#i'm a little over a third of the way through and i want to die i cant find any SOURCES!!!!
lurafita · 3 days
Malec Soulmate (angsty)
How about soulmates and (kind of) reincarnations. If we think that soulmates are two people whose souls are meant for each other, and if we further think that after a life is over, the souls get cleansed of the old life and then are (re)born into a new life.
But souls that are connected to each other will find their other piece in that new life eventually. Hence, soulmates. Right?
So now imagine one of those souls being in the body of an immortal. Like Magnus. Who doesn't grow old and doesn't die and is therefore not reborn into a new life. But his partner is mortal. And the one time they weren’t, they were killed by a shadowhunter.
And Magnus has connected with his soulmate many a time in his centuries of life. And has had to go through the pain of losing them to death just as many times. And he can’t anymore. It's too much. He can’t go through that again. Enter Alec. His soulmate. Who is mortal. And a shadowhunter.
I keep imagining that it would come out in a private conversation? Like Alec, fed up of being rejected yet again (they are soulmates! Magnus should know that there is no running from this and anything that Magnus believes stands in their way, Alec will do whatever is in his power to change. They are meant to be!), corners Magnus somewhere and things get to a head.
With Alec thinking that it's because of him being a shadowhunter and Magnus being known to have little love for them (which Alec gets, knowing that Magnus fought in the uprising and has been victim to the shadowhunter brand of superiority for many years), and he wants to prove to Magnus that he is different, that they are different and they belong togehter and Magnus just has to give him a chance. And then it just kind of spills out of Magnus.
How he has done this already. Met him already. Many times. "The first time I found you, you were a prince, but still a child, and I didn't want to do anything to… to manipulate or groom you. So I decided to come back when you were older, so that the power imbalance between us wouldn't be so severe. Only to learn that you had died from an illness just two years after I left. The second time, you were a woman working as a seamstress. We spent two wonderful decades together before the townspeople burned you at a stake while I was away, believing me the devil and you a witch for loving me. The third time, you were a young man, just recently turned into a vampire. And I thought this time, this time it will last. But a prejudiced shadowhunter found you a little too close to their headquaters and thought this grounds to end you. I found you a fourth, and a fifth, and even a sixth time. But our time together was always cut too short. I have lived through losing you far too often. And I can't keep doing it. And now you are once again a mortal, and a shadowhunter to boot. How long would I have you this time? A few years? A decade with any luck? Mere months? I'm sorry, Alexander. I can't."
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bodhrancomedy · 9 months
Guess who's on TV!
(Well, iPlayer until the 15th, that's when it airs on BBC One)
Hope Street episode 3.11, let's go!
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First of all, I'd say they did me dirty with this picture, but my university ID was exponentially worse.
Onto the spoilers!
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Our boy Matthew has arrived in Port Devine, looking a little concerned.
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For good reason when he's suddenly confronted by this lad, Dara.
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Ah, a fight which Matthew escapes by slipping out of his coat. (Pretty sure this is the take where we ripped it practically in two...)
Dara's questioned, he claims he's never met Matthew in his life. Hmm.
Police do some investigating (and some character stuff) before Dara makes his way to Matthew's mother (Louise)'s house to have a wee showdown.
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They both in a gang and Matthew's stolen a gun. Dara needs to get it back...
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Matthew's nay having it. "This is my way out. If they want the gun back, they have to let me go."
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Another fight. The gun goes off! (Poor Pete and I were convinced after take one to put some padding on. My arm looks bulky because I'm strapped up with squishy stuff and allergic to plasters so it has to be in a sock)
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Thank fuck no one was hurt. Dara gets the hell out of dodge -
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Leaving Matthew to contemplate his mortality. And other people's, but mostly his own.
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"Oh fuck, my bosses are gonna find me and murder me, oh shit. I'm far too young and pretty to die!"
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Time for Matthew and Louise to follow Dara's example and get the fuck out of here.
The police are now on the Halbridges' trail, but they discover the phone tracking them and leave it in a field.
Meanwhile, Dara's been arrested for drug dealing. He refuses to talk, clearly nervous.
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Ah, what's this on Dara's phone? So Matthew and Dara have been in a relationship for over a year now.
(The poor intimacy coordinator having to walk me through my just about second kiss in my entire life. And the third. And the fourth. And the fifth... Pete is a very sweet person. Made it all funny.) ("Relax your hand, Bodh. Just relax it. Open - open your fingers, just let me position your hand.")
They're both working for the same gang. Matthew was given the gun to hold onto by their bosses' and freaked out, running away with the weapon. His plan was to trade his freedom for the gun, but Dara was sent to get it back for the Brazier Brothers, notorious drug runners and gang leaders.
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These guys.
Unfortunately, now Dara's had to tell the Brazier Brothers that Matthew is refusing. They're going to kill Matthew and then Dara. Oh no.
But Dara has an idea where they might be hiding.
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At the caravan there's a standoff between the police and Halbridges. But when the Braizer Brothers are arrested, they're convinced to come out.
(Side note, my favourite picture of me, ever.)
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Oh no, the Halbridges are going to jail and Matthew's regretting his life choices.
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Matthew walked off to his new life inside a jail cell.
The end.
(This is where Niall Wright accidently sublexed my shoulder. To be fair to the man, I'd never mentioned it and he took his finger sliding in-between bone like a champ)
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Look, it's me!! I was on TV! Bit sad they cut pretty much all the uses of SSE (weren't allowed BSL because we still had to speak the lines), but I got to be queer and Deaf so that's pretty nice.
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ozzgin · 9 months
Yandere! Yokai Harem x Reader (II)
The two yokai men reach an agreement and you begin your journey together, searching for clues regarding the mysterious case of your incomplete reincarnation. You learn about the third of the Legendary Yokai, a gargantuan monster worshipped in times of war.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Character Guide]
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The next swish of the mysterious man's sword is parred by Kiritsubo, who managed to make his way to you in time.
"Wait! It's not entirely him, Murasaki, I can explain!" He shouts frantically.
"So you let him live. This is why you've never been good for anything." The dark haired man snarls in a low voice, disgust seeping through his sharp teeth.
It becomes obvious rather quickly that he has the advantage in terms of battle experience. You can only stare in fear, stuffing your wound with your jacket sleeve. What else can you do? You're bleeding profusely and if a demon of Kiritsubo's stature cannot compete, you'd be even less helpful.
"Listen to him, man, I genuinely don't know anything about your master!" You beg as your limbs are flooded with a prickling sensation. They're slowly going numb. "Please. I just want to go home."
Damn it. You have no idea whether the bleeding will stop anytime soon. Is this how you die? You won't even get a proper burial. Even worse, your family will live on thinking you vanished without a trace, unaware you've been stabbed to death by a crazy jackass in feudal Japan. You wish you could make them stop.
You squeeze your eyes tightly, trying to think of a way to escape, when you hear both men groan in pain. You look ahead to see them on the ground, clinging tightly to their chests, faces twisted in a grimace. Huh? They couldn't have killed each other in the few seconds they were out of your view. What is going on?
After a few agonizing moments, the yokai seem to calm down. Kiritsubo is gasping for air, clumsily pulling himself back up. Murasaki remains on the grass, forcing himself to appear collected despite the cold sweat coating his forehead.
"That's...what...I...meant..." The silver haired demon groans between hitched breaths. "Whew. You see it now, don't you? She doesn't emanate enough power to pull this off. It's coming from somewhere else."
Murasaki clicks his tongue in visible annoyance.
"So then, what do you suggest?"
"I don't know. But something is stopping you from killing her and there's a chance she's connected to the source."
"What are you guys whispering about?" You inquire, crawling closer towards the horned men. "And why did you suddenly collapse? You scared the hell out of me!"
"You didn't feel anything?" Kiritsubo questions you with raised eyebrows.
"Besides the, I don't know, stab wound? No, thankfully." You respond sarcastically.
Without a word, Murasaki stands up and approaches you. He crouches down to your level and nonchalantly slaps your hand away from your shoulder.
"Have you ever tended to a wound in your life? You're shit at it." He uses his sword to cut off your sleeve and folds it over your gash with calculated movements. You hiss at the pain and glare at him. "Bite down on a stick if you can't handle it. Better than being dead."
The white haired yokai flashes you an awkward but reassuring smile.
"He might be an ass about it, but he knows what he's doing."
"Why are you helping me, anyways?" you point out, somewhat wary. "You literally tried to kill me a moment ago."
"I changed my mind. You'll help us find the damned bastard or whatever it is he's using to control us."
"What, the priest? Hell no, I'm going back to my world. I've had enough action for the rest of my life."
Murasaki finishes bandaging you and gives you one final press, almost as if messing with you, and you wince. He stands up and slides his sword back in its sheath.
"If you focus a little, you will find there was no question or request in my words. I'm not negotiating with a weakling like you."
Kiritsubo squats down before you and claps his hand together, pleadingly.
"Please think about it, (Y/N). I know you don't owe us anything, but there's a chance we could finally break the seal and be free. If you'd consider helping us. You can walk away, but that won't change the fact you're part of Abe no Nakamaro. He will want his powers back at some point, and we can protect you when the time comes."
You cross your arms and frown thoughtfully, pondering the options. He did save you twice already. So in a way, you're indebted to him. And if he's right, and you will have to deal with more crazy encounters in the future, it's probably better to have two powerful demons by your side.
"Alright, alright. I'll help you." You exclaim with a confident nod.
Kiritsubo grins, satisfied, and Murasaki huffs and looks away. There's a prolonged silence as you wait for them to continue with further instructions, but the men remain quiet.
"So...what now?" you eventually speak up.
"Oh. I thought you knew where to go next." the silver haired man retorts, confused.
"Idiot. She's not a compass." Murasaki scolds him. "Can you stand?" He adds, turning to you. "There's a shrine a few kilometers away that belonged to him. If we leave now, we should make it before sunset. Maybe we can find something there."
You try to prop yourself up, but Kiritsubo promptly scoops you with his sinewy arm and throws you on his back again.
"I'll carry you. Just hold on."
A faint blush dusts your cheeks, but you don't have the energy to argue it. You clutch onto his broad shoulders and nod.
The walk is uneventful and both yokai seem to be distracted. The gentle swaying is causing you to be more comfortable than you'd like to admit and your eyelids become heavy with exhaustion. Before you know it, your head drops against the toned back and you fall asleep.
By the time you open your eyes again, you've already reached your destination. You yawn and stretch, lazily scanning the surroundings. A heavy shadow looms over you and you glance up. Still groggy from your nap, you scream before you can fully process the object towering above.
It's a statue. A colossal statue of some sort of monster. A demon with thick, wide bull horns sprawling out imposingly, almost eclipsing the ridiculously muscular build. The creature has four arms, flexed in a threatening manner, with one hand gripping a heavy spear and the other a skull. The crimson light of the sunset creeps through the windows and reflects against the chiseled clay, giving the statue a devilish glow. You feel insignificant.
"That's Suma."
"W-what?" your head tilts to Kiritsubo.
"He's one of us. You might meet him soon, if he's been alerted of your presence. This is a shrine built for him, to bring good fortune during times of war."
You cannot help but gawk at the structure.
"Is it, uh, life sized?"
"Heh, almost. He's a little taller than this." He chuckles, slightly nostalgic.
You swallow dryly. Just a moment ago you thought Kiritsubo was unusually big.
"I'd rather not meet him, to be honest." You shiver at the idea.
"Don't worry about it. Now that Murasaki has joined us, you're pretty much safe from anything. He's the strongest of us." The yokai remarks with a sad smile.
You peek at the dark haired man, currently flipping through dusty manuscripts, and briefly observe him. Compared to Kiritsubo, he's quite slender, with noble, elegant features. And he'd be able to defeat this enormous beast? Then again, the glimpse you've caught of his swordsmanship is enough of a convincing argument.
What a bizarre gathering of creatures beyond your understanding.
You remember to look away when Murasaki grunts and throws the remaining scroll of paper. His lips form a thin line as he rakes his mind for the next step.
"Nothing here. But I'm rather certain he has to be at one of his hideouts. We'll check each and one of them if we have to." 
"Wait, are you saying he's still alive? We saw his body before Sekiya and Sakaki took him for the embalming and burial."
Murasaki scoffs at his partner's gullible nature.
"And you believed it? That parasite spent his entire life searching for ways to prolong his reign. He's probably hiding somewhere, waiting for his renewed part of the soul to return to him." 
He rests against the wall and points a clawed finger at you. 
"This must've been his solution. Releasing his remaining energy until it found a proper vessel to grow stronger, and patiently awaiting the body swap. Then we go back to being whipped dogs fulfilling his whims."
It's your turn to be outraged, twisting your mouth downwards.
"No way, I'll pound that old man into sand!" You bark and throw a jab against the air, emphasizing your threat. "As if I'd just hand myself over."
"I'm not sure if it'll be that easy, (Y/N)..." Kiritsubo glances at you with a hurt expression. "He's a terrifying, vengeful bastard."
"Not if we find him first and take him out." Murasaki counters with a glint of determination in his eyes. "Humans need to rest, don't they? We'll spend the night here and tomorrow we head out. Kiritsubo, find me a map so we can keep track of the locations. I'll bring the wood for a fire."
And with this, he marches out. Kiritsubo scurries to his duty and you quietly follow his movements. He seems to be used to executing Murasaki's orders. You hadn't considered their group dynamic much, but it appears to have some rather complex hierarchies involved. You almost wish you could witness all of them together, wondering how they'd interact with each other. 
Who knows? If you stick around, it could happen eventually. Murasaki was surprisingly easy to convince, so the other yokai might as well agree to keep you alive until you find their source of misfortune. Heh. Almost like a harem, or something. You snicker to yourself.
Which reminds you...
The fire has been lit and Murasaki mumbles something about guarding the perimeter. This time you hurry outside after him. You reach out to the dark haired man and pull on his kimono sleeve.
He turns to you, mildly irked.
"Teach me how to use a sword." You state with the assertiveness of an order.
"Why? I can assure you I'm more than enough. I've never been defeated." He stares at you, incredulous.
"I don't want to rely on you all the time. You're already this close to being unbearable", you explain, pinching your fingers together. "Besides, if I'm going to be stuck among beasts, I'd very much prefer being the one doing the cool stuff."
And with that, you pretend to slice through an invisible enemy, whistling the sound of your sword cutting through the air. You furrow your eyebrows, imitating the engrossed expression of a seasoned samurai in the middle of a battleground. Murasaki quickly lifts a hand to his mouth - did he chuckle just now? - and responds, the faintest amusement in his voice:
"As you wish. But I'm warning you now, I won't hold back."
"I've been injured twice in less than 24 hours, I'm sturdy enough." You answer, patting your chest proudly.
Next time one of the Legendary Yokai comes for you, you won't be as vulnerable. That's for sure.
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hhughes · 3 months
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ◞ fem!wife!reader x jack hughes
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ◞ in which Jack's wife is pregnant and a little emotional.
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐜𝐰 ◞ just fluff!
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐰𝐜 ◞ 1.5K
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐚/𝐧 ◞ husband!jack has become a favourite of mine. . .
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"Babe” Jack whispers.
“Can you scoot over a bit?” he asks
“I’m on the edge”
He looks over his shoulder, right at the face of his beautiful wife.
“Babe, I find that hard to believe,”
“What?” you ask, a little disoriented.
“There’s no way you’re on the edge when your face is pressed into my back, your legs are tangled with mine and our child is kicking me in the back.”
“But I am,”
“You’re not,” Jack argues.
“You scoot over,”
“I can’t. I’m on the edge of our California King bed that you insisted we get because you didn’t want to touch during the night because you always get too hot. Yet, you’re laying on top of me,”
“I am not,” you complain, nuzzling closer, if that were possible. “Shh go to sleep.”
Jack sighs loudly and says, “I can’t. You’re too hot and our child is kicking me in the back.”
“Yeah well, welcome to my world buddy. Can you stop talking? I'm tired.” you say.
Usually Jack wouldn’t care. He’d deal with it because he loved you and he wanted you to be comfortable, but he needed to get up early tomorrow morning and he really needed a good night’s sleep. Jack was beyond stressed. It felt like he was always 2 seconds away from having a panic attack.
His constant worry about you was driving him insane, but then he also had hockey to think about. The Devils had just lost in the third round of the playoffs. They were so close. Jack wanted nothing more than to win and hold that cup up. But then he realised he was about to hold his baby, and that was an even greater prize.
That was if he didn’t kill you first.
Turning over, you glared at him as he popped his head on one arm, looking over her to the amount of space behind you. “Baby, we could literally fit all my teammates beside you,”
“What does that mean?” you ask frowning
“I’m saying scoot the hell over!” he says, his voice rising. “You’re burning me up!”
“I want to sleep with you,”
“You are, but just give me some space so I don’t die of heatstroke!”
“Ugh, fine.” you say annoyed and rolled over to the other side of the bed.
