#i’m sorry if i just completely misread or misunderstood your ask
citylawns · 6 months
World doesnt need the beauty standard saying how poor they are for being the standard as much as it doesnt need millionaires saying how bad they have it with packed wallets
I would switch places with you in a heartbeat if I could but instead Im stuck with the reflection i hate and half of my life taken away by disordered eating and shame but go off queen, tell us how bad you have it for being skinny
Hi there ! I’m sorry you’re feeling this agony about yourself - eating disorders are truly insidious and I’ve got many friends who have survived them and had experience myself.
But anyway, you have definitely misread or misunderstood something I’ve said ! I have never claimed, nor do I think, that it’s “hard” being skinny! Thats not to say it’s not without many issues and my reactions and frustrations about how people talk about my body are real, but I’m very much aware of the way different women’s bodies are treated online and in public. if you have a look through my blog you’ll see I’ve said time and time again how I am privileged for thinness and how my face and body have literally made me money as a model as well as speaking about the odd relationship to this with the bad experiences I’ve had (sexual assault from an employer).
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I’m guessing you’ve been confused by this post? It was referring to the fact I don’t post photos of myself because of the way my appearance becomes the focus from my online audience instead of the things I spend more time talking about and posting like music and literature and art. I’m tired of talking about politics then being asked for weight loss tips. It’s crazy because idk why people think I would condone starvation given everything I have been through and write about on here??? I am frustrated when people praise me for my body because I make no effort with it and don’t think there should be such things as beauty standards, that make women compete with each other and form a hierarchy. This obviously doesn’t mean it’s “hard” being skinny, it’s just true that there are negative experiences when as a woman you’re trying to say something important or show your creative work and you’re just continually reduced to your body. It’s very misogynist. Because of this any femme presenting person finds their appearance becomes their focus from their audience online - no matter what we post.
My emotions about people (often female customers and girls with eating disorders) commenting horrible things about my weight are real and are allowed to be shared on my personal blog that is about me and my experiences. But just sharing my personal experience is very obviously not an insinuation that there is any structural disadvantage of being thin! It’s a structural disadvantage of being a woman - and within that there are always women who have lived experiences both better and worse than you. Again, im completely positive you’ve misread something because it would be very odd tell someone they aren’t allowed to talk about how patriarchy and ED culture affects them lol
You can see these posts if you scroll through my blog but I’ve recently explained I don’t give out appearance tips because 1. I don’t do anything/find it boring and redundant to talk about given it’s the only thing the world wants to talk about, but more importantly 2. Systematic privilege allows me to be low maintenance and it would be hypocritical of me to pretend otherwise !
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I hope that’s cleared things up!! ❤️
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heffrcns · 5 years
Hey! What are some of your favourite Dean headcanons? He needs more love 🥰
hi! i don’t know if it’s becuase i’ve just got up and am still really tired, but i’ve managed to confuse myself and i’m unsure if you mean my favourites that people have done already or for me to write some😂 so that’s my bad, i’ll try and cover both:
my favourite dean headcanons/imagines out there (that i’ve at least saw) are by @imaginesbyme , @ditch-witches and @strangethings-everywhere ! i’m sure there’s more but i love their stuff :)
and if you mean my favourite headcanons about dean, i can definitely write some more! i’ve only done one dean hc myself (and a blurb i think?), so you’re right, he deserves more love💞 and sorry if this wasn’t what you were looking for, anyone feel free to send some dean requests my way!
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my-soul-sings · 2 years
I dare you to do it. Please do it. In exchange, I'll make one too! -Anon
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This wasn’t at all what Artem had in mind when he decided to confess to her. 
He hadn’t even gotten to the end of the speech that he had prepared for her, when he first spotted moisture growing in her eyes. She then immediately dropped her gaze to the floor while her fingers interlocked into tight fists. 
Naturally, he stopped mid-sentence to ask if something was wrong. 
It took a second or two before she timidly shook her head in response to his question. 
“No, I… I just… didn’t think you would do this.” 
It was then that he noticed a tear fall onto her shirt, seeping into and staining the fabric.
Artem didn’t quite know whether those were happy tears or not. But from the way her body language appeared to be clamming up, it seemed more likely to be the latter.
“Sorry, should I have chosen somewhere less public? Do you want to move this somewhere else?” He had brought her to the amusement park, thinking the lively atmosphere would let her feel more at ease. But at that moment, she looked more stressed than she had been when she first arrived.
Looking back, it should have occurred to him that she might have been stressed for different reasons than what he had thought.
“Let’s stop this here, Artem,” she told him, still refusing to raise her face to look at him. He wanted to call her name, to have her meet his eyes so he could find out what’s wrong. But right then, he couldn’t bring his voice to work. All he could feel was his heart sinking in his chest like a boulder into an abyss.
Artem may be dense in the romance department, but he had worked with and known her long enough to know what she was really getting at.
“Okay. Let me take you home.” 
She didn’t say anything when he gestured for her to walk ahead, but she kept a noticeable distance between them for the entire walk back to the car.
The sounds of the fountain and children’s laughter gradually grew softer behind them, until they were completely enveloped in an awkward silence. 
The drive back was a silent one. Artem didn’t know if it would be appropriate to turn on the radio, so he left it as it was. She, on the other hand, looked out the window of the passenger seat the entire time in a seemingly deliberate attempt to avoid looking at him. 
Where had he gone wrong? Artem thought he had read the signs right, but had he heavily misunderstood her feelings towards him? Should he have waited a little longer to observe the situation more before making this move? Sure, he had decided to confess because he didn’t want to wait around forever and have any regrets if he was too late, but if she didn’t feel the same way towards him, he might have just put a huge dent in their relationship. 
In the worst case scenario, that dent may be an irreparable one. 
The car rolled to a stop in front of her apartment building. 
“We’re here,” he said, breaking the silence as delicately as he could. “Are… you okay?”
She didn’t respond immediately. It didn’t look like she was crying, but Artem glanced at the tissue box next to him in case she needed it. 
Eventually, she cleared her throat, and finally turned to face him. Her expression was grim, her eyes downcast and her lips pursed into a thin line. It looked like she was struggling to think of what to say. 
“I’m sorry,” were the first two words that left her. A rush of guilt filled Artem and he tried to interject, but she held up her hand, indicating that she wasn’t finished, so he held his tongue.
“I appreciate all the effort you put in for this, Artem. Really, I do. I just… I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear enough. I’m not sure if I gave you the wrong idea or made you think that I had… feelings for you. If I did, sorry for leading you on.”
“You have nothing to apologise for,” he gently replies, offering her a smile. “I’m sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I misread things between us and that is my fault, not yours.” 
“Still, I– I feel horrible thinking about how much effort you put into this and I just— The last thing I wanted was to hurt you.”
Artem wanted to say that he wasn’t hurt, that he was fine, but he couldn’t ignore the dull ache in his chest, or the growing lump in his throat. 
Still, he put on a brave face. Just for a little while longer.
“I might need some time to move past this,” he said, surprising himself with how steady his voice sounded, “but I’ll be fine. I should apologise as well; I never wanted to make you cry, but it seems that I have hurt you once again.” 
She shook her head. “Artem, I appreciate you as my colleague. I really do. I still look up to you. A lot. You know that, right?”
It was slightly easier to smile this time. “Yes. I feel the same.”
“Maybe we should take some time away from each other. We probably need some time to ourselves to think things through. After that, let’s start working together again like we always have. Okay?” 
She had taken the words right out of his mouth. “Thank you. I was worried that I had done something irreparable to our relationship, but I’m glad that you’ll still be happy to work with me.” 
“Of course. We’re partners, right?” 
It was once a cherished term he would use to refer to them, but hearing it now stung a lot more than he would like to admit. Artem’s smile faded just slightly, but he quickly recovered. “Yes. Always.” 
“I’ll see you on Monday then?” 
“Yes. Have a good rest over the weekend.” 
She looked like she had more to say, but then she seemed to decide against it and chose to open the door instead. “Bye Artem. Thanks for the ride home, and… I’ll see you on Monday.” 
He waved her goodbye, and made sure she had entered the apartment building before finally relaxing his strained face and driving off. 
A few blocks down the road, the car stopped once again in a quiet parking lot. Artem leaned back against his seat for a moment, contemplating the events of the day. Reaching into his pocket, he found the jewellery box containing the necklace that he had painstakingly handcrafted for her. 
He held the necklace in his palm as his fingers brushed over the little red beans. How beautiful it would have been if this had really turned out to be his destined true love. Maybe he had hoped for too much, read too into what the red beans symbolised for them. 
Artem closed his eyes and heaved a heavy sigh as he rested his hand over his eyes. All he could see was the vivid image of her wet eyes and downcast expression at the fountain earlier. 
Before long, his own cheeks became moist as his hand clutched onto the fabric of his pants, creasing it in his tight grip. 
From the looks of things, it seemed unlikely that he would be alright by Monday.
Monday came, and things didn’t seem to have changed. Artem came in on time as usual, fixed himself a cup of coffee in his office, and got to work straight away. 
For the most part, she seemed fine as well. There was an air of awkwardness around her when she first entered his office to show him the affidavits that she had drafted, but that quickly disappeared as soon as they started focusing on work itself rather than the events of the previous weekend. 
Before long, they were back to talking like they used to, and she was even able to throw in a few jokes here and there to lighten the mood. 
Admittedly, smiling still hurt, but Artem played along. It was easier to do it when he focused on the relief from knowing that she was largely back to her normal self around him. 
It was also fortunate that there was a lot of work for him to do; it meant another late night for him in the office, but at least it could help him get his mind off of things. 
By 11pm, Artem had done whatever he needed to for the day and was ready to go home. He packed his things, switched off the light in his office, and headed towards the elevator. 
Just as the doors opened though, he couldn’t help but turn back, allowing his gaze to stray in the direction of her desk. Surely she would have gone home by now, right?
Perhaps he could check just to make sure. It wasn’t like he was doing anything wrong; it was perfectly normal to check on a fellow colleague. 
The rest of the office was largely dark since everyone had left for the day. But he immediately noticed the single light that was still on, and he walked towards the source, soon realising that it was coming from her desk. 
When he arrived, he found her sleeping on a jacket as her makeshift pillow. A quick skim of the documents that were open on her computer indicated to him that she had been in the middle of preparing her cross-examination questions for one of their upcoming trials. He did recall her mentioning that she would prepare the list for him by tomorrow. 
Looking at her sleeping soundly on the table, he couldn’t help but smile to himself. She always pushed herself too hard. 
Her breaths were quiet, and he noticed a stray strand of hair that had fallen in her face. Without thinking, he was about to reach out to tuck it behind her ear when he suddenly stopped his hand mid-air. His fingers curled into a loose fist, before his hand fell back to his side. 
After a moment’s hesitation, he lightly tapped her shoulder, causing her to stir. 
“Mm… Artem? What time is it?” 
“It’s past 11. You should go back and rest for now, and work on this tomorrow.”
“Huh?” She glanced at her screen, before heaving a sigh and rubbing her temples. “I wanted to finish this before going home today.”
“You’ll be able to think better after some sleep. If you need more time, you don’t have to give me the list of questions by tomorrow. The day after is fine.”
“No, tomorrow is fine. I’m actually close to finishing. But yes, I take your point. I’ll get some sleep and continue this tomorrow.” She offered him a sheepish smile, perhaps knowing that she would only lose if she attempted to prolong this argument. 
Artem nodded in approval. “It’s late, so let me drive you home. Just as a friend, of course,” he added quickly, hoping it wouldn’t give her the wrong idea. 
She considered his offer for a while. The second stretched so long that Artem started to wonder if he shouldn’t have offered after all. Did he make things weird between them again?
However, to Artem’s relief, she nodded her head. “Okay, but… only if it’s not too much trouble for you.” 
He shook his head. “Not at all. It’s on the way.” 
“Thanks, Artem. I’d really appreciate it.”
She dozed off in the car less than five minutes after he drove out of the parking lot. 
At the next red light, Artem glanced at her sleeping side profile, and he couldn’t help but chuckle wistfully to himself. There was no stopping the warmth that swept through his chest as his eyes traced the curves of her sleeping face. 
Even if she didn’t return his feelings, he could be okay with that. It didn’t mean he had to stop loving her quietly from the side; he could still look out for her in his own way like this, at least, until another man who was worthy of her and who could win her affections came along and swept her off her feet. 
For Artem, this would have to be enough. 
A/N: Okay @ the anon who promised you would write one in return, I am WAITING. :))))
Thanks for reading! Not sure if this was as angsty as you wanted/thought it would be but idk. I feel like even a heartbroken Artem wouldn't be fixated on himself/his own broken heart because that's just how the big teddy bear is :"( I love him. How dare you make me break his heart i will bReAK yOu aNOnS
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okaywa · 4 years
Hello can i request a scenarios for Kuroo, Oikawa, Bokuto who is dating with top volleyball player and when they tell it to the team, they just laugh or called him delulu but one day his fem!s/o shows up and the rest of team are like *shocked pikachu face*
Yessss bb!! This is a really cute request :)
With Kuroo I think he’s going to mention you so much that his team thinks he’s making you up to sound cool 
He’s always bailing on hangouts bc “I’m hanging out with my girlfriend today.”
“Sorry, can't come to the study group because im studying with my girlfriend.”
“Me and my girlfriend went to this really good place the other day-”
Until finally his team decides to call him on it
“Oh let me guess,” Yaku says. “She goes to a different school?”
“Yeah, how’d you know?” Kuroo blinks
Even Kenma’s laughing now. “What’s her name then?”
“Y/n Y/ln, she plays volleyball too,” Kuroo grins. 
“THE Y/N Y/L/N?!” Yamamoto yells. “Now I really don't believe you.”
“Who’s that?” Lev asks, looking around.
“She’s the top ace in the women’s division,” Yaku answers, squinting at Kuroo. 
“And, super hot,” Yamamoto sighs. “I want her to spike a ball directly into my face.” 
“I am never bringing her here,” Kuroo decides, watching Yamamoto practically drool. 
“That’s convenient,” Kenma mutters under his breath, running away before Kuroo can make him practice more serves.
“Ah, Tetsu-chan!” You wave energetically from across the gym. “Did you just finish your game?”
Kuroo catches you easily when you jump at him to hug him, hefting you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist. He sets you down after a moment, taking in your flushed appearance and uniform. 
“Yeah, did you?”
“Yes!” You’re practically bouncing. “We won! We’re going to semi-finals!”
“That’s my girl,” Kuroo grins, accepting your high five. “Us too.”
You wrap him up in another excited hug, rambling about your spikes from your game until someone clears their throat. 
“Uh, Kuroo?” Lev asks, poking his shoulder. 
“Oh, Lev,” Kuroo steps to the side. “This is my girlfriend, Y/n Y/ln.” 
“Hi, nice to meet you,” you beam, shaking his hand eagerly. 
Lev stammers out some sort of greeting before backing off and running to get Yaku. 
“That was weird,” you blink. “Is he always like that?”
Kuroo is smirking mischievously. “Just about.”
“Kuroo! You were being serious?” Yaku stomps over. “Why didn’t you say?”
“I did. Repeatedly,” Kuroo snickers. “But you all said I was lying because she goes to a different school and is out of my league.”
