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crabbng · 11 months ago
I have some questions!
1 How do you draw things that are usually labeled "i've never drawn it before or i don't know how to draw it?" like do you look at a reference of it (i mean, how else are you gonna draw it) but like im talking complex things cause i was trying to draw like market stalls and i just had no clue how to draw it while looking at, it doesn't have to be perfect i just couldn't do it so i gave it up. And when you draw it do you usually have an idea in your head how it's gonna be facing which direction or do you just draw the characters then the item they are interacting with or the item/object first?
2 Second question, when do you think a outfit or hair change should happen? i think hair changes are gonna happen with the outfit sometimes but i really love outfit changes and you do those i was wondering what you think is best time? cause i've seen you have outfit changes in a day pass in the story and new outfit but i've also seen you change outfits when new arks happen so i was wondering when do you think are the best times for that?
last question
3 In one of your old my hero comics you left it without finishing it and Kirishima and Bakugo were fighting/arguing, and you said "call me when they interact meaningfully in canon again and i’ll draw another comic where they make up lmao" did you mean that? cause if they interact meaningfully and it's even the slightest bit gay material im jumping at the chance to tell you if you meant that im partly joking but if you had a way for them to make up can you just tell me so i wont be stuck wondering? this comic was 3 years ago i feel old but i was just wondering
1 How do you draw things that are usually labeled "i've never drawn it before or i don't know how to draw it?"
i draw it badly 🤣 but really, the answer is just practice. if it looks weird, draw it again. look at it and think 'well why is this going wrong, what looks weird' and then grab a new piece of paper and start completely over. try it from another point of view.
if it's a market stall that isn't integral to the story, just a background piece, i'm not going to care much about it, because the reader probably won't either. as long as its not bad enough to actually draw the eye there, i call it good. done is better than perfect, as they say.
2nd part of that question: i do have an idea in my head of how i want the panels to look. if that's not working though, i change it.
i usually place my characters first. unless its an establishing shot where the background is the most important thing, or far away shot, then characters may go in afterwards. i guess if the panel is mostly background, background first. if the panel is mostly character, character first. that's how i generally do it. just try and do it in the way that makes it easiest. if it's not working out one way, try the other.
2 Second question, when do you think a outfit or hair change should happen?
depends on the situation the character is in. chaar wears her uniform most of the time, so she doesn't get many changes. most everyone else would have access to other clothing, so it feels weird for me to not have them change. when hana and bon are on the run, they don't have extra clothes, so they don't change (except when bon gets hana a new outfit). tera wouldn't have wanted to be nude in the forest, so she just stays in her outfit, and kiigari doesn't care.
so my answer is, if they would have access to clothing and a reason to change (i.e. new day), there's no reason for me not to change their outfit. BUT! that's just me. it's also completely valid to just never change your characters clothes so they have a distinct Look.
last question
3 In one of your old my hero comics you left it without finishing it and Kirishima and Bakugo were fighting/arguing, and you said "call me when they interact meaningfully in canon again and i’ll draw another comic where they make up lmao" did you mean that?
no :) i mostly said that because i doubted it would happen (i still do). you can tell me if they ever reunite, but no, i don't plan to make any more krbk comics. i don't know how they make up, i would have to see how the story pans out.
hope that answers your questions! i rarely think too hard about my actual process, but i hope you can get something out of what i could sort out.
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kjupchurch-xx · 7 months ago
You're Mine (request on Tumblr for a jealousy filled fic featuring Tom Hiddleston)
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WARNING: For those that do not like SMUT, I'm sorry, you can skip this one. This is a request I got on Tumblr and I do honor all requests... within reason, LOL. 
Today was Hugh and I's third anniversary. The last three years have been amazing to say the least. We met five years ago when I'd stumbled into his coffee shop, Laughing Man Cafe, a coffee and tea shop he owned, located in New York. Hugh had stopped in to sign autographs and meet a few fans, I'd stopped in for a coffee, not realizing Hugh Jackman owned it. 
We began dating shortly after, getting married two years later. I'd always been extras in films, but he'd help me kick start my career as being a lead in some smaller films. I was always apprehensive about doing bigger films, so I strayed away from them. Hugh would spend hours going over lines with me to prepare me for various roles over the last few years. I checked my email noticing a script my manager sent over to me. It was a bigger film, of course and I had managed to get the part after a stressful audition. I didn't bother reading the script before auditioning, but I knew it was a rom-com with Tom Hiddleston, who was well known for playing Loki. 
"Holy shit." I mumbled, reading over the script. Hugh looked over at me from the opposite end of the couch, wearing his glasses, "What? Did you get dropped?" He asked concerned. 
I rolled my eyes, "Why do you automatically assume I was dropped from a film?" 
He chuckled, "What's with the 'holy shit' reaction?" He sat his laptop down, scooting beside me to see my phone. 
I took a deep breath, "Uh, well... There's a sex scene with Tom and I." 
He shrugged, "It's just acting, babe. You'll do fine. Sex scenes are fun to film."
I cocked my brow looking at him, "Really?" I asked sarcastically. 
He laughed, shaking his head, "I don't mean it like that. They're awkward. You're wearing these little bags and cover-ups, stimulating sex for hours. It's weird, but the key is to make each other laugh." 
He would know. He's the man that's always down for a good sex scene. 
I continued skimming the email, "Holy fuck! We're filming it at 5." I said mentally face palming as I jumped up to grab normal clothes, rather than the sweats and over sized t-shirt I was wearing. 
Hugh looked at his watch, "Oh fuck, it's 3:45 now. Let's get ready and I'll take you. Tom's a nice dude, you'll be fine, baby." He said as he jumped up to change out of his comfy clothes. 
As we got ready and jetted out of the door of our home in NYC, we flew through traffic and made it to the set with 10 minutes to spare. When we arrived on set, I was greeted by my manager, Tom's manager, Tom and a few of the film crew. 
"Ooooh, she brought Wolverine with her, Tom. You better be careful." one of the cameramen teased. 
Tom chuckled, "I'm always careful." as he made his way to Hugh smiling, "Nice to see you again, Hugh." 
Hugh smiled, "Hey Mate, nice to see you."
The director walked over to us, "Okay Jackman, as much as I love your beautiful ass, you're not in my movie. Get off the set." She teased. 
Hugh laughed, throwing his hands up, walking towards the side of the set, "You knew it would cost too much to book me." he said jokingly. 
Tom and I sat in the middle of the set with the director as she explained the script and how she wanted the intimate scene to take place. "So, we're going to get you two ready for the shot, you'll both be wearing cover-ups, so you won't actually be naked, but you'll appear naked to the audience and to the cameras." We nodded in agreement. "Whenever she comes in, I want you to pin her to the door in a full on make out with second base type thing, but you'll both still be clothed for that scene." 
We nodded, "Alright." we said in unison while going our separate ways to get into our character outfits. After about 30 minutes of changing and fixing our hair, we met back on set. A door separating us. This was my first time doing an intimate scene in a movie. I'd had brief kissing scenes over the years, but nothing to this level. I could feel my anxiety building as I took a deep breath, staring towards the door. 
"And, action!" The director yelled, slamming a marker. 
I grabbed the door, pushing it open to be met with Tom, grabbing me and intensely shoving me against it, pushing his lips onto mine. The kiss was deep, it was messy, there were shots where you see his tongue forcing its way into my mouth. Tom wasn't a bad kisser by any means, I will say that. The director decided the scene wasn't her favorite and wanted to re-do it two more times afterwards, wanting Tom to be more aggressive each time we'd kissed. 
I glanced over to Hugh, who was on the sidelines, playing on his phone. I could tell he was getting annoyed, but being the professional he is, not wanting to show it. Tom shook me from my thoughts, "You know, kissing you is pretty fun." He said, winking at me. I chuckled, not wanting to cause issues, but also shaking off the uncomfortable feeling his flirting was giving me. Hugh is typically not a jealous man, but I knew if he overheard the flirting, he'd knock this dude's teeth out and make sure he never did another Marvel movie again. 
On the third shot of the kissing scene, I felt Tom's hand brush slightly across my breast. Not enough for me to really react, but enough for me to know he did it. Not knowing if this was truly a coincidence, I shrugged it off as we went to get ready for the sex scene. I was completely naked, besides a small skin colored cover-up that literally only covered my vagina. Tom was wearing a skin colored bag that hid his dick. 
We wrapped ourselves in robes while we weren't filming to meet the director as she explained how she wanted the sex scene to go and what her expectations were. This was my first big film, and I knew if I wanted to score a good career, I had to sell it regardless of how I was feeling. As we made our way to the bed and stripped our robes, we both laid on the bed, under the comforter. The director wanted Tom on top of me, so he climbed on top of me and looked me dead in the eyes. I couldn't force myself to look over at Hugh, so I blocked him completely out of my brain and continued looking at the guy that was on top of me. 
"And, action!" The director yells, slamming her marker. 
Tom looked down at me, "Is this what you want?" He asks seductively, moving his hips in a motion as if he were positioning himself to enter me, throwing the comforter off of us, revealing our naked bodies. 
I moaned, biting my lip, "I want you." 
Tom stimulated his hips as if he'd slammed into me while I stimulated the scene to make it look as if I were matching his thrusts as both of us moaned. He took one of my nipples in his mouth and began sucking on it while still pretending to thrust into me while I drug my fingernails down his back and cried out his character's name. 
The scene in the movie only showed the sex for about two minutes, before cutting to a scene of both of us cuddled in bed talking about how we couldn't let our spouses find out about what we'd done. 
Tom giggled, "We can't let them know. This needs to be our dirty little secret." 