Jack sighs, shaking his head and lays back down. He could finally breathe, but just as he’s about to fall asleep you say, “I just think it’s messed up that you won’t cuddle with me and I’m carrying your child, which is the reason I’m burning up!”
Jack opens his eyes and takes a deep breath. Here they go again.
“Sweetheart, I love cuddling with you. But I have to be up early to do press and clean out my locker. I can’t sleep through that and I definitely can’t sleep with you burning me up and our child kicking me the whole night. I love you though, you know that right?” Jack asks, looking over at you with a soft smile.
But you were glaring, lips pursed as you glared at him. “Oh yeah, I forgot it’s so hard being Jack Hughes and you need all the sleep you can get. While I can’t sleep a certain way due to the fact that it hurts because I’m the thing your child is sucking the life out of.”
“I thought you loved being pregnant.”
“I do!” you yell and his brows go up. “That’s not the point. I’m just reminding you that I don’t get to sleep or do any of the things that I wanna do anymore, but it’s fine. I’ll sleep all the way over here without the love and support from my husband because he needs to get some sleep. God forbid you don’t get any sleep.” you mumble and Jack wants to laugh. You were being ridiculous. But before he could tell you that, you look over to him and say, “And just a friendly reminder Jack Hughes, when this baby comes, say fucking good-bye to sleep.”
“I guess I should say good-bye to sleep now, because I’m sure as hell not getting any more tonight,” Jack says, holding your gaze.
Your eyes darken a little and Jack swears he’s never seen anyone as beautiful as his wife. Even when you’re a little crazy, hostile, and 7 months pregnant, you were still hot as fuck.
“You got that right, I just wanted to cuddle,” you say rolling away from him again.
When Jack hears you sniff he can’t help but smile. The emotional rollercoaster of a pregnant wife was no joke. Reaching out, he went to cuddle with you, but you smack his hand away.
“I don’t wanna cuddle now,” you mutter
“Fine,” Jack sighs, falling back onto his own pillow. Sometimes he just really couldn't win with you.
“I just want you to know, I did want to cuddle. But that’s gone now.”
“I hear you.” Jack replies.
“And I’m very upset.”
“I got that.” he says with a sigh, rolling on his side to look at you.
“I just don’t think it’s fair. I cook, I clean, I work. And I’m carrying your child.”
“And I appreciate you more than words can ever say.” Jack says sincerely.
“Then you'd cuddle with me!” you say exasperated.
“But baby, I need sleep too. And you’re literally a furnace.”
“Well if you need sleep so badly and I’m too hot and our baby won’t stop kicking you then go sleep somewhere else!” you yell
“Yes! Go to the couch”
Surely you were joking. But then you yank the covers off him and pull his pillow from under him, throwing both on the floor. He stands up and goes to pick up his pillow.
“I need sleep and I’m too mad to sleep with you here.” you mutter
“Because I won’t cuddle with you?”
“Yes!” you yell tears streaming down your face.
“Then come here, I’ll cuddle.” he says and ducks when you throw another pillow at his head.
“No! I don’t want to cuddle anymore!” you yell
“Then let’s just go to bed.” Jack mumbles
‘No! I’m mad!”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Jack says with a laugh, and why he would do that would be his last thought.
“Go!” you yell.
“If I go, I’m not coming back tonight.” Jack says
“That’s fine. Maybe tomorrow you won’t mind cuddling your wife and child.”
“Sweetheart, I said let’s cu-”
“I don’t wanna cuddle!” you yell laying your head on the pillow with a sob. “I just wanted you to want to cuddle with me!”
Watching as you cried, Jack sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He picked up his pillow and looked at you one more time. “You sure?”
“Yes. You broke my heart Jack.” you say.
He went to say something sassy back but he knew it wouldn't get him anywhere so instead he said, “I’m sorry that I didn’t wanna cuddle because of the blazing heat you were putting off. I love you. Good night.”
When you don't answer, Jack chuckles as he walks out of the room. His girl was so stubborn. Heading to the couch he lays down and stares at the ceiling. Only two more months and maybe he would get his normal wife back. He was lucky that some of the guys on the team had kids and also went through this process. If not he wouldn’t know it was normal for his wife to be completely and utterly irrational about the dumbest things.
Tonight it was cuddling.
Last week, it was because he ate the last oreo.
Next week, it might be because he breathed a little too hard.
Jesus. Two more months. He could do it.
Leaning back on his pillow he closed his eyes, thankful that he chose to spend so much money to get a comfortable couch. He hopes you stopped crying. He hates when you cry. He was tempted to check but he really didn’t want you to bite his head off. Just as he was about to drift off he felt someone beside him.
Opening his eyes, he saw you standing there.
You looked adorable, hair a mess, cute pyjama shorts, cheeks flushed. Wearing one of Jack’s T-shirts that you cropped. It kinda made you look like Winnie the Pooh. Jack still thought you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“Yeah babe?”
“Can I lie with you?”
Chuckling to himself he scooted over as far as he could to make space for you. As you lay down your stomach presses into his and Jack wraps his arms around you, kissing you cheek.
“I’m sorry.” you whisper.
“It’s okay baby. I’m sorry too.” Jack whispers.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.” Jack says kissing you again.
The next morning, when he woke up with a sore back, all he could do was repeat three words over and over.
Two more months. Two more months. Two more months.
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dixons-sunshine · 6 months
Third Time's Not Always The Charm | Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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Summary: Way before you officially became Daryl's girl, Daryl had liked you more than friends should like each other. Before he officially asked you out, there were three times he'd wanted to confess to you.
Genre: Fluff, some slight angst if you squint
Era: Pre outbreak.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams universe.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse.
Word count: 1.2k
Requested by anon.
A/n: My mind needed a break from the angst I'm attempting to write, so I figured I'd make a little blurb about all the times our baby boy has wanted to confess in this little universe I created. I hope you enjoy!
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
Daryl didn't know exactly when he started adopting feelings for you, but he knew exactly when he realised that he liked you more than a friend should—the day he took you fishing for the first time. You were so radiant to him that day, your smile on full display as he instructed you on what to do that he'd felt the urge to pull you into his arms and kiss you. That urge was what awakened the knowledge that he was falling for you, and hard.
The first time Daryl almost worked up enough nerve to tell you how he felt was on the day you tried to help him sharpen his knife. You looked so concentrated on the task while Daryl instructed you carefully on what to do, which made his heart almost pound out of his chest. The way you sat against his side while he guided your movements with his hands made him so nervous in the best way possible. If he were to die right there, he would've died a happy man.
Somewhere along the lines, Daryl removed his hands from yours and simply admired the work of art that sat beside him—you. Your tongue was slightly sticking out of your mouth as you concentrated on your task and you were so giddy whenever Daryl told you that you were doing a good job. It was adorable to him, and he wanted to fall to his knees and confess his attraction to you right then and there.
However, your hand slipped and the knife cut your hand, and his concern overpowered his need to tell you how he felt.
The second time that Daryl almost confessed to you was when the two of you were walking home from the store, each of you having a soda in your hands. You were laughing at some lame joke he had told you, your head thrown back as laughter wracked through your body. That melodic sound, along with the sparkle in your eyes when you looked up at him, made butterflies swarm around in his stomach.
When the two of you were walking through a neighbourhood with a bunch of fancy, rich houses, he was laughing along with you as you made remarks about the ridiculousness of the appearances the people tried to uphold. You had stopped in front of one of the driveways momentarily to tie your undone shoelaces before standing back up to look at him with that beautiful, museum worthy smile of yours. Time had seemingly stopped and Daryl wanted to tell you how he felt.
However, at that moment, one of the ladies that lived in that neighbourhood recognised you and decided to strike up a conversation with you, effectively destroying any confidence Daryl had built up to tell you how he felt.
The third time Daryl wanted to tell you how he felt was on one of those days when his father's abuse became too much to withstand.
Battered and bruised from the latest beating his father had bestowed on him, Daryl had snuck out of his trailer and made his way over to yours, sneaking around to your window. It was a little bit after midnight and he doubted that you were still awake, but he had knocked on your window anyway, and he was tremendously relieved when he could hear your footsteps.
All it took was one look at his state for you to open up your window and help him into your room. You didn't press, didn't force him to tell you what happened, because you already knew—you were the only person he'd ever told about his father's abuse. You simply patched up his wounds to the best of your ability and offered him silent reassurance.
The two of you must've made a bigger ruckus than you'd initially realised, because it didn't take long for your mom to walk into your room. When she saw Daryl's state, she instantly wanted to question what happened, but all it took was one look from you to shut that idea down.
“Mom, can Daryl stay the night?” was all you had offered up, giving your mom a pleading look.
Your mom instantly nodded. “Of course. You can stay as long as you need to, honey,” your mom told Daryl.
About an hour later, you and your mom had the couch all set up for Daryl. Daryl was already laying back on the couch, comfortable with pillows behind his head and wrapped up in the fluffiest and most comfortable blanket he'd ever used. His eyes were feeling heavy, and he felt more safe than he ever had in his entire life. Your mom had made him something to eat and insisted he eat when he refused, and you had snuffed out the last two painkillers you had and gave it to him with a glass of cold water.
You were on your knees on the floor next to him, softly brushing his hair back from his face as you offered him a small smile. “Comfy?” you asked him, threading your fingers through his hair.
Daryl hummed and closed his eyes at the sensation, relishing in the comfort it brought him. It was amazing how safe you made him feel. He wanted nothing more in that moment than to pull you into his arms and have you rest your head on his chest, holding you tightly as the two of you drifted off. As his mind wandered, he felt the urge to express his feelings to you. He slowly opened his eyes again and turned his head to you, softly calling your name.
“Yeah?” you whispered, giving him a smile.
As he looked into your eyes, the way it held no judgement or disgust, he hesitated. It was so easy for you to love, to take care of somebody. He felt like he didn't deserve you. You deserved somebody better than him, somebody who could give you a better life. Somebody that wasn't as screwed up as him.
“Jus', uh... Jus' wanted to thank ya fer all of this. Ya didn't have to.”
You smiled and shook your head. “I know, but I wanted to. You're worthy of love, Dar. No matter what you might think. I'm here to prove that to you.” You stood up before leaning down to press a soft kiss to his forehead. “Try to get some sleep, okay? We'll figure everything out in the morning.”
Daryl could feel his face flush with heat but nodded. “Alrigh'. G'night.”
With that, you retreated to the sanctuary of your room, and Daryl turned over on his side to get some much needed sleep. However, unbeknownst to you or Daryl, your mom had witnessed the whole ordeal through the crack of her slightly open door, and she smirked knowingly.
She knew it was only a matter of time before the two of you got together, and she was on board with that idea.
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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yuquinzel · 1 year
because you guys chose reo fluff <;3
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“i can't find my perfume.” you say, something in your voice laced with an accusatory tone as the way you'd address a criminal.
if reo had nothing to do with it, nothing at all— he'd have looked at you up and down, gasped dramatically and made a face that says i do not appreciate your tone— if, he had nothing to do with it, that is.
instead he offers you a glance across the corner of his eye, a princely smile gracing his lips, “you can't?” and then tries really hard not to gulp when you only shake your head.
“well,” he says— calmly, sweetly, and painfully charming, “i don't even know which one you're talking about, sweetheart.”
the endearment melts like sugar paper in his mouth, smoothly rolling off his tongue like honey and glossing over his lips with all the love he holds for you wrapped up in the syllables. he really hopes it actually sounds as endearing as he hears it.
you narrow your eyes, “you know, my favorite one. you wouldn't, reo, have any idea what happened to it, right?”
you put a certain emphasis on his name, giving the syllabus a long drag, kissing your teeth and mirroring his smile in mock. reo laughs in response; sweet but short-lived, eyes resting anywhere but you.
then you call out his name, one, twice. sighing a third time, reo can't find it in him to avoid your gaze forever.
when he looks at you again— you're still pretty, smiling. this is where he knows he's already lost.
“okay, so i just wanted to use some—” he begins, “i mean, not for me. but you know i have that fucking business trip, and I'll be away for two weeks,”
you tilt your head, prompting him to continue, “and i already miss you even though you're here so if I'm away for two weeks i think I'm gonna, like, actually die.”
reo pauses when a snicker escapes your lips, and as he watches you quickly bring your fingers to cover your mouth, an amused little smile plays at his lips. “i'm sorry, go on.” you try, you really try, to keep your expressions null and precise to urge him to continue.
“you're laughing at me,” reo says, although there's no defense in his voice. nothing but an amused chuckle of sorts, “well, that's rude.”
you try and fail— the sound of your laugh sputtering through the air like soft and scattered breaths, “i'm sorry, but i really want you to continue. what did you do with my perfume?”
reo knows he's lost a second time today when he feels the ground shift beneath his feet— because it's not really intentional that he takes a long stride towards you, snaking his arms around your waist and leaning in till your noses touch.
“i just wanted to spray it on my hoodies,” you feel his breath, warm and yours to hold onto, “you know, so it'll feel like you're hugging me when i wear them.”
“you're insane.” you grin.
“maybe. but it has worked in the past—” you feel his chuckle reverberate through his chest and up your hands as you lightly push against his chest, laughing as you realise he's done this in the past too.
“— i just miss you, like crazy.” then he rests his head on your shoulders, sighing into the crook of your neck.
“i miss you too,” you whisper, “like crazy. and that's why we call everyday, reo, three times a day.” when you take your fingers through his hair, reo feels lightheaded.
“how about 4 times a day?” he asks, and even though he's being playful— the idea isn't half bad.
you smile, “only if you stop stealing my perfumes.”
“make it five times a day then.” he mumbles.
“okay, five, but tell me what happened to that per—”
reo kisses you before you can finish, “i'll get you a thousand more. just kiss me right now.”
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© yuquinzel2023 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
tagging @venusbby and @inariezaki bc you wanted me to :P
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pyreo · 5 months
I'm comparing the Dungeon Meshi manga to episodes I just watched and now I gotta capital-p Post about this one episode (spoilers past Episode 12)
So this part is an emotional side-step from the central throughline so far - Laios and Marcille got Falin back successfully and reunited, and they got that payoff from the very beginning where they thought it would be impossible. But Chilchuck is very much a part of these layers of development, so after that dragon finally dies, we stop for a second - Laios and Marcille are recovering, Falin has disappeared again - how does Chilchuck feel at that point?
It's the perfect stage to insert that because he didn't really share in that sense of victory in the same way as Laios and Marcille recovering someone extremely close to them. And that's on purpose because he keeps everyone at arms' length. As soon as that arc hits its end and Falin is recovered, there's at last space to ask - why is Chilchuck even here.
He's asking himself that through the chapter. Now that they've lost the person they intended to save, he regrets agreeing to come.
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And starts shouldering responsibility for everything ending up this way. We saw that when he got stuck in the mimic room before - he refuses to let himself ask for help, or he'll try to take burdens alone to lessen relying on others. The original Touden Party was six people, and when Laios insisted on going back underground they were two, and he knew they would die, and figured maybe, maybe if they were one more, with his skillset, maybe they'd have a chance. He couldn't let them walk back down just to die.
And he's going back to that mindset - their lives are on me. He thinks he could have prevented this if he'd chosen differently. Essentially, the walk alongside the orc woman is him working through a guilt spiral.
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He sees a second chance to correct that mistake of joining the party. He wants them out now, before they die. The orc asks him how they defeated a dragon and, in explaining it, he reminds himself of all the risky, ridiculous things they had to do, and he isn't satisfied with just getting lucky. Laios got his foot bitten off, on purpose! This proves to him that if they go any further they will not survive. And he hints at this dissatisfaction a couple chapters later, wishing his teammates prioritised things other than winning at all costs...
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Like, obviously. The point of this chapter is Chilchuck pretending to be a self-serving coward. To the point where others react with disdain, even disgust, towards him because he wants to lie to Marcille and Laios to ensure they turn back. He's desperate to get out of a hopeless situation by any means necessary, and will destroy his standing in the group in a blink if it means nobody else dies. He has to go on a stupid mental health walk for his stupid mental health and talk through his little bout of panic and doubt.
'You called me a coward so don't be surprised when I act accordingly'
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He needs someone very blunt to tell him 'dude you're not being a coward for wanting your friends to get out of hell alive. you're a coward for making excuses instead of honestly telling them your concern is genuine' and he BSODs about it. He needs to rant and externalise that frustration over their recklessness at a third party. He needs to scream that they are idiots because he's the only one for which the ends don't justify the means and he can't keep losing his mind over everyone's safety. Down to a point, the orc praises their ability to survive the explosion from the dragon's fuel sac, and it only justifies Chilchuck - Falin didn't even know she could cast the spell that stopped them all being killed, and they cannot continue getting lucky like this.
Anyway. The reason I stopped to think about it was this part-
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Where he recovers Laios's monster-infused sword. The thing that made their situation in the dragon fight go from bad to worse, that he swore at Laios for in every language he knew. The most angry we'd seen him. And now he calmly picks it up and praises it for being the only one of them smart enough to make a run for it.
