qtubbo · 7 months
Fit gay panic in the middle of lore;
Pac in chat: Always big boy! :DD
Fit: OH eh, uhhh Pac just got back to me ‘Always Big Boy’ hah eh, Where are you at right now? *in chat and outloud*
Fit: Uhhh heh yeah yeah we-we should go talk to him yeah we should go talk to him… yeah……..ummm sorry I lost my composer
Ramon: no no, dw its comprensible
Fit: hah if you say so Ramon
Ramon: pai is something lmao :D
Fit: Yeah, sure is..he sure is
Pac in chat: Right next to your bathrobe, in my house
Fit in chat: ON MY WAY
Fit: Ahhh lets..you know we should- lets go to, lets teleport to Pac’s house Ramon, but but let me walk in first.
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xrd · 2 years
What is that
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infestedguest · 1 year
Fma 2003’s ED To The Other Side Of The Door is great because it shows you some of the most heartbreaking symbolic imagery you’ve ever seen (a photo of Winry and the Elric brothers as children burning, completely consuming Al before reaching Ed’s arm and leg, all while Winry watches on), right before hitting you with Green Hair Edward Elric.
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tetrix-anime · 8 months
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Megami Magazine March 2024 Issue (#286) - Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e 3rd Season (Classroom of the Elite III)
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sonofnyx · 1 month
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Caos. Era essa a palavra que definia tudo o que acontecia ali, tudo era o mais puro caos. Os gritos dos campistas, os rugidos dos monstros; quase como na visão que tivera anteriormente. A diferença era que nada desaparecia de repente e ainda tinha visão de seus colegas, não enxergava todos, pois estavam espalhados pelo campo de batalha, mas faria questão de proteger os que estavam próximos de si.
Escutava alguns campistas, os filhos da magia, gritarem que aquilo não era real, mas como poderia não ser real se alguns semideuses eram atacados e caíam a torto e a direito? Tudo parecia real demais.
Quando a Hidra se aproximou, algumas de suas cabeças tentando atacar os que estavam distraídos contra outros monstros. Damon não deixou seu medo lhe paralisar dessa vez, apertou as mãos ao redor dos punhais de sua espada e correu na direção da criatura, enquanto solidificava lanças de sombra e as atirava na mesma, o que atraiu a atenção da Hidra.
Assim que o monstro cuspiu veneno em sua direção, sentiu a presença de Alina ao seu lado e logo tratou de criar um escudo de trevas à frente de ambos, porém, algo que nunca havia acontecido antes ocorreu: o ataque atravessou o escudo, banhando os dois filhos de Nyx em veneno.
Damon sentiu seu estômago gelar com o ocorrido e tentou não deixar com que o veneno adentrasse em partes importantes, como olhos e boca; tentou também, novamente, ter em mente que aquilo não era real, mas o líquido quente que lhe pinicava a pele queria dizer o contrário. Tossiu para afastar o veneno de seus lábios, mas notou sua visão embaçando e escurecendo devido ao mesmo, queria continuar na batalha porém pegou no braço de sua irmã e se afastou do caos quando ouviu a voz de Dylan, claramente tentando tirar a atenção do monstro de ambos, então aproveitou a oportunidade que ele lhes deu, para que sua ação não fosse em vão.
Entretanto, não se afastou demais. Mesmo com a visão prejudicada, tomou a liberdade de tentar ajudar os que estavam guiando os outros campistas para segurança.
Não demorou para que os tremores da terra começassem e mais instruções fossem gritadas no meio daquele caos. Uma força começava a puxar os monstros de volta para a fenda enquanto a mesma fechava, internamente torcia para que nenhum de seus colegas campistas fossem capturados no meio. A explosão de magia junto com os tremores violentos fizeram o filho de Nyx perder o equilíbrio, sentindo seu rosto bater em algo sólido assim que foi, sem cerimônia, ao chão.
Recobrou sua consciência, ainda zonzo e com os ouvidos zumbindo, com Benji lhe levantando do chão e começando a guiá-lo de volta para o acampamento. Notou também silhuetas que se pareciam muito com Eunha, bastante baqueada, sendo carregada por outros campistas, e uma onda de preocupação tomou sua mente. Porém, nem se quisesse conseguiria se desvencilhar dos braços de Benji para ir até a colega, pois ainda sentia seu corpo um tanto mole devido a pancada na cabeça.