I smirked, "I know, I know... But you fuck so much better than anyone I've ever been with. He'll be out of town working all week anyways." 
Tom leaned down, kissing my head, holding me, "Do you know how long I've waited to do that? How hard it is being around you two and having to hide how hard my dick gets when you're around me... We're horrible people." He chuckled. 
I rolled my eyes, "What they don't know won't hurt them." I said as I playfully trailed my fingers down his stomach, "I want more..." I said seductively. 
"Cut! That was perfect, guys!" The director exclaimed, running towards us with our robes. 
Filming for the day had ended and I hadn't looked at Hugh in hours. I was too afraid to. I know this is what actors do and he knows good and well how acting in films can be, but something in me felt like this was going to be a disaster. As I put my normal clothes back on and told everyone bye, I noticed Hugh was outside on his phone. He looked pissed.
I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him, "I'm finished, baby. Do you want to get dinner?" I asked sweetly. 
He glanced at me, ending the phone and walking to get in the car, "Not hungry." He grunted. 
I opened the door of the car, awkwardly getting in, "We're going home." He said coldly. 
"Are you okay?" I asked, reaching for his arm, only to have him pull away. 
He kept his eyes focused on the road, "What's wrong, love? You won't even look at me." I said, starting to tear up. 
He scoffed, "What's wrong? You enjoyed that! You were really getting into that wannabe Wolverine motherfucker all over you!" He spat. 
My jaw dropped, "Excuse me? What are you talking about? I was doing my job, Hugh!" 
He laughed annoyingly, "Really? Your job wasn't to look like you were shooting a motherfucking pornography movie. It was to do a two minute sex scene and you took it too fucking far with him. Do you want to fuck him that bad?" 
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was he really that jealous by me doing a sex scene in a movie he told me to audition for? 
I shook my head, "What are you talking about right now? I did exactly what the director asked me to do." I said in defense. 
He looked at me, "Really? Do you realize how fucking heartbreaking it is to watch a younger man, closer to your age all over you, sucking on your tits? Then you're both talking about good thing our spouses don't know. You know you were turned on by it. I know you."
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, Hugh. Just get me home before I start walking. I'm seriously about to get out of this car." 
He scoffed again, "Yeah? Go ring Tom, I'm sure he'll pick you up." 
As we got home, he hopped out of the car, making sure he slammed the door and every door inside the house. He was being dramatic. Does seeing me stimulating a fake sex scene with an attractive actor that's younger than him bother him that badly? I'm literally doing what he does with other women, well maybe not that extreme, but does he forget that I have to see him kissing or flirting with other women onscreen in almost every movie or interview he does? I mean shit...Excuse me for just furthering my career. 
As the night went on, he seemed to calm down. I found him playing his piano, looking lost in his own thoughts. I walked towards him, "Are you finally calm?" I asked bluntly, bracing myself for the reaction. 
He shook his head cheekily, "I'm fine. Do you want to have a cuddle in bed?" He asked, smiling at me.  
I nodded, "Of course, love." I said, while grabbing his hand, leading him to our bedroom. 
As we approached the bed, he pushed me down, kissing me aggressively, biting and sucking on my bottom lip as if he were going to literally gnaw it off. "You really think he's better than me, huh?" He mumbled against my lips, causing me to roll my eyes. 
I brushed the comment off and continued the kiss, "Answer me." He growled while pushing his boner into my hips. "No..." I said lowly. "No, what?" He spat back, pushing himself further into my hips. "No baby, I don't." I said, looking up at him. 
"I sat on the side and watched him practically fuck you and touch you for hours. Do you know how fucking bad I wanted to rip his face off for touching my wife?" He asked as yanked my shirt off. "Watching him suck on your perfect tits... You're mine, do you understand that?" He said while pulling my pants off, leaving me in my bra and underwear. 
I nodded, "Yours..." He sat back up pulling his own clothes off as he climbed back on top of me, pulling my panties to the side, shoving his fingers inside me, while sucking on my neck. "This is my pussy." He whispered into my ear as his fingers danced inside me. 
I couldn't help the moan that escaped from my lips, "Oh fuck... Baby, don't stop." I moaned, while reaching for his boxers. "I want you." 
He pulled them down, revealing his hard cock, "You want me? Are you sure you don't want Tom?" He asked, cocking his brow at me as he rubbed my clit. 
I nodded, biting my lip so hard I could taste blood, "You're the only one I want..." I said as I reached for his cock, wrapping my hand around the length. 
"Show me." He said, pulling me on top of him. I slid down his frame, kissing every inch of his torso as I made my way down to his manhood. I felt him place his hand on the back of my head as I took him into my mouth. I sucked hard on the tip while letting my hand work the base as I felt him start roughly thrusting into my mouth as he threw his head back, his moans filling the air. 
"That's a good girl. Show me how much you want my dick." He moaned, as I began bobbing my head quicker taking his rough thrusts deep into the back of my throat. 
This was not like Hugh, but I was loving every minute of it. It almost makes me wish I'd taken more opportunities to push his buttons. I could feel him throbbing in my mouth as he pulled out not wanting to cum just yet. He glanced down at me, motioning for me to get on my knees. 
I did as I was told as I felt him push my panties to the side, entering me. His thrusts were fast and rough, not the sweet, romantic I was used to getting. He slapped my ass hard, "Is this what you wanted?" He grunted, "You wanted this cock, you don't want anyone else's cock, do you?" He gave a deeper thrust, "Answer me or I'll stop and you can go ring Tom instead." He yelled. 
I threw my head back, trying to form words as the feeling of euphoria overtook my body. "Fuck! Don't stop!" I managed to scream between moans, "I only want you." I said, trying to not let myself go this soon. 
He grabbed a handful of my hair, turning my face to look at him, "This is mine. All mine." He moaned. I could tell he was getting close, I could feel him throbbing inside me. "Cum for me, baby. Let me see how good I make you feel." He said while tugging on my hair. 
I let go and exploded on him, literally falling down to the bed as I felt him cum deep inside me. He collapsed beside me, breathless. "Do you feel better now?" I asked him chuckling, sounding a bit amused while trying to catch my breath. 
He chuckled, "I do. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked sweetly. 
There he was... There was my sweet baby. I smiled, "You didn't hurt me in a bad way, if that's what you're asking. Maybe I should make you jealous more often." I joked.
He laughed, pulling me closer to him, "Maybe so, love."  
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pandora-writes-one-piece · 4 months ago
Hi Pandora!!! Happy birthday!! 🎉🎉🎉Thank you for deciding to share the celebrations with all of us 😊 You've really got me on a Law kick lately with the Meet Cute, so could I get Law with "I’ve never met anyone as infuriating as you, and I can’t stop thinking about you"? Maybe NSFW with fem!reader?
@froggiewrites Froggie, Froggie, Froggie... your time has come! 😂 First of, thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes! And now... I had so much fun writing this prompt, I do hope you enjoy it! Thank you for participating! ❤️
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Source for Pic
Word Count: 3036
Tags: Fem!Reader; Teasing; Edging; Power Dynamics; Fluff Ending; NSFW; MDNI;
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: Law, your captain, is tired of the shenaningans you pull whenever the Heart Pirates land on a new island, so he devises a way for you to follow his rules.
Notes: I couldn't hold on another day. I regret nothing. Though I supose the day will come when I'll leave you guys high and dry (fic-less) for some time 😅 Anyway, this is not that time, so please, enjoy this meal!
“For the umpteenth time, Law! I know! Now give me a break!” Logic never has been your forte. Thinking on your feet, damn right! Making hard decisions under stress, bring’em, baby. Endurance, the best at it! But logic? No.
So is it logical to argue with your captain after having disobeyed his orders yet again? Not in the least. And damned if there aren’t more than one reason not to lose your patience with him, way more than one, actually. First, you are in his office, second, he’s your superior, third, he’s your boyfriend. But fourth, and the most important one, there’s no getting away from Law if you make him snap. Literally. He’d shambles you from anywhere. 
Still, despite the violence with which your heart is hammering in your chest, your bravado remains in place, as you hold the stare with which his amber eyes pin you, not even flinching. 
“You know?” His voice is clipped as he leans back in his chair, fingers entwined and resting beneath his chin. Fuck, he’s pissed. “You claim to already know, but as soon as we land on another island, the first thing you do is get into trouble.”
“I don’t go looking for trouble, trouble finds me!” You say, trademark smirk in place before the little voice in your head starts to whisper in your ear. You’re going to regret pissing him off…
“That’s cute.” Is it? Because he’s not even close to being amused. 
“I know, that’s how you found me. You were the trouble, and you were drawn to me.” There. That has to placate some of his anger, right?
He sighs and closes his eyes for a moment as if pondering his next move. Then, he reaches for one drawer of his desk and removes an envelope. Curiosity nips at you while you angle your head, trying to see what he’s holding, but instead of hiding it, Law gets up, hands you the envelope, and walks to the door. 
What the hell? You open it and reach for a piece of folded paper as you hear the distinct click of the door being locked. “Am I supposed to read this?”
“Yes.” Clipped, curt, cold. You really pissed him off. 
The scribbled handwriting is a dead giveaway that this was written by Law, but knowing him for over a year, and being involved for half of it, you’re quite familiar with it by now. The letters on top instantly turn your curious look into a scowl. “Rulebook?” 
Law sits again and smirks softly, a barely-there twitch of the upper lip. “Looks like you need one.” You scoff as you skim the first articles.
“I play by the rules!”
“Really? Then why have I had to mend your slashed leg today? Tell me that.” Your teeth clack together as you close your mouth and nearly growl at him. Your name in his lips sounds like a warning. “It’s an order. Answer it.”
