#i'd prefer “she's a lesbian bc i said so” to that
marigoidz · 7 months
Hate it when someone hcs a character I like as a lesbian and I disagree with their reasoning
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niuxita21 · 2 years
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She’s dying to be a lesbian, show, WHY won’t you let her?????
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starrywangxian · 4 months
link click ost - where does it play?
i'm a little diseased so i went through the whole of link click season 1 so that i could make a list of where each song on the ost plays. i thought i'd share it in case anyone else is curious too~!
some things to note first:
be aware of spoilers!!
if you'd prefer to listen to it in a playlist, here's a spotify version :)
here's a youtube version too :) - be aware that the songs won't repeat so they'll only be in order of the first time they're played bc youtube won't let me add the same song more than once :(
if you notice any mistakes or errors then please let me know!
feel free to add things in the reblogs/comments/tags <3
i'll be using the chinese versions of the songs!
i'm working on doing season 2, episode 5.5, the extras and daily life in lightime but i did this to procastinate studying for my exams so i'll do those soon? (i recently finished season 2 so i need to emotionally recover before i rewatch it again bc damn it did a number on me)
episode 1: EMMA
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - the opening where cxs goes into a picture
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - the opening ofc
tense by yuma yamaguchi - qiao ling explaining the first mission
arabesque by av4ln & yuma yamaguchi - cxs as emma talking to mr. zhu
pray by 天門 - cxs as emma talking to her parents on the phone
overcome by 天門 - cxs as emma thinking of her parents cooking spring rolls
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs as emma in the meeting
dear candy by the cheers cheers - emma riding on her bike home thinking of her parents, reading the message that cxs sent to her parents, on the phone to her parents
overthink by 饭卡 - the ending ofc
episode 2: 秘方 (secret recipe)
tense by yuma yamaguchi - qiao ling explaining the second mission
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - the opening
relaxation by 天門 - cxs and lg looking at the photos on their sofa
hazy by av4ln - cxs as yu xia and talking with lin zhen
memories by 天門 - cxs as yu xia as she eats noodles with lin zhen
invigorate by 天門 - cxs as yu xia trying to get lin zhen to tell her the secret ingredient
pray by 天門- cxs as lin zhen taking the picture with yu xia
overcome by 天門 - cxs as lin zhen in the taxi looking through her bag
与你有关 by 泠鸢yousa - the noodle lesbians <3 "林贞" "欢迎回来" T^T
overthink by 饭卡 - the closing theme
episode 3: 只许输,不准赢 (to lose, not to win)
news by 天門 - ql listening to the radio on her run as a man watches and follows her
calm by 天門 - chen xiao calling ql an old witch!
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance time
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - lg and cxs talking about the photo and chen xiao explaining his case, cxs going into the photo!
turbulence by av4ln - boooo the other basketball team are bullies, cxs in the basketball court and complaining about his glasses, the boys are basketballing and getting their asses handed to them, lg dusting the bookshelves like an unbothered king, cxs as chen xiao taking a photo with flash and the big bad bully basketball player injuring lu hongbin (the captain)
silence by 天門 - lu hongbin has to sit out and cxs subs in for him
power by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao subs in an kicks their asses! yeahhh go sports! (i really love how this part is animated, it looks so good and flows so well) also cxs thinks about his and lg's "first meeting" confirming that sports are gay.
alright by av4ln - cxs as chen xiao is playing "bad" basketball bc lg said he can't win :(
decision by 天門 - the chemistry teacher (mr. ma?) explains to cxs as chen xiao that the school will get rid of the basketball court so this will be the basketball team's last game :( "what exactly does basketball mean to you?" again cxs is thinking about his "first meeting" with lg over a basketball game.
hero by 天門 - lu hongbin hurts his bad knee and cxs as chen xiao subs in again and slays the court! big baddy basketball bully number 2 slaps chen xiao and big baddy basketball bully number 1 steps on his glasses :( (again i know nothing about basketball and have no interest in it but this part slaps, the music paired with the fluid animation is so good)
power by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao says 谢谢 to the big baddy basketball bully who stepped on his glasses and gets a three-pointer so now the basketball teams are tied. lg tells cxs to leave the score at that but cxs as chen xiao passes the ball and... scores!
overthink by 饭卡 - intense basketball cliffhanger outro
episode 4: 告白 (confess)
sprint by 天門 - intense basketball recap from last episode, as lg explains that you can't change key moments in the past (everyone point and cry at the hypocrit)
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance break from the intense basketball gaming
irritation by 天門 - cxs having a breakdown bc he changed the past by winning the game :( lg's face is blurred during the flashback of his and cxs's "first meeting"??? double meaning??? lg is not there thinking that this basketball game meant that lg doesn't exist or that cxs and lg don't meet hmmm
silence by 天門 - the chemistry teacher explains that the basketball court will still be torn down despite them winning :(
memories by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao giving lu hongbin a ride home on his bike as he delivers the message :)
wind by 天門 - chen xiao's first love and lu hongbin's half-sister liu meng :) cxs as chen xiao takes pictures of the siblings <3 then lu hongbin takes a picture of the love birds <3
peaceful by 天門 - liu meng walking home cxs as chen xiao, cxs delivers chen xiao's message to liu meng <3
pray by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao eating food with his mum :) but lg says that they still have to argue :( so cxs delivers the message to chen xiao's mum <3
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs realises that it's 12th may 2008... :(
overthink by 饭卡 - intense and sad outro :( what will cxs do?
