#i’m making my way slowly but surely through yet another rewatch
sadromanticghostbf · 2 years
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small compilation of thomas sitting edgily away from the rest of the group
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writingjoycebyers · 1 year
One topic I'd like to read more are two: Hop jealous but tries hard to deny it, but badly. And a confrontation between Hop and Lonnie. Because it is right that he is punished by our sheriff!
Okay, I’m back. Please leave some love! I need motivation, input, random chats, whatever.. I mean, just in case anyone is still following my page and writing. I haven’t written in so long! Also sorry - I’m out of writing practice! Currently rewatching stranger things!
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This is the second part to this pregnancy ficlet here!
The light at Melvald‘s general store is bright, too bright, stinging. Joyce hasn‘t felt like herself for the past few weeks, the feeling of joy and curiosity, the little secret inside of her - it has all turned into some kind of nervous anxiety about what the future holds. She stands in front of a shelf packed with baby supplies, a million kinds of pacifiers staring at her as her thoughts wander off. Will she be able to do this?
„Come here, babe!“, a voice yells through the store and that’s it - she‘s back to reality, back from her inside to the outside world, a world full of bright neon lights, grocieries and the rough voice of a man.
„What is it?“ she asks as she crosses the aisles to meet the man, dressed in jeans and a black leather jacket, his hair greasy and his shoes dirty.
„Can you carry this?“, he asks as he looks down on her. He‘s not tall for a man, but she‘s small and has not been eating well or been able to keep in any decent food those past four and a half months. In fact, she‘s skinnier than ever - except for her belly that keeps growing, a vicious circle. In the beginning, when it had just been between herself and the little creature inside of her, it had felt powerful, but now she often found herself thinking that it was taking something away from her, energy, sleep, weight, her whole fucking self.
„Uhm, yeah.“, she says and is not even sure if she‘s able to as the man is handing her a sixpack of beer.
„I don‘t think she should, Byers.“, says another, much darker voice from the other end of the aisle. The store is not even empty, there are a few customers walking around and still she immediately sees him, turns her head around before Lonnie Byers can push the sixpack into her arms. He knows.
Well, she thinks, of course he knows. For a second her thoughts trail off to that one moment last month when she bumped into him in front of the store they were just standing in. Joyce feels a strange kind of nausea creeping up on her and she cannot really tell the reason - her sudden disgust for Lonnie Byers, the presence of Jim Hopper or the baby inside of her.
„Don‘t think that‘s any of your business, Hopper.“, Lonnie snaps, his voice low as Jim Hopper walks over to them. Jim is much taller than Lonnie, wearing jeans and a white shirt and Joyce can even see his muscles underneath. Suddenly, she feels safe because she knows that Lonnie‘s aggression is bubbling up but here, in public, in front of Jim Hopper he‘d never dare to fight because he knows all too well that he‘s got no chance, no chance against a man so much taller, a man with true self confidence. Lonnie was a different kind of man, out of control on the inside and put together in public, at least enough to keep some kind of normal appearences.
„Carry it yourself or put it away, Byers.“, Hopper says and he has not yet taken a single look at Joyce. It makes her even more nervous as she starts to feel like a bystander, a bystander in her own life. Joyce can‘t know it‘s not because he does not want to, does not know that he‘d love to look at her in all ways possible, but that he just can‘t because he would not bear to really see her again, so small and beautiful, carrying the traces of another life under her shirt. Summer was slowly beginning and by now, it was too warm for sweaters, pullovers or jackets, so Joyce was wearing a plain blue shirt and damn, she really could not hide it anymore. She could not hide it and he could not stand that.
Moments pass as the three of them just stand there, Jim staring at Lonnie, Lonnie staring at Jim and Joyce staring at the two of them. Then suddenly, Lonnie breaks the silence. „Alright, Sheriff.“, he whispers ironically, a scoff in his voice as he moves and walks past Jim. Joyce still stands there, it takes her a few seconds to react. „Bye, Jim. Gotta go.“, she whispers, raises her head and looks him in the eyes for less than a second.
„See you.“, he answers as she walks down the aisle, steps behind Lonnie. He can‘t stand it.
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semifinel · 2 years
February - 2023
Disco Elysium- I’ve actually been slowly going through it for over a year (I would play for a few days and then take a break for a few months and then forget where I am and restart). However I finally finished it and I can very easily say it’s one of my favorite games ever. The writing, the style, the music- what’s not to fucking love.
I could talk about this game for hours and I have actually done that enough to convince friends to play it as well. But I probably can’t say anything that hasn’t been said before me.
Great game- I might be in love with Kim kitsuragi.
Rain world(?)- to be honest I haven’t played it (yet?) but I spend way too much time watching gameplay of it and videos about it, went into a deep dive in the wiki. This world absolutely fascinates me, the ecosystem is just wow- even though it seems like a very difficult game I might actually get it one day.
Decide to include it cause it’s my list and I make the rules, also it ate a chunk of my month.
Monster hunter rise- this is my second time trying to get this game and last time I (apparently) quit before even going on a mission. To be fair it was a combination of my own stupidity and the game’s absolute horrible tutorial that made me drop it so fast.
However given a second shot I’m already having more fun, flipping and riding and monster hunting.
I have no idea if anyone ever cared about a character in this game but the monsters are cool and I love them lots.
Why is there a tower defense section is beyond me- I never liked any kind of tower defense, but this is very much the wrong game for it.
Can’t wait to try a hunt with friends- I heard it’s awesome.
Start again: a prologue- a delightful lil rpg that made me feel a lot. I love time loops as a concept already and this was executed so well- I will cry about it.
Can’t wait for in stars and time!! I need more of this cast and world.
Lookouts- another game I’ve been making my way through oh so slowly, no reason here since it’s not really long. It’s a visual novel and I have trouble focusing on reading, that’s my main issue.
However I’m happy I played it- trans cowboys on opposing sides falling in love and find a way for them to have a life- I am the target audience. I love them.
Hue- sure was a puzzle game. And it was a nice one, pretty sure I got it for free and I mostly used it as something to play while I listen to podcasts. It’s cute and not very long and the puzzles were nice.
Mob psycho s2- still doing my rewatch, still love my sons.
Darry girls s3- finally got around to it, honestly liked it less then the other seasons however it was a nice end to the show as a whole and I’m glad they wrapped it up nicely.
Animation vs Minecraft- what if I told you the animation you used to watch on YouTube as a child kept going on while you looked away. That there is now a storyline spanning several hours which is very neat and dear to my heart.
How simple are your blorbos? Mine are literally just different colored stick man (they are my sons and I love them very much).
I want everyone to watch it, you can’t understand how hard it goes in the final episodes you don’t understand ahhhhha.
Something rotten- did I start this podcast just cause I wanted more Jacob Geller? Yes.
Am I happy I did that? Also yes.
I do not care even a little about the games they talk about but it’s still fascinating to hear them talk about them (along other kind of related topic)
Personally never heard of Blake Hester before but glad I know him now.
Can’t wait for next season where I might play along since I have one of the games in my library for some reason.
The prince by Abigail throne (philosophy tube)- so like one of my favorite trans creators writes a play and uploads it in full- I had no doubt it was gonna be good.
Love the characters, love the themes, and the setting (of being stuck inside a play) is very fun.
But man do I not understand Shakespearean speak but that’s more of a me thing.
Felt a lil cliche/sappy at times but it was cute so I had no problem with it.
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whorefordean · 3 years
four months || d.w.
wc- 437 (it’s a short one)
pairing- dean winchester x reader
warnings- mentions of death (nothing explicit)
a/n- hi! sorry i’ve been MIA. i’ve had no motivation to write for months but i’m currently rewatching supernatural and i’m on season 4 when dean comes back and all i’ve been able to think about is this little scenario so enjoy :) (also written on my phone at 3am)
Four months. Four long, miserable months without him. Your best friend. Your partner in crime. Your soulmate.
Dean had been dragged to hell, literally, four months ago. And you’re pretty sure the hellhounds tore you apart while they were at it.
You had been living with Bobby since then. Sam had left months ago, and you were tired of living that life. It was unbearable getting out of bed when Dean wasn’t here, let alone trying to save other people. How could you save anybody else if you couldn’t save him? It felt like a nasty betrayal that you weren’t ready to face yet.
With a soft sigh and tears in your eyes, an everyday occurrence for the past four months, you sat up on the edge of your bed. Waiting a moment for your eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight shining through your window, you stood up from your bed.
Slowly making your way down the hall, you paused when you heard Bobby talking to someone in the other room.
Your chest tightened, tears welling up at the sound of his name.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell ya.”
You stepped out from the hallway. Your sure your heart had stopped beating.
Another nightmare, you thought. The recurring one where Dean was alive until the hellhounds showed up again.
Or maybe it was heaven. Maybe you’d died from a broken heart, and this was your heaven. Seeing him again.
Either way, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling.
“You’re not real,” you sobbed, digging your hands into your eyes. A hand dropped to your shoulder gently.
“Sweetheart, I’m here. I’m real,” a soft voice echoed in your ear.
“Y/N, it’s really him, hon,” Bobby spoke.
You removed your hands from your face, allowing yourself to look at the man in front of you. He looked like Dean. And he sounded like Dean. Hell, he even smelled like Dean.
“Dean?” You looked up at him with a pleading look. Please don’t be a trick.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he smiled.
You didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around him in a tight embrace. Dean’s hands wrapped around the back of your thighs, lifting you up. You buried your head into the crook of his neck, taking in the moment.
Salty tears were still falling down your face, soaking into Dean’s shirt. The two of you held each other for what felt like an eternity.
“Please, don’t leave me again, Dean,” you begged softly into his ear. His grip tightened around you, and you swear you heard him sniffle.
“Never again. Promise,” Dean answered, voice shaking.
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stardusttrashed · 3 years
How they react to you sleeping with a bonnet HC Pt 3 - Mikasa and Levi Ackerman
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Day 18 of Ficmas - aot hcs
Ficmas Masterlist
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Is probably more serious about you wearing your bonnet than you are. Like it’s when a kid first starts wearing one and has to get constantly reminded and scolded for not wearing it properly.
You laid your head on Mikasa’s chest, listening to the steady, soothing thrum of her heartbeat. You should’ve been listening to her, you could hear her sweet, silky voice as she whispered something to you. She was telling you about the show you begged her to explain to you. You saw her watching it practically every day, hell this was probably her fifth time rewatching it. And you just wanted to be supportive. Wanted to make an effort to know more about her interests. She was always so quick to learn about yours, and yet here you were drifting in and out of sleep.
Her words were muffled, almost completely drowned out by her heartbeat. Between the steady beat filling your ear and her fingers lazily trailing on your back, everything around seemed to grow so fuzzy.
“Y/n?” Mikasa looked down at you laying on her chest. “It’s okay if you’re tired.” You weren’t fooling anyone. Your relaxed, limp body laying over her like a warm weighted blanket. “We can go-.”
“N-no,” you shook your head weakly, only burying yourself further into her chest. “‘M watchin’ this with you, Mika.”
“Right,” she drawled out in an unconvinced tone as a doting smile played with her lips. “You better not be falling asleep.” Her fingers trailed up your back, finding their way to the back of your head.
“M’not, I promise,” you slurred your words sleepily.
“Mhm,” she mused, gently scratching your scalp. “Where’s your bonnet love?” A moment passed with no reply, and then another, and another. “Love? Thought you weren’t falling asleep, huh?” She sat up slowly, moving carefully as she reached out to the coffee table to grab the bonnet she stashed away earlier. “What am I going to do with you?” Mikasa giggled softly to herself as she tucked your hair into the bonnet the best she could without waking you.
“Love you,” you mumbled through your half-sleep state.
“And I’d love you more if you wore your bonnet like you’re supposed to,” Mikasa teased as she draped the blanket over you.
“S’not nice.”
“But I’ll always be with you making sure you do. So, I guess I love you.”
“Whatever you say creeper. Good- ah!” You jolted up with a childish glare as she pinched your side. “Mika!”
“Don’t call me a creeper,” Mikasa muttered as she rubbed the spot she just pinched. “I’m just-.”
“I know,” you cut her off. You leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss on her blushy cheeks. “You’re my great curl protector.” You kissed the tip of her nose. “And that’s one of the reasons I love you.” Before you could move, Mikasa pressed her lips against yours in a clumsy, yet tender kiss. “So, if it makes you feel better I’ll try to get better about wearing this.”
“That’d be nice… they’re cute on you.”
“I’m sure you’d look cute with a bonnet too.” You laid your head on her chest again, “we gotta get you one next time we shop, yeah? But for now, it’s sleepy time. No more pinching, please,” you spoke through your yawn before dozing off, too tired to even wait for a reply.
Is part of the reason you rarely wear your bonnet. At first, it seems like he’s always tossing it in the wash, but then one day you come home early and catch him wearing it, so now you’re not really sure where your bonnets keep disappearing to.
“Levi Ackerman,” you called out in frustration, your voice echoing through your shared apartment. “What the hell’d you do with my bonnet this time? I know it was you.” You rummaged around in the bathroom for a moment longer before giving up with a defeated and slightly irritated sigh. “Levi,” you called out again when you got no response. He had probably fallen asleep while working in the spare bedroom turned office again. And you wanted nothing more than to do the same, the bed calling to you like a siren.
You dragged yourself out of the bedroom and made your way to his office. Your tired, heavy eyes instantly landed on Levi’s hunched form and the pink silky bonnet that hugged his head. “I hate you sometimes.”
“Sorry, you say something? All I can hear is a brat whining,” Levi said with a smug smirk.
“And all I can see is my thief of a boyfriend,” you shot back with a stifled yawn. “Levi, can I please have my bonnet back so I can go to bed?” You shuffled over to his chair, absentmindedly brushing his hands aside as you plopped into his lap. “S’tired. Some people actually sleep, y’know?”
“Huh,” Levi hummed, allowing you to get comfortable in his lap before going back to work. “Thought that was made up like machines being able to wash dishes.”
“Dishwashers are real,” you giggled, “we literally have one in the kitchen that I… totally didn’t use yesterday.” You shifted in his lap, glancing over your shoulder at the silky material in his hands. “Whatcha doin’ there Bebe.”
“Wondering what kind of monster mon amour is,” Levi replied in a monotone voice. He fought back a smirk as he focused on the material in his hands. It was a miracle he was able to keep holding the needle steady with how hard you hit his arm. “I’m kidding… mostly.”
“Va te faire foutre!”
“Tch. Of all things to say correctly— such a potty mouth. Sois gentil or I won’t give you your gift.” He tied off the thread before cutting the excess. “A bigger bonnet for my big-headed déesse.”
You watched his eyes sparkle with adoration as he tucked your hair into the handmade bonnet. “I’m too tired and you’re being too cute for me to get on ya ass bout that, but know you’re gonna get it tomorrow.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less. There you go,” his lips curled into a small smile as he kissed your forehead. He leaned back in the chair, giving just enough space between you and him so he could admire you. “Tellement mignon,” Levi breathed in awe. “I was thinking about making you more of these sometime- so you won’t have to worry about me doing laundry.”
“Or I could just, y’know, buy more?”
“Tch, just let me be nice for you brat.”
“You can be nice by not taking my bonnets-.”
“Not happening, mon amour. They keep my hair out of my face when I do things.”
"So do hair ties," you mumbled as you curled into his chest. "You're lucky you're cute in 'em, Bebe."
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cowboycakes · 4 years
Do You Get My Letters
✥ Pairing: Levi x fem!Reader, somewhat Reiner x fem!Reader
✥ Themes: Fluff, angst, sadness, big ass plot twist
✥ Warnings: Female bodied reader (she/her pronouns,) Pregnancy and birth (nothing gory.) Mentions of death, violence, and threats. Manipulation.
✥ Synopsis: You are carrying Reiner's baby when he betrays Paradis. Levi decides to step in.
✥ Word Count: 2.2k
(there is a part two up to this fic, but i've decided i'm going to rewrite the ending at some point.)
Anon's Request: Hi! I saw your requests are open so here I want to give my little scenario a try! 🕳🤸🏽‍♀️ I thought abt this last night, I’m currently rewatching AOT after 6 yrs and yet to finish season 4, so sorry if I’m wrong abt timelines/the plot? My request is the reader was with child with Reiner, but b4 reader told him, he betrayed and exposed his mission. Levi stepped in to help reader. And btw, I just finished watching ep 3 of season 4, so maybe Eren telling reiner abt his child and he regrets leaving the reader? And reiner jealous at the fact Levi is most likely considered his child’s father at that point. I can’t come up with an ending, so I’ll leave it up to you if you do take in my request. If this isn’t your type of writing I totally understand!
Note: This story is canon divergent. It is set in season 4, but in a universe where Reiner is not revealed as a traitor/the armored titan until a few months before season 4 takes place, as the reader was having relations with him until then and did not know his secret. I’m sorry if that change bothers you, I just wanted to write this as sort of its own story. This story contains season 4 spoilers! It also has nothing to do with the canon ending of AOT.
Dear Reiner,
I hope this letter somehow gets to you, I don’t quite know where to start.
In a perfect world, I would be so happy to tell you this. You’d be ecstatic too, I think. And before you try to second guess me: I’m sure by now, don’t worry.
I’m pregnant.
I guess we weren’t careful enough before you left. I feel like an idiot. And lost. But I’m not hopeless. I know myself, I can make it work somehow. With or without you.
I’m still in shock about you. How could someone so close hide so much? You’re a talented spy I suppose, a great asset to Marley. You made me trust you with my entire life. You made me love every false thing about you. And this is the rude awakening I get in return.
I’ll raise our child to value honesty and kindness, all in spite of you.
The paper was damp with tears after you lifted your pen for a final time. You wished you could just keep the whole thing a secret: go make a quiet life for yourself somewhere else. It wouldn’t be right. Not after all of the dishonesty that man had spewed to you over the past few years. You had to tell him.
The door to the office room you’d settled in to write the letter creaks open. It’s Levi. He looks at your puffy eyes somberly, sympathetic. He was the first person you had told about the entire situation. Not because you were close, just because you needed help.
