#i’m posting art again hurray!!!
squishymar · 6 months
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kristen “chillis” applebees. behold the holy saint and all her glory loll
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rosemaryblossoms · 1 year
Guys it happened again. . .
A new fucking au 😅
@ewwwabug is the creator of lbb.
Quick author’s note, pela I’m sorry because your probably tired of me tagging you to my post because I’m trying to give you credit, if you like I can just put pela instead of your tag name just let me know. And @looooooong I’m sorry that I’m taking long to do your late birthday art but at least you have two presents this being one of them.
So I got this idea we’re the biker boys are yandereish bipolar ass cryptids hurray!
So there was this mysterious virus that affected both Padar and the biker folder which did not go so well. (They are also aware that you’re reading this)
They are also aware that their life was a game simulation, they are also bipolar as hell.
First they’re like awww we missed you so much to I’m going to beat you up to no you’re not leaving your staying here with us forever.
Dice’s hair changes color depending on what mood he’s in, for example if he’s feeling nice and somewhat sweet his hair turns pink with his purple tips and Magenta if feeling possessive.
They have met Padar but don’t worry they didn’t hurt them, the virus already stretched and mangled them enough.
Jeff’s personality is a mixture of his original and wild self.
Jatay is surprisingly least dangerous because of the way the virus shaped him, however he does give you good scares and sometimes mentally plotting your death.
Varai has antlers, even in his regular form. He also loves pets and drawing. Varai had some thoughts of shrinking you to put you in a jar so maybe you wouldn’t try to escape, also please be careful what you say to him.
They have two forms their “regular” form and cryptid form, their regular form has this analog horror uncanny valley feeling to them which fun fact they are, basically they look like someone took a random photo a of person and customized it to look like their character like analog horror creators sometimes do for their characters.
Good luck, you’ll need it
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unhinged rainbow magic post 11 of 12
Ok most of this is insane rambling but for one part of it you’re going to need to remember Bethany the Ballet Fairy’s tragic backstory of having a gay quarter life crisis because of a homoerotic ballet rivalry with a girl who she loses the lead role in a show to please and thank you
MAGICAL CREATURES FAIRIES (hurray for cute animals again!)
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Ashley Dragon looks like a dragon version of nessie the loch ness monster, which is a great design tbh DRAGON ON THE JEANS YES Also different versions of dragons! we love diversity Outfit does not match but she makes me not care! It’s different colours but its the right shade of each colour (this is such good colour theory knowledge El well done) HAIR EXCELLENCE Pockets! Sandals are not the right shade of yellow, it should match the top or the dragon on the trousers - also the chunky looking design is ugly, she needs to either go barefoot or have jesus sandals
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Lara So well put together oh my god This is a witch not a fairy Adorable kitty! Cat lady vibes (cardigan) but super super cool (skinny jeans and boots) I am WEAK for those boots omg Lovely hair as well
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Erin How is her hair literal fire??? Idk but I am Loving It Lara’s a witch, Erin is a goddess Freckles!!!!!! THIS is how you do a headband! The honeysuckle fire flower thing? ADORABLE Viking esque fur neck thing is NICE it has how to train your dragon vibes She’d take me to a pagan ritual involving a bonfire and I’d enjoy it Dress? INSANE This is a GOOD BELT TAKE NOTES it’s a lovely asymmetrical waist ribbon band thing!!!!!  Her delightful sandals have greek goddess vibes I’m living Girl could set me on fire and i’d thank her
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Rihanna AHHHHH THE LIL BUBBLE AND THE SEAHORSE ARE SO CUTE Congrats on having decent blonde hair! Barefoot + anklet = beach ass vibes babey Her dress gives me the feeling of being underwater and looking up at the sun Mamma Mia vibes! Groovy and beachy and blonde This dress is kinda growing on me ngl The hem looks good on her and I like the shape of the neckline, but it should be a thinner line of green Rihanna absolutely votes for the Green Party btw
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Sophia  Her creature is a cygnet cos it’s small and raggedy but it’s white instead of grey? First impressions she kinda looks like a bad art project but still cute I really like her hair tho its very cute with the ribbon Movie sleepover vibes This girl is wearing slippers. A pyjama top. And a really nice skirt. Is she halfway through getting dressed???? Feathery inspiration of her skirt is good, it looks like she’s halfway through a swan transformation Colour scheme is very cute and dreamy vibes
HEADCANONS: please remember Bethany’s backstory again thank you! This is the girl who takes the role of Odette in Bethany’s dance company, and the girl with whom Bethany has a homoerotic rivalry. Sophia weaponises flirting because it amuses her, especially aggressive flirting, like Bethany can be leaning against a wall and Sophia will come and put her leg up on Bethany’s shoulder. Sophia just delights in getting really close to her all the time. Sophia is into Bethany, Bethany is into her, Bethany knows neither of these facts. She has a high ponytail when she’s doing ballet and it just makes Bethany's brain go offline. Later in life they’ll run into each other, when Sophia has a high-powered ballet girlfriend and Bethany has her wife the costume designer and her really chill life. Sophia will apologise for making Bethany freak out but she really was into Bethany, and Bethany will reply yeah you fucked up my life for sure, but I don’t think I would have quit without you so thanks. Also your leg gave me horny nightmares. 
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Leona (unicorn) Shit this is horrific I hate it all Well done on having a cute animal and absolutely nothing else Long flowy blue dress with more renaissance vibes please (see below picture) 
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ok good we fixed it moving on
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Caitlin (ice bear) The bear is so fluffy and it looks like shiver from barbie and the magic of pegasus awwww Swiss ski resort vibes are top notch Colour scheme? Yes Fluffiness? Yes Cosiness? Yes The haircut is really cute but I want more of a brown shade with less green in it thanks
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ask-the-eu6 · 3 years
WOO this looks amazing! The art's so good I can cry! As for questions, how's everyone handling the pandemic so far? And what's the situation in your countries currently?
Luxembourg: The situation seems to be finally calming down a little! Although I do not want to jinx anything.
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Belgium: First of all, apologies for responding this late. However, the pandemic is still dictating our everyday lives, therefore your question still proves relevant!
Netherlands: Aside from washing hands, wearing masks and distancing ourselves from each other, most are currently receiving or have received their third vaccination shot.
Luxembourg: And with you receiving your third shot, the EU6 is now officially boostered!
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France: We do not only keep track of vaccination numbers but case numbers as well, especially as they are still not stable in many countries, rising and going down as time goes on and depending on the restrictions.
Germany: It is important to inform the public about rising case numbers as soon as possible. This information proves to be particualy important to those who need to travel!
France: Travel has been restricted before after all, it was tough... many people in Schenghen (The EU’s free movement of people zone) forgot what it was like not to be able to freely move from country to country.
Germany: It was... And this was and is not only about vacations. Many people have to travel to another country for work or to see their families.
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Romano: We are on mask duty again. Despite being very busy, we try to distribute them as often as possible. 
Italy: You can never have enough of them! After all, they need to be replaced often. 
Romano: And since we are interacting with people alot, we get ourselves tested on a regular basis. We may be fully vaccinated but that doesn't make us immune.
Italy: We also use sanitizers alot, especially when washing hands is not an option. The good side is that masks can look pretty stylish and can be just another way for me to express myself! :D
Romano: Hurray, everything isn’t so bleak...  🙄
Small mun note below the read more:
Mun note:
Before anyone complaints about us touching upon a serious topic. Remind yourself that I and my teammates just deal with whatever is in our inbox and that seems like a fun way to interact with you all. That’s not an invitation to send us actual taboo or fucked up serious questions dealing with actual dramatic situations (Please do not send us asks about the current situation in Ukraine.)
Antivaxers also kindly fuck off :)
Anyway back to the topic
Protip from the German mun: Do your hands dry quickly? Use curd soap (the neutral smelling ones, I once got one that smelled like wet cement it was not a fun time). They have helped my hands alot.
We are still busy with school, uni or getting into uni. Trust us when we say that we’d love to post more often. Soon though! Soon we’ll have the time. Thank you for your patience everyone!
Belgian mun: Yeahhh it was mostly my fault ahaha sorry! deadline after deadline after deadline! I’m back and I’ll make sure me and my colleagues work hard to give you all some more stuff! :D
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lqtraintracks · 3 years
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I posted 3,608 times in 2021
111 posts created (3%)
3497 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 31.5 posts.
I added 724 tags in 2021
#drarry art - 243 posts
#drarry fic - 72 posts
#wow - 71 posts
#draco malfoy - 68 posts
#drarrymicrofic - 67 posts
#❤️❤️❤️ - 44 posts
#beautiful - 41 posts
#drarry microfic - 40 posts
#captive prince - 40 posts
#babooshkart - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#1:30 am on a tuesday morning the parking lots wiped clean of cars slick like roller rinks
My Top Posts in 2021
I wish I didn't care about the top/bottom and I know I do in part due to heteronormativity, but a lot of gay relationships irl have a top/bottom dynamic, and I really can't change my tastes, trust me I'm missing out on so many great fics I really wish I could... So I am forever grateful to people who tag it, but I would obviously never request it of anyone. Some of us are just quietly and peacefully trying to find what they love (for me it's the bottom Harry dynamic, in tragic minority lol).
Hey there! I appreciate the honesty here and the lack of entitlement and vitriol. And I used to feel very similarly, not so much in HP fandom, but in earlier ones. And I still have feelings like I’m missing out because it’s hard for me to read Draco or Harry in any other pairing, and some pairings like that are squicks for me, and I see others enjoying them and I feel a tiny twinge of sadness. But the great thing about Drarry in particular is that it is a huge fandom, and whatever your tastes, you can generally find plenty of what you like, and even stuff that tags the stuff you like, even if that content doesn’t always get tagged.
Look, I hear you. I don’t actually care who tops, but I do like topping and bottoming dynamics in fictional relationships here and there. Personally, I think it can be hot when one is more toppy or bottomy than the other. Then again, I really dig it when they switch too. But sometimes I’m just in the mood for [fill in the blank] to top or bottom. Personal preferences are a-ok. What you’re saying here is a-ok. What’s not is when someone says, “My preference is the right way, and you’re wrong, and by the way [name-calling, pairing shaming, personal attacks].” People get very worked up over who tops and bottoms, and even that is okay so long as it’s not turned on someone else and used as a weapon. It’s like the saying goes: My rights end the moment my fist meets your face. 
One good thing about your particular taste is that there’s a whole fest devoted to Draco topping! @dracotops-harry I’m looking at you, beautiful. So at least there is a once-a-year feast. And I do think there’s quite a lot of Draco topping out there (and will likely be more now that antis have taken to people’s stories and brought their venom and hate where it doesn’t belong; I do love that this fandom’s reaction to that is to write more of what’s getting hated atm. So more bottom!Harry! Hurray!)
I get what you’re saying about tagging. I believe in a creator’s right to tag or not. And I have certainly stopped reading an author for not tagging something that was very squicky for me rather than ask them to tag for my own personal preferences. We all get to draw that boundary for ourselves. When I tag for topping and bottoming, it’s not because I’m afraid I’m going to get hate; I use it as a come-hither, as an enticement to people like you who might really like that thing. I don’t always tag it. I tend to go with my gut on whether or not the sexual dynamics are important enough to the story to mention it. I’m sorry that that leaves some readers like yourself wondering if the content will be to your taste. And since I tend to include switching at least a little in a lot of fics, that may be a dealbreaker for you and others, and I totally get that. I appreciate very much that you have the capability to distinguish between ‘I’d love it if people tagged more’ and ‘Creators owe me these tags’. Not everyone can do that, so thank you.
