#i’ve seen some other complains similar to this one too
i see a lot of critics complain about how we never got to know about catra’s origins or where cat people come from, and this is probably one of the few things i’m not that concerned about. unlike adora’s case, catra’s origins were never part of the plot. they never mention it, they never hint to a biological parent or a cat people species, i think the closest thing we get is that one silhouette of a cat person in an episode.
and this is okay. not every character’s origins need to be explored in detail, especially if it adds nothing to the story. as far as we can see, catra is not concerned at all about her origins. she doesn’t even seem to consider the idea of wanting to find her family or her people. she had other things to worry about like abusing her sister. i think it was fitting that she was just found in a box and adopted by shadow weaver.
adding unnecessary explanations and backstory for each character can make a story convoluted and long-winded. if catra’s origins aren’t an important part of her arc, then we don’t need to explore it. simple as that. besides, sometimes it’s a lot more fun to headcanon and theorize about stuff, rather than get an in-story explanation for every single plot beat.
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Astrology observations 🌊🐟🌊
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Credit: @astroismypassion
🌊 Cancer Sun men (some other Cancer placement can be that as well like Cancer Venus, Cancer Mercury) are I noticed veryy indecisive. But they are masking that indeciveness behind “oh I just haven’t met the right person for me yet”. As partners they tend to get lazy, more controlling with time, but paint a very very almost this ideal picture in the beginning. You might not be able to find anything bad, because they seems so ideal on paper. They could be cheap too. They also dislike paying, prefer to split 50/50, but make sure that they are spending LESS than you, so they still feel taken care of. They pay only what is theirs and if something is shared between both of you, they expect you to take care of it.
🐟 A lot of Taurus Sun people are gym/workout freaks secretly, but can be inconsistent with it, so you might never openly know this about them.
🌊 I find it’s a slight, small and funny difference between Scorpio Moon and Scorpio over the 4th house native. Scorpio Moon is so secretive, private and doesn’t disclose information easily. You might be their best friend, but still don’t know their family situation to the full extent. But with Scorpio over the 4th house I noticed can kind of be oversharers?? It’s harder for them to keep a secret and when they vibe with someone in a nice conversation, they end up overspilling information.
🐟 Your partner can be a mix of your Juno, Jupiter and sign over 1st, 4th and 7th house. 1st house because there could be found people that are so “in your face”, because you were literally meant to meet them in this lifetime, 4th house is people you introduce to your parents, take home and 7th house are people that are similar to you, yet different enough that you feel they complete you and that you can learn from them.
🌊 Your IC sign shows some of the deepest parts of you that have been instilled in you and have been in your family for generations and generations. It is also what you know best, what already comes to you naturally. For example: Aries IC you are unafraid of conflict, you are not scared to be confrontational.
🐟 I noticed Taurus over the 12th house or Taurus Lilith are more prone of wanting to steal something material from you, like a material item, if they feel you hurt them emotionally. Watch out for Taurus Lilith especially, because they feel like they are never abundant enough, I noticed there is something missing when they are around you, like you might start missing your umbrella or something little and mundane.
🌊 I still think about 8th house Synastry that usually both people need to change. So it’s not about pointing fingers that planet person or house person. It’s usually not enough just one doing the changes and the other not, for the connection to run more smoothly.
🐟 I noticed Composite Libra Rising couples really struggle with other people. Usually the only conflict these two have is about other people. You might not even complain about each other, but when there is tension, it is about other people. Like your/their friends, how much time they are spending with certain other people.
🌊 Composite 1st house shows the things you liked about each other in the beginning, but these are the very same things that you resent with time or dislike later on and complain about. For example: Composite Aquarius Rising: you will like that you are still able to be with them and chase your dream goals, you like that you still are able to have your independent life besides them, that they give you enough freedom and personal space. But later you will start noticing that you “drifted apart/didn’t take enough time for each other”.
🐟 Taurus Venus natives really crave a partner that pays for them. But I noticed once they get older, it reverses from what I’ve seen? They are usually the one getting taken advantage of and paying eveything or a lot of the things for their partner.
🌊 Venus in the 8th house in Synastry chart gives energy of “We are not in a partnership, but I also don’t like you trying to date other people”. 😅
🐟 Composite Pisces Mars, Mars at 12 degrees or Composite Mars in the 12th house will really hold you accountable, even when you will be trying sweep thoughts, feelings, conversations, under the rug.😩 Like yes, it is known for sweeping topics under the rug, giving too many chances, forgiving. But you will notice things go wrong or poorly/bad in the connection when you just let it slide. Like the universe won’t allow you to do that, if it’s not genuine. You might not vocalize certain of your genuine thoughts, ideas, feelings for the sake of keeping peace in the connection that one time, but it will blow up in your face later all at once, because the universe won’t let it slide. 😬
🌊 Often when people say “Oh my partner did that for me in the beginning, but they don’t do it anymore now”, I suggest look at your partner’s Venus sign. This is how they behave towards you to attract you. This is “the attractive you” you are usually in the beginning, early stages of getting to know someone or when you are going in for y job interview. For example:
Aries Venus: they will asking YOU firstly jokingly “Are you trying to flirt me?😂”, they can slide this one casually in the conversation.
Taurus Venus: buy you a little gift (but usually great great quality), treat you to a meal out or sharing snacks with you. might also gift you clothing for the very first birthday you have, which is their way of telling you they like you.
Gemini Venus: helps you out a lot (sometimes forces their help onto you😅), pays for drinks, seems like they will help you or be there for you if anything happens every day out of the week.
Cancer Venus: they usually potray themselves as the emotional one and describe people around them are all “so stone cold”, they are more emotionally open in the beginning to lure you in, but later you realize they are quite stoic actually or even nonchalant.
Leo Venus: gives a lot of attention mostly in the beginning. because later they wanna experience being the one that is the center of attention in the relationship.
Virgo Venus: will text you consistently and always make sure that they are there for you, also the one to likely help you out, but with ulterior motives😅
Libra Venus: another one that pays for your meals, they will take you out, wine and dine you, you will feel like they know all the good restaurants.
Scorpio Venus: now, this one is hard. it’s usually in their stares. If it’s there, it’s already in the EYE CONTACT. If you don’t know what I mean by eye contact, then the sparkle is not there. but quite soon, they will have a a little, but manageble jealous episode, when you mention your female/male friends and that is how they reveal themselves that they care about you.
Sagittarius Venus: oh this one will take you places, organize that bike trip, show you a city they know really well and take you around, feed you with their stories and impress you with their many life experiences.
Capricorn Venus: acting too busy, burdened with duties, but actually hanging with their parents in the free time or playing video games. oh gosh, they give such air of being on their own constant strict schedule, that you will feel like they don’t have time for you, so that when they give you their time, you will think it is special.
Aquarius Venus: this one is unique, will likely organize a set up, group situation with a few of their trusted friends with you going for a drink/meal, but it’s a test try, to see how well you would merge in, another type is acting super busy and productive with you, but actually hanging with friends, partying.
Pisces Venus: lure you in by giving you things, items for free or impressing you with their musical talent, sing you a song, make you homemade art, treating you to a nice sweet homebaked treat, they will give the impression of being naive, but that’s quite far for it.
🐟 You might argue less with people how have Saturn on your Ascendant, because you will feel like you need to level up mentally and act more mature when you are around them, so you are likely to avoid petty fights, but only when you are with this person.
🌊 We often watch TV series, films with actors who share the same Moon sign as us. For example: I noticed Sex and the City TV series is very popular among Aquarius and Capricorn Moon people (also Sagittarius Moon to certain extent) and main actresses have these Moon signs too.
🐟 Aquarius Mars people are few of the actors who actually don’t mind being known for THAT one movie/TV series role and don’t try to run away from that image, they instead embrace it. For example: actress Eva Longoria (Aquarius Mars) who still to this day doesn’t mind being asked about her well-known and iconic role as Gaby Solis in TV series Desperate Housewives.
Credit: @astroismypassion
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bluejutdae · 28 days
Dom han... him being your bff and like being all touchy with him,and him being a literal girlfriend for you till you realize he is more manly then you thought let him fuck my brains out pls💕...DOM HAN JISUNG BRAINROT FOR ME YALL
-🫶 a request from me perheaps?...😃❤️❤️
Sometimes I can’t let go of an idea, so here’s soft dom Ji. Very soft, but you know that think about writers not being in control of their stories? Yeah. That.
Happy belated birthday, love 🫶
Posting without much editing because I am very tired and I have a wedding to attend to tomorrow. Sorry for any mistakes.
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You and Jisung have been dating for about a month, after an eternity of flirting. Despite all the dates, the movies spent cuddling and your hands constantly on him, you still haven’t had sex. You both agreed on waiting. It wasn’t a question of inexperience, but more of a mutual understanding that you wanted to build a solid relationship first.
Tonight is just another night in which you’ve been invited to watch a movie with all the members. You love seeing Jisung surrounded by his friends, he’s always particularly happy, completely in his element. He’s so calm and relaxed, you spent the last 30 minutes braiding his hair and playing with it.
Seungmin’s voice is louder than the tv’s when he says, “is he always this soft or is it just when he’s with her?” They all laugh and everyone adds his own comment on the matter. The only non-teasing one comes from Felix and you. You know your boyfriend is a soft boy, you never had a problem with that. Jisung grins, pulling you close and kissing the top of your head. “Don’t you wish to know?” he teases back and makes a show of sticking his tongue out to Seungmin. But when he turns back to look at you, there’s something in his eyes, something you haven’t seen before, that sends a shiver down your spine, and makes your pussy clench. What the fuck was that?
The rest of the night passes uneventfully, but you can’t shake the feeling that you awoke some beast or something. Something that was simmering just below the surface.
When the night ends and you both return to the quiet of your tiny apartment, the playful atmosphere from earlier seems to be just a distant memory. Your usual sweet and cute boyfriend is not looking at you with a new expression, with something you can only describe as lust.
“Do you think that, too?” He asks in a low voice.
“Think what?”
“What Seungmo said earlier, that I’m soft.” As he says that, he removes his rings, putting them in the pockets of his jeans.
You swallow, suddenly feeling very aware of the quiet of the night surrounding you, the only light really illuminating the room is the one from the streetlights, penetrating through your windows. “I mean- you are soft with me.”
“I am, am I?” He steps closer and he’s now just a few feet from you and you seem to be frozen, with your ass against the kitchen counter. “You know that’s not all there is about me. Right?”
“I mean-” there have been instances in which you think you saw something less soft and more… horny. But you thought it was just that: arousal. Yes, you decided to wait, but it doesn’t mean either of you ever wanted more. And just as some night ended with you with your hands inside your underwear, imagining your fingers were Jisung’s, you expect some of his ended in a similar way. “I don’t really know?”
The intensity of his gaze sends a thrill through you. He finally closes the distance and uses his fingers to tilt your chin up, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“Do you want to find out?”
Your nod is all that he needs before pulling you to him to kiss you. The kiss is a demanding one, nothing like the lighter kisses you are used to. His hands grips your waist, pulling you against him even more. When he pulls back (not without a complaining noise from you) his breath is warm against your ear. “I’ve been wanting so much to have you.”
