#i'll post hole before I do that just so everyone will know what they'll be missing
gekken · 2 years
Murder by Death - Who Will Survive and What Will Become of Them? - Flamenco's Fucking Easy
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rvb-canon-tuckington · 5 months
here are some "quick" rvb restoration thoughts before i go to bed that i may expand upon later, in no particular order:
this movie was ABOUT tucker but tucker is not in it. there is a tucker sized hole. we see tucker only a little bit more than we see donut, but tucker is still there the whole time!!! at the beginning, i was excited for the tucker whump, but does it count if not a single character reacts to the truly horrifying news that their friend has been controlled for a few months by eight or nine ais, at least two of which have tried to kill him and everyone you love before? like even if they had retconned red and blue teams being friends (which they didn't), you're telling me that we never get to see wash's reaction to this news? carolina's? two people who lost a different friend to this exact gruesome process of de-personing? no one ever tells carolina that tucker is in there and no one objects when tex goes to fucking decapitate him? like i get that caboose was the only person to see that tucker was actually still in there, and he can't really be trusted to communicate things clearly, but they could have even just included some sort of discussion where they decide that they think that tucker would rather be dead than be dragged along in this parody of life (and with the way the ais were torturing him, he probably would have agreed.)
speaking of caboose knowing that tucker is still in there - grif and simmons abandoning caboose rubbed me SO wrong. usually if a character is trying not to involve themselves, they'll "run away" to the nearest place to hide, not GET ON A SHIP TO FLY AWAY LEAVING CABOOSE TO DIE AT POSSESSED TUCKER'S HANDS. i get why they (the writers) did it, but that doesn't mean i have to like it lol
why weren't they FRIENDS ANYMORE
where was donut
what was that wash b-plot. what did the wash b-plot add?? what it did: make me feel weird about dr. grey's character, kill doc off screen, and make wash useless in the main plot. what it did not do: make sense. when did wash get injured post chorus? why is he hallucinating, period? why was he institutionalized? (and why is the room number the same as his prison number?) why did they spend so much time on it for it to have no real conclusion? they didn't need to have this weird "wash is hanging onto the past via doc" plot to have the carolina-wash-freelancer ghost heart-to-heart. (also i have never laughed so hard as when i saw the post pointing out that they left wyoming out bc neither my friend or i noticed lol) why wouldn't he know there was a manual way to activate the recovery beacon since he was LITERALLY recovery one? so many questions, no answers. what have you done to my boy, burnie.
the pacing was ATROCIOUS. nothing happened for the first half of the movie, a bunch of stuff happened in the second half, and none of it felt resolved.
where was donut
why was everyone separated at the beginning? why was no one worried about it? where was donut? where was carolina? why was no one worried about where tucker was? had caboose been the lone blue for the few months that tucker was gone and wash was hospitalized? genuinely, my friend and i thought that the reds and caboose had been mind wiped and dropped into their undisclosed locations without knowing why, and the plot was gonna be them all reuniting and piecing together what had happened and getting tucker back. alas.
it felt like it was the grif-simmons-caboose show, which was interesting because that's not a problem i feel like i've had before with this show. even if i saw less of a particular character than i wanted to. they usually have a pretty good balance of characters and this movie felt like they suddenly Realized how many characters they had and fumbled it.
i did actually really like the tex reveal that was BOSS i LOVED IT
i have more thoughts but this is far too long already so i'll save it for later lmao
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winslowat3am · 2 years
Do u give money to people on tumblr?
Short answer, no. I don't reblog those posts, either. Majority of them are scammers, bonus scamster points if they use their race/gender as emotional manipulation. (Rant incoming cause this pissed me off, not you, but it had me thinking about a lot of shit). I'm sorry but I could never be on Tumblr begging for money, that's embarrassing, no offense. I commend anyone who's shameless enough to do that cause in all seriousness, couldn't be me. I feel like there are just some things you shouldn't do & asking strangers, half of which are minors, to give you their hard earned money in trade for nothing is one of them. The victim mentality of "let me spam my followers with a bunch of sob story updates about my life's issues & guilt trip them into giving me cash", no. Leave them alone. That shit's annoying, inconsiderate & entitled. & it's always the same fucking people holding their hand out. The people you're begging for cash are more than likely struggling too & need theirs. Tumblr is the worst place to ask for assistance. If you need money then you should seek a financial aid program, or I don't know, log the fuck out & get a job like everyone else? That's what people who need money do. There's no excuse, I said this before & I'll say it again, making money nowadays is easier than it has ever been cause of access to technology. Everything is virtual. You can work from home. There are people making millions eating for a fucking living on YouTube. If you're broke atp it's cause you either make excuses for why you can't work or you're just lazy. It's a choice. You don't even need to physically go out & find a real job. Make something. Perform a service. Everyone has something they can offer. Don't sit there & expect people to pay you for nothing. I hate lazy ass people who wallow in self pity, make excuses & don't contribute anything to society & simply exist to leech off others. It's parasitic & pathetic. You "can't work", but you can play around on social media every day? Hmm. You deserve to live in poverty then. You're not special. You better sell some p-ssy, d!ck or c*ke. If you're bussing it open to everyone anyway you might as well get paid for it, in the words of my wife, "make it count". Seriously, I don't respect those people. Tumblr beggars are the equivalent of irl bums who loiter at gas stations harassing passersby for change. It's fucking irritating & unfair that we live in a world where weak people are rewarded, coddled, catered to & given breaks for doing nothing. "Oh well, you know, John can't work, he's dealing with a breakup that has him in a deep depression. I just- I don't know if his mental health will allow him to work." Bro, I sympathize but at the end of the day, screw John. He has no real problems. There are people with cancer & aids right now who are working. People with no limbs are working. He can work, he's physically able to, but ultimately he won't cause he's a mentally weak man with no drive. Let's just call it what it is. I've been homeless & depressed before, I dug myself out of that hole WITH NO HELP, if people can bounce back from homelessness, addiction, abusive relationships & rebuild their lives, if people with deformities can work there's no excuse for why these lazy asses are living in houses, have food & water, with themselves being the only person they have to take care of but they're on here begging us & living off the gov't. That shit IS sad. & I get so heated over this topic cause the bastards who log on & beg aren't going to log off fucking Tumblr & make adjustments so they can afford to live, they're not going to or offer an exchange, they'll continue to do this shit. In the comfort of their home. Meanwhile, the ones they beg have to scrounge. So no motherfucker, I can't help you spend my money. Follower counts mean nothing here cause nobody gets paid on this dead app, this ain't YouTube. If you have hella followers but you still can't eat or pay your bills it's a sign your priorities are fucked. Up. Your followers owe you nothing. Have a little pride & self respect.
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A Pearl by Mitski is kinda post Jaylex into Jam territory if you think about it.
Hello? Mind reader?? You are so correct???
This is even better mind reading because of what I was writing like right before I remembered i had this ask and wanted to answer it and shit. Like???? This is very much post Jaylex and into Jam, BUT it is also post Jaylex the first time they "broke up" oh my god.
Hang on, I'll explain it with the lyrics lol
Lyric analysis time because for some reason this is like my favourite thing to do when I wanna think about sorry its locked but can't actually write it for whatever reason.
You're growing tired of me You love me so hard and I still can't sleep You're growing tired of me And all the things I don't talk about
SO ABOUT THAT POST JAYLEX'S FIRST 'BREAK UP' ehehhehehehehehheheh. Right, so, after Alex started dating Amy in college, Jay did (eventually) start trying to, like, date and have sex with other people. He never really managed to date anyone, it was always just not-quite-actually-casual casual sex. And they always ended up getting tired of Jay, because they were trying their best and he was hung up on Alex still (and would be for the next rest-of-his-life) And Jay never actually talked to them about why he was the way he way, just learned to warn them ahead of time to try and scare them away so that he wouldn't end up getting hurt when they inevitably got too upset with him over something and broke it off with him.
And, obviously. Yeah, Jam. Jay's so worried that the same thing that happened with Alex and all the other people is gonna happen with Tim, and if it did it'd probably break him even worse than Alex did, honestly. Purely because the stuff with Tim would stack on top of the stuff with Alex and they'd become one thing and Jay would just not know how to deal with that literally at all.
Sorry, I don't want your touch It's not that I don't want you Sorry, I can't take your touch
Pre first Jaylex break up. Yeah. One of the reasons Jay got broken up with by at least one person was that they were meant to behaving casual sex, and Jay went through a period of time where he just, really really couldn't. Which like, fair, and fair i guess for the person being like, yeah i'll go find someone else to have sex with. but also they did it in a nasty way so never mind, fuck them lmao. (I just love putting Jay through shit lmao, I'm so sorry to that poor guy, I need to write a lil fluffy oneshot of him and Tim just being okay)
It's just that I fell in love with a war Nobody told me it ended And it left a pearl in my head And I roll it around every night Just to watch it glow Every night, baby, that's where I go
Ow. Just. Ow.
Cos, yeah, Jay did. He really, really did fall in love with a war didn't he? That whole relationship with Alex was just this constant series of battles with himself and his feelings for Alex, and battles with Alex himself because of how he treated Jay and how Jay wanted to be treated. And his brain can't fully comprehend that Tim's not going to just be the exact same as everyone else, the exact same as Alex. And the thing is that Tim IS going to be different, but they're not going to have enough time for Jay's head to actually wrap itself around that so that he can believe it.
And obviously, they never could get enough time, because of all the shit with the operator, but Tim at least is holding out hope that they'll both survive is and they'll get the time afterwards.
Sorry, I don't want your touch It's not that I don't want you Sorry, I can't take your touch
Jay's so scared that having issues with intimacy is gonna fuck up his chances with Tim, but it wont. Logically he knows it wont (and I refuse to make them angsty enough that Jay wouldn't bother to say no if he didn't wanna do something) but there is still this little part of his head that says that if he goes too long not wanting to have sex, it'll somehow fuck something up.
There's a hole that you fill You fill, you fill
Also I fully intend for Jay to be very unhealthy about Tim :] Just like he was very unhealthy about Alex (especially back in college)
Poor guy's gonna fucking idolize Tim once he realizes Tim really really actually likes him. Which, y'know. Not good. Thankfully Jay's lil eventual obsession or whatever it is (idk, a hyperfixation on a person? that's what I called it. Basically, pretty much every waking thought Jay has is somehow about Tim/reminds him of Tim, if Tim is even slightly in a bad mood Jay assumes it's because of him and gets viciously terrified that Tim's going to leave him and hate him forever, he'd accept any kind of 'penance' or punishment from Tim for whatever he did wrong, if anything bad happens to Tim Jay get's violently enraged and wants to 'fix it' the quickest way possible, etc. He basically feels like Tim is perfect and he can't live without him. idk if that makes sense? I'm tired and never figured out what the fuck this thingy is, but i'm giving it to Jay)
Tim is Jay's missing piece, and Jay's going to hack at his own edges to make sure that Tim fits him, just like he did back in college to try and make Alex fit him.