“I mean, she is,” Yamamoto scoffs honestly, stepping forward to shake your hand. “Hi Y/ln-san, I’m a big fan.”
“Back off, you pervert,” Kuroo growls good-naturedly. 
After meeting the rest of his dumbstruck team Kuroo drags you down the street to a small cafe for some postgame food. 
“So, I’m out of your league, hm?” You ask, nudging Kuroo’s foot under the table. 
“Uh, yeah,” Kuroo says. “Was that not obvious?”
After his last less than pleasant relationship he decides to keep you on the DL for a little longer than he usually would
So when he tells Iwaizumi who he’s dating, the guy can’t help his loud laughter 
“Yeah, right Oikawa. I get you’re a hit with the ladies but I don’t believe that for second!”
He’s laughing so hard the rest of the team is starting to notice and wander over 
“What’d Oikawa say that’s so funny?” Mattsun asks
Iwaizumi straightens up, wiping his eyes while still chuckling
“That he’s dating Y/n Y/ln,” he manages to get out before he doubles over again “And has been for the last few months.”
“Y/n Y/ln as in the number one libero in the women’s division?”
“Yes” Oikawa crosses his arms.
Oikawa glares at Iwaizumi, his expression growing increasingly offended when the rest of his team joins in with Iwa-Chan’s boisterous laughter
“Why would I lie about this? You guys are being mean!”
“I guess we have to start calling you Lyingkawa instead of Stupidkawa,” Iwaizumi wheezes,
Oikawa huffs, “Get back to practicing your spikes before I make you all run a mile.”
Is this the right gym? You look at Oikawa’s text again. He’d sent you his address just in case his practice ran a little late and this did seem like the right place. You peak through the window, grinning when you spot him. 
Deciding it’s best not to distract him, you slide into the gym quietly and settle in a chair next to the door. 
“Oh, are you looking someone?” One of the players asks. 
“I’m okay, just waiting for Oikawa to finish up,” you replyr. 
The spiky-haired man nods and then freezes, eyes growing wide. “Oikawa- hold on. Y/ln?”
“Erm, yes,” you smile. “Iwaizumi, right? Oikawa talks about you constantly. It’s always ‘mean Iwa-chan did this’ or “Iwa-chan hit me with a volleyball!” Iwaizumi flushes. “I’m sorry, I didn't think he was being serious when he said you were his girlfriend.”
“Y/n-chan!” Oikawa runs across the gym. “You’re early!”
“No, Tooru, you're running late,” you correct him with a knowing smile, standing up to kiss his cheek. 
Oikawa blinks and checks the time, face falling when he sees the time. “I didn't realize.”
“Don’t worry, love, I was expecting it,” you laugh softly. 
The rest of his team has walked over during the exchange and were currently exchanging varying expressions of shock and confusion. 
“Oh, I’ll introduce you,” Oikawa beams, taking your hand. “Team, this is Y/n Y/ln. My lovely girlfriend!”
You wave, an easy-going smile on your face. After all, Oikawa talked about them so much it felt like you already knew them. “Nice to meet you guys.”
“You’re actually his girlfriend?” A light haired boy asks. 
“Makki,” Oikawa scolds. “Don’t be rude.”
“I take it Tooru hasn't mentioned me,” you laugh, shouldering your boyfriend with feigned offense. 
“No he has, we just didn't believe him.” Mattsun admits, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Oikawa shoos them away after that, insisting he has places to be. 
“So,” you hum, now at the ramen shop. “Care to tell me why no one believed I was your girlfriend.”
Oikawa snorts. “Because they think, and I’m dead serious, that you're too cool for me. Being the number one libero and all that.���
“Well, at least they were right about that,” you sigh. 
“Not you too!” Oikawa pouts. 
Now like Kuroo he talks about you to the team except even more. He is constantly gushing about you and how you both play volleyball and how talented you are
The only reason his team doesn’t believe him is because they can't imagine someone other than Akaashi being able to handle Bokuto 
So they think you probably consider him as just a friend and he’s definitely overthinking the friendship y'all have 
“So, Bokuto-san, do you have plans?”Akaashi asks as they clean up after practice. 
“Yeah! I’’m going to Y/n’s house and we’re watching movies.” He says excitedly
“Y/n, your girlfriend,” Akaashi says slowly. He knows how excitable Bokuto is and doesn’t want the guy getting his feelings hurt bc he misunderstood the situation 
“Yes, my girlfriend,” Bokuto replies. “Have I not mentioned that?”
“No, no, you have.” Akaashi hums. “Are we ever going to meet her?”
“Her schedules pretty busy considering she also plays volleyball.” 
“Are we talking about Bokuto’s ‘girlfriend’ again?” Konoha walks over with a shit-eating grin. “What position does she play?”
Bokuto perks up, happy to brag about you. “She’s a setter! She’s super good, like one of the best in the women’s division.”
Akaashi pauses, quickly connecting the dots. “Y/n Y/ln?”
“Yeah! You’ve heard of her?” Bokuto tilts his head. 
“Uh, yeah, Bokuto-san. She’s the number one setter in the prefecture.” Akaashi says, looking back at Konoha. Akaashi actually enjoyed watching her matches to get ideas for his own setting. 
“She’s your girlfriend?” Konoha asks incredulously. “Like, girlfriend girlfriend.”
“Yes, I’ve said that,” Bokuto smiles, walking away oblivious to the doubtful look shared between Akaashi and Konoha. 
The entire team knows Bokuto’s got another date after practice because he keeps mentioning it every chance he gets. Akaashi and Konoha share a look every time Bokuto talks about you, 15 times and counting. They’re still convinced Bokuto has completely misread the situation and are tense at the prospect of meeting you. 
“Hey, hey, hey! Y/n!” Bokuto yells excitedly, immediately dropping the ball he was going to put away. 
He rushes across the gym and sweeps you up in a hug that pulls you off your feet. “I already know where we’re getting food, okay? And I found this milkshake place that looks super yummy.”
“Kou, please put me down,” you giggle, tapping his shoulder. “I'd like to meet your teammates.”
“Oh, right! Of course,” he sets you down, still grinning excitedly. “Guys, this is Y/n. The girlfriend I’ve talked about so much.”
So, he’s actually got a girlfriend, Akaashi thinks with a small smile. He’s relieved that Bokuto hadn't been confused. 
“Y/ln-san, its really nice to meet you,” he says. “You’re an excellent server, I enjoy watching your games.”
“Oh, wow,” you flush. “That’s super flattering, thank you, Akaashi.”
Bokuto beams, glad to see you and his best friend getting along. The other teammates file through with their greetings until Bokuto is bouncing with impatience. 
“Okay, okay let’s go eat! I’m starving,” he complains, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the gym. 
“Bye, it was nice meeting you all!” You manage to wave goodbye as Bokuto pulls you away. 
“So, he’s actually got a girlfriend.” Konoha comes up beside Akaashi. “I’m kinda jealous. She’s a catch.”
“She seems good for Bokuto-san,” Akaashi says thoughtfully. “I’m happy for him.”
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riversofmars · 3 years
We Don’t Have to Use Words Part 1/2
Back even though no-one asked for it: me writing more Liv and Helen. :D 
One thing I'll say, please don't be mad at me over Tania. I love her, I really do and I want her to be happy, but I would prefer Liv to end up with Helen, that's all. And I really hope i handled the issue well enough. Neither Liv nor Helen are intending to hurt her, okay? I hope that comes across. 
After Helen spends the day hearing about how their neighbours Ron and Tony got together, she confides in Liv about her gay brother. Things had changed so much since the time she grew up in, but some things were still difficult to say. Particularly when she was only coming to terms with those things herself. As they continue their conversation, both women consider their feelings towards each other.
Rating: G
AO3 Link
Part 1
“Am I still a mystery to you as well, Miss Sinclair?“ Liv followed Helen into the kitchen. They were alone in their flat at 107 Baker Street, the Doctor was still out.
“Very much so.“ Helen chuckled as she filled the kettle with water, relaxing a little as the conversation turned less serious. “You build walls around yourself like a fortress.“ She flicked the kettle on to boil while retrieving two mugs from the cupboard. It had become a ritual of sorts between them. They used to do it on the TARDIS too, unwinding over a cuppa after an adventure. Old habits die hard.
“I’m sorry.“ Liv said and Helen looked around, confused at how serious she sounded. The look on her face revealed the damage the off-hand comment had caused.
“That’s not… I didn’t mean that as a criticism…“ Helen back peddled quickly. Liv had given much more weight to her words than she had intended. It hadn’t been an accusation, just a fact. Liv always kept her cards close to her chest and that was just fine. Helen sat the mugs down quickly. Liv looked genuinely hurt, she was biting her lip, evidently considering her response.
“I’m not keeping you out, you know me better than anyone else.“ Liv said, her words strained as if she was trying to swallow frustration and hurt but couldn’t quite manage it.
“Oh no! That’s not what I meant! I don’t… we are the best of friends, Liv, of course I know you and I don’t feel like you’re keeping me at arms length.“ Helen reached out quickly and took Liv’s hand that had become a clenched fist in her jumper. “You’re just a private person and that’s fine. Like I said some things are just not… easy to talk about.“ She gave her a pleading smile, hoping she would understand that she wasn’t meaning to hurt her. Liv’s hand relaxed in her own and Helen was relieved. The kettle turned itself off as the water had finished boiling and Helen looked around. Saved by the bell! “Maybe you were right, we don’t have to use words, making a cup of tea for someone can say just as much…“
It was the way they did things. Those things were signs of a firm friendship. Doing things for each other. Spending time together. They didn’t always need to talk about deep and meaningful things. They had done their share of that for tonight and Helen was keen to move on from that. Her own words, the things she had revealed, were still echoing in her mind. She looked to Liv who was watching her, her expression unreadable, and she hoped she hadn’t revealed too much. The day had brought a lot of emotions to the surface already and she couldn’t bear to think she had made things more complicated with Liv, too.
Helen busied herself making tea, distracting herself from the heavy silence that had suddenly fallen between them. She felt Liv’s eyes on her and wondered how much of what she had said before was still playing on her mind as well.
“You know what else says a hell of a lot?“ Liv’s voice drew her attention and Helen looked around, surprised to find her standing right behind her.
Liv reached up and took her face in her hands, pressing a firm kiss to her lips. Helen froze up and grabbed on to the edge of the work surface behind her, giving her hands something to do other than pulling Liv Chenka close. Her brain couldn’t catch up with what was happening. Liv’s lips were soft and warm against her own, gentle pressure, not demanding but not without desire either. It was even better than she had imagined.
The kiss ended all too soon and Helen just blinked at Liv, perplexed. Liv, for her part, looked up at Helen unsure, seemingly wondering if she had made a terrible mistake. Her lack of response was more telling than anything else.
“I… I’m sorry, I didn’t…“ Quickly, Liv took a step back, retreating to a safe distance. She clenched her hands to fists again, tense and angry with herself.
“Liv…“ Helen found her voice at last, snapping out of her trance. Her heart was pounding in her ears. She felt panic rising inside her, her chest tightening, at the prospect of an impossible choice. She had wondered what it would be like to kiss her best friend, there was no denying that. She was brave enough to admit to herself that that was something she had wanted for a long time. Was it right though? For either of them?
“Did I… misread the… what you said earlier, I assumed…“ Liv struggled for words, she blushed deeply, she averted her eyes and grabbed the edge of her jumper more tightly.
“Yes! I mean, no…“ Helen didn’t know what to say. “What…“
“I thought you meant… when you said you were jealous and…“ The words burst out of Liv like a waterfall of justification, but almost an accusation as well: “And when you said some things weren’t easy to say, I thought you meant…“
“I didn’t, I was talking about Albie and… besides you’re with… Tania and…“ Helen exclaimed, avoidance seemed to be the safest option. She stood to lose so much. She couldn't risk it just because she had gotten emotional.
“That’s why I said, love doesn’t run to a schedule, this might be bad timing but…“ Liv’s voice turned more desperate. Had they both completely misunderstood the other? “I like Tania a lot but we’re just starting out and she’s not…“ Liv felt a twinge of guilt, of course she did, but honesty was the best policy, surely. She had started this so she had to follow through.
“What?“ Helen couldn’t keep up. She was confused.
“She’s not you!“ Liv exclaimed. “If I’d known…“
“Well, uh… you’re… wrong. I’m not… I was just…“ Helen was beginning to panic. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t be the reason her friend broke off a promising relationship when she, herself, was still struggling to come to terms with them. She had no experience in this. Liv had been right. She had never talked about relationships much because it had never been of much interest to her. She should just carry on like that. It would be easiest for everyone.
“Oh…“ Liv’s face fell, Helen’s words hit like a punch in the gut, leaving her winded and disoriented.
“Sorry.“ Helen’s heart broke over the look on her best friend’s face. Did she really feel for her so strongly that her rejection would hurt her so much? Quickly Helen reached out, grabbed her arm before Liv could bolt as she was sure she was about to. “You’re… my best friend and… you’re brave and kind and intelligent and… beautiful, you…“ Helen so badly wanted to undo the damage her words had done.
“So what’s the problem?“ Liv shot back, angry. It didn’t happen often that she would share her heart with anyone and the rejection stung more than she could have imagined.
“I don’t know I… I didn’t even consider that I might… And then you turn up and you’re all confident and strong and, I’m not like that.“ Helen shook her head, hoping Liv would understand. Maybe she couldn’t find the right words to say it but surely she knew her well enough to grasp her meaning.
“You’re the strongest woman I know.“ Liv retorted and her tone was a strange mixture of accusatory and encouraging.
“Don’t make fun of me.“ Helen huffed and let go of Liv’s hand. She could deal with her being hurt and angry with her but she didn’t appreciate her making fun of her.
“I’m not.“ Liv replied, affronted that she would even think that was her intention.
“You can’t joke about these things with me, Liv. I can’t do that. I never… “ Helen shook her head.
“I am not joking. Is that what you think this is, that I’m trying to see if I can push your buttons?“ Liv demanded to know, frustrated. “I know how hard this is for you, I can tell.“ She shrugged and laughed at how ridiculous a conversation they were having. Fighting over something that shouldn’t be a disagreement at all: “And I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t think you felt the same way. You said as much earlier!“
“I didn’t know what I was saying, it just came out, I was just trying to make sense of everything and…“ Helen didn’t know how to explain. She couldn’t work it out, it was too big, too complicated to comprehend.
“Then let me help you do just that.“ Liv’s expression softened.
Maybe she could see how much she was struggling, Helen thought. Maybe she could forgive her.
Liv took Helen’s arms that she had hugged protectively around herself and pulled them apart. She ran her hands down her arms until they came to rest around Helen’s trembling fingers. She was trembling all over. “You want to know something that’s easy to say?“ Liv asked softly and Helen averted her eyes, she couldn’t stand the pity she found reflected back at her. “I love you.“ Liv said simply and without hesitation. “See, it’s the most fundamental thing between two people, the most human thing… I love you . You can say it as easily as that.“
“Liv…“ Helen couldn’t look at her, her eyes blurred, her voice became choked up. Liv couldn't even have meant it like that. She was just giving an example about how easily one could talk about their feelings. And yet, the effect those words had on her was profound.
“No, Helen, listen, please.“ Liv could tell that she was about to protest but she couldn’t let her. “I know this isn’t easy for you, I understand, but you can’t let the past dictate your future. This is not the 1960s anymore.“ She gave her hands a tight squeeze. She saw the tears gathering in her best friend's eyes.
