#i’m just seeing people repost photos i took today without mentioning where it’s from
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aimseytv · 2 years ago
hey gamers! if reposting my photography please make sure to credit me in the post :) i’m trying really hard to push my photography insta and i’m super glad you all like it but this is just a small reminder! :)
(i know i’m a creator and usually i don’t mind but specifically for my photography insta it would be cool just to have my name mentioned somewhere!!)
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marzaraniq · 2 years ago
*قوات الجيش تحبط محاولة تسلل جديده لمليشيا الحوثي الإنقلابية شرق تعز*
مركز إعلام الزرانيق
الثلاثاء: 15 أغسطس 2023م
متابعات إخبارية
للمزيد تيليجرام
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years ago
Corpse x MGK!sister reader
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(Found this image on Pinterest so all credit goes to artist, if you know who it is please comment below so I can credit them)
A/N: this was requested by @heyitssab
Tree is tall of sex in this, but it’s more in a joking matter, plus corpse has stated he doesn’t mind as long as you are not a minor or send or tag him. I’m literally 2 years younger than him, and have no intentions of ever tagging him or sending him any of my work XD
Summary: how many idiots does it take to tell the brother and friend they’re dating? Apparently takes 2 very forgetful people, who kept their relationship secret without knowing it.
It had just been by chance, a small chance that he had been scrolling through his tags. liking and reposting art, when he saw a tag from someone he followed. He wrecked his brain for when he had followed her, coming up empty. She was cute, no denying the beauty she had as she laughed in the video. It was a clip from a stream that he didn’t know she had, as he couldn’t even remember her name, wearing his merch as it fit her snug. It fit her perfectly in fact, the large hood covering her face, hiding the flush to her face from her rather large chuckles that left her body. He couldn’t help but like the photo, and he couldn’t help but to press message either.
It was first only small likes to posts, an Occasional message, and a view on their livestreams, but that all changed when he spoke of the song he was working on with her older brother.
It all started that night, when both lay in their beds as they talked, laughed, and felt their hearts flutter each time they heard one another speak.
Her phone rang violently in her bag, nearly making her drop the to go bag all over the ground as she walked. “Hello?” She asked, as she held both bags with her hands as her shoulder gripped the phone as if it’d fall down a cliff. “Hey bug!” He exclaimed, making her chuckle as she heard the booming sound of his voice. She had always detested the nickname, as he gave it to her as kids due to her horrendous fear of the creatures. But, it brought more joy to her, as it reminded her of their youth. Having been adults for years, it was fun to hear such a childish name that’s stuck.
“Hey mopey.” She chuckled, as that was the name she gave him when he was in his emo phase that he never outgrew.
Both talked as she walked towards the elevator, mainly about how his day had gone as she silently listened.
She had always been this way, always the shyer of the two, the one to listen to others first before she said a word. He had teased her for it most of their childhood and teen life, but he had grown to love it, as he could let loose or rant to her about anything, and he knew she’d be there just to listen to him.
“So what’re you doing right now?” He asked, as she got into the elevator. “Just grabbed some dinner a few minutes before you called and nearly made me shit.” A smile painted on her face at his boisterous laughter.
“Are you at home?” He asked, as he heard the sound of the elevator beeping in the background. “No, I’m spending the night with my boyfriend.”
She had mentioned about a month prior that she was seeing someone, the joy it brought him to hear the excitement and joy in her tone as she gushed about their first date.
If this was 7 or 8 years prior, he would be bombarding her with questions about the man, who he was, where he lived, where he could meet him to find his intentions with his baby sister. But, in the last few years, he found himself feeling calmer whenever she’d mentioned her love life. He knew she was smart, and would never date a man who treated her poorly. The few breakups she had, they always ended amicably, her head still high as she told him. So, he never asked her any questions about the man, as he could tell from the few times she mentioned him, he could feel the love this man had for her, and Vice versa.
The strong barreling of her phone alerted them awake, both groaning out as she reached for her phone without lifting her head from his shoulder. “Hello?” She mumbled, voice slurred as the saliva was thick in her mouth, barely awake as she fought to listen in on who dares to wake them up.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, making her equally exhausted lover groan. She shifted off of him, laying on her back as he turned away from her, as to hopefully shut his eyes and fall back asleep. She was used to her brother's large voice, as it hardly phased her after growing up with him. “Colson, why are you calling me this ungodly hour?” “Oh come on, it’s not that early.” “Col its-“ She pulled her phone from her ear, eyes shutting violently as the bright light blinded her “5 o’clock in the morning. So again, I’m going to ask you, why did you call me at the asscrack of dawn?” “You don’t remember?” He asked, making her irritation grow. “No, that’s why I’m asking.” She says, as she rubbed her sleep crusted eyes. “You were coming up today to hang out with casie, remember?” Her hand stopped rubbing her face, as she felt her heart stop momentarily. “Wait, you mean today? I thought I was coming Friday?” “No, both of you settled on today, remember I told you that’s perfect because I have a day off?” She felt her heart pain as she heard the sadness in his tone, knowing he’s expecting her to bail. “Yeah sorry, I thought you meant Friday so I mixed it up, let me get ready and I’ll be out the door okay? Love you” she said, as she hung up the line.
Before she could even move, she felt his arm wrap around her body. A tired groan leaving his lips. “Nooo stayyyy.” He groaned, pulling her body to his. She smiled as she looked down at him, wrapping her arm on his chest and the other behind his neck. “I wish I could live, but I can’t.” Planting a soft kiss against his lips. “Stay in bed for a few more hours, please?” Her heart pulled at his tone, hearing just how tired he was. “I can’t, casies wanted me to come up for weeks now. And it takes a good 3 hours to get there. I wanna spend as much time as I can with them before it gets dark so I can get back safely.” He groaned at this, wrapping his arms around her. “Yeah but it’s only 5, it wouldn’t be safe to drive since we went to bed like, 2 hours ago.” “Yeah, and whos fault was that mister?” She teased, “hmm, sorry but I just couldn’t keep my hands to myself after not seeing you for a few days.” He mused, pulling her body closer to his, planting his lips against hers. A small hum left her lips as he pulled her thigh over his, grabbing the flesh harshly as their lips cascaded together. “Mm, no no no, you’re not gonna convince me to stay here just to go another round.” She said, as she got off from his warm body, throwing his large hoodie over her bare body. “Oh come on babe, are you sure about that?” He said, making her turn around to him. A small gasp left her lips as her eyes took in his milky white complexion. His honey brown eyes looking back at her with a small smile etched onto his face. His hair a tousled mess that resembled a bird's nest, some pieces falling onto his face. “Honey, I’ve been wanting to see my family for weeks now, I see you almost everyday and practically live here. I’ll be back tomorrow so I can grab more clothes from my place okay?” She placed a kiss to his lips, both holding one another in their arms. “I don’t know why you don’t just say fuck that place and just move in.” He mumbled, making her chuckle and heart warm. “Don't you think it’s a little soon though? I mean we’ve only been together a few months love.” “Yeah, but you’ve practically lived here since we got together, you literally just go there to get more clothes that you end up leaving here.” She looked into his eyes as she thought about his words. “Hm, I’ll think about it today okay?” She mused, planting a kiss to his lips. A soft okay leaving him as she got up.
“And babe, remember if you live here, we can have all the sex we want and not have to worry about driving to get one another.” He exclaimed, laughing at the loud honey she screamed from the bathroom.
She couldn’t help but laugh out as she watched, as her niece tried her hardest to braid her fathers grown out hair. It was near impossible not to, as pieces would fall out, resulting in her pulling them harsher, nearly pulling his eyelids back due to the tension from his temples. “Okay okay you’re gonna fuckin scalp me.” He chuckled , as all three bursted out in large laughter.
“So how’s school going this year?” She asked her, as she delicately painted her nails. Both of the girls had found themselves on the floor in front of the nice coffee table, as colson sat and chatted with them. “It’s going really well.” “Oh yeah? Make any new friends?” She teased. “I mean, kinda.” She couldn’t help but hear the wavering in her tone, spotting the faint blush dusting her skin. “Ohh, so there’s a someone eh?” She teased to her, making the preteen hide her face as to conceal the flush. “His names Garrett, and we both take social studies together. He always sits next to me at lunch, and we’ll draw on my notebook.” She gushed, making her smile. “Soo, do you think he likes you?” “I mean, that’s what everyone keeps saying.” “Yeah well don’t worry about it to much cas, you’re not dating anyone for many more years. You’re still a kid.” Her das said, making the young girls face fall.
Y/N knew he was only saying this to protect her, as he said the same thing to her growing up. “Hey, don’t be bummed out about it. He is right, you both are only 12 and should focus on school. But don’t worry, he’ll come around. He was just like that with me up until my current boyfriend.” She whispered, making the young girl chuckle.
“Speaking of which, how are you guys doing?” He asked, as she hadn’t mentioned hun to her in a while. He didn’t think it’d hurt to ask. “Great actually, we’re thinking of moving in together actually.” “That’s great! I’m really happy that y’all met.” “Yeah, I am too.” She hummed, a flush dusting her cheeks.
Both men laughed as they chatted on the phone, talking about anything that would come to mind. What was once only a collaboration for a song, turned into an amazing friendship that caused both of them to call at late hours just to shoot the shit.
A yawn left his lips, as he listened to colson ramble on about another song he was making. “Woah, you tired man?” Colson asked, shocked to hear the sound. “Yeah sorry, was up most of the night last night.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Were you feeling alright?” He asked, worry laced in his tone. He knew all about his friends illnesses, even once being on the other end of the phone during a bad spell one day.” “Oh yeah yeah yeah, was just, up with the misses last night.” He chuckled, a flush blooming on his cheeks. “Ohhh yeah? And how was it?” This shocked him, nearly feeling his heart stop. Like, does he usually know about his sisters sex life? He didn’t think much of it, as he knew just how close both were. “It was absolutely fucking amazing. Like I thought we’d be done for the night, fully tapped out but after like 5 minutes she’d be right back on me for another round.” He chuckled, his flush even worse than before. “Ayyyeee good for you corpse, glad to hear that puss is bussin.” He laughed at this, throwing his head back. “Yeah, it’s bussin bussin.”
Both men talk as they read from their phones, eyes wide in absolute awe of the love they received from the song. They had just dropped it a few days prior, not expecting the cry of joy from both fan bases.
He didn’t even look up from it when she walked in, until she bent down to plant a kiss to his forehead. “Sorry I had completely forgot about the tea I made you an hour ago, but I put it back on the stove to heat it up so if it’s twisting funky just tell me okay?” Before he could even thank her, both their heads whipped towards the loudness from the other line. “Y/N? Is that you? What in the hell are you doing there with corpse!” He didn’t sound angry, more shocked than anything, both of them looking at the phone in confusion. “I, I love here? Remember I told you like a month ago I was moving in with him?” “WHAT!” Both jumped at the loud scream. “Wait so you guys are dating!?” Both we’re even more perplexed, until it dawned on both of them. Their eyes wide as they turned their heads to one another slowly. “Wait you didn’t tell him?” “No? He’s one of your best friends so I thought you did!” “He’s your brother! So I thought you did!” Both whisper, until all three lay silent. That was until, the large cry of laughter that leaves the two, leaving colson even more confused. He wasn’t mad, not at all actually. More shocked and confused than anything. Until he started thinking, it does make sense, all the times they spoke about one another without him knowing, all the times they mentioned-“OH GOD!” He yelled, gagging violently, making them stop their laughing fit. “What's wrong? Why are you yelling?” She asks “like a month ago corpse was talking about how he was tired cause he was up all night having sex AND I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU! OH GOD WAS THAT WHY YOU WERE LIMPING THAT DAY WITH CAS AND I!” Both laugh even harder, as they listen to his ever growing gags.
“So yeah,. That’s literally how we had no idea we were keeping the relationship secret from her brother.” He laughed, as he red the comments and listened to his friends' laughter. She sat beside him, head laying on his shoulder as he told the story. She couldn’t help but to look back up into his eyes, as he glanced down at her, planting a soft kiss to her lips. “Keep it pg guys.” Colson said from the other line, making them chuckle.
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vivianweasley · 4 years ago
Pride and Prejudice (Chapter 6)
Summary: Your father is Lucius Malfoy’s cousin, and after the war, it was really difficult for you to find a job because of your last name. So your mother and Mrs. Weasley came up with a crazy idea. A fake marriage between you and Fred Weasley.
Last Chapter! (I combined the last chapter and the epilogue cuz they are not too long.)
Pairing: Fred Weasley X Malfoy!Fem!Reader
Warnings: food mention, mention of divorce, people pretending to choke, proposal.
Word Count: 1.8k
Disclaimer: photos used in the header are from Pinterest. Credit goes to the original owners.
Please do NOT repost or translate my work on any platform! Thank you! Reblogs and comments are always welcome:)
Pride and Prejudice Series Masterlist
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Fred walked downstairs, noticing a faint smell of apples in the joke shop. “So are we selling apple juice now, Georgie?” he joked.
But George looked confused, “What apple juice? I could only smell caramel-” And then the answer finally came to George, “Amortentia!”
Fred followed George to the shelf displaying amortentia and immediately realized a firecracker just exploded next to this shelf, causing at least four bottles of amortentia to break and the love potion inside to spill.
George waved his wand and cleaned up the mess, but a satisfied smirk soon appeared on George’s lips, “Strange. Didn’t know you liked apples this much.”
“Shut up and go back to work!” Fred raised his voice, covering for the fact that he’s a complete mess now. 
That fainting smell of apple that’s still lingering in the shop also had a dash of the scent of book pages in it. And this combination could only remind Fred of one person. 
The person whom he married out of a dare. The person who he fell in love with during the process. The person who just walked out of his life.
George noticed the change in Fred’s expression. How defeat was now written all over his face. “Mate, you need to do something. You can’t just let her walk away like that.”
“What can I do?” Fred sighed, “Maybe she’s been waiting for this all the time.”
George sighed with Fred. This wasn’t like his brother. Soon the lingering smell of amortentia caught his attention, and a brilliant idea popped into George’s mind. “She has feelings for you too, and I can prove it to you!”
You pushed open the door of the joke shop. George just called you claiming that there’s an emergency, so you rushed to the joke shop immediately after work.
George approached you with a small glass vial, “Y/N, this is the new perfume I just made. I need your opinion.”
So this is the emergency??
You looked at George, couldn’t decipher what his smile meant. But you did know one thing. In fact, everyone who went to school with the twins should know the rule: be careful of what they handed to you. So you stepped away from that vial and asked with caution, “When did the joke shop start selling perfume?”
“Oh, we are always trying to expand our business,” George noticed how you became alert, so he added, “I swear to Merlin, this is not a prank!”
Still finding his smile suspicious, but for Merlin’s sake, you still decided to take the vial.
“Does it smell good? What does it smell like?” George asked carefully.
“Hmm...” The perfume did smell very good. You could smell the sweetness of cinnamon, a dash of gunpowder, but it also smelled so familiar. It smelled like...Fred’s cologne? “George, I’m pretty sure someone else has already made a perfume like this.”
“Really? How so?” George felt his heart beating at his throat, so scared that you might say another person’s name.
“Isn’t this just Fred’s cologne?” You were finding this unbelievable. How could George not recognize his own twin’s cologne?
“Oh really!!” Hearing a definitive answer from you has made George so happy that he pulled you into a hug. “Got it! Thank you for your opinion! You’re the best!”
“You’re welcome...?” Watching George being so happy that he could start dancing at any minute, you were beginning to think that the chemicals in the perfume were toxic. How could making a plagiarized perfume make a man so happy?
Two days later, you apparated to the joke shop again. It was raining outside. Maybe the weather was trying to set the tone for what was about to happen next. After taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door of the twins’ apartment, the apartment that you called home for the past year.
Fred opened the door, letting you in without saying a word. You tried not to look at him so you could appear indifferent and won’t be affected by his expressions.
“Here’s the divorce document,” you said as you took out all the paper in your bag. He took the documents and flipped through the papers quickly, still not saying anything at all.
You couldn’t tell if his silence meant he’s also not ready to say goodbye or he just had nothing to say to you. But you tried not to overthink as you continued, “Oh, before you sign it, you still have one wish left. What do you want me to do?”
“What if I said,” he finally looked at you, his eyes capturing yours, “I don’t want you to go?”
His words were like a drum in your ears, rendered you speechless. Before you could fully process what he just said, Fred continued, “It might sound crazy, but for the past few days, I realized I just couldn’t imagine a life without you anymore.  I know I’ve lived 20 years without you perfectly fine, but now that I’ve had you in my life, I don’t ever want to live without you again. I know I could be insensitive sometimes, and I probably did something stupid that made you mad in the past year, but I’m willing to change if you tell me to.”
“All I’m trying to say is,” he took a deep breath and continued, “Please allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. And please don’t divorce me.“
You finally let out a soft laugh. That’s Mr. Darcy’s line in Pride and Prejudice. You remembered reading this part to him during Christmas, and you couldn’t believe that he actually memorized this line.
Fred panicked when you weren’t talking, “But of course, if you really want to, I wouldn’t stop you. I-“
“You know, you don’t have to use your last wish on this,” you stopped him, “I was going to say yes anyway. But If you insist, that won’t be a problem with me.”
Fred’s eyes widened as he processed your words, “Wait, does that mean-“
You answered his question by pulling him down and pressing a kiss on his lips. He was shocked by your sudden action but soon kissed you back with his hands finding your waist and pulling you closer to him.
So this is what it feels like to kiss him, and it’s so much better than how you’ve imagined it would be. It started a soft kiss but soon became more passionate, as if you were making up for all the time you two spent on being oblivious.
“Should’ve done this earlier.” A smirk appeared on Fred’s lips when you finally pulled away.
“Idiot,” you rolled your eyes, but your cheeks were still heated.
He chuckled before giving you another soft peck on the lips. His hands were still resting on your waist.
“And you’re still this idiot’s wife.”