He's just made up of pieces of himself and other people that he sawed off and cobbled together to make sure that the person he was in love with would perfectly 'complete' and 'fix' him.
But it's just that I fell in love with a war And nobody told me it ended And it left a pearl in my head And I roll it around every night Just to watch it glow Every night, baby, that's where I go Just to watch it glow
goddamnit now i wanna plan a fic to dive into Tim and Jay's relationship after sorry its locked and before Jay dies, just so I can make Jay not okay and Tim not okay, but their brand of not okay works well enough for the short amount of time they have together. If Jay lived they'd have the worlds messiest break up oh my god lmao.
why do i torture them like this?
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So you've probably noticed that despite submissions officially closing on Friday, it is now well into Saturday.
Let me explain.
Originally, I decided to make the hard deadline midnight Pacific Standard Time, since I know based on when activity peaks on this blog that a lot of you seem to live on the west coast, and wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to put in last minute submissions. But then I stayed up tumbling down the Fate rabbit hole, and because it's a Saturday I overslept until noon. Also, someone asked me what my pronouns were a while back, and despite that being a one-word answer for reasons I can't explain that answer ended up being 2500+ words, and then I fell asleep in the bathtub and forgot to put out the announcement clarifying the new deadline, or queue any overnight polls.
So this is the NEW deadline.
Submissions will now close at MIDNIGHT, PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, FOR REAL.
...until I oversleep and forget to close it again, so it will probably still be open after that. But when I do wake up, I'll close submissions INSTANTLY. But if you do manage to sneak in a little in overtime, I won't blame you, and they'll still be eligible for the bracket.
But this is officially your last call - so please, feel free to send in as many submissions as you like! Remember, this is your last chance!
Thanks for sticking with me and my bullshit guys. Every single one of you is a treasure, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
I'll be updating the master post with this information.
There are three other things I want to update you on.
Firstly, a lot of people have started submitting takes through asks - do not do this. Yes, I might make a poll on it, but it will not be eligible for the bracket. Please use the form.
Secondly, yeah, I forgot about the PFP poll again.
The struggles of being an airhead.
The winner of the poll ended up being Hellmo - but I've decided that I can't bring myself to change it. As stupid as it sounds, I've unironically grown so attached to this Astolfo avatar that I genuinely can't bring myself to change it; now that I've gotten so used to it representing me on this blog, the idea of changing it now is heartbreaking to me.
It doesn't help - and I'm being 100% serious - Astolfo was unironically my actual idol when I was a teenager, despite me knowing absolutely nothing about Fate. There's some backstory there which I won't get into now, but I was secretly overjoyed when someone actually suggested them as an avatar, even though it was in literally the weirdest way possible and didn't even relate to 'hot takes' in any way. I didn't say any of that because I didn't want to influence the results, but I will admit that secretly I was really hoping they would win, as unlikely as it was - which is why I decided to use them as an avatar for the short time I had left before the poll closed, knowing they would be swept and that I would be devastated when I did have to change it.
So, I know I said I would abide by the results of every poll, no matter what - it's literally one of the main rules of the blog - but just once I am going to break that rule.
Instead, I'm going to make the Hellmo picture the blog header - I really hope you can at least understand why I'm doing this, and I'm genuinely so, so sorry for letting you guys down like this. I know I've let you guys down before, and I can't apologise enough.
Secondly, I know I've massively overshared on this blog before, and now that I know it might happen again - sometimes I start writing and the words just keep pouring out onto the page - I've decided to start using the tag #h-t-t backstory for those posts if I ever do make another. Those posts might relate to mental health and similar issues, potentially including substance abuse. And I know a lot of you guys don't want to see that, so absolutely feel free to block that tag.
That's all for now - again, thank you all so much, and keep putting in the submissions! <3
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an-honest-puck · 1 year
a collection of highlights and viewing notes from 'Fielding of Dreams' because I don’t have the time to liveblog while watching but I do have thoughts
for the first time in this random collection post series, this post is arguably all highlights because HOLY HECK THIS WAS GOOD!!!!!
exhibit A of why Oscar shouldn't have his own thoughts(tm): inexplicably adding sheep characters, only for it to backfire and generate 3 sub-plots that they do not have time to unpack XD
in a wild turn of events, one of Lauren's characters *doesn't* compliment Dave's character!!
"I mean, yes, he's tall, but I don't know what you see in him" - Lauren's character referring to Dave's character
quick, everyone! be a mermaid! *Dave starts doing body rolls*
this movie's fun because you can visibly see Dave just trying to make Matt laugh XD
like, the little arm waving Dave does at Matt before his character 'kidnaps' Matt's character (i.e., Dave scoops Matt up and carries him out of the scene, bridal-style XD)
and of course
"I am the sun, shining on the lake. TIS THE SOLSTICE! TIS THE SOLSTICE!" - Dave The Sun
yo Lauren being cheeky af is my new fave thing!!!!
"Get me my tequila" - Lauren, as a grandma to her pet sheep XD
gotta love Lauren getting away with stuff like suggesting her character's daughter and son-in-law have a shot of tequila before continuing their day, and Oscar not pausing at all LMAO
Lauren: Have a shot of tequila and say 'Parenting is hard!'
Laura: Parenting is hard! Cheers!
Dave: Slam slam slam! Parenting is hard!
evil power couple of Phil (Dave) and Ann (Bryony)!!!
Bry does such a smooth evil character voice - lulls you into a false sense of security, but it's the way the word 'darling' rolls off her tongue that makes you pause ya dig?
"Down here, down here with the gold, you can see your life ahead / Down here, down here with the gold, you can have the bobbles on your head!" - Dave
speaking of rhymes, Bryony being a rhyming wizard in the overlapping song!!!
"When you go above, people will roll out the red carpet / And my dear, if you think that's my only idea, I'm only just getting started" - Bryony, coming in with a freaking internal rhyme (dear/idea) AND rhyming 'carpet' with 'started'!!!!! queen shit!!!!
Bryony: They'll give you a crown and scepter / And will you be the best? Oh you betcha
watching several of these MMNIs has made me realise- if you ever want the plot to make sense or move forward in a way that makes sense as a real narrative, ya gotta let Bryony and/or Dave steer because both of them are most likely to stick to the plot/solve the plot problems in a way that makes sense and not in a down-the-rabbit-hole way like Shields lmao
the Happy Here Reprise?!!?!?! so good?!?!!? the way he paused the song, got everyone to do that scene change and final note together??!?!?!? GENIUS
I could yell about Matt in this movie for a while so I'll just say that his little directions in the musical numbers throughout this movie were genius and I am totally 100% normal about them *visibly shaking*
bouncy excited Oscar/Jono at the end!!!!! <3
"I'm genuinely quite emotional!" - Oscar/Jono (me too, buddy, me too :') )
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aquaburst3 · 1 year
So...after a VERY long week, I want to spill my salt somehow by ranking the TWST Books. Some things first...
I'll be using the MAL scale, so 1 means outright garbage, 5 means it's okay and 10 means awesome. I'm not gonna include Diasomnia because of spoilers. (I will say rn that it gets a 4/10).
I'm not considering issues with the game as a whole like Yuu being an inactive protagonist, just at the arcs themselves.
Keep in mind, this is all my personal opinion. If you disagree with any of my takes, great. I don't care. You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine.
Though, I might save that for another post. Let's get to it!
The Prologue: 5/10 Reason: There are some good bits here like the ominous opening with us waking up in the coffin, Yuu being proactive with the mine bit, and a good introduction to the main friend group. There are downsides as well. Parts of it could've been streamlined better. For example, I don't think including both the statue being burnt and the candelier falling is necessary. One of those should've been scrapped to make the pacing snappier. Hell, that's exactly what happens in the manga. Yuu should've had much more of a negative reaction to being isekaied. While I know they think it's a dream, but they're like, "I've been transported to another world where everyone I know and love don't exist? Cool." And to add insult to injury, they have a good sleep after the first night. Like, what? What kind of person would have that reaction? It's an okay start, but it could've been a lot better.
Heartslabyul: 6/10 Reason: The writing in this arc is pretty good. The stakes are reasonably high, you get introduced to great characters, Riddle is a great antagonist for this arc, Ace gets his moment in the sun and it does a good job at mixing in the movie/book while doing its own thing.
There are still some issues. Yuu isn't really proactive, and it's more Ace who drives the plot here. The pacing seems really off, since I don't think the whole "baking the tart" thing was necessary for reasons I'll mention in a bit. There are also plot holes like if Ace's older brother attended Night Raven and told him about sleeping spots, why the fuck is he so shocked about everything, including basic information like the dorm names? Shouldn't he know this shit by now? And why didn't he just straight up challenge Riddle to the position of dorm leader without putting up with the tart BS? It seems more in character for him.
Over all, an overall decent arc, but nothing to write home about.
Savanaclaw: 2.5/10 Reason: And then, things immediately tank. xD If you ask someone in the western TWST fandom what their least favourite arc is, they'll most likely name this one. There's a reason for that. It's total shit.
The Lion King elements feel shoehorned.
The mystery is extremely obvious. Despite Ruggie using his powers right in front of Yuu, no one expects a damn a thing.
Instead of being being cunning foes, Leona and Ruggie are turned to idiots, who telegraph their plans and boast about how evil they are like telenovela villains. This pisses me off, since in the rest of the game while Leona is very lazy, he's also cunning, smart and charismatic. He's like a chessmaster who knows what moves to make. I would've loved to see that Leona in this arc.
Right before Leona overblots, he uses his powers on Ruggie out of anger and almost turns him to dust. Despite this, they go back to normal like nothing happened. This pisses me off so much. First off all, why the hell did Leona do this to Ruggie in the first place? He did nothing wrong. If anything he should do this to Jack, who foiled his plans. Second, why the fuck isn't there any fallout after that? Ruggie was almost murdered! You would think that he would be pissed off at him for what he did, and Leona would have to make it up to him. I know if that were to happen to me I would be pissed off at the very least.
Leona doesn't have a lot of involvement with the story, despite being the main antagonist for that chapter.
Epel is on the magishift team, but his thoughts on this situation and the whole deal with Leona is never addressed.
Why the fuck didn't Ruggie overblot? The game gives the impression to me. He's the one who constantly uses his powers and has everything to lose, not Leona. Hell, making it so Ruggie overblot instead would be killing two birds with one stone, since it would fix that plot hole while also fixing the issue of Leona having no consequences for his actions and not feeling any regret.
Leona's motivation is hardly explored in this arc.
Like always, Yuu doesn't do a damn thing despite them being the protagonist.
Why is Leona's first plan the stampede? Wouldn't Malleus be able to teleport away?
