#i’ve found and strengthened friendships
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madaqueue · 3 months ago
happy new years my darlings!!!!!!!! this year has brought me so much in terms of growth, learning, and joy, and i’m so grateful for all of you :’) a year ago i never would have thought id find the community i did on here and i truly love each and every one of you, sending you all a big midnight kiss and i hope 2025 is so incredibly kind to you, love you <33
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bouquetface · 8 months ago
Vedic Astro 1
Accuracy influenced by entire chart.
Sun in Scorpio 2nd H
In Vedic this can result in having karma related to the father. This can manifest in many ways. Ex: Father steals from you, Father refuses to provide or nurture, Father needs money from you at some point - needs money for a medical treatment, etc.
Sun will rule your 11th house if you have this placement in vedic. This shows you value your friendships. Throughout your life, your social network will help you. However, due to the sun’s nature, you may not always be grateful for it. Especially in your younger years.
Ex: Your friend tries to help you find a job. In the moment, you don’t realize that your friend is being very caring towards you. Rather, you feel the job isn’t appealing or you feel it’s not that big of a deal that the friend has found a job for you.
As a result, due to scorpio’s karmic nature, you now end up in a situation where a friend is acting entitled towards you. In a different friendship, you may end up being used - possibly financially.
Ex: You pay for your friend’s meal, they never return this favour. Rather they act entitled & ungrateful about it. They act as if you owe them these meals. This upsets you as you have gone out of your way to be kind.
This isn’t to say you are a bad person who has bad karma. It is simply the karmic scale balancing itself. For your placement it is likely the karma involves social network, money & family specifically the father & his side.
When wrong is done to you, the scale will balance itself too.
In Vedic, scorpio is ruled by Ketu & Mars. Ketu can make you generous. You may enjoy giving gifts or making gifts for your friends & family. Ketu is strengthened when you are kind in this way. This is because Ketu does not want more. Now, this doesn’t mean you should donate all your money and always be a saint. Rather you should strive to be kind and helpful (not even financially just in general) when you can. This can help bless you with opportunities. Especially since your 11th (social circle, networking) & 2nd (finances) are connected.
Good news about 11th ruler in 2nd is it indicates you will have good wealth. This doesn’t always mean you’ll be a millionaire. It means you will always be pretty stable - the basic needs are always met. Ex: You could make a huge mistake like quitting your job without another one lined up. You could struggle to find a new job. Yet, you will be taken care of. You will have a family or spouse who supports the basic needs while you become stable again.
Accuracy will be influenced by the entire natal chart.
Rahu in 5th House
This is an indicator of attraction to those from other religions, ethnicities, nationalities.
This indicates having many children as well. I know someone with this placement who told my grandma they would never have kids. Yet, they ended up with many. Possible manifestations are: 1 - Simply having many kids. 2 - Having step kids along with your own kids. 3 - Adopting kids.
There is a scandalous side to the 5th H. I’ve seen rahu in 5th in a man’s chart & he just recently revealed he’s having a kid with his mistress.
Of course astro doesn’t make you do anything. It does indicate in his chart, he is someone who struggles with being satisfied when it comes to his own pleasure.
Accuracy for everyone is dependent on the ENTIRE chart. Looking at one placement or aspect is barely helpful when it comes to life prediction.
Jupiter in 10th House
Generally, this indicates the father is a teacher. The father may influence your career choice. The father may be highly educated himself.
If Jupiter is in neutral signs, the father is a neutral figure (both good & bad traits). If Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, it indicates the father is a strong presence. Someone you admire and look up to. You adapt their beliefs - religious, political, life perspective, etc.
Now if you feel this doesn’t resonate, check for sun and saturn position as well. For ex: Saturn in 9th can indicate a strain between father and child. Sun in scorpio can indicate karma between father and child.
So sometimes regardless of if you have an exalted Jupiter in 10th, the father can be more of a lesson on what you DON’T want to be.
Jupiter in 10th can give you a career where you are looked at as a teacher. You could be a literal teacher or teach newcomers in the field. People see you as reliable and knowledgeable.
Jupiter represents husband in vedic astrology too. In 10th, it shows you may meet in a work/professional setting.
You must consider the entire chart when looking for accuracy.
Rahu in 7th House
This is another indicator of attraction to people from different backgrounds. (Religious, ethnic, nationality.) High chance you marry a foreigner.
These people love relationships. You can hate being single. You need a partner to feel good about yourself. It can be obsessive thoughts & even fear. When will I find someone? Why can’t I find someone? What if I don’t ever find someone?
Good side is you can be highly intuitive. Especially when in a water sign. You are simply in tune with what other people need & want. This can make you very good at business that involves working with people.
This placement can indicate being cheated on or being the cheater. I have seen it both ways. 7th house is other people, however it aspects the first house which is you. Thus, you may be the one who can be deceitful. You or the partner may love attention from opposite sex. They need that validation and may do immoral things to get it.
Even when cheating is not involved, often these people find after marriage their partner was hiding something. Not necessarily a negative thing. Sometimes it’s a personal thing from their past - they didn’t feel comfortable sharing until much later. Or it’s something neutral, they weren’t consciously hiding this thing to be deceitful. You are always learning something due to your spouse.
I know many with this placement personally. For 2 of them, they were cheated on not the cheater. & 1 person is someone who I know would not cheat and to their knowledge has not been cheated on. A well placed rahu, or well placed 7th H ruler can give good results. Like this person, they are dating someone from a different religion & they plan on converting. Nothing bad in their connection.
However, if I am to be truthful, I know someone with placement who always seemed like they would never cheat or lie. Yet, later in life, things changed them. In their 40s, this man left his wife AND KIDS to marry his mistress.
Don’t take it personally or feel fear due to other people’s experiences. Accuracy is influenced by the entire chart.
Scorpio Mars in First house
Mars is connected to your aries 6th house. This can indicate intense relationship with mother’s siblings. They may strongly dislike you. Or you do things that feel like an obligation for them.
At some point in life, you may change your appearance or life direction drastically. Reasons vary sometimes you realize you have self sabotaging behaviours and must heal. Other times it can be due to an illness or injury that changes you. You could undergo a surgery. It may be needed or cosmetic.
Also, one thing I noticed is all these people’s births were significant. They either were extremely intense births such as being a first birth. OR a surprise birth, the mother was expecting the baby to be born a week later but the baby came sooner. Other ex: 1 person needed an emergency c section. 2nd person was so big they cut their mom open, she needed stitches.
Mars is a “cutting” energy so when in the first house, it can indicate cuts in your body or you leave a mark or cut on other people. This can manifest as being an aggressive person. You may experience physical abuse or assault someone else. However, this is an extreme example of what can be.
Accuracy is influenced by the entire chart.
Aquarius Moon in 6th House
People you help will  become your enemy. Enemy is kinda corny and dramatic but what I mean is people you provide emotional + physical support for will turn against you. It can be friends, coworkers, siblings/family, lovers, etc. They will become jealous and hateful towards you. 
Ex: You introduce a friend from work to your social circle because they seem lonely. That friend will attempt to turn your social circle against you. They may gossip/spread lies about you. They will not recognize the good you did by inviting them into your social circle. Rather they will try to take your spot.
These people must be cautious of who they let in their life. With pisces as your 7th house, you gravitate towards helping people. You must keep in mind not everyone deserves your help. Some will want to bring you down/drain you of your compassion.
Generally, aqua moon in 6th people are focused on their health. Later in life, they often become routine-based. They develop healthy habits. Sometimes, it can be an illness or injury that triggers this health journey. 
If you have an elder siblings, they may either become an enemy or distant from you. However, if well placed, they may help you in times of struggle.
Ex: I know someone with this whose older sister helped get her a job interview when she was unemployed.
Accuracy influenced by entire chart.
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blossoming-mind-palace · 1 month ago
PBSS! Chung Myung x Reader: “Under the Saint’s Wing” (SFW/Part 2)
Summary: Chung Myung still needs more convincing in order to take in Yu Iseol, so you formulate a plan to persuade him. Tang Bo helps you by bringing his own student, Tang Soso, to Mount Hua so she can spar with a martial artist. Yu Iseol ends up being her partner, but their training session comes to an abrupt end.
Contains: Gender neutral elderly reader & the found family trope is starting to show
A/N: The Tangs have arrived! I hope I did them justice because this is the first time I’ve written them. I hope I didn’t butcher their characterization. Also, sorry for the hiatus. I’m back and passionate about writing and ROTBB again.
WC: 3,476-ish
“Tang Soso, this is Yu Iseol. Yu Iseol, this is Tang Soso,” Chung Myung awkwardly motions his arm towards each girl as he introduces them to each other. Tang Soso is already beaming at Yu Iseol; meanwhile, the black-haired one doesn't know what to think of her just yet. “Hi, I'm Tang Soso! It's nice to meet you!” The girl bows and waits for Yu Iseol’s response. Yu Iseol copies her in a less cheerful manner. In the distance, you and Tang Bo watch everything unfold.
“D'awww, it looks like they like each other!” You gush over Yu Iseol's potentially new friendships, and Tang Bo looks at you like you're crazy. “How can you tell? Yu Iseol hasn't said anything, and her facial expression has barely changed,” he points out. It's true that Yu Iseol struggles with expressing herself, but, after spending more time with her, you and Chung Myung have learned how to empathize with her.
You watch as both girls rise, and Yu Iseol keeps her gaze on the girl in front of her. Her mouth says nothing, but her eyes are filled with a friendliness and curiosity that most people wouldn't notice. “If she didn't like Tang Soso, she simply would have left without saying a word. Trust me, she likes her,” you explain before picking up a couple of swords. Tang Soso is doing most of the heavy lifting in their conversation while Yu Iseol nods or sprinkles in short answers. The Mount Hua disciple is surprisingly warm and receptive towards the Tang girl, and you're hoping that after this, Yu Iseol may finally make a friend.
You both continue to watch them under the morning sun, and Tang Bo sighs before leaning over and whispering to you,”I hope you're right, and I hope that your plan works.” “What plan? What are you two whispering about?” Chung Myung has walked away undetected from the younger disciples and interrupted your one-on-one conversation with your old friend. The plan is to get Chung Myung to warm up to teaching after watching Tang Bo show off his student, but Chung Myung doesn't need to know all of that! You need to think of something to cover up your meddling. Tang Bo quickly pulls away and clears his throat,”Our plan to strengthen the relationship between Mount Hua and the Tang family, of course! What else could it be, and why else would we pair my little Soso and Yu Iseol together?” His crow’s feet appear when he smiles confidently as if his acting is flawless, and you nod in an attempt to show your support.
‘He looks so suspicious… Chung Myung, my dear, please do not catch on!’ You think while watching your beloved cock an eyebrow at the both of you. You subconsciously hold your breath as you wait for him to call the both of you out, but you release it when he finally turns around. “Whatever. Stop talking and concentrate on why we're here in the first place,” he says as he walks back to the girls. You and Tang Bo's shoulders simultaneously relax, and you glare at him before whispering,”Don't blow it.” “Yes Mr./Mrs./Mx. (Y/N),” he snickers and playfully salutes before you both approach the girls.
Chung Myung has already started helping Yu Iseol adjust her posture while Tang Soso takes inventory of the various poisons and daggers Tang Bo helped her hide on her person. Thanks to Tang Bo's high status in his clan and a little bit of persuasion from him, Tang Soso, and her father, she miraculously became the first girl to learn about both the clan's poisons and their medicine. Like Yu Iseol, she has a promising future ahead of her and has been able to master her techniques quickly. ‘It's only natural that we pair them up, right? Hopefully they'll become close comrades, too,’ you think as you watch everyone prepare for their training session.
