#i'll start watching compilation videos next
death2normalcy · 2 years
Here’s post 3 of me talking about Ateez songs/music videos!
See the last 2 posts for notes, but basic break down: I’m new to the group, I’m watching all their music videos first, then moving on to other songs. These are just my initial thoughts, my opinions change all the time. If I make a mistake or get something way off, let me know
This one has Be My Lover, Deja Vu, Eternal Sunshine, Turbulence, I’m Real, Don’t Stop, Rocky, and Guerrilla.
And here I go!
Be My Lover - Just to clarify, I do not know the other person in this video, Jong kook, I know nothing about him.
But this was a fun video and song! Very cute. Loved the styling and everything. Loved Mingi being back. Overall, very cute!
Deja Vu - ...okay, listen.
I’ve actually already seen this video and heard this song before. When I was originally trying to get into Kpop, back in April, I came across this video, but overlooked it. I did add the song to my Spotify though, and I’ve listened to it once or twice. However, now I can appreciate it more since I know them a little better and know what to expect more.
So yea, this video is indeed sexy, I agree with the comments, lmao. Also, more men should be slutty in crop tops, that’s all I’m saying.
It’s a great song and video. Love the looks, love the choreography, fantastic.
---------took a break to take a nap, lmao
Eternal Sunshine - Another vibrant and colorful video, I love it. Also, another chill and upbeat song, they’re really good at these types of videos/songs. Again, probably won’t be my favorite, but still a really good one!
I don’t really have much else to say on this one.
Turbulence - First of all, this music video was absolutely stunning. The visuals, the styling, all of it.
They all sound amazing, as well, but that’s a given at this point. I will say these types of songs aren’t my cup of tea, just in terms of whether or not I’ll replay it or not. But it’s a stunning song.
I’m Real - Okay, I have thoughts. I just wanna say, I don’t mean anything by this, I’ll try to explain what I mean the best I can.
Are parts of this video supposed to be funny? Or am I just not getting it? Because I loved it either way, it was very chaotic and fun and I love that, but I also almost feel like I’m missing out on a joke somewhere, I don’t know. I could be reading this completely wrong.
It was a fun video either way, and they seemed to be having a ton of fun, so that’s always a bonus!
Don’t Stop - This one was definitely unusual. Not only was there no English subtitles, so I have no idea what this song is about (I’ll look it up later, lol), but there also wasn’t any visible singing or dancing of any kind. Definitely unusual.
The song was pretty good though, definitely gonna watch a lyric video to figure out who’s singing what. It felt like a very lore heavy video, so when I start getting into the lore, I’m curious to see how it fits (I’m waiting on that, for now, at least until I finish the music videos).
They were all very stunning here, as well, such fantastic looks. I was especially blown away by that shot of Mingi walking towards the camera. Gorgeous.
Rocky (Boxers version) - This was very aggressive, which I suppose was the point, lol.
It’s not my favorite from them, but it was good. The dancing was a lot, lot of hip thrusts, lmao. And the styling wasn’t too bad. Not much to say about this one, honestly.
Guerrilla - This isn’t my favorite from them, but it’s still really good! Another intense and chaotic video/song. Loved the styling and the choreography. And of course, they all sound amazing.
Probably should have spread these out more, because I think I’m saying less as I go on because I’m getting a bit wiped out, lol. I also have really bad heartburn, and it’s very distracting.
0 notes
harrysfolklore · 4 days
lando norris being down bad for his girlfriend: a compilation
summary: lando norris can’t help but talk about his girlfriend whenever he cans, fans make compilation videos about it
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Lando Norris could be described as someone who's not scared of saying whatever crossed his mind.
And that's why he never, ever, missed the opportunity to talk about his girlfriend whenever he had the chance.
He mentioned her during interviews, press conferences, social media post and even fan interactions. To the point where fans started making compilation videos with all the moments he publicly obsessed over his girlfriend.
The most popular one gathered millions of views on YouTube, showing multiple occasions Lando couldn't help but be down bad for her.
The video started with a clip from Q&A with fans, someone asked him about his favorite way to relax after a race. Without missing a beat, Lando replied, "Cuddling up with my girlfriend, of course. Nothing beats that."
"You're really whipped man, It's embarrassing," Oscar, his teammate, teased beside him, making the audience laugh.
"It's not, really." Lando shrugged proudly.
The next clip was taken from McLaren's Tiktok account, their content creator tried to do the "Can you watch my ___ for a second" prank on Lando.
"Oh my girlfriend already did this prank to me," Lando said, laughing at the camera, "Baby, If you're watching this, I miss you. Your pranks are way better than McLaren's"
The video moved to show Lando during a post-qualifying interview, his suit hanging by his waist and his fireproofs showing, when asked about his strategy for the race, he cheekily replied, "Well, first I'm going to call my girlfriend for some good luck wishes. Then, I'll focus on getting to the front."
"Zak Brown should hire your girlfriend as your strategist then," the interviewer joked.
"That would be great but I don't think we would be getting any job done. You know what they say about mixing business with pleasure."
The next clip showed Lando with his friend and fellow driver Max Fewtrell, playing a trivia game about how well did they knew each other. Max had to answer what was Lando's worst habit.
"I'm going to say leaving dirty plates around the house," he said, showing his board, "You do mate, admit it."
"My girlfriend would agree on that," he admitted, "She's always complaining about it."
"I don't know how she's still living with you."
"Because she loves me, and I would die if she leaves me."
On the same note, a video of Oscar teasing Lando followed right after.
"Who's most likely to snore?" Lando read the question, and Oscar quickly put ut the cutout with Lando's face, "How are you so sure? You didn't even hesitate."
"Mate, I've heard you, plus your girlfriend literally complained about not being able to sleep properly last night because you kept snoring."
"I did keep her up last night, but it wasn't just because of the snoring," Lando said, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Put the not safe for work disclaimer at the beginning of this video please."
The next segment was from Lando's own Youtube channel, he was doing a little vlog in Miami before the race weekend.
"Hi everyone," he said, filming himself in the mirror with his camera, "Today I'm back with another LandoLog, I'm going to be filming some behind the scenes of this Miami weekend, so without further ado, let's go," he moved the camera around, focusing on his girlfriend who was putting some mascara on her eyelashes, "Here's my beautiful girl, who takes ages to get ready. Say hi baby."
"Hi everyone," his girlfriend waved, laughing, "I'm not taking ages, I'm just making sure I look good."
"You always look good for me," Lando said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before turning the camera back to himself, "See, I told you she's the best."
The next clip showed Lando and Oscar together once again, this time they were giving a tour around the McLaren hub.
"This is my driver's room," Lando said as he opened the door, "It's cleaner than Oscar's, clearly, and looks like I have a bed."
Lando moved to put together the small bed that was behind the door, "This is an upgrade from last year, we didn't have this. I'll be definitely giving it some good use, to nap or with my girlfriend."
"Can we have a video where you're not a horndog please?" Oscar said, putting his hands on his hips.
"You're the horndog, I never said what we were going to use it for, we're just going to cuddle."
The video moved to show one of Lando's post race interviews after winning the Miami GP, he had been asked ho would be the most excited person about this win besides him.
"My girlfriend, definitely. I couldn't have done it without her," Lando said, his voice filled with emotion, "She's been my biggest supporter, my inspiration, and my motivation. This win is as much hers as it is mine."
The video then cut to a scene from Lando's gaming stream with Max Verstappen. The two drivers were deep into a game of Call of Duty, their banter and laughter filling the screen. Lando was focused, his eyes glued to the monitor as he coordinated with Max.
Just then, Lando's phone buzzed on the table beside him. He glanced at the screen and his expression softened, the comment section noticing, "Hey, mate, I need to go. My girl needs me for something," he said, setting down his controller.
"Lando! Are you serious right now?" Max said, his eyes still glued to the screen.
"I am, see ya," he turned to the camera, smiling not so apologetically "Sorry, guys, duty calls. See you next time."
The last scene was a snippet from an interview, Lando had been asked what he saw in his future.
He paused, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Honestly? I see a lot of racing, hopefully some championships," he laughed, "but most importantly, I see her. I can't imagine my life without her."
The screen faded to black, showing a text that read: Get you a man who is as down for you as Lando Norris is for his girlfriend.
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satorusugurugurl · 2 months
Here's some funny ideas I've got while at work today; a leisure streamer gojo who'd just simply streamed himself playing games naked except for his sunglasses and briefs. Rumors had it that each time his all-time top donor was replaced, the new one would get to see him ~fully naked~.
The Leisure Streamer is a Hottie!
Summary: Rumor had it the top donor of the-strongest-streamers chats get to see him naked! Now that you're the top donor will you get to see the goods or was it just a rumor. Time will tell.
