#i'm a nice person i s2g
lickingyellowpaint · 6 months
....okay, now THIS is funny.
Lady shouted at me from across the street at work. I ignored it because that's what you do in this neighborhood. She shambled over across the street. I thought she'd ask me for a ciggie, but she asked the time, and I was pretty clipped and pretty both-hands-on-phone careful because she was getting too close.
"Oh, that's right. You're the undercover."
"I'm what?"
"The undercover cop. Someone showed me a picture of you."
"That would be VERY strange," I said because couldn't think of anything else to say, put my cig out and went inside.
Guys.... ALL I can figure here is that since my boss has been gone, okay, yes, I've been taking more smoke breaks than usual since boss is out. Yes, I stand and watch the street like a hawk when I do so, because this is NOT a neighborhood to let your guard down in.
So, it's entirely possible some of the neighborhood.... now believes I'm out there, in the same spot every day, keeping an eye on shit, for a REASON. That little 5'3", 110-pound, smiley chatty dog-petting ME (with an intense history irl of weird run-ins with authorities, let's say) is a fuckin' undercover cop.
Enough so that at least one of them took a picture of me and is sharing it around.
Yeeeeeaaaaahhh...... think I'll start taking my smoke breaks out back from now on. This is only funny until I start thinking about it too much. Unhinged neighborhood like this, you don't know who's gonna try some shit or why. Paranoia is half the reason I left skip tracing, too, so this just... isn't nice to worry about while in a cozy lil healthcare role, ya know?
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maggotwithanf · 1 year
Quietly muttering to myself that I am Kenough while sleeping thru this entire wedding brunch
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skygemspeaks · 1 year
okay let's do this again, for the last time this season, and what a way to end it!
i like that nami got to be included in the walk to arlong park, it was really nice!
the banter between zoro and sanji is already quite funny. i like that sanji is just earnestly trying to be part of the crew, but zoro's being a little bit bitchy because he feels like his place as the first mate is being threatened. later on in the episode when sanji starts calling out his move names, and zoro makes fun of him for it...how much do you wanna bet that the reason zoro starts calling out his attack names because his thought process is like "oh no, the shitty cook is also calling out his attack names what if luffy starts liking him better than me because i don't do it?"
as someone with dental trauma, seeing arlong's teeth fall out one by one was horrifying, thank you very much. it was well done
the fights in this arc were well choreographed, and i'm actually really happy that they all finished by around halfway through the episode because then we got a good amount of time to wrap everything up
it was really sweet when nami went running up to tackle usopp and zoro in a hug. i did feel a bit bad for sanji, but ehh it's understandable. she's been sailing with usopp and zoro for a while now! those are her boys!!!! and she didn't think she'd ever be able to sail with them again! she barely even knows sanji at this point
the scene after the tower comes crashing down and the straw hats are all waiting to see if luffy made it is great. nami looks like her whole world is ending again, because first she lost her mother, and now she might have lost her captain. and then everyone's relief when they see luffy come out is palpable! sanji doesn't even try to hide his relief! he's become so emotionally invested in this crew already and he's known them for just a few days
sanji's smugness when zoro comes back for seconds was cute, and i love their banter afterwards!
koby and helmeppo standing up to garp when they disagree with his orders was a good scene, and i liked their conversation about it afterwards at the end of the episode. each marine's personal code of justice is a big theme in the anime, and i like that they establish it here, and that it's what impresses garp enough to make him want to train them personally
we finally got the luffy vs garp confrontation! it was a good way to see just how small luffy is in the grand scheme of things, that he wasn't able to hurt garp at all. when luffy starts laughing and garp drops him and starts laughing as well, it was a good tension break. i really really wish that we got at least one grandpa hug before garp left...i know it never happened in the manga, but i crave that grandfatherly affection for luffy. but i know neither of these two idiots are like that. ace better fucking hug luffy at least once next season i s2g.
when nami is talking to bellemere's grave, and nojiko shows up wearing bellemere's shirt.....🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
the final conversation with luffy and koby was adorable! i loved the hug! also, i really like that koby was the first one to show luffy his bounty. a great way of coming full circle to the beginning of the season when he's standing next to luffy, looking at the notice board in shells town and luffy asks where his face is
the scenes where people see luffy's bounty!!!! makino grinning in pride!! kaya already looking healthier without kuro's poison! Zeff posting luffy's poster on the employee of the month board!!!!!!!! alvida and buggy meeting!!!! (if they make alvida lose weight or recast her next season i'm gonna kill someone)
helmeppo finally admitted that koby was his friend!!!! their little fistbump!! i've really come to like koby over the course of this season, and it's been great seeing his character arc
the mihawk and shanks conversation was great! shanks making jokes about his missing arm was hilarious, i love how irreverent he is
the redhair pirates are all SO proud when they see luffy's poster!!! and shanks' big, goofy, proud grin when as he stares at the poster just made my heart melt.