Tang Bo whispers in his descendant's ear while you stand on the sidelines. After deciding that her stance is sturdy, Chung Myung backs away from the Mount Hua disciple and Tang Bo does the same with his own descendant. After announcing that the sparring match is beginning, Tang Bo starts to approach you and Chung Myung is right behind him. You peak over Tang Bo's shoulders, and when you see your lover, you mumble,”It looks like someone doesn't want us whispering again.” The Tang elder snorts before returning to your side, and Chung Myung gets in-between you two.
“What's so funny, huh?” Chung Myung asks and looks at you with a wary expression, and you ‘innocently’ smile at him. “Don't worry about it!” You anxiously reply before breaking eye contact to watch the girls. You're silently praying that they'd distract him, but your prayers reaped no rewards. “You two are up to something. I know you are!” Chung Myung insists while putting a hand on your shoulder. You try to think of something to say to take the heat off of you, but your mind draws blanks. Thankfully, there's a distraction right in front of you guys.
“Dodge faster, Yu Iseol!” You cup your mouth to amplify your yelling, and Cheongmyeong's attention is finally ripped away from you. Her speed is actually perfect and she looks confused as to why you would yell that. She trusts your judgement and goes faster, anyway. Meanwhile, Tang Soso is struggling to keep up with her. A few daggers fly, but none of them hit. The tables suddenly turn, and the Tang girl has started dodging instead of Yu Iseol.
All three of you watch with a collective, intense interest and wait for someone to make a move, but the two girls are currently dancing around each other instead of attacking. “You're going to have to throw harder and faster. Remember what I taught you?” Tang Bo attempts to verbally nudge his student in the right direction. “Don't interfere too much! They won't be able to think for themselves if you keep telling them what to do,” Chung Myung buts in as all three of you keep your eyes on the young girls.
Under your collective and intense gazes, the girls continue dancing around each other, and the Tang’s pace gradually quickens. Tang Soso throws a few more poison-laced daggers, but her projectiles suddenly stop when she notices how low her inventory has gotten. Yu Iseol begins closing in on her and attempts to slash at her, but the Tang's reflexes are starting to improve even more. She continues dodging, and finally creates a decently large distance between her and Yu Iseol before reaching into her sleeve once more.
Everyone watches and waits to see how the Mount Hua disciple will react, but she side-steps instead of moving forward again. “She's assuming it's another dagger,” Chung Myung says under his breath, and is being careful with his volume. “Trying interfere?” You whisper back and jab at his elbow. He opens his mouth to react to your comment, but the training ground is suddenly enveloped in smoke.
“Ohhh, smart girl!” Tang Bo unashamedly praises his student, but thanks to her smoke bomb, no one can see the girls. Thankfully, Tang Bo doesn't back away or try to hide his nose, so you’re certain that it’s just a harmless, non-poisonous gas. “Yeah, but it's a shame that we can't see them now,” you turn towards Tang Bo while pointing this out. The only thing you can make out is the sound footsteps and the occasional clanking of Tang Soso's daggers being deflected by Yu Iseol's sword. It sounds like she’s going to use the last of her daggers while Yu Iseol is blinded, and, in your opinion, she deserves the praise Tang Bo gives her. She really is a promising student.
Suddenly, you hear the familiar ‘ting’ near you, but this time the noise is too close for comfort. A metallic blur shoots towards your group and the two men side-step. You dodge with what you thought was impeccable timing, until you look down at the small red dots beginning to form on your once-crisp uniform. What just happened doesn't entirely register until you look at it and feel a tingling sensation coming from your side. As reality sets in, so does the poison.
“Wow, Soso, those daggers actually hurt! Great jo-” your sentence abruptly stops when the tingling spreads throughout your body. The last thing you hear is an “uh oh” come from your old friend as your body goes limp. Your body ragdolls onto the ground with a loud thump, and you can hear people yell, but you struggle to process what they're saying as your consciousness begins fading. All you see before you close your eyes is presumably Yu Iseol's shadowed figure quickly darting out of the opaque smoke and towards your direction.
The first thing you notice when your senses return is the horrid aftertaste of disgustingly bitter medicine. It’s actually so repulsive that the first thing you do when you regain consciousness is cringe and uncontrollably gag. “Oh! She's finally awake,” You're greeted by Tang Soso beaming down at your twisted face. “Here, drink this,” you hear Yu Iseol's calm voice, but this time there's a hint of worry in it. You try to sit up but your arms wobble thanks to how weak they feel, so Tang Soso helps guide you. When you finally sit up, Yu Iseol gently puts a small cup of water in your hands. You waste no time in drinking it and hurriedly let the bitterness wash down your throat.
“Eugh, that was disgusting!” You whine before analyzing the room. It looks like you've been sleeping in the medicine hall, and Tang Soso and Yu Iseol have pulled up a chair so they can both watch over you. The training session started in the morning, but the warm hues of the sunset are currently seeping through the window. Tang Soso gives you a sheepish, apologetic look when you glance at her. Meanwhile, Yu Iseol's eyebrows are slightlscrunched, but you aren't entirely sure why. “What happened?” “You were accidentally hit by one of my poisoned daggers, and you've been out for almost a whole day,” Tang Soso explains while rubbing the back of her neck nervously. “Sorry, by the way,” the young Tang apologizes and sheepishly smiles at you.
Before you can say anything, Yu Iseol anxiously interjects,”No, I'm sorry. It ricocheted off of my blade and hit my elder. It's my fault.” Now that you think about it, you’ve never seen Yu Iseol wear such an upset expression on her face. The guilt must be eating her up, because her brows haven't relaxed since you woke up. You reassure both girls with a warm, comforting smile and gently put a hand on Yu Iseol's shoulder. “It's okay, I'm not mad at either of you. If anything, I'm proud! If you two work together and turn that ricocheting into an attack of some sort, you'd be quite the duo to reckon with. Not only that, but you managed to take down an elder that's much more experienced than you,” you pat Yu Iseol’s shoulder while you talk, and when you’re finished you pat Tang Soso on the head before folding your hands on your lap. Both of the girls look confused by your answer.
“We took you down by chance, though, and you weren't even the target!” Tang Soso points out. “Oh, well, we all make mistakes. You were still able to take me out with the combination of Tang poisons and Yu Iseol's force, so it's technically progress in both of your journeys. It may not be the progress you two were aiming for, but it's still progress,” you start lecturing them until you hear someone open the door. Your attention shifts to the door, and it’s none other than your dearest partner.
“They're right, y'know?” Chung Myung points out while walking into the room and pulls up a chair on the other side of you. He must’ve overheard your conversation from the hall. He sits and looks at Yu Iseol before continuing,”Your defense has improved and you kept your stance despite the force of the daggers being thrown at you. The only problem is that you need to keep a closer eye on your opponent's openings and become more confident when you close in on them.” He turns towards Tang Soso and leans back in his chair before continuing,”And you have some solid tricks up your sleeves, but you shouldn't rely on them too heavily. Like Tang Bo, you need to focus more on martial arts, and learning more close-ranged moves would benefit you.”
He has the expression of a stern teacher while he gives them his constructive criticism, and you think that he looks quite handsome during his lecture. ‘He's so on the fence about teaching, but he's doing a flawless job,’ you think as you admire how well your husband is doing and his dashing good looks. “Yeah, he's right. What would you have done if Yu Iseol had successfully closed in on you before you could even whip out that smoke bomb?” You ask and wait to see what kind of plan the Tang girl might formulate. “Uhhh, stab her with my dagger?” She nervously answers and she doesn't look very confident in her answer. You can see how insecure she is based off of how she anxiously plays with the ends of her sleeves.
“That is a terrible way to react. A sword is much longer than a dagger, so Yu Iseol would’ve stabbed you before you could even get it out. Also, what if you had accidentally thrown your last one beforehand?” Chung Myung points out. His tone is harsh, but you know he means well. If they don't get the criticism they need, they'll never improve. Tang Soso's hand comes up to her chin as she thinks for a moment, but her face brightens when she remembers something. “I'll just throw this at her!” She pulls out one of her impressively sharp hairpins. “Oooh, that's quite the weapon! Your back up plan needs some work, but those are definitely sharp enough to pierce skin,” you point out before holding out your empty palm. Tang Soso places the pin in your hand and lets you take a closer look at it.
Chung Myung glances at it, but isn't as intrigued by it as you are. You give her the floral pin back before gazing at your husband and waiting for his input. “Still, it's not enough. Focus more on close combat and try picking up a sword,” Chung Myung sighs. His lecture is perfect, and it's a shame he's still on the fence about taking in Yu Iseol as a student. Chung Myung catches you spacing out and staring at him, so he stares back with a suspicious look on his face. You have a feeling that you should change the subject as soon as possible.
“Where's Tang Bo?” You quickly ask to get his focus off of you and your thoughts. “My elder isn't too far away. He said you'd be okay under my care, so Yu Iseol and I have been looking after you. Speaking of him, he might be waiting for me to join him so we can go home,” Tang Soso grins at you, and you can see her little dimples peek out. “Oh, wow! You must be proficient at medicines, too, if he trusts you that much,” you gasp at her and she sheepishly nods. She enjoys the praise, but it seems like she doesn't want to look cocky when agreeing with you. “I guess you could say that… May I check on you one more time before I leave?” She asks and her cheeks have a slight glow. ‘Aw, I didn't know she could be so bashful!’ You think before giving her your wrist so she can check your vitals.
After letting Tang Soso check on you one more time, she bows and leaves the room with the gratefulness you'd expect from a Tang lady. After seeing what she can do, you're certain that she'll be elegant and lethal when she grows up. After she leaves the room, you notice Yu Iseol is still staring at you with the same worried look. “Do you have something to say, little one?” You ask her softly in an attempt to not stress her out anymore than she already is. Her hands that were once folded on her lap are now balled into fists as she apologizes once more,”I'm sorry, you wouldn't be here if I hadn't blocked her projectile towards you.” “It's okay, it was an accident. Don't get stressed out over it,” you try to console her by patting her head, but when you retrieve your arm, she still looks displeased with herself. Now that you're really looking at her, you notice that her eyes are looking a little glossy.
“But you could've died, so I'm sorry-” “No more ‘buts’ or ‘sorries’. They didn't die and they said it's fine, so there's no reason to keep apologizing,” Chung Myung cuts her off before she can go any further. An almost inaudible sniffle comes from her, but she nods after listening to Chung Myung. “See? It's fine, and I'm fine,” you say while lifting your arms and flexing as a way to playfully show her you're back to your old yet healthy self. “So there's no need to feel guilty. Now, you should go eat dinner with your fellow disciples instead of staying cooped up in the medicine hall with a couple of old coots,” you grin and playfully ruffle her hair.
Her lips curl up slightly, but her eyes are still a little glossy when she nods at you. She bows before silently leaving the room, and now it's just you and your husband. You hold your hand out to him and he grabs it. He lets you rub his knuckles and play with his hand while you converse. “What did I do to deserve such a handsome and loving husband? Not only that, but you're flawless at teaching, y'know?” you compliment him while bringing his rough knuckles up to your lips. “I know you're buttering me up for something,” he accuses you of plotting, but he doesn't look upset. It's the opposite, his lips have curled up as if it's a reflex to the affection you're giving him. His cheeks even have a rosy tint, and if he tried to act upset, he still wouldn't be able to hide how flustered he is.