“That’s not what it’s about.“ Helen tried to clear her throat but it only made her sound more upset.
“Then what?“ Liv asked. She let go of her hands and cupped her face instead, brushing away her tears with her thumbs. “Help me here, Helen, cause I really want to know.“ She whispered.
“It’s just, I can’t 'cause… timing and…“ Helen gave a desperate little chuckle. Why couldn't she have realised this before now? Any time really. It had been there for so long. Maybe even since the day Liv and the Doctor had broken into her office at the National Museum, she just hadn’t realised it at the time. She had thought about her when they had been split up from them, when she had been with the Eleven on Rykerzon and thought she would never see them again. She had noticed how much she liked being with Liv when they had been on Kaldor. She had accepted she couldn’t be without her in Salzburg. She had spent a lifetime to save her and the Doctor and Liv had spent her one wish on saving her in turn. They had sat together reading fairy tales to each other, held each other close… and yet, none of it had been enough to help her understand herself. Not truly, until today.
“Stop being silly.“ Liv interrupted her thoughts, almost as if she could hear them. “I love you, Helen Sinclair.“ She said, looking into her eyes to make sure she'd heard her. “There, I said it. Easiest thing in the world. And I would have told you sooner if I thought I stood a snowball’s chance in hell that you like me back.“ Liv laughed at how ridiculous a notion it seemed. “But you never said, Helen, you never said . You never spoke of any interest at all, interest in anyone, so I assumed that ruled me out as well.“
“And you didn’t think that maybe my past was holding me back?“ Helen said, barely audible.
“Have I or the Doctor ever given you reason to think we wouldn’t accept you, however, whatever you did?“ Liv asked, incredulous.
“No, of course not…“ Helen shook her head a little without looking at her.
“Then what is holding you back?“ Liv asked softly, stroking more stray tears off her pale cheeks.
“Well, you’re… dating now…“ Helen mumbled and Liv sighed, feeling that twinge of guilt again. Helen was right, the timing was terrible. She had been seeing Tania. Lovely, kind Tania. She didn’t want to hurt her. But they were just starting out, they were still getting to know each other whereas Helen… well, she was Helen . The person dearest to her in the whole universe. She loved Helen, simple as that. She had done so for a very long time but never considered the feeling might be mutual. But now that she did, what was she to do? Should they carry on like nothing had happened? Never speak of it again? Would Liv be able to forgive herself if she let it all go? And allowed things to get more serious with Tania? She liked her and perhaps, in time, she would grow to love her, but could she ever love her as much as she already loved Helen?
“Tania is great, she really is. But you wouldn’t believe the amount of times she has asked about our relationship. I'll talk to her tomorrow and she will understand. We only just met. But the fact of the matter is, Helen, that I’m in love with you.“ Liv said slowly, considering her words. At the end of the day, it was as easy as that. She leaned forward and kissed the tears off her cheeks. “I love how kind and considerate you are. Your quiet strength, your intelligence, your determination, your selflessness and your compassion.“ She punctuated every quality with a kiss. “You make me want to be better, be more like you, I admire you.“
“Oh Liv.“ Helen sobbed, her words only causing her to cry more. “Just stop!“ She blushed deeply, embarrassed by her compliments.
“No, I won’t stop. Not until you realise just how much you mean to me. How serious I am. How much I want you.“ Liv smirked a little, sensing she was wearing down her defences at last.
“Oh shut up.“ Helen leaned forward and silenced her the only way she knew how. The kiss was wet and sloppy with tears but she could feel Liv smiling against her lips, relieved and maybe even a little bit smug. Helen pulled back and wrapped her arms around her. She rested her forehead against hers. “I love you, Liv Chenka.“ The words came to her easier than she thought possible.
“Did I also mention how much I love the way my name rolls off your tongue?“ Liv smirked sheepishly and Helen laughed, her tears drying at last.
“Is that so?“ She chuckled.
“Most definitely.“ Liv nodded eagerly, biting her lip nervously, as if she was going to say something  but thought better of it.
“What are you thinking?“ Helen eyed her curiously, she knew her well enough to spot her hesitation instantly.
“Oh it’s nothing.“ Liv let go of her and reached past her for the mug on the work surface. “Best have this before it gets cold…“
“Liv!“ Helen exclaimed, playfully offended at her attention wandering. She didn’t appreciate the teasing. “What were you going to say? What were you thinking?“
“You really want to know?“ Liv asked, taking a sip of the tea, eyeing Helen over the rim of the mug. The tea was rather cold and much too strong as Helen had forgotten to take the tea bag out. She sat the mug down disappointedly.
“As it clearly relates to me. Yes!“ Helen playfully crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“I was imagining how much I will enjoy hearing you say my name when we’re in bed together.“ Liv answered with a smirk. She had asked. She brought her hands to Helen’s hips, holding her so she couldn’t bolt.
“Liv!“ Helen exclaimed, mortified, blushing scarlet red, though her words made her feel hot all over, not just in her cheeks.
“Thought it might be too soon, but you asked.“ Liv chuckled in amusement. She couldn’t help herself, she pushed her hands up a little, just under the hem of Helen’s blouse.  
“Honestly that’s…“ Helen cleared her throat, averting her eyes, refusing to meet Liv’s piercing gaze.
“What?“ Liv tilted her head playfully. She wasn’t usually one for teasing but Helen’s reaction was wonderful and her proximity was intoxicated. “You think I haven’t thought about it?“ Liv hummed, running her fingertips along her waistline.
“Well, I…“ Helen didn’t have words. She couldn’t think.
“Haven’t you?“ Liv asked leaning closer, pressing her body to Helen’s.
“I… I…“ Helen swallowed hard, her heart was pounding and she felt a strange sort of pull in her gut that she couldn’t remember feeling before, at least not like this. She’d had sex before and she had enjoyed it but she had never felt that burning desire that people spoke of. That fiery passion… she was getting so hot under her collar now, she realised that maybe she had been missing out.
And then, Liv kissed her. Not like before. Not tentative and soft and loving, Gods no . This kiss was so very much like Liv herself: Confident, demanding, passionate, strong. And Helen leaned into it. She kissed her back with equal favour or at least tried to. Liv pushed her tongue inside her mouth and Helen moaned, it was intoxicating, she was making her head spin.
Helen pushed her hands into Liv’s hair for something to hold on to and Liv pulled back, just for a moment. She searched her face for clues, to find out how she was feeling. Was she going too fast? Was this too much? Did Helen even want her to kiss her like that ?
“I’m okay.“ Helen could read the questions in her eyes before the med-tech could voice it. She nodded encouragingly, slightly out of breath but eager to keep going. It was liberating. They had danced around each other for so long, she had taken this long to understand what her feelings even meant, she didn't want to wait any longer to delve into them. “Keep going.“
Liv ran her tongue along her lips that had suddenly turned very dry. She had been teasing Helen, that had been her only intention and kissing her like that, that was something else. Was she really suggesting what she thought she was? As previously proven, they had been known to miscommunicate on occasion.
“You… uh… you mean…“
“I uh…“ Helen blushed deeply when she realised the weight of her words. Was this a good idea? It wasn’t like they had just met and were acting irrationally. They had known each other for a lifetime. Perhaps she wasn’t thinking clearly but who could blame her with Liv Chenka standing so close to her. And there was that pull in the pit of her stomach…
“Liv? Helen?“ A voice called out as the door to the flat opened and they both froze.
“Oh God… It’s the Doctor…“ Helen breathed and Liv quickly put a few paces between them, just in time for the Doctor to stick his head around the door. “Ahh there you are. Had a nice day?“
“Yup, all good.“ Liv forced a smile and Helen nodded quickly:
“Yeah. Brilliant.“
“Great. Is there a cuppa for me?“ The Doctor asked, making his way over to them, eyeing the mugs on the work surface.
“You may need to boil the kettle again. Tea's got cold…“ Liv said, awkwardly folding her arms in front of her chest. She glanced at Helen, wondering what she wanted to do and Helen looked back at her helplessly.
“What are you doing drinking cold tea?“ The Doctor, meanwhile, was absolutely oblivious to their silent exchange.
“I’ve suddenly come over really tired, I might have to head off to bed. How about you, Helen?“ Liv said, giving a little nod towards the door.
“I uh… yeah, actually, been quite the day…“ Helen started nodding, catching her intention.
“What? You don’t even want to know what I’ve been up to?“ The Doctor asked, looking around confused as he filled the kettle with water.
“Maybe tomorrow? I don’t think I have the capacity to focus on one of your stories now…“ Liv gave him an apologetic smile. That certainly was no lie… When she looked at Helen, the prospect of what they could be doing right now was clouding her mind.
“You know the funniest thing happened when we were in the past, like someone trying to send an SOS across the time streams…“ The Doctor carried on but neither of them was really listening.
“Fascinating.“ Liv was halfway to the door already and Helen followed quickly.
“Maybe tomorrow.“
“Am I missing something?“ The Doctor called after them but didn’t get a response. He shrugged and turned back to make his tea.
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Post episode 6 (It’s messy and unedited but will hopefully inspire someone to write something better)
Anne was furious, livid, enraged. She was so angry she couldn’t even think of any other synonyms for her anger. How could her classmates so easily dismiss Josie’s ruin? Anne couldn’t work on an entry for the paper, not when something so unfair, so wholly wrong, something so… so… unjust had happened! She had to do something. Clearly no one else was going to. Something must be done. But what? What could she do? She couldn’t even bake a cake right. But surely, there must be something. 
Anne slowly sat down, but she did not begin to write. She merely sat and thought. She watched everyone else writing and happily discussing the quilts and treats and dances. Trivial, she thought, how trivial all of that seemed when Josie’s entire future was ruined by something she had not consented to. 
“Anne,” at the voice Anne felt color rising in her cheeks, drawn from her thoughts she found Gilbert staring at her intently.
“Anne?” He repeated.
“What?” Anne asked, rather sharply. 
Gilbert winced slightly at the venom in her voice. His feelings still stung from her earlier comments. He was uncertain of what had caused this new rift in their relationship… their friendship. They had been getting along really well since he’d returned from sea. But now it felt as though everything had regressed back to when Anne had first arrived to Avonlea. She looked at him with anger and loathing when she looked at him at all.
“I was only going to tell you that we’re all leaving for the night.” Gilbert said. When Anne only glared at him in response, he cleared his throat awkwardly, “I also, uh, told everyone to save the hot air balloon piece for you to write.”
“How gracious of you,” Anne said coldly, standing and turning on her heel to gather her things and pointedly ignoring Gilbert’s presence. 
“Balloons!” She scoffed to herself, “That had been the only good thing about the fair and even that joy was short lived. How could I write about that with what Billy has done. How could I…write…” 
Suddenly an idea grasped Anne so fiercely she nearly shouted. She could write! She grabbed her things as quickly as she could and practically flew from the schoolhouse. 
Anne hadn’t noticed she and Gilbert were the only ones left in the building. Gilbert had noticed, of course, as had Diana. And when Anne ran, Gilbert could only assume that it was because of him. He looked after her as she ran, feeling… he didn’t even know what. He met Diana’s eyes and she nearly glowered at him. Diana was never unkind with him, and she hadn’t really glowered, but the lack of her usual kindness felt just about like it.
“Diana, I- I must confess I don’t understand what I’ve done- 
“No, I expect you don’t” Diana said quietly, cutting Gilbert off and hurrying after Anne. 
Everyone else had left the schoolhouse. Anne rubbed her eyes. It had been a long night. But she had done it. She had written and made copies of an article she hoped would change things. At least for Josie. She had hidden the papers in a desk after they had dried. She was planning on secretly inserting them into the papers after everyone left the school house today. 
She watched as her fellow writers left the schoolhouse after assembling this week’s papers. She listened as the door to the schoolhouse swung shut, and then she leapt into action. She pulled her articles out and dashed to where the neat stacks of completed papers rested. 
“Anne, what are you doing?”
Anne was halfway through inserting her articles and had been so absorbed she must not have heard the door open again. She whirled around to see Gilbert staring at her. Why was he always staring at her? Why did his eyes always look like... Like that. 
They stared at each other for a moment before Anne finally shook herself back to reality. This was a matter of ethics. Not about her feelings toward Gilbert Blythe. 
“I wrote an article.” She said, standing tall and jutting her chin out a little. 
“About the balloons?” Gilbert asked, “We could have helped you earlier to put that in the papers.”
“No, actually,” Anne said, “It’s actually about the unfair expectations we hold towards women and how easily blame and shame is placed upon them for things they did not choose.” 
“Oh,” Gilbert said, furrowing his eyebrows, “Is this about Josie?”
“As a matter of fact, it is,” Anne said, “But also more than that. It is unfair that Josie must suffer for something Billy did to her. It’s unfair so many women have to bear the burden men force upon them.”
“Anne, I don’t understand,” Gilbert started, but Anne cut him off. She had had enough of whatever it was that was going on with him. 
“I don’t see what is so hard to understand, Gilbert Blythe,” Anne snapped, “Josie Pye has been wronged. Billy... He forced himself on her. And even if he hadn’t, he should not be able to walk around with his head held high when Josie is hiding at home and is utterly shamed! I would think you of all people would understand! You see the injustice Bash faces because of the color of his skin! You saw what Miss Stacy was up against when she first arrived. How can you not see what Billy has done and be enraged!?” Anne felt tears pricking her eyes. 
“No! I am not finished. I do not understand what has changed you, but I- I don’t like it. Bad things happen when good people stand by and refuse to act. How can you watch this unfold? How can anyone? How is everyone able to just forget about this as though it never happened!?”
“Anne, I’ve had a lot on my mind. I haven’t... I didn’t think-
“No, clearly you didn’t.” Anne snapped, “You know what happened to Mary. You know how Elijah was conceived. That could have happened to Josie! But I suppose you have more important things to think about. More important people to impress.” 
“Anne, I don’t see how Winnie has anything to do with what has happened to Josie.” Gilbert cried.
“She has nothing to do with any of this. This has to do with you. You haven’t been acting yourself. I thought you more understanding, more empathetic. I never expected you would just ignore what happened. I thought you of all people would be my ally in this.”
Gilbert was floored. He gaped at her, unable to find words. He’d never been so thoroughly called out before in his entire life. Had he really been acting differently lately? Was Anne right? 
Anne let out a short breath and turned around, continuing to insert her article into the paper. Gilbert had never seen her so disappointed before. And she was disappointed in him. 
“Anne,” Gilbert said quietly. She didn’t respond. 
Gilbert walked over to where she was working and silently he began unfolding a paper. He grabbed one of her articles and placed it inside. Maybe Anne was right, he had been acting out of character, but he could at least help her now. 
“That’s the last one,” Gilbert said, placing it atop the stack. It had taken them the better part of an hour to get all the papers fitted with Anne’s article.
“I hope these will awaken people to the injustice. It’s just so unfair. Poor Josie. She didn’t deserve this.” Anne mused.
“If anyone could write something to change their minds it would be you, Anne,” Gilbert said quietly, “And I’m sorry I didn’t recognize the injustice sooner. I just... I wasn’t thinking. But you’re right. It’s unfair.”
Anne glanced up. Gilbert was staring intently at her. She couldn’t seem to pull her gaze away from his. She couldn’t help but think of the dance. When he looked at her so... softly. 