~(warning: people pretending to choke, food mention)~
“Y/N, there’s a Mr. Weasley looking for you,” the receptionist raised her eyebrows and smiled at you.
“Thanks! I’ll be done in a minute!” You quickly finished the last sentence and looked at Luna from across the table with your puppy eyes.
She chuckled, “Alright, you can leave early today.”
“Thanks, Luna, you’re the best!” You flicked your wand to pack up your bag before running to the door.
“Tell Fred I said hi!” you heard Luna’s voice behind you.
“I will!”
A month after your fake marriage ended, you quit your job at Whizz Hard Books. You didn’t want to work in a place that wouldn’t accept who you really are.
Ginny introduced you to Luna Lovegood and The Quibbler. You immediately fell in love with the whimsical ideas and style of The Quibbler, and Luna gave you a new job as you two hit it off very quickly. So this is where you work now. No need to hide your background and use a fake last name. This place accepted you for who you are.
Fred was at the door, opening his arms when he saw you running to him. “Happy one-year anniversary, darling!”
You giggled as you ran into his arms, “and this time, it’s real.”
“Yep,” he pressed a kiss on your forehead, “ready?”
You nodded, and the next second you two apparated to your favorite restaurant.
The dinner was delicious, and for dessert, Fred ordered your favorite cake. But when you were enjoying the cake, you suddenly felt something hard inside. This was extremely dangerous, for you could’ve swallowed it if you weren’t paying attention. You were just about to complain when you finally realized what it was.
It’s a ring!
You were surprised. Was Fred trying to propose? But last time you checked, you two were still legally a married couple.
But this also seemed like what he would do on your one-year anniversary. You were sure he was waiting to see your surprised face, and an idea soon came to you.
You pretended that you were trying to pick up your spoon because your elbow “accidentally” swept it down on the floor a few seconds ago. When you were sure Fred couldn’t see you, you slid the ring on your finger. Then you got up and took another bite of the cake like nothing out of the ordinary happened.
A few seconds later, you started coughing. Your brows were furrowed as your hands reached for your neck like you just choked on something.
Fred was freaking out, knowing that he’s the reason behind all this, “Darling, are you alright?”
The only response you could produce was a few glottal sounds and you looked like you were almost crying.
Fred ran to you as fast as possible. He wanted to help, but he had no idea what to do as his brain was in an absolute mess now. The only thing he could manage to do was apologizing again and again, “I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have done that. Baby, I’m so sorry…”
The noise you two were making attracted the other customers’ attention, and you saw a waiter approaching you with his wand, trying to help. You knew it’s probably time to stop this prank.
“Are you talking about this?” You finally stopped acting and waved your left hand in front of him.
Fred’s expression froze, still trying to recover from the terror of accidentally hurting you. After a few moments, he finally realized, “Wait, does that mean…”
“YES!” You chuckled.
Fred’s furrowed brows finally unfolded as a bright smile appeared on his lips. He picked you up and spun you around, “She said YES!”
The crowd around you was clapping and cheering while your husband was cheering himself as well.
You giggled, “Freddie, you know we never went through with the divorce, right? So technically, I’m still your wife.”
“I know, darling, but I figured that I owe you a proper proposal,” he said while pressing multiple soft kisses on your face, “Plus, I just want to make this official. I love you, darling.”
“I love you too,” You smiled as your lips found his again, “I love you most ardently.”
A/N: I can’t believe I really finished this series asdfgfgjk Thank you guys so so much for reading, reblogging, commenting, and liking this series. I can’t tell you how much your support means to me❤️
Series Taglist: @ifilosemyselfagain @theweasleytwinsgirl @bookworm06 @unabashedbookscollector @txtdreamss @sagittarius-flowerchild  @rsheridan @ovrwd @anywherebuthere @allaroundaddict @jeminila @secretsofageek @magical-spit @freddieweasleyswife @lilypad-55449 @hufflepuffzutara @honey-honey-5644 @kyloren-peterparker @treblebeth @kyloren-peterparker @fred-sux @rodrickmalfoy @liliputbahn @its-yasbxtch @daydreamgirl8​ @305weasley​ @awritingtree​ @lucymfer​ @bberree​ @malfoy-wife15   @weasleyxmalfoyxstyles  @justfollowtheroad​  @nojamsonmytoast​  @amc723​ 
(If your name is bolded, Tumblr wont let me tag you. And I’m really sorry if I forgot you!)
(General taglist in reblogged post cuz it can’t fit in one post)
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gyllenhaalstories · 5 years ago
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anonymous asked: what do you think rapper!jake would get you for your birthday? warnings: mentions of sexual content & curse words. notes: i listened to the solo version of birthday cake by rihanna so join in if you want to <3 thank you anon for asking this okay ilysm whoever you are you’re so perfect! i wanted to post it when i was born but i couldn’t wait any longer! ps: the gifs are not mine, but i couldn’t find who made them since they were reposted on pinterest. i hope y’all enjoy the chain (and this too)!
why would rapper!jake get his birthday bitch, huh? 
everything she ever dreamed of, of course.
birthdays would start at midnight and end at the same hour the next day, no excuses.
he would wake you up with gentle kisses along your shoulder. “good morning, angel, it’s your special day”. when was it not when you’re one of the biggest hip hop artists’ girlfriend?
you would protest, grabbing on his arms that were around you tighter so he would not move. but he did. he pulled the blankets of your naked body and helped you turn so you were laying on your back.
no matter how many years the two of you have shared together, you were always excited for what was coming next.
(pun intented)
jake would leave kisses down your entire body, making his way down to your core by leaving light hickeys. 
your legs would slowly open up for him, and you would wrap them around his head when he finally reached the right spot.
he brags about your head game all the time, but boy got some sweet skills too. he has you mewling, whimpering, shaking and he’s only a few licks and gentle bites in. 
by the time you’re close to the edge, he stops. “count down for me, baby.” so you count down from your your age to 0. i pity you if you’re like 35. rip @ your pussy. he doesn’t make it easy for you. he nibbles on your thighs, he leaves kisses absolutely everywhere. he dips his tongue in your wetness, teasing your hole (or both of them because why not? it’s your birthday, girl, be wild!). and when you FINALLY reach 0, you’re absolutely exploding.
you’re screaming his name. you almost forgot that what? five minutes ago? you were having sweet fantasy dreams of jake as a knight and you as the princess of the candy kingdom. 
jake’s face emerges from your pussy, covered in juices as he gives you a playful smirk. “you’re just like wine, you taste better with age.”
and he’s got you laughing and trying to gently kick him.
he will deny you any attempts of paying him back. he’s got other things on his mind.
he sets you back under the blankets nicely and reach out for your nightstand, handing you your favourite plushie that you leave here at all times as he presses a kiss on your forehead. “just had my fave breakfast but i’m ,’bout to make some more.” he would wink. “whataya want?”
pancakes, waffles, froot loops, spaghetti, brownies, listen, you could have whatever you wanted. 
you opted for waffles this year. and jake, who happened to be quite the talented chef, and before you could fall asleep again, he brought you a large platter of waffles, cut fruits and maple syrup with a hot chocolate.
you turned on the television and found some crappy reality television to watch. at midnight, it was either that or a marathon of pawn stars. on the screen, there were some old episodes of say yes to the dress. jake paid attention to your reactions in front of the dresses and the brides. he made mental notes of your preferences.
once you were done eating, you turned one of your favourite movies on. it was some disney film jake actually loved although he would never admit it out loud.
eventually, the sun started to rise outside. 
and the fun was really starting.
jake listed what the two of you would do today: he would take you to the mall early so no one would bother you as you went from store to store, trying everything from prada, chanel, gucci and whatever you felt like it. and then, you would go for brunch. and then he would take you for a walk around the park. just the two of you.
and you did all that, while jake carried all of your shopping bags and helped you bring them back inside the mansion when it was time for a power nap.
the thing was: you weren’t sleepy.
and neither was jake.
he noticed that little sparkle in your eyes. he knew it so well. 
you were needy. and even if, most of the time it would annoy him when he had better plans in mind, he let it slide this time.
he placed his hand on your head and helped you lean down on your knees.
you palmed at his growing bulge. you freed it from his pants and he went to sit on the couch. he let you entertain yourself, lazily sucking and licking his length when his other, much more important present, was being prepared outside without you noticing.
you cockwarmed him in your throat for a while.
“why you bein’ so generous to me? it’s your day, we gotta do what makes you happy.”
“you make me happy”.
HE COULD HAVE PUT A RING ON YOUR HAND RIGHT THERE (but after he came in your mouth, he had better priorities than marriage).
FINALLY you heard noise outside. you swallowed his load and licked your lips clean, crawling towards the large windows to take a peak of what was going on.
there was a lamborghini.
of your favourite colour.
bouquets and balloons were overflowing from the open doors and top.
your jaw dropped.
“i don’t even know how to drive?”
jake stood behind you and gently went to pet your hair.
“i’ll teach you.”
and you ran outside like an excited child, smelling roses and kicking helium balloons on your way. you sat behind the wheel and imitated the noises of the engine.
jake was so fucking in love with you.
he went to sit on the passenger seat and fixed the brakes, instructing you to press the pedal to rinse the engine safely.
he couldn’t even hear the vroom vroom over your happy giggles.
“it’s not over yet.”
jake got out of the car and went to your side, kissing you lovingly, his chain tickling your chest when he leaned forward. “follow me, angel.”
and you did. you arrived just in time, some friends had made it to the backyard where a gigantic cake and even bigger teddy bear were waiting for you. the teddy bear was holding a present bag with your favourite disney characters printed all over it.
everybody melted at the sweet thought.
jake suddenly switched in his attitude.
he grabbed something from behind the cake, a large jewelry box. he presented it to you.
you opened it.
there was a chain, similar to his, shining under the golden hour sun.
he put it on you as you let out a happy tear.
you shared the cake with your close friends. you were taking photos. posting them all over instagram. and fans were going crazy at the sight of jake looking so happy and relaxed. 
people left.
you both started to run out of energy.
so you went to bed, it was almost midnight again.
and you made love. it was passionate, it was loving, it was sweet and it was incredible. it could not be compared to anything else jake has ever done to you. it felt as though your hearts were beating on the same rhythm. your eyes were locked the entire time as you both reached your high in this slow, but deep pace.
and when you finally closed your eyes to relax, jake managed to stretch his arm out and grab something from the night stand drawer.
you thought he was grabbing some bullet vibrator.
it was an even smaller box than this afternoon.
“i bought this shit a long ass time ago,”
jake’s voice was cracking under the stress.
you encouraged with a gentle caress on his bearded chin.
“don’t fuckin’ cry or imma cry too.”
too late, you were both crying rivers. and chuckling. and shaking.
he did not even finish asking the question. he forgot the speech he prepared when he was eating you out earlier, thinking of romantic shit to say.
you said yes.
jake couldn’t see straight.
but he managed to put the ring on. it was the prettiest ring you have ever seen in your entire life.
after a ton of i love yous.
he found his phone somewhere on the bed and took a photo.
you looked awful and tried to cover your face with your hand.
“my bitch forever and ever happily ever after”.
he captioned the photo.
truth be told, he was so skillful that he did all of this without pulling out of you.
and he went at it again.
with more vigor. but with just as much passion.
“y’makin’ me feel so good wifey”.
perhaps wifey was the new bitch.
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calpops · 5 years ago
falling facade | c.h.
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part four: falling failures
part one: falling flowers || part two: falling freedom || part three: falling fears
5k words
Copyright 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
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Explanations were needed and time was not a luxury that Calum and Arden were afforded. Pressure from parents and media began to intensify at the release of the paparazzi photos. The ring was splashed across headlines again, the first public appearance of the new couple sparking more than Calum could have anticipated. His friends were asking questions as well and they were getting harder and harder to avoid. Missed calls piled up and the pressure of secrets sat heavy. Only a day had passed since the obligatory paparazzi walk and things were getting wildly out of hand. They couldn’t avoid it forever; that’s exactly what he told Michael when he paid the Clifford house a visit and asked to see Arden. He realized he didn’t even have his fake fiancée’s phone number and she was completely off the social media grid. They were due for answers and they were due for posts.
Management wanted to start the presence of the relationship in the public eye hard and fast and frequently and then start to taper off to convince of the eventual split. Michael nodded his understanding when Calum showed up in search of Arden; he disappeared to yell through the house for her and in just a moment Arden took his spot in the doorway. Calum could tell she was tired. Her soft hair was in a messy bun and strands fell down to frame her face. She wore an old and oversized T-shirt tucked into shorts where her hands found a home in the pockets and a mild expression captured her face with dark circles under her eyes. She leaned against the door frame and licked her lips, teeth catching in their venture and reminding Calum of momentary bliss on a dance floor.
“We need to figure some things out,” he started with and when she frowned and her knees knocked into each other he knew that was too open ended and nerve wracking of a statement to start with. “We need to get our story straight is all. We need to figure out who we’re telling what.”
“Oh. Right,” she mumbled and craned her neck to look behind her and into the house before looking back at Calum. “Not here. Please. Can we go somewhere else?”
“Of course.”
They went to Calum’s place where it was quiet and private and they could think out loud with each other, with only Duke to listen in on them. Calum could see Arden visibly relaxing from the nervous state she was in at the doorway. She sank into the plush couch and Duke surprisingly made his way over to her; let her scratch under his chin and settled at her side. Calum sat on her other side and let them both have a moment to think through the questions they knew needed to be answered.
“It’s so quiet here. I don’t think it’s been this quiet at Michael’s since, well—since I got there,” she said and let out a tired sigh. Calum wondered if the noise of so many inhabitants living in the house had interrupted her sleep. “This is nice. I can actually hear myself think.”
Calum wanted to tell her she could come over and stay whenever she liked, for the quiet. But with only four days of a fake relationship under their belts and years of not knowing each other after years of orbiting each other, he thought it might be too soon. He let her have a few more minutes of quiet, her tired eyes casted her gaze out the window and towards the mid morning sun. Her hand lazily pet Duke who careened into her side and was satiated by the touch. Calum could see her eyes were heavy with every blink lasting longer than the previous. Her feet slightly wiggled as they couldn’t quite reach the hardwood floor and short stuff affectionately made way into Calum’s thoughts. He tried to bite back a grin at the memory of her feisty dislike of what Calum might now consider a term of endearment. From there his mind sank into other memories; trying so hard to place Arden in more moments. But she had disappeared for years. He couldn’t conjure up an image of her in a concert crowd. Never saw her backstage. For some reason, she avoided the band. Calum then realized the band would be the best tool to utilize for their situation.  
“I think Ashton and Luke need to know,” Calum suddenly blurted out and he wasn’t sure why or where the words came from but they killed the silence and the relaxed look on Arden’s face. “At least them. They can help with the PR stuff. It’d make it easier. They can have my back in interviews when it’s brought up. If they know the game we’re playing they can help me fill in the gaps when you’re not there. And it would get them off my back.”
Arden bit her lip and absentmindedly or perhaps with a mind full to the brim; nodded. She didn’t say anything in response immediately but turned her gaze over to Calum. He knew she was scrutinizing the situation. She looked him up and down once before speaking.
“We can tell them. You’re right. They could help,” she affirmed—Michael’s help could only go so far, it would be unrealistic for the rest of the band to be out of the loop. “But can we hold off on telling our parents? At least for a while? I don’t think I’m ready to face all of that yet.”
Calum recalled her words at the diner from the previous day. Disappoint my parents. Arden believed they wouldn’t be okay with the situation, that they would think less of her for their drunken night and reckless decisions without coherent thought processes and all that rained down on them because of it. He still didn’t have the full story to that reasoning and it didn’t seem she was wanting or willing to offer it now. He wanted to know why; to have a reason and justification for white lies and half truths to his family. But her comfortability and wants needed to be factored in as well. They had created all of this together. He found with another look at her that he couldn’t deny her of the request, not when her eyes were pleading and her lower lip was trembling. Maybe not ever.
“We can tell them we’re still trying to figure us out,” Calum supplied a half truth. In all honesty he wasn’t sure what they were to each other. “We can be vague. We reconnected while you were visiting Michael. We went to Vegas for a wedding and maybe we got swept up in the romance and got engaged. But we’re still trying to figure things out. They don’t need to know about the details.”
Or about the contracts.
“Are you sure you’re okay with that? I don’t want you to feel like you have to lie for me.”
Calum didn’t tell her that it might not feel like lying. He just shrugged and cleared his throat. She took it as a confirmation and a tired smile slowly tugged at the corners of her mouth. He couldn’t help but notice her lips were glossy and faintly remember the taste of sugar on them. It had been days since the kiss. He missed the sweetness and the soft touch. He didn’t miss the feeling of falling or wind at his back; that was ever present and all consuming. It was shifting. Some moments it was an easy and exhilarating descent through soft clouds. Other times it was a free fall filled with inhibitions and anxieties. But here, in the quiet with just the two of them and walls crumbled down and secrets able to be shared, Calum was content to enjoy the feeling.
“We can call them tomorrow,” Calum decided; knowing their parents wouldn’t be able to wait much longer. He wasn’t sure what tactics Arden was employing to hold her parents off or how much they might be hounding Michael for explanations as well. “But we are due for a post today.”
Calum knew once whatever photo they took went up there would be an influx of questions. Luke and Ashton would be on him in a second, and recognizing the house they might even drive over to get their answers. He could probably stall his parents' curiosity with some texts. Calum hadn’t even spared the comments on the initial photo any thought. He almost didn’t dare to look. He could picture them in his mind and he figured they were better left online. He was grateful Arden wasn’t online anymore. Her socials had gone dark months ago and Calum found some peace of mind from that.
“How do we do it our way?” She asked, referring to the fact they wanted to keep as much of themselves to themselves. She reveled in privacy and feared losing control of her life. Calum wanted to play the publicity game in a way they could win.
