#i'm not the kind of person to say 'kys' or to think that it's okay to say 'kys'
number1villainstan · 7 months
Paul could have fallen on his knife at any time.
The books, and the most recent movies, present Paul's descent from 'somewhat innocent son of Atreides' to 'dark Messiah' as something he had no control over, to an extent--the power of the prophecies, of the Bene Gesserit manipulations, of the political forces at work, and of eventually the actions of specifically Jessica were just too powerful and too inescapable. It is presented as a tragedy, with all of the inescapability that entails. There is no choice.
But there is always a choice. There always has to be a choice. These machinations only work if they have the right tool. So what do you do when you want to escape being the figurehead, the spark that lights the fire that is the Jihad? You must take away that spark. Permanently.
But that's the thing, isn't it? The only way out was so drastic Paul would never have taken it. To fall on his knife would be to leave behind his mother and his growing sister and Chani, it would be to betray Stilgar, it would be to end the male line of House Atreides (remember how gender works in this world, remember how women cannot hold power outside of religion) and betray his father, it would be to give in to the Harkonnens.
But to fall on his sword would also be to deprive the machinations of the Bene Gesserit of their Kwisatz Haderach, the corrupted fundamentalist faith of the Fremen their Messiah, the looming Jihad its figurehead and focal point. Perhaps it wouldn't be enough, perhaps the focus would have simply shifted to Jessica or even Alia, gender roles notwithstanding, but it's still a powerful act, a powerful message to send--that one would rather die than act to cause death.
Or perhaps the route the galaxy would go without the Jihad would be worse in the long run. Perhaps the Fremen would stay an oppressed people; but I want to believe that Chani (specifically Chani in the recent movies) is correct, that the Fremen need no outside Messiah and would have freed themselves. That maybe the galaxy wouldn't get better, but it certainly wouldn't have gotten worse.
And isn't that awful? For a non-tragic ending to require such a tragic choice?
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I don't know what to think about anti proshippers anymore.
Antishippers say "stop normalizing child x adult ships" "stop normalizing incest" "stop romanticizing child x adult ships" "stop romanticizing incest" while being okay with romanticizing murder in some shows/movies and romanticizing cannibalism in some shows/movies. I didn't see any antiship throw hands the moment someone said "I like Hannibal" although it romanticize cannibalism. It's weird, isn't it?
Antishippers say "shipping fictional minor x adult ships is gross and disgusting" "shipping fictional incest ships is gross and disgusting" and "shipping X is gross and digusting" while being okay with telling real people to kill themselves. While being okay with telling real people "you should be raped" "you should be tortured" "you should burn in hell" and more things. Do you even pay attention to your actions and the actions of other people? How shipping two characters is worse than telling a real person "kill yourself"????
Antishippers say "you are gross" "you need help" "you're insane" "you need therapy" while being the ones who tell proshippers "you deserve to have trauma" "you deserved to be raped" (for those proshippers who were raped and were told they deserved it by antis- I'm so sorry). I'm no therapist, but if I were I would honestly find more disturbing an anti saying "kys" to a real person than a proshipper liking problematic fictional content.
Antishippers say "protect the children" "children could see this and think it's okay" "victims of pedophiles/abuse don't deserve someone romanticizing their trauma". You have no right to claim you want to protect children when you're harassing or telling children to kill themselves. Because yes, in the proship community there are minors. And no, they haven't been groomed into being a proship. Actually, if anything, they would have been groomed into being an antiship because they're scared of people telling them "kys" "you're a pedo" "you're fucking disgusting". And what are children doing in Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad anyways? They're not supposed to be here. They're not supposed to see content not made for them. If they are in these websites, I'm worried about why their parents aren't there to tell them "this is not a safe place for you". And if people were hurt by real pedophiles or were abused, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry for them. But why the hell they're seeing fictional content that triggers them? If it upsets them, then block the content, ignore its existence, and trust me, you will feel less upset and more happy.
Antishippers say "you deserve to be harassed" "if you don't want to be harassed then stop being weird" "if you don't want to be harassed then stop sharing that type of content". Do you realize you sound like those people who say "if you don't want to be harassed for being gay, then don't be gay" "if you don't want to be harassed for being trans, then don't be trans" "if you don't want to be bullied, then stop being a weirdo", right? Or you didn't realize that?
Antishippers say "this ship is fucking gross" "this ship is fucking disgusting". I'm sorry, didn't you see the thing that said "block button" "filter tags"? Because you can do that. If you don't like some kind of content, use the filter tags/block button. Watch the content you want to see. Use the block button and filter the tags. Search for the ships you like instead of the ships you don't like. I forgot something? Oh yeah. Use. the. block. button. and filter. the. tags.
Antishippers say "why there are so many fics of these ships on AO3?" "why people are so gross?" "why people have to write about this?". Bro- I'm sorry that you didn't realize before but- AO3. IS. A. FUCKING. WEBSITE. FOR. PROSHIPPERS. So don't start with the "Proship DNI" in your tags because AO3 is a PROSHIP web. If you don't like it, GET OUT of AO3 and go WATTPAD or FANFICTION. AO3 is for PROSHIPPERS and we're TIRED of your "Proship DNI" bullshit.
Antiship community is honestly one of the worst communities I've ever seen. There's no other community so inmoral, digusting, and horrible in the Internet.
To my proshippers fellows, if I forgot something antis say you're free to add it.
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kathrahender · 11 days
Hate when some people in this site reblog posts like "It's not hard to be kind to people" "It doesn't cost you anything to be kind to people" while being literally the most unpleasant person in this world. "Be kind" "Be human" "Treat others with respect" How about you look at yourself in a mirror and realize your hypocrisy, hmm?
