#i’m basically only minimalistic in everything
legendofthe3divas · 1 year
Folklore or Evermore?
Sparkling water or still water?
Maximalism or minimalism?
Shower or bath?
Sweet or salty?
Board games or video games?
Take a friend on your family vacation or join their family vacation?
beauty or brains?
Warm blanket or a hot drink?
Serious or silly?
Rich and famous or rich and unknown?
Art museum or history museum?
Vacation or staycation?
Fiction or non-fiction?
Dogs or cats
1. oh a swift question i see imma pick evermore bc i prefer the album cover but i have no idea what songs are in it
2. still waterrr
3. minimalism
4. shower
5. sweet
6. board games probably
7. join their family holibob
8. brains
9. oof both at the same time
10. silly
11. rich and unknown
12. art museum
13. fiction
14. CATS
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cherriesformatt · 7 months
9 months || matt sturniolo part 3
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matt x fem!reader
summary: just how you and matt figured out life during your pregnancy
warings: pregnancy, suggestive, being sick
word count: 2,2k
a/n: guys thanks so much for all the notes 🥹 means a world to me and 100 followers wtf 🍒ily im not that proud of this one. Let me know if I should still keep going with the next part. Didn’t proofread yet!
The doctor said I couldn’t fly till my second trimester. I was really sick and pregnancy wasn’t easy on me. So we decided that we will wait to tell our families because we really wanted to tell them in person. Chris and Nick were great with keeping the secret. No one besides 4 of us knew. Even Laura and my boss didn’t know. I worked from home so I was able to do my job even when I wasn’t in my best form.
I had basically 3 babysitters now. Matt, Chris and Nick treated me like glass and to be honest sometimes I liked it (mostly when I was rotting on the couch and needed a snack) but most of the time I just yelled at them that I really could do everything without them staring at my soul.
When I was so sick all the time Matt decided that I should just stay with them for now. But the next thing I see is him moving my entire apartment here. I was pretty minimalistic so I didn’t have too much stuff. I just didn’t extend my rental and decided that would be for the best now.
My doctor said I was clear to fly when I was 16 weeks pregnant. So we organized trip to Boston. Sooner than later because I was starting to show and also because I already felt better. I gave up and started taking meds to stop being so nauseous. Every time I would try to gave them up everything would just make me sick.
Justin picked four of us from the airport and I took a passenger seat in the van. The flight was pretty good. I was just tired. The car had an air freshener and it’s smell just make my stomach flip.
“Oh no” I said and released I did not take my meds in the plane because I was sleeping. And also I couldn’t find them in my bag.
“Justin pull over …please” I kept my hand on my mouth.
He looked at me and when he saw me he momentarily did pull over to the side and I just jumped out of the car and threw up. I felt my hair being hold and a gentle hand rubbed my back.
“It’s okay baby… just let it all out” Matt said with his voice being worried.
When I was done I rinsed my mouth with water that Matt gave me and looked at him.
“This air freshener gotta go” I said quietly but he did take it out before I got back in.
“What are you pregnant or something, kid?” Justin looked at me jokingly but I only smiled at him awkwardly.
That’s how he found out.
MaryLou, Jimmy and boys grandma found out because Chris couldn’t keep his shit together.
“No she doesn’t drink” Chris said after their dad offered me my favorite wine. I was the only one who would usually share a glass or two with them and Justin. I was also over 21.
“How come? That’s your favorite” Jimmy said but I just looked at Matt.
“O fuck I’m so sorry” Chris said realizing but it just made it worst. We had to tell them now and then.
“So we came here… not only because we missed you but also to share some news with you all” Matt said really calmly.
“We’re having a baby” He aded looking at his parents and I just gripped his hand really hard.
“Oh my…” MaryLou said and she stood up and came to us and just gave us both a hug.
“You won’t believe this… but what I told Jimmy when you went to drop your bags upstairs. I said something is different… and you honey.. you’re glowing” She looked at me and honestly I couldn’t see that but I heard that a lot lately.
“What can I say…. I didn’t expect that so soon but congratulations kids” Jimmy came up to us as well and gave Matt a reassuring shoulder squeeze and I got a big smile.
“Oh Matty… I always knew you’re going to be the first one to give me great grandchildren” Their grandma smiled at us and Matt just went to her and gave her a big hug.
Rest of the night we spend watching their old videos and baby photos and I just cried so many times. Because I realized I couldn’t wait to have the baby here with us.
They took the news so well and I was really stressed about it because at first I was always worried about being older than Matt and now I’m also older and pregnant.
But they just always made me feel like home here and the rest of the trip just went so well. Talking to someone with so much experience gave me just more power to get through it all.
Then we did my family after coming back from Boston. I didn’t want to put myself out for such a long flight. Since my family was back in Europe. So we did what I dreamed about since I saw that commercial back when I was in middle school.
“Everyone…I want you to meet someone” I said while we were on a family group chat FaceTime.
I stood up and Matt readjusted the screen so it was on my belly. Which I swear was just bigger everyday. I felt like weight was lifted off my body, because not telling my mom and siblings about that was hard. Everyone freak out and I needed to answered 100 questions but luckily my mom didn’t make us say we will get married before the baby comes.
Half way through we were just getting really excited and everyone knew. Everyone except the whole Internet. But honestly that wasn’t to hard to keep from. We always did keep our relationships private and I wasn’t that much on social media so it was alright.
Also that was the time when I just couldn’t resist Matt. I honestly felt like jumping his bones 24h and I’m not even kidding. That was his favorite part of me being pregnant.
We also did decide that we rent a house that went in the market in the same neighborhood that the triples lived now. And we got the house so we started to renovate it like we wanted it. Boys were happy that it’s literally next doors but also it’s our own space that we would need to learn to have.
Nick was filming and photographing all weeks of my pregnancy. At first I didn’t like it because I was camera shy. I usually worked behind it. And now when I’m looking at Polaroids he made me take every week. They made me so happy.
“I love the name Noah” Matt said while his head was on my boobs and his hand on my belly.
I smiled. We didn’t want to know the gender till birth so while we talked to the baby we just called it “peanut”.
“I actually love it too… and we could do N O A H for a boy and N O A” I said and he looked at me so happy that I liked his idea.
Me and Madi would go shopping sometimes and all we did was just buying baby stuff. Most of the stuff I got were the ones I’ve learned from birth classes. I was obsessed with reading all the books about newborns and every now and then I’ll see Matt reading them too when he was not working.
One afternoon Chris came back from his meeting and he was so excited. He handed me w bag and I opened it.
“Chris are you kidding me? I’m going to cry” I put two mini sets of fresh love on the table. One was blue and one was pink.
“That’s the cutest thing that I have ever seen” I hugged him tightly.
“That’s from your favorite uncle kid your first outfit” He said looking at my belly and I froze because I felt a movement inside. First time ever so hard.
“Oh fuck… that was so weird” I said.
“What happened?” Chris stepped away from me.
“The baby is moving and I can feel it so well! Oh my gosh it did it again!!”
“Can I feel it?” Chris asked clearly exited.
“Yes..give me your hand” I said and I put his hand where I last felt it. And when the baby did it again I looked at him.
“Did you feel it?” I asked and he just looked at me with his eyes wide open .
“I did… a little.. that’s so weird… bro you’re a hero” he said.
“What’s that screaming all about?” My boyfriend joined us in the kitchen.
“I just made your baby kick!” Chris said.
“Oh my goodness are you just gonna claim it on yourself?” I laughed.
“What?” Matt came up to me and put his hands on my belly.
I readjusted them and looked at his eyes.
“Now…she did it again” I said and his eyes widened.
“That’s… wow” he said.
“I know” I whispered.
“You also just called Peanut a “she”” Matt smiled.
He knew I was having dreams about us having a daughter. That was another thing since I was pregnant. I had so many vivid dreams.
“Oh that was an accident…” I said.
After my 32nd week we had everything ready in our house and we started to sleep there and hang out. I worked there too. I had my little office. But I started to be really tired so I took my time off. Matt was really happy about it. Because we had more time to spend together, just two of us before there was a three people in the pack.
He was just perfect. He would rubbed my feet when they were swollen and give me a massage every night. He talked to my belly so much and just loved us both to the moon and back. All this time it was really hard for us but he made it so easy in the same time.
When I was freaking out the day my waters broke. He just packed a car and kept his cool. He was beside me every second. His brothers and our moms outside the delivery room.
“That’s a nice one if I’m going to have my baby to this song I might actually name it skies” I said in between taking my deep breaths. I let everyone be part of my delivery day playlist. Lil Skies was currently playing for the 7th time.
“Oh please baby” Matt laughed and rubbed my back as I rolled myself on the ball trying to get through my constructions.
When it came to actual pushing I thought I’m gonna kill everyone in the room. I decided that I wanted to give birth in water. So when I was ready we moved to the pool that nurses got ready.
Matt was siting behind me telling me sweet nothings while I was screaming and holding his hands so hard that I’m pretty sure blood couldn’t get to them.
While I heard crying in the room that wasn’t mine. Everything just went away. All the pain. They put the baby on my chest and I hold it.
“It’s a girl…” One of the nurses said and I kissed her temple. She was so little.
“We have a daughter…” Matt whispered as he hold as both. Both of us crying at this point and just couldn’t believe it.
“She is perfect” I whispered and touched her little nose.
“You both are, you’re a hero” Matt kissed my head.
When they took her for check up. Nurses helped me to get myself together while Matt went to take a shower. Took him 5 minutes because he was scared to miss the moment they will bring her back. I actually couldn’t keep my eyes open after they gave me pain meds I just passed out.
When I woke up there were flowers, balloons and gift bags everywhere. And I saw Matt at the corner of the room with little Noa on his bare chest.
“Matty…” I whispered.
He looked at me and stood up holding her. He was so natural about it.
“Look mama is up” He gently placed her in my open arms and I looked at her. I could just stare at her forever.