You fold your letter and stick it into a sturdy envelope. Levi takes it in his hand.
“That piece of shit doesn’t deserve a thing from you. Not a letter. Certainly not tears,” Levi says, using a clean handkerchief to wipe a stray drop from your cheek, “but I am proud of you.”
You take the handkerchief from him, feeling more tears stream down your face.
“Proud? I’m a fucking idiot,” you say through your sobs.
“Don’t even try to pull that self pity shit with me. Things happen sometimes. And you’re strong enough to commit to getting through it,” he responds.
You stand up, pushing your chair out. You look at him as you dry your face off again.
“I’m alone. How the hell am I supposed to do this shit alone?”
“You are not alone,” Levi replies. You’re shocked when he pulls you into a hug. “I’m going to help.”
You had never seen this side of him before. You look at him as you pull away slowly, tears still welled in your eyes.
“Are you sure? That's a big burden, Levi. None of this has to involve you.”
“Not the biggest burden I’ve ever taken on,” he shrugs. “There’s a lot of death around here, Y/N. Everyone is going to be happy about the little bit of life you’re giving us.”
You chuckle. He’s cynical, but he’s right.
He licks the envelope as he walks toward the door.
“Want me to run you a hot bath or something? Is that the type of shit pregnant people need?” he asks.
You laugh, a little harder than normal. It felt so relieving to laugh.
“Sure, Captain,” you respond softly.
Dear Reader,
I received your letter before the battle in Marley. I actually got to hand it to Reiner myself. He knows everything now. He broke down in front of me after reading it, going on about how much he regrets everything. How he wishes he could change things and be there for you. He begged me to kill him right there.
The world will eventually not have suffering like what you are going through now.
Eren Jaeger
Your jaw had dropped reading it. He begged me to kill him.
You hand the letter Levi had just delivered back to him. He reads it with a furrowed brow.
“Do you think…” you begin, your voice shaky, “do you think I could send another letter?”
Levi purses his lips, “Possibly. I can ask Jaeger. But right now, you need to bring your blood pressure back down.”
You were over seven months along now. You had found out about your pregnancy late, after being in denial for four whole months. Hange insisted on checking you out after you’d thrown up every morning for a week.
Levi had since gone on a parenting book reading spree; he made you read several of them too. He knew just about everything you needed to do to make a healthy baby: what to eat, what not to eat, how to exercise, when to go to the doctor, etc. It was really sweet how much he cared. You knew it gave him hope, something to fight for, something to come home to.
You were terrified when he left for Marley. You kissed him for the first time when he returned. Just about everyone you knew had to fight. You wished you could be out there fighting with them like you were supposed to. Maybe you could have made a difference.
Levi takes your hand, squeezing it to bring you out of your thoughts.
“What can I do?” he asks.
“Get me a glass of wine,” you grumble.
“Absolutely not.”
Dear Reiner,
Reader does not know I’m sending this. So keep it that way, or I’ll kill your sorry ass. Or maybe not, you’d probably enjoy that. In that case I’ll get creative.
How does it feel? Being a fucking deadbeat? Is it everything you’d thought it’d be and more? Fucking her and leaving her with nothing, like she belongs in a whorehouse. Reminds me of what happened to my mother. Pieces of shit like you came in and sent her to her death, leaving her kid behind to starve.
I wasn’t about to let her suffer like my mother did. But you were. I’m glad your choices haunt you, Reiner. You fucking deserve it.
I’ll be there for the both of them from now on, doing everything you were never capable of. She’s due any day now, I’m sure she’ll try to write to you.
You feel your first contraction while napping on the couch with Levi. You were settled in between his legs, your back leaning up against his chest. He had his hands on your stomach; he loved to feel the baby kick and tell them some of the happier stories in his memories.
The two of you had grown so close over the past few months. You slept together every night now. You didn’t want to leave each other’s sides if you didn’t have to. Levi would cuddle and massage you any time your pregnant body was ailing you.
You had fantasized with him about life after the war. He wanted to be a husband, a father, to live peacefully in the countryside. And he wanted more than anything for you to join him.
The first contraction wasn’t painful enough for you to make much more than a grunting noise, but Levi woke up the second he felt your stomach contort a bit. He was on very high alert these days.
“Holy… shit…is that what I think it is?” Levi whispers, “Don’t answer. I’m getting Hange.”
He crawls out from behind you and sprints out of the room.
The pain worsens and becomes much more frequent while he’s out looking for Hange. You stand up eventually after getting the urge to walk around - and your water breaks. You start panicking, unsure of how dilated you were and how much time you had left before pushing. You really wished you’d done more than just skimmed through those birthing books right about now.
Levi and Hange eventually come sprinting back into the room with a wheelchair and cold rags to find you whimpering in pain on the couch, trying your best to control your breathing.
You’re rushed down the halls to the Scout’s infirmary, where Levi had made sure the perfect room was set up for you - and it had been that way for two months.
The next hour goes by in a blur. Hange knew the biology of how to deliver the baby, and Levi knew how to coach you. He helped you hold your legs back when you pushed, and helped you count out your breathing. Hange attended to everything that might have made Levi faint, like checking your dilation and making sure the baby was coming out at the right angle. You got lucky having these two by your side.
Through all of your efforts, you finally hear a cry. You look up to see Levi holding your tiny new baby as Hange wiped them clean. He was smiling, way bigger than you’d ever seen him smile before, with tears in his eyes.
“Here,” he says softly, handing her to you.
You cradle her on your bare skin. “She’s so perfect, Levi! Look how sweet she is!” you coo.
“What are you going to call her?” he asks, stroking your hair as you gleam down at your baby.
“I was thinking,” you smile, “Kuchel.”
Levi lets out small gasp. Tears start streaming down his face, his efforts to stifle them failing.
“Really? I think that’s,” he wipes his eyes, “a wonderful name.”
Dear Reiner,
She’s finally here! Oh my god, she’s precious. Levi and Hange helped to deliver her. Labor went smoothly. Levi started to cry when he saw her for the first time. She really is just that perfect. We are calling her Kuchel, after Levi’s mother. He cried when I told him that, too (don’t tell him I’m sharing those crying details.) I've decided to give her Levi’s last name as well.
Levi set up the perfect nursery for us.
If you really did feel guilty for leaving - don’t be. I’m happy.
She has your eyes.
Dear Reiner,
Kuchel said her first word today. Of course it wasn’t mama, she’s such a daddy’s girl. She started crawling awhile ago, we are now working on standing up on our own. She has all of this blonde curly hair, too. She’s growing up so fast.
Dear Reiner,
Levi proposed a few days ago. It was so perfect. We found a nice house with room for a farm that will be perfect for a family.
I can only wonder how you’re doing, now that the war is over.
Are you even alive?
Dear Reiner,
I’m expecting again. Levi is beyond excited. I am too, of course. Kuchel started school this year. She is such a smart kid.
I still wonder about you. After all these years.
Message after message, word after word. No response. You had decided he must be dead. The devastation after the war would argue that he was.
That is, until you found yourself rummaging through one of Levi’s desk drawers, looking for baby Isabel’s lost pacifier.
You felt the bottom of the drawer shift. A false bottom?
You pry at it until it comes open.
Dozens of opened letters. With Marleyan postage stamps.
You pull out the first bundle you see. They’re all from you. Unopened. Unsent. You set them aside, your jaw quivering.
You pull out the second bundle and gasp.
Dear Reader,
Eren showed me your letter. I am terribly sorry. Let me fix this, somehow. You can come to live with me in Marley. I will take care of you. Please.
I’m not just a traitor, a liar, a farce. Everything between us was real. I can explain everything. Just trust me.
Dear Reader,
Do you get my letters?
I’ve only heard rumors about our new baby girl. I wish I could see her. Just once. For a second. Do you have a camera? I know they’re hard to come by in Paradis. I can send one.
I’d do anything to change this. You know I would.
To Levi,
You son of a bitch. I know exactly what you’re doing. You think this is protecting her, but it’s not. Just let her talk to me. She would listen, she would understand. You said yourself that she writes. You manipulative, sick bastard. That is MY child. She will never be yours. No matter what you brainwash her to believe, your dirty Ackerman blood does not run through her veins. She deserves to know. You are the farce, Levi.
There were dozens more. All opened. All from Reiner.
You sink down to the floor, tears spilling from your eyes.
You are the farce, Levi.
But, why? He was just protecting you, right?
The office door opens. You jump, shoving the letters back into the drawer.
“Mommy, why are you crying?” Kuchel asks.
You take a deep breath, staring down at the letters, thinking about everything that could have been.
“Are you happy here, Kuchel?”
“Yes!” she chirps, “Every day!”
“Then it’s nothing, baby. Mommy just got hurt. She’s better now.”
Your daughter giggles and skips out of the room, leaving you to hide away the rest of the letters.
I REALLY HOPE I understood your request, Anon! I actually had a lot of fun writing this. It isn't something I would normally think to write, but I'm so glad you shared this idea! Sorry for the sad ending, I love playing w people's emotions ;)
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sweetsbfreex · 3 years
a father’s duty
Summary: brought to u by the wholesome picture of Cevans sewing up dodger’s stuffed lion 🤧
Warnings: Talk of trauma (nothing too in depth) and talk of sex
Pairings: Dad, Husband!Ransom x reader
You and Ransom were cuddled up together on the couch, some random movie he had chosen that you weren’t paying attention to. You wanted to cuddle, but he insisted on watching this movie so a compromise had to be made. And the feeling of his hand going up and down, inside your shirt, against your arm; Could only make you purr in contentment.
And you were meant to doze off if it wasn’t for the dramatic, high pitched scream of pure agony. You both shot up from your seats, looking at each other wide eyed before dashing up the stairs (Ransom ahead). 
Until you were in the doorway of an overly purple room.
“Mommy! Daddy!”
Ransom let a small, stunned gasp at the feel of a teary eyed four year old, Celeste bolting to his legs. Her small arms had tried to wrap around his legs as she sobbed into his jeans, fists tight as she clutching the denim. 
Confused you had leant down adjacent to her, Ransom peering down from his stance, lifting her arms to softly run circles over her back. 
“What’s wrong baby?” a fake pout on your lips.
“She’s dead!” she had sobbed, her puffy cheek making contact with his expensive jeans to make eye contact with you. 
“What? Who’s dead babe?” Ransom asked, tilting his head downward, eye brows stitched together. 
She propped her chin up against his leg, “Daffy” she blubbered, extending her arm behind her to point at the limp stuffed bunny a few feet away.
“Fucking––” He couldn’t finish his sentence a hearty laugh emitted into the otherwise somber air, still laughing (some tears streaking his face) he had picked up the once blubbering girl so she saddled on his hip. 
“Ransom! It’s not funny and language, god”
“C'mon” he dragged the n, “You gotta admit this is hilarious, she’s so dramatic...I wonder who she gets it from” he smirked, looking at you knowingly. 
“You” you appointed, holding back your smile. 
“As if” he scoffs rolling his eyes. 
“Daffy!” Celeste exclaimed, snapping the two from their loving trance. 
“Right!” you snapped yourself back into mom mode, making way to Daffy and your way back to the two, watching Ransom wipe the tears from Celeste’s face, calming her down in a hushed voice.
You sidle up next to Ransom lifting the stuffed animal, so the both of you could evaluate the state of her favorite buddy. You looked up to him, watching his face scrunch up, almost like disgust, but you knew he was just very confused.
“Jeez leste, what’d you do?” 
The light yellow bunny up front was perfectly fine, but once you had turned it around a tear in the fabric of the it’s “spine” was parted, the thread poking out along the hem. 
“I–– I was just spinning her around”
“Is that really what you did” you prompted.
“No..” she set forward shyly, resting her temple against her father’s shoulder. “There was a string and then I pulled it by accident”
“By accident?” Ransom asked, eyebrows raised. 
“On purpose” she mumbled, eyes tearing up slowly.
Celeste is probably the biggest liar the two of you know. You both have been working on that habit, reassuring her that it was fine and being honest is better most times (minus surprises, safety, etc). You both had even resorted to acting out examples for her. She was getting better, but ever the fibber she still found a way to slip into the habit. And when you had asked her why exactly she loved lying, she only replied with a quib “It’s fun!” giggling to herself. 
“Hey it’s okay, you were curious” he cooed, “Mommy will fix it don’t worry” 
You looked up at him mesmerized, not so surprised at the father he was becoming. Remembering all those nights he had kept the two of you up, even the day you were in labor, he had been worried. How was he ever supposed to love a kid properly–– let alone his–– when he never had that benefit. All these what ifs running through his head in a cycle.
He had even taken it upon himself to sign you both up for those parenting classes. The ones with the fake dolls. Dolls that he held gently as if they were alive.
“I will. You’ve had a long day, love, you wanna go to bed now?” you asked her, smiling. 
She nods silently, reaching her hands out to you. Ready for the familiar night routine to begin.
After Celeste had been put to bed, it was not you and Ransom being the only two up. You were both in your shared bathroom, getting ready for bed. 
You groaned, catching the attention of Ransom. “Sewing that thing is gonna be some work” watching yourself in the mirror as you rub in your lotion. 
“You’re tying that thing together, how hard can that be?”
“I’m sewing it together” 
“Tomato, Tomahto” he responded. 
“Fine, since you think it’s so easy why don’t you fix it for her?” 
“Deal. I’ll take another night of anal as my end” he says this confindently, not expecting another word for you, as he saunters past you briskly but not before placing a kiss to your check and a rough smack to the ass. 
And god did he take this seriously. Making sure you were up this entire time as he achieved his new level of domesticity. 
And you did, sitting up against the headboard as you watched him sit shirtless across the sized room. 
He sits in the barrel chair. the stuffed animal in his lap, a spool of light pink thread to match the bunny in between his legs, and a packet of needles in his hand. 
“Babe you have to––”
He holds up a hand, stopping you from saying whatever you were about to say.
“I got this babe” he tells you, looking at you wearily as he pulls up a video (‘how to sew stuffed bunny animal together’) on his phone. 
You watch him watch the video,switching the show you were watching to make it seem as if you weren’t watching him too carefully. 
He squints, focused as he listens to the lady in the video.
“You look so cute”
“Thanks” he grumbles, placing a thimble on his pointer finger. 
He was like a cute grandmother. His eyebrows brought together and tongue poking through his cheek, which you teased him endlessly about. There was just something about watching a brawly, grumpy man like him knit. So you pulled your phone out wanting to take a quick picture. 
“Put. it. down.” he tells you, not even looking away from his task.
“Wha–– You’re really creepy, you know that. Smile” you demand of him. “It’d be so cute for the album”
He of course doesn’t smile instead raising the stuffed animal to cover his face from the camera, but you were quick enough to get something before that. Smiling fondly at the adorable photo of his concentrated face. Once you had your fill of serotonin, you closed the device and reached over to set it on your nightstand. 
“You gonna give me a kiss goodnight before you go?” he asks you stoically, head still looking down at his task. 
“Yes Ransom. Just give me a minute’ you respond, shimmying yourself from the soft sheets. You make your way besides Ransom–– naturally he wraps one arm around your waist to bring you–– leaning down and placing a kiss to his cheek (which he smiles at) then his lips. He pulls back first only to return again for a deeper one. Sending you off, finally, with a pinch to your ass. 
“Goodnight, Baby” you tell him over your shoulder on your way back to the bed. 
“Night y/n/n.”
“y/n” is whispered in your ear and the shaking of your shoulder is what causes you to wake up. You turn your head over your shoulder to see Ransom standing over you gleefully. 
“Ransom?” you rasp, turning your whole body over to face him, looking at the clock on your night stand. “It’s two in the morning!”
“Thanks captain obvious” he mutters, rolling his eyes. Yet, he lifts up the stuffed animal. Both hands on either paws, holding it up to show you. “I finished!”
You instantly noticed the band-aid wrapped around his thumb and the brightest smile on his face. Through it you could see how proud of himself he really was. He really was getting a hand of this dad thing he was still figuring it out. 
Ransom, however, could only think about how tired he was and how strained his eyes felt––probably rimmed red. With the amount of times he had to rewatch the video because he missed or didn’t understand a step. But, for his little girl it was definitely worth it. 
“Well, look at you. You did so good bub” you extend your arm up lazily to then loop it around his neck, bringing him down for a kiss. 
If only his conceited friends could see him now. Thinking about how Danver, one of the many friends he had dropped, would berate him passively. Calling it a women’s role most likely. 
“Thank you” he settles one more kiss, “Let’s go”
“Go where?” you chuckle
“Leste’s room...where else? She’ll need him to sleep the rest of the night comfortably” he explains, removing your arm from his neck. To gently tug your hand.
“You sure?” you ask hesitantly.
“Hundred percent, let’s go”
You open the door slowly, the creaking sound it emitted making you cringe. And when you’re hushed by Ransom, you twist around instantly sending him a stink eye.
And you both stand against the side of her bed, you crouch down. Raising your hand to her shoulder. 
“Lesty” you whisper, your thumb running circles over her shoulder. 
She wakes up slowly, as always. The clear indication that she is awake being when she raises her hand to rub at her eyes.
“Mommy? She stops and gasps, “Are we going to Disney?” asking the question with glee, she sits up, her hands placed over her book patterned pajama pants.
You and Ransom share a short laugh. Remembering how you surprised her just like this months ago. The frown that overtakes her face makes you both want to laugh. 
“I’m going back to sleep” she tells you both, already reaching for her blanket. 
“Wait” you laugh, holding her hand. “There's a surprise for you” 
At your announcement, Ransom steps up holding out the sewed up stuffy. Her tiny hands covered the gasp she let out, muffling it.
“She’s fixed!” she’s astonished, running her fingers  along the stitches. 
Celeste felt like a jumping bean with all this happiness filling her body and she wasn’t sure how to express how happy she felt. So, she jumped onto her mother, arms latched onto her neck. Kissing her cheek incessantly.
“Thank you thank you thank you-”
“Actually––” you start.
“Woah! Woah! Woah!” ever the dramatic, “Momma didn’t do this. I did babe” he tells her, a gobsmacked, playful expression on his face. 
