#i'll reblog this post with like. liveblogging and stuff
johnny-jhonny · 1 year
It Is Time.
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unforth · 16 days
Alright not to like liveblog my breakdown on main but yesterday was a really bad day after a really bad, like, 4 months, and I've hit a bit of a breaking point and one of the only things in my life that can give is running @mdzsartreblogs , @tgcfartreblogs , @svsssartreblogs , @erhaartreblogs , @tykartreblogs , and @cnovelartreblogs , so that is what has to give. It's been a 99-out-of-100 days thankless job. A small number of people do say thank you and yall I appreciate you so much (HUGE shout-out to the artist I met at Flamecon who gifted me a zine when I said I ran these blogs, @bonesblubs you rock) but I have never done an act of fandom labor simultaneously this labor intensive yet this invisible before and, uh. It sucks. I spend an hour or more a day on this every day, if it's under 2k hours since I started the first of these in September 2020 I'd be shocked. And I do it because I love it but doing it means I don't have time or energy to do other things I love. And I really don't want to just quit, but I can't keep this up.
In a last-ditch effort to try not to just give up, I'm making the following changes:
1. Only watching one tag per fandom for the MXTX fandoms. I am going to check *only* #tgcf, #svsss, and #mdzs. Artwork posted to any other tag, I will not see unless a mutual reblogs it.
2. Reduced tagging (even more). I'm only going to tag characters and maybe overarching au type (eg, "modern au," "fantasy au"). I'll no longer tag creatures. I will continue to tag the same common trigger warnings I already tag.
3. If a work's appearance doesn't make it obvious what it is AND the tags aren't clear, I'm not going to reblog. I can't keep spending 5 minutes or more trying to figure out what I'm even looking at, scared that if I guess wrong the artist will get mad at me for mistagging their work. If I do reblog, I'll tag only the artist name and/or whatever else I can identify for sure.
4. I am no longer going to follow #link click. The fandom is just too big. I've started dreading checking it. If I was more into it and less busy I would make another spin off just for it but neither of those is true. (The art is so good, I hate to do this, but. If you love link click, highly recommend the main tag, lots of great stuff there.)
5. I will no longer tag any non-cnovel content in the art/post. Like, if someone draws, idek, Xie Lian and Marinette from Ladybug, I'm not gonna put any tags for Marinette, just for Xie Lian.
6. Basically if I run into something hard to tag or confusing or unclear, my new policy is I'm not gonna fricken bother.
I think those are everything but idefk, I cried for 3 hours last night and got 4 hours of sleep so I'm mostly fueled by exhaustion and desperation right now and my memory is even more fried than usual.
How artists can help. This is obviously all optional. You do you. But since some people might want to know what would make my life easier, I'm sharing. I'm not claiming I feel entitled to dictate how people fandom or anything like that.
1. Put the tags for the character(s) and ship(s) early in the tag list.
2. If you make art for a fandom that isn't one of the big ones (right now the only big danmei fandoms on tumblr as far as I can tell are the MXTX fandoms and maybe 2ha) I am begging you to use my tracked tag #cnovelartreblogs
3. Do mdzs art? Tag #mdzs. Do tgcf art? Tag #tgcf. Do svsss art? Tag #svsss.
4. Not only artists, but everyone, *please* stop tagging fandoms not discussed and/or depicted in your post. It's gotten to be stupid common for people to blanket the danmei fandom tags with posts only about one fandon (like, svsss-only works also being tagged mdzs and tgcf and 2ha for some damn reason). This isn't about just my sideblogs tbh this is just fandom etiquette that seems to have been forgotten or never learned by many. Tagging unrelated fandoms isn't "reach," it's annoying. People go into the #mdzs tag to see mdzs, not whatever not-mdzs stuff people have decided to tag for ~reach~, and seeing the same post in 8 tags, none of which it's related to, is so damn irritating, and makes scrolling the tags looking for content that IS relevant take that much longer. Knock it off.
Okay. I think that's as much as I'm prepared to meltdown where everyone can see. Thanks in advance everyone for your understanding, and apologies to everyone about to see this 8 times as I reblog it to each sideblog.
