#i'm gay as in happy and queer as in fu queue
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
Gay/bi cis men and gay/bi trans men actually have a lot more in common with each other than either group tends to think they do, and its tragic that many people from both groups have been convinced that they could never even see a glimmer of themself in the other.
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thateclecticbitch · 1 year ago
"Every woman feels dysphoric about her breasts." They really really dont.
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
Gay men and trans men are best friends forever and ever actually
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
New favorite thing is Link and Sidon being absolutely whipped for each other in fanart.
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
Dear Diary,
Three ex-mormons walk into a gay bar...
That's the start of a joke, right?
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thateclecticbitch · 1 year ago
you know what, a pirates life IS for me (he just saw himself wearing a poet shirt with tattoo patterned trans tape showing through ever so slightly)
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
I love using historical terminology for queer love attraction gender and expression because it makes me feel connected to the gays of yore <3
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
GC2Bs quality has noticably dropped since 2020. My first GC2B binder was phenomenal. I could walk and stuff in it. here is a long uphill climb from my work to my house, in my old gc2b binder, at the top of the hill, Id be a little put of breath In my new one, Id been bent over in pain, wheezing, and needed my emergency inhaler before I even get to the halfway point. In just a few washes, I was noticing thin spots in the fabric, seems got loose This binder fit correctly. It didnt cut into my sides. It didn't give me unibood. I even compaired it to my old gc2b binder and there was no difference in the measurements or my own body measurements, but I knew something was off. It was stiffer. Less flexible. Less comfortable. It felt thinner and flimsier yet simultaneously more restrictive and immobile. I thought moving a size up would solve my problems but even though it was so much looser I still got pain from basic human life stuff like walking from work to home.
In a Shapeshifters binder, I could lightly jog up that same hill and not even be winded by the time I reach the top. The stitching looks sketchy at first but it's held up extremely well after 3 years of regular use and it still binds just as well as it did on day one. It is worth every single penny ten times over. The only reason I have almost stopped wearing binders altogether is because 1) I found a sports bra that makes me look ripped which is my preference 2) I generally prefer trans tape now that I'm back into singing, and 3) I got a little too enthusiastic playing Just Dance (not very enthusiastic at all) and I got a bad binding injury in my newer GC2B binder that I reluctantly used that day in a pinch.
I thought I was crazy for noticing this change. But I'm not the only one whose noticed this decrease in quality, longevity, effectiveness, and safety of GC2B binders. They have stolen products concepts from a creator who proposed the concept after declining to collaborate with the person who proposed it, and did it without credit. One of my friends even found a bloodstain on his when it came in the mail. I am extremely concerned about what safety measures they have in place now that they've moved into a bigger manufacturing building, and about the fact that their inspection process (or lack thereof) regularly mislabels sizes and that they sent a product with a biohazard on it.
I'm not trying to scare yall because I dont want you to be happy. I'm a trans man who is concerned about safety and product regulation. Those who have good experiences in post 2019 GC2B binders, good for you. But that is your experience. My experience is not a rumor. It's something that really happened to me. I am begging the rest of you to try and invest in something better. An inconsistent product is not one that can be relied upon to be safe. The gamble is not worth it.
Let me repeat that.
The gamble is not worth it.
It's not worth fitting into button ups. It's not worth being flat. It's not worth that feeling you get when you look into the mirror and see yourself. Its not worth passing.
Your safety comes first. Before anything else. Your safety is the most important thing. Invest in something better. Save up pennies and dollars. Ask for cash or prepaid visa gift cards for your birthday and Christmas. Mow lawns, shovel driveways, rake leaves. I know it's hard. I know the wait is hard. I also know you can do it. You will get through this. I'm not telling this because I want you to suffer. I'm telling you this because I love you and I want you to live your life to the fullest, even if that life had to wait a little longer.
trans friends— this has been circulating a lot on the internet already but PLEASE stop ordering from gc2b. their quality has massively declined, they send the wrong size binders correctly marked, the stitching is extremely poor and rips often times when first putting it on. do not waste your money on them!
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thateclecticbitch · 1 year ago
Looked in the mirror today and thought to myself "Oh. Hey :)"
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
Wait? Your partner uses they them pronouns, but you call them your boyfriend? What? Are you t4t?
Okay, gonna take these one at a time.
The Boyfriend is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, but I call them my boyfriend because that is the terminology they enjoy using.
We are boyfriends.
I mean, I'm t4t and gay. That doesn't mean cis people or women are outside of my dating pool, it just means my attractions double as a very accurate egg radar.
As for whether this specific relationship is t4t... I think so? Maybe? If it is, I should probably clarify that while we are both gender funky and experience queer attraction to men, it is not a transmasc4transmasc situation, if you catch my drift. I feel like we are AuDHD4AuDHD more than anything else to be honest. Just a couple o' nerds who's love language is parallel play and infodumping.
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
You know what, the categorization of drag queen's as a type of clown may actually explain (at least partially) the anti-drag panic.
Those high in disgust sensitivity are more prone to perceiving even relatively benign stimuli as disgusting, they tend to experience the emotion of disgust more intensely, and they remain disgusted for a longer duration compared with those lower in sensitivity to disgust.
One of the most accurate predictor of whether someone holds homophobic/transphobic sentiments is high disgust sensitivity.
Which is why it is so important to include disgust as essential to the definition of homophobia and transphobia.
Similarly, a key predictor of Claurophobia (fear of clowns) is high disgust sensitivity.
If the fear of clowns and homophobia/transphobia are both highly correlated with a high disgust sensitivity, how much overlap is there between people who are afraid of clowns, and people who are homophobic/transphobic/anti-drag queen?
If drag queens are a type of clown, how much can anti-drag sentiment be explained by the same anxieties that contribute to clauropuobia (exagerated performance, not-quiet human features acheived through makeup, obscures facial features so intent cannot be easily read, uncanny valley, ect ect).
How is the Drag Story Hour Panic related to the 2016 Clown Sightings, Pizzagate, Satanic Panic ect ect? Why do we keep falling for the tactic of redirecting paedophilia anxiety toward a scapegoat as a way to distract the public from the actual perpetrators?
much to think about
i saw some thread on xitter with some dude asking why drag queens "want to be around children so much" re: story hours and all the replies were either predictably disgusting or very defensive but not a single goddamn one of them answered the question so i will help in case anyone ever asks you this incredibly stupid question: they are clowns!! drag queens are just clowns!! they put on extremely silly makeup and huge wigs and bright clothes and do over-the-top performances that make people laugh and smile and sometimes cry. that is the definition of a clown. they like to perform for children because they are a type of clown and children are great audiences and it is not any deeper than that. god damn.
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
Dear very handsome man at pride who gushed fpr a solid 30 seconds about my eyes thank you so much also I'm taken lol
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
Met the parents (and family) and it went like 100x better than either of us expected considering the fact that The Father gave my boyfriend the whole "your going to hell" speil just last week.
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thateclecticbitch · 1 year ago
The fucking Gilbert baker flag in s2e05 at 6:45😭
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
When you cuddle so much that you can still feel the press of their arm around you for hours later <3
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years ago
Im so weepy over "Molly" as a self descriptor for MLM originating from the slang used to refer to female sex workers cuz they hung out in the same vicinity and understood themselves to be intrinsically this way and they gathered together in Molly Houses and did drag and "Gay" as a self descriptor for MLM originating from the slang used to refer to female sex workers cuz they hung out in the same vicinity and we understand ourselves to be intrinsically this way and we gather together in Gay Bars and Gay Clubs and do drag I'm so emotional over this queer history and language and culture really does exist and repeats itself and never dies :')
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