episode 5: 告别 (farewell)
decision by 天門 - again lg is telling cxs not to change key moments in the past huh sure hope that doesn't bite him in the ass in the future, cxs thinking about the villagers and the earthquake/landslides :(
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dance break as if your heart isn't about to be ripped from your chest
silence by 天門 - mumma cheng singing to her son cxs :(
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs as chen xiao trying to warn lu hongbin and liu meng about the earthquake but the family are all arguing :(
turbulence by av4ln - lg guiding cxs, liu meng and lu hongbin talking, mumma chen packing things and then hiding under the table
beginning by 天門 - mumma chen talking to chen xiao then singing the same song that mumma cheng sang to cxs to her son chen xiao as cxs as chen xiao cries :( xcs experiencing chen xiao's memories of chen xiao's mum and his own mum :(
silence by 天門 - mumma chen saying goodbye to her son and husband :(
时光教会我的 by 邹俊健 - chen xiao and his dad at his mum's grave :( hearing chen xiao's messages :( flashbacks of chen xiao taking pictures of his mum :(
pray by 天門 - adult chen xiao singing the same song that his mum sang to him (and cxs's mum sang to cxs) to his child as he thinks of his mum :(
overthink by 饭卡 - policeman jumpscare and cliffhanger ;0
episode 6: 寻子 (search of the child)
news by 天門 - dou dou asking his mum to play with him
irritation by 天門 - dou dou's mum noticing that he's gone :(
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - sad and intense dancey dance :(
decision by 天門 - flashback of lg comforting cxs about chen xiao's case, "don't ask questions as the past will always change because of us" :(
turbulence by av4ln - policeman jumpscare take 2, ql shooing xiao li (the policeman) away (as she should), dou dou's dad asking for help
silence by 天門 - cxs giving harsh advice to dou dou's dad :(
dear candy by the cheers cheers - ql explaining how she saw dou dou being taken away :( scenes of dou dou's parents and flashbacks of dou dou and his family :( dou dou's dad putting up missing posters of dou dou :(
news by 天門 - xiao li looking through files and noticing that page seven isn't there hmmm
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - lg looking at the surveillance footage as dou dou's dad recounts what happened that day
chase by 天門 - cxs chasing dou dou and the kidnapper as lg guides him
overthink by 饭卡 - oops cxs bumps into people who recognise him ;0 cliffhanger once again >:(
episode 7: 梅姨 (aunt may)
sprint by 天門 - "you must keep a low profile as if you were never there" whoops, cxs sprints away from his problems, mission failed, we'll get 'em next time
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - recover for a minute with some dancey dances
(idk but it's when ql breaks the news to dou dou's dad that they couldn't find anything and confesses that she saw dou dou being taken away)
mission by 天門 - cxs finding a picture taken by dou dou the day he went missing! lg taking a look at the picture
turbulence by av4ln - cxs as dou dou picking up the marble, looking at the trafficker's face, xcs sniffing the ball and getting drugged then taken away, walking past ql and xu shanshan
(i'm not sure but it plays when we see dou dou's memories of his dad giving him the triple star warrior toys)
ominous by 天門 - cxs as dou dou looking around the hotel room, looking through the trafficker's bag
power by 天門 - cxs as dou dou beats the shit out of the trafficker (mei piyan) both physically and emotionally using the move master siwen taught him
hope by 天門 - dou dou reunites with his family :) dou dou's dad was finding the triple star warriors :') mei piyan is caught yippee >:)
overthink by 饭卡 - run the cases by lu guang first so that cxs won't see the photo of emma :')
episode 8: 错失的讯号 (lost signal)
turbulence by av4ln - lg looking at the photos
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - anywayyyy let's not think about the implications
wind by 天門 - "xu shanshan" arguing with cxs, ql talking about their college days and explaining xu shanshan's case
memories by 天門 - flashback of ql and xu shanshan talking about dong yi, flashbacks of what happened that night
(idk but it's when cxs as xu shanshan picks her nose to reject that one guy, ouch)
(idk but it's when xu shanshan and dong yi take the picture together)
入海 by 毛不易 - the song that xu shanshan sings in karaoke!
ominous by 天門 - cxs as xu shanshan recognises the serial killer from the photos and follows him
peaceful by 天門 - what dong yi said to xu shanshan :)
overthink by 饭卡 - that's not xu shanshan...
episode 9: 善意的恶果 (consequence of goodwill)
turbulence by av4ln - phone call with mystery man
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance
ominous by 天門 - ql taking cxs's phone away and lg explaining the situation to xiao li, lg looking at the surveillance footage of the serial killer and telling the police his liscense number then seeing cxs in the footage
mission by 天門 - cxs going into the footage on his own without lg ;0
(idk but it's when the police go to liu min's house)
(idk but it's when emma is telling her plans with her parents to liu min in the car)
(idk but it's when emma is struggling in the car with liu min and cxs is in the boot)
sign by yuma yamaguchi - emma's mum ringing her but she can't answer... :( emma thinking of her parents, cxs thinking about what he's done and screaming in the boot of the car
decision by 天門 - cxs revealing that he knows what he's done :( and telling ql that he can enter photos
overthink by 饭卡 - cliffhanger ;0
episode 10: 圈套 (trap)
ominous by 天門 - recap of last episode: the police telling lg that liu min wasn't the killer and that emma was walking alone
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - distract you with dancey dance
silence by 天門 - cxs remembering what happened to emma in the photo
strain by 天門 - lg checking the selfie of xu shanshan and seeing xu shanshan in her apartment getting attacked
pray by 天門 - cxs deciding if he's going to go into the photo, cxs putting photos in the red room, the police in a meeting, chen bin telling lg that he hasn't found xu shanshan in her apartment, cxs entering the photo
(idk but it's when cxs as xu shanshan yells at himself)
news by 天門 - liu min is his house drinking and reading the news/checking social media
overcome by 天門 - ql telling cxs as xu shanshan about cxs, cxs thinking about his childhood with ql (they're so sibling-coded :') <3)
peaceful by 天門 - flashbacks to lg helping ql and cxs paint the shop :')
turbulence by av4ln - cxs asking to take the lead (let him cook!), the killer outside the shop, cxs as xu shanshan confronting the killer
power by 天門 - lg slaying!!! running to trap the killer in the red room, cxs as xu shanshan slaying the killer!! (i really love this part okay)
overthink by 饭卡 - "now then, this game... is over!" AND THE CROWD GOES WILD
episode 11: 帶着光的人 (pinnacle of light)
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - cxs starts the process that prevails in season 2 where they will explain things after you've already seen them happen so he's explaining his plan to capture the killer with a recap of what happened last episode
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - last dancey dance :(
power by 天門 - the slay confrontation from last episode but now with the added context of cxs's slay plan (this part is really cool too)
sign by yuma yamaguchi - the confrontation, cxs going into the photos of the victims as we see their memories and their deaths :(
ominous by 天門 - "liu min" being arrested, chen bin saying that lg is mature for his age hmmm
turbulence by av4ln - "liu min" explaining what happened with emma
clouded by cled - flashbacks of emma's life: with her parents, at her job, her parents texting her as she stands on the bridge
keep in mind by 白鲨JAWS - cxs talking to emma on the bridge as we see flashbacks of emma and flashbacks of cxs going through the photos, xu shanshan seeing dong yi :') "eventually, we will meet people who will shine their light on us" :')
(idk i was too busy crying but it's the part where lg says "death is a major node that cannot be changed" and ql cuts an apple...)
overthink by 饭卡 - "now the game has been reset" WORST CLIFFHANGGER OF ALL TIME, WHEN I GET YOU DIRECTOR LI WHEN I GET YOU!!!
songs that are in the album ost but that i couldn't place:
(maybe they were unused or were used in other stuff that wasn't the main donghua like pvs or smth)
joke by 天門
ordinary by yuma yamaguchi
afternoon by 天門
luminous by av4ln, yuma yamaguchi
struggle by 天門
nostalgic by 天門
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butch-reidentified · 5 months
I'm sorry if it came off as rude, I was agreeing with your reblog 😔 I'm aware that butch doesn't really mean masculine, as I said it's just a personal preference, and the butch/femme dichotomy always read as a bit weird to me because femme literally just means "woman".