Over all, a shit arc and wasted potential.
Octanivelle: 8/10 Reason: This is by far the most competently written out of all the TWST arcs. Azul is a cunning foe, Yuu is an actual proactive protagonist for once, and the plot is pretty solid. The only nitpicks I have with it is that the Savanaclaw characters should've been more involved in the plot, Azul being able to memorize all that info seemed like bullshit and there is a huge continuity error with the photo that makes Azul come off like a dumbass. (The game takes place in 2020, meaning that smartphones were popular at the time Azul's fat photo was taken. The fact that the photo could be floating around online never ONCE considered. I honestly chalk this up with Yana being an out of touch Gen Xer.) Other than that, solid writing and a great arc.
Scarabia: 7/10 Reason: This one is pretty solid too. Yuu is a proactive protagonist for once, most likely because they only could rely on Grim for half of it. xD The Octanivelle Trio are great. It does a great job at mixing in the Aladdin movies while doing its own thing. There are some issues holding it back like Kalim forgiving Jamil way too damn easily, Jamil being the colpurit being a bit to obvious (but it's more forgivable here since the investigation isn't the point of the arc like with Savanaclaw), the Octanivelle Trio stealing Jamil's thunder too much at times and the idea of them digging out of Scarabia makes no sense. (Seriously, even if that was possible, their room is on top of a tower, wouldn't they just fall and plumpt to their deaths?) Over all, pretty good arc.
Pomefiore: 6/10 Reason: Things go downhill from here. The first half before the training starts is pretty solid. But afterwards issues begin to arise...
The pacing feels extremely off. Sometimes it feels padded out while others it feels extremely rushed, especially after the first day until the day of the festival. I wish that certain parts were scrapped so the story could focus on more important things.
It didn't explore the aftermath of Jamil and Kalim's relationship nearly enough.
Epel does a complete 180 on his views on gender norms in one single afternoon. Sorry, but that's not how that works in real life. People are stubborn, and some never budge. If someone does change their mind about something, it would take months if not longer. He's been living with those stereotypes all his life, so he's even less likely to budge quickly. I think it'd make more sense for him to go "Oh, I see what you're saying, but…" then immediately accept it.
Others have mentioned this before, this arc has a problem of setting up certain characters to get their moment in the sun, but then give it to someone else. The biggest example is the arc setting up that Epel will have a climatic moment where he confronts Vil, but it's Deuce who does instead, despite the little set up. If she wanted Deuce to have the climatic moment, then there should've been more foreshadowing for it.
Vil and Neige's backstory seems like something Yana pulled straight out of her ass, because it makes zero sense. How the fuck is Neige able to live with a group of minors who have the mental capacity of kindergartners without being taken by CPS? Why the fuck didn't Vil know that Neige was poor already? He works with him constantly! (Honestly, I'm 99% sure she did pull it out of her ass. There was a huge incident before Ignihyde debuted in the JP fandom where the JP fans sent her and Rook VA death threats for the ending of Pomefiore. It seems like something she came up with on the spot to plaicate that complaint and make Neige look better, but it failed anyway.)
Vil's backstory made it come off as he had almost no problems.
Why aren't Vil and Neige stepbrothers? It would make their connection much simpler and align Vil up more with the Evil Queen.
Neige and Vil had no direct interaction before the climax.
NRC losing the competition is bullshit. NRC was the better performers while Neige's routine sucked.
The usual issue of Yuu not doing anything to advance the plot is also there.
Where the the fuck is Jack in all this? He and Vil are FRIENDS, so you would think that he would be concerned about Vil and want to stop him from overblotting.
The stuff before is solid, but the stuff after the training camp starts sucks. So it evens out to slightly above average.
Ignihyde: 3/10 Reason: Going against popular opinion, but...I think this one REALLY sucks and is almost on par with Savanaclaw. Because...
Everyone is a total dumbass
There's loads of worldbuilding that comes straight the fuck out of nowhere.
The ending of Jamil and Kalim's character arc infuriates me. Instead of setting Jamil's family free, they go back to the status quo and Jamil is supposed to be happy with it!? Bullshit! (Kalim should've set the Vipers free. Period. No ifs, ands or buts about it.)
Yuu and Idia hardly interact.
Yuu loses their home, and has no reaction to it.
The ending makes Vil look like a total dumbass for never considering just making an antidote to turn himself back to normal like how the Evil Queen would've done in the movie if she wasn't killed off and makes Malleus a Gary-Sue Deus ex Machina.
Leona's reading on Jamil is so inaccurate that it makes me genuinely wonder if Yana even understands her own characters.
Ortho has no personality outside of being a stereotypical child character and is more of a prop for Idia's character.
While I don't usually comment about the gaming mechanics, but the mini games in this one are frustrating as hell. I heard of people rage quiting with this arc, because they are that unfunctional.
Over all, an overrated arc and is total shit in my opinion.
Over all score so far (in my opinion): 62%, or just above average Thoughts: The game has a very strong premise and a mostly solid cast, but there are a lot of things that hold it back from being truly amazing. Certain arcs are better than others. Over all, it's just okay. For a mobile game, that's rather impressive. Twst is best as a jumping point for transformative work. The writing is decent, especially for a phone game, but if you take the premise, characters, setting and just run away with it, you could write something so much more detailed and fleshed out yourself. I think that's why I enjoy writing fics in this fandom so much. It's a fun sandbox to play in. I can use the game's elements to create something far better, fixing any writing issues in the process like the shitty worldbuilding and Yuu being passive protagonist.
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thebuginyourwalls · 2 years
One Small Wrong: Chapter 1
Heya! This is the first part of a little fan project I'm writing inspired by the world created by @not-a-space-alien for their series "Watch Your Step". I'm writing it a little free-form at the moment so I'm not sure how long it will end up being, but I'm hoping to include plenty of hurt/comfort (aka you will all confront your traumas or so help me god) and a bit of an unseelie court flavour to the main hive of Pixies in this story.
Anyways, I'm also pretty new to the gt sphere so I'm a little nervous about posting still, but I've been wanting to get involved for a while so I'm finally putting myself out there. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. WYS has such wonderful worldbuilding which has been an honest joy to create ocs for.
Blackthorn rubbed her shoulders, breathing clouds into the chilly air. Luckily the snow hadn't come to the forest just yet, but if she had to guess it would arrive any day now. Already all the substantial prey were either moving on to greener pastures, preparing for hibernation, or dying off.
It made her restless.
Her wings buzzed with frustration as she paced up and down the tree branch. She had already double and triple checked her equipment, but Apple was nowhere to be found. What was holding him up?
An hour had passed before the sound of something fluttering up to the branch behind her stopped her pacing.
As expected it was him; Apple fidgeted anxiously with the frayed ends of his woven jacket, while on his back a sharpened flint knife in a carefully folded leaf caught the light on its edge. It seemed far too big for him, and he stood like he was worried he might cut himself on the exposed point.
"You're late," Blackthorn stated simply, frowning at him.
"S-Sorry," he straightened his posture slightly, "I was just saying goodbye to everyone. Just in case things...go wrong."
She scoffed, folding her arms.
"Nothing's going to go wrong," she turned away, marching back along the branch, "Come on. We're losing valuable darkness right now."
And indeed the sky was beginning to brighten with the slow rising of the sun. They had maybe a few hours before the first golden rays hit the treetops.
Apple jogged up beside her, pulling his hazel hair up into a small ponytail. Then he seemed to change his mind and pulled it down again, twisting the little loop of twine over and over in his fingers.
"But what if they find out? What then?" He asked.
Blackthorn rolled her eyes.
"They won't."
"But I can't hunt!" he whined, "Everyone knows it. They'll find out you helped, and then they'll exile us, and we'll have to find a new home. During winter! And-"
Blackthorn turned on her heel, grabbing Apple's shoulders roughly. He squeaked, dropping the loop of twine from his hands which disappeared into the tangle of bare tree branches below.
"Look. This is your first time bringing food back. You're nervous. I get it," she squeezed his shoulders, "But just because you've never caught anything before doesn't mean you can't. You're going to do fine. Nobody's going to be exiled."
He shut up in response to that, but pouted like he had more to say. She raised an eyebrow expectantly, and he squirmed under her gaze. Finally, he looked away from her and spoke.
"If you really think I can do it, then why are you doing this for me? It's not allowed. Why risk yourself if it's not because you think I'll fail?"
She winced at the question, knowing in her heart that it was true. He hadn't done well in most of their training up to this point, and being sent to catch his first prey in the colder months was almost the same as the hive telling him to go find a nice hole to die in.
She sighed and released his shoulders with a soft pat.
"I meant what I said. I don't think you'll be a bad hunter," she glanced up at the pale grey sky, black branches contrasting harshly against it.
"But autumn is a tough season to be sent on your first hunt. I...told them it was unfair, Mother didn't listen. She's been..."
She shrugged, shaking her head.
"I don't know. Mother's been Mother. She'll brighten up around springtime, and then there will be plenty for you to catch on your own. Just think of this as me giving you a little extra time."
Apple nodded, looking unconvinced, so Blackthorn tried a smile. She wasn't good at seeming enthusiastic, but Apple was someone who responded to the feelings of others. At ease when they were at ease, tense when they were tense. And Blackthorn was always tense. Even Hemlock, her ever dour mentor, had told her she needed to relax.
"Besides," she continued as brightly as possible, "I won't technically be killing anything for you, I'll just be trapping it."
That finally earned her a smile in return, and he nodded a little more enthusiastically. Good. He needed the confidence.
When she buzzed from the branch he followed quickly, not dragging his heels as he usually did. They flew from tree to tree, ducking from the sight of birds and sticking close to the trunks.
With the night quickly fading away they were becoming more and more at risk, and though a fight against a predator had never worried Blackthorn, she wasn't so sure about Apple.
He wasn't like her, with her spines and claws and sharp teeth. He was the spitting image of the aunt that had birthed him; bright olive skin and soft, silvery wings not fit for exhaustive flying. But even Aunt Hazel was large and strong. Apple was young and clumsy, and he was also going to be spending far more time outside of the hive than Hazel which put him at higher risk than her.
"Is it far?"
His question brought her out of her thoughts. She looked over her shoulder, noting how he was sticking close to her like a shadow. That was probably for the best.
"It's just down here," She fluttered down to the forest floor next to a dry thorn bush, her weight cracking the thin crust of frost that had formed on the leaf litter.
She waited until Apple had safely made it down before she pulled back the branches of the bush, revealing a small space wherein two Pixies could lie in wait quite comfortably. Her snare equipment was here too. Nothing too complicated; just enough to catch something like a mouse or a small bird. A believable first kill for someone like Apple.
"You wait there," she indicated to a smooth stone in the centre, gathering her tools into her arms, "I'll set this up and we'll wait until something gets snared, then you finish it off. Don't come out until I give the all-clear, understand?"
