for you, i got the star, the moon & 5 of cups.
ooh! the star and the moon! wow! talk about you two fitting together like the stars and the moon. you guys will really connect at night. you may even be dancing. ooh! how romantic! we never hate a partner that can dance! that's sexy! and a good idea of what they're like in the bedroom. oh geez! spirit, we don't do dirty shit here! lol but seriously your next beau is going to have it hard for you, i'm seeing. they're really going to complement you and make you sparkle. they'll be very honest with you. to the point of being a touch brutal. they don't mean to be. they just love you so much and want to be honest with you. they are really about the honest and the truth, i see. a person of their word because they had a bit of a shady past and people were shady with them in the past so that's why they're so stuck on the truth now. it's why they can get a bit moody for sure. you two will be a lot more alike than you first realize. the color red is meaningful to them. the spirits won't say why. you'll feel comfortable around this person, even when they are moody! lol you'll want to do something about it!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
as always, my rules & info are in my pinned post if you're interested in a reading of your own!
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