#i’m gonna go bonkers gonna go wild
enbyfrogz · 1 month
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
AAAHHH, just riding around Hyrule in botw with the music and the raw beauty and the vastness and barrenness and wilderness and—
My gosh, I love this game 😍
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monstersdownthepath · 2 years
Sorry to pause the infernal march for a time, but Pathfinder’s continued insistence on hiding the most bonkers-wild bits of lore in tiny, unassuming modules before unceremoniously brushing them aside and never exploring them again continues to vex and haunt me
A single blue link on the Wiki--the page for the Muted God--sent me on a rabbithole adventure across several books before finally settling on the most important one, the one-shot Society Scenario Hands of the Muted God.
It’s a simple scenario, one that begins and ends as many do: the Pathfinders Association has lost yet another group of no-name explorers and your party has to go looking for them, as you usually do. What they were investigating was a holy site devoted to the titular Muted God, a silent demagogue (not those Demagogues) who attempted to take the Test of the Starstone and failed... or did he?
The book--as well as every other shred of lore about him as far up as his brief paragraph in Adventure Path: Agents of Edgewatch: Ruins of the Radiant Siege--is deliberately ambiguous as to whether or not he’s actually an Ascended and simply remained characteristically quiet about the whole affair.
Anyway, the PFs are investigating because his cult, which as small and unassuming as one would think a cult devoted to an ostensibly dead god of silence and meditation would be, has suddenly been performing miracles! Healing wounds, doing magic, even bringing back the dead!
I’m gonna skip past a bunch of useless investigative fluff to get to the bonkers-wild part: So there's a demon lord, Abraxas, who knows the Final Incantation, the period at the end of any sentence about magic. He says it, magic stops. it's Mage’s Disjunction on steroids. Other demon lords tend to leave him the alone because they don't want their magic turned off.
Well the Muted God, in his placid meditations, discovered the opposite end of that: the Zero Incantation. It's the pause for breath at the start of the sentence about magic, a "silent word" that generates an infinite font of magic energy. And you find that! You find his holy site and in it, this font of magic that can recharge any wand, staff, or other magic item that relies on charges. Just fill that sucker to max immediately upon dipping it into the fun crystal pool. Battery 100%! But if anyone makes any noise at all for any reason, even as quiet as a whisper and even from dipping the item in the water in the first place (you gotta be real careful dipping something in, but the entire charging ritual can be soundlessly done with a DC 30 Stealth check... or, you know, the application of Silence), the magic font shatters and the entire thing becomes a useless cave pond. The book says that even if the players don't destroy it, the PF agents sent in to double-check their work will, if only to keep it out of the hands of Abraxas' cult since he wants it for himself... because not even he knew about the Zero Incantation. So here we have: A dude who found out how to create infinite magic, who may or may not be a silent god somewhere, whose cult may or may not know how to create these fonts. And you hand their notes on the phenomena over to the Pathfinder’s Association to slowly decrypt, so they may one day themselves learn the Zero Incantation, something that Abraxas now knows exists, likely knows the PF Association has information on, and badly desires for his own designs. Is this ever brought up outside this low-level one-shot or explored in any way again? of course not. I’m ripping my hair out as we speak.
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Plotbunny Anon Here:
Alyx as the Fall Maiden....
Mwa hahahahaha, you literally read my mind! That was one of the three endings I was contemplating for how the Fall Maiden plot resolved. Maybe we'll see that, maybe we won't.
( I DID consider Pyrrha getting the powers properly, without the machine this time, cause we all can agree that she would be bonkers powerful. But, given the way that her assuming the Mantle was always phrased and presented for her, and what she was expected to give up, there's no way her getting the Fall Maiden powers were ever going to be anything but bittersweet or tragic, given what the Ozluminati would do to her personal life if she accepted.)
(Now, her getting the Spring or Winter Maiden powers if Raven choked on a peanut, or the pool old lady had a heart attack watching the Vytal Festival and saw she won millions because Jaune and Pyrrha made it to the final round and both fore-fitted to go get dinner and Fria had a bet on it.... lol, that remains in the realms of crack musings)
Alyx would be an interesting take on the Fall Maiden, not just because she would absolutely not take anyone's crap and be a wild card with those powers, but also because of her age and lack of combat training meeting with whatever Magic she may or may not have retained from the Ever After to see how she could use them.
Alyx would absolutely be a menace with the Maiden Powers, in a good way of course, but in this AU her desire to be Better and Jaune and Lewis's influence would see her eventually view them as a sword without a hilt more than anything, as opposed as the massive burden or target on your back that some of the other Maidens did, something to be used carefully, but with great enthusiasm when necessary.
(One of the other endings was Amber getting the powers back and waking from her coma)
Oh hell yeah, good for you Anon you hit the nail on the head!