Pairing: Streamer!Gojo x FAB!Reader
Warnings: language, nudity, masturbation, mutual-masturbation, skype sex??
A/N: I fell in love with this request! ugjskdkekd I love them so much! Thank you bonnie for such a great idea!! 💚💚💚
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On Friday nights, you always ran home from your last college class, avoiding people on bikes and walking by. You often got dirty looks thrown at you or the occasional ‘watch where you're going.’ But nothing would stop your stride. Friday nights were some of your favorite nights of the week. All because the-strongest-streamer live streamed on Fridays.
And the man, god fuck, he was the hottest!
Gojo Satoru, aka the-strongest-streamer, was a leisure streamer. He played games like Animal Crossing, Dream Daddy, and fluffy feel-good games in only his boxers and sunglasses. He was among the most popular streamers, not only for his looks but also for his happy-go-lucky attitude. But because of a particular rumor that started going around.
It was said in the forms online, in his comments, and even on Twitter that every time his all-time top donor was replaced, the new one would get to join a private stream with him and see him fully naked. That was just a rumor. He had denied the allegations and made it clear that the private stream was to have a meet and greet with his top donor.
The meet and greet was why you’ve been saving money for six months. You wanted to meet the man who had brought you so much joy in the last year. You stumbled across his profile when looking through videos online. You were looking for a cute cat compilation to ease the ache in your heart after your boyfriend dumped you. Instead, you found this goofball that had you smiling like an idiot on your phone.
You had been in a dark time when you first found his videos. You wanted to express your gratitude to him. Seeing him naked was not your goal in any way, shape, or form.
The second you got home, you slid over to your laptop and pulled up Gojo’s stream. He was sprawled out in his black and blue gaming chair; blue LED lights illuminated the room. Black sunglasses reflected his computer screen as he adjusted his headset.
“Tom Nook is a scammer.” He announced as hundreds of comments flooded in. “The little shit asks me to do all this for him! After all, I have to spend my hard-earned bells on upgrading the pavers. Kiss my nicely toned ass, you bastard.” You smiled, giggling as you dreamily watched him. “Ya’ know what? Next week, we'll play Sims or something; I’d rather build a house than have Tom Nook steal all my money.”
He adjusted his sunglasses as he slipped on some frappe, the logo conveniently covered so no one knew where he was. Several comments flooded in asking what he was drinking, and most people sent in small donations. All of these were things Satoru tried to answer and thank. He may miss a couple here and there, but he tried hard to get to everyone. God, he was so down to earth.
It was all of those reasons that had you clicking the donate button, sending a total of eight hundred dollars to him. Your cute little icon of a mochi popped up on his screens, flashing while music blared. The whole scene reflected off his dark sunglasses.
“Eh?!” The white tufts of his hair flowed as he moved in, focus glued to the screen. “Whoa! Whoa! Mochi-gurl-89, thank you so much for that donation!” With a chipper chime, you took the spot as his top donor. “And it looks like you're my new top donor! Just before the stream ended! I'll have one of my admins contact you so we can do our private stream. And with this, I adore you all, until next time this is the-strongest-streamer signing off!”
The second he ended his stream, your inbox chimed with a new message. As Satoru said, it was a message from one of his admins. The message was clear; you got a thirty-minute stream, maybe more if Satoru agreed. There could be no recording of your conversation or photos, which was perfectly fine. All you wanted to do was talk. After agreeing to all those terms and signing a nondisclosure form, you were sent a link to your private stream.
You had your camera off, your cute chibi mochi avatar taking up your screen as Satoru’s room was fully displayed. With a deep breath, you shook your hands, trying to ease your nerves as a door opened on Satoru’s screen. A second later, he plopped down in his gaming chair. God, he was so handsome. Fluffy white hair and chiseled abs like he was carved from marble; he was just your type.
“Hello?” he asked, “you there, mochi-gurl-89?”
“O-Oh! Uhm, yes, hi!” He stared at the screen, frowning just a bit as he saw your avatar instead of your face.
“Here, I thought I’d be talking to a fan. Instead, it's a cute mochi ball.”
You nervously giggle before clicking a few times and turning your camera on. You felt so plain compared to him. He was incredibly sexy, and you were just an average college girl. In your opinion, there wasn’t much to see.
“Oh.” Satoru breathed out, drawing your attention back to the screen. You swear to God, you choked on your breath. Because he had taken his sunglasses off, revealing cerulean eyes behind white lashes. “Wow, you're fuckin’ hot.”
“Oh! Uhm—”
“Fuck! Sorry, did I say that out loud?” he sulked back in his chair. “I'm so sorry. I'm not one of those creeps who stalk their followers. I, I was expecting—”
“A giant ball of mochi?” The sweetness of your voice seems to have him relaxing as he realizes you didn't mind his compliment.
You cup some of your hair behind your ear, biting your lip. “Sorry to disappoint, but thank you for the compliment.”
“And thank you for the generous donation! That means a lot to me.”
“Thank you for being such a beacon of light in my life.” Did popular streamers think comments like that were cringe? “I hope that doesn’t come off creepy or weird.”
“I've had fans send me their underwear. Being a beacon of light to you is the least weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
You can't help the wide, warm smile that spreads across your face. “You have no clue how happy that makes me. I went through a nasty break and the night that it happened. I found one of your—” his fingers played with the hem of his boxers. “Your stream—and you—” fingers gently lift the hem, and you focus on his face. “Uhm Gojo?” The man on your screen hums.
“Yes, mochi-gurl?”
“I—I heard about you getting naked for the private streams.” Using your hands, you shield your vision. “B-But you don't have to do that! I just wanted to talk.”
“Eh?!” peeking through your fingers, you watch the white-haired man turn red. “Naked! No! No shit fuck, I'm sorry! I'm not a perv, I swear to god.” He shields his face in his hands, grumbling some incoherent words that you can't make out.
Gojo didn't seem like the type to be a pervert, and from his reaction, it wasn't like you’d caught him fully undressing in front of you. If anything, he seemed more embarrassed than you. After gathering your thoughts, you leaned a bit closer to your screen.
His white hair flies as his head jerks up. “I-I know about the rumors! How I get nude for my private streams for my top donors, but that is nothing more than a rumor, I swear!” Your eyes widen as he stares directly at you, into your soul. “I promise you I wasn't about to do anything remotely weird.” His face is almost entirely red, and his bottom lip is between his teeth as he scans your features.
“Okay,” you tentatively begin, “then what were you doing?”
“That's the thing; it's going to sound ten times worse when I tell you what I was doing.” you motion with your hands for him to continue. “Okay, just promise you won't put me on blast or try to cancel me?” When you nod, the leisure streamer grumbles before tilting his head back. “I-I’m sorry, but you're really hot. Like super mega hot.” Thank god your room is so dark, or he could see how flushed you were. “So hot, my stupid dick decided to spot a hard-on.” He rolls his chair back just an inch, revealing the extremely hard bulge in his boxers. “I was trying to discreetly lift the waistband so you wouldn't see how hard I was.”
A string of ‘I’m sorry’ echoes on the other end of the screen. Gojo’s blue eyes focused on you, waiting to see how you reacted to the news. His shy demeanor and the bulge in his boxers have you shifting in your seat. Heat pools between your thighs. God, were you getting wet? Rubbing your thighs together, you confirmed that you were as you felt your arousal. You bite down on your inner cheek to prevent a moan from sounding.
“Hey, mochi-gurl? You're too quiet, and you look super pissed. I'm sorry.” Gojo’s voice seems to enhance your growing arousal. He sits back, cocking a brow as you peer at him with dark needy eyes through your lashes. “H-Hey you go-goo—oh fuck.” He watches as you stick your hand between your legs.
“You think I’m hot?” Your voice is so smooth, with desire.
“Y-Yeah, super hot.” Gojo follows suit, his hand reaching back down, fingertips slipping under the band of his boxers. “The hottest fuckin’ girl I've ever seen.”
Pressing your fingers against your shorts, you rub your clit in slow circles. “Gojo, you’re girlfriend won't find us doing this?” The man on the screen before you scoff, his hand sliding fully into his boxers.
“Girlfr-ahh—” his hand moved up and down, “fuuuck—what girlfriend? I-I go to the gym, hang out with my friends, and live stream.” Watching him stroke himself has you feeling feral. “Plus streaming half naked, well, let's just say girls don't like that.”
You rubbed your clit faster, “As a girl, I like it.” White brows knitted on your screen. “I like it a lot; it's so hot.” Gojo watched, head resting back against his chair as you slid your hand up your shirt, cupping your breasts, massaging yourself.
“Y-Yeah? Does your boyfriend like it?”