Ransom’s replica quickly unlatched herself from y/n, rocketing herself into his arms. He held onto her tightly. Falling in love with the toothy smile–– albeit it was missing a front one–– she gave him. He was rolling around in her appreciation towards his gesture. This was all he wanted. To be a better man for you to marry and be a better father for his daughter.
He brought her into him a little bit, placing a kiss to her forehead. 
“Anything for you Leste” he tells her in a hush. 
You rise slowly from your crouch, knees a bit sore from how long you were down there. Just in awe of the love they both exerted towards each other. Ransom’s hand lightly flying over the back of her head and Her tiny palm coddling his cheek.
“Time for bed?” you ask the two of them, your hand naturally going to Ransom and Celeste’s shoulder.
“Yeah. I’m tired” she tells you, dragging out the h. Setting her cheek to her dad’s muscled shoulder. Nuzzling her cheek against it lazily. 
“Yeah? Well let’s put you in bed first” Ransom responds. 
You walk behind the two, as Ransom sets her down gently on her bed.
He sets a kiss to her cheek then he pulls back, watching the way her arms tighten around the stuffed animal. 
“You love it?” he asks, a proud smile etched on his face. 
“Yes” she whispers, “Thank you, daddy” her palm caressing the top of it’s head. 
“Anything for you Leste” he reaffirmed. He needed her to know that he’d do anything. Anything. To keep a smile that bright on her precious face. He didn’t want her to doubt if he ever loved her or if she could ever come to him about anything. He especially didn’t want her to think that she’d be second to his work. 
He loved her too much and decided, right when you told him the news, he’d learn from his parents’ mistakes and trauma he had to deal with. 
“Goodnight, honey”
He gets up from his spot watching you lean over placing a kiss to her cheek, tugging the crocheted blanket to Celeste’s chin. 
“Night baby” you tell her sweetly.  
“Night” she replies to the both of you before snuggling into the duck more. 
RIght when you shut the door, you expect to face Ransom’s back walking towards your bedroom. But try not to scream, startled, when your head meets with his chest.
You look up, probably not the smartest thing to do. “You ready for bed?” you ask nervously, each hand landing on his broad shoulders. 
With the way he was looking at you, you would assume you were the last stash of biscoff cookies he always keeps fully stored in the house. Especially, with the other Drysdale in the house, the cookies went by faster when they used to.
“Don’t think so..We made a bet. Remember?” he smiles
“RIght now?!” you hiss lowly. He must have lost his mind. “You woke me up at like three in the morning”
“It was actually two” you whack his arm at his smart mouth, of course he doesn’t react.  “Anyway. A bets a bet. Let’s go baby” he crouches down, lifting you up swiftly into a bride-groom like position.
“Ransom!” you whisper, taken by surprise. 
“A quickie and then we’ll drop her off at your parents tomorrow to get to the real stuff tomorrow” he asserts.
With that, he picks up his speed. Taking you both down the hallway. Once he’s arrived at his destination–– the bedroom–– he throws you on the bed. Laughing to himself with how stricken you look. You should be used to this by now, he tells himself. 
“Ransom!” is the last of his name he hears with a tone of scolding mixed with shock, before he gets to work. When he climbs on top of you quickly––like a lion to prey––biting your neck. 
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 1)
summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 2875
warnings: smut... sort of (oral f receiving), voyeurism/exhibitionism (kinda?), touch of angst, lots of pining and awkwardness, jealous bucky being jealous, alcohol use (reader gets drunk)
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Nothing annoyed you like being surrounded by stylists and being primped and prodded for hours at a time.  It made you feel claustrophobic to be touched so much: makeup artists only inches from your face, tailors watching you change, hairstylists nearly spraying you in the eye or burning you on the forehead every few minutes.
Not to mention how uncomfortable it was to actually be in the whole get-up once they were done.
But, such was the nature of a red carpet event.  This one was going to be particularly bland because it wasn't even a premiere or awards event but a launch party for a perfume campaign.  How lame is that?  It's one of those things that really only exists so that there can be pictures of it to put in a magazine, because they're always running out of good pictures of celebrities to publish.
Finally all dolled up to the point that you didn't look even very much like yourself anymore, your assistant accompanied you downstairs and into your driveway where your car was waiting; and, more importantly, its driver and your driver, Bucky.
He was a gruff sort of guy; certainly a man of few words and many brooding glares.  Sometimes you thought he didn't like you— like maybe he resented your fame or something— but then he'd turn around and be so sweet all of a sudden and you didn't know what to think.  For one, he demanded to open the door for you every time you got out of the car.  Sometimes he even extended his hand for you to grab on to, which was especially useful for red carpet events when you were usually wearing skinny heels that were impossible to balance on.
Such was the case tonight as well, and you smiled up at him as he helped you out of the car and up towards the steps of the venue.
"Thank you," you smiled at him, and he barely smiled back.
"Have a good night, madam," he suggested, a formal stuffiness to the way he addressed you.
You nodded,  "You too!"  That made you pause, though, because you weren't sure what his night would entail at all.  "Say, what is it that you do when I'm at an event like this?"
He seemed confused by your question.  "Um, I sit in the car and wait until you're ready to leave."
Guilt seared in your chest and you frowned.  "That's it?  You don't, like, go out?  Catch a movie?"
"Nope.  That would prevent me from doing my other job, which is watching the points of entry to make sure there aren't any threats to security going in."
"Right…" you trailed off.  "You could always come in, you know, grab some free drinks and stuff."
"I thought you didn't want any of your team following you around at events."
"Yeah, don't follow me around, just mingle and kill some time!"
Bucky shook his head.  "If I'm not there as your driver or as your security, then I'm not there."
You shrugged.  "Suit yourself, but please feel free to, like, get some food or whatever you wanna do while I'm in there!  Don't just wait on me!"
He smiled, but it looked a little rehearsed. "Thank you, madam."
You realized he'd been holding your hand through the entire conversation, cause you'd asked him your question midway through getting out of the car.  Awkwardly, you finally dropped his hand and waved goodbye, escorting yourself up the last few steps and into the door.
God, he must think I'm such a freak.
God, she must think I'm such a freak.
Bucky munched on the sandwich he'd had delivered (yes, to the car, how else was he supposed to get it?) as he dutifully watched the entrance.  Against your advice, he had every intention of just sitting around and waiting for you, but he wasn't bored; he had a Mets game on the radio to keep him company.
"— top of the third, bases loaded, DeGrom is at the plate with one swing left aaaaaand… he strikes out!"
"Shit," Bucky grumbled to himself around a mouthful of pastrami.
Glancing up, he saw someone stumbling out of the party: squinting, he realized it was you.  He looked at the clock with a furrowed brow, noticing it was a little earlier than he'd thought you'd leave, but then he saw that there was someone with you… a guy.
Bucky set his sandwich down and turned the key in the ignition as he watched you pull your phone out of your clutch— ostensibly to text him to bring the car around, but he was already ahead of you, quickly exiting the parking lot and circling the building so he could pull up at the steps.  He was about to get out to open the door for you but this random guy did it instead, before tumbling in after you.
"That tickles!" you protested with a giggle as your new friend started to kiss your neck, his hands all over you before Bucky had even gotten the car moving.
You were too drunk and distracted to notice that the partition was still open.  Of course Bucky had considered closing it, in fact he wanted more than anything to close it so he wouldn't have to see this, but some sick part of his brain needed to see it.  How else could he know if something went wrong and he had to get back there and stop it?  How else would he keep you safe?
How else would he get to find out how you sound when you're being touched like this?
He couldn't see too well with it being the middle of the night and all, but every time he drove past a streetlamp or particularly bright neon sign, the colorful glow would shine in and cast light over your neck where your head had fallen back in pleasure; or your collarbones, exposed where your dress had been pulled down; or your chest, rising quickly with the speed of your panting breaths.
Ogling you in the rearview mirror made him feel like a total creep, but it satisfied a bit of the urge he'd been feeling ever since he started driving you.  He wasn't actually a driver, at least not usually; he was more or less your bodyguard at this point, but you were really adamant about having a small detail and so that was why he was working double-duty tonight… and why he'd been doing so for almost three months now.
"Baby," you gasped, and his eyes shot right back to your reflection; you were writhing against the seat, and he could just barely see the top of the guy's head where it was buried between your legs.  You took your bottom lip between your teeth, lips curling into a relaxed smile.  His cock was not only hard but throbbing at this point, as if that was going to do him any good.  He barely ever got to look at you, and he knew he would never, ever be able to touch you— beyond holding your hand as you stepped out of the car, at least.  Whenever he did that, he imagined for a moment that he wasn't your driver at all but your date, that he would get to keep your hand as he guided you down the red carpet with him.  Not that he wanted any of the attention that you got, of course, but at the same time he did like the idea of all those photographers snapping pictures of his arm around your waist, or you looking up at him with your hand on his chest.  They'd all run stories wondering what a beautiful, successful, massively talented woman like you was doing with a guy like him, but he wouldn't find the energy to care about crap like that if he had you all to himself.  
Another whimper from you pulled him out of his daydream, reminding him to focus on the road as best he could.  He knew you would hate him if you knew that he'd thought about you like that.  Or if you knew about all those times he'd checked in on you while you slept at night and lingered a bit too long.  Or if you knew that he had rewatched that one sex scene you'd done in your last movie about a thousand times.  It always broke his heart to see you underneath some other guy (his name was either Dermot Mulroney or Dylan McDermott or possibly Dermot McDermott?) and yet it turned him on like nothing else to watch you immersed in pleasure.  Similarly, now, he couldn't stand knowing it was someone else making you moan the way he was hearing, but it was the best he was ever gonna get.
"Oh god," you sighed, "fuck, yes, yes, oh my god yes—"
His grip tightened on the steering wheel and it must have been the noise of the leather stretching that made you notice him; as if every dream and nightmare of his was coming true at once, your gaze met his in the reflection of the rearview.
He was so screwed, and he was totally going to get fired tomorrow, but he couldn't look away.  Your eyes were like dark magic the way they pulled him in, kept him locked on you as his face started to burn so hot it could cook an egg.  
Staring you down, he saw your mouth fall slack as your hands reached down to grab your date's hair and tighten into fists.  Shivers shot down his spine as he imagined the way it would feel if you pulled his hair like that.  
The longer you kept looking at him, the more a very dangerous thought danced in the back of his mind…
What if she wants me to watch?
Which, even more concerningly, started to slowly morph into another idea…
What if she wants me?
He was sure you were coming.  It wasn't obvious; you didn't say anything, didn't moan too loud, didn't scream or sob or call out any names (which made it easier to pretend it was for him) but he could tell.  Your swollen lips were parted silently as he watched your breath catch in your chest, and your hands clenched around fistfuls of hair.  What he would give for you to pull his hair like that, and come for him like that— except he wouldn't have stopped there, unlike your current companion who was already moving back up your body to kiss you hungrily.  
He'd always thought you had really pretty hands, and they looked pretty good sliding over the back of this guy's suit jacket, but he liked them best when they gently pushed him off.  "We're almost there," you mumbled as Bucky turned the car into the driveway, using his fob to open the gate.  
Once he'd come to a stop outside your door and turned off the engine, the three of you exited and stood up as you yawned and stretched.
"You'll take Jack here home, right?" you asked Bucky quickly.
"It's Jake…" the man corrected with hesitance.
"Right, Jake," you smiled, "you'll take him to his place, right?"
Bucky gave the guy a smile dripping with gloating contempt, loving the disappointed look he was wearing as he realized he wasn't going to be spending the night in your bed.  "It'd be my pleasure," he announced coldly.
"Great, thanks," you sighed.  Standing on your tiptoes to give the guy a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the shoulder, you thanked him for a great night and made your way into the house.
Jake looked around in confusion for a moment before getting back in the car along with Bucky, sighing and running his fingers through his hair.
"What address am I going to?"
"Uh, 333 15th Street, in Brooklyn," the guy replied, pausing to let out a soft but incredulous laugh as the car began to move.  "Level with me, man: does she… do this kind of thing, a lot?  You know: bring guys over, make it seem like something's gonna… happen, but then just send ‘em back home and never call again?"
With a silent glare, Bucky rolled up the partition.
You heard the front door, even from your current location of the shower upstairs, and knew Bucky was home— okay, not exactly ‘home’ since he didn't leave here full-time, but home in the sense that he was in your home and in the place he would be staying tonight.  You just hoped he'd actually stopped the car before kicking Jake out; he never cared much for when you had guys over or really just interacted with guys at all, because of the "security risks" or whatever.
Next, you heard him coming up the stairs and passing by your door.  "Hey, Bucky, you out there?" you called to him.
"Yeah, what is it?" he answered through the door. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I just—" you stopped when you heard the crinkling of paper.  "What is that?  Do you have food?"
"Um, yeah," he answered.
Your stomach growled; the event had only had tiny hors d'oeuvres, and the alcohol in your system enhanced your desire for a midnight snack.  "What kinda food?"
"It's a sandwich— well, what's left of one: I was eating it while I waited for you."
"Are you gonna finish it?" you asked curiously.
"No, I was thinking I'd put it in the fridge for tomorrow."
You paused a bit before asking, "Can I have it?"
"Yeah, sure, you can get it in the morning—" he began.
"No, now!" you clarified.
There was a pause before he responded.  "Right now?  In the shower?"
"Yeah, just bring it in here!"
"I-I'll let you finish showering first—" he stammered.
"No, Bucky," you whined, "just come in here!  I'm hungry!"
Another pause before he finally opened the door, his blurry figure visible through the steam-covered frosted glass. 
"What's on it?" you asked as you washed the last of your shampoo out of your hair.
"It's pastrami on rye with jalapeños, fresh mozzarella, pesto and some sort of spicy aioli or something."
"Ooh, come to mama," you purred as you reached over the top of the door with opening-and-closing grabby hands, squeeing with glee when he placed the wax paper package in your grasp.
"Okay, enjoy your drunken shower sandwich," he congratulated grimly, about to turn and leave.
"No, wait, where'd you get this?" you asked as you leaned out of the stream of hot water to unwrap your bounty.
"Uh, you know the deli on 8th and Columbus?"
"You went all the way out there?"
"No, I had it delivered."
You snorted with laughter.  "Couldn't leave me alone for even a minute, huh?"
"Well, I fully intended on leaving you alone for this shower."
But you didn't really notice that comment because you'd just taken a bite and couldn't stop yourself from moaning loudly around it.  "Oh my god, Bucky, this is so good!"
He cleared his throat.  "Uh, glad you like it."
"You have good taste in sandwiches!"
"I think the word for 'taste in sandwiches' is just 'taste,’” he pointed out, his smirk audible in his voice.
"Can we go to this place tomorrow and you can order for me?"
"We can do whatever you want tomorrow," he relented.
"If you drive, I'll pay,” you offered.
"I always drive.  And you always pay,” he pointed out.
You frowned, not visible to him through the steamy glass.  "I do?"
"You pay my salary, so, yeah…"
You laughed, a little too hard. "You're so smart!"
"Sure,” he replied quickly.
“Okay, I’m almost done in here,” you informed him.
“With the sandwich or the shower?” 
You laughed with a little snort, which would’ve embarrassed sober you.  “Both!”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to it then,” he replied, starting to go back out the door.
“See you tomorrow, Bucky,” you waved even though he couldn’t see it.
“I don’t know that I will,” he admitted, “you’ll probably be hungover and lock yourself in your room all day.”
“Hmm, possibly,” you agreed as you pondered that.  “Then I guess just ‘goodnight,’ and I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Goodnight,” he replied and stepped out of the bathroom— you could hear him go downstairs and shut the door to his room, and you glanced down at the last bite of your/his sandwich with a smile.
You must have gotten in bed at some point, cause that was the last thing you could really remember before you woke up a bit before noon, bright orange sunlight shining directly on your face where it rested on the pillow.  You groaned and turned over, feeling like your brain was too big for your skull.  You sat up when you saw a menagerie of unfamiliar items on your nightstand.  A bottle of pedialyte, a bottle of Fiji water, a few aspirin, an orange and a banana waited for you in a pile, with a little piece of paper sitting in front which you read.
Hope you’re feeling alright, these might help in the meantime.  -B
You smiled, twisting open the Fiji and taking a sip.  Bucky always took such good care of you, even in ways he didn’t need to.  What would you do without him?
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15-dogs · 4 years
hugger |n.s.|
pairing: newt scamander x reader
summary: you begin to develop feelings for newt, your employer, and accidentally do the one thing he hates: hugs (super super fluffy! pining, friends to lovers, takes place in between fbawtft and fb:tcog)
warnings: extremely minimal swearing, getting injured (nothing serious!), a niffler giving birth (?)
guide: (Y/N) = your name, italics = flashback
word count: 2.1K
a/n: this was supposed to be a blurb LMAO i rewatched fantastic beasts and unearthed my 8th grade crush on him which gave me this as a product! i hope you like it!!
“Denied again?” you asked Newt. He gave you a curt nod as he paced towards the Kelpie pool. 
You frowned; he always seemed to get quieter after he returned from the Ministry. It had been his third attempt to regain his international passport and, of course, his third run in with his brother, Theseus. And you knew how complicated their relationship was. Newt never really talked about Theseus, except for the offhand comments he would make about him.
So far, all you had gathered about the mysterious Scamander was that he was tall, an Auror, and quite the hugger. You nearly burst out laughing when Newt had mentioned that last little fact about his brother as if it were reason enough to dislike him.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Scamander, but that just doesn’t seem like something to hate a person over.”
Newt exhaled in quiet laughter as he pet a Mooncalf, grabbing some treats from the bucket he held. He flashed a kind smile at the Mooncalf before turning off and dropping the bucket to the ground, staring you down from across his basement.
“You haven’t met Theseus, then.”
Newt refused to meet your eyes as he joined you in caring for the Leucrotta. You chewed your lip— perhaps you were making a mistake, talking to him so plainly. He was your employer, after all. You weren’t there to help him make nice with his older brother.