I might get angry sometimes and I might be an asshole sometimes, but at least I don't pretend I'm a saint, like those people do. And I don't criticize nice users who act "a little angry" sometimes. I'm talking about those people who straight up say things like "kys" "you should die" or make you feel like you have commited a crime when you haven't.
To the people who get those hate comments (who are innocent, because I'm not gonna defend a person who actually did bad things in life): don't listen to them. You are worthy. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have good things in life. Nothing those haters say it's true. You're not a bad person for liking a ship. You're not a bad person for disliking a ship. You're not the wrong one here. You're not the one to blame. You're not a monster. You're not a freak. You're not a weirdo. You're not an abuse apologist. You're not a murder apologist. You don't support bad things in real life. You are just a good person who bad things happened to. You are a person with emotions who don't deserve to be harassed. You are a person who doesn't deserve to feel like a villain. You are human. You deserve to be treated with respect. You don't deserve to be tortured. You don't deserve to have more traumas. And don't do things just because they told you to. Don't think about commiting suicide for them, because they're not worthy. And don't cry because of them. They don't deserve your tears. And you also don't deserve to be crying in your bed to sleep, or have panic attacks, or have insomnia. You deserve to be healthy. You deserve to be alive.
If you need someone to talk to, my DMs or my ask box is always open. I'm not a therapist, but if you need to vent, if you just need someone to hear you, I'm here 🫂
To the people who send those hate comments: Sorry for he next words. Actually, no. I'm not sorry for the words I'm gonna say. Honestly:
Maybe that sounds bad, but I'm being serious. If you do these things, if you harass people, if you tell people to kill themselves, if you make them feel like a monster when they're innocent (Because in most of the cases they are innocent) and if you doxx them- honestly- you're one of the WORST humans of this world. Who the hell do you think you are? Who the hell do you think you are to tell somone "kys"? Who the hell do you think you are to tell a person they deserve to die when they're innocent? "Oh, but they like/don't like a ship" AND WHAT THE HELL WRONG WITH THAT? IT'S A FUCKING SHIP. DO YOU THINK IT'S OKAY TO TELL SOMEONE TO COMMIT SUICIDE FOR DISLIKING/LIKING A SHIP? If you think that's okay, honestly, I think you URGENTLY need help because that's not normal.
"They need therapy for liking/disliking the ship I dislike/like" I can't believe people seriously use these arguments. What do you have in your mind? Do you have brain? Are you intelligent? Because if you have brain and you are intelligent- I think there's something wrong there. And If you think you're "intelligent" or morally superior- I'm asking you to analyze yourself because that's not true at all. If you get this angry for people liking/disliking a ship, I'm honestly worried about how you react in your normal life about other minor problems.
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kylianswifey · 2 years
You're Perfect - Kylian Mbappe x Reader
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Hi👋Can you please do one where kylian suggest to workout with his gf who is very out of shape and thank you😊
___________________ I was in the living room going through some papers for work. I woke up at 7am to start my shift, I work remotely. Kylian woke up two hours after me to go to the gym. I felt a soft kiss on my cheek and I looked at Kylian smiling.
"Good morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well? He sat next to me and took a look at the laptop. "Good morning, angel. Yes, you? You seem stressed." "There's a lot going on right now, I'm in a crisis. I need to get this done as soon as possible" "Why don't you take a break, you can't work like this. Come with me to the gym." I gave him a look, he never invites me to work out with him. I actually am not very active, I try to take walks everyday and watch my food intake, but that's pretty much it. I know Kylian didn't mean to offend me in any way, but I feel very self conscious about my body. I'm not in a very good shape, I consider myself to be a skinny-fat girl. "Hmm, okay. But, you'll have to give me a workout routine." "Sure, let's go get ready and leave." He gave me a quick kiss and stood up, I followed behind him. ___________ "You can go on the treadmill for twenty minutes and then continue with some light workouts since it's your first day" "Okay, Ky." I stationed myself to a treadmill facing the whole gym, I could feel eyes on me. This only managed to make me more uncomfortable. Kylian went along with his usual workout routine. Running gives you an opportunity to think about everything, especially what you're running for. I finished my running session and approached Kylian. "Hey, babe. I'm done with running." "Great, here's the yoga mat. Lay it next to mine and repeat my workouts. If you get tired stop and wait for me to finish my reps and do the next one." I nodded and did what he instructed. I began to get extremely tired after the second round, but I wanted to keep going. What if Kylian really meant to say that I need to lose some weight? I could feel him looking at me with a kind of concerned look. My face was really red and I was shaking lightly. "Babe? Don't push yourself too hard, okay?" "I'm okay, Ky. I want to do this. It's obviously going to hurt a little." "It's your first day, babe. If you burn out, you won't want to come back here tomorrow." he said and chuckled. Wow. It's clear to me now. We finished out workouts and got changed to leave for home. I waited by the car for him since I got ready before him. "Ready to go, honey?" "Yeah." "Do you want to stop somewhere to get food?" he said and we entered the car. I didn't feel like eating at all. "I'm not that hungry, Ky. But, you can get whatever you want for yourself?" he took his eyes off the road to take a look at me and went back to look at the road. He placed his hand on my thigh. "Babe? Is something wrong?" "No, why would you think that?' "I don't know, you just seem lost in your thoughts. Are you still thinking about work?" "Um, yeah, work. I'm thinking about work." he didn't seem convinced, but decided to let it go. We arrive at the house and I get back to my laptop. Kylian decided to hang out with his friends, he hasn't seen them in a while. I was glad he didn't insist on me joining him, I really didn't feel like going out. I was very confused about what I was feeling. Kylian was just being the sweetest person ever, he wanted to help me relieve some stress and here I am taking it the wrong way. After a couple of hours, I shut down my laptop and sighed. I was finally done with work and I was extremely tired and still sore from the workout this morning. I decided to wash my face and go to sleep. Suddenly, I heard my phone buzz, Kylian was calling me. "Hi, babe. I'm on my home. What do you want to eat? I still haven't eaten yet." "Hi, honey. Um, I ate an hour ago, I'm not hungry, babe. But you can get something for yourself since there isn't any leftovers." "Oh, okay, cool. I'll see you at home then." "See ya, Ky. Love you." "Love you too." _________ I heard the front door open and close, letting me know Kylian arrived. He made his way to the bedroom where I was laying on the bed with my back facing the door. I wanted to avoid the uncomfortable conversation so I pretended to be asleep. I felt the bed move next to me and I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Y/N, I can tell you're awake honey. Can you talk to me?" I decided to drop the act and I turned around to face him. He caressed my cheek with his finger and looked me in the eyes, waiting for me to talk. "Ky, am I pretty?" "What do you mean, baby? Of course you are." "Do I need to lose weight?" he sighed and shut his eyes. He finally connected the dots. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He open his eyes and sat up on the bed pulling me into his arms, my back resting on his chest. "Y/N, I don't know why you got the impression that I want you to lose weight, but I don't. I invited you today because I wanted you to take a break from work. I promise, I never even thought about changing anything about you." "I know, Ky. I just couldn't help this thought. Thank you for being so sweet to me." "Y/N, don't ever think this, please. I'm being serious. I love you so much just the way you are." "I love you too, Ky. Can I join you at the gym more often?" "Of course, baby. Only if you want to."
