GaoGaiGar/Betterman Dicovery
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king-of-better · 5 hours ago
Shinkalion: Introductory History
The Shinkalion Franchise from TakaraTomy, a super robot spin-off of the classic Plarail line, announced on March 16th 2015. It's sister Tomica line had already had a number of similar spin-offs, most recently at the time Drive Head, which also resulted in an anime.
2015: Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion
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Over 3 years 12 robots that could transform from Plarail Shinkansen were released. In this era there was limited fiction, consisting primarily of animated short CMs, but there was also 3 manga chapters published in Televi-kun to promote the initial toys, which gave those units Drivers. The names of these Drivers are to an extent shared with later series, though the designs are different.
The last release of the line was a crossover unit with Evangelion, based on the then operating Type EVA variant of the 500 Series Shinkansen
2018: Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion: The Animation
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The toyline was revived alongside an anime series, featuring models for the Shinkalions and the enemy forces by the same studio behind the original CMs. While distinct from the previous iteration, the name of the protagonist has retained, as well as the given names of the others two Drivers, and in a meta nod the Bachigami enemies from the CMs were used as the First Enemy. Over 76 episodes a compelling story was told.
The first year of the series' toyline primarily consisted of updated versions of those from the original line, with more focus put onto the Link Gattai gimmick that had for the original releases only been noted on the packaging. Aside from this, in the first year there was also the Deluxe Shinka Gear and it's dark counterpart, able to read the Shinca passes included with the toys. Original designs for the first year consisted of the enemy Black Shinkalion, and the Doctor Yellow that was the climax of the line's first year. The second year's line consisted of new toys, now focused on the Over cross gimmick.
While an episode had focused on the 500 Type EVA, an updated figure based on the anime was not produced until the movie.
Early in the series, Hayato and the E5 made a guest appearance in the movie for Tomica Hyper Rescue Drive Head, the series having been Shinkalion's time slot precursor.
A gag manga ran briefly in the early months of the series.
2019: Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion: The Lightning Fast Alfa-X that came from the Future
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At the end of 2019, 6 months after the series concluded, a movie followup aired, featuring a new enemy and one more new unit.
Over the six months, a manga adaptation had already run in Televi-kun, although the plot was modified to remove crossover elements only licensed for the film.
Also during the gap, short promos had been produced on a weekly basis. While most just focused in major cast, a few were in the style of the classic CMs focusing on newer units, Black Shinkalion Ogre, 923 Doctor Yellow, and E5 Hayabusa MkII.
2020 saw the re-release of the E6, E7, N700A and 923, and for the 5th anniversary the Mobility Plus version of the E5, and two further original units. First was the Hello Kitty, based on the briefly operating colour for a 500 Series, and the other being the N700S Nozomi, the successor to the N700A. Each got a new promo CM showcasing their battles.
2021: Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Z: The Animation
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The successor series launched in April 2021, focusing on a new cast, with returning appearances from some of the now-retired Drivers. The heroes are battling a new mysterious enemy.
The key gimmick for the new series was the Z Gattai Gimmick. Each of the Shinkalion had the ability to exchange their arms or legs for limbs transformed from Zailiners, which were based on more standard trains instead of Shinkansens.
Like the first season featuring the Type EVA that wasn't part of it's toyline, it also devoted an episode to a unit from the previous toyline, the Hello Kitty, and also devoted an episodes to Z's own Type EVA.
A small Televi-kun manga accompanied the early release.
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A sequel novel, also featuring return appearances from most of the original series, entitled Yamanote Crisis, came in December 2022, and debuted the Z Alfa-X that had been released towards the end of the series. Around the same time, the 500 Type EVA-02 was released, based on a limited time wrapping of the 500 in the Kyoto museum.
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February to April 2023 then saw a web novel, The Revival of Kairen, which featured the fiction debut of the Z N700S Kamome & Sonic Nichirin released the previous year, as well as promote the new Perfect versions of the Z E5 Yamanote and Z E6 N'EX.
2024: Shinkalion: Change the World
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2024 launched a new series in a new continuity, and a slightly older main cast.
The new gimmick of CW's line was that now all the units consist of a single unit, and can combine with ERDA vehicles, based on equipment for other railway work, into more powerful forms. In addition, any 3 units can combine into a larger SRG formation. Unlike the previous series role play items were not advertised, and some Tie-in Tomica cars were advertised.
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Shinkalion Dive the World was a manga accompanying Change the World, a side story focusing on younger characters operating behind the scenes, primarily in the Metaverse.
A novel adaptation released in 2 parts adapted the first course of the series, and a still running manga adaptation began late in the year.
2025: Shinkalion 10th Anniversary Project
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At a Change the World even on February 16th 2025, the Shinkalion 10th anniversary project was announced.
The first announcement was the Shinkalion 300, a new CW release of a unit not featured in the series.
A more special announcement was for the summer release of new versions of the original E5 Hayabusa and Z E5 Yamanote, built to the CW body design, in addition to promoting a special combination of all 3 E5's, Shinkalion SRG E5 Grand Cross.
TakaraTomy's Metamor Verse line also announced a release of a Tie-in figure of Hatsune Miku with a Buddy Armour of the Shinkalion H5 Hayabusa.
Also announced was Bandai's Sould Of Chogokin recreation of the original E5 Hayabusa.
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king-of-better · 14 days ago
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Been getting into Shinkalion a lot later. As the 10th anniversary is next month, I'm going to announce I'm going to be going over the whole series soon.
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king-of-better · 11 months ago
5: Under the Soda Sky
At a bottling plant, green goo drops from the sky, depositing tiny Monomachia into the soda, which are then bottled and shipping.
Marin runs past Mike and greets Jun, again struggling to rouse Tadashi, before running off to pick up Moe. It's her first time at the Kiraragi house, and she's intimidated by the fact they clearly have money. Marin is scared by the dog and summons Melan in a panic, then has to call him off after the dog flees. Speaking to her mother via the intercom, she is on formed Moe has a fever from the rain, and refuses to let her see Moe, and once she goes it's clear her mother doesn't want her interacting with Moe, lying to her about who it was.
The Monomachia jumps off a soda truck after it passes Marin and targets her, unaware, with a cannon, but she moves out of view before it can fire, and later is picked up by a cat.
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The other kids refuse to let Marin enter the classroom and yell at her before she is summoned to the principals office, where Tokyo MPD detectives want to meet her.
The senior detective asks outright about the Flying Monster she had been manipulating, she denies Melan is a Monster and insists she doesn't control him, the detective asks to bring him somewhere safe to talk, which she hesitantly accepts, but as they're sorting things his partner makes clear to their contacts they plan to capture Monster 2. Isshin sees Marin being escorted to the police car and tells the car, only Sumire seems to be trying to avoid over sensationalising it all, though Kadamoto asks Takashi if Marin was really trying to hurt anyone.
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As the car is in motion Marin starts getting scared. The cat holding the Monomachia passes them, and when it spots Marin the Minomachia fires, scaring the cat and knocking out all the officers in he car. Marin tries to escape the car but drops Melan when the officer grabs her ankle, but Melan awakes and draws his blade until he releases Marn. He aims to fly off when he officer goes for his gun, sensing this Melan holds him at gunpoint for Marin's safety. They fly off before the Monomachia can fire again, and the officer gives up trying to fire on Melan as well.
Hiding out, Marin can't get Melan to tell her more, but after hearing an ice cream cart goes and buys kne to share with him, while they eat Lolo is laying in the pond. Marin asks Melan to share more about himself. As a living weapon he lacks parents, and used to undergo intense training, and as for his friends... compared to Brigadoon, Earth seems to be a peaceful paradise. Marin realises Melan is like her, when the police arrive in the area, she makes him return to the Ampoule and runs into a library, while the Monomachia is hassled by a bird, and spots the boy again, the Monomachia is hit by a car.
Marin and the boy do introductions, he is Alo Makoto. Aloma is doing research on Nezu Shrine, saying a Blue Knight who fell from another world is sleeping there, he believes based on the records it is more than a legend, after the Indigo Bottle fell from the sky in the 19th century. The Legend is that the Blue Knight fought many battles against monsters which also came from the world above, then sealed himself in 1869. Aroma thought he may find the solution to the current issue, but found Nezu Shrine destroyed and wonders who may have found the Blue Knight, as Marin hurriedly excuses herself, borrowing the book.
The Monomachia spots Marin as she surveys the book, but it suddenly gets liquid poured on it as she runs towards it, as a drunk Tadashi has just spilled booze, but she's more worried about getting Tadashi off the tracks. Lolo notes that Nepon's body was destroyed by the alcohol.
Marin drags Tadashi home, only to be surrounded by police, the detective pulling out a warrant and pointing his gun right at her. And unfortunately for Marin, this one isn't an illusion.
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king-of-better · 11 months ago
4: Seeking a Rainbow
In Kanto, rain clocks the view of the world in the sky, to the relief of many. Marin refuses to go to schol, her grandmother apologising to Moe. Melan now understands this world has changed while he was in the Ampoule, and he needs to understand both values shifting and Marin's feelings better.
Moe arrives at class, where police are investigating the signs of Melan's rampage, and hears the students badmouthing Marin and hoping she gets the death penalty.
Grandma goes out, leaving food and her glasses, repaired by Shuta and Mike, but tells Marin her teacher will be coming. Melan approaches Marin, who scolds him for coming in out of the rain without wiping down. Determining his presence is making Marin sad, Melan reverts to Ampoule state until Marin needs him. Grandma comes back to find Marin gone, having gone into the rain, she hides from a passing patrolman, fearing arrest, then, soaked, is offered an umbrella by the mysterious boy. She jokes that he is a future observer, but he implies he actually is before leaving.
The teacher is at the house, habign wanted explanation from Marin about her "pet" harming students. Grandma makes the expected apology, but says the "pet" is more another kid who was protecting Marin, advising her not to rely on student rumours so much.
Marin hears a mother trying to get her child to behave by claiming she'll return them to the bridge she found him under, Marin seeming to take this seriously, as Grandma tells Sensei about Marin being left as a baby on the steps on the Tenement House, and the hot she brought not hust to the Asagi's, who lost their son in the war, but the whole house. At this point the mother is saying that after all the pain she went through giving birth, she wouldn't get rid of the kid so easily, giving Marin more misery, as Grandma is explaining that Marin is a good kid. Moved by her words, Sensei now wants Grandma as her mentor in education, but is confused on being shown Melan in Ampoule form.
Midori spots Marin at Shinobazu Pond, also playing truant, and encourages her to embrace the comfort she gets from Moe, before the latest Monomachia, the gel creature that affected the animals, emerges from the pond.
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This makes the news, and realising Melan is still, with her, Grandma tries to summon him unsuccessfully, but Moe arrives at this point.
As Marin realises she kept Melan, there is chaos as Moe grahs the Ampoule and rushes in Marin's direction, battered by running crowds. The police try unsuccessfully to shoot the Monomachia, and Midori, despite Marin telling her to leave her, gets caught within shielding her. Moe arrives, and recalling how Marin encouraged her, hands over Melan, Marin summons him, and he cuts Midori free before blasting the Monomachia. Midori briefly takes Melan for a threat until Marin says otherwise, and with the Monomachia still moving, and Moe battered, Melan takes Marin away, explaining that Gyudol can only be defeated by dehydration.
After a near miss with a road, Marin spots Lolo say on a dessicant manufacturer truck, and has Melan lure Gyudol to the main plant, but they get caught. With Marin prompting, Melan blasts the tower to pout dessicant all over Gyudol, causing it to shrivel up. Midori is more properly introduced to Melan, and the 4 of them look at the rainbow together.
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king-of-better · 11 months ago
3: Between Dull Clouds
The Prime Minister is shown American satellite imagery that shows the other world isn't visible from space as exploration of the tower continues, with a chamber that must have contained Bronte being found. The mystery remains, what is the 2nd Unknown doing.
Melan turns out to have a large appetite. In an effort to make Marin untraceable to the Minomachia, the Professor and Mike made a chamber she can hide in, but it's impractical, and she leaves for school, meeting Moe. On the way they talk, and Moe expresses a desire to protect Marin when Melan can't, while hiding how she was berated by her mother for staying out late, the two seem almost romantic.
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The classroom is tense when they arrive, Isshin and Takashin having spread the story of her setting an Unknown Weapon in them, as Sumire questions her over, the tension remaining when Kurihara-sensei enters.
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At break Marin is confronted by Eiko, Tamami and Konno. Eiko's grandmother was on the trolley the Bronte derailed, and she's holding Marin responsible. When Moe tries to intervene her leg is stamped on, leading Marin to slap her, in response she is knocked down and her glasses broken. She almost summons Melan, but a wooden sword dropping causes her to grab it and swing wildly to scare them off instead. She returns the sword to its owner, senior Mano Midori, then takes Moe to the infirmary.
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Marin finds trash dumped in her desk, then is bullied in PE, then finds the bullies have destroyed her uniform, they then try to force a haircut on her, which leads her to finally summon Melan in desperation, only to immediately regret it as he chases the three, cornering them and intimidating them to the point of trauma, and Marin finds herself unsure she likes him after this, even as he insists he wouldn't have killed them.
She returns home and cries as the school rings her grandmother, Melan standing in solitude, while elsewhere, zoo animals fall sick, seemingly due to a gelatinous entity.
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king-of-better · 11 months ago
Episode 2: Deep-Blue Monomachia
The USAF attempt to learn the truth of the mirage in the skies, but is only able to report to the White House it is not affecting radar.
With Marin having vanished, the residents of the House were about to form a late night search party when Melan brought her back. They accept Marin's word that he's a good guy, and while he explains about being a Monomachia from Brigadoon, he doesn't reveal anything more, while the news reports on the fight, identifying Marin as a person of interest.
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That night, Melan remembers time on Brigadoon, and fellowship with two other Monomachia. A structure from Brigadoon falls into Tokyo Bay, Mike going to get photos, the mysterious boy, watching the crowds, worries the Rainbow Bridge will be delayed.
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The Profesor takes Marin to seek clues at the shrine, but she spots Takashi and Isshin smoking, when one goes to mess with her again Melan attacks, destroying his stick, then a knife, and may have killed them if not for Marin, accepting they're not really enemies, he apologises and retreats into his relic form.
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Moe suddenly visits the House to inform Marin that school is out until next week. Looking at the house laundry, both girls are envious of Jun's figure. Marin invites Moe to eat with them, where Shu hote that Melan's ampoule form has text similar to that on the building that fell in the bay.
Qn attempt to investigate the ruins is disrupted by 3 Monomachia emerging from within and attacking the Navy, using electricity to bring down helicopters.
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Watching the news, Marin wonders what they are, hut a voice informs her they are Monomachia Bronte. The voice is the cat creature, teasing her that they'll be there for her soon, and won't care that she doesn't know why they want her, telling her to run somewhere where Melan can fight openly.
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Marin runs with a hurried explanation to Moe, and is nearly hit by a train before the Bronte surround and electrocute her, and knock the next train off the tracks before Marin calls Melan. He drags her through the sewer and hides within Tokyo Tower, but they electrocute it and blow out the electrics. He hides her, then fights the Bronte, trapping one, which is speared by its bother, but is then caught by the third. Marin desperate to help, drops a trolley on the one holding Melan, who uses the opening to kill the third, then destroys the one left, but is injured in the process, but reports to Marin the silencing of Proton, Deuteron and Triton.
A tearful Mae is relieved when Marin is returned by Melan, and it is clear that how Melan is being considered part of the Tenement House family.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
Brigadoon: marin & μελαν
As a reminder, I am covering this due to its debatable loose connection to GaoGaiGar, albeit set much earlier in the timeline. Let's take a look.
1: Blue-coloured Introduction.
Two Mechanical looking figures, one named Pyon, discuss how they face the Day of Pasca, and if Creis isn't found, Brigadoon will fall.
It's June 9th, 1969, and the papers a certain girl is delivering speak of the upcoming US Moon Rocket launch. She manages to beak the milk delivery to one house, a common occurrence to his immense frustration. With her deliveries done, she prays to grow taller, for her long sightedness to go away, for them to have enough money, and to be friends with Moe forever. She has a long tab of unpaid offerings, which she adds to, before spotting a strange green creature, which mimics her before running off, she chases it around untik it vanishes near the shrine, and sees through it's opening that it contains a strange blue item. After briefly imagining a giant snake eating her, she opts to investigate, but is stopped by an english-speaking Miko, who chases her away for the vandalism.
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Our heroine is Asagi Marin, 13 years old. She returns to the Share House for breakfast, encouraging Tadashi to come in, paying her respects to her late grandfather Gen, her grandmother Moto, 68, places rice before him. Also living there is mad inventor Aian Shuta, and his American assistant, Mike White, as well as the candy store owner Momoi triplets, Hitoe, Furae and Mitsue, wood sculptor Onando Shiro, and drunkard Tokita Tadashi, whose wife left due to his drinking. After breakfast, on her way to school, Marin runs into the returning Jun, Tadashi's daughter, and a nurse who works nights.
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At assembly, as the Principal delivers his speech Marin tends to her sickly best friend, Kisaragi Moe, not noticing the boys are peeking at her even when called up due to her essay about orphanhood getting a prize, the whole school unfortunately seeing. The laughter is halted by a sudden bright light, and what appears to be structures appear within an Aurora in the sky, Marin briefly imagining aliens appearing and killing Moe.
The same site is visible in New York, St Petersburgh and Kenya, and everyone at the share house reacts in various ways, Shura noting it must be a mirage of sorts as sunlight is coming through. Usuzumi Isshin, who lifted her skitt, mocks her for causing this somehow, Ayanashi Eiko, Ebicha Tamami and Konno Wakana complain she used her orphan status to win, Hanazono Sumi recommends she wear a slip, Kabamoto Tatsuya asks how she changed the sky, and Tanzen Takashi declares it doesn't matter. The teacher, Kurihara Chiasa, comes in to dismiss them for the day.
Back at home, before Marin has a chance to show off her prize, something falls from the mirage down directly into the Asagi rooms. It's first eye identifies Marin, then the second fires laser blasts, destroying her prize. She escapes to where everyone else is, they all get knocked down by the blasts, but it's clear the object is targeting her. She escapes on bike, it pursues, firing missiles from a third eye which destroy the bike at the shrine, as she runs on foot it splits and sp9ns with razor points. She manages to hide at the shrine, and is drawn in and taking the treasure, briefly imagining it electrocution her, it does have some reaction before the daruma chasing her finds her again, shining from the last eye a blinding light that threatens to burn her away in a panic she throws the treasure.
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And suddenly there is a blue robotesque warrior, that uses a laser gun to blast the daruma away, before turning to Marin, identifying her by name, and introducing itself as Melan Blue. When the Daruma reappears, Melan grows wire appendages from his torso to hold Marin, and, activating a faceplate, flies into the air with her, dropping her when told, then catching her again, and accidentally destroying the fortunes. Marin complains about not knowing what's going on, then realises the purple blood on her is Melan's and apologises for causing him to be injured, but he assures her he will recover swiftly as a Monomachia, but doesn't feel inclined to explain what that is, content to protect her without explaining, but when asked tells her the daruma is the Murder Monomachia Dollon. They continue escaping Dollon's pursuit, flying through an amusement park, where a boy recognises Monomakia.
