#i'm just going to pretend she has a mouth to make things easier
webslingingslasher · 11 months
and peter never shuts up about trouble to may
she teases him for it all the time and when they finally make it official may tells trouble.
“i just knew you were the one for him, he always talks about you. that boy is head over heels”
trouble and frat peter are total endgame
may, never one to complain about another friendly face, was smiling hard at you.
'oh, hello! peter didn't say you were joining this weekend.'
she was extremely happy, it was the first weekend she's seen you after your split. she assumes her nephew made right like he said he would, it had been a quiet few weeks on peter's side.
'he wanted it to be a surprise, did it work?' may answers with giving you a tight hug, 'very. i missed you,' she lowers her voice, it doesn't do much. 'and he did too.'
'may.' peter doesn't like his secrets being told.
'oh, i know he did. he cried.' your hip was pinched, 'hey. no more.' he really doesn't like those secrets being told.
may gives another gentle squeeze before stepping back, she's about to give peter his own hug until you elbow him.
'sorry, i thought embarrassing you was in my job description now.'
'i'd prefer if it wasn't.' you loop your arm around him and lean a cheek on his shoulder. 'deal. can i still do it in private though?' immediate agreeance, 'absolutely.'
may sees nothing but pure love, she really hopes peter does it right this time around. peter places a kiss on your hairline before gently loosening his arm. 'i'm gonna set our stuff down, two seconds.'
it's more affection he's ever been open to sharing with may, she's caught kisses and soft touches before, but she can't place a time he's willingly done it in her eyesight. peter knows she'd tease him too much.
'i see things are going good?'
you feel shy, peter said he wanted it to be a surprise.
'very. i'm really, really happy. he um, he told me about everything.' may knows exactly what you're hinting at, not that her nephew filled her in on his plans. 'and everyone?'
you laugh lightly, 'yeah. i'm still trying to wrap my head around that, i have this weird new sense of worry now. i don't know how you do it.'
it's comforting she has someone to relate the anxiety to, it's a new feeling and it's something she never thought she'd be able to share.
'it gets easier, but it never goes away.'
'hey, hey, hey,' peter's voice becomes gradually louder when he picks up on the conversation. one look at you and you know what he's about to say, you can't even try to stop the smile.
'i just got her, let's not scare off my girlfriend, may.'
a sharp gasp, hands cover her mouth. 'shut up! you're lying!'
peter plays cool, 'i told you i was going to fix it.' you nod approvingly, 'he really did. he even... peter, you wanna show her or should i?'
'oh, i got it.' your boyfriend clears his throat, 'i love you.' loud and proud. it doesn't matter if he's said it a hundred times in the past month, it'll never get old. 'i love you, too.'
peter looks at may, 'you were right. there's nothing compared to that feeling.' your bottom lip pokes out, 'aw, petey!'
'i knew it! i knew you were the one and i knew he'd figure out a way to get you back and ah! i just knew it!' you were held tighter than before, a squeak has peter crossing the linoleum to your side.
may releases you to tug her nephew in for his own hug, she holds him tighter than you think you ever have. it's warm to know she wanted this just as much as you did.
'i'm proud of you,' it was quiet, not really meant for your ears. you'll pretend you didn't hear it. 'thanks, i am too.' since everyone's caught up and you have no reason to feel like a slight stranger, you hum around their bodies on a mission to the kitchen for the cookies you've been smelling since the second you walked in.
mumbling around a snickerdoodle, 'is this an okay time to tell you that i'd much prefer a batch of peanut butter cookies?' may turns to you with an amused look, you may have led on that peter's favorites were your own.
'what? i didn't want to feel like i was changing the routine. it's peter's fault, he knew and kept letting me lie.' peter clicks his tongue, 'oh, no, no, no. don't blame me, i told you i'd ask and you said i couldn't be trusted.'
'yeah, but,' you look at may for support. 'have you ever been at a friends house and ask for something and instead of your friend covering for you they're just like 'mom, may wants a popsicle!' and you feel like punching yourself in the head cause like, why would you do that to me?'
peter gasps, 'i would never! i would conceal a murder for you in ten seconds, you think i'd sell you out on some cookies?' may holds a hand to her chest, 'i would love to make you a batch of peanut butter cookies, or we could make them together and talk about peter.'
he shuts it down in a second. 'no, no talking of me. thank you.'
'well, since you're my boyfriend now i think i should finally be able to hear your embarrassing stories.'
'no, not allowed, trouble.'
'but i already love you!'
'and i'd prefer if we keep it that way.'
'i've loved you longer.'
you always have to one up him.
'fine. you get three, and nothing from middle school. we're not there yet.'
your teeth sink into a snickerdoodle, happiness you've never felt before hasn't faded in a month, if anything it's gotten brighter. you could really get used to this.
may can't remember the last time her apartment was filled with this much love.
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the-boy-meets-evil · 9 months
all i want for christmas - xmh (the8)
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(where you want minghao for secret santa so you can prove he's not really that hard to buy something for.)
pairing: minghao (the8) x gn!reader genre: friends to lovers | fluff rating: sfw (but i still don't want minors interacting) word count: ~1.8k warnings: none, really. this is just fluff and a secret santa exchange. no pronouns used for reader.
a/n: this is for @k-vanity's 25 tips for surviving the holidays. day 14 - secret santa 💕 i'm also counting this as a drabble.
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“Are you sure you want to trade for him?” Mingyu asks, eyeing you suspiciously.
“For the last time, yes,” you huff out. 
Are you actually sure? No. But, this plan has to work. Every year you and your whole friend group draw names for Secret Santa. This year, you were really hoping to get Minghao. For a lot of reasons you’re not trying to share with Mingyu. Thankfully, he’s terrible at keeping secrets from you and had instantly whined about getting the hardest friend. He’s relieved you want to trade, even if he’s also a little suspicious. Not suspicious enough to hold onto the most difficult person to buy for, though. 
“Your funeral,” he says with a shrug. “Who’d you have again?” 
“Seulgi,” you remind him.
“Oh that’s so easy. She leaves notes about what she wants everywhere,” he says, satisfaction plain on his face. 
“So does Minghao, if you know where to look,” you add, keeping it a little vague.
“If you so say,” he says.
Mingyu’s not suspicious enough to look a gift horse in the mouth. Literally. Minghao is famous in your friend group for being difficult to buy presents for. Famous for not even pretending to like a present. You wonder how many presents he’s taken back in exchange for something that he wants more. Which does make the whole thing a little more daunting, especially because you’re not supposed to spend over a certain amount. That’s the whole premise of doing a Secret Santa with your friends. It’s so that you don’t have to go broke buying presents because you have a lot of friends. Of course, you’re all older now than when you started as broke university students. Still, it’s nice to hold onto the tradition. 
Now that you’ve switched, you’re nervous. Everything in your plan got you to the point of switching (and kind of how to pull off the perfect gift within your budget). You haven’t considered what he’ll say or what you’re going to say to him. Or if you’re even going to admit what you went through to make sure you had him in the exchange. You know you should just rip the band-aid off. Easier said than done, though.
The reality is that you want to be the one to give Minghao a present for a lot of reasons. You want to be able to get him something he’ll actually like. To show him that you listen to him and you know him. To show him that he’s not actually that bad to buy for, because you can tell it gets to him sometimes. That he thinks he’s just difficult, which he definitely is, but there’s more to him than that. There’s also the biggest reason you wanted to pull his name. That you have a giant crush on him. One you’re shocked he hasn’t picked up on and just as shocked other friends haven’t seemed to pick up on, either. Well, except for Seulgi. Then again, she never misses a beat. It’s useful that she knows, too, since you’re planning to ask her for help in securing the perfect gift. 
(Seulgi comes through, like the actual best friend in the world, with a killer discount on a beautiful designer scarf. Minghao hasn’t eyed that exact one, but you think you know him well enough to know that it’s still something he’ll like. It fits seamlessly into his style and it’s the kind of thing you can easily see him buying for himself. True to her word and the plan, Seulgi set aside several pieces that were returned because the brand had really weird rules about reselling things that left the store. They take returns because of the goodwill with customers, but never resell the items even close to full price.) 
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When it comes time to actually exchange gifts, you’re a little nervous again. Didn’t think it through that you do this as a group, so everyone will see what everyone else got. Including the care put into your present for Minghao and the obvious, at least to you, significance. As if sensing your nerves, Seulgi shoots you a warm smile, then directs you to take a couple breaths. 
“I get to open my present first, right?” Soonyoung calls out. He’s already looking through the presents on the table. 
“You go first every year,” Seungcheol points out. 
“Right, so it’s tradition,” Soonyoung agrees. 
“Or maybe someone else could go…” Seungcheol starts. 
“Got it!” Soonyoung calls. 
“Just let him have it,” Seulgi laughs out.
As it turns out, she had him and got him a silly tiger plush and also a ticket to go to a drive through safari experience where they had tigers. Unsurprisingly, it’s a strong start and Soonyoung is thrilled. Seulgi opens her present next and it carries on just as well. It seems that everyone likes their presents, at least so far. Though, someone makes a joke that Minghao hasn’t gotten his yet. You’re still deep in thought and worry when you finally realize that your friends are trying to get your attention. It seems like it’s your turn to go next. Still somewhat lost in thought, you find your present. It’s easier because there aren’t many left and one of them is the one you bought. 
The second you open your present, it’s all you can think about. It’s a beautifully decorated scrapbook, so carefully put together that it almost makes you want to tear up. You start flipping through the pages and it’s like walking through all your favorite memories with your closest friends. The road trips and the sporting events. Concerts and beach days. Bonfires and drunken parties. A complete catalog of your best memories, without you even having to tell whoever made it. Each page is uniquely decorated without it being overdone. As you’re flipping through each page, you notice that there’s one person in more pictures than anyone else. Minghao. Is it that obvious to whoever made this that you have feelings for him? 
“I hope you like it,” Minghao says and he actually sounds nervous.
You look up at him, surprised. “You did this?” 
“Yeah, I realized after I wrapped it that I forgot to include a card,” he admits. 
“This is honestly the best gift I’ve ever gotten, thank you,” you say sincerely.
Seungcheol breaks the moment with a laugh. “Looks like you’re up next, Hao.”
“Right, yeah,” Minghao says. He clears his throat as he stands up. 
It’s a little hard for you to figure out where to look. You’re so enamored with the present you got from Minghao that you want to keep looking through it and appreciating the little details he put in. You find yourself aimlessly running your fingers over the pages. But, you also want to know what he thinks of your present. The real reaction as he opens it. Which does win out as he sits back down with his present on his lap. He’s careful as he unwraps it, almost like he’s preparing for whatever is inside. Over the years, he’s definitely been a little better about reacting to presents. Maybe he’s worried this will be another present like that. You know watching his reaction was absolutely the right choice when his eyes go wide and his mouth opens a little in shock. His fingers run over the fabric carefully before he reaches for the card. The smile when he reads the card is so genuine that your heart melts into a puddle. Maybe it’s more than a crush.
“I don’t know how you did this and stayed under budget, but thank you,” Minghao says with more emotion than you’re expecting. 
“Hey, yeah, that’s a foul! You can’t go over our budget just to get him something he wants,” Mingyu argues. 
“It wasn’t over budget, I sold the scarf. I have the receipt still,” Seulgi says.
“That’s even worse!” Mingyu argues with a pout.
“You’re just mad that someone finally got Minghao the perfect present,” Seungcheol teases. 
“I hate it here,” Mingyu says.
The conversation turns back to the remaining presents. Nobody really seems to have another comment on the moment that passed between you and Minghao over the presents. Neither of you has ever gotten the other for Secret Santa like this and it’s gone much differently than you expected. Instead of feeling nervous, you’re feeling a little hopeful. At least if your present is anything to go off. Minghao’s never put this much effort into a present. Not that you can remember, at least. Maybe, you’re not trying to get ahead of yourself, but maybe he feels a little something more for you as well. 
You’re a pretty disengaged from the conversation, especially once everyone finishes opening their presents and things turn to what movie to watch. Instead, you head into the kitchen to get someone to drink, missing the way Minghao’s eyes follow your movement. A little surprised when he appears in the kitchen with you.
“Thank you again,” he says quietly. It still makes you jump a bit. 
“Oh!” you gasp. “You’re welcome. I’m just glad you liked it. I know it’s kind of simple.”
“No, it’s perfect,” Minghao disagrees. “How did you manage?” 
“I told Seulgi that I had you and roughly what I wanted, so she set aside some returns. Only ones that came back immediately and clearly hadn’t been worn,” you rush out. 
Minghao’s touch on your arm is gentle, instantly calming. “I’m so thankful you got me.” 
“Me too,” you agree. “Well, I didn’t, actually. I traded with Mingyu.” 
“You did?” Minghao asks, seeming surprised but also pleased.
“Yeah, I wanted to get you something,” you say.
“I did, too,” he answers softly. “But, I was lucky enough to just draw your name.”
“Your present was amazing. I meant it, it’s one of the best I’ve ever gotten,” you whisper.
“It’s what you deserve. I know I didn’t spend much,” Minghao starts. 
“No, it’s everything. I can’t imagine how much time you must’ve put into this. I’m not sure anyone’s ever done anything so thoughtful for me,” you assure him, eyes soft on his. 
“You deserve only thoughtful things,” he tells you. 
“You, too,” is all you can say.
“Do you think, well, would it be weird if we got dinner sometime?” he asks and you can’t hide the shock. 
“Let’s go, you two!” Seungcheol calls.
“Like a date?” you ask, unable to believe what you’re hearing.
“Forget it, it’s weird,” he backtracks. When he starts to leave, you grab his arm.
“Yeah, I’d love to, but only if it’s actually a date,” you tell him. If you thought the smile over his present was big, this is infinitely bigger. 