“Because I didn’t obey you.” You manage to sputter the words between your teeth and each of them parting your lips hurts more than the sword cut you received from the marines stationed at the island. 
“Hence the rulebook. It’s not unwarranted. I’ve known you for a year and every time we encounter a new island, you run amok doing your own shit and come back slashed, bruised, cut, or bleeding. I’ve had enough.” You swallow the knot in your throat as Law gets up, circling the desk and leaning on it, right in front of you. “I’ve never met anyone as infuriating as you, and yet, I can’t stop thinking about you. So it’s time you make me stop worrying, before I drive myself insane.”
Aww…You’d actually think that’s a cute thing to say, if it wasn’t for the unhinged glint in Law’s eyes or the way that his smirk makes you tremble in anticipation. 
“You want me to follow this rulebook?” He gives you that annoying ‘what do you think?’ look and you scoff. “There’s like fifteen rules here! I’m not following this!” Your eyes skim the rules again. “Report back every hour? What the hell, Law?”
“You can use a DenDen for that.” He’s enjoying this. You were expecting punishment, but not this kind of punishment, this is unbearable. “I’ll tell you what, sweetheart.” His voice softens as you glare at him through hooded eyes. “I’ll make you a deal.”
“If you read me all the items in that rulebook without stopping, you don’t have to follow it.” What the fuck? Your head cocks to the side as your eyes switch between the paper in your hands and the amused glare of your boyfriend.
“Just like that?”
“With a few more conditions.” He chuckles with that low vibrato in his voice and your knees tremble. 
“Which are?”
“Get up.” When you do, he unzips your boiler suit all the way down, revealing the top you have underneath. “Strip the rest.”
“Is this a kink, Law?” You tease, knowing you don’t mind at all. If reciting the items naked for him is what gets you your freedom, you’re game. So you take everything but your panties because he stops you when you were going to remove them. 
“Perfect.” He says.
“Okay, I’ll start.” You clear your throat and bend your legs to sit when Law’s tutting stops you. “What?”
“Bend over the desk for me, sweetheart.” Bend over? Heat starts to pool at your core because that position over that desk has already given you quite a few orgasms in the past months, and you have excellent muscle memory. 
“It’s up to you. If you don’t read them, you have to follow them.” He pushes off the table as his eyes devour you, inch by inch, making you inhale deeply just to gather your thoughts again. 
“Fine.” Anything to not follow his stupid rules! You bend over his desk, which is conveniently the perfect height to line up your ass with his cock, as proven many times before, and push a few books to the side so you’re leaning on your elbows. You clear your throat again and begin reciting in a sing-song voice. “Rule number one: no wandering off alone! Sure, this one is simple, I usually go out with Ik– mmph, Law!”
Heat rushes to your cheeks as your body snaps with tension. Looking over your shoulder, you see your captain sitting in the chair you were in earlier, with his finger in your clothed cunt. 
“You stopped.” Fuck. “But I’ll give you that one, you weren’t prepared. Start over.” Your breath comes out in ragged gasps as you feel yourself already getting wet at the prospect of all the things Law is going to do to you. It kind of makes you want to throw the rules overboard and just beg him to take you right now.
“Fuck, Law. Okay, here we go: Rule number one: no wandering off alone!” A gasp leaves your lips and you close your eyes for a second as Law’s fingers tease your clit over the panties, the friction of the fabric increasing his touch. “Rule number two: Fuck, Law, like that.” You moan, closing your eyes again as he teases one finger inside the panties to see how wet you are. 
His tuts are unforgiving, and he removes his fingers altogether, earning him a grunt from you. “You stopped again, sweetheart.”
“The deal is: you read them all until the end without stopping, and you don’t have to follow them. Got it?” You groan and shake your head. That’s impossible. If he’s going to torture you  like this, it will be impossible to read the rules. 
“That’s unfair, Law.”
“Okay, then, you’re right. So how about this: you can pause three times during five seconds.” You nod. You can do that. Law’s hand caresses your buttcheeks as he talks, and every single rub makes you tingle.  “Moaning is encouraged, but keep reading. Oh, and when you pause,” Law removes his hands from you, “I pause. Keep that in mind.”
What? Now that’s cruel! You look at the rules again and feel angered. There’s no fucking way you’re going to follow them, you can do this! You can zone out. Let’s go!
“Fine! Okay, we’re doing this. Just know that you’re the infuriating one! Rule number two–”
“No, no, no. From the beginning.�� Does this man want you angered or turned on? Because he’s doing both brilliantly. 
“Rule number one: no wandering off alone.” You cry out softly as his hand slaps your ass, leaving the most marvellous burning sensation behind, which he soothes with a caress. “Rule number two: report back every hour. Oh, my God.” You take a deep breath before reading the other one, trying to focus on the words instead of the slow way he’s pulling your pants down your legs and breathing against your cunt.
“Rule number three: no-... no-... my God, Law.” He’s using his tongue! He swipes up from your clit to your hole in a long upwards streak, then probes around the entrance with slow, teasing circles. He inches just the tip of his tongue inside as his hand reaches to brush against your swollen clit. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“One… Two…” His movements stop, and he starts counting the seconds you’re quiet against your cunt, making you shudder. The dry thud of your forehead against the wooden desk should ground you, but it’s impossible when he was working his fingers like that. “Three…Four…” One more second to regain focus, one deep breath to continue. “Five.”
Just as you open your mouth, so does he, tongue reaching inside you, twisting and curling to hit delicious spots as you cry out his name before your muddled brain repeats the same word over and over: read, read, read!
“Rule number three: no unauthorized fucking fights!” An unbridled moan parts your lips as Law switches up and two of his fingers go where his tongue was and his tongue sucks on your clit. “FUCK. Rule number four: ah, Law, ah! No reckless stunts! That was one time! One–... ahhh!” You suck in three deep breaths and punch the table as his fingers curl and his teeth nibble gently, just the way he knows you like.
God, you’re so close. Your legs numb and tense up as heat spreads throughout your veins. The pressure in your abdomen threatens to release at any given moment and you can’t stop right now. 
“Rule number five: don’t stop, Law! Don’t… ah!” You cry out his name as wave upon wave of pleasure washes over you, taking your sanity with it and blurring your vision until tiny white dots are all you can see. Sweat drips from your temples, and your elbows give out as you squeeze your breasts against the table. Your hands find purchase against anything to help you ride this high, and there’s now a book on Law’s desk with very crumpled pages. 
You’re still breathing hard, trying to regain focus when the buzzing in your ears subsides, and you hear Law’s voice again. “Four…” Fuck, fuck, the list! You open your eyes with a deep exhale and focus back on the now crumpled paper, just as Law finishes his count. You’re now down to one more pause. Crap.
“Rule number five: do not interact with suspicious strangers.” You hear Law unbuckling his belt and start to read faster, even though the aftershocks of your orgasm are still making you shudder and gasp. “Rule number six: do not go to bars without me.” Well, that one is warranted. You pretty much fuck everything up when you’re wasted. The zipper, hurry up! “Rule number seven: obey curfew.” 
A lone whimper leaves your lips as you feel Law rubbing the tip of his cock against your slit, up and down, touching your oversensitive clit before teasing your entrance but not entering. You’re going to fail if you don’t hurry. 
“Rule number ei–...” You gasp and cry out the loudest moan yet as Law sheathes himself inside of you, immediately bottoming out. The feeling of fullness, the tip hitting your cervix, and the burn of the stretching is so intense that it takes your breath away for a second. 
“Breathe, sweetheart, I’m giving you this one for free.” He rubs soothing circles on your back and doesn’t move until you relax around him. “Now continue, or I’ll start the break time.”
You heave in a few sharp breaths, already too winded to speak, but you have no other choice. 
“Rule number eight: hmm… ah…” Law pulls back, his hands firmly planted against your hips and you brace yourself for what’s next. “You’re forbidden to act as ba–... ahngh! Fuck! Bait!” He slams into you and the desk skids forward with the force. The pleasure of his thrust and the pain of the desk biting into your hips shoots warmth through your core and down your legs and you focus again on the words in front of you.
On the very blurry words in front of you. Tears of pleasure gather at the corner of your eyes as your mouth hangs open and Law keeps thrusting harder and harder.
“Rule number– just like that, more! Nine: Always carry a, fuck, weapon!” Almost there. Both at the end of the list and on the next wave of bliss that’s already cresting and forming as the coil winds tight in your stomach. 
“Rule–... ngh… rule–” You’re about to break and cry out or tap out, anything. You can’t think about anything other than the pure perfection that is your bodies conjoined. The lewd sounds of his cock filling you and the soft grunts he’s releasing behind you. 
“Go on, love, you got this.” He urges, thrusting even harder. 
But you don’t ‘got this’, at all. Your hair is damp against your forehead, and all that escapes your lips are ragged moans and broken pleas. You’re there, you’re right there. A few more thrusts and you’ll be–...
“One…Two…” He stopped. He fucking stopped! A desperate whine leaves your lips as you wiggle your hips against him because you were just there! “Three…” He won’t move until five or until you start to read again.
This has to be torture for him too!
“Four…” Deep breaths, focus. You can do this, it’s as simple as reading a supermarket list. If you were being railed against the dairy section. Damn. New kink unlocked. “Five…”
“Rule number–...” Where the fuck was I? Blank. There’s nothing there. And then there’s Law and another deep thrust clicking your brain into place. “Rule number ten: fuck me harder, Law!”
He can’t help but chuckle as he reaches forward, his back sprawling over you and you feel the way his sweat clings to your back. “That’s not written there, love, carry on.”