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Melan deposits Marin in a gondola while he clashes with Dollon, using both his gun arm and his bayonet arm, but Dollon spots Marin and tears through her car, leaving her hanging from a wire. As it approaches her it accidentally socks up some scraps, causing it to fall, allowing Melan to tear open Dollon's head and blast out the inside to destroy it, then catches Marin, asking if she is okay.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
With this I have complete this project as I originally set out to do it.
What's next? Either way, it'll be a while before I continue on here. My current thinking is when I come back to this I will look at Brigadoon.
As a longer-term plan, I may well do this for the other Brave series, perhaps interspersed with Swordgrader.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
A year after the battle ended, J-Ark is readying to depart. Amongst the crew, ready to explore the edges of the galaxy, are Shishioh Gai and Shishioh Mikoto, Mikoto asks if this is their honeymoon, to J’s annoyance, to him this is a mission to ensure no holes in space exist like had been at Jupiter. Renais cannot help but tease him. Tomoro confirms all is ready, they just need the last crew member to board.
In a Hokkaido snowfield, where 21 years ago the final crew member first made their presence known, they are now being seen off. As on that night, stood before the mechanical lion is a couple holding a baby, who looks at the lion happily. Mamoru wanted Tsubasa to see Genesic Galeon before he left. He tells Galeon to come back with Gai, the lion, growling quietly to not disturb the child, seems to agree. Isamu and Ai thank Galeon for bringing their child, and this giving them a wider family. Ikumi asks Galeon to get along with J, Alouette nestled up to him. Keita, Hinoki, Taiga, Akamatsu, Hyuma, Urchin, Yang, Liger, Mamoru's childhood friends, other GGG staff and the Brave Robos. With a last parting word from his older partner, Galeon flies away, Tsubasa given a close look, as Mamoru tells his child he hopes when humanity goes out into space they will be their wings. There is no mark on the child's forehead, they are a normal human child.
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The Braves continue into the future.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
Number.EX: Union -CEREMONY-
In June 2018, Even Hyuma Geki and Takanohashi Ryosuke are in awe of “Reverend” Yaginuma Noriyuki as he commands the joint wedding, the two grooms in white tuxedos say I Do, Mamoru finally formally wedding after 12 years, not in a spacesuit this time, having had to advise Gai not to try that, in advice from Ushi 2. The venue is a hill of personal memories to the Green bride and groom, attended by some hundred humans, and the reason the open venue was chosen, a number of Brave Robots. Volfogg, as official photographer, is also taking photos with GunDober and GunGlue, monitored by Entoji and the 3 Doctors. The two brides make their own vows, Shishioh Mikoto in a quite sexy dress while Amami Hana wears a much more modest, though beautiful dress, similar to the one worn for the first wedding. Reiko admires this version of the dress, tailor made, and Ushi 4 still thinks fondly of the original handmade offering, in fact he wants handmade for their own ceremony. Wakaba and Tamayo goggle at this discussion, but for some reason Sunou seems distraught.
In their formal kimonos, Sai Hinoki and Aono Keita, married at a shrine 2 months prior, watch, Hinoki is jealous of the dresses, Keita briefly worried she truly had wanted to be part of the joint ceremony, but she assures him she wanted what they chose, but privately didn't want Keita to look bad next to the other men.
Reverend Yaginuma approves the couples’ Final Fusion, and despite planning not to do it, Gai and Mikoto get caught up in the moment and kiss in a spectacular fashion, after a moment's shock Mamoru does the same with Hana. As the crowd cheers, Ushiyama Ayame watches happily, holding not her son Hajime, whose father Ushi 2 is feeding juice, but her cousin's child, Amami Tsubasa. Yaginuma gets impatient with the kissing, and requests the rings, brought out by Swan White and Alouette Pommier, while Swan merely compliments her colleague, Alouette request Hana’s bouquet be thrown her way, Hana almost asking if she and Ikumi are really that far along, only stopped by Mamoru, but Alouette does declare her own victory, Ikumi eyeing her suspiciously when she returns next to him. As the grooms are placing the rings on the brides Keita yells out “Marriage Ring Plus” making a scene, but Gai takes it in stride, and replicates the joke, Mamoru following on. Mikoto decides to carry on the gag by declaring a Broken Marriage, a concerned Mamoru and Hana stop her.
The music begins, the White siblings on vocals and Mic Sounders XIII on backing music, accompanied by a large drum played by Goldion Finger, Hyoryu and Enryu worried he may actually use a Gravity Shockwave, Porc-Auto and Shoryu discuss Marg Arm’s performance.
The couples go around for the candle lighting, guaranteed to take a while. Gai and Mikoto reach the GGG Green table, getting a photo with Hyuma, Swan, Entoji, Ushi 1, Nakai, Taiga has to be persuaded to join. Mikoto quietly wishes Leo could be there, so the whole GGG Gold team could be there, but Gai assures her he and Kizuna are there, and always have been.
Mamoru and Hana go to their parents’ table, thanking their parents for raising them, Isamu bursts out crying, saying the tanks is his, for Mamoru being his son, and Hana becoming his daughter. Baby Tsubasa it set off by their grandfather, but
Ayame tends to them. Hana feels guilty for leaving her cousin holding the baby, but with Ushi 2 much more free now, Ayame is happy to help out whenever. The two baby cousins, Hajime and Tsubasa, curiously shake hands, Hana glad that as she has always had Ayame, Tsubasa will have Hajime, Mamoru feels the same about Gai, despite their relatively brief time together. The mood is ruined by both babies needing changing simultaneously, as Ai guesses. Yosef, napping nearby, stirs briefly.
As the special Brave Robo candle is lit, Furyu and Rairyu joke about making it even bigger, scolded immediately by Getsuryu and Nichiryu, backed up by Koryu and Anryu, the older brothers defuse the situation. While the theats of Bionet and Triple Zero are now done, the Braves will still have to help with various disasters.
After Piggy has served all the Brave Robots, Porc-Auto prepares to lead a toast, Volfogg makes sure Piggy has a drink of her own, before the toast is made to their Captain's and Wives.
Yamajii is continuously blubbering to Fuchu Ritsuko how glad he is to see her again, to Akamatsu Shigeru’s consternation, but Ritchan seems happy, spending time with them again, something she's done little of since the Invisible Burst and her retirement from GGG, Yang and Urchin Prickle advise to let him be. Ritchan makes an apology to Urchin, constantly worrying about his unlucky years, as she had told Cactus about them once while drinking, in fact Urchin's has yet to come.
Liger is also as the GGG Blue table, trying to ensure his new Manage Machine is making his granddaughter as comfortable as possible, Sakura is glad to finally know her grandfather, and much more mobile with the new one. Angelica Anenome Akamatsu has also had her limbs, the work of her mentor Leo, improved by Liger, who hopes now the three of them can be closer together. Renais arrives late, having had a hard time getting J ready. Ikumi is shocked at the sight of his partner, and Gai of his rival, as he is actually wearing a proper suit, not his armour, believing this to be a victory celebration, he is annoyed at Renais for tricking him.
It is time to cut the cake, Yaginuma still presiding, as onlookers prepare to take photos, the couples use their special Dividing Driver knives to cut.
Two onlookers watch the human ceremony, the last Somniums on this earth, and Gajumaru asks Sara if would want to do something like that, shs seems open it. Kei, Chandi and Ushi 3 intrude, Mitsuo annoyed they went here when he has a wedding gift to hand over, but the others don't have the same understanding. Gajumaru and Sara leave, to continue their journey.
The bouquet toss is coming, Hana and Mikoto preparing, as a crowd assembles, including an anxious Tamara, Hinoki worrying if she is should exert herself. Heart Clover, sat with his predecessor Rose Approval, meanwhile is worried his secrets, Miss Cherry, Isogai Sakura, has someone in mind. Sakura is also participating, whether she truly knows why, Alouette is sure she will get Hana’s bouquet. Several surprise participants reveal themselves, the 4 Dragon Sisters. Mikoto tells Hana they’ll have to throw with all their might, and they Program Drive the bouquets. Hana’s goes straight to Alouette, but the rest cannot hope to compete with the Brave Robos, until Renais leaps above them, Koryu and Anryu try to use their extra arms to reach out, but Renais uses them as footholds, grabs the bouquet, and offers the pretty flowers to her niece who admired them, although technically said niece is older than her, and tells her to find happiness as well, Liger realising what that means. J does not understand the custom, and while he doesn't mind this brief rest, but the skies call to him, Ikumi understands, but tells him earth is where he and Tomoro can return to.
Various congratulations are sent out to the happy couples as they retire, Gai and Mikoto finally stepping out as a couple.
Mamoru and Hana to step out as a human couple.
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The bells peal, over a peaceful world.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
The Big Order Room erupts in cheers for the announcement of Hana’s pregnancy and the joint wedding of Gai & Mikoto and Mamoru & Hana. Volfogg & Piggy present Mamoru and Hana with a visual record of footage he recorded back when he was assigned to guard Mamoru, showing the boy courageously protecting Hana.
Mamoru asks what Hana was saying before, and she admits she thought she had the seed of the New Machine Species inside her. Her health had been off before Jupiter, and she had thought her symptoms matched Mikoto before awakening as Zonuda, she had avoided taking Fly-D5 for that same reason, fearing she would become Zonuda aboard the cramped transport. Mamoru is reminded of when she first saw his abilities, and was scared, not because he was an alien, but because she thought he was an alien who had replaced him, but they promise to be there for eachother. They have been married 11 years, and now 2 have become 3.
The two couples are the centre of attention. Renais recalls her first meeting with Gai after becoming a cyborg, where everything about him aggravated her, feeling he couldn't understand her, as she believed Liger had abandoned her mother. Ikumi understands her, as he had once judged Mamoru for having bonds on earth, he also points out to Renais that he and Mamoru are both older than her now, but she still views them as kids. Ikumi understands now why Renais told him to treasure his parents, feeling a kinship, Alouette sees that both of them see themselves as shadows to the blinding suns.
While his siblings discuss their wish to attend the wedding, Shoryu notices Mic is down, Gai guessing he is worried about Goldy, the only one beside Genesic Galeon and the Genesic Machines not yet restored. Mikoto watches Gai joke with the Mobile Unit and is joined by her fellow GGG Green operators Swan, Kazuo and Entoji, who tease her that she's finally able to be lovers with Gai as the threat is finally gone for good, she's surprised they know of this promise, made by Gai when she decided to join GGG after he reawoke. She's embarrassed, but thanks her colleagues for their constant support of her. Taiga and Geki drink non-alcoholic, nearby are an already drunk Yamajii, Akamatsu, and Yang, Akamatsu gets aggravated with Liger again. Keita and Hinoki watch in bemusement. Sakura is in bed, not used to moving, and Urchin and Tamara need some time to rest. Keita suggests they join the joint wedding, but Hinoki isn't sure, remembering what happened to Kaede and Yanagi after their own impromptu wedding, but Keita firmly insists they can't take those things as jinxes. She thinks of Lamia for a moment, but then remembers her desire to finish Miyako’s work and end Algernon, and agrees.
Orbit Base Deck 3 releases Galeon, Gai and Mamoru wish it well, but now that it has finished self-repairing they were told by Rice to let it find them so they can return it to its proper place. Mamoru and Hana go for a checkup, while Gai and Mikoto have a moment, and she returns to him her pendant, which she had found on Repli-Earth after the battle with GaoFighGar. Confusingly though, it now appears brand new, and contains the high-shool photo of Mikoto the original pendant had had, but that that was lost when Mikoto became Zonuda, the photo it had contained when he lost it was of her in her GGG uniform. Mikoto had left it with her uniform after finding it, it had remained on Kushinada, so it was returned to its “natural state” at the Orange Site. This reminds Gai of how only his Cyborg eyes could see the image of his mother, though youthful, something also achieved by THE POWER. He feels a strange sense of gratitude to Triple Zero, and wonders if it is possible to return to his own “natural state”, confusing Mikoto. He tells her he wants to go back to space exploration, to go further beyond Jupiter, and wants her to come, after the battles are over. She thought they already were.
In the Yokohama Sepulchrum, the others are confused by two Rice’s having accidentally offset himself in time using Tempus, Rakan understand this means Galeon is coming back, the future Rice has already taken it back, then arrived in the present too early. To the other's chagrin, the Rice’s decide to make an ensemble performance.
Born in India, Rashad Singh is now a member GGG America, stationed at UN Alpes Base on the Moon at the location where, in 2005 six of the 7 Magnificent Primevals fused into the Primeval Fusion and fought King J-Der, then in 2009 the Alpes Base was established as part of Project Z, initially as a resupply point and after the Invisible Burst an observation post on Jupiter. Rashad has now spotted an orange glow resembling that of the Conqueror King, on the moon, and the staff must raise the alarm.
On J-Ark’s bridge Ikumi is sharing refreshment with J, who finds he now enjoys earth's food like Ikumi. While genuinely glad Earth has avoided the Red Planet’s fate, J has decided to leave, not feeling at ease on a planet with no need for a warrior, but Ikumi intends to stay on earth, J knew this, but hopes to fight alongside him again someday, though Ikumi wishes he would just rest. Their peace is disrupted by an alarm ringing out.
The alert, along with all communication with UN Alpes Base, is suddenly cut off. Taiga order a probe sent by the Intelligence Division, Entoji already has one 140 seconds out. Yamajii reports sorry dense Z0-Similar readings from the base, Hinoki confirms as the probe relays video, that Alpes Base is mass producing Zero Robos. Gai cannot understand what is happening, but sees on the feed a tiny figure, the probe destroyed before it can get closer, but he knows that is the Conqueror Acolyte.
Sakura warns of what is coming, as she enters the Main Order Room, the Blue Planet’s own Conqueror King. The Ushiyama Brothers make their own dire announcement, all of the GaoMachines and Kakuseijin V2 have all been sabotaged, every unit without a Super AI has been disrupted. Akamatsu's mind turns to Urchin and Tamara.
It is obvious what has happened was deliberate. A flammable substance was mixed with the G-Liquid and Linker Gel, igniting and causing heavy damage, it is obvious given recent events an Algernon afflictee is responsible. Not only are the manned units unusable right now, the Carpenters are also sabotaged, and the internal security cameras are sabotaged. Big Volfogg secures the Super AI units to J-Ark, and the warship deploys to the area. Akamatsu has Wadatsumi and Yamatsumi follow behind, then immediately heads off.
He is greeted by his father, but quickly meets with Taiga and Gai. Also present are Mamoru, Ikumi, Mikoto, Renais, Keita and Hinoki. Hinoki reports no evidence of Tamara and Urchin leaving the ward. Swan is prepping Algernon examinations for the full crew, though so far only 26% were checked. Yang is working on something with Nozaki, Inubozaki, Hirata and the Maintenance Division, Liger having put them to work on the Genesic Machines. Akamatsu sees the plan, but Gai points out the issue, all of their Control Cores were damaged, they can't currently operate. Akamatsu loses composite before Liger can explain the actual plan. The Cores are repairing themselves, but how long it needs is anyone's guess. Mamoru worries Galeon won't wake up, Akamatsu accidentally guesses the plan is to have one person each undergo Fusion with each Genesic Machine. Gai questions how that's possible. Mamoru, Ikumi, Mikoto and Renais already expected this, thanks to their G-Stones, J-Jewel or Semi-Evoluder status, but Keita and Hinoki are surprised, they're just Dual Kinds, but it's their special brains that are important, not their physical abilities, replacing the special neural networks of the Control Cores, their Dual Kind abilities are the key, the G-Stone and J-Jewel fulfill the same purpose, J could theoretically do it, but they think he's better in King J-Der. Ikumi recalls J complimenting Keita as a warrior, motivating him to accept, Hinoki agrees as well. Yang believes the preparations will be ready in the 40 minutes it takes to reach the moon. Taiga knows they are giving them little warning against an unknown Conqueror King, but he trusts in them. Mamoru will Fusion with Genesic Galeon, Ikumi with GadgetGao, Mikoto with ProtectGao, Renais with BrokenGao, Keita with SpiralGao and Hinoki with StriaghtGao, and it will be brought together by Gai, as Final GaoGaiGar. Taiga explains the name is due to their intent this be the last battle. Taiga is having painted in GadgetGao he mark of GGG Gathering, the symbol he wears as Special Chief, combining the emblems of Gutsy Geoid Guard, Gutsy Galaxy Guard and Gutsy Global Guard, and emblem on gold, green and blue. Everyone pledges themselves to this battle. Gai prepares himself for this enemy, who he hasn't seen, but knows who it will be. After all, he and they always knew they would become enemies.
J-Ark arrives at UN Alpes Base. ShoChoRyuJin is shocked at the sight, Big Volfogg struggles to detect any sign of the base staff. Just before they can deploy, J-Ark is fired on, but Tomoro minimises damage using Generating Armour. J too now knows the identity of the Blue Planet's Conqueror King, and gazes down at the familiar form wrapped in dawn flames. The form of Betterman Cataphract.
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Mamoru is about to lead everyone in Fusion, but Gai interrupts, as Hana amhas arrived from Branch Order Room, to tell him to absolutely come back to them. He promises he will, kisses her forehead. He switches into Purification Mode and uses Fusion on Genesic Galeon, and the others go the their respective Genesic Machines and declare their own Fusion.
As Wadatsumi is still enroute, hostilities have broken out. Mega Fusion in King J-Der, and lands, surrounded by ShoChoRyuJin, GekiRyuJin, TenRyuJin, SeiRyuJin, Big Volfogg, Big Porc-Auto and Mic Sounders XIII on Stadio 7. Aside from the King of Braves, all of GGG is here to fight. With 26 Zero Robos detected, the Mobile Unit and Intelligence Division leave Conqueror King Betterman Cataphract to King J-Der. Ougu expresses dissatisfaction with the opponent, but Gajumaru knows they planned for the King of Braves to be unavailable. Sara had brought them to Orbit Base, Hiiragi ripped open a bulkhead, Yewya and Lamia took care of sensors and witnesses, Rakan introduced the flammable substance to the G-Liquid and Linker Gel, while Rice and Gajumaru did the same aboard Kanayago. All this in order to welcome the Time of Patria. Rakan enquires after Lamia's health, thanks to the Dawn Aura he is tolerating Ortus easily, even as Cataphract’s core. This Ortus seed, unlike the one Lamia previously used, was trivial to obtain thanks to Rakan Synthesising Forte Seeds, and the Dawn Aura meant they could form the uktimate Betterman. Rakan accepts Lamia's resolve, but Yewya realises the meaning and is perturbed. A J-Quath is launched, but the fusion of Ortus, Ougu, Turbo, Ahriman, Pondus and Lume dodges. The Brave Robos also find their foes very quick. An attack launched sees use of the Mirror Shield, Protect Protector and Crystal Shield, but all prove useless, and Stadio 7 is blown apart. The Brave Robos are now certain the Somniums have truly fallen to Triple Zero. J, the only one capable of hearing both of them, expresses regret for the situation, as warriors he felt worthy of fighting alongside have fallen so late to Triple Zero, nonetheless promising to repay his debt to Arma and Gai through saving them. He attacks point blank, only for Lamia to reveal that they have not been controlled by the Dawn Aura. As J attempts to process this, Cataphract splits, and King J-Der is struck by Ougu's Flying Saber, Ahriman’s thrusts, Turbo's wings, Pondus’ gravity manipulation, Lume’s oscillations and Ortus’ fists. King J-Der resists, but the Somniums regroup, and launch another attack. Before they can hit King J-Der though, the attack is blocked by GadgetGao striking Turbo, BrokenGao meets Ougu, ProtectGao to Lume, StraightGao attacks Pondus, SpiralGao Ahriman and Genesic Galeon clashes with Ortus.