“How about right now?” he presses.
“I don’t have anywhere else to be,” you agree. 
“Then, let’s go,” he says, hand held out for you.
And you take it. It’s one of the easiest decisions you’ve ever made. You didn’t even have to tell him that you’d been thinking of asking him the same thing. The holidays truly can be so magical.
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i hope you liked it! please let me know your thoughts or give it a reblog if you enjoyed it 💕
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steventhusiast · 1 year
STWG daily prompt 14/9/23
prompt: "You know what? It's not me, it's you."
pairing/character(s): steddie
Steve tries to ignore his father's irritated gaze as he eats his food. Bringing Eddie to a rare dinner with his parents was definitely a bold move, but he knows that if Eddie wasn't here he wouldn't survive it. Steve could barely force himself to come back to Hawkins for it, but his mother had guilted him into it.
It's so hard to pretend not to be hurt when his parents ask him things that prove they know nothing about him. (Especially now that he's nearing thirty and has started thinking about having kids himself.) But it's easier with Eddie's hand on his knee, his thumb rubbing back and forth for comfort.
"Steven, I thought I told you this was a family dinner." Robert says, pointedly looking over at Eddie.
To his credit, Eddie looks very comfortable despite the uncomfortable situation. He's meeting Robert's eyes for the subtle glares, and hasn't toned himself down at all. Steve's so glad he's here.
"Yep. You did." Steve answers his father, voice clipped.
Robert rolls his eyes, and that's when Linda finally speaks up. She's nicer about things than Robert is, but it couldn't be more fake. She offers Eddie and Steve a very tense fake smile.
"I think what Robert's trying to say is that we didn't expect you to bring a friend, sweetheart."
This time Steve rolls his eyes. How many times does he have to come out to them for them to stop ignoring it.
"Eddie's not a friend, mom. You know this."
"Steven." Robert warns.
"No, dad. I'm fucking tired of it." Steve says with an incredulous laugh, and Eddie gives his knee a gentle squeeze to catch his gaze.
"It's okay, Stevie."
The sweet tone of Eddie's voice calms Steve a little, and he's about to take a deep breath when Robert slices through the sweet moment.
"Now you're letting him call you a girl's name? I can't believe what this miscreant is doing to you, Steven."
Eddie rolls his eyes at the comment, and from the set of his jaw Steve knows he's gritting his teeth to hold himself back.
"You used to be such a lovely boy, Steven. But if you're still... Adamant about this lifestyle, then I don't know if we can support it. It's very unreasonable and irresponsible of you." Linda adds on.
Steve laughs again at the insinuation that they've ever supported him at all, and lifts a hand to run through his hair as he thinks through his next words.
"No, mom. You know what? It's not me that's being an unreasonable piece of shit here. It's you two. You practically dragged me back to this shithole because you're 'grieving' grandma. I didn't want to come. I don't want to be here right now. But I am. And you're just..." He trails off and makes a vague gesture to the two of them.
Linda's mouth has dropped open from her own son swearing at her, and Robert's face is twisted into an expression of anger. Steve doesn't know why he thought this was anywhere close to a good idea.
"I mean what is this? Why am I here? I am twenty nine years old, and I will not sit here and listen to you talk to the man I love like this."
He makes direct eye contact with Robert as he speaks, not softening his glare at all. If his parents are going to drop the facade of respect, so is he. In fact, after glaring at his parents for a few seconds, he just gets up, grabs Eddie's hand, and pulls him toward the door.
"Fuck this." He mutters as they leave.
"That sucked." Eddie comments once they're in their car, and Steve huffs out a strained laugh as he nods. Now that they're out of that situation, and his adrenaline is starting to crash, inexplicable tears are starting to well in his eyes, "But you have also never been hotter. Standing up to the man like that? Most elaborate foreplay ever, Stevie-bee."
And then the ridiculousness of that comment shocks a laugh out of him, and the tears are gone. He grins over at Eddie and shakes his head at how Eddie's clearly holding back his own laughter.
God, he loves him.
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glisten-inthedark · 6 days
I don't know if I'm more chill about Byler endgame because I have the intel that people didn't have during volume 2 or what, but to any other ending that doesn't involve Byler becoming canon would just make the Duffer brothers the worst writers in the history of ever.
Because what do you mean you have a gay character that doesn't believe he'll get a happy ending only to prove that you know, he's right? How would that make any sense?!
I've said it before and I'll say how many times I have to: They could've made Will in love with literally anyone else. I don't know, some boy from Lenora, some other guy from Hawkings, hell, even Dustin was an option. But noooo, they instead chose to make him in love with his best friend.
They could've presented another male character with Argyle, instead they spent God knows how much money of their budget getting every Byler scene just right. Who would give this much dedication to a sinking ship? Like, they literally talked about how they had to wait during the day just so the lightning was just right during the van scene.
And also, the lighting during the cabin scene as well? Because that must have taken them ages to get it right. For the line to poor down only on Will, and that's not an artificial light, is literally the sun. So you're telling the Duffers were going to waste precious time getting these scenes just right but you know what? They don't mean anything at all, forget about it.
And to further drive the point home, the storyline makes no actual sense from a logical standpoint. Remove Byler. Let's all pretend we don't ship for one second.
Why in the world would they make Will in love with Mike of all people? He could've been gay without having to be that in love with someone. I know I'm repeating myself but I have to because I don't think you guys understand how senseless this plot is if they're not going to do anything about it.
And I mean senseless in the sense that it literally has no use to the plot (that we know of which is why I made that post about how Will's love will be fundamental to the story).
And not only that, not having Mike go with El to the Nina project thingy literally stalled their progression which is a huge deal. I know some people don't like that Byler was removed from the supernatural plot, but I for one think it was a necessary evil to allow Will to explore his feelings and for Mike to miss him.
And to honest, even if the writers are the most douchebags to ever douchebag, it still wouldn't explain the amount of care they took in every Byler scene. It wouldn't explain how whenever we are in Mike's POV, is like he literally sees Will like this shinning beacon of light.
Because if they wanted a quick cash grab on the expense of the queer community, I can assure you there are easier ways of doing it. I remember when I was at the Sterek fandom and J*ff Davis was an ass about the ship during interviews. I remember how Tyl*r P*sey made terrible comments all the while they were clearly using the shippers in the series. And yeah, while I do agree Teen Wolf wasn't necessarily queerbait because there were actual queer couples, it still left a bitter taste on my mouth.
The way they built this, they didn't give themselves an easy way out. It would be one thing if Will was gay but not in love with Mike, it's a completely different thing for him to love Mike so deeply that he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness for him.
The writers made him to me irrevocably in love with Mike. (You don't make her (him) feel like a mistake at all), El (Will) needs you and she (him) always Will. These aren't the words of someone that has a crush or whose feelings are fleeting, these are the words of someone who would rip his heart out just so that the man he loves can be happy.
These aren't the words of someone that can be just be: yeah, I moving on from this. Mike is Will's heart.
So sure, Will needs to discover self acceptance and self love. He needs to recognize that he can be happy and deserves to have happiness, but if that was the entire point all along, he literally could have figured that without having to be in love with his best friend whom he believes will never love him back.
If the sole point of his arc was: Needs to learn how to accept himself for who he is, there are other - less cruel - ways of going about.
Because at the end of the day, making Will to be this deeply in love with Mike only to be rejected is just that: pointless and cruel.
And again. Pointless.
The GA already believes that to be the case, the Mil*evns too, Will also believes that. So why would it be a conflict at all if it was actually the case?
Why would they make a slowburn reaction? Will already thinks he was rejected, that's the thing. He already thinks it's hopeless.
So why would they use the painting? Why would they frame everything as a love triangle? Why not get this shit over already?
Why pair them together with the already canon couples?
At this point I'm just rambling and repeating myself. I'm gonna sleep, but I hope I was coherent enough.
You guys are welcomed to chime in, I love to hear your thoughts on that because I feel like I wrote all of this before but I'll say however many times I have to.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
🌈 Happy Pride! I would love to see more of Charmed The Once and Future King, Chris.
Part 1 2 3
"You lied," Piper says, the derision in her voice something that he should be used to hearing but he still has to force himself not to flinch.
"I didn't," he says, trying not to come off as defensive because that will give them something to rail against. "I am a whitelighter and I never said I wasn't a witch."
Paige raises an eyebrow but he doesn't give in. He is lying to them, about lots of things, but he's going to cling to his moral high ground where he can.
"Do some magic," Phoebe demands.
He stares. "I'm not a magician at a child's birthday party. Besides, most witches only have ambient magic."
"I think I'm getting the hang of your whole lying thing," Paige says. "I'm assuming your mother was a witch and your father was her whitelighter, which means she has a hell of a lot more of ambient magic, and you probably do too. Besides, you're King Arthur. You must have enough magic to pack a decent punch."
Telekinesis isn't an uncommon witch power. But it was Prue's. They're going to make a connection between them.
"I've frozen you before," Piper says. "You can't be a witch."
He shrugs. "Are you sure about that?"
Her eyes narrow and he's expecting it when her hands splay out. He feels her magic brush against his skin but this time he just shrugs it off, which is actually far easier than going against his instincts and letting it work.
He spreads out his arms in demonstration. "That enough proof for you?"
"No," Leo answers, eyes narrowed. "Use your power."
Some powers specific to evil. He's clearly expecting Chris to throw fire, and Chris can't help the irritation in his voice when he says, "If I was evil, I'd be a darklighter, and it would be really obvious."
"Maybe," he replies. "The only half whitelighter, half witches are Paige and Wyatt. Maybe it works differently."
He narrows his eyes and jerks his head up. Leo shouts as he's ryised several feet into the air. The sisters are staring at him, just like he was afraid they would. He pretends he doesn't notice. "Sorry, Leo. Telekinesis is a neutral power. If I start throwing fireballs, that will be a surprise to the both of us."
Piper's frown deepens. "When - is that why you're so worried about Wyatt?"
For a moment, Chris doesn't breathe. Has she finally figured it out?
Phoebe snaps her fingers. "They did describe him as the second coming of Merlin - I didn't think they were being literal."
They've skipped over the most obvious truth and hit on a much deeper one.
"Yeah," he says, mouth twisting. "Wyatt is Merlin the same way I'm Arthur. But something went wrong. There is an evil so great that I can't defeat it on my own and it's the reason that in the future Wyatt isn't by my side. Saving Wyatt puts both our destinies back on track."
He was supposed to be the king. Wyatt was supposed to be his friend and his guide and his knight and, most importantly, his brother.
The Wyatt of his future is right about one thing.
They were always meant to rule together.
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
reading ur fic one step three steps rn and I don't usually read oc-insert fics but ichigo is SUCH a menace I love her to death... and the idea of this feral, unchecked little kid being put in kakashi's care is so good. he's gonna suffer so much but it'll be good for him I think 👍 anyway I can't help but wonder how things would go down with the whole. obito thing. because I can't help making everything about my favorite insane guy. do you think they'd bond over their love for making kakashi suffer. do you think they'd bond over their shared affinity for chaos. I don't know I just!! think they have so much potential as a duo ANYWAY sorry for rambling have a nice day
I'm also kind of in the boat of not especially liking or reading oc centered fics, I think making Ichigo was a bit easier for me than it would have been otherwise bc I really went into it treating her like a plot divice. Still am tbh. I love Ichigo but the story isn't there for her, it's there bc of her. I needed someone to stir shit up and bring up some very specific topics and issues, so she became that. And I fell a little in love with her character along the way
Inevitable tbh, it's probably impossible to write a character that much without finding or molding them into something you can like writing
Kakashi absoloutley deserves to be harassed by tiny children, and now he can't escape bc Ichigo is in his fucking house!! She's gonna bring back more (even tinier) children to harass him, starting with Naruto. He will never know peace.
I have so many notes and plans laid out for One Step Three Steps u don't even know
Anyways spoilers for the eventually Obito introduction in the fic, take a snippet for his introduction (it's liable to change tho, we won't be seeing Obito for a while in the fic)
"I . . . am Madara Uchiha."
Ichigo opened her mouth. Closed it. Opened it again.
Finally, in her flattest voice, she went, "No you're not."
The imposter paused, then shook his head and gave a sinister chuckle. It was a decent enough imitation but she'd seen Hashirama give a better Madara impression.
While drunk.
"I understand it's hard for you to believe, but the stories of my death were greatly exaggerated."
Ichigo aimed her best impression of Ojisan's unimpressed face at him. Lip curled in distaste and head tilted to stare down at him like he was a bug.
He twitched. It was a pretty good impression. (Better than his Madara one, anyways)
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am."
"No. You're really not."
"Yes, I really am."
They stared at eachother, locked in stalemate, till she smirked.
"Ok sure, you're Madara-sama. What's my name then?"
"Come on, Dara-chan," she batted her eyes at him innocently. "I'm sure you can remember."
He seemed to regain control of myself, straightening up and giving another echo of what might have been Madara's laugh. If he was a crazy cave hermit who'd decided to inject a gallon of cringe fail evil villain juice into his laughter, anyways.
"Come now, Ichigo, I know it's hard to believe but it really is me."
"Ha!" She shoved her hand towards him, pointing triumphantly. "My real name is Hatake Miko! I gave them a fake when I got here, and if you were the real Madara-sama you'd know that!"
"O-of course, Miko-chan, I was just testing you. I had to be sure you were the real Miko I remembered, after all."
"No, I lied I really am Ichigo." She deadpanned, giving him a little peace sign.
He staggered under some invisible weight, making a noise like a popped balloon.
"I don't usually kill children, but . . ." He mumbled to himself, and she scoffed.
"You don't even have his hair." She squinted at him, feeling insulted om Madara's behalf. "You're pretending to be Madara with hair like that? Have some standards.