He's projecting, obviously. He's internalising the label of 'coward' and changing himself to fit it. And, look at him, he's so tired of this. It's evidence of his sheer exhaustion that his anger immediately disappears and he actually gives it a compliment. Him and Laios's sword, the group cowards, the only one who agrees with him.
Then, because he had a walk before getting into the argument, he's organised his feelings and drops all the walls and pretense and just says it.
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There's a rule of writing where you contrast your high energy sequences with parts that are slow and mundane, to make the difference more apparent. I think that's why I like this bit so much. The fight against the dragon is long, and the emotional stakes are enormous. Right after that we have the bath scene with Falin and Marcille, and Laios ruffling Falin's hair, and this part that pauses everything to explore the stuff that Chilchuck finally needs to say. And it's wrapped in this neat little solemn journey to pick up their supplies and remember how it felt when all five of them had a meal around a real dinner table at last.
And because he doesn't resort to individualistic trickery, because he explains his point as a duty of care rather than pitting himself against the others, he gets backed up. Senshi agrees that they don't have the supplies to continue, and the orc lady mentions her brethren will return later and can give them support, all of which together breaks down Laios's singleminded devotion to his cause.
Personally I think the manga's better suited to comic timing, but in the anime you can get fleshed out little moments, like Laios's face journey as he realises the other three are making a good case for their survival.
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This was my favourite part so far, and I like how both Chilchuck-centric episodes have separated him from the others. Because he won't reveal anything he's thinking otherwise. lmao
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Grateful Dad Part 2 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: Bradley can't believe you and he are about to be parents. Just when he was getting used to the idea of how his life would be, the two of you get an unexpected surprise. And by your third trimester, when you make a promise to him and then break it, he's left to deal with some things in his own.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swears, smut and pregnancy
Length: 4900 words
Pairing: Beer Boy and Sugar! Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is an optional one-shot to accompany my fics Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time!
Read Part 1! Check my profile for my masterlist
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It didn't fully hit Bradley until the first time he noticed that soft swell of your belly. It seemed to sneak up on him, the way it took several months before it was noticeable. But once it was there, it was all he could think about. 
He was going to be a dad. And you were going to be a mom.
"Sugar," he whined that first day he noticed it. "You have a bump." You were lying in bed, trying to read as he pushed your tie dye shirt up a few more inches. "This wasn't here yesterday."
You set your book down and glanced to where his hands were resting gently on your belly. "I guess I do have a little bump," you replied softly, running your fingers through his hair as he kissed the spot just above your belly button. "My wool skirt is getting snug for work, but I thought I was just bloated."
Bradley was mesmerized. "Do you think it's a girl or a boy?" he asked, glancing up at you with a grin. 
"Do you really care?"
"Not at all." He kissed your bump and started humming his favorite Grateful Dead song. Bradley knew this was likely the only time you'd want to get pregnant. Your career was important to you, and you were already concerned about the baby coming before the end of your spring semester. You said you were going to have to take the following fall semester off from teaching, because you didn't want to let down the math majors at San Diego State University where you taught calculus. 
"You don't know how easy it is to love you," he sang to your belly before abruptly rolling over in bed. 
"Where are you going?" you asked him with a laugh. 
He grabbed his phone and opened his music app, mumbling, "The baby should get to hear the Grateful Dead perform it. Sounds better than when I sing."
He queued up the song and placed his phone near your belly as it started. "I don't know. I kind of like your version, Beer Boy," you promised, and he kissed your lips before pushing your shirt up high enough so he could see your tattoo of the song lyrics. 
"That's good, because I'll never stop singing it," he whispered, running his nose along your tattoo. He placed one hand gently on your belly and sang along.
"I'm so excited," Bradley whispered for the seventh time in five minutes. "I don't think I've ever been this excited before. I also kind of feel like I'm going to throw up."
"Relax," you whispered, taking his hand. If he was this bad today when you were getting a high definition ultrasound, maybe you didn't want him with you when you actually delivered the baby.
"I just want to see the bean," he mumbled, practically bouncing in the waiting room chair. 
You tried not to smile, because he actually looked a little pale and nervous. "We don't even get to find out the sex today."
"Yeah," he replied, exasperated, "but we get to see the bean, Sugar. Up close and personal."
When they called your name a minute later, Bradley jumped out of his seat and dragged you down the hallway. He paced around the first room while you had some blood drawn. And then he paced around the next room while you waited for the technician to come in.
"Why did they call us back if they weren't ready?" he grunted, eyeing you up and down as you sat on the exam table in a hospital gown. "This is taking for fucking ever."
"Watch your language in front of the baby," you scolded, and his eyes went wide.
"Shit, you're right. Oh, fuck. Damn it!" You were cracking up now as he sat down with his forehead resting on his palms. "I'll get better, I promise!" 
"You have about six more months to shape up your act." 
He thought about everything he had planned for the next six months. Buy a crib and a stroller. Put a car seat in the Bronco. Paint the extra bedroom. Put those little plastic safety things in all the outlets in the house. 
When the exam room door opened, he jumped to his feet as a woman in pink scrubs walked in. "Hi, I'm Elaine! Sorry for the long wait, but we were double checking your blood work," she said walking toward you.
"What's wrong with the blood work?" Bradley asked, his voice suddenly hoarse. The desire to throw up returned, and he was reaching backwards for the arm of the chair. 
"Nothing at all," she replied smoothly, helping you lay back on the table and opening the hospital gown. "A lot of different levels were elevated, so we wanted to be sure. But if you're ready to see the babies, then we can get started."
"Babies?" you and Bradley nearly shouted in unison as Elaine opened the software and turned on the gigantic monitor. 
"Yes," she replied with a smile. "You're having twins."
Bradley nearly collapsed back into the empty chair. "Holy shit. Holy shit, Sugar!"
"Twins?!" you asked Elaine. Bradley couldn't tell if you were excited about the idea or not, but he was thrilled. Two babies? In one go? This was better than getting a promotion at work. This was almost as good as his wedding day. Almost as exciting as when you and he reunited in Virginia after ten years apart.
When you reached out your hand toward him, Bradley rocketed out of his seat to get to you. "Are you happy?" he asked, lacing his fingers with yours and kissing your forehead. 
"I... I think so. I think I'm kind of shocked."
"Me, too. But in a very, very good way."
As the two of you watched the monitor while Elaine moved the wand around on your belly, Bradley's eyes filled with tears. He had never seen anything so sweet in his life. 
"Two little beans," you whispered, and Bradley watched you cry as you smiled. When he nodded, you added, "Yes, I'm happy."
But when Bradley got you settled at home, his apprehension started to creep in. You were clearly tired. You were the one growing the twin beans. He probably wasn't doing enough. As you slowly dozed off in bed wearing his old Grateful Dead shirt, he watched your lips part, soft breathing taking over. 
His thoughts drifted to his own parents. He could only remember how much pain his mom had been in before she died, and he could barely picture what his dad looked like unless he had a photo in his hand. 
Bradley could feel his heart rate pick up, the rapid pounding filling his ears started to make him feel crazy. He sat up in bed, trying to catch his breath. "Fuck," he muttered. He was going to mess this all up. He didn't know what he was doing. He couldn't remember his dad. And all he knew was that his mom somehow made him feel safe without really doing anything that he could model his behavior off of. Carole just made everything seem effortless, which was not helping him right now. 
He bolted out of bed, and then your eyes were open and focused on him. "What's wrong?" you asked groggily. "I need you to snuggle with me."
He studied your pretty face and your earnest expression. "What if I suck at being a dad?" he blurted out.
You set your head back down on the pillow and reached out for him with one hand. "You're good at everything else. You'll be good at this, too."
"But what if I'm not?" he demanded. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I barely even had a dad." He thought of the navy desk lamp and how he'd followed in his father's career path and how he somehow knew Nick had loved him. 
"You've never let me down yet, Beer Boy." Your soft words and the way you reached for his hands were enough to get him back into bed. And then his pulse returned to normal as you wrapped him up in your arms. This time he was dozing off before you were. 
Bradley went sprinting out of work at the beginning of lunchtime. If Maverick kept them one minute longer, Bradley would have earned himself some push-ups for insubordination. It was your anatomy ultrasound scan day, and now he was going to be late meeting you there.
"Fuck," he groaned as he yanked down the zipper of his flight suit a few inches as he pulled out into traffic. He was trying so hard to stop swearing, but days like this just called for the f word. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he growled, weaving around cars.
He wanted to know more about the twin beans. You and he had been talking about names, and he was beyond excited about everything. Last weekend he had painted the nursery a soft gray color and assembled two cribs. He even ordered a variety of matching tie dye onesies. Then you told him he did a great job and pushed him down on the floor on the new cloud shaped area rug in the nursery. His reward was getting to run his hands all over your round belly and tits while you rode him.
Bradley was in love with you and the babies, and being late today was making him upset. You were already on the exam table with the technician when the receptionist led him back to the room.
"Oh good, you're here," you sighed as he rushed toward you and grabbed your hand.
"I'm so sorry I'm late," he whispered, kissing your forehead and then your belly.
The technician smiled as Bradley knelt next to the table with his hand in yours. "Let's begin?" the technician asked. And when you nodded, he rubbed some gel on your belly and ran the wand slowly back and forth until those adorable beans were on the monitor just like last time.
"They got so big!" Bradley said, proud of how nicely they were growing.
"They are measuring right where they should be," the technician said, pausing the screen to take some pictures. "And I can tell you the sex for both of them if you want to know."
"Yes!" Bradley nearly shouted, looking up at your beautiful face as you laughed. "Please!"
"Okay, here we go."
It felt like an eternity as Bradley gripped your hand, waiting to be informed about what he was looking at on the screen. You were stroking his knuckles with your thumb, always so calm and analytical. 
He glanced at your face and watched you as the technician said, "Baby number one right here is not shy at all. He's waving hi."
"He?" Bradley was on his feet, trying to get closer to the screen. 
"Yes. A boy," the technician said.
"Another little Beer Boy in the making," you said before Bradley leaned down to kiss you.
He was sure he looked ridiculous as he said, "Nah, he'll be so much better than me. He's half you."
The way you smiled up at Bradley had him kneeling next to you again. "What about baby number two? Can we look at that bean now?" he asked, squeezing your hand. 
"Okay," the technician said, drawing Bradley's attention toward the screen again. "And baby number two...well she's trying to hide behind her brother, but there she is."
Bradley shouted, "Yes!" so loudly that you and the technician both jumped a little bit. "Oh my god, Sugar!"
"One of each," you whispered, covering your lips with your shaky fingers. 
"This is exactly what I was hoping for, but I didn't want to say it out loud," he whispered against your ear before kissing you all over your face. "Two little beans. One of each!"
You wrapped your arms around Bradley's neck and said. "You don't know how easy it is to love you."
"I'm not going to make it," you moaned, laying on the couch while Bradley made dinner while his phone rang. You were at the start of your third trimester. You were huge. You were always hungry. It was getting hard to stand up for your lectures that were longer than an hour. And Bradley was the only thing holding you together. 
"Fuck!" he suddenly shouted from the kitchen. 
"What's wrong?" you asked, lifting your head up from the cushion. When Bradley walked into the living room, his brow was pinched and he was eyeing you warily. "What?" you demanded, struggling to sit up.
He knelt in front of you and eased you into a seated position. "Sugar," he whispered, pleading with you. "I just got the call. A special mission."
Tears sprang to your eyes. "A deployment?"
"Yeah, baby. I'll be back before the due date."
You cried while his lips met your belly through your shirt. "But, Bradley," you sobbed, "I can't! You've been doing everything! I'm so exhausted, I can barely function! And what if they extend you? That did that last time!" 
Great big sobs wracked your body, and you started gasping for air. Soon you were close to hyperventilating, but Bradley got you into the bathroom just in time for you to throw up in the toilet. And then you curled up on the floor and looked up at him. Your voice was a harsh whisper as he rubbed your back. "I can't do this without you."
He looked distraught as he said, "I don't want you to have to. But Uncle Sam owns my ass."
You closed your eyes, dreading asking him for the mission details. So instead you whispered, "No, the beans and I own your ass. Uncle Sam just borrows you."
"You absolutely own my ass, Sugar," he replied softly, kissing your tear streaked cheeks and helping you get to your feet. "Let's try to eat dinner, and we can talk this through."
Bradley carried two plates of food to the dining room table where you had the perfect view of the glossy white doors he had used to propose to you. He had hung them up on the wall, turning them into the most beautiful work of former frat boy art you had ever seen. 
You picked at your food as he filled you in on the missions plans. He was perfect. Your husband was perfect, and now you were scared you weren't going to be able to get through a month without him. And then you started to spiral, because if four weeks alone while you were pregnant felt too daunting, how would you manage twins while he was gone for months at a time?
"Beer Boy?" you whimpered. "I can't do this."
"Yes," he said adamantly, "you can. You're the strongest person I know."
You bit down hard on your lip as it quivered. "What if something happens to you? Or me? Or them?" Your voice broke, and once again, Bradley was collecting you into his arms and abandoning the dinner plates. You cried softly as he helped you out of your work clothes and into his old Grateful Dead shirt. And then you curled up in bed and watched him strip down to his underwear. 
You watched the flex of his muscles as he took the hideous, tie dyed Grateful Dad shirt out of his drawer and pulled it on. "Nothing's going to happen," he whispered as he got in bed beside you. "You'll wear your shirt, and I'll wear mine. And we'll think about each other the whole time I'm gone. And I'll hang up all the sexy photos I have of you plus the ultrasounds of the beans. And before you know it, I'll be back. And then the beans will be here. And then we'll actually be even more perfect than I ever thought possible."
You cried yourself to sleep in his arms, soaking up all of his beautiful words. 
Bradley's duffle bag was packed. He was leaving in the morning. You'd made him a little folder of copies of the ultrasound photos, and he'd added a few wedding photos as well. He laughed every time he looked at the photos from your Vegas wedding with Elvis. But right now, he felt like crying.
Somehow you were holding it together better than he was right now. "You coming to bed, Beer Boy?"
He zipped his bag closed and looked up to find you standing there in your navy blue bra and matching panties. Your tits looked bigger than ever, practically spilling over the lace cups. And your belly had gotten so big, your panties were tucked below your bump. He reached out for you, pulling you close so his nose met your belly.
"I want the two of you to be good for Mommy while I'm gone, okay?" he whispered, kissing and tickling you with his mustache. He was rewarded with your fingers in his hair and a kick from one of his twins. "I love my Sugar Babies."
You giggled and said, "I wonder if that was the jellybean or the spoonful of sugar that kicked you." Over the past few weeks, you had taken to giving the twins cute little candy related names, and Bradley couldn't get enough. 
He'd never get enough of you either. The way your fingers felt in his hair as he knelt in front of you. The sound of your voice when he closed his eyes. The warmth of your skin where he kissed you. 
"I'm gonna miss you," he whispered before he stood and followed you to bed. 
"I'll be there to pick you up four weeks from tomorrow," you promised, reaching back to unhook your bra. "I promise."
Bradley groaned loudly as you sank back into the pillows. "Your tits look delicious," he moaned, crawling across the bed to get to you. "Fucking huge."
"Watch your language in front of the babies," you whispered against his lips as he palmed your breasts and stroked your tattoos. "Daddy."
Bradley pulled your underwear down your legs and tossed them aside, running his fingers through your slick. "Bradley!" you gasped, your eyes following his every move as he brought his fingers up to his lips. 
"You look delicious, and you taste delicious," he told you, licking his fingers clean before you reached for his cock through his boxer shorts. You squeezed him, eliciting a strangled, needy noise, and he whined your name. 
And you let Bradley do whatever he wanted with a devilish little smile on your face and his name on your lips. You sucked his cock until he was panting, and then you leaned back with your hands on your chest. When he ran his wet length through the valley between your breasts, you urged him along.
"I want you to," you whispered as he titty fucked you. Your tongue darted out to taste him as he tried to go slow. But you looked and felt so good, he was already so far gone by the time he pulled away from you.
"I wanna make you feel good," he gasped as you pushed him onto his back. "As fucking good as you make me feel all the time."
He was treated to the sight of you awkwardly positioning him at your entrance as you had to work around your belly. And when you slid down around him with your perfect pussy, Bradley let his hands come to rest on your hips. Your body was wider now and impossibly sexy, and you rode him as you ran your fingers gently along your breasts. 
"I love you, Sugar," he whispered, running his knuckles along your clit until you were clenching. His other hand came to rest on your belly, and Bradley felt so connected to you, so in love with you, that he felt a tear leak from his eye as you came from him. And then he came inside you as he met you halfway for a kiss.
As you eventually started to doze off on his shoulder, still full of his cum, you whispered, "I love you too, Beer Boy."
Being away from the three of you was tedious at best. Bradley found it hard to pay attention to the things he was supposed to do. He knew the mission parameters inside and out, but he didn't take the time to think about how dangerous it was. There was no space left in his jumbled thoughts for anything except you.
