#i'm sick at home and everything sucks and i'm just tired
stormxpadme · 2 years
The one good thing when you’re writing the next oneshot that will die in an echo chamber like the last 20 or so did, you can die on the hill of your faceclaims for comic/cartoon characters all alone. No offense, Sam Jones, but I will spend a whole day on my knees in the cockpit of Flash Gordon’s ship if this is who’s at the stick.
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cum-allergy · 2 years
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k2ntoss · 8 months
im quite literally in class rn but the jason brain rot is going so strong, so all i can think of is trying to convince Jay to stay home from patrol for just one(1) night because he's working too hard
like you barely see him anymore cuz he's either out running around as Red Hood or passed the fuck out in bed throughout the day, and just having enough of it and just like, getting down and giving him the absolute best head of his life to convince him to stay in (and he does, but only because he's literally physically unable to afterwards, like legs shaky and eyes glazed over, maybe just a little bit subby too?) ughhh god i need him so baddd 😭
- your friendly neighbourhood 🦊
after too many days i'm back, i've been too low on inspiration and i hate that but i read again this today while i was at work and i GIGGLED TOO HARD, 🦊 noonie i'm gonna find you (and kiss your brain) soooo as an apology for being off a few days, here we have a slightly long smutty thing with my sweet pretty boy jay <3
it's been probably over a month since jason only came back home to pass out on the bed, he barely woke up to eat something and do one or another stuff, even bruce was a bit worried about his health but he didn't pushed on it further.
once again night falls and jay is getting all geared up on your room, tactical pants, boots and that black compression shirt that always made your mouth water on when you came in, a small pout on your lips at the sight of your too tired boyfriend "jay... you look like you could use a night off" your voice is soft and so tempting for jason, because the idea of cuddling next to you and rest seemed to be what he needed more than anything.
"princess, you know i can't do that" jason sighs, there's a glimpse of want on his eyes and it's everything your brain needs to come up with a method to convince him and you are 90% sure it will work so it takes you less than a second to walk to him, letting yourself fall to the floor right between his legs.
the sight from that point is even more encouraging because jason looks so much intimidating like that, even when he frowns totally confused at your actions "but you work way too much, jay" and he knows what you're up too so his look changes from questioning to warning and oh, if it doesn't turn you on more because you know that you have the power to turn him into a puddle "you can stay home tonight, i can call dick to tell him you're sick and that you need to rest" your head lays on his thigh as one of your hand traces softly his stomach, fingers trailing over his abs while your eyes look into his.
"sweetheart, i can't do that–" jason starts, he sounds like he's having the hardest time of his life trying to tell you 'no' and it is as your fingers start to undo the buttons of his pants and his belt, caressing him over his boxers and feeling him reacting to your touch. there's a soft growl that escapes his lips, making you sit properly on your knees and looking up at your boyfriend for him to give into your (and his) needs just for him to move so you can pull his pants down enough to see his cock grow harder under your subtle strokes.
"you need to rest, at least one night" there's that pout on your lips again and that innocent tone that he doesn't buy because how could he when you start to slide your hand under his boxers and smile when his hard shaft is completely at your mercy, hand going up and down before you lean in to press a playful kiss on his tip, it sends a jolt through his spine and he can't help the low moan that slips past his lips when your tongue traces his length before taking the head between your lips.
it's always easy for jason to get lost on how good you make him feel, even when it comes to the times he needs to do something important so here he is, one of his hands on the back of your head while you suck slowly on him not taking in too much, your hand traces the veins on the bottom of his cock before stroking it "god damn, baby... you look so good on your knees for me" his voice is hoarse and he tries to pull you down on him just to be met with a playful look from you.
"c'mon, let me do this by myself" you speak, your lips shiny as you smile at jason, his dick pressed against your cheek and he nods "that's a good boy" and the way he swallows hard makes you chuckle before your mouth wraps around his shaft. jason keeps his hands next to his legs, the way you called him a good boy made him feel like he could cum just with your touch but it would have been pretty pathetic so he holds back. his eyes are fixed on the way your head bobs, the lewd noises your mouth makes everytime his head touches your throat and he has to resist the urge to fuck your face.
there's a pop that comes out of your lips when you let go of his cock, hand still fisted around him while you pull down the front of your sleeveless top, tits spilling out for him to look. the moan that escapes his lips is unholy when you put his dick between your breasts, tongue playing with his slit while you stroke him like that and he feels in heaven "you look so good like that, baby..." your words are sweet, he loves the way it feels because he could melt right there and it's what he needs to forget about anything else. he whimpers at the second you smirk, pulling away to grab hold of him and spitting on his shaft before taking it into your mouth again, this time sucking and licking on it with more urge.
you can feel him throb on your tongue, making you pull away again "such a pretty boy, aren't you? need to cum, baby? go ahead, good boys deserve to be rewarded" you coo him right before your mouth is wrapping him again and he can't help it this time, thrusting into your throat in a needy move before you can feel him shooting his load in a whiny moan, he looks so pretty like that and it makes you want to keep making him squirm.
it takes you nothing to stand up and go sit on his lap, his body trembles under your touch and the load you've been holding on your mouth falls over your tits when you open your mouth and stick your tongue out before you pull his head towards your breasts "feel better now, baby?" you ask with a small smirk when jason hums in response, his mouth too busy on one of your nipples as he sucks while looking at you from under his eyelashes, pretty green eyes glazed as he whines softly "wanna stay home for tonight?"
"yes, mommy..." he can barely speak without sounding too slurred from how tired he felt from all the extra work and the head you just gave him.
"fine, i'll call dick to tell him you're sick"
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ivystoryweaver · 5 months
hi ivy, congrats on 1k! 💕🎉 i was wondering if u have any hc's on how the mk system would take care of u when ur sick? currently dealing w strep myself & it sucks. hope this is okay if ur still doing these & that u have good day! 🩷
You're Not Alone
@suresnips Once upon a time you were sick and I left you there, with no Moon Boys to comfort you... Jake is gonna have words with me. Thank you so much for the congratulations, you are so sweet! Long overdue, but I never leave an ask unanswered
Word Count: 700 Content: sick you, mentions of food, domestic life, slight mentions of Marc's past, not beta'd
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Marc has been on his own for years, and even when he was young, he had to fend for himself.
He knows how to take care of himself, having shivered through fevers in the roughest neighborhoods and parts of the world - sometimes on the run.
Believe it or not, Marc is the one who really doesn't want you to feel alone when you're sick. He doesn't always know what to say or do (he does, actually, but that's his self-loathing talking), but he'll sit with you.
Marc doesn't like the doctor - he was raised hiding things from professionals and he's conditioned to think they don't actually care, but since he doesn't want you to feel alone, he will always make sure he's there to wait with you.
He's traveled all over. He's a survivor and he's picked up all kinds of useful knowledge from his journeys.
Marc knows lots of little tricks, like how peppermint or lavender oil can be diluted and rubbed on your feet to bring down fever. He also knows oils and tinctures for all kinds of symptoms, such tightness or spasms from coughing, or simply to help you rest.
Since Marc doesn't know what to say sometimes, he will want to touch you. But occasionally, having a fever means you do not want to be touched - or at least not held.
This is why both of you find it so soothing when he rubs a balm into your chest or oils onto your feet. His dark eyes lock onto yours and you can see straight to his soul
Marc is steady and calm when you're sick. He doesn't want you to feel that what is wrong with you is your fault - you really feel loved and supported, even when you have "just a cold."
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Steven is a caring, observant person: cordial to those who dismiss him, professional to rude bosses, sympathetic to friends and mindful and proud of the places he occupies
He even talks to Gus and makes sure he has everything he needs.
So he is going to notice the second you're feeling off.
"Getting sick, aren't you, love?"
"What? No, I'm just tired."
By that evening, you're burning with a fever.
Steven ushers you to bed, letting you know he stopped by the store on the way home. He is prepared.
Steven knows which tea will soothe your throat or settle your stomach. He understands just the right amount of honey or lemon you need, and how long to steep the tea leaves.
Even if you don't prefer tea, he knows how to make it taste good enough to warm you up or settle you.
Steven is vegan so he knows how to substitute ingredients or some interesting places to order takeaway. He'll encourage you to steer away from foods that will only exacerbate your symptoms, like fried foods or too much dairy.
He loves to take care of you, dote on you, bring you trays of things, prop up your head with an extra pillow.
He'll place a washcloth over your forehead and cover you with an extra blanket while you suffer.
He'll read you to sleep if you like, but he will miss you so much while you're down and out.
He's an exuberant puppy when you're better.
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Jake helps you get things done.
You're out of it for a few days or a week? All good - bills are paid (if you share them), laundry is done.
Don't feel like calling out of work or making doctor's appointments? Jake takes care of it. You're not to be bothered.
He's going to help you zone out.
He'll make you smile, play your favorite record, watch movies with you on the couch.
He's gonna sneak you junk food, tbh. Steven's teas and soups are so wonderful, but after a few days, there's just that one food you want because you're kinda feeling sorry for yourself?
That's Jake. Snacks and movies and lightening the mood.
And - it's Jake Lockley. He's definitely going to try to feel you up during a movie. Once your fever breaks anyway.
“But I look awful,” you halfheartedly protest.
"Never, mi amor. Just relax."
✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧
1000 Follower/Holiday Celebration Masterlist
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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The Moon will Sing
[SAGAU x Mexican! Creator-Reader]
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A/n: I love SAGAU but realistically if I was stuck there I would be so sad I can't eat my culture foods ngl. Also y/n is implied first gen. Sorry lol. Also heavy leaning on y/n x Zhongli. Also title is from the song from The Crane Wives.
Also sorry if this sucks, it's kinda rushed and Idk what to do.
TW// obsessive-ish behavior
You were transported to Teyvat after staying up all night playing Genshin before eventually passing out Infront of your computer.
When you open your eyes, you weren't in the comfort of your room but instead on gold altar.
People you recognized Infront of you as you sat up in shock. You hand hurting slightly as you looked down at it.
In matter of fact, the blood was gold.
You watched as the wound healed itself on its own but your thoughts get interrupted as someone speaks up.
"My Grace, we are honored to have you here. The imposter has been dealt with, we pledge our devote loyalty to you."
You straight up passed out after this revelation.
After that whole fiasco, and you woke up to a bunch of crying acolytes.
Turns out, you were asleep for DAYS.
But you eventually grew accustomed to everything, honestly it wasn't as bad you thought it would be. Besides the weird obsessions and yandere like tendencies But there's one thing you missed dearly.
You were home sick and even the acolytes can see that. You didn't smile, you look off into the distance.
You miss the parties, music, going to swap meet and family members. Even the novellas your mother watched and eating her cooking.
Hell, you missed the internet.
It was just boring.
Then you got an idea, why not share them with your acolytes?! You get to explain your culture and maybe try to recreate dishes your mom made with ingredients here!
You immediately stood up from your throne excited. You immediately ran out of the temple, with the archons following you panicked.
"Your grace wait!" Zhongli yelled out chasing behind you. " You can't just leave abruptly like this! Please take me with you. "
You stood there, looking at a map you summoned looking at the places. "Sure! Let's go!" You grabbed around his waist and flew to places you needed to go.
He was practically beating his heart against his chest. The Creator was holding him! His ears were burning red in embarrassment.