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chronicowboy · 2 years
Buck loves kids. He's always loved kids. Well, apart from ages eleven through fourteen, but in his defence, middle school kids are quite literally evil. Like spawn of satan evil.
Apart from Christopher. He's an angel.
But the point is, Buck's always loved kids. Its why he always volunteers to free little girls from claw machines or bundle little boys up in his turnouts.
He loves kids. He loves talking space with Denny, and pretending to know video games with Harry, and having very serious conversations with Jee.
He loves kids. Never thought he could have them when he was younger, assumed he'd be fun uncle Buck forever. He loves kids. Wants them more than anything, maybe more than a partner. He loves kids. That's why he—
"Hey," Eddie leans against his locker, back in his street clothes, unbearably soft in the morning light. "Chris is getting all antsy about his dance on Friday, could use a hand helping him calm down long enough to try his suit on?"
He raises a hopeful eyebrow, but all Buck can see is the memory playing in Eddie's eyes. The memory of Buck, teary-eyed and half-drunk, a week after his parents left the state, telling Eddie he'd never been to a school dance because he was always grounded. That he'd only ever made it to prom because he'd asked the daughter of one of his dad's colleagues and he wouldn't let Buck stand her up.
"Sorry, man." He smiles, he wonders how long both of them can keep pretending its not a grimace. "Looking after Jee whilst Maddie and Chim go house hunting."
"Oh." Eddie blinks, the corners of his mouth twitching up. "You could always bring her along. She might be a good distraction for Chris, and you know—"
"No." Buck clears his throat, looks very hard into his locker for the hoodie he knows he already packed into his duffel. "I mean, I just hardly get any time with her, you know? So, I just kind of want to..."
"Oh, yeah, sure. 'Course, man." Eddie doesn't bother with a grimacing smile, just lets the furrow crease his brows. "Gotta keep up the title of best uncle, right?"
"Please." Buck scoffs. "Can she say Albert's name?"
"Right." Eddie nods with pursed lips. "Definitely doesn't have anything to do with easier phonetics and half the amount of syllables."
"Wow. I thought you were supposed to be on my side."
And, see, he means it as a joke. The whole conversation is a joke, really. Like Buck desperately doesn't want his niece and his— His Christopher to coexist in the same space, in the warm embrace of the Diaz house, home. But he can't, he just can't.
Still, its a joke. Only Eddie must be done with his jokes because he steps in closer, lays a gentle hand on his bicep and ducks his head until Buck has to meet his eyes. Like the tsunami.
Like the start of it all.
"I'm always on your side, Buck." He murmurs, more of a breath than anything. A confession that makes Buck a little dizzy. And then, Eddie's patting his arm and sweeping out of the locker room just as Hen and Chim come in.
"We'll drop Jee off at eleven, Buckaroo?" Chim says.
"Yeah. Sounds good."
Two days after Jee-Yun gives him the best workout of his life, he shoots a text to Hen asking if she wants to take Denny to the Renaissance Fair which had finally reopened after dealing with the bee problem.
He doesn't mean to do it is the thing. Sure, in his probie year, after Hen had finally trusted him enough to let him meet Denny, they'd hung out all the time. He'd practically fast-tracked his way to uncle Buck. But then, Eddie Diaz had waltzed into his life and said I'm all he's got and the rest—
Well, the rest is history.
But the thing is, Buck's DNA is floating somewhere in the American healthcare system in a little plastic cup with a green lid and he's trying very hard not to think about all the ways that could break him into a million pieces.
Because there's something hollow and empty inside of him that's slowly been shattering ever since Connor said that he didn't have enough swimmers. And it crumbles a little more every time he thinks of Christopher.
He thinks of that night in his loft with a frustrated rant, and two indulgent Diaz boys, a missing couch, and a lasagne that took three tries to get it right. A night that had become routine for them. And now he hasn't seen Christopher in almost two months, hasn't seen Christopher since—
Since Lev.
Two months he's spent trying desperately not to think of the way he'd seen Christopher safe in Eddie's arms and collapsed into a heap because his job was done and that was enough. Two months he's spent trying not to think about the flash of happiness that came with the end of a tsunami. Two months he's spent trying not to think about how he's buried that realization for almost three years.
He just. Christopher is growing up, he's lying to his dad, and sneaking out to see his friends, and going to dances, and having crushes. And Buck is trying so hard to remember. To listen to the cyclical chant of guardian, not dad echoing around his skull every time Eddie turns to him expectantly upon a mention of his son.
Because he has an answer to Hen's question. Finally.
But, fuck, he doesn't even really care about his sperm anymore. He doesn't give a fuck about the abstract concept of a child biologically half his out there in the world, out of sight and out of reach. He just doesn't care. Because nothing will ever hurt as much as having everything he's ever wanted at his fingertips and still not being able to grab it for fear of it vanishing into thin air.
He doesn't care about not getting to raise his child because there's a child he actually cares about, a child he's been raising. A child that's not his, but could be—
So, he's at a renaissance fair with his friend and her son, picking out a sword so that his niece knows that she doesn't have to be a damsel in distress, but he's trying so damn hard not to think about a little kid—who's not really all that little anymore—sat in a barber's chair because he wanted to look good for his crush.
It feels a lot like pressing his thumb into the space between bruised ribs.
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pandenewie · 1 year
14 - Real Men Clean Bathrooms
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AN: I’m back !! I will be back to my regular posting schedule from now on :))
WARNING: She's a little suggestive...
Jungwon has been called Wonnie most of his life… by his older sister, his parents, and his older friends when they’re trying to tease him… even the lady next door whenever he walks her dog or takes out her trash. Despite hearing the nickname from so many people, nothing will come close to the gentle flutter his heart feels whenever it slips past Y/n’s lips.
“Wonnie!” Y/n calls for what seems like the tenth time, poking his dimple to get his attention. A small habit they’ve started recently. Jungwon finally snaps out of his thoughts, remembering that Y/n is, in fact, standing right in front of him. “Oh, sorry uh… what were you saying again?” Jungwon asks sheepishly. He really didn’t mean to space out, it’s just that spending more than a minute in Y/n’s presence causes him to lose his train of thought.
“Mr Kim told me to talk to you. I’ve got detention again and he said I need to use that time to help out around the school or something.” Y/n shrugs. Jungwon can’t help the downturn of his mouth at the mention of yet another detention. They’ve been getting those a lot lately. “Um… I’ll have to check what the council is currently working on. It’s probably just cleaning desks and picking up litter though.” Jungwon says, grabbing his laptop out of his bag to check the minutes from the last council meeting.
Y/n leans over curiously, watching as he taps away on the laptop. “Is there anything you wanna do in particular?” He asks, scrolling through the list of volunteer work for the council. Y/n pretends to think for a moment, tapping a finger against their chin for added effect. “I’ll do whatever you’re doing.” 
If Jungwon wasn't already blushing, he certainly is now. "Um… I'm just cleaning out the out-of-order bathrooms… making sure they're ready to be renovated. It's pretty boring." Jungwon mumbles. It does sound boring… but Y/n's eyes light up nonetheless.
"You mean our spot?" They ask excitedly, causing Jungwon's eyebrows to furrow. "Our spot?" He asks. Since when did they have a spot? That feels like something he would definitely remember. "It’s where we skipped class together, don't tell me you forgot already?" Y/n pouts. Of course, he didn't forget! He could probably remember every interaction he's ever had with Y/n. He just assumed that Y/n didn't… or at the least, never thought about it.
"I mean… you can clean with me if you want. It's a pretty big job though. Hence why the other council members are doing easier stuff."
That made Y/n angrier than expected. Of course, Jungwon would get stuck doing the most difficult task by himself, while the rest of the council runs around picking up rubbish. God, if Y/n could name another member, they would definitely be going in their death note.
"I'll stick with you." Y/n says, surprising even themself with how genuine the words sound. Jungwon seems surprised too, his eyes widening slightly as the tip of his ears turn a pinkish red. He mumbles a quiet thanks before quickly typing Y/n's name next to his on the task sheet.
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"Was this place always such a dump?" Y/n asks, looking around the small room in disgust. There's graffiti all over the walls and mirrors and the floors are covered in rubbish and drywall. Even one of the toilet stalls has had the door ripped off its hinges.
"Believe it or not, this is the better of the two." Jungwon sighs. "I'm pretty sure the girl’s bathroom has rats." He adds, causing Y/n's face to screw up at the thought.
The bathrooms certainly didn't look like this when the two were last in here. That was only a few weeks ago.
"How did it even get this bad?" Y/n asks, pulling a pen out of their pocket and walking towards the discarded stall door. Jungwon watches curiously as they crouch down, scribbling something on the piece of metal.
"Because people do things like that." Jungwon sighs, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling developing in his stomach at the "Jungwon and Y/n were here" outlined in a heart.
Jungwon actually starts to get to work as Y/n continues to look around. After a few minutes, they let out a small gasp - gaining Jungwon's attention once more. 
"Omg, I forgot about this!" Y/n exclaims, pulling Jungwon towards the scribbles on the wall. He looks at Y/n confused so they elaborate. "It's a list of everyone who hooked up here." This doesn't help. "In the bathroom?" Jungwon asks, his nose scrunching in disgust. "You'd be surprised. It's a pretty common make out spot." Y/n smirks, making sure to send Jungwon a playful wink in the process.
"Have you made out with someone here?" Jungwon asks, the question coming out a little louder and more urgent than he expected. Y/n can't help the smirk that spreads across their face. They place their hand under their chin, tapping repeatedly as they pretend to think. "Once or twice? I don't know… check the list." Y/n teases.
Jungwon doesn't want to look at the list - scared of what names he'll see engraved next to Y/n's. Scared of what feelings will come over him once he puts a face to the people who have been with Y/n. People he can only dream of being. But his restraint is limited and before he knows it, he finds his eyes quickly scanning the scratchy list of names.
It's not that bad. At least that's what Jungwon tries to tell himself. There's a handful of names written alongside Y/n's - mainly those who have already graduated, with a few from their current year level. It's not that bad. But Jungwon can't stop the bubbling feeling of jealousy that begins to form in the pit of his stomach.
"Find your answer?" Y/n asks in a teasing manner, despite their attention now being placed on picking up rubbish. Jungwon hums quietly, his eyes scanning the list once more before he gets back to work. "You're on there a lot." He mumbles, earning a scoff from Y/n. "You're slut-shaming me?" Jungwon stiffens for a moment but relaxes once more when he sees that Y/n is joking. "More like judging your hook up spot."
This comment causes Y/n to gasp in feigned offence. "Excuse me? How dare you judge the fine art of bathroom make outs?" Jungwon laughs slightly at this. "I'd hardly call kissing in the corner of a trash-filled bathroom a fine art." He gestures around the room to prove his point. 
"That is exactly how I know you've never kissed in here." Y/n jokes, causing Jungwon to sheepishly rub the back of his neck. "Why do you say that?" He asks, laughing awkwardly. "Well, first of all, your name’s not on the list." Y/n points out. Jungwon goes to mumble something about it being the destruction of property but is quickly interrupted. “Secondly, you've been blushing this entire conversation.” Y/n continues, taking the chance to quickly poke Jungwon's dimple. "And thirdly, you don't just kiss in the corner. That's where the spiders are. The basin is much more comfortable."
Jungwon struggles to hide his shock as he chokes on his saliva. He doesn’t know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t the basin. “Need a demonstration?” Y/n asks, smirking. Before Jungwon can even comprehend a response (at least one that wouldn’t result in him embarrassing himself) Y/n is already pushing the remaining trash and drywall off the basin and onto the floor. Jungwon watches in half shock, half amusement as Y/n lifts themself up onto the now clear basin.
“So whoever you’re making out with would sit here. You’ve just gotta be careful of the tap because let me tell you, hitting your tailbone on that hurts like a bitch.” Jungwon’s not sure when this turned into a walk-through but he watches carefully anyway as Y/n playfully smiles at him.
Jungwon loves their smile - even though most times he’s seen it has been when they’re teasing him. He still loves the way it sits proudly on their face, the way their eyes shimmer and crinkle the wider the grin spreads. He also loves the smile that they show when they don’t think he’s looking. The genuine one, given only to those close enough to deserve it. Jungwon hopes to one day be one of those people.
Amidst his trance, Y/n decides to begin the next part of their tutorial. They quickly reach out to grab Jungwon by the collar of his shirt, pulling him in so that he’s standing between their legs. Being caught off guard, Jungwon presses his hands tightly against the basin on either side of Y/n, catching himself in order to not fall completely on top of them.
“This is where you would stand.” Y/n says innocently as if the position they are now in isn’t entirely suggestive. Jungwon is stunned. Being this close to Y/n brings back all the memories from the library - the way their warm skin felt beneath his cautious touch. Jungwon needs to stop this, for his own sanity.
“We should keep cleaning.” Jungwon mumbles, avoiding eye contact in fear that Y/n’s eyes could convince him to stay. Convince him to do things he most definitely shouldn’t be doing. “I’m just helping, Wonnie. It’s educational.” Y/n pouts, bringing their hands to rest gently on top of Jungwon's. The sudden touch causes his eyes to shoot up to meet Y/n’s.
His first mistake.
Now that they know Jungwon’s attention is fully on them, Y/n continues with their “lesson”. “There’s a lot of different places you could put your hands, depending on what you’re feeling. Most common would be my hips.” Y/n states, bringing Jungwon’s hands to follow their words. “You could also press a hand against the mirror behind me if you need the support.” The add. Jungwon stays silent, the only sound being that of his breathing - which is growing heavier by the minute.
“Any questions so far?” Y/n asks, holding Jungwon’s hands firmly against their hips. Jungwon doesn’t know what to say - doesn’t want to speak in fear of ruining the mood. But in classic Jungwon fashion, he can feel himself responding to Y/n’s question before he can even think. “What if you fall in the sink?”
