#i'm actually very fond of what I have for this AU so far
mkstrigidae · 1 year
Thank you so much for the ask and for playing along with this ask meme! (I am a million kinds of sorry for how long my response has taken). This one is from a Mermaid!Jon, Marine Biologist!Sansa AU that I haven't published yet!
“Is she going to be alright?” the fire was large- larger than any Jon had ever seen- he could feel the heat on his scales even from this distance. “I think so.” Rhaenys murmured, pressing her wrist to the girl’s forehead. “She’s a tough one- I can tell.” he eyes softened as they fell on Jon. “Who is she?” He stared at her sleeping face, ignoring the way his tail had begun to dry and feel uncomfortably tight as he put off going back into the grotto's pool. “A scientist, I think.” he told his sister. “She arrived a few moons ago with a group of others- they wear the equipment that lets them breathe in the water.” “SCUBA gear.” Rhae nodded. Her lips curled up into a secretive smile. “What’s her name?” “I-“ Jon blinked. “I don’t know.” he admitted, embarrassed. “We’ll have to ask her when she wakes up.” Rhae murmured, stroking back the girl’s hair. Jon took her hand where it had fallen from the blanket, holding it in his own. “You can still go back, you know.” He didn’t respond. her skin was getting warmer as he held onto her hand. It was soft- smooth in a different way than his own scales. “Can I?” he finally asked, looking up at his sister. “You can.” She promised him, gently, walking over to press a kiss to his forehead. “I’ll tell father that I was the one who rescued her, and if she saw one of us, I’ll tell him it was me. You won’t be blamed.” “But-“ Jon shook his head. “But what?” his sister asked, perching next to the girl. “But then I won’t get to learn her name.” he said, rather pathetically.
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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mosaickiwi · 7 months
Fall Unto Me
Meant to post this before Halloween except it got reaaaally long so I split it up. 🙈 It works as a standalone, though. I'll put the other parts up at some point hehe.
Actual!Angel and Devil!Ren AU (yoinked from da discord bot once again) One visit to earth turns into eternity. 1.4k words + GN reader
cw// religious themes
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
With pearly white wings and a halo of gold, you were a disciple in heaven’s endless library. Duty bound to organize records and histories of paradise and its worlds below. Though you’d never looked within those records, just being in their presence gave you curiosity about your god’s creations all the same.
Once every hundred or so years in your infinite lifespan, you sought to venture into the human realm before returning to your celestial duty. It was an odd request to your peers. None were as interested in mortals as you so each visit was a lonely affair. You never stayed more than an hour or two, merely observing how they had changed from a favored seat in the clouds above, lest someone spotted you. It was only meant to be a short trip as always. This time something felt different.
In the quaint seaside town you were fond of visiting, you'd sensed a devil and dared to investigate. Of course, you'd never met one, so you had no idea what that uneasy feeling even was until your feet touched the ground for the very first time.
The devil seemed to be asleep in a field of blossoms, butterflies fluttering about. Spring was always in full bloom when you descended to earth. Pastel pink hair blended with the flowers, only making the black horns atop his head and the symbols scrawled along his arms stand out even more.
You approached with caution and curiosity. Though they were meant to be your sworn enemy, heaven's few rumors about devils already appeared untrue. The fauna and flora around him weren't withered and rotting, but full of life. He didn't smell of burning flesh, nor was he covered head to toe in the blood of his victims. If anything, his form seemed almost angelic.
He opened his eyes as you came closer, and their sky blue color welcomed you further. "Ah, could I be dreaming? Or has an angel come to rescind my eternal punishment?" he spoke wryly. 
"Nay, devil. I want no trouble from you," you said in response, caught off guard by his casual, relaxed greeting. You took a few fearful steps away when he rose to lean back on his hands.
"Hmm... You have some holy divination or blessing to bestow upon this land, I assume. I've no intention of interfering." He smiled up at you, and those angelic features seemed even more prominent. Were it not for the pointed tail swishing with vigor behind him, you'd think this devil was one of your own.
"There's no mission I've been given," you explained with a shake of your head, "I'm only here to observe my god's world for a few moments, out of my own curiosity."
"Fascinating. I've never known angels to take interest in mortal affairs before their passing. Then, if no duty calls for thee—" he stopped to pluck a white bud that hadn't quite fully bloomed from the sea around him. "Might you grace me with your divine visage for one moment longer, little angel? I've called earth my home for millennia—and damnation is dreadfully boring. I could help with those curiosities, if you so desire." He held the bud out to you as an offering.
Though his words sounded sincere, you felt unsure. “...Do you take me to be so naive? I know your kind favor trickery.”
“I only offer my companionship,” he gave an innocent shrug. That heavenly smile was still fixed on you.
Your eyes darted between his outstretched hand and his face. Eventually, you took the flower from him. You could sense no ill intent on their part, so it wouldn't hurt to stay a little while. Nonetheless, you’d do your best to stay on guard.
The sun dipped lower in the sky as you lost track of time. Ren, you learned, knew far more of humans than you ever imagined. Your interest in them grew with each story he told of the world. At his urging, you'd gone to the beach to wander up close among them. It was a bit of a struggle to prepare—you'd never been told that your wings could retract or your halo could be hidden. But he coached you through it, not so much as flinching at the sting of divine power when you accidentally hit his arm with a wing on the first try. For a devil, he was oddly knowledgeable of things beyond his damned realm.
“You said your visits were always over in the late morning. So you haven’t seen this time of day, have you?” he asked as you both walked along the shore, waves glittering in gentle reds and pinks you’d never known the sun to make.
“I haven’t seen this terrain either.” Even with the occasional pausing stares of young children and animals—the only beings who could see your true form, as they were without sin—you were thrilled at the new experiences you were having. Your footsteps painted the sand rather unevenly compared to his. It was impossible to get used to the sinking feeling, nor the coarse sand getting into your sandals. You laughed at the sensation. “Heaven is all clouds and gardens. Here… it’s so different. The sun shines differently. But it’s still just as beautiful.”
He took your hand in his to keep you steady, pulling you towards the water’s edge. They were all too comfortable with the action, but you didn't spare it a thought. The guard you were meant to keep up had been thrown aside long ago. “I’m honored to show you such new experiences. And I only hope to give you more.” Ren’s face was bathed in a heavenly glow as he guided you into the water. 
It was a stark contrast. The once warm sand turned to a bracing cold, almost slimy texture as the water slowly rose up to your waist. You raised your other hand up high to avoid it, still clutching the late blooming bud he’d picked for you.
The pink-haired devil brought you to a stop and nodded out at the setting sun with an unreadable look, “I’m sure you won’t be able to take your eyes away from it. I couldn’t, my first time seeing the sun disappear.” At his suggestion you turned your head to watch, barely aware of the way their tail wrapped around your hips to keep you close.
It was captivating as the sun began to fall further beyond the horizon, the hues of the day gradually shifting both in the sky and sea before your eyes. Golds, reds, pinks, and purples all chased after the light, leaving behind a blue as cold as the water felt. In what seemed like an instant, it was over too soon—not a trace left of the glorious sun that never set back in the heavens you called home. Strangely enough, your body tensed with heavy feelings. As if you were saying goodbye to a part of you. You stood staring out at the graying ocean for a long while, until the cold water lapping against your skin felt no different from the air.
“How was it?” he gently broke the silence. You felt his hand move to rest over your own, cradling the flower still between your fingers. The heat of his touch guided you to meet his gaze.
“Breathtaking, I think,” you whispered with a frown as you looked up at him. “And a bit sad? All that warmth disappeared—I’m not sure how to feel.”
“Breathtaking as the sun is, you’ll find on earth that some flowers show their true beauty without its watchful eye, my little angel,” he said to reassure you. The bud in your shared grasp opened slowly at his words, its tapered white petals unfurling to reveal pale lavender edges as the sky darkened further. His fingers traced behind your ear before he tucked the flower among the strands of your hair, seeming to admire it. “You’d never have known if you’d only stayed those few moments.”
You searched his eyes as his hand lingered at your cheek. Just as when you first met, there was no malice in their voice. A devil who appreciated your god’s work felt unheard of. From Ren's intense gaze he looked as if he revered them. He must've been a kindred soul—or the equivalent of a soul in demons. You wanted to know more about him as well, not just mortals. 
Their fangs gleamed in the faint moonlight when you quietly asked, “What else can you show me?”
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silverameco · 3 months
Summer Camp AU - @wolfstarmicrofic - 839 words
Bullshit. That's what it fucking was. Utter fucking bullshit. He had a plan. A simple one too, with only two steps to follow.
1) Coming home from boarding school for the summer
2) Taking off to James' the next day
Except he didn't anticipate that his mother would send him to some stupid summer camp before James could pick him up. All that because "maybe they will teach you some manners, unlike that heathen friend of yours". Sure, he and James got in a lot of trouble at school, but still. That wasn't fair. And with no phone too !
