#i’ve barely even started it 💔
astralisstar · 4 months
art dump heh… 😈
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scorpihoe1111 · 7 months
💔Chiron In the Houses💔
Chiron in your chart can tell you which part of your life is a touchy subject for you. Depending on the house it’s in, it can reveal the themes of your life that may have affected you greatly, or an area in your life that you may be insecure about.
Chiron in the 1H🧍🏼‍♀️
Something you may have struggled with through out your life is your appearance/self esteem. Those with this placement may have been bullied for their looks or something about them physically has been commented on/brought attention to plenty of times. The type of person to invest in plastic surgery they may not even need, or lose/gain a few extra pounds when their body is fine as it is. This placement, ironically enough; is found in people who overdo themselves with enhancements/plastic surgery/makeup etc even when it’s unnecessary. Prone to facial/body dysmorphia. What I find interesting however is that this placement usually naturally glows up at some point in their life as they get older, but the scars still remain; so they usually can continue being insecure for a long time and/or can seem to accept or believe any compliments given to them until they heal.
Chiron in the 2H💴
Similar to chiron in the 1H, this placement struggles with self worth/self esteem to a heightened degree, however instead of stemming from appearance it stems more so from financial instability/self worth in general. This placement could have grew up in a financially unstable environment and family where money wasn’t always present, and their needs were barely met; let alone their wants. These are the people who didn’t grow up with the latest video game, the newest car, the nicest house, expensive clothes/shoes. These were the people who had or barely had enough to get by growing up. Growing up they could have been surrounded by people who had more than them, or at least had more basic necessities than they did which in turn caused them to get judged or bullied. This is a placement that people are looked down upon for not having/affording nice things. This placement usually makes one an extremely hard worker growing up so they can have everything they didn’t have when young and not have to deal with it again. Without healing this wound however, these people could be prone to growing up superficial and judgmental just like their bullies in youth. They can start judging others who have less than them, and assessing others worth by what they have materially; because this is how they were treated growing up.
Chiron in the 3H🧠
These people could have struggled in school and may have been held back in grades. A slow learner, to say the least. They may have had a hard time learning and/or dropped out of high school or college. These people also may struggle with speech difficulties, could have grew up with a stutter or wasn’t able to speak/process things properly throughout their childhood and they could have been bullied for this. They could have been made to feel “stupid”, “slow” or “dumb” to their peers or family. They also may have simply grew up naive or very child like, maybe even sheltered and people could have traumatized them once they discovered the real world. This placement could also NOT get along with their siblings. People with this placement I know have been taunted, mistreated, or on the receiving end of jealousy by siblings both in childhood and adulthood.
Chiron in the 4H🏠 TW: ABUSE
These people could have had a very negative upbringing or family life. Home life was unstable, the father or mother could have not been very involved. I’ve noticed people with these placements could have been physically, emotionally or even sexually abused at home. Could have had a step parent that was abusive or one or both of the parents could have passed away. Some people with this placement could have been in foster care and/or traveled house to house to live with relatives/others who will take them in. They could of grew up with a lot of fighting in the house, I also noticed people with this placement could of had a parent that had an affair and this could of changed the whole trajectory of the home. If no abuse, then these people could have also been heavily mistreated or neglected in their family and almost treated like a stranger, and very outcasted within their family as well. These are the people who usually move out as soon as they can as they grow up and cut all contact immediately from family. Family could used the individual for personal gain. The family could have been extremely toxic, misogynistic, racist, overtly religious and/or diagnosed with mental illnesses such as NPD.
Chiron in the 5H🧑🏻‍🍼
These people struggle to be themselves and step outside the box. This placement is one where you’re afraid to accept any praise, as you feel you’re undeserving. These people usually feel like they’re not supposed to be happy or have nice things. They could have grew up with a negative, bitter family who influenced them to be overly humble to the point of self hatred. These were the people where the family could have threw things that they do for them in their face, even those it was basic necessities. “I put a roof over your head and food in your mouth!” this placement could of grew up feeling like they owe their parents something for bare minimum treatment. These people weren’t allowed to express themselves, to be themselves or to make their own decisions growing up. They were almost always practically controlled by their parents into being their personal robot. They feel guilty for enjoying themselves, loving themselves, having a good time or even just being happy. This is the ultimate placement that’s giving “If I can’t, why should you”. Not that it’s their fault, but I’ve never met a person with this placement who wasn’t the ultimate party pooper. Without healing, these people could grow up to become judgmental and bitter towards those who are living their best life. They could also struggle with fertility issues as well.
Chiron in the 6H🖊️
I feel like this placement is ridiculously hard on themselves no matter what they achieve in life. These are the people who I can honestly say are over givers, yet they feel like they’re still not giving enough. They could have struggled with keeping a set routine for themselves or even practicing basic hygiene growing up. But this is because this placement is a placement where nobody taught them anything that they know, they had to learn everything on their own. These people could be called lazy for wanting to take a simple break. Their lives usually revolve around work or doing their job. They can also be the type of people who is always trying to make everyone else happy except for themselves. I usually see people with this placement get taken advantage of because of their overly giving and forgiving nature. The reason these people are the way they are is because they grew up in a household that never gave them anything they have. They always felt like they had to prove themselves to others that they’re worthy of basic human decency. They do their best to help and do nice things for others because they were practically on their own soon as they came out of the womb. :(
Chiron in the 7H👩‍❤️‍👨
Oh boy, this placement is harsh. Those with Chiron in the 7H are people who have been deeply traumatized by love/relationships. These people usually end up with really bad partners who end up cheating, using, degrading and/or abusing them. I find this placement similar to Saturn in the 7H, however Chiron here is way more intense. These people feel like they keep going through the same cycle over and over in regards to love. They could have been traumatized by multiple relationships but the people I’ve met with this placement usually have that 1 relationship that changed their whole outlook on love in general. This is somebody who’s went through so many manipulative mind games in love that they start to lose hope. Once healed however, those with this placement end up becoming very mature and healthy individuals in regards to love and relationships. These people usually find “the one” once they start healing from the trauma of this placement. If unhealed, Relationships/marriage to people with this placement slowly start to lose its appeal once they get older because they put it in their mind that every man/woman is the same. Unfortunately, people who have been disappointed enough times with this placement start to turn so bitter that they become a misandrist/misogynist at some point in time. That’s why it’s important to heal if you have this placement, because it’s a harsh one that really starts to affect the mind internally.
Part 2 is on its way ☺️
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star-girl69 · 3 months
After Midnight
Caroline (KK) Harvey x Fem!Reader
synopsis: flirting with the star hockey player at the frat party isn’t what you would normally do, but it’s after midnight and something about the lights is making everything a little hazy.
feel free to send requests!!! 🫶🫶
a/n: GUYS PLEASE. PLEASE IGNORE THIS. i’m sorry i’ve betrayed all my morals… but i cant sit idly by while my fellow kk lovers suffer… i hope you all enjoy!!
After Midnight - Chappell Roan
warnings: not proofread!!!, ALCOHOL!!! we are in a FRAT people!!, some swearing ofc, super brief barely there mentions of violence and such, kk is taller than reader by like an inch suck it idc i do what i want, super brief mention of y/n having hair (length unspecified), idk like a bit of kissing and some somewhat suggestive thoughts… y/n is a freak 💔, i’ve never flirted with anyone before how do you do this, so probs inaccurate, i don’t know anything about hockey just prefacing this, i also don’t know how college works rip, as chappell roan said: “i love a little drama, let’s start a bar fight, cause everything good happens after midnight”
“Shit, babe, you look fuckin’ hot.”
This entire night is almost painful for you. Stepping out of your comfort zone on any level is always an adjustment, but trading your early nights in with homework and Netflix for a sexy dress showing everything in all the right and wrong places- is especially hard.
You almost cringe touching the velvet fabric of your revealing dark red shirt, staring at someone in the mirror you don’t even recognize.
“Jackie,” you mumble to your best friend and roommate, “I think it’s.. too much.”
Jackie tilts her head to the side, short dirty blonde hair swaying with the movement. She’s only humoring you, you can tell. “Nope. Perfect.”
You look at the pictures stuck in the slats of the mirror. Pictures of you, Jackie, and the other girl in your trio, Tyla, faces pressed together in bright smiles from various adventures from your freshman year at college.
It was such a relief when Jackie was the sweetest girl and an amazing person to share a dorm with, but when she brought along her best friend Tyla from a few doors down- the three of you fell into a quick and beautiful friendship, like the ones in the movies.
Jackie and Tyla were definitely more on the party girl side than the study girl side, but that was what was so great about your friendship. You reminded them that they did in fact have homework, and they pushed you to do things like this every once in a while.
This was the first time you had ever suggested it. Midterms were over- it would be wrong to not celebrate. To breathe in the few seconds you had left as a freshman, before it all got turned up again for sophomore year.
“Okay,” Jackie breathes, clasping her hands in front of her chest. “Take a deep breath, babe. The fit is a lot, yes, but it’s gorgeous. I mean, damn, where have you been hiding that ass?”
You bite your lip, eyes tearing away from the pictures, meeting Jackie’s eyes in the reflection.
“My ass does look really good,” you concede.
“Hell yeah it does!” Jackie shouts, smiling brightly. “Don’t be nervous, okay? It’s just some random frat party. We can go sit outside if it gets too much.”
It’s break. It’s Friday night. You look good, however uncomfortable you are.
“Fuck,” you mumble. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.”
“You’re good?”
“I’m just gonna do a few shots when we get there.”
“That’s my girl.”
Jackie thinks for a moment. “Besides, I think it’s a party to celebrate the girls hockey team winning a game, or something like that. The attention is gonna be far away from you. But…”
She trails off, picking at a piece of thread hanging from her comforter.
“What?” You ask, heart jumping to your throat in fear.
“Dylan might be there,” she shrugs.
Dylan wasn’t even that big of a problem, just a boy you had overzealously dated right when you got to college, when you were adjusting and still kind of lonely, only to find out his obsessive, stalker-ish personality was literal hell to be in a relationship with.
After maybe a week of constant love-bombing and clinginess, you broke up with him- and he tried for literal months to get your attention before he finally seemed to give up.
Once in a while, you’d see him at these parties, and he’d stare at you in a way that was probably supposed to be sexy, but was only weird and uncomfortable.
“Who gives a fuck about him?” You ask, your own surprise reflected in Jackie’s face.
“Damn, girl. Yeah, you’re fuckin’ right. Who gives a fuck about his sad ass?”
“I don’t,” you scoff, refusing to let him ruin your night.
The bathroom door slams open suddenly, revealing Tyla in an even more revealing black dress. Skin tight with cut outs showing her dark skin.
“Jesus Christ, I pity the other girls at that bar.” Tyla runs her hands down her sides, smiling brightly in a way that can only be joking.
And you laugh, and you laugh when she softly bumps you away from the mirror and admires herself even more.
Because of this rash decision to go out, Tyla hadn’t done her usual shopping for the pregame so you were forced to go to the party early- which Tyla actually groaned at and complained about how “embarrassing” it was. But after a few shots, that embarrassment fell away and she was back to being the funny, confident girl you knew her as.
You talked amongst the three of you, and with the two boys who were acting as bartenders, until more and more people slowly started filing in and the sky got dark. It was probably close to 10pm by the time the party really got busy, and those first two hours faded into a montage of alcohol stinging your throat and the sounds of your best friends laughing.
When the hockey team finally arrived, you were sitting on a couch with your girls, Tyla talking in this played-up sensual voice to a random boy who had taken an interest in her, while you and Jackie were busy scouting out the new arrivals and the different kinds of alcohol they placed on the table.
Even if Jackie hadn’t off-handedly mentioned it earlier, you quickly would have found out who this party was for. A large group of girls walked into the party, immediately met with cheers and shots, swarmed with alcohol and congratulations.
