#i’ve been a drawing machine today i have no clue what is taking over me
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#my art#my trek#star trek#spirk#k/s#star trek tos#amok time#i’ve been a drawing machine today i have no clue what is taking over me#the yaoi#is what it is#my poor wrist needs a break
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Soulmate September - Day 6
Day 6 - When your soulmate is injured you will experience pain in that area
Pairing(s): Analoceitmus [ambiguous, can be read romantic or platonic, or a mix], QPR Royality
TWs: Injury mention, swearing, Remus being Remus near the end
“I’m going to sue him.”, Logan hissed, attempting to sit up in his hospital bed, “Soulmate or not, how can one man possibly be so irresponsible?! I’m definitely going to sue him.”
He winced as he tried to get comfy, but the tough mattress and uncomfortable bunching of the sheets said suffer.
And boy, was he.
Logan Sanders was an immaculate, careful man. Had been since he was a child. A neat and tidy lad who - upon learning of the rules of fate - made it his utmost mission to spare his soulmate any pain or anguish for as long as he could manage.
His soulmate, however, didn’t seem to share that sentiment.
From childhood, Logan found himself with sudden knee pains from scrapes he never fell for, abrasions he had caused no friction to gain, and the occasional shoulder or back pain as if he’d been pushed over when he was standing perfectly upright. At least the universe had decided to spare humanity the anguish of leaving soulmates with the physical injuries that came with the pain, but it was only a minor comfort.
Logan couldn’t say he hadn’t expected a lot of rough and tumble from his soulmate after his elementary school years, but really; a broken leg, facial burns, and a splintered forearm? “This is absolute bullshit.”, he bitterly muttered, “Barely hours apart! How is that even possible?!”
His ranting went ignored by the nurse who came to administer his medication; thankfully science had worked out a wonderful little clear pill that could banish the pain from particularly debilitating soulmate pains. The little bastards were expensive - the true pain is always capitalism within the medical world - but Logan’s job paid handsomely. Say what you will about computer nerds and whatnot, but programming for the right people lets you make some seriously high end bread. None of that homemade farmer’s market shit.
Unfortunately, he’d have to wait about a week for his pains to ebb gently into nothingness until the klutz of a man fate paired him with got into MORE trouble. Thus Logan couldn’t get back to his work. His leg was, for all intents and purposes, broken so the staff couldn’t let him go home. He couldn’t simply drive home himself either, his splintered forearm saw to that. And Logan couldn’t even ask his roommate Emile to bring him his work laptop to try and keep his workload at bay, his left eye was too cloudy and painful to concentrate on a screen.
Yes; his soulmate BETTER be paying his hospital bills.
Realisation struck Logan; his soulmate is obviously just as injured, ergo it’s a high probability that he could be somewhere within the hospital too. Using his good hand to reach for a pen, and absolutely dreading adding to his pain, Logan poked the tip into his good arm, wincing as he first attempted to contact them with simple morse code, “My/ Name/ Is/ Logan. Who/ Are/ You?”
He waited for a response, fearing he would have to start scratching his name onto his arm when he felt the little jabs in response, “Janus.” Great. He FINALLY had a name to put on the lawsuit. Logan, already wincing at the bee-sting pain from the pen, he jabbed out another message,
“Are/ You/ Currently/ Staying/ At/ Stokes/ General/ Hospital?”
The reply came cryptically,
“Yes / I / -”
Logan wasn’t sure why his soulmate had suddenly stopped replying. Had a nurse confiscated whatever his soulmate was using to poke himself? Either way, Logan would have to be content with the knowledge his soulmate was at least close by. He truly had no idea how close until two very disgruntled voices were within earshot of his room door,
“Brilliant, I just adore being ousted from my comfortable bed so I could spend even longer looking at your delightful face.”
“Oh, like you’re the victim here, asshole! You’re the one stabbing yourself and fucking up my unbroken arm!”
Logan watched them both argue outside of his room door. Both men were sporting similar injuries to his own; the first one that had spoken, refined looking gentleman with sharp features and neat blonde hair, had the left side of his face bandaged heavily. Meanwhile the other man, sporting raven hair and eye bags that could carry a month’s worth of groceries, was fitted with a cast on his left forearm. Both of them were on crutches, though Logan couldn’t see if either had a genuine cast.
“Ahem. Gentlemen?”
Logan called to them, watching as both turned to meet his gaze. He lifted the pen in his hand and asked, “I take it one of you is Janus?”
The man with the bandages over his eye, Janus, nodded, “That would be me.”
The man with the broken arm looked confused, “Wait, so, you’re the one who was ramming a pen into their arm? Damn.”, he turned, begrudgingly to the first man, “I guess I owe you an apology then.”
“Really you needn’t-”
“Then I shan’t.”
Janus glared at the other man’s snark, but Logan found it rather delightful. Clearing his throat once more, he breached the topic, “I take it that means we three are soulmates?”
Logan and Janus looked to the third man as he explained, “Your leg doesn’t have a proper cast on it, this asshole doesn’t have one either,”, Janus gifted the man a half glare and a middle finger before he continued, “And since I don’t have one, it’s pretty obvious there’s a fourth musketeer.”
Fair to say, Logan was impressed, even Janus was hiding the tiniest hint of admiration as he retorted, “And are we to call you Sherlock or D’artagnan?”
The man rolled his eyes, “Ha ha, fuck you. My name’s-”
The man, Virgil, nearly lept out of his skin, jerking his arm and giving the three of them a jolt of pain. Logan felt relieved he’d only have to put up with it for a few more days once the medicine took effect.
In the doorway stood a man who could only be described as unnecessarily handsome, clad in a burgundy bomber jacket and a Nightmare Before Christmas shirt that seemed out of place on someone who stood poised like the protagonist of a romance anime. Logan noted he and Janus both checked to see if his leg was broken; good to know they had similar tastes even if the man’s lack of a cast dashed their hopes. Said handsome man made a beeline for Virgil, only to receive a swat and a motion to back off,
“Jesus fucking Christ, Princey, you nearly gave me a heart attack!!!”, Virgil hissed and took a deep breath. ‘Princey’ let out a fond huff, “You should be so lucky, Bring Me The Depression, do you know how worried Pat and I were when we couldn’t find you!? This, dearest Emo Nightmare, is karma at its finest-!”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up, Roman. Where’s Pat? He’s gonna wanna meet my soulmates.”
Roman blinked, finally registering Logan and Janus just watching the two of them reunite. Clearing his throat, Logan made the introductions, “I’m Logan Sanders, this gentleman is-”
“Janus Delgado. Charmed I’m sure.”, Janus butt in, “Really, Logan, I can introduce myself. Unlike some people.”
Virgil flipped him off just in time for Roman to frown in confusion, “And…. you’re all sure you’re soulmates? I mean, no offense but you don’t...”, he picked his words carefully, his face contorting at the effort, “....act like soulmates?”
The three of them looked between one another and shrugged, “To be perfectly fair - Roman, yes? - we have all literally just met today under…. Less than optimal circumstances. I doubt you and your soulmate, assuming you’ve found them, hit it off instantly.”
Roman blinked, “Kind of, we didn’t have any problems like this, quite honestly...”, he almost sounded guilty at that notion, “The worst we have to deal with is his cat allergies-”
Out in the hallway, a couple of nurses hurriedly walked past and allowed another man into the room who immediately lit up at the sight of Roman and Virgil, “There you both are!!! I got held up at the vending machine, but when I came back you were both gone!”
“Patton! How glad I am to see you once more!”, Roman beamed, pulling the taller man into a hug and planting a dramatic kiss upon his cheek, to which Logan, Janus, and Virgil simultaneously met with an ‘ugh’. Perhaps they were more alike than they first assumed.
Patton turned to meet Janus and Logan’s gaze, looking back to Virgil who explained, “They’re two of my soulmates, Pat.”
For a moment, the tall excitable ball of sunshine looked like he was about to pop with joy when Roman held up a hand to interject, “Pardon me, but ‘two of’?”, and cast his confusion towards Virgil who explained, “Our last soulmate has a broken leg, it’s the only injury we can’t account for.”
Patton and Roman shared a momentary look, drawing Logan’s attention, “Roman? Patton? Are you both alright?”. The two seemed to play eye contact rock-paper-scissors to decide who would answer, with Roman losing apparently.
“When exactly did you feel the pain in your leg?”
“Couple hours ago” “Around three?” “Precisely 3:27 pm.”
Came the chorus of answers. Janus and Virgil both shot Logan a look, to which he quietly murmured, “It never hurts to provide a little extra clarity.”
“Apparently so,”, Janus began, before shifting his partial gaze to the couple, “So, are you lovebirds-”
“Qpp’s.”, Patton corrected quietly, to which, Janus did apologise, “Pardon me. So, are you queer platonic saps going to clue us in to why exactly you asked us such a specific question?”
Roman sighed, “I ask because my brother, Remus, broke his leg at that exact same time today. Pat and I were going to visit him right after we’d checked in with Virgil.”
The three soulmates shared a collective look, but the first one to pipe up was Virgil, “You have a brother?! Why am I only finding this out now, I’ve known you for 12 fucking years, Roman! What the fuck!?”
Logan exasperatedly ran a hand down his face as he tried to maneuver himself out of his bed and into one of the hospital’s wheelchairs, Janus offering a hand to him, “Virgil, as much as I would love to listen to you and Roman bicker back and forth, could we possibly save such trivialities for after we meet our fourth soulmate?”
This time Patton piped up, “Oh, um, you may not want to do that just yet-”
As if on cue, roughly six or seven medical staff rushed by, causing Patton and Roman to quickly look around the doorway, only to turn back to the others, “Well, no time like the present. Patton, if you help Virgil, I’ll help Janus once Logan can shimmy into that wheelchair.”, Roman assigned as he offered an arm for Logan to hold onto while he got himself in the chair. Noting the context clues, Logan was rightfully worried, especially as he felt a new pain in his hand, only to note that while Roman and Patton helped them move, Virgil and Janus seemed to be experiencing more pain in their legs than before. In the moment, Logan did feel a little bad that the pill he’d taken hours earlier was saving him from too much additional pain. Approaching the hospital room the medical staff had gathered within, the group were greeted with a wild scene.
A scruffy man strikingly similar in looks to Roman - albeit sporting a thin moustache and silver hair streak - wearing a leg cast was holding a crutch in one hand and an honest to god butterfly knife in the other, standing atop his hospital bed, raving like a lunatic and gesturing frantically to an empty space in the room,
Logan glanced over at Patton and Roman, the question clear on his face just like their answer. That was Remus alright. He watched Roman talk with a nurse trying to calm Remus, “We gave him some painkillers to ease his leg pains, but it shouldn’t be affecting him this much!”
“Oh, Remus has always been like this with medication, I should’ve warned the nursing staff.”, he groaned, “But that doesn’t explain-”
“He must’ve pushed the blue button behind his bed,”, Logan sighed, already anticipating Roman’s question, “The medical staff likely assumed Remus was coding and thus went into action. That’s why they’re here right now.”
Roman’s expression confirmed that was indeed going to be his question. As Roman went to help the nurses tranquilise Remus’ wild flailing, and while his other two soulmates stood by to watch the chaos - in varying degrees of worry and strange admiration bordering on attraction for his disregard for social norms - Logan tried to come to terms with the facts.
He had three very different soulmates, and by the looks of it? He’d have to get used to frequent hospital stays….
This one’s probably on the weirder side, but uh, yeah, I hope it’s still a good read! [Also sorry these have been a little late lately TTvTT] @tsshipmonth2020 Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @cateye-glasses
#analoceitmus#logan sanders#janus sanders#virgil sanders#remus sanders#royality#qpr!royality#roman sanders#patton sanders#my fics#fanfics#tsshipmonth2020#soulmate september#this one just went wild#i dunno what to tell you#reads a little more like analogical and demus if i think about it#but whatever it was fun
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twenty one: i keep waking up in rooms i don't recognize and then realizing that i am still dreaming. my therapist says this is a symptom of a dislocated knee. i have not gone running since march. everyone that i know is lying to me
when i was a kid my parents used to take us to the same restaurant for brunch every sunday. it was on the first floor of a shopping mall which had big panes of glass stitched together for a ceiling and consequently let in far more natural light than your average building, but the restaurant itself was dark. moody. the walls were black and so was all the upholstery. the coffee mugs the waitresses served you coffee in were so dark you couldn't tell how full they were unless you looked extra hard at them, which i rarely did. in most memories of this place i'm seven or eight and i only drink two things: lemon tea and milk. so i'm sitting there with my frosted plastic cup of lemon tea, methodically stirring in my syrup with a skinny metal spoon because they make their lemon tea from scratch here which means no sugar and lots of tea, and my parents are drinking from their big adult mugs, and my sister's picking apart the roasted tomato on my dad's plate, and life, well. life is simple. good.
i can't remember when we stopped going there but i know that by the time i was nine and traipsing around in the hallways of the chinese primary school my parents had transferred me to, it had closed down and been replaced with some other restaurant whose name and shape i can't recall. well before i turned sixteen that entire wing of the first floor was demolished and replaced with the monstrosity that is singapore's flagship muji store. the muji's still there today. it's got a retail area and a few showrooms showcasing lifestyle choices for the upper-middle class citizen and a cafe with a dining area marked out by eclectic hanging decor that looks like a hundred little wastepaper baskets made from twine tied together to form a spotty mural of sorts. i'm fond of the cafe. their desserts are on the expensive side but they're thoughtfully made and look pretty in pictures, prettier in person.
your childhood years are one of those things that gets shinier the further away you stand from it, like how a bad experience becomes bittersweet by necessity if you give it long enough or you'll be stuck carrying that baggage with you forever. looking back, for example, on spring, i am inclined to see the educational takeaways instead of the moments in which my brain shut off and was replaced with a vat of screaming kittens. in this way we propel ourselves forward with the wisdom of the past, scrounged together from moments of pain and deep embarrassment. in this way we find ways to stay alive.
this summer i have wound up in upperclassmen housing by some unfortunate trick of fate. my apartment suite has five bedrooms but only four of them are occupied; i live in the room at the end of the hallway. my flatmates live in the next three. it has been five days since i moved in and i am convinced all of them think that they are living with a cryptid constructed in the scp containment breach format and unsure how to let them know that they are correct without making it personal. last night i woke up after a brief period of dreaming to use the bathroom; while washing my hands in the sink one of my flatmates walked past in the hallway behind me. 'hey, it's you,' she said. 'i feel like i haven't seen you forever. i mean. i've seen you, but i haven't seen seen you, you feel me?' asleep on my feet and ready to crash facefirst into bed, i nodded. 'yes.' she stood there for a few seconds as if expecting me to say more, but i had a vending machine for a brain at the moment and couldn't find it in me to press any more buttons. i certainly could've tried. but i was tired.
when i got on campus in february i resolved to sign up for therapy sessions with the school's mental health services since i was paying an ungodly amount for 'health insurance' (not a thing in singapore, really; not necessary in most places except america, really) anyway and i might as well make use of some small part of the astronomical sum that had been deposited in the pockets of some old white people i would likely never meet in my life. i got as far as filling out the form embedded in the school website and opening the automated email i received a few days later asking me to list my free times each week. i forgot about the rest. we are therefore entering the summer of my twentieth year without a goddamn clue what the inside of my head looks like apart from the fact that it must be pretty cool in there. it has to be cool. if it isn't cool what's the point of holding onto any of it anyway? we live for the spice of life. like garlic powder. cumin. oyster sauce.
this morning i went to target to look for sugar. the dining hall here doesn't do any of its vegetables justice but their desserts are to die for, and i've found myself suffering from a mild withdrawal since i started scrambling eggs and boiling about five hundred grams of cauliflower a day for the sheer therapeutic effect of it and because i don't really know any better. the target near campus is located in a shopping mall and surrounded by miles of parking space on both ends. while walking back across that stretch of empty parking space, i came across a smear of orange on the pavement. it was an orange. or it had been. the rind had been ground into the gravely surface of the road by a repetitive smoothing action so that it looked less like a bit of roadkill and more like it had been there all along. i can't stop thinking about that orange. who the fuck drops an orange in the middle of a road? why didn't they pick it up?
i have been cursed with an idea. it came to me last night before i fell asleep and it has been sitting on my shoulder since then like the devil in the popular angel-and-devil writing device which all nine year olds are taught by their teachers in chinese class, whispering to me about how great things will be if i can teach myself the fundamentals of sound design in three days. unfortunately it is when one decides to start a war that they are forced to confront their contacts list and the vast, untraceable geography of its contents. i cannot tell you if anything will result from this. but i hope that it will.
back when i still talked to her i mentioned the idea of doing puzzles to soothe the mind once and she took to it with so much genuine enthusiasm (she was always enthusiastic. too enthusiastic. enthusiasm was the problem, and the lack of willingness to curtail it the thing that eventually nailed the coffin shut) that i went to target the next weekend and bought a set of four puzzles depicting various scenes from old disney films. over the last two weeks i have done each puzzle three times, save for the last one, in which mickey and minnie mouse waltz down a red carpet and the people on the sidelines cheer for them with champagne moustaches and glittering beads for eyes. i cannot decide if this is meaningful. i cannot see the point of summer. but i am trying.
i don't remember the name of that sunday brunch restaurant. i don't remember the names of a lot of places our parents brought us when we were children, but my sister has been on a nostalgia trip since april and sends me screenshots of old pc games we used to play together from time to time. ernie's adventures in space. timmy's sea adventures. barbie island princess. i open each image and feel something inside of me physically ache in response. it appears that despite my best efforts, i will never be seven years old again.
i'm not a huge fan of lemon tea anymore. i prefer water. how it cleanses the palate like a vacuum cleaner sucking up all the dust and grime in a musty room. it's hard to distinguish between the inside and the outside of a thing when both are the color of a blood-red sunset but we try our best, you know? we draw lines on the sidewalk with chalk and we say 'here is my side of the universe and here is yours'. we act diplomatic when inside we are drunk and slurring our words all over the bartender's white vest. and then, because there is nothing else to do on this planet, we keep on living.
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Survey #409
“when everything is wrong, we move along”
Are you a good kisser? I mean there's no way for me to actually know, but I guess history suggests I'm not bad. What question do you hate being asked the most? "What does your tattoo mean?" I'm so self-conscious of my "strange" interests that I can't stand that question and I get SO awkward. I know, I know, "Then why did you even get it?" Reason being it makes me happy and I don't want my fears to win anyway. What do you think the hardest part of surviving is? Just that very thing: surviving. Getting through rough patches with your sanity and good health intact. Do you own any clothes you wouldn’t wear in front of your mother? No. Do you honestly hate anyone? Sometimes I think I still hate the girl Jason dated after me. It's entirely unjustified, and even knowing they're not together anymore (at least, to my knowledge), thinking of her just... makes me angry and jealous and just generally uncomfortable. I also sincerely hate someone who violated my best friend. What song did you hear last? I'm listening to a slowed down mash-up of "Circus" by Britney Spears and "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. It's actually p dope man. Have you ever walked in on your friends having sex? YIKES no. Where do you find you take most of your naps? I nap in my bed. Do you like sleeping just wearing your underwear and a top? No. I had to do that once and I was SO uncomfortable. Are you named after a parent or grandparent? No. Who was the last person to ask you out? Girt. Do you have nice legs? No. Has a boyfriend’s brother ever hit on you? No. Do you have a nice butt? That's an even bigger "no." I have like, no ass lmao. What do you have a massive attraction towards? Some short Korean dude that is the literal avatar of "chaotic good" lmao. Have you ever made a sex tape? NOOOOOOO and I never will. How do you feel about your weight right now? I am immensely unhappy and just seriously depressed by it. Have your parents ever told you that you’re a disappointment? Oh my god, no. I would die. I feel like they think that, but they've never said or acted so. Do graveyards thrill or terrify you? They give me a feeling of peace, and I find them humbling as a tiny, mortal being that's only here for a flicker in time. They remind me to try and make use of that spark. What song’s your current favorite? I've really been digging "SAVIOR" by SWARM as of recently. Do you miss any of your exes? Yes. Did you ever take pottery class in high school? They didn't offer a course for specifically pottery; it was just included in Art. I made one or two things. Have you ever felt yourself fainting? A few times. Who’s the last boy to make you cry? Guess. His memory, anyway. Did he know that he made you cry? I honestly wonder what he'd think if he knew all these years later, I still have times where I cry over him. When’s the last time you felt like a total asshole? I don't really know. Has anyone ever threatened you? Yes. Would you ever own a rat? I've owned quite a lot. I LOVE rats, and a part of me wants another pair, but I'm just not a great owner of pets that require so much cleaning. Would you or do you ever spank your kids? NO. I will ALWAYS say this regarding this subject: you do not teach your children through fear, nor do you instill in them, deliberately or not, that it is okay to hit people when they upset you. Have you ever considered being a cop? Nope. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever kept a goldfish alive? Not long. Fish husbandry is more complicated than people make you think, so your ordinary fishbowl situation isn't going to work long. Have your parents ever questioned your virginity? My mother has. Dad has never said anything regarding this subject, thank god. That would be uncomfortable as shit. Have you ever spent over $100.00 on an article of clothing? What was it? Fuck no. Honestly, have you ever mooned or flashed somebody? No. Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? Actually, yes. I pulled the first all-nighter in eons a few days back. What was on the last sandwich you had? Ham, cheese, and mustard. Do you own a trenchcoat? Bitch I wish. Name the hardiest piece of technology you own? Christ, my iPod that I've had since middle school. Seriously, a 4th gen. iPod Nano is still running, and I use it HEAVILY. I have no fucking clue how it's still alive. Tell me the last thing you searched on the internet? A definition just to make sure I was using it correctly. Are you currently in a smoking environment? Nooooo. Ma would never allow someone to smoke in here, and I honestly wouldn't either. Have you ever owned a tire swing? No. Have you ever taken care of a drunk friend? No. How about a hungover friend? No. What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? You gross me out. (: Do you know anyone who can fluently speak more than two languages? No. Have you ever gone in a sauna? NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I would hate that SO much. What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? ALWAYS wanted? Probably a ferret. I don't actually want one now, but the idea is still nice to imagine. They're such characters. Is there any TV show that ended that you wish hadn’t? Ugggghhhh, Deadman Wonderland. It ended on SUCH a cliffhanger. I mean the manga continued, so I could've chosen to read that, but I don't read manga. Have you ever seen your parents drunk and what was your reaction? I saw my dad drunk all the time when I was younger because he was an alcoholic for as long as he lived with us. I knew he was either going to be hilarious or volatile and withdrawn. 50/50 chance. I've seen my mom drunk a couple times, and it was always surprising to me because she drinks very rarely. She's a very social and silly drunk, and it's a rare occasion where she seems happy. What’s your biggest body worry when you wear a bikini? Hunny, you would NOT see me in a bikini. Even if no one else was around, I wouldn't put one on. If you had the chance to redo high school knowing what you know now, how would you redo it? I think I probably wouldn't have dated Jason. Do you or anyone you know have an account on deviantART? I have for many, many years, and have friends that do, too. Do you get your eyebrows waxed? Not anymore. If you draw, what's one thing you always have trouble with? HANDS. Who was the first person you made out with, and where was it? Jason, in his bed. When was the last time someone said you were attractive? WOW, who the fuck even knows. Have you ever had to pretend you were sober, even though you were wasted? How did it turn out? No. Have you ever smoked at school? No. Have you ever thrown up from working out? No. Do you think machines will take over the world? I think it's a possibility. Technology keeps advancing faster and faster that I wouldn't be all that surprised if we design them to such an advanced state that they have some sort of sentience. Is the way you typically behave congruent with your ethnic background? What the ACTUAL fuck is this question. Literally fuck off. Have you ever lived in a brand new house? No. Has the last person you kissed met your father? Yes. What’s your favourite breed of dog? I have a strong bias for beagles. As far as visual appeal of breeds goes, I REALLY couldn't tell ya. There are so many beautiful dogs. Do you think more about the past, present or future? I'm pretty obsessed with the past. Do you swear in front of your parents? Dad, freely. Around Mom, I try not to say "fuck" or "goddamn" because she really doesn't like those. I still say some words, though. It's just pure habit. What’s something that’s bothering you? I've just been having envy problems lately, and it's not an emotion I'm used to or enjoy whatsoever. Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn’t want to date? Yeah. Did any particular thing brighten up your day today? Not really. Do you know who your latest ex is dating? Nobody. What are your plans for the weekend? My sister Katie and her husband are coming to visit, and we're probably driving up to a lake that Ash and her little family stay at all the time so Katie can meet the kids. But with that storm coming through, it's questionable if we'll actually go, because it's an hour drive. When were you last in a car? Earlier today to go to the TMS office. I officially start my tapering sessions, so I won't be going every day now. Have you cried today at all? No. Have you ever gone out in public in your pajamas? That is noooot rare, honestly. Depends on where I'm going. Have you ever had bronchitis? Nope. Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? Twice, I wanna say? What do you want right this second? To actually have motivation to draw a picture I have planned. If you were offered to smoke some weed right now would you accept? No. If I weren't so opposed to smoking because of the lung damage I honestly would, though. I'm curious how it would affect my anxiety. Can you control your dreams if you realize you are dreaming? No. When was the last time you cried really hard? I'm really not sure. Do you think you can last for an hour without talking? Very, very easily. I probably do that on a daily basis. Do you know anyone else with your name? Yes, but spelled differently.
