#i’m feeling. irritated.
arliedraws · 3 months
I think what bothers me about folks saying “canon doesn’t matter” is that the spirit of fandom is this concept of a house with no roof. There’s intent of the author, but then there’s interpretation and using evidence from the text to build new meaning. Within the structure of canon, how tall can you build? What can you take from the original context and expand or critique? (Basically, take canon, ask questions like, ‘haha what if these two characters who are best friends in the book fucked either other???’)
But the thing is, instead of building within the original foundations, folks are building entirely new foundations. There isn’t any inherently wrong about fanon, but you don’t get to build a new house with new rules in the lot next door, tell everyone that we all live in the new house now, and burn down the old one while people are still in it. Some of us want to live in the old house and make improvements. That’s not a bad thing.
(Also, you took parts of the old house, particularly the flashy bits that don’t really add quality to the overall structure, to build the new one and then claim “it’s better.”)
Don’t say shit like, “Canon was created by a horrible person so we’re going to ignore it!” God, you don’t get to pick and choose because the characters were literally created by the horrible person! You gotta accept that you are not morally superior to people who use canon to create transformative fic/art.
My point is, if you’re going to change stuff in a fandom that is probably older than you, don’t claim the moral high ground because you’re playing in the exact same garbage patch as the rest of us, and even if you try to cover up your corner with pretty aesthetics, you know we all live in a garbage dump together.
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I am so glad that the kid spectrals have such normal and caring spirits who will definitely not physically endanger and/or cruelly betray them in the midst of their lives already being destroyed by cults, monsters, and interpersonal drama. It’s so cool and nice 👍
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jarchaeology · 1 year
when i first started this blog i got an anon saying that i shouldn’t tag jensen in my finds because it was unfair to embarrass him.
anyway, i wonder if that anon came from one of the twitter people who repost my finds without credit and get 20k views on “never before seen” pictures.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
My misophonia thing (if I have it), would be the sound of someone chewing food.
Like. Chew your food quietly with your mouth closed, or please make an effort to chew more quietly. It can’t be that hard…
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dottores · 11 months
well, i was going to wait to formally announce something when i got the time but i’m a bit irritated that the first thing i see when i log in is this ask
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^ to answer your question anon, idk why you’re following if that’s what you feel 💀 respectfully, unfollow and never interact with me again. and this goes for everyone else who has left nasty asks in my inbox demanding me to update. my priority is law school and family, not to update fanfics that i don’t get paid for. this is something i do on the side for fun, it is not a job nor does it help me secure my future. spend less time demanding free work from people and spend more time working on your own future. it quite literally should never get to the point where you’re demanding strangers on the internet to provide you with fanfiction and insulting them when they have other things going on—seek help. that is weird.
but on a more serious note to everyone who has been respectful & kind about it—i don’t think i’m gonna be able to update anything until winter break, i apologize to everyone who has been waiting patiently, i promise i’m not abandoning heliotropes but it will not be updated for at least a month and a half. my workload has skyrocketed the past two weeks and my professors are warning us that it’s only uphill until after finals when we get our break. i need to be focusing on work, i barely even have the energy to answer messages from ppl right now.
^^ so if you are here for just my writing, this is the time to leave. i’ve been very vocal about this not being a writing blog. it is just my blog. if you only want writing, unfollow and find it in the tags.
i am going to be closing my inbox to prevent more asks like this because it’s rude and it’s not something i want to deal with. officially on semi-hiatus.
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theiceandbones · 2 months
After a certain period in the grieving process people stop asking how you are. I’m not saying this for attention, it’s just what happens. As a society we’re expected after a loss to be moving through the stages of grief like they’re linear and not phases that happen forever in any random order without rhyme or reason. I’m probably never going to be okay or be the same person I was, ever again. I know this and I’ve made peace with it. But navigating this brand new ocean of my life is terrifying and hurts viscerally and primally. I think maybe that’s what people don’t know or acknowledge about their loved ones who are grieving. Part of me wants to show the world how I’m really doing but there’s this dam that’s been built over decades of living in a society that hides sadness in the name of keeping the peace.
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sneezarify · 1 month
I have not stopped sneezing all day!
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 2 months
do u have any other controversial takes? 👀 I agree with u on everything so I'm rlly interested!
I have like one more pretty big one but it’s kinda an extension on #6 of my hot take thing.
Ik like half the fandom loves kandriel but it actually makes me so irrationally mad that it’s as popular as it is.
I’m a firm believer of not changing or altering a character’s sexuality in the text if it is an important aspect of their character. Neil’s asexually is an important element of his character and seeing him shipped with anyone but his canon partner will always make me a bit uncomfortable(but I would never make my opinions dictate what others do I may have a problem with it but I’ll never make my problem other people’s problem)
But it’s not just that… it’s the fact that Andrew and Neil are each other’s person and it feels like a disservice to Kevin to just shoehorn him into that… for reasons unknown to me.
I love the platonic relationship between the three don’t get me wrong I’ll just never be able to see the three of them together in any form of a romantic sense.