Some guy, probably one who actually lived in this house, whipped out a shitty megaphone and shouted their arrival, but it wasn’t even that loud.
Even you, however studious you were, knew about the girl’s hockey team. A bunch of them had played on the Olympic team a few years ago, and all the students of this D1 school were generally pretty proud that the Wisconsin team had won the most national championships.
Most of them were wearing their jerseys, but a few had dressed up. The girl’s hockey team was probably the hottest, most talented group of girls to ever be within 100 feet of you.
It was almost unfair how all of them were so beautiful and so talented, but you suppose that the rigorous workout schedules of Olympic and national athletes didn’t leave a lot of room for anything other than a fuck ton of muscles.
God, half of them towered over you and all of them could probably break your wrist with just a flick.
It was impressive.
What was most impressive, though, is the way the infamous Caroline Harvey walked in carrying about 27 cases of beer, which must have weighed as much as this fucking house, and effortlessly set it all on the ground beside the table full of red solo cups, chasers, and bottles of vodka.
Cheers rang out and people scrambled towards it, ripping the cardboard boxes open greedily and opening them just as fast.
You watched, hiding your parted mouth with your hand, as Caroline accepted an open beer from someone, cheers with a few of her teammates and drank a long sip. When she was done, she laughed and lifted her shirt to her mouth to wipe off some stray liquid, a movement that let just a sliver of her toned abs peek through.
“Holy fuck,” you whispered, quickly looking to the floor and deciding hockey was your new favorite sport.
You knew her from around campus, you both liked to study in the library at the same time- around 3 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and it became kind of tradition to just stare at her for a few minutes in between sections of your work. Almost like some weird little reward. You did feel kind of bad about it, but fuck, there was no way you could stop.
Besides, it’s not like she noticed.
You always sat on opposite sides of the library, and she never once even looked in your direction. What Caroline didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, and you never see her unless it’s at the library or in passing at parties. But, God, doesn’t it feel good to just relish in how beautiful she is and stare for just a bit.
“Y/N, babe.”
Jackie knocked herself into you, her knees tucked up to her chest, some sort of a smile on her face.
“What’cha doin’?” She asks, smiling in a way that can only be described as evil. “Starin’? Hockey player pique your interest, huh?”
“No,” you say, forcing a laugh into your voice and rolling your eyes. “Just lookin’ at all the commotion.”
You’re trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, but now that Jackie’s mentioned it- those abs did pique your interest. And now they came flashing behind your eyes every time you blink.
“Oh, my God, I think I’m in heat,” you mumble, slightly to yourself and slightly to Jackie.
She wraps a lazy arm around your shoulder, letting out a sigh. “Oh, sweet girl, don’t worry. I’ve got you. Which one is it?”
“Caroline,” you mumble, so quiet and so sudden before you can really think about it.
Jackie hums, tilting her head to the side. “Don’t know a whole lot about her, but I heard she had a girlfriend freshman year, so definitely into girls. Not dating anyone right now, though. Olympian, hockey player, all that sexy stuff.”
“Mhmmmmm,” you mumble, sneaking a quick glance and then looking away immediately when she takes another sip of her drink, not wanting to know what would happen if you caught another glimpse of those god-sent abs.
“You gonna do somethin’ about it?” Jackie asks, nudging your head with hers.
“No, no,” you dismiss. “Just… being a freak. Admiring. God, I’m pathetic.”
Jackie laughs, abruptly standing and pulling you to your feet too. “Come on, babe, time for more drinks, let’s get your mind off of this if you’re not gonna make a move.”
You roll your eyes but follow her to the table of drinks farthest away from Caroline and the other hockey players. You’re not going to do anything, it’s not like you have a chance, and you’re just bored without schoolwork to occupy your every thought.
You take a deep breath, standing next to Jackie and surveying your options. Jackie choses for the both of you, definitely the more experienced party girl, mixing a drink that is majority vodka, making you groan slightly just at the thought of it.
“Here you go!” Jackie smiles, placing the red solo cup into your hand, smiling like she’s not trying to give you alcohol poisoning. Her gaze fixes on something behind you, and you faintly register the way her eyes light up- already a little tipsy from the few shots you’ve done- but you can’t even be bothered to question why.
You eye your drink suspiciously, mentally preparing yourself for the taste.
“Whoops,” Jackie mutters, and you look up at her only to feel her push you back.
“Jackie-” you start, angry, and she quickly scurries away from you. You want to kill her a little bit, at least question her- but you don’t get the chance to.
You gasp as you slam into someone behind you, drink splashing all over your front, alcohol mixing with the rich velvet texture of your shirt in a way that might very well ruin it. You bite your lip, glancing around the room, grateful that the room is so crowded and busy that no one noticed.
“Damn Harvey, knockin’ girls over on and off the ice,” someone laughs. You think you hear the sound of someone lightly hitting another person, followed by a small “ow.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
You turn around, Jackie nowhere to be found, and completely freeze when you realize not only did the person you slammed into have enough decency to ask if you were okay, but that person was fucking Caroline Harvey.
You would have laughed at how cliche it was if you weren’t so secretly exhilarated. The only reason you even had this drink was to stop shamefully staring at her.
But she’s right in front of you… and she looks even better like this, cheeks slightly flushed already from the alcohol, a glint in her eyes.
Her eyes meet yours, staring at you in obvious confusion and concern- “Hey? You okay?”
She places her hand on your waist and you suddenly return back into your body, looking anywhere but her eyes that were literally fucking drowning you.
“I’m sorry,” you gasp. “I-I’m fine. I’m just, like, really drunk.” You laugh, awkwardly, trying to pretend that you’re talking to just anyone. Trying to pretend like her hand on your waist wasn’t the hottest thing you’ve ever experienced.
She smiles, Jesus Christ that fucking smile, your knees go a little weak.
“Oh, good. Would be a shame if that pretty head got a concussion.”
You laugh, staring at her smile. Intoxicating. It’s the only word that comes to mind- maybe enchanted. She’s like some drug, and, God, it’s so stupid but you think you might be addicted after hearing her voice just once.
And, the suddenly, so vividly you almost fall over again, you realize what she said to you.
“Here, let me help you,” she says, effortlessly taking the now pretty much empty red solo cup from you and placing it on the table behind you, wrapping her arm around your waist and leading you to what you assume is a bathroom, probably where she was originally going. “I’m Caroline, but you can call me KK.”
Your mouth is slightly agape as she leads you through the crowd, and you suddenly pass by Jackie who gives you a big smile and a thumbs up- disappearing into the crowd before you can curse her name.
Fuck it. She’s right in front of you. The alcohol is getting to your head, the dim lighting is making everything hazy- everything except her pretty blue eyes and her intoxicating smile.
“KK,” you say, testing the nickname. “That’s cute. I’m Y/N.”
“That’s cute,” she echoes, and the way you can hear the smile on her voice seriously makes you almost fall over.
Thankfully, the bathroom she leads you to is kind of out of the way, it’s completely empty and the door clicks behind the two of you.
Your mood immediately deflates when you see yourself in the mirror, your top noticeably darker where sticky alcohol has sunk into the fabric.
“Fuck,” you mumble, peeling the sticky fabric from your skin.
Before you can even think to do anything, Caroline- KK- is running a random hand towel under the sink and gesturing to you. You expect her to hand it to you- but she doesn’t.
“Okay if I touch you?”
God in Heaven.
“Y-yeah,” you choke out, feeling your world literally recalibrate when she puts her hand on your shoulder- so fucking close to your neck- to keep you steady. You always thought it was the stereotype that basketball players have big hands, but apparently hockey players do too.
Her hand is really warm. This bathroom is suddenly really warm. Your cheeks are heating up, and as much as you try to tell yourself it’s from the alcohol- you know it’s not.
“Sorry,” she mumbles after a few more seconds. “I don’t think this is gonna do much. Maybe try putting it in the wash, though.”
You sigh, now turned sideways, hip to the bathroom sink, looking at yourself out of the corner of your eye.
“It’s fine, my friend… bumped into me, and then I backed up straight into you. Not your fault.”
You look up at her, realizing at this close proximity that she’s taller than you, maybe only an inch.
“I might just go home,” you sigh, feeling kind of disgusting in this nasty shirt.
A frown immediately forms on her face.
“Party’s just started, though. Can’t go home yet, baby.”
She wants you to die. She literally wants you to die. She’s secretly an assassin, and you’ve blocked out the memory of some horrible crime you’ve committed, and now she’s here to kill you by calling you baby and having the sexiest abs you’ve ever seen.
Not a bad way to go, though.
“Here,” she says, reaching up and tugging her jersey over her head, again revealing those fucking abs, and she’s left in a black tank top you didn’t even notice the first time you were staring at her abs. “Take my jersey.”
“Oh, no. I can’t, KK. I mean…”
“I was getting hot anyways, it’s good. Take it.”
It’s nicer quality than any other jersey you’ve ever touched before- nicer than the obligatory Wisconsin sweatshirt you bought at the school store.
You cough, taking it with a hand that shakes slightly, not able to look at her.
“…Thank you,” you say after a moment.
She smiles, big and goofy. “It’s no problem. Maybe you can repay me by having a drink with me, though?”
You pretend to think about it, but really you have to knock your knees together so you don’t fall to the floor in excitement.
“That’s a pretty good price.”
You finally meet her eyes, holding your breath as she stares into your eyes like they’re a lifeline.
“Yeah, a drink with my sexy self- pretty good fuckin’ deal.”
You laugh, and she takes a step back, looking you up and down in a way that literally gives you butterflies-
“I’ll let you change,” she says. “Come find me when you’re done, yeah, baby?”
“I’ll find you,” you breathe, turning around to start slipping off your shirt so she doesn’t see the way you literally bite your lip.
The jersey is huge, since they have to be to cover all the padding and gear hockey players wear, and you’re almost worried that you’d look really stupid in it- but your jean bottoms pull it together, somehow.
It smells good. It smells dark, like a forest, still with a hint of something fresh and light. Is this her perfume? You might want to bathe in it.
You still look pretty good, and your mind races, wondering if KK would compliment you in it- but someone bangs on the bathroom door.
“Y/N?!” Jackie. “Y/N? Holy fucking shit- did I just see what I think I saw?!”
Tyla quickly shouts too. “I got dragged away from a really hot guy for this!! Please tell me it’s true!!!”
You open the door wordlessly, holding your hands out wide so Jackie and Tyla can see the the jersey, the Badgers emblem.
“Ladies, hold your applause.”
“What the fuck!” Tyla screams, forcing you to turn around, then tracing a finger along your back, no doubt where Caroline’s last name is printed on. “Harvey. Fucking Caroline Harvey.”
“God, she’s so hot,” Jackie groans, and you whip around to shoot her a glare. “Calm down, jealous bitch, I mean this is hot. Fuck, does she have any friends? This red is a good color on me…”
“Well,” you smile, mirroring Jackie’s own “evil” smile from earlier, “She said to come find her and get a drink. With her.”
“A drink…” Tyla breathes. “With… fucking Caroline Harvey?”
“Fucking Caroline Harvey.”
“I think I might faint from, like, secondhand hotness.”
“Well,” Jackie starts, looking away from the jersey in awe and back at your face, “You look hot. Go over there right now, get that girl, and make out. Just- right on the couch. Fuck right on the couch.”
“I second that,” Tyla smiles, adjusting the jersey slightly. “Fuck her.”
“Okay, shut up, thanks. We’ll see where the night goes.”
“Oh, my God, I can’t even believe you’re doing this. What happened to my little studious best friend?”
“Alcohol,” you shrug, momentarily wondering if you would regret all of this the next morning- but everything is just so goddamn hazy in this frat house, and you can’t think straight, can’t think about anything other than her.