You make it to your bedroom, mouth or hands never leaving the other’s skin, shedding clothes during the slow march. Contrary to so many other times you kissed him, there’s a certainty in his movements, a loud confidence that makes your skin hot and your pussy wet.
His hands slide up your sides, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake, and he guides you down on your bed. He follows you down, covers you with his body and kisses you again, softer this time. “You’re so fucking beautiful” he says on your lips, and then starts his slow and maddening way down your neck and towards your chest. His mouth, hot and wet against your skin, is perfect. Every now and then his teeth graze your skin, making you moan. When he finally reaches your tits you hold your breath, anticipating the wet hot sensation of his mouth, but he smirks and makes you wait, teasing you. “Is my baby impatient?” Before you can answer he takes your nipple into his mouth, lightly pinching the other between his fingers.
He gives your tits his whole attention, alternating between sucking and gently biting, pinching and massaging. After yet another request of speeding things up, he begins to move lower. His hands trace the lines of your waist and your hips, ending their descent on your thighs, gently spreading them apart. “Look at you. You look so good I could eat you alive.”
“Sungie.” He smirks again, one raised eyebrow pressing you to ask for what you want. But his mouth and hands made a mess of your brain, so you just beg again in the form of his name. He chuckles at your behavior. “Already such a mess? Be patient, my baby”
He lowers his face to nips at the soft flesh of your inner thigh, following with his tongue in lieu of an apology. When his mouth finally gets on your pussy and Jisung starts to eat you out like a starving man, you let out a loud moan and your hands grip the sheets as his tongue flicks out and presses on your clit.
He finds a rhythm and your pleasure builds and builds with every stroke of his tongue. You push his hair away from his eyes and his eyes are set on you. Anytime he sucks on your clit you let out a loud and filthy moan, so he keeps on doing it until you cum, one hand gripping the sheets and the other in his hair, pulling a little (a lot) making him moan around your most sensitive nerves. He keeps working his mouth through every aftershock until you are boneless, panting beneath him and blabbering nonsense.
He pulls back and travels his way back to your lips with his. The kiss tastes of you and him, and it’s heady. He chuckles when you compliment him, blushing like he didn’t just eat you out like a starving man. “Everything for my girl.”
The night is still young for you two, and as you get ready to repay the favor, you feel your love for him grow a little. Waiting for this was worth the wait.
His voice breaks through your thinking, stained with arousal and something else. “You’re mine, you know that?”
You nod, lips kissing his skin, getting close to his hard cock inch by inch. “Yeah. And you’re mine.”
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essycogany · 2 months
Here’s a personal take!
The Sonic Prime 3D models have the best facial expressions seen from the modern cast. Why? Well, I’ll explain with my 0 experience in 3D animation. I’m only explaining as an observer. Not a professional. Anyways, onto the fun.
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First of all, let’s talk about the current models in the games. The animators became better at animating them in Sonic Frontiers.
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You can tell effort was being put in, but Frontiers still has limits due to the structure of Sonic’s face and eyes. I’ve seen fan animations with this model which animates him wonderfully. But no matter what, he’s still going to have limitations because his hands are too big, eyes are too far apart, mouth looks like it was made to only stay on the side, and more issues. The design frankly looks dead. Even in motion.
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In all fairness, this character was built for a 2D design due to it being inspired by Mickey Mouse. But Sonic Unleashed (because they used different models like Dream Team) proves this character CAN be expressive in 3D with a good workable model. It’s not the animation that’s the problem in Frontiers. Here are similar expressions from Sonic Prime and Frontiers.
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See how wider the expressions are in Prime? It allows their faces to be more flexible and warped. Prime!Sonic has rounder eyes making his head look easier for his facial structure to have an array of expressions. It’s kind of close to Sonic Dream Team with the minor tweaks of the OG models. Which is why the expressions in that game looked so good. ESPECIALLY when animated.
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It’s even why other designs are able to have great facial expressions. The eyes being close together just works. While the OG looks like he’s pushing expressions that’s near impossible to push. Yes, it’s still expressive, but you can see how limiting it is because the eyes aren’t supporting the face. And his mouth is always stuck to one side.
Onto more compliments to the Sonic Prime models. They emphasize the hight differences too. I personally think Sonic and Shadow look like mixtures between their 06, modern, Boom, and movie designs. They have long quills like 06. Their entire look is inspired by the modern designs. Their eyes are shaped similar to Sonic Boom and they have cool textures like in the movies. Other characters count but it most notably is for the two hedgehogs.
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The hands are smaller like in the movies and Boom. The pupils being bigger gives volume to the faces. I also adore their fur and quill patterns to give the designs flare. Their gloves have little details too. I especially love how they can change the quills for Sonic and Shadow and make them look similar to a 2D style. Usually they’d make the quills smaller in the games to get that 2D look but Prime Shadow and Sonic are able to have long quills while the animators adjust them however and whenever they need to.
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Their mouths are also well animated and smooth when transitioning to different sides of the face. The characters body shapes are also 100% better. While the Game model looks too straight the Prime model has a pear shape torso that are also given to Boom and Movie Sonic respectively. The Prime models look like they were made for action scenes.
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I know some people complain about the eyes not going down, but honestly it’s what makes the expressions weaker when used in 3D. I’m glad they have a balance of it sometimes to allow the expressions to get their points across. I really appreciate the colors on everyone also. They look lovely and bright with help of the lighting.
The few critiques I have are due to multiple watches but they’re not a HUGE deal.
1. I can easily see their necks at points.
2. The mouth animation looks weird when characters makes an O shape and the tongues/teeth are jarring.
3. I wish their hands weren’t so flat and skinny. Other models had their hands shaped like Disney characters, but Prime’s hands can look flat sometimes.
These are just nitpicks though.
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Even compared to the CGI cutscenes while still good I think Prime conveys a subtly previous models didn’t do too often. Of course the CGI looks amazing and it still holds up, but the nuance in Sonic Prime cannot be ignored. Hope my take makes the slightest of sense.
Stay Creative! 💜
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imnotyetfound · 3 days
My take on Five/Lila - and why they were endgame
I’ve seen so many people say that Five and Lila didn’t make any sense, and I just disagree. I've tried to really motivate why, and also why I see them as endgame. Feel free to agree or disagree.
First of all, Five and Lila share a common background of being raised plus trained as survivors and weapons. Five was molded by his time in the apocalypse, the Commission and his ruthless upbringing within the Hargreeves family, while Lila was similarly trained and manipulated by the Handler. Both of them were forced into brutal, high-stakes environments from a young age, developing a sense of independence, ruthlessness, and survival instincts that the rest of the family can’t fully relate to. We see this especially in Five and Lila’s difficulties in showing emotional vulnerability and trusting others. This shared experience means they both understand the cost of their traumatic upbringings and can relate to each other’s emotional scars in ways others just won’t be able to. So already by this, they’re somewhat bonded from the start.
In other similarities both Five and Lila possess extraordinary intelligence and tactical thinking. They challenge each other in a way no one else does. This has been an ongoing thing between them, bouncing off each other and sometimes teaming up. It’s also what drew them to work on another mission together in S4, there has always been some kind of pull/push there. Personality-wise both Five and Lila have a dark sense of humor and a cynical outlook on the world. But despite the cynicism, they still manage to eventually relax and find humor in each other’s company. The lighter moments we’ve seen between them at times have been an interesting contrast to their otherwise serious and violent lifestyles. 
I do believe their shared backgrounds and personalities created a bond that was then further strengthened during the years they spent lost in the subway together. Isolated from the rest of the world, they literally only had each other for company. The intimacy and trust that grew between them was inevitable. When you have no one else to rely on, you’re going to develop a relationship stronger than under normal circumstances. So over those years, they must have grown close in ways that no one else could fully understand. Even though we didn't get to see every detail of how it unfolded (because the season was way too short), it’s not difficult to imagine.
I’d also say they naturally grew a bond stronger than with any other character at that time, except for the one between mother and child which is why Lila’s need to be with her children would always make her go home if given the chance. Five knew this and it’s the reason he kept the solution from her for months. 
Now, to my thoughts about their actions in regards to Diego as this is often brought up. The argument that Lila cheated on her husband with Five is understandable from a moral perspective, if we see it as just that without any context. But when you consider the circumstances it is way more nuanced. You have to look at not only the environment they found themselves in, but also the emotional and psychological journey they went through together. Their relationship was ultimately forged over a shared background and then several years of isolation. Then you add to the fact that Diego seems to have treated Lila like crap in the years leading up to the isolation, she said it herself he was always moping around and complaining while she sacrificed her life to stay at home and take care of the kids. She even told him she needed a break to reassess their relationship. I do believe her and Five had somewhat already begun an emotional affair before the isolation, the way they were sneaking off together and clearly wanted to keep their thing separate from Diego and the others. Yet they still didn’t get physical until they settled down, believing they weren’t gonna find a way back.
Also, it’s important to here consider the strength of the bond, as I mentioned earlier, that Five and Lila must have developed over those years. They knew each other better than anyone else by the end. Spending every day together in a survival situation with nothing else around would likely create an unparalleled level of intimacy and emotional closeness. This bond would probably transcend Lila’s previous relationship with Diego, and maybe even Five’s bond with his siblings. It’s been years since he returned to them and they had all grown in separate directions. Lila and Five however had recently experienced something life-changing together, and it is unfair to dismiss the strength of their connection as something unethical or out of character when their reality had shifted so drastically from when the show started.
Another important point here is how the relationship with Lila allowed Five to finally be "human" and emotionally open in a way he hadn’t allowed himself to be before. Five was obviously emotionally detached as a result of both his past trauma and the burden of being a hyper-intelligent man in the body of a boy. With Lila, he had the chance to just feel love and trust without worrying about anything else. So I do think this outweighs his “betrayal” against his brother as people claim.
Now on to how and why Five and Lila were endgame. I’m convinced that Lila did love Five despite her choice to leave their isolation. To me this was cemented as she didn’t deny her feelings when Diego asked her straight out. If she wanted to make Diego feel better she could have easily denied her feelings for Five to reassure him. Yet even when asked twice she couldn’t do it. There was also Lila’s look of relief when Five returned to them at the end. It was Five who Lila allowed to comfort her after she said goodbye to her family, trusting him in her most vulnerable moment instead of blipping back to Diego and the others. These events showed the deep trust and emotional intimacy that still existed between them after returning to “the real world”. Despite her saying it was over. I also want to add here that Lila took Five’s hand as they were dying, the look between them was for me at least silently saying they loved each other. 
So all in all I do believe that the connection and love between Five and Lila was authentic. It also made sense. They’re able to understand each other’s emotional complexities, including their darker tendencies, without needing to change who they are. Still their time together seemed to actually have softened them both when they finally had the chance to settle down, almost as if they were healing from past trauma together. This would forge a relationship that no one else could replicate without going through the same experience. Making Five and Lila a reasonable endgame, which they also were in my eyes considering they died holding hands.
Summary:  Five and Lila's shared background of trauma, matched intelligence, and similar personalities means they make sense. They shared a bond that was only further strengthened during their years of isolation. For 7 years they only had each other to rely on. This inevitably created an intimacy and relationship that couldn’t be compared to what they had had with anyone else. Outweighing what they did to Diego when you consider all context. Lila and Five ended up being human and vulnerable with each other on a level they hadn’t been with anyone else. Ultimately Lila’s refusal to deny her feelings for Five, her relief when he returned, him comforting her as she sent her family away and then finally them dying hand-in-hand, showed that they were endgame.