His second mistake.
Y/n stifles a laugh, which causes Jungwon to blush slightly with embarrassment. “I’d hope you would catch me.” Y/n whispers, bringing one of their hands up to gently push at Jungwon’s chest. “But I would also hold onto you, that way if I do slip, you’ll be able to hold me up…” Y/n trails off, wrapping their arms securely around Jungwon’s neck. They make sure to gently play with some of the hair there, earning a slight but definitely noticeable shudder from Jungwon. “And all that would be left to do is kiss.” Y/n mumbles, blatantly staring at Jungwon’s lips. 
The two are silent for a second as the reality of the situation begins to set in. Y/n glances back up at Jungwon’s eyes, smiling cheekily at him. Jungwon’s eyes ever so slightly flicker down to Y/n’s lips. A move so quick, that if Y/n weren’t looking directly into his eyes, they most likely would have missed it. But with the close proximity of their faces and Y/n’s apparent love for eye contact, the tiny glimpse does not go unnoticed.
His third mistake. 
Jungwon continues to make a few more decisions that could be considered mistakes. Such as the mistake of leaning in as Y/n brings their lips closer to his. The mistake of tightening his grip on Y/n’s hips as they pull him closer to their body, adjusting the angle so their lips lock together just right. The mistake of opening his mouth when Y/n’s tongue gently brushes against his bottom lip. And many, many more.
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Kissing Y/n is something Jungwon thought he could only ever dream of doing. But as Y/n’s hand tugs gently on his hair - bringing him even closer into their hold and pulling him into yet another kiss, it finally starts to sink in exactly what he’s doing.
Jungwon should be overjoyed. But an over-looming feeling of confusion starts to wash over him, the longer his lips stay intertwined with Y/n’s. In his experiences, people kiss him because they see him as more than a friend. With Y/n, he can’t even tell if they see him as a friend. In a few weeks, they’d gone from absolutely hating his guts, to kissing him in an abandoned bathroom. The sudden switch up makes Jungwon feel like he’s got whiplash.
A sudden commotion of people in the halls causes Jungwon to quickly pull away from Y/n’s lips. The teachers are talking about him - likely wandering the halls in an attempt to track him down and ask for some help. He mentally battles with himself on what to do. Getting caught making out in the bathrooms by teachers is embarrassing for any student, let alone Jungwon. It’d do wonders to his reputation - not in a good way. But on the other hand, he will likely never get the chance to be this close to Y/n again.
Y/n can practically see the dilemma on his face and reaches forward to gently peck his lips. “Go do your job, Prez.” They whisper, reaching up to poke his cheek once more. Jungwon gulps, mumbling a quick apology before stepping away from Y/n completely.
That’s how Y/n finds themself sitting alone in the abandoned bathrooms - the feeling of Jungwon still fresh on their lips despite him being gone for almost 10 minutes now. Jungwon’s not the only one feeling confused, as they sit there wondering what the hell just happened. Kissing him was certainly not part of the original plan. But they suppose if it’ll help with convincing Jungwon to change the dress code… there’s nothing wrong with getting something extra along the way.
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TAG LIST (closed): @kang-yeosangs-initials @kpopstanmeg @b1ndignity @soobiverse @dudufodd @mikadorbs @pagesofmiracles @tya0 @ilovewonyo @bringer-ofchaos @huening-ly @ifearjwn @callmeblondie @run2min @straykids-riley (can't tag) @rikimylove @chaechae-23 @lacimolela @n1ght-maring (can't tag) @luvvsjungwonn @yenqa @tzuyusluv @viyqe @vocaloshin @deadgirlwalking3 @flamiricky @hanniesss @grayscorner @wonqr @neozon3nha @beomgyusonlywife @ahnneyong
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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Only Lovers Left Alive
vamp!joel miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
He offers her another option between life and death. How could she refuse?
warnings | 18+ smut, spitting lol, gore, blood, dark themes in general, joel and his lady dunk on a preacher, you've been warned muah hahahaha
a/n | hello and welcome to the second installation of my vamp series. i'm placing this one around 1910, just FYI. that's all, enjoy
“We must be delivered from our own evil, our own debauchery! I implore my fellow man, brothers and sisters of Christ, to cast out the wickedness in their hearts and rebuild this town in His image! There is something sinister running through the streets of New Orleans and it is our god-given duty to seek it out and destroy it with His righteous light!”
“Fucking mouth on that one, huh, darlin?” 
“At least this one has a little showmanship. The snake is a nice touch, I’ll admit. Remember that one in Utah? He was practically boring people to tears.” 
“Mormans never did have much flare. Easier going down than Catholics though.” She offers him a faint hum, all this talk starting to fray her nerves, a dull ache in her skull that she knows isn’t just from the sunlight seeping through the fabric of her parasol. Judging by the way he’s pinching the bridge of his nose, Joel is starting to feel it too, hooking his arm with hers as they both start to thread through the crowd that has gathered around the barking preacher.
“You, sir! Surely you and your good lady are god-fearing citizens that will join the battle against darkness!” He’s in front of them in a flash, white collar glinting in the midday-sun, making her squint while Joel angles his broadness between her and the gesticulating preacher whose snake is held by its skull in one of his doughy hands. 
“You’ll excuse us, friend. My woman isn’t feeling well.” She doesn’t even have to pretend, that ache turning insistent, dizzy, until she sees the snaring jaws of two snakes instead of one, her hold on Joel’s arm becoming hard and desperate. 
“Well it’s a simple question, friend. Are you or are you not one of His flock?” A rushing in her ears and a quick flicker behind her eyes, tiny pinpricks that bloom into darkness, the faint feeling of Joel holding her up against the solid weight of him.
It’s the heat.
She needs space, give her space.Let the woman through for Christ’s sake. 
Her mind is alert enough to let out a weak laugh into Joel’s suit jacket at that particular admonition. The crowd parts around them with a wave of murmurs and gasps, a small mercy for them to slip away through the throng, away from that man. They pass down an alleyway, enough shade, enough safety for her to regain her legs, untangling from Joel’s arms to press her palms against the wall of whatever building they just slipped between. 
“I’m sorry, darlin. Shouldn’t have stayed out there that long.”
“Did you not feel that too?”
“I did, but not as strong as you seemed to. Reckon I’ve worked up a little more tolerance over the years than you have.” All she can do is nod, still not quite back from whatever that brink was, barely registering his palm running a soothing circuit between her shoulder blades. She knows he’s right, the few decades he has on her shoring him up against things like that while she still finds herself surprised and stunted by all the unsuspecting vulnerabilities. For all the ways they are steeled and strengthened in this world, the scale is made equal by all the ways they must hurt and hide. 
“It’s not just that, Joel. It’s been too long.”
“I know, darlin. Tonight. As much as you want.” 
Dusk pulls a heavy pall over the streets of the city, heralded by the hot brass of trumpets, a warbling cry that resounds in almost every quarter these days. Jazz and its dragging, doleful rhythms, the constant push and pull of sound snaking through the clambering streetcar lines. 
“They’re powered by electricity, you know.” She can feel Joel’s grumble where her palm is resting against his chest, the subtle shake of his head letting her know he isn’t impressed.
“Always something new, darlin. I still prefer a horse myself.” 
“Sorry, baby, but it looks like those days are long gone.” It never fails to amuse her, the act, the game they play. A couple like any other out for a night on the town at one of the city’s many dancehalls, perhaps. Delicate lace creeping up her throat, up her hands, a mercifully looser corset than what she had grown accustomed to in the past wrapped around her ribs. And he in his suit, straining against the starched collar, just a touch out of place, out of time.  Always changing, always shifting in this constantly moving world. Talk like this, look like this, be like this. They do it so well. 
“And you, Miller? Certainly fortune has been kind to you to have a woman on your arm as beautiful as that.” New money, oil tycoons and traders. Vultures, she muses to herself, might be less exacting, staring down their beaks at any new flesh that comes their way in this casino, greedy fingers curled over gold chains. 
“I’d rather not discuss business tonight, gentlemen. It’ll distract a simple man like myself from my cards.” He’s always been good at that, a disarming smile, something earnest in the downward tilt of his lashes, coaxing a laugh out from around the whole table.
“Mrs. Miller, wouldn’t you be more comfortable in the parlor with the other women? I’m sure you’d find their conversation a bit more interesting than all our dry talk.” Joel squeezes her thigh under the table, a silent warning to sheath any sharpness she has at the ready. She’s always been prone to temper when she’s hungry, a short fuse and a snapping snarl. 
“With all due respect, gentlemen, I’d rather like to watch.” Lips curled back in what could be a grin, sweet and stupid enough for them to settle back into shuffling their cards in a thick haze of cigar smoke. Talk flows loosely between plays, though what game it is she isn’t certain, too busy letting her gaze wander across the table. Skin, spilling over shirt collars, ruddy with booze and the close heat and haze of the room, enough to make her gums twinge with the promise Joel made her earlier. But she has to be patient, and so very lovely. All smiles, all deference, hands folded in her lap just so, her nails digging into her palms until it starts to distract her from that throb in her throat. Light hums and nods whenever the conversation lobs her way, not really listening to the words, more watching the way they jump around the men’s necks, tendons and muscle and–
“It’s getting awfully late, my fine companions. I do believe our women have already retired for the night, save for you of course, Mrs. Miller. It is probably wise for us to call this game while we’re still fresh enough to wander home ourselves, eh?” Big, gray mustache and blubbering lips, eyes drooped with drink, a similar look on all the other men’s faces, except for Joel.
“What’s one more round? Won’t you gentlemen give a poor man the chance to make up his losings?” Again, unassuming, eyes rounded with a little pout. It works every time.
“Well alright, Miller. One more round and then we oughta all go home so they can close this place for the night.” Theirs the only table still occupied in the casino, bartender and attendants gone as well it’s so late, most likely waiting in the back for their lingering group to finally leave. Though they won’t be a problem, this she knows. Money moves in this town, an easy bribe made easier by the ask. Work so hard, just take off a little earlier tonight. 
“Miller, I’m sorry to say it, but it looks like your luck isn’t getting any better.” It’d be friendly if the man didn’t look so smug saying it, fanning out a flush of cards on the table that even she knows is a winning set. 
“I’m afraid you’re right. Not sure what I’ll do seeing as I’m all out of chips to bet with.” 
“Why don’t you wager something else?” Said with a grin wrapped around a cigar, always so predictable she finds herself having to swallow a yawn as her eyes cast lazily onto Joel, something like a smile twitching around his mouth. 
“And what might I wager?” Another one of the men leans forward in his seat, and though he speaks to Joel, his eyes stay on her.
“That woman of yours has been so sweet all night sitting and watching. How about a kiss for the winner?” Blink and miss it, the tick in Joel’s jaw, quickly schooled behind a slippery smile. She knows the man would already be dead if this wasn’t a part of their well-worn dance. Something is skittering across the table as they start to play, like schoolboys excited by a shared secret, hands a little quicker, voices a little louder. It makes her teeth hurt with want.
Joel doesn’t win because Joel isn’t supposed to win. Big, gray mustache curled around a sickening smile, looking right at her.
“Fair is fair, gentleman. Why don’t you come over here, sugar, and give me my winnings?” Joel lays one final squeeze to her thigh before she gets up, a reminder that lingers on her skin as she slips around the table to the man who won.  She’ll admit she’s a little caught off guard by just how handsy he is, pulling her over his lap before she can get her bearings.
“You are a beauty, aren’t you? How about a kiss right here, sweetheart?” He points his fleshy finger to his cheek, dimpled with how smug he is. She keeps her lips pulled over her teeth in a smile, leaning in, though her mouth doesn’t find the spot he directed her toward. That quick, quivering beat of life, so easy to seek, so easy to burst in her jaws. His hands curled around her waist go tense for only a moment, before slackening still as she takes and takes and takes. 
The sounds around her barely register in her slow sate, a murmuring scuffle that she knows means Joel is taking care of everything, everyone else. She never realizes just how badly she needs it until she has it between her teeth, mind going heavy and hazy in the swimming satisfaction of a finally full stomach. Every last drop, pinkness dimming to a dull blue beneath her lips before she finally pulls away with a contented sigh. 
“There’s plenty more, darlin. Have your fill.” Always the gentleman, even with it dripping down his chin, though she’s quick enough to thumb it away before it can stain his suit, humming around her finger as he grins at her. 
“Thank you, baby. Always works like a charm.” 
Neither of them have been this full, this satisfied in a few weeks, limbs turning languid and heavy with it as they slink out into the night. She’ll admit it isn’t their tidiest work. Though it isn’t uncommon for a card game to end in bloodshed with all the money fluttering around in this city. But right now, there’s too much thrum in her veins for her to care much about it, tugging Joel along by the hand through the thick night. Neither of them are used to it, the perpetual light of the city, electricity pulsing and prolonging the day, casting everything in a flickering shade of orange. Loose and pliant, bodies swaying to the dragging rhythm of a distant band. She’d coax Joel into a dance if she wasn’t so hellbent on getting home, driven by a different want simpering along her spine. 
“What a beautiful couple.” They’re both surprised by it, stuttering stop in their walk home and whipping around, catching sight of the woman who said it.  She’s older, curled over with age, a street vendor, one of the invisible people that gets passed by day in and day out as she sits vigil over her small tent of wares. 
“I will read your palm if you like, free of charge for such loveliness as you.” She can already hear Joel telling the woman off in her mind, though she cuts in before he can get the first word out, already stepping toward the woman and her booth, palm extended. 
“I see a long life for you.” She can’t quite hold back her snort at that, glancing over her shoulder at Joel who looks equally amused. But the woman isn’t done yet, still holding onto her hand in both her palms. 