“Okay, okay,” Tyla says, grabbing your shoulders and staring into your eyes like she’s about to gift you with the greatest wisdom. “You want her to come back?”
You inhale sharply. “Maybe.”
“Okay, well, if this goes good- you gotta leave her before midnight.” She glances at her watch, “It’s 11:06 right now, flirt her and romance her, all that, but leave before midnight, got it?”
“Um… why, though?”
“To keep her guessing, to keep her thinking about you, obviously,” Tyla rolls her eyes. “Trust me girl. We’ll meet you outside at 12 and then take an Uber back, right?”
“Right,” you and Jackie both repeat.
“If you really want her, before midnight, okay?”
“Okay, okay, Tyla. I’ll meet you guys then?”
Jackie pretends to wipe a few tears away. “My girl’s all grown up.”
“Shut up,” you laugh, hugging both of them quickly before disappearing into the crowd of people.
You make your way towards a big couch, some armchairs, and a coffee table filled with liquor.
KK’s eyes light up when she sees you, and you notice there’s a conveniently placed empty seat right next to her, and two cups in her hands.
You don’t think anyone has noticed you wearing her jersey yet, and if someone has commented on KK’s lack of jersey, you can’t tell. You smooth it down, take a deep breath and plaster a smile on your face.
A seductive one, you hope, one like Tyla would do. And with the way she mirrors your smile with her own- except this one is just as big and goofy- you think it’s working.
Someone walks past you, then immediately stops and steps back, looking right at you.
“Hi, Dylan,” you mutter, smile falling from your face immediately.
“Y/N. I haven’t seen you in… forever, it feels like. How’ya been?”
“I’m fine, Dylan. I’m sorry, I’m meeting somebody, okay?” His face falls, and you feel sort of bad, so you add on “Talk soon,” to make yourself feel better.
“Wait,” he says, grabbing your arm, eyes moving from yours down to your outfit. “The fuck are you wearing? A jersey?”
“…Yes,” you say after a moment, genuinely confused until you remember how much Dylan despises sports, thinks they’re all just some popularity contest. “Okay, I’m meeting someone. Bye, Dylan.”
“Hi,” a new voice says, and you smile just a bit when you realize it’s Caroline. “I’m Caroline,” she says, ever-so politely, and it kinda makes your stomach twist. “Are you a friend of Y/N’s?”
Dylan’s eyes narrow at her. “No, I’m her ex.”
“Oh, my God,” you mumble to yourself, stepping close to Caroline. “Shut up.”
KK shoots you a look, and you can’t help but avoid your eyes. You tug your arm away from Dylan, but he doesn’t budge.
“Dylan, please,” you sigh. “I have to go, okay? Let go.”
“No, Y/N, come on-”
“Uh, I think she said let go, buddy.” She still has that same smile on her face, but your eyes flick to her exposed arms, now noticing just how much muscle is there too. There’s this glint to her smile, this edge to her voice, and you would genuinely be kinda scared if it was directed at you.
“This doesn’t involve you,” Dylan huffs. “Y/N and I need to talk- why the fuck are you going around trying to purposefully piss me off? You know I hate sports.”
“Dylan,” you start, genuinely having to take a deep breath. “We dated for a week in freshman year. Let go of me, stop embarrassing yourself, and stop talking to us.”
He stares at you, before scoffing and letting your arm drop. “You’re such a fucking bitch.”
“Okay,” you sigh. “Thank you, Dylan, goodbye.” You turn around, wondering if KK is even going to be there anymore. “I’m sorry-”
“What the fuck is his problem?” She says, and you genuinely smile at the pure disgust on her face. “Seriously- what?”
“I’m sorry,” you giggle. “It’s just… you’re so, disgusted by him.”
“You aren’t?”
“Well, yeah. But I know him.”
“And I’m sorry for that. I met him once and I never want to meet him again. Weird fucking bitch.”
You laugh again, linking your arm through hers without thinking. “Thanks for trying to defend me, though. I’m sorry- he’s just… an annoying bug that won’t go away, normally he doesn’t talk to me- but I guess he was bored tonight.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m sorry, I think we lost the seats I saved.”
You look towards the couch, now completely filled with hockey players. “It’s okay,” you hum. “We can find somewhere else. Wanna go outside?”
With the hum of the party behind you, and the stream of people walking out and walking in, the little bench on the corner of the porch was shrouded in darkness, and you felt like you were just in your own little corner with KK.
You sipped on the drink she had gotten you, exchanging basic information like what majors you were taking, how many siblings you had, and al that boring stuff before she finally stopped talking and just looked at you for a moment.
“What?” you asked, wiping some of your sip from around your lips.
She smiles. “Nothing. My jersey just looks nice on you.”
“Oh,” you say, stupidly. “Really? I was worried it didn’t get the same vibe as my original fit.”
“No, I would say you look even better.”
You smile, taking another sip for confidence before you place your hand on her arm. “So, tell me about hockey. Maybe workout routines?”
She laughs. “Workout routines?”
You softly squeeze her bicep. “Well, you don’t get these by just sitting around, do you?”
She takes a sip of her drink, trying to slyly cover her face, and you smile even wider.
“No, you don’t.” When she looks back at you, there’s the faintest hint of something on her cheeks, you don’t move your hand, sinking back into that addiction of making her blush. “Mostly lifting weights, cardio, boring things.”
“M’kay, what about actual hockey? I heard you were an Olympian, right?”
She flexes her other arm, and you can see a tattoo made up of the Olympics logo, intertwining rings, on her inner bicep.
“I’m defense, number 4, and I’m basically the star of the team.”
“Really?” You laugh, pressing your thigh against hers. “Would your other teammates agree with that?”
“Ehhh, maybe don’t ask them so you stay all impressed.”
You smile, and suddenly you realize you’ve been smiling all night ever since you started talking to her. And it feels so good to smile with her, it feels so good to be all giddy, and even when Dylan was bothering you it felt good knowing she was right behind you. And it felt even better when you turned around and she was still behind you.
“Can I have your number?” You blurt out.
“Course, baby.”
You hand her your phone, feeling like a damn middle schooler with a raging crush, and she hands you hers.
You make your contact name Jersey Stealer and she laughs when she sees it, and that sound might be your favorite thing about her- second only to her abs.
You can feel the night coming to the end, but it’s a good end, a comfortable one, and there’s definitely doors unopened and words unsaid. It feels like a really sweet beginning to something really beautiful.
You check your phone, smiling at the contact name of Hockey Star and seeing the time is 11:58.
“My friends are waiting for me,” you say, almost with a grimace. The night is coming to an end but you still don’t want it to end. And like clockwork, you watch as Jackie and Tyla walk out of the party arm in arm- sneaking subtle glances all the way to the end of the driveway, eventually disappearing out of sight behind a tree.
“Oh,” she says. “No problem.”
She sounds disappointed. It makes your stomach twist yet again, to know she doesn’t want this to end as much as you do.
You both stand up and walk to the edge of the porch, down the steps and onto the concrete walkway to the driveway. Somewhere along the way, your hand had slipped into yours.
You stop where concrete meets driveway, turning around to face her. She tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, and you don’t think you’ll ever get used to the feeling of her skin on yours. It feels like an electric rush, like an addictive high.
“I’m really glad I give you a concussion.”
You laugh. “I’m glad you didn’t either.”
She looks from your lips back to your eyes, and you’re suddenly reminded that, yes, kissing exists- and you suddenly want to kiss her. Badly.
“Okay, well, I’ll let you go.”
You softly place your hand on her face. You lean forward, placing your lips in a grey area between her cheek and her lips.
“Goodnight, Caroline,” you whisper, an inch away from her skin.
Suddenly she surges forward, lips fully pressing against yours, hand on your waist, and God does the feeling of her lips on yours feel so good, so right.
Oh, God. She’s succeeded in killing you, you think to yourself- everything fading out for a moment before it all comes rushing back in. The sounds of the party, the chill of the nighttime air, and the sweet sweet feeling of Caroline’s lips on yours.
You don’t think your lips will ever recover from this feeling, from the weight of her lips on yours- you’ll always be chasing this feeling, this moment.
Tyla’s words flash in your mind. You revel in this moment for a heartbeat longer until, just as quick as she kissed you, you pull back.
“Didn’t know you were the type to kiss girls on the first date, Harvey. How scandalous.”
She seems disappointed you pulled away. You can see it in her pretty blue eyes- it makes you feel like you’re on top of the world.
“Are you really just any girl?”
“Nope,” you smile, silently thanking Tyla and every star in the sky- you can see it in her eyes, the way she wants to kiss you senseless, and if the game didn’t feel so good you would have let her.
And the way she’s looking at you, slightly blown away, completely in awe, lips parted but curling into a smile- it gives you an addictive rush.
“Text me when you want your jersey back.”
You take a step back, softly prying her hand off of your waist, but holding onto it for a moment.
“Oh, no, you can wear that to my next game.”
“Really?” You smile, fingertips grazing the back of her knuckles as she tries to hold onto you, but you eventually let go. “You’ll save me a good seat?”
“The best seat,” she corrects. “For the best girl.”
This time, you don’t bother to try and hide the way she makes you feel. You clench your thighs together and let your tongue dart out to slightly lick your lips.
“I’ll be there. You better win, though.” You turn around, then look over your shoulder to see her eyes fall down to your ass.
“With a pretty good luck charm like you? I’ll probably score the winning goal.”
“Bye, Caroline,” you say over your shoulder, smiling so brightly you’re sure you look all lovesick. You can’t care, it’s just how you feel for her. Maybe you should be embarrassed, the way she makes you feel kinda like silly putty in her hands, but it feels so good. So right.
“Bye, Y/N.” Her voice is breathy.
And when you check your phone, you see it’s after midnight. So much for Tyla’s advice.
But, you think to yourself, shoes clicking on concrete and KK’s gaze on your back, you kissed her after midnight- maybe all the good things just happen after midnight.
laila when kk hit her for saying the taking girls down on and off the ice thing: 😞😞😞💔💔💔💔💔
y/n also being happy that she left kk AFTER midnight bc she doesn’t just want her she actually likes her
jackie and tyla wingwoman supremes i love them sm
dylan you are annoying i wish you suffering
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engstlersbueckers · 4 months
Phone Sex HC’S
(Emily Engstler)
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Paring:E.Engstler x Fem Reader
Warnings:smut,orgasm denial,phone sex
Synopsis:This was a request from a lovely anon of mine (i wish i could find the original inbox request💔.hope you enjoy this drabble tho!)
She’s a big talker..she knows her voice makes you weak. So she tells you everything you want- no…need to hear.
“There you go,baby. Lemme hear you slut yourself out for me…” She groaned,listening carefully as your fingers slipped through your soaking wet folds.
“Listen to that…you hear how wet you are for me? Im not even there and you’re drippin aren’t you?
She loves when you talk to her too.Even when you’re so overstimulated and can barely speak,she’s gonna make you use your words.
“Talk to me pretty girl,tell me what you want. You know I’ll give it to you c’mon,say it.
Constant edging…doesn’t stop until she’s satisfied with how many times you denied yourself for her. “Hm.. you sound too close..start over for me,baby.” She thinks it’s cute how frustrated you get,laying there all by yourself,holding it…
She lets you use toys..thats when the facetime calls come in.She loves watching you get yourself off for her with them. (I’m a firm believer in her buying a rose for you.)
“That feel good huh?,c’mon baby I wanna see you make a mess on it…use that toy for me,mama.”
While you’re making yourself feel good, she likes to tell you what she plans on doin to you when she comes home. Knowing exactly how riled up it gets you.