Phoenix had promised to go to your appointments with you in his absence, and when he was allowed to call you, he listened intently to your updates 
"Jellybean boy is measuring a little bigger than our sweet girl, but they both looked good! Nice and strong according to the doctor. And I gained three more pounds, which is probably not ideal, but all the meals you made and froze for me are so yummy." 
And then he flew the special mission, set on making sure it went as flawlessly as possible. Determined to stay as safe as he could. Whatever it took to get back home to San Diego and his perfect little family. 
You were less than a month out from your due date now. And when Bradley arrived on the dock exactly four weeks after you'd sent him off with some filthy kisses, he was so excited to see you. See if you'd gotten bigger or had trouble walking now. He was excited to kneel down and talk to his twins. 
But when he turned his phone on, he was greeted with a voicemail message of your incoherent sobbing. He dropped his bag to the deck of the aircraft carrier as the sound of you crying met his ears. His heart sank to his stomach. You'd left him this message just a handful of hours ago, but when he tried to call you back as the ship was docking, you didn't answer. 
"Come on," he whispered, his voice harsh and filled with unshed tears. "Sugar." But still, you did not answer.
He could feel himself gasping for air. He promised you nothing was going to happen. He never broke his promises to you. Not even when he was twenty one years old and didn't understand the strength of the love he felt for you.
He was staring at his phone screen for a few seconds as tears filled his eyes before he realized he was receiving a call.
"Nat?" he asked, answering his best friend.
"I'm on the dock," she said simply. "I'll find you as you deboard. We're going to head right to the hospital."
"What happened to her?" he asked, clutching his own stomach, barely able to speak. "To them?"
"Early labor," was all she said. Then she sighed before repeating herself. "We'll head right to the hospital."
You weren't sure what was going on. All you knew was the intense amount of pain you were in was enough to make you throw up over and over again. When your water broke during your calculus lecture, you shouldn't have been surprised. You'd been feeling off all week. You tried to chalk it up to missing your husband, but it was more than that. 
After your water broke, you collapsed, only breaking the fall with your hands on the hard floor. You were pretty sure at least one of your wrists was broken, but nobody at the hospital was even slightly concerned about that. Not when they were trying to determine if your babies were okay. 
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you had to beg Natasha to leave you and pick Bradley up from the port on base after she met you at the hospital. You had been informed that the babies were fine, but you needed to deliver them now as you were running out of amniotic fluid. They would deliver the beans by cesarean section. They were going to put you under general anesthesia for it.
You cried as they prepared you for surgery. You were alone. Bradley was probably with Phoenix by now, but they wouldn't wait any longer. "Let's get started," your obstetrician said as you settled on your back with your battered wrists as your sides. 
"Okay," you agreed, crying as the drugs to put you under started to cloud your vision. 
You laughed softly at the nurse to your left. "That sounded like my husband," you said with a giggle. Then you caught sight of Bradley running into the room in his khaki uniform, drenched in sweat. "It looks like him, too. Hi, Beer Boy," you said, still laughing as he rushed toward you.
"Sugar," he gasped, eyes wide. But they wouldn't let him touch you as you fell asleep.
Pain. You woke up in so much pain. Everything hurt. You were on your back and the room was dark and you could hear beeping. 
"Bradley?" you gasped, trying to sit up, but you couldn't. You started crying and calling his name, and then he was at your side.
"I'm here, Sugar," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "It's okay. I love you. You're just waking up again."
"Again?" you asked, completely confused. "Where are the beans?"
"In the nursery," he promised. "They've been in the nursery since yesterday when they were born." 
Your head was swimming with information and memories and fear as Bradley left you to turn on the dim hospital room lights. "They were born yesterday?" 
"Yes," he told you, making his way back over in his rumpled, wrinkly uniform. "And you had surgery on your left wrist today."
But you were starting to remember more now as your eyes settled on the white board across the room. The birth times and birth weights of the twins written in an unfamiliar scrawl. Baby A and Baby B were born just five minutes apart. You must have been on a lot of pain medication, because surely those were not the names you and Bradley had discussed?
You cleared your throat a few times, and then he was grabbing your cup of water and holding it so you could take a sip through the straw.
"Bradley," you started, but he stopped you with a kiss to your chapped lips.
"I'm so proud of you, Sugar," he said, letting his forehead come to rest against yours. "Do you have any idea how fucking amazing you are?" 
"But Beer Boy," you said, glancing at the names written on the board.
"The doctors said the kiddos are doing just fine, and when they wake up hungry in another hour or so, you'll be able to see them."
"But I-"
"And only your left wrist was broken. Your right one will heal on its own. And your abdominal incision will heal up great. And you'll be back to work after the fall term, no problem."
"Bradley!" you said loudly, realizing it was nearly three in the morning as you checked the clock before looking at the names again. "Did you go rogue and name the children without my approval?"
Your husband was silent now, and you could see his cheeks were a little red. "Just the middle names," he muttered softly. 
You sighed and read out loud from the board. "Emma Bean Bradshaw and Levi Garcia Bradshaw," you said slowly. "Really?"
He looked so sheepish as your gaze met his again. "I thought they sounded nice," he whispered, and you felt your lips curve into a smile.
"I love them," you said, swallowing hard. "Their names are perfect."
And then you were treated to your husband's lips and mustache as he kissed you all over your face until you were laughing. "I thought you were mad," he said with a sigh of relief.
"Not mad," you promised, letting him adjust your bed and get you more water. He flitted around the room for a few minutes, and then the door opened as two nurses pushed bassinets into the room, and you cried as you looked at your daughter and your son in their matching tie dyed onesies
Bradley picked Emma Bean up in his arms, and he gently held her out so you could give her a kiss. "Here she is. And check it out, Sugar. I've been feeding them and changing them since yesterday!" 
You marveled at how he held her and bent to coo at Levi Garcia at the same time. And then a moment later, he was sitting in the chair right next to you, feeding each baby a bottle as he sang his favorite Grateful Dead song. 
"Beer Boy," you said with a soft laugh. "You really are the Grateful Dad." 
He smiled at you and said, "I haven't been home yet to wash my hideous shirt, but one day soon we can all wear our tie dye together." 
You examined the cast on your left wrist and ran you right hand gingerly along your belly which felt horribly tender. "You're going to have to take care of all three of us when we go home."
"I'm up for the challenge," he promised immediately. "Nat's gonna help. And Bob will, too. And we'll be just fine. Better than fine."
Bradley stood carefully and set down Emma Bean, your tiny daughter, along your right side. Bradley didn't move as she snuggled up against you, rather he bent and let you kiss Levi's cheek. 
"We'll be perfect," you supplied, smiling at your son and daughter as you listened to your husband sing. 
"You don't know how easy it is to love you."
I couldn't leave Beer Boy hanging in his ugly Grateful Dad tee without letting him know how was having twins beans. And I just know he's going to take the best care of all three of them. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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lovedrruunk · 6 months
Hi! I saw that you were taking requests! Is it alright if I can request venture with reader that loves placing kisses all over their face? Hopefully this is alright with you if not feel free to ignore this!
'Kisses galore ⊹.(⸝⸝ ˆ ³(⁎˃ ᴗ ˂⁎)˚.
Venture (Overwatch x GN reader)
[Established relationship!]
Authors note!!! (;° ロ°); third....venture.... post......I have like 5 posts in total... well anyways!!! idc cuz i luv them! and i love YOUUUU AHH tysm for requesting this it was super fun to write i hope u like it !!!! also sorry its pretty short! I kinda wrote it on a whim wanting to post it before I went out so its not proof read either (Im actually so late rn its not even funny okay srsly gtg bye!)
Y’know that one tiktok trend that was popular last year where someone would be reapplying lipstick and then the camera would turn and its their s/o covered in kisses yea yea that’s just you guys all the time lol
In the beginning of your relationship they’d get all flustered and have this goofy grin on their face whenever you’d smother their face in kisses. Oh? And how do they react now? The exact same! Literally nothing has changed since the first time you’ve kissed them, they still giggle and look away. No matter how long its been they just can’t seem to get used to your affection
They could be hit by a bus going 200mph, in critical condition and one kiss on the nose from you would get them up and doing a little jig going yippee!
They might pretend to be annoyed or irritated but really that's just because they love playful banter and it’s pretty obvious how they feel about your kisses by the way they laugh and refuse to let you pull away
Their favorite moments with you are when you're laying over them somewhere enjoying each others company with your hands on their cheeks and your lips all over their face
They're pretty ticklish overall so kiss sessions usually turn into laughing fits
Although 99% of the kisses you share are all in good fun there are those times when they're sad or angry and you're kisses can't help but feel a bit more intimate and loving (please kiss their tears away!!!)
They appreciate you so much like they literally can't get enough of you. They cherish every kiss like it's the first and definitely act like it too. If you tell them they're blushing they'll deny it with their whole chest meanwhile looking like 🟥
“Augh! You’re suffocating me!” You and Sloane had been neglecting all your duties for the day in order to lay on the couch and bathe in the warm sunlight seeping through the windows. You both had been watching some random brainrot on their phone when you got bored and decided to pounce on them planting loving kisses all over their face. "Oh shut up" you playfully roll your eyes as you kiss them on the lips this time.
"One of these days I'm gonna die and you'll regret not listening to me" "Boo hoo" you giggled at their melodramatics deciding to pull away from them, but before you could you felt their hands tighten around you holding you in place.
"I mean... Dying in your arms doesn't sound so bad..."
"Yea yea whatever" You mumble happily as you lean down again pressing a kiss to their cheek.
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cinnamonest · 6 months
Also on note of that “bone breaking” post I believe Xiao is an absolute menace to the innkeepers because of his inability to gauge human sickness and injury. He's thoroughly convinced any slight discomfort you experience is a near-death situation.
Human life is incredibly fragile. Their bodies are nearly unbelievably susceptible to death from even very mild injuries and sicknesses, they die so easily it's frightening. Which is why he has to be very vigilant with you.
You once got a bit nauseous from eating something a bit past expiry date — you insist it's just food poisoning over and over, but he practically drags you to a pharmacist anyway “just in case,” because there are many deadly pathogens and parasites humans can die from that begin this way, and you will drop dead before you even know something is wrong.
If you have a headache, it's probably an oncoming aneurysm that will cause sudden death. You may think you have a mere common cold, but he is well aware that many very dangerous and severe illnesses begin as symptoms of common colds, some of which progress so rapidly you may not have time to notice before sudden death.
You try to explain your throat hurts because what you ate is giving you heartburn, but if it has the word heart, which is a very vital organ, that can only mean you are at great risk of, you guessed it, sudden death.
More than once now you've been sleeping a little too deeply — your breaths are so slow that it looks like you're barely breathing at all, so he has to shake you awake to ensure you are still alive. Any cough or sneeze is met with this head-jerk in your direction and yellow eyes wide open staring in panic, and you have to swear up and down you just got swallowed the wrong way or inhaled some dust.
Not even period pains are safe — it's normal, so you insist, you can't hide your discomfort so you're all but begging him not to worry about it, but this one time he remembers about seven hundred years ago he once heard a villager mention a woman who had internal bleeding mistaken for just that and died, so it must be seen professionally (yes, each month). The whole concept bothers him — you're bleeding and in pain, those things are bad, how can you be sure it's the normal amount of bleeding and pain and not too much, that you're not actually five minutes away from dropping dead? That's right, you can't know, which is why you have to let him carry you to the harbor for the third time this week.
Injury is even worse — yes, he's aware that human flesh bruises easily, but this bruise is on your ribcage, and you don't recall how it got there, there are organs underneath there and you could very well be internally bleeding out.
Both innkeepers are, at this point, used to him coming bounding into the main lobby in full-fledged panic, demanding to hand over the emergency medical kit kept by the front desk so he can save you from bleeding out (you accidentally cut your finger on a splinter on the baseboard), and they no longer bat an eye or ask where you're going when he comes barging through carrying you (protesting, at that) out the door without a word before vanishing in the direction of the nearest village with a doctor… even when you try to get their help to please tell him I'm fine, they just ignore you at this point, knowing it's futile.
There's a death at the inn once — you try to be reasonable and explain that it was a very elderly and sickly man who most certainly died of natural causes, but see, you don't know for sure that he didn't have some kind of rare rapid-onset deadly illness that can spread from the bottom floor all the way up to where your room is, so it is imperative that you be disinfected professionally.
He annoys the doctors too — they're all used to it at this point too, but many of them are aware of him, and none of the humans really want to oppose or risk upsetting one of these beings they have a degree of reverence for, so much to your dismay, all of them continue to treat his concerns as legitimate, even though it's very blatantly clear to you that they're faking taking it seriously.
On the bright side, having some pity on your suffering perhaps (or being tired of dealing with the same thing over and over), the harbor pharmacist managed to convince him that an over-the-counter mild painkiller was a miracle cure for a wide variety of ailments, so unless you feel that you need more, he says, then that should be enough… which cuts down on the frequency of your unnecessary emergency care visits, but only somewhat.
At this point, surely at least one of the concerns has been legitimate, he has definitely saved your life more than once by now. And yet, you have not thanked him for this, you continue to be so naive to your own fragility and do nothing but complain about it when you literally owe him your life. Unbelievable.
But rest assured, your ungratefulness will not deter him from continuing to take the utmost care of you, he'll continue to save you, regardless of how unappreciated these life-saving efforts are.
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1. “You think you’re the only one who can find a date?” Geto paused his inspection of himself to meet Gojo's gaze in the mirror. “Ah, no, sorry. You don't go on dates. You have to know the other person's name for it to count as a date.”
Behind the near black of his sunglasses, Gojo’s eyes widened with exaggerated offense.
“You can’t slut shame anymore, Suguru. It’s 2010,” Gojo teased, as he flopped back on Geto’s bed.
“I’m not slut shaming you. I’m saying you’re not in a position to act like me going on a first date is a scandal."
Gojo tipped his head backwards and leveled Geto with an over-dramatic eye roll. 
He does that to make people notice how pretty his eyes are. 
“It’s not a scandal. It’s…”
Whatever Gojo thought it was was a mystery, because he was uncharacteristically lost for words. 
Despite what Gojo might accuse him of, Geto was not a sex negative person or a prude. 
He was just madly in love with his best-friend-slash-roommate, and every time Satoru stumbled home with his clothes rumpled and his hair fingered through, Geto felt like burning Tokyo to the ground.
It was all the unhinged, unrealistic pining that led Geto to make this plan in the first place.
The Plan: Geto was going to get over his straight, no-strings-sex-only, relationship-phobic best friend.
Step One of The Plan: Find literally anyone else in the entire world that he could think about kissing without wanting to die.
- - - - Read more cut - - - -
A month earlier, he’d gone so far as to get a guy’s phone number. He’d popped into a café after a particularly foul curse he’d absorbed – hoping to wash the taste out of his mouth with tea and a pastry – and the barista had such a stark white shock of messy hair that Geto had done a doubletake to make sure Gojo wasn’t fucking around in a coffee shop on some bizarre mission objective.
The barista had been, admittedly, extremely attractive. His hair was bleached, but it suited him, and he had pleasing, well-proportioned features. Working on pure adrenaline and determination, Geto had asked him for his number. The guy had turned beet red but managed to stutter out his info to Geto.
Almost as soon as Geto left the café, though, the little nits and snags started to pop up in his mind.
Obviously, the eyes were all wrong. The shyness wasn’t right. The smile. His voice. He wasn’t tall enough, and his hands didn’t have that same graceful strength.
It was a laundry list of how fake-Satoru was emphatically not Satoru.
Geto wasn’t even all the way down the block before he deleted the barista’s info from his phone.
Now Geto was on attempt number two: a first date with a man who in absolutely no way resembled Satoru Gojo.
His non-Gojo-ness was exactly what prompted Geto to ask the man at the train station for his number. Shota was short, burly, square-faced, and serious. Geto had only clocked the man’s interest by the overly long looks he’d shot him.
At least I'm good at reading people…
“Hey, you should bring her back here,” Gojo said – pulling Geto’s attention back to the present. “We can watch that new horror movie. Human Earthworm.”
…unlike my oblivious best friend.
“Are you seriously asking to be the third wheel on my date?”
Gojo’s face was upside down - his head practically hanging off the end of Geto’s bed. The odd angle must have been what made Gojo’s smile look off.
“You worried she’ll be more interested in your hot roommate?”
Geto shot him an unamused look.
“I don’t know why anyone agrees to sleep with you,” Geto lied. “Your head’s so big, it seems like a crush risk.”
“They can tell I’m killer in bed,” Gojo smirked. “The risk is worth the reward.”
Geto turned away and pulled at the shirt he was wearing. He didn’t totally love it, but he also didn’t care as much as he should about impressing Shota.
It wasn’t as if Geto was about to fall in love with this train station stranger, but if he at least went through the motions, maybe his brain would get with the program and start considering non-Satoru people as potential romantic interests.
“But, seriously, Suguru,” Gojo said as he folded his hands under his head – making the hem of his shirt ride up. “What’s up with this date? I thought you weren’t into that sort of thing.”