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cupcraft · 1 year
I just think it needs to be said that adults have to regulate themselves in online spaces in a way that is responsible for minors in fandom spaces. This will be long im sorry.
And im not specifically talking about adults with lists of DNI minors and block anyone at or under a certain age as well as make it clear their blog may not be safe for minors (ie spaces with a lot of nsfw content). Though curating an experience is a big part of being responsible of course. This post though is mostly delving into adults' behavior and how you need to be aware of your behavior.
For example, if you're an adult who purposefully curates a blog dedicated to fandom discourse, harming other people in the fandom, vagueing, and just having general toxicity about people ESPECIALLY when the targets of said harassment and toxicity are often the youngest in the fandom this is something you really need to reevaluate yourself about for a million reasons but including how this harms and serves as a poor example to younger people what a fandom space is meant to be. Like when I see minors involved in these types of toxicity, not to say they shouldn't be informed or held accountable or the ppl harmed should forgive them, but as an adult I mostly feel sad. I feel sad because I hope they're going to be okay when they're my age and look back on themselves. I hope they're safe esp when the adults around them act like this kind of behavior is normal and okay even though they've long graduated high school (even though ot wasn't okay then either for the record). Like does it not bother you that you're an adult who feels superior sending hate campaigns and ask box harassment and cyberbullying to minors on the internet because you're insecurities are that large and you've no ability to regulate them healthily? Does it not bother you that you teach young ppl in the fandom to do similarly by your actions, and affect their experience? Does the harm not bother you?
Because it should bother you. When you grow up especially in online fandom spaces you do need to be more aware of not only your words in general, but how many people may look up to you and use you as example and that you have a responsibility to be healthy online for the sake of yourself, others, and esp the youngest of the fandom.
Because it hurts to think ppl can grow up in fandom to think "oh sending kys and gore and dead animals over [insert discourse] plus potentially bigotry is normal because everyone around me does it and I want to fit in and I also fear speaking up against the adults who do this because you know the harassment".
And you might say "well cup im just gonna block all minors the end I get to harass people forever hahaha haha!" And well okay, but for another post (plus ones I've made before) there's still a million reasons this is fucked up you see but I'm just focusing on one aspect rn in this post.
And then there's the adults in fandom who all of a sudden hit my age and all they do is belittle kids and the way they act and there is all of a sudden a Certain Maturity that needs to be upheld for Everyone but Especially Adults.
So on the first point this includes adults who are like "I hate kids!!!! They are so [insert anything negative]" and it includes any comment to meta/writing/art/etc that is like not allowing a younger person in fandom to grow. Like the way I talked as 11 years on the internet was incomprehensible and frankly would've been subject to "omg kids are so cringe ew!" For sure these days, ig I was lucky my online friends were also 11 at the time. Looking at my old fandom Meta posts when I was 15, like I could imagine the way I see adults talking about takes like "oh shit I was worse!" Which is just a bag full of insecurity for me, but I also can't imagine being young in fandom and directly experiencing such critiques all the time. Like does it not bother you, once again? That you don't want to see kids in fandom grow into their creativity and co-exist safely in fandom as they do in public and experience overall and public joy? Why do you hate I mean hateee kids as an adult and why does their joy spark hate and misery in you (you might need therapy or to work that out srsly). And do the effects of your actions not bother you? What do you think you're doing other than silencing the creativity and joy in people and invoking ways to people please or for minors to Act Mature (in reality acting the way these adults want to avoid harassment ofc!) Instead of of course just experiencing joy and fun and community as they would normally.
And that brings me to my last pt of the effects of you hit [adult age] and must Act Mature and not Care About Cringe Fandoms or Watch Cartoons and do anything that would indicate you god forbid Don't Have a Real Job. This is the reality for growing up in fandom its finite once you're 19 no more Cringe of course /s! Because I've been subject to this take before as a criticism, and I've seen essays about how adults who watch Bluey are destroying the world forever, and I can take it because I go to therapy and I'm secure in my own maturity where it matters and joy where it matters. But imagine how younger people in the fandom feel. Like you're basically telling kids "btw once you're at Adult Age you must stop having fun forever and you must have a Real Job (or Education) and stop enjoying Immature things like fandom (even though I am in fandom btw im not a hypocrite saying this) or you're a freak immature adult who will never grow up". Like wow.