At least, not from you. You've known him for too long, so it's hard to hide things from each other when you know your partner so well that you can predict their thoughts and movements. It's not a surprise that he's catching on to your meddling fairly quickly. “Oh, my dear, I have no idea what you're talking about,” you feign your ignorance with honeyed words as you kiss his knuckles. He scoffs but continues soaking in the attention you shower him with. You pull away from his knuckles but keep holding his hand as you suggest,”Little Iseol seemed like she was still upset when she left. Maybe you should try spending time with her to cheer her up?”
You quietly hope that your question wasn’t too revealing as you wait for his answer. “I don't know why you think MY company would cheer her up,” he groans and weaves his fingers with yours. “She admires you much more than you realize,” You reassure him and tuck some of his hair behind his ear with your free hand. He goes quiet and looks like he's deep in thought, and you let the silence linger so he can keep mulling over your suggestion.
“Please? For me?” You beg while playfully batting your lashes at him. He rolls his eyes at your theatrics and sighs before answering,”Fine. I'll try to talk to her or something if you think it’ll make her feel better.” You beam at him when he finally agrees with you. Your plan is in full swing.
“Fantastic! Now, I need to get out of here. I literally haven't eaten all day,” you say as you dangle your legs off of the bed and attempt to stand. The weakness has finally worn off, and now the only thing that’s wrong with you is the cramping coming from your empty stomach. Despite knowing that the poison is out of your system and you've been treated, Chung Myung gets up and keeps an eye on you just in case you're too weak to stand on your own. When you're finally up, he wraps his arm around you as you both start to exit the medicine hall’s patient room.
Part 1
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papercranepoets · 16 days ago
A common refrain growing up that stuck with Hermione was “Focus on yourself and your career before you ever focus on a man.”
Her mother did both simultaneously, but her Aunt Aurora — one of those aunts by family friendship instead of blood — had chosen to marry straight out of high school. This had ended in a nasty divorce that Hermione remembered well in childhood. Uncle Bernard was no longer in the picture, and someone she had loved so well deeply hurt someone else she loved so well. Aunt Aurora was left with nothing and had no education past high school to sustain her.
Her mother and aunt had spoken to Hermione about this even before the separation. She grew up feeling empowered, knowing the importance of not marrying young.
So when she came to age in the wizarding world, she was shocked by the traditional values. Ron had proposed to her five months after the Battle of Hogwarts. It was insane to her. She was in her 8th year and he was barely into auror training. When she turned the engagement down, The Weasley’s treated this as an admission that she was rejecting their family.
Of course this was not the case. Apparently focusing on graduating and finding an apprenticeship in the Ministry meant was unreasonable. In several weeks of conversations with Ron, she tried to smooth over the blow to his ego and convince him that they could continue to date.
“Honestly, Ron, this isn’t 1952!” She recalled screaming in his face when he dared to suggest she didn’t love him.
Now, a month after Hermione turned down the engagement, Ron had broken up with her. He was concerned with her lack of commitment. Mind you, she had planned on staying at the borough the entire summer while he continued auror training. This had to have been Molly sowing doubt. Hermione loved Molly. She loved all of them. She thought that the trauma they went through together would strengthen the bonds she had created. Really, she suspected it made everyone fragile to hardship and suspicious of one another.
It didn’t help that the night Ron had broken up with her, Hermione had chosen to accept an invite to an 8th years only party in the Slytherin.
Why not?? She thought. She was no longer beholden to someone. The houses were no longer bound to pre-war “rules” and house pride (though to be fair, she was still wary of some of the Slytherin intentions).
This is how she found herself 3 fire whisky’s deep, exploring a nearby bookshelf, messily pulling titles out. The dungeons were chilly but there was a certain air of coziness despite this. Large leather coaches, a rumbling fire in three separate fireplaces, blankets over each seat, a dark atmosphere filled with so many 8th year student bodies that the chill counteracted any stuffiness. Hermione moved down the row of books, suddenly slamming into a solid body and spilling her drink down her chest.
“Of course you are looking at books at a party, Granger,” a deep voice almost chuckled.
Confused at the lack of venom in Malfoy’s voice, she spun around to face him, tripping on her own feet and stumbling back into the shelf. His warm hand was there on her shoulder steadying her.
“Oh… erm sorry,” she squeaked, unsure how to navigate a conversation with Malfoy that was not immediately aggressive. He scoffed.
Hermione met his eyes, immediately realising they were both sloshed. Malfoy wore a stupid grin, “you’re drunk on barely any fire whiskey?” Again, there was no bite to his teasing.
“Malfoy, I’ll have you know I’ve had exactly three drinks.” She put on a show of being very proper and straightened her spine.
“Right…” he leaned against the shelf sidling up to her, “barely any fire whiskey…” Malfoy smiled now, eyes openly roving over her.
Oh. He is flirting.Hermione was uncomfortable with the spike of excitement she felt. Gods, what would Ron think… Thank gods Ginny was nowhere to be found — though she was the one Weasley who actually understood why she had turned down a proposal.
Hermione released out her newfound excited. Single. No war to be afraid of. Malfoy actually redeemed himself… Why not
“I’m sorry I’m not a drunk like you,” she teased touching his arm.
Malfoy looked down to her hand and grinned at her, leaning his head close to hers. “No, just someone so boring that they go to read a book at a party… Granger, sorry to pry…”
He hesitated and stopped talking, but stayed close to her. She noticed his sharp jawline, fresh face as if he shaved for the party. She had noticed Malfoy before. His act of heroism in throwing Harry the elder wand… of not turning them in long before that… Hermione did not want to admit this, but this caused her to soften to him. She began to notice almost everything this year. How his hands gripped a chair to take a seat, veins pronounced and long fingers spread along the wood. How his eyes darkened when someone would go after a Slytherin for daring to be at Hogwarts. How his hair fell into his eyes while he sliced one material or another for a potion and he was forced to form his mouth to blow air and move the hair from his view.
Hermione didn’t realize how intensely she observed Malfoy. She observed him now, waiting expectantly on his question. His dark brows, completely incongruent with his electric white hair, were furrowed. His piercing grey eyes searching hers. Malfoy was tall. He was so much taller than her that he had to bend down to flirt with her.
When he didn’t answer, “are you just going to look at me, Malfoy?”
“Forgive me…” he almost looked apologetic, apprehensive of what he was about to say, “a little birdie told me that you were no longer seeing the Weaselbee.”
Hermione’s expression grew tight and Malfoy kept his eyes keenly on her, trying to read the moment.
She wanted to touch him, not scare him away. She brought the hand that had left his arm to his chest, leaning closer to him. “I’m not really sure how the word got out, but the rumor is true.”
Malfoy hummed, pleased. He brought a glass of amber liquid to his mouth, sipping on the spirit. Her eyes were affixed to his mouth, lips almost watering.
“Can I taste?” She whispered.
Malfoy chuckled, beginning to hand her the glass. Hermione gently pushed it away, pushing to her toes and bringing herself to his face, stopping short of his lips.
“Go ahead,” he choked out.
Her lips met his, licking the whisky from his soft mouth. She smiled into the kiss as his arms wrapped around her back. When she started to pull away, he went in for more, finding his way into her mouth and pushing her into the bookshelf. Hermione obliged, both hands on his chest. The taste of him drove her nuts.
When his hand moved up into her hair, they heard a loud clearing of a throat behind them. They parted looking to the distraction.
Pansy Parkinson with a small tight grin had her arms crossed in front of her. She looked more than amused.
“Easy there, tiger,” Pansy drawled, “I told you so you could charm her tonight, not so you could suck face at the first opportunity.”
With that Malfoy stepped back and Hermione pouted. Pansy raised her brow high.
“Though, I don’t think she really minds…” Pansy turned to leave.
“Perhaps we can take this somewhere else?” Malfoy placed his hand on her hip and pulled a vial of sober up potion from his pocket.
Hermione smiled and let him lead her deeper into the Slytherin dorm.
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perfectsunlight · 8 months ago
[𝟎𝟕] 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐞𝐭𝐜. 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲/𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
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the new school year brought with it a sense of renewal, and you were eager to embrace it. amid the whirlwind of fresh faces and new routines, you found yourself forming a close friendship with a girl named jang wonyoung. 
you two were both in a 4th period music class, a subject you both enjoyed and excelled in. the class had become a refuge, a place where you could lose yourself in melodies and harmonies. wonyoung’s enthusiasm for music was infectious, and her support meant the world to you.
and it was actually because of her that you ended up becoming an artist.
one day, as you were both working on a group project for the class, wonyoung noticed you staring wistfully at the piano. “you’re really talented, you know that?” she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. “i’ve seen you play, and i think you should seriously think about pursuing music.”
you looked up, slightly surprised. “really? i’ve thought about it, but i don’t think it’s something i can actually do.” wonyoung leaned closer, her irises dancing with encouragement. it was a look of pure belief and encouragement.
“why not? you have a gift, and you shouldn’t waste it.”
you had always loved music, but the idea of making it a career felt like a distant fantasy. but wonyoung’s encouragement felt like a spark that lit a fire in you. 
“i don’t even know where to start,” you admitted, a mix of excitement and apprehension in your voice. the industry was very competitive, and you knew your chances were slim, even if you were talented.
wonyoung smiled, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “start small. maybe take on some gigs, work on your music. i can even ask my dad if you can perform at his gala events.” you chuckled and tried to decline the invitation, but the taller girl was adamant. 
“you just have to believe in yourself, and i believe in you.”
her warmth and kindness were a breath of fresh air, and you quickly became inseparable, bonding over shared interests and heartfelt conversations. 
when you two weren’t talking about music, you shared bits of your love life.
wonyoung often spoke of her significant other with a mix of affection and nostalgia. she mentioned that her partner had just recently graduated, but never went into detail. your curiosity was piqued, but you respected her privacy. ironically, you often did the same.  the advice and understanding between you two strengthened your connection.
as your friendship deepened, it felt like you had found someone who was always there for you. you spent countless hours together, navigating school life and supporting each other through its ups and downs.
one afternoon, as you enjoyed a break in the school courtyard, your best friend inez approached with a concerned look. she pulled you aside, her expression serious. you couldn’t help but wonder what she was about to say.
regardless, you could’ve never guessed what it really was.
“look, i saw something today that i think you need to know,” inez said, her tone low. she quickly glanced around, making sure anyone else was around. the pause made your anxiety spike even more. 
“i was at lunch in the cafeteria, and i saw wonyoung with someone who looked like yujin.”
your heart stopped. you could feel every breath becoming more ragged. “yujin? are you sure?”
inez nodded, pulling out her phone to show you a photo she had discreetly taken. in the image, wonyoung was seated with yujin, sitting on a bench while they kissed.
your mind raced, trying to process this revelation. yujin—who you were still in a relationship with—was cheating on you. your mind raced, struggling to process the revelation. the world around you seemed to tilt, and the image of yujin and wonyoung together was like a punch to the gut. 
“i thought you and yujin were still together,” inez said, sensing your distress. “i didn’t know you two had broken up.”
“we haven’t,” you replied, struggling to keep your emotions in check. “we’re still together.”
everything started to make sense now. the late-night texts, the vague excuses, the sudden distance. the nagging doubts you had pushed away now felt like a tidal wave crashing over you.
you stared at the photo, your emotions a turbulent mix of hurt, betrayal, and confusion. “i—” you started, but the words caught in your throat. “how could she do this?” inez quickly put her phone away and wrapped you in her embrace. it was difficult news to process, and she understood that.
needless to say, you both ditched the rest of the school day and inez came over to your house to help you figure out what to do next. you sat at the edge of your bed, staring blankly at the floor while inez made herself comfortable beside you. the weight of the situation pressed heavily on your chest, making it difficult to breathe, let alone think clearly.
