#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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piracytheorist · 10 months ago
What's your thoughts on the episode where that fake waiter 'poisoned' Yor, and Anya intimidated him into supposedly leaving the crime life? The stuff he thought and whatnot, as well as Anya in that scene? I'm so curious as to your thoughts
I think that Anya, honestly, has the time of her life making her fantasies come true and saving the world.
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All kids dream of being superheroes and doing cool stuff. Courtesy of her mind-reading powers and girlbossing a spy and an assassin into adopting her, Anya can actually act on that stuff and go up against bad guys and overthrow plans for war, and I think, to her advantage, she's a little too young to understand the gravity of her situation. She stops a bomb, saves her father and many many innocent civilians, practically putting an end to an effort to reignite a war that ended before she was even born... and then she goes back home with a bright smile like "Hero Anya has saved the day!"
And I think something similar happened in this scene. She faced a professional criminal, created a bomb that he was going to create, even put her signature on it by adding peanuts, actually hurt him, and then warned him with knowledge of his personal life. And all without breaking a sweat.
Honestly, the sight of a terrorist kid who knows all your secrets and works for the assassin you were just trying to kill sounds like enough of a terrifying concept, enough to turn you away from a life of even professional crime. I mean, the guy already was thinking of giving up on that life, for the sake of his girlfriend and believing that it was a miracle he'd survived the Thorn Princess' massacre. It was just the immediate sight of her in his cover job that made him think it was his fallen comrades asking him for revenge. And he tries that with a poison, Yor shakes it off because she's a tank, and he goes for a last ditch effort with the bomb, but then a fucking kid creates that same bomb before him and lets him take the blast. And then tells him about his own secrets. He realizes he's out of his depth, he's being given a second (third?) chance, and decides the life of a criminal is over for him.
Honestly, I think it's fucking hilarious. Spy x Family manages to have an excellent amount of unhinged humor that somehow makes sense. Anya wasn't playing around. She literally made a bomb and exposed the man's secrets. It was enough to scare him off any attempt at continuing this life or his effort for revenge. And as weird as it is, it actually sounds pretty reasonable. Again, I'm not sure Anya grasps the full weight of her actions - she probably thinks that she scared him off because she was Cool™ and all that, when in fact it was because it's pretty scary to have a child bomb you and expose your secrets - but in a story with spies and assassins, I don't find it all that weird. It just adds to the unhinged humor of it all.
Cause yeah, despite how unhinged it all is, Spy x Family somehow touches reality in a very... "secure" way. I don't know if that's the right word to use, lol. It's just that even when characters have extreme reactions, it's always on something you can understand and maybe even sympathize with. Even when we're dealing with criminals such as that guy, it's always focused on humanity and a deep understanding of reality... but also in a very malleable way. Like, who would have thought this was the way to discourage the way from a life of crime forever? Tatsuya Endo, that's who.
(Anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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storiesbyjes2g · 20 hours ago
3.226 Team Murillo
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The longer I am a parent, the more I understand some of the things my mom did in our teen and early young adult days. Alessia and I took full advantage of not being in school anymore, sleeping in late and slumming it. Mama understood we needed the break, but after a while, she also knew we needed to get on with our lives. Neither of us had any real ambition. True, I had yoga, but I didn't begin teaching right away. She started waking us up early to cook breakfast and making me help her in the garden. At the time, I thought she was just trifling and gave us busy work, like our teachers. Later, I figured she was just teaching us basic life skills. But now I see her intent went beyond that. Not only was she teaching basic skills, but also she was exposing us to different things, hoping to spark an interest. She had already done that once by taking us to the gym in our teen days. Alessia and I both fell in love with fitness, and I fell in love with yoga. Desiree is growing up way too fast, but it's never too early to introduce a potential new passion to our children. That's why I keep inviting her to cook with me. I mean, true, I just enjoy her company, and I want her to learn, but she also might discover she loves it and wants to continue doing it. Since we were awake at the same time again, I recruited her for breakfast duty, and this time she helped!
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I didn't want to make anything heavy because we would eat again around midday, so I made yogurt parfaits. Desi wanted to make biscuits, so I made dough and let her play in it. They didn't exactly go with our meal, but hey, I'm here for the learning experience. Besides, I knew they'd never make it to the oven, anyway. Sure enough, as I predicted, she abandoned the biscuits once my parfaits were ready. Good thing we're rich now. I don't like wasting food, but at least it won't hurt the budget.
On my way to the shower, I checked my phone for any last-minute messages from Dub. I felt kind of weird setting up this shindig knowing they were going through a difficult time, but Sophia encouraged me to do it anyway because this could be just the pick-me-up they needed. My calendar said today was Family Day! How appropriate our two families would come together today. Of all the smaller holidays, Family Day was definitely my favorite. Well, it was probably the only one we ever attempt to celebrate growing up, heh. We never did Egg Day, and for obvious reasons, Love Day wasn't emphasized very much. I don't even know what the other holidays are. They were just get out of school free cards for us.
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I'm sooooo glad the rain stopped. There's still a chance it will start again later, but hopefully we'll at least have time to bask in the sun while we eat. Those storms seemed like they would never end, lasting about three or four days in a row! As I walked outside, I saw more than just me got hit. I found so many piles of ash and charred things littered around the yard as I threw the ribs on the grill. I still can't believe I got hit. Twice!! I don't know anyone who got hit even once.
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I got the ribs all succulent and fall-off-the bone tender, then went inside to make some iced tea and a salad. I found my ladies busy at work, preparing for our guests. Desiree washed the breakfast dishes, and Sophia took out trash and cleaned whatever else needed to be clean. #TeamMurillo is the best family I could have asked for. I never feel alone or overwhelmed from carrying everything. Me and Sophia are true partners, and it's clear Desiree watches and learns from her.
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With the house cleaned and the food ready to eat, we brought everything outside. I caught Dub on the porch just as we were going back inside, so I called for them to come through the side gate. Sophia and I were all smiles as we awaited them. We needed this as much as they did.
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tojikai · 2 years ago
Chapter XI
Here we go again. Sadly I have finally come to the conclusion of this series. First I'd like to say thank you so much for all the work that you put into this series. I'm sorry for all the hate that you had to go through but I really feel like they were just jealous 😂.
Oh boy right from the start we're already giving angst. It's a dream isn't it? I'm gonna cry before this chapter is even over. Nope. Don't do this to me.
Gojo you've done enough. Stop thinking about yourself for just a minute and where your relationship is going. It's done. You did this. This is your fault. And nothing that you can say or do will ever make things right.
"Your hand reached to the exposed skin on your side to trace the tattoos that held more meaning now than they did before you got it. A permanent mark for all that you went through." YOU DID THE THING. THE TITLE.
“The last butterfly is your life that went away—your baby angel." You're really doing everything to make me cry with this final chapter. I was so mad just a second ago. But now I'm in tears.
I'm glad to see y/n's growth with this last chapter. She's not letting everything that she's gone through stop her from hoping and I think that's really beautiful. Especially since she used to engage in self destructive habits in the past when she was going through something. That's a really uplifting message to leave off with.
And I loved that imagery of that moment being like the last page of a book. It truly is good and the bad memories that makes us the who we are.
Wow I can't believe it's over. This all started back in June of 2022 but it doesn't feel like all that time has passed. I have so many words for this story and even the paragraphs upon paragraphs still don't emphasize everything that I felt while reading. But oh well. I wish you the best on your future writing endeavors and if you ever start a new series on the JJK fandom feel free to tag me. But thank you again for this nerve wrecking amazing story.
Thinking abt how satoru's probably gonna blame himself for everything even after yn's last goodbye to him breaks my heart. i just realized how fitting the title is bc there's no way that they'd forget abt everything. and the tattoo !! gosh, i remember how everything went down the drain again after that tattoo incident :')) i think yn needed to experience that, to find her will to live for herself. considering that she was neglected as a child, the short motherhood made her realize that she could be more than what she is and that is by being what she once needed. i just reread the epilogue and realized that i feel so sad now, i miss the days of posting new chapters every week😭 and pulling all nighters bc i like details LMAO anyways, im truly grateful for your support for the series and for me, for staying and waiting til the ending even if it took months (im truly sorry abt that😥) i can't wait to give all my time to writing again once i get a vacation. i'll probably write short ones here and there for now but i don't think i can commit to a full series with this schedule 😭 again, i really appreciate you and everyone who supported me throughout this series. please take care, and stay healthy and safe always <33 all the love~!!
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emoshep · 1 year ago
spiritual journeys or whatever i've got going on
okay so, initial report on what's going down on my end.
in my last post on this subject, i talked about two things that i've got going at this moment: i feel my view of religion and spirituality shifting in a more polytheistic direction, and i'm learning to look at jesus of nazareth in a different way from what i grew up with. i'll talk some about each of those in a little more detail and how i feel about each and how they might relate to one another.
i'll first talk about the polytheism. i feel like this doesn't take much explanation. "belief in many gods." there ya go. but why would i feel compelled to this idea? do i feel drawn toward a specific tradition? what's the deal?
i've already mentioned that i grew up in a christian background, but i do have a small confession to make: i've never been much of a monotheist. that isn't to say i secretly worshipped different gods or anything like that, but more like the idea of there only being one god and that this god was the ultimate creator just... didn't really mean that much to me. like, i got all the arguments the apologetics crowd made, but i never gave the idea more than a "yeah, sure, okay."
when i was initially exposed to people who worshipped multiple gods, two of whom became good friends of mine during univerisity, i had no issues with their practice. there's also the fact that i come from an interfaith family: a lot of my family are christians, but there are also many hindus, and there are a number of atheists as well. exposure can inform tolerance, and for me, the concept of "one and only one" just never really solidified. i believed it did, but it didn't. so, having realized this, i opened up and allowed myself to explore different (OPEN) traditions, to see what i could discover, see if i found anything compelling to me.
you can probably guess where this is going. i did indeed find some that i found compelling. when i started to dabble, watching a ritual in action and saying a short prayer, i vividly remember feeling "yeah. this is a-okay." the ritual was wolf the red's ritual to thor. the tradition was heathenry. i found skald's keep and ocean keltoi, and both have been great introductory resources and as i've read and listened some more, i find myself pulled in that direction.
(this is not to say "i am now a heathen," i don't wish to claim any label yet as i don't wish to step on someone's toes accidentally, but it is something to consider.)
onto the second part: my view of jesus. how has that changed? i mentioned in my last post that i had purchased a book called "jesus through pagan eyes," to see how a pagan would look at or even relate to him. i do have some tiny hiccups about some of the language the author has used here and there, overall i've found the book very good. of course, i'm only a couple chapters in so, we'll see what comes with time but, hey, so far it's good stuff. there are obviously many things to learn but two come to mind right now.
the first thing to learn was about how to look to jesus as human first before anything beyond that (not necessarily exclusively but we're not there yet) and what the "quest for the historical jesus" tells us about his ministry. the findings are pretty obvious, jesus spent a lot of time with folks at the periphery of society and was kind of a rabble rouser, seemed to have an "authority" problem, we get that. but the second thing i found pretty remarkable: forgiving people's sin (we'll get to it) wasn't so much about forgiving perceieved faults so that they can avoid eternal punishment, but using the language of his day to demonstrate that there need not be any separation between humanity and the divine.
this jumped out at me, as this felt similar to something i read in introductory heathen material (thanks skald); there is no separation between sacred and profane. divinity is a property of existence, not something that has to be earned.
okay, but how exactly has my view of jesus shifted, especially considering the tradition i find myself drawn toward at this moment? i don't have a definitive answer as i haven't finished the book and taken sufficient time to reflect but i do have something at least: i have had (or at least felt) experiences with him. not like literally hearing his voice but like, "hey, i feel you in the room, hello, thanks for being here." i worshipped jesus as a god for most of my life. at this time, i have no issue considering him as one. that's part of the beauty of polytheism i think: if someone is seen as a god, then there ya go. a god. no problem.
now i wouldn't hold a heathen blót for him or anything like that. he isn't a part of that tradition and it would just feel weird. but when, like, praying among progressive christians (the most metal kind of christian) or in private, i have no issue with him. i still don't have much to say on the concept of the "jealous god," but i think it's obvious at this point that this just isn't something i'm concerned about right now. like i said: i've never been a very good monotheist and i don't believe in hell anyway. i'm getting off track. the bottom line is this, reiterated from my last post on this subject: jesus passes the vibe check.
(to be clear: i don't hold anyone's religious trauma against them. i've said that i don't wish to step on anyone's toes with these writings, so i do apologize if i have.)
i've been writing this for a while now and i haven't had dinner. i need to change that, so i'm gonna leave it here for now. if you read this whole thing, i thank you for your time and i hope you got something out of it. stay metal, drink some water, love yourself, fight fascism. that is all.
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septembersghost · 2 years ago
I genuinely adore their relationship to be honest. Like can you imagine after having a heavy public life like Taylor but then you have one person that is extremely.........normal. You wrote a poem about me? You're a genius. You love me? Already knew that. They think you're a man eating evil witch? Doesn't matter. Wanna drink beer with me? Like her confidence while saying all you wanted was sweet nothing, my baby loves me like I'm brand new,you and me forevermore is sooo beautiful. I want that oneday
same. 💗 can i say something unbelievably soft and sappy from my little hopeless romantic heart that i've been thinking about at length since midnights was released?
their relationship is one of the most beautiful love stories, and lives in a very unique sphere because of the type of person and songwriter taylor is. i cannot think of another real love that has been charted across multiple works from an artist and told to the audience in such a vulnerably honest, touching way. she's let us hear that. she's let us in on those moments she's chosen to share, and every piece fits into this tapestry she's woven of how her life has blossomed with him. she's shared some very tough moments about how damaged she felt and how she maybe didn't even know how to let a gentle, genuine person into her life, how to accept that love, and she's exposed a couple of times where she thought she'd nearly lost it, only to be met with compassion. it doesn't mean he's perfect, he's a human being, she's a human being, they both mess up and make mistakes and have fights, but the foundation they've created is so solid and the love they prioritize is precious and true. they've worked together to make that last. it doesn't require a certificate to make it true, it doesn't need outside approval - and the not needing that is part of why she's been able to openly share with us, i think. taylor has always been a heart-on-her-sleeve girl, it's part of why we love her and feel empathy for her, and her writing about him has this irrepressible trust and softness and confidence in it that's gorgeous (ding!) to hear her express.
i cannot fathom what it would be like to live with the weight and scrutiny of her life, the cruelty and mistreatment she's endured from many sides. she is remarkably resilient, and yet still says she's "too soft for all of it," and tbh that makes me admire it even more. she hasn't lost her softness and her authenticity even though she's had to fortify herself. when she said, "i want to still have a sharp pen, and a thin skin, and an open heart," she has absolutely kept that. i'm so glad that through the tumult and hurt and noise, they found one another, and she has someone who supports her and loves her as the woman she is, in such a normal way, which is the sweetest thing someone whose life is otherwise quite abnormal could find.
i feel like we haven't talked enough about the connection between "midnights" as a title, and when she wrote, "i want your midnights" on new year's day, which is all about the exhale, the simple moments together.
i stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes. with every guitar string scar on my hand, i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover, my heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue, all's well that ends well to end up with you. barefoot in the kitchen, sacred new beginnings that became my religion. i once believed love would be burning red, but it's golden. one single thread of gold led me to you. all these people think love's for show, but i would die for you in secret. we live in peace, but if someone comes at us, this time i'm ready. when i was shipwrecked, i thought of you, in the cracks of light, i dreamed of you, it was real enough to get me through, but i swear, you were there. everyone's up to something, i find myself runnin' home to your sweet nothings; outside, they're push and shovin', you're in the kitchen hummin', all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing. you knew the entire time.
everyone deserves a love like that, and it's been so beautiful hearing about it and seeing her shine within it.