Like the conservative and near unnuanced take of to be Mature you need a real job (whatever that means) and to only watch adult shows in a normal manner (again whatever that means) aside, like you're really telling kids to grow up and be insecure. I'm serious! Like of course as you grow up it's important to mature no duh, but with real maturity means realizing there are times to be serious and there are times to enjoy things. Maturity doesn't mean I can never watch bluey god forbid else I have a not real job or become media illiterate as a consequence (esp when actually marketing wise a lot of kids shows are meant to also be entertaining for adults watching with their kids... and lo and behold your media literacy doesn't go away magically the moment the show starts). Like you really want younger ppl in fandom to be miserable and grow up miserable and create a cycle of miserable lest they become Cringe Adults that watch a harmless cartoon and enjoy it.
I'm never good at ending rants like this but conclusion. Get a grip on yourself and insecurities and be really careful how you foster fandom community for yourself but also to those that grow up in these spaces too.
As always add on/send asks/correct me/add nuance/etc. ❤️
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connyscomics · 1 year
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Rain by Jocelyn C. DiDomenick 😺
Trans rep: 10/10
General enjoyment: 9/10
Age rating: 10+
Okay so I finally finished this one and... OHMYGODIMINLOVE. Rain is a webcomic with over 40 chapters (7 print volumes I think) and is seriously one of the best comics I've ever read. I could go on an on about all of the things I love about this one, but for yall's sanity as well as my own, I'm just going to talk about a couple things. Oh and a quick plot description: The comic follows a trans girl named rain as she attends a religious high school and meets other queer people. A lot of stuff happens in the many chapters of this comic, and it variously touches on pretty much everything that one might encounter as a young queer person, both positive and negative.
Okay, so the first highlight for me is the main character herself. I really like her character and as a young trans person navigating being transfem in high school I really connected with a lot of her story. In particular I appreciated the representation of a character who is mostly cis-passing BUT has to go to great lengths to make this happen (at least from the not-so-supportive people in her life). I feel like with trans rep you either get like people who have an uncharacteristically easy time passing or you have people who are portrayed as like a grotesque caricature of trans people (not to say that non-passing trans women are gross or that passing is needs the goal for everyone, but the visual of the like hyper-masculine figure with messy makeup and a dress isn't usually benign). Anyways, Rain is a great main character.
Another character I want to talk about is Ky/Kylie, they are genderfluid and in my opinion done really well. I honestly related to their character a lot because even though I'm technically not genderfluid, I have very fluid desires as far as presenting. I Ky/Kylie starts out not really understanding their own identity and just being like "idk I'm a girl but sometimes I dress up like a guy" and then as the story progresses becomes more confident in their identity as a genderfluid person. The story also considers the struggles of dating for genderfluid people, with a love interest liking them more for one gender identity than another but eventually growing to understand that he can't pick and choose which gender identity he wants Ky/Kylie to have at any moment.
I should probably wrap this up before I start going into every character I love. In general, what makes this story so great is that there is a character for pretty much anyone to connect with (yes, even cishet allies), and all of the characters are done pretty well. I do have a couple minor considerations though. First, the author changed a lot as a person while writing this (I mean she started writing in 2010 and finished literally this year) so the beginning of the comic is definitely a bit outdated with some of its narratives. Though, I think it ends up working out because it generally reads as the characters learning and developing as people, which is something that comics don't always show because of a fear of saying things that are now seen as insensitive. The only other thing is that there are kind a disproportionate number of queer people in Rains community, which at times feels a bit unrealistic given that shes literally at a catholic school, but honestly I can't complain that much cause all of the characters are so much fun!!! Sorry for the extra long review yall, I just had so much to say about this one! 😺
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antirqpuppy · 5 days
I am not radqueer in any way whatsoever but I genuinely think blogs dedicated to hating or being against an entire group of people (especially if they are calling people names like “radshits”) is wrong and disgusting.
Real people exist behind screens. Maybe think about who your blog hurts. Put yourself in their shoes.
Ehrm okay I dont care? What do you want me to do now? Delete my blog? Change my whole theme? Just because you think smth is weird? 😭
The radqueer community is a community that lets abusers, harmful paraphiles (that r acting on it) and so many more awful people into their spaces. Endangering (mostly) traumatized young and vulnerable kids. They let people encourage others to selfharm and often support it too or even idolize it. Especially younger people and victims have to realize that this "community" isnt a good place to be. If no one talks about them being bad they wont realize it. (no shame in that btw)
I do not care if the abusers behind the screen get hurt by an anti radqueer blog.
I made this blog partially because I wanted to make a space for radqueers to go to if they want to leave the community. (got too lazy so its now mostly an idea IF ANY WANTING TO LEAVE RQS READ THIS ID STILL BE OPEN TO TALK!) Thats why I dont go around saying RQS GO KYS!!!! Its why I stated in my intro that I will treat everyone w kindness.
If you dont like my blog, dont look at it and dont interact with me. Is it that hard?
Anyway did I ever tell why I actually have this blog? Its not mainly because I hate radqueers. Its because I am an ex radqueer and I'm trying my best to get out of that community. This blog is my "tool" to stay away from them, to remind myself I dont have to be like them, to remind myself I will be accepted into other spaces. I barely post on this blog anyway, stop telling me what to do, nobody cares about your opinion. You're just a little person in my screen, I dont know you, youre on anon, I barely know what kinda person you are GET OUT OF MY BUSINESS!!!!