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Deal’s End (8)
I'll always love you and make you happy If you will only say the same But if you leave me and love another You'll regret it all some day
-You Are My Sunshine by Jimmie Davis
(Read on AO3)
Marinette didn’t see Felix again before she went to bed. Her confusing thoughts from earlier only grew with his absence. Before when the thought of him leaving had felt bittersweet the idea that she wouldn’t be able to talk to him again hurt deep in her chest now. She liked Felix. She liked being around him and having fun with him. She liked talking with him and walking home with him.
Perhaps this was a form of Stockholm Syndrome. Wanting your demonic roommate to stay with you because you now see them as a friend. She doubted that anyone else could relate to her though. And she couldn’t talk to anyone about this since no one knew of Felix’s true nature. She was stuck alone in a dark room with her racing thoughts and heavy heart.
Maybe...maybe he could visit after he left. She hadn’t heard Felix mention that he was confined to Hell unless he was summoned. Maybe he would be able to pop up once in a while to say hi. They could grab lunch...play a game of Mecha Strike.
“UGH!” She buried her face in her pillow. Why was she getting so worked up about this now? Yeah she kinda saw Felix as her friend but there was no use worrying about life after he was gone when he was still very much in her life.
But for how much longer though? Once she was Adrien’s girlfriend Felix would be gone.
She forced the thoughts out of her head. This was not the night to worry about this. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.
The next day was a lazy day spent inside. The weather had taken a bad turn and a torrential downpour soaked the city. Marinette spent it in her room catching up on work and reorganizing. Pretty much anything to keep her mind busy and off of the looming worries for the future. Felix had reappeared in the morning though he was far quieter than usual. He mainly kept off to the side scribbling stuff down in his notebook. Randomly he would tear a page out and burn the paper instantaneously in his hand before starting again.
Marinette had asked what he was doing to which he gave a vague answer of ‘stuff.’ She tried to peek over his shoulder but he hid the page from view. “Nosy girl.”
“Why won’t you let me see what you’re doing?” Marinette asked.
“It’s none of your business.”
“Will you show me if I get you eclairs?” she smiled as the bribe hit its mark.
He looked up at her, his eyes widened at the promise of chocolatey foods. “How many eclairs?”
“As many as it takes for you to show me what’s on that paper.”
“I want ten eclairs and one of those red velvet cupcakes from the bakery.”
“Okay.” Marinette started heading downstairs. “It better not be something stupid!”
She grabbed the snacks from the bakery and went back up for the trade. She held out the box to Felix who reluctantly swapped it with his notebook. On the page was the start of a rough sketch hunched over a table. “You draw?” Marinette smiled as she took in the new information. “I didn’t know that about you.”
“It helps pass the time.” He shrugged as he downed another eclair.
She looked closer at the figure trying to figure out what he was going for from the rough outline. Then she saw the pigtails to the back of the hunched figure’s head. The box on top of the table...it was a sewing machine. Felix had been drawing her work.
She wanted desperately to ask why but figured it was for the best she not let on she knew it was her he was drawing and handed the notebook back. “It’s very good.”
“I’ve barely started.”
“Yeah but I can tell.” She plucked the half eaten eclair out of his hand. “That being said try not to get crumbs all over my chaise.”
“That was mine!” He made a pathetic grab for the bite of eclair she held.
“Not anymore.” She popped it into her mouth. “That was a nice break but I need to get back to work.” She sat down at her machine and picked up where she had left off. She wanted to talk to him about what happened last night but thought it better for another day. Or maybe she was too scared of what answer he would give to ask.
The rest of the day passed by without incident and with it their weekend off came to a close. Monday was upon them and so was Felix’s vigor to throw Marinette head first into situations with Adrien. She had gotten better at handling the sudden interactions. Maybe spending more time together had finally neutralized her utter terror of being alone with him cause now she could talk to him almost normally. Heck, she was even cracking jokes!
“So did you want to hang out after school?” Marinette asked Adrien.
“I’d like to but I got a photoshoot today.” Adrien sighed, “Maybe next time.”
“Oh okay.” Marinette smiled despite her disappointment. She went to Felix with a small shake of her head. “He said he has a photoshoot and can’t hang out. His dad must have penned it in last minute because I had no idea.”
“That sucks.” Felix paced the back of the classroom. “But you look really good today and you have confidence in talking to him. I don’t want to waste either of those.”
“But he’s going to be working and there’s no way his dad is going to let him out of it. Let’s just go home and try again tomorrow.” Marinette stared down at her toes. “This is kinda fortuitous cause I wanted to talk to you about the other night--”
“Wait! I got it!” Felix grabbed her and pulled her out into the hall. Everyone was filtering out of the school building including Adrien. “Do you know where the photoshoot is?”
“Uh, the weather is nice and summer is on the way so they’re probably doing a summer shoot in the park. Why?”
“Cause we can still work with this. Follow me!” Felix dashed out of the school with Marinette shortly behind. Sure enough they got to the park and the shoot was being set up.
“Okay, we’re here.” Marinette panted as she caught her breath. “What now? You’re just going to walk onto the set?”
“That was the plan.” Felix started walking towards the workers. Adrien’s security guard stopped them from getting closer to the set.
“Excuse me sir,” Felix said, “Could you move aside? We’re here for the photoshoot.”
The bodyguard remained in place. “You see, I am one of the models working today so I kinda need in.”
The bodyguard nodded and moved out of the way. Felix pulled Marinette through. “Felix, you’re not a model.” She whispered.
“Harsh, I think I’m pretty good looking.”
“That’s not what I meant. You are literally not a model employed by Gabriel Agreste. How long do you expect that excuse to work?”
“As long as possible. Demon powers, remember?”
“Right!” Marinette had almost forgotten. “So we’re okay?”
“We are golden.” They celebrated their little infiltration before Adrien noticed they were there.
“Hey guys,” He greeted them, “What are you two doing here?”
“I got called in last minute to fill in for a sick model.” Felix lied smoothly.
“Oh, I had no idea you were a model too.” Adrien breamed instantly taken in by the lie.
“Minor. It helps pay the bills.” Felix shrugged. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought Marinette. Seeing as how she loves fashion so much.”
“Not at all.” Adrien waved to her, “Guess we get to hang out after all.”
“You two have fun I need to find wardrobe.” Felix wandered off. Wait, was he actually going to do the shoot?
“Did you know Felix was a model?” Adrien asked Marinette.
“I didn’t have a clue until he dragged me over here.” She said. She looked over Adrien’s outfit. White tee shirt with blue pants and tan shoes. “I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this is part of the ready made summer collection you’re dad’s putting out this summer?”
“That it is. What do you think?”
“I would kill to be able to work with grade A material like this all the time.” Marinette sighed as she felt the cottony texture of his sleeve. “I just blew all my money buying organza for a dress I’m making.”
“Oh really? Were you commissioned or is it just for yourself?”
“For myself. It’s a sheer overlay that is supposed to sorta party wear with a low-key formal vibe.”
“How far have you gotten?”
“Pretty far actually. I started pinning it together on my dress form not too long ago. I’m using strips of silver ribbon to sew onto the hem and make a little criss cross pattern across the bust. The most nerve wracking part was that I decided to make it a high-low silhouette and I knew I only had one shot to cut it correctly so I am so relieved it’s turned out okay.”
“I hope to see it one day.”
“Hello, I am back,” Felix joined the once more. “Now, I know I look amazing but neither of you swoon in my presence.”
“Oh yeah, you look so good.” Marinette rolled her eyes before she finally actually looked at him. The sarcastic remark turning bitter as she realized that he did in fact look pretty darn good in the outfit they had put him in. It wasn’t anything special, a blue button up shirt with white pants and brown shoes. What struck Marinette was that the whole time she’d known Felix all she had ever seen him wear was primarily reds and blacks. This was the first time she had seen him in something so light.
“Something on your mind, love?” Felix smirked at her when he caught her staring.
“Shut it.” she tweaked his nose. “But I will say you do look...what’s the word I’m looking for?”
“Devilishly handsome?” Felix suggested.
“I was gonna say, angelic.” Marinette smirked right back at him.
“Oh really?” Felix gaped at her with an open smile, “Alright, if that’s how you want to play this.”
“Is this an inside joke I’m not understanding?” Adrien asked clearly confused as to why Marinette’s compliment had been met with such good natured disdain.
“Yeah.” Marinette laughed. “I won’t bother trying to explain. It’s a long story and you’d really have to be there to understand it.”
One of the assistants ran past the three teenagers and pulled the photographer away. That was weird. A minute later the photographer came back with a pained expression. “Something wrong, Giuseppe?” Adrien asked.
“The female model for the shoot is sick and can’t make it. We will have to reschedule the entire shoot if we cannot find another model to take her place.” The photographer rubbed his temples.
“I have a suggestion,” Felix spoke up. He cast a wicked sideways glance towards Marinette. Oh he had better not! “Our friend Marinette here isn’t half bad looking. Could she fill in?”
“Felix!” She warned, “I’m not a model. I couldn’t possibly--”
“Oh please, mademoiselle,” The photographer begged. “It is a small shoot after all. Could you fill in just this once?”
“I don’t--”
“You should do it.” Adrien encouraged. “I think you’d make a great model.”
“Well…” She looked back at the manic photographer and sighed. “Okay.”
“Perfecto! Ladies!” He shouted for the stylists. “Get this girl through make up and wardrobe now!”
Marinette was carted off and put into a small tent area to change. She sat in a chair as the stylists quickly but masterfully did her hair and make up before kicking her out onto the set. Unlike the boys were sporting white and blue, Marinette was dressed in a soft yellow sundress that floated around her gently in the breeze.
“There she is!” The photographer pushed her out to where the two boys were already staged. “Now, the look for this shoot is that you two boys are the sky and clouds and our pretty girl here is the bright sun between you. Dewy smiles, relaxed positions, I want you three to move around naturally so we can get some natural shots.”
The boys seemed to understand immediately what they were supposed to do but Marinette stood in the middle stiff as a board. Why had she let them talk her into this? It was probably Felix influencing them with his powers to let them agree to this.
“Darling,” The photographer locked eyes with her, “Can you please move around and give us a smile, hm?”
“Oh right,” She put on a smile and tried to copy what the boys were doing but she just felt ridiculous. The boys noticed her struggling and suddenly she was being spun around really fast by Felix.
“Whoa!” She almost stumbled but was caught by Adrien. “Sorry!”
“It’s okay. Loosen up,” Adrien gave her a slower spin, “This is supposed to be fun.”
“Fun.” Marinette took a deep breath, “I can do that.”
After that things went smoother. It didn’t feel so much like posing but messing around with two friends. At one point both of the boys picked her up so she was sitting in the air with arms around either of them. The photographer really liked that shot.
“Alright,” The photographer set the camera down, “Signore Adrien, you are done for the day.”
“This was a lot of fun.” Adrien turned to Marinette and Felix. “These shoots can be pretty boring but having you guys here was so much better. Hopefully I’ll get to work with you again sometime.”
“It was fun after I got used to it.” Marinette said, “But I gotta say I think I prefer making clothes instead of modeling them.”
“Darling, Signore,” The photographer waved to the teenagers, “If you two could come back to set. I wanted to get some shots of just the two of you.”
“Who? Us?” Marinette pointed to her and Felix.
“Yes, it is time for Signore Adrien to head home but you two have such good chemistry. That is if you do not have anywhere to be.” The photographer said.
Good chemistry…
“I don’t have anywhere else to be.” Felix looped an arm around Marinette, “And I know you don’t. How about it?”
“Uh sure.” Marinette said bye to Adrien before joining Felix back on the set.
“The model lie work a little too well?” Marinette asked under her breath so only Felix could hear.
“I can’t help it that we look good.” Felix responded. “Also, you’re now going to grace magazines and media dressed like a ray of sunshine and sandwiched between two extremely attractive fellas. Do you have any idea how envious people are gonna be of you?”
“I don’t want people to envy me. I just wanted to have a fun time with my friends.” Marinette sighed. “But a little exposure in any way can help down the line.”
“Friends?” Felix paused his posing for a second to stare at her.
“Yeah.” Marinette grabbed his hand and stretched to twirl him. “We are friends...aren’t we?”
Felix smiled once more and picked Marinette up and spun her around. A surprised laugh leapt out of her throat as she spun the air in his arms. “Felix!”
“And to think you wanted to get rid of me!” He laughed too. “No take backs either, love.”
“Put me down!” Marinette playfully swatted him on top of his head. He set her back on her feet as she tried to slow the spinning of her head. “You are so dramatic.”
“Well I’m sorry. You don’t get a whole lot of friends where I’m from.” He held Marinette straight so she didn’t sway. “I got a little excited.”
“Obviously.” She ruffled his hair. “Which means you’ll need to come visit after you leave.”
“Leave?” Felix looked confused for a moment before the understanding parted the clouds in his mind. “Oh yes, of course.”
“You will be able to come back and visit, won’t you?” Marinette pressed. Felix gave her a sad look.
“I think we have it!” The photographer stepped forth waving his camera excitedly. “Your pictures were perfection, darlings! The expressions so sincere! The poses and body language between you so natural! These will grace magazines and billboards all across Paris!”
“Oh great,” Felix nodded. “Does that mean we are free to go now?”
“Yes,” The photographer stepped aside to let them go get changed. “And if either of you want to make a career out of modelling I know a wonderful agency that would take the both of you in a heartbeat.”
“Thank you, sir.” Marinette stayed to look at a couple of the photos he had taken before going to change.
She was in the middle of pulling her pants back on when Felix popped his head in. “Hey are you--” he noticed her stooped over with her pants around her ankles and snorted. “Are those dumplings on your underwear?”
“GET OUT!” Marinette hiked her pants up and chased him out of the dressing room forgetting her shoes and bag behind her. She chased Felix around the park in her bare feet. “You are so dead!”
“This isn’t very friendly behaviour!” he shrieked as he ran from her.
“Neither is what’s gonna happen when I catch you!” Marinette let out a hysterical laugh as they played their game. Questions she had and answers she feared still sat in her mind but she let them alone for now. She didn’t know how much longer she was gonna have this with Felix and she wanted to make it last while it did.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9)
@sannsibarr @miss-mysterys-blog @maribug-adrienoir @mermaidreject @corabeth11 @goblinwhoships @symwinter @yourgeekysister
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GF + OH - Fallen Owls pt.1
Summary: What happens when the milf of The Owl House meets the dilf of Gravity Falls? Find out in this multi-chapter crossover fic.
Episode Placement:
GF = after finale (S3?) OH = between S1E5 and E6 It was late, passed the gremlins’ bedtime, but it was summer, meaning the term “bedtime” had very little meaning unless Stan was tired and needed to make the kids quiet. But as of right now he was content sitting in his old armchair, boxers and undershirt and slippers and all, munching on popcorn with his family, sitting around telling stories. Stan and his twin brother, Ford, had just finished telling Dipper and Mabel more about the sirens they had faced a few months ago. While sailing around the world was a dream come true, it was nice to take a break to spend the summer with the niblings.
Dipper, having just heard how Stan had been charmed by the sirens’ song, chuckled and asked, “So, did you ever have any luck finding ‘babes’?” Stan rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. “Nah, but there’s always next year.” “Yeah, don’t worry about it, Grunkle Stan.” Mabel said as she popped some popcorn into her mouth. “You’ll find some pretty girl that is everything you deserve!” Stan, turning red, waved the subject away. “Thanks, sweetie, but it’s fine.” Ford, sitting on the dino-skull, elbowed him lightly and teased, “He’s still heartbroken over Carla McCorckle.” Mabel blew a raspberry. “If I ever find her I’m gonna give her a left-hook and break her nose!” Stan laughed and ruffled her hair. “That’s not necessary, kid. I’m over her.” “And it only took you forty years.” Ford added, earning him a punch on the shoulder. “I’ll have you know I’ve been with plenty of gals after Carla!” Stan quipped. “Heck, I was married once when I was traveling the country!” “Wait, what?!” The whole room gasped at the same time. Ford blinked like a confused owl. “I… I didn’t know that.” “Me, neither.” Mabel said and leaned on Stan’s knee. Dipper, meanwhile, was silent, a memory coming to mind. “Truth is I’ve been divorced once and slapped more times than I can remember.” “What happened? GASP! Do I have a secret Graunty you never told me about?!” Stan barked a laugh. “Hah! No, sorry pumpkin. I was actually married for less than a day. Vegan situation. We reached for the same slot machine handle and it was love at first sight. Marilyn. Had hair like a airline stordis and a neon pink shirt that said ‘Over thirty and very flirty’. Man I was, I was putty in her hands.” Stan said lightly, recalling the most romantic evening he ever had. “You should’ve seen the way she threw dice. One time right at my head. Turns out she only married me to distract me while she stole my car and my winnings. I guess her name was fake and, hair was fake. But ya know, the love was real.” Stan added with a casual shrug. “She was really the one that got away. Like, literally, it was a proper get away. She was chased by cop cars for a mile out of Vegas before ducking out of a door and into a canyon and making off with my loot. Sometimes I still think of her.” The old conman admitted. “That pale bingo hall skin. That one weirdly sharp tooth.” Stan’s face dropped at the sight of his family and he quickly said, “Sorry, I’m getting nostalgic.” “More like love-sick.” Dipper teased. “AW!” Mabel squealed. “That’s so sweet! Maybe you’ll find her one day!” Stan laughed and shook his head. “I doubt it, sweetie, but hey. Who needs stealing babes when I’ve got you three, right?” Mabel yawned and stretched her arms over her head. Ford chuckled and stood up, popping his back. “I think you two should head to bed. It’s getting late and we’re going camping tomorrow, remember?” Mabel gasped happily and stood. “You’re right!” She hugged both her uncles and wished them goodnight and then walked with her brother up the stairs for the attic, then Ford left to go finish packing, leaving Stan alone. He leaned on his knuckles, elbow on his armchair, and he remembered Marilyn. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mabel was grinning from ear to ear as she skipped ahead on the trail in the woods. “Finally, a real family camping trip!” Grunkle Ford, Dipper, and Grunkle Stan were right behind her, the Pines family heading back to the Mystery Shack after a fun night sleeping under the stars around a campfire. They were all smiling and happy to be reunited for the summer. While some things drastically changed and some things hardly changed at all, the Pines in appearance changed a little since Dipper and Mabel and turned thirteen. Mabel had always been nothing but smiles in the past, but if it was even possible she grinned even more now, proud to show off her braces-free white teeth. She still sported amazing sweaters with colorful headbands and skirts, today wearing a brown skirt and a yellow headband with a light-brown sweater with an owl on it, claiming she wanted to match the woods and her Grunkle Ford; he only proved her point when he blushed. Dipper and Wendy switched hats again when they saw each other when the twins came off the bus, but over his orange t-shirt he wore a green flannel unbuttoned and he matched it with blue jeans. No longer out in the freezing Arctic, Stan left behind his long coat, but he kept his white t-shirt, dark pants, red beanie, and water-proof boots for the hiking trip. Ford, the easily cold twin, still wore red turtleneck and dark pants and boots, but his smile was much more genuine and the crack in his glasses was gone. Grunkle Ford patted his niece’s shoulder. “It is nice to have some quality family bonding.” “Next time I say we go fishing.” Stan injected. “Not as many creepy spider-fires or whatever.” “Scampfires.” “I still say whatever.” Dipper chuckled and continued to sketch in his pinetree journal, shading in trees of his drawing of the woods. But he was pulled from his pleasant thoughts by his great-uncle. “Seriously, kid, you’re gonna walk into a tree and then I’m gonna laugh. You need to get your head outta book and see the rest of the world.” “Grunkle Stan, how do you think people shared the world back in your day? You know, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth?” Dipper quipped. “Oh, ho! Wise guy, huh?” Stan wrapped an arm around his neck and rubbed his knuckles on the top of his head. “Alright, Poindexter Jr…” “No! No nuggies!” “Yes nuggies!” “Ford!” Dipper laughed, calling for backup. Mabel, meanwhile, was slowly being pulled away mentally from the touching scene of guys being dudes as the internet would have called it. Distracting her, a tiny brown owl with cute round eyes was hopping. Not just hopping, appearing from behind one oak tree to the neck, but hopping with a sack clamped by the beak. Mabel watched it with wide eyes, hoping for another look, and the second glance she got of it was so brief she didn’t know how much faith she should have in her eyes, but it looked like that sack had things like a Cubic Cube, a newspaper, a floppy disk, a basketball, and other items that could be classified as junk. Mabel decided not to wait for another glance at the owl and to go look at it for herself. Mabel wandered off the path animals had made and moved in between trees and bushes quietly. Her brown eyes eventually landed on the little owl and she followed it; the clattering of the owl or it’s determination to finish it’s job must have been the reason why it didn’t hear Mabel and try to hide or lose her. The young Pines lady watched, walking farther and farther away from her family, and the owl hopped behind a tree and never emerged. Mabel smiled, thinking she was about to find an owl’s nest in the tree or a stash of human things by the tree’s roots, but when she turned to look behind the tree, she gasped to find a doorway that glowed white. Mabel looked around her for anyone that might have an answer or for any clue as to why this doorway was here, but she was alone. Gravity Falls certainly was where this sort of thing might happen, but that did not guarantee that this was safe. Maybe she should have the guys look at this thing. Mabel turned around, her back to the doorway, to leave, but she saw something above her and took in a sharp breath. Stan had Dipper pinned on the grass now, both of them laughing, with Ford shaking his head and scolding lightly. “Stanley, that’s enough.” “Don’t worry, Grunkle Ford, I promise not to break such an old man.” Dipper teased as he lightly fought back, “Old man?!” Stan repeated in pretend offense. They were interrupted by a blood curdling scream that made their hearts drop. Stan immediately got off of his nephew and stared ahead, terrified. “Mabel…” And he ran for the direction he heard the scream with Ford and Dipper at his heels. Mabel pulled her grappling hook out of her hiking-backpack and tried to calm down, but it was hard to with the dangerous anomaly liking it’s chops at the sight of her. It was like a gray lizard, but ten feet long, including the tail, and only on it’s four legs it was seven feet tall. It’s eyes were red and narrow and cold, and it had long sharp claws like a dragon’s and a long snout like a crocodile. Mabel shot her grappling hook at the monster and it hit it on the snout, tossing its head back. The lizard hissed but did not back down. It advanced, getting closer to Mabel, and she wanted to back away, but she was careful not to touch the spooky doorway. Stan saw the scene first, appearing out of the corner of Mabel’s eye. “Mabel!” “Grunkle Stan, what do I do?!” She asked, her eyes glued to the giant lizard. Ford and Dipper caught up. The younger moved to jump between his sister and the monster, but Ford stopped him with a firm six-fingered hand. “No! Listen to me, Mabel. That thing is called a Stone-Reptilian. They're excellent at camouflaging into mountains and can hang onto a one-hundred-and-eighty degree wall for hours, waiting for its prey. It actually has two tongues: one for licking its eyes since it doesn't have eyelids, and one for paralyzing it’s dinner and dragging the meal into its mouth.” “So what do I do?!” Mabel begged, shaking a little at the idea of being paralyzed and then eaten alive. “Mabel, stay calm, it’s alright.” Ford soothed with a voice as soft as silk. “Stone-Reptilians have excellent eyesight, but they’re deaf. Notice how it’s isn’t reacting to us. Now, I want you to…” The Stone-Reptilian suddenly whipped out it’s long, thorn-covered tongue to paralyze Mabel, but she was too quick and leaped through the doorway to survive. As she did, it disappeared, and the Pines men were left to scream and then fight for their own lives. ~~~~~~~~~~ “Whoops, can’t have another stowaway, can I?” A voice said, and then before Mabel knew it, her way back home was gone. She observed her new surroundings. Misfit things like a refrigerator, a grandfather clock, an old mattress, and cardboard boxes full of items cluttered what looked like a big tent, judging by the cloth walls and such. Mabel smiled with wonder at the things. “Wow. What a collection.” She whispered. Her eyes landed on a small glass ballerina on top of a music box. She turned the ballerina around with a finger to catch a few music notes. Mabel smiled, but was once again distracted. “Right, let’s see here… Nope. Garbage. Garbage. Another one of these? Oh, well. Good thing the potions have been selling. I should really thank Luz for helping me take out that competitor. Or not.” Mabel covered her mouth with both hands to keep from snorting; that sounded like something her Grunkle Stan would say. Her heart sagged a little and she turned to look back at where the magical doorway once was. Despite what he might pretend, Mabel knew Stan would be really worried about her. She needed to find a way back home. She crawled on her hands and knees out from under the tent and then got up to explore. “Okay, let’s see…” Mabel looked around to find herself outside in the open air. She raised an eyebrow. “The… Crawlspace? I thought it was underground? Maybe there’s more to it! Won’t Grunkle Ford be surprised!” Mabel cheered and looked around for anything familiar, but the longer she looked, the more she realized nothing was like back in Gravity Falls. She stood at the edge of a cliff, overlooking