He had put a lot of thought into how to go about posting. The paparazzi photos had worked in their favor. Her hidden face and back to the camera provided a sense of security and left most of the comments circulating about the ring and the way Calum looked at her. Management had no complaints about the way they conducted the pap walk. Calum came off as protective and she was portrayed as shy. They needed to keep that narrative in their hands and on the board. They couldn’t let false claims and the wrath of the PR team take over.
“The most important thing right now still seems to be the ring,” Calum mused and took a glance down at her hand still coddling Duke with pets to see it fit to her finger. He was surprised she was wearing it; his visit was unprompted and though a post was scheduled for the day he didn't mention it before leaving. “Good thing you’re wearing it.”
“I haven’t taken it off,” she admitted with a faint blush and stalling hand. Duke let out a small whimper at the loss of contact as she brought her hand up but nuzzled into her further to make up for it. “All those people at Michael’s don’t know it’s fake. I also don’t want to lose it and get us in trouble.”
Her reasoning made sense and Calum was hit with the thought that pretending for her was a lot more permanent with the lack of privacy at the Clifford compound. It followed her everywhere. The weight of the ring was a constant reminder. At least when Calum got home he could stop pretending. Though, he was then faced with the question of how much was real and how much was fake. The ring was fake. The feelings that followed him were a whole other battle that he was entirely unprepared for.
“Next time we decide to get fake engaged, let’s pick a less hideous ring,” she said as the glare of the diamond picked up the sunlight and glinted on the couch. “I don’t know why people would want to see this thing.”
Calum smirked at the lighthearted words and the gaudy ring that was too big for her small finger. “It’s not that bad.”
Arden gave him a serious look with an arched eyebrow and a tilt of her head.
“It is pretty bad,” he admitted in a grumble of defeat. “But I’d rather the attention and scrutiny be on it.” Rather than you.
Arden seemed to understand the implications of those three unsaid words. She went to fidget with the ring but stopped herself and instead pet Duke who appreciated the attention with relaxed eyes slipping closed and a small groan. Calum couldn’t believe how well the old dog took to her. He was usually standoffish around new people. Hardly liked attention from anyone other than Calum. But he was soaking up her pets and his tail was wagging at every word she said directed to him. Calum was awestruck and an idea hit him; another way to keep Arden from taking the brunt of the attention and invasion of privacy. A way to stay themselves in the face of pretending.
“What are you thinking?” Arden asked and Calum knew she could see the wheels turning in his mind and how loudly his silence spoke in that moment.
“I know what we can do,” Calum began, then shifted to grab his phone out of his pants pocket and brought himself even closer into Arden’s side. He beckoned for Duke who hesitated a moment, wanting nothing more than to stay under the affection of Arden. But he slowly sat himself up and gave Calum a cursory glance with uninterested eyes.
Calum reached over to pick him up and when he gave a little wiggle and huff Calum laughed and placed him in Arden’s arms. She didn’t hesitate to receive the disgruntled dog or coo to him to get him happy again. Calum’s heart was warm at the exchange; a smile growing with every baby voiced word she said. The sun spilled in through floor length windows and lit her in a soft glow as Calum pulled his camera up. The ring was visible in her position of holding Duke. Sensing what was happening Arden did her best to hide her face in the embrace of Duke. Calum leaned in with his arm outstretched and the camera facing them. He gave her a small kiss on the cheek, helping to obscure what could be seen of her face. He snapped a photo and then a few more when she was grinning and Duke was set down. Calum’s arm fell and his lips hovered as Arden turned to him.
Honey and peaches and sugar were just before him. Her eyes were hooded and soft, hazel gleaming in the light and Calum couldn’t help but inch closer. He vaguely heard Duke jump off the couch and pad off to his own bed but he was too caught up in the moment to give it much more than half a thought. She blinked slowly and Calum did too and without seeing or knowing he was kissing her again. Tiny alarm bells rang in his mind but they were drowned out by the sweetness invading his senses. He didn’t care that Arden was Michael’s sister. He didn’t care that the pretenses of their relationship were fake and constructed by contracts—but real with a date and a kiss preceding all of that. All he cared about was the moment and the feeling of her lips against his. And the way his hand found its way to her jaw, fingertips light and tingling as they trailed along and his fingers tangled in her hair.
The moment was bliss and longer lived than on the dance floor. But still, all too soon she was pulling away but staying still in his hold. His eyes shot open to find hers still closed, lips pouted and pink dancing across her cheeks. Her eyes opened slowly; he saw the even rise and fall of her chest. She was calm and that reinforced the feelings of bliss Calum experienced in their brief moment. Words were evasive and meaningless when their gazes held and his fingers drifted from her hair back to her jaw. They were silent and let that speak for them. He could hear the tiny breaths escaping her. Could see her eyes dart up and down as if in contemplation of what might happen next. As Calum began to think that through—debating if he should lean in again or not—she made the decision and pulled away, leaving his hand to fall as a sigh escaped her.
“Guess we got caught up in the charade,” she said as her gaze went distant and the pink on her cheeks began to fade. She bit her lip and leaned back into the plush cushions of the couch.
“Yeah,” Calum agreed though he wasn’t too sure of that on his end.
His camera still captured the screen of his phone and a tiny photo sat in the bottom corner. It reminded him of what the moment was and what needed to be done. He pulled up his social media and found the photo where Arden was mostly hidden by Duke and Calum’s kiss. He was apprehensive and indecisive when captioning it. Arden was silent behind him, relaxed, while he was hunched over with phone in one hand and chin in the other. Settling for the less is more tactic he simply put a heart and leaned back and angled the phone for Arden’s eyes.
“Is this okay to post?”
He wanted to make sure they were always on the same page when it came to the stunt. He wanted her permission. Even though it was his profile, her comfortability of being on it was more important. She nodded and Calum hit post with his heart in his throat and sweaty palms still gripping the phone. He could still feel their kiss, could still taste sugar when he licked his lips and turned to face her. She was seemingly at ease while Calum was at war with himself.
It only took a few minutes of the post being up for the calls and texts to start piling up. Calum had called his family the previous night after he and Arden decided to hold off. He evaded their questions as best he could and said he’d explain when the time was right and they were ready. It was a sinking feeling to be engulfed in; he had never been so evasive with his family before. But it was justified to keep Arden okay. He knew they were picking up on the fact he couldn’t say things, not that he didn’t want to or didn’t trust them. But Luke and Ashton were still in the dark and seeking the light. Others had questions; a few exes popped up in search of answers, but they weren’t important.
“Should we bite the bullet and tell Ash and Luke the truth in one go?” Calum asked as his phone lit up with a FaceTime call from Ashton, again.
Arden took a moment to think it over and when a grin spread across her face and mischief twinkled in her hazel eyes Calum couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking.
“We could have fun with it first,” she said and Calum knew exactly what she meant as she sat up.
He slid back and wrapped an arm around her, let her head rest against him and started a group call with her hand and ring in the shot; it delicately rested against his chest and he was sure she could feel the beat of his heart just like she did with her face to his chest at the wedding. It was bound to skip and thump a little harder than usual. The connection came alive at a moment’s notice and Ashton lit up the screen with his mouth already running; throwing questions around rapidly—with some choice words to highlight his confusion—until the realization Arden was right there and snuggled into Calum’s side donned on him.
“What the fuck?” Ashton’s new tirade of questioning began with an expletive. “Don’t tell me you two idiots actually got married in Vegas?”
“Married?” Luke asked as he joined the call and caught Ashton’s last sentence. “You married Michael’s sister?”
“Management must be covering it up with just an engagement. Oh god, it makes so much sense,” Ashton reasoned though he was wildly wrong. Calum and Arden stayed quiet; mildly amused by the guessing game ensuing, even egging it on by nuzzling closer together. “Nothing good ever comes from Vegas. No offense, but what the hell were you guys thinking?”
“They were probably drunk,” Luke supplied and then tacked on in a mumble. “Sure glad I don’t have a sister.”
They let Ashton and Luke simmer with comments and questions for another couple of minutes. They came in and out with Calum’s subpar internet connection. Only when the speculation started getting out of hand; wild theories of a secret relationship for months or years tumbling from their lips. Calum decided to cut them off and Arden backed away; the fun quickly dwindling and crashing back into reality.
“Guys stop. We’re not married,” Calum said in a raised voice, he thought he felt Arden flinch next to him. Once Ashton and Luke’s theories died on their lips and the connection went quiet Calum cleared his throat. “We didn’t get married in Vegas. We haven’t been in a secret relationship.”
“Then what the hell is happening?” Luke asked.
“Not married but engaged then?” Ashton questioned and blew out a huff. “Who goes to Vegas and just gets engaged?”
“We’re not really engaged,” Calum stated and eyebrows shot up in surprise as a response. They both stayed quiet on the other ends and gave time for Calum to explain. “It was supposed to be a joke, we think… We were pretty drunk. Management didn’t think it was funny. Now it’s a stunt.”
The few sentences it took to wrap up the explanation was enough. They had all had their own individual and band struggles with management and PR disasters. Calum didn’t need to offer up why management didn’t find it funny or why they had taken it so seriously they made it into a stunt. Luke and Ashton were aware of how extreme things could get in the matters of the press. In the face of maintaining or creating images. A lot of things came down to the will of management. Arden’s fear of losing control wasn’t so far fetched or fantastical. But Calum had already swore to himself he’d do anything and everything in his power to keep her from spiraling at the hands of the media and management.
Arden stayed quiet as Luke and Ashton absorbed the news and asked a few follow up questions—how long, what commitments did they sign up for, was there anything they could do to help. Calum responded in the best ways he could and kept an eye on Arden all the while. She sank back into the couch, knees resting on the cushions and fingers playing with the hem of her shorts. She was barely within the shot of the camera now. Calum dominated most of the picture and explanation. He wanted to wrap it up and get back to Arden. Craved more moments made just between them. Thoughts of the diner and a simple line drawing in red crayon and secrets slipping out like they didn’t matter captured his thoughts as the call was winding down and questions were finally answered. Ashton and Luke were on board to do whatever they could to aid them in their cause to keep playing it their way.
When Calum finally hung up he looked back at Arden. She was still and the picture of tired. Although Calum wanted to take her away again; off in search of somewhere real where more stories could be shared he could tell she wasn’t up for it. He laid back against the couch and didn’t move when she rested against him again; it was almost as if they were both working on instinct and seeking comfort from the other. He soaked up the essence of honey and sweetness and breathed her in. She let out a drawn out sigh he swore must have been a yawn she was trying to hide.
“Wanna stay here a while?” He asked just barely above a whisper and felt her nod against him.
He had no complaints for that. His day was free and the mid morning was painting a lovely picture out the window before them. The couch was comfortable and her presence made him warmer than the sun heating his skin. He had a culmination of plans for them that he could sit with in the silence. For everything fake they had to do he wanted to follow it with something real. He wanted to show Arden the sides of him that no one else got to see. Wanted to show her the places that made him feel like himself. And if in that process he got to see the sides of her no one else knew or secrets she had never shared before then that was a bonus.
They sat in a comfortable silence and position. Time slipped past unbeknownst in the quiet that surrounded them. Calum had never been one for something like this. He had never been so at ease he didn’t need words or background noise or distractions. But with only the sound of her small breaths, his heart beating a little louder than usual and the occasional snore from Duke he was convinced he was finding a liking for it. Without thinking his hand wandered to her hair. Just minutes before his fingers were tangled in the strands and his lips pressed against hers. This time he calmly stroked through the soft tresses and ate up the content sigh that escaped her. She watched out the window and he watched her until her eyes slipped closed and he allowed himself to follow her into sleep.
When they woke the sun was behind the tree line, hiding between leaves and branches that were casted in a warm and golden glow. Calum was first to wake and take a moment to gather his surroundings. The couch. A usual napping spot for him. Arden. She was still rested against him, his arm still around her and fingers falling on her collarbones where their trail of brushing through her hair ended. Duke was still in his bed but peaked up with a half interested gaze as Arden shifted as she woke. She greeted Calum with slow blinks and a slow smile crossing her face.
“I haven’t slept that well since I’ve been here,” she admitted around a yawn and a stretch; leaving Calum’s side with the motion. “I should probably get back before Michael thinks we’re up to no good.”
She reached for her phone in her shorts pocket, Calum assumed she was going to call for a car and stopped her with a hand on top of hers. “I’ll bring you.”
The car ride was quiet as they both contemplated the events of the day. The plan for their parents would need to be set into motion soon. Luke and Ashton could now help in their endeavors. The new photo was exploding with buzz and speculation. The kiss on the cheek lingered and became something much more. Their real moment when the camera and their guards dropped was tailspinning through Calum’s subconscious. Calum could see how busy Michael’s house was when they arrived. Cars spilled onto the road and people passed in the front windows. He put the car in park and caught the end of an eye roll from Arden as she took in the added company.
“Give me your phone,” Calum said quickly in a force of realization. “We need each other’s numbers.”
Arden gave him a puzzled look but handed the device over unlocked. Calum quickly added his number to her contacts and sent himself a text so he could have hers too.
“Text me whenever you want to get away from the noise,” he offered as he passed her phone back.
She bit her lip and looked down at the screen; seeing his name and the small message sent to his phone. A ring in the message box made her laugh and for the first time he noticed small dimples appearing as her smile grew.
“You’re ridiculous,” she commented as she shook her head and tapped the screen. He leaned over to see what she was doing but she angled herself away until she was done; showing his updated info to include the ring in his name. “Just in case I ever forget we’re fake engaged.”
She said it with a wink and a small giggle that filled Calum’s chest with a nervous warmth and flutter as he laughed along with her. She unbuckled but didn’t make a move for the door handle. Instead she leaned over towards Calum, a now familiar brush of her lips ghosting on his cheek as she thanked him. Calum swore he’d never tire of her gratitude though he wasn’t sure he truly deserved it. He didn’t feel like he’d done anything worthy of a thank you; but he never rejected her words or the warmth of her closeness. It was all so consuming and just a bit addictive.
“I have a feeling I’ll be seeing you soon,” she said with a pointed gaze at the colossal house filled with too many people in front of them.
“I look forward to it,” he replied with every ounce of honesty in him.
Arden left Calum with a smile and a wave when the door was shut. He made sure she got inside okay, waited to drive off until the door was shut behind her and his head stopped spinning from the overwhelming scent of peaches lingering in the car. He drove home with the windows open in an attempt to get his head above water and mind away from places it shouldn’t dive into. She said it herself; they were caught up in the charade. Everything meant nothing more than the facade they had to put on. A speck of doubt pushed its way through his thoughts; her words were drawn out and unsure. He wondered if she too was trying to convince herself of that. He couldn’t bring himself to believe it was all fake. At least not on his end. Falling failures crashed around him in plumes of smoke that threatened to choke him; his descent was becoming more and more dangerous as each smile and real moment forced him down faster and faster.
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mashtonasfuck · 4 years ago
there’s a ghost in the back of this room
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Calum Hood (and also a bonus side of muke that happened accidentally)
Person B is a ghost in Person A’s house and they would be really freaked out but Person B always leaves really good advice using the kitchen magnets, so Person A is not really bothered
Warnings: mention of a missing person who reader knows is dead/a ghost
Word Count: 3K
A note from Lucy: This is part of the halloween writers collab organised by @maluminspace​ and @h0tsos. The masterlist can be found here. See the end of the post for more notes. Hey look, I managed to write cashton fic without it turning into smut! Thanks to @loveroflrh and @kindahoping4forever for reading this over for me 💙
If you’d like to be added to my tag list then please fill in this form
You can find my masterlist here
This work must not be reposted anywhere - I do not give my permission for it to appear anywhere other than on my blog, or on my ao3 page.
“Ashton, why does your fridge say ‘stop being an idiot’?” Ashton glanced over to where Luke was staring at the fridge door in mild amusement. 
“Oh, that’s just Calum - ignore him. I usually do” Ashton rolled his eyes as a picture fell off the wall as he finished speaking, the thud causing Luke to spin around, eyes wide.
“What was that?” 
“I just brushed past the picture and knocked it off, that’s all.”
Luke narrowed his eyes at Ashton, the older man chuckling as he hung the picture back up. 
“Come on, let’s watch this damn movie you don’t shut up about.”
Why did you tell Luke to ignore me
The question was on Ashton’s fridge the next morning, the letters a mishmash of colours and cases. Ashton pinched the bridge of his nose as he read it - only he would get a self conscious ghost living in his house. 
“Calum, are you here?”
A cupboard door opened and a mug floated down onto the counter a few feet away from him - Ashton took that as a yes and shoved a pod into his coffee machine before grabbing the mug and pushing the button. 
“I was only messing with you, Cal. Besides, you’re my ghost, it has nothing to do with Luke.”
Ashton watched as the letters on the fridge rearranged themselves, sipping on his coffee and humming at the bitterness dancing on his tongue. 
Do you not want your friends to know about me
Ashton groaned internally, how could he explain this to his house ghost without offending him? 
“I think they’d be pretty freaked out if they knew I lived with a ghost. You saw Luke’s reaction to you knocking that picture off the wall. Besides, I like keeping you a secret, you’re mine.”
It’s pretty hard for me to be yours when you’ve never even seen me
Ashton had in fact seen Calum. Or at least a photo of Calum. 
He hadn’t been in the house more than a month when he started to realise that things kept happening. A photo moved slightly, the couch not being quite as tidy as he’d left it. The day Ashton had realised he actually had a ghost, he’d come home to find a new photo of him and Luke floating in midair. 
“Um, hello?”
The photograph was dropped hastily, as though Ashton had scared the ghost he evidently had living in his house. After that, Ashton started talking to the ghost, even though he never got a reply aside from the odd knock on a table or a wall. It was while he was at a store grabbing something for dinner that he saw the fridge magnets. He grabbed all of the packets they had and drove home with a grin on his face.
“So, I bought you these today,” Ashton held out the magnets towards where he hoped his ghost was, “I thought maybe you could try talking back to me?”