merry finally gets to fly the straw hat jolly roger again, i'm so happy for her!! luffy's absolute uncontainable joy at the sight of it, like he can't believe his eyes, was absolutely perfect!
the cast-off ceremony was fantastic! i really like the effect they did where their younger selves spoke in the voices of their older selves.
i could be wrong, but i think i heard we are in that last scene as they sailed off? which, amazing!
FUCK YEAH THAT LAST SHOT OF SMOKER!!! i can't wait to see more of him next season!!!
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menelaiad · 2 months
Hi! I know your favorite character is Menelaus (mine too) and I wanted to ask you, what is your opinion about him in Euripides’ Oresteia? And in Euripides’ Helen? Because as I see, the Homeric Menelaus is a little different, and Euripides didn’t despict him as a nice character.
Thank you for your answer in advance! :)
hi, there!
heck yea! fellow menelaus stans unite, let's make jackets or smth.
UHHHHH i spoke about this a lot in my recent MA thesis and it's the foundation for my phd (or at least a big chunk of it) and yes i'm sorry this bitch is going off about her academics again.
so. euripides was athenian and it's fairly safe to say that the athenians altered menelaus characterisation on a HUGE scale and it was mainly euripides as he wrote the most works featuring him. and it's also fairly safe to say that euripides didn't like menelaus OR helen OR hermione simply because they were spartan and given the context of his time, he couldn't really be pro-sparta. so, he used menelaus' family in a myriad of ways to just mock ALL spartans and spartan culture. i won't go into that too much now and i'll focus specifically on the plays you asked about! :)
ORESTES (i assume you meant orestes? aeschylus did the oresteia but euripides just did this one?): so here we see .... menelaus being not very great with his family. but not in a mean way he's just .... useless .. coward like almost? he's a big fence sitter tbh. he doesn't wanna get involved in orestes' shit and that is painfully obvious. again. that's meant to make menelaus look shitty that he doesn't care about his family and his brothers death and his nephew literally having visions of hell BUT. personally? i dont blame him ASDFGHJK. man just got his wife back. got home. dealing with grief and loss and survivors guilt and maybe ptsd and shit .................... and then orestes turns up like 'help me fix my problems' BRO HE GOT HIS OWN DAMN PROBLEMS. and THEN they're like 'ok uncle that's cool. we're gonna kill ur wife and daughter though' LIKE LEAVE THE OLD MAN ALONE. i LOVE menelaus and agamemnon's dynamic. so i'm not saying menelaus didn't care about aga and aga's family. im NOT saying that. but (and i KNOW its my modern perspective) i can see why menelaus couldn't be arsed. and he wasn't even mean about it? he was just nonplussed. AGAIN the ancients would have HATED that, but my modern ass can relate tbh. and lets not forget. he's caught between a rock and a hard place. if he helps orestes, he risks greek wrath. which (in this play anyway) is already strong enough against him cause of helen and troy. so like. euripides has kinda put him in this impossible situation and then makes him the 'stupid funny lazy ass not helpful uncle' guy when he just backs out. which i think is unfair. AND TO TOP IT OFF. APOLLO COMES AND THEN TAKES HIS WIFE. AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID TO GET HER BACK. justice for this old man i s2g.
HELEN: OH HERE WE GO! SO helen is often referred to as a tragi-comedy which i think is very accurate. and euripides is using it to condemn war as a whole (athens had recently suffered a big loss) like if helen wasn't even in troy what was the point of the war? he makes menelaus very .... pathetic, for lack of a better word. and helen seems to take the reigns in their relationship, which would have been a huge no-no to the athenian audience. it would have made helen look domineering and unmanageable and menelaus weak and foolish. he also has menelaus cry a lot. cry and lament his losses as a king. again, the athenians would have hated a man crying. a GREEK HERO crying. but we have our 21st century vision and tbh ................ menelaus is fantastic in this play. he is so. real. he is so human. he is a man who is tired. who is lonely. who is heartbroken. a man who meets his wife who isn't his wife but actually is his wife ... and we're supposed to laugh at him because he's confused? he gets lambasted by so many characters and it's supposed to be funny and i think it is! i do think menelaus in helen is just .... an incredible character. he's so funny. he's so NORMAL. he reacts how you would expect a man to react. you see so many menelaus' in this play. menelaus defeated. menelaus in love. you see a menelaus in action when he comes up with the plan against proteus but also a man who respects his wife and knows when to shut up. i, much like the athenians back then, do have a giggle at menelaus in this play. but i don't hate him. it makes him all the more endearing to me and i love him.
