#i'll come up with fancy tags later
pardycity · 7 days
why does making fancy pinned post banners have to be so hard Xo[
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sword-and-lance · 2 years
((I did threaten to inflict this Lahaship OC on people and It Is Time :D
and tbqh y’all can also blame my good friend Amba (as in the player) for this one, because this is technically kinda her OC by proxy (the original ship was a wild-ass crossover RP thread thing lmao, she just gave me permission to run with it in public with an XIV-ization of it)
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ignore the white mask I can’t be assed to Crime that off lol
He technically grew up in an Ancient settlement by the sea and proved to have a really whopping big aptitude for not only water magic but also for healing magic, which his (healer) parents were very thrilled about
He was also rather pretty and maybe a bit vain about that, and spends a fair bit of time on it, despite Ancient society being all for conformity and the like, rather than sticking out
Eventually he got scouted for a seat in the Convocation as a young adult, specifically for the seat of Emmerololth
Mitron was…not pleased at the notion of bringing in someone so good at water magic too, and for a bit there was kinda paranoid that Nereus was there to eventually take his job, and while he eventually snapped outta that, he’s always been a bit abrasive to Nereus-as-Emmerololth because of it (and Nereus hasn’t ever been fond of him, either, in turn)
Nereus struck up a friendship with Apollo/Hythlodaeus that became very close, if just because they have the exact same sense of humor pretty much
(Yes I have “Hythlodaeus” as being another title, because I can, shh)
He proved to be very good at his job, and his honesty and solid sense of what was right for the star and its people meant he rapidly fit in well with the Fourteen
…He was also capable of being a bit fussy and dramatic, and a bit more into indulging himself in various things than was entirely “proper”, especially for someone of the Convocation
Still though man’s good as hell at healing and gets along decently well with most people, so they could kinda…overlook that flaw in favor of his skills and good working relationships with other people
(That said, Mitron was never entirely fond of him and Pashtarot looked down on his propensity for indulgence, because in her eyes it was an affront to the discipline and order her seat embodied)
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He actually took his seat slightly before Hephaistos did, and at first wasn’t sure what to make of the man, other than he was very uptight and needed to loosen up
Not that he had any way of knowing that the Speaker’s seat was one of THE most stressful ones to have, though, since the prior one had basically been unflappable even in the worst of situations; he mostly just chalked the new Lahabrea’s attitude up to Hephaistos being very...Type A, personality-wise
Aaaaaand then he saw the new Lahabrea getting scrutinized way harder than even he had been outside of maybe Mitron/Pashtarot and was. Confused about that. And kinda concerned, but all he could really do was try to keep the worst of the heat off of him by way of interjecting himself into the fray whenever the interrogations and shit got out of hand
Later on he did realize that they were mostly scrutinizing him so hard because the man was utterly and ridiculously powerful; Ancient society was very incredibly worried about those kinds of people doing a huge amount of evil too fast to be easily stopped, and while Nereus didn’t at all agree with his society’s/the Fourteen’s approach, he could at least understand the concerns.
(He had been subjected to some of it, himself, though the fact that there was too much Nereus in the way for him to do that kind of thing earned him more leeway than Hephaistos ever got–in addition, Hephaistos was a lot more blunt and prickly to everyone and had little in the way of social skills after spending so much of his life doing damn near nothing but academia, and that did not help)
(Yes Ancients do their best to be impartial but they’re still people in the end)
He did his best to get along with Lahabrea and kept offering to help, but Lahabrea was admittedly suspicious as hell of his intentions for a while before he realized that no Nereus was actually pretty serious about wanting to help him
Even then though Lahabrea still had a good deal of pride and was all no I don’t need that I can handle myself and Nereus obliged and dropped it, because you can’t help someone who doesn’t want it and also he wanted to keep a good working relationship with the man, and pushing it was a one-way ticket to earning Lahabrea’s resentment
Didn’t stop him from keeping a leash on the others when they got too hard on him, though
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His department, the Nosokomeio, had a fairly tight-knit relationship with Lahabrea’s, of course (what with creation magic and the study thereof being quite dangerous even on a good day), and in turn it meant he and Lahabrea were commonly collaborating on reports and the like
He also worked a lot with Emet-Selch courtesy of the whole Underworld thing (I mean if you can’t successfully heal people that’s where they go), though he was never close to him like he was Apollo/Hythlodaeus
(He was also, tbh, kinda jealous of the two of them because he never could really keep a relationship going for too long--people thought he was a bit too much just in general, if a relationship even "clicked" at all in the first place, and he kinda recognized that and found it depressing)
He was mostly just very lonely at the time especially with Lahabrea also falling in love with Athena around this time and having a son with her; it kinda felt like he was being defined entirely by his work and not for who he was, and even if societal expectation was that he should be fine with that he kiiiiinda couldn’t help but feel lonely anyway
Apollo/Hyth did his best to keep him from getting too weird about it, at least, and while Nereus did attempt to date around he mostly just found that it didn't work and just stopped trying after a bit, even if he did kinda screw around a bit (given that Ancients were less uhhhh uptight about that sort of thing in my headcanon)
He didn’t fail to notice through all of that, though, that there was a nasty uptick in Incidents at the Words of Lahabrea after a few years of Athena being there; especially when Pandaemonium was built, it started to look like there were more and nastier escapees and attacks, and even the Words’ concept-catcher division was getting more strained and more overwhelmed and understaffed as people either burnt out emotionally or physically (or both)
He did think it was weird but frankly he was too busy to investigate it himself, what with having more and more people to heal and research how to fix, and left that investigation to other people
Then he got called in to Pandaemonium personally after Athena had “gotten killed right in front of Lahabrea” and ofc he couldn’t do anything about that by then, and he had to go tell Lahabrea himself because he was not going to let the poor man hear that bad news secondhand
Lahabrea’s reaction was…very weird and blunted, and while he initially chalked it up to being in shock and was actually kind of right about that, it really wasn’t for the reasons he thought it was
He still kept an eye on him afterwards and was actually one of the first people to raise concerns that he was really not doing right by Erichthonios, though ofc Lahabrea was just…way too traumatized and refused to deal with it much to everyone’s frustration but especially Nereus’
So yeah he saw that this was a giant mess even if he had the courtesy to not drag it out into the limelight for everyone to fucking gawk at (and didn't know the real cause of it at the time)
In fact he was instrumental in suggesting Hesperos for Pandaemonium-work; he had initially applied to the Nosokomeio, but Nereus thought him better suited to research work (which turns out that was 100% correct), and also thought that having someone that genuinely caring and nice at Pandaemonium would do Erich some good, though ofc he didn’t say that to anyone except maybe Apollo
By this point he had become quite familiar with Artemis (as in Ancient!Amba) and also Nemesis, courtesy of being besties with Apollo (her brother), and while Lahabrea’s department got to Nemesis first just a few years after Nereus took his position, Nereus had finally realized just how stupid-powerful Artemis was, after she had worked in his department for so long, and started training her to take over his position
(He did love his job yes but he was getting tired and also realized that Artemis actually deadass outclassed him in healing ability and was therefore just the natural choice to take over the seat–and also she was just generally A Good Bean if a really scary one sometimes lol)
Curiously though it was Lahabrea who insisted that he at least hang around in an advisory capacity for Artemis, and Nereus conceded even after handing her the mask, in part because he was getting rather attached to the man at this point
(And the man was getting rather attached to him and was just too emotionally constipated to realize it :P)
They basically slowburned their way into a relationship over quite a bit of time and it was all rather confusing for a while for both of them but Lahabrea most of all, considering the Everything going on in his head
Artemis was also 100% aware of this but just kinda ran with it because it both wasn't her business and also was adorable
(Nemesis was of the opinion that they should JUST FUCK ALREADY but had the sense to keep that thought to herself)
They did eventually fall in love and everything with each other though and it was Good--Lahabrea actually appreciates Nereus' straightforwardness and honesty and a lot of Nereus' excesses are tempered by, well, having Lahabrea, and they're both still nerds but not to the excessively toxic extent it was with Athena
Which he actually does learn what Lahabrea did, eventually, and is majorly horrified for Lahabrea and it suddenly clicks in his head why the man is like that, and he automatically just agrees to keep it a secret and is actually able to help him start working through Some Stuff, just one little bit at a time
(His main expertise might be healing the body but he isn't completely oblivious on how to help the mind, either, at least as long as the person involved wants to be helped!)
Erichthonios is always a bit standoffish at him but actually does realize that this is generally a good thing, and especially after learning what happened basically rolls with that relationship, though he never does consider Nereus his dad yet (because shit is Complicated even after all of that)
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…Then the Final Days hits and Shenanigans Occurs (what shenanigans I haven’t entirely figured out yet, probably gonna wait for the third raid tier to actually make a full decision on it)
Nereus’ soul actually manages to escape the Sundering in the same way that Artemis/Amba’s did (namely: REASONS~), but unlike Artemis who just reincarnated into Amba, his spirit actually found his way into the bottom of a lake and just. Aetherially made himself a body out of it
Coincidentally the lake wound up being deep in the Black Shroud and Amba’s family settled around it and treated him as an elemental, which…KINDA, I GUESS
He was basically just hella depressed at that point though and didn’t speak much to other people and didn’t even recognize Amba as Artemis or Brannon as Apollo, by the time they came back into the world
(Or he didn’t recognize them yet :) )
He was also entirely unaware of Lahabrea being Like That in the outside world at that point until the man actually fucking died again, at which point (being basically an aetherial construct with a soul in it) he felt that and realized that oh fuck that’s where he went isn't it
He then spends basically all of ARR through EW trying to fish his husband's soul back out and actually succeeds around the end of 6.0 
Because yeah actually I kinda wanna dick about with that for a Dae plot at some point assuming that the third raid tier doesn’t totally fuck over my ideas here))
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bxtonpxss · 2 months
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#ooc || [out of character]#neya just confessed to utsuho and here's me cringing so hard you can hear it from space. I think the pairing could be cute but at this#particular point in time we've barely spent enough time with these two for me to be sold on them being a thing. also she has better#chemistry with yakuma and more interactions. I know its technically been months for them but because of the pacing in general#there's not much downtime or filler to have like decent character interactions. I just think the confession should've come later or#not at all. but me & jade were talking about it & iinuma was probs just pressed for time and the editors or whoever probably#said hey we need some romance with the mc so do smth about it. cause that's how thrown together this feels#also utusho has been so standoffish and at times rude as hell. like neya girl stand up!!! you can do better babes#also she does this @ the end of ch 51. she joins the gang at the end of ch 21. within the span of exactly 30 chs they've only been travelin#together for maybe 3 months at most. sure that's a decent amount of time to spend with a person and acquire feelings#but they don' thave ANY significant interactions during that time to push this ship and its all essentially one sided on NEya's part cause#Utsuho cares more about Pochi and doing his own thing. Iinuma just doesn't sell this for me. not their fault but mmm def my least fave#neya ship. and all the ships I DO fancy with her all their development & interactions happen off screen *stares pointedly at Hikae*#i was so ready for Neya and Hikae to have a life changing field trip together or smth since she's does not vibe with him at awl when they#first meet and he's so antagonistic and snarky with her. then like 20+ chs later he's talking about 'oh yeah ne-chan I wanna protect u too'#excusse me?????!!! since WHEN!??? and we don't ever know cause it all happens off screen!#utsuho rightfully awkward turtles away after that confession cause same dude#yakuma also tell her she like confessed suddenly without really thinking. like she only did it cause of utsuho's interaction with kazura#so she's like alright I'll work on showing him my true feelings and I'm like or maybe we just... don't????#rereading itsuwaribito was a mistake cause I have so many thoughts and I keep trying to apply logic when I shouldn't be#i talk too much in my tags I'm sorry 😔
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thelostconsultant · 18 days
Not a gold digger
pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
summary: Fans think you only want Max's money. But as it turns out, you were wealthy before he came into your life--you just don't make it obvious.
warnings: No smut, but there's a part that makes me say MDNI.
note: So... I'm kinda back? Idk, I'll see if I'll stick around.
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The toxicity of the fandom was becoming quite entertaining, really. It was the third time since you and Max had made your relationship public half a year ago that someone started an anti gold digger campaign to protect your boyfriend. They truly believed they were doing this for a greater good, and they all begged Max for his attention.
It always began after they sniffed out he had given you something expensive as a gift or took you shopping to a luxury boutique. While there were some people who tried to protect you by pointing out that maybe he enjoyed showering you with gifts, the rest didn't care about that. 
You lived in a small apartment back home, you were driving a five years old Renault SUV, and no one knew what you did for a living. This was enough to enrage them and make them believe all you wanted was Max's money at the end of the day. Just think about the way she's looking at him, one of them wrote about two months ago, she's so clearly not in love with him. Poor Max, someone please save him. 
“Is everything okay?” he asked when he got home and kissed the top of your head. 
You were sitting in his sim rig, using the time while it was free to practice, because you wanted to play with him when you weren't here together, and he was more than happy to show you the basics. “Someone started another campaign to cancel me,” you replied casually as you got out with his help. 
