#i'm not your prop
anneapocalypse · 1 year
So, just curious how many writers and creators will have to be forcibly outed by relentless harassment before we acknowledge that "This queer characters was written by a cishet person and that's why they're bad" is not good criticism.
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cringefailvox · 5 months
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guy notorious for violently removing people from his personal space and who blew sir pentious halfway across the city for tearing a tiny scrap from his already tattered coat lets rosie sweep him off his feet and spin him around like a doll. i'm so in love with their dynamic
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daily-sifloop · 14 hours
Hmm..silly jealous sifloop moments pls(either loop or sif being the jelly one works)
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Day 26: 90s sitcom
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emberfaye · 3 months
For me,
Kim and Chay both love each other so much.
I'm very fond of couples who actually see each other. like, in a way that others don't. And yeah, we all know that Chay sees a side of kim not many, if anyone, does.
But I also think Chay shows an honest and true side of himself to only Kim, and that Kim offers just as much to the relationship as Chay does.
It's hard to tell in those little snippets of life we see after the "break up", but like.
Chay is a very lonely person. I know it's the common fanon that chay is popular and has all the friends and skills, but I honestly could see him being just as lonely as say, kinn or kim. Porsche is the outgoing one we see being social. all the times we see chay with people/friends, he's more quiet and reserved. I'd wager he has one friend (the one went with him to the open house and later we see doing his hair / out with this dudes friends vs chay's friends)
And Kim eases that loneliness just as much. And Kim takes care of him --- the polaroids paint a picture of him spoiling him with experiences Chay has never had--because he's been broke and on a scholarship so always studying.
Because so much of Kimchay can be hidden from the viewer, it's so easy to say that Chay is the only one who gave of himself, or offers something to Kim--
But I truly don't think that's fair to the characterization of a beautiful show. Kim gave *everything* he could to chay, to the point of getting back into a life he hated and had successfully escaped from (murder board aside) , just to keep Chay safe.
He allowed Chay to have a whole other home and life outside of Porsche. He eased Chay's worries and offered him comfort. Even when he was trying to investigate porsche and Chay, he was trying to be fair about it--snacks, offering up his own name to make the status quo even.
Remember the Wik shrine smile? Kim wasn't judgy, and he was always patient with chay.
Kim's capacity to love and change chay is equal to chay's capacity to love and change chay. I think they truly saw each other and healed each other. It wasn't one sided, not the love and not the affect that had on each other.
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la-pheacienne · 3 months
it is extremely funny to me that Jon is the character that inspires the most insane asoiaf ship wars, of all characters. Jon. Jon!! Think about it. The boy is just in pure suffering throughout the entire story. He's just trying to cope, he's minding his own business, he's fed up and he's also dead last time we saw him. The burden on his shoulders is so so heavy and he's just a boy ffs. Like I'm mainly concerned by how on earth is he going to survive this and when is he ever gonna get a break and just, live basically. But because he's the only, singular, male character with an iota of decency and integrity, he suddenly becomes this golden boi archetype that everyone wants to claim as the ultimate prize for their fav gal. Leave the poor guy alone, even in the meta world the furies don't stop pursuing him somehow
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covertblizzard · 4 months
jaykyle au where they're theatre kids in the same school but they're not the actors jason's the scriptwriter/director and kyle is the prop manager (i don't know the official terms sorry) and they'd probably do an amazing job on the backstage setting if they could stop arguing for 5 whole seconds about their artistic visions and ideas and how "this would obviously work better this way"