Ashton felt a small whoosh of air as the ghost moved around the kitchen and he tore open the first packet, dumping the contents into a drawer he never used. Almost immediately the letters started floating from the drawer towards his fridge and Ashton watched as the ghost arranged the letters into a sentence.
Hello Ashton
“Hello, ghost. Oh - what’s your name? It feels weird calling you ‘ghost’.”
The letters arranged themselves once again.
My name is Calum
“Nice to finally know your name, Calum. How was your day?”
I’m a ghost Ashton
The brunette snorted as he watched the letters form another sentence.
Boring thank u for asking
Ashton laughed before spending the next few hours conversing with his ghost - with Calum - via fridge magnets. Calum had told him his full name after Ashton insisted upon knowing it.
“If you ever piss me off, I need to know what to call you.”
Calum Hood
It lingered there for a few seconds before ‘Hood’ was moved over.
Calum Thomas Hood
Ashton turned it over in his mind. Why did that name sound so familiar to him? He thought nothing more of it until he was at work a few days later.
Police are still searching for Calum Thomas Hood, 24, who disappeared from his home 6 months ago. They’re urging anyone who may know anything about his disappearance to come forward. 
Attached to the article had been a photo of the missing man, and Ashton knew it was his Calum. (He’d later cut the photograph out of the newspaper and taped it to the bottom of his desk drawer where no one would find it.) When he’d got home from work that day, Ashton had asked Calum how he’d died. 
Not sure don’t remember
Ashton had debated telling the police that he knew exactly where Calum Thomas Hood - or at least his soul - was. He’d told Calum this one evening and a single word had appeared on his fridge.
Calum was bored. 
Sure, being a ghost meant that he could walk through walls and move things with his mind, but being bound to one place had its drawbacks. There were only so many times you could move things around waiting to see how long it took Ashton to find them before you’d moved everything. 
(He’d even tried to swap all the furniture in Ashton’s bedroom with all the furniture in his living room, but Ashton had come home earlier than Calum had anticipated and made him put it all back to normal without any help. Moving things with your mind was tiring. 
“You’re a ghost, Cal, how can you get tired?”
Calum had used all of the ‘i’s and the ‘l’s to make a middle finger on Ashton’s fridge door.)
Calum thought that Ashton could sense how restless he was. Ashton seemed to find new reasons to work from home during the day so Calum wasn’t by himself. Not that they could really interact unless Ashton was in the kitchen. They’d tried using a pen and some paper once, but Calum’s ghostly abilities didn’t seem to extend to pens. He couldn’t seem to get the pressure right to actually leave ink on the paper. Ashton had laughed at him before being met with a cushion to the face. 
Calum missed being alive. He missed being able to go outside. He missed coffee. He missed being able to pet dogs.
Most of all, he was frustrated that he couldn’t remember how he’d even become a ghost. At night while Ashton was asleep, Calum tried to remember what had happened. (There wasn’t much else to do while your best friend was sleeping.) He’d get so far into the memory and then something would tug him back into the present moment. It was disconcerting. Calum could sense that he was close to finding out the truth, but something was stopping him. He’d tried to explain it to Ashton but ran out of letters and gave up. He’d debated asking the other man to buy more, but had resigned himself to the fact that it just wasn’t worth it. Ashton wasn’t going to be able to help him figure out what had happened - it was something he needed to figure out for himself.
“Hey Cal, how do you feel about me throwing a Halloween party this year?”
Although Ashton couldn’t see him, he knew that Calum had raised an eyebrow at his question. 
It’s your house Ashton
“Well excuse me for wanting to make sure my resident ghost wasn’t inconvenienced.” Ashton smirked at his fridge as Calum spelt out a new message.
Appreciate it
Sure, have a party
Ashton cheered aloud and began reeling off his ideas to Calum, barely giving the ghost time to form a sentence. Calum shook his head fondly at the man standing opposite him - if Calum had been alive and met Ashton, he was sure that they’d have been best friends. When Ashton had finished speaking, Calum had one thing to say.
You already have a haunted house Ash
The party had taken Ashton weeks of planning and he’d dragged Luke into the prep early on in the process. 
Calum liked having Luke around - he was fun to mess with. He’d taken to moving Luke’s glass from wherever he’d put it down and putting it on the other side of the room. Watching Luke’s bewilderment was a new favourite activity of Calum’s - Ashton had to keep taking the fall for his antics. 
As Halloween rolled around, Ashton’s house really did look haunted. Every room was shrouded in black and there were cobwebs all over the place. (Calum’s favourite thing was the skeleton hiding behind the downstairs closet door that jumped out whenever you walked past it.) According to Ashton, the outside looked just as scary as the inside, but Calum had to take his word for it. 
As people started arriving, Calum retreated into Ashton’s room. He didn’t usually go anywhere near the other man’s room, but Ashton had told him that it was okay if he needed to get away from all the people. Calum was worried about being walked through. Ashton had done it a few times by accident, and Calum had felt sick every time it had happened. That was something they were both eager to avoid, especially once Calum had explained to Ashton how it felt. 
A knock on Ashton’s bedroom door piqued Calum’s interest and Luke’s head appeared around the door frame.
“Ash, are you - oh. You’re not here.” Luke started to close the door but stopped suddenly, pushing it back open and slipping inside before closing it behind him. He glanced around a few times, gaze running over where Calum was sitting on the end of the bed. 
“This is going to sound crazy, but is there someone else in here?”
Calum cocked his head at Luke’s words; he knew that Ashton wasn’t particularly forthcoming with Luke about his existence. He shifted off the end of the bed, moving across the room to stand about a foot away from Luke. The blonde let out a breath as he felt the temperature in the room drop slightly.
“Calum, right?” Luke’s voice was quiet as he spoke, Calum smiling at the fact that Luke remembered his name. He picked up a pillow from Ashton’s bed in response, tossing it gently towards Luke. The other man caught it easily, eyes growing wide at the pillow that was suddenly in his arms.
“Holy shit, you are actually real.” 
Calum let out a laugh at Luke’s words, amazement etched into the blonde’s face. 
“I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.”
The blonde left the room, returning a few minutes later with an armful of stuff. He dropped it all on Ashton’s bed before turning around and facing the room. 
“So, um, I bought a small magnetic whiteboard and some of the letters from Ashton’s kitchen drawer and I was wondering if we could talk about something?”
Luke watched in shock as the letters began arranging themselves on the whiteboard.
Hi Luke
What’s up
Luke sucked in a breath before he started talking.
Calum knew this was crazy. 
Luke was crazy.
Just because it was Halloween, it didn’t mean that Ashton would suddenly be able to see him. Calum had always thought the whole ‘veil being thinner on Halloween’ thing was bullshit. Luke was insistent that it wasn’t, telling him that if anyone would be able to see him it would be Ashton.
“He’s in love with you, I think.” 
The way Luke had said it had been so casual, but it sent Calum’s mind reeling. Ashton couldn’t possibly love him. He barely even knew him. Luke had dismissed Calum’s concerns before he’d even completed a sentence on the board. The more Calum thought about it, the more he was sure that he was the one in love with Ashton. He paused rearranging the letters for a moment as he stared at Luke. 
Think I love him too
Luke had lit up with a smile at Calum’s words before slipping out of the room to find Ashton. 
Calum was sure if he had any contents in his stomach, that they would be on their way out by now. He was so nervous. Luke was so sure that this would work, that Calum found himself believing the blonde man wholeheartedly. It felt like an eternity before Luke finally returned dragging Ashton behind him, along with another man that Calum had never seen before. 
“Calum, this is Michael. He’s my boyfriend and he’s also slightly psychic.”
Michael blushed a deep red at Luke’s words, scanning the room before he locked eyes with Calum. 
“Hello, Calum.” 
Calum waved gingerly at the green eyed man staring at him, Michael breaking out into a smile. He glanced at Luke and nodded slightly, the blonde smirking at Ashton. Ashton was standing behind Luke looking bewildered as he watched the exchange between his friends. 
“Can someone please explain to me what’s going on? Luke, how did you find out about Calum?” 
Luke glanced over his shoulder at the brunette man and rolled his eyes. 
“Please, I don’t know why you thought no one would find the picture you’d taped to your desk drawer. Coupled with the fact that you kept blaming ‘Calum’ for things. You weren’t exactly subtle, Ash. I put two and two together and did a google search.”
Ashton’s jaw dropped open as Luke spoke, Calum snickering at his reaction. Michael smiled widely at Calum and turned to face Ashton. 
“You already know what Calum looks like, right?”
Ashton nodded slowly, fearful of where this was going.
“As we all know, the veil is thinner on Halloween, therefore allowing spirits to pass between the realms. I’ve never tried to bring an actual ghost through the veil, but there’s a first time for everything, right?” Michael rolled his shoulders as he spoke, turning back to face Calum. “Provided this goes right, we should all be able to see you. I mean, I already can. But Luke and Ashton too. Worst case scenario is that only I can see you, and this doesn’t work. You only live once though, right?” 
Calum rolled his eyes at Michael’s words, bracing himself for whatever the man was about to do. 
“Oh, wait.” Michael glanced at Ashton before looking back towards Calum, “Say something to me, Calum. I need to know if I can hear you already or not.”
Calum raised an eyebrow at Michael.
“You’re such a know-it-all, Michael.” 
Michael broke out into laughter, Luke and Ashton looking at him in confusion.
“This is gonna be fun, nice to meet you Calum.” Michael smirked at him before cracking his knuckles, “You’re gonna fit right in with us all, I’m sure of that.”
“Michael, what exactly are you going to do?” Ashton’s voice was nervous, he didn’t like the fact that Michael could see Calum when he couldn’t.
“We, my dear friends, are going to summon Calum firmly into the realm of the living.”
Calum felt the air around him grow fuzzy as he watched the three figures sat on the floor in front of him. 
“Now Ashton, I need you to imagine Calum standing right in front of you. Really imagine it. See him in your mind’s eye. You got it? Good.” Michael looked away from Ashton and back towards Calum. “Cal, whenever you’re ready, I need you to come and stand in front of Ashton. I’m 80% sure that this is going to work. It depends how well Ashton is visualising.”
The brunette huffed in Michael’s direction and Calum smirked. 
“Is he always like this when I’m not around?”
Michael grinned at Calum before nodding and gesturing to the spot on the floor in front of Ashton. 
“Whenever you’re ready, Calum.”
Holy shit
“Cal?” Ashton’s voice was barely a whisper as he stared at the man suddenly standing before him.
“Hi, Ash.” Calum blushed under the other man’s gaze, casting a look towards Luke and Michael who were both sat on the floor smirking.
Ashton blinked a few times before slowly standing up and reaching towards Calum. The other man grabbed his arm as he stood, helping to pull him off the floor. 
“How - how are you corporeal right now?” Ashton looked over at Michael who simply shrugged in return.
“You must be really good at visualising. It was only supposed to make Calum visible and hearable. Whether or not he was corporeal was out of my control.” Michael pulled Luke to his feet as he stood up, taking the blonde’s hand, “Now, if you don’t mind, I need to go and make out with my boyfriend in Ashton’s spare room. Nice to meet you, Cal. I daresay we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other in the near future.” 
Michael dragged Luke from the room, the blonde waving absentmindedly at Ashton and Calum as they retreated, closing the door behind them. 
“It’s really you.” Ashton ran his hand up Calum’s arm. The other man was wearing the same clothes as in the photo Ashton had seen, Calum’s leather jacket feeling smooth against his fingers. 
“It’s really me, Ash.” Calum brought a hand up rest against the back of Ashton’ neck. “It’s so weird to be able to talk to you and for you to actually be able to hear me.”
Ashton laughed quietly at Calum’s words, leaning forwards to rest their foreheads together. 
“I can’t believe you’re really standing here and I can see you. Remind me to get Michael a case of beer or something.” 
“Noted.” Calum grabbed both of Ashton’s hands, lacing their fingers together. “I’ve thought about being able to touch you for so long.”
Ashton hummed quietly at the other man’s words, the realisation finally setting in.
Calum was here. He could see Calum. He could hear him. He could feel him. 
“Ash, I need to tell you something.” Calum nudged Ashton’s head up so they were eye to eye. “I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.” 
Ashton smiled softly at the admission.
“Pretty sure I’m in love with you too, Cal. I mean, it’s kinda complicated because you’re a ghost and all, but I really do love you.”
Calum searched Ashton’s face for any sign of hesitancy before closing the distance between them. 
Notes: I deliberately left this open ended so I can come back to it in the future. I hope you like it, I’m really unsure about it 🥺 please let me know what you think here
Taglist: @pxrxmoore, @irwinkitten, @kindahoping4forever, @sadistmichael, @loveroflrh, @adoringlrh, @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles, @maluminspace, @malumsmermaid, @lashtonswildflower, @irwindoll, @castaway-cashton, @everyscarisahealingplace, @converse-luke, @zhangyixingxing1, @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25
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alixanonymous · 5 years ago
How A Demon Commissions An Angel ~ A Daminette FanFic ~ Chapter 4: A Plan In Progress
Date: November 3, 2021 5:00 P.M.
Subject: I Accept Your Terms
Dear Ms. Dupain-Cheng,
I do not delude myself into thinking we will be able to magically solve each other’s problems but it does seem as though we both lack certain qualities the other does not. If you’re offering the chance for me to stay where I am, I would be a fool not to take it and I am not a fool. If I can also help fix your unfortunate situation, I will do so. 
Let me know where we go from here.
- Damian W.
From the phone of Marinette Dupain-Cheng:
The Ladyblog 
A Retraction Of An Earlier Article Nov 4 2021 
I’ve decided to take down an earlier article entitled “MDC Stole My Best Friend’s Designs!” following contact from the legal team of Jagged Stone. It was wrong of me to make accusations without proof and I will endeavor to provide evidence to back any claims I make on this blog in the future.
- Alya Cesaire, Creator of the Ladyblog
Chat Name: Aunt Penny
Aunt Penny: Are you sure you don’t want us to pursue any further action Marinette? That statement hardly seemed sincere and was not nearly sufficient considering all she’s claimed. We can help you know.
Me: It’s fine Aunt Penny. Anything else wouldn’t be worth the trouble. It’s not her fault anyway.
Aunt Penny: You know I don’t agree with that but okay, if you’re sure. Just remember the lawsuits have already been drafted.
Aunt Penny: By the way, Jagged’s suit was a real hit at the charity dinner. Not that we ever had a doubt. Have you been thinking about creating a new website?
Me: That’s great to hear. I’ll think about it, okay?
Aunt Penny: That’s good.
Chat Name: Alya
Alya: Girl, I know what you’re thinking but just because I had to post that statement doesn’t mean Lila’s lying. She just can’t release any proof because she wants to do the right thing and keep MDC’s identity a secret. She’s being the bigger person!
Me: She always is.
Alya: Don’t be like that! Please Marinette. Stop letting your jealousy cloud your judgement.
Chat Name: Uncle Jagged
Uncle Jagged: Pens told me that you dont want to sue i get it, lawsuits are totally not rock n’ roll but feeding that liar and her friends to fang is always an option!!!
Me: No, Uncle Jagged.
Uncle Jagged: fine…
Uncle Jagged: i got so much applause for your suit at the stuffy dinner btw.
Uncle Jagged: of course I told them all that my talented young niece made it.
Uncle Jagged: even had a billionaire’s son begging for a referral but dont worry i turned him down for you 
Me: What?! Why?!
Uncle Jagged: trust me, Mari, he was totally not rock n’ roll. not rock n’ roll at all! just rude
Chat Name: Adrien
Adrien: Hey Marinette, did you see the apology on the Ladyblog?
Me: You mean the retraction?
Adrien: Well, yes. 
Adrien: Look, Marinette, you’re not going to do anything else right? She took it down.
Me: She took it down because “she had no proof” not because she knows Lila lied. She’s still convinced even after Jagged’s legal team got involved although we both know the truth.
Adrien: I'm sorry.
Adrien: Even my father feels bad, he knows how much rumors like that could damage an artist’s reputation especially without proof.
Adrien: But he’s still convinced Lila’s someone I need to associate with and if you try to expose her again it’s going to be like every other time and I don’t want things to get worse for you.
Adrien: I’m sorry Mari.
Adrien: I just can’t help you while my father’s still on her side.
Google Search History: 
Gotham Charity Dinner 2021 Photos
Patricide but for uncles
What is it called when someone kills their uncle?
How to know if a friendship is toxic
Date:November 5, 2021  5:05 P.M.
Subject: The Plan
Hey Damian!
Sorry for the delay in responding. I don’t know if you saw but MDC had a bit of a problem to deal with yesterday. So here’s how I see it. Our plan has two parts: the commission for your brothers and then us trying to help each other out with our people problems.
For the commission: You already gave me the measurements which I’m trusting are up to standard since I’m not flying to America any time soon. Next I need to know exactly what you want me to make for each of your brothers: Grayson, Todd, and Drake, the measurements say are their names right? Then I need to know who you think wants a sweater and who wants a jacket and your ideas for the design. I’ll draw up some designs based on the information and send them to you for approval with an estimate of the cost. (Normally I’d also send a non-disclosure agreement beforehand too but considering how this all started I’m guessing you’re not going to give me your real name for the paperwork, are you?) After they’re approved I’ll need you to deposit half the sum in my account (Information attached) and I’ll use it to buy the materials.
If I can get all of this done in the next week or so, it should leave me about a month to finish the pieces before sending them out (An address will not be optional fyi). Sounds good??
For the other part of our plan: the way I could see it going is when one of us has a problem we could use the other person for sort of a different perspective. It’s like in those cartoons when the character has those two little people on their shoulders, do you know what I’m talking about? One’s good, the other’s bad and they’re both telling the person to do different things. Not that you’re bad I mean and not that I just assumed that of the two of us you’d be the bad one…  I’m not saying any of this right. I just mean it like I said before, I could learn a thing or time from someone who isn’t too concerned with pleasing everybody. (I didn’t mean that as an insult by the way. I actually find it kind of admirable.)