The Braves marvel at seeing the Genesic Machines, which have Linker Gel used on them so the pilots can withstand the Gs. While Keita revels in the movement, Hinoki marvels at the information she can see right now. Ortus tells Mamoru not to presume he can resist his power, Mamoru stunned by how different Lamia is. A Double Flying Saber comes down, Mamoru dodges and causes it to fall, and Lamia's natural enemy emerged, and engages the Double Fusion into Final GaiGar, Mamoru finding sharing sensations with Gai a little awkward. Ortus demands to see the Root of Evil’s true power, but Gai demands to know why they have done this first. J reminds Gai that when they used THE POWER against the Z-Master none of them were corrupted, Gai argues they still shouldn't be able to resist this long, so Rakan reveals his experiments,collecting residual Triple Zero after each battle, using it on animals to observe the process of becoming Conqueror Acolytes, she could develop a Pectofolex that counteracts Triple Zero, and has now modified it to keep the power of Triple Zero without the Corruption. As Ortus’ power of creation is the opposite of Triple Zero, they coexist. Gai demands to know what this Conqueror Emperor plans for this power, only being told it is for the time of Patria. They show an image of a flower garden where UN Alpes Base had been, an Animus Garden, the base staff on the ground with flowers sprouting. Hinoki recognises Rashad from training, and demands to know why Lamia would do this. Because humans are evolving, the Somniums will perish, so they need a farm to grow Animus Seeds. As Tamara and Urchin are recovering, meaning humanity can eliminate Algernon, Hinoki recognises her work as part of the cause of this. Gai tries to reassure her, but she, Keita, Mamoru and Ikumi have all felt a sense of camaraderie to the Somniums after many battles, and thus find this situation a betrayal. Taiga reminds them not to lose hope, reminding them that they must, as always, fight enemies to humanity, be in it extraterrestrial or neighbours on earth, and fight to the last breath of humanity. Everyone in the Branch Order Room agrees, and Taiga orders the FINAL FINAL FUSION.
Final of Final Fusion commences, and what is born is not the first Mecha, Genesic GaoGaiGar but the ultimate one, Final GaoGaiGar. Ougu unleashed Sanctus again, and inside Ortus, Lamia promises to spare no effort, biting into Nebula and Aqua seeds, adding those transformations to those of the 5 others, forming Betterman Cataphract Kai. The two giants clash. Akamatsu confirms with Hana and Alouette if the G-Armour is ready, but it needs 70 seconds, but Akamatsu is just glad that the final tool they had been preparing for GaiFighGar will still get to see use, after modifying it for Genesic afterwards, though an additional modification was made now. Humans aren't the only ones watching, as at Alpes Base Sara watches from the Animus Garden, she holds a black seed, and prepares to use it, Socius Terra, the seed sprouted from Deus. As she is about to consume the seed, on Wadatsumi, Alouette reports the G-Armour is ready. Gai calls for the Goldion Armour, Akamatsu declares the activation, and Taiga gives approval.
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Hana removes her left glove as Alouette does her right, raising their hands as the triple approval sees their terminals flip over to safety device consoles. Together they Safety Relieve the Goldion Armour by placing their palms on the consoles, which read their handprints. Wadatsumi Mirror Catapults 6 of seven G-Blocks, Hana controls 01, 02 and 03 as Alouette controls 04, 05 and 06. Final GaoGaiGar uses the Gadget Feather, escaping the battle with help from ShoChoRyuJin and Big Volfogg, who reside to let Betterman stop GaoGaiGar, they are flung back, but the job is done. The Ul-Tech Engine shaped G-Blocks, but with a gold glow and 3 pronged tetrapods, these have been made in collaboration between GGG branches worldwide. Plasma Cables radiate from the G-Blocks and connect to each part, Broken Connect to G-Block 02, Spiral Connect to G-Block 03, Protect Connect to G-Block 04, Straight Connect to G-Block 05, Gadget Connect to G-Block 06, Galeoria Connect to G-Block 01, and the Goldion Armour is formed, as plasma light flows from each G-Block into a pair of Plasma Wings. The sight surges Lamia's hostility, as Final GaoGaiGar can now move so fast as to approach lightspeed and, decrying Betterman for only seeing them as a food source, attempts to use the Goldion Nails, but Lume once again blocks them with her aura. She then enhanced Turbo’s speed so it can attack Final GaoGaiGar in the rear, but the King of Braves matches the speed, the two move so fast King J-Der cannot deliver support.
Akamatsu wants G-Block 07 launched, this block is so large it needs to be launched by exploding catapult, but the Ushiyama Brothers cannot get a lock on in order or actually get it to Final GaoGaiGar, as it moves too quickly. Taiga has them hold off before Akamatsu can order a reckless launch, and Akamatsu sees there is wisdom in patience right now.
Final GaoGaiGar and Betterman Cataphract Kai keep clashing. Rakan launches a Flying Saber, but Mikoto blocks with Protect Shade. Ikumi activate as Gadget Tool, Renais striking using Will Knife, but Ahriman catches it, but a Broken Magnum frees them from the restraint, followed by Keita’s Spiral Drill, Pondus slows its speed by gravity manipulation, then Turbo unleashed compressed oxygen via Nebula, channelling Psycho Voice as Lamia declares Gai’s time is done, but Gai rejects this, they will be the ones to die, repelling via Genesic Aura. Mamoru, astonished by what he experiences, wonders if Gai is always like this. The rage Gai shows is contrary to the kind brother he has known.
Betterman Cataphract Kai lands where Alpes Base had been, winded by the power of the Genesic Aura. Rakan is impressed by the power of the Root of Evil, Gajumaru and Hiiragi shocked by the speed, and Yewya and Rice note they only resisted thanks to the Dawn Aura. Lamia declares they will draw out his true power, Rakan sees he has accepted fate. Gajumaru spots Sara on the surface, she tells him she is ready, and consumes the Socius Terra Seed.
Seeing Bettermen unable to move, Akamatsu orders G-Block 07 launched, the last G-Block is around GaoGaiGar's size, or possibly a little bigger. Together the 7 minds pilot Final GaoGaiGar and Arm Connect, G-Block 07 rotates and the outer cover burst off, exposing a giant right arm, the Marg Arm, two titanic turbines move with the Broken Magnum, and the giant hand opens into 5 fingers with Goldion Hammers at the end, on the palm the face of the Super AI controlling them, this is the Goldion Finger. This final hyper tool causes Final GaoGaiGar to instantly glow gold, the ultimate evolution of the Goldion Nails. However, the enemy is equal, to it, now combined with Socius Terra, it has taken a new form, the Ultimate King of Superbeings, Betterman Cataphract Terra. Mirroring it's foe, it's right arm also bears a large object, the Socius Terra arm. Gai refuses to back down.
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The Socius Terra Arm is like a flower bud, and Sakura starts sensing something, the fear she has of the flower blooming.
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Lamia urges Sara to bloom the flower for the Age of Patria, and it is opened, and the orange flames are absorbed into Betterman, the giant turning platinum, the petals a light pink, and produces a black vortex within. Rakan gazes in wonder until Yewya warns their opponent approaches, Hiiragi throws Zero Robos at Final GaoGaiGar, but they are swiftly made light, before even touching the Goldion Finger. Rice recognises the danger, but Lamia is prepared to die to bring the Time of Patria. The Platinum Betterman charges the Golden GaoGaiGar, an attack to make into light meeting an attack send beyond, and lock hands, but the two attacks are cancelled out, Gai believes they still have options. Ikumi activates the Bolting Driver, Mamoru equipping the Genesic Bolt, the intensity of the Genesic Bolt sends Betterman back. The Somniums regroup even as Renais equips the Broken Bolt, Gai using it on the lunar surface to create a huge crater, the gouged out rock flung at Betterman, but the Socius Hand makes it all disappear instantly.
Swan detects what has just happened is the same ST Bypass type seen on Jupiter, though they can't guess where it was sent. Yang tells the shocked Akamatsu that it's possible none of their attacks will work, as Sakura warns of the coming of the Blue Planet’s King of Ruin.
With both attacks failed, Gai decides to create distance, but Betterman is gaining. Renais rebukes Gai’s kindness, she would have used the Broken Bolt to destroy Cataphract from inside, but understands it now.
It feels as though the fight will go on forever, but Betterman changes path, heading for Wadatsumi, 30 seconds is all it needs to reach it, but King J-Der immediately stands in the way, firing a full volley followed by a J-Quath, just barely being swallowed up before hitting, and then vanishing himself, Ikumi screaming for J and Tomoro as King J-Der vanishes into an ST Bypass.
Sakura continues to say the Blue Planet’s King of Ruin is coming, but she is not looking at Betterman. No one has the time to listen to her though, as Wadatsumi vanishes into the ST Bypass, Hana quietly calls for Mamoru, who freezes. Mikoto is shocked to lose everyone, Renais cannot believe she is losing her love and her father, Hinoki cannot believe Lamia would do this, and Keita is just shocked. Pained, Lamia notes it has still not happened. Yewya senses his grief, and questions if doing all this for the Time of Patria is truly necessary. Knowing she is keeping her own thoughts in check out of loyalty to him, Lamia steps forward. As one, ShoChoRyuJin, Big Volfogg, Mic Sounders XIII, GekiRyuJin, Big Porc-Auto, TenRyuJin and SeiRyuJin jump between their captains and Betterman, shielding GaiGaiGar as another ST Bypass swallows them. Gai lets out a scream of rage, his eyes glow a burning orange. Lamia senses the time has finally come, the Blue Planet’s King of Ruin wmhad awakened. The final battle between the King of Braves Final GaoGaiGar and the King of Superbeings Betterman Cataphract Terra is upon us.
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The Golden King of Braves begins to glow in a dawn Aura. Goldy, Renais and Mikoto recognise the sensation as their power increases, and Gai charges, it is GaoGaiGar Vs Betterman. There is nobody to witness the titanic struggle. Sakura's voice rings out from somewhere the name of Betterman Cataphract Terra’s ultimate technique, Psycho Finale. The ST Bypass in the palm of the hand is swung down, Final GaoGaiGar uses the Goldion Armour to dodge again, causing more lunar bedrock to be lost into spacetime, and Final GaoGaiGar grips Betterman Cataphract Terra in the Marg Hand, and unleashes the Goldion Finger, but the power is again absorbed by Socius Terra, and the two titans again stare each other down. Gai demands to know why Lamia killed GGG, they could have found a way to coexist without Algernon if they worked together. Since exploding in rage he hasn't heard Lamia's thoughts, not have his allies, too shocked by the loss of all of GGG. Mamoru tries to tell Mikoto there ought be a chance they’re alive, so they have to win and asks Betterman how to get them back, he snaps her, Hinoki, Keita, Renais and Ikumi out of their shock. Renais remembers she can't let J, Liger and Porc-Auto down, Keita realises Mamoru should be feeling worse than everyone else, Hinoki realises she should know for sure if it's her fault Lamia did this. 6 if them have now gained clarity, but Gai is still in a rage, using a Straight Drill, and continues striking, avoiding using the ultimate tool, and the Somniums feel overwhelmed. Turbo’s wings move to strike GaoGaiGar’s neck, but the jaw parries, then Ortus' Double Firing Sabers stab at the head, but the Goldion Armour lets it dodge. Mikoto equips the Protect Bolt, wrapping a barrier around around the moon and Betterman, trapping them. Rakan and Hiiragi see they are trapped, and Gai prepares to make the Betterman Light, even as Mamoru tries to say they need them alive. An ST Bypass appears last second, Betterman appearing behind GaoGaiGar they prepare to welcome now the Time of Patria, and thrusts again the Double Firing Saber, but are blocked by G-Blocks 01 and 06, which shatter, wrapping both fighters in energy, as Gai has the remaining G-Blocks strike at Betterman.
Lume cannot block all the damage, the barrier vanishes, and and the Goldion Finger comes down at them. Lamia recalls how Seeme died to protect him, though Yewya seems content to be is shield, as she becomes light. Seeing the threat of the Goldion Finger, Ougu's Flying Saber sever the right arm at the shoulder, Renais and Goldy telling Gai to just keep going. Still driven to kill, a Spiral Drill thrusts, Ahriman wraps around to constrict it, but is wrapped up as well and pulled off Rice’s thoughts stop. Keita kicks up to rip off what remains of Ahriman, then tries to come down on Betterman, but Turbo blocks and blasts it off, Keita’s voice fades as Hinoki yells for him. Her own pain comes out as SpiralGao explodes, ripping off Turbo, Gajumaru sacrificing his presence for the sake of the combination, leaving Sara to Lamia, Sara to is consumed in grief. Socius Terra moves to crush GaoGaiGar’s head, but Mikoto blocks with Protect Shade, both the left arm of the King of Braves and the right arm of Betterman both explode, Mikoto trying to tell Gai what she wants for her honeymoon before being cut off, Gai and Lamia both yell in rage. Pondus delivers a supergravity kick as Hiiragi expressed sorrow as he lives humans, but Ikumi rejects that as they won't be livestock, using GadgetGao detaches to block and tear apart Pondus, but is crushed, Mamoru calling out to his partner, as his consciousness fades Ikumi reflects that he really is glad he became friends with Mamoru, and pilots the bird, turning it into Will Knife form, and unleashes J-Jewel power to pierce into Pondus. Hiiragi falls silent, as GadgetGao is totally flattened. Mamoru yells with a fury matching that of Gai, two wills controlling the King of Braves with only a right leg. Gai demands to know why Betterman is going so far, Hinoki demand to know if Lamia really won't let them overcome Algernon, delivering a dropkick, but Ougu blocks it, Rakan's last thought being admiration of their adaptability, but saying the Root of Evil must be destroyed, as the Flying Saber severs off StraighGao and Ougu and both explode. Lamia lets out a thought of regret, not having wished that fate for the Somnium's hope, as Hinoki loses consciousness, seeing a vision of her brother Mario, and calls out, he turns around and looks like Lamia, but she cannot process this as she fades. Lamia declares to Vivele that he will destroy the root of evil, hidden in the King of Braves, the final Conqueror King. A Psycho Voice is sent out, GaoGaiGar dodges by leaving behind all the remaining armour, leaving just Final GaiGar.
Mamoru is still enraged, but Gai is at least capable of questioning Lamia's words, as Final GaiGar is wrapped in orange flame, the very image of the Conqueror King, opposed to the Conqueror Being Betterman Ortus, also wrapped in orange flame. The Conqueror War is about to come to a conclusion, as Conquror GaiGar faces Conqueror Ortus. They clash continuously, each attempting to destroy eachother, as Mamoru refuses to believe Gai is the Conqueror King. Lamia explains that as Gai is an Evoluder, the corruption of the Dawn Aura manifested differently. Lamia shows through full images that Gai couldn't possibly have escaped Triple Zero, but has resisted until now, as every one of his cells is assimilated with a tiny G-Stone, he is still in the process of being corrupted even now. Mamoru asks the question, why the did they awaken Gai as the Conqueror King, as it is clear all of this fight has been to cause this. Lamia explains the enemy within the root of evil is both treasure and toxin to them, so they must deal with the contradiction before departing as their last task. Mamoru questions this statement, as Lamia says until the Conqueror King is destroyed they cannot welcome the Time of Patria. Ortus is now wholly on the defensive. He can tell he is reaching his limit, recovering from using Ortus the first time should have taken centuries, he recovered early due to the coming of the Conqueror King. Mamoru now doesn't understand what the Time of Patria is. GaiGar pierces Ortus and rips apart the Pectofolex orb, defeating the King of Superbeings, which fibrises, and Lamia knows a final end is coming for him.
Gai begs to know if this is truly the end he wanted, not glad in victory, merely sorrowful, but suddenly Rice, Betterman Ahriman declares they haven't reached the conclusion, looking totally unscathed, wrapping around GaiGar, aided by another Mamoru didn't expect to see again, Galeon. Rice took a detour while returning Galeon, coming to this future moment rather than immediately returning Galeon to the past. GaiGar throws him off and declares himself the Conqueror King, ruler of cosmic law, shocking himself. Ahriman, unable to risk any further damage, takes Galeon with one of the few remaining Tempus Seeds.
From the remains of Ortus comes Betterman Aqua, as part of Lamia’s last gambit, declaring to the Conqueror King he will end things, but the Conqueror King declares he will be the one doing so. Aqua seeps into GaiGar with a torrent of water, removes himself from Aqua and swings down at Gai with a solid right arm, Gai cannot move, but summons up G-Power to defend, but his body isn't shining green, but in orange flames. Gai knows now what Lamia has been saying to him from the very beginning, he has been unknowingly A Conqueror King this whole time, and knows what he must do, but the power of the Conqueror will not let him. Mamoru, fused into Galeon, can only watch, and Lamia is clearly the one who will lose to Gai’s power, until he pokes to hesitate, hearing the voice of his most precious person, lost in the battle, begging him not to lose. Mikoto's voice calms Gai’s heart for a moment, he swears to fight with courage to the end. Lamia's claw sinks into Gai’s chest, a feeble blow from an exhausted Somnium, but Gai offers no resistance. Mamoru sense through their shared Mechanoid body the Animus Flower appear from Gai’s head, blocking out his serene smile. Lamia trembling tries to takes the seed, but is too weak, even as he says he must take the Patria seed, with a regret that Mamoru senses, and knows what he must do. He Fusion Outs, and descends as a green angel, to man with a green flower out of his head, and the deathly white Somnium, and, tears on his cheeks, takes the seed born of the gem of life, and carefully plucks it. He knows those with courage will win in the end.
A woman stepping out of the medbay to return to duty astonishes everyone who sees her, returning to duty only a week after regaining consciousness, but Tamara Gogol has returned to work. She arrives at the Biomedical Engineering Lab, Hinoki greets her, surprised but Tamara is happy, after being cured of Algernon thanks to Hinoki. Hinoki is, despite the damage to StraightGao, unharmed. Renais, Mikoto, Keita and Ikumi are safe as well. Clearly this is the work of the Somniums, who knew they must awaken Shishioh Gai as Conquror King, but did not wish harm to others in the process, not one of Gai’s friends was harmed, even those who vanished in the ST Bypass.