“There is something. Something dark. Something has its hooks in you, deep.”  She jerks her hand away before the woman can continue, taking a stumbled step back right into Joel’s chest. The woman’s eyes are wide, a pale, milky blue that she finds herself unable to meet,  steeling her face with what she can of a smile, leaning into Joel’s palm curling over her shoulder. 
“It’s more of a mutual thing actually. But thanks for the warning.” Those pallid eyes follow her the whole way back to their apartments. She can’t look at Joel, her gaze skittering somewhere over his shoulder as she fumbles with the buttons at the back of her dress, something setting a shake in her fingers that she can’t quite name. 
“Darlin, let me help you.” She does, mutely turning around, muscles jumping as his fingers start to trail down the back of her dress.
“You alright?” She hums, airy, not a yes or no, stepping out of her dress to stand before him in the thin fabric of her shift and corset.
“You’re mine, right, Joel? This isn’t– you aren’t–” He’s quick to cut her off, hands coming to frame her face, to focus her gaze on him.
“Hey, hey, none of that. What’s got your mind spinning like this?” She feels foolish for it, and if he wasn’t holding her jaw steady she’d already be tucking her chin down, a bit bashful, a bit embarrassed to admit it.
“That woman–”
“That woman probably says the same damn thing to every person that comes her way. She talked to you for, what, five minutes? If that. Tell me, darlin, how long have we been together now?” The math is simple, but the result is dizzying, a number she feels silly even saying out loud, though Joel fills in the gap where her mind refuses to catch up.
“A long time. And longer yet. Longer than anyone else can imagine.” His words temper into a quiet murmur, forehead to forehead, his nose trailing the line of hers.
“I just– I need to hear you say it, Joel. That you are mine.” His first answer to her is a kiss, give and take in the way he opens her mouth up to him, a slow, hot drag of tongues and sighs. 
“Yours, always. You know that, darlin.” His chin tilts for another kiss, but before he can she presses her palms against his chest, holding him where he is as a smile slips across her face. 
“Take off your clothes for me, now.” A flicker of recognition, understanding in his expression. He knows what she’s really asking for, and he’s more than willing to give it to her, already shucking off his suit jacket. She watches, barely blinking. The steady work of his hands popping open his collar, tugging loose his tie with just a touch of exasperation. She knows how much he hates all of it, the wool trousers, the shined shoes and sock garters. She supposes that he’d walk down mainstreet in bluejeans and flannels if it didn’t mean sticking out sore and strange. Never far from the plains in his mind. But bare beneath it all, he’s still the same, still all hers. Circling, palm slipping from his chest down the soft strength of his side, along the curve of his ass, his shudder making her sigh as she slinks back around to stand in front of him. And though he reaches out for her, she steps back just enough that his fingertips only brush fabric. Not tonight. Not like that. 
“On the bed, baby.” He’s being good tonight, compliant, a rarity that tells her that he knows. How much she needs this, eyes watching him watching her as she slips the lacing of her corset loose, letting it drop to the floor along with her shift. Always a sigh settling into his lap, her thighs splayed over his hips, nails digging into his shoulders with the drag of her cunt against him, already hard, already aching for her. She’s not looking to tease, not tonight, not tangled in this strange feeling that she wants to chase away with the taut stretch of him, a cry stuck in her throat when she sinks all the way down. 
“There you go, darlin. Gonna take what’s yours, huh?” She does, pressing him down into the sheets, her palms splayed over the span of his chest as she lets her hips grind against his, feeling that fill, that perfect press that makes her eyes roll back. He lets her take exactly what she wants from him, his palms splayed over her ass, a staying, a steadying to the rolling bounce she finds, little moans that break like beating wings. Only she gets him like this, his head pressed back into pillows, curls mussed and mangled, brow pulled down in a pleasure only she can provide. Something about the power of it, the possession of it driving her to curl over him, her palm coming to his jaw, just a little mean in the press of her fingers. She doesn’t even have to ask, his lips already parted around a groan, enough for her to let her mouth hover over his, a thin slip of spit falling onto his tongue. His eyes widen only for a beat before drooping hazy and low, his lips pressing together with a rasped hum in his throat. All hers.
“Fucking filthy, ain’t you? Been a bad influence on you, darlin, fuck.” He’s getting greedy, impatient, bending his knees so he can meet her own jolting rhythm, a quick and desperate snap to his hips that makes her preen.
“Maybe, but you like it, don’t you, baby?”
“You know I do. My angel’s made just for me, huh? All mine.” All she can do is nod, a yes slipped between sighs as everything furls up in a perfect twist of pleasure, spine snaring tight before slackening slow, her body melting over his as he follows her over the edge. Chest to chest, a nip to the hinge of his jaw, just a little one, enough to make him huff and tuck his knuckles under her chin to coax her mouth up to his. 
“Feel better, darlin?”
“Shut up.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Shutters closed, curtains drawn, keeping out the creeping Sunday morning sunlight. They’ll sleep through the day, maybe two with how full they are, limbs slumping into a close tangle as the city starts to wake up.
Men in their finest, shirt collars prim and pressed, holding the brim of their bowlers in one hand, offering their other elbow to their wives, dripping in lace and wide wicker hats. Everyone making their way to church. He doesn’t have the snake out this morning, just a cracked Bible tucked against his chest and a flurry of words ready to jump from his throat, pacing at the pulpit.
“Brothers and sisters, I stand before you today, my heart heavy with sorrow because the devil has struck again in our good city!” A wave of murmurs, hands clasped to chests in shock at his blunt exclamation. His voice rises above the throng, building on the encroaching twinge of hysteria.
“Last night, in one of those dens of degeneracy and sin, four honest and hardworking men of our community were murdered, a most perplexing and pernicious crime.” The crowd is stirring itself up into what could become a frenzy now, men rising from their seats, women clutching at their gloves, though the preacher is quick to silence them with his continued cries.
“Please, everyone, let us keep our heads! We must if we are to strike this evil from our hearts and from the streets of New Orleans. I have already organized evening vigils for the rest of this week and I implore you to come out and pray with us. We must come together now to drive the devil out of this city before he has the chance to propel any more of these heinous crimes!” 
“You awake?”
“Just about.”
“You thirsty?”
“A bit.”
“What are you in the mood for, my darlin?”
“I’ve been thinking about that preacher man, if I’m quite honest.”
“You know he won’t taste good. Always a little bitter, those ones.”
“I know, but I could do without him shouting up and down the streets at all hours of the day about evil.” She can feel Joel’s huff of laughter against the back of her neck, the warmth of him settling over her where she’s slumped into the mattress on her stomach. Stretched out after a long, languid sleep.
“Well why don’t we take care of him and then find something a little more appetizing for dinner.” She cranes her neck to glance over her shoulder, being greeted by the slip of his grin and the silver of his teeth.
“Now you’re talking, baby.”
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restinslices · 7 months
Could u write earthrealm guys with a vampire reader? And like sometimes she feeds on them 👀
*asks for vampire requests* *proceeds to procrastinate*
Johnny Cage 
Honestly it'd probably take him awhile to grasp how serious the situation is 
It's not that he wouldn't believe you, but he'd probably think you're joking at first 
Says something like “yeah and I'm a werewolf”
You insist that you're serious and something about the tone of your voice makes him realize you're being truthful 
He saw that crazy shit in Outworld so it's not completely unreasonable 
He's kinda jealous though 
You're gonna be young and hot forever? And you have powers? Sounds like bullshit to him 
He probably asks questions that have to do with your age and how long you've been alive 
I think he would weirdly find you drinking from him kinda hot, especially depending on when and where you drink from him 
Drinking from him shuts him up for awhile since he's all dazed, so it'd be understandable if you drank from him a lot 
I don't even think he'd cover up the marks. He treats him as if they're hickies 
He's probably told the other champions too because his mouth is big 
And knowing Johnny, he's thinking of all the movies you could be in since people love vampires 
Also knowing Johnny, if you can compel people, he'd use that for his benefit 
If all you have to do is say a couple words and his debt is forgiven, then he's definitely using that 
He sees how many pros there are and asks to be turned 
The thing is though, he's only looking at the pros
You have to continuously remind him of the cons but it goes in one ear and out the other 
He will not let it go at all. You don't have to turn him right away, but if you don't give him a specific date for when he'd be turned, he'd become insufferable 
Becomes Bella Swan lowkey-
Kenshi Takahashi
Probably also thinks you're joking 
Once it's clear you're not though, y'all can lowkey be a power couple 
Imagine it for a second 
You both cutting through the Yakuza and restoring his clan 
You being a vampire makes it a lot easier. He's fighting, you're eating. It's going great 
He's not too bothered by the whole vampire thing. There's a few quirks that may throw him off, but overall it's ok 
When it comes to feeding off him, uhhhh… he's a bit shaky about it 
I think that's a valid reaction too
You'd ask and he'd be like “um… do you have to?”
He'd occasionally offer you his wrist 
Otherwise he'd prefer if you didn't unless it's necessary 
Why do I get this vibe? I couldn't tell you 
I don't even think he'd really want to be a vampire 
It's not that he doesn't wanna be one. He just doesn't think about it 
He could be tempted if you said his eyes would heal and he'd have his normal vision back but that could depend on the day 
His sight is already restored but pretending to be blind may get annoying. Who knows
I still don’t understand how his sight works now. I gotta rewatch a play through
Being a vampire has its main perk which is living forever but idk if he’d want that. I can see Kenshi being someone who is both afraid of death but also is comforted by all life having a solid ending
Maybe his thoughts will change
I really don't think he'd be too bothered by you being a vampire though. Just don't make a mess on his carpet 
I think you having the ability to defend yourself would weirdly comfort him 
Not having to watch over you and make sure you're ok all the time is something he'd appreciate 
You're literally eating the opponents. This seems like a great deal 
Kung Lao
I wanna start this off by saying Kung Lao is the type of petty bitch to get mad at you and hold garlic to keep you away 
And he'll be in such shock if you walk over and slap it out his hand
You'll just be staring at each other in silence 
Kung Lao probably tests all sort of vampire myths on you 
“Get out the house then try and come back in” “Why?” “You can't come in if I don't invite you, right?” “This is our house though” “I don't get your point”
Prays over water then throws it at you 
Idek if Kung Lao is religious so idk why he thought that would work 
“Can I stake you through the heart?” “I'm gonna throw you out the window”
Puts a mirror in front of your face to see if you have a reflection. He’s upset either way
If you do, he’s like “wow. Another lie”
If you don’t he’s wondering how you manage to look decent still
It honestly can become obnoxious and I think he'd have the tendency to act as if he knows more about vampires than you 
Because surely all the movies he watched had to be somewhat right 
If you’re like a Twilight vampire and sparkle, he’s never letting you live it down
You can’t control this but he would find it comical. Out of all the vampires you’re similar to Edward Cullen?
When it comes to drinking from him, uhhh I don't really get a certain vibe 
Idk if he'd be down or against it. Maybe it depends on the day 
On the topic of feeding, I don't think he'd like seeing you eat people 
He knows it happens but doesn't wanna see you chomping on someone. It makes his skin crawl 
Overall, is he kinda obnoxious? Yeah. But he could've tried to kill you so a win is a win ig
As a side note, idk if he'd be interested in becoming a vampire 
It’s a thing he gotta weigh. On one hand he’d be in his best shape for the rest of his life. On the other hand he doesn’t wanna deal with all the inconveniences
He might be somewhat uncomfortable 
He doesn't think you'll harm him but he probably doesn't want you to eat others in front of him 
What evidence do I have for this? None. 
It's just what makes sense in my brain 
He asks a lot of questions though. A lot of them are cliche based but that's ok 
“So… Garlic?” “It smells funny but that's about it”
I could see him forgetting honestly. He won't be really involved when it comes to feeding. Like he won't help lure people or be around you when you're feeding from someone and since he doesn't see that, it just slips his mind 
Especially if you're one of those vampires that look normal until you're aggravated or feeding 
He's only reminded by almost killing you. He pulls the curtains back on a very sunny day and is like “oh shit” when you scream 
When it comes to feeding from him… no❤
Idk why but I just don't think he'd be down unless you were dying 
He doesn't like how it hurts and how dazed he feels after. Find someone else to do it 
And it’s kinda awkward. He’s just standing there as you’re sipping him like a juice box
Probably isn't really interested in becoming a vampire 
Him and Liu Kang are probably the least interested but for different reasons 
Raiden just doesn't particularly care about the whole living forever thing. Maybe that's because he's young so he's not worried about dying but that's just how he views it 
I think him and Kung Lao are the youngest in the group so they probably have the “I’m young so I’m not worried about anything!” mindset
Can he be killed still? Yeah. But so can vampires. It’s just harder. He’s at an age where he’s not thinking about old age
Plus the negative side effects push him away even further. I don't see him as the type to be totally ok with having to drink blood all the time and look out for hunters 
You can be a vampire and not hurt innocent people but it’s harder I would assume. And if he didn’t drink from humans he’d be hunting down animals and idk if he’d really like biting animals either
There’s blood bags but now he gotta be a thief? It’s a no for right now
Liu Kang
He knew 
I'm not saying Liu Kang watches every single person born intensely but he probably saw it 
Here's how it'd go;
A) He saw you be turned when he was watching humanity 
B) He picked up on the evidence 
C) You were a vampire in the previous timeline and either he didn't change it, or he knew there was a chance it'd happen again 
If the situation was like C, then he wouldn't really be weirded out by certain vampire things, like feeding
He'd be similar to Raiden in the sense that he's not the type to help lure people towards you 
Your food. Your responsibility 
As long as you're not feeding from totally innocent people, then I think he wouldn't have a problem 
If you were drinking from kids or a civilian that's super nice and helpful, then he'd have a problem 
He might suggest animals ngl 
Feeding from him? It's another situation where I don't know if he'd be for or against that 
He probably won't be as dazed as the others since he's a god and whatnot but who is tryna get bit all the time?