“are you okay?” inez asked softly, her voice filled with genuine concern. you could tell she was trying to offer support without overstepping, giving you the space you needed to process. you shook your head slowly, trying to hold back the tears. “i don't know. i thought everything was fine. i thought we were happy.”
inez reached out, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. “listen y/n, you deserve to be treated with honesty and respect. and yujin shouldn't have done this to you or wonyoung.”
wonyoung. that was the other problem. did she know? you assumed no. upon further digging, you and inez found out yujin had a separate instagram account with numerous posts with the other girl. it was very obvious that she was publicly loving her, and privately loving you.
“i know,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. “but seeing her with wony, it’s like she’s happier with her? she looks happier. she looks at her in ways she’s never looked at me, and maybe as bad as it sounds, i don’t want to ruin her happiness. if she’s happy with someone else, i love her enough to respect that.”
inez gave you a reassuring squeeze and a firm but loving glare. “just remember it's also about what's best for you. you shouldn't have to compromise your own happiness for someone else's.”
you took a deep breath, trying to center yourself. the idea of confronting yujin was daunting, but you knew you needed to face her. you had to understand where you stood and what her feelings really were.
a few hours later, you found yourself standing outside yujin’s apartment. your heart pounded in your chest as you gathered the strength to knock on her door. you needed answers, and you needed to hear them directly from her.
when yujin opened the door, her expression shifted from surprise to concern. “hey, what’s wrong? you didn’t call ahead.” the dim light from the outdoor lamp shone on your face with gentle hues of yellow. there was a glare in your eyes that sent chills down yujin’s spine. you had never looked at her with such an intensity. 
to be quite honest, it scared her.
“we need to talk.”
yujin’s brow furrowed, but she stepped aside to let you in. the tension in the room was palpable as you both sat down on the couch, facing each other.
“i know what’s been going on,” you began, your voice cold and steely. the older girl looked confused, but you knew it was all an act. “what are you talking about, babe?” yujin asked slowly, brows furrowed at you.
“i know about you and wonyoung.”
yujin’s face turned pale, her eyes widening in shock and guilt. “i didn’t mean for you to find out like this. i didn't get to explain everything—.”
“really?” you spat, the anger and hurt bubbling over. there was no way she was still trying to lie in front of your face. “so what was the plan, yujin? to keep me in the dark while you parade around with wonyoung like you’ve moved on from me? is that it?”yujin opened her mouth to respond, but you cut her off with a harsh, biting tone.
“don’t even try to defend yourself. you’ve been lying to me and cheating on me. how the hell do you think i’m supposed to feel?” her eyes filled with tears, but you didn’t relent. you were angry, and it was all because of the girl you loved.
“how long?” you whispered, looking dead in her eyes. 
yujin’s face went from a look of panic to resignation. she looked away, unable to meet your gaze as she tried to find the right words. “i didn’t mean for it to go on this long. it just happened, okay?”
“save me the bullshit,” you snapped. “i want a straight answer. how long have you been cheating on me with wonyoung?”
yujin took a shaky breath, her voice barely audible. “about six months.”
the words hit you like a train. six months of lies, six months of betrayal, and the thought of how you’d been manipulated all this time made your stomach churn. “six months,” you repeated, struggling to keep your voice steady. “you’ve been living a double life for half a year. what the hell is wrong with you?”
her tears were now flowing freely, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to offer her any sympathy. “i was trying to figure things out,” she said through her sobs. “i thought i could manage both—”
“manage both?” you cut her off, incredulous. “you think you can juggle two relationships and not hurt anyone? i only just left for the summer, thinking we were building something together, while you were out there with someone else. how could you do this?”
yujin’s voice trembled as she tried to explain. “i didn’t mean for it to happen this way. i was trying to—”
“save it!” you shouted, the raw pain in your voice echoing off the walls. “i don’t want to hear any more of your excuses. you’ve been living a lie, and i’m sick of it.”
you stood up, the anger and betrayal burning through you like a wildfire. “i trusted you, yujin. i thought we had something real, but you’ve turned it into a fucking joke. i’m done with your lies and your games. i need to get out of here.”
yujin reached out, her voice breaking. “please, don’t go. we can work through this.”
you looked at her with a mix of sadness and fury. “no, yujin. we’re not working through anything. you’ve made your choice, and now you can live with the consequences. i hope you and wonyoung are happy together, because i’m done being your second choice.”
you turned on your heel and walked out of her apartment, the door slamming shut behind you. the finality of your decision was both a relief and a heartache, but as you stepped into the cool night air, you knew you had made the right choice. 
there was something different in the air once you graduated. the weight of the past months seemed lighter, as if you had shed the burden of yujin's betrayal with every step you took towards the future. you had decided to pursue your music career, encouraged by wonyoung's unwavering support. although you and she had become closer than ever, you never revealed the truth about yujin’s infidelity. you didn’t want to shatter wonyoung’s happiness or your own newfound peace.
time passed, and the memories of your relationship with yujin faded into the background. you focused on your studies, your music, and the new friendships you forged. you attended your graduation ceremony with a sense of accomplishment and freedom, surrounded by friends and family who celebrated your achievements.
the graduation party was a lively affair, filled with laughter, music, and the joy of new beginnings. you mingled with your classmates, sharing stories of the past and dreams for the future. everything seemed perfect until you noticed a familiar figure standing by the door, her presence drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
yujin had arrived.
she was now a rising actress, her face recognizable from the movies and tv shows she had starred in over the past year. she looked stunning, her confident demeanor a stark contrast to the tearful girl you had last seen. as she walked into the room, all eyes were on her, including yours.
wonyoung was on her arm.
there was a moment of silence, the noise of the party fading into the background as you both stood there, facing each other. you searched her eyes for any sign of the girl you once loved, but all you saw was a stranger—a beautiful, successful stranger who had once broken your heart.
wonyoung noticed your stare and followed your gaze to yujin. she gave you a concerned look but didn’t say anything, instead squeezing yujin’s arm gently and whispering something to her. yujin nodded, her eyes never leaving yours.
“i’ll be right back,” yujin said softly to wonyoung before making her way through the crowd towards you.
your heart pounded in your chest as she approached, the familiar ache of old wounds resurfacing. you forced a smile, trying to keep your composure.
“hi,” yujin said when she finally reached you. “can we talk? privately?”
you hesitated, glancing at wonyoung, who was now chatting with some of your friends, oblivious to the tension. “alright,” you said, leading yujin to the back porch where it was quieter.
once outside, the cool evening air hit your face, providing a brief respite from the heat of the party inside. you turned to face yujin, crossing your arms defensively.
“what do you want to talk about?” you asked, your voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside you.
yujin took a deep breath, her eyes filled with a mix of regret and longing. “i just wanted to say i’m sorry,” she began, her voice trembling. “for everything. for lying to you, for cheating, for hurting you. i know i don’t deserve your forgiveness, but i need you to know that i regret it every single day.”
you felt a lump forming in your throat, but you stayed silent, letting her continue.
“i miss you,” the actress confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. the muffled noise from the party was the only other sound in the air, aside from her voice.
 “i miss us. i miss the way we used to be, and i hate myself for ruining it.”
your heart ached at her words, memories of happier times flooding back. but you couldn’t forget the pain she had caused you, the betrayal that had shattered your trust. it all felt too late, even if you liked hearing her apology.
“why now, yujin?” you asked, your voice breaking. “why come here and say all this now?” 
“because seeing you again reminded me of everything i’ve lost,” she replied, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “i’ve tried to move on, to be happy with wony, but it’s not the same. it’s never been the same. i thought i could forget you, but i can’t.”
you looked away, trying to process her words. the anger, hurt, and confusion swirled inside you, but there was also a part of you that still cared for her, that still longed for the connection you once had. but you couldn’t forget what happened.
“look,” you said softly, your voice filled with pain. “you broke my heart. you lied to me, and you cheated on me. how can i ever trust you again?”
she took a step closer, her gaze pleading. “i know i’ve hurt you, and i don’t expect you to forgive me right away. but i want you to know that i’m truly sorry, and i want to make things right. even if we can’t be together, i need you to know that i still care about you. i always will.”
you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. part of you wanted to believe her, to give her another chance, but another part of you knew that you deserved better, that you deserved someone who would never hurt you the way she did.
truth be told, you knew your heart was still hers. but you weren’t ready, or willing, to accept that fact.
“i appreciate your apology,” you said finally, your voice steady. “but i need time. i need to figure out what’s best for me. and right now, i don’t think being with you is what’s best.”
yujin nodded, tears spilling down her cheeks. “i understand. and i’ll wait, as long as it takes. just know that i’m here, and i’ll always be here for you.”
you both stood there in silence, the weight of the moment pressing down on you. the pain in yujin’s eyes mirrored your own, and despite everything, you could still feel the connection between you. it was as if the years apart had never existed, and all the hurt and betrayal were just fleeting shadows in the face of the love you once shared.
before you knew it, you were stepping closer to her, feeling both disgusted and drawn to the girl who still had your heart, even if it was in pieces. yujin looked up, her eyes wide with desperation.
 “i still love you,” she whispered, her voice breaking. the next thing you knew, your lips were on hers. it was a desperate, aching kiss, filled with all the pain and longing you had both endured. tears mingled on your cheeks as you kissed, each salty drop a testament to the tumultuous journey you had been on.
yujin’s hands cupped your face, her touch gentle but firm, as if she was afraid you might slip away again. you clung to her, pouring all your conflicting emotions into that kiss—love, hurt, anger, and a deep, unyielding desire.
when you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless and tear-streaked. the intensity of the moment left you reeling, and you could see the same turmoil reflected in yujin’s eyes. you both were a mess, but it felt like the right thing at the time.
“i’m sorry,” she whispered again, her voice trembling. “i’m so, so sorry.” you nodded, swallowing hard. “i know,” you replied, your voice barely audible. “i know you are.”
for a long moment, you simply stood there, holding each other, the world outside fading into insignificance. in that embrace, you found a flicker of hope, a small chance that maybe, just maybe, you could find your way back to each other someday.
but for now, you knew you needed to heal, to rediscover who you were without yujin. and as painful as it was, you had to let go, if only for a little while.
“i need time,” you repeated, stepping back slightly, though still holding her hand. “but thank you for being here.”
yujin nodded, her tears still flowing. “i’ll wait,” she promised, her voice filled with a determination that both comforted and broke your heart. “no matter how long it takes, i’ll wait for you. i only want you.” the actress was telling the truth. she did still love you, and she did still want you. however, she failed to speak the full truth.
because just four months later, she proposed to wonyoung.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @silantryoo @neuftaeng @regaiis @jisooftme @skisk1 @pandamiswifey @bzeus28 @jiihu @jeindall777 @yacii @jiwoneiric @cooldazetidalwave @chaersly @sunasami @nkahydnxo @shashatonin @lea-pg @wonyoluvr @urfriendlylocalidiot @writingficsblog @yoontoonwhs @aurumness @pandafuriosa60 @solwanq @lizseos @yourlittlecherry @aloneinacity @luv4tzu @onecalm-anon @sewiouslyz @li0ilthecxnt @awkwardtoafault @kikelikesmc @1r3n31ty @mitangiieee
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444moonbae · 6 months ago
Huntress & Black Canary: DC’s forgotten dynamic duo
long (but worth it) post alert
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i’ve always found helena’s relationship to dinah so INTERESTING!!! how helena seemingly idolizes dinah and holds her on a pedestal, because dinah may truly be the only person in the crime fighting biz that doesn't immediately judge her—that she doesn't need to fight for the approval of (*cough* batfam *cough*). i choose to read it as an attachment. one that is similar to her dynamic with batman (in that she searches for approval and comfort), but different because while bruce rejects helena time and time again, dinah does not.