You literally searched high and low, for ingredients alongside Zhongli. You either found substitutes or you quite literally had to create the ingredients. But once you had everything, you went straight to the kitchen.
The Archons were begging you, that they can someone else do it.
But you declined them, deciding to do it yourself.
You think the easiest recipe to do would be caldo de res. It's the one you seen your mother do countless times. And with your powers it should quicken the pace.... probably
Some of your acolytes were watching you, making sure your safe and do any task you asked.
Venti stood by the door way, along side zhongli and Xiao. Making sure your grace was fine.
At this point your at probably your third attempt at making this but you were really determined to get it right or at least
You took a spoonful and blew on it, taking a sip. And God it tasted like home, you place the utensil down and started to cry.
Venti was first to noticed, and thought you were upset. " Your grace don't cry! We can have some one else do it for you if your tired! "
You shook your head, wiping your tears smile. " I'm not sad, in fact I'm happy. Really happy. Would you like to try? It's a soup my mother always made."
Venti was so honored that the creator would even let him try, let alone a recipe the creators mother made!
Zhongli and Xiao whined, they wanted to try it too!
"Don't worry, you'll try it too!" You smiled, as you got a small spoonful.
Venti blushed, he's truly being rewarded, to be fed by the creator itself. He knows Xiao and Zhongli are practically seething in jealousy over this.
You were oblivious to it, feeding Venti small spoonfuls laughing. " Is it good?" You asked practically shaking in excitement.
He nodded happily, unknowingly teasing the other two in the room.
You made the jealousy even worse when you grabbed a handkerchief and clean up ventis face. Getting to be touched and so close to the creator smelling your perfume/cologne.
The other two pushed Venti aside, practically begging to be fed too.
You stood their dumbfounded but reluctantly agreed as well. Spoon feeding both of them, their faces light up.
They were so happy.
After that, you started cooking other dishes, your acolytes and followers were always so excited to try it.
They saw how much you emotionally improved so they was no discussion over it.
You also started telling them old folktales and customs from your culture. Scholars started to appear and request to write it down and study it. You even taught them Spanish!
Thought they call it, [y/n's] language. And etc.
Sometimes when doing a task, followers can hear you quietly sing songs in your language.
Your favorite thing, was reactions. The reactions your acolytes and followers had to your culture. They saw it as sacred, but you saw it as home.
You remembered talking to Zhongli because he remembers all of liyues stories and such.
"Zhongli, would you like to listen to a folktale?" You quietly asked, sitting on your throne. Him standing besides you.
" I'll be honored. " He says with a smile.
"There's different variations of this story depending of the region, but this is how I know it. Usually told to children to scare children into obedience. "
You cleared your voice, " long ago, a beautiful indigenous women fell in love with a man of higher social status. They lived happily together, having two children of their own. One day the man abandoned her, to either marry a more beautiful woman then her or a woman of his status. It depends either way, he leaves her. Her feeling threatened by this, consumed by rage and despair. She drown her children, meeting her own demised along side it. God curses her to wonder as a ghost searching for lost children so she can get into heaven."
Zhongli perks up at the story, " did you curse the woman yourself ?"
"ummm...yes?" You said unsurely.
" I see, a fitting punishment of her. " He says proudly.
" ahem, yes of course. Anyway she's called "la llorona" meaning The weeping woman..forever walking near bodies of water in search of her children so she may enter...umm.. heaven? "
Zhongli, tilts his head " what is heaven? " At this point your hands were sweating. " Ummm it's kinda like Celestia? But instead angels and stuff are there and it's like... Holy. You know? Anyway no more questions."
Random Head Canons and such
If you have curly hair, best believe the acolytes would be fascinated by it. Especially if they give you baths and pamper you.
You would teach Venti songs you know for example: hijo de la Luna.
Sometimes you sing them if you feel like it. Mostly to little kids.
The Adults are definitely not jealous.
The Archons fight each other over being your dancing partner. This is because you needed someone to show how to dance bachata. And ever since they just fight over that spot.
Same for being food taster, they like eating your food and being the first one to try it is such a big honour. You don't know why? Either way they like being spoon fed your cooking.
They all listen to your stories and take your advice very very seriously. It's annoying lol
You taught them your cultures customs, for example birthday customs. You're absolutely not allowed to have your face smashed into cake. They absolutely refuse to do that to you.
Also if you like spicy food, they probably be amazed at your spice tolerance. You'll probably mess with them by eating a whole chile Infront of them.
There are times where you do get very home sick and won't leave your room. When you do, they try their absolute best to comfort you.
Also you have given some of your followers Spanish nicknames for funsies.
Sometimes you and your acolytes would speak Spanish with you. They think it's like the biggest honor to understand your language and speak it with you. But you just think it's nice. Plus you get to have secret convos with people you don't want to know what your saving.
That's all I can think of , off the top of my head lol.
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ummmlife · 1 year
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Miserable Salaryman!Nanami Boyfriend
part 2
warnings! : nanami x afab reader ; slight nsfw (still mdni) ; angst (?) ; headcanon ; salaryman!nanami ; if none of this makes sense (spelling and grammatically speaking) i'm sorry but my first language isn't english (lol)
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What comes to my mind thinking about Salaryman!Nanami is: misery.
This man lives miserably in a constant depressive state that he isn't even aware of. He lives in a monotone routine that consists of: waking up at 5 a. m., getting ready for work, take the subway when is rush hour, getting at the office at 6:37 and start working at 7 o'clock for 8+ hours, have a casse-croûte for lunch, then leave the office at 1 a. m., get back home for a shower and sleep. Then repeat this over and over again.
The ambience of the city full of other corporative slaves just like him filling every single space of negative energy ends up draining him as well. An endless cycle of stress and tiredness that keeps, slowly but surely, consuming him.
That's how the life of a salaryman is.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami will always come back home extremely tired, wanting nothing but a glass of whiskey and a migraine pill.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami would try to pretend that everything is fine when he gets paid every month, just to then feel a knot in his throat after paying every bill.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who feels helpless every time he finds you completely asleep on the couch after a failed attempt to try to stay awake to wait for him to get home.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami will do his best to spend more time with you but that only happens twice a month because he craves to sleep on his free days.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who could get sick very often due to overworking himself and, basically, venerates you for taking care of him.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who cries himself to sleep silently every night when he's in bed with you while you're sleeping because he feels that he's losing his life in a job that is taking away his best years.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who hates himself for not having enough time for you as he had before and fears that he's ruining your relationship.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami whose libido is lower than 0 and has no energy to even have sex anymore, but begs you to cockwarm him to sleep, because the warm of your pussy hugging his dick brings him comfort. He doesn't just want to cuddle with you, he doesn't just want to hug you, he wants to feel as close as possible.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who will cum immediately once his dick is deep inside of you because, honestly, he can't last a minute with you anymore. Of course, he won't pull out, so get ready to sleep with his thick cum filling your womb and wake up with his flaccid dick still inside while his little "gift" from last night keeps leaking from your inside.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami will shyly ask you to let him sleep with his head on your chest to squeeze your tits and suck your nipples for stress relief.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who ends up collapsing in front of you like a little kid and who you end up convincing to leave his job.
After watching your boyfriend have a mental breakdown, which you never thought possible, you had him lean over you on the couch while he calmed down a bit and stopped crying. —"I really don't know what would be of me without you... you are an angel in my life, thank you."
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami that just quit his job and took part of his savings to go on a trip with you to Malaysia, so he can finally rest in peace next to you on a nice beach with no more worries in his life.
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shitty concept and shitty headcanons, yes, but i really like miserable (big) men craving comfort from their partners :) that's all ‹𝟹
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dxwnstxr · 2 years
Hello! if you still take requests can i repuest Female fyodor,nikolai,dazai and chuuya as your girlfriend fluff and smut hc?
you are free to ignore this:)
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Them as your girlfriend
Fandom: bungo stray dogs
Pairing: fem fyodor, dazai, Nikolai, and chuuya x y/n (reader)
Genre: smut and fluff
Warning: pining, making out, fingering, hickies, grinding, oral, face sitting.
A/N: I'll try my best! Some might be shorter than others since I'm not used to doing two genres at once. I might come back and change certain thing later.
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She would be protective of you more then you could imagine. She wants to always be with you but can't bring herself to say it, which leads her to go and do her own things. She knew you loved hearing her Russia accent so, she would whisper sweet nothings to you to help you sleep or if your just not having a good day.
Even though she was always busy with work, she knew almost everything about you. It made you curious but you didn't look into it. She let you wear her clothes which you gladly appreciated. One thing you loved doing was playing with her hair. She would sit down on the bed and you would play with her dark hair. Either tying half of it up or braiding it. Either way, fyodor loved it.
She would definitely Dom you. Though there are time where she would let you take the lead, but rarely. Fyodor liked seeing the expressions you made while receiving pleasure. There were time she just wanted to hear you screaming her name, but she knows your delicate and takes her time.
She loves watching you whine. Teasing you by either, edging you, nibbling, or not letting you cum. Her favorite thing to do is touch around your heat, kissing around it. Kissing your thighs. This annoyed you but she didn't care. Right when your in the middle of winning again she'll shove two fingers in and lick your clip, making you moan louder than you thought you could. You would definitely be in for it.
She would be very clingy. She'll tell you how much she misses you and loves you any time of day. Her favorite thing to do is fall asleep with you in her arms. Whenever you would get cold, she would drape her coat over you, making sure your warm. Thought... when it came to cooking, that was an issue. You were always tired after coming home from work, so dazai didn't want to ask for you to cook. So what she would do is dial kunikida and lie say that your sick. Kunikida would rush over only to see just dazai home. After kunikida scolds her with him throwing a book at her, dazai tell him to cooks your favorite food. And with you being the angel you are how could kunikida let you starve. So kunikida and cook for you and dazai. You were always welcomes home to the sweet smell of food and dazai looking at you lovingly.
She would make sure you needed help walking tomorrow. With the way she was thrusting her fingers into your cunt made your back arch. She found this humorous. She'd lick your clit then suck on it, looking up to watch your reaction. She move one hand up your chest and pinch your sensitive nipples. Then massaging your breast. Your moans would lead her on. After you came she wouldn't stop. Your hands would fly to her head, trying to stop her but it was no use. She continued her work on your cunt making you feel like you were going insane. Which is exactly what she wanted.
She would shower you with as much affection as she could. Sometimes it was too much but you didn't mind. Something that she loved doing was chosing what clothes you should wear. You actually brought up the idea, and she couldn't be more happy. She loved seeing you in the outfits she chose for you.
Believe it or not she a switch. It all depends on her mood. But most the time she loves watch you grind on her. Seeing you get off makes her feel like she's on a high. She would sit back and make you finger yourself. Nikolai would keep a close eye on your reactions and expressions. You were her little dove after all.
She would no doubt make time out of her day to take you out on dates. She'd cook for you, give you gifts, and take care of you. What more could you ask for. She'd would do anything for you. ANYTHING. but of course you would still love her. When she didn't understand certain things you liked, she would go asked one of her coworkers for advice on what it is. When you are having a bad day, chuuya would do anything you ask of her. She just wants you to be happy.
She would only do things you were up for. If you didn't want to do anything, she wouldn't make you. But when you did, she'd make sure you were in heaven. Chuuya would take it slow, making sure every part of your body felt pleasure. If you wanted her to go faster, she'd make you ask or beg. If you wanted her to do something, she'd first make sure you really wanted her to and two ask properly.