To be fair, I only have the french context for this and those terms aren't nearly as popular here. But if you have good resources about the history of those terms I'd genuinely love to educate myself on it, it's quite fascinating.
Love your blog btw !
you did not come off rude don't worry!! just felt it was important to be said!!
i used to speak french very well but not so good anymore, but i do understand feeling weird about the term femme bc of it forsure. I would appreciate if we had a different term specifically for lesbians who are - and please interpret this abstractly bc the language for what I'm attempting to describe here simply does not exist in any language I speak - "feminine" in a way that (intentionally or otherwise) subverts conventional femininity and is not appealing to the traditional male gaze/behavioral preference. sort of like... unapologetic outspoken opinionated women, casual dresses and leg hair, floral prints and bushy eyebrows vibes, but not exactly? aspects of femininity but not total feminine performance, and most importantly with gnc behaviors like importantly including unlearning femsoc etc? women who have done the work to unlearn the femininity forced on us growing up and afterward found they genuinely like select "feminine" things in a nonperformative way? language has always felt wildly limiting to me but I'm hoping at least some will understand me on this. and really hoping nobody takes it too literally lol
the reason I (playfully) call my wife femme is she has done that work, has intensively introspected on her female socialization and spent significant time intentionally defying it to give herself perspective and a shot at engaging with traits typically seen as "feminine" from as much of a truly voluntary place as possible, and found she enjoys certain things that fall into that category. most of those things are invisible to people outside our relationship and closest friend circles, whereas if we're downtown she's not going to be viewed as feminine by strangers at all. I think that's a way more meaningful lesbian archetype than using "femme" (or any alternative term) to mean "gender conforming/totally feminine" or even, if we're honest, often used to refer to "straight-passing" lesbians, which my wife is not even close to being.
I personally feel that butch has a highly specific and unique crucial lesbian cultural context & history that would & should persist in a postgender world, that is much more about a specific lesbian "archetype" than relationship to gender & can exist without relationship to gender just fine. to me, butchness requires gender nonconformity in a patriarchal, gendered world, but that's only a prerequisite, not a defining characteristic of butchness itself. does that make sense? sometimes my communication style only makes sense to me n my wife lmfao (same w hers even tho its very diff from mine)
I agree about butch/femme. it's not - or at least shouldn't be seen as - a dichotomy. I don't prefer feminine women, I prefer gnc women for SURE, but I don't consider myself butch4butch bc my preference is for gnc women in general not just butches (like what I said ab my wife being gnc but not butch).
I used to have resources on this, but unfortunately I have a terrible memory and can't remember them at the moment to save my life. hoping someone who follows me will!!
this was much longer than I anticipated lmao & idk if it will actually make any real sense to anyone else 😅
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jiabeewrites · 2 years
Avengers Gender & Sexuality Headcanons
Let's start with the og himself, america's ass
def bisexual, he/him, deal with it, end of story
omni, i'd say pan but tony def has a preference for women so...
oh poor child
he's def he/they/xe... and ace.
doesn't really feel the need for gender conformity, so agender
pan, doesn't really care who he ends up with
prefers to be adressed by last name only
she/they, change my mind
asexual. it's canon, idc
def demiromantic, and prob bi, i wanna say
Clint is her biggest supporter
oh dear lord this man aint queer but HES LEGIT BIGGEST ALLY
so he comes from asgard, where nobody really bats an eye at queerness. it's normal, get with the times, earth
he/they, cis man
def pan.
is he/him
has to steer tony away from fans all the time at pride
he's def afab but trans boi and PROUD
you'd think flash would bully... but no acc flash supports, will still bully peter with other things but wont really care abt peter being trans
cmon guys we live in the 21st century
uses he/him
comes out to tony first, tony's super happy and supportive
may finds out next and shes just so happy
this kid forgets to take off his binder so often omg
like ned and mj and may (and mira) MUST REMIND HIM or he'll forget
is biromantic and demisexual
is demigirl
uses she/they
bi with a pref for gals
is like clint, altho he uses he/they bc he just really liked they/them pronouns
sweet boi, supports mj and peter sm
buys them pride flags
is the only ally that mj and peter trust tbh
is genderfluid and pan, nuff said
will use any and all pronouns, at any given time
will punch a person if they misgender them
will punch person if they're being homophobic to peter
queer icon
non binary, doesn't really feel like male or fem
sam is a huge part of bucky's queer journey
biromantic asexual
came out to steve and his bestie just started crying happy tears
"get over it, punk"
uses peter as a queer encyclopedia
gay as freaking hell
takes bucky to his first pride parade
is an absolute LEGEND to queer pocs
cmon he's a robot
has a male-ish voice so just uses he/him
indifferent asexual
lesbian, demisexual
has girl nights with her twin
genderfluid, will use all pronouns at any given time
sees a pretty dress? will buy two. one for them and one for wanda
aromantic pansexual
gay. GAY
he/they icon
wakanda is a safe place for EVERYONE
besides, all the dora milaje are wlw
is not a furry
ships sam and bucky
sapphic asexual
leaning towards women and fem aligned genders
started first wakandan pride parade
agender, doesn't see the point in gender most of the time, so they/them/he/him
believes there are two sexes but an infinite amount of genders
bi greyromantic homosexual
and there we go!
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
I lead part of EfM thing today (see earlier posts) and it went well ahhhhh thank God
and I've made my lunches for the next week!
and I'm munching on a salad
and all day I was looking forward to this, the moment I can (re)watch MORE SHE-RA
I've barely worked on my longer fic this weekend (other than copy/pasting a bunch of things Nate said after the show ended into the notes section of the doc) and tbh rewatching the ACTUAL SHOW is hella distracting bc with twenty eps left we're going to start getting into more of the really high-stakes stuff
Also, true story: I originally watched, like, the second half of season 4 and all of season 5 in two days of marathoning with Daci. So quite frankly? The last, like, third of the show is just kind of a blur to me now.
s4 ep7 Mer-Mysteries
A mission in Dryl went badly, they've figured out someone's telling the Horde what they're doing, they're not tracking Adora because she wasn't even there--
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plz enjoy Sea Hawk's faces
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Bow's sudden nervousness reminds me of when I was in line at the TSA in Dulles airport and was weirdly nervous. I had no reason to be nervous. AND YET. I'm usually totally fine at TSA? But the people at Dulles were scary!!!
(I was way less nervous coming back from Iceland, despite knowing I had Kinder Surprise Eggs in my suitcase. Which are actually illegal to bring into the USA. You can buy "Kinder Joy Eggs" in the USA, which do not have the toy, but the ones with the toys are against the law! Anyway I bought them for Daci. I was only nervous for a split second at customs in the USA bc they asked me what I'd brought home from Iceland and I was like...wool yarn. books. sweets (I'd also bought licorice and chocolate). But he just waved me through. WHEW.)