“Is everything okay? What’s all of this?” I asked quietly.
“Both of you are great, you slept some time, you deserved it, I send everyone home after they saw Noa for a little bit. That’s all form the favorite uncles apparently” He said with a big smile.
“They’re crazy…come here on the bed” I said and moved a little. He did as I said and I rested my head on his shoulder.
“Thank you…she’s so perfect” Matt said and kissed my cheek.
“Well we did it together I just had more work” I laughed.
He did too and Noa opened her eyes and looked at us. But didn’t cry. She really was perfect. Well she was a Sturniolo after all.
That’s all I needed. My little family.
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
ares cabin headcanons
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children of ares
• it’s more difficult to break a weapon in a child of war’s hand (with the exception being if someone was a child of the big three).
• they can pull of any shade of red.
• camo EVERYTHING. they just have a weird obsession with camo.
• a lot of them obsessively collect sneakers.
• they have nicknames/call signs for all their members, they don't choose one when they join, it'll be given to them sooner or later.
• leather jackets, military boots, aviators, chains, chokers and metal rings are the norm.
• there's always that one kid that likes to show off their butterfly knife tricks. (i’m sorry if that’s you.)
• every one of them has a scar somewhere, usually they got it even before they came to camp. they treat scars like tattoos—the bigger and more obvious they are, the more badass they are.
• all the armies on the loosing side are forced to serve them and their father so they can summon them at a time of battle and increase their power by invoking their father’s powers.
• they’re the best fighters in camp, but that doesn't mean all they have is physical strength.
• they have the strength to stand their ground and defend a point that is so strongly that many of them become outstanding politicians.
• they don't just teach people how to fight monsters, but they also basic self-defence for anyone who feels unsafe in the city.
• the tradition of capture the flag initially started as a dispute between the ares and athena cabin, with the other camps joining one of the two.
• it has always been a ceremony for the two cabins to always be against each other.
• they all have excellent posture because they’re always training, so they’re always wearing breastplates. (i’m assume breastplates improve your posture the same way corsets do).
• rumor has it there's an underground fight club that's invite-only (but you didn't hear that from me).
•those who have a taken a vow of nonviolence run an anger management group for their siblings who want to gain a little more control.
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cabin exterior
• the cabin has a rugged, fortress-like appearance, with sturdy stone walls that seem built to withstand a siege. the front door is made of reinforced steel, adorned with battle scars and dents.
• it also has heavy punk rock aesthetics, which is ironic considering how much discipline is enforced within its members.
• various weapons, such as swords, spears, and shields, are displayed prominently on the walls, either as decoration or trophies from past battles. some are enchanted to glow faintly, adding an aura of intimidation.
• the cabin is adorned with tattered banners and flags, each representing a different battle or conquest. the ares symbol, a wild boar or a spear, is prominently displayed.
• the walls are covered in graffiti and markings made by the cabin members, depicting their victories, names, and personal symbols. these give the cabin a rough, lived-in look.
• the cabin itself might show signs of past conflicts, with scorch marks, cracks, and patched-up sections that hint at the intensity of the cabin's training sessions and disputes.
• at the entrance, there are statues of ares himself, standing guard and setting the tone for those who enter.
• the stuffed boar head at the front of the cabin acts as a surveillance system, it’s enchanted to squeal when there are intruders.
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cabin interior
• the cabin has a minimalist, utilitarian design, with few decorations and a focus on functionality. the beds are simple, sturdy cots, and personal belongings are kept to a minimum.
• the bunks are arranged in a regimented, military style, with each camper's area neatly organized. personal spaces include a footlocker for storing gear and a small, sturdy nightstand.
• ac/dc is constantly playing in the background?
• every available wall space is utilized for weapon racks and shelves, holding an array of swords, spears, axes, and shields.
• the cabin has an area dedicated to training, with punching bags, weights, and practice dummies. there is even be a small sparring ring in one corner for indoor practice.
• various trophies from past battles and quests are displayed inside the cabin, including weapons, monster teeth, claws, and other memorabilia. these serve as a testament to the cabin's prowess in combat.
• large maps detailing various battlefields and strategic locations are pinned to the walls. they have markers and notes, reflecting ongoing planning and strategies.
• the interior features rough, durable materials like stone and wood, designed to withstand heavy use and combat-related activities. the floors are covered in animal skins and thick, worn rugs.
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cabin traditions
• for every child of war that has died in battle, a spear bearing their name is placed on the roof of the cabin.
• they have a ritual where members show off their battle scars and share stories of how they got them, celebrating their bravery and toughness.
• they have regular evenings dedicated to cleaning, sharpening, and maintaining their weapons and armor, often accompanied by storytelling or strategizing.
• they have CONSTANT meetings where they plan strategies for capture the flag and other camp activities, often held in a militaristic fashion with a focus on tactics and leadership.
• they have regular sparring sessions where they challenge each other to friendly duels to improve their skills and rank within the cabin.
• before major events like capture the flag, they paint their faces and arms with war paint as a symbol of their readiness for battle and to intimidate their opponents.
divider by @sunkupng
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francis-writes · 6 months
Request: I’d love a NSFW fic with Rabban and a concubine reader (I’m female but this can be GN!reader). The Baron is threatening Rabban, and he needs to release some of his frustrations. Maybe we can see how he’s a beast in other ways 😏
A/N: here we go! Sorry that it's short and not intense enough, or just not really good, tbh I didn't write actual smutty stories (not counting headcanons) for some time
Reader is AFAB
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You were sitting alone in Rabban's room. Usually concubines left right after the act and came back to their separate chambers but Rabban got used to you - for some time you were basically the only concubine he slept with and he preferred to keep you with him as often as possible. Now he went to meet with his uncle and discuss the situation on Arrakis. He asked you to stay here and wait for him. You got bored as time passed and he wasn't coming back so you started walking around the room and look at Rabban's things. He didn't tell you much about, especially that there weren't much to talk about. Like other Harkonnen's, his room was painfully minimalistic, lacking color and any object that wasn't indispensable. It matched Rabban's work in military but you would definitely decorate it differently. Of course, if he asked you to.
You heard a heavy footsteps at the corridor and you jumped on the bed. As you expected, Rabban entered the room a moment later.
"How was the meeting?" You asked and immediately regretted it. You could see from his face and posture that something went wrong. Baron Harkonnen was never a really nice person, even to his close family, but this time he had to treat Rabban really harsh.
He hit the wall with anger and then rested his head on his fist, visibly overhelmed. He was silent for a moment as if stress and rage left him unable to form a word. Finally, he spoke:
"He wants to take Arrakis from me and give it to my brother. After all I did! And he said that my next failure will be my last one"
He fell silent, clenching his fist. You wanted to step closer, hug him or stroke his back but you weren't sure how he might react. So instead you stayed in your place and spoke in a calming tone:
"That's terrible, you have done so much, you fought so hard to give him everything he wants... you deserve this planet. You deserve more, Rabban"
He finally straightened up and stepped closer to the bed. He grabbed your hair, pulling it back so you raised your head. He kissed you.
"You're right. I deserve more. So lets forget about my uncle for a moment and you will give me my reward"
He started taking off his uniform. You were only in a short tunic (which was almost transparent so wearing it had little sense) so you just got on your knees, observing Rabban's massive, powerful body. You spent with him many nights but you still shivered, thinking about what was awaiting you. Though it was more a shiver of excitement, than of fear. When he took off his shirt, you reached out and delicately touched his skin. Rabban smiled, took your hand and placed it on the growing bulge in his pants.
"If you wanna stroke me, then better in this place"
You smiled as well and played along, massaging his crotch. Rabban gasped and undid his belt.
"Oh, it will be definitely easier without pants" you took away your hand, giving him time to strip of the rest of his clothes. When he finally threw away the last part of clothing, he climbed on the bed, pining you to the mattress. He didn't even have to try and wrestle with you, his weight alone kept you in place.
You gasped when he leaned over and started kissing and biting your neck, occasionally sucking on your delicate skin. You knew he was gonna leave marks but you got used to it. Rabban always enjoyed marking you and leaving hickeys and bruises so they would remind you about him when he's away.
Now he slided his hand under your tunic, squeezing your thighs harshly. You whined but his hand went higher, between your legs.
"I see that you got ready for me" he said smugly. And right, you were already dripping wet and you couldn't say what turned you on so much - Rabban's mere presence or his aggresion.
He slipped two fingers with you and started massaging your clit with his thumb. You moaned and embraced his waist with your legs, clinging desperately to his strong body. You appreciated that he always made sure to work you up like that, even when he was in a worse mood. He had a thick cock and he wanted to make you as wet and relaxed as possible, so it was easier to adjust to him later.
Soon he added third finger and increased the pace of his thrusts. You forgot to take your tunic before so he ripped it with one hand to reveal your bare chest. Rabban began to suck on and play with your nipples. Sensations overhelmed you, so you just tilted your head back and breathed heavily while he covered your chest in another set of marks.
Finally, he pulled of his fingers and brought them to your mouth. You knew him well so without any hesitatiom you sucked them clean, taking them whole in your mouth so they almost reached your throat. At this point, Rabban started breathing heavily as well and his excitement could be easily seen and felt as he pressed his loins to your body.
He lifted your hips a bit and without further hesitation, he entered you. You took his dick many times and he made sure you were ready for him but it still made you gasp in first moment.
Sometimes - quite often, actually - Glossu let you take control during sex. It was a surprising experience to dominate this man twice your size, who brought terror over nations. It was really enjoyable though and you loved having him on your knees for you, waiting for your commands.
But moments like this, when he had to release his frustrations, deal somehow with all the pressure put on him by his family, by his name... those were exceptions and you let him take a lead without a word. He got lost in his movement, he didn't think about Arrakis anymore, the only things that existed for him right now, were you and the pleasure that overhelmed him.