these two menelaus' are (shockingly) two menelaus' that i like! i love helen's menelaus and i'm indifferent to orestes' menelaus tbh. but i think they're fine as portrayals and they make sense to me!
overall, me and euripides have a complicated relationship. some of his menelaus' i cannot tolerate. and some i adore. and i can actually connect his helen menelaus and his iphigenia in aulis menelaus to homeric menelaus. they're not identical by any means, but the way he behaves and his choices and stuff. you can see homeric menelaus in there somewhere, which is why i love them so much.
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whipbogard · 2 years
do you have a bruharvey comic reading list ?
Lmfao I personally feel like every Harvey-centric comic is somewhat a BruHarvey comic if you squint 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This list is in no way exhaustive and I'm pretty sure I've missed out some very important stuff but nevertheless, this is what I could think off at the top of my head:
Disclaimer: I'm bad at continuity. And I won't call some of these excellent writing but they did give me all the delicious bruharv moments.
Batman - A Lonely Place of Dying - Some nice parallels between Batman and Two-Face were made in here when they're busy trying to outwit each other. This is mainly focused on Bruce's angst post-Jason's death and it is rather delicious for the angst-lover. And also origin story for Robin Tim.
Batman: Year One - That infamous scene where Batman hid under Harvey's desk. That's it. That's big reason enough for you to read it. (Harvey is also exceptionally hansum in here. Will always be one of my fav Harveys).
Two-Face: Year One - Chummy college days, Bruce hanging out at Harvey's office late and night and also the one where 2F didn't listen to the coin and spared Bruce's life :^)
Batman: Eye of the Beholder - The one where Jim introduced Harvey to Batman and then they started hanging out together and left Jim out. JK JK JK LOL but it sure felt like that 🤣 In all honesty though, this is one of--if not--the best Harvey story out there so please read it anyway!!!!
Batman: Face The Face - This takes place sometime after Batman: Hush (where if you recall, Harvey betrayed Tommy to save Bruce's ass uwu). Harvey is somewhat "cured" now that his face is fixed. He go about protecting Gotham in Bruce's absence. And oh, Harvey recalling the 30 days whirlwind of a romance with Bruce where they trained together and also went for dinner dates and movies (I KID YOU NOT)---and obviously got 2F very upset LOL.
All-Star Batman: My Own Worst Enemy - The one where Bruce and Harvey went on a cross-country trip while being handcuffed together. Also a look into their childhood together at that very weird school lol
Batman and Robin #24 - #28 (The Big Burn) - This is 2F's origin story for current continuity. The one where Harvey called Bruce a Prince (while looking at his own reflection on a knight armour) and Bruce called Harvey "dummy" affectionately. Also here we learn that Harvey had known that Bruce is Batman since forever and has been protecting that secret from 2F.
Detective Comics #989 - #993 (Deface The Face) - My beloved Gotham Justice Triumvirate reuniting and working together!!!! The ending to this arc truly fulfilled my love for that chasing game between a hero and a villain tbh uwu
Detective Comics #1020 - #1024 (Ugly Heart & Prelude to Joker War) - It started out weird enough with 2F having a cult of some sort and having real weird erotic ritual involving the coin (lbr you know I'd join this cult in a heartbeat LOL). Again, this arc emphasized on Harvey's struggles to protect Bruce and his identity from 2F. And Harvey teaming up with Bruce to beat Joker's talons!!!!! It ended with 2F being suppressed and a somewhat "reformed" Harvey in Blackgate being visited by Matches. I like this arc for a lot of shippy reasons lmfao ("Promises, promises" hehe)
Detective Comics #1062 - present - The current craze. An excellently written Harvey by Ram V and Simon Spurrier. I look forward to where this is heading! (As of now, seems like Harvey has stopped making an appearance but I sure hope he'll come back again!!!)
The Doom That Came to Gotham - This is a depressing Elseworlds story with Lovecraft elements but the BruHarvey in here is absolutely golden and even more so in the movie version.
Batman 1989 Newspaper Comics - I have yet to go through this tbh but there are a lot of good bruharv moments in here and thIS ONE RIGHT HERE I s2G GETS ME ALL THE TIME
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THAT IS ALL!!! Thanks for asking me this because now I have a proper record to refer to since I'm so bad with arc names and issues etc 🤣
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yappacadaver · 7 months
Pls more Raymond headcanons I’m starving 😵
Hooh me too bbg im hungryyy
I'm gonna compile a couple of old hcs in this one, and add some new ones too. a misc hc drop for u ♥♥♥
tysm for sending a request!
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sorry this gif is the first thing i think abt when i consider his sexuality lmao 😂😂
some kinks he has AND IS AWARE OF:
hair pulling (receiving) scratching (receiving) biting (giving and receiving) hickies (giving and receiving)
these kinks are UNLOCKABLE and currently REPRESSED:
edging (giving and receiving) overstimulation (giving and receiving) praise (receiving) body worship (giving) pred/prey dynamics (pred) rope (receiving) toys (giving and receiving) olfactophilia (uhh not sure how to describe this in terms or giving/receiving, he likes to snoff lol) voyeurism (voyeur)
He's most attracted to curvy/hourglass body types, especially soft thighs
Prefers a bare face (but can be easily fooled with natural makeup)
Prefers full bush
Lost his virginity the summer before college to a girl he wasn't that into
Best sex he ever had was at a college party sneaking off with a stranger drunk off his ass
If you asked his face what the hottest thing is, he'd say something about soft curves and an eager personality
if you asked his dick, it'd be something closer to consumption. An attraction that could peel him open from the inside and wrest from him his rotten core-- for the purpose of ingesting it ofc-- leaving him purer for having been picked through and so thoroughly enjoyed
This one is semi-canon but his thighs are covered in moles/freckles
capable of a nice tan, if his schedule would ever allow it
teeth are crooked from decades of jaw clenching
the body hair situation is kinda silly... he's got tons of hair in some places and looks so naked in others... im talking like bushy pits and balls but like a tiny sprinkle of sad little hairs on his chest and belly lol
His elbows and knees click when fully extended
Friendship never came extremely naturally to him but as a young man in the 50's/60's it's not like the expectations were extremely high
In grade school he mostly had friendships of convenience-- boys from his neighborhood/class
College was where he began to really relate to others, connecting with people who had similar experiences with death and grief
David Whitlow was a friend and not just an employee to Raymond (he was killed with a scalpel to the face)
Other friends from his 20's and 30's eventually fell off as he became more withdrawn and involved with "work"
Raymond never had an affair, but his eye did wander especially as his marriage began to fall apart in the early 80's
Despite this, he would absolutely consider Maria to be the person he loved most
Black coffee, Marlboro reds
Has decided to give up drinking
Meditates daily
Tries to eat out once a week, as a treat
HOT hot showers
chronically dehydrated, i s2g getting this man his 8 glasses wouldn't cure him but it would blow his goddamn mind
Terrible sleeper, snores like a chainsaw, nightmares, talks in his sleep, walks in his sleep, has false awakenings, sleep paralysis, insomnia, the works
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kmze · 7 months
Thoughts on 3x01-3x11, lol I WROTE SO MUCH but this season (especially this half) has so much happening it's kind of impossible to not have a lot of thoughts. This is also where the show starts to embrace being more comedic (like this show is really a dark comedy at it's heart) so that helps. More characters being involved in the supernatural business also helps and up-powering Tyler is great for the plot IMO. I don't think Klaus was as strong of a villian as Katherine was last season (he is so whiny in the first half) but he started to get a little more interesting after he came back, maybe he just needed his hybrid minions to become more interesting. More below, I even broke it up in episode order!
Isn’t Elena’s birthday in June? She said Ric spent half the summer on the couch but that would mean it’s gotta be late July early August, right? (don't know why I'm even trying to make sense of this show's timeline)
I forgot that A Drop in the Ocean was played during a montage and included Forwood sexy time! What a moment. When I first watched the show the Stefan and Elena scene at the end is when I actually started shipping Stelena, it was the first time I really felt like they truly loved each other (song helped too because WHAT A SONG I always sing-a-long). I didn't feel that same buzz this time though, but maybe too much time as passed (and that damn scene in 6x02 saying this was when Elena fell in love with Damon takes a lot away from my old feels). I'm getting such a buzz from Forwood though!
Elena’s getting on my damn nerves with this stupid rescue mission in the woods during a full moon… I don’t understand how Ric and Damon agreed. I fail to see any reason for this nonsense plan.
The moment in the 20s flashbacks when Stefan is looking at Rebekah while Klaus is talking to him and then he turns and looks at Klaus with the biggest heart eyes I have ever seen him use how am I supposed to not ship it? The way they keep using "brother" to hide the extremely heavy gay subtext too I S2G. If this show was made 10 years later on a better network with better writers that subtext would be straight-up text! Think Louis and Lestat on AMC's Interview with the Vampire. In that just world I would have gotten canon Klefaroline dammit!
Caroline is a much better person than I because she's protecting her Dad meanwhile I'm counting down the episodes until he drops dead.
Stefan is really off his game (happens when he's too emotional about something) I cannot believe he got out-manipulated by Rebekah one of the most easily manipulated characters on this show. Pathetic really.
As soon as Beremy started being cute the writers start fucking it up for Bonnie. Makes me madder watching it all over again and how much they never give Bonnie the devoted love interests like Caro and Elena. And I like Jeremy and Anna but I’m so annoyed at this whole storyline in how it’s treating Bonnie I can’t even enjoy it. GFY Julie.
Completely forgot Bill Forbes taught himself how to resist compulsion (IDK why too it's a big plot point oops) and I can't believe none of these idiots bothered to learn how. I like to believe Caroline did and there's a class at the Salvatore Boarding School that teaches it.
The gym buzzer countdown was a nice touch lol.
I like that Rebekah narrowed in on Caroline and was like “you, I want your life” because she sees the vision and the potential! In all seriousness though I wonder if Rebekah having an interest in Caroline is why the writers picked Caroline to be the love interest for Klaus (since it parallels with them and Stefan in the '20s). Things that make me go hmmm.
I'm with Ric and Caroline, every time I see or hear about Damon and Elena I was to scream "stop molesting her!" UGH! He is always invading her personal space and it annoys me! The part where Elena said Damon needed to use his charm to distract Rebekah and Ric said "better luck finding a dagger" and you see Caro in the background laughing was the best.
Kinda happy to get a break from Klaus for a few episodes, he's just so one-dimensional during this time period and frankly annoying.
3x06 made me laugh so much even though I'm not sure I was supposed to laugh as much as I did. I mean Ripper Stefan is never not funny (a jerk but a hilarious jerk) but the scene were Ripper Stefan and 1,000 year old Rebekah are sitting in Ric's HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY CLASS just kills me, like what even is this show. Also laughed at Tyler being a "d-bag" baby hybrid, and you knew he was sired as soon as he didn't want to help lock up Stefan. HA!
Um, how did Rebekah get into the Lockwood mansion?
How did Lexi make Stefan think he’d been bleeding out for years? Is that a vampire power they just never used again or is it a special ghost power? I don’t remember this ever happening again.
Caroline fighting the ghost-vamps in her ballet flats lol the cutest!
Elena dealt with Ripper Stefan for like an hour and was like "absolutely not, Damon you do it" LMFAO which reminded me of the gifset that made everyone mad.
The Defan convo in 3x08 about Stefan always saving Damon for the bajillionith time even without humanity reminds of the convo in Damon’s head in 8x10 a little. This is a good season for them if I remember correctly, obviously I always enjoy them more when their causes of contention aren’t solely about Elena.
Elena making the Beremy breakup about herself, she really does have a gift. Even Bonnie was like really?
Bonnie ignoring Jeremy and giving him a death glare 1000% BB you deserve better you brought his ass back to life and lost tons of witchy power doing so he deserves to feel like shit!
Oh this is the first time Tyler and Caroline get into it about not including each other in schemes. This is kind of always a cause of conflict in their relationship but it’s a good cause of conflict because it makes sense. Tyler has a pack mentality (werewolf/hybrid) whereas Caroline is more independently driven (vampire). Like Caro said so much supernatural boyfriend drama.
Elena stabbing Rebekah in the back with the dagger is one of her best moments (even if I RME at her “I care too much” moment after).
Elena giving Tyler shit for being sired to Klaus (something he has no control over) is pretty funny considering what happens to her next season... insert well-well-well-how-the-turntables.gif.
Stefan’s spin decapitation of one of Klaus’ hybrids in front of him is so extra, I love it.