Yet, you continued to speak as if you were a personal acquaintance of his. “What I’m trying to say is you’re an incredibly kind, sweet person, Mr. Scamander.” 
That got his attention. His head slowly raised to meet yours, and when he saw you were already looking at him, he looked away. But that did not deter you. 
“You refer to yourself as these creatures’ mother!” you announced with playful exasperation. That got to him, a soft, harmonic chuckle escaping his lips. “You have such a big heart. I suppose I’m just a little shocked that hugging is the disqualifier.”
Newt’s smile faded as he processed your words. You saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, thick with emotion. He then shook his head as if it would drive the feelings away, pointing you off towards another creature in need of care.
“Well, what are you going to do?” you prodded, making your way beside him. “Try again?”
“Yes,” he stated with a nonchalant shrug, “that’s exactly what I plan on doing. And I’ll keep at it until I get that ban lifted.”
You snorted. “I can see why you were a Hufflepuff— dedication like no other, Mr. Scamander.” 
Newt glanced up at you with a lopsided grin that had your stomach flipping for a moment. The tips of your ears began to heat up and you prayed to Merlin that your hair covered them.
You had known for a while that you had feelings for Newt. It started cultivating inside you with every adoring smile, every impassioned statement, every quiet appraisal. It had soon grown too big to go unnoticed and you knew you were in far too deep.
“Quiet now, quiet now,” Newt whispered to the little Bowtruckle, “mum’s here.”
You were padding down the steps from his apartment, reading the instructions on the back of a potion vile. He had advised you to get it from his medicine cabinet for your headache but you weren’t entirely sure that you picked up the right one.
“Mr. Scamander…” your voice trailed off at the sight of his maternal tendencies.
“I know, I know,” he cooed, “but change can be a good thing. On you hop.” He continued to pet the small and pouty thing before placing it into the makeshift nest he had created, where it was welcomed by the rest of its friends.
That small moment, seemingly insignificant, had caused you to completely fall for Newt. His soft, green eyes fell upon you with a gentle, questioning look at the potion you held. You nodded, answering his silent question without actually telling the truth because, if Newt could be as seemingly perfect as he was day in and day out, you could suffer with a headache for one day.
“Prepare the ointment, please.”
You raised the large container of ointment that you had mixed together in preparation for Newt’s return. “Don’t have to ask me twice, Mr. Scamander.”
He nodded his head towards a desk where you placed the container down. 
Newt began to take off his trademark royal blue coat, flinging it onto a desk as he conversed with you about your work. “How has Molly been?”
You eyed the pregnant Niffler which was milling about in its cage. “Quite well, actually. She’s due any day now.”
“And the other Nifflers?”
“Niffler-y, as always,” you joked, earning a smile from the sandy haired man before you.
“Lovely.” Newt finally turned around, examining your state. “You’ll join me, won’t you? Kelpie’s are easier with two people.”
“Right, yes, of course.”
You undid the buttons on your blouse with haste so that you stood in your pants and camisole, pulling your hair from your eyes as you prepared to hop into the pool. It wasn’t like it was the first time you’d done this, but each time had your nerves thrumming with anxieties that something would go wrong.
You spun around as you took a step towards the edge of the pool, standing shoulder to shoulder with Newt. He extended his hand without looking down, taking yours in his perfectly rough ones, your mouth instantly going dry. Newt looked over at you, so incredibly close that your noses nearly brushed against one another. He nodded and so did you, both hopping backwards into the pool.
Your camisole popped up from the sudden force and Newt quickly looked away as you tucked it back in to the best of your ability. As soon as you were done, you splashed some water his way, striking him in the chest. His eyes went wide with amusement as he did the same to you, hitting you square in the face.
A small wave knocked the two of you back under, the Kelpie swimming its way towards you. You and Newt managed to grab a hold of it, barely staying on as it bucked you two up and down. 
After about the third time the Kelpie lept from the water, you cemented your grip. You let out a loud whoop as the cold air kissed your wet skin, Newt also cheering beside you. The Kelpie dove deep under the water, preparing to rocket you two up. As it breached the water, Newt sent you a disarming smile that had your hands subconsciously loosening. As the Kelpie snapped back under the water, you were thrown off, your body just narrowly missing the stone columns of the pool and splashing with a loud crack in the water.
“(Y/N)!” Newt cried out. His voice was drowned out by the water and by the fact that the pain from the fall had you slipping in and out of consciousness. It was the last thing you heard before you passed out, deep under the water.
You awoke to smell of a savory broth soup flooding in from the room over. You looked around the familiar space, soon realizing that you were sat on Newt’s couch, a blanket tucked firmly up to your chin. Your cheeks grew warm as you inhaled the scent that was distinctly him, scolding yourself for the childish crush you had developed.
You adjusted yourself, sitting up to see a tray of tinctures on the table beside you with a note that read, “Please take these when you wake! Newt.” You followed his orders, slugging them back with a wince at each unpleasant taste.
But then you heard a strange noise from the basement. It was a mix between a squeak and a whine, concerning enough to pull you from your cozy spot on Newt’s couch. You stood up and peered around the corner, hearing a soft, offkey hum ringing from the kitchen where Newt most likely was cooking his dinner. The sound of his voice warmed your heart and you almost, almost, got up to speak with him but you figured you had caused him enough trouble for the day. So instead, you headed into the basement by yourself.
You gripped the railings on the stairs with immense force, hoping not to fall over. Your body felt sore which you could only attribute to your accident earlier. You stopped at the bottom of the steps, peering around when you were met with a pained cry from the Niffler cage. You ran up to it to see Molly the pregnant Niffler whimpering in pain as another Niffler nudged at her stomach.
“Oh, Merlin,” you muttered, “you’re about to give birth, aren’t you, Molls?”
As if Molly could understand you, she let out a loud squeal.
“Oh, Merlin. Time to put that Hogwarts education to the test, I suppose,” you mumbled to yourself to give yourself the confidence you needed to deliver the little Niffler babies.
You snatched the pair of gloves from beside the cage and tugged them on tight, casting a spell so they’d perfectly fit your hands. You unlocked the cage to take Molly out, moving her into a small tray with bedding in it.
“Okay, Molls, you got this. Mum’s here.” 
You rubbed her stomach in small circles, feeling the baby— no, babies— squirm around. One thing was for certain: you needed Newt.
“Mr. Scamander!” you called upstairs. No response. “Mr. Scamander, please!” Still no response. “Merlin’s beard, Newt! Get down here!”
No later did you hear heavy steps growing louder behind you. “(Y/N)! You’re awake! Are you okay-”
You didn’t have time for his rambling. You sent a panicked look over your shoulder, meeting his wide eyes. “Molly is giving birth. Triplets.”
“Merlin’s beard.” He ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it in contemplation. “How’s she doing?”
“She’s a fighter, I’ll tell you that.”
“What can I do to help you?”
You whipped around. Apparently you’d be delivering the babies. You took in a sobering breath, steadying your shaking hands.
“Something shiny, some snacks, and a towel.”
Newt scrambled around the workspace as fast as he could, dropping the items in front of you. You laid out the towel and snacks beside Molly, massaging her stomach as you felt the babies start to move more than before. It was time. You pulled the shiny object out from behind your back, dangling it above Molly’s head as she delivered three adorable Niffler babies, so distracted by the object that she didn’t realize that she’d given birth. You escorted the babies onto the towel, allowing them to nibble on the snacks as you stripped the gloves off.
“Merlin,” you murmured to yourself in astonishment, “Merlin! I just…”
Newt’s smile was so big it nearly split his face. He nodded, sharing in your excitement. “You did,” he assured.
Completely forgetting about professionalism, you hopped onto him, engulfing him in a tight hug while you laughed melodically. Newt’s thin frame stiffened in your grasp. You gasped, jumping off of him with your hands up.
“I am so sorry, Mr. Scamander. No hugs, I forgot.”
Newt simply stared at you, searching your eyes. You gulped as he took a step closer to you.
“Theseus tends to believe that a hug is just as useful as an apology, so I don’t quite like hugs for that reason.”
“Oh.” You didn’t know what else to say.
The corner of Newt’s lips twitched upwards, looking around before meeting your gaze. He took another step forward before taking you in his arms. You began to wonder if he could feel your heart pounding in your chest, whether he assumed it was from adrenaline or knew that it was him that drove you mad.
“You should be proud of yourself!” He pulled away to look in your eyes, his arms slinking downwards to rest around your waist. “And, please, (Y/N), no more with the Mr. Scamander business. I’d like to think that we’re well acquainted enough for you to call me Newt.”
If professionalism was damned before, it was most certainly damned now.
Merlin, he was so close, you couldn’t help yourself. With your arms wrapped behind his neck, you pulled him into a long overdue kiss. Your heart thundered in your chest but you were too focused on the way his lips melted perfectly into yours, the way he kissed you back with such hunger and vigor that you had to hold onto him tighter, the way you began to smile as he attempted to figure out where to place his hands. 
You pulled away a moment later, Newt following your lips with unpleasant surprise. All you could do was let out a soft chuckle as your cheeks turned pink.
A teasing grin grew on his lips that had your stomach flipping. “I’m positive now that we’re well acquainted enough for you to call me Newt.”
general taglist:  @pandaxnienke @lunalovecroft
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: We're Moving Out
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Date video was published: 04/25/2017 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 342
I’m back from my holiday hiatus! This is a great video to start a new year of posts with.
Time for the moving (to the second London flat) announcement video! I already know I’m going to say way too much about this one. Dan teased this video before it was posted.
0:01 - I love Dan’s little knowing smile at the start that this is going to be a “big deal” sort of video
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0:08 - “ascending to another dimension” is what Dan thinks would have to happen for Phil to stop making videos, apparently
0:11 - “none of us would be surprised if you were an alien, Phil” somehow I have no memory of that line in this
0:16 - they’re so deadpan about it, but also maybe they just seem exhausted
0:25 - oh my god at them having already lived together for almost 6 years total at this point all they was back in 2017...time has no meaning
0:35 - yeah Dan’s on that same page
0:38 - ahhhh, flashback to THE WARDROBE
0:44 - I love their commentary on this
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0:50 - you can actually see this thought go through Phil’s head
1:11 -  love how casual they are about of course they’re moving to a new place together. (I remember lots of different speculation at the time, not just that they were moving but maybe moving to separate places...lol.) Dan’s stare at the camera says he’s seen some of that
1:20 - and in these shots they have things in such random places...the mess disturbs me but I guess understandable when getting ready to move
1:21 - lol at the box with the lemon humidifier from 5 Things I Regret Buying; very important to pack I guess
1:27 - king of comedy Phil emphasizing “stuff” in the annotation
1:33 - that would disturb me in a dark apartment at night
1:42 - flower crowns from Pastel Edits
1:48 - Phil is way too into that idea...and of course “we” could move
1:59 - Dan is already done with moving and they haven’t even actually moved yet
2:07 - Dan’s face as soon as Phil says “penetrated” is quite something
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2:23 - Dan leaning in to Phil poking his head...alrighty
2:30 - more than 2 years actually...the first time Phil tweeted about being annoyed by drilling was 2012(!) and then several more times - 1, 2, 3
2:44 - frolicking with a non-specific celebrity here...Dan looks like he has heard Phil talk about this several times
2:55 - yeah that could not have been helpful for filming
3:24 - Phil with the sweet explanation
3:30 - they somehow have the thinnest...5:13 - and thickest walls of all time, lol
3:38 - Dan talked about these noises in the now-privated tour of the first London flat video he did shortly after they moved in
3:54 - those poor neighbors actually
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4:20 - jumpcut into Dan giggling
4:36 - just yikes...also “crack-cam” and the battery slowly draining 😂
4:46 - again with the mess especially straighteners (that Dan’s not using at this point, btw...) and other things plugged in makes me so nervous
5:03 - footage from 2017 WANTS ME DEAD
5:24 - maybe why they moved into a much newer building here and a complete new-build for the forever home
5:30 - “that’s happened a few times” very nonchalant there
5:37 - don’t remember if that footage was ever in a video before, but Phil did tweet about mice back in 2013 (1, 2)
5:52 - even Phil’s sarcasm is coming out a bit here
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6:00 - why did they keep that for so many years if they hated it
6:10 - I have questions but I don’t think I want to know the answer... 😳
6:16 - the props box! that comes as-is (to the filming flat)
6:22 - pretty sure that wig was a reject from the Pastel Edits video, not the anime video
6:28 - okay Phil...
6:32 - this is so cute and I love Dan’s little giggle behind the camera about them doing this
6:51 - awww, I love piano Dan and that he’s planning to get another one (and now... 😭)
6:57 - ahahaha...is the butt chair the thing Phil hates like Dan hates the golden pig?
7:12 - “that’s Phil’s request” 🥺 
7:13 - again with the mess, help
7:18 - would love to know about the decision to leave this bit in the video
7:37 - that does seem like the worst design decision
7:52 - we’re keeping the sofa crease (but only in the filming flat)
8:00 - Phil had also tweeted about injuring himself on that coffee table (1, 2)
8:14 - ahahaha, DanAndPhilCRAFTS
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8:25 - it really was but they did make it work
8:37 - “they have definitely seen a lot of butts”...great. also Dan has a cross-stitch of one of his tweets there
8:40 -  🎵 too many stairs. too many stairs...too many stairs 🎵
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9:01 - is that that bathroom window...you can definitely see through it 👀
9:10 - the reassurance there
9:24 - I love the “wot...no.” 😂
9:39 - awww Phil with his nostalgia
9:51 - also the reminiscing is too much 😭
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9:54 - more from THE WARDROBE
10:08 - “this new place is going to look exactly the same...” I really think they had planned to mostly just show the filming flat (with most of the “Dan and Phil” stuff in it and keep the living flat private, but they got lazy with that pretty quickly after the move. The first glimpse of the living flat was on Phil’s Instagram.
10:19 - this is the last video on Phil’s channel from this flat. One more on Dan’s channel though
10:32 - this outro footage must have been filmed later after they had more packed
10:33 - I also want to talk about the post-it note system they seem to have in this. They don’t mention it here, but Phil talks about using a similar system during the next move. There are two post-it colors in this video: blue - 7:00 on the full-length mirror; 10:38 on the other full-length mirror; and pink - 7:50 on the lounge rug, 7:57 on the Hulk and Iron Man pictures; 10:35 on Dan’s bedspread (I think?) and the black desk; 10:38 on some of the art from Phil’s wall. I’m pretty sure they were using blue to indicate what went to the living flat and pink for what went to the filming flat, because that is where all of those things end up
I love this video a lot. I think they must have filmed this ahead of the Australia trip that I talked about in the last post, because they seem to have moved almost immediately after getting back. Although with DNP and their usual lack-of-planning-ahead, who knows, ahahaha.
They had moved (but were still unpacking) by April 27 when they did a live show from the new place. Dan also shared this amazing creep shot that Phil took the day before that. 
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usmsgutterson · 3 years
Yellow- Pin Hawthorne
OKAY, YES-- I’ve wanted to write for Pin Hawthorne since having finished the show, and I’ve decided to do it, because I simply can’t resist and Pin is my favorite moody horseboi, plus, this blurb (imagine? I don’t know how long it’s gonna go yet!) is entirely inspired by the songs Yellow and Sparks by Coldplay, because the show is modern and the songs were released W A Y before the years that show is set in, so yay! 
Pins aged up in this, as well. In the show he’s around 16-17? In this, he and the reader are both 20!
I might have Pins characterization a little off because I’ve only watched the show once (I’m gonna rewatch it before I do a shadow and bone rewatch,, moody pin is just a bit too endearing) but other than that, lets do it!
The reader is American for this, and I did mostly keep it gender neutral, aside from an outfit description! Even then, though, I did try to keep it androgynous
Fic type- fluff
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It took a ton of convincing on Pins part to get his dad to let him use the castle for something that, to anyone else, might’ve seemed small. He’d known it might’ve, and started the process a good month before the event was even to happen. A decision that he’d made that wound up working in his favor. 
“You really love them, don’t you?” His father asked, pressing the keys into his palm as Pin gave a nod. “Even with all the stupid nicknames?” Pin grimaced, but nodded again. 
“Even the stupid nicknames, Dad,” he assured. “All of them.” His father broke out into a smile, pulling Pin in for a hug as he tucked the key away into his jacket pocket.
“Well then, happy anniversary,” his father mumbled. “Five years? Gotta admit, I had faith, but I didn’t think you’d make it this far. Not with someone like them.”
“I know,” Pin retorted. “I’m pretty lucky.” Pin knew that ‘pretty lucky’ might as well have been understatement of the year, but went along with it anyway, pulling away from his father and slowly approaching Elvis, patting his side a few times before climbing onto the saddle and riding down to the castle that he, as the duke, could technically call home. 
The castle was big and at times, tough to get around, but he made his way just fine, letting Elvis move at a slow gallop rather than a run, figuring that he had the time, considering you’d agreed to meet at 8 and it was barely 7:15.
When he arrived, he put Elvis away safely, and made his way through the entrance and up to the outdoor balcony, which had a view outlooking the expansive land on which the castle was built, and the trees that went around the outerrim of the space.
He grabbed his bag off the chair on which he’d had his butler leave it the day previous, almost grinning to himself as he sat at the glass table, rummaging through the bag for everything that he’d put in it.
A bottle of wine, because why not, several sweets, a ton of the polaroids you’d taken in the seven years you’d known each other, some fairy lights that he’d hang up so that you weren’t totally and completely in the dark, and a bluetooth speaker that Becky had gotten him that Christmas; one that he’d still not bothered to use, despite the fact that it was almost June. 
“Can I get you anything sir?” Arthur poked his head through the balcony door way, and Pin found himself startled. 
“Uh, yes please. Wine glasses,” Arthur gave a single, solitary nod.
“The dinner that you requested will be here by the time you requested for it,” he responded. “Though, are you really sure fast food is what you want? It doesn’t seem right to celebrate an anniversary with fast food.” Pin forced his gaze to his lap so that Arthur wouldn’t glimpse his smile. 
You’d come from America, just like Zoe had, but you’d moved with your family to the island when you were eleven. You’d met Pin when you were thirteen. 