He nodded, though his antenna drooped a little in disappointment, and sat himself down on the stone. Despite his timidness she could tell there was an air of anticipation about him. The transition into a role in the hive was an important one; it solidified his right to live there, paying back the debt of his raising by the Aunts and other hive-mates.
She couldn't blame him for feeling guilty that he wasn't doing this by himself. But once he came back with an acceptable kill everything would be easier for them both; No more risk of exile for him, and no more worrying about his fate for her. He could earn his keep legitimately another time, when the weather was warm and prey was abundant.
It took her about an hour to set up and find bait for the snare. With all the animals already stocking away what they needed for the winter, it was remarkably difficult to find any food that wasn't too mouldy or small to be worth any creature's time.
Eventually she came away from her search with a handful of chestnuts, trying her best not to think too hard about her own empty stomach. Breakfast could come after helping Apple.
With the trap readied she returned to the bush, where Apple was sat with his chin in his hand, absently scratching random shapes into the dirt with a twig.
He looked up when she came in, immediately panicking a little and scuffing out the doodles with his foot. He straightened his posture, trying to look serious.
"Uhm, welcome back. Is it all set?"
"Mhm, now it's just a matter of time," she sat herself down, pulling her own flint knife from its sheath and beginning to sharpen its edge quietly.
Apple watched her with interest for a little while, but quickly grew bored when he realised she wasn't going to be making conversation. He picked himself up from the rock and went to peek through the thorn bush at the trap in the clearing, flickering his wings irritatedly.
"Are you sure we're not meant to be doing something? We really just sit here?"
Blackthorn lifted her knife to the light, inspecting her handiwork.
"Yep," she placed it in her sheath and smiled, amused at how little he had changed in all this time. Other than being a little taller, he was just the same as that impatient, adventurous hatchling she had been assigned to train so long ago.
"Just sit back down and make sure your knife is sharp. You'll need to use it soon."
When he didn't move from his spot she huffed with annoyance and went to get up, but then all of a sudden he was pushing his way through into the open and she had to scramble to catch up.
"What are you doing?" She hissed after him, as he marched confidently into the clearing. Knifeless. Camoflagueless. Defenceless.
He was going to be the death of her, she swore it.
"I'm just checking it!" He called over his shoulder with a smile, "It'll only take a second!"
"There's nothing in it," she swept her arms in a wide gesture towards the snare, "You can see that from here!"
"Yeah, but...I don't know. Maybe you got the wrong bait or something? I just wanna look at--"
The noise permeated the silence like a thunderclap, and was followed by more snapping of twigs and branches as something large moved through the woods towards them.
Blackthorn's eyes shot to Apple, who had frozen mid way between her and the snare, staring at the approaching shape in a state of shocked paralysis.
She willed her body to move, but her feet remained rooted to the spot for a second too long. The shape broke the treeline, and in an instant a fresh chill ran through her blood.
Blackthorn had heard many stories of humans. She had even seen a few from a distance.
None of it had prepared her to see one up close. They were much like Pixies superficially, but with just enough differences to hit an unsettling nerve. This one was wearing something on its head with a kind of shelf over its eyes, casting them in ominous shadow.
Most scary of all however was the sheer size of it. It towered over all the shorter shrubbery and plant life, crushing the frozen leaves and empty seed casings with each of its thunderous footsteps. It was a wonder to her how it had even managed to sneak up on them in the first place. In the back of her panicked mind Blackthorn cursed herself for being too focused on Apple's stupidity to actually listen for approaching dangers.
Apple's voice snapped her out of it. His terrified face was now turned to her, ears flat and antenna flared with worry. He was right in the human's path; if he moved now it would certainly see him.
With a shaking hand she pressed a finger to her lips and slowly crouched low to the ground, glancing up quickly to the human. It didn't seem to have spotted them yet, but its gaze could turn downwards at any second.
She looked back to Apple, who had copied her stance but still stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the dark brown leaf litter. He had no chance. He would be seen.
Another heavy footfall made her flinch as the human stepped fully into the clearing, blinking its brown eyes against the rays of sunshine that were filtering through the sparse tree canopy
Blackthorn took a breath, trying to concentrate. She could feel her magic bubbling through her veins to her fingertips, like pins and needles.
In a last ditch effort she threw her hand out, casting a glamour over Apple just as it looked down. In an instant all the background noise of the forest seemed to bleed away into nothing as it stared directly at Apple.
Then it began to crouch, and for a terrifying moment Blackthorn thought that she had somehow messed up her spell and left her brother exposed to the view of this giant.
Its fingers moved towards him, and the olive green colour of Apple's skin changed to a sickly pale colour as the shadow cast over him. He squeezed his eyes shut, hands balled into little fists at his sides. Blackthorn reached for her knife instinctively, although part of her knew it was hopeless. He was done for.
Then, by some miracle, the human's hand passed over him, ignoring his presence as if he were nothing but another piece of debris.
Blackthorn could practically feel the wound spring of tension in her core loosen. But nonetheless she slowly drew her knife, not daring to even blink as she watched the human's hands carefully. One wrong move and she would jump to Apple's defence, not caring that it would certainly get her killed as well.
But instead it poked at the snare she had set up, humming curiously to itself.
In her effort to disguise Apple she had totally forgotten about that thing. Perhaps she had assumed the human wouldn't even notice an unnatural assortment of twine and sticks so far below it on the ground, but this one seemed to have an eye for detail.
It tilted its head and tugged gently on the stick that was driven deepest into the ground.
Apple began to curl himself into a little shaking ball. He had opened his eyes again (a mistake, for sure) and was now uncomfortably aware of how close he was to the looming form of the human.
Blackthorn wished desperately that she could offer him some comfort, and more importantly instruct him to stay still, lest the human's curiosity transfer to the strangely moving leaf below it.
Luckily it seemed to be preoccupied with the snare, uprooting all her hard work with ease as it stood back up to its full height. Blackthorn's heart sank as she watched her carefully constructed trap crumble to bits in its hands, and just as quickly as it had pulled it up to get a better look, the human discarded the remains with a dismissive shrug of its shoulders.
Then it moved forward, heavy boots mercifully missing Apple by a few inches as it stomped back into the undergrowth. Blackthorn released a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding as she watched it go; Neither her nor Apple dared to make a move until they couldn't hear the movements of the human any longer.
Even then, Blackthorn waited until the silence gave way to birdsong and the skittering of small creatures in the brush before she left her spot. She flitted across the ground in a blink of an eye, dropping her knife down beside her as she knelt in the dirt over Apple.
As soon as she was near him he unleashed a terrified wail and threw his arms around her, immediately sobbing so hard that his whole body shook. He cried incoherently about how scary it had been, and how he was sure it saw him, or was going to crush him without even knowing.
Her mind felt numb and fuzzy, and so she could only hug him back and hush him gently in response.
Ahead of her she could see the broken snare, now indistinguishable from the other bits and pieces on the forest floor. Something about it sparked a flame of anger in her chest, the sharp spines along her skin beginning to bristle the more her dark thoughts fed it.
That stupid, oafish thing. Stomping around like it owned the place. Destroying her handiwork. Scaring her brother. Ruining their chances at a successful hunt.
And its presence only meant that there would be more. Humans were a social kind, or so she had heard. Where there was one, more would soon follow and chip away at territories until entire hives were forced to flee and find new homes.
Blackthorn thought of her own hive, and realised with a cold dread how many would be left behind in such a situation. She would be considered strong enough to go, but Apple... Not to mention all the little hatchlings too small to fly.
She narrowed her eyes at the darkness the human had disappeared into. She couldn't let that happen. Something had to be done to drive it off. Somebody had to take drastic action before more arrived and made their nests here.
"Apple," she said firmly, peeling away her brother who had gone from sobbing to merely sniffling weakly into her shoulder.
His face was puffy and tear stained, and when he looked up at her he seemed to flinch away just a little, caught off guard by the fierceness of her expression.
Despite his fear she didn't bother to put on a fake smile for him. Anyone could see from the way her spines bristled and her tough wings rattled against her back that she was angry.
"Y-Yes..?" He choked out, watching her warily but not yet wanting to step away from the embrace.
She looked at him seriously, hoping her scowl would be enough to keep him from arguing with her.
"You need to go back to the hive. Right now."
Not arguging seemed too much to wish for, as his face immediately went pallid with terror and his fingers clutched her arms even more tightly.
"No- Please! D-Don't leave! Don't make me go alone!" his face crumpled, and more tears welled in his eyes.
"I-I don't know what to do. I don't know how to hide like you--It'll see me and I'll lead it back to ever--everyone else-"
She shook her head and wrenched herself free from him. It hurt her to see him so afraid and desperate for comfort, but she couldn't afford to be soft on him now. Not when such a tangible danger loomed on the horizon.
"Don't be a child, Apple," she snapped, "It's headed away from us, you won't cross paths with it again if you go right home. I'm sure even you can manage that."
Her cruel words had hurt him, she could tell. His antenna lay flat against his head and he seemed ready to start sobbing again, but he didn't move away, only wringing his hands and fluttering his wings anxiously.
"But--But I don't have anything," he protested further, "They won't let me in."
Blackthorn wanted to yell at him. Tell him he was an idiot, and that if he was going to cry over every big predator he met then he really wasn't fit to be a hunter. Anything to get him to fly home quickly without her, but her resolve was slipping.
It had always been her weakness. She had all the skills of her seniors at the hive, but she lacked that coldness that granted them such clarity of mind. She wanted nothing more but to hold Apple's hand all the way back to the hive. Yet she knew that would only seal both their exiles.
Hemlock had already been suspicious when she had told him she was going hunting on the same day Apple was having his trial, but he could perhaps be convinced if they arrived separately. Getting back at the same time with the same story about a human in the territory was more than enough to prove she had interfered. And she wasn't going to return home first and risk leaving Apple outside by himself long enough to gather a mock search party--if Mother even agreed to send one at all.
No, it would have to be him. She could handle herself just fine out here.
"Tell them you saw a human," she answered finally, shoulders slumping as her tone softened, "Don't say that it spotted you, just that you saw one in the distance. That's more than enough reason to head straight back home. They can't blame you for following the rules."
Apple sniffled, shaking his head.
"But what about you..?"
"I'll be fine," she assured, "I'll follow it to make sure it doesn't start heading for the hive, and then I'll come back around sunset. That way it won't seem like we went hunting together."
That was merely a comforting lie. Blackthorn had no real sense of knowing when or if she would be back, but she couldn't dwell on how this might be their last conversation. It would be best to keep it short, and let her brother believe everything would work out alright.
Besides, the anger in her chest was only growing with each second. She had to do this. Even if she couldn't get the human to leave, she was going to make sure it never wanted to go anywhere near her kind again.