“Don’t leave the ship without permission.” You moan out the rule, but you said it. There are five more rules and one big impediment. You don’t have more timeouts, and your orgasm is approaching fast. There’s no way in hell you’ll be able to read while you're in ecstasy. 
Spit them all out, now.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Rule number eleven: stay out of off-limit areas; rule number twelve: stay inside the sub if you’re hurt.” Intelligible. Everything you’re saying comes out in ragged breaths, gasps, and moans, but you’re reading. And Law ups his game.
He slithers a hand around your waist, lifting your body against him, grabbing your leg and hoisting your knee over the desk. His cock slides deeper with each thrust as he breathes heavily into your ear.
God, you won’t make it. 
“Rule number thirteen: ah… Law… I’m… nghh. Absolutely no secrets.” Two more, just two more rules, but you can feel the coil tightening, almost, almost snapping. The way Law holds your body against his, as sweat drenches both of you, his mouth on the curve of your neck, the way he’s digging his teeth in… it’s too much.
“Rule number fourteen: follow my medical advice.” One more. 
Law’s fingers reach down to press your clit, circling it with expert precision, and his next deep thrust makes you lose it. 
Your release hits you like a truck, and you arch your back, nails digging into Law’s forearm as he expertly works his fingers to squeeze every bit of pleasure out of you. Your cry mingles with his low grunt as he spills his seed inside you, riding his pleasure with a few more ragged thrusts. 
The world is reduced to just the two of you and this moment. Nothing else matters but the way he whispers ‘I love you’ in your ear in a breathless whisper. You nod back at him, too addled, hazed, and tired to give him an adequate response, knowing you’ll do so after a brief moment of reprieve.
Law pulls himself out of you and brings you both into the chair, cradling you against his chest as his fingers caress your hair, and he kisses your nose affectionately. “Are you all right?”
Another nod. Too early to speak yet. 
“You almost did it, love. You had one more rule.” He chuckles, and you laugh along with him. 
“This is an impossible challenge, Law. You’re terrible. But I love you.” You lift the crumpled paper to glimpse at the last rule. “Rule number fifteen: follow the chain of command.” You scoff. “Got it, Captain. I’ll obey every damn, stupid, silly rule. You won.”
You’re not even pissed at him anymore. This was fucking hot. 
“Check the addendum.” You lift your head from his chest to meet his amber gaze in curiosity before looking back at the paper, confused. “Turn it.” He says, so you do.
“Addendum: the following of this rulebook can be challenged at any given time, under the same rules.” A smirk forms on your lips at the implications of the addendum, you can have a repeat of this little game anytime you want. You’ll find a way to beat the rules, eventually. Chuckling, you snuggle back into that cosy spot in the curve of Law’s neck, where your head fits perfectly. “Give me half an hour and we’ll try again.”
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555 @hopelesslover06 @mars-mizuko @sleepykittycx @nerium-lil @eustasscapitankid @ren-ni @jqperi @lycoriskalmia @walmartmihawk
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valeriianz · 8 months ago
For the fic writer asks:
4. Obviously you did research for BitB. I'd love you to ramble about it if you like I'm sure you've got STORIES
5. Did you outline it?
7. How'd you decide it would be Hob's pov?
25-27 I'd love to know a/some favorite lines, details, and any lore you might want to share
omg TJ what wonderful questions! thank you!! this is going to get LONG!
4: Rambling about research!
do you wanna see a screen shot of my bookmarks under my "band au" folder?
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man, and that's only what could fit on the screen.
there is... SO MUCH i chose to ignore for this fic. ideas that i had to drop, lines or extra details about the other band members equipment. more logistics, what Lucienne actually does, what Mervyn has to put up with as the new touring stage manager... i realized very early on that i couldn't possibly cram all this (super cool and eye opening) information into the fic and still keep reader's interest and, most importantly, to not stray away from the fact that this is a dreamling fic. whenever i felt myself getting carried away with a side character or job or even social media numbers, gossip, outside POVs, i had to reign myself in and get back on track. there will be time for exploring everything i missed in side stories after BitB is finished. i just hope i still have the energy to write it all.
once, i was so deep into research that after publishing chapter 2, i went into work and when my chef asked what "GA" meant on my prep list, i answered with full confidence, "general admission."
(it means "get ahead.")
the worst part of this entire writing process is im still learning new shit. i havent rewatched or read a lot of what i've saved because, to be very honest, i was feeling a little burnt out. it's why we're kinda full steam dreamling now. it's why ive been glossing over a lot of technical stuff and being vague about conversations amongst the crew/not including it at all. i don't prefer ignoring my research, but at the end of the day i want to still enjoy writing this fic and finish it. even if i can't be as descriptive and detailed and nuanced as i used to be.
5: Did you outline the fic?
(also asked by @hardly-an-escape!)
i wouldn't call what i have a proper "outline," it's more like a 20k word document filled to the brim with notes that i skim at least a dozen times while i'm writing a new chapter (being in my brain is literally hell). i live multichapter life very dangerously. i copy and paste lines or sections (always scattered, never together! augh!) that are meant to go together and plop them in a new document titled "band au ch.#" and then i structure the chapter around what i want to happen.
but to answer this question in the plainest of terms: yeah. i know exactly what's going to happen up until the very end. even if its all in my head and the only concrete shit that's written down are beats/plot points. i'll figure out the rest later!
7: How'd you decide it would be Hob's POV?
i actually never even considered writing it from Dream's POV. this was my first fic in the fandom (which is so nuts to think about lol) and writing in Dream's POV sounded so scary lol. i also just thought Hob's would be easier because i have worked a few backstage shows, back in my college years. i figured eh, i can make this work. and i loved exploring how weird and mysterious musicians can be, from a normie's POV. making Hob a fan first and having him worry about developing a parasocial relationship... it was fun to explore.
25: Share your favorite line
oh god, i have so many haha.
“What are you thinking about?” starting in ch.2 and onward lmao
“It’s–” Dream laughs quietly, bitterly. “I don’t like change.” He says each word with emphasis, eyes trailing down to fixate somewhere past Hob. “And I still hold onto the things I can control, like my instruments–” his eyes swing up to regard Hob apologetically. “Or my clothes or my–” he brings a hand up and wiggles his fingers around his head. “My hair.” ch.4
"His majesty is pleased." ch.5
“You are obsessive,” he states, slow and cool and with a quiet smile cracking through his composure. “Just like me.” ch.7
“You look good.” Hob has to lean in to say so, unwilling to raise his voice amongst the roar of the fans. ch.11
“Del looks like porcelain, but she’s actually made of steel.” Desire swirls the contents of their glass before pushing their shoulders back with a deep breath. “She's tougher than all of us.” ch.11
“Everything. I want…” his fingers tighten in Hob’s hair, pulling him closer, speaking against his lips. “…Everything.” ch.14
26: Share your favorite detail
how intentionally coy Dream behaves. i love keeping him a mystery and deciding when and how much to allow his intentions to peek through has been so fun lol.
Despair is in fact covered in tattoos and piercings! i say this because i feel like sometimes i forget lmao. (but also her and Hob don't interact much so. my bad haha).
Delirium's constant explosion of color in the way she dresses <3
Hob's dedication to his job, Dream, and the people he cares about the most. i don't care if people think i'm making him too soft and good, im gonna project on that man and make him a sweet, sweet simp lmao
and ah, this doesn't matter anymore, and i kinda regret doing it but. i originally had Dream's favorite bass all black but the pickguard was white. so it actually looked like Jessamy. not gonna lie when @designtheendless drew it all black i decided i liked it better that way. and truly i do. that's when i went back to ch.1 and changed it haha. to actually see the guitar with Dream, all done up sparkling black and purple flecks... gosh it's just so him. but then i got up to the reveal that the guitar's name was Jessamy and i was like, "oh, right." lmao. no one seems to care so i'll leave it be.
27: Share a piece of lore you made up for the story
i have a lot lmao. and this post is already so long... im hoping i can get to some if not all of it in side fics in the future. but for now, here's some that's more like headcanons but:
Dream hates flying. he can full on go into panic attacks on the plane if he allows himself to get into his own head.
this was mentioned briefly in ch.4, while Dream was discussing the formation of the band, but Despair was in another band before joining Endless. she is the only character in the fic who gets to keep her English roots (lol sorry) and is the oldest in the band (30).
all of the band members ages: Dream, Desire, and Death are all 28 and Delirium is 22.
Dream can experience subdrop after going too hard during a performance.
Dream paints his own nails, it's very therapeutic.
as an exercise, i explored my own headcanons for Dream in this verse in a word doc, and one thing i will share from it that you might find interesting: If I were to ever give Dream a theological values, I would describe him as a satanist. He is a physical and pragmatic person, nonconforming, and although he is introverted, he enjoys being a part of a community (he loves his band).
also found this in my notes: How Desire and Dream got along was Death making them fight it out. Hob raises an eyebrow “like in a brawl?” He couldn't imagine Desire throwing hands. “No, in a pillow fight that escalated in hair pulling and verbal taunts.”
fic writer asks
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dorkofclanlavellan · 1 year ago
Finnick & the Princess
Note 1: Voters wanted this series to be fem!reader, so here she is. But I'm going to try to keep her as neutral as possible in other ways. Note 2: Also I'll be using Princess in place of y/n Note 3: Because we don't know exactly how Volunteering works in Career Districts other than "it's more complicated" I just decided to make up my own hc. In Career Districts after people stop volunteering the escort goes through a process of talking with each volunteer and then picks the one they think will be more entertaining for the Capitol. Pairings: Finnick Odair x fem!Reader Warning(s): Canon typical content - Violence, death, human trafficking, blackmail. Also parental neglect & emotional abuse.