Also, I considered not answering this at all, not because you were anything but lovely and honest. But because a) I don’t want to add to the ‘discourse’; it’s been talked to death and not much comes of it honestly, and b) ANY talk about topping and bottoming tends to act like a campsite to a bunch of bears. (This metaphor is really unfair to bears.) Antis can’t seem to help showing up and being hateful. I hope I’m wrong and this post just goes on its merry way, being civil and empathetic and all that. But I’m afraid it won’t. Because you can’t say Draco topping Harry or Harry topping Draco in this fandom (or pick a fandom; it’s not HP specific) without some anti (or a flock of them) showing up to tell people that they’re gross and should die for their preferences, and often getting a treatise on that subject for your trouble, complete with swearing that would strip the paint off a barn. Antis don’t do civil, and they can’t abide anything that doesn’t look just exactly like the inside of their own skulls. So yeah. I’ve thought about not answering this, because it’s easiest to just not talk about it at all, rather than deal with that sort of crap.
But you were very genuine in your Ask, and I wanted to meet that with something genuine as well. We’ll see if our good deeds don’t go unpunished, I guess.
And here’s to more bottom!Harry in the world! I’m all for it.
108 notes • Posted 2021-04-27 15:18:03 GMT
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Words: ~2,600 Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, going into heat, going into rut, Knotting, Hate Sex, Enemies to Lovers, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Rimming, POV First Person, POV Harry Potter, Accidental Bonding Summary: Finding out I’m Malfoy’s Alpha and he’s my Omega might have gone a lot differently had we not still hated each other. But we do, so here’s how it goes: A/N: Written for @drarrymicrofic and the prompt, ‘Alpha’. Unbeta’d so forgive any wacky mistakes! Please do mind the warnings! It’s a bit filthy. <3
119 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 22:47:58 GMT
Hello! 😍 It's currently 04:10am and I've been obsessively (re)reading your fic Right Hand Red on ao3, but just as I was about to start the third chapter it told me that "This work is part of an ongoing challenge and will be revealed soon!", but I was sure I'd read chapter 3 before? It's also not possible to go back to the previous two chapters 👀 is it just a glitch or did you remove the fic? 🥺 Sending you love and healthy vibes, stay safe ❤
Crap!!! I just okayed a bunch of requests for it to be part of various people’s collections. I knew I shouldn’t have done that! I’ll see what I can do asap. I’m so sorry!
176 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 02:16:52 GMT
Bluebutter Art for Bixgirl1's 'Touch'
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“It’s fine that it feels strange, Potter. It's that way for a lot of people,” Malfoy told him softly, after a moment. “It’s not as if it's something you'd considered before...”
Harry breathed a laugh. Malfoy still smelled of that comforting smoky blend of apples and spice, and Harry wanted to roll over and inhale him. “That one day I’d be paying you to hug me? Not in a million years. You?”
Malfoy went quiet for a minute. His hand idly stroked Harry’s stomach, and Harry shifted, trying not to notice—or not to let his body notice, at least. It wasn’t working.
“No,” Malfoy said at last. “I never thought you’d be paying me to hug you. Even recently, it’s not something I ever would have imagined.”
Harry twisted around, caught by something in Malfoy’s tone. Malfoy didn’t lift his head from the pillow; his eyes were closed, and though he must’ve sensed Harry’s movement, his stare, he didn’t open them to acknowledge it. Harry resettled, brow knit.
“You said—this morning you said you Glamour for clients,” Harry murmured. Malfoy’s hand came up and pressed, flat, against Harry’s chest, between his nipples. He could undoubtedly feel the thud of Harry’s heart getting faster, but Harry refused to move again, refused to let himself feel embarrassed just because Malfoy’s legs were tucked into his and he was pressing Harry closer against his chest. He was so bloody tired of feeling embarrassed about what people were thinking. “Why not for me? …Or is that too personal?” Harry asked, not bothering to hide the challenge.
“I didn’t think it was fair,” Malfoy admitted. “I don’t have a—a history with any of my other clients. I don't know any of them personally. If they found out about me… At the most it would be unpleasant, and I’d lose a job. With you—”
Vaguely offended, Harry started to turn again, but Malfoy kept his hand where it was, holding him in place. “You thought I’d what? Get you in trouble?”
He felt a shrug. “No. It just seemed unfair,” he repeated. Then, in an obvious bid to change the subject, “Would you like a shoulder rub, like last night?”
“No,” Harry said, though it sounded rather lovely. But his eyes were heavy, and the unhurried way Malfoy was moving his hand from his chest to his stomach—up and down—was doing more to wake him up than it was to relax him. “I think I’ll go to sleep.”
“You should,” Malfoy said, encouragingly, those posh, clipped tones going low and almost melodic. Harry jerked a little when he felt Malfoy’s hand move to give his waist a little squeeze, as if he approved. He left it there, open, fingers splayed, the heat of them bleeding through the thin cotton of Harry's shirt. “These are good sheets,” he complimented. His breath puffed, warm, over the back of Harry’s neck.
I commissioned this beautiful art by @bluebutter-art for @bixgirl1's wonderful story, Touch. Bix, I just wanted you to have something beautiful and nice today, and who better than Blue to illustrate the exquisite tenderness, the UST, the fragile intimacy of this scene between them that you wrote? Happy birthday. <3 <3 <3
455 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 11:00:50 GMT
What do you love about Drarry?
Dude, I have been staring at, and then running away from, this Ask for a good while now, and I’m sorry it’s taking me so long. My therapist says not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good, and I just encountered that advice again today in a book I’m reading, so I’m coming in here to imperfectly answer this finally: I love that they are in many ways opposites. They are, putting it very simply (oversimply) Good vs. Bad. As much as I think there was a huge missed opportunity in canon for JK to redeem Draco in Deathly Hallows and have him fight alongside our beloved group, alongside Harry, it gives fic writers someplace to go with their storyline that she didn’t do that. (And don’t get me started on her many deficiencies today; that’s another post). Anywho, I love that Draco is awful in canon but that we can see some awful humanity in his choices as well: fearing for his family, abiding with what he was taught about the world and Pureblood culture until it was simply too late. He clearly wanted to be friends with Harry from the start, whether that was from an ambitious angle and getting Harry in his crew would be not only a feather in Draco’s cap but a huge chess move for him in the cutthroat game of life... or if it was more personal, his hero-worship of The Boy Who Lived realized into a friendship. I love that there is so much to work with in him. I love tension and antagonism as starting places for relationships to crackle to fiery life and then transform in their own flames into something no one expects, something that threatens both their ontological points of view. I love that they change each other, forge new selves because of the other’s influence. I love that they hate one another and want one another and hate that they want. I love the heat that comes off their friction against one another, that it starts as a fight; it was always an obsession. Hell, that’s canon for each of them!  I love that they can’t fucking stay away from each other, even when it hurts, even when it burns, even when it makes them hate themselves and causes rifts with their friends.  ...and then I love when that starts to transmute once again. And Harry finds himself laughing at something Malfoy said, and it surprises them both. When Harry defends Draco when someone decides to attack his past choices. And Draco deserves it. But Harry becomes consumed with anger on his behalf regardless. I love enemies to lovers, and I love enemies to friends to lovers. I love when they pine for each other. I love when they break one another open in a way no one else can. I love when hate has somehow simply fled, and in its wake there is something suspiciously close to... love. That revelation. That ‘My God, I love him.’ I live for how fic writers can make that happen over and over and over again. I love it when they have hate sex, when they have rushed sex, rough sex, shower sex, public sex, kitchen counter gotta have you now sex. When they kiss. When their gazes meet and it’s an inferno, it’s a rending, it’s inevitable between them. And I love that we can explore ourselves through them, our fucked-up selves, our heroic selves, our gentle softness, our hard hatred, our inflexibility, and our ultimate surrender to something more, something better in ourselves, something we find in one another.  And I love that we can come together as a community, loving these two idiots, and writing them in as many ways as we can think of, sharing that, sharing the love of that. There’s nothing better.
633 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 21:22:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
I recently read Shades of blue after you rwcommended it and Oh My God was it worth it. That was beautiful and amazing and do you have any other recommendations?
AAAAAA I’m so glad you read it!!! Honestly I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me for recs for awhile because I have.........a few...
Miscellaneous ships here, not just Revalink but the first lot are
- Pinesong by @a-perplexing-puzzle D-Do I even need to explain myself more??? I talk about this fic every other day of the week..... it’s just great vibes....soft and fluffy and angsty just *chef’s kiss* two gay boys searching through their old memories to remember how gay they are 
- Shades of Blue by @unapologetically-asexual OK I know original anon just said they read this but for you idiots that haven’t read it yet....uhhhh get on that. Nothing I could say would really advertise this fic better than this post
- somebody’s always looking (nothing’s quite as sweet) by @kouzaires One of my FAV Coffee shop AU’s for botw....so sof......so tender...........so warrmmmmm.............they characters are written so well.....just love it...a lot
- Broken Spirits by @legendoftoad It’s just AAAAAAAAAA??!!? My boys are hurting and the malice for half of it is frickin doing things to my boy and then of course you got your PTSD themes meddled in there and hnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhghgh my hurt/comfort itch is sufficiently scratched go read
- Linger On by ICanFlyHigher [idk if they have a tumblr] Ok I actually haven’t finished this fic yet but it’s been recommended time and time again so I’ve been reading this in my spare time I’m on like Chapter 12 or 13 I think but I can say with CERTAINTY that the writing is fantastic and tender moments are off the charts and my boys are so precious and also the Yiga are actually cool in this so that’s nice
- Learning Flight by homewardbound This is just *chefs kiss* *standing ovation* *throws confetti in the air* quality quality Revalink. Just a delicious chocolate cake of botw and Revalink. You got your mysterious Revali waking up 105 years later batter, and your angsty PTSD gay boys duo chocolate chips, and then you can chuck in some engaging sideplot elements as a few tall tiers, and then the cake is all whipped up with the wooden spoon of subtextual writing just mmmm delicious. and ALSO I betaed a thing that is gonna happen and let me tell you shit is gonna happen like VERY IMPORTANT SUPER COOL plot twists be happening so you better read it 
- Conversations After The End Of The World by @bismuthllie Ok this one’s a oneshot but I always go back and read it because...idk it just strums my heart strings a lot...I’ve said Pinesong was my first big Revalink fic I’ce read, but this was like...my first, first piece of Revalink content I read ever so...yeah <3 ....and also the art for this comic is fantastic too even thought it gives me the emotions......hahaha ok Revali it’s time to stop being dead
- I See You Swimming In The Sky by @unavoidablekoishi OK OK I know my logic isn’t the best considering it’s the only Revali/Mipha fic I’ve read, but god dammit it’s the best Revpha fic I’ve ever read I still need to catch up cause I’m like 3 chapters behind but this fic CONVERTED me ok, miphvali went from a “huh yeah the art is nice I can kinda see it” to “THAT FISH IS SIMPING FOR THE BIRD 24/7 AND THEY DESERVE EACH OTHER″ This is some *claps* GOOD. SHIT. Ok? *slaps roof of fic* This bad boy can fit so much charming characterization and interaction (and also has made me scream both happily and not happily on several occasions)
- Guardian of The Wilds by @no-themes-just-memes in which I constantly miscall it “Guardian of the Wild” because I’m stupid This isn’t so much a ship fic but it’s so cool Link is a spirit, Urbosa and Zelda’s mom are a thing, Zelda is HERE and she is AMAZING like no spoilers but holy shit Zelda is here and slaying in more ways than one and riding Satori and hhnnnnhhhhhhhh it’s all about those ~plot twists~ and tone changes ya know? very very very nice...