Finally he came and fell on the bed beside you, pulling you to his chest and hugging you tightly. You rested your head on his chest, focusing on the sound of his steady heartbeat. It would be smart to go to the bathroom before he falls asleep because then there would be no chance to get out from under his arms. But you didn't want to leave yet so you embraced him as well, enjoying the warmth of his body. He could be a beast, but ironically, he was the one who made you feel safe.
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alex-perry · 7 days
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name: alexander “alex” perry (no relation to katy perry)
age: 32
birthday: january 22
zodiac: aqua sun, libra moon, virgo rising
place of birth: minneapolis, minnesota
occupation: architect 
neighborhood: asbury bay
mbti: infp
this is alex and he is the most beige human you could ever imagine.
he is THAT guy who considers “meal prepping” an extreme sport.
he’s from minnesota, which is like just a giant icy wasteland filled with nice, boring people who think a wild night is a trip to ikea (maybe that's what shaped his taste in interior design but we will get into that soon). his father frank is a civil engineer. his mother susan is an english teacher. he has a younger sister named amelia, who recently graduated from college. his parents' whole philosophy is hard work and practicality, which is just code for “let’s suck all the fun out of life.”
alex's dad richard was raised uber christian in small-town in lexington nebraska, but everything changed when he went to college. cue the culture shock: he met new people, encountered different ideas, and quickly realized the world wasn’t quite like the way he was told in his little church. he met susan, a free-spirited liberal who basically turned his worldview upside down. when they decided to get married, as you can guess, richard's family did not take that well and all hell broke loose. his family basically went all 'THIS IS THE FUTURE THE LIBERALS WANT!!!' route ofc.
because of this divine union, his dad has been banished from the good ol' conservative family circle. they probably think he’s gone to the dark side. he only keeps in touch with one of his cousins. (the one happens to be the father of alex's quirky cousin andrew. and andrew is a chaotic entrepreneur, who lives in silicon valley).
he is also cousins with miss dakota @dakota-perry
so it's safe to say they don't spend much time with his father's siblings. the Perry fam only visits them during holidays.....
little alex was the type who actually did his homework on time and actually got excited about things like mowing the lawn. so it wasn't a surprise when he graduated top of his class and got a scholarship to mit. he studied architecture because.... well, bc he had no other hobbies. and i guess alex wanting to become an architect ever since he was a middle schooler played a role in that decision too.....
he aced his courses, probably wearing one of those dreadful beige cardigans, and designed buildings that weren’t about to fall anytime soon. in MIT he was the one who did all the work in a group project while everyone else was off having a good time. not because he was a control freak, it's bc he actually loved architecture. nothing got his blood pumping like a well-drafted blueprint. and as you can guess, he wasn't exactly fending off crowds of admirers with his passion for structural integrity lsfkslafkalsf
alex in a group project:
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after mit, he moved to new york cityyyyyyyyyyy (pls read that with laszlo's voice). he got a job at an architecture firm called thompson & rivera architects, a mid-sized firm with just the right amount of prestige without the snobbery. he had a little apartment in hell's kitchen. his place looked like someone took an ikea catalog, sucked out all the personality, and called it home. minimalist to the point of tragedy, with a potted plant that only survived because it couldn’t be bothered to die.
alex didn’t just wake up and decide to move to asbury for the fun of it(that would be far too spontaneous for the practical prince). his design firm, landed a new project: a modern, trendy boutique hotel in town. he was picked as one of the junior architects to join the senior architects in overseeing the project. he’s not the lead designer OBVIOUSLY, but he's definitely in the inner circle, making sure everything’s structurally correct.
alex is awfully practical, grounded, and a bit of a perfectionist. and he justifies this by saying "i’m not being picky, i’m being precise". alex's idea of a VERY WILD night would be marie kondo-ing his collection of architectural books and magazines. despite his boring demeanor, he actually has a sense of humor and SURPRISINGLY he can take a joke. to mingle with the local folks, he joined the local bowling team. tbh he’s not the most outgoing person, but he values deep, meaningful relationships over casual friendships. once he is your friend, that means it's going to last forever.
outside of work alex enjoys cycling. (actually a little bit too much, he is cycling around as if he is training for tour de france). and then there’s his cooking obsession. during quarantine, he got into cooking and suddenly became that person who binged every jamie oliver video in existence. next thing you know, he be baking his own sourdough.
well, he has 'mild' ocd. and when I say mild, that's actually an understatement. he is very particular when it comes to organizing his workspace—everything has its place, and he gets mildly irritated if someone moves his things. he’s known to be a bit of a coffee snob, always in search of the perfect cup, and can be annoyingly particular about his brew (as someone who does not know shit about the coffee, I wonder how am i gonna write about this little quirk but we shall see).
connection ideas
cycling buddy: soo this dumbass is in a cycling group called "the pedal -pushers," (so original, i know). the group is full of people who take their biking way too seriously. their conversations are not the most entertaining to be honest, such as the best tire pressure or which helmet brand is the best. alex usually shows up in full cycling gear, complete with a helmet with green reflective stripes. that was his way of celebrating the brat summer.
barista (friend or nemesis depending how much they can tolerate alex): a local barista and fellow coffee enthusiast who shares his love for a perfect cup of coffee. orrr simply hating him because he always finds some fault in his coffee.
bowling team / squad: he also recently joined a bowling team. i'd love to discuss the team name and its details, so feel free to hmuuuuu
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emma23 · 25 days
Strange encounters:
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Nathan Bateman x reader
You were sitting on the sleek, minimalist sofa in Nathan Bateman’s vast, high-tech living room, the glass walls of the estate revealing the untouched wilderness outside. Nathan was across from you, sipping on a glass of whiskey, his intense gaze focused on you as you recounted the absurd event that had happened to you earlier that day.
“I’m telling you, Nathan, you wouldn’t believe the kind of stuff I have to deal with at work,” you started, trying to stifle a laugh that threatened to burst out. Nathan arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued, but remained silent, allowing you to continue.
“So, I’m at the cash register, right? It’s a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary. And then this woman comes up, all sweaty because it’s like, 30 degrees outside—hellish, I know. And she pulls out a wad of cash from…get this…her bra.”
You paused, watching Nathan’s reaction. His expression was unreadable, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he leaned forward, clearly interested in where this was going.
“You mean she actually kept her money in her bra?” he asked, amusement lacing his voice.
“Yes! And not just that—she was acting like it was the most normal thing in the world. And the thing is, I had no choice but to take the money because, well, she had nothing else to offer.” You finally let out the laugh you’d been holding in, the ridiculousness of the situation too much to contain.
Nathan chuckled, shaking his head. “That’s priceless. Only you would end up in a situation like that.”
You grinned, feeling at ease in his presence despite the sophisticated environment that surrounded you. “The worst part is, I could still feel the sweat on the bills as I counted them. I swear, I’ll never look at money the same way again.”
Nathan’s laughter was deep and genuine, and for a moment, the usual tension that surrounded him seemed to dissipate. He set his glass down, leaning back in his chair as he studied you with those sharp, calculating eyes of his.
“You know, you’ve got a talent for getting yourself into the strangest predicaments,” he remarked, his tone half-teasing, half-admiring.
“Hey, I can’t help it,” you said with a shrug, “It’s like I have this innate ability to attract weirdness.”
Nathan’s gaze softened slightly, his usual detached demeanor giving way to something warmer. “It’s one of the things I like about you,” he admitted.
You felt a flush of warmth at his words, the compliment catching you off guard. Nathan wasn’t the type to easily express affection or admiration, so when he did, it carried more weight. You shifted slightly in your seat, the room suddenly feeling a little too warm.
“Well, if that’s what you like, then you’re in for a treat. My life is basically one long series of unfortunate events,” you joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Nathan didn’t respond right away. Instead, he stood up, crossing the room to sit next to you on the sofa. His proximity made your heart race, the air between you charged with an unspoken tension.
“Tell me more,” he said quietly, his voice low and intimate.
You hesitated, suddenly feeling self-conscious under his intense gaze. “About what?”
“About your life, your thoughts, everything. I want to know what goes on in that mind of yours when you’re not stuck dealing with sweaty cash and odd customers,” he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
You laughed nervously, the conversation taking a turn you hadn’t anticipated. “Nathan, you already know more about me than anyone else. I’m pretty sure you’ve analyzed every word I’ve said since I got here.”
Nathan’s smile widened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Maybe. But there’s always more to learn.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, feeling the magnetic pull of his charisma. Nathan Bateman was a man of many layers, and despite the oddness of your relationship, you found yourself drawn to him in ways you couldn’t quite explain.
“Well, what do you want to know?” you asked, genuinely curious.
Nathan leaned in closer, his hand resting on the back of the sofa behind you, his fingers just grazing your shoulder. “Everything,” he whispered, his voice sending a shiver down your spine.
The room seemed to shrink, the space between you both evaporating as the tension grew. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the scent of his cologne mixing with the whiskey on his breath. It was intoxicating, and you found yourself leaning in without even realizing it.
“Nathan…” you began, your voice barely above a whisper, but whatever you were about to say was cut off as his lips met yours in a slow, deliberate kiss.
The kiss was electrifying, sending a jolt of desire through your entire body. Nathan’s hand moved to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss, his lips warm and insistent against yours. You melted into him, all thoughts of caution and restraint flying out the window as you gave in to the moment.
He pulled away slightly, his forehead resting against yours as you both caught your breath. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” he admitted, his voice husky.
You smiled, your heart pounding in your chest. “Why didn’t you?”
Nathan chuckled softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “Because I wasn’t sure if it was the right choice.”
“And now?” you asked, your voice barely audible.
“Now I don’t care,” he replied, kissing you again, this time with more urgency.
The kiss quickly escalated, and before you knew it, you were tangled together on the sofa, your bodies pressed against each other as the world outside ceased to exist. Nathan’s hands roamed over your body, his touch sending waves of pleasure through you as you responded with equal fervor.
