#i’m gonna queue this for later tonight for reasons
crimezi · 10 months
okay so i was thinking about how the winners of the life series get assigned a celestial body that corresponds with their personalities
grian - the sun: the origin of life, an authority or divinity, that which everything revolves, light of the server, a ever burning source of shock and awe
scott - the stars: all the light that’s too far to reach, unchanging predictable path, always reliable, infinite and unattainable, a sort of destiny
pearl - the moon: that which inspires insanity, a constantly evolving and always present force, can change the tides, she’s got range <3
martyn - mars: the symbol of war for wars sake, rather easily manipulated despite his own knack for manipulation, ancient to the point of rusting, willing to betray everyone for a leg up in the terror
so i came up with at least my reasons for the rest >:3 i did my best to mix different symbolism and a few of them are more sound in their reasoning but i’m happy
mumbo - mercury: two sides of an extreme either too hot or too cold, constantly making insane twists in logic, a follower of sorts (he’s insane constantly in an out of control, seeks out information and spreads it around)
skizz- venus: the goddess of love <3, from afar a simple bright light but upclose the most volatile mix of elements, incapable of hosting life (he just wants to see everyone together but also he loves it when he’s given a reason to go a little crazy he’s so Aphrodite coded)
scar- earth: being returned to which sustains us, something something cycles and rebirth, potential, the roots that connect us, the feeling of stability and belonging, a strength that goes unnoticed (he is the flesh maggots adore, where would we be with out him)
gem- aurora borealis: the goddess of the dawn, circle of life, a connection to the dead, power and wonder (i only have so much to work with but also she is the embodiment of a spectacle the shimmering chaotic brightness and also dawn imagery is her thing)
bdubs- eclipses: a doom or foreboding sense of darkness, something so profound that can extinguish even the brightest light, seemingly inextricably connected livable chaos (bdubs is simultaneously very dark and very bright he’s always on edge and genuinely i think we should be more terrified of his ability to flip in a dime he’s very volatile and i love him)
jimmy - meteorshowers/shooting stars: gift from heaven, mystery beyond human comprehension, forces beyond control (boy falls so much, no but his brief but beautiful existence like transience, he moves so fast he burns himself always right before or at the beginning of the unravelling chaos)
cleo- ceres : the mother <3, death and rebirth, the rhythms of the seasons, fostering and adopting, unconditional love, all the issues of devotion, attachment, separation, sacrifice, loss and grief (big sad feelings every season, they always have a deep connection that’s brutally severed)
joel- jupiter: lonely despite all his efforts, all about improvement and good karma, lots of energy spent in forming relationships, calls forth miracles and changing fates, big eye for an eye vibes (he’s the big man!!, he’s always very focused on improving his game and making good deals but still incredibly stubborn)
etho- saturn: a very divorced married divorced planet, very focused in discipline and wisdom, lots of personal responsibility but can also represent shame and suffering (he’s got this very interesting balance going on between being very civil but also very anxious, i could study him for hours)
tango: uranus: hehehe, raw genius and eccentricity, upheaval and innovation hand in hand, out of balance a little rebellious!!! (tango is oops all unconventional ideas also he’s always better off in groups but his individuality and need to discover stop consistently leads him into unexpected sudden issues)
lizzie - neptune: the mystical realm the domain of dreams and delusions, always just a little to vague with intentions, idealism to a fault, a emphasis on creativity and intuition (she is confusion incarnate, listen everything about lizzie comes back to magic fairy shit)
bigb- pluto: a new approach and new perspective, the underbelly of emotions what lies beneath the surface, an unconscious mind exploring dark domains and cycles of harm, spirt over matter (listen bigb is the physical embodiment of ‘what happens if i exculswively go with the flow and just sorta stuble upon answers to questions nobody had?’ and i love him)
impulse- the void: all things ambiguous, the gap inbetween your real self and the replacement ego, incomprehensible emptiness (impulse always has like five facades up and behind all of that is nothing knowable there’s a gnawing sense of dread in all his seasons)
ren - supernova: an explosive transformation, change itself, unleashed potential, fusion in a strange and tragic ways, the afterlife, never ending chain of destinies (he’s just got so much energy he fucking exploded that’s why he’s not in the last 2 seasons he’s crazy powerful he’s just sets things in motion so often, he’s also very pretty <333)
okay i think all of that makes sense lmao
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
James ‘Moe’ Alley x nurse Jenny OC- Headcannons - Part 2. Moe, Liebgott, Jenny and Alice all go on a fourway date but things don’t go according to plan. There’s a slight blip in what could’ve blossomed into a super unproblematic relationship cos I loveeee angst and drama 😏.
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So picture this right, it’s 2 weeks later, a Friday evening after the boys have just run Currahee endlessly, and both nurses have been in training all day. Liebgott for some reason finally takes up Moe’s request.
but the only problem? Liebgott and Alice DONT LIKE EACH OTHER. So both of them are only in it for the other people, and in the process they drink a little too much to pluck up some courage because oh boy this is gonna be awkward.
Moe’s angry from the second he meets up with a drunken Liebgott, Jenny’s trying to calm a FURIOUS Alice down, and by the time it gets around to the date everybody’s a nervous wreck.
But Moe and Jenny are still so cute, they’re literally pining after one another and they don’t know it.
Things are going kinda okay, apart from the fact Liebgott is making digs at Alice and Alice is rolling her eyes at everything she’s saying, Moe finally starts feeling a little more confident about making conversation.
they’re all young at this point, slightly immature so they’re chatting a lottttt of shit about Sobel, okay. Things seem to be going back on track. Jenny’s all like ‘Sobel hates me because I actually wanna look like a girl’.
then Moe slips out some cute little compliment like, ‘at least you look good when you’re getting reprimanded’ and they have a little moment where they’re just giggling and sharing ehe contact, but it’s ruined when drunken Lieb knocks a drink all over both girls.
Alice gets all pissed because she’s equally as drunk, and then Joe gets pissed back at her, then more drinks are thrown and they’re full fledged ARGUING.
Moe is internally plotting 101 ways for Liebgott to DIE. Seriously, it becomes the Alice and Joe show for the next hour and a half as the four of them have to share the most awkward cab ride ever.
Moe and Jenny don’t even get to sit next to each other because Alice is squashed between them, whilst Joe is in the front seat shouting over the chair back.
Its just one big mess.
I feel like towards the end of the night, once Alice has gone inside her barracks, Moe kinda lingers sheepishly (because there was probably no mixing allowed idk). And then Jenny would slip back out of the door so she could finally speak to him.
‘Hey’ she’d greet him so gently and Moe thinks he’s gonna melt into a puddle.
‘Hey uh, sorry for tonight. Didn’t realise those two despised each other.’ He’d sigh out and she’d smile gently, eyes lingering towards where Joe is hunched over.
her eyes narrow and oh not again, ‘I think he’s being sick’ ‘Who?’ ‘Liebgott. Again.’ ‘Son of a- I’m sorry about all this, I uh- I better go.’ It’s super awkward and it’s such a let down, Moe fears he’s just given her the worst date of her LIFE. With a gentle smile and a soft ‘see you later, Moe’ the night ends as dissatisfying as ever’.
the next day whys it kinda awkward? They’re all doing physical examinations on the boy and Liebgott jumps straight out of Alice’s queue, forcing Moe out of Jenny’s line.
it some how feels like it’s not meant to be, and Moe being slightly more sensitive than some other people, feels super disheartened. He thinks his chances are straight out of the window, and he’s positive Talbert or Skip or something with a bigger personality is just gonna snatch you up.
All he can think about is her perfect goddamn face and smile, despite everything that happened that night he just sees the absolute best in you, and you plague his mind the whole evening.
I feel like the next time they see each other it’s super awkward? Like it’s just a short meeting, maybe they’re passing by each other, but once or twice Alley might pretend not to see Jenny and it hurts her feelings so then she truly feels embarrassed after the date.
the date went down the drain, and so did both their hopes. There’s still a mutual pining there, but I highly doubt after the disaster of the date either of them kinda put themselves out there afterwards?
kinda sad but it happens but yolo, still early days, stay tuned for part 3 and maybeee there’s gonna be some good? Maybe not.
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Initial thoughts on OW2:
Having played roughly 10ish games tonight, some wins some losses, and completing my three daily challenge rewards, I’m about level 4 on the BP, and this is including the 20% boost in XP I get from I guess having the paid BP which tbh I didn’t even know I was getting. I knew I paid for something, but quite honestly I just want the PvE mode that’s probably never coming.
Anyways, initially I thought that this meant XP was incredibly stingy, and it might still be, jury’s still out, but when I got to thinking about it, 4-5 levels a day, I think that’s maybe reasonable. I don’t really know how long a season is, I’m assuming it’s a quarterly thing so ~13 weeks I guess. 13 weeks is 91 days, so 91 days of dailies you can do to earn quick XP. Plus there’s weeklies on top of that, as well as some season-wide challenges, though I don’t actually know if those give you XP or if they just give you outright items. It’s not terrible. You’d finish the BP in about ~20 days, probably more since not everyone can play 10 games in a sitting, and who the fuck knows how outrageous the daily challenges might become.
I didn’t really play as Kimiko much. I had ample opportunity to, mind you, but the few minutes that I did play her sort of confused me to the point that I just decided it would be better to swap to someone I know how to play. That’s probably not a dig on the hero herself, I just didn’t really give her a chance to figure out her kit.
I will say, one ‘good’ thing, if you can call it that, is that this whole mess of a launch did at least reinvigorate the community a bit. This feels like Day 1 all over again, which is kind of nice. People were active in chat, asking what everyone thought of the game, or making memes as usual. I played against an infinitely superior Reinhardt and we joked about how you don’t need no stinking guns when you have a HAMMAH! Shit like that is what I think this game lives for.
Game looks nice. New maps are pretty good (except one of the robot maps but I can’t recall the name of it, but something about it just felt really off to me).
The queue to get into the actual game itself was a bit frustrating. Not even so much because of the queue itself, that much I’ve come to expect on a Day 1 release (even though there’s really no excuse these days for that sort of issue but w/e), but what bugged me was that the queue would just straight up ‘lie’ to you sometimes. I hopped in and it said there were 0 people ahead of me, 5 mins later it says 30,000 people were ahead of me. To their credit, it really didn’t take all that long to get by 30,000 people, maybe like 15 minutes. This happened again later where it said there were 800 people ahead of me, and then it jumped to 4000 after waiting for over five minutes. I understand technically that it’s just trying to load the actual number, but it still seems wrong to give me a random incorrect number only to correct it later.
OVERALL, yeah no there was no reason for OW2 to be a thing. That fact isn’t going to change any time soon I don’t think. It always should’ve been just an update to OW1. It just feels like they took a big ol’ break on releasing new content and decided to update the graphics a bit while they were gone. Do I think the game is bad? No, it’s still fundamentally Overwatch. Do I think there’s a lot of BS involved in it all? Absolutely. Am I gonna stop playing? Not even remotely.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Dangerous Jobs - Jay Halstead
Jay x Fem!reader severide
Kelly x sister reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 681
Summary: Both Jay and Y/n have dangerous jobs, but will Jay be a hypocritic?
Authors Note: My first Jay Halstead Imagine! Feel free to Request for him.
P.s - Might eventually change Chicago fire masterlist to One rChicago masterlist so everything will be und theree
Chicago Fire Masterlist
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“You know my brother’s gonna flip, right?” Wil said as he entered the hospital room seeing Y/n there wasn’t to much of an unusual sight. But she was there a lot less often then his own brother. He knew Jay would flip out once he heard she was here for any reason. So would her brother.
“Yeah, so is mine.” Y/n let out an unamused laugh.
“Your gonna have 2 men to deal with. Sucks to be you.” Will smirked teasing her.
“Jackass.” she responded and they both broke out into laughter. It was nice to be good friends with her boyfriend's brother. The two ended up getting to joke around a bit longer before the door to the room opened. Upon seeing who had opened the door, Will took that as his queue to leave.
“What were you thinking?!” Jay yelled as he entered the room, Kelly following not far behind.
“I’m guessing you told him what happened?” Y/n asked tilting her head to the side looking at her brother.
Kelly shrugged his shoulders. “He was gonna find out sooner or later.”
“Why would you risk your life like that?” Jay scolded her crossing his arms over his chest.
“Hey-” Kelly raised his voice cutting Jay off before he could scold his sister anymore for doing her job. “As much as I hate it to Halstead. She saved a young girl’s life, and your one to talk about life risking stuff.”
It was silent for a few minutes but Jay did stop. He couldn’t argue he got hurt way more than Y/n did. She did save a life.
“Hey Kelly, can you give us a minute?” Y/n aksed licking her dry lips.
“Yeah, Y/n/n.” Kelly nodded, he understood there was a conversation that needed to be had between the couple. “I’ll go get you a drink, okay?”
“Hmmmhmmm, thanks.” Y/n smiled gratefully to her brother.
“y/n-” Jay went to start after Kelly left the room but Y/n cut him off.