A week ago, in part of Alpes Base, Mamoru stands beside Gai, holding the Patria Seed, and Lamia takes the fruit. Rakan, Yewya, Gajumaru, Sara, Hirragi and the first Rice surround him, having survived The destruction of their Betterman transformations, and then escaped to this space by Socius Road. Another window opens, depositing Ikumi, Renais, Mikoto, Keita and Hinoki, already aware of the situation. Hinoki tells Lamia she did believe in him, Keita jokes he thought he was doomed, but Renais demands to know where the agents made into Animus seedbeds are, but Ikumi knows it was an illusion, the agents are just unconscious. Mikoto clings to her love’s body. Lamia thanks the child of light, Mamoru saying he now understands their goal, his expanded consciousness as past of Final GaiGar enabling him to fully receive the information from Lamia and make the choice he needed to. He knows if Gai had been told of the plan, it wouldn't have worked out, because he needed to awaken as the Conqueror King. They witness in space and ES Window open, and J-Ark emerge, Ikumi relieved to see him, as is Renais, as Wadatsumi and the Brave Robos emerge behind. Mamoru is brought to tears to see them back, Goldy too is safe, just a face on the moon with the Core Blocks, but they can be restored, everyone is alive, and the Brave’s chest starts to move. The battle finally over, everyone returned to Orbit Base. Tamara’s return has come just as Hinoki is resolving the last thing, talking to Gai and Mikoto. Gai has no further traces of Triple Zero, and is in excellent health. This lines with what Mamoru had learned, that the Somniums sought a special seed, Patria. Mikoto questions how Gai is alive after producing an Animus Seed. Hinoki explains the G-Stone, the gem of life, is literally a crystallisation of the lives of the people of the Trinary Solar System, the G-Stones in Gai’s body were corrupted before he was, and resisted for so long, but if he had been ignored then there would have been no knowing when he would become a Conqueror King, thus the Somniums had had to awaken him so he wouldn't be a threat to their beloved humanity. The G-Stones manifesting as an Animus Flower had purged the Conqueror King power out of Gai’s body. Mikoto asks if they can safely breed now, Hinoki confirms Gai is now closer to a Semi-Evoluder like Mikoto, their children are not guaranteed to be Evoluders. Mikoto is noted by the news and hugs Gai tight, he realises he truly did hear Mikoto's voice to make him stop, only because she was a Semi-Evoluder was that possible. Gai thinks this time his rewards has come not from God, but Betterman. Hinokie realises The Somniums are separating from them not just because of her cure for Algernon. 10 years ago Algernon had broken out en masse, and without the Somniums acting as antibodies, humanity would have perished, but this time a handful were infected, a sign humanity no longer needed to rely on the Somniums, and that is why. She tears up a little, knowing this is why “her brother” is leaving.
In the Andes in the Altiplano, is the world's largest Sepulchrum. Rice and Rakan have gathered almost all the world's Somniums here, for the first time in 2000 years, there are approximately 1000 of them there. Lamia, unable to see or stand due to the physical tax of the battle, speaks to Yewya, seeing through her eyes, as they prepare to bring the Time of Patria. Yewya knows Lamia's time is limited, and intends to care for him until then. Once no more Somniums come, the 7 who have fought together prepare to start things at last. Sara holds out the shining emerald seed of Patria, and consumes, a light appears in her abdomen, then spreads into the ground, opening a portal on the ground, a Patria Gate. It is time for them to travel through, to an untamed dimension. Rice leaps in, Hiiragi uses his strength to carry the weaker in, Rakan goes after a few hundred have, and tells the ancient Lamia he shall not forget him, Lamia wondering if one day Rakan will pick up the mantle of Ortus, Rakan promises to do so if needed. Lamia tells Yewya to go too, he intends to see them off with Pachira, Bodaiju and Seeme. She keeps herself from arguing, seeing a change in him, and wishes him well with her sister and steps through, a new duty is hers. When most are through, Gajumaru offers Sara his hand, as they prepare to cross to another dimension where humans will need them, as they came to this one long ago, but Sara tells Gajumaru to go, she has to keep the gate open, if she moves the gate will close, she cannot cross through. Gajumaru turns to go, but then runs back, and holds the girl he loves, promising to stay with her. They are watched by the fibrous shape of a man, who asks them to watch over a beautiful future.
Hinoki suddenly stops, Keita asks what the matter is, but she decides it is just her imagination.
Sakura gazes down at earth, tears on her cheeks, and wishes a farewell to the dream people.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
Number.09: Circle -RING-
Akamatsu makes a rare use of his personal communication system to speak with Doktor A, or rather Angelica Anenome Akamatsu, his wife. Despite their long separation the two are still married. While work often intrudes in their personal conversations, today there is only one thing to talk about. Their daughter, who disappeared 3 days ago, both blaming themselves in some way. Sakura had loved with A until her accident, at which point Akamatsu took custody. A has trouble seeing the middle aged man in front of her instead of her mentor's 14 year old nephew, who she met when she was 20.
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The Hana and Sueo are surprised to see Akamatsu on duty after only 24 hours, Yang tries to convince him to rest more, but his father and sister see something in him, Yamajii having been seeking intel from them. While his children mock him, Alouette comments that despite the Shishioh family having similar personalities, at least some have better looks, not meaning to be heard. Renais is glad to have Alouette, who she worked with as part of a mission to rescue Mikoto ten years ago, acting as her operator, this is news to Akamatsu. As Gai is going to pilot GaoGaiGar since it's available, Renais has agreed to pilot GaoFighGar, Liger and Alouette will be making adjustments so she can handle it given her body is more flesh than Gai’s had. Numerous tests and checking against software updates have proved Galeon was brought from April 11 2005, and combat wise the present day GaoMachines should give much better performance than in the day, as well as Gai’s Evoluder abilities compensating for the damage to Galeon's black box, to make a fare stronger King of Braves than before. Kazuo and Sueo, almost the same age, run maintenance on Galeon, Kazuo has to be firm that they cannot repair the Black Box.
The battle with Conqueror King Genesic is approaching, while they cannot know when it will happen, their priority is battle preparation, especially of the 3 Kings of Braves. One day Mikoto finds Hana waiting in her room. While Hana starts by asking how best to perform the Program Drive, as both herself with two hands and Alouette with a pirouette haven't managed to match her simple fist slam. Mikoto agrees to show her technique for the Program Drive, Safety Relieve and Emission. Hana accepts, while not asking about Mikoto becoming the New Machine Species like she wants to.
Hinoki arrives at medbay, as the 27th Zero Core, the mystery, has awoken. Hinoki notes the man looks so much like the Algernon victim, Saginomiya Pauvre Kamuy, as this is his brothers, Saginomiya Takashi, although Takashi is full Japanese while his late brother was half french. Saginomiya addresses her by name, and she realises he is communicating via Limpid Channel. He explains that when Susanoh went down he was in a space suit, and while resigning himself to death, he was engulfed by concentrated THE POWER, Oath Over Omega, and became a Conqueror Acolyte, he took Zero Core form, and after 18 months cross Galeoria Comet’s path, and as the core was emitting a GGG call sign, the Division Fleet picked it up right before travelling to the Trinary Star System. While they ought to have investigated, due to first the mystery of Repli-Earth, and then the psychological attack from the 11 Sol Planetary Masters, the Zero Core remained in Takehaya until GGG reached the Orange Site, and he committed a sin he now heavily regrets.
3 (Cont)
At Orange Site Sagamiya reverted to human form and opened a hatch in Kushinada, allowing Triple Zero to flow in and turn the others into Conqueror Acolytes. Naturally he now feels guilty about this. Hinoki feels dizzy, especially when Saginomiya reveals he did make contact with Kamuy, but she tells him not to blame himself, she knows he was affected like everyone else, and she knows Algernon was responsible for Kamuy's actions. She tells him to rest, and as she leaves he tells her Kamuy had feelings for her. Hinoki remembers again in anger her greatest enemy, Algernon.
Mamoru and Gai share a drink, Gai noting he didn't think they would so soon, the two of them are both physically 21. The only time previously they really did this was having gyudon before Mamoru left for the Trinary Star System, neither have really drunk much, but as no more Zero Robos can appear they’re able to relax.
They start talking about their partners, specifically their worries about their compatibility with them as non-humans, but move instead to marriage, and whether Mamoru and Hana should make it official. Gai asks if he’d consider them doing a joint ceremony, and Mamoru decides to propose soon.
An hour later, Mikoto and Hana come to the bar to check on Gai and Mamoru, finding them almost passed out. Mamoru blurts out the marriage plan, but makes it sound like he plans to marry Gai, causing Mikoto to scream and Hana to pass out, only after the two men are forcibly sobered do they properly explain.
Meanwhile, Ikumi and Alouette are drinking tea, so they don't break Ikumi’s request not to eat together anymore. She sees he is happy, and he explains it's because someone close to him is getting married. Alouette looks at the invitation, and is surprised to see it is Yuka getting married. Alouette is confused, having believed Ikumi loved Yuka Koala after that year, Ikumi admits he does love Yuka as a woman, but what is important to him is Yuka is happy, even if it's with the tanned young man with her on the card. Alouette is reminded of gossip that Ikumi once had feelings for Hana, yet never showed it and risked his life to ensure Mamoru and Hana were reunited. She asks if he's always prioritised other’s happiness like that, he’s always expected to die in battle and not wanted to leave anyone behind. Alouette demands he consider his own happiness, intending to make him.
The expectation is that Conqueror King Genesic will appear from the sudden appearance of the other end of the wormhole, though where the hole will appear and when is impossible to predict. Currently most of the Brave Robos require major repairs, as GaoFighGar has been prioritised. Their big hope is they can rely on King J-Der, now nearly fully self-repaired, as J intends to fight the Conqueror King, perhaps just for Arma’s sake.
Hana calls out to Mamoru, struggling to say what he needs to. Ikumi have them space, but Hinoki has accidentally stumbled on the meeting and awkwardly watches. Mamoru is shocked when Hana asks him to kill her if she becomes an enemy of humanity. He asks her to explain, but before she can, the A-class alarm rings out, instinctively they know the Conqueror King has appeared.
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5 (Cont)
France’s Antarctic Concordia Station broke the news of Conqueror King Genesic appearing. The immediate concern is the evacuation of people from currently manned research bases. Wadatsumi will deploy with combat assets, while Yamatsumi, Mizuha and Kanayago are on rescue. J announced J-Ark will go ahead.
Mamoru tries to get Hana to explain first, she means as much as the mission, Hinoki interrupts to take care of Hana so Mamoru can act, knowing Keita can handle V2 alone. As he runs off, Hinoki jokes about Mamoru’s worth as a man compared to Keita’s. Hana goes to act as Operator for Mamoru and Ikumi, but Hinoki asks if her issue relates to her, months ago, looking into Mikoto’s medical reports from right before when she awoke as the New Machine Species. She tells Hinoki she believes she was implanted with the same seed.
In the Yokohama Sepulchrum, seven Somniums are gathered. A gathering of their many is unusual, a mutual protection relationship is not uncommon, but Lamia only has this with Yewya, and previously Seeme, the others are only cooperating to deal with the Conqueror King, the root of evil, and the Time of Patria. They intend, Lamia noting even Rakan has become more cooperative, to work together tomstoo the Conqueror King, with the humans. Based on the words of Rice, Gajumaru and Hiiragi, everyone has been changed. They do have the greater challenge now of not being able to rely on Deus for information. So they can learn as soon as it appears, Sara offers to keep a Socius Road to the human Fortress open.
Mamoru arrives at the Diving Chamber, and advised Keita on Hinoki being unavailable.
Gai and Renais are on the Wadatsumi with Galeon and PhantomGao, Mikoto informing them the bases nearest are already down. Gai feels anger both for the researchers, and the actions forced upon his partner. Liger informs them that unfortunately the G-Armour will not be ready in time. Renais berates them, but is scolded by Gai, Disc X is important too. He does offer them one Key to Victory, but they're confused, it's public information, until he demonstrates Akamatsu and Yang programmed a mode switch.
Mizuha, Kanayago, Yamatsumi and Wadatsumi launch, under orders of Kazuo, Tsuguo and Sueo. While most of the Mobile Units are still out of action, all available units are deploying. Hana and Hinoki arrive at the Main Order Room, and Hana takes position next to Mikoto and Alouette. As Tamara is absent mysteriously as is Urchin, Hinoki tasked Tamara’s position as GGG Blue research operator. Taiga delivers a speech to all hands on the commencement of what may be GGG’s final operation. 5 ships descend towards Antarctica, J, Tomoro and Arma pledging to together fight a battle of their own choosing. As they approach the target, 3 figures leap off Wadatsumi and change, GaiGar, GaoFar and GaiGo. 3 Mechanoids request Final Fusion. 3 Chiefs approve, 3 women determined so support those they love slam their hands on 3 drive keys, and 4 voices declare Final Fusion.
6 (Cont)
3 Kings of Braves stand tall. GaoFighGar stumbles a little, adjustments for Renais to control it were something of a rush job, and this was her first time using Final Fusion. King J-Der appeared behind, offering support but focus. Alouette has already made an adjustment to compensate. Their quarry approaches, a robot similar in size to the Kings of Braves but dwarfing them thanks to the aura radiating, the Conqueror King Genesic GaoGaiGar. The last ally Gai intends to rescue. At once a Broken Magnum, 2 Broken Phantoms, J-Quath and Synapse Attack are unleashed at the Conqueror King, but it leaps, meets the attacks and all glance off it's aura, and it closes the distance to its foes. King J-Der moves to shield his allies, so Genesic strikes with the Goldion Nails, barely stopped from striking Tomoro 0117 directly. With King J-Der holding Conqueror King Genesic, Ikumi knows to strike, but 3 Kings of Braves attacks are blocked by a Protect Shade. Analysis reports the Conqueror King has tripled in strength from Jupiter. Yang and Liger realise the G-Stone is flashing, that it must be responding to someone's courage.
Gai tells Mamoru immediately it cannot be Galeon's own courage, when over the Limpid Channel, both those in the battle and those on Orbit Base, hear a young girl beg them to run away. Keita in battle and Hinoki in the Main Order Room immediately express concern for Akamatsu, as they are both very familiar with the voice. Inside Conqueror King Genesic is Akamatsu Sakura. As everyone is shocked, Taiga orders the operators to find her location.
Deus thinks to himself that it is hopeless, from his hidden Antarctic Sepulchrum, one only he could bare to reside in. He has come to view altering huanites progress as a game, going back to change things when they are eliminated. The fact the other Somniums have gone against him is why he has opted to alter this battle, by placing Akamatsu Sakura inside the Conqueror King, for revenge on them. He is shocked when the Seven Somniums appear before him, those he sees as ants, and they demand he leave this world alone.
Earlier, Sakura's consciousness drifts over the infinite library of the Limpid Channel, unaware of the presence of Saginomiya Takeshi. Another consciousness, a girl resembling a monitor lizard, invites Sakura to play, leading her to somewhere she can get out from, as Lamia traces the lizard girls steps to find Deus' Sepulchrum. Sakura awakens inside The Conqueror King, begging those on the other side to forget her and stop it. As the Kings of Braves struggle to avoid attacks, Kakuseijin V2 helps King J-Der with some repairs.
With the Main Order Room not able to find Sakura yet, Mamoru decides they will old the Conqueror King while Gai uses Double Hammer. GaoFighGar and GaoGaiGo grapple Conqueror King Genesic, and GoldyDoubleMarg uses System Change to become he Goldion Double Hammer. Renais encourages her niece to fight, Ikumi supporting her, before both are forced off, and a Genesic Bolt is fired at GaoGaiGar, the attack stopped by a J-Quath thrown by V2. GaoGaiGar engages the Goldion Slicer, assuming Sakura is either in Galeon of a Genesic Machine cockpit, so the joints are targeted. Unfortunately, the Conqueror King has separated into its constituents, a pack of Conqueror Beasts charging them.
7 (Cont)
Conqueror Lion evaporates snow, Conqueror Rumble Beasts bolt over ground, Conqueror Raptors slow through clouds, and Conqueror Sea Beasts swim through the air. Conqueror StraightGao and Conqueror SpiralGao charge Kakuseijin V2. Conqueror Genesic Galeon tries to tear into GaoGaiGar, Gai impulsively calling out to Galeon. Conqueror GadgetGao dives at GaoGaiGo. Conqueror BrokenGao and Conqueror ProtectGao charge GaoFighGar, briefly defended by a J-Quath.
In the Main Order Room, everyone is tense, especially Sakura's father and grandfather. But still, Akamatsu stands and tells them to fight rather than risk losing everything. The man who has been by his side the longest, Yamajii, knows he doesn't want to lose her truly, saying as much.
Those fighting also refuse to give Sakura up, especially Renais, who Akamatsu's first promise to as siblings was that she would get to meet her niece. GaoFighGar seems cornered, but J-Der arrives to back her up, enabling her to Broken Phantom her other opponent. Keita similarly refuses to abandon his friend, readying a Break Synthesise against his opponents, when suddenly Betterman Cataphract appears, telling the humans they must join them, blocking one for, the other met by a Double Synapse Attack.
Deus quietly watches the battle, or he would if Lamia had not bisected him earlier. He mocks them for dooming themselves, condemning themselves to death with this world. He doesn't care about his death, he has left am offshoot in every branch of time. He sees the vague figure of what looks like a bipedal lizard, which asks to play again, as the legendary Somnium has his body fibrise, leaving only a black seed absorbing light.
6 Conqueror Beast battles the combined forces of GGG Green, GGG Blue and the Somniums, keeping at stalemate, until they finally detect Sakura in StraightGao’s cockpit. With this information Akamatsu earnestly begs to save his daughter.
Keita in V2 grabs hold of Conqueror StraightGao, but cannot keep it in place, dragged along as the Robos with the Double Hammer and J-Quath approach, then pulled underground.
Hinoki is able to track Straight Gai via Keita, claiming to the Main Order Room that her boyfriend did this deliberately, and so Dividing Driver 09 is sent out, equipped to GaoGaiGo, forming a Dividing Field to expose Conqueror StraightGao, Pondus’ gravity then restrains it, GaoGaiGar rushes over and uses Hammer Hell, but before it can connect he is knocked away by Conqueror Genesic GaiGar, already equipped with the other Conqueror Beasts, and finished combination back into Conqueror King Genesic GaoGaiGar. The 6 allies surround the Conqueror King.
Yang and Liger consult on whether they should use the Key to Victory, but before a decision can be made, Orbit Base’s central Ul-Tech engine is sabotaged, causing the base to begin falling. Yamajii detects Urchin and Tamamlra in the engine room, and their life signs reveal in the voice of Algernon Watchman #26 that both have Algernon, to Hinoki's distress in particular. Men are already on their way, but on Yang’s advice Taiga authorises Hyuma to use any means necessary, Hinoki requests to go as well.
8 (Still)
In 2005, what became Orbit Base was originally constructed as an LEO satellite in polar orbit, so when it deviated it was detected soon, predicted to land in 70 hours in the Pacific. Space Development Corporation prepare countermeasures. Communication has been unsuccessful, even from the UN Supreme Council. Isamu directly contacts Isogai Sakura, but there is no information, though she can offer private information that GGG is working to stop the fall, then tells him about the Conqueror King, the battle happening right now. Believing their support can strengthen the Braves again, he asks to make this knowledge public. After some serious convincing, she agrees to propose it to the Secretary-General.
Hyuma leads Hinoki down to the main engine. After Kikuho Eir and Saginomiya Pauvre Kamuy contracted Algernon updates were made to security, but it's not possible to block access by all senior members. While the other troops are held off by anti-intruder measures, Hyuma and Hinoki arrive at the Main Engine Room. Tamara looks dishevelled as she affects the engine. Swan advises in 260 seconds the drop will be unavoidable. Hinoki request Hyuma let her handle Tamara, they need to find Urchin too, while Hyuma is distracted, Urchin catches him off guard, restraining him and getting a knife to his throat. Hinoki screams in horror as Urchin drives in the knife.