Now here he was, stuck in the middle of the woods with a bunch of kids younger than 12, with no way to contact James, bored out of his mind. He was 16 ! He should have been able to spend his summer the way he wanted. And it was definitely not building shitty wood cabins with some mean instructors yelling at him. Apparently being the oldest meant he had to help the kids. He wasn't a damn carpenter, for god's sake.
The only one who seemed to be around his age was a broody looking boy whose weird name he didn't remember. He was always aside from the group, reading or even smoking, even though it wasn't allowed. Sirius was a little bit annoyed by that because he was never getting yelled at for it. He supposed the instructors were a little bit scared of him and didn't want to bother. He could look quite scary, with the scar running accross his face and his tall figure. Sirius must have been scared of him. Maybe that was why he didn't dare talk to him until the third day. Maybe that was why he couldn't hold his gaze everytime their eyes met.
But on the third day, Sirius had enough. That boy was only a teenage boy like him after all. So he managed to avoid the attention of the instructors and approached him as he was reading, sitting under a tree.
"So, are you a really useless instructor or do your parents hate you too ?" he said while he sat beside him.
To Sirius' surprise, the boy smiled as he met his eyes. Oh, he thought. He's not scary at all. He's adorable. He pushed the thought away.
"Well I suppose my dad wanted to get rid of me. I'm Remus, by the way."
"That's a weird name, Remus."
"Weirder than being named after a star ?"
Sirius' mind blanked.
"Wha- How did you- ?"
At that, Remus just laughed. And oh, he should stop laughing. Sirius couldn't bear such a pretty sound.
"Some of us actually remember the others' names, Sirius", he smiled.
Sirius ignored the flutter in his chest at hearing his name in that warm voice, and he smirked, "do you know everyone's name, then, Remus ?"
Remus blushed. "Nah, just yours."
For the first time since he arrived in this stupid camp, Sirius felt his lips stir in a genuine smile. Okay then, Remus seemed fun.
They stayed under the tree for almost an hour, mostly chatting about their shared misfortune being here, and sharing a smoke. Stealing glances the other's way too. Surprisingly, nobody disturbed them until the outdoor activity ended and they had to go back to the camp for dinner. They sat together while they ate some very untasty food. Sirius spent his dinner trying to convince Remus that his parents sent him to this camp because he was a true rebel. But Remus kept laughing and looking at him with something like fond disbelief. So Sirius kept insisting. Maybe because he was stubborn and proud. Maybe because he wanted to hear that laugh again.
Overall, Sirius went to bed with a smile, thinking he made a real friend. Maybe that camp wouldn't be so bad, after all. But an hour after bed time, as everyone was already asleep, he heard a whisper shaking him away from his thoughts.
"Sirius, are you sleeping ?"
"Remus ?! What are you doing ?"
"Shh, don't wake them up !"
He sat up in his bed. He could barely make out Remus' amber eyes in the dark. Everyone else was asleep in the big dormitory.
"Couldn't sleep. There's a lake, not far. Thought maybe you'd want to go for a swim."
"Right now ?!"
Remus moved a bit and his face was suddendly bathed in the moonlight seeping through the thin curtains. Sirius could see him better. Mostly, he could see his cheeky smile.
"Come on, Sirius, what happened to being a true rebel ?"
He was standing near Sirius' bed, extending a waiting palm towards him. His smile was equal parts sweet and teasing. Mesmerized, Sirius took the offered hand. He hoped the night was hiding his blushing cheeks. As they sneaked out of the building and into the night, they never let go of each other's hand. Sirius thought that maybe, this summer camp wasn't utter bullshit. Maybe it would be really fucking amazing. 
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pennedmusings · 8 months
Thumb Fight
Summary: You are in a bar waiting for Sirius and the boys to show up, but the chaos and the hubbub of the setting make it difficult for you to have a good time. Thankfully, Sirius shows up just in time.
Note: fluff, comfort, Muggle!AU, Sirius and the reader are friends but with mutual pining! because I'm a slut for that. Gender-neutral reader. Neurodivergent reader. Not very well edited
Relationship: Sirius Black x Reader (mutual pining)
Warnings: Sensory overstimulation, sensory icks, crying, self-depreciation, reader is not very fond of themselves, mentions of drinking! reader almost has a panic attack (?)
Word count: approx 2K words
Likes and reblogs are much appreciated, comments even more so!
The music was so loud you could barely hear your own thoughts.
It had been a pleasant hum before, a singer crooning softly from a corner, stuff that you could handle, stuff that you enjoyed actually. But as the night went on, the crowd got progressively drunker, and their tastes got progressively rambunctious. Right now, the speakers boomed with the heavy bass of some pop song. The crowd that had clamoured to put on “real” music instead of the Chris Isaak that you were so at ease with, now no longer cared for the song and wanted to focus on their chatter. People yelled at decibels far beyond the human capacity just to say hello to someone.
It was a Saturday night so the bar was packed to the brim, and you could feel several arms brushing past yours. You escaped the corner you had thought to seclude yourself in when a couple came in with each other’s tongues down their throats. You walked over to the bar and laid your hands flat against the marble when your skin came in contact with something wet. It was probably just condensed water from a cold drink, your brain tried to reason, but your instinct was to recoil in disgust and immediately wipe your hands off the cold, wet, annoying sensation on your hand.
It was a nightmare for you.
You flinched every time you so much as heard another glass hit the bar.
The glasses clinked.
The crowd roared.
Somebody said “hello” a little too loudly.
The bass pumped.
The door squeaks.
The bar top is wet.
Someone’s arm is brushing yours.
Too much, too much, too much, too much, too much, too much, too-
“Hey, hey, hey, puppy, what’s wrong?” warm hands lift your chin up and you almost flinch before realising who it is. Your eyes meet the concerned grey of Sirius’s. and as his eyes widen you realise how bad you must look in the moment. Surely, Sirius pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and starts dabbing around your eyes.
Oh, you didn’t know you’d started crying.
His thumbs smooth out the furrows of your eyebrows as he moves closer to you, as if he’s trying to shield you from the rest of the bar.
“Wanna get out of here?” he asks softly, and you nod.
In no time he’s wading through the crowd, trying to create an opening for you to follow him out with. He holds your hands in his throughout the whole deal. Finally when you are both outside, the crisp, chilly autumn air hits you and you sit on the pavement in grateful silence. You don’t need to speak and Sirius doesn’t demand an answer as well.  
You lose track of time as you rub your hands over your body. Crack your joints, gnaw on your lip, braid a portion of your hair, and tap your feet to a rhythm stuck in your head. After a minute, or maybe 10, or  maybe 20, when you’re humming the same part of a Mitski song over and over again,  Sirius speaks up.
“You feeling better now?”
“Good,” the relief is evident in his voice, “ I got really worried seeing you like that.” He admits.
An apology comes out of you instinctively.
Sirius scoffs and settles down beside you, “it’s not your fault lovely.” He offers you his hand and you take him up. He quickly moulds your hands into a position for a thumb-fight and you are grateful for the distraction. Because he is sitting next to you and you can smell his cologne, and you can feel the heat emanating from his body; you might go into a different kind of panic attack if you focus on just him for longer. 
“It kind of is though,” you soldier on with your self-criticism. “If I wasn’t so fucked in the head, you wouldn’t have to leave everything and sit with me outside a bar.”
The thumb fight has reached a strategic impasse, both of you hold your thumbs poised, ready to attack, but none making the first move.
“For the record, I didn’t leave anything.”
You look up to his eyes for the first time since coming outside the bar. But perhaps for the first time, he’s the one avoiding eye contact. You try to hold his gaze but he is adamant to not let you.
“What do you mean? I know for a fact that James and Remus are in there waiting for you to join them.” you point out. The boys were supposed to get to the bar together, being the roommates that they are. They had offered to pick you up from your apartment so that all of you could be there together but you knew they’d have to take a detour to accommodate that. Besides, your shift ended earlier today so you figured that going to the bar was less depressing than sitting by yourself at home waiting for someone to pick you up. Maybe you should have taken Remus up on his offer after all.
“They’re twats who have separation anxiety.” He deadpans but both of you know he’s only teasing. He’d take a bullet for them through his heart.  
His face looks peculiar, unfamiliar in this setting because you’ve never seen him like this- all shy and red in the cheeks, avoiding eye contact, for once you’re the pursuer.
“Twats they may be, they’re still your friends. You should go inside with them. I’m much better here, you don’t need to stay.” You brush your thumb against his in challenge.
“Oh but I do,” the response is prompt, “need to be here to look after you. All alone, looking so pretty in the night, someone might steal you away. And where will be after that?” his thumb bashes yours away.
“You’ll all be much better off.” You huff.
He tsks very loudly and soon your thumb is pressed underneath his. You try to wriggle it free but he is a rugby player and his strength is not to be messed with. “ Quit it.” He warns.
There’s a pregnant pause. You’ve had this conversation before. Maybe not with the others, but definitely more times with Sirius than you could count. None of you say anything. You have long given up on trying to retrieve the thumb that’s stored underneath his firm grip.
“It’s rotten work.” You finally huff out.
He sighs, “Not to me. Not if its you.”
The stupid bastard knows Euripides. Great.