Do you wanna see the first ever ask I got on this blog? From a radqueer. I will never not hate on them because those are exactly the people they support. And I will never care for anyone that supports people like this and genuinely doesn't see anything wrong with it and dont want to get better.
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I'm a minor btw.
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I just need to rant and this isn't super related but it kind of both pisses me off and worries me how so many people nowadays see saying incredibly hateful shit to someone is morally justified if that person is a bad person by your regard.
Like idk what the fuck that person did, but telling a victim of SA that they deserved or enjoyed their SA is ALWAYS, 100% OF THE TIME, fucked up. Even if it's as a joking insult it's not fucking funny!
In a similar vein I believe pretty strongly that telling someone to kys isn't ever okay either, no matter how shitty the person you're referring to is. I've seen so many people online who will relentlessly justify doing this if the person they're talking to is bad enough by some arbitrary standard. Like, why do you NEED to tell someone to kys? Why is this something you must defend? Who actually benefits? Why risk triggering people who aren't the person you're talking to? Do you really think the person you're talking to even deserves to be in such a dark place they consider taking their own life? I don't believe anyone deserves that, and I'm surprised this is a controversial opinion to some people.
Especially when it comes to online shit. Accusations can be faked. There can be vital information that you aren't aware of.
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emisloves · 14 days
ever since a post was made by an ex moot blaming me and haze for something we never did (haze had literally deactivated and I had no idea about it happening until a moot of mine brought it to my attention) the number of anons telling me to kys or just telling me stuff for apparently being "racist" have gone up — and given the recent situation with the minor, even more anons have been coming to my inbox and talking about how the accused minor is "matured enough" and what not —
before I address the situation with the minor, I'd like to address the bit where I have been accused of racism.
two of my moots had recently come to me and asked me about the situation since one of them had no idea about it, and the other wanted to hear my side of the story before drawing conclusions.
here is me explaining the situation to the mootie who had no idea (part of the message is cropped since she had asked me about another moot of mine, and I had talked about that moot in the same message):
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me explaining my side to the mootie who wanted to hear my side of the story before drawing conclusions of her own:
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I understand my words kind of contradict themselves in both of these messages, but I think my point has been made.
I was ignorant and insensitive back when I had made those 'jokes' and I hold my past self accountable to that. i understand I said things I had no right to say, and I deserve every bit of the backlash that I have been getting for that.
however, none of it excuses the way people have been acting towards me because of this — no I'm not talking about the ones who are simply holding me responsible for my past actions. no, I'm talking about those people who are accusing me of racism and decided that it's okay for them to be racist towards me and Indians in general. let me tell you right now that this is the most ironic, most hypocritical thing I have ever seen. so many anons have come to my inbox saying shit about Indians in general, it's kind of concerning. I block these types of anons immediately, so I unfortunately cannot provide screenshots. calling someone racist and then being racist to that person makes you no better than the accused racist.
now let's get back to the situation regarding the minor. first of all, I don't care about your age. 11 or 15, I don't care. you could be 1 day away from turning 18, but that would still make you a minor. reading smuts or other stories in general that strictly have 'mdni' written in the warnings, makes you responsible for your actions. mdni, or 'minors do not interact', would mean that the author doesn't want you to interact with their post — whether it's because they don't feel comfortable with that, or they are concerned about your mental health, doesn't matter. if the term 'mdni' is present in a post, you are not supposed to interact with it.
as for being moots with me and being "nothing but nice" to me? do you think I care about your manners? I have stated in my rules that I don't want any minors to interact with me, I wish for them to limit themselves to my sfw posts. i don't care about your exact age, I don't care how "mature" you are, how none of this is "affecting your mental health". all I care about is that you're a minor that has interacted with me, despite me stating in my rules that I don't wish for this. I think as an author yourself, you would realise how disrespectful it feels for someone to break your set of rules. because breaking your rules means they are disrespecting your boundaries, which is something I'm strictly against.
yes, I'm calling you shameless. and it is because of these very reasons. i don't want minors interacting with me because that's something I feel uncomfortable with. by interacting with me you're paying no respect to my boundaries, something which I simply do not appreciate.
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SIDE QUESTS AND SPINOFFS 🖋️ for bradley and sunshine (the lights of my life my every waking moment my parents my best friends)!
“call me if anything like that happens again, got it?” 
ky's 1.5k follower celebration!
jordan i really hope you like this...
warnings: being followed, being a women sucks, protective Bradley, the UVA years
You slid into the chair in the front row, backpack sliding off your shoulders.
"How was your weekend?" Bailey asks from her seat behind you as you twist in the chair, getting settled with your leg kicked up on the empty chair next to you. You shrug as you pull your notebook out of your backpack.
"It was okay." You say, head disappearing into the ether of your backpack as you search for a pen. "I got followed home from the Chipotle last night."
With your gaze focused on your bag, you miss the way Bradley's head flies up at your words.
"Wait, did you really?" Your friend Maria asks from a few seats over.
You nod, finally finding the pen you'd been looking for. "Yeah, I went and got Chipotle for my roommate and I at like... 7 last night. The sun had barely started to set and the next thing I realize I'm being followed. It was bizarre."
"Sunshine, are you okay?" Bradley asks, tone colored by urgent concern.
"Eh, a little shaken up but it is what it is. Reality of being a woman and all that."
"And this is why I carry a knife." Bailey announces, smacking her hand against the table for dramatic effect. You pause, blinking at her.
"You scare me." You say bluntly, earning a laugh from the girl.
"Alright folks, I hope you all had a good weekend. Now, over the weekend, I had you read about the CIA intervention in Guatemala..."
"Bye Bailey, Maria!" You call, turning the opposite direction from them as you exit the building.
"Sunshine, wait." Bradley calls and you turn to see him jogging the down the stairs after you.