One summer, Pins father was insistent that he get away from the stables, spend some time somewhere he’d not gone before, travel a little, and your family had agreed to let him spend the eight weeks of summer with you in the united states. 
You’d had your first date in a McDonalds that same summer, when you and Pin were fifteen. He’d felt weirded out, at first. The fact that he’d never eaten from a McDonalds, despite there having been a couple on the island, almost made him confused. You’d gotten chicken nuggets to split and a couple of the pastries to count as a desert of sorts, and thus sparked the relationship.
“No reason,” Pin murmured. “It’s quick. It’s easy, and the last meal that they ate was lunch.” Arthur gave another nod, and Pin began fiddling with the speaker as he heard Arthurs footsteps grow farther and farther away. 
It was a speaker that was almost the size of his hand and designed to look like a vintage radio. Forest green was the color, and the dial on the right side would control volume. The three buttons below the dial were the power button, the on/off button, and the skip button. Pin turned it on, checking the sound quality by playing two MCR songs, silently bopping his head as Arthur returned, the supplies that Pin had asked Arthur to gather in a bag perched neatly on his arm.
Arthur placed the bag on the table wordlessly, leaving Pin to do his thing as he stopped using the speaker,  deciding that the sounds of nature; the river, the rustling of trees and the beautiful view of the sky as the sun grew closer and closer to setting was much better company than Gerard Way scream-singing his lungs out. 
He’d spent the remainder of the time he had working on your gift. At the end of it, he felt proud of himself, even despite how dumb he’d thought the idea was at first.
It was all of his favorite photos of you--polaroids he’d taken via polaroid camera and polaroids that became polaroids when he’d used a polaroid printer alike-- neatly put into a big picture frame, plus a couple of his sweaters that you liked to steal, some of your favorite sweets, and a journal he knew you’d been eyeing at one of the shops. 
Arthur put the McDonalds onto the table in the last ten minutes before eight, putting the wine glasses beside the bag. “I’ll send them here when they’ve arrived,” he murmured, shooting Pin a smile as he turned and walked away. 
Sure enough, ten minutes later, Pin had the dinner mostly set up, the chicken nuggets at the center of the table, fries on either side, wine glasses filled the appropriate amount. 
“You’re lucky I love you, Hawthorne,” Pin was almost breathless as he glanced over to you, putting the bag that he’d put your gift in on the ground to his right. “If you were anyone else, I’d not have waited so long to eat dinner.” You’d worn a simple pair of black jeans, with a black turtleneck and a dark gray blazer overtop. You styled your hair like you always did, and your smile was bright, eyes warm as you looked at him.
“McDonalds and wine,” you sat, putting the gift you’d gotten Pin on the ground to your left, reaching across the table and taking his hand in yours. “The perfect way to a persons heart.”
“Do you like it?” He asked, gesturing to the fairy lights Arthur must’ve put up while he was busy in the world of gift making. They weren’t lit yet, as the sun had barely begun to dip over the horizon, but he’d light them once it grew darker. You nodded.
“It’s absolutely lovely,” you responded. “I didn’t think you’d put this much effort in, to be totally honest.” You were poking at him, pricking gently at his work ethic in the hopes of getting a kiss across the table. 
“I’d have been fine just cuddling the day away,” you admitted. “And I know you would’ve, but thank you. For everything.” He smiled, feeling grateful for Zoe’s suggestion that he use the castles balcony to his advantage when he’d brought his plans up to her and Marcus. 
“You’re welcome,” he responded. 
After that, you lapsed into a comfortable silence, making occasional conversation as you ate and drank. You let Pin ramble about the sick horses at Bright Fields and made a mental note to visit the hospital part of the stables, see how they were doing and make sure they knew that they were loved. As you cleaned up, putting your garbage back into the McDonalds bag, you gave Pin updates on some of the horses around the stables and the wild horses that you and Jade had been tracking. 
“There’s a foal, too!” Pin loved seeing you get so excited, and that was no exception. “I know that we shouldn’t name the wild horses, but I couldn’t help myself, so I named the horse November.”
“Why November?”
“The foals coat is white. Snow is white, and snow happens in November. It just seemed fitting!” You grabbed the bag, going inside only briefly to put it into the nearest trash bin before walking back out and sitting back down. 
Pin grabbed the bag with your gift in it at the same time you grabbed the bag with his. He slid yours to you with a bright smile, and you slid his to him with the same.
You opened yours first. “Your hoodies!” You yelled out, smile turning into a full on beam, “Pin, you know that we’re moving in together in the fall, right? You’re just gonna get these back!” Pin shrugged.
“You get them until the fall, I’ll wash them, wear them a couple of times, and then they’re yours again. I get to see you in my clothes and you get to be warm and comfortable constantly! I call it a win-win situation!” 
“Can’t disagree with that!” You put the sweaters back in the bag, grabbing the photo frame next. 
You sighed, feeling your legs turn to jello as your heart melted. You looked up at him, feeling tears well up in your eyes as you did. “Five years of polaroids,” you whispered. “And you’re giving them back to me?” Pin just shrugged, feeling tempted to round the table, crouch next to you and kiss you senseless, but he resisted. 
“I took photos of them,” he responded, pulling his phone out of his pants pocket and waving it around. “I can always get more copies from the polaroid printer.” You laughed lightly.
“Thank you, Pin, so much.” You’d never stop saying it. You had so much to thank him for. Every smile, every laugh, every dinner date, every ride out into the countryside and every kiss. 
“You don’t need to thank me, love,” he responded. “Theres one more thing in there for you.” He gestured to the bag as you put the photo frame back into it, pulling out the journal you’d been eying a moment later. 
“No fucking way!” You cursed, turning it over in your hands. Pin leaned back into his chair, shrugging while he nodded. 
It was a simple journal: a brown leather bound thing that was the same color as Elvis’s fur, but it had pages that were suitable for practically anything.
“I know you’ve wanted it for a while, and, well, I figured you could use it for just about anything. Sketches, diary entries, even putting bank statements in the thing would make a good use for it,” You slightly stood, planting a kiss to his nose across the table. 
You put the journal back into the bag and gestured to the bag he’d put in his lap. “It’s your turn, duke.”
“Don’t call me that,” he whispered. He narrowed his eyes at you, but the smirk that followed after told you he’d not been serious. 
The first thing he’d pulled out was a scrapbook of the years that you’d spent together. From photos like the victory one that Ted had taken after you’d completed riding lessons, Pin doing a thumbs up on the right side of your horse while you sat on it still, throwing a peace sign and smiling, to random photos you’d taken together. 
Blurry ones that’d been taken with the timer feature. You flipping off the camera while Pin flopped back onto his bed. One from when you were both sixteen, in the middle of turning around, his arms snaked around your waist and yours resting on his shoulders as you kissed, the screen blurred but not so blurred that you couldn’t tell what was happening. 
A couple that Zoe, Jade, Becky and Marcus had taken. You, exhausted, with your head in Pins lap as he fiddled with a camera, curled up and almost hidden from sight in the haybales. You and Pin at the pony prom, slow dancing, looking at each other with nothing but love in your eyes. A shot taken as you and Pin left the stables, backs to the camera, hands interlocked. A photo of you and Pin in the haybales again, you with your head on his chest, his arm around your shoulders, hay in your hair. A laptop sat discarded beside Pins sleeping body, playing old episodes of Criminal Minds. Both of you had sleepy smiles on your faces. 
Pin laughed as he saw more than one picture of you two asleep in the haybales, some taken by Jade, most taken by Zoe, though there were a few shots that’d been taken by his father. 
“I love this,” he glanced up at you, then to the speaker that sat on the edge of the table. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, horse-boy!” He snorted, putting the scrapbook on the table and grabbing the next thing in the bag.
It was a sweater; one that he’d not seen since before his eighteenth birthday. “Thief,” he murmured, folding the sweater and putting it atop the scrapbook. 
“You’re my favorite person,” was your lovestruck retort. He blushed as he grabbed the last thing in the bag.
It was a camera; a polaroid to replace the one that’d been broken in the months before, and it was vintage. 
“You didn’t,” he looks up at you, face showing disbelief as clearly as his voice did. In response, you just shrugged.
“We’ve taken a lot of photos, and you loved the polaroid camera. I used a connection or two that I have and I grabbed it for you.”
“How much was it?” He asked. “We had a limit! No more than fifty pounds!” 
“It was forty nine pounds, and the taming of a wild horse found just outside the coast of Maine. She comes in a couple of days, by the way.” Pin put the things back in the bag and stood, grabbing the speaker and turning it on, connecting his phone to it a minute later.
“You love chaos,” he teased. “But I love you, so I love it by association.” He held his hand out to you, and you took it, giggling as he pulled you in close, bringing you into a passionate kiss that lingered on your lips even after it’d ended. 
He paused only to have Yellow by Coldplay stream through the speaker, putting his phone on the table next to it.
“May I have this dance?” He asked, emphasizing more on his accent in a silly way to get you to laugh. It worked, to his delight, as you nodded, cheeks flushing bright red.
“You may have every dance, if you so wish it,” he felt his cheeks heat up as he pulled you closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead and gently swaying with you as your arms moved to rest at his shoulders and his moved to your waist, wrapping around it, his hands meeting and folding at the small of your back. ‘
He’d found a way to loop the song so that it played a couple of times back to back, but you didn’t mind. You had Pin. You had Pin and his sarcasm, his smiles, his voice, still drenched with sleep in the mornings and his peaceful face while he slept. You had tea in the mornings, quiet afternoons spent riding or in helping horses, and evenings laughing with your friends, Pin at your side. 
You’d known Pin for seven years, and you’d been dating him for five. He was like the lgiht at the end of a very long, very dark tunnel, and he embraced you tightly as you finally escaped it. 
“What makes you happy?” he asked you absentmindedly, just to get to hear the melodic sound of your voice again. You laughed, meeting his gaze with a smile. 
“You, Pin,” you responded. “You make me happy.” He stared at you for a long moment, wishing that he had what he’d kept in his sock drawer since Christmas. 
“What makes you happy?” You repeated.
“You, Y/N. Always you,” you leaned up, pressing your lips to his without so much as thinking twice.
The kiss was messy, and you stumbled backward a little, but you giggled as you did. When you pulled away, you were delighted to find that Pins cheeks were burning as bright as yours, the same red that coated some parts the sky as the sun dipped down the horizon. 
“You’re the love of my life,” Pin was almost in awe at how easily you said it, like you’d been reading off a grocery list or ingredients for a recipe. Pin had wanted to say it since he’d bought the thing that sat in that pathetic little sock drawer, but he’d still not figured out how to say it and make it worthwhile.
“Do you want forever?” The closest he’d get, but he was fine with that, and relieved as you’d nodded. “I promise you forever then, Y/N.”
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romchomp · 3 years
nana rewatch notes- episode 1
the first time i watched nana i was 17, and have avoided rewatching it since. something I thought would be interesting is to rewatch nana as a now 23 yr old. this will end up being a mix of analysis and raw reactions. i originally made this into a twitter thread but i think formatting my rewatch notes into tumblr posts per episode will work a lot better---
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- "hey, nana. do you remember the first time we met?" the way it still goes unmatched. love LOVE the narration in nana
- hachi monologuing abt how beautiful nana is for a straight minute. i missed u queen
-  this one is easier to link 
- it looks like we're already getting into hachi and nana being foils. hachi wanted to go to Tokyo with her boyfriend despite having nothing to do there and the only reason she didn’t go prior was that he didn’t want her to (and end up depending on him). 
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meanwhile, nana refused to go to tokyo with her boyfriend due to her own pride (we don't know this yet).  what's interesting is that while hachi is talking about this, NANA is the one to ask her why she didn't just go with her boyfriend in the first place.
-  I think this speaks on how DIFFERENT nana and hachi find one another 
-  “tell me more!” nana finds hachi interesting!
- got some insight into hachi’s motive, which is entirely based on other people (specifically her boyfriend). her ambition is never her own. well... it IS, but she only wants to be independent in order to be accepted which isn't really independence and will definitely lead  to identity issues and A STRUGGLE TO PRIORITIZE- AKA one of hachi’s most prominent flaws in the series. (i sure hope this won’t end up biting her in the butt later on in the series)
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- something i don't think i picked up on originally is that hachi is... really non-observant LOL. very reactionary and very much in her own little world. it could even come across as selfish or careless despite most of her concerns having to do with pleasing other people.
- probably because she feels that she’s supposed to please others rather than actually wanting to. again... i sure hope this won't end up biting her in the butt later in the series.
-  this isn't to say that she doesn't care about the people close to her. she definitely does and she tries really hard to help the people in her life. she just doesn't seem to know how (this is especially true later on). a lot of this comes down at to hachi’s naivety and she seems to struggle with looking beyond her own perspective. i don't think she realizes that she does this.
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- for example, she cleans shoji’s place with the expectation that it would make him happy when in reality she just wanted to do it and gets upset when he's unhappy she did so. she then immediately feels bad and tries to make up for it.
the accumulation of her two biggest flaws and the series show face: 1) she wants to compromise to everyone's needs and 2) lacks the perception to do so. There is also hachi’s struggle with prioritizing what she wants and what she thinks others want from her.
- yeah something i definitely didn’t pick up on as a teen is that ai yazawa had some obvious commentary on womanhood that she was telling through hachi’s character. and i’m sure i’ll come back to this thought in later episodes.
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-i absolutely LOVE the framing in this scene. if i was any good at making gifs i would’ve made one for this. hachi slowly opening the door to see nana standing center of the apartment/shot... surrounded by the light coming from the window as she slowly turns to hachi...it really makes you think that this is the start of a romance between the two.
- not only is the apartment scene really cute but it's another example of how impulsive hachi is LOL.
- another note on hachi is that this girl is nottttt afraid to dump her feelings on you. I think nana might be the first person to be so receptive towards this part of hachi, which is why their connection is so strong (but also turns into something very unhealthy) 
I think this made nana feel important in some way. which we know is a big thing for her. nana is desperate to feel prioritized (once again... I really hope this doesn't end up biting them in the butt later on in the series)
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- “i really can’t explain why, but when i shook nana’s hand, the warmth was so great that it even warmed my heart.” LOVE LOVEEEEEE this quote. the narration in nana is one of my favorite things about it's just so beautiful. ai yazawa’s writing is it’s own artform honestly
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next episode’s notes
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softmothprince · 4 years
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i rewatched angels of death with friends the other day so i blame that
also this is, like, five pages. 2,659 words. so it’s a long ride. enjoy <3
Her eyes twitch as she keeps from them from rolling, face blank as she stares at the smug bastard in front of her. For the past… whatever time, he’s been standing in front of her and babbling about some kind of bullshit she totally wasn’t paying attention to. She just wanted to take the stuff she bought and go home, where her psycho waits.
While it would be so easy to just shut him down and walk out, everytime she tries to back out of the conversation he just keeps bringing up more questions and random shit. It’s when he tries to pull off what he thinks as a sly move that she finally was done with that and everything to do with this.
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees his hand move, realizing what he wanted to try and do when it slid closer to hers. In one swift move, she pulls her hand from the counter and shoves them into her shorts pockets, giving the guy a disgruntled look. Her shopping bag dangles from one wrist, crinkling as it taps against her thigh.
“Even though this was so ‘fun’, I got better things to do than this.” She says, turning on her heel to walk away- only to be stopped when she sees a familiar man waiting across the street.
While hidden by the shadows, she can easily recognize the bandages on his hands and peeking out of his hoodie. She heaves a sigh, rubbing the back of her neck, before exiting the store. She ties the bag closed and lets it hang from her fingers, jogging across the street and towards the waiting man.
“Hey, I thought you-!” She’s cut off when he abruptly stands up straight and jerks towards her.
A strong hand grabs her arm and easily swings her into the alley, tugging her a good few feet away and around a corner before letting go. She stares at his back silently, watching his shoulders slowly move with his breathing, then opens her mouth to say- His palm suddenly slams into the bricks, startling her into jumping back and yelping.
He moved so fast she didn’t see him turn around and become so… close. She looks up at him, eyes widening at the wide grin he wore. While similar to his usual grin, something about it was more… heated. His other hand is loosely holding his scythe (she hadn’t seen it when she first spotted him- he must’ve had it in the alley), mostly resting it on his shoulder with the stained blade reflecting the light.
The wall is hard, cold and unforgiving on her back, but she ignores it in favour of the hand suddenly grabbing around her throat. She gasps, sucking in air quickly in case he decided to tighten his grip and choke her.
“Come on, little bitch. Who’s your daddy?” He growls into her ear, scraping the shell with his teeth and nips at it. His eyes narrow at her silence, making him lean in enough that their noses touch. “I said- who’s. Your. Daddy?”
“Can’t seem to- ugh, to recall anyone.” She gasps, mouth dropping open when he squeezes her neck tighter. “Agh- Isaac-”
“Aww, poor little bitch doesn’t remember. It seems like I’ll have to… remind you.”
With one final squeeze, he feels her fluttering pulse for a moment longer before letting it trail off of her completely. He makes sure to keep eye contact, only letting his gaze travel away when he sees her face turn a dark shade of red. As he turns away to take the familiar walk home, she opens her mouth again.
“You’re being ridiculous, Isaac. You know I belong to you and only you!”
Again, he moves so fast she has to take a step back and somehow presses more into the wall. He doesn’t grab or even touch her, only his breath hitting her face as their noses nearly bump together.
Her jaw clenches, bottom lip getting caught by her teeth as she holds back another snarky response. He squeezes the handle of his scythe, using it as an anchor of sorts. To keep him from taking his little bratty bitch right then and there in the alley. As much as he wants to stake his claim, he needs to wait.
With a loud huff through his nose, he spins on his heel and snags the bag she had dropped with two fingers. His shoes scuff against the gravel and stone, kicking them across the path.
“Now let’s go.”
It surprises her that they even reached the living room before he pounced. His scythe and the shopping bag is discarded onto the floor as he reaches out and grabs the nape of her neck, dragging her the rest of the way to their room. She nearly trips a few times, but Isaac just jerks her up and pushes her along.