Personally, I think Pyrrha would be happiest if she DIDNT become a Maiden. She’s loved her whole life on a pedestal alienated from her peers. She shouldn’t have to deal with the weight of Maidenhood
Also god dammit if you take Arkos away from me I’m gonna cry. Please just let them be happy, I’m begging you
Fall Maiden Alyx I still think would be really cool, especially since she’d be the Maiden of Choice. It could symbolize her CHOOSING to fix her mistake and be Better
Also she would look rad, but that’s just a perk
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sehtoast · 3 months
soooo…..ben’s thoughts on web weaver? IM SORRY THAT WAS LIKE MY FIRST THOUGH WHEN HE SHOWED UP 😭😭😭😭
Hehehee i love you for asking this anon!  I’m not exactly sure yet how Ben would feel about webweaver since we’ve only seen him boof drugs and black out.  With what we’ve seen of him, I think there’d be a healthy layer of disdain with perhaps a touch of sympathy that he’s such a mess.  Like the sloppy coworker you can’t help but appreciate for their whimsy but also would love to keep a distance from since they’re so out of sorts. Extra hard on the keeping a distance bit since they're so parallel to one another given they're both arachnid-like supes and it wouldn't be hard to blend the cross streams in the public eye. In fact, now I wonder if I could play with some fun lore with my little in-verse JJ parody I've been cooking up in my head and have there be instances where Ben's reported as doing some wild shit but it was actually Webweaver, and maybe JJ has to do retractions-- idk, lots of fun to be had with these guys.
I do imagine Ben would go bonkers if he found out WW has an ass spinneret. Side note, is that his only spinneret???? How does this man swing from anything? Does he like.... swing from his ass? Do ass webs have the tensile strength to support the weight of a full grown human? Kind of baller, not gonna lie.
I think it’s funny to see him now and see what a hot mess he is after writing a fic where Homelander slaughters WW for trying to compete for Ben’s seat in The Seven.  Seeing him now, I doubt he’d ever be a candidate 😂😂😂
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jones-friend · 1 year
So I looked through Strixhaven Commander earlier
Theres a lot of rad cards and weird things in that set. So much gets churned out, I wanted to bring up 10 cards worth pennies from C21 that are worth picking up for your binder.
These are NOT price speculations. These are cards I think play interestingly and are fun for the format.
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Artifact decks LOVE cracking small artifacts open for different ones. There’s a kind of wheel and deal with them, using goblins or trading post to bust em open for something new. Audacious Reshapers is a great new card for the category, producing a new artifact with another left in the gy for recursion. Great for Ichor Wellsprings and the like to crunch em down for a random but likely more useful thing. And if it ain’t great crunch it down again!
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The technique cycle is rad. I think white is the only one I hesitate on. Demonstrate is great and often well worth the extra copy. I feel using the word Interaction to describe removal is being a bit too broad. Removal does’t cover all of interaction, interaction can go beyond removal. I will creative technique a player who is behind and jumpstart their strat to keep from having to solo the stronger player. This card is a red Unexpected Results that can be discounted down to R and works well with Prosper and other cast from exile strats.
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This is more interaction I think people should run. Ideally you use this if you can manipulate the top of your deck or have a high mv. You get more cards drawn in the game and you start chipping life totals faster. It comes out turn 2 and each turn after you draw 2 before you start playing things. I’m a big fan, plus you get insight on what your opponents are drawing.
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This card is clunky at 5 and lots of things you’ll want to cast hurt your life total a good deal, AND its still (1)B. This card is not the most ideal. Its strong if you have life to spare like orzhov lifegain or life to waste like Greven Predator Captain. Not ideal, not perfect, but this card will enable something nutty in the future. Its gonna be bonkers when it happens.
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Essentially a Epic Experiment in blue, Talrand decks get access to whats usually an izzet brand. Its easy to see only casting one card as a downside but really this card digs for a lot of spells then allows you to use one now and keep the rest for later. Great when your spells have delicate timings. Also less likely to be counterspelled than Epic Experiment is.
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Paradox Zone is huge. The first turn you play it the card makes a 2/2 then next turn a 4/4. What makes this card stand out to me is its dual counter nature. The card itself doubles counters, then the tokens it produces have power represented in counters. That is NUTS with any proliferate. If you drop this and get a 2/2, then next turn Proliferate, you will double 3 counters into 6 and make a 6/6 then tick up your 2/2 into a 3/3. Proliferate makes this card pop off and it can be played the turn after you drop Atraxa. With how much counter based keyword tech there is its easy to juice these too. This card can make some wild tokens very quickly.
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Reinterpret has quickly become my favorite counterspell. You can literally get a turn ahead of your opponent with it. The card you cast doesn’t need to share a typing, it just needs to be equal or less mana. This card is ideal for helping spellslinger set up key pieces before popping off, and it can be discounted to UR letting you counter with one blue mana.
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We’d mentioned cracking artifacts earlier. Grinder is a 7/4 menace so you can swing big to deal damage. Its also got mountaincycling so you can discard it to pull a shockland with intent to recur this later. Most importantly you can crack it for a wheel. I find wheeling in monoR artificer to be HUGE. And as a creature you can easily slot it into reanimator builds or sacrifice builds. Its a multipurpose card that refills your hand!
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Im shocked by how little I see this card. This is a card that ends games. This is a card I ended a game with tonight. Spellslinger is an archetype that’s perceived as being creature light, and I think that’s false. Talrand, Murmuring Mystic, Alandra, Unlikely Alliance, Shark Typhoon, Metallurgic Summons, Manaform Hellkite, Zaffai, there’s so many ways to spawn tokens off casts its nuts. Getting the damage buff is already good, getting to copy spells is great, getting to freecast is insane. That’s two magecraft triggers per spell. Tonight I exiled Magma Opus and Ignite the Future giving my dudes +12/+0. And the freecast triggers all your Talrand and Metallurgic Summons again! I prefer this over Mizzix Mastery. MM takes forever to resolve and doesnt move the game along unless you win with storm. Victory buffs your dudes, motivates play through combat, and can lead to a nutty level of casting. Also look at that pest. He’s goin so FAST.