At least I'm not tagging it to everywhere. 🤣🤣🤣
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muffinrecord · 4 months
Current Plans + Musings
I don't plan on playing Exedra to the degree I did for Magia Record, or playing it at all. Because of that, I won't be taking an active role in the community and archiving anything for it. Of course, if Exedra has like amazing gameplay and stories then this is all subject to change, but for now I think I'm done with phone games.
The two youtube channels will stay up and I'll check em periodically to make sure there aren't copyright strikes against the content. I've saved all my raw files, especially for the battle animations, so I can remake them in the future if the music ever becomes a problem for some reason.
Google Drive will stay up until Google rots away. I haven't recorded footage in a long time (as in stories, I do for the character doppels and such), but I'll upload things if they're sent to me.
Magia Union Translations still plans on translating things and making videos, especially leading up to the end, but also for after the game is over for whatever wasn't made in time. I'm not sure what form this will take in the future-- if it'll be manual captions added to the videos or not, but I know it WILL happen.
As for this blog, I'm not going to delete it or anything. However I'm going to be taking a step back. I'd like to say that I'll do liveblogs but I mean... *gestures at blog* I've been saying that for years and the only one I really did successfully was the Oriko one lmao. Ahhh oh well.
I'll have more words later, but it was really fun to be part of a fandom experience like this. I'm excited to work on my own original story projects though and quiet down a bit.
When I started this blog, I never expected it to have people actually read it. Or look at it. I just wanted a place to gush about how much fun I was having. I didn't even want to tag the posts with "Magia Record" at first because I was terrified people would be mean at me, haha.
But I'm glad I did. I made so many good friends through this game. I'm glad it existed. And it made me happy to have a place where people cared about what I had to say. Some folks actually got their news from here, can you imagine that? They had notifications turned on for this blog. My god.
Anyways, I'm going to be here for the next two months, and tomorrow I'll start reblogging fan projects and initiatives, plus general news. Maybe this blog will turn into a dumping site for art and fanfic reblogs, who knows. I might watch the remaining stuff and add various thoughts here and there.
Otherwise, you can find me on my main blog @malignmuffin, which only reblogs stuff (I don't talk much if at all there). I have another tumblr blog for my comic, but I think I'll reshare the name once I actually have content you can look at on it. It's pretty bare bones for the moment.
Actually it'll be funny if the end of this game is what makes me finally work on it again. I was in the process of working on it when NA came out, and it totally derailed me. Stopped writing, drawing, just focused on this silly little phone game. Now it's like those five years have gone by and I'm going back to where I started, except I think my lil comic is going to be a bit better than it was before. If I actually make it, that is.
If I ever do actually make my comic and start posting it, I'll be sure to update y'all here. hah
Anyways, thanks for being on this wild ride with me. The memories have been great, and I'm glad I had this experience, even if it had to end.
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docholligay · 2 months
HELLO AND WELCOME! For my birthday, i am getting to do things that *I* want to do, but I hope that you will love as well! Stuff we don't normally do, stuff I don't always have time for, etc. I hope this looks as fun to you as it does to me: BMuch of this I have handpicked as "Fuck I would love to do that if I had the time"
Saturday, August 10th: That evening, we'll have a lovely fun stream. The movie that won the draw out of the pitches was:
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I FUCKING LOVE THE QUICK AND THE DEAD I HAVEN'T WATCHED IT IN YEARS THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME IT EXISTED. It's so bad, it's so bad. It is so very much a shitty modern girlpower type fucking movie, it has NOT ONE IOTA of subtlety, it was basically a 60s-70s Western made with A Girl but trying to do business with the grittier Westerns of the 90s AMAZING. I CANNOT WAIT to tell you everything that is wrong with this movie, it is so fun and fucking stupid.
Sunday, August 11th: I'm running a race Full Send because this is how I have fun I guess but then, that evening, Jackbox games!
Monday, August 12th: The Patreon release of some more of Justified Episode one, and then that night, the movie club for The Lucky Mill! There's a separate post on that, I'll make sure to reblog it again a few times.