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she's still big mad about this lolol
BUT she's right a spy IS the only thing that makes sense (but also the audience knows shit they don't)
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Pearl?? A Pearl who knows too much?????
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c'mon I had to
lolol they lampshaded the way lightning keeps striking when Mermista says something
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to be fair she IS the most recent addition and the one they know the least
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oh hey I also write everything in purple (or lavender) ink
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oh, shut up
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well not this episode, specifically
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honestly this is a lot like the DnD episode
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so on the one hand, I know Flutterina is doing this to make them fight, but on the other hand Glimmer is right; on the other OTHER hand, I also would prefer a warning before being forced to see my abusive parent having free range of the castle I live in
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BAHAHAHA I read Nate saying these two were interrupted on a date night, but also plz notice the colors of the flowers, it's literally most of the lesbian pride flag, they were SO unsubtle
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The Ken from Plumeria is talking to the pastry chef from Dryl with the super cute outfit, and she looks bashful for a second after this screenshot; I am now shipping this and no one can stop me
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speaking of ships (yes I know this isn't meant to be shippy lol)
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a youtube video titled "it's raining on your window and you live in Bright Moon Castle ASMR for sleep 4 hours"
(....I'd listen to that)
(On a related note, mynoise dot net has a bunch of rain sounds on the website, and it also has an app--it's seriously the BEST website/app for ambient sounds because they're so adjustable and never repeat, and I just want everyone to know about them. The rain and ocean sounds are great on earbuds to cover up snoring so you can sleep!!! Worked better than my fancy earplugs while I was on the Camino and sleeping in all those hostels)
And back to the cartoon, where there's obviously suspicious shit happening because people seem to be in two places at once and their communications thing got shattered
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oh so her name IS just The General
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Flutterina (aka Double Trouble) has got to be like "oh my god wtf is up with this dude I cannot handle this bullshit"
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Once again Glimmer proves that her and Catra are actually very, very alike
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OOHHHHH they set up a trap I forgot, this is amazing
Adora: "we created a diversion :)" Glimmer: "You were a really good actress. For once."
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Anyway Double Trouble is confessing the whole plan
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poor Mermista :(
there's a creepy-ass moment of seeing part of Horde Prime's face as he smiles, roll credits
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warriors-firecat · 2 months
time to vent briefly about this thing i experienced last year that still has me self conscious
so, i was adopted at birth. all i know of my bio dad is he was black to some degree. and by that i mean there's a chance he was mixed. idk bc he died before i could meet him. ANWYAYS. my bio mom is white. my whole life people saw me with my two white adoptive parents and looked at my pale, freckled skin and red hair and without a doubt in their minds marked "caucasian" on official papers. and i never questioned it. not once. not even when i found out i was adopted at the age of 6. i assumed both my biological parents had been white. and then my adoptive mom told me who my dad was, when i asked her. she said he was black, that my bio mom had never slept with a white man in her life, etc. etc. but i still thought "well... i look white, so i must BE white." even after meeting my two half-siblings, who are both darker than me, my brain went "well we only share a mom, so surely that doesnt prove anything." and then i went to the psych ward. in 2020, i was in a long-term, intensive-care psych ward due to the mental issues that followed after my adoptive mom's death and my adoptive father and stepmom's abuse of me. i was.. not a great person at the time, but thats a story for another day. This ward was POC owned and run. Not a single white person worked there except for ONE intern we had for the therapists. Every single employee there that met and saw me said i looked, without a doubt, mixed. they said they'd be surprised if i took a dna test and it said i was fully white. they even brought up the "Paper Bag Test", but im very pale so i dont think that actually applied to me at all? idk but they brought it up so i included it in this story. they tried to tell me i AM mixed, that i can be considered part of the poc community... but to this day i cannot believe them. wanna know why? because of what happened in 2023. i was staying with a foster family. i trusted them, and they accepted me as a trans man. the parents were a lesbian couple. everyone else in the house was either neurodivergent or queer. one kid was hispanic and black. that was when i had my dna test done. prior to that, i'd been talking about what the workers at the psych ward said, and i got told off for "claiming to be mixed". after that, i paid for the dna test. it came back and i will post the results below for you all to judge for yourselves. its the Ethnicity Estimates page.
Anyways, i showed it to them and they used it as a gotcha moment. they said because the highest percentage was "England & Northeastern Europe" at 33%, i was white. and they told me that i will only ever be seen as white, that i will never be the target of racial prejudice, etc. etc. and i agree, that may be true. and... i feel bad. i feel bad for wanting to consider myself mixed. so i dont. im not using this for pity or anything, i just.. i GENUINELY want anyone who knows their stuff to chime in to this, preferably in DMs, and tell me what they think. hell, i'll even include a pic of myself. i just want to know what everyone else thinks. i wanna know where i belong. i included below the dna results, plus two pics of me. one with makeup and one without.
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problematicattraction · 4 months
Curious about your opinions on paraphilias vs sexuality?
I know you said you wouldn’t go on a rant lol but I’m personally interested, especially since I’m of the opinion that there can be no difference between non-disorders paras and kinks/fetishes (if there is a difference or not is very subjective)
Maybe I should've added a tone tag! I meant it in a silly and sort of sarcastic way, like, oh I TOTALLY won't go on a rant *wink wink*(I'm still getting used to being human, pardon me.)
Btw this is less about differences and more about like, how they intertwine and overlap, idk why I put differences in the post, but this rant is kinda like, how paraphilias can become sexualities or influence sexualities. Also this is just my personal opinion based on some things in my system. okay thank you anyways
Okay so let's start of discussing paraphilias. Im a paraphile myself, along with being queer (pansexual, demisexual, demiromantic, so forth), and I've noticed a very big overlapping of my paraphilias and my sexuality, and I've discussed this with other alters of my system and I've noticed there are different intensities of this. Like, my sexuality only exists when I am with the people of my paraphilia, meaning my sexuality doesn't exist without my paraphilia, and that's not to say "Oh if I didn't have a para, I'd be straight", I mean, I wouldn't be anything. At all. I'd have no attraction. I think I'd still date people but without my current partners, who are tied to my paraphilia / the objects of my attraction, I'd never be content with it. I'd never be happy with someone, even if I dated to try and feel happy, no matter the gender, I just couldn't feel it. But with my partners, I have ones of all genders, thus making me pan. You know?
Some of my alters expressed this too, I'll take one of my most recent, who I'll call Danielle bc that's similar to her name, and explain her opinion. So she's Dreamsexual, not the sleep one but the MCYT one, and that might've started as a paraphilia, but she just, doesn't have a sexuality besides that. She's not pan, or bi, or lesbian, or gay, she's just Dreamsexual, this IS her sexuality. It's not just a paraphilia (which is what some people have told her.)