Anger and self-loathing forgotten you now try to get to the bottom of this enigma. “Pray tell, how did you know what to say?”
“I’m a man of culture-!” you smack him upside down. “OW!” he rubs the back of his head tenderly.
“You binge-watched all of Dance Moms in a week.”
“It’s a cultural revolution.” 
“You have the attention span of a very small baby without any object permanence, you did not go through all of Euripides.” You say decidedly.
“Okay, I did not. You just mentioned it one day and said that you liked it a lot. So I thought of reading it but I couldn’t get past the first page.” Here you crack a smile, “ so then I just went on the internet to find something popular from the book and this was the first thing that showed up. Of course, knowing you, I could bet that you would quote this at some point or the other at me, and I wanted to be prepared.”
The chilly London air feels so much hotter than before. Even though its late at night, you think you can see the sun trying to shine its way out from the darkness. Sirius Orion Black will kill you one day. You think he’s trying to kill you right now. With his stupid shy smile, his stupid grey eyes looking at the pavement like it’s the most interesting thing in the world, the stupid blush creeping over his cheeks.
“Oh so when I asked you to take the chicken out of the freezer that one day, it was too much work for you, but Y/N just mentions a book and you’re off cramming its Wikipedia page? Some roommate you are Pads!”
Both of you whip your head around at the sudden intrusion. James leans against the door with his arms crossed over his chest in a display of anger that you know is all fake. Remus is standing next to him with his hands in his pocket and a small smile on his face. They look like they’ve been here for a while now and the realisation makes you want to disintegrate into the asphalt.
Intrusion into your quiet time with Sirius it may be, but you are in a way grateful for it; the conversation was going into realms you aren’t prepared at all to face. You look towards Sirius and judging by his face, he’s relieved too.
“What are you lot doing outside?” Sirius demands nonetheless (your thumb is still firmly wrapped under his), “aren’t you supposed to be getting piss drunk today?”
“We were supposed to get piss drunk together” James explains with all the patience of a tired rugby player who’s been working without break for the whole day, “We ordered shots and everything but we couldn’t find you or Y/N, so we came outside looking for you.”
You feel heat rising to your cheeks. Oh, so your breakdowns were that predictable. Being perceived is a mortifying ordeal.
However when you look to James and Remus there is nothing but kindness, understanding, and concern in their eyes. That lessens some of the awkwardness.
(Sirius’s hand has now enveloped yours, and that’s doing wonders for the anxiety too)
“Anyway,” Remus begins with a long drawl in that usual ‘Let’s-get-to-the-point-shall-we’ way of his, “are we heading back inside? No offense darling Y/N but its fucking freezing out here.”
Despite his words, you know there isn’t any malice to his position. It’s his way of asking if you’re okay in front of everyone; if you’re okay to face the inside.  
Though the question is meant for you, you look to Sirius for some sort of inclination. You get nothing but a soft smile. You know what it means. You just have to say the word and they would camp outside and start a party by the pavement.
It’s overwhelming and heartwarming at the same time to think about how deep their friendship goes. To abandon everything simply because one person isn’t comfortable with it. You are beyond lucky to have this in your life. But however tempting the idea of leaving all this to go sleep in your bed might seem on other nights, tonight you find yourself looking forward to getting piss drunk with this group of men who crashed into your life like a storm.
Your hand is now being properly caressed and massaged by Sirius’s and you feel all the stress slipping away. The prospect of the daunting inside seems less and less like a bad idea knowing that you have him by your side. You need only make the smallest protest and he’ll escort you out immediately. No matter the amount of wet table tops, or too-loud people, you know that with him around none of your senses would have enough sense to make you feel anxious.
So you nod.
James lets out a whoop and Remus chuckles at his antics. Sirius- well, Sirius is smiling at you again before he’s hauling himself up to his feet. He takes a second to adjust before he’s pulling you up as well (by the hand he had never let go of).
The gates to the bar are swung open by one of the boys, and the inside is as you expected it to be: loud, with people clambering all over the place. But you don’t notice that not when Sirius pulls your thumb into another fight and the rest of the world blurs away.
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ttteanimalau · 8 months
Hello yall!
Firstly, I wanna apologize for this blog being...in a coma for a bit there. I promise, I'm not done with this blog or au, I've actually not stopped thinking about it. I've just been lacking motivation to make art for it, any artist would know lol
Because it's been so long, I've decided to finally settle on making references for the mains, meaning engines 1-7 plus Emily.
So far, this is Thomas, Edward, Henry, and Gordon, I'll make everyone in time but I had these done and wanted to post now. Also, have some fun basic descriptions of their characters in my au.
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Thomas is, to most workers, a lil prick. In all seriousness, his basic personality is a lovable yet cheeky young dork, with a big heart. There are few figures of authority he has respect to but he, overall, doesn't find joy in causing distress or harm to others. He causes trouble in a more-or-less fun kind of way, even though it can get under the skin of certain co-workers He does have a bit of a hero complex though, after all he's been through.
Edward is an older mentor-type figure, basically everyone's dad. He's thoughtful and very reliable, always willing to do what's necessary to get the job done. When a scenario would call for it, he does have some bite when it comes to verbally disciplining his younger peers, especially Thomas and James. He takes no nonsense and can be pretty scary when he's ticked off, despite his usual softboi appearance. Also yes, he's very gay, I felt that was important to mention lol
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Henry is also a softboi, though he's definitely less of a mentor figure. He's careful and gentle, especially with smaller beings. He can get prideful, especially when he primarily pulls the heaviest trains. He has incredible strength and he knows it, though part of his pride comes from hidden insecurity, considering his past and how fragile he used to be before the Flying Kipper. But that's a long story that'll be explained in the future.
Gordon is the pride of Sodor's railway, and he basks in the spotlight. He's boastful and proud, and that's not entirely unfounded. As the worker who primarily pulls the Express passenger train, he's aware of how important he is. Though, he does have a fondness for his younger co-workers, even the ones who annoy him (*cough cough* Thomas). However, he isn't above pulling the one-off cruel joke.
I hope you enjoy this! One again, I apologize for my absence lol
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twstfanblog · 2 months
Brothel AU!
There's an old historical thing about how, when someone wanted to marry a prostitute, they'd have to buy out their contract with the brothel they work at, or wait for it to run out, but due to a mixture of financial abuse and hidden taxations on food and board, typically the former was pretty much always required.
I guess I'm asking as such, exactly HOW expensive are each of the boys in that regard, and whether or not they'd respond well to someone wanting to buy out their contract to marry them? Assuming they knew the person 'buying it out' relatively well.
Like, in no way is this an equal partnership, but nonetheless, it's fun to think about.
[Excluding that time with Vil and that one customer.]
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I was actually going to touch on that in a funfacts post I had planned on making! So thank you for asking about it now.
So far I'm not putting concrete numbers on anything since most of the fun for me is just world-building in the form of character interactions and relationships. But the price is basically built on rank. So depending on how popular the Entertainer is the more expensive they are. So as of now, the most expensive Entertainer to buy out of the brothel is Vil.
In terms of how an Entertainer can leave the brothel, there are three ways; four if you count death.
One is to simply run away; doing this will basically forfeit all protection, pay, and employment the brothel offered. If you run from Crewel's brothel you better hope you have somewhere stable to go. I haven't spoken of it yet, but the setting I have this AU is pretty much just a crime city where the only way to live a peaceful life is to live in gang territory. Since the brothel is linked with the Leech family, the biggest and most powerful gang in the city, there are very few areas that would accept a runaway Entertainer from Crewel's brothel.
Two is to accept a marriage proposal. This can go one of two ways. Since Crewel is the 'Madame' of the brothel, he gets the final say. He has accepted marriage proposals for Entertainers who were troublemakers or who caused unneeded drama in the brothel with clients they CLEARLY didn't like. But if you are in his good graces, he will negotiate with the Entertainer on what they actually want to do but the client will still need to make a lump sum payment of the Entertainer's current value if the proposal is accepted. In Vil's case, Crewel would not have accepted the proposal because he is fond of Vil, Vil is an excellent worker, and Vil said NO.
Three...Is getting pregnant. Which is another way that can go multiple ways; your standing with Crewel once again matters. He will either give you the choice to forfeit your last paycheck and simply leave the brothel to raise your child in peace; the client still needs to make the payment, but you're able to still access the benefits the brothel offers. He could tax both the Entertainer and whoever they claimed knocked them up until the child comes of age, OR the client has to pay either a lump sum or make payments as child support until the child comes of age if the Entertainer chooses to raise the child in the brothel. Kinda the safest option as children of Entertainers are treated like lil lords and ladies. Plus they get free education.
So far, Vil is painfully aware Rook seems to have the means to just outright buy him since he just easily throws around the money to book him for a whole day and STILL sends expensive gifts like clockwork.
Azul teasingly asks Jamil at the beginning of their sessions if he'd let him have his hand in holy matrimony. Jamil then hypnotizes him and reads for the next two hours.
Ruggie asks Leona to marry him every night as a joke. (He fucking falls off the fence when Leona says YES one day)
Riddle's path is predestined. Either Floyd gets tired of him or they're getting married. These are his two fates.