an odd city of some kind. Giant monster hands with no body stood like trees. Smoke rose from chimneys of medieval-looking houses. A small herd of cat-sized dragons flocked by the clouds. A mammoth roared like a lion and then walked into the ocean. Something resembling an orange nun was selling bags of oozing red stuff to tiny red monsters with teeth and fangs for a face. People were riding a giant caterpillar from inside its mouth and then kissing it for a toll. Mabel’s heart was racing from excitement and fear. Nothing here was familiar, but she was familiar with the unfamiliar. She grasped the straps of her backpack and took a deep breath. “Okay, Mabel, you’ve obviously discovered another rift and came to another dimension. Just remember what your grunkles taught you. Don’t touch this dimension's version of yourself or everything will explode. I just gotta live long enough for them to find me. Easy.” Her stomach suddenly growled. Mabel clenched her stomach on reflex, but then remembered her bag of marshmallows, pulled them out, and began to munch on her fluffy sugar pillows. She turned around and walked away from the tent she had left, saw she was in some sort of market, and walked down the street to explore calmly. ~~~~~~~~~~ “And remember to apply it twice a day for the best results.” Luz said friendly to a blue monster made out of goo as she handed her the small bag of dust and the customer closed the door on the human. Luz wiped her sweaty forehead with her wrist and groaned. “Man, it’s so hot today. Ready to head home, King? King?” She looked down to find that the king of demons had found the perfect spot on the porch to nap in the sunshine. Luz smiled, scratched his back, and scooped him up one-armed while her other hand carried the empty sack. “Eh?” King woke up, angry and cute. “Luz! I was having the perfect dream!” “About what?” “What could be more perfect than sleeping?!” “You were dreaming about sleeping?” Luz clarified with a confused smile. “Don’t you?” Luz snorted a laugh and walked through Bonesburrow. Compared to the rest of the Boiling Isles, the apprentice had learned that this was the quietest neck of the woods. King’s nose caught a delightful scent, but the demon was unsure if he should believe it. He sat up in Luz’s arm and smelled the air. “What is it?” Luz asked. “Hm, it’s sweet. Really sweet.” King commented and shivered. “Like, really sweet. So sweet it’ll put anyone in a sugar-induced coma.” “Well, why don’t we just go home and we can have some of Eda’s strawberry jelly instead.” Luz suggested as they turned a corner. She immediately saw the one really really weird thing in the Boiling Isles, apart from her. Another human. After being away from home for about three weeks, Luz didn’t think she would be so happy to see another human girl or see human food that wasn’t red, but here she was, eyes sparkling with happy tears over the sight. Mabel’s eye eventually landed on Luz and the two stared at each other, a good twenty feet away from each other. After a few moments, however, they both shouted, “ANOTHER HUMAN!” And ran towards each other, King clinging onto Luz’s arms in order not to fall. “Wait,” The brunette said and looked worried. “Is this your first time seeing another human here? How long have you been trapped here?!” She apparently had drawn the conclusion that there was no way out of this place. “Oh, no,” The Latino smiled and shook her head. “I’m not trapped here; I can leave whenever I want, I just choose not to.” “Oh. Cool! Hi! I’m Mabel!” “Hi, Mabel.” Luz greeted. “I’m Luz! So… how did you get here?” Mabel’s face dropped a little and she looked around. “You know, I’m not really sure. One minute I was camping with my family and the next I’m falling through a door that disappears and takes me here.” Luz giggled and shook her head. “You must have fallen through Eda’s door. Don’t worry, I can get you back home.” “You can?!” Mabel hugged her tightly, squishing King in between the two girls. “ThankyouthankyouTHANKYOU!” Luz, who was quite the hugger but lived with two hug-haters, grinned and relished in the hug, until a high-voice yelled, “AH! What is with you humans and this tight holding ritual?!” Mabel’s eyes got wide and she jumped away, looking around wildly; that voice sounded too familiar for comfort, but when she saw the king of demons, she gasped with a huge grin and shining eyes. “OH MY GOSH! How cute!!!” She squealed. “Thanks.” Luz giggled and rubbed his belly. “This is the King of Demons.” “This little bundle of joy?” Mabel asked, happily smoothing over his skull and scratching his back. “That’s what I said!” “Hey, hey, easy with the merchandise!” King complained. “What makes you think you can… oh! Oh! Right there, yup, right there.” Mabel had found the right scratching spot, just between his shoulder-blades, and King relaxed in Luz’s arms, almost asleep he was so comfortable. Mabel giggled and asked, “So, how can you get me back to my family?” Luz gave it a moment’s thought and said, “Well, I guess we could take you to Eda and have her send you home, but she’ll be going home soon and it’s kinda…” The girls screamed as a huge guard jumped in front of them. He glared down at the humans and said, “Human previously associated with Eda the Owl Lady, you’re hereby under arrest!” “Not today, sucka!” Luz yelled, threw down one of Eda’s smoke bombs, and grabbed Mabel’s wrist. “Come on! I know where to go!” “Crazy monsters, criminals, smoke bombs, demons… I LOVE IT HERE!” Mabel cheered as she was fleeing with her new friends. ~~~~~~~~~~ Stan huffed, catching his breath, with his hands on his knees. Ford helped Dipper up cautiously, scanning him over for broken bones from when the monster swung his tail at the boy and slammed him against a tree, but apart from being shaken up, he was fine. Now that the Stone-Reptilian was gone, the Pines men were free to worry about the most important thing in their whole world. “MABEL?!” Stan screamed and looked around wildly for the rift that took her away. “MABEL! MABEL, SWEETIE!” “Mabel!” Ford called out. “Mabel, can you hear us?!” “MABEL! MABEL!” Stan screamed and ignored his stinging eyes. Dipper’s own brown eyes were aching, too, but he refused to be seen as weak and he powered through. “Did… did that thing… g-g-get her?” “No.” Ford said firmly. “I saw it. She fell through… some sort of door, or a rift.” “A-A door?” “It was rectangular like one, but it was hard to tell.” “The Crawlspace!” Dipper gasped and slapped his forehead. “Don’t the entrances change randomly through Gravity Falls? What if she fell through and is down at the black market?” “What, you mean she’s probably surrounded by dangerous monsters in some freaky market?” Stan asked. “It’s a likely possibility.” Ford speculated, holding his cleft chin. “Scour the area. If it was an entrance to the Crawlspace, one will show up again soon.” The three men split up, relatively close, and searched for an anomaly. Maybe a hole in a tree or in the ground, what might have been passed as a bird’s nest or a groundhog’s home could actually be an entrance. Stan was checking some bushes when he thought he heard a strange noise and he looked ahead. A rectangular white light appeared on an oak tree and soon an owl with an empty sack in its beak hopped out. Stan gasped and thought that this was the doorway that took his little girl. Ford saw his twin run out of the corner of his eye and then disappear through the hole. “Stanley, wait!” He called and ran towards him, disappearing, too. Then the doorway was gone. Dipper looked around nervously. “Hello? Guys?” He paused, letting it sink in that, once again, he was alone. “I swear if she’s at MAB3L again…” ~~~~~~~~~~ Stan had stopped. Ford then accidently ran into him and they both fell forward. “Sixer, get off!” “Shh!” Ford slapped a polydactyl hand over his brother’s mouth, which made him grumble, but before Stan could lick his hand in response, he heard what Ford was hearing. “I’ll give you fifty snails for the whole lot.” A laugh-filled snort followed. “It’s seventy-five, kid. Take it or leave it.” That voice… something was familiar about that laugh. There was grumbling and what sounded like items being collected. Stan and Ford exchanged looks and slowly got up. After looking around the tent, they peered out of the crack in the curtains to see an odd market. They awed at the sight of dozens of weird creatures. One looked like a turquoise hairless-cat. One looked like a pig with green eyes and it breathed fire on a piece of meat on a stick to cook it for a snack. A kid with pointy ears dropped a basket full of eyeballs and scrambled to pick them up. Ford grinned excitedly like a dork while Stan winced at the sight of an ice-cream eating a customer. Stan glanced to his left and he had to hold his breath to keep from gasping and blowing their cover. Wearing a tight-fitted, torn maroon dress and matching boots, gold on her chest and ears and fingers and a sharp tooth, her eyes sparkling like gold coins, a woman with big gray hair and pointy ears leaned against a table full human things and flicked through a Gold Chains for Old Men magazine with a skeptical look on her face. Stan was nearly as pale as she was when she snorted another laugh and flipped a page. “Hah! Not a bad read. Better than that kindling Luz keeps around.” She mumbled and made herself comfortable in her chair, waiting for another customer, one leg crossed over the other and she lightly kicked it as she read. Stan swallowed. There was no way. No possible way… then again, given everything weird that’s happened to him, from freaky portal, to demon triangles, to gnomes and unicorns and sirens and krakens, even to a full-blown Weirdmageddon, should he really be all that surprised that faith would bite him in the butt like this? Ford glanced down at his twin and found he could read him like an open book. “Stanley…” He hissed. The lady straightened in her seat and looked up from the magazine, listening. Now it was Stan’s turn to cover Ford’s mouth. They were still, waiting for the ady to find them, but she shrugged casually and continued to read. The men backed away, out of sight, and were each on one knee, facing each other, as they whispered. “Sixer, where the heck are we? The Crawlspace?” “I’m not sure.” Ford hissed. “I have never seen these types of anomalies before. I suppose it’s possible they hide here during the day and I had never seen them at night, but… this place feels off. To summarize, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” “Fine, but when what do we do about Mabel?” “Our objection is still the same. Let’s just keep a low profile and try to find her.” The twins froze when the curtain was thrown open and the lady stood before them. She immediately sneered down at them. “If you amateur pickpockets think you can…” But then she stopped, for several reasons. One: these creatures were clearly old, about her age, and so unless they had a sudden career change, they were not amateurs. Two: as a human expert and a teacher and hostess of a human, she instantly recognized these two big-eared creatures as humans. Three: something about the one in the white shirt and red hat was very familiar. “No… way…” She narrowed her golden eyes. Stan was now confident that his memory wasn’t flawed; the way she reacted to seeing him, recognizing him, confirmed that he knew her. Before he could do anything, she grabbed each twin by the ear and pinched; they were at her mercy and receiving flashbacks from when their mother was angry with them. “You two got some explaining to do.” The lady sneered. “Gah! Let us go, crazy old bat!” Stan barked as she dragged them out from the tent and made them sit on barrels for stools. “Who are you calling old, human?” The lady sneered and crossed her arms over her chest. “Just tell me what you think you’re doing here.” “Begging your pardon on our introduction,” Ford said coldly, but then softened as he and his brother did have an important mission. “But our grandniece is missing. We believe she came through here.” And he pulled out a picture of Mabel hugging a stuffed-penguin from his wallet and showed it to her. The lady peered down at the photo and said, “Sorry, old-timers, I haven’t seen anyone like that around here.” “Now, how can we trust you, Marilyn.” Stan sneered, crossing his arms over his chest. Ford’s eyes widened as he pocketed his picture. He was rendered speechless for a moment. “Oh, like you’re one to talk about honesty, Stan.” She deride. “You two know each other?!” Ford gasped, looking from his brother to the stranger rapidly like a game of tennis. “She’s your ex-wife?!” The lady snorted a laugh and sighed happily. “Ah, good times, huh?” “Not really.” Stan sneered and stood. “You still owe me five hundred bucks!” “At least you got your car back, Grumpy.” The lady teased and patted his cheek; he swatted her hand away in response and growled like an angry pitbull. “If you want my help finding your girl then play nice.” “So, you honestly didn’t see her.” Stan repeated with a raised eyebrow. “Hey, I may be a conwoman, a pickpocket, and the most powerful witch you’ll ever meet, but I wouldn’t lie if it was gonna endanger some kid.” The lady snapped her fingers and all of the human collectibles floated and gathered into a green cloth, tied up like a hobo’s luggage. She pulled out a staff and put the bag through it, making it easy to carry. Eda whistled and the little owl flew to her and landed on her staff and turned into wood. “Come along, humans, we’ll find your niece and get you two home.” Ford followed the lady and decided to be the “nice” one since Stan was obviously too salty to be one; someone had to be nice to the lady that was going to help them find Mabel. “Thank you, Marilyn.” “Oh, right. That’s not my real name…” “Knew it.” “... you’re a fool to give your real name to a casino in Vegas. It’s Edalyn, but just call me Eda. Or your worst nightmare.” “Whatever you say, toots.” Stan growled as they walked down the street. “So, Eda,” Ford cut in to try to cut the tension between the two. “What exactly is this place, and what are you?” Eda stopped suddenly and turned around, wearing a proud grin. She stabbed her staff on the ground with a small bang, making the owl come to life, the sack hanging by her fist, and she proclaimed, “I am known as the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch here on the Boiling Isles!” “A witch?” Stan laughed. “More like a b…” “I am a feared, respected, vigorous force to be reckoned with!” Eda went on and let go of the staff so it floated like a witch’s broomstick. “Come on, old-timers, let’s get a bird’s eye-view to find your girl.” They each grabbed the staff when Eda sat upon it and yelled with fear as she had them fly up in the air, leaving the old twins to dangle in the air. “GAAAAAAAH!” “EDA!” Stan yelled. “Put us down!” “That can be arranged.” Eda said cunningly and swooped down quickly. With the air drying Eda’s eyes and forming tears and the brother holding onto the staff (and each other) for dear life, all three were yelling, one with delight, two with fright. “STANLEY!” Ford shouted. “PLEASE try not to piss off your ex-wife!” Eda laughed and at the very last second, right before the men would crash into the ground, she flew them up into the sky. “Ah, don’t worry, I won’t let you two knuckleheads get hurt.” They flew softer and calmer above the Boiling Isles and the humans awed at the scene. In the carcass of a monster, by the sea, the Bones of the Isles sat snug in the midst of chaos. Eda floated to allow the men a moment to take in the scenery, smiling down at their round brown eyes. “It’s beautiful.” Ford admired. “Yup, not too shabby.” Eda commented casually. “It’s not much, but it’s home.” “We know what that’s like.” Stan muttered. “Speaking of which,” Eda said casually. “Where did you two say you were from?” “We didn’t. Gravity Falls, Oregon.” Ford answered, keeping an eye out for Mabel. “Oh, I’ve heard rumors about that place.” Eda said as she flew calmly over the town. “My door has a bad habit of appearing there way too often. I need more variety in my human collectibles.” “So, you steal our junk and try to sell it for a great price?” Stan asked; he sounded a little impressed. “That and I sell potions on the weekdays. When I’m not mentoring my student. Enough chit-chat, see your girl down there?” The men took a few more minutes to look, as well as Eda, but there was no sign of her. “No.” Ford’s voice dripped with concern. “Eda, what are the chances she was kidnapped or hurt?” “Oh, that probably didn’t happen to her.” The witch said calmly. “If she’s not safe she probably got eaten or taken by Warden Wrath.” “WHAT?!” “Relax, Sixer,” Stan said, confident in his pumpkin. “She’s our little fighter, she’ll be fine.” Eda snorted. “Sixer?” “It’s Stanford, actually.” His face was a little red over the fact that he couldn’t hide his six-fingered hands, too busy holding the magic staff to keep from falling. “Meh, I’ve seen weirder.” Eda looked like she truly didn’t care how many fingers he had; Ford appreciated that. “Well, I’ve got a great tracker at home.” The Owl Lady said and started to fly towards the red forest. “Why don’t we go pick him up and see if he can help us out. Got anything the girl held?” “Yes,” When the men landed on their feet and Eda hopped next to them, Ford pulled out his wallet again and took out a folded-up, hand-drawn picture of Stan and Ford on a boat, a gift from Mabel while they were apart that she had mailed to them. “Aw, that’s so cute.” The witch cooed. “Who knew all Pines men were putty in girls’ hands.” She laughed at her own joke and shook her head. “Ah, keep moving, boys.” Stan hurried to catch up and he walked next to Eda with narrow eyes, ignoring the way her odd golden fang sparkled, how her eyes gleamed with spunk, how she held herself up high with pride. “So, you’re gonna answer some questions for me…” “Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” “If you’re a witch, what were you doing in Las Vegas?” “Hey, a witch’s gotta make some gold, too.” Eda shrugged as she smiled. “I haven’t exactly kept a clean record here so making a living takes a bit of extra effort, but it’s much for fun and unpredictable, the way life's supposed to be.” Stan raised an eyebrow at two things: the fact his ex was a criminal in this world too, and her philosophy. “I can respect that, seeing how I was there for the same reasons.” “I know.” Eda rolled her eyes teasingly. “You wouldn’t shut up about how you were gonna make it big and show the world what this big lug could do.” And she elbowed Stan, which he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “Heh. Yeah, what can I say, I’m a real loud-mouth. Say what’s on my mind.” “Hey, nothing wrong with being brutally honest to make up for lying, am I right?” Eda said with a shrug. “So, was your hair fake back then, or…” “No, no, it was real. I was really proud of my hair back in the day, flaming red and wild.” “Looks pretty good now. Love it, in fact. Big and bold, hard to miss.” “Hey, you aged pretty well yourself, handsome.” Ford smiled as he watched the exes tease and pick on each other. If a compliment was given, it dripped with sarcasm and there was no guarantee that it was sincere, but they must have seen a gleam in their eyes or felt a “vibe” that Ford didn’t experience, because the conversation progressed well as they walked through the forest. Ford was happy to see Stan get along fairly well with this woman and wondered if this would go exceptionally better than the whole McCorkle incident. They emerged from the woods and found a large house standing by some cliffs leading to an ocean. It was about as far from the seas as Pines Pawns was all those years ago. The house was big, maybe bigger than the Mystery Shack (probably not if counting the basement-floors) with a big stain-glass window that reminded Stan of a cat’s eye and Ford of Bill’s eye, but then they both individually remembered Eda’s title and realized it was probably representing an owl’s eye. A weather-vane with an owl sat on top of the house, a broken-down tower stood behind, and an owl’s head was on the door. The humans were startled, but they quickly recovered, again having experienced much weirder than a live owl-head on a door. “Girl knows how to keep a theme going.” Stan commented as they approached. “Oh, boy!” The owl on the door hooted. “More company! Maybe they wanna hear some of my stories!” “Not a chance, Hooty.” Eda quipped. “Is King still home? We need his help, and we might want Luz’s too while we’re at it.” “They’re both telling stories to that new human. The one with the pretty owl sweater.” “Wait, what?!” The three old people asked and Hooty swung open the door. Luz was holding King on her lap on the couch, sitting with Mabel as all three were laughing. Even King was rolling around and holding his little fluffy body with glee. Mabel’s back was to the door and she resumed her storytelling as she wiped a tear under her eye. “So then I look down at Dipper and see that he’s still got his socks on!” Luz cackled a laugh and held her head one-handed, her other arm still holding King, but it was to no avail as the demon fell off from all the laughing. Eda, Ford, and Stan smiled as the girls were having fun. They had no idea how they found each other, but it was better for them to be here, safe and happy, than to have the newbie be someone’s meal. Luz fanned her reddening face and finally noticed the company. “Hi, Eda. Sorry, but she was lost and needs our help.” Mabel turned, on her knees on the couch, but grinned with a gasp. “GUYS!” And she hopped over the arm of the couch for her grunkles. “Mabel!” They opened their arms and got on one knee for their girl. Mabel ran into their hold and they hugged her tightly, relieved to be with her again and to find her more than okay. “What did I tell you about scaring me like that, pumpkin?!” Stan asked as he held her with all of his might. “You didn’t tell me, Grunkle Stan.” “Oh, right.” “We’re just so happy to find you alright, my dear.” Ford loosened his grip just enough to look up at Luz, who was smiling admirably at the reunion. “And I see you’ve made some friends.” Mabel let go and nodded. “Yeah! That’s Luz! Luz, these are my grunkles! Stan and Ford!” “Nice to meet you guys.” Luz said and waved politely. “Mabel said you’d come, but how did you two survive out there?” “They nearly didn’t.” Eda lied easily. “Were in the mouths of a giant giraffe when I saved their butts.” “Yeah right!” Stan barked a laugh. “Anyways, we’ve been through worse, kid.” Luz gasped excitedly. “Worse than giant bugs and centaurs with eyes on their chest and man-eating slugs and fire-breathing eye-less fangs and jealous witches?!” “Worse. I’ve punched a pterodactyl in the face and a few zombies, fallen down a Bottomless Pit, lost my hands to a witch, fought off eagles and explosions, survived giant man-eating spiders…” “Stanley, that is all impressive, but have you fought a talking chair, battled in four wars, conned an abominable snowman, outran a volcano, examined floating eyebats, been turned to gold…” “I find that hard to believe.” Eda snorted. “I believe them.” Luz said with a shrug. “You always said weird stuff leaks from this world into theirs.” “So, if you don’t mind me asking,” Ford said, stepping forward. “What exactly is this place? I’ve heard rumors of a place called the Boiling Isles, but I just thought it was a little hiding place like the Crawlspace, not an entirely new dimension.” “Nope!” Eda corrected happily. “This whole world is the Boiling Isles, a world full of despair, monsters, gross-stuff, demons, and magic.” “This place sounds so cool!” Mabel cheered. She looked at Luz and said, “No wonder you wanted to stay here. Wait! Do you have your own room?!” “Yeah! C’mon, I’ll show you!” And the girls ran off with Luz scratching King’s tummy and leaving him to nap on the floor, tired from laughing. Eda plopped down on the couch and gestured for the men to do the same. “I’d offer refreshments but all we have is apple blood and some disgusting beverage Luz likes called orange juice.” Stan looked up at the wanted poster of Eda and the reward promised for her capture. He smiled, impressed and interested. “We’re okay, thank you, Eda.” Ford said. “If you don’t mind me asking, our niece said something about Luz choosing to stay here?” “Yeah, that’s right.” Eda reached under her couch-cushion and rummaged as she spoke. “Kid came through my door when Owlbert brought over some little treasures to sell. Sweet girl. Kinda naive and gullible, but clever in her own right and she’s a fast learner. Stubborn with the forces of positivity.” Stan snorted. “Heh. We know someone like that.” “She said she didn’t fit in at home.” Eda finally found what she was looking for and pulled out a wrinkled, crumpled up pamphlet at read, Reality Check Summer Camp: Think Inside the Box. “Don’t really understand some of this human stuff, but I figured it must be pretty bad if it made a kid not wanna go home, so I read over it and this place sounds awful! Totally squandered any creativity or individualism! Her own mother was sending her here!” Eda let Ford look it over and she shrugged off the rant. “Anyway, she said she wanted to stay and she was willing to work for it, so I took her in as my apprentice for the summer and now she’s learning how to be a witch.” “Hm, sounds a lot better than kidnapping.” Stan approved with his arms crossed over his chest. “This place is completely horrible.” Ford commented about the summer camp. “They teach kids how to appropriate public radio!” “AM or FM?” “Both.” “Ouch.” “So, what exactly are you doing with such a cute girl, Eight-Ball?” Eda asked, getting Stan’s attention. “And what is a grunkle?” She snorted with a smile. “She’s our grandniece.” Stan said proudly, puffing out his chest. “We’re her great-uncles. Her grunkles.” “Aw, who knew you were such a softie?” “I am not!” “You watched over five hours of video-tutorials on how to braid hair.” Ford said behind the pamphlet. “She asked me to braid her hair and it bothered me that I couldn’t do it!” Eda cackled and touched Stan’s shoulder. His eyes followed and he smiled at her cute laugh. “Aw, you’re worse than King.” King peeked an eye at her and sneered, “One more passive aggressive comment and I’ll…” “That’s not a passive aggressive comment.” Eda said as she picked up the little goofball. “I can do better than that.” “Huh, and here I was thinking that was just one of Luz’s toys.” Stan teased. “Hey!” King stood on the couch by Eda’s side and pointed a bony paw at the old man. “Since you’re a human, I’ll let you walk away with a warning, but have it be known that I’m the King of Demons and shall one day drink the fear of those who mock me!” Ford folded the pamphlet and observed King cautiously. He didn’t like… his voice. His voice sent shivers down the old scientist’s spine. Stan snorted. “Sorry, pipsqueak, but I’ve faced worse demons than you.” “Oh, yeah, like what?” King asked. The girls came back, smiling and holding hands, and Luz asked, “Eda, can we please please PLEASE have a sleepover?! I want to show Mabel the new light spell I learned and show her how to properly scratch a demon’s tummy.” Ford chuckled and stood. “I’m sorry, ladies, but we really should be heading back. I’m sure Dipper is worried sick.” Mabel gasped with horror. “Oh, NO! Dipper!” “Oh, hey, don’t worry.” Luz eased. “You two are totally welcome here anytime you want.” “Aw, thanks, Luz.” Mabel hugged her and said, “I promise I’ll bring Dip-Dip next time. He’d love it here! And he could tell you all about the Manotaurs and the weird copy-machine.” Eda and Stan stood up, too, and the Owl Lady had her arms crossed over her chest. “Well, looks like we’ll be seeing each other again pretty soon. You okay with them hanging out?” Stan shrugged and pocketed his hands in his jeans. “Yeah, sure. Good friends are kinda rare these days. Gotta hold onto ‘em and never let ‘em go.” “Agreed.” Eda said and saw them exchanging those odd codes on their glowing rectangles. “Well, have your girl tell my girl when to open the door and I’ll see what I can do.” And she held out a hand to Stan. He hesitated (not just because of whose hand it was, but because shaking hands always seemed to lead to something bad, but maybe this time will be different), but he took it and shook it gently. “Yeah, and if your girl never needs a break in the human world, have her tell my girl.” Eda smiled at Stan and shook Ford’s hand, as well. She pulled the key out of her hair and unlocked the door, making it appear and swing open. Mabel skipped to her great-uncles and waved goodbye to Luz, who waved back, and she went with Ford through the door for home. Stan stole one last look at Eda, who winked at him, and he disappeared with a pink face.