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what makes their dynamic even more fascinating is that dinah doesn’t purposely make a home for helena. it’s just who she is or how it happens. the energy isn’t reciprocated in the sense that dinah does not then idolize or pedestal helena in return. it’s sort of a one way street that likely results from the void of helena’s lonely past that causes her to “imprint” on the first person that shows her acceptance. but, because dinah is present and rarely offers rejection, helena thus views her as an object of habitual trust, perhaps even someone that she needs. 
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i could be overstating it, but undoubtedly there is a bond between the two worth analyzing, and specifically through the eyes of the Huntress. helena emotionally attaches to dinah because dinah does not turn her away in the way that others that come before her have (due to how she works/goes about business). for once, someone seems to actually care enough to give her the light of day, to give her a CHANCE. and that is a huge change from the unacceptance she is so used to feeling and the lonely she is so used to being. as a child, helena seldom received any validation from important figures (for obvious reasons… i.e. her entire family being murdered), so she sometimes searches for this validation in other people. through this friendship, dinah helps helena realize that she does not have to linger in her own corner of brooding and that she can be apart of a team.
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it’s kind of genius, really. and who knows if Gail Simone purposely wrote in all these layers but nevertheless it’s there and it makes sense: girl who continuously gets rejected in her search for approval finally finds someone who doesn’t and in turn, idolizes her. this dynamic only gets more interesting for me when thinking about it from dinah’s perspective; while dinah does really care about helena, she doesn’t necessarily go out of her way to give her that “chance”—she simply does not have preconceived notions about who helena bertinelli is. dinah inadvertently breaks the cycle that helena is caught in. all of this is in terms of the start of their relationship, and to simplify: dinah never goes to helena and says “oh my god you have such a horrible past let me help you!” rather, it is helena who comes across dinah and thinks “wait a sec…? she doesn’t care that i’ve done some bad things? or that batman (AND babs… which is huge bc barbara IS the birds of prey) doesn’t really like me?” it doesn’t mean as much to her as it does to helena. this can be detected in dinah’s own dialogue to her, as seen in the previous panels. however, as their bond strengthens, we do then see dinah going out of her way to directly support and defend helena, even confronting batman herself on several occasions :
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i wish this dynamic was explored more, however. it doesn’t help that DC has seemingly thrown helena on the back burner, away from the team that was once so important to her character development. what i’m trying to say is, helena NEEDS to be in the current Birds of Prey run for many reasons, her attachment to dinah and dinah's support of her being one of them. and i hope Kelly Thompson will recognize the importance this has not just for fans like me, but for the character herself. if you know anything about Huntress as a character, she is kind of a "lone wolf" type. by choice, by circumstance, not just cuz of her personality, but because of her origin, too. her joining the Birds of Prey, becoming a prominent figure on a cohesive TEAM, was a huge arc in her development. take it from helena herself, after literally sacrificing her life for dinah :
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I would really like to see these two team up again, being that they work pretty well together, visually and literally, but also because it means a lot to helena internally. if we strip huntress away from the birds of prey, who does she really have? where really is she? the answer is no one and no where, a reflection of her current status in the dc universe. helena does not have to be, and should not be, inextricably tied to a team (as some characters unfortunately grow to be) but a balance between co-operation and independence can easily be navigated. in other words, helena works well alone but the birds of prey should remain a comfort zone for her, and a part of her overall purpose. ultimately, having characters and spaces that she is connected to can only be a good thing (i.e. dinah, babs, zinda, the birds of prey). yet, somehow, she is missing in action even while her team is active.
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it’s a shame for me to see them operate without her. so, part of my reasoning for her inclusion is Black Canary, as dinah became that important figure in helena’s life— something her character so deeply craves both emotionally and contextually; helena bertinelli needs someone she can rely on and Huntress, as a character, needs to have solid connections within the space of DC’s universe... or else she is at risk of slowly falling into a forgotten pit of oblivion. But when thinking of the birds of prey, i personally do picture a trio— heldinahbabs. of course, the team has always been subject to change, and there is nothing wrong with that (in fact, in volume one, helena only joined in issue #57, while dinah even left in issue #100), but this post is a very long winded way of me wanting to see them together again, even just for a moment. afterall, helena joined for dinah and stayed for barbara. and as someone who is a huge huntress fan, seeing her dynamics explored more with others is a must. but, am i blinded by nostalgia? you tell me. either way, i know helena misses dinah. 
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bonus: helena lowkey fangirling over the sight of both dinah and bruce fighting together
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 4 months ago
Hey cal! 💕💕💕
Maximum emojis for 🧜‍♂️ please!
I am in LOVE with this fic!!!
Hi Saturn!!!
Hell yeah! Sooooo happy you love it! 1k for 🧜‍♂️:
There’s something really sad about the way Eddie says that. Like he would want for his son to know this part of himself, but he’s been stifled. Buck has never met Eddie’s parents, but he finds he resents them already. 
“So, then, who knows?” Buck asks.
“Just the family who was around when I started transitioning,” Eddie says. “And… Well, a few guys back in El Paso. Station 25. But… I mean, that wasn’t my choice.”
Buck feels a little cold. “Not your choice?”
“Uh… I got hurt. Saving my captain. They found out in the hospital,” Eddie explains. 
“Is that why you left?” Buck asks.
“A good chunk of why,” Eddie admits. “They didn’t treat me the same after.”
“Despite saving your captain and getting a medal of valor?” Buck says. 
“Not enough, apparently,” Eddie mumbles. 
Buck makes a frustrated noise. That’s such bullshit. Eddie is an amazing firefighter. An amazing medic. Hell, an amazing person. Who the fuck cares what else he is? 
“You know we’d never do that to you, right?” Buck asks. “No one at the 118 would ever-”
“I’m not telling anyone else,” Eddie interrupts him. “And you can’t either, okay? Tell them about me. I’m serious.”
“I wouldn’t,” Buck promises. “I wouldn’t want you saying anything about me. I won’t say anything about you. I promise.”
“Thank you,” Eddie says. 
“Just… All I mean is, if you ever did want to tell them, you’d be safe,” Buck adds. 
Eddie sighs. “Alright, I’ll do it when you do it.”
Buck frowns. “Touche.”
If Eddie and Buck’s friendship had been fast-building before their misunderstanding at the beach, it grows at practically lightning speed afterwards. There is something different about having one person in the world you can talk to, after months, in Buck’s case, of not being able to talk to anyone at all. Much longer than that, in Eddie’s case. 
They just sort of all into more. Buck spends most of his free time with Eddie and Chris. He speaks freely around Eddie, and he thinks Eddie speaks freely around him, too. They get comfortable with each other. They might not be the same, but they both know what it is to hide. And they both seem to take solace in having someone they don’t have to hide from. 
Of course, their newly strengthened friendship is not without its moments. From both of them. Neither of them is fully educated on the other’s stuff and doing their best - not that Eddie could be, when Buck doesn’t even know what’s going on half the time. 
For example, they have a call helping a man bit by a shark in transit to return that shark to the ocean. Then, they return the shark to the ocean. But the closer they get, the more Eddie watches Buck. He looks nervous. A little pale. As if the slightest splash will turn him, in front of everyone. And, to be fair, a handful of months ago? It might have. But Buck is cool now. Or, cooler. 
“I’ve got it under control,” he whispers to Eddie. He dips his hand down in the water before they leave, just to prove a point. 
Eddie takes a deep breath and nods. 
“Just don’t want anyone finding out about you if it’s not your choice,” he whispers back. “Is it hard to resist?”
“Getting easier,” Buck says. “Would be harder if I was exhausted.”
“Okay,” Eddie says, relieved. “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.”
Because they’re looking out for each other now. In more ways they were when they were just friendly coworkers. 
A week or so later, they take a call in the rain. It’s late at night and they’re all tired after a never ending string of calls. Eddie watches the water come down and shoot Buck that same nervous look. 
“Does rain…” Eddie asks, trailing off in case they’re overheard.
“No,” Buck says. “Just ocean.”
“Just ocean, what?” Chim asks, appearing behind them.
“Uh… Dries out my skin,” Buck fumbles.
“Oh, yeah. That makes sense,” Chim says, before he keeps on walking towards Hen.
“Fuck, sorry,” Eddie whispers. 
Buck shrugs. “He bought it.”
That’s not to say it’s just Eddie. Just that, given the unknown nature of Buck’s being, Eddie has more to worry about, Buck thinks. Buck has his moments, too, though. 
They’re in West Hollywood one night, putting out a small fire in a gay club. Eddie looks sort of badass, rescuing a bartender who was trapped behind the bar. 
“Get it, girl, damn!” A patron onlooker calls when Eddie helps the man out of the club. His friend gives a little whistle. 
Buck feels like a rabid dog, ready to bite. Sure, yes. Eddie looks pretty good doing the job. But to call out to him? To use girl? What the fuck?
“It’s fine,” Eddie says after. “That's not what they meant and you know it.”
“No, but they shouldn’t be-”
“Buck, come on. If you make a big deal about it, around here, people will figure out why. Just… Drop it, okay?”
So he does. Because obviously he’s always going to take Eddie’s lead here. The same way he can see Eddie trying to follow his. And as time keeps moving forward, and Buck becomes more and more entwined in Eddie and Christopher’s lives, it becomes more and more natural. 
It’s May when Eddie helps Buck find a new apartment. He’s been living in Abby’s for over a year and it’s sort of getting embarrassing. 
“I still can’t believe you never dated this woman, but lived in her home for this long,” Eddie says as they look at listings in the living room. 
Buck chuckles. “Um, can’t exactly date anyone right now. Dating, historically, leads to sex.”
“Ah, but gills,” Eddie says.
“Gills, exactly. And sometimes scales.”
“But you wanted to date her?” Eddie asks.
“I did,” Buck admits. “I wonder if she’d have stayed if we did.”
Probably not, he thinks. No one really ever lasts that long.
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ist4rgirlo · 2 years ago
a one shot with conrad where it’s basically like the scene in season 1 where jere confesses to belly in the pool but conrad instead of jere? thank uu i love ur writing
──────────── 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 - 𝐜.𝐟
summary : conrad finally having the guts to confess to his bestfriend
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Conrad and you had been inseparable since you were young. Growing up as next-door neighbors, both of you spent countless hours exploring the woods behind your houses, playing games, and creating unforgettable memories. Over the years, your bond only strengthened, and you became each other's confidants and best friends.
As summer approached, the scorching heat settled over their Cousins. Seeking refuge from the rising temperatures, Conrad and you found solace in their pool. Its sparkling blue waters and lush green surroundings provided the perfect combination of tranquility and adventure.
One fateful afternoon, you decided to escape to the pool once again. As both of you arrived, the sunbeams danced on the water's surface, inviting the both of you to dive into its refreshing embrace. Both Conrad and you eagerly stripped down to your swimsuits and dived in, laughing and splashing water at each other.