So, here’s an example of a situation I could use your opinion on: today I started to wonder if one of my friendships is no longer healthy anymore. I have this friend who is the only other person in our class that knows Lila’s lying. At first he convinced me that her lies weren’t hurting anybody and that as long as we both knew the truth then it didn’t matter what anybody else thought. Eventually, we both realized that that was no longer the case when she almost got me expelled, but by then she had convinced his father that I was a bad influence on him. So now he’s forced to play nice and keep her happy to please his father.
It’s hard because even though I know he knows she’s lying, he can’t tell anyone else so no one believes me when I try to tell them. Now she’s made good on her promise to turn everyone against me and so I have to deal with all her antics by myself while she stands by his side with the rest of the class. I know he’s in a bad position but it still doesn’t make me feel better when he texts me asking if I’m okay after  something happens while at the same time whenever we’re with other people, he keeps his distance so she doesn’t report him to his father.
I guess I’m just tired of trying to make him feel better all the time. However, whenever I think about ending our friendship, I feel guilty because it’s really not his fault. His father wouldn’t hesitate to pull him from school and then we couldn’t be friends anyway. I feel like a good friend would stick by his side. I don’t know. What do you think, Damian? 
I guess that’s just how I see this going then. I rant about whatever I’m having to deal with and you tell me if you agree with how I’m handling it and vice versa. You mention some type of incident with a classmate right? Do you want an outside opinion of that or has your family’s sufficed? Or is there anything else you could use some advice on? I guess we’re just making this up as we go. I mean I suppose there aren’t any rules about relationships that started with one person trying to blackmail the other, right? :P
Hope to hear from you soon! Love,
P.S. If this is going to work, you can’t just ignore me when I call you out on being (for lack of a better word) snobbish, Mr. Postscript.
Hello, it’s me again. I just spent like an hour working on chapter nine so my headache’s making itself know again but I wanted to at least post a chapter today. Thank you to anyone who’s been reblogging, liking, or replying to these! It makes the unenjoyable task of reposting worth it! More chapters soon!
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vanilladyfics · 5 years ago
Yakitori Time
Tumblr media
Ship: Denki Kaminari x Assumed Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, First Words Soulmate AU
Warnings: Slight sexuality, Mineta mention
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary:  Denki Kaminari, like most people, was born with the first words his soulmate will say to him written on his chest.  The words tell him where he’ll meet his soulmate, just not when.  Denki is not a patient man.
Do not repost.
“Welcome to Yakitori Time!”
Denki Kaminari had seen the words in the mirror so many times, he could write them backwards.  Ever since quirks first started appearing, more and more people were born with words tattooed across their heart, supposedly guiding people to their soulmates.  Most of his friends had simple, generic greetings.  Every day platitudes that could, and have, mislead people to believing any given stranger could be their destined mate.  Sure, he got teased for it back in middle school, but at least his was unique.  Millions of people were walking around with “Hi” or “Nice to meet you” across their chest with no clue where their soulmate might be, but he had a solid lead.  No doubt those old locker room bullies were just envious he knew where to look, even if it was a grilled chicken place that, last he checked, didn't exist.
Denki turned his phone back on after another grueling library study session with Bakugo.  He had five missed messages, all from Mineta.
What's the name of that chicken place again?
The next message was a selfie of Mineta and half of the shot was taken up by a woman's butt in leggings.  Nice.  He almost missed the sign Mineta was pointing to in the background:  Yakitori Time.  Another shot of just the top of Mineta's head and the sign again, this time with the grand opening banner above.
They'll kick me out if I don't keep eating.  Bring money.  Plz.
“Oi!  What's with the face?”
Denki showed his friend the second picture.  “It's from Mineta.  He found it. Yakitori Time.”  He cradled the phone in his hands, feeling something between awe and disbelief.  No one he knew met their soulmate this young.  He liked girls, he really liked girls, but didn't know what he'd actually do if he had one.
“And you're just standing here?  Didn't take you for a coward.”
The last message was just the address.  He knew the street.  He could be there in ten minutes if he ran.  He ran.
Denki knew the place immediately from the large Grand Opening banner and chicken mascot outside.  He could see just how crowded it was through the glass windows.  Any one of those people could be his destined mate. Denki's mouth felt dry.  He was already sweaty from his sprint from UA and regretted not changing out of his uniform.  He could meet his future wife today with his hair standing on end and his shirt wet with pit stains.  He could still go change.  Come back fresh tomorrow.
Mineta made eye contact through the glass, waving frantically.
Nope.  It was today.
He'd do it fast, like ripping off a bandage.  Denki pushed the double doors open with both hands, the air conditioning blasting cool air on his hot face.
The entire staff greeted him as one, “Welcome to Yakitori Time!”
This was going to be a lot harder than he initially thought.
Years passed, and everyone at Yakitori Time knew about Chargebolt, the Stun Gun Hero. He stopped by a couple times a week, and the corner table was unofficially dubbed “Denki's table” with autographed pictures of him posing with staff hanging above it.  Some the veteran staff still called him by his first name, and the owner loved the free advertising that came with having his restaurant's name emblazoned across the chest of one of Japan's up-and-coming heartthrob heroes.
Denki was greeted with the familiar chorus of “Welcome to Yakitori Time!” when dropped in after his Saturday patrol, followed by some of the older waitstaff calling out to him by name.  It was nice, having been informally adopted into a found family by so many people.  None of them were the person he'd been hoping to find when he first came by, but he thought, maybe, they were who he needed.
The owner came out and hugged Denki when he approached the front desk.  “How have you been?  We've been getting lonely without you.”
Denki laughed.  The place was so busy he doubted he'd been missed.  “Good, good. Great, actually.  Any newbies for me?”
Since seeing Denki's soulmate tattoo, the owner, Mr. Please-Call-Me-Dad, had taken it upon himself to assign all the new hires to work Denki's table. At first it was exciting, and then mortifying, but now it was... nice, knowing he had someone in his corner, even if it was embarrassing to have all the new employees paraded around him like livestock.  It was probably worse for them.
“Just one.  A real cutie.  Your usual table is taken, but I can put you by the window.”
“Anywhere's fine, Dad.”
Denki took his seat, ignoring the gawkers outside by pretending to read the menu. Only the pictures had changed since the grand opening, and he knew them all by heart.
Denki felt you before he saw you.
“Welcome to Yakitori Time!”
He heard the phrase hundreds of times before, but this time was different.  His quirk discharged slightly, sending electric currents buzzing through his veins and making the hairs on his arms stand on end.  His mouth suddenly felt dry and he was immediately reminded of the nervous, sweaty teenager he was when he first stepped into Yakitori Time.
“--My name's [Y/N] and I'll be your server today.  Can I start you off with something to drink?”
“It's you, isn't it?”
You continued on autopilot, “We have Pepsi products, fresh-brewed iced tea, and our drink specials for today are peach sake and our house white wine.”
“It's you,” Denki smiled, “[Y/N].”
You blinked, truly seeing him for the first time-- his wide, full mouth; his thick, dark lashes; the way his Adam's apple caught on his choker when he spoke. Your heart was running away with you and your brain was struggling to keep up.  “I'm... not on the menu.”
Denki flushed, “No-- I mean, yes!  I mean... the words... on your chest... what do they say?”
“I...”  You placed a hand over your heart, as if to hide the words under your polo.  You could feel your heartbeat thundering.  You knew what they said, but what did he say?  You cursed yourself for not paying more attention.  The man in front of you could have just said the words you waited your whole life to hear and you just missed it? “It's... 'It's you, isn't it.'”  Your eyes stung with tears.  You sniffed, your nose suddenly runny.
You snorted.
He laughed.
Oh God, you just met your soulmate and now you had a giant snot bubble coming out of your nose.
Denki stood, “Can I hug you?”
“I'm snotty.”
“I don't care.” Denki pulled you in as your hands slipped under his hero jacket and up his back.  He hummed contentedly into your hair, “I'd order you, you know.  If you were on the menu.”
You laughed into his chest, “You're a total dork.  I bet you have hundreds of those lines.”
“Millions.  All for you.”  Cameras flashed.  He'd pose for another photo for the wall and sign autographs later.  This moment was yours.
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songtoyou · 5 years ago
Chapter One: Move You
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Would You Call That Love
Pairing: Chris Evans x Raina Morrison (OC) Rating: PG-13 (Will be 18+ for some chapters)
Description: There was always one person Chris Evans tended to turn to when he was not in a committed relationship, Raina Morrison. He could confide in her about things going on in his life that he did not feel comfortable talking to his family or close friends about. Chris and Raina were able to establish a way to communicate with one another openly but also being respectful of the other’s time and needs. It was the only constant “relationship” he had, but without all the nonsense of trying to build a life together. A “friends with benefits” situation.However, what happens when Chris starts rethinking his “relationship” with Raina and if either is willing to pursue something more?
Chapter Rating: PG
Warnings: Mention of anxiety
Word Count: 2,530
Note: This is the first fic I have written in ages. Everything about it is fiction. Sadly, I do not know Chris Evans and this is just a fictional take on his life. I do not permit this fic to be reposted on other platforms.  
Thank you to @southerngracela​ and @sullyosully for the support. I also want to give a shout out to @royallyprincesslilly​​ for the text divider. 
*Updated for grammar edits.
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June 2019
The early morning sun was peeking out of the sky, and the air became crisper after a night of pouring rain. It was supposed to be a scorcher day in June, according to the weather reports. That was not something Chris Evans was looking forward to since he would have to be on-set partaking in outdoor scenes wearing sweaters, business suits, and heavy coats for most of the day. Despite the uncomfortableness his job could be at times; it was all worth it in the end. Acting was Chris’s passion, and he was fortunate to do it for a living. Chris knew he was lucky to be where he is at in his career. From the ups and downs to disappointing film projects that either went nowhere or were rejected by critics and moviegoers, it all helped steer Chris to become the actor he is today. 
With Captain America’s story arch now complete, Chris understood that it would take a while for audiences and some of his fans not just to see him as Steve Rogers. Taken on Marvel’s top Avenger’s mantle was one of the best decisions he ever made as it took his career to new heights. Yes, Chris had some reservations at first when he was approached for the role. He did not feel confident enough if he could handle the responsibility of playing such an iconic character. Chris was also worried about losing his anonymity. He liked being able to walk down the street with no one recognizing him or asking for a photo and autograph. Now Chris was lucky to make it a few blocks without someone yelling out at him or screaming “Captain America!”, it most definitely did not help ease his anxieties. 
“You got that Marvel money saved up. You can live comfortably while pursuing projects that people would not expect you to take. It’s a win-win situation for you,” said Raina, one of Chris’s best friends, when mentioning the project, Defending Jacob. 
“You sound like my mom when you say that,” Chris replied.
Raina laughed at that and said, “I take that as a compliment, you know.”
“Good. I meant it as one. You both don’t take shit from anyone. And I know you’ll always have my back as she does.” 
Raina and his mom kept telling him to accept the lead role as Andy Barber in Defending Jacob. And how it would not only be beneficial to his career, but also because 1.) the show was filming in Massachusetts so that he would be in his own home every night, and 2.) it was a role he never played before: a father.
Sipping his coffee, Chris stood on the porch of his house as he watched Dodger relieve himself. “Come on, buddy. Let’s get you some breakfast,” Chris waved Dodger over to get inside. The pup was happy to oblige his owner and trotted up the steps into the house.
Chris heard his cellphone buzz just as he put down Dodger’s food bowl. Reaching over the counter to retrieve it, Chris smiled when he saw the name pop up.
Raina: Why didn’t anyone tell me that New York is always hot as balls! I can’t take it!
Chris: I warned you about that, but you didn’t listen to me. What are you doing up so early?
Raina: Couldn’t sleep. Nervous about the preview shows for Moulin Rouge. It is coming up quickly. 
Chris: Again, congrats on Moulin Rouge. You got nothing to be nervous about; you are going to be great. 
Raina: I’m just worried if people will like the show. 
Chris: You and the crew wouldn’t have gotten to Broadway if people weren’t interested in seeing it, especially with you as Satine. This is what you were born to do. Scott, Ma, and I will be there on opening night. Carly and Shanna won’t be able to come but plan to see the show on a girls’ trip to New York later in the summer. I know both are proud of you as well. 
Raina: Stop! You are going to make me cry. All of you are so sweet. Seriously, I am forever grateful to you and your amazing family for supporting me all these years.
Chris: Can you believe it has been ten years since we met at that Vanity Fair photoshoot for West Side Story. 
Raina: Oh God! Do not remind of that shoot. I was a ball of nerves that day.
Chris: I thought the paramedics were going to need to be called for you.
Raina: Haha. Seriously though, they probably would have if you didn’t help calm me down.
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 January 2009
“Wait, what is this photoshoot about?” Raina asked her manager, Jerry, who sighed in response.
“Raina, I’ve already told you. It is to celebrate the Broadway revival of West Side Story. The photographer is re-creating scenes from the film version,” explained Jerry.
Now it was Raina’s turn to let out a sigh. Despite being in the music industry since she was 16 years old, the whole idea of photoshoots still did not make her comfortable. Plus, the long hours, the bright lights, and the shoots’ craziness left Raina feeling drained. It was now adding other celebrities to the mix brought on a whole new set of anxieties.
“You don’t have anything to worry about,” Jerry assured Raina and added, “Today’s going to be easy. You don’t have to worry about being front and center this time. You’ll be in the background so that you can relax.”
“If you say so,” Raina retorted with a small smile. She trusted Jerry.
When Raina finally arrived at the photoshoot, she was whisked away to hair and makeup and then onward to change her costume. She had already been introduced to her fellow photo mates, such as Ashley Tisdale and Robert Pattinson. Both were very pleasant and nice. 
“I am such a huge fan. I have all of your albums,” Ashley gushed admirably. 
“Thank you. That is very sweet of you to say. I loved your album ‘Headstrong,’ by the way. Such great bops,” Raina complimented, and Ashley’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.
As the two made their way to the set, each shared what project they were currently working on until Ashley stopped dead in her tracks.
“What is it?” Raina asked, concerned.
“Chris Evans,” whispered Ashley and went on, “Chris Evans is over there.”
“Yeah, didn’t you know he’d be here? Oh my God, you guys didn’t use to date, did you?”
“Ha! I wish. He is just so cute,” Ashley said dreamily.
Raina just laughed and shook her head, “Yeah, he isn’t bad looking.”
They filmed the dance scene from the movie where Maria and Tony see each other for the first time. Camilla Belle and Ben Barnes were assigned the lead roles for the shoot. Raina had to admit; both looked the part. The photographer, Mark Seliger, gathered everyone around to discuss how the scene would go. He started placing people in their spots with Jennifer Lopez and Rodrigo Santoro in their positions as lead Shark dancers Anita and Bernardo, with Camilla and Ben on their respective sides. Ashley was assigned as a Jet girl dancing with Chris’s character, the Jets leader, Riff. 
Raina hid her smile when Ashley shook Chris’s hand and introduced herself. Poor thing looked as if she could faint. Settled in the back, Raina was one of the Sharks. She was perfectly content where she was at standing next to Minka Kelly and Jay Hernandez. The three would even make little side chat here and there. 
Overall, the photoshoot was going well. Until the bright lights, the loud music, and the uncomfortable costume started getting to Raina. She felt like she was going to pass out.  However, Raina was determined to pull through in fear of being labeled a “diva” or, worse, “difficult” to work with; that was not the kind of press she needed now. Remembering what her mother told her to do when the first signs of an anxiety attack were coming on was to breathe in and out. She did that a couple of times as she closed her eyes when Mark said they were changing film and wanted a couple more shots. 
Unsurprisingly, someone else was beginning to get restless during the shoot as well. Chris was not a fan of photoshoots. He always felt awkward and never understood what he was supposed to be doing. He would continuously worry if he were coming off stupid or looking like a fool. 
Chris was more cautious of the types of photoshoots he would take part in and made sure to steer clear of the ones wanting him to be viewed as eye-candy merely. He was working hard to make a trajectory in his career from heartthrob to serious actor. However, Chris knew he had more to prove to audiences and critics for them to see past his ‘Not Another Teen Movie’ or ‘Fantastic 4’ roles. 
Nevertheless, when he got word about Vanity Fair’s West Side Story photoshoot, Chris was immediately on board. He was a theater kid, after all, thanks to his mother. Similarly, with other shoots, it all starts the same. The photographer talks about the art direction of the shoot and expectations for the day.  
During the short breaks on set, Chris looked around to see the other actors and performers. While he knew some of the folks on set, he did not honestly know any of them personally. The only person he was more acquainted with was Camilla, and that was because both filmed the movie Push a year ago.
As Chris’s eyes roamed around the room, they landed on Raina, who was fanning herself with her hands. While others were making small talk, he noticed that Raina took deep breaths and her eyes were closed. She stepped down on the chair she was standing on to take a seat and put her head in her hands. 
Chris felt bad. He knew an anxiety attack when he saw one. Slowly making his way over to Raina, he kneeled in front of her.
“Hey, are you okay?” Chris asked in a whisper.
Raina jumped at the sound of his voice. She did not expect anyone to come up to check on how she was doing. She thought she was doing her best to be discreet.
“I don’t know. It’s too hot in here. The lights are hurting my eyes, and it’s hard to breathe,” Raina said, continuing to fan herself.
Instinctively, Chris reached out to hold one of Raina’s shaking hands to help calm her down. 
“Have you ever tried the 4-7-8 breathing technique?”
Raina shook her head no and said, “Never heard of that technique.”
“Trust me; it has helped me out a lot. Okay, so you’re going to breathe in for four seconds, hold it for seven seconds, and exhale for eight seconds. Do you want to try it with me? Breathe in 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and exhale 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6, 7, 8. Very good. Let’s do it again,” Chris calmly instructed Raina.
“I’ll get you some water. Just keeping doing the breathing exercises, okay.”