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Princess volunteered at the reapings of the 68th Hunger Games, not because she actually wanted to but because her parents had made it clear that if she didn't volunteer, be selected for, and win the Games before she aged out, she would be disowned.
So for years she'd been constructing a persona she knew would not only get her selected for the Games but would get her at least a few sponsors.
She spoke at a higher pitch than usual, she giggled and hummed and frolicked. And the Capitol ate it up. She only ever dropped the facade when she was completely alone with her mentors. Finnick liked to dip back and forth between complimenting her acting skills and teasing her for the things she did and said in her false persona. Not even her District partner saw her true personality, so he fell for the act as well.
As much as the Capitol citizens were enthralled with the District 4 girl, no one expected her to actually be skilled. She didn't engage in any combative skill in training, she skimmed over the survival skills and she didn't speak with the other Careers. Between her facade and her ignoring them, the Career Pack excluded her and only took in the boy from her District.
Then came the training scores. And everyone was shocked when Princess got a 10. What could she possibly have done to land a score that high? Many speculated that the Gamemakers had merely pitied her, or were so mesmerized by her that they accidentally added a 0 after her real score.
In her interview with Caesar Flickerman, Princess batted her eyes, and sounded naively optimistic.
During the countdown for the Bloodbath, everyone was betting Princess would be dead before the day's end. Then the gong sounded and Princess was off before anyone else could react. It was clear she was by far the fastest of this year's tributes. By the time the District 2 female (Lilith Creswick) and District 1 male (Riesling Munza) caught up to Princess, she'd grabbed a decent amount of supplies including 2 bags which she had shouldered, and a sword.
In what seemed like a single flowing motion, Princess slipped around Lilith, raised her sword arm, and sliced open Riesling's throat. She then proceeded to practically twirl past other tributes, snatching up a wicker basket full of food on her way and ran off.
Everyone was in shock from the Capitol elite, to the other tributes, even Finnick and Mags who were privy to the fact that Princess was putting on a fake persona. The only people who weren't surprised were those present for her private session with the Gamemakers.
Princess continued to surprise during her games, presenting a persona of a naive but mesmerizing girl one moment and in the next efficiently killing or otherwise causing the death of other tributes. One thing became clear to everyone Princess had a sharp mind.
After her win, Princess was able to drop her facade whenever she was home in District 4 and cameras weren't on her. Otherwise, she kept up her whimsical act.
Unfortunately, this persona didn't save her from President Snow threatening her family to force her into prostitution. If anything it increased demand to have her. Too many elite pricks manifested or discovered a corruption kink for Princess.
Princess' only reprieve from her trauma was Finnick. They couldn't make their quickly developing relationship public but that was fine with the both of them. It made their relationship feel more real because it was just for them and not for the Capitol.
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greentrickster · 5 months ago
WIP game
Rules: You will be given a word. Share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
@shadow-pixelle tagged me with ECHO, so congrats - have some 'Got a Light?' (my RWBY fic) snippets! And, to have some extra fun, since they're all from the same fic, I'll get one snippet from each of the first two books I've written this fic in and two from the current book (because it's the biggest), and you'll get the sentences in the order I wrote them... but not necessarily in the order they'll come in the fic, because I'm writing non-chronologically. ;D Enjoy!
"Easy for you to say," Jaune gives up on meditating (because he's weak) to glare at Roman, "You're probably just saying that because you had a stupid one, like- like bad luck or making your pockets bigger or something!"
...Branwen had flinched at the first suggestion. Interesting. Neo'll have to look into that. More importantly, however, Roman has frozen in place, dust crystal fallen to the ground beside him. He stares straight up into the sky unmoving for a good twenty seconds before he lets his arm fall across his eyes with a distraught groan.
"Dangit, that second one actually sounds like an amazing- that would have been so useful for shoplifting or, hells, just storing extra ammo without ruining the lines of my suit- dammit, now I'm sad, thanks a lot."
"Consider: would any of you say you are quite the same people now that you were at the beginning of the school year? How about ten years ago?" he smiles at the range of reactions this elicits. "To me, it is much the same, albeit on a far larger scale. It seems as though we each carry a certain amount of... ourselves, for lack of a better word, with us to each new life.
"For example, it may surprise you to know that, in regards to myself, while I have heard many times that I seem to have gained a certain level of maturity overnight when my memories and powers are unlocked, oddly little in my personality or mindset of my new life seem to change beyond that. I will confess, it inspires a certain amount of curiosity these days, whenever the end of a current life draws near, as to what new myself I will have become the next time my memories return."
"Hey, what about all the nice things you were gonna say to Pyrrha?!"
"They will be formatted as an extremely flattering eulogy!!!"
Qrow is drawn away from this amusing interaction by Neo, who has removed a glove and stolen a fistful of bacon with her bare hand, wiggling it enticingly at Qrow with a big smile.
"I feel like I'm being mocked," he states, examining it with each eye suspiciously.
"You're not," Torchwick says, finally calm again and theatrically wiping his eye, "She just likes watching birds eat. Used to sneak into kitchens at restaurants so she could get table scraps for it."
...eh, fair enough. Qrow obliges and daintily tugs a strip of bacon free with his beak, holding it with one claw to peck at. Neo beams.
"Oh, um- yes! He says... 'Thinking of mew.'"
Ruby glances up from skimming her texts to see Weiss staring blankly ahead.
"...he's a dork," she says, voice dazed, "He's an enormous dork."
"Weiss-" Uncle Qrow groans, only for Jaune to hold his hand up.
"Don't bother, Mr. Branwen, I've got this."
"Kid, it's Qrow."
Jaune ignores him, going to put a steadying hand on Weiss's shoulder. "Look, I'm sorry you have to find out this way, but the thing about guys is... we're all dorks. And Neptune is our king."
"...I see." Weiss nods, and Ruby goes back to her own texts, "Is it a bad sign that I still like him, even though he's flawed?"
"I mean, he didn't realize you wanted to keep seeing him after the dance until you cried at him for flirting with other girls," Nora comments, "You kinda already knew that he wasn't perfect."
"I suppose that's true... In that case, I'm going to respond in kind! Nora, I require your assistance!"
(Told you guys it's not as dire as my research subject list makes it sound!)
I'll be tagging @fullbattleregalia and @elektricangel, along with anyone else who wants to play - your word is LIFE (because my fic's about Roman coming back as a ghost and I'm funny).
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villainintern · 5 months ago
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A compiled FAQ of things people are commonly curious about. ⬇️
(For the TL,DR short answers- skim the bolded words!)
Will I be able to save my game?
Absolutely. The next demo update will be exported to HTML- so you'll have checkpoints, and it'll autosave in your browser.
How often will the demo update?
As fast as I can write it, every few months on average! This is a passion project of mine, I'm working on it whenever I have free time (and daydreaming about it during my other responsibilities). However, I am a full time college student with a part time job, and also a part time actual internship, so I usually have some other thing on my front burner. But I want to get this thing done ASAP so I can submit it for publishing!
Help, I'm stuck at my desk computer!
This isn't the end! You've reached a mini-puzzle. Hints and solution here.
How will my super-abilities upgrade/change as the game progresses?
Your eventual power ups will happen on their own. They look a lot like "upgraded" versions of the initial abilities- sort of spin-offs, similar but stronger and with a twist to keep things interesting. It unfortunately won't be a branching choice (too many ability combos to track) but it will vary quite a bit depending on your initial power picks.
Genoid players will experience a mutation. Dormant genes will activate, causing a physical transformation. You won't look too different, but you'll certainly feel different. Stronger.. wilder?
The cyborg skill tree is gated by how much energy you can store in your power banks. This improves as you get better batteries. Your character will tinker on themselves, improving old augments and adding new ones to account for weaknesses.
Will there be romance? Who are the romantic options?
Villain Intern is very character driven, you'll be able to have all sorts of unique and varying dynamics with the people you meet. Your romantic endeavors are absolutely a part of this (so yes!).
Currently, I have optional full romance storylines planned for R. Sullivan, Peter Hyde, Dr. Elaine Foster, T9-670, and Blink.
My goal is to integrate these with the main plot as much as possible, so they feel like natural progressions rather than side-stories. For the less inclined, and to encourage interaction with the whole cast, you can also forge friendships, make frenemies, enemies, recruit minions, swear allegiances, develop a nemesis, become a sidekick to bigger villains/heroes, etc!
How long will the finished game be? Is there a sequel/series planned?
Personally, I think an interactive fiction game needs at least 400,000 words to really feel complete. So expect that, and probably more! As for the sequel- yes, that's in my outlines. By the end of this game, your character will either be promoted, defect to the superhero company, or fail to do either for various reasons. So naturally we'll need to see how that plays out- an internship is just the first chapter of your career, after all.
Will this game be screen reader friendly? Will you add a screen reader mode?
Yes, accessibility is important to me! It's difficult to implement in beta, with so much of the text and code in flux, but when things are finalized I'll go back and add a complete screen reader mode. There will be more updates & info posts for this down the line.
I have a question/concern that isn't listed here.
Please stop my my inbox! I'm grateful for everyone's generous interest, feedback, and bug testing, and I'm more than happy to chat about whatever. Also, it's fun to get mail. 💌
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imrllytootiredforthis · 2 years ago
Can I just share something?🙏🏻
So we all know about the famous " jogio noona, hokshi namjachingu isseoyo? " and ( perhaps) jisung preferences for a partner older than him 👀? Yeah , well, well , well... imagine a college AU where the reader is in the process of writing their thesis, PhD, or almost finishing college, & they are offered a post within the university as some sort of part time 1:1 student counselor because actual teachers have busy schedules.