“No, Jay. I watch you get shot and beat up all the time. More than I and I’m sure Will would like. This.” Y/n gestured with her hands across her body. “This is nothing. Hell, I even get to be discharged tonight and back to work next shift.”
Jay listened till she was done. He knew he overreacted but it scared him that he could have lost her in the blink of an eye. “I know, I know. I just don’t like seeing you hurt.”
“I don’t like seeing you hurt but that’s practically a weekly thing.” Y/n stated, she understood Jay’s feelings completely. But it doesn’t change the facts. They have dangerous jobs getting hurt happens. Y/n let out a sigh looking down at her hands in her lap as Jay moved to sit in the chair next to her hospital bed. “I saved a young girl's life. I don’t regret it. I know you love what you do and I support it but…”
“I can’t be a Hippocratic?” Jay finished smiling at her.
“No offense.” Y/n dropped her head to the side smiling back at him.
“None taken.” he shook his head, dismissing the form of apologies. “I’m sorry I got mad at you. I just worry about you.”
Y/n reached out, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers together. “An I appreciate it. But we both have dangerous jobs. I promise if it was something serious-”
Jay nodded in understanding. “I know. Me too.”
“Is it safe?”Kelly asked as he popped his head through the door after opening it. He could tell by the lifted mood in the room that they had worked out their little issue.
“Yeah, it’s safe. You know Kel I find it off-ly convent that you decide to happily fill in Jay when I happen to be hurt.” Y/n smirked at her older brother.
“More people to watch over you the better.” Kelly shrugged his shoulder smiling guiltily. Jay couldn’t agree with the lieutenant more.
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kainscape · 3 years
Slashers with an S/O who talks in their sleep
@chibizombiebehindyou: Could you do the slashers (including Asa and Jesse) with a reader who talks in their sleep?
A/N: Decided to do this in a short prompt type of writing piece so I can practice writing short stories without going way overboard
A/N: okay maybe it’s not as short as I thought but hey, it’s not over 2 pages- yeah no it’s pretty lengthy 💀 and it’s not proofread ‼️
Bo Sinclair
It was a consuming and bone-breaking job that the Sinclair brothers did. Therefore, sleep was never guaranteed. But, with you? You decided on your own that you would keep yourself awake to see Bo come home in one piece. He always brushed your worry off as your so called obsession with him. After a few times of butchering your sleep schedule, it wasn't long before you were fast asleep when Bo retuned home. He made his way up the stairs, shedding his boots at the top. Discarding his mechanic coveralls, he was left in a stained but washed grey t shirt and his boxers. He had heard some quiet mumbling but didn't really look into it. The noise had vanished as he pulled back some of the old cover, slowly resting his body beside you. You had looked dead asleep, your body contracting slow and steady breaths. Exempt your mouth moving and forming words. He smirked, realizing you were taking in your sleep. He had some assumptions about it when you would ask questions with no reasoning. He wasn’t too worried. He propped himself up on his elbow to look over at you. “What do you mean you didn’t see it?! It was as big as your ass dude!” That’s something he’s never heard before. He couldn’t help but genuinely laugh at your behavior, shaking his head until he heard his name. “Well, Bo, what else do you want me compare it to, your dick!? Yeah right.” His face deadpanned, furrowing his eyebrows. He scoffed, turning over dramatically as he rolled his eyes. He faced away from you, biting the inside of his cheek. In the morning, he might tease you or ask questions around what you said. Either way, he’s not bothered by it.
Vincent Sinclair
It had been a long day for the boys and you within Ambrose. What a better way to go to sleep cuddled up together and arise later in the day by Bo? Of course, you were always first within the bed, already dead asleep and dreaming of whatever your mind wander to. Vincent kept awareness of where the creeks were in the floorboards, avoiding them so he could peacefully lay in bed next to your sleeping form. Yet he heard some prominent mumbling coming from you, serving closer and gently easing up the blankets to slip in. He had removed his mask already, carefully turning to face you. You had your arm over your eyes, mouth open and moving from incoherent sentences. But one was clear as day, “I’m convinced Vincent uses Gucci conditioner and shampoo, my god.” You mumbled a few after that but he was utterly confused. Why were you talking about that weird brand you had showed him once, and why did it correlate to your dream?? He shook his head gently, scooting closer and resting his arm across your waist/stomach, pulling himself against your form until he fell asleep to your rhythmic breathing. Sometimes, he’s entertained by your night time conversations.
Lester Sinclair
Your boyfriend had a fairly easy job compared to his brothers, but when there were visitors piling up after one another, it took a whole lot longer to come back home to you and your shared bed. The frogs and cicadas were a whole lot louder than usuals, but it was like a lullaby to you by now. Which queues the small mumbling escaping your mouth. He was quiet when he came, but of course, Lester wasn’t the best at silence. Luckily you were to lost in your dream to realize he was already snuggling in beside you. He had took notice of your nonsense sentences from time to time, not that it bothered him. If anything, it was an entertaining thing to listen to before going to sleep. It gave him a sense of what your brain really thinks of. “Lester… if I dressed up as roadkill… would you pick me up too?” He tried so damn hard to stifle his laugh, his body almost shaking as you formed a stupid grin on your face. Lester took in a deep breath, biting the inside of his cheek as he buried his head into the side of your neck. “Sure, hun’” he was sure to keep his words to a hush, taking note to your shared silence. There was a comfortable coldness that covered your bodies compared to the blistering heat outside. What a way to end the day.
Will Graham
Go to work, panic, panic some more and get no sleep. This was Wills routine even with you trying to hassle him into bed. He was always focused on something, or just simply to stubborn to let himself rest for once. But tonight, he had one hell of an excuse. Jack had kept him for a lot longer than both of you would like. But you knew what you signed up for when you accepted to go on a date with Will. You figured out after multiple nights of fruitless attempts at staying up and waiting for your boyfriend, you just gave in and went to sleep on your own terms. This gave Will the opportunity to overthink in peace without the guilt of making you worry. The job had took a huge toll on his physical capacity, leading him to shrugging off his clothing while he made his way to the side of the bed. He rubbed his eye, yawning as he lifted the blanket to the new queen bed you guys had bought, giving more room for dogs and the two of you. He stopped his motions, watching closely as you turned your body towards him. You were mouthing words but they were quiet and blotched. Will slowly slid underneath the covers, feeling his body sink in the end to a relaxed position. He had took not of your sleep talking, not bothered by it. To be honest, he likes to hear what you would say when you weren’t conscious of it. “I wish we had one of those stress powered lightbulbs…” A very quiet and short chuckle made its way out of you, “of course it’s for you, you could probably power Russia with how much stress you have.” And with that, he scoffed and turned the other way, mumbling to himself before attempting to sleep.
Jason Voorhees
Jason always makes sure you’re getting enough rest for your health. He’s adamant about you being your best self with a healthy body and mind. But, he’s never really surprised to see you up waiting for him time to time, honestly he can’t complain. He loves seeing you there in the cabin with the fire still going as you greet him with that beautiful smile. It’s truly warming for him. The rest of the nights, you’re always in the dark comfort of your shared room, resting atop the creaking bed and under the quilt blankets. The cabin door whipped open, quickly caught by the giant hand wrestling against the harsh winter wind. He tried his best to quietly close the door, pushing the lock in place he had added after a break in from a trespasser happened. He observed the room, laying his machete within the kitchen sink after shedding his jacket and laying it on the chair around the wood table. Expertly avoiding the creaks in the floor, he gently pushed open the bedroom door, slipping in without a sound. There was a severely dim light coming from the window, which shadowed over your face just right so he could see you. Jason had took off his boots while he listening to the common small talk from your sleeping form. You guys had decided to look in all the cabins, landing on the jackpot of a bigger bed so you could have more room. Therefore, it wasn’t a huge hassle for Jason to slip into the bed without the alarm of waking you. You were turned away from him, slow breaths from to body. The hockey mask laid on the dusty end table, facing up as Jason looked down at you. A small smile formed on his lips, listening as your talking grew a little more coherent. “Come on Jason, you got all that cake.. and you’re not gonna give me none?” His smile slowly faded, realizing what you meant by ‘cake.’ It ha mentioned before, especially when you went out of your way to slap his ass and look him in eyes to say, “a whole damn bakery back there..” Jason took it on himself to get used to it, not bothered by the comments. He shook his head, inching down so he could pull you closer to his chest, a very strong arm wrapped around you.
Michael Myers
There’s never a sleep schedule with the two of you. There’s times where Michael is out for days at time, retuning only when your asleep and unknowing. There are those very rare times like this one where you’re aware of Michaels presence in the bed while you drift of into sleep. He’s definitely not the type to pull you close or make a move to hold you, but he’s not going to push you away if you wrap yourself around him. Which is where you lay on his chest, listening to his eternally calmed heart beat as you knocked out. It had took a damn long time, but you achieved the privilege of seeing Michael without the infamous mask you grew accustomed too. His eyes usually zeroed in on the ceiling, waiting until he need to close his eyes came. But this time, he looked down at you shifting a bit in his chest, a few words spoken. “I really don’t know how people can’t smell you form your hiding places.. I can literally smell you before you walk in a room.. it’s not a good thing either.” His eyebrows furrowed together, trying to understand why you were composing about how he.. smelled. Yet here you are, your face completely shoved into his chest. He gave you an unimpressed eye roll, turning his head on the pillow for an attempt at some sleep. He found it rather amusing that you would speak whatever you thought without restrictions when you would sleep talk. Something to quietly tease you about.
Jesse Cromeans
He had already experienced your sleep taking, the cameras in his house capturing anything you did. Sometimes you asked questions or said random comments, all that made Jesse smirk or silently laugh. He had also taken notice to the earlier times you went to bed, your stubborn idea to stay up and wait for him dying down. He didn’t mind this, satisfied with your healthy sleep schedule returning. He set the tapes in a box for tomorrow’s checking. Jesse eased open the bedroom door, a small ray of light traveling across the room to reveal the bed you laid in. The black silk sheets covering your sound figure. He pushed the door back closed, taking off all his work attire to be left in his boxers and undershirt. He shimmied underneath the covers, slowly scooting closer to your body. Of course, there were some unconscious words to be shared. “I just realized I’ve got to sleep in every room…” there was some silence before you spoke again, “why?… look don’t even worry about.” There was humorous tone in the last sentence, one that felt oddly genuine for someone asleep. He shook his head, smiling while he took in your scent that comforted him. His hands caressed any exposed skin as the room fell silent, including his mind as you both shared a deep sleep.
Asa Emory
It wasn’t something he really cared to take notice about, never really sleeping at the same time as you due to his large amounts of work he took on. It was to the point he would drift off into a dreamless sleep on his desk. Not that you could really do anything about it with his stubborn view point, so you kept to yourself and went to your bed without him. Well, went to bed also meant brining a pillow and blanket down to Asas work place and sleeping the the chair. You just wanted to feel your boyfriends presence before you fell asleep. He only looked up for a few before looking back down at the scatter of papers, shuffling though some before writing. You made yourself as comfortable as you could get, sighing as you let your body relax. The sleep came easier than expected, the few sniffles sounding in the room letting you know Asa was still there. It was oddly comforting. A flash of worry did strike you, the worry that your sleep talking would annoy him, causing you to have to leave. But it was worth the few bits of it. Asa sighed, running his hand down his face as he battled the tired feeling back. Lending back in his seat, he crossed his arms while looking up to you in the leather chair. Without a warning, a question was asked out loud from you, “What color box would I get if I was one of your butterflies?” He tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows before humoring himself by answering, “Red. To match the original one.” It seems like your dream had answered for you, the words quiet on your tongue as your chest arose slowly. Asa took in another breath before rising to his feet, walking over to you. He brought a hand up to your resting face, his thumb brushing your drink. What a beautiful butterfly you would be.
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Karaoke (Ethan x f!MC)
Book: Open Heart, Beyond Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 750 Warning: None Premise: It’s karaoke night at Donahue’s and she makes him sing. Prompt: 89. “I noticed.” from “A Hundred Ways to say I Love You” (Thank you anon!)
Author’s Note: Basically, I said here that Ethan x Lilac has sung Karaoke together and I’ve wanted to write something about it since. I promise he’s in character as he does this lol. 
Author’s Note II: Dedicated to all my Hamilton obsessed friends and MCs, especially @takeharryandgo​ and Meredith
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Karaoke night at Donahue's is a special brand of hell for Ethan Ramsey. In the past, he avoided it like his life depended on it because it almost did. Death was preferable to listening to strangers miss every possible note of dreadful pop music. Not even the promise of top shelf scotch could have lured him in.
Yet, here he is tonight, sitting in the middle of the rowdy bar, watching Sienna Trinh passionately belt out angry pop lyrics in Lahela's face. The watching crowd cheers as the surgeon stands tall, arms crossed, and doing a poor job of keeping a straight face.
“End him!” Varma yells encouragingly.
Ethan is not following and for once in a long time, he feels utterly clueless. Not appreciating the feeling, he begins to wonder why he is even there. Then, a soft hand squeezes his for no reason other than the sheer joy of touching him. Lilac grins from beside him, eyes alight with the euphoria of the night.