"Go," she took another step back, wings unfolding behind her, "Stick close to the trees and the shadows like I taught you, alright?"
Apple moved forward, as if to stop her, but she was much faster than he had ever been and fluttered out of his reach easily.
"Thorn, wait--"
"I'm serious, Apple. Go home. We can hunt together another time, just--let me handle this."
He shut his mouth, retracting his hand with a small, solemn nod. He walked slowly to the base of the tree that they had been hiding beside only to linger there for a moment longer. He gave a final glance over his shoulder at her like he was hoping she would change her mind at the last minute, but she simply crossed her arms at him.
"Don't fly too recklessly, and look out for spider webs," was all she said.
His whole body slumped dejectedly as he turned away from her, defeated. Then, in a flash of his silvery wings he was lost to the remaining shadows of the forest.
Blackthorn took a beat to be impressed by how his stealth had improved. When the vivid plants of spring and summer bloomed again, she was sure he would master the art.
"Right," she looked away, pushing Apple from her mind. From her vantage point on the ground she could more clearly see the path of destruction the human had waged on the poor withering shrubbery.
It seemed that something so big was incapable of moving gently, which made it all the more alarming that she hadn't noticed its approach the first time. She would have to be careful, stay out of its line of sight.
Crucially, she would have to know if it had a nest nearby. Some humans seemed to travel far beyond their territories for seemingly no reason, but if it was living here then she had to be sure it wasn't living with others. The idea of facing multiple humans was daunting indeed, so she would need all the information she could gather to act effectively.
She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. Now that she was alone it was easier to slip into her instincts as a hunter, and this was to be her biggest quarry yet. But she was practised, and patient, and armed with the element of surprise.
In a strange sort of way, the idea of doing something so dangerous was a little thrilling. So much so that she couldn't keep a small, vicious smile from crossing her lips as she flew up to the tree canopy and began to tail the human's tracks.
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helptheheart · 2 months
Well..... I'm confused
So. I went out last night after work with my 2 work friends. Note- these two are dating.
I told them about how I wasn't a virgin anymore, by technical standers anymore. They asked who... I took a sip of my drink and went 😶😶 and they immediately knew who.
Sp we took turns getting rounds, we gkt three rounds each of us paid for one. I paid for the first one, so when let's call him, Romeo went to go get the second on him, I talked to his girlfriend, and let's call her Julete.
I went I to a little more detail with her. And she agreed with me that the first time for girls is very scary but once you've done it. You've done it and it's like well I did it now. You know?
I told her about how I hyped it up so much in my head because everyone is always talking about how good sex feels, and to me it felt more like filling a hole instead of good. It felt good for the first what 30 seconds then it was more like I was doing a service. Because it once again like I said felt like filling a hole. Like putting your finger in your ear, it's not pleasurable but just filling a hole.
But it did bring up interesting topic when Romeo came back. He asked if I would do it again. I said it's not something I'm into but If he (they guy I'm low-key linking) asked or made advances in that way. I wouldn't say no.
Especially now knowing from julet that the first time doesn't always feel good, for the girl.
Ik this is once again tmi but like I've been saying and will continue to say.
I'm the only one fuxking reading this shit unless I show it to someone...
In my head I want to keep trying utill the guy let's call him H, makes me finish. Because if he doesn't then I'll just have to give up.
Okay so just so we're all. And by "we" I mean me when I come back to this in years or when I show someone (IF I show someone)
H is younger than me by 10 months. I was born February and he was born December. Same year.
But in school he's the year below me. We're both out of school and working so it wouldn't be weird if we bumped into each other on the playground or in the halls and it wouldn't be weird if I saw his sister or one of his mates that are in my year. His sister is in my year and so is his friend.
But when I first went round H's house. It was revealed (to me anyway) that he lost his virginity at 13. I only recently (as you know) lost it at the age I am. (06 baby)
But he's had a lot of girlfriends over the years so I would of assumed that not only would he 1 last longer than he did and 2 know how to make a girl finish or at least 3 tell when a girl has finished.
This post is basically me going over how underwhelmed I am with the fact that I was just starting to get into it when he said he was gonna ...💦. It was I'd say a minute or two before he said that, that I stopped feeling anything. But that definitely would of made me stop feeling anything, and if I was a little more confident I probably would of voiced my problem of, not actually having gotten anywhere, or gotten anything out of it other than my loss of virginity, back pain from the way he had me and the loss of my dignity. I didn't have very much but that fucked it for me... the worst part is, I told Romeo and julet that I think H's mate is fit. And trust he is leng as fuuuuuck.
Anyway now I've done the .... horizontal tango.... I'm now more curious than gagging for it like H thought I would be.
And more than anything I just want to know if I can give banging head. I have snake bites and I wonder of they'll give like more sensation?
I have a half lip ring on my left side and a stud with a chain that goes over my lip on my right.
Also just letting you (me and whom ever I let read this) know. I was actively looking away when he got his thing out... I mean I side looked a little because why should I not be able to know what he looks like when he was knuckles deep in my whole puss...
But it was dark in the room so it was more of a siloet..What I didn't expect actually and in whole honesty for dicks when there hard to be well hard. I didn't think they would be solid-.
I don't know I mean I've watched porn before and I've been sent unsolicited dick pics so I know what a cock looks like. But I never touched one before, until Saturday night. I don't know I guess I thought it would be squishy?
But in truth I'm meeting up with one of my friends on Thursday to chat about it. Because she is also an asexual that has had sex and she also want to tall about her experiences with her boyfriend. So I guess I'm taking notes to have the keypoints of what I want to bring up. To talk to her about.
This is less of a sad girl post and more a confused girl post. But hey I can't always be sad. :)
Anyway confused sad girl out xxx
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joe-moi · 10 months
Just chiming in on the gator-verse conversation and sorry for my brain dump.
I think that like some anons have said... Gator is a character that many JK fans are just not necissisarily ready for but here we are.... Ya know?
I've seen people post about watching only the scenes Joe is in. Ok? And for what? You don't get the context so of course you're gonna be like 😱 when something is a little off kilter for your morals because you're not watching the show, you're consuming Joe Keery Content. Which can be done in Tumblr, Twitter.. like you're not "watching Fargo" if you're fast-forwarding to these scenes.
And I LOVE that Fargo is getting new viewers from this little JK/ST fandom space if they're really watching and enjoying and that's a really great thing about the series because they cast SO well and many seasons bring in fans of those specific actors or their prior projects so easily because of the anthology set up. And that's awesome when MANY of these actors we've seen in a variety of roles before, meaning the fan base wasn't pigeon-holed into having their head in the clouds about a certain type of typecast. Fans and fandom is different though, and I think many of us (not all but many) here know that.
And JK unfortunately has that certain type of typecast meaning a fair amount of his fans, especially younger ones may find themselves fans of the idea of this typecast and his pretty face (God bless!) Instead of actual fans of his acting. That's the difference to me .... At least 🤷‍♀️ like... Loving Steve or giving Keys heart eyes all comes from Joe himself. Steve is layered but only because it's been literally driven by Joe and his own involvement and their desire to keep him. And to be fair... I think most of the layers that exist about Steve are actually concocted by the fandom in head cannon, fics or through their own interpretation not because the Duffers actually wrote him well.... Because they really havent. Joe is just fucking good at acting. He has SERIOUS ability to incorporate micro-expressions and make his character immersive. Like we could all pick out at least a few Steve mannerisms we find iconic. His story is NOT layered and nuanced. It's not.
Gator IS layered and nuanced. And we're gonna get the same great acting and Joe's same beautiful fuckin face.... But Gator has a real story written specifically for the character (not Joe) and driven by the storyline (not incorporated as a side plot of the main story) and it's not meant to be a good character. So someone who is riding JKs coattails because of objectification or the type of work he's already done is gonna fall short. Because Fargo is not a show for everyone if you don't consume that type of media. It's gritty and bad. Even good people do bad things in this show. Ths about pushing people to limits and seeing what they'll do. So yeah, ok I'll up your panties and be ready to see and hear things you don't agree with. You don't have to. It's a character. And stories literally need antagonists or what's the point?
So if you're along for JKs acting career....YES... Enjoy! and know you're gonna see some questionable shit in this show. Otherwise opt out and oggle the gifsets people post. Because this character IS good for Joe and if you hate him, like actually think what he does or says is despicable, then he did his fuckin job.
And that's the end of my TEDTalk 🐊
this was very well put. And I’m not sure I have too much to add. I think you’re pretty spot on with what’s happening. People are not consuming all of gator, and there’s people who have head cannoned, the type of character that Joe can play, and they don’t like that he’s not playing one that they’ve head cannoned.
not consuming all of Fargo, It’s going to shock you when gator says something a little bit off kilter. And also only thinking that he’ll play characters like Steve is not fair to him as an actor.
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edelweisser · 2 years
This will be my very first work that I'll be posting here entitled "Predicament", this is also an activity of mine in Creative Writing. I'm also going to attach one of my drawings below. Please enjoy traveling to my oasis!
Ps' This is still a work in progress so please stay tuned for future updates!
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Listening to classical music has always been my comfort. It's already 2:33 AM now, half the word is already asleep, but here I am, still awake and contemplating about the decisions that I've made. The blanket is beneath my feet, not minding the cold breeze of October coming through the holes in my wall. I stood up to turn off the light, not because of the electricity bill but because it is my last resort. I've been lying in this bed for hours now, if someone is watching me, they'll think that I'm the loneliest man alive.
I should be sleeping now if I don't want to be late for my job tomorrow. I didn't notice a tear escaping from my left eye. Only my pillow knows what's going on with my life. I doubt this pillow will even stay if it have the capability to leave. That's what everyone is doing anyway.
I remember the first time my mother sent me to school. She said she's very happy but her eyes says the opposite. My mother is still quite young that time, her round angelic eyes looks mesmerising, her face is shaped like those in magazines, while her nose is pointed like the girls you can only see in commercials, maybe the reason why my father chose her. Speaking of, I don't have any memory of my father. My mother said that he is an American soldier, the reasin for my western features. My mother have been very vocal about him, whenever I'll ask a question she won't hesitate to answer it. She said that it'll be unfair to me is she keep it as a secret. Those were just some of my vivid memories of my mom.
The next morning I had to wake up early. I reckoned I only had an hour of sleep. The eye bag is palpably showing underneath my eyes. I need to walk down an alleyway before reaching the the main road. Most says, the alleyway is a chaos. Since my mother is a piano instructor, she didn't left that much money when she passed away, just enough for me to afford a studio type room with leaks in roof and small holes on the wall. I bet you can already imagine the various people living here. The reason why it's just normal for me to encounter people shouting — maybe because of an affair, while passing by. Despite being crowded it's still a lifeless road for me. It feels like I'm always living in my own world, like all the other people doesn't matter.