Even when you were standing in front of him, he didn't let go of your hand, instead he raised it to his lips to place a soft kiss on its back. “Gold digging?” You nodded with a sad look on your face, but less than five seconds later you were both laughing. “Look, I know you're having way too much fun with this, but–”
Without waiting for him to finish, you raised your hand to make him stop. “I'm not stepping out of the shadows, Max. I've been hiding for years, even fucking Forbes doesn't know my real name or face,” you told him.
Back in the old days, when Bitcoin appeared, your geeky uncle had gotten into mining and trading it. He knew the potential, so he put most of his savings into buying them, then he held onto them, and by the time he got sick years later, he knew they were valuable and would be worth a lot more in the upcoming years. In his will, he left his savings and his wallet to you, giving you the chance to use them as you wished since you had learned everything about crypto from him.
So now you had Bitcoin as well as old fashioned investments, and you had used your money to help out an up-and-coming tech company for a forty percent share, and it was later sold to a tech giant for a lot of money. But despite your wealth, you chose to stay under the radar, because you loved your small apartment, and you weren't about to trade it for some fancy penthouse. 
You had met Max the year before in Las Vegas. F1 was a sport you watched with your uncle while he was still alive, and you were hell-bent on getting a VIP pass for the weekend. If you asked your boyfriend, he would say it was love at first sight, but in reality he was just annoyed by you. For a solid ten seconds, he would correct you every time you talked about it.
You agreed that you would hide in Max's apartment until this latest campaign died down, which gave you some time to spend together in peace. Every now and then you checked the tags to see how things were going, and after the silence of the past few days, today your name was trending again. Ready to have a good laugh, you opened the tag, but the most popular post gave you a minor stroke.
“Oh, fuck me,” you yelled as you launched your phone into the couch.
Max pulled the headset down to his neck as he looked over at you. “Is everything okay?” You raised your finger to your lips as if you wanted him to stay quiet, but luckily he got the message. “I'm muted. So?”
You grabbed your phone and went over to him. “They know. One of those idiots from the company I helped back in the day posted a tweet to protect me, saying that if it wasn't for me being an angel investor, they wouldn't be millionaires now,” you summarized as you gave him the device.
He scrolled through a series of tweets, and found a post from a journalist of Forbes in which he promised a proper investigative piece based on this info. He handed you the phone, then wrapped an arm around your waist. “It's okay, schatje. I know that's not what you wanted, but maybe they'll stop with the recurring hate campaign now,” he tried. “And if you’re worried about the article… Don’t be. There is nothing compromising about you. Yes, you inherited the money, but you have proven you know what to do with it.”
“Maybe you’re right,” you admitted with a sigh. 
“I’m usually right. C’mere,” he said as he reached out to pull you closer, but you glanced over at the camera. Rolling his eyes, he quickly turned it off, then gave you an expectant look. “Will you hug me now? And I want a kiss too.”
With a laugh, you leaned down to wrap your arms around his neck and gave him a soft kiss. But he wanted more, his hand slowly sneaked under your shorts, his fingers running over your clothed cunt before he decided to pull your panties aside and dip a finger between your folds. You moaned into the kiss, but he pulled away a second later to lick his finger clean. 
Shaking your head with a chuckle, you patted his shoulder and walked back to the couch. You could feel Max’s eyes on you the whole time, and when you looked at him again, he flashed a devilish smile at you. “I should quit the stream. Now that I had a taste, I want more,” he told you. 
“I’m not going anywhere, just try to be patient.”
He looked back at the screen, then put the headset back on his head and unmuted his mic. “Sorry, I have to go. See you next time,” he told the others, then logged out. You couldn’t remember the last time he left the sim rig this fast, and only a few seconds later he was kneeling in front of you, eagerly reaching up to pull your shorts off you.
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liked by user1, user2 and 947,896 others
f1gossips: Breaking news! Turns out Max Verstappen's girlfriend isn't a gold digger after all as she has her own fortune according to the investigative article published by Forbes. Will the fans apologize?
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user2: And here I was, thinking she's just a greedy airhead...
user3: Easy to be wealthy with your uncle's money.
↳ user4: Have you read the whole thing? She invested the money and helped out several startups--that later became pretty successful--as an angel investor. Yes, maybe she inherited a lot of money, but she knows what to do with it.
↳ user5: May I remind you how many F1 drivers started their careers with their families's money?
user6: Told you she wasn't a gold digger. Suck it, haters.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 1,577,353 others
maxverstappen1: If you don't buy your girlfriend gifts every once in a while, you're a bad boyfriend. I love to spoil her, it's not a crime. I love her, I'm proud of her, and you can send us as much hate as you want, it will only make us stronger.
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername: I'd be perfectly fine without the gifts, I already told you.
↳ maxverstappen1: I don't care.
landonorris: You're absolutely right!
↳ maxverstappen1: You're single, how would you know?
↳ landonorris: Just FYI, I've been in relationships before.
danielricciardo: You're so disgustingly smitten with her. (I love you both.)
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bbokicidal · 18 days
Marriage? Marriage. | Maknae Line! SKZ [OT8]
Genre : Fluff Warnings : None Pairing : Maknae Line SKZ x Fem!Reader
Notes : Ever wondered what your wedding would be like with SKZ? How they would propose? What their tux/outfit would look like? Your ring? The venue? Well I've got it all right here! (Completely w/ photo references!)
Other Notes : This is just how i picture things going down/looking. If you disagree or have other opinions, that's totally fine! But please don't go in the comments complaining it isn't how you pictured it. If you don't like it, scroll past. Thank you!
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The Proposal : Jisung is the one to make a big spectacle of it, creating an entire song to ask you to marry him in front of the guys. He does it at the venue for their concert during soundcheck so it's a little more personal, wanting you to be there for what he's calling 'practice' so you can hear and critique his new song. Or that's what he says - it's really just a massive proposal. He even gets Chan and Minho to run down the stage throwing flower petals in the air while he sings.
The Venue : Nothing too fancy. He wants it to be personal between just your families (and the guys, of course.) So he chooses a smaller venue with plenty of floral decorations to satisfy the both of you. He lets you pick out the colors however, agreeing that a nice muted purple would be a good mix between casual and elegant.
First Look : Oh, he bawls. He's on his knees the moment he turns around, tears streaking down round cheeks and hands covering his mouth in admiration. You have to cup his face and pull him up - but the photographer gets a perfect picture of you two kissing while Jisung bawls his eyeballs out at how beautiful you look.
His Best Man : Minho. (We all saw that coming.)
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The Proposal : Felix takes you to his childhood home to do it. It's bigger than expected (because he came from a pretty well off family,) and still as wonderful as he remembers growing up. His family tags along to witness it all, but they aren't even aware of the proposal and his sisters are screaming before you are when they see him get down on one knee. Very romantic, very wholesome - biggest ring you've ever seen.
The Venue : Massive venue, very fairytale-esque. He wants it to be grand, as perfect as you are. He falls in love with the ballroom feel of the venue and his mind is made up the moment he steps inside to check it out for the first time. "It's perfect," He'll nod, later admiring how it looks with all of the decorations the two of you had picked out. The theme comes out to a soft pale blue and white.
First Look : He doesn't want to do a first look, but he lets the guys go and see you. His heart slams in his chest the moment Chris comes back with rosy cheeks, exclaiming how beautiful you looked and how Felix had gotten oh-so lucky to be with you. Of course, he tears up a bit and maybe bawls a little when he sees you walking down the aisle.
His Best Man : Jisung.
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The Proposal : He's the one to do it on stage. Unexpected, right? He wants to make it memorable for everyone - especially you. He'll ask you to come out, take your hand the moment you enter the stage and then walk with you to the middle to give the most heartwarming and sincere speak you've heard since their Maniac tour. "I said once that I didn't believe in the word 'forever,' but... in this moment, I want to believe I'll be with you for eternity."
The Venue : Also something bigger. Plenty of room to hold many guests but not as grand of a venue as Felix's pick. It's outdoors, for one, the theme of the wedding a warm green with pale pinks and roses speckled in for accent. He lets you do most of the decorating because he trusts you with it, but he will give you his input if you ask for it. However, his favorite thing about the venue has to be the archway he'll marry you under.
First Look : Oh he's getting a first look. He's a bit impatient the day of and asks to see you as soon as possible, only to be met with your arms wrapping around him from behind. He'll sink into your embrace before turning to look at you, backing away only so he can take in the full view. He'll even ask you to do a little spin, holding your hand with care and smiling at how beautiful you are.
His Best Man : Jeongin.
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The Proposal : It just sort of... falls out of his mouth. You're having dinner with the group out at a nicer restaurant and he's sitting at your side, seeming a bit distracted and distant. Lost in thought, he snaps back into his own mind before murmuring a soft, "Do you want to get married?" as he looks over. It catches you by surprise, especially when he pulls a velvet box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. He couldn't find the perfect way to do it, and he grew impatient with himself - so he just asked.
The Venue : He lets you pick it out, with you settling on a smaller church that gave the most basic, traditional wedding possible - which is how he preferred it, if he were honest. He liked how it felt normal, like he was just another person existing in the universe. Nothing too special, nothing too grand. Just... normal and perfect for you two.
First Look : His first look is during pictures, and as he sees you coming up to him he's all full of giggles and bouncy excitement. He turns away to whisper to Seungmin how he's not sure how he bagged such a baddie, before turning back to gather himself and hold your hands while telling you how beautiful you are. Absolute menace even during his own wedding but he's doing his best.
His Best Man : Technically? Seungmin. But he gives each member of the group a special Boutonniere because in his mind, they're all the best. He wants all of his hyungs involved in his wedding.
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jakesangel · 2 months
jake as your husband ꣑୧ - pt two of jake as a dad
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jake being your husband and newly a father will make him feel like he is graced by heaven to be the one who you call the father of your kids, he will always thanks you thru his actions.
꣑୧ he will drop the my love/my wife n will call you mama or ma'. he, also, will be super affectionate in front of the kids even if they gag or make noises and will always defend you if the kids yell at you or be mean.
good morning everyone, you hear your smiley husband coming into the kitchen. he kisses the kids' forhead before coming to you, both hands on the sides of your waist, and good morning ma. he kisses you affectionately as he loudly hums making your children sigh in annoyance. get a room ! the eldest says, making him chuckle, there is no place in the world i wouldn't kiss your mom, young boy. he kisses you again making all the kids leave the table, allowing him to start a little kissing session before starting the day.
꣑୧ he would sped a lot of time wiht the kids to be with them but also give you solo time so you rest away from them. he will do lots of house chores without being asked to.
you wake up as you feel your son and husband giggling next to you, come on buddy, lets leave mama to sleep hum ? she had a rough day yesterday, he whisper as you feel the weight leaving the bed. he doesnt forget to kiss your forehead before closing the bedroom door. he comes back an hour later, waking you up with breakfast in bed. he sits next to you, a hand rubbing on your hip. good morning mama, he says softly.
꣑୧ will make traditional family time as well, fishing or movie night is a must.
꣑୧ he'd also take you on a date at least once a week and prepare it all. give to kids to family, get you a new dress with flowers, makes you a nice dinner or drive you to a fancy restaurant. he will cherish you !
kids ! lets get you ready, grandpapa us here to get you. you stand there as you here you husband order your children around. grandpapa ? where are they going ? you ask as it was never agreed that the kids would live the house. he comes closer to you, a hand on your waist with a comforting smile of his ive got this, mama. you trust me, right ? -- as the time pass, you still unsure on why they are leaving, but jake seems to know whatbhebis doibg to youbjust watch thembas they leave, with backpacks full of their pyjamas meaning they wont be here for the night. after waving goodbye, your husband is already fondly looking at you ready to asnwer your questions. his hands comes to your cheek this time, affectionately stroking it, i'm taking you on a date tonight mama. go get ready, you have a new dress sitting on the bed just for you~ i'll finish in cleaning to house and then we can go yeah ?
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notes : i just know jake would be the best dad/husband ever ☹️
perm tag list ( open ) : @luvj4key @stwrjvke @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @mioons @en-ner-jay @en-chantedtomeetyou @jlheon @ghostiiess @vlaeaex @theyluvfrankocean
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Love is Kind
All of the stories I was reading today were sad Steve and it made me cry so I wrote happy Steve to make me feel better.
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Jeana looked down at the purple water lilies in Steve's hand in distaste.
"Water lilies?" she asked, frowning. "Not red roses?"
Steve looked at her in confusion. "Yeah, your favorite flower in your favorite color."
"Yeah," she agreed, reluctantly taking the flowers. "But red roses are more romantic for Valentine's Day."
Steve went from wilting in disappointment to her reaction, to standing up straight with a spine of steel. "Oh I get it now." He took bouquet back from her forcefully. "Yeah, we're done."
Jeana's eyes went wide. "You're breaking up with me on Valentine's Day over a bunch of flowers?"
"No, Jeana," he said coldly. "We're done because you didn't tell me you wanted red roses. I assumed that the cheaper more personal water lilies would be the perfect thing for Valentine's Day."
