#i’ll stop rambling about this series now lol
supernovafics · 10 months
The I’ll be there for you series is ace! 🥵 I’d love a funny blurb about Steve walking in on reader and she’d just go out the shower! Steve would be so flustered. Kinda reminds me of when Chandler saw Rachel naked 😂
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 702 words
warnings: explicit language
summary: in which a very awkward moment occurs when you’re late for class 
author's note: thank you for the request!! i loved this idea lol
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Fall 1985
You were already running late for your nine-thirty class, so you thought you might as well make your lateness worth it. 
You decided to actually put an effort into picking out an outfit for the day before taking a longer shower than usual because why not?
Twenty minutes later, you were pulling your towel from around you and starting to wipe the mirror to clear the steam from it, when the bathroom door abruptly opened.
Steve started walking in, gaze first meeting your immediate confused one. His eyes then glanced down for the briefest of moments before he quickly jumped back and slammed the door shut. “Oh. Fuck. Shit.”
“What the hell just happened?” Your bathroom door was now firmly closed, but you were still staring at it with wide eyes as you wrapped your towel back around you. 
“I’m sorry.” You heard Steve’s voice. “I thought you weren’t here because you’re usually gone and headed to your nine-thirty class by now. And I ran out of body wash, so I was coming in to steal yours. It’s nine-fifteen, why aren’t you at class right now?”
He was rambling and you didn’t have to actually see him to know that he looked so flustered right then. If you weren’t still completely thrown and in shock by the entire current situation, you might’ve laughed. 
“I woke up late and decided to just take my time instead of rushing,” You explained, making sure your voice was loud enough as you went back into the shower to grab something. “This professor is barely ever on time anyway.” 
“Oh, okay.” 
You opened the door and Steve immediately turned around. “Don’t worry, I have a towel on now.” He faced you again and you handed over your body wash. “I hope you enjoy smelling like lavender and vanilla for the day.”
“Thank you. I will,” He said, evading your eyes and keeping his gaze fixed on your bedroom floor. You could still see how red his cheeks were. “Once again, I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine,” You told him. In that moment it didn’t necessarily feel fine— your best friend had just seen you fucking naked for goodness sake— but you knew that it would eventually feel fine, and you didn’t want to make things weirder than they were. So, you instead decided to make a joke. “I’ll just have to see your little Harrington one day to make things even.”
Somehow, Steve’s face turned an even brighter shade of red. 
“Steve, I’m kidding. Obviously,” You said as you readjusted your towel a bit, holding it firmly shut around you with just one hand so that you could use the other to poke your best friend standing in front of you. “Stop being weird and awkward about this. You saw me naked for a second, whatever, that’s okay.” You thought about your words for a second. “Okay, it’s not “okay,” but it will be. Let’s just forget this ever happened.”
He nodded after a second and you let out a happy sigh in relief, muttering out a quick, “Great.” You were about to turn around and go back into the bathroom but Steve started talking before you could. 
“Y’know, if seeing my… stuff is what it takes to restore balance between us, then we should do that,” He said and hearing the playful tilt in his voice made you smile. 
“I honestly think that if I saw your little Harrington right now it would just make things even more weird than they already are.”
“Okay, in that case, I’ll keep my pants on,” He told you and you laughed a bit. “It’s also not little, by the way.”
Now it was your turn for your cheeks to warm in awkwardness. You rolled your eyes as you finally turned away from him and started heading back into the bathroom. “Ew, oh God, please get out of my room. I didn’t need to know that, and you’re giving me way too many scarring visuals now.” 
When you closed the door behind you, you heard Steve say, “Oh, and we’re definitely taking this moment to the grave.”
You nodded even though he couldn’t see you. “Of course. I thought that was obvious.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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inuiiwonderland · 6 months
Twisted captivity
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Chapter 1
Twst third years x fem reader
A/n: here is the first chapter of my new series “twisted captivity” !! Again this is a yandere series so it will have some dark themes! Also, the first couple chapters will be more on the short side since It has been a while since I wrote anything and also because of my major writers block and motivation for writing. So I’m taking baby steps rn lol. But I genuinely wanna write this since it’s been on my mind for MONTHS! So enough about my rambling I really hope you guys enjoy this!
You walked down the long hallway as Crowley explained to you the rules and things you would be in charge of.
“Since your father told me you’re a researcher, you will be in charge of writing down every detail and interaction you have with the mers and also help us understand more about them and their biology!”
You simply nodded, still not believing that he has REAL mermaids and mermen’s in his care.
“You will also be in charge of feeding them, cleaning and taking care of their tanks! Though do be careful, some of them can be very wary and may attack when they feel threatened!”
“Ah that’s…good to know”
“Great! Now it’s time for you to come meet them so follow me” You followed him as he led you down a long hallway before walking through a double door which led you to a giant lab. In there you can see a big window as people rush in all sorts of directions.
“This is our lab! Here we run all our experiments and test” Your eyes grow wide as you see a couple of people roll in a big cart with an equally large tank which has a mermaid inside.