Tuesday, August 13th: First of all, It's Lena's birthday! According to my canon, the only one that matters. Weirdly this is not related to it being close to my birthday--I picked it out of a book about birthdays that I use for that sort of thing. I 'found' her personality and just made that her birthday. It's how I did it for all the Overwatch characters. ANYWAY.
It'll be a 'liveblog' (More like a series of long posts) about Season 2, Episode 9 of Vinland Saga. I streamed this show, and really really liked it, but Oath was, I think, my favorite of a series of very good episodes, and I can't wait to really talk about it.
Wednesday, August 14th: IT IS MY BIRTHDAY SHOWER ME WITH AFFECTION. I am going to the fair all day. It is also, no joke, Doc Holliday's birthday. How's that for fuckin kismet?
Thursday, August 15th: A series of unhinged essays about the television show Interview With The Vampire, deeply informed by the fact that the Vampire Chronicles were akin to my Harry fucking Potter when I was a deeply weird 13-16 year old. HUGE spoilers for the books, but honestly the TV show has been so different that it might NOT be a spoiler for the show ahaha. (I do very much like the show, in case anyone is worried it'll be a hateblog.)
That night: @keyofjetwolf and I will be watching S2E5 of Interview. She will have only seen UP to that point, and it's one of my favorite eps (I am sure all of you who have seen it know why)
Friday, August 16th: We finish off with a drunken stream. I will be asked to identify anime and what they are about in what I can only assume is some kind of Who Wants To Be A Weeaboo Piece of Shit, while I am drunk. May include audience participation. For any more detailed instructions/explanation, @ultrace is the main runner of this, with a heavy assist by @keyofjetwolf I think it will be very funny and I will do badly ahahah.
And that will be it! a full week of fun celebration! PLEASE JOIN ME AND HAVE FUN
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finderseeker · 4 days
Season 6 liveblog post! I'll be continuing the practice of putting it all under a read more so it doesn't clog up my blog or 55 people's dashboards.
So are we just not gonna talk about that Jake is partying with an all-powerful being and several cosmic entities including the lich?? (And also Peppermint Butler is there???)
I do like Prismo he seems cool. And he's got a neat design
Ohhh that's interesting about the lich. Prismo says the lich's "primary function is to cause mass death." And then compares him to "a machine without a purpose." Hmmmmm
Wait I thought the time room was outside of linear time
Finn is handling being in the same room as the lich, who's still in Billy's body, weirdly well.
Why is he okay with being killed??
Wait, "killing a wishmaster"? Are there others??
"As soon as my corporeal body falls asleep again in a thousand years I'll be back!" PRISMO C'MON. THE LICH IS RIGHT THERE. YOU'VE GOTTA SEE WHY THIS IS A BAD IDEA.
Well at least the lich is imprisoned...?
Oh no. Weird black fire stuff
Either this guy's not his dad or his dad's just a jerk.
I'm gonna guess not his dad. He does suck.
Many questions about the lich...
Is he gonna grow a grass arm...?
Uhhh more questions about the lich...
Oh no. I think uh. I think you guys should've told PB about this whole deal. Before you uh. Before you left baby lich with. Tree Trunks.
James again huh? Curious about that whole deal.
Three months since the zombie thing huh. Interesting when they give real a timeline for stuff.
Kind of. Um. Disturbing. How PB treats refusing to keep cloning James like she's firing someone from their job instead of. Y'know. Letting someone die. Like don't get me wrong I'm not saying treating him as expendable because he can be cloned was right either, but. Idk.
"Dude I've been to your funeral like 25 times."
Banana guard just knew the term "vigintiquintuplets" huh
I've been wondering about how PB has, presumably, been the one who made the majority of the candy people, especially her own staff. And how she's definitely capable of making competent beings (like those gumball machine swordsmen), but she surrounds herself with goofballs, save for a few. Is it because she likes to feel like smartest one? Is it because she wants to be left to her own devices but can't take care of everything on her own? Is it because she wants to be needed? Some combination of those things?
This episode did not answer my questions about the radioactive goo.