#jason todd#kyle rayner#jaykyle#mypost#dc thoughts#vp of the club: maybe we should find some other people to do the job if they can't get along?#pres of the club: no they're both talented af and i want this to be raving success just knock their heads tgt and tell them to play nice or#i'll make them wear the get along shirt again#WAIT ONE SEC DONNA'S THE PRES and overseer she's pissed bcos kyle played the same role last year and he was chill then#wally's vp no 1 and backstage manager and he's thinking of kicking kyle out#dick's vp no 2 and main lead and he's thinking of kicking jason out bcos it's embarrassing and annoying to work with your younger siblings#kon helps kyle with props and bart is one of the actors and kon is jealous af about it he grumbles a little#roy is the fight scene choreographer#i'm trying to think of something for garth but the only thing that comes to mind i'm not sure are fitting enough#actor manager? weapon manager? oooh maybe pet manager if they have animals... human and pet manager???? hr department but including animals#ooooh maybe pet manager if they have animals#raven can play bart's love interest (in play) maybe (wally doesn't like it and neither does gar for very different reasons)#eddie deals with the contraptions they build for this bubble machines smoke machines lowering and raising anything mechanical#rose and cass helps with the weapons stuff they keep fighting too and roy is TIRED#connor plays the villain he didn't mean to or want to but he got dragged into it and he's really hot and gunned in for next years main lead#he doesnt want this#steph and mia are hair makeup costume department but bart and kon love to hangout and help too#jennie-lynn and bart are in-charge of socials#tim pops up a lot because so many of his friends (and brothers) are here and when he does he helps steph and mia#damian too pops up to help with pet management and sometimes prop art#this is much to dicks annoyance jason is already here can his little brothers LEAVE HIM ALONE SOMETIMES UGH#damian (taking cues from talia and bruce loverenemies dynamic and wanting an artist in-law): we should set jason and kyle up#dick: no / tim: hmm / dick: NO#i want to add the yj girls (cassie cissie greta anita) but i know too little about them right now but imagine they're there and the roles#are to be determined
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rickybaby · 3 months
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Daniel Ricciardo reveals his ‘problem solving’ role within RB
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lyonface · 10 months
Hey Fenris and Astarion have similarities but they're not even remotely the same character with even remotely the same appeal. Sincerely, a fan of both Fenris and Astarion.
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vee-is-a-clown · 1 year
I umm uh minific
Lance glanced down at the small drawing of swords on Keith's notes (Lance couldn't be bothered to write anything down and he doesn't remember shit so he's stealing his boyfriend's notes even though he could barely read his handwriting). Well, not really the drawing. His eyes skipped to the lazily scribbled, "K.K." in the bottom right corner.
"Your initials are KK?"
"You signed your doodle with K.K."
"And you didn't realize those were my initials in the entire time that you've known me? If I remember correctly, Iverson called me by my last name in Garrison."
"Mmm.. Shut up, K.K. Slider. I didn't connect the dots until now."
Lance leaned back to lay on his back, his head on Keith's pillow and kicked Keith in the thigh. It wasn't really a kick. From his position, he couldn't really do anything more than a slight jab with his foot. Keith let out a stifled chuckle at the attempt.
Lance turned on his side to put the meeting notes on Keith's bedside table then turned back to Keith with a faux scowl.
"You're not allowed to laugh. You're Keith Kogane."
"Mhm, ok, Pumpkin."
Lance crossed his arms and "kicked" Keith in the leg again. Keith didn't laugh this time, though he did send Lance an amused look.
"What're you doing?"
"Just stop opening your mouth."
"Aw, is there something wrong with the way I talk, Bubblegum dear?"
His Texan accent was bleeding into his speech, making everything about this situation about 10 times worse. Lance could definitely feel his face get hotter.
"Yes. Shut your pie hole."
Keith turned his body to face Lance and leaned toward him, putting his hand next to Lance's leg to stabilize himself.
"Whatever happened to please?"
"Whatever happened to you acting- normal?"
Lance attempted to motion with his arms to no avail. Keith tilted his head like a confused dog.
"Poor choice of words."
"Do you want a thesaurus?"
"No, I hate you."
"You're currently laying on my bed."
"I'll shush when I want to, Ranger."
Keith shifted to lay on his side next to Lance. He propped his head in his palm, looking down at Lance.
"It is getting pretty late though.."
"What are you trying to imply, Mullet?"
"Nothing, just we should probably go to sleep. It's a shame that the lights are on."
"I see what you're doing. You're trying to get me to get out of the comfy bed and turn off the lights for you. Well good sir, I say-"
"Not it!"
Lance gasped.
"You sneaky snook!"
"Go turn the lights off."
"How dare you!"
"The less time it takes for you to turn the lights off, the more beauty sleep you can get."
"Urghhh! Fine! But you owe me."
"Just go turn off the lights, you dork."
Lance got up and sprinted to the light switch, flipping it and running back in the dark. He hopped onto the bed and laid back into his previous spot.
"What's my time, coach?"
"I dunno but you were very speedy."
"It's absolute bullshit that I have to turn the lights off when Galras can see in the dark. You can see on the way back to the bed."
"Who lent you their meeting notes because you don't want to admit to Allura that you can't remember anything she said? That's right, me. Ungrateful."