Or Ikar, whose generally MCYTsexual (coining coming soon lol) / DSMPsexual (also coming soon) and he's attracted to certain genders within those boundaries but not outside of them, he just, can't do it.
I have some who are lesbian because of their paraphilias. Like, some have paraphilias specifically for pink fabrics, and associate those fabrics with feminity, which makes them attracted to all people who are feminine or wearing pink, and some who are attracted to female dolls specifically due to a paraphilia making them lesbian.
I just see that paraphilias and sexualities tend to overlap, at least for us, and I want to normalize "weird" or "odd" sexualities because their valid and deserve love. Does that make sense?
I'm also personally someone who prefers "-sexual" over "-philia" because I just feel more comfortable with it being my sexuality. Of course, I love all paraphiles and those who prefer to use paraphilia over sexuality, that's valid, but in my opinion it just feels nicer and makes me feel better, I haven't met anyone else like that though I don't think
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karassecretaccount · 11 months
As any capitalist would say, the best way to get more money is by making other people work. And although I won't do that (in the way they do it), that might be a useful principle right now. I want a house as soon as possible, so I can make my girlfriend heal from her trauma and we can start our happy lives as soon as possible. Not only that, but I don't wanna leave Gatiti (my cat) behind because I know she would be miserable in the small apartment I'll move to while we don't get our house. So what do I do?
I know that my salary will plateau when I can to 10 times what I earn now. I've made some calculations and 10 times is probably the limit. After that, what do I do?
I'll help my girlfriend with her career. That's the thing.
I may not be able to do it all on my own but she might be the way we get our house as soon as possible. I'll get her a job and we will do it together.
I'll also help my mother-in-law get some government help so she can have enough money for her meds and my girlfriend will save more of her money. That way we might have enough to pay for a mortgage. My parents might help us too, but they will cut the help in a year or two because I'm a lesbian. They have said this to me. Meanwhile, my older brother with three kids is being helped to this day bc he's my dad's favorite. But whatever. I have the gay audacity and my brain going for me. I won't have three babies before I'm sure I can feed and educate all of them and take them on trips and shit. That means enough money for sustenance and for whatever we want to do, really. I'd never be irresponsible with human lives.
My point is, I will make shit happen.
The first step is writing my Portuguese book and then getting as many English students as possible. After I get to my limit, I will close my schedule and edit my book. After that, I'll talk to my brother-in-law and offer him Portuguese classes using my material (he is married to my sister). If the material seems to be as good as I hope it is, I'll talk to other Portuguese teachers on the Internet about how their classes work and offer them my material. First of all, I'll make sure to explain that I don't want their money, but that I'd like their students to buy my material.
In the meantime, I want to make sure I understand how other Portuguese teachers are teaching, what they have been observing in their classes, and what's their students' biggest challenges. That way, I can make my material richer, more interesting, and more focused on students' needs.
After that happens, I'll hire my Portuguese friend to edit my book so she can get 60% of all European Portuguese profits. Then, I can talk to European Portuguese teachers on the Internet if they are interested in the material, etc. Not only I'll get more money for my house but I can also help my friend since she's in an abusive household and might need money to run away.
After that, I'll make the Spanish version and contact the same Portuguese teachers to see if they're interested in a material more focused on hispanohablantes.
I might make some sales!
Then I make a small coworking vibe with the other Portuguese teachers. That way we can depend on each other if we need help or someone to substitute classes for us. Students that might prefer another teacher/being sick/quitting/traveling/etc.
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
ok umm i've really not seen any kate stuff? anywhere? so i'd like to hear your thoughts on kate (preferably angst) please!! you are awesome btw <3
ok i don't actually know if you are intending to talk about book!kate or show!kate but i will be mostly if not completely discussing show!kate rip if that was not what you meant but i've seen the show a lot more recently
OKAY. so. i'll start small with some headcanons:
kate is soooo autistic. and adhd. audhd my beloved. yes i say this about pretty much every character i like but with kate it's PARTICULARLY true. (i believe i said in the mbs server the book!kate feels like she has adhd with a side of autism while show!kate feels like she had autism with a side of adhd and i stand by that. but it's vibes based not like, literal.)
but like she can have trouble expressing her feelings, even to herself. she'll either be unable to hide her reactions/expressions, or she'll barely have one at all, and seem unbothered. she's also very blunt and unafraid to state her opinion to anyone, even if it seems "rude". but she isn't rude, really, as it's not that kind of "blunt truth" some assholes like to parade about when they're really just being dicks to everyone. she's still kind, she only says something negative if someone has done something negative (ie, "you are very unpleasant" to someone actively antagonizing everyone in the room is on the table, but just randomly insulting someone for the sake of "blunt honesty" is not. she's never like, mean.)
also shes GAYYYY. or possibly bi, i don't have an opinion on that. on one hand lesbian energy on the other i could definitely see bi bi bi. but if you don't think her and martina got something on i don't know what to tell you. that being said i could also see her as a-spec, but not necessarily in a way that conflicts with Whatever's Going On With Martina. (to be fair, hpwever, one could argue martina was more into kate than vice versa, i could see an argument for aro kate for sure)
green beanie is comfort beanie. she very rarely takes it off. where do you think she got it? angsty answer is somehow it's from her dad, but realistically she probably got it later in life. (doesn't mean she didn't choose it for similar reasons, though... not knowing why she was drawn to the green hat, not remembering it's the same shade as one her father wore....)
also the bucket. i do wonder when she got the bucket. this one, while again a milligan-related reason would be super fucked up (in the fun sad way), i feel like. i feel like it's more that as a kid she felt like she needed to be Prepared. maybe something happened where she wasn't, or maybe she just felt like she wanted to be ready, just in case, all the time. but like. her getting a bucket, modifying it herself, experimenting with different ways to put it on her belt, the inventory changing over the years as some things were discarded or added over time... idk i just think. kate developing her bucket
kate & constance was so good and i want to see more of their friendship. so bad. each realizing the other isn't so bad bc they're forced to work together... chefs kiss. also, the only person other than mr benedict we really see constance actually seem to openly like in some capacity.
kate & sticky underrated. their talk before the cheating was such a good scene. i also want more of this dynamic
i should also mention kate & reynie, which i do genuinely like--the hug is sweet--but i admit is my maybe least favorite of the society dynamics with kate. although i do enjoy the contrast between kate "IM GONNA GO CLIMB THAT TOWER" wetherall and reynie "please why am i the only voice of reason holding this group together" muldoon
i've only explored it in that one fic but i actually think kate & mr benedict would be such a good dynamic, especially because in the show it's inexplicably established he's into engineering. LET THEM BOND OVER BUILDING WEIRD SHIT PLEASE
okay to get a little more into specifics methinks,
i just think a lot about kate like. immediately after season one, and--we'll just. we'll ignore season 2 for now, let's set this in my current anomalous idea of them all in season one (which, rip wetherall farm, but is currently number two & rhonda off at the airshows with mr benedict, constance, milligan, and kate in the house) so like just.