“Thank you.” Anne said shortly, shaking herself. She turned away quickly, feeling her face heat, and after gathering her things, made for the door. 
“Anne!” Gilbert called. She kept walking.
“Anne, please! Wait!” Gilbert called. Jogging after her, “I’m sorry. I haven’t been thinking like myself lately. I’ve just... Everything has been so very complicated.”
“Yes, I suspect courting must be quite complicated,” Anne said quietly
“Courting?!” Gilbert was flabbergasted.
“Yes. Courting. That is what you are doing with Winnie, isn’t it?” Anne asked.
“I. I mean. we.”
“Forget about it,” Anne said. She couldn’t handle having him looking at her any longer. His eyes were always saying something, peering into her. It was too much. 
“Anne!” Gilbert grasped her wrist as she started to leave. “Anne, please wait!”
“What is it, Gilbert!?” Anne asked, exasperated. 
“I can’t help but feel you are angry with me over something more than Josie. What have I done to wrong you?” Gilbert asked. 
“I- You- Nothing.” Anne said, “You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Then why are you avoiding me and acting like you hate me again?” Gilbert asked, “I thought we were friends?”
“I. I did too. But I suspect I have misunderstood.” Anne said.
“I don’t understand,” Gilbert said, gazing down at her.
Anne was aware he was still holding her hand. 
“I don’t either. But I have clearly misread... It doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter,” Gilbert said firmly, “It matters to me.”
“I just. When we. At the dance. I thought. You looked. Can you just please stop!?” Anne snapped, pulling her hand from his.
“Stop what?! What have I done?” Gilbert asked.
“Can you stop looking at me like that?” Anne snapped.
“Looking at you like what?”
“You know what. And it really is unfair when you were clearly otherwise involved and I can’t.... I have misread this relationship and I would kindly ask you ensure that you do your part to not give me the wrong idea again. For both mine and Winnie’s sakes. And for the record, she seems lovely. But I need to go. Marilla will be beside herself.” The words rushed out of Anne and before Gilbert could respond she had ran down the steps of the school and was on her way to Green Gables. 
Gilbert remained standing by the open school house door. 
“Looking at her? Winnie? Wrong idea? Misread the relationship?” Gilbert could not understand what was happening. He closed the door to the school slowly, walking toward home. 
“He didn’t!” Cole gasped.
“Yes! He chased after me and I was foolish enough to think he knew I was upset about her.” Anne buried her face in her hands. 
“I thought Gilbert Blythe was clever.” Cole sighed, “Wasn’t that just like a man?” 
“I thought he was... for a moment... It seemed like... I thought there was something there. I thought he felt it too.” Anne whispered, “But, how could I ever stand a chance against a woman like Winnifred?” 
“Anne, if Gilbert Blythe is stupid enough to let you go for a woman way too old for him then he isn’t worth having.” Cole said firmly.
“I thought unrequited love was romantic, but really it is just sad, Cole!” Anne cried. 
“Here are the nappies and her bottles are in there too!” Anne said, sitting the bag onto the kitchen table as Bash greeted Delphine.
“I hope she was good for you,” He said with a smile.
“Oh she was lovely as always,” Anne grinned, “Perfectly charming in every way a baby possibly could be.”
“I saw the article you wrote,” Bash said, “It was good. Important. It would’ve made Mary proud. She would have agreed with you.” 
Anne took his hand. “Thank you. That means so much. Truly. She is part of the reason this feels so important to me.” 
At that moment the door opened and Gilbert walked in. 
“Bash! I’m home! You won’t believe what Winnie’s father said today-- Oh. Hello Anne!” Gilbert grinned as he walked into the room. 
Anne stiffened. 
“Hello, Gilbert.” She said, “Well, anyway Bash. I’ll just be going. I’d hate to interrupt your evening.”
“Won’t you stay for dinner?” Gilbert asked, “We’ll have plenty. I’ve brought the most amazing cookies from Charlottetown-
“No!” Anne snapped, “Marilla will be expecting me. And I’d hate to take your special Charlottetown cookies. Goodbye!” and she practically flew out of the room. 
“I- What- Why?” Gilbert turned to Bash looking utterly confused.
“You’re clueless, Blythe.” Bash rolled his eyes. 
Gilbert let out an exasperated sigh and dropped the cookies onto the table rather aggressively. 
“Do you know what’s going on?” He asked finally.
“I think everyone knows what’s going on except for you.” Bash said, bouncing Delphine on his leg.
“Well?” Gilbert asked, looking at Bash expectantly, “What has Anne said to you? Why is she so angry with me?”
Bash sighed. 
“Blythe, she’s jealous.”
“Jealous? Jealous of what? What do I have that she doesn’t have? What could Anne possibly be jealous of? The cookies? I’d go into Charlottetown and get them for her myself. Or have Winnie get some for her if she’d just be my friend again.”
Bash laughed. “Oh Blythe. It isn’t the cookies. And it isn’t you she’s jealous of. It’s Winnie.” 
“What on earth are you talking about? Jealous of Winnie? Why on... earth... wo...” Gilbert trailed off. Suddenly his eyes flew up to Sebastian’s. 
“That seems like a look of understanding.” Bash laughed, “Now what will you do about it, Blythe?”
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mikauzoran · 4 years
Adrienette: Serendipity: Fifty Marichat and Adrienette Kisses: Kiss Two
Serendipity: Fifty Marichat and Adrienette Kisses: ...goodnight.
“That…took a lot longer than expected,” Nino sighed, stretching as he came to a stop at the top of the school steps.
“Projects shouldn’t be allowed to be that long and boring,” Alya groaned, coming up alongside him.
“To be fair,” Adrien added as he held the door open for Marinette, “we shouldn’t have waited until the last minute.”
Alya rolled her eyes. “And whose father’s fault is it that we couldn’t get together to work on this project until the last minute?”
Adrien’s eyes dropped to the pavement. “Sorry.”
“Alya!” Marinette scolded, coming over to smack her best friend’s arm.
Alya deflected the blow, laughing, “Relax, Girl. He knows I’m just kidding.”
“No, he doesn’t,” Marinette protested. “Just look at his face.”
Alya did so and immediately blanched. “Oh, Sunshine. Hey,” she cooed, going over to clap Adrien on the back. “No. I was just kidding. We would have waited until the last minute anyway, even if you had been available earlier. We’re a bunch of procrastinators. I was just kidding. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
“Oh,” Adrien forced a sheepish laugh. “Good. It’s okay. No worries. …I’m just really glad because I know I’m a huge pain to be partnered with for projects because my schedule is so crazy, so—”
“—Mec, no,” Nino jumped in, coming to rest a supportive hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “You’re an awesome partner. You always do all kinds of research ahead of time or just magically happen to know stuff already.”
“You’re a huge asset,” Alya assured.
“We would have been at this until midnight if not for all the work you did on your own before our meeting,” Marinette added with an encouraging smile. “We’re so lucky to have you in our group, Adrien.”
Adrien could feel his cheeks coloring in pleasure as he reached up to rub at the back of his neck. “You think so?”
Marinette nodded enthusiastically. “Mmhm. Definitely. I was really glad when Madame drew your name for our group.”
“Oh,” he chuckled, feeling deliriously happy. “Good. It’s good to be wanted.”
“Oh, trust me,” Alya snickered, clapping him on the back again, “you’re wanted.”
Marinette gave Alya a look that Adrien couldn’t quite decipher, but before he could ask about the exchange or what Alya had meant, Nino cut in.
“How about we go get dinner together to celebrate a successful end to our arduous ordeal?” he suggested.
“I’m pretty sure I can bribe my bodyguard to let me go if I buy him dinner too,” Adrien responded eagerly.
“All right!” Alya cheered, punching the air with her fist. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Actually…” Marinette winced. “I told my parents I’d be home soon. They’re waiting for me to eat.”
Adrien’s face fell. He couldn’t very well fantasize that this was a double date if Marinette wasn’t there.
“Call them and tell them you’re coming out with us,” Alya urged. “Girl, your parents are super chill. They’d completely understand you wanting to spend time with your friends.”
Hope swelled in Adrien’s chest only to be dashed on the rocks as Marinette sadly shook her head.
“No. I really need to get home.” She didn’t know when Chat Noir would be able to sneak out to visit that evening, and she didn’t want to miss him or keep him waiting. “Sorry guys.”
“Maybe next time,” Nino responded, noting the disappointment evident on his best friend’s face.
Marinette nodded, echoing, “Maybe next time. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“See ya,” Alya replied as Nino tipped his hat.
“Let me walk you home,” Adrien hurried to offer as Marinette began to turn away.
She blinked thrice in succession. “You don’t have to. It’s just across the street.”
Behind Adrien’s back, Alya mouthed, “what are you doing?!”, completely exasperated at the new and unusual ways Marinette was sabotaging herself.
“I insist,” Adrien countered. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t properly escort a lady home after dark?” He turned back to Nino and Alya. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Have a nice date.”
Marinette frowned. “You’re not going with them?”
“Not without you. Shall we?” Adrien held out his arm for her to take.
Looking stricken, Marinette glanced back and forth between Nino, Alya, and Adrien. “But…you shouldn’t scrap your plans just because I can’t go. Adrien, I know you don’t get to spend time with friends often. You should take advantage of the opportunity.”
He shook his head, smiling disarmingly. “Nah. It wouldn’t be any fun without you. Alya and Nino get all couple-y when you’re not around, and I feel like such a third wheel.” He looked back and their friends. “No offence, guys.”
Alya and Nino shrugged.
“None taken, Mec.”
Adrien held out his arm to Marinette again. “So…shall we?”
Marinette frowned, looping her arm through his. “Okay, but I feel really terrible. I’m sorry, Adrien.”
“Please don’t feel bad,” he entreated, trying to reassure her as he carefully led her down the school steps and towards the bakery. “It’s completely fine. I promise.”
“I’ll make it up to you,” Marinette insisted. “We’ll all go out to eat together sometime soon. In the meantime, I’ll bring pastries to school tomorrow. You like the pain au chocolat best, yes?”
“You know, I was about to say that no making it up to me was required, but I’d be a fool to turn down Tom and Sabine’s,” he chuckled, mouth already salivating at the thought of flakey pastries and bittersweet chocolate. “Pain au chocolat is my favourite, but I will happily inhale anything you bring.”
“I’ll be sure to include at least one pain au chocolat,” she promised, giving his arm a squeeze.
“You’re the best,” he hummed, making Marinette chuckle as she remembered Chat Noir telling her the same thing in the early hours of the morning.
“I am pretty great, aren’t I?” she laughed softly.
“Phenomenal,” he affirmed.
They paused at the crosswalk to wait for the light, and a comfortable silence settled between them as they each drifted off into their own thoughts.
Marinette daydreamed of another blonde boy while Adrien lost himself in fantasies of revealing his identity and having Marinette embrace the truth. Dating Marinette on both sides of the mask, not having to hide or hold back anything from her… Never having to doubt that she loved him for him, for the dorky, insecure guy behind the famous model and not just his money and influence…
By the time they reached the side door to the residence above the bakery, Adrien had mentally created a whole future for them where Marinette knew his identity and loved him anyway complete with first dates and first kisses, anniversaries and engagements, marriage and children.
When they stopped and Marinette turned to thank him for the escort, it seemed so natural to whisper, “Goodnight, Princess” and lean in for a kiss.
His lips had barely brushed her cheek when she jumped back with a squawk.
Adrien blinked, trying to understand why his wife had reacted so drastically to a simple kiss on the cheek…but then it hit him that none of the events filling his head had actually happened yet. He was not currently Chat Noir, and Marinette and Adrien did not exchange cheek kisses of that sort. Calling her “Princess” in that breathy, sensual way and kissing her on the cheek like that as Adrien had been crossing a line.
He backpedaled, holding up his hands in a placating gesture as he tried to do damage control. “I-I’m so sorry! I—”
“—I have a boyfriend!” Marinette squeaked, looking horrified.
Adrien’s mouth dropped open. “…You… What?” His voice sounded tight and strained.
She cleared her throat, arms wrapping around her torso as if to hold herself together. “There-There’s someone else. I’m sorry. I have a boyfriend.”
“Oh?” He tried to swallow, but his mouth was unexpectedly arid. “Oh.”
So he really had misread things between Marinette and Chat Noir. He’d thought she seemed fond of him. They flirted and teased and snuggled and…but he supposed that she’d only seen him as a friend. Marinette wasn’t the type to lie or cheat. If she had a boyfriend, she wouldn’t be fooling around with Chat Noir.
He’d misunderstood. It had all been wishful thinking on his part.
“I’m sorry,” she repeated, not looking at him. “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I mean, I do like you—I did like you, Adrien.”
“Oh?” he got out in a brittle voice.
He noted the aggressive use of past tense and wondered what he’d done to screw that up.
She shook her head and then finally met his gaze. Her eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. “I’m sorry. I’m seeing someone else, and I care about him so, so much. He’s really important to me, so…you and I can only be friends, okay?”
It looked like the words physically pained her.
He nodded, trying to cobble together some semblance of a smile, trying not to look like his world was caving in on him.
He wondered how he was going to get over yet another amazing young woman telling him she didn’t want him. It had been hard enough to let go of his feelings for Ladybug and accept that he was interested in Marinette romantically. How could he possibly get over Marinette? How was he supposed to put himself out there again when being told that he wasn’t what these women wanted had hurt so much the first two times? Maybe he was the problem and there wasn’t anyone out there who could love him as he was.
Adrien kept smiling and nodding. “Of course. Friends.”
He tried to chuckle, to sound light and carefree and fine, but the laugh came out strangled.
Marinette winced. “I’m sorry. I did like you.”
He wished she’d stop saying that like that was supposed to make him feel better. He wished she’d tell him what he’d done wrong to make her stop liking him. Maybe then he could fix it and she’d like him again.
“I’m sorry,” she repeated, unsure of what else to say. He was obviously taking this hard, and she felt horrible. She knew she’d been sending him mixed signals over the years. She hadn’t meant to lead him on, but she obviously had. Adrien wouldn’t have tried to kiss her unless he was certain that she wanted him to. Her leftover feelings for him must have been obvious, but she’d decided recently to commit to Chat Noir, and she couldn’t go back now.
She wished there were something she could do to soften the blow.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, holding back tears.
He shook his head, holding up his hands a little higher. “It’s okay. I understand. My mistake.”
And then there was agonizingly awkward silence.
Marinette thought about apologizing again, but she feared that the words already meant less than nothing to him. She wasn’t even sure that bringing him baked goods in the morning would be appreciated. It was all too clear that she’d hurt him badly. He was trying to hide it, but…
She had to wonder when Adrien had developed feelings for her and why she hadn’t noticed. Perhaps because he was always so sweet to everyone.
“Are you going to be okay?” She looked and spotted his bodyguard Victor parked out front of the bakery watching them. It was a relief knowing that she didn’t have to worry about him getting home safely.
He nodded robotically. “Yeah. I’m…I’m fine. Thanks. Sorry. I just…” He took a step back and motioned vaguely over his shoulder. “I should go now.”
She nodded, shrinking back towards the door. “Okay. Goodnight, Adrien. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Mmhm,” was all he managed as a response.