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werewolf-witchboy · 4 years ago
Tokoyami Fumikage X Male Reader
Being A Witch Boy And Dating Tokoyami
WARNINGS: none uwu
Being a witch has nothing to do with your quirk, you just like practicing the dark arts and witchy things.
I'm not going to mention what your quirk is, so you can imagine that you have whatever quirk you want, or you can imagine yourself as someone without a quirk.
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💀 Tokoyami had been fascinated with your hobby of witchcraft ever since he met you. He was most fascinated with the fact that your actual quirk has nothing to do with how your witchcraft works.
🕯 He had already thought you were cute before, and he had been in that time of his life where he was starting to question his sexuality a little- but after you showed him your witchy interests, he fell hard for you.
💀 He may be a dark and edgy birb boi, but he's also quite shy and awkward. He probably would have never confronted you about his crush if you hadn't told him your feelings for him first.
🕯 When y'all started dating, literally everyone was like "FINALLY!!" cuz it was super obvious that the two of you were meant for each other.
💀 When it comes to what type of witch you are, i'd say you're a witch of all traits.
-You love dark and spooky things, but you also love pastel colors and nature.
-Your room in the class 1A dorm is most likely full of plants, candels, a variety of antiques and trinkets, and shit that you can't buy at stores until it's around Halloween time.
🕯 Tokoyami likes to ask many questions about all of the different types of things you do, and he actually pays attention and is super interested. You'll even teach him some new things, and show him how to do them himself.
💀 You love Dark Shadow as much as you love Tokoyami himself. Though they're both very different in personality, you find them both charming and adorable (despite them both saying they're not "adorable," they're dark and spoopy lmao).
🕯 He also loves your animal familiar.
-Your familiar rarely comes out of your bedroom. Since you're dating Tokoyami, you allow him in your room (which means a lot more than he probably thinks it does, cuz spaces where witches do their magic and recharging are very sacred to them) so he gets to see your familiar quite often.
💀 It's rare for familiars to show affection to anyone that isn't their bonded witch, but your familiar absolutely loves Tokoyami.
-They'll hop onto his lap immediately as soon as he sits down in your room.
🕯 Both you and Tokoyami thrive in the darkness, so there are often times where you both hang around in your dimly lit room cuddled up together just talking all day (or even sometimes laying there in comfortable silence).
-You'll be in there together for so long that all of your friends will start questioning where you're both at, and not even realize that you're just in your room.
💀 He obviously likes you a whole lot, but he's super bad at saying it with words. He's just shy and bashful. BUT THEN DARK SHADOW EXPOSES HIM LMAO-
-You'll be standing there looking super cute, and Tokoyami will just stare at you and want to say something so badly. Then Dark Shadow appears and is all like "wOw yOu'Re sUpEr hOt" and Tokoyami just dies right there in the very spot he's standing cuz he can't believe that just happened.
🕯 That's another thing- Tokoyami stares at you a LOT. He even did it before y'all started dating, but now he doesn't even try to hide it.
-You barely noticed at first, but once you started noticing how often you catch him staring at you, you can't help but tease him a little.
-You'll stare at him back, directly in the eyes, and he'll get super flustered and embarrassed.
-Then to calm him down and make him feel less embarrassed, you'll giggle at his flustered-ness and give him a lil beak kiss...which just makes him even more flustered.
💀 He's definitely the type who wants to be a total romantic, and speak all poem-like to you, and shower you with praises, ect. BUT he gets so flustered when it comes to affection, and second-guesses himself when it comes to his ideas of showing affection.
-He's scared of coming off too strong, or seeming to clingy, or even not doing enough, so he never really gets the chance to act out any of how he wants to show affection- and to top it all off he can't help but be absolutely smitten every time you give him affection of any sort, and he'll not know how to react to it.
🕯 You never call him out on his shyness or how he reacts to your affection, you're not offended with any way he reacts to you. You think it's super cute how innocent he seems when it comes to all of this, and of course you encourage any time he gets a little bit of confidence to hold your hand or compliment you (without the help of Dark Shadow lol).
💀 His feathers get all ruffled when he's flustered, and OMFG it's too cute. 🥺😭
🕯 Something that he loves so much is when you borrow his clothes. Because for him, it's kind of a way to show affection towards you without being super direct about it.
-So him being like "you're cold? here, wear my sweatshirt" translates to "TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME, KEEP IT FOREVER, I LOVE YOU FJSKDJFHR-"
💀 Don't come @ me- Tokoyami listens to death metal, but he'd totally vibe with something like kpop if you introduced him to it.
-He's definitely a Loona stan.
🕯 Highkey though, now that I think of it- he probably also listens to Joji and Billie Eilish.
-Like, really moody sad boi hours indie music.
-He'd have Will He playing in his headphones, and he'd be all edgy and in his feelings, but he'd also be doing something like baking cookies at the same time lmfao.
-He'd have a playlist named "songs to cry to," but he'd be listening to it while knitting sweaters for puppies or something.
💀 No, you didn't ask me what kind of music that I think Tokoyami listens to, but you got it anyway. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
🕯 If he's at a store, and sees something kinda spooky looking that makes him think of you, he'd quickly get it and think all day of giving it to you, and he'd want to watch you add it to your collection of lil trinkets and antiques.
-....But he'd chicken out so hard I stg.
-This poor baby would rehearse how he'd give it to you in his head over and over again, and then when the time comes to give it to you, he'd get suddenly so tongue-tied and worried if you'd actually like it or not.
-But, of course, you love whatever he gets you every time. Your always super surprised when he gets you something, cuz it's not your birthday or any special day, and you never expect gifts from people.
-Every time you accept a gift from him, you always want to squeal, tackle him, and shower him with kisses- but you resist doing so with all of your being, cuz you know he'd malfunction.
-Instead you very profoundly thank him many times, and give him one especially loving kiss.
-Seeing your extra surprised and happy reaction always relieves him so much, and it makes him want to do it all over again and gift you a whole shop full of trinkets. His lack of hundreds of dollars is the only thing that stops him.
💀 You're the type of person who wears a lot of black, and scatters bright colors here and there within your look. Your style ranges from goth to pastel e-boy.
🕯 You don't like to change other people's styles or tell other people what to wear, but every once in a while, Tokoyami expresses an interest in dressing like you- which you go NUTS over.
-You'll let him borrow your pastel sweaters, and he'll let you put bright colored hairclips in his feathers.
-He now even owns some pastel colored clothing of his own, that you either gifted him or he secretly bought himself at some point.
💀 He used to be shy about changing up his style every once in a while at first. Whenever you'd take pictures of him wearing bright clothes, he'd softly ask you not to show them to any of the others.
-Eventually he became confident enough to go out in public those rare days he'd wear bright colors, and everyone is always super supportive of the different style.
🕯 He had never been in a relationship with another guy before he started dating you.
-He started questioning his sexuality around the time he started high school, but it was never a priority at first because he was more focused on working hard to get into U.A. and thinking about his future being a hero.
-aNd tHeN hE mEt yOu, and now we're here lol.
-ANYWAYS, y'all go to pride parades together.
-Something he isn't shy about is his sexuality, cuz as soon as he realized how he felt about you, he was all in and that was that.
-Y'all go all out for parades with face and body paint, and shirts with your flags on them, and even sometimes bringing signs and flags to hold up and wave around.
-Some of your friends will come with the two of you, whether they're there because they're also lgbtq+ or just because they support it.
-It's the most social the two of you are the entire year, cuz your both introverted lil emos that don't really talk to many people outside of class 1A.
💀 So yeah- I think Tokoyami is highly underrated and I'm extremely soft for him. He's an emo birb boi, what is not to love.
-I believe in emo birb boi supremacy.
-Rise all Tokoyami stans, we shall take over the entire anime world someday.
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Unexpected Places (Pt. 01 of 11)
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Pairing: Ivar the Boneless X Reader/Bjorn X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: As a princess, you've lived in a golden cage all your life, always a piece on someone else's game. But everything changed when the Norsemen came crushing down on Wessex, like waves in a violent storm. Their king spared your life and decided to take you with him to his kingdom, in what felt more like a rescue than a kidnapping. There, you were not only confronted with a completely different culture and lifestyle, but also with two of his sons. The oldest one has his eyes set on you, but it's the youngest one, Ivar, who gets who claimed your attention since the first sight. And he seems to have an unnamed interest in you. Of course you hoped whatever that was would pass, but when unexpected feelings start to flow a different way, things begin to change.
Next part (02)->
{Vikings Masterlist}
Sailing Into The Unknown
Walking fast, you keep up with the two Norsemen coming right behind you. Unlike the rest of your maids, who were caught hiding or trying to leave the castle, you were found in your chambers. You knew they'd find you, one way or another, and you'll have much more to gain if you keep fear and despair away from your mind.
You knew this day would come. Your father, the King, was sure of it, and so were you. The political implications of King Ecbert and King Aelle in the last years brought you to this moment. An attack was imminent, and when you were told the Vikings were once again clashing on your cost like the waves, you knew this was inevitable. The only thing you can hope now is that they'll either let you live or give you a quick death. You're a threat, that's obvious. Aethelwulf may be the heir, but you're forth in line after his two sons. And that puts you in a dangerous position.
A yelp from one of your maids gets your attention, and you give her a look. You get why they're scared. These men look like monsters to them, speaking a strange language, dressed in dark, hard material, covered in blood. And everything they were told about the Norsemen, is that they're all savages. Worse than animals, soulless. Fortunately for you, one of the few things you actually wanted to do that your father allowed was to learn the Vikings language. Ecbert taught you himself, and you feel relieved to know what they're saying.
When you reach the main hall, you're pushed to the center, near a table. The maids all stick together, trying to pull you with them as they fall to the ground, using their skirts to dry off the tears. But you stand up, looking around. The place is flooded by them, the so-called monsters. Some are chatting, laughing even. Some of them have their eyes on you and on the other ladies. There's no way to know what will happen next, but you know who's in charge here.
The legend, the man they believe to be a descendant from the Pagan god, Odin. Ragnar Lothbrok. If you want to stand a chance to get out of here alive, that's the man you need to talk to. And, as if being called, he comes from the hall, alongside two other men. He looks, at the same time, exactly how your father described, but also very different. A paradox. His eyes scan the room, and, as you make your way over him, they lay on you.
One of the men who were with him come forward, standing on your way. Looking up, you sustain his stare. “I wish to speak with Ragnar.” You say, trying not to smile at the confused expression on the man's face. Nobody here expects you to speak their language.
“Princess (Y/N).” Ragnar sings songs, and the man steps aside. He has an axe in his hand, playing with it as he comes closer to you. “I was just having a small chat with your dear father.”
“Did you kill him?” The answer is obvious, but still, you need to know. The funny expression on his face changes and he pinches his eyebrows together “My father always said that, if he had to die at all, he'd like to be killed by you.”
“Oh.” He exclaims, glancing at someone behind you. “His wish was granted.”
Nodding to yourself, you look down. You have been preparing yourself for this moment ever since the news of Ragnar's return arrived, but still, your heart sinks a little. “Alright then.” It sounds stupid to ask him to simply let you go. This won't happen. Still, you don't want to face death scared, like your maids, crying and yelling. So, standing before Ragnar, you push your hair away from your shoulders, exposing your neck. “Do it already.” With both hands on your hips, you take a deep breath.
But Ragnar doesn't move, his lips break into a smile. Slowly, he leans closer, his mouth on your ear. “What are you doing?”
“I know you'll kill me. But I don't want to go like them.” Tilting your head at your maids, you shrug your shoulders. “I don't want to be taken as a slave either. So I guess that's it, king Ragnar.” Unlike him, you keep your voice as loud as before. You don't mind being heard.
“Do you–”
Ragnar is cut off by someone's shouts. Soon enough, a man comes, being held by two of the Norsemen. When they move a little, you recognize Edward, the man you were supposed to marry in a short amount of time. He's hurt, a black eye and a wounded lip. The men throw him on the floor, and he stands on his knees. Perhaps you should pity him... But no. It may not be kind of you, but you can't pretend you feel something you don't.
“Princess (Y/N), my lady.” He mumbles, trying to get to his feet and failing. “Stay away from them.”
Ignoring him, you turn to face Ragnar again. “As I was saying, there's no other option in this situation, so you might as well get done with it.” Giving the axe a look, you raise your eyes again. “I'm ready.”
“Don't be stupid, (Y/N)! Get away from him!” Edward shouts, and you run a hand through your hair, frustrated. Even now, he still tries to tell you what to do. You're tired of being ordered around. At least in death, you want to make it on your way.
“Shut up, Edward!” You burst out, moving to stand a few feet away from him, talking in his language since, of course, he wouldn't even dream of learning the pagans tongue. “It's over, don't you see it? We're both dying today, and honestly...” Now, you can say it. You can finally say it, and you can't help but smile. You'll be dead in a minute, but you never felt so... Free. “I'm happy my fate is to die by the Vikings... That's far better than marrying you.”
When you're done talking, Edward jerks forward, too fast, managing to grab your arm with one hand and hitting your face with the back of the other. You taste blood on your mouth, falling to the ground, but easily pushing yourself back up as the Norsemen pull him back, away from you. “You little whore!” He tries to set free, but it's useless. A laugh escapes your lips. “I'm so glad you'll die today. I'm so glad you'll join your devil of a father.”
With a hand on your jaw, you stare at him, shaking your head lightly. “You call then savages, but you were the only one in this room to hit me.” Turning away from him, you return to where Ragnar stands, watching the whole commotion. “So, king Ragnar?”
You can tell he's thinking. About what, you have no idea. From what you've heard, they don't need much thought before killing someone. “I could kill you right here, princess, but this speech you just gave got me interested.” Pacing around you, he swings his axe, resting it on his shoulder. “My wife, a former princess herself, might actually like you.”
“Aslaug?” A man says, and Ragnar looks at him. Following his gaze, you see a man with blond, dirty hair, pulled back in some kind of braid. “She hates Christians. I don't see how she'll like this one.”
“Well, I've never seen a Christian act like this. Have you, Bjorn?”
“No.” The man admits, eyes finally meeting yours, just before you look away from him.
“Well, my wife has been pissing me off lately, so anything that might distract her for a bit sounds like a good idea to me.” He speaks slow, and some people laugh. “So, Princess (Y/N). I will let you chose your fate.” He's back at your face, looking down at you. “Would you rather come with me to Kattegat, or would you rather die here, with your crying maids?”
Giving the women a look, you weigh the odds. Death is final, the very end. Life is full of possibilities... But are you willing to risk it? “Would you keep me safe? I mean...” Gesturing at the other men, you sigh. “I'm sure you understand what I mean.”
“Nobody touches the princess,” Ragnar yells, his voice echoing through the walls. “Is that enough?” He asks you in a much lower voice.
“I guess it is.”
That said, he walks away. Following him with your eyes, you see as he stops by Bjorn. Bjorn Ironside, his oldest son. His name is also well known here. Ragnar tells him something before disappearing, and his son gives you a look. It doesn't take long for you to understand Ragnar told Bjorn to keep an eye on you, since, as you walk down the beach to the boats, Bjorn silently walks beside you, like a bodyguard. He helps you climb up on to the boat, a strong hand on your waist, pushing you up.
When you finally start sailing, you get an idea of their army. Too many boats, filled with far too many warriors. You can't help but make your way to the back of the boat, watching as your home grows distant. But calling it home is a compliment. This was just somewhere you lived, surrounded by people who always expected something of you. Where you were forced to act a certain way, just because you were unlucky enough to be born a princess.
What's coming now, is completely unexpected, unforeseen. If anyone ever told you you'd be sailing away from Wessex, in a Viking boat, you wouldn't believe them. But the feeling that really gets to you, leaving you utterly perplexed is that you feel... Good. Free, even. You can't even count how many times you desired you could just disappear, leave everything behind and go somewhere entirely new. Maybe you're crazy, your mind completely lost already, but you somehow find joy in it. In sailing away, into the unknown, with the very people you were taught to hate and fear.
But this is far better than what your future was holding back there. An unhappy marriage with a disgusting man. This is far better.
Days after you left Wessex, a violent storm starts falling at daybreak. The rain comes lightly at first, but by the moment you stand up, it starts pouring. One of Ragnar's friends, named Floki, stays on the edge of the boat, holding on tight with one arm, the other stretched out. He's laughing, saying things you don't quite understand the meaning of. It's about Thor, and Odin, and othter of their gods. He seems unaffected by the crashing waves. Stumbling, you leave the protection of this dark fabric they hanged above the ship, getting on your knees next to Floki. You don't know what's soaking you, the rain, or the waves, high enough to hit the boat.
“Hear this, Princess?” Floki yells, trying to make himself heard above the deafening sounds. “This is–” A huge wave hits both of you, and Floki almost falls back. But he regains his balance, laughing even louder.
“Will the boat sink?” You ask him, yelling at the top of your lungs. “I can't swim! If we sink, I'll drown.”
“So will I,” Floki answers, glancing at you before turning his attention back at the ocean. This makes you burst into laughter too because you never thought someone who can't swim would face the waves like this.
“(Y/N)!” Someone calls, and you turn around, pushing wet hair away from your face. Bjorn comes your way, grabbing both your arms and helping you stand up. “What are you doing here?”
“She's mesmerized by the powerful waves!” Another wave, hitting both you and Bjorn as well. You're knocked down, your back against Bjorn's chest. But despite the sting you fell on your leg, Floki's laughter makes you giggle. These people are crazy. Nobody on Wessex would be this happy, this carefree in such a storm.
“Come.” Bjorn pulls you with him, back to the safety of the handmade roof. He helps you settle down, and as he does, you lock eyes with him. You've never seen blue eyes like this. “Stay out of the rain.”
“Floki is in the rain. Why can't I?” You snap back, not really enjoying the bossy tone.
“Let the girl have her fun, Bjorn.” You recognize Ragnar's voice, and you find him rowing, trying to keep the boat moving despite the violent waves. There's an empty seat beside him, so, pushing yourself up, you make your way there.
“Mind if I help?”
“If you think you can.” He breathes out, and you nod, grabbing the oar. “Keep it steady... Push, then pull.” He tells you, and you mimic his movements. The thing is heavy, and it takes only a few seconds for your arms to start hurting. But you keep up, ignoring the looks you're getting. No woman would be allowed to do such thing in Wessex. So you're enjoying it, even though you're strength is nothing compared to the rest of them.
When the heavy clouds are blown away, and the sky is once again blue and serene, you bend over the edge of the boat a little, just to better see where the ocean meets the sky, on the horizon. The chaos was replaced by a low chattering, laughter, and giggles. You're mostly on our own, not really speaking to anyone but Ragnar. He's a curious man, and he's curious about you. You're not sure why though.
“Here.” A voice makes you turn around, sitting down. Bjorn offers you a cup of water, which you take and drink after muttering a ‘thank you’. When you give him the empty cup, you wait for him to walk away so you can resume your horizon watching, but instead, he settles down beside you, letting out a heavy breath. “We'll reach Kattegat in a few days.”
“Finally.” You burst out, playing with the tips of your hair. “Sick and tired of this boat already.” Chuckling, you glance at him. He's already staring. “So... Bjorn Ironside. What are you doing talking to a Christian? People here don't really seem to be fond of me.”
“The truth is they're trying to figure you out.” Bjorn lowers his voice, and your eyes scan through the men. “Ever since you stood up with your neck exposed to my father's axe.”
It doesn't seem much of a big deal to you. “I just didn't want to die like those other girls. Whining and crying.” Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh. “I mean, I really thought there would be no other way, so I'd face death with some dignity.”
“Don't tell anyone I said this but...” He leans closer until you feel his breath on your ear. “You kinda sounded like a Viking right now.” Then, he stands up and leaves, back to his chores.
You're confused, to say the least, but you guess that was a compliment coming from a Viking himself. Taking a deep breath, you move to where you were, staring at the calming waves.
And Bjorn was right. Eight days after, you're arriving at Kattegat. The many boats stop at the decks, and yours is one of the first. There's a sea of people here, waiting for their loved ones. As you step out of the boat, you don't really know where to go. Everyone is hugging, kissing, telling about the successful raid. You just start walking then, following the flow until you feel someone grabbing your arm. “This way,” Bjorn says, tilting his head at where his father is going. “He wants to introduce you to Aslaug.”
The Queen who hates Christians. Great.
The main hall of Ragnar's house is full. First, he talks to the people, telling them everything they took, everything they found. There's a huge fire in the center, flames reaching high. You're at the corner, half-hidden behind Bjorn's shoulder, eyes flying through the place. You quickly recognize the Queen, seated on a chair beside Ragnar. She's very pretty, dark hair cut off to her shoulders. But she looks... Bored. Very uninterested in this.
By her side, close to the floor, you find a pair of eyes set on you. It takes you by surprise since you weren't expecting anyone to find you among all the people. But he did. Ragnar told you a little about him. His youngest son, Ivar, the Boneless. The cripple. It's not hard to recognize him, but your eyes don't search for his deformity. They're locked on his face, trying to read it, trying to understand why he won't look away.
Suddenly, everybody standing in front of you moves, creating a passage that leads to the very center of the hall. Glancing at Bjorn, you see when he gestures for you to go. And so you do, stopping only when you're standing before Aslaug. She doesn't seem very happy about it.
“And who this might be?” She asks, taking a sip from her cup.
“This is King Ecbert's daughter, princess (Y/N).” Ragnar answers. “She has some spirit, so I thought she'd make a good friend for you since you too were a princess once.”
“A Viking princess.” She snaps, looking you up and down.
You should probably say something, but what? The woman doesn't like you, and why would she? The big question now is what will happen to you next.
“(Y/N) isn't like the other women,” Bjorn speaks up, and you give him a look. He's pacing around, playing with a knife. “While her maids were sobbing and begging for their lives, she stood before Ragnar, accepting her fate. I've never seen one of their women do anything like that.” You don't get why he's doing this. Probably Ragnar's orders, or something like that. “She even helped with the oars when a storm reached us, after staying on the edge with that crazy ass Floki over there.” He gestures at the man, who loudly giggles.
“And what does this all mean?” Aslaug breathes out, clearly annoyed.
“Why don't you give her a chance, wife?” Ragnar sits back on his chair, taking Aslaug's hand. “Talk to her, see if there's anything in common and if you don't like her, well... I can send her to live with Lagertha.”
“Who's Lagertha?” You mutter, to nobody in particular.
But the name makes Aslaug sigh, and she stands up, putting the cup down. “Fine then. Come with me.”
With no other choice, you follow her inside. But on your way, you walk by Ivar, who's holding a clutch. You try hard no to, but your eyes find him nevertheless. He quickly looks away, and you keep walking, deciding not to give it much thought. He probably despises you like most of the people here.
Aslaug has some slaves prepare you a warm bath. And, much to your dislike, she stays in the room as you take off your clothes and step inside the tub. But it doesn't take long for you to relax as one of the girls starts washing and brushing your hair.
“Did you sleep with my husband?” The question comes with an angry voice, and you're not sure what startles you more. The anger or the question itself.
“Of course not.” She gets on your sight, pacing around.
“Do you want to sleep with my husband?”
Then, it clicks. She thinks Ragnar brought you here because he desires you. And that's a very dangerous thought for a Queen to have. “No, I don't.” Resting both your arms on the edges of the tub, you look up at her. “And even if he wants to sleep with me, I won't accept it. That's not the reason why I'm here.”
“And why are you here, so far from home, little princess?” She doesn't sound like she actually wants to know, but you get the feeling that this time you can actually say the truth. Here, there's no reason to keep it hidden, locked in. You can say how you feel about everything, even the things that could've got you imprisoned or even dead in Wessex.
“I'm willing to tell you if you're willing to listen, Queen Aslaug.”
At first, there's silence. But then, Aslaug drags a chair, placing it near the tub before sitting down. “Well, since I have nothing better to do at the moment, let's hear it.”
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bunchofstraydogs · 4 years ago
Dazai Osamu character breakdown as I understand him
Meaning that this might be inaccurate and your opinion and visage of him might differ from mine, which is just fine. We perceive the world and the people around us through our experiences and expectations. I'm curious to know how you guys see a complex character like Dazai, just please respect everyone's opinions.
Warning: Manga plot mentions, s2 spoilers, BEAST light novel spoilers, Dazai Osamu
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Dazai Osamu was introduced into the scene of Bungou Stray Dogs at 14 when Mori found him.
Even at that young age, Dazai had suicidal tendencies and had been wrapped in bandages similarly as he is in the present. Already dealing with too much trauma for a child his age, the fire is fuelled as he was forced to bear witness to the death of the Port Mafia boss at the hands of Mori, the person that took him under his wing. To use him; which was becoming very apparent to Osamu if he hadn't been aware since the start. Now, I'm not saying that death of the previous boss left a particular scar on Samu, he even agrees with it and is something he himself would have done. But that that is the scene that bore fruit of the following quotes:
"Or could it be that you're afraid, Mori-san? That one day i will slit your throat and take over as the boss?"
followed by
"Everyone seems suspicious to those who have an axe to grind."
This tells us right away that he can tell what type of person you are just from the way you perceive your surroundings, which is logical, but not something many think too deep into.
Even less who have their evaluations of others on point like he does. And he has to, since Dazai's plan is always to understand his allies, his enemies, possible allies and possible enemies. He also takes into account important neutral parties that can still, in one way or another, affect the outcome of his plans or decide to align with one side out of common interest. After comes realising the main goals, along with side achievements (just in case some of those maim his allies or ruin the future plans he made) of every party. Taking in their morals and motivation, and being familiar with the ground the confrontation will happen on, he now has the view of the whole chess board and it's pieces in his head. He moves his allies in the right places, knowing how they'll react in the situation to come, and awaits the enemies with open fire arms. He was tought to think like that. At all times. Mori made sure of it. You know how specialists never really stop thinking in their areas of expertise, like doctors, for example, will naturally notice people's posture and look for scoliosis or whatever? How your foot hits the floor, if you're walking straight, your knees and shoulders, etc. Same for Dazai. His brain maps out person's expressions, reactions, choices, personality, etc. in great detail. I'm pretty sure he has eidetic memory, if his conversations in manga with Fyodor are anything to go by.
Another thing his brain does is think of worst possible outcomes.
Not in a fear of what if things go wrong, but as a possible route. He uses it to determine how big of a threat the opposing force is and what steps they'll have to take to achieve that. Knowing that, he'll know how to intercept them. Also, like everything else, it's not something he can control since we're talking about thought process here and that's just how his brain works. Can't magically turn that off. It's especially annoying to him when he's genuinely enjoying himself with, let's say, ADA members and then his brain goes brrr.
•"A lot happened recently and we're a torn in many people's eyes." *Tanizaki and Atsushi drinking punch* "There's a possibility, while a small one, about 8% at this very moment, but as time goes on will increase, that an organisation outside of Yokohama decided we're an unavoidable threat and poisoned the drinks. Don't drink that. Nothing will happen, they'll wake up tomorrow in pristine condition don't drink th-"
Yeah, i feel bad for him too.
He has PTSD and insomnia, besides the hectic brain,
so he's not getting proper amount of rest. Actually, he drinks almost every night by himself at home. Pretty sure it's canon as well, because if you search for a picture of him in his room, you'll see him surrounded by multiple bottles. Two of the PTSD symptoms are hallucinations and night terrors (no, that is not the same as a nightmare). What people usually do is use opium to cause hallucinations in a safe environment so that there's little chance of them happening uncontrolled. He's probably using alcohol to numb himself while he's reminiscing, since if he does still have hallucinations after years having passed by (which isn't impossible), they're probably few and far between. Not saying there's no chance he isn't using opium. He would know where to get what he needs, after all.
Osamu's haunted by his own actions as well, not just by trauma caused to him.
At an uncountable amount of occasions, he found himself looking into a mirror and not really comprehending his image. It was like dissociation. Looking through a fog at what's supposed to be your carbon copy, but not knowing all of your features perfectly, so whatever you're seeing could only be an impostor, yet you're not sure because that would take comprehending physical proof of your life to the fullest and how it works and he just... can't. He can but he doesn't want to. He already knows he's despicable and broken, doesn't really feel the need to see just how much. He can't, for all his perfect memory, remember the faces of the people he has killed. He hadn't even seen all of them, but he was responsible for their demise. Causing havoc and misfortune in general through other crimes besides murder as well. We've seen his expression when he listened in on Atsushi talking to Kyouka over the earpiece how the 35 deaths don't matter anymore. He knows they do and he knows that the change of heart won't justify what he's they've done. Ango thought him to value each life. But he also knows that even murderers can change and become good. Oda did that. It's also what's keeping him in the agency.
When Oda died, his last words mentioned that Dazai doesn't care about good or bad and that was correct for Dazai Osamu back then. I genuinely think that his present self does mind the difference.
He believes in necessary evil and will do dark shit to get the good outcome he's envisioned.
He doesn't separate outlaws and lawful people, however.
He knows that generally speaking, the line is thin and easy to cross and that many were born or forced into the situations they are. Those that fight the life thrown at them are an exception, not a rule. That's also why he likes Atsushi, probably the main reason. The boy has every right to hate the world and yet. Dazai is envious, he doesn't really have the same capacity.
I want now to talk about why does Dazai Osamu do what Dazai Osamu does.
The reason he attempts suicide, joined the mafia, made friends at all, is because for all his intelligence and observations, ability to understand others, he doesn't really understand himself.
He doesn't understand his worth. He doesn't understand his purpose. In all of that confusion, he finds no reason to live. He laughs but can't get the high, he bruises but can't fully heal. In all of the things people find happiness in he can't feel joy from. He is emotionally stunted. He thinks too logically. He doesn't understand actions out of emotions because to him, it doesn't make sense. Emotions cloud your mind and when you're not thinking straight, you make mistakes. Plain and simple. He just accepts it, that most people simply cannot control themselves and prefer lashing out instead of methodical approach. All the better for him, he has leverage. Even when he does act on impulse, which is incredibly rare and not as explosive and dramatic, his brain rationalises it as to why his actions were a good way to go. And if his reaction was one that bore fruit, than it was a tactical one.
"If you place yourself somewhere close to raw emotions, where you're exposed to raw violence and death, instinct and desire, you can brush against man's true nature. I though that way i could find a reason to live somehow."
From this, i can tell that he was hoping that, in a situation where he's pushed far enough, he'd realise what's important to him, what he wants to protect or destroy, what's one thing he wouldn't want to leave unsettled before dying. What is that one thing he'd regret dying before achieving? What should he fight death for. What is worth living on for? To him, it doesn't matter if that something is good or evil as long as he gets to keep it in his life.
It seems he hadn't found it exactly, but is satisfied with what he has for now, in the agency, to just keep going. But he still tries to commit suicide, hoping that one day, when the clear picture of the world around him is fading away, when he's becoming light headed from the lack of oxygen, when he's loosing control over his body and thoughts don't seem to flow well, there will be one thing, anyone, screaming at him to fight it. New day new chances. It didn't happen today, better luck tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomo-.
Now, like Mori, Dazai feels the need to, at all times, be in control of the situation. Including people.
That means no one, but perhaps Ranpo due to his own abnormal intellect, is aware of their own role. They know their mission, but they're not expecting to be given that particular one because they'll come across an obstacle they would react to in a way that would satisfy Osamu's plans.
Dazai Osamu is more of a chemist, than a chess player, if you ask me.
Throwing different people into the mix, under different conditions at different times and is noting down their reactions in safe surrounding if possible, so that when the time calls for it, he'll be able to make a perfect concoction for the predicament. A chemist and his substances; A chess player and his pawns; A puppeteer and his puppets. Now, Dazai is meticulous and never rash, but like everyone else (except effin Lovecraft what is he even) he's only human and he bleeds when he falls down and humans aren't perfect. He isn't always right. That means he makes mistakes. The issue with big shot players that control the board is that, when they fall down, everyone on their side crashes and burns as well. So the day Dazai fucks up everyone else will follow because of lack of insight on their part that's completely out of their control. All it takes is for him to underestimate or overestimate one person and chaos ensues. There is no such thing as happy little accidents small mistakes for someone like him. I have crippling anxiety and a sole thought that one hiccup could blow up in everyone's face... damn. I would try committing suicide myself. But it's his fault, he brought upon himself an obligation and pressure like that. To be fair, it was Mori that drilled that type of thinking where no one should know what you plan because they can't ruin what they don't know If they turn against you, they can't stop you.
For his own sake, and everyone else's, Dazai needs to learn how to show his cards and share the burden.
Again, going back to the emotionally stunted guy that has commitment issues (where he either can't commit or can't let go) trope.
He never outright does something good for someone where people would acknowledge it, he uses his underhanded tactics here as well.
He casually makes himself look like a bad guy, an asshole, to conveniently move attention from the inner turmoil a person is struggling with to a present problem at hand that they can fix and let their frustrations out on. But he hopes that, one day, someone just might notice his intentions for what they are and do the unspeakable- see through him.
"I'm a very private person. You don't ask, i don't tell."
Yes, and your whole existence is just a huge cry for help. He wants to be asked. He's begging for attention. A specific type of attention. One that will see him without making him feel imposed on. One that will understand his sins without making a big deal out of it. Accept him as a person he is, makes him feel like one as well. Makes him feel alive. Makes him feel... period.
The day he finds that thing is the day he completely turns his life around and fully dedicates to it. It's where the part of not being able to let go commitment issue ensues.
Since Oda's death he's been secretly keeping an eye out on possible ways to bring him back. If you've read Beast AU you know that when Dazai gets his hands on the book, he'll create a universe where Oda doesn't die. Should he find an ability user that can bring back the dead, just tell him what it will take, he's ready to destroy his own soul for it and if that isn't enough, well, he'll have no hesitation ruining theirs. After all, BEAST!Dazai Osamu never actually met Odasaku, he just had the memories he'd gotten from his canon self and that was enough for him to do everything he did.
He's incredibly selfish and has a weird come in but the door is a wall dynamic he rolls with in his self imposed solitude.
It's like the walls of the space in my brain are ugly and terrifying, so i closed off the entrance to keep myself in. I'm doing you a favour but please break the wall down and tell me it's okay to come out i don't want to be here-
Happy little thoughts woah woah yeah~
That's what i got from what I've seen of him. I may have missed some things, some things might prove to be wrong as the series progress further, but yeah.
There is, however, one more thing i want to put out here. Since Dazai was already like this before Mori found him, that begs to question as to why? What happened to him?
Now, since the characters are based on real people, is it crazy to say that Dazai Osamu has had a horrible childhood because of his father? Real life Dazai was terrified of his dad and was very intimidated by him. He always tried to stay in his good graces out of fear of punishment. Neither of his parents felt like a parent to him, actually. His father didn't care and his mother was often ill, but did care for him when she could. Both of them died eventually.
This could be the plot Kafka based Dazai's background on, but we'll have to wait and see.
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julyarchives · 4 years ago
Baby, pull me closer || (M)
If you had ever believed in soulmates, it was because of Jo Jinho. When you were just hanging out at a bar with a few coworkers on a Friday night, the last thing you expected was to be confronted with your past.
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→ A/n: Jinho x Female Reader
→ Genre: Angst; Smut
→ Words:  3K
→ Contains: Exes to Lovers; some angst; Talk about feelings; Break up.
→ A/n: We might have gotten carried away with the word count 😅 but we hope we could live up to the request! Thank you again for the anon who did it! We hope you all like it 🥰
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If you had ever believed in soulmates, it was because of Jo Jinho. You two met in High School and were inseparable since day 1. He was your prince charming, the love of your life, your ride or die. Your life with him was a fairytale, and you caught yourself wondering so many times how lucky you were to have him in your life. You two worked hard to get into the same college and the time you spent there only made your connection stronger, and you knew it in you that you were his forever.
Which only made the break up more painful.
When you were offered the scholarship of your dreams, your first instinct was to go running to him and share the news, so you could celebrate together. But it was only seconds later that you stopped to think about everything that it would implicate. Jinho’s dream job required him to stay in the city and you would never want to be the person to make him give up everything for a relationship. You were selfish enough to put your goals first, but not selfish enough to rip him out of his.
So, after a lot of thinking, you made the most excruciating decision of your life.
“What do you mean? You can’t possibly be serious. You’re joking, right?” Jinho asked, voice trembling and tears pooling in the corner of his eyes.
The lump in your throat almost took your voice away, but you quickly swallowed it, convincing yourself that this was the only right decision.
“I told you, Jinho, I just don’t feel anything anymore. This relationship won’t work if I’m not in love with you. You deserve better, and it’s best if we break up now so you don’t get any more hurt. I don’t want to hurt you, Jinho.”
“Y/N, please” His tears fell freely now. He held you close by the waist, fists curling around the hem of your shirt “Please, don’t say this. I don’t believe you.”
He leaned his forehead against yours, and you closed your eyes, trying -and failing - to hold back your own tears.
“Please” he whispered
His lips grazed against yours and you let him kiss you, tasting the salty tears that were completely unrestrained by now.
“I’m sorry” was the last thing you whispered before leaving without looking back. Completely heartbroken at the sound of him calling your name in between sobs.
That’s why when you hear his voice calling your name again, almost 2 years later, you almost couldn’t believe your ears.
You were just hanging out at a bar with a few coworkers on a Friday night, the last thing you expected was to be confronted with your past.
“Jinho?” you turned around, knowing who you would see.
You always thought Jinho was the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, and it is not like you haven’t checked his social media after the break up, but nothing had prepared you for the way he looked in front of you.
So much had passed, so obviously he looked way more mature than the last time you actually saw him in person, with traces you couldn’t see over a photo, but adorned his face like it had always been there, and only complemented his charming self.
The suit and glasses added to it as well, but what made your heart stop was the smile. It was like traveling back in time, to when you could see him everyday in comfortable sweatpants and loose T-shirts, playing guitar by the window of his apartment, the golden dawn light shimmering on his skin.
Your daze was broken as he approached and you tried to find anything to say at all, but it felt like you forgot each and every word in your own language.
“Hey” was all that came out of you, and you cursed yourself mentally for being a grown ass woman acting like a teenager again.
"I did not expect to see you here." he said, a confused look on his face
"Yeah, I live here now." You offered a smile, but you were actually nervous thinking how living in this city is basically what broke you two up.
"Nice to know I'll have a familiar face around! I got a job here now, I just moved in"
"Really?" You were surprised "congratulations on the new job"
"Thank you" He smiled in return, eyes turning into crescent moons "since we're here, would you like to grab something to drink? I would love to catch up with you"
You always thought of getting in touch with Jinho over the years. Every time you thought of him or checked him online, you thought of texting. What actually stopped you was the thought that what you did was unforgivable and he probably hated you after you ignored the many times he tried to reach you after you told him you wanted to break up. The last time you saw each other was when you went to return his stuff, and get yours' from him, and that did not go well. You two barely looked at each other and you don't ever remember saying anything, but you couldn't forget how heartbroken he was.
It threw you completely off guard when invited you to catch up because you expected him to hate your guts. But then again, it was a long time ago, he probably was over it, like you were. At least you thought so.
"Sure, why not?" You answered shyly.
He led you both to a table while your coworkers grinned at you, and you silently shushed them.
The conversation started a little awkward, both of you walking on eggshells to avoid the "ex" subject. You caught up eventually, and you were glad to know that he actually achieved the job he always wanted and was very focused on his career, and he was happy to know that the same happened to you.
Before you two realized, the conversation was flowing easily, and you were laughing together and messing with each other, feeling like nothing actually changed between you two. The connection was still there and you honestly felt happy about it.
When the bartender warned about the last call Jinho offered to share a cab home with you because it was already late, and you gladly accepted it, just so you could stretch the time spent with him.
"I'm glad we ran into each other" he said like he could read your thoughts.
"Me too, I'm having a lot of fun." You admitted, you two reaching the front door of your house.
"I gotta be honest, though, I thought we wouldn't see each other again." He said with a half-smile "the way that things happened with us…"
"Yeah, I know…" you gently interrupted, too embarrassed to bring that up "But I'm happy to see you, really. I didn't even see the time passing."
"Right?" He agreed "it ended too fast."
"I might have a bottle of wine we can open if you would like to come in" your mouth ran faster than your brain, and you felt really stupid for asking that like you were pushing some kind of limit there.
You felt a little more comfortable when he didn't take long to make up his mind and accepted your invitation.
You entered your house and kicked your heels off to the side while you heard Jinho closing the door behind himself.
Out of a sudden, you felt too shy to look at him, so you kept yourself busy with other stuff.
You tried to take your coat off, but the collar got caught in your necklace's chain, and you simply couldn't undo it yourself.
"Here, let me." Jinho promptly helped, gently untangling it.
He went further and pushed the coat off of your shoulders delicately, his fingers grazing on your bare skin exposed from your sleeveless dress. His knuckles ran all the way down your arms and you were too aware of his body next to yours, goosebumps rising on your skin when his warm breath hit the back of your neck.
"Please tell me you don't have a boyfriend." He whispered, his fingers grazing on your waist while he stood behind you.
Your breath got caught in your throat and you knew the implications of that question. You also knew that what he was suggesting, you wanted just as much.
"No, I don't." Your voice was just a barely audible whisper
You almost couldn't finish your sentence when his grasp on your waist tightened and he spun you around, pulling you closer to him, chest to chest, and his lips didn't hesitate to find yours.
Your body reciprocated him in a reflex that comes with a habit, like you never were not used to having him holding you like that.
The kiss was hungry and desperate, your hand messing his hair while he explored every new curve of your body, grasping for any skin he could find.
Jinho pressed you against the wall, trapping you in between the surface and his body. He wrapped one hand around your leg, lifting it up and squeezing up the hem of your dress, his kisses trailing down your neck.
"Fuck, I wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you." He whispered against your ear before sucking a spot just under it.
All you could answer was a breathy moan, leaning your body to press harder against him.
You took your time exploring his body and couldn't help but notice that his muscles grew stronger as you grazed your nails on his toned chest.
He grinded his hips forward, and you could already feel a semi-hard growing in his pants, the thought of it making you clench in anticipation.
You chased after his lips again, never having enough of it, nibbling at the plump bottom lip that you always loved
"Bedroom?" You whispered in between kisses, your breath already heavy.
Jinho only nodded eagerly, and you held his hand while walking down the hall.
As soon as he figured out the way he was all over you again, backing you up until the back of your knees hit the edge of your bed and he didn't stop kissing you as you both settled on the soft mattress, every touch of his was very rough and commanding.
He kneeled up and you watched him discard his shirt carelessly, the sight making your mouth water. You bit your bottom lip, admiring his body, and he smirks proudly.
Next thing you know he's grabbing you by the hips and pulling you closer to him, making you slide down the sheets and yelp in surprise.
"You've changed" you addressed his manhandling with a naughty tone to it.
"You have no idea" his husky voice hit your ears like music, a tone as mischievous as the grin on his lips.
He pulled your dress up, off of your body, and you followed his lead without hesitating. Your panties were next and soon enough your hands were opening his fly and button, only letting go so he could get his pants and boxer off.
Jinho kissed you again and you moaned. You didn't think you'd ever need him this much again but you could feel your body trembling for him with only kisses. He pulled away and stood there, heavy breathing, eyes focusing on your every detail.
"I never thought I'd have you like this again", he seemed so sincere that made your heart ache.
"You do now", was all you could say before his hands were all over you. Gently caressing from your shoulder to your thighs, his strong hands guiding your legs to be around his waist.
"I don't think I can wait much more. '' Jinho didn't seem pleased with himself, staring at your chest instead of your face. You could see his hard shaft twitching whenever your skin rose up in goosebumps to his touch but the wetness between your legs was not any better.
Before you could say anything else, Jinho was already touching you, hands firmly grasping your breasts and squeezing, playing with your nipples while slowly grinding against you, his dick moving easily against your folds with how slick you were.
He groaned when you moved your hips back, hands exploring his toned chest and arms, touching all parts of him you could reach. You missed him so much that all these years apart only made you desperate to have him.
You were the one who moved lower and grabbed his member, smirking when he groaned lowly. You guided him to your entrance without a word, knowing you wouldn't be able to say anything. Jinho thankfully went along with it, letting go of your breasts and supporting himself with his hands on top of you while slowly entering you.
It felt like the world stopped. He felt so good inside, filling you up completely. Both of you moaned, his forehead leaning against yours. When he moved, you couldn't stop looking at him, his intense eyes and mouth open, his arms flexing from the movements, his hair already messy. Jinho was perfect and you wished you never let go. Looking back into his eyes, you could see he was watching you just the same and soon enough he was moving intensely with you, never breaking eye contact.
Everything started so easily and so intimate but even then it surprised you when you realized you two weren't just going on a nostalgic casual fuck. Jinho was making love to you, moving gently but also hitting your spot perfectly, his muscles flexing in the most delectable way. Your hands rested on his waist, caressing the skin as much as you could while you both moved, too deep in the moment to realize you didn't let go of each other's forehead.
It didn't take long for you to feel the fire burning hotter inside of you, the pleasure being too intense, and feeling a white-hot shock through your body. Neither of you said anything, your moaning, and heavy breathing filling your room in the most sensual way possible. One of your hands moved to his chest, right above his heart and his eyes widened. Jinho picked up his movements, chasing his orgasm as yours took over your body, making you arch and move closer to his body.
Thankfully you had recovered seconds later, just in time to see, and feel Jinho climaxing, his eyes squeezed shut and a low deep grunt falling off his lips beautifully. He laid gently on top of you and kissed you again, deep and longingly. When you pulled back, you couldn't help the bright smile you gave him, a soft giggle falling off your lips at the feeling of him in your arms again. Unfortunately, Jinho only half-smiled back and your guts twisted.
"I think we need to talk".
You could only manage a small "yeah", your smile died down. You pointed at the corridor, getting up after his nod. You didn't take long in the bathroom, too anxious to hear him out but also dreading what was about to come. You picked a sweater from the bathroom that surely wasn't supposed to be there and came back to the room.
Jinho was laying down in your bed, boxers back in place, and had half of his body covered with your comfy blanket. He was fidgeting with the hem of the blanket and you knew he was nervous as well.
"I felt cold, I hope you don't mind", he said with a shy smile.
"Of course not", you said, moving to lay with him under the blanket. He moved until he was laying on his side facing you, you mirroring his position.
"So", you both said at the same and that got a nervous laugh out of both of you. You motioned for him to go first.
"Why?", Jinho said, looking into your eyes. "Why did you leave me back then? Be honest this time, please".
"I-", you froze. You knew he'd say something about that but why was he so sure you lied? "How do you know I was lying?"
"We were perfect, Y/N", his voice was soft, his eyes gleaming. "We were in love and we fit perfectly together. You made me believe in soulmates, I felt like I would spend my life with you. And I know you felt the same".
"My scholarship", you said bluntly. "I couldn't have you give up your life for my dream and I knew you'd do it. I couldn't let go of my dream scholarship but I could never let you jeopardize yours".
Jinho closed his eyes briefly and breathed deeply slowly. Your eyes were filled with tears suddenly, a lot of feelings coming back at once. Regret, love, sorrow, how you missed him.
"I don't know if I feel relieved or even more hurt", he chuckled but you both couldn't see the humor. "I mean, I was sure you loved me but you were so hurtful that I was starting to believe you never actually even liked me".
"No!", you sit up quickly, eyes wide. "I thought it was the only option but I never stopped loving you", you blurted out.
"You… what?"Jinho sat up too then, slowly but surely.
"I know I made a mess and hurt you, but I always loved you when we were together, loved you when I broke up with you and… I honestly think I never got over you completely".
Jinho moved as if he could scare you off at any second. He slowly lifted his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears that fell. It only made you want to run. You had hurt him so much and even then he was taking care of you.
"I'm here now. I- I don't think we can go back to how we were even if we tried. It hurt too much and I don't think we are still the same person we were", he moved until his face was inches away from yours. "I feel the same and always did. I want to heal, I want to help you heal too".
Nodding, you moved to kiss him and sighed in relief when kissed you back.
"We can be friends", you said, lips moving always completely against his. "We can learn about each other again, I can redeem myself", you finished the sentence with a small kiss on his lips and he laughed.
"Friends that may kiss?"
"Friends that definitely will kiss".
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impala1967dwinchester · 4 years ago
Dean Winchester: Brandy
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*Credit to the gif owner*
Pairing: Dean W. x Fem!Reader
Pov: Deans
Warnings: Drinking, drunk texting, bad dancing, having to rescue Dean, Friends to loversish, Believing in destiny kinda.
Summary: Dean spends the whole night at the bar, tryin' every bottled drink. Ends up drunk texting Y/n and being completely honest with her
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: (Based on the song Wine, Beers, Whiskey by Little Big Town)
Dean Winchester Master List
Main Master List
I sat at the bar of the old bar. It reminded me of Harvelle's. The old smell, the plaid-up men and women that I noticed came walking in through that door.
It was amazing. I was a drinker, always had been. The first drink I had with my dad, I was fifteen. A beer we shared, that should be an amazing moment for father and son, but it was ruined for the simple fact that we had no home, and my father and instructed me to take care of my younger brother.
I grew up, mostly without my father after that. He prioritizes hunting and saving people over me, and over his youngest son. Everything was always secrets. So many secrets, that it's started to become how Sam and I live.
There were certain things that I had learned from my father. How to protect, how to be anger almost all of the time, and how to handle my liquor.
So I sat at the bar, my hand around an iced cold glass of beer. I sipped and watched people. I wasn't in the mood to hook up with any. I mean yeah sure there was probably someone out there that was meant for me, but that's getting into destiny shit.
You know how bars, almost always have music playing. Well being in the good old state of Kansas, so pretty much any place you walk into is playing music more specifically country music.
It started to come through the speakers. I had already been here for what seemed like hours, I had enough beers, that I had switched to drinking something harder.
Something like a whiskey.
"My friend named Jack"
"He's got my back"
"He always seems to know right where I'm at"
Well, this is definitely a song I could get used to listening to. I don't think anybody else was listening. All having their own private conversations. The barmaid was a beautiful young lady, but even still with her crop top of a shirt and the cleavage that was burst out of her shirt.
I wasn't interested in her. Every time she'd come over. "You need anything else sweetheart." Bending halfway down to try and have me look down.
I waved her off. Maybe I should try something else. Waving her back over, I asked "Do you have something stronger?" she looked at me sideways, before saying "If it's something stronger than you want I've got you" and then she walked away.
When she returned with the rest of the bottle of Jose. A half left standing in the clear bottle. "Here's something stronger, forty percent." She said taking my empty beer bottle and empty cup that had been holding the recently downed Jack Daniels.
"My friend Jose"
"He likes to play"
"He's always up for anything I say"
I downed the rest of the bottle, not even needing the new glass she had bought for me to use. Slamming the bottle down on the countertop. She snapped her head around, our eye making contact before she grabbed something off the shelf.
"If that's the type of night you're having you should have said." She said handing me a half empty glass of crown apple. "Thanks, I can handle my liquor so no need to worry about me," I said as she left to take care of other people sitting at the bar.
I sat alone. Like I always have, it was the best way to number one people watch, but it also gave me a reason to think. Nobody trying to pull my belt out of my jean loops. No need to save someone this was my safe haven sometimes.
Alcohol was my safe haven. It's always been that way. It's always been able to understand me ten times more than Sammy. Well I mean there was always Y/n, she lived with us, but she was my friend, my best friends. There is something that she just doesn't need to know.
I took a swig, drinking down most of the bottle.
"Little bit of red, lotta bit of crown"
"Don't matter what it is"
"I'm gonna drink it down, down, down"
Was it just me or was this song getting better by the second. Maybe, It was just me. I looked around me, couples stood dancing to this song, some sat with clasped hands. And the older men sat at the bar, I was an older man sitting at bar watching like a creep.
"The wine, the beer, the whiskey"
"Are the only things that fix me"
"I'm not saying it's a problem"
"I can stop it if I wanna"
"But the wine, the beer, the whiskey"
"They always get me"
Wow, I'm started to get the idea that I can relate to this song. The lyrics are right you know. Liquor is the only thing that can fix me, calms me down and then I sleep it off. It's right the lyrics I can stop if I wanna. But do I really wanna stop?
"Here," The young lady said, handing me a made drink "Here's a gin and tonic." Walking away yet again to take care of other patrons. A gin and tonic, not a drink I was every ballses enough to try.
Taking the little green umbrella out, I took my first sip. "Shit that's actually really good," I said more to myself than anyone else. I looked up from my gin and tonic drink, looking at the glass wall.
It held so many drinks that I hadn't heard of before. Like a new drink called "Screwball", "Kingfisher". Odd brand names but they all looked like awesome drinks. But of course, there was the regular drinks, the brandy, sherry which is a wine, and Jim Beam
"My friend named Gin"
"She's got some friends"
"I'm talking Brandy, Sherry, and their brother Jim"
"Hey, so it sorta looks like we're going along with the song, so I'll grab you a shot of rum, Captain." She said pulling a tiny shot glass out and pulling the bottle off of the shelf.
She slides the small glass across the table, I caught some rum tipping out and falling over my thumb. 'I wonder what Y/n would do if she was here with me? I wonder if I would have her pushed up against the wall, kissing down her neck.'
Shaking my head; stop thinking of her that she... She doesn't think of you in the same way, you are an idiot. Taking my rum-filled shot quickly. I pulled out my phone.
'Don't do what you're about to do'
"I'll be fine," I said to myself. The room was starting to spin. Or maybe I was just spinning. 'Stop thinking about Y/n. She doesn't need to deal with your drunk ass' "Oh come on I'm not that drunk" I was still sitting at the bar, but people were starting to look at me.
>Y/n, you know I've just gotta say. YOu're beautiful.
Dots played at the bottom of my screen.
>Dean that's very nice.
Minutes pass, so I send another message.
>You know I think I'm falling.
Immediate answers came
>Falling?? What do you mean?
>Winchester? Where are you?
She asked, she only ever called me Winchester when she was pissed off, but I was too worried about telling her the truth.
>Y/n, I've spent the past forever fawning over you. I spent it, wanting, yearning for you. I guess after years of wanting you, years after having nobody in my bed. Wishing and hoping that it was you.
>Dean send me your current loca!
>We can talk more tomorrow
I was able to send her my location, she pulled up in a rather crappy car. Walking in distress, her black night shorts, a pair of slippers on, and my red and black plaid shirt on.
She came over, apologizing grabbing my arm, and wrapping it over her head. "Dean, let's go, now," she said dragging me out. "You smell so good Y/n," I said going to pet her hair. She rested me up against the side of the baby.
"Where are your keys, Dean?" She asked her voice starting to become more worrisome. "In my.." I stopped talking and just reached for her hand, shoving it into my jacket pocket. "Right here!" I said I let go of her wrist and she looked up at me.
She got me into the car, somehow. I rested my head against the back of the front seat. "I felt and heard the rumble of baby engine. "Dean, what were you doing?" I looked over at her. "I wanted a drink."
The rest of the drive was quiet, she helped me out of the car after shutting the loud engine off. The sound finally stops bouncing off the cinderblock walls. "Dean. Couch, bed, or table?" She asked.
"Couch, comfier," I said breathing in more of Y/n's scent. I've never been this close to her, for this long. she smelled like a garden of flowers and honey. she smelt of summer. She looked like summer half the time.
"Are you a god?" I blurted out. Her eyebrows creased, licking her lips. "No, Dean I'm not a god," Y/n said reaching around behind the couch and grabbing a blanket but not before untying my boots.
She tossed the blanket over my body and went to walk off. "Y/n?" I asked. "Yes, Dean." She said with a sigh. "Can you get me a water, so I can maybe explain myself?" I asked.
A pleading look on my face, the puppy dog eyes I had learned from Sam. "Fine Winchester, but you've five to explain yourself." She said stomping off into the kitchen, and back with a tall glass of ice water.
She stood next to me. "Can you sit? Please Y/n?" I begged. I sipped on the water, trying to regain any sort of control of myself. She sat crisscrossing her legs. Her exposed legs, my eyes drifted from her legs.
My eyes came back up to hers. "Start explaining Winchester, you've got four minutes." I shook my head, clasping my hands together. I cleared my throat.
"I've sat here for the past few years, wondering why everything seems weird. It's hard. y'know because that song was right in the bar. I don't want to be alone not anymore, I don't wanna watch the couple dances anymore, I wanna be one of the couples, that hold each other hands."
I said, looking at her. She broke our eye contact when she started to fidget with the bottom of my flannel. "You know that's my flannel?" I asked grabbing her hands.
"I want you, I want you in my bed. I want to drink with my girl. I want to love you because Y/n that's really the truth." I said, "I love you Y/n" We sat in silence for a few, "Y/n please say something?" Now I'm begging her, this entire night has been a fucking mess.
"What are you waiting for you dumb Winchester? Come kiss your girl." It only took a few moments for the words to click in my mind. I grabbed the back of her neck and she fell into my lap.
It wasn't like fireworks or lighting coming down. It just fit so well, it was more like finishing a puzzle, puzzle pieces just fitting together so well. A missing part of me found filled and always there for you.
"Dean? Y/n?" I heard Sam said and properly say "Nevermind." And leave. I felt Y/n's lips leave mine. Realizing that I needed air, my lungs burning but in a good way.
"That was something," I said, catching my breath. "That's was awesome!" Y/n said kissing chastely. "Did you hear Sam?" I asked her, she giggled she rolled her. "I bet he's in there going I just knew it," Y/n said. I laughed and hugged.
"My feet hurt, I think I may have blacked out and started dancing by myself," I said, flexing my socked toes. "You dancing!?" Y/n questioned, "Oh we've gotta go back to that bar and get that tape, for FBI reasons." Y/n said.
My mouth gaping open. She laughed more, and she started to have a few tears. "You know Y/n. I'll you back for that, now come on. You'll love the memory foam bed." I said, Whispering closing to Y/n's ear "It remembers you Y/n." My hand landing on her lower as we walked to my room.
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Completed on: 05/12/2021
Posted on: 05/14/2021
Dean Winchester Tag List: @akshi8278 @deanswaywardgirl @hit-meup69 @fofisstilinski @doctorlilo @wonderfulworldofwinchester
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karlajoyner · 4 years ago
Stressed Out (Sunset Curve x Reader)
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A/n: So starting off I've made a master list that I'm posting real soon for you all to access my stories without the scrolling. In order to post it I have to update my post about my requests/taglist and soon because I do get a lot on that comments that ask for more Charlie or more Owen and I wanna give you guys that but I also wanna make sure that I get through the requests that you guys send me with plots and storylines. It just makes it like a thousand times easier to have something to work off of. Opposed to me coming up with my own storylines that I have to do a lot of reading on my own to get my gears working! But again thank you guys for the comments! And finally I wanna say thank you for sending in your requests and your feed back. It is much appreciated!
Disclaimer: Alex is bi in this one not taking away from the fact that he's gay in the show it just runs best for this storyline! There is no Bobby btw! Haven’t written a foursome with 3 guys before so it might suck ass. And it’s not much but it’s something so enjoy my fellow fantoms!
Warnings: Smut (18+)
I internally groaned walking into school. I wasn't the worst student. But by far I certainly was not the best. Which is why I had a reputation since I first arrived to high school.
That and I was in a band with 3 of my best friends. Who all happened to be guys. Hot guys at that.
Which automatically made me the schools slut. It was fine with me but the boys didn't like the label.
No matter how true it was.
"Hey y/n heard you gave Mike Dawson a blowjob this weekend. Just when I thought you couldn't be anymore of a slut"
"Mind your fucking business Hayley" I heard a familiar voice speak up for me. A smirk spreading on my face as I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.
"Did she come to you right after Patterson? What's it like to be her sloppy seconds?" Hayley Becker spoke with a wicked evil smirk plastered on her face.
"Fucking amazing actually. God the long nights we have. It's so great" I heard another familiar voice from my left. A large hand intertwining my fingers with theirs. She rolled her eyes clearly not expecting my boys to speak up for me. But then again neither was I.
"Bitch" I spoke as the bell rang.
"Just watch your back y/l/n" She said before turning around and walking away.
"She will!" Reggie shouted after the dark haired girl. The three of us expectantly looking at our bandmate.
"What? I didn't even get to tell her we would too" I sighed shaking my head at the boy.
"Thanks for sticking up for me guys but I can do that myself"
"We know. But your our girl. And apart of this band so we're kinda obligated" Alex spoke as the four of us walked to first period.
"Your really not"
"Come on y/n you know we're still gonna do it"
"I know and I only let you today cause I can't deal with that bitch at this time of day. I mean seriously it's 8:00 o'clock in the morning. Does she not have anything better to do than spread rumors about me?"
"Apparently not. So you and Jake Mills behind the church?" Reggie asked.
"Didn't happen considering I was with you idiots all weekend. You know your the only guys I touch" I bit my lip hearing the three of them chuckle.
"Yeah well it better stay that way. I don't wanna hear Trevor O'Connor bragging about banging you in the boys locker room again"
"Schools golden boy?" I questioned.
"He tried starting the rumor yesterday during p.e but we quickly shut it down" Reggie explained as I stopped a few feet away from the science room to continue talking.
"So Hayleys boyfriend wants to bang me? Wow"
"Yeah but don't even fucking thing about" Luke said pushing me up against the lockers beside us.
"I wasn't. Unless you guys piss me off" I grinned pushing him off of me. Opening the door a few feet away and walking in.
"Gentlemen. And Ms. y/l/n. Your late"
"Sorry Mrs. Daniels we had to deal with something"
"And did this something give you tardy passes"
"It did not"
"Detention. All of you"
"That's nothing new to them Mrs. Daniels"
"Shut the fuck up Hayley" I scoffed taking my seat beside Alex.
"Ladies stop it before I send you to the principal"
"Yes Mrs. Daniels" Hayley and I spoke in sync.
"I can't believe Luke dated her" I whispered towards Alex glaring at the blonde bimbo.
"Why would I be? I already have him. And I could have her boyfriend too if I wanted him" I said taking down the notes on the board.
"Mrs. Daniels I can't focus on the lesson because they're distracting me with their talking" Hayley spoke pointing an accusing finger at us.
"We are not!" I shouted sitting up.
"Yes you are probably talking about who your gonna whore around with next"
"Yeah it's your boyfriend if you don't check yourself Hayley"
"Trevor would never do that!"
"I'm pretty sure he would"
"Ladies principal office right now" I scoffed standing up.
"Wait!" Luke shouted standing up. Everyone's heads whipping toward him. He made his way over to me groping my left boob.
I scowled at how hard he squeezed glaring at him.
"Dickhead" I muttered.
"Mr. Patterson! You too principals office" We looked at the other two boys expectantly. Alex immediately rolling his eyes before standing up.
"We could do this the easy way or the hard way Mrs. Daniels"
"If she goes we go"
"I cannot send you two away for absolutely no reason Reginald" Mrs. Daniels spoke challenging the boys.
I close my eyes preparing myself for what came next. Alex was quick to slap my ass while Reggie pulled me in for a sweet kiss. Immediately earning gasps from my classmates.
"Now I can do it. Office all of you! And detention today after school!"
I groaned walking out of the principals office with my bandmates.
"Detention for 3 weeks. Seriously?"
"To make it worse we have to spend 2 of those with Hayley" I spoke seeing the blonde talking with Trevor just a few feet away. Being sure to send them a harsh glare, I finally turned back to the boys.
"Hey you'll be with us everything's gonna be fine" Reggie said throwing an arm around my shoulder leading me away to our next period. That we conveniently had together.
"No it won't. I also have to chaperone the stupid homecoming with Hayley" I cried wanting nothing more than for the day to be done for.
That afternoon we spent in detention not leaving until late afternoon. Due to the fact that my detention went on longer than the boys.
I walked into the studio behind Luke not really in the mood to practice.
"What's wrong y/n/n? You seem down" Reggie asked as I plopped back onto the couch.
"I'm just tired is all. And a little stressed out"
"But we've gotta practice baby, for our next gig. Sunset Curves so gonna rock that book club" Luke said picking up his six string. I watched as Alex and Reggie sent him a glare, the boy immediately putting it back down.
"Or we could take a day off" He spoke coming to sit to my left while Reggie was on my right.
"That sounds amazing" I mumbled feeling Alex begin to massage my shoulders from behind. I craned my neck allowing him more access. Now feeling a little more relaxed than before.
"So tell us y/n/n why are you stressed out?" Luke asked as I shut my eyes.
"Well for starters I'm so gonna get my ass beat when I get home" I sighed feeling Reggie begin to rub my arm to comfort me. Something he did often with how anxious I got.
"And there's just nothing I want to do more than run your ex girlfriend over with a bulldozer" I mumbled hearing a chuckle escape their lips.
"Sounds like a plan" Alex said as Luke intertwined our fingers.
"We'll make a day out of it. Just us four and a bulldozer" He joked making me giggle. The laugh got caught in my throat as I felt a soft kiss on the side of my neck.
"Seriously guys? Not today. No way" I spoke opening my eyes.
"We just wanna help you relax"
"That's what you said last time. I couldn't walk right for 2 days" I mumbled the last part.
"We'll be gentle" Reggie spoke.
"I know you will Reg. It's them I'm worried about" I spoke earning a pointed look from Alex.
"Okay Luke"
"Am I that rough?" He asked a frown forming on his face.
"Sometimes" I admitted feeling a little bad.
"Gee I'm sorry baby" Luke spoke kissing the back of my hand.
"It's okay. I like it when I'm in the mood" I said watching as Alex walked around the couch.
"Well then boys why don't we help our girl relax for today" Alex said bending down in front of me. I bit my lip as he spread my legs open feeling a slight breeze hit my covered core.
"Well there's no need for your skirt or these" Alex spoke toying with the waistbands of both my skirt and panties.
I shimmied out of them with ease leaving me exposed to my best friends like I'd been many times before.
"She just gets prettier every time"
"And wetter"
"Mind if I taste baby?" Luke asked. I nodded my head, watching as he dipped his long fingers in between my folds. Moaning as he pulled them back up to see them glistening with my cum.
"So good" He whispered putting them in his mouth.
"Okay I want a taste now" Alex said opening my legs a little wider.
"Guys. A little help" I huffed as Luke and Reggie hooked themselves on each of my thighs to keep me still.
"Please" I begged getting more turned on by the second. The blonde didn't hesitate to latch onto my core. A loud moan escaping my lips.
"Oh fuck" I struggled to keep still as he moved his tongue skillfully through my folds. Lapping it inside and out as moans fell from my lips.
I whimpered as Reggie slowly began to rub my clit making the pleasure intensify.
"Use y-you're f-fingers" I mustered out Alex obeying my request sticking two fingers in my wet pussy. Picking up the pace. My eyes screwed shut as a familiar feeling of bliss coursed through me.
"Look at me baby" Luke muttered turning my head to look at him with his free hand. I opened my eyes looking into his blue ones covered with complete lust.
He was quick to smash his lips onto mine as the other two worked on building up my orgasm. Which wasn't far at the pace Alex was working on me.
"Holy shit!" I panted pulling away and throwing my head back at the amazing sensation of my orgasm hitting.
"You squirted princess" Alex grinned wiping away the liquids dribbling down his chin. I giggled at his swollen pink lips placing a quick peck to them.
"What now baby?" Luke asked rubbing his hand on my thigh.
I looked at the three boys before discarding any remaining clothes I had left. Watching as their eyes raked me up and down like many times before.
"Reg can you just fuck me today. I really need gentle" I begged as his cheeks turned bright red whenever I asked him to do something. Whether it was sexual or not.
"Sure beautiful" He smiled lopsidedly pushing his lips onto mine.
I sighed in content as he pushed me down on the couch. My head landing on Luke's lap giving me a little leverage.
"She's something else" Alex spoke to no one in particular.
"Your telling me" Reggie panted pulling away to undo his belt and jeans. I bit my lip looking up at the boy with the blue eyes. Who no surprise had a smirk plastered on his face.
"Condom" I heard Alex say presumably to Reggie. But I was too entrance in Luke's gaze wanting to include him. Upon hearing a ripping of a package I glance back at the boy who was hovering above me.
"I can do something for you after if you want" I bit my lip speaking towards Luke.
"It's okay baby. It's about you today" He said moving his hand down from my collarbone to my boob.
Reggie and I moaned simultaneously as he slowly entered me. Immediately stretching me out.
"So tight" He muttered beginning to move at a steady pace.
A squeal escaping my lips as Luke pinched my nipples paying close attention to each of them. He'd always been a boob guy.
I pulled Reggie down towards me our lips meeting in the middle as his speed began to increase.
Then there they were again. Fingers were now rubbing circles on my clit presumably Alex's sending my body into pure ecstasy.
I moaned loudly into Reggies mouth as I felt myself my inner walls clench around him. Earning a groan from the bassist. His thrust becoming more sloppy.
"Shit. Shit. Oh fuck" He cursed as his orgasm hit. Mine coming seconds after.
"Holy fuck Reg" I panted coming down from my high.
"That was pretty fucking hot princess" Alex spoke as Reggie got off of me to go throw away the condom.
"I try" I joked sitting up. Luke immediately removing his muscle tee and handing it to me.
"You do know this isn't gonna cover much up right?" I questioned him putting it on anyway.
"Who said we wanted you to cover up baby" He said pulling me under his arm. I sighed contently placing my hands on his bare torso.
"Anyways Reg why don't you go run her a bath inside the house" Alex suggested throwing me my panties that had been thrown onto the lazy boy.
"Got it!" Reggie said coming over and placing a chaste kiss to my lips before running out of the garage.
"I get to clean her up in the shower. Called it" Luke said as Alex wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Just as long as I get to put her to bed"
"Guys I've orgasmed twice today give me a break"
"Are you feeling more relaxed princess?"
Alex asked grinning at me.
"Much. Now if we could do that consistently for the next 2 weeks then I might be able to get through detention with Hayley without ripping her head off" I spoke earning a laugh from the two boys. Both of them knowing well that I wasn't joking.
Up Next: Carrie Wilson x Reader
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Alex x Male Reader
Luke Patterson x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
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checkingoutforheroes · 4 years ago
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Y/n: So the Avengers basically can fly right?
Maria: I think so, yeah. I mean, we can fly those jets.
Y/n: No, I mean fly like birds. Like Carol. Like fairies without wings. Except for Sam.
Maria: If you believe in fairy maybe you can but human beings can't fly Y/n. That's a fact in our nature.
Y/n: Wanda can fly. She's human.
Maria: She's exposed to an infinity stone Y/n, its different. She's transformed, from human to .... a fairy.. or a witch. Whatever, it's magic. You know that.
Natasha: Know what?
Maria: Wanda is a witch and she thinks that human can fly.
Y/n climbing up to 1st floor while they're talking.
Natasha: She’s giving you headaches?
Maria: When she's not? How?
Maria: How did you manage her? With all those questions.
Natasha smiling: That's mean she's growing up, Maria. You know the boys are way harder to handle than Y/n. At least she's listening to us. Where is Y/n??
Y/n: Up here! You're right ma'am, I just need to believe in myself more. I just need to give it a try.
Natasha: Maria, what did you tell her? Y/n! Stay put! Don't move!
Maria: Nothing! Shit...
Natasha: What?
Maria: She took it serious when I said 'if you believe in fairy maybe you can fly' parts.
Natasha: Why did you tell that to that kid, Hill??!!
Maria: How I am suppose to know? Babysitting is not in my resume, Romanoff!!
Tony: Hey! Hey! What are you guys fussing for? Y/n, what are you doing up there? Better view on your sisters fight? Come down here now.
Natasha, Maria: NO!!! Don't...!
Natasha: What were you thinking?! You might broken up your ribs!! Let me check.
Y/n: How many ribs do human have?
Natasha: 12. You've learned that.
Y/n: Good. 1st trial failed. 11 to go.
Tony: Actually 12 set each. That's mean you have 24 of those but who's counting.
Natasha: Don't encourage her Stark. Your ribs are fine. Just sprained wrist.
Maria: Y/f/n Y/l/n. You listen to me. YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IN FAIRIES ANYMORE! THEY ARE NOT EXIST! AND YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING! Wanda is a witch not fairy. Carol is from outer space. Tony, Sam, Rhody can fly because they have iron suits. You, me and Natasha and Clint are human being. We moves with our legs. If we flying, that's mean we're on a plane! So help me out. I don't know how to be a proper babysitter and more importantly, I don't want to be the reason if you hurt yourself just like what you did just now. Understand?!
Y/n totally scared for life: *nodding
Maria: I'll take that a yes. Now, Doctors are already at the med wing. I expect you to be there for check up.
Natasha: Let's go.
Maria: You guys head over, I'll come back later, with her.. her food. milk and cookies. That's what they gave to a sick kid. Right??
Tony: *looks at Natasha.
Natasha smirking: I.. Yes, it is. Thank you Maria, you're starting to get it. It's good. I'll update you on her condition later.
Maria walks away: Thank you Romanoff.
Tony: Wow. I miss my mom now. Remind me not to mess with Agent Hill.
Natasha: She did what she did best. Give her some time to loose up.
Y/n: You know I'm old enough to drink soda and eat burgers, right?
Tony, Natasha: Shut up.
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softsebnbuckystan · 4 years ago
Soul ties - Part 8 (Bucky Barnes au)
“No, I don't wanna know, Where you been or where you're goin'
But I know I won't be home, And you'll be on your own”
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Maniac by Michael Sembello was blasting from Wanda's room as she was going through her closet,  looking for something you could wear at the party. You were tapping your feet to the beat and shaking your head softly.
"This is perfect," Wanda said as she handed  you  jean shorts and a T-shirt. Finding something in your style had been hard, but the outfit turned out really cute on you. "And before you ask, I still have your plaid shirt if you want to wear that."
Your sister knew you too well ; or maybe it was just her ability to read minds. You were pretty sure it was a mix of both. You looked at your watch : five in the afternoon were already passed and you knew Nat was supposed to arrive soon, so you went to the kitchen after changing. Actually, she was already there.
"Happy birthday, girl! How do you feel about hitting thirty, huh?"
"Surprisingly good, to be honest," you answered as you hug her tight. "I'm glad you came by."
"Me too. Steve told me pretty interesting news about some guy." She wiggled her brows, making you raise yours.
"Not that interesting. Yes, he is my supposed soulmate, but I got married last week, not matter how that's turning out."
"Yeah, sorry I couldn't be there, by the way. However, if I trust Steve's words..."
"Don't? Please." You smiled, making her laugh. You really must've sounded desperate, or in denial –  or, once again, both.
"Fine. But I can't promise I'll hold back my thoughts."
"I know you won't," you joked. "Anyway, is the cake already here?" You asked Sam.
"No, Bucky's not back yet."
"Oh, alright. I thought since he left early..."
"He had stuff to do, apparently." He shrugged, showing he didn't know any more than you did. A smirk appeared on his face. "Miss him already?"
"Ugh, I hate you all."
"No, you don't!"
Everyone around you laughed and, frankly, you couldn't hold it in either. These people always had a way of making you forget about your problems, and Darren hadn't crossed your mind until now.  Hours went by and more people arrived at the compound. It wasn't supposed to be a big party, but Tony was obviously unable to resist to Peter Parker asking if he could tag along. This kid loved being around here, maybe as much as you did. Once eight hours rang, almost everyone was there, except for Bucky. You were sure he'd eventually show up, even though you  couldn't help but feel a little anxious while everyone shared champagne bottles.
"Alright, close your eyes," Sam said, dragging you out of your thoughts. He put his hands on your eyes as you giggled softly.
"What is it now, you asked?"
"Patience, lady."
You couldn't see  anything – obviously – but you soon heard voices around you singing you a happy birthday. When Sam removed his hands, your eyes took some time to adjust to the sparkling candles on the big birthday cake. More importantly, it took you a second to recognise the man carrying it. Where had his hair gone?
"Your hair," you whispered once he was close enough.
He shrugged. "C'mon, the candles will melt if you don't blow them out." His own smile quickly spread to your face as you blew out your thirty candles. Everyone applauded and Bucky started cutting it so that people could help themselves. Once seated next to him, you took a bite of your own piece and closed your eyes in delight.
"Raspberries. I love those."
"Yeah, Wanda said it was your favourite," he told you before eating a chunk of cake. "How do you like the party  so far?"
"I love it. Everyone I love is here, so I couldn't be happier, really." You didn't even think about what you were saying. Tony's champagne did that to you for sure.
"Of course, why do you ask?" You gave him a confused look  before it dawned on you. "Oh,  I know. Well if he's not here by now, I guess that means something."
"Well I'm not the one saying it. It's your night, anyway, so let's not talk about him and let you have fun." He gently poked your arm – you felt delighted, as it was him who'd  made the move this time. It felt as if he was becoming more comfortable around you : you'd noticed he'd been laughing with you a lot more frequently these last few days.
"So, why the new haircut?"
"I wanted some change. New me, old me, I guess." He took a sip of his beer.
"I like it. Can I have some?" You pointed at the bottle. He gladly handed it to you ; damn, this man did not know what one beer might do to you, especially after champagne.
Wanda spotted you from across the room and stopped walking towards you, interrupting her conversation with Scott Lang.
"I hope that's your first drink tonight," she said with a grin. "You don't want to expose your party demon now, do you?"
You chuckled at Bucky's scared eyes. "I'm taking this back," he said, taking his beer back and finishing it.
"Don't worry, Bucky. I'm fine. I'm just a little more outgoing when I drink, that is all."
A screeching sound made you turn your head : Steve had just plugged a microphone into the speakers.
"Alright, so, as you all know, tonight's Y/n's thirtieth birthday. For the occasion, I'm sure she'll gladly treat us to a speech now."
If looks could kill, Steve would've died on the spot, super soldier or not. You never had inspiration for that kind of stuff.
"C'mon guys,  she needs some encouragement," Sam chimed in.
Tony and Peter both whoo'ed  at you with huge smiles, and you had no other choice than going on that improvised stage which consisted of the space between the speakers. You took the microphone from Steve's hand and Nat handed you a beer.
"Oh my, thanks for that," you said, chuckling. "I want to thank you all for coming. You  might have known me for a while, or not, but hum...you guys are family. I couldn't be happier to celebrate thirty years on Earth with you." You raised your bottle in front of you. "To found family."
Everyone  drank to that, and you jumped as Sam placed his hand on your shoulder and started speaking in another mic.
"So many emotions there, I love to see it. Now we're not done with you. Remember that night in Brooklyn?"
"Oh no."
"Oh, yeah... we're  gonna do it. And you're gonna love it, don't you dare say otherwise."
You stared at Sam before downing your drink. He was damn right.
"Okay Scott, fire away!"
"Toniiight,  I'm gonna have myself a real good time..." Sam started singing this fabulous bop as the music soared in the air. You obviously joined him right away.
"I'm burning through the skyyyyy, yeah." You probably were not singing right, but you couldn't have cared less. Everyone around  you was singing – more like yelling – along and you finally let go of your last inhibitions.  You were singing and dancing,  pretending you were the international rock star giving a representation. For once, you saw a wide smile on Bucky's face that couldn't seem to go away, and you decided to have fun with him a little. You pointed at him and smiled as you basically jumped to the beat.
"I'm a sex machine ready to reload like an atom bomb about to oh, oh, oh,  oh exploooode!"
He couldn't help but laugh and he even started tapping his feet to the beat as well. You went back to Sam and you ended the song back to back, definitely yelling more than you were actually singing.
"See, I told you you'd love it!" he exclaimed.
You laughed out loud before handing the mic to Scott. "You have fun now, I gotta rest for a sec."
You happily got back to Wanda and Bucky as Scott and Sam were joined by Peter to keep this improvised karaoke going. Your sister was less than surprised, since this wasn't the first party she had with you. Bucky, on the other hand...
"I didn't know you could do that," he said with a grin.
"What, absolutely slay the day with a mic in my hand? Hell yeah I can, only after some drinks though."
"Yeah, I don't know if your cheeks are this red from drinks, dancing or just regular blush."
You chuckled at his laugh, even placing your hand on his shoulder while doing so. When your eyes were done squinting from all the laughs, you froze.
"Darren, I-"
"That science guy let me in."
Bruce shot you a sorry look, raising his hands in the air. "He wouldn't let me ask you for your opinion first anyway."
Damn, you hadn't realised how much everyone disliked your husband. After all, no one had ever been rude to his face, unlike his friends. Bucky turned around to face him and crossed his arms over his chest : his smile was long gone now, as if it had been only a fever dream.
"You put on quite a show there."
"Wow, so not even a 'happy birthday', huh?" You didn't even look down this time : you stared at him, no trace of a smile on your lips. "When I said you could come if you wanted to, I didn't say  that so you could come and be condescending."
"I'm not gonna wish you a happy birthday after I saw you hit on that guy in a fucking song!" he yelled, pointing at Bucky. Darren's anger was so unjustified that you would've laughed at him, hadn't you been remotely nice and equally angry at him.
Bucky didn't say a word as he slowly put Darren's hand down. You noticed he'd used his metal arm, even though you knew for a fact he was right handed and usually prioritised his dominant hand. That was quite passive-agressive ; you held back a smile.
"Do you even hear what you're saying?" Keeping your cool was not an option anymore, and you walked away from everyone. Contrary to Darren's belief, you didn't like 'putting on a show'.
"We're going home, now," he said firmly. "Your little crisis lasted long enough."
"My crisis? You've left me alone at home for days and now you expect me to come back? You're unbelievable, Darren. And you started pulling this shit before we were even engaged!"
"You never complained about this,  so why do it now?"
"Because I can't take it anymore! Is that so hard to believe? Is it hard to understand that I want to be treated the way I deserve?"
You ran a hand through your hair, looking at Darren in disbelief as the anger in his eyes just grew harder.
"You know what?" you continued. "If you have nothing better to say, I might as well just  go back to the people who really love me. As far as I'm concerned, this" — you gestured at the both of  you – "is over."
You turned around, feeling a huge confidence boost that still wasn't strong enough to overcome your disappointment.
"What's that on your back?" His voice was so low compared to seconds earlier that you looked back at him.
He walked up to you fast, but too slowly not to be noticed by Steve and Bucky, who'd been watching the scene carefully. Despite their obvious strength, they couldn't get to you before Darren violently lifted the back of your t-shirt, scratching  your back with his nail at the same time. You let out a cry and next thing you knew, Darren was pinned against the wall, held back by Bucky's arm.
"You lied," he whispered. "You do have a tattoo."
Damn. You had always been careful to wear high waisted jeans. All it took was one careless pair of shorts. You had no answer to give to him, so Darren looked at Bucky instead.
"It's you. Right? I fucking knew it." He looked back at you. "I should've known you weren't to be trusted around other guys. You're such a-"
"I think you should leave." Steve had laid his hand on his friend's shoulder to try and calm him down. Bucky let go of your husband and shot you a side glance to check on you. You were crossing your arms on your chest and your eyes had never been more interested in the floor.
"Steve's right," you uttered. "You should go." You  walked away with these words. You hadn't even noticed there was no longer any music playing in the room. Silence was oppressing and everyone seeing you cry was not an option. You walked to your room in daze. Once you felt the door closing behind you, you allowed yourself to break down. It was a knock on the door that made you tilt your head up a few minutes later.
--- You have no idea how excited I am for part 9!!! If I wasn't strictly following my self-imposed rule of having two unpublished chapters at all times, I would post it right away. x) I hope you liked this one!! Feel free to give me any notes you may have : I improve thanks to readers.
Message me if you want to be added to the tag list (seeing it grow is making me so happy)!
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@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @coniumalces @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @bluemoon-icecream @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell
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angloie · 4 years ago
> Percy likes to deceive. Lie, manipulate, more lies; it was a part of his job, after all. Annabeth has been deceived. Lied to. Manipulated. She's an woman of many secrets- secrets she'd rather not let anyone know.
> Assassin! Percy x CEO! Annabeth.
> Warnings: Mostly angst + fluff, character death and some violence. Nothing too explicit. Mentions of blood/mild injuries as well as alcohol. (characters are aged up!)
pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4 || pt. 5
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Percy's thumb rule was never do anything he didn't want.
To live a happy and healthy life, that was completely normal; especially for such a laid back guy like him.
Choosing this... rather wild career was something he wanted to do, willingly. Life was short, so why not make the most of it? It was getting awfully bleak with the normal civilian life. After all, no one would believe the nice young man who helped the old man carry the groceries to his car would be someone who killed for a living. A smile so bright that it could give the sun a run for its money and warm sea green eyes could hide so much more than just innocence.
The ceiling to floor windows of his penthouse showed a breathtaking view of the New York skyline, sun moving behind the tall buildings and moon replacing the orange hue. Being an assassin had its perks- despite endangering his life on multiple occasions. The pay was just out of this world. All that cash just to kill off some sleazy politician, or that one corrupt buisness man? Sign him up. Zero hesitation.
Percy frowned at the dried blood on his once pure white gloves. He was quick to peel them off. He shuddered at the unsightly view of a small stain of blood on his onyx-colored suit.
He would just buy a new one later. Small things like that didn't matter. Sure, that might've been a gift from one of his clients, but it wasn't anything he couldn't replace.
Hanging his coat on the rack beside the wide entrance, he sighed with clear tiredness. One night of forced politeness and smiles took a toll on him- Also due to the fact that he had just done his job as an assassin. It wasn't what you could call easy.
His muscles were aching and sore in all the worst places, every move throbbing with full pain. The shallow slash on his lower abdomen had soaked his shirt in a dark crimson red, most likely going to leave a bad stain. He would have to clean that later.
The penthouse was big and rather spacious. White Walls and abstract paintings lined them, reflecting off the almost pristine marble floors. It took a while for Percy to get settled in, it being a huge place and all that. But he soon made it feel like home with the help of old picture frames that held memories and the Nemo stuffed animals resting on the leather couch.
And Mrs. O'leary.
Mrs.O’leary- a huge, slobbering dog with thick black fur- bounded towards him in a frenzied greeting. She hopped up on her hind legs to lick his face, tail wagging at a unmatched speed. She barked again, this time more quieter.
“Yeah, yeah. It's nice to see you too.” Percy laughed as he tried to pull away. Once he went to the kitchen to grab a bone-shaped treat. “Who’s a good girl?” He cooed, tossing the snack in the air. Mrs.O’leary jumped up to snatch it before barking and padding away. Her tail still wagged with elation.