Geto’s eyes drew immediately to the sliver of skin above the waistband of Gojo’s slim-fit black joggers. 
The peek of skin couldn’t have been more than an inch wide, but Geto could see twin ridges of definition. The visual set Geto’s mind racing, thinking about the rest of Gojo’s skin.
Damn him for having a nice body.
“I’m trying to make myself get into it,” Geto said, wholly distracted by seeing Gojo’s abs and trying to not let his body get worked up, as if he were still a horny highschooler.
“Ohhh,” Gojo replied, his tone brightening. “I get it.”
Geto’s stomach flopped over as Satoru sprang up.
Did I just out myself?
“What do you get?”
“Nothing,” Geto said with a toothy grin that implied otherwise. “But - just so you know - I like you the way you are, Suguru.”
The idiot part of Geto’s heart – i.e., the whole of it – thumped hopefully.
“If you don’t want to date anyone, don’t date anyone,” Gojo added, cheerily. “I won’t let anyone talk shit about my best friend. I mean, who cares if you’re a virgin?”
Geto’s idiot heart plopped down into his stomach.
Gojo thought he was a crotchety prude who’d rather spend his whole life celibate than have any fun, and he still definitely had Geto squarely in the friend zone.
Obviously you’re in the friendzone, you idiot. He’s straight.
(Complete fic on AO3)
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 2 -Wendigo
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Making their way just outside of Grand Junction. Sam and Dean are in the Impala. Dean driving of course. They're heading over to Blackwater Ridge, Colorado.
Y/N is following behind the boys in her bike, Dean glances in the rear view mirror, checking in on her every so often, rock music blasting from Baby's deck, while his brother is asleep in the passenger seat.
Sam jumps awake, gasping for air. Seemingly from a nightmare. This startles Dean a bit. All week his brother has been jumpy since Jessica's death. He has also noticed that Y/N seems a bit jumpy too but not as much as Sam. His girlfriend did just die the same way their mother did so it's only fair.
Sam's rubbing his eyes "You okay?" Dean asks him. He breaths in deeply. "Yeah I'm fine" he lies terribly. "Another nightmare?" Dean asks his brother knowingly. Clearing his throat, Sam doesn't answer. "You wanna drive for a while?" Dean instead asks, leaving Sam amused looking at his older brother in disbelief.
"Dean, your whole life, you never once asked me that" Sam says matter of factly. Dean rolls his eyes. "Just thought you might want to. Never mind" He says sounding kinda offended.
"Look man. You're worried about me. I see the way you and Y/N look at me when you think I'm not looking, I get it. And thank you but I'm perfectly okay" Sam fails to assure Dean. "Uh huh" Dean hums, not convinced because he knows his little brother.
Sighing, Sam grabs the map asking where they are. Dean tells him they're just outside of Grand Junction. Sam says they shouldn't have left Stanford so soon but Dean reminds him that they stayed for a week. Dug around looking for what killed his girlfriend but came up empty.
"If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica..." Dean starts "...we gotta find dad first" Sam finishes. "Dad disappearing and this thing showing up again after 20 years...it's no coincidence. Dad will have answers. He'll know what to do" Dean says.
A thought runs through Sam's head, Dean notices the look on his brothers face. "What?" He asks. "I just....I think I know who we can call to help us find dad. Or at least find the thing that killed Jess" Sam says giving his brother a knowing look. Dean catches on "Absolutely not!" He instantly says.
"Come on Dean. It's her father. They've been talking more and more since she's been with us. They seem to be getting along just fine" Sam tries to reason but Dean shakes his head.
"That's a conversation we need to have with Y/N and you already know what the answer will be" Dean defends. "She left for a reason and we need to respect that. Going behind her back would be a clear violation of her privacy and I certainly do not wanna face her wrath" Dean concludes. That girl can be vicious when necessary.
Sam smiles slightly at Deans need to defend Y/N. Dropping it he sighs mumbling, "You're right, if she decides to ask for his help we won't deny it though." Sam says. "Fat chance" Dean says snorting. Going back to the previous subject while looking at the map.
"It's weird, man. These coordinates dad left us, this Blackwater Ridge" Sam says. "Yeah what about it?" Dean asks. "There's nothing there. It's just woods." Sam explains putting the map down. "Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere?" Sam questions his fathers order as per usual and Dean just looks at his brother and continues driving, Glancing back outside at Y/N momentarily.
The Impala and Harley approaches a large black and white sign saying "Welcome to Lost Creek Colorado. National Forest"
After coming up short on the hunt for the monster that killed Jessica, I really considered calling my father for help with Jess' killer and the search for John. He too hasn't heard from him in a while.
Part of me knows he'll come without hesitation but I also know that eventually when we do clash heads and argue. He'll throw the fact that I called him for help after I left back in my face. To boast his ego and bruise mine. I went against it with my better instincts and stuck by the boys side after Sam's tragic loss.
My head hurts just thinking about it, I can already feel the splitting migraine forming in my forehead. I really need to get some proper sleep.
The boys and I are now at the Ranger Station on the Lost Creek Trail in Colorado. "So Blackwater Ridge is a pretty remote. It's cut off by these cannons here" Sam explains to us, leaning on the table with the 3D model of the caves.
"Rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place." He further elaborates. But me and Dean are too intrigued by the gigantic bear in the picture across the room. "Dude check out the size of this frigging bear" Dean says impressed while I nod.
I look over at Sam with a goofy grin on my face. Pointing to the bear with my thumb. His head pans over to us with a 'really?' look on his face. I just shrug. He walks over to me and Dean, his arms crossed over his chest. "And a dozen or more grizzlies in the areas" Sam says.
"Jesus, ain't no nature hike. That's for sure" I say in disbelief. "You kids aren't planning to go out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance?" The Ranger behind us who let us into the station inquires. "Oh no sir. We're environmental study majors are UC Boulder. Just working on a paper" I pull the first lie that came to my head out.
Sam and Dean nod agreeing. "Recycle man" Dean says enthusiastically, pumping his fist in the air chuckling as Sam and I smile and nod. "Bull" the ranger calls my lie out. The boys and I now have a panicked look on our faces. "You're friends with that Haley girl right?" The ranger says, pointing his coffee mug our way thinking he's spot on and we just go along with it.
"Yes. Yes we are...Ranger Wilkinson" Dean says, the three of us walking towards the ranger. "Well I will tell you exactly what I told her" The Ranger says. "Her brother filled out a back country permit. Saying he wouldn't be back from Blackwater until the 24th. So it's not exactly a missing persons, now, is it?" Ranger Wilkinson states matter of factly, shrugging.
Dean shakes his head, agreeing with the Ranger. "Tell that girl to quit worrying. I'm sure her brothers just fine" The Ranger concludes. "We will sir" I say, nodding. Dean smirks saying "That Haley girls quite a pistol huh"
"That's putting it mildly" the sheriff says nonchalantly. "Actually. You know what would help us if I could how her a copy of that back country permit. You know, so she could see her brothers return date" Dean persuades the Ranger into giving us a copy of the permit.
Dean chuckles mischievously while we walk out of the station, I have an inkling why Dean wanted that girls address. "What are you cruising for a hookup or something?" Sam asks his brother, annoyed. "What do you mean?" Dean follows up his question with a question.
"The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge. What are we waiting for?. Let's just go find Dad." Sam says obviously. "I mean, why even talk to this girl?" Sam says, still annoyed. "It wouldn't kill to look Sammy, maybe we should know what we're waking into before we actually walk into it" I defend. Dean shakes his head and we look at Sam like 'what the hell is wrong with you man?'
"What?" Sam asks, still annoyed "Since when are you all 'shoot first, ask questions later' anyways?" I ask Sam, crossing my arms over my chest. "Since now" he says bluntly. "Oh really?" Dean says looking slightly proud but I sigh shaking my head at him and Dean just shrugs.
We park across of Haley girls house, pulling Quinn in besides Baby. Walking up to the door, I know three times and a very attractive girl opens the door eying us suspiciously. "You must be Haley Collins. I'm Dean, this is Sam and y/n" Dean introduces us. "We're rangers with the Park Service. Ranger Wilkinson sent us over. We wanted to ask you some questions about your brother Tommy" I say to her, hoping she'll let us in.
"Let me see some ID" she says plainly and Dean pulls his fake Ranger badge out and shows it to her. Looking it over, she hesitantly opens the screen door that was separating us and let's us in. She notices my Harley parked across the road.
"That yours?" She asks Dean. "Mine actually" I interject waving. "Nice bike" she smiles at me, I nod accepting the compliment. "Nice car too" She says eyeing Dean up and down. As Dean walks in he mouths "Oh my..." to me and Sam gawking Haley. I roll my eyes. I was checking her out too but Dean is not subtle whatsoever.
"So if Tommy's not due back for a while. How do you know something's wrong?" Sam asks Haley as we walk in. Haley walks out from the kitchen with a bowl in her hand, resting it on the table preparing for dinner "He checks in everyday by cell. He emails photos, stupid little videos. But we haven't heard anything in over three days now" She explains while mixing the bowl of food.
"Well maybe he can't get cell reception" Sam reasons plainly. "He's got a satellite phone too" Haley tells us. "Could he forget to check in?" Dean asks. "He wouldn't do that" Haley's other brother, Ben, speaks up before going back to eating his food. "Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other" Haley describes her home situation to us. Hmmm. Sounds familiar.
Sam clamps his hands in a gun formation, pointing to Haley's computer "Can I see the pictures he sent you?" He asks "Yeah sure". Haley then walks over to the computer, us following behind.
"That's Tommy" She goes into photos and shows us a picture of her brother, flipping through a couple. She lands on a video of Tommy. She starts the video for us to watch.
"Hey Haley. Day six. We're still out near Blackwater Ridge. We're fine. Keeping safe. So don't worry okay? Talk to you tomorrow"
I could've swore I saw shadow moves for a split second in the background of the video right before it ends. I look at Sam, seeing a skeptical look on his face. Maybe he noticed it too. The video ends with Tommy reassuring his sister he's fine.
"Well, we'll find your brother. We're heading out to Blackwater Ridge, first thing" Dean says smiling at Haley. "Then maybe I'll see you there" Haley says and me and the boys share a look.
"Look, I can't sit around here anymore, so I hired a guide. I'm heading out in the morning and I'm gonna find Tommy myself" She's determined alright. "I think I know how you feel" Dean relates to Haley's pending desire to protect her brother. His eyes trailing her up and down with admiration.
I feel a burn in my chest from seeing the way he looks at her but I ignore it.
"Hey, you mind forwarding these to me?" I change the subject.
After leaving Haley's house, the boys and I decided we needed a beer before we go hiking so we stopped at a local dive bar. At a booth, me and Dean are sitting next to each other and Sam is sitting across from up
"So" Sam starts. "Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers mostly. But still, this past April, two hikers went missing there and they were never found" Sam explains, opening a case file handing it to me.
"Any before that?" Dean asks me, leaning in closer to look at the files. "Yeah. In 1982, eight different people all vanished the same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack" Sam continues, pulling out the newspaper clip from the file, showing it to us.
I pull his laptop out of his bag and log into my email to review the video of Tommy that Haley was showing us.
"And again in 1959 and again before that in 1936. Every 23 years. Just like clockwork." Dean takes the newspaper from him as Sam rambles on.
"Okay fellas, watch this. Here's the clincher" I say turning the laptop for them to see. "I told Haley to send me that video of Tommy to my email. Check this out"
I show them three frames of the video where the shadow appears and disappears. "Do it again" Dean orders. Per his request, I show them again. "That's three frames. It's a fraction of a second. Whatever that this is, it can move" I explain, showing them the three frames over and over.
Dean nudges Sam's chest over the table. "Told you something weird going on" He retorts to his brother. Sam huffs saying "Yeah, I got one more thing. In '59, one camper survived the supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid. Barely crawled out of the woods alive" Sam explains and my heart grieves for the poor kid. Dealt a tough hand, damn.
"Is there a name?" I ask, looking at the file.
Using the public records we found an address for the survivor. It wasn't too far from the bar actually.
"Look Rangers, I don't know why you're asking me about this. It's public record. I was a kid. My parents got mauled by a- " Mr. Shaw, the kid who survived the attack in '59. Now in his 50's. He starts to go over the events before Sam cuts him off.
"Grizzly? That's what attacked them?" Sam asks as if he already knew the answer. Shaw hesitates, taking a long drag from his cigarette. He turns around nodding. "The other people that went missing that year...those bear attacks too?" Dean queries as steps forward.
"What about all the people that went missing this year?? Same thing?" I ask, stepping forward, pressing on Deans question. The cigarette still in Shaws mouth, he doesn't answer "If we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it" Dean says trying to sway Shaw into talking.
"I seriously doubt that" Shaw says, doubting us. "Anyways, I don't see what difference it would make. You wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever did." Shaw continues somberly, sitting on his couch. All I see is a broken old man who witnessed something so young, he couldn't understand what it was.
"Mr Shaw...." Sam steps forward, taking a seat next to Shaw "...what did you see?" He asks, flashing him his classic puppy dog eyes that could sway anyone. "Nothing. It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it though. A roar. Like, no man or animal I ever heard" Shaw breathes pausing with each sentence
"Did it come at night sir?" I ask Shaw gently, taking a seat next to Sam. "Outside your tent?" I add and he looks up. "It got inside our cabin" He says. "I was sleeping infront of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door....it unlocked it. Do you know of a bear that could do something like that?" He asks the last part rhetorically. "I didn't even wake up until I heard my parents screaming"
"It killed them?" I ask. "Dragged them off into the night. Why it left me alive.....been asking myself that ever since" He says, shaking his head sorrowfully. "Did leave me this though" Pulling down his shirt by the collar, he shows us an old scar, like claw marks on his left shoulder.
Me and Sam pull back a bit after seeing it, shocked by the amount of damage. "There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of a demon" Shaw says.
"Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors if they want inside. They just go through the wall" Dean says as we're walking out of Shaws house and towards our vehicles. "So it's probably something else, something corporeal" Sam says and Dean looks at him like 'huh?'.
" 'Corporeal'. Excuse me professor" I snort. "Shut up" He says. "So what do you guys think?" Sam asks the both of us. "The claws, the speed that it moves...could be a Skinwalker" Dean spitballs. "Maybe a black dog?" I add.
"Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature and it's corporeal. Which means we can kill it" Dean mocks Sam's words earlier and he rolls his eyes.
We head over to Baby, digging through trunk. I hear something move behind me. Dean heard it too. Turning around we saw nothing so just shrugged in unison. Sam walks back and helps us fix the weapons. "We cannot let that Haley girl go out there" Sam says leaning down
"Oh yeah? What are we gonna tell her? She can't go because of a big scary monster?" Dean puts sarcastically, loading a gun handing it to me. "Yeah" Sam says and we look at him shocked. "Her brothers missing Sam. She's not just gonna sit this out. If we go with her, we can protect her and keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend" I try to reason with him but he just narrows his eyes at Metz
"So finding dads not enough?" He says annoyed, turning to Dean and slamming down the Impalas trunk to close it. "Now we gotta babysit too?" He scoffs and I'm taken back by his attitude, so is Dean. "What?" He asks us again, still annoying. I just scoff shaking my head and walk back to Quinn so we can head back to the motel. "Nothing" Dean cuts the conversation, dashing the duffel bag in Sam's chest.
The next morning we head up to the woods. I left my bike back at the motel, partially to save gas but also because I didn't feel like driving her through the woods and then having to clean her after. I'll just pick her back up after the hunt is over.
Approaching our destination we see Haley, her other brother Ben and a man we don't recognize, an automatic gun in his hand, with them. This should be interesting. Dean parks his car along the path and we jump out. I throw my duffel bag over my shoulder.
My weapons are on my person but Dean has the appetite of a near-labour pregnant woman. So I made sure to pack snacks for all of us.
"You guys got room for three more?" Dean says as we jump out of the car and Haley seems surprised. "Wait, you wanna come with us?" She asks shocked. "Who're these guys?" The man with the gun asks. "Apparently, this is all the Park Service could muster up for the search and rescue" She says sarcastically, turning back to us.
"You're rangers?" The man asks, his eyes trailing over me, not convinced but I keep a confident look on my face. "That's right sir" I say confidently. "And you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?" Haley asks, looking at our attire judgmentally.
I feel sorta underdressed now, me and Dean look down at our clothes while Sam walks forward. "Well, sweetheart I don't do shorts" he says cockily and I snicker. We walk past the group.
"Oh, you think this is funny?" The man says annoyed as we walk by. "It's dangerous backcountry out there. Her brother might be hurt" he continues. "Believe me sir, I know how dangerous it can be. We just wanna help her find her brother, that's all" I say and we all begin walking.
Couple hours in walking through the woods, I decide to make conversation with the group. "So Roy, you said you did a little hunting" I ask the man who had the gun earlier, who later introduced himself as Roy. "Yeah, more than a little" he says cockily. "Uh-huh" I respond unimpressed.
