#i'm replaying pokemon sun
piglii · 28 days
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looking back fondly on my pokemon team naming conventions over the years.
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edmunderson · 11 months
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girl there's no way you're 25
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claitea · 2 years
i played bw and bw2 a Decade ago so ofc i've forgotten a lot of details. one thing i forgot till last night was that n's encounter theme changes to something so much happier and whimsical in 2 and i am. dying about it
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zincbot · 2 years
ah the new pokemon game is out. perfect time to start playing firered
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riminella · 8 months
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so cute. and squishy
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hellspawnmotel · 9 months
Hi Hellspawn, just curious if you've played Undertale Yellow yet or if you plan to? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the game as a whole or any specific characters if so - you've always got such awesome thoughts and ideas regarding Deltarune and its characters!! Thanks so much, love your work to bits and hope you're having a great day <3
huh, I dont even know what that is. I assume it's a fangame? lemme take a peek......
.....hm! okay. seems neat. I've never been super interested in fangames (except for pokemon) so I wish I could say I'll check it out but honestly. I probably. wont lmao. nothin against it, I've just got so many other games already in progress currently. I'm in the middle of playing breath of fire 2, specter of torment, totk, gotta get the scarvi dlcs at some point, replaying golden sun so I can finish golden sun 2, I just started another oras file instead of doing any of those things, you know how it is with us gamers. but yknow, best of luck to the team, if it's been successful enough that it's being hyped like this I'm sure they did an excellent job.
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crystalelemental · 13 days
For a long, long while now, Gen 7 has been cited as my least favorite Pokemon generation, with USUM in particular being my pick as worst game in the series. Gen 7 broadly has a lot of gameplay issues, and USUM removes the story components I actually liked, leaving it with very little in the way of redeeming features. As a result of this, it is the only game in the series I have never replayed.
Until today.
As part of the replay for the series, I have taken on Ultra Sun, the game I own but have never beaten because Ultra Moon soured me so badly. The team is endlessly chaotic. I'm serious, I have never swapped around the team as much as I did with this playthrough. The final setup though was Litten, Hariyama, Blissey, Tyrantrum, Dhelmise, and Necrozma-Solgaleo. Some others I know we used for a bit include: Whimsicott, Lycanroc, Ribombee, Espeon, Skarmory, and Zoroark.
Let's start with the big issue: story. A major portion of its problems come from two areas. The first is the obvious: this being the follow-up to SuMo, the change on Lusamine and the Aether Family in particular are jarring and unpleasant. The other is more about its own failings. Specifically, this game added a lot of extra story beats that offer little to nothing, and the game is clearly unedited, resulting in scenes where Lusamine will bitch out Lillie as her having no children because of her defiance, only for the very next scene to involve everyone worriedly talking about how all their actions have been for the good of the family. It's a messy game that did not get to really explore an alternate presentation of this family dynamic, instead transitioning from one end to the other at the literal turn of a scene. I cannot say I enjoy anything about this particular story, and the constant interruptions for it are extreme.
But! I have been on a big focus on gameplay, because Pokemon games are mostly about the gameplay. And USUM has been one I've talked shit about on that front a lot too, specifically in regards to some of the annoying trial changes and holdovers from the original game. Is this still a problem?
Sort of. I've mentioned this often, but the reason I'm replaying all these games is because of one Professor Bopper, who played through the first three generations so far and has really fun takes on the games as a whole. Among his other videos is one where he talks about how games guide players into learning their systems, where he makes the point that gamers are uniquely bad at video games, because of the tendency to double down on how they want to play rather than the way the game wants you to engage with it. They'll impose challenges that don't actually exist, and complain that the game is too poorly designed when it cannot be approached that way. To keep a long story short, I think that's what happened to me the first time.
When I play Pokemon games, I tend to look for arbitrary demands in my approach. Specifically, I will try to avoid "over-leveling," keeping below my opponent, or avoid using more items than they might, not using X items, etc. And USUM in particular does not want you to do that. It even gives you an entire class of items unique to this game that are designed to be beneficial: Roto Powers.
As part of this full experience, I opted to actually use Roto Powers when I felt they were necessary. Popping full heals and boosting all stats +1 on command is...very funny. But I also, as you may notice, swapped around my party a lot. Part of that is just running different options I like, but part of it is to play as intended with an EXP All system. You're supposed to play with different tools and use the Pokemon that best meet an immediate challenge. So I did exactly that...more or less.
Combined, what this meant is that I had a significantly easier time with this runthrough than the first. One holdup my first time through was Kiawe. Marowak gets double speed on entry, and holds a Thick Club to double its attack power, has Detect to prevent non-Z Move damage, and will call a much faster and deadlier Salazzle to counter Brionne. The first time through, using a regular team and using my usual demands, I had a very hard time managing that fight. This time, my Hariyama slapped the Thick Club right off it with Quick Claw Knock Off, and easily finished the entire fight solo thanks to Thick Fat. The other was Ultra Necrozma, an absolute statistical behemoth of a fight that is a major level jump from prior foes, who gets +1 to all stats on entry, has excellent coverage, and boosts damage on supereffective hits. I could not handle this thing short of severe luck and Revive spamming my first time through. It was the only time I broke to use the Roto Boost, and I forget who actually did the deed, but with enough we managed to squeak out a win. This time, not worried about levels and popping one (1) Roto Boost right away, let my Blissey completely stop it while tearing it apart with Shadow Ball.
The Boost item in particular is also what let Litten compete. With the removal of Super Training, Litten can no longer manage its stats via min-maxing, but it can get these free boosts to everything and perform Cat Sweep. Which is fun! I like Litten! I do not care as much about the other two forms. This felt right.
I would say I have been overly harsh on USUM's overall gameplay design. Its flaws exist primarily in places of story and interruptions to game flow. It really is too broken up and too wordy to get into as strongly. But there are other problems I take.
First: removal of Super Training. This causes problems for me, because I actually agreed with how Super Training was implemented. I loved it! But now we don't get it until later, and it invokes real-world time and significant bean counts to get to a fast pace. It's just unmanageable, against a system that was accessible and active.
Second: Roto Boosts rely heavily on Rotom Dex letting you do the lottery thing, meaning your access to these powers are randomized and slow to accrue. I like their effects, but they are rather impossible to come across in some situations. Then again, we have X items that are purchasable, so maybe that's intentional.
Third: Mantine Surf comes so close and just barely misses the mark. I love that BP is actually accessible in ways other than grinding at the postgame battle facilities. I hate the postgame battle facilities. They're terrible. But Mantine Surf lets you have access to BP, which in turn means access to the early game tutors and stat boosting items. In a way, you can still boost stats reliably and early on. But, BP yields are still very low for the time investment, and BP costs are still pretty high. Not impossibly so. But they aren't a good exchange rate. There's also the fact that one of the tutor sets is postgame, when it really did not need to be. Then again, I had a ton of BP from the PokeBank situation, so...
Fourth: side quests. Talking to everyone is a generally good idea if you're unfamiliar with the game. Sometimes they have good hold items or TMs. In this game, however, sometimes they kick off really tedious side quests that give really terrible rewards and have no value. And sometimes those quests are like "Catch this Pokemon for me!" and it's the rarest one in the zone. This is why I used PokeBank. I just wanted to instant clear those quests. I did not intend to pick up 1400 BP. It just kinda happened that way.
Fifth: not to bring up Bopper again, but in his Johto video he talks about fan response to Johto as a whole, referencing the opinion that Johto hates its own dex, a statement I have never heard before and was baffled by. The complaint seems to be about inaccessibility, that the new mons are harder to find and are generally weaker, and thus not worth talking about, as well as that the game as a whole tends to emphasize old Kanto Pokemon in boss fights compared to new ones. Gen 7, admittedly, has a bit of this feeling for me, in a way that Gen 2 doesn't. Not so much the latter point around bosses, but the former for sure. Many of the new Pokemon feel very hard to find, occupying optional areas and being very, very low encounter rates, or relying on the new Call for Help system to appear at all.