Jeana winced.
"Ohhh..." Steve said, "I get it now. You wanted the Harrington money." He rubbed his fingers together. "Despite the fact that I work at a book store. That I told you when we first started going out that I had been kicked out."
Jeana rolled her eyes. "You still wore nice clothes and had fancy hair products in your bathroom, like I was supposed to believe that obvious lie?"
"I save for those!" Steve hissed. "I can't use anything else for my hair, I've tried. And yeah, so sue me for buying something nice once in a while."
She peeked around him to see the table was set with romantic candles and another bouquet of water lilies. "You weren't even going to take me out to eat?"
Steve tossed the flowers on the counter behind him. "Why else would I have you come here instead of picking you up?"
Jeana threw her arms in the air. "I thought you were supposed to be this Romeo, this Casanova."
Steve's nostrils flared. "Out!"
She stomped her foot and crossed her arms. "I'm not going anywhere until we talk this through!"
"There is nothing to talk about," Steve said, spinning her around and pushing her toward the door. "You were expecting me to shell out a shit ton of money on you, money you thought I was hiding from you. It's clear you were never interested in me, only the money and prestige the Harrington name brought you."
He opened the door and shoved her through it. "Goodbye."
He slammed the door behind her and gripped his hair tightly. Not enough to pull but just enough to feel pain at pressure of his tugging.
Now he had dinner that was about to be ready in ten minutes, no girlfriend, and a dessert he had slaved over all day.
He needed to call someone to share this with. Robin was doing Valentine's with Vickie so she was out.
Then his eyes lit up. He knew exactly who to call.
He walked over to the phone and dialed.
"Hello, Munson's Funeral Parlor, you tag 'em, we bag 'em," the warm baritone came through the line.
"Eddie!" Steve said with a giggle.
"Stevie!" Eddie greeted back. "To what to I owe this pleasure?"
"How goes your anti-consumerism night in?" Steve asked, avoiding Eddie's question.
"Eh..." Eddie said. "Could be better. I'm watching violent movies to make myself feel less lonely."
Steve chewed on his bottom lip. "I have a warm lasagna, fresh breadsticks, and a nice bottle of wine and suddenly sans a girlfriend if you wanted to have some company."
"What happened with Jeana?" Eddie asked.
Steve sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "She didn't want me, she wanted the Harrington money, the King Steve charm, and a Casanova, not Steve Harrington who works at a queer little book shop in the middle of town."
"Well, fuck her," Eddie said. "Her loss. You bet I'll be there, sweetheart. Just give me time to put on my shoes and I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Thanks, Eds."
Steve opened the door a few minutes later to find that Eddie somehow had found sunflowers in the middle of fucking winter.
“Where are on earth did you find these, Eds?” Steve asked, breathing in the scent of his favorite flower.
Eddie tapped his nose knowingly. He spotted the water lilies in the vase on the table and dumped them in the trash. He replaced them with Steve’s sunflowers.
“There, that livens up the place better,” he said, turning to Steve, “don’cha think?”
Steve smiled back at him. “Yeah it really does.”
He went and made up their plates as Eddie opened the wine. He set them down on the table while Eddie filled their glasses. Steve trotted back to the kitchen and pulled out the breadsticks that were warming in the oven. He put them in a nice basket a covered them with a towel. He set them on the table between Eddie and him.
“This looks fantastic, Stevie,” Eddie murmured and dug into the lasagna. “Ooh. This is better than fantastic. This is divine.”
Steve hurried to take a sip of his wine to hide the flush of pleasure at the compliment that dusted his cheeks. And judging from the smirk on Eddie’s face, he hadn’t been successful at all.
“So what were you watching before I interrupted you?” he asked, blush still staining his cheeks.
Steve grimaces. “That is pretty violent. A little depressing too.”
Eddie shrugged, stabbing another bite of lasagna. “Was kind of the point. Didn’t want anything happy or romantic today.”
Steve picked up his glass and held up to Eddie. “I’ll drink to that.”
Eddie laughed, but clinked their glasses together and drank when Steve did.
They polished off all of the breadsticks, all of the wine, and about half of the lasagna. Steve put the leftovers in the fridge.
“You want a soda or something?” he called from the door of the fridge.
“I’ll take a beer if you have one,” Eddie called back from the sofa.
Steve grabbed two beers and handed one of the cans to Eddie.
“I thought you preferred bottles, babe,” Eddie said, popping open the can.
“I do,” Steve muttered darkly. “They were Jeana’s.”
Eddie cackled. “Here’s to stealing your ex’s shitty beer!”
Steve laughed too. “Cheers!”
Eddie went over to Steve’s record player and put on some Metallica he’d left over here and then flopped back on the sofa next to Steve.
“Thanks for coming over,” Steve murmured over the screaming riffs of Master of Puppets. “Rob is over at Vickie’s tonight and didn’t want to ruin her Valentine’s day, too.”
Eddie smiled softly. “And since I refuse to participate in the rampant consumerism of the day, there would be nothing for you to ruin.”
Steve chuckled. “That and you’re my best friend. I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d want to spend it with.”
This time it was Eddie’s turn to blush and he shoved a lock of hair in front of his face to hide the redness of his cheeks. He pushed playfully at Steve’s shoulder. “Fuck off. I’m sure there are lots of people you could have called that would have come running.”
“Rob was first pick,” Steve said, “you were second. I mean it, Eds. I wanted to share everything I’d done for her with you instead.”
Eddie’s blush reached his ears and stained the column of his throat. “You keep that shit up and this boy is going to start thinking impure thoughts.”
Steve blinked for a moment before he laughed. It wasn’t a harsh or hurtful laugh. It was bright and cheerful. “You put out on the first date, Eds?”
Eddie who was starting to think he’d taken it a step too far, stared up at Steve in amazement. He got his wits back fast enough to quip, “Only if they’re pretty enough.”
Steve ducked his head and scratched the back of his neck trying to hide his embarrassment. Well maybe that was the wrong word. Charmed. He was fucking charmed.
“You think I’m pretty?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Eddie raised Steve’s chin with his finger. “The prettiest boy I’ve ever seen, Stevie.”
Steve gulped. “And if I told you that I’ve had the biggest crush on you for so long?”
“Then I would ask why we aren’t dating, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured, leaning in close.
Steve let out a shuddering sigh. “Because I didn’t think I was an option for you.”
Eddie half knelt on the sofa, cupping his face in his hands. “You are my number one option, honey. Just say the word and I’m yours.”
Eddie grinned and then kissed Steve gently on the lips. He pulled back after a moment. “This isn’t just because you’re lonely on Valentine’s Day, right?”
Steve pulled Eddie onto his lap and brushed their noses together. “No, baby. She was only ever a placeholder for you. And a piss poor one at that. She never loved me for me. Not like you.”
Eddie chuckled. “And what makes you think I love you, pretty boy?”
“Because you knew I would be sad and brought me sunflowers.”
Eddie kissed Steve fiercely. “You are too clever for your own good, honey. Yes, that is exactly why I brought them. Because I didn’t want you to be sad. Because I wanted you to feel loved.”
“And I do,” Steve murmured. “I love you, too. So so much.”
They resumed kissing. It was darker. Deeper. More potent. Eddie could write songs and poems and books filled with the love he felt for this man and finding out that he felt the same.
All the bookstores and libraries in all the world couldn’t begin to fill the amount of pages Eddie would need to even try and convey how he felt in that moment.
But it could be summed up in one word.
Just pure ecstasy.
Robin wasn’t sure if it could be called a walk of shame when she had told Steve that she would be spending the night at Vickie’s, but walking into their shared apartment after the wild sex they had had last night she did feel a little silly.
She stopped short when she saw who was in her kitchen making breakfast in Steve’s track pants.
“Eddie?” she squeaked.
Eddie looked up at her with a grin. “Welcome home, Bucksters! If you haven’t eaten yet, pull up a chair and grab a stack of pancakes. I’ve made plenty.”
“You’re not Jeana,” Robin said stupidly.
“Steve would never cheat,” she said, again trying to figure this out.
“You two are a couple now?” Robin asked, her brain still in first gear.
Just then a very sleep rumpled Steve came wandering out of his bedroom and latched on to Eddie. “I missed you.” He kissed Eddie’s neck.
Eddie kissed his temple. “Sorry, sweetness. I got hungry.”
“Mhmm..” he muttered. “Does smell good.”
“Morning, dingus.” Robin crossed her arms in front of her chest. “You want to tell what this is about?”
Steve looked over at her and gave her a dopey smile. “Jeana sucked. Only wanted the Harrington money and not me. Called Eddie over to make me less sad. He brought me sunflowers and made me very happy.”
Robin looked over at Eddie who half shrugged around a clingy Steve. “That’s the gist of it.”
“Got it,” she said. “I’m happy for you both.”
She grabbed a plate and pilled on the pancakes, with Steve releasing Eddie to do the same.
As the three of them sat down and ate Eddie’s pancakes, Steve smiled happily to himself.
He was with the two people he loved most in all the world and he wouldn’t change a thing.
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elaemae · 6 months
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
[Twst x Obeyme!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 1.1: The start of the Blood Rose Tyrant.
Thank you, my amazing readers, for all the likes, comments, and reblogs🥹 It makes so happy, like– almost nothing can top the joy of seeing y'all liked my work :)
Btw, If you have any questions about my tagging and/or literally anything you wanna ask me bout the fic, just reach out to me and I'll try my best to answer you.😊
CW: Cursing, Idk what else... There's also the pronoun schtick I've been yapping about since pr. 1. (i.e MC will get mistaken for a pretty guy a lot -Mc is AFAB referred to as they/them- because the NRC cast have come to expect only boys to be in the school. Excluding the paintings ofc.)
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(My pic)
Fun fact: While all of your ornaments act as containers to very *nom*-able amounts of magic, such a thing can be dangerous as it may give away your location if you need to hide or run away from someone.
Therefore, all of them were cast with a special spell developed by Solomon that makes it so that people can't sense that magic unless they're really close to you physically.
(Not to mention, only exceptional mages can actually have the hope of picking up on that magic as your all jewelry were also cast with a heavy magical concealment blessing from both Micheal and Luke.)
• • •
'What the hell is this?'
You think as you fiddled with the fancy pouch in your hands.
You had opened the gift box to find the pouch containing some basic skincare products and just went; ( •_•)..?
Like– What the hell? Who does that?? Are they saying that you're ugly and needed to start taking care of your face?! Well excuse you, I'll have you know –whomever you are– that this face was approved by Asmodeus himself you rude lil' shi—
So like any sane person is supposed to do in that situation, you checked if the products were cursed or charmed and then pocketed it to maybe sell it in the future for some cash. (Lovely gift but you were taught never to use/ingest things given to you by strangers.)
Leaving the infirmary, you venture into the botanical garden, hoping you'd find some edible plants that you and Yuu can nibble on until you can procure other food options and some all important moneh. (Ugh, if only that damn crow didn't escape and hide away from you, you would've extorted his cowardly-ass and bought some food instead of needing to resort to this bs.)
'Trying to find a stone in a long abandoned mine is simply a fools errand.'
You thought as you absent-mindedly skipped past a certain tall, dark, and handsome man with horns, unknowing of the look of pure curiosity pointed at your back as you continued your musings.
'But oh well, they wanted to try so they might as well be those fools.'
You're not gonna stop them if they wanna try to fix things even though you've mostly stabilized the situation. (Not that they know.)
Damn, you also need to go to the library later so that you can learn what changes you'd need to do in order to adapt and know the problems you'd likely experience in this world.
Knowing yourself and your history for being a magnet of chaos, It'd probably involve almost dying more times than you have fingers and unearthing some deeply-buried soul-crushing trauma in which the only thing you'll get in return are the friends you've made along the way.
Aside from that though, you'd need to gain yourself a foothold in this society.
Preferably, there would be a lot of rich and influential people in this school to suck up to, but if those aren't enough then maybe you can venture into industries where you can kiss-ass in peace.
As much as you'd love to be optimistic, Crowley is the almost literal embodiment of a dead-beat dad barely pays child-support and your own search for a way home may take years before coming to fruition.
Tsk. You can feel your stress levels transcending the mortal plane of existence again as you can already envision the figurative mountain-range you'd need to climb just to achieve stability in this place.
$°\•m°n.. p/€∆$3.. H€\₱ m£...
Times like these just make you wanna curl up onto the floor in a fetal position and let the earth consume you whole.
Oh! And you also need to obtain a stronger blackmail material against Crowley to make sure he won't try anything remotely against you.
'Hmm... But maybe...'
You think as you took a quick and discreet glance to a security camera that had been "coincidentally" pointed at you.
Well, not really a coincidence.
If the mf behind these creepy-ass cameras —that have been watching you since your arrival here, mind you—, can lend you a hand then that would be the optimal outcome. There are a lot of security cameras after all...
Though there's also a large possibility that the fucker wanted you dead because of either boredom, simple bloodlust, money, vengeance (for some reason), your organs or all of the above.