That's why he is there.
“I'm gonna go up with Elijah and Bryce next,” she tells him over the music. “Wanna join?”
Ethan has to bend down to hear her.
“I'd rather die,” he replies. “But have fun.”
Lilac laughs and Ethan can't help but smile back. “I wouldn't be so sure. Keep your wits about you, Doctor.”
He doesn't get an opportunity to enquire more on that ominous statement because the song, which someone proclaims to be "Taylor Swift” (whatever that is), comes to an end and Sienna takes a dramatic bow to raucous applause. A minute later, Elijah Greene queues up the music for the next song and then he joins Lilac and Lahela on stage. Ethan almost groans as the notes of a Hamilton song blast from the speakers.
He’d recognize them anywhere because his girlfriend plays the whole album constantly. And when Ethan confiscates the music player, she sings it without music. Secretly, he has to admit it’s endearing when she does that, even if she tries (and fails) to sing all parts at once. 
“The issue on the table,” Elijah says sternly into the mic, taking his role as Washington too seriously. “France is on verge of war with England…”
Meanwhile, Lilac and Lahela are almost nose to nose on stage, microphones clutched in hand as they make exaggerated faces at each other. Ethan can't decide who is the worst actor since they both look on the verge of laughter. Still, Lilac exudes so much unrestrained confidence and mirth that Ethan feels his chest tug.
“... Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor, sir.”
On cue, Lilac raises her microphone to begin the "cabinet battle".
“When we were on death's door when we were needy,” she sings to ear-splitting cheers from her friends. “We made a promise, we signed a treaty.”
It's here where she turns to look right at Ethan, a wicked glint dancing in her eyes like a flame. Quickly—so quickly that Ethan doesn't exactly know what hit him— she hops off the stage and promptly sits on his lap. The whistling and cheering from the crowd is so loud, it's almost difficult to hear her.
“We needed money and guns and half a chance,” she continues into the mic with as much flair as the original. “Uhh, who provided those funds?”
Lilac flips the microphone toward Ethan.
There is a millisecond of strained silence in which the whole bar seems to hold their breaths.
Then, in an admirably accurate monotone, he says—
Ethan is convinced the patients on the eight floor across the street can hear the cacophony this provokes. The crowd simply loses its proverbial shit at seeing the ever taciturn Ethan Ramsey participate so willingly in karaoke. The commotion is so out of control, Elijah has to pause the song since neither Lilac nor Lahela can continue.
“Yaaaaasssss!” Sienna is the loudest of all.
“Give us nothing!” Varma shouts through cupped hands.
Lilac, for her part, kisses him through her laughter, so infectious that Ethan can't help but chuckle too. Eventually, everyone calms down enough to allow the duo to finish the song. Lilac hops off his lap and owns the stage with her rendition. Ethan had to admit, even Lahela isn't bad at all.
“That made my night,” Lilac says to him, resuming her place on his lap. “I love it when you cave and sing Hamilton.”
Ethan puts in all his effort to focus on her and not on his hand resting casually on her bare thigh.
“I noticed.”
How could he not notice? Her pretty green eyes glitter like the most luscious forest at sunrise and her smile—he'd do anything to earn it.
“It always gets a reaction out of you.”
She responds by lowering her voice to a dangerously low whisper, her eyes darkening. “Take me home so I can show you what kind of reaction you provoked, Ramsey.”
Ethan doesn't have to be told twice.
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Author's Note: This was nothing lol.
Also, Ethan Ramsey and I do not share the same opinions on music. He’s an old man who wouldn’t know “All Too Well” if it bit him in the ass. In fact, he wouldn't know who today's pop artists are. Except Adele. He knows her from Lilac lol.
Finally, if you sent me one of these, I am working on them <3 Thank you for being patient! 
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aliwritesss · 3 years
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~ Labyrinth
Pairings: Eric x reader
Genre: fuckboy au!
Warnings: angst, slightly suggestive, slow burn, swearing
Based on this AU! Highly recommended to read it before you start the series, but can be read alone.
1/? Masterlist
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-“… And remember! The deadline for the essay is in three weeks.”- You hear your History teacher’s voice but no one listens to him. The bell just ringed and that meant freedom.
-“ It’s Friday!!! Let’s do something fun.” You hear Kevin’s voice next to you. You thank the heavens and stars to have him in your life, you don’t know what you would have done without him all this time.
-“ What are you thinking?”
-“ Well… You know, everyone’s been on the edge these past months with the exams and all. So Juyeon thought I’d be fun to do a small gathering, only close friends.” He says with the smallest voice and you feel all your body tense up. If you knew one thing is that you couldn’t go to parties, not yet. Not when it’s been so long since you’ve seen him and you’re actually starting to move on. To wake up and not think of him.
-“ It sounds fun! But I think I’m gonna pass this time, I better start working on this assignment.”
-“ Cmon (Y/N), it’s been a month. You gotta go to your old self, I miss you. I miss us having fun.” It pains your heart to hear Kevin, you’d love to have the balls to go to their dorms and be yourself, to dance again till you can’t stand up, to laugh freely but you feel that the spark inside of you has died and you’re afraid that if you go, it won’t light up anymore.
-“ I promise you I’ll go back to my old self. You’ll get back your partner in crime, my little moon.” You say hugging him and exiting the class. -“ Just give me a little bit and you’ll get back your star.”
-“ The world better get ready once the moon and star duo comes back.” He says giving you one of his best smiles and you feel a little bit better. You’ve known him for so long and clicked since then. One day you two were in class and someone said you looked like the team rocket from Pokémon, always together being mischievous. And since then you baptized your friendship as the moon and star duo.
As you walk outside you feel his comment nag you in the back of your head. “Why do I have to feel so bad when he’s doing fine? Was everything a lie? Did he truly love me?” These thoughts have been bugging you lately and you’re starting to get annoyed. You thought you were doing fine but sometimes these dark clouds will come and shake you down. And it seems like today was one of these days.
“ So… Juyeon is doing a gathering huh? Do you realize that it means half of the campus is going, right?”
-“ Yeah… We told him only close people and Changmin said that meant around 50 friends.” He says, rolling his eyes. -“ Thank god we have Sangyeon and Jacob to keep him in check or else It’d be a nightmare.” And that makes you laugh because it’s true, you remember one night you were staying the night in their dorms and suddenly Sunwoo and Chanhee started arguing about the smallest thing. Sangyeon only needed to look at them to make them stop. It was so funny, you don’t want to mess with an angry Sangyeon to be honest.
-“ And… Here we go. I knew it.” You hear Kevin’s annoyed voice. -“ They’re asking me to buy drinks, it seems like more people are coming tonight. I have to go now bubs, but we should do something fun this weekend okay? Just the two of us.” He says while hugging you and you nod. Maybe that’s what you need, to start slowly coming out of your cave.
You start making your way to your dorm thinking about the million things you have to get done in these two weeks and you can feel your anxiety already coming. The pressure you’ve been feeling these past few days it’s getting worse everyday. And the worst of it, it’s that you don’t have anyone to talk about it. Unconsciously, you touch your necklace, feeling a little bit better. You look down to the tiny shiny star and remember the night he gave it to you.
-“ I’ll be your star, ready to guide you even in the darkest times, even when there’s no moon shining.” He said softly in your neck. You smiled at him and looked at the charm. It was a little star filled with crystals. Stunning.
-“ When you feel like giving up, remember that I’ll be here with you. Faintly.” Eric said, touching your necklace.
“Where are you now? Where are you now when I need you the most?” You think for yourself, It’s not like you weren’t starting to move on from him, which you are doing. But you were not forgetting him, and you wish you could.
You wish you could erase all these sweet moments, act like nothing happened. Act like him, cold and unbothered. Why did him have to play you? Was everything a lie? Everything he said, was just a trap to only have fun with you? You couldn’t trust your memories, it seems like you only could remember the good ones.
But what about that night you two had a fight on a party because he was with this girl, laughing and talking the whole night while you were alone? You still remember his words: “ Stop being a pain in the ass, if I wanted to hook up with her dont you think I would have already done it?”. And you being a silly naive girl in love, acted like it didn’t hurt you. Like he didnt had the power to destroy you in matter of seconds if he wanted.
And that was the reason you broke up with him.
Everyone knew you were his girl and god forbid anyone who dared to touch you. But that’s it, you were only that, his girl. He didn’t bother to put a label, you were there for him and that was enough.
-“ Eric what are we doing?”- You asked him the night you two broke up.
-“ What do you mean?”-
-“ What are we doing together? What is this? Are we exclusive? Are we truly in a relationship?”- You asked trembling, you weren’t ready to hear his answer.
-“ Not this again (Y/N). I told you I don’t want to talk about it and you keep bringing this up. I said you are my girl and that should be enough.”-
-“ But it isn’t. It isn’t when there’s a queue of girls waiting for you to get tired of me and drop me like a toy. And I had enough, I need to know what I am to you.” You said sitting in his bed.
-“ You are making me tired with all these questions. I said drop it, (Y/N). You know how I am and still chose to be here with me.”-
-“ I chose you bc you said that you couldn’t do this without me, Eric! You told me that I was special and-.”
-“ So? That gives you the right to be called my girlfriend?”- And that was the last straw. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, it’s like someone snapped you back to reality. Like you just woke up from a beautiful dream and got hit with the true world.
He loved you, but not in the right way.
He cared about you, but not enough.
You got dressed and started to pick yoiur things while crying. You needed to get out as soon as possible, even if it was 3 in the morning.
-“Cmon (Y/N) don’t be like this. I got mad and you know I say things I regret later. Please let’s talk in the morning when we are calm, okay? Babe please-“
-“ Don’t touch me, Eric. I’ve had enough. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep falling in love with you more and more when we are not in the same page. Not even in the same book.”- You said putting on your sweatshirt, well, his sweatshirt now yours.
-“ Are you serious? Are you going to be like this? After all we’ve been through?”-
-“ Exactly, after all we’ve been through you still think I don’t deserve to be your girlfriend. And let me correct you, you’re the one who doesn’t deserve to be my boyfriend. I’m tired of your shit.”
-“ I know you’re angry (Y/N) but I swear if you leave this room that’s it.”- He said staring at you. You gave him one last smile and closed the door. It was so late at night and you decided to bring this topic up… That was a stupid move of you to be honest, but it needed to be done.
You can feel your vision getting blurry with all the tears falling but you don’t care anymore.
-“ Star? Is everything ok?”- you feel Kevin’s sleepy voice coming from the other side of the hallway and you let out a sob. -“ Hey, Hey. What happened bubs? Why are you crying? Where’s Eric?”-
-“ I… I- I think we just broke up.” You said hugging him and starting to sob even harder.
- “ Oh gosh…” He said quietly while stroking your hair.
And after that everything was a blur, you only remember him and Haknyeon taking you to your dorm and sleeping there. Everyone knew what happened because they heard you two arguing but no one could bring the topic up. It was typical of you two to argue, but in a matter of hours everything was cleared. But this time was different and both of you knew it.
This time the damage was done and there was no going back now.
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A/N: So it’s finally here!! The first chapter of this little series. Thanks to all of you for liking so much the AU and for telling me what you preferred to see on this series. It’ll be after the break up, but I thought it’d be nice to have a little context of why did the discussion happen and to see the dynamic of the relationship. Honestly speaking, I love Eric’s fuckboy vibes so much.. But still it pains me to see him acting this way :( I apologise for any typo or mistake! And remember you can ask in the comments or dms to be tagged and that requests are open!!
TAGLIST: @asherbl @fairycob @givememunjang
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lilchibi-chan · 4 years
Kenma x Black Fem! Reader
This is inspired by an ASMR that I recently listened to by Jae ASMR. I instantly thought of kenma and I don’t have any works (I think) solely focused on Kenma, so yeah. Hope y’all enjoy!
Genre: Fluff/Smut
Content: needy reader, heavy teasing, praising, oral receiving and giving, dominant kenma, sex
Today, you decide to go over to Kenma’s. It’s winter time and snow is flurrying lightly in the air.
You have your hair in box braids to protect it from the harsh weather and you’re wearing a hat to protect your scalp.
You ring his doorbell and he let’s you in.
You start to take off your outer wear and shoes and he helps you by hanging up your coat. He then hands you the pair of slippers he got for you when you come over.
“Hey pudding,” he says softly
“Hey,” you say hugging him
He grabs ahold of your hands
“Your fingers are like ice,” he says concerned
He grabs a a heating bag and fills it with warm water from the sink.
“Here,” he says handing you the bag
You take it from him and softly smile.
“Thank you, Ken,” you say, then kiss him
He has a kotatsu set up in the living room and he sat on the side closest to the tv.
You sit down on the opposite of him, watching as he played his game with his online friends.
You still had a slight chill and wanted a blanket, but didn’t wanna leave the kotatsu.
You reach across and lightly poke him in the back, close to the area where he’s ticklish.
A small laugh escapes him.