Author’s Note: OKAY, first things first, when it comes to fic, I personally don't really like crossovers. Crossovers can be a fun NON-CANON crossover for animation or actors. I get more enjoyment over fun fanart than I so of fics, because I like mine more plot-driven and it's hard to get a good story going just because you wants certain characters to mingle. HOWEVER, I find Gravity Falls and The Owl House just fit so well together! Why? #1: Alex Hirsch and Dana Terrace (the creators) are dating and Dana Terrace is responsible for the awesome Ducktakes reboot (season 1, anyway) AND the famous Not What He Seems scene. So having such a strong connection creativity wise of the shows is very apparent, more so than the other shows. #2: Evidence that supports these connections. Both shows have referenced each other and a theory goes that Eda and Stan were once married for less than a day. (plz check this video for more) And #3: ... I ship it pretty damn hard, okay? So I hope you guys will enjoy this fun little crossover as much as me! And thank you so much for reading!
#gravity falls#the owl house#eda the owl lady#stan pines#luz noceda#mabel pines#ford pines#dipper pines#king of demons#crossover#fallen owls#fanfiction#oh boy#plz don't hate me but i had to#im shipping trash#its official#remember bitches love comments#and yes i am taking suggestions#what trouble should these silver foxes get into?
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Bitten Pt. 1
Summary: Ivy Stark met Peter Parker the day he became Spiderman
Word Count: 1,703
Warnings: None
Part 2
A/N: I think it’d be cool to start a Peter Parker Origin Series since we don’t get to see one with Tom. This is going to be part 1 because otherwise it would be so insanely long
Midtown High was the best school Ivy had ever been to. No matter how many fancy foreign boarding schools she’d attended, none had ever brought this feeling of belonging. Of course, she’d never say this out loud, it sounded cheesy enough in her head. Full disclosure, the school itself was one of the worst she'd been too, lacking a few educational tools she was now accustomed to. But then again, no other school had given her a friend like MJ.
When she arrived on the first day of freshman year, it wasn’t hard to tell who the loner was. So she took a chance. Ivy sat across from her and ate lunch in silence. The next day, she introduced herself, and asked about her drawing. And they continued on slowly like this until, finally, Ivy managed to convince her to hang out outside of school.
So today, on her first school trip, she stuck to MJ’s side like glue. The rest of the students spoke loudly to one another during the bus ride. They were cackling, throwing things, even screaming; it was almost enough to make her scream.
“Chill Ivy,” MJ spoke as she read “we’re almost there.”
“Yea, well if I have to keep hearing Eugene and Osborn rave about how their parents are never home, I might just snap. I mean come on it’s just sad, not brag worthy.”
MJ didn’t reply, but Ivy could see the corner of her lip turn up in a slight smirk. Silence fell between them, but Flash and Harry were still bragging, and loudly. She shoved two earbuds in and turned the volume up until the music was all she could hear.
Ivy could understand why Harry felt the need to boast about his father, after all it was his lab that you were going to visit. His father was a renowned scientist, almost as well known as her own father, hell she'd even met him once or twice. But Flash simply felt the need to remind everyone that he had the ability to throw parties.
When the bus finally pulled to a stop and everyone stepped off, she breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. Harrington was being paid to chaperone this particular trip. Ivy remembered him as the teacher in charge of MJ’s debate team, he’d always seemed nice. Mr. Harrington counted the group to be sure everyone was there, then instructed that they would be waiting for Mr. Osborn to grant everyone access to the building.
Ivy stood to the side with MJ, away from the other kids. They both leaned on the bus and let themselves zone out. The loud noises that erupted from the other students broke her focus and her head snapped toward them instinctively. They were clearly laughing, Flash leading them all. A kid stood across from him, standing awkwardly and avoiding eye contact. The boy beside him seemed to be having an inner conflict with himself, opening his mouth every so often as if to speak before closing it abruptly.
“What’s going on?” She asked MJ.
“I assume Flash being a dick again.”
“Who’re those kids?” MJ looked up toward the group.
“Peter Parker and Ned Leeds, they’re on the debate team.”
“Why is everyone laughing at them?”
The group erupted in laughter once more and She tried harder to listen in. Ivy could vaguely make out the words ‘Penis Parker’. Now that really pissed her off. Without hesitation she moved toward the group, shouldering people on her way. Flash smiled at her and Peter looked up, shocked, before reverting his eyes back to the floor.
“Hey Eve, what’s up?”
“Whatcha doing Eugene?” Ivy asked, standing between him and Peter.
“Just talking to Parker here, wanna join?” He chuckled.
“No, I’ve got more important things to do.”
She turned to Peter and his friend who stared at her in confusion. Peter didn’t look up until she was standing directly in front of him, and he looked more surprised than ever. Ivy smiled as kindly as she could before speaking.
“Wanna come hang out with us?”
“I-Who’s us?”
“You’ll see, plus I promise we won’t be assholes like Eugene and Osborn.”
She nodded for him to follow and took a few slow steps before he began to move, his friend in tow. A few scowls here and there, the occasional light push, and the other kids got out of their way. They took their place beside MJ who didn’t bother to look up, and Ivy blew Flash a kiss. She turned and held out her hand for Peter to take.
“Hey, I’m Ivette Stark, but you can call me Ivy.”
“Oh my gosh,” his eyes went wide as he took your hand “you’re Tony Stark’s daughter. I - I knew you went to our school but I never thought I’d actually meet you this is so - wow!”
“It’s not a big deal.” She laughed.
“I’m Ned.” His friend announced and shook her hand.
“It’s really great to meet you guys. Excited about the trip?”
“Yea,” Peter nodded “I think it’ll be really cool to see some of Mr. Osborn’s work.”
“Yea he’s a really smart man, it’ll be fun — for people who like science at least.”
She and Peter continued on like this, talking about science and her father’s work until Mr. Henderson announced that Mr. Osborn was ready. Ivy could tell Peter was wonderstruck the moment they stepped through the doors. The building was full of neutral colors, the only things truly drawing the eye being the machines and experiments out for display. The large windows on the high ceilings allowed light to stream in freely. With the white walls and floors, it was like walking into heaven.
Mr. Osborn stood waiting for them by the front desk, hands clasped firmly together and a wide smile adorning his features. He looked young for his age, and most girls in the group certainly noticed. They hung to his every word, though Ivy was sure that if anyone asked they’d have no clue what he’d been saying.
“I’m very excited to have all of you here today,” He began “especially my son, Harry. I hope you all enjoy your visit here today and that it teaches you something. We’ll be splitting you all into three groups for the day to make it easier on your guides who are standing behind me, ready to take you. Please, enjoy your time.”
With one last smile, this time directed at his son, he turned on his heel and walked off. The class began to split into groups in front of each tour guide. Ivy stuck with MJ and pulled Ned and Peter with them. A few other kids joined their group, and when everyone was accounted for, their guide launched into the speech he’d rehearsed. Ivy paid no attention, after all it wasn’t her first tour. Instead she looked toward the experiments on display. There were a few animals and insects they’d used in testing now sitting in glass cases, resting on white podiums. She was more than a little tempted to wander off and look at them for a while, but the guide began to walk and Peter was kind enough to help keep her with the group.
The guide rambled on about how secure the building was, and how famous the scientists were. MJ was taking the time to read — she’d been on a tour with the Starks before — while Peter and Ned were focused intently. Ivy got bored fast, the only things that managed to catch her eye were the locked doors she'd never been through. She made a mental note to convince her dad to take her inside some time.
“You alright?” Peter asked.
“Yea,” Ivy reassured him “just bored I guess.”
“I thought you were excited for the trip.” He questioned.
“Yea, but I thought I’d get some time to walk around and explore, I didn’t think I’d just be taking the tour for the fourth time. Not to sound spoiled or anything, I’m really lucky to have gotten to come here so many times, I just-”
Peter cut her off quickly.
“I don’t think you’re spoiled, I-I think it’s really cool that you wanna explore and stuff. It’s an interesting place.”
She nodded at his words, happy he didn’t think less of her for complaining. An idea began to form in her mind as she looked at him and took a quick glance toward the guide. He was immersed in a conversation with one of the girls in their group about the steps it would take to get an internship. Stepping over to MJ, Ivy whispered her plan in her ear, and moved away when she nodded her understanding.
“Don’t get caught.” She replied.
“Don’t worry, I will.”
She let Ned know what was going on as well, not leaving him much time to question her. Before he could speak Ivy grabbed Peter’s hand and pulled him in the opposite direction. They walked casually but quickly down the hallway, careful not to draw the attention any others walking around. When they made it to the display section she headed directly for the case of frogs she’d initially seen. She stood in silence with Peter as they stared, the silence broken when he cleared his throat. She looked toward him, concerned, as his face was a bright red.
“Are you okay?”
“I…well our hands…never mind. The frogs are really cool, what does it say about them?”
The displays were a hundred times more fun than the tour. They looked in on all the creatures Osborn had collected and read about what testing had been done on them. The effects were not visible, but they’d been described in great detail on plaques beside each display. They stood, staring at a case of spiders, and Peter spoke in length about all the things he believed the spider could be used for. After a bit though even the displays lost their appeal. Ivy knew the tour would likely take another half hour, so she figured they had time for food.
“What would you say to getting a hotdog from one of the vendors outside?” She asked.
“I would say we should get pizza instead.” He stated, and she couldn’t help but smile.
“You’re a smart boy, let’s go.”
#peter parker#peter parker x reader#Peter Parker x you#Peter Parker Imagine#Peter Parker fanfic#marvel#marvel fanfiction#fanfic#Fandoms#spiderman#spider-man: homecoming#spiderman x stark!reader#peterparker#peter parker x stark!reader#spiderman x reader#spiderman fanfiction#origin story
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Hold Me By Both Hands: Chapter 34
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Power's back! I lost power about an hour or two after my last update and the worst of the bushfire passed that day. Since it was just yesterday with no power, I figure I'll upload yesterday's and today's chapters together.
Chapter 33 | Chapter 35 | AO3 link
“By the power vested in me, I declare you all my slaves!”
“Well,” Rena Rouge says as the golden bubble that Malediktator is creating starts to expand above his head to terrifying proportions. “We’re screwed if that pops.”
“What’s the plan, Ladybug?” Honeybee says, unslinging her trompo. “I can –”
“No, no, don’t go charging in.” Ladybug throws a hand out to stop Honeybee in her tracks. “This’d be so much easier with Chat Noir and Carapace. I’ll have to…Lucky Charm!” A massive machine gun falls into her hands, and Rena Rouge and Honeybee’s eyes bulge.
“Well, that’s an effective Lucky Charm!” Honeybee splutters. Ladybug just snorts, detaches the laser pointer, then tosses the gun away.
“No way I’d use something like that,” she scoffs.
“Are you sure?” Rena Rouge and Honeybee say in unison, eyeing the discarded gun longingly.
“Yep,” Ladybug says. “Honeybee just needs to take the sting out of Malediktator. Rena, we’ll need you on standby to make sure that Honeybee’s secret identity is safe and that no one suspects who she is.”
Honeybee grins and flips her trompo around her fingers with the string. “Venom!” she says once she’s holding the trompo, and it starts to throb like a beating heart.
“You know, part of me wants to be annoyed that all I ever get to do is hang back and trick people,” Rena Rouge says. “Then I remember how fun it is to mess with them when they don’t know who I am. And how screwed this team would be without me.”
“Just keep telling yourself that, hon,” Honeybee tuts.
“We all know what we’re doing?” Ladybug says before they can start arguing. Rena Rouge and Honeybee nod. “Alright. Let’s go!”
While Rena Rouge ducks away to hide and Honeybee starts to edge around, Ladybug aims the laser pointer at the rooftop with Malediktator and his guards. Just as predicted, Chat Noir lets out a mew at the sight and starts to chase after the laser, and Ladybug can’t help but grin as she guides him around to knock over all the guards like bowling pins.
“What?” Malediktator gasps. Honeybee takes this as her cue to swing out with her pulsating trompo outstretched and jab it into his chest. He lets out a choked cry and freezes in place like a statue, allowing Honeybee to grab the sash and throw it to Ladybug to tear it in half. Ladybug captures and purifies the akuma, then throws the laser into the air.
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
The healing ladybugs deposit everyone back on the ground, and then Malediktator melts away to reveal André Bourgeois once everything’s fixed. Chat Noir and Carapace blink and shake their heads as Malediktator’s brainwashing fades away.
“Dude,” Carapace groans. “What are we doing here?”
“Missing the amazing Ladybug and Honeybee saving the city,” Ladybug grins and holds her fist out to Honeybee, whose eyes light up.
“Pound it!” she cries with Ladybug.
“I really can’t be Queen Bee again, huh?” Chloé emerges from a nearby alleyway with a wistful look on her face as she takes in the sight of Honeybee. For a moment, Ladybug has no clue what’s going on, until she looks around for the missing Rena Rouge and then remembers her instructions to her teammate.
“Sorry, Chloé,” she says, keenly aware of André and Audrey Bourgeois watching from nearby. “But Paris knows your secret identity. I can’t allow you to be Queen Bee again for the safety of you and your family.”
‘Chloé’s’ mouth droops. “I understand, Ladybug. And…I’m sorry about the mess I caused.”
Honeybee shifts on the spot at her illusion self’s words. Ladybug smiles and says, “Apology accepted, Chloé. Thank you for being brave enough to own up to your mistakes.”
“Want me to take her back to the school?” ‘Rena Rouge’ leaps down to land next to ‘Chloé’, in a mimicry of the same trick that had been pulled with the illusion Marinette earlier. “I didn’t have to use my power, so I’m not gonna time out.”
“That’d be awesome, Rena,” Ladybug says. “Thanks. Chat and I will stay here and brief with Honeybee.”
‘Rena Rouge’ scoops ‘Chloé’ up and bounds away, while André and Audrey start to bicker – or, to be more accurate, Audrey starts to tear into André while he cowers.
“Thanks for trusting me to help, Ladybug,” Honeybee says once Carapace has also leapt away. “Here, I’ll duck into this alleyway and take the Miraculous off –”
“No need,” Ladybug says. “You passed the test…Chloé.” She says Chloé’s name in a whisper that only Honeybee and Chat Noir can hear.
“The what?” Honeybee’ eyes bulge, while Chat Noir blinks and turns to look at where ‘Rena Rouge’ had disappeared with ‘Chloé’. After a moment, his face clears at the realisation.
“We test all our newbies to see if they’ll give it back when we ask,” he says. “And I’m guessing milady tested you more to make sure we could trust you with a Miraculous again.”
“Welcome to the team, Honeybee,” Ladybug smiles. “But Chat and I are responsible for you, so if you blow this second chance –”
“I won’t! I won’t!” Honeybee practically leaps ten feet in the air. “Thank you, Ladybug, thank you! See you next time!”
“Huh,” Chat Noir comments as Honeybee jumps away. “She doesn’t make a half-bad hero.”
“Pollen will be a good influence,” Ladybug says, then grimaces when her earrings beep. “Well, that’s my cue. I gotta recharge and hand out the Dragon. I think that’ll be our team for the time being, until Master Fu’s comfortable with handing out more zodiacs than just the Dragon. I know we’ve already pushed it, giving out all the working Wu Xing ones.”
“Good idea,” Chat Noir says. “Message me who gets it tonight, okay?”
“Of course, kitty,” Ladybug says. “Oh, can you drop by Chloé’s and get an email address from her so we can add her to the group chat?”
Chat Noir bows and says, “It would be my purrleasure, milady.” He takes off before Ladybug can scold him, leaving her to sigh loudly and duck into the nearest alleyway to detransform and refuel Tikki. Then she’s once again swinging through Paris, towards the small Tsurugi mansion with a sleek red car parked in front of it; although she’s never actually been to Kagami’s house, she certainly knows where it is, at least, thanks to Adrien. But she doesn’t know which room is Kagami’s, so she’s forced to take a quick peek inside each window until she finally stumbles across Kagami sitting at a desk, clearly deep in her homework. Kagami looks up at the tap on her window, and her eyes widen when she catches sight of the superhero dangling outside.
“Ladybug? Is everything alright?” Kagami says after rushing over to open the window. Ladybug slips inside and stares around at the room, marvelling at how it’s just so…Kagami. The walls and massive king bed are a deep red colour, the carpet is soft and black, the desk is made of rich, dark wood, and there are several decorations such as a Japanese flag on one wall, a few fencing trophies on a dark wooden shelf, and some photos pinned to the wall above her desk. A closer look reveals to Ladybug that these photos are of her – well, Marinette – and Adrien, cut from photoshoots and magazine articles, such as the article that had covered Marinette’s hat at the Agreste fashion show.
Oh. Wow. Kagami must really care about them…
“I know it’s not ideal, only having staged photos of them,” Kagami says as she draws level with Ladybug. “But they’re my friends, so I figure the circumstances behind the photos don’t matter.”
“Maybe you could take photos with them?” Ladybug says.
“I suppose…”
“From what I hear, you’re a very direct person. Why hesitate now?”
“It’s just…” Kagami sighs and looks away. “I’ve never had friends before. I don’t know what’s appropriate and when it’s appropriate. If I make a wrong move, how do I know I won’t lose them? Unlike fencing, I don’t get to come back for a rematch. And unlike fencing…I don’t know how to navigate this.”
“Oh.” Ladybug reaches out to rest a hand on Kagami’s arm. “Can I tell you something? I’m inexperienced when it comes to friends as well.”
“Impossible. You’re Ladybug. You’re sweet and charismatic. Me? I’m just an awkward autistic girl who only knows how to stab people.”
“You’re autistic?” Ladybug gasps. “So am I!”
“What?” Kagami’s head whips around to stare at Ladybug. “You – but you’re –”
“An awkward mess outside the mask,” Ladybug says and squeezes Kagami’s arm. “I mix my words up all the time. I melt down and flip out whenever I’m really stressed or losing control of the situation. I have to plan out what I’m going to say before I talk to people about important stuff, otherwise I turn into a blabbering mess. I have to bounce or fidget or do anything to stim because I can’t sit still. I’m clumsy. I’m obsessed with fas – uh, my special interests. I can never seem to be where I should be because I just can’t manage myself, even before I became Ladybug.”
“Oh.” Kagami tilts her head and ever so slowly reaches out to pat Ladybug on the shoulder stiffly. “You get it. I have to script my conversations as well. And…well, I don’t have meltdowns and I’m very organised, but…mostly because Mother would be extremely disappointed in me.”
“Yeah. Masking,” Ladybug says. “It’s kind of ironic, you know. I’m wearing a mask as Ladybug, but it’s the one time when I’m not masking at all. Like, I have to be the saviour of Paris, the role model for everyone…but I can also just be freely autistic because, well, who can tell me to stop fidgeting? And my main responsibility is fighting the akumas, which I don’t need to plan for in advance or work into a schedule.”
“Wow…” Kagami’s soft smile is genuine. “I can’t believe it. You really get it.”
“Yeah,” Ladybug says. “So, trust me when I say that asking your friends for photos isn’t a wrong move. And if you do mess up, you have to trust that they’ll call you out for it. That’s what friends do. But they won’t leave you because of a mistake.”
“Thank you, Ladybug,” Kagami says. “Just…thank you.” Then she squares her shoulders and slips back into business mode and says, “But why are you here? I doubt that you visited me just to give me advice.”
“You’re right,” Ladybug says. She swipes open her yo-yo and pulls out a little box. Kagami’s eyes widen and her mouth falls open. “We were hoping that you’d join the team and fight alongside us.”
“M-Me? I mean, it’s an honour to be offered the chance to fight alongside you, but why me?”
“Because you’re strong and terrifying with a sword,” Ladybug says. “But you also crave freedom, just like Chat. You’re kind and loyal and helpful and always do your best to do the right thing, even if you struggle to properly interact with people. And those are the qualities that make a hero. So, Kagami Tsurugi, if you’re willing, here is the Miraculous of the Dragon, which will grant you the power over the elements of the storm. You will use it for the greater good, to protect Paris and have your teammates’ backs.”
For a moment, Kagami just stares at the box. But before Ladybug can start to panic, Kagami nods and takes it and snaps it open, then gasps and shuts her eyes against the brilliant red light that pours out of it.
“Greetings, young lady, and good day to you!” says the little red dragon kwami that materialises in front of Kagami. “Fear not! I am Longg, the Dragon kwami.”
“You’re a what?” Kagami says after a moment.
“A kwa-mi,” Longg says. “Allow me to tell you about the many feats a magic being like myself will help you accomplish once the magic words have been spoken!”
“She’s more of a direct learner, Longg,” Ladybug says as Kagami slips on the beaded choker.
“Ah,” Longg says. “A woman of action. Very well, then. All you must say is, “Longg, bring the storm” and you will –”
“Longg, bring the storm!” Kagami says, and Longg is sucked into the choker in a blur as red light envelops her. Kagami’s superhero outfit turns out to be a tight, scaly, dark red suit with black shoulders and upper arms, both of them made of black scaly armour with golden trim spiralling along and down to her elbow-length red gloves with golden trim. Two gold-accented black dragons coil around her legs, with their tails fading into boots and their heads meeting and intertwining around her stomach, and a gold and red dragon’s tail flows out of the back of her suit. A circle divided into swirling thirds sits on her chest, with a little elemental symbol in each third, and she has short red dragon horns with gold and black accents sticking out of her windswept black hair, and a red mask with gold and black lightning bolts extending from the bottom. Her eyes, previously light brown, have turned to dark brown with gold sclerae.
Okay. Bad Ladybug. Stop staring. Stop it.
“I love the armour,” Ladybug says, and Kagami runs a hand over the scales on her shoulder.
“I know that the suits are magic, but I always feel safer when I’ve at least got a little armour on,” Kagami says.
“What should I call you?”
“Hmm…Ryuuko. My name is Ryuuko.”
“Well, Ryuuko…” Ladybug crosses over to the open window and smiles back at Ryuuko. “Let’s go for a little evening stroll.”
[10:46 pm] Honeybee has joined miraculass.
catitude: welcome to hell
catitude: i mean
catitude: nice work today thanks for saving us
[10:47 pm] Ryuuko has joined miraculass.