It wasn’t long before the kiss deepened into something more, the hunger between you both intensifying as clothes were discarded and skin met skin. The cool air of the room contrasted with the heat of your bodies, creating a tantalizing mix of sensations that left you breathless.
Nathan’s control, usually so absolute, seemed to slip as he gave in to the moment, his movements becoming more desperate, more primal. You matched his intensity, your own desires taking over as you lost yourself in the pleasure of his touch.
Time seemed to blur as the two of you moved together, your bodies in perfect sync as the tension built to a fever pitch. When release finally came, it was like a wave crashing over you, leaving you both trembling and breathless, tangled together in the aftermath.
For a long moment, neither of you spoke, the only sound in the room the heavy breathing of two people who had just experienced something far more intense than either had anticipated.
Finally, Nathan broke the silence, his voice soft and raw. “That was…”
“Yeah,” you agreed, not needing him to finish the sentence.
He pulled you close, his arms wrapping around you as you both lay there, the earlier tension replaced by a warm, comfortable silence. For once, there were no games, no manipulations—just two people who had found a rare moment of connection in a world full of chaos.
As you lay there, your head resting on his chest, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment, even as the reality of your situation loomed in the back of your mind. Nathan Bateman was a man of many secrets, and you knew that this moment of peace was just that—a moment. But for now, you chose to stay in the warmth of his embrace, letting yourself enjoy the simplicity of being with him, if only for a little while.
Nathan’s fingers traced patterns on your back as you both drifted into a comfortable silence, the earlier intensity giving way to a quiet intimacy. “You know,” he murmured after a while, “I never thought I’d find someone like you.”
You smiled, nuzzling closer to him. “Someone who attracts weirdness like a magnet?”
“No,” he chuckled, “someone who makes me feel…something.”
You lifted your head to look at him, surprised by the vulnerability in his voice. Nathan wasn’t one to open up easily, and his words carried a weight that made your heart swell.
“Good or bad?�� you asked, half-teasing, half-serious.
He looked at you, his gaze softening in a way that was rare for him. “Good,” he said simply.
You felt a warmth spread through you at his words, a sense of contentment settling in. For all his flaws and complexities, Nathan Bateman was someone you couldn’t help but be drawn to, and in this moment, it felt like the feeling was mutual.
As the night wore on, the two of you lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the world outside forgotten. You knew that the future was uncertain, that Nathan’s work and his secrets would always cast a shadow over whatever you had together. But for now, you allowed yourself to bask in the warmth of his presence, savoring the rare moment of peace.
In the end, you knew that life with Nathan would never be simple, that it would always be filled with twists and turns, with moments of intense connection and inevitable conflict. But as you lay there in his arms, you couldn’t help but feel that it was worth it, that whatever challenges lay ahead, you were willing to face them, as long as you had moments like this to hold onto.
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yuuuhiii · 5 months
haiii i’m here for a matchup😈 i love ur writing
i’ll give the basics first: pronouns are she/her, i’m 5’11, my personality type is entj so8, i wear thin rectangular glasses, and my hair is naturally curly but yknow i fry that shit with heat so it’s straight and more manageable😍😍
people say i’m unapproachable because i “look cool” but idk if that’s true, i know i look unapproachable but that’s because i have the WORST resting bitch face ever it’s crazy💀 i dress pretty minimalistic and androgynous, my closet consists of the same pieces of clothing repeated cuz i’m lazy but sometimes i dress more fem. i’m pretty nice i think, i like helping people in any way i can, but i take more of a logical approach rather than an emotional approach. the only thing i enjoy other than hanging out with friends is music— you will not see me without my earbuds i live off of it. i also have severe adhd if that makes a difference💀
i don’t know how to describe myself in depth so i hope this is enough to match me with someone. answer this whenever you get the chance tyyyyyyyyyy✨✨✨✨✨✨
I match you with EREN YEAGER
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First off you guys would be THAT couple
absolutely stunning, both you could literally pass as models
To be honest at first Eren is a little intimidated
Your gorgeous but you also look like you could pummel him to the ground
Which in his defense is pretty hot 🤷🏻‍♀️
He admires how you can be mature in situations but on his side he’s very emotional
As long as you’re allowed to be vulnerable with him he has no problem
He likes to play with your hair and tells you all the damn time
“Your natural hair is better.” “Babe can you leave your hair like this for today.”
Don’t get me started on your glasses because this man will have his fun
Always taking them off your face, wearing them or holding them above your head
Or even when your busy doing something, he has this habit where he just pushes up your glasses
No words shared just a common gesture
He gets pouty whenever he wants to talk to you and notices your bumping your music
He usually just asks to share the earbud because he really just wants be close to you
He finds your style comforting and honestly he’s always stealing your clothes
Your shirts, pants ,everything is going missing and there’s only one culprit
“What? You take my hoodies.” “I’ll wash it and give it back! Just let me wear it today.”
The days you doll yourself up he’s fascinated
He can’t keep his lips or hands off of you, he gets sooooo much more clinger
Constantly complimenting you and telling you how pretty you are
He likes helping you unwind though, taking off your makeup and just turning in and cuddling with you
A relationship with Eren is full of love and fun. He’s got a big heart and isn’t afraid to show his love for you either
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© yuuuhiii 24 : don’t plagiarize, translate, or post my work on other platforms
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agentelevatormusic · 7 months
Elevator Music Dossier
Dr. Vera Nair. 
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Elevator Music. Harvard, but only one person ever calls her this.  Doc, very common in the field. V., open to whoever. It just seems to roll off the tongue for some folks. She prefers Vera, if asked. 
Indira Varma.
Still, steady hands with beautiful long fingers and well-kept nails. Soft, curly hair. Toothy grin. Warm, intelligent whiskey brown eyes. Too often those eyes subtly reveal that Vera is somewhere else. Somewhere far, far away. Lost and lonely, more often than not. Good posture. The scent of disinfectant, books, and the slightest tinge of blood. 
Small color tattoo of a white-spotted fawn nestled in the snow beneath a branch and surrounded by pine needles and a few snow flowers on her left hip. Standard ear piercings.
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁. 
45 / 07/17/1978. 
Cancer. Though Vera believes the whole thing is pseudoscientific hokum and will only indulge either someone she believes is genuinely not that bright or someone she cares about. There has been some overlap in the past. 
Suburbs of Hartford, Connecticut. House with a tire swing they never used and everything. 
Cis Female / She/Her.
Divorced. Widowed. Both are somewhat complicated.  
Intelligent. Resourceful. Compassionate. Capable.
Stubborn. Workaholic. Lonely. Perfectionist.  
Mentally notating songs. Taking inventory. Checking her medical kit again. Running a hand through her hair. A smoke somewhere quiet now and then. Overworking. Closing her eyes and hunting down the sparkle of a good memory, an hour or even just a minute, of a time she felt home. Nabbing snack items from the cafeteria. Coin tricks. Sleight of hand. String games. Focusing on her firm, reliable hands. Running through memorized texts and procedures she’s done a thousand times before. Adding new ones.
Violin, she’s been playing since she was four. Cooking, but never only for herself. Sewing. Loves embroidering pretty little things onto holes to make them new. Journaling, keeps ‘trash’ journals stuffed with found items mostly. Reading, so much reading. Studying, so engrained she does believe it to be a hobby. A bit of origami. Yoga, for exercise not for meditation. Swimming, for meditation not for exercise. Golf and chess are not hobbies. She detests both. But she is excellent at golf and middling at chess. 
MTF Chi-00 Physician and Surgeon.
Delta-14 Physician and Surgeon.
SCP-19-2001 under Delta-14
Board Certification in Internal Medicine from Harvard. Board Certification in Trauma Surgery from Johns Hopkins. Fifteen years of medicine for the Foundation. Constantly researching and mastering new skills. Continued training in sidearm and riflery, but Vera would be the first to admit that she is just proficient enough. Horsemanship. Climbing. Barber skills. Knowledge of codes and ciphers. 
I’m going for the minimalist approach here. Plenty of pieces missing. Have fun putting them together, if that’s something you aspire to!
[Elevator Music] grew up in a nice house just on the cusp of Hartford, Connecticut. She and her sister, older by only ten months, spent their days guarding their home from the fae and being hounded by anything and everything their beloved parents deemed important to their futures. Much to their parents’ delight, both girls attended Harvard University. [Elevator Music] for internal medicine and her sister for law. The family would gather often. 
After Harvard, [Elevator Music] felt compelled to move from Boston to Baltimore to take her education as an internist in a rather unexpected direction. She was accepted into the prestigious Johns Hopkins Trauma and Acute Care Surgery program and, true to form, continued to work herself to the bone. 
[Elevator Music] was recruited into the Foundation straight out of the program in early 2009. It was an offer she could not refuse, but she accepted it with grace. 
She met then Sergeant First Class [Dying Breed] within her first eighteen hours in the field. They married shortly after. However, although [Elevator Music] considered the two of them to be happy, they divorced suddenly in late 2014. 
After a much-needed leave, [Elevator Music] returned to the field with the Delta-14’s.
In 2017, [Elevator Music] married her closest friend, Senior Researcher Tom Dalton. It should be noted that Tom Dalton was also [Dying Breed]’s closest friend. Observers found the three to be amiable, all three close again, after some initial discomfort. [Elevator Music] and Tom continued to live in Baltimore together when not in the field or traveling, despite their mutual distaste for it.
In 2022, dangerous mismanagement at the Delta-14 camp led [Elevator Music] to call [Dying Breed] and the Xi-13 in for backup. The mission, SCP-19-2001, went impossibly wrong. Tom was killed before he even got to the surgical tent. [Elevator Music]’s first save, if you could call it a save, was [Dying Breed]. Hours of life saving surgery in slow motion. She just couldn’t let him die. And she didn’t. 
He took time off shortly after debriefing. 
So did [Elevator Music]. She had a small apartment and the painfully familiar shattered remains of her life to fit into a long-term storage unit once again. 