“You gettin my pussy ready for me huh? You know as soon as i walk through the door I’m takin whats mine? Gonna fuck you so damn good when I get back,baby…
A/N:AHH hi my babiess,i missed posting for yall but i’ve been so busy recently. Now that my schedules pretty clear I should have more time to post the stuff sitting in my drafts. This is also my first time writing Hc’s so I hope I didnt do too bad. lmk what you all think<33
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tadhgsstuff · 18 days
Simon fucking reader after the postpartum period and just cumming after one thrust because it feels that good
thank you guys for sending in some stuff i love y’all
this is not proof read 💔
warnings: smut, insecurity, cursing etc
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Simon is definitely on the more patient side (sometimes). At least he was before you had your daughter, don’t get me wrong he LOVES his little girl, he cradles her to sleep when shes fussy, he helps changing her and helps out as much as he can because he knows you’re stressed and its the first time being a parent for the both of you.
That being said, it is STRESSFUL to have a screaming child, a husband that works, and constant cleaning for the both of you, between all of this you’ve had no time to just- be together, have time with each other. Even late at night when shes finally gone to sleep, whoever didn’t put her down was already sound asleep, grasping onto whatever hours of REM they could gain.
You are both exhausted and you have no form of ‘relief’ for four to six weeks after you have the baby, and those four to six weeks were long and agonizing.
One faithful night, your mother drops by and offers to take the baby off your hands for a few hours, she lives a block away so she can call if there was any issue, at first you were hesitant to just give up your daughter but you know your mom is going to take great care of her, and probably spoil the shit out of her regardless of the fact that she cant comprehend the gifts given to her.
Finally you and your painfully attractive husband are alone, despite how much you craved him, every single centimeter of his body, his soul, his whole being, you were a little.. insecure. You rubbed your arm sitting close to him on the couch.
“Yes, luvie?”
“Are you still attracted to me? Like physically? because I know I have all these stretch marks and my boobs wont ever be the same again and my body isn’t quite-“
He stops you.
“fuck are you talkin’ about? you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever fuckin’ met”
he says in a harsh tone, because he genuinely thinks you’ve lost your mind, having the idea that he wasn’t attracted to you every minute of every day.
“Well maybe before I was but-“
He cuts you off again but this time he pulls your face to his and crashes his lips against yours, a smooth but captivating kiss that gets rougher by the second
“I’ll just have to show you how fuckin’ gorgeous you are”
He stands up off the couch and picks you up with him, still holding onto the desperate and sloppy kiss, he grabs your ass on the way to the bedroom just to feel you moan into his mouth. He sets you down on the bed and unbuckles his pants, he watches you start to undress yourself and stops you.
“That’s my job baby, you jus’ relax n’ take it, ‘kay?”
He’s carnivorous, he needs you but he knows to be gentle, his goal is to make you feel good, take his sweet wife’s stress away.. he takes off your garments one by one, kissing every inch of your body revealed. His underwear grow tighter because of his painfully hard cock, aching to be taken in by you for the first time in months. He finally takes his boxers off and his dick springs up, pre-cum leaking out of the tip as you lay bare, staring up at him with those stunning eyes that have never failed to captivate him, and that just makes the overwhelming hunger grow stronger.
He teases your dripping cunt with the head of his dick, drinking in the image of you. You whine, needing him finally inside you, and just like that hes sliding himself in, slowly. Feeling your warmth around his thick member, he pulls back and pistons forward. You let out a loud moan as you grip his forearm and the sheet beneath you. Simon feels you clench up and suddenly your climax was there and done, you finished in the middle of his second thrust, squeezing your eyes shut.
“I’m so sorry baby- I don’t even know how-“
“It’s okay love, we’ll try again soon and we’ll make sure you get better”
He says with a deviant smirk painting his face, walking to the bathroom to grab a towel and then to finish the job with his hand and his imagination.
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(I hope this was what you wanted!)
(Edit: Okay so I just reread the wording in the ask and I did not in fact write it correctly, BUT I can always rewrite it but reversed in the future sorry guys 😞)
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xo-cori · 11 months
Ok but imagine… Cherry chaser college!Abby 🤭
my guilty pleasure is thinking about abby being a total player. like i’m sorry but she fits the bill. and i’d imagine that the first time she sleeps with a virgin, it just awakens something in her
then she’s sleeping with her second, then her third, until she’s purposefully seeking them out without even realizing it!!! now let’s say ur her latest victim 😁
part of the appeal for her is that she gets to be soooo much more gentle compared to how she normally is with partners who are more experienced. she’d start by laying you down on her comfy bed, knee skillfully placed between your thighs for you to subconsciously grind on as she makes out with you, hands somehow everywhere all at once. the goal is to get you as wet as possible before either of you take off a single item of clothing
loves the pretty little sounds you make and 100% teases you for them. talkin bout feels good, huh? i’ve barely even touched you OR getting too excited, honey, you gotta relax. makes you so embarrassed and she loves that shit :((
makes you cum at least three times without any sort of penetration ofc!! has you ride her thigh until you’re slumped against her, then she promptly lowers her hand when you least expect it to thumb at your clit until you fall apart all over again, and THEN immediately flips you over so that you’re laying down again and uses her tongue to make you see literal stars
by then, you’d think it’s gotta be over.
nope!!!!! she asks how you’re feeling, if you wanna keep going. if you say yes (and obviously you do), she presses her forehead to yours and gently strokes your cheek as she eases a finger inside of you, whispering lil praises to you as you grab at her shoulders. whenever you’re ready to keep going, a second finger joins the mix, and abby can feel the resistance while slowly pressing them both into you. you’re whining in pain, a single tear rolling down your temple, but she just wipes it away and reminds you that you’re doing so good for her :(( makes it feel so intimate even tho she’s most likely not gonna keep you around for long 💔
after a couple gentle thrusts, whenever the initial pain goes away and you beg her to go faster, THAT’S when she really goes to town. like fr. no mercy just fucking you until you physically can’t take anymore. the praise starts to turn into teasing– you made it this far, you can take a little more, right, baby? so fucking tight, can barely even move my fingers. still gotta loosen you up a bit.
let’s just say you should NOT expect to remember ur own name by the time she feels like you’ve been properly corrupted mwahahaha
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babyyweebbitch · 2 years
König headcannons
y’all, imma start writing for Call of Duty now 💃🏾🕺🏾 i’m currently playing both call of duty modern warfare and MW2 so if i get anything wrong i’m sorry i haven’t finished either 😔💔 i’m sorry i’ve barely been active! life is very fucked rn, but onto big boi könig headcannons
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there are times he will come home from a mission or something very sore because he gets thrown around/hit a lot, he will go to you for a massage or a warm bath (you both had a large ass tub installed in one of your bathrooms because of how big he is and he can’t fit in a regular sized tub)
if he decides to go outside without you he will have to have something of yours in his pocket like your bracelet or one of your pins just so he’s comfortable. he once had a panic attack in target and you had to drive up there to finish shopping with him at another target because almost all of the shoppers stared and watched instead of help him
he’s the type to kinda just eat the pickles after he said no pickles on his order because he’s afraid of making the workers mad. you always have to go tell the workers yourself and he kinda pleads with you for 5 minutes not to and that he can eat the pickles or take them off.
when he asked you out the first time he was a blushing, shaking mess. you two have been friends since you were kids so you knew how he was and how he didn’t like confrontation at all so you just waited patiently and even told him a few times he can text it to you or something if he couldn’t speak. he eventually got the words out and he was fully expecting you to say no and leave but five years later, you’re still together!
he knows his own strength and being 6’10 and over 230 he’s pretty strong — he once hurt you by accident while playing and he refused to touch you for two weeks, he even hid in the closet for hours after it happened because he was afraid you were mad at him. you explained you weren’t mad at him and that it was just an accident
he speaks to you in german while in public, he only does this when he’s anxious, doesn’t wanna talk to anyone or he just does it for fun
has a bunch of pictures of you in his hidden album so he can look at them while he’s away.
you went to the hospital for about two months for a health issue that needed to be fixed and i swear König was having withdrawals at home without you. he obviously visited you all day but on non visiting days/hours he had withdrawals at home, he hated sleeping in the bed alone and he hated not hearing you somewhere in the house doing something. the house was very silent that two months. when you came back he didn’t leave your side
he likes to mess with you a lot if you’re a lot shorter than him. if you ask him for something he’ll kinds just hold it up in the air out of your reach, but then feels bad after 30 seconds and he stops
he takes Christmas abnormally serious, he decorates the whole house, makes christmas themed things/foods and even gets you both matching ugly sweaters! he got one that said “his elf” “her/his elf” and you both wore it on any gatherings he was willing to go to.
he has lured a cat into the house with cheese three times and now you have three cats — congratulations. he almost did that with a deer but you caught him mid lure and you still him from adopting a deer
has kept the same card you gave him when you were kids, he puts it in his pocket while on any missions so he has something other than pictures to remind him of you and remind him the reason why he’s coming home every time
he secretly likes being little spoon (don’t tell him i told u that)
you’re the only person who has seen his face — not even his closet friends in the military have seen more than his hair and face
he let you wear his gear once and he has millions of pictures of you in his gear because of how big they are on you
he has never wanted to get married before dating you, but now that’s all he can think about, only with you tho! marry him >:(
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junkissed · 1 year
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pov he just finished blowing your back out and giving you head and now he’s watching you come down from your high while he waits for you to whine and beg him to come back to bed so he can fuck you dumb (or fuck you to sleep, which ever comes first… but probably both)
why are you so mean to me 💔💔😞....
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member — dom!junhui x reader word count — 555 warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, nicknames (princess, darling, good girl, pretty girl), there's no sex but there's like. sensual touching ig you could call it
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jun stands off to the side of the room, running his hands through his hair by the long, gilded mirror on the mantle. in the reflection he can see you, still laying flat against the bed, fucked out of your mind as you struggle to recover from the orgasms he’s just given you.
he watches your chest heave with each shallow breath, trying to force your brain to catch up with the rest of your aching body. a thin sheen of sweat glistens on your skin and your hair is a tangled mess. you keep your eyes tightly shut out from the rest of the world as your cunt throbs, and you can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
when you’ve finally recovered enough to sit up, he turns around from the mirror.
“did you have a nice little break, my princess?” he coos, his tone just barely condescending. “are you done for the night?”
“no— jun, please, need you,” you gasp out, still struggling as you haven’t fully caught your breath. “come back to bed.”
“more?” he says, raising an eyebrow, but he walks over and sits down beside you at the edge of the bed. “but i’ve given you so much already. my baby still needs more?”
you fall back against the sheets again with a whine. “yes, please. always want more of you, junnie.”
he pouts, a look of faux-concern on his face. “but are you sure you can take it? you’re already so worn out.”
you shake your head quickly. “no ‘m not! not tired at all. you’ve barely even fucked me yet.”
you both know that’s a lie. he’s fucked you in so many positions tonight, it would rival a professional’s gymnastics routine.
his eyes darken as he slides around onto the bed. he climbs on top of you and lets his cock rest against your stomach as he straddles your hips, the tip still glistening from the night’s previous rounds. “is this what you want, my darling? want me to fuck you stupid?”
you whimper out another “please”, reaching up to grab at his biceps and trying to pull him back down closer to you. his muscles are smooth and firm in your grip, and you swallow a moan at just the feeling of him.
“now that’s a good girl,” he says as he runs his own large hands up and down your body, squeezing your breasts and grinning when he sees your eyes wrench shut and hears soft whines fall from your lips.
every inch of your body aches from how long you two have been going at it, but even after so many hours of pleasure you’re still insatiable. yet you find yourself struggling for words, unable to form a coherent thought.
“tell me what you want, pretty girl, and i’ll give it to you.”
all you can do is whimper and plead with him, rambled begging as if it’s been weeks since you’ve cum, when in reality it’s been just minutes.
he just knows exactly what you want, what you like, and he knows exactly how to give it to you that’ll leave you a babbling, exhausted, satisfied mess.
he smiles with pride as you get more and more desperate, knowing he hasn’t even really done anything with you yet. oh no, he’s just getting started.
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging with tags or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my recs for seventeen for july! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Admire Me (Like I Do For You) || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which seungcheol shows you his tattoos. 
Dimple || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ you can’t sleep, so you try touching seungcheol’s dimple just for the fun of it (spoiler: he loves it)
Shave || @yikesmary💕✅💯
↳ with your boyfriend’s comeback approaching, mingyu asks you to help with shaving.
The Stars And You || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which you bring the stars to your boyfriend for his birthday. (to this author, i am so sorry, but 90% of the fics that i have read from you so far, most of them are on this list. keep doing what youre doing please. i love them)
Try Me || @cheolhub🔞✅
↳ you push your sweet boyfriend a little too far when you threaten to fuck his business partner at dinner. he decides to show both you and mingyu who you belong to. (oh lord, heaven have mercy.)
Ukiyo || @wheeboo💕💔✅
↳ in which you and minghao spend the day together.
Wonwoo's Tasty Cereal (And Milk) || @twogyuu💕✅
↳ You've been eating cereal wrong your entire life. Wonwoo and your niece are going to fix that.
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Fake Dating Roommates || @yikesmary💕🔄💯💯
↳ in which choi seungcheol becomes your roommate and fake boyfriend in one fell swoop. and you still don't know how it happened.
Seventeen As Fake Dating Scenarios || @bluehoodiewoozi💕✅
↳ (title says it all and i am out here fulfilling my delulu side of my brain. doing great out here im telling you)
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Baby, All I Really Want Is Your Attention || @viastro💕✅
↳ you and mingyu have been academic rivals since the beginning of your high school career. having always aimed for the #1 spot, mingyu would beat you without even needing to study. now dedicating all your time into studying at the local library, you find yourself wondering who keeps neatly packing your things and waking you up each time you fall asleep while studying. (hes so soft, i cant)
Catnaps || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which you volunteer at the local cat shelter with your crush.
Dating Seventeen (Hyung Line) || @wqnwoos💕✅
↳ (out here filling my delulu brain. also seungcheol does radiate sugar daddy tho, ngl)
Fix You || @smileysuh🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ “As a member of 53V3NT33N, I have two different states of mind coded into me, aggression and admiration. To love something, to admire it, is to feel aggressive when it’s questioned, to want to control it, if even for a little while- it’s the need to consume it, endlessly, as my fans consume and control me as an automaton. Even though I’m a member of a group, there’s a distance. Automatons can never truly motivate each other because our motivations are based on external human needs, it’s built into us- We can see when humans need us, and we do what we can to fix that need… I know you need me, the way I’ve needed you since I got here.” (god, yall dont even know how much i freaking love their fics. like bro, ily)
Gamers Do it Better || @sluttyminghao🔞✅💯
↳ (listen, just hear me out. tag teamed by the two lord saviors of svt's hhu. i really need like a threesome au/tag or something i swear.)
Hits Different || @hellohannie💕💔✅
↳ it was no secret that you had dated many people in your past. when you were with them, you believed you loved them and they loved you. when you broke up, you realized that they didn't truly love you. but you still believed that love was real. then, you met lee chan. when he broke up with you, you started to question if love truly did exist after all. (i need me some more dino fics cause i barely come across any)
Loving Him Was Red || @boowanie💕💔✅💯
↳ After the café you were part-timing at suddenly closes, you were left unemployed and broke as you tried your best to look for a new job. But when your best friend suggests an alternative way of earning money, you suddenly find yourself falling for a certain Jeon Wonwoo.
Pup Code || @beefboyandbabygirl🔞💕✅💯💯💯
↳ mingyu doesn't have crushes. he likes avril lavigne and sometimes he fucks pretty girls. but you seem to stir something in him that no one else can. without the trusty girl code, mingyu makes his own code to help you fall in love with him. (yall need to read this one. like read it cause i lowkey can imagine him making up his own code ngl. man has no self control sometimes)
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Crossing Boundaries || @wonusite🔞💕✅
↳ Seungcheol has always demanded that all of his employees keep professional boundaries, but it frustrates him that his son’s nanny is a little too good at keeping things professional. 
Happy (First) Fathers' Day || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ it’s fathers’ day, but you seem to be more fixated on an event for your newborn daughter, much to mingyu’s dismay.
Made With Love || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ joshua wakes up to quite the commotion, and you’re not by his side.
The Cake In the Back || @toruro🔞💕✅
↳ cheol is a regular at your bakery, and it's all because his son loves the banana bread you make—at least that's what he tells himself. it also doesn't hurt that you're cute. and polite. and totally someone he'd like to fuck.
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Roommates With Benefits || @shuaflix🔞💕✅
↳ initially, wonwoo doesn’t think much about your incessant requests to play on his xbox. however, when what was supposed to be a two-hour visit to his place stretches out for two weeks, he starts to think you’re overstaying your welcome.
The Secrets Kept From Roommates || @cheolism🔞💕✅
↳ you are hiding a secret from mingyu. little do you know that he's hiding one from you too.
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Broken Pieces || @bluehoodiewoozi💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ Your friend broke your soulmate's heart, leaving you to pick up the pieces of both his and your own heart. (stop my heart, i cant)
Right? Right. || @bluehoodiewoozi💕💔✅
↳ Your soulmate mark might be broken, but at least he will always be there for you.
Do check out all of the other seventeen fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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f10werfae · 2 years
My own Milf
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pairing: Tom Holland x Older!Girlfriend!Reader
summary: Fans retell the best moments of what they see from tom holland and Y/n’s spicy relationship (Tom is 26, Reader is 31) (Requested by Anon)
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated🫶
Tom Masterlist, Full Masterlist
@/bornintheflesh: Tom finally posted a pic of him and his new girlfriend, and she is so hot. What a milf. I really don’t care if she’s 31, they make such a sexy couple wtf, did y’all not see the photo of them at the beach. TOM IS ENJOYING HER BLUE BIKINI A BIT TOO MUCH, his hands are gripping onto her ass for dear life😭😭
@/osterfieldlol: Harrison said on his story that he introduced Y/n and Tom, and that the first time Tom saw Y/n he said to Harrison “I’ve got to get her number mate” So he likes to think they’re the reason they got together
@/Marvelgyal101: Why are you guys hating on their age gap? Just cause it ain’t you. They’re such a beautiful couple and they both treat each other so well, that video of them both feeding each other at Tom’s family barbecue was everything!🫶
>> @/loserlovers: So true! I’ve seen some people call her a gold digger, but don’t they know she’s literally one of the only women representing her field?! Lord have mercy these people are dumb. Anyways Stan Y/n L/n, she’s a gorgeous independent woman who wouldn’t even need Tom to sustain herself
@/spiderwickman: Can Tom just marry her already? They acting too cute to just be bf and gf, surely he’s already put a ring on her? That story Tom told where every morning Y/n gets a shower and he ends up joining her just to piss her off, THAT IS TOO MUCH FOR MY HEART TO HANDLE
>> @/Y/nL/n: PSA. The only reason it pisses me off is because he gets too handsy and then that leads to a two hour shower and then I get hungry. THEN I HAVE TO COOK BECAUSE HES TOO LAZY.
>>> @/TomHolland: Now come on love, you love my pancakes
@/bunnyrabbitexpress: Did anyone see Tom’s tattoo? It’s a tattoo of a dove on his shoulder, and he said it’s because it’s what he used to call Y/n when they first started officially dating😭 Don’t mind me just sleeping on the highway tonight😭
@/Y/nL/n: Can someone please tell @/TomHolland that i’m not talking to him until he returns all underwear to my closet, he’s such a pervert and now i’m left going commando 25/8. Or i’m stuck wearing his stinky boxers, 😪
>> @/TomHolland: Well i’m telling you, Y/n Holland, I prefer you without em, plus those lace things look terribly uncomfortable. So i’m doing you a favour, stick to the granny panties or go bare❤️
>>> @/liviaughholland: HE HAS TURNED INTO A SEXUAL BEAST, WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM😍😭😭 Lowkey lovin the PDA tho, so keep goin
@/Biggiraffe: Saw Y/n and Tom out in London walking Tessa, well actually, it was Y/n walking Tessa while Tom took videos of them from behind laughing and giggling as Tessa just trotted pulling Y/n along to her hearts desire.
@/princesstulip: My sister saw the Holland couple on the beach in Spain, she told me Tom was literally all over Y/n like a rash. Reapplying her sunscreen for her, refilling her drinks, kissing her body literally EVERYWHERE, puckering his lips for a kiss anytime she complimented his sand castle he built around her and adding a moat to “protect his queen”
@/lestalk: No one makes me happier than seeing fan girls get humbled. While Y/n and Tom arrived at the airport in New York, they were absolutely ambushed by fans and paps, to a point where Y/n was physically pushed over because someone had clearly deliberately tripped her. AND TOM WENT BALLISTIC, SHOUTING AT PEOPLE TO “Calm down and step away from me and my girlfriend please! We just want to get out of here” Poor Y/n I think had to be seen by a medic because she hurt her knee or something💔
@/TomHolland: Happy 32nd birthday to the love of my life, and my forever home, Y/n L/n (will be Holland soon I promise) Thank God I went to Harrison’s party and met you, because I seriously don’t know where i’d be without you. I love your gorgeous self, mind and spirit; that ass too but that’s for later ;).
Lots of love, your Tommy
@/britishteafluff: Y/n is glowing, I don’t know why or how, but she’s got a different kinda beauty going on right now and i’m in love, sorry Tom. That photo Tom posted of her in a sundress with his family has gotten me starstruck, the way she carries herself so elegantly! Also not Tom’s mom hugging Y/n and not her own son, rip Tom lol
@/DailyMagazine: Breaking News! Tom Holland and lover Y/n L/n seen shopping at baby aisle at the local Target, does this mean a new arrival is on the way? Y/n and Tom have been together for 2 years now, with her being 33 and him being 28, last year we saw the couple engaged by the Swiss Alps; now are we seeing another new Holland?! Not only that, fans are also gushing at the sight of Tom wrapping his arms around his stunning fiancée, the couple seen to be as in love as the day they revealed their relationship. Whatever the pictures mean, we wish the happy couple the best!
PSA: As some of you know because of Taglists getting too big for some of my writing, I am making a library blog where I will simply reblog all my writing and ONLY my writing. Everything I write will still be posted here! Instead of my taglist, you can now follow @f10werfaes-cosy-collection 🫶 You can turn on post notifs if you wish, and instead of receiving a tag, you will see i’ve reblogged my own writing onto my library blog! Hope that isn’t too confusing, if there’s any questions then let me know♥️
Taglist (Until my library blog is ready!):
@Kaydesssssssss @esposadomd @imahallucinationnn @elenavampire21 @stuckysgirl27 @cookielovesbook-akie @theekyliepage @thoughtsofreid @acornacre @fdl305 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @aerangi @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @tinyelfperson @vrittivsanghavi
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simstoyourdismay · 5 months
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“belle of the ball” met gala hosted by @havenroyals ❤️‍🔥
this post is so ass i’m so sorry i’ll fix it after i take a nap.. anyways YAY met gala!! i’ve always seen these on simstagram and wanted to participate in one so bad. small issue tho i forgot that i keep refusing to update my game so i had to build a makeshift lot really quick. that’s why you can barely see any of it lol
now i have celebrity ocs (the ngo family) so i can send them here 😛 i considered sending the arias family here as well but they’re not really celebrities, they’re just really rich? like sure, owning a huge conglomerate will make you known but it won’t have you trending on social media constantly. i was gonna go in about how they actually don’t care about that but this post isn’t even about them ahrhrhghghf.. uhhh quick rundown. shōichi is a big actor and he’s currently working for a highly anticipated film. it’s the rumored last film from a really talented director yada yada. he’s the type to lay reallyyy low when he’s filming so this appearance had people stirring. dawn is his wife and she’s a critically acclaimed pianist. was really big in vietnam when she was first starting out and garnered global attention fairly quickly. injured her hand a few years down the line and had to give up playing professionally, but her talent is still recognized today. she’s less popular in the states in comparison to shōichi but she’s known amongst the younger crowd online. you know celebrity crushes everyone can agree on? she’s one of those. uhhh what else oh they have two kids (they’re the twins) and they kept them out of the public eye for years. didn’t want to expose them to all that so early. the twins first appeared in the media when they were preteens, their choice. people were surprised to learn ezra was talented in his own regard (he paints) and the general public agreed that he’d be successful even without famous parents. talia didn’t really have a specific talent so she got dragged pretty often for being so lackluster in comparison to her family. this whole thing made talia fearful of the media so she took a step back from it all and ezra was scared of falling from their good graces. oh i just realized i’m rambling sorry i do that when talking about any of my ocs uhh if i delete this later when i’m fixing it you know why 💔 would also like to clarify that this makes them seem so cookie cutter but i promise they’re complex characters that i’ve fleshed out..
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
I’m currently in my first watch through of one piece and got to /that part/ in marineford with Ace 😢💔 I’m heartbroken! Could I request some Ace fluff please? Maybe Ace finding out his crush actually likes him back? He talks about not deserving love/to even be born but that man deserves the world! I love him so much 😫
A/N: I remember almost a year ago my best friend told me she was finally starting her One Piece journey and after I think the first month or so I asked her who was her favorite so far and she said Ace and I immediately laughed….good times. ANYWAYS THO—Enjoy!
Ace Finding Out You Like Him Back(FLUFF)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
WC: 1.2k
CW: Very Fluff, Confessing, Kissing, Not proofread yet
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He has had a crush on you since the day y’all met , but he didn’t realize how much he liked you until Marco pointed it out
“I DO NOT?!”
“Then why do you blush so much when you talk about her?”
He wanted to be in denial about it so much solely because he knew you couldn’t like him back. He never had much luck with ladies in his life.
Sure they flirted with him, and he had his small fair share of one night stands, but he never felt satisfied. He was curious at one point what it would be like to be with a partner that would love him for him, but alas he just pushed those feelings aside until he met you
You were so funny, and charming, and sweet to those around you. You even were like a mother/big sister to those you barely met when you both were out adventuring together.
You two became as thick as thieves, where ever you were he was and vice versa.
Ace developed feelings for you a few months after getting to know you, but it wasn’t until it got outted by his big brother that now he’s very awkward around you.
Ace became difficult to act normal around you and as much as he hated it he wanted to prevent you from finding out his feelings towards you
It’s been 2 weeks he has been trying to keep distance and you immediately noticed. You both now eat at different times. Ace is gone when you’re awake and there on w the ship while you sleep. It sucked because you assumed you probably made him mad somehow
Marco (and everybody on the MD) notices your slump mood and asks what’s wrong. You of course only confide to your big brother and Marco slaps the hell out of Ace for it because wtf is his problem ignoring you for almost a whole month for no reason
“GO TALK TO HER, MAN? She is miserable without you!”
Hearing the bad news about how his actions effected you made his heart sink. He would never EVER try to purposely hurt you, he didn’t really know how to properly express himself and just tell you the truth so here is now, in front of your room door pacing back and fourth fiddling his fingers.
“I like you, Y/n’— no that’s too direct—‘We should go out sometime’—-too desperate….—‘You’re so beautiful let’s date.’…..maybe—-“
His thoughts were thrown out when you opened the door, you must have been napping because you looked drowsy, you were wearing some shorts and one of his old shirts hanging off your shoulder.
“Oh…hey Ace…” you yawned wiping your eyes, you always looked so cute and cuddly to him when you first wake up.
He missed you so much and didn’t even realize it until he seen you again.
“Come in…it’s cold…” You moved back to let him enter, he took off his hat and inched his way inside as you closed the door, biting his lip contemplating what he should say next,
“What um—-“
“I’m sorry!” Was all Ace could muster up as he bowed in front of you, “ I’m so sorry I’ve been avoiding you! I didn’t realize how badly I was treating you until Marco told me. I’m…Y/N I’m so sorry…”
You were startled at the sudden apology from him, it’s not like you were mad at him, but you’d be lying to say it didn’t hurt you a little you both weren’t hanging out as much anymore. You seen his troubled face still bowing and you walk over to him to grab and hug around his neck, you missed his smell and warmth so much.
“I missed you, dummy…”
Ace’s eyes grew wide, hearing those sincere words come from you made him blush, and his heart pound. “Now,” He thought, “Tell her now…”
“You’re okay though right? You didn’t avoid me because I made you mad?”
“No!” He immediately shook his head looking down at you, fisting your his shirt tightly. “No you could never make me mad Y/N! You—you um…fuck…”
Ace was defeated he pulled away scratching his head to sit on the edge of your bed, you were confused. What’s up with him? You sat beside him, he looked as deflated as he was when you first met him,
You and Marco seen him sitting on the MB crouched down with his face in his knees after being thrown by WB all day once again.
“Y/N…I been avoiding you because…I…”
Ace grown frustrated with himself, you pretty eyes not leaving his when you speak, the amount of worry in your face, you were so beautiful in his eyes, it crushed his pride knowing he couldn’t speak to you so carefree anymore, because he knew if you rejected him. There would be no way he could rekindle your friendship with him.
“Ace..” you pulled his cheeks to look back at you, your thumb rubbed over his small freckles on his face, leaning into your touch like a cat you smile warmly at him. “Talk to me….what’s been going on?”
He sighs, grabbing your wrist to lower them he mutters, “Hypothetically speaking… Have you ever liked someone Y/N?”
“Oh…um…yeah I have.”
“Do you like someone now?….hypothetically…”
“Well hypothetically …Yeah. I do.”
Ace heart sank. Of course you do. You noticed his face frowning and you giggle to Ace’s dismay he’s a bit annoyed by it.
“What’s funny?”
“You, dummy.”
“Because…hypothetically speaking ….what if I told you I liked…a guy…and he was very sweet…strong…funny…Lowkey a hot head….can’t express his feelings for crap…oh…and he’s my best friend.”
“You like your best friend?! Who is that?!”
Your lit up eyes lowered to dumbfounded, you tilt your head and scoff playfully.
“Ace be so forreal right now…”
“OH!” You mocked and laugh. “You dummy. Or are we not best friends?!”
“NO NO WE ARE WE ARE —I—I um…I didn’t know you felt that way….why?”
“What you mean why? You’re Ace! I adore you! You get me! You’re …you’re like…I don’t know…I just…really like you… probably even more than that…”
Ace couldn’t even begin to believe what he was hearing, maybe you were playing a prank because he hurt your feelings, “No seriously, Y/n..”
“I am serious! Ace I know…I know…about…not feeling worthy of love…but…if anybody else besides your brothers don’t show you it…I will…because I do love you….Ace…”
You could see his eyes gloss with tears, cheeks red as his necklace, as much as you could tease him instead you pull him by his neck to peck his lips lightly,
“I do love you, Ace.” You repeat on his lips to make sure he knows. The last thing you would ever do it play with his emotions like that.
Ace let out an airy chuckle before kissing you again, this time more firmly, holding you close as if your were ganna disappear in thin air.
“I…I love you, too….I’m sorry I—“
“Mmmhm NO more apologies just kiss me your lips are very soft and warm.”
Ace laughed at your kisses, pulling you on top of him not wanting to let go. His heart felt so warm feeling you, this was probably the first time in a long time he had a genuine smile across his face.
“Thank you for loving me, y/n..”
“Thank you allowing me to love you.”
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mystwrites · 6 months
hello myst 😊 congratulations on hitting 200 followers!! May it grow even higher!
For my fic request, I'd like to suggest Ler!Mitsuri and Lee!Muichiro please.
2. 🫐 - let's hear those giggles!
3. 🌄 - Watching the sunrise.
The idea: Muichiro went to go watch the sunrise after patrol, and Mitsuri sees him on her way back from her own patrol and decides to join him. She reflects on how much he has changed after the Swordsmith Village attack, now that his memories have returned, and how he's slowly starting to behave a bit more like a child than an adult (I love how the fanbook mentions that the hashira were watching and observing the way he is changing with warm eyes 🥰). She notices his childish awe while he watches the sunrise, and mourns his loss of childhood due to all the pressure and responsibilities placed upon his shoulders as a hashira. She therefore wants to try and make him blissfully laugh, as a child should, and especially as Muichiro should because he deserves so much better 💔 So she tries to tickle him, and is pleased to find out that he is indeed very ticklish! She discovers that his back, sides, tummy, and his navel especially, are super ticklish 🤭 She is absolutely thrilled to see him laugh and smile so much, considering how he barely did in the past.
In the end, Mitsuri's tickling therapy really does help Muichiro to momentarily release the weight off his shoulders, and to just live in the moment as a carefree child spending quality time with a friend while watching the sunrise. A happy moment to add to his newfound and growing feeling of happiness.
Thank you for considering my request 💝 I know you mentioned that you get swamped with KNY requests 🙈 but I really wanted to share this cute idea with you 🫶
My 200 Followers Event is still Open!
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After a rather uneventful night of patrolling with Muichiro, Mitsuri looked around for him after they finished checking in with Kagaya. However, the teen seemed to have disappeared.
It wasn’t unusual for Muichiro to wander off after a mission or a patrol. He liked being alone sometimes to collect his thoughts. However, Mitsuri couldn’t help but think about how much he was changing. He was starting to act more his age, like a fourteen year old should. Sure, he was still a sassy little guy when moments called for it but he was significantly happier.
Thinking of where he could run off to, Mitsuri remembered how once Tanjiro woke up, they all watched the sunrise after returning from the Swordsmith Village. Maybe Muichiro was there.
Sure enough, Muichiro was on top of the hill by his estate. Walking over, Mitsuri realized how down he actually looked. His eyes weren’t focused on anything in particular, not even the sliver of the golden sun rising above the horizon.
“Hey Tokito kun.” Mitsuri said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay? I was looking for you.”
Muichiro jumped and turned to look at Mitsuri. “Oh! Y-yeah I’m okay.” he replied, relaxing as he saw it was one of his fellow hashira. “Just deep in thought. That’s all.”
Mitsuri hummed, acknowledging her comrade. “About what?”
Muichiro shrugged. “Just about how much I’ve missed out on and the fact that there’s a huge weight on me being the descendant of a swordsman.”
The way Muichiro’s eyes clouded over slightly showed Mitsuri he was a little distraught. He was only fourteen with a huge responsibility placed on his shoulders. They all had the same responsibility of protecting those who can’t fight but Muichiro was only a child, someone who shouldn’t be put on the front lines. Yet here he is fighting without fear and saving people who are weaker than him.
“I just wish I had a normal life sometimes.” he finally said, his eyes now looking at the grass and his fingers fiddling with the teal tips of his hair. “It’s a lot of responsibility and I only realized now how much rides on my shoulders…”
Had Muichiro always played with his hair when he was upset? Mitsuri didn’t know but she definitely noticed a difference in his behavior now. It was more appropriate for a boy of his age.
He was more talkative around those he was comfortable with. Gyomei and Muichiro had very long conversations over a nice steamed bowl of miso soup on the rare chances they could meet up after they returned from fighting.
He genuinely got along with Giyuu since they both shared a quiet demeanor and genuinely enjoyed hanging with Tengen and Rengoku if the Sound Hashira wasn’t being a “monkey” as Muichiro worded it.
He even got into an argument with Sanemi and Obanai at one point which caused everyone to hold in their laughter as Muichiro’s sass caused Sanemi to nearly explode while Obanai was too stunned to speak.