In the same breath though, I can see him offering his wrist if you were thirsty and there wasn't good prey around 
So maybe it depends on circumstances 
No if there’s plenty of options around. Yes if it’s a bit dry around
Like Kenshi, he's glad you have the power to defend yourself. Chaos, violence and smoke follows this man so you gotta be a fighter 
He doesn't know how he feels about you eating the competition but whatever 
And don't even bother offering to turn him. He's already a god. What more does he need?
It'd be way more negative for him. He has strength, powers and combat skills. Now he has the need for blood, has to avoid sunlight and whatever other bullshit vampires gotta deal with?
Hard pass 
He'll just watch and live through you 
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
Avatrice - sway
The fire has burned low, Mary and Shannon, Lilith and Camila vanishing into their respective tents. Beatrice is still sitting by the fire pit, though, her back against a log, embers sparking in her eyes. Ava gathers a couple bottles from the cooler and settles down beside her, careful to keep a few inches between them. She places the water near Beatrice's hand, where it flutters against her thigh, and cracks open the beer.
"May I?" Beatrice is still concentrating on the dying fire, but she reaches blindly over, and Ava holds the beer out by its neck, presses it into her palm. 
Beatrice tilts her head back, throat long and lean, bobbing as she swallows.
Ava looks away, scuffs her toe in the dirt. "I didn't think you drank."
Beatrice dangles the bottle in the air, works at the label with her thumbnail. "I don't. It just, sometimes it–" She sways forward, brow furrowed, sloshes some beer over the remaining low flame. It flares up for a moment, then plunges the clearing into darkness. "It's the water, did you know? There's not many drinks that are high enough proof that the alcohol burning releases more energy than the water boiling off. It's basic chemistry."
Ava hums, but it doesn't seem like Beatrice hears her.
She taps the bottle against her temple. "The brain, at its most basic, that's just chemistry too. Acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid." She rattles them off in one go, barely pausing for breath. "Stimulating and inhibiting. People call it the world's most complicated machine, and I don't usually get that, metaphors, but I understand here. Because if it were a machine there'd be an operator's manual, or a manufacturer, or somewhere to get answers. But I've just got this black box." She taps the bottle against her temple again, harder. The glass groans under the stress.
Ava shifts forward, eyes glued on Beatrice's hand as her fingers tighten and her knuckles go white. She has to wedge her hand under her thigh to keep from reaching out. "It's alright if you feel like that, Beatrice–"
Beatrice shakes her head. "The morph fixed Shannon's shoulder. It fixed my leg. So why didn't it–" The bottle shatters in her fist. Beatrice doesn't notice. "It fixed my leg."
"It should have fixed me."
"There's nothing to fix."
Beatrice snorts. "You have met me, right?"
"I have, so I know damn well there's nothing wrong with you."
"I feel bad for Suzanne sometimes." She's got her coin out, fingers anxious on it, spotted with blood where the shattered bottle had scored lines across her palm that had healed just as quickly as they'd appeared. "I know she picked me, I know she knew about my diagnosis when she did, but I don't know if she knew what that really meant. That there's not some border where the autism stops and I begin, that it's fucking pervasive."
Ava nods, silent, her mouth dry. 
"She looks at me sometimes and, I don't know, it feels like she's disappointed in me? Like I'm letting her down somehow? And I try, I try so hard to be better, to be normal, because that should make it easier, right? It should be easier."
"Has she ever… Has she ever said anything?"
She shakes her head, flips her coin into the air. She misses the catch, sends it skittering across the rock, and Ava snatches it up mid-skip just as Beatrice goes to reach for it. Their hands meet, fingers half-laced from the reach. Ava freezes, doesn't dare to even breathe. 
Beatrice doesn't pull back.
"She's been nothing but good to me. Which almost makes it worse." Her eyes are locked on their linked hands. "She does everything for me and I can't even do this one fucking thing for her."
"There's nothing to fix, Beatrice."
"Don't try and play it off, Ava. I'm not normal-"
"None of us are."
"It's not the same thing!" She pulls her hand back to her side, fingers tapping frantically at her thigh. "Being a Ranger and being a freak, not the same thing."
"Don't pretend like you understand. I'm trapped inside my head knowing this isn't the way other people think, knowing this isn't the way other people act, and I try so hard all the time but I can't fucking change it and I can't fucking fix it."
"Beatrice, I of all people know what it's like to feel trapped inside your own head."
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dotster001 · 2 years
Headcanons for Aquia, Lance, Dia, Sherry and Rio when they find a doodle of them with little hearts around it in the reader's notebook?
A/N: Oh my gosh, this is so cute, I can't even. I hope you like this, cause I had fun writing it
They had to miss class yesterday. But they knew you would be a dutiful student and take notes. And you were always so kind, so you didn't think twice when you handed them your notebook. As they started flipping through to find yesterday's notes, their eyes were drawn to their name, surrounded by hearts, in the margins of your pages. Oh boy!
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That can't be his name, right? Maybe you had intended to write Guy Avari, but then had gotten distracted by him talking to you? (Sure sweetie, whatever makes sense to you.)
He has your name with hearts around it in his diary, but he can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that it's his name in your notes. 
Probably won't ask you about it. He'll just pretend he didn't see it. And he'll gaslight himself about it too. He didn't actually see his name with hearts around it, he just wanted to see it.  So his brain made it up. Yeah, that's it!
It's gonna be you, who randomly remembers one day that you let him borrow your notebook that you may or may not have written his name in and doodled some fun hearts around. It's gonna be you that shakily approaches him with the ever awkward "Hey…"
He's flustered but so excited when he finds out you did indeed mean to put his name. He's happily reaching for your hands, running his thumb along your knuckles, as he tells you he does the same thing. Quickly starts blushing when he realizes he was rambling. Overall, a good start to what's sure to be a very sweet relationship.
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God, this absolute nightmare. I'm sorry you have to go through this boo, because he will torture you until you die.
He had actually been going to classes recently, for no particular reason of course. So he was really irritated when he overslept due to his nightly activities with his drinking buddies. But his irritation quickly faded when he got his hands on your notes and saw Lance Ira with hearts circling it in several spots. 
"I saw something terribly interesting in your notes."
You don't know if you've ever heard so many words leave his mouth at once. But it makes it easier for you to immediately know what he is referring to. And it's that moment you know how fucked you are.
No excuse you can come up with will save you. He has a response to all of it. And it only takes two classes before you just want to punch that smug smile off his perfect face.
"Dragon's teeth, your lucky you look so cute when you're teased."
And now you're flustered for a new reason. And you're ready to tell him to fuck off when he runs a thumb along your bottom lip, before laughing and leaving you high and dry.
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Absolute nightmare part two. It takes even less time to remember Dia Akedia written in flowery writing with little hearts in your notebook than it would with Lance. Because Dia is immediately smirking and making his way into your personal space.
"Don't tell me you're trying to escape now?" He'll hum at you with that perfect, infuriating  smile ever present on his face.
Honestly, for the better well being of your heart, you should pull his card and hide in your room all day. Because he's going to be sitting slightly closer, whispering in your ear, and calling you all manner of nicknames, All. Day. Long.
What will break you will be when the day is over, and he gives you the saddest look, as you announce you're going to bed for the night, and says something about you being so cruel with his heart. He thought you loved him? 
Just kill him. He's going to come to class every day from now on just to tease you until you admit you adore him. Just kill him. It's your only way out.
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She's torn between wanting to tease you, and wanting to admit her feelings for you. So she does both.
"Y/N, have you chosen a paramour? Because I have a certain someone I'd like to recommend."
She's so cute, and that giggle she gives is so pretty, that you're distracted and don't realize what it is she's referring to. So you probably just say something like "uh huh" which makes her giggle again. 
She realizes that she's going to need some advice on how to proceed, so she goes to Violet to come up with a game plan. Violet's plan is super simple. But they both know it'll work.
Essentially, Sherry returns the notes, pretending she didn't see her name with hearts written around it, and invites you to tea after class. When you arrive, she gives you a flower, and asks you to be her paramour. Maybe she'll tell you what she saw in your notebook after you've been together for a little while. But rest assured, it will come back up when you least expect it.
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*Sighs heavily* this himbo.
He totally thinks it's in a friend way. Which is good if you're not ready to ask him out, but bad if a part of you wanted him to see his name with hearts written around it and FINALLY NOTICE YOUR FEELINGS FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Aw, you're such a good mate, Y/N."
God bless Thoma for trying to get him to see how you feel about him/he really feels about you. But it's to no avail. And now a part of you is wishing you had written someone else's name in hopes that he would get jealous and maybe you two would finally move forward.
I'm sorry to tell you, but this is not going to be resolved. You're going to have to try something else my dear. Oh, and you're going to have to explain to Lynt why Rio has written his name with hearts on a paper that he had assigned.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Lose me to Love you (Loki x Female Reader) (AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 28 here / Series Masterlist
Chapter 29
Summary: Jane has an offer for you both. Loki tries to find the truth about your mother.
Trigger Warning: 18+, Smutty smut, bathroom sex, degradation, unprotected sex, Description of rape and assault, panic attack, violence against women, Extreme dark themes, Sexual abuse, physical abuse, public sex, Rough violent sex, 18+, Steamy stuff, age difference ,Rough language, mention of suicide, talk of virginity and slut shaming, manipulative behaviour, mention of trauma, smut, toxic relationship between main characters. Dark themes, cult stuff
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There was nothing but silence at the table, you and Loki were staring at each other, Jane was glaring at Thor and Thor was looking everywhere but any of you people.
"Sooooo what are you doing with these guys?" Jane finally broke the silence and Thor pretended to not hear it so she kicked him with her leg under the table,
"Bodyguard, ummm I'm the baaddyguard" he stuttered on his words and it made you bite on your cheek, you looked at Loki and he had the typical quizzical look on his face that you often saw whenever he was confused, the furrowed brows made you want to kiss him as soon as possible.
"Can we discuss what we came here for?" Loki asked her so sighed before she turned towards you.
"Look y/n first of all I wanted to apologize I had no intention of using you for my film"
"That's a lie" Loki intervened so she glared at him.
"If I really did want to use her past i never would have shared my intentions with you two" she answered him
"Let me make one thing clear here Miss Foster, She is not going to be your publicity goat so unless we aren't here to discuss that I don't see the point of this meeting " Loki told her in clear words and she smiled.
"Well don't worry about that. I am not here to talk about the film, I have another offer"
You looked at her confused but more than that you were intrigued.
"What kind of offer?" You asked her
"I want to make a documentary, about your life, your story from your side–" she cut herself off and looked at Loki and you couldn't tell if he was pissed off yet about this idea or not.
"I read about the case and you're Loki. I know that now, this offer is not just for her but you too. I know you two have suffered a lot but I just think your story needs to get out there, maybe it will help people, maybe it will change their perception about you two–"
"Or it will make everything worse, I don't want the whole world to get into our business, what's done is done, I don't want to make a bloody circus of our lives for all to see" he answered her so she sighed again.
"What about you? Do you agree with him?" She asked you so you nodded because you didn't want to upset him but you did feel conflicted. You weren't just thinking about the documentary or the fame that would come with it, sure it would make both of your lives easier, you'd probably get more exposure and hence more work but that wasn't the only reason you wanted to do this, you also wanted the world to know what he had done for you, you wanted them to know what an angel he was.
"Just give it a thought and then decide, i have all the time in the world for this" she huffed as she munched on her salad, the glaring contest had resumed between her and Thor.
"Ummmm how do you two know each other if you don't mind me asking?" You asked as you sipped on your drink and Loki seemed curious too.
"We met in Vegas once, didn't we?" She glared at him so Thor gave her a nervous laugh. The mention of Vegas clicked in Loki's head so he looked at Jane and then he looked at Thor, Thor was quick to gesture to him to shut his mouth. You were still out of the loop so you excused yourself to go to the loo and Loki followed you right after, there was no way he was leaving you all alone with three psychopaths on loose. He caught up to you and grabbed your arm to turn you towards him, you seemed upset.
"What is it now hmm?" You didn't answer him but dragged him into the bathroom with you, thankfully no body was in there so you locked it, you got your arm out of his grasp and crossed them together before you glared at him.
"What do you know about Thor and Jane?" You asked him like a scorned child and it made him smile, he always found your bratiness adorable even though he never admitted it.
"Go empty your bladder and I'll tell you"
"I don't actually have to do that, it was just an excuse" he turned to look at the mirror and fixed his hair, ignoring all your tantrums. Why did he have to look so sexy all the time that you couldn't even be mad at him? "Come here" he raised his brow so you walked towards him, he quickly picked you up and walked a few steps forward to make you sit on the sink in front of the mirror.
"You're such a brat" he kissed you softly as he finished his sentence and your arms wrapped around him immediately, it's been hours since you had fucked him last. Hourssss.
"Are you going to tell me?" You mumbled in between the kiss so he shook his head, he had that stupid smile on his face you were familiar with. It used to make you want to pull your hair out but fuck him at the same time. Well now you can do both.
"Okay fine..it's okay" you looked down and pretended to be sad so he tilted his head, he knew what you were doing but it still affected him, he couldn't take the Sad voice and the mopey look on your face, it was easier to resist when you didn't belong to him.
"A fucking brat" he kissed you passionately and grabbed your thighs to wrap them around his waist, you moaned into his mouth and that immediately made him hard. He has never wanted to fuck anyone so desperately in his life before, it was always about using them as an distraction from his fucked up life. But you weren't a distraction, you were his need.
"Telllll me dadddyy pretty please?" You whispered in his ear and he snickered.
"What will I get in return?"