- Firebird by @paellaplease Oh no, it’s Kip’s obligatory Firebird gush whoopsie poopsie who would have guessed surely not me. This is just my standard for Oc ship content now it’s so good I am gay for one fire girl Maiya is my spirit animal and I just wanna cup her in my hands softly even though I know she would probably burn me for it but it would totally be worth it. The writing is just superb and I am also gay for great imagery and action which this is chalk full of so go read it 
Ok it’s actually 2am right now and I still need to finish a bunch of AP work so I’m just gonna speed run the rest of these recs
@echogekkos writes such cute and soft Miphlink fics that are on my top tier list like this one and oh crap this post made me realize Healing Touch updated crap there are so many things I need to read and catch up on anyways want more miphlink angst? BOOM read the inspiration for eternity by Merakkli and oh what’s that? You want deep lore that was custom made with lots of hot ocs in a fic that spans way beyond BOTW welp here’s Hyrule Bound a universe entirely created by @themisadventurescrew which is yet another fic series that I am behind on crap but oh shit @kittmoon has started a chapter fic called Jaded Seas recently so you should go read that but also all of their oneshots are great as well so you should follow them and did I mention that everyone I’ve tagged are people you should follow because yeah anyhow here’s a crackfic about Goron children that had me shaking out of either fear or confusion for a few days by @angsttronaut ok moving on @thatsnotzelda writes beautifully just take a look at this angsty Revalink thing and also bambambambam you’ve been ambushed by @hatenostorms @going-fancognito @ashrel @lizards-writing-blog so now go request some from them because I said so they’re great also uhhh @idiotic-canadian and @moonchildrenn [Pins_and_Patches on ao3] hate happiness but that’s ok because I get to be emotionally wrecked by their angst and whump hurray! wait fUCK I completely forgot to rec this earlier but my first Zelpha fic was this gorgeous Coffeeshop AU by @theseventhsage called Dreaming of Coffee and Love so go read that *flipping through entire history of ao3* let’s see let’s see... All of the Rito Chronicles by  sturms_sun_shattered is great, and this Teba/Harth one is also a fav and oh CRAP my zelink content is just everything by @fatefulfaerie because it’s just *throws colorful streamers in the air* pretty and I love their writing welp I’m about to collapse lets just end it off with the z’s like @zzariyo and @zeawesomebirdie on ao3  they are some pretty radical french fries if i do say so myself and and ok ok read this other Zelpha coffee au which is also by @kouzaires and this Modern au also by @unavoidablekoishi ok that’s all I can remember right now bye 
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jilljoycearts · 3 years
About the situation with the previously mentioned reposter, reposts in general, and the fandom. This is mostly about the russian part of the internet, the dark and fearsome place.
This post is very long, so I’m hiding it under the cut.
To sum it all up:
If you see drawings (fanarts) for the game Enderal and for the rest of the SureAI games on the russian social VK, published not by the authors of the drawings or not by their art groups, pages and communities, then they are placed against the will of these very authors.
About the rhetorics (mostly for the Russians that stumble upon this post): what people on VK call repost (share button) is an actual reblogging or retweet. In fact, a repost is re-uploading something not by its owner. Now let's start. The retelling is quite detailed. Also, a warning: although I can retell this whole thing in english from scratch, the post is translated from russian with the help of almighty google. I don't want to bother much with this and spend my energy on it. Most of the mistakes I still fix, but the sentence structure and phrasing might seem weird.
The man (hereinafter "character T"; we do not mention his name because he is only interested in your attention to his person) took under his wing a long-abandoned community (Enderal themed), asking to be a moderator. For several months he was posting stolen drawings (without permission and credits), until his vanity drove him into a trap: with a request of "reblog for reblog" (wanted to promote his own fan-creation) he messaged a small russian community of artists interested in the SureAI games. Naturally, seeing his reposting activities, everyone was utterly indignant. He was incredibly lucky that my drawing was the last one published on the dash of his community. Again, no credit. I left a comment urging him to remove the stolen things and explaining the common truths. To which no one answered, but suddenly a link to my tumblr appeared. I wrote another comment telling to delete again, and again no one answered me. When he had to start talking to me, Character T decided that it was a good idea to load a girl (who was so lucky to know both of us a bit) with the work of a negotiator. I leave it to you to judge the "honor and dignity" of this character and his decision. I scroll forward: he agrees to delete my work, while rolling out a post consisting of articles of the civil code, in which he puts the meaning “I reposted, am reposting and will continue that, because the law allows me”. At the same time, the negotiator girl gets tired of working as his secretary. I already intend to contact him personally, but I find myself in his blacklist. It would seem, "Well, calm down, hedeleted yours." But his intention to repost further stunned everyone. Naturally, the time has come to inform the foreign authors about this chronic stealing.
A new location was unlocked in our amusing adventure: a server of the game developers SureAI on Discord. There, one of the artists from whom he stole called him out, without mentioning the names (yes, the character T was active there, whilst annoying the local inhabitants). He responded after a while, again rolling out his cart of articles on the legality of reposts. He also managed to threaten me personally with something. In general, he was kicked from the server of the developers for lack of culture and propaganda of copyright infringement. Further, another foreign author tried to contact him personally, but in the same way received a cart of laws. In the meantime, the English-speaking part of the fandom artists decided to write an official letter of complaint, attaching all links to posts to be deleted, and listing the authors with whose content the character T is strictly prohibited from interacting in the future. This letter was tried to be sent by a German artist, who specially registered there, but she stumbled upon some tech difficulties. Firstly, she was blocked by the owner of the stealing community, where the character T was appointed as the moderator. Her page was empty, the name was not Russian - he thought it was a bot, I can understand that. She then dropped the complaint letter to the support of VK social itself. Even tried to message the stealing community specifically but another lag made it impossible. (and this was required according to the new "rules" of the character T, according to which it was decided to play. "So that your complaint was considered ..." and so on.)...
Sensing something is wrong, character T made an attempt to contact some Russian-speaking authors himself in the meantime. And they told him the same -- that he steals, and not “shares” for some “purpose”. And here comes an interesting thing: the phrases "well, something needs to be posted to fill the community" and "but I am not on their Facebooks, I found it on Yandex"(that's russian google). That is, our drawings turned out to be just a filler, because something needs to be posted. Searching by image is difficult, but he still has to post! Something. Anything. What for? I have an explanation and an answer to this, but since this is the purpose of the character T - to draw attention to his fan-creation, I will not mention it 👌🏻 Another of his phrases was that due to the increased attention to his community now he HAS to credit the authors 🤦🏻‍♀. In general, he banned the Russian-speaking artist, whom he contacted and received a well-scented bucket’s content on his head (and well-deserved of course).
Now let's return to the official letter of complaint from foreign artists, which never reached the stealing community, and after all it was sent by the Russian-speaking author L. This time the character T was able to read it, but as expected, he refused to remove reposts, said that the artists were arrogant, accused of gatekeeping and again expressed his intention to repost not only without permission, but also against the will of all these fandom authors (38 people). After all, he has a great goal - to popularize games and the universe in the ru-segment.
The same or the next day the owner of the stealing community contacted me (who had previously lost interest, abandoned it, and a year later gave it to the character T). The owner asked what was happening, I explained, and passed on the letter of complaint from foreign artists, which the German artist could not send because he blocked her. That I explained to him too and he unblocked her. No reaction to my explanations abot the character T followed, but we’ll come back to that later.
And now we decided it’s time for our last resort -- we contacted Nicolas (the main screenwriter, the owner of the rights to this universe and the main figure of the fandom as a whole). Here I will digress from the main line and note that interested people have dug out both the provisions of the Berne Convention and the laws of the Russian Federation, which the character T chose to ignore in his activities, hiding behind only those that are convenient for him. Now let's return to Nicolas, who had to take a break from vacation because of this circus. As it turned out, character T, sensing the smoke, came running to him first. But alas, Nicolas was on the side of the authors (who would have thought). As a result, we almost decided that hurray, it helped, because posts with pictures disappeared from the wall of the stealing community, and character T even disappeared from the list of moderators (I will return to the stage with the owner of the community: I assume it was his work). But it was clear that it was too early to celebrate the victory.
Change of location: again the server of the developers on Discord. After the kick of the character T, three days later, a brand-new account appears, which broadcasts about the character T in the third person using Google translate “ if he had not been pressed upon, he would repost peacefully in his community of a thousand subscribers. And now he will attract some audience of a dozen more groups and will repost there too”. Naturally, without direct evidence of the second coming, no one have kicked him yet.
On the same day, the VK support told me that the most effective weapon in our case is the DMCA form. This is inconvenient, but it works. Moreover, the stolen has already been removed from the stealing community.
Then people came across the news - the stealing community advertised a new community of the character T, which was shaped exclusively for reposting other people's drawings (and there were already several works, including mine). The adv post called to support the character T “and his work”. Naturally, in the comments, I and other people urged not to support this. We even managed to explain the situation to some random person. After that the post was deleted. We don't know who deleted the post (still the character T or the community owner).
At this point, I ask Nicolas to message the tharacter T again using the simplest words that reposts cannot be allowed without permission. At all. Even with links attached. Doesn't help because the main now-not-stealing community shares a new post of the new one stealing community again. That is, even the main copyright holder and owner of the entire thing is not a figure of authority for the character T. Summing up -- “I will “popularize” your fandom against your wishes. The laws allow me. "
But after a while, the reblog from the new community is removed from the main one.
And again, the change of location: to the discord of the developers, where the character T himself comes back and writes something (under the new name ofc as his old account is banned). He declares that he will now repost to some huge audience of 300k people (before that there were 200, and even before that 100, yeah), he is outraged by the complaint letter from the authors with the ban on reposting, he will deliberately not credit, and also he wants to reupload my fanfiction somewhere. After that, he was kicked again 🥾.
Naturally, the entire audience is shocked, the character T literally became famous and crowned himself with a clown wig in just a few days, and now the entire fandom and the informed ru-segment hates him. The retelling is over.
Almost. Now I thank google translate for the help above and I'm gonna retell even more without it as this information is rather new. He wrote his own “explanation post”, where he somehow found relevant addressing the sexuality of one of the authors who called him out, called Nico indifferent and passive regarding this situation, insulted literally everyone but him, the white knight, whom we all should be grateful to for his will of promoting our content. I facepalm very hard. And he reposts art to some small communities but no one gives a shit (surprisingly so, huh?). He adds the links to the authors. Now I don’t want to give him any attention anymore, I have some work to get done.
Here comes the part about the and for community itself (google translate helps me again):
For the artists:
For the people registered in VK there is a "Nemesis" algorithm (dropdown - report - copied content). It will want a link to the previously published content on the VK as a primary source. Its effectiveness is still in question, but if someone tried it, then share your experience. For the rest, there is a dmca form that wants passport data (the only one I know of that asks for it), which I personally do not want to share, but in general... It's up to you to decide. Advice: Include readable text with @ of your page, community or yourself in your watermarks. Thus, an adequate person will always see where to go for the primary source.
For the readers/viewers:
Fandom existence is based on respect for other people's work. This work is the reason fandoms exist. If you like the drawing, then praise the author, support them in accessible ways (like - comment - subscribe - send a link to a friend(reblog the thing) - give some moneyz). People will be pleased, honestly. And if you disagree with something or you go "Ew" for other reasons, then just walk by. This is, in fact, all that you can do. If you have ambitions, ideas and “I need to fill my dead community with something” (you are considering taking the author's drawing and placing it somewhere yourself), then you ask for permission and accept any answer. There is no other way. Otherwise it's a violation of the law. 
Why reposts (= re-uploads) are harmful I think there's no need to mention, but still:
First of all, it drives away traffic from the authors. It doesn't matter if fanart can be monetized or not (spoiler alert: it can). Example: If a figurative reposter hadn't taken away figurative content, then a potential viewer interested in this content would go to search for it himself. And would have found it posted by the author. And then it is already possible to take a closer look at the other work as a whole, and even give the author money so that they draw something personalized for this viewer personally. That’s an example. It seems to be clear. Artists on the Internet care about their traffic, which is responsible for audience growth and all subsequent opportunities. This is the basics.
About monetizing fan content.
It depends solely on the developers / authors of games and books (original owners of all rights). Sometimes the ban on monetization hangs for some time after the release of the game (as was the case with Hades), sometimes you can sell keychains / posters / whatever with fanarts on them right away. And sometimes you can't, everything is individual here. Again, I think it is clear that if a viewer finds the original image posted by the author themselves, then this viewer has more chances to buy merch with this image. After all, the author will definitely add that the drawing is available as a merch. Reposter -- never. He does not know that, he found it on Yandex/Google.