After she got you off she didn't force you to do anything with her. She knew you were tired and worn out. So instead, she just laid with you. Of course, she'd clean you up but afterwords she would get your favorite blanket and pillow, a glass of water, and some food if you wanted it. Chuuya would make sure your comfortable and cozy right before cuddling up next to you and running her fingers thru your hair. But later on, you'd move her around so you were sleep on her chest. Which she found adorable
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amethystina · 7 months
A health update (and a general explanation of my long Covid)
So while I've been pretty open about living with long Covid, I realise I've never taken the time to explain what that actually means for me and my quality of living. It's a phrase I toss around but I can imagine it doesn't feel all that substantial to a lot of you.
So I figured that now that I'm feeling a bit better (more on that later) I should do so. Partly because I figure it will make it easier to understand why I sometimes have to disappear for weeks on end.
So, if you're interested, feel free to keep reading under the cut :)
But be warned: It's long and kind of whiny. But also ends on a high note! So there's that.
The first time I caught Covid was around Easter 2020, long before there were any vaccines, which meant that I was hit hard. But no matter how bad I felt during the illness itself, the aftermath has been ten times worse. I've been living with my long Covid symptoms ever since, so for four years now. They worsened for a couple of months when I caught Covid a second time in February 2021, but have otherwise held pretty steady during those four years.
A lot of people experience different symptoms with their long Covid and, sometimes, they'll change as the weeks and months go by. I actually had a very interesting couple of months during 2022 when my sense of smell just went completely whack and everything suddenly smelled differently than it should. Like, I could be smelling an apple but it did not smell like an apple. It was a weird time in my life.
Anyway. My most common symptoms are fatigue, fevers, joint pain, brain fog, memory issues, incoherent speech, and lowered blood circulation.
(The latter actually kickstarted the Raynaud's syndrome I have on my mother's side so now I struggle with fingers and feet that will occasionally go white, bloodless, and completely numb at random intervals. Fun times)
The fatigue and fevers are the worst by far. For the past four years, I have had exhaustion fevers between two to five times a week. Or every single day if I'm unlucky. It's very much tied to how much sleep I'm getting, how well I'm eating, and how many taxing things I do each day. I need eight hours of sleep to be functional and anything less than that will most likely mean I'll end up having a fever before the day is over.
Unfortunately, I've always had issues with my sleep so, on most nights, I don't get eight hours even if I try my absolute best. Sometimes it's because I wake up too early and can't fall back asleep and, sometimes — because my life sucks — it's because my fever is so high that I can't fall asleep. Cue the endless cycle of too little sleep and fevers.
Because one of the main issues with these exhaustion fevers — and what makes them so difficult to manage — is that there's no way to lower them. Medicine has no effect whatsoever. Once I have it, I just have to suffer through however many hours are left until I can sleep and hope that it'll be gone in the morning. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.
And every day my energy level gets just a little bit lower and the fever a little bit higher. Some days, all I can do when I get home from work is to lie on the couch and stare at the wall because I'm too tired and in too much pain to even watch something. And, again, no amount of medicine helps.
It continues on like this for a while and, every third or fourth month or so, the strain eventually becomes too much and I fall ill. My body simply shuts down from the continued stress and exhaustion, to the point where I can barely get out of bed. And, usually, I can feel it coming. On top of the fevers, I start coughing, then get a headache, and then my nose gets stuffy. And, by that time, I know I have about two to four days before I get sick. It's so accurate that my coworkers have learned that when I give the sign, they have to tell me whatever tasks they need to be finished within the near future since I'll probably be out of commission for one to two weeks.
But I eventually recover, go back to work, and so the cycle starts again. And again. And again. And again.
For four years.
All of this has, unsurprisingly, affected my quality of life to a pretty significant degree. I can barely work, let alone spend time doing any of my hobbies. I can't really travel anymore and, if I do, I'll get sick from the exhaustion. Even the 50-minute commute to the office (which I have to do three times a week) usually results in a fever before the day is over.
This inability to travel was how I ended up missing my maternal granddad's funeral. My shitty relatives didn't tell us the date for when he would be buried until there were only two days left and even if I could have put myself on an overnight train to get there, I knew I would be in no shape to actually be at the funeral if I did. So I couldn't go.
I did go to sit with my paternal grandmother as she was dying but, as expected, I got sick and couldn't return to work for a couple of days afterwards.
I also have to skip most birthday celebrations and any events happening on weekdays since I'm usually too feverish or won't manage the required trip to get there. My life has shrunk so much I barely recognise it anymore. I don't recognise myself. I used to be one of those people who could do a million things at the same time and somehow complete all of them. I was firm, organised, and efficient.
And now I'm not.
(... or, well, technically I am — at least compared to many others — but not compared to how I used to be xD)
Point being, a lot of things have changed and I don't like it. But, with that said, I'm also well aware that I'm lucky to be alive and I'm fortunate enough to have a stable job and a roof over my head. So, all things considered, I'm still doing pretty well.
But I also can't lie and say that this hasn't affected me in a deep and fundamental way. My life has changed and, right now, I don't know if it'll ever return to what I used to consider normal. And dealing with that knowledge — and the grief and fear that comes with it — hasn't been easy. I have cried ugly, self-pitying tears over this many, many times. It's frustrating to have no control over what my body does and to constantly have to be careful of what I do so I don't exhaust myself. I am furious that this happened to me.
But, after four years, there's also a certain amount of acceptance. And while I'm annoyed by my new limitations, I try my best not to feel too sorry for myself. Instead, I try to adapt as best I can, even if I might not always do it gracefully.
That does mean that I sometimes push myself more than I should, though. Because, if I didn't, I wouldn't never produce anything. As depressing as it is to admit, everything I've given you in the past four years has been while I was sick. I don't think a single chapter I've written or drawing I've made has been untouched by this. I've become an expert at writing, editing, and drawing even with a fever.
That doesn't mean I regret it, though — quite the opposite. I think that if I hadn't had a reason to write and draw, I would have felt even worse. A lof of the time, the excitement I feel when I'm able to post a chapter or show off a drawing I've made has been the highlight of my week. It's an accomplishment.
But, that said, it's still hard. Writing in particular. It requires a level of brainpower I can't reach when the fevers are too bad. And so, sometimes, I just can't. I literally just can't.
And, back in January, as I was trying to edit chapter 39 of Who Holds the Devil, I honestly pushed myself too hard. I was so determined to finish it that I didn't let myself see just how bad I was feeling — not at all helped by how emotionally draining the content of the chapter was.
It was only once I finished the chapter and posted it that I realised how absolutely wretched I felt. Not because of the chapter itself, but my lack of compassion for myself, I guess? Because the fevers were bad, I was barely sleeping, and I was both mentally and physically exhausted. And, what was worse, I realised that I was displaying depression symptoms I hadn't seen in over ten years.
All of a sudden, I got annoyed as soon as a minor inconvenience appeared. Everything people said to me was dissected into its tiniest component. I feared that people were secretly hating me. I couldn't meet people's eyes anymore when I was talking to them. I didn't realise I was just sitting there, staring at a wall, until several minutes had already passed.
And, as the final nail in the coffin, I stopped talking about how I was feeling.
And that, right there, is my last warning that I need to do something — always has been, ever since I was a teenager. When I clam up completely, refusing to admit to the people around me that I'm feeling bad, that's when I'm about to spiral.
So, the very next day, I went to my boss and told her that I'm getting burnt out and I need to do something NOW or this was going to turn ugly real soon. Thankfully, my boss is amazing and, after a doctor's visit, I was put on partial sick leave. Right now, I'm working six hours a day instead of eight and, let me tell you, I'm thriving.
Or, well, as much as I can while still having long Covid.
I'm almost angry at how much better I feel because, if I had known, I would have done this a lot sooner. I actually have energy now! I've only had a fever about four times in a little over a month! That's insane! It used to be four a week!
So yeah. I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. The downside is that the partial sick leave is still only temporary and there are no guarantees that I'll be able to keep it. Though, if need be, I'll just have to ask my boss to rewrite my contract and change the amount of hours I work because, man, I don't ever want to go back considering how much better and happier I feel. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I feel like I've gotten my life back. It's not quite the same as before, but close enough to it that I kind of want to cry again — but happy tears this time.
And so I've spent the past couple of weeks just... living? When, before that, it felt like I was merely existing. I've been drawing a lot since that helps with the depression symptoms (which are almost completely gone, thank god) but writing has been harder. Possibly because I forced myself to do it during a time when I felt really, really bad and now I'm instinctively trying to shy away from it. But, since I know that's just my mind playing tricks on me, I'm going to give it another try this weekend. I want to write and I miss the stories I'm working on. And, hopefully, since I'm feeling a bit better, I can maybe get back to a more structured uploading schedule. But we'll see. As always, I can't make any promises.
But that's about it, I guess? I'm feeling better and, since I am, I've been doing a lot of things that I wasn't able to before (like taking walks — I take a lot of walks). And I'm still trying to figure out my new routine now that I work less. And while I still get sick sometimes (I am right now, in fact, due to lack of sleep on Tuesday night) I always find my way back eventually.
So yeah. If you've read this far, thank you so much for your patience 💜 I admit that I don't really enjoy writing things like these since it feels like I'm whining — I was very much raised not to take up space or complain when things are difficult (an unfortunate side effect to being the middle child with two disabled, high-maintenance siblings) — but I also prefer honesty and transparency. And I feel a little guilty since there are times when I've given pretty harsh responses when people question why I'm sick all the time or why I don't upload chapters as often as I used to, but without actually explaining why. So I guess it's time to be honest?
And the truth is that I've been constantly sick for the past four years. Not only due to my long Covid, but also the emotional and psychological toll of all the loss, grief, and pain I've been through. These past four years have been rough.
But I'm not saying that to gain pity or make excuses. I actually think I've done pretty well considering just how hindered I've been. I've improved my drawings so much and have written... god knows how many words. I'm honestly kind of scared to check xD But it has to be over 600k by now, maybe closer to 700k.
I think my only regret is that I haven't been able to engage with you all to the extent I would want. I wish I could be a more active and enthusiastic participant in fandom — to seek you out, hold conversations, and give you all even a fraction of the attention you've given me. I feel like I don't offer you nearly enough.
But I also know that I have to accept my own limitations. So, for now, we'll have to settle for whatever I can give, even if it's less than I would want. But I will keep on creating, trust me on that, because I'm stubborn as fuck and even if my pace is slower, I'm still determined to finish what I start.
And that's the note I want to end this on. I have suffered, yes — more so than I may have expressed to you all — but I've still managed to create some beautiful things. And while I mourn who I used to be and the fact that some of you have never known me at my best, I don't think the me I am right now is all that terrible. Do I want things to change? Yes, definitely. But do I want to change the choices I've made and the things I've accomplished in the past four years? No, I can't say that I do. I'm proud of what I've done, especially considering my limitations.
And, if you're reading this, thank you so, so much for your kindness, compassion, and support. Some of you are old friends while others of you are new, but I am grateful to every single one of you. You have made these past four years more bearable. You have made it easier to keep fighting. You have made it worth it.
Thank you 💜
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pineappleciders · 1 year
hello hello hello hi!!!! seeing ur writing rq's are open could I request mari, basil, sunny, and hero with an s/o whos gotta stay in the hospital for a week?? It'd be cool since I had to stay in the hospital for a week diagnosed w a life long illness and . none of my friends visited 😭 have a wonderful silly day!!!!