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Its simple. (2)U, copy a dude. Usually your opponent will stop playing dudes, but there’s a few cases where they’ll be unable to. Primal Surge, Genesis Wave, Sudden Disappearance, Living Death, Rise of the Dark Realms, and the best part is you don’t steal it, the threat level is lower and the game can continue. Theoretical Duplication is a great warding card, one that joins in on a crazy turn rather than stops it. I run it in my Riku hugs so I can copy the spell to get 2 dudes for each 1 you get. It is a potent and underrated pick at just 3 mana.
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willowbirds · 6 months
For the character ask! Fearne please: 5, 7, and 12~ :3
Fearne my beloved :3 (I go a little bonkers)
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Depends. I often think of the song Envy Green by the Arcadian Wild because of an Imogearne animatic I want to do in the future, and I also think of Lara Lynn’s cover of Wolf Like Me cover which was on Fearne’s playlist (Ashley Johnson is a genius).
Lately, I’ve been thinking of the song Passerine by the Oh Hellos, mainly because it’s a song I put in my Cyberpunk AU playlist specifically for her.
Honestly I have a lot of songs I think about, but those are the main 3.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
The art is spectacular! I don’t see her a lot in fics and I don’t see any takes on her either (Which I’m happy about because I’ve read bad takes on the other witches and I’m glad I haven’t seen that for Fearne), but THE ART!! It’s so pretty! As a design, Fearne can be interpreted in so many ways! And all are so good!
Fearne with square goat pupils, Fearne with different types of horns, Fearne with a goat beard, Fearne with a giant fluffy dress, Fearne in a not so fluffy dress, Fearne with a goat nose, Fearne with a human nose, Fearne with long ears, Fearne with face patterns, the list goes on and on and I LOVE IT!
I obviously have my own preferences for my particular Fearne design, but I love that she is a character that can be interpreted in any way imaginable!
What's a headcanon you have for this character? (I know this says ‘A’ meaning one, but I’m gonna do what I want!)
I surprisingly don’t have a lot of head canons for Fearne, but I’ll give the small ones I have.
I imagine she is ambidextrous, either just in general or through practice. Gotta be able to use both hands when you’re stealing things.
She has fangs and a little tooth gap. The gap is just a fun little design choice I came up with and the fangs are something I think fits her Druidic nature. The fangs are different from Laudna having sharp teeth since for her they’re just sharper while for Fearne it’s because of the natural animalistic magic she has. (And yes, I also head canon that Keyleth has fangs too, although Fearne’s are much more animal-like)
My main head canon though is that Fearne has blue blood. Technically this was disproven when Matt Mercer described her blood being crimson when she was killed by Otohan, but I still hold sapphire blood Fearne close to my heart! (I could go on a rant about the exact reasons I head canon this, but that would probably be a different post)
I obviously have others, but I think 3 is enough for this post (If someone else asks me this I’ll add some others).
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viiridiangreen · 1 year
I’ve been neglecting the shit out of my destiny page + streams and stuff... but uh, for once it’s actually a positive?? I’ve officially survived my first month of full time half-remote office job & I’m currently making SOUMP
My partner Q is away with their dad talking about a gig at said dad’s company, & next weekend he’s also taking him to get looked at by the ophtalmologist again.
Q has been unable to work or do much of anything they enjoy for about three years on account of an undx’d eye condition. They’re a photographer... among other things that benefit from being able to look at stuff without debilitating pain. Hoping the doctor is finally able to help them.
We’re uhhh also about to buy a motorbike. Which is scary but also pretty exciting.
Sooo in addition to having gone from a part-time paid intern to a legit employee with double the salary plus insurance & bonuses, I won’t be the single earner anymore & we’ll have an actual method of transportation to our name, so we can go downtown without spending 1/8 of my monthly earnings on the round trip like before.
I haven’t needed to supply my income with the rent-an-egirl site, thinking of taking it up again & returning to Twitch too but focusing on building a comfortable space & striking a sustainable rhythm, remaining mindful of my comfort rather than like,, desperately trying to make enough to eat lol. Also any earnings from that are gonna go towards treats / personal projects / actual never-before-seen savings. Like this month I did empty out my acct bc the transitional period between internship and employment was fucking wild and we also had a friend staying with us before that so expenses kinda piled up. But. Apparently I’ll start to have an actual small surplus to stash away for emergencies soon.
Which means!! I can start thinking of updating the remaining fossil-like pieces on my PC, then maybe even getting a whole new one so I can do a better quality & more secure dual-machine stream & create Content(TM) from my gameplay more easily. I wanna learn 3D modeling too, start making custom VRChat avatars or Vtubers and whatnot.
And also!!! Tattooing equipment. And like my first actual tattoos for myself (I’ve done four for other folks, have none myself, mostly bc I want big large blackwork pieces that wrap around the body instead of just sitting in a little corner of it like a sticker. not that those aren’t cute but yeah). Q can probably get their arm piece touched up (it’s been on hiatus since they got it in JANUARY 2020 LMAO) and get the spine piece they’ve thought about so much.
Maybe we can even get a Little Guy To Live Alongside Us in the next few years???? Like an actual pet (which I’ve never ever had btw even as I’m a very Bonkers Over Animals person). While being confident that we can cover the costs of a good QOL for them ?!?!?! Insane.