Ryuuko: Hello
ladyBIrd: hey
catitude: sup
Honeybee: ew who named this chat
mess w turt u get hurt: rena
what does the fox say: hey
what does the fox say: it’s a great name
ladyBIrd: …it grows on you
Honeybee: LADYBUG HI
what does the fox say: pfft
what does the fox say: gtfo with your keysmashing i was here first
Honeybee: fuck off
what does the fox say: wow rude
[10:49 pm] what does the fox say set Honeybee’s name to honeybeetch.
honeybeetch: omg
honeybeetch: i hate you
ladyBIrd: I think it’s kind of funny
honeybeetch: asdfghjkl of course
honeybeetch: it’s perfect
what does the fox say: lol desperate
honeybeetch: the only reason i’m not gonna fuckin deck you
honeybeetch: is bc i’ll lose my miraculous
honeybeetch: that and pollen will give me the look of disapproval
catitude: don’t you mean
mess w turt u get hurt: nO DONT
catitude: beecause?
Ryuuko: I’d like to leave, thanks
honeybeetch: where are u
honeybeetch: i’ve got venom ready n everything
catitude: :)
ladyBIrd: Chat, you’re grounded
catitude: :(
honeybeetch: wait
honeybeetch: laDYBUG IS BI
honeybeetch: AJSDHLDSKJ
what does the fox say: don’t even think about it
what does the fox say: i was here first and i have dibs
honeybeetch: actually fite me
honeybeetch: you think your illusions will do shit when i sting you
ladyBIrd: I’ve got a boyfriend, so
ladyBIrd: and there’s a girl above both of you on my list
what does the fox say: :(
honeybeetch: :(
catitude: :)
mess w turt u get hurt: istg i don’t understand why chat reacts half the time
catitude: 0:)
[10:53 pm] catitude has set Ryuuko’s name to airhead
airhead: Are you asking for death?
airhead: Because I have a sword and I’m intimately familiar with how to wield it
honeybeetch: omg i hate everyone here
honeybeetch: except lb of course
[10:56 pm] direct messages
Chat Noir: so
Chat Noir: ryuuko?
Ladybug: Kagami
Chat Noir: omg yes i love
Chat Noir: but i gotta ask
Chat Noir: why give Chloe another chance?
Chat Noir: not that i want her to fail
Ladybug: she’s proven she really does want to change
Ladybug: she even apologised to Marinette and everything
Ladybug: granted, it was an illusion by Rena
Ladybug: but she still passed the test
Chat Noir: i mean
Chat Noir: i’m glad you gave her this chance
Chat Noir: i guess i just don’t want her to let us down again
Chat Noir: especially with the miraculous
Ladybug: the Bee will be perfect for her
Ladybug: I know it
Chat Noir: true
Chat Noir: bee works best with someone with potential for growth
Chat Noir: sting for the greater good and remain warm without burning out of control and all that
Ladybug: ok, how do you remember that?
Ladybug: that was months ago
Chat Noir: i have a near-purrfect memory
Ladybug: does your autocorrect recognise all your puns?
Chat Noir: actually
Chat Noir: yeah
Chat Noir: don’t @ me
Ladybug: :)
Chat Noir: :(
Chat Noir: wait does that mean rena knows honeybee
Ladybug: it was unavoidable
Ladybug: I needed her Mirage
Chat Noir: oof
Chat Noir: thank god she doesn’t know our ids
Ladybug: haha, yeah
Ladybug: I’m gonna DM Honeybee before I sleep
Ladybug: night, kitty <3
Chat Noir: night bugaboo <3
[11:02 pm] direct messages
Ladybug: Hi, Honeybee
Honeybee: HI LADYBUG
Ladybug: you don’t have to freak out
Ladybug: it’s just me
Honeybee: yeah but
Honeybee: i’m in a gc
Honeybee: with LADYBUG
Honeybee: and i’m a SUPERHERO
Honeybee: pollen’s trying to take my phone help
Ladybug: lol
Honeybee: so like
Honeybee: not that i’m ungrateful
Honeybee: but why me
Honeybee: why not marinette
Honeybee: she was right there
Honeybee: and she didn’t mess up and out herself to paris
Ladybug: for one, she told me she’s got a pretty busy schedule
Ladybug: for another
Ladybug: I guess I just remembered our conversation about your mother
Ladybug: and I knew there was potential there if I just teased it out
Ladybug: because you really have been trying, even if you slip up
Honeybee: i just
Honeybee: it’s easier to push ppl away
Honeybee: i have to tell my mother to fuck off tmrw and
Honeybee: i’m kinda losing my shit rn so
Ladybug: you can do it, Chloe
Ladybug: she’s a toxic influence
Ladybug: and she’s stunting your potential for growth
Honeybee: ik ik
Honeybee: pollen said it’s like pruning the weeds to let the flowers bloom?
Ladybug: yep
Ladybug: kwamis are pretty wise
Ladybug: Pollen will help and support you
Ladybug: and you’ve got the group chat
Ladybug: you’re not alone, Chloe
Honeybee: <3
Ladybug: <3
#miraculous ladybug#ml fic#aotq fic#aotq: hold me#marinette dupain-cheng#ladybug#alya cesaire#rena rouge#chloe bourgeois#adrien agreste#chat noir#nino lahiffe#carapace#kagami tsurugi#ryuuko#autistic marinette#autistic kagami#malediktator#chloe redemption
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that dumb saiki k fanfic i wrote but chapter 2
chapter 1 | story on wattpad
chp. 2 - not my intention
There was one part of auras that had always confused Aiura.
See, she was born with the ability to see auras and into the future and all that. Ever since she could walk and talk she could remember trying to figure out people based off their auras, learning what they meant.. Not only did auras reflect someone's personality, but they could also reflect memories they held dear, emotions they felt strongly, and even then her fortune telling let her tell so much more about them.
But there was one thing she didn't entirely understand, even now as a second year in high school. When she was 6 or 7, she started seeing a new part of auras. A red string.
A red string, in most contexts, connects two soulmates together by an invincible string tied around their fingers. When she was around 7 she noticed that her parents had one tied to each other. Some times she'd watch people pass each other on the street and notice them form. Red strings were a part of your aura and they had only formed when you had actually met your soulmate. Aiura had this come easy to her but what always confused her was why it took so long for her to see them. Or maybe, why did it take so long for them to form?
Saiki sighed as he walked along behind his friends..and (L/n), who you could consider his friend, but it's up in the air if he'd say the same. As Kaido and Nendo bickered and Kuboyasu sided with Kaido, (L/n) fell back to walk next to Saiki. Her thoughts rang clear as she walked and scrolled through something on her phone.
'This feels kind of awkward..' (L/n) frets as she bites her bottom lip, momentarily glancing to Saiki. 'I wanna talk to him but he's giving off the "please let me go never interact with humanity ever again" vibe.' Oddly specific. Saiki almost wished other people could notice that as well. He supposed if he wanted to make a friend of this girl- get his likability up a bit- he'd have to take charge.
"Do you like the arcade?" Saiki asks her, turning his head to her.
"Yeah. I haven't been there in a while though.." (L/n) smiles and scratches the back of her head "Never have the time or money, haha.. how about you?"
"I used to go alot as a kid. But the games are all really easy now." Saiki shrugs, turning back towards the other boys yelling ahead of them as the arcade approached.
"Is that a challenge?" (L/n) grins. 'This could work perfectly..!'
Saiki smirks, looking at (L/n) at the corner of his eye. "Maybe." This could work perfectly...
"Hah, you're on!" (L/n) laughs as she begins to run ahead, dragging Saiki along by the wrist. Saiki shrugs to himself, letting her drag him along. (L/n) basically bursts into the arcade confidently. "Alright! You seem confident so I'll let you choose a game."
"Ooh, you two are competing?!" Nendo asks, popping up behind the two "Let us choose the games! That way it'll be fair." He's dumb but he's right. Saiki cringes a bit- they're going to call attention if he wins too much. He'll have to moderate his powers.
"Here, let me choose first!" Kaido interjects. "(Y/n), follow me." His face turns red. 'Maybe she's good at shooting games! If I choose a game that she wins at, m-maybe..' Saiki didn't want to hear anything beyond that. It was pretty easy to see where that was going.
"O-Oh, okay! C'mon, Saiki!" (L/n) beckons as Kaido lead her toward some sort of zombie-shooter game. Generally, they were pretty easy as long as Saiki didn't get startled. Lord knows what happened when he used VR.
(L/n) grins and picks up the blue colored fake gun. "Come on! Longest one alive wins!" She smiles, bending down and inserting 200 yen. Saiki does the same and sets his bag down, picking up the toy gun.. it should be easy to moderate his powers and give her a fair fight here...
...is what he told himself. Saiki didn't necessarily play games like these very often, if ever, because he'll either jump and blow something up or he'll lose and nearly break a controller. Nendo stood behind Saiki basically screaming support in his ear as Kaido stood next to (L/n) with starry eyes.
And Saiki lost. Horribly. By horribly I mean he lasted about a full minute before dying when (L/n) kept going for another 3 just to tease Saiki. Which was fine. N̶o̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶. It was normal to loose at games. He'd just win at the next one so it'd seem normal.
He did not. Kuboyasu chose one of those racing games where the seat is the actual sort of motorcycle itself. The author doesn't need to explain herself here. They're pretty hard to cheat at with esp, but even then- Saiki and (L/n) alike were looking for a fair fight. Which they got. Which lead to Saiki losing horribly.
"Partner, come on, stop losing!" Nendo pats Saiki on the shoulder as he stands up off the seat with a face of- to say the least, discontent.
"Shut up." Saiki glares.
"Not so easy now, huh?!" (L/n) teases, shit-eating grin on her face. Saiki breathes out. He is a patient man. He is not going to get competitive over this. The only one that can beat him is him and he will win the next game.
..Why does he even care?
Kuboyasu chose the last game. It was one of those games where you threw basketballs into a hoop for a certain time limit.
...would you be surprised if I told you Saiki lost again?
Saiki huffed as the machine made some stupid loud sound as (L/n) best his score. This time it was not his fault. He is perfectly fine at throwing the balls and would've made all the shots if he wasn't distracted.
He wasn't sure why he was. But for a minute there.. he couldn't take his eyes off (L/n). The way she focused on the game and her face lit up brightly every time she scored...by the time Saiki had realized he was staring he had basically already lost. This wasn't like him to get distracted. Something was off today.
Kaido had pointed out (how horribly Saiki had lost, and-) that they should get going. They'd spent a while at the arcade. Everyone agreed- if reluctantly- and grabbed their bags.
Walking out the arcade and towards there homes Kaido and Nendo continue to bicker- probably about the latest Jump.
"Stop looking so smug." Saiki comments, irritated with the girl.
"Whaaaaat?~" She laughs. "I'll make it up to you. You like sweets?" She asks. Saiki nods (violently) causing (L/n) to laugh. "I've got some coffee jelly back at my apartment. You should stop by."
Saiki nods in agreement- mainly for the coffee jelly, only about 1/8 for (L/n)'s company- as she waves goodbye to the other boys. Her apartment was only a couple blocks from Saiki's place.
"Alright then! Oh, look, they're playing baseball in the park again.. Wonder if Satou's playing." (L/n) points out as the pair pass the baseball diamond along their trek home.
There's a loud 'clang' and an indistinguishable shout before Saiki realizes.
..That the ball hit his head. Right in the power limiter. Shit. If he were alone, he could just teleport home and have his dad or mom try and fix it but (L/n) is right here. He's got one choice, and he's gotta pray that it works...
"Saiki!" You screeched, as the boy fell forward and you just ever so barely managed to catch him before he hits the pavement. The ball must've hit him hard.. it even broke one of those hairclips he has. You set him down gently, picking up his bag and throwing it over your shoulder. You slide your arms under him and pick him up, standing slowly.
Jesus Christ. You forgot how heavy guys are. The last time you carried a guy was when (F/n) passed out on field day in middle school. Saiki wasn't heavy necessarily but you weren't necessarily Hairo level strong. You wanted to take him back to his house and tell his parents but there was a small problem.
You had no clue where he lived. At all. You knew he only lived a couple blocks away from you because Kaido told you but you didn't know where. So the best option was to take him back to your apartment.
What became a 10 minute walk home became a 20 minute walk as you struggled to carry the boy. He was knocked out, hard.. whoever hit that ball had to have gotten a home run. You wouldn't be surprised if the guy got two.
So after struggling for 20 minutes, nearly dropping the knocked out boy when you tried to unlock your door, and just generally regretting your decisions, you finally were able to plop the boy on your couch. Your tablet that you generally used for drawing was blown up with notifications from (F/n). Whoops. You set the tablet on your coffee table, calling him as you take the broken hairpin out of Saiki's hair, wanting to fix it.
(F/n) picks up fast, halfway through his English screaming as the connection struggles. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?! I'm losing sleep, woman!"
"I'm sorry!" You laugh, fiddling with the hairpin in your hand. The pink ball on top had come off and some of the pieces on the bottom of the inside fell out. "I was walking home with that Saiki guy and a ball hit him smack in the head. Broke his hairpin and he passed out. I'm trying to fix the hairpin now."
"...And the guy?" (F/n) hesitantly asks.
"Heavy as fuck." You snort. It looked like small computer pieces on the inside but, who are you to judge? The problem was now this was a jigsaw puzzle and you hated those things.
"(Y/n)!" (F/n) shouts, reprimanding you.
"Calm down, he's fine." You smile. "I gotta fix this damn hairpin though and you're gonna do your homework and sleep young man." You jokingly glare into the camera.
"Fine, MOM. Bye!" He waves and hangs up. You lean your back against the couch as you continued to sit on the floor, now too lazy to get up. There was 3 major computer looking chips which by some dumb luck, seemed to fit pretty well in certain spots. They 'click' in pretty easily and the small pink ball fits back on pretty easy.
"Well..that should be about right..!" You smile confidently to yourself as you hold up the hair clip in your vision. You stand slowly and hover over the sleeping boy before gently placing the hairpin back where it once was.
You observe him for a second as you stand up straight again. He looks.. peaceful while sleeping. He wasn't smiling but he wasn't necessarily frowning, either. Content, really. You smile as you take off his green lensed glasses and set them on your coffee table. They'll break if he sleeps in them all the time.
You wander off to your kitchen, finally picking up your school bad and setting it on your dinner table. You grab a snack out of the cabinet and begin looking through your bag, pulling out miscellaneous homework assignments. You catch a glimpse out your window- the sun was already setting..
You hear Saiki in the other room shuffle around as he seems to wake up. You grave a coffee jelly and spoon from your kitchen before wandering over to him.
The strawberry-headed boy had sat up on the couch, eyes looking around confused. Hey, that was a good nickname.
"Hey, Strawberry. You're awake." You grin. He looks up at you confused and you freeze for a second. His eyes..
You didn't usually see his eyes very clearly since, green glasses lenses. Even then you hadn't known him for long. But his eyes... they were a mesmerizing violet color that you couldn't take your eyes off of. Realistically speaking, they were as plain as ever. But for some reason you couldn't help feel your face go red. Who's the strawberry now, motherfucker?
"Where am I?" He asks you.
"My apartment. You knocked the hell out when that baseball hit you and I didn't know where you lived so I carried you here." You hold out the coffee jelly and spoon to him, hoping he'll get the gist. He does and takes the snack faster than you could blink twice.
Saiki took the coffee jelly from (L/n) greatfully, momentarily forgetting about his limiter that, as far as he last knew, was broken. He had knocked himself out when he was hit for a reason- he figured (L/n) would call one of his friends or someone else to help. He had better luck leaving it up to luck when passed out then staying awake and nearly starting a tsunami cause he breathed wrong.
"Oh, by the way," (L/n) starts, "I tried fixing your hairpin. I tried my best." Saiki looks at her a bit confused before taking out the power limiter, and looking at it carefully...it was put back together just about the exact same way it was before it got hit..
"Thank you." Saiki turns to (L/n). She smiles and nods. 'Oh thank god I didn't fuck up.'
"No problem." She smiles. Saiki loses his train of thought for a second as he watches the girl's face brighten. He turns to set down the now empty coffee jelly cup down on the coffee table. He blinks for a second. His glasses are set on the coffee table.
(L/n) must've taken them off, but why wasn't she turned to stone? She should be frozen in place a long while ago. He picks up his glasses and stands up, putting them over his eyes as he throws away the empty coffee jelly cup.
His mind was racing. Was this girl a physic? Why was she immune to so many of his powers? Why was she kinda cute?
(L/n) interested Saiki. She wasn't affected by nearly any of his powers and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. On one hand it confused him highly and made him want to be wary on the girl, but the other part of him was interested in this girl. She was someone who he saw as normal, she wasn't a nusience like the rest of his friends. His chest felt light with an emotion he wasn't quite familiar with. The ever intriguing girl had ignited something in him that he wasn't sure what it was.
"You okay?" She asks as Saiki stands in thought. He hesitates, but smiles. "Hey, Strawberry, it's getting late. Want me to walk you home?" She asks, now with a shit eating grin on her face. Saiki, yes, the strawberry, feels his face turn warm and his heart skip a beat at the nickname. He wasn't sure why. He sighs to himself. He's overthinking things today. His pyrokenisis must be acting up since his limiter was out earlier.
"...Sure..but what's with the nickname?" Saiki asks.
(L/n) shrugs as she stands, walking to her front door and bending down to put her shoes on. "I dunno. It fits."
Saiki sighs at this curious girl and grabs his own shoes, following her out the door.
The two walk in silence as the sun sets, darkening the world around them. (L/n)'s thoughts are generally quiet. 'Fuck, I'm cold. I should've brought a jac- or not?'
Don't get Saiki wrong here. He's only warming her up cause he feels bad. They continue to walk in silence, until they stop in front of Saiki's house.
"This is my h-" Before Saiki can finish his sentence none other than is mother, Kurumi Saiki, comes out the front door, fretful about her son.
"Oh, Ku~chan! Where have you been, I was so worried!" Kurumi frets as she hugs her son close. Saiki sighs and squints his eyes at (L/n), who has a shit-eating grin. Kurumi turns around and spots (L/n). "Oh, and who is this lovely lady?" She asks excitedly. Saiki about rolls his eyes into the back of his head.
"I'm (L/n)! I apologize for keeping your son out for so long. He passed out when we were walking home so I took him home cause I didn't know where you lived." (L/n) scratches the back of her head awkwardly. Kurumi's face lights up.
Saiki cringes as his mother pulls the poor girl into a hug. "Aah, thank you for looking after my boy you're just so sweet I'm his mom Kurumi Saiki thank you so much for befriending him!" Kurumi gushes so quickly the author forgot to write punctuation.
(L/n) finally gets to breathe again when Kurumi lets go of the hug. "It's nothing, really," She smiles. "He's cool."
Kurumi starts to gush once more when (L/n) laughs awkwardly. "You're really sweet, Mrs. Saiki, but I have to get going."
"Oh, of course! I'm sorry for keeping you! Have a good night." Kurumi smiles.
"It's alright. Bye!" (L/n) smiles as she walks off into the night. He walks inside with his mother and takes off his shoes before walking to his room, sighing as he sits at his desk.
Why does he have such a headache..?
i apologize for any spelling errors! i’ve been writing without my glasses because i’ve been sick
#saiki k#saiki k x reader#my writing#fanfic#this is still really bad#but we're trying our best here#saiki kusuo no psi nan
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Some Times (Time and Time Again) (4/8)
Disclaimer: Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, and associated characters are the creative property of DC Comics. Warnings: Canon shaken not stirred, Heavy canon references to Booster Gold (2009-2011) and Blue Beetle (2016-2018) Pairings: Boostle Rating: T Synopsis: Booster Gold and the rest of the Time Masters are still straightening up things in the wake of the most recent universal Rebirth. But Rip Hunter is still missing in the aftermath, leaving Booster in charge with Skeets, Michelle, and Rani. But there’s a distraction for Booster, one he can’t keep himself from ignoring.
Ted Kord, miraculously, is still alive. And that makes everything more complicated than Michael could have ever imagined.
A/N: Haha! How’s that for an improved rate for chapter turn arounds! I don’t know if I can manage it weekly, but boy wouldn’t that be nice. All things considering.
And lovely and well deserved thanks to @mcbangle, @shibascarf, @secretlystephaniebrown, AlreadyThere, and Schwoo99 for your lovely feedback and support! It’s greatly appreciated.
Booster Gold
It was already a hell of a day by the time Booster finds himself racing throughout the busted up laboratory in search for Rani. He is in an all around bad mood, conflicted and somewhat wounded with old pains and traumas licking at his heels thanks to the conversation with Ted.
Then Rani — sweet, terrified, all his fault Rani — is gone. And there’s only an open wormhole leftover in the cabinet to clue him into what’s going on.
Using the Legionnaire flight ring, Booster kicks off the ground and zips back to where Michelle is standing by the lab command center. She’s looking a little shellshocked but Booster absolutely does not have time for that.
“She’s gone!” he yells at his sister instead. “She’s teleported out, but why!?” When that fails to draw Michelle’s attention, Booster comes to a hovering stop by her and stares in disbelief. “Michelle!” he snaps in imitation. “Are you listening!?”
Without turning toward him, Michelle says, “I know where she went.” Her hand draws up and points toward the chalkboard.
Not even fully listening to Michelle, Booster follows her gaze to the board and feels himself go slightly off balance. If he hadn’t been using the flight ring, he might’ve ended up on the floor sideways from the knock to his teeth.
On Rip’s meticulously kept chalkboard is a newly etched message that Booster knows for a fact was not there even earlier that day when he got back.
Ted Kord is KEY.
“What the hell?” Booster articulates first. Then, with a slight pang, he recognizes something even more pressing about the message. “Is that… is that Rip’s writing? No… Who…” he rambles out loud before glancing around the lab.
Half of him wants to accuse Rip Hunter of hiding in the shadows, of playing some kind of joke wrapped up in the 4D Chess he has been doing since he first met Booster. But there is nothing to see. There’s no one but them. Only Michael and Michelle.
Which begs another question.
“Skeets?” Booster calls out to no avail.
“Rani is looking for Rip. She sees a message from Rip. She takes the message and runs with it before thinking things through,” Michelle deduces. She then gives Booster and accusatory stare. “Wonder where she picks that up from?”
“I need to get to Ted’s, get Rani, put out any fires…” Booster lists off, already on his way to the transmat.
“Would you hold your horses?” Michelle demands. “I’ll put on my Goldstar suit and we’ll go together. I don’t like how this feels, Michael—“
“I’ve got this,” Booster doesn’t so much as argue as he is concluding the conversation.
“Jesus Christ what did I just say about running into things without thinking them through?” Michelle yells as she takes off running toward her room.
“No time for thinking!” Booster yells back, already beginning to transport. “The multiverse is colliding together because my daughter and my best friend are meeting each other!”
Michelle apparently has no comeback because rather than screaming it, Booster only hears a frustrated roar that he is far more familiar with than he should be.
In Booster’s mind, the worst case scenario is already upon him. Rani, freaking out and distressed, huddled in a corner while Ted, freaking out and distressed, is calling up whatever passes for social services among the Justice League. Someone will ask questions, take records, and Rani is suddenly on the map for some sort of time traveling ne’er-do-well to get at Booster if they want to. And he’ll lose Rani out of the great wide nothing just like he lost Rip—
Booster does his best to turn the alarms in his brain from an eleven to about a nine and thinks what complications this means for him and Ted.
Things are already complicated, Booster was hoping to go over some script or something with Michelle before hanging out with Ted again. How many things can he share? How much can Ted even be expected to believe? And how in the world is Ted going to forgive him for being a different person without any of the years and years of context that is suddenly missing between them?
How can Booster resist his instinct to constantly screw things up with the two people, at the moment, he cares about the most in terms of not getting screwed over?
It seems like a tall order, and before he touches foot in Ted’s lab again, he’s certain there’s a mix of these two things that will be his worst case scenario.
That is, until the reality smacks him in the face with a whole lot worse.
Black Beetle — his seemingly nameless and faceless enemy throughout the time stream — is standing in Ted’s laboratory. And worse yet, he is doing so with a gun much more serious than Ted’s old BB gun, right at Ted’s head. And Ted, for his part, seems genuinely stunned.
“Ted Kord,” Black Beetle snarls, “you must die!”
“NO!” Booster screams, the sound ripping through his throat from the core of his being.
He’s in the air and barreling toward Black Beetle before it even registers that Ted has leaped into action, grabbing Rani and rolling behind the desk. It’s a close call and Booster can only begin to thank his stars that Ted really is the Ted of his memories, but there’s not time to dwell.
“Get the hell away from them!” Booster roars as he connects his forcefield protected knuckles with the side of Black Beetle’s armored head.
Even with his field up, Booster feels the hit in the bones of his fist. There’s something harder to Black Beetle than the last time they fought. Which, Booster has to admit to himself, is not a good sign for him.
“Booster Gold,” Black Beetle snaps angrily, catching the second fist Booster throws at him. “I am surprised by your resilience.”
“By now you really shouldn’t be,” Booster growls back. He aims for the unarmored mouth on Black Beetle only to be caught a second time.
“After our last Beetle adventures, I had thought you had your fill of failing to save your friend from death,” Black Beetle hisses. Then, without warning, his head comes jutting forward, breaking through the field around Booster’s body with speed and precision to land a perfect headbutt for Booster’s nose. “But apparently your masochism is greater than that of the average fool.”
Dazed, Booster backs away with his hands released and instinctively reaches for his nose. Definitely broken, definitely gushing blood — but he doesn’t have the time for it because Black Beetle is already coming back at him.
Gritting his teeth, Booster directs the field shields to his left side and successfully deflects the incoming right hook. It gives him enough time to spit out a mouthful of blood and course correct. He needs some distance, maybe use a concussive blast to further to swing it.
He doesn’t get the time or the distance, however, as the Black Beetle armor produces a clawing arm-like extension which grabs Booster at the waist and clamps down, hard.
“Booster!” Ted yells.
“Mikey!” Rani screeches.
A quick panic tears its way through Booster and he glances wildly in the direction of the two voices. His fingers are still grappling with the claws of Black Beetle but his attention is fully on Ted and Rani — they are too close to all of this! Booster has to get Black Beetle away from them and do it fast.
“Stay down! Both of you!” Booster yells at them just before Black Beetle slams him headlong into the Bug.
“I have lost my patience for your persistent meddling!” Black Beetle snarls. “I will set all things right today! I will see to it that any anomalies for the time stream are destroyed! And I will enjoy listening to your pathetic screams as you know that you still are powerless to do a thing!”
Booster has literal stars in his vision once the dark clad time traveler drops him on the ground. His neck aches and he can feel the wheeze of air pushing back into his lungs. He knows he has to get back up, though, or else someone is going to do something stupid.
“I’ve had about enough of this!” Ted growls.
“Oh, no,” Booster says, smacking himself in the head to try to clear his vision quicker.
“Sir!” Skeets buzzes in front of him.
“Skeets! Save Ted! Rani! Anyone! Fuck!” Booster orders, pushing to his feet and seeing where Ted was.
Ted has already slid over the top of his desk, goggles on and pulled out some sort of large canon looking device with a fanned out disk at its front. When Black Beetle immediately shoots for the in-the-open Ted, the reply is given in kind by the strange device which showered the entire room with an immense white light.
“Solar gun kinetic converter!” Ted preens, even as the blowback sends him to the ground. He coughs. “Has a kick, but anything you throw at me, this baby will convert into a concussive blast and hit brighter!”
Booster smirks and pushes off from the ground in order to boost his launch speed as he hurled himself at Black Beetle.
The light flash from Ted’s machine has put the Black Beetle off balance enough for Booster to throw himself into and shove the man out toward the door and into the hall, out the tenth floor window.
As soon as Black Beetle crashes through the glass, Booster firmly digs his heels into the ground and skids to a halt just short of heading out himself. He releases a long sigh of relief as he actually does seem to have gotten ahead.
Unfortunately, Black Beetle’s armor seems to remember it has flight capabilities much faster than Booster did.
“Damn it,” Booster hisses, looking over his shoulder and realizing that Ted is rushing his way and Rani has crawled out from under Ted’s desk to get a better look. “Skeets! Get her down!”
The tiny robot is quick to listen, and Booster barking orders at all seems to make Ted take pause, but not before the shadow of Black Beetle hovering outside eclipses them both.
Booster locks eyes with Ted and feels that ever present twinge of guilt and horror that has lived with him for nearly five years at this point.
“Ted! Down!” Booster yells.
But it isn’t like before. There is action that Booster can take.
Thinking on his feet, Booster projects his forcefield onto Ted. It encloses the semi-retired Blue Beetle in an oval dome before moving along with Booster as they flew toward the laboratory.
“Are you going to explain anything that’s happening to me?” Ted demands as they land in relative safety from their attacker.
“Later over beer if we make it,” Booster promises wearily.
For a brief moment, Ted looks in Booster’s direction. He’s only nodding along to Booster’s words and yet, as he does so, Booster sees a trust and security from Ted that warms something deep inside of him. It’s been so long since they were doing this, side by side, both in the exact same moment.
Both trusting each other because… as long as they’re Blue and Gold they’re bound to win. Somehow. Some ridiculous fashion.
It’s all Booster can do to take a breath and feel confident that it’s going to be okay.
Just before he loses Ted’s gaze. Ted’s looking back in the direction of Black Beetle and his body immediately seizes in tension.
“Round Three!” Ted yells in warning.
Booster raises his guard and steels himself, but he already knows his main objective.
Skeets has Rani. Booster has Ted guarded with every ounce of reserve power his suit has.
Whatever comes next is going to hurt.
Black Beetle flies at Booster like a bat out of hell, crashing into him and the Bug once more. The metal surface crushes in around Booster as a result of the impact. Booster feels the air pushed out of his lungs but he refuses to think about it, instead punching as much as he can right for Black Beetle’s big dumb jaw.
Some hits land, but the momentum is working against Booster as he feels a pop in his shoulder against the grinding metal of the bug.
“You have no concept of the danger you’re in!” Black Beetle snarls, grabbing Booster’s shoulders and flying with him to the floor.
They crash into the cement, Booster first yet again, but this time Booster can get a footing. He kicks off the pavement and plants his feet right for Black Beetle’s crotch.
Even armored, the villain juts away on instinct, which gives Booster time use a concussive blast. He can only lift his left arm, but it’s enough to give space between them.
It’s not enough. Black Beetle is ready to go before Booster’s even caught his breath.
Fortunately, there is a boom followed by the cracking and folding of metal all around them.
Booster lifts up his head to get a good view as Michelle uses her magnetic fields to crush what’s left of the Bug and the surrounding loose metal and bring it down on the Beetle’s head.
“Get away from my brother!” she yells.
Taken by surprise, Beetle is brought down, the crushing weight growing the longer Michelle levies her magnetism on him. “Damn you, Carters, no!” he roars, reaching with his loosest hand toward the chest piece of his suit. “This is not over!”
With a similar BOOM and spectacle, the Beetle is gone, and all the metal and electronics in the area around him fall in a heap to the ground.
“Heard… that before,” Booster musters, pushing to his feet. His ankle twists in a wrong way and he collides with the floor. His unresponsive arm does nothing to brace for the fall.
“Michael!” Michelle yells.
“Booster!” Ted yells right along with her.
And just before he passes out, Booster thinks how unexpected and wonderful it feels to hear both of their voices at once.
#writing#dc fic#DC: Some Times (Time and Time Again)#Booster Gold#Michael Jon Carter#Ted Kord#Rani#Michelle Carter#Goldstar#Black Beetle
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Denmark/Nyo!Netherlands, modern jobs AU - Mr. Østergaard teaches literature, yet he finds himself in art class with a very interesting model. | approximately 2790 words, rating T | Written for @neddenweek 2019, prompt was ‘work/jobs’ | Also available on Ao3
Maartje van der Velden = nyo!Netherlands Mathias Østergaard = Denmark
ii. work/jobs
When Mathias arrives at school, the first thing he does besides getting himself a cup of coffee is check his schedule. One of the pros of teaching is that his schedule is usually the same each week and he knows what to expect, but one of its cons is that because his schedule isn’t filled to the brim with classes, he sometimes has to pick up classes of his ill colleagues. The school has a policy of not unnecessarily cancelling classes and today just happens to be one of the days he has to stand in for the usual art teacher in his usually free morning.
Sighing to himself, he’s quick to down his coffee in one go despite its scalding heat. The Dane pops a piece of gum in his mouth, the taste of mint teasing his taste buds. He’s well aware of the fact that his students don’t like the scent of coffee early in the morning and frankly, he doesn’t like coffee breath either. Mathias gathers his things and leaves for the art classroom well before the bell rings so he can check around for a programme.
Upon unlocking the classroom, the teacher is greeted with a programme written on the whiteboard, as well as a multitude of artworks by famous artists decorating the walls. Today’s date indicates that all senior year classes will be doing live model drawing. Crap. He hopes the teacher at least left some kind of note or whatever in case of illness. Unfortunately for him, Feliciano was never very thorough when it came to informing his colleagues and the note Mathias finds on the teacher’s desk only reads ‘The students know what to do, please welcome make my model feel welcome!’. Running a hand through blonde tresses, he lets himself sink in the chair behind the desk, head banging against the desk in slight annoyance. He’s never had to stand in for an art teacher, what’s he supposed to do now? He supposes he can just let the students do their thing.
Mathias groans to himself, not noticing the person entering the classroom as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He needs more coffee, preferably extra strong, because it’s too early. The sound of a throat being cleared catches him off guard and the blond almost falls out of his desk chair. “Jesus!” He exclaims, a hand dramatically clutching at his chest when sapphires meet emeralds. The Dane finds himself staring into the eyes of a tall woman with long, dirty blonde hair tied in a braid. He doesn’t recognise her, but somehow her face seems familiar with its high cheekbones and sharp gaze that could kill someone with just one glance. Despite the resting bitch face, Mathias can’t deny that she is beautiful; the grace with which she moves captivating him in more senses than one, even if it’s as simple as brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Her voice is nothing like he expects it to be, it’s rough around the edges and yet still sounds like what velvet feels on his skin. For a moment Mathias is at a loss of words. Where he usually has something witty to remark or just a cheerful comment, he’s gasping like a fish out of water, both shocked and surprised like a deer caught in the headlights. “I--” He inhales sharply, blinking twice before he is finally able to find his voice again. Whatever spell this woman has cast on him slowly wearing off. “It’s quite alright! I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to be…” He trails off, looking her over once again. “Well, this beautiful,” he continues, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he chuckles. The compliment earns him a roll of her eyes as the woman shucks off her coat, revealing loose fitting clothing. “Probably to make it easier on herself to undress,” Mathias thinks to himself, quickly looking at his watch to distract himself from her. They still have about ten minutes before the bell rings and the class will be filled with seniors who’ll barely keep it in their pants, even if she’s a stranger. Now that he thinks about it, Feliciano never did write down who the model was and he himself hadn’t even so much as introduced himself either.
Realising his mistake, Mathias is quick to hold out his hand to her, small grin pulling at the corners of his lips. “How rude of me, I didn’t even introduce myself,” he chuckles, grin growing wider when one of her delicate hands slides into his own more calloused hand. “I’m Mathias Østergaard, I teach literature, but Feliciano is ill so I’ve been assigned his class this period.” The mention of the subject he teaches seems to pique the woman’s interest. “Maartje van der Velden. You’re already aware of why I’m here.” The way her name rolls off her tongue makes him wonder how his name would sound from her lips.
“Well, miss Van der Velden, I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing or what I’m supposed to do, but if I can be of any help, please let me know.” Mathias doesn’t beat around the bush, he isn’t too well-versed when it comes to other arts besides literary art and while he does want to impress the lady in front of him, he doubts lying about being knowledgeable on the subject will get him anywhere. The stern expression with what he’d been greeted with grows soft and a small smile curls the corners of Maartje’s lips. “Feliciano didn’t leave you much to go on, did he?” With a shake of her head, she reaches for the note the art teacher left on his desk. “Typical. I guess you don’t really have to do anything then. Except make me feel welcome.” Mathias isn’t sure if he’s hearing a teasing undertone in her voice, his eyes narrowing slightly at her as he tries to read the woman. “I think I can manage that. In fact,” he pauses, checking his watch again to see how much time they have left. A little over five minutes, he could probably get both of them something to drink before the class comes in. There’s a coffee machine down the hall for the very, very addicted teachers; there are plenty of those running around, including his best friend Lukas.
“How do you feel about nasty dishwater coffee from a machine?” There it is, that Danish charm he prides himself on and it seems that despite the obvious attempts at not wanting to react much, that charm is also getting to Maartje. “Coffee is coffee. I’m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth,” she answers, attempting to hide another smile. Mathias thinks that she probably isn’t someone who smiles a lot and his chest swells with pride at that thought. “Great! I’m gonna get you your coffee then, if any students come in before the bell rings, could you tell them I’ll be right there? How do you take your coffee?” Maartje nods in response, answering with a simple ‘black’ and the Dane soon finds himself leaving the classroom to get both of them a drink. On his way out he gets rid of the gum in his mouth, favouring drinking shitty coffee with Feliciano’s choice of model; a fine choice, he thinks of both.
When Mathias returns with two steaming cups of coffee a few minutes later, some of Feliciano’s students have already arrived and taken their place in the classroom, setting up their easels. It seems that they’re already aware of what they have to do. Mathias grins as he enters the room, giving the students a cheery “Good morning!” before he makes his way back to the woman who is hopefully waiting on him with her coffee. He makes it back just in time, the bell ringing as he passes over the carton cup to Maartje, the class filling up with students as he does so. “Here you go,” he beams, taking a sip from his own cup. Of course it tastes like shit. Maartje makes a face after she’s taken a sip. “You weren’t kidding about the coffee being terrible,” she grunts in disgust, making Mathias laugh at her reaction. He still has some time to talk to her as the students settle down, too busy with their own conversation to pay attention to their teacher’s flirtations. “Well, I’ll be ‘teaching’ Feliciano’s students until third period, after that there’s a half an hour break. If you want, I could make you some proper coffee,” he explains with a wink, hoping that she wouldn’t mind spending some more time with him. She ponders on her options for a second, appearing like she’s thinking hard on the options laid out before her. “You know what, I’ll let you know then,” she replies, a mischievous glint in her eyes. If Mathias didn’t already think of her as practically oozing sex on legs, he definitely did now. “Alright then. I guess I best start class then.”
And so Mathias starts class, introducing himself and his lovely assistant for these next three periods. Meanwhile, Maartje toes off her shoes, getting ready to strip out of her clothes and take place on the stool placed in the middle of the classroom, surrounded by the easels and students.
“If I’m correct you all know what you’re supposed to do, mister Vargas didn’t leave me any instructions and since I’m really only surveilling this class, please continue with your assignments. Keep in mind that miss Van der Velden is here for you guys to practice for the upcoming exams, so take this as serious as you would mister Vargas’ teaching instead.” There’s a chorus of noise coming from the students before they go about their work, Mathias himself working on checking his own students’ essays and grading them. Occasionally he glances at the model sitting on the stool in just her underwear, his gaze lingering longer than needed. He can’t help but be remotely jealous of his students, wishing that back when he took art class he had Maartje as a model. Every once in a while the Dane glances at her, sometimes catching her gaze, to which she quickly averts hers when he smiles at her. He isn’t sure if he can see a faint blush crawl on her cheeks, but he’s fairly sure that the interest he has in her is mutual to some degree if her reactions are anything to go by.
Halfway through their second period, Mathias announces to the class that they’re allowed to stretch their legs for five minutes and grab something to drink. He knows that having to concentrate for nearly three periods straight is actually too much to ask teenagers and honestly, he wonders what idiot thought it a wise idea to place that many periods of the same class after each other. Some of the students are ready to practically dash out of the classroom, others are less bothered by staying in. During those five minutes that they’re allowed to leave, the teacher walks around the classroom, admiring the work his students made with the various materials they’re allowed to use. He doesn’t notice that Maartje has gotten up from her spot, digging through her bag for a bottle of water and a vest she keeps in there to keep herself warm during the short break. Only when he finishes his round around the classroom and has complimented his students does he go back to her, knowing that he’s still got a few minutes left until they continue their work again. “So, have you made up your mind yet?”
Maartje slowly blinks her eyes, like a satisfied cat as she takes a sip from her water. She perches herself on one of the free tables near Mathias’ desk, crossing her long legs. Honestly, the Dane is doing his best not to let his gaze wander from her feet up to her hips, following the voluptuous lines of her body. He doesn’t know whether she knows just how alluring and attractive she is. “Hmm…” She hums, her expression neutral, no hint of an answer visible. Usually Mathias is pretty good at reading people, but Maartje is a mystery he hopes he can unravel if she gives him the chance. “I have, but I’ll let you know once we’re done here,” she answers him with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. “You only have to wait another period and a half, I’m sure you can handle that.” And though he wants a straight answer from Maartje, the woman already has him wrapped around her finger and if it means he has to wait, then he will. “I still have enough essays to check, so I won’t get bored waiting.” And boy, is he glad he does. With that, Maartje slides off the table, her bottle and vest tucked back in her bag. She sits down on the stool again, resuming her previous pose, but not without playfully winking at Mathias. Mathias thinks he’s back in high school all over again, breath hitching in his throat and slacks a little tighter than before.
The wait is dreadfully boring even with the amount of work Mathias has. He manages to finish all of his essays fifteen minutes before time and at that point the students have also started to become restless. They’re talking amongst each other again, no longer focused on their work or just looking at their phones. It’s making the teacher wonder how exactly Feliciano is even able to keep his class going for three periods straight. He supposes the German teacher who’s also the mentor of this class probably had some say in it and the Italian probably told him about his class. Mathias sighs, checking his watch before he shoves his paperwork in his bag. He clears his throat as he gets up from his seat, moving so he’s standing in front of the desk and can lean back against it after he’s gotten the class’ attention.
“Alright, we’ve only got fifteen minutes left before the break starts. I’m noticing most of you have finished your work or at least deemed it enough for now,” he starts, his hands finding their way in his pockets. “Three periods of art is quite a lot, so I’m going to-- Daniel, let me finish first.” He’s interrupted by one of the students who instantly wants to ask if they’re allowed to leave. A lazy grin plays on his lips and Mathias pushes himself off the desk. “I want you all to thank miss Van der Velden for taking her time to be here for you.” Without much thought he snaps his fingers at a student making a comment about the woman probably getting paid for this gig. While this isn’t usually how he’d correct a student, Mathias is quite tired of reading and he really wants that coffee he promised Maartje-- if she wants to join him. “After you’ve done that, you may clean up and leave for break.”
There’s a cheer from the class and they instantly go to cleaning up. They’re faster than he expects them to be and within five minutes the class is back in its previous state, students dashing out of the room after a quick goodbye and occasional thank you. Mathias shakes his head, turning his gaze to Maartje who’s gotten dressed again. “Not even a proper thank you, if it’s anything, I want to thank you for your time,” he chuckles, bag on his shoulder. “It’s fine. They’re teenagers, I wasn’t expecting it anyway. Plus, the kid was right. I do get paid for this.” There’s a smirk playing on Maartje’s lips as she ties her shoelaces. “So, about that coffee. I hope your coffee is as good as you say it is and that mouth of yours isn’t just there to look pretty.” Mathias perks up, cheeks heating up at the comment tossed at him. Pretty and a sharp tongue on her, something he likes more than he wants to admit to himself. “Oh, it’s definitely not just there to look pretty, if you know what I mean.” He winks at her and this time it’s her turn to have her cheeks flush a pretty pink at the innuendo. “Well then… I guess I’d like that coffee then.” She chews on her bottom lip for a second, eyeing the door before flicking her gaze back to meet azure eyes. “And I’d definitely like to find out whether that mouth isn’t just there to look pretty.” Mathias thinks this is perhaps the best day in his entire career. “It’s a date then.”
#NedDen Week 2019#NedDen#DenNed#aph netherlands#aph denmark#nyo!netherlands#nyotalia#axis powers hetalia#hetalia#nedden week#day 2#day 2: work/jobs#fanfiction
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Devil’s Temptation pt15
Warning: Mob styling warlords, strong language
Chapter 15 – Loaded Dice
Shin sat patiently in the vacant room across the corridor to the one with [Name]’s father. If the man was going to regain consciousness soon the last thing he wanted was to be in the room when it happened. It never paid to be the first person a wronged man saw when they recovered the ability to talk, and this one had the ability to do far more than just cuss him out.
It was true however that he did have to keep watch as it was likely that someone at some point would be calling to see the old man. The bait had been cast into the winds and was travelling as fast as money could make it exchange hands. At some point, it was going to land in the right hands and in the right network for whoever knew something. Yes, this room is the best option.
Shin’s face contorted into one of disgust as he looked at the pale liquid in his cup after taking a sip. Yuck! Whatever this is it certainly isn’t tea. Why hospital vending machines have to contain such vile refreshments was beyond him. It’s like they are trying to find new ways of filling up beds and creating patients for themselves. He usually would avoid vending machines like the plague but Takahiro gave him no option of going out to buy something before he took off to take some calls. I suppose the fact this tastes so terrible is enough to keep me awake.
Sounds in the empty corridor alerted him to visitors. And he rose from his perch on a chair to look through a very narrow gap where he had left the door very slightly ajar.
“…I do believe this is the room.” A slender man with white hair spoke to someone just behind him. It was hard to see anything but it was not advisable to open the door further. He had made the gap small enough to give himself a clear view of the desired room across the corridor whilst also keeping it nondescript enough that at a glance the door looked closed. As the visitors got closer to his line of sight Shin could clearly see it was the girl they had been looking for. She had changed her outfit and her hair was different but there was no hiding who she was. Not from him anyway. [Name]… you’ve certainly been giving us a hard time.
There was something familiar about the man talking to her. The way he moved, his baritone voice, that teasing edge to it. I know you… I’ve seen you before. It was when they glanced around themselves before opening the other rooms door and Shin got a better look at the man’s face in profile that he instantly recognised him. Well hello… so that’s who was hiding her huh? Who are you Mitsuhide Akechi?
The sight of her white as a ghost and in shock, just standing there struggling to string together even a single sentence was enough to make me feel like there was something I was not seeing. For the life of me, I couldn’t process what it might be. I already knew before coming here that we had no idea what we were likely to be walking into. For all the unknown factors the only thing I was vaguely aware of was my body moving to join her. It was exactly like in the warehouse all those years ago, an automatic response to shield her. But from what? Come on little mouse what has you so rattled?
“So nice of you to join the party.”
Takahiro Yasui. I suppose I shouldn’t be a surprise at this point. Esshu was behind this so it would be natural to see him at some point. But why right now? I’m really missing something… My feet stopped as Takahiro’s shadow blocked the doorway. The only clue that could throw light on any of this would be her reaction, and that would mean it was something in this room. No not something… someone. If I was right and she knew the patient via Esshu then it might be enough to rattle her as he would be familiar but her reaction was too strong for a mere passing acquaintance. Who is he?
I glanced at the prone figure in the bed. This face… I know him… the hotel. Flashes of events I’d seen moved around like a film reel in my mind. Scenes disconnecting and rearranging. The cartel from the north, the one backing Yasui. But whatever could…? No, don’t tell me. I was dragged out of my own reverie by a movement near her.
As smooth as smoke Yasui had moved closer to [Name] and with the biggest shit-eating smirk on his face he snaked his arm around her waist looking over her shoulder directly at me. What?! Hell no.
Hideyoshi placed his cup of tea down on the coaster on his desk as he took his seat and waited for the day's trade screen to click over for the new day. The first two hours were the most critical in each work day. It was the best time to trade and gave a good indication of how business was going. He watched the swirls of steam on the surface of his drink and took a deep breath. New day, new start… let’s do this.
– Ping –
The notification alert chimed. Just as he was about to click his mouse to refresh the screen it went black. He clicked a few more times on the mouse but it had no effect.
“What the hell is going on now?” Hideyoshi turned his monitor around and started checking the cables in the back of it. If I can’t sort this out, I’ll have to call one of the tech guys to come up and sort it out. My laptop is back in my rooms I should go and get that then at least I can still do some basic things for the company. There was an audible buzz of activity outside his office door as his secretary knocked briefly before opening it.
“Yes?” Hideyoshi glanced up from his cable investigation to see a slightly bewildered young woman looking at him. To her credit, she didn’t ask what he was doing and composed herself quickly.
“Mr Oda is on line 1.”
“Why didn’t he use the internal line?”
“The entire system is down companywide Sir.” She said a faint kind smile graced her lips, glancing at the cables in his hand as she informed him of the issue. Standing at his desk holding several cables in his hand Hideyoshi felt a little embarrassment attempt to squirm its way up his spine.
“I see. Thank you.” Hideyoshi dismissed her and ran his hand through his sandy brown hair. Well, I can’t keep the boss waiting. He picked up his phone and punched the appropriate buttons to connect to line 1.
“Hideyoshi.” Nobunaga’s deep voice spoke before the end of the first ring.
“Sir, I just…”
“Our digital system is under attack.” Nobunaga cut him off.
“What? It’s not just a power surge or something?” Hideyoshi could feel a ball of tension rising from the pit of his stomach lodging itself somewhere in his throat. A cyber-attack? How did they get in? We had people on that, didn’t we?