"Who can't write legibly and spent the majority of the meeting drawing in the corners of the paper? That's right, you. Humble yourself."
Keith sighed and plopped his head on the pillow. It really was late.
"We really should get to sleep."
"Whatever you say, Texas Red."
"Good night, Bluebell."
"Sweet dreams, Keith."
While Lance can fall asleep in seconds (a real skill) it still takes Keith a little bit longer. He allowed himself to relax, letting the tiredness consume him. But before he let himself fall asleep, he put his hand on Lance's cheek and thought about how lucky he was to be the one who snagged this dumbass.
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cottoncandyopinions · 26 days
I saw a post yesterday that was talking about honoring the LGBT Palestinians that have died in this conflict for pride month.
And I don't have a problem with that but they called them fucking martyrs. MARTYRS.
Like for fuck's sake. The random innocents that die from being in a warzone aren't sacrificing themselves for their beliefs, they're not martyrs. They're victims, they're casualties, they're civilians dying due to factors unrelated to their beliefs and identities, they're just random people caught in a crossfire.
Calling them martyrs makes me sick to my fucking stomach. It's a glorification of their deaths, an attempt to apply meaning to the meaningless, and an insult to every damn person that didn't care about beliefs one way or the other and just wanted to *live.*
You don't just apply martyr status to random fucking people, you ghouls. That's not honoring them in any way. You don't fucking care if they actually had any beliefs they died for, you're happy to just stick a glorifying label despite the fact you're claiming you want LESS death.
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sysig · 15 days
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Why, is he so pretty (Patreon)
Bonus Max ♥
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#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Max Vyer#Doodles between studies and playing with hair how could this have happened hehehe ♪#Hghhghgh every time - Every Time!! Every time I see sketches it Makes Me Want To Draw and then I do and it's great and I love it#Inspire!! My favourite ♪#Helps when the subject is as cute as ZEX is hehe <3#First one was before that but I'm still counting it because he's still just as cute lol#Back him into a corner do it (and also give him kisses he deserves it)#He's just so popular! All eyes on him!#The more experienced in the leader role ♫#The rest are all inspired-bys lol - the studies were quite fun as well! They always are#I hadn't really given much consideration to his hair to be honest :0 Other than feeling like I make his hair too long and fluffy lol#But to me fluff = fluff = fluff so seeing the shapes broken down was really neat :D#How it would react to being up or down or different weights and thicknesses and curliness - very cool! Like it a lot :D#I really like his bangs covering his closed eye hehe <3 Weighted or otherwise! Just seems like it'd be convenient for him#That way that hair in your eyes limits your visibility and/or blink a bunch but he just keeps his shut haha#There's also something nice about it being out of his face and you can see his closed eye so clearly as well ♪#Conversation starter hehe#And one that's not a style study but /is/ from after doing a couple haha - nose ear and eyes seem to be the big factors there hmm#It's interesting :3#And fun! :D#And then a bonus Max for funsies because I'm Love Him and he's So cute <3#Cannot draw this man without a pillow he embodies pillows to me he needs a pillow that is His Prop in my head lol#If/when I make that Max plush (it's still on my mind) definitely gonna have to make him a pajama set with pillow and blanket#Needs the cute sleepies! It's required!!!
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elapsed-spiral · 1 year
OFMD fic recs (2022)
I've been thinking about compiling a fic recs list for a while but I have this slight problem where I never bookmark anything, I just assume I'll remember the titles of things I like and mostly I don't, because my memory is bad. It's not a great system tbh. 
So, here's a very incomplete list of Flag fics I enjoyed in 2022. Everything is Ed/Stede save where I’ve stated otherwise.  
baby, would you find that so odd? by @eluciferate (T): I think about the last paragraph of this fic often, it's beautiful. 
but that's none of my business by @chaotic-neutral-knitter (T): I wish I'd had this idea, it's so simple but so funny and well executed. 
teeth marks by morian (M): my weakness is Ed POV angst fics and this may be my favourite. It's a reunion fic with a great premise, packs a massive emotional punch and their eventual forgiveness of one another feels earned. I really enjoy how Stede is written in this.  
all you left me was a pearl by JustStandingHere (M): there's dialogue and ideas in this fic which I am confident will be better than those that actually make it into season two - sorry Mr Jenkins. The best reunion fic I've read, really in keeping with the show, which I appreciate.
late night talking (Stede/Lucius) / played it so nonchalant (Stede/Lucius/Ed) by ephemeralgrime (both E): possibly my absolute favourite fic(s) in the fandom. So funny, well written and convincing. Stede apologising for how strong he is during sex by explaining that he got into cycling after his divorce… unparalleled characterisation. 
love me by the hour by getmean (E): love the rich, sensual writing style and how the pair of them are absolutely obsessed with one another. 