TL;DR Shit’s going suspiciously well and I’m already plotting my eventual return to tattooing :3c
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catchingpapermoons · 1 year
top 10 fics by kudos
hi it’s me @drysdaales :) so my top ten kudos’d fics and whether i agree with where they’ve landed? i’m going to play a little differently and bc i have apparently been writing for a long while (am i old?) i’m going to take my top 3 kudos’d fics from from my most recent fandoms and just put those in order of kudos (plus a bonus fic to make ten) so here we go! ty @hard4softthings for the tag i appreciate u ❣️ under a cut (hopefully pls mobile)
10. you’re alive (so alive) (jatp | gen fic)
agree/disagree: i’m choosing disagree only bc this is one of the best things i’ve ever written and it wasn’t appreciated enough. sometimes we all need to explore grief through a children’s show right??
9. too soft for all of it (hrpf | jdtz, slice of life + h/c)
agree/disagree: i have zero complaints about this fic and i’m proud of myself for this being my second foray into hrpf fandom. to all who read and enjoyed, i see u and thank u kindly for giving her love!
8. you’re the only one my heart keeps coming back to (jatp | reggiealex, non-ghost college au)
agree/disagree: i’m gonna disagree on this one but that’s only bc it reads a little too much like a soap opera to me. but i’m glad it found a home where people enjoyed :)
7. wherever you stray, i follow (jatp | phantoms poly, canon compliant)
agree/disagree: yeah i love this one it feels right to be here
6. wanna feel your heart (hrpf | mat/tito, multiple universes)
agree/disagree: i know why it landed and i see the appeal in it and i went back and read comments on it the other day and was just pleased as punch to see how people interpreted it! i wrote this fic in 2018 (!!!) at a time where i was going through something heinous and i was so young and just wanted to be in control of something. i’ve done better work since, but i love her for what she is.
5. so quiet in the world tonight (hrpf | jdtz, idiots taking care of a baby)
agree/disagree: yes. wholeheartedly. tbh i reread this fic sometimes bc i love it. i wrote this shit for me and she unironically slaps
4. here everyone knows you’re the way to my heart (rnm | malex, spec fic, bonus fic bc i love her dearly)
agree/disagree: i do agree with this one though it’s placement as to how many kudos it received is wild to me! i’m immensely proud of this fic and i loved what i wrote here.
3. you remind me of home (oh, baby, merry christmas) (911 | buddie)
agree/disagree: i have no idea what y’all saw in this but good for you! it’s a silly little christmas fic TO ME but for some reason i get kudos and comments at all times of the year. thanks cuties
2. across our great divide (a glorious sunrise) (911 | buddie, therapy as a plot device)
agree/disagree: i love this fic so much. the reaction to it was so cool. i loved the insane amount of comments i got telling me how masterfully i’d written bc i love hearing i did a good job but i also loved people telling me how it made them feel.
1. when i was shipwrecked (i thought of you) (911 | buddie, canon-adjacent)
agree/disagree: i have no idea what made this one hit for you. i am SO happy it did, but it’s insane to me. i love that you love it because its made ME love it more. this is my most kudos’d fic and it’s bonkers bananas to me !!!
extra bonus! a fic that deserves more love is dance for all that we’ve been through because i wrote 61k of an entire ballet au and relived all my old ballet trauma and this girl did NOT get her flowers :/ to date it’s probably my best work and it’s ok that it didn’t get received as well but also… it’s good ok!!!
tagging my bbs @smileymikey @inthekitchenmp3 and uhhhh whoever else wants to lmao
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staceymcgillicuddy · 2 years
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Day 19: Naughty or Nice
(This ficlet is set in the universe of my Christmas one-shot Trudge on Home to Celebrate. You don't need to read that one to read this, but it gives some context to the conversation.)
Eddie’s got a cigarette in one hand and Chrissy’s ass in the other, and he’s feeling like a rich man. God bless us, every one, and all that garbage. He’s never been a sentimental guy, but Jesus Christ, his girlfriend bought him handcuffs for Christmas. How’s he not gonna get a little cocky about that? 
Chris sure as shit never bought Jason Carver handcuffs. Probably because he’s like a Ken doll down there, or so Eddie hopes. Chrissy told him once that he was bigger, dick-wise, and Eddie didn’t get weird about it, but sometimes when Jason’s being a real prick at school… yeah, the urge is there to say something. Which he never would because he likes—loves!—Chrissy more than he hates Jason, and she’s the one who’d suffer. 
So alright, his girlfriend’s half-naked in his bed, his uncle’s sleeping down the hall (which is, honestly, the only downside to having her stay over on Christmas since they resolutely Do Not Fuck while Wayne is in the trailer), and life is good. 
Chrissy’s being a total poindexter about Santa right now, which is his favorite type of Chrissy. Not the Santa part, necessarily—he could give a fuck—but the part of her that loves getting high and telling him her absolutely bonkers theories about life, the universe, and daytime reruns. 
“I’m just saying,” she says. “Donna Reed’s on the naughty list.” 
“Nope. She’s—” He trails some smoke in the air and squeezes her ass because it’s there and it’s soft, and he can. “That show’s so goody-goody. There’s no way she and the good doctor were doing anything but missionary.” 
“Eddie, don’t be boring.” She sighs and steals the cigarette from his fingers. “June Cleaver’s nice.” 
“June Cleaver was fucking Eddie Haskell while Ward was at work.” 