As you swam side by side, Conrad’s heart started to race faster than his strokes. The warm summer breeze whispered encouragement into his ear, urging him to let his true feelings be known. Glancing over at you, your soft smile and sparkling eyes, he couldn't help but wonder if you felt the same way.
Your laughter echoed through the silent air as they floated on their backs, staring up at the clear blue sky. The moment felt magically serene, and Conrad knew he couldn't let it slip away without expressing his love for you.
Taking a deep breath, Conrad mustered up the courage to speak. "Y/N," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now."
You turned your head, looking at him curiously, smiling a little. "What is it, Connie?" you replied, your voice tinged with both excitement and surprise.
Gathering every ounce of bravery, Conrad continued, "Y/N, you mean more to me than anyone else in this world. You, you’ve been my bestfriend and my biggest support. Lately, I, uh, I’ve just been feeling something more, something.. deeper.” Your eyes widened, your heart fluttering.
“What are you trying to say, Connie?” You asked, swimming closer to him, your voice filled with concern. Conrad swam closer to you, his hand, holding your waist gently.
With a nervous smile, Conrad let the words spill out, "Y/N, I think I'm in love with you. You're not just my best friend; you're the person who lights up my life. I can't keep these feelings hidden anymore."
Silence settled around them, punctuated only by the gentle lapping of the water against your bodies. Uncertainty mirrored on your face as you absorbed Conrad’s heartfelt confession.
After what felt like an eternity, your eyes softened with understanding. Your lips curved into a tender smile. "Oh, Connie," you said, your voice laced with affection. "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words." you pulled him in, hugging him tight.
Relief washed over Conrad as he pulled away, gazed into your eyes, their depths revealing your own hidden feelings. In that moment, time stood still, and all worries vanished. Both of you had taken a leap, transcending friendship into the realm of something more profound.
You embraced in the water, both of your laughter blending with their joyous tears. The pool witnessed your unspoken love, a testament to the bond that had grown between the two of you. He looked you in the eyes before puling you in, “Can I kiss you?” Conrad whispered, his eyes looking at your lips. You bit your lips before nodding, before you knew it, he pressed his lips to yours.
From that moment on, your journey together morphed into a romantic adventure, guided by the strength of your friendship and the beauty of your newfound love.
And so, under the summer sun, Conrad and you continued to swim through life's highs and lows, forever grateful for the day you both found the courage to dive into the depths of your hearts.
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justagirlthatlovedtoread · 10 months ago
Secrets, promises and stolen kisses.
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In the bustling world of university life, Y/N and Niall's lives are a tapestry of contrasts. Y/N, a humble yet secretly talented vet, and Niall, with his undeniable popularity, seem to come from different worlds.
Y/N has always kept her profession a secret from university life, wary of people befriending her just for free vet advice, and discounts on operations/vet care. But fate intertwines two different paths when Niall's dog Nala becomes paralyzed in her hind legs. Frantic and heartbroken, Niall faces rejection from multiple vets and second opinions who suggested putting Nala to sleep. But Nala wasn’t “just a dog” to Niall- she didn’t care about how he looked or how popular he was; she only cared about belly rubs and chasing squirrels. She taught him the art of unqualified love. How to give it, how to accept it. She doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give her your heart and she’ll give you hers. He was adamant that someone out there could help her, and It was clear in everyone’s eyes that he wasn’t going to give up until he found someone who had the opposite opinion to the one he kept getting. He had become a force of nature—a man on a mission to restore his best friends mobility.
Desperation led him to a vet clinic almost an hour away, where he encounters Y/N.
Niall’s popularity preceded him at the university campus—the guy who could light up a room with his smile, effortlessly navigating social circles. Y/N, on the other hand, moved with purpose, her steps measured and her gaze focused. She was the vet who slipped through the crowds, her secret hidden behind those warm brown eyes. She only ever had one close friend, Tiffany.
They’d crossed paths countless times—Niall with his easy charm, Y/N with her quiet competence. The hallways, the coffee shop, the occasional nod during breaks—it was all part of the rhythm of campus life. Neither expected more; their worlds seemed destined to remain parallel, never intersecting. Until now.
Niall was apprehensive because he assumed he would hear the same tired platitudes as every other veterinarian he visits: “There’s nothing we can do”, “she’s too far gone”, “I think it’s time”, “it wouldn’t be fair to keep her suffering much longer” and so on.
But then when he blurted out Nala’s story, top to bottom: Y/N listened, her eyes holding determination, her hands gentle as she examined Nala. She promised hope, and Niall clung to it. The Paws & Whiskers Veterinary Clinic was Y/N’s sanctuary—a place where barks turned into healing, and the scent of antiseptic mingled with endless miracles.
When he finished, she nodded, her gaze flickering toward Nala and back to Niall. “I’ll do my best,” she said. “But if it’s okay, I’d like to ask….”
And there it was—the secret. Y/N’s hidden life, her gift for healing animals. Niall’s eyes looked into hers knowingly, as if he knew what she was going to say “you’re a vet”, he whispered.
She nodded. “I am. But I’ve kept it quiet. People can be… opportunistic.”
Niall understood. If word got out, everyone would flock to her, seeking free advice, exploiting her skills. Y/N’s anonymity was her armor, shielding her from the world’s demands. Yet there he was, stood between Nala’s well-being and Y/N’s peace.
“I won’t tell,” he promised. “Your secret is safe with me.”
And so began their pact—the unspoken agreement to protect Y/N’s anonymity. Niall watched as she worked wonders with Nala, her hands gentle, her determination unwavering. Nala responded, tail wagging, and Niall marvelled at the young girl behind the vet’s mask.
As days turned into weeks, their interactions shifted, their once parallel universe began to intersect. Y/N’s eyes held gratitude, and Niall’s admiration deepened. They met in quiet corners outside of vet and university hours—the library, the beach, the park—where Niall could strengthen the sensation in her legs and their friendship could bloom. Niall became a constant presence, their conversations shifting from Nala’s well-being to deeper matters, and Niall found himself sharing stories he’d never told anyone- conversations flowed effortlessly and Nala’s recovery became their shared secret, a fragile bridge between them.
They laughed over coffee had deep talks, and sometimes, their fingers brushed accidentally, sending sparks through the room.
Niall marvelled at the way Y/N spoke to Nala, her voice soothing and full of love. And when Nala finally stood on her own four legs, tail wagging furiously, Nala’s heart swelled. Y/N’s eyes sparkled with pride, and he knew he’d fallen—for Nala, yes, but also for the enigmatic, beautiful girl who’d brought hope back into their lives, and he wished so much that he could’ve got to know her sooner.
On one particular evening, the moon hung low, casting a silvery glow on the water. Niall’s pulse raced as he stood by the lake, as he waiting for y/n's arrival. Y/N’s presence was a magnetic force that pulled him closer. Nala lay nearby, her eyes half-closed, as if sensing the gravity of the moment.
A cool breeze swept across the lake, ruffling Y/N’s hair and sending shivers down Niall's spine. He reached for her hand as she arrived, fingers trembling. “Y/N,” he said, voice barely audible, “there’s something I need to tell you.”
Her gaze met his, and he saw it—the vulnerability, the fear of crossing a line. “What is it?” she whispered.
Niall hesitated. The weight of their connection pressed down on him—the shared secrets, the stolen glances, the way her laughter echoed in his dreams. Y/N wasn’t just anyone; she was the keeper of his heart’s secrets.
“I’ve been thinking,” he began, his thumb tracing circles on her palm. “About us.”
Her eyes widened, and he knew she understood. The tapestry they’d woven—the threads of friendship, the hidden talents, the way Nala had brought them together—it all led to this moment.
“What about us?” Y/N asked, her voice a fragile thread.
Niall leaned in, his lips brushing against hers. Her heartbeat echoed in the quiet night, a rhythm that matched his own. His fingers trailed from her palm to her cheek, the softness of her skin a revelation. He moved a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, his touch lingering.
“I want this,” he murmured, leaving the rest unspoken.
And so, he kissed her—a gentle press of lips that held the promise of more. Y/N responded, her lips parting, and he pulled her closer. Their breaths mingled, and the world blurred—the moon, the water, the weight of their secrets. He kissed her again, this time trailing down her jawline, tasting the saltiness of her skin. Her neck beckoned, and he pressed his lips there, feeling her pulse against his mouth.
It was a moment suspended in time, where hesitation melted into longing, and the universe conspired to bring two souls together. Niall lost himself in the taste of Y/N—the sweetness, the warmth—as if he’d been waiting for this kiss since the beginning of time.
He pulled away, both breathless, eyes locked—the universe itself holding its breath. Niall’s hand still lingered on Y/N’s cheek, and she wondered if he could feel her heartbeat echoing through her skin. Words weren’t necessary; they shared an unspoken understanding—their feelings laid bare in that stolen moment. Y/N’s mind raced: What did this mean? Would it change everything?
They sat side by side, fingers brushing, Nala stirring nearby as if sensing the shift. And then Niall broke the silence, his voice a tremor: “Y/N, I’ve wanted this for so long.”
Her heart fluttered, and she whispered, “Me too.”
Niall had reached a point where he couldn't keep his feelings to himself anymore. He was falling head over heels for Y/N, and the only way he could navigate this confusing and exhilarating time was by confiding in his closest friends. "I can't stop thinking about her," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and anxiety.
His friends listened intently, offering advice and support, trying to help him figure out the best way to express his feelings to Y/N without jeopardizing anything and sharing her secrets. “just be straight with her, tell her that you love her”, Harry says.
Meanwhile, Y/N and her best friend were having a heart-to-heart conversation of their own. They had always shared everything, so it was only natural that Y/N would open up about the strange fluttering in her chest whenever she thought about Niall. But just as she began to articulate her emotions, her friend dropped a bombshell. "I have to tell you something aswell," she said, her eyes downcast. "I have a crush on someone too, it's Niall". The revelation hit Y/N like a ton of bricks. She felt a pang of guilt twist in her stomach, realizing that her relationship Niall could hurt her friend.
The situation left Y/N feeling torn and conflicted. On one hand, her heart yearned for Niall, and on the other, she couldn't bear the thought of causing pain to her best friend. She wrestled with her emotions, trying to find a way to navigate this delicate situation without damaging her most cherished relationships. The possibilities and topics of conversations with Niall and her friend had opened up a Pandora's box of emotions, leaving them all at a crossroads where every choice seemed to carry significant consequences.
Y/N’s guilt weighed heavily on her heart after she found out that her friend harbored feelings for Niall—a crush that had blossomed quietly, like a fragile flower. But Y/N’s own heart had betrayed her, pulling her even more toward Niall in ways she couldn’t ignore.
Y/N had tried to avoid Niall for days after this. She took different routes in the hallways, rescheduled her vet consults, and even adjusted the timing of her evening walks to avoid crossing paths with him. It was clear to anyone paying attention that she wss acting out of the ordinary, but Niall wasn't just anyone. He noticed the subtle shifts in her behaviour and the absence of her usual warmth. Determined to understand what was going on, he made it his mission to find a way to be with her again. Niall's persistence paid off one afternoon when he managed to catch Y/N alone in a quiet corner of the library. Gently but firmly, pulling her aside and holding her close as he showered her with kisses, each one filled with the affection and longing he had bottled up during their time apart.
The conflict tore at her—the loyalty to her friend versus the undeniable connection with Niall. She avoided him, not out of indifference, but out of fear. Fear that her actions would wound her friend, unravel their bond, and leave her standing alone in the aftermath. Yet, as Niall’s lips brushed her neck in that quiet library corner, she wondered if love could ever be wrong when it felt so achingly right.