“I don't have one~”
Gojo growled, biting down on his lip. “Really?” He leaned back, spreading his legs apart. “Lucky me.” Pursing your lips together, you tilted your head back. “Fuck, you're so fucking hot, sweetheart.” something overcame you. A boldness you hadn’t experienced before. Taking the bottom of your T-shirt, you put it between your teeth and lifted it, revealing your bare chest to your favorite streamer. “Oooh fuck, you have the prettiest tits.” Gojo watched as your fingers moved elegantly over your skin, kneading your breast until your nipples were hard. “How rude of me, you’re showing me yours might as well show you mine.”
A choke sounds in your throat as you nearly release your T-shirt from between your teeth. Gojo had pulled his boxers down just enough to hook them underneath his balls, freeing his gorgeous cock. His cock throbbed and twitched underneath his hand as he gently began stroking it up and down. Watching him stroking himself, twisting his wrist, squeezing it just around the tip, causing his head to tilt back, and seeing that made you do something you had never done.
Gojo could hear you shuffling in the background before your screen suddenly turned, and he faced a couch. You plopped down, your shorts discarded. With his jaw dropped open, Gojo watched as you spread your legs as wide as you could in front of the camera and rubbed your fingers over your wet pussy. You had never done something like this before. Sexting, yes, but full-on masturbating in front of a stranger, this was something you never thought you would do.
“Holy, you're so wet.” his hand sped up around his cock. “God, look at you. You’re so fucking pretty.” his thumb brushed over the slit rubbing pre-cum over the tip. “God, I wanna taste you. I bet you smell fucking delicious.”
“I want to suck you off, fuck, Gojo~ fuuuck.” coding your fingers in your slick, you rub quick, fast circles around your clit, causing your legs to tremble. “Gojo~ Gojo~”
“N-No, call me Satoru, please.”
Goj—Satoru tilts his head forward, his burning gaze on you, watching you slide a finger inside your tight heat. You don't think you've ever been so aroused. Having a stranger watching you finger yourself as he jerks off had your walls clenching around your fingers. Satoru must have thought the same thing because his tip dribbles more pre-cum, his cock throbbing hard as he matches his pace with yours.
“Oh god, I'm so wet.” Slick coats your fingers as you rub your clit with your thumb. “I can't remember the last time I was this wet.”
“I can tell, god, you're soaked.” Glancing at the screen, you can see Satoru gritting his teeth. “Oh fuck, I-I’m so hard it hurts, I-I’ve never done this before. God feels so good; all my brain is thinking is, ‘dick hard, feel good.’”
The conversation dies down, replaced with whines, moans, and grunts of pleasure. Your eyes never miss each other. You both constantly look each other over, whispering each other’s names like prayers. You try to imagine how his thick, long fingers would feel inside of you instead of your own. You know that he could reach the sweet spots inside you that you loved. At the same time, Satoru imagines replacing his hand with your own while his fingers take the place of yours.
Both of you are so worked up that you find yourself dangling over the edge of an orgasm before you know it. Your legs are trembling, toes curling, while Satoru’s hand moves faster his other hand, reaching down, cupping his balls, massaging them. Both of you are lost in each other’s pleasure without even touching the other. There’s chemistry between you. Both you and Satoru can feel it through the screen.
“Oh fuck, of fuck, fuuuuck fuck!” Satoru leans closer to his screen to watch you. “Oh god, I can feel it coming; it’s gonna be a big one. Baby~ fuuuck, please tell me you’re close.”
“S-So close.” a sharp inhale of breath sounds, “Oooh fuckin’ shit, Satoru, I’m gonna cum~.”
“Oi.” your eye hazily find him, “look at me when you cum.”
That, god, that was the hottest thing anyone has ever told you. “Cummin! Oh fuck, Satoru~! Satorruu!” the screen that leaves your body almost doesn’t sound human as you squirt all over your couch. Even though your orgasm is the hardest one you’ve ever experienced, not once do your eyes leave his.
“Good girl~ good fuckin girl.” his praises leave your cunt twitching. “Oh fuck, gonna fill you up all the way. Tell me you want it. Please.”
“Yes~ Satoru, inside~ inside~!”
The veins and his neck protrude as he slams his free fist against his desk, causing his setup to shake. Ropes and ropes of white cum spurt out of his cock. The sticky substance coats his abdomen, on the top of his thighs and hand.
“Fuck~ fuck~fuuuck!” His hand continues, moving up and down his shaft, milking his cock for all that it’s worth. “Fuuuck!” he hisses out through clenched teeth.
Several seconds pass, both of you breathing heavily, recovering from your orgasms. Swallowing hard at your dry throat, you slowly pull your fingers out of you with a wince. Satoru was the next move, grabbing some tissues off his desk and cleaning himself up. You can’t help but laugh softly in the silence of cleaning yourselves.
Hearing the angelic sound leaving your mouth, Satoru focuses his blue eyes on you. “What’s got you giggly over there?” much to his disappointment, you slide your shorts back on before sitting back on the couch.
“That was one hell of a meet and greet.”
Satoru’s lets out a rough laugh.”Yeah, it sure as hell was. I think I owe you a proper meet and greet.” The streamer let out a content sigh. “Are you free tomorrow night? I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.” he leans back, fixing his boxers.
“Think you can keep your boner down long enough for that?”
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I can’t make any promises that it’ll behave.”
“Huh, what if I don’t want it to behave?”
Flushed cheeks darken in color as Satoru’s mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. “Goddamn, you're so hot. Who knew some chick with a mochi avatar was going to have me stroking my cock tonight.” God, he was so cute, both physically and in personality. “Which is super cute, by the way. Did you do it yourself, or did you have an artist commission it? Because I am in dire need of some new avatar artwork for my videos.”
“I drew it myself. I’m a freelance graphic design artist.”
“You takin’ commissions right now, Miss oh-so-hot-and-talented?”
“If I get this job I want tomorrow, I might have to take a brief break. But I would make an exception for you.”
Satoru opens his mouth to say something, but there’s a knock on the door behind him. “Shit, sorry, I gotta go; I promised my roommate I would help him hook up a computer upstairs.” With one final glance in your direction, Satoru, for once, was elated over a rumor that had spread about him over the Internet. “Tomorrow same time, mochi-gurl?”
“Sounds great, Satoru.”
After bidding farewell to the exceptionally hot man, you pass out on the couch. From the excitement of getting to meet your favorite streamer to the intensity of your orgasm. The combination of those contributing factors knocked you on your ass. While your neck was stiff, falling asleep like that on the couch allowed you to get some of the best sleep in months.
You woke up refreshed and ready for your interview that morning. Satoru had put a peep in your step as you walked into the coffee shop you had an interview with. The owner wanted to develop a new logo design for the shop. One that was both warm, welcoming, and had an adorable mascot.
“Wow,” The man across from you flips through your portfolio, “you're talented. You’re just a freelance artist?”
“Mhmm, I don’t like big corporations. I would rather help out small businesses and help support our local community.”
The man interviewing you brushes dark bangs out of his face, his tongue running over his lip piercing. “We love supporters of small businesses. People like you that keep our place going.” He brushes long, dark strands of hair before his dark eyes leave the page before him, meeting your nervous gaze. “Which is why I think you would be a great fit. Your art is exactly what I’m looking for when I think of our logo.”
“Really? That’s so good to hear. I promise you I won’t disappoint you. I’ll be sure to make your dreams come true.”
Your interviewer shuts your portfolio, handing it back to you. He held out his hand, his nails painted black, and his rings on almost every finger. When you first walked into this cute café, you were intimidated by the stranger. He was covered in tattoos and piercings, and his gauges were huge, but he couldn't have been any nicer. So, without hesitation, you stood up, shaking his hand.
“I'm looking forward to doing business with you, Geto.”
“Same goes for me; I’ll give you a tour and introduce you to everyone.”
Rainbow Dragon Cafe recently went viral for its excellent coffee, pastries, and aesthetic. Not only was it a café, but it was also a gaming café. There is a bar where people can enjoy their coffee and booths where they can sit down and work on projects if needed. On one wall, there’s a large flat-screen TV playing compilations of different streamers talking to the camera as they play games. A large sectional couch was set up in front of it so people could sit down and watch if they wanted to.
The other wall was set up so that people could take photos with the company's logo behind them. That was if they had a logo, which is where you came in. For the next few months, your job was to help the owner, Geto Suguru, design and revamp his menu and website. Once you succeed in your mission, a cute neon sign with the logo will be placed on the wall, covered in fake vines and flowers. It is the perfect spot to take photos and hashtag the cafe in their posts.
“This is Shoko; she manages the front and helps run orders to tables.” A woman with dark brown hair waved at you casually as she passed a cigarette in her mouth and headed for the front.
“Taking a smoke break, I’ll be right back.”