She quickly unlocked the door and hurried inside, trying to give him as much privacy as possible for a celebrity in the middle of Paris.
He watched her disappear as the door shut behind her, and then he stood there for a moment, trying to keep it together.
Somehow, he ended up across the street at the park, sitting on one of the benches with his head in his hands.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he was suddenly aware of Plagg’s voice. “—mistake. I’m certain she likes you as Chat Noir. Maybe you’re freaking out over nothing. Maybe she was talking about you—Chat Noir you.”
“…But…” Adrien had to swallow twice to return some moisture to his mouth before he could continue. “Chat Noir isn’t her boyfriend, Plagg,” he mumbled, shaking his head. “She’s never asked me out, and I haven’t asked her either.”
Plagg pursed his lips. “Would you feel better if she’d just made up a boyfriend as an excuse to let Adrien down gently?”
Adrien groaned. “Strangely enough, having someone make up a boyfriend because they don’t want to date me does not make me feel better.”
Plagg sighed, sinking back down into his hiding spot in Adrien’s left shoulder. “Kid, maybe you should call someone. I don’t think you should be shut up alone in your room right now.”
Exhaling slowly, Adrien considered his kwami’s advice. Part of him really did just want to go back home and sob into a pillow, but the logical part of his brain knew that that way lay akumatization.
He took his phone from his pocket and reluctantly dialed Nino.
“What’s up, mon pote?”
“Did everyone but me know that Marinette had a boyfriend?” Adrien couldn’t help the accusing tone that slipped into his voice. “Because it would have been really nice if someone had told me before I tried to kiss her.”
On the other end of the line, Adrien heard Nino curse before pulling the phone away from his ear to whisper-hiss at Alya.
Alya’s “WHAT?!” could be heard loud and clear along with her detailed plans to tie Marinette down and interrogate her.
Then Nino was back. “Apparently this is news to everyone. You okay, Mec?”
“No,” Adrien answered frankly, too tired to put on a brave, socially acceptable face. “I need to be put on akuma watch. Is it too late to crash your date with Alya?”
“Dude, stay where you are. We’ll be there to get you in five.”
Adrien could tell from the edge in Nino’s voice that Adrien was in for an evening of crushing hugs and noogies. Nino was a fiercely protective older brother, and it was always nice when he extended that intensity to include Adrien.
Adrien closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on happy thoughts and the sound of Plagg purring until Nino got there.
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tvcoroner · 5 years
Kara Deserves Better...Than This Fandom (Huge Rant)
I have a question to ask people.
Why the hell are you freaking out about William so much? You have no fucking clue where this is going to lead. Do you remember when you guys lost your shit for WEEKS after William asked her out the first time and the result was Kara telling him she wasn’t interested?
Sure, she only did that because Lena has made her feel so insecure about keeping her secret as Supergirl that she was scared to open up, but you idiots lost your minds for weeks for NOTHING.
And your dislike for William does not match his oh so horrendous crime of being mean to her a few times at the start of the season. Like seriously, book-fucking-hoo. Lena literally manipulated Kara and then encased her with kryptonite, a substance that is AGONIZING to her, and you people excused that away in an instant. William isn’t kind for a little while? Well, he’s canceled now!
But to me, the most ridiculous part is that so many of you are taking this like it’s a personal insult to you. Like this is only happening to give you the middle finger.
Get the fuck over yourself, you self-absorbed baby. This might come as a surprise, but decisions are made on this show without anyone giving a fuck what you think or feel, and I honestly don’t blame them for that after the years of literal bullying you have sent their way.
You cannot treat people like shit and then expect to get what you want, and treating people like shit has been your primary method of expressing yourself almost the entire run of the show.
If seeing Kara being happy is such a problem for you because she’s not happy in the exact way or for the exact reasons you want her to be happy, then I’m sorry to report the obvious here, but you don’t give a fuck about Kara.
I have seen way too many of you throw her under the bus at every opportunity. This season alone has shown more than any previous that so many of you people care more about what Kara can represent for you than the person she is or what she does.
I mean, the Supercorp fandom can barely manage to give a damn about Kara anymore. For a long time now Supercorp has been about Lena, and what’s good for Kara is secondary to that, if even that.
This season has just shown time and again how little respect so many of you have for Kara. Most of the time it’s because of poor baby Lena, so misunderstood with her mind control and human experimentation and torturing Kara with kryptonite.
I watch a lot of reaction channels. Probably too many. While some were sympathetic towards Kara when she told Lena enough is enough, a lot of them got angry at Kara for daring to call Lena out on her bullshit. I mean, when Kara said if Lena continues to act like a villain then she will be treated like one, a large chunk of them just turned on Kara for daring to hold their Queen accountable for her shitty actions.
Call me crazy, but I want something good for Kara. I want her to focus on herself and what she wants. If what she wants is William then I’m behind her completely, if she discovers she wants something completely different then I’m still right there with her.
This show is called Supergirl, not Lena Luthor, but so many of you treat Kara like her entire existence is there to fit whatever agenda you’re trying to push, and every single time she operates outside of your fantasies you tear her down.
And William hasn’t done nearly enough to earn so much hostility. For the vast majority of his screentime this whole season he has been a pretty good guy, and his reasons for keeping Kara at a distance at first made a lot of sense. People reaching to him being mean a few times as an excuse to give him shit are so laser-focused on such a minor, stupid thing that they use it to define his entire character.
Meanwhile, Lena can get away with FAR worse shit and have people in this fandom practically bend over backward trying to justify it. It’s extremely disingenuous.
This fandom’s constant need to demonize every male character on this show that even gets close to Lena or Kara is disturbing. I mean, they were still giving James Olsen shit for not trusting Lena for one episode in season 2. They were so desperate to demonize him that they completely ignored every single time he had her back after that, including taking a fucking bullet for her. And unlike Kara, he can actually be killed by one, so it’s much more significant when he does it.
You know what? I’m fairly indifferent to the growing relationship between Kara and William. 99% of my focus is on Kara doing something good for herself. That may change with time, because, and for some reason a lot of idiots are missing this very simple fact, Kara and William are not a couple yet. They’re going to see where this takes them. They’re not in a committed relationship, they haven’t done anything even remotely intimate yet.
You people keep acting like this is being rushed but nothing has happened yet. Literally nothing has been rushed. We’re 14 episodes into this season and they only just got to the “Let’s go on a date and see what happens” phase.
Just for the record, every single relationship on this has happened faster than Kara and William. Is Maggie and Alex’s relationship now less significant because it happened a lot faster? How about Kara and Mon-El? Alex and Kelly? Lena and James? Brainy and Nia?
The show rushes every relationship out there, and Kara and William are the least rushed, so using that as yet more ammo against them is kinda stupid.
I am just...so tired of this fandom’s selective memory and outrage. So many of you get almost psychotically angry at the dumbest shit. You treat people like garbage but still expect to get what you want. You bully actors, you misread things intentionally and then get angry when the show exists in spite of the fantasy you built up, and you have double standards for EVERYTHING.
I mean come on, Lena can experiment on human beings and you will excuse her for it, but if someone acts a little mean, and by sheer coincidence, he happens to be a man, you will tear him down for that for YEARS. But Lena Luthor gets a free pass on everything.
You know what, after watching this fandom go to shit over the last five years, I absolutely understand why most of the actors on this show barely interact with anyone anymore. I can understand why the writers ignore you at every turn. I can understand why Melissa and Chris turned off comments for both their engagement and baby announcements.
And just because it’s not plainly obvious to the professionally offended, if you don’t participate in this toxic behavior then I’m not talking about you anywhere in this. In a world where people didn’t look for excuses to be offended by people, I wouldn’t need to make this obvious statement, but if I don’t put down a disclaimer somewhere I will get one of those stupid comments about how I’m unfairly judging those who don’t do any of this. This entire fucking rant is one big qualifier, genius. If you don’t fit in then I’m obviously not talking about you.
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takeontaron-blog · 5 years
And I’m Told (She’s) a Virgin - A Taron Egerton Fanfic
Taron x Reader
Obvious (first time) smut 
The after-party was spectacular. The director had called a wrap on the film this morning, and you were sad the production was over. Getting to see everyone tonight in celebration of the project completion was such a treat, and especially since this was your first movie you’d ever been a part of, the entire experience was very exciting and emotional. You had been cast as the lead in a drama opposite Taron Egerton, who you adored working with, as he was such an amazing actor to work with but also great fun, as well as both your on-screen and off-screen relationship had become a constant flirt fest. 
You hadn’t visited with him very much tonight, but as the party was coming to a close and you were beginning to feel sober enough to drive, Taron came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you in a tight bear hug, causing you to startle and then laugh. 
“Hello, luv,” he slurred his words slightly. 
You smiled at him. “Quite drunk, are we?”
“We were quite drunk, but I cut myself off about an hour ago so now I’m just an itty bitty bit tipsy.” He clumsily rested his head on your shoulder and smiled, seeming to enjoy being pressed against you. 
“Do you need a ride back to your hotel?” you asked. 
“Mmmmm,” he nuzzled his nose into your neck, making you shrug and giggle. “No, I got a car waiting for me.” He pretended to bite at your neck and you pulled away, laughing, but not able to get far because of his arms still solidly tied around you. 
“Stoooop!” you continued to laugh. “It tickles!”
“Come with me?” he asked simply, a slightly drunken loopy smile settling on his face. 
“To your hotel?”
“Yeah. We’ll have another drink.”
“I don’t think you need another drink.”
“Ehhhh who bloody cares.” He lazily pressed his lips against the side of your head and gave you a sloppy kiss. “Please come with me, though.” He stared into your eyes. “Please? Please. Please. Pleeaaasseee-”
“Yeah, okay!” you gave in with a grin.
Taron smiled, quite happy with his victory. “C’mon, then, the car’s just ‘round the back.” He started walking backwards, half pulling you with him as you both stumbled over each other’s feet.
“Taron, let go of me so I can walk!”
“Mmm no, I don’t want to.” You both reached the car, which in fact turned out to be a limo, and he opened the door for you, gesturing dramatically for you to enter. 
You slid into the back seat, looking around excitedly. You’d never been in a limo before, and it was quite posh. Taron got in alongside you, and upon closing the door, the vehicle started towards the hotel. 
Taron leaned his head back against the seat, head turned towards you. “Did you have a good time tonight?”
You nodded. “Such a wonderful time.”
“I’m glad.” Taron’s fingers reached out to gently run up your knee that was poking out from under your dress, and you playfully raised an eyebrow at him. Without warning, he scooted over so he was pressed against you and he began kissing you intensely. You gasped, surprised, since you two had never actually engaged in any kind of physical or romantic acts off-screen as of yet, but it was really, really nice to have him kissing you solely because he wanted to and not because the director was telling him to do so. You gently kissed him back, a little intimidated by how experienced he seemed to be, his lips consuming yours over and over again. 
He decided to attack your neck next, hungrily sucking and biting down as you attempted to control the moans trying to escape your mouth. Your attempts didn’t work well, however, and you heard yourself let out a breathy moan as he bit and pulled a little at the area where your neck and shoulder met. That seemed to be what he was waiting for, as he roughly grabbed your right leg, pulling it across his lap so you were spread open for him and his fingers went directly to your clit covered by your thin panties.
Sparks shot through you in every sense of the word, but so did some minor panic. You didn’t want him to stop, but you also knew if you didn’t say something soon - your thought were silenced when you suddenly felt Taron’s fingers slide underneath your panties and his fingers immediately went for your opening. Then the thoughts came back, screaming this time. 
You squeaked loudly, hurriedly pushing him away with one hand as your other went to grab and pull on his hand that was currently between your thighs. 
“Please!” you whimpered, hating how pathetic you suddenly sounded. 
Taron stopped immediately, looking extremely confused but concerned. “I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?”
You shook your head, trying to figure out what to say.
“Did I misread the situation? I’m so so sorry, Y/N, maybe I’m not as sober as I thought I was and I misunderstood -”
“No, no, it’s not your fault,” you said, wanting to soothe him. He seemed so scared that he had done something wrong to you. “Uhm, it’s just that....” you trailed off, looking at the floor, feeling embarrassed and small. 
“Yes?” Taron asked softly. 
“I’ve....never done this before.” You gave him a weak smile. Taron stared at you, speechless for a moment. “I’m sorry, I’ve ruined everything tonight.”
“What? No! No, not at all.” He took one of your hands in his and rubbed it gently. “No, I’m sorry. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I had no idea, I feel like an ass now.”
“Please don’t feel bad. I was enjoying what you were doing,” you admitted shyly, feeling yourself blush. “I just, uhm...yeah...”
“So, what would you like to do then?” Taron’s voice was so kind you wanted to cry. You couldn’t believe how understanding he was. “We can still go to my place, have a drink. If you’re too tired to leave, you can have the bed and I’ll take the sofa.”
“I kind of don’t really know what I want right now.”
“That’s alright. It helps that we’re staying in the same hotel. When we get there, I’ll walk you up to your room if you prefer?”
You suddenly realized something you did want right then. “I want to be with you for awhile longer, if that’s okay.”
Taron’s smile made your stomach do flip-flops. “Of course. I love being around you.” He kept your hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth. “I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but....you really did surprise me. I don’t understand how you’ve never been with anyone. You’re so beautiful and talented and enchanting.”
You giggled. “Enchanting?”
Taron nodded sincerely. 
“Yeah, alright, I’ll take it.” You rode in silence for a minute. “Can I ask you for something?”
“Anything, darling.”
“Would it be okay if you kissed me again?”
“Of course,” Taron breathed, leaning in to you again and pressing his lips against yours, this time tenderly. You kissed back, your hands finding themselves in his hair, and he groaned softly. You kissed for awhile longer, Taron breaking the moment by pulling back just enough to look into your eyes. You felt yourself getting wet, breathing in his scent, feeling his lips and hands on you, just having him so close right now. You realized you were feeling intense lust, and apparently Taron felt the same as his pupils dilated staring into yours. You found yourself breathing a little harder as your heart rate sped up, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, Taron gently placing his hands on your waist. You felt safe, you felt cared for. You suddenly realized you felt ready. You were ready, and you realized you couldn’t possibly want it from anyone else than the man gazing at you right now. 
“Taron?” you said softly.
“Yes, Y/N?” he replied in an equally quiet tone. 
“Do you think, uhm..I mean, obviously I have no experience, but...well..do you think you might still want to be with me tonight?”
Taron’s eyes grew just a bit wider, his mouth falling open just enough for you to notice. Now it was his turn to experience an increase in heart rate. “Y/N, I don’t know...”
Your heart sank, and you felt so heavy, like you might cry from embarrassment and raging hormones and just....
“Oh, no, luv, I didn’t mean it like that. Believe me, I want you. I want you more than anything in the world.” He paused, and you felt like dying while waiting for him to continue. “I meant, I don’t want you to do this just to please me or anything. I want it to be because you’re ready.”
“I’m ready,” you breathed, leaning up to kiss him again. 
“Are you sure you want me?” he asked.
“Only you.”
Taron held you away from him just enough to look into your eyes one more time. “You’re sure?”
You nodded, suddenly wanting to be as close to him as possible. “Please, Taron.”
You felt like you would melt at the adoring gaze he gave you before pulling you into him tightly and kissing you. Just then, the limo pulled up to the hotel. Taron quickly helped you out of the car and you walked hand in hand though the back entrance and straight to his room. Upon closing and locking the door, Taron took off his coat and you stood next to him, unsure of what to do. 