The symbolism of Elena “crowning” Caroline is not lost on me. Neither is Klaus forcing his way into Caroline’s house through the doorway.
Yeah the Wickery bridge scene was rough, no one knows how to psychologically torture/traumatize people quite like Stefan does.
Lines that made me laugh:
Bonnie: You think you're bored? My dads family is like wet paint that never dries. (oh I’m saving that one!)
Stefan: You’re into Tyler now, huh? That’s kind of fickle. (He's the worst but the comedic timing is *chef's kiss*)
Stefan: We should all listen to Elena, right? I mean, her plans always work out so well, don't they? (I’m saying! Damon agreed too LMFAO)
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lastoneout · 1 year
okay I said I was done but I'm not I just gotta vent but pls if you liked it you're wonderful and this is not directed at you at all, I'm just processing my thoughts, feel free to ignore me and this <3
I also just like....is that what Wolfwood is like in the manga? Bcs in the '98 anime he was way nicer?? I liked his dynamic with Vash bcs on the surface they seemed like VERY similar people but when push came to shove they had fundamental ideological differences that brought them to conflict. They would both decide to help people because they believed in helping people, they just disagreed about how sometimes. It was interesting! You don't usually see conflicts like that!!
And every time Wolfwood was an outright asshole to Vash, insulting him and being genuinely mean, or just being an open, unrepentant ass to every other person around him I was just like "He would not say that!!" bcs Anime Wolfwood was yeah, a bit of a jerk, but he was NICE!! He helped people with a smile on his face out of the goodness of his heart!! He liked hanging out with Milly and Meryl!! He was goofy like Vash!!
In Stampede he just feels like every single bitchy anime boy whos the protag's foil he's like Keith and Bakugo and Sasuke all wrapped into one boring as hell burrito I just don't get it!! He was interesting!! Unique!! Now he's bland!! What the fuck!!
I def saw the appeal in and shipped Vash//Wood after the original anime, but Tri//Stamp Vash//Wood? I can't even believe they're friends. (And trust me, that's not bcs I like Vash//Meryl more or anything bcs this version of Meryl is just as bland as ever I much prefer their dynamic in the '98 anime over this. In fact, I much prefer the four of them in an ot4 bcs the original anime really sells ya on it.)
But yeah idk if I even want to read the manga bcs the Tri//Stamp versions of these characters kinda fucking suck??? Meryl literally just exists to be confused and say what's happening, she never is given any real agency or a chance to shine, her "defining" moment was pointless and was barely given any time to breathe or have weight, she's a sexy lamp with a voice box that goes "huh, what?" every five seconds I s2g, and instead of a partner who played off of her and made sense she's saddled with Generic Drunk Anime Detective/Reporter 11 who treats her like complete shit constantly right up until he dies!!
I don't understand how this is a better version of the story. I don't understand how waiting to introduce Milly does ANYTHING for Meryl's character. She had an arc in the '98 anime that didn't start with her being a baffled plot tourist, you can have her be competent yet out of her depth AND STILL GROW FROM THERE. And maybe I'm just reaching but I cannot get over the fact that it feels misogynistic as fuck to get rid of your well-written GNC female character in favor of an asshole guy and to take your other well-written female character, who was basically the POV character and nuke everything interesting about her until she can't do anything but go "huh what?", stand up for herself exactly once by deciding to do what some other guy tells her to do, and shout Vash's name.
It's bad fucking writing.
Like Trigun '98 was such a breath of fresh air in terms of shonen character writing. Two male protags who are upbeat and goofy and earnest and sweet and want to do the right thing but struggle? Two well-written, NOT SEXUALIZED, MAIN female characters who are confident and strong and have arcs and personalities and DO IMPORTANT THINGS ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT HELP? YOU NEVER GET THAT. I think my queer ass REALLY resonated with it, these characters felt so wonderfully queer because of how much they subverted traditional gender roles, bcs of how they were more than the tropes they came from, but Tri//Stamp just shoved them back in their boxes and it honestly sucks to see.
And as a woman(more or less) I have spent my entire life acutely aware that shonen anime and manga Does Not and Will Not make space for people like me, and so seeing the ONE THAT DID get NUKED in favor of again, a new asshole and an old character who's had all of his caring, soft, "female" traits dragged out back and shot so he can be EXTRA rude and dickish is so fucking upsetting.
We don't get characters like the Milly and Meryl and Wolfwood we got in the '98 anime. We don't see subversions of gender roles and archetypes like we did in that anime. But we should. And frankly, if this is all that Tri//Stamp can bring to the table, then I am not impressed.