Despite all the bad things that happened to me, I still manage to be an scholar to a nearby state college. One of the things that I'm still thankful for. After working to a fast food restaurant in the morning, I need to go straight to the university that I'm studying at. The university is pretty decent, it's not that big. Most of the youths here who don't have the ability to go to other universities in nearby provinces study there.
After my shift I headed straight to our school. Since I came from my job and our manager told us to overtime for a couple minutes because we needed to run some errands, the classroom is already almost full when I arrived. I sat on the only vacant seat in the room. As usual I sat without looking at my surrounding, last thing I want is to have an interaction with someone. I know that I told you I'm not paying attention to everyone around me but I swear this classroom is quite noisy when I arrived, but now, I can almost hear my own heartbeat. No one is talking. Not until a voice of a girl ended the silence.
"Uhm, I think you're in the wrong classroom", the voice is coming from behind me. I slowly focused on my surrounding, turning my head around.
It slowly dawned on me that everyone is so quiet because they are looking at me. For a moment, I remembered a familiar face, but it ended quickly when I remembered what my situation is. I stood up in a fast manner and ran to the exit quickly. I don't remember much about my childhood but I swear this is the most embarrassing situation I've ever been.
I released a heavy sigh after sitting at my armchair, this time I made sure that it was the right classroom. I didn't notice that I was holding my breath the whole time that I'm searching for this classroom. I can't focus the whole day on our discussions because of what happened. It is not because I am still embarrassed, I've move on already, but because of that familiar face, it is like she's alive again, but I know that it is impossible.
Our last class is P.E., we only played soccer at the football field. I usually stay a bit longer and wait for everyone to leae before showering. So when I confirmed that everyone has already left I started to shower. While I'm in the middle of doing it I heard noises. Someone must have left something and came back. Several minutes later the noise didn't stop but instead it was replaced by weird noises, it sounds like someone is struggling. I quickly finished showering. I wanna know what's causing all the noise. Before I even reached the locker room someone ran rapidly. I didn't get the chance to see who it was or what it is.I then noticed the door of my locker opened, the handle is somewhat deformed, it looks like someone forcibly opened it. I had a mini heart attack. I'm so tired the whole day nd all I want right now is to lay in my bed, but it seems like whoever is controlling this world have a way of pissing me off. The last thing I want right now is another problem. I scanned my whole locker to see if there is anything missing. But instead, I saw something wrapped in a pink checkered handkerchief. But since it is wrapped, I can't see what's inside. It looks clean and the handkerchief smells good. However, I have no plan opening it. So before going home that night, I threw it in the trash can. It was such a long day for me, it's already 8:34 PM when I arrived at my rental room, after just several minutes of laying in my bed I already fell asleep— something that rarely happens.
It's already a week since that weird encounter. Everyday since then someone is leaving the same thing in my locker. Yes, I said "everyday". But yesterday was different, whoever is doing it left a note.
"Please eat this, I made it for you. :<", that is what's written in it.
And just like every time, I still just throw it in the trash. But today I have a plan, I'll wait here in the locker room to catch whoever is doing this. Cause whoever this is, is not helping me at all. I didn't attend to my P.E. class today. So whoever is doing this, they better show up. I didn't wasted my time just for them not to show up today. After an hour of waiting, no one is showing up yet. I decided that I'll just wash face and then I'm going home already.
There is just one wall separating the locker room to our shower room. It is supposed to be just one room but the school decided to put a wall in the middle to use it as our locker and shower room.
Just when I'm about to open the faucet, I heard footsteps. It wasn't just normal footsteps, it sounds like whoever it is, is controlling their footsteps. Like they are trying to make their noises as low as possible. I silently check the other room with just my head poking on the other side of the wall. I saw a familiar person, her hair is short, she is still wearing her uniform. I can't point out where did I saw her because the lights in the locker room are not that bright. I quickly rushed towards her, all I want now is for this to be done. I'm sick of having to throw whatever those things that she's putting in my locker the whole week.
I saw her struggling to open the locker, I quickly grabbed her wrist. The surprise is evident in her face when she looked at me. But I was caught off guard when I saw who it is. It was the girl who looks like my mom. She slowly smiled, it seems genuine. She's now calm— or she's trying to be.
"Since you already caught me, I guess I don't have to do this everyday anymore. Thank god, cause I'm tired of doing this everyday", she said.
My eyebrows furrowed. I know she can tell now that I'm confused.
0 notes
twopoppies · 2 years
Hi ok this is a bit of a tough question, but you’re always so kind to those who ask dumb questions so I felt like I could ask you. I’m a larrie, but I believe F is Louis’ kid (i believe Larry were on break at that time I don’t believe Louis cheated) and I believe that purely bc of Louis’ family acknowledging F in pictures and posts and whatnot, and bc of that time Oli’s FB got hacked and people saw where he was talking about Louis having an unexpected child. My question is: if F isn’t Louis’ kid and this is a stunt, why does his family post about him, bc surely his family isn’t under a contract to post pictures of F spending Christmas with them right? Idk I’m looking for reasons NOT to believe but at the same time I have so many doubts 😔 No worries if you don’t want to answer but I just can’t find any real explanation elsewhere and I know you’re fairly informed in the Larry Lore. Also if you’d rather answer this in dms so as to not stir the pot I’d be happy to listen!
Hi sugar. So, I really can't list the 363728 reasons why I don't believe Freddie is Louis' child, but I'll answer the few things you've brought up.
Oli's Facebook hack was debunked. I've never seen anything that proved any of that was real. But word gets spread and soon it's accepted as truth.
Louis' family is always going to protect Louis. I'm sure his family do have certain NDAs and stipulations, but even if they didn't, they're going to do what they have to do to help him. And if that means commenting on a photo or posting pictures, then that's what they'll do.
I find the fact that Jay deleted all pictures of Freddie from her IG before she died to be much more of a smoking gun than the fact that Lottie and the twins (who all get a ton of attention whenever they do anything that connects to Louis) have posted stuff about Freddie.
Watching Harry and Louis' interactions in 2015, I'd be hard pressed to find any time that they would have been "on a break". Not to mention how at ease they were with each other during MITAM promo. If your boyfriend of 4 years, who you've fought desperately to be with despite everyone trying to break you up, goes and gets some random girl pregnant the minute you were "on a break" and then was having a baby with her, would you just take him back and be okay with it? I don't know. I just don't think Harry would be so happy go lucky about it.
Beyond these few things, there is just a ridiculous number of holes in the story that Freddie is Louis' child. I can't explain every single inconsistency, but I haven't seen a single compelling argument for him being a father.
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 9
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word count: 2,756
Warnings: Cursing
Oh dear lord I'm slow at getting these out. Life's been kickin' my ass lately. But thank you to everyone who's been giving me feedback on my stuff, I really love to hear from you guys!
(So sorry, I forgot when I originally posted!) 
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
Chapter 8 Chapter 10
Two months. You've been "missing" for two months now. The days flew by, your time occupied by quirk training Shigaraki insisted on but never told you why. The times you tried to ask he'd brush it off, or say something like:
"So you don’t throw another fit." His words were harsh but he said them with a flat and bored tone. Like it was a poorly acted line.
So now you had better control. You could move things on command, you knew basic combat, you certainly knew how to kick Dabi's ass by now, that didn't take too long. You were being allowed more and more freedom. Even allowed to leave for a convenience store runs with Toga once or twice. No one policed you, told you what you could and could not do anymore. You could have easily ran away by now. You supposed they really didn't need you either. For their plan to work all they would need was some blood and Toga could easily pass as you.
That idea sent a shiver down your spine. You're sure Shigaraki has thought of that already, so why hadn't he? Why was he training you? Would he use your quirk against the heroes in some way? Was he grooming you to turn and fight your father? You wouldn't. No matter what you wouldn't fight your father. Would you? You shook yourself of this thought as you walked down the ally to the back door of the hide out.
Toga unlocked the door and you stepped in, greeted by a dark and dingy back room. You made your way through the dark halls, following closely behind her as she led you up the stairs that finally led to the parts of the building with power. Soon you found yourself walking to the familiar living space where a few people rested. Dabi laid himself out on one of the couches, Spinner sat fiddling with his burner phone, and Twice had started yelling at the TV before you arrived.
"Luuuunch!" Toga shouted. Toga was often used as the errand girl, she brought back necessary supplies, oftentimes food. Today Toga asked you to tag along and help out, and there wasn't a single objection to the hostage going out on the town. You sat the heavy bags down on the coffee table, taking out the contents as you spoke.
"Where are the others?" You asked.
"Mr. Compress was sent on an errand of his own. And Shigaraki's probably pouting in his room. He'll come out when he's hungry." Dabi groaned as he took his meal from your hand.
"Oh. I'll just bring it to him." You said, absent-minded. All eyes turned to you, looking confused and shocked. "What?" You asked.
"Nothing! It's just-"
"He doesn't like to be disturbed." Toga and Twice spoke. You paused and looked at the box in your hand. It would get cold if he didn't eat soon, and besides, none of you had had much to eat lately, you were sure he was hungry. You knew you were.
"I'll just leave it at the door and knock. It'll get cold and then he'll be in an even worse mood." You told them. They watched you turn and walk up the stairs to his "room". You stood in front of the door, with such thin walls you could hear furious typing on the other side. Loud clicking of a mouse, and the sound of a computer's fan. You took a deep breath and softly knocked on the door. Suddenly the sounds abruptly stopped, followed by a bark.
"Foods here." You called back. You heard footsteps on the other side growing louder and louder until the door flew open. You stared up at the tall man as he looked down on you. His hair hung over his face, his eyes hardly visible. Your heart rate quickened the longer you looked at him. What the hell is wrong with you?
"Give it to me." He held out his hand, his pinky holding out in preparation to receive the box.
"You said you liked spice stuff, right?" You asked as you placed it in his hand.
"We got you their spicy special. I hope it's not too much. The sign said 'caution' on it." He scoffed at you, turning the box and looking at the writing on it. He fell very quiet. Inspecting the box, you suddenly worried that something was wrong with it. That maybe you'd messed up somehow. But before your anxiety could reach its peak-
"Thank you." His voice was low and soft. You could hardly hear him. Then before you could respond he closed the door and left you alone again. Did he really say that? You never heard him say that to anyone. Granted, you hardly knew him but still, the way he said it, it made you feel... special in some way. You shook yourself from your train of thought and shuffled down the hallway, pausing when you heard movement and the door to Shigaraki's room open. You froze.
"Wait a minute." He barked. You turned too look at him. He hung out of the doorway to stare at you.
"W-What?" You asked. Shigaraki had a way of making people feel like they were in trouble. His ability to easily become an authority figure was something you were beginning to understand now.