The poor thing was thrashing around in the tank as she clawed on the glass. The tank must have been made with really strong glass since it didn’t crack or break by how hard the poor thing was banging on it. The cart was rolled to another room, which you did NOT want to know about.
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine”
Something tells you she wouldn’t….
“Come follow me! I’ll show you the less aggressive ones first”
Okay now you were slowly starting to regret this
Maybe you should’ve stayed home and made yourself a good meal as you watched your favorite show. But no, you decided to show up instead.
What if this is all illegal? What if the government or whoever doesn’t even know such a thing exists?! Or maybe Crowley is working for the government?!
As you begin to panic, you accidentally bump into said man as he comes to a stop.
“We’re here!” You step aside and you stare in awe as you are met with a beautiful sight.
The place looked absolutely gorgeous. It definitely didn’t look like it belonged in a research facility.
The place had a huge waterfall along with some beautiful trees and huge rocks and caves. You noticed a bridge in the center of it all and it had beautiful long vines surrounding it.
This definitely looked like it came from a fairy tale
“Welcome to the heartslabyul enclosure!” He says with a big smile.
“This place is so…”
“Amazing right? I’m glad you think so because I spent millions on this place!”
“Hey Crowley!” You both turned around to see a man with black and white hair. The man looked annoyed as he glared down at Crowley.
“Ah! Crewel! Nice seeing you here today, say why are you here?” The man scowled.
“I work here you idiot”
“Hey now that’s not a good way to talk to your boss! I have a new worker here with me and you can’t make it seem like calling me an idiot is okay!” Crowley says as crewel turns to look at you.
“You should still run while you have the chance” He says which causes Crowley to gasp.
You just awkwardly laugh as crewel and Crowley continue to bicker back and forth. You step away from the two as you decide to explore the area a bit more.
You walk down the bridge and to a small path that leads you to another beautiful part of the area. As you continued exploring, you didn’t notice the pair of eyes that peeked from under one of the lily pads.
Red eyes followed you as you continued to walk down the path.
Weird….never seen her around before
He watches you like a hawk before quickly ducking down as you turn around.
You eye the water curiously
“Weird….could’ve sworn I heard something” As you were about to walk a little closer towards the water, the sound of your name being called made you stop. You look up to see Crowley waving at you from the bridge.
“Come! I have more things to discuss with you in my office!” You just nodded but before you left, you looked back at the water one last time before walking away and to where crowley was.
As you leave, the boy slowly comes back up with curious eyes.
She looks nice….
Again sorry for such a short chapter😓 but as I said, baby steps!
Taglist: @ruisann @roseapov @0ffth3rec0rd @anunholyabomination
Ask if you wanna be put on the taglist!
Also! Reader will have more like a mother/older sister relationship with the 1st and 2nd years! I will explain more as the story goes:)
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queer-ragnelle · 1 month
Why do you hate the Once and Future Knight? I decided not to pick up the book because of personal preference but I’d love to hear your rant on it
Hi anon!
I’m assuming you mean The Once and Future King by TH White?
There’s nothing I could say that hasn’t already been said before I’m sure. But I didn’t read the series until I had already read many other Arthurian tales and I really don’t understand the love the series gets. The negatives don’t outweigh the positives, and worse, the lasting impact of TH White’s characterization choices on subsequent retellings is a stain on the literary tradition that set us back too far to comprehend. Putting my rant below a cut because I went off and the subject matter is disgusting.
First and foremost, the bigotry is astounding. The racism, the misogyny, the ableism and every other prejudice and cruelty you can think of are staggering in their variety and magnitude. It’s vile. It’s inexcusable. I don’t read modern Arthurian retellings to be bombarded with that in every single chapter. TOAFK is not “a product of its time.” It’s a product of a deeply unhappy and hateful man. Plenty of earlier writing is vastly kinder to Palomides and Guinevere and Morgause and Mordred and Lancelot or any other character unlucky enough to be depicted by TH White. Literally the Medieval source material is more nuanced than that. Morgause get behind me.
Secondly, the anachronism is an annoying stylistic choice at best and yet another tool for bigotry at worst. Why are Mordred and Agravaine likened to Nazis? Like seriously what the hell? It’s not enough for them to be antagonists, the text has to invoke the Holocaust? It’s so extreme it rips the reader right out of the story and calls to mind the most horrific parts of history for no narrative benefit whatsoever. Baffling and bad.
Thirdly, the prose just kinda sucks. It’s rambling and TH White will pause the narrative to stand on a soap box to talk at the reader about his views. He’s anti-war. Fine. But of all characters to use as a mouthpiece—King Arthur? The warlord King Arthur? Make it make sense.
Fourth, most tragically of all, so much of what TH White did in his series is reflected in stories told to this day. Every other retelling has a cover quote comparing it to TOAFK. (It’s supposed to be a compliment!) To put it in perspective…
You ever read a retelling with evil neