#i'm losing it i have so many of these now
neil-gaiman · 3 days
hi neil. i've held off on writing this message for a bit because i didn't know if i could get it out or not.
i work in a senior healthcare facility. not a nurse or anything, i actually just serve food to the residents, but it's given me the ability to get to know a lot of the people that live there. because of this, i was able to befriend a wonderful lady named sally. she would always come talk to me while i served up the meals, and we'd have nice chats. she spent most of her time reading books, since she didn't like to do many of the activities with the other residents, and since she loved books with mystery and suspense, i loaned her my copy of american gods, thinking that she'd enjoy it. and she did! i loved it when she'd come talk to me about the chapter she'd just read, our little chats about wednesday, just everything. i was happy that she liked the book.
our chats kind of tapered off after awhile, and we didn't talk as much. she's had my book for well over a year now, which i hadn't minded, but she eventually started picking up our chats again, about the book. but she was talking about how she had just started reading it and that she was really interested in it so far. i came to realize some time later that sally was actually just finally showing signs of dementia, which was saddening for me to hear, but it's one of the heavy realities of working in a facility like this. she had always struggled with some memory and speech issues, but i'd always chalked it up to her older age.
anyway. i am saddened by this onset, but at the same time, i am also finding some strange comfort in knowing that she will come up to me at breakfast, wanting to talk to me about american gods, because she's forgotten that she's already read most of it, and she just reads the first few chapters over and over. she doesn't leave her room without it, she brings it to the table with her every day. when she leaves the facility with her family for an outing, she brings it with her. i am just. so comforted knowing that your book i loaned her a year ago is a source of joy and delight for her, and continues to be so over and over. i know i'll never get that book back, and i won't ever try to get it back from her, even if she stops reading it. i want her to keep it.
i now have a streak regarding losing my books that you've written, i'm two for two now, haha
idk. i'm just really kind of overwhelmed today by all the emotions surrounding it and i'm just happy that you wrote something that she likes so much, and that we talk about it even though she doesn't remember that we've talked about it a dozen times before. i love each and every chat with her so much, and i want to keep having them with her for as long as i can. thank you for your work.
Some of the happiest hours of my life were spent with a friend with advanced Parkinson's dementia, sitting on his porch with him, both of us reading. And he read the same few pages over and over and it was okay.
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 days
I'm over 350k words into writing a very long fic that's about halfway done, and lately, I feel like quitting. I've considered posting the outline as a final chapter to give people closure and then just walking away from it.
But I also really want to be able to actually finish it because the story means a lot to me. Whenever I think about calling it quits, I can't do it.
I feel trapped between not wanting to work on it anymore and wanting to finish this story that I've already poured so much time and love into. I want to finish it as much as I want to quit. But the idea of going on is almost agonizing.
Part of why I've been wanting to quit is because my health went downhill about 8 months into working on it, and it has only got worse since then, and that makes chapters take a long time to finish. I'm very slow to update and it makes me feel bad for the readers who are waiting for more. It's not like that many people are waiting, there isn't too much pressure in that sense. It's a rarepair and the fandom isn't as active as it used to be. But there are some people who are excited to know what happens next, and I feel like I'm letting them down by taking so long. I'd probably let them down even more if I didn't write the rest of it, though.
Another reason I've been wanting to quit is that I've been working on this fic for a few years already and it's going to take a few more years to finish, and that is overwhelming. I'm exhausted from such a long commitment to something creative. I've never spent longer than 6 months on a fic before and didn't think this one was going to take so long.
The final reason is that my writing style has changed in small ways over the course of working on the fic and I feel like older chapters are not as good as the newer chapters and I'm sort of losing confidence in myself. I don't enjoy reading my old fics because all I see are the things I'd change, and I feel like that's starting to happen with this fic.
This is supposed to be fun and I'm not having fun right now.
I don't know what to do.
Do you have any advice?
*hugs* the first thing I want you to do, anon, is take a deep breath. hold it. let it out.
It's going to be okay. ❤️
You've got a lot of different emotions going on right now and a lot of different reasons for feeling them. You need to stop trying to push them away and "get on with things" because that's just like shoving your mess into the closet. Eventually that door isn't going to shut anymore.
You also need to take care of yourself before you worry about your readers. They'll still be there later. New ones might come by in the meantime. If you're putting your readers' presumed wants and needs ahead of your own, you'll eventually start to feel resentful towards them for "forcing" you to do something you don't want to (or just can't) do right now.
First and foremost, I think you need a break. You're exhausted and you're pressuring yourself to do more than you're capable of. The way you describe things, it sounds like you're pretty burnt out and in need of some recovery time. Berating yourself and forcing yourself and pushing yourself so hard is only going to make it all worse.
You know that old Snickers commercial where the person turns into an ogre or something and their friend gives them a chocolate bar? The tag line is something like "You're not you when you're hungry." Well, you're also not you when you're exhausted. Your brain is currently a toddler in need of a nap, and if it doesn't get that nap then it's just going to have a tantrum and ruin your whole day.
Take a moment and think of this story that you're writing. Why do you want to finish it? Is it because the readers are excited for it? Is it because you've put a lot of work into it already? Is it because you've already spent a lot of time on it?
All of those things might be true, but you said the most important part yourself, right up front, "the story means a lot to me. Whenever I think about calling it quits, I can't do it."
It's not about the readers, and it's not about the effort, and it's not about the time. It's about the story. That's the important thing. And if that's the important thing, then you can write it at your own pace. You can enjoy the writing process of it. You can spend your time imagining scenes that might or might not make it into the final version.
Writing fic is a hobby, and like you said it's meant to be fun. Take it off of your list of responsibilities and put it onto your list of daydreams instead. The only person you're accountable to with this story is yourself. The next time you catch yourself thinking, "I have to-" or "I should-" when you're thinking about this story, stop and recognize that thought. Where is it coming from? Why are you having it? Is it actually true or do you just feel like it is?
Then take a deep breath. Hold it. Let it out. This story is for you first. Take your time with it.
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fishnapple · 2 days
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CRYSTAL READING - channelled message : How to love yourself better? A request letter from yourself.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I’d love to know 🎐
About me | Masterpost
Buy me a drink or book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. White
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Dear myself,
If I could light a fire right now, I could, just to see if that fire can compete with my light, our light. And yet I got a feeling that fire will burn brighter than us, just because it had someone to start it. But ours didn't. We stowed our fire away, our light, for fear of burning the eyes of the world? Or for fear of being engulfed in the sea of darkness outside?
Have you ever seen a solar eclipse? People gathered to watch it, a brief moment of the sun being eaten. A brief moment. Imagine how the world would be if that brief moment turned into a very long moment, an eternal one? Panic, fear, despair. We have prolonged our solar eclipse for far too long, let the Sun has its shine. Does it sound arrogant when I talk of us as the Sun? No, you should get used to it. To be the light, the be seen. Even when the Sun seems like a solitary existence on the sky, it's not, so are we.
I wanted to tell you many beautiful words, give you praises and a pat on the head. Sounds embarrassing, right? We should learn to do that more often. And then practice it with other people too, we all need it sometimes, a lot of times.
Do you know what will happen when we turn the anger on ourselves? Somehow, it will ricochet inside us and finally shoot out at other people. It's painful, for us and for them. Let's hold it in our hands, watch it breathe and stroke it gently, find where does it hurt and tend to it, then poof- it's gone. You catch anger not by throwing it around and putting it in a cage but let it heal and fly away on its own.
I'm sure that sometimes you will find yourself drowning in life, in other people's water. Losing yourself could be your worst nightmare. But you will never lose me. It's odd how we're surrounded by people but feel like we are alone in our struggle. Where did all the people go? Are they also drowning like us? In a different sea? I hope that all the seas are connected to each other so we can all find others to swim with us.
Till the next sun rise, yourself.
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2. Pink
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Oh, how I want to just throw away everything and run barefoot on the sand. To lie face up, watching the clouds passing by for hours. To paint the wall bright pink and yellow (this combination might hurt your eyes if you stare too long, though). But we're not a kid anymore, or so people have told us, much like how we've told ourselves, convinced ourselves to behave.
It's fascinating to watch the process of our resistance to what is taught to us. Why do we resist it so much? It feels like being gravely offended. We have our principles, and now we have to listen to others telling us what is right? What is wrong? Let me tell you, in a small whisper, it's actually nice to listen. Just listening, not obeying. It will feel like swallowing a rock. Maybe we could learn from the chickens a little, metaphorically. They swallow small rocks to aid in healthy digestion. So let's swallow some of the hard lessons.
You always like to think in concrete fashion. You try to touch your thoughts with your own hands and knead them, mould them into whatever you want. And when you're dropped into a relationship with someone, you find yourself lost that ability. It's all a jumble mess. You find your hands reaching out, grasping for something. How about the other person? Are you afraid that you will lose yourself if you hold on to them? It's fine, you won't. It's just an outdated belief that you've held on for far too long.
As we were talking about swallowing, you may want to watch what you're swallowing into your stomach, literally. Watch what you eat! Don't make yourself, ourselves suffer by bringing unhealthy things into our body. We may want to live long, you know.
Hey, if you find a dance class is too embarrassing, how about we turn off the light and dance with each other in the middle of the night. Nobody will know, but we will feel good (I'm not trying to be a flirt with myself here)
Your best friend, love.
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3. Red
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Make me a cup of tea, please.
Let's have a chat, just us, lying around lazily, sipping our favourite tea, imagining some weird scenarios to entertain us, playing some puzzle.
I don't have much to tell you because we talk to each other every day and I know you always try to be better for us. I love you and I'm proud of you. Let's be vain and give ourselves applause every day. Make it a pinky promise.
A reminder when you're feeling sluggish and slow, we are going to exactly where we need to be. You are guided and protected.
Keep on shining and be the little kid that runs around in the rain.
I love it when you're running wild, letting yourself, me, free, splashing colours everywhere. I just want to grab other people's hands and drag them to the dance. I love it when you're laughing, loudly, even better when you jolted others around you, oh, their surprised look, priceless.
Just be sure to take care of your body. Don't over tasking them. Work hard, play hard, but rest hard also.
Have you been thinking about going on a trip somewhere? No? Then, allow me to make a gentle request. Let me put the idea in your head. Go on, go to wherever you're thinking, there might be a surprise waiting for us, *hint: it will make our heart flutter*.
Let's make it a ritual to go on a trip every year. Let's give our mind and spirit a makeover. Dust off any tangled mess we have and prepare a space for new things to come into. I'm so excited.
It's got me thinking lately, there's this small blinking light in the back of our mind, sometimes I can see it, sometimes I can't. I want to find out what it is. It's like a signal, trying to reach us, can you feel it? Sometimes, there's this odd feeling swelling inside that you can't put your hand on and naming it. I think if we can sit still, quiet, in the dark, we could see it better. It's guiding us. To where? I got a feeling that it's somewhere deep, somewhere with a treasure, waiting for us. If we can uncover it, it will be the greatest gift that the universe has ever given us. So let's go and find it.
Love, myself.
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4. Green
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I have some news for you. Brace yourself for changes. They're coming, very fast, very soon. Sit yourself tight. I don't want to give spoilers, but I guess we will receive some sudden confessions or offers. What you will do with those confessions is completely your choice. You don't have to feel guilty if you don't return their feelings, my dear.
I think the way the universe is sending us this kind of surprise is telling us to reconsider our 'single' thinking mode. We have stood alone, strong and independent for so long, I think it actually makes us a little too comfortable in being alone that the thought of getting into a connection with someone can be daunting. Will we lose our freedom? What if we are dependent on them? This time, the universe is saying: 'you and your worries will not make a good journey together, break up with those worries, here, I will throw in some opportunities for you to practice '.
If you don't want romantic connection at the moment, fine, different types of connections will come. No matter what, the universe is determined to get us involved with other people. It's for our own good. I have to admit that it's hard. It's not easy to change our way of thinking and believing. So surprises will be needed.
When opportunities come, the gate is opened, we just need to receive them. Walking through the gate will feel like walking out of a confinement into the wild, lively world outside. We will be propelled into a new path that we hadn't even considered in the past. Beware of what you said in the past about how you don't want to do something, you can't imagine yourself doing something. Well, guess what, we are going to do just that, joke on us.
So, in the meantime, even if you're resisting, it's fine. Just take care of yourself, of us. Obsessive worrying can sadden our body.
Something is going away, giving space to a new energy coming in. This new energy will be softer, more loving. The harshness of the past will go away soon. Trust me.
Love, Your companion.
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moonreader1010 · 1 day
Pac- how can you be the b*tch that never loses<3
(the pictures do not belong to me. All rights go to the original owner)
Pile 1. Pile 2.
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Pile 3 ^
Pile 1:
Go tell your friends about it (about it)
Go tell 'em what you know, what you seen
How I roll, how I get it on the low (oh)
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You have a really bright aura. You should really use it. it will take you to great heights. You have this ability to shed enlightenment over literally anyone. That's your superpower. Your connections are very important. You should work on your tolerance. Try to not get so involved in matters that don't concern you. Be helpful but to an extent. I see you giving A LOT to other people. But please look after yourself first. You are sensitive to certain things. Use this ability. Don't let it use you. Okay?. You need to learn how to balance your pride and when to compromise. I see you leaning toward one side more but bby different situations need to be dealt with differently. Yes balance. Another card is also pointing towards balance. Learn balancing things and you will be unstoppable.
There has been some loss. There is some anger too. And bby it is only contributing towards emotional instability. Don't let it control you. You are made for greater things. You might have felt left out a lot in your life but that's because people don't know what to do with you and your amazing self. You are different. And that's such a good thing no? Why don't you let yourself accept it. You won't fit in and that's because you simply are just better than them. Use it!!!!!!
Your brain is AMAZING. Your Ideas are amazing. You can play with emotions!!!!!! Girlllll!!! You really need to go out there and get it. Period.
Additional- Libra, high achiever, materialistic, 3, 1, affinity, triumph.
Song for you - tell your friends by the Weeknd
Pile 2: a bit 18+
You gotta be a star to jump over the moon so when you touch on me
You're a shooting star (a star), oh yeah (a star)
You know you got somethin' for the world to see and there I go
Still wondering who you are (a star, a star, yeah)
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Your friendships are very important. Your communication has so much potential to make you a winner. Why don't you use it? You might love solitude and your own company but bby you gotta get out to play. And to win. Sympathy seems to be something that you know how to use. You have it in you. Again, friendship and community has been highlighted. There is a gift that you have inherited from your ancestors. You also seem to have a power in creating suspense and mystery and it's really attractive. You should use it more. Oohhh I see that you are quite feisty. You are not someone who just simply agrees to anything. You oppose it. You make things interesting. Yum. Are you possessive? Because people really admire it in you. In a sexy way. There is this arrogance that even though is conventionally bad but your arrogance is different. It makes things interesting almost. You give people ecstasy. This euphoric feeling. Very feminine energy from this pile.
Additional - cat, business, money.
Song for you - star by Megan thee stallion (feat. Lucky Daye)
Pile 3-
You came along when I needed a savior
Someone to pull me through somehow
I've been torn apart so many times
I've been hurt so many times before
So I'm counting on you now
Somebody already broke my heart
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Straight up I'll tell you that i got very slippery energy. Very teasing. I also had this sudden moment where I got really angry. I feel like this pile is very "good girl gone bad" types. Past wounds. You have been hurt. A LOT. There was an earlier version of you that has been killed. You are an entirely new person. I'm getting very "don't touch or I'll break your hand" energy. Ummm. Baddie. Haha. Anyway, there has been a lot of stress, overworking or like some overwhelming experience. Too much to handle. Or maybe that's what people made you feel, that you are too much to handle or very high maintenance. But what do they know. They didn't deserve you (i suddenly felt like I had to tell you this). So true. They definitely don't deserve you. Maternal trauma. I'm so sorry bby. Heavy theme of transformation. Keep your good fait up bby. Do something for your soul and watch how you win. You have been oppressed a lot and it's time to break free. Don't hide. Despite all this, there is an innocence to you and it drives people crazy. Girlllllll. I got goosebumps. Please invest in yourself. Omg are you seriously okay bby? I'm so sorry. But it's over now. Get up and make sure nobody ever thinks about hurting you ever again. Don't suppress your memories bby. Feel them and let them transform you. Girl you are going to win.
Additional - heart, tears, fox, red, 8th house, scorpio.
Song for you - somebody already broke my heart by sade (this song is like a dedication from you to yourself)
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brittle-doughie · 3 days
Hello! Hello! I'm a shy cookie run artist Just dropping a silly summer sketch of Benign butter cookie since I liked their design a lot :))!!
(I think that they secretly (or not) enjoys to go fishing so.. i drew them like that. Maybe they enjoyed go to at some kind of beach day (in a day off) with the beasts when they weren't corrupted yet like, mystic flour Refusing to get off the beach umbrella shadow or eternal sugar was playing with shadow milk with water soda).
I also think that since they're basically butter I think that in hot days they hair just melts. A silly HC though.)
I'm so sorry if it's cringe or something. I'm not used to this things... (Sorry if bad English)
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Ayo @ax0lotly , it’s fishing season
You: “Come on, Mystic Flour Cookie. Why not have fun out in the sun with us?”
Mystic Flour Cookie: I am afraid that I cannot join you. The sun will show no kindness to my dough. I will wait for you here under the umbrella…
You: “Ok…how about you, Eternal Sugar Cookie? You always like doing things with me.”
Eternal Sugar Cookie: “Forgive me, my love. I don’t want to get in the way of how handsome/beautiful you look as you fish. You wear that outfit wonderfully!”
You: “Burning Spice, Silent Salt. I feel like I don’t even need to ask with you two, hehe.
Burning Spice Cookie: “Damn it, give us a minute! We’re so close to building this large sandcastle! Silent Salt Cookie, structure your side more firmly!”
Silent Salt Cookie: “…..” (Silent Salt nodded as they patted down their side of the sandcastle.)
You: “Ok, don’t take too long! I want us to catch as many fish as possible together!”
Your fishing line tugged suddenly! You got one! You start to slowly reel it in, you didn’t want to risk lose it!
You pulled it in…pulling…pulling…THERE! You lifted up your line to see…a willing fish? You rolled your eyes with a knowing smile.
You: “Shadow Milk Cookie…”
The cookie himself poofed right next you.
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Yes, love?”
Him and his pet names!
You: “Shadow Milk Cookie, you know it’s not true fishing if the fish come to me so easily. Let me fish them naturally!”
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Oh, but why would I want to see a frown on my dearest’s face. Your smile is what inspires me to get morning, it’s what I want to see now…”
You: “Oh you~!”
You and Shadow Milk laugh as you two held each other in a hug. This garners the attention of the others.
Eternal Sugar Cookie: “My love, I’m coming down now!”
Mystic Flour Cookie: “On second thought, if that’s your wish, then I must do everything I can to grant it.”
Burning Spice Cookie: “We’re done! Heading over to you now!”
Silent Salt Cookie: “…..!“ (Silent Salt nodded vigorously as they followed after Burning Spice.)
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Now now, everyone. I was here first!”
You sigh with content as your friends head over to your fishing spot.
Fishing is always fun with friends!
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ybklix · 2 days
𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖚𝖑 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑
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★ pairing: subneedy-slightly inexperienced!felix x horny fem!reader
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✦summary: Temptation and lust take over Felix when he meets you; he is a young adult with an angel face who really is an angel, he is a naive and kind man who moves to a new neighborhood and has to change his usual church as it is part of his routine and hobby. You have an angel face with intense feelings and hidden thoughts worthy of the red bad man from hell himself, you can't wait to satiated your deepest desires with the new pretty boy you met at church. Making Felix sin, over and over again.
♡ warnings: MDNI 18+, smut, daddy kink, teasing, handjob, masturbation, oral sex, sex in the church (sorry), boobplay, multiple orgasms, fingering, faceriding, unprotected sex, creampie, praise kink, slight aftercare.
word count: 8.2k (i may need to learn how stfu)
𓆩❤︎𓆪 warning: mention of religion and religious objects, without ofending anyone I hope.
;༊ playlist: only angel by harry styles ๋࣭ ⭑ gods & monsters by lana del rey ๋࣭ ⭑ god is a woman by ariana grande ๋࣭ ⭑ religion by lana del rey
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dividers by fairytopea & anitalenia
❝𝐢 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧❞ ❦
Oh, sweet lord, you thought. You couldn't take your eyes off him, from the moment he stood in that sacred place to read the Sunday mass reading, you watched every detail like a predator guarding its prey. After so many years of accompanying your parents as a family tradition, the mass was finally getting interesting. Oh, amen, amen.
The man returned to his seat, right in the front seats so you could only see his long, dyed blond hair combed into a man bun from a distance and in detail. You were seated next to your parents in the middle of the seats, the ceremony continued, until it finally ended and… between a little yawn, you waited for the people to gradually leave, without losing sight of the blond boy; you noticed that he didn't leave either, usually your family stayed until the end since they were such a well known and respected family, your parents greeted and said goodbye to each of the people who attended the church that Sunday, from the usual people, to the new ones, so you waited for the boy to come closer, besides your father was the older brother of the priest of the church.
Finally, no one was left, just the few other families talking outside the church, and the blond boy talking to your uncle, until finally they both approached you, who were outside the church. You watched him closely from top to bottom looking at every detail of him, he was so cute, he had a beauty that caught you instantly, he was slim, delicate features, big lips and eyes, you noticed the delicate freckles spread under his eyes down his cheeks and nose, looking so innocent, he looked like a nerd, totally your type, he looked like at any moment he was going to correct you of your mistake with a 'actually', with his white diamond pattern vest, a short sleeved shirt underneath, his beige pants with a belt and his big glasses with a square shape, who the fuck in the 21st century dressed this conservative, he simple was cute.
“This is Felix, he just moved to the neighborhood, so now he comes to this church, he used to go to another church in another district, honestly I'm happy we can keep him” your uncle commented, amused and with a smile, introducing the blond boy who looked shy.
Felix, you repeated in your head, interesting name. He smiled shyly and sweetly.
“Nice to meet you, my pleasure, I'm really new to the neighborhood” he spoke, surprising everyone except your uncle, who already seemed to know him, with an incredible thick voice, not matching his angelic face.
Felix shook your parents's hands and then it was your turn, you took his soft, medium sized hand as you smiled at him, you didn't think your gaze was heavy, until you noticed Felix swallowed saliva nervously at the sight of you as he shook your hand, marking his notorious Adam's apple on his throat. You went back to watching him without missing any detail, from his few, slightly noticeable roots in his hair, to the delicious, delicate veins marked on his slender arms with soft hair. He wore a ring with crosses on his right index finger and another cross necklace. You couldn't help it, you had him in your sights, he was so cute you couldn't help but think of him in such dirty situations, maybe you were just ovulating, or you really wanted to fuck him.
Felix felt a little uncomfortable, your gaze was more than obvious and penetrating, but Felix didn't finish deciphering it, he didn't want to think that someone pretty would see him with such evil eyes.
“A pleasure Felix, we are the priest's family, this is our daughter, Y/N” your father spoke, "Welcome to the neighborhood.”
You smiled at Felix, now innocently but mischievously now that he knew your name.
“She's in college, I know she's young and baby-faced” your mother hastened to say, recognizing that Felix was a cute boy who looked close to your age.
You couldn't even turn to look at your mother moodily, your eyes were glued to Felix.
“Felix will give little catechesis to the children and Y/N, I think Felix can guide you to teach you the bible, so you can teach soon” advised your uncle and priest.
You blinked suddenly, perplexed that fate was in your favor.
“Of course, uncle, I'd love to” you replied, more than happy, without wiping off your smile and looking straight at Felix.
Felix wanted to sweat… he recognized that he liked you instantly, wearing your pretty floral sundress, exquisitely marking your silhouette and breasts, your very feminine appearance, your light make-up, hairstyle hair and sweet scent, you drove him crazy and… he rarely had female contact.
“Oh, of course she'll be there” added your mother, also happy that you could meet a nice and cute church boy.
“Oh, our dear Felix is a very good Samaritan, he just came back from volunteering, but his life duties called him” your uncle commented.
Cute, handsome and truly a good person, he just lacked some damn wings and halo for him to start flying, you thought.
“Oh, Felix, what are you doing on Friday? Let us welcome you to the neighborhood” spoke your father.
“I'd love to” Felix replied cheerfully.
“Friday at our place, we'll cook something delicious for you, I'll send you the address and Y/N… you'll see him on...” commented your father.
“Wednesday and Thursday” Felix quickly replied, which surprised you, “In the afternoon if you can, because of the university and thank you for the invitation, sir.”
“I'll be there” you replied to Felix, smiling at him, with such a dark look that only he could decipher.
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Wednesday. Your horniness calmed down a little bit from monday to wednesday, you thought that maybe you were over exaggerating with Felix, that he really was a nice and cute guy, and that you should stop with the sudden dirty thoughts that crossed your mind. You walked into the small room, compared to the rest of the place, of the church where Felix would give you lessons on how to interpret bible verses and readings to train you to give lessons to the kids too, honestly, every year since you turned eighteen, your parents and uncle would insist you to support them with those little lessons to the kids so they can do their communion and confirmation but… you always ignored them and, it was until with Felix you were completely hooked and engaged.
You walked in quietly, apparently there was no one in the church and you didn't want to make noise and, you died of tenderness to find Felix on his knees, praying. He really was a bible eater, you thought, you didn't understand why you were suddenly so turned on by the fact that he was such a nice, good boy. You saw him in silence, apparently he didn't notice your presence, he was still concentrating, holding a rosary in his hands. Five minutes later, he finished, he crossed himself and opened his eyes and stood up, he saw you standing at a distance looking at him, which surprised him a little.
You smiled at his reaction, he was really concentrating on praying.
“Hi” you said to him, setting your bag down on one of the tables in the place, moving dangerously close to him.
Felix rubbed his hands, instantly sweating, on the denim of his jeans, nervous. The truth was… Felix liked you so much that he didn't know how to react, it was silly, but he was a bit naive to believe in love at first sight, he was convinced that what he felt with you at first sight was an inexplicable connection and the poor guy couldn't control his emotions and his little body excited at the mere sight of you. His heart was pounding and he was blushing slightly. Felix hadn't flirted with a woman in years, he was 24 years old and only dedicated himself to his job as a programmer and in his free time he adored with an incredible passion the church, but he got a wonderful job so he opted for a neighborhood closer to the place, so… girls and relationships was something that without realizing it, he started to displace from his life, until you arrived.
“Hello” nervously replied Felix in a low tone.
My god, you loved his voice. You adored him, you wanted to do all the cheesiness in the world in public and the dirtiest obscenity in private. Again, you were horny.
“I see you went ahead, you prayed without me” you told him slowly, trying to have a conversation.
You were definitely going to seduce him today. You just wanted to see his reaction and make sure if he also wants to play along and take it somewhere else.
“You w-want to pray?” he replied nervously.
You lifted your shoulders, with an impish grin, “Mmhum, why not” you got down on your knees in front of him without breaking eye contact.
You held onto his leg a little and were left in such a compromising position, right in front of his cock. Felix cleared his throat and took a step back instantly, so surprised by your action, you innocently closed your eyes, as if you had done nothing, raised your chin proudly and clasped your hands together.
Felix wasn't an idiot, but he chose to believe you did it without thinking, he believed so much in the goodness of people, it wouldn't fit in his head that someone so pretty, educated and family oriented suddenly behaved strangely, with double meaning. You pretended to pray, you were not concentrating, you asked god for forgiveness for just thinking of all the shapes and colors Felix's penis could be, while you were supposed to be praying. You stayed like that for a few minutes, not getting tired, you were young and your knees were strong. Felix saw you, with such a straight posture as you prayed, you wore a short white clingy skirt, so short he could almost see little fabric of your pink panties, Felix's heart pounded again… he hadn't analyzed you, you wore a tight top, marking your breasts and showing your navel… he watched you dumbfounded, as if he had never seen a woman before.
You felt his gaze, who would have thought that with his soft looks, he also had a penetrating gaze, you half opened one eye, managing to see blurred that he was licking his lips. You finished, stood up nimbly, almost forgetting to cross yourself from your fake prayer, wiped your bare knees and watched him cheerfully, almost waiting for a command from him.
“Aham” cleared his throat once more Felix, trying to avert his gaze from you, “You have… background knowledge of how to read the bible?”
You nodded, bored, it really wasn't the kind of relationship or lessons you wanted from him. You sat down on the bench, patting your side and inviting him to sit down. Felix picked up his heavy book and sat down next to you, nervous about your closeness. He saw your bare thighs, your skirt getting shorter… after all, Felix was a man entitled to feel, and his body was reacting on its own, he quickly placed the heavy bible on his lap, trying to hide his growing erection he felt so painful, he felt guilty and surprised, he knew he liked you… but seeing you suddenly show a little more skin, turned him on too much.
You noticed Felix, flushed, nervous and with his ears red.
“H-honestly I didn't prepare a class itself, I don't know what priest Kim was referring to, if you occupy any guidance let me know” he spoke, without looking you in the eyes, looking down at the floor.
You sought his gaze, but he was unwilling to look at you, you laughed in disbelief.
“I don't know what he meant either, I only said yes to spend time with you” you said, suddenly, exciting him more with your voice.
You slowly noticed the tension in the room, you were surprised how fast it was going to work with Felix, all you have done is dress in short clothes, you hadn't even made a proper innuendo to him and he looked like he was already struggling with himself, you thought it was amazing, when you really make a move on him he would explode, you thought, you had barely been there a little over 10 minutes and his pretty freckles were tinged with red under his cheeks.
Felix felt pity, shame, and so much guilt, but he could not control himself, his erection was growing more and more and his body was excited, he was not thinking clearly, suddenly lust was filling his body… he thought, what kind of magnetism you must have to put him like this and if, it really was a divine test not to fall into temptation, you were a very tempting and beautiful demon, that Felix would be willing to give himself completely if you continued.
He was so needy, he wasn't a virgin, he lost his virginity when he was eighteen with his first girlfriend, then he had another one at twenty… but the sex was so smooth, so simple and vanilla, but you, oh Felix thought how incredible you must be sexually. Everything about you said so, said you would know how to please him, your confidence, the sway of your hips and your subtle tone and suggestive looks. Felix was losing his mind.
“I want to know more about you” you opened your eyes excitedly, telling him, to which he finally looked into your eyes.
“What do you wanna know?” he asked, in agony, wishing his pain would end soon, his throbbing cock drowning in his tight jeans.
You went back to admiring Felix, he was again wearing his glasses and now had a half ponytail, leaving some of his long hair loose.
“I don't know… what do you do for a living, how old are you…?”
Felix wanted to let out a sigh, but didn't want to look too obvious.
“I'm a computer programmer” you looked at him attentively, waiting for a more concrete answer, “I repair them and install important programs to companies” he added, in a strangely deeper voice than usual.
You looked at him with admiration, he really was a little nerd trapped in an attractive body and face, you would not be surprised if he was a virgin…. or… you bit your lip at the thought that maybe behind his innocent appearance could be an insatiable monster. You also thought about how nimble he would be with his hands.
Felix was normal, a gen Z boy with a job, he grew up in a family environment where his parents always let him express himself widely with who he is and explore his persona, that's why he feels free to dye his hair but he chose the church as a hobby, he adored it with passion, he was religious and wasn't afraid to admit it… however just now he felt like the most vile and sinful being on the planet, he felt dirty, promiscuous and lustful, falling into temptation.
“And you…?” added Felix, standing up suddenly, turning his back to you, to move away. He could no longer stay close to you without his member aching.
Felix regretted it though, now he didn't know how to hide his erection, you instantly followed him, stood up and moved closer to him.
“I don't want to talk about me, I just want you to talk about you” you replied, seductively as you frowned.
You found his attitude strange, almost sweating, he turned his body, for the way his hands clung to the big book, glued to him, curious, you moved his arms, trying to push the book away, but his grip was strong, you looked him in the eyes quickly, in sign of what he was hiding, Felix felt trapped and with embarrassment, he let you take the bible from him, leaving it on the table next to him and surprising you by noticing that your new church instructor was aroused, reflecting with a bulge in his pants, hard.
You bit your lip, so surprised that you literally didn't lift a finger.
“Oh wow, you're seriously excited about preaching the word of the lord” you teased, watching as he increasingly pulled back and held from the desk, pinning his body to the wall, his pronounced Adam's apple quivering nervously, “You're seriously excited” you whispered, bringing your hand to his erection, stroking it.
“P-please don't” he requested, in a halting, excited sigh, “There's people outside. Stop.”
“Actually we're alone, it's the priest's nap time and the night watchman doesn't arrive until eight, the janitor doesn't work on Wednesdays” you told him again teasingly, with a smug smile.
Felix gasped, as he felt your hand squeeze his bulge, you moved up to his chin, watching in detail his thick lips half open.
“Stop” he whimpered.
“Look me in the eyes and tell me to really stop and I will” you commanded, searching his gaze but he never dared to look at you.
Your smile widened, as did the swelling of Felix's cock, he felt so needy and you were incredibly attractive as to be true, it was obvious that deep down, you awakened his sexual appetite that he thought he had put on pause, or at least know how to control.
“Do you like it when I touch you?” you said again teasingly, but excitedly, your panties were starting to get soaked and sticky, you would do anything to feel his heart shaped lips brush against your pussy just now while pulling on his long soft hair.
Felix didn't respond, he just let out a held back moan, all his muscles were tense, all of him was tense, he needed to relax, and you noticed it.
“Why are you like this, Felix? I just want to make you feel good” you told him almost in pleading, with a slight pout and with sparkling eyes, Felix saw your eyes again, finding your pretty and angelic look so demanding and hot, “You can de-stress with me, come on” you smiled mischievously.
And the next thing you did was to remove your top and bra in one swift movement, leaving your young, round breasts in full view and at Felix's mercy. Felix looked at you in fright, and then at your garments which you set aside on the desk.
“No, no, no, no, put that back on” he said nervously in a low voice, reaching for your clothes with his hands.
You quickly caught his hand, then the other, leading them both to touch your breasts, Felix didn't remove himself, he was carried away by the sensation of your hard nipple brushing his palm, he bit his lips, incredibly aroused, able to cum just by touching your tits.
“Just touch me and de-stress a little, aren't they soft?” you gasped.
Very soft, Felix thought, grabbing them with more confidence and squeezing them, massaging them delicately enjoying every second, he had never felt boobs like that, he never thought they would turn him on so much either… his former sexual relations consisted of sizzling kisses, him caressing his penis and then entering his ex-girlfriend's vagina, Felix did not know the slow, wicked and delicious art of foreplay. You gasped as you felt him enjoy your tits and took your hands off him, down to his pants.
“May I?” you asked innocently playing with the button of his pants.
“Yes, please” Felix gasped, needy.
At this point temptation got the best of him, he hadn't even fucked you yet and he was already empathizing with Adam and Eve for tasting the forbidden fruit, it just felt so fucking good, his body was shaking, his cock was pumping and the adrenaline had him on edge.
You smiled, so prettily that Felix wanted to melt, you looked so pretty with your cheeks flushed, your lipgloss and eyelashes curled and a look so dark and evil. Felix thought you were definitely an angel, one cast out of heaven for misbehaving, banished to earth, ready to torture men.
You bit your lip and quickly pulled down his pants, seeing his hard cock between his boxers, you sighed in surprise, so what you had expected… you stroked him over the fabric, taking in from his balls to his entire length trapped in his boxers and, with such a hungry look, you pulled down his underwear, freeing his stiff cock, as cute and needy as he was. You sighed, it was better than you could have imagined, it wasn't small, let alone monstrously huge, it was perfect for filling your pussy to the bottom and moving it without pain. Its pink, sensitive tip was already covered in its glistening precum and the rest of its length was a more slightly tan color, covered in veins. You needed it inside you, now. You took him between your hands, his cock throbbed just like your wet pussy, you would love to get down on your knees and suck him off, but you knew Felix would get so carried away he would lose awareness of his surroundings and you needed to be alert, after all you were in a church where you were supposed to study the bible, anyone could walk in.
And you watched Felix so needy with his red sex and hands squeezing your breast, just this time, you would make him cum in your hand, just because he was a pretty boy and you wanted his nice shiny cum in you, making a mess.
You couldn't help but let out a slight teasing giggle, honestly it wasn't the kind of thing you did, you rarely had sex with college guys because you were very selective with who you let yourself go and satisfy yourself sexually, it wasn't like you went around wanting to suck the cock of any cute guy you could find like you did with Felix either, there was something about him that held you captive.
Felix felt your giggle in every part of his being, the vein in his neck began to exalt and his grip on your breasts became tighter as he felt your hand gently play with his foreskin and then run it up and down his length. Felix moaned, his voice thick, so loud it terrified him that anyone could have heard him.
Your gaze focused on his cock and then you looked into his eyes as you found your pace, pulling on it, stroking it up and down, giving attention to his testicles, teasing his glans with his slippery precum, moving it at your mercy as if it were a toy and a rigid joystick as you watched him with a haughty grin. Felix was struggling with all his might, thinking of nothing but the incredible sexual pleasure you were giving him, gasping in a deep voice "Oh, god" and you felt him so close, his body twitching and his sex throbbing and agonizing for release.
“Cum for me, daddy, please, fill my hand with your cum” you whispered to him, not resisting any longer and moved in to kiss him.
You wondered why you didn't kiss him before, so desperate were you both that you forgot to feel his sweet lips before the dirty act. His lips trembled and let out a sigh, suddenly Felix had cum in your hand, spilling all his glory all over you, you felt his thick warm liquid, you would have loved to see his needy tip expelling his semen, but you were so focused on his lips, you smiled and kissed him again, his lips as soft and sweet as cotton candy, he followed your kiss, embarrassed to have his cock exposed, still he enjoyed your nice romantic kiss, almost making him fall in love with you.
He felt so sorry and guilty, but there was no doubt you would know how to treat him so well. You were still still horny and wet, but you were not crazy enough to ride his cock in a church room, you could wait for him, if it's for Felix you would be so patient with your good boy.
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The next day came, you were so excited about your second encounter with Felix, you wanted to feel his throbbing sex in you again, you wanted to see his every reaction, so needy for your touch with his delightful gasps in the background. However your plans came crashing down when your uncle called, saying Felix couldn't attend which disappointed and upset you, you understood that poor Felix must have been embarrassed, his whole pretty head must have been over thinking all night, but he didn't have to, you want him and you are willing for him to get to fucking heaven if he wants to touch you and you were going to make it clear to him if you should continue… or if he really wants you to stop.
Felix knew he could have sex, like any normal person, but really after not having sex for a while he thought he would be saving himself more eagerly for the woman he would take to the altar of the church; but what hurt him most was that he did such a grotesque act in the presence of god, in his house, he was so tormented that he did not know how to remedy himself, neither praying 100 rosaries, nor going to confession would make the guilt leave his sinful little body.
On Friday he couldn't escape his already agreed welcome to the neighborhood, so he had to see you no matter how much he avoided you. That Friday Felix gave his first catechism class to the kids and went home to shower and get ready, where, in his shower he thought of you all the time, he thought of you in his vulnerable moments, he thought of you the night you touched him, and he touched himself and now he was masturbating to your image in his shower, pulling on his needy cock as if he were a horny teenager, he couldn't help it, he was suddenly full of you.
Felix rang your doorbell nervously, fixing his long hair and clothes almost shaking and letting out a sigh, you ran to your door; as soon as you left the university you rushed to get ready to see Felix again. You opened the door and found him, once again with his half ponytail, big glasses and wearing all white, white jeans, white shirt, and a thin jacket as an accessory.
“Welcome” you said to him with a big smile, letting him pass.
Your whole family greeted Felix, your mother's sister, your aunt, your parents, and your uncle, priest of the local neighborhood church. Your mother suggested Felix to wait a bit in the living room while she served dinner, you followed Felix, sitting next to him, this time you were dressed more modest, still wearing a short skirt, but not enough to show your butt. You wanted to whisper so many things to Felix, but your father was there, asking the poor boy if he was interested in football. Dinner was ready, which saved Felix from your father's conversation and your closeness, everyone washed their hands and, he took a seat as sweetly your mother instructed him and you, who saw your little sixteen year old cousin with every intention of sitting next to the pretty boy in the only available seat next to him, pushed her, to which your aunt sweetly said “Oh, Sally, come sit here.” Your parents were at the ends of the table, your uncle the priest, your mother's sister, and your cousin, sitting across from you at the sides of the table, you and Felix alone. Felix wanted to let out a half-hearted sigh at having you near, but tried to forget all thoughts and focus on a nice healthy dinner.
“Let's pray for food,” your mother said.
Everyone put their hands together and closed their eyes, you did it last managing to see how everyone at the table did, you prayed, oh god forgive me for what I will do, but I can't stop.
You waited for Felix to stop praying, you didn't want to be so mean and interrupt him in his sacred moment of prayer and, when you saw him tenderly open his big round brown eyes, you dropped your hand on his thigh caressing it. Felix opened his eyes, surprised, but he didn't want to show a stronger reaction since he was in the presence of more people, but that never stopped you.
He slyly lowered his hand, stopping yours, again not allowing you to take him into forbidden territory, but he had to pretend to eat, so he took both cutlery while your hand started stroking his member and, like magic, Felix slowly got hard in such a short time, Felix over bit the fork, almost sighing, which caused the attention of the others at the table.
“The food is delicious” he excused himself embarrassed with his red face and a smile.
You were teasing him so much, you squeezed his marked penis in his pants, it was so much fun to feel it, you wanted to sit on it, rub yourself on it, run your face in it, you wondered desperately when it would finally happen. You decided that you tortured poor Felix when you saw him so needy, struggling with not panting, with a smile you pulled your hand away and just kept watching him out of the corner of your eye. But the excitement wouldn't stop or leave Felix's body, he didn't know what to do, everyone was finishing dinner, ready to move from the table, but once he stood up, a visible erection in his pants would be present, leaving him looking like a pervert.
You checked your Felix again, still hard, you looked at him with tenderness and compassion, thinking that the poor guy must and must have suffered a lot.
“Felix and I will clear the table” you went ahead to say.
“But what are you talking about, he is a guest, let your cousin help you” your mother replied, getting up from the table.
“Mary, leave Y/N alone with the boy…” your aunt whispered half-jokingly to your mother, “Don't worry dear, we'll be in the living room, I'll play the piano for a while.”
Felix felt the slightest bit of relief to see the people leave, so he could go towards the bathroom embarrassed trying to calm down…. but he saw you, so attractive and with an arrogant smile, which infuriated him a little, it infuriated him that you can play with him whenever you feel like it.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Felix claimed to you, annoyed, which surprised you quite a bit.
You both stood up from the table and proudly saw his outstanding erection caused only by your minimal frictions.
“We can sneak out to so I can help you with that, daddy” you whispered to him, approaching him ready to stroke him again but he stopped your wrist tightly.
“Don't even think about it and don't call me daddy. Where is the bathroom?” he said again annoyed and domineering, confusing you.
You pointed him where to go and, you didn't know if you were more turned on by his unexpectedly domineering attitude… or if you really pissed him off and had ruined your chances.
Felix ran to the bathroom and cursed internally, every inch of his cock ached, and he cursed you too for being a pretty promiscuous girl driving him crazy, he thought there was no other choice but to make himself cum, so he pulled down his pants and underwear and started to jerk off holding back his every gasp, Felix took his thick swollen cock in his medium sized hands, so sensitive it almost made him shudder, thinking it could be your hands pleasuring him and began to stroke himself frantically bringing him to orgasm, biting his lip hard and throwing his head back in pure pleasure, almost crying. His sixth masturbation since he met you, one after your first encounter, three on Thursday, one before he came to see you and…. one just now in your mothers guest bathroom. Felix dropped all his semen into the toilet and flushed the handle hard followed by washing his hands frantically and maniacally as if he was trying to clean up blood from a atrocious crime he had just committed.
You disappointed, on the other hand, went to listen to your aunt play, until you felt Felix's fresh fragrance and presence next to you, he had decided that he didn't want it to stay that way and that, after all, he was still a normal 24 year old male, in every right to explore his sexuality and, you were cute, close to his age, he liked you, you wanted him, why not give it a try.
“Why don't you… come to my place tomorrow to discuss something…” whispered Felix in your ear slyly in his deep voice.
You smiled broadly, you couldn't wait.
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Saturday, glorious Saturday before your Sunday family reunion at church, Felix finally took the initiative and invited you to be alone. Now it was you, who knocked on the door of his apartment nervously, but he was already waiting for you as he had to let you into the building first. He opened the door with a wide smile, so tender that you wanted to pinch his cheeks, but you only returned the gesture, for some reason, now you felt a little shy, after being the one who had taken all the important steps… You greeted each other shyly and you held out your shopping bag, indicating that you had brought him something.
“Come in, sorry about the mess, I'm still tidying up” he said, after you had seen apartment more neat and tidy apartment ever.
“I brought wine… I guess I didn't give you the proper welcome to the neighborhood” you told him seductively with a smile and dared to give him a quick kiss, which made him blush in seconds.
“I… cooked, well more like baked dessert and ordered dinner” he replied nervously, causing you tenderness.
You smiled at him and you both sat down to eat, bringing up any topic of conversation only to hear his voice and closely analyze the peculiar way his mouth moved every time he spoke, how his eyes looked up when he thought about something and his hands were in constant motion as he chatted about something.
You both relaxed afterwards, with nothing more to say, so you looked around his entire apartment and something of what looked like a keyboard in pieces caught your attention, you approached it, it was on the little table in front of his main couch in his living room.
“You were doing this? What is it?” you asked him with interest.
Felix followed you and stood there with his hands slightly shoved in his pants pockets.
“Oh, it's nothing, just a keyboard, I was just assembling it for fun.”
You looked at him, so tenderhearted, you literally didn't understand anything he said but you really liked him “You're so cute” you blurted out naturally, “Come here” you told him.
Felix sat next to you, obeying you and a little nervous, you approached his face with a smile and he watched you, suddenly you touched his lips, joining you both in an intimate act, you both enjoyed the angelic touch of your lips, but you couldn't help turning it into something more daring, opening your mouth and letting Felix explore inside you, but you noticed him so shy and insecure, you slowly let your body fall over him, you leaned down while your hand nimbly caressed his cock again, he grabbed you by the waist, taking you both into a sizzling and hot make out session.
But you couldn't wait, you were finally alone and it was more than obvious that Felix wanted to take things to another level, so you parted from him, agitated and unashamed, you undressed completely, exalting Felix, totally lost in your naked silhouette, and feeling bad for not having time to appreciate you in underwear, maybe next time; you approached him playfully, taking his shirt, without saying any words and also inviting him to undress. Felix was more than excited, he felt like a first timer exploring sex, as horny as a young man discovering his first porn, you were for him an erotic divinity, exploring every part of him he never thought existed, like the incredible lust and desire for intense sex.
Felix took off his shirt, revealing his thin complexion but marked abdomen, you bit your lip and without thinking twice you got on your knees in front of him, this time looking him in the eyes while you tried to pull down his pants, you caressed his marked abdomen and lowered your hand to unbutton his pants, he helped you to pull it down and playfully you slid all his jeans down his legs, taking them off. Felix gasped as he felt your warm breath near his cock, once again you saw him so yielding, his ears red and his cheeks flushed, you smiled and kissed his stiff cock on the fabric just to tease him some more.
For some strange reason, you loved to hear him so needy, like that time in church when he practically begged you to jerk him off, always so cute and kind not forgetting to say please.
You took his cock, still stimulating it on the cloth, looked him in the eyes and asked, “Do you want me to suck you off, Lix? Do you want to feel my mouth on your cock?”
Felix looked at you perplexed but excited to hear you talk so dirty, but gasped as he felt your tight hand on his member, he felt like he was going to cum at any moment. He nodded encouragingly and desperately.
“Yes-yes please, do it” he requested, pleading with his big eyes and contrasting with his raspy voice.
You smiled brightly and deftly pulled down his boxer shorts, freeing his hard swollen cock, sensitive to have its tip dripping with his precum, so throbbing and ready for use. You took him in, stroking his entire length, stuck out your tongue and your first taste of him was his thick glans, so soft and slippery on your restless tongue, you sucked on his tip, teasing him and causing a little 'pop' sound as you pulled him away from your mouth. Needless to say Felix was in heaven itself, he had never felt this desperate and excited in his life, you were giving him an unforgettable night.
You kissed his length and ran your tongue all around to lubricate it and taste every part of him as you massaged his balls. Even his genitals were as soft as he was, masculine looking, but tender. Felix kept whimpering in a high-pitched whine, unable to control the incredible sexual release that every little thing you did gave him. And finally, you introduced his member in your mouth, making him experience his first blowjob, Felix could not believe it, but it was true, his pasts girlfriends never bothered to satisfy him in such a way… he was always leaning towards the serious and reserved girls and at the end of the day they were, for poor Felix, complete dull in bed, but not for you, you who would love to try everything with Felix. He took his bending index finger into his mouth, biting it hard as he enjoyed the sensation of your cavity embracing his cock while you made eye contact with him, slowly he let himself go, and a little insecurely, took your hair gently, seeing how grotesque and dirty his wet member wrapped in your saliva looked sliding into your mouth, and your hand playing with his testicles, but he still loved it and wondered why he had never experienced it before, why he never felt eager for sex before when it was the most incredible thing in the world, at least for him, right now, and with you.
Felix couldn't take that much, you were stimulating him so well that, with his body trembling and hot gasps, he cummed in your mouth. Leaving you more than happy to finally taste him, he still hadn't finished cumming completely, his trembling, agonizing tip releasing his semen, when you pulled him out of your mouth, just for the pure pleasure of his cum on your lips and face, staining your face a bit with little white drops. You looked him in the eyes, and wiped his cum from your face to then suck your finger, making him hard in moments again, his erection being slightly more painful this time.
You wanted to be touched too, your pussy was throbbing hard and you were so wet and messed up that you wouldn't be surprised if you suddenly started squirting, so you sat on Felix's lap, so unexpectedly, positioning yourself sideways and not pressing so hard on his cock. Felix saw your naked body with closeness, he couldn't believe how amazing you were making him feel right now. You spread your legs, showing him your soaking wet vulva.
“I-I'm so wet, touch me” you whimpered, taking his hand and placing it on your pussy.
Felix bit his lip hard and understood instantly, gently caressing your labia with his fingers and nimbly finding your clit.
“Mmm, just like that, you're doing so good, it feels good” you gasped.
“W-what was that little name you were calling me before?” whispered Felix in your ear, his thick voice making you twitch.
You smiled broadly, unable to believe what he would be referring to and for him to suddenly show a dirty side as well.
“Daddy” you sighed, you would love to call him that, for some reason you found it exciting, he was a little older to you, he was a man with his own apartment and a steady job, he was more mature than you who were still a college student, his pretty innocent face was something easy to fool you with, but he was still your soft and gentle daddy, caressing your pussy with such care.
Felix felt so good, his cock throbbed as he heard you encouraging him, your hand reached for his cock as you enjoyed his fingers gently caressing you.
“Mm, Daddy, fuck me with your fingers, look at my so wet cunt” you whimpered, trying to separate your entrance with one hand so he could see it.
More precum came out of his tip, his cock and your hand was already sticky from your previous activity, and he wondered how many times he had to cum today, how many more times he had to make a mess, Felix thought at this point he could be an easy sperm donor with the generous amount you make him spill, he was being pleasured like never before, he didn't regret for a second not getting carried away with your game, otherwise you wouldn't be like this with him now, on his lap while you masturbate him and him playing with your soft pussy.
Felix let out a ragged sigh and with his fingers he sought your entrance, gasping as he felt the softness and tightness of his fingers slide inside you.
“Ahhh fuck, daddy, yes, fuck my pussy please” you whimpered.
You shivered as you felt him, his thick fingers slipping in and out of you, while his other hand caressed your breast, leaving you so hungry and eager to have your whole pussy filled and busy. You kissed Felix, who was concentrating on giving you pleasure, as if it were a video game console and he had to press the right button to make you shudder, and he was succeeding. By this time you had already realized that he was a bit inexperienced, his movements were a bit clumsy, he was so needy that you felt his cock throbbing hard in your hand, cumming for the second time.
And you, you were so full of active sexual energy and wanted to fulfill your every fantasy with Felix and needed constant stimulation and pleasure, you bit your lip, you stirred a little to reach up to whisper in his ear, “Let me sit on your pretty face, daddy, please.”
Felix looked at you surprised while you looked at him expectantly, he knew what was coming, even in his lonely college nights he used to watch porn, thinking that horny girls willing to experience all positions and last long minutes in sex just stayed there… but apparently you came out of his reality, you were a dream, the only difference was that he wasn't strong enough to last long minutes without cumming, he did it so often he lost count, he just enjoyed what you subtly ordered him to do.
“Get comfortable daddy so I can sit on your face” you said again more lusciously.
Felix pulled his fingers away from you and watched you stand up as you gently pushed him off his shoulders.
“Relax your body for me, daddy, lay down a little.”
He followed your orders, putting his back and head on the lumpy cushion of his couch, and you expertly squatted down to direct your whole pussy into his mouth, Felix watched a few seconds of your swollen pussy until he felt it in his mouth, you both gasped, his cock twitched, and the next thing he knew is that he must please you. Oh his sweet angel, tasting so good. He stayed with his eyes open, he held his hands on your thighs and saw your naked body above him.
Felix licked, kissed, sucked hard every length of your folds, stimulating your clit with his tongue while all your wetness was rubbing in around the area of his mouth and on his chin. You gasped loudly, it felt so good. His upturned nose gently rubbing your mons venus with your pussy smeared in his mouth.
“Yesss, daddy, you're doing so well, you're such a good daddy, fuck” you whimpered, his soft moans into your pussy as he licked it sent exquisite vibrations, driving you over the edge, “P-put your tongue inside my daddy, please” you begged.
Felix once again sought your entrance, thrusting his tongue in, playing with your dilated, dripping hole, bringing you almost to orgasm.
“Fuck, daddy I'm gonna cum” you whimpered in a high pitched tone, and you cum shuddered in his mouth.
Felix, like a good little boy, sucked hard on every bit of your fluid, gulping it down with delight as he felt another orgasm, his abdomen contracted and his cock twitched on its own, so painful and pleasurable, he climaxed all over his marked abs.
You shuddering, got off his face and appreciated the mess of his pretty, swollen lips stained with you.
“I'm gonna fuck you now, daddy” you said again animated and happy, still not letting Felix catch his breath. You positioned yourself on top of him, rubbing your folds on his cock and realized he cum once again, you smiled smugly, “Fuck, daddy, did you cum again? Did you liked my pussy that much, huh?” you said innocently, biting your lip as you held onto his abs, starting to rub yourself on his cock.
Felix loved the softness with which you spoke vulgarities, so he, aroused, dared to say in something that came out of him in a more low tone:
“Fuck, yes, princess, I loved your pussy.”
You were so surprised, his voice almost vibrating your body that you couldn't hold back any longer. You took his cock and directed it to your entrance, letting yourself fall all the way down his length, making you both gasp.
“Mm daddy your cock fits perfectly on me. Do you like my cunt in your cock daddy?”
“Y-yes” Felix whimpered needily as he felt you rubbing all over your wet pussy on him, stimulating his balls.
“Is it tight?”
“Oh fuck yeah, very tight, angel.”
“I'm gonna fuck you daddy, gonna make you fill up my pussy.”
And you began to move, sliding all over his cock, feeling how it was built right for you, yet it felt so tight to your pussy, it drove you crazy. Felix hadn't fucked in years, he never made a big deal about it but now, he was in heaven itself, he could die in your arms and he wouldn't matter, he would leave very well satisfied.
“Oh, fuck, yesss, it feels so good” he groaned.
He held you by the waist, panting deeply between each thrust and movement you brought to his cock, it felt so good, the way your insides embraced his cock, echoing through his apartment with the brutal sounds of your wet pussy colliding with his member. Felix was so close again, the vein in his neck showing, feeling so guilty about cumming inside you, but the feel of your internal organ buried in his cock made him see stars, maybe now he's obsessed with you and the feel of your pussy in him.
You noticed him so close, his hands shaking now squeezed your breasts and you sped up your movements.
“Cum for me daddy, please” you asked him, while at the same time you felt so close too.
Felix squeezed your breasts hard, shouted an “Oh, god” in a rough voice and cum intensely in you, ten times more intense than all the previous times.
You bit your lip, still moving in him waiting for your orgasm until it took your whole body, combining with Felix's cum sliding down his length and into your entrance. You pulled out of him, and gasped at the grotesque act of your hole expelling both fluids.
Breathless and a mess, you let yourself fall back on Felix's heaving slender chest. He wiped his mouth a little, took your face in his hands and began to give you little kisses around your face making you laugh, Felix may have fallen in love with you a little.
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coff33andb00ks · 15 hours
Osc + 1!!
1: tiny hands in big hands <we love a size difference>
requests closed until I catch up <3
You don't like loud music. You hate people being close to you. You suck at dancing, unless it's in your kitchen. And you like alcohol but you don't like losing control of yourself so you only drink enough to relax. Flashing lights give you a headache, and dim corners give you anxiety.
But here you are, drink in hand, music pounding in your ears and lights flashing obnoxiously around you. There's a group of men that you've never seen before here, and their added yells and revelry are adding to your brewing headache.
"Let's go celebrate your promotion!"
When you see her again, you're so killing your best friend. This was celebrating? You'd be so much happier with some good pasta and a binge watch of of your favorite tv show. Maybe a mani pedi. Something relaxing and enjoyable not...
Whatever the hell this is supposed to be.
You sigh and wish you were at home, eyes scanning to find your friends. They went to dance three songs ago. You think they'll be easy to spot, but--
You stumble backwards to avoid being crashed into by one of the men partying hard. He's laughing, almost cackling, and you wince as your drink splashes over your front, staining your light pink top because of course you'd ordered a rum and Coke. The guy laughs, catching himself before slamming into you, and he looks at your empty glass.
"Sorry!" You can barely hear him above the music and he can tell, motioning wildly in a drunken pantomime that isn't too hard to decipher.
C'mon I'll buy you another.
Why not, you decide, nodding. He grins and grabs your forearm, practically dragging you with him towards the VIP section, and you think you see your friends' shocked faces when you're pulled past a group.
The music isn't quite as loud here and you wave off his apologies, taking the napkins he shoves at you to sop up the mess of your top.
"I'm Lando," he tells you, sniffing your empty glass then walking off.
"So pleased to meet you," you mutter under your breath, nose wrinkling as you try to inconspicuously fish the thin straw out of your bra.
"You alright?"
Seriously what is with all the accents? You yank the straw out, squeaking when it slips from your fingers and hits the guy's cheek. He makes a face, cheeks tinging pink.
"I'm fine," you promise. "Sorry, it was - Lando? He bumped into me and, well."
"Sounds like him." The man in front of you smiles ruefully, and as he watches you it fades. "You're not one for clubs are you?"
His accent is so nice. You shake your head, looking around for some place to put the napkins. He takes them from you and shoves them onto a table, then blushes again.
The next thing you know he's taken a jacket off the sofa and is draping it around your shoulders. "Um, your top is kinda..." His cheeks darken even more and he rubs the back of his neck. "See through?"
You almost giggle, finding his embarrassment more than a little endearing. "Thank you." You slip your arms into the sleeves and pull it closed. "Really, thank you. I don't want to flash a bunch of strange men."
"So women would be alright?" he asks with a grin and you do giggle this time, accepting his offer to have a seat.
His name is Oscar and you're so glad he's not a grouch. The only sport of any kind you've ever been interested in was little league softball and you'd been horrible at it, so when the brown eyed man from Australia says he's a race car driver you nod. Lando comes back with a drink for you and it's not a rum and coke but you drink it, enjoying the conversation you're having with Oscar. And when your friends start texting you you sigh, almost sad to go.
"My friends," you say, texting them that you'll meet them at the front of the club. You start to take off the jacket, surprised when he reaches to close it. The spill is dried now, your top sticking to your skin.
"Nah, keep it. Don't want you flashing a bunch of men." He smiles softly and stands, holding out his hands to you.
You don't need his help to stand but you slide your hands into his. They're large, swallowing yours, and you think you may have had a little too much to drink because the difference in size makes you feel fuzzy. He pulls you to your feet, hands still holding yours as you stare up at him. "Thanks," you tell him. And, emboldened by the small amount of alcohol, you lick your lips and lean up on your tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his cheek. You feel his little breath of surprise and his hands gently squeeze yours as you pull back.
"Can - Christ," he groans when his voice lifts an octave in the middle of the word. His cheeks are red and your phone is buzzing with an incoming call. You ignore it, wiggling your fingers against his. "Can I walk you out? And maybe get your number?"
Later, after you're home and showered and have exchanged several texts with Oscar, you think that maybe you like clubs after all.
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barleyo · 16 hours
If ur in twd fandom I would loveee a Daryl dixon age gap fic!! Just him being disgusting over taking her first time? Just a major power imbalance between them. Dont do this if ur uncomfy ofc!! Stay safe bookie <33
Men Who Are Older.
Daryl Dixon X F! Reader (smut)
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A/N: cried happy tears at this request, i LOVE daryl, he's so yummy. dirty old men foreverrrrr!!! i haven't seen all of twd and it's been a while since i've watched it, so this could be super ooc for all i know!! sorry it's short, i wanted to get all my ideas down quickly :3
Tags: LARGE age gap (18-19 and late 40-ish), power imbalance, coercion, p in v, loss of virginity, allusion to anal, creepy old man behavior (ugh i luv it)
Wordcount: 1.2k
You found yourself often visiting Daryl in his tent later in the night when you couldn't sleep. He tried to act like it annoyed him, like your presence was a nuisance to him, but it wasn't. You weren't the most irritating person he had to deal with day-to-day. You were polite enough for your age, you didn't mess around and snoop through his shit. You didn't judge him.
Most importantly, though, you were attractive. There wasn't much hot, young tail to chase around the camp. He liked to think you were his reward for living through hell every day. Nothing like eye candy at the end of the night to ease a hardened man's stress.
It was like most nights when you entered his tent, not bothering to announce yourself. Daryl looked up from the pocket knife he had been mindlessly flicking to eye you down. 
"Shouldn't you be in bed by now?" 
"Yeah, right," you said, taking a casual seat on his bedroll. "What're you doing?"
He clicked his tongue at you on his bed, but sighed and ignored it. "Nothing. Too damn late to do anythin' important."
"Want to chit-chat, then?" You rested your hands on your knees, hoping he would soothe your boredom.
"Do I wanna 'chit-chat'?" Daryl flicked his knife closed and tucked it in his back pocket. "If you wanna chat, why don't you go do it with someone else? You don't have friends your age?" 
"I used to." He didn't say anything, just flattened his mouth at your rebuttal. "We're friends though, aren't we?"
Crossing his arms, he let out a hum. "Whatever you want, kid. Sure. We're real pals."
You spoke about whatever came to your mind for the next however-many minutes with him. Mostly just you babbling on, but it didn't bother him. You could run off at your mouth all you wanted, gave him all the excuse to stare you down and look a little too closely at places he knew he shouldn't.
Eventually, you got on the topic of things you missed about life before. Things you wished you got to experience, things you were slowly starting to forget about.
"I didn't even get to properly lose my virginity before this shit took over," you complained, now laying on Daryl's bed like it was your own. "It really bites, man." 
His eyes widened a bit, arms falling to his legs from their crossed position. 
"Wait, what'd y'say?" 
"Huh? Oh, I didn't get to have sex with anyone before the outbreak," you repeated, not caring to turn to face him while you spoke. "Sometimes, I wonder if I'll die before I get any." 
So many things rushed through Daryl's head at that moment. A virgin? You? It wasn't exactly surprising, you weren't old enough for it to be a shocking thing to hear, but the thought really intrigued him. Made him wonder.
It gave him an idea, and lord knows dirty, old men have even dirtier ideas stewing in their minds.
"That bother you?" 
You finally turned your head over to look at him, eyes looking conflicted.
"I guess, a little. There are bigger things to worry about, but I feel like I'm missing out," you said while trying your best to sound nonchalant. "It's not much of a priority, under the circumstances, you know."
Oh, how wrong you were. It very much was a priority, an urgent one at that. 
"Never know. Could happen, if y'really wanted. Don't rule it out completely," he advised, wiping his face with the back of his palm. "Maybe some younger man might find his way here. Could be an opportunity." 
"Nah, I couldn't go for that. I don't wanna be inexperienced and have to deal with an equally inexperienced guy too. That'd be like hell," you joked.
"Sounds like you want an older man, then."
He called on every guardian angel he had in that moment, praying for you to take the bait. Just one chance, damn it, he wasn't asking for much.
"Yeah, guess so." You made eye contact with him for a brief second, before flitting your eyes around in embarrassment. "Listen, it's getting late, I should go." You pushed yourself up, ready to head back to your family.
Daryl stood from his seat and grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to him.
"I don't mind," he said, dancing around the answer to the question you didn't yet ask. "I know my fair share."
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"Those don't sound like sounds a virgin'd make," he teased. He loved how you sounded. Straight from a porno, just shameless cries and squeals. "You sure you ain't did this before?"
He watched the back of your head shake 'no' while his hand guided along the arch in your spine. Took you a while to learn to keep your head down and ass up, but damn it if you didn't put the knowledge to work quickly.
"Am I supposed to be dizzy?" you asked, voice muffled by the blankets under you.
Daryl chuckled softly, slamming your hips back on him. "Yeah, if the guy's doin' it right. Feel good?"
Your hands clenched the fabric you were laying on, digging into it roughly.
"I think? I—I dunno, 's just so much."
Being the man he was, Daryl took that as a challenge. He flipped you over on your back, cock still rocking into you. He sped up, letting his movements get sharper. 
"C'mon," he muttered gruffly, trying to urge you to place your legs on his shoulders, "you gonna be this much of a problem for the next guy?"
You gave your weak legs a kick, wrapping them around his neck so the shaking wouldn't roll them off his shoulders. 
"No, no," you whined, groping your tits to keep your hands busy, "don't want another guy. He won't be as good as you, Dar." 
How the hell could a few little words get him ramped up even more? He knew you probably didn't mean it, horny girls said whatever their pussies wanted them to say, but the way he fucked you made you believe your own words.
"Yeah? I ruined ya for other guys already?" 
The stark difference between his now softer tone and rougher thrusts confused your brain in the best ways possible. You couldn't focus on just one aspect of him: Daryl was everywhere. In your brain, in your heart, in the very blood flowing through your veins— and, of course, inside of you. 
It was too much, all of it. 
Your walls clamped tightly over him, sucking him in like a vacuum. The clenching of your walls over his dick sent him over the edge, barely leaving him enough time to pull out. He bit the back of his hand, stifling a moan while he jerked himself the rest of the way off, coating your tired pussy with his cum. 
"You didn't cum inside, did you?" You sat up quickly, scooting back a bit. 
Daryl let out a huff. "I'm not an amateur, I know how to pull out."
"Just checking," you mumbled, lying back down on his bedroll, head nuzzling into the pillow.
You felt his dick push up against your ass, prodding between your cheeks.
"I could show you a way that'll make sure no idiot douchebags get ya knocked up," he offered, head desperately tapping against your asshole, "if you want."
A soft sigh came from your chest as you pushed your ass back on him.
"You're an eager teacher, y'know."
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bigfootsmom · 15 hours
Girldads bucktommy are now on my mind a lot. What does the baby call them. What nicknames do they call the baby? Does Tommy cry when they find out they're pregnant? How much cute clothes does she grow out of before they get a chance to dress her in them?
I have questions.
Many of them.
join my club! I've always got girl dads bucktommy on my mind <3 baby calls them both variations of dada/da (but I have been toying with papa; however bobby is 'pah' for grandpa so could get confusing). When annie is older she calls them both dad (eventually she uses the asl sign for 'dad' for tommy 'cause tommy almost completely loses his hearing later in life due to decades of flying). annie is a BIG baby so they don't get to dress her in all the tiny newborn clothes they were given, but she gets to wear a lot of Jee-yun's old baby clothes <3 <3 <3
as for does tommy cry when he finds out...here have a snippet (I'm gonna use this for wip Wednesday):
Buck can feel his chin dimpling under the pressure of hot tears prickling behind his eyes. He bites his lip as it starts to wobble. There’s too much emotion inside of him, saturating his veins and overflowing into every empty space inside of him, threatening to spill over in salty rivulets down his face.  Suddenly, Buck is engulfed in Tommy’s arms and he can feel the rumble of Tommy’s watery “oh, honey— c’mere,” as he tucks Buck in close to his chest. With his face pressed into the familiar hollow of Tommy’s throat and completely wrapped up in the other man, Buck allows some of the building pressure to brim over.  Tommy strokes his back, holding him even closer as the first tears spill over. Buck isn’t sure why he’s crying, but he couldn’t stop even if he tried, the fabric of Tommy’s shirt collar quickly getting soaked. But he doesn’t feel too bad about that, not when he can feel a matching wetness dripping onto his shoulder.  They cling to each other like that, standing in their bedroom with the light from the bathroom spilling out from behind Buck and painting their intertwined shadows on the floor. Buck isn’t sure how long they stay there, but eventually his leg starts to ache and he extricates himself from where he’s wrapped his arms around Tommy. He winces when he sees the dampness left behind on Tommy’s shirt, but then Tommy looks at him with glassy red rimmed eyes and Buck forgets about his tear stained transgression.
tags <3
tagged by @bidisasterevankinard, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @try-set-me-on-fire, @loserdiaz, @watchyourbuck
@loveyouanyway <3 <3 <3
Tagging @usersiren @honestlydarkprincess @swiftietartt @holdmygum @giddyupbuck
@monsterrae1 @father-salmon @devirnis @princessfbi @homerforsure
@mellaithwen @bisexual-buck @buddie-buddie @bibuddie @shyaudacity
@housewifebuck @colonoscopys @lafdhoncho @watchyourbuck @smallandalmosthonest
@diazsdimples @iinryer and YOU if you want to post something <3
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thatbitcheryextras · 8 hours
Hi <3
I wanted to ask two questions, If you are comfortable answering.
One being can i ask what sources of money do you have? (Of course, please give vague answers and i am not even asking anything specific. I am currently 20 and I wanted to get an idea of where to start when it comes to making money)
Second, if you invest in stocks, what are your best strategies to navigate them? Since stocks can definitely be a little risky.
Absolutely, I am very comfortable. No numbers, of course, but I can give a general idea of my financial journey, financial life and any tips that I've learned so far.
Let's start with my financial journey over the past decade. I'm 24 now btw.
Glossary, aka things to keep in mind.
I'm an immigrant from a third world country, dirt poor family (third world kind of dirt poor, do the math)
I live in one of the most expensive areas of a first world country, have since I was 14. So for a decade now.
Since I was a scholarship kid my school did provide some allowance, which was a joke to say the least. & I couldnt speak the language and language class cost money AND my third world little self had never been on a horse before or fencing or any of the fancy extra curriculums and extra classes cost money, which I couldn't avoid because I was on merit scholarship & we got graded on extracurriculars and if I failed I go hoooome.
Which is where my financial journey started, 14. Found a part time and worked within campus and realized real quick unless you're doing it for experience part time jobs are horrible because they take so much time and are so mentally taxing and the people can be so crude and you get paid peanuts, not worth it. BUT my part time allowed me access to the library and you know what they say about knowledge and power (which , btw, is when I read my first copy of Laws Of Power and The Prince, so it wasn't completely useless) and as an international student I wasn't allowed to have jobs outside campus or even leave without school supervision and mandate.
So then, my first (business?) ever that taught me all I needed to know about running a business back then and the ONLY business that made sense- Trading Forex. There werent many yt channels back then so I lost a LOT and studied every second I could spare & I remember my first gain was around 500$. Posh school so that was peanuts but at least it was something. What made it workable is
Isn't time or labor intensive. 20 minutes max early morning and late night
Mentally taxing & requires high analytical skills and pattern recognition so kinda makes you smarter
Isn't capital intensive, I started with about 50$.
Is a lifelong knowledge. I no longer do it but if you woke me up at 3 am I'd easily trade. Nothing has changed.
24/7 market so any time any place as long as you have a broker and the internet and a smartphone you got it
Lesson 2: ponzi scheme. Here's the thing- pyramid schemes are ponzi schemes .that easy. We all know this but in my defense I was a teenager and the prospect of making 300% profit in three months (how could I not see this lol) seemed great. If you don't know where the money is coming from don't invest it's that simple.
My first real investment was 20$ in real estate investment trust (REIT). 20 Because I was still nursing the pain of losing tangible money in some dumb little ponzi scheme. Then realized wait I know NOTHING about money and was too scared to ask my schoolmates bc where I'm from we don't talk about money (no wonder we were dirt broke lol).
Social climbing 101 was a second year thing and one of the friends I made had a brother working in finance, so on the weekend I called in a favor and scheduled a call with him and it was quite eye opening. The little I knew about finance applied to my country only so I desperately needed CoR (country of Residence) perspective, & because of my age and nationality I couldn't really invest much, most I could do was save so that's what I did. Forex and Save. To be clear I hated doing Forex, I still do. It's okay just, my ADHD brain hates it.
Spent my time in high school social climbing, making friends and learning society politics AND maxing everything I could. Here's what I could leverage my relationships with my classmates and schoolmates for
A second scholarship (sport) that paid in cash, so I had upkeep money every semester
A pilots certificate and flight dispatch license ALL IN HIGH SCHOOL for free (a friend was taking it & their parent decided I should join too so why not)
A scholarship in one of the most prestigious universities in the country (I mean I'm smart, but we all know it's a nepotism thing)
My driving license (because some boy was scared of driving & I volunteered to chaperone him around)
Prime real estate for my first apartment , as prime as an immigrant on financial aid could get away with- for half the usual price.
Attendance in some very classy high society events (and therefore growing my networks)
Some very high quality second hand designer items that I sold online for a good buck (do not underestimate the power of 'you can have it if you want. Sell it I don't care)
Mountains of knowledge on how their family businesses are run, politics, a LOT of financial education and access to state of the art facilities that I obviously maxed out.
Vacations and trips to, beautiful places.
This isn't financial exactly, but it did save me heavily on finances and gave me priceless lessons and even better- friends. Here's a networking tip for rich kids- do not be desperate, provide value (everyone has something they want) and suck up to the parents not kids. Never pick sides (neutrality wins) and do not be greedy OR too shy. If you want something, ask what it will take for you to have it.
'what will being your date to X gala cost me?'
Everyone. Has a price. And for rich people, it's not money.
I had someone smuggle me into some event because he wanted to know how to hit on a girl and I taught him. I've received tons of things simply because I was a non judgmental peaceful place for some. Got my flight certificates because girly was crying at 3am and I listened to a trauma dump for 2 hours and smuggled in ice cream. Everyone has a price.
Also, I made friends with the people I knew would go into finance. Or had close family in finance.
After high school first thing I did- getting my LLC. Why? Well, LLCs are a great way to evade taxes legally. I still don't know the math, a finance bro told me to so I did and AND here's the science- every single thing you buy or own that requires insurance goes under your LLC, not your name. I still don't know why bestie but it works.
Second thing I did- buy a business. E-commerce. Why buy not build and why e-commerce?
Most startups fail. Buying a business is buying its already established customer base, work force and working systems. Only thing that changes is who the money goes to.
E-commerce is low effort low risk. You don't pay for storage or taxes on storage or manufacturing or production or- any of that. And, the manpower you need is almost neglible, you can do it yourself.
Luckily I bought just when covid reared her head and that's when E-commerce was the bomb thank God. Here's the thing, I've never met my employees, ever. I don't even remember what they look like. We weren't even in the same country, and they were so easy to work with. 200$ in a marketing specialist by the hour and tripled sales in first month. forgot the thing even exists until monthly analysis hit my email address every end month. A running business is better than starting from zero because it's a self operational machine, you just exist.How did I buy it? My finance bros recommended it to me AND my law friends did the negotiations. Net work. People. Networks.
Second thing I did was close a deal with my finance girlie (finance bro is a gender neutral term btw. Educate yourself). She manages my money and I pay her on commission. I have NO idea what she does with it because my quarterly reports go to my law girlies (usually different ones, and they don't know each other, and usually over tea or Netflix) and I make sure I'm not getting played. For every milestone I reach I pay them a certain bonus. THAT is how I invest, girlie, I don't. I have people that do it for me, so I don't know ANYTHING about the stock market. Sold my business this year (for triple the price I bought it) and in the process of buying another, something I also will not be taking much active part in since I have people for that (just to be clear, I do things for them too. Relationships are an exchange of value, don't you ever forget)
my sources of income are split into 4
• Goodwill
• Salary
• business
• Passive
Salary is my weakest source of income. I'm on probation at my current job and my previous didn't pay enough to even pay my rent, and that was strategic. First, my previous job was purely for the experience. Networking and social climbing, that's it. my responsibilities were almost neglible. Second, because I am an immigrant that was on financial aid. The government is very, very wary of immigrants of my skin color, so I play it safe. Third, salary is taxable income. The more you make the more you pay in tax, and you can not lay that on your LLC.
Goodwill is income that I didn't know I would be getting? Like surprise income. I did a LOT of mentorship in my previous church (I moved recently) and the parents would sometimes pay appreciate me in currency for the value provided to their children. It's a little more than my salary (it always was, every month lol) and it's not taxable. That went to my offshore account (in my home country). On some random day someone decides they like the way you helped them do X and transfer funds. When you give a talk or so. Also, on campus activities sometimes did pay, and it's goodwill because I didn't do them for the money I did them because I wanted to.
business income is something I currently do not have because I currently don't have a business under my LLC BUT if you count BMAC as business I guess you can say so? I'm in the 2% top performers on the or at least I was so it's something. The city I live and the places I frequent 20$ can't even get you coffee so I count BMAC a passive income bc honestly that's not money that's bulk enough to useful on a go to me, but I appreciate it. Also, I've done some business that's not particularly in my line of work. I've done some light real estate (when international friends need a place to stay and I get some commission from helping them find it? Someday I did event planning for a high school classmate that decided they need to party with 27hour time span and decided since Im in the arts (communication Imao) I should be able to. Great to make new friends. Or listing items I no longer on campus sale day. My second largest source income.
Passive income is income you're not actively making. This is whatever investments my finance bros are making, and is my LARGEST source of income. Of course, offshore account. Duh.
You and I both need to learn personal finance, if that helps. It's time I take my finances into my own hands I'm no longer on financial aid I'm a grad, the government has nothiiiiiiiiiing on moi
.Ways I've learned to (budget???? Safeguard my finances??? You get the idea)
1. Closing my black tax early on. Black tax is the money you spend on your family outside spouse and children. It's an expectation that children that live in the first world Must support their families back home, great aunts and grandfather's and their cats- a people of color thing. Made it clear to my aunt's even on my grave they're not getting a dollar out of me, that's for talking crap on my name when I left and being crappy to my parents. You should've known better. To my immediate family- instead of sending money home I opened Investment accounts for them, businesses and taught them easy personal finance. You're on your own now. & Sometimes I do invest in their accounts so dividends got them covered, I'm good. And since it's first world currency against third world currency, they're balling & no one expects me to send anything- you have a job and an account. Do better.
2. investing in relationships .I'm not explaining this I already did, network = net worth
3. expert advice. I ALWAYS get at least 5 opinions from 5 different experts that don't know each other. Friends can play you it happens. Always listen to the experts (experts that don't personally know you and have nothing to lose or gain are the best, and you can pay by the hour). Before I make any decision I get expert advice.
4. Investing in things with high ROI..I'm not buying something I will only use once. I am not buying diamonds just to flex on the gram and pay ridiculous amounts in insurance. If I only need it once, I rent not buy. I budget like CRAZY and take all the classes I need to because education is. power. Investing in my looks, health, education, quality wardrobe and things with a very long lifespan and will be used frequently.
5. Keeping a low profile and being mysterious. That way you can live celeb life without spending celeb money. The girls that get it, get it. The girls that dont-why??
6. Investing in experiences not things.
This probably doesn't answer your question, I know. But I hope it provides value.
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vinestaffery · 2 days
hello!! if u can write illumina … can u pls write some general dating hcs? if u cant i completely understand :-) (if ur reqs are closed IM SO SORRY HHHH)
hihi!! thankyou so much for requesting :3 of course ill write these for you, i absolutely love headcanons because it doesnt run me dry quite quickly when it comes to writing oneshots!!! i hope these were good enough and i hope i was somewhat able to catch illumina's personality!!
Illumina tends to lose track of time, like a lot. Sometimes, he doesn't even realize that you need to be sleeping and he would just love to spend time with you. He can't comprehend the fact of time itself; Day time and Night time are like hallucinations to him. If you were to correct him on such, he would utterly avoid any points you make or make counters, such as him tossing you around and ignoring each time you try to demand being let go. He absolutely loves how you get so mad at him for such a silly little thing!
He is very bird-like, and you can tell by his very bird-like notions. Sometimes he'll accidentally knock into glass-sliding doors and be completely confused. What do you mean there was glass infront of him? There's nothing there! Sometimes, you might even catch his cleaning his feathers at his favourite past-time. He used to get really grouchy about, in which you understood. At the start of your guys relationship, he was quite private, especially taking care of his wings. Now, he's completely fine with you doing so, sometimes even asking you to help.
He'd get really overprotective with you sometimes when you get to meet new people. He likes to let people know you are his. He is not willing to trade for anything about you, and you notice this a lot. Sometimes he'll wrap his arms around you, his wings slowly rising beside him and you and his chin relaxing on your head. He likes to humilate the other while embarrassing you, stating how much you and him are together, flaunting it in others faces. You set some boundaries around this and he followed, but he still likes to let his presence be known or noticed.
Because of your involvement with Illumina, and being his soon-to-be-engagement partner (I tried my hardest to make this as inclusive as possible I am so sorry), you were mostly greeted with gifts from many other deities. Deities such as Windforce, Venomshank, and even Firebrand and his two sons(?). They'll deliver care-packages to display their gratitude and that your always welcome under their care, even though Illumina is someone that they don't really connect well with.
Cuddling with him is one of your favourite things, mostly because you have the ability to embarrass him. Even though he's 7'0", you always big-spoon him. He'd always try his hardest to be the big-spoon, but in the end, he loved the attention you'd give him as he finally gets that big ol' sleep.
He is a horrible cook, but that's okay. Sometimes, it'd be hilarious bakings and dinners, and sometimes near-death from the house burning down. I promise you he doesn't mean it!! But he'll struggle so badly to impress you, which he always successes. You always tend to help him, in which he tries his hardest to shoo you away!! But in the end, the help is always met with great gratitude, cuddles and affection.
Illumina struggles with affection, I'm not kidding. Being unaware of his own presence and being someone so cruel to others, only to fall for someone like you? He struggles. He never had been this affectionate, on both giving and recieving side, but he's always keen to try. When he tried to figure out more, he asked Ghostwalker, someone he knew he couldn't go back to but he needed major help. Sure, they both broke off, but he was willing to try anything. Ghostwalker found it strange, dangerous but was somewhat grateful that Illumina was willing to change. In the end, Illumina came home and was in the most affectionate mood, taking care of you and also, forgetting to check up on dinner in the oven.
He does give you nicknames, but isn't too keen on big major ones. The ones he use the most is, 'My Angel', 'Princess', 'My starlight', or any other cheesy name that he can give you. He varies much and listens into other nicknames he can give you.
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l-e-i-n-t-h · 15 hours
Me judging every character in HOTD
I read the book in 2019, and even then I was Team Black and believed many of the things depicted in the book could be propaganda or deformations cause I happen to be a historian and it's not that uncommon. I'm also 39 and no longer believe in pretty privilege. I've been in tumblr for more than 12 years and I've seen rivers of ink (or bits) flow trying to excuse or overanalyze the actions of all sorts of male characters because they happen to be played by beautiful faces. I've done it myself, but I'm too old for it now.
As a good historian I already declared my biases, so here I go with the characters:
Alicent is a bad mother. Her motherhood wasn't desired nor joyful, so it's understadable but it does affect the way her children are. Viserys was also quite neglectful, due to his health and his personal flaws. Alicent's family reeks of generational trauma, and it's not a surprise coming from such a cold and manipulative patriarch as Otto, who didn't even want to hear his daughter's troubles. As I saw in another post, all of Team Green is touch deprived: they need each other's arms but they don't hug each other as they long for.
I don't give a rat's ass about Alicent's sins. Sin away, woman, and enjoy.
I do slut shame Criston Cole cause I enjoy despising him. Being the genuine murderer he is, slut shaming is just a very small fraction of what he deserves. I see him as one of those guys that resent a girl for rejecting them and then go on to commit mass murder, blaming her for it. I'm not in love with him so I don't excuse nothing of him, specially sending ser Arryk to his death so stupidly and hypocritically.
Aegon is a bad king, who enjoys cruelty not at the level Joffrey did, but to a certain point, considering he raped a girl and celebrated his nephew's death with a feast. Another pretty face I'm immune to.
Helaena is a sweet angel. I miss Blood and Cheese tha way it happened on the book, but the result is pretty much the same.
I already talked about Otto, and we all know Larys Strong is a thousand times worst.
Aemond has always been a little psycho. He was bullied by his brother and nephews, but there's something else to a child who almost smashes the head of a boy 4 years younger than him with a rock. His scene in the brothel makes a lot of sense, and the fact that he believes Daemon is afraid of him is just... hilarious.
Speaking of Daemon, that's another pretty face that doesn't move me in the least. He's an asset for his team, probably the best warrior in the entire show, but he's also unpredictable, violent, irascible and not much of a good father or husband. Matt and Emma have chemistry, but their characters' ship doesn't give me feels, only red flags. Daemon is a walking red flag, the only maladjusted person in Team Black right now.
Team Black is family. They do touch each other. The parallel between Alicent being unable to console her child and Rhaenyra interrupting her son's teary eyed report to embrace him is sublime. Rhaenyra enjoys being a mom, loves her children dearly, and expresses it.
Rhaenyra does suffer a lot. In like ten days she loses her father, her daughter, her throne, her son, her trust in her husband, and sees a brave man off himself in front of her. I think that she is well adjusted, or at least as well as you could expect of a Targaryen in the GOT universe. She loves freely, she grieves as she needs and doesn't choke on her tears, trying to keep a facade. She hasn't become cruel yet.
Team Black's council passes the Bechdel test, and I find it so refreshing. Rhaenys and Corlys make for the perfect power couple, and the fact that Alyn and Adam of Hull are grown men gives me hope their conception wasn't a blemish on that marriage, cause in the book it was.
Rhaenys is the second most powerful asset in Team Black and she's just SO GREAT. I enjoy tremendously the way she doesn't walk on egg shells around Daemon.
Ultimately, if you're in doubt, ask yourself which team do the Starks of Winterfell support. That's all you need to know.
Disclaimer: love whatever character you want, and write whatever meta gives you feels and joy. I just think it's funny, when the episode just arrives, the tag is full of kind of what actually happened, but a few days after it, it's full of metas oozing with love for toxic male characters and eternal hate for the writers for doing murder baby wrong. A character doesn't need to be moral to be enjoyable, though I understand the appeal for having both.
Damn I was young and less asexual once, I swear XD
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lyranix1201 · 1 day
🗣️AJ(follower's, mutuals and random people). COM WATER!!!!
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This art is a crossover between:
The game "Alice Madness Returns" (character clothes used: Alice liddell) and the webcomic called "Nevermore"(character used: Lenore).
And movie "Alice and wonderland"(character clothes used:Alice) and the webcomic "nevermore"(character used: Annabelle Lee).
Sometimes I love being an artist. I can literally combine random things together that have nothing to do with each other, just because i want to and because I can.(They do have some small things in common, but that's a hole other story, I don't even want to start)
I made many little mistakes. Many happy Accident, well drawing. (I ruined Lenore's nose, her head is to big, I hate the way the hands look, the atonamy is weird, the coloring looking weird, my alcool markers not working and slowly making me go insane and other little things). I don't really like how I drew Annabelle Lee hair and the color of it, doesn't really match her hair color. all of those little things were slowly sending me to orbit, but I'm going to ignore it all, for the sake of my own sanity. (I'm a perfectionist and a procrastinator. I literally avoided drawing Lenore's hand's for 4 day, because I didn't want to do it and because I knew that I would ruin it)
I will make more of those in the future, but now I have to finish packing my stuff, because on Saturday and Sunday I will travel.
Also in the future I want to make a digital version of one of the drawing.
When is that going to happen? When pigs start flying.
(It's probably never going to happen, but there is still a chance, so don't lose hope.)
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rou-luxe · 1 day
to anyone that will listen.
i'm truly grateful for everyone and everything this website has offered, from the bottom of my heart. making a tumblr account is one of the best decisions of my life.
i happened to make this account right before some drama that caused me to question my identity, my life choices, whether i should continue to live or not. then, a few months later, there was a death of a deeply beloved family member that weighed upon us all. along with a multitude of other events and stressors, was losing hope
it was a very dark time. but the community here makes me feel like... maybe life isn't so bad. maybe there’s still some good left in the world, an opportunity to be understood. maybe it's the reason i'm still alive today. even the simplest of silly conversations brings me joy. it makes me happy to see my ideas RECOGNIZED.
tldr the silliness helped me cope.
of course, i'm still recovering. some scars will never go away. i still feel like an outsider... there are so many beautiful communities on this site and it feels like i'm invading... but let's make the most out of the time we have.
hopefully i leave a mark on you
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kamisama1kiss · 2 days
Hi! I hope you are well :)
I watched the Haikyu movie Dumpster Battle and what an incredible movie!!! (I was so excited at the cinema that my friend had to calm me down so I didn't short circuit).
I have one lost, I was thinking about the Nekoma boys (your choice) meeting s/o after losing the match
((I felt so bad when Nekoma lost but I was happy that my Karasuno boys won, urgh this movie brought me so many emotions))
Well that's! Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I'm still learning :p (kisses from Brazil <3)
The movie was amazing! I loved it sm and planning to watch it again the moment I can!! Sadly, I walked out before the post crdit scene, but I went on tiktok to see the rest of it, which, by the way, was literally kissable!
Deicide to do 3 of my top favourite characters from nekoma 🫶
Haikyuu Nekoma Headcanons { How would they greet their lover after losing the match }
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~Kuroo Tetsuro~
He had been previously talking and walking amongst some other of the nekoma team, such as Yaku and Kai. Kept an eye out for when he saw you, which didn't take too long, much to his enjoyment. Without much of a word, he went to greet his lover, who hadn't noticed him just yet. "Looking for a volleyball captain?" wrapping an arm around the lovers' shoulders.
"Tetsuro!" You jumped but quickly swaped to a smile, "I was looking for you." Lover had explained, looking up at him while intertwining their hands together. Slowly started to walk around the open room.
"Here I am. Did you enjoy the show?" Hummed from his height, squeezed your hand lightly yet in a wholesome move. "You all did amazing out there." Praising the effort they had put in only made his grin widend a little further. "Thanks, lovey." Planting a kiss on the base of your hairline.
~Kenma Kozume~
Having already hurried down to outside of the changing rooms to meet him, his lover stood there worried after seeing him getting actually hit to the ground and with the ball falling out of his hands. The train of through we're broken when the door opened showing Kenma. "Hey." A lazy expression resting on my face yet hinted with a smile.
"Are you feeling okay, after everything?" His lover spoke gently, tilting their head watching him, receiving a nod in exchange. "I had fun." Spoke simply looking at you. Placing both hands into his red sweatpant pockets. Standing in a shock for a mere moment as all the worry washed away into a happy content expression. "I am glad."
Pushing themselves off the wall while now wlaking down the corridor, "Should we get a snack?" He suggested in a light him, looking over with only his eyes, feeling his body exhausted. "I am down for a bite." You nodded, seeing his hand coming of the pocket reaching to hold pinkies with you.
~Lev Haiba~
Walking over to you with a visbal down smile, reaching for a tight hug. "Today was a lot." Whispering next to your ear, letting go of the embrace. Reaching for your hand, leaning forward when you spoke. "You did great, though." His lover muttered softly, making his frown turn upside down.
"Really?" If he had a tail, it would be going wagging behind him. Compliments always make him feel better, even if he won or lost a match. "Of course i think so." You said with a smile, straightened his back. Flexing the free arm with a the most shit eating grin this man ever had.
He might not have won the match, but he won the award for most supporting lover. "I appreciate your loyalty in believing my strength." Lifting your hand to place small peck on the top side.
Thank you, sm, for 118 followers!!! I'd never believe to have THAT many people would support me!! I appreciate and love every single of you very much 🫶🫶
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unknownperson246 · 2 days
Can you do one with Tommy where the female reader is the lead singer of a band and your drummer gets sick and Tommy is the replacement and they fall in love but your band mates and the dad disapprove
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Words: 1,433
warnings: *smut* *angst* *cussing*
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You are the lead singer in a band called Sapphire Revival. You have 5 band members including you. Jackie the bassist. Natasha the rhythm guitarist. You as the lead singer. Griffyn is the guitarist. and Annie the drummer.  Your drummer Annie got a nasty fever and will be gone for a while. Your band was so desperate for a drummer. Jackie was Your good friend and the bassist of your band. She told you that she knows a drummer who is available right now. She told you he was in the band Motley Crue. He was on break and he wasn't on tour with the band. Your friend Jackie gave you his phone number. You decide to call him and he answers. 
“Hi, Tommy I’m Y/N a friend of Jackie Heart. She told me that you and her were friends. She said that you were on break.  We desperately need a drummer for an upcoming gig we have.  Our drummer is sick right now and I was wondering if you were interested in being our drummer temporarily. I mean I've heard your drumming and I know that you know your stuff.” You say on the phone nervously. 
“Hi. Yeah me and Jackie are good friends. She mentioned you to me. She said that you were an amazing singer.  How long did you want me to be your drummer?” Tommy asks you.
“Maybe around two weeks until our drummer Annie gets better.” You explain to Tommy over the phone while fiddling with your hand.
“I would love to play drums for your band Y/N,” He says as a smile forms on your lips.
“Thank you for considering me to play drums for you guys,” Tommy says over the phone.
“Thank you, Tommy. You should come over tomorrow to the studio where we record around noon so we can practice for the gig.”
“When is the gig?” Tommy asks you.
“July 10th at 4:00 pm. It's at the troubadour.” You answer his question.
“The troubadour brings back a lot of memories,” Tommy chuckles.
“Alright, I should get going,” You say. 
“Alright it was nice talking to you Y/N I'll be at the studio tomorrow by noon bye-bye,” Tommy says as he puts the phone down.
The next day is here. It's 11:00 am. You and your band are rummaging through the apartment you guys shared. You tossed on the clothes you were planning to wear to the gig so you felt used to them while being on stage. You were planning to wear a leopard top with thin straps. You threw on some black see-through stockings. You wore leopard high heels that were bedazzled with gems. It's now 11:30 am and you guys had to head down to the studio. You were all ready and you drove down to the studio with Jackie, Natasha, and Juliet. You guys got out of the car and went into your recording area. You saw Tommy sitting waiting for you guys patiently.
“Hi Tommy, thanks for joining us for rehearsal. The drums are over there. Feel free to warm up no one’s around here during this time. It’s always just us.” You say going to him and shaking his hand.
Tommy goes over to Jackie and catches up on how Motley's tour was. After rehearsal Jackie, Natasha, and Juliet found their rides home. You started your car and it broke down. 
“Shit no please don't do this fuck” You say. 
You get out of your car. 
“Fuck you. You piece of shit” You say in a frustrating manner while kicking the back tire. You realize you're damaging your car even more so you stop.
You lean your back against the car in your heels and your top. You see Tommy walking towards you from his car. 
“I see that your car broke down. Do you want a ride home?” He asks.
“Sure. Thank you tommy. I'm sorry you saw me lose my cool” You say ashamed. 
“Don't be sorry. It happens to me all the time. My corvette has broken down on me so many goddamn times” 
“It's like one moment it's an angel and the next moment-” He says getting cut off by you
“It's a devil” You say finishing his sentence. You both start to chuckle.
“Hey Y/N I think we should get lunch right now.” 
“Sure. Where did you wanna go?” You ask.
“There is this place down the road.” Tommy says.
You both finish your lunch at the place by the studio.
“So how do you like Motley Crue?” Tommy asks you.
“I love you guys. You inspired this outfit actually” You say chuckling.
You both feel a burning passion in your hearts. There is a voice that is telling you to kiss him. Before the voice repeats to lean in and kiss him Tommy starts to kiss you. You both make out in front of a couple of people. You realize that there are people there and you both go to the car. Tommy drives you home and you immediately get comfy on the bed.
“Let's finish what we started,” Tommy says, smirking.
“I love that idea” You whisper in Tommy's ear.
Tommy carefully takes your delicate top off. He takes your stockings off. You throw your heels off. Tommy holds on to your hips and you feel his hot breath on your ear. He smells like cigarettes and cologne.
“Your perfect Y/N I am in love with you ever since I saw you” Tommy whispers softly.
You wrap your arms and legs around Tommy's body. You unzip his pants and start to place his huge cock at your entrance. He starts to pound your tight hole.  He keeps striking your soft spot over and over again. 
“Oh Tommy i’m almost there” You cry out as he grinds your pussy faster and faster.
“Y/N fuck” Tommy says out of breath. Tommy throws his head back and your nails dig deeper in his back. 
You feel yourself getting cockdrunk. Your eyes start to tear up and you feel your stomach in a knot. As you feel yourself coming down from your high you let your cum loose and it goes all over Tommy's cock. You feel something gooey shoot up inside of you. You both hear a knock on the door of your bedroom. It was Jackie. You both put your clothes on and head out.
“Jackie we need to tell you something” You tell Jackie.
“I think I already know.” Jackie says, concerned.
Juliet and Natasha overhear you telling Jackie that you and Tommy love each other. 
“Y/N we need to tell you something” Natasha says.
“I'll be right back Tommy stay here” You say.
“Y/N we dont like Tommy. He seems like he would hurt you. He has cheated on so many women.” Jackie and Natasha say.
“You don't know that he could have changed. We both are in love with each other”  You try to say reassuringly. 
“Y/N just keep him away from us” Juliet says.
“Don't worry about that” You retort to Juliet.
“It's nice to know my friends dislike the person I love” You mutter.
You go to Tommy and decide to live with him until the gig. 
It's now July 10th. The band keeps the equipment far away from Tommy so they don't have to interact with him. After you guys perform the gig you go over to your dad in the crowd. “Hi daddy” You say giving your dad a peck on his cheek.
“Hi sweet pea” He says to you.
“I want you to meet someone dad. This is my boyfriend Tommy.” You say.
“Hi Tommy” Your dad says as he extends his arm so they could shake hands.
“Hi Y/N has told me so many things about you” Tommy says smiling.
“Y/N I need to talk to you”  he says, pulling you away from Tommy.
“Dad whatever it is you can say it in front of Tommy”
“Look, stay away from my daughter. I don't like you” Your dad says bluntly,
“Dad, why would you say that?” You say with an angry tone.
“Well I love him and we are getting married soon” You say to your dad.
“Is that true?” He asks Tommy.
“Yeah we are” He says to your dad. 
You and Tommy walk away and you decide to leave Sapphire Revival. You and Tommy get married after a couple of months. Tommy brings you along on tour with Motley Crue. 
(These were the things she was wearing btw)
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