As of right now, asking Crewel how much Yuu costs will result in a ban. Crewel costs the amount of the building's yearly profit
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tired-reader-writer · 1 month
Seriously what's w manhwa fans and cross-tagging? Do they not know how tumblr works or do they just not care?
I'm gonna start reporting every cross-tagged post I see under the “spam” umbrella.
Oh to not commit the same crime of cross-tagging myself I'm gonna make a list of which manhwas I have an AU of and which ones I don't.
The ones I have an AU for:
Who Made Me A Princess (my very first!)
Doctor Elise (unfortunately severely neglected no matter how fond I am of the AU somebody pls talk to me about it)
When The Villainess Loves (I have the basic premise down)
Villains Are Destined To Die (second biggest AU among my manhwa stuff)
The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass (kinda)
I Will Master This Family (ehhhh I probably need to rework it)
Actually I Was The Real One (Cosette I love you)
Beware of the Villainess (only beginning to form as I reread)
The ones I don't have an AU for:
Another Typical Fantasy Romance (practically perfect I love you)
The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter (the side stories weren't my cup of tea but the main story was chef's kiss)
The Villainess Flips The Script (how could I possibly improve upon perfection LOL that thing is fucking hilarious)
A Stepmother's Marchen (I don't feel compelled to create for it, the story's great as-is)
There's probably a couple I'm forgetting in the yay department and definitely a lot I'm forgetting in the nay department (I have. read a lot. a lot of them suck.), it's been a long time since I killed my own sideblog, but oh well. Here's what I got so far anyways.
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catinflight · 3 months
Here's Ashley and bert, because why not (Sorry if it's low quality / things dont make sense or if there's any weird spelling mistakes, ect). It's late, and I'm Uber sleepy😭😭 ill try to elaborate more if asked)
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Ashley is part of the main survivor group holed up somewhere (I haven't decided), along with most of the other none infected, she's doing her best to document and assist suna with scout work but sadly she doesn't have any actual weapons to help fight back (not yet atleast) so she mostly sticks to the sidelines. I'll probably use her journal entries to showcase more information about the au and the other survivors, but for now I'll just write down the basic stuff
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Bert knows a lot more than he lets on. He was found a patrol team searching for resources around some vacant and priorly undiscovered set of underground facilities. he was nearly catatonic and refused to make direct eye contact with anyone. Since then, he has gotten better, though not by much. He picked up a few documents from the lab and since has been weirdly protective and fidgety with them since.
Aaaaaand now some good ending future goobers for funsies, because silly
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Suna may seem relatively intact, but that's mostly because her armor took most of the brunt from attacks, though that doesn't mean she hasn't seen some stuff, but atleast she managed to create, somewhat of a cure, for the infection Though it can't help everyone, at least some people don't have to die, right?
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Aki is kinda weird, because not only has he managed to recover from his infection without exposure to the cure, but he somehow managed to integrate it into his own systems, (think getting the cold, but instead of getting sick you mutate it and it gives you superpowers,) though that does come with the drawback of retaining minor symptoms and looking half meganized, this is mostly because Y.D.M (in severe infections) forces a robots system to work in its most extreme states, and for aki, thats when he's meganized, now he mainly focuses on helping suna with curing and reforming people. Suna isn't very fond of this, as she's seen aki takes it too far, often skipping days of sleep and forgetting to recharge while trying to help cure infected. At some extreme points, collapsing with exhaustion, thankfully suna is always keeping an eye on him.
And I would draw daini,
But uh, he kinda
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Who knows maybe I will after all? I mean this is supposed to be the good ending right?
I'll nap on it and see what happens, though if I draw him, I'll have to draw skullman too, cus' yknow, LORE
Anyway, yeah, thank you for reading this small lore dump teehee (I'll draw more characters next time and have less text, I promise 😭😭)
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scalproie · 4 months
whatever. tekken hadesgame AU
or as I like to call it: "what if Kaz raised Jin: God Edition lmao"
so. to lay the groundwork:
They're all gods/powerful immortal beings of an unspecified pantheon (but still loosely inspired by a pretty famous one I'm sure you'll recognize)
Big Bad Thundergod King Heihachi (whom I am now realizing shares quite a lot of similarities with good ol' Zeus), after getting bored and worried he's raising a weakling unfit to be his heir, still threw his little son down a cliff, except this one was from the highest heavens to the deepest hells, to make sure that if the little godling died, well, the death would actually stick. Which it did.
UNTIL another deity who's the personification of the devil gene (and who kinda look like Kazumi-but-it's-unsure-wether-or-not-it's-actually-Kazumi) took pity on him and revived him by giving him part of itself/hell aka the devil gene. So now Kazuya is "alive" and immortal again, but he's now bound to hell, aka he can't live away from it for very long. And yknow what they say, if you're stuck somewhere, might as well become it's ruler. Especially if you've gained the favors of the entity that embodies the place and that you've found a new life goal in making daddy dearest's life unbearable.
Anyway eons passed and Kaz's brothers (his adopted one Lee whom ascended to godhood on one of Heihachi's whims as a way to counter his annoying firstborn's meddling, and his heroic half-brother Lars) reached out to him one day to propose an alliance to take their tyrannical father down. Kaz only agreed on the condition that he get to expand his domain once Heihachi is out: if he cant leave hell, no worries, he'll just make hell bigger. Anyway Heihachi's children rebelled against him and with their might combined they managed to take him down, with Kaz even having the honor and pleasure to deliver the killing blow.
For the aftermath tho, when it was time for Kaz to begin his conquest, his brothers came back on their word to let him, bc Lars Actually Gives A Damn About Mortals and he knew full well that Kazuya wouldve had exactly the same rule as Heihachi if they let him, so they didnt (and Lee is more neutral on his views toward mortals but he gets along with Lars FAR better than he ever got along with Kaz so the choice on who to back up was easy). And even though Kaz 100% wouldve been as bad as Heihachi is he was allowed to rule over mortals as Lars thought he would be, and Kaz KNOWS it, that doesnt mean hes not gonna be mad that his brothers didnt keep their words to let him be evil in peace.
Well if he cant have what he wants the fair way, might as well try to take it by force. And thus Kaz resumes his battles against his brothers with his attempts at invasion of the mortal realm.
This goes on for awhile with things going great for Kaz as he is the stronger sibling out of all of them, until his aggression puts him on the path of one Jun, who counters him in a most efficient, masterful and complete manner. Basically he was doing too well at bringing evil onto the world and she had come to balance him out.
In a most unforeseen turn of events, as they get acquainted over the course of their different confrontations, they discover that they respect and admire each other's strength and actually get along pretty well, even enjoy each other's company.
Anyway being around Jun makes Kaz chill out MASSIVELY and soon enough you'll notice the amount of invasions from hell have greatly diminished.
Eventually they get in an actual relationship, with Kazuya even wanting her to become the queen of his domain. And Jun is not opposed to this proposal, quite the opposite in fact. But complications start to arise when Jun began moving in hell: she is everything it's not and vice-versa, and the environment itself even seems harmful for her the longer she stays. Even the devil-Kazumi-entity, for all that it's/she's fond of Jun as a person, cannot meet her physically for she would eradicate it/her should they come into contact.
Jun bears it as long as she can bc Kazuya Literally Cannot Leave Hell and she wants to be with him as much as he wants to be with her, and Kaz promises her that he's working on finding a solution (and by "working on it" I mean Kaz is threatening the dead soul of a demi-god known as Gepetto Bosconovitch, reknown for giving life to things that didnt have any, into fixing this).
Eventually Jun reaches her breaking point when their son dies a stillborn because he bears her blood and he is much weaker than she is, bc he's a baby. This is the last rejection of this place that Jun can take before it potentially kills her, esp since that last event took such a toll on her, and even tho she loves Kaz as much as he loves her, she has to leave and WANTS to leave. Kaz, in a rare moment of compassion, let her go and spares telling her the news that, ironically, Bosconovitch JUST finished his work and managed to make a garden, indentical to the ones she would have on the surface, grow in the deepest level of hell where she could thrive.
So Jun is gone and Kaz is miserable, so much so that he doesnt even have the mind nor heart for conquest anymore. The only thing left of her being the corpse of his child that he decides to bury in the unused garden.
But just as the tiny body touches the soil, he begin to scream as he takes his first breath and the initial shock then WAVE OF RELIEF Kazuya feels as his son is alive surprises even himself bc he didnt even want the damn baby in the first place. This is probably the most outwardly loving Kaz will be with his son as he's holding his tiny body while being hit with a fucking storm of emotions but hey we take those.
"This is great! Their son is alive and the garden works! Now Kazuya only need to reach Jun and they can-" Except Kaz Will Not bc he does NOT want to reach Jun. Not bc he doesnt love her anymore but 1) bc he now knows the pain of losing her and bringing her back into his life means getting the risk of getting hurt again and he neither wants to feel that pain ever again nor even knowing he has that "weakness" in the first place so he'd rather cut her off from his life, he'd rather deal with loneliness than heartache, and 2) even he realized that what his domain is, what he is, brought Jun pain, and some part of him does NOT like to see Jun in pain.