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sunflower98s · 1 year
rose/ten/tenrose stans: *minds our business*
doctor who fandom on a daily basis: rose tyler is overrated!!! she’s such an annoying, whiny, selfish bitch in series 2!! series 1 rose > series 2 rose. rose is so dumb and incompetent!!!! martha is so much better than her. rose was nothing but some stupid, love interest to ten!!!! i’ll never understand why the doctor loved rose, she is such a whiny, bland brat!! rose should have left for good in doomsday!!!! rose didn’t deserve to end up with the doctor. tenrose’s the blandest and most overrated doctor who ship!UnPoPuLaR oPiNiOn ninerose > tenrose!!! tenrose is toxic and abusive!!! the doctor never showed his true self to rose, she loved a superficial projection!ten never loved rose as much as nine did!! ten was such a whiny brat!!!!! the tenth doctor was nothing but a toxic bitch!!! losing rose was not a legitimate trauma, he had no reason to grieve her for so long! the tenth doctor is bland and overrated!!! there are better doctors than ten!!!! stop saying he’s the best and liking him so much!!!!! [insert here one random doctor] loved [insert here one random companion] much more than ten loved rose!!! ten dumped rose with a clone!!!! rose deserved to die in doomsday!!!tenrose stans are superficial and only ship tenrose because it’s a conventionally attractive ship!!! they are just self-inserting and want to suck dt’s c*ck!!!tenrose is crap, my ship is soooo superior!!
rose/ten/tenrose stans:
rose/ten/tenrose stans: *shrugs*
rose/ten/tenrose stans: *completely ignores the hate, continues to mind our business, don’t even bother to put up fight*
doctor who fandom: *keep up with the daily slander*
rose/ten/tenrose stans:
rose/ten/tenrose stans: *finally gets sick of the slander and fight back*
doctor who fandom: oh my god, ten/rose/tenrose stans are so toxic and annoying!! they can’t handle one single negative opinion about their faves!! they are always starting drama unprovoked!!!! the worst fandom ever!!!!!!!!!
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I swear it’s like you guys only see henren and madney as the comic relief/feel-good couples on the show. this is a drama, so why are we complaining about there being drama?
and if s7 was a s2 callback, and s8 is a s3 callback, isn’t this storyline about giving henren the happy ending they were previously denied?
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gertold · 7 months
but on a serious note siltverses ruined every single podcast for me. every time i start something new, i stop in the middle of like second episode and go back to relisten to tsv pilot. i know every single monologue and line and expression by heart now. i’m not even complaining anymore…you can say i have spent my life in the shadow of this great and winding river—
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codgod · 4 months
every time you draw qmariana with top surgery scars an angel dies
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yashley · 2 days
you ever think about how a choice that wasn’t even really a choice for fearne, but her being the only one with the ability to perform the ritual that made it her* choice as everyone around her buckled to try to help her out of that situation and the ramifications of that choice that she had scarred her so deeply that now she is terrified of making another mistake that will dramatically affect the people around her who she loves, and then when another situation followed, she was led into a situation that she did not want to be a part of, but under the veil of friendship reluctantly assisted and it blew up literally once again, took that overwhelming burden of guilt and while her friends stood by and once more let her be alone in her guilt and scarred her further.
now it feels like she can’t make any choice for herself, she can’t make any move because that will ultimately inevitably lead to her making a mistake and all of her precious friends will look down at her in disappointment and that there is not a single friend amongst them who has the emotional wherewithal to what’s happening with how fearne has changed and how she is shutting in on herself and how she is slowly imploding breaking at the seams because she’s being lost in the sea of guilt and no one else notices and no one else sees that she feels like she can’t do anything anymore from the smallest carefree little action that has no plot repercussions to a character centered decision that is integral to her own character arc that has been in the works for her character since the campaign’s conception
now she can’t even say anything, and if fearne does have an idea to do something. She quietly mutters it, and if they hear her they hear her enough to respond that ehhh that's not a good plan and that’s not gonna work and we’re not gonna do that. We’re gonna do this and fearne being fearne, trusting in her friends and doubting herself to the point of despair will nod her head that they were right and then we go on with our day until the next moment happens where she wants to think of something, she wants to do something, and it’s dismissed as the silly dumb fearne not thinking, that She has her own thoughts and feelings, and drives and desires but because she is drowning in doubt and drowning in guilt, She freezes up and doesn’t move and everyone around her just pushes her on, and even in the moment where she is faced with the situation that she is terrified of undertaking, and she is terrified of becoming a Nightmare version of herself her friends push her forward, her friends dust off her shoulders say your doubt is misplaced, and don’t worry about it and you need to do this, it should be you. This is for you.