Chegando na enfermaria, foi avaliado pelos curandeiros e ali ficaria em observação, o dia inteiro ou por mais dias, se fosse preciso.
personagens citados: @dylanhaites, @nyctophiliesblog, @notodreamin e @benjiminyard @silencehq
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marsithefox · 4 months
An oldish drawing I made a bit ago :03
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zmarylou · 2 months
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Your beauty is beyond compare with flaming locks of auburn hair with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green. Your smile is like a breath of spring your skin is soft like summer rain.
Mary não sai do acampamento para nada além de missões há muito tempo, então, quando ouviu que Circe iria convidar todos a sua ilha por três dias inteiros, dizer que estava feliz seria um grande eufemismo. Mary estava radiante como a luz do sol. Animada para dividir seu dormitório com Essie e Muse, e escapar um pouco de seus irmãos, embora os amasse girl time parecia muito necessário para aquela nova etapa de sua vida. Ela está decidida a aproveitar a ilha e o spa quase como se fosse um retiro espiritual. Como os deuses são bons por lhe proporcionar tamanha regalia! Mary via isso como uma oportunidade de se reconectar consigo mesma e encontrar um pouco de paz longe das pressões do acampamento.
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rainbow-sparks · 2 years
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idfk just look at the babygirls :)
#NOOO I FORGOT THE BALD SHINE :(#it's funky to me :)) idk :))#someone said saying XD is cringe so I drew Mikey saying it because IT'S FUN AND SILLY AND YOUR JUST A MEANIE >:(((#drew these while listening to some guy talk about crime? I think mostly..ALSO MY DUDE WENDIGOON; LOVE THAT GUY#bby gurl has her first encounter (jesus that was hard to spell) with transfem voice training?#ig? uhm I first found out of it from One Topic covering a Trans subreddit...I don't remember which-- uh#I have school in like 3-ish hours :) fuckingkillmegoddamnitfuckshirbitchUGGHHIWANNAKMS/SOBBING/MYPARENTSSAYohitsnotthatbadBUTITIS:(((((#hahah now back my regularly silly little guy persona xPP!!#OMFG WHY DID N O O N E TELL ME '03 IS SO FUN AND GREAT AND AAAA (how can I do the shakey stim hands through text—)ANYWAY IT SO FUN ILOVE#oh! OH! UHMM so my mom apparently got me a trisaratops plush for Valentines:)) but I didn't get it till a few days ago because I just went#over a few days ago :p my sister got a bear it kind of looks like a Care Bear yaknow??#I should....add real tags....#uhm ok#2012 tmnt#2k12 tmnt#mikey 2012#michelangelo 2012#leo 2012#leonardo 2012#transfem leo#<-wait does that always have to be tagged? well..I guess for the people who have it blocked yeah :^ I'll leave it:)#my friend....just that thats it just her#idk I was gonna say something but then forgor :((((#okay so I've only seen 8 ep of s1 in 03 and ive seen 12 and rise so I'm gonna put my fav from each so far :))#uhm okay 03: Raph; Mikey; Donnie; Leo. 12: Mikey; Leo; Donnie; Raph. Rise: I have rewatch it :( but from how brain going rn#Lee;Dee;Mike;Raph :)))#or Dee;Lee;Raph;Mike...OR—#okay i'll stop now#OH MY FUCKING GOD I JUST LOOKED AT HOW MANY TAGS I ADDED AND JESUS FUCK HOLY SHIT#if you read all of these...I...Ijust...damn..thank you for listening to my stupid thoughts <3
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witchernjal · 2 months
closed starter for @witchertorsten
location: post diving course
note: uwu
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He'd finally collected his money and gotten his invitation to the Primus. Njal was never going to say he was surprised that he outlasted everyone else to actually find that damn treasure. The odds had seemed stacked against him considering he was a witcher. Anything magical in nature was going to reject him. Everyone had their little rocks and he had...nothing. Well, he had something, but he hadn't really expected the devil to actually help him. Maybe he had judged Kalamar too harshly. Actually, no he didn't. If the damage to his psyche was anything to look back on, the requests for help weren't exactly without repercussions. Still, the point was that he had won and now he had a lot of money and a reputation that would have these Lysarans putting some respect on most Iskarans that had found their way here. He would call that a win.