"Well if he doesnt want Jun back into his life, why doesnt he send her their son?" This is objectively the best course of action. But Kaz is Not A Good Person. He's selfish. And again. Their son is the last thing he has left of her, and goddammit if he doesnt have her eyes, her nose, her face.
So Kaz is now stuck with this lame baby and only partially vibe with it. Problem is, that baby cannot live in this tiny garden for the entirety of his immortal life. Thankfully the devil-Kazumi-entity offers Kaz a solution: the baby not only carries Jun's blood but also Kazuya's, and that makes him able to be a receptacle for the devil gene, binding him to hell as well, yes, but keeping him alive in there.
So now Kazuya is raising his son whom he named Jin based on one (1) short conversation he once had with Jun but didnt forget. He is also personally training him in the art of combat, bc sadly Kaz does take a bit after his father, and he would not have the prince of hell be a weakling.
So Jin grew up and similarly as in the game, he eventually learn that his family is not just him and his dad but he also have a mom somewhere, and he wants to find her. Bc one day he steps into the famous garden that Kaz had closed off after That Day and Jin figured that his asshole dad would NOT have such a pretty garden made without reasons so after a few researchs behind Kaz's back he eventually found out the truth.
Long story short, Jin wants to leave hell, Kaz doesnt want him to, and they antagonize each other constantly.
Jin eventually comes into contact with both his extanded family and multiple allies who wants to help him leave (without anyone knowing yet that just like Kaz, Jin cannot live outside of hell for long. tho Jin can survive longer than Kaz thanks for his mom's blood)
The people from outside helping him are:
Lars: his heroic half-uncle, OF COURSE Lars was going to help him.
Lee: his adopted uncle, he does like Jin but mostly he helps him out so Jin can run a few crash tests for him on Kaz's minions, AND he gets to piss off Kaz in the same move? Excellent.
Alisa: an ascended goddess who relate to Jin due to their origin, she as well was "dead at birth" until her father found a way to bring her back (in a way) tho he was cast to hell for it.
Leroy: the grandfather-figure Jin wishes he always had.
Asuka: she insists to him they're related and that once he makes it outta hell, she'll teach him about their side of the family.
there'll be more down the line but I need to workshop this...
Anyway Jin has two goal: 1) escape dad's hell, and 2) find mom. whom he will discover has straight up disappeared from everyone ever since she left hell herself.
So Jin starts from the bottom of hell and has to climb to the top where the entrance lies, in the mouth of a volcano. Wink wink fucking nudge nudge
When he falls he ends up back in his father's home where he can meet a bunch of friendly dead souls:
Lucky Chloe: usually the first person he sees after falling down, she's kind of the court jester, she was spared damnation bc Kaz thinks her annoying people is really funny as long as its not him, thats where the "Lucky" come from.
Azucena: she provides delicacies from the surface to hell (for a price), Jin can find her as he's running up to the surface and she'll happily sell him things to help.
Jane: she provides Jin with some sort of "bestiary" and she actually does not mind that he keeps beating Kaz's minions (the JACKs among others, tho they are her favorites) bc she get to improve them thanks to the data gathered afterward.
Bruce: Kaz's chief of security. When Jin didnt trained with Kaz, he often sparred with Bruce. Bruce will let Jin try his different styles against him before climbing back up hell again. He's fond of the kid :)
"Kazumi": Jin can never get quite a good read on her/it, but she's/it's always kind to him.
and others that I will also figure out...
But that's not all the people Jin meets, as he's ascending, he also encounters a bunch of people, tho not all are friendly.
Nina and Anna: contracted by Kazuya to stop Jin. Tho they spend more time fighting each other...
A reptilian monstrocity by the name of Alex.
Some strange crystals take him to a bizarre location where he can meet Azazel, who present himself as the progenitor of the devil-Kazumi-entity, making him technically Jin's great-grandpa. Via him, Jin can fight Devil Jin and gain more access to his style (more on that later)
Xiaoyu: a phoenix Jin befriended, the only reason she's in hell is only bc she can cheat death. She is not bound to hell, so she technically can come back to life if she manages to escape, until she dies again on the surface. They often run into each other and have a friendly competition to see who can defeat the most of Kaz's minions, if she loses, Xiaoyu will leave Jin with one of her feathers, that increases his health. Jin can also meet her sometimes back at the house. It's rumored that she spend more time in hell recently to hang out with the hellish prince🧡
Hwoarang: another dead soul of a great warrior contracted to stop Jin, but he couldnt care less about what Kaz wants. He wants to defeat Jin, so he will hunt him down everytime he hears that Jin is trying to escape again. Over time he and Jin have come to enjoy their rivalry. Jin can also meet him sometimes at the house🧡
And more yknow the drill...
And of course, once Jin finally manages to come to hell's entrance, who waits for him there but Kazuya. The two have a nice little father and son fight to the death between immortals where they can work out their problems in an healthy manner: with extreme violence, and the winner get to throw the other down the volcano cliff aaall the way to the bottom (bc sometimes the best way to work out trauma is thru exposure therapy. wink)
Jin starts by only knowing his father's style, but after finally finding his mother, and after the initial story-related reunion (and the tragic realization that just like his dad, Jin cannot stay out of hell for long), they bond with Jun teaching him her style. And Jin can work his way to the top again using her style to learn more about it. When dueling Kaz with it, he's preeetty conflicted like: My traitorous son is using another style than ours👿 -> omg that's Jun's moves... 🥺 -> HE'S NOT EVEN USING THEM RIGHT👿👿👿
And basically, Jin has multiple styles: his dad's, his own, eventually his mom's, and devil style. He gets to pick the one he's going to stick with at the start of every ascend.
Anyway this is the story of a child of divorce trying to reunite his parents who are both extremely stubborn and extremely still in love with each other, bc if Jin has to live another day with just his father he's going to LOSE IT.
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itsgrimeytime · 9 months
Home is Where the Heart is (Part Three) || Farmer!Rick Grimes (TWD) x Teacher!GN!reader AU
Part 1, 2...
Taglist: @1tsk1tty
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax
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Inspiration: Like Real People Do by Hozier.
Summary: Your life was spinning out of control, you knew that. After a string of particularly shattering events, you decided it was time to start anew. With a little help from one of your Grandma's rentals, you found yourself in the small town of Alexandria. The last thing you expected was your neighbor, Rick Grimes.
TWS: starting over, swearing, and identity crisis.
[[A/N Baby Jude!!! Still sweet as candy, so all my angsty girlies, I am sorry. Also I may have made the Grandma too southern that is my fault, it is all I know. So enjoy your newly southern Grandma. Thanks for reading!!! ]]
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"Grandma," you ushered out -gathering up your stacks of paperwork, "-I'm fine! Really."
She seemed to pause for a moment, saying with a tone you knew well -disbelief, "Sure, you are."
"It's not-" you stopped messing with papers -standing to lean against your wall, diagonal to the window, "-not healed by any means. I'm just... I'm working on it."
Your Grandma sighed, a deep one that let you know you had won, "I suppose that's all I can ask of you, Y/N."
You opened your mouth to respond, but your eyes caught on the window -stalling the words falling from your mouth. From this angle you could see into his, Rick's, front yard, it was trimmed well -only overgrown tastefully, so it didn't look like a suburb.
But along the grass and the few little flowers, was Rick himself. He was crouched over, talking to someone -you thought you could see the peek of blonde curly hair (teeny tiny curls) just to his side. His voice was quiet, you couldn't quite make it out but you could still hear it.
Without a second wasted, Rick launched forward and picked up the little girl -laughter squealing into the air. His daughter. She was still obstructed, as he spun her around and her laughter grew but something in your stomach warmed at the sight.
You smiled.
"Y/N? Did you hear me?"
You startled, swallowing and turning away from the window -trying to level your voice, "Sorry, what? I... I thought I saw a raccoon."
Ogling your (probably married) neighbor! You were so better than that-
"Right," she responded, slowly as if she was suspicious -she always was, "-well, I was asking how the town was treating you. I phoned everyone I knew and told them to be nice to you, you know-"
"You didn't have to," you spoke, adjusting the papers spread across the table -they were somewhat organized, at least to you, "-but everyone has been very kind."
"Good," she spoke -rather pointed, like if you had answered differently she probably would've made some phone calls, "-did you see your neighbor? Rick?"
"Uh..." you started, stiffening, "-yeah. He helped me move in, he's really nice. Why?"
"Quite handsome, no?"
"Grandma!" you hissed out, a playful smile on your lips -she was always so involved in your love life, "-Please, he's probably married-"
"Divorced," she corrected, quickly.
"Sorry?" you asked, a bit dumbfounded, "-You haven't been here in years! How would you...?"
"I have my sources," she responded, rather unbothered -you never knew what to expect from her really.
And you thought, she actually probably did.
You felt eyes on you near constantly when you wandered around the town square. Someone must have seen you speak to Rick the past few days and told her, you thought to yourself, she was sneaky enough to do it.