Friends would be nice. It’s deceptively simple. Vera considers most positively inclined people to be friendly acquaintances. The title of ‘friend’ is one even she might not realize how closely she’s guarding. She is a tough nut to crack. You’ll have to put in the time and effort, but the acorn within is kind and loyal to a fault. And makes damn good carbonara along the way. 
Fellow Musicians are welcome here. Vera might faint from extreme joy if there was anyone out there who could play music with her. Anything. Literally anything. Instruments, vocalists, improvised bongos if the bongoist can keep a beat. Honestly, even if your character can’t play. Listen outside her door sometime. Or ask to come in. She doesn’t mind.
Patients Who Need a Little Extra Care  aside from the regular physicals. This can be in the field, in the exam room, folks who trot on in hoping to help out a little and wind up talking. Plus those rare gems who will plot with me in advance to lie to their doctor against advice and want to learn the hard way how bad an idea that is. Alexa, cue Vera’s “Doctor Voice.”
Thrill Seekers who are a little too bored with life in the compound and a little too interested in uncovering what lies beneath the surface of the good doctor for reasons of their own. For some people, Vera will seem too good to be true. I want her to feel a bit of the heat now that she’s back from her year off. To have to really consider, once again, the value of keeping these memories and secrets locked away and what she should do if they got out.
Other Workaholics in need of a night out, a smoke, a home cooked meal, a poetry discussion, a blanket fort. Just get out there and connect!
Combat Medic, The Medic, Roadside Surgery, Post-Treatment Lollipop, Songs of Solace, Dark and Troubled Past, Death of the Hypotenuse  
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leejenowrld · 9 months
i really wanna know how they would decorate their house when they move in together hehehe!!
also, imo i would say i prefer jeno’s pov > alternative side of the fic bc i feel like the latter would change my (and probably others) view of the current loving jeno we have 😣 but its really up to you as i’m sure you have many great ideas <33
omg i love this!!! it’s gonna be long and filled with descriptions and some cute behind the scenes facts so stay tuned!!!! you will fall for yn and jeno even harder ugh
(also i might make a jeno pov but show some unwritten/unseen scenes that can make me explore a different side to his character, maybe his conflicted side idk i wanna do smth fun hehe)
ok so some fun facts, jeno basically built this house for her when they grew older 😭 i’m talking like 24-27. seeing as though he has a strong background in architecture and engineering, he knows about all this stuff and idk he just had a lot of input in the building of the house and he designed everything. it’s so sweet :( jeno worked his ass off in so many jobs at one time just to be able to do this
yn had no clue this was happening. it was genuinely a surprise and he had it hidden for so many years, imagine the reaction when she found out?? safe to say she was crying to him all night long in their new and beautiful room in their new house 😭 they both work incredibly hard, have good jobs and worked their asses off in education and their grown up jobs so it’s safe to say they deserve and have earned this luxurious house. also since yn didn’t know about it, jeno did design the layout and most of the interior, he knows what his girl likes :) he designed it for her, her style and her color schemes, his style is different but he honestly didn’t care. he wanted to do this for her, he’s so endlessly in love with her and just wanted to do this for the love of his life :( he wanted to build her a home that she loved and that they could grow up in its so fucking cute
let me start off with they’re rich rich like they’re both hard working so i imagine their house to reflect that
ok ramble after. the house 🖤🖤
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i’ll start off with their shared bedroom.
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it’s very minimalist, very blue color scheme that they both vibe with. this is really the only room that doesn't scream 'girly' because it's also his room and idk i just think it makes sense to have their shared master bedroom like this
they have a very luxurious en suite
they have the best view, jeno knows that yn is a sucker for views and pretty scenes so you’ll see that around their house. the neighbourhood they’re in is filled with nature and pretty sights
they tend to people watch from their view in their shared bedroom and it’s so mf cute. yn will be standing in front of the window and jeno will come up behind her, back hug, so close to her (kinda same vibe as the ending of mfal) and he will kiss her cheek so softly and whisper sweet things into her ear 🥹
they also have those windows that people from outside can’t look into so you bet jeno has her pushed up against the windows screaming his name more times than none ;)
yns ‘girly room’
he built yn her dream room 🥹 it’s a girly and pink room, she’s just a girl. it has all her cute skincare and her vanity and her makeup like you might not think it but she loves this type of stuff!! she’s a whore for it, her and retail therapy go hand in hand and jeno knows that and made sure to give her a room that it just her, a room where she can wind down in. he put the most effort and thought into this room, he wanted it to be perfect for her. it also has her book shelf!! and her cute reading sofa. it’s her safe haven. it’s a good place for her to chill in when she needs to get away and when she feels anxiety and that’s exactly why jeno made it for her :(
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it’s kinda a private room for yn lol like she likes to keep it away and keep it to herself because it’s just the biggest gift jeno has ever given her (the entire house is duh)
but she loves to chill with jeno in here 🥹 they’ve had their softest sex moments in here
as well as their rough sex!! hell yeah. this is the room where yn keeps her lingerie lmao
the kitchen
i’m not completely satisfied with the photos i found but oh well, just the vibe is that it’s very girly lmao. keep in mind jeno designed this, he did it for his girl ❤️ he truly doesn’t give a shit like he put what she wanted above his own needs, he thrives off that shit, he loves giving her love and just giving. he is so in love i can’t express it enough
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yn can’t cook for shit so he is always here making her meals and food :( he will always ask her what she wants for dinner, he will always make what she wants above what he wants
imagine him as a dad cooking for his family, making the pancakes in the morning 🥺
imagine how much sex has happened in this room… fucking insane
living room
one of my faves, it just screams home. i don’t have much to say to say about this room, just enjoy the pics 🫶
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just imagine the fluffiest and biggest and comfiest sofa, the cuddling and sex that happens on there 🥺
the movie nights man!!! they invite all their friends too it’s the cutest shit ever
the garden
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so girly
so many flowers
it’s just beautiful
so many butterflies come in aswell 🥹
jenos camera roll is just filled with photos of yn in this garden like he’s obbessed
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
I’m back to writing for Tony Hawk: The Anime! All kidding aside, Sk8: The Infinity is such a fun show, with great characters, and I enjoyed using number 4 from prompt 3 on day 16 for the a couple of the S Skaters! I hope any fans of the show enjoy the little, general headcanons for the characters.
Do all their things have their own place?
With Reki, the answer is kind of a no. It’s not a super-hard no, but the boy can be a little scatter-brained at times and he has a habit of setting something down while thinking that he’ll remember exactly where he put it afterwards. Spoiler: he often doesn’t remember exactly where he put the thing, at least not initially. He would eventually find it, mostly by retracing his steps, but it’s not an automatic that he’ll know where everything he wants is. The fact that he’s not super-ambitious when it comes to keeping everything in his personal living space tidy and organized also contributes to that. However, I want to tack on here that this is mostly about his personal living spaces. When it comes to his workshop, Reki works a lot harder in keeping things at least somewhat organized and clean. It might appear a little crowded or somewhat untidy to others, but Reki has everything where he wants it, he can find anything he needs, and the workstation is always surface level clean at least.
Langa embraces very minimalistic living, in all honesty. He’s not someone who wants or needs a lot of stuff. The things he does have, he does try his best to take care of, so his personal spaces are always pretty tidy and clean. It also helps that he actively thinks about doing things like chores. Even if he doesn’t consider them the most fun, he understands the importance of tidying up and cleaning and he appreciates the sight of a clean living space. That being said, it’s not so much that everything has its own place. He’ll often leave things in different areas, such as setting a leaving his board leaning up against a wall, as long as those things will still be visible and easy to find. He’s pretty relaxed on organization – as long as he can find things, it doesn’t really matter if they’re always kept on this or that shelf, etc.
Miya has always had his mother to do his chores for him. Legit, that woman does all his cleaning, his laundry, everything so he’s never really learned how to keep his living space for himself. He’s the type who, even as a late teenager or even as an adult with his own space, would take his laundry home for his mother to do and she might even pop over to clean up for him. He’s never had to learn how to stay organized and how to make sure that his things are easy to find because it’s always been done for him. When he moves out on his own, it becomes harder for him and he does lose track of this or that and has to really struggle to find it before he starts learning how to do the basics of organization. And it really will be basic organizational skills that he utilizes – commonly used things closer at hands, less used things more tucked away. However, this doesn’t apply to his skating gear or his videogames. Both of those things are always kept exceedingly neat and well cared for, since they are both things that he’s really passionate about. I think he’d really enjoy using storage furniture to show off not just his gear and to keep his video games together, but to display awards and merch.
If you only knew Shadow from skating, I think his living space would really confuse and astound most people. It’s actually really clean and exceptionally well decorated. Balancing out his two personalities, there’s a mix of darker elements, like framed pictures of his favourite rock and metal bands (there’s definitely a framed Kiss concert photo), skulls and skeleton motifs, but they coexist and somehow beautifully intertwine with more delicate and feminine details, with fresh flowers in pretty crystals vases, the light and pleasant scent of room sprays, plush fabrics like velvet, and nothing is overly crowded. His things are largely well kept, without showing a lot of damage or wear and tear and he knows where almost everything is. The only spot where this isn’t true is within his kitchen. While he definitely can and will cook, it’s his least favourite of his chores and while he’ll clean up after himself, he does it as quickly as possible and is guilty of just chucking a pot into the cupboard he thinks it goes in or just setting ingredients in whichever cupboard is closest at hand.
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
okay the tierlidt . disclaimer: everything is cropped weird bc the website wouldn’t let me use the portrait crop and made everything square, and i can’t include eventi one so these are the photos that ppl sent to me
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details under read more
i’m not going through everyone bc there’s like 60 images on the screen rn so i’m gonna talk about notable things .