you've been alone your entire life. you've been independent, and you've grown up thinking that the only person you ever had just left you one day for no reason, and in doing so broke a direct promise. and then now, you not only have friends who've you learned to rely on and not just try and do everything yourself, but suddenly you have reliable adults. and more importantly, more specifically, your dad, who never left you but had been taken. had been erased, and even brainswept had never truly stopped looking.
and kate isn't stupid. she heard his story. she knows he must have been through Some Shit. and that he'd have come back if he could. but there's still that pain, that ache, of how long he was missing, for like, more than three quarters of her life! he vanished when she was 3! but now it's like. oh. he did want me. he was taken. he was taken.
so that's an almost identity altering shift in her worldview. and on top of that, her current world is now so completely different: rather than independence and circus life, she's got friends her age who genuinely like her, who she's bonded with through major adversity, and she has adults who actually listen to her and like her. and she has her dad.
and it grates sometimes--she's independent, she doesn't need to be treated like a baby! but also it's like. it's bizarre, because they care, but they don't condescend to her, they do understand she's intelligent and capable even if they want to protect her. and she's never really had adults like that before. not since she was three
so it's a weird mix of like being sort of happy/pleased, because they care, she can rely on them, and being kind of annoyed/frustrated because while she's learned she doesn't need to be entirely independent she still struggles with it. because she's kate wetherall, and she's always prepared, and she feels like she has to be prepared for what will happen if they leave if they're taken from her. she can't rely on them completely, can she? what happens when she loses them again?
and then the mix feelings of old long-buried resentment/anger under buried sadness/loneliness under a crisp crust of i'm perfectly fine, mixed with the new feelings of anger on his behalf, at curtain, sadness at the missing time, at how close he'd been for all these years without either of them knowing it, sadness for him, for herself. but like all of it is still like. under her trying to pretend like she's fine. (and her difficulty expressing emotions, even to herself, does Not Help.)
not to mention as much as genuinely loved the mission in some ways--her new friends (including martina), the adventure, helping people, her bucket coming crazy in handy, etc.--it wasn't exactly a cake walk.
she has nightmares, sometimes: about martina's face when she walked into the waiting room. about sticky's face when he walked out of it. about falling and falling and falling except there aren't warm, safe arms to catch her. about the nodes attached to her face and the long, metallic spires pointed at her, ready to wipe her like her father had been wiped. about her father leaving and never coming home, never being found. about being caught. about losing her friends. about curtain. about all of it.
but she doesn't want to share it because one, she doesn't want them to feel guilty: she did what she had to, and she doesn't regret it. two, and more importantly, she doesn't want them to not let her come on the next mission. (kate had already kind of had the idea that they would have another--they were a team! teams didn't just split up!--but now she's sure of it. curtain's still out there, after all, and he didn't seem the type to just give up.)
i think maybe constance might bully her into talking about it--we already know she can feel dreams (with her comment about sticky dreaming about steak and sticky asking her how she knew that) and as they're on a more even ground she'd be more likely to actually say something. but constance would poke at her about it and probably get her irritated in the process.
(also possible, she talks to mr benedict about this, bc again im a sucker for their dynamic + part of the problem is not wanting to hurt milligan's feelings, and one thing i like about this is i think mr benedict would be extremely kind and understanding about it, and really help like, gently guide her through it, and she'd be like wow adults have never actually helped me before, wild, and then the second she leaves he's like [collapsing into a mess] oh god. oh god. because on one hand he just desperately hopes that helped, and on the other hand, he's having a million crises. oh god. he put actual kids in danger. she's so small number two. number two she's so fucking small and she's having nightmares and it's my brother that took her dad and ohmygodohmygodohmygod. like literally it's like he goes from "kalm" to "PANIK" the second shes out of range. like the dissonance between mr benedict (around the kids, a calm and kindly mentor who seems to know what he's doing for the most part) and nicholas (0.0003 seconds from a panic attack rn, full to the brim with anxiety and guilt) is. hilarious, in a sad way. but i digress, mr benedict tangent over, sorry)
ANYWAY also kate and milligan. like. getting to know him again, and vice versa. this is personally painful for me. like so many years, this disconnect between them hurts, but like. it starts with that hug, with her letting herself lean into his side, letting him put an arm around her shoulders, and he's like. in tears a bit. and like. then over time just. trying to tell each other about their lives--particularly kate recounting her adventures--and marveling a bit at how similar they are in many ways. milligan slowly getting memories back and remembering her as a little girl and seeing her now, all grown up but so small and hurt still, and like. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i also have so many thoughts head full on them & mr benedict, and also throwing in constance and everyone really, but that's too many and this is already long and i dont even know how to put it to words so i'll refrain for now. anyway my point is: kate wetherall. hug her please
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king-maven-calore · 2 years
I guess since I don't get as invested as you do in books, but I really don't think Rihda dying had anything to do with her sexuality??? Why would it, when you write characters as the author you know if a character is going to die. Rhida dying wasn't "Queer character dying to forward a narrative", it was "character death to forward narrative" her sexuality had nothing to do with it? And I say this a lesbian, I didn't even think that until I saw discussion about it.
As you said Rhida wasn't a big part of the story, but she was the daughter to the monarch who didn't care if the realm fell, with her death she now has more reason to join the effort, now we have the women who indirected caused this in the war. Because her daughter was murdered.
I do agree that too many authors just throw queerness at characters so readers don't bother them about representation. But VA has always been more plot focused the character or romance. I'd, that's my take at least
listen pal, I made a whole ass disclaimer on my rant that those were my feelings regarding Ridha's storyline. You don't have to come here to try to change my mind bc I'm not arguing about whether her death as a political piece will serve the overarching narrative when we already know it does. I'm not that stupid. I'm not banging on VA's doors demanding apologies for being problematic or making tiktoks canceling her.
I never said Ridha died because of her sexuality ???
In case it wasn't clear, what I said is that when you have 6 freaking POVs, 3 straight romance storylines, and you choose to tease with a wlw romance for the POV you have already decided beforehand is the one going to die, it fucking hurts for all the wrong reasons. See? I am allowed to feel massively let down because I've been through this exact same situation several times with other media. It's not original. I'm not hurt because her death scene was magnificently crafted. Ridha was introduced, she hangs out for a while doing nothing chopping ice, some gayness was sprinkled in, she disappears for the entire book and comes back with allies that don't really amount to much, to die almost off the page (Sure Taristan delivers the killing blow but she's already one foot in the grave by then). If she was going to die so unceremoniously that most readers don't give a damn about her, then I would have preferred she had no trace of gayness so I wouldn't mind either 🤷‍♀️. Everyone else is just relieved it wasn't their fave. It's not taking risks or leaving the protagonist (Corayne) "at her lowest" when she didn't even know Ridha lmao.