When Chris returned, he again kneeled in front of Raina and handed her the water cup.
“Thank you,” said Raina as she sipped slowly.
“You’re welcome.”
Raina let out a little chuckle, “I can’t believe I had an anxiety attack. I told Jerry I was worried about this happening. Again, thank you. I appreciate you helping me out,” expressed Raina gratefully.
As Raina continued to sip her water, Chris took the time to look at her. She was attractive, and he could tell she was a little bit younger than him. While this was Chris’s first-time meeting Raina, he had seen her before at other Hollywood functions. Neither having their paths cross until now.
“Okay, folks, let’s get back in your positions!” Mark yelled to get everyone’s attention.
“You going to be okay?” asked Chris as he stood up.
“Yes. I’m going to be fine,” answered Raina, standing up as well.
Chris helped her back up on the chair, and he returned to his spot next to Ashley. It was weird. No one else seemed to notice what went on between the two. It was like for those few short moments, Chris and Raina were in their own world. 
Chris kept stealing glances towards Raina for the rest of the shoot. He kept telling himself it was to make sure she was okay, not that he was drawn to her or anything. 
‘Don’t go there, Evans. The last thing you need is to be in a relationship, and she doesn’t look like the type to do hookups,’ Chris scolded himself and added, ‘Most likely won’t ever see her again after this day.’
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“I am glad that it didn’t take long for us to meet again after that day. We do have Scott and Shanna to thank for that, by the way,” Chris happily reminded Raina.
He decided to call her that morning after their text exchange. He preferred hearing her voice anyways. 
“Oh yeah, at my concert in Boston. It was fate. We were destined to be friends.”
“Yep. Even though you are a fan of the New York Mets and Giants fan, I still love ya,” teased Chris.
Raina groaned, “Let us not bring up sports, shall we. It can only get ugly from here. Anyways, I’ll let you go. I gotta start heading out for rehearsals. Talk to you later. Bye,” said Raina.
“Bye, sweetheart. Take care,” replied Chris and ended the call. 
He looked over at Dodger, who had finished eating and was now lying in one of his dog beds near the kitchen table. As Chris continued to sip his coffee, he decided to make breakfast and went to the fridge to take some eggs. Once he got everything ready to begin cooking, his mind drifted to Raina. Chris noticed that his mind had been doing that more recently lately. 
For Chris, his relationship with Raina was more than just a friendship. She was someone he could confide in about things he was not comfortable bringing up to his family or close childhood friends. Their friendship evolved when both began a “friends with benefits” type of relationship. This would only occur when both were not in committed relationships with other people. 
Surprisingly, this arrangement only managed to make them closer friends. The boundaries they agreed upon were put in place not to fracture their friendship. He went into the situation not wanting to build some domesticated life with Raina. However, at times, Chris kept thinking if he could turn his friendship with Raina into something more. Something more than friends, more than sex buddies, but as a life partner. A wife and mother to his children.
‘Stop lying to yourself,’ Chris’s inner voice spoke up, ‘You’re in love with Raina. Just admit it!’
Nevertheless, Chris could not admit to himself. He was not ready to deal with those feelings for one of his closest friends. 
Not yet, at least. 
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contentbaer · 4 years ago
How to build White Hat SEO Links for Contentbär SEO
So, how do you go about doing true White Hat SEO link building these days? This is perhaps the most often asked question of mine.
To be honest, there is a LOT of incorrect material on the internet about how to accomplish link building that isn't "WHITE HAT."
To be clear, requesting for links for the sole goal of getting them is against Google Webmaster Guidelines and hence not “white hat.”
The good news is that you may now produce a significant return on investment without manually establishing links. Today, I'm going to show you how I've been able to naturally grow links and generate cash without writing a single email, guest post, purchasing a PBN, or doing anything else that link builders do to build links, and how you can do the same.
Does that make sense? Let's get started.
Build Authority for Contentbär Contest Using Your Market's Vulnerabilities
SEO is marketing, not magic. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: it's not magic. Rankings for keywords and links are only a small element of marketing that will ideally result in dollar signs. So, if you could find alternative ways to get revenue outside rating a webpage, wouldn't you want to? The importance of competitor research cannot be overstated.
Here's how to spot flaws in your specialty, as well as how to turn those flaws into natural links and long-term advantages. Take a look at your top 3-5 competitors' platforms to discover where they perform the poorest and best. Determine what works and what doesn't for them.
Is it skyscraper (long form) content that they're after? Maybe 10 minute Youtube videos with unique layouts? Do they have a successful Twitter outreach strategy? and so on. The argument is that if you're just starting out and want links, don't reinvent the wheel; instead, concentrate on establishing authority. To put it another way, strive to copy what your competitors are doing first and then innovate, rather than the other way around.
Consider the following scenario: Because the market on YouTube was so undersaturated in comparison to Google when I launched my SEO service, I started developing big content there. I now have 25k subscribers and over 1 million views on my YouTube channel, and I generate clients, backlinks, reviews, and other revenue from that asset alone on a regular basis. That isn't all, though.
I'm able to divert traffic to new assets that I want to promote and make money off of, such as Facebook groups, blog entries, courses, and so on, thanks to the authority I've built on YouTube. And, if I choose, I can leverage the authority and viewership I've built on Youtube to build links simply by discussing the new assets I'm developing.
In a moment, I'll expand on this. Value is quite important.
If you're having trouble getting links, it's likely that you're not providing enough value for your audience to link back to or share the material you're creating. Alternatively, you may have no audience at all. That is why you must have a strong foundation.
Look, it may seem obvious, but figuring out who you're selling to and what they genuinely want in the first place, if you haven't already, is critical. At the end of the day, you must understand: There are two categories of users who will see your article.
People who are likely to purchase from you
Individuals who will link to you There are some similarities here, but for the most part, people who buy from you are unlikely to connect back to you. So, at first, your content and authority development should ideally be aimed toward the people who will connect to you.
Is that clear?
Doing a roundup or an interview is a great approach to gain links from these folks. Pitchbox is my favorite tool for this because it allows me to connect with some of the world's top experts in any subject with just a few clicks. Take, for example, a recent article I wrote about "the top SEO tools recommended by professionals." All of this outreach was automated, and it only took a few minutes to get the piece published. Every single one of these suggestions came from people with blogs and, in some cases, large social media followings. Not only do I get almost free content from people who know a lot about the subject I'm having them write about, but I also get the chance to gain a link from them in the future because they were mentioned in the piece.
Let's go one step further for Contentbär.
I also now have a direct line of communication with these individuals, so if any of them have unusually high authority in the industry, I could invite them to an interview on my Youtube channel, then give them the video and transcription to post on their site with a link back to me. Again, focusing on building connections and substance rather than going out to random website owners and asking for a link is a WAY better marketing strategy. Make something that people want to tell their friends about.
Figure out what your industry's true needs are if you really want to establish links. Some SEOs seems to only want to do the following:
Investigate keywords.
Find a keyword with a large search volume that appears to be profitable.
Create material based on a guess at the word count.
Inquire about linkages.
I'm hoping the page will be ranked.
For a variety of reasons, this is a bad plan.
If you want to rank for something, you should first check at what is already ranking well for that topic. It's possible that the content is already well-formatted, with thousands of words, video, photographs, comments, and so on, and in that case, simply putting words on a website isn't going to cut it.
You're trying to figure out why Google is giving that page such a high rating in the first place. It's usually because the post is something that people genuinely want.
After you've figured out these two things, you'll want to aim to beat the average user intent and go above and above in terms of not just word count, photos, video, and so on, but also in terms of beating whatever the average expectation for that post is.
If someone is looking for top gaming tips for "insert new game," and the best article on the market is some weak post about 3 strategies to win, which isn't even directly targeting what people are looking for, you could easily write an article on the top 5 gaming tips and rate it without a single link.
If you want to build links, though, you should aim to go above and beyond the average and make the top 50-100 gaming advice, and BOOM, you've got something special worth connecting to. In terms of naturally creating links, obviously you won't want to just generate content and hope someone reads it; instead, you'll want to use the strategies I outlined earlier to bring in more visitors. Here's how I'm going to promote the article you're reading right now.
Originally, I'll have it indexed by Google Search Console so that Google knows the stuff I'm authoring first appeared here.
After that, I'll make a video in which I read this article and add my own thoughts and observations. Once the film is released, I'll link it back to this page in the hopes of having it rank as a video in Google Search as well (making sure I add JSON-LD video markup to the post with a plugin I acquired).
Then I'll take the video and post it on my Facebook group, page, and personal profile in its native format. I'll publish the video to similar other SEO groups after I see how well it performs.
After that, I'll directly repost this post on Reddit. Then, to target recent visitors, I'll launch a remarketing campaign on Facebook advertisements.
Then I'll send an email to my 4k-strong email list, telling people to read the piece and watch the video. After that, I'll share this article on LinkedIn.
You get my drift. At the end of the day, my Youtube video or blog post may only receive a few hundred views and appear on Google's or Youtube's fourth page.
However, my article on various assets will acquire THOUSANDS of views before it even ranks, thus increasing the chances that I will obtain a link or a share.
So there you have it, that's how I develop links without going out and doing it myself, and how you can do it too. If anything was unclear, please let me know by leaving a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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kanasmusings · 6 years ago
[Translation] QUELL “Matchless People” Track 1
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I haven’t seen a translation for “Matchless People” yet so uh, here’s mine?? XD  Be ready for a lot of angst this time around because this drama CD is super duper plot heavy LOL
Thank you again to Deea for the files~! Please don’t ask her for them as per her request and please don’t ask if I’ll be sharing mine as well, thank you ^^
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 01: [柊羽の焦り] “Shu’s Impatience”
  SHU: Shiki, can I see the material we were handed just now?
SHU: It’s about QUELL’s release info and promotion for next term.
SHU: I could only touch it for a while during the meeting after all. I want to discuss the details with you if possible.
(Shu gets handed a piece of paper)
SHU: I saw the drafts you made from Haiduki-san a while ago. I want to draw something from the contents of those papers.
SHU: QUELL and SolidS, as a paired unit, I thought it would be good if we could be each other’s inspiration, too.
SHIKI: Hm, a paired unit, huh.
SHU: Are you considering QUELL to be a liability?
SHIKI: I didn’t say anything like that. What’s wrong? You’re unusually rushing into things.
SHIKI: Ah, are you worried about what the sales department said during our last meeting?
SHIKI: “Was QUELL holding you back with your activities as Izumi Shu,” was it?
SHU: Ah…
SHIKI: Hm. Speaking of, that was the first time you attended a meeting as QUELL’s producer, wasn’t it?
SHIKI: The meeting with the sales department will be harshly frank with things we wouldn’t want to hear.
SHIKI: You just have to get used to it. That’s the kind of world we’re in. That meeting doesn’t concern itself with talks about feelings, the future, music or talent. It plainly talks about the numbers and figures.
SHU: (sighs) You’re right.
SHIKI: Plus, you didn’t have a problem with anything else, right? Don’t think to deep into it.
SHIKI: Just think that it’s a genuine problem you clashed with.
SHIKI: In reality, the chance for you to say something for them to agree with just didn’t come.
SHIKI: If you’re unsatisfied, it won’t be that easy.
SHIKI: It’s not like you’ve been banned from doing activities with QUELL. As long as they’re able to recognize your unit, it’s a win, isn’t it?
SHU: Is that what you think?
SHIKI: Yeah. This is why people who aren’t used to critiques are stuffy. I’ve been told face-to-face once before that I don’t suit being a talent, you know?
SHU: Well, that’s amazing. How did you react?
SHIKI: What do you think? I answered, “Thank you for your guidance,” if I remember correctly.
SHIKI: I’m not as skilful as you are. I didn’t know who I could call my friends. I didn’t even know a proper way of asking an explanation for something I didn’t know.
SHIKI: If I’m told something, I have no choice.
SHU: Shiki, you’re pretty strong, huh.
SHIKI: I’m just shameless. I know that much.
SHIKI: When a meeting gets too heated, the other side also becomes uneasy so it’s easy to throw one or two harsh words.
SHIKI: Not everyone is clean though. I mean, I did have to apologize for something once before.
SHIKI: But, we’re still drinking buddies even now.
SHU: (chuckles) Is that so?
SHIKI: A meeting with the higher-ups is completely different from a meeting with your friends. Get used to it, that’s the only thing you can do.
SHU: (sighs) Looks… like it. Though, I don’t know if I can get used to it like you are.
SHIKI: What do you mean by that? Well, never mind. What I was trying to say a while ago was whether it’s possible for a new unit to improve in such a short time.
SHIKI: I’m surprised.
SHU: Of course. Don’t think that QUELL will always be behind SolidS.
SHU: We are determined to not only stand behind you but by your side.
SHIKI: I’m looking forward to it from the bottom of my heart.
  SHIKI: So, about the promotion that we were talking about a while ago—
SHU: Hm?
SHIKI: I don’t think the plan itself is bad at all. It anticipates expectations for both sides.
SHIKI: It’s just, don’t you think that the hopes for an event and the incentive promise is a bit too much?
SHIKI: This is because of what the sales department said, isn’t it?
SHU: Now that you mention it, it may be. But, QUELL’s album sales and event reactions for this season were above expectations.
SHU: The member roster is also steadily rising. I don’t want to say this carelessly but, I think we’re at a condition where we can challenge anything.
SHIKI: That’s true. If we take into account the sales for this season, it is a good number.
SHIKI: I think the members’ potentials are good, too—
SHU: Then--!
SHIKI: But, if you run forward with just these numbers, it will ruin you.
SHIKI: It is certain that QUELL has drive. But, wouldn’t it be better if you estimate for the long run?
SHU: Ah… (sighs)
SHU: You’re a lot stricter than the sales department, huh.
SHIKI: I’m just treating you the way you want to be treated equally as our paired unit, you know?
SHU: I see now. More than a year has passed since QUELL’s announcement as a unit.
SHU: Everyone’s gotten experience slowly. This isn’t just because of these numbers, I’m thinking far ahead into what else we can do in the future.
SHU: More importantly, I want to grasp this drive, this opportunity that we have now.
SHIKI: I know that feeling well. But, even if we take into account your musicianship, aren’t you kind of not one to be talking sales?
SHU: Even I don’t want to be a unit who only aims to sell.
SHIKI: Also, this kind of thing will be a huge responsibility for you.
SHIKI: I bet that’s what the sales department want to say, too.
SHIKI: You also have your solo activities, not just with QUELL. You have to aim higher with that as well. You can’t afford to stop going with that, can you?
SHU: (takes a deep breath) That takes priority as well, I guess. I’m sure it’s the same for you.
SHU: Don’t you continue to write music for people other than SolidS? I’m sure it shouldn’t be that different from my usual solo activities.
SHIKI: Mine is… Well, I’m used to it. It’s been more than three years since I’ve started doing it.
SHIKI: I know my job and the capacities of it well.
SHU: I’ve been in the industry as long as you. I don’t intend to become useless after coming this far.
SHIKI: I got it. Shu, let’s press this proposal another day.
SHU: Shiki?!
SHIKI: Shu, fortunately, we have time. Let’s keep each other in the right path for a while, all the hard work will definitely be worth it.
SHIKI: Plus…
SHU: Plus what?
SHIKI: Aren’t you being a bit… restless?
SHU: That’s not true…!
SHIKI: Well, you are QUELL’s leader and producer, Shu. You have the final say.
SHU: Yeah. Of course, I’ll do just that.
(they fix the papers and stand up to leave)
  SHIKI: Shu, you have anything planned after this? If you have some time, would you like to go eat somewhere?
SHIKI: We haven’t had much time with each other lately.
SHU: Ah, I’m sorry… I have somewhere to be after this.
SHIKI: I see. Then, I have no choice. See you then. Invite me next time if you find the time.
(Shiki walks away)
SHU: (sighs)
 EICHI: Ah, welcome home, Shu!
SHU: I’m home, Eichi.
EICHI: You’re home early~ I thought you’d went out to eat somewhere.
SHU: Ah, that’s right.
EICHI: Want something to drink?
SHU: Sure, I’ll have some.
EICHI: Wait here a bit.
(Eichi stands up to get some drinks while Shu sits down)
SHU: Hm, are you on your way to work?
EICHI: Well, I wouldn’t really call it work but, I wanted to go and coordinate tomorrow’s radio schedule, see?
SHU: That’s excellent work, you know? Oh, sorry, it seems like I interrupted.
EICHI: Mm-mm, not really. I was thinking it’d be a nice change of pace, too.
EICHI: Ah, that’s right! Look at the magazine on the table if you’d like~
SHU: Hm? (Shu picks the magazine up) This one?
EICHI: Yep, that one. It was on sale today.
EICHI: QUELL’s interview is right there in the middle~
(Shu starts reading)
EICHI: It was good~ It was really considerate of us and it kinda made me happy.
EICHI: (chuckles) And Isse and Icchi look really happy in the photo included with it that— Uh, Shu?
SHU: Ah, that’s right. It looks like a good article.
EICHI: Shu, that’s an advertisement page.
SHU: Ah, this is uh…
EICHI: Guess I went about things in the wrong order~ What Shu needs right now is this rather than the magazine.
EICHI: Here.
(Eichi hands Shu something)
SHU: This is?
EICHI: Miso soup with garden peas and tofu. By the way, it’s a broth made with katsuobushi and konbu! (1)
EICHI: Please enjoy it while it’s warm~
SHU: Did you make it, Eichi?
EICHI: Yup~ It took a while to make but I challenged myself with it. Go ahead, dig in.
SHU: Yeah. Thank you for the food.
(Shu starts drinking)
SHU: This is delicious…!
EICHI: I’m so glad~ I’ve only ever made ready-made broth but this is something I made on my own.
EICHI: It took a while but I guess it all paid off~ I had Rikka teach me how to make it the other day!
SHU: Ah, I see. Rikka, huh?