"Yeah?" He doesn't say anything, eyes moving over you as he takes you in. "Are you okay?"
"Are you?"
You tilt your head. "What do you mean?"
He huffs out a breath, seemingly incredulous. "What do I mean? You got followed last night?"
"Oh, that?" You give a half-shrug, trying to play it off. "It's fine. I just made a loop around my block and lost him at the intersection."
"Call me if anything like that happens again, got it?"
"No, I don't care if it's 2 am. Wake me up for all I care."
"Bradley, this feels like a bit of an overreaction-"
"Sunshine, someone followed you home at 7 P.M. on a Sunday!"
"I don't think it was malicious, I truly don't think he knew where he was or was like all there-"
"Are you defending the person who followed you?"
You fall silent at that, because you kind of were.
He swallows, glancing away from you. "I just- I would hate for something to happen to you. So please, just- call me next time okay?"
You're a bit breathless at the concern written all over his face, so you find yourself nodding before your brain can catch up and protest.
"Yeah, okay, I'll call you. Promise."
He finally seems to take a real breath, letting his shoulders droop. "Great, thank you."
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problematicfactive · 1 year
wow that's fucking disturbing, hope you're taking care of yourself today as a treat after that /g
Thank you!
Host is going over his lines but the stress is making us tic :(
It's a pretty common occurrence but it still gets me pretty badly every time.
On the note, I want to talk about manipulative source hate,
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This came in immediately after I was banned.
Actually, let me clarify.
This person said this in MY own discord after I was banned from revenge.
I'd like to break it apart and explain why this kind of behavior isn't okay. You think you're being genuine, you're actually being an asshole.
"I kind of understand where they're coming from"
It is okay to have your own opinions, however, this person did nothing but make assumptions on how I live my life and my connection to source. They understand the other side because they were willing to hear out that sides "reasoning" for banning me (which can be seen in my last post) but they weren't willing to hear out how I live my own life. I have said it before and I always will say that hatred for problematic factives comes from ignorance on the subject. The idea we can just "get help" when in reality, this is the way our brain manifests "help." I am the help.
Also. That one person said "kys" -- this person is1 they understand where someone who wants me to commit suicide literally just because I exist "is coming from"
It IS okay to have your own opinions. But when a person is talking about how they got banned for being alive, maybe don't speak on your negative opinions of them in the moment. If you really want them to know how you feel, maybe give them time to calm down just a little? Dm them later and ask if it's okay to ask questions
This blog is primarily to educate. If you have any form of questions feel free to ask. If someone is asking you questions you feel I can answer, feel free to direct them to me.
"I don't want to see your icon, it makes me uncomfortable."
Being made uncomfortable by something is totally valid. Watching people eat makes me super uncomfortable. I'm not going to go to people who make eating content and try to manipulate them into feeling bad for EATING. Yesterday I had a different icon. It was the guy who played me but out of character. I hated it. It made ME uncomfortable and I felt like I was lying to myself. Deciding to change it to something that felt right was hard for me, but it was the decision I made. It means a lot to me and nothing to others. Just don't talk in the channels (need I remind, in MY server) where I'm talking? We have so many channels so you can avoid people that make you uncomfortable, its in the rules.
This person is focused on letting me know about their feelings, but they not once stopped to ask me about mine. That leads me into the next bit
"I know you deal with a lot of hate, but it isn't about you."
This is want I call "fake sympathy" "I know you deal with hate" is this person's way of pretending to have cared for my feelings and to justify only worrying about their own feelings throughout all of this. They don't mention how receiving this daily hate must hurt me or even how hard that must be on my health, they say "It isn't about you" (and give no further indication to whom this is about because at the end of the day, this is, in fact, about me. I'm the one who goes to bed every night hated by the internet and wakes up hated by the internet. I'm the one who can't be accepted in public places, I'm the one who people genuinely want to kill themself because of who I was sourced from. That's about me.) its simultaneously the most manipulative excuse I have EVER seen, and the poorest attempt at manipulation I've ever seen. "This isn't about you" because they are making it all about them. Again, literally just because I am alive.
"You need to show you aren't your source. Change your icon or your name."
First off, telling me what to do without me asking for anything of the sort. I've done both of these things. For a period of time, my display name was that of a creepypasta, and as I had already told that person, I also go by anxiety. Having my sourcename is not illegal, but when I didn't, I was still recognized and banned from servers in situations literally just like this one. Changing my name is doing nothing but lying to myself about my identity. Even though I am very very not connected to source, my name and appearance are the most important parts of myself to me. I've already spoken on my icon.
"Ill go. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable but this is how I personally feel"
1) the only thing you did throught all that message was make me beyond uncomfortable. You saved NO ONE the discomfort because nit only did I have to read that, the other people in the server did too
2) Why should I be expected to give half a fuck about how you feel if all you were gonna do is brush my off and side with people would literally want me to kill myself?
3) if you were gonna go, you should haveleft. Staying and giving this attention seeking speech is doing nothing but trying ti manipulate me into feeling bad for existing and making you feel uncomfortable in my server. You could have just left. You could have tried to understand things better, you could have said you were uncomfortable and left. You gave a whole shpill about how my existence makes you uncomfortable trying to get people to feel bad for you because the only thing you can do when you see me is judge me based on my source.
That is manipulative source hate.
Thank you for coming to my blog and also for being here for me.