Taiga and Akamatsu have made the decision to not reveal the situation at Orbit Base to the Braves fighting the Conqueror King, so as to not distract them. As GaoGaiGo saves V2, and GaoFighGar and J-Der fight together, but the Somniums, via the Socius Road on Orbit Base, detect Algernon there, and that their hope is at risk. Regretfully, they conclude they must prioritise the Conqueror King.
Gai recalls the hypothesis the Z-Master was a Conqueror King, if so, they have overcome Conqueror Kings of the Purple and Red Planets, they must be able to overcome the Green Planet’s as well. Sterling himself and with Goldy confirming his readiness. He again attempts a Goldion Slicer to sever StraightGao, Genesic Galeon seems to look right at him, and Conqueror King Genesic fires a Broken Magnum wielding the Will Knife. Nobody can react in time, until GoldyDoubleMarg of his own volition detaches to shield GaoGaiGar. Gai recalls this happening before against EI-26, and Repli-GaoGaiGar. At the exact same time, Goldymarg and his AI basis, Hyuma Geki, both scream out. GaoGaiGar is knocked into the wreckage of his partner, the Conqueror King stands above him, Will Knife equipped, and prepares to attack. But Mamoru in GaoGaiGo stands in the way.
8 (Cont)
Mamoru is assured Gai and Galeon will recover soon, and is this able to focus with help from Ikumi. He looks at the Galeon eyes in the Conqueror King. By request of the UN Secretary-General, GGG Green are now broadcasting the battle to the world.
Komori Reiko, Suzuki Wakaba and Tazato Tamayo yell out support to their old classmates. Ikumi’s mother watches from hospital, Ushiyama Ayame and Kazuo watch on TV, Sunou Takayasu watches on laptop. Amami Isamu worries for her son.
In Antarctica, GaoFighGar, J-Der and V2 are attacking the Conqueror King, giving GaoGaiGo a chance to get close, when Lamia communes with Ikumi and Mamoru, finally getting an answer to what he asked of Mamoru 7 years ago, that the will fight together. Once more Sanctus is used, separating Cataphract, and then attach Turbo to the back, Pondus to the legs, Forte to the right arm, Ougu to the left, Ahriman as a tail, and Lume wraps over the top, forming Musou GaoGaiGo. Ikumi and Mamoru initiate Hell and Heaven, Conqueror King Genesic reacts, knocking away the other opponents. Sakura again begs them to run, as the Gadget Tools form gauntlets on it’s hands, Mamoru and Ikumi both know what is coming. Musou GaoGaiGo turns silver as it's fists join, channelling G+J and the Somniums together, and charges, as Conqueror King Genesic unleaded it's own Hell and Heaven. The two attacks meet, and Musou GaoGaiGo’s arms are fracturing, as the Ahriman tail throws Ougu’s Flying Saber, which strikes the Conqueror King’s left knee, severing it easily thanks to Rakan chemically preparing it. StraightGao flies forward, then Forte seeks a Crumble Point, and thrusts the Sliding Saber, extracting Sakura. Seeing she is safe, Mamoru recalls how after returning from the Trinary Star System he saw footage of Hell and Heaven colliding between Repli-GaoGaiGar and GaoFighGar, but the situation is different now. Pondus pulls the off balance Conqueror King down, Turbo uses Psycho Calm to shred the regenerative aura. Mamoru remembers the words Gai said to to his Replijin in the pasta and declares the victory goes to those with courage, and forces Musou GaoGaiGo's fists forwards, shattering those of Conqueror King Genesic, Ahrima holds the gap open, Ikumi pushes into the hole with the Analyse Arms, and pulls out Galeon's black box.
At the same moment the Broken Will Knife pierced Goldymarg, Hyuma just barely blocks Urchin's blade, throws him down, and yells at Hinoki to stop Tamara, she does so using an anesthetic pen, and stsrtd desperately trying to reverse the fall, putting the Ul-Tech Engine to max.
In the Main Order Room Swan reports the fall is not reversible, Taiga wastes no time ordering the Wadatsumi and Yamatsumi back for evacuation of all staff, and has the Ushiyama brothers prepare Orbit Base to dismantle to reduce impact, unfortunately, Alouette reports Genesic GaoGaiGar is still moving.
Unfortunately, despite the lack of both Galeon's Black Box and Sakura, Triple Zero is still manipulating Conqueror King Genesic, and it switches to a new Gadget Tool, forming the Galeoria Road. They realise it aims to open a path to the Orange Site, and let Triple Zero flow out, which would destroy earth instantly. Mamoru and Ikumi fear the end, but Gai, standing in GaoGaiGar once more, reminds them not to give up, they still have the Key to Victory.
9 (Cont)
Gai woke just in time to see Musou GaoGaiGo extracting the Black Box, and activating Galeoria Road. J-Der tells Keita what the threat is, and calls out encouragement, then requests the Main Order Room initiate Formation F. Despite the current difficulty for Orbit Base, Yang recommends they can still enact it if 10 personnel remain on Orbit Base, naturally nominating himself. Before Taiga can give the order, Swan reports Orbit Base has changed trajectory, Tsuguo reports ShoChoRyuJin, GekiRyuJin, TenRyuJin, SeiRyuJin, Big Volfogg, Big Porc-Auto and Mic Sounders XIII are pushing against Orbit Base, despite their existing damage. They apologise for mobilising without order, but refuse to stand by while humanity is in peril, despite the personal risk of tearing themselves apart or burning up in the atmosphere if they lose power. Taiga thanks the Braves for their actions, and orders Formation F.
Mikoto and Alouette oversee G-Circulation Bases 1-6, amplifying the transmission of G-Liquid, Yang and Akamatsu had prepared a way to mode shift the Wall Ring into Phantom Rings, an orbit sized one.
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GaoGaiGar equipped the enormous Phantom Ring as Conqueror King Genesic falls apart having opened the Galeoria Road.
Gai announces he is pushing the energy flowing out back, J unsure if that is possible. Taiga announces the current situation to the world, and asking for their support.
The Somniums have detached from GaoGaiGo, and their transformations have fibrised. While they cannot hear Taiga's broadcast, they can feel humanities support over the Limpid Channel. Rice feels some regret their union with humanity may be ending, but the Time of Patria must come. Lamia stares at the King of Braves, with a mix of animosity and respect.
The Hyper GS-Rides on the G-Circulation Bases can gather the bravery of mankind, and supply it to the Phantom Ring. Braves refuse orders to fall back to preserve themselves.
Though they wish to act, the Somniums require rest, Gajumaru, the most eager to act, stays awake to watch over them as they slumber, especially Sara. Sensing Lamia’s will and seeing even Rakan make this vow, Gajumaru used Caelum to protect everyone from the cold, and sleeps as well, though their hearts are synchronised, beating a certain rhythm Rice also strums, conveying, as Lamia had done once before during the battle with the 11 Sol Planetary Masters, the will of every human to the Braves, and the Phantom Ring.
The GS-Ride is running at 35800%, the Phantom Ring 84400km diameter, and Yang instruct Mikoto and Alouette to manipulate it 2000km above Antarctica, Hana takes over operating for GaoFighGar so Alouette can focus on her task. Mankind witnesses the physical manifestation of its courage come down.
In Angola Mitsuo witnesses what is happening, and marvels at what his brothers have done, even if he chose to take a different path to protect the world. Seeing Kei seems unimpressed, Mitsuo tells him his parents will be lending their power to the ring too, as he knows those his parents spent their last days with are right in the thick of the action.
Orbit Base breaks into cheers, as the Brave Robos successfully return it to orbit.
A blinding orange light flows from the gate opened by Conqueror King Genesic, and GaoGaiGar raises his arm, as the Phantom Ring is compressed to equip to the right arm, as Gai calls out for his father, Liger thinking of how invaluable his brothers work has been, analysing the Black Box, creating the Dividing Driver, replicating Hell and Heaven and the Broken Magnum, adapting the Goldion Hammer and Protect Shade, but the Phantom Ring, a completely original development of Leo, still astounds Liger.
Gai launches a Broken Phantom, with a ring light 2km in diameter around it, right into the gate.
9 (still cont)
The flow of Triple Zero has massively reduced. Taiga orders Kanayago to launch the Tool Robo fleet, the Carpenters deploy and GaoFighGar and GaoGaiGo, simultaneously Tool Connect to a combination of 3 Carpenters, while J-Der leads V2 to connect to different tools made of DP-S4, T5 and P6, and as he has finished pushing, GaoGaiGar calls to the Carpenters and the original Pliers come out to join him. 5 mecha are equipped with Dimension Pliers, and in concert start working to close the gate, trying to resist Triple Zero. Manor takes Left Control to help Ikumi, Keita feels the Linker Gel boil, Renais initiates Hyper Mode, J-Der initiates Mega Fusion into King J-Der, and while the head still holds one set, each of the Mega Mechanoid’s ten fingers equips to a set of 3 Pliers, and the work to finally end the damage to this universe caused by those of the Trinary Star System reaches fruition. Leo and Kizuna encourage Gai, even as he recognises, as they going to help from within the Orange Site, that he cannot encounter them again, but they assure him that as they are in the egg that is to become this universe, that this universe is his kin. With this, he declared victory over Oath Over Omega, as the portal is sealed.
Orbit Base confirms the Dimensional Gate is closed, with no trace of Triple Zero. The 14 remaining Antarctic bases are operative. Akamatsu redeploys Yamatsumi and Wadatsumi to assist the staff. Hyuma returns, but Hinoki has remained with Tamara and Urchin. Akamatsu has a moment of melancholy, feeling like everyone he picks for his staff gets infected with Algernon. Hinoki is making a desperate attempt to keep them alive, responding to Saginomiya’s fears for their survival that she is hoping the experimental treatment, one which has used Kamuy's brain tissue to attempt to counteract the infection, as for once an Algernon death was not taken by the Somniums, and Kamuy’s will was his body be donated to science. Saginomiya hopes for her success, believing that is also what Kamuy wanted, Hinoki hopes to end Algernon once and for all.
The gate above Antarctica repaired, the Dimension Pliers have joined the other Carpenters in repair of the bases, leaving the Kings of Braves, King J-Der and Kakuseijin V2 to rest and recuperate. Gai apologises to Galeon for the fact he's going to have to go back to the past and fight with him more, then turns to the other version of his partner, and welcomes him back. He assures Mamoru they will get him back to normal, GGG no doubt already working on a plan. A distance away, the Black Box, as well as the severed left leg of Genesix GaoGaiGar, were moved subtly by Hiiragi for Rakan, who has some plan, Yewya questioning his actions, but Lamia assures her it is so they can welcome the Time of Patria. Rakan uses Clarus, draining the Z0-Similar from Genesic, an ability the humans already knew the Somniums possessed given the survival of Conqueror TenRyuJin and Conqueror GaoGaiGo. Rakan draws Keita’s attention to the presence now in V2’s Womb Head, Sakura, placed in there after Musou GaoGaiGo extracted her, and Rakan had told her soul to return. Akamatsu is overcome to see his daughter safe and awake for the first time in 10 years.
Gajumaru helps Sara up, she is grateful for his care, but doesn't want to be reliant on him. She is ready to do what she must. Gai coldly thanks the Bettermen, Rice acknowledging they have their own reasons, and that they will be returning Galeon to the last now. Gai then asks Lamia directly what the Time of Patria is, Lamia responding the fated battle shall come when he learns this. Keita, watching, cannot comprehend why the two must fight, even though they are both fundamentally forces for the good of humanity. Ikumi has a better idea, understanding it relates to Gai’s nature as an Evoluder. Mamoru understands this battle must come, but wishes it didn't.
On their return to the Orbit Base, Gai is stunned to learn of all that was happening there during the battle. Mikoto relaxes him, they can celebrate now, and have a lot of plans to make for their marriage. Mamoru watches them with a small sadness, but looks for his own love, and is grabbed by Hinoki, who takes him to Hana, explaining as they go that she performed an examination on her. Hearing this stuns Mamoru, remembering her words to him right before the Conqueror King appeared. Hinoki promises him Hana can explain the rest. Entering medbay, Mamoru finds a weak looking Hana, she collapsed after the battle. She explains what she needs to tell him, confirmed now by the examination. Her news isn't what she had worried it would be though. Her news is Mamoru is going to be a dad.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
Number.055.5: Supersonic Flight Form
I cannot for the life of me work out the reason for the number choice here, since it basically fits into the next chapter, so minor spoilers I guess. This short piece was written to promote the Soul of Chogokin GaoFighGar figure, which was the first deliberately designed to include the Supersonic Flight Form.
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The decision has been made now that GaoGaiGar is available to have Renais take over piloting of GaoFighGar. As such, she has been pushed into a lot of practice, and struggles to control GaoFar's Supersonic Flight Form. Chief Gai advises she just go it, Alouette offers more specific advice, but Renais is under so much strain she cannot heed the advice.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
Number.08: Bird -PHOENIX-
Heart Clover formally instates Taiga as Special Chief of GGG, with authority over both GGG Green, Gai now officially Chief, and GGG Blue, still under Akamatsu. Mikoto, among many others, is returning to active duty. J, Renais, and a few more Ruin Acolyte GGG members still need rescuing, and umbrage of earth continues. Due to the increased role of GGG Green, the Main Order Room has been renovated to accommodate them.
On the shuttle back to earth, Heart Clover, making note of Taiga's charms, offers to arrange Ms Cherry’s transfer to GGG. But Isogai Sakura refuses the offer. She isn't sure if her feelings for Taiga are gone, or of she has just matured, but she is happy I'm her current position, and seems to have a similar respect for Clover.
The first joint briefing begins. Liger believes he can get Disc X production up to requirements in a month. Umbrage has slown after the recovery of the two strongest Conqueror Acolytes, and with Disc X mass-produced should begin reversing. Akamatsu is very annoyed to see his father imply attraction to Hinoki and Tamara, angrily yelling he has enough siblings already (Liger has 28 children across the world, 20+ younger than Akamatsu), Yang moves proceedings to discuss the Umbrage. Taiga recalls the Battle of Jupiter, and how the Z-Master used THE POWER to send Zonder spores to earth, briefly turning half the population into Zonders. The Conqueror Acolytes are attempting essentially the same, turning earth into a seedbed for Zero Spores, to scatter them across the universe, so all intelligent life in the universe will be destroyed. With the need for Disc X now greater than ever, Akamatsu promises his father he can meet Sakura if he succeeds, something he has never allowed before. Liger had also managed to hypothesise something about Triple Zero while a Conqueror Acolyte, speculating that the Z-Master, originally a stress reduction system developed on the Purple Planet, had been made into a Conqueror Acolyte, and that was why it started wiping life out. There's no real way to verify, but he hopes to discuss it with Yang, Stallion, and the three doctors, and once things calm he wants to go to Jupiter and ask Leo. Entoji reports an estimated 26 GGG Green members not recovered, possibly all on Kushinada and leaderless. Hinoki scans the lost and sees Saginomiya Takashi is not among them, concluding Kamuy’s words had been delusions born of Algernon. Taiga has one more important thing to reveal, that Kushinada was regenerated into its original state, not Takehaya, but the Goldion Crusher, and the approval keys Taiga and Swan held are in J and Renais’ hands, Conqueror King King J-Der will surely use it in the next battle.
Even though it's been 10 days since they were purified, only now have Gai and Mikoto been able to be alone. After discussing the surprise at the kids, Mikoto asks Gai what Ikumi had been speaking to him about. Ikumi had related Lamia speaking to him during the previous battle, and while he hadn't answered him about Gai, it was clear they held no ill will for humanity, just Gai, Gai thinks he knows the reason now.
Mikoto asks what the reason is, but instead of answering, he decides to finally have the talk. He asks her to marry him.
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Mikoto immediately agrees, but wants to know the rest. Gai explains that after the test Papillon and Swan ran on his Evoluder body, and samples analysed elsewhere, it was determined his genes are super dominant, any children he had would be guaranteed to be Evoluders, and if he has genes that contribute to disease or the like, those are also guaranteed to be passed on. He doesn't mention the possibility that, after the Evoluder population grows enough, of discrimination. And he also believes the potential for humanity to all become Evoluders in time, because of him, is why Somniums view him as the root of evil, and he only wants children with her anyway. She is also not really human, a Semi-Evoluder after mutation by the New Machine Species, though the name does not imply an actual link. There's no telling what might happen if G and Z fuse in the DNA of their children. He thinks, personally, that they shouldn't have children, but wants her to think for herself. She says they can get married after they save everyone, then laughs imagining J in regalia and Renais fighting over the bouquet. He does clarify he does want to have children, just they would have to be adopted, and recalls the words of Amami Isamu, that they will be their children, just coming to them a little differently.
Battles continue, and the dragons are deployed in mixed pairs, Shoryu moving between brothers and sisters as the situation calls for it, but Rairyu and Enryu chafe under the constant simulations, their AI blocks are not yet installed, as whole new units have to be prepared, the old, Triple Zero infested ones had to be destroyed. As such, they have been focused on training, especially for Shoryu to Trinity Docking with ChoRyuJin, GekiRyuJin and TenRyuJin, all of the dragons debate who Shoryu should pair up with. Hyoryu, as the oldest, tries to mediate, but then Enryu argues with him.
While Keita and Hinoki are on a mission in GaoGaiGo, Liger suddenly visits the Diving Chamber, joking about wanting to see Hinoki in her Dive Suit, but he seems tense. Gai asks him if he's seen Sakura, he has, but her current state troubles him, even if she has been in that since before Liger left, he didn't know until now, he wishes he could help his granddaughter,as much as he wishes he could save Renais. Knowing the danger his daughter poses, Liger asks Gai to do what he must, but Gai refuses, not just because he wants to save his cousin, but also because he doesn't believe this will end with Conquror King King J-Der. Liger realises he is correct. Ikumi has similar determination to save J and Tomoro, and recalls Renais’ words to him as the ES Missiles left, to treasure his parents, and believes she needs to take her own advice. Liger, encouraged by the boys, starts tearing up and leaves.
Mamoru and Ikumi, now alone. Feeling like Liger in his heart wants to forcibly enter King J-Der and scold Renais, Ikumi finds it hard to relate, he has never had a father, Mamoru relates a childhood incident when his own father had had to scold him.
Big Volfogg, fighting in South Africa alongside GaoGaiGo, reports in an emergency broadcast, that GaoGaiGo has become a Conqueror Acolyte.
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The pink haze in the Bolivia Sepulchrum announces the new Conqueror Acolyte that has been born. Rakan puzzles over the increased danger while conducting research. He asks the haze what the new Acolyte is, and it declares it is Conqueror GaoGaiGo.
Ten minutes before, Wadatsumi hovers over Johannesburg, where a large horde of Zero Robos had appeared. GaoGaiGao fights, Hinoki and Keita having to deploy in it as Kakuseijin V2 had been having Linker Gel swapped. A Double Synapse Attack traps Zero Robos, Kaita revelling in piloting the King of Braves, debuts an original technique, the Crest Cutter, pulling off the mane parts from StealthGao II and using them as projectiles, Hinoki scolds him for damaging it. Fragments of Zero Robos suddenly engulf GaoGaiGo, and trap Volfogg. Recognising signs of Triple Zero corruption, Big Volfogg uses the Silver Moon to rip off his right leg before the corruption can spread, then uses Chou Bunshin Sappo, blasting the Zero Robos off GaoGaiGo, but sees, as Hana reports high levels of Z0-Similar, everyone can see GaoGaiGo is now a Conqueror Acolyte.