I am glad that they're not brushing the arm thing off. I'm glad that they're not just giving him a prosthetic that replaces it perfectly. And the prosthetic PB gave him was unwieldy and hard to use, just like a real prosthetic.
Oh. He's got a ghost arm. :/
"AHH!" "What??" "I just thought about my anxieties, and it's like my mind-hand touched a hot memory-stove." That is EXACTLY WHAT IT FEELS LIKE YEAH.
Revenge be like that.
Oh the ghost arm is gone that's good(?)
Dude where did you THINK that tower would fa
Once again: glad they’re not brushing this arm business or the effects of what happened with his dad off. It’s cool they’re exploring the numbness that comes after the anger.
Finn nooo don’t get your feel-good brain chemicals from kissing a whole bunch of girls! That won’t end well.
Did Finn.
Did Finn sleep with LSP…
This feels like a cop-out, but at least it wasn’t immediate…
Alright. I admit I didn’t expect to be wrong about the ancient psychic tandem war elephant
Ohh another genderbend episode
LSP kidnapped the Ice King to make him read her take on Fionna and Cake. Incredible. Can’t wait to see how this goes.
I love that all these episodes are like, totally skewed by whoever writing.
Alright this is long. New reblog.
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hermitcraftx · 8 months
gay people go here
james/icarus/patroclus | he/it/they + she sometimes + neos! switch it up
19 | traumagenic system
blog is rated 16+ interact at own risk
follows and likes from @faggotcowboys | alter blog: @lowresolutionboyfriend
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hi! wewcome to my bwog uwu i am a longtime tumblr user moving blogs
i mostly post hermitcraft/trafficlife but i dabble in some other stuff too <3
i am a fan of the dream smp but i dont post about it and i have most of the fanbase on here blocked from ye olden days. i dont like interacting with the fandom other than fanart so dont expect that from me if ur blocked nothing personal just how it is
i'm a writer. in theory. mostly i liveblog and shitpost and reblog art but occasionally i will upload my own art or writing
i do not tag for shipping mostly because i am absolute dogshit at remembering. i am an adult and i don't shy away from reblogging suggestive or the occasional nsfw post, but usually they're tagged under #suggestive or #nsft.
i am a beginner artist! please be nice to me :') i use krita
for hc s10 i'll be maining grian, joel, scar, and etho, but as of right now i am also caught up on mumbo, iskall, gem, zombiecleo, and i'm trying to slowly work my way through other people's povs
i main grian and joel! i go apeshit insane over scarian and smalletho, but i also enjoy gribeans/joelian and smallidarian/badboys content. treebark fan by osmosis. outside of trafficblr i watch a lot of content creators but ive been a fan of slimecicle and jschlatt for a while
used to be a wilburian. still like c!wilbur, disappointed and ignoring the actual guy. support shelby shubble and victims of abuse
i dont tag things as duo names i think its dumb as fuck i portmanteau their names or use "ship names" even if i dont care whether its romantic or platonic. if that bothers you block button
i dont believe in dnis but if you are a fan of dreamteam vivziepop jkr matpat or brendon urie i am probably going to block you. no terfs no swerfs no maps no zionists no racists or anti-semities and i am NOT pro-endo but i dont really care?? as long as you dont cause syscourse ur welcome idgaf
i <3 heart weird problematic labels like boygirl fagdyke mspec butch lesbians bi lesbians bi gays cisgender het aros furries neopronouns xenogenders objectum and if any of that bothers you. well. block button
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capn-twitchery · 10 months
Hi! I just followed you, and I think your blog is awesome!
I'm planning to have a sideblog for an upcoming FL OC, kind of like his journal - I was wondering if you have any tips for an OC blog? I've been in the fandom space for ages but never did anything like that before.
Hope it's not out of line or anything, and if it is, feel free to ignore!