"Anythinggg" he smiled as you said that, you worked on his zipper and he lowered down your underwear to take them off completely, he shoved them inside his back pocket, none of you cared where you two were at the moment.
"I think they used to be hitched for a while" you gasped as he said that, mainly because you felt his cock inside you at the same time.
"You mean to say.. like ...married?" You could hardly get the words out as his hips thrusted back and forth slowly.
"Yeahhh.. fuckkk thiss cunt is precious baby" he murmured into your mouth and your heart skipped a beat.
"That's weirddd ..so weird" he hummed in response, you felt his lips sucking into your neck and you knew that would leave a mark but you didn't care.
"Was the secret worth this? Worth being fucked like a dirty whore in a bathroom?" He whispered in your ear and your walls clenched around his length. You bit on your lips and kissed him feverishly, he was so good to you, how come you got to have him as your man?
"Definitely, I'd let you do it anyways daddy" he chuckled before he picked up the pace, he didn't want to get caught or be disturbed in the middle of the act. He can always give you the sweet love making at home, this wasn't the time to do that.
"Ofcourse you would darling, so desperate for my cock it's truly pathetic" you whined as his cock angled and hit the sweet nerve that made your toes curl.
"Don't cum until I say so.. you hear me?" He clutched your hair in his grip so you nodded, you looked like a mess and this was becoming his favorite sight in the world. Until now he had graciously allowed you to cum before he filled you up but he wanted you to hold this time and that was more challenging than you thought it would be.
"Daddddyyy…it's.. I'm closer daddy please" you whimpered as he continued to fuck you mercilessly. The sound his cock made as it pumped in and out of you were obscene.
"Just think about how much more I would love you if you'd just do what I want you to do" his thumb rubbed your clit and you had to learn backwards over the marble to gain some support. This felt too much, his words, his cock, the way he smelled so divine, the way he kept his hands on your body, all your senses felt attacked at once.
"I want you to love me daddy.. please love me more" you mumbled so he snickered again, you have missed the snickering and his arrogance.
"Be a good girl then, I'm going to cum…fucking hell ..you are going to walk around with my cum inside you all day long" he whispered between his heavy pantings.
"I don't get to cum?" You looked at him shocked so he affirmed your fear with the shake of his head.
Okay you could do it, you could be his good girl, you'd give him the whole world if he'd ask for it, this was nothing. Right?
But then It was so hard to have his cock throbbing and pulsating inside you, it was difficult to control that feeling from snapping when you felt his cum filling you up but you managed. Barely, but you managed.
He placed his arms on the edge of the sink as he tried to control his breathing, you always worked him harder and faster than anyone else, the dom in him had come out so brazenly but he didn't want to forget who you were to him, you were his precious girl and he couldn't just treat you like the two dollar whore, even though he knew you'd love the filthy treatment.
You grabbed onto the collar of his jacket to pull yourself up, his cock was still inside you so he pulled out and proceeded to clean himself up first. How were you going to go all day like this? You didn't think you could, you didn't want to but he asked you to do it so you were going to be his good girl. You have been Virgin for so long you can do this. The sound of him zipping himself up snapped you out of the thoughts,
"My underwear please?" You asked him so he walked towards you and widened your legs, you felt so exposed as the cold air breezed over your sensitive parts, you were on the edge and you didn't think you'd be able to take more teasing without exploding.
"Fuck you're a good girl aren't you?" He grabbed the back of your neck with one hand while the other one played with your clit. Your eyes rolled back into your head and it made him moan in response
"Dadddyyy i can't.."
"I know love, it's okay, I was just messing with you" he mumbled softly. He'd never leave you hanging like that, he might be evil but he sure knew how to treat his girl in bed.
"Noo noo i can ..I will .I promised to be good daddy"
"Shhhhhh you have been good, so good, it's okay, just take what daddy is giving you yeahh? That's it..that's it..look at you" his middle finger slipped inside while his thumb continued to massage those swollen nubs,
"Lokiiii" you moaned loudly and your fists gripped onto his shoulders. He loved it when you addressed him as daddy, the perv in him fetishized it but the way his name rolled from your lips sounded heavenly too.
"Let go sweetheart, it's okay..i want you to do it for me..I got you yeahhh?" that was the last straw for you, his arm wrapped around your waist because you were convulsing as you rode your high. He kept his eyes on your face and he couldn't help but smile at the sight.
"Thank youuuuu" you whispered as you came back to your senses. That's all you were able to say after that mind numbing orgasm.
"Sooo what got you into bodyguarding business?" You heard Jane ask Thor when you both returned from the bathroom. He was so sweet to you after he had made you explode just with his talented fingers, well his kind of sweet, he cleaned you up, helped you with the underwear and he even helped to put concealer on the mark he had given you on the neck, though he spend a good minute enjoying how it looked on you.
Loki told you that they were secretly married for a year and it was shocking, you couldn't imagine a woman like Jane with someone like Thor.
"Well have you seen me properly Miss foster, I got all what it takes to be one" Thor answered her. As you both sat down you finished the awkward lunch. She seemed furious at him and you didn't know why, Loki told you that she wanted the divorce, was this a Jolene type of situation?
"We don't have to pretend he knows" Thor mumbled and you saw her gasping
"Whatever he said is a lie" she retorted
"So you guys didn't get married?" You asked her and she looked at you shocked.
"Lower your voice, nobody knows, why would you tell them, you said you'd never tell anyone "
"I didn't, you can trust them"
"Oh, like I trusted you?" She snapped at him and your eyes widened. She sighed deeply before she grabbed her purse "Just think about the offer y/n, we can make something great here" she said to you before she stood up.
"Janeyyy" Her eyes teared up as Thor called her name, it was probably a nickname, it felt like you were watching an angsty romance live. All you needed was a popcorn. She was going to leave but she had something to say to him.
"I looked for you for so long, you disappeared and I thought you died or something, after the time we spent with each other i thought that …well fuck you really " she left after that, leaving Thor all shocked, for once you actually saw him genuinely upset.
"You did what?" You asked him but he didn't say anything
"You told me she wanted the divorce –" loki asked him
"I wanted it, things were getting….serious"
"Wowwww" you exhaled, thanking the stars because you knew Loki would never leave you like that. But then you also knew how their minds worked, it wasn't easy for any of you, the kind of things these brothers had witnessed has warped their ability to process such emotions, you were helping Loki slowly and you just wished Thor would allow someone to do the same.
When you both reached home he made popcorn so you two could watch a movie on the couch.
"We should do the documentary" he looked at you surprised as you said that. The old him would have shut you down and walked out of this conversation but he really didn't want to hurt your opinions like that any longer, you weren't a child and he wanted you to be capable of making your own decisions.
"It's not going to be easy baby, you really think you're ready to talk about our past in front of the world to see?" He asked you softly so you thought about it.
"We survived our past and we are here, people make assumptions about us, about you, this way we can tell them the truth" he smiled as you said that.
"When did you get so smart?" He caressed your scalp with his fingers so you giggled.
"I have always been smart.. even when I was 7 I was smart, I always beat you in scrabbles" you climbed onto his lap so he wrapped his arms around you.
"You couldn't even pronounce scrabbles when you were seven" he chuckled so you smacked on his arm.
"That's not true"
"It is..you always pronounced it as scwabbles"
"I so did not" your face flushed at the memory, you definitely pronounced it as scwabbles.
"Your mother always lost though, didn't she?" He asked you and your smile faded instantly at the mention of her name.
"I …I don't remember" you stuttered and tried to shift the topic like usual but he couldn't take it anymore.
"You do, you just don't want to talk to me about her" your eyes teared up as he said that "What happened sweetheart? What bothers you? You know I'm here to listen right?"
"Shut up Loki" you glared at him and he was taken aback by the sudden change in your mood.
"Y/n you want the world to see your truth? How would you do that if you won't even talk about your mother?" He asked you, he wasn't wrong but he didn't know what you had seen at the center, you didn't want to tell him either, that would hurt him too "Atleast talk to me"
"I said shut up..shut up..shut the fuck up about her" you got off his lap as you screamed at him, then you started to cry.
"Baby–" he tried to grab your hand but you flinched away
"Why won't you shut up? I don't want to talk..please don't talk ..pleasee it hurts" you fell down on your knees so he immediately bent down and picked you up in his arms, this was going the route he was afraid of. He can't risk this. Your mind was fragile when it comes to your mother.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry i won't say anything" he whispered softly as you clutched onto him, he laid you down on the couch and wiped your tears before he went into the kitchen to bring you a glass of water, he turned the tv off to shut down the noises.
He sat down on his knees on the floor, his fingers continued to caress your head as he tried to comfort you and stop you from crying.
"I'm sorry baby.. forgive me?" He mumbled softly as he kissed you and you felt horrible about yelling at him, you didn't want to, it just happened and you felt guilty about it now.
"I'm sorry I yelled" you mumbled between your cries so he shook his head, he picked you up again and took you to the bedroom to cuddle with you, he knew that would help a little.
He caressed your back and held you close as he could feel your body shaking, what was it that made you react this way? Your mother's death was gruesome, James and Clint confessed everything they did to her, but you weren't present in the court to hear about it. Did you read about it later? He couldn't tell. You never talked to him about her.
"Lolo?" You mumbled his name in your half asleep state so he hummed in response. He was contemplating over the truth and he wanted you to tell him why you felt this way about her but when you actually revealed the truth he was shocked to the core. He never could have guessed it. He held you tightly as you started to sob again in his arms. Maybe he wasn't ready to hear such a thing.
"I saw her die, I saw them kill herr that night ..right in front of my eyes..they killed mommy loloo..they killed her and I did nothing.. nothing"
Taglist: if I am not able to tag you please check your settings
@annoyingsweetsstranger @whylokiissocute @loki-s-wife @fraoid3 @siggytumbles @crzyplantladyvibes @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vickie5446 @wheredafandomat @mcufan72 @xxntiimulti @loz-3 @dishahaldar @mcdesij @scram1326 @elthreetimes @army24--7 @sinsandguilt @holotacopeely @huntress-artemiss @blog-the-lilly @disneyismyworldforever @bunny24sstuff @kats72 @somewiseguy @asgardianprincess1050 @multifandom-world8 @loki-laufeyson-1054 @daddylokisqueen @lulubelle814
@itsybitchylittlewitchy @rogerrhqpsody @praq123
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
May I request a continuation of 'Second Love' pls???😳
Part One, Part Two
"Hello, darling."
Villain gave the headstone a fond pat before gathering the withered violets from their vase and tossing the old, browning water onto a neighboring grave. He set the vase back in its spot, marked by the brown ring left behind on the stone, and plopped the fresh bouquet in the old one's place.
"Sorry it's been a couple months." He unscrewed the cap of his water bottle and filled the vase halfway with cold, clear water, adjusting a few stems until the flower arrangement was good enough for Other Superhero's resting place. "I've been busy with the power inhibitor. And guess what? It's almost done. Just a few more bugs to work out, and I'll be ready. So. Cross your fingers for me up there, eh?" He chuckled weakly, leaning forward on the balls of his feet to bundle up the old flowers into his hands. They crinkled in his twisting fingers.
"What's that?" Villain said as a light breeze hissed past his ears and carried away a few crumbled petals. Sometimes it was easier to pretend a conversation than to just sit here and stare at the grave. "Anything else new? Well, remember that really annoying hero I told you about a while back? The stupidly determined one? Well, she's still coming around. I think she's actually invincible. I threw a brick at her head the other day. A brick! She didn't even flinch. In fact, she broke my brick."
Villain sighed, throwing back his head to look at the wisps of clouds overhead.
"She's such a mess: clumsy, awkward, never admitting to her mistakes. Even when she wins it’s an accident. I don’t even know how she passed the exam. …I suppose she does have the rare quality of never giving up. No matter what I say or how hopeless it gets, she keeps trying. And she has a good heart. Even if she’s bought into the agency’s garbage, she wants to do the right thing. And…”
A smile had begun spreading up Villain’s jaw but he quickly quashed it, a stab of guilt lurching his stomach.
"I’m sorry. Is this weird? I know it's only been two years. For some people, that's a long time, and for others, it's no time at all...and...I love you so much." Villain hung his head. How should he continue? What was he actually getting at? Whatever it was, it seemed a dangerous thing to put into words. A dangerous, traitorous thing.
"I’m not saying I have feelings for her," he clarified quickly. "I barely know her. And our plan is and always will be my top priority. But…sometimes, when she’s around…I don’t ache so much.” He sighed heavily, rubbing his palms into eyes long dried of useless tears. “I don't want to make the wrong choice.”
The wind ruffled villain’s clothes, this time strong enough to tear the dead violets completely out of his hands. They carried halfway across the cemetery and scattered amongst the other headstones.
Villain blandly watched them go, then tipped his head up toward the sky and closed his eyes, letting leftover winds caress his skin.
"I miss you, darling."
"Could you not stare like that?" Re-Re said, sliding his dessert protectively out of Hero's line of sight.
Hero cocked her head to the side and summed up a confused expression. "I don't know what you're even talking--" She gave up before the sentence was even through, leaning in closer. "Just one bite?"
Re-Re frowned, successfully battling her unbreaking stare for a full minute before sighing and shoving the plate toward her. "Is this why we have brunch every month? So you can continue to break my spirit?"
Hero snatched up her fork and cut off the front corner of the flan with its edges, scraping up a little syrup off the plate before shoving it happily in her mouth. "Don't be dramatic."
"It's sort of my thing," her ex-nemesis said. "If I'm not going to commit crime anymore, I'm at least going to be a villain in my heart."
As if to punctuate this statement, he waved his hand subtly toward the waitress and her big tray of coffee mugs and juices. The tray re-winded to three seconds beforehand. The waitress did not.