“Would you like something to drink? Do you need anything, luv?”
“Just you,” you said. Taron picked you up then, walking into the bedroom, kissing you the entire way. He set you down on the bed, kicking his shoes off as he stretched across your body, starting to nip and pull on your lips. 
“Promise you’ll stop me at any time if you need, alright?” he asked. You nodded, and he slowly began kissing down your neck, your shoulder, your arm, then to your collarbone, your breast, your stomach, all still covered by your dress. He kneeled down in front of the bed and removed your shoes, kissing up your calves to your knees then pushing up your dress just enough to kiss halfway up your thighs. He stood up, unbuttoning his shirt and dropping it on the floor, and you drank in the sight of his naked upper body and groaned in anticipation. He continued to stare at you while he unbuckled and unzipped his pants, leaving him only in his underwear. Your heart was in your throat as you saw his boner though the fabric, and he climbed back onto the bed and helped you sit up. 
“Just relax, let me take care of you.” He kissed you deeply as his fingers found the zipper on the back of your dress, slowly pulling it down and pushing the material off your shoulders. He kissed the newly exposed skin as he gently pulled the dress off of your body, and even though you were still in your bra and panties you felt extremely exposed. “I’ve got you,” he reminded you as he pulled you into him, sucking on your neck. You closed your eyes and sighed, the feeling of his bare chest against yours warm and an intense turn-on. You felt his fingers unhook your bra and pull it away, tossing it onto the ground. Your face grew red and you moved your arms to cover yourself. 
“It’s alright,” he cooed in your ear as he pulled on your lobe. “Lay back for me.”
You did as he asked, still covering your chest. “You don’t need to hide.” He gently took your wrists in his hands and pulled your arms away, revealing your breasts to him. You closed your eyes and tried to control your breathing. “So beautiful,” he purred, and you felt a hand softly squeeze one of your breasts. “Y/N, open your eyes. Please look at me.”
You willed your eyes to open slightly, and Taron smiled at you. “I don’t want you hiding from me in any way tonight. I want you fully present.” He lay down beside you, pressing into your body as he propped himself up on an elbow and ran his free hand over your stomach. “I want to make you feel like you’ve never felt before. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” With that, he leaned over and his tongue snaked out, tracing one of your nipples. 
“Ooohhhh!” you breathed, delighted by the feeling. Taron smiled at you before taking your nipple fully into his mouth, sucking gently. Your back arched and you hissed softly, your hand instinctively wrapping itself in his hair and tugging lightly. Taron moaned around your nipple, letting you know he liked it when you did that, and began sucking and licking a little harder. “You like this, Y/N?”
You nodded, not realizing the small smile that was on your face as you allowed Taron to slowly explore your body. He made sure to give attention to the other nipple before kissing down your chest, licking a line from your sternum to your belly button, then kissing up and down your stomach as you squirmed, letting out soft moans the entire time. 
You felt yourself tensing up when Taron’s lips met the top of your panties, and he pulled the fabric aside just enough to place his lips on your hip bones. He slowly, slowly pulled the fabric down, kissing every bit of skin as it became exposed, and right as he was reaching the opening to your slit, he paused and looked up, searching your face for any trace of doubt. 
“You sure?” he asked. You felt a little bit of panic still, but seeing Taron kneeling over your, having loved you all over already, his face full of lust and desire, you pushed the probing anxiety away and nodded.
“I want to hear you say it,” Taron asked.
“Yes, Taron. Please.”
You felt the panties pulled off completely then, and you kept your legs together, feeling yourself tremble ever so slightly from the anticipation and from nerves. 
“I’ve got you,” Taron breathed, kissing up your thighs, placing a chaste kiss on the top of your mound and looking up at you as he put his hands between your inner thighs. He gently pushed your legs apart, groaning at the first sigh of your pussy. You willed your breathing to calm down as you watched him looking at you, pushing your legs wide apart until you were completely spread open for him. 
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re dripping for me,” he moaned as he ran his nose up your slit, causing you to whine. “You smell so good. I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to be the first to taste you.” He dipped his tongue into your folds, and you moaned loudly. “God, you taste like honey. Y/N, I could eat you out forever. Fucking hell.” His tongue probed against your opening, swirling around it for a moment before pushing inside. You gripped his hair in your hands as you cried out, overwhelmed with emotion and pleasure. He tongue fucked you for awhile, lapping up any juices his mouth could find. He then traced his tongue up to your clit, flicking the tip against it as you bucked into his face. He moaned as he buried himself into your pussy, sucking and licking your clit, holding your legs open as you writhed around, moaning his name over and over again. 
You felt one of Taron’s fingers gently rub your opening, and you tried to relax as he pulled it inside as deep as he could go before inserting a second one, slowly stretching you out. He pulled his head up for a moment, enjoying the sight of you being pleasured by him. “You like my fingers inside you, Y/N?” he asked as he began scissoring them back and forth before curling them and pumping them in and out. You whined in response, and he chuckled as he started licking you rapidly. You felt your orgasm building quickly, and you yelped when he sucked sharply on your clit, sending you over the edge. 
Coming down from your climax, you opened your eyes to see Taron licking his fingers off before placing his lips around your opening and sucking, causing you to cry out. “I want every last drop of you,” he said, running his tongue along you one last time before sitting up. “How are you doing, Y/N?”
“Mmmm wonderful,” you sighed. He smiled, then stood up just long enough to take off his underwear, immediately climbing back into the bed and crawling up over you. You gasped loudly when you saw his cock, thick as hell and much bigger than you had expected. He settled between your legs, kissing you deeply as he slowly began moving his hips, rubbing his cock in your wetness. 
“You still sure about this?” The tip of his cock nudged your opening, and you tensed up. “We don’t have to do anymore tonight, Y/N.”
“No, I want this. I want you.” 
“You’re sure?”
You nodded. “Will it hurt?” You felt so stupid for asking, but for some reason your anxiety got the better of you. 
“I swear I’ll do everything in my power to not make it so.” He stared at you awhile longer, letting your body calm down a bit. “You ready?” he breathed, forehead against yours. 
“I’m ready.” You gripped his shoulders as his tip pushed through the tiniest bit. Taron’s mouth went to your neck, kissing and murmuring encouragement until the tip was inside. Your body went rigid as he pushed in deeper, crying out at the foreign pain. 
“I’ve got you,” he whispered, continuing to kiss your neck, your lips, your collarbone. “Relax. I don’t want to hurt you.” You felt tears well up as he pushed through until he was fully inside, and he stilled himself. “Breathe, Y/N,” he held your face in his hand, stroking your cheek. “Relax, breathe. I’m right here.” His voice soothed you, and you relaxed, trying to get used to him inside of you. 
“I’m going to start moving now,” he kissed you. “Tell me what you need.”
“Just hold me.” Your hand gripped his arms, his shoulders, his back as he pulled out and pushed back in again, then again, slowly at first until he could tell the pain was subsiding, then beginning to pump a little harder, a little faster. You started moaning, and he sped up, groaning against your shoulder as he bit into it. 
“So. Fucking. Tight,” he growled, and your head fell back as he hit a bundle of nerves that sent the most amazing feeling through your body. “So warm, so wet, so perfect. I can’t believe you’re letting me do this to you, that you let me be your first. Seriously the best pussy I’ve ever had.” He worked on finding an angle to hit your special spot, and upon finding it, began pounding into you roughly, your almost-screams of his name driving him on. 
“I’m gonna cum so fucking hard, Y/N. You’re going to make me come undone. Can you cum with me? Just one more for me, please, Y/N.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist, and he went deeper, causing the most exquisite mix of pain and pleasure. Your body began to tremble, and Taron held you close. 
“I’m....coming...” you gasped, and Taron pounded into you just a few more times, each thrust a little harder than the one before, and you shattered, crying out as you saw stars, hearing Taron praise you as he hit his own climax, then both of you collapsing in an exhausted mess. Taron still held you, not seeming to want to let go. He peppered your face with tiny kisses that made you smile. 
“Thank you, Y/N,” he sighed happily. 
“Thank you for an amazing first time.” 
He kissed you lovingly before pulling out and helping you off the bed to go get cleaned up. After you each had a quick shower, you got back into bed and settled under the covers, both still naked and wrapped around each other’s bodies. You felt safe and warm as you snuggled into Taron’s chest, drifting off to the sound of his heartbeat against your ear. 
Requested - requester asked to remain Anon. Could you write a fic where the reader is losing her virginity to Taron and he is all caring and super sweet? :) 
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heatherofthenight · 5 years
Reaction to Ambo
Today I have neither a migraine nor a martini on board so if this is nonsensical, I’ll have to find another ‘m’ word to blame it on.  I’m attempting a less shallow approach today although I don’t necessarily approach anything too deep.  I’ve avoided any feedback on the episode which is easily achieved if you’re denied internet access for the day.
Episode Title
When I hear ‘ambu’ or ‘ambo’ I think of the bag valve mask used to provide pressure ventilation to patients who need help breathing.  So, was the episode supposed to represent a device for resuscitation?  I’m not so sure about that—it probably had more to do with the ambulance getting crunched—but I will say episode flirted with one of my favorite tropes, hurt/comfort.
Hurt/Comfort in Three Scenes
Craig seeks comfort from Renn but is denied it when she doesn’t answer when he calls.  I very much felt for the tallest brother as he stared around his place, alone, possibly wondering how things had come to this. He has some independence, he has seemingly decreased the flow of drugs to his system, and yet he’s missing something. Oh, and he’s probably concussed and shouldn’t be alone.  Or he’s missing his post heist pie.
Deran is offered comfort by Adrian and rebuffs it.  When Adrian asks if Deran needs a doctor, Deran tells him he doesn’t want to talk about it and instead commences grilling Adrian about his time spent tailing our least favorite DEA agent.  I can’t tell if Deran is punishing Adrian for fucking up his happily ever after or if he absorbed all of the training Smurf could offer on ignoring physical woes.  What I found depressing is that what Deran seems to most crave from Adrian is validation (you’re not just a guy who owns a bar) and love (when Deran deigns to look at Adrian which doesn’t happen often in this episode his eyes are filled with strong emotion) but he turns away from what Adrian is offering here.  Instead of punishing Adrian is he punishing himself for having killed Colby (I don’t kill people)?
Pope.  Sigh.  Angela offers comfort and Pope accepts it.  He wants very much for someone to bestow a loving touch on him but this is Angela.  I actually think she has some feelings for Pope (last episode she told her friend Pope was just misunderstood) but her smile as she looked on with Pope curled in her lap made me want to scoop him up and carry him off to safety.  
Body Language
Due to some technical malfunctions the first time I watched the episode was without sound.  As I like to study body language this was actually not a hardship.  Since I’m completely D&A centric, I’m going to focus on the two scenes featuring our tortured lovers.
In the first scene, Deran has his head down, seemingly ignoring Adrian, while Adrian leans into the island, closer to Deran.  One interpretation is that Adrian is seeking Deran’s approval and Deran is withholding it. Adrian makes eye contact every opportunity he has and Deran…barely makes eye contact.  When Deran does look up, Adrian leans against the island, chin dipped down, submissive posture.  When Deran, standing up, posture a bit aggressive, gestures to Adrian, Adrian leans back against the counter…as far from Deran as he can get without leaving the room.  He actually looked a little scared although that could be of the situation and not Deran but that, my friends, is what we call taking a backward steps in a relationship.  Adrian’s body language seems easier to read for me; he is sorry and he is uncomfortable and he wants Deran’s approval.  Deran is in a punishing mood but I’m going to suggest it’s a split as to who he’s most upset with, Adrian or himself.
Observation: Dilating pupils are a form of body language but STC’s eyes are such a dark blue that his pupils blur with the irises.
And hey, here’s the shallow:  Where was the hot make-up sex?!  Does that mean they didn’t actually make up?!  And holy crap, whoever dressed Adrian in that scene helped define some new dress kinks for me—nice dress pants and tucked in shirt displaying his wide shoulders, long torso and longer legs…Adrian, doll, forget surfing and try modeling.  Deran wears scruff like nobody’s business and that is not generally a look I find appealing but I’m firmly on board the hair-tucked-behind-ears-with-beard train.
In the second scene, Adrian approaches Deran and Deran isn’t receptive.  Was there a shooing hand gesture or am I imagining that?  Correction!  @iammine-notyours pointed me to proof that Deran actually pats the seat next to him instead of shooing; that actually doesn’t bode well for either one as that means Adrian is still keeping his distance.  Adrian didn’t sit right next to Deran although that could’ve been because he didn’t want to hurt his banged up and bruised lover. Or maybe he felt like he wasn’t welcome in Deran’s  personal space?  Adrian again was trying to make eye contact like crazy and Deran wasn’t having any of it.  At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Adrian moves back out to his sister’s, breaking Deran’s heart again, which to be clear is not what I’m advocating for; to me Deran is giving off signals that I interpret as you’re a part of the problem instead of the solution and if Adrian wants to retain his self-esteem that might require some distance.
Final Thoughts
I laughed when Deran said ‘not the Scout’ when trying to figure out how to explain their injuries and what vehicle to donate to the cause.  Goodbye, van, I’m sure yours was a noble a sacrifice.
Bye, Mia, can’t say as I’ll miss you.  How do we take J’s admission that his family is all he’s got left?  He whispered to Smurf while she slept away at the end of Season 3 that he was going to take away everything she loved which I thought, perhaps mistakenly, meant her sons.  Has J changed his mind about his uncles or did I misread him in Season 3?
I feel like the answer to the location and/or the person Smurf is seeking with her arsenal of weapons can be explained in the flashbacks.  I’m impatient to find out which is good storytelling but, um, I’m getting jittery which is not a good look on me.  How are we approaching the end of the season already?!!!!
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aliencowboys · 5 years
"Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!" Alex and Michael shouted in time with John McClane on the small TV screen, before both boys burst into giggles.
Michael slung an arm over Alex's shoulder as the red-head kicked his feet with laughter, knocking over the half-empty bag of nacho chips across the blanket they were tucked under.
Alex had been spending more time with Michael recently. Not that they hadn't been close before - they had considered each other best friends for over a year now - but since Alex ended things with Isabel, he had turned to Michael for comfort. Though the alien prided himself on being a badass in public, he was actually more sensitive and sweet than anyone else Alex knew. In fact, he was the first person Alex told why he actually broke up with Isabel. Alex had confessed to Michael that he was gay one day when they were hanging out at the arcade, and Michael had just smiled, told him that was cool, and asked if he wanted to play whack-a-mole next.
Now they were sitting in Alex's bedroom on a Saturday night in the winter while his parents were out, getting sugar-high on Lime Warp and candy canes and watching movies.
"Die Hard was an excellent movie choice," Alex grinned.
"Hell yeah," Michael smirked. "Best Christmas movie ever."
"Of course," Alex agreed. "That gives me an idea for a list, actually."
"Christmas movies that actually have very little to do with Christmas?" Michael asked.
Alex shook his head, "way too obvious." He smiled at Michael expectantly.
"Dude, I don't know what's going on in your head," Michael replied, though his voice showed nothing but affection for his friend. "What's the list?"
"Movies you should only watch with your favourite person," Alex answered, a content smile on his face. "That's you, by the way."