Johto's systems that kept things hidden were largely day/night cycle, headbutting trees, and happiness evolutions, which...were all fun systems to engage with! I liked those! Alola's new system...not so much. Call for Help is a wretched mechanic that can drag out random encounters forever just because you can't OHKO an opponent. It is also the only means of finding some Pokemon. And the chances of Call for Help (1) succeeding, and (2) calling the specific thing you want, basically don't exist. Let's not even get into Hidden Abilities. It's just an inelegant system that makes finding these things extremely difficult to near impossible, and I don't like it.
That's not to say they can't have little surprises to randomize playthroughs, but...well, the other group we like listening to is Castle Super Beast, where they recently talked about these kinds of hidden variables that are supposed to be fun things you sometimes stumble on to find a new surprise in games after a few playthroughs. And their take way that these really low spawn rate, really hard to achieve pieces...no longer serve any purpose in the age of the internet. We all know about it already. Trying to hide it as a surprise thing you sometimes run into doesn't help if I already know about it, how to do it, and it's just slow and tedious. There's no purpose to that anymore. And it compounds for a game like Pokemon, where you will see this thing on an enemy team, and know that it exists, but be completely unable to find it because of low rates. You're more likely to move on to other, frankly better things.
After all, regional dexes are large now, and you can get behemoths like Larvitar really early on. When you have all the top performers from old generations around, there's less incentive to use the newer options. One thing I do tend to lock myself too, albeit loosely, is using stuff new to the generation. Because it's new, and I want to try out the new stuff. But it is made difficult when the dex size is small, the new stuff is almost entirely low encounters, and the strongest solutions are more readily available.
I don't really know where my complete feelings are on this game. Did I have fun? Kinda. There were a few places where I completely stopped because the game was getting a bit too slow in forward momentum, like the whole Aether Paradise segment or Mina's trial, but it wasn't as bad as I remembered it being either. It's problem, I think, is just overstaying its welcome. The game goes on for about five hours more than it needs to, and removal of some scenes to just let you move forward would lose nothing. But by gameplay...it was fine. I had an okay time.
"What about Rainbow Rocket?" Postgame is officially outside the purview of these replays. "But you did postgame for everything el-" I am not doing that.
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shirogane-oushirou · 6 months
having a no good very bad health day so i've decided my trainersona DOES in fact have a lugia on standby. as a treat. bc fuck you. 💖
current loose trainersona idea + some art:
they did in fact get through most of the johto league, went hog wild, burned out a bit after all of the Commotion around catching lugia (need to brush up on this, my memory is fuzzy, but i'm firmly in the "there are a bunch of legendaries they're just reclusive and hard to catch" camp so they're not like. taking The One And Only Lugia lol.), took a break to travel for college in kalos, got into a poison sting accident w a nidorino / nidorina while traveling near geosenge (and was saved by wild-but-eventually-partner sawk), and re-joined with their family who had either moved to coumarine in kalos OR wedgehurst in galar.
(i'm planning a swsh replay as ren once i'm done with x so i can compare the Vibes of the two places. also so i can dress him up HEHE.)
they officially retired their league challenge on the basis of permanent damage sustained from the attack. even if they could have somehow physically managed victory road, the brain fog made on-the-fly strategizing basically impossible.
if in coumarine: they're usually either in their family's home at the top of the cliffs, or they've ridden their scolipede down to the harbor to draw.
if in wedgehurst: they're either in their family's home on the outer edge of the town, or they've ridden scolipede to the lake at the end of route 2 to draw. basically "place with fresh air where they can ride their bug horsey to a body of water to draw some landscapes".
undecided if they do streaming on the side or not. after their intense league challenge and their accident they've become a little snippier... a little deadpan snark. but they aren't good at relaying sarcasm, and they DO have good jokes but it takes a while for them to form, so the quick-on-their-feet "sarcastic snarker" jokey archetype of streamer wouldn't work for them -- they just come off as mean unintentionally. and they can't be peppy or actively entertaining or anything. maybe they just stream to an audience of a couple of friends and the occasional stray chatter who finds their stream on accident.
hennywaise! all this to say. i want to ride my bug horsie and fly on my big-hands birdy and sit on the shoulders of my punch guy. i wanna ride a funny little Guy to local towns for a day without it being a whole Ordeal.