For a single moment, the tray hung in mid-air, the waitress staring at her empty hands in utter disbelief. A moment later, the tray crashed into the ground, shattering glasses and spilling puddles of drinks everywhere.
Re-Re covered his mouth with one hand and cackled quietly to himself.
Hero raised her eyebrows disapprovingly. "Technically, I could write you up."
"For a joke?"
"If a retired villain slips back into crime--"
Re-Re rolled his eyes. "Oh stop being so good all the time. Sir Redo-Rewind is retired. That's that. I'm just scratching an itch." Then, maybe to redirect her attention from him, he said, "How's the new nemesis? Villain, right? Scarier than me?"
Hero smiled. "Never. Just different."
Re-Re slid back his dessert plate. "Be honest, everyone knows Villain is another level. Even us villains. How's it been?"
Sort of embarrassing. Villain didn't stick to any sort of script. He didn't share anything either. In fact, he mostly ignored her unless she got close enough to prompt him into action. When she got this job, she thought it was a big deal. That maybe the agency was finally recognizing that she could do a good job, but now she wondered if she was just keeping Villain distracted from everything he'd rather be doing.
"I don't think his heart's in it," Hero said finally.
"Not all villains buy into theatrics," Re-Re shrugged. "Some honestly just want to do the job. It's nothing to do with you."
Hero knew that. Of course, there were different levels of villains, those who looked for attention and those who actually liked mass havoc, but the issue with Villain was she didn't know what he wanted. Aside from being alone and making machines.
"Ok, yes," she consented, "but honestly, I'm not even sure what I'm stopping. He's always just...sitting there. Tinkering. But the agency says the job requires an everyday raid, so I have to be doing something, right?"
Re-Re shrugged. "I never met Villain personally, too big a fish for my pond, but I mean, the agency killed his wife. So yeah, I don't think he's just sitting around. Villains aren't exactly in the habit of forgiving."
"Oh it's a whole thing: 'Stab a villain in the eye, and all you're life you'll be blind.' Basically, whatever you do, we'll bring it back tenf--"
"No, not that," Hero interrupted. "His wife. Other Superhero. I knew she died, but what do you mean the agency killed her?"
"Oh." Re-Re shrugged, scooping up another bite of cake before leaning against the latticed back of his chair. "I don't know the exact details, but it's a big rumor. Basically, Villain had defected to the agency, was doing missions with them and everything. But when he and Other Superhero were sent on a mission together, something went wrong. Other Superhero got hurt, but instead of pulling out, they were told to prioritize the mission. I guess Villain was pretty vocal about turning around but the agency dismissed it as deception. Because of his background, I guess maybe they thought he was lying to help other villains? Anyway, later Superhero was too injured to escape the mission. When Villain was the only one who survived, the other heroes blamed him, even accused him of leaving her to die on purpose."
Hero gaped at Re-Re in shock. The agency... Villain... What?
"B-but the agency always said they got into an accident."
Re-Re shrugged. "I'm only saying what I've heard."
Hero wanted to reject it immediately. There was no way that the agency would force an injured superhero to continue a mission. Even if they hadn't trusted Villain, wouldn't they have trusted Other Superhero? Did Other Superhero bluff about her condition? Or had she begged to be removed too?
If Hero was being honest, there was a lot of pressure for results from the agency. Backing out of a mission or rejecting an assignment was definitely taboo. It got you labeled as weak or in conflict of interest. A strange sense of respect came with almost dying for the cause. And if Other Superhero had been married to a villain, she would have had a lot to prove to her peers.
Hero suddenly felt sick.
Poor Other Superhero.
Poor Villain.
To have his own pain disregarded and be pinned for the whole thing.
"I...I have to go," Hero said.
Re-Re stood up along with her. "I didn't upset you, did I?"
"No. I... There's just something I think I should do."
Villain had just slipped his shoes off when a heavy knock on his front door brought them back to the entrance. The last person he expected to see through the peephole was Hero.
What was this? A new tactic? Didn't she ever take a break? Villain really wasn't in the mood to fight right now, but he had a suspicious feeling that ignoring the hero would only prompt her to find another way in, and he was more sick of fixing things.
He swung open the door with a heavy sigh already drifting from his lungs. "Let me tell you upfront, I'm not doing anything villainous today."
Hero gave a small little leap at his abruptness, but it didn't stop her from immediately shoving a massive bouquet into his chest.
Villain blinked at the arrangement of purple hyacinths, zinnias, and lemon balm, taking several moments to register what was happening and grasp the wrapped stems.
"I'm sorry," Hero said, looking up at him with earnest eyes. The look itself wasn't abnormal, they were usually filled with an earnestness to do what was right, but for the first time, that dedication was aimed toward him. "I asked the flower shop to put together something for grieving. I'm not sure what they all mean, but I know zinnias are for absent friends. I didn't really know Other Superhero, and of course, they were more just a friend to you, but I still feel-- Hey, what's wrong. You're really red."
Villain touched one hand to his cheek. Sure enough, his face burned as if on fire. What was Hero thinking, getting him a gift like this? Didn't she see it was too late for grieving flowers? That they could easily be misconstrued as something else? And yet, it might be the nicest thing anyone had done for him in a long time.
"I'm fine," he said quickly, bringing the flowers to his nose to hide the greater portion of his blush. Yes, it was a nice gesture, but why did he have to feel so flustered? "Thank you. D-do you want to come in?"
Villain cringed inwardly as the words left his mouth. He was supposed to be avoiding everything agency related, not inviting it right back into his life. Hero was no exception.
"Oh..." Hero hesitated a moment, but then said, "Sure!"
Villain's heart pounded a little faster as he stepped back and widened the door opening for her to step through. And this time, he could not ignore it.
I did it! I finally finished one of my original requests!
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @last-ditch-entry @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villainy @distractedlydistracted
153 notes · View notes
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~ Chapter 7. 04 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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I was debating just waiting until Ji-su would come and get me in the morning, but honestly, I couldn't sleep anymore.
I just need to see if Hyun-su's asleep or not. If he's asleep I'll just come back. It was easier for me to stand up this time around.
My body has healed more in the few hours that have gone by, but I still felt them. I'm happy that I could convince Ji-su to go sleep with the others.
It would be impossible to sneak out if she was here. Just like she said the door wasn't locked.
I opened the door fully but froze completely when I saw Hyun-su sitting against the wall next to the door.
He looked just as shocked as me. His big puppy eyes looked up at me from the ground.
"Hyun-su," I whisper letting go of the door.
He stood up breaking eye contact with me.
"Why are you sitting here? Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked with my voice low hoping nobody could hear me.
It's not like people hang out here in the back of the building.
"I...I wanted to make sure you were okay." My eyes scanned his frame, not sure if he meant it or if they told him to guard me.
"I didn't think you would want to be around me?" I admitted wrapping my arms around me.
It was chilly out here and the holes in my dress made it more cold. A confused look came on his face when he looked back up.
"What do you mean?"
Even after everything they are still forcing him to do stuff.
"It's okay Hyun-su you can go. You don't need to guard me. Tell Eun-hyuk he can just lock the door next time."
I turned back around closing the door behind me. I can't believe Ji-su lied. They are afraid of me and Hyun-su is dragged into this.
He hates me and they are making him be around me.
I was about to sit back down when the door opened behind me. When I turned around I saw Hyun-su coming in closing the door behind him.
"Hyun-su go. For the first time you are not locked up here, so go. I don't need a guard. I had hoped that they would stop making you do their dirty work." I explained getting more annoyed.
He shook his head.
"They didn't make me do anything."
A frown came on my face.
"Why are you here then? If I was you I would stay away from this place. From me." I whispered the last part, but he still heard it.
"Why would I stay away from you?" He asked taking a step closer.
"Hyun-su you don't need to pretend you aren't mad with me. Hell if I was you I would hate me and wish I would rot away in here." He still looked confused but still shook his head.
"No, I'm not mad." I let out a sigh of frustration turning away from him.
"Hyun-su, please for once do what you want and don't do things to please others. If you are mad at me just say it! You don't need to keep the peace between us. If you're mad at me just say it and I'll stay away from you."My voice broke at the end.
I didn't want him to be mad at me. I wanted to say I was sorry and hoped he would just say hey to me when he saw me in the building after what I had done, but if he's mad and just wants to ignore me I will accept that.
It was silent for a while.
I could hear him breathing behind me, but he didn't utter a word. I was hoping he would leave soon because it was getting harder to keep the tears in.
I thought he would walk out of the room when I heard him move, but to my surprise, a hand grabbed my shoulder gently.
I turned around and came face to face with him. It was the first time I was this close to him without me taking care of his wounds. His eyes scanned my face taking it in before speaking up.
"I'm not mad at you." I opened my mouth to say something, but he was faster to say something.
"Ji-su told me that Eun-hyuk made you keep it a secret. I also know that you fought him every moment you could when he sent me upstairs. I always saw you argue with him when I would go upstairs."
It was like a daily thing. Eun-hyuk would send him upstairs, I would fight with him to make me go too or to give Hyun-su a break.
"That doesn't excuse the fact that you were locked up here and used like a dog while I was free to walk around. I should have said something at least to you! I hated how you were locked up here!" I was so angry at myself for just doing nothing.
"God I'm so stupid and weak! I could have helped and you would be less injured! Maybe if I just have followed you upstairs I could have helped you without Eun-hyuk knowing!" By now tears were streaming down my face.
All the emotions I have been holding back the past couple of weeks came floating out.
I shook my head bringing my hands to my hair.
"I'm always doing things wrong. I should have been more stronger!" I sobbed.
Before I could say something else Hyun-su grabbed me to bring me into his embrace. A part of me wanted to pull away, but I didn't have the strength to fight. The only thing I did was grab the back of Hyun-su's sweater tightly in my hands while more sobs left my mouth.
I think Hyun-su surprised himself when he grabbed me because, for a few seconds, he just stood there stiff not knowing what to do next before one of his hands went to the back of my head stroking my hair, and the other wrapped securely around my waist.
"I'm sorry," I whispered a few times, but the only thing he did was pull me closer.
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They are getting closer....... Hyun-su is beginning to let Mi-na touch him longer and even hugging her ^^. But it's Sweet Home so things can go to shit any second.
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arsonsara · 1 year
Paper Mario: The Twenty-Year Heartache
I'm going to be meeting an old friend soon.
It's been a long time since we last saw each other. I don't know why we haven't talked since then. There's a tightness in my chest every time I think about writing him a letter, my head spins and my thoughts go cloudy every time I think about leaving everything behind so I can visit him, and ache in my throat every time I think about how long it's been.
Sometimes I try and make myself feel better by thinking he feels the same way. Guilty, wishing everything else in the world could go out of focus just so that I...
We...could meet again.
It's a stupid thought. He doesn't have a reason to think about me anymore. He has more important things to do, people rely on him, people look up to him. He can't let those people down. Not for the sake of someone he only met once… I never did get the chance to tell him. I almost did. Everyone else stood beside me, at the end of the pier, as stars glimmered in the night sky and their light reflected back on the ocean's azure waves. It felt right, it felt like everything I could've ever dreamed of...
But...she was there. The only reason he was here was to save her. Ugh, I feel disgusting for even thinking that. He's such a selfless person, so kind, so generous, such a gentle and understanding person. Saying that he was only here just for her feels so...debasing.
But I can't stop thinking about it. How people talk about them, all the history they have, they've known each-other for so long that people can't think of them apart, and when they are, he's always the one to bridge the gap, overcome any obstacle, travel across the entire world...just for her. So all I could muster was a weak whimper, my voice barely above a whisper, before I tore the words from my mouth and just said… "I sure do think you and Peach make a nice couple..."
Because all I could think was that she was realer than I ever could be… ...I never did get the chance to tell him. Whenever I spoke of how I looked, people would always assure me I was "A knockout", "Positively radiant"..."a really pretty girl."… Whenever they heard my sisters mock and ridicule me, they must've thought it was just the talk of an old crone and her droll yes-woman, average, wicked villains who only really exists to act cruelly and not...what it actually was behind closed doors. I will admit, it made things easier. I didn't have to explain my existence to them, I didn't give them any reason for them to question what I was, and keeping it a secret meant I didn't have to burden them with...everything it took for me to get to this point. And why should I not want that? For nobody to question why I have such long hair, why I get so giddy when I think about dressing up or putting on lipstick, or...why I would have a girls name. Don't I deserve to be accepted like that so simply? For me to be what makes me happy and have everyone understand without asking? To not have to justify my existence? I absolutely do!...So...
Why does it feel like I'm still trying to justify it to myself? I want to tell him. I so desperately want to tell him. Everything. Every last little thing I've held inside my heart for the past twenty years. I never thought I would ever get this chance again, and it excites me as much as it terrifies me. My soul is giving off sparks that jolt my body to its very core, and it feels like it could paralyze me as much as it could drive me to scream my truth from the top of my lungs so it could echo past the horizon. There's a part of me that's begging me to quell that scream, for me to bury those feelings deeper than I ever have, bury them deeper than what we found come the end, and just pretend like nothings changed. Stay in line, say your lines, and keep everything shut. Nobody can hurt me like that again if they don't know… ...And maybe it's selfish, or some crazy fantasy that rattles around in my head once I'm done tiring myself out with all these worries and fears. But I like to think that...maybe, even if he didn't know back then that… That he knows now. Even without me having to say it. And that once we meet again, under that twilight sky where he first dried my tears, as the moon hangs above and shines its light down on the both of us...
He'll love me just the same as he always did.
Even if I don't have the strength to tell him how much I love him.
---- I wrote this poem in a flash. It struck my brain like a lightning bolt and all I could think about was putting my pen to paper and writing it. It's messy, off the cuff, uncut and genuine. I don't think I could've wrote it any other way, and I kind of love that. Hope you enjoyed it.~
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