Geto led you into the back, where an espresso machine hissed. “Back here is Ryomen Sukuna; he is my best barista.” The muscular, pink-haired man in front of you, covered in tattoos, slammed a rag down on the counter.
“I'm not some fucking barista; I’m the king of coffee.”
“Right, king of coffee, sorry.” Geto introduced you to several other workers. Most of them were just high schoolers working there as a part-time. Itadori, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki waved at you before returning to doing their inventory. “And you’ll meet my girls eventually. They said something about getting more couches or pillows for the front. They’re the head of our social media team.”
You lean over the counter with Geto, overlooking the shop that you were hired to help. “I love the setup you guys have. It’s got my creative juices flowing.” Glancing at the TV, you watch a compilation of different streamers reacting to jump scares. “But I’m curious. Why make it a gaming cafe?” Geto follows your gaze, humming at your question.
“That’s all because of my best friend. I didn’t want just to run a cafe and bookstore; I wanted to do something different. He pitched the idea. A place for people to sip coffee, read a book, or play video games.”
“Sounds like he’s a good friend.”
“He is.” Geto jerks his thumb in the direction of a door. “He rents out the basement while I live in the loft upstairs. He's an investor; you might get to meet him if he ever drags his stupid ass out of the basement.”
“Oh, that wou—”
Before you finish your sentence, the door Geto is still pointing at is slammed open. “Suguru! Hey, do you think I could borrow that blue shirt of y-you—” God, if you hadn’t been holding onto the counter, you might’ve passed out? Blue eyes that had been locked and focused on the night before met your gaze. You almost didn’t recognize him because he was wearing clothes. “H-Holy shit, mochi-gurl?!”
Your favorite leisure streamer, the man you had masturbated with the night before, was standing right in front of you—more like towering over at a total of six three feet. Words seem to evade you as you stutter. “G-Gojo?” Why was the room spinning all of a sudden?
“Hey, I thought we went over this last night. You can call me Satoru!” his smile fades as soon as it appears on his face. “Sweetheart? Oh shi—” He’s rushing forward just as your world fades to black due to shock.
This was a dream right, it had to be a dream!
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe
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luciathcv · 25 days
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make it all better - nmr
summary: riki takes care of you when you can't fall asleep || warnings: reader is naked in front of riki in a non-sexual manner, riki helps reader bathe in a non-sexual manner || genre: fluff, established relationship || word count: approximately 750 || a/n: i have serious restless leg syndrome and have trouble sleeping because of it at the very least once a month.
Despite all of your efforts, you could not fall asleep. It wasn't that you weren't tired, you most definitely were after the long week you'd had. You just felt completely restless. Your body was actually starting to hurt as you lay in bed, something that happened to you every once in a while.
Through your suffering, your boyfriend, Riki, lies next to you, half-asleep. He couldn't fall asleep as he could feel your constant movement and soft whines in discomfort. He was trying to let you work it out since sometimes it did, but clearly it wasn't.
After you moved your leg another time, Riki had enough. He turned over to face you, "Baby, why are you moving so much?" He asked, though he pretty much knew the answer.
"I'm so uncomfortable. I can't fall asleep." You complained.
Riki sighed as he pulled you closer, pressing a chaste kiss on your forehead. "You want to try taking a warm bath?" Riki asked. He'd done his research on this since this happened to you somewhat often. He hated that you had to go through this but he wanted to help with it the most he could.
"I'm tired." You whined, your body wanting you to move while at the same time feeling completely fatigued.
"It's okay. I'll be there." Riki reassured you, wanting you to know that he'd take care of you and be there if you were to hopefully fall asleep.
"Okay." You gave in and he nodded, getting up with a small sigh as he walked around to your side of the bed and helped you up, holding your hand gently as he walked you to the bathroom. He sat on the closed toilet as he turned the water on, putting the plug in the drain and testing the water with his fingers to see if it was the right temperature, doing all of that as you undressed.
Once you'd undressed, you got in the tub, and sat down, the water slowly filling up around you. You couldn't lie, the warm feeling of the water did slightly help but your legs still felt the urge to move around. Riki stood up momentarily to grab your soap before sitting down again.
Riki helped you wash yourself as you relaxed a bit in the warm water. Eventually, the water started to get colder as Riki sat down next to where you sat with your legs out in the tub, his hand holding yours comfortingly. He was sleepy but he knew you were more sleepy and he hated that you couldn't fall asleep so he wanted to help you.
"Riki, I'm ready to get out." You said and he nodded, his hand reaching into the water and pulling the plug out, the water started to drain down the hole as he stood up and helped you up, slowly helping you out of the tub so you didn't slip or hurt yourself.
He then wrapped a towel around your body and you held it against yourself. He put his hand on your back and led you back to the bedroom. You then got into your pajamas, brushed, and did all that you needed to do to your hair, before laying down in bed again with your boyfriend.
"You want to try distracting yourself?" Riki asked. "We could watch something." He suggested.
"Okay." You nodded, smiling a little.
Riki smiled back, an idea coming to his head. "We could watch those mini cooking videos you like to watch." He proposed and you nodded.
"Yeah." You happily said. He took his phone out and typed "mini cooking video compilation" in the search bar of YouTube, not caring if it messed his YouTube's algorithm up as his YouTube was already full of videos you liked due to him always letting you use his phone whenever yours died and also from him simply watching random videos with you at night.
He clicked on a video you guys hadn't yet watched and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer as he held the phone with his other hand. You both silently watched the video together for a bit and before you knew it you were fast asleep, the restlessness in your legs long forgotten as you dreamed sweet dreams of your boyfriend and you. Riki noticed you'd fallen asleep and shut his phone off, putting it on the nightstand before turning to face you, pulling you closer as he shut his eyes, falling asleep with you shortly after.
-- link to my masterlist
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nctyena · 1 year
A Compilation Of Fans' Favorite Moments YenaxMembers #1
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Weekly Idol ep. 462
Yena was a bit ill throughout the shooting and fans could tell.
When they started to play random dance play, she messed up a few times; some of the members jokingly teased her. Taeil was smiling with them but after the third time he came to her defence.
"Yah,yah! She is messing up since everyone is focusing on her too much."
He was still smiling but there was a tint of seriousness in his voice. Yena hugged him and fake cried.
"Oppa,they are being mean to me."
"Taeil-shi, you look like you are about to beat us."
It wasn't a big scene but still, fans found this moment sweet and loved how Taeil handled the stiuation light heartedly.
Seoul Music Awards 2019
She had a special stage at the show. And let me tell you that Taeil was here for it. He was all hyped up about it and didn't hide it even a bit. Even in the fancam of her performance, at the end his scream could be heard.
Nct 127-Favorite Relay Dance Video
These two were vibing at the back all along. At one point Yena was even leading a couple dance. But fan's favorite part was when the part came for the chorus they were twerking (not really tho)
Vlive 210320
"Oppa,you look so cute."
"Taeil hyung why do you never respond to her love?"
"I respond often. Don't I, Yena?"
"I don't remember well."
He hugged her tightly while laughing. She let him of course. He didn't let his attention drift away from her for the rest of the live.
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Hi Tyong 💚💚💚 Vlive
Taeyong was talking with the fans, and it was inerrupted by the sound of his member.
"Can I come in?"
"Yena? I'm on live. Say hi to the fans."
She wasn't seen in the camera but fans could hear her whispering something then Taeyong nodded.
"Yena is going to watch my live too. She hangs out in my room sometimes."
"It's so comfy here."
After some minutes Taeyong looked at her and laughed.
"Everyone, Yena is getting sulky. I need to hang out with her."
"I'm not sulking."
"Yes you are."
A little plushie dodged Taeyong's head and he laughed even more.
"Anyway, I'll see you guys soon. Bye for now."
"Czeenie, don't hate me for stealing oppa."
*She shared a selfie with him that day captionning "He loves me most"*
[Un Cut] Take #5 | 'gimme gimme' Music Video Behind the Scene
It was seemingly cold and the fits weren't helping them either.
Yena was seen with a big coat but she was still freezing. Soon enough, Taeyong realized it and asked the stuff for some heat pads. They handed him three little pads and he called Yena.
"It's almost over. Just a few more hours."
Yena hit his arm for his teasing. Nevertheless, he placed the heaters carefully inside her coat and hugged her a few seconds.
Mission Command
"I want to be in the same group with Taeyong oppa."
"I don't want to though."
As soon as he said it he run to her and apologized. She pretended to be hurt.
"I'm gonna steal your food next time."
"I deserved it."
Towards the end of the video she was carrying him on her back and to this day no one knows the context behind this. But still, it's a sweet moment for the fans.