“you have been avoiding me”, he said, smirking and taking her hands in his.
Niall looked down into Y/N's eyes and spoke with a sincerity that left no room for doubt. He assured her that she had done nothing wrong and that his feelings for her had only grown stronger. He reminded her of the countless ways she had brightened his life and made him a better person. Bit by bit, Niall's words began to heal the wounds Y/N had inflicted upon herself. As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, they both knew that their bond was unbreakable and that together, they could overcome any obstacle.
Niall pulled away, finally mustering the courage to share his feelings. He looked deeply into her eyes, taking a moment to appreciate the sparkle he had come to adore.
"I love you," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth. Her eyes widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and joy dancing within them.
A tender smile spread across her face as the words sunk in. She leaned in closer, her heart brimming with emotion. The air between them seemed to hum with a newfound energy, a shared understanding that words alone could not convey. Their lips met in a series of gentle kisses, each one more passionate than the last. The world around them faded away, leaving just the two of them in their own private universe.
“I love you too”
I hope you all enjoyed this, any feedback would be appreciated, thankyou 🩷
@megalony @meetmyothersouls @amaretigris @jonahhauer-kingg
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fayrobertsuk · 1 year ago
Poetry for ALL
Some personal anecdotes and a plea follow...
As quite a few of you know, I’ve been engaged in disability awareness and rights campaigning and other work since sometime in the 90s, so when I was given an opportunity to support and host an event dedicated to making performance poetry as accessible as possible in 2018, I jumped on it.
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Poetry for All is the brainchild (and heartchild, and soulchild) of Rose Drew, who I first met through one of Richard Tyrone Jones’s Utter events in London. She’s an extraordinary writer and performer, and a powerhouse of an events host and organiser. Within about 30 seconds of watching her on stage, I knew I wanted to be like her when I grew up as an artist. When she got in touch three years later to ask if I’d like to help out with what turned out to be the inaugural event, I threw myself into providing as much support as possible with enthusiastic abandon, and we pulled together a line-up which included the extraordinary performers Raymond Antrobus and DL Williams (“DeafFirefly”), both of whom I’d performed with before and was keen to see again. 
Now, there’s a whole section on our new website about the history of the events where you can read the facts, but I want to say here that, personally, that first event in March 2018 (coincidentally on my birthday!) was an absolute eye-opener – seeing how poetry events could expand and develop the ideal of accessibility in ways I hadn’t considered. It was also extremely inspirational as I realised that, well, I was allowed to write about my disabilities. Seeing and hearing artist after artist sharing so much and so eloquently unlocked something in me that I didn’t even know I’d been repressing:
I’m allowed to be an openly disabled poet. I’m allowed to express my neurodivergence. I can tell my truth. 😱🤯
Bit of a culture-shock, but I owe so much to the poets and to Rose (and to Dave Wycherley, BSL interpreter extraordinaire – that’s a hard and physically/ mentally taxing job as it is, but to do that with poetry? on the fly?! breathtaking...) for helping me get to that starting point, knocking down the walls of my own internalised ableism.
So, apart from a paean to self-expression and why representation and finding tribe matters, and a screed of gratitude for new friends made and old friendships strengthened through the course of these events, why am I writing this? What’s with the hashtag? “Plea...?”
Well, so far, since you ask, all of our events have had local funding in York, where they’ve taken place exclusively so far. Rose applied for Arts Council England funding for this and next year for a tour comprising several venues and a host more disabled artists and BSL interpreters from various parts of the UK (all getting paid properly!), but we found out last week that we’d not got the money. Any of it. So our forthcoming event on 24th November in the gorgeous National Centre for Early Music is in jeopardy and, since the thought of Rose (herself a disabled artist on low wages) having to pay for this out of her own pocket was not to be supported, I threw myself at a plan of creating a (somewhat last-minute) Crowdfunder, so that we can at least pay for the venue, the artists’ and interpreters’ fees, the travel and accommodation expenses of those of us coming from out of town, and the costs of producing merchandise to sell. We’ll be producing an anthology in print and ebook form, as a joint publication between indie publishers Stairwell Books and Allographic Press. And, if we exceed our funding goal, there’ll be video and audio available of the event to boot!
We’ve created a frankly very exciting range of pledge rewards for people wanting to support us (all the way from £1 and £2 options, since money is tight, especially for disabled folk, right now, to more chunky ones like private mentoring, workshops, and a publishing package), and we’ve got three weeks(!) to raise our £1,500 to cover the shortfall from ticket and merch sales. Eeep! So, if you’re able to and would like to help us, we’d be ever so grateful. The campaign is here:
And if you have absolutely no funds to share with us at all, we’d be incredibly grateful if you shared on social media, with friends, on blogs, all of that!
Thanks for reading all this, and have a great day!
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howtomuslim · 4 months ago
“Peace Be Upon You” — The Power Of Peaceful Greetings
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Recently I was walking through some tight, dark streets I’ve never walked through before, it felt eery and foreign to me, with strangers sitting on the side staring at the unfamiliar intruder barging their neighbourhood. Feeling uncomfortable and feeling the gaze piercing a hole through me, I tried avoiding eye contact and stared at the floor until I suddenly remembered this saying:
“By the One in Whose hand is my soul, you will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you of something that if you do it, you will love one another? Spread (the greeting of) peace amongst yourselves.” — Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) (Sahih Muslim)
I gathered up my courage and greeted them with the greeting of peace. “Assalamu Alaykum! (peace be upon you)” I waved with a smile at the group and was reciprocated with an even better greeting of peace and cheerful smiles by the group, whose attitude had completely changed.
No longer was I a stranger, and nor were they to me. 
That was the profound effect of a simple greeting of peace! 
This simple greeting and way of life was something I hadn’t found outside of Muslim countries, having lived in many places around the world, including Europe, I often found people looked at strangers with animosity and people seldom greeted their own neighbours, let alone strangers! 
This greeting, prescribed in both the Quran and Hadith, serves as more than a polite exchange — it is a bond that unites Muslims worldwide and serves as a means to soften hearts, fostering friendship and dispelling animosity among people.
The Origin of “As-Salamu Alaikum”
The phrase “As-Salamu Alaykum” comes directly from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Quran itself. In Surah An-Nisa, Allah says:
“And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return it equally.” (Quran, 4:86)
This verse illustrates the importance of returning a greeting with an equal or better response, emphasising the positive reinforcement of goodwill and kindness. By using peaceful greetings, Muslims not only comply with Islamic etiquette but also strengthen relationships and foster mutual respect.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) frequently mentioned the significance of spreading peace among people. In one well-known hadith, he said:
“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak a good word or remain silent, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should be generous to his neighbour, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should be generous to his guest.” (Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Another hadith mentions the great reward of the Islamic greeting. A man once asked the Prophet (PBUH) about the best actions in Islam. The Prophet responded:
“Feed the hungry and greet with peace those whom you know and those whom you do not know.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Here, the Prophet extends the greeting beyond just family and friends, encouraging Muslims to greet everyone, familiar or unfamiliar, with peace. This practice helps bridge social divisions and reduce prejudice, making every person feel respected and acknowledged.
By greeting each other with peace, we can break down barriers of animosity and misunderstandings. This small yet powerful act has the potential to transform a tense interaction into a positive one. When someone greets another with “As-Salamu Alaikum,” they implicitly convey a message of goodwill, disarming any hostility and signalling openness.
Psychologically, offering peace disarms defensive feelings and creates a sense of safety. Both parties feel a sense of shared purpose and respect, reducing any initial feelings of judgment, bias, or hostility. The greeting sets a peaceful tone, creating an environment where people are more likely to listen to and respect one another.
By embracing the greeting of peace and sharing it with sincerity, Muslims can continue building bridges of understanding and harmony, dispelling animosity and contributing to a community rooted in respect, kindness, and unity.
For more about Islam visit: https://www.howtomuslim.org
Islamic Resources: https://www.howtomuslim.org/catalogue
Why Islam: https://www.howtomuslim.org/why-islam
Who was Prophet Muhammed (PBUH): https://www.howtomuslim.org/prophet-muhammed
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rh1nest0neluvvsu · 2 months ago
Change of Heart: a nazi love story
Hans Bauer’s life had been a narrow corridor of hatred. Raised in post-war Germany by a family clinging to the shadows of the past, his identity had been forged in prejudice. By the time he was 30, he’d joined a fringe neo-Nazi group in Berlin, convinced that his purpose was to protect a purity he barely understood.
One brisk autumn afternoon, Hans stood at a protest, his fists clenched around a flagpole. Across from him, counter-protesters chanted for equality. Among the crowd was Amara, a young journalist from Ghana, her camera clicking as she documented the confrontation. She caught Hans’s attention not with her chants but with her calm determination. Her deep brown eyes locked with his for a fleeting moment, and something stirred—a flicker of shame.
Days later, Hans wandered into a small café, seeking solitude. There, at a corner table, sat Amara, her notebook open. Without thinking, Hans sat at a table nearby, stealing glances at her as she wrote. She noticed and smiled politely. He hesitated but finally asked, “Are you a journalist?”
“Yes,” she replied. “Amara. I cover stories about social movements.” She extended her hand. His palms sweated as he shook it. “Hans,” he muttered, surprised by the guilt that crept into his chest.
Over the next weeks, Hans found himself returning to the café. He and Amara began to talk—at first about neutral topics: the weather, books, her work. Slowly, her stories about her life in Ghana and her experiences with racism in Germany chipped away at his defenses. Each conversation was a mirror, reflecting the ugliness he’d been a part of.
One day, Hans confessed, “I need to tell you something. I’ve been part of… groups. Groups that stand against everything you believe in.”
Amara’s expression was unreadable. “And now?” she asked.
Hans looked down. “Now… I don’t know who I am anymore.”
Amara nodded. “That’s a start.”
From that moment, Hans committed himself to change. He cut ties with the neo-Nazi group, though doing so made him a target. He spent months unlearning the hatred he’d been taught, attending workshops on tolerance and history. Amara stood by him, challenging him when he faltered and supporting him when he grew.
Their friendship blossomed into love—a love that drew stares and whispers but also strengthened them both. For Hans, it was a daily reminder of how far he’d come; for Amara, it was proof that even the hardest hearts could change.
Years later, they stood hand in hand at a rally—not on opposite sides, but together. Hans held a sign that read, “Love is stronger than hate.” And for the first time in his life, he truly believed it.
The end...
Moral of story: black women beauty is stronger than racism. Love is love, nigga or not.
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arandomnerd810 · 11 months ago
putting down all my thoughts and stuff i’ve noticed lets gooo
i’m gonna speak in periods for the first paragraph since it’s very long but do not get me wrong i don’t wana be serious sounding it’s just to make these paragraphs more readable excuse the rambling
Caine posting section cause he’s my special intrest
satisfaction Caine wise 10/10
first the elephant in the room as Caine’s #1 fan yep still his number one fan! Serial Designation N killed tons of people yet nobody in the fandom cares, and Caine doesn’t get people well so he had no ill intention. rlly my opinion of him has not changed he’s still my silly lil goober no matter what he does. i’ve always known he will do horrible things and been expecting this to happen ever since Pomni gave the idea to bring him to the circus. Gummigoo had a sir pentious like death so i wouldn’t be surprised if we see him again.
he may be an asshole but he’s my asshole ❤️❤️
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now that that’s out of the way a little glimpse of Caine angst is all i could have asked for in this ep 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 like cmon everyone has to agree insecure much?