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hello hello!! welcome to the blog & thank you!! :D ♥️
disclaimer that i actually only joined 3 weeks ago so i'm no expert by any means, but i'll try my best based on what's been true for me! (and would love confirmation/input on the people who've been here longer)
from what i've seen, mostly anything goes for how you wanna run a blog!
liveblogging FL gameplay, screenshots, art, writing, just general posting about characters/FL stuff, anythin goes
'#fallen london' & '#fallen london oc' seem to be the most popular tags for getting noticed!
throwing an introductory post in that tag helps a lot, mine is over here !! i like introducing characters on mine, but a "hi i'm new and want to join here" would suffice just fine imo 😌
tbh most blogs are just people freely posting, oc musings, whatever else,,,,at the moment mine is more of a brain dump while i figure out these new ocs, and that suits me perfectly :D
on the more community side
there's like, 20 people here, so it's just passing the same posts in a circle but that's a good thing i promise
there being so few people & their stuff being very good means it's so easy to get invested in other people's ocs, so interact, send asks, reply to posts, reblog etc. etc. about anything you're interested in, it's fun, you learn about cool ocs & it's a good way to build community!!
i Can say with 100% certainty this is one of the nicest communities i've ever been in, bc i already feel so comfortable and able to interact with people without being shy, so if you're scared like i was--i promise people are very nice :D
i know lots of folks RP through fallen london letters & calling cards, if that's your thing! i'm very new to it however so can't say much except it's been fun so far!!
this is rambly but i hope it makes sense. TL;DR: intro posts are good, #fallen london & #fallen london oc, post whatever you want! enjoy 😌
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I reblog KOSA shit here because I have so much more reach here (even if it's not much, but 127 whole people follow me here! I love you all <3)
I think the big thing is I have like no mutuals following this account. So if a post was passed around by my mutuals and I reblog it on main they've probably already seen it but I can bring it here for just that much more visibility
Of course I reblog it on all of my blogs I use (I have like 4 impulse gimmick blogs lol) because I'm fucking terrified. I don't mean to be emotional on gimmick but I have like 4 irls and I RARELY get to see them. I need to get out more but I'm working on it, and Tumblr has actually taught me quite a bit about making friends. It's slow, and I'm still scared irl, but it's a process.
I can't stand to lose my first community in Tumblr where I wasn't scared. My beloved mutuals on my main (fuck it, @/kirexa is my main. Idrc anymore about hiding it,) scooped me out of literally just liveblogging games and I actually learned how it works with them. Shoutout to rune, to satoru, to domi, all of my early mutuals. I love all of my mutuals of course, but you guys are really special. You dragged me into this hellsite, and I'm so grateful for that. (I don't expect them to see this lol)
I just. Feel like I belong here. And that's why I'm really scared. If kosa passes, I lose my safe space, my community, I lose jeandori (/ij) and the bird mutual and my favorite RP accounts and I'll lose the threatsverse. I know I'm not very active but I love you guys and this always made me happy, the og threats was the literal second blog I followed ever.
This feels way too personal and hell I don't put myself out like this much, but honestly, you guys deserve it. PLEASE do what you can to prevent KOSA. You know what? While we're here, here's some things you can do. It's FAST and please.
This post has scripts to call your governors. PLEASE do it if you can.
Petition (change . org)
Another petition (badinternetbills)
I found these from other posts so PLEASE tell me if something is wrong with the links.
Edit: adding this aswell
It's a blog dedicated to reblogging important stuff on KOSA and other bad bills. Give it a follow.
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kqluckity · 8 months
OH btw mutuals (and followers too sorry followers), I'm making this post now but I'll queue it for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow just in case, anyways just so you know on Tuesday starts Sanremo, and I'll most likely be liveblogging it (in italian. as always), so if you don't give half a fuck (which is understandable btw) about THE Italian song festival and don't want your dash to be full of that stuff for the rest of the week, please block the tags "sanremo 2024" and "sanremo"!! because I'll tag every post i make/reblog with those two tags :]
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not-me-rewatch · 9 months
Not Me Rewatch 🔥 Day 14
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We're finally here! The finale is upon us! I hope you guys had a good time with the rewatch, I had an absolute blast and I've loved seeing everyone's reactions and post and seeing people be a community together. I'll keep an eye on the tag for a few more days so everyone can get caught up and share stuff ~ I'm going to miss you all very much! Be good, be kind, and be safe! (if you wanna keep up with me i'm over on @bunnakit , please feel free to hop in my ask or DMs and tell me other shows you'd like to see events for! i love celebrating anniversaries)
What to Do
Watch the episode
Reblog old faves and new posts
Liveblog your watch
Create content like memes, fics, gifs, edits, etc.