i want to be on a date with ren, when it's getting late, and he's like "oh shit how are we gonna get you home safely if the sun's already going down?? dangerous pokemon might be around!!!" i turn to him and say, "oh don't worry about me, i have a safe way home. =v= " i pull out a pokeball, toss it behind me, and out comes a giant shadow of a legendary bird with frightening glowing eyes.
and then i turn to it and its form settles into a big cuddly Wet Bird with Big Hugging Hands and i bunt my head into his head and scritch his chin. ren's on the ground, thoroughly spooked, bc Um Why Does My Frail Partner(???) Have A Legendary Bird In Their Back Pocket Like It's Nothing?? Who Are They Actually?????? and i can turn around and casually smile and reach out to him like "want a ride?" while he's still having a Moment.
like this:
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....... i didn't mean for this to turn into a mini illust, i was just gonna scribble a little bit, but i mean... hey. neat. teehee. i might post this separately once i have everything figured out. who knows. shrug.
ALSO: working on back-tagging for poke!ren and poke!ro, so once that's done and i'm 10000% sure i want to stick with those tags, i'll make a post with a few tags for potential blacklisting.
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leonbastralle · 7 months
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i've been seeing a lot of this in gif form but i do not have the energy or video material and also i'm late but i rly wanted to make a post where i say a lil bit abt all the games i played and how i liked them!
pokemon platinum, soulsilver, white, white 2, y, sun, alpha sapphire & shield: i started a big mainline pokemon marathon in 2022 but most of it fell on 2023. it was a lovely time tbh and i miss it! platinum was a bit too grindy (but we love cynthia) and soulsilver traumatised me for glitch reasons. my favorites out of this lineup were definitely gen 5 in terms of storyline and pokemon selection, the later ones were a bit too handholdy and slow for my taste, and alpha sapphire could not compete w the og emerald which is my favorite pokemon game of all time. i did rly love shield though but that's bc i'm a) a football girl and b) i played it on my wife's sofa askfjhkasjf. anyway music is bangers all around and i do love The Concept of pokemon so i didn't hate any of them.
lonely people potion shop: this was an absolute surprise indie gem that i found on my wife's itch.io in 2022 but i replayed it for her in 2023 so it counts. this game is a rly short very fruity visual novel where you make potions for people and chat with them. it's one of the most heartwarming and gentle games i've played, every character is so lovely and caring towards each other and also to you the player! 100% would recommend i cried a bit several times.
validate: i really wanted to love this game because a dating sim/visual novel/narrative fiction type game w a super diverse cast (in terms of backgrounds, body types, gender, sexuality, and mental health struggles) and such a lovely art style? sounds perfect! and it would be if the characters weren't so...unlikeable sjfhaksjfa. it eventually got so difficult for me to root for them and also kind of frustrating bc the routes overlap in a way that even if you get good outcomes in one route, you can still mess up the relationship in a different route (because you have routes for each of the characters) so i ended up not finishing it.
neo cab: another one i never finished but was rly intrigued by! another visual novel but choices matter type deal where you play as a taxi driver in a dystopian world where you're being replaced by self driving taxis. the mechanics and cast are really cool and if the storyline didn't stress me out so much i would've finished it by now but i definitely will one day!
coffee talk 1/2: barista simulator meets visual novel in an urban fantasy setting where you also kinda save the world one drink at a time! i loved the first one so so much and finally played it last year in preparation for the second one coming out that i'd been anxiously awaiting, it's so vibey and the characters and their storylines are so interesting and i loved seeing their heartfelt interactions! also the first game was giving such strong queer vibes but they kinda dropped the ball w that in the second game trying to backtrack on that. ruined the experience for me a little bit but still a very solid game w cool additions to the already great cast of the first game!