Being able to throughly analyze this and warn others on it honestly and genuinely made me feel better
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kudzu-san · 1 year
If you ask me who in the whole animanga is the most selfish character, without thinking twice, I'd immidiately say Luffy. In the end of every situation and decision, unless at times where it really can't be helped like the Going Merry and Usopp situation in Water 7 and without Zoro's intervention (he may be the only one that can keep Luffy on leash to a certain extent), it all really just lead back to his guts. He's impulsive as fuck and he doesn't like thinking that much. Every punch roots from his wants and emotions. I'm gonna punch you 'cause I wanna beat your ass to dust 'cause you did something I don't fucking like but I'll do it in a way you won't die that you have to live your whole life from this point on with your dreams crushed before your eyes forever. Why again? Oh, because you did something I don't like :/ ! Post-timeskip Luffy has kind of developed and improved somehow that side of his, he thinks a bit now, not thinking makes his loved people disappear, he thinks a little now. But pre-timeskip Luffy especially—boy's unhinged. I think the Netflix live action tried to show his selfishness amidst being this obvious sentimental dude through Nami's dialogues like "This is the real me, Luffy. This is just what you don't think and want me to be in your dang head." but I don't think that's not even Luffy's way of selfishness, you know? He doesn't really assume. Sometimes, he doesn't care what you think or what's going on, your lore and stuff. All he knows is that he wants you. "Evil" or not you are. Or whatever the hell. You're just Nami he met the very first episode and the ship's navigator. That kind of stuff, he definitely assumes. Your part in his life, but he'll never dictate your life or your own person. But say no and he'll give up. Nami practically said kys when they tried to pursue her, and maybe that wasn't the no Luffy needed to hear. He's got a good nose, is intuitive, stubborn, and impulsive. People would add "emotionally intellegent" in there but not me. That boy gets angry and one second you'll find yourself being gum gum no gatlinged. That boy gets happy and it's... just a mess. I think what people meant though is, he's extremely empathetic. So bad. Half of the time he was angry, it's on behalf of you. Half his punches, are your own fists. He's dumb, okay? But he feels SO MUCH he can see through everything. Like solving a mathematical equation, skipping the solutions, and just arriving to the final answer. You're sad—I don't know why and maybe I don't even wanna know why, I don't think it matters cos in the end—that doesn't sit right with me. The fact that you're sad. The bottom point. So I'm gonna do stuff about it. I forgot why I wrote this, I just wanted to talk about Luffy help. But yeah. This is what I think about, my feelings about him which I can put into words.
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silver-wield · 5 months
I feel heartbroken for duoj. Look. I recently just found out about ria and her Bullshit pandering. She never deleted it. It certainly is 100% OOC right? But nobody gave her such rage. Yet duoj gets this kind of persecution. First of all, I don't condone the thing, I also don't care for the concept. But I will say this. I have encountered so many doujin and have seen these characters depicted in such ACTUAL GROSS DEPICTIONS. The way duoj delivered her work isn't even close to those. And do you know which scene reminded me of? Shinji scene with asuka in Evangelion. Cloud was depicted as someone who HATED what he did to tifa in this doujin. But people act like duoj is glorifying the thing, SHE'S NOT!
How can people act like social justice warriors while saying stuff like "break your hand" or "kys"? TO A REAL HUMAN BEING. Do they have the same energy given to sephikuras, being depicted as a two timer BS, being BS with other characters? THAT'S OOC RIGHT? SO WHY NOT ASK THEM TO DELETE AND GO DIE? If ria, billy etc DISGUSTING ARTISTS DON'T DELETE THEIR OOC WORKS, WHY SHOULD DUOJ DELETE HERS? She deleted it anyway, which is sad imo, but you'll Never hear these people who persecuted her to apologize.
I'm just pissed off at strawberry st because they think they ambassador of cloti fandom meanwhile they give out SHIT INTERPRETATIONS about mc depicting him as a two timer BS.
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These are all on the same subject so I'm just gonna combine them, talk about it this one time and move on because it's really not worth flogging over.
Being honest, I saw one frame of that comic and it wasn't the "bad" part. I think I caught it as it was all being uploaded, and I wasn't interested so I didn't bother checking out the rest.
Douj is an artist and can make whatever they want. I'm not supporting the content they made or how they chose to share it, but it is what it is.
You are consumers and have a choice to look or not at what they've made.
If you look and don't like it, that's your problem. You have no right to harass them over it or tell them what's morally right or wrong to share on social media.
I get that a lot of you are upset because you know those dumbass cleriths will spend years throwing this in our faces after we said how gross it is they want Cloud to rape Aerith and ship hojo's forced breeding plans. I get that. But, it's not Douj's fault those assholes are assholes.
And for those people who were triggered by the content, I get that too. I heard Douj didn't tag it correctly or warn anyone what the content was, so that's not okay of them, but they didn't do any of this to hurt anyone, so attacking them because of being unintentionally hurt isn't okay. Instead of retaliating over something they didn't do on purpose, talk to people you trust and work through your feelings so you can get back to a better place emotionally.
If you choose to mute/block them because of this that's your choice. You don't have to explain why you want to protect your mental health. You should also think about the mental health of the other person too. Douj is still a person.
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d34th-w1sh · 2 years
- You're homoph0bic, anti lgbt, have a lesbian fetish etc
- You're any kind of r4cist, or "all lives matter"
- You're religious (I don't have anything against it but i don't want to have anything to do with it bcs of personal trauma)
- You don't have an 3d, if you don't, please block me. I don't want to trigger anyone, or make anyone get an 3d.
- You're a man looking to "flirt", i'm a lesbian and I don't fvcking care if "thats okay" with you, i'm not interested in men and will never be. Leave me tf alone.
- Anyone who wants any kind of n*des, I will block you.
- Any kind of abl**st
- Anyone who makes fun of mentally ill people, I will block you.
- People who will say "just be happy life is short" no way! I didn't think of that! No fr, it isn't that easy karen, stfu.
- People who post p*rn, kys.