“No, she was not!” she sits up and takes a drag, which gives him a delightful view down her shirt.
“So Donna’s a freak in the sheets, and June’s dutifully doing the deed?” 
“I dunno, Cunningham. I’m not following your logic.” 
“You’ll just have to trust me.” She blows the smoke in his face, then returns the cigarette because she never wants more than a puff. “I’m right.” 
“Where does that put Carol Brady?” 
“Oh,” she says, like she’s thought about it a lot. “They were swingers. Her and Mike.” 
“They were…” Eddie grins. “What, like they put all those kids to bed and went to a key party?” 
“Obviously. Alice, too.” 
“You’ve got a wild imagination, kiddo.”
“Mmm.” She settles herself against him, practically burrowed into his armpit at that angle, but she doesn’t seem to mind. “Eddie?” 
“For Halloween, I think I’ll dress up as Donna Reed.” 
“Good. I’m going as Eddie Haskell.”
She snorts, and he feels the sharp bite of her little teeth as she nips the skin just below his collarbone. “Okay. Wait, what were we talking about?” 
“Santa’s list.” 
“Right. Because you’re nice. And so am I. But sometimes—” Another bite and her hand rests dangerously low on his hipbone. “We’re not.” 
Fuck. Eddie glances at the red numbers of the clock on his nightstand. Three hours until Wayne leaves for his extra shift. 
He’s not sure how nice he can be.
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radiodread · 1 year
“Tears of the Kingdom” spoilers below where I talk about how stupidly good the game is but also stuff I miss and maybe don’t like as much because I have to talk about it. I’m very close to finishing the main story, so I think I can write this now. (Oh, and this post is long. I tend to do that.)
First of all, yes- I love “Tears of the Kingdom”. In a lot of ways, the devs really listened to their fans and implemented things we missed in Breath of the Wild, a lot of quality of life updates. It’s a very familiar experience as much as it’s new and it completely blew my expectations out of the water. I adore the fuse mechanic and how you can now build the stupidest, most insane, creative, and bonkers stuff. Everything from a thing that launches you practically into space to a goddamn war machine that eats Lynels for breakfast. And not to mention the ability to ascend! Man did I abuse that ability. Lovingly, of course. Hey, give it to me and I’ll use it, maybe not the correct way, but I’ll use it. Also, Rewind is great for a slowpoke like myself to bring back a boat that I accidentally activated before I got on it and it zoomed across Lake Hylia in four seconds flat. Bless.
Alright. Onto the ‘negative’ stuff before I loop around back to the good. The first thing that comes to mind is how the sages’ powers work. You can’t have all of them active at the same time because you’ll have five dang ghosts running around you making life difficult. Want to pick up a bomb flower? Oops, Yunobo just rolled into it and blew your ass into next Thursday. Want to sneak up on this fairy or bug before you pick it up? Oh, Tulin was so excited to see it that he had to blow a goddamn wind gust right at it, making it fly or scurry away to save its short life. Accidentally activated Riju’s power? Gotta run after her now that she’s run off to who-knows-where and then cancel her thunder arrows. Remember how, in BotW, there were button presses for three outta four powers and then the last one activated when you ‘died’? Yeah. Bring that back, please. Where even are the powers Link got from Urbosa, Daruk, Revali, and Mipha?
(Someone theorised that the Champion powers from BotW disappeared from Link as their souls were finally laid to rest after Calamity Ganon was defeated, but I thought that every single one of the Champions told Link that they wanted him to have their powers now that they couldn’t use them anymore. What, just temporarily until Calamity Ganon was defeated? Nahhhh, I don’t buy it. The Sages’ powers just aren’t that good replacements, in my humble opinion. Way wonkier, harder to control, they all activate in a stupid way.)
Another thing is the rampant inconsistency and lack of explanation for things in a game that’s supposed to be a direct sequel to “Breath of the Wild”. Where did the Sheikah technology suddenly run off to? Where’s all of the Guardians, why is the Sheikah Slate suddenly called the Purah Pad, what about all those towers and shrines? Explaining it away with “well the Upheaval happened” feels like a weird excuse. Did the Zonai stuff just overrule Sheikah technology, is that why we have Shrines of Light instead of Sheikah ones? Remember how, at the end of “Breath of the Wild” in the ‘true’ ending, Zelda talks about how Vah Ruta apparently stopped working and they were gonna go see what that was all about? Where did Ruta even go after that, much less the other three beasts? There aren’t even parts lying around from them if they were destroyed by the falling debris after the Upheaval. Nothing. They all got raptured along with the rest of all of the Sheikah technology.
Also: Where’s Kass? His kids are in the game and none of them even mention their father, same with his wife Amali. Some family, huh. There’s vague mentions of him by Traysi and Penn but that’s about it. Not even by name, just “a bard”. They brought back the creep from outside of Gerudo town who was obsessed with boots but not Kass who helped Link with several side quests and you’d continuously run into during your travels? Okay.
They handled some things that bridged both games very well. Like the bit about how people can turn into friggin’ dragons by eating a certain kinda stone like a Goron? YIKES. Makes me wonder about Dinraal, Naydra, and Farosh, if maybe the goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore did this and then became the dragons we’re now so familiar with. If you’ve seen that one part where Zelda turns into the Light Dragon... yeah. Whew. That scene made me cry and also stare blankly at a wall for five minutes afterwards.