skyrim: not much to say about that one. my favorite classic walking simulator that i keep coming back to, still very much playable and so pretty even on the switch! unfortunately also incredibly broken so i can't finish the solstheim questlines kjsfhkajsfas fuck you todd howard
calico: wonky little game where you explore the world and also bake and own a café that you can fill with all sorts of animals from cats to snow foxes to capybaras because why the fuck not! absolutely delightful, 10/10
later alligator: lovely little puzzle game w great old timey detective vibes and a banger soundtrack where everyone is alligators. these characters are such great fun, i loved the writing and i loved learning about all of them and doing tasks for them! the minigames got a bit frustrating at times bc i was lacking the coordination skills or just general strategy and there are some completionist things i could never do because of that and the main character (the main guy you're doing things for, not the player character) can get on your nerves pretty quickly but otherwise a lovely game w a great twist in my opinion
strange horticulture: this one made it into my all time favorites too. you play as the owner of a supernatural plant shop in a place where A Lot of strange things are going on. it has a bunch of really cool mechanics like plant identification and a lot of map related puzzles to find new plants, secrets etc. the overarching story that gets revealed bit by bit from an unknown person's pov outside of the gameplay while related events are also happening in real time was so interesting, and there are a lot of cool choices you can make that lead to various more or less unsettling outcomes. the spooky vibe is SO good but at the same time it has a very calming homey feel AND YOU CAN PET THE CAT 10000/10
penko park: another absolute indie banger. probably something like a pokemon snap but the beasties look fucking stupid and kinda creepy and the lore is cursed as hell. throughout the game you explore the remains of a park that was built upon the abuse of all sorts of cute little creatures (and big creatures) and while you mostly try to take pictures of every weird looking fella in their different emotional states that you bring upon them in various ways, maybe there's something you can do to right the wrongs of the park founders! who knows! (also special shoutout because these are german devs and as a german, i am especially demanding when it comes to german games and this one knocked it out of the park) (haha the park get it)
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What do you think about the mainline Pokemon games (RBY, GSC, etc.)?
LIKE...... IN GENERAL, OR..?????
ok well. let's see. there's ones I like and ones I don't, naturally. I said this in another ask but imo Pokemon design gets cooler and stronger with each passing generation, even if the games themselves weren't that good. LOVE Galar's designs for the most part, but good god Sword and Shield were not. good games. >__>
I'm eternally partial to RSE (Ruby was my first pkmn game, Hoenn's still one of my favorite regions, the Gen 3 era soundtrack is so nostalgic to me.) Gen 4 was a monumental generation for so many reasons, Platinum is a just a goddamn good game, and BDSP is a fucking embarassment lol. I love Gen 5's games, I've been wanting to replay Black sometime, I miss her. White 2 I think my be my favorite mainline Pokemon game of all time (though I have to be real, Violet is up there now too--warts (and bugs) and all, Scarvio was the most fun I've had in a mainline pokemon game in YEARS, and the story knocked my ass clean into the street. I just like it! I love Paldea!!)
I love Alola's Dex, I love so much of Sun and Moon's story and characters, and I fucking wish they were better games, I wish USUM wasn't a letdown (as much as Necrozma's everything makes me insane.) I didn't grow up with RBY or GSC so I don't really have any nostalgic attachment to them at all lol--in RBY's case I played the virtual console DS version and kind of. did not enjoy myself at all HHSGGDFG i would be perfectly content never going to Kanto in a pokemon game ever again.
Legends Arceus also kicked ass and I genuinely hope they do more games like that in the future. If they do Legends Unova I'll go absolutely ape, slash pos. (or whatever it is it seems like they're lurking towards with whatever the next 'big' game is, Unova wise--I genuinely dont think it's BW remakes (which also I don't think they should even make in the first place; the games look FINE, just PORT THEM FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.))
Scarlet and Violet's soundtrack goes so fucking hard.