Specifically about me and my community:
You know that my main audience are not russians. I have already abandoned my russian community once. Would I want to disappear from there again? So far, there is no such desire. People I have there are nice and friendly, despite the small number. How much do I really care about reposts of drawings on an objectively dying or already dead fandom? I'll leave it to you to decide. I have been here since the 2016-17, with me the fan activity started, and with me it will end. Everyone who is interested in SureAI games knows me. And although I have the permission from the devs to monetize fanart and fan content in general, it is obvious that $20 from posters and magnets every few months is not my motivation. I am here because I love the game universe and its characters. I make my own thing, quietly rejoicing, and I don't look around much. Reposts are evil on a different level, and not on this one. Does T's intention of re-uploading my fanfiction or even rewriting it somehow thrills me? I don’t care at all. Let him read a well edited and thought-through text for once. But I doubt it will help a little.
In general:
My subscribers / readers / followers know where to look for my updates. A thinking person that sees a repost will go and find the author themselves. Be it pictures that they see, text or something else. Those people who don't think are obviously not interesting for me as an audience. Other authors share this position.
Finally, end of this text. It has taken me 4 hours to write this all in russian, maybe another one to edit the google output and add more things AND almost one week of my time to deal with this all (and don’t forget other authors involved, they spent a shitload of time on it too). From now on my position is “time is money” and if the character T resurfaces he’ll have to pay me for the attention he seeks, lol 
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abigsexyjellyfish · 4 years
Tagged by @honourablejester (their post is here)
Rules: It’s time to love yourself. Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
2020 was the year I started writing fic again, and I am very pleased with my progress these last few months. Lets see.
Snow Like Ashes (Disco Elysium) - Harry/Kim, G rated
I have said all about this I possibly could. In short: This is the thing my insecure arse considers actually good.
whatever is left of the libraries (Fallout 3, Fallout 4) - M!LW/Charon, M!LW/Longfellow, M!LW!Porter Gage, T Rated
This is completely self-indulgent, and thus features all of my favourite things - classic lit,  May/December romance, people having to move on from romantic attachments because sometimes life just is that way etc etc. 
 My favourite chapters are 3 (LW/Charon) and 5 (LW/Longfellow).
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (Fallout NV) - M!Courier/Vulpes, M rated
I wrote this fairly soon after picking up writing again, and if I were to write it now it would be rather different. Having said that, it was the first work I produced last year that I was wholly happy with when I posted it. The idea is ancient - I vividly remember having the metal image of my courier and Vulpes meeting outside the burning fort in 2011 or so.  
I tend to always have a ‘canonical’ OC in RPGs, and my Arthur has been with me for a long, long time. 
an irresistible force (such as you) (Fallout NV) - M!Courier/Arcade, M rated
A bit of fun, that nicely highlights what I enjoy about the relationship between my courier and Arcade - that is to say, that Arcade deserves better. 
Cabaret Boys (Fallout NV) - M!Courier/M!OC, Cass/M!OC, M!Courier/Cass (But it’s really, really kind of not), E rated
Oh boy, this one again. The closest I will likely ever get to writing het in Fallout, and I still always feel compelled to point out that it’s only het on a technicality as far as I’m concerned. This was just one of those scenes that would not leave my head until I wrote it down, and I had great fun with it. Once again, hurray for mildly unhealthy friendships.   
Tagging? me? Everyone should do this. Do the thing. 
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violetsystems · 4 years
I’ve been making coffee for myself for years.  I thought about it for awhile yesterday about what the allure is.  Consistency.  It’s that simple.  What you are doomed to wake up to every morning is your lot in life?  Being consigned to fate by the heavens to wait requires much thought, planning and consistency.  Especially when there isn’t much communication, goal posts or progress.  Life is always going to be that way.  And yet, I’ve found things that I rely on for emotional strength.  Music is one of those things.  Somewhere in the middle of the night somebody from Japan bought an EP.  Somewhere in my mind the abacus shifts to which checking account I need to transfer it all to.  The two things I’ve always been good at have been English and Math.  I’m the son of an accountant and a Russian linguistics major.  When you fully actualize your potential in your DNA it makes for a lonely experience.  Which is why we seek out beauty, art and culture.  About a year ago was the very last time I went to New York by myself on vacation to seek out such culture.  Being a person obsessed with being consistent in a chaotic world I chose a ritual.  I would get coffee at the World Trade Center looking out the window at the ruins of 9/11.  It is such a quiet, lonely experience that it comes back vividly sometimes with the right cup.  If you can match the right experience in present time.  I’ve always known how to make that coffee.  I’ve subscribed to that very coffee for years now.  I remember the day I decided to.  I was getting coffee at another store in the city.  The baristas were angry and not attentive.  They spent more time badmouthing all the other coffee roasters in the city than asking me what I wanted to drink.  I walked out of there thinking.  What was my favorite coffee?  Years later, I know that with consistency.  And within that magic of consistency comes growth.  Yesterday, during a quiet moment I noticed a different ratio on another roaster’s bag.  I had bought a swing bag because my subscription was delayed a week due to the holiday.  I drink my coffee black.  It’s something about the notes and the complexity of the taste.  Something that just tastes like coffee to some people is a whole different experience for me.  Mostly because it’s the only thing I can rely on to keep me going.  Just like in New York City.  A reliable hour of reflection over a taste that only changes fractionally.  A single origin tends to taste better for longer.  The other bag was a blend.  It tasted better with the heavier ratio I was used to but it was roasted back in November.  330ml of water, 23 grams of ground coffee, a hario cone filter, and three minutes of your time with a temperature sensitive gooseneck kettle at 96 c.  It’s a heavy cup.  It turns out to be around 11 ounces of coffee.  The new recipe calls for 8 ounces with 14 grams of ground coffee and 220 ml’s of water.  By the time you are finished with the cup, the coffee has climbed down to a reasonable room temperature.  The consistent taste brings you back to moments in time when you knew you could do better.  And that moment is every morning for me because I plan it that way.  There are enough fluctuations to let people know I’m frosty and still alive.  But for me it’s a cozy enough grind I hide in solace in.  Yesterday was the first day I decided to tweak the recipe.  This morning is the first day waking up to that contemplation as dumb as it sounds.  It remains something nobody questions about me.  A consistency and a matter of taste that people understand to be unmovable.  
I’m sure people have questioned my credibility for years at this point.  It gets annoying to think about.  Which is why these days I’ve shut most of the world out.  It’s been the perfect time to do such things.  I’m sure I come across as icy cool.  I don’t think any of it is forced.  Like making coffee, there are some choices I have made for my life that I build upon.  The last six months were torture.  I made it through by staying thoughtful and real.  I’ve always been that at the core.  How it executes in real life gets better with time.  I think you have to admit to yourself that you can do better.  Better is a sort of the moment thing for me.  I know one day it will all work out.  And yet it doesn’t.  People aren’t capable of reaching out.  People can’t understand why you’d waste your time doing the things you do.  Why coffee matters so much?  Nobody ever listened to me about anything when I talked.  So much so that I’ve been largely forgotten by my professional network of twenty years.  It is a weird realization.  It is also freeing.  A network that isn’t consistent in a life that is practically the definition is a sure sign I wasn’t in the right place.  So what is the right place for me?  Staying put.  Staying predictable.  Staying safe.  And in that situation, it’s largely just me making the coffee day after day.  I move money into the right accounts.  I pay attention to my investments.  I stay out of debt.  I stare at the wall and wonder if this loneliness is what the rest of my life would become.  And then I go out to shop in the neighborhood and nobody can leave me alone.  At some point you just roll with it all.  It’s a journey I guess.  The cost of the emotional weight is just the price of admission.  Everybody having an opinion about what you should be doing but won’t actually say it to your face.  The secret is everybody always has an opinion.  It might not be about you but if it applies it serves the purpose of the opinionated.  Most of the time what people are arguing about doesn’t really matter other than for the performance of it all.  And in America, people find their own value by fucking with others.  Self esteem is constantly negged.  The age old make you feel like shit so you can treat yourself.  It’s a constant predatory cycle of economics and it runs deeper than simple shopping habits.  It’s ingrained in the patriarchal mentality of the very fabric of society subconsciously at this point.  I read most of the jobs lost in December were held by women.  I lost mine back in July.  It was surreal to have to speak with my ex employer about the lapse in my health insurance.  But the job was done thoroughly by a woman I remember speaking with.  I had the law on my side.  The COBRA lasts as long as I pay it.  So  I’m good until next February if need be.  My self esteem is about the only thing I’m trying to salvage as well as my personal health and good dentistry.  It’s been a nightmare that I don’t show.  My dad constantly tells me he doesn’t envy me having to go through it alone.  My dad divorced and remarried a long time ago.  I don’t really go into it with him about the details.  But I never feel alone in all of this.  That’s been consistent for years.   A feeling that’s grown over time.  Sort of like the credible fact that I’ll survive how many ever scenes want to abandon me.  One bandcamp sale in my sleep at a time I guess.
I don’t think anybody grows up hating themselves.  Being alone runs the risk of falling into an echo chamber.  If you tune out everything it gets easier.  But many people don’t have the kind of life I have.  This isn’t to say I’m exactly privileged to be here.  You can ask around my hood and they have.  So much so that people just keep following me around fishing for reads on how I am feeling.  The easiest read is here.  Every week.  I’ve been consistent enough to keep in contact with the most genuine and thoughtful people.  I’ve felt emotionally satiated enough to focus on positives through a sea of negatives.  And I’ve largely had to coach myself out of oblivion.  Hurray for me.  That’s what America has been asking for right?  Men to stand up.  Enough of them invading the capitol building and stealing podiums.  We pay attention and edify the car wrecks in life to make ourselves look better.  But you cannot distract yourself from yourself.  And the ratio of bullshit you have to accept versus the remnants of your past you jettison to stay afloat is staggering.  Some people crumble.  Other people cut loose and survive.  For the record, I’ve hated myself for years because I was conditioned to think I wasn’t good enough.  To this day I still feel the worst kind of invisibility.  A feeling that no matter how hard I try I’m trapped and stuck.  And yet I live.  I’m free to do whatever it is the fuck I want with my day.  I’m free to make more music and have people from around the world buy it and have it taxed by the US government as income.  I’m free to book a flight back to New York in May at twenty five percent off and have coffee at the World Trade Center again to test my adjusted ratio.  I’m free to focus totally on friendships that are little more than a touch on the shoulder.  The same relationships I tried to explain to friends in real life that have long since abandoned me.  The touch is still there.  Consistent.  Graceful.  Confident and shy.  It connects in so many different invisible ways through a network of trust.  An organic block chain of human capital that offers no real value to the uninitiated.  A movement of people in a golden ratio that orbit each other in such a gossamer way.  That consistency is what I’ve grown to love about my life.  That the things I am are consistent and easily explainable.  That the real performance is that most people don’t care enough to listen.  And for years people here have cared enough to read.  How is it I can be so alone but feel so free and connected?  I’m connected to myself first and foremost.  And I take care of myself and stay credible because of all the beautiful things I am connected to that I will not betray.  A true magician never tells you how they performed the trick.  There’s no magic in making good coffee.  There’s also no magic in being a good person other than loving yourself and caring for others.  I’ve been that way for years.  And I love you all for supporting me in that adventure.  <3 Tim
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Tumblr media
Here’s a drawing I did! 😂 the background was rushed today, but I drew him awhile ago.
This is my character Spirit Emriel and he’s a bum (a rich bum) lol
Anyway! First post on tumblr! Hurray! I don’t know why I’m just now getting a tumblr. I might do a Character sheet of this boy so stay tuned lol, I’ll post again Tomorrow! Maybe some old art
Now enjoy all my hashtags 😂😂
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
All Anon Asks as of 10/29/2018 in my in box.
1.       One thing to point out about these “leaks” as opposed to the two real leaks in the past, the new leaks are on purpose and posted with the intent to cause drama and hype. And as for DW not making a statement, why would they? They are getting free marketing and with such a huge gap between the last press event and the last season why not let it fester and create that hype, they know people will still watch. People are gonna want to tune in to find out the truth, DW knows that.