You sighed as you entered the botanical garden, telling yourself to just worry about that later and focus on finding food.
If you get in trouble for taking plants here, you'll just throw Crowley under the bus. (figuratively and literally if he decides to be a bitch about it.)
• • • •
Yuu, Grim, Ace, and Deuce stumbled out of the mirror, finally away from the creepy forest and back into the college.
They all flinched and turned their heads back when they heard a dramatic 'Tsktsktsk–' from behind them.
"Well well well~ Look who finally decided to show up at–"
*checks imaginary wrist watch*
"46 minutes past midnight.. Huh.. If you all got any curfew for your dorms then you're both toast. Can't believe y'all spent more than five hours looking for a single rock..."
You said, referring to the two first years who flinched under your words and judgemental eyes.
"You all look like shit by the way."
Yuu awkwardly scratched their head.
"You're welcome, bbg."
"Just hurry up and give that rock to the fuckin crow already so that you all can spare the world from having to witness anymore of your gross, sweaty, homeless-lookin selves."
Deuce shrunk even further behind Yuu. (funny because Yuu was at least half-a-head shorter.)
Ace meanwhile, has too much ego to not say anything back.
"We wouldn't be looking like this if you at least helped!" He snarked.
"Why should I?"
You Dwayne-the-rock-Johnson raised your eyebrow at him.
"I don't owe any of you a smidgen of literally anything so why should I help?"
It wasn't a question, but a statement. Because why should you help? They should be grateful you even talked Crowley out of expelling them immediately. Not that they know but still...
But of course, audacity is gonna audacity. Because, Ace really had the nerve to look offended by your words, as if you weren't saying something as truthful as the sky being blue, the grass being green, and your ass being a literal masterpiece from god.
"Don't even try to pass off the blame, Weasley-wannabe. I know it, you know it, your mom knows it, your dad if you have one, your entire bloodline and your non-existent cow knows it, there's literally no point."
Ace literally almost snarled at you like a damn dog, pft– That's what he gets from pissing you off by existing earlier.
"Oh shut up!"
He then looked like he was about to start a rant of how unfair his life was and how he totally didn't deserve any of this and blahblahblahblahblah–
You swear on Diavolo and Luci's fruity man-boobs, you'll hang this bitch upside down like a bat if you had to hear another complaint about things being unfair for him.
What about you? or Yuu? Isn't life more cruel and unfair to you two? Taking you both away from loved ones and shoving you into a world where you two need to fight for a temporary sanctuary as you both try to go home with no real proof you'll actually be able to make it back?
Isn't life more unfair to you? Right when you almost finally achieved the start of your happy ending.. You were taken away from the people that you fought tooth and nail to be with.. And now, they're all too far away for you to reach... again.
Deuce elbowed Ace, thankfully making the jab to the ribs painful for the annoying ginger.
You dramatically sighed again, turning to Yuu and Deuce.
"Remember kids, don't copy Ace's attitude okay? Lest you want to end up single and with no bitches for the rest of your life."
Ace's right eye twitched erratically, shouting at you to shut up and to stop messing with him.
• • • • •
Talking with the crow is an annoying affair as expected. At least now, Yuu is finally an official learner of the school. Even if they're just half-a-student with the loud talking cat. (That kinda reminds you of Mammon, now that you think of it. Also very funny because the cat's name is grim of all things..)
Oh, and you're a prefect now. You're definitely going to make that everyone's problem. Hehehehehe~
"So the abandoned dorm we were supposed to live in is fixed now? How? Hasn't it only been like– a day?"
You ominously beamed at the question, releasing a sinister little giggle that caused Ace, Deuce, and the now wide-awake Grim to subconsciously shiver while Yuu refrained from asking further questions and just wisely snickered instead.
Unseen by everyone, you sent a quick devious little smile to a wall where a certain electrical device was mounted, biting down a snort when you saw the security camera suddenly snap into another direction, as if it was a person embarrassed that they got caught by someone they were staring at.
You then had to hold back a cackle as you remembered how easily this newly made stalker friend of yours snitched on the headmaster, like– you literally didn't even do anything, the flustered boy just gave you the blackmail material that you needed. Well, maybe you did corner him a little bit by using his own electronics against him but you're pretty sure he enjoyed it for some reason if the way he literally blurted out 'mommy-' at you was anything to go by—
Haha, the benefits of having a hacker as a fren :3
• • • •
Kicking away the two idiots and telling them to go back to their dorms already, you dragged Yuu inside the now newly fixed dorm.
The two of you needed to talk about a few things and arrangements..
• • • •
Quickly opening the door in hopes that the fucker that was banging on it gets mash-dabbed face-first, you saw nothing but disappointment as the bastard — Ace — had actually moved away from the door in an impressive display of intuition and spidey-sense before you had even wretched the door open.
"What the fuck do you want, you ugly punyeta?"
It hasn't even been a few hours since this mf parted ways with you and Yuu, so what could be the problem now?
. .. . . . . ..
"No, you're sleeping on the couch."
"What?! But why?!! There are perfectly good rooms here!"
"All the other rooms besides the one we're using are still unfurnished. The beds in them are yet to be assembled and the floors are dusty because of the quick renovations." Yuu stated, rubbing the bridge of their nose.
"Ughhhhh! Just let me squeeze in, I promise I won't take up too much space!"
"Nice try but no."
"Tch, You're all so stingy and inhospitable.."
"Yuu, Do you hear that?" You said, theatrically cupping your ear with a hand.
"Yes, It seems that a forever virgin is talking." Yuu answered with a smirk.
"Sorry, you oompa-loompa lookin ass— we unfortunately can't understand the language of people who can't pull."
"You guys are the worst."
"Thanks bbg." you and Yuu paused.
"Oh dear~ It seems you're starting to take after me."
"Indeed it seems." Yuu replied, even subconsciously copying the fancy accent you used.
"Oh no, you're multiplying. :0"
"Haha, we're still dragging you to apologize to your Housewarden later."
"Aww shucks.."
← Pr.7 | Chapter List | Chp. 1.2 →
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Thanks for reading this far, my amazing readers \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
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Pls if I forgot to tag someone, pls tell me..
Tumblr is fuckin with me again.
Reminder; Just tell me if y'all wanna be added to the permanent taglist.
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Kiss me under the milky twilight
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(From the 6th to 30th April, I am having a mini 100 follower milestone event!)
Tags: Scaramouche x GN!reader, modern au, fluff Summary: Where Scaramouche celebrates Valentine's day with you, even if he's late.
Scaramouche pushes his glasses up while blinking tiredly. Not even the 10th cup of coffee can keep him up for any longer. The file and its blinking mouse begin to look like they are taunting him to no end with the tall pile of paperwork sitting beside him. He lets his forehead hit the desk with a ‘thunk’ while his eyelids shut under their own weight. The moment he is about to drift to dreamland, his own alarm wakes him up. Scaramouche looks at the clock on his cursed computer and is shocked awake. Fuck, he hasn’t prepared anything for you! It is already 23:00 on the 14th! He was supposed to buy the chocolate for you before the last store closed but of course his dumbass boss just had to dump more work on him. ‘You’re a great asset.’ He calls bullshit but he still needs money to buy you your favorite things. He groans. No matter how mean or rude he may act, he has never forgotten to buy you gifts on Valentine’s and any other occasion you like to participate in.
Scaramouche stands up abruptly, puts on his coat, grabs his wallet and clocks out. It’s okay to be late, he thinks, as long as he can get to you before the end of the day, even if there is only an hour left. At this time, only a convenience store would be open so he runs to the nearby Family Mart and looks at the various options under the clerk’s judging stare. And he understands because who even rushes to buy chocolate in a convenience store at 23:00?? Scaramouche looks at the many flavors before picking your usual favorite dark chocolate. He also quickly grabs your favorite tea, pays for them both and makes a dash for your shared home.
You stand on your balcony, fiddling with the little plant that you got from the local fair boredly. Scaramouche knows how early you often go to sleep so he would always go back on time but this is the first time you had to wait for him for so long. Even the fancy dinner you made got cold in the meantime. You pout and push against the succulent’s leaves until you hear rapid footsteps and the gate unlocking. You run down the stairs quickly, opening the door and bumping right into his chest in the front yard. Scaramouche huffs at your excitement despite his heartbeat increasing like a teenage boy in love. He shoves the gifts he got into your hands, “Sorry for being late. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow with something better.” You grins and hugs him tightly, “Don’t worry about that, just come inside. My gift is in the fridge, waiting for you, love.” He holds you tight and kisses you deeply, mumbling against your soft lips adoringly, “What will I ever do without you…”
A/N: This is kinda rushed and the ending is weird but happy Valentine's day~ i'll be suffering for 8hrs later but it ain't important rn Taglist: @amyminhminh (comment if you want to be tagged in future scara x reader posts <3)
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george-weasleys-girl · 9 months
So I was wondering if you could do one where y/n is George's girlfriend and she shows up at The Burrow in the mornig and nobody knew she would come cause she wanted to be a surprise and only Mrs. Weasley is awake when she arrives and then the other Weasleys greet her at breakfast
As soon as I saw your request, the idea for it popped into my head fully formed. I wrote it in about 20 minutes. I hope you enjoy it!
Early Morning Surprise
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George x fem!reader
Y/N tiptoed into the Burrow. She was supposed to be out of town for another week visiting family, but she'd managed to get away early.
"Y/N dear! Such a wonderful surprise!" Molly bustled suddenly around the corner, causing Y/N to jump. "I didn't scare you, did I?" She asked, pulling Y/N into an all-encompassing embrace.
"Only a little," she smiled, returning Mrs. Weasley's hug.
"Oh, I'm sorry, my dear!" Molly said, letting go of Y/N to put the kettle on. "Well, it's nothing a cup of tea won't cure."
"Thanks, Molly," Y/N grinned and took a seat at the table.
George stumbled into the kitchen about an hour later, rubbing the sleep from eyes, when he caught sight of his girlfriend. "Y/N!" He sprinted toward her, his arms wide, when something nearly knocked him over.
"Y/N! You're back early!" Ginny raced past him to engulf her in a bear hug. "We weren't expecting you until next week!"
"I snuck away," Y/N grinned, giving Ginny a wink.
George tried for a second time to embrace Y/N, who he hadn't seen for almost a month, but was foiled by Arthur, who unceremoniously stepped in front of his son. "Welcome back!" He gave her a hearty hug. "We've missed you, haven't we George?"
"Yes, very much so," George said, stepping around his father, only to be pushed to the side by Percy. "Sorry, George," he apologized, pulling Y/N into a brief hug. "Running late this morning. Good to see you, Y/N. Catch up tonight?"
"Of course, Perce," Y/N smiled, stepping around him to George.
Only to be absconded for a third time.
"Y/N! How are you?" Bill exclaimed, coming at her from the side and capturing her a warm embrace. "Fleur will be here for dinner. She'll be so excited to see you!"
"And I her," Y/N replied, giggling at her inability to reach her boyfriend, who was standing with his arms folded as he watched Fred bounce down the stairs, jumping in front of him to give Y/N a welcoming hug.
"Look who's back early!" He turned back to George. "Did you see Y/N's back early?"
"No, I had no idea," George deadpanned. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to give my girlfriend a hug," he said, stepping forward, then stopped abruptly.
"Everything ok?" Y/N paused, her eyebrows scrunching together.
George looked around the room. "Just waiting for Charlie to miraculously appear from Romania."
Y/N laughed. "Oh, come here, you!" She said, pulling him close. "I've missed you so much!"
"I missed you too," George mummered in her ear before leaning back a little to give her kiss that turned her legs to jello.
"Ew! Get a room!" Fred teased, making gagging noises.
"Oh, leave them alone," Molly chastised, bopping Fred in the back of the head.
Then, turning to George and Y/N, she smiled. "Why don't you two have some breakfast and then maybe take a stroll down to the lake? Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day for it. I'll pack you a picnic."
George turned to Y/N. "What do you say? A day at the lake? Just the two of us?"
"I couldn't think of a better way to spend my first day back," she smiled, pulling him in for another kiss.
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my-corneroftheworld · 2 years
Child without love
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Summary: Namor finds a marine biologist with the powers to control water and deep knowledge of the sea and is intrigued.
Word count: 1,1k
Tags: Smut in later chapters (no minors allowed), "water-bender" reader x Namor after the events from Wakanda forever, possessive Namor, mutant reader, talk of climate change, asphyxiation, the deep sea being a bit scary, war, violence, harsh language, Wakanda forever spoilers, the usage of y/n, afab reader
Ps. if you read the preview before you can start reading after the divider. I barely made any changes other than grammar-related and wording. If you want more chapters I would greatly appreciate some constructive criticism in the comments
Chapter 1
I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eyes. "You can't just go behind my back like that! There are set rules and hierarchies that keep our organization running smoothly!" Adeoye yelled while he was walking frantically back and forth. He never could handle stress well. " You're little outburst may have cost us our one shot to get the right people's attention!"