EICHI: I’ve been able to talk with Rikka about a lot of things lately. You know how I went and saw him in the studio the other day, right? (2)
SHU: If I remember, you went to go see the studio as part of a preliminary preparation.
EICHI: Exactly~ Rikka looked so cool! It made me think that I’m surrounded by cool and respectable seniors.
SHU: Yeah. Everyone in SolidS are both our rivals and seniors.
EICHI: I want to hurry and catch up with everyone but, if we take into account the amount of time and experience they have, even rushing would do no good~ It’s a bit frustrating, huh?
SHU: We can make up for lack of experience by other means. I’m sure everyone would want to cooperate with you.
EICHI: Ah, yeah…! You have a point.
EICHI: Just the other day, I was thinking that it would’ve finished early if they had discussed it with me or something.
EICHI: I feel like I’ve gotten closer with Rikka, too. If I want to continue to improve, I don’t have time to be weirdly reserved, huh? Really!
SHU: Eichi’s very kind-hearted, huh. You can face yourself directly and you take advice to heart.
EICHI: I’m not really. You’re exaggerating. I just think that discussing it with everyone is more fun than keeping ideas to myself in the sidelines.
EICHI: A-ah, I’m sorry! I said too much. Eat your miso soup before it gets cold, okay?
SHU: Yeah.
  (Shu continues eating)
SHU: It’s been a while since I could enjoy a delicious miso soup while this relaxed. Maybe I lack being able to talk about my feelings just a little bit.
SHU: Being impatient, huh…
SHU: It does seem so.
SHU: Can I talk to you about something for a bit?
EICHI: Of course, talk to me about anything.
SHU: I talked with Shiki about our next plans after the meeting ended and Shiki gave me advice about QUELL.
EICHI: Shiki-san is a producer and our senior after all.
SHU: Yeah. I respect him from the bottom of my heart.
EICHI: Yeah, I know~
SHU: Still, instead of taking Shiki’s advice with no complaints, I said some weird things.
SHU: He probably noticed so he invited me to go eat after the discussion but… I made a detectable lie about having plans and ended up just going home.
SHU: I felt like I couldn’t look Shiki in the face.
SHU: It’s not something an adult would do. It felt so childish that I couldn’t help but dislike it.
EICHI: I see~ Yeah, things like that happen sometimes.
SHU: You’re not shocked…?
EICHI: (chuckles) Not at all~
SHU: You’re so soft on me, huh, Eichi.
EICHI: Well, I won’t deny that~
EICHI: But, Shu letting his feelings take over rarely happens. I guess it’s because you trust Shiki-san deeply.
EICHI: You ended up saying what you felt out loud because you knew that Shiki-san would understand your feelings, huh?
EICHI: I don’t think that’s really a bad thing though~ Shu’s human, too, so there’s no need for you to always be in control over your emotions.
EICHI: You have to uh… explode with your feelings sometimes, too!
SHU: Explode with my feelings…?
EICHI: Even so~ (chuckles)
SHU: Hm, what is it?
EICHI: I just thought that even Shu regrets saying something after being given good advice~
SHU: That’s… Of course I do.
EICHI: Of course you do~ It just happens to anyone sometimes, huh~ Yup, yup~
SHU: You seem happy about it.
EICHI: Of course I am! I said this a while ago. The talent Izumi Shu is close to perfection, he’s lovable and undoubtedly cool. He’s like a diamond without a scratch in it.
EICHI: Even I thought you were like that before but…
SHU: I’m not that perfect.
EICHI: Yeah, I know~ But, it’s more like, being cool and perfect is just an aspect of you.
EICHI: You have a lot of other ‘faces’ deep inside you, too.
EICHI: Being at a loss, being depressed, hesitating, and laughing with all your heart at something fun!
EICHI: It makes me very happy that I get to continue on a journey when I can get to know more about you, Shu.
SHU: Eichi…
  (Issei and Ichiru suddenly arrive)
ISSEI: Wait, Ichiru!
ICHIRU: I told you to leave it be.
EICHI: Hm, this voice… Isse and Icchi?
ISSEI: Ichiru. That thing a while ago was my fault so…
ICHIRU: I said it wasn’t a big deal so don’t apologize randomly because of my mood!
EICHI: A-ah, what happened, you two?
SHU: Did something happen?
ICHIRU: It’s nothing.
(Ichiru walks away)
EICHI: I-Icchi!
ISSEI: Eichi, please leave him be…
ISSEI: We just… had a little fight. Probably…
EICHI: Probably?
Translator’s Notes:
(1) Katsuobushi is dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna. [Source] Konbu is a kind of kelp.
(2) Eichi’s referring to the first track of SoliS Vol. 5 drama CD ^^
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years ago
"Because accusing a gay man of hitting on all the straight men is homophobic. Because Abby insinuated that the video is problematic" Did the anons say Ryan has hit on all the straight men? This is getting weird. I am sorry to see you keep misrepresenting what the original anon said - who mentioned only a "crush". I don't remember anyone here accusing Ryan of hitting on Darren. The anons weren't talking about Abby either, you brought her up regardless. But she uses everything to tinhat.
I’m done talking about this- if you want to say more then come off anon and have a conversation.  But they DID imply that Ryan was being predatory and inappropriate- I don’t remember what the first anon said but I have been responding to the tinhatters comments. 
Abby: Yes Anon, That was my take as well.
This got long so it’s under a cut
 followed immediately by:
I have seen the recording of Ry/M touching Da/rren’s cheek before, and still find it creepy. It looks as if D turns his head to kiss R’s hand. What do you think?
Abby: I noticed that too. That Darren turned his head and blew him a kiss / or kissed his hand… to appease him, as he was interrupting the conversation with their guest of honor - Mayor Bloomberg. Possessive much? I found Harry Shum’s expression even more interesting as he notices what RM is doing.
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There’s another picture that goes with this set… Where Heather is unceremoniously yanked out of the way, so that RM could stand next to Darren.
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Look at Jane’s reaction to HOW RM is describing Chris here…
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Chrisdare actually comes in with a reality check and pushes back against their nonsense.  Notice that she points out that they need to watch the entire video to see the truth.  
chrisdarebashfulsmiles No it’s not the right take and it’s easy too see if you see the entire clip: tightening the lips is not the same as kissing hands.
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Now, i know i’m gonna sound rude but i’m mad and pissed off AF in D’s behalf (and as a person who try always to check before speaking) and it’s not something that happens a lot. I usually stay silent too but today this is too much for me. I don’t understand this need of spreading “lies” about him of on this kind of things. To prove that is ok to be mad at him for the bearding and thinking he’s always been disrespectful to C?? That maybe he did casting couch?
We have enough haters… he has more haters than we have… why there’s the need to invent stuff about him it’s beyond me. And now you all block me or whatever, i don’t care. I swear after 6 years here and all that this means… I DON’T CARE.
But for the love of God he has enough on his plate without this kind of stuff. Said that, i agree on RM being the creepiest and i hate him for how he treated C.
Abby comes back with a toned attitude and agrees with Chrisdare. She wasn’t reflagging this earlier in the week? No idea what that means but she can’t help but stir the shit. 
I was actively not reblogging this gifs earlier in the week because it’s a reminder I don’t think d needs.
But he’s literally pushing his hand away with his face. As @chrisdarebashfulsmiles said, d as enough on his plate. Can we not add to it with falsehoods?
No one is arguing about RM. but for some reason d has decided to dance with the devil he knows. It must be his best option. And c is still there and supporting him so he’s clearly ok with the choice. Let’s not add to the substantial weight on their shoulders.
Rouged has the most outrageous comments-as usual- and Abby reblogged them without pushing back and in fact said “some good points”. Since she didn’t call out those she felt were untrue-I must assume she was fully supportive of the suggestions of impropriety on behalf of Ryan. This isn’t the only time Abby has sullied Ryan’s name. Rouged is only upset that Darren’s name is dragged through the mud.  
This has been around forever, and will never go away, will it?  I had asked that this not be reposted, for what I thought were obvious reasons, but people just can’t help dragging him through the mud.  So, let’s talk about this little piece of hell.  This was when they were filming the competition in New York.  D’s bit was supposed to be over, and he was only in that episode at the very end, which could have been filmed anywhere.  BUT, he had broken so big that he, and the Warblers, were given an album release and were also in NYC and on Today show premiering it. D was privately discussing with the producers where his character Blaine would go next.  Would he have his own show with the Warblers, a spinoff, or would he stay with Glee?  It was a huge decision, and very high-pressure.  C had already returned to Glee and New Directions, this was the big show.  But, starring in his own show, and giving all the other Warblers a bigger career, that was also tempting. I am sure he felt the pressure of that decision, and how his choice impacted others, he had formed a bond with the Warbler actors.  But being on the big show, a sure thing, and with C as his co-star, seeing him and working with him every day, well…
This was a “Welcome to NYC” photo op and news article by Mayor Bloomberg with some of the cast, and this was the moment D was shaking hands with Mayor Bloomberg, and speaking to him.  I happen to think D has some political aspirations as well, so he may have mentioned something when he met Bloomberg.  RM was probably high, he acts so erratically here, but he reaches out, with a camera and tons of photographers there, and pats him on the cheek, cups his cheek, actually, and pats it way too fondly, extremely inappropriate but what RM does a lot, and not just with D. (more about that later.). I don’t know why Br/ad Fal/chuk does not control him better, but they are both horrible people, as is Dan/te Di/Lor/eto, standing right behind RM, who no longer works with RM, Br/ad, and I/an. (Thank all the gods.  That’s one creep out of the way, two to go.)  D, in mid-speech with the mayor, and still shaking his hand, is shocked, and reaches up to angrily swat RM’s hand away.  Remember that D did not know all the other guys that much, he had mostly hung out with C and the Warblers, who would probably have been more protective of him, (I am sure C would have tried), and more interactive, but this is the rest of the world, including Bloomberg, the NYC press, AND New Directions seeing this predatory behavior roll out up close and personal, for the first time, out in the open, and blatant.  I mean, he just did not care what people thought at that point, he thought he was king of the world.
I don’t know why C and the rest of the girls besides Hea/ther were not here, but I know L and C had that big filming singing on the Wicked stage, and the scenes at Tiffany’s.  D supposedly was present in the audience at that filming.  Since he is not dressed in Warbler costume, for Today show, this may have been that day, I assume C and L filming in those outfits took most of one day.  The entire Glee production team, including Warblers and THEIR album rollout, were all there for a week of filming, and, at the height of their fame, had all practically shut NYC down with their various filming locations.  Fans were everywhere, and the city made a big deal of it.
Heather tries to stand in front of D, in the group photo, and is roughly jerked out of the way, (also caught on film, the guy must have been unable to stop rolling, it was just too bizarre), so that RM can cosy in to that tight space next to D and hold on.  In virtually every photo made with the two of them in a group, D ALWAYS is made to be very near RM, UNLESS RM is sober, has just been called out for being a creep, or is otherwise trying to behave and scrub his image, in which case D is not attached to him at the hip, but these are rare indeed.  Again, this was NYC, the height of Glee’s popularity, RM was drunk with power and fame, and probably also literally drunk, thinking he ruled the world and everyone in his domain, and D was making the second-most important decision of his life, behind the scenes. I don’t think many people ever consider the extreme pressure he was under, this was a career making moment, and RM and the other producers were all giving him the hard press.  At 23 years old.
The first important decision, knowing how RM was, was going all in to be on Glee.  And don’t tell me he didn’t know.  Every person in Hollywood knows the predators, and the pluses and perils of working with them.  If they are mature adults, and are not trapped or coerced or blackmailed or assaulted, (and they usually are, the power exchange is very imbalanced), what they do is their business, and I don’t judge.  If they gain something, that is an exchange, that is their power, their erotic capital, and they are allowed to own that and exchange it as a strength, if they choose.  The actors have assets, that propel their careers, and they are allowed to use them, as they see fit, if they give that consent in that moment, and get something they value in return.  That is an exchange of power, and happens so frequently in Hollywood (and Washington, and corporate America, and The entertainment and fashion industries as a whole), that most in those industries don’t think twice about it.  
So, Hollywood is one of those towns where lots of sex happens, because there are lots of beautiful people interacting with very rich and powerful people, and they all interact with each other.  Get real, and get over that part. D is not a saint, nor does he have to be for me to be his fan, I am not blind or stupid or naive, I get it. They are not like us, okay?  This is not our day to day lives.
 The bad part is when people are faced with almost constant sexual and physical and emotional harassment because of it.  And D is.  From many power sources. The same as many beautiful women  are, with all the talk about fleshlights and being rapey, which is the latest.  It is all lewd and suggestive, we have all sexualized D and C, and need to accept that complicated history we all have with them.  But especially it is true for D with RM, and Br/ad Fal/chuk, (and Da/nte Di/loreto, but I hope that one is over.) Theirs is oppressive, and manipulative, and controlling and threatening. And that is abuse.  
And if anyone has the film from C’s first Single Ladies dance rehearsal, in costume, for the Glee tour, you would see more blatant RM abuse.
 In fact,I would venture to say almost every member of that key cast was abused beyond their consent by the showrunner, other producers, writers, and directors. (Not all of them, but some of them, for sure.) It was only because that show made billions, with a B,  for F/ox, and even War/ren Buf/fet visited that set (weird, he sat by Ch/ord), that Fox execs looked the other way.  The fact that Da/na Wal/den, RM’s main enabler, is now at The Mouse House, just tells you how pervasive this culture truly is.  It’s hard to fight everyone, when all your heroes have feet of clay.  RM IS the devil he knows.  And he has a contract.  And he DID negotiate Executive Producer status.  But I think it is ironic, and more than a little sad and sick, that RM also gave it to the two new prettyboys on set, who have earned NOTHING like the shit D went through, after we all mentioned that it gave D power and control  that he had more than earned.  Can’t let D get too big for his britches, and think he is getting somewhere without us now, can we, RM and BF?  He OWES you.  Apparently, forever.
And can we stop reblogging that series of images now?  I think RM gets a sick satisfaction out of them even now, as all the shot starts yet again, tangling them together in intimate ways RM does not deserve, and I despise giving him anything.  What was done, is done.  What happened, happened.  What is happening, has its reasons.  It does not change that D is a huge talent, and deserving of his fans, nor that RM and BF are likely to bring him success.  They are still creeps, and horribly so, ones that deserve to be brought down, in my opinion.  i  And apparently would rather deal with, at this point, since everyone is watching, due to all the issues in the past, than ones he doesn’t, which no one expects.  The current movie is a perfect example.  This career is exactly like walking through a field of land mines for a living.  You never know when you are going to step on the next one.
ajw720. Will no reblog again, but some really good points.  
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wherespacepooh · 8 years ago
Hanyu Yuzuru on his Olympic strategy: To choose “programs where he can be himself.” (Sportiva 2017/08/11)
Long, but fascinating read giving a more complete sense of Hanyu’s mindset towards Pyeongchang. Never had he been closer toward realizing his ideal skate in mind, perhaps. He may keep the specific details of his arsenal/ training to his chest (to our collective chagrin) until the time is right, and things fluctuate and evolve, but the mindset has always been earnest and his end goal is on full display: Jumps, spins, steps–––THE Figure Skating––HIS figure skating. - gladi.
Translated by gladi, images belong to Noto Sunao/Shueisha. Feel free to repost text with credit.
Original link to article on Web Sportiva
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Text by Oriyama Toshimi. Photo by Noto Sunao
On 8.08, at the Cricket Club in Toronto, Canada, Hanyu Yuzuru held his open practice for the Pyeongchang Olympic season. At the first session beginning at 2:30 pm, Windbreaker still on, Hanyu went into the rink and, out of nowhere, took off for a 4T with a beautiful axis, casual as can be. He landed it.  
“This year as well, I haven’t been doing anything particularly special on the physical side. Instead, I’ve been doing many run-throughs and quality training and so forth. In any case, Injury is the worst enemy, so I’m always focused on quality training, quality care… As long as I keep on jumping with high quality, inevitably, injuries may be minimized. So in that sense, I’ve also been quite careful with training."
Just as Hanyu himself had said, at both hour-long practice sessions today (there was another one at 5pm), although there were falls and pops, none of the jumps were off-axis or out of alignment, nor did he miss the timing of any jumps. Wasn't that a sign of consciousness over “jumping quality jumps?” In that sense too, it also showed that training has been productive and going well.
Hanyu has made it clear that the SP of the new season (which he already debuted at ice shows) would be Chopin’s Ballade No.1, which he had used for two seasons after the Sochi Olympics. To add to that, at this open practice, he also officially presented his free program, SEIMEI, which he had used two seasons ago and with which he had gotten the world’s highest score.  
“I may have been a little hesitant about Ballade No.1 for the SP, but with SEIMEI, because I had decided to use this program for the Olympic season from the moment I performed well with it back in 2015-16, there were no hesitations. Exactly because of that, I was at a loss with what to do with the music last season. Although I wanted to do Japanese style, if I make it too Japanese, it would end up being too similar [to what I did the season before]. In that sense, doing SEIMEI, it feels like I’ve warmed up for this season."
With a repeated program, there are certainly risks that people would be thinking “this again?” and that he would be enslaved by his past performance where he achieved perfection. However, Hanyu thinks that is “not a problem as the technical composition is different.”
"What I currently have in mind is to jump the 4Lo and the 4S in the beginning, followed by the 3F and spins and steps. The first jump in the second half will be 4S3T. After that, 4T1Lo3S and 4T. And then, 3A combination jump. Ending with 3Lz for the normal layout. But, with recovery in mind, I do two 3A’s in practice. In order to be able to respond to any situation, I am aiming to always complete the second half layout at a high level."
So says Hanyu, who had also attached 2Lo (instead of 2T) as second jump following [some of the] 3A’s during this practice session. And not only jumps. For the entry into second half where he breaks into movement from a standstill, he repeated fine movements over and over again after referencing Coach Tracy Wilson’s skating, with careful attention to details as he continued to practice.