“Not unless a power surge has the ability to open files on the internal mainframe, dumping code and transferring data to an outside source. Send someone to get the others now. All of them.”
“I have to say it’s rather bad form to take someone else’s fiancé.” Takahiro spoke in a wistful way as he brought his other hand up to caress [Name]’s cheek. Drawing lightly over her soft skin with his fingertips, the barely-there sensation coupled with his breath in her ear caused her to visibly shudder and Mitsuhide to clench his hand in his pocket.
“She doesn’t exactly look like a happy bride to be.” Mitsuhide pointed out the obvious. His eyes locked on Takahiro whilst a lethal edged smile played on his face. If she was happy, I would have left her. I would have simply walked away and wished her all the blessings of happiness for a bright future no matter who it was. Or perhaps I wouldn’t. I have never been a particularly greedy man but for her, I could be.
“She will be whatever I tell her to be.” Takahiro nuzzled his face closer to her neck as he spoke which judging by the way she twisted in his arms to free herself was not a welcome gesture. Mitsuhide’s blood pressure was spiking at the sight.
“What the hell are you talking about Takahiro?” [Name] writhed in the other man’s arms spitting her words at him.
“Hush. I suggest you close that pretty little mouth of yours before I close it for you.” Takahiro placed a finger on her lips and dug his thumb under her chin clamping her jaw shut as he smirked at her. “You had me worried [Name] it would seem that I need not have been too concerned. I only had to find the right bait to bring you back to me.” It was very much like looking at a cat playing with a mouse. Except that is my mouse.
“Rather sure of yourself, aren’t you?” Mitsuhide’s scoffing tone only slightly hid how he really felt witnessing such a display. Takahiro’s arrogantly superior look glanced his way and for the briefest of moments, it looked like he might be shaken by the pointed predatory glare that met him.
“Mr Akechi? As a show of… gratitude for returning my bride to me I’ll allow you to leave. You can return to your master and tell him his guard dog failed.” Takahiro was good at hiding how rattled he was. In another time or another place, Mitsuhide might have praised him for his showmanship. But not today. Today business turned into a direct personal attack and that was something Mitsuhide was happy enough to say he did not need to ask permission from his boss to deal with.
“If you wish to play games, little boy, you really should be more aware of who you challenge.” Mitsuhide moved fast. Takahiro very nearly didn’t make it out of his reach and just as Mitsuhide thought he could get a second swipe against the CEO’s beginner’s luck he felt a hard impact in his back.
A sharp isolated pressure plunged into him. [Name] screamed before Takahiro clamped his whole hand over her mouth this time, holding her fast against his side. Just like old times my dear. Don’t worry you know we’ve been through worse. But what was that?
Mitsuhide saw another man standing with them now. Slicked back ash blonde hair, piercing blue eyes. Immaculately tailored and pressed suit holding in gloved hands a syringe. Ah… well played Mr Tanaka. I guess I was right about you. It takes a predator to know one. A derisive smile spread over Mitsuhide’s face as he began to feel his body dropping to the cold floor in the corridor. I should have checked. I knew that man never travels alone. Takahiro laughed at the sight of the crumpled Mitsuhide on the floor. Using the toe of his shoe he angled Mitsuhide’s face towards him so he could see him clearly.
“It would seem this game is mine. Tell Oda I’ll be in touch.” Takahiro looked to Shin. “I’ll let you handle the rest.”
“Yes, Sir.”
[Name] twisted in Takahiro’s grip like a maniac but the only result she saw was Takahiro taking the small needle from Shin and using whatever was left in the syringe that had been not been used on Mitsuhide to immobilise her.
He Scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder as if she was nothing more than a sack of flour. She hung limply, her long blonde hair tumbled, swaying with the movement. It was painfully nostalgic to see.
The sight of them retreating from him as he was hoisted off the floor by Shin was the last thing his conscious self-registered. He felt the inviting call of the void. Beckoning to him telling him to relax despite his mind screaming at him to get up and will his body to move forward and go after her. He was torn. [Name]… I’ll get you back... I’ll find you. [Name]...
“Don’t worry Akechi. She will see you again.” The soft voice of Shin floated into Mitsuhide’s ears like a lullaby. “In how many pieces… that will be up to you.”
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50 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @bts-blackpink-bitch about 10 years ago (1 week) and I am finally ready to answer them lol
1. What takes up too much of your time?
Daydreaming about fic possibilities and what I could do with my life if I had the ability to create art.
2. What makes your day better?
Two things: my fiance and laughing.
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
My cat laid on top of me and purred really loud!
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
One that I have yet to put into writing.
5. Are you good at giving advice?
It depends. I’m pretty good at it in general, but each situation is unique and anyone who takes my advice knows that I have a disclaimer stating that I am not responsible for anything that happens if my advice is applied...just as a precaution lol
6. Do you have any mental illness?
No clue.
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
Yes and it’s terrifying!! I mean, one time I was able to make my head shake, but my fiance ignored my movement because I move in my sleep...so he thought I was asleep...
8. What musician inspired you the most?
I don’t really have just one
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
10. What’s your dream date?
My dream date is my fiance. HAHA! (It’s true..) 😂
But no, my dream date is being picked up at hotel in a big city <me wearing a very nice dress, my date wearing a tux or suit> and us going out for a ‘night on the town’. We would dine at a 5-star restaurant and then walk around downtown until we came to a romantic place. My date would then ask me to dance even there’s no music because ‘the music is in our hearts'. And then he would take me back to my room and leave me at the door with a searing kiss.
*sigh* I love my fiance, but he would ruin my dream date because he can’t keep a beat to save his life. I’m sure he’d be able to make up for it somehow 😂
11. What do others notice about you?
They tend to notice I have a huge ass. They never really mention anything else that they notice...IF they notice anything else.
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
UM - ALL OF THEM?? I mean, I have so many that it’s hard to name them. Just ask the people around me and they’ll make long lists without saying the same thing as the other. #iannoyeveryone
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
No, but that’s a good thing.
14. How many exes do you have?
Five...and yet, they never took me on a date. #losers😒
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
My largest one has over 600 songs on it...so many genres, so little time.
16. What instruments can you play?
I played the clarinet when I was in high school and the piano before that.
17. What do you have the most pictures of?
Blurry shit because my phone screen gets turned on and then I’m too lazy to delete the pictures. 😬
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
I’m not sure. I’ve always loved traveling, but have never been super passionate about just one place?
19. What is your zodiac?
20. Do you relate to it?
Yup. I’m #twinning everyday.
21. What is happiness to you?
Happiness to me is being able to toss away all of my negative thoughts, just for a moment, and focus on something beautiful. It could be the feel of a cool breeze on a warm day. The fluffy white clouds against a light blue sky or speaking the compliments I think instead of just keeping them so myself.
Happiness is something you continuously work towards...and sometimes you have to accept that being content in the moment is the best you’ll get for now. I purposely stop to ‘smell the roses’ and enjoy the little things because everything I know and love is in a balanced state. I want to enjoy the moments I have now so that, when things have shifted and there’s the sense of unbalance, I can look back and draw on those moments. Those little moments are so important to be able to recall so that you can continue to work towards happiness in times of sadness. (Sorry for the mini...rant?)
22. Are you going through anything right now?
Yes. I won’t get too detailed, but back in February I went on emergency hiatus because my dad has CIDP (emergency hiatus post here). He hasn’t had a treatment since February, so his ability to walk and do other things has gradually become much worse. It’s not something that many people have to live with for a long time...which is why I had my happiness rant above. Plus I’ve been trying to get a better job since I graduated from college in December 2018, but practically nobody is hiring. So that’s great.
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
There really is no ‘worst decision’ for me. I am who I am today because of all the decisions I have made both good and bad. So, for me to point out my ‘worst decision’ would be to say I have regrets. Which I don’t because I don’t have time for ‘what ifs’ and regrets. I only have time for helping myself and others to better themselves.
24. What’s your favorite store?
Gift shops.
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
I strongly believe in keeping my political opinions to myself.
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
Mentally, yeah. But I’m forgetful, so it’s ever-changing.
27. Do you have a favorite album?
Yes. Comedown Machine by The Strokes. I bought it because it looked cool and I love every single song.
28. What do you want for your birthday?
I really want to have a full-time job! I also want these BTS Hanahaki Series pins by Wiblash on Instagram!!
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
People think that I cower at anyone who seems to be an authoritative figure as well as be a ‘yes-man’
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
Everyone has thought I look like I’m either younger or WAY older than I actually am. Everyone also assumes I have kids. And I mean EVERYONE. 😠
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
On my nightstand to prevent an accidental fire.
32. What word do you say the most?
I say um, well, and like a lot because they make it easier to drag my sentences out when I lose my train of thought.
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
It’s kind of..besides the point now that I’m getting married, but at one point I ‘dated’ a guy who was almost 10 years older than me. I DODGED A BULLET WITH THAT GUY!! With my experience, I probably wouldn’t pick someone more than 5 years older than me.
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
I’ve always liked my guys to be slightly younger than me ( my fiance is about 9 months younger than me) and all my exs except the one mentioned in the above question were either the same age as me or a little younger. I wouldn’t date anyone born after 2000. Still doesn’t matter much since I’m getting married.😂
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
Retail. But that’s only because I’ve been in customer service so long that I have a lot of mannerisms that I have accidentally brought over into my personal life.
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
I don’t have one.
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
TL;DWR - Too Long; Don’t Wanna Research.
38. What is your current favorite song?
Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
39. How long have you had this blog for?
01/07/2019 1:55:37 AM (thanks @memories)
40. What are you excited for?
The BTS concert on May 12th!!!! And for my ATEEZ project 'When Life Gives You Lemonade' teaser to be revealed on May 15th!!
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
Both. Once I’m started, I can talk for hours, but I love listening to people talk too soooooo...
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
43. What do you want for Christmas?
DLCs for some software that I have.
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
Um...College Algebra and English were my best subjects.
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
About a 9.8?
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
I can see myself being an author and a mom. 😊
47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
First grade when I...liked this boy so much that I would kiss his cheek at least once every time we had gym class. Then he changed schools... (I found out later that it wasn’t my fault and that he had a slight crush on me then)
48. What age do you want to get married?
23. My wedding is planned for right before my 28th birthday, so ya’ll see how well that panned out.
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
50. What do you crave right now?
MORE TIME TO WORK ON MY ATEEZ PROJECT!!!!!! Gosh...there’s just not enough time in the day..............................................😑
I’m tagging @angstchim @ughdesighhns @parkseonghwa @gothicmingi @requestfairy @mhysaunburnt @yurakwonhoseok @today-we-will-survive @supersailorjoonie once again! If ya’ll get tired of it, let me knowwwwwww......😅
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Mental || Thirteen
(I do not own this gif)
Word Count: 3.1k Words
Genre: Psychiatric Patient! Hoseok x Doctor! Reader, Fluff, Angst, Smut(?) Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: None
a/n: So, I meant to post this last night but tumblr wouldn’t let me save it. It’s here now though! I really hope for theories after this chapter on what’s going on. Enjoy!
Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Jungkook’s words continued to echo in my head. If there was something going on behind the scenes, then who was behind it and what was happening? I bit my lip at the thought of Mrs. Li, she seemed so nice when I met her, but now? It was as if I didn’t even know who Mrs. Li was. When I had first met her, she had been the kind older lady that talked to me whenever I felt homesick. She always checked in on me when I would walk by, always asking how I was, if I had ate or slept well. The person I saw with Hoseok was not the same Mrs. Li I had known.
I sighed, what if I was thinking too much and there was an explanation? I mean, why would there be something hidden from us doctors? Was there really something that was so secretive behind the business that none of us could know about?
My curiosity was spiked, I wanted to know what was going on, I wanted to know what was happening, what was Hoseok so afraid of. My mind was racing to make any accusations or connection. Mrs. Li was the head pharmacist and Hoseok was scared of the pills they were trying to give him. There was nothing I could think of that would be off.
I got up off my bed and rushed to where I had put Hoseok’s files. For what seemed like the tenth time, I looked over his medication. There had to be something inside his medication list that was wrong. I looked over all the different names of the drugs, but nothing stood out to me really.
They all seemed like normal drugs that wouldn’t be suspicious in any way. Maybe it had to do with the side effects of the drugs? I had to check into it even if I didn’t think it could be the side effects. I would have to go down to the pharmacy and look at it. I could only hope Jisoo was there and not Mrs. Li. I wasn’t sure if it would be a grand idea to see her just yet. Especially if doing this would draw attention to me in a way I didn’t want it.
I left my room and walked my way to the elevator. Maybe I could text Jisoo and get her to check it for me, but there was also the possibility that she was off. It was worth a shot, I pulled my phone out and texted Jisoo asking if I could get Hoseok’s pills. She responded not long after telling me that she couldn’t because she was off.
I tongued the side of my cheek while I tried to think of how to get them myself. I got off the elevator and made my way towards the pharmacy. I steeled my nerves, I couldn’t let them get in the way now. I peeked around the corner to look at the front desk, I couldn’t see Mrs. Li so that was a good sign. I took a longer glance and saw that there was only a nurse working the counter. I had no clue who she was, but I would use that to my advantage.
I walked in with a smile decorating my face, “Hi there, I was wondering if I could pick up some prescriptions for my patient?” She smiled back at me, “Can I see your ID?” I nodded and handed my ID over to her, I could only hope I could get them without help. “What patient’s prescriptions would you like to pick up today?” “Jung Hoseok’s, please.”
She nodded and went back to typing into the machine so she could pull up the different medications he was on. She went back into the room and came back with four out of his five prescriptions. “I think I’m missing one.” “Yeah, you’re missing the Lithium. I couldn’t clear it without approval from someone with at least a level six badge.”
I knew I would need Jisoo to do it, but I couldn’t risk spending too much more time here. “Oh that’s okay, I’ll come back another time when I see that Jisoo or Mrs. Li is in. While I’m here, could you tell me more about Lithium? I know what it’s used for and such, but I don’t think I’ve ever had the chance to look into the side effects. I want to know them just so I’m aware, you know?”
She smiled and nodded her head in understanding, “From what I know, the side effects are increased thirst, impaired memory, poor concentration, and a bunch of other stuff that aren’t too threatening.” The impaired memory side effect caught my attention. Another common side effect I knew was confusion.
Not that any of these side effects proved anything, “Is there any new side effects that have been found? I only ask because the past times I’ve gotten his prescription I noticed they renamed the drug.” She opened up another tab to check and see if there were any new side effects added since the renaming of the drug.
“Hmm, not that I can see. The side effects all look to be the same as before.” I nodded and smiled, “Alright, thank you so much for all your help. Have a good day.” She bowed and I left in a hurry so I wouldn’t be noticed. I took the prescriptions I did have back up to my room. In all honesty, I wasn’t sure what to do with them, I didn’t need them quite yet. I stored them away to use possibly later.
There had to be something different with his medication. Lithium seemed to be a hard to get drug so it had to be that one. What was different about it though? I knew there had to be a hidden side effect that came with the name change. I wasn’t sure where to start though. I hadn’t really found any other clues yet besides the name change with his medication.
Other than that, I couldn’t think of anything out of the ordinary. None of the other workers seemed suspicious, was only Mrs. Li suspicious? I needed to look into Lithium more. I knew I wouldn’t be able to without Jisoo’s help. She had the credentials to look into those things, but how could I convince her to help me.
She would probably help me, but that would put both of us in danger if someone found out. I didn’t want to put Jisoo in harm's way if what I was doing could get us in big trouble, but I needed her help to do any of this. I groaned it truly felt like I was having a full blown argument going on inside my head. One side feeling like I should protect Jisoo and the other needing it’s curiosity to be fed.
I couldn’t help myself as I felt my hands move on their own. Before I knew it I had Jisoo’s contact open and I was hitting the call button. The familiar sound of the line ringing filled the room. I lifted the phone up to my ear and heard the other line open. “Y/N?” “Hey Jisoo, I have something that may be crazy, but I need your help with it.”
Thirty minutes later, Jisoo was sitting in my room with me. “So, this crazy scheme you need help with is it dangerous?” “Possibly, but I need to know. I need to find out what is going on around here.” Jisoo sighed, “Can you at least tell me the backstory about how you came to this idea? I need to know if I need to knock some sense into you or not.” I bit my lip and nodded, “It all started yesterday, when I had gone to check up on Hoseok.”
Jisoo sat back and listened to my entire story about what had gone down yesterday. I didn’t leave out a single detail. Even if I was embarrassed to talk about Hoseok and Jungkook. Jisoo sat in silence once I finished telling her all about what had gone down.
She finally sat up from her position and looked at me, “So who is it then?” “What do you mean?” “I’m talking about Jungkook and Hoseok. Which one are you going to go after?” “That’s not what this conversation was about, Jisoo!” “It wasn’t? Just my opinion but I think after how you described Jungkook, you should go with him. He’s a keeper.”
“I wasn’t asking for help on love, Jisoo! Plus, both of them are patients I can’t date them or have a relationship with them!” “Oh please, there was nowhere in the rulebook where it said you couldn’t.” “I know that, it just would seem wrong for me to be in a relationship with one of them.”
“Well, my opinion still stands, it seems you like Hoseok, but I say Jungkook won’t hurt you.” “First off, it doesn’t matter if I like Hoseok in that way, it won’t happen. Secondly, I don’t see Jungkook in that way really. I mean yeah he’s good looking, nice, and always there for me but I don’t think I see him as anything more than a good friend.” Jisoo sighed, “It’s your life, I won’t tell you what decision to make, but I like Jungkook more than this Hoseok dude.”
I sighed, “Now that we’ve talked about boys, can we get to the real problem?” “Alright, so what part of the story was meant to actually be the most important one other than the boys?” “The main point was that Hoseok was afraid of some pills and Mrs. Li.” “Why would he be scared of Mrs. Li? She’s a nice woman,” Jisoo stated.
“That’s what I don’t understand either, but Mrs. Li truly did look different that night. I’ve never seen her look like that or speak like that.” “So, you are suggesting that you think there’s something more going on, like Mrs. Li is behind something?” “Yes, I know it might sound crazy, but I’ve never seen Hoseok like that before. I even went to try to look into his medication but I couldn’t get one of them because of my credentials.”
“Which one? There’s not many that are off limits,” Jisoo asked. “Lithium, it’s used to help stabilize Hoseok’s emotions.” “That’s odd, Lithium is a common drug used for Bipolar disorder. You should be able to get it.” Jisoo told me. “That’s why I need your help, I saw that there was a name change on it and I need to know more about it.”
Jisoo sighed, “You know this could get both of us into a lot of trouble, right?” “Yes, but I have a really bad feeling that something could be wrong.” “I give up, I’ll help you. I can’t let you do it by yourself.” Jisoo smiled. I grinned at her response, “Thank you so much, Jisoo. I’ll take all the blame if we get caught.”
“Let’s not talk about that, instead tell me what I can do for you.” I played with my hands, “Well I need you to check me out for those Lithium pills so I can look into the name change and anything else. Anything you can find in the system about them would be helpful too.” “So you want me to invade other patient’s files?” “Yes?” I smiled apologetically.
“Alright, not like I don’t do it when I’m bored. Of course don’t tell Mrs. Li. Where else would I get all my gossip on patients from.” “What time does Mrs. Li not work?” I asked. “Anytime after midnight. She’s older so she gets more time off and sleeps at a normal time.”
“Meet me back here in five hours and we’ll go together?” “Anything for my baby,” Jisoo smiled. I smiled and hugged Jisoo. She really was my best friend. I loved her so much I couldn’t explain it. Not long after she left to go spend the rest of her time back at her room. I decided I would take a bath and relax for awhile, because tonight would definitely put my nerves at an all time high.
“Are you sure you’re okay doing this?” I asked for the nth time tonight. Jisoo rolled her eyes and grabbed my shoulders, “I’ve told you a million times that it was okay with me, now get a hold of yourself. We won’t get caught I won’t let it happen, okay?” I nodded and Jisoo let go of my shoulders as we stepped into the elevator together.
“Now when we get down there, I will need some time. About fifteen minutes or so, why don’t you go see Jungkookie or something.” “Are you serious?” “Very serious, I need the time to get into the system and pull all that stuff up, and I need for my ship to sail.” I grumbled nonsense under my breath. I got off at Jungkook’s floor and Jisoo waved happily at me before the doors closed again.
I set a timer on my watch so I would know when to leave. I knocked on Jungkook’s door and opened it. “What are you doing here, Y/N? It’s past midnight.” “I had some time to spare so I figured I’d spend it with you.” He smiled and patted a spot on his bed. I sat down and got comfortable, “I’m looking into it.”
He gave me a confused look, “Looking into what?” “What you said earlier about the possibility of there being something going on behind the scenes. My friend Jisoo is helping me access that information.”
“Can you trust her? She won’t get you in trouble or anything will she?” “I trust her with my life completely. I couldn’t think of anyone else but her that I trust more.” I said confidently. Jungkook nodded his head, “Did you find anything out yet?”
“I have a suspicion towards Mrs. Li of course, and a certain medication. For some reason it’s off limits to me and many other doctors. Not to mention, the fact that they changed it’s name so I’m going to look into it more.” Jungkook grabbed my hand, “Be careful, okay?” I smiled, “I will. I promise you’ll see me again tomorrow morning just like I was.”
He nodded. I looked at my watch, “I’ve gotta go. Jisoo should be ready by now.” “Bye, Y/N. Be careful, please.” I smiled and left. I took the elevator down and I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I could only hope my suspicions were wrong. I arrived at the pharmacy and saw Jisoo. I walked in quietly and walked behind the counter to look at what Jisoo was looking at.
“First off, here you go.” She handed me the prescription Lithium pills, “Those were the new ones that I could find. I already checked it out for you. I just need to wait for the system to scan the files.” We waited in anticipation. The room was dark except for the light of the computer monitor’s screen. The room silent except for our subtle breathing and the whirling of the computer. The screen flashed as the computer had finished it’s scan.
Jisoo looked at it and gasped, “I hate to say it, but you are right.” “Why? What’s wrong?” “This isn’t good at all…” She muttered. I shook her shoulder slightly, “What isn’t good, Jisoo? What’s wrong?”
She turned her head to me. Her eyes held fear,”All of the patients are taking this new Lithium pill.” “What? All of them?” She nodded, “Even the ones who don’t need it are being administered the pills.” “So what do you think is going on?” “I’m not sure, but it can’t be good. Looking at the active ingredients in those pills, I can’t even tell what some of them are used for.”
“So what should we do?” “We take that bottle and both of us are going to research into those ingredients.” I nodded and pocketed the bottle. “Another thing, Y/N, I need you to watch Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jungkook closely. We don’t know what is in those pills, but it can’t be good.” I nodded, “Should I tell them to not even take it?” “No, that’ll raise suspicion towards you. They’re going to have to take it until the two of us can figure this out.”
Suddenly, there were voices coming around the corner. Jisoo quickly turned the monitor off and grabbed my hand and pulled me down. She held my hand tightly and I covered my mouth. The glass door was pushed open slightly, a flashlight sweeping over the room. The person grunted and left the room. I released a shaky breath as I heard the voices and footsteps fade.
“We need to leave.” I nodded. Jisoo turned the monitor back on and quickly logged out of it. She turned the monitor back off and both of us bolted from the room. Once we were back in the elevator we both sighed. “When we get back up to your place, you need to hide those, Y/N.” “Okay.”
We got off on my floor and went into my room. “Where should I hide it?” “Somewhere only you would think of.” I nodded and looked around my room. I looked at my closet and had an idea. I moved boxes and a bunch of other items out of the way. I found my box of memories. I kept my most beloved things in here.
I grabbed the key from behind my nightstand and unlocked it. I slipped the pill bottle into the box and locked it again before carefully replacing the items.
“Girls night?” Jisoo smiled. I nodded. “I’ll grab the snacks” “I’ll grab the movie, you pick terrible movies.” I scoffed, “I do not pick terrible movies.” Jisoo gave me a teasing smile and we laughed. The two of us were trying to hide the unsettling feeling we both carried by using a distraction.
I finished grabbing the popcorn and drinks and fixed my bed. Jisoo was already laying in my bed and I handed her her drink and set the popcorn down in the middle of us. She started the movie and we sat in silence during the advertisements.
”So,” she looked at me, “how was it with Jungkook?”
#hoseok#jung hoseok#bts hoseok#bts jhope#jhope#bts hoseok x reader#jhope x reader#bts hoseok senarios#bts imagines#bts jungkook#jungkook#jeon jungkook#bts series#bts fanfic#bts fluff#bts angst#kpop fanfic#kpop#bts#jisoo#blackpink#bts yoongi#yoongi#bts suga#min yoongi#suga#mental
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Survey #233
lalala song lyrics i’m about to go home so copy/pasting time.