MARI, BASIL, HERO, and SUNNY with an S/O who's been hospitalized
A/N: HELLO!! i hope you are doing well, being in the hospital SUCKS and i'm so sorry that nobody visited😭😭i hope everything gets better for you, plz stay safe❤️
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she hates it when you aren't doing well,, she'll visit you every day and stay for as long as she can
she'll bring you fresh flowers every time and will always talk w you about anything and everything. she'll tell you how your friends have been and about the grade she got on her quiz ... literally anything in hopes of distracting both you and her of your state
i think she likes to sew so she'll sew you a little blanket or even a plushie to keep you comfort
gets a little upset whenever she has to leave the room ... she's fighting tooth and nail with the doctors to let her in
bakes cookies for you and u two eat them together . honestly if she had it her way you'd be completely under her care but,,, sigghh,,, she supposes that the doctors know what's best.... smh
if you're feeling well enough to eat she'll always help you do so. even if you insist that you can do it by yourself . she's almost like an over-doting mother in some ways
WILL sing/hum you lullabies when you're tired. you cannot refuse. she will also tuck you in and kiss your forehead . just for good measure
he can't help but worry . he's honestly pretty anxious knowing you're not doing well but he doesn't show it in front of you ,, he doesn't want to stress you out even more
he'll send you cards every single day that he can't make it in person ,, they have little doodles on them and you can tell they're made with love
he brings you potted plants and tells you all about them. he hopes that it helps you get your mind off of everything for awhile !!
"this is an echinacea, or the coneflower! it's been used for antibiotic and medicinal treatment for centuries. it symbolizes healing and strength. here, it's for you."
he'll hold you hand and you can't help but notice how nervous he gets when doctors come in ... he really doesn't want to leave but he understands
he tries to comfort you during uncomfortable times ... like when you have to get your blood drawn or having to take medicine. he'll smile and tell you that he's proud and that he'll get you ice cream when you're out if you follow the doctor's instructions
he's always talking about what you two are gonna do together when you get out of the hospital,, like going to a carnival and getting ice cream and how excited HECTOR will be to see you again
he doesn't like seeing you unwell but he tries to stay positive and make the best of it!!!
brings you anything you might need from home. drawing materials? plushies? electronics? your favorite blanket? he has it all
he likes to eat meals with you in your room and just talk about everything. he'll tell you about how everyone misses you and he'll lowkey be trying not to cry in front of you
he wants to cook for you SO BAD but the hospital always has meals set up for you already :( so instead he'll bring you little snacks like cookies throughout the day
doesn't want to leave the room at all,,, he'll bring in a laptop and do his classes online and everything
worried very easily,, always warns you to take it easy and slow down if you're getting up or something. he doesn't mean to be overbearing— he just really wants you to be careful!!
he HATES it god :(( he absolutely hates it when you're sick and hospitalized,, he already hates hospitals so he just. is Not Having a good time
but he doesn't want to make it more stressful for you so he tries his best to be there for you
admittedly might spend more less time with you in the hospital just because he can't stand it. but he tries his best to not be selfish and spend time with you when he can
he's a little embarrassed about it but he'll draw pictures of you and give them to you,, don't talk about it too much or show anyone though, he'll never forgive you
encourages you to take your medicine and eat well,, he's not as overwhelming as MARI or HERO but he still cares a lot, just has a different way of showing it
he'll rant about his interests and stuff that's been going on recently to distract you from everything.. he might get a little bit distracted and rant for the entire night so be sure to tell him when you've had enough
may or may not fall asleep with his head on your bed,,, or your lap,,,, holding your hand,,, mayhaps,,,,,
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lovers2death · 1 month
"Stop looking at the door."
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SYNOPSIS ;; Shane, your loving husband, is so tired of your eyes being glued to the front door of your home. Why can't you just accept the life he's built for you? He worked so hard just for you. Please, just stop looking at that damn door.
WARNINGS ;; Yandere!Shane, implied kidnapping-ish, non-con kissing, this is pretty light hearted to be honest, likely not proof-read, Y/N is NOT used.
REQUESTED BY ;; Nobody! Cooked this up on my own!!
WORD/CHARACTER COUNT ;; 737 words 3,957 characters
╭──────────.★..─╮ You really couldn't help where your gaze fell. Drawn like a moth to a flame, it constantly rested on your one (conventional) exit; the front door. Oh how you longed to go out once again, to feel the sun beating down on your now paled skin. Shane never let you leave, and you doubt the thought had even ever crossed the man's mind. Not once.
Oh but how it crossed yours. It was all you could do, really. He didn't let you lift a finger. Hungry? He could make something for you- or simply go out to get something if he didn't feel like cooking. All the chores were mostly done, and if you tried to finish, or tidy up more than he already had, Shane wasn't shy to show how cross with the idea he was, ushering you back into bed. Maybe at a time you would've found this behaviour endearing, even sweet. But now? All you wanted to do was work. Something, anything to make you feel alive.
The sound of the door opening surprised you, as whilst you were sucked into your own thoughts you hadn't even noticed the fact Shane was due to be home any moment. The man, for while he might've been mistaken for some sort of devil he was most certainly a man, smiled at you,
"Hello, love," he hummed chipperly as he walked to you, tone sickly sweet. God, you hated the way he spoke. His gruff voice dripping with honey, albeit poisoned. "Have fun while I was away?"
Really; you had no idea why he asked you questions like that. No, of course you hadn't had any fun. You were trapped inside. 'Insanity; doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result', you'd heard somewhere, and Shane truly fit this definition. And, perhaps, so did your staring past Shane at the door, almost attempting to will open the door.
"No, I did not." You replied flatly, not wanting to give your sick 'husband' any more attention than he was owed. Any more than you already had just by glancing to him. His smile faltered, swiftly being replaced with a frown. "No?" He parroted thoughtfully, "Well, it's okay, I'm here now,"
You could feel the bed dip with his weight as he sat next to your spot, his arm wrapping itself around your shoulders, "I got you," Shane mumbled sweetly, his thumb rubbing along your arm.
It took your entire being to not puke. You felt so disgusting when he touched you. It really surprised you that he hadn't forced himself upon you. Besides stuff like kissing, or cuddling, he'd never attempted anything below the waist, and not once did he attempt to grope at you without consent ether. A part of you wished to be thankful, but the other, larger, part reminded you he should not be thanked for not assaulting you. That was just human decency.
"Right.." you replied, though you didn't want to. But the warning squeeze he'd given to your arm was enough to tell you that he wanted his little bird to sing for him. Despite it all, your eyes hadn't strayed from the door, basically unblinking, too. "..Doll. Stop looking at that door." Shane suddenly snapped, his hand harshly squeezing your arm yet again, though harder this time, enough to where you were sure there'd be a mark.
"Ow-- Shane! You're hurting me-" you spluttered, eyes finally leaving the door to dart over to Shane, wide with fear. "I do everything for you; and all you can do is think of ways to leave me!" He exclaimed, venom in his voice, "It's not fair to me, sweets! Not fair, I tell you!"
And while your mind gave you every single reason he was wrong, how it was in fact VERY fair, you knew better than to talk back when he was riled up. Yes, you were stubborn, and could hold your own in a fight, but Shane as stubborn too, as well as stronger. It was a fight you knew you'd lose, and you didn't feel like having to play offense in your bedroom right now.
A sigh escaped Shane, and he leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours, "I love you, y'know," he said softly once he'd pulled away slightly. The feel of his lip against your own made you want to cry with disgust.
"I love you too." ╰─..★.──────────╯
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rose-riot-johnson · 2 months
Guess what my Tumblr Peeps😁I've finally decided to give writing a fanfic about a Kaiju No 8 character a try and it's non other than Kafka Hibino😃👍When it comes to writing about a fanfic about him, I am excited to write a fanfic about him and I have tons of ideas in my head on what to write😃💡
*This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs (mostly in the end of this fanfic)😅
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💚I'll Never Be Satisfied, Until I See For Myself That I Shown You Enough Of My Appreciation For You, With My Love For You💚(Kafka Hibino x Female Reader)
Genres: Smut (Warning +18 ⚠️: Language, Nudity, sexual contact (including Oral (both receiving) (cock sucking and pussy eating), thigh and ass touching, ass grabbing, vaginal penetration, boob touching, gentle nipple pinching), Praise Kink, And A Hickey)
You actually got to meet Kafka, when he first saved your life from a very bad Kaiju and after he defeated a Kaiju. You became surprised about the fact that he was willing to exchange cellphone numbers with eachother, which was after you asked him about having his cellphone number. Months later you managed to see him in his Kaiju No. 8 form (up to reader's imagination on how and/or when the reader had seen Kafka in his Kaiju No. 8 form), which has not only gotten you excited, however it also has you suspecting that him using his Kaiju No. 8 form might have something to do with how he managed to save your life, prior to you meeting him, so your relationship with him has became official, eversince then.
With living in the same home as your boyfriend Kafka is the usual route that is mainly sometimes him coming home after fighting Kaiju with wounds wll that either he would take care of himself or you helping take care of his wounds or both and sometimes you getting tired out from (reader's occupation)(especially when you end up having a rough day during (your) work) to the point you felt bad for not being able to do the chores or not bei g able to help him. Every you do apologize for not being able help with with chores or do chores due to (you) feeling tired and/or sick, because of the fact you would feel terrible about not being able to do so for any reason, he would assure you that there's no need to apologize and your health is very important to him (if he's being honest your life is more important to him than having chores get done).
Kafka does try to make you feel better while being honest about your health and life being very important to him and in his eyes you were being too hard on yourself whenever you're unable to do chores or even help him do it for any reason, however you felt deep down it wasn't just about that. You felt like deep down you haven't shown him how much you appreciate everything he had ever did for you, especially with taking care of you and saving your life. You just will never be satisfied until you fully show him how much you appreciate him and you don't just want to hear it from him despite of you knowing he was telling you the truth. You also want to see his expressions and him feeling your appreciation, for yourself.
One night, you came up with a plan to show Kafka, how much you appreciate him and having him feel the appreciation you're about to show him. Once he came home from fighting the bad Kaiju, you decided to check on him for any wounds and surprisingly he didn't have any wounds, however once he sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen you decided to give him a back, shoulder, and arm massage, as he goes, "I'm surprised you're massaging me like this, (Female Reader Name)... What's the occasion, sweetie?". "I don't think there's an exact specific occasion really, Kafka... I just figured I'd really show you how much I appreciate you and stuff... Even tough it will be your night, I will also take extra care of you, babe...", you replied with your sweet talking, as you sneakily unbuckle his belt, then quietly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, knowing he's distracted with your conversation with him and with taking his shirt off, before going back to massaging him and asking, "Would you like anything to eat hun?".
Kafka was then confused as he replied, "I thought, I had the dinner you made me before my mission to fight another Kaiju, (Female Reader Name)?". You continued to massage his back, shoulders, and arms, as you whispered in his ear, "What about (dessert or a midnight snack)? I clearly remember that you haven't had dessert nor any snacks in a while, so let me treat you. Go on... Lay on the bed while I get dessert set up for you.", before you kissed him on one of his facial cheeks and stopped giving him a back, shoulder, arm massage, as you let him stand up, as his pants completely fell down. Before he was able to make an attempt to pull his pants back up and ask about how his pants feel down, you played innocent pretending you didn't notice his hard on, when you cooed, "Oh... What a surprise that your pants ended up falling down... Oh well... It might end up getting toasty in here later, so you might want to leave your pants off...".