Yes, almost every man is in the same category . it’s a suit . i know that’s the basic of men’s evening wear but it also doesn’t impress me . some men are placed higher bc i feel like they took the basics and did a little something to make it more interesting .
the safe category kind of stands for it’s not a bad outfit but it’s rather. basic on the scale of outfits seen throughout the night . its a nice choice they look good but its also a safe choice .
gorgeous . the only thing i have to say is that i wish the bag (? they weren’t allowed bags idk what it is) was the same undertone as the dress . the dress was more yellow while the bag seemed more pinkish in photos . she looked fantastic tho
she’s always stunning but that green dress just complimented her so perfectly . the length was perfect the fit was incredible the tailoring was perfect she looked great . the mirror dress was stunning although i wasn’t a fan of the nude illusion slits in the front
i really wanted to talk about this bc he looks great i think all black suits are wonderful i love them they look fantastic and elegant and they’re something other than the average but for the love of god you can afford a tailor . the arms and legs were too long they bunched up a little and i love oversized things but for suits it makes them a little messy . great outfit but tailoring would make it fantastic .
Everyone’s gonna give me so much flack for this but . i just don’t like it . i like the mcr green day vibes of it all but the red is too concentrated in one area . maybe if the jacket was open or the mask was a different colour ?? idk there’s just too much goin on i around his neck it’s distracting the idea is good but execution could’ve been a lot better
gorge. perfectly fitted to them i think the combat boots are a nice touch the only thing is i think the hem is a little short in the front this is purely a personal thing but i like the hem to be touching the floor in gowns so that’s all i’d change rlly
listen i love the joutfits im not hearing anything about it it’s creative and they pulled it off well they looked good . girl they looked good and i thought it was fun . i liked it .
she looks damn good don’t get me wrong i just . didn’t like this dress in the first place . it puts me in mind of those ‘it’s girl’ sheer dresses that took tiktok by storm last year and like it’s nice but i’m just not a fan of it . the random cut out on the thighs i just don’t get
i loved this outfit although it was simple it’s a silhouette we don’t see a lot and it suited her really well . it’s rlly elegant and i think the hair and accessories suited it and kept it interesting but still to the minimal idea that niki was going for . she looks good .
OKAY highs and lows .
top toot : triciaisabirdy. that floor length white floral gown was made for her. the colours compliment her skin tone and her tattoos the puff sleeves added a bit of flair to the bodice to distinguish it from the other sweetheart neckline gowns that were popular on the carpet the makeup was minimalist but effective her tattoos almost acted in place of necklaces or other accessories she looked fantastic
top boot : ranboo i just don’t get along with that mask . there was too much going on in one area everything interesting about the outfit was centred around his neck and sternum the red were all slightly different shades the idea was good i liked the idea of the colours but execution needed work .
Trend alert !!!!
SHEER FABRIC !!! bodice panelling, sleeves skirts, full dresses, nude illusions, there was a lot of sheer moments happening
BLACK !! black for a red carpet event . groundbreaking .
NO JEWELLERY !! minimalism is definitely in full effect right now in the fashion world there was a specific lacking of necklaces across feminine outfits this year.
if u have questions . i might answer .
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dadumtss · 2 years
Slenderman Headcanons: Lairs
So I’m doing a little funny calling them lairs but It’s basically where each Slenderbeing would call their own ‘home’ in my AU. A place that they call their own that they let few venture into. Keep in mind in this AU cryptids currently rule the world and are out of hiding and even contributing to a human-like society.  
He lives in The City now, the seat of power. He’s usually in his office close to The Capitol for work, often staying there for days at a time, but he doesn’t consider that his ‘home’. 
He has a huge penthouse suite at one of the best hotels in the city, with the suite taking up the entire top floor. The hotel that holds it is under oath not to reveal where he lives and it’s protected by his own magic, with one simple precaution being that the elevator doesn’t even go to the penthouse suite. Why would it need to when he can teleport inside? 
Any workers that need to get into his suite use the stairs which seem much more labyrinthine than the stairs to the other floors? Yet often they can’t remember even navigating them? Did they just appear in the room? Can’t be, right? They don’t feel like they just walked up that many stairs with so many supplies but maybe they just got into a rhythm? Yeah, that must be it.  
Workers clean his room on a strict schedule and he must to notified of any deliveries before they’re brought up. They’re also on call for anything that he may need.
As for design, it’s surprisingly modern and minimalistic. He doesn’t care much for knick-knacks or home design so most everything has some kind of purpose beyond aesthetic. However, it’s not as white and bright as the traditional ‘modern’ look. Slender favors dark woods the most, but darker materials in general, like dark marbles or metals, also work. 
He has tons of bookshelves filled to the brim with both reference materials for work as well as books for his own interests. 
Lots of the rooms in the suite are unused. He rarely, if ever, invites people over and he has little use for anything except the master bedroom and bathroom as well as his study. Occasionally he’ll use the livingroom or use the dining table to spread out his papers if they can’t all hold on his desk. 
It has a great view of the city and tons of windows.  
The hardest slender brother to pin down. He’s almost always out and about on some kind of hedonistic adventure. 
He theoretically has an office that his mail goes to but he’s almost never there.
He also has a few clubs and entertainment spots that he manages himself, with rooms or areas that only he can access and is always the best spot in the house. But those places aren’t really considered ‘home’ even though he’s more likely to be found there than his actual home. 
His actual ‘home’ is a lavish apartment in The City’s Red Light District. It’s where he goes when he needs some down time. 
It has very little in the way of magical protection since it doesn’t really hold much sentimental or important items and he’s there only marginally more than his office. 
It’s built for lounging. Everything that can be is soft, luxurious and plush. There are pillows everywhere. 
The décor is dark but vibrant. Blacks, yes, but also lots of rich reds or magenta and purples. 
All of the few windows it has are covered in blackout curtains. 
He occasionally brings people inside, but only his absolutely favorite people who he doesn’t mind spending a lot of down time with and aren’t trying to impress.
He gets someone to clean it for him, like, once a week but if he’s in there he can create a bit of a mess. He never really cleans up after himself so there are always items scattered around and chores to do. 
His design business’s office takes up several (if not all) floors of one of the best designed skyscrapers in the city (he should know, he designed it himself). 
While he has an office in the building as well as a suite on the top floor but his ‘lair’ is in the basement. 
Out of all the brothers ‘lairs’ it’s one of the most magically protected.
You take the elevator to get down to it, which opens into long, bare walls of corridor. If you’re following Trender it’s a short hallway with a single door at the end. If you’re alone and don’t have permission to enter it’s a never ending maze of featureless corridor, save the occasional door to more corridor. It’s very backrooms-esque or like the employee hallways at a mall. 
Very, very few people have seen what’s on the other side of the door and even fewer have come back out of it alive. 
It’s his sewing room, where he does all of his personal projects. 
The walls and floor are all rich, warm wood. The shelves and tables are simple and made of the same wood. However, in the center of the room there’s a large elaborate desk that’s carved from a slightly darker wood. 
Everything looks like a cluttered mess. There are papers with designs and notes everywhere. Every surface is covered with cloth, needles, spools, sewing machines and all sorts of materials. Trender seems to know where everything is, however, and he tersely asks anyone who enters not to touch anything, which is hard since even the floor is cluttered. 
There’s mannequins everywhere. They are extremely detailed and look hand-made with different body types and facial features though they all have the same dead-eyed stare. They’re all sporting amazing outfits. 
The mannequins are draped in many fine white threads, some even suspended by the threads though they look too thin to be able to hold the weight they do. In fact, the white threads seem to be everywhere, draped delicately across the walls, from the ceiling and even on the tables and chairs. 
You see, the fine white treads are actually severed pieces of his tendrils that he uses as thread in all his favorite projects. The mannequins are people he turned into dolls to dress up because of their unique looks. 
This room means a lot to him as it’s where he does his best work. 
Splendor didn’t deal with the changes brought about by The Revolution very well. Out of all his brothers he misses living out in the wilderness the most. 
He’s the only brother that lives outside of The City which means he has the space for a house. He has to expend more energy than his brothers teleporting to The City when he’s needed but it’s a price he’s willing to pay. 
The house is sprawling, with only one level. It has super high ceilings and large windows. 
The décor is has lots of warm colors and is inviting and comfortable. He has all sorts of cute knick-knacks that he displays everywhere. 
It always smells like baked goods inside. 
His house isn’t what he would consider his ‘home’ though, but the house’s surroundings. 
The house is located in a huge meadow, which is bordered on every side by forest. 
There are colorful wildflowers everywhere in the meadow and the trees in the forest are spaced out enough that tons of sunlight gets through. 
Everything is super colorful and lush. 
He has magic keeping other cryptids out, thus allowing animals and the occasional human to wander through safely. Animals love the meadow and the forest and you’ll find many there.
The magic just causes cryptids to just loop around to wherever they came from once they enter the woods. Which is simple magic that doesn’t cause anyone any harm.
Splendor really just loves being out in nature and this space allows him to do that. 
Father / Cabadath
While each brother has his own ‘home’ this is where all of them are most at ease and would truly call their home. 
The Slender Mansion in The Slender Forest (though none of them call it that). 
Cabadath built it through magic with his wife when she was alive, shortly before they had their first child. 
It’s a large mansion, though only two stories high it sprawls for quite a ways. It’s mostly dark wood and stone with climbing ivy and moss covering it. 
The interior is mostly wood and the décor is very dark academia. Cabadath appreciates the arts and actually decorates the walls of his home with art pieces and weaponry (which he also has an interest in). 
The ceilings are high, higher than they look from the outside due to magic and the doorways are the same. It allows the family to ‘stretch out’ more than they usually do as the home can accommodate more extreme heights.
The bottom floor is just common areas while the top floor is just bedrooms. Each son has their own room that they can do whatever they want with. 
Because the entire house is magic it doesn’t really make any sense. The layout on the inside doesn’t seem to match the outside and rooms can be added or removed or shift positions easily. However, only Cabadath has the power to make those changes. 
All the chairs are super comfortable and there are window seatings that are great for lounging and reading.
The surrounding forest is basically a pocket dimension controlled entirely by Cabadath. It is connected to an actual forest on earth but things stop making sense the deeper and closer to the mansion you get. 