What subject do you seem to struggle with the most? Various forms of mathematics. Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube? Noooo. I don't have that dedication. What’s the worst feeling in the world? Specifically? Giving someone everything you have physically and emotionally with full force and finding out you weren't enough. Who do you think is the easiest to talk to? Sara, probably. What is your favorite genre of movie? Horror, probably. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? Being told I don't have strep throat. Do you have a favorite metal band or do you not like metal? Metal is my favorite genre. I claim a lot as "favorites," but the reigning king will always be Ozzy Osbourne. What’s your favorite kind of science? Genetics. What’s your homeroom? We don't have those in college. If you had to move, where would you move to? Well, my only choice would be to move in with my dad, his wife, and her son. I'm not financially independent. Who did you last go to the movies with? Dad. I think. Have you ever read anything written by Shakespeare? I'm not going to include things assigned in schools because everyone had to read like, Beowulf or something similar at some point. I once started to read the full Macbeth (we read a condensed version in school) during a hospital stay, but I didn't finish it. Who’s the cutest person you know? Have you fuckin SEEN Sara when she's excited because- How about the funniest? Girt's funny as fuck. What is your current desktop picture? An adorable meerkat pup looking at the camera al;sdjfal;kjwerads If you could be reincarnated into anything you wanted, what would it be? I don't know if I'd even want that, but let's just say I was. Maybe... I was gonna say a lioness, because they're high on the food chain, beautiful, and social animals, but yeah I'd prefer to not be poached. Perhaps a house cat. What talent would you like to have? I wish I could draw hyperrealistically. What New Year’s resolutions did you make? I don't make those. What are three songs that mean the most to you? "Pretty Woman" by Van Halen, "The Only Exception" by Paramore, and probably "It's Alright" by Mother Mother. What do you think of your parents? I love them. What is one thing you would do to make the world better? I wish with a snap of my fingers I could just make all litter disappear or something like that. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? ... Wow. I actually thought about it, and the first thing my mind drifted to was "go to Jason's just to see he's okay," and I don't like that. We pass his house every day to go to school and come back, and I think it's only natural that I get curious, particularly when his car is there, but I don't want to care. How much cash do you have on you right now? Just a few dollars from Mom to get something from the snack or drink machine from school if I need to. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life? Move on. Let go of people. Forgive. How do you measure intelligence? I dunno, how do you? Define the *type* of intelligence. What cartoons do you watch? None actively. Have you ever used drugs? Not illicit ones. Are you into tattoos? *blinks* Do you like photography? I fucking read this as "pornography" first aslkjweoaider. But yeah, I love love love photography. What’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever seen in real life? The only celebrity I think I've ever seen is Alice Cooper, and it was at a concert. What person in history do you admire most? I don't know enough about any historical figure to really answer this with passion. What is the most daring thing that you have done in public? I don't know considering I'm not that daring. Probably a kiss momentarily going too far or something. Are you afraid of anything that most people are not afraid of? Whale sharks lmao. But pregnancy is the biggie. Well, maybe most are to a mild degree at least, idk. Have you ever watched someone struggle with addiction? Yeah. Who do you look up to for your style? I don't look up to a certain person. If you were to invent something, what would it be? I don't know off the top of my head and I don't feel like sitting here- OH NO WAIT! Remember that one year deviantART's April Fools prank was that it produced some sort of technology where you could visualize a drawing, and by scanning your finger or some weird shit while you envisioned it, it could produce it on the screen? Yeah, something like that. I'd pay big bucks for something that could put my ideas on paper. Who would you like to get to know better? One of my RP partners that I've known since childhood. She's just extremely private online. What’s your favorite thing to order at a Chinese food restaurant? Pork fried rice is my jam. In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge the world faces today? Greed, probably. What have you achieved that you once thought was impossible? Getting over Jason. What have you tried to quit, but weren’t able to? Meat. Not for lack of motivation, but health needs. What was the last rumor that you heard? I don't know. What country star would you most like to meet and why? I'm not interested in meeting any. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? Overdose. What is the meaning of life? I don't pretend to know anymore. I think everyone gives their life its own meaning based on values, goals, beliefs, etc. Do you prefer cupcakes or muffins? That's hard, man. Depends on the kind, I guess. What is the funniest movie you’ve seen in your whole entire lifetime? White Chicks never fails to get me. What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had? My dad about to molest me. What’s your favorite amusement park ride? Merry-go-rounds lmao. Who are your musical influences? This seems like a question for an aspiring musician, which I'm not. What’s the best pick-up line that’s ever been tried on you? I don't know if anyone's ever tried one on me. How many drinks can you handle? I wouldn't really know as I've never reached the point of being drunk, but seemingly quite a few. Weak ones, anyway. If it has a high alcohol concentration, I'm not drinking that shit. What was the longest phone conversation you’ve ever had? Idk, most of the afternoon or evening. I think one occasion with an old best friend went past five hours. Do you know where you want to go to college? I'm happy at my current college. They care a lot about their students. Are you satisfied with the picture on your ID card? Permit, fuck no. School ID, it's alright. What fruit did you last eat? An apple. Aside from yourself, who was the last person to see you naked? My mom. How many classes are you taking? Four, currently. Jumping up to six next semester... though not really by choice. My adviser wants me to have like a safety net by having two classes I CAN drop if I need to, but she's realistic in pointing out that the school path I visualize doable for me will be a VERY slow one and ultimately cost so, so much more money, so she wants to nudge me along as best she can while keeping my limitations in mind. I'm definitely going to try the best I can to do this in four years, but yeah... unlikely. But that's okay to me, so long I get there in not TOO long of a time. Have you ever lost anything down a toilet? I don't think so... but I do recall when my older sister was tiny she flushed a little toy truck down the toilet. We had to get a plumber to save it lmao. I think my mom has kept the truck. Are you someone’s best friend? One of hers. Do you have any goldfishes? No. Have you ever had a pet that you disliked? I absolutely hate my sister's dog that for whatever fucking reason lives with Mom and me. Why we keep a dog that does nothing but annoy us and piss us off is a subject of more than frequent arguing. When was the last time you saw hail? I don't know, a long time ago. What color eyes do you prefer: Green or Brown? Green. Have you ever given a nickname to your pet(s)? Oh yeah. Of my living ones, I call Venus "Miss Venus" and "pretty girl" a whole lot, while Teddy has a whole lot, but mostly "booga," "bub(by)," "boogie," and "Teddy-boo." I just call Roman "butt" a lot, lmao. I don't really have a common one for Mitsu, but I sometimes use "baby girl," I think. Ever been on a boat before? Like, fishing boats. Which is better: Skiing or Snowboarding? I wouldn't know, never tried either. Can you change the oil on a car? I have no clue how. Ever ran out of gas? Not while I myself was driving. I don't even know if I've ever been in the car while that's happened. Favorite kind of sandwich? Most of the time just an 'ole pb&j. Best thing to eat for breakfast? mmmmmmm cinnamon rolls are the GOOD SHIT. Are you horny? Nah. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope. Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Lincoln logs or GET OUT. Are you stubborn? Yeah, most of the time. Are you afraid of heights? YEAH. Ever used a gun? Nooooo and I don't want to. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Idk if the guy who did my school ID card was an actual photographer? I dunno? Ever eat a pierogi? I hate those goddamn pockets of disgust. Favorite type of fruit pie? I dun like pie. I used to be okay with apple, though. Do you believe in ghosts? 110%. Ever have a deja-vu feeling? Yes because our world is just a simulation and it's a glitch- (I'm only semi-kidding btw idk I kinda believe it) Why do you think others get deja-vu? Because our world is just a simulation and it's a glitch- Take a vitamin daily? No. I need to, though. Wear a bath robe? No, I get dressed right after the shower. What do you wear to bed? Pajama pants and a tank top. First concert? Alice Cooper. Outside. During a thunderstorm. Shit was badass. Peanuts or sunflower seeds? Both are ew. I can handle a little bit of peanut better, though. Ever take dance lessons? I grew up taking a lot through middle school and some of high school. I tooook... clogging (I was embarrassingly good at that omg), jazz, modern (my fave), lyrical very briefly 'cuz I am NOT graceful, and hip hop. I always hated the music, but the dancing itself is fun. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? No. They can do whatever they aspire to. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yeah. Own any record albums? Not anymore, Mom sold them. I wish I had them now, ahhhh. I love 'em. Own a record player? No. Who would you like to see in concert? I am seeing Ozzy next year or I will fucking riot, Metallica, and Rammstein. Many others would be cool, but those are the biggies. I'd love to see Manson and Otep, but their shows are... yeah. They do gross and/or really disrespectful shit. Hot tea or cold tea? THERE ARE SO MANY TEA OR COFFEE QUESTIONS IN SURVEYS but they tend to be different so I just keep them in alsdjf;awe. The usual: I hate tea. Can you swim well? I guess I swim fine? DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ. I want a variety of music. Ever won a contest? A few, don't feel like trying to remember 'em. Ever have plastic surgery? No. Which are better black or green olives? Olives are fucking gross. Best room for a fireplace? Living room. Who was your high school crush? My first was either Sebastian or Kyle. Or Girt. Then Juan, though that crush was questionable if it was serious or not. He really flattered me a lot, but I've told the story before plenty. Idk if the emotion was romantically reciprocated, though honestly I think it was mostly because of his reputation? I only knew him as extremely sweet. BUT ANYWAY, after that, do I even need to say "Jason?" When he came along, whether or not I really liked Juan was totally forgotten. What do you believe happens to us after death? Hell if I know. Have you ever cheated on someone? No. Does the thought of growing old frighten you? More like the thought of my body deteriorating does. Have you ever hurt someone for your own entertainment? um the fuck. I've done it out of heartbreak and pain, but never for my entertainment. What is your favorite song of all time? Of all time, probably "False Flags" by Massive Attack. Has anyone you’ve known died on a holiday? Possibly, idk. If you could write a book, what would it be about? Sometimes I wish I could make a series out of the meerkat RP I engage in, but I don't have the motivation or dedication for that. And I wouldn't be comfortable revising our "tribute" characters for the sake of legality and just respect in general. What are some lyrics that speak to your soul? "For such a little thing, you sure are in your own way" from a Mother Mother song. I'm not exactly small for a human ha ha, but in the scope of the universe perspective, we're all less than microscopic. Have you ever been in love with more than one person at the same time? Not in love, not. Attracted to, yeah. What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you? I remember, though it's a tad blurry, the occasion I was having a serious "grieving session" for Jason at Colleen's house, and her sister was there alone with me. She was talking me through it and grabbed my shoulders at one point, looked me dead in the eye, and told me so firmly yet gently how beautiful a person I was and that I deserved the world and more. I won't forget that, like ever. Do you have any taboo fetishes or preferences? No. What is the thing you are most ashamed of? I've talked about this enough. Well, that or just being a general "this is all your goddamn fault and I am the only victim here" cunt to Jason following the breakup. Actually, yeah, I'm probably more ashamed of that. What is the emotion you seem to feel most strongly? Hm. Embarrassment? Heartbreak? Love? Idk. Do you think of yourself as a unique person? Yeah, honestly. I mean not incredibly, but unique, yeah. What is a movie from childhood that you loved? I've talked about TLK and Finding Nemo and that kinda stuff a lot, so here's a STUPIDLY underrated one: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. That movie is fuckin beautiful wtf. Are you afraid of death? Aren't we all at least to a small degree? What are your top three biggest fears, actually? Losing my mom, being raped, and all those I love just abandoning me. Do you have an accent of any kind? You can detect a Southern one sometimes. What do you want to be remembered for? Sending a message of love, especially to animals. Are you currently sad about anything? I am literally permanently sad about my weight, though it's not like, an *active* sadness at this very moment? Have you ever changed your spiritual beliefs? Three times now. Catholic to Christian to theist. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? MARGARITAS gotDAMN Do you ever talk to yourself? Sure. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep in your adult life? Oh yeah. What do you think is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? "Thanks for sending me to the ER again." Fucking bitch. Do you have a favorite book? If so, how many times have you read it? Johnny Got His Gun and The Outsiders. Only read both once. I almost never read a book more than that. Have you ever wished you were from another country? Half the time, especially as an adult, I wish I lived in Canada. What are you thinking about currently? My throat is absolutely killing me and I'm ready to leave school. What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable to speak about? I'm more uncomfortable talking about sex than I used to think. Do you have anything you are extremely particular about? When I'm in the passenger seat controlling the music? Oh my god, Mom, DON'T turn the volume down manually. I can do that on my iPod myself, but can only turn it back UP but so loud as it gets lower by the car itself. She knows I turn it down when we're talking, she is, or we slow down, but she does it anyway sometimes and I get unreasonably annoyed by it. Have you ever seen the ocean? Only the Atlantic. What is your most fond memory of your current S.O, if applicable? THE FIRST KISS Y'ALL it was fuckin CHEESY but I LOVE IT Do you find yourself confused often? Oh hell yeah. What was the best time of your life? It's so funny to me how I can answer "2017," the very same year I OD'd. That's rapid growth, my friend. Have you ever been on a cruise? No. Do you miss any of your exes? I only miss the memories of him. Are you religious? I mean I believe in some ultimate creator, but I don't really like calling myself "religious" anymore. I don't worship it, I don't pray to it. I'm thankful to exist, but that's. It, I guess. ANY entity I would respect wouldn't demand me to kiss its feet. Do you think you are attractive? HELL NO. How many people have you slept with? Do you mean like, as in having sex? One. Slightly fooled around with, two, including the previously-mentioned guy. Do you consider yourself a catch? Besides my looks, I do think I'm a good girlfriend. What kind of sauce do you eat your chicken nuggets with? Honey mustard, actual mustard... that kinda stuff. What do you think you could do to improve your life? Get a goddamn job, I'm just really not capable right now. What song is playing right now? "Hag" by Otep. What is your LJ name? I don't have a LiveJournal. I don't even want to EXIST on the same site with a particular fat-headed, bigoted fuck of a bitch. Holy shit I've nearly made an account multiple times JUST to talk that cunt back to Earth. What was the most recent movie you watched? UHHHHHHHH I don't remember actually. How many times have you got stitches? UHHHH twice or thrice? What are your pets’ species and names? I'm excluding the dog I hate because he's not even "mine." Teddy is a beagle/cocker spaniel/probably something else mix. Roman is a cat mix; he seems to have Siamese or something similar in 'im. Mitsu is a fancy rat. Venus is a champagne ball python. What is your most recent musical crush? Mark is a fucking singer, DON'T EVEN @ ME ABOUT IT. Which is better; immense heat or extreme coldness? God, the latter. I literally can't handle like anything above 70 for even like 10 minutes. It's not just that I find heat uncomfortable, but I sweat to a disgusting degree and get extremely weak, dizzy, and sometimes nauseous. Do you have a disease? Just mental ones. I have at least one physical disorder, but not a disease. Do you like gore? BITCH yes. Especially in art. It's the smell irl I can't really handle, as well as seeing like, human gore, but also exclusively in the real world. It feels too personal and close to home, y'know? Do you stutter? YEP. Name a cool person you have lost touch with? Megan, particularly. Who was the friendliest person you have met on the internet? MAN, I don't know if I could pick!! Maybe uhhhh... Megan again? She was nice to like... everyone. Or Connie for the same reason, and she's also chill as hell. I really don't know, I've met a load of great people. Name a song that is overplayed. I don't listen to the radio, so. What websites do you visit frequently? Kalahari Manor, deviantART, YouTube, Facebook, the Silent Hill wiki to make sure it's not exploding from mental cases again to not make it to fucking video game and horror sites/blogs again, and especially lately, Tumblr. There's more, but those are the regularly frequent ones. Does counting sheep help you fall asleep? Never tried. What is the biggest mystery? Where the universe came from and why.
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The Daleks - Doctor Who blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this serial yet, you may want to before reading this review)

When Doctor Who was first conceived back in 1963, it was originally intended to be an educational show. Stories set in the past would be used to teach kids about history and stories set in the future or on other worlds would be used to teach children about science. The one thing creator Sydney Newman specified was that there was to be no ‘bug eyed monsters.’ This stance soon changed when comedy writer Terry Nation pitched a script and producer Verity Lambert pushed for its inclusion in the show. At the time it had the working title of The Survivors. Today we know it as The Daleks. Doctor Who would never be the same again...
The TARDIS lands in the middle of a petrified jungle on an alien world. The trees have turned to stone, the soil is barren and there are no signs of life. The only trace of civilisation is a large metal city, which hides a great menace inside.
The Daleks is a seven part serial and its opening is probably one of the best in Doctor Who history. Terry Nation does an excellent job building up intrigue and suspense. The Doctor and Susan’s curiosity toward this alien planet coupled with Ian and Barbara’s shock and fear is extremely engaging.I love the look and feel of Skaro. It’s bleak, haunting, mysterious and truly nothing like our own world. Same goes for the metal city. The production design team clearly put a lot of effort into creating the architecture and technology of the Daleks, using them to give us a unique insight into their culture. It’s cold, oppressive and clinical, much like the Daleks themselves. The scene where Barbara is running through the corridors of the city as doors quietly slide shut behind her, trapping her inside, is legitimately terrifying. And then it all culminates in the first big reveal of the Daleks in the second episode. Truly one of the most iconic Who moments.
The overwhelming success of the Daleks comes down to three things. The first is obviously Raymond Cusick’s now iconic design. The way they silently glide across the room is eery and there is nothing warm or comforting about the machines. They’re designed for a specific purpose, to house and transport the Dalek creature inside, and that is all. Everything else is an irrelevance to them. The second is the voice. The Daleks were originally voiced by Peter Hawkins, using a ring modulator to give them their memorable, staccato voice and he does an amazing job. The way they coldly bark orders is really disconcerting, but it’s not just that. We often associate the Daleks with hatred, but that’s not what we see here in these early Dalek serials. What Hawkins does especially well is conveying an almost claustrophobic panic in the Daleks. As cold and as logical as they are, they always seem to be teetering on the brink of hysteria, which helps give a further insight into the Daleks’ personalities. They’re not in these machines by choice. They’re trapped in them and they hate it. The third is Terry Nation’s writing. As alien as the Daleks are, they come from a very real place and are inspired by legitimate fears Nation had growing up and I believe that is what allowed the Daleks to connect with so many people and endure for as long as they have.
Terry Nation grew up during World War II and developed a profound fear of the Nazis as well as atomic weapons like the kind that were used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It’s these fears that Nation taps into with his script. The Daleks are his post-WWII nightmare made reality. Two races, the Dals and the Thals, fighting a global war for years that ultimately wiped out their entire planet. Of course it’s no secret that the Daleks were based on the Nazis, but it’s in this story where, in my opinion, the allegory is best handled and most effective. Watching The Daleks, it’s amazing how much is left to subtext. It’s not like in New Who where the Doctor or some other character has to sit everyone down like tiny children and explain everything. Through the different bits of lore as well as visual clues, we’re able to make the connections for ourselves. Just as the Nazis used the Jews as a convenient scapegoat for their own problems, the Daleks use the Thals. It would seem rather than being genetically engineered to hate, the Daleks prime motivation is jealousy toward the Thals and their development. The nuclear fallout of the neutron bomb that destroyed Skaro caused both the races to mutate, but whereas the Dals turned into the hideous, amoeboid Daleks, the Thals’ mutation came full circle. Now they’re beautiful, Aryan farmers who can move about freely and adapt their new surroundings. The Daleks cannot. They can’t move without their machines, they can’t survive without radiation and they can’t even move out of the confines of their city because the Dalek machines draw their power from the static electricity in the metallic floors. They’re completely trapped and so take their aggression and frustration out on the Thals.
By far the most telling example of this is when the Daleks test the Thals’ anti radiation drugs on themselves and discover they cannot survive without radiation, Underneath the menace and coldness of the Daleks is something tragic and slightly pathetic about them. Rather than find a way to adapt to the new environment, they instead try to bombard Skaro’s atmosphere with radiation and kill off the last Thals. As malicious and heartless as they are, there is also an element of childishness about them. It’s a spiteful “if I can’t have what I want, no one can” kind of attitude and turns the Daleks from being ranting pepper pots to three dimensional villains.
It’s not just the Daleks that get all the depth and complexity. The Thals too are explored really well, mostly through the character of Alydon, played by John Lee. Originally warriors, the Thals are now stark pacifists who shy away from all forms of conflict because they fear of what another war could do to the planet and their livelihood. See this is why I had such a bee in my bonnet about New Who’s insistence that pacifism is always good because Classic Who and this story in particular says the complete opposite. The Thals are nice people who want nothing more than to build bridges with the Daleks and help restore the planet, but the Daleks don’t want that. So what do they do? Live and let live isn’t an option here. As Ian says, “pacifism only works if everybody feels the same.” As I’ve said in previous reviews, no sane person wants to resort to violence, but sometimes in times of crisis or war there’s simply no other choice. If the Thals don’t stand and fight, they’ll be wiped out. Just like how if us Brits didn’t stand and fight, the Nazis would have just walked all over us in WWII. Sometimes violence is necessary and that’s precisely what the Thals have to contend with.
Alydon, a stoic but compassionate man, has take on the burden of looking after his tribe when their leader is killed by the Daleks in a trap. John Lee does an excellent job conveying the character’s internal struggle. Which is better? To follow the teachings of his leader and die with honour or to break with tradition in order to survive? Could there be a risk of the Thals becoming just as bad as the Daleks if they choose aggressive tactics? Of course this is a false equivalency. With the rise of the alt-right in modern times, people incorrectly assume that those who take an aggressive stance against oppressors are just as bad as the oppressors themselves when in reality there’s a big difference between those who choose violence for self serving purposes and self aggrandisement and those who choose violence to protect themselves or others from dangerous acts. And it’s this that’s ultimately spelt out in the last episode. Yes the Thals resort to the same violent tactics as the Daleks, but there is no moral equivalence between the two due to their motivations. Both races desire survival, but the Daleks pursue violence for the sake of malice and spite whereas the Thals ultimately resorted to violence purely for self defence. If there had been another way, they would have took it, as Alydon expresses when the Daleks finally die, That’s what makes them better than the Daleks. They take no pleasure from the violence or the killing, but they know if they don’t fight, they will die.
Another Thal character I really liked was Ganatus, played by Phillip Bond. He’s much more anxious and out spoken than Alydon and when his more cowardly brother dies, he briefly loses all hope, but it’s his relationship with Barbara that pulls him through. Both share a brief flirtation over the course of the story and it’s fun to watch because we get to see both make a transformation. Barbara initially starts off incredibly fearful of this alien world, but grows more confident as the story goes along. The two essentially help each other throughout the narrative until by the end they’ve become better, more stronger versions of themselves. It’s good character development and definitely a highlight of the latter episodes of the serial for me.
I haven’t spoken much about the main cast, have I? Truth be told there isn’t much to say other than they were great. The story is much more about the Daleks and the Thals than about the Doctor and co, but there are still great moments with them. While the four are initially at odds when the Doctor tricks everyone into exploring the city by pretending the TARDIS’ fluid link was broken, we start to see them slowly come together as a unit for the first time. The scene where they work together to kill the Dalek in order to escape from their cell was a particular highlight for me because it allowed each character to work together and play a crucial part. Same goes for the two pronged attack with the Doctor, Susan and Alydon attacking the city from the front and Ian, Barbara and Ganatus sneaking in from the back. Ensemble casts rarely work in Doctor Who, in my opinion, but this is a great example of each character having a significant part to play and receiving crucial development.
Any weak links? Well... the cheapness of the sets can be a bit off-putting. Clearly the BBC only had the budget for three Daleks because there are scenes where there is supposed to be lots of them and they had to make do with cardboard cutouts propped up awkwardly against the wall. Also they do attempt to make the corridors of the city look longer than they actually are by putting up painted backdrops that don’t look very convincing. And if I’m being honest, I thought the episodes with Ian, Barbara and Ganatus and everyone mountain climbing to the Dalek city was a bit pointless. Well written for the most part, don’t get me wrong, but it did feel like the plot had screeched to a halt.
The Daleks is easily one of the best stories in all of Doctor Who, serving as a brilliant sci-fi parable and a cautionary tale about the dangers of right wing extremism and unchecked nuclear armament. The simple fact of the matter is Doctor Who wouldn’t be where it is today without this story. Viewing figures doubled over the course of the story and public and critical response was overwhelmingly positive. The British public loved the Daleks and there was already talks of a sequel not long after. The BBC had a smash hit on their hands and it was all thanks to a ‘bug eyed monster.’ If you haven’t already, you should definitely check this one out. It’s a classic for a reason :D
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