"Right," you pursed your lips, "-listen, Grandma, I have to get some lesson plans done or my first year of teaching will be a disaster-"
"Hardly," she chuckled, "-you are going to be perfect, it's what you're meant to do, Y/N."
You smiled, a sort of fuzzy fondness draping over your heart -she always spoke so highly of you. Even when...
Your mind wandered too far, as you asked the question before you could even think about it, "Have you... Have you heard from him?"
Your Grandma was silent for a moment, you nearly took it back because of it, "'Just when he dropped off some of your things a couple weeks ago. Pops almost pushed him down the stairs when he did, and I just might've let 'em-"
"I didn't, I didn't," she corrected, voice light as she laughed, "-just had a few choice words with 'im, that's all."
It was what you had expected, really; she was the type to be fiercely loyal to her grandkids. There were some things you couldn't stop. That was one of them.
"Love you," you cheered, voice bordering on a sort of solemn tone -it always did when... when he was brought up. You couldn't help it.
She echoed back, playful, "Love you too, call me when you can, alright? Don't leave an old lady worryin'."
"Yeah, yeah," you laughed, "-goodbye Grandma."
"Goodbye, sweetie."
You let out a long sigh -eyes laid gently upon your paperwork scattered across the table, it was somewhat organized. Not to a passerby, but to you. A stack of syllabuses to send home with the kids -for parents to look at, colorful posters to hang up on your classroom walls, and the others an assortment of paperwork prepped for things -supply lists, sick notes, parent teacher conferences.
It was a mess, but a mess you understood.
Beginning to put away folders, sorting things as you did so, you stalled in place by a knock on your door.
Realistically, you should've ignored it and kept sorting -the starting date only roamed closer and you were honestly anything but prepared. Seriously, anything. But, you didn't.
At the mere idea of escaping your paper nightmare, you jumped at the opportunity. Easily make your way to the door so quickly that you are sure papers must've shuffled from the movement -future you's problem.
When you swung open your door, you somehow hadn't expected Rick. Despite the fact he was just outside and your neighbor, you had not imagined anything could drag him away from his kid time. He didn't seem the type anyway, you could tell when a parent cared. And what you had even less expected was his daughter, proudly beaming at you with a toothy sort of grin, blonde curls a mess on top of her head -a charmer, you could tell.
"Hi," you spoke, a little in disbelief, "-Rick, and um...?"
Rick opened his mouth, but his daughter spoke for herself -the sort of barely English babble that toddlers sounded like, something like '-dee' at the end. You could only tell it was two syllables by the way her mouth moved.
"Judy," Rick quickly intercepted, "-her name is Judith."
"Oh," you smiled, before crouching slightly to meet her eyes better -you worked with kids so much, you missed this, "-well, Judith is a very pretty name. Would you like to know my name, Miss Judith?"
She grinned, little teeth spotted in her mouth along her gums -so young, and nodded succinctly -confident.
"Y/N," you hummed with the smallest of a smile, "-I'm Mx. Y/N."
Slowly, you gathered yourself and stood back up, smiling. You honestly weren't sure just who you were smiling at.
Rick stood tall, clothes a little worn like he'd been working -it was midday, and most farmers got most things done in the mornings. His shirt was plain, stained slightly from the grass, and his hair a bit askew -stray curl dipping along his forehead. His beard stayed much the same, bushy, and a misplaced thought of what it felt like dangled in your mind for longer than it should have.
"What brings you to visit?" you asked, finally speaking.
He straightened slightly, sliding a hand to rub at the back of his neck -nervous, maybe?- and blue eyes flickering between your own, "Right, 'hope we ain't bothering ya-"
"Oh, no," you responded, "-I was struggling with some paperwork, honestly you saved me."
"Good to kno'," he smirked, a crinkly sort of smile, "-I just. Since y'er new 'round town, I wanted to invite ya to dinner."
"I make dinner for a bunch of the town's people," he clarified, and something in you was a little disappointed, "-it's kinda an irregular thang, but I've sent one up for the day after tomorrow. Back to school thing this time around."
"Oh," you echoed, softly.
"You don't have'ta," he muttered out -low and gravelly, "-but I wanted to offer. 'Might help ya get used to the town."
"As long as I'm not intruding," you spoke -almost on instinct.
"I invited you," Rick responded, laughing lightly, "-plus, it's custom f'er newcomers."
"Okay," you grinned, tilting your head slightly, "-yeah, I'll come. I think I need some socialization anyway. Apart from..." You, your mind finished.
"Alright," he grinned, and something in your chest warmed -you ignored it, "-it'll be around 6, but feel free to come 'round earlier. I can introduce you to some people if ya want."
"And if I just stick around you the whole time? What then?" you teased with playful ease.
He paused for a moment, seeming to think on it. Before he settled, smiling widely with the crinkles by his eyes -pleased with himself.
"I wouldn't say that was an issue, Mx. Y/N."
Your heart thumped against your ribs, something sparking deep in your chest and you neatly clamped it down. Not now. You ignored it, even as the bubble of warmth warmed your chest and the smile stuck in your mind long after he left.
Until then, you thought to yourself that night -looking up at the ceiling, eager, -Mr. Grimes.
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
i dont know whether youve established this or not but for ur p!noah au, what does phobia factor look like? (if he makes it that far)
I've got a few ideas for how Noah (both in general and in this AU) would behave in the Phobia Factor episode!
My first idea, which works better for a more canon-adjacent Noah, is to have him either genuinely fall asleep at the campfire or feign falling asleep at the campfire- so he doesn't have to divulge his "greatest fear" in front of the others.
Because Noah's a very private person; both his fellow competitors and the audience at large know very little about him, and those who try to are often met with his sour, prickly exterior. Why on Earth would he ever willingly share his greatest fear on international TV with a bunch of people he doesn't even like?
(And, as we saw in the Awake-a-thon episode, pretending to pass out is something Noah would and does do to get out of uncomfortable situations.)
Of course, that scenario could be ruined by having one of the mlre confrontational characters (like Heather) shake him awake to hear his answer. But, ideally, it'd end up being more of a Courtney situation, where he never does give an answer, but Chris finds something in the shows footage that indicates Noah has a fear of [insert phobia here].
Then there's the second scenario, where Noah just straight up lies about what he's scared of (and I'm surprised no one else did this canonically). Again, why would he tell people what he's actually scared of? So he picks one of the most common phobias and runs with it- something innocuous, like a fear of the dark, or claustrophobia. Or maybe he decides to be a smartass and chooses some obscure or 'ridiculous' phobia instead, like ailurophobia/cynophpbia (fear of cats/dogs), on the off-chance that they'll have to face them as part of a challenge.
In the case of p!Noah, I think he'd do something similar to the second scenario, but claim his 'biggest fear' is hemophobia (fear of blood)- a bold claim for someone's who's decidedly Not Afraid Of Blood, in fact he's quite fond of it. Of course, no one else has any way of knowing this, so it's accepted as truth.
As a side note here, I kind of touched upon this before but p!Noah doesn't really experience fear like others do- that's why he's so amused by other's fear responses, since he lacks one of his own. It's also why he's such a thrill-seeker, he gets all of the adrenaline and none of the actual fear.
And then the Phobia Factor challenge happens. Noah's tasked with submerging himself in a pool of blood, similar to Beth's pool of worms, to earn his team a point.
Noah's fine with this. (More than fine, really. Red is a pretty colour.) But he can't let the others know that, or he'd be caught out in his lie. But he also doesn't want to lose this challenge. So he gingerly climbs into the pool, doing his best to fake fear and revulsion to... mixed results. He doesn't understand things like fear, panic and terror at a personal level, so for the most part he just looks like a soggy unamused cat. Despite how much he really wants to splash about, or get lost in the sauce.
(Maybe the more switched on of his team mates pick up on the maddened glee in his eyes as he floats in a pool of blood, or his almost carefully crafted stoicism- a far cry from everyone else's screams of terror.)
He wins a point for the team, and that's that.
Remember, Noah's strategy here is to be as unremarkable as possible; he wouldn't go out of his way to draw attention to himself. Especially not when Izzy’s still around to cause chaos for him.
...That doesn't mean he won't later make a confessional, still dripping in 'blood', where he complains to the audience that Chris used the 'fake shit' for his challenge for the budgets sake. Noah can tell! He knows the feeling of being covered in real blood.
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foozle-woesies · 4 months
Omg omg omg omg guess whose back? Back again? Dizzy's back. To spam his friend. Okay but like deadass I want to know your most significant angst Hcs. Literally any characters just what have you really thought about with who cause I know I've got a list of them for pretty much every character so I wanna know ur favs. Give me yummy angst I'm hungry.
🍓Genshin Favs Angst Headcanons🍓
Wooooo!!! You have submitted a GOOD ask buddy. This post will include:
Kaeya Alberich
Diluc Ragnvindr
Il Dottore
I have more favorites than this, but these are the guys I’m always thinking about.