The first person that he had run into, of course, was Torsten. "Who would have thought it, right?" There was a large and very unusual smile on Njal's face as he spoke. "That crowd fucking loved me." Maybe he was meant for this kind of thing. He wouldn't think too much on that now though. A profession change at his old age? He had maybe ten years left to go. He would be fine right where he was. "Were you cheering louder than everyone else? Be honest."
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zestyderg · 8 months
E-03, one of Amelia's older hybrids. It's a cross between a Megalo and an Igua.
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Those jaws and thumb spikes make for a lethal combo. Despite this, it's been noted to be surprisingly friendly.
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xrd · 9 months
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What like bothers me more then anything about Bullet's design is just that it feels like her clothes are all ill-fitting. Like the shorts are kinda dumb but what really pushes it over the edge is her shirt and weird waist belt that excentuates it
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unabashedqueenfury · 1 year
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Reign 2013-2017/03-05
Toby Finn Regbo as Francis Valois
Questa partita che farò da voi,
Sarà la morte mia, rosa incarnata.
Morirò io, e rimarrete voi:
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Questa vita ti sia raccomandata.
Ti sia raccomandata più che posso,
Non dico il cuore mio, ch'ora l'è vostro.
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(Giuseppe Tigri, from "Canti popolari toscani ", La Partenza e l'addio, 1856)
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whattraintracks · 3 months
Angel and the Angst Potential would probably make a good band name
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las-tortugas-ninja · 2 years
ok so everyones talking about rise donnie and 2k12 raph being the murder duo and i like where yall are going with this but consider-
add 03 mikey and make them the murder trio.
they would all cause mass chaos and destruction when put together because all three of them share the fact that their brothers are the primary thing holding them back from wreaking havoc
now we just need a leo to add and make the full murder team
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marsithefox · 4 months
Can u pls draw harmony howlette :3 💕
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winterreigned · 3 months
Sansa's reaction to Robb dying in a fire. :) ( u can make this funny or serious idc ) // @theyoungwclf
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐋 ; no one is immune to the cold grasps of bony fingers, pulling you to the depths of eternity. this is a fact of life, one sansa stark has faced head first several times now. grandparents, distant relatives, most recently her father ──── though nothing has prepared her for robb. her eldest brother, though so much more, a best friend, confidante..
it is the dead of night when there's a knock on the door. she assumes it's jon locking himself out again. maybe even arya's little boyfriend unsuccessfully sneaking in once more. sansa pays it no mind, offers an agitated grumble and tosses in her bed. it isn't until she hearts the guttural screams and wailing of her mother that she flies out of bed, running urgently down the stairs. all of the stark children are awake, all but one.
there are no words to confirm her suspicion, weeping mother before an apologetic man in a fire uniform. it tells sansa everything she needs to know.
when ned stark had passed, the police came in the dead of night. a warm summer night, sticky with humidity, much like this one. when the police rang the bell and catelyn fell apart, it was robb who held the family together ──── the much needed glue to the shattered glass pieces. the months after, robb stepped up in any way. it is in this moment now, sansa realizes this role has now been passed along to her.
❝ arya , bring bran and rickon upstairs. call jon. do not tell him on the phone, we cannot have him driving recklessly. ❞ it is shaky hands, wobbly knees, tangled red hair and eyes still blurry from sleep. THIS CANNOT BE REAL, THIS CANNOT BE REAL. it is a horror movie, yet all the same she is living it. sansa is unsure of what possesses her, what skills have suddenly come to be to help her survive this ; to ensure her siblings and mother do. but with a capability she was a stranger to, sansa crouches before her mother, cradling her in comfort. it is a messy mix of tears, unknown where sansa's begin and where catelyn's end. rocking, together, mother and daughter, desperately mourning the loss of the remaining light in the stark's life.
it is some hours later, time has frozen. sansa is a walking zombie, bound to human nature and instinct and defied expectations. feet venture to his room, legs carry her to robb's unmade bed, and in an instant she's unfolding and sobbing in the bed sheets. cheap cologne lingers, and for a moment it is if he is there. so many nights teary eyed she spent in here, whether it be father's death, joffrey, fights with arya.. now she must face it all alone.
❝ you've gotten me through everything, how the hell am i going to get through anything else with out you? ❞
𝐈𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑, a baby cradled in her arms. a boy with auburn locks like his mother, already curled and growing atop his head. eyes a blue you can swim in, just like his uncle.
❝ welcome to the world, robb stark. oh, how we love you.❞
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