“Hold on everyone,” he says, then covers his mic
“Yes, pudding,” he says, facing you
“Can you get me a blanket please,” you ask with pleading eyes
He laughs softly
“Of course,” he says
“Guys, I’ll be right back,” he says, then gets up and goes to the hall closet to get you a fluffy blanket
“Here you go,” he says, handing you the blanket
You take it from him and he went back to playing.
You wrap the blanket around you and the combined warmth of the heat from the kotatsu and from the blanket feels like heaven.
You spend some time on your phone, going from app to app until you get bored and decide you want some attention from Kenma.
You start to move closer to where he’s sitting, until you are right next to him.
You put your head on his shoulder and stare at him for a moment, watching how he focuses on the game.
You move closer and start to give him butterfly kisses.
“What’re you doing,” he asks with laughter
“I’m giving you kisses, just with my eyelashes,” you say in a baby voice
“You’re such a dork,” he says laughing and then kisses you on the forehead
He goes back to his game and you try to think of another way to get his attention.
You decide to poke his cheek, which causes him to giggle. He doesn’t think much of it, so his focus is still on the game.
You then poke his arm and his stomach, which takes his attention away from the game.
“Yes pudding. Is there a reason as to why you’re poking me,” he asks
“I wanna cuddle,” you say with puppy dog eyes
“How ‘bout this,” he starts,“you can lay in my lap until I’m finished, okay?”
“Okay,” you say repositioning yourself
Once you finally get comfortable, Kenma kisses you on your lips
“I love you,” you say to him
“I love you too, kitten,” he says
He’s still playing and talking to his friends a couple of hours later.
You sit up and find your spot next to him
“Hello sleepy head,” he says once you sit up
“I fell asleep,” you ask groggily
“Yeah,” he says with a smile,“you looked so cute”
You hide your face from embarrassment and then a thought pops in your head
“OhMyGod! Did I snore?!” You whisper yell
He laughs
“No baby, you didn’t. You were very relaxed,” he says
“Kenma are you there,” you hear Kuroo ask on the other side
“Yeah..I’m here..sorry, I got distracted”
“Nah, it’s cool. Are you ready though?”
You lay your head in the crook of his neck as he queues up to play.
While he plays, you decide to tease him a little by placing small kisses on his neck
“Pudding~, you’re very needy today, aren’t you,” he asks
“If you’re gonna do that, you have to be very quiet because they can hear everything you’re doing right now,” he says whispering
Kenma’s breathing starts getting heavier
“Hey, you alright Kenma,” Hinata asks
He clears his throat
“Uh, yeah... I was just yawning. I’m getting kinda tired, so this might be my last round,” he says, then looks down at you
He strokes your head as you continue teasing him in different ways, trying to get him to end his game sooner, but he doesn’t budge.
He plays the whole round, trying to give you as much attention as he could and remain composed.
“Alright guys, thanks for playing,” Kenma starts
“Yeah, it was great. Invite me anytime Kenma,” Hinata says happily
“Yeah, I will Hinata.”
“You already know I’m down to be your gaming partner anytime Kenma,” Kuroo says
“Okay guys, goody bye,” he says
“Bye,” they all say in unison
He removes his headphones and turns off his gaming system
“Now back to you,” he says looking at you
He pins you to the floor.
“You thought you could tease me and get away with it huh,” he starts,“well a pretty known fact about me is I can beat any final boss that gets in my way of the prize.”
He goes straight for your neck, kissing and nipping the skin as you had done to him earlier.
You try to move your hands, but he keeps them pinned above your head.
“It’s not so fun when you can’t do anything is it,” he says teasing you
Your face goes warm as a glint of hunger appears in his eyes.
“You wanna play,” he starts,“c’mon, let’s play”
He kisses your lips and you accept. The kisses become more passionate and hungry.
“Kenma,” you say interrupting,“c-could we m-maybe go somewhere m-more private?”
“Pudding, we’re in my house and no one else lives here. You know that,” he says trying to reassure you
“Y-yeah, but I still feel exposed for some reason,” you say shyly
He smiles
“You’re so cute,” he says bopping your nose
He gets off of you and stands up. He then places his hands out to help you off the floor.
He starts kissing you again, his hands around your waist and guiding you to his room
Once there, he lays you down on the bed gently.
He hovers over you and starts to give you soft,slow kisses on your lips, heightening the anticipation.
“You wanted my attention, now I’m all yours kitten,” he says in your ear
“Spread your legs,” he again whispers in your ear and you do as he says
“Good girl,” he says, sliding a hand down your pants and swirling a finger on your clit
“I want you to beg for it.”
You’re surprised by Kenma’s sadistic nature, he’s usually very loving and attentive, but tonight it’s like an animal has taken over him.
You let out small moans as the circles on your clit get slower and longer.
He pulls off your pants, along with your underwear and heads back to your clit, this time with two fingers.
“Beg,” he commands
“P-please Kenma...I want you,” you say, slightly breathless
He proceeds to enter you with his fingers.
“Hmph,” he laughs,“you’re already so wet..and we have barely just begun.”
He softly and slowly fingers you until your juices are flowing down his fingers and your body aches with pleasure.
“Tell me what you want, kitten.”
“I-I w-want y-you,” you say, barely being able to speak from the sensations that you are feeling
“Say please,” he commands
“P-please Kenma, I w-want y-you. I n-need you inside of me. I c-can’t take it anymore,” you say pleading
“Music to my ears,” he says leaning down in your ear
He takes out a condom and rolls on his erect and throbbing member.
Seeing him so aroused made you crave him even more.
You can’t lie, you like seeing this side of Kenma. It’s the quiet ones you always have to look out for and this situation was proving that very fact.
He slowly slides inside of you, half way. His strokes are slow, but he almost hits your spot.
Once he gets more comfortable, he starts going deeper and speeds up his pace, causing moans to escape your lips
“Kenma..wait,” you say stopping him
“What is it,” he asks concerned
“I...wanna feel you,” you say nervously
He looks down at his dick, then back at you
“Are you sure, kitten,” he asks, making sure this is what you really want and that you’re absolutely positive in your decision
“Yes. I’m sure,” you say confidently
He slides out and removes the condom.
He pauses for a moment before he re-enters you and once he does, the sensation is a lot to bear. He feels very part of you squelching around him, awakening something deep within him.
“Fuck,” he moans under his breath
His pace quickens as the warmth and slickness of your walls suck him in with each thrust. Feeling every part of you felt even better to him than beating a game or passing a hard level.
“You feel so fucking good, kitten. Fuck, I can’t take it,” he says, reveling in this moment
You smile in response
“You are so beautiful, y/n. I still..can’t believe..we’re together.. Even after this long,” he says honestly while thrusting into you
“Ken,” you say flattered by his words
He continues thrusting until you reach your orgasm
Your moans fill the room as you try to come down from the pressure between your legs
Kenma pulls out and whispers in your ear
“I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
He makes his way down your body, leaving a trail of kisses anywhere he could.
He places his mouth near your now sopping wet cunt and and decides he won’t indulge you just yet.
He goes to your thighs and starts nipping and sucking at the skin between your lips and your thighs. That are is very sensitive and it was causing you to go into a fit of whimpers and moans.
A smile grew across his face and that’s when he decided to give you what you had be waiting for.
He places his tongue inside of you and starts going to town, eating you like you would be his last supper.
“You taste so good..fuck,” he moans
You giggle in response and bite your lip
Once he finishes, he wipes around his mouth and stands up on his knees
“Come here,” he says
You sit up and look up at him.
He kisses you and you can taste yourself on his lips and tongue.
“I wanna taste you, Kenma,” you say against his lips
“Lay down,” you tell him
You get on your knees and lean down to suck him. You wanted to show him how bad you wanted him and decide to bring out all the stops to show him how much you loved him and how much you were enjoying tonight.
Once you finish, he grabs a fistful of your braids
“Turn around and get on all fours. I’m giving you everything tonight,” he says, then smashes your lips together
You do as told and he starts slow like he had been doing all night to get you used to him again. Once you were, he started pounding into you. Hard and fast. Grabbing your braids in his hands and using them to help pull you closer to him, so that he could feel you deeper.
“Fuck... I’m gonna cum, kitten,” he says and you could tell as his thrusts got sloppier and less controlled
“Fuck,” he says under his breath,“I can’t take it anymore.”
He pulls out and releases his warm, white liquid onto your back.
He gets off the bed and walks tl the bathroom to get a soft hand towel to wipe off your back.
He gets off the bed and pulls you up as well. He pulls down the covers and helps you get in bed. He walks to the other side and joins you.
He pulls you close to him and starts massaging your body on different places.
“I love you, y/n...you did so well tonight.”
“I love you too, Kenma”
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Art by: cathecatedrilla1003 (I found this on Pinterest)
I hope y’all enjoyed this head canon. This was really fun to write and I decided to write it on a whim after listening to that audio, so yeah. I may post again tomorrow, but we’ll see. I love y’all so much and thanks for the continuous support 🌸💖
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six-sanctuary · 3 years
Cloud Nine || Will Miller x Reader
Author’s note: Wow had to write something for getting high with Will Miller. If there’s interest I might continue this.
Dedicated to @rayslittlekitten​ thought you might enjoy this!
Trigger warning: Marijuana, no smut but hints of it, hints of a dommy Will
Below the cut is 18+ only please and thanks!
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“It’s supposed to help,” you offered in a sing-song voice, waggling the baggie in front of his face. Will groaned and made that face that only Will could make, his eyes narrowing just a bit, the bridge of his nose wrinkling in complete and utter annoyance with you. You’d been trying for weeks now to get Will to smoke a bowl with you and he refuted you at every turn. You knew why. You understood his reasoning. It was still federally illegal. He could get fired.
 The problem was that you had a thousand reasons why he should. His nightmares had been bad since coming back from Columbia. Quarantine meant he wasn’t going into work in person for a long time. It would be fun! Okay so your list ended right there, but you figured reasons one through three were good reasons. You pouted at him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes and you saw him crack. Will closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Will it get you off my case for a while?” He peeked open one eye at you and you knew you’d won. Nodding your head vigorously, you promised, “Absolutely. Absolutely 100%.” With a sigh, he held his hand out for the baggie, opening it up and taking a little whiff.
 You knew Will had smoked before. You remembered what seemed like a lifetime ago, the two of you splitting a joint behind the high school bleachers. You remembered his eyes so bloodshot and red you had to point and laugh. You remember Benny catching the two of you and neither of you able to keep a straight face as Benny chastised you.
 “Good right?” Will begrudgingly nodded. It did smell good. “Later tonight. I’ve got a few things I need to finish up in the shop.” Meaning his wood shop out back. You knew he was almost finished renovating an old desk you’d found in the attic and so you agreed. “Later tonight. I’m going to hold you to that Captain.” He laughed at that, shaking his head as he retreated back to his shop.
 He made good on his promise to you though. When he’d finished, he sought you out in the living room. With a quick kiss that tasted like sawdust, he was off once more mumbling something about a shower. You took that as your queue to get ready. Take out was ordered, blankets were arranged on the couch, your and Will’s favorite movies pulled out from boxes and set aside. All you needed was your man.
 The creak of the stairs told you he was on his way so you craned your neck to get a better view from the couch. There he was, slowly padding down the stairs as he ran a hand through his wet hair, wearing nothing but the grey sweatpants you liked so much. Holy shit. You were staring. You knew you were staring. You felt yourself staring and yet you were completely unable to look away from his tanned skin and rippling muscles. Will cleared his throat, stopping at the foot of the stairs and you laughed, letting out a low whistle before patting the couch beside you.
 “C’mon hot stuff, I’ve got the whole evening planned out and we’re starting with this!” A baggie was lifted up, dangling in the air between your two fingers. Will rolled his eyes at the cat call, but you swear you saw the ghost of a smile on his lips.
 “Alright, what trouble are you gonna get me into tonight sugar?” He asked as he plopped down on the couch beside you. Instinctively you scooted closer. “Well there’s your favorite takeout on the way and I’ve pulled out your favorite movies, so how do you feel about a cozy night in Captain Miller?” That smile you had seen peeking out earlier made itself known now. He nearly grinned at you, causing you to beam back in turn.
 Less than an hour later, the coffee table was littered with strewn takeout containers. The movie played on the background but was long forgotten as the two of you chatted. Your bare legs rested across his lap as you lay back on the couch, giggling like no tomorrow. “I told you this would be fun. I told you and you didn’t believe me, but you’re having fun,” you laughed. You reached out with one foot, tickling it down his chest which he quickly batted away.
 “Alright, alright I’m having fun.” You knew it all along. While he was normally a very stoic man, you’d long since learned what his tells were. You felt like you could practically read his mind at this point just from watching his expression.
 “Are you properly stoned?” “Yes, I’m properly stoned,” he chuckled, amused at your antics. The weed also helped and you were reminded once more of that night by the bleachers. Will had been good looking back then too, all the high school girls fawning over him, but now? Now he was something else entirely. Handsome, sexy, strong. It wasn’t just that he kept in shape, but that confidence that he carried with him everywhere. That big dick energy that drove you crazy with just a look.
 “You’re really sexy,” you purred. Weed always made you bold. You couldn’t even help yourself. “And I don’t think I told you the best part about this.” You gestured to the joint in your hand before taking another long inhale. Breathing out, you added, “It makes me really horny.”
You could tell that caught Will’s interest, his brow raising as he looked over at you. His eyes roamed your form, as he shifted, moving to hover over you. “Oh yeah? Guess we’ll have to do something about that.” He leaned in, lips just centimeters from your own. Your eyes shut in anticipation of a kiss and suddenly the joint was plucked from your hand and Will was gone.
 “What?” your eyes shot open in surprise, looking over at Will shirtless on the couch, joint dangling between his lips oozing sex appeal. It was almost unfair how he was teasing you like this and you knew he was well aware of what he was doing.
  Slowly he set the remains of the joint down in an empty takeout container. Then he leaned back and patted his thighs, speaking to you in a deep husky voice. “Come here and sit on your captain’s lap.”
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Julie and the Phantoms
Pairing: Luke Patterson x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Here’s my first JATP fic. This is loosely based on the “Edge of Great” ep. This ended up being much longer than I expected, but who’s complaining I guess. Please let me know what you think and if I should write more. I hope you all enjoy!
@im-a-writer-right​ YOUR TURN!!!
Ever since Julie’s mom had passed away you had been hanging around a lot since you knew what it was like to lose a parent. But ever since you found out that Julie had 3 ghost boys in her garage you found yourself hanging out at her house much more often. It was interesting and you really had nothing else better to do. And considering you’re the only other person that can see them without music playing Julie felt more comfortable having you watch over them if she thought they’d get into any trouble.
You had been hanging out in the garage waiting for Julie so you could watch her and the boys practice. You were writing lyrics in your journal when all of a sudden Luke popped in onto the couch next to you. 
“Whatcha writing?” He asks peeking over your shoulder.
“Nothing!” You say slamming your notebook shut.
“Shutting your notebook isn’t nothing. Come on, what is it?” Luke asks turning himself to you.
“Ok, how about. None of your business,” You respond. 
“Y/N when are you gonna tell me what’s in your notebook? You hug that thing like it’ll be the death of you if someone reads it,” Luke chuckles.
“It’s my personal journal when are you gonna get that?” You say and get up to put it in your bag. 
“When you let me see what’s inside?”Luke asks.
“You’re so damn nosy, Luke,” You chuckle as Julie walks in.
“What’s going on here?” Julie asks, clearly thinking something is going on between you and Luke.
“Luke is trying to get me to show him my notebook,” You say showing Julie. 
“Ah, your mu--” Julie starts before you run to cover her mouth.
“Wait she knows?” Luke asks.
“Well yeah. She’s my best friend,” You say with your hand still covering Julie’s mouth. Julie muffles something through your hand but it was incoherent, so you remove your hand.
“Where’s Reggie and Alex? We need to practice,” Julie says. 
“Oh! They were just out doing their own thing. They’ll be here,” Luke says. Just like on queue the two popped in. 
“Hey, guys, ready to rock?” Reggie says.
“Yeh, so we’re playing Edge of Great first. Let’s start on that,” Julie says. You sat and watched as the band practiced for the show Julie’s dad put on. 
“So what do you think?” Julie asked you.
“It was great. You all are gonna do amazing!” You say. After the boys were gone for a break before the show, you wanted to show Julie what you were working on.
“Hey, I was wondering if I could show you a song I was working on,” You say.
“Of course,” She says.
You go over to pick up one of the acoustic guitars and make sure it’s in tune. As soon as you were ready you started playing some chords. “One moment you’re here and the next you’re not. But I know you’re watching over me and you’re still with me,” You sing. You continue until you finish the chords you have set out. 
“I have all the lyrics but I’m still working on the tune. What do you think?” You ask Julie as you finish. 
“It’s great. Is it about your dad?” She asks.
“Yeah, it’s been in the works for months and I just finished the lyrics before Luke so rudely interrupted,” You respond.
“You know...” Julie starts with a look on her face.
“No. No. I know that look on your face. You’re gonna suggest something that I won’t like,” You say.
“Come on. Just hear me out?” She begs.
“Fine,” You say, and cross your arms.
“You should ask Luke to help you finish the tune and open for us at the show,” She suggests.
“Nope. Nope. No,” You quickly say.
“Come on. You write amazing music and have barely shared it in the last few years,” She says.
“You know that’s because a lot of my songs are super personal, especially this one,” You say.
“Ok, well do you have a song you’d be okay singing?” Julie.
“I have one, but I don’t have any tune for it,” You respond. 
“Ok, ask Luke to help. He’s amazing at creating tunes for lyrics,” Julie says.
“No,” You sternly say.
“Why are you so scared to let the boys know you sing and write music?” She asks.
“I don’t know. It’s not something I really like to publicly announce,” You respond.
“You don’t publicly announce it, but you’re one of the best artists in the school music program? Come on what’s the real reason?” Julie questions.
“I guess it’s just because it’s been a long time since I’ve performed solo and my songs have seriously been lacking. Plus there are only a few hours until your show, I’m not sure if I can pull a full song out before then,” You respond.
“Your songs have not been lacking. And if I can bounce back. Then you definitely can. Just ask Luke, I know he’d be more than happy to help and to find out what’s in your notebook. You have the rest of the afternoon. Plus,  I’ve seen you pull songs out 1 hour before you went on stage, you got this,” Julie says. 
“You really think I can pull this?” You ask.
“I know it. And you can find out if there really is anything going on between you two,” Julie smiles and pokes at your stomach.
“Stop. There’s nothing between Luke and me, he’s just a good friend,” You say.
“A friend that my best friend likes. The way you two look at each other and talk to eachother that can’t be nothing,” Julie says.
“So this is why you want Luke to help me?” You ask.
“Ehhhh. Also if you don’t play, I’ll hunt you down and make you,” She says as you two walk out of the garage. 
“Fine. Fine. I’d rather not die at your hand. But there is NOTHING between me and Luke,” You chuckle.
“I guess we’ll find out,” Julie says as you glare at her.
~An hour Later~
You walk into the garage hoping to find Luke or even one of the guys hanging out, but it was completely empty. After looking around for a bit you decided to leave and come back later. But just as you were about to leave you, hear two feet hit the ground.
“Hey, looking for Julie?” Luke says as your turn around.
“Uh, no, actually I was looking for you,” You say looking at your feet. 
“Oh uh, what’s up?” Luke asks.
“I don’t know if this is too much to ask but ummm, Julie was thinking that I could open up for your guys’ show in a few hours and I kinda need help finding a tune to some lyrics I wrote. Julie thought you could help,” You say.
“Wait you sing? Why didn’t you tell us?” Luke asks excitedly.
“Yeh, I don’t usually play outside of school or my room anymore,” You say.
“Well, it’s not much to ask and I’d be glad to help,” He says and sits down next to you on the couch.
“Thanks,” You say and pull out your notebook.
“So that’s your lyric book,” Luke says.
“Yes, and you promise not to peek at any other songs after showing you?” You ask and Luke nods. You flip to the page of the lyrics for the song you’re gonna play. “Here’s the song. I uh wrote this a while back when uhh, I was finally feeling like myself again after my dad passed. It’s called Sunflower,” You say hesitantly.
“I’m sorry,” Luke says as you can feel his eyes trained on you. He clears his throat, “So let’s see what you have,” Luke says and you pass your notebook to him. “This is great,” He says after finishing.
“Thanks, I play the guitar, mostly acoustic,” You say and pick up your guitar. 
Luke reads the first few lines of lyrics trying to figure out a good tune, “From dusk til dawn,” Luke mumbles reading through the first verse. He grabs the guitar from your hands and starts to strum some chords. “So here’s what I think,” Luke says and starts to play chords while singing your lyrics. 
“That’s great and what do you think if I stung this note out a bit,” You say taking back the guitar and playing the chords back while singing. 
“You have an amazing voice,” Luke says as you finish singing.
“Thanks,” You chuckle. The two of you sit for the next few hours creating a tune for your song.
“Ok, so this is what we have. Not like we can change it, the show is in 2 hours,” You say. You start to play the chords and sing. You expected to Luke join in like he normally would but he just sat there watching you sing. “So I guess that’s it,” You say after finishing the song. 
“It’s great! You’ll do amazing, I know it!” Luke smiles at you. You couldn’t help but think about what Julie said earlier, and Luke’s cute smile wasn’t helping. 
“What’s going on here?” Reggie asks. The two of you scoot away from eachother.
“I was just helping Y/N with a song, “ Luke says.
“Y/N sings?” Alex questions.
“Yeh I do, Julie wants me to open for you guys tonight. Luke was j-just helping me put a tune to my lyrics,” You say.
“Can we hear it?!” Alex asks excitedly. 
“I’m gonna leave that for the show,” You say.
“But guys, I promise it’s amazing! Y/N’s amazing,” Luke says as you chuckle. You feel chills move throughout your body at the comment Luke made. 
“Hey, guys! Ready to set up?” Julie asks walking in. She smiles seeing that you had actually asked Luke for help.
“Yeah,” The guys respond. You help Julie set up the equipment before heading inside to get ready for the show. 
“So, how was it with Luke,” Julie asks looking in her closet.
“It was good,” You respond.
“Just good? Come on, I need details girl,” Julie stops her task.
“Ok...fine. Luke is as good as you say in finding tunes. And he was very helpful,” You say.
“Really? I mean like did you feel something? Like a connection?” Julie asks.
“I’m serious. You didn’t hear from me but I know Luke likes you. He just doesn’t know how to say it,” 
“Wait really?”
“Ah Ha! So you do like him,” 
“Me questioning if he likes me does not prove that I like him,”
“If I know Y/N and I do. I know when she likes someone. And you like Luke. I promise I won’t say anything,”
“Fine will you get off my back if I tell you how I really feel about Luke?”
“Okay. He’s a great guy. And I can tell he’s really passionate about his music and that he loves playing. He’s also really sweet, cute...and stupidly annoying,” You chuckle.
“If I didn’t know better a certain someone likes Luke,” Julie smiles.
“Yes, your hunches were right,” You smile.
“Hey, you guys ready?” Luke says popping his head through Julie’s door.
“Uhh… yeah. We’ll be down in a bit,” You say.
“Cool. Y/N you’re gonna do amazing. And Julie we’re gonna kill it,” Luke says and leaves.
“I really hope he didn’t hear any of that,” You bury your face in your hands a few seconds after Luke leaves and Julie chuckles. You and Julie finish getting ready and head downstairs where Flynn was waiting. 
“You ready, Julie?” Flynn asks.
“Yes. But there’s a slight change of plans. Y/N is gonna open up for us so you’ll just have to introduce her first,” Julie explains.
“Yesss….I’ve been dying to hear you sing again,” Flynn squeals. The three of you make your way to the garage. You, Julie, and the boys prepare for the show. You find yourself shaking as soon as you hear Flynn speaking over the speakers. 
“Hey. Hey. You got this. Your song is amazing and you’re gonna kill it. If I could give you a big ‘good luck’ hug right now I would, but--” Luke says as his hand passes through yours. 
“It’s ok. Just...some jitters,” You say right before Flynn says your name. You make your way to the front of the garage. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N and I’ll be opening for Julie and the Phantoms,” You say and get ready to sing. You look up to find Luke standing in the front of the crowd and he gives a big smile, “You got this,” He says. 
You start off with the chords Luke played. As you continued to play and sing you felt like you were home again. Like you were meant to play in front of people and share your music. Once you finished, you headed out and let Flynn introduce Julie and the boys. You watched as they played “Edge of Great” and couldn’t be happier to watch them all do what they love most. After the party ended you found yourself staying the night at Julie’s. 
“Hey, can I talk with Y/N alone?” Luke asks as Julie is putting away a few things and the boys are hanging out.  They all nod and start to head out. As Julie leaves, you see her giving you a smirk like she knew what was gonna happen.
“What’s up?” You ask Luke as soon as everyone cleared out. 
“I just wanted to say you did amazing and that you should perform more,” Luke says giving a nervous chuckle after.
“Thanks, you guys did great too. I mean it was your show,” You say. A few moments of awkwardness passed. “Was that all?” You ask.
“N--No. I--I--” He hesitates.
“I know you like me,” You blurt out. After the fact, you realize what you had said. “I didn’t mean to say it like that, Uh,” You say nervously.
“Y/N, you’re an amazing songwriter and an even more amazing person. And yeh, you--you’re right I do like you. And I know we can’t exactly touch each other and I’ve been dead for 25 years, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you,” He says.
“Luke. I don’t really care that you’re a ghost. I feel the exact same way. And yeh it’s a little weird to say I like a ghost, but one day I feel like you’ll really be in front of me and I’ll really get to touch you,” You say.
“I umm wrote this song. It’s actually about you, “ Luke says and picks up his guitar. He starts to play the chords and sing. 
“I love it,” You say after he finishes. You hear a clap from outside the garage doors and you quickly shoot a look and see three heads quickly move down. 
You get off the couch and open the doors, “We’re you guys really eavesdropping?” You ask.
“How did it go?” Julie asks hesitantly.
“Does ‘alone’ really mean nothing to you guys?” You ask.
“If you guys really want you to know...it went great,” Luke says and smiles at you.
“Hey, you guys can’t blame us for wanting two of our friends to get together,” Reggie says putting his hands up in defense.
“You guys are seriously ridiculous,” You say and walk out of the garage.
221 notes · View notes
reddeadreference · 2 years
Small Blog Progress Update
Drafts: 72 - Queue: 35 (currently 1 per day)
Amberino: 13% | New Hanover: 36% | Lemoyne: 57% | West Elizabeth: 12%
New Austin: 0%
(percentages are a calculate estimate based on number of locations completed - not posted.)
Wanna know how hard I cried during the end of chapter 6? My fucking eyes felt so swollen like 12 hours later. I realized also that I'm gonna have to do it all over again cause I need a save where John can do all the Stranger missions X.x I can't do it again, I'll have to skip the scene. Only reason I watched this run was because I needed screenshots… but I was planning on a low honor run… to get differences.. like the going back for the money ending which I hate… dang it..
Abigail’s job is cleaning the docs surgery room but she didn't say what Jack will be doing. Also went to get a photo of the inside… Jack likes to feel tall apparently:
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I like how John just shouts “Buddy!” when greeting someone… not even 'hey buddy' xD
A nice 10+ minute wagon ride just John no talking (besides telling himself directions) was just what I needed after chapter 6. Gonna be a lot of photos for Pronghorn Ranch stuff. Though as soon as I can free roam I'm getting the points of interests I don't have for John to get those posts up on the queue.
I'm making another RDR2 as UA video while I grieve so I can pretend everything is okay.. probably be out later tonight or tomorrow. Need a good laugh.
Thursdays to Saturday I stream on Twitch so those days I can't play RDR to get new stuff (because I have a different game up for those days) but I can work on what I already have.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years
dynamite - b. katsuki
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summary; life is sweet as honey, or maybe they’re as sweet as caramel!
genre; fluff, comedy, soft bakugou, best friend! mina, fluff moments w/ bakugou, tsundere! bakugou is what i live for, 3rd year! bakugou
pairing; bakugou katsuki x reader
word count; 2.8k (if you count the lyrics)
a/n: tbh the song doesn’t really fit the theme but the song is cute and i wanted to use it in a fanfic at some point. this is my longest written one shot i think [._.]
the song is “dynamite” by BTS, if you haven’t listened to it, please do, it slaps. i didn’t do the entire song bc im too lazy and that’s too long to write ksdjfksdjf i have a limit :monkaW:
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‘Cause I, I, I’m in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight
You were one of the energetic people in class. You had got along with everyone except the explosive blonde that was Bakugou. You hung out with Mina the most which was how you got initiated into the Bakusquad. With your Quirk, Boombox, it seemed almost perfect that you were in the Bakusquad. You converted sound into explosions though there were drawbacks (that you didn’t wanna get into) of course. 
Your classmates wondered if you had known Bakugou before you joined UA. On the first day, you challenged the male after you found out about his Quirk. Of course he had accepted the challenge and during Quirk Assessment, he had won. Ever since you had become another rival for him, but at least it was more of a healthy rivalry compared to him vs Midoriya (but I mean that rivalry got better overtime).
Thought there were several times where it seemed to be more than a friendly rivalry.
Shoes on, get up in the morn’
Cup of milk, let’s rock and roll
King Kong, kick the drum
Rolling on like a Rolling Stone
It was another normal day for you, except you were going to train with your Quirk. Music was blasting in your headphones as you mutter the lyrics, small explosions popping on your hands.
Before you could leave, Bakugou stopped you. “Oi, dumbass.” You looked up at him, sending him a smile. “You going to train?” You nodded at the male.
“Mhm! You wanna come with? I wanna practice working with my quirk! Let me practice with you!” You said eagerly.
“Ugh, you’re like an annoying puppy, you dumbass. I shouldn’t be inviting you to your own practice.” He rolled his eyes. “Of course, I’m coming with you.” He bonked your head before you rubbed the spot he had hit.
“Hey! You’re like an angry Pomeranian! You’re not any different from me! Come on! Let’s go! I’ll beat you this time!” You said, starting to pull him by the arm as he quickly protested to the physical contact but made no move to tug his arm away.
“Like you’ll beat me. I’m still gonna win.” He scoffed. “And who you callin’ Pomeranian?! You fuckin’ dumbass!” You smiled at him in reply as you btoh made your way to the training areas in UA.
“Can I play some music?” He grumbles as you take it as a sign of agreement. You smile brightly, playing your favorite music. You were experimenting if you had to be the one to make the sound of if you could use sound from other sources. You had always assumed that you had you make the sound yourself.
And so the training started. Within seconds, the sound of explosions and yells ringed in the room. Neither of you went easy on each other. It almost felt like a match in the UA Sports Festival. You and Bakugou never went against each other during it due to the fact you lost when you went against Tokoyami. You couldn’t use anything to fight against Dark Shadow well enough.
As the fight between you and Bakugou continued, you had used your quirk with the loud beat of the music. So, I can use my quirk with music! You had thought. Soon the fight ended with Bakugou winning, much to your disappointment. “I almost got you there!” You said as Bakugou sees the determined glint in your eyes, ready to go against him once again. 
He chuckled, moving his hand on the top of your head and started to ruffle your hair which earned your surprise. It wasn’t until he playfully shoved you, yelling at you, “Come on! You weren’t even close, dumbass!” You swore you saw pink on his face, maybe it was from the heat in the room (from the fight) but you weren’t sure…
Sing song when I'm walking home
Jump up to the top, LeBron
It was a day off in the dorms. You had been in your room all day pretty much. This was usually normal behavior as you played video games in your free time when you weren't studying or gaming. But more often than not, you forgot that you had to care of yourself during off days. Kirishima had went out with the rest of the Bakusquad, leaving you and Bakugou in the dorms with whoever else was there.
You were ending a comp game with some friends who you often six-stacked with. “Yeah, I’ll see you guys later.” They left the group, leaving you to play a few quick play games. You were still in queue until loud knocks echoed in your room, effectively shocking you. “Who is it?” You asked, after getting over your shock.
“Open up idiot!” Bakugou said. You feel like if he bashed any harder on your door, it might just break. You stop the queue and open the door, revealing the blonde male. “How long have you been in your room? You look like shit.”
“Well...how honest do I have to be to answer your question?” The answer you gave him was enough as he soon put you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “W-what are you doing?!” 
Ding-dong, call me on my phone
Ice tea and a game of ping pong
“You haven’t eaten have you?”
“W-well, do small snacks count?”
“No, you fucking idiot.” He took you to the kitchen, putting you down onto a seat as you huffed at him, “Actually fucking eat a meal!”
“Aw, you care about me!”
“W-what? SHUT UP DUMBASS! IF YOU WANNA BEAT ME, DO IT WHEN YOU’RE AT YOUR BEST!” You nodded, laughing a bit at his reaction. He had made some curry with rice, handing a plate over to you while he grumbled about you not eating all day and staying in your room.
“I’ll still beat you! No matter what!” You smiled before you ate. You had realized that this was one of the few times that Bakugou did this on the weekends. “But still, thanks for worrying about me!”
“Shut up! I wasn’t worrying!” His face was red. You wondered if it was from the anger or something else.
This is getting heavy, can you hear the bass boom? I'm ready (Woo-hoo)
Life is sweet as honey, yeah, this beat cha-ching like money, huh
You were at the mall with the Bakusquad (Bakugou included of course). You and Mina were gossiping and talking most of the time. You had suggested to go to the arcade but Mina insisted on dressing you up in some cute clothes before you did. But maybe Mina just wanted to buy clothes for herself as well. You didn’t mind catering to your best friend for a while. 
The boys of the squad didn’t go off too far from you and Mina as they decided to go into a video game store for a bit while you and Mina indulged yourself in the cute clothes.
“You’ll look great in it, y/n! Trust me!” Mina encouraged. You smiled nervously at the female before moving into the changing rooms to change. Unknown to you, a certain blonde had been glancing over at you from the video game store window.
“It’s pretty cute!” You stepped out and Bakugou almost choked on air. The waistband of the skirt hugged your waist comfortably as the black graphic tee was loosely tucked in. Now if you were someone else, Bakugou probably would’ve called you some dumb shit like a basic e-girl or something like that. But you pulled it off. 
“You need to buy it!” Now, Bakugou couldn’t hear you from how far the stores were. Mina took this chance. “I think Bakugou likes it.” Mina glanced over to the video game store, tilting her head to gesture you to look at Bakugou. You glanced over for a second, locking eyes with the male as you feel your face heat up.
Disco overload, I'm into that, I'm good to go
I'm diamond, you know I glow up
Hey, so let's go
You did buy the outfit. And you made your way to the boys. You couldn’t muster up too much courage, suddenly hyper aware about the blonde’s actions. You all eventually arrived at the arcade, your hyper awareness wiped away as you saw the DDR machines.
“Hey Mina! Let’s go! You think you could beat me this time?” You joked as you accidentally bumped shoulders with Bakugou, trying to call out to Mina. Mina was too busy with Kiri and Sero, making you pout. “Damn, meanie. Hey Bakugou?” You dragged out his name, earning a huff from him.
 “I don’t dance.”
“Well, it’s not really dancing! Are you scared that I’m gonna beat you?” You can feel his competitiveness flare up at the question.
“No way in hell am I scared!” He grabbed your wrist, dragging you to one of the DDR machines. “I’ll beat you, dumbass!” You laughed as you let him drag you. 
“Okay!” You stood on the colorful arrows as you picked a song. “I’ll win against you, Bakugou! This is my main game!” You said, fully confident in your skills. He ‘tched’ before the song started. As the song went on, Bakugou seemed to care less about winning and more about the bright smile on your face.
'Cause I, I, I'm in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight (Hey)
Shining through the city with a little funk and soul
So I'ma light it up like dynamite, woah-oh-oh
You weren’t one to have bad days but today just really seemed like a bad day. Hero training was more draining than usual, one of your friends from general studies seemed to be avoiding you for some reason, and you got in trouble with Aizawa today. Nothing could be worse. It was a stressful day and you weren’t happy at all.
The whole Bakusquad seemed to notice this. “Hey Bakugou, you should go talk to y/n!” Kiri suggested as the squad watched you do house work as per the punishment Aizawa had granted you with.
Bring a friend, join the crowd
Whoever wanna come along
“Why me?!”
“Well, you and y/n seem really close. Plus I’m scared that they might just snap at me. They’ve been having a bad day lately. Maybe you could help them out.”
“Aren’t you guys their friends?!”
“Just go do it, bro!” Kiri encouraged, pushing the blonde towards you. 
Bakugou went up to you. “Hey, dumbass, let’s, uh, talk after you’re done with cleaning. Meet me at my room, idiot.” He spat out at you. He seemed oddly nervous. He hated that feeling. How you made him feel like that like it was nothing. You looked at Bakugou, confused for a moment before nodding.
You arrived at the door to his room, knocking softly on it. “What did you wanna talk about, Bakugou?” Before you could react, you were pulled into his room and right into his arms. Your face was forced to rest on his shoulder as you can feel his warmth radiating on you.
Word up, talk the talk
Just move like we Off The Wall
“Y-you looked fuckin’ stressed today. You don’t need to tell me what’s wrong. You can let it out.” There was just something about his words that started to make you cry. You could feel your stress leave you as Bakugou stays silent, comforting you without words. After you finished crying, he starts to speak again, “I’m not good with words, you know this, but I’m, uh, here for you. But don’t get any ideas, dumbass!”
You looked up at him, seeing pink dusted on his face. You start to giggle. “Why are you laughing, idiot!?” He asked as you start to laugh more, your Quirk accidentally activating as it make little sparks in the air. 
“You’re-you’re just really cute!” You said honestly with that bright smile of yours. Bakugou can feel blood rush up to his cheeks.
“I’M NOT CUTE!” The blonde growled, making you laugh more. Eventually, he got over his anger. “Don’t call me cute!” But he was glad that you were happier now after you finished crying. He didn’t know if it was the sparks from your Quirk or the light from his room but you seemed to shine brighter than the sun when you smiled.
Day or night the sky's alight
So we dance to the break of dawn
You fumbled with your outfit as Mina continued to do your makeup. It was a special night. Prom night. You, of course, were going with the Bakusquad. You sort of wished Bakugou asked you out but he would never really do something like that. 
“Are you sure I look good?” You asked Mina.
“You look great! I’m sure Bakugou will like it!” She teased, sending a red flush to your cheeks. You stood up, dusting yourself off. “Ahh! You look so amazing! All the boys and girls will want ya!” You laughed at Mina’s words, tucking some of your hair back. 
You and Mina soon gathered with the others in the living room. Once you entered the room, Bakugou was pretty sure he lost his breath at the sight of you. You were so damn beautiful.
Ladies and gentlemen, I got the medicine
So you should keep ya eyes on the ball, huh
This is getting heavy
Can you hear the bass boom? I'm ready (woo hoo)
“Hey guys! You ready?” You asked, walking over to the squad with Mina having an arm wrapped around your own. You looked at Bakugou and how shocked he was, you simply smiled as you looked up at the male. He can feel blood rush to his face, soon turning away to cover his face.
You all chatted for a while until you arrived at UA. They had (conveniently) set up a ballroom like room for all the 3rd year students. It was pretty loud and crowded. It felt a fairy tale if you were being honest. It was such a magical feeling though. You loved it.
Though you didn’t join Mina and the others on the floor to dance, you were perfectly content with seeing everyone enjoy themselves as you stood on the sidelines.
“So, why are you with the damn idiots dancing?” Bakugou’s voice pierces right through your thoughts.
“I like to see them enjoy themselves. Plus I can’t dance unless I’m playing DDR.” You joked with a small smile as you sipped on your drink.
“You think they care if you’re good at dancing, look at Pikachu and his dumbass.” Bakugou slightly gestured to said male who was terribly dancing, making you laugh a bit. 
“Well, why aren’t you dancing?”
Because I wanted to just look at you.. is what he wanted to say but didn’t. “You think I dance?”
“Maybe your mom taught you a thing or two.” You teased slightly. “I would pay to see you dance.” 
Life is sweet as honey
Yeah, this beat cha-ching like money
“Then dance with me.” You looked at him, your e/c eyes glinted with surprise. “Pay to see me dance by dancing with me.” It felt everything slowed down for a moment and slowly faded. It felt like it was just you and Bakugou. Your heart is beating loudly with the music as Bakugou offers you his hand. “Come on idiot, I’m not gonna wait forever.” You can see the smirk on his face but it’s so teasing and his crimson eyes are glinted with confidence and playfulness.
Disco overload, I'm into that, I'm good to go
I'm diamond, you know I glow up
You take his hand. He leads you onto the dance floor, the rest of squad cheering you guys on. It takes you a bit but you start to get into it as much as Bakugou does. Everyone in your class and the other 3rd year classes are joining you but it only feels like it’s just you and Bakugou. 
Both of you seem to be in sync with each other and it’s like the song playing was only made for you two. 
Let's go
'Cause I-I-I'm in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight (hey)
The song soon starts to end and your hands are intertwined with his as you’re only looking at each other. You can smell burnt caramel as he tugs you closer to his chest. It’s like everything stopped when you both stand there while the song is getting closer to the end. Before you both knew it, your lips are connecting with his.
Shining through the city with a little funk and soul
So I'ma light it up like dynamite!
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dembenchboys · 3 years
hi so I’m probably gonna just be running on queue for a few days. I’ll try to schedule some art and I’ll be around to chat in ask box’s and messages but I just need to take a step back. I hope you all understand
I just won’t be around till later tonight for reasons 😳
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blissedoutphil · 3 years
Tops Only Part 2
Dan’s favourite actor just opened a new bar right by the street near his apartment, and he couldn’t wait to check it out. One problem though, it was for Tops only, and Dan wasn’t one.
1389 words of Top!Phil, bottom!dan, AU where everyone’s born with a Type (top/bottom/switch)
There's a tiny part in here that was inspired by the Weenie Hut Jr episode of Spongebob. gotta love that classic
~Part 1~
or read on ao3!
“Thought you were gonna unstan him now.”
Dan rolled his eyes at Anthony’s remark, then went back to scrolling his tumblr. His post about how unfair Phil was with the bar had gained traction, and it was largely supported by his fellow Type. Though there were some Tops who grumbled about how people were taking things too seriously or tried to explain that it wasn’t unfair. Dan blocked those accounts. What do they know about unfair treatment?
Dan had asked Anthony to help with his plan B tonight: Perhaps they could let him in if he came with a Top. It would definitely irritate him if they allowed this, but at least he would be let in. Anthony easily agreed to try it out, so here they were waiting in line. He was a friend Dan didn’t deserve, always willing to indulge in Dan’s fanboying.
Dan had waited a couple of weeks, walking past the bar everyday but from across the road instead. He'd observed the different bouncers, trying to work out their schedules as he didn’t want to cross paths with the same one from his original attempt.
They stepped up to the new bouncer, who easily let Anthony through after they flashed their ID. But he held out a hand in front of Dan when Dan tried to quickly follow Anthony.
“Oh, I’m with him,” Dan reasoned.
“Still no can do buddy,” the bouncer stepped between him and Anthony.
“It’s okay I can take care of him,” Anthony spoke to the bouncer casually.
Inside, Dan hated the statement. He can take care of himself, thank you very much. But that’s just how the world worked and treated Types - Tops protect and care for their Bottoms. He understood where Anthony was playing at, so he played along and nodded with wide pleading eyes.
“Sorry,” the bouncer shook his head.
Dan frowned, but at least this bouncer was polite. Unfortunately though, he’d judged the guy too soon.
“I think you’d be better off in a Bottoms Only Bar,” the bouncer then suggested lightheartedly.
"Bottoms only?!" Dan repeated in surprise and seethed, “are you fucking kidding me?”
The bouncer shrugged unapologetically, swiftly moving on to the next person. Anthony shot Dan an apologetic look before he entered. Dan had prepared for this outcome, instructing Anthony to enter without him if he couldn’t so that he can bring back updates on what goes on inside that makes it so unacceptable for Dan to be let in.
Dan made his way back home begrudgingly, imagining himself opening a Bottoms Only Bar. See how Phil would like being excluded like this.
He sighed as he reached his door, shaking his head at his own thoughts. Why would Phil care about Dan’s made up Bottoms Only bar, he doesn’t even know who Dan is.
Dan entered his apartment and sprawled on his sofa, opting to scroll the internet while he waited for Anthony. The security at Phil’s bar was good, he read quite a number of fans’ posts on how they tried to sneak in not just through the bouncers but through any possible back doors. So far, nobody has had any luck still.
Anthony finally returned past 1am, startling Dan out of his accidental nap when he knocked on Dan’s door. Dan narrowed his eyes at Anthony when he opened the door.
“You didn’t need to be there that long,” Dan grumbled.
“Dude, it was...” Anthony was clearly very pumped up and tipsy after a good night out but he quietened, not wanting to make Dan feel bad about being unable to enter.
“Just tell me,” Dan groaned, slumping back on his sofa.
So Anthony related the events of his night. How there were Bottom waiters enticing the guests while serving their dessert and drinks. Giving them a show and dancing with the Tops, even getting sexual with those who gave extra tips.
“Did you like… get it on with a waiter or what?” Dan said judgmentally.
Anthony shrugged playfully, “The opportunity presented itself…”
Dan fake retched at Anthony’s confession, and got a playful punch on his shoulder in return.
It was clear from what Anthony told him that the bar really was catered for Tops only. That still didn’t satisfy Dan, though.
“He could’ve made an all-inclusive bar,” he pouted.
Anthony sighed empathically but he countered softly, “Well, it’s Phil’s way of finally expressing his Type I guess.”
“By capitalising on it and alienating a big part of his fanbase?” Dan spat.
“You really should unstan him if it bothers you, this is getting unhealthy.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Dan stuck his tongue out at Anthony.
“I saw him there,” Anthony admitted in a small voice.
“What?” Dan perked up instantly, “What was he doing? Did you get any pictures?!”
“I didn’t, but I think he’s there most nights. He made a short appearance and thanked everyone for coming and supporting him. Played around with some of the Bottoms for a bit.”
Dan scoffed, but deep down he felt a bout of envy. He wondered how those Bottoms got the job.
“Trust me Dan, you wouldn’t enjoy it there anyway. You’re not missing out on anything,” Anthony tried to comfort him.
“I guess. Thanks for getting the inside scoop,” Dan joked half-heartedly, getting up from the couch.
“I’ve prepared the guest room,” he yawned as he headed towards his own room.
He’d heard enough. Maybe Anthony was right, there was no reason to let some celebrity affect him this much. He decided to sleep his negativity off, abruptly leaving Anthony in the lounge. His friend had stayed over enough times to know to make himself comfortable in Dan’s home anyway.
Of course, unstanning someone Dan had adored for years was easier said than done. A few days later, he was back on his bullshit. He’d tried searching for any information online on how to get a job in Phil’s bar, but there was nothing at all. He frowned, he of all people should’ve seen information about it. How the hell did he miss any job ads or casting calls or auditions or whatever?
Dan sighed as he walked past the bar from across the road after work again. He could’ve been working in there right now. Seeing Phil every night. Maybe dancing with him. Instead he was stuck in some boring office admin job.
The queue to enter never wavered despite it being almost a month since opening already. And despite knowing almost everything there was to know about the bar, Dan still longed to step inside and see it for himself.
He visited Anthony for lunch the next day. And to drop Plan C on his friend.
“Are you insane?!” Anthony said incredulously upon hearing Plan C.
“C’monnn, everyone says we look freakishly alike anyway!” Dan persuaded.
“And what happens if they find out you’re using my ID? Will you pay the fine for me? Bail me out of jail?” Anthony stared at him disbelievingly.
“Don’t be so dramatic!”
“Oh I’m the dramatic one here? It’s just a bar Dan, let it go.”
Dan fell silent. He knew Anthony was right, there was no point in arguing. He sagged against his chair in defeat.
Perhaps Anthony felt guilty for dismissing his idea like that because after their lunch, Anthony sat Dan down on his couch and turned on one of Dan’s favourite movies that Phil starred in. It was telling that Anthony was trying to cheer Dan up because he would never watch that movie on his own accord.
“How long are you gonna be all mopey like this?” Anthony sighed after the movie ended and Dan was still being quiet.
“How come... I didn’t at least know they were hiring waiters or something?" Dan spoke wistfully.
Anthony gave a long suffering sigh before saying, “Maybe that could be your Plan D if C doesn’t work out.”
Dan looked up at his friend in surprise, finding Anthony’s hand outstretched towards him with his ID in hand.
“Really?” Dan said in an unsure but hopeful tone.
“Take it before I change my mind,” Anthony huffed.
“Thank you!” Dan leapt up to land in Anthony’s lap and crush him in a tight hug, “I owe you one.”
“Just don’t do anything stupid to get yourself caught,” Anthony chuckled, returning the hug.
~Part 1~
This chapter's kinda short but dw next one's gonna be longer! Sorry no sign of Phil (yet) but hope yall enjoyed some danthony this chapter :) I'm enjoying projecting fan behaviour onto Dan lol
There will be either 4 or 5 parts for this fic, idk we'll see! lmk what you think so far~
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leejeongz · 4 years
genre: fluff w a tiny bit of angst, enemies to lovers
member: treasure’s jihoon
word count: 2.3k
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never in your life had you realised how much you hated biology until you had to study the carbon cycle, which is pretty ironic considering you cared so much about the environment. you could tell your classmates felt the same way too, most of them were doodling or whispering or just generally looking like they’d rather be anywhere else.
“i’m not sure you’re all getting this” your teacher realised, giving up on her powerpoint and going to sit down “how about you tell me what the carbon cycle is. this can go towards your grade, this can be your presentation!” she got more excited with every word coming out of her mouth “present to me the carbon cycle! this time next week, dress nice, it's going to be recorded. okay, you can leave early for today, gives you more time to work on the presentation” she smiled sarcastically, dismissing you all.
dumping all of your stuff into your backpack, you sighed rather loudly. you teacher looked over towards you, the teacher you could have murdered right now. “i hope i get to hear that volume from you during your presentation y/n” she joked. she was a nice lady, well she was usually nice to you, you had a similar sense of humour, but she could be lazy at times, maybe it was because she’d already got her qualifications, as she kept reminding you all.
“hurry up” you looked up to see your seatmate haruto had waited for you and was planning on walking home with you.
both of you were pretty puzzled by the task since your teacher had told you nothing and so you decided to sit in the library until the end of the school day, trying to figure out what was going on, rather than going home and winging it.
“i mean, i think i get it now” he announced, looking up from his book which he secretly had hidden his phone in “i’d help you but i don’t want our presentations to be so similar that mrs ‘i’m too lazy to teach you anything so do it yourself’ thinks we copied from each other”
you gave him a dirty look, knowing he was joking. “well then maybe i will no longer be your seatmate, no more cute stationery for you, unlucky pal”.
“now now, don’t be too hasty” he said while packing his things up once again “my friend said he can help you”.
Haruto had been obsessed with setting you up these days, ever since you told him you were ready for a relationship, he’d been trying to make one happen. now was the perfect opportunity to hook you up with yet another one of his friends, it was an unlikely relationship, he thought, but who knows.
“who? which boy is it this time? do you even have any friends left?” you asked.
“his name is jihoon, he got an A* for biology so i think he’s qualified enough to teach you.” he presented to you his phone with a picture of him on it.
you knew exactly who he was talking about. park jihoon. the name sent shivers down your spine. he was the head boy at your school when you first moved there. you had such bad memories of him. he once “accidentally” spilled water all over your work in the library, he always told you off for your uniform being “a mess” even though it was always immaculate, you saw him litter on numerous occasions and to make things worse, he tried to a rumour that your old school had lice and that you’d probably brought them with you. luckily not many people believed him, a lot of people shared the same opinion as you: there was just no way he was a nice guy.
“yeah, i don’t think it’s gonna happen” you scratched the back of your head “people whose name start with j… i’ve been warned about them”
“literally shut up that’s the most pathetic excuse i've ever heard. i’ve just sent you his address and he’s already agreed”
you couldn’t really not go now… you weren’t a bad person like jihoon was so you didn’t want to let anyone down. you put on your school hoodie and some leggings in a rush to get to jihoon’s house on time, it was the other side of the city and you didn’t want to be late, especially considering how bad the bus service was.
when you arrived, you suddenly remembered how attractive this boy was and it made you even more unwilling to knock on his door, how could someone so mean be blessed with such a nice face? before you even had the chance to consider knocking, a smiling young boy answered the door.
“hi! i’m-“ he stopped, making eye contact with you for the first time. he stood tall in what you presumed was a new sweatshirt and jeans, your heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. “you? you want my help? is this some kind of joke?” he scoffed “i guess you can come in” he shut the door behind you while whispering “the audacity” under his breath.
you sat on his scratch free leather sofa, it was brown and matched perfectly with the freshly decorated living room, you gathered he’d just moved there, probably his first house. you thought it was funny how his cute hello kitty socks really juxtaposed the whole vibe of the house, a small smile forming on your face. you were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t even realise he’d asked you a question.
“did i say you could sit down?” he asked sternly. you never really knew what you did wrong to him, you just kind of… accepted it.
“right yes sorry” you stood up and awkwardly adjusted the hem hoodie. “uhh so it’s on the carbon cycle and i have no clue-“
“i know what it’s on you idiot, i wasn't gonna agree if i didn’t, was i?” he interrupted “well are you gonna sit down then?” he asked only to receive an eye roll from you as you sat down again.
you placed your bag next to you and pulled out your laptop. positioning it on his coffee table, you failed to notice jihoon had already left the room.
“what’s that?” he asked, placing two glasses of juice on the table “is it from the 90s?” he asked, following it up with an extremely condescending laugh.
you looked up at him, the heat radiating off your face resulting from a mixture of anger and sadness. “what did i do? why have you hated me since day one huh?” you finally snapped, it’s a shame jihoon barely heard you though.
“i’m gonna presume you asked why i hate you and the answer is” he cleared his throat “your old school”.
your face had definitely cooled down by this point “my old school?” you laughed.
“as head boy it was pretty much my job to hate any other school and the students there, just a shame you were one i guess” he confessed, his stern face softened as he spoke. “it was petty really, but petty is my middle name so what can i say?”
“i can tell” you responded, eyes narrowing as a sarcastic smile formed on your face. “shall we get to work now?” you asked, not wanting to waste any more time with him because somehow it made it even worse that the reason he hated you was just your old school.
“oh did he not tell you?” you looked at him puzzled and shook your head. “tonight we were just supposed to get acquainted because i don’t have much time, i’m going out later and i want to look fresh for the ladies.” he pulled twice on his sweatshirt, that typical cliche “cool guy” action just suited him for some reason. “so we have like 3 hours that’s all.”
“what, 3 hours won’t be enough to complete this?” you could have cried thinking about it, throwing your head back when you saw that jihoon had shook his head. “i’m gonna have to come over again aren’t i?” you asked, dreading the answer you already knew you were going to receive.
“fraid so” he responded.
it took some time, but you finally came around to the idea, not that you had a choice, you couldn’t do this without him. you reached into your bag once again, this time pulling out your metal straw and placing it into the orange beverage on the table.
“ooo fancy” jihoon cooed, eyes following your hands. “let me get mine” he got up, dashing to the kitchen and returning with his pink, silicone straw. “save he turtles, am i right?” you naturally laughed along with him which you soon stopped when you realised you were joking? with park jihoon?
throughout the next half an hour there were countless incidents which were similar, only you’d begun to let yourself laugh. were you maybe finally starting to like this boy too? this is the closest you’d ever felt to liking one of haruto’s friends, it just felt weird that it had to be him.
as if on queue, you received a phone call from haruto. you answered sheepishly, not wanting to distract jihoon who was now intensely staring at his phone as if he was waiting for an important message. “hey ruto, can you text me instead?” you requested. before he could answer, you put the phone down. a few seconds later your phone chimed.
ruto 🍩: how is it going? made any moves yet? i mean done any work yet? ;)
you tutted as you read the message which caught jihoons attention. “what is it?” he inquired, getting out of his chair and moving your bag. he sat down right next to you and peeked over your shoulder. the intimacy was nice, you didn’t like that it was nice, but it was.
“a little privacy please?” you moved your phone from his eye line and turned to face the other way.
you: i kind of like him ya know? it’s too early to tell. i mean i don’t hate him now i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
swoosh, away your message went. had you really just told him that you liked someone you used to hate?
ruto 🍩: interesting… i’ll have a word with him.
a certain panic set in, but you couldn’t do anything about it when you heard a beeping noise coming from jihoon’s kitchen. you suspected it was a fire alarm, the way he abruptly got up and rushed in there.
“it’s ruined” he shouted, there was a hint of anger in his voice that seemed familiar. you hesitantly walked towards his kitchen and asked what he’d supposedly ruined. “nothing it’s nothing, just go back and start working, we can do it in 2 hours if you work fast. are you capable of that?”. the soft jihoon that you were just getting used to had suddenly disappeared, it felt like a kick in the stomach and you knew your presentation wasn’t gonna be great now.
for the next hour or so you worked tirelessly on the presentation, now making a poster instead of a powerpoint since what jihoon wanted to do, you HAD to do right now. there was undiable tension in the air, neither of you wanted to talk about it but it didn’t stop you from being curious. an occasional phone buzz broke the silence, but neither of you checked your notifications. not until you once again threw yourself back into his sofa, this time your head was in your hands. you understood nothing going on in your poster and the “help” you were getting was minimal.
jihoon grabbed his phone, not really sure on what to do when he saw you.
haruto: yes jihoon, they like you now make your move
haruto: bro… ur silence is concerning what’s going on there?
he gently placed his phone on the glass table, slightly moving the oversized poster, brushing your leg as it moved and catching your attention.
he stood up from the carpet and sat beside you.
“i’m sorry i flipped like that on you” he whispered while his hand made its way to your knee. “we can come back to it tomorrow” he glanced at you.
“wont you be hungover, or won’t you be trying to shoo away some one night stand? i know your type” you sniffled through tears. no one had seen you cry before but for some reason you didn’t feel embarrassed.
“well actually i’ve decided to not go out tonight. i have a netflix account that isn’t getting used and i was wondering” he started, shuffling closer to you “if you wanted to watch something with me? you know, just to take your mind off things” his eyes widened looking back at the disastrous poster in front of him.
“maybe” you thought for a while, remembering what haruto said he was gonna do and realising he’d probably done it “on one condition” you smirked.
“what is it?” he flirted, prepared to do anything for you. by now he’d somehow managed to wrap his arm around your shoulders too, just adding to the ambiance he’d created in 0.2 seconds.
“tell me what you ruined in the kitchen” you begged.
“it was-“ he paused for a second, wondering if he should tell you or just show you. he pulled his arm from around you and quickly went to get the tray from the kitchen. “i attempted to bake some cookies in the shape of clouds and the sea and cows, but as you can see they are definitely not medium rare, more well done i’d say. i was thinking we could have filmed a little video with them tomorrow or something when they were cool as your presentation. kinda glad they burnt, why would i want to waste such a good idea on you” he emphasised the “you” and faked heaved, a teasing tone evident in his voice.
“we could still ice them or paint them or something” you enthused.
“anything to spend more time with me, huh?” he teased further, foreshadowing the future of your relationship with each other.
🔅please let me know what you think about this! i’m not really confident posting it so any feedback would be much appreciated! i also just wanna say that the character i made up for jihoon does not reflect him as a person! i’m sure he’s not an evil person irl i just wrote this for entertainment🔅
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project-ohagi · 4 years
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Keigo Takami ღ Hawks x Reader
Buy me a coffee!! <3
[FYI]: You're whisper-singing this to each other ^^
Temptation, enchantment, stars dancing against a backdrop of liquid gold...those eyes belied his humanity. How could such perfection be constrained to the land and sky below the heavens?
"You know I want you...
It's not a secret I try to hide.
I know you want me,
So don't keep sayin' our hands are tied."
Call it a tryst, a forbidden partnership...a gaping wound in the fabric of society, in which sin will fester forever. Call it dangerous, deem it disgraceful, but a word's significance falls victim to fluctuation - to desperate and direful minds. Their guise of concern remained unheeded; Keigo embodied beauty and wit beyond all comprehension.
"You claim it's not in the cards,
And fate is pullin' you miles away,
And out of reach from me"
Another life, a dream, a fairy-tale...a faraway kingdom, a teahouse nestled between the realms of mortal and fae, or perhaps something entirely unremarkable...but together, you planned to venture. The lyrics of your song whispered a love so sempiternal, ghosting across lips and conjuring sleepy smiles, as you swayed to the rhythm of a single heartbeat.
"But you're here in my heart,
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?"
The sun served as Keigo's sole rival, but little competition was ever presented. A lifetime draped in darkness delighted in its infinite superiority to a lifetime without your beloved. The latter would be courtesy of a nightmare - never of a waking wish. The opportunity for doubt and regret had sailed by in the twilight. To it, neither of you had borne witness; a romantic entanglement of limbs and gentle breaths had sounded far too appealing. Every moment spent in the absence of a feathery embrace was torture, every reflection of the past - your past...interconnected, and now cherished so dearly - was bliss.
"What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine.
Nothing could keep us apart.
You'd be the one I was meant to find..."
Yet...you both understood the world for its acrimony...its frostbitten core. You weren't made for each other - not in the truest sense, by instinct or divinity. His arms weren't supposed to be your sanctuary...his wings weren't supposed to grant asylum to your battle-weary body...his love wasn't supposed to rain down upon you, echoing the sentiment that burrowed inside your heart. The mere suggestion of accord between yourselves and this world was likely a false and cruel jest, though it torched your embers until they burned beyond control.
What if...what if it was possible...?
"It's up to you, and it's up to me.
No one can say what we get to be...
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours,
No...it was a folly, entirely divorced from reason.
Nothing material dissuaded those whose hearts greyed at the edges, and yet...your pursuit was forbidden. But 'surrender' was another word to which you paid no due regard. Villain...hero...who would care upon your deathbeds?...When you died at love's behest?
"You think it's easy...
You think I don't wanna run to you,
But there are mountains...
And there are doors that we can't walk through."
It carries such detriment, but on some odd ground, it became the epitome of joy. The spilling of the confessional waterfall became the greatest-worst mistake of the epoch. Intertwining fingers, lips that joined in a graceful tango...a mutual love - devotion...it was devotion, perhaps even worship.
"I know you're wondering why because we're able to be
Just you and me within these walls...
But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see
That it was hopeless after all..."
The Adonis to your Aphrodite, master of the hunt and incomparably gorgeous, Keigo's worth far exceeded your own. His birdbrained wiles reduced your legs to jelly, and your mind to mush. Your Keigo, your knight in faux fur...your warm and welcoming saviour - he who insisted that lovers, regardless of dynamics, should never live apart....
"No one can rewrite the stars...
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart,
And I'm not the one you were meant to find..."
This love was prone to squalor, doomed to failure, but oh so delectable.
"It's not up to you,
It's not up to me,
When everyone tells us what we can be...
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours,
The vestigial traces of hair that peppered his chin, the memories queueing on his tongue, just waiting to be recalled, the glimmer of mischief behind every glance, whether fleeting or eternal...you took inventory of these each morning and each night, praying that he never allowed sadness to spirit his smile away.
"All I want is to fly with you,
All I want is to fall with you,
So just give me all of you!"
But society, conventions...life, fought against this union. It felt impossible. Keigo disagreed.
"It feels impossible...
It's not impossible...
Is it impossible?
Say that it's possible!"
"We're together because we need to be, angel. To Hell with anyone who thinks this is wrong...I've never been more sure of anything." It didn't arise from an argument, but frayed nerves and half-broken hearts. Four years later, and you loved more fiercely than any wedlock twain.
"How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart,
'Cause you are the one I was meant to find!"
The very nature of your...'occupation', resisted Keigo's dream of marriage. Perhaps it was silly, or even childish, to wish for a domestic life, without the complication of heroics or beck-and-calls, but...he wanted to call you his own. Officially.
"It's up to you,
And it's up to me.
No one can say what we get to be!
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours..."
"Takami (Y/n), has a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?" The futility of such a question had crushed his soul, but persistence usually paid off...right?
"C'mon pretty bird, we could get married in secret or something? I'm sure I could find somewhere...someone to officiate it? I just wanna be with you, so badly. Please...if it's impossible...please take my last name anyway? C'mon, I'm begging you, (Y/n)...be my wife?"
You wanted to.
Of course you wanted to!
"You know I want you...
It's not a secret I try to hide.
But I can't have you...
We're bound to break and my hands are tied..."
But...it was such a hopeless plight.
[Word Count: 1087]
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