A poorly written character meant to die means nothing to me coming from a random author. But coming from the same woman capable of writing Sorasa's reluctant hero arc, or Corayne's coming-of-age journey, or the absolutely brilliant chapter 22 from Erida's storyline (which is frankly on another level)... then yes I'll feel fucking betrayed. Because I see my orientation reflected in a character and a kinship sparkles to life! it's a great thing! until that character is meant to be cannon fodder a plot device. VA put such lovely effort into the others and then for Ridha it was like "cheap angst coming right up". It wasn't even like the ~boldest~ narrative move, babes.
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Basically, I'm not saying queer characters can't die. You can clearly see I am a Maven fan, who also you know... is queer and dies. So sorry for holding VA's writing up to uhm 🤔🤔 VA's books standards. How silly of me.
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lilacs-stash · 2 years
Tlm identity headcanons + some ships
Okay so before we get started I just wanna say that these aren't necessarily canon to my nextgen "LCV" nor will some make sense, this is just what I believe deep down.
Emmet's a biromantic (with a preference for girls), gray-asexual, polyamorous GNC cis man (he/they). They're in poly marriage with Rex and Wyldstyle!
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He knew he was gray-ace for a pretty long time, but had no clue he was also bi and poly till Rex (quite literally) crashed into his and Lucy's life. Ems uses masc, fem, and neutral terms Interchangeable, so you'll often hear Rex and Lucy refer to them as their wife or spouse.
Rex's a polyamorous, demi-bisexual, GNC Trans man (he/they/xe). Xe's in poly marriage with Wyldstyle and Emmet!
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I don't know why I HC Emmet as cis but Rex as trans but I do. Their just trans okay man??? Like his husband, Rex had no clue he was bi until he met them. Unlike his husband, it took him a while to realize and except that. Rex only uses masc terms. The Xe/xem pronouns are only to be use by xir family and very close friends.
Wyldstyle's a bisexual polyamorous demi-girl (she/fae/they). Fae's in a poly marriage with Emmet and Rex!
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Okay I'll be honest, this HC is just me protecting (minus they poly part, I don't think I'm poly). Lucy had herself all figured out before the first movie even happened. Fae mostly uses she/fae, but loves when people use they/them too.
Unikitty's Asexual, panromanitc, and Gender Queer (she/they/sprinkle). Sprinkle's a single Pringle!
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I go back and forth between this HC, her being aroace, and a lesbian. But this is my favorite right now.
Sweet Mayhem's bisexual (with a preference for girls), polyamorous, trans fem, and bigender (she/star/they). Star's dating Rose(OC) and Benny!
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Feel like I'm the only one who headcanons her as bi and not a lesbian. They're both NB and a girl btw.
Benny's a pansexual, polyamorous, cis man (he/him). He's Dating Mayhem, Lenny, and queer platonic partners with Rose(OC)!
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Pan Benny > gay Benny
Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi is omnisexual and gender fluid (all pronouns). She's married to Batman!
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Queen's gender is as fluid as their body. He's known that since he was born. I might change them to pan idk.
Batman's a Heteroflexible cis man (he/him). He's married to Queen!
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I don't see Batman as bi but he definitely isn't fully straight. He likes girls but still thinks Queen's hot even if they aren't a gal that day. Also I just don't ship him with joker lol.
Badcop is aromantic asexual and agender (he/it). It's single!
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Triple A BC my beloved. I actually do have some ships for him, but those are for random side AUs and nothing actually important lol. Might end up making it in a QPR with Larry the barista idk. BC just doesn't have time for romance, he's to busy dealing with Rex's bs.
Vitruvius is an aromantic cis man (he/him). He's single!
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, Vitruvius is our aro grandpa.
So those are my gay legos! I'd add more but Tumblr won't let me :(
These HCs may change in the future.
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acrystalbirdie · 3 years
a separate post about emily gwen (creator of the 7-stripe inclusive lesbian flag) and her views on bi lesbians, because i don't want to derail a post for lesbians who find safety under her flag and want to support her monetarily/are looking for a place to buy lesbian pride items.
this isn't me saying to buy or not buy from her. this is meant to be an informative post. with that said, under the cut are screenshots of my past interactions with her when explaining my stance on bi lesbianism from the perspective of a nonbinary person. long post ahead
these are dated from july 2019, when i reached out anonymously to her on her curiouscat. her opinion might have changed since then, but i'm unsure of this. i acknowledge now that this may read as an attack bc i came to her with my opinion already made up, trying to convince her. these asks were prompted by some anti bi/pan lesbian tweets she made that day, but the context isn't necessary
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[image ID: a screenshot of @diabolicdyke's curiouscat. an ask from july 22, 2019 features the following text.
you tweeted today about disliking the word "queer" for yourself and as a blanket term, and that's 100% valid! other people have a deep connection with the word - even with its original meaning of "weird" but that doesn't mean you have to like it or use it, and this gives no one the right to describe you using that word. as far as I've seen, you don't have a problem with others self identifying as queer as long as it doesn't apply to you. does this same logic not apply to the term "bi lesbian"?
self-identified queer people are not responsible for the violence that has been enacted among the LGBT+ community, because we are all seen as the same to bigots. this would be the same for anyone that would personally use the term bi lesbian. even if you don't get why people would call themselves queer or bi lesbians their removal does not suddenly make us "acceptable to cishet society."
in addition, you are supportive of he/him lesbians (justly!), but hearing a lesbian refer to her absent partner as "him" can also lead others to assume she is straight or receptive to men's advances. this contradicts the claim that bi lesbians are dangerous for implying male attraction, because they are not the only ones who do so, nor should they or he/him lesbians be blamed for causing lesbophobia.
finally, bisexuality isn't always restricted to the gender binary, and people who use that label aren't responsible for or deserve the binarism that results. if a person describes themselves as bisexual for liking women and nonblnary people, they aren't "asking" for male violence nor are they personally responsible for society's lack of awareness around women, women-leaning folk, and nonbinary people as a whole.
is this something we can civilly discuss? I'd like to hear your thoughts about this, but if this makes you uncomfortable or offends you there's no need to answer. thanks for reading, I know this was rather long 🧡💗
- Anonymous
the response from diabolicdyke reads:
This isn't something we can civilly discuss because 'bi lesbians' are both lesbophobic and biphobic and also don't exist. You like men? Keep the word lesbian out of your lesbophobic, selfish mouth. There have already been men harassing lesbians because they think they can be bi. You're making up a bullshit term that hurts people. If you're attracted to men but still have a preference for women? THAT'S STILL JUST BISEXUALITY.