Tag your content and live reacts with #nmrewatch23
Escape almost certain death with your homies.
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I see u sometimes reblog stranger things stuff, was wondering if you can share some opinions on it? Any strong opinions on the mileven vs byler war
Lol I knew somehow when I put on my Stranger Things sweatshirt today that I would get this ask lol. Super fun question, thanks for asking! I love talking about any of my other fandoms. I've been pretty involved in the Stranger Things fandom from the jump, I liveblog every new season which you guys do not have to worry about for a while but you can totally backread my ST tags (melissa liveblogs st and melissa on stranger things) for my content or feel free to blacklist if you don't want to see it. I was also active in a few discords for Stranger Things and It, so if you were in any of those you might've seen me around. Met some great people, a few of which are still active on here @sorenserotonin and @milfnightshade loyal mutuals 🫡 who I always appreciate. I'll tag them in case they feel like returning to discussing Stranger Things with me like old times lol.
As for byler and mileven, I don't have super strong opinions. The two mutuals I tagged are both byler shippers (actually I forget if Deidre is, I'm pretty sure). EDIT: DEIDRE IS NOT! I personally have always been into mileven, they were the heart of the first season to me in a way that's really unmatched. The following seasons they have had their really moving moments, particularly for me the third season, but never the same spark as that first season. I do think they are endgame though, because that's just the path the show is on. I don't think the narrative makes sense without them, and wether that is effective writing is a whole separate post. That being said, I will always always never have beef with an lgbtq ship in any fandom, unless it's with a very unhealthy character and I think the ship is straight up abusive. Fandom is a largely queer space because we create the content we lack. That's important and should be respected regardless of ship wars (and I'm a person that gets into those lol). I have a dear friend who will ship anything as long as it's two women, even if they never interacted. I've never understood this. I want the writing to be strong and the relationship to be healthy. But I understand why she feels the way she feels and I'd never judge her, that's what fandom is for.
Some other Stranger Things opinions; I think the writing really has suffered since the first season. It is still a great show, but they struggle with consistency in their characters which is a huge issue for me. They also cave to fandom, which is another huge pet peeve of mine.
I also think Billy Hargrove is one of the most damaging popular characters in a long time, in terms of fandom and the impact on culture. I might just be biased however, I'm on some Billy fans blocklists.
This season was the best one by far since the first. I know that's a hot take, but I think it's true.
Max and Lucas were the only characters who were effectively developed and utilized this past season, which was a breath of fresh air for them to not waste Caleb McLaughlin again.
I do not like Jonathan Byers, but that being said the time for stancy has long come and gone and returning to it is insane.
Oh, final take, we've been giving the Duffers far too much credit for Robin as a character when a lot of it should go to fav nepotism baby Maya Hawke.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Unpopular Opinion: far too many CR fans enjoyment of characters is based only on their romantic relationship with other characters.
Hardly anyone talked/cared about FCG until they were shippable with FRIDA. 95% of discussions about Laudna are in reference to Imogen (and vice versa). Caduceus got a little attention from fans, but that dried up a lot once he was confirmed aro/ace.
If you only seem to care about a character when they're paired up with someone else, do you really care about the character?
Also a like...half agree. maybe more like 1/3.
Things I agree with: I think there's definitely a culture in fandom at large (not limited by any means to CR) that is only interested in shipping. This is a whole conversation I am not going to have at 10 pm while lightly drinking, but I do think this shapes a very large amount of discourse that goes beyond mere shipping, and might even possibly impact the TV industry in that a lot of shows that only blow up in their second or third season (sometimes after they've already been canceled on the back end for low viewership) do so because that's when the romance happens. I also agree that if your enjoyment of a character is solely centered around a ship and not the character on their own then yeah, you don't actually like them. (and yeah, while the 95% figure is probably an exaggeration for effect, it is true that Imogen and Laudna often get folded into each other in fanon such that it's frustrating if you're looking for meta on them as individuals).