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kaaaaaaarf · 5 months
hello karfy i might be moving to toronto next year and what better way to prepare than to become a toronto maple leaves fan (i’ve seen your posts i’m very intrigued!!!) however. i have never watched hockey before so i am here to ask. how do i start
Why hello, anon!! ✨ Okay, so I dunno if I'm the best person to ask (I have been a Leafs fan since I left the womb) but I certainly have amped up my love for the team over the last year, so I'll do my best! I also asked some people in the Leafs discord server I'm in (shhh shhh no one look at me) to crowd source an answer.
So firstly, while I have always been a hockey fan, I rediscovered my love for it after I read a fanfic a little over a year ago (I dunno if you're a marauders fan, but it was Sweater Weather) which reminded me how much I love the sport. After that, I started watching more games, and I think that's really key! Watch as many games as you can, or at the very least, recaps on youtube.
I know when you first start watching a sport, it's hard to figure out what's going on if you don't know the rules, so here are two videos that will give you quick, digestible tutorials on rules and a bit about teams.
One of my favourite things about hockey is the fights. I'm a simple woman, I like to see two men beat the shit out of each other with blades attached to their feet. Here is a compilation of NHL fights.
For the Leafs specifically, it helps to get to know the players! Seeing their personailities, and how they interact absolutely make the games more interesting. Their youtube channel has all sorts of great videos, including interviews, but there is also this show they do called Blueprint. It's really well made and gives you a glimpse into the current team, and how the Leafs function as an organization. The episodes are only 15ish minutes long, and I really recommend them. They also have Tiktok and instagram accounts if that's more your thing!
Watch hockey films/tv! Might I suggest the comedy Goon, or the kids classic The Mighty Ducks? (the second mighty ducks is just as good as the first, but that may be a childhood obsession with Joshua Jackson talking)
If you can go see hockey games wherever you live now, I really, really recommend it. There's nothing quite like watching hockey in person! NHL games can be a bit expensive, but there are loads of feeder teams all over the US and Canada (and even in the UK, and Europe), so spend $25 on a ticket, dress warm, and see a game!
Finally, follow some hockey/Leafs tumblr accounts! That really helped me get the vibe for whats happening on the Leafs right now, and it's a lot of fun to follow the live blogging when a game is on. Might I recommend @domi-max, @mxaether, @wmnylander, @donttelltheelff, @kimsparis, @allthisscienceidontunderstand, @hockeyburner, @torontoicehounds, @mmmitchmmmarner, @wqller, @583416, @callejarnkrok & @3416
Hope this helps, anon! 💖
PS: Toronto also has a PWHL (women's hockey) team!! They are amazing, and I really recommend checking them out, too.
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ct-hardcase · 3 months
Since a twitter mutual asked for an Inquisitor canon guide, I'm revamping my answer to an anon to include some more recent inquisitor canon. I'll get into the substantial canon stories first (which I'd say are the proverbial "must watch/read/play"s), and then into the ones where there might be slightly less content in a list below:
Star Wars: Rebels originated the inquisitors in the new canon and the start of their lore, though I'd argue it wasn't the best at handling them. Despite this, I'd recommend starting here. Introduces the Grand Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, and Eighth Brother. Also introduces (the ever-elusive) Project Harvester.
Darth Vader (2017): while this is a Vader-focused comic, you get quite a bit of inquisitor lore out of it, and also multiple characters you won’t find anywhere else/many other places. Highly recommend for how it builds up the Grand Inquisitor, Ninth Sister, and Sixth Brother in particular. Also includes the Fifth Brother, Tenth Brother, Iskat, and Tualon in a capacity that develops their characters. The comic additionally goes out of its way to include Seventh, Eighth, and Trilla as background characters. I recommend reading all of it, since I love the way it handles Vader as well, but the inquisitor-focused issues are almost all issues 6-20 minus issues 10 and 18. The writing has some flaws but overall one of my favorite canon comics in terms of story and art.
Jedi: Fallen Order was the blueprint, honestly. What made the inquisitors ascend from goofy side characters in others' stories to tragic villains in their own right. What's not to love about Trilla Suduri? Also provides a fair bit of depth to Ninth Sister, especially in the context of her previous DV (2017) appearances. It also fleshes out the Purge Troopers, who, while not inquisitors, are a fun addition to the organization. Also add a bit of inquisitor capture/initiation lore. I'm not a gamer, so I found a video which compiled all of the story scenes and it did the trick for me (though many gamers do recommend playing).
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Introduces Reva Sevander, and her wonderfully complicated story and character. This is among some of the essential inquisitor watch material for good reason, as it provides context for how inquisitors interpret the group dynamics, as well as a look at their military operations and how a hunt works from their end, somewhat. It also provides some context and/or development for the Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother; and introduces the Fourth Sister.
Rise of the Red Blade: The most personal look we get into an inquisitor's backstory and fall, so far (TotE will probably prove me wrong in about a month), this story centers Iskat's time as a Jedi and a bit of her time as an inquisitor. It goes through a Knight's look at the clone wars, and some of the Inquisitor initiation process/first few missions, in addition to glimpses of what a pre-Vader inquisitorius looked like. This book also features Tualon as a prominent character, but notably includes cameos from almost every canon inquisitor minus Reva, Marrok, and Bird Mask.*
*among others, who are more relegated to sourcebooks/secondhand references.
Next on the docket are Barriss' Tales of the Empire shorts, which I assume is going to go into the Inquisitor initiation process in full detail (see also: the reason Delilah Dawson couldn't full delve into it in RotRB), and should feature Barriss, the Fourth Sister, the Grand Inquisitor Marrok, and Bird Mask; and the Inquisitors (2024) comic miniseries coming this summer, which should include the Grand Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, and Ninth Sister.
I'll organize the rest by characters that you may want to know more about, though please note that there are minor spoilers for the above series (including character names) in the summaries of the series below:
Grand Inquisitor:
The Servants of the Empire series has some Grand Inquisitor lore with a focus on Zare Leonis and (the ever-elusive) Project Harvester. The Grand Inquisitor serves as an antagonist. This is a Middle Grade series, but it's one of the best MG series I've read in Star Wars.
The Grand Inquisitor has appeared in the Rebels manga adaptation! I haven't read it myself, but the art looks good.
He gets a semi-canon appearance in one short story of Star Wars: Dark Legends. He's got creepy vampire vibes, which are cool, and you also get one of my favorite Order 66 survivors in the dubiously-canon Kira Vantala.
[He also gets a spotlight in Issue 6 of Star Wars (2020). Yes, the comic takes place post-esb. Yes, the Grand Inquisitor is there. This one has the most payoff after reading Vader (2017) and watching swr s1
Will probably have a supporting/important role in Barriss' Tales of the Empire shorts.
Second Sister (Trilla Suduri):
Most of her Material is in JFO, but she also gets a spotlight in Jedi Fallen Order: Dark Temple. Though this five-issue comic focuses mostly on Cere, it gives you some good Second Sister content, presented pre-Trilla reveal in-game. It gives you more of her cool and competent inquisitor vibe that way. Also, the dynamic Trilla has with her Purge Trooper Commander is a bonus for me, in this one.
Third Sister (Reva Sevander):
Sadly, not a lot of supplemental content exists for Reva outside of OWK. I suppose I'm obligated to include the Obi-Wan Kenobi Comic Adaptation, but considering the art is about the equivalent of traced-over screenshots, I feel confident in saying you can skip this one.
Fourth Sister (Lyn):
Her...armor appears in Return to Vader’s Castle 4 and 5. The saboteur wearing it uses her designation, but that's about all the character lore we get. I suspect that more will come in the TotE short.
Will probably have a supporting/important role in Barriss' Tales of the Empire shorts.
Fifth Brother:
He gets a PoV section in Jedi: Battle Scars! Though it's not super substantive, it's the closest we've gotten to a backstory for him, and he gets a hell of a duel in this one. The overall plot is steamy and fun as well, plus Merrin and Fret are worth the price of admission alone.
He also gets a lot of bit parts in other inquisitor media, including OWK and Vader (2017), all of which add up to a more complex character than the man we get in Rebels.
Some comics featuring the Fifth Brother are in the Star Wars Rebels Magazine are in German so if you read the language you’re in luck, but some have been translated into English by fans so you can find them in their tumblr tags.
It seems he'll be a main character in the Inquisitors (2024) comic series.
Sixth Brother (Bil Valen):
The Ahsoka Novel: This is obviously mostly about Ahsoka, but Sixth Brother gets some PoV chapters as well. Though the chapters may initially not seem the most substantive, the other inquisitor canon (plus his scenes in Vader [2017]) builds up around him to end up giving a surprising amount of glimpses into who he is as a person. The Grand Inquisitor also appears here, but his appearance is short enough to not warrant a place in his section.