Cabadath can tell where everyone is in his forest or in the mansion at any time.  
The forest is an old growth forest. The trees are huge with twisting branches that cover the sky and leave everything dark. There’s often a mist hanging in the air. The forest is huge, with creeks and ponds large enough to swim in and all sorts of natural features. It seems to go on forever. 
The forest is often very quiet, with the few animals that enter it even more on edge than usual. 
The brothers convinced their father to install plumbing but he refuses to add electricity or anything digital to the house. He doesn’t want to have to control his effects on electronics in his own damn home. Therefore, everything is heated or lit with flames. 
All she can afford is a small one-bedroom apartment for her and Junior in the cheapest part of the city. 
She invites friends over all the time. 
Hates that the living room is carpeted because of how hard it is to clean. 
Off-white walls with off-white floors and only the essential furniture items which are all mis-matched.      
She never learned much in the way of magic so it isn’t magically protected.
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scarletanpan · 3 months
That remote-connection-required GitHub program for my school work had me tweaking so hard i. Impulse bought a laptop yesterday. I have been trying to get one for a few years for school bc my tower is so old and struggles and it’d be nice to be able to take my computer anywhere else so I’m not at home 24/7 bc that’s been killing me for years so like. Had to dig into my savings but it’s still a cheap laptop I just needed it to have decent functionality and after being completely unable to get into it without connecting my Microsoft account I then spent hours uninstalling useless programs and turning off all the dumb sponsors and notifications and random ui features that look atrocious bc I forgot windows 11 existed I was still on 10.
This shit fucking sucks so bad every ten seconds Microsoft is begging u to give them every ounce of your information like it’s not even funny. It’s v easy to click into connecting everything u own to ur computer and like i really don’t care if it’s useful go ahead, but like I’m not tryna do all that. Like can I not just. Use the computer?? Maybe without the system constantly saying how much worse my experience is without one. Like no offense I doubt there’s regulations bc no one would think to fucking do it but it should not be legal to require users to sign up to a service to access their own fucking computer they bought. It literally says if u want to use a local account u can, but after u sign in. So now even tho I’ve tried to delete every trace of my email and removed the original account microsoft edge prompts me with it for sign-in when I open it and no option to delete. So they still have my info even tho I didn’t want to give it to them
And ofc they’re a tech company they need data from users to function but if u don’t glance in the settings there’s a lot of extra ones, to the point that I had to take a break from reading them. Like there’s that fucking many and the ui does way too much back and forth that makes it genuinely exhausting to navigate which is. Interesting
The part that frustrates me the most is that there are now so many random buttons and links on the sidebar every single program in order to redirect to some other microsoft-related features that I can barely tell what I’m navigating sometimes. Everything looks the fucking same, I’m trapped in a fucking soft-edge minimalist window nightmare and it makes me nauseous i think
Might be the only one who feels this way but spending a few hundreds dollars on a brand new computer and then logging in to see the desktop covered with every single possible program (or phone app) u might ever want or need transmuted into this bare, technically functional microsoft void that’s still somehow missing most basic features any active user would need and also can’t be uninstalled w/o settings windows 10 and 11 intentionally removed makes me want to crumble into a ball and die maybe. It’s not hard to add it back but. Just baffling how manipulative the design of the entire system is like. This computer hates my fucking guts for not using its features
Oh and the github shit didn’t work either. Just got to watch it rebuild faster. One of the tech guys on my support case told me the move to github was a v sudden deployment they were rushed into and has lead to tons of issues like this. Which of course, I assumed bc it was Not like this last semester but wow. Love to see tech companies fucking over their workers and the quality of their platform for a deal. Like why is tech annoying and depressing and fucking me in so many ways this isn’t good for my future which I hoped would be tech-centered. It will be anyway I just know I’m gonna be mad abt the stupid fucking ways ppl run their businesses the whole time
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msmattea · 4 months
Green Flag City by Mattea Maria (Draft 1)
Green Flag City by Mattea Maria
You come over at 3 a.m. after a full shower, full face, full breakdown, and full pep talk. You feel as if you fully mastered your routine. Dick don’t run me I run dick. Dick don’t run me I run dick, is what you keep telling yourself. The Doctor as you call him, sends a $22 uber, to pick you up, sneak you in, smoke you up, and fuck you. And he fucks you good. Really good. Probably the best sex you’ve ever had. He instantly woos you. He’s ambiguous, but he’s predictable.
He’s a twenty-four grad student, currently doing his residency as an ER doctor, on the Upper West Side.
“Do you like it?” you ask. “How do you mean?” “Like do you enjoy what you’re doing?” “I guess...It’s work. Let's go to my room.” he says with a smile, that motivates your hands to fall into his as he leads you. You note how heavy his hands feel, and how long his arms are. He could just engulf me, swallow me up. He is significantly taller than you, but then again so is everyone else. But his height makes you feel special and small. You cradle into him, as he leans in and down to you, so you don’t have to stand on your tips toes.
You make note of how organized his room is, and how good it smells. So far green flag city. He pushes you onto the bed, dressed in pencil gray sheets. They feel so clean. You make note of how basic, and chic his closet is, with black baggy sweaters taking residency in a clean minimalistic home.
He smells nice, he’s clean, and he’s cute?! You smile. However, in these instances, these little green flags that you have pasted don’t make you any more likely to fuck him. This isn’t the first date, but he still makes you daydream of what he would be like if you lived together. I wonder if he cooks. You begin to daydream about the could haves with him, as he begins to undress you. You fast forward to your late 20s; you with long brown hair, and a curvy attitude as you both cook dinner together. He’s a successful doctor who owns his own practice in Chicago, and you seem to only exist in the kitchen with a belly as big as a bowling ball. And you’re happy. YOU are happy. And that’s all you want : joint happiness. You’re the type of girl who deserves to be happy. In this dream, everything is coming true, but he shuts the door, and you are flung back awake into the reality that is finding yourself completely undressed. The skirt that craved his approval now lies dormant, witnessing your interactions with an unsatisfied pout.
He joins you on the bed, telling you he’s fresh from California, after graduating from UCLA. You’re impressed, and it makes you feel like you have more worth. Like an accidental win, a trust that you can choose important guys. Guys that you think will contribute to society. And somehow, though impersonal, it makes you feel better about a casual fuck. He then asks you a question,
“You’re a writer?” he repeats your answer. “Yeah, I am.” “What do you write?” “Uhhhhh. I don’t really know. I guess I’m still figuring that out.”
He then begins to kiss you, and you kiss him back. It's not a very good kiss; both of you are playing at different rhythms, and different tempos. You feel like two third-graders kissing at summer camp; inexperienced almost juvenile. You make note of how kissing him is like those golden key toy prize machines you see at the movies - and no matter how many turns, no matter how much patience and concentration - you can’t seem to get the key inside and turned. But you don’t mind kissing him, even though he’s a bad kisser, because you’re a great kisser. Something your father says you can “take to the bank”. And then, you begin to feel the indication that all you want to do is kiss, to play with the tempo of his kiss, the musicality. Kissing is like dancing to you, and all you want to do is dance.
He has sex with you for the first time, and it's quick, but you don’t mind and you don’t make him feel insecure about it. Maybe now we can just talk, and hopefully, he wants to talk more. But either way, he’s going to finish inside you, without the concern of you finishing, and then just lay there, say how tired he is, compare you to a “real girl”, tell you how good you are, how you really need to do this again, more often, more frequent. You agree passively, and you think to yourself, it wouldn’t be bad to see him again. You’re still lying in silence, like one cooked and uncooked pea in a pod, and this allows the awkwardness of doubt to creep into the air.
“I can go, like don’t be afraid of kicking me out.” You say proudly. You always seem so confident in the way you can leave situations, and tonight was no exception. And you’re going to try and leave but he’s going to hold your leg.
“Just lay on me babe, lay on me for a bit,” he says while wrapping a firm, but gentle hand around your porcelain thigh. Maybe he does just want to talk. And you succumb, you give in, and you put your head on his chest. You take note of how expensive he smells, and you wonder to yourself, why doesn’t he take his sweater off when we fuck? maybe he’s insecure? maybe he’s hairy? Little does he know I love a man with body hair, he quite literally has no reason to be insecure. 
You make note of how his hair is compared to yours, how it sits and moves. How it feels, oh god his hair smells so good! You felt like the only girl in the world because you were allowed to scratch his head - your nails serve multiple purposes; a Girl Scout pocket knife equipped with the safety of passing, and the talons to scratch. This thought, this idea of someone with so much money, so much power being insecure hurts to think about, which motivates you to move from his head and burrow into his armpit even more.
You notice his hands and feet, and the story they cast. You can tell so much about a person based on their hands and feet; how they work, how they take care of themselves. And you note how clean they look, he must take care of himself. And you’re going to fall in love with his feet -big and wide and big-and that just makes you want to snuggle him, and fall asleep with him, on him. You love the sensuality of a beautiful pair, rubbing their feet together, playing footsie, like a pair of Dewey green grasshoppers orchestrating a song of joint happiness.
However, in the midst of your awe, he instead leaves the comfort of his bed offering you a dewey white claw instead - instantly turning you off - a fucking white claw? Who does he think the fuck I am? you think to yourself. I’m a merlot type of girl.
“I don’t really drink.” you say shamefully.
“But ill take whichever one you don’t want.”
“I have two dark cherries,” he said with absolutely no conviction.
The Doctor leads you back into the kitchen and away from the expensive comfort and warmth of his bed. You find yourself naked next to him standing up. Though this isn’t the first time you’re standing side by side with each other, your shoes are completely off, and bare. He hands you a wet white claw, cherry flavored. You both stand and sip for a while, but you keep looking down. You keep analyzing the intricate story of his feet.
“You have really big fucking feet.” You say, holding a simmering giggle.
“And yours are really fucking small.” He snaps.