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Caine posting over cause my god have i gotten more attached to everyone else aswell! (ofc Caine’s still my fav by far)
satisfaction with everything else 10/10
the fact that this wasn’t censored normally (no wacky sounds or the censor bar) and how Caine reacted with “you can’t say that…” could imply bubble said all of this out loud uncensored which is very funny to me
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I love Ragatha she’s so sweet look at her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I wana see where everyone’s friendship goes from here! they are already so adorableeee
still a sucker for found family dynamics
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the fact Jax wasn’t here but still was upset is :( as much as i like to bully him, i love him just as much as any other human character. i’m the most interested in his episode cause he’s a mysterious guy( and i may or may not have a sneaking feeling like ill relate to him a little even though our personalities are practically polar opposite)
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Kinger is so fatherly auughofewhiuhefvw the fact he’s old enough to have kids and is more likely than not married to Queenie imagine he had kids before coming here they would only be in like middle school ish cause he’s not even that old that’s sad af
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this really makes me want to buy the gangle plushie i’m thinking i’m gonna do it lmaooo
the fact she started crying 😭😭
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Zooble wasn’t taking part in the adventure cause they were setting up Kaufmo’s graveee i love him sm
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It’s really funny how chilled out Bubble was here
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merch talk timeeee
sneak peaks of the rooms mayhaps?
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Let’s just hope there’s only memes around it and not another figure incident….
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welp going onto grab the Gangle plushie i’ve decided
real talk i’m actually happy TADC got so popular cause ive made a friend through it already and strengthened old ones since info dumping is the only form of communication my braincells can handle well lmaooo it’s crazy how many of my friends have decided to watch my special interest
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years ago
Hi! I really dig your body language posts; I’ve gone from having 0 opinion on Michael and David’s relationship to constant giggling over how painfully obvious it is at bare minimum Michael has a massive crush
Do you have any favorite/specific moments between them body language wise where they’re just so blatantly in love? Tbh right now I still see them as friends but there’s just soooo much that’s super flirty. Especially non-show related stuff since Staged they’re technically acting. I’m super reluctant to rpf because of past experiences with toxic fandoms but their dynamic fascinates me and I want to see what I’m missing. Thank youu ⭐️
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Anon #1: Aww, thank you so much for such kind and lovely words, re: my body language posts. I really do appreciate it! Including Anon #2 because of the relevance to my answer.
I completely feel you on having past experiences with toxic fandoms/not wanting to do RPF as a result. That was exactly the place I was in when I found GO in 2019, and subsequently began shipping Michael and David. So much has transpired since then, and pretty much all of it has strengthened my feeling that there is more than friendship going on between them.
In terms of specific favorite moments, body language-wise...oof. Well, one thing to keep in mind is that there are fewer of these moments than you would imagine, but I think that is because of the pandemic breaking out in 2020, which relegated almost all of Michael and David's interactions to virtual for a long time.
This does, however, make it even sweeter when we consider the moment that I would choose to answer your question, which is what Anon #2 is referencing. Michael and David at the NTAs in September of 2021, when Michael presented David with an award. There was a LOT going on that night, so I'll try to show the highlights in chronological order. First, this was how David was looking at Michael as he approached the stage:
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Not only that, but David ran up the stage with his arms wide open to embrace Michael, well before he'd even gotten close to him:
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Then there was The Hug itself, which sent such reverberations around the fandom and (as Anon #2) mentioned, the press itself. This hug that started with Michael looking at David so adoringly it seemed as if his heart was about to burst, and then the hug itself lingered for such a long time. This hug that was so much more than your average "bro" hug, with how Michael and David's bodies fully touched without an inch of space between them:
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Then you had the moment after David gave his acceptance speech, where he and Michael walked off stage with their arms around each other. Specifically, David's hand is on Michael's neck--which is an incredibly intimate place to touch someone, and I'm also fairly certain Michael would break most people's hands before he'd let them touch his neck--and Michael's arm is around David's waist:
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What starts as Michael's hand slowly moving down to David's waist during The Hug becomes Michael's arm more deliberately around David as they leave the stage, and then ultimately culminates in this moment in the press room:
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For me, it's the very distinct combination of two things here that set off "blatantly in love" bells: The way Michael is protectively holding David with one hand perfectly nestled in the crook of his lower back--so instinctive, so sexy--and then the way David shifts his weight and leans closer to Michael. David--who had tended to be more reserved and less overtly demonstrative than Michael--showed so much emotion on this night without even saying a word, and it just left me breathless.
It was what also transpired following the awards that I would include as part of this being my favorite moment, which was what Anon #2 mentioned: Michael engaging on Twitter in no other way that night except to retweet this...
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I have been following Michael on Twitter since 2019, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that he had never tweeted/RTed anything like this before, and he has not tweeted/RTed anything like this since then. This RT felt like the exclamation point on an already exhilarating night. It became clear that something had shifted, that we could see how Michael and David had become closer over the duration of lockdown. They were also about to start filming GO 2 together the following month, about to spend far more time together in person over the course of the shoot than they had for the entire year and a half previously due to Covid, and it's hard not to think that the anticipatory emotion of that was also part of what we saw at the NTAs that night.
Finally, Anon #1, I would say that there have been so many recent instances of "in love" body language, with the new interviews we've seen for GO 2. From my own posts, I'd say this, this, and this are some of the best examples (the third one being them walking arm-in-arm onto the show like they're walking down freaking the aisle and I really don't know much more overt you can get...).
I hope this is helpful to you. Thank you both for writing in! xx
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ceilidho · 1 year ago
do you feel like you’ve made meaningful human connections in this fandom? I certainly have and definitely want to know if you’ve found people to vibe with who are equally as cod horny…
yes :))) I’ve made some of my best friends since becoming obsessed with cod. It’s also weirdly strengthened several friendships I had from before getting into cod. That’s the case with any fandom I’ve joined though - I feel like you can always find good people as long as you’re putting yourself out there.
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realinspirations · 4 months ago
10 Lessons I Learned from My Startup’s Failed
 Failure is an extremely good teacher, and nothing underscores this just like the crumble of a startup you’ve poured your coronary heart into. As painful as it was, the enjoyment taught me useful instructions about commercial enterprise, management, resilience, and the satisfactory artwork of studying from errors. Here, I’ll outline the classes I discovered at some point in my entrepreneurial adventure and percentage how they’ve formed my attitude.
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Lessons I Learned from My Startup’s Failed
Passion Alone Is Not Enough
When I started my business, I was fueled by passion and a burning preference to create something significant. I believed that my enthusiasm could be sufficient to hold the project to achievement. Unfortunately, I learned the difficult manner that ardor has to be paired with strong plans, market expertise, and execution.
Passion is essential—it’s what keeps you going when things get difficult. However, relying solely on it may lead you to disregard essential red flags. For instance, I spent too much time perfecting the product I loved with out validating whether or not capacity customers wanted or desired it. The end result? A beautifully designed method to a problem that didn’t exist.
 Customer Validation Is Critical
One of the most obtrusive errors I made was no longer making an investment in sufficient time in expertise my target audience. I assumed I knew what they desired because I had a strong private connection to the trouble I turned into fixing. In fact, I changed into projecting my possibilities onto them.
After the startup failed, I interviewed some of the humans I had first of all considered my audience. What I determined became sobering—they didn’t have the same urgency about the hassle that I did, and a few didn’t even see it as trouble at all. This strengthened the importance of conducting patron validation early and often.
The lesson? Talk to capability clients earlier than you make investments time, power, and sources. Let their feedback shape your products or services.
Team Dynamics Make or Break You
Assembling the proper team is as important as having a stable concept. In hindsight, I didn’t place enough concepts into the composition of my team. I selected co-founders and early hires based on friendship and availability rather than complementary competencies and shared imagination and prescient.
This caused a lack of clean roles and duties, which bred confusion and inefficiency. When demanding situations arose, the cracks in our crew dynamics became glaringly obvious. Misalignment on dreams and a loss of responsibility in the end eroded consider inside the team.
From this, I found out to prioritize abilities, values, and a shared dedication over personal relationships while building a crew. A superb crew can adapt to demanding situations, whilst a poorly constructed one can actually expand them.
Cash Flow Is King
Financial control became some other Achilles' heel for my startup. We raised a small quantity of seed funding, which I thought would be enough to cover our runway. I underestimated how quickly fees should pile up and hyped up how soon we might begin generating sales.
Without a clean financial approach, we made terrible spending selections, such as overinvesting in advertising before product-marketplace fit. When we hit financial roadblocks, it became clear that we had failed to plot for contingencies.
I’ve due to the fact that found out the significance of retaining a close eye on coins go with the flow. Startups must be lean and prepared for monetary uncertainty. This consists of developing special budgets, regularly monitoring prices, and being organized to pivot quick if revenue projections fall short.
Timing Matters More Than You Think
Even with a terrific idea and a strong execution plan, timing can be the figuring-out aspect. In our case, we launched our product at a time when the market wasn’t ready for it. Either the era wasn’t mature enough, or client conduct hadn’t shifted to include what we had been offering.
The enjoy taught me to evaluate the timing of a concept cautiously. Is the marketplace geared up for this? Are there other groups succeeding in adjacent areas that indicate the possibility is ripe? Timing isn’t everything, but it’s a massive piece of the puzzle.
 Don’t Underestimate Competition
When we started, I believed our product became specific and innovative enough to face out. What I didn’t account for was the velocity at which competition could copy our thoughts and improve upon them.
Rather than specializing in differentiation and staying ahead of the curve, I have become overly obsessed with what others have been doing. This reactionary approach distracted us from refining our precise cost proposition.
The lesson right here is to renowned the competition however now not permit it to dictate your method. Instead, attention to non-stop innovation and serve your clients better than everyone else.
Pivot Early If Needed
One of my biggest regrets isn't always pivoting whilst the signs pointed to hassle. I became stubbornly connected to the unique vision and refused to consider alternative instructions. By the time I found out a pivot become essential, we had already burned via maximum of our assets.
The potential to pivot isn’t pretty much converting your product or enterprise model; it’s approximately spotting when something isn’t working and having the courage to make bold adjustments. Being bendy and open-minded can imply the distinction between survival and failure.
The Emotional Toll Is Real
I underestimated the emotional rollercoaster of running a startup. I internalized each setback and blamed myself for every mistake, which led to burnout.
I’ve considering learned the importance of intellectual health and resilience. Building an aid device, training self-care, and gaining knowledge of how to split non-public identification from business outcomes are critical for navigating the emotional challenges of entrepreneurship.
 Seek Mentorship Early
I tried to figure everything out on my own, believing that learning through enjoyment is a high-quality way to develop. While this approach taught me many lessons, it also meant I made avoidable errors.
Having a mentor or guide who has walked the direction before you can provide treasured insights and steerage. They can assign your assumptions, provide perspective, and connect you with resources. In hindsight, seeking mentorship earlier saved my startup.
 Failure Is Not the End
Perhaps the most crucial lesson I learned is that failure isn't always the stop of the street—it’s a stepping stone. While the crumble of my startup felt like a private failure at the time, it has due to the fact come to be one of my maximum treasured experiences. I now see it as a crash path in entrepreneurship, full of classes on the way to serve me in destiny endeavors.
Failure taught me humility, adaptability, and perseverance. It pressured me to confront my weaknesses and grow in methods I never imagined. Most importantly, it jogged my memory with why I began inside the first area: to create, innovate, and make a distinction.
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