The mood is dire in the Big Order Room. The dragon siblings have had their bodies restored. Yamajii reports Conqueror GaoGaiGo disappeared near Tristan da Cunha, Porc-Auto and the Gun Machines unable to find it, with his leg now restored Volfogg plans to join the search. Mamoru is concerned for Valnar, Hinoki and Keita, and feeling responsible for their getting caught up, but Akamatsu insists he bears the blame, Yamajii privately noting his old boss has treated those two as his own kids. Taiga has to insist Akamatsu focus, as they need to work out how to save GaoGaiGo, and the existing plans to counter Conqueror King King J-Der need revising without GaoGaiGo, Keita and Hinoki. Hana suddenly leaves, and Ikumi signals Mamoru to follow, subbing for him.
Hana sits, trying to compose herself, and sends someone a message of her location, when Mamoru interrupts. He’s been aware of her poor health lately thanks to Alouette, and asks her to make their marriage official. Instead on answering though, Hana turns downcast and doesn't answer. Mikoto shows up, telling Mamoru that Akamatsu needs to speak to him. Mikoto, the one Hana had called, starts comforting Hana, and admits to the younger woman how she was always a little jealous that Gai got a little brother in Mamoru, but she didn't get her own little sibling. Hana comprehends, but doesn't relate, as her relationship with Ayame has always been as close as sisters, still, the fact Hana has come to her for advice makes Mikoto happy. Before Hana can explain her worry, worried the mention of baring the seed of the New Machine Species will be traumatic, the conversation is disrupted by an S-Class emergency alarm. The J-Ark and Division Fleet have appeared above Orbit Base, which is now under threat from the Conqueror Silverion Crusher.
Conqueror Acolytes Keita and Hinoki, immediately after being corrupted by Triple Zero, with no plan, flew Conqueror GaoGaiGo away, trying to avoid detection. They land at Tristan da Cunha and power down, hoping the Linker Gel will recover enough on its own. Keita descends to Womb Head, only to find Hinoki unconscious. A voice informs him they knocked her out using Flavum. What appears to be a child, talking over LC, appears, and also knocks Keita out. The figure, who had opened the external hatch using Viride, exits again, and then Deus takes an Animus Flower growing off his flesh, despite the fact he is not a human corpse, but a living Somnium. He takes the small Tempus Seed, and throws it on the ground, it takes root, becoming a giant tree. Deus uses Viride again, and manipulates the Super Neuromechanoid like a marionette, manipulating it into the tree, vanishing within. The tree resembles the ES Windows or Socius Road, yet different. GaoGaiGo vanishes, but Deus is interrupted by a figure emerging from the Socius Road, indeed, all 7 appear, now finally witness to his power, Tempus, having suspected their was more to the legendary Somnium and his knowledge of the future. Rather than answer, he invites them to follow, and leaps into the tree. Lamia resolves to see the future for the Somniums Deus intends to lead them to, and follows, the others joins, Sara, exhausted, insists Gajumaru follow rather than stay with her.
This is how GaoGaiGo, rendered into a Conqueror Acolyte, vanished from satellite tracking, and when GGG America’s intelligence Robo investigates all it finds is a bizarre withered tree. Even if they could have know where it had gone, GGG is about to face it’s greatest threat.
Orbit Base confirms visual of J-Ark, Tsukuyomi, Takehaya and Hirume. GGG Green's Mobile Unit deploy immediately, but Mamoru, in Kakuseijin V2’s Cereb Head, doesn't immediately obey Akamatsu's orders, hesitant given the circumstances but as Akamatsu insists despite Sakura being in Womb Head, as enough Dual Impulses are generated, there's no choice, as Ikumi is required for a separate task. When Liger questions the decision, it's clear Akamatsu is regretful as a father, but has done what he must as Chief.
Aboard J-Ark, the man in armour acknowledges Gai and Arma have acted, the Cyborg woman recognises Koryu, Anryu and Porc-Auto’s deployment, those closest to them. But Soldato-J and Renais Kerdif Shishioh are still determined to follow the will of Triple Zero, and gripping the Keys to Victory, initiate Mega Fusion, Conqueror King King J-Der is born.
On GGG’s side, Fusion, Symmetrical Docking Sanmittai, System Change and Trinity Docking are initiated, then Gai orders Final Fusion, and for the first time in along time, Mikoto delivers the Program Drive, Hana and Alouette marvelling at the original Operator doing it. Taiga then approved the Goldion Double Hammer, which connects to GaoFighGar after Mikoto’s Safety Relieve. ShoChoRyuJin is leading the other braves, as Gai acts.
The Goldion Crusher will complete in 140 seconds, and there are 26 Conqueror Acolytes aboard Kushinada, the last of the missing GGG Green crew members, preventing use of Disc X, and attempts to hack have naturally failed. Hana, Alouette and Mikoto; Swan and Tamara; Entoji and Yamajii all work in concert. Taiga reassures a stressed Akamatsu, as Hyuma and Urchin, Liger and Yang, Kazuo, Tsuguo and Sueo all work with their counterparts, and Akamatsu regains his composure, and thinks for a moment he sees Sakura on the feed smile.
Formation G is still forming, but Liger notes the absence of the Goldy head, thus there is no control AI, this proves his theory that a body cannot be regenerated by Triple Zero if the spirit exists elsewhere, seen with Goldy now and Leo a decade ago. Without the control AI, the hope is Formation G cannot actually be used, as GaoFighGar charges.
Conqueror King King J-Der's head unit Plug Outs, the flaming aura shaping into a head that fills the empty gap, as the actual head unit docks into the empty space on the Goldion Crusher where Goldy would be, and Tomoro 0117 declares Curser Connect, as the Conqueror King docks. J and Renais grasp hands, and the J-Jewel and G-Stone resonate, the silver light twisting with the orange aura into a single glow, and the most devastating weapon ever seen on earth, the Silverion Crusher, is born.
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6 (Cont)
Conqueror GaoGaiGo “falls” along the river of time, it's two occupants mercifully unconscious, as otherwise the visual information would put a heavy strain on them, 7 smaller figures are falling behind them. Rice is astonished by the sight, and the truth it reveals, Deus is not immortal, but has travelled across time to appear in various eras. Rakan is more concerned with how such a rare Animus was acquired, but Deus explains he just happened to be born with it. Lamia is incensed by his neglect of other Animus plants, but Deus mocks the way the other Somniums care for humanity. Lamia finally challenges Deus in the fact he has seen humanity fall to the Dawn Aura. Deus says the first peril will be overcome by the Somniums and the humans, the second, against a flaming raptor, will destroy many of both, and the final one will eliminate the survivors. But he intends to do something about it again. They recognise he has changed humanity's fate before. Months ago he gave Chandi’s ward, Kei, several ideas, leading to GaoGaiGo overcoming the Conqueror Acolytes, he admits to be one of a few who have guided the flow of time for humanity to survive. Hiiragi approves of saving humanity, as Deus explains he is using Conqueror GaoGaiGo to divert history to a new course.
2005/04/11, GaoGaiGar has just defeated EI-02, but Shishioh Gai and Amami Mamoru witness a tear in space, the effect of Tempus, and the giant emerging. A fog enveloping the area means the GGG Bay Tower Base have no idea what is happening. Deus leaps off the Conqueror Acolyte, bidding his fellows to fight with the King of Braves. Forte, Ougu, Ahriman, Lume, Pondus, Turbo leap into action, appearing in front of Mamoru and GaoGaiGar. Mamoru, who has already had a bizarre day that started as a field trip to Yumenoshima. Gai has no idea what these new arrivals are, GGG found no trace of them in Galeon's black box. Ougu uses Sanctus, combining six Bettermen into their ultimate form, Betterman Cataphract. Deus intends to see Cataphract and GaoGaiGar defeat the Dawn's Hound, meaning humanity can study it and find a way to overcome it in 2017. Instead of doing as Deus suggests though, Cataphract rounds on GaoGaiGar, using Viride to knock Gai out via his cyborg body, then Flavum to knock out Mamoru and the former host of EI-02. Deus questions their madness, but while they seek to fight the Dawn Aura alongside humanity, they refuse to follow Deus’ plan, recognising his actions do not change history, merely branch it off, they refuse to survive into the new timeline and abandon everyone in 2017. Deus attempts to tempt them with the opportunity to save those who have already died, Pachira, Bodaiju and Seeme, and Hiiragi, Gajumaru and Yewya are briefly moved by the thought of saving their relatives, but they know that nullifying their sacrifice will be but an insult to them. Lamia also recognises that if history diverges they cannot return to that 2017, and this they would be abandoning the world Seeme and co died to protect. Deus considers, then decides to simply change history in another era, leaving them to their fates, and reaches for his Tempus Seeds, but the Ahriman tail has snatched the pouch, so they can leave for the future, Deus will have to wait it out until he grows a new Tempus Seed. Deus now will come for revenge on them, and leaves. Gajumaru expresses thanks to Lamia, as if they had stayed they would have lost Sara. They still cannot leave any trace of their interference in 2005. Gai and Mamoru will need their memories erased, and Lamia decides they will unite their power with humanity, gazing at the two Kings of Braves.
Gai refocuses his vision, wondering where the boy went and what he was. Mamoru had flown away the moment he woke. After this, the two will surmount many ordeals starting in 2005, their greatest coming in 2017.
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7 (Still)
The Silverion Crusher represents a massive threat to GGG, Mic, TenRyuJin and SeiRyuJin panic, but ShoChoRyuJin warns them to keep heart and follow the plan. Big Volfogg adds to his words, supported by GekiRyuJin and Big Porc-Auto. In GaoFighGar, Gai is reassured by his allies being with him again, as the Silverion Crusher activates. In the Main Order Room, Alouette reports to Taiga that Formation P needs another 400 seconds. Mikoto takes over managing GGG Green's units so Alouette can focus on Formation P. Mikoto recalls the bond she had had with Alouette when she was 5, lost when she lost her memory, and then the shock when the girl welcomed her back to the Orbit Base, barely recognising this dignified woman as the 15 year old girl. There is no hope of the Silverion Crusher being delayed long enough for long enough for Formation P, but then the Braves attack the 8 GGDs, Mamoru leading with a Double Synapse Attack, ShoChoRyuJin uses a Full Volley, Shuang Tou Long, Dance of Light and Darkness, Sonnenfinsternis, Daikaiten Daima'dan, Daikaiten Ma'rin and a Disc F Wave Riser follow on, successfully destroying the GGDs that emit the Crusher. Tomoro tries to prevent further interference, clashing with Big Volfogg once again. Triple Zero immediately starts recreating the GGDs at J’s roar, but the Braves are committed to continuing to destroy them, resisting the valley of attacks from the Conqueror King. Mamoru checks with Hana on Sakura's condition, but the risk is high that Kakuseijin V2, which onlyn uses Linker Gel, will be rendered inactive long before the GS-Ride reliant Braves are, Mamoru briefly wishes Ikumi was there so they could sustain longer, but knows his role is important.
GekiRyuJin and TenRyuJin are becoming unable to completely destroy their GGDs, but Alouette reports readiness. Akamatsu orders Formation P, and Mizuha, Wadatsumi and Yamatsumi launch from Orbit Base. While the newer Divisions had been developed to supplement Mizuha for Project Z by forming the Division Train, there was another function they had been developed for, planned by Yang and Takanohashi, then improved by Alouette and Liger. The Braves are ordered to break formation, ending the assault on the GGDs, and the Silverion Crusher is fully formed. Mizuha has formed a ring, with Yamatsumi and Wadatsumi filling the centre. The Silverion Crusher energy field becomes like a phoenix, and flies towards Orbit Base, but is met by the Protect Reflexer. Hyuma makes light of the UN Council proving useful, as after the GGG Rebellion, taking both the Division Fleet and the safety keys, the fear of them turning the Goldion Crusher on earth had lingered, even after Mamoru and Ikumi returned, so a method of blocking it, the Protect Reflexer, was created. The Reflexer sends the Firebird back towards Conqueror King King J-Der, or rather the space within the Reflexer is inverted, sending it back even though it moves in a single direction. The full force of the Silverion Crusher strikes the Conqueror King. They don't relax yet, and GaoFighGar, Ikumi aboard, flies towards the struck spot, using the Double Hammer to nullify the shockwaves, and flies right to the centre, and Conqueror King King J-Der, and closes in on it while there is an opening.
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7 (cont)
Conqueror King King J-Der was instantly regenerated by Triple Zero from it's becoming light via reflected Silverion Crusher, barely avoiding the fate of Pisa Sol. Most of Tsukuyomi and Hirume were lost, but King J-Der and Takehaya have already regenerated. The Braves watching are astonished, but take solace in the fact it was affected. J and Renais witness GaoFighGar flying in, and using Hammer Hell. J mocks the attempt to save them still, and activates the Plasma Swords, which pierce the Marg Hand and GaoFighGar’s torso, the aura and nails vanish. Mamoru screams in horror from the immobilised Kakuseijin V2. GaoFighGar is dead. J claims his final victory over Gai, his rival since his time as a Zonderian. However, J’s belief is wrong. Hammer Hell was not used with intent to extract J and Renais, and the death of GaoFighGar's eyes is due to a Fusion Out, and now Gai and Ikumi leap off the King of Braves into the bridge.
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On seeing Gai and Arma within, J and Renais also Fusion Out, recognising the operation has been all for this, bringing an even match of Gai and Ikumi against J and Renais, but claim victory thanks to Triple Zero. J pulls the Radiant Ripper, and Renais two Smython pistols, and Gai matches with the Will Knife. But Gai and Ikumi surprise them by instead starting their purification rituals. They both had to go to for the sake of purification, which is why V2 needed Sakura. However, they had never purified an enemy not in Core form. Ikumi's barrier and Gai’s knife block attacks, but even so, Gai’s ID Armour is being shredded, but they keep on. Deep inside, J wishes for Arma to flee, not seeking to kill, and Renais noting Hair could easily force her to stop. They falter for a moment, as the last word of the ritual is completed. The light of the ritual is visible to Mamoru, who knows they have succeeded. Renais opens her eyes to a young man offering her a hand, who apologises for earlier fighting, and says he'd like her to consider his hand Liger's. Renais rejects that, leading Ikumi to remind her of her last words to him, to treasure his parents, saying she must too. Renais discovers that unlike Gai as a Cyborg, she still has tear ducts. J takes Gai’s hand, and admits his final loss, not in this moment but at the Orange Site by being controlled by Triple Zero, while Gai was not. Gai accepts his words, and then apologises to Arma. While they reunite, Gai has Renais help him get to Takehaya and the other Acolytes there. J looks at the crying Arma and tells him that he isn't a warrior, but something else, a Brave. Ikumi finally welcomed J back.
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26 Zero Cores are recovered from Takehaya, but then Gai and Renais find a 27th in medbay, Gai has an idea of who it will be. Before he can call Mamoru over, everything shakes. He has Renais evacuate the Zero Core, and rushes into space recognising the sign from Jupiter, the Conqueror King moving on its own.
Ikumi, J, Renais and the Zero Cores are escaping in a lifeboat. Gai returned to GaoFighGar, but it is too damaged to fight, and everyone else has used their power up. Nobody had anticipated Conqueror King King J-Der moving after J and Renais were purified. Sakura in Womb Head mumbles that Cataphract is coming, as it emerges from a Tempus portal behind the Conqueror King. Gai has been unable to use his Evoluder abilities to make it move, so Cataphract appearing is a relief. Further, along with it, everyone in the Main Order Room is surprised to see GaoGaiGo, though as they reconnect Hinoki and Keita are still unconscious. Conqueror King King J-Der suddenly turns it’s attention away from Orbit Base, not at Betterman Cataphract, but the third thing that has come through Tempus. Mamoru and Gai are both shocked to see ther old partner, Galeon appearing. Shaking free from Cataphract, the lion charges to his partner who needs his assistance, and Gai in turn leaps across space from GaoFighGar to him, and uses Fusion.
9 (Cont)
GaiGar forms, and Gai can immediately confirm his suspicion about this Galeon. Akamatsu is confused by Galeon's presence given he was last seen falling in a wormhole, but Mikoto notes this isn't Genesic Galeon, Gai confirming. Hyuma wonders if it is a Replijin, but there is no telltale hypopigmentation, but Gai only knows this is the partner he fought with. Taiga approves Final Fusion at Gai’s request, Mikoto initiates the Program Drive, and and the backup 1st Generation GaoMachines are launched from Orbit Base, and for the first time in 11 years, the original King of Braves is born, the Brave Robos marvel at this sight, and catch the newest King of Braves sent drifting to them by Betterman Cataphract. ShoChoRyuJin retrieves it, but realises there is no trace of Z0-Similar. They cannot know Rakan had purified it before leaving 2005. If it had been possible for it to communicate with the Brave Robos, they might ask them to protect their hope. Mamoru knows he can rely on Gai and Galeon, and so docks Kakuseijin V2 in Orbit Base, and is sent to meet with Ikumi as the lifeboat docks to purify the cores, and then be ready for Keita and Hinoki when GaiGaiGo is brought back, so Mamoru leaves Sakura at Akamatsu's insistence, as they do not know GaoGaiGo and the Head Divers were both purified already. This decision is one Mamoru and Akamatsu will come to regret.
Tomoro 0117, still a Conqueror Acolyte, is determined to fight for Cosmic Law. Aboard the lifeboat, J begs for Gai to save his friend. Renais, knowing how difficult it is for J to ask for help, comforts him, and tells him to believe in the Braves.
Conqueror King King J-Der has discarded the remains of Takehaya, and instead prepares to launch all weapons in Orbit Base, the Protect Reflexer needs 302 seconds to start, and the Mobile Units are out of action, all they can rely on is Betterman and GaoGaiGar.
Gai uses his Evoluder abilities to optimize all of GaiGaiGar’s components, updating this Galeon, still missing Black Box data, to be compatible with the software of these 2017 GaoMachines. Unfortunately, as StealthGao II is on GaoGaiGo, the movement in space is hampered with only StealthGao. Lamia appears to promise his strength, and Gai accepts. Cataphract splits apart, then with the use of Sanctus, are now equipped to GaoGaiGar like an armour, Musou GaoGaiGar is born, able to move easily thanks to Pondus.
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Unknown to everyone else, Big Volfogg, while damaged, has entered Takehaya to rescue the very last Conqueror Acolyte, Conqueror Piggy.
Tomoro unleashes the simultaneous volley, but everyone aboard Orbit Base remains resolute, and the attack is blocked by Musou GaoGaiGar’s Protect Shade, but the J-Quath breaks through the barrier, but is glanced off the torso Lume's cell layer, and Forte’s arm grabs it, launching it back via Broken Magnum, ripping into the robo, Tomoro resisting by Triple Zero enhanced Generating Armour. Before the Conqueror King can unleash another volley Musou GaoGaiGar has closed the distance via Pondus' gravity and Turbo’s wings, Ahriman stretches out into a Crush Ripper to pummel King J-Der, and creates a crumble point. At Lamia's prompting, Gai uses Hell and Heaven there, combining the right attack and left defence energies, supplemented by Forte in the right and Ougu on the left, and rips into the torso, extracting Tomoro and the Jewel Generator. Conquror King King J-Der is now, separated from its power sources, left to crumble to dust.