You know the saying about “No news is good news” well in regard to management in a lot of cases to draw in hype, and also to pretty much not have to deal with the legal nightmare of finding all the images and getting the fakes taken down they go with the idea of “Any publicity is good” because that means that they’re getting hype as you pointed out. As you said Anon, the point of these leaks is to cause drama and create issues between fans and then sit back and laugh at all the shocked kids that are freaking out. They probably are already planning round two or three of this.
2.       Voltron is set in the super fancy future why would anything ever be sepia tone? Especially something that’s happening in a flash forward.
So the basics here is that it’s supposed to feel “Nostalgic”. Like “Oh look at that memory we shared together of a wonderful time.”
Again typically sepia is used to make things look or feel aged. Old photos, memories, etc. Sepia is not a color you use willy nilly because it doesn’t always look good on screen in large dosages in filter. The color brown in general is typically used, or at least that color, for sunset like moments to make the viewer feel melancholy that time is ending. You never use that color when you’re showing something triumphant. Also if you do use it for a happy occasion you tend to use it for a photo in a memory book.
Look at Coco, and the photos on the alter, you have several that are black and white and a few that are a brown color because they’re supposed to invoke a certain feeling in you. You want to feel warm and welcome and like everything is in the past and nostalgic. And the leakers got people to feel that way with the colors. And Flash forwards tend to be brighter and blurred in some cases with frosted edges. Or something to depict that it’s not in the present. And if it is just a time skip, there would be no need for the color change.
3.       I think it’s weird that in the second wedding photo Shiro is leaning away from Roy as he leans in. Odd???
It’s something that normally happens in some anime. The less, shall we say dominating person leans back embarrassed by the attention and more aggressive actions by the more dominate person who is initiating the kiss. By the body language this means that Roy here is the more aggressive figure in their relationship going in for a kiss though still acting a bit shy about it, while Shiro is less aggressive and is being more shy and then decides to go with it. This sort of action usually happens with a girl in Shiro’s place, as in Japan the girl is seen as less aggressive a figure and why certain female characters over the years have been seen as very different than most of their counter parts.
4.       Don’t know if it’s been pointed out yet but in the kiss pic Roy’s arm just randomly disappears through Shiros chest. That’s not how it works.
Correct Anon. The arm should be either around his waist or on his shoulder or chest. As per the kiss with Hikaru (Rick Hunter) and Misa (Lisa) from Macross. Roy’s arm is blending into Shiro’s side and that’s not a good thing. I know Mir makes some small mistakes here and there, but man this would have the art being sent right back to the studio if it was blurring that badly. Unlike Hasbro in the 1980s this sort of thing isn’t tolerated as much anymore because digital means it’s a quick fix rather than hours of reanimating the scene.
5.       so, since you're the go to person regarding the legitimacy of the Voltron leaks, I just saw the [SPOILER] photo of the paladins grown up projected on a screen with people in front smiling [/SPOILER] the person that shared this with me said this is a photo of the french VA team finishing dubbing. Thoughts? Comments? Tumblr doesn't let me link the image, but if you're interested I can share it with you some other way.
Holy hell, um. Not sure what to think of that. But okay. XD Yeah I discuss that in the main blog post about it.
So as I said before I think the photo of the cast is real, and more than likely taken on another date. The thing that jumps out to me about the photo after examining it more is where they are looking. Everyone is staring off to the center of the screen, but the camera that took the photo is off to the right. This means that this was probably a photo being taken because of the man in the center, who I’m betting is a famous and well known voice actor.
These sorts of pictures happen from time to time, even here in the states, when a cast gets someone that is famous and they want to take a photo with them. Remember actors are fan boys and girl’s too.
When I went to Anime Midwest a few years ago Sonny Straight (Lupin the 3rd, Krillen, a number of characters in anime) mentioned how he was sitting next to the late VA of Speed Racer, Peter Fernandez, who was signing small cars of the Mach 5. He was talking to him, while geeking out in his mind, and Mr. Fernandez gave him a car with his autograph on it. Sonny basically was playing with the car when Mr. Fernandez wasn’t looking making the noise of the Mach 5.
Nolan North just recently confessed to chasing down Sir. Anthony Hopkins on to an elevator and talking to him for a while, because he didn’t want to miss a shot to meet the famous actor who was recording lines on Retro Replay. (Also watch the show it’s funny.) 
So more than likely the picture was being taken with a well-known French VA and that it was for posterity sake for the studio and the actors. Studios will sometimes do this if they have a named actor in the cast doing a voice.
6.       I've gone back through Bexs likes and I don't see any of the leaks. What's the source on that claim?
I’ve only been told about this, I haven’t seen anything of it either. I do not have an Instagram so I can’t tell you about that stuff.  
Either Bex liked something that was similar, or someone thought that they liked it, or something. I really can’t say for sure. But regardless, unless it’s in their contracts and the NDA states they can’t like fan art, actors typically do like art.
7.       Watching your post about the whole studio thing I thought about something, I didn’t know about Ezor’s va leak but maybe when she did it she simply didn’t think the fandom would immediately jump on it and spread it, then is it possible that the french studio ‘leak’ is real too and that the same thing happened?
Most actor’s don’t think that what they say is important. I think in Kimiko’s case she really wanted to just give the fans the okay that Shiro was going to show up again because of all the freaking out on Social Media about it and trying to be a good person. Lionel (I think that’s how you spell his name) the French VA seems like he was thinking of just showing that they were recording the show again. Maybe getting people excited, since, most people that follow Voltron aren’t following the dub actors save for those that are following in France right now. And I don’t know how many know of the actor due to the fact that he’s more a live action actor like Steve is so this is his first dubbing job for a cartoon.
The thing is that the second picture was a personal one that was taken at some other point in time, because of the change that Lionel’s hair has gone through it seems. Also, as I said before this was taken from the side meaning that they’re looking at another camera, so it’s not a case of them taking a “Last hurray” photo, and more likely that they were taking a picture with a well-known actor that had visited the studio to do a voice.
The “leak” is real in that it is a legit photo of the cast, what’s fake is the stuff behind them.
8.       I reported the violations to the French company but they haven’t got back to me :/ surely over something this serious they would?
I wouldn’t expect them to be getting back to you regarding this. The photo that was taken wasn’t their property in this case, it’s owned by whoever took it from the side of the editing booth. If it was a professional photo, then yeah they would want to know info.  It could be that too, much like DW here in the state’s the legal department isn’t seeing anything huge to go after and would rather people just ignore it.
After all they have only a month and a few days here states side for it to come out, also in France too, so more than likely they are more worried about the promotional stuff they need to do after She-ra comes out.
You’re right, if it was serious we would see things about it all over the place, not just on Tumblr but on other sites that cover this sort of news. Like with the Mir incident. This is not serious to them and probably isn’t even registering yet for them.
9.       One of the most glaring things for me is that Roy isn't even on the poster. Even the most minor characters are in it and yet you're going to tell me Shiro's future husband isn't? Yeah, no way. Also in your post debunking the leaks you forgot to mention how the background characters are weirdly static (especially Pidge) in the wedding edits, but Shiro and Roy are moving.
Yeah having Roy on the poster would be a legal nightmare waiting to happen, as rsasai said in one of their other posts, since the show is airing in Japan and Japan worships Roy and Macross, you would have to deal with Studio Nue, Tatsunoko and Big West for any rights to be used. Not to mention that fans of Macross would want to know what the hell was going on since Roy is a big deal. As I said above reminds me way to much of a Newtype magazine static illustration that was traced over.
10.   I commend you on your impeccable taste in TV shows, my good comrade. Also, whomst else misses the 80s & 90s where people would just watch and enjoy the shows they watched, and didn’t ruin them or the experience for other fans? Ahhh the good old days!
Maybe I’ll list all my favorite shows. XD And thank you, I like to think I have good taste in shows. At least I hope I do.
Well it depened on who you watched the show with, but over all, for the most part, people genuinely weren’t as worked up over shows. Or at least I never noticed save for a Lisa is better, Lynn is better fight I once saw between two girls on the playground about Robotech, but other than that…it was mostly quiet. Not sure about at offices in the day though over shows like Dallas or Dynasty.
11.   To the people who say “The staff having not said anything about the leaks yet means they are true!”. I am almost sure they didn’t say anything about the “Klance voiceline leaks” either, and it was fake.
O.O What? Wait…is that like a dialogue line that was said? OR are we talking about those old telephone call lines where you paid like 9.95 and a dollar or something every minute after a few minutes to talk to your favorite character? Because if it’s the latter, hell yes it would be fake since no one does that anymore. Well save Cdawg who does it for Black butler calls but those are free.
12.   An anon sent to you said "maybe DW just doesn't care anymore since the show is almost over" but it's really not about VLD anymore. Like I said before in a previous ask, this sets a very bad precedent. DW is a business, which means they have to look to the future. By not taking this seriously, they're implying they won't take any of their other licensed shows/IPs seriously either. No company would want to damage their reputation so badly just because a contract is almost over.
But see, the thing is, it’s not that they don’t care it’s a question of how the legal wants them to handle it. If you kick up too much of a fuss, then it’s “Well they are real” if you  don’t then you have people saying you’re not doing enough. Ultimately it’s not up to DW to chase things down since they are not the main license holder, that is WEP, and the other studios are not owned by DW or WEP they are only licensing the series to dub via Netflix. Then throw NBC Universal on this, and you have that factor in play here…you’d have a lot of people involved. Does it look bad, kinda. But most studios have the same response. It’s easier to let things die on their own than interviene as it becomes making a mountain out of a mole hill. Or to put it in a better way. Let’s take a real case that recently happened. There’s a famous artist that likes to take images and do a little change then say they are his own works of art. He’s been doing this for years and artists hate him because he’s taking their copyrighted works and screwing with them only a little and calling them his own. Recently, like a year or so ago, he went on Instagram, found cosplay and other pictures of female celebs and non celebs, commented on it. Took the photo and the comment, put it together as a larger picture and called it his own. This is considered art appropriation and can be seen as a legal way of doing art. Richard Prince, the artist in question, has been getting away with it for years. And someone who’s cagey enough probably could use that as a defense in a lawsuit. https://www.theverge.com/2015/5/30/8691257/richard-prince-instagram-photos-copyright-law-fair-use
13.   in the french va video, who is the guy in the middle? the director?
That guy in the middle may be Patrick Borg. Reason the cast may be taking the picture with him is he’s the voice of Son Goku in Dragon Ball and has been since the start of Dragon ball Z, and is a well-known in VA in France. Or It’s Jerome Wiggins who does a main character on Zagtoonz Zak Storm. My guess though, it’s probably Patrick, and since the crew is pretty much younger actors who grew up around the hype of Dragon ball Z, wouldn’t surprise me if  they were taking a picture with him because he was doing a voice for them.
14.   No, it's the opposite now. All the evidence in the Universe prooves that the leaks are real but you all choose not to believe in it. And I'm okay with it and I'm more than okay If I'm wrong but if the leaks are real almost everyone who believes that the are fake would be greatly dissapointed and will feel betrayed
As I said before Anon, if you want to believe it, fine. That’s up to you. I have no horse in this race, I’m only presenting facts as I find them and having two graphic designers and other people look over the images and such, to them they seem doctored or created. I’d rather people make the call themselves, but as other’s have said well before me, it seems insane that two studios decided to risk their careers to leak this stuff. You do realize that in doing so they will have cost the trust of several other clients they have and it would probably put them out of business with Netflix, and cause BTI Studios to lose the deal with Altor and Shamrock that they recently made this past year, and for Netflix to pull out of it’s vendorship with VSI and probably make other networks, like CN, and Nick, pull out of the deal. No one, in their right mind, would put themselves or their careers in danger over a cartoon show. No one. It would cause them to be blacklisted and not have work in the VA community ever again. The sheer level of WTF that would have to run through someone’s minds to do this if they were a professional in this field would be astonishing. Honestly, no I wouldn’t feel betrayed or disappointed. I would be more worried for the studios and wonder if they would be able to continue to run as they are, or have to close due to the fact that most of their clients would bolt knowing their intellectual property wasn’t safe. Then there would be the lawsuits from WEP, NBC Universal and probably Mir for putting out copyrighted material that they don’t own. Would I be upset about the show, no, honestly I wouldn’t. Allura dying would be a mirror and parallel to Ryou dying and taking Lotor with him from Go lion, something Voltron the original didn’t do. Shiro being married, awesome. Roy Fokker getting his name out there and getting people to watch Macross to know who the hell this hottie is, okay in my book. The crew taking a picture together, nothing wrong there.