"What kinda furry critters do you hunt?" I ask. "Mostly bucks, sometimes bears" He says nonchalantly. "Tell me, Bambi and Yogi ever hunt you back?" Dean asks sarcastically and Roy grabs me suddenly, pulling me back. Dean goes to step in but I put my hand up stopping him. Indicating I'm fine and he holts in place
"Watcha doing Roy?" I ask him calmly, face to face with him. He bends down, taking up a stick and runs it into the ground sharply. A bear trap clamps up and he looks back up at me smirking. "You should watch where you're stepping lady-ranger" he says. I purse my lips and smile ironically. "It was a bear trap" I say turning back to the group and then I continue walking as they follow.
"You didn't pack any provisions. She's carrying a duffel bag" Haley points out talking to Dean. "You're not rangers, so who the hell are you people?" She says hastily, grabbing Dean by his arm and turning him around. Me and Sam look at him, facially asking him if he's gonna give her the talk, and he nods. We walk past him.
"Sam and I are brothers. Y/N's our best friend. And we're looking for our father. He might be here, we don't know" He vaguely puts it. "I just figured that you and me, we're on the same boat"
"Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?" Haley calms down. "Well I'm telling you now" He says shrugging. "Besides, that's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman...ever. So we okay?" He adds and I roll my eyes. "Yeah. Okay" Haley hesitates but decides to trust him
"And what do you mean we didn't pack provisions?" I say smiling, pulling a bag of m&ms out of my bag handing it to Dean who looks excited like a child. He takes it, opens it and walks away eating it. Haley shakes her head smiling.
Later we're walking up a path. "This is it. Blackwater Ridge" Roy says. "What coordinates are we at?" Sam asks and Roy pulls out a GPS. "Thirty five at minus one eleven." Roy says. I walk up closer to Sam and Dean follows behind.
"You hear that?" Dean asks us. I nod and Sam says "Yeah. Not even crickets". "I'm gonna go take a look around" Roy says. "You shouldn't go off by yourself" I warn him. "That's sweet, cutie. Don't worry about me" He says cockily. I see Dean shift in his feet and his face tenses, glaring at Roy as he walks past us.
"Alright everybody stays together. Let's go" Dean orders.
"Haley! Over here!" We hear Roy yell from a little distance. We all run towards his voice and stumble upon a ransacked campsite. Blood on the tent. "Oh my god!" Haley exclaims. "Looks like a grizzly" Roy says. We investigate the site, claw marks on the tents.
Haley starts yelling her brothers name but Sam runs over, shushing her. She questions him why and he says. "Something might still be out there". We hear Dean calling for us and we follow his voice. We find him kneeling near a track of drag marks that randomly stop.
"The bodies were dragged from the campsite" Dean says quietly. "But here, the tracks just vanish. It's weird" he says getting back up looking around. "I'll tell you what...it's no Skinwalker or Black Dog" I tell them, headed back to the group.
Haley picks up a phone on the ground covered in blood. Dean walks closer to her. "Hey, he could still be alive" He tries to reassure him. We hear what sounds like a man screaming "HELLPPPP!" Alerting us all, we look towards the direction it was coming from. We all drop all our bags and burst into the direction where the man was screaming.
Weapons in hand, the screaming stops and no one is around. "It seemed like it was coming from around here, didnt it?" Haley asks the group. We all look around cautiously, now on edge. Something about that scream. It seemed weird. It didn't sound human.
"Everybody back to camp" Sam ordered and we all followed him back to where we dropped our stuff only to find its gone. "Our packs" Haley says. "So much for my GPS and satellite phone" Roy mutters, looking at the empty ground where our stuff was. Oh shit. I think I know what we're dealing with.
"What the hell is going on?" Haley asks, now frustrated. "It's smart. It wants to cut us off so we can't call for help" Sam explains but Roy butts in "You mean someone, some nut job out there, just stole all our gear" Roy says.
"I need to speak with you two, in private" I say when walk over to Sam and Dean. We go a little distance out of earshot. "Okay, let me see your dad's journal" I say and John gives me John's journal. I open it and flip to the page where I knew I saw a creature called a "Wendigo". It's profile almost exactly like what we could be dealing with.
"Alright, check this out fellas" I give them the book with the drawing of a Wendigo, showing it to them. "Oh come on" Dean scoffs, not believing it. "Wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west" he says but Sam agrees with me.
"No she's got a point, think about it Dean. The claws, the way it can mimic a human voice..." Sam defends me. "Great. Well then this is useless" Dean says, holding up his gun. I hand him back his dad's journal. I sigh, walking back to the campsite, "We gotta get these people to safety" Sam tells us.
"Alright, listen up. It's time to go. Things have gotten more complicated" Sam orders. "What?" Haley asks but Roy, once again, butts in. "Kid don't worry, whatever's out there. I think we can handle it"
"It's not me I'm worried about, if you shoot this thing you're just gonna make it mad. We have to leave. Now." Sam says, getting agitated at Roy's failure to comply. "One, you're talking nonsense. Two, you're in no position to give anybody orders" Roy retorts.
"Relax!" "Chill out!" Me and Dean bark at Roy simultaneously. "We never should've let you come out here in the first place alright. I'm trying to protect you" Sam argues back. "You? Protect me?!" Roy says in disbelief. "I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you goodnight" He gets up in Sam's face.
"Oh yeah? It's a damn near perfect hunter. It's smarter than you. And it's gonna hunt you down unless you get your stupid sorry ass outta here" Sam says and Roy just laughs in his face thumping his chest. "You know you're crazy right" Roy says laughing in his face.
Sam snaps "Yeah!? You ever hunt a Wen-" before he could finish his sentence, me and Dean push him back from Roy before he could say anything else. "Chill out!" Dean calms his brother down. I've had enough, I turn to Roy gritting my teeth.
"You know you're a measly cocky old son of a bitch!" I yell in his face. He smirks at me and Dean pulls me back before I could put my hands on him and Haley yells. "Guys! Stop. Everybody just stop!" We all simmer down a bit.
"Look. Tommy might still be alive. And I'm not leaving here without him." She says determinate. Dean looks at us before saying "It's getting late. This thing is a good hunter in the day...but an unbelievable one at night. We'll never beat it. Not in the dark" He walks past Haley "We need to settle in and protect ourselves" and she asks "How?"
The sun has set. We gave the group the talk about monsters and explained the Wendigo situation. Now Dean and I are drawing Anasazi symbols for protection on the ground.
"One more that that's...?" Haley asks me while I'm drawing the symbol. "Anasazi symbols.. it's for protection. The Wendigo can't cross over them" I explain and Roy being the jackass he is just laughs. "Nobody like a skeptic Roy" I narrow my eyes at him, getting up from the ground.
Me and Dean go over to Sam sitting on a log. "You wanna tell us what's going on in that freaky head of yours?" He asks his little brother. "Guys-" Sam starts but I cut him off. "No, you're not fine" I cross my arms over my chest. "You're like a powder keg man, it's not like you. I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember?" Dean adds.
"Dads not here" Sam says almost disappointed. "I mean that much we know for sure right. He would've left us a message, a sigh. Right?"
"Yeah you're probably right" Dean agrees and I nod. "To tell you the truth, I don't think Dads ever been to Lost Creek" Dean says honestly. "Then let's get these people back to town and let's hit the road. Go find dad. I mean why are we still here?" Sam says agitated, throwing a stick on the ground angrily.
Dean gets up and sits in-front of Sam, next to y/n. "This is why" he places his hand on his father journal. Pointing at it while he talks. "This book. This is Dads single most valuable possession. Everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. And he's passed it onto us. I think he wants to pick up where he left off." Dean lectures. "You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business"
Sam shakes his head. "Im sorry Dean but It makes no sense. Why doesn't he just call us? Why doesn't he tell us what he wants? Tell us where he is?" I interject. "I don't know. But the way I see it...Dads given us a job to do and I intend to do it" Dean says.
"Dean. No. We gotta find Dad. I gotta find Jessica's killer.....it's the only thing I can think about" Sam says shaking his head, tears welling up in his eyes and my heart yearns for him. "Alright Sam, we'll find them, I promise" I say gently, placing my hand on his shoulder.
"Listen to me. You've gotta prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while. And all that anger...you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you" Dean advises his younger brother. "You gotta have patience man" I add.
"How do you guys do it? How does dad do it?" He asks us. Dean looks over to Haley and Ben. Well, for one, them. I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little more bareable" Dean says. "I'll tell you what helps me" I say, taking my hand off his shoulder. "Killing as many evil sons of bitches i possibly can" I say and Dean smirks at me. "Damn straight" he says, nudging my shoulder with his.
"Help meeee!!" Screams a voice in the distance. We all get up, cocking our guns. "Please!!!" It yells again. "Helllpppp!!" It sounds more strained this time. "It's trying to draw us out. Just stay cool. Stay put" Dean warns the group.
"Inside the magic circle" Roy says in a mocking tone. "Shut it Roy" I huff. "Help!!!" It screams again. "Help me!!! Plea-AHHHH" it cuts off and we hear a roar before it starts screaming. "Okay that's no grizzly" Roy says, now on board. "Ya think" I snap at him.
Haley reassures her little brother he'll be alright but they're scared, which is valid. We hear a growling behind us and a shadow moves. Haley screams at this.
"It's here" I say. Roy tries shooting. We hear it scream. "I hit it" He says, thinking he killed it, he runs out the circle. "Roy no! Roy!" I yell after him but he doesn't listen. "Stay here!" Dean tells Haley and Ben. Me and the boys run behind Roy. But he's nowhere to be found.
It's sunrise and we're all sitting by the abandoned campsite. Dean is checking out the claw marks left behind by the Wendigo on the trees. "I don't...I mean these types of things. They aren't supposed to be real" Haley says, skeptical.
"I wish I could tell you different" Dean says walking over and sitting next to me. "How do we know it's not out there watching us?" Haley asks. "We don't. But we're safe for now" I say honestly. "How do you guys know about this stuff?" She asks us. "Kinda runs in the family" Dean says.
"Hey, so we've got half a chance in the daylight" Sam says, walking back to the campsite. "And I for one...wanna kill this evil son of a bitch" He says. Me and Dean nod smirking. "Well hell you know we're in"
We go through John's journal and explain what a Wendigo is.
"Wendigo is a Cree Indian word. It means 'evil that devours' " Sam reads from the journal. "They're also hundreds of years old and each one was once a man. Sometimes an Indian, other times a frontiersman, or a miner, or a hunter." Dean continues.
"How does a man turn into one of these things?" Haley asks. "During some harsh winter, a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help. He becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe or camp" I explain. "Like the Donner Party" Haley's brother says.
"Cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities: speed, strength, immortality.." Sam adds. "If you eat enough of it, over years you become this less than human thing. You're always hungry" I say.
"So if that's true, how can Tommy still be alive?" Haley asks. The boys and I share a worried look. Dean says "You're not gonna like it". "Tell me" Haley insists. "More than anything, a Wendigo knows how to last longe winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time. When it's awake, it keeps its victims alive...it stores them. So it can feed whenever it wants" Dean explains.
"Look hon, if your brother's alive, it's keeping him somewhere dark, hidden and safe. And we gotta track it back there" I say. "And then how do we stop it?" She asks. "Well, guns are useless. So are knives" Dean says. "Basically.." I say, holding up a liquor bottle, lighter and a cloth. "...we gotta torch the sucker" I say, handing the Molotov cocktail over to Dean.
We make our way through the woods with Dean leading the way. "Dean. Y/N" Sam calls us, looking up at the claw marks on the trees. "What is it?" I ask. We look around at the marks on the trees. They're too...perfect. Somethings not right.
"You know, I was thinking that those claw prints, so clear and distinct...they were almost too easy to follow" Sam says superstitiously. All of a sudden we hear growling, the bushes rustle around us. And then Haley screams, what looks like a body falls on the ground next to her. Roy's body.
Sam goes to check on her. Dean and I rush over to Roy's body to check if he's somewhat alive. "Dean, his necks broken" I say and the growling won't stop. "Okay run run run! Go go go!" We all run always from the area, deeper into the woods. Ben trips and falls so Sam and I run back to help him up. "It's okay kid, I got you" He help him up and then run to catch up with Haley and Dean.
We hear Haley scream again. "Haley!!" Her brother yells. Sam finds the my lighter that I gave Dean on the ground, showing it to me "DEAN!!!!" I yell.
Hours again of walking, no sign of Dean or Haley. I'm worried something happened to Dean...and Haley obviously. "So it keeps its victims alive, why would it kill Roy" Ben asks us.
"Honestly, I think cuz Roy shot at it. He pissed it off" Sam said. "They went this way" Ben said suddenly. "How do you know?" I ask approaching him and he hand me an M&M. I chuckle a bit and show Sam. Dean, you slimy motherfucker. He smiles a bit, sighing relieved, "It's better then breadcrumbs" I say throwing the candy aside and we all follow the trail.
The candy trail led to a tunnel opening labeled 'Warning! Danger! Do Not Enter! Extremely Toxic Material!'
Sam, Ben and I enter it, flashing our lights along the tunnel. We hear the growling again, Sam and I pull Ben to the side. We see the Wendigo walking out through the tunnel, Ben whimpers terrified and I place my hand over his mouth shushing him.
We walk deeper into the tunnel side by side. Not realizing we stepped on a wooden opening, it creaks a bit before caving in and the three of us all through into a pit. Ben jumps back into my arms after seeing the skulls of....well....the Wendigos menu. "It's okay, it's okay" I comfort him, calming him down.
We look over to see Dean and Haley tied to the wall. Sam and I instantly rush over to Dean instantly while Ben runs over to Haley. "Dean?? Hey Dean wake up" I say shaking him. "Come on Dean" Sam shakes his brother. And he grunts, cringing in pain.
"You okay?" I place my hands on his face, gently shaking him again. "Yeah" he forces out, still in pain.  "Haley. Haley. Wake up. Wake up" Ben calls out shaking his sister to wake up. I pull out my butterfly knife in my combat boots, cutting Dean down while Sam supports his weight. "Gotcha" Sam says, helping Dean down.
I place one of Deans arm around my shoulder and Sam takes his other, holding him up. "I thought it killed you" Sam said as we rest Dean down, still grunting in pain. "Are you sure you're alright charming??" I ask him, my heart hurting to see him in pain. "Yeah princess I'm fine. Where is it?" He asks about the Wendigo. "It's gone for now" Sam says.
We didn't notice until Haley went into a corner and started sobbing. Then we see, Tommy in a dark corner tied up just like Dean and Haley were. "Tommy....Tommy" Haley sobs. She puts her hands on his face and he gasps for air surprising us all. "Cut him down" She says. She holds him up supporting his weight and I flip my butterfly knife open, rushing over to cut him down.
The three siblings share a tearful reconciliation. "Check it out" Dean says smirking, holding up three flare guns. "Those'll work." Sam and I say in unison smiling a bit as Dean twirls one of guns in his fingers.
We all make our way through the tunnel. Haley and Ben holding up a weak Tommy. The flare guns in our possession. The Wendigo growls, the sound coming nearer and nearer. The boys and I cock our guns at the direction of the growls. "Looks like someone's home for supper" Dean says. "We'll never outrun it." Haley says. The boys and I look at each other, a silent conversation with our eyes.
"You fellas thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask them. "Yeah I think so" Sam says and Dean nods. "Alright listen to me. Stay with Sam and Y/N, they're gonna get you out of here" Dean orders them. "No I'm coming with you" I insist. "Over my dead body. Stay with Sam" He instructs me and I narrow my eyes at him.
"Order me like that again and I'll kill you before the Wendigo does us. Now can it and move your butt" I stand my ground. He smirks at me, obliging.
"What're you gonna do?" Haley asks Dean and he winks at her. I feel a thump in my chest but I ignore it.
Dean's POV
(A/N: just giving a tiny insight of Deans mind😉)
"No I'm coming with you" Y/N insists. "Over my dead body. Stay with Sam" I instruct her, praying she'll listen for once but she just narrows her eyes at me and I internally sigh. This woman will be the death of me one day I swear.
"Order me like that again and I'll kill you before the Wendigo does us. Now can it and move your butt" She whisper yells at me in a commanding tone, standing her ground. God she's so hot when she's all business no play. Wait. What? Not the time Dean!
Smirking I oblige. "What're you gonna do?" Haley asks. I turn to her and wink attempting to reassure her. Me and Y/N split from the group to lure the Wendigo out.
"It's chow time, you freaky bastard!!" I yell. "Yeah that's right! Bring it on baby! I taste good!!" Y/N yells as we go deeper into the tunnel. Oh I bet she does. Stop it Dean!
We move along the path and I yell. "Hey! Hey, you want some white meat bitch!"
"I'm right here sexy! Come and get me!! You know you want me!!" Y/N yells.