"I'm your favourite person?" Michael raised an eyebrow while a light blush tinted his cheeks.
"Duh," Alex rolled his eyes, "who else would shout iconic movie quotes at the tv with me? Liz? Maria? I don't think so."
Michael suddenly became quiet and started rubbing his thumb across his hand nervously. Alex looked at the floor guiltily. Was it because he mentioned Maria? He knew there were sparks flying between her and Michael for a while, but it never came to anything. Alex had thought it was mutual, but maybe it hurt Michael more than he was letting on. Alex was just about to apologise for bringing it up when Michael shifted away from him and spoke up suddenly.
"I actually, uh, wrote a list." Michael said, voice croaky as though he was unsure but determined. "For you- your website, I guess." He reached into his pocket and handed Alex a crumpled up piece of lined paper.
Alex took the paper gingerly and unfolded it. He stared for a moment, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
List of things I want to say to you: - Would - You - Like - To - Go - Out - With - Me?
"No," Alex mumbled, looking up at Michael to find the alien staring at him intently, hope in his eyes. "I don't... really think this would work."
"Oh," Michael's face fell.
"I mean, no offence. It's nothing against you, just..." Alex shrugged, "It doesn't really fit what I need, ya know?"
Michael nodded sadly, "I get it."
"Sorry," Alex forced an apologetic look.
The boys finished Die Hard in an uncomfortable silence. The moment the movie was over, Michael made an excuse to leave, even though earlier he had promised they would watch whole trilogy.
Sitting in his bedroom alone after his best friend left, Alex wondered where he had gone wrong, and why Michael had been so hurt over him rejecting a list of disconnected, random words.
Alex hadn't seen Michael for several days. They had plans to hang out, go bowling, get lunch. But Michael had suddenly ghosted, calling Alex up with some excuse of picking up extra shifts at Space Supplies, and then not speaking to him again for days. Alex hadn't even seen him at school except in passing, it almost seemed like Michael was avoiding him.
Alex wasn't sure what he could have done to offend Michael. The guy was tough and Alex joked around with him all the time. If anything, Michael's teasing of Alex was harsher than the other way around.
Still, if Michael was avoiding him, Alex wanted to know why. He thought of going to Max, but he had a lot on his mind. Liz didn't really hang out with Michael that often. Michael and Maria were still having issues. That meant Isabel was the best person to go to.
Alex was dreading going to see his ex-girlfriend. Their breakup wasn't particularly messy, and they were on decent terms still. But they hadn't really shared more than small-talk since.
So Alex chickened out, and called Isabel on the phone instead.
Isabel picked up on the third ring. "Hello, Isabel Evans here," she sing-songed sweetly.
"Hey, it's Alex."
"Alex, I told you, that hoodie is mine now. I don't care how much you like the shade of green it is-" Isabel started. Alex could practically hear the eye-roll in her voice.
"I'm not calling about that." Alex sighed, "do you know why Michael's been avoiding me?"
Isabel scoffed, "why do you think?" Her voice was full of spite, sounding sharper and more hurt than it had when he'd broken up with her.
"I don't know!" Alex grumbled into the phone, "we were hanging out and chilling like normal and then next thing I know he's cancelled all our plans and doesn't want to talk to me! I know you and him are close, so what gives?"
"Yeah, we are close," Isabel snarked. "So I'm not exactly happy that you would reject him so dismissively like he said you did."
"Dismiss him? Wha-" Alex shook his head, "is this about that stupid list?!"
"Stupid?!" Isabel sounded scandalised, "and you wonder why you hurt Michael."
Isabel hung up abruptly and Alex felt even more confused than before.
So Michael was really hurt that Alex didn't like his list of words. Maybe they had some deeper meaning. Maybe it was a message for someone that Michael knew would read the website.
Alex sighed, realising that maybe the only way to repair his friendship with Michael was to post the list and hope the guy saw.
So Alex went to his computer, and started a new post on his website.
Hi guys. My friend wrote this list for me. I don't really understand it, but it seems important to him. Maybe y'all can decipher it.
List of things I want to say to you: - Would - You - Like - To - Go - Out - With - Me?
After posting the list, Alex went to bed and spent the night dreaming of Michael's forgiveness.
You idiot he's asking you out
That was the first comment Alex read when he went to check his website the next morning. It was a reply to the list Michael had written. Alex stared at the comment, and the several dozen below it that said very similar.
He's asking you on a date
Your friend is into you
Please tell me this is a joke. Your friend wants to go out with you.
So cute!! Invite me to you guys' wedding!
etc. etc.
"Oh, shit!" Alex said out loud, bringing his hands to his forehead. His eyes were wide as the truth dawned on him.
Michael wasn't upset that Alex had rejected his list, Michael was upset that Alex had rejected him.
The more shocking realisation, though, came a semi-second later, when Alex registered that had he understood what Michael was actually asking, he would have said yes in a heartbeat.
"I'm in love with Michael," Alex whispered out loud to himself.
Alex waited for Michael by his locker that morning. He desperately wanted to apologise for hurting Michael - even if he hadn't realised he was doing it - and maybe, perhaps, see if the alien's offer was still open.
"Hey, Michael!" Alex called when he caught sight of his dark-haired friend walking down the hallway.
Michael sighed and looked at the floor as he approached his locker. "Hi, Alex," he mumbled dejectedly. "Listen, about the other day-"
Alex cut him off, "I posted your list last night."
Michael blinked, then frowned. "You.. Posted it? Why?" he sounded hurt. "Did you think your hundreds of fans on the internet would get a laugh out of it? Alex, rejecting me was one thing but to mock-"
"I didn't realise!" Alex interrupted again, "I didn't. I misread the note I didn't understand. I thought it was just a list of words and I didn't realise I was hurting you. So I posted it and all the comments were saying that you liked me and I realised that maybe i like you too and had just completely misunderstood and-"
Alex stopped when he realised Michael was laughing at him. His cheeks turned bright pink.
"You're serious?" Michael said through rounds of laughter.
"Well.. Yeah," Alex defended, "I wouldn't have said no if I understood what you were asking."
Michael rolled his eyes, "you're such an idiot." He chuckled before checking the hallway was empty and pressing a quick, sweet kiss to Alex's flushed cheek.
"Maybe," Alex grinned, overwhelmed with feelings of giddiness and joy, "but I'm your idiot."
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briannamarguerite · 6 years
I had an hour to kill and forgot my laptop so I wrote a quick Drabble off @londonfoginacup ‘s tags on a post with football-shaped bread (namely “baker Harry tries to woo Louis”) I wrote this on my phone so soz about typos😂)
Harry wanted to be romantic and say it was the boy’s eyes he noticed first. And he did get around to those, he did (they were pure and deep blue, the color of the evening sky just after the sun completely slipped below the horizon but before the black of midnight. See, would someone who was not romantic be able to come up with that?)
Or his smile. The one that Harry would later realized he craved, would later do everything in his power to earn. The one that tickled out the crinkles that told of a life spent laughing.
But in truth it was the boy’s ass that he noticed first. Harry couldn’t be faulted really, because it had been at eye-level at the time he’d realized anyone else had even come into the bakery.
He blamed it on the tray. Or the crack in the floor that no one else ever seemed to trip over but Harry swore was real (it was fucking real okay Susan?). And that’s how he ended up on his knees in front of the most delectable ass he’d ever encountered. It was plump, and jiggled beneath the worn gray of the boy’s joggers, and Harry curled his fingers until they dug into the flesh of his palm to stop himself from reaching out, making sure this wasn’t some sex-drought hallucination.
“Oh hello,” the boy said once he noticed Harry, his friendly smile bending toward bemused curiosity as Harry continued to gape (Or perhaps PERHAPS Harry was making that serial killer face everyone got creeped out by but that he could never seem to control until it was too late.) The boy crouched down, his thighs (his glorious thighs! Had Harry been killed dead by his ass? He was brought back to life with the thick perfection that pulled and bunched beneath the fabric). “Need help, Love?” The boy asked, his strong northern accent dropping the spaces between the words, reminding Harry of home.
Harry shook his head. Speech seemed ambitious at the moment, so he simply waved a general hand at the mess (what the hell that was supposed to accomplish he didn’t know) and then pushed to his feet. The boy followed suit.
By the time Harry made it back to the register, he’d somewhat untangled his tongue (don’t think about your tongue you bloody idiot) and managed a weak “Harry” followed by a wide-eyed stare he could only hope would be interpreted as, tell me your name please because I want to know what to call my future husband and also please be gay thank you.
“Louis” The boy said, his (beautiful evening sky) eyes all but gone with the force of his smile.
“Help you?” Harry got out past the disappointment that he couldn’t start doodling his future last name yet.
Louis glanced down at baskets of bread under the register, and Harry sighed both relieved and utterly devastated that he no longer held louis’ full attention.
“Lads and I are kicking around over at the park, but I’m starved. Have any sandwiches?”
Harry jumped into action (okay so it wasn’t technically on the menu but Louis needed to be fed, and who was Harry not to rise to the challenge?) and made Louis his famous ham and cheese using the special gourmet ingredients he kept in the bakery’s mini fridge for his own lunches.
“Cheers, love,” Louis said dropping his change in the tip jar. He bit into the sand which right then and there and Harry’s breath caught on the wrong side of his windpipe as he waited for the verdict. “Fucking sick, mate,” Louis said flashing Harry a thumbs up.
Then he walked out of Harry’s life, leaving only one last image of his perfect juicy peach pressing against thin fabric to fuel Harry’s after work stress relief. (Sex drought okay?)
The ladies of the bakery at first were endeared by Harry’s lamenting that he’d missed his chance with the boy who was clearly his soulmate, but their smiles took on a brittle edge by the end of the week.
It wasn’t until the next Saturday when Harry was vacillating between resignation that now that he’d met and lost the boy who was clearly the love of his life he was clearly destined to live alone, and blind faith that fate surely would bring them together once more when the bell on the door chimed.
The problem was he was near that crack again (which WAS REAL) and he was carrying a tray of cookies and honestly it wasn’t his fault, what was he supposed to do when his future husband was BACK and standing there in A SHEER WHITE T SHIRT that brought out the deep caramel of his skin? That revealed the sharp edges of his collarbones.
Well he ended up on the floor again, of course.
But then Louis was crouching next to him with that smile, the one that promised slow Sunday mornings, and stupid tickle fights, and private jokes shared across crowded tables at dinner parties. “So this is a common occurrence, is it?”
From then on Louis came into the bakery every Saturday, and Harry managed to stay on his feet (okay most of the time, god, alright?).
And they actually started talking. It was slow at first because Harry’s gaping kind of put a crimp on banter. But by the fourth visit they were chatting favorite music (indie for Louis, classic rock for Harry) by the sixth, family (“only one sister? Bless, I’ve got five meself and a brother on top of that) by the eighth, future plans (they were both in school but Louis wanted to try acting, Harry was mulling pastry institutes).
The problem was louis was very much not picking up on Harry’s attempt to woo him. Which, alright he admitted was subtle. But he’d baked the sandwich bread into a heart (and a smiley face and a star and any number of cute creative shapes to let louis know he was thinking about him) for gods sake. What else did a boy have to do to get asked on a date?
“why don’t you just ask him out, dear?” Babs asked as she watched him with his latest attempt (a football and to be honest if this didn’t work he didn’t know what would).
“Cuz” Harry said stubbornly pressing lines into the sticky dough, knowing he was being irrational.
When Louis came in that day, he was beautiful as always, a beenie perched on his windswept hair, turning all this features sharp and gorgeous. He smiled that smile at Harry and this time it promised Friday nights and silk sheets and lace underwear and expensive wine. Or Harry could just really be suffering from his sex drought.
“Hi Lou,” Harry sighed resting his arms on the counter in such a way to casually draw attention to the football-shaped bread in the basket.
“Umm,” Louis didn’t in fact look down. No instead his eyes were on the menu board above Harry’s head (come on! He hadn’t changed his order in all the weeks he’d been coming in. Harry tapped the glass, done with subtlety.) Louis’ eyes snapped to his and then darted away, his hands shoved in his pockets as he rocked back on his heels. If harry didn’t know better he’d say Louis was nervous.
“Yeah? harry prompted and there was pinging going on in the back of his brain, like he should be realizing something, but the messages weren’t quite getting through his Louis fog.
“Was wondering if you’d like to go out with me,” Louis said on one breath so that all the words slurred together and jumbled inside Harry’s head where a part of his brain had understood and was popping champagne while the other (which unfortunately was in charge of his motor functions) was struck dumb so that he was just left staring.
Louis flushed (a pale pretty rose color tint Harry noticed) and started backing away. “I mean ... sorry if ... misunderstood ... read this wrong ...”
“No!!” Harry’s desperation was somehow enough to get the word out and as louis’ face fell he nearly ripped off his tongue for how it must have sounded. “I mean yes!! You didn’t misread. I’d love to please thank you very much. Yes.”
Some point during Harry’s ramblings, Louis’ smile came back. And this time it promised tuxes and aisles and registries and (ok don’t get ahead of yourself here Harold).
“Sick,” Louis said on an exhale and then they both grinned at each other stupid and silly as they exchanged numbers.
Just before Louis turned to head out, he stopped, his eyes on the basket of bread. “Oh that’s so cool, you know if you squint hard enough those actually look like footballs.” He said it with a laugh and a wave and Harry told himself it wouldn’t be well done for him to murder his future husband.
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hologramcowboy · 3 years
Wow you completely misread at least half of my ask.
“So having a rich vocabulary means I have different style of writing?” - where did I talk about your writing at all?? I didn’t, I talked about the writing styles on Jensen’s account.
“I wasn’t aware of being on trial for my personality. I apologize profusely for being whatever it is I am on a daily basis that doesn’t meet your expectation.” - I also didn’t say anything about your personality or say anything about whatever it is you think my expectations are. I was simply trying to point out the way a lot of your responses come across. But it’s your blog, do what you want. As for that ‘x’ you want me to click? I know. I used to check your blog more often but it has gotten very condescending and yes, it feels judgmental to me and that’s very off putting so I don’t. I happened to today and thought I would weigh in but clearly you’re defensive and don’t want to hear it, so I’m done after this. Sorry for bothering you so much.
I see. Thank you for explaining that. I am sorry to learn my blog comes off judgemental to you but unfortunately, in written form, anything can be misunderstood or misinterpreted including my posts not just yours. I wish you all the best.
0 notes
aheartbrokenmind · 4 years
I have been constantly thinking about and losing sleep over that last letter I sent you. I am worried that I may have been too harsh on you. Not too harsh in the sense that they weren't things that needed to be said, but in the sense that it was heavily skewed negatively. I suppose it was just a reflection of my mood on that particular day and I don't regret saying what was said because it is all how I felt. However, that was a very miniscule fraction of the things I feel for you and unfortunately I feel that most of the things packed into that letter came from a place of spite.