The only thing that could disappoint me is no ending or a cliff hanger, since, well I got that with Force from DiC and this would be the first show to have a real ending outside of the original.
I don’t get why people are worried about me or others feeling disappointed when there are four other variants of the show that exist that we can watch. That’s just silly. I’m more surprised that people don’t care about the well-being and lively hood and careers of the VAs internationally being wrecked by all of this. That’s where my concern lies. Shipping and all the other things, I don’t care about. My care was that the characters were happy and got along, and that the robot fights were cool.
15.  You list Roy's arm/hand as vanishing on 13 but they're both still visible, I've redlined it for you: i(.)imgur(.)com/2UHctWY(.)png
Side note. you can’t send pictures that way.  And if you mean where the arm seems to blend down around the waist area. I can’t tell for sure if that’s his right arm or his left. Also that would be a weird way to hold someone if you’re going to kiss them like that in genera. 
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sweetcatmintea · 6 years
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Artfight: Hurray
This is a revenge against @quietobsessed It’s her character Zenivus ^u^
That’s the last one from the artfight queue :D I’m super surprised about how many I managed to complete! Hopefully I’ll be able to play again next year. I’m not sure if I’ll have more art to post when this queue runs out because I’m gonna chill a little and focus on uni again. 
Big thanks to everyone who attacked me and for letting me draw your characters!
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theloniousbach · 3 years
I saw a gig from this run in August and I don’t know before I hit play if this will be the same night I saw. That’s what happened last week with Murray/Gilchrist but I got a different night of George Cables. Hurray! But it will come back slowly if at all about this one.
No matter what, I’m very glad to see it again as this was early in my streaming experience, I know way too little about Harrell’s actual playing (the last and most conscious exposure was around his recent album, standards mostly, with Ethan Iverson), and I’m still becoming fluent in trumpet.
I recall being impressed with the patient way he developed a line and the economy of his playing. Luis Perdomo was also new to me and he and Ugonna Okegwo were sympathetic support. Together they all made the drummerless ensemble work.
I was going to watch this show with my Toledo friend, texting our observations back and forth. That fell through, so instead I watched and made notes that I'll send to him or not.
The real time comments are the raw material of one of these souvenirs. For a change because I have them in this format, I'll post them as is.
Briefly, though.
Tom Harrell is just remarkable and sympathetic. Who knows how difficult it is for him to practice his art with his demons. But he is oh so intelligent in his compositions and his playing. It is all very systematic and pure of tone. He is economical in his expression.
That I don't remember the standard There Will Never Be Another You and that he counted off tunes this time, I would guess this is the Saturday night show of the August run and I saw Friday in real time.
But even if this is a repeat, this is a different record of the experience.
Let me also reiterate that I know Luis Perdomo a bit better now than I did in August, mostly through his association with Miguel Zenon. Similarly Ukonna Okegwo was with Wayne Escoffery at Smoke and then in a similar trio date with Escoffery and George Cables. They get significant recognition below.
With that introduction, on with the show.
Hitting play.
Trumpet theme, bass kicks in nicely and subtly. Piano solo explores theme confidently. Assuming it’s Harrell’s tune are Kenny Wheeler comparisons worth exploring? UO is so steady. TH back with fluid mid-range comments, economical. Bass solo—very woody, not as resonant an instrument or miccing as others I’ve heard. LP then TH coming back in with theme and out.
TH—mouth tics, fragile, but intent. Blows out horn, sans mouthpiece. Maybe he always does it, but I kinda remember that from August.
He counted it out which I don’t remember from before. Unison of all three around a riffy figure, then moody chords from LP with UO, atmospheric notes. LP carries on the mood thoughtfully. Nice solo—compositional. TH soloing patiently on fluegelhorn. Great tone. He says his piece and is done. UO solo, rhythmically interesting.
As in August, TH sitting. Leather jacket. Glasses.
Flugelhorn again but a bright line that swings. If it’s a standard, I don’t know it. But that feel. TH states them and takes the first solo, UO in the driver’s seat. LP is giving TH a bed to land in. Good listening going on. Then right into LP solo. Nice swing from all. UO again—by woody I mean sound comes from the neck/fingerboard w/ string noise. He is after all being the drums too. TH back for thematic restatement.
Tunes are well under 10 minutes. Like an album more than a gig.
Piano chords with bass pedal tones, then the two in unison around a figure. Plaintive chords. A break in the clouds which TH enters beautifully. Again, could be a standard. LP takes the first solo as such—bright but vulnerable. I want to think more about the Wheeler parallels. UO again is right there with plenty of ideas, LP nicely supportive. TH comes in himself fluidly and after a couple of choruses LP pushes the pulse subtly and opens up some harmonies too. TH makes the most of it.
TH looks like Andy Warhol.
A tune I could name. Briskish. LP and UO take it for a swinging ride. Very fond of the tune, happy to see what they do with it. LP unleashed with UO walking it hard. TH solos back on trumpet, great energy while keeping tone and ideas at the forefront. The man has chops and a deft touch. UO carries it all on. TH takes the theme out on fluegelhorn.
Between songs the cameras go fuzzy. Cinematographic comment on TH’s mental state?
Damn I should know this ballad. TH is on it beautifully on fluegelhorn, but LP gets the solo which he develops patiently, a very TH approach. Then TH himself. UO is the pulse, the drive; then his own solo. Really nice tune.
Trumpet. Uptempo. First time to miss the drummer (though the right one, say Johnathan Blake, would have had things to say throughout). That said, UO is doing his admirable job. TH still develops ideas patiently but crisply. Solo is insistent and LP pushes out into his own deft solo over the groove. UO deserves his solo too. TH did a nifty compositional thing inside the riff on the outro
0 notes
dlkardenal · 4 years
A Pantser writes a Book 1. - F for Impulse control
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(Work in progress cover, the background art is by Klaus Pillon)
"Asgeir survived the Serpent's rise. He heard the thundering sound of Gjallarhorn, he saw the moon and starts devoured by wolves of the night, yet somehow he kept on living among the broken remains of what was once the kingdom of Midgard.
Scavenging weapons for those who still wish to fight, Asgeir is almost killed in a chance encounter and the only thing saving him is a perculiar spear etched with runes and harboring some great power - Gungnir, the spear of the Allfather himself.  Together with a cursed halfbreed and a malicious witch, the young warrior sets out to use Gungnir's power against the Nameless God and the new rulers of Aesgard, taking revenge for the devastation Ragnarök caused."
Hey there, travelers!
First of all, I should apologize for the thinning number of posts here. I assure you this is not a trend, we'll catch up with ourselves, but there's a couple of things going on right now. First, school started again, so I'm back to uni learning about diseases and horrible things. Second, we sent SotS to a professional editor (Hurray!), and while we have a draft 1.5 of the sequel (I'll keep its name a mystery for now), we have yet to recieve beta feedback on that, so we're kind of in the eye of the storm considering writing.
BUT! What can be better to do in such a stituation than start another WIP? Nothing, that can. Absolutely nothing. The story of this WIP is rather interesting, so I thought I'd make it a series within a series, because it's sooo pantser it's almost a charicature.
"A Pantser Writes a Book" is that exact series. It's about my Wednesdays (my day-off mid week) where I'll write as much as I can stomach about an entirely new WIP and comment on exactly how the ideas came to mind. What I hope is for this to be as chaotic and interesting as possible, so fellow pantsers can relate, while plotters get a glimpse into how our mind works. Ready? Let's go then!
One day (to be precise, the day before yesterday) I was walking home, reading news on my phone and somehow my mind kept throwing Nanowar (of Steel)'s Valhalleluja at me like a really persistent youtube ad. If you haven't heard it, here's a link, just so you know the context. The crutch lines were "Hear our prayer philantropic Odin / Viking-friendly, slayer of the giants." That set me onto a really norse-mythology centered train of thought that after a few steps formed into a story idea.
What if a mortal uses Odin's spear, Gungnir to slay giants? That was the core idea, to which a lot of questions instantly arose.
First, why would Odin let go of his spear? Well, how about if he's not alive because Ragnarök happened? What if it's a nordic inspired post-apocalyptic world where the land is slowly sinking under the sea like it's said in the Edda, everything is filled with the remains of battle between the gods, the warriors of Valhalla and the jötnar invaders?
Let's say our MC is a young norse warrior who tries to make a living during the apocalypse scavenging usable weapons and selling them for food in the few shelters where humanity holed up. And by sheer chance, he happens upon the place where Fenrir devoured Odin, and finds his spear.
That sounded so good I already had the first scene in my head, so when I arrived home, I sat down and started writing. I wrote around 900 words in an hour, then another 600 or so today, ending up with 1,5k for an intro sequence. More than that, my impulse control lacked so badly I ended up creating a spaceholder cover for it, and I even put it up to Wattpad.
If you're interested in the end result, here's a link to it: https://www.wattpad.com/story/241168064-after-the-gods
Before you cry "crucify him", this is not a promo for my Wattpad account (that would be really shitty). This is just commentary about the process and I find it much more practical to show you the end result this way (also, I feel way more safe with Wattpad's copyright stuff so I can freely throw this at you without having to go the extra mile).
So, don't hesitate to tell me what you think about the story, about this whole idea, about my writing style, whatever comes to your mind. I'll try to keep the series semi-spoilery, so I'll only comment things you can read in that week's segment. Go read it if you'd like, then come back and read my overly energetic chipmunk styled notes.
See you next week, travelers!
0 notes
impala-dreamer · 7 years
Some Personal Junk...
And why I was so friggin' emotional all weekend. This is really just personal rambling, you can skip it... ;)
Two years ago I was drowning.
I have a good life. I’m married to my best friend who is amazing and supportive and loves me no matter what. He makes me laugh everyday. Does and says things just to see me smile. He’s amazing. I have two boys who are exceptional humans and so smart and handsome and talented and growing into awesome people. I have family close by, I have a home I love, a job that’s pretty sweet.
But within all that are lots of hard things, that I won’t get into, but they wore on me. I was beaten down, tired, losing my mind. And, slowly, I slipped into my own head and it wasn’t good in there. Still isn’t some days. I do/have(?) this thing where I have very vivid daydreams. I don’t really know how to explain it if you don’t experience it (in fact, I’ve only ever met one other person who does it too), but basically, I can get swept up in my head and will literally talk to people who aren’t there, act out scenarios, and at one point, I had an entire alternate life going on. And no, it wasn’t all peaches and cream over there either. There was a lot of angst too. It started to scare me, after a while, because I found myself heading there, not just right before I went to sleep as was usual, but whenever I was alone. Doing laundry, I would be there. Washing dishes, it was around me. Sitting quietly, crocheting, I was in it. It was becoming a lot. So, I decided to write one of the stories down. It became Crazy Love. And, with that, I realized I loved to write. Going back to writing was amazing and I started another story and another and another. And with that, I spent a little less time in my daydreams. It was good.
I don’t know why I turned on Supernatural the first time, but I did. And Bill and I watched the Pilot and half-way through I turned it off. I didn’t like it. Or, rather, it didn’t grab me enough to push me through the rest. So, we went about our business.
Things got really shitty again, and I couldn’t keep it together. And it was a lot outside the house too, issues with close friends who decided to become fuckers and try and ruin things. Anyway, I took it all inside myself and I was losing it. I started doing something occasionally that I found stopped me from crying; just pressing something sharp into my palm, mostly I used a paperclip. It helped. It kept me in the moment, let me focus enough to calm down. After a while it escalated into scratching hard with the edge, and then, a few times, and I’m not proud of this, I used a scissor when the paperclip wasn’t enough. It was getting bad.