Despite Kafka giving you a weird look on his face, he did what you asked, by finishing getting his pants removed and handing you that same pair of pants that fell off on him and replied, "I guess you're right, my weather lady... It still feels a little toasty inside the place, even after I took my shirt off... I should have remembered that you know, so well...", before winking at you, as he went inside the bedroom he shares with you, turned on the air conditioner, then lay on the bed, while he's waiting for you, as he's trying to figure out how his pants fell down. He was also thinking about what you mentioned about "toasty" in here, as he decided to pull his boxers down just to his knees, so he can keep his dick cooled down a little, then he saw you completely naked. He clearly doesn't know what he's blushing (and speechless) about more, the fact that you walked in the room after he pulled his boxers to his knees with his dick hanging out or the fact that you came inside the room, where he can see you completely naked.
Kafka then figured out you might be up to something, as he mentioned, "Since you walked in the room completely naked, what's your plan actually? Something tells me that my pants weren't unbuttoned nor unzipped... Infact my belt wasn't even unbuckled... Atleast not until you decided to massage my back, shoulders, and arms... What are you really planning, since you're not actually going to make me (desert or a midnight snack)?". You only answered him with, "You'll see...", before you happily continued, "And look... You even had your cock out just for me... I knew you were hard... I just didn't know you'd be this hard for me...", proceeding to get on the bed to get on top of him, as you sat on his face with your pussy inside of his mouth, giving him no other choice, except to eat and lick your pussy, while you stroke his cock, before putting his cock inside of your mouth.
Once you started sucking on his cock, you could instantly hear Kafka muffling, as if he has trouble holding back a moan, so you decided to deep throat his dick to see, if he does anything else. After he felt you deep throating his cock, he put his hands on the back of your thighs, then quickly moving his hands to your ass, proceeding to grab rough enough, as one of his attempts of letting you know he enjoyed how you we're sucking on his hard cock and the way you were deep throating, too. He also dined on your pussy, while trailing his tongue on your clit (considering that your pussy is still in his mouth, from you sitting on his face), as he would open his eyes on and off, looking at your ass (and still holding on to your ass) out of his enjoyment of what you're doing with him.
A few minutes later, you touched his hand to let him know that you're going to finally get off his face, as he then realized that you're done sucking and deep throating his dick. You turned around, then cooed, "I can't have you be finished yet, babe... We're just getting started, my precious... I really want to continue showing you my appreciation in a different way, darlin... I would love to hear your voice and actually hear your words, as I continue making you feel, so good... Let me show you, how much of a good girl I can be for you, Kafka...", proceeding to kiss his lips quick before you start riding on his hard cock. Once you started riding on his dick, the walls of your pussy hole already started to tighten around his cock, as he groaned and praised, "Fuck, (Female Reader Name)... Were planning this.. Oh God! The whole time? Fuck! Your pussy is always amazing on my dick, even tough you really are making a mess out of me, this time...", as he kept moving his hands to your hips, then to your sides, then to your boobs to gently, pinch your nipples, then sliding down on your sides to get his hands back to your hips, as he continued (with atleast a moaning, slight praise), "Please, (Female Reader Name)... You're taking such amazing care of me, in a unexpected way... Just please don't stop riding me like like this until I fill your pussy full... I need you... I need you to continue making a mess of me until I empty my cum inside of you... I'm begging you, my miss sugar angel!", as you were able to tell he was already, starting to get very pussy drunk and he was also showing his expressions on his blushing, face that he was feeling more than satisfied on how you were (and are) taking care of him.
You then replied as you groaned, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, handsome... I'm more than happy to hear you express how you truly feel about how I'm taking care of you, like this... And it's not just your praises that satisfied me... I can also tell from seeing your expressions on your cute and blushy face, that you're more than satisfied with how much I'm showing you my appreciation for you, this time, which made more very satisfied to see you satisfied, honestly... Since you don't want me to stop until you're emptied, to tell you the truth, I don't want to stop until then either, my sexy Kaiju...", which made Kafka blush even more, as you then continued to ride his cock, with his hand gripping on your hips, so gently. His whimpers and your moans then started to fill the room, the longer you kept riding on his cock. He would then move his hands from your hips to your ass, as he started to grab your ass roughly.
Kafka somehow managed to get himself to sit up, while roughly grabbing your ass and you continuing to ride him, before you proceeded to put a hickey on his left side of his necks, as he then loudly whimpered, "(Female Reader Name)! I think I'm going into a climax!". Once he emptied himself inside of your swollen hole, he wrapped his arms around you and you wrapped your arms around him, laying your head on his left shoulder. "You did such an amazing job with taking care of me hun... I really appreciate it, beautiful... Because of you this has to be the best night ever...", Kafka praised, proceeding to pet the back of your head and holding you a little tightly. "I'm glad Hibino... I'm truly am happy to finally be able show you, how much I really appreciate you and since I've seen your expressions, your (tones of your) voice, and feeling your enjoyment on what I'm doing with you and your body, I can now be satisfied with knowing that I more than satisfied you, which I have been wanting to do for you, babe...".
"I honestly, am more than satisfied with what you're doing with me... I'm surprised... I also get satisfied when I get to see you in general... Wheather it's waking up next to you in the morning or coming home from fighting Kaiju, when we snuggle together, you name it! While we do get our off days, just being able to see your face, hear your voice, and even snuggling with you can really satisfy me hun...", Kafka replied, so happily before he loosen his hug to look at you and continued, "Tell you what, (Female Reader Name)... Maybe one day... Or night... I might satisfy you and pleasure you in a way or in ways you wouldn't ever expect me to...", giving you a smirk on his face. You blushed as you replied, "I can tell you're trying to be cute with talking about satisfying and pleasuring me and I clearly think you can always be cute without trying... I love you, Kafka...", proceeding to kiss one of the sides of his facial cheeks. He blushed and replied back, "I love you too, (Female Reader Name)...", before Kafka decided kiss you into a lip locking sensation, which you enjoyed it from him to the point where you locked lips together. Next day when Kafka Hibino was patrolling with Reno Ichikawa and Iharu Furuhashi to see, of there are any bad Kaiju they needed to fight, Iharu joked, "Hey Kafka! You lost to a vacuum cleaner when you got home last night?", trying to hide his giggling and wanting to see, if Kafka realizes you put a hickey on him, leaving both Reno and Kafka confused, as Kafka replied, "What vacuum cleaner? I haven't touched any vacuum cleaners last night?", before Iharu giggled and replied back, "I meant your girlfriend must have left you a nice hickey on the left side of your neck!", as he then happily continued, "In all seriousness, she is definitely a good woman for you, since she left her mark on you and she must have shown you some love...", wanting to shake hands with Kafka, before Reno used a mirror he must have brought with him for Kafka to see for himself, as he tried to hide his happy blushing, after he realized that you must have put a hickey on him, while you were riding on Kafka's dick that night. He would then mumble to himself, "One of these nights... I'm going to definitely show her the lovin' she'll never forget... I will definitely show, (Female Reader) a good time for putting a hickey on me...", before he smirked, while still blushing.
💚The End💚
I really did my best with putting alot of thought into the fanfic and I do hope you enjoyed this fanfic about Kafka, especially with the ending, which the ending was last minute honestly😃👍While in ways this fanfic is similar to atleast some of the other smut fanfics, however in ways I decided to write it a different way😁👍If there are any errors in grammar or spelling I did rush the fanfic and/or forgot to proof read it first, the fact I really got excited to write this (or any) fanfic about Kafka (regardless of any genres (even if I was write about another genre instead of smut) and wanted to try different ways of writing this Kafka fanfic than I typically writing storyline wise😅😃👍The reason(s) why I'm inspired to write a fanfic about him is because I have seen posts mentioning about the Kaiju No 8 manga, then one day I decided to read one of the volumes of Kaiju No. 8 months ago and I really enjoyed the manga, so when I found out about the anime version of Kaiju No. 8, I was happy about it, and from watching the anime I like the anime (so far) and Kafka Hibino is definitely my favorite character from Kaiju No. 8 right now, so I just have my reasons💚😁👍I do hope to write about Kafka again one day, because I might have an idea or so on how I want to write it, considering I had fun writing this fanfic and I'm hoping you had fun reading this fanfic about Kafka, as well😃👍
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luvhynjinnnn · 1 year
songs of you ✰
"I've never loved anyone the way I love you"
synopsis. songs that remind me of different stray kids members genre. fluff, hurt/angst, comfort, allusions to sex pairings : hyung line skz! x fem!reader these are just drabbles that popped into my head while I was listening to music so they probably aren't the best lol
bang chan - "playing games - summer walker & bryson tiller"
you and chan had been dating for about three years. people think that life with a k-pop idol was all glamour and unicorns and rainbows. and dating chan was. until it wasn't. now, he was rarely home. he was always either on tour, or at the studio, or at the gym, or the dorms overworking himself. and he never sent you so much as a text to tell you he was staying over. he'd rather simply let you stay up until 3am waiting.
and god knows that the two of you had this conversation so many times. and every time it ended with him apologizing. saying he won't do it again. until he did it again. and again. and again. that's how the two of you ended up here. in this argument. he'd came home while you were laying down, mindlessly scrolling through social media in an attempt to forget about the ruins of your relationship. walking into your shared bedroom, he began talking about something. some promotions or something. truth be told, you weren't listening. maybe he noticed that. maybe that's how you ended up here. in this exact spot.
you were now sitting on the side of the bed, with him standing in front of you between your thighs. "you act like I'm asking you to drop everything and run off with me!" you shout, your voice shaky as tears threatened to spill over, "did I ever ask you to take me to go shopping in Paris? or go sailing overseas and just drape me in Gucci? I don't think so!" the tears teetering over the edge of your eyes had finally fallen and you quickly dropped your head, now looking at your feet, as you refused to let him see you cry. "all I've ever asked was for you to pick up your phone when you're alone. all I've ever asked was for you to show me some love. you don't show me off to the boys and you never come home anymore." your voice had finally returned to it's normal state as you sucked in a breath. the two of you stayed there, for what felt like an eternity. when he didn't say a word, you looked up and met his gaze.
tears rolled down his face but he didn't move. not one sniffle or whimper left him. he simply stood there. you finally stood and placed both of your hands on either side of his cheeks, using your thumbs to slowly wipe away the tears. "chan.." you whisper before he cuts you off.
"don't do this. don't break up with me. you're my world. my universe. you're everything I've ever needed in this lifetime. I've never loved anyone the way I love you. I'm sorry. I know I've said that before but.. but I truly am. I love you so much. I love you in a way that it hurts." he says, tears still rolling down his cheeks and splashing onto your thumbs. his bottom lip quivered slightly. your heart broke at the sight; although you'd had this conversation before, he'd never given you this reaction.
"chan. I'm not breaking up with you. I'm.. I'm just tired." you sigh. "I'm tired of not feeling like a priority for you. I love you too. more than anything. and you know I'm so incredibly proud of you and your accomplishments. I'm just sick of feeling this way."