Muichiro also smiled way more than he used to. Mitsuri dares to even think he’s a bit chaotic with Tanjiro and the others all around his age. His laughter was still rare, but there was a rumor that aside from Rengoku who could make anyone laugh.
“It’s okay, Tokito kun.” Mitsuri reassured, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You didn’t miss out on too much. You still have so much to live for, even if you’re a Hashira with responsibilities.”
A squeak escaped Muichiro and he shifted away, his shoulders rising to trap Mitsuri’s hand. The two looked at one another for a few seconds before Muichiro stammered out a response.
“Y-your hand is kinda cold…”
“Oh? Sorry. I didn’t think it would be cold. I thought it was on the warmer side last night?”
“I get cold easily…”
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to analyze what was going on. Mitsuri passed Muichiro and his friends all chasing one another around and laughing. Maybe, just maybe…
She reached out and gently poked the teen in the ribs, gaining a violent flinch and a giggle. Grinning, Mitsuri grabbed Muichiro before he could flee, her hands latching onto his waist and gently squeezing.
The giggles that exploded were music to Mitsuri’s ears. Never in her life had she heard Muichiro laugh this loudly or hysterically.
“Let’s hear those giggles!~” she sang, poking all over the teen’s tummy.
Muichiro shook his head and covered his face with one hand while the other tried to shove Mitsuri’s hand away.
“I can find your giggle spot…it’s right…” There was a pause and Muichiro nervously peeked through his fingers only to shriek loudly as Mitsuri’s finger poked him in the bellybutton.
The sun continued rising until it was fully above the horizon. The sky changed from a deep purple and pink to a light pastel orange and blue. Muichiro’s giggles continued to escape and Mitsuri smiled, knowing that he was going to be resilient.
A/N: Thank you for the request! Sorry if this was a little short. It’s the final stretch of the semester and I’m tryna balance everything👍🏼
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julia-bonkers · 3 months
i really need to get back into journaling 😭 i’ve barely written in my diary for the past several months and don’t even get me started on how little i’ve bullet journaled 💔💔
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Hey! I’m new to your page but I love it so much and your writing is literally amazing!! I don’t want to say you have talent because that under mines all the hard work you’ve put into writing but you are amazing :< My request is a one piece fluff with Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Kid, Law, Robin, Nami, Killer and and any of your favorite characters too ^ I don’t know if this is considered modern or not but basically them asking you to go grab their wallet and you see their drivers license or ID picture and it’s such an old crusty caught off guard picture like (sanji’s wanted poster bad) and they get embarrassed about it once they see you start laughing 😭. It can be modern or even within the one piece realm I just thought this would be so funny since this just happened to me 💔 Have a good day!!!
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Warnings : modern AU, cursing, lighthearted teasing from the reader, Kid always has a couple of empty threats at hand, they are all disasters, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff, crack
Word count : 2.4K words (oh shit)
Additional notes : Ahhh, you’re being so unbelievably sweet! I’m so so glad you enjoy my writing. I loved this idea so much because it’s the perfect mix of playful and cute. Sadly, I’ve only ever seen Killer like twice and he’s barely said anything, and I haven’t really graspd his personality yet, so please excuse me if he’s OOC🥲 I just wanted to give you a heads up that I only write for a maximum of 6 characters per post, and in headcanon form. If fluff pieces were what you wanted, then I only take single characters per post🫣 I did them all anyways and as fluff pieces because I’m sure you didn’t know this, given that you’re new to my blog. I hope you enjoy this, nonnie! Let me know what you think💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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“Could you grab me my wallet from my bedside table, sweetheart?” Sanji called from the kitchen, “I’m a little busy at the stove right now, and the set of knives I ordered last week should be here in a few minutes. They’ll need my identification.”
“Sure thing.” Getting up from the living room couch, they went to snatch his wallet off his table. It was a little messy, filled with tiny coupons and various credit cards (yes, including the ones he froze years ago after his estranged biological father had practically forced them upon him). Struggling to pull out his ID amidst all this jumble, they said, “You really should sort out the stuff you don’t use anymore. I’m pretty sure at least half of these coupons have—“
They paused, their fingers finally picking at his ID. “Oh my fucking God,” they choked out, before a wheezing laugh escaped them, “Sanji, what on earth is this?”
“Hey!” he cried out, thumping sounds coming from the stove as he no doubt was switching the knobs off, “Stop looking at that!”
“It looks nothing like you,” they laughed, as he ran to their side. “What’s with the terrible frown? And why did they edit your face to look so… boxy? And—“
“Yes, yes, very funny dear,” he scowled even deeper than in the picture, cheeks burning red with embarrassment. He snatched it from their fingers, as they continued to shake with laughter. “Stupid shitty photographer didn’t even give me a chance to blink before he took it.”
“You do look like you had your eyes open for hours,” they chuckled behind their hand, trying to stifle the sound as he stuffed it back into the wallet, preferably for burial. Shaking their head, they sweetly kissed his cheek, enjoying his raging flush.
“Oh well, might as well keep your handsomeness for my eyes only.”
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“Zoro, did you pay our taxes?” they asked, frowning as they stared at the letter that had been sent to their mailbox.
“…No, I forgot,” their boyfriend grunted from the next room, continuing to deadlift in his little private gym, “Just use my phone and do it online.”
“Fine,” the sighed, making to get up, “Where do you keep your wallet? I’m gonna need your ID.”
“Probably on the coffee table.”
Humming in response, they followed his instructions and began to take out what looked like his ID, before they loudly cursed bloody murder.
“What’s wrong?” Zoro’s voice was worried, and he soon appeared in front of them with a concerned look on his face, drenched in sweat and a little flushed with the exertion of effort.
“This fucking jumpscare,” they managed to cry out, choking on a laugh as they thrust the ID in his direction, “You look like you’ve been convincted of twenty cases of homicide. What are you glaring so hard for?”
“Shut up. It’s only cause I couldn’t see well,” he grumbled, blushing furiously as he stomped over to reach for it.
Swooping out of his way, they snickered at him, “Was your “not seeing well” also the reason behind the tongue in your cheek and hardened jaw? Or is your face just programmed to permanently look like you want to deck someone?”
“Should’ve done these taxes myself if you were gonna be a little shit about it,” Zoro swore, his entire face blooming red down to his neck. The mortification won over, and he grabbed his ID.
“You probably should’ve, yeah,” they giggled, leaning over to kiss his jaw, much to his chagrin, “Guess you’re not photogenic. Doesn’t matter, you’re the best looking man to me.”
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When Luffy asked them to go for a trip of snack scourging at the supermarket, the implication that they would buy booze was very clearly there. His hands busy with all the bags of food they’d bought, he’d pointed out the bottles of sake and beer he’d wanted, but hadn’t been able to pull out his wallet with his hands full.
“My hands are full, can you get that for me?” Luffy begged, after having huffed and puffed for a few minutes trying to pull it out of his pocket with only his pinky finger.
Chuckling, they nodded and did as their boyfriend asked, before glancing at his ID photo and choking on their spit.
“Holy shit, babe,” they wheezed out, body trembling with their laughter as they handed it over to the cashier, “What’s with that face? Constipated much?”
“Listen, I was hungry,” he moaned pathetically, one of his busy hands pressing onto his stomach as he pouted at them, “Like right now. And the man kept stalling for no good reason. I thought I was going to pass out.”
“So you somehow ended up looking like a wilted flower?” they arched their brow at him as they carried their drinks and tugged him by the arm. “Should I worry about you dying out on me now?”
“Yes, if you don’t hurry and drive us back quickly.” Luffy looked dead-serious as he started moving so fast that it turned into him pulling them along and not the opposite. “Unless you want me to eat the snacks right now—“
“Coming, coming!”
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As per their almost-monthly usual, they got pulled over by the police in the middle of the road, and Kid could only grit his teeth and hiss out a “Fine” when asked for his driver’s license (because past experience taught him that calling an officer bringing him in for speeding a “cunt” was a sure fire way to end up in jail).
He fumbled with his pockets, before realizing that his wallet wasn’t there as it usually was. Before he could ask for it, they found it in the space between the driver’s seat and the gearstick. They quickly pulled out his driver’s license, briefly glancing at it once before their eyes blew comically wide and they slapped a hand on their face, trying to muffle their laughter.
Kid murderously glared at them, before finishing the routine up with the officer. As soon as they drove past him, they let their hand fall and howled with laughter.
“The fuck do you find so amusing?” he growled after they grew increasingly more hysterical.
“Your-your face!” they cried out, tears now falling down their face, “You never told me you had an emo phase! The black bangs, piercings, smokey eye…” they trailed off, interrupted by their loud laughter.
“I think I’m going to actually fucking kill you,” he hissed, despite the light dusting of red on his cheeks, which only fueled their amusement even further.
“Was this another one of your catchphrases in your teenage years?” they chortled, wiping away their tears and very clearly enjoying this.
“I’m parking right fucking now and kicking you out of the car.”
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“Got everything?” they asked Law at the doorstep, pulling their suitcases along behind them.
He nodded, but still went on to flit through his waistbag, checking the stuff along as he did. Their flight was still in a bit, but he didn’t want to turn around halfway through the drive to the airport. “Passport, visa, cash, credit cards, ID… wait. The driver’s license.”
Cocking their head to the side, they looked a little confused. “What do you need that for? We’re vacationing abroad.”
He gave his partner a very pointed look, and they shrugged and went to get his license nonetheless. “Weren’t you the one who insisted on visiting every single monument around the city? We’ll need a rental car for that, and I’m the one that has an international driver’s license.”
Before he could say anything else, a howl of laughter erupted from the bedroom, growing louder as they came up to him. Exasperation in his eyes, he turned to them, already knowing the reason behind their extreme amusement.
“Yes, haha, very funny, Law’s squinting at the camera,” he drawled, holding his hand out, “Now could we get this over with? We’ll run late.”
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this,” they smirked, clutching the license close to their chest and taking another peek. “The squint’s not so bad, honestly. I can tell you just weren’t wearing your lenses. My problem’s with the god-awful hair.”
“Mullets were a thing when I was 18,” he snapped, trying to come up with an excuse—and clearly failing, if their peels of laughter were any proof. “And most teenagers don’t have much of a sense of style.” Law finally snatched the driver’s license from them, and took his suitcase rolling behind him on the way to where their Uber would pick them up.
Locking up behind him, they grinned, shaking their head. “Not much of a sense of style now either, love…”
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“Robin, darling, I love you, and I would buy you anything you ask for, but we’re going to find ourselves broke by the end of the month if you keep spending ludicrous amounts of cash on book shipments,” they sighed, hurrying over to the bedroom where their girlfriend sat perched on her armchair, book in hand, “I think you need an intervention.”
The girlfriend in question chuckled, setting her reading glasses down, “Oh dear, that must’ve been last month’s ARC package. Let me get my wallet.”
“I already paid for it, but they asked for your ID for confirmation of the delivery. Is it in your wallet?”
Robin looked thoughtful for a moment. “No, I think I left it out on the coffee table when I came back from buying wine for our date night.”
They nodded and made their way out. It was silent for a few moments, before they snorted with laughter. “Oh God,” they choked out, before muffling the sound and opening the door once again. Moments later, it shut behind them, and they exploded into a fit of laughter, bursting into their bedroom.
“What’s so funny?” Robin smiled patiently, watching them fail to catch their breath.
Patting their chest, they finally managed to speak. “Y-your-your face! Why do you look so murderous?”
The woman chuckled, closing her book and walking up to them to glance at the ID. “I think I’d been woken up pretty early that day to take this picture, so I was rather grumpy. The photographer had made an inappropriate comment, and this was the only way I could express my displeasure.”