The half destroyed purple Robo, floating in space, expresses gladness he can fight with Tomoro 0117 again, and looks down at the core block he has recovered from the final Acolyte.
Ikumi and J are glad to be reunited, the three of them had become a group by coincidence on earth, having lost their original partners when the Red Planet fell. But they can be a trio again, once Tomoro is restored and they will bring J-Ark back eventually. Renais observes The reunion, and is confused briefly by the Robo who comments on her warm look at the reunion, not initially recognising her partner, who had just been a car when she left earth, but is now a full Vehicle Robo able to combine with Gun Machines. She mocks him, but Chasseur’s Lion Reine finally feels home.
On a corner of the deck, a small silhouette approaches Sakura, still in V2’s Womb Head, noting the other Somniums have returned at last. He has waited the last 12 years for Cataphract to come back. He notes Lamia has overcome two of the ideals, but will make sure the third is harder, and so Deus grabs Sakura.
The Bettermen fibrise and fall off from GaoGaiGar, the Somniums floating in empty space. Gai Fusion Outs and meets Lamia face to face. Lamia tells Gai he only helped him to defeat the Conqueror King, Gai senses this is true. Gai already understands this Galeon is from 2005, not the one who disappeared into the wormhole as part of the Conqueror King, but questions how this happened, as Galeon never disappeared, Rice explains they will return it to its proper place, and warns not to let it be destroyed, before the Somniums all vanish via Socius Gate. He doesn't question their saying the battle is ongoing, knowing he must once more face Conqueror King Genesic.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
Number.07: Purgatory -RENGOKU-
Yamatsumi docks with Orbit Base, and discharges 4 people who are returning there after a long time. Acting GGG Green Chief Shishioh Gai welcomes them back, but, remembering their actions as Conqueror Acolytes, the 4, Hyuma Geki, Entoji Kosuke, Ushiyama Kazuo and Nakai Akiko are all depressed over their actions. Hyuma has to be scolded by Stallion White over how to properly address Gai, as a way to try and lighten their spirits. It's been a month since the 4 were purified from Zero Cores by Gai and Mamoru. They note how the 6 of them constitute the current whole of GGG Green. Kazuo finds it weird to think of his brother's serving in GGG Blue, something his maintenance junior Akiko agrees with, all of their colleagues who hadn't gone to the Trinary Star System are now in GGG Blue. A group arrive to greet them, first Tsuguo and Sueo have their first in person meeting with Kazuo, who now feels like Tsuguo has surpassed him, married with a child while his relationship with Akiko is barely started. Kazuo muses over Mitsuo, his brothers now know thanks to Keita he is working with Chandi. Entoji and Inubozaki have a polite reunion, while Urchin enthusiastically greets his old comrade Hyuma. Mamoru and Ikumi are the last to come meet the returnees. Mamoru reminds Hyuma of the words he was reminded to say when he got back, finally breaking them all out of their doubts. Stallion privately promises his sister he will make sure she is supported too. 
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Gai’s public appearance as GaoFighGar after Conqueror King King J-Der appeared revealed his return to the public, and the UN had revealed all they knew to the public about the Conqueror Acolytes. Thanks to Hinoki's determine Triple Zero essentially acts as a drug, the public understands the remaining GGG Green are not themselves, sparing Gai much heartache. Major areas of Zero Robo emergence have been evacuated rapidly, currently Zero Robos occupy 20% of the land, attempts to oppose Conqueror King King J-Der, Conqueror GenRyuJin and Conqueror GouRyuJin have all failed. At present, it seems in 4 months Zero Robos will control all land.
Lamia emerges from his cocoon in a Sepulchrum, Rakan has already recovered, but it has to be pointed out the only reason any of them survived it because all were able to work together to get then out. Lamia thinks they need Deus.
2 days after the recovered GGG Green members resumed duties, having been assigned to the Second Order Room, they are ready to participate in the counteroffensive against the Conqueror Acolytes, Operation Daybreak. GGG Blue and GGG Green are the key to the operation, receiving support from GGG America and GGG China. The operation will be overseen by the Main Order Room, commanded by Akamatsu, Urchin and Yang, with operators Yamajii, Tamara, Tsuguo, Hana and Alouette, and Second Order Room is staffed by Nozaki, Inubozaki, Hirata, Stallion and the returning 4. GaoGaiGo, GaoFighGar, Kakuseijin V2 and the GGG Blue’s Brave Robo Corps are being mobilised outside St. Petersburg, supplemented by GGG America and GGG Russia’s Intelligence Robos, and other countries GS-Ride equipped machines. The key to the operation though is GGG Green’s newly reinstated member Mic Sounder XIII, atop Stadio 7 with a newly tuned Disc X, prepared by Yang to the best of his abilities, to counteract the terraforming occuring in Zero Robo territory. Despite the trauma from his own actions, Mic has been encouraged to fight his guilt, rather than simply delete it. Keita has finally signed on with GGG Blue at Akamatsu's insistence, being persuaded to fight until there's peace and then run his modest business. The Zero Robos approach the assembled braves, and Mic uses Disc X, Operation Daybreak commenced. 
2 (cont)
The Solitary Wave is destroying the terraformed earth, and the assembled Brave Robos defend him from Zero Robos, Tamara reports an effective range of 230% the predicted area, Akamatsu cheering his deadbeat father’s creation.
Yamajii reports two heavy readings of Z0-Similar approaching, and Gai and Mamoru order all units to retreat while they handle the approaching Conqueror GouRyuJin and Conqueror GenRyuJin, Mic has to be pressured to leave. Conqueror GenRyuJin launches Freezing Rifle and Lei Dun, and Conqueror GouRyuJin uses Feng Dao Dan and Melting Rifle, trying to destroy Mic, but are blocked by a double Protect Wall. In response, the brothers ready their ultimate technique. Gai orders Ikumi to get Mic away, as the Maximum Tou Long is fired. 
A gash appears in space and Nebula, Ougu, Turbo, Lume, Ahriman and Pondus emerge, and to Gai’s shock, block the Maximum Tou Long, Turbo creating A compressed oxygen wall, Ahriman enhancing Nebula’s cancelling out vibrations, Lume softening the attack, though the attack is blocked for mere seconds before they are defeated. The opening is made though, and Ougu flies Pondus over the dragons, where he creates a micro black hole, dragging the brothers to a point. Lamia warns Mamoru over the Limpid Channel there is only one shot, giving GaoFighGar the chance to escape. A second Maximum Tou Long destroys the already abandoned shells of Ougu and Pondus, but all their goes are already gone. 
The plan had always been to retreat when either Conqueror King King J-Der or Conquer GenRyuJin and Conqueror GouRyuJin showed up, due to Mic’s stubbornness the operation was almost a failure if not for Betterman, but Entoji opines the operation wasn't enough, barely achieving anything, undoing 3 days terraforming when Disc X needs 10 days to manufacture.
The Branch Order Room arrives at the Second Order Room for debriefing, and Yang clarified the operation was successful, they proved Disc X would work, but now need a way to produce Disc X faster, Stallion this explaining their next objective is the recovery of the genius who created it, Shishioh Liger. This promises to be a challenge though, for Liger is assuredly a Zero Core in either Conqueror GenRyuJin or Conqueror GouRyuJin.
2 days after Operation Daybreak, GaoFighGar, GaoGaiGo and Mic are still being repaired, and Gai is meant to be resting, but keeps thinking about his comrades. Aside from the Conqueror Acolytes, Zero Cores have appeared in individual Zero Robos among the infinite legions. The Division Fleet had a crew of several hundred when it went to the Trinary Star System, and so far only 30 have been recovered. Zero Cores being mixed in along the Zero Robos appears to be a moveof Taiga to prevent any mass destruction weapon being used on the legions. He has determined Conqueror King King J-Der must have J and Renais inside, and thus GenRyuJin and GoRyuJin probably have Liger, Taiga, Swan, and the person he wants to see the most. He still hasn't been able to have the talk he wanted with Mikoto after the battle as Genesic GaoGaiGar, and he seems to have lost his locket of her in the Trinary Star System.
Mamoru also unable to sleep, is visited by Hana. He tries to make smalltalk to reassure, but notices her timid shanking is wrong as he sees the clock show 26:00.
4 (Cont)
Mamoru calms, and sees Hana’s eyes shake with tears. He finds himself thinking how beautiful she is, she asks what he thinks of Alouette. Mamoru can guess it has to do with Ikumi, Hana had overheard them talking together in the cafeteria earlier.
Ikumi has asked Alouette not to eat with him anymore, she said she would if that was what he wanted, but wanted to hear the reason, and when he tried to say she could work it out, she asserted she didn't know him enough to know, leading him to admit he hasn't told her enough to know either. Hana was shocked to notice a slight quiver to Alouette's voice, and is surprised to hear the two have eaten together before, enough for Ikumi to stop it. So he admitted to her there was another woman in his life he wanted to treasure. Alouette accepted and left, saying she was glad to have fallen in love with him. 
Mamoru and Hana don't know what to do, Ikumi did nothing wrong, but they feel sad for Alouette. Mamoru remembers when Alouette called Yuka to Ikumi's side in Australia, but they still worry for the situation. 26 minutes and 26 seconds have passed as Hana leaves, not revealing the other concern she has for herself.
UN Secretary-General Heart Clover is guided through approving the GGG Blue budget by his beautiful secretary Miss Cherry, who offers him her handmade food, admiring his earnest enjoyment. 
GGG’d major auxiliary arms include GGG America Space Centre, GGG China Scientific Aeronautics Division, GGG France Technical Research Institute, and GGG Germany Research Centre, which is now visited by Urchin Prickle via Atmospheric Excursion Ship Tenazuchi, he meets with leading scientist Doktor A. While GGG Blue normally operates in Japanese, which Urchin struggles with, they're English conversation is perfect. While Urchin is still is excellent shape, Doktor A is only ale to move as much as she can thanks to one of her mechanical legs being able to shift into a chair the work of Doctor Leo, all of A’s limbs are artificial now, including magic hands. Doktor A had once been part of the Jupiros program, alongside bother Shishioh Kizuna and Cactus Prickle, both long dead. She reports Research Centre currently will not complete their project before total umbrage, this is true of the other major centres too. The auxiliary arms not being able to keep up to the rate of Leo and Liger has been a regular issue the past decade, even Doktor A, a prosthetics expert who became her own subject, heavily involved in both Cyborg Guy and Renais Kerdif’s mechanical bodies, which had helped the framework of the Brave Robos, cannot match those two. It looks like the risky Plan B will have to be enacted. 
In the Big Order Room, GGG Blue Head Divers Mamoru, Ikumi, Keita and Hinoki and Brave Robos Porc-Auto, Getsuryu, Nichiryu, Shoryu are gathered, as are GGG Green’s acting chief Gai, Mic, Volfogg, and the new improved GoldyDoubleMarg, Goldy’s AI block placed into the remains of DoubleMarg. Volfogg questions the absence of Koryu and Anryu, but Gai tells him to wait for Chief Akamatsu to explain. The crux of the plan, which requires defeating Conqueror GenRyuJin and Conqueror GouRyuJin, is revealed to be Koryu and Anryu, whose bodies are in vehicle mode, but their AI blocks have been left disconnected, only to be reconnected for the battle to come, so they can achieve a miracle Symmetrical Docking with Getsuryu and Nichiryu. The body of TenRyuJin has been left with Triple Zero still infecting it, surrounded by G-Liquid to prevent it spreading. Once the AI are reconnected they will need to achieve Miracle Symmetrical Docking to defeat the Conqueror Acolytes before they become Acolytes again themselves. Naturally, the risk exists that they will fail, and two new Acolytes on the level of their brothers will be born, this Akamatsu entrust Mamoru and Ikumi with boarding the sisters and using their purification powers to slow the spread of Triple Zero. The captains and all 4 sisters agree to the plan knowing the risks, so as Conqueror Acolytes are detected at Chicxulub Crater, the plan is launched into action. 
5 (Cont)
In the Yokohama Sepulchrum, Animus Flowers bloom, for Somniums have taken humans in the brink of death and planted them as seedbeds. For some reason, only humans produce Animus fruits, it is perhaps only for this reason that the Somniums safeguard humanity. Deus has infiltrated the Sepulchrum, Lamia asking what he wants. All of the Somnium, except perhaps Rice, are wary, treating him with a sense of hostility. Deus appears to be a boy of ten in ancient greek stylings, he informs them the time of battle is coming, and informs them if his involving himself in the last battle, claiming responsibility for the safety of Sai Hinoki, the source of Vivele, the Somnium's hope. They ask the oldest of Somniums why he has involved himself, he says he thinks fondly of both them and humans, but also is an observer, only able to change things by prompting others to act, indeed Rakan notes records claim Deus has interfered in many events that might have caused the Somnium's extinction. Deus is unique even among the Somniums, although they are long lived, they will eventually age and die, as Pachira had, yet Deus is still youthful. Deus notes that humanity and the Somnium were capable to handling the threats of the Zonders, Primevals, Planetary Masters and Kankel without his interference, but the Dawn Aura is a major threat, they must weather the time of demise thrice more.
Wadatsumi launches on Gai’s order, and he continues briefing the Head Divers. Akamatsu has promised Keita special bonuses for his work, and he’s likely to earn a good amount this day, as he and Hinoki are deploying in GaoGaiGo. Gai finds Keita hard to talk to, as a legendary hero Keita insists on treating him with respect, and while technically older, refuses polite speech from Gai. Gai spies on a conversation between Mamoru and Hana where he tried to reassure her, touching Nichiryu, then asks a favour is Ikumi in Getsuryu, to reassure Alouette, forcibly connecting her. Ikumi thanks her for her consideration, and she finds herself emotional, they both seek to ensure everyone is rescued. 
The GGG Blue executives monitor things and discuss strategy. Akamatsu has to be reminded that Chicxulub is where ChoRyuJin crashed 65 million years ago after the ZX-06 incident, sent back in time by THE POWER, vestiges of energy have always been there, but not enough they should be usable. 
Yucatan is overrun with Zero Robos and is being umbraged. Present are Conqueror GenRyuJin and Conqueror GouRyuJin, at their feet 4 figures. The tall blonde man in the dark jacket has answered the short moustached man with pink hair that their presence their is simple pretense, luring GGG Blue out before they can prepare counterstrategy, the blonde woman understands. Taiga Kotaro, Shishioh Liger and Swan White, all corrupted by Triple Zero, have made their plan. The last member swears to Gai they will be together again soon. Her name is Utsugi Mikoto.
Sakura predicts everything is ending. 
6 (Cont)
Aboard Wadatsumi, Koryu and Anryu boast about their brothers, Getsuryu and Nichiryu are jealous, as they only met their brothers a couple of times. Mamoru listens to the conversation. The planned upon Symmetrical Dockings required SympaRates of 100%, and the Miraculous Symmetrical Docking created by THE POWER required SympaRates of 200%. Getsuryu and Nichiryu normally only hit 100% when motivated to protect Shoryu, and while they had met their sisters before the exile, the current bond is nowhere near strong enough. It could be that this thinking about their brothers is the only way to get there. The younger sisters are launched, and the older sisters have their AI blocks reinstalled, immediately feeling the sensation of Triple Zero. They put all their will into resisting. 
Getsuryu and Nichiryu are Mirror Catapulted, followed by Koryu and Anryu
Shortly before the Dragon Sisters deploy, from Yamatsumi, PhantomGao and Kakuseijin GaiGou deploy, turning from very different forms to two very similar Mechanoids. GaoGar and GaiGo descend on the area directly to where the two Conqueror Acolytes are, witnessing them place 2 Zero Cores each inside their cockpits. Final Fusion if approved, Hana and Alouette slam down their hands for Program Drive, entrusting the safety of the boys they love to their respective pilots, as twin EM Tornados from. The Acolytes launch their powerful attacks, but are intercepted last second by Daikaiten Ma'dan and Daikaiten Ma'rin from Big Volfogg and Big Porc-Auto, knocking them off balance beford they have Maximum Tou Long. Mic had empowers the two using Disc P, but is hit by a Jiao Dan Ji, and lands in the gulf of Mexico, the Intelligence Robos sneak away beige a Dian-Zhuanghou can follow. But the Acolytes have been delayed successfully, as GaoGaiGo and GaoFighGar land to face them. The Conqueror Acolytes are prepared for a tough battle against the Captains, but Keita accidentally lets slip Mamoru isn't there. As Conquror GenRyuJin and Conqueror GouRyuJin try to comprehend, their true opponents are announced. Getsuryu and Koryu land properly, Nichiryu and Anryu both faceplant. Mamoru and Ikumi do not reveal their own presence. The Acolytes attack, and each sister has their thoughts race.
Hana witnesses a shocking rise in the SympaRates, rapidly approaching 200%, this is more surprising to the GGG Green staff, but the existing purpose seems to have allowed them to reach this point faster than their brothers did, and Akamatsu orders Symmetrical Docking.
A dragon shining like the sun, KiRyuJin is born, as a is a dragon like the new moon, ShinRyuJin. Like the Conqueror Acolyte forms of their brothers, these mismatched forms were not considered in the planning stages, only achieved through external influence of THE POWER, and now Triple Zero. Unfortunately, the effect of Triple Zero in them immediately starts affecting Nichiryu via Koryu and Getsuryu via Anryu, but their Super AIs try to resist, even as they experience their sister’s memory of previous corruption. Mamoru starts using the G-Stone to fend off corruption of KiRyuJin, and Ikumi and the J-Jewel do so for ShinRyuJin, the two sisters are wreathed in an orange aura. Conqueror GenRyuJin and Conqueror GouRyuJin are impressed, but intend to see them submit. 
GaiFighGar and GaoGaiGo, supported by Big Volfogg and Big Porc-Auto fight the Zero Robo hordes, while Gai feels a resolute certainty that if the battle drags out, the greatest foe will come, and only he will stand a chance of facing him. Hinoki sends Tamara analysis data, so 4 Zero Cores among the Zero Robos are identified. Big Volfogg uses Daikaiten Daima'dan to give Big Porc-Auto a chance to rescue his partner, but even as he grabs the Zero Core the French intelligence unit knows Renais won’t be there.
GaoGaiGo and GaoFighGar have also recovered Zero Cores, and the last is recovered by cooperation of Shoryu and Mic. A dark shadow appears in the sky, Conqueror Carrier J-Ark, and two voices emerge, calling out Porc-Auto and Gai, and in a few moments the fray has properly been joined by the Conqueror King King J-Der.