Something made me turn Supernatural back on. Maybe I was done with a Lost rerun, maybe the cover art just grabbed me, but I did. And after I watched the pilot, I kept going. And going. It wasn’t truly until ‘Home’ that I realized I was in love. I spent night and day watching until I was done with everything on Netflix. Season 11 was still airing so I was stuck. I found a way to watch them online. I devoured everything. Then came the search for more. I found fanfiction.net and I went the fuck to town. I read everything. EVERYTHING. I fell in love with it all. I waited patiently for my favorite fic to update (I still go back to it, and it is my favorite ever. “Learning to Fly” by badasscompany) a thousand or so chapter Destiel Romance that I will never let go of. I started to write. I thought, writing helped before, let me try something with Dean and Sam. I posted on ff.net. Boy, people actually like this! Cool! I kept going. I stopped with the paperclips.
Then Misha joined Tumblr and I was like “What is this? I’ll go too!” And boy what a mistake. There’s so much more fanfic here and I like the format better! Hurray! Oh, I read everything. I remember first falling in love with Iwantthedean’s “Angeles” series. And then I found torn-and-frayed’s “STPB” and, that was it. I was officially hooked forever. Those two series brought me here and kept me here and I wrote and wrote and wrote. And here we are.
I’m not ashamed to say that my obsession with Supernatural is probably unhealthy. And it’s far from casual. It’s all inclusive. It’s all day, every day. I watch an episode before work every morning and then when I get home, at least one more. I listen to panels when I work out. I watch gag reels when I start feeling bad again. I surround myself with it because it helps. I live and breath it because I cling to it. I need it. I talk to Sam. Everyday. When I’m bored while cooking, I put on music and I do SNS and sing with Rob and Jensen. I really do. (Jensen and I do an amazing duet to Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” it’s awesome. lol) I’m in it. And yes, it’s insane.
But what else I’ve found are friends. Dear, true, honest friends. Sure, fictional characters have brought us together, but we stayed because we like each other. We stay because we can share things and be silly together, and laugh and cry together. These friends I have made because of this show are people that I will love forever. They know who they are, you probably know who most of them are, I’m not going to name everyone. Even the more casual friends I have made, mean so much to me. But there are a few, maybe four or five people, that I will call my friend for the rest of my life. I trust them, and I love them. I was so blessed to meet two of them this weekend and I will always remember the joy of finally being in the same room with them. I’m about to cry thinking about that.
I got very emotional at the convention. Mostly the entire time, but I kept it under wraps for most of it. But, during SNS, I broke down. Jensen came out and the amazement of hearing him sing was a bit too much for me. When they started playing ‘Brother’, I was done for. Him singing that in Vegas is a go-to video for me when I am at my lowest. I also hate it. Because in my mind, no one will ever sing that to me. No one will ever love me enough to want to say those things to me. But this weekend, it meant something else. It reminded me of the love I do have because of this show. It reminded me of the connections I have made, and the reason I was there, at that con, and had maxed out a credit card to be there. Because of friends. And because of this stupid show that has meant so much to me.   
Everyone there was just… happy to be there. Happy to be part of something. The fans were a family, whether we talked to each other or not. This show brought us all together. A thousand people were crammed into a room over a television show. I’ve been to a hundred conventions over the years, I’ve been an active Whovian for a long while, but nothing compared to this. Nothing has ever touched me, and helped me, and moved me in the way that Supernatural and this Fandom have.
What’s the point of this? I don’t know. I think I just needed to explain myself to the people who saw me cry and panic and act a fool all weekend. I feel silly about it, but here we are.
So, am I unnaturally obsessed with Supernatural? Yes. Is it probably a bad thing? Yes. Will I stop? No. I can’t. I don’t want to. I won’t. And personally, I like the disease.
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david-was-here · 7 years
Songs of 2017
So like last year I’m listing my favorite songs of the year in no real particular order. And this year I think I listened to more music than I have ever for this entire year! So expect this to be BIG!!! The critera here is songs released in 2017, which includes singles and deep cuts, as well as songs that were released in 2016 but are hits on the Billboard Hot 100, and songs that were technically released in 2016 but are singles in 2017. Link to a playlist I made on Spotify. So without a further adieu...
Little Bubble, Cool Your Heart (feat. Dawns), Death Spiral, Up the Hudson, Work Together, I See You - the Dirty Projectors
(No One Knows Me) Like the Piano, Plastic 100°C, Kora Sings, Under, Blood on Me, Reverse Faults, Timmy’s Prayer, What Shouldn’t I Be? - Sampha
Hot Thoughts, WhisterI’lllistentohearit, Do I Have to Talk You Into It, First Caress - Spoon
Dangerous, A Violent Noise, Replica, I Dare You, A Violent Noise (Four Tet Remix), Say Something Lovely, Lips - the xx
Pure Comedy, Ballad of the Dying Man, Total Entertainment Forever, Leaving LA, WHne the God of Love Returns There’ll be Hell to Pay - Father John Misty
Avalon, Mrs. Adams, Trauma - Foxygen
In a Body Like a Grave - Japandroids
Things Are Right with You, Enter Entirely, Strange Year, Up to the Surface, Internal World - Cloud Nothings
My Old Man, This Old Dog, For the First Time, One Another, A Wolf Who Wears Sheeps Clothes, On the Level, Watching Him Fade Away - Mac DeMarco
That’s What I Like - Bruno Mars
Scared to be Lonely (feat. Dua Lupa), There for You (feat. Troye Sivan) - Martin Garrix
Call Casting, Bad and Boujee (feat. Lil Uzi Vert), Get Right Witcha, Slippery (feat. Gucci Mane), T-Shirt, Big on Big, Brown Paper Bag, Stir Fry - Migos
Nyakinyua Rise, Enigma - Jlin
Show You the Way (feat. Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins), Friend Zone, Uh Uh, Lava Lamp, Where I’m Going  - Thundercat
Thinning, Dirt, Slug, - Snail Mail
So Close - Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness
Doomsday, Shiver and Shake, Anything I Say to You Now, Breakdown, Outbound Train, Broken Anyway - Ryan Adams
Undercover, Keep On, Advice - Kehlani
Big for Your Boots, Cold - Stormzy
Minnesota, Country Song, Tour, Virgo - the Courtneys
BagBak, Big Fish, Love Can Be..., Homage, Crabs in a Bucket, Party People - Vince Staples
Leila 20, Nothing Feels Natural, No Big Bang, Nicki - Priests
Sleepwalker, Melting Grid, All the Land Glimmered - Julie Byrne
For You (DJ Koze Mbira Remix) - Michael Mayer and Joe Goddard
Slide (feat. Frank Ocean and Migos) Heatstroke (feat. Young Thug, Pharrell Williams, and Ariana Grande), Holiday (feat. Snoop Dogg, John Legend, and Takeoff), Feels (feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, and Big Sean), Cash Out (feat. ScHoolboy Q, PartyNextDoor, and DRAM) - Calvin Harris
Love, Change, Get Free - Lana Del Rey
Green Light, Liability, Homemade Dynamite, Sober II (Melodrama), Supercut, Perfect Places, Homemade Dynamite (Remix) (feat. Khalid, Post Malone, & SZA), Sober - Lorde (really just the album Melodrama but still...)
Bleeding in the Bus - Code Orange
Not This Time, Anything Could Happen, Breathing Room - Bash & Pop
Chanel, Biking (feat. Jay-Z and Tyler, the Creator) - Frank Ocean
Third of May/Ōdaigahara, Fool’s Errand, Cassius, -, Kept Woman, One Another Ocean (January/June), Mearcstapa - Fleet Foxes
Slip Away, Otherside, Go Ahead, Wreath, Braid, Every Night, Choir, Die 4 You, Sides - Perfume Genius
Tellin’ Lies, Midwestern States, House on Fire, After the Party - the Menzingers
Shake Em Off - Syd
Pleasure, Get Not High, Get Not Low, Lost Dreams, Any Party, A Man is Not His Song, Century (feat. Jarvis Cocker) - Feist
Kinda Bonkers - Animal Collective
Free Smoke, Get it Together (feat. Black Coffee and Jorja Smith), Madiba Riddim, Passionfruit - Drake
The Heat Part 4, HUMBLE., ELEMENT., FEEL., LUST., XXX. (feat. U2), FEAR., DUCKWORTH., DNA. - Kendrick Lamar
Crazy Crazy (feat. Charli XCX & Kyary Pamyu Pamyu) - Yasutaka Nakata
Ran, Cave, Time on Her Side, Through the Roses, North Star, Ancient Water, Day Glow Fire - Future Islands
Ascension (feat. Vince Staples), Andromeda (feat. DRAM), Strobelite (feat. Peven Everett), Momentz (feat. De La Soul), Out of Body (Kilo Kish, Zebra Katz, & Imani Vonsha), Let Me Out (feat. Mavis Staples & Pusha T), Sleeping Powder, Garage palace (feat. Little Simz), Saturnz Barz (feat. Popcaan) - Gorillaz
Daisy, Animal, Exercise, Dreams of Grandeur - Wavves
This is the World of the Theater, Whiteout Conditions, Colosseums - the New Pornographers
Limerence - Yves Tumor
Seaweed, Ravens, Swims - Mount Eerie
Sugar for the Pill, Slowmo, Star Roving, Don’t Know Why, Everyone Knows, No Longer Making Time - Slowdive
Cold Cold Cold - Cage the Elephant
Don’t Take the Money, All My Heroes, Dream of Mickey Mantle, I Miss Those Days - Bleachers
Stay (feat. Alessia Cara) - Zedd
iSpy (feat. Lil Yachty) - KYLE
Sign of the Times, Two Ghosts, Sweet Creatures, Ever Since New York, From the Dining Table - Harry Styles
The Cure - Lady Gaga
FOR MY PEOPLE, TEMPTATION, RING THE ALARM (feat. Nyck Caution, Kirk Knight, & Meechy Darko), AMERIKKKAN IDOL - Joey Bada$$
‘71: I Think I’ll make Another World, ‘88 Ethan Frome, ‘92: Weird Diseases, ‘01 Have You Seen It in Snow?, ‘05: Never Again, ’66: Wonder Where I’m From, ’67: Come Back as a Cockroach, ’68: A Cat Called Dionysus, ’69: Judy Garland, ‘73L It Could Have Been Paradise, ’77: Life Ain’t Bad, ’98: Lovers’Lies, ’04: Cold-Blooded Man, ’12: You Can Never Go Back to New York, ’14: I Wish I Had Pictures - the Magnetic Fields
Broken Halos, Either Way, Last Thing I Needed, First Thing This Morning, Millionaire, Scarecrow in the Garden - Chris Stapleton
Executioner’s Tax (Swing of the Axe), Nightmare Logic, Waiting Around to Die - Power Trip
Minneapolis, 100 Years, Cleaning House, Cold Apartment, Alive and a Well - Vagabon
The Bus Song, 1 Billion Dogs, Take It - Jay Som
Halfway Home, Skyline, Stay Happy, Hug of Thunder, Towers and Masons, Victim Lover - Broken Social Scene
Truth, Humility, Integrity - Kamasi Washington
Want You Back, Nothing’s Wrong, Little of Your Love - HAIM
In Cold Blood, Adeline - alt-J
Hungry Ghost, the Navigator, Rican Beach, Pa’lante - Hurray for the Riff Raff!
Feel it Still (even though I grew sick of it by the end of 2017) - Portugal. the Man
French Press, Julie’s Place, Fountain of Good Fortune - Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever
Gone, Gone, Gone, Time Will Tell - the Feelies
Wedding in Finistere, What’s That Perfume That You Wear?, How We Met, the Long Version, How Can I Tell Him - Jens Lekman
Thinking of a Place, Holding On, Up all Night, Pain, Strangest Thing, In Chains, You Don’t have to Go - the War on Drugs
call the police, oh baby, other voices, tonite, emotional haircut, american dream - LCD Soundsystem
The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness, Day I Die, Born to Beg, Guilty Party, Carin at the Liquor Store, Turtleneck - the National
Close But Not Quite (feat. Sampha) - Everything is Recorded
Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson) - Clean Bandit
Heavydirtysoul - Twenty One Pilots
Love on the Brain - Rihanna
Wild Fire, Nouel - Laura Marling
Mildenhall - the Shins
Renato Dall’Ara (2008), Here’s to the Fourth Time!, For Whom the Belly Tolls, Hung Empty - Los Campesinos!