"I'll make a better effort. I'm sorry I made you feel this way. and I'm even more sorry that you felt like you couldn't talk to me." he sighs, running a hand through his hair.
you lean into him, pressing a kiss to his lips before whispering, "me too"
lee know - "don't - bryson tiller"
minho had been your best friend for god knows how long. honestly, you couldn't remember a point in your life where he wasn't your best friend. or when you weren’t in love with him. he'd always been a shoulder for you to cry on, arms to snuggled under, a body to curl into while you slept. he was just always there.
today had been no different. today, you'd been complaining to minho about how your boyfriend of four years had been acting different lately. today, you sat on your best friend's couch in his apartment and cried. now, you felt as though you had no tears left to cry. you felt as though you still needed to cry yet you lacked the fluids to force the tears to fall.
your best friend walked into the living room with two coffee mugs in hand. he slipped you one before the couch dipped and he sat down on your right. you took a sip before your face immediately twisted up and your tongue stuck out involuntarily. "what the fuck is this, Minho?" your head turned to face him as you placed the cup down in your lap.
"coffee." he shrugged, "and vodka". he sipped the concoction before placing it onto the coffee table in front of him. cautiously taking another sip, you leaned into him and placed your head on his chest. you felt his entire body tense but he simply sat there. "wrap your arms around me, I'm grieving." you whine.
his heart tugs at the sound of your voice. "but I don't wanna”, he whines as well. you huff and take another sip of the hazardous waste and lean into his chest. “i miss him” you say, barely above a whisper but you knew minho heard you.
he tsks, “why? you’re so stupid, you miss a guy who’s not treating you right. he’s not worth your time anyway” minho wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings, you knew that. but you couldn’t help but tear up at his words. not because he was being mean, because he was right. “i know. maybe it’s my fault. maybe if i was a better girlfriend - or a better person - this wouldn’t be happening.” your lip quivers slightly as you speak.
he frowns at your sullen words, “now i know you’re stupid. shockingly, you’re a good person. he’s just a dumbass for not treating you the way you deserve.” he leans forward, careful not to disturb you, and takes another sip of the “coffee” before wrapping one arm around you and gripping the mug in the other. you feel yourself releasing tension you didn’t even know you had as you eased even further into him. that was another thing you loved about being in minho’s presence.
you felt so comfortable around him. something you rarely felt around other people. and minho was so blunt with you. he never sugarcoated things that other people would. “he really only fucked you over cause you let him. fuck him, i guess he didn’t know any better.” he sighed, rubbing his temple.
“he says that he still loves me, minho”
“does he? more importantly, do you? that man didn’t show any effort. i do all i can just to show you you’re special. some days i feel like i’m falling apart but i’m certain it’s your love that holds me together.”
you furrow your eyebrows and shift your body so you were now looking up at minho. “you say he keeps on playing games and his “loving” ain’t the same. i don’t know what to say but, what a shame” he rolls his eyes, pressing his lips into a thin line. “if you were mine, you wouldn’t get the same. if you were mine you would top everything”
perplexed, you tilt your head. “what are you talking about, minho?”
“he’s the only reason that i’m feeling this way. i could treat you better than he can” he places his hand on the small of your back, flashing you a half smile. you search his eyes for any bit of ingenuity until you realize that there is none. “what are you saying?” you cock an eyebrow, waiting for him to elaborate.
he rolls his eyes, scoffing. “why are you so dense? i’m in love with you. i’ve never loved anyone the way i love you.” he huffs.
he was in love with you? your best friend, the one that you’d been in love with for longer than you could even remember, was in love with you? your eyes slowly widen at his sudden confession and you struggle to find the words to respond. “min..” was all that came out.
“if you don’t feel the same, we could always blame this on the alcohol and pretend it didn’t happen.” he whispers with a sad smile.
“but i wanna remember this” you say before closing the gap between the two of you and leaning forward to kiss him. it was better than you could’ve ever imagined. sparks flew and it just felt right. like your lips were only ever molded for each other.
“i love you, lee minho” you whisper into his lips between breaths.
seo changbin - “snooze - sza”
much similarly to the rest of the 3RACHA members, changbin was rarely ever home, meaning you rarely ever saw him. but the only difference was that he cherished the moments he had with you. whether it was when he spoke to you on the phone for 5 minutes on his break, or when he spent his off day at home.
but no matter what, changbin always reminded you that he’d do anything for you. even when you’d been going through your rough patches, like now. to be completely honest, you had no clue how this even occurred. it began with a disagreement. but all you knew was you were afraid that he’d break up with you. he hadn’t spoken to you about the disagreement or came home since it happened.
so when you surprised him by coming to the studio after hours, he couldn’t help but admire you. from his desk, he watched as you sat on the couch and scrolled through your phone, occasionally fidgeting with your fingers as you sat in each other’s presence. he couldn’t believe how you could be so beautiful doing such a normal thing. he hated fighting with you, you were his everything.
somehow, you sensed his eyes burning holes - affectionate holes - into your head. you glanced up and immediately met his gaze. “yes bin?” you said, watching the way blush quickly crept up onto his face. without saying a word, he stood up and sat beside you on the couch. you assumed he’d begin speaking about the issue but apparently he had other plans. his big hands immediately went to your hips and pulled you onto his lap. you yelped at the sudden move but you continued fidgeting with your fingers, looking down. “i’m sorry” he sighs, “for everything. i’m sorry that we had this disagreement and that i haven’t come home.”
you slowly look back up at him, analyzing his face; his beautiful yet tired face. his curly black hair fell across his forehead with his glasses pushed all the way up, resting on the bridge of his nose. he was wearing a black compression shirt with grey sweatpants; his eyes locked onto yours.“i love you.” he suddenly blurts out.
you blush at his confession, “i know, you’ve told me that everyday for the past two years”
“you know i’d do anything for you, right? mobbing, scheming, looting, hide your bodies. as long as you’re dreaming about me, there’s no problem.”
his list of crimes didn’t faze you, as you were used to him constantly reminding you that he’d do anything for you. you nod, silently. “i don’t have anybody, i’m just with you. tell the truth, i look better under you. i don’t like when i’m not with you. when we miss moments together”
he grins at your words, clearing his throat. “i can’t lose when i’m with you. how can i snooze and miss the moments? you’re just too important. i thought you were gonna leave me.” he sighs again.
“you was scared i was gonna leave and I'm the main one cryin'? just trying be your everything, your main one riding.”
“you’ll always be my world. i couldn’t imagine my life without you. i’ve never loved anyone the way i love you.” he pouts, jutting his bottom lip out.
you press your lips to his.
“i love you too bin”
hwang hyunjin - “favorite mistake - giveon”
hyunjin had been part of your life since you were in the sixth grade. well, not your life, per se. more so, your older brother’s life. hyunjin and your older brother, felix, had become friends in the seventh grade, and the rest was history. they were only a year older than you so you’d always gone to the same school as them, which resulted in the three of you always walking to school, walking home, and hanging out after-school together.
and you’d had a crush on him ever since. when you first met him through felix, you immediately thought he was cute. but the more you got to know him, the more you found yourself attracted to him. his personality, his looks, everything about him was the embodiment of perfection.
you never thought anything much of your crush, knowing that he didn’t reciprocate and that felix didn’t approve. when you once complimented hyunjin’s looks to felix, he immediately shut you down.
“i said no. i don’t want you liking hyunjin, end of story.” felix narrowed his eyes at you. “why not? hyunjin’s cute and you don’t even know if he likes me back!!” you whine, rolling your eyes.
“because hyunjin is my friend and trust me, i know for a fact he doesn’t like girls younger than him.”
and you respected felix’s wishes. as far as he was concerned.
once your freshman year of college rolled around, you noticed a change in hyunjin’s behavior. whenever he came over to hang out with felix, he’d always slip away and meet you in the kitchen. you’d talk about everything and nothing until he had to return to felix before he got suspicious.
hyunjin found himself feeling comfortable in your presence. he enjoyed the deep conversations and how much you had in common. you both loved to paint, and dance, and read. you were so similar yet so different and he loved it.
which is how he ended up kissing you on the couch of yours and felix’s shared apartment during your weekly movie night. felix had gone to the bathroom and the two of you had been talking about the scene that just passed. when you turned to face him, his eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips, which didn’t go unnoticed by you. you leaned in and kissed him and he gladly accepted it.
you quickly pulled away when you heard the bathroom door swing open and the boy emerged from it. you were thankful for the dim lights of the living room, so felix wouldn’t be able to see the blush on your face.
the next day, hyunjin came over during the afternoon. you looked at him with a puzzled expression, “felix isn’t here. you know he’s at work for another hour”. hyunjin walks into the house regardless, uninvited might you add.
“i’m not here for felix. ever since you kissed me, i can’t stop thinking about you.” his eyes darted all around the room, and he ran a hand through his already tousled hair, “i really like you. and i know you like me too. i’ve never loved anyone the way i love you..”
“hyunjin, i do like you too. but..” you bit your bottom lip nervously, “i promised felix i wouldn’t get with you. he’d hate me and you too.” he suddenly clutched his chest with his hand and groaned, “the girl i love doesn’t want me??”
you giggle at his drama, “we’re like Romeo and Juliet except it’s not our parents keeping us apart, it’s my stupid brother.”
“who says he has to know?” he shrugs.
“what are you getting at?”
“we can be together in secret” he whispers the last part as if you aren’t the only ones home. “felix doesn’t have to know. nobody has to know, it’ll be our little secret.”
it took some convincing but you eventually agreed to see hyunjin in secret. what could you say? the boy was very convincing. neither of you wanted him to leave so you settled on the couch to watch a movie.
“i remember what happened last time we were on this couch” he whispers, wriggling his eyebrows. “oh really? i’m not sure what you’re talking about, can you remind me?” you tilt your head, feigning innocence. he smirks before placing his hand on the back of your neck, leaning in and closing the gap between you.
it’s just as amazing as the first, yet somehow better and you can’t imagine ever kissing anyone else. and that’s how it all began. the constant meet ups when felix was at work or in class. the secret dates. the anonymous flowers and gifts being sent to your apartment. felix was curious, but not suspicious. he was happy you’d found someone and that (as far as he was concerned) it wasn’t hyunjin.
one day, felix came to you, seemingly distressed. “have you spoken to hyunjin lately?” he asks, eyebrows furrowed. shit. you shake your head vigorously, “no, i haven’t seen him. why?”
“he’s been acting weird. he’s been bailing on our hang outs and he’s not texting me back. he’s been.. distant” you felt for your brother, you really did. he was worried about his best friend, and you knew the truth. but the truth would break him.
“i’m really sorry lix. i haven’t seen him, though.” he offers you a sad smile and retreats to his bedroom.
later that day, when hyunjin meets you at your favorite coffee shop, you talk to him over two iced Americanos. “hyune.. i don’t know if this is the right thing to do. felix is upset. he says you’ve been distant and he hasn’t seen you. i don’t want to take you away from your best friend”
he takes your hands in his, “we both know it’s wrong but you’re still coming over. even when you’re gone, the feelings just grow stronger. should leave it alone but you’re still coming closer. we both know it’s wrong, can’t keep this for long.”
your stomach churns at his words, because you know he’s right. even though you both know that you shouldn’t be doing this, its as though your gravitated to him. and if it’s wrong, you don’t want to be right..
“look at what you do to me, our secret's safe so you're my favorite mistake. look in my eyes, can you find the lies? do you feel alive?”
you look into his eyes, they’re pleading. he’s pleading for you to not end this. you glance away.