Third Person POV
Meanwhile Y/N and Dean are baiting the Wendigo. Sam, Haley, Ben and Tommy hear the growling. Realizing they need to make use of their time and get out, Sam tells Haley "Get them out of here"
"Sam, no" She goes to protest but he cuts her off. "Go. Go!" He commands them and they hesitantly go. Sam moves towards the growling, hiding behind a wall. "Come on...come on." He whispers thinking the Wendigo is on the opposite side, only to hear footsteps next to him.
He turns his head and the Wendigo roars in his face. He fires his flare gun at him, missing, hitting the wall. He runs towards the direction the group headed. Haley hears the shot fired and yells "Sam!!!"
"Come on. Hurry. Hurry! Hurry! Let's go!" He rushes them to get out but the Wendigo gains on them. It ends up cornering them. "No! Damn it! Get behind me" Sam uses his body as a human shield to protect them.
The Wendigo approaches them, an animalistic roar leaving his inhumane mouth. "Hey!" Dean and Y/N appear behind it. Both firing at it. It screams in agony before bursting into flames infront of all their eyes. Dropping dead on the floor.
"Not bad huh" Dean says cockily, making Sam and Haley smile.
Back at the Ranger Station, paramedics and deputies are outside, paramedics loading Tommy up. While Ben gets questioned by the cops. Y/N and Sam next to him. "So the bear came back again after you yelled at it?" Ranger Wilkinson asked. Using the mental script Y/N told him to say to the cops.
"That's when it circled the campsite. The grizzly must've weighed 800-900 pounds" Ben says fluidly. "We'll go after it at first light" The cop half promises. Y/N looks over to see Dean and Haley walking together besides the cars. They're out of earshot so she can't hear their conversation.
"So really, I don't know how to thank you" Haley says to Dean. He gives her his classic shit eating grin and Haley scoffs. "Must you cheapen the moment" she says. "Yeah" Dean says smiling, giving her a flirtatious look.
Looking at the body language, Y/N assumed Dean made a pass at Haley and just turned back. The smile Dean gave Haley made her melt a bit but it wasn't directed to her.
Ben, Sam and Y/N walk over to them after the cops are done with their questions. Haley leans over and kisses Dean on his cheek. Y/N turns her head away trying not to look. She felt her stomach flip but doing what her stubborn ass always does. She ignored it.
"I hope you find your father" Haley says sincerely. She turns and wraps her arm around the back of Bens neck from the side. "Thanks Sam. Thanks Y/N" she says gratefully and they nod.
The trio lean against the hood of the Impala, looking on as the load up onto the ambulance. "Man I hate camping" Y/N grumbles. "Me too" Sam seconds. "Damn straight" Dean also agrees. Dean turns to his brother and best friend. "You guys know we're gonna find Dad right?"
"Yeah, I know" Sam says not convinced. Y/N just nods, frowning a bit. "But in the meantime....I'm driving" Sam says smirking. Y/N snickers at Deans hesitant face looking down at his keys. He throws it up in the air for Sam to catch but Y/N jumps up catching it.
"Hey!" Sam exclaims amused. Dangling the keys in the air, Y/N says. "It's my shift boys, you can take over when we get back to the motel and I get my bike Sammy" She winks at them, strutting over to the drivers seat. Dean laughs hysterically at this, partially due to Sam's face.
He looks like a 5 year old who just got his candy stolen. Dean doesn't mind her driving his car though. She thought him and Sam how to drive Quinn after her dad thought her how to. The trio get into Baby, Dean sitting shotgun and Sam taking the backseat, pouting. Y/N starts Baby's engine, revving it, she looks over at Dean smirking and he winks at her. Putting the car in gear and they're off.
Authors Note:
Hi hello! So I forgot to mention that Y/N's mom and dad were childhood friends. I added it to the prologue. You can reread it, it's in the flashback of her leaving and going off on her own. Please excuse my lack of planning, I'm fairly new to this and just learning as I go.
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doodlekoo · 1 year
OUCH | pjm
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Summary: you hurt your foot and Jimin thinks your gonna die
Pairing: boyfriend!jimin x fem?reader (mentions pronouns a few times)
Word count: 2.4k
Rating: PG
Genre/Warnings: established relationship, injury, pain, implied?verbal abuse, explicit language, kissing, FLUFF HEH (my favourite), oc is so in love with Jimin
Note: hello fellow fluff lovers, i’m so sorry i’ve been ia for 10 months i was focusing on finishing my final year for college. tbh creative writing isn't my strong point it’s more of a side hobby so please understand i won’t be updating regularly i’ll probably be posting more so when I'm bored and feel like it ahahaha. I do want to point out thanks to all those who liked my previous stories. I really do appreciate it it’s great motivation!! anywho this story was based on when i hurt my foot (it was a more gross story but still hurt like a bitch) i tried limping home but the entire time i wished someone would carry me and care for me the way jimin does in the ff (sad i know). i originally wanted it to be longer going into detail about Jimin’s backstory but i thought short and sweet was better SO ENJOY i hope you all like it :)
and as always please let me know what you guys think and if you want more stories like this! please also leave a like and/or reblog if you enjoyed reading! :D
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A warm sensation spreads through your body, engulfing you in a comforting embrace. You couldn't help but smile as a sense of contentment washed over you. The day had been a success. You followed every command and every instruction that your superiors had asked you to follow. Starting a new job was a challenging experience, one you hadn’t gone through before. The memory of your previous employment still haunts you, the echoes of your coworkers' voices reverberating in your mind as they berated you for the slightest of missteps. Not only was it stressful to deal with that every day, but you would also feel even more drained coming home after the endless regrets ran through your mind.
The more you worked at that god-awful place, the more your thoughts grew—were these issues truly insignificant, or were they looming large and you simply lacked the perspective to see them?
Your boyfriend, Jimin, was constantly begging you to quit the job since the sight of you so wrapped up in absolute guilt crushed him every day. Jimin only wanted what was best for you. The stubbornness he had over you was often a hard take but it was only ever going to be beneficial. As the begs increased in volume, your guilt scaled high, resulting in an endless cycle.
You knew you had to do it. Gathering yourself mentally and emotionally to utter those two liberating words took a great deal of courage.
"I quit."
You said it slightly quietly, still unsure. but you were stern about it with an attempt at a demeaning stare. In your head, you felt pretty confident with the way you delivered it, only to have that confidence descend with the sudden scoffs followed by the classic response, "Is that supposed to impress me?"
Perhaps Jimin was right. The testosterone in the room was unbearable at this point, and that slow, excruciating deterioration of your brain was just really not worth it. Staring back at your manager, you remained undeterred.
"I'll be handing in my notice tomorrow."
It was never worth creating an argument with your manager or anyone who lacked basic brain cells, in fact. That simple interaction only changed you for the better, and slowly but surely you felt you had a little more respect for yourself.
As you navigate the bustling street after your third shift, a palpable aura of rejuvenation surrounds you, causing your steps to take on a playful bounce. The faint aroma of coffee lingers on your clothes. The joy felt completely surreal, almost like time and space had been warped. Though the relentless bombardment of verbal abuse made your mind gradually deteriorate, it now made even the most challenging tasks a mere cakewalk.
The rain had been hammering down on the cafe windows for most of the day, so when you were met with the fortunate sun slowly peeking out from the clouds, you felt enveloped with its warmth, feeling it gradually filling your mind up with a little extra dose of serotonin.
Several metres or so away from your workplace, in a small back alley, you could smell the damp brick encroaching on your senses. Looking farther ahead, you saw the recent confrontation you were only slowly getting used to. It was amusing to you that a couple of steps were the only thing you had to worry about in your new day-to-day life. It was a sign that you were at least doing something right. You braced yourself for the steep steps that lay ahead while keeping in mind the wet, slick concrete.
And at that moment, the serotonin vanished. As the calmness of the moment dissipated, a surge of anxiety and adrenaline took over. Your heart plummeted as you failed to catch those final steps. Your foot barely brushes the step's edge. As you stumbled, your ankle gave way beneath you, sending you tumbling to the ground.
You squealed, trying not to make any noise, as a wave of pain shot from your foot up through your body when the weight followed.
You hissed in pain as you sat at the foot of the steps. Looking absolutely helpless. The surrealness seemed to slip away as the situation unfolded before your eyes. Your mind wandered in silence. As you glanced around, a wave of relief washed over you as you realised that no one had witnessed your mortifying disaster.
I'm fine. I'm fine. You managed to convince yourself that you could make it home since the distance to your house was less than a mile. I can limp; it's fine. You reached for the railing and attempted to pull yourself up, only to be reacquainted with the searing pain you'd felt before.
You personally don't like to worry excessively about pain and injuries because you've always considered it a waste of time to acknowledge the warnings your body gave you. As the numbness set in, you realised that the situation was far worse than you had initially thought. Your body lay still and unresponsive, leaving you with only your thoughts to keep you company.
Along with the overwhelming urge to get up and leave, you also had the nagging fear that someone could hear a small person yelping at the bottom of the steps and decide to make a huge deal out of it. You know one person, Jimin, who would take his time over an insignificant issue. He would be the one to hire a golden carriage and transport you in grandeur, as the conclusion to convincing you that you needed to rescue yourself from those said scary steps. That was the worst-case scenario in your mind. However, it reached the point where you would rather have him make this big of a deal than a complete stranger who would have thought you were weak, whereas Jimin was certain that you are not.
A soft, sad sigh escapes your lips as your hand instinctively reaches for the back pocket of your jeans. With fingers trembling in anticipation, you searched for Jimin's name. As you raised your phone to your ear, you sensed your heart rate accelerating. Your nerves were on edge, and you did not want to burden Jimin with any additional worries. Making Jimin anxious was punishment enough. Every day, catching a glimpse of Jimin's radiant smile was like a burst of sunshine, flooding your world with a second dose of serotonin. But the thought of not being able to bring that smile to his face or turn it into a beaming grin was gnawing at your insides.
"Hey, ___, I’m so sorry. I’ll be home soon! I’m just out with Namjoon and Hobi!" Jimins' amplified voice, together with the distant chatter in the background, echoed through the alleyway. "No, Jimin i-"
"It was just- Hobi wanted us to come see designs after work, and naturally we all piled into the bar! We are finishing up now!"
"Jimin, that's not why I'm calling…" You replied with a low tone.
"Huh?? Sorry babe, I can't hear you that well!" You chuckled to yourself at the agonising situation. Oh Jimin..
"Jimin, I fell.."
"Sorry, what was that??"
"I don’t know Jimin. I fell down these steps, and I can't get up. It's so embarrassing. I don't know what to do.."
"Shit. Stay there. I'm coming now. Where are you?" The way Jimin's entire demeanour shifts over the phone, it intimidates the hell out of you.
"I’m just outside that alleyway from my work... Do you know the one?"
"Yes, I do. I’ll be there in five minutes." And with that, Jimin ends the call.
"Fuck. That was my girlfriend. I’m so sorry guys, I have to go" Jimin, on the other hand, was shitting it. Hearing your frightened voice over the phone was enough for him to travel day and night to you.
"Is something wrong?" Namjoon asked, apprehensive. He'd only see Jimin's expression like this when something was seriously wrong.
"I'm not sure, I think she’s hurt. I'll see you guys soon." Jimin said, frantically stuffing all his things in his bag. "Aw, alright, I hope she’s okay," Hoseok chirped.
"I hope so too. Bye!!" And just like that, Jimin literally flew outside the bar door. Foot harsh on the pedal. On his way: to you.
You kept your eyes on the cracks along the walls, waiting for Jimin. In the end, a few people did come by, but you covered it up by sitting on the floor and talking on your phone, and they didn't seem to notice. It's currently quiet as the sun is descending. But eventually you could hear faint, sporadic panting in the distance. It was the said saviour of the day.
"___!! Oh my god, oh my god, are you okay?? What happened?!?" Jimin gasped, looking at you like a precious gem that had cracked.
"I’m alright, just a little stumble. But I can't stand up, and it’s annoying." With a faint chuckle, you replied. You looked up at him, hoping to see his gaze soften and persuade him that it wasn't such a major issue, but his anxious expression didn't fade.
Scrambling towards you, he examined your ankle carefully, gently touching it in the process.
"Hm, I’m not a doctor, but I think maybe you sprained it. We should go to the hospital." He announced it sincerely.
"NO. I mean- no Jimin, no hospital, please; it’s not a big deal."
"Are you sure? I mean, you said you couldn’t even stand up?" It was endearing that Jimin tried to convince you, but because you didn't want to feel even more embarrassed, you simply scowled at him and hoped he understood what you were trying to imply.
"Okay, okay, let’s go home then." Jimin let out a little giggle at your silliness. But he now knew it was time for him to take on the doctor role and oh how Jimin would take that role very seriously. "Right, I need to carry you to the car then, can you try and get on my back?"
Jimin crouched in front of you after turning around. You used your entire upper-body strength to push yourself onto Jimin's back by reaching for his shoulders. His arms came back around and supported you from behind before he stood up and repositioned you.
"You okay?" Jimin asks once again. "Yes. Thank you, Jimin."
You scoot closer to his back, not just so he can carry you, but also so you can embrace him. Jimin carefully made his way back up the steps and onto the busy street, attempting to find his way back to the car park. You felt embarrassed by the many stares so you cuddled your face closer into the back of Jimin's neck.
It felt safe there, and you could smell his perfume's mild flowery scent mingled with the peppermint notes of his shampoo. Oh, how he always smelled so good. You smiled into his neck and pecked him lightly. This elicited a slight chuckle from him.
Jimin gently places you in the passenger seat and carefully rearranges your legs. He tightens the seatbelt and ensures you're safe and secure. You glance up at him, speechless. After the manner in which he's been treating you, the decision to call him for assistance felt extremely justifiable. As your gaze lingers on Jimin, he catches your eye, and a soft chuckle escapes his lips once more.
"Is this okay?" Jimin asked with a grin. "Yes, Jimin, this is perfect." As your gaze met his, a rush of warmth flooded your heart. The way he looked at you with such tenderness and affection was a feeling beyond words. To have someone who cherished you so deeply was truly a gift beyond measure. A rosy hue crept up Jimin's cheeks, causing his smile to widen even further.
Closing your door and driving back to the house was quite quiet, but it also felt soothing and safe at the same time. Jimin carried you on his back once again while fumbling to retrieve his keys from his pocket to open the door. Making his way to the sofa, he plopped you down softly.
"Okay, wait there. Don't go anywhere; I’m going to find a bandage." You laughed and shook your head at his stupid yet endearing joke.
When Jimin returned 10 minutes later, he did not only return with a bandage but also with half the house. Blankets, pillows, comfy clothes, a big bowl of snacks, and on top, the said bandage. You couldn’t even see his concentrated face through the massive mountain of love.
Your laughs echoed throughout the room once again while Jimin dumped everything beside you. He then carefully helps you undress into your loungewear and, following a YouTube tutorial, attempts to wrap the bandage around your foot. Watching him all focused on you made your heart flip around the room. He is so adorable.
"Okay, I think that’s good. Now do you want a pillow under your foot as well?" Jimin asked you politely. "I think it’s alright like this." You look at him, smiling.
"Hm, scratch that, I’m getting you a pillow."
When Jimin returns from getting a pillow, he gently lifts your feet to place it beneath them. He then throws various fluffy blankets over you while tucking in the sides, making sure once again that you don’t go anywhere. Looking back at you, he moves in close, giving you a soft peck on your forehead. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he momentarily retreats before leaning back in, peppering your face with a flurry of playful kisses. The two of you erupt into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, your heads thrown back in pure love and joy.
"Now what should I put on the TV for you?" Jimin sits beside you after grabbing the TV remote. "Anything I don’t mind."
Jimin then proceeds to put on your favourite film. Pressing play; he looks at you with a soft smile. "Please be more careful; I hate seeing you hurt like this." He pats your head gently while wrapping his arm around you.
"I’ll try not to Jimin ''. You say as you move closer to him, resting your head on his chest.
Paying close attention to the rest of the movie, your sixth sense tells you Jimin isn't watching it at all; he's staring at your ankle, hoping nothing will hurt it any further.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Daddy Issues
Max verstappen x reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Both you and Max have similar daddy issues. How do you comfort eachother in times of need?
Warnings: DADDY ISSUES GALORE, depictions of verbal, emotional, and physical abuse, anger issues, Google translated Dutch (I know two other languages and neither if them is dutch)
Notes: Not proofread (we die like Charles Leclerc's car at the 2023 Brisish GP FP2), third-person POV
Masterlist // Part Two // Part three
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Sometimes, her love story with Max felt like that of Romeo and Juliette. That's what she likes to tell herself as their dads once again go to war with their respective children.
How either of them had made it this far in life, she had no clue.
This particular night was Max's turn to receive a phone call. The two lovers had been laying in bed during the winter break, keeping eachother warm, when the phone started buzzing.
Max had taken one look at the caller ID and debated whether to just let it ring through or answer. The latter being the better decision or else he would get that added to the procrastinated verbal slaps his father likes to give freely.