/end ID.]
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[image ID: a screenshot of diabolicdyke's curiouscat. an ask from july 22, 2019 features the following text.
you can be bisexual without liking men... there are more than two genders... nonbinary lesbians and he/him lesbians already exist and aren't responsible for 'inciting" male violence.
I'm not saying that sapphic people should treat women and woman-leaning folk as different. I'm saying that nonbinary people overall are not the same gender as women and this is a way the term bi lesbian can be used - bisexuality does not inherently mean male/female and it's not any sapphic's fault that men will be violent because that is victim blaming them for not doing enough to educate allies. this is like saying "you chose to call yourself queer, you brought this bigotry on yourself and you make all of us look bad"
I don't know how else to say this - it's binarist to assume bi lesbians like men. bi lesbians *do not like men.* there are more than two genders. bi people as a whole aren't to blame for forced heterosexual violence on either the gay or lesbian population. this sexuality is not inherently damaging.
- Anonymous
the response from diabolicdyke reads:
You're ignoring three things:
1- all the nonbinary people who say that what you're saying is bullshit (esepcially nonbinary lesbians)
2- the fact that most bisexual lesbians say they ARE attracted to men
3- the fact that the term bisexual lesbian has TERF origins
/end ID.]
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[image ID: a screenshot of diabolicdyke's curiouscat. an ask from july 22, 2019 features the following text.
I'm nonbinary and there's a large part of nonbinary Twitter that agrees with me - bi lesbians aren't replacing nonbinary lesbians. however I can see this is getting us nowhere and there's no room for civil discussion, as you yourself stated. I genuinely hope you have a nice day
- Anonymous
the response from diabolicdyke reads:
Replacing? What are you talking about? Bisexual and lesbian are two separate terms, that's the end of that. Considering that the vast majority of lesbians think this whole thing is grossly lesbophobic, and you are ignoring that, I hope you have a crap day.
/end ID.]
i feel like my arguments are compelling, with the most important one being that self identification is not responsible for anti-LGBTQ+ violence. this places blame on the individual instead of looking at the actual perpetrators of lesbophobia. wlw should not be blamed for the actions of lesbophobic men.
i have roughly the same opinion now, two years later, with one exception: in the ask i specified that bi lesbians are not attracted to men. that was a mistake on my end to define an identity i didn't have myself. i also realize now that it doesn't matter if bi lesbians are attracted to men. these labels are for individuals to define their attraction however they like, and labels should not be "prescriptive," trying to encompass a single definition that must be adhered to.
i gave my opinion because i felt as a nonbinary person that my gender was encompassed under bisexuality/romanticism, and thus that it is possible to be bisexual without having attraction to men, by acknowledging nonbinary alignments as a separate attraction from women. this doesn't change that there are nonbinary lesbians who feel comfortable with being perceived as woman-aligned or non-men. i personally am just not one of them.
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mintedwitcher · 3 years
I prefer queer characters, if it isn't already obvious, so here's an updated list of my queer HCs for various fandoms:
Arthur: bi
Merlin: pan, ace + polyamorous
Gwen: bi
Morgana: lesbian
Morgause: aro lesbian
Mordred: gay
Lancelot: pan
Gwaine: bi + polyamorous
Percival: gay + trans man
Elyan: genderqueer + ace
Steve Rogers: demisexual + bi
Bucky Barnes: grey-ace + gay
Natasha Romanoff: queer (she doesn't like specific labels)
Clint Barton: trans man
Bruce Banner: pan
Thor: doesn't use labels as his sexuality encompasses all consensual encounters
Loki: genderfluid (not a HC, this one's actually canon in the comics) and queer
Sam Wilson: bi
Scott McCall: bi with a preference for women
Stiles Stilinski: trans man + bi
Derek Hale: ace + pan
(I'd add more but I haven't watched TW in a long time so I barely remember other names oops)
That's all for now. I've probably forgotten some characters, but some have been left off the list on purpose bc I don't have any HCs for them.
If your HCs are different or you want to talk about mine let me know, I miss discussing fandom things.
(It shouldn't have to be said but this is tumblr so: don't waste your time sending hate about any of these. I dont care if you disagree with my hcs but that's your business, not mine.)
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caestusarchivum · 4 years
Shipping interview!
⇾  Multi, single, or fewship? 
⇾  What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
I'm one to vibe with conflict, fluff, learning from each other ect. Pretty much anything except for the obvious no-no's.
⇾  How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I highly prefer her ships to be... 15 yrs older at absolute maximum. She's 23 and can make her own decisions.
Listen I can't act like I don't ship her with a vampire that's canonically 75, but the difference between that and an actual 75 yr old is that said vampire is physically 25, if that makes sense? Immortal beings are kind of the exception to the rule, though, as long as physically they look within her age range.
⇾  Are you selective when shipping?
Very much so. I'm always open to being asked abt it, though, so don't feel scared!!
⇾  How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Man I expect y'all to tag your horny when it's heavy petting or beyond. If your muse touches another and they're getting extreme pleasure from that, it's nsfw.
⇾  Does one have to ask to ship with you?
I do like it when ships naturally develop with chemistry, but if you're feeling unsure or want to discuss a ship, I'd love it if you asked!
⇾  How often do you like to ship?
*sweats in ship whore*
⇾  What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
uhhhhhhhhhhh i don't vibe with canon in any of my fandoms but... nazuna and michiru are in lesbians and thats on that
Tagged by: @puiiet bc i havent done it yet uwu.
Tagging: @burikubato ??
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comphet-critical · 2 years
i'm a lesbian, that's been my preferred label for around 10 years now. i will use sapphic and i don't mind being called either but i know i'm a lesbian. i joke around with my friends and online a lot about whatever celeb guy of the week is trending in the social sphere or whatever one they're specifically obsessed with, but i don't mean any of it. it's just like a bit ya know?
x will say "omg [insert male celeb] is so hot in that new show, i wanna have his babies"
i will respond "you'd be a banging power couple bc you're both so attractive, certified hotties"
and i kinda assumed my friends all knew this was a jokey, even somewhat mocking, thing. like i just played along with them and we would try to one up the other with the weirdest type of compliments/flirts we could come up with
some phrases include "i'd revv his engine" "i would polish him like a trophy" "lemme get to the center of his tootsie pop"
anyways we're kind of soft-launching this new friend into our group and she keeps making snide comments about how a "real lesbian" wouldn't joke like that and how i'm probably just "bi and in denial" and it's so annoying
how should i, politely for the sake of my friends, tell her to fuck off and mind her business? tbh i know if i really make a fuss we'll slowly phase her out but it isn't really offending me so much as just pissing me off
you could tell her what you’ve said, that’s it’s a joke you have going on with your friends and that you’re exclusively attracted to women
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