“look in my eyes, do you mind the lies? do you feel alive?”
you nod, “i really love being with you, hyune. but i can’t bear hurting felix. either we tell him or we can’t be together.”
he looks at you with sad eyes but nods slowly. “i understand. he’s my best friend and i don’t wanna hurt him. you’re so caring.” he smiles.
he leans in and kisses you for the last time as a secret couple.
a/n : wowowow.. i feel like these drabbles progressively got worse 😭 if you couldn’t tell, they were supposed to be reciting the song lyrics lolol. can you tell that hyunjin is my bias ? 😭
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Thorin X Hobbit!Reader - Return
Requests are open!
✿ Words: 2,612
✿ Themes: Kinda(?) Angst, Fluff
✿ Prompt: You are the sister of Bilbo, and had come with them on their quest to the lonely mountain. Over the time of your adventure, you develop a crush on the dwarven king. You head back home to the Shire to tie up some loose ends but return back to your real home.
✿ Posted: 2/20/23
Smaug had been slain, Thorin recovered from his gold sickness, and the line of Durin had finally been returning to normal after their near-death experiences. Everything was finally peaceful.
Your brother had left Erebor a week ago, and now it was time for you to follow in his footsteps. It was a very abrupt decision that you made last night. This meant you haven't told anyone in the company, but that's because you didn't want anyone to make a fuss. That and everyone was so busy beginning the restorations of the mountain.
The banquet hall that you all shared was empty when you first awoke, so you took your time packing some of your small items into the bag. You’d just tied an extra blade to the side when you heard someone walk in.
"Are ya leavin?" Bofur’s voice echoed from the doorway, but you could hear his steps on the stone floor moving further into the room. You looked up at him from where you sat on the floor and softly smiled.
"I am. I have things to tie up at home," You started, standing up to fluff your bedroll from the dusty floor. "And I'm worried if I don't leave now, I won't be able to in the future." 
He raised a suspicious eyebrow, "Did you at least plan on saying goodbye to everyone?" You let out a small laugh at that.
"Of course! I am not my brother." You joked. Dropping your neatly folded bedding onto your bag as you walked over to Bofur, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders in a tight hug. 
Afterwards, you made your way down the hall, stopping whenever you spotted one of your friends. Most of them seemed understanding but some seemed more sad than others. Especially, Ori. Ori wouldn’t let you go and Nori ended up pulling him away before giving you a half-hug with the arm that wasn’t holding Ori back. Dwalin gave you one of his gruff slaps on the shoulder and wished you safe travels. You’d received a few offers of a travel companion, but you turned them all down.
When you made it to Bombur, he had just finished breakfast. You gladly helped him plate up the food for everyone and clean up the mess. Plus, it gave you a little more time to talk with a few of them. You gave a tight hug to Bombur before picking up the last plate for Thorin, who always lost track of time in the mornings. It also allowed you to show a bit of your appreciation and adoration for him.
You slowly made your way down the halls until you were standing in front of the grand doors to Thorin’s council chambers. It had become normal for you to always greet Thorin and bring him breakfast before starting your morning trek through the mountain. But today, your stomach churned nervously as you stared at the door. You sucked in a breath, bringing your hand up carefully, and gently rapping your knuckles against the wood. 
You tensed even more when you heard the faint voice, "Enter." 
You used your free hand to push open one of the doors and slide in, closing it behind you with a loud click. "Good morning, Thorin." You hummed as you ambled towards him. 
"Morning." He let his head rest in his hands as he stared at a parchment laid precariously before him. You reached down and pulled the paper out from in front of him, quickly placing the plate down in its spot. His head rose quickly, most likely to scold you for taking the parchment from him, but you placed a hand on his shoulder and he quieted.
“Bombur told me you didn’t have dinner,” You sighed. “And on my way here, Balin told me you never slept last night.”
Thorin let out a long sigh as he leaned back, eyes closing slowly. He looked so tired with the dark bags under his eyes. “I had more important matters to attend to.”
“You need to take better care of yourself Thorin, you’re still recovering.” You let go of his shoulder, placing the parchment next to his plate. He just huffed in response.
You took a few steps back, thinking over how to tell him you were leaving. It had been so easy telling all of the others, but the thought of telling Thorin made your heart ache and stomach churn. 
“Thank you, for your concern.” Thorin’s voice broke the silence and you bowed your head. He opened his eyes, going back to look over the parchment but this time he picked at the food on his plate.
You couldn’t help but take in a shaky breath to attempt to calm yourself before speaking. "I'm sorry, I know you’re probably busy but can I take up a moment of your time?"
His head lifted to turn towards you, swallowing whatever food was in his mouth. "I'm never too busy for you." 
Thorin’s sweet words made it harder for you. You evaded your eyes as you spoke in a whisper, "I’m leaving, Thorin." Your head snapped back up when you heard the legs of his heavy chair slide against the stone ground, he was standing now, eyes burning into your own.
"When are you leaving? Why?" His sudden hostile tone shocked you, he was so tired not even seconds ago.
"As soon as I sort out my stuff and say the last of my goodbyes.” Your voice quivered when you watched him turn his face from you. “I knew if I didn’t leave now, it would only be harder!”
"Let me send someone with you, it's not safe-"
You cut him off, "No. I need to do this myself." You could only watch as his shoulder tensed and relaxed in front of you. "Thorin, I'll come back. There are just a few things I need to sort out at the Shire.” Your words were but a whisper as you took a few steps to him, going to reach out and touch his shoulder, but he reeled away before your fingertips could even brush against his furs.
"Go then.” His cold tone and words cut deep into your heart, your eyes welling up with tears.
“Be on your way!” He roared, his head half turning so you could see the left side of his face. His thick brows were furrowed and eyes slit. You hated this side of Thorin, yet you could understand his anger. You knew he didn’t mean to react like this, he was never good at controlling his feelings.
You stood up straight and bowed your head, moving quickly to the door. You kept your back to him as you sucked in a deep breath, "I think I'll miss you most of all, Thorin." You slipped out of the door, quickly wiping off whatever tears fell down your cheeks. You could hear a loud clattering as soon as the door shut behind you. You so wanted to look back, but you knew you had to keep going forward.
You continued making your way around to say the last of your goodbyes and soon enough, it was time to go. You slipped out of Erebor, waving to Nori and Gloin who were watching the gate, and made your way back home.
It was scary at first, being alone and camping in the woods. But the knowledge from your first travels made you feel at ease. Soon enough you were back home at the Shire.
-.-.-.-.-.-.- 1.5 Years Later -.-.-.-.-.-.-
You hadn't planned on being away so long, but life had another way of flipping things around. After giving away your hobbit home, you acquired a pony for your trip and gave what you wanted to keep to Bilbo to hold on to. You didn't plan on coming back, despite your brother begging you to. He knew better though. After your adventure, you felt like the peace of the Shire was uncomfortably silent and boring.
The path to Erebor seemed more worn than before, and you even came across a few Dwarrow heading in that direction. You all traveled together through the forest but lost them when they broke off to go towards Dale to check out their improving markets.
You nearly couldn’t contain your excitement the closer you came to Erebor. You smiled to yourself as it came into view. The gates were fixed, holes were patched, and it looked chocked full of life. The birds and vegetation had returned to the mountain and the air had a sweet smell to it. You watched from down the path as what looked to be a Dwarrow family passing through the renewed gateway, four armored dwarves allowing them through.
As you approached, two of the dwarves aimed spears in your direction, causing you to pull back on the reins of your pony. "Stop! Whats yer buisness here?" One of the armored dwarves holding a sword shouted. 
"I'm here to see Thorin." You called, swinging your leg over and slipping off your pony, you held your hands out to show you held no malicious intent.
A dwarf's eyes furrowed as he kept the spear pointed at you. "The king is not seeing any diplomats." His voice grumbled. 
"Oh! Believe me, I’m no diplomat.” You laughed at that, placing a hand over your chest. “I'm part of the company of Thorin Oakenshield."  
"You are a hobbit, a woman hobbit! I haven't heard anything of you." One of the dwarves yelled from above. Little did you know, his yell reached the ears of someone close to you.
You sighed and placed your hands on your hips. "Can you please find Dwalin, Balin, or anyone else by any chance?" As soon as you said that, Kili's head looked over the wall.
"Well look who finally decided to show up!" His voice yelled happily, your head turned up, a large smile spreading across your cheeks.
"Hello, Kili!" You laughed and turned towards the dwarves who reluctantly let you pass them now. One of them pass kind enough to take your pony as you walked in.
You could hear the quick steps coming down a set of stairs to your right, but you weren’t prepared to brace yourself when Kili slammed you into a bear hug. “I missed you so much!” His laugh was loud in your ears.
"Kili!" You whined as he squeezed you once more. When he finally let go you playfully slapped his chest.
"We’ve been worried sick about you! We got a message from your brother saying you left the Shire over four months ago!" 
"That's my fault, I got sidetracked a few times along the way.” You said sheepishly. He hooked your arm in his, directing the dwarves to give your pony the best care and that your belongings be brought to one of the rooms in the royalty wing.
It was a lot warmed than you remember inside the mountain and plenty more lively as Kili took you on a grand tour to show what’s been changed since you’ve been gone. You were so happy to see your friends again and they seemed happy to see you. Though walking around with the prince did earn you a few odd looks from other Darrow’s, you held your polite smile despite that.
You stood in the industrious kitchen, watching as Bombur worked tirelessly with a few other dwarves. It was such a change from what you remember before. You had a lovely chat with him about the influx of ingredients they were able to receive now that the trade lines were opening.
Bombur pushed a plate into your hands, and you looked at him quizzically. “Take this to Thorin, will ya?” 
“Oh, yeah, of course.” You patted his back with your free hand before leaving. 
You were happy to help, but your nerves started to creep up on you. You ambled down the halls towards the council chamber. You were admiring all of the new adornments on the wall, but mostly you were avoiding the inevitable; seeing Thorin. Eventually, you stood in front of his intimidatingly large door. You sucked in a breath and lightly knocked on the door like you would before.
"I'm busy!" You heard his voice growl from inside.
You rolled your eyes and decided to enter anyways. You pushed the door open and kicked it shut with your foot.
"I said I'm-" His voice trailed off as he stared at you. 
You evaded his eyes and walked forward. "I'm sorry, I know. Bombur asked if I could bring your dinner to you." You hummed and walked to his desk, reaching over him and sliding the plate in front of him. You stood there for a second as he stared at you like you were a specter. You rubbed your hands together and bowed your head. "Sorry for the intrusion, I'll come back later." You sputtered, turning to rush out of the room, but instead, arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you back onto Thorin's lap. You turned your head to him, mouth agape. You hadn’t expected him to react this oddly. You expected a cold look or even a simple ‘It’s great seeing you!’, not this.
"Where have you been?" His voice was soft and gravelly as one of his hands moved to cup your cheek. 
"Thorin, I'm sorry." You looked into his eyes, your hands resting on his toned chest. He looked so exhausted and worn out. "I really didn't mean to be gone so long."
Thorin sighed, his head leaning forward and resting against your own. "You have no reason to be sorry. I treated you so coldly that day.” You could feel the brush of his beard against your chin. “I was worried that you wouldn’t return to me, that in my fear and anger, I let you slip through my fingers.” 