Seventh Sister:
She plays a somewhat significant role in Iskat's first years in Rise of the Red Blade, though sadly, aside from Rebels, she doesn't have a substantive role in many stories.
Seventh Sister also features in the Star Wars Rebels Magazine stories.
She also seems to be a main character in the Inquisitors (2024) comic series.
Eighth Brother:
Sorry, you're SoL (I say with love; he's my favorite).
In all seriousness, he has one line of dialogue in Vader (2017), and a cameo in Rise of the Red Blade. If he ends up being your favorite, I can help link some interviews from Robbie Daymond about him, or something.
Ninth Sister (Masana Tide):
Aside from a brief appearance in Jedi: Survivor, most of her story takes place in Vader (2017) and JFO.
She also appears to be among the main cast of Inquisitors (2024).
Tenth Brother (Prosset Dibs):
Mace Windu: Jedi of the Republic: A five-issue comic focusing on a strike team of four Jedi in the beginning the clone war, raises questions of what the republic is coming to, and also gives you some of the Tenth Brother’s backstory.
Thirteenth Sister (Iskat Akaris):
She doesn't have much outside of Vader (2017) and RotRB, but considering she's the protagonist of the latter, hopefully that's alright for now.
Tualon Yaluna:
See Iskat's entry above—though he's not the protagonist of RotRB, he gets quite a bit of focus.
One of the antagonists of the Ahsoka show, and primarily appears there.
Will probably have a supporting/background role in Barriss' Tales of the Empire shorts.
Bird Mask:
A note on him is that the jury's split about whether he's actually the Sixth Brother based on his role in Ahsoka's final Tales of the Jedi episode, which is strikingly similar to the Ahsoka Novel. I choose to believe he's not.
Will probably have a supporting/background role in Barriss' Tales of the Empire shorts.
Other Canon Inquisitors/Noncanonical Inquisitors/I'm Bald/Other Nuanced Opinion:
There’s an Inquisitor in the semi-canon Star Wars Visions season 1 episode T0-B1.
There's also an Inquisitor in the semi-canon Star Wars Visions season 2 episode Bandits of Golak.
Per a guidebook released prior to Obi-Wan Kenobi, There was an inquisitor with the designation Third Brother. At this time, we do not know what he looks like, nor has he been confirmed to have been in a story.
Per a TTRPG campaign, there was a female inquisitor who trained the Nightsister Jerserra, who killed her and stole the unidentified inquisitor's lightsaber. We do not have confirmation on who this is.
Maul carries an inquisitor's saber from at least the time of Solo to Star Wars: Rebels. This may or may not belong to an existing canon inquisitor or an as-of-yet-unknown character (it was modeled off of the Grand Inquisitor's, but we can assume this was due to budget concerns).
There's a variety of mobile games, sourcebooks, and other sources that provide a series of blurbs on the canon inquisitors that I haven't kept close track of. While these provide some information, most of it goes over existing information (possibly sourced directly from the Star Wars databank entries or Wookieepedia pages) and rarely do we get any new information from these (and more rarely still does canon actually stick to the information we get from them). These are fun, and can be delved into if you want more detail, but my personal MO is to stick to canon works first.
The slight exception to me is the Lightsaber coffeetable book, which I find has gorgeous (original!) art, and has some blurbs about the inquisitors' fighting styles.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Jikook in Photofolio Reaction Film
We had 3 members photofolios drop! And so then we get reactions from all the other members to their photos! Plus we get teasers of their reactions to the other members too! Such a fun thing to wake up to and watch. Plus we got some cute jikookery and cute everyone else in here too. I'll just be focusing on the small little jikook interactions in this post though. Starting with how they sat "towards" each other practically the whole time. Which was very cute. JKs arm around Jimins seat, their feet kept touching on and off. Adorable.
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Jimins reactions to JKs photos was amazing! As was everyone else's too! All the compliments for his genius feeds my soul
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Followed by JKs reaction to Jimins photos. It was even better. Lmfao what is this face? You okay bro?? All the Jimin praise from everyone makes me so happy too!!
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Calling him an angel, ONCE AGAIN
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And of course, JK gave us another round of that's the friendshipping minimoni when Jimin compliments Joon lol cute
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A compilation video of Jikook cuts only from factkm here too
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I will reblog this next year with the moments from the reaction videos part 2 after everyone else's photofolios drop and they release the next one as well. I'm looking forward to it because the tannies praising each other makes me so happy and this was so cute!
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Floyd Leech Bloom Birthday Personal Story: Part 1
"Happy Birthday"
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Octavinelle Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Floyd: So, it's almost time for the birthday interview, huh. I wonder what they'll ask this year.
Floyd: And 'sides, who did the "Magical Pendulum" even choose to be my presenter?
???: Excuse me!
Ortho: Happy birthday, Floyd Leech-san! Let's have a good time today.
Floyd: Oooh, so you're the one who's gonna get this show on the road, Clione-chan? Make it entertaining for me, 'kay?
Ortho: I'll do my best. So then, I'll get the interview going right away.
Ortho: "Are you good or bad at flying?"
Floyd: Flying? Sure, I like it, but I don't know if I'm good at it, or nothing.
Floyd: Sometimes I can clear a set task in one go, but when I can't, I just suuuck.
Floyd: Stuff like having to fly at a specific height in a straight line's super boring, too.
Ortho: I understand. So you're the type whose flying skills can change greatly depending on your current emotions.
Floyd: Isn't that how everyone is?
Floyd: If something looks fun, I totally feel like trying it, but if it's boring, it's a pain to even lift one finger to do it.
Floyd: But meh, even on days I'm not really feeling up to doing anything, I can still fly higher than Jade or Azul, so.
Ortho: Oh, that reminds me, I've seen statistics that says merfolk tend to dislike flying.
Floyd: Hrrrrm, there's data like that? I bet whoever researched that must've been real bored.
Floyd: I mean, I guess Jade and Azul don't really like flying from the get go, anyway.
Floyd: Back when I first started learning how to fly, it didn't matter how into it I was, I still messed up a ton.
Floyd: It's a totally different sensation than being in the water, so I had a hard time just trying to balance on top of the broom.
Ortho: That does indeed sound like an issue that arises simply by default of being merfolk.
Floyd: Oh yeah, way back when, I remember I had a total epic fail.
Floyd: I couldn't control the broom at all, and ended up slamming into the bushes. Ahaha,
Ortho: Eehh!? Did you get hurt?
Floyd: Uhh, just got scraped up here and there, I guess? But it was so fast compared to how we move in the ocean, so it startled me a bit.
Floyd: But, I just couldn't get over that thrill I felt, y'know~? I wanted to feel it again, so…
Floyd: I'd watch videos and try to copy what I saw, trying all sorts of different stuff. Eventually, I was able to fly better.
Floyd: Lobster-sensei even told me that out of all the merfolk he's ever taught here, that I was one of the fastest to pick it up, too.
Ortho: Wow, that's amazing!
Ortho: I wonder why your improvement was much faster compared to the other merfolk?
Floyd: How should I know? Lobster-sensei just said that it's important to not be afraid of flying, though.
Ortho: If I were to compile everything you've explained here… I guess that means what's most important is to have the proper spirit, right?
Floyd: Maybe?
Floyd: It's also just a waste of time to just be zoning out thinking of other things, or just doing nothing like a sea anemone, anyway.
Ortho: Ehe, you're right. I want to be able to learn new things without fear just like that, too.
Floyd: 'Kay, I think that wraps it up nicely, don'tcha? Clione-chan, get on with the next question.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @sadinasaphrite.
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randomffiction · 1 year
Story Snippets 🍃🔶 Earth and Wind
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A drabble for my favorite lovebirds, Zhongli and Venti. I love them so much I need to write more Zhongven tbh.
[Master Links]
Here's a chapter celebrating Venti's birthday!
Venti, an artist with well over a dozen albums under his belt. Alongside Zhongli, a well known leader of a historical society group in New York. The two of them are walking about the city when they notice a crowd forming near a billboard.
Curious over what have pique the crowds interest, he tugs on Zhongli's long sleeves. "Can we please check that out? It'll only be for awhile I promise!" There it is, the signature starry eyes Venti would give to his audience and making them squeal with happiness and awe.
Zhongli have been in this situation before, he likes to think he's immune to it but there's something in Venti's eyes that absolutely tug at his heartstring.
"I'm supposed to accompany you to rehearsal, not to join a crowd gathering over a billboard out of all things." He begin to scold the singer, but Venti being Venti cover his ears and blow a raspberry to him.
"Don't make me hold you by the collar in public, Bard. I don't want to gather a crowd around you too." There's the stern teacher voice Zhongli would use when he's off teaching other historians about a subject. But that voice only prompt the smaller figure to giggle.