Transformative Work by @mia-ugly, @pinehutch (E) (variations on Olu/Frenchie/Jim): I don’t understand how anyone can write anything this clever, to be honest. It feels like a well earned victory lap of a fic. The most interesting Frenchie characterisation I’ve come across. 
caught in a waking dream by whatkindofman (E): I love this look at how class issues have shaped Ed. I am always coming back to the heart wrenching part where Stede asks what fantasies of romance Ed had when he was young and Ed thinks about how he and his mother would lie in bed at night, waiting for “her husband” to return. 
Wayfaring by JustKeepTrekking (E): one of the first longer Flag fics I read and really enjoyed. Who doesn’t love a well written desert island fic?  
Haunt You Down by @yeats-infection (E): I normally need a happy ending to my Flag fics but I make an exception for fics this good. Brilliant premise, OCs you care about, great humour mixed with devastating angst. This should have ten times the reads.
we were the same by @focusfixated (E) (Ed/Jack, Ed/Izzy, Ed/Stede): another in the handful of devastating fics I've really enjoyed. The Ed/Jack chapter is absolutely my favourite flavour for that pairing. The Ed/Stede is especially affecting, with a unique take on their reunion.
damage ensued and tabloid news by @eluciferate (E) (Mary/Ed): Mary and Ed have hot sex where they play around with gender while waiting for that Steve guy to show up or whatever. Brilliant, ten more of these please. 
to his bones by wrizard (E): it's between me and god, how many times I've read this. Heed the tags, this won't be for everyone. 
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[ID: a black and white animatic based on the owl house set to "Letter to an old poet" by Boygenius. End ID]
Not sure when/if I'll finish this (I have the rest planned out!) BUT I liked it too much to just sit on it forever!!! So take this messy work in progress. She's not perfect but she makes me Feel Things
(sorry about the lack of ID, I don't know how to write them for videos! If you have any suggestions/want to give it a go, feel free!)
#the owl house#toh#uhhh who's relevant to this? a lot of characters appear#luz noceda#hunter toh#emperor belos#philip wittebane#yeah they're kinda the centerpieces of it i think#most frames are pretty on the nose in terms of their relation to the lyrics i feel? not much to explain/ramble about here#i think a lot about everything Belos put Hunter and Luz through over the course of the series. about all the things he projected onto them#Luz is pitiable to him. she delusionally thinks she's the hero of this story when it's so obviously him (sarcasm ofc)#shes his brother she's him but most importantly she's a prop in his story that makes him look better. wiser. more devoted. more rational#and Hunter is his whipping boy. all the resentment towards caleb that festers in Belos' heart makes it's way into his relationship with him#his love for Hunter is so transparently conditional. and it takes so much pushing and abusing from belos for Hunter to see this#bc it's easier to believe that it's your fault when a parent won't show love towards you. you're in control of yourself. you're fixable#but for both luz and hunter they learn that there was nothing to be fixed (at least not in the ways they thought were needed)#and. i just#AUGH#this whole animatic is an excuse to get to the line ''i wanna be/happy I'm ready''#that's what this whole goddamn show is about man!!! about finding joy and love again in the face of grief and i just.#i love it. it's dear to me#i really wanna finish this one day. for myself#okay i am going 2 go ignore everything around me and watch re4 remake livestreams
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Kloktober, Day 6: Comedy and/or Tragedy: I'm not sure if anything can top someone tagging a post containing both Murderface trying to suck his own [guitar riff] and Charles getting bloodied up by the Masked Murder Assassin / Man With the Silver Face from the same episode with the caption 'the duality of man,' but here we go!
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overrgrown · 2 months
defending jaejun from weirdos online isn't enough I need to be able to explode people with my mind
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dolorum-magne · 1 year
ooohhhh marble hornets requests hmmm
how about your mh X otgw au? o3o
Sorry this took so long to get to lol, I keep forgetting there's stuff in my inbox
You may receive some angst :)
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Edit: added in a couple missing details
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