He doesn't even bother to shut the door before he is suddenly ripping and tearing at her clothes. The material of her t-shirt easily rips apart, exposing her skin to his greedy eyes. He wastes no time in running his hands over her breasts and hips, taking care of her shorts next. 
She squeaks and tries to wiggle away while yelling: “Isaac! You can't just-”
“Too bad, you should’ve thought of that before being such a brat.” He grunts, letting the fabric drop onto the floor and going to her panties and bra. “I have no patience for this shit anymore so shut up while I do this.”
“Like you did with that bastard?”
Her jaw almost clicks with how fast she snaps it closed. When she is finally stripped of all forms of fabric, he sits down and yanks her over his lap.
"Hands under your head."
She swallows, moving her hands from where she was gripping the blankets and crosses them to lay her head on her arms. Without warning, he lands one quick slap onto her ass, gripping the flesh and grins with a cackle when she yelps.
“Now, my little bratty bitch, I’m going to spank you and you are going to count each and every one of them. You misscount? I’ll start over. Give me lip? I start over. You do anything I don’t think is good girl behavior, I start over.” He tilts her head back by grabbing her hair and pulling, leaning over to stare into her glazed over eyes.
“Do you understand my rules?”
A loud slap, followed by him tugging her hair tighter into his fist.
“Yes. What? Address me properly.”
“Yes, sir.”
He hums, rubbing his hand over the red skin. His finger occasionally pressed onto a dark bruise scattered here and there, remembering when he made those little hickies two days prior. Then, a loud smack echoes around them, being drowned out by her yelp.
Her ears ring from the sound of her own voice and the loud slapping of Isaac's palm on her bare ass. She made the mistake of shifting over his lap after counting to ten, resulting in him growling and telling her to start over. There would be no sitting later, she can already tell.
"Tw-twen-twenty…" She gasps, nails digging into her palms.
She waits for another one, but is both relieved and slightly upset that he rolls her off his lap and onto the bed. The cool sheets feel strange on her stinging flesh, but she ignores it as her legs are shoved apart to show her soaked cunt. The inside of her thighs were slick and sticky.
"That really turned you on? What a slut." He scoffs, yet a wide smirk spreads across his face when she whines. "You like being called a slut, huh little bitch? My little slut is more like it."
He trails his fingers up her leg and skirts over her hip bone, pressing his palm against her stomach to hold her down when his other hand toys with her pussy. His fingers slip inside with just a small push, obscene sounds ringing in her ears as he moves them.
“This cunt is mine, you got that? I caused this mess between your thighs and it’s gonna stay that way.” He purrs, leaning down to cover her nipple with his mouth and strokes his tongue in time with his fingers.
He switches to her other breast as his thumb pushes and rubs her clit, growling in satisfaction when she cries out and bucks her hips up.
“Who do you belong to?” He asks, looking up at her with half-lidded eyes.
She swallows and gasps, before closing her mouth with a bratty grin appearing. Though it quickly vanishes when he roughly scrapes his fingers inside her pussy, aggressively rubbing her g-spot.
“I said: Who. Do. You. Belong. To?”
“Yo-you! Please, pl-EASE~!”
His thumb disappears from her clit and he pulls his fingers out, cutting off any stimulation. He digs his nails into her hips, holding them in place while she spasms and growls at him in frustration. 
“Not good enough, princess. Up.”
He grabs her wrist and tugs her up, making her straddle his hips while he leans back onto the mattress himself. His clothed dick rubs her pussy and clit, the material of his jeans sending jolts up her nerves, before he shoves her to sit on his thighs.
“Go on, my little bitch. Take out my dick.” He purrs, rubbing and squeezing her thighs. Maybe if she was a good girl, he’ll make her sit on his face and suffocate him with those thighs~
She whines, going to grind against his leg- only to be stopped when he lands a slap onto her still stinging ass.
“What did I say? Do it before I leave you to squirm.”
She knows he wouldn’t. They both know he wants to jump her and never stop. So, with a small pout, she unloops his belt and tosses it to the floor, popping the button of his jeans and tugs them and his underwear down his thighs until she can pull his dick out. It’s an angry red, drooling precum down the shaft, bobbing when she gently touches it.
As she goes to try and stroke it, he grabs her wrist with a narrow glare. It’s a silent threat, but she picks it up easily and nods with another pout. Her knees sink into the bed as she rises up on them, moving to angle his cock head with her hole. Swallowing the saliva threatening to drool out, she slowly lowers down.
His cock pushes through with little to no difficulty, rubbing all the right places. Before reaching the hilt, she stops and pulls her head out from his shoulder, looking into his eyes with a slightly uncomfortable look.
“Isaac it- I can’t-”
“Come on, you can take it.” He grumbles, digging his fingers into her hip and forces her the rest of the way down. The sudden rough thrust almost makes her cum, but his strength keeps her from moving. “You cum right now, I will put you over my knee again.” Isaac’s teeth abuse the shell of her ear, nibbling enough that teeth marks appear.
He bites the crook of her neck next, before tangling his fingers into her hair to pull her backwards. This allows him to lean down and nibble around her breasts, moaning into the valley between them.
“Fuck, I love your tits. I love how they look with my teeth and marks all over them~”
“With how often you bite me, they never look diffe-RENT!”
She chokes on her words when he suddenly lifts her up and drops her back down, slamming his cock deep inside her.
“What was that, little bitch? Got something to say? Go on, say it.” He mumbles against her chest, picking her up again and letting her fall back down.
Her mouth drops open, the only sounds pouring out being moans and curses. He is easily reminded why his favorite sound is her choking out his name.
“That- ugh, that the best you go-got?” She pants, squealing when he suddenly grabs her throat again.
He falls back flat onto the bed, pulling her with him and forcing the angle of his cock to change. And if the loud sob she let out tells him anything, he found that little spot of nerves.
“You may be on top, but-” He jerks her down more, brushing their lips together with a manic grin. “I still own you. Your heart, mind, body- everything is mine.”
She can hear her response in her head, but all that comes out of her mouth is a loud sob followed by begging. Isaac turns his head away, choosing to focus on the skin of her neck that isn’t covered by his hand. He sucks and nips at the supple flesh, traveling down to her collarbone and shoulder.
His teeth sink into her shoulder, making her throw her head back with a loud sob. The hands around her neck and hip are so tight she can feel the bruises already, yet the sting from his bite overpowers them. 
“Mineminemineminemi-MINE!” His voice cracks when he cums, hips faltering for only a moment before going back to the brutal pace. “Take it- take my cum. Take all of it. I’m gonna stuff you so there is no denying who you belong to. You’ll be dripping for days.”
The deep groans rumbling from his chest occasionally hitch into a higher tone, before dropping back down. Once satisfied, he slows his thrusts until he finally just presses their hips together, sitting still. They both shake and breathe heavily, fingers unclenching from bruised and bleeding skin, rubbing the spots silently.
With a soft, slightly higher groan, he pulls out and briefly sits up to look between her legs. Her pussy is swollen and red, drooling a mix of their cum onto the bed. He lets out a satisfied sigh, running a hand through his hair and tugging at it as he looks around the room.
When he doesn’t find what he’s looking for, Isaac stands from the bed and leaves his girl trembling and still riding her high. She hums and curls her fingers into the blankets, letting the soft material ground her. The mattress dips again, alerting her of his presence.
His fingers gently tap her thigh, warning her before he presses a wet cloth to the sensitive flesh. Small sighs pour out from her lips, her head rolling around when the cloth pushes against her clit. She barely registers him moving her around, feeling him slip a shirt over her head and a pair of panties up her legs.
The warmth of his body disappears and she feels the bed move as he gets up again, before it sinks beside her and a soft blanket is tugged over her body. The feeling of Isaac touching her cheek makes her eyes flutter open, finding said man (now in his lounging clothes) laying next to her silently.
His eyes look over her face, taking in the sweat and red flush. Without a word, he leans in and presses his forehead against hers, trailing his hand from her face to gently stroking her pulse with his thumb. He could easily choke her like this, see the light disappear from her eyes as she struggles-
He tilts his head, laying his lips softly over hers and huffs in amusement when she mumbles incoherently. Her fingers curl loosely around his wrist, holding it in place around her throat. A silent form of trust. He snorts, moving to grab her hand and lifts it to his lips to press a kiss to it, before curling his arms around her.
“Brat.” He whispers, hiding his face into her hair.
She smiles, nuzzling into his collarbone.
“I’m your brat. Don’t forget it.”
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Everything Has Changed [Zuko x Reader]
Title: Everything Has Changed Summary: Even after returning to the Fire Nation, you weren't happy. Zuko on the other hand seemed to be having a lot better time. Maybe, he would be better off without you here, ruining his happiness. Warnings: A little bit of angst? Request: N/A
A/N: This wasn't requested, but I've been rewatching ATLA recently because it's been added onto Netflix and I'm feeling inspired <3
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Zuko~Everything Has Changed
You'd been Zuko's best friend for as long as you could remember. And, although the friendship hadn't always been easy -the Prince had quite a famous temper- you couldn't even imagine a world in which you weren't friends. This is why the inner turmoil you were feeling inside was making you feel all the more guilty.
     You had returned back to the Fire Nation when Zuko had reclaimed his honour by fighting the Avatar along with his sister, Azula. Since you didn’t side with the Avatar and the 'traitor' Iroh, you'd been welcomed back with open arms. However, it wasn't quite the life you were expecting. You were still happy for Zuko! Of course- this is what he'd always wanted. In fact, you'd always supported Zuko in his journey to find the Avatar but something about this felt wrong. Especially since Aang had helped Zuko's uncle, Iroh, to find and rescue Zuko from the caves under Ba Sing Sai.
     So, now you were stuck in a very difficult position.
    It had almost been a month since you and Zuko had returned to the Fire Nation, and yet you'd barely spoken a word to each other. Once, you had felt like he was the only soul in the universe that understood you completely… And, now? It felt like you didn’t even know him. He'd been far too busy celebrating the fact he was now recognised as the Crown Prince. You'd also noticed that he'd been spending more time with Mai- along with Azula and Ty Lee.
    That didn’t sit right with you. As long as you live, you promised yourself you would never trust Azula. Where she was involved, it meant trouble. She was the type of person that always had an ulterior motive- even when there didn't seem a need for one.
     And, as for Ty Lee and Mai, you just saw them as Azula's attack dogs. Not that she needed help fighting people, but you couldn't exactly call them her friends. Azula didn't have friends. That required her to care about other people. The only way she knew how to relate to people was through fear. Yet another reason you found to keep as far away from her as possible.
     Zuko seemed to be doing the same to you. Maybe him and Azula were more alike than you thought.
     You had gone down to the Royal Gardens for some peace. As much as the 'Hero's Welcome' was a good ego booster, it wasn't good for the soul. And, right now you were doing some serious soul searching. You'd helped the Fire Nation. You'd fought the Avatar. You should feel good. Right? Except you didn’t, you felt awful. When Aang was shot down, all you could see was a child. A 12 year old kid who hadn't chosen this role in the world. Who was just trying to survive. Who was trying to help the universe.
     Sighing, you put your head in your hands. What had you done? What had Zuko done? You thought of Uncle Iroh… How you had betrayed him. You told yourself that you were doing it to survive, that you couldn’t survive a Fire Nation Prison, but the truth was that you were a coward. A coward who couldn’t do the right thing.
     You hadn’t realised you had started crying until your tears had slipped down your cheeks. Quickly, you wiped them away. Crying was weakness.
     Your attention was caught by a small turtle duck quacking loudly. He appeared to be suck in a weed within the pond, meaning he was separated from his family. You could sense his distress from where you sat. Gently, you moved to the little creature, and slowly removed the weeds from around the turtle duck. Hurriedly, he swam to his mother, who welcomed him immediately. You watched the family of ducks swim happily away. Together. Loved.
     "Why can't I just be like you, little turtle duck?" you murmur to yourself, "You seem so happy. I wish I could feel like that again."
    It was only then you noticed how dark it had gotten. It was best to return to your room before the guards started asking questions- and 'suggesting' you return to safety. Despite being welcome in the palace, it felt more like a prison.
   What you hadn't realised while you had been sat in the gardens, was that you hadn't entirely been alone. Zuko had walked past the entrance to the caught yard and you had caught his eye. At first he saw a glimmer of his mother sitting by the pond. She had always loved animals, especially feeding the turtle ducks. But then his vision cleared and he had seen you. It made his heart sink. He hadn't spoken to you in weeks. He didn't entirely know why…
     Zuko watched you disappear out of the garden and down the corridor… Away from him.
     He hated to admit it but being back in the Fire Nation wasn't bringing him the happiness he thought it would. His honour had technically been restored and yet he was feeling more ashamed than ever.
     Part of him wanted to follow you; the other half knew he should visit Mai as he had promised earlier. The latter part of him won, but he couldn't help but look back in your direction. As soon as he reached Mai's room, he knocked softly.
     "Hey, what took you so long?" Mai asked, dragging him into the room, "I thought you'd never show up."
     "Ah," Zuko let out, "I didn’t- I just got caught up. That's all."
     "Whatever," Mai smiled.
     As much as Zuko wanted to enjoy his girlfriend's company, you were still nagging on his mind. Even when Mai was speaking, he was still thinking back to you. How sad you looked. How guilty he felt about ignoring you. Mai started noticing how distant Zuko was being.
    "Okay, what's going on?"
     "Nothing," Zuko said defensively.
    "What's with you? You don’t have to snap at me. I was just asking a question," Mai replied, leaning away and folding her arms.
     Zuko sighed.
    "I'm sorry. I'm just tired," he said, "I need to go. We'll talk tomorrow."
     Mai attempted to reply but Zuko was gone.
You'd been inside your head for the past hour. It was as if everything was slowly coming together. You knew what you had to do now. It wouldn’t be easy- but when was the right thing to do ever easy? Some part of you broke knowing you'd have to leave Zuko behind but in the end you couldn't let him control your destiny- not when he seemed to want no part in your future.  
     You began packing as quickly as you could. Throwing a few items of clothing into a bag as well as some medicine, basic hygiene products and a blanket. You didn't know where you were going but you knew you had to get out.
     Just as you finished packing, you heard a knocking at the door.
    "Hello?" you reply after a moment of hesitation.
    Zuko hesitated.
    "Who's there?" you replied, walking closer to the door.
    With one hand you slowly began opening the door, with the other you had a small flame building. It never hurt to take a precaution when living in a place like the Fire Nation.
    You fully opened the door and saw Zuko: you were stunned for a moment.
    "Zuko?" you asked.
    Gently, you let your hand drop, and the flame went out with it. You opened the door and walked back into your room, leaving it open to Zuko whether he was going to follow or not. He was surprised at your lack of response. He was expecting you to cry at him or yell at him, but there was nothing.
    He followed you into your room and shut the door behind you.
    "Don't you want to know why I'm here?" Zuko asks.
    "I don't think it's going to matter much longer," you tell him, "I don't think anything you're about to say is going to matter much longer, Prince Zuko."
    "Prince Zuko?" he repeated, "You've never called me that. Not even when we were kids."
    "Yeah, well things have changed since then."
    "For the better!" Zuko insisted, "You're telling me you preferred it when we were sailing in the frozen South Pole for weeks at a time than being a war hero in your own nation? You can't be serious?"
     "Maybe I did."
    "You can't be serious! I- We were miserable!"
   "Maybe you were! I wasn't!" you yelled at him, walking closer to him, "I had my best friend! I don't even know who you are anymore! You haven't spoken to me in weeks!"
   "Y/N, I-"
    "-No! Don't Y/N me!" you snapped at him, pressing a finer to his chest, "I was there for you. I never stopped believing in you. I never left your side. But, the moment you get back here, the moment you have your precious honour back, you forget I even exist!"
   Zuko was silent.
   "And, the saddest part is that I waited for you," you murmured, all your anger gone, "I waited. I thought maybe you're just busy, off doing Prince stuff. But, then I saw you with Mai. Even Azula. And, I knew something had changed. I thought I was your friend; that we had a friendship that was unbreakable. But, now I see you were just using me as a replacement. As a place holder."
   "No," Zuko cried out, "That's not true."
   You turned away, trying not to let him see your tears building.
   "Then tell me why I feel this way. A stranger in my own nation. A prisoner in my own nation."
   "I'm sorry… I didn't think-"
   "-No you didn't think."
   Zuko tried to reach out towards you. And, then he noticed your bag on your bed. It was full and there was items strewn around your room. Something was going on.
   "Y/N, what are you doing? What do you mean it's not going to matter anymore?"
  "I'm leaving."
   "You can't."
   "I have to."
   "You can't leave me here, please," Zuko pleaded.
   "You'll be just fine," you sadly smiled, "You haven't needed me since you got back. I'm sure you won't even notice I'm gone."
    "That's not true!" Zuko argued.
   "Then what is the truth?"
   "The reason… The reason I couldn’t talk to you… Is because every time I looked at you I was remined of that day in Ba Sing Sei," Zuko murmured, "I… I've realised I made the wrong decision that day. Looking at you just reminded me I didn't need to be in the Fire Nation to be home. I just needed you."
   "Oh, Zuko."
   "I'm sorry," he murmured, "I truly am. I'll do anything to make it up to you. Anything."
   "Leave with me."
   "I want to leave," Zuko promised, "But it needs to be the right time. The solstice."
   "I'll wait," you agreed, "But promise me something."
   "Promise me things will be different this time. I'm tired of fighting against the world's last hope. I'm tired of not doing the right thing."
   "I know my destiny now. My uncle helped me see the light," Zuko said quietly, "I know what I must do now. I'm going to find the Avatar, and I'm going to help him defeat the Fire Lord."
   "Not 'I'. We. I'm coming with you."
    Zuko nodded at you. And, for the first time in what felt like forever he had hope.