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thealbatrovss · 12 days
wind song // logan(2017) x fem reader
(mini series)
Chapter 1 - blood money
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summary: after breaking up over a year ago, you reunite with logan at a diner in Texas. he needs a favor.
warnings: 18+ ONLY // MDNI - suggestive content, mature themes/subject matters, death, swearing, eventual violence and smut.
word count: 2k+
wind song masterlist // my other masterlist
The coffee was burnt. You pretended to like it that way.
The white mug was too hot to hold with your hands, so you opted for a straw instead. You found it in the corner of the booth. That earned some stares from the old couple eating lunch a few tables over and your waitress.
“That’s gonna melt the plastic right into your drink, you know?” Her Texan accent wasn’t as thick as the other waiters. There was red lipstick on her teeth. “Just wait for it to cool down.”
You picked the plastic tube from the liquid, inspecting it. It was still intact. “Looks fine to me.” And you popped it back in. There were sugar packets on the table. They reminded you of pixie sticks. You started to feel nauseous.
The lady shook her head, putting her notepad with your orders away. “Whatever gets you through the day.” And she left to go get your food. Or complain to her coworkers about the woman melting plastic instead of sugar into her coffee.
You wanted to drink it like normal. But you’d used a similar cup like this before to solve a case a few months back. It just didn’t feel right. Objects never did after they helped you locate the missing person. Another strange aspect of your powers. It’s like the people lived on through their things.
You could see his car pulling in through the driveway. He was right on time. Like always.
All kinds of emotions were running through you. You’d just arrived here out of state for a funeral. You were still wearing the black dress from attending this morning. Logan had called as you debated in your car whether to attend the after-services or not. Guess you got your answer. But it was still a surprising one.
You hadn’t seen or heard from him in over a year. Not since the incident.
The front doors opened, and the bell rang to let everyone know. You sat up a little straighter, nervous fingers folded in your lap.
Logan seemed to bring down the entire room as soon as he walked in. He wore a white tank top, with a white button-up over it. His black suit jacket was covered in specks of dirt and dust. His beard was a lot fuller now, his hair a bit shorter. Both growing gray. It glistened with the beads of something that smelled like moonshine.
For the first time in your life, you could see his age catching up to him. And the exhaustion. It was written on the bags underneath his eyes. In the way he held his aching knuckles to his chest, staring at where his claws hid.
He took a quick swig from his flask, ignoring the waiter's glare from behind the main counter. He was looking for you, drink still in hand.
You let him find you.
“Nice dress.” He started with. Your heart rate increased. You bit the inside of your lip. He still had that gravitational pull that made people want to either run and hide or get closer to him. He slid into the booth across from you. The sugar packets made shaking noises. He left his flask out on the table. “What’s the occasion?”
Your hands played with the black fabric ending at your knees. “Funeral.”
Logan nodded his head in understanding. He took out his glasses, looking at one of the menus.
“Oh, I’ve ordered already.”
“And I’m hungry as shit.”
“I ordered for you.” You emphasized.
Logan paused, staring at a picture of a salad. His eyes peeked out over the menu. “The usual?”
You nodded, swirling the straw around in the cooling cup of coffee. “Most places have what you like.”
He removed his glasses, rubbing at the irritated spot on his nose. “Next time, let me get my own tab.”
When she returned with the food, you ate in silence.
Logan stuffed a plate of sausages in his mouth before finishing attacking the eggs. He occasionally reached for his flask, like it was something he had ordered.
You didn’t feel like eating. The sugar was grinding in your ears. You’d have to take this sandwich to go. The coffee was going cold now.
“So,” you started. You were suddenly aware of how sticky the seat was beneath you. “Why did you call?”
“Why did you answer?” He kept eating. His fork made noises when it hit the plate.
You thought about the weeping mother and the small casket. “Well, it was either this or dwell on my last case. And I’d rather talk with an old friend than think about any of that.”
He stopped chewing, swallowing hard. “Well, then you’re not going to like what I have to say.”
Your brows knitted. You leaned back against the headboard. “I’m listening.”
Your ex took another shot of the hard alcohol. It was still the afternoon. But alcohol didn’t have the same effect on him as it did on other people. His abilities wouldn’t allow it. But it was still a problem.
He stuffed the flask back in his shirt pocket, only after it was empty. “I’ll make it short. A client of mine owes me a lot of fucking money.”
You crossed your arms. “How much?”
He put up five fingers. You remembered how they used to squeeze your hand in comfort. Sometimes they’d wipe away your tears. Other times they gripped your thighs and pulled you closer.
It was bittersweet. Those sweet and intimate memories. Even as the world continued to go to shit and mutants became less and less, you still had each other. Until something took that all away. You could recall the whistle ringing from your lips. Your cheeks were cold during the early days of fall. Logan was yelling about how you should’ve seen this coming. But he knew how your abilities worked. They didn’t work on the living.
“5,000?” You guessed.
“50,000.” He corrected.
Your jaw dropped. “Jesus. Were you his chauffeur or were you sleeping with him?”
He smiled. It was a weak one but it was still there. If you weren’t so used to it you would’ve missed it. “Look, he was a rich asshole who promised me a big tip. That's all.”
“That’s not a tip. That’s my salary.”
Logan set his utensils down after taking one last bite. “Then you need a fucking raise.”
“Or a new profession.” You joked. But it came out flat.
Being a private detective could’ve been a more fulfilling job. If it wasn’t for the fact that your mutant gene gave you the ability to track any person or creature. But only if they were dead.
You’ve worn this dress too many times to too many funerals.
Logan seemed like he was fighting with himself, whether to respond to that confession or not. He didn’t. Instead, he pulled out a fancy fountain pen from his jacket. “This is all I have of his.” He placed it on the table in front of you. “Will this be enough?”
You wanted to roll your eyes. “I haven’t even agreed to anything yet. What makes you think he’s dead in the first place?”
“Because, when he called saying he had the money, I heard gunshots. Then the phone went out. It’s been three weeks.”
“And no one’s reported him missing?” That was odd.
“Nope.” He looked from your eyes to your lips. “He never even told me where he was. I think he was out of state. And before you ask, yes, I already tried to trace the call. Nothing.”
The waitress came by, handing you a to-go box and whisked away his empty plates. Her eyes lingered noticeably longer on Logan as she walked back into the kitchen.
You continued your questioning. “Does he have any family? Maybe they know where he is.”
“No. He told me he was an only child. Parents died by the time he was 40. No other living relatives. People say a lot of shit when they’re drunk in the back of a car. Or just damn lonely.” His hand instinctively went to rest on the flask in his pocket. He motioned towards the pen. “If you need more than this, I can get it.”
You hesitated to pick it up. “You know how much I hate doing this.”
“I know.” He licked his lips, leaning towards you. “Yet, you’re still looking for people.”
It was true.
As much as you hated your powers, as much as they hurt; they could be used to help. Even if that meant only ever bringing people back to their families dead instead of alive.
A quote from your old Professor echoed in your mind. From a time long lost in the unforgiving hands of time and a powerful mind.
“Sometimes, doing the right thing can hurt you. But, it can give peace to the ones that you’re helping. What you give up, you give away. For good or for evil, now that’s up to you.”
You shut your eyes and took a deep breath. An old friend was asking for your help. But would he do the same for you? There was a time when you would’ve never doubted it. You hated yourself for that.
The pen felt icy in your hands. Maybe Logan was right. Maybe he was dead. You could already feel something beating through the object. It didn’t feel alive. “When do we start?”
A glimmer of light radiated off of Logan’s rugged face. For a moment there, it was like he was his old self again. The light flickered out just as quickly as it came. “Tomorrow morning. 8 am. I’ll pick you up.” He placed a 20-dollar bill next to your half-empty coffee cup.
You stared at the dead man on the paper. “I’ve already paid.”
“This is for the tip.” He stood, a slight uneasiness in his steps. He seemed so tired.
Were his regenerative powers still getting worse?
He paused before heading out, messing with the cuff of his sleeves. “Don't worry. I’ll make sure you get paid for this.”
I don’t want your damn money. I want to be rid of this haunting.
You let him think you were deep in thought. You tapped your chin. “I’ll take 60%.”
Logan put a hand on his hip. He sighed. “Now don’t piss me off.”
You rolled your eyes. “Would never dream of doing that.” You packed your untouched sandwich away in the box.
Logan cursed under his breath. It sounded like he was muttering between fuck it and fines. When he left the small diner the room felt lighter again.
You watched him drop his keys in the parking lot and stomped them further into the Texas dirt.
“See, I told you!” You turned to your waitress who was pointing at your cup. The plastic was starting to crinkle and melt. You could see it poking out from the brim of the liquid. “Next time, just drink the damn thing normally.”
I would if I could.
Logan was already gone by the time you looked back out the window. The sugar packets shook as you stood to leave. The cup rattled. The pen had a heartbeat. You could feel your powers radiating through the objects.
That night you played with the lamentation on the corner of a photo.
Your motel room was small but surprisingly homely. There was a TV playing at full volume in the room next door. It kept you awake. Sounded like an action movie. It seemed to go on forever.
The photo was of you and Logan. You still kept it in your wallet. It was hidden behind old coupons and a stick of gum. Sometimes you forget it was even there. Most of the time you self soothed by peeling off the lamentation from the corners. The sides looked like the melting straw in your cup of coffee.
It was 9 pm. You ate most of your sandwich. A corner piece sat in the to-go box on your bed. Someone finally shut the TV off. A dog was barking in the parking lot. Cigarette smoke hugged the air. You put the photo back into your wallet, this time behind your credit card.
“Logan’s phone.” You heard Caliban's voice sing through the line. “Sometimes mine if he lets me use it.”
It was nice to hear from him again. A tracker similar to you but only with mutants. He was always mesmerized by how your powers worked. He used to show you the sketches of the figures you blew into the wind when you whistled. You wondered if he still kept those drawings.
“Hey. It’s me.”
“I know. He’s still got your contact name in his phone.”
You smiled a little. “Is he there?”
“He’s working. Some bachelor party, I think. He’s probably pissed he left his phone here.”
You looked at the fountain pen sitting on the nightstand. “When he gets back, could you tell him we’re headed to Nevada.”
“Nevada? What the hell are you two going to do up there?” He paused for a brief moment as if he just remembered. “Oh yeah. The blood money.”
“Did he promise you a cut too?”
He let out a laugh. “Logan can hardly part with a 5-dollar bill these days. I’ll probably get paid shit for watching Charles while you two go off getting married in some shitty casino or something.”
“It’s just a business trip. Nothing more.”
“We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one, my friend.”
There was a storm happening outside. The wind howled like a river of ghosts against the motel walls. You thought you heard old teammates and friends whispering in it.
A cough came from the other line. “By the way, if you come across a Vegas snow globe, I’d very much like to add it to my collection.”
“Sure.” The howling outside continued. “Take care, Caliban.”
“You don’t want to ask how Charles is doing?”