Things I disagree with: Caduceus was still extremely popular throughout C2 including when he was confirmed aroace, and while there's definitely more interest in FCG at the moment there was plenty of discussion before. Like, that's just straight-up false and you're welcome to plumb my blog's FCG and Caduceus Clay tags to find no shortage of posts (and many are reblogs, to be clear, not just my stuff). I also think that like...look, I'm a meta writer and a general one at that, I'll talk about whatever character comes to mind, but a lot of people are just out here reblogging and making little liveblog comments, at most, and there is in fact just simply more to comment about when a romance happens because it is an important and significant dynamic!
Also like...god. I am, to quote Brian Murphy, almost entirely made of salt. I'm a hater and proud of it, I love criticism, I'm actively skeptical of nonstop positivity, but also, in the end, I've had favorite characters who were fan favorites, and favorite characters who were imo seriously underrated, and favorite characters who fell somewhere in between, and obviously more content is great but popularity comes with its own challenges (more terrible fanon, for one). The one constant is that even when being a massive fucking hater I have always had more fun when I don't get mad that my faves aren't more popular. Honestly? That's maybe the top thing I hate on - people getting mad that their favorite isn't everyone's favorite, and that people are talking about other things than their favorite.
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muffinrecord · 7 months
Do you possibly have a personal blog or a blog where you post about your personal story project?
I personally do sorta miss you posting alot but understand losing interest in magia record. You have a really nice personality and i enjoy seeing your opinions and theories and am just wondering if theres another blog to stick with to keep up with you! (especially in case of if magia record.. dies soon, yeah)
If you do not feel comfortable sharing a personal blog that is also okay jsyk ♡
;_; This was very sweet to read, thank you. I wanna clarify that I do want to keep talking about MagiReco in the future too, even when the game eventually goes under. Maybe I'll actually do all those liveblogs I keep talking about once it's gone??? Who knows.
I have a main blog but I don't really post on it, I just reblog stuff @malignmuffin. I'm prone to deleting everything on it once in a while because that's what I do when I'm anxious apparently. It's a miracle I've never deleted this blog, or the google drive, or any of the youtube channels.
I have an art blog but I'm probably going to private it now (haven't updated it in years) 'cause it has a ton of spoilers on it for my story, woops
.... I do have a story blog, but it's a lil scary to share it haha. I've been posting a few thoughts on it but... ah fuck it, here it is: @malicemuffin
(it was formerly called worldsnail but that sounds like World Snail and not World's Nail which is actually kind of hilarious. i should put one lil snail in each chapter... hidden on one page... world's worst where's waldo)
You know, on the bright side-- once Magia Record goes down, maybe I can funnel all that money into things like commissions of my girls.
I want to start doing art again and posting little sketches on it, but right now I'm doing a lot of writing. It's been a lot of fun and I feel kind of more human than usual lately, if anything. More like myself.
Anyways, thanks for asking!! It makes me really happy to hear that someone would actually want to hear me talk or have an interest in stuff that I'm working on. ;_;
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bichaels · 9 months
🆒 pinned
hi. my name's reagan. in other spaces i go by milque.
i use he/him, irls can use he/her
im the world's okayest artist and a beginner writer. my favorite thing in the world is the drawn to life series, and my favorite character of all time is circi. i really like circi :) . i also like other stuff. ask me!
i make an effort to tag everything for easy perusal. here are some cool tags to check out:
drawn to life
my art
about me
also check this stuff out!
carrd - last update 5/29
@notmyshadow - fic inspo
@circisweep - tncwii liveblog
letterboxd - movie reviews
shoot me a dm, or shoot me an ask and ill dm you from there. no promises ill be fast, but itll be good quality!