"You...went out?" You nodded. He paused and looked away, his eyes shifting as the gears spun in his head. He turned back into his room as he spoke, "come here for a second." He asked. You slowly made your way to his room, the door left wide for you to peak inside. A dark room lit by portable light fixtures and a laptop computer which sat on an old desk. A cot thrown to the corner covered by the same old and tattered blankets the rest of you had.
"Am I... in trouble?" You croaked.
"What? No. Close the door behind you, you'll let in a draft." He ordered, seeming genuinely confused by your question. You closed the door behind you, leaving you completely alone with him in his space. Your heart raced.
You watched him turn and look up at the wall which he had decorated with plans. Pictures of heroes and villains cut out and pinned. Newspaper clippings, printed out articles and research essays. He was planning something, but what it was was difficult to determine. You did notice however, a cut out of an empty figure with your name on it pinned to the center of it all. You stared at it for a second before he broke you from your train of thought.
"What do you think?" He asked. His attention turned to his meal, he picked at it, taking a few bites.
"Of what?"
"...the plan." You looked back at the wall, puzzled you tried your best to gain any sort of information from it. Only being able to find bits and pieces. You knew it involved you, your father, and the take down of hero society. A cut out piece of article said something about the rise of villains, that more and more people were turning to villain work. How those rates have a correlation with classes. You slowly turned back to look at him.
"I'm sorry you're gonna have to explain this to me." You told him. He rolled his eyes and stood, directing his attention to his work as he spoke.
"This is the second part of the plan."
"What was the first?"
"Taking you as a hostage."
"Right. But, didn't you say the plan was to expose the heroes after they weren't able to rescue me and not only expose the faulty heroes but also my father as a neglectful and flawed individual not worthy of the hero title?" He paused.
"But that didn't go as planned."
"Didn't you say something about making a video to broadcast outing myself as All Might's daughter and causing panic? What happened to that plan?"
"It became leverage. If they attempt to come for you, then we'll go with that. But if we do that now, they'll come for you now and we'll be forced to fight."
"Isn't a fight...a good thing? You'd get news coverage and You'd no doubt gain supporters."
"Normally it would. But a fight isn't what we need right now. The heroes have us surrounded. If we make any move at all, we're in their hands. We won't be able to win."
"Not even with your quirk? Couldn't you-"
"Not with everyone here. As strong as I've gotten, I'm not strong enough to keep them from getting swept up and dusted too."
"We're in a tight spot. One wrong move and we'll be wiped out."
"What about your supporters? Couldn't you get help from the outside."
"I could, but the heroes would see it coming. They have our signal tapped. Any sort of communication has to be verbal or written."
"Homing pigeon?" You offered. It made him smirk.
"Right now we're like a fox trapped in its own hole by hunters."
"So... we dig?" That made him smile, wide.
"Dig. If we could smuggle ourselves out of the city, we could reach a clear spot where we can call for backup to get us."
"Why not send one person to smuggle themselves out? Toga could easily disguise herself and leave."
"They have a barrier."
"Part of the city is closed off until further notice. They know exactly where we are. If one gets out, they won't hesitate to come for all of us. We all have to get out at once and they can't notice until it's too late."
"But how the hell are you gonna do that?" His smile widened. He looked truly excited and happy. For the first time you saw your capture seem truly excited about something.
"We have a few secret recruits in the city. Spies." He turned his attention back to his meal box, reaching in to pull out the inner box that held the food, to reveal a piece of paper sitting underneath in the flimsy take out box. "I didn't know they were letting you out of the base now." He spoke as he opened and read the note within the box.
"I thought, you knew. I thought you were the one that said I could. Dabi said it was fine." He read the note and stood to pin it up on the wall before speaking.
"I've been too busy with this to worry about you. You shouldn't believe everything that Dabi says. I told him to make sure you just don't have another episode and cause a scene before we leave. I thought assigning him babysitting duty would keep him busy." He chuckled. "There's just one thing I don't understand." He turned back to you. "Why didn't you leave?"
"You had the opportunity, but you're still here. Why?" You froze. Why? Why didn't you run?
"I was scared I'd be killed." You lied. He laughed at you.
"Don't lie to me. You lost that fear a long time ago. You know that's not true. If I wanted you dead I would have killed you a long time ago."
"You've kept me alive to use me as bate. To, to expose the truth." You argued.
"With Toga, we wouldn't need to." You swallowed hard. You knew he had thought about this.
"I'll tell you why I stayed, if you tell me why you've been training me." He scoffed.
"To keep you busy, to keep you from having another episode."
"That doesn't make sense. You could have drugged me, killed me, you said it yourself. But you kept me alive, you kept me busy. You could have kept me on my meds, unable to use it at all but you insisted I learn my quirk. You trained me yourself. Why?" His smile faded and his expression became dark.
"I asked you first." He growled. You looked away from him and thought for a moment before gaining the strength to answer. You knew the truth for a while now. You never wanted to say it out loud. You refused to look at him as you spoke.
"I don't wanna go back. But you probably already knew that by now. You just wanted to hear me say it, huh?" His smirk returned.
"Had a hunch." He snickered.
"Now you answer me."
"Why don't you wanna go back?"
"We had a deal. Answer my question now." You barked at him. It took him a long pause. A full minute of waiting in silence felt like agony.
"I thought it would help you feel better." He muttered in a surprisingly husky tone. "Keep you from asking me to dust you again." That's right, during your episode...
"I'm sorry." You blurted.
"I'm sorry I... I asked you to kill me." You hid your face from him. He shifted and crossed his arms across his chest.
"It's not a big deal, I dust people all the time."
"No, I know. But like, I can't imagine being asked to by someone having a fucking break down happens all the time too. I kinda...kinda put you in a shitty position." When you looked up, he looked confused. Comically so. "What?"
"I took you hostage." He reminded you. You couldn't help but chuckle, that made him more confused.
"Shit, yeah, you're right. Guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself huh?" He looked away. "Still. My intentions weren't to upset you."
"You didn't upset me."
"It seems like I upset you." You toyed. His guard was down, he was vulnerable, and allowing you to be there.
"Shut up. You didn't answer my other question!" He shouted in an almost playful tone. You couldn't help but smile, only to have it slowly fade as you thought about your second answer.
"I don't want to go back because..." you stopped, the words getting stuck in your throat. You were unable to speak. He looked down at you, waiting for an answer. He seemed almost relaxed. He seemed normal. Like a normal guy leaning against the wall of his bedroom with his arms folded across his chest. Your eyes wandered up to his scarred neck, bright red scabs forming. Inflamed and fresh. He had recently scratched at it again, clearly in an upset state too. When he blinked you got a clear view of the scarring around his eyes.
"Boss!" A familiar voice shouted from outside the door. "Boss!" Before you could move the door was thrown open, Spinner's wide eyes finding you standing there. He shook his confusion loose before turning back to Shigaraki who quickly changed his position to attention. "Come quick!"
You followed him back to the living space where the old television sat. The news playing loudly as everyone gathered around to watch in panic. Swat teams and heroes decorated the screen as shot after shot showed them surrounding your building. Fear ran from your toes to your head, making you feel nauseous and dizzy. Shit. Shit. Shit. They're here for you. But you...you weren't ready to leave. And what about-
"Not again! - We can take 'em'!" Twice shouted at it like a sport was playing.
"Tomura, what are we going to do!?" Toga asked, frantically bobbing up and down in panic. He watched the TV intently listening in.
"After receiving a tip from an anonymous source, police and heroes found missing tourist Y/L/N Y/N being held captive by The League of Villains in this abandoned office building. Officials are working now to safely rescue the hostage."
Suddenly a loud voice was heard both on TV and through the halls of the building.
"League of Villains. We have you surrounded. Please let Y/L/N go and no one will be hurt." A cop shouted through a megaphone.
"C'mon Shigaraki, what's the plan?" Dabi asked, clearly starting to get uncomfortable. Before Shigaraki could respond, you spoke.
"Well, looks like this is it for me." You began walking away, only to be stopped by a strong, four-fingered grip pulling you back.
"Where do you think you're going!?" He growled.
"The jig is up, Shigaraki! Let me go! I'm not useful anymore. All they want is me, if I'm out of your hair you'll be able to escape easier." His grip tightened, pulling you closer as his red eyes bore into yours.
"So long as you're here they won't dare make a move. You're still my most valuable player. You're staying right here."
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sarah-sandwich · 3 years
Top 5 Creative Works of 2021
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2021. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by @playboyphilanthro-pissed
1) Peaches Ain't Pretty - Gen, Harley Keener-centric - 17k
Harley Keener and his sister Abbie have never had an easy life, but they've always had each other and that's enough. They'll make it be enough.
my beloved ❤ tbh I surprised the hell out of myself with this one. First of all, I was inspired to write it by Devil Town by Cavetown (specifically the version linked--the kid's got like 4 versions now lol). I actually had the idea for this when I first heard the song wwaaaaayyyyy back when I was posting Don't Freak Out in 2020 and working on the sequel, but at that time I was SO overwhelmed (with covid and posting fic for the first time in nearly 2 years, and writing that freaking sequel (haha see what i did?), and covid) so I just ignored the plot bunny and forgot about it. Fast forward to a year later, I started listening to the song again and the idea came back to me and I was like, okay okay I don't have anything better to do rn, I'll just jot down some ideas... Then like 3 days later I had a completed fic lol
BUT before I started, I knew I wanted it to have a certain tone (serious and at times heavy, but not depressing--i wanted those spots of light) and I wanted it to follow the Keeners from childhood to their coming of age into adulthood. Honestly I didn't know if I could pull that off. Writing from a child's perspective is hard. Writing an accent I don't have without making it obnoxious is hard. I'm so stinkin' happy with it though! It turned out as perfect as I could have asked for. It still blows me away when i reread it. Like woah I made that.
When I started writing it I was iffy about working towards a parkner ending bc I really wanted it to be only about the Keeners but I'm weak so that's where it ended up lol And now I'm posting the parkner sequel! Check out A Peach Like You (which technically I wrote in 2021 even though I'm only just now posting it, so it counts)
2) The Distance Between (You and Me) - parkner - 29k
When Pepper offered to begin training him to become CEO of Stark Industries, she warned Harley it would put a target on his back. He didn't take her seriously until after he'd been left chained and shivering in a dark hole for three days.
Rescued but with his kidnappers still at large, Tony recruits a bodyguard to shadow his every step and keep him safe until Tasha can hunt down his kidnappers. Harley isn't impressed. If he wasn't already at his wit's end muscling through nightmares, dissociative episodes, and pretending like he's handling everything like a champ then maybe he'd be able to figure out what exactly makes Peter Parker so special.
Ah the bodyguard AU. This one was so hard to write. Not bc of the fic, but bc of my head space. Real life took a nose dive and let's just say I had a pretty shitty time starting in May last year and it didn't really let up until, uh, November?? Writing felt impossible. I had all these big awful feelings and I couldn't set them aside in order to write. I've never been a vent writer and quite frankly idk how to be honest enough with myself to do that on purpose...