(Oh and just to finish off the criticism rant: you still can’t pet the damn dogs. What the hell. Let me pet them! They’re such good dogs!)
Overall, though, of course I’ve really enjoyed "Tears of the Kingdom” as might be obvious by my reblogged content as of late. It’s funny, creative, fun, challenging, tugs at your heartstrings, makes you yelp in horror sometimes- all things that make a good game. But it’s not perfect, at least not to me. All I can hope for is DLC that might explain some of the inconsistencies I’ve had major gripes with and I can be happy with the rest of it. Yeah, even the wonky way the Sages’ powers work.
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blue-slxt · 1 year
I'm on the last season of riverdale Blue! This is gonna be awkward if you haven't seen it, but seeming you fill us in about yourself, I feel it's only fair that I tell you about what I be binging or whatever.
I remember when it first came out and I was in middle school, and all the girls would rave on about it, including my friends. I didn't have any interest whatsoever for it back then, but I was a bit slower then other teens, never looking to grow up too fast or finding interest in these teen drama series 😂 But I'm older now and I actually like the series, it's not bad.
No one asked! But. My favourite is definitely Jughead honestly. Archie andrews might be good looking sure, but there's a lot about his characters mentality that just turns me off 😂 Throughout the seasons I get hot and cold with Veronica honestly. And I fucking love Betty. Everytime! She calls someone "Bitch" I gotta laugh. I don't know what series I'll be moving onto next.
I always be rewatching the same movies or shows and I think most ppl can relate.
So if you have any series or movies you can recommend. I like all kinds of movies/series. From biographies to rom-coms to animated and cartoons, fantasy.
Aw love thanks for sharing! Truthfully, I’ve never fully sat down and watched Riverdale but I’ve seen bits and pieces of it here and there. Truthfully, if I were to watch it, it would probably only be for Jughead because Cole Sprouse is 😍😍😍
As far as recommending more shows/movies I’m so honored that you would ask me🥹
Death Note is an anime that I will probably recommend to people until the day I die. It was my first real anime and I have to tattooed on me for a reason. The story is so unique and interesting and dark and amazing. It’s nearly perfect in my opinion. Definitely worth checking out.
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is another amazing anime. It’s actually my favorite. It’s one of the most well-written shows I’ve ever seen.
Someone Great is a Netflix movie that I really adore. Full disclosure, the dialogue can be a bit cringey at times, but the heart that the movie has is incredible. And it made me sob like a baby the first time I watched it so maybe have tissues nearby lol
Pretty much anything by Mike Flanagan. But specifically, his Netflix series. The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, and Midnight Mass are all favorites of mine. They’re all dark, but the themes and characters are so well done I’m obsessed.
Arcane is a great show I just recently got into. (Shoutout to @teyamsatan for putting me on because oh my god 😍) the animation is phenomenal and there’s so many well-written characters and it’s legitimately unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I love it.
Black Mirror is great if you’re looking to get mind fucked lol. My only advice though is to skip the very first episode. (Just trust me on this). You can go back and watch it later if you want, but do yourself a favor and don’t start there. It’s an anthology series so you won’t miss anything. But it’s all dark, dystopian, technology, craziness.
If you like documentaries/true crime stuff, Making a Murderer on Netflix is absolutely bonkers and you should definitely give it a look. The case is wild from beginning to end and it had me legitimately yelling at my tv the first time I watched it.
Let me know if there’s more recommendations you want! 😘
And if you check any of these out, let me know what you think of them!
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
hello, I hope you're having a great day.
Fire the fanfiction ask: 3, 1, 8, 21
Allo my Dear!
I'm doing pretty ok thanks for asking! I slept wildly so my necks a bit fucked lmao. been looking at things like batman all day🤣
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I am the most proud of Reclamation. It feels like my most complete fic.
1, How many words have you written this year?
I’m gonna do this so lazily lmao. Ok So AO3 says I’ve posted 223,363 words. I still have like 13k unposted for Enchanted AU: Christmas and 20593 for Ripe Cherries. Plus 1790 words for another work. I’m not opening anymore docs lmao so thats 258,746* words this year
*There are more but I’m not going to look for them and math
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Maxiel, easily. And until last week, they were my only pairing. But now I’m a multipairing writer 😁
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
978 which is wild because nine hundred and seventy eight people read at least one page of my writing and liked it. That is bonkers to meee 🥹
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
Hercules (1997) Lyric Meme
Under the cut you will find 90+ lyrics from the 1997 version of Hercules to use for your enjoyment!  
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The Gospel Truth I
1.      “Back when the world was new, the planet Earth was down on it’s luck.”
2.      “Everywhere gigantic brutes called Titans ran amok.”
3.      “It was a nasty place. There was a mess wherever you stepped.”
4.      “That’s the gospel truth!”
5.      “The guy was too type A to just relax.”
6.      “Though it may seem impossible, that’s the gospel truth.”
7.      “On Mt. Olympus, life was neat and smooth as sweet vermouth.”
  The Gospel Truth II
8.      “He ran the Underworld, but thought the dead were dull and uncouth.”
9.      “He was as mean as he was ruthless.”
10.   “He had a plan to shake things up.”
  The Gospel Truth III
11.   “Since he did not drink the last drop, he still retained his godlike strength.”
12.   “The boy grew stronger every day.”
  Go The Distance
13.   “I have often dreamed of a far off place where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me.”
14.   “A voice keeps saying this is where I’m meant to be.”