Word goes that the reader s attitude is super strict , same is the the advice and help she gives to other students, so jisung joined her private counselling classes just because he wanted to have someone boss him around, and speak to him in a stern , serious tone. That's it , that's the only reason he is there for. Things go fine at the beginning until jisung starts to get some romantic feelings for the reader and wishing that his fantasies weren't happening just in his own mind every tine after getting out of the reader's office.
Every day after meeting jisung, the reader seems to either find some mess on her desk or purse, which turns out to be jisung taking out and spraying her perfume onto his own clothes. The reader shows up earlier than the usual hour, just to find jisung in the act of rummaging trough her purse once again and confronts him about his behaviour, which results in his dirty fantasies finally becoming reality.
- 🌟 anon
At the airport while i write this✍️✍️bc i'm impatient and IT'S SO GOOD
Omfg, i'll definitely come back to this when i have more time but i'm writing on my phone rn adn it's kind of hard and i also don't have that much time until boarding but i'll try😤
Like, jisung first heard about you from one of his friends, they'd be complaining about you, about how mean and stern you are, for seemingly no reason, pushing your students a lot more than most of their professors do
And while this piques his interest in the first place he doesn't have any reason to join counselling, other than you,
But he'll find a way, one way or another figuring out how to get into one of your private sessions for no reason other than to be scolded by you for an hour and a half straight during the session.
Trying to hide the way that he gets hard under the table whenever you berate him, telling him that you know that he can do better-asking why he's so useless sometimes, getting so frustrated one time to go as far to ask if there's anything but air in that pretty little head of his-
And of course there is, only just not the head that you're talking about
It starts as a kind of infatuation, a fantasy of wanting you to bend him over your desk and have your way with him before it slowly becomes something more
Into him wanting to just talk to you, be around you, hear your voice and see your face. Until he can't help himself but rummage around in your bag when you leave the room, trying to find out more about you, spraying small amounts onto himself to hold onto you a little bit longer after your session ends.
You leave the room and he pauses for a second, waiting to hear the sound of your retreating steps before scurrying over to sift through your bag again.
He finds the usual, your perfume, your chapstick, papers with notes that he couldn't care less about-but wait,
Why is his name...?
He picks up the notes, the ones that he's seen plenty of times before but has skimmed over as they where of no importance to him.
But here it was, his name, in your pretty handwriting. Han Jisung-aged 22yo, and they continued on, things about him...things about oh,
His eyes widened as he skimmed over the notes, cheeks flaring red.
"What the hell are you doing looking through my bag-you perv!"
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raelynn0606 · 5 months ago
JJK ending sucks but what's new
The only ppl who will see this have already heard me complain but I'm gonna do it AGAIN 😈
jjk has always kinda been a mid shonen type thing but I usually like them so I wanted to watch it. I watched the first season when it released and it good but it wasn't good enough to get me reading the manga.
Then s2 came out and I kind of absorbed a lot of content through social media osmosis and it seemed pretty interesting. I only ended up watching it cuz one of my new friends watched it and another one also wanted to watch it so we watched it together in school while the teachers would side eye us 😓
I actually kind of liked it. I genuinely love a lot of the characters, like I think they're interesting in a ton of ways but sadly most of it never got explored. Most of the charas didn't get actual arcs and for the ones that did, it never felt finished or it would just feel so half baked. The plot has an endless amount of loose threads it's not even funny.
More than the actual media itself I enjoyed the process of consuming it. I loved searching up the leaks every Thursday with my friend and the fandom was funny asf too.
The fights were great too, and that's probably the only reason I found s2 to be so entertaining. But I feel like most of that credit goes to the animators and shit instead of Gege himself.
As much as I hate on the aot ending, this ending is WAYY worse. If you ignore the aot ending, the rest of the show can definitely stand on its own. The ending might even be good if you view it through a different perspective.
But jjk doesn't have that. The ending itself isn't bad. It's just that the series feels so incomplete which is what makes it so shit. I haven't seen a single person say it's good so far which rlly says smth. Can't wait for some fans to come along and be like "erm u just didn't understand the story ☝️🤓"
I don't even wanna get into all the details on why the series sucks cuz there's way too many I can list. But the main reason I hate the ending is cuz the series had SO MUCH POTENTIAL.
The characters and themes and plot were pretty good, they just needed to be explored more and it never happened and it sucks so much cuz it could've been so great and actually have smth to say.
Maybe I expected too much from a series called Sorcery Fight because there were indeed sorcerers fighting and that's pretty much it.
I might be wrong for criticizing it so much considering I haven't even read most of the manga. I just started skimming leaks every week after Gojo died like most ppl did and skipped over the previous arcs (although I did look at summaries) so maybe it'll be different if I actually read all of it at once but I doubt it. Maybe the pacing would be slightly better but that's it.
I just get mad whenever I think of what could've been. I genuinely hope someone rewrites it and does it justice even tho I'll prolly never read it.
It's just another case of "this piece of media would've been so good if it was actually good."
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quiet-place-for-thoughts · 2 years ago
I’ve had this brain rot for like MONTHS now and I wanted to spill it lol..
This I my first time requesting so bare with me here 😭
So what if the reader was a singer and whenever the reader would go on tour, or hosted a concert, Dottore would secretly watch. but what if one day reader noticed Dottore and accidentally made it obvious that the reader knew he was there.
So like when the reader would end the concert out of fear, Dottore decides to take reader. 🫣
Bonus; if you could make the reader female 🤧
Imma send this before I chicken out..😭
.... Anon... Give me your brain pleaseeeeee/j
Nook don't chicken out I'm nice I swearrrrr(I think at least) I love the request, im here for your brain rot.
Dottore has been plaguing my mind so I'm really happy.
Ima add someone else who likes reader but like they are just a background character they aren't important if you want one without the guitarist then I'll re make it.
You were have having in of your normal concerts as the crowd was singing along with you as you shrugged off the felling if being watched, everyone got louder as you and the guitarist were looking at each other and smiling. You had quickly skimmed over the crowd to see the people's enjoyment as it kept you going but then you see someone, you see him..
Why was the 2nd fatui harbingers here?! You panicked but kept your cool so your performance wouldnt be effected... Was he the reason you felt like you were being watched? You kept looking over at him and staring at him he was excluded from the crowd as he stared right at you even when you looked away he was staring at you.
The sing finished as you quickly made an announcement that you had to end the concert early due to a problem, as you looked over to dottore seeing him smirking at you... You quickly bowed as your band followed picking up something was wrong with you as you all left the stage, you being faster than the rest.
You quickly explained it to your hand as they were in shock and hugged you. They promised to help you if you get in trouble with him, they truly were amazing friends. As you all packed up to head home back to liyue, you apologized as they promised it was fine as you had a valid reason.
You all went back to the shared house that you had rented for the trip and you were all trying to sleep, if only you knew what would be waiting for you, you would have asked your friends to sleep in the same room, you used to do it all the time... You wished you had asked....
You woke up as you opened your eyes to a....different room?! You panicked. You quickly looked around seeing a coat and placing it on you as you opened the door to see him... How did he find me... Why am I here?!
He smiles at me as he stares at me with obsession. He grabbed your face as he asked you questions.
"Are you alright your in quote the state? I hope your not uncomfortable in your new room. Why are you leaving in your nightgown? "
I stared at him in horror. Why was I in his house?! What is going on?! I opened my mouth as I spoke in a shaking voice
"Why am I here? What do you want from me? "
He smiled at me as he leaned down and whisper to me
"I dont want anything but you. I don't give to your shows for no reason you know and when you spotted me I just had to grab you for myself. "
You have had a few stalkers but none as powerful as him nor willing to actual kidnap me! He took my hand as he led me back into the room as he sat down on the bed pulling me beside him, it was only then I noticed the chains on my wrists... I was to panicked before to realize... Now I'm stuck here.... Alone with him..
I hope you liked this!
Remember to eat and drink lots<33
Remember that you are stunning, beautiful and wonderful<33
Enjoy your day/night<33
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Don't you think there's better ways of showing support for Palestinians/Israeli Christians than by perpetuating the "Jesus was Palestinian" myth that people constantly try and use to deny Jewish indigeneity. Allegory or not, it's not a great look for someone who purports to be against that kind of erasure and supercessionism. Also, having 1 line about how his death was the Empire's fault so don't blame the Jews is meaningless when in this allegory, the Empire (Israeli government) *is* Jewish
(anyone curious about what anon's referring to, I believe it's my poem here)
Hey there anon, thank you for your feedback. In this situation where various marginalized peoples are being pitted against each other (and/or conflated with political groups), I've been struggling to make sure my words don't add to the misinformation and harm. So whenever someone takes the time to remind me of that danger, I'll take the time to re-examine my words — even if I end up standing by them, as I mostly do in this case.
I can't promise to say and do all the perfect things, because there isn't time to waste getting my words just right before saying something — people are dying right now (and yes, anon, that includes those Israelis who are still hostages of Hamas, who are also endangered by Israel's continued attacks.)
I have been spending much of my free time these past few months learning more about Israel and Palestine, and I still don't feel I'm even close to knowing enough! But I've listened to those who are actually in the midst of the violence who say that all of us across the world must join their cry now, not letting our ignorance be an excuse. That means there have been a few things I've said that I then had to re-consider after learning more.
Just a few days ago, I was actually trying to look into the origins of the statement that "Jesus was a Palestinian Jew." (Btw if anyone knows the origins of this statement, please hit me up!)