“I’m able to jump the 4Lz and training is going fairly well, but for now I have not considered putting it in [a program]. To put everything together solidly and nicely in this current configuration. As it is, putting 3 quads into the second half is a definite upgrade in the layout compared to last year. In that sense too, first I would like to properly complete SEIMEI as one whole."
One big reason why Ballade No.1 and SEIMEI were chosen––it is most important that he thinks “after all, [these pieces] fit me well.” Because he can skate without any unnaturalness, with the sense that he is penetrating deep into the piece––that is the biggest deciding factor, says [Hanyu]:
“Even if I did pick new music––and it becomes a situation of ‘try this, do that’––each and every year there are bound to be difficulties. But I don’t think there is time this season to go through this… Instead of doing something new, garnering initial reactions of ‘hm, looks unpolished, but it’ll get better from now on,’ because it is the Olympic season, I must do something where people will think ’this program is amazing’ from the very start.
In that respect, 'how does one perform this music’, ‘how does one feel’ and so forth––I think I have been able to dig deeper. Exactly because I have listened [to the music] countless of times, I am able to train, encapsulating all of these––'how I express this music’, 'how I do the jumps’, etc. Both of these are programs where I can be most like myself, down to the way I breath, and skate comfortably. They are programs where I can perform like myself in all elements too––jumps and spins and steps, so I can avoid superfluous considerations."
For Hanyu himself, both Ballade and SEIMEI are “programs that became the impetus that led him to really consider expression.” From the fact that he decided to repeat these programs, one can also see the extent of his will towards the Pyeongchang Olympics. Jumps and spins and steps. A performance where everything is melded into one coherent “figure skating.” The performance that he aims for, one that could be called THE Figure Skating. Such is his determination to challenge and rise to the top once again.   
“Before Sochi Olympics, it felt like ‘I must do this, I must do that’ and that there was so much on my plate. But now, sort of like ‘I should do this, I should do that’––I guess it has become very clear to me what looks to be my path. Of course, four years ago I had wanted to get the gold medal as well, but I have come to a point now where I seek more and lots of different things.
Now, both the type and the number of quads are a factor, and on top of that, spins and steps must be well done. Moreover, I must also put in a lot of training for the parts in between the elements. Precisely because of that, I have trained a whole assortment of things these three years, and now I must further polish all these various parts. Exactly because there are these various parts, as I had mentioned, that I feel like I am starting to see this ideal thing that is my own skating."
In face of the Pyeongchang Olympics with a successive victory in his line of sight, Hanyu’s vision has never been clearer and more vivid. And perhaps, that is something he came to, precisely because of the pains he went through after Sochi. (fin)
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mf-fairy-princess · 5 years ago
Problematic and Proud: Instagram Artist Beebosloth
Alright, I tried posting this to Reddit but that whole website is fucked so. Tumblr is crazy toxic and I want absolutely nothing to do with this website lmao, I just know if it’s posted here, it will show up in google search results. 
Alright, so there's this artist on Instagram. Nothing new and unique there. In fact, there isn't really anything special about this particular prick at all. Rather, he more-so represents a larger cancerous growth within Instagram; entitlement, and toxicity.
I know, I know, "Hey dumbass, that's the entirety of the internet." Yeah, you're damn right it is. Does that make it any less gross? Any less pathetic? These humans are still humans, they know what they're doing.
So what exactly is Beebosloth? Unless you've come here from googling the name followed by some key-word synonyms of "problematic," you're probably unfamiliar with his presence on earth. @Beebosloth (Stan Osipov) is a pretty general artist on Instagram, pumping out at least one sketch a day; his works are namely skeletal, usually black and white, usually accompanied with an odd little strip of slogan text which rarely fits the image subject. People have gotten his works tattooed, he's almost up to 300k followers now, etc etc, he's doing alright for himself.
If there's one thing that millennials and gen-Z kids' insane internet vigilante rampages have taught us, it's that successful people can be, and often are, problematic as all hell. Beebosloth is no exception.
I had been following the artist for close to 3 years, giving him general support through likes on his posts, but also going an extra mile in standing up for him for 2 problems he had been facing repeatedly as an artist. First, due to the general popular aesthetic of his art, his works were getting reposted a lot, often without credit. There would even be imitation accounts which would post nothing but his art, essentially pretending to be him. I repeatedly took it upon myself to give them the ol' trollish finger wag, in an unlikely hope they'd better their behavior or at least let passersby know who the real artist was.
Another problem he was facing was Instagram support; (Ooh what a surprise, when has that ever happened to anyone)? The way he went on about it had us all believing that Instagram would never punish those who committed these unethical acts. And that was the entirety of the problem at first; not punishing other people who had done him wrong. He made several posts and stories complaining about this, usually enticing his followers to go out and do his bidding in this regard. Then . . there was an incident, and the first instance that really alerted me to Beebosloth's behavior.
This is a man who spends half his posts whining because he refuses to learn how internet-related copyright laws work. Even though with the sheer amount of trials and failures he's experienced, he should be an expert on them by now. A dude who claims every 5 seconds that he's getting his work stolen . . . which is why this next part is such a kicker.
I wish I could remember the time exactly, (but unfortunately I'm not pursuing a degree in problematic Instagram artists, and these details have just really just slipped my mind). It was March; I believe of this year. I scrolled through Instagram like normal, came upon a new post by beebosloth, and noticed that this one had about twice the typical amount of attention attached to it. Osipov had posted a doodle of a skeleton arm, holding up a ticket which read "1 WAY TICKET TO HELL." Pretty simple, pretty basic. And the next picture on the slide was the exact same thing, only this time, it wasn't in his style. I believe he also included screenshots of an incredibly petty argument between him and the other artist, in which she accused him of stealing the design from her. - In the caption he's ranting, he's raving, Instagram copyrighted his version and removed it. He does something else too . . . .
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Now, these images are the exact damn same, I wish I could find her original work but it has really just disappeared. After what Stan Osipov does next, it wouldn't really surprise me if she deleted her Instagram to cut out the toxicity of this whole situation. And here's the most important part to consider of all of this; not beeblosloth's cruel, immature, reaction, not his history of sending his followers to spend their own personal time being terrible to other users on his behalf, this-
The artist who claimed Osipov had stolen her work- posted it first. Actually I believe she posted it a few weeks before beeblosloth ever did. And keep in mind- the only feasible difference between these two photos is the art style. They are exact same in every possible detail. Now, unfortunately, at the time I was a member of beebosloth's cult following. I really made up any possible excuse to believe that somehow, regardless of how impossible and ridiculous it would be, this girl was lying about beebosloth just ripping her off majorly. Even though- she kept the matter private, between themselves. Beebosloth was the one who posted their screenshots, made this a "let's get everyone involved and invoke the wrath of my followers" thing.
In the caption, (or maybe in a new post), Beebosloth then goes on to beckon everyone to draw this image, he starts a #drawthisinyourstyle challenge. He also, of course, incites his followers to go send hate the the original artist. I will admit I stupidly wanted to believe beebosloth was the original artist, and maybe there was some justification to him posting the screenshots, but that part, I didn't like. That was totally unnecessary, even if he was somehow telling the truth.Can we just step back and assess how insane this situation is?
Osipov casually rips off another artist
He gets caught, called out in private, and the image is removed
He reposts his imitation image, as well as the original one, the original artist's details, the screenshots from their private conversation; he tells his followers to go send hate to the original artist because she hurt his feelings by calling him out.
He starts a competition encouraging everyone to rip off her image in their own style. In turn getting dozens of results, making a considerable chunk of the Instagram art scene focus all negative attention on the original artist. "Well if I can't have it, I guess everyone can." (It's almost impossible to find left over images of the challenge, but I remember there being dozens upon dozens of submissions. I will post one I managed to find, as well as the original rip-off by beebosloth.)
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And me and his other followers were totally blind to this insane, ridiculous, behavior. I find that all of my red flags that make me dislike people and their actions boil down to a very simple act: Being shitty to another human when they're not doing anything harmful. That's exactly what Osipov was doing here, and I just kind of let him convince me she was the perpetrator.
-- The remainder is an explanation of why I personally snapped out of this and realized he is just a really sleezy dude, it gets a bit petty, read at your own discretion. --
I kept following him after this for months, sending likes to those stolen general commercial T-shirt slogans slapped on a sketch of skeletons doing basic little things. And then one day a few weeks ago, an image crawled across my feed whose incredibly vague message just didn't sit right with me. The image, as you should be able to see here (if I've successfully posted it), contains a scene of someone trying to post something on instagram, and there is an error message which reads "Oops, nobody gives a shit about you or your selfies. Post anyways?"
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First reaction: YIKES, who has Stanny got a vendetta against today? The username of the poster was "dumb bitch" to boot. I honestly couldn't tell if he was attempting to shame someone specific, people who just enjoy posting their selfies, women on Instagram, the message was so unclear and the caption wasn't a help to say the least. Actually the caption was . . . The only possible relation the caption could have had to the art itself, was . . . no actually I really can't find a damn thing to relate the two. It had the same weird aggressive energy as the image, but it was essentially an uncomfortable and unwanted pep-talk? No . . . what in the fresh hell would you call that caption?
Anyways, I just assumed the caption didn't really have a direct relation to the art image, as that was something he'd done before and is pretty typical on Instagram. But I still had a problem with the message of the image itself; essentially teaching people to feel bad about posting their selfies, and holding some sense of superiority to those who dare share an image of their face every so often. How incredibly boring, and my reaction posted in the images explains why this personally pissed me off. And if there I talk like someone complaining in an Instagram comment section, well . . . I wonder why.
His reaction - Oh man his reaction, you could not have killed someone's loyalty to you faster if you used their pet in your omelet. I mentioned how I was confused at the caption in the end of what I was saying, and I guess that's the part that offended him?! I haven't a clue how, but he starts in: "The fact that you don't understand leads me to believe that you are still very lost."
. . . . WHAT?! bahahaha! Where the hell did that come from?! My mouth fell agape. First of all, I didn't understand his caption for the shear fact that it was vague and unrelated to the image. Secondly, beebolsoth, where in the shit did I say anything about being lost and remind me when I paid you to be my psychiatrist.  He goes on in this ridiculous narcissistic tone, making totally wild claims as if he's known me my whole life and can speak to my personal character, and my mental state. What a creep. Is he playing The Rewired Soul here? I didn't know, I didn't particularly care. The mild entertainment I received from viewing his images wasn't worth being talked to like I've just told freaking Sigmund Freud I don't like the taste of lima beans. After receiving some darling, and for some reason, racist hate from his cult followers, I unfollowed him.
But really, isn't that just one of the cringiest feelings out there? Realizing you've been doing back-flips for someone who would treat you like absolute dirt just for the fun of it? Well, now this experience is documented. Hopefully the true original artist of the "One way ticket to hell" piece is doing alright. And the next time Osipov does something weird and horrible, people can come here, and know it definitely wasn't the first time.
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prkbgm · 8 years ago
[TRANS] 161130 Elle Korea ✧ Park Bogum’s LA Confidential (Part 2)
elle korea december 2016 translations: part 1 / part 2 / bogummy tells everything
EK: We can’t not mention your ‘chemistry’ with actor Kim Yoojung PBG: At first, we we didn’t match at all (laughs). I kept on being scolded and kept on trying to do things by myself, you see. The core of the character wasn’t in me, and on the other hand Yoojung was relaxed enough to reciprocate my lines/dialogue. Since it was our first time meeting through <Gurumi> we were very awkward as well. But as time passed, we dropped our formalities (in speech) and became a lot close while getting along as oppa and dongsaeng.
Your summer memories are probably filled to the top with <Gurumi>. (We noticed) You lost a lot of weight filming in the harsh weather Haven’t I gained a lot of weight right now? I ate heaps after coming to L.A. Now that I think about it, I’m the style that loses more weight as it reaches the latter half of filming. I finally know a bit more about angles that make me look better in photos or videos.
Seeing you at the studio today, should I say that you’re (more) ‘active to change’? You were even the first to suggest dying your hair for the photoshoot this time. After shooting with my hair countless times, I’ve come to know that my hair texture hasn’t been able to be highlighted. And (he’s come to know) that if you add a bit of color to your hair, then you’re able to play with textures a bit more when styling. And when else will I be able to have a photoshoot in the great L.A? If I’m going to do it, I might as well do it well.
Are you currently in a phase where you’re thinking about what (fashion) style suits you? My interest in fashion has definitely increased. I don’t know much about brands. I only look at the design or style. Lately, suede jackets keep catching my eye.
You also participated in the <Gurumi> OST. The reaction to ‘My Person’ was great, do you have any plans of released an official album? Since before, I’ve wanted to take on the challenge of working on an OST, so I was happy that I was able to participate in the OST for the drama that I was appearing in. It became an opportunity for me to think seriously about wanting to give music a proper go.
We heard that you even started composing? I do play around with ‘garage band’ on my phone. Jinyoung hyung who played Kim Yoonsung explained to me how to use the app in detail. We promised each other to help each other on our music later down the track. While working on <Gurumi> this time, Jinyoung hyung, (Kwak) Dongyeon and I had a lot in common including music, so were were able to get along well.
If you were to evaluate the (your current) road of an actor that you dreamed of? Uhm, I think my dream grows bigger as the days go by. When I was young,  and took my first step after deciding on my dream to coming an actor, I  casually had thoughts like 'Someday, the day will come where I will get to walk on the red carpet and wave, right?' The moment when that dream became reality, I was very nervous. (With the thought that) if I imagine, look forward to and pray about it, then I can achieve everything that I say, so I've come to dream bigger dreams. Right now, the thing I am firmly committed to is becoming a person and an actor that can be a good influence to a lot of other people. That's why I'm not obsessed/fixed on popularity.
The thing we feel whenever we talk with the actor that is Park Bogum, is you have an attitude that genuinely knows how to be thankful about life. When choosing to walk down the path of an actor, I've experienced a variety of things, right? So after experiencing the new life and difference environments that come with each role/character, I decided not to be shaken by minor issues. Won't it be enough if I just keep moving forward along the road that I am taking (his own path) while being thankful for the work that I can do while enjoying? On the other hand, I am human too, so I'm a bit upset at the part where my privacy/private life is not respected.
Supposed you were living as an ordinary person? I would have either become a Korean language teacher or a steward. When I was young, when I got on a plane I was impressed with seeing flight attendants being able to communicate with anyone who boarded.
What are you planning on your December calendar with, which only has one page left now? Wow, time really flies. Won’t I probably be busy preparing for my fanmeeting? I think I’ll be spending the end of the year warmly like that.
The end of year award ceremonies are fast approaching, aren’t you greedy for the best couple award? The mighty ‘Song Song Couple’ are right behind us, so (laughs). When I was young, I knew I definitely wanted to attend an award ceremony. But when the time came and I attended for the first time, it felt weird. I used to almost spend the last day of every year at Church in the New Year's Eve Service, but since I was welcoming the new year with strangers at an award ceremony, I wasn’t sure if it was okay for me to be doing that.
By the way, why don’t you have an Instagram? In order to have an instagram, you have to upload photos, right? It’s a bit burdensome (having to upload photos). Instead, I recently made a weibo account. And I’m continuously using twitter.
There are moments when when Park Bogum, who always looks positive, is stressed, right? I’m not really the type that gets /that/ really stressed. The moment when I’m most stressed is when I’m not doing my job right? When i can’t concentrate on something? Every time those moments happen, I think I feel ‘jjambbong’. (A phrase used by Park Bogum to describe when he’s angry). 
The way to settle/calm  your ‘jjambbong’ heart/feelings? First, I do an extreme amount of regretting. Then I eat a lot with my family or people from my company, and talk (about it) a lot.
If you have something you want to say right now to 24-year old Park Bogum? (serious) You’re working hard (at life). It would be good if you would continue to look after the people around you more, rather than yourself.
Why do you think of/worry about other people so much? The more I work, I’ve found that the times were I think only of myself have increased. I hope that I never lose my sense of thankfulness. I am originally a person with a lot of greed. I try to have grasp everything in my hands.
Even if it was insignificant, when was the most recent moment where you were genuinely the most happy? When we went to Cebu for our reward vacation, the (tour) guide took us to a Korean restaurant for every meal. That's why one time I went to eat local food with Dongyeon-ie and people from my agency. I was really happy then (laughs). And also when I went to Universal Studio yesterday. I'm a super fan of the <Harry Potter> series, to the point where I buy the DVD's and watch then over again. Since I was there, I bought a Hogwarts cape and necktie. After contemplating where to go with Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, I chose Gryffindor. It was nice because it felt like I had just turned into a little kid.
What are you obsessed with lately? (turned serious again) Kids clothes are really pretty. I have a nephew and because he’s so lovable when he says uncle, uncle” I keep wanting to buy them (clothes) for him. Ah, and I want to get a scuba diving license. During our reward vacation I tried going underwater while wearing the suit and oxygen tank and it was really fun.
Now that we think of it, you do seem to have a liking for extreme sports. Whether it was on <Youth Over Flowers> or <1 Night 2 Days>, you were the first to step up. Overcoming fear is just a difference in your thinking. Confidence is important. Now that I think of it, I went paragliding in Cebu as well. It's where you wear a parachute on a boat, and your whole body rises up as high as a mountain. My mind was a mess at that moment. Thinking that it is possible that I could die tomorrow... Validating once again that my existence is just like a speck of dust. (Made him think) I should live while working hard as if each moment if the last. That's also the motto of our household.
Last of all, of all the scenery you saw today which did you like the best Was it Venice Beach? Well there was an black woman playing the guitar. In the past it would have been a scenery I would have just passed by without much thought, but nowadays I’ve found myself standing still and focusing. The sunset was spectacular as well. It was a good day for me.
source: elle korea 161130 translation: prkbgm.tumblr.com [!] please do not repost in any form on tumblr, and link back to this post or mention ‘prkbgm@tumblr’ when posting elsewhere.
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