You took a sharp inhale. You didn’t need to ask. You knew exactly how he was doing. And you didn’t want to talk about him right now. Maybe some other time. You kept putting it off. You’d deal with that guilt another time.
“I’ll get you that snow globe.” And you hung up.
You fell asleep, still wearing that black dress.
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dunmeshistash · 3 months
Have you seen RK’s new blogpost about asking folks to stop reposting the blu-ray comics? I’ve seen it’s been a bit controversial, to most fans it is obvious to follow her request, but some are complaining that the Blu-ray’s/dvd boxes are too pricey/hard to find/region locked for her to expect 0 circulation, likening it to “rare material”
Did see, pretty common for authors to make similar requests, will continue to pirate since I can't get them here
I don't see why be mad at her for the request tho she's in the right and we're the ones committing a crime technically. I'm always surprised when people get mad at mangakas complaining about illegal reproduction and piracy as if that's something wrong to request.
I do piracy how I find ethical for myself but trying to impose it to other people when we're both in committing a crime seems silly. My idea is that since they're too new I won't share them to the general internet anymore but I also don't judge people who do
Anyway remember kids whenever you read scanlations watch anime on illegal websites and all that you're pirating, the author asking you to stop it's just them acknowledging the illegal thing you were already doing and don't really change how wrong or right it is since that should be your default assumption
Buy their work legally when available if you want support authors and have more things be available! It's what I do
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meow-town · 2 years
Dee x Fem! Very Girly! Reader
Requested by @grape-flavored-lipgloss !! Took me a while because I wanted to mass-post a bunch of requests, but I really hope you enjoy this! (Pretty long because I adore this idea and went a little bit off of the rails)
Summary : Dee with very girly s/o who wears a lot of pink. The Shvagenbagens don’t necessarily like her at first but she gets them to warm up to her.
-You definitely weren’t the person he expected to fall for. He expected to start liking someone with his style, his taste in music, similar interests. Someone like Lif, to be honest.
-Obviously, you weren’t the person he’d want to date the least. Diana easily takes that spot.
-He recognized your sweetness, and how kind you were. You knew how to dress, and you obvious took care of yourself.
-The science fair was coming up, and teams were assigned for projects. His teacher forgot to sort him into a team, and when they found out, they were both pissed.
-The teacher, cause Dee hadn’t told him anything. And Dee, because now he couldn’t work alone like he wanted to. (Not me basing this off of my dee x reader story)
-Anyways, he got paired up with you and some other kid who didn’t do jack shit to contribute to the project.
-You we’re constantly nice and kind, and never got very aggressive with the other student, despite his laziness. You would give great ideas, constantly be giving words of encouragement to Dee when going through experiments, offer to hold equipment, etc, etc…
-You were a team, which means you all shared a group chat, which means he had your number. (Thankfully he already had it before he started crushing, otherwise he never would’ve worked up the courage to ask you for it).
-Because Dee’s petty as hell, he put credits in the science project so the teacher would know that you and him were the only ones who did work. He deleted the group chat, as well.
-After that, you spent the rest of the science fair with each other. People would crowd around your project stand, amazed. Because, lets be real, it’s Dee. He would explain how it worked, and you shared the thought process behind it.  -After that, he invited you to a drink at the vending machines, his treat. What a gentleman.
-You two had a conversation over fizzy sodas (or something else, if you don’t like those) and mostly complained about peers or teachers you hated. It brought you together, to say the least.
-He began to text you more, talk to you more and even choose to spend time with you over Lif! Lif!
-mf didn’t even notice he was crushing on you. He was just looking at you during lunch and it clicked.
-Dee’s internal monologue:
‘Are those new earrings? They look great. I should buy some jewelry for her, I know she likes that one brand. They match perfectly with her makeup. … She looks pretty in that makeup. …Prettier than… anyone else.  …
I don’t like her, thought. That’d be weird. She’s just my friend…. A very good friend….A very sweet friend who I can rely on… A very kind friend who just so happens to be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, sweet little thing. I don’t like  her though, soft as her hair might look and as badly I might want to run my hands through it. Caring as she may be. I don’t like (f/n).
-The man was too stunned to speak 😦
-When I tell you he turned his head away SO FAST
-His face and neck were as red as a fire truck, and he was starting to sweat bullets.
-He choked on his food.
“Dee? Are you ok?”
-Can’t even face you. His coughing fit was interrupted by small, broken syllables.
-He went a whole other level of flustered when you started to pat his back. Heart beating at a thousand miles per hour. Palms growing sweatier.
-He couldn’t look at you for a straight WEEK. He avoided you everywhere he went, otherwise the whole blushy routine would start all over again. A part of him wanted to be by your side at all times though, so it was hard for him.
-When he started to hang out with you again, he had to mentally prepare himself for it. Just imagine Dee shouting to himself while he did his makeup every morning.
“Okay, Dee! You will go out there and you will be charming! And handsome! And she will fall for you!”
 -Heavy doesn’t have the heart to tell him that he can hear him from his room.
-Heavy already knew you from around school, and wasn’t judgmental of your style or friendship with Dee whatsoever! He though you looked very pretty, too!
-And back onto that, he gave away his brother.
-You were chatting, waiting for Dee to leave his final period. And out of the blue, Heavy went :
“Yeah, he was planning how to ask you out for months now! Never gets it right either.”
“He what?”
“Wait, he hasn’t told you yet?”
-Of course, you kind of figured and told him you also liked him. He’s really obvious. But the second Dee heard his brother had told you he liked you, he was seconds away from choking Heavy the way he did in the 2nd episode.
-He was really grateful once you reciprocated though.
-He asked for a kiss so shyly, too.
-His hands trembled as they cupped your cheeks 💓💥
-Meeting the folks was… interesting -Glam was very polite, he just didn’t expect a person so different from his son would win over his heart. -And I love Victoria, but she was straight up judgemental 😭
-She’s had a bad experience with girly girls, so she’s initially quite defensive. Thankfully, once you’re gone, the kids confront her about it.
“Ma, what is your problem with (f/n)?”
“Yeah! You keep giving her the stink-eye! She’s nice!”
-She gets super nervous and over sensitive. Glam knows about her past problems with girly girls and talks her through it. She’s on much better terms the next time you meet :)
-It gets awkward with the parents, but once you’ve proven to them you won’t hurt their son and that you’re very sweet, they treat you as a child of their own.
-Ches just full-on didn’t believe you were dating. You passed by his shop with Dee and Heavy and he cackled when Heavy told him you were dating. Once things got cleared up, he was very supportive although surprised.”
“Wow, you actually got a girlfriend. And here I thought you were going to be one of those guys who stays a virgin until 40…”
-Lif through your dynamic was super cute and she drew you two together! (Also she’s very glad Dee likes you because she was scared of rejecting the guy)
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gunnrblze · 23 days
what do you think the ghosts would be like as fathers?
Ooh the Ghosties as fathers, this is a good one. Prepare for me to get maybe a little too in depth below the cut, cus this got too gahdamn long lol
Hesh- peak dad/husband material. giggling kicking his feet ‘n crying when he finds out he’s gonna be a father lol. he’d be as involved as possible and I see this being something he’s the most proud of in his life. i think a bit of cycle breaking would be going on with him as far as the way he and Logan were raised (looking at you Elias, yea🤨), he’d do things a little different but in a good way. would still model his parenting style quite a bit after Elias’ though in many ways. def a worrier too, and may be a little overbearing sometimes bc of it
Logan- similar to Hesh, he’d be an enthusiastic dad I think. would brag about his kids consistently, regardless of what they do/become. type to be like “my kid made macaroni art at school the other day, it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen” lmao. i see him also being veryyy supportive in general, like do/be whatever you want, as long as you’re a good person. would also parent similar to how he and Hesh were raised, but i almost see him being more lenient in some ways. def the kind to let his kids learn from their mistakes and learn good, though.
Elias- ofc we saw a lot of how he was as a father in the game (lots of debatable choices being made💀), but i think he honest to god, like most parents, did the best he could. doesn’t necessarily excuse certain things, and i think Hesh specifically prob has a lot of baggage from that, but he was also a good dad in many ways methinks. generally solid father material alongside the easily criticizable behavior LMAO
Merrick- first, he def gives me girl dad energy lol. but regardless, i see him being very very loving to his kid(s) actually, like “this is my heart and soul, everything is for them, I live breath and die for them” type shit. I can see him being a bit strict at times, mostly due to his protective nature. under the personality we see from him in the game, I think his kids/kids in general would probably bring out a goofier side of him too, the dad jokes would be unlocked immediately lol
Keegan- I see him being like a mix of Hesh ‘n Merrick tbh. Very very proud to be a father, like “I’d put it on my resume if I could”, and would love unconditionally. i think he’d be the type to maybe be a bit overbearing/intense at times like Hesh, mostly due to how much he cares about his kids wellbeing/success in life. also very supportive, and i could see him struggling a bit with how to juggle his fatherhood vs his career (like a lot of military parents tbh). he’d be the kinda dad that his kid(s) really respect i think
Kick- i honestly can’t see him being a father too much, i think he’d probably be the one here to not have kids. however if he were a father, he’d take it very seriously. i think he’d be the loving and goofy kind, his personality would really shine as a dad methinks. in his kids early years, I think he’d be tweaking out a lot like “what if I’m not good enough, what if something happens to them”, but as they get older i see his attitude almost changing like “oh yea, they love to swan dive off the back of the couch, we just let them” lol.
Rorke-pre fed here cause let’s be honest…🫥. i see him being a great dad, probably struggles with balancing that vs his career like Keegan might. he’d also be a bragger when he could like Logan, but in a more “yea my kid is on the honor roll…literally got all A’s, wtf can your kid do?🙄”proud type way lmfao. i see him being very dynamic as a father, a bit strict but a bit lax. sometimes he’s more present, sometimes he’s not. I think he’d value teaching and guiding his kid(s) like Elias. also a “you’ll learn your lesson” type of guy. you fuck up and complain and he’s like “hmm, tough shit, better luck next time” after he imparts his fatherly wisdom about it lol
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agendabymooner · 1 year
sweet little similarities ! sebastian v. x ofc (filipino!ofc)
summary: the little kimuel vettel is becoming more like his dad sebastian as the days go on. AND the vettels go on family trips with the schumachers while everyone dote on the little man.
content warning: dad!seb and mom!ofc, seb is at his beekeeping/country living phase (not age), tooth rotting fluff, gina and ofc (barbie) being besties, brief mention of ofc (barbie) x mick schumacher relationship, the parents being matchmakers, the vettels are just amazing lol, uncle lewis in the comments, baby!vettel is sebastian coded and i love them ur honour
note: i’m back in town, now i have to pack my stuff before moving in two weeks :) enjoy xx
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liked by lance_stroll, lewishamilton, ginaschumacher
user2 i’m scared of the day kimi becomes a driver— god knows what can happen when a vettel steps into the room
user3 a lot of kindness and feral energy for sure 🥹
barblanco no wonder why i’ve seen kimi’s pout before! it’s from seb! 🤣 liked by belongvettel
belongvettel you’ve seen it way too many times in the past eight years 😂
mickschumacher he definitely is seb 2.0 liked by belongvettel
belongvettel no doubt!
lewishamilton he might be shy but he is so much like seb because of how tight his hugs could get 😂 liked by belongvettel
belongvettel he learned from the best! ❤️
scuderiaferrari who did it better?
belongvettel definitely kimi 😂
scuderiaferrari we agree 😩
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barblanco posted a story !!!
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tagged ginaschumacher, mickschumacher, belongvettel
liked by pierregasly, arthurleclerc, logansargeant
ginaschumacher omg best friend we looked so cute in that first pic 😭 liked by barblanco
barblanco i agree best friend !!!
mickschumacher ginaschumacher 😒😒😒
user1 i live to see gina and mick fighting over barbie like yes bby i love me some sibling rivalries
user2 mother bel 🥰
user3 kimi kimi kimi a man after midnight liked by barblanco
logansargeant jealous of your trip not gonna lie 😅 liked by barblanco
barblanco from one person from a hot weather area to another, i’d never recommend going to a cold weather place without any preparation 😂 me and kimi were practically wrapped around the thickest jackets ever and i thought i had to waddle around with them
alex_albon i’m not the type to be all protective but YOU gotta be careful lad 😳
user4 that’s alex warning logan about mick schumacher in case y’all looking for a context
arthurleclerc is that you teaching kimi how to snowboard?!
charles_leclerc is that you trying to “make conversations”?!
user5 i’m being promptly fed with bel, kimi and seb contents 😍✨
belongvettel some much needed vacation with you girls!! ❤️ liked by barblanco
ginaschumacher next time we’ll take kimi and leave the other two behind 🤩
barblanco ginaschumacher but that would mean that we’d have another seb in the trip 🤨
ginaschumacher no headaches though 😍 just spoiling bby kimi
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tagged barblanco, ginaschumacher, mickschumacher
liked by lewishamilton, oscarpiastri, landonorris
oscarpiastri mick you’re getting TOO lucky mate
landonorris why am i seeing too much barbie and mick?? 😭
user1 bro don’t complain about it 😭 they might get scared
user2 where??? which one are the mick and barbie content?
user1 photos 6 and 8!!!
lewishamilton look at seb and kimi!!! he must be the most energetic person out of all of you 😂 liked by belongvettel
belongvettel kimi or seb? because either way they are always extremely energetic whenever they’re together 😂😂
user4 if kimi’s a mini sebastian then you must have the sweetest people loving the shit out of you 😭 i like the thought of that sm liked by belongvettel
belongvettel barbie is just as sweet too so i’m pretty much spoiled! 🥰😍
user5 barbie is the original sebastian jr. confirmed?!?!
user6 i’d say she’s half bel and half seb. she acts more like bel though!
user7 st. belinda of quezon, patron of the angels (sebastian and kimi)
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bonus !!!
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fun fact: kimi calls gina ‘gee’ and mick ‘kie’ (from mackie)
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weirdozjunkary · 1 year
I need to share my two cents on Prime!Sonic because I feel that he’s getting unnecessary hate from people (mild spoilers for season 2)
First off, I get it if you don’t like him for your own reasons. How he talks, how he acts, what he looks like, ETC. I am in no way judging you for your own opinion
What I hate about this is people saying that he is ‘not sonic’. He doesn’t act like how sonic would be. I’ve seen people say he rude or selfish, and I feel that they’re comparing him too much with his other selves.
Sonic Prime isn’t game sonic; despite the creators saying it’s ‘as close to cannon as it gets’. Sonic Prime isn’t the same as Cannon Sonic. The only reason why the series is ‘close to cannon’ is the fact that we have badniks, rings, power ups, ETC; things from the games. That’s the only thing that is like cannon in the story
But for Prime!Sonic’s character… he IS not sonic, not the one like his game counter part. BUT I think he is not far off from the original. Yes, he doesn’t act like his cannon self, but I think that’s kind of the point? I am a little biased, I love a characterization like this on him, I love me a little bastard. But to me, Prime!Sonic is more of a parody than the real deal. Similar to how Sonic Boom was. An over exaggeration of his character.
Now, yes, I agree that how he acts is… weird. He doesn’t listen to his friends, he messes things up greatly, he causes a lot of problems for himself and others. But I think that this kind of characterization is sort of a… reset of his character? At least for the story. It’s a character arc, the whole show is a character arc for him. We’re seeing a version of sonic grow from start to finish.
This idea is most prevalent in the episode ‘double trouble’, he says in response to Chaos Sonic annoying him: “Ugh. If I’m half as annoying as this guy, I really need to make some changes.”
And while I know that he does come off as selfish and rude, I think those words are a little harsh for him.
He isn’t selfish and rude, he’s dumb and impulsive. He leaps before he looks and assumes by only what he sees in front of him. Even in the final episode he assumes that Nine would be even just a smidge like his Tails, the ‘real’ Tails, but he ISNT Tails, he is Nine.
But the whole thing about all of this, is that he is learning. Shadow calls him out on trusting the fox to much, Rebel- heck- everyone says he comes to cause trouble, and they’re right, he does.
From what I’ve seen from the start of season 1 to the end of season 2, I have seen this hedgehog learn through his mistakes, even just slightly. Remember, each season is like 8 episodes. Pretty much right after his tussle with Chaos Sonic, you can see him become a little less annoying and a little more serious. He’s still a little shit, but he’s working to lessen that so things like this doesn’t happen again.
And for his actions towards people. One prevalent example I’ve heard people complain about is that he goes in for affection, when cannon sonic doesn’t do that. And while they are right, I think him going in for his hug with Shadow and Nine make sense for the story.
During the events of Prime, Sonic has been more or less alone, not truly alone, but alone. He has his friends stripped from him, distorted into alternate versions of themselves that have no idea who he is. And this, seeing all of this, it’s hurting him. He wants his friends back, he wants them to be fixed and everything to be back to normal. But right now they aren’t, and it’s getting harder for him to let go of that (proof with his thoughts on Nine).
When he sees Shadow again, he thinks he’s like the others, some other version of him that somehow came into the void with him through one of the Shatter spaces. But when he realizes that he remembers him, that he is the real shadow, he is absolutely ecstatic. FINALLY someone who hasn’t changed, someone who isn’t split into three or more other versions of himself, finally he has the real deal.
I view him hugging shadow out of pure joy and impulse, grabbing onto him and hugging him because finally he has someone who remembers their world before it was broken. Plus, I think Sonic is a tiny bit more physical with Shadow anyways (mostly through violence). I think he’d straight out hug whoever else was in shadows position if they also were the ‘original’ version of themselves.
In conclusion; I think that this little dumb fucker is getting too much hate and too much comparison to his cannon counterpart when he isn’t his cannon counterpart, mostly because the creators said that this show is very cannon accurate, when there’s only a few things to be cannon.
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Criticize him all you want, I know I do. But don’t shit on him just cause he does things OOC when (at least I think) that’s not the point of him in the show.
Damn, that was a lot of writing. I just really like this dork
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twopoppies · 4 months
Isn’t it odd that louis latam tour ended on the day of the bua. Things that make you go hmmmmm. (On a side note, i’m no fan of swiftie but she gets so much hate from people (gp, et al) for having so many bfs and yet no one bats an eye at the rate harry goes through women. Double standard much? I hate the world)
What are you talking about? People talk shit about how many women he “dates” or “sleeps with” constantly. He literally can’t stand next to someone without it being speculated that he’s fucking them. He’s constantly called a man whore and spoken about in the most disparaging ways. I’ve literally seen some asshole refer to him as “a walking venereal disease”. I don’t think this lothario image does him any favors at this point, nor do I think he enjoys it.
Swiftie’s issue is that she creates ridiculous story lines about her supposed boyfriends and acts as though they’re the only ones to blame for the break ups. You’d think at some point she might do some self reflection. Anyway, she talks endlessly about her relationships, so of course other people will, too. Sorry, but I’m not the one to come complaining to about double standards where she’s concerned. I have zero sympathy for her bullshit.
Double standards do exist in terms of the way women with a lot of relationships are looked at vs the way men with a similar history are. But these two aren’t the best examples to use, IMO.
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carryonafi · 9 months
never say no.
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michael clifford x reader; SMUT!!!! 🔞
a/n: whatsup‼️ some more smut for u dirty people, this one is some epic groupie x michael stuff so BE PREPARED!! this is inspired by the absolutely wild conversations i’ve had with my friends about the groupie era, so slightly exaggerated BUT it’s just catering to your fantasies pretty much😭 — also! i feel like i could take this story somewhere, so let me know if you want a second part to it? enjoy!
words: 3.9k
Something about this didn’t feel real, standing behind The Forum on a chilly night standing in front of two men. Not just any two men, Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford who both play guitar and sing in 5 Seconds of Summer. Your heart was pounding in your ears with every passing word, every giggle you and your friend let out echoed in your ears and hearing a laugh from either of them in response made you dizzy. You had your eye on Michael from the moment you saw them on MTV just a few months ago, it felt like. Now here they stood, in the flesh, body language giving off a dirty intention you just couldn’t pass up. Everything about this was wrong, they had you both wrapped around their fingers and it was so, so cliche. Power imbalance, authority, but it felt right. It was too good not to chase after.
A leather jacket was draped over your shoulders, but of course, it wasn’t yours. Luke cracked a joke that had you two giggling again as if they were the funniest guys in the world, but really, you were just too flustered.
“The only difference is that his red hair isn’t natural, or is that what you two have in common?” Luke poked fun at your friend who stood beside you, naturally flaming red hair and seductively sweet green eyes with specks of hazel.
“I guess we’ll just have to find out.” She flirted, even you gawked at her because she was never this bold. Luke had this smirk on his face in response which awakened some kind of realization within you. This was happening, this was really happening. Michael was rolling his eyes at Luke and the way the light from the dim street lamps seamlessly reflected and bounced around his features had you in a trance, you could stare at him forever. Honestly, you just wanted to reach out and run your hands all over his face.
“You wanna come back with us? It would really be a shame, all this talking going nowhere…” Michael drawled in a way that captivated you and your desires, leaning back against the cold brick of the building you lot were currently hiding behind. Your friend happily reached out to you and squeezed your arm, not breaking the gaze she had on the two firm figures in front of you.
“We’d love that, yeah.” You replied, pulling the leather further over your bare shoulders. “Don't have to pay for a cab, right?” It was mostly a tease, and score, you made the 2 guys laugh with it.
“We’ve got you covered.” Luke shrugged nonchalantly as a way to play along, nodding his head in the direction of the exit of the alley. All you could think about was Michael, he plagued your thoughts as you continued to stare at him. Paying attention to Luke was just so difficult with the other next to him, eye-catching red hair paired with smokey black eyeliner that accentuated the barely visible, sweet freckles around his nose and hopeless green eyes. You had seen many, many pictures and videos, but up close he was simply something else.
“Come on! (Y/N) already answered for me, it’s cold out here.” Your friend complained to the two boys, her arm sliding down the fabric of Luke’s jacket until their hands ended up interlacing when she reached the hem of the sleeve. He graciously wrapped his arm around her and gestured for Michael to follow, but you could see that glint in their eyes. They had this similar look to them that only said triumph as you began to tail behind Luke. The flirting between her and Luke was hardcore, unashamed and definitely feeding into the jealousy for anyone else involved in these streets. However, Michael liked how you were much more. You got your point across by body language, a physical communicator and not so verbal. Hopefully that would be different, he was a sucker for any type of dirty talk.
“You have to be cold, too. I mean… look at that little skirt you’re wearing, and a flannel over a tank top? Wasn’t the smartest choice, was it?” Michael placed his hand on the small of your back to make sure you weren’t leaving his side, and the blessed giggle you let out in response was more than music to his ears. “I can feel you shivering.” He said a bit lower, voice unwavering despite his own lack of warmth.
“Well, I didn’t plan too far ahead…” You sighed, turning to the side to whisper back to him as you blindly followed Luke. “I don’t dress for practicality, y’know? Whatever makes me feel attractive, I guess.” You replied, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth as you watched his eyes dilate.
“Well it definitely worked.”
The journey back to whatever hotel this was didn’t take too long at all, but holy shit, were you impressed. The car had those seats you saw in movies or paparazzi pictures, the two backseats facing each other which had you and your friend staring back at marveled faces as you settled in. However, it didn’t last too long, the flirting continued and some of the things these boys were saying had you squirming in your seat. Did car rides always take so long?
Michael never left your side, from the moment you exited the car to when you finally entered the 6th floor hallway that held their rooms. It seemed as if the other two band members were already in their respective rooms, leaving Michael and Luke the last ones to arrive at their temporary stay.
“Night, mate.” Luke locked hands with Michael, giving him a slight wink. “Don't be too loud, can’t get another noise complaint.” He spoke like it was scripted. If you had known that there was an unspoken rule between the guys to hype each other up as much as possible without lying, you would have laughed out loud. Something about the thought of them having multiple noise complaints stirred a bit in your mind, making your eyes widen at your friend who was still sharing a shocked look at you. She followed Luke into the room as you did Michael, the click of the door bringing you a rush of energy and eager anticipation. Michael tossed the keycard onto the table next to the door, and in this moment of silence it was like your thoughts temporarily froze. You could barely think, clouded by bewilderment and desire.
“Are you sure?” Came a voice from behind you, which was obviously Michael, who else would it be? Still, unbelievable. You turned to look at him, swallowing the nervous yet anticipating lump in your throat as his hand followed an invisible line to your shoulder. Your shoulder, down your arm, slowly interlacing his fingers with yours. Something about that made you feel warm, heart swelling as you stared up into his eyes heavy with lust, but laced with concern.
“I’m sure, yeah.” You breathed in agreement, letting a smile tug at the corner of your lips.
“I know I — “ Michael paused, cutting himself off with a slight shake of his head. “I know I was talking a lot, but I really, really don’t want to pressure you if you don’t want to do this.”
“Michael.” You cut him off yourself this time, closing the gap between your bodies. “It’s okay, I want this.”
There was barely a pause between your words and the moment he pressed his lips to yours, it took you aback, but just as quickly as the event turned you relaxed. The warmth of his lips made you shiver, his hand disconnecting from yours to snake around your waist and pull you closer to him… as if you couldn’t get any better than your original position.
Your heart fluttered, the effects of his sweet gesture beforehand still lingering even now in the moment of this heated kiss. Your nerves feeling like they were on fire, nothing felt more amazing than this moment. Michael had now wrapped both arms around you, lips sliding against yours as he hummed between kisses and led you back towards the hotel bed. He was so careful in his movements, immediately stopping when you wouldn’t move anymore. You were pretty sure he noticed the side of the bed hitting the backs of your knees before you did, leaning forward with the support of his hands on your back. Your heart pounded in your chest, hands cupping his cheeks in a desperate need to hold him. To touch him, to know that this was real. Fortunately, this was not one of your comfort scenarios you thought of at night to make you blush before falling asleep. This was reality.
Michael’s fingertips brushed the leather jacket, quickly moving up your body to push it off of your shoulders with the flannel following suit. The harsh chill of the hotel room sent goosebumps all throughout your body.
“Still cold, hm?” His words against your lips, all you could do was breathlessly nod. “Won’t be a problem soon.” Michael pulled you in for another kiss, and god, were you floating. You had imagined he was good at kissing, but he was incredible. His lips were warm, soft and sweet. His tongue skillfully glides across your bottom lip before escalating to battling yours for dominance over the kiss, and that stubble… scratched your skin so good and made you push forward for more initiative.
Yet still, you needed to do more. Your hesitant fingertips traced careful lines down his jaw, over his neck before they caught the collar of his shirt. Michael knew what you wanted instantly, reluctantly breaking away from the kiss you shared to swiftly tug his shirt off over his head. It ruffled his hair, making the spiked up back parts stray away from the rest of the style. You couldn’t help but grin, and apparently it was contagious due to Michael pulling the same face. “Don’t laugh at me.” He playfully shook his head as you started to giggle.
“But you’re just so cute.” You replied, hands pressed to his pale chest trying your hardest not to marvel at his bare torso.
“We’ll see about that.” Michael buried his face in your neck, making you laugh even more feeling the tickle of his breath against your pulse point. Until he started sloppily kissing, sucking, biting every spot that made you tense like he knew your body better than you did.
“Oh god, Michael…” You sigh dreamily, voice wavering as he reaches your collarbone. Your breathing had become slightly labored, tangling your fingers through that bright red mess you had just teased him about. Michael’s lips continued to move across your neck, leaving you no choice but to tilt your head back. Before you knew it, your top was being lifted and the zipper of your skirt was being enticingly played with. Once again, your mind left you no choice but to follow the desires. Now with your tank top gone, skirt hanging low on your lips and Michael left in black jeans that hugged his legs, the slow setting reality started to hit you again. However, your position finally changed, moving from the awkward edge of the bed more towards the center in a bit of a diagonal way. You weren’t on any pillows, but the pushed up comforter made for a good substitute.
“S’fucking beautiful,” Michael’s hands roamed your body. “Absolutely, goddamn gorgeous, (Y/N).” That made you weak, chest rising and falling with each shallow breath you took. Your eyes widened, analyzing every detail of his face with care. The pure amazement in his eyes, lips parted with his own breathing. You wondered for a second if he was looking in a mirror.
“Why are you so sweet?” You shook your head, cradling his face in your hands yet again to place a gentle kiss to his lips. “You just had to be everything, hot, talented, and a sweetheart?” This made him flush a soft pink, you giggled and kissed both of his reddened cheeks. “You’re not really proving anything to me about that whole ‘cute’ ordeal.” You raised your eyebrows, to which you were shocked when you felt a hand on your inner thigh.
“Gimme time.” Michael hushed you with his lips, fingertips ghosting closer and closer towards your core… until he moved his hand away and began the same soft strokes to your other thigh. The sigh that left your nose was out of need, your hands sliding to clutch his shoulders. There it was, the pressure you so desperately wanted from his middle and index finger to you, it felt relieving despite the cloth separating the friction. If anything, it created more as you moved your hips in time with the slow circles of his fingers. You hummed with satisfaction, breaking the kiss with a sound that sent an additional shiver down your spine. “Take those off.” Michael ordered with his voice just barely above a whisper, but it sounded more like a plea.
Without a second thought, your thumbs hooked in the fabric as you lifted your hips and pushed them down. They got to a point where you could easily kick them off, ending up somewhere on the other side of the bed. Michael was, once again, struck with wonder. “There are so many things I want to do to you.” He muttered, shaking his head like he was the one who couldn’t believe this was happening to him.
“We’ve got all night.” You tugged him down for a kiss, making him chuckle.
“Maybe if I leave those ‘things’ for later,” You could almost hear the air quotes around the word, despite him not physically making the gesture. “Then it’ll give me an excuse to see you again?” Michael’s voice heightened in question, eagerly awaiting your answer with a quirk of his eyebrow.
“I think I can work with that.” You nodded playfully, and he did that laugh — that cute, shy giggle he did in interviews when he wasn’t really supposed to laugh but did anyway. He kissed you again, only briefly before sitting up on his knees and loosening the button to his jeans. You bit your lip in response, propping yourself up on your elbows to get a better view as he struggled to shove his pants off. Luckily, the way you had your lip harshly between your teeth stopped another laugh from escaping.
His boxers were bright blue with Superman logos in a uniform pattern. Was that sexy? No, not one bit. But it was cute, and you loved cute more than you loved sexy, sometimes. Especially when it came to Michael Clifford.
However, a thought seemed to make itself known. One that might win you a reaction from the man you so desperately wanted to please. So, you took it upon yourself to run your hand down your body, over the peak of your breast and over your belly button, right down to your clit where you rhythmically swirled your middle finger. Your lips separating in a silent moan, instead letting out a shuddering breath to which Michael did the same. He had a condom wrapper in his teeth which presumably came out of the pocket of his jeans, seeing that his hands were preoccupied with palming himself over the patterned cotton. Michael almost dropped the plastic from his mouth, making a sound like a growl from behind his clenched teeth. Those perfect teeth, which were actually not very perfect… but they were to you.
“Gettin’ impatient over here, Mikey.” You tried out the nickname everyone on the internet called him, rolling off your tongue seductively as he brought up a hand to tear the wrapper open with haste.
“You’re so fucking hot.” Michael gaped at your actions, exposing himself with one quick movement as his superhero boxers accompanied your panties on a corner of the sheets. The latex now removed from the package, you jumped at the opportunity to stop focusing on yourself for a moment. Michael stopped in confusion as you sat up, snatching the condom from his hand and wrapping your own free hand around his cock. The contact made such a quiet sound slip past his faultless, swollen pink lips, a shaky breath following soon after. You slowly applied the rubber with care, not breaking eye contact just to see the look on his face as you teasingly pumped his length. His eyebrows scrunched together, tongue poking out to wet his lips as he tilted his head back — it was amazing to you how he couldn’t even hold the eye contact himself.
“You look much more needy than me.” You teased with a cheeky smile, to which Michael huffed out of amusement. He lifted a hand to cup your chin between his index finger and thumb, lips briefly hovering over yours. This proximity sent another chill down your spine, the other carefully guiding you to lay back down on the bed as his lips connected with yours. This had become second nature, kissing Michael like you had done this a million times before.
“You okay?” He whispered, waiting until he got your silent approval. A pause, then he was teasing your entrance with the head of his cock shielded by the slick latex. You held your breath, waiting for a sting of the stretch which came after just a few seconds of your anticipation. You faintly gasped, nails digging into Michael’s shoulders as you took in every little thing you were experiencing in that moment. You could feel everything from Michael’s waist grazing your knees, the tickle of his hair against your neck where he had hid his face, the sheets crumbling under the weight of your bodies, everything in between. Michael mumbled something into your skin, taking note of how tightly you held him. It was your turn for your eyes to shut firmly, grabbing frantically at his shoulders as his hips stammered and pulled back again. He thrusted this time, causing you to jolt with an airy moan.
“Michael, please — just…” You breathed, begging him to start moving. The boy lifted his head from the comfort of your warm, flustered skin to follow your orders. He read your face, and you read his. Both glowing in a pink tinge, perspiration heavy between the both of you as Michael searched for your discomfort. He sensed none, so his body began a steady rhythm.
“So beautiful. S.. So beautiful.” He mumbled lovingly past groans and it felt so right, why did you feel like his words had meaning? You were convincing yourself that Michael had something for you, something more than a fan and groupie relationship. Was it real? You had no idea of knowing, but for now, you just had to enjoy this moment like you would never get another chance, despite Michael implying this wouldn’t be your last time.
The room turned into a pornographic scene within seconds, you squirming and writhing beneath Michael as he took your body for his own. He held on tightly to your frame with the one hand that wasn’t holding himself up, digging his fingertips into your hips that were bound to leave marks just like the ones on your neck. Michael suddenly moved positions, carefully sitting back on his knees and sliding your body closer to him. He tried his best to be as low as possible, now able to grasp both of your hips as he thrusted. You were left no choice but to splay your arms above your head, back arching to meet his hips with ease. Michael was amazed by your state, you were a mess of endless moans and gasps, long whines of Michael’s name which overpowered his gentle, yet greedy sounds.
This was your breaking point, opening your eyes to see the same face he was making earlier. Tightly knitted eyebrows, gritted teeth and messy hair, flushed cheeks and chest glistening with sweat, mouth open letting out moans increasing in frequency and volume. You cursed, thighs twitching with need as your belly tightened and relaxed over and over again, leading you closer to your orgasm. With that, you would have warned him, but you could barely make out a coherent word before it crashed over you.
“God — (Y/N), f.. fucking… gonna fucking cum. ‘f you do that. You’re gonna make me… f- fucking,” Michael stuttered, the way your walls pulsated and enclosed around his cock had a strangled moan tearing past his throat barely seconds after you. The comedown felt like nothing, just staring down the back of your eyelids as your chest heaved with quick gasps. You were on fire, and just like the books said, seeing stars. Your thighs were hurting from being in one strained position for so long, and momentarily, you forgot this was not just some guy you met at a bar. Not some random you decided to drag home, it was Michael Clifford. Michael Clifford gently pulling out of you out of concern for how you felt, Michael Clifford’s weight shifting the bed, Michael Clifford kissing your forehead as he looked down at you. Michael fucking Clifford you opened your eyes to.
“You’re fuckin’ amazing.” He muttered sweetly, so sweet it made you question his feelings yet again. His hand leaving loving touches across your face with his thumb, stroking your tear/blush stained cheek as you both came to. You couldn’t help but smile, leaning into his touch as he settled in next to you. Silence hung in the air for a few moments, ending with one of your many deep breaths.
“I hope you’re not expecting me to leave, because there’s no way it’s happening now.” You teased, your voice now hoarse and heavy with exhaustion.
“Never. I never thought about you leaving so soon.” Michael assured you, then more silence. “I meant what I said.” He said finally.
“Hm?” You replied curiously.
“When I said, um… other things. I want to see you again.” Michael elaborated, surprisingly hesitant considering how he had just railed you not even 2 minutes ago.
“You do..?” Your eyes softened, staring back at his face. God… you’d do anything for that sweet face.
“Yeah, yeah. I do, this leg of tour is over. Just… talking to you outside was amazing, too.” Michael sighed as you placed your hand over his, still resting on your cheek. “Yeah, we walked up to you because we thought you were hot, but you’re so cool too. You’re witty, I like it.” He mumbled out his sentence in a boy-ish manner that made you giggle, just barely turning your head to kiss his wrist.
“Okay.. yeah, okay. I… wow.” You laughed again, not so discreetly hiding your nerves. “Yeah, Mikey. I want to see you again, too.” Finally, a complete, finished thought that made sense. This made Michael’s heart soar, just by seeing the look on his face you were satisfied with how this whole situation had turned out. “I thought this would just be a one night stand.” You admitted.
“I did too, but it wasn’t.” Michael agreed, his tired eyes bored into yours with a shared acknowledgment of his intentions. You couldn’t be happier about it ending up this way, there was only one thing that changed… and that was your cuddling position in bed throughout the rest of the night.
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annot8 · 5 months
Top 20 RotE characters!
My final piece of ranking for this series!
There will be some spoilers in this!
20. Nettle
- If there’s one thing I love, it’s difficult women. Nettle is as harsh as her name suggests. I love young Nettle with her dream magic and how completely kind she is to Thick. And I love older Nettle, who doesn’t mind hurting Fitz’s feeling for Bee’s benefit. She is unforgiving and always strives to do what she thinks is best - even if she doesn’t always know what’s best.
19. Thymara
- Definitely my favourite Rain Wild character. She had my favourite POV in those books as well. I liked how her story paralleled Sintara’s, with her dragon features becoming more beautiful, getting her wings, and her determination to be her own woman. I didn’t love that she ended up with Tats and ended up having a kid with him, but again, it mirrored Sintara’s mating with Mercor.
18. Starling Birdsong
- are we seeing a theme? Starling is so great because she simply does not care if people like her personality. She’s beautiful, she’s talented, and she got her song. The way she destroyed Fitz in Golden Fool was a peak moment in this series. And something i love so much is that no matter how much Fitz complains about her or thinks she’s annoying, he can’t help but like her.
17. Chade Fallstar
- I hate him, I love him, he’s the worst, he’s the best. I’ve said this before - I have complicated feelings about Chade but regardless, they are strong feelings. Ngl, I misjudged his age and thought he was about 80 in the first book so when he made it to the last book?? Incredible. His death got me in a way that I really didn’t expect it to.
16. Dutiful Farseer
- My boy! He had some great development from the most fifteen year old boy ever, to a genuinely good king. I loved his dynamic with Fitz in Fool's Errand. It was really on sight with those two and it was entertaining the entire time. 
15. Selden Vestrit
- I saw someone say once that Selden felt like a random npc who managed to get a nat20 on charisma. He's great in Ship of Destiny, and fantastic in the Rain Wild Chronicles. His bond with Chassim was unexpected but so so lovely. 
14. Molly Chandler
- I understand why people don't like her. Her character gets in the way of Fitzloved. Soz guys, but I've seen too many female characters get hate because fans were rooting for a mlm ship. Don't get me wrong, its frustrating but Molly never inserts herself in Fitz's life. It the other way around. I think people don't like her less because of who she is and more because of what she represents. She's a simple life, and is the face of Fitz's delusion. But I love her. She's down to earth, she's rough around the edges, she's a simple gal who wants a simple life.
13. Etta
- Etta!!! From a Divvytown prostitute to Queen of the Pirate Isles??? Insane, incredible, showstopping. One thing that I absolutely love about her that I think is overlooked is that, despite how much Kennit was pushing for it and how much Wintrow was pining for her, it did not even cross her mind to get with this 15 year old boy. Kennit is all like 'teach the boys your… skills.' and she's like, ah yes, I will teach him how to use knives. Queen behaviour. 
12. Paragon
- Everyone's favourite murderous boat! His dynamic with Amber is great, and his friendship with Brashen is really underrated! He goes from being a grumpy old man to a bratty little boy in seconds (hmmm maybe the similarities between he and Fitz go past the face). He's unpredictable and he will kill again!
11. Althea Vestrit
- I fell in love with her immediately. She's rude to Kyle and then spends the next two weeks sleeping on the floor so she can be closer to Vivacia. She had my heart from the get go. Her ending will always leave a bitter taste in my mouth but none of it is her fault. She starts off a little immature and really grows into a woman worthy of captaining her own ship.
10. Wintrow Haven
- Ship of Magic!Wintrow has my entire heart. He frustrates me to no end with how he treats Vivacia but his arc is insane. He's generally an honourable guy. He frees the slaves and aids in the overthrowing of his father. He becomes a competent sailor and always shows Etta kindness. And despite his corruption by Kennit, he retains his moral compass and grows to be a good guy. I choose to ignore him in Ship of Destiny (just like Robin Hobb oops-) because I don't know who that man is :)
9. Malta Vestrit
- Without a doubt the best Liveships character. She has some of the best development I've ever seen. She's really the Amy March of Bingtown. She's self-centred, annoying, and that girlllllll. I love her so much. She's so clever and achieves so much.
8. Verity Farseer
- MY KING! treated Fitz like a human being which, in this book, is a step up from how most people treat him - especially when he's a boy. He's always a friendly face, even when he's so bogged down by defending the entirety of the Six Duchies with no thanks. He loved very honestly and had great respect for people who deserved it. And in the end, he made the ultimate sacrifice for his people for his folk. 
7. Bee Farseer
- She's just as much my daughter as she is Molly's, Fitz's, Nighteyes', and Beloved's. She won me over so quickly, and just when I thought I couldn't love her more, she started biting. I hope one day we see more of her!
6. LadyPatience
- You should have been mine???????? Such a fun, unapologetic character. She is so herself. I feel so seen by her constant, ever-changing hobbies and messy room. She and Lacey are the duo of the century.
5. Burrich
- When I read a book and I fancy a character, I tend to stay loyal to that character. I can love all of the characters, but I only love one. I took one look at Burrich and knew i'd found my man. His parenting skills were questionable at time, but he was doing what he thought was right. He gave up his life to raise Chivalry's son. He stepped up and took care of Molly with no expectations. He raised Nettle like she was his own. Just a solid, good man.
4. Nighteyes
- The best parent in this whole series. He's sarcastic, he's clever, and he's got such an entertaining dry sense of humour. He's a great influence on Fitz and he isn't afraid to call him out. The Wit is such a fantastic aspect of this series and the wit-bond that Fitz and Nighteyes share is so so beautiful. 
3. Kettricken
My Queen. I haven't felt this strongly about a character in a long time. Always a beacon of honour in a story of political intrigue, secrets, and betrayal. They really lucked out with this arranged marriage. Not a single person in this story deserved her. 
2. Beloved
- Fool, Amber, Lord Golden, Beloved. What a character. every facet of this character is so interesting and deep and beautiful. Amber was THE character in Liveships, the Fool was THE character in Farseer, Beloved with THE character in Tawny Man. THE CHARACTER OF ALL TIME.
- You get it.
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princessfbi · 1 year
okey so i need some tv recs for this hiatus 911 fan overall procedure fans i guess that's all the vibe i can think of to ask lol so hit me with your recs
EXCELLENT! So glad you’ve come to me Nonnie. I am honored. This is in no particular order but in terms of general procedurals with similar 911 vibes I’ve got a couple:
1. Sirens
It’s about a paramedic team in Chicago and it’s fucking hilarious. We're talking laugh out loud can still quote it from memory hilarious. There’s two seasons and each episode is about 25 minutes so it’s easy to get through. There is a British counterpart that is also funny but it’s definitely a different tone for sure.
**If you were a fan of Arrow then you'll recognize Josh Segarra
***Also you can scream with me and @lucydonato about the show
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2. ER
I always describe 911 to people as ER for first responders. Part of that is because it’s so episodic. It gets really melodramatic at times and there are a LOT of story lines but for the most part the general stakes keep to one episode at a time and the show gives you permission to let things go which is nice. I’m a fan of the earlier seasons as opposed to the later seasons but Angela Bassett is in the last season. Lots of great guest spots and very character driven.
**Characters do die in this show so be aware of MCD warnings. No one is safe in that show. Except maybe Noah Wylie but that's cus it's Noah Wylie.
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3. Numb3rs
It’s an awesome crime procedural with a twist on it. The oldest brother, Don, is an FBI agent who has his baby brother, Charlie, help him solve crime using math. This show has all the tropes too. Brother relationship, found family, etc etc.