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worldwright · 3 months
Good evening, really early
Currently on phone, really tired, thought 2ould only see one person outside roommates today but no, had to see 2 eople dont know :/
Trying new site for merch, so directly buying from jp so not that expensive but dunno prive for shipping, first try is with squishy kenjaku Keychain :3 before real deal (pathetic wet anxious husbqmd)
Have a wonderful morning my friend !
good very normal morning where nothing obnoxious is going to happen tonight!!
i'm going over to my friends' for a completely unprompted party, but i'm pretty sure that the city is going to be doing a fireworks display over the water for no reason in particular! they have a fantastic view, it'll be nice :3
i'm gonna bug all of them to register to vote UNTIL THEY DO. this one is actually life or death
finished the magnus protocol (the follow-up series) and i can't find their release schedule but i s2g that can't be the end of the season, sooooooo i shall be checking my youtube notifications religiously for the next few days lol
hope you have a lovely evening friend, enjoy the fact that you're not going to be hearing random explosions until 2am!!
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cosmogyros · 3 years
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Our newest project manager messaged me in a tizzy this morning asking for help with translating a bit of Russian text, and I did my best but gently told her I don't actually know Russian so we should probably get someone who does know it (a translator named Susan) to confirm, and then a few minutes later the project manager messaged me this and i cri ❤ why is she so sweet 🥺
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briillicnt-archive · 5 years
@malbcrtha​ ASKED ♾ - What time zone do you live in? ⛔️ - in real life, are you friendly?
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♾ - What time zone do you live in?
EST :)
⛔️ - in real life, are you friendly?
i would like to think that i am. i’m a pretty guarded person in real life, and i have really bad social anxiety so i might come off a little ehh because of that? but, i feel like i’m nice? like... i just hope that i am? lol, i don’t even know. 
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andyridgeley · 5 years
ok i kind of want to plan something for our movie day what could i give out as favors for dead poets society?? my initial thought is flower crowns cause puck...but i don’t know...maybe there’s something better send me thoughts!!
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wickxdwxtch-moved · 6 years
“Don’t let go of me!”
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        “ what’s wrong? don’t feel like meeting the bottom of a cliff today? “ he hummed, tongue flicking out to greet his bottom lip as he gripped the males collar tighter. his icy orbs glowed in amusement as he looked over the edge to stare down at the rocky bottom, chuckling softly before he backed up just enough so that the males previously dangling feet were now safely touching the gravel below. “ stop being such a baby, i wasn’t really going to drop you. “ the heretic’s eyes rolled as he continued to distance them, light hues still staying locked on his form in case he felt like retaliating. “ besides, i already told you that you’re my ticket out of here. so, why would i murder my little golden ticket? “ he mused, grinning wildly at the frightened male. “ torture, sure. but, murder? never. “
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Musichetta hcs please (also her with Joly and Bossuet)
ty for waiting on this!!! My biggest flaw is that I ask for headcanons and then take approximately three years to write them 
Musichetta is that person u fall in love with on the subway. She got big shining eyes and a gorgeous smile and a million ear piercings and just has a kind of magnetic beauty. Everyone who sees her is instantly like HEART EYES. Oh and she wears lots of flowing skirts and scarves as headbands and socks with sandals. She shares clothes with Jehan.
She's a traveller- She was born and grew up in Colombia, and when she was 18 she went to Australia for a year, and then travelled around South East Asia, and then went to Europe and au paired for a family in London (They were super snooty but GOD their apartment was so nice) before she decided to settle in France. She’s fluent in Spanish, English and French. 
I also hc her as being a bit older than les amis, possibly in her late twenties/early thirties as opposed to early-mid twenties. They all sit in her cafe and take up five tables with their laptops and uni textbooks and act like they're sooo mature and she's like 🙄🙄🙄 you're all babies I s2g
Musichetta has a pet corgi. Why? Because it’s what she deserves. Sometimes she goes to the park and reads on the park bench and the corgi sits beside her and nuzzles into her lap. His name is Queso. God bless.