"So jealous, I'll only go look for a moment! No one will notice I'm their favorite artist just wandering around New York." His tone filled with confidence and pride, very sure of himself he won't get a trail of paparazzi running after him like last time.
Zhongli look at Venti with concerned as he take a glance at his watch. He sigh before replying to him, "Okay but only for a moment and don't leave my side." He offer his hand to the singer, Venti of course immediately takes it and intertwined their fingers together.
"Got it captain!" "And watch your guitar please."
Venti readjust his guitar case straps as tight as he comfortably can before dragging Zhongli by the hand to the crowd watching a billboard. At first it was just an ad about a new restaurant that just opened next block, but then it happened.
The billboard shows a video of a compilation of Venti's singing with the text "Happy Birthday Venti". The crowd instantly cheers and start recording the billboard. It only just occurred to both Zhongli and Venti that the whole crowd are wearing the singer's merch and holding a massive banner with the same text as the billboard.
Venti instantly turn red, embarrassed that his fans would do such a thing. To even rent a billboard to dedicate a video just for his birthday, he's proud and want to die at the same time. He would have to take note of this event and post it on his social media.
"Venti.. I think they noticed you."
Zhongli said just above whisper to Venti. The two of them starting to notice that the crowd of people are starting to eye them, some blinking in disbelief.
"We should go quietly, while they're still unsure." Zhongli starts to tug on Venti's hand, but the other are still flustered by the gift from his fans. So he decide to do what he does best.
"Thank you everyone, why don't we take a picture together?"
That day is going to be remembered as the day Venti takes a group picture with the crowd while Zhongli is the one holding up the camera.
"Happy birthday Venti!"
If you enjoy that chapter please check the others in AO3. Thank you for reading!
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kimuramasaya · 6 months
every month of 2023! 🎉
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
tagged by @ambivartence @dongkwan and @xiaojuun thank you beloveds 💓
I'll tag @woodziecup @lunetual @dreamaze @hwichanis and @mizugucci, but if you haven't been tagged and want to do this, consider this your tag!
I did not post nearly as much as I thought I did this year, and my gifs really got increasingly niche 😅 I'm just linking to my favorite set from each month since there are few months with only a couple posts
jan: txt sugar rush ride studio choom. these aren't the best since they were the first gifs I made in 3 months, but this is what got me giffing again, so it feels important
feb: tnx sungjun love or die. here's where the niche content starts. my other tnx sets from this month did better, but I liked this one best
march: vanner hyesung vlive. this was my busiest month as I made my way through old vanner content and vity groovy stages
april: dkb lune 24/7 compilation aka the time I made 27 lune gifs and then only posted 15 to look less insane
may: ikon jinhwan u. when will my husband return from the war 😞
june: vanner on idol league. my belovedest peak time winners ♡
july: jinhwan solo concept photos. remember when I went off with this coloring? I still can't believe how well these came out I'll never color something so well again
august: vanner gon performer ending fairy. everyone needs to perceive my wonseo it's not optional
sept: vanner hyesung performer ending fairy. I only posted 4 sets (all of vanner) this month, but even if I posted more, my cutest hamji would probs still be my fave
oct: ini masaya hana ending fairy. my one and only post for the month. this started my jpop posting, which somehow has a smaller audience than my kpop flops
nov: ini drop choreography video. despite me not discovering this song until like august, it was my second most played song of the year. this was also probably one of my most rewatched yt vids, and i do think everyone should watch it at least once
dec: jo1 takumi radiovision. I've barely posted this month, but expect more jo1 and ini gifs next week since I'm done with work for the year. it's just me and my audience of 4 against the world
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robotnuts · 2 years
Hi sorry if you’ve answered this before but do you know the “correct” way to watch all rvb content? I recently found out there’s like, bonus episodes outside of the main seasons and have no idea what order I’m supposed to be watching everything in. I’m doing a rewatch soon with my partner and just wanted to know if you knew, no worries if not!
yeah sure!
so what i'm guessing you're probably asking is about is the miniseries. the first two pretty much need to be watched for the plot in my opinion
seasons 1-4
out of mind miniseries
season 5
recovery one miniseries
season 6
relocated miniseries
seasons 7-9
MIA and WTAWTAW miniseries (two of them!)
season 10-onwards
there's also the chorus journals that take place before season 11 (these are technically a miniseries i think). bonus points if you include journal #4 which rt lamely left out of the compilation
if youre ever confused i recommend just looking up your current season on the rvb wiki, and the bottom of the infobox will let you know if theres a miniseries to be watched next
NEW EDIT: THERE ARE ALSO TRAILERS FOR THE SEASONS THAT INCLUDE ADDITIONAL CONTENT. These are like, dubiously canon, the RVB9 one in particular gets retconned pretty heavily, but should still be watched before their seasons. Here’s the ones that actually have original content and aren’t just montages of moments from the season. 
reconstruction trailer (rvb6) / recreation trailer (rvb7) / rvb9 trailer / rvb12 trailer / rvb13 trailer
(also because i am so autistic: there’s also the original trailer that, iirc, was made like 6 months before they actually started making the series. it doesn’t really have a ton to do with what rvb would become but it’s definitely a cool artifact.) 
(there’s also this rvb10 trailer which doesnt have anything new but is charming enough i want to save it on this post anyways, as well as this fanmade rvb13 trailer set to the chain by fleetwood mac that im obsessed with). END EDIT
the next layer of interpreting "all" rvb content includes the psas. psas are extra canonical content where the "actors" from the popular webseries red vs blue talk to the audience about a given subject. there's a few psa videos that were created alongside each season, but they can be watched whenever since they have no effect on the plot. i dont actually know of a good playlist for these this one seems to have the most videos. i think some psas might actually be lost media rn last i checked i should see if i can do anything about that
finally there's also deleted scenes and general rvb bonus content exists (like the end of season 5 which had several alternate joke endings) if you're interested in watching that. the person who uploaded journal #4 seems to have uploaded a lot of that and (sighs) hopefully i'll have some of that stuff up myself soon in a google drive or something
EDIT: forgot that i’d also consider this deleted rvb scene mandatory content. it was only cut because burnie made the decision that he didn’t want to mention tex too many times in season 6 in order to make it a better entry point for new fans. i think this was a horrible idea honestly and the added context about why church changed his mind at the end of the season is fantastic
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jovie · 1 month
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hi hi 👋 do you have any favorite movies? ^_^
HI OFIR<333333333 Apologies for getting to this late I was actually thinking on-and-off all day about good recommendations for you but nothing was coming to mind in words that i could visualize until now So without further ado,
Jovie's epic "Movies that she likes list" COMMENCE!!!!!!!!!!!:
Starting off with wall-e (2008) right off the bat because i fixated on it two summers ago and i think it's cuute.
NEXT IS ELECTRIC DREAMS (1984) i was a suspecting objectumconceptum before i watched this movie but this reallllly kickstarted it to the moon and back !!!!
And thennnnn. Call me by your name (2018) the apricot etymology discussion scene is so memorable to me I READ THE BOOK TOO I think the movie and the book both do a wonderful job of giving color to the story in their own ways Also sufjan stevens made a couple of songs for the movie which is how i found the movie in the first place^-^
mmmmm what else let's see. Voices in the wind (2020) really punched me in the gut as well i actually found that one through youtube but i don't know how i'll be able to procure a link of it because the movie title wasn't in the name of the video but that's ok ...... One thing i can say is that if a movie makes me cry it's probably going to be a favorite of mine becuase each one i've listed made me cry at least one time.
Well i think i've exhausted my list so far but if short films also count as movies i reaaaaallly love cecelia condit's works .. She's known primarily for "possibly in michigan" (1983) which is so unnerving and catchy to me but personally "oh rapunzel" (1990-2008) is my favorite (MADE ME CRY)^_^ And osamu sato's "the esoteric retina" is so so so pretty as well but it's more of a detailed visualization of a compilation of his music rather than a "movie" but i still think it counts. Welcome to My Awesome filmy world !
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c-ronus · 1 month
ok I've seen alot of people give kind of there story of how they got into fable so to the best of my memory here's mine:
Tw: mentions of death and cancer
So i found fable around 3 strikes that was my first lore stream that I remember and I found fable in general when I was about to go into my first year in secondary school and I was alone I had no friends from my primary school with me and I was scared that I'd be bad at making new friends. (spoiler I was and am) I was scrolling on tiktok and I kept getting this videos of an smp called fable smp and there was this one cosolayer that I recognised from their technoblade cosplay (I used to watch cosplay compilations on YouTube before tiktok) so I followed them and didn't think much of it.