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flyersheartbreaker · 3 years
Forever By Your Side| Isaac Ratcliffe
a/n: this is my first imagine that I am officially publishing! I am very excited to share all of my writing content and series with you guys :)
Pair: Isaac Ratcliffe x reader
Summary: Watching your boyfriend Isaac get seriously hurt during one of his home games and watching him battle through the toughest injury a hockey player could battle, so he can continue on with dream playing in the NHL
Warnings: Hockey Injuries, Cussing, Cute Fluff
Word Count: 3,321 words
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It was just another ordinary Sunday afternoon watching a game live from the PPL center here in Allentown, Pennsylvania or so I thought. The game was going really well with the Phantoms up 3-1 on the Hershey Bears half way through the second period. There was your beloved star-studded boyfriend number 19 carrying the puck up against the boards through the neutral zone when suddenly bam everything went to complete silence, except for that shear sound that you wish you could so badly get out of you head.
I jumped out of my seat and darted up the stairs from the lower-level seats that I was sitting in with some of the other girlfriends. I can hear the god-awful scream ringing in my ears over and over again that was coming down from ice level. The crowd was silent, so quiet that you could probably hear a pin drop and when that happens you know for a fact that it isn’t good. Nothing ever good comes from silence at a time like this and I needed to get down to the locker rooms as quick as possible.
Isaac got hit hard up against the boards and fell awkwardly down to the ground, and his right foot looked like it twisted the wrong way. He's had rough collisions before, but never like this. Isaac is a big dude that you surely didn’t want to ending up colliding with, but this time it looked like Isaac got the wrong end of the play. I never in my life ever heard him yell in absolute pain like the wat he was when the trainers and his teammates were trying to help his 6-foot-6 body off of the ice.
My heart was in my stomach as I was racing down the stairs that would lead me to the home locker rooms. I quickly flashed my team badge to the security guard Frank without saying a word. He must have known it wasn’t good either, as he told me to breathe and be careful myself as I jumped down the last few steps.
If Isaac had a season ending injury, it would kill him. He was just heating up and playing his best hockey yet and working his ass off day in and day out so he could eventually make the Flyers roster within this season or even next season for sure. But if his season is over that means his chances of getting to the NHL level could be too and that would just destroy him completely.
As soon as I rounded the corner to the trainer's office, I saw him being helped on to the examine table. His face was as red as a cherry, and he was in a lot of pain. The trainers quickly started icing the area the best that they could as they slowly untied his skate and too it off of him.
“He is definitely going to need some X-Rays done immediately and possibly an MRI as well depending on what the results of the X-Rays are.” The Phantoms trainer Brian Grogesky said to Neil who was one of the Phantoms physicians.
“Jeff and Robert are on their way down from the press box and getting the emergency X-Ray equipment ready. In the mean time you need to relax the best that you can Isaac.” Neil said to Isaac as Isaac tried his best laying down comfortably on the examine table.
Both Brian and Neil noticed me standing outside of the door of the trainer's room and signaled me to come on in, in hopes that Isaac could ease up and relax a little bit more with me by his side.
“Hello, y/n! Looks like we got a live one here and that big boy landed pretty hard on that ankle of his.” Brian said trying to make light of the situation.
Isaac sat up on his elbow and looked me dead in the eyes. I can see and feel the pan behind them, my heart sank even more for him. I just want him to be okay, I want him to be able to play the rest of this season, he worked way too fucking hard for this to happen to him.
“Hey babes, how is the pain?” I said walking over to Isaac and grabbing his hand while kissing him ever so lightly and carefully.
“It's a bitch babe if I am being honest. I’m trying not to think of the worst, but I can’t help it. This isn’t fair, why me? Why fucking me?” Isaac said in more frustration.
“Isaac, don’t get too far ahead of yourself. We don’t know the actual results just yet. But whatever the outcome is you can come back from it stronger than ever. Hockey injuries is sometimes apart of the game as silly and stupid as it sounds, but you’re a fighter and you got this.” Neil said as he placed another bag of ice on Isaac’s ankle.
“They are right babe, your team trainers, physicians and any other doctors have your best interests. Let’s get you into the X-Ray room and then go from there okay big guy.” I said while planting another kiss onto Isaac’s lips.
Jeff brought in some crutches for Isaac to use, so they can take him down the hall to get the X-Rays taking care of. I am hoping that is all that Isaac is going to need and that whatever it is, it's a quick recovery.
After a few short minutes Isaac was crutching back out of the X-Ray room with a look of disappointment on his face.
“Oh no babe...how bad is it?” I asked him while he collects himself.
“It’s not broken...but they are sending me for an MRI early tomorrow morning to see if that shows up with anything and then go from there.” He said in a low tone.
“Well, that is a plus sign that it isn’t broken. You got to be positive about this honey, you need to be optimistic. You can't be negative. Everything is going to work out for the best. Hopefully it's just a minor sprain and you will be back on the ice in no time.” You told Isaac as you wrapped yourself around his side.
All of Isaac’s staff and trainers helped Isaac out of the arena and to his car and safety got him into the passenger seat while, I got into Isaac’s driver's seat.
“Alright, make sure when you get home you put more ice on that ankle for at least 15-20 mins on and then same time off. Do it throughout the night if you can and also, make sure you are using the crutches as much as possible and for the love of God Isaac do not put any pressure on that ankle until after we get the MRI results and see exactly what is going on. We don’t want to make the injury any worse than what it could already be. Try to get some much-needed rest and we will see you in the morning.” Brian said closing the passenger door.
The ride back to Isaac’s apartment complex was extremely quiet. I didn’t know what to say or what to do, so I just let Isaac sit there and pounder in his thoughts alone without me distracting him. Which probably wasn’t a good idea, because I know my boyfriend, I know for a fact that he is thinking the worst possible scenario that he could think of right now.
I helped Isaac out of the car and into the elevators up to his apartment and got him comfortably settled on the couch with his foot/ankle elevated and two ice packs placed on the injured area.
“Do you want or need anything? You want me to bring out another pair of comfy clothes for you?” You asked Isaac as you placed a pillow behind his head/back and placed a blanket right by him as well.
“No, I’m fine...” He whispered as scrolled on his iPad to rewatch the ending of the game and rewatch highlights and the moment of his injury.
You so badly, wanted to say something along the lines to him like "babe don’t be watching that now, it wasn’t your fault, there was nothing that you could have done to prevented that from happening, so on and on.” But deep down you knew nothing would make him feel better until he knew what the main results were. And as the night went on, you could see the realization hit him that this was going to keep him out for a while. He just looked sad, and drained.
After a couple of hours, another X-Ray, and an MRI later, you and Isaac were sitting there waiting in the trainer's office for the results from both the trainer and team doctors.
Both Brian and Jeff walk in with a folder which I assume held the test results for Isaac’s ankle/foot.
“Well, the good news is the second X-Ray that we took this morning once again showed that there was no brake in both the ankle and the foot.” Brian said.
“And what about the MRI? What did the MRI show?” Isaac asked nervously.
I grabbed Isaac’s hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I could see the look on both Brian’s, Jeff’s, and even Coach Gordon’s face that this news that they are about to give doesn’t seem to be very promising.
Jeff cleared his throat ever so calmly and spoke. “The MRI came back with a high ankle sprain injury which means we really don’t have a timetable for you to return to at this point of time. This type of injury is extremely difficult to recover from quickly. So, with that being said we need to place you on injury reserve indefinitely until we get more of a clear view on this injury.”
“Out indefinitely...so that could mean that I might be done for the season?” Isaac ever so softly spoke.
“Unfortunately, yes Rat...I am so sorry and with it being late into the season already we don’t want to risk anything further and do anymore damage to the ankle. Brian, Jeff and myself all agreed on shutting you down for the remainder of this year. So, it’s better for you to take this time to heal carefully and properly and then eventually rehab it back to full strength without any other necessary tests or worse case scenario surgeries. Then once you have healed properly, we can train and get you back to 100 percent for next year's rookie and training camp.” Coach Scott Gordon said while looking at both Isaac and myself.
My heart broke ever so much for Isaac, this isn’t fair. I know injuries can be a part of the game sometimes, but why did this have to happen to Isaac and why now?! He has been killing it day in and day out since being drafted in 2017. He deserves his chance at playing at the NHL and now with this setback is he ever going to make it to that level?
The ride to Isaac’s apartment was once again a quiet one and this time I don’t blame him. I mean how is he supposed to react to something like this? What is he supposed to say or do when your head coach, trainer and team doctor shut you completely down for God knows how long.
Isaac settled down on the couch and tossed his crutches to side and unstrapped his high ankle boot so he can comfortably rest his ankle on the pillow in front him.
"Baby, I am so fucking sorry that is happening, it’s not right nor is it fair to you." I said, resting my head on his shoulder while getting cozy next to him.
"What if this is it for me? What if I can't play anymore after this?" He asks, eyes filling with tears.
"Hey, hey, hey, don't say that.  You being negative will only make that happen. You are a fighter Rat...you are one tough, strong as hell hockey player who will power through this. I promise you that." I said grabbing his hand and interlocking our fingers together, while placing a kiss on his hand.
A tear rolls down his cheek ever so slightly. "All I wanted to do was be that excitement that both the Lehigh and Philly fans need. All I wanted ever so badly was to have my chance to make it to the NHL level and it got taken away from me. Why do bad things happen to good people?" Isaac asked broken and frustrated.
Once he started crying, I had lost it. Nothing I could do, or say would take that pain away from him and it just broke my heart. I went into the kitchen and I just cried as grabbed him more ice packs from the freezer. How am I supposed to look at the man that I love, and not have my heart shatter like glass when I look into those eyes that were once so shiny, and bright, but now shows nothing at all?  I have no idea the pain he is going through or the frustrating emotions he is now going through as well and I feel terrible.
I eventually collected myself and walked back out into the living room and ever so easily and softly place the ice packs on the injured area and took my seat back on the couch next to Isaac.
"That's the crappy thing about life.” I breathed as I took a deep breathe myself and continued on. “For some reason, it always attacks the good ones, and praises the hell out of the bad ones." I sob, wiping away not only my own tears but also his tears once again. "We'll get through this. I promise. It'll be hard, and it'll be long, but we're going to pull through this." I tell him as I run my hand through his hair.
He squeezes my other hand tightly. "What if during my time out things don’t get better and I need to get surgery, and it's worse than they thought? That could happen. What if they see that my injury is worse than what they thought and that I am out on the shelf even longer and I completely miss this upcoming season as well? Or worse they tell me that I can't do this anymore?" He asks, gasping for air. "I don't want that to happen and I'm scared to death that it will."
I snuggled beside him even more then I already was, resting my head on his chest, sobbing harder than I was before, because I honestly hate when he thinks that he isn’t good enough or he thinks his career is over because of a minor setback or in this case a possible major setback. "Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay? Just for now, it's a bump in the road. No journey to greatness is a smooth one Isaac. Whatever the hell happens next, we'll face it together as a team, because I am not leaving your side and letting you fight this injury alone. I know that you so badly want to break and that you feel like this the end of the road, but you need to keep pushing and listen to the training staff and follow their instructions."
"I love you so much." He tells me, sniffling. "Thank you for helping me with this, baby, I couldn’t do this without you" Isaac said while planting a soft and slow kiss on my lips
"I'll help you through anything. No matter what." I said while smiling and kissing him softly back.
It was battle to get Isaac’s ankle back to a healthy, normal, and stable ankle for a hockey player at his height and weight but we were able to do it. It was a long road and journey until Isaac was back out on the ice skating again and preparing himself for this upcoming training camp season.
Isaac looked and felt good, until one day right before the Flyers condensed training camp something didn’t seem right with him.
Isaac met up with Flyers trainer Jim McCrossin and after a deep examination we found out that Isaac was suffering from a fractured rib and a collapsed lung. We don’t know how exactly this had happen or when it happened. It could have been from when he fell during his ankle injury or from being hit during Rookie Camp, we don’t have the answers right now. And once again, here I am watching my boyfriend being completely destroyed and devastated all over again.
Isaac became instantly depressed, and much worst this time around because he knew there was no chance of making the Flyers squad this season and who knew when he could lace up for the Phantoms season as well. But thank God for Jim McCrossin who helped Isaac get the right and special care that he needed and got him completely healthy so he could play for the rest of this Phantoms season as well.
Isaac was getting game day dressed for a home game here in Allentown. I sat on the bed and watched/admire him as he fixes his tie in the mirror.
"Try not to worry about tonight so much baby, you are going to absolutely kill it out there like always. Once you get out on that ice, I have no doubt in my mind you will play just like how you used to before all of these setbacks. And just remember that no matter how easy, or how hard tonight’s game is going to be I'll be here for you always. But also, please promise me one thing, that if you don’t feel right to let your staff know immediately because I never want to see you get hurt like this again.” I said walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his torso.
"I promise babe, I know that I need to take my health more seriously and whatever happens, happens. One day I will make my dream a reality and officially play in the NHL, but for the time being I got to focus on the now and my health." He said as he spun around and kissed me.
Watching Isaac warm up made my heart race and beat fast. But it was all worth seeing him back out there skating with the team and his boys. He looked so good and happy out on the ice and that is all that I could ever ask for.
The journey was extremely hard and long this past summer and fall for both Isaac and I, but in the end it definitely made us a stronger unit in our relationship and it has totally made Isaac a stronger hockey player both physically and mentally.
After the game, I bolted down to the locker room this time excitedly to see my boyfriend, not in a complete shear panic like last time and waited for Isaac to come out after he was done with the media.
The door swung open and I immediately saw Isaac and jumped right into arms like a little high school girl. “Babeee, you were beyond amazing tonight! I am so very proud of you, how are you feeling?” I asked nervously but giddy at the same time.
Isaac picked me up and kissed me ever so passionately before answering any of my questions that I just threw at him. “I felt good and still feel good. It was awesome to be back out on that ice again playing with the boys in front of our home crowd, their excitement and energy helped out a lot. But truthfully, I couldn’t have done any of this without you, y/n. I love you so much and I can’t wait to continue this amazing hockey journey with you right by myside.”
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retvenkos · 4 years
romantic at heart | m.
Legend of Korra - Mako x Reader, fluff
tw: none
word count: 4.6k
A/N: canon? who needs her? certainly not this fic. korrasami deserved to be canon earlier so i vaguely mentioned it, and mako and bolin’s apartment is the perfect setting don’t @ me.
Summary: Mako has always had bad luck when it comes to love, but with (Y/n), things feel easy. So why, then, is it so hard to admit it?
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the three times he didn’t say it, and the one time he did.
“I’m telling you guys, this is going to be great! Part Four is my favorite in The Adventures of Nuktuk: Hero of the South!” 
Mako shared an amused look with (Y/n) as Bolin led the way into the darkened theater, holding open the door for the group to enter. Asami and Korra passed hand in hand, and when (Y/n) walked past Bolin, they tossed a piece of popcorn at him and Bolin caught it in his mouth.
Mako brought up the rear of the group, and as they walked up to find their seats, he whispered, “How many parts are there, Bo?”
“Seven! And the Finale’s great, don’t get me wrong, but it just doesn’t have the heart that part four does.”
“That’s just because he kisses Ginger,” (Y/n) leaned in and whispered to Mako, earning an incredulous “hey!” from Bolin.
“How’d that work out, by the way?” Asami turned to the earthbender with what sounded like genuine curiosity and Bolin chuckled nervously.
“Ah, well, you know, the hearts of mover stars are fickle, so we didn’t last long… there was something about it being a publicity stunt, but that didn’t make much sense, so…”
“Well it’s her loss,” Korra elbowed Bolin in the side with a smile and he forced a chuckle.
“She doesn’t deserve you, Bo.”
“Yeah, you’re a great mover star.”
A few people in the theater shushed them, and the group settled down into their chairs, just moments before the lights dimmed further and the mover started. The disembodied voice of Varrick boomed through the speakers with a recap of the previous 3 parts of the daring adventure, and everyone fell silent, slowly getting sucked into the mover before them.
Ever since their debut, the Nuktuk movies were a success - a staple of Republic City culture - getting replayed in theatres again and again. After learning that Mako hadn’t seen Nuktuk in its entirety, Bolin called for a state of emergency and got the whole group together so they could schedule a time for a complete rewatch of the seven-part masterpiece.
Mako had been planning to make some excuse - a series of cases that Beifong put him up to, or a slew of paperwork that some higher-paid coworkers pawned off onto him. It wouldn’t be the first time he had to miss something for work, and it wouldn’t be the first attempt at lying to get out of a viewing party. Just three months ago he narrowly avoided a showing of Love amongst the Dragons by faking sickness and saying that Beifong told him to sleep all day so he could be back at work the next. Everyone but Bolin believed him, and Bolin (who didn’t want to see it either but promised Asami he would go) let it slide.
After that, Bolin was better at guessing when Mako was lying, and whenever he needed Mako’s compliance, he set (Y/n) up to the task of cajoling Mako to come along.
So far, their track record had been impeccable.
(Y/n) chuckled at something they saw on screen, and Mako turned to them. “How many cases of Vari-dye do you think Varrick sold after that product placement?” They gestured to the screen where the once blonde Ginger flagrantly mentioned her hair dye product before becoming a, well… ginger. The script was somehow able to loosely tie the product placement into the plot, but the moment earned a couple of well-earned laughs throughout the theater.
“Millions, most likely. Aren’t these movers big in Ba Sing Se?”
“As comedies,” (Y/n) muttered, leaning in, clearly trying to keep their voice down so Bolin didn’t hear. The theater around them was dark and silent, but the light reflected in (Y/n)’s eyes was full of life and mirth. Mako found himself unable to look away.
He cleared his throat, “You do have to give it to Nuktuk and his comedic timing.”
“And Juji’s heart-wrenching death and subsequent resurrection.”
Mako found himself chuckling at their lame joke, and for once, he didn’t mind. (Y/n) smiled triumphantly, as though they had accomplished something truly grand, and angled their bag of popcorn towards Mako. He took some and popped a piece in his mouth, his laughter still dying on his lips. 
“Varrick must be quite the director, to get you to laugh in a totally serious, not-a-comedy mover.”
“Varrick?” and there was just enough suggestion in Mako’s words to say all that he couldn’t, though why he couldn’t seem to get anything else out, he didn’t know.