Her relationship with Joly and Bossuet started off very sweet and slow. She wasn't long out of a relationship with a guy who turned out to be a transphobic asshole, so she was wary when the sweet guy with the dimples (Joly) who's a regular in the cafe asked if she'd like to go for a drink. But she was like fuck it, I'm single, I can do what I want. We're going out for some fun, it'll just be casual (it ended up not being so casual)
Bossuet joined them later. Things with Joly were going really, wonderfully well, but Musichetta is very perceptive, and she noticed the way Bossuet would look at them sometimes, and the way Joly looked at Bossuet when he thought Musichetta wouldn't notice. Once she worked out that she wanted to date them both, she was extremely blunt about it, because that's just kind of who Musichetta is. She basically sat them down and was like the three of us should date okay yes good glad we're all in agreement. Lots of luv <3
The three of them are very sweet. They love doing date days to the beach, Musichetta and Bossuet will swim for hours while Joly watches the bags (sea water kind of grosses him out), and then Bossuet will fall asleep with his head in Joly's lap and Musichetta and Joly will read and share an ice cream or a bag of chips with lots of ketchup.
If they're doing date night they'll go to a local theatre or a comedy show or something. But equally they love days where the three of them just lounge around in their pyjamas and watch horrible reality tv and eat peanut butter or nutella straight from the bar for dinner. Lots of kisses and cuddles. God bless.
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samanddeaninpanties · 3 years
some crevices of this fandom are so out of touch it's funny to me, like the people that are anti jared, anti misha, anti jensen like what do you enjoy about this show if you hate them & their characters?? also let people ship what they like it's fiction!!!
I wholeheartedly agree! It's bizarre. Some people need to log off and touch a fucking tree tbh. Idk how long you've been involved in fandom but I've been here (deep in SPN shenanigans) in some capacity since the Kripke era. And in fandom in a broader sense for over half my life. There has always been discourse and antis. Always. Because there are always new fans who stumble in and get all bent out of shape and personally offended when people like things that they don't. Like. It's not that deep!! These characters aren't real! But I s2g it's gotten absolutely unbearable since s15. The show is over and people won't stop. Idk if it's because of compassion fatigue on my part or the anti-bullshit is worse now, but I'm so over the DNIs on people's blogs, as if it's my job to look through someone's bio before daring to reblog their post when I'm not even reblogging directly from the OP! And of course it doesn't even stop there, plenty of fans (myself included) have dealt with really shitty comments and malicious bait.
Where are all the nice people at? I'm so tired.
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reformedmercymain · 2 years
Hey Cee! I'm the League of Legends anon and I still follow you! I'm very happy you're into League esports now, I hope you're having fun following things there :) Who are you going to support on the next Worlds? I'm a filthy T1 enjoyer but the group stages are so stacked this year... Hehe thank you for keeping ppl updated on your League endeavors and I hope you're having a nice day <3
OH MY GOD HI YOU’RE STILL AROUND!!!! DM me for real like not just on anon I only have like two friends who care about league esports and I need another person to be excited with 🥺🥺🥺 anyways putting this under a readmore because this is obviously an owl/overwatch blog
Add meeee I promise I’m not intimidating or anything.
But also with regards to teams I’d want to see win I’m a more player oriented person so I’m not necessarily attached to any one team in particular, I just want interesting games.
I think it’s INCREDIBLY funny how C9 got first seed for NA after like the fastest (2nd actually I think) LCS playoffs 3-0 over 100T, only to be put in what is arguably the most difficult group for worlds when 100T most likely ended up in the easiest. I mean how unlucky do you have to be to be the best NA team immediately thrown to the wolves of the reigning champs from last year and fucking T1 of all teams… RIP C9 you had a good run 😔
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If anything it’s easier to have a fav from each group to hopefully move on based on players I respect.
Group A: T1 (impossible not to root for the Michael Jordan of esports + I’ve always respected SKT T1 before even being into esports in general when I was just a regular Video Game Enjoyer™ because even without much knowledge of league it was still so clear how great they were, EDG is a close second… sorry C9 I love the color blue and am happy that NA is in a decent place this year but of the three you’re my least fav. Again just unlucky placement in group stages. If you were in C or D it’d be easy.)
Group B: DK. (Showmaker exists. What more can I say)
Group C: no particular fav, but rogue maybe because I want to see some more orianna
Group D: GEN.G (how the fuck does Chovy CS that well in pro matches? He’s not human I s2g)
I also have a favorite team for play-ins which is just “LOUD” from CBLOL/Brazil since my boyfriend is Brazilian :) I always love an underdog region making it far so I’d be ecstatic if they can make it to the top of play-ins
Anyways this was a hell of a ramble but I’m just tired so. Thank you if you made it this far anon I’m serious DM me pleaaaase
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