I want to say I'm sorry and that it was rude and petty of me. But I couldn't because I did what I thought was right. They have ignored our every attempt to better their policies and today's presentation only opened my eyes to how blissfully ignorant they allowed themselves to be. He stopped his pacing and rubbed his eyes under his big ill-fitting glasses.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" he asked abrasively. I knew that he wasn't really angry at me. He was frustrated with everything. The board director's nonchalant attitude, the over-looming doom of the deadline we've got in 2 months and my little outburst were certainly not making things better.
"No" I answered.
"Well if that's the case then you give me no choice other than to suspend you for 2 weeks" he sighed. I wasn't surprised. Cussing out the board due to their lack of ethical consideration whilst ignoring every warning I and others have worked tirelessly on proving wasn't really considered to be professional. " I understand," I say solemnly and start picking up my notes. 5 years of studying and 3 years of diligent work have come to this, being pushed aside so that rich people can profit off of dangerous means at the cost of the health of our seas. And having no power to change anything
I drove home in silence, with nothing but the wind from the window creek as my companion. I think I'll have to practice today to let off some steam. After arriving and leaving my notes by the kitchen counter, I changed into my swimsuit and went down to the beach. Moving here was mainly so I could get to work within 15 minutes but having the sea outside my back door has definitely changed my life. I never liked using my powers in front of others. Mutants aren't really welcome unless they're wearing suits and have fancy names. So there aren't many moments where I can use them to their fullest extent. When I do I feel at home. I feel free of everything. My worries and concerns are washed away.
Once I reach the water I breathe in and allow myself to feel its pull. Imitating the waves with my hands till it starts to imitate me, following my every command. I slowly start walking in allowing myself to be surrounded then I dive keeping the water from reaching my face and requiring no movements though I still haven’t passed 5 minutes at a time. Maybe I’ll make it at 6 today. I decide to explore a little further than usual, seeing what I can find on the sea floor and cleaning up small things that shouldn’t be there.
It was then I noticed it. The entity that has been watching me from afar. It barely moved and I couldn’t really make out its shape. But I knew it was looking at me and it stayed completely still. I was scared. My bubble was slowly shrinking so I began to slowly make my way back to shore. As soon as I did the shadow got closer and closer which made me anxious to reach land. I finally burst into the sea, gasping for air. I lay down on the beach, trying to catch my breath then a voice called out.
“Who are you?”
I quickly turned around and faced what seemed to be a man. Out of panic, I summoned water at my side and launched it at him with full force. He then began to levitate and dodge my advance with.. wings attached to his feet? Shocked I ceased fire and looked at him again. He was otherworldly. His dark eyes stared at me with a hint of confusion and irritation. His hair was a dark brown and wet from the swim, framing his face ever so slightly. The sunset made his warm terra-cotta skin glow along with his pearls and gold accessories. He was beautifully serene, like straight out of a dream. If I didn't know any better I would’ve thought that he was a god. As I scanned his body so did he with mine before stopping at my eyes demanding an answer to his question.
“Who are you?” He asked again urgently, stepping closer to my frame. I tried to move back as a response.
“I- I’m y/n l/n.” 
“That is not what I meant. I mean where are you from? Are there more of you?” 
“I’m from here. I’m not sure what you mean by more of me” I answered hesitantly. Why is he asking all these questions? I mean from the looks of he’s most definitely some kind of mutant. He’s a bit too good of a swimmer to think otherwise. Not to mention the literal full-functioning wings at his feet.
“More who can manipulate water.” he clearifies. 
“No.. I mean none that I know of” I say and start rising slowly from the ground. “Who are you?.. Are you perhaps like me?” I have never met another mutant before. Let alone someone connected to water. Hope starts swelling up. Maybe..just maybe I am not alone. 
“No I am not like you. As for who I am it is not for you to know.” He says bluntly. And just like that my sliver of hope is gone. “Then what do you want?” I ask while noticing he’s pointed ears adorned with what seemed to be jade earrings.
“That is yet to be decided.” He begins circling me around slowly. “There are threats that are making it hard for me to perform my duties and your power, though meager, may develop into what I need to avoid any more...complications.” 
Duties? Complications? What the hell is he talking about? He studied my face, assessing it possibly looking for a way to find out what I was thinking. Does he work for the government? Is that it? I’ve heard of mutant agents who were forced to do sketchy shit that higher-ups didn't want to be associated with. 
“Sorry, I’m not interested. Though I am grateful for the consideration to recruit me, I have my own “duties” to attend to.” After voicing my intentions I decided it was best to leave. As soon as I turned around I heard him say. “I’m afraid I cannot take no as an answer” and before I could react, everything went dark and my last thought was how warm he felt in his arms as he took me back to the sea.
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T 🧛‍♂️ 🥵🎀 (also congrats! and I am very excited about this whole thing! 😘😘😘)
Thank you so much, love! 💖 This one is not as explicitly smutty as the other request I did for you, but I'm pretty positive this won't be the last time I visit this world. (And they will absolutely fuck nasty in later instalments.)
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Sweet perdition
Words: 947 Rated: E Tags: Vampire & werewolf AU; Vampire Eddie; Werewolf Steve; Imprisonment; Non-consensual bondage; Sexual tension; Explicit sexual content; Homoerotic blood drinking Notes: Part 1
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It seems, Kas thinks, like he needs to thoroughly reassess his notions of werewolves. 
He's just lucky none of his vampire siblings can see him now, shackled to the floor in the basement of the surprisingly fancy manor that is the den of Steve’s pack. Outwitted and taken captive by a bunch of mutts - he'd be an utter laughing stock. 
Then again, if his siblings think that all werewolves are ugly, hairy thugs with nothing but floof for brains, it only goes to show they’ve never met any real-life packs before. Or their very pretty, very witty, very naked leaders.
Speaking of which … 
“I see you. I know you're watching me.” 
A heartbeat passes in silence. 
“Don't give yourself too much credit,” Steve smiles as he steps from the darkness. “Merely checking if you're settling in alright.” 
“How very hospitable of you,” Kas snarls. “You treat all your guests like this?” 
“Only the ones that might tear out my throat while I'm asleep,” Steve shrugs, settling cross-legged on the ground, just out of reach. He's acquired a set of clothes since Kas last saw him. A pair of skinny breeches and a cream shirt with billowing sleeves, gathered at the wrists with little satin ribbons. He looks like a haughty young lord gracing a subject with his presence. 
“You could always just let me go,” Kas hedges. Steve snorts a boyish laugh. 
“Nice try,” he says. “Afraid I can't do that.” 
Kas groans. “Is this still about your stupid prey? I told you I have nothing to do with that. Animal blood makes me wanna hurl.” 
Steve’s face remains unimpressed. “Even if that's true, one of your friends might be involved. Keeping you around might come in handy.” 
“So you're just gonna leave me down here to rot?” 
“I didn't say that.” 
Kas is about to ask what the hell he is on about, but then Steve holds out his hand. Something unfurls from his fingers - a broad band of tan leather. Inlaid with silver like the manacles on his wrists, no doubt; designed to drain his powers without causing physical harm or pain. Dangling from the end are a metal clasp and lock.
Kas sneers. 
“I think you're a bit confused, wolf boy. If one of us should be in a collar, it sure as hell isn't me.” 
Steve shrugs, rising to his feet. “Suit yourself. I'll just-” 
Something rumbles, loud and humiliating. Steve turns back around, eyebrows raised. 
Kas scowls. “Told you I haven't been anywhere near your food, didn't- what the fuck are you doing?” 
“You're of no use to me if you starve, are you?” Steve is undoing the ribbon on his left wrist with deft fingers, pushing the sleeve up to his elbow. “Drink.” 
Kas bares his fangs, drawing a breath to tell him to go fuck himself. 
And that is when the scent hits him. Coppery and hot and tempting like all living things. 
But also more. 
Also warm summer soil and newly mown hay and embers in a slow fire. 
He's on his knees before he realizes it, nosing at the delicate skin of that wrist. Steve hisses lightly as he pierces his flesh, but he doesn’t pull back. 
The taste of him hits Kas like something solid, seeping heavily into his limbs and sending his mind abuzz with fuzzy sensations and images. The sky at dusk and sun on skin. Music and laughter and touch, and a forgotten name floating just out of reach. The warm, tingling heat pools at the base of his spine, setting his nerves alight with fire. He moans, lapping at the thin rivulet of blood like a parched man. Each droplet is like a hit of morphine, is sweet perdition, is another kind of shackle snapping shut. He knows, instinctively, even in this moment, that he's lost. He's powerless to stop it. 
Steve uses his free hand to yank him back by the hair. Kas snarls in protest, straining to catch the last precious drops falling from those long fingers with his tongue before they go to waste. Steve watches him while he licks them up. 
“Greedy, aren't you?” 
“Fuck you,” Kas snaps. 
Steve’s lips curl into a smile. “Oh, I'm sure you'd love to. That happen every time you feed or is that just for me?” 
Those hazel eyes are swirling with gold as they flick down, and Kas realizes with a detached sense of surprise that he is painfully hard. 
“Don't give yourself too much credit,” he drawls. “And besides, I could ask the same thing of you.” 
He turns his head, which is conveniently level with the very obvious bulk in Steve’s pants. The boy doesn't recoil when he scrapes his fangs along the outline of it, merely takes a well measured step back. He's a tough little bastard, Kas has got to give it to him. 
“I'll just leave this here,” Steve says sweetly. “In case you change your mind.” 
The collar clatters to the ground. Kas doesn't turn to look at it. His gaze is transfixed to Steve's hands fixing his shirt sleeve back into place. The ribbon soaks up the last beads of blood, crimson stains blooming on cream satin like flower petals. 
“Full moon's tomorrow, so you'll need to make that meal last for a day or two,” Steve says conversationally. “I suggest you put that time to good use and think about my offer.” 
Kas wordlessly watches how he turns his back and disappears into the darkness. The metal buckle of the collar glints in the low light of the basement.
The summery scent of life lingers long after Steve is gone. 
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Werewolf!Robin: You let him drink your WHAT? Are you insane? What if he has vampire rabies?!
More celebration ficlets
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pinkyjulien · 3 months
I did not expect hostility over my Flat Chest mod, so I'll half acknowledge it and kill some of the assumption before they take roots in other people's minds
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No, I did not make this mod *because* I refuse to support Na's flat chest mod
Initial Mod idea was a working "binder" for Fem, something you'd equip to flatten the chest- like a real life binder, basically. It's part of my To-Do list of June, for Pride
The mod evolved as I got more ideas, I also started working on a body replacer, it's basically ready to ship as well, but I decided against it; not to step on toes and causing confusion with two "flat chest" body mods, knowing there is also another one in the work from a fellow modder
(the binders themselves will come much later, and will be available for both fem and masc body frames!)
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Again, the mod started as a "binder"- I mentioned it multiple times, either in servers where I started sharing the idea, and in the tags of my mod post
"Binders" are not costumes. They are gender affirming aid, something a lot of person use; I've made a couple of "wearable" / "switchable" body parts mods in the past already, including a trans masc vagina, I really hope you don't see this as a costume as well?
In the universe of Cyberpunks, implants and synth skin are used by everyone, for all kind of purpose; GNC people, trans people and gender-fluid people would probably use implants and cyberware to sculpt themselves, feel comfortable in their body
Who's to say some rich citizen wouldn't have some fancy switchable body pieces- hell it's even canon in game, Mr.Stud and Mrs.Midnight? Switchable boobs are already a thing, I don't see what's wrong with switching up for a flatter chest
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The survey's results aren't out yet, so I couldn't know. But that's beside the point, as my mod isn't a "bandaid" for any issue this fandom may have
If the name is causing trouble, I'm open to changing it; but the main goal, again, was to flatten the vanilla fem V chest, and I think "flat chest" is pretty straight forward for nexus users
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Mmmh. Sorry but, no
Everyone is different and handle their own space differently, and I do not want to support people who did me, or my friends, any serious mental health damage. Be it from harassement, witch hunt and whatnot
I won't be dragging in there old drama from 2 years ago, but I simply won't support someone who tried to get a friend of mine fired from their work place, threatening to send a 30+ pages google doc to their leads and boss, and dragging all of their personal beefs to the public on multiple social medias. They ruined my friend's mental health, and I simply won't forgive nor forget.
That is my right. And I wish people would accept and respect that.
I won't tell anyone who to support or what mod to use/not use, NOBODY should tell you what to do, what to support, who to like or dislike; and nobody can control who I must support and what I must do. Simple as that
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And I'm glad the flat chest body mod exist for people who wish to use it! I'm offering another option that I'm sure some people will find useful
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Thank you :)
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People already gave me trouble in the past for "doing work that already exist"
Those past few weeks has been eventful when it comes to "drama" especially involving Zwei, who's notorious for having a modding monopol and gatekeeping ideas in general
Let's not bring that same mindset here, yeah?
Everyone is free to mod what they want, whatever body they want, to refit what they want!
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Again, just to point it out, mod isn't there to fix a problem, that's just a mod I wanted to make
It's a brand new mod, meaning it needs refiting; I did not test the flat chest bodymod, nor tried the already existing vanilla refit. And I won't, for the reasons I cited aboved a few lines before.