Things were always easy with (Y/n); their smiles were soft and infectious, their tactics in getting him to open up were effortless and effective, and falling in love with them had been the most simple and uncomplicated thing in this world. It should have been with such ease that Mako told them that it was them that got him into the theater and their corny comments that made him burn inside, like a thousand dying comets that took the form of shooting stars.
But for some reason, he was stuck.
Unsurprising, really, Mako had never really had luck when it came to love and even friendship. There was always something complicating things; there were always two sides of him, fighting the other for reasons even he couldn’t fathom. Eventually, one of them would lose. Eventually, something would give. 
But until that eventuality…
“I suppose I am quite the comedian. Should I write a screenplay?” (Y/n) was speaking, but something in their demeanor was different - a little stunned - like they hadn’t considered something before and it was only now dawning on them, slowly, but comfortably. Easy. “It would have to be a sequel to Nuktuk, of course. Maybe I can introduce the grumpy, mysterious fire-bender who he’s now forced to share a quest with?”
(Y/n) nudged him in the shoulder, already rolling their eyes at their own idea. Mako looked down, suddenly interested in picking the perfect piece of popcorn. “Yeah. If you’re making it, why not?”
(Y/n) snorted and turned back to the film.
Taking the steps to his apartment two at a time, Mako fished for his keys in the pocket of his pants. Walking the beat had the potential to be more trouble than it was worth, and often Mako found himself at the gym at the end of the day, taking out his frustration the way he used to - pro-bending. Well, not so much pro-bending, anymore, seeing as they disbanded the Fire Ferrets, and dissolved the team, but it was the same training, nonetheless, and Mako had been a pro-bender so long that oftentimes, nothing felt more comfortable than the gym.
As he walked down the hall to his door - second on the right, Bolin had insisted - Mako could hear the sounds of laughter and the beeping of the oven. Despite himself, he smiled, breathing in deeply as he fiddled with the lock and opened the door.
Inside the tiny apartment, (Y/n) and Bolin were working side by side, leaning over the oven as they looked at the baked goods that lay within. The counters were a mess of cluttered ingredients and mismatched bake wear, Pabu had tracked flour across the carpet, and by every measure it was chaotic, but Mako simply leaned against the doorframe, speaking just loud enough to be heard. “Stress baking, again? Y’know, I’m really starting to regret giving you a key.”
"This was all Bolin, actually.” (Y/n) pulled the baking sheet out of the oven and set it down before turning to Mako with their usual countenance. “He told me to come over - he bought a set of mixing bowls and everything.”
“He didn’t buy more counter space?”
“Hey!” Bolin called incredulously through a mouth full of baked goods. Pabu scuttled beneath him, eating the crumbs that fell to the floor. “Counters wouldn’t fit.”
“It’s alright Bo,” (Y/n) nudged his arm with their shoulder, turning back to the task at hand. They used an old spatula to take their masterpiece off of the pan, and Bolin took two from them. 
“You have to try this batch, Mako, (Y/n)’s gotten really good at their green tea cookies.”
Mako shut the door behind him and walked over to the couch. (Y/n) met him halfway with their signature, light green cookie, Mako took it with an appreciative smile. “The secret is in the matcha. I wasn’t putting in enough before, so they didn’t taste right.”
Mako broke off a bit of the cookie, making sure to get a bit that had a white chocolate chip in it, and savored the taste. (Y/n) was watching him with one of their expectant smiles, and he nodded his head, the bittersweet flavor still lingering in his mouth. “These are your best yet.”
“High praise, coming from you.” And there was an edge of sarcasm to their voice, but their eyes were bright. Mako just looked at them for a moment, really looked at them in all of their casual beauty. (Y/n) had moved into his life so early on and so slowly that Mako didn’t know what life would be like without their casual teasing and easy grins.
And, of course, their random (but not unwelcome) bouts of stress baking.
Mako must have been staring a bit too long, because (Y/n) raised a playful eyebrow, and not too long after, Bolin broke the silence. “Uh, Pabu and I have to go, and uh... y’know, do adult stuff, with uh....”
“With Korra?” (Y/n) supplied amusedly, turning to Bolin, who was stuffing a napkin with cookies hurriedly. 
“Yeah! Y’know, Avatar stuff...” Bolin shrugged, slipping out the door, only to open it up again and grab his shoes before shoving off again.
(Y/n) scoffed and Mako sighed, calling after him. “Real smooth, Bo!” 
A muffled response called out to them, and (Y/n) laughed, walking back over to the kitchen area, where they started to put together another batch of cookies, measuring the sugar with their hands and putting it into a bowl with butter. “I’m surprised you haven’t been kicked out from noise complaints.”
Yeah, well Bolin charmed our neighbors into liking us too much to see us go.”
“His charm does go far, doesn’t it?” Mako watched and (Y/n) moved through his apartment with ease, pulling spoons out of the drawers and cleaning the dishes as they went. Their practiced movements had the surety and preciseness of someone who lived there, and the thought was enough to make Mako’s throat dry.
“So,” Mako cleared his throat and walked over to (Y/n) passing them the egg they were reaching for. “you measure everything with your hands, and yet you’re constantly insisting that baking is a science. How does that work?”
“It’s all in the weight and look of it - a full cup is a far cry from a fourth.” (Y/n) mixed the ingredients together, their brow set in concentration, “Or, at least, that’s what my mom used to say. What I will tell you—” they looked up at Mako rather suddenly, that intensity still alight within them “—is that it’s in how it feels.”
“So the weight of it.”
“Yes... but it’s more than that.” (Y/n) looked at him with their sharp eyes, as though trying to judge something. “Go wash your hands,” and they jerked their head to the side, “I’ll show you.”
Mako didn’t even hesitate to do as they said, and even though Bolin had left, he could hear his voice - a surprised “what...?” - nagging the back of his mind. It was easy to shrug off. It was (Y/n). Everything was easy when it came to them.
“Alright,” (Y/n) said, with a hint of childish excitement, as Mako slung the towel he had used to dry his hands over his shoulder. “Give me your hands.”
Their touch tickled and their fingers - dry and powdery from the flour - grazed over his, opening his palms with a gentle sort of care.
“Here is one cup or so.” (Y/n) grabbed a handful of flour, transferred it to their other hand, and skimmed some off the top before placing it in his. “Yeah, you can feel the weight, and you can see how much there is, but you have to kind of trust that what you're feeling is right, because it’s not always going to feel the same, right? When you’re tired or you’ve been baking all day, things feel different, even though they’re the same.”
“All this for flour?”
“For each cup of flour. We need two and a half.”
“I can see why Bolin asks you to do the baking.” (Y/n) chuckled and guided his hands to the mixing bowl, where Mako let the flour slip out of his fingertips like really fine sand. “But I can tell that you feel it...” the last bit of flour fell out of his hands, but Mako let his hands hover near (Y/n)’s for just a moment longer, “and that’s good enough.”
They smiled, and it has all the serenity and beauty of dawn. “I’ll make a baker of you, yet.” They added more flour to the bowl and started mixing, their gaze flicking up to Mako. “One of these days you’re going to understand the feeling of it.”
“I...” and part of Mako wanted to say that he already did, that his feelings were about the only thing he understood when it came to moments like these, but the words got caught in his throat, and he found himself unable to get them out. “I think we’ll have to do a lot more baking, then.”
Mako ran, the ground beneath his feet steady and his breathing exact. The beauty of Republic City Park surrounded him and in the early morning, when the air was just nippy enough to need a jacket, there were few people to be found. The usual groups of people practicing tai chi or playing Pai Sho weren’t out yet, and the sun was just peaking over the horizon. 
Morning runs often gave Mako a sense of clarity - there was very little he could focus on when in fast, forward motion, and everything complicated fell away. It was just him, the ground, and the fire in his veins. 
Mako slowed to a jog, and when he found an empty park bench, he sat down, wiping the sweat off of his brow. The shadows were just starting to creep away, losing to the brilliance of the sun and hiding in each recess and tiny alcove. The duck pond in front of him was warming to a crystal-like blue. Mako breathed out and tipped his head back, letting the stillness wash over him, his thoughts slowly catching up with him.
And at first, he thought it was just his feelings for (Y/n) meeting up with him once more, but then he heard the steady pounding of the pavement and there they were jogging toward him, ushering in the morning with a comfortable pace.
“Heading into work later than usual?” They stopped by the bench and Mako slid over so they’d have room to sit.
“No, Beifong told me to take a day off. I usually do paperwork today, but she handed it off to someone else.”
(Y/n) hummed in acknowledgement. “So you’re joining Asami and me for our run, then?”
“Asami and I usually go on a run, at this time. We meet here.”
“Asami told me that I should take a run since I wasn’t going into work today.”
Both of them scoffed, relaxing deeper into the metal bench. For a moment they just sat there, taking in the moment, and letting the world dawn on them, a beautiful mixture of colors - a painting slowly completing itself. Eventually, (Y/n) turned to Mako, an eyebrow raised in jest. “Do you reckon they think they’re being slick?”
“Probably - and it’ll only get worse once they get Korra on board.”
“Who’s to say they haven’t already?” The two chuckled, shaking their heads at the efforts of their friends, and (Y/n) knocked their knees together, leaning in a little closer. “It’s alright, I like spending time with you.”
“You’re gonna hate me once we finish this run, though.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to buy me some tea, afterwards.” (Y/n) stood up, stretching their arms and letting out a yawn. “To make it up to me, of course.”
Mako stifled a smile and stood, making a show of his weary sigh. “Alright” —(Y/n) rolled their eyes at him— “You drive a hard bargain.”
They started off at a slow jog, and every minute or so Mako upped the intensity until they were sprinting across Republic City Park, occasionally dodging the wayward soul taking a morning stroll. The world blurred around them, the lush foliage turning into swaths of green with the occasional pinprick of color - purple or yellow, green or blue. As they slowed down, the world became more defined, and when they came to a walk, (Y/n) pulled ahead and turned around so they could walk backwards, facing Mako with a breathless grin.
“You owe me at least a muffin to go along with that tea, after what you just pulled. I almost ran into a woman walking her toddler! Could you imagine what would have happened, had I hit her?”
Mako laughed, still coming down from his high, and (Y/n) grinned at the sound - dazzling and so bright, it put the sun to shame. “Let’s get you out of the park, then, before you start running down Pai Sho players.” 
The two fell into step beside each other, taking the path out of the park and into the busy streets. Already, Republic City was booming with life, and the two were rather quick to slip into the quiet tea shop that was just around the corner. Inside, the cafe was fairly empty, with slow music playing from the speakers. (Y/n) closed their eyes and breathed in the smell of freshly-baked muffins, and Mako was quick to look away when they caught him staring.
(Y/n) walked towards the case that held all of the baked goods, trying to read the different types they had displayed. “This is way better than trying to throw something together at my apartment.”
Mako pulled his attention away from the menu board, where he had been searching for the right type of tea. “Your apartment? You mean you actually have a place to go, other than mine?” 
“You gave me the key.”
“For emergencies.”
(Y/n) scoffed. “Well, ‘emergencies’ is in clear need of a mutual definition.”
The two ordered, and Mako paid, despite (Y/n) saying they had the money, and when their order was ready, they took a seat in the corner, next to a window that overlooked a busy intersection. (Y/n) insisted they split the muffin and gave half to Mako, and after settling into their more calm atmosphere, (Y/n) turned to Mako.
“So, what are you going to do for the rest of your day off?” (Y/n) took a sip of their tea and fixed Mako with one of those stares - the kind that saw through everything else, and somehow got down to his core. “I can’t imagine this is what you had planned.”
“Uh… I don’t know. I figured I’d go home and work on finding a lead to a case or something.”
“Even though Beifong told you to take the day off?”
“Well, I’m not at the station…” Mako trailed off, suddenly finding great interest in the rim of his cup.
“And you’re not going to work from home, either.” (Y/n) scoffed exaggeratedly, and though Mako was the most incorrigible person they’d ever met. Although, in their defense, he probably was. “Not on my watch.”
“So what, you’re going to find something for me to do all day?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
Mako watched as (Y/n) sat back in the booth, a triumphant yet challenging smile on their face, and he felt the disbelief in his chest melt into something softer. It was there, again, that urge to say something both incredibly brave and terribly stupid; that desire to put all of his feelings into words and express them more truly than anything else.
“Alright,” Mako swallowed and allowed himself a small smile. “If that’s what it takes.
✧ *:・゚
Just when Mako had admitted to (Y/n) that he was an avid reader, he couldn’t remember, but at some point, they had found out, and ever since, the two spent their lazy weekends sprawled out on his sky blue sofa, books in hand. This time, (Y/n) had come earlier than usual, and by midday, they had already finished their novel - a fast-paced murder mystery with just a bit of a redemption arc for one of the main leads. They had talked about (Y/n)’s book while walking down to the market to get the necessary fixings for dinner, and when they came back to Mako’s tiny apartment, he passed them one of his favorites to read - a historical fiction that combined elements of notable legends and recorded history to make an interesting thriller with plenty of easy-to-digest drama. 
When (Y/n) took it from him, they took one look at the summary and raised an eyebrow.  “This is one of your favorites?” Mako had tried to push down his embarrassment, stuttering out some kind of response, but had just smiled. “It’s not a bad thing, just surprising. I’m sure I’ll love it.”
And they did. For the next hour and a half, the two sat in Mako’s apartment in relative silence, reading separate novels and making the occasional exclamation of shock, betrayal, joy, and surprise. Mako had looked over at (Y/n) occasionally, trying to judge where they were in the book, and whether they were enjoying it just as much as he had, the first time.
At some point in the day, the sun filtering through the window matured into a deeper, golden shade, turning the afternoon into early evening. Mako, who had been thoroughly engrossed in his novel for the better part of the day, stood up from his couch and stretched when he noticed the change in light. Letting out a sigh, he made his way over to the kitchen area. As he started to make dinner for the both of them, Mako missed the way that (Y/n) turned to look at him from their place on the couch, a lopsided grin on their face. They still lay on the turquoise material, sitting upside down with their feet in the air, book in hand and the red couch cushion resting on their stomach, watching as Mako turned on the stove with a click of propane and a bit of fire bending. 
It wasn't long before the apartment was full of the comforting smell of Mako's cooking, and soon (Y/n) found it impossible to focus on the page before them. They opted to right themself instead and watch Mako as he finished up, adding the finishing touches to the meal before splitting what lay in the pan into two different bowls. 
He handed a bowl to (Y/n) as he settled onto the couch, both of them moving to sit cross-legged, their knees touching. (Y/n) savored the flavor of Mako's signature dish, and he gestured to the book beside them. 
"How're you liking it so far?"
"The book? It's great. Perfectly paced, in my opinion, although I wouldn't mind for a little bit more world-building. The time period is so interesting and they could lean into it a little more."
Mako nodded, satisfied with the smile on their face and the eagerness in their tone. "I figured you'd like it. There's a lot happening, but the characters are good enough to carry the story."
"That's a raving review, coming from you." (Y/n) laughed, the sound falling from their lips effortlessly. "And I can see why it's your favorite. You like a good redemption arc, don't you?"
"It's an interesting enough idea."
"A rather sweet one, too. Are you sure you're not a romantic at heart?"
Mako scoffed in response, but even so, he could feel his cheeks burning up, the nagging voice in his head (the one that told him to just confess already, or do something equally as rash) getting louder from conviction. "I think that's you."
"Oh definitely, but there's always room for one more," (Y/n) mumbled through a mouth full of noodles. "And judging by your taste in books, I'd say you already are."
"There's not even a romantic subplot!"
"The main character literally took lightning to the face for his best friend, and then proceeded to say that he’d do it all again, if it meant they could stay together. Are you telling me there isn't something there?"
“You said yourself that they’re friends!”
“C’mon, Mako,” (Y/n) deadpanned, setting aside their dinner so that they could use their hands to punctuate their speech. There was a fire in their eyes, and something restless in the way they moved - like there was something important they were trying to say. “Friendship is clearly just an excuse for them.”
“An excuse?” Mako felt his throat dry. Suddenly, he was acutely aware of their proximity, and the little space that still existed between them - like they were almost touching, and yet oceans apart. 
(Y/n)’s hands fidgeted in their lap. “Yeah, like… An easy out when you’re too afraid to go for it...or when you think you’re not enough.” Part of Mako wanted to look away, but (Y/n)’s eyes had caught his gaze too fully and the other part of him battled to stay. For the longest moment, he couldn’t move. “But they love each other - you can see it.”
There was a battle waging war inside Mako; each side fighting the other for dominance, and only one coming out on top. When he spoke, his voice was low, almost like a deep sigh. “Yeah, they love each other.”
(Y/n) smiled, their mouth moving with just the slightest tremble, and part of Mako wondered what had disrupted the ease with which they did everything, but another part of him already knew. Mako reached out and cupped their cheek, the feeling of their skin against his flooding him with courage he didn’t know he had.
“And I love you, (Y/n).” 
“About time you confessed to me.” (Y/n)’s eyes sparkled in jest before they surged forward, kissing Mako and igniting the fire in his chest. All he could think about was them and the way they blissfully invaded all of his senses, how soft their lips were, and how strong their hands were, as they wrapped around him, pulling him nearer. When they broke apart, (Y/n) rested their forehead on his. 
Then they said it, their voice a whisper that sent him tumbling over the edge, their breath fanning against his cheek.
“I love you, too.”
Mako kissed them again, craving the feeling of their lips against his, chasing after the way they made him feel - like every moment had led to this, like every battle had been worth the struggle. Time seemed to stop, and for a moment, it was as though there was no gravity, and the only thing anchoring Mako to this world was (Y/n), and their touch.
“Like I said,” (Y/n) was smiling when he pulled away, and their gaze made it easy to come back down to earth. “You’re a romantic at heart.”
Mako chuckled and (Y/n) laughed with him, the sound filling the tiny apartment with something undefined but utterly perfect. 
“Alright, so maybe I am.” Mako relented, tipping his head back. “But an epic romance doesn’t happen within that book, if that’s what you're after.”
“Well, maybe we’ll have to write a sequel of our own."
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