Now you both are starring down, analyzing both pairs of feet. And you begin to daydream again, and wonder if your feet are like puzzle pieces. Will they fit together? You place your cold foot directly onto his, delicate like a puzzle piece.
“What are you doing?” he kicks away at your porcelain feet. “Nothing. Sorry.” you defend, taking the final sips of your white claw. “Here you can sit, and chill, the uber won’t be here for a couple.” You note how he doesn’t smile when he says this. You sit in the silence of him ordering you a car home. I’m his girl, I’m the it girl. 
The spontaneity of your 3am rendezvous is coming to close, and so is your window of hope, opportunity. Opportunity of something more, something more spontaneous, something so unpredictable it makes you feel an emotion that you have never felt before. Like an addiction craving, you want that high - and the best high ever - the experience of the life, of someone else. You ultimately are looking for an escape, a distraction, but you'll realize that later. Right now you want to feel the warm buzz of emotion flitter from your crotch to your stomach to your chest as it exits in a random and off-putting giggle.
“What’s so funny?” He acts. “Nothing, I just want to go home. I need to get home.” You smile politely. You don't want to go home. You desperately just want to feel alive. You want an excuse to linger, to be wanted for just a bit more.
You want him to say, “No, don’t go! You haven’t even been here too long. The party just started.” But instated he replies, “Well I got you an uber. Sit tight.”
And you don’t feel satisfied. Fulfilled. You were giving him bones, big giant clean dog bones for him to chew on, to play with. You realize that maybe, just maybe, he missed his window of opportunity. However, you blink back into present and note of all things in the room again, and then you notice you're sitting across from each other. Maybe he’s just nervous. You don’t like this, it feels weird, and you sit next to him for that validation through touch. You rest your head on his shoulder, and his hand still remains warm and worn around your glass thigh. This time the silence is comfortable to sit in, because it feels like so much potential could happen. Anyone can make a move right now, I could very well just straddle his lap and kiss him. The opportunities are endless, they feel only positive. But you don’t. You take solace in the silence. You practically swim in it, until he tells you your rides here.
Its currently, 4am and you are alone once again, sitting in a cold, leather seat of a very attractive uber, feeling dirty but alive. You grip the seats just a little harder; you're giddy, excited, scared, sad, and disappointed. You got attention tonight, you feel validated, and you got told that you were a pretty girl. You get out of the uber, and you find yourself crying - i liked it, he fucked me good, it felt good, why are you crying? 
You make it up your 5-flight walkup and instantly head to bed. You used to wash the sex off, but now you sleep in it. You’ll blame yourself for the way the night ended, for the awkwardness. And the expectation of a text back, of a follow-up vanishes into thin air. No matter how many times you hug yourself, your chest gets emptier and your eyes get full of cold, lifeless, salty fluid and rain down to your pillows, as you retreat back to that 4-year-old girl named Matteo, with her naive soft nature, you feel envious and sleepy and close your eyes to rest.
*if anyone has any comments or criticisms please please share!!! I am working at getting better, any insight or comments are deeply appreciated.
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quibbs126 · 10 months
Randomly I just remembered this old character and story I made back junior year high school
Basically the plot started off as being about how this one villain actually had a crush on the hero he fought against, but it kind of spiraled into its own thing
Our main protagonist, aka the villain, is a guy named Sunni, and this is the only art I have of him (it’s pretty old, I’ll probably redesign him at some point)
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I don’t think Sunni was intended to be the main protagonist, or at least he and the hero he fought against shared the role, but he’s the one basically everything was written around, as well as the only one who’s name I can remember, so screw it, he’s the protagonist
Also he’s supposed to be half dragon. Magic creatures exist in this world but it’s still modern and humans also exist, and I didn’t really think it through
Anyways, so Sunni is part of this group of villains, but truthfully he’s pretty low on the ranking system, he does a lot of minor things, the story would basically just follow him and his subordinates doing stuff. He does still have a crush on the hero who goes to stop him, which would be this guy
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(Disregard the guy in the corner, he’s from something unrelated)
All I remember about him is that he has ice powers, and he generally seems bland and minimalistic, but he’s just kind of like that and he has nuances to him that Sunni appreciates about him (when they aren’t fighting that is)
I think in the original, the only reason Sunni is a villain is because he wants to get the attention of his crush and doesn’t know how else to do it. He’s not really a bad guy he just got in over his head and accidentally stumbled into where he is now. I feel like I should give him an actual reason for sticking around and being a villain other than this but I’m not sure what
Also people in this world have magic powers, which they aren’t born with, but rather they get their hands on this orb thing that they ingest and it gives them powers. Sunni however does not have any because he doesn’t actually know where you’re supposed to get them, it’s more like an open secret, they aren’t just distributed around the world. However, so many people can get their hands on them, including actual children, that he feels like if he asks anyone he’ll look like a complete moron and become a joke, so he’s trying to figure out without letting it on that he doesn’t know. He gets by through sheer ingenuity and some mechanical talent
Let’s see, other characters
Well there are his three subordinates, that being two twin kids, one with the power to separate things, including himself, and the other being able to fuse things together, and then there’s his other subordinate who’s powers I don’t remember, only that she was more a femme fatale, her grandfather is a siren and her grandmother a selkie, and she’s also casually dating Sunni’s boss. Which he knows about but he doesn’t know what to do with this information, it’s just really awkward to him (note that this lady is like at least in her 30s, she’s not a young adult/teen like Sunni)
Speaking of his boss, she’s basically the person who runs the villain group/organization he’s a part of, and she controls black holes, which is why she’s considered so dangerous. Also her and the other lady’s romance are like a casual subplot that shows up every now and again
One other thing I remember about this story is that there would eventually be a plot where everyone who has powers (which is a lot of people, at least in the cast) one night suddenly becomes incapacitated, because there’s something affecting the orbs that give them power. And since Sunni doesn’t have powers, he’s unaffected and has to try and figure out what’s going on and how to stop it by himself
I think that’s all I remember about it. I’m kind of invested again, but I also notice some issues here and there, and I want to go and see if I can redo some things
Oh another thing I just remembered, Sunni eventually had a thing where after finding out his crush liked women (his crush is bisexual but Sunni’s not really aware of that), he disguised himself a woman and as a completely different person to see if that would get him to hang out with him, and they did eventually become friends that way, though his crush didn’t know this was Sunni. This didn’t mean anything when I wrote it but maybe it should. Or I should take it out
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solojihyo · 2 years
ult group question game <33
i was tagged by @aceofvernons!! ty for the tag xan beloved <33 i’m going to do twice and svt for this (because if you couldn’t already tell from the url, they both are my ults of ults SHSJSKK). the responses will be under the cut <33
i'm going to tag @boosoonseok @lenteur @yoohyeontual @minghao-s @skzandnct @pink-vacancy @kyubinz @minchanz and anyone else who would like to hop in!!
1) who was your first bias?
my first twice bias was chaeyoung!! this is because the first twice mv i ever watched was fancy, and she captured my attention (i thought she was soooo pretty). for seventeen, my first bias was woozi. this was mostly because i basically knew none of the other members and he always stood out to me. he was so cute and i heard that he produced most of svt’s music so i grew found of him LOL.
2) who is your bias now?
jihyo for twice - it’s been over 2 years since i started biasing her and i feel like i grow more and more fond of her with all the time that passes. her charisma on stage and personality are so beloved to me <33 for svt, it’s hoshi!! his shenanigans are what drew me in shsjshsjsjk and now i’m fond of all of them lol. and i so appreciate how hard he works and i’m so proud of him <33 i love both of my biases sm
3) what was the first mv you watched for them?
for twice, it was fancy!! i actually don’t remember what my first svt mv was. i’m pretty sure it was rock with you? i’m not sure if i remember watching anything older than that
4) what’s your favorite mv?
feel special for twice, hands down. i’m in love with the concept, the styling, the storyline, the execution, everything about it. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve rewatched it sgsjshsjdk it is so beloved to me. svt is harder,,, i’m going to say home atm bc it is so comforting to me but tbh the answer to this changes daily
5) if you could listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
feel special for twice and home for svt <33 they’re both very comforting and make me feel better lol
6) who would you want to see them collab with?
WITH EACH OTHER!!! the logistics of that would be extremely hard considering there are 22 of them combined BUT here me out: they make a mini album and separate them by age liners. so 95 liners get one song, 96 liners do another song, etc, like svt did for semicolon. i have thought so much about this you have no idea shsjshsjsjk like can you imagine the power the 97 liners of svt and twice combined would have????? dk and jihyo together???? it would be so insane. this me being a delusional fan BUT IT WOULD BE SO COOL OKAY
7) what mv concept do you want to see them do?
i want twice to try an mv with a concept like cry for me!! we haven’t seen them do enough of that tbh and we need it to happen. for svt…. i want another mv like home that’s more minimalistic but also super comforting. i think that would be neat.
8) have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
i have many times i’m sure but i don’t remember any of them lmao. the only one i can think of rn is me having a dream where i made fun of mingyu for going to the airport without a jacket that one time and losing his airpods LOL
9) if you could spend a day with any member, who would it be and what would you do?
nayeon for twice!! i think she’d be super fun to hang out with - we’d probably go places like the beach, get some ice cream, and just vibe <33 for svt, i’m gonna say seungkwan!! i think he’d also be very fun to hang out with. maybe we’d go see a movie and then go out for dinner. but honestly given the chance i’d be willing to hang out with any of them lol
10) which member do you think you'd get along best with?
tzuyu for twice because she's quiet like me and we could just chill shdjhdjsk. and vernon for svt for the same reason (+ he loves cats and wants a cat just like me)
11) which member do you think you would argue with?
uh...... i have no idea tbh LOL i'm not very argumentative so shdjshdjk moving on
12) if you had to choose one member to scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
this is a terrifying question. that being said. maybe jeongyeon because she could have a good laugh about it with me, and jeonghan for the same reason SHJDHSJDK
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