Arguments against it note that the term "Palestinian" didn't exist in Jesus' day. Looking into the accuracy of that statement is still on my to-do list; I did skim over this article calling it a myth but yeah, still digging. Regardless, sure, I don't think Jesus called himself a Palestinian in his lifetime.
That doesn't necessarily mean that the statement is useless, however. I do very much believe that if Jesus were born today, in the same place, he'd be born to a Jewish Palestinian family, not an Israeli one.
That does not erase his Jewishness; it confirms God's "preferential option for the poor," God's choice to side with and become one with the most oppressed and discarded. It also does not assert that Jewish persons don't "belong" in the region — only that the modern nation/colony Israel isn't necessary for them to live and thrive there.
All that said, if anyone has more info on the statement that "Jesus was a Palestinian" — its origins, how it's been used over the years — I would absolutely like to examine it further. For now, I stand by the phrase, with an openness to re-considering that with further education.
I feel more confident in talking about Empire — how I used it in my poem, versus how you've interpreted it. I'm genuinely grateful to you for bringing your reading of it to my attention, because it's shown me that my words weren't clear enough there!
In these verses from my poem:
"...And now, as then, some may blame Jesus’s death on his own Jewish people — but resist this lie! Now as then the crime is Empire’s and those of us who would cast stones should ponder first what our nations gain from genocide. ..."
You interpret Empire as being Israel.
My intention was that Empire with a capital E is a much larger network of all imperial forces on earth. Israel is entangled in that, and directly backed and funded by those forces. My own country, the United States, is one of the nations at the helm of Empire.
So when I talk of Empire being to blame, I'm not saying just Israel — honestly, I'm personally more concerned with the US's complicity, because I feel as a US citizen I can help demand they stop.
So I'm going to rework that bit to better express what I mean by Empire, so it doesn't sound like I'm focusing only on Israel. Empire is so much bigger than any one state, colony, or government.
Okay, I'm out of steam. I'm going to link a few pieces that have been helping me frame all that's going on right now to resist pitting marginalized groups against each other:
This art piece naming "contradicting truths"
This article by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg also naming seemingly contradictory truths
Since I didn't really get deep into this part of your ask, I also appreciate this article discussing the question of indigeneity. It discards the "need" to figure out "who was there first" in favor of exploring intersecting histories.
Oh also, because you claim that the Israeli government "is Jewish," I think discussions on how Israel isn't actually a safe haven for all Jews, only those that fit into their goals, are vital.
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pumpkinpartynoelle · 10 months ago
Update. Update! UPDATE!
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I figure as long as Toby is putting out another newsletter, I might as well give a more thorough update of my own.
I've done a quick read of the newsletter, and skimmed through the Sans and Papyrus dialogue. Nothing seems all that revealing as far as Variable Angel Theory and its branch theories go, so it shouldn't affect all that much on my end, other than making it clear that I do, in fact, have plenty of time to finish this theory at my own pace.
That pace has recently picked up. I think I'm about 70% done with what I want to include now, though the sections I still have to work on, most especially Spamton and the Spamton Sweepstakes, might be some of my longest. Then again, given how many sections have spawned from my stumbling into random lore bits that recontextualize other parts of the theory, it's possible I'm overestimating my progress and I'll end up with a few entirely new sections of content that are too relevant to skip out on. Much like Deltarune itself, I've no idea what will come up, so I'm not going to promise any sort of release date, not that I imagine there are huge swaths of people waiting with bated breath or anything.
Good news though, the vast majority of VAT part 1 continues to hold up. There are a few bits that make things seem shaky, but there's not a single one that can't be very plausibly explained away by either more thought given to the information we have, or simply missing a piece or two given how small a proportion of the game I'm working with. As far as actual major contradictions go, I've found absolutely none, and I have been looking. I've no intention of presenting a theory I don't believe in, even if part 2 will admittedly involve a fair bit more guesswork and assumptions than part 1 did.
I may push some of the deeper Gaster stuff into its own theory post, if I decide to look into it. So far, I'm much more familiar with the in-game content than anything outside of it. That's why I didn't really reference the newsletters much in the first part of VAT, nor the Spamton Sweepstakes, and, to be totally honest, tracking down all the Gaster stuff that isn't in-game in some capacity sounds like a nightmare, which is a shame because it seems like there's a fair amount of out-of-game Gaster content, maybe even more than in-game.
As such, the Gaster content I'll be including in Part 2 of VAT is almost entirely the stuff that's in Deltarune itself (and in Undertale, of course, to whatever extent I see relevance), plus occasional bits and pieces from elsewhere if I happen to know about them. Don't expect an extremely thorough analysis of everything Gaster-related, that's well out of my purview, at least for now.
To be clear though, the section on Gaster is still fairly long, and there are, of course, bits of his involvement that are very relevant to Variable Angel Theory, like the DT extractor, and I think Gaster may even be at least partially responsible for The Roaring. However, if you're looking for something truly Gaster-centric, VAT2 isn't going to give that to you. The best person for that job that I know of, theorizing closest to my style, is of course Jaru, whenever he finishes putting his Gaster theory together.
VAT1, as I'm sure many people noticed, wasn't particularly focused and streamlined on specifically the bits most relevant to the theory's namesake, i.e. the Angel's identity, abilities, most significant roles, and creation processes. That was intentional. Everything in Deltarune is so interconnected, it'd be hard to isolate everything, and to be honest, I don't want to. Lots of things are useful context for lots of other things. As such, VAT2, while its primary focus will still be on Variable Angel Theory, will include even more branch theories and bonus bits. Directly related or not, the pictures you can paint with enough thousands of words can be a lot more revealing if you expand your canvas.
Here's what's (probably) done so far in broad strokes:
All instances of "Holy"
All instances of "Sin"
More info on Soul Power
How Kris’s soul works
The vessel's purpose
Nearly all of the Gaster stuff
Rouxls Kaard analysis
Miscellaneous branch theories and bonus bits
Here's what I have left to finish up:
About half of the Jevil section
One or two Gaster subsections
The Spamton and Spamton Sweepstakes sections
Analysis of "Heaven" and "Hell" (part of which will already be touched on in the Jevil and Spamton sections)
Brief reevaluations of VAT1's main 4 angel candidates with the new info in mind
That's about all I have left, and I think it'll be less work than it sounds. Well, not the Spamton section, there's a good chance that'll take a while, but the other parts I expect to be fairly straightforward. None of these important keywords that I'm giving full analysis to are nearly as strict and precise in their use as "angel", and to a lesser extent, "demon", were.
I've also reposted, and slightly reformatted, VAT1 on our system's AO3, so hopefully that gets more of a discussion going on all this. Once VAT2 is done, it'll go up on AO3 as well as on Tumblr.
That's about it!
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just-antithings · 2 years ago
Re: refrainbow (creator of the Boyfriends webtoon) saying the n-word. (Note, I'll be switching between he and they pronouns for refrainbow, since he uses both, I hope it doesn't end up confusing. Also, the bold is to help with reading (at least, it helps with my ADHD, but there's also a td;lr at the bottom as well))
I don't have screenshots or links, but it's been noted that refrainbow has admitted to having said it when he was younger and still learning English (mostly from the internet). They are Indonesian and did not know the history behind the slur. I'm not sure they even knew it was a slur until getting called out for it; from what I've seen, refrainbow thought it was English slang calling someone stupid or bad, due to learning it through I think gaming, where the n-word and other slurs were often thrown around liberally.
People ofc are valid being wary around refrainbow or anyone who's used the n-word or other slurs as general insults (or just saying them in general). No one is entitled to anyone's forgiveness.
One thing I've seen thought up, though, is people saying that refrainbow should have known anyway that the word was off-limits. One anti art-commentary youtuber said, "I knew as a little kid that it was a BAD word, that you just DO NOT say." And yes, as an American kid, I'm sure they were observant enough to realize that it was a horrible word, even if they did not automatically know the history of that word.
Refrainbow is NOT American. He was learning English mainly through the internet, iirc, and even if he was also taking formal English classes, there usually isn't a section on slurs in said language. Now, in my French class, part of the lesson plan was learning about racism north African and Middle Eastern people faced in France (a very compressed lesson; I barely remember what the teacher told us in that lecture). We were not told slurs and told "Do not, under any circumstances, say these words." If I'd been in an online gaming community with a bunch of French kids back then, there is every possibility I could have repeated slurs in French, not knowing they were slurs, if everyone around me were using them like general insults. I would have assumed it was slang first, not slurs.
As for why antis add refrainbow saying the n-word at the very end of a rant/call-out, this is a pretty common tactic that I've seen in call-out-type posts I end up coming across. Lots of buzzwords are used, many with the barest amount of "evidence" (if there is any, or if there is, it's usually worst-faith takes of some post or passage from a fic). Usually it's full of rhetoric meant to stoke people's anger or disgust, and then at the very end is a claim not mentioned in the bulk of the call-out/rant and usually a shorter sentence. It's usually something worse than what else has been stated and may or may not come with actual proof, and this last part might be actually true or true if you hide context around it.
I think there are two main reasons for this. One is that depending on how long the call-out/rant is, most people are more likely to pay attention to just the beginning and end parts, skimming over the rest. Placing "the worse/worst thing" at the end then makes sure people actually read it. Another reason (tied to the first reason) is that this last point is more likely to stick in people's memories this way, so if people only skimmed the rest, they're more likely to believe the other points are true, too, especially if that last point has evidence attached or is easily searched.