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I'm glad you agree! Nobody has to do things they don't want to
You call it disingenuous, and I call it having principles/self respect; again, crazy how different people are from one another, and how we just can't assume everyone work and react the same as we do
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I see, I see, the name is a big issue; I'm open to suggestion, feel free to leave a reply and I'll see what catches my eyes
Cause It's still my mod, so I get to decide
Anyway, hope this cleared up a few things, and sorry this made people upset!
For everyone else, thank you for the support 🧡
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
Masquerade Ball
→ Masterlist || → Taglist
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Summary: You go to a masquerade ball with them.
Pairing: Kaeya, Ayato, Zhongli, Alhaitham x (gn!) Reader [separate]
Tags: Fluff, slight awkwardness in Alhaitham's part, Kaeya is a menace /pos
A/N: Happy Halloween! *wipes sweat off forehead* I actually managed to finish this in time (it's still the 31st here, so it counts!).
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You sat at your work desk, trying to get through some important paperwork before the Knights of Favonius annual motto party later. This year's motto was 'masquerade ball'. Amber came up with the idea for it this year and everyone agreed to it. It certainly fitted the mystery surrounding the gloomy fall season and you already looked forward to it.
"Always the busy bee, I see.", you heard the familiar sultry voice of the Cavalry Captain resound through your office.
“Mhm, gotta get this done before the ball later because otherwise I won’t be able to get any of it done tomorrow.”, you replied as you continued to fill out the papers in front of you, just giving Kaeya a short glance. The real reason for that was that you couldn’t manage to look him in the eyes without becoming incredibly flustered, so you just acted terribly busy instead.
Kaeya walked over to your desk and leaned on it, grabbing something that was lying on the shelf behind you.
“Ooh, fancy. You have quite the taste I must admit!”
You wondered what he was talking about this time and turned around with a slightly playful eyeroll, until you saw what he had grabbed.
“Hey! Give that back!”, you protested and tried to snatch you mask for tonight out of his hand before he held it out of your reach. “Kaeya! Man, now I have to get a new one before tonight as well since it says in the invitation that no one is supposed to see them prior.”
“I don’t think that will be a problem, sweetheart. I’ll be on guard duty tonight, so sadly no anonymous makeout session for me.”, he playfully pouted.
“Oh come on! I know you’re not one to make out at a public event like that. You don’t have it in you”, you teased.
“Oho, well would you look at that. Being all cocky. I’ll show you. I’ll manage to get a kiss from someone and if I do you, hmm - you do my paperwork for a week. If you manage to get a kiss, I'll do yours.”
“Pft. Deal.”, you agreed with him and yanked your mask out of his hands again. "I'm not going to lose, Mr. Alberich. Plan some overtime already." There was no way in Celestia you would lose this. You knew that he had this flirty, extroverted exterior but you had seen right through that fast, he was quite the opposite. So you were sure he wouldn't just let himself be kissed anyone. Although the thought of him being kissed by someone else made a hint of jealousy flare up in your chest. But you couldn't back out of this now without making it blatantly obvious that you were interested in him. Besides, he was on guard duty anyway so you had more chances than he would.
Later that night you arrived at the venue, all dressed up and your face hidden by your mask. As you entered you were surprised that you didn't even recognize a single person right away. Everyone had done their job well, and most had even gone as far as to cover their hair with a veil or hood.
You slowly walked over to the bar, thinking that getting some dandelion wine into your system would surely help with your mission tonight. The good thing about this whole ordeal with the masks was that no matter who you'd end up kissing, they'd have no idea who you were and vice versa. Would definitely avoid awkward run-ins in the city later.
You ordered a drink and sat down at the bar, slowly sipping it while looking around the room. Kaeya had mentioned he was on guard duty tonight but you hadn’t seen him anywhere yet. At least he hadn’t been at the entrance when you arrived.
“This is for you.” The barkeep suddenly appeared in front of you again, sliding you another drink.
“I didn’t order anything new yet?”, you remarked in confusion. 
“This kind sir wanted to buy you a drink.” The barkeep just nodded his head to the side in reply. Following the direction he indicated, you spotted a man at the bar in a white suit with a blue mask covering his face and a hood pulled over his head. As soon as he caught you looking over at him he raised his own glass and smiled sheepishly. You returned the smile and nodded at him to thank him for the drink, as you used the opportunity to check him out a little; and you had to admit, it made you curious who was below that mask.
You downed a couple of drinks in silence, wordlessly communicating with the mysterious man until he started approaching you and stretched out a hand.
“Would you allow me a dance?”, the masked man asked; and for some reason, he seemed so familiar, yet you couldn’t place where you knew him from. You gently placed your hand in his letting him lead you to the dancefloor where he pulled you closer and gently placed a hand on the small of your back. If you had to make a wild guess, your opportunity to steal a kiss tonight just increased by a tenfold.
You looked up at the man who slow-danced with you to the gentle harp music that filled the air and teasingly bit down on your lip. You were honestly surprised about your own boldness but blamed the alcohol in your system for that, since it had made you slightly tipsy. You crossed your arms behind his neck and pulled him a little closer. He nudged your chin up with one of his gloved fingers as he brought his face down to yours, a smirk showing below his 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔.
“May I?”, he whispered against your lips.
But you didn’t even bother to reply as you took it into your own hands and closed the gap between your lips. You shut your eyes and pressed your lips against his soft ones, melting into the kiss and continuing to move in unison to the slow rhythm of the harp music playing in the background.
“Hmm.”, he hummed, a sly smirk forming around his lips as he leaned his forehead against yours. “I guess that’s me taking the win then since I got kissed. To imagine I would’ve been so nice and would’ve handed the win to you. Prepare for some overtime, sweetheart.”
You startled at his words, trying to piece together what he had just said to you until everything started to fall into place.
“I thought you were on guard duty?!”
“Hmm, yeah I remember telling you something like that. Evil tongues would claim I said that on purpose to set you up after I saw what your 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔 looked like. And evil tongues would also say I did that on purpose, because I’ve been meaning to kiss you for so long already.”
The way he spoke became softer and softer with every word he ushered, again closing the distance between your faces. You could feel your heartbeat quicken as you saw his star-shaped pupil peek through the holes of his 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔, confirming his identity once and for all. His breath fanned over your lips once more as he took your chin in between his thumb and index finger, making the butterflies in your stomach flutter about wildly.
“Now that this is out of the way… may I kiss you again?”
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“You look absolutely gorgeous!”, your maid gasped in awe at the attire that she had painstakingly helped you put on.
You just hummed in annoyance, fiddling around with the clothes that felt like they were going to suffocate you any second. You hated it, and it was very much visible on your face as well.
“Come on, what’s the long face for?”
“I do not want this, I do not want to wear this shitty outfit, and I very much do not want to meet my suitor.”, you complained.
Today was the day of the ball that your father had arranged for your engagement with a man you have never seen before and you were supposed to be wed to him soon. And of all things he could have planned, it was a masquerade ball and you were the only one not getting to hide behind a mask. It keeps the tension until I reveal him to you at the end, he said. Tch. As if you’d care.
The only thing you knew about him was that his name was Kamisato Ayato and that he was supposed to be some noble from Inazuma. And going off of the nobles you’ve had the “pleasure” to meet in the past, it had never been an enjoyable experience. To imagine you’d be wed to a snot like that soon had you wanting to chuck up on the carpet right then and there.
“I’m sure you will grow to like him. Just like your mother did your father.”
“Pft, whatever.”, you scoffed, ripping the gloves out of her hand and rushing out of the room towards the ballroom. The faster you got there the faster you could get this over with.
The moment you entered the room, everyone suddenly went silent and looked over at you. Some people started clapping others bowed their heads as you passed them. If you didn’t already feel uncomfortable before, now you surely would’ve and all you wanted right at this moment was to flee the scene again as fast as possible.
You looked around for an escape route to get away from the center of attention and spotted the open balcony door. You hastily made your way through the crowd, trying to strike up as few conversations as humanly possible on the way, before you could finally breathe in the fresh evening air outside. 
You exhaled in relief and sat down on the railing, leaning your back against one of the giant flower pots, and stared into the darkness of the garden in front of the balcony. A lot of feelings swirled around your chest and if you had to pinpoint one it would be humiliation. You felt humiliated, exposed, and presented like cattle to the slaughterhouse, ready to be sold.
“Are you also trying to get away from the horde inside?”, a voice suddenly rang through the night from behind you. You couldn’t even get one minute of peace and quiet, could you? You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes before you briefly checked who had followed you outside. It was a man with pastel blue hair, he was dressed in a white suit with blue accents and wore a matching mask over his face.
“Mhm.”, you just hummed in agreement, staring at him in slight annoyance.
“Judging by the lack of anything covering your face I presume you’re the one who is to be wed?”
“Yup.”, you sighed.
“May I offer you something to drink? I brought another one for you.”, he said and held out the glass for you to grab. You complied and thanked him for the drink as he stepped a little closer, leaning on the railing next to you in silence. For the first time this evening, the presence of another person didn’t feel suffocating and even pleasant. It was incredible how some stranger could make you feel better pretty much instantly, especially giving the circumstances of the evening.
“Thank you.. for the drink.”, you said after a moment of silence.
“My pleasure.”, he nodded, leaving you to your thoughts once more. You were surprised how he was the first person you’ve run into who didn’t want to pry into your thoughts, mood, or feelings.
“What bring you here?”, you decided to ask after a while.
“Same as you. Fleeing the scene. I can leave if my presence happens to bother you?”
“No, not at all actually. I find it quite comforting to know someone isn’t just around me because of who I am and in order to gain favors.”
“Does that happen a lot?”, he inquired, stepping a little closer to you, elegantly leaning his hip against the railing to be able to face you.
“A lot? Even saying all the time would be an understatement at this point.”, your voice dropped to a frustrated whisper. Your gaze wandered over to the windows that presented the scene of the brightly lit ballroom that was filled with a huge crowd of nobles from all across Teyvat. “I hate this… all of it. I don’t want to get married to one of them. Each and every one of them is worse than the other. Just putting on a good face to win favors for their own gain. I detest this lifestyle. Just knowing my soon-to-be husband is in there somewhere, probably bootlicking my father, makes me want to throw up.”, you scoffed.
He remained silent, listening to your vent and just lending you his ear to help you lift off these stones that had been weighing down your chest all evening.
“You know, I was invited, too. So you indirectly refer to me as one of them as well.”, he remarked with an amused undertone in his voice, pointing in the direction of the ballroom.
“No. I can’t describe how but you seem different, just like me... Honestly? You might be the first person I’ve ever felt comfortable around on occasions like these.”
“Well, I appreciate the compliment.”
Your heart suddenly grew heavy as you looked upon the stranger by your side again. You could have fallen in love with someone like him and lived your life how you wanted, but thanks to your status that freedom would never be granted to you.
“I’d rather marry you on a whim and run away than whatever kind of arrogant noble is waiting for me inside.”, you whispered in a way it was almost inaudible but he caught it nonetheless. He huffed in amusement, took another sip from his drink, and closed his eyes, seemingly pondering on something.
“I’m sure you and him will be more alike than you think.”, he remarked after a while with a soft but playful smile around his lips.
“Do you know him?”
“You could say I do.”
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“I got you a date for the masquerade ball tonight!”, Hu Tao cheered as she stormed into your store.
“Wait, wait, wait! Hold on, you got me a what?!”, you asked in disbelief.
“A date, doofus!”
“And why would you do that?”
You knew Hu Tao was a character but that she would actually go so far as to actually organize a date for you was... baffling.
“Well, you’ve been going on about how you’d like to go to the ball all week and whined that you had no one to go with, so, I took matters into my own hands.”
“And who am I going with then?”
“Hehe, you’ll see.”, she chuckled, winking at you before storming out of your store again. “He is going to pick you up at 7! Later!”
This woman was unbelievable. Needless to say, you closed your store a little earlier today to get ready for the ball and to mentally prepare yourself for your blind date. You had just gotten all dressed up, when you heard a knock on your door. 
You felt your heart drumming against your chest as you went to open it and it even threatened to spontaneously combust as soon as you saw who was actually standing in front of it. It was none other than Zhongli, the Consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and, what Hu Tao very much knew as well, your long-time crush. You didn’t know whether to thank her or curse her for this but the answer was probably lying somewhere in the middle.
“Good evening!”, Zhongli greeted and grabbed your hand to place a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
“Hi.”, you breathed out, almost too stunned to speak. You swore he looked even more handsome than usual. He was wearing his signature coat that was glistening almost magically under the light of the full moon.
“You look breathtaking dear.”, he complimented and held out his arm for you to take. “Shall we be off then?”
You nodded and linked your arms with his as you made your way to the venue. At first, you were nervous that you wouldn’t know what to talk about with him but it turned out that talking to him was quite easy. He seemed to be an endless fountain of knowledge and topics to talk about. Not a single moment had been awkward ever since he picked you up. You were sure you had fallen for him even more that night, and you were sure that wasn't even possible before tonight.