A little while later I was on twitch waiting for an mcc to start and I saw someone streaming and I recognised not only the cosplay that they were in but also the user name: sherbertquake56 so I decided to check them out and they where bloody awesome.(I started following them on November 28th 2021)
Then 3 strikes happened and I was hooked I joined the discord and was just chilling watching sherbert perspective, but then I got busy with school and was struggling to keep up but I tried my best, it didn't help that I could never watch them live but that didn't stop me. But over the next few months I did kind of stop watching it was coming up to Christmas and I had alot of exams but then in April I'm not sure exactly what dragged me back but it was heyhay, who again I recognised from the cosplay compilations I used to watch spicificly the dream XD cosplay as that was the first cosplayer that I saw that looked like me, so on April 8th 2022 I was dragged back into fable then later in June 6th 2022 I found ghosty, and those where my people and I was happy, it was summer and it was great.
But then around half way through my second year at school my best and only friend left and I was alone, again but again I found so much comfort in watching fable on days when I truly thought I had no one and it was like that for a while. I finished out my second year and I want alone anymore, although physically I was still quite lonely I had friends, Fable brought me first Bean and from there it cascaded into so many people I now consider family (rora and wonder to name two) and I was ok with that I knew I wasn't alone and that I had people and is still have them so much so that in a few days (4 days from when I'm writing this) me and bean will have been together for a year and that's unreal to me.
Like everything tho it wasn't ment to last, that summer my family found out that my granny had cancer it hit everyone like a pile.of bricks, it seemed like she was doing well, we had her so much longer than we thought we would, but in December we lost her and fable was there again but so we're my friends.
I'm now almost finished my third year at school and in 2 weeks I have my first set of state exams and although there won't be any new fable stories to watch I know that the streams I've come to love and find comfort in will be there and so will my friends. I'm still not great at makeing or keeping friends but I think slowly I'll find all of my people and it will be good.
So thank you fable smp, to the cast I can't wait to see what comes next from you in your next story or adventure! and to the community, over all I was very quiet with my presence in this community like I am with all of them but in my little corner I was so bloody loud about it and I can't ask for a better community for that!
wewo this was fun :3 (ok I'm done being sappy about fable I promise)
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bluemedallion · 2 years
Crewfu Appreciation Week!
Day 2: Beyond The Clip
So for today, I decided I was gonna take everyone on a journey. A journey to October 2, 2021. When Steve, Baycon, Ellum and 5up played a game called Devour.
Devour is a multiplayer horror game, where the goal is to run around in a little map and complete scary little goals. This gameplay is where the famous :kojisrsteewee: image comes from:
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So. Something very fun happened this stream. Because Baycon is not a very easy-to-scare guy, but he for sure gets very, very scared here. And by god, does Steve react to it. And whatever, it's a fucking awesome event that I love and think about like, often. So whether you remember this or not, I'm here to overexplain and overshow it all with a frankly weird amount of clips and vids that I compiled over the last few hours (it is 2 am). Let's take a trip down Memory Fuckin Lane yall. Let's dive into... the Little Hands Saga.
CW: jumpscares, spiders
So, they play the first map just fine. The goal was to find and sacrifice some goats while a scary lady (and some demons) chased them. They did it easily.
The second level was a similar premise. This time, they had to find little fuckin egg thingies, cleanse them, while a scary spider lady (and some spiders) chased them. This slight scene change would make all the difference.
It wore them out, though.
The first sign from Baycon that things were wrong...
(Sorry for not being able to link all the videos directly btw, I am not tech savvy and couldnt get it to work so this will have to do)
So yeah, Baycon is erhm. Scared of spiders.
It's very surprising, cause up until this point neither the audience nor his friends knew he was scared of fuckin anything. We had no fuckin clue, I was just as shocked as they were. But my delight at finding out that when he's scared, he starts high-pitched babbling? Fucking immeasurable.
At one point soon after, Steve and Baycon were hiding from the spider lady. There's a game mechanic where you can hide in a closet, and I guess it feels safer? Idfk, but Baycon was hiding in the closet, while Steve was just stood in the corner of the room.
What happened next was the best event of the whole game, and because I'm too lazy to clip it all separately, I'll let 🥰Koji🥰 tell you all about it.
And god, I just love the irony of Baycon thinking he's the safe one. And then Steve just... standing in the corner while he got dragged off jshfsjrhdshds it fuckin gets me.
After that jumpscare... Steve watched Baycon's pov while they were mid-game. And uh. Pointed out something interesting.
Baycon's little hands.
As you heard in that last video, Baycon got scared again near the end. And his little hands... they just went up again.
And here's Baycon's reaction right after that...
So it's clear our poor guy is having it rough. For pretty much the whole level, Baycon was just crying to himself in a corner because of all the spiders. It was truly great to witness. But the mockery of his little hands went on.
Then it happened a third time. With possibly the best noises to ever leave his mouth.
God this poor guy. Aware of his little hands but so scared he just can't stop flinging 'em up.
Here's 5up's pov of the conversation right afterwards, because Steve was fuckin thanking a sub on his side.
Nshfhsbf poor Baycon. 5up out here calling him weak because at first he was affronted by being called little hands, and now he's doing it himself. My man literally wants to curl into a lil ball until the spiders leave him alone.
Thats the extent of the bit tbh, this guy is forever mocked for having little hands and we emerged with the best clips of all time. It's a shame nobody saved Baycon's vod, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Speaking of all the clips...
Okay, it happened one more time shhdsjdb this is the best one, look look look
Anyways. This is the end of the saga. I genuinely think about the Little Hands Saga at least once a month. When looking for these clips I found some I hadn't even seen before. It's just--THE most entertaining vod, I love watching Steve get so fucked up so quickly. And the Little Hands Saga,,,,, god it means everything to me. I hope they do more horror games this October, even though I fucking hate horror. For shit like this, it's worth it.
Hope you enjoyed :)
Bonus! Here's Baycon being very brave about the whole thing. Took place right after he died in the first Little Hands jumpscare.
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rikeijo · 1 year
Today's translation #186
Yuri!!! on Life Official guidebook, Yamamoto Sayo's interview
Part 10.
So [Shimizu-san] knows a lot about figure skating! I've heard from a cast member, who had to do many retakes, that recording took quite a lot of time. Was it because you were so particular about voice actors' performance?
Shimizu-san is really into acting, and always aims to achieve even better results, so I would say that he doesn't just give an okay after one take, but rather his style of work is to retake the parts he feels are not quite right and via trial and error method then choose the best version. Also, when he starts to talk about figure skating it gets quite long (laugh). I'm the same, so it creates a synergistic effect.
I wouldn't expect that he's such a passionate figure skating fan! How about the staff members who didn't know much about figure skating? Have you done anything to share with them what you want to pay special attention to?
So first of all, I thought that if I try to explain it myself, they wouldn't understand, so I created a "Compilation of God-level Performances" (laugh). I collected [videos] of all the programs I think are God-level and after adding my comments, I sent them to main staff members. I had to restrict myself to only the most recent programs or it would be a colossal list, so I only chose men's singles programs from after 2011, that had an influence on "Yuri!!! on ICE". From what I can remember right now, Machida Tatsuki's SP, FS, EX from 2014, Takahashi Daisuke's FS from Japanese Nationals in 2012, SP from NHK Cup in 2013, Hanyu Yuzuru's FS from Worlds in 2012, Patrick Chan's SP, FS from Eric Bompard Trophy in 2013, Jeremy Abbott's SP from US Nationals in 2014, FS from Worlds in 2014, Jason Brown's FS from US Nationals in 2014, Denis Ten's FS from Four Continents in 2015 and Kozuka Takahiko's FS from Worlds in 2011, FS from Japanese Nationals in 2014 were on the list… The last one, Kubo-san and me saw live in person and we both cried, so it's a program full of memories. In addition, I also created a corner with legendary curious exhibition programs to widen the range. It was a "legendary" corner, so without restriction in time range… (laugh). Evgeni Plushenko's 2014 special version of his EX "Sex Bomb" - The Shrine of Male Deity* version, as I personally call it, Sasaki Akio's ninja? - ah, but it's not an exhibition program… it's SP from 2011. The next one isn't "curious", but it became a cue for me to start watching figure skating live in person - Johnny Weir's "Poker Face" EX from 2009 - I thought that this one just had to be included and that it maybe can make them fall in love with figure skating. As a bonus, these are programs from before Vancouver Olympics, but I also carefully selected Stephane Lambiel's programs to be on the list. I really wanted the staff members to watch them before they draw Victor. There were many more, but if I keep on going, it'll soon get out of control, so I'll just stop here… (laugh).
[Notes: She calls it "otoko mikoshi" - portable shrine of male deity, which is usually carried around by men wearing nothing but fundoshi, a loincloth - so that's probably where the name came from!]
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