When Percy first moved here, it was quite nerve-racking. He'd heard that this place was an especially good spot for people like him- meaning people who did some illegal activity. Well, that was what he assumed. Percy was 99% sure that his neighbor just in the penthouse below him, (Leo was it?) had to be involved in some sketchy stuff. That creepy smile of his with a mysterious staining his shirt never meant any good. Or maybe when his other neighbor, had a odd looking duffel bag slung across his shoulder. Oddly human shaped, maybe. With a horrible smell of something rotting. Percy recalled introducing himself a Nico DiAngelo. A pretty reserved and quiet guy, usually having a frown of his face. Well, other than that time when he had his boyfriend over, a sunshiney guy with sun-kissed hair. He never got the chance to catch his name.
Wrapping a white cloth around his wound, Percy's met with a sense of familiarity. Fixing his own injuries by himself. It would bee nice to have some help once in a while, but that would mean exposing him. He's definitely not ready to risk that.
Other than his boss and a couple of really close friends, no one knows about this. Percy nearly slipped up once- when a old companion from high school came over to visit, and his small arsenal of weapons were revealed. The little compartment hidden behind a painting. Not another word wasmsaid about it. Percy made up some half-assed excuse about auditioning for a movie so they were fakes.
It didn't take much of a expert, but the were far from fakes.
His phone rang from beside Percy, making him jolt in surprise. The contact name made him smile just the tiniest bit.
"Hey, mom," Percy began. "Why'd you call?"
"Can't your mom check up on you once in a while? How are you?" Sally beamed, cheerful voice on speaker mode.
He walked over to the bathroom where he stood in the full length mirror. A hint of blood seeped through the white bandage; now full wrapped. "Good. How's Paul and Estelle doing?" He asked.
"They're doing great! Me and your step dad went out with Estelle yesterday to see the movies." Sally smiled. "Estelle is growing into such a energetic ball of energy." She joked. "Just like you."
"Is that so?" Percy laughed, splashing his face with water. It felt cool on his skin, causing tiny pricks of coldness to pop up all over.
For a while, him and Sally conversed. She told him about her day (mostly gushing about Paul and Estelle) while Percy smiled and listened. He did his best to hide the fact that he'd been fixing up his wounds in silence. He cursed silently in pain when he touched an sensitive spot on the slash.
"Percy? Are you alright?" Sally asked in concern.
"Yeah! I just... hit my elbow. Its nothing. " He hastily replied.
"Okay," Sally exclaimed in relief. "By the way, when are you going to visit your old woman? Estelle misses you, you know."
"Yeah, well tell her I miss her too." A sense of gloom over took the conversation. "Look, I'm busy now but..." Percy looked over to the mirror again. "I'll call you later. Maybe I can visit you guys over there soon." He exhaled.
"We're looking forward to it! Isn't that right,             Estelle?" Sally gave the phone to the little girl who was jumping with excitement.
"Come over soon Perce!" She garbled. It sounded like she was eating something halfway.
"I will. Talk to you later, 'Kay?"
A wave of guilt overwashed Percy as soon as he ended the call. It was killing him inside, to not be honest with them about his real job. They just thought he was a simple marine biologist who got one hell of a promotion. Yeah, he wished. That seemed easier than killing for a living. He was going to tell them sooner or later. He just had to. Not today- not anytime soon, that is.
Jolting himself out of his thoughts, Percy's phone rang. He was quick to answer it. Was it Sally calling again? Percy put down the metal spoon he was holding, letting it rest in the pot of soup bubbling on the flat stove. 
“Hey, Percy!” The horribly familiar voice rang from the other side of the line. Percy grimaced.
“What is it?” He groaned.
“Is that any way to talk to your boss?” He tsked. “But I have news for you!”
“Do tell,” Percy muttered and went back to his soup. 
“I have a mission.” Apollo grinned widely. “You up for it?”
“Again? Didn't I just do one yesterday?” Percy rolled his eyes. He was tired; completely tired. Usually the missions weren't this close together- sometimes they could be even months apart.
“Yeah, but this one won't happen for a week or so. And it ain't just the typical mission.”
“Yeah? And what's that?”
“Its a info operation. Meaning-”
“I know what that means!” Percy interjected. “Just tell me the details already. I’m hungry.”
“Jeez, okay mr. grump. Annabeth Chase. You know her?” Apollo said, scoffing at Percy's tone.
“You mean the owner of that one architecture company? What about her?” He asked.
“She’s connected with Thalia Grace and Luke Castellan.” Appolo explained. “Apparently people have been talking about their new heist that they're planning. By what I've heard, it's going to be huge.” 
Those three names- Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan, Annabeth Chase. Annabeth especially, was the most well known in the regular world. Her being the stoic founder of Athchase as well as being a crazy rich and famous person, that's a no brainer. Luke and Thalia, on the other hand, their heists were well known anywhere. Annabeth didn't have a criminal record of any sorts. That's a big reason she can keep up her reputation. It's not like the woman did anything wrong, its just that... the fact that she is connected with the two is enough to ensure suspicion. Growing rumors of her planning some of their crimes were spreading fast. Percy's heard of things like that, her being the mastermind of killing and stealing.
“Alright," He nodded. "Im interested. Go on."
“New York. That's where the three plan to meet up. Get information, maybe use your charms into getting her to trust you."
"N-new york..!?" Percy was left shocked at that.
"I've booked a flight there. 5 in the morning sharp tomorrow. I reccomend you arrive on time." Apollo chuckled.
"Yeah, whatever."
"And Percy?" He called out.
"You have my full permission to kill Annabeth when you're done." Apollo darkly said, hanging up without another word. Percy rolled his eyes for the tenth time on the call.
Well, all right.
Next destination: New York.
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"So, New York, huh." Annabeth swirled some of her cocktail in the glass, circling her wrist in a rotation. The blue liquid swirled together in a repetitive motion. Sapphire Martini tasted rather bitter on her tounge, but decent nonetheless. She enjoyed the slight orange twist.
"Why here of all places?" She asked.
"Its a golden opportunity, dear Annie. The Olympians only gather once in a blue moon, so we're going to make the most out of this!" Thalia sipped from her own glass, some regular red wine. She'd never had such a taste for 'Those fancy rich drinks'. Whatever that meant.
The Olympians, as Thalia said before, were a group of 12 of some of the wealthiest and prestigious people from across the world. Only a few select people could be a part- it was exclusive as to anybody who was just normal as a couple million rich. New York would be holding a auction quite soon on a famous opera house; and surprise, they would be there.
"Don't call me that." Annabeth winced at the name. "And who exactly is we?"
"Don't go all acting like you didn't agree, alright? Plus, you can gain a thing or two from all this." She grinned.
"I have a company to run, Thals, You know very well that I dropped that type of business years ago." Annabeth shook her head. "This is seriously risky."
"But you love that. Don't you?" Thalia pressed, standing up.
She truly did. The thrill, the rush of energy you couldn't get anywhere else. Thats what had driven her to join Thalia and Luke in the first place. That feeling alone made her eyes sparkle with desire.
"Yeah." Annabeth places her drinkdown back on the glass table. "I do."
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Okay I'm back with some more hot garbage!!! here's my latest thing-- a assassin au. I need to do a ship other than percabeth tho 😔😔
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yamaoni · 4 years ago
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The Second Great War of Remnant has begun. Once more, Vale and Mantle are embroiled in a massive conflict, only this time, they are on the same side against Atlas.
I don't think it was a coincidence that so many people drew parallels with the last episode and WWI. We've never seen people fight that way in RWBY. Grimm don't use projectile weapons the way humans do, so the benefits of the trench are diminished; especially if you compare it to the drawbacks.
Now, I understand not everyone in the Atlas military has their aura unlocked and the squishy soldiers need some cover, but if The Long Memory didn't nuke every grimm on Atlas, the lines would have been overrun and then there would have been nowhere for them to retreat to.
You think the very real hand to hand struggles in the trenches of WWI were bad, imagine being trapped in a narrow trench with a bear. Or having this thing explode out of the ground under you.
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I refuse to believe no-one in Atlas ever thought, "if we put the dirt from the trench in a box, no only can we give our soldiers cover, we can also give them an elevated position to fire from."
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The top of a wall has been the primary defensive position for the people of Remnant for a long time. You can see them in the establishing shots of most settled places the team has visited. So why are we seeing a trench now?
Show, don't tell.
RWBY has done a pretty great job, especially in the last few seasons, of showing the audience what it is trying to convey without explicitly telling them. They especially like drawing from well known folk lore to give insight into the future of the show.
Only difference here, instead of drawing the parallel between characters, they're drawing parallels between worlds.
Remnant's first Great War started with Mantle suppressing freedom of expression, the destruction of Art and Color. Ironwood always has little in the way of color, but in his first broadcast since everything started hitting the fan, he has none.
That broadcast also included evacuation ships being blown up by fighter-bombers, Dunkirk. It threatend to level a city if they didn't surrender, Battle of Brittan. All delivered by a dictator trying to scare his opponents into submission through careful use of film.
If the rest of the season is WWII, I have several theories on plot direction. Considering how well they did keeping up with both ends of the battlefield it wouldn't surprise me if they followed all of them at the same time.
Operation Dunkirk
Or, the evacuation of Mantle.
Players: Penny, Nora, Ren, Happy Huntresses
The Happy Huntresses involvement is a given. Not only has saving Mantle been their goal the whole time, they're also stuck in the middle of it right now.
Penny is the Protector of Mantle. It would be a shining moment for her character to fully throw off the virus Watts implanted and overcome Ironwood's threats to do so. Just crossing my fingers that it doesn't end like the Iron Giant.
Nora is currently Penny's tether to sanity, so she has to go with, and I doubt they would separate Ren from her for the next arc so he's going too.
Surprise twist for this plot I'm betting will be the Starwars "they aren't warships, just people" scene everyone loves to rag on. After all, the broadcast went out that they needed help and, at least at Dunkirk, it was fishing boats and pleasure crafts that retrieved the 338,000 surrounded on all sides.
Why We Fight
Or, countering Ironwoods propaganda.
Players: Robyn and Qrow
For one, these two are unaccounted for and in the heart of Atlas' military machine. If anyone has means to do so, it's them.
The film, Why We Fight, also countered the dramatic cinematography of Goebbels propaganda by painting it as ridiculous and making a folksy call to action much like Robyn has done in the past.
Operation Fortitude
Or, the deception of Ironwood.
Players: Emerald, Jaune, Oscar
This is the mission to make Ironwood think the team is going after the relic. This theory is why I actually thought of and wrote out this whole thing. Thanks @maxiemumdamage, I had things I was supposed to do tonight.
Only difference in my theory and their's, is Jaune is going to be playing the part of Penny.
I say this for two reasons. One, Joan of Arc pretended to be a man. While we've gotten both Jaune pretending to be something he's not and him in a dress, this would pose the first time in the story he could do both. Two, it would put him on a direct collision path with Cinder. It needs to happen at some point to bring his arc to a conclusion, but man I hope we're not about to watch him burn.
With Ozpin active again, Oscar has to go along to direct them to the vault. He's also one of two backing the idea of Emerald joining the team and Jaune wouldn't be willing to work with her without him.
Operation Overlord
Or, busting down the doors of Atlas Acadamy.
Players: Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang
Where Operation Fortitude was the faint, Operation Overlord was the real deal. For those that aren't history buffs, this is D-Day.
I think this is the reason we've only seen the main team fighting together once since their split from Beacon. And even then, that fight was at most pairs of fighters and not all four of them supporting one another.
RWBY tricked us into thinking season 4 was the post-timeskip level up we come to expect from anime when really we ended up watching the training flashbacks as they happened instead.
We've seen hints of it with the various team ups and combinations, but are we really ready for how much ass kicking they are about to do?
I'm hoping for a One Piece level of badass entrance that can give me shivers whenever I go to watch it again like the walk to Arlong Park still does to this day.
(Aside: if you try telling me RWBY isn't anime, I'm just going to ignore you. Anime is an art movement. If you don't understand what that means, watch this video. https://youtu.be/uFtfDK39ZhI)
Now last and certainly not least
Operation Valkyrie
Or, the death of Ironwood.
Players: Winter and Marrow
The long awaited defection. Plenty of speculation has already floated around about if and when these two where going to cave to their morals and jump ship. I don't know how many of us were expecting the straw to break the camel's back to be a nuke held over Mantle, but I certainly wasn't.
What worries me, is Operation Valkyrie failed and all its conspirators were executed. As if there weren't enough death flags for Winter before.
Even if it's not Winter that kills him. I don't see Ironwood surviving this season. Even if it means he goes out like another hated dictator. It's not like it would be the first time RT had a fallen hero chose to use his own sword.
Or, Murphy will have his due.
Players: Cinder, Watts, Neo, Tyrian, Mercury, Clover
These players can go any which way. Three we know for sure are going to be active in the coming episodes and I wouldn't be surprised if the other three play a part as well.
Oscar made a hell of a light show for Tyrian and Mercury to see behind them. Not to mention, Salem will still need a ride home when she pulls herself back together.
Clover keeps getting mentioned even though he's hospitalized. If he was truly out of commission for the rest of the season, they would have made us think he's dead before bringing him back like they did with Penny.
Up to now, what we've seen is a three way conflict. But one of the hallmarks of Remnant's First Great War, was making temporary alliances to fight off grimm.
The grimm might be gone, but the wild cards can't complete their own objectives if they are dead. The question is who's goals better align with their own.
Two surprise twists I can see here. One, Mercury stabbing Tyrian on his way to defection. He was raised by an assassin and has not going to get a better chance than that. Two, Clover joining Operation Valkyrie. He might have accepted that sacrifice is a necessary evil to ensure Atlas' survival, but might go Schindler's List on us and find horror in what Ironwood plans to do.
I spent way too long writing this out. All the WWI imagery means we're getting a WWII movie with RWBY characters. Major death flags for Penny, Jaune, and Winter.
Also I finally figured out how to do a readmore. Apparently it's just been a long time since I updated.
Note: kept seeing things talking about clovers death and I kind of went ???? Isn't he barely alive in medical? Went back and watched that scene and though I am 90% sure he is dead still kind of weird that they have him in his own room instead of a morgue and the initial framing made my mind instantly think he was propped up on a hospital bed. I mean, I guess we needed to have all the ACEOPs there for their reaction to Ironwood... but it definitely made me think he was alive. That and they have a bandage on his chest wound... when he's supposedly dead. Also have a phantom memory of Harriet saying something about him being in critical but I think that's my memory playing tricks on me.
Having his face exposed instead of covered by the sheet and seeing him in the same frame as Winter being treated also didn't help my gut reaction of "Oh Shit! He's alive? How?!" If I'd followed up more on the "how" might not have made the blunder of writing his return as the final twist in my theory. Oops
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