As you arrived at the venue a lot of people were already there and slow-dancing to the music.
“Are you ready?”, Zhongli asked, lovingly brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You nodded at him and smiled widely as you donned your 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔s together.
You walked into the ballroom hand in hand, his gloved hand perfectly embracing yours, almost as if it was made for you, as you took in all the impressions of your surroundings. Slow music was playing, lots of delicious snacks were standing atop a buffet and waiters dashed all across the room, handing out drinks to people.
“Would you allow me this dance?”, Zhongli suddenly asked as he held up your hand and bowed down before you.
“It would be my pleasure.”
He led you to the dancefloor, pulling your flush against his chest, placing his hands on both sides of your hips slowly swaying your bodies to the rhythm of the music. You leaned your head against his chest, making out the faint drum of his heart through the fabric of his coat and inhaling his homely scent that reminded you of sandalwood and damp earth on a warm summer day.
“I’m sorry that Hu Tao forced you to accompany me to the ball tonight.”, you apologized. “I have to admit I was a bit embarrassed when she told me. It definitely wasn’t my idea.”, you tried to explain, feeling your cheeks heat up under his amber gaze.
“Oh, do not trouble yourself with that, dear. In fact, it was me who proposed it to her.”
“Y-you did?!”, you stammered in surprise and looked up to scan his face for the truth.
“I did and I hope I won’t scare you off when I tell you that I’ve been meaning to ask you out for a while already. I couldn't let this golden opportunity pass.”
A soft smile played around his lips and you could feel his grip tighten a bit more around your hips. You returned the smile and locked your arms behind his neck, feeling your heartbeat quicken as you did.
“I’m very happy to hear that Zhongli. I can assure you that I feel similar.”, you shyly whispered and looked down to the ground. You were secretly thankful for the 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔 covering your face which hid your flustered state from him. He lifted one of his gloved hands to your chin and lifted it up, making you look into his eyes behind his 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔.
“May I kiss you?”, he whispered against your lips as he closed the distance between your faces.
“You may.”, you managed to reply before you could already feel his lips uniting with yours tenderly. His hand cupped your cheek gently and he rubbed soft circles over it with his thumb as he continued to gently sway you to the rhythm of the music.
“I would like to repeat this in the future if you’d allow me.”
“It would be my pleasure.”
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“How do I look?”, you asked, nervously pulling and picking around on your outfit.
“Stop being so nervous. You look stunning!”, your best friend replied. She had been the one who had the idea to come here today. The Akademia was organizing a masquerade ball in celebration of the graduation this semester. You didn’t want to go at first because you heard Alhaitham wouldn’t come here today, but your friend basically forced you to, so now you were here.
“You’re thinking about him again, aren’t you?”
“Well… yes!”
“Stop it and enjoy yourself tonight! At least try… please?”, she grabbed your hands and squeezed them tightly. You hesitantly nodded and we're promptly pulled inside by her.
“See, was that so hard? Now then, let’s enjoy ourselves!”
She spun around on her heel and danced off into the crowd. You tried to hurry after her but lost her faster than the eyes could see. Just great, you thought to yourself. Not you not only did you not want to be here, but you also immediately lost the person who made you come here in the first place. 
You walked around the room like a headless chicken for a while, hoping you’d find your friend again but you knew her; once she was off somewhere, she was gone for the night. This left you with the only option of trying to find something to occupy yourself with on your own.
You spotted a group of comfy-looking benches outside next to some patio heaters. And the best part was that in that corner was also the table with the drinks and snacks.
You grabbed some of the snacks and plopped down on one of the benches, exhaling in annoyance. This was going to be a long evening.
“Am I correct in the assumption that it is equally unpleasant for you to be here as it is for me?”, a voice from your right asserted. As your gaze followed the direction it was coming from, you spotted a tall man with a turquoise-green 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔 and a light-grey suit with matching ornaments. He was seated on the bench next to yours and was unamusedly sipped on his drink. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but he seemed extremely familiar for some strange reason.
“Yeah well, my friend forced me to come here tonight when I could be neck-deep in some research instead now. As you can see, I lost her and now I’m here.”
“Sounds familiar.”, he hummed. “Which Darshan do you belong to if you don't mind me asking?”
“Oh, uhm– Haravatat. I am working on translating an ancient rune text we found recently and progress has unfortunately been rather stagnant lately. So, yeah… I’m probably making a fool out of myself in front of the other scholars already. Especially the Grand Scribe… Alhaitham, you’ve probably heard of him?”
“You could say we’ve met. Why would you think you’re making a fool out of yourself?”, he asked in genuine curiosity.
“Well, I’m absolutely horrible when it comes to presenting stuff and I start stuttering like an idiot and whenever I talk about my findings with the Scribe he just looks at my papers with strict scrutiny… and he never really says anything positive, he usually just points out my mistakes and… uh– forgive me, I’m talking too much again.”, you apologized and waved it off in embarrassment, scratching the back of your neck. 
“Hm. Why do you care so much about what he thinks?”, he inquired. Should you pour your heart out to some random stranger who probably doesn’t even care about your love struggles? Could be a horrible idea, but at the same time, maybe it would help to open up about it to someone who isn’t involved in it.
“Well, uh– this is kind of embarrassing but would it be weird if I said I value him beyond working together?”
“What do you mean?”
“I–I really like him and have had this massive crush on him for a long time now and I value his opinion above anyone else’s. I don’t want to seem like the dumbest idiot in the entire Haravatat Darshan to him.”
The silence that followed your rambling was almost deafening and you immediately felt embarrassed for opening up. He probably didn’t want to hear any of what you just dumped on him. Of course he wouldn’t know what to reply to that. You must look absolutely pathetic.
“There you are!!”, you heard the familiar voice of your friend ring in your ears as she rushed towards you, slinging her arms around your neck in a clumsy hug. She was already a little tipsy and seemingly had the time of her life. “I’ve been looking for you! You were gone all of a sudden and then I ran into someone and we kinda… had some drinks and we both lost our friends.”, she giggled.
“Yeah a few too many drinks, it seems.”, you replied looking at the guy who trailed not too far behind her. He was a tall blonde wearing a white shirt with a red cape hanging down his shoulders. A 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔 that matched the rest of his attire was covering his face.
“Kaveh, this is my friend.”, she introduced you. “I think you two would get along well.”
Before anyone could speak further you saw the man you had been talking to until just a minute ago stand up from the bench beside you in order to leave. You were still a bit embarrassed that he didn’t even say anything anymore after you had dumped all that on him.
“Alhaitham?! You’re here, too! What a coincidence.”, Kaveh suddenly exclaimed in surprise. Making just said man you poured your heart out to a minute ago, halt in his tracks. Oh archons, no.
“I’ve been looking for you!” Kaveh walked over to him patting his shoulder. You were sure your worst nightmare had just come true. He wasn’t supposed to be here tonight but it turns out his friend also dragged him here.
“Mhm.”, Alhaitham hummed and you saw him looking your way seeing how a dust of pink decorated his cheeks below his 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚔.
“Since we’re all together here, Alhaitham this is…”
“We’ve talked already. We’re in the same Darshan.”, he interrupted Kaveh.
You jumped up in shock, unsure whether you should run away, and drop out of the Akademia right away in order to prevent further embarrassment or not.
“Oh, splendid!”, Kaveh cheered. “Let's head back inside everyone.”
Your friend and Kaveh rushed off together again as you stood there, your feet feeling like they were cemented to the ground. You opened your mouth in order to apologize for what you unknowingly had said to Alhaitham before, but he beat you to it.
“I’m sorry for making you feel like a fool about your research. It was never my intention. In fact, what you’ve achieved so far is quite remarkable and I've always attempted to make you achieve even more and better results... And I also think I'd like to talk about your... other interests in me.”
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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A/N: Sorry for the reposts, tumblr decided to be a pain in the bum and not show this in the tags. If you see this now it probably worked ;_;
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viking-raider · 1 year
The Golden Egg - Cotton Candy Fluff
Summary: It's Easter! So, you and Henry have an Easter Egg Hunt. One for Kal, then go head-to-head against each other, to see who can find their eggs the fastest.
But what happens, when Henry finds the Golden Egg, you left him.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Soft!Henry, Fluff, Kal, Short Person Joke, Competition, Easter, Competitive!Henry, Domestic Bliss, Instagraming, Surprise Ending
Inspiration: It's Easter. I wrote this in an hour. This video of Good.Boy.Ollie on instagram.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
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“So, explain this to me again?” Henry laughed, folding his arms over his heaving chest, as he laughed.
“I wanna do an Easter Egg hunt for Kal.” You repeat to yourself, narrowing your eyes at your near hysterical boyfriend.
“The Bear doesn't get the concept of Easter, let alone an Easter Egg hunt, babe.” He howled, his curly head rolling back with its mirth.
“So!” You huffed, pouting at him. “I think it's cute. I also want us to do one. To see who can find the most. The fastest.”
Henry sobered up a tad at that. “All right, babe. You're on.” He smirked, cupping your face in his hands and gently kissing your forehead. “Which do you want to do first?”
“Done.” He nodded, dropping his hands and looking over the colorful sea of plastic eggs and prizes to put inside of them, that you'd come home with a short time before. “You know, my fans would absolutely eat this all up.” He remarked to himself, biting the corner of his lip and thinking it over, then glanced at you.
“Can I film it?”
“If you want to, Puppy.” You replied, grabbing a four pack of jumbo eggs and ripped it open.
“Sweet, I'll be right back. While you figure out what you're doing--” He waved his hands over the cluttered dining table. “Here.” He chuckled, before rushing off.
Looking over the prizes, you picked out a cute dog toy. It was made of rubber and looked like a throwing stick. You had gotten it cause Kal was a beast of a chewer, when it came to his toys, and this one was supposed to be nearly indestructible. Fitting it inside the bright yellow, jumbo egg, you dropped a couple of Kal's favorite peanut butter and blueberry treats in with it, so he had something to sniff out, then closed it.
You had a reasonable amount of the eggs filled up for the hunts, when Henry finally came back into the dining room, kissing the back of your bent head.
“Everything is set up.” He informed you, casting his eyes over the booty. “You want some help?”
“That would be nice, thank you.” You replied, tilting your head back, smiling appreciatively at him.
“Is there a method to your madness?” He asked, pulling up a chair beside you.
“The eggs on the right are Kal's.” You motioned to the cluster. “I don't fancy getting a squeak toy or dog biscuits, during my hunt.”
Henry's face twisted and he shook his head. “No, I don't either.” He snorted, dropping some chocolates into the egg he grabbed.
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“All right, here we go!” Henry exclaimed, grinning, as the two of you finished hiding the eggs, all while his phone recorded on a tripod, he planned on editing everything down later on. “Kal!” He called out and smiled, as the Bear came charging through the open slider and into the backyard.
“Are you ready to do your hunting?” He asked, bending over to scratch the Akita all over.
You and Henry had made sure to hide his eggs in, more or less, obvious places. But a couple had Kal working for them, like one small egg slipped between the braided fabric of his rope pull. Kal was slow at first, sniffing at the eggs, letting out little snorts as his nose picked up the scent of his treats inside of them. You were worried for a bit, that it was a flop. Making your heart sink. But when Kal found the stick toy, it was as if something magical sparked inside the Akita.
And he went wild.
Kal started zooming around the entire yard, diving into the manicured bushes and making them shake as he ran between them and the border fence. He rooted around the patio furniture, nearly knocking over Henry's big, green grill for a hot pink egg that was there; containing three different treats. He finally tackled the last egg, one of the jumbos, behind a large stone planter.
Bouncing around it so ecstatically, Henry couldn't take it from him to open and reveal what was inside.
“Kal.” Henry cracked up. “Let's see what Mama put in it for you, Bear!” He finally managed to swipe it away from the pup and crack it open, discovering the surprise. “Oh my god! Look, Kal!” He dissolved into a fresh fit of laughter, holding out a plush, taffy-pink, pig.
Kal bounced on his front paws, so he stood on his back legs and took the toy out of Henry's hand, finding the noise maker with his mighty jaws and causing the lightly stuffed pig to scream out a stream of oinks.
“Do you like it, Bear?” You giggled, grinning at him, relieved that Kal's egg hunt had ended so well.
“That pig is going to drive us bonkers, until he murders it.” Henry said, wiping tears from his bearded face.
“I know it is, but I couldn't help buying it.” You confessed, watching Kal go to town on the poor thing. “Look how cute it is, and he clearly loves it.”
“Right, well.” Henry sighed, composing himself. “Kal's hunt is over. Now, it's time for our Battle Egg-royal!” He proclaimed, a competitive expression coming over his face. “You're going first. So, go inside and I'll hide your eggs.”
“Very well.” You nodded, kissing his cheek.
“Mind yourself!” He called, as you headed inside with Kal. “No cheating!”
“I would never!” You huffed back at him, feigning insult.
Henry grabbed the basket of eggs he had made for you and got to work hiding them all over the backyard, pausing in front of camera for a moment, a cheeky look on his face, even though it wasn't live, he couldn't help it.