You blinked rapidly in confusion,  “What… What are you saying?” It almost sounded like he was professing his love to you.
“I cannot bare to lose you, (Y/N). My heart ached every moment while you were gone and I couldn’t find a reason why you plagued my every waking thought.” His hand dragged down your arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. His eyes were soft and his breathing shaky as he continued. “Then it came to me. I love you. I love the way your hair falls upon your face, the way your nose scrunches when you’re irritated with me, the way you cared for me when I was injured.” A blush spread over your cheeks, but he wasn’t done. “I love the way you smell in the morning, the way your eyes sparkle in the sunset, and how your laugh was full of warmth.”
His eyes darted between your own, looking for any response from you. Your hands lifted to cradle his face, his eyes shutting as he waited. It was your turn to speak now, but you were completely awestruck at his confession. You sucked in a shaky breath before lifting yourself and gently pushing your lips together. Your stomach tingled as his lips moved along yours delicately. Your chest pressed to his as his hand pressed against your back, trying to move you impossibly closer. His soft kisses turned fiery as he devoured your lips. You heard a slight hum coming from his throat and you whimpered in response. 
He pulled away first, his hard chest rising and falling as he brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. "I've been waiting for this for too long." He cooed, pressing your foreheads together again.
“I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting, my love.”
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sourbinnie · 1 year
Hi omg I just came across ur page, I loved your recent it was so cute & now I’m dying for more comfort Hyunjin.
Can I request reader being on her period so she’s rlly irritable and then Hyunjin comes home saying he has a stomach ache and she thinks he’s just joking around so she just ignores him but then later realizes he’s being serious when he doesn’t eat dinner n feels sick so she feels bad and takes care of him.
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title -> misinterpreted pair -> hyunjin x fem!reader genre -> hurt/comfort + fluff warnings -> mentions of periods + mentions of food + cursing a/n: yall i think im a sucker for hurt/comfort jinnie, thank you for you request! <3 it came out shorter than i expected but i still hope you like it ¡! :(
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as if the day couldn't get more annoying, periods happen. ok, it's not like i had a lot on my plate but there's no worse sensation than your uterus kicking you like you deserve it. it was painful, annoying and overall made me feel like complete garbage. i carried through work like i could, continuing with my day like i wasn't suffering every step of the way. getting home was a task too but i managed through it and decided to throw myself on the bed, trying every single position to see if it would make the pain go away. 
i know i wasn't the easiest to deal with when i was like this but i was hoping hyunjin would understand. 
speaking of him, he was just about to come in through the door every minute now and the things that i usually get ready for him, are not there. like i said, i hope he understands that it's not my best day and he can get them on his own. i know practice must've been a lot and i truly wish he would take care of himself better.
"(y/n)?" i hear my name being called out and i don't even have the strength to get up. feels like the weight is pulling me down again. i manage to do so in a few tries but everything still spins and hurts around me. "missed you baby." he says when he sees me and gives me a hug which i have to retract because of the tightness of it all. he looks at me confused which i have to explain.
"i'm on my period and everything sucks right now." i say calmly but dying on the inside. "i'm sorry if i'm gonna be a bitch to you at any moment but right now i just need to rest."
"oh, that's okay i actually had like a stomach ache through the whole day so i get it." and i just sigh 'cause i knew he was messing with me. he always likes to do that and even with the confused look on his face, i wouldn't fall for it at all. i decided to not linger on it and go to our room to get my sweet sleep as much as i wanted to stay and cuddle with my boyfriend, i knew it would only bring pain and uncomfortability.
✉ ✉ ✉ 
getting up and being met by the moon in the night sky was not my plan all along. hyunjin was by my side, he didn't even try to cuddle with me which i thanked for but he looked a little odd. i couldn't place my finger on what it was but i had to get up and make dinner before it was too late. as i tried to concentrate in the cooking and not the pain (again), i tried to place my finger around what was going on with my boyfriend. 
could it be that things didn't go well today? but he didn't look mad or sad. he also didn't say anything about the boys (usually there's one or two comments about felix). maybe he was just tired and didn't need me on top of his business and i was just panicking over nothing.
"babe?" he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts and there was definitely something going on. he looked pale but at the same time it looked like he had a run a marathon with all the sweat and i was starting to see things better. "oh no, jagi i love your cooking but i think i'll pass today."
i placed the dinner on the table and i looked at him. he never passed on my cooking so something 100% was off today and what did i miss? as i got close to him i tried to repeat our conversation today. my hand went directly to his forehead and as everything started to make sense with him burning up, i said.
"fuck you weren't lying, you truly had a stomach ache." i felt like crying right then and there. even if i felt terrible, i still would do anything to take care of hyunjin. it hurt that i put myself first when he was hurting just as much as me. i didn't want to cry though, this was my chance to make it better unless he hated me at this very moment and didn't want me to do anything and-
"you're thinking too much and yes i did or i still do. i don't know, everything's kinda of spinning and i think i might have a fever." he said and i immediately sat him down as i looked for the termometer. thinking of every remedy and healing technique i went through my entire life as i came back and made him open his mouth. 
"i'm sorry jinnie. i should've been more careful and paid more attention to your words." i said and he wanted to say something but i stopped him. "nuh uh no moving! also i'm gonna tell the boys you're not going tomorrow." that's when he also wanted to protest but i took the termometer out and checked. 
"so? do i have a fever?" he said and i nodded as he responded with a sigh. "i can't miss practice when we're learning a new choreo though, babe you know how it is".
"but you also can't practice if you're basically running a fever and feeling dizzy, what if you pass out?" i said and i could see that he was seeing my point. "just let me text chan and then i'll have all the time in the world for you."
"but what if you get sick too?" he pouted and i just smiled because even in the sickness of it all, he still cared about me. he really was the sweetest guy i've ever met.
"if i get sick, i get sick baby, there's nothing bad about it plus i get to spend time with my favorite person." i said laying him on my lap as i messed with his hair and caressed his cheek.
he eventually fell asleep and i just couldn't stop looking at him. i decided to slowly get up without disturbing him, then i would call work and tell them that i would be taking the day off to spend it with my loved one 'cause it's what he deserved.
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boxfullaturtles · 8 months
Can we have more of Leo’s perspective of Another mAn’s poison when they first find Mikey
only because i'm a sucker for angst
Perspective Shift: Another Man's Poison
warnings: implied force-feeding of unknown substances
Raph punched through four different doors before they found the room they were looking for.
Leo's entire world was suddenly just Mikey. Just his little brother, strapped to a chair with a tube down his throat. Strapped in a chair and looking sick. Nothing else mattered except his baby brother.
Hot anger smashed against cold terror and all of it boiled into a frothing despair in Leo's chest as he flew across the room. It swelled inside him in a violent storm with nowhere to go, his hands trembling as he searched Mikey's face for a sign of life.
A choked, watery cry, muffled by the tube, came from Leo's baby brother and Leo felt his heart crack into pieces. His fingers felt numb as he tried to quickly and gently extract the tube from Mikey's mouth, shoving it to the side, heedless of the thick slop still dripping out of it.
He could see Donnie in the corner of his eye, crouching to undo the restraints on Mikey's legs, and hear Raph growling in barely suppressed rage nearby. But the only thing that mattered was Michelangelo, the little sunshine spitfire, their baby brother. The baby brother who'd ripped a hole in the universe to save Leo. And Leo had let this happened to him.
“Mikey, Mikey, oh my god, Mikey, I’m so sorry,” The words and apologies spilled out of him in a rush of despair, useless patches to a gushing wound that nothing could stitch closed. His hands were still shaking as he gingerly removed the bit from Mikey's mouth, tossing it to the floor with a clatter that sounded muffled to his ears. He fumbled with the strap on Mikey's head, cupping the side of his brother's face, his eyes hot because Mikey was terrifyingly still, his eyes dull and tired, “We tried—we searched for you, we were trying so hard! God, Mikey, please say something, please, please…”
(If he never heard the sun's voice again, he was going to wither and die.)
Mikey twitched and a wheeze rattled in his chest as he sucked in a breath. He blinked slowly and seemed to be trying to work his mouth, opening and closing his jaw a few times before he squinted up at Leo. Their eyes met and a ragged smile tugged at Mikey's face, shaky and unsteady and more of a grimace than anything. But there was life in his eyes when he looked up at Leo and rasped in a voice that was barely a whisper,
“…t-took you guys…l-long enough…”
(Sunlight spilling into the dark and the cold, rays of hope with his brothers on the other side, reaching for an exit and for life he thought he'd never see again.)
Leo almost broke, a sob hitching with the relieved laughter up his throat as he held Mikey's face in his hands and pressed their foreheads together. Tears blurred in the corners of his eyes, his smile hurt, the relief hurt, everything hurt, hurt, hurt.
“Did you just—damn it, little brother, of course we came for you!" As if Leo would ever leave one of them behind ever again, as if he would let the world take even one of his brothers away, "Dad and April and the Caseys are here too! And—and Draxum, if you can believe it! Let’s get you home, we’re gonna take care of you, Mikey, you’re gonna be okay!”
And he would, he would be okay. Leo would make sure of it.
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Might I offer the Gen Z perspective on the 9/11 thing?
9/11 was horrible. Full stop. I would never joke about that. The people who make jokes are just trying to be edgy.
That said, 9/11 also doesn't hold the same weight to us for a few reasons.
First, none of us remember it. It's told to us by parents, teachers, and media material, but to us, it's just another historical event that we have no emotional investment in. My history textbook personally lumped 9/11, the Obama election, and the 2008 recession all under a single lesson on the 2000s—9/11 got 2 paragraphs and a picture of the towers before the attack. Now, in 2024, we have a new generation of adults who do not remember 9/11, and that's pretty jarring to the ones who do.
Second, we're exposed to violence in the media constantly. I'm not talking movies or video games. We have uncensored war zone pictures, livestreams of school shootings, police bodycam footage, etc. in the palm of our hands. A lot of us have been desensitized, usually unintentionally. The way my parents reacted to the Columbine shooting is not the same way I reacted to Parkland or Uvalde. Their reaction was one of horror—mine was just being tired. So after seeing all this up close and personal violence, it's hard to stir up a different emotional reaction for 9/11.
Third, we just lived through a pandemic where a 9/11 amount of people died every day and the government did nothing (as opposed to the wars started immediately after 9/11, killing 4.5 million Iraqis and Afghans). It's harder to sympathize with 9/11 when the government lets that happen. Also, while 9/11 happened in a few distinct locations, COVID impacted *everyone*. We all know someone who died, or got sick ourselves, or were quarantined at home. Even kids who are too young to understand what the virus is will remember their first years of school being on Zoom.
20 years from now, I know the new generation will see COVID the same way Gen Z sees 9/11. It sucks, but that's just how time moves on.
Dear anon,
thank you for your essay,
yeah it seems Covid was your first terrible global event
It's intersting that the right will downplay covid but use 9/11 to justify islamophobia while the left is honest (or kinda weird and hyperbolic about covid) but downplays 9/11 to do a noble savage trope.
"while 9/11 happened in a few distinct locations, COVID impacted *everyone*"
OH you sweet summer child, America was so in control of the world back them that EVERYONE was affected by 9/11.
I might agree with everything BUT the last paragraph where you imply that forgetting 9/11 is just the way it is. When it's not remembering and learning about history is a choice and so is forgetting being ignorant. And the latter is a bad choice.
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