All that to say, it took A LOT to get this one down. Major thank you to everyone--@michellejones-stacy I'm looking at you in particular ily ❤--who cheered me on and shared their enthusiasm with me. It literally wouldn't have happened if I didn't know you guys were looking forward to it. Some days the only reason I pushed myself to write was bc of you so 🙌🎉✨🥰😭 thank you
But then when I finished it, it felt hollow, like I'd gone through the steps of writing but there was no soul in it. I didn't believe the feedback I got telling me it was good. It took until like... last month? When I finally read it fresh that I realized actually yeah, everyone was right and it is good! So I'm super proud of myself that this fic exists at all, but also I'm proud of how it turned out despite my challenges while writing it.
3) The Human Kind - parkner - 3.7k
“Your game of tag made the news again,” Miles says with a frown. “I don’t get why you won’t talk to him.”
“It’s more like hide-and-seek,” he says, not bothering to address the second statement as he pulls off his mask. They’ve been through that song and dance enough times they both know it by heart and it’s lost its spark.
“That’s not how it looks on TV. Looks like a lot of chasing and not a lot of counting.”
“Yet it always ends with me hiding and him giving up on seeking so—,” He waves his hand in a ‘there you have it’ fashion then hits the spider symbol on his suit.
Or: Spider-Man has a stalker but it's not what you think
This one. This one I tried to write angst lol and I hurt myself! So mission accomplished? I re-read this one recently and I'm really happy with it. It starts out light and there are questions laid out that you don't get immediate answers too, but you don't really worry about it bc it's Peter and he's quipping and making jokes and it's fun, right? Then it gets serious and that's when my feelings get hurt.
4) No Need to Rush - parkner - 5.3k
5 times Peter almost says I Love You (but Harley does instead) + 1 time they both say it
(Yes, it's a needlessly complicated take on this trope but it's my needlessly complicated take on this trope)
There's a comment on this fic that essentially calls this the perfect spiderlad fic and that's what pops into my head every time I think of it lmao it makes me realize that this is p much the only fic where I wrote established Iron Lad rather than the beginnings of Harley becoming Iron Lad. I adore this fic in it's own right, but that comment + this fic makes me really really really want to go all out with a spiderlad fic. Harley and Peter fighting side-by-side, the quips and banter, the hurt/comfort, the intrinsic understanding between them that no one else can touch because only they know exactly what they're facing day-in and day-out, partners in every sense of the word--I just *wistful sigh* I'm gonna write one for real, a full-sized fic, and that's that on that.
5) Undercover? I thought you said undercovers... - parkner - 3.7k
Peter and Harley are undercover at a black-tie event and get into a sticky situation
Not that kind of sticky! Get your head out of the gutter you dirty bird
This one is pure fun. I had a blast writing it and I adored all of the squeeing comments I got for it and I get a good laugh out of it every time I re-read it. It's the embodiment of bickering as a love language.
Tagging (with no pressure/if you're busy you're busy): @theoceanismyinkwell @queenofmoons @michellejones-stacy (will it let me tag you twice?? we'll find out) @writingamongther0ses @joyful-soul-collector and anyone else who wants to share their most special babies of 2021! Tag me so I can see 😊
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Howdy I'm a noob around here, bought in by a friend and have been reading Larry posts for a while. So, I've never used Tumblr before, but if I set up a profile and do a post what are the rules for doing posts and things? Like, can I reshare stuff from you and other people like we do on Facebook and Insta? are there rules about how to do it somewhere? I had a look at the Tumblr page but tbh it wasn't real clear, and you seem to know what you're doing so I thought I'd ask you. What's the deal with the hashtags at the bottom? Do they belong to people and will they get annoyed if you use the same ones? The comment bubbles? Are you supposed to comment in there? Yes/No? I just want a peaceful existence in this space, and if I bring some friends in on Larry, I want to know what to tell them coz they're all tech shy and they'll flip so I'll need to teach them what to do.
Sorry for the long question.
No worries if you don't want to reply. Just let me know please so I don't go asking like 20 different people and annoy everyone and then they hate me lolz.
Love, peace and chicken grease
Dear anon,
First of all, welcome to the rabbit hole… hope you are enjoying the ride! 🐇🐇
It's really cute that you come to me for advice on the platform, since from all SM profiles that I own this is my youngest; but I will do my best!
Tumblr way of working in creating & sharing content is pretty similar to other apps that you’ve named, however, there are a couple of differences:
The original post will remain as the header of each post chain
Every interaction (known as a note) is going to be assigned to the original post.
Every time someone shares a post (adding or not new content) a new line of distribution is created.
The main purpose of Tumblr is to build up long entries that can be enriched by other users. Regarding this matter, I have seen how some blogs feel a bit protective over their content. My opinion stands closer to freedom, I would tell you you can add whatever you want to share with others, or what would make you happy to see on your dashboard. At the end of the day, someone can always reach to you to ask for special requests, privatize content or even block.
So, “Tags make it easier for readers to find posts about a specific topic on your blog.” I have recently learned how it is important to follow some general rules that way people can follow your topics, but also unfollow them and have an ad-hoc dashboard. However, it is a way of classification, mainly for you, so use whichever you want.
The communication between users really depends on each individual. Yes, you can comment on the “bubble” as you said, many take the posts to DMs and prefer a private chat and others directly come into the anons/public questions. So, you will adapt for sure easily!
Tumblr gives us all options to make the experience joyful, but at the end of the day for me is about being able to operate freely and be respectful/respected. I’m still learning but if you or your “shy friends” have questions, please jump into my DMs I will try to help out with whatever you need!
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lovetheplayers · 5 years
Taylor's interview with Carrie & Tommy (April 29, 2019)
Carrie: It's time to welcome Taylor Swift.
Taylor: Thanks for talking to me.
Carrie: No worries. Well congratulations on the new single. Almost 100 million views on YouTube. You've broken records on Vevo, Amazon. Are you absolutely buzzing at the moment?
Taylor: Um, yeah. It's crazy. This is insane. The fans have been so, so, so amazing for them to do that. Because you know obviously you put something out, you put all this work into it, you really try to make it something that they'll like and something that will entertain them, and the fact that they would watch it as many times as they have—It's really—I'm so grateful, honestly. I love getting to do this so it's really amazing that they make it so much fun to do this.
Carrie: Well they're loving all the clues that you've put in the song. Is it clues of the new album, the date of the new album release. They're also still going crazy about a pic that you posted in February of you behind a fence with five holes. Can you tell us, is that a clue or is that just a really cool pic of you behind a fence?
Taylor: Oh, my gosh. So that picture, I really just was trying to change up my Instagram aesthetic to get ready for the new album. I was just, like, posting pastel pictures to try to go from a dark to a light and kind of show them what the color scheme would be for the next album, but I love that they're that passionate. They will talk about that, like, in the "fandom"—that will be something they talk about for the next couple of years. They're so funny online of it. But yeah, I should've thought about that.
Carrie: You were just being arty.
Taylor: I love that you know about that. I can't believe you know about the five holes in the fence.
Tommy: Taylor, I thought that we could put all the talk of clues and albums up to rest and you could just potentially tell us when the album is coming out and what it's going to be called.
Taylor: You know, that is such a good idea. That would make it so much easier, wouldn't it?
Tommy: And it would be a real scoop for us.
Taylor: I don't think I'm gonna. I'm sorry.
Carrie: All the billboards you put up teasing to it, one of them almost made me have a car accident because I was coming own a ramp at the freeway and I turned around to look at your billboard and nearly sideswiped my car.
Taylor: No, never look at my billboard. Look at the road. Hands on the wheel, seat belt on. Be safe, kids.
Tommy: Stop making such intriguing billboards. It's your fault, Taylor.
Taylor: Everything's my fault. Let's be honest.
Tommy: Hey, congratulations not only on the song, it's incredible. The film clip is also incredible and it features your new gorgeous cat Benjamin Button. I know that makes it three cats for you now. How many cats do you think before you become a crazy cat lady?
Taylor: As many as it takes. As many as it takes.
Tommy: So that is the end goal we're going for?
Taylor: I didn’t expect to meet this kitten. I met him on the video set actually, 'cause we had a scene where I wanted there to be this scene where symbolically, like, I wanted it to be kind of the symbolism of, like, if you’re into someone, don’t just do what you think people like. Don’t do just what you’ve heard. Don’t give a girl what you just think she would like 'cause you think girls like these things, like, get to know somebody and that will be more interesting if you actually know someone for who they are and what they actually think is cool. So we had this scene where he gives me flowers to try and win me back I say no, he gives me a ring to try to win me back, I say no. And so then he pulls a tiny kitten out of his jacket and I’m like, ‘Okay! You clearly know me.’ So I show up on set and there's this tiny little kitten, that was the sweetest kitten. I fell immediately in love with this cat 'cause he just started purring and immediately we were best friends and it was just set. And then they’re like, "Oh, he doesn’t have a home so.." I just knew immediately, yeah.
Tommy: Single men all over Australia have just gone out to get kittens to give away to women.
Carrie: I wanna talk to you about some of the lyrics in the song because it is an absolute banger. It is caught in my head. We're gonna play the tune now. I love the lines in the song, and I love the line, "I know I'm a psycho on the phone," because it just reminded me of the fact that us girls, we've all had moments of going absolutely cray cray for a man when when we've been in love. What's the craziest thing you've done when you've been besotted with somebody? The most psycho thing you've done?
Taylor: Well, guys have had that moment too on the phone. This is not just a girl thing. I think that with this song we really just wanted to have this song not really be fully taking itself seriously. So the lyrics, that’s a tone decision that we mad in the studio. Like, we literally were like, "Okay, let's say, ‘Hey kids, spelling is fun!'" Because we want everyone to know that this song is not really serious because it's not, like, a serious love song. It’s about embracing and owning that you at times feel like, you know, you’re irreplaceable and I want those times to be more often when they hear this song and it gets stuck in their head. I think with a pop song you have the ability to get something stuck in people’s heads and I just want it to be a mantra that kind of is much more self-love than what we often times feel which is self-loathing and insecurity.
Tommy: Absolutely amazing single. It's caught in our heads. Make sure you check it out now if you haven't already. Taylor Swift just before we let you go, can you please tell us the album name and when it's going to be released?
Taylor: Um, I will just get back to you. Just give me 20 seconds. I'm gonna go pet a kitten and then I'll come back and tell you.
Carrie: Congrats on everything. Chat to you soon. Thank you so much for your time.
Taylor: You guys are the best. Thank you.
Carrie: Bye.
Tommy: Thanks so much, Taylor.
Taylor: Bye!
Tommy: Bye!
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