“No, watching my stream, babe!” He laughed, then went back to hiding the rest of his eggs.
Satisfied with where his eggs were, Henry opened the slider and called you back outside.
“I have the stopwatch pulled up on my mobile.” You said, handing it over to Henry.
“All right.” He nodded, taking it from you. “Ready. Set.”
He stood there for a moment and you stared at him.
“Huh? Oh, right. GO!”
Rolling your eyes, you shot off the patio and started searching the area. Henry trailing after you. You found the first egg balanced on a stone column that a pot of flowers were situated on. Shaking it, you heard the egg-shaped chocolates inside. Henry held out your Easter basket, so you could store your found eggs and not worry about holding them or accidentally rediscovering them. You found a jumbo egg next, inside Henry's grill, which had you giggling.
“Oh, that's so cruel, Henry.” You huffed, finding your last three eggs lined up in a row, on top of the fence, out of your reach.
Henry smiled at you, triumphantly, his nose wrinkling cutely. “Hop, short stuff.”
“You'll pay for this later, Cavill.” You warned, narrowing your eyes at him and jumped for the eggs, just managing to grab them, without knocking them into the neighbor's yard on the other side.
“I doubt you can put anything out of my reach, Bean.” Henry quipped, winking at you, then glanced down at your phone. “Eighteen minutes.” He smiled, kissing your cheek. “Not a bad time, babe.”
“Thank you, now get your butt out of the yard!” You said, pointing towards the house.
“Yes, ma'am.” He nodded, obediently. “I'll take your basket inside with me.”
Biting your lip, you glanced around the yard and quickly got to work, trying to find the hardest places for him to find his eggs. Wanting payback for the shenanigans of those eggs on the fence. You even moved a few eggs a couple times, feeling like they were too easy to find, before you finally let Henry come back into the yard with you.
“It took you longer to hide them, than find them, sugar butt.” Henry commented, amused as he scanned the yard, trying to give himself a head start.
“I wasn't making it easy for you.” You said, setting up the stopwatch. “Ready. Steady. Go!” You barked, jumping up and down.
Henry quickly hurried off the patio, his first target was his grill. You had put an egg there for Kal and he had put one there for you. So, he had felt you'd follow that theme. But, alas, when he opened the hammered dome, he found it egg free. Eyes narrowing, he looked around and under it as well.
Still, no egg.
“Come on, Puppy.” You laughed, wickedly. “I said, I wasn't going to make it easy on you.”
“True.” He hummed back, shooting a narrow eyed look at you, before slowly scanning the yard again. “AH-HUH!” He exclaimed, spotting a small point of neon yellow under the hedge, that led towards the side of the house.
Making for the egg, Henry happened to catch the flicker of something out of the corner of his eye in the process and came to an abrupt stop. Turning towards it, he gently parted the flowers in the stone planter and reached inside, plucking out a pastel green egg. He held it up with a smirk, his blue eyes sparkling in the mid-afternoon sun.
“Two already!” He said, dropping the egg in his basket, and grabbed the other one.
From there, your strategy steadily went downhill. He found three more eggs within a span of a minute and five after that. You looked down at the stopwatch and felt your stomach clench. Henry's hunt was six minutes in and he had found almost all his eggs, leaving him on course to beat you.
“There you are, little bugger.” Henry grinned, finding the turquoise egg in the drain spout. “What's the time, love?” He asked, dropping it into the basket with the rest.
“Fifteen minutes.” You informed him, sighing.
Henry's arms shot up into the air. “Yes, I win!” He grinned, wiggling his muscular body in a victory dance.
“No.” You shook your head at him.
“What?” He frowned at you. “You found your last egg in eighteen minutes and I just found mine at fifteen, baby.” He explained to you, his arms falling back to his sides. “I beat you by three minutes.”
“But you missed one, Bear.” You told him, calmly.
“Where?” Henry snapped, blinking at you.
“Right there.” You said, pointing to a gold egg resting peacefully in the grass, at the edge of the paving stones, near his grill.
Henry's eyes narrowed at you. “What is this, babe?” He asked slowly, cocking his head at you. “There wasn't one there, when I started my egg hunt.”
“I don't know what to tell you.” You remarked, biting the inside of your cheek, fighting the twitching of your lips. “Perhaps you need glasses, old man.” You teased, as he crossed over to the egg. “Why don't you open it?” You suggested, once he had it in his hand.
“You do know it's Easter and not April Fool's day, don't you, honey?” He asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at you.
“Oh, I do.” You nodded, finally allowing yourself to smile at him.
Henry looked at his still recording phone. “If this thing blows up, you know who to blame, guys.” He quipped, popping open the plastic egg and found a folded piece of paper inside. “What, are you proposing to me?” He chuckled, saying it for shock value.
That was until he finished unfolding the paper and concentrated on what it was.
You move to stand before Henry, smiling up at him, while his mouth gently fell open and his eyes grew. “Happy Easter, Henry.” You cooed at him, resting your hands on his hips.
“Is this-” He gulped thickly, looking between you and the paper. “Is this—real?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded, tearing up, seeing his blue eyes start to glisten and his breathing shutter as he became choked up, emotional. “I found out last week.” You explained to him, taking the sonogram from him. “So, I thought this would be the coolest way to tell you. To train you for future Easter egg hunts with the help of our four legged son.”
Henry caught you up in his arms and spun you around, his blue eyes blurred with tears of overwhelming happiness, while burying his face into your neck as he held you tight against his body. He sniffled into your neck and you hugged him tight, feeling content.
“Christ alive, I love you.” Henry cried, tears dripping down his bearded face, as he set you back down on your feet, then looked over at his phone, just then remembering it was recording. “We're pregnant!” He announced, beaming.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 8 months
Weekly Recap | January 22nd-28th 2024
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First experiment to try and fix my ao3 history page has been a fail. Will have to delete another userscript to see if it fixes the problem 🙄
On another note, I've made a post but in case you haven't seen it: if I've ever reblogged one of your WIP fics, consider this my permission to tag me in them (not so I'll participate of course, but to increase the chance I'll see them 😆)
let's fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Canon Divergent, Chef Buck | 7K | Teen): Eddie figures if he's going to go on bad dates, he might as well go to Buck and Bobby's restaurant so Buck can save him from them. Buck suffers and pines like the idiot he is, and feelings are blurted out over dinner and fancy wine.
the more we move ahead the more we're stuck in rewind by trysetmeonfire/ @try-set-me-on-fire (S4E5: Buck Begins | 4K | Teen): After the factory fire, Buck’s parents show up at the station. It goes poorly. Written for the bad things happen bingo prompt: backhand slap.
And When You Speak, Angels Sing From Above by callmenewbie/ @callmenewbie (Established Buddie, Proposal | 3K | General): Buck pops the question but before saying yes, Eddie needs to ask someone else first.
we didn't happen the way we were supposed to (where do we go now?) by Iover_of_mine (I_almost_do) / @lover-of-mine (Post-S6 | 4K | Teen): Buck and Eddie start fighting over things left unsaid or just misunderstood.
only the best will do by trysetmeonfire/ @try-set-me-on-fire (Madney Wedding | <1K | General): Buck gets a little intense about wedding planning. Chimney hides in the kitchen. Eddie is a man in love.
through bloodshot eyes the sky is falling (it kills me when i try to push you away) by screamingcolours/ @vampbuckley (Post-S6 | 6K | Teen): Buck and Eddie have a fight, get in a car accident, and confess their feelings. Not exactly in that order.
Partnership: Finding the Right Scent by faradheia/ @faradheia, RhystaRose (Sentinels&Guides AU | 7K | Explicit): Guide Evan Buckley and Sentinel Eddie Diaz navigate through their life as firefighters and a mostly bonded pair. If only Buck could solve his Sentinel's last sense issue there might be the sweet smell of success...
my heart is trying to crawl out of my chest to get to you by bucksclipboard (S6E12: Recovery | 2K | General): Buck is released from the hospital and while the rest of his family is understandably on edge about his recovery, Eddie throws himself back into work. He refuses to be a part of Maddie’s “operation buck up buttercup” and Hen grows suspicious. Listen, it’s not like Eddie isn’t worried, quite the opposite actually. He just found a better way to watch over Buck, without having to spill any of his secrets. Unless technology plays a trick on him, as it usually does, and his foolproof plan goes wrong. But Buck might just surprise him.
forever is in your eyes by appleoctopie/ @appleoctopie (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): or the one where eddie needed his son to help him realize he's dating his best friend (it's okay because buck didn't realize it either)
You don't have to be related to relate by Polish_Amber (David POV, Buck&Bobby | 10K | General): The one where David is determined to prove that he’s in it with Michael for the long-haul, and that includes accepting and caring about the children of the Grant-Nash household. All 3 of them. (And Athena and Michael laugh more than they have in months, Bobby is sheepish, and David learns a bit about chosen families).
this is (not) a puppy love by asteriasera/ @asteriasera (Post-S6, Getting Together | 7K | General): Five times their family realizes Buck and Eddie are in love and the one time Buck and Eddie realize they’re in love
In a drought I'll give you water by JamesPearce911/ @diazsdimples (PWP, Established Buddie | 8K | Explicit): Or: Eddie finds come on Buck's underwear and panics
🔥 the answer to it all (is in the back of my mind and on the tip of my tongue) by waferkya/ @oursisthewinter (Canon Divergent, Cop Eddie | 17K | Teen): AU in which Eddie is a cop who just moved to LA; Buck has zero self-esteem, a praise kink the size of the desert and no clue on how to pick a decent Dom; and eventually love conquers all.
it was your heart on the line (I really fucked it up this time, didn't I, my dear?) by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (Post-S6 | 4K | Teen): Buck gets called to the station to bail Eddie out of jail, but Eddie refuses to tell him what happened and why he punched Phillip Buckley.
Eddie Diaz Is NOT a Birthday Person by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Fluff | 4K | Teen): Eddie doesn't put much stock into celebrating his birthday, as an adult. But for the first time since moving to Los Angeles, it happens to fall right in the middle of a four-off. Buck schemes. Romance ensues rather accidentally.
sleep safe and warm by allisonRW96/ @homerforsure (Established Buddie | 2K | Teen): A few months into their relationship, Buck and Eddie finally share a bed.
🔥 A Minor Delay by rainbow_nerds/ @rainbow-nerdss (Post-S6/S7 Spec | 3/11 | 10K | Mature): Almost a year after the bridge collapse, a lot has changed. The team are scattered—Bobby and Athena on their Honeymoon, Hen on adoptive parent's leave, and Buck and Eddie... They may still work together, still have movie nights with Chris whenever they can, but things have changed. With Maddie and Chimney's wedding around the corner, Buck tries to make it perfect. And maybe, along the way, he might figure out why everything still feels... wrong.
🔥 Winter Prayer by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Road Trip, Buck&Bobby&May | 2/3 | 12K | General): When a work conflict prevents Athena from accompanying Bobby to Minnesota for the ten year anniversary of his family dying, Buck and May offer to go instead. Over the course of the trip, they all learn more about each other, and Bobby faces his grief.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon, S1 through S6 | 108/? | 303K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
Fractals from the Lightning Bolt by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (One Shots Collection | 41/54 | 78K | Not Rated): A collection of oneshots, some originally posted on tumblr. Each chapter is individually rated.
46. My Words Might Stumble but Not My Heart :  Just another cute "what if" getting together fic.
Kiss Me Once Cause You Know I Had A Long Night by I_still_dont_understand_13 / @sherlockcrossing (Prompt collection | 21/? | 14K | Teen): 100 kiss prompts.
Chapter 25. 3. Kisses that travel from your lover's nose to their lips
search history by forgottenwords (Getting Together | 9/10 | 11K | Explicit): Eddie opened the Safari app to find a specific recipe Buck was looking for, but something was already typed in the search box. Beefy blonde twink gets railed by— Buck's voice calls out from the kitchen “Did you find it yet?” and Eddie hastily closes the tab, opening another with a surprising speed from someone considered technologically illiterate. As close as they were, he’d never had a thought about the type of ‘adult entertainment’ Buck was partial to. Now, it was all he could think about.
🔥 Precious & Fragile Things by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Small Miracles AU, Angel Buck | 15/18 | 37K | Teen): Buck is the Fallen Angel of Petty Temptation, who has been tasked with tempting human Eddie Diaz to sin and enjoy life, but just a little. He thinks the job will be easy - get in, get out, go back to Peru to continue messing around with eternity. But when Buck arrives in Los Angeles, he finds Eddie is harder to tempt than expected, and more compelling than Buck had hoped.
🔥 and if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (Canon Divergent Season 6, Friends with Benefits | 6/18 | 27K | Explicit): or, an alternate look at season 6 where buck and eddie have been casually sleeping together since before the beginning of the season. somehow, this changes both everything and nothing at all.
🔥 I Opened My Eyes and There You Were by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Post-S3 | 4K | Explicit): In which Buck provides the dots and Eddie finally connects them.
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