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4. Psych
It’s a procedural with a much lighter tone. Shawn pretends to be psychic and solves crime. It’s chaotic and messy and wonderful and perfect.
**Gives me coming home from the pool and vegging on the couch summer vibes.
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5. Castle
On the same side of the coin, it’s another procedural with a twist. Castle is a successful mystery novelist who helps solve crime. Nathan Fillion for those fans of The Rookie and there's a lot powerful female characters in it.
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6. Murder, She Wrote
MSW walked so that Castle could run. This is an oldie but a good. Angela Lansbury is a mystery writer who solves crime. It’s super cool knowing that she insisted on hiring a lot of older guest stars so that they could continue to be in the union and get their benefits. Also omg the 80s/90s wardrobe. There's also a couple of episodes with other detectives and crime solvers when Angela started to get tired carrying the weight of quality television on her shoulders.
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7. Drop Dead Diva
THIS is such a good law procedural. It has the added bonus as having the same casting director as 911 so you’ll see a lot of familiar faces. But Deb is a model who died and got reincarnated in the body of a plus size lawyer named Jane and it’s the most wonderful little nugget that just existed in its own space. It was SO ahead of it's time on certain issues and it deals with a variety of topics such as body shaming, slut shaming, mental health, etc in such a kind and compassionate and positive way.
**Gives me late summer 'I haven't moved from the couch and omg it's season three' vibes
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8. Scorpion
A team of geniuses (with neurodivergent representation in action genre scenarios) who help solve crime and crisis situations for homeland security. Lots of found family feelings! SO MANY! Big time character driven show.
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9. White Collar
A white collar criminal agrees to help solve crime with the FBI agent who arrested him. Neal is so whumpable and it's one of the few times I've seen a fandom really embrace the idea of a poly relationship in fanon? Idk I wasn't really in it but the fics I saw all seemed to agree that no one would complain if Peter, Neal, and Elizabeth all lived happily ever after with their golden retriever. NOW, I will say this is a Jeff Eastin show and he has a tendency to take the amazing female characters in the show, throw them in a blender, and then bring them back as Frankenstein's monster bride and act like he didn't just ruin their character and it drives me fucking insane. BUT those first couple of seasons are fantastic.
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peonycats · 7 months
Hey, so as a person who has in my unpublished works a story wherein APH Greenland is minorly featured, after I saw your post complaining about Greenland's current characterisation in fanworks, I realised that my story 100% fits all the things you were complaining about. And if it's not too much trouble how would you characterise Greenland in a way that is less problematic?
Or do you have any reccomendations for resources I can use to educate myself about Greenlandic culture?
So, I will preface this with the following:
However, in this post, I will primarily give some guidelines that are generally applicable to any nation personification of color that has experienced colonialism/imperialism by a Western nation and is still dealing with its legacy. Keep in mind that what you're asking for is a lot, however- we're touching on topics of national anthropomorphizations in political cartoons, the depiction of the colonized, particularly the indigenous, and the relationship between the colonized and the colonizer.
Don't make Greenland America and Canada's relative.
Don't make Greenland Denmark's kid, biological or otherwise.
Don't use sensitive contemporary issues in Greenland for fandom content.
Don't Make Greenland America and Canada's Relative
Every time I've seen this come up, this is usually justified one of two ways-
a) Greenland is related to America and Canada because the Vikings set up the first European settlements in continental North America, so they would be related via their Norse heritage. b) Greenland is related to America and Canada because America and Canada have a native parent, and Greenland is a sibling of that native parent.
To head things off- The first one is bad. See my next section for the issues of making Greenland a child of the Nordics/Nordic ancestors.
The second one almost always carries the implication of that the native parent of America and Canada is some kind of nebulous pan-American "APH Native America" personification; the issues with having the many indigenous peoples of the Americas as similar and interchangeable enough to warrant only one personification to represent them all are obvious, I should hope.
The slightly more plausible alternative is that America and Canada's native parent represents some Inuit group, and through that, Greenland is their sibling. Even if more plausible, we run into the same issue of turning a group into a monolith- there are many different Inuit groups, all with their own unique histories and cultures. Though Inuit groups may be more related than all Indigenous Americans to each other, they are still not a monolith, and determining their relationships to each other shouldn't be resolved with a blanket solution of "they're all related, nuff said."
If we want to dig into the weeds of historical accuracy, it makes no sense for America to have Inuit heritage, seeing as the United States began as the Thirteen Colonies in the Eastern Seaboard of the modern United States which doesn't overlap with the traditional lands of the Inuit. The Alaska Purchase was not made until 1867, hundreds of years after the establishment of the Thirteen Colonies.
I would also like to point out another issue I’ve seen with many “Auntie/Uncle Greenland depictions” in the fandom. Whenever you do see such depictions of Greenland in the fandom, almost never do we see the creator of such interpretations shedding light on any other indigenous characters (particularly ones not related to the USA and Canada). Therefore, such depictions are exceptionalizing and exalting an indigenous character above all other indigenous characters because they have more of a connection to major Western countries. 
Overall summary: The primary issue with making Greenland related to America and Canada is that Greenland is never allowed to exist outside of their links to these two. If you want to depict Greenland with respect, the most basic thing you can do is to not reduce Greenland into a tool for you to better characterize America and Canada and flesh out their background.
Don't make Greenland Denmark's Child, Biological or Otherwise
TW: racist caricatures of black, Latino, Native American, and Asian people
So first some quick historical background: Norse settlement of Greenland began around the 900s-1100s and died out sometime between 1450 and 1500 due to a variety of environmental and sociopolitical reasons. The surviving Norse settlers most likely either left or assimilated with the local Inuit populations, so there is some genetic legacy, but 85-90% of the population of Greenland today considers themselves Greenlandic Inuit.
For the following centuries, there were sporadic interactions between European whalers and the local Inuit. It was only until 1721 that another attempt at colonization was made, this time by the missionary Hans Egede, who founded a trading company and Lutheran mission near present day Nuuk, with the express permission of the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway.
Greenland took on a special status in both Danish policy and imagination, a far-off land that was "vulnerable" to other nation's influences and in need of Danish protection. In line with that thinking, the Danish state held an exclusive monopoly on Greenland's resources and all trade with Greenlanders. It pressured Greenlandic Inuit to stay in their occupations of hunting and fishing so that Denmark could maintain access to resources Greenland provided, mainly animal products from local wildlife the Inuit hunted.
Additionally, the Danish also tightly regulated interactions between the Danish colonial population and the local Inuits. For a time, intermarriage was strictly controlled, limited to only Danish men and Greenlandic women of mixed descent and had to be approved by the colonial administration. When the US wanted to build military bases on Greenland for military purposes during WW2, a major concern of Greenlandic authorities was minimizing contact between the US soldiers and the local Inuits.
Of course, Greenland didn’t stay this way forever. Against Denmark’s wishes, Greenland did open up and become further integrated into the global economy and order of nations, and to this day a lot of Greenlanders have a Danish ancestor somewhere in their family tree.
However, to make Greenland (substantially) related to the Norse is to do a disservice to the hundreds of years of Greenlandic Inuit culture that already existed and then continued to thrive for hundreds of years in the absence of continued Nordic contact and influence. It implies that the ethnogenesis of the Greenlandic Inuit was kicked off by the Norse settlers, when in reality, the Greenlandic Inuit are largely descended from the native Thule people and later waves of migration of other Inuit people from modern day Nunavut and Nunavik. To make Greenland the child of Denmark is worse, and stands in stark contrast to the fact that compared to other nations and their settler colonies (think, England and America), Denmark heavily controlled Danish migration to Greenland and wanted to keep Greenland isolated and contained.
Now, moving past the issue of historical accuracy, there's been a long history in political cartoons starring national anthropomorphizations of allegorizing international relationships as familial relationships, or "mentor-mentee" relationships, especially when it comes to colonizer-colony relationships.
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REPORT FROM THE FILIPINES Send more soldiers -Otis Uncle Sam: Balm in Gilead! Well, thank heavens both my new daughters haven't got the same disposition.
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'School Begins', cartoon of Uncle Sam teaching a class in civilisation to pupils labelled 'Philippines', 'Hawaii', 'Porto Rico' and 'Cuba'
In these cartoons, the colonized is portrayed as child-like, infantile, in need of the US's benevolent guidance to be "civilized." After all, if the relationship between the colonizer and its colonial possessions was like that of a parent and their children (or a teacher and their students)- well, children need their parents, so therefore, the colonies need the colonizer and its guidance, right? By doing so, it portrays the relationship between the colonizer and its colonies as a necessary, benevolent one, one done for the benefit of the colony, and masks the inherently exploitative, unequal nature of colonialism. 
To make Denmark a parental influence on Greenland, then, is to replicate the same paternalistic attitude Denmark took to Greenland as a colonial possession in need of guidance and direction, and possibly whitewashing the toll Danish colonization has taken on Greenland. Even depictions of Denmark and Greenland that emphasize their “little brother/big brother” relationship are problematic, because they fall into the same colonial rhetoric of Greenland "needing" Denmark's civilizing guidance.
Moreover, sensitivity is another concern for depictions of Greenland. At the risk of speaking for groups I do not belong to, having a child Greenland be raised by Denmark and the other Nordics (esp if Greenland has a negative relationship w them) hews a little too closely to the real life kidnapping of Indigenous children from their families to be raised instead by white families, in an attempt to remove them from their heritage and culture. Unless you're actually Greenlandic Inuit or indigenous, I don't think this is your story to tell.
Don't Use Sensitive Contemporary Issues in Greenland for Fandom Content
Don't use sensitive contemporary issues for fandom content, especially as an outsider. Don't be like the person I saw making angst headcanons around Greenland's high suicide rate.
Recommended Reading
This video is a great introduction to Danish colonization of Greenland, and how I began my dive into Greenlandic history. Bear in mind that this is a 25 minute long video, so it's compressing a lot, but it's a jumping off point, not the end-all be all. Content warnings should be in the beginning of the video.
Phasing out the Colonial Status of Greenland by Erik Beukel
This is a report commissioned by the Danish government and Greenlandic Home Rule analyzing the period between 1945 and 1954, where Greenland's status was changed from that of a colony to an equal part of the Kingdom of Denmark. It's a series of political science essays looking at this period, but I found Chapter 2 the most useful, as it provides an overview of the relevant historical background factors in the relationship between Greenland and Denmark. Warning for some dated language (mostly because it uses Esk*mo at certain points) but otherwise there's not really any content warnings.
Worldviews of the Greenlanders: An Inuit Arctic Perspective by Brigitte Sonne
I haven't fully read this book so I can't totally vouch for this, but given the difficulty of accessing academic material of Greenland (especially as someone who doesn't speak or read Danish), this does fill in some much needed gaps in perspectives on Greenland. I realize the inherent problems of needing to read about Inuit perspectives in a book compiled by an outsider academic as well as the issues with the field of ethnography as a whole, but this may still be useful to some!
Articles I enjoyed that look at Greenlandic history and contemporary issues:
The Arctic Suicides: It's Not the Dark that Kills you
A Brief History of the Indignities Heaped Upon Greenland
How a failed social experiment in Denmark separated Inuit children from their families
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