And. um. X and Y's graphics aged like murky dogshit 🥴
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antiv3nom · 1 year
im starting a new post for this bc the last one was getting Long BUT i got tagged in a tag game by my good good friend @bonetrix-arts (which, HIIIII OMG i gotta bug you on discord soon) but anyways im trying to keep being more active on here so without further ado :]
last song i listened to - where our blue is by tatsuya kitani, i have been fucking obsessed with this song since i heard the first snippet of it in the trailer for jjk season 2 and AUGHHHH its so so so so good i love it very much i have listened to it many times
currently reading - a fuckin LOT of things but nothing much actively. for novels, i'm reading a master of djinn by p. djèlí clark, and in terms of manga and webcomics, im reading hell's paradise (SOOOO close to having a full collection of this one) and marionetta, as well as keeping up with jjk and akane-banashi as they release!!! im also technically in the middle of nona the ninth and wanna keep reading it but istg i havent touched the book in fuckin forever
currently watching - other than jjk season 2? nothing other than like video essays or letsplays on youtube, tbh.
current obsession - well uh. its guilty gear. its BEEN guilty gear. we know this. season 3 shit is gonna be so exciting im really really lookin forward to it, i think johnny is gonna be cool as fuck and the patch is gonna shake things up :] other than that, i recently got elden ring and it's fun!!! i'm very bad at it!!! and im also replaying pokemon ultra sun because im realizing i never actually got to like. the end of the game. or past the second trial. so it's already goin better this run lmao
and i THINK that's it! anyways, i'll tag a few people, but as always no pressure to respond to this in any way at all!!! but yes um i'll tag @electricgnu @tamagoyaki5 @dahldahlbills @eru-iru @lokh @solradguy and then ALWAYS AND FOREVER anyone else who may wish to participate!!!
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jadebunbun · 8 months
In the spirit of Bunbun Replay, I'm going to replay my first multi part streamed game, Persona 5 Strikers. All times are Mountain Time
Fri @ 6/7pm Persona 5 Strikers
Sat-Sun @ 7pm Pokemon Bunopolis Tournament
Mon @ 6/7pm Persona 5 Strikers
Can't wait to see everybunny again!! I've missed y'all!!
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kafus · 5 months
i feel like now that the first episode of the terastal arc has aired and i also got the majority of the 60min website done, my brain is FINALLY letting me think about stuff other than horizons for longer than 10 minutes again LOL i'm trying to remember what i was working on VG wise before the horizons autism fucking Claimed me
i have stuff going on in SV as usual (i really need to beat the meganium raids i have downloaded Oops and i still need to shiny hunt hatenna thru masuda method for liko's shiny team) but that's not really priority. in no particular order stuff that's More Priority off the top of my head is:
finish my crystal playthrough so i can shiny hunt celebi
replay xd gale of darkness and farm mt battle for the rare berries
ribbon master Riku the flygon (need to beat gale of darkness first for those berries)
a lot of other old gen ribbon master stuff
replay pokemon sun
replay pokemon ultra moon
replay alpha sapphire
ayano finished her HG starter hunt and continuing to play through the game is on hold until our friend finishes his hunt, i completed the xy friend safari in its entirety before it shut down, i finished my shiny hunt for liko's sprigatito... other than crystal and my usual live service type stuff in SV, i don't have any active unfinished projects (of course i have some dormant ones but i won't get to those for months from now)
umm the question is what the fuck do i feel like doing right now LOL fuck. idk i'm eating pretzels rn i'll think about it
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ifbench · 5 months
Been trying to play through (almost) every mainline (and a few others) Pokemon game recently, to learn more about mainline Pokemon, and as part of a project.
So far, I've completed:
Legends Arceus (but it was in 2022 and I want to replay)
Violet (but it was in 2022 and I'm replayimg and want to try the DLC)
So far, I'm playing:
Shield + DLC
Violet (replay) + DLC
So far, I've yet to play:
Black 2
Alpha Sapphire
Ultra Moon
Legends Arceus (replay)
These aren't quite mainline, but I also want to play these:
New Snap
As for Yellow, Crystal, Let's Go, Brilliant Diamond, and the other versions of all of these, I don't plan on playing them.
Anyways! I'm liveblogging these games in-character over at my Pokemon IRL blog @zoruascanbetrainerstoo.
And since I've made retrospectives on all the PMD games, I'm wondering something.
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houndslayr · 2 years
Pokemon men m.list \\ w.i.p
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|| M.list || Rules || Intro || Navi. ||
Games listed: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Legends: Arceus - Sword & Shield - Sun & Moon
Movies listed: to be added...
Series listed: to be added..