Their laughter quieted for a moment as they mumbled, “Fucking bastard,” before they glanced at the picture again and giggled, “And what’s with the half-shaved head?”
Robin shook her head, swiftly taking the ID from their fingers and pocketing it stealthily. “Let it be a reminder to not let teenage bullies stick gum in your hair.”
“There’s a lot to unpack in that statement…”
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“I’m telling you, sir, I’m definitely old enough to be driving this.” Nami gritted her teeth, trying her best to smile sweetly at the police officer. “As a matter of fact, I’m old enough to carry out every single legal procedure in this country.”
“No driver’s license, no passage,” he firmly said, though he did hesitate for a second afterwards, probably after noticing just how stunning she was as she fluttered her eyelashes like that.
They placed a hand on her arm. “It’s alright, Nami. I’ve got your wallet in the drawer. Brought it just in case.” Pulling it out, they began to rifle through her numerous cards, before blurting out, “Holy fuck,” and bursting into laughter that they desperately tried to muffle behind their hand, their other hand giving their girlfriend her license.
With a look that could kill, she snatched it and gave it to the waiting officer, who soon sent them on their way. Revving the car back up, Nami glared at them.
“What, you didn’t expect me to comment on that picture?”
“What do you say we forget about that and turn on the radio?” Nami forced a big grin on her face, though the vein in her forehead remained prominent.
“Aw, it’s not that bad,” they cooed, before cracking up, “I mean, of course there’s the outdated perm, and the garish blue glitter eyeshadow, and the very obvious fact that these are not the eyes of anyone even remotely sober…”
“You’re paying for today’s date and next week’s one too,” Nami snapped, before exhaling loudly and slumping in her seat. “God, why’d you have to see the worst photo I’ve ever taken? I’d even had a terrible acne breakout then, so my face was in pain the entire time.”
“It’s alright, love. I still think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world,” they said as they leaned across to kiss her cheek.
Tension left her body, but she still managed to say, “You’re still paying for the next two dates.”
“Fuck, I’d been hoping you’d let that go.”
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Killer had been stopped at the entrance of the concert arena as usual. With his mask almost always on, the security guards always needed to check he was of age by asking for his ID. He didn’t say much, knowing that this was a routine procedure, but he did tense a little with annoyance at having to take time out and possibly miss out on the best seats up front.
“I’ve got both of ours’ here,” they nodded from beside him, taking out both their wallets from their pockets and pulling each of their IDs. When it came to their boyfriend’s, however, they couldn’t help the snicker that left them at the sight of his picture.
“You’re having too much fun with this,” he grumbled, before taking it and handing it over to the man, briefly lifting his mask for a second for him to confirm his identity.
As they began to walk in, they took his hand in theirs, still laughing a bit. “Not my fault you never told me you used to imitate Kid’s punk style.”
“He was the only friend I had, of course I’d want to look like him,” Killer shrugged, “No one told me that straightening hair like mine does that much heat damage though…”
“Can’t believe you had a side part, Jesus,” they chuckled, shaking their head, “Not to mention the patchy beard. And what’s with the panda makeup?”
“Again, Kid’s idea,” he sounded a little annoyed, a light dusting of pink climbing down his neck, “He was all for the kohl-rimmed eyes, but neither of us knew how to apply it—hence why it got all smudged.”
They hummed, squeezing his arm lovingly. “Love the bright red lipstick-hair combo, by the way, but I still prefer the light purple lipstick on you. It’s very… you.”
Killer cocked his head curiously in their direction, wondering what they meant by that. With one last chuckle, they said, “As… interesting as other colors look on you, purple suits you best because it goes well with your pretty blue eyes.” Before he could get flustered and grunt that they were being foolish, they began to drag him by the arm. “We gotta hurry, there’s only 2 front row seats left.”
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Taglist: @stories-that-shaped-me @wifeofkyojuro @finch-ya @livwritesfics
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embersofhope-if · 1 year
Okay i wrote this a while ago bc somebody requested it but now i can't find the ask💔
anyways heres a drabble of the fight Mc and Aurel got into when they were sixteen
tw for fighting, dissociation, strangulation, and theres a needle used at the end but its not explicitly stated
wordcount: 1.9k
The rain pours down onto me as I stand waiting. What I'm waiting for, I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that I need to stand here and wait until whatever is supposed to happen happens. I see the blurred figures of both children and teachers leaving the school to go start their afternoon shifts in the factories. Even if I can’t clearly see their faces, I can feel their glares, anger, and hatred hot on my skin. It’s the only thing I can feel at the moment. It’s honestly about the only thing I’ve been able to feel since the games ended. I can’t bring myself to think too deeply about what happened, or I might start drowning in every emotion imaginable, again.
I can’t let that happen. They’ll put me on so many pills I won’t be able to tell which way is up.
So, I continue to stand, waiting in the rain, having only the heat of glares keeping me warm. A bolt of lightning hits the building across the street, followed by a loud crack of thunder. The jolt of fear suddenly clears my mind of the fog that it’s been trapped in, and I realize why I’m here.
Every day without fail, Ash and I would meet up here after school. Whether we would just talk for a couple of minutes before their shift at the factory or I was walking them home, we always met up here.
All at once, everything that I haven’t been able to feel hits me so hard I almost fall over. Every feeling forms into a single thought.
I’ve got to get out of here now.
I run, fleeing from the courtyard and everything that’s happened there. That courtyard is nothing but a painful reminder that Ash is gone, and there is nothing I can do to bring them back. With the fog lifted from my brain, I can now fully feel the pain of what's happened. My heart aches as if the games happened just yesterday, and it has left my feet unsteady as I continue to run. I have no idea where I'm running to, probably somewhere equally as painful, but as long as I’m moving away from here, I don’t really care.
I shove past several people, barely hearing their angry shouts of protest, and force my way through a set of doors. I have no idea where I am or where to go. I recognize the room, but my mind refuses to focus enough to remember the name. All I can think about is how much my chest aches and how cold my hands are. My skin feels so cold it's like I’ve never felt the Sun.
I force myself to sit down before I collapse onto the floor, trying not to make any more of a scene than I already have. Exhaustion begins to replace whatever panic is left in my body.
I need to stand up. Make my way home before someone tells Father that I’ve had some type of breakdown. Explain to him that this is nothing like that.
But it is exactly like that, isn’t it? I’m not entirely sure what counts as a breakdown, but sprinting through school grounds shoving anyone out of my way in a blind panic probably counts at least as the start of one. The worry of what Father is going to do when he finds out isn’t enough to motivate my body to move again. I’m so exhausted that all I can bring myself to do is sit here and breathe.
I’m not entirely sure how long I’ve been here, but it’s long enough for me to finally realize where I’m at, the community cafeteria. I’m just thankful I didn’t barge my way into some teacher’s classroom, which means the chances of someone noticing me are significantly lower. I still haven’t been able to bring myself to stand, but I have noticed other people moving about and taking seats. These must be late-day shift workers. That means it's almost seven o’clock, and I’m supposed to be at dinner in thirty minutes. This realization finally manages to get my limbs moving again.
I’ve got to get across the city in the middle of a shift change in less than thirty minutes and then pretend that I’ve spent the last three hours in my room instead of out here trying not to lose my mind. This is going to be near impossible
I quickly stand, trying to come up with something to say to my family whenever I get back home.
Maybe I can say I went on a walk or Hope went missing and I went looking for him. Who am I kidding? Mother wouldn’t believe that for a second, and if she did, Calliope wouldn’t, and she’d have no problem with immediately calling me out on the lie.
No matter what I come up with, every excuse is worse than the last. Ultimately, I decided to just get back as fast as I could and wing it from there.
Once again, I begin shoving my way through groups of people not really caring for the looks they throw my way. I’m stopped whenever a hand grabs my collar and pulls, hard. The motion forces me to turn around, and I come face to face with Aurel Weaver. The anger in their eyes does nothing but confuse me.
I hardly know Aurel. I can’t even remember the last time I spoke to them. What could I have possibly done to make them so angry?
For a minute, we both just stare at each other, waiting for the other to speak. I take the moment to properly look at them. After the games ended, shifts at the factories began to ramp up, and Aurel ended up dropping out of school to keep up with the work they were assigned. I haven’t really seen them since then, but I can tell the work is taking a toll on them, changing them. They look about as exhausted as I feel. Their skin pale, and the bags under their eyes are worse than I've ever seen them before. But the biggest change I can see is in their eyes; beautiful hazel eyes drowning in nothing but fury and hatred, and it's all directed at me. A sharp pang runs through my chest. I may not have been best friends with Aurel, but I still considered them at the very least a friendly acquaintance. I force myself to ignore the hurt and very suddenly realize that I’ve been staring for too long and I can't afford to waste what little time I have to get home. “Sorry Aurel, I didn’t mean to run into you,” I say quickly, going to turn to leave.
I take a step away until I, once again, feel a hand grab me. Only this time, the hand is wrapped around both my collar and the chain hanging around my neck. They’re saying something to me, but all I can focus on is the chain in their hand and the fact that if they pull it’ll snap. I take a breath slightly, turning my head, forcing myself to listen to what they’re saying.
“It’s rude to not answer my questions, you know?” Aurel growls, and I can feel them getting ready to yank me back. Instead of responding, I try to move out of their grip. At the same time, they decide to pull, and I feel the chain snap.
The pendant slides down my shirt, and I watch it fall to the ground. The last precious gift that I will ever get from Ash now lays on the ground broken like it was nothing. I barely feel Aurel's presence anymore. All I can stare at is the pieces.
They grab my shoulder, tired of me apparently ignoring them, and force me to look at them. Suddenly, the nothingness I felt while looking at the broken pendant is replaced with an all-consuming rage at the sight of them standing, acting like I owe them any type of response. I glance around and notice a glass cup sitting on the table next to us.
Without a second of delay, I grab it and smash it against the side of their head. Before they manage to recover any semblance of balance, I lunge at them and knock them to the ground. One. Two. Three. I get three punches in before they get me off them. They pin me down with one hand around my throat and use the other to try and hold my hands down. I can feel their right hand around my throat, squeezing hard while I kick and scratch at them. As my vision starts to fill with black spots, I freeze and begin to realize that Aurel might just be trying to kill me.
I’m going to die on the dirty floor of the community cafeteria, and it’s nobody’s fault but mine. Broken and nothing on the ground, just like the necklace lying next to me.
I feel Aurel's grip on me loosens, and I know this is my chance to get them off me. I kick them in the side and manage to get out from under them. I throw a punch to the side of their head that knocks them into a leg of the table, hard. Disoriented and off balance, Aurel doesn’t even notice that I’m in front of them until I pin them down and begin to hit them over and over. I lose track of how many times I hit them; all I know is that they’re not fighting back anymore. I don’t stop. I can’t stop. Every emotion I’ve been trying not to feel comes out in every swing. I know I’m crying, but I can’t bring myself to care. I should be ashamed for doing this for letting my anger take control, but I’m not.
There’s a crowd around us now. I can’t hear them, but I can see them; with the show me and Aurel have been putting on, it was bound to catch some attention. If there’s a crowd, then that means there must be peacekeepers on the way. I don’t care. They can drag me away and lock me up forever, and I won’t care. I feel hands trying to pull me off Aurel, but I don’t let them.
They hurt me. Why shouldn’t I hurt them? I want to hurt them. I want to hurt all of them. Everyone in the districts and Capitol. I want to hurt them all.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice white uniforms surrounding me, and they begin grabbing me. They’re a lot better at getting me off Aurel than whoever was trying before. As I’m being pulled away, I notice the pendant still lying on the ground, a forget-me-not shattered into pieces.
Ash would hate me right now.
That thought takes any fight I had left, and I sag in the peacekeeper's arms. The last thing I see is my Father walking towards me as I feel a sharp prick on the back of my neck and fade into darkness.
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