15.   “I will find my way. I can go the distance.”
16.   “I’ll be there someday if I can be strong.”
17.   “I know every mile will be worth my while.”
18.   “I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong.”
19.   “I don’t care how far, somehow I’ll be strong.”
  Go The Distance (Reprise)
20.   “I will beat the odds. I can go the distance.”
21.   “I will face the world fearless, proud, and strong.”
22.   “I will please the gods.”
23.   “I can go the distance ‘til I find a hero’s welcome right where I belong.”
  One Last Hope
24.   “So ya wanna be a hero, kid? Well, whoop-de-doo!”
25.   “I have been around the block before with blockheads just like you.”
26.   “I’ve given up hope that someone would come along, a fella who’d ring the bell for once. Not the gong.”
27.   “I’ve been out to pasture, pal. My ambition gone.”
28.   “You need an advisor, a satyr but wiser.”
29.   “I’m down to one last hope and I hope it’s true. Though kid, you’re not exactly a dream come true.”
30.   “I’ve trained enough turkey’s who never came through.”
31.   “You’re my one last hope so you’ll have to do.”
32.   “Demigods have faced the odds and ended up a mockery.”
33.   “To be a true hero, kid, is a dying art. Like painting a masterpiece, it’s a work of heart.”
34.   “My dreams are on you, kid. Go make ‘em come true!”
  Zero To Hero
35.   “What a pro!”
36.   “He was a no one, a zero. Now he’s a honcho, he’s a hero!”
37.   “Here was a kid with his act down pat.”
38.   “From zero to hero in no time flat.”
39.   “When he smiled the girls went wild with ooh’s and aah’s.”
40.   “Say amen, there he goes again.”
41.   “Folks lined up just to watch him flex.”
42.   “This perfect package packed a pair of pretty pecs.”
43.   “Honey, the crowds were going bonkers!”
44.   “He showed them moxie, brains, and spunk!”
45.   “Who put the glad in gladiator?”
46.   “Whose daring deeds are great theater?”
47.   “Is he bold? No one braver!”
48.   “Is he sweet? Our favorite flavor!”
49.   “He hit the heights at breakneck speed!”
50.   “Now he’s a hero, yes indeed!”
  I Won’t Say I’m in Love
51.   “If there’s a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I’ve already won that.”
52.   “No man is worth the aggravation.”
53.   “That’s ancient history been there, done that.”
54.   “Who’d you think you’re kidding? He’s the earth and heaven to you.”
55.   “Try to keep it hidden, honey, we can see right through you.”
56.   “You can’t conceal it. We know how you feel and who you’re thinking of.”
57.   “No chance, no way. I won’t say it.”
58.   “You swoon. You sigh. Why deny it?”
59.   “It’s too cliché. I won’t say I’m in love.”
60.   “I thought my heart had learned its lesson. It feels so good when you start out.”
61.   “My head is screaming get a grip, girl, unless you’re dying to cry your heart out.”
62.   “You keep on denying who you are and how you’re feeling. Baby, we’re not buying. Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling.”
63.   “Face it like a grown-up.”
64.   “When ya gonna own up that you got it bad?”
65.   “Give up, give in. Check the grin. You’re in love.”
66.   “This scene won’t play. I won’t say I’m in love.”
67.   “You’re doing flips. Read our lips. You’re in love.”
68.   “You’re way off base. I won’t say it.”
69.   “Get off my case. I won’t say it.”
70.   “Don’t be proud. It’s okay you’re in love.”
71.   “At least out loud, I won’t say I’m in love.”
  A Star is Born
72.   “Gonna shout it from the mountaintops.”
73.   “A star is born.”
74.   “It’s a time for pulling out the stops.”
75.   “He’s a hero who can please the crowd.”
76.   “Just remember in the darkest hour within your heart’s the power for making you a hero, too.”
77.   “Don’t lose hope when you’re forlorn.”
78.   “Just keep your eyes upon the skies.”
79.   “Like a beacon in the cold, dark night a star is born.”
80.   “Told ya everything would turn out right.”
  Go The Distance (Single)
81.   “I have often dreamed of a far-off place where a hero’s welcome will be waiting for me.”
82.   “Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you.”
83.   “A thousand years would be worth the wait.”
84.   “It might take a lifetime, but somehow I’ll see it through.”
85.   “I won’t look back. I can go the distance.”
86.   “I’ll stay on track. No, I won’t accept defeat.”
87.   “It’s an uphill slope, but I won’t lose hope ‘til I go the distance and my journey is complete.”
88.   “To look beyond the glory is the hardest part.”
89.   “A hero’s strength is measured by his heart.”
90.   “Like a shooting star, I will go the distance.”
91.   “I will search the world. I will face its harms.”
92.   “I can go the distance ‘til I find my heroes welcome waiting in your arms.”