Warnings: familial death, depression, alcoholism, descriptions of s/h, mentions of internalized homophobia and transphobia, and general violence.
❄️Kaeya Alberich❄️
This isn’t even a headcanon, I’m pretty sure it’s very heavily said in the game- Kaeya’s an alcoholic. And that suave personality of his? I really think it’s just a front.
I see Kaeya has having some serious battles with depression. It takes quite a lot of energy to uphold that smooth façade, leaving him feeling unable to do anything but drink and sleep.
I think Kaeya has a horrible time even just getting up in the morning. Like, it physically hurts him to think about. In the mornings he’ll feel such hopelessness and dread that, again, it just hurts.
I think Kaeya is also deeply hurt by how cold he and Diluc are to each other. Diluc is too, of course, but more on that later. He feels abandoned by Crepus, even though he’s aware that it wasn’t his father’s fault he died.
I also think Kaeya was envious of Diluc and Crepus, even if his father loved the boys the same. Crepus was Diluc’s biological dad- something Kaeya also wanted to have.
Not as angsty as everything else, but Kaeya’s always cold because of his cryo vision :(
Another small one- Kaeya has really textured hair imo. But due to his lack of self care, his hair gets matted often. He’s already tender headed, so combing through it hurts bad. He can hardly bring himself to care for it by the time it’s so matted. Not just because of the pain in his scalp, but because of the pure and utter shame it brings. He couldn’t even gather the strength to do something as basic as brush his hair- how weak could he possibly be?
This is a lot more specific to my au but I’ll try and keep it generally related to the actual game. Kaeya knows both his brother and his spouse are trans and is fully supportive. He supports any queer person in Mondstadt. When it came to realizing he himself was gay, though, it was a bloody internal battle. I’m glad to say he was able to accept himself quickly and live happily with his husband <3.
🔥Diluc Ragnvindr🔥
I think, as the Darknight Hero, Diluc’s an extremely reckless fighter. He’s covered in scars from fatui and abyss mage attacks, but also burns. His hands specifically are burnt to the point of nerve damage in his hands.
He hides these burns with his gloves. This is also why he leaves bartending to his employees- it’s hard to not drop the glasses and spill the drinks due to the damage.
He doesn’t ever pay much mind to his injuries and hardly goes to the hospital when he should. He prioritizes his mission as the Darknight Hero over his own safety. Perhaps he just wants to carve a meaning into his life, feeling as though he lacks one.
Diluc is not one who is good at handling complicated feelings. Quite honestly, Crepus’s death hasn’t exactly registered to him. Obviously he knows it’s happened, and he grieved, but… he just pushes it so far down. He’s easily irritated by the topic of Crepus.
This irritation becomes evident whenever Kaeya tries to talk about their father, even though it’s always in a fond manner. In general, discussions between the brothers end in screaming and shouting.
Diluc doesn’t hate Kaeya, though, it’s quite the opposite. Diluc frets a lot over his little brother. His lack of emotional tact, and Kaeya’s unwillingness to open up, just keeps driving the brothers farther apart.
Diluc is trans. Of course this isn’t an angsty headcanon within itself! Rather, I want to talk about the things that can come with it. I like to think Mondstadt is generally a very accepting nation (I choose to think all of teyvat is, really). But once in a while, a drunkard in the bar will make a nasty comment towards this fact. He acts as if these comments mean nothing but it bothers him deeply.
Actually, Diluc feels insecure about being a “real man” quite often. It’s a pretty persistent bother. I’m glad to say though, at the end of the day, Diluc is proud and confident of who he is :3
🧪Il Dottore🧪
Dottore’s backstory isn’t really in the game atp (except for Zandik’s legacy, except it’s not even canonically stated to be Dottore so who really knows at the end of the day?? I def think it’s him tho), but I have my own theories. I feel like Dottore definitely had a horrible childhood. Was he probably kicked out of his village for a good reason? Yea. But still. I can’t help but imagine he had no one to care for him, therefor harboring his bad tendencies.
By the time he got to the Akademiya, I think he was also bullied pretty badly. This worsened his hatred towards people and made him even more of a shut-in.
Dottore is just tired all the time and I mean TIRED. It’s a miracle he’s even functioning.
I don’t have much for Dottore atm… sorry!
Tartaglia is really struggling while in the fatui. Sometimes, he’s really zoned out. He’s good at keeping up that charming and energetic front for jobs, sure, but if you know him personally or just see him around Zapolyarny palace, he’ll seem like a totally different person. He seems to be… remembering the things he’s seen and done.
Sometimes, he’s totally angry and freaking out. He has a hard time controlling his emotions, all of which seem to appear as anger. This always ends with him breaking something, hurting someone, or even hurting himself. These tantrums are triggered by even the smallest things. I really think he has a ton of resentment, despair, and fear bubbling underneath the surface, resulting in seemingly random breakdowns.
I don’t think Tartaglia really enjoys the fatui. When he crawled out of the abyss, he was a scared, vulnerable young boy. I don’t think he could process what he experienced at the time- I don’t think he can nowadays, either- and I think the fatui used this to their advantage. To try and make him better harbinger material, they stunted his recovery by saying what he went through wasn’t that bad, it was just something that strengthened him. They brushed off any possible mental degradation as him just “being weak” and “needing to be stronger”. He doesn’t realize any of this.
I think that contributes to his need to train more and grow stronger. His over-exertion with battling, and focus on physical pain is a way for him to ignore the mental anguish he’s truly in.
Beyond losing the light in his eyes, I think Tartaglia’s entire face changed. Obviously he grew up, and that changes people’s face, but I mean in a different way. His cheeks are sunken in, his eyes even more so. Around his eyes and the tip of his nose were constantly discolored and red. His lips were chapped and bloody. He seemed tired, even with that fun mask he put on. Honestly he lacks a lot of self care. He wants to focus on his strength rather than such “small matters”. He honestly looks… pretty fucking terrifying, even inhuman when he’s violent. It’s sort of the way a shell-shocked soldier will look different when he returns from war.
About him ending up hurting himself. I think he’ll just grab at any part of himself and scratch and squeeze, resulting in jagged cuts and bruises. He has to take his anger out on something physical. If his anger is directed at another person, when he was a younger man, he’d just hurt them. As he grew, he just broke things around him instead, screaming and shouting all the while. He regrets this every time it happens. He doesn’t know why he lacks control.
All in all, Tartaglia is a deeply troubled individual who’s been manipulated into believing he is fine. He’s been lied to and told his job is a great thing for the world. Maybe one day, he’ll snap out of it and realizes he needs to leave.
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theamityelf · 2 months
Can I interest you in...Kokichi Kamukura? The surgery backfired and he still has all his memories but now his trickery is taken up to 100% and is the bane of the scientist existence.
Lol, I wouldn't mind this existing in the broader Kamukuras AU, because even if Izuru and them broke in to save him, I feel like Kokichi would just be like, "Lol, don't worry about it; I run this place now. I like it here."
Okay, obviously he wouldn't say it like that.
But that's definitely the vibe. Kokichi has fully gamed the scientists. They act exactly how he plans for them to act, based on small, subtle manipulations. He could be the metaphorical queen bee of this lab, just being served by his drones all day, but he chooses to puppet them in ways that entertain him, which includes making them his adversaries. Some of them love and protect him and genuinely believe he's capable of returning the sentiment, and some of them despise him and want him dead and genuinely believe they're not also giving him exactly what he wants.
He is just so, so in their heads. His outward behavior is pretty calm; again, it's the small manipulations of his words and his tone and his expression. It gets to the point where he can just look at a scientist a certain way without saying anything and they get violently angry.
The power dynamic is so weird and messy.
Unlike most of the Kamukuras, he views the scientist's mistreatment as a thing that keeps him from boredom, so he creates enemies and keeps subtly needling them to see what they'll do. He never (or at least very rarely) exercises his physical ability to protect himself; he's set things up where someone else will intervene if, for example, one of the scientists comes too close to killing him.
So yeah, if the other Kamukuras come in to save him, he would protect his scientists. They're his toys. This whole lab is his playroom.
I'm picturing Izuru and Mahiru walk in to one of the scientists fully choking Kokichi out because he looked at him wrong, and they pull the guy off him and are about to kill him, but Kokichi stops them, guarding the man with his own body, and all the Kamukuras just stare at each other for a moment.
Kokichi has known that there are others like him for a while, but he's never met one. He's momentarily fascinated.
"Well, that's no fun," he says flatly. "It will be difficult to make him hate me again now that I've saved his life." It won't, actually. In fact, it will be very, very easy.
"If you want to escape, there's a place for you outside these labs," Mahiru says.
"You must be Iteration 5. I'm a big fan of your work." (He knows that she's a murderer. It would be interesting to make her hate him. The Kamukuras are more intelligent than the ones who made them, but that doesn't defend them from the irrational. Irrational hatred, irrational fondness. His area of expertise.)
"We won't stop you from staying," Izuru says. "But we came here to burn the Kamukura Project from the root, so no more of us can be made. It means these people and their records cannot survive."