final notes:
the things i sometimes rb + put in tags are reflective of my raunchiness and lowbrow humor, which is to say that this blog is often nsfw in nature. i wont reblog porn or be (overtly) horny on this blog but i wont tag nsfw textposts and crude memes. its all good if you interact @ 18+ but be mindful if you're younger, maybe view from a distance? ty
i hate shipscourse, i have enough of a life to not identify with either side. just dont harrass people, dont send death threats, curate your internet experience, tag your goddamn shit. good god.
if we're mutuals: no need to tag anything on your part. also we're locking arms and skipping into a flower field. this is mandatory.
let me know if i need to tag a post w/ #long post. im usually on mobile and dont notice if a post is too long cus theyre autocut on my dash (while theyre not on desktop)
i'll only check your dni if i intend to send an ask/reply or follow, LOL i literally couldnt be damned otherwise
ok bye!!
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
OFMD S2, E4 & E5
OKAY I'VE FINALLY GOT THE EPISODES! I'm gonna watch them before the Loki S2E2 release at 9, now that I'm caught up on my blog stuff for tomorrow :)
Some of you seemed to be amused by my live enjoyment of last week's eps, so I guess I'll do the same thing again that I did last week: Liveblog as I'm watching and then post all at once :)
Like last week, I’ll just reblog onto this post and will tag with “ofmd s2 spoilers”
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
✨ about this blog ✨
★ hey, i'm starlight or star! i'm in my 20s. i'm genderfluid (between being a woman, a man, and agender) and i constantly change my pronouns in my bio but they/them is always fine!!
★ my ask box is always open and i love talking about my favorite characters and ships and sharing my thoughts in general! i also love being tagged in things. and for mutuals my DMs are always open too 💖
★ i have an anime sideblog over at @ritsukageyamas, a blog dedicated to the emperor's new groove at @kuzcoskingdom, and a stim blog where i make my own stimmy gifs and post stimboards over at @glitteringstardust! i've got a handful of other sideblogs too but i'm not really using any of them atm. if/when i become more active on them in the future i'll add them here.
★ sometimes when i happen to be in the mood, i make gifs and edits on here too! but mostly i just reblog a ton of stuff and ramble about whatever. occasionally i liveblog things.
★ my main fandoms are basically listed in my bio but i also decided to ramble about them and include some other assorted info under the cut!
★ i'm a huge animation nerd!! i especially love walt disney animation and pixar films. some of my favorites include beauty and the beast, tangled, frozen, toy story 1-3, onward, and coco. i love all kinds of other animated films too but you can expect to see lots of disney/pixar stuff in general on here as it's basically my longest lasting special interest.
★ i am also deeply in love with kingdom hearts and it's one of the things you can expect to see a lot of posts about. riku is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time and sorikai means the world to me.
★ if you couldn't guess by my url i'm also brainrotting hard over twisted wonderland lately and will likely continue doing so for the foreseeable future. i have soooo much love for so many of the characters i literally can't even pick a favorite dorm. but riddle and idia are practically tied for the spot of my fave character and i ship riddle/floyd and idia/vil very hard.
★ i am very into pokemon but especially the hoenn, unova, alola, and paldea regions and the pokemon mystery dungeon series. love pokemon adventures/pokespe as well.
★ also majorly obsessed with baldur's gate 3 at the moment. especially gale. and elenion, my silly little half-elf bard guy that i romanced gale with 💜 and i don't see this changing anytime soon either.
★ so the above things are kinda the main fandoms you'll see on here but my brain is also constantly hopping between other interests and getting me in the mood to reblog and talk about different things!! some of those other things can include uhhhh the PJO universe, utdr, a3! act addict actors, twewy, the original sherlock holmes stories + granada TV series, LOTR, ace attorney, avatar the last airbender, neopets, and also just. so many other things. unfortunately i shove 90% of what i like onto here instead of having sideblogs for the most part.
★ i don't have a dni, i just block people who make me uncomfortable and even then i don't block people very often! so just be chill and respectful and you're probably fine.
★ also please please let me know if you need something tagged and i'll do my best to keep it in mind!!
★ oh yeah. and if you wanna follow me on twitter you can but i'm rarely active these days!
★ hmm i guess that's all, so if you actually read this thank you so much and i hope you enjoy your day!!! 💖
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