7 (cont)
Conqueror King King J-Der is titanic compared to the opponents it has landed in front of. When GaoFighGar moves to defend GaoGaiGo, the voice of Renais Kerdi Shishioh emerges from within, her presence within King J-Der means that beneath the fiery aura the Mega Mechanoid is probably shining silver. King J-Der is more powerful that GaoFighGar and GaoGaiGo anyway, and now it is empowered by both the resonance of G+J and Triple Zero. While they have met in battle a few times over the months, Gai knows he cannot run from this battle until the Acolytes are stopped, even as Soldato-J declares their rivalry will be today settled. Gai counters with J’s own words that they will settle things when J is himself, Renais reminds J of their mission, and he prepared the Five-Linked Maser Cannons, Anti-meson cannons and ES-Missiles. GaiFighGar is caught by attacks due to needling to defend GaoGaiGo, as Keita hesitated. Goldy tries to get one of the Kings of Braves to use him, but the time taken to dock would use too much time. 
Conqueror GenRyuJin uses an Aurora Illusion to confuse the sisters, and Conqueror GouRyuJin unleashes a Melting Hurricane, but ShinRyuJin anticipated this, countering with New Moon and Dark Night Haze, combining the Protect Protector with the Multiple Armed Container, KiRyuJin follows up with Sun and Splendour Bow and Arrows, launched the Broken Breaker to get guard up, and attack the exposed side with the Maser Cannon, the Conqueror Acolytes allow themselves to be impressed. ChoRyuJin and GekiRyuJin were designed to be balanced, and this was largely true even as GenRyuJin and GoRyuJin, but Koryu and Nichiryu are both attack oriented, while Anryu and Getsuryu are both attack oriented, this Mamoru is in attack oriented KiRyuJin, and Ikumi in defence oriented ShinRyuJin. Their passengers have to encourage them to finish things soon. Both sides try and encourage, out of sincere feelings, their siblings to come to their side, but the brothers press the advantage that they know Triple Zero is already affecting their sisters. Mamoru and Ikumi need to let the sisters act on their own, and the sisters as one refuse, knowing both the guilt of their actions the French sisters feel, and the sorrow of facing their comrades the German sisters felt, and insist that their brothers are coming home with them. 
In Orbit Base, Akamatsu is touched by the bond, while Yang warns they must settle things now, as he estimates less than 200 seconds before the Super AI of the sisters are totally corrupted. 
The Conqueror Acolytes use Dian-Zhuanghou and Jiao Dan Ji to fly, doing so in their combined state thanks to Triple Zero enhancement, in response to this enhancement the sisters both call for Shoryu, spotting him, the Conqueror Acolytes ready Freezing Gun and Melting Rifle, and seem to blast their brother apart, but this is an illusion thanks to Utsusemi, the distraction, allowing him time to use Trinity Docking, and ShoKiRyuJin is born. As ShinRyuJin watches her sister fly up, she reflects how they had always planned on this Trinity Docking being born, deciding offence would take priority. Mic decides to lend Stadio 7 to ShinRyuJin, but due to her weight the platform is considerably less mobile for her.
ShoKiRyuJin is not at a total disadvantage, as her brothers are each forced to use an arm for flight, while both her arms are free for attacks, an she can dodge. The brothers create a strategy to blind her, and then grab her, intending to hold her until she two becomes a Conqueror Acolyte, Shoryu too can feel the corruption affecting him. Mamoru encourages ShoKiRyuJin to keep heart.
Mic contemplates using Disc P to empower ShoKiRyuJin, then realises that will also empower Conqueror GouRyuJin and Conqueror GenRyuJin.
ShinRyuJin, slowly rising, is entranced by the crisis. Ikumi tries to work something out, as does Mamoru. A girl's voice suddenly rings out that Betterman is coming. The Socius Road appears alongside Sara’s agonised scream, Lamia, Yewya, Rice, Hiiragi and Gajumaru emerge. All are reluctant to be Deus’ pawn, but as they are there, they must act. Ougu, Lume, Turbo, Pondus, Ahriman and Nebula appear. Rakan uses Sanctus, and Lamia informs Ikumi over Limpid Channel that the Betterman will become the being of shadows limbs, as the Six transformed Somnium are equipped over ShinRyuJin like armour. 
8 (Cont)
Everyone in the Main Order Room is shocked by the proceedings. Akamatsu decides to dub the form Bonderman, to Yang’s exasperation. Alouette is concerned, but Hana encourages her, Alouette reflects on how strong Mikoto was, feeling like if she was backing up Ikumi alone she'd never bear it. 
Lamia tells Ikumi they will use Pondus’ manipulation of gravity to make Bonderman ShinRyuJin reach ShoKiRyuJin, Ikumi agrees with a condition, an explanation on why they consider Shishioh Gai so dangerous, but when Pondus acts he's convicted to focus on the Dawn Aura for now. As the Conqueror Acolytes hold ShoKiRyuJin, Mamoru decides to make his presence known, asking if they really want this after everything they've done to preserve earth and humanity. The brothers realise what Mamoru's presence is in aid of, and shakily decide they must kill him, but that turmoil allows ShoKiRyuJin to be snathced out their hands by the rising Bonderman ShinRyuJin. It takes all combatants a moment to compose themselves. The Ruin Acolytes are now at a disadvantage, as both their sisters are freely mobile, and so descend for ground combat where both their arms are free. The sisters charge, with 100 seconds left.
All GaoFighGar and GaoGaiGo can do in the face of Conqueror King King J-Der’s ongoing barrage is dodge. Gai decides he has to connect to Goldy, Keita shakily promising to buy time. GoldyDoubleMarg readies himself, seeing the new tool, J and Renais refuse to let Gai use it. Keita activates Protect Wall, but then leaves Hinoki in Left Control, while he works in a Break Synthesise. Gai approved the use of the Double Hammer, activating his two virtual space keys, and Alouette follows with a Double Safety Relieve. A J-Quath tries to block the Hammer Connect, but Hinoki pits all her might into defence. The Wall Ring starts to crack, but Keita is finally able to launch a Double Synapse Attack, not at King J-Der, but to repair the Wall Ring.
Yang is impressed by Keita's ingenuity, Akamatsu bragging about him as he might a brother or son. GaoFighGar now holds the Goldion Double Hammer, and immediately has the GS-Rides run as powerful as possible, shining gold. GaoGaiGo is at its limit, Keita near collapse. The J-Quath penetrates, but Big Volfogg and Big Porc-Auto pull GaoGaiGo out of the way, and Gai activates the Goldion Clacker, the balls repeatedly striking the J-Quath until even it is made light. With the Double Hammer the Gravity Shockwave Generating Tool is in the Clacker, so a single hit is not as powerful, but multiple hits in short order can be made. Conquror King King J-Der now engaged close range, and Gai switches to the Goldion Slicer, honing the Gravity Shockwave via the inbuilt Goldion Motor, thin blades slice of King J-Der’s fingertips, then the Anti-meson turrets and ES Missile launchers. Conquror King King J-Der falls back, J admitting he was wrong about where they would settle things. As Hinoki and Keita talk quietly, Gai wonders why J has fleed, even though Conqueror King King J-Der would quickly regenerate it's weaponry and hadn't even used the ultimate technique available to it when J and Renais were both Fusioned into it, the J-Phoenix. 
The dragon siblings are now battling within Chicxulub Crater, Conqueror GenRyuJin and Conqueror GouRyuJin against ShoKiRyuJin and Musou ShinRyuJin. Conqueror GenRyuJin fights Musou ShinRyuJin, who uses Forte’s strong arms and Ougu’s saber, Conqueror GouRyuJin takes over, but Turbo counters his windstorm. ShoKiRyuJin fires attacks that Musou ShinRyuJin reflects at the brothersnat an unexpected angle. The brothers are shocked they are fighting this well in these never used configurations,.it is because of their United goal they can do this. The brothers see their sisters have them on the ropes, they cannot wait for the corruption to complete, and they increase the distance from their foes. 
In the Order Rooms, they know what the Brothers are preparing. If the sisters fail to survive the attack is all is lost. 
The Maximum Tou Long is readied, however, the sisters had anticipated this, and make matching movements, and 4 voices yell out Maximum Tou Long. A blue/yellow and a green/red dragon meets a white/gold and a silver/black dragon, the force of the collision enough to shake the bodies of the dragons themselves. Slowly but surely, the brothers start to gain the edge, even then Mamoru and Ikumi assure their allies they're with them. The ground beneath the Acolytes’s feet crumbles, Ahriman channeling Pondus' gravity powers there, causing them to fall. The Somniums are at their limits, Musou ShinRyuJin sees her armour petrify and crumble away, and the Conqueror Acolytes proclaim their victory. Their sisters remind them the battle isn't 4 on 4, but 4 on 5, as the smaller, green dragon Shoryu’s contribution, is able to avoid the Maximum Tou Long clash, the youngest sibling strikes his brothers in one strike, causing them to fall. The sisters cancel their Maximum Tou Longs, and leap upon their brothers, launching a Lime à Ongles und Nagelfeile. ShoKiRyuJin thrusts energy blades into Conqueror GenRyuJin, and ShinRyuJin does the same to Conqueror GouRyuJin, at once 4 sister's arms pull out 4 brother's AI Units. However, the countdown is already at zero, there is no time. Mamoru and Ikumi have already evacuated the shoulders, and apologetically trigger the explosive bolts to forcibly eject all 5 AI Blocks. The smoke clears, the bodies of the Conqueror Acolytes are now wrecks the Triple Zero dissipated, and Nine AI blocks rest in the crate, and near to Ikumi and Mamoru, are 4 cockpit units.
While the orange sunset over the Pacific Ocean almost makes it appear as though Triple Zero has taken it, it has in fact been protected. GaoFighGar lands by the bodies of 4 Dragon Gods, and witnesses the 4 intact cockpits, extracted by combined work of Broken Breaker and Protect Protector in a psuedo Hell and Heaven. Gai knows the Zero Cores in these units include both his top priority and GGG’s, before he can work to extract them though, something impossible emerges from the cockpit that had been Conqueror GoRyuJin’s right shoulder. Zonuda. Gai immediately Fusion Outs and leaps down, Mamoru and Ikumi come after, Mamoru as shocked to Zonuda after Shinjuku 10 years ago, as Ikumi is to see a Machine New Species after Australia during his year with Yuka and Bear, aka Armstrong, host to the Arm Primeval. 
Gai demands to know why Mikoto has taken that form, shaped her Zero Core into this form deliberately. She begs Gai not to come closer, over the Limpid Channel, an ability she gained while near death in the Trinary Star System. At her feet is a last resort device Yang had installed to protect classified intel, the same device had been key in the battle on Repli-Earth, but regenerated at Orange Site. Gai asks terrified is Mikotonis planning to die with him, and due to Triple Zero, she is, but she wants him to live still, so she tells him not to come. He steps closer, and holds her. Mamoru begs her to step away from the devicd, but she reveals any of the others could use it, it only hasn't been used to allow the two a moment. 
Lamia mentally contacts the root of evil, and the assembled Somnium are now stood there as well. Despite the dander he poses, they help him this once, and allow the thoughts of everyone in GGG to reach the Zero Cores. The voice of Sakura begs to leave the box closed. Hyuma demands Taiga remember their promise to Momoko, Koichi and Kaasuke, to not repeat what happened to Momoko with Jupiter X ad recalls their vow as ID5. Stallion tells Swan they need to perform together again. Akamatsu tells at his worthless father to come see his granddaughter already. Mikoto can hear her fellows hesitate and can't bear it. Gai holds her, telling her while being together in death would be okay, he wants to be with her in life, reminding her of the charter to live come what may. Her will starts to be shaken, and now there is no one left to trigger the last resort device. Together, Mamoru and Ikumi use their purification rituals to restore the four Zero Cores. For the first time in either months, decades, or 15 billion years, Shishioh Gai and Utsugi Mikoto speak to eachother with words.
Cheers ring out in the Main Order Room. Now almost all GGG Green members corruoted by Triple Zero have been saved, and it is hoped that after a shirt recovery Shishioh Liger can work to fix this situation. While everyone else celebrates, Yang ponders on what happened to ChoRyuJin 65 million years ago. Is ChoRyuJin had been pinned under the meteor when it landed, then even with THE POWER he would have been obliterated. Indeed, he must habe broken off and landed in the Pacific, wherehebwould be found on a island that broke off from Yucatan. But is it even possible he could have not bee discovered until 2005, so soon after his disappearance, it seems almost more likely that he was only placed within the stratum after vanishing into the ES Window, he fears they dance in the palm of another. 
In a canoe far off from Yucatan, the Somnium Deus notes twice more.
Conqueror Carrier J-Ark arrives in Japan, having lost satellite surveillance, and enters Mt. Aso. Lurking their are 3 ships that were supposed to be lost in the Trinary Star System, just finished being regenerated from the core, Kushinada. All this time has been worth it for the two Acolytes, Soldato-J and Renais Kerdif Shishioh, as their ultimate weapon is now ready. Conquror Tsukuyoki, Conqueror Hirume and Conqueror Takehaya. J holds one approval key, Renais the other, which will allow them to activate the ultimate tool, Conqueror Goldion Crusher.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
Number.??: Mystery -NAZO-
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Tokyo 2005.
A giant robot monster appears in Tokyo Bay. 5 Jupiros missions to Jupiter have occured. Jupiros-1 collected a strange energy and was stolen by Bionet, and Jupiros-5 disappeared with all hands, including Shishioh Kizuna. The Galeoria Comet, identified by Kizuna's husband, Shishioh Leo, is in fact a dimensional gateway to the Trinary Star System of the previous universe 15,000,000,000 years ago, after being used 7 years earlier by Galeon to bring Latio to earth, EI-01, Pasdar, used it to arrive on earth, and attack an experimental space shuttle, mortally wounding the pilot, Leo and Kizuna's son, Shishioh Gai, Galeon saves Gai and weakens Pasdar and the Gutsy Geoid Guard is established. In the face of this new enemy, GGG ponder what it could mean.
Cyborg Guy appears at the scene of the robotic monster. When 5 kids, Amami Mamoru, Hatsuno Hana, Ushiyama Sueo, Komori Reiko and Takayasu Sunou are seen trapped on the monster, Gai is ordered to save them. On saving them, Gai becomes upset at Mamoru using -san on him. The monster is officially designated EI-02.
Gai Fusions with Galeon to become GaiGar, who equips StealthGao to to engage EI-02. GGG recovered Galeon after it rescued Gai, and it provided them a cache of G-Stones, and they were able to use data from Galeon’s black box both to turn Gai into a Cyborg, and to replicate from the data GaoGaiGar. Despite the risk of Final Fusion failing, Chief Taiga authorises it, and GaoGaiGar is born.
While the reason for EI-02’s rampage is unclear, GaoGaiGar fights, using Protect Shade to block attacks, then attack using Broken Magnum, and finally uses Hell and Heaven, repeating the words found in Galeon’s black box, speculated to mean “two powers in one” but the last key word has not been discovered, Gai’s thrust forward is improvised, and removes the Core from EI-02. The robot is destroyed, and GaoGaiGar prepares to destroy the core, before a green flying boy yells to stop, his instincts awakened, and turns the Core back into a human. GaoGaiGar is stunned, but before anything more can happen, a tear appears in space.
Emerging from this year is a steel giant. Gai is shocked it, especially the head, looks just like GaoGaiGar, if not for the battle scars. There are other differences. Large engines on the wings. The shoulders are not derived from a train. The torso has not Galeon’s face, but a gold crown.
Also the orange flaming aura enveloping the whole body.
Gai tries to question what it is, but the year is 2005, so neither Gai not Mamoru have any way of knowing, that the name of this entity, is Conqueror King GaoGaiGo.
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king-of-better · 1 year ago
Drama CD: side Betterman: Number.EX: Request -Propose-
This drama CD came with the 20th anniversary Betterman Blu-ray box, which also came with the the Juvenile Ver of both Yushao Tanjou and Chin Requiem, the versions used as theme songs for King of Kings.
2007: Deep Ocean
Sakura’s voice rings out. Lamia, still recovering from the battles of the last year, contemplates over the Limpid Channel what is to come. He recalls those lost in the battle against Kankel, Bodaiju, Pachira and Seeme, and resolves to do what he must. Sakura warns the Conqueror King is coming.
2009: GGG Marine Refuge Base
Keita is surprised to see Ushiyama Sueo, who he already knows, joining the ranks of Juvenile GGG, Sueo introduces his friend Mamoru, and Keita introduces his girlfriend, Hinoki. Mamoru recalls this first meeting with the pair, as he was making his journey to rescue the GGG members trapped in his home Trinary Star System.
2010: Private Izakaya Island
Keita grumbles to Mamoru and Sueo. Hinoki is at a study party, Keita grumbling she's probably being hit on by handsome guys. Mamoru misses Hana too, Keita becomes depressed when Sueo reveals Mamoru and Hana are actually married.
2010: Medical Area
Hinoki comes to check on Sakura, finding Akamatsu there. He has to remind her to call him Chief, not President. Hinoki asks about Sakura’s mother, learning she's alive but left them over Akamatsu's workaholism. Sakura briefly becomes agitated. Akamatsu asks Hinoki about Keita, she is uncertain how things are going.
Mamoru notes the Invisible Burst changed everything.
2012: Ushiyama 2’s Home
Keita visits Tsuguo as he’s moving into his new house with Ayame. Tsuguo asks about Hinoki, trying to push Keita to make things permanent before it's too late. As topics move to the Invisible Burst and GGG, Tsuguo tries again to persuade Keita to join, knowing Akamatsu would gladly have him, and a second backup Head Diver for Kakuseijin GaiGou would be a boon. Keita asks Tsuguo is he knows what happened to Hinoki's family, and explains he wants to give her a place to call home before he proposes, Tsuguo is impressed at his resolve at least.
2017: G-Island City
Mamoru and Hinoki are fighting to defend the City in Kakuseijin GaiGou, while Keita revels in his finally achieving his goal. Yewya awakens Lamia from a trance, he has been caught on memories of Seeme, Yewya understands his feelings as one who also uses Lume as Seeme did. They discuss the Conqueror King, and Lamia speaks to the assembled Somnium, reminding the time has come.
Keita sees the home he has worked 6 years to buy destroyed by a Zero Robo, becoming first depressed, then furious. Chandi suddenly appears, speaking over Limpid Channel, and presents to him Kakuseijin V2, introduces Kei, and has Mitsuo explain more, Keita eventually takes Kakuseijin V2, able to pilot it solo.
Kakuseijin V2 trashes the Zero Robo, and he is then contacted by Yamajii and Akamatsu, and after some back and forth, told to help Hinoki in GaiGo.
Hinoki launches Final Fusion into GaoGaiGo, but Tsuguo discovers the Super Neuromechanoid is being infected with a virus, and Yamajii reports the Second Order Room is working on sorting that.
As Hinoki struggles, Yewya asks Lamia if they should act to save the Somnium’s hope, but he argues someone else will save her this time.
Kakuseijin V2 arrives on the scene, and Keita takes Active Control, and raves about his proposal being ruined, stunning Hinoki as she hears about it, everyone else listening cheers or offers congratulations. Hell and Heaven plus Synapse Attack finish the enemies.
At this point, Lamia becomes Betterman Nebula, declaring the presence of a powerful enemy, Sakura screams as he uses Psycho Voice.
Mamoru recalls everyone was happy for Keita and Hinoki, though Keita was depressed over the failure of his ambition, Hinoki assures him he's all she needs.
Sakura warns the Conqueror King is coming, as Lamia witnesses it, King J-Der.
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