Movies & Series won't have as much as the games just because I want to go back and rewatch them again so I don't mischaracterize the guys.
Feel free to request even if a guy you like isn't on here just ask!
Request for this fandom: Open
Specific rules for this fandom: I don't do pokemon x human as that's an ick for me
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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Arven - None
Brassius- None
Larry- None
Grusha- None
Giacomo- None
Atticus- None
Ortega- None
-adding more soon-
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Legends: Arceus
Adaman- None
Volo- None
-adding more soon-
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Pokémon Sword & Shield
Leon- None
Bede- None
Rose- None
Hop- None
Milo- None
Kabu- None
Allister- None
Gordie- None
Piers- None
Raiham- None
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Pokemon Sun & Moon
(Rewatching & replaying rn so requests will be slow to process until I'm done also I forgot if some characters are in the anime only so some might be mixed in)
Guzma- None
Hau- None
Kukui- None
Gladion- None
Nanu- None
Kiawe- None
-adding more soon-
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That's all I'm putting for right now. I'll add more games and the series later, have a good 2023!
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kakusu-shipping · 9 months
1, 2, 4, 11, and 18 for the end of year asks? :0
Aaah thankyou Echo!!! This post might be long, please forgive me!
1. Did you add any F/Os to your list this year? Were they from new media or just a newly discovered love?
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Here's every romantic F/O added to the list this year, or at least that I can remember adding this year. Years are long and my sense of time is very warped so it may not be fully accurate.
Most are from new media, or just new parts of media, like the end of the Owl House and the New Pokemon Games. The ones that are new loves from re-visits are Heracross, Smeargle, and Keckleon from Monster Mind, Mario and Luigi from Super Mario, Makarov from Fairy Tail, and Jill from The Wayward Children series.
Though Mario and Luigi are also what I consider my first F/Os, they weren't officially on the list until the movie came out, so I'm counting them in the 2023 yearly wrap.
2. Did you reconsume any of your F/Os’ source media this year? How did you feel about the rewatch/listen/read/etc?
I rewatch Assassination Classroom every year in March and it makes me cry every time. I also replay Hatoful Boyfriend and Holiday Star every December for Kazuaki and Hitori, watch Baka and Test sometime around late Summer most years to ease my seasonal depression, and rewatch Mushishi at least once a year.
Other than that, nothing super meaningful. I rewatched a few LPs of Mario games, replayed through Paper Mario myself, watched Romantic Killer again, Reread Manly Appetites every other month or so, watched The Cat Returns once or twice, played more Pokemon, Restarted Monster Mind (still haven't finished it), and skimmed the Ouran Manga at the library while waiting for them to replace the volume they're missing.
HOWever, this latest reread of Down Among the Sticks and Bones is what got me to finally put Jill on the F/O list, so that feels worth mentioning. I love that book <3
4. Was there anything on your blog that you were particularly proud of this year?
No, not really. My drawings were all very incomplete and sketchy this year with long gaps between them, and my writing really flaked off suddenly, I haven't written more than a paragraph at all this year.
I wouldn't say I'm particularly proud of them, but I did really enjoy making moodboards last month and am kind of waiting for my health to settle so I can get back to them. Making stuff for other self shippers is a lot more fun than writing/drawing for myself atm.
11. Was there new media for any of your F/Os this year? If so, what was your opinion on it?
Yes FNaF Help Wanted 2 came out and gave us New Sun Content and I LOVED IT!!!!! He's such a bitch!!!! A shit!!! A snobby theater kid!!! He's so controlling and harsh I LOVE him <3 So happy to know more about him honestly and that he's not all UwU Caregiver that the fandom made him. I like soft characters, but he's a HORROR character he needs to be a little fucked up!!
18. Did you have a favorite trend in the selfship community from the past year?
I'll be honest, I don't pay much attention to what other people in the selfship community are doing. I follow the tags but if there's like a popular trend thing going around, I miss it every time.
My LEAST favorite right now though is the whole "Stolen from an Anti" thing. I have no qualms about stealing posts it's whatever, but I hate when it's says that in text at the bottom of the post. Just tag it as such so I can filter it please
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