"Iteration 1 is so mean. If you want something from these people, you ask me. They belong to me. And if you want the root, what are you doing at the leaf?"
"Clipping it from a dying stem or leaving it to poison itself. It's all the same to me."
Lie. Iteration 1 clearly is not as indifferent as he tries to seem. "Of course," he agrees. "No Kamukura would mind an incomplete collection. That would be far too normal of you."
Izuru ignores this. "Enjoy your pets. If you don't want to be saved, then we have places to be."
"Speak for yourself," Mahiru says. "I won't allow murderers to live."
And then they have to reach an agreement about leaving Kokichi his lair of playthings without killing them. He gets visits from the other Kamukuras, and eventually his control over the scientists even reaches the point where he can go and visit them, but he very much lives in those underground labs.
All of that said, I kind of like the idea of this one being a separate AU from the Kamukuras AU, mainly because I like the idea of normal people interacting with Kamukura Kokichi.
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orionchildofhades · 9 months
steddie swapping soulmate au part 9
part 1 |[...]| part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | Ao3
the fist thought in Eddie's head as he awakes is finally.
this is not his bed.
he swapped again.
the last months were painful, the idea of being left alone without the soulmate he was promised like a burn in his heart. with that and highschool going terribly as always, it wasn't very fun.
What he realises quickly is, even if this is not his bed, it's also not his soulmate's. At least not the one he woke up in the first time. The room is even emptier than the previous. White walls, white ceiling, white wardrobe. It feels even less personal than the first time around.
Everything is a bit fuzzy around the edges when he sits himself on the soft sheets. At least the bed is very comfortable.
He doesn't have much time to put everything together when the door on his right beeps - beeps? - and burst open. A tall and honestly, even for Eddie's gay heart, gorgeous woman enters. Caramel hair fall like around her face in waves, her skin porcelain and gently decorated with beauty marks under her eyes, above her lips, on her hairline. Her eyes are a shade of brown strangely familiar. What's not is the feint twitch of it when her eyes land on Eddie.
"What are you still doing in bed? We are leaving in ten minutes, I told you to be ready at half past!" She huffs and goes to open the wardrobe as Eddie watch in bewilderment. A glance at the clock above the door shows 10:18. "Come on, get up." A pair of jeans and a polo are shoved his way and the woman hurries him toward another door, on his left. He ends up very quickly in a bathroom, as white and clean as the room, and she constant rummaging of the woman pushes him to speed up any process. He throws his pajamas - his soulmate's pajamas - off with blushing cheeks and gets out of the room in the process of putting on a shirt.
This is not how he intended to meet any of his soulmate's family.
"Oh, honey." There's a hint of fondness in the voice this time as Eddie is dragged in front of the woman, dare he assumes the mother of his bonded soul?, and she starts working with his hair with strong but gentle fingers. "You are such a mess this morning. Be thankful your father is busy today."
And soon enough Eddie ends up outside, at the very bottom of a building that is far too tall to be safe if anyone was to ask him his opinion.
And he's in New York.
That comes as a surprise and a logical explanation as to why the room was different.
It's called a hotel Eddie, comes Frank's sarcastic voice in his mind.
This is the first time he has the actual chance to roam around a big city. And not any big city, but New York. That's just too cool.
The woman, the mother really, it would be weird otherwise, gets them a taxi and takes them for brunch before another taxi brings them to Time Square.
Eddie cannot believe he has such a chance.
He ignores the slightly disappointment remarks coming and going from the woman and happily enjoys his day.
A fleeting feeling of guilt rises in his chest at the thought of his soulmate missing such a day but he shrugs it off. There is no reason for him to feel bad, he can't change any of it. He'll just have to keep every detail in mind and recount everything once he meets his soulmate.
on a different note, i'm looking for a potential beta reader for a harry potter fic, if anyone has a bit of time, likes the fandom, would be willing to check some texts and ideas with me don't hesitate to comment, send a text
on another note, the second part of a mha fic i wrote is out on ao3, if anyone likes this sort of stuff it's villain!traitor!deku and people seem to think it's not too much trash so it's there if you are looking for a fic in mha
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Hotchniss headcanons
As I did with my Hotch-centered fanfic side blog, here are my headcanons about Hotchniss.
When he was still maried to Haley, Aaron felt nothing for Emily (especially that he thought she was planted there by Strauss to stab him in his back).
When Aaron and Haley got divorced, he surprisingly turned himself to Emily to confess his pain and anger about the situation and she didn't betray him talking about what she knew to the others (she was the only one to know about the cheating thing).
Knowing the truth about each other (Emily not being by Strauss side and Aaron being cuckolded), they slowly got more and more attracted to each other.
Very professional both of them, they knew that a not-platonic relationship was forbidden and would have ruined all the harmony of the team, so they tried to hide their feelings as much as they could.
They stayed very formal all the time, even during their free-time (like, they always called themselves Hotch and Prentiss) because they're afraid of what would happen if they started to be too friendly.
But when Aaron has to leave, he asked for Emily to become the new unit chief, not because he loved her, but because he thought that she was the most qualified for this task.
Now, what about the fanfics I was talking about in the pinned post:
1st sequel: It happens after the end of the show (I don't watch CME). Emily is the BAU unit chief and she needs some advice from Aaron. She suggested to discuss about it around a drink and... it all ends in a bedroom. :D
2nd sequel (AU): Same timeline and same position for Emily, but the team has discovered that Aaron didn't get retired. Because of what Mr. Scratch did, he had a psychotic break and ended up into a psychiatric institution for quite a long time. The team "helps" him to get out of this place and Emily offers to take care of Aaron during his recovery...
Third text (what if): Aaron has guessed that Emily was in France when she was under witsec. He took a flight to talk to her, to confess his feelings for her far away from the team and Jack. And Emily shared hers too.
What about the relationship with Jack?
1st sequel: It's complicated. The teenager doesn't want his father to be alone when he's about to go to university, but he dislikes to discover all the sexual stuff this situation implied (he's sixteen, his hormones are going crazy).
2nd sequel: Very good. He knows Emily, he likes her and he's glad to see her around his father going better and better.
Third text: Never better. Jack is barely six and he's just happy to see his father happy again. And Emily is awesome!
1st sequel: you'll see.
2nd sequel: you'll see.
Third text: You'll see. Soon. :D
Now, I'm going to talk about sexual interactions so minors DNI, please.
Aaron is heterosexual. Maybe demi-sexual as he can stay away from any sexual intercourses for a very long time and it doesn't bother him at all.
Emily is bisexual. She doesn't care about her partner to be male or female. Aaron knows it and he doesn't care.
Aaron started at fourteen. Emily started at fifteen. He was in boarding school. She was in Italy.
They don't have specific place for sex.
They do it in cars (1st and 2n sequels, What If). Even in FBI cars (2nd sequel and What If).
They do it in movie theater (never mentioned actually, but I might write a one-shot about it).
They do it in a plane (never mentioned too, but 1st sequel).
Well, they do it everywhere: bedroom, bathroom, living-room, kitchen, shower, bathtub, couch, bed, table, furniture, wall, floor...
They don't have specific positions either, but Emily appreciates to do it sitting, face to face, when Aaron appreciates her to be the top (for the view...).
She wasn't fond of doggy-style before she meet him (because of the submissive sub-context of it), but she changed her mind really quickly.
He wasn't used to blowjob (because Haley and then Beth (1st and 2nd sequels) weren't into it), but finally started to appreciate it with her.
He can eat her to the end without the need to take her then. She has a real kink for feeling him cuming inside her.
She can be very vocal when he is clearly the mute type.
And I think it's all for today.
Remember, this are all headcanons, so you can think otherwise and it's perfectly okay. :)
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shizy-chan · 2 years
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TanZen Week Day 2 - Haori / Proposal / Soulmates AU / Monsters
I hope these upload in order
HIIII AGAIN!! let's go with the second day
You might think that I'm only fond of long haired Zenitsu, but no! I love Tanjiro with long hair too. A real shame he didn't have more screen time haha ​​:'(
Originally it was just going to be the first image for this prompt, which is based on a drawing of Tsubasa Reservoir (should I attach it too?) because I really couldn't figure out what to do. But, a couple of days ago, the inspiration came to me resulting on this little comic uwu.
I don't go too deep into the story, but basically Tanjiro is a demon that doesn't eat humans and tries to stay as far away from them as possible, living by himself up in the mountain (?). While Zenitsu is an orphan with no one to look out after him.
Somehow they meet, either because one or the other goes down or up the mountain. And, after Zenitsu gets the scare of his life thinking he would be eaten, they become friends (because of course Tanijrou's sound is still kind).
Eventually their feelings go beyond friendship and well, the mutual pinning starts haha
The idea of ​​taking a bite out of your partner upon marriage (engagement?) comes from Tokyo Ghoul, and I thought it would be cute if a scaredy-cat like Zenitsu was willing to go to such lengths just to make things right for the one he loves. I really don't think Tanjirou actually bit him though haha
So this is all for today. Thank you for your support :'D you make me very happy.
Remember that I am also on Twitter at @ shizychan
See you tomorrow!
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