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maybeimamuppet · 5 months
rahhh hi again! I loved reading your response to my movie review, you made a lot of good points! first of all im so sorry your poor 7-year-old self had to suffer through the 1996 movie :(( I dont have adhd but I can imagine how you must have not liked it AND MISS HONEYS DRESS HAD HOT AIR BALLOONS?? I did not notice that, how cute!! I'm in love love her cottagecore/pastel style, it fits her personlity so well i think. and ooh the red beret girl is called hortensia? cool, thanks! I read her name in your fics and I wasnt quite sure who she was so thank you 😭 and it was interesting to hear your view on the songs!! And I'm gonna be honest here, I've listened to Naughty, Revolting Children, and This Is My House at least once a day since I watched the movie 😭 THEY'RE SO FUN :D i also love This Is My House so much, it's such a sweet and deep songgggg uhggshdhsd 😭i think one of the reasons I wasn't a fan of how many songs there are is beacuse I've watched maybe 2 musicals in my life so far, and I'm more of a slow-burn dialog girl. But thats awesome you love them!! and I'd like to take back what I said about Matilda being timid in the 1996 movie. The way you described her as being bristly, clever and conniving was perfect. I think I said that because I'm just not used to her being so loud and bold with her clever whit and sense of justice 😭 (also ignore how many of the crying emojis im using lolll its a habit) so it stood out to me more than it would if I had watched the musical before 1996. i absolutely agree with what you said about miss honey. She's the soft and sweet people-pleaser type. She'll sacrfice herself to help others I think, and hates conflict. However like you said, I think that she has bravery inside her. And if it came down to protecting Matilda or something like that, she could absolutly stand up for herself. I think that her escapologist father and acrobat mother are lying right beneath her skin, just waiting to be let out. (not them literally ofc, but their daring, bold, and powerful spirit that has been passed down to jenny)
thanks for sharing your thoughts!! -🐸
hello again!!
it is absolutely fine i was just a coward lol. i’ve. obviously watched it since and it has a special place in my heart i’m over all the second grade nonsense lmao
EVERYONES CLOTHES IN 2022 ARE WILD. the set and the costumes have so much detail it’s bonkers and i still notice new things every time i watch it and go !!!!!!
that’s absolutely valid musicals absolutely have a kind of learning curve to them lol. matilda was the first one that i got really into on my own accord after being raised on annie and being friends with theater kids who talked about others. but matilda was the first one where i was like 👀👀👀👀👀 hello. and that kickstarted my whole musicals thing and now i am here
i find it so interesting that you look at it a different way now!! i thought all your points in the first ask were incredibly valid but i’m glad (not the word i’m looking for but whatever) that i kinda got to shift your perspective a little! also we love the crying emoji never apologize
you are absolutely right abt everything here and i’m hopeful you learn to love musicals (or at least not be thrown off by the number of songs lmao)
thank you for sharing yours!! it was really fun getting to see a different opinion/pov so thank you for sharing :)
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fae-of-the-rose · 2 years
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I posted 1,247 times in 2022
That's 602 more posts than 2021!
12 posts created (1%)
1,235 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,247 of my posts in 2022
#yes good - 315 posts
#inspiration - 176 posts
#reference - 173 posts
#oh my gods - 115 posts
#jojo's bizarre adventure - 100 posts
#twisted wonderland - 86 posts
#kingdom hearts - 67 posts
#mdzs - 58 posts
#grandmaster of demonic cultivation - 56 posts
#ensemble stars - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 75 characters
#how in the fuck are you not going batshit with your lab in that apartment??
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Urianger Augurelt/Thancred Waters, Minor or Background Relationship(s), minor Gaia/Ryne | Minfillia Characters: Urianger Augurelt, Thancred Waters, Gaia (Final Fantasy XIV), Ryne | Minfilia Additional Tags: others are mentioned - Freeform, Named Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), for like two lines, Implied/Referenced Abuse, thanks Vauthry, goes into absolutely no detail but it is mentioned, disgustingly in love dads
Summary: Urianger and Thancred's home is always open to those who need a place to stay.
6 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
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So when I’m bored and unwinding for sleep apparently I make characters. Anyway @khttrpg posted a character sheet thingie to make characters with and I figured why the heck not I can always use more OCs.
Assuming I did my math right, Riley here has 5 Major Levels, is the Replica of a scientist’s son who’s father was very, very keen to see how far the human body could be pushed before being forced into Heartless/Nobody.....and look I based him on Prompto Argentum, taking characters from a video game or other media and building them in a TTRPG system is a really good way for me to figure out how the system works. Also he was the easiest to justify as a Cosmic Mage and I really like Cosmic Mage’s flavor. 
All of his stats should be right if I did my math right this late at night (I added +3 to HP and +2 to MP) and there were a couple of things I noticed missing from the doc but otherwise extremely fun to build out! His whole deal would, obviously, be about finding where he belongs and figuring out where the scientist is now and maybe getting revenge for the bullshit that guy did to Riley’s “brothers”.
EDIT TO ADD since tumblr’s ask limit means this is easier:  The things I noticed missing were: several Jobs give you free spells that don’t count against the number of spells you can learn but at no point in the doc does it say just how many spells you can learn aside from those; and some clarification on if a Talent can exceed a Stat if boosted by Reflex Improvement or other Class abilities.
7 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
>playing Stardew Valley for the first time in a while >”btw Ginger Island is a thing” >unlock Ginger Island >oh...oh no
anyway I do not think I am likely to ever use anything on the island except that forge ever that is just TOO MUCH I am not a min-max/must make all the money type of player I am just a simple Fae who wants to marry cute boys and have a cute farm
11 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
I’m gonna need an internet historian to compile this wild Nier Automata Church Saga once it’s all said and done this is just bonkers like. whatever it ends up being it needs to be preserved as both a wild time and also a prime example of the DrakeNier fandom and how willing we are to like. accept this shit
41 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
D23′s going on today and new Tron game holy shit yes
119 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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