There's been a few call-outs in my fandom recently (some were technically responses to earlier call-outs, showing proof that the original people making their call-out posts were lying/twisting the truth), so whenever I find myself getting disgusted or upset, I make sure to go back and read it more closely (if the call-out is about someone I follow/a mutual; I don't have energy to read rants about people I've never heard of before).
td;lr: refrainbow did say the n-word before, he's apologized, explaining that he was still learning English at the time and didn't know how bad the word was, and using points like this at the bottom of a call-out post seems to be deliberate, so that people remember The Bad Thing about the person more clearly.
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arwainian · 3 months ago
Reading This Week 2024 #46
Good morning everyone! After this post goes up I'm booking it to get to an a capella performance I'm in
Shadow by Anne Logston This was an absolute delight to read, and makes me really glad that I pick up random fantasy paperbacks in used bookstores whenever I can. the protagonist Shadow is so endearing if you love bold messy women, and the action/mystery plot in it was gripping enough, without drowning out my enjoyment of Shadow as a just a fun little blorbo to follow around. great and entertaining
sturm und drang by spit_kitten on ao3 a little hobby of mine is wading through the muck of ao3's Original Fiction tag to find whatever gay romances are being posted there. This is an old favorite histrom of mine from doing that: incredibly earnest young man gets irony-poisoned painter to Feel Something. I especially love the side character Harry with all of my heart. go check it out if you want something light and sweet
Blue Box, Vol. 5 by Kouji Miura, translated by Christine Dashiell Blue Box continues to really scratch that high school romance itch.I love seeing Chinatsu's like style sense being so casual. I like that a not-very-feminine girl is just casually the main love interest (without Chono the more girly girl in the love triangle isn't given shit for being very fem)
"Monstrous Fantasies: Reinforcing Rape Culture in Fiona McIntosh's Fantasy Novels" by Lenise Prater I am so glad I found Prater and all the people she's citing so I can cite her and them in my own MA paper, and also so frustrated that she slipped through the cracks of my initial search! I really only have myself to blame bc I checked and a different article of hers to cited in an article I already found, but aaaaaaaaaa. because I'm so late in the semester I mostly skimmed this for what I could immediately quote and incorporate into my paper
Introduction & Chapter 1 from Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick I've been meaning to read Sedgwick for a while, and I'll definitely read more, but for now I just got this so I could cite its direct relevance to my paper on my advisor's recommedation
"Medievalism and the Fantasy Heroine" by Jane Tolmie found through some citations, has some great bits to quote in my own work
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz, audiobook narrated by Jonathan Davis and Staci Snell read on the recommendation of Hope in my grad program (thank you Hope for gifting me a copy). Honestly i find the way it engages with pop culture/nerd culture a bit abrasive and name-drop-y, but so it goes. I guess that is the way of love of nerds engage with nerd culture
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Vol. 6 written by Kanehito Yamada, art by Tsukasa Abe I continue to not be all that impressed with the first-class mage exam arc. It's way longer than basically any previous arc in the manga, and I think that really bogs it down. A lot of the charm of Frieren for me was it's shorter more self contained adventures, so having this multi-volume long Thing that basically ignores one member of our core three is very tedious for me
Until I Love Myself: The Journey of Nonbinary Manga Artist, Vol. 1 by Poppy Pesuyama, translated by Emily Balistrieri This is a manga about the artist's experience with sexual harassment through their life and how that has often coincided with and worsened their gender dysphoria as a nonbinary person. Pesuyama really excellent captures the transmasculine feeling of like the trauma of sexual violence getting muddled with already distressing feelings of dysphoria to create a very powerful self-loating and blame for having the body you have. Very well done, but I actually found it more triggering to read than I expect, and had to go play video games for the rest of the evening instead of reading the second volume
Magic's Price by Mercedes Lackey I'm kind of obsessed with the romance between Vanyel and Stefan. go wizard go! Have a kinda problematic age gap relationship, where the younger party is the active pursuer because you, a sad gay wizard, have committed yourself to celibacy because of your fear of emotional intimacy! this is like a gift to me specifically I'm really vibing with it
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bluegekk0 · 1 year ago
In a modern setting how good would each of the family members be at a fighting game? Also related but not really related but Holly and GG Strive Faust have similar vibes
oh i love those modern setting asks. i've been thinking a lot about a modern au so this is very helpful, thank you
i'll start with fpk. i think he would be pretty bad at them. or, more precisely, i think he'd memorize all the different moves and combos relatively fast, but he'd struggle to put the knowledge into practice. his reaction time is a slower than it used to, so any game that requires very quick reactions or predictions would be difficult for him. and i don't think he'd just mash all the buttons, again, he would memorize the combinations without much trouble, and he'd want to put them to use. but it's very hard for him
grimm, on the other hand, would be a pro. he's exceptionally good at reading others' behavior and psyche, he's had hundreds of years to study them after all. and what this means is that he can read his opponent very quickly, which together with his general mechanical skill in video games means that he's able to predict their next move and react accordingly, nearly without flaw. he can use it in other ways, not just to defeat them. if he's playing against fpk, he'll go easy on him and intentionally play poorly to make him feel better about himself
but usually he's a scary opponent, which, of course, infuriates hornet every time they play together. she's good at video games, very good, but she tends to rage very often. she wants to win, but against grimm she finds it impossible. and because she's petty like that, she doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of beating her, so she'll keep trying until she either gets too angry to play, or until grimm lets her win on purpose (and if she finds out he did that, she gets even more annoyed). but generally she's really good at fighting games. she's smart, she knows the most optimal combos, and unlike fpk she's able to react in time. her rage is what usually brings her down, she gets too tilted to play properly
holly would be decent at fighting games. not too good, but not awful either. they understand the basics and can do quite well, but they don't find the concept of fighting as engaging as the others do, so they don't bother learning all the combos and strategies. they're more of a stardew valley type player, they prefer to relax in their games as opposed to beating opponents for a dopamine rush. whenever the family plays, they tend to just watch
zote sucks at these games. he mashes all the buttons and then starts acting like he's a pro if he manages to get a lucky win. he refuses to listen to tips and believes he knows better. on the upside, he doesn't give up, which is quite admirable. he may be bad at it, but he still keeps going. i think it would be hilarious if he ended up actually beating grimm once thanks to his unpredictable, random playstyle. i can already imagine grimm's genuinely surprised face, and hornet tossing the controller and leaving the room, cussing as she walks away
lewk is too young to get any good at games like this, but i think he would be very interested. grimm would definitely let him practice and teach him his secrets, though i think the fact that lewk is still a baby and barely understands it would be mildly disappointing to him. his dreams of teaching his offspring to be a fighting game pro will have to wait, unfortunately. though lewk is smart and definitely has the potential. he would definitely love to watch the adults play, maybe he could be the overly excited commentator of the family hahaha
as for the second part, i sadly can't comment on this since i haven't played any of the gg games, but after skimming through the wiki page yeah i can see some similarities!
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materassassino · 11 months ago
13 books tag game
Was tagged by @polarcell! Heeeee~ I'm so glad I've gotten back into reading and can do this happily without struggle!
1) The last book I read:
Infidels by Andrew Wheatcroft. It's mediocre. The research is only strong when it concerns Spain, and everything else is skimmed over heavily. There is a distinct lack of Arab/Muslim sources the further along you go with blatant biases towards the Western pov and the end is absolutely fucking incoherent. Not a complete loss but mostly useless and woefully caught up in the madness that was America post-invasion of Iraq.
2) A book I recommend:
A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan. I recommend it to literally everyone whenever I can, the whole series is so good.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Much to my chagrin, Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. It reads like a fanfic so it flows dangerously fast and I read it all in one sitting. However I don't think it's particularly... good? It's fine, but it's verging on the "empty entertainment" I dislike from fiction books I read.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
Apart from the worst possible answer (I read Prisoner of Azkaban so many times between the ages of nine and fifteen it's basically imprinted on the inside of my skull), I'm going to say The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It's the first Narnia book I read, and it's still my favourite. I love Reepicheep so much it's stupid.
5) A book on my TBR:
There are so goddamn many Jesus wept. Perhaps Madhouse at the End of the Earth by Julian Sancton. Continue some good old-fashioned Hubris in the Artic/Antartic genre of historical event.
6) A book I’ve put down:
Price and Prejudice. Trying to get a middle schooler to read this was a stupid endeavour and I hated it and did not finish it. Nor do I ever actually want to. It takes a lot for me to actually put down a book and not finish it.
7) A book on my wish list:
The Best Land under Heaven by Michael Wallis. I've yet to read something comprehensive about the Donner Party and this one looks good.
8) A favorite book from childhood:
The Dragon's Quest by Rosemary Manning. I loved how eloquent and charming the dragon was.
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. It changed me and I need to pass on the smell of the sea and the feel of salt-stained marble.
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own
Literally the only poetry book I own is The Penguin Book of Greek Verse and I've barely touched it. I don't really do poetry.
11) A nonfiction book you own:
How am I supposed to choose? I have so many that I bought for uni and for my own enjoyment. I guess I'll choose The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé. I have yet to read it because it requires a lot of spoons to read books like this right now, and I used a lot of them up on The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi.
12) What are you currently reading:
Hurdy Gurdy by Christopher Wilson and Same-Sex Marriage in Renaissance Rome by Gary Ferguson. I'm enjoying Hurdy Gurdy so far, I forget how quickly fiction goes compared to non-fiction. Same-Sex Marriage is proceeding apace, but I really should have taken more notes as I read, if I'm going to be writing fic based on it.
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Fuck if I know, I'll just pull something out of the towering pile and get to it. It has to have the right Vibes for the moment, though, and those Vibes are mysterious at best.
Tagging @nightbirdz, @gravity-loves-me, @dangerouscommiesubversive, @maered613, @veradragonjedi, @ctrldao3, @teta-veleta and whoever else wants to do this!
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