They just completely dismiss and ignore her when she actually does speak up so what does that do? that means that she remains silent. She doubts herself more. She even more will only make a decision if it’s signed off by all these fucking people around her who claim to be her friends. she can’t even move without frantically looking to people around her for confirmation that that’s a good idea she’s not gonna fuck up. Everything about her that was supposed to be free and fun and sweet has just rendered her into a character who feels like they have as much agency as characters who would be absent for the majority of the campaign.
shes been so chained up by doubt and so chained up by guilt and hesitation and fear that she just is a person who affirms everyone else’s desires and ideas because what she wants will inevitably end up being horrible and everyone will hate her for it and they’ll leave
and it’s like if they deem fearne even capable enough to be the vessel she will leap at the chance to be useful and to be told her path and it’s like. fearne was ruidusborn first. how has this campaign done such a disservice to her character that the only thing fearne is certain of is that she doesn’t really matter. she’s a ruidusborn and holds a primordial titan of fire inside her, and she still believes she doesn’t really count are you kidding me
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toddtakefive · 4 months
btw todd’s reluctance to join the dps because he doesn’t want to read (which is then accommodated for) and is scared to put himself out there (which is also worked through) being read as todd not wanting to go AT ALL, and thus neil making the proper accommodations (“todd anderson, who prefers not to read, will keep the minutes of the meetings”) and encouraging him to step out of the box that stifles him being seen as ‘forceful’ or like he can’t take no for an answer makes me insane with rage
#and him trying to stop neil from asking if todd not reading at the meetings is okay isn’t him wanting not to go#its him not wanting neil to ask because (as someone with social anxiety) it’s EMBARRASSING ASF for someone to ask for things on your behalf#literally just think about it as the meme of ‘when i tell my friend im hungry and he tells his mom that *i* want food instead of both of us’#and the whole ‘neil not knowing how to take no for an answer’ thing…… dont get me fucking started#the kid who’s had to take no for an answer his whole life? the kid whose first proper scene IS him taking no for an answer? are you serious?#being encouraging and accommodating and (admittedly) a little pushy when he’s got his mind set on something—#—is NAWT the same as not being able to take no for an answer or bulldozing through conversations with people#he and todd DO listen to each other in those conversations theyre just on opposing sides—#—because their understandings of the world don’t fully align at that point in time/the movie#which is totally fucking normal?????? because later on they DO properly align?????????#i feel so crazy about this every time i see someone say todd didn’t want to go the dead poets meetings because it’s so obvious he DID#he was just scared#and you know what maybe it IS a little forceful#but given how dedicated todd is to shutting off and hating and isolating himself he NEEDS a little forceful to be broken through to#if no one ever pushed me to do things when i was scared (as irritated as it can make me) i’d never do SHIT dude#and obviously todd is the same way because he ALL BUT OUTRIGHT SAYS AS MUCH#‘i appreciate this concern but i’m not like you’ IS about neil’s voice and opinions mattering to people but it’s ALSO about—#—him being outgoing and trying new things and putting himself out there#WHICH TODD WANTS TO BE ABLE TO DO!!!!!!!!#the moral you take away from todds growth is NOT that he has to change to be accepted because he DOESNT#its that he has to gain the confidence and belief in himself to grow and become the version of himself he WANTS to be#he NEVER changes on a fundamental level to make others happy (although his growth does make others happy) he just opens up more#and i dont know WHY some people think his arc is becoming a completely different person#like yall PLEASE#this isnt even an anderperry thing this is an issue even if you read them completely platonic#i blame the FUCKASS novelization…. dps book you will always be hated by ME#dps#dead poets society#neil perry#todd anderson
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vacantgodling · 15 days
so they’re just giving me a refund for overcharging me for t when i went before. but it’s not explaining what happened to my prescription. so im gonna have to reach out to my dr again ig. but i owe a balance and i have to talk to her anyway. idk. i’m just frustrated. i don’t have the money for this and she put in the prescription for 90 days so what the fuck
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the-golden-dragoness · 2 months
Does anyone know how to maneuver a relationship where they are interested in dating you but you were fine being old school acquaintances who don’t speak to each other
#tgdposts#personal#aroace#actually aroace#aromantic#asexual#ace#aro#asexuality#aromanticism#we’re hanging out at an undetermined point which I’m fine with I love hanging out but I can tell he’s into me and I feel neutral about it#good new is I’ve clearly grown since last time this scenario happened because I think I’m being less of a leading on asshole about it#also ideologically I’m not about assuming they want to date instead of be friends so I don’t want to assume anything#but based on how he’s talking to me I think he likes me which I obviously do not reciprocate#fond of me as the Brits say#he’s asked how my day/weekend was for the second time in all too short a timespan which I find telling#not that it irritates me but it’s obvious he wants to pursue SOMETHING#anyway just bc I said okay to hang for coffee does not mean I want to participate in this kind of online conversation he’s initiating#his eagerness to talk is telling and I already lowkey had vibes from him after the fall semester when he asked how my winter vacay was#I was like yeah I’m SUPER BUSY with family stuff and studying for my makeup exam#tbh thought that was the end of it until recently#this is mainly a vent post I guess if anyone has opinions feel free to share#I guess my broad struggle is that I’m learning how to be aroace and assume the best of a situation without leading people on#also I feel this kind of situation is almost inevitable if I want to make friends with guys even though having them want to date me#is not the most ideal start to a friendship with someone#ok to rb although idk why you’d want to
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