- "Pro" anything, like yes I have 4n0r3x14 but i'm NOT pro ANYTHING, its honestly just disturbing, don't compare ppl with an 3d to the pro ppl.
- Any s3xist ppl, tr*mp supporters, 4ndr3w t4te supporters, anti feminists, etc, ill block you.
That's all, thank you.
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kaeyazuha · 2 years
hey ky :) sorry if this is a bother. i was just sort of feeling down and wanted to talk to someone, and since i come here to read your writing so often anyway i thought i'd try dropping a message? nothing too heavy! it's just that one of my closest friends told me they can't name a single thing they like about me, in those exact words, and it kind of broke my heart a little. i can't even be mad at them because for one thing, neither can i, and for another, they were saying it in a sort of introspective, self-critical way and if i got upset about the sentiment or wording i feel like i'd be making it about me, you know? they've only recently started opening up to me about their struggles and being honest about how they feel so i don't want them to have to lie to spare my feelings. but at the same time, it's like...not a single thing? why even be friends with me, then...? idk, i'm just a tiny bit sad :(
I'm so glad you came to me to talk about this, and I'm so sorry this happened.
Pardon the bluntness, but that is a horrible friend. I have a lot of people I hate. Absolutely despise. But I can name something good about them. I have this old friend, absolute piece of crap: manipulative, rude, abusive, you name it. But I remember she had the prettiest handwriting and the loveliest singing voice. There was this guy, he was a perv. Hated him. But I remember he was a skilled artist who loved nature.
It doesn't matter what a person is like, there is always something to love or at least like about them. The only reason you wouldn't be able to find something is either you're not looking hard enough, or you're trying to make the other person feel bad.
You have every right to make that about you. Your friend insulted you, and it wasn't okay at all. Coming from someone who's had more bad friends then good, there could be plenty of reasons they're friends with you. Maybe they wanted a shoulder to cry on. Maybe they thought you were a good therapist. Maybe they really do like you and are just absolutely terrible at showing it. Or, maybe they really like you and are lying to you to try and keep you distanced. Some people do this if they're uncomfortable with feeling loved or loving someone, or sometimes the idea of having friends scares them. It depends on the person.
Just from this message I can tell a few things. You're a good person, who wants to please others. You want to feel loved as others do. You're caring, sweet, and empathetic. I hardly know you and I can say this as a fact, so they truly have no excuse.
If you want advice, I recommend talking to them about this. However, if they try and play victim, gaslight you, etc, leave them immediately. More info below the cut about this situation if you're interested.
A few things they might say if they're trying to manipulate you could be: "why are you making this about you?" "you're being dramatic" "how could you say that to me?" "i guess i'm a horrible friend then" And other things along these lines. This is your cue to leave them.
If they're trying to gaslight you: "I never said that/that never happened." "you're making things up." "it was just a joke." "why are you bringing up the past?" "you're overreacting." This is another cue to leave.
If they try and take the situation and make it about them or accuse you of anything, they aren't worth your time. HOWEVER on a more positive note, here are some good signs.
"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it that way." "I'm sorry it came off like that, what I really meant was..." "I promise I didn't mean it like that." Or something along these lines. I can't guarantee these lines are honest, but it's a step in the right direction if they mean it when they say it.
But honestly, in my opinion? I don't think this is a relationship worth keeping.
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hergan416 · 1 year
Fanfic asks!
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? (can you make it One Piece? It's okay if not 😊)
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
🤩Favorite (One Piece) Character to write -- ooooo Now. I may not have written One Piece in a long time, but I do know the answer to this. It's Marco. He's not my favorite One Piece character, but I love writing from his point of view. It feels natural. Probably because I project onto him entirely too much and reduce his character to a) kink or b) angst but shhhhhhhh
❌ What's a trope you will never write? -- hmmmm Not me literally going to TV Tropes and reading the list hoping to get inspiration for this. Coffee shop AU maybe?? I just am not really interested in the setting? I generally want my AUs to raise the stakes, not lower them, and I'm a poor fluff writer.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started? I think what I would say is write what you want to, and don't be scared. When I first got into fanfiction, the author's notes all said "no flames!!" It meant, if you didn't like the kind of story I wanted to tell, keep your mouth shut and don't say so. It wasn't for you. And I was afraid of flames. And mad at the kind of person who might leave one of them. I wrote defensively, to avoid them. But I'd never seen one on a fic. Today we have our own version of flames. "If you write about ____ you're endorsing ____ and that's problematic. YOU'RE problematic." Maybe even with a vaguely threatening, or outright threatening addition. "If you ship ___ I hope you step on legos every day for the rest of your life" or even "kys" Just like before, most days I experience the internet without seeing any those words. I think I've only seen this sentiment actually expressed... once or twice in the nearly 10 years since I returned to fandom (2015, so it's like 8.) And yet everyone is still very much saying "no flames! that's hurtful. don't do that to me!" It makes it seem like a huge problem. Because when it does happen, it's hurtful as fuck, and people are rightfully indignant about it. Because their words hurt so badly that people need community to recover from their words, the people who do that sort of thing have their voices amplified. if you're looking to get comfort because something hurtful was said to you, you're going to repeat what was said, right? Even now, I'm amplifying those voices to illustrate my point. But they are a relatively small number of people. Don't let them police you. Don't let people's reactions to them make you scared to create. Because creation is wonderful. So my advice is no matter how "weird" you think your idea is: Write it. Get it on paper. Post it. It could be a niche topic or AU. It could be reader-insert or Mary Sue or something "cringe." It could be the nastiest, kinkiest smut on the planet. Your people will find you. Community will come. Do what you want. Because no matter what it is, someone else wants it too. And once you find even one other person like you, you have a bucket of water in your hands now. Flames can get FUCKED.
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