Yer Killin’ Me, Art School, Crash Test Rating, Strawberita, Trying 2 Fool U, I’m My Own Doctor - Remo Drive
God Bless Ohio, Window Sash Weights - Sun Kil Moon
Darling, Serve the Song, Stained Glass, White Light - Real Estate
3AM (Pull Up) (feat. MØ), Roll With Me, Boys, Backseat (feat. Carly Rae Jepsen), Femmebot (feat. Dorian Electra and Mykki Blanco), Out of My Head (feat. Alma and Tove Lo) - Charli XCX
Lucid, Anxi. (feat. Jenny Hval), Evolution, Bird - Kelly Lee Owens
Paradise, Ricochet - ANOHNI
Cut to the Feeling - Carly Rae Jepsen
Golden Cage - Nilüfer Yanya
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez
Can’t Help It - Baba Stiltz
Forever Young (feat. Diplo), Better (feat. Stefflon Don), Dirty Mouth, All Around Me (feat. YG and Kamaiyah) - Lil Yachty
Run - Foo Fighters
Everything Now, Signs of Life, Put Your Money on Me - Arcade Fire
Strangers (feat. Lauren Jauregui) - Halsey
Met Gala (feat. Offset) - Gucci Mane
J-Boy, Ti Amo, Goodbye Soleil, Tuttifrutti, Fleur de Lys - Phoenix
Hard Times, Told You So, Forgiveness, Idle Worship, Rose-Colored Boy - Paramore
Open Water, Melting, Billabong Valley, Anoxia, Doom City - King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard
Something Just Like This (feat. Coldplay) - the Chainsmokers (I’M SO SORRY)
You Never Loved Me, Rollercoasters - Aimee Mann
Alexys, Crushed Glass - Freddie Gibbs
The Call, Wondering, At Last, At Last - Xiu Xiu
Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran
Chelsea Hotel #2 - Kyle Craft
My Old Man, All the Best - Zac Brown Band
Build You Up - Kamaiyah
Praying, Let ‘Em Talk (feat. Eagles of Death Metal), Rainbow, Hunt You Down, Boots, Spaceship, Bastards - Kesha
911/Mr. Lonely (feat. Frank Ocean and Steve Lacy), Foreword (feat. Rex Orange County), Who Dat Boy (feat. A$AP Rocky), Pothole (feat. Jaden Smith), Boredom (feat. Rex Orange County and Anna of the North), I Ain’t Got Time!, November, See You Again (feat. Kali Uchis) - Tyler, the Creator
New York, Pills, Los Ageless, Happy Birthday, Johnny, Fear the Future, Slow Disco, Sugarboy - St. Vincent
Trees on Fire (feat. Amber Mark and Marco Mckinnis) - DJDS
Exhumed, Siphon, Veka, Wiseblood, Remains - Zola Jesus
Never Been Wrong, 8 Ball, Silver, Brass Beam - Waxahatchee
I Promise - Radiohead
I Don’t Wanna Die in This Town, Bad Luck Charm, She Hates Everybody - Old 97′s
In Undertow, Plimsoll Punks, Not My Baby, Lollipop (Ode to Jim), Foreget About Life - Alvvays
Cario and Southern - Son Volt
Magnolia - Playboi Carti
I Don’t Like You, Jucebox Baby - the Regrettes
Give me a Reason, Quiet - Ibibio Sound Machine
Speakerbox, Bait Face (feat. Scratchy), Laptop (feat. Manga) - Wiley
If We Were Vampires, Cumberland Gap, Anxiety, Molotov, Hope the High Road - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
One of Us - New Politics
Saunter, Urchin, Castration, Whip, Desafio - Arca
If You’re Here – Cornelius
The World’s Best American Band, Judy French, Little Silver Cross, the Satch, Party Next Door, Another Day – White Reaper
The Violence – Rise Against
G.K.A.C., I Only, Bangladesh (feat. Heems), Help (feat. Edan and Wiki), You Can Do It! (Give Up) – Your Old Droog
Nickelodeon Girls, Meme Machine, I Do It for My Hood, She’s So Nice, Uber Pussy, High School Blink193, I Will Get a Vasectomy – Pink Guy (RIP)
Sixteen, Bite Back, Leo, Barf Day, Tummy Ache – Diet Cig
Forrest, Birhtdays, Song for You, Shine – the Smith Street band
Misery, Black Rain – Creeper
Long Time, Fragments – Blondie
123, Sleepless, Your Heart, Powerplant, It Gets More Blue – Girlpool
Proud, Bobby, Witch, Judge, Powerful Man – (Sandy) Alex G
Déjà Vu, Picture That, Broken Bones – Roger Waters
The Great Debate, Lost Without You, Wandering Boy – Randy Newman
Street Power, Knuckle Up – Ho99o9
Love Galore (feat. Travi$ Scott), Drew Barrymore, Prom, Garden (Say It Like Dat), Broken Clocks, the Weekend – SZA
Shark Smile, Watering – Big Thief
Lights Out – Royal Blood
Cry of the Martyrs, the Underside of Power, Cleveland, the Cycle/the Spiral: Time to Go Down Slowly, Walk Like a Panther, Death March – Algiers
Crybaby, Tin Can – Kevin Morby
Da Next Day (feat. Big Rube), Order of Operations – Big Boi
No Halo, A Portrait Of, Disappeared, Second Letter from St. Julien, Leave the Fan On – Sorority Noise
Met me in the Street, Just Can’t Get Enough, Rank and File, Turn it Up, Milk and Honey, Pure desire, Can’t Play it Cool – Sheer Mag
Boyish, 12 Steps, The Body is a Blade – Japanese Breakfast
The Moth, Lead, SD, the Wolf – Manchester Orchestra
SHC, Static Space Lover – Foster the People
Just Like Love, Weakness, Wild Woman, All American Made – Margo Price
Dean’s Room – Allison Crutchfield
S.A.D., Bravado – Kirin J Callinan
For Cypresses, Three Rings, Systole – Grizzy Bear
War is Coming (If You Want It), Beach Life-in-Death – Car Seat Headrest
The Way You Used to Do, Domesticated Animals, Feet Don’t Fail Me – Queens of the Stone Age
Call it Dreaming, the Truest Stars We Know – Iron & Wine
Less Than, the Background World – Nine Inch Nails
Nomadm All I C is U & Me, NVR 4EVR, Holy Books – Death from Above
No Fear – DeJ Loaf
Four years and One Day, Blue Train Lines (feat. King Krule), Audition, Delta, You Look Certain (I’m Not So Sure) (feat. Andrea Balency), SP12 Beat – Mount Kimbie
Delta, Feels Like Heaven, Dedicated to Bobby Jameson, Bubblegum Dreams, I Wanna Be Young, Dreamdate Narcissist, Acting (feat. Dâm-Funk), Santa’s in the Closet, Time to Live, Another Weekend, Kitchen Witch – Ariel Pink
Half-Ligth (feat. Kelly Zutrau), Gwan – Rostam
Mi Gente (Remix) (feat. Beyoncé) – J Balvin and Willy William
The Man, Run for Cover, Out of My Mind, Have All the Songs Been Written? – the Killers
Don’t Delete the Kisses, Space & Time – Wolf Alice
Righteous Woman – Torres
Prey, Say it First – Sam Smith
Lush, Daughter, Planet – Four Tet
Frontline, Take Me Apart, LMK, Onanon, Waitin – Kelela
I Wanna Be Like You, Numb – Ibeyi
You’re Dreaming, Flies on the Sun, Baby Blue – Wolf Parade
Roots Remain – Mastodon
Medicine, Flowerchild – Citizen
Up All Night, Colors, Seventh Heaven, Square One – Beck
Over Everything, Blue Cheese – Kurt Vile & Courtney Barnett
Biscuit Town, Dum Surfer, Vidual, Half Man Half Shark, the Ooz – King Krule
Processional, the Spaniards, the Long Goodbye, Half-Life of an Autodidact – William Patrick (Billy) Corgan
You Used to Say (Holy Fuck), Grand Finale, Vacation Town – the Front Bottoms
WE KNOW WHERE YOU FUCKING LIVE, Saturnalia – Marilyn Manson
Gone, Double Helix, Want Me Around – Knuckle Puck
Laila’s Wisdom, Power (feat. Kendrick Lamar and Lance Skiiiwalker), Pay Up, Nobody (feat. Anderson .Paak, Black Thought, Moonchild) – Rapsody
In the Morning, Tinseltown Swimming in Blood, Saw You at the Hospital, A Light Travels Down the Catwalk, La Regle du Jeu – Destroyer
16 Psyche, Vex, The Culling, Scrape – Chelsea Wolfe
Little Dark Age – MGMT
Happy Hour, Weekend Woman, Mexican Fender – Weezer
Appointments, Turn Out the Lights, Sour Breath, Televangelist, Even – Julien Baker
Mustn’t Hurry, IDK About You – Fever Ray
Pills – Joji
90’s Kids, Blooming, Cloudy, Float, Straight Boy, Astral Plane – Shamir
Should I – Little Dragon
Mirage, Labyrinth – Toro Y Moi
Do U Love Me, For Y’all (feat. Jacquees), Liger (feat. Carnage)– Young Thug
Sylvia Says, Rest – Charlotte Gainsbourg
Lemon (feat. Rihanna), Voilà (feat. Gucci Mane and Wale), 1000 (feat. Future), Don’t Don’t Do It! (feat. Kendrick Lamar), Rollinem 7’s (feat. André 3000), Secret Life of Tigers, Kites (feat. Kendrick Lamar and M.I.A.) – N.E.R.D.
Jupiter, Ode from Joyce, Quintessence ��� Benjamin Clementine
The Gate, Body Memory, Courtship, Losses, Tabula Rasa, Claimstaker – Björk
Red Flag Day, You’re the Best Thing About Me, the Little Things That Give You Away – U2
Sky Walker (feat. Travi$ Scott), Banana Clip, Told You So – Miguel
Another Sad Love Song, Young Dumb & Broke – Khalid
Highway Tune – Greta Van Fleet
Gucci Gang – Lil Pump
We Were Beautiful, Sweet Dew Lee – Belle & Sebastian
All I can Think About is You, A L I E N S – Coldplay
Havana (feat. Young Thug) – Camila Cabello
Unforgettable (feat. Sway Lee) – French Montana
Rain in Soho, Andrew Eldritch is Moving Back to Leeds, Unicorn Tolerance, Paid in Cocaine, Abandoned Flesh – the Mountain Goats
Walk on Water (feat. Beyoncé) – Eminem
Strange or Be Forgotten – Temples
Runnin’ Outta Luck, Country Figs, Strangers Kiss (with Angel Olsen) – Alex Cameron
Tonya Harding – Sufjan Stevens
The One to Wait – CCFX
Crossifre/So Into You – Nai Palm
Still Serving – 21 Savage, Offset, and Metro Boomin
Neon Guts (feat. Pharrell Williams), XO TOUR Llif3 – Lil Uzi Vert
Mask Off (Remix) (feat. Kendrick Lamar) – Future
Lay It on Me – Vance Joy
Perplexing Pengasus – Rae Sremmurd
Midnight – Jessie Ware
Blanket Me – Hundred Waters
The Pathways of Our Lives – Mark Barrott
Find Me – Porches
Kill Jay-Z, Smile (feat. Gloira Carter), Caught Their Eyes (feat. Frank Ocean), 4:44, Family Feud (feat. Beyoncé), Bam (feat. Damien Marley), Legacy – Jay-Z
Global (feat. Ilovemakonnen) – Lil B
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