I know the years of distance between us have been unbelievably hard on you. I have felt that too. In reality it is probably a superhuman feat on both of our parts that we made it as far as we did. Maybe I am just overly hopeful or was being unrealistic, but I truly believed we were going to make it to the finish line. The happily ever after. That is probably the main reason I went and had the engagement ring made. I felt like I could see the finish line. You were going to do one more year in Japan and then we would be planning and working on me getting a Scottish visa so we would finally live in the same place, together. I see now that maybe that finish line wasn't quite in sight for you. Maybe I misread all of our conversations about the future and marriage, or maybe a fog rolled into your mind and obscured your view of the finish line, I can't really say. Perhaps it was our conversation about my student debt that made you feel like the finish line had been picked up and moved ten more miles away when you were already exhausted and near collapse. I wish we would have communicated better. The fault falls on both of us for that. If I had known how badly you were struggling I would have done every single thing in my power to carry you over that line, no matter how close to exhaustion I was myself.
I keep wondering now, or maybe it is hope, that if we continue down these separate paths and I end up in Scotland what will happen. I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that wasn't desperately hoping that you will find your way back into my arms, and I into your heart. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that you are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I'd go to the ends of the earth just for the chance to feel your love again. That hope is not the only reason I want to end up in Scotland, I don't have enough paper to list all of those, but it is certainly one of them. Maybe when I end up there you will believe in me again. Believe in us again.
I know there had to be so many things going through your head before you made this decision and many that have continued after. Maybe I am guilty of holding you in such high regard or putting you up on such a high pedestal that I failed to see you being eaten alive. You're such a determined, strong, and fiercely independent woman that it was hard for me to believe that you'd ever quit or need a break. I can't blame anyone but myself for that. Those things have always been some of the things I loved about you most, but I should not have allowed them to blind me of your fragility. We are all fragile in our own ways and sometimes there is no strengthening those brittle pieces on our own. Sometimes the best that we can do is find someone who will protect those pieces of us or put the pieces back together when they shatter. Everyone needs help from time to time. Everyone needs a rest. I wish I would have been your help, your safe harbor, even if it took me dragging you into port myself. Unfortunately now I'm afraid we may both be lost at sea.
I still don't believe that the person you have been over the past couple years is the person you truly are. I think it has been you trying to protect yourself and in some ways trying to protect me during an unbelievably trying time in your life. I can't hate you for that. Honestly, it is probably the rational and smart thing to do. There is almost nothing about our relationship that has been rational or conventional from the beginning. It's been hard, everyone always telling us we're crazy. I'm not even sure they were totally wrong. I was, and still am, crazy about you. You are all and more than I had ever hoped for or could have possibly imagined. No matter where the road led us as individuals or as a pair I just knew you'd be the best at it. The best writer or lawyer. Perhaps both. The best friend I've ever had. The best partner for adventures I could ever ask for. The best girlfriend. The best mother to our future dogs. Someone who is constantly striving to make the world a better place. The best wife if we decided to get married someday and the best mother to our children if we wanted to have them. I know we talked about those things quite often and I’m not sure your mind was ever made up on them. I hope you know that on either of those massive decisions, I would have been completely happy with whatever you decided. If you decided you wanted to marry me I would have tried to be the best husband I could possibly be. If you had decided you wanted children I would have tried to be the best possible father to them that I could. If you had decided you didn’t want either of those things I would have loved you just the same and tried to be the best lover and companion you could hope for. I suppose that is why I feel so lost now. Every single combination of possible future plans that I had all came back to you. You, loving you, and making you as happy as possible was my goal.
I have thought a lot about the ring. I keep trying to figure out if I just completely misunderstood your intentions or dreams. I remember talking about marriage many different times. There were times where you mentioned just going to the courthouse and making it official so we would have an easier time living in the same country. We talked about just running away and having a ceremony with just the two of us. We talked about having a small ceremony and who our maid of honor and best man would be. There were times where you didn’t seem totally interested in the idea of marriage. There were multiple times that you mentioned not wanting to just get married so we could live in the same country, you wanted it to mean something. I guess maybe that is why I had the ring made. I didn’t want you to sacrifice the wedding of your dreams, whatever that might be, just so it was easier for one of us to get a visa. In all reality I didn’t even intend the ring as a guarantee that we would get married. I just meant it to show you how much I believed in you, and how much I believed in our future together. Obviously, my plans to propose didn’t go as planned at all, and I’m sorry that it caught you so off guard. I guess maybe it’s a good thing in the end. I would have hated to make you feel obligated to tell me yes and it probably would have crushed me to be told no. As chaotic as all of that was, perhaps it was for the best. I’m sorry if I misunderstood what you saw in your future, maybe I was blinded by the hope that what you saw was me.
I have talked to very few people about any of this, but I’m almost certain that the ones that I have probably think I’m pathetic. They don’t understand why I can’t just move on, why I can’t worry about and take care of myself. They keep saying in time I’ll forget about you and I’ll find someone else. That may all be true eventually, it’s hard to say. Right now however, I feel like half of me has just been ripped away. Maybe it’s my fault. Maybe I gave too much of myself to you. Maybe I centered my life too much around us and our future together. The truth is I believed in you so much, and still do. From the moment I met you, there was just something about you that made me want to believe in you. I was so willing to give everything I had to you, all of my pieces, because there was never a doubt in my mind that you were the one for me and that we would achieve our future. I believed that you and I, together, were unstoppable. Now you’re gone. You’ve taken all of those pieces of me with you and I’m left here fumbling around with the few random broken pieces that are left, trying to put together some kind of life with it. The truth is I’m finding it very hard to love myself without you. You made me better and want to be better. I loved the man you made me. Truthfully I think I always knew you were the more independent of the two of us. I knew you would always be the more okay of us if we went our separate ways. I never even really thought about it before now because I had so much trust in you. I guess now it’s pretty clear that I was right, you seem to be doing okay at least, and will probably move on from this far sooner than I will. I don’t think moving on will happen anytime soon for me. For right now there still seems like a shred of hope that keeps me holding on. Holding on to the hopeless hope that you will turn around and come back to me. Please just turn around. Come back.
If you decide to keep walking, just know, that no matter how far you go, there will always be a piece of you with me. I hope you save one of those pieces of me that you took as well.
Love you always,
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meltiverse · 5 years
Meltiverse Angst: What if Mel didn’t return their feelings? (Part 1, Universes 01 to 05)
Note: Yeah, it’s kinda weird writing that kind of angst, even thought I love my F/Os… But it’s interesting to imagine… Also, you can check the List of Universe if you wonder who my F/Os are and which fandom they are from.
- “Bwahahaha! Of course, you are smart enough that you guessed I was just messing with you!”
- Bowser act as if it was just a big joke, and he is surprisingly good at hiding his true feelings on the matter, but deep down, he is heartbroken. He distances himself from Mel, avoiding interactions as much as possible.
 02-A-1 (Timeline where Monsters managed to escape from Underground)
- “Ah, Yes… I Understand. Very Well… I… I Need To Go…”
- Crooks understand but feel like his soul is about to dust. He could’ve sworn that Mel was his soulmate… But maybe Humans didn’t feel the same pull as monsters feel for their soulmates… Axe isn’t as understanding and is tempted to “get rid” of the human who broke his brother’s soul, but he knew it would only make things worse. Crooks and Axe end up moving away soon after.
 02-A-2 (Timeline where Mel fell Underground)
- “I Am Sorry, But I Am Afraid This Is The Only Way I Can Protect You… To Claim You As My Mate…”
- Unfortunately, in the Underground, there isn’t much possibilities. No one, not even Axe would dare hurt the mate of the Great and Powerful Crooks, but if Mel refuse to be Crooks’ mate… Axe have no problems doing what he think is best for his brother’s sake… “one head dog, comin’ up…”
 02-B (Papyrus’ reaction would stay the same no matter if he and Mel meet on the surface or Underground)
- Papyrus immediately bottle up his feelings, convinced that if Mel doesn’t return them, then, they weren’t meant to be. But staying friends with Mel prove to be more painful than he expected. Soon, he feels like his Soul is constantly constricted… and then, he starts coughing… Why is he coughing flower petals?
- “Yeah, Little Buddy… I know. I just… Had to tell you, but it was pretty obvious that you wouldn’t like me back… Just… forget I said anything, ok?”
- Felix try to act as he doesn’t care, but once he’s alone, he breaks into tears. It hurts him too much to stay friend with Mel, so he starts ghosting them. No seeing Mel hurt even worse… Felix has no idea what to do anymore…
- Bebop: “No problems, Mel. We’re still friend, right?”
Rocksteady: “Oh… Oh well… At least, we’re still friends. You know what to do if you change your mind!”
- Bebop and Rocksteady are… surprisingly fine with it? Yes, they’re a bit sad, but they actually value Mel’s friendship over a possible romantic relationship.
- Bebop: “Of course… there’s no way you’d want to go back to dating me with how I look now… *snif*”
Rocksteady: “Is fine. I understand. Don’t worry, I’ll make Bebop understand.”
- Rocksteady is honestly completely fine with it. While he does like Mel and it was his idea to ask them to join their relationship, he did it mostly because he saw that Bebop still loved them. Bebop doesn’t take it as well, convinced that his mutation is the reason for Mel’s rejection. Rocksteady manage to make Bebop understand and they end up just staying friends with Mel.
- Bebop: “Aww… Boss… You… You sure? Ok… fine… *snif*”
Rocksteady: “Anything we can do to make you change your mind? We’d be good boyfriends, and even better lovers, you know? No? *snif* Ok, boss…”
- They’re both pretty heartbroken about it, to be honest. They just hurry up and finish the contract Mel hired them for. Once the contract is done, they leave, telling Mel that they won’t work for them again, because it would hurt their feelings too much.
- “Of course… that was to be expected… I thought that since you flirted with me, you would… Nevermind…”
- Rupert is sad, and somewhat angry too. Mel flirted with him, and yet… But on another hand, he gets it. His mutation isn’t really pretty to see… And it seems to be in Mel’s nature to charm about everyone with their charisma, so maybe he’s the one who misunderstood the situation. After calming down, Rupert apologize and ask if they can stay friends.
- “Sorry, kitten. You’re just too cute. I’ll leave ya alone, now”
- Vinny doesn’t mind too much. Yeah, Mel is really cute, but he didn’t really expect anything by flirting with them. Is he a bit disappointed? Yeah, of course he is, but he’s old, and it’s not the first rejection he got through.
- “Don’t worry, Mel. I understand. I just felt like you had the right to know, but your friendship is much more important to me than any romantic feelings I might have developed.”
- Coran is very understanding. He honestly didn’t expect Mel to return his feelings and was prepared for it. As he said, he cares much more about their friendship. He’ll probably yell a “QUIZNAK” and cry a bit once he’s alone, but after that, he’ll be fine.
- “Oh, hey… It’s fine… really… No need to apologize… Let’s just be friend, yeah?”
- Hunk is another one who value friendship over romance, and so he’s fine with just being friends with Mel. It doesn’t take too long for Hunk’s feelings to return to just platonic.
- “Oh… no, I’m ok *sniff* no, I’m not crying… I just… have something in my eye… It’s fine, really… Hum… Can we still be friends?”
- Poor Will is pretty much heartbroken, but he tries to hide it as much as possible, as he doesn’t want Mel to feel guilty for rejecting him. He still wants to be friends with Mel, as their friendship is very precious to him.
- “Is that so? Very well, then. Forget I said anything. I was just curious to see how you would react.”
- Honestly, Simon is surprised. He’s usually pretty good at reading people and the fact that he misread Mel that much… Maybe his own desires blinded him. He just acts as if he was messing with Mel and he stays in good terms with them, as it is not their fault for not sharing his feelings and Simon understand that.
- “*sob* Waaaaah! *snif* S… Sorry… I feel better now. Let’s stay friends, ok?”
- Yeah, Datz cry a bit, but then calm himself and ask to stay friends with Mel. But deep down, he always keeps a flicker of hope that Mel might eventually fall for him.
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annoyingreminder · 7 years
14 November 2017
Our friendship is practically down the drain at this point. It seems we can't be good friends anymore just because I've had feelings for him.
You see, even though I still do...it's fading, but I still do... Our friendship means so much more to me than a never-will-happen relationship.
However, he's so caught up in the fact that I'm so attached to him...like I want a relationship when really, I just want to be a friend. A good friend like he deem I am.
But I can't be just a friend if I'm always being thought of as having a motive behind being a friend. I can't be a good friend or a close one if I can't tell you about my life, nor can I know about the ongoings in your life.
It's quite twisted, his idea of a "good friend". It's more of an acquaintance to me. Not even a friend.
It's sad that he's uncomfortable with the idea of catching up just because. It's sad that he's uncomfortable to have someone genuinely care about him.
At this point, my explanation and examples are not understood at all. He's so closed to his own perception of me and won't try to understand my point of view. And at this point, I've ran out of ways to explain myself.
I guess I should just let it be...let it go. If he wants to think that the idea of being "good friends" is not talking to each other at all, as the shared memories is sufficient...so be it.
I can't believe how polite I am in replying to his seemingly hurtful and rude texts. I'm trying my best to reply with an open mind, being considerate of his feelings. But I really don't think I'm misreading the tone of his messages this time. They're meant to be hurtful.
I have my limits too. If he thinks he can walk over me just because I was being apologetic and nice (plus, I was casual and joked too...but was ignored. Talk about being petty, right?), I'll put him in his place.
I'm already understanding his point of view, and being very tolerant. If he can't do the same for me, holding grudges, and being hurtful... I'm not afraid to walk away from this friendship and remove him from my life, no matter how difficult.
Oh, and I got my answer. He never had feelings for me. The million things he said when he was just drunk was all drunk talk. He never meant any of it. The hugs and kisses... all bullshit.
I mean, I don't blame him... not really. He's a guy after all. It's easy to take advantage of a girl that you know likes you.
Everything he came to me for, it was purely out of being good friends. He didn't keep texting me for help and random talks and travel updates because he liked me... it was just cz I was a good useful friend.
I read everything wrong.
There was a time when he came up to my room to give me the duckling he got for me... I took it and wanted to get back to studying for my quiz, but he hung around awkwardly trying to create a conversation in the hallway. He randomly asked me about Malaysia, so I took the que to have a short conversation. And after it ended, he stuck around a little longer... I thought he wanted a hug cz at that time, we hugged every night. Knowing him, he wouldn't ask for a hug...so I hugged him and he hugged me back happily before leaving with what looked like a spring in his steps.
But I guess I read all of it wrong...including that instance.
And that thing he said when he was drunk - that although we're far apart, I shouldn't hesitate to text him because he'd want to know what I'm doing...all bullshit. He says he doesn't want to know what I'm up to.
Confused? 100%... But okay, I don't need to waste my energy on someone who doesn't care anyway.
The Aidan I thought he was is just a figment of my imagination...something I thought and wished he was, but is not.
The Aidan back home is a different person than I knew... and I'm forced to accept it.
He says he's super busy, that he has his own problems and events in life...so I shouldn't expect him to fill me in on any of it. I may not know everything there is to know in this life, but I sure know that doesn't sound like friendship to me.
Disappointed? 100%.
It just reiterates the fact that I shouldn't expect friends to treat me the same way I treat them. That's just life and I need to grow the fuck up.
I was wrong to misinterpret the tone of his text, so I apologized to him. But misunderstanding all that he was as a person, I ought to apologize to myself.
All in all, he just doesn't understand me, neither does he try. He completely misunderstood me. And for that, I feel sorry for this friendship.
Like I told him before which he said I was being hurtful, we most likely won't ever see each other again... It's even more true now. There's zero motivation to meet him again.
But alas, I got my crystal clear answer.
He never had feelings for me.
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