The Dutch picked up the phone and pulled the woman close to him in the same motion.
"Hello." His voice is rough, his annoyance becoming apperant in this moment.
Jos' voice through the phone was so loud she didn't even have to try and listen. It was as if he was in the room with them.
She ran her fingers through his hair as he did his best to keep his composure.
"Have you been practicing with the sim?"
"Good, wouldn't want you getting worse or being distracted by the female in your house over the break," he laughed.
Max's free hand entwined with hers. The woman proceding to squeeze his three times. A silent I love you for time like this.
"Maybe you can finally put her to use if you were smart."
A blow to both of them. She had winced only a little, but it didn't go unnoticed. Max brought her knuckles to his mouth and silently let his lips graze them.
"Next race I expect to see you make less mistakes and if there is more then you only have yourself and the women to blame."
"Goodnight dad."
Max quickly hung up the phone and tossed it aside.
She, however, took a different approach and jumped out of the bed. Her now cold body running to the kitchen. Max close behind her.
"I've decided we need hot chocolate." She stated before he could even get the question out.
The two spend the rest of the night cuddling with hot chocolate and watching kids' movies.
The words of Jos are not easily forgotten, but maybe Max could find a way to heal regardless.
The next time something like this happened, it was her turn.
Unfortunately for her, they were at a race. Her parents wanted to come because it's a race in her home country. Spending the day with their daughter, who lives far away now, sounds great in theory.
It had started tame. The three of you sitting in the Redbull hospitality catching up until she went to go find some of your friends and wish them luck.
Thankfully, Lando was walking by and spotted her.
"Hey (Y/N)!" He shouted. Successfully grabbing her attention. The woman waved and made it three steps forward before her dad had placed his hand on her shoulder.
Startled, she spun around and put some distance between them.
"We need to talk." The older man crossed his arms.
Immediately, her body felt like she was a child again. Her shoulders sagged but looked him in the eyes anyway. Knowing if she didn't, he would become more upset.
"I know me and your mom aren't the most rich people, but at least we gave you a better childhood thank ours." He sighed and let out a small laugh. Something he did to make her believe she wasn't in trouble. "You could be a little more grateful to us before running off with some guy who has more than us."
"I'm sorry," was all she could muster.
Thankfully, lando had come over to say hello after she had finished her conversation. He waited, not wanting to interrupt. Until he heard the apology, then he decided to gently step in.
"(Y/N)! Glad I caught you! Max wanted to see you before qualifying." The Brit felt proud of himself for how smooth that sounded.
"Oh do you know where he is?"
"Yeah, follow me." He gestured with his head the direction they were going to head.
"I'll talk to you later, dad." She smiled sadly. Then, she turned to follow Lando.
The two walked in silence to the Redbull garage. Lando not wanting to push the woman and her attempting to swallow her tears before having to talk to Max. Stressing him out before he needed to race was not on her agenda today.
When Max spotted her coming into the garage, he jogged over, greeting his love and his friend with a bright smile.
"What are you doing down here? I thought you were up in hospitality?" He asked.
Max's eyes dart between the two. Taking in the sheepish smile of one and a mixture of sadness and confusion on the other.
Lando turns to look at the woman beside him. "Sorry about lying to you, but I heard what your dad was saying to you..." He trails.
Max's face drops. Suddenly understanding why she had come with a sullen expression.
"It's okay Lan, thank you for rescuing me."
"Anytime." He nods before making his way out of the garage.
Max places his hands on her shoulders. "Do you want to talk about it now, or do you want a hug?"
She doesn't respond. Instead, she embraces him, inhaling his scent and listening to the sound of his heart.
"Race first, talk later." She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek for goodluck.
Max understanding her needs and how she is feeling, helped put the words of her dad into the back of her brain.
The following incident happened in the two's shared home. Jos had cone knocking at the door while Max was away grabbing some essentials for dinner that night. She regretted not going with him now. Opting to get things ready and started while Max was away.
"Oh, it's you." Jos sneered. Practically shoving her out of the way to get inside the apartment. "Where is my son?"
"He's at the store grabbing things for dinner, but I think he'll be back shortly." The young woman closes the door but hardly moves, barely a breath entering her lungs.
Dealing with Jos on her own was always a difficult task. Often fighting with herself between being on the defensive and provoking him more, or just staying quiet. Normally, she opted for the latter.
"You should really consider leaving him now. It'll hurt him less, and he'll be able to focus on what's important again." His eyes burn on her. "Have you still not understood that you are hindering him?! He has been making more mistakes since you seduced him."
She lost her grip for a moment, her mouth letting the words slip before her frontal lobe could fully process.
"Have you ever considered that encouraging and being proud of him might help him more than the constant berating?"
Jos' face went red, his jaw clenching in anger. He looked like he might break something.
Originally, she hadn't realized how close he had been. Now, knowing she should have put more than an arms reach.
The sting on her cheek was not a sensation she was used to. Her father had never actually hit her. thrown stuff around, and broke things from occasionally, but never hit her.
Tears began pricking her eyes. How was she to respond now?
"Don't speak to me like that. It's ridiculous that he keeps you around."
Well, she already crossed the line. There's no going back now. "Maybe because I am actually kind to him." Standing her grand, she managed to look directly at him. The shock of her action clearly displayed on his figure. "Your son is one of the kindest and funniest people I have ever met. He is successful not because because of you but because of himself and what he has achieved through his own hard work."
She had been so lost in her speech that she had failed to hear the keys in the door.
"I'm glad you think so geliefde." His voice was soft towards her. Relief washed over her face as she turned to see him. "What are you doing here, dad?"
"I came to look over some things with you about your next race."
Max's eyes narrowed at him. He quickly places the bag with groceries in it on the floor and strides over where the young woman is still trying to figure out what to do next.
Max places his hands on either side of her face and examines it. "Well, now you don't get to ever come back."
"She is right. I am loved by her unconditionally, and I don't need you to constantly criticize me. And you especially do not get to lay hands on anyone I care about."
Max's eyes turned cold. Now staring past her while still holding her protectively. "Get out."
"Son I think we should at least talk about this!"
"Get out! Or I will call the authorities."
Jos raised his hands in defeat and wnt to exit the space. Before he closed the door, he left you both with a parting message. "I hope she is worth it, Max, and if you realize she's not, then don't come crawling back to me."
When the door clicked closed, she couldn't stop the tears from flowing. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said anything to him." She sobbed.
Max embraced her gently and leaned to whisper, "You did nothing wrong, I don't need him to be proud of me. Instead, I think your encouragement will be enough to fuel me for races."
Then, they both started to heal.
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athinasaurus · 2 months
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —
@dreamduality it's finally here babe!!
A/N: first time writing about house MD, constructive criticism is welcome ♡ I'm sorry if I wrote him OOC (also not proofread)
Pairing: House x f!stripper!reader smut <3
Wc: 1.7k
Warnings: P in V, titty play, oral both f and m receiving, unprotected sex, creampie, age gap, overstimulation, a bit of dubcon?? other kinks probably
Summary: Being a med student was hard but having student debt was harder. You had to make sure you weren't gonna die with no money to your name. Dancers made a lot, so why not? You thought. Obviously, you weren't making enough as an intern for the Dr. House. It was stressful but you could handle it...until he came up at your work.
You were sure nobody else knew. Not Foreman, not Thirteen, especially not House. So why the fuck was he staring at you with that evil grin?
There was no use running and hiding, he had already spotted your figure working on the pole. Your body moved to the rhythm of the song in the background while the audience showered you with bills. Your face heated up and you tried avoiding his keen eyes until he limped to you, sitting down in front row seats.
Well shit..
"Knew you'd be here. Taub and Thirteen bet you had a secret kid, I'm up another 50" He spoke with confidence. Apparently, it was obvious to him you'd be a whore. You sighed, you knew it was hopeless to get away from him now.
"How'd you find me?" You replied curiously, dragging your hand on the bar while giving the older man a little twirl. You couldn't be more embarrassed but business is business, you weren't going to stop just because of your supervisor. Maybe he'd tell Cuddy or the team but you doubted anything would come out of it, aside from annoying questions.
"The late arrivals, the early departures for one. Second, you're too young to be a mother but old enough to be a whore. Third, you'd walk 'home' even though you live an hour away. So why this job, did your father not love you enough? The preschool teacher touched your no-no square?"
"Sounds like you're projecting," you retorted at the last comment, "Debt is a pain in the ass and I don't want to rely on someone else to pay it off for me." Satisfied with your response, he couldn't be bothered to pester you about this subject for now.
You bent over with the pole between your legs as your hands land on your calves, swaying your ass for whoever was throwing bills behind you. Your tits almost spill out as the distance between you and House decreases. By now, your face is lowered to his level but his eyes rest on your breasts. He glances up, keeping eye contact.
"Sorry, thought your eyes were down there" he spoke sarcastically. You gave him a small smile, he was never really mean to you compared to the others but you could never put your finger on it. Probably just wanted to jump anything with curves. His gaze lingered on you far longer than it should've. You got onto your knees and crawled towards him slowly. Your eyes pierced his as you made your way over, your knees sweeping the platform. The sexual tension was undeniably sharp as your lips hovered over his. It was your turn to tease him. You gave a small smile and your mouth approached his ear.
"So, you've been stalking me? I didn't know you wanted me that badly" you purred. Retracting slowly, you come face to face with him. Lust and mischief clouded your gaze with a smirk plastered on your face.
"If I wanted a whore, I would've paid for one. For a much cheaper price too. You're not worth all these hundred-dollar bills." House mutters, observing the men around who had 'dibs' on you. You made your way back to the beam. Your hair swayed as your leg hooked onto the pole, and your body swirled. His eyes were glued to you as your act advanced. Your grip tightened as you balanced yourself, climbing the pole. The space between your legs widened as you smoothly inverted your position. You glided down, slowly reversing before you landed into a split. Among cheers and woos, your mind focused on the older man's intense stare. You decided to take a break, climbing off the stage to join House. You grabbed the drink from his hand and gulped it down. He avoided your fixation until he suddenly spoke out,
"How much would I have to pay...to have you all to myself?" His tone was sincere, catching you off guard. You had thought about it; he was handsome and you couldn't deny it. You'd be dumb to pass up on the opportunity to live that y/n life.
YOLO I guess!
"I-uh...you don't have to pay, we can go back to your place if you don't mind?" You stammered, your nerves were flooding your brain. You were sure he was sincere but another part of you was worried he was doing this to jerk you around. He studied your demeanor before nodding and making his way toward his motorcycle. You followed quickly behind in your skimpy outfit.
The rugged man adjusted himself onto his bike, patting the seat behind him. You hopped on hesitantly with your hands lightly grabbing House's waist.
He smirked as he adjusted your grip on him, moving your hands lower and tighter on his body.
House wasted no time as the door swung open. His hands rested on your hips, pulling you closer to him as he shoved his tongue down your throat. The room filled with groans and whines along with the sloppy sounds you were both making. His mouth practically swallowed yours, insisting on the control he had over you. You withdrew for a second to catch your breath, your gaze met his. Pupils dilated, breathing heavily, heart racing, he couldn't deny you looked amazing like this. You were both panting heavily until someone spoke up.
"Are you sure about this? I am your boss after all." His eyes pierced through yours as his hands rubbed softly at your waist in an attempt to comfort you. The dim light from the room revealed your flustered expression. You gave a coy nod before cupping his jaw to pull him in for a kiss. House groaned as you rolled your hips into his, it didn't take long till he hoisted you into his lap, carrying you to the bedroom.
He dropped you onto the bed and hovered your body as quickly as possible, peppering kisses on your neck. He picked you off your back, his hands eagerly picking at your low-cut attire. His gaze searched yours for confirmation before tearing off your top to reveal your tits.
"Jesus fucking Christ.." He muttered, studying your body as the masterpiece it is. You automatically tried covering your chest with your arms but that backfired when he pulled them behind your back, handling them with a firm grip. His eyes through daggers into yours as he growled,
"Don't hide from me."
A whimper emerged from your throat as you nodded frantically while his hands let go of yours to knead your breasts. You squeaked at the contact until his lips latched onto you, his fingers tweaking your nipples. You couldn't help but moan into his mouth and he took that as a sign to go rougher. His movements became more intense to the point you cried out, begging him to touch you elsewhere. Your panties were soaked and you couldn't take it anymore.
"Please House..I need you inside me" you whined. An evil grin was plastered on his face until he tsked and spoke out.
"Be patient, pretty girl. I'll give you what you want. Just wait a bit, ok?" The older man purred. He let go of your chest and you whined at the loss of contact until he laid on his back with his elbows propping him up slightly.
"Now...you're gonna unbuckle my belt and let me devour you. Got it?"
The demand fueled the heat in your core, dampening your panties within seconds. You did as you were told, your drenched cunt hovered over his lips.
"You're doing so good for me, my pretty little whore. Unzip my pants now, yeah?"
Your hands fidgeted with the zipper until his tongue lapped at your coated slit, murmuring praises into you while you writhed above him. Your moans became louder and your pulse got faster. Your hips bucked against him but he held them down, forcing you to ride his tongue. As his mouth fucked you, you took out his cock from his boxers. His hardened dick leaked with precum and he jerked his hips, House was begging for some contact. You gripped his shaft while your tongue gave his tip kitten licks until your lips connected to it. You took him as much as you could, occasionally gagging when you went too deep. The grip on your hips tightened as your pace on his cock increased. His lips latched onto your clit, sucking on it while his left hand tortured your cunt with 2 digits curled, and his right hand snugly held you in place. You were a moaning mess, the vibrations from your mouth on his dick forced out a groan from him.
"House...I-I can't take it anymore, I'm close..!" You whined desperately, hoping he'd give you permission to come.
"That's it, princess. Come on my tongue." He muttered before you saw stars. You clenched his fingers as you came, coating them even more in your slick. You weakly got off him with your legs shaking slightly. His chin was covered with your juices, House signaled you with a singular hand motion for another kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he fought yours for dominance. His hands snaked around you, pulling you on top of him.
"Wow, I didn't think an old man with a limp could keep up." You teased as your fingers fiddled with the buttons of his shirt. House scoffed at your remark before a mischievous grin appeared. His calloused hands tightened at your hips hovering over his cock until he rammed himself inside you. A yelp immediately left your mouth as your body tried adjusting to his size.
"So fucking tight and wet for me, right sweetheart?" He groaned out, his tone was laced with desperation. You rocked yourself against him, letting out small whines. His hips rocked against yours desperately. Your hands landed on his shoulders to ride him better. The room filled with the sounds of skin slapping and moans, House groaned as you clenched onto him. His hands held you chest to chest, needing to be closer to you. Your moans were driving him insane, he could feel your orgasm reaching as your pace increased. His cock twitched inside you before releasing his seed. Your cunt clenched his cock, milking him dry as you reached your orgasm.
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —
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wibta if i asked for help from the ppl who i harassed for months?
ok so basically i (18f, at the time 16f) really like this group. but one day they just went on "indefinite hiatus" for no reason. and obviously i was really mad. so after a few months of trying to pick the right person to blame i decided it was entirely thr fault of this one asshole, who literally went and made his OWN GROUP like right after this hiatus was announced. the little turd clearly wanted out due to hating his members. and that's not even the worst part. he actually started gaining traction after this dumb little move. and after the turd made a collab with a pretty popular kpop group (and we all know how kpop stans are with their mass streaming) this loser was getting more attention than thr guy that I LIKE.
my guy was the most talented pretty and popular member of the group when it was active, and he could sell out dome tours with his solo work all the time. he just did that in fact. but now that this other bitch was using kpop stans for clout he was the one getting all the attention. and it rubbed off on his group he made and their trash music as well. but this isn't about him it's about me.
like i said i got really upset, and once i decided this was all turd boy's fault, i shamelessly harassed fans of this "person" and the dumb little group he made, mostly by way of spamming gore in their discord servers and wikis. this lasted for months until one of them eventually doxxed me back. i'll admit i shouldn't have done all of this. but i was just fighting against traitors in the industry.
but, it's been over a year since then. and i've moved on. until a few weeks ago. this third guy "came out" in a clear pr stunt. like with a whole press confrence and everything he didnt even try to hide it. and then he dropped a new song right after. somebody's jealous of the sold out dome tour!
but not everyone realises its a pr stunt. ppl are falling for it and streaming the new somg. and if the hype doesn't die down soon my guy will be in THIRD. i can't let that happen or else i'd be a failure but i have a plan.
hypothetically, i would slide back into the discord server, explain my dilemma, and maybe stans of the first turd would be willing to mass stream my guy's amazing new song and i guess i'll mass stream whatever crap their guy shat out recently. they're smart people, they doxxed my cats after all. i'm sure they'll understand.
but i fear that it would be kind of a dick move to act all buddy buddy with a server who i went crazy on and harassed for months on end. but on the other hand i can't let my idol be at only third most monthly listeners in his old group!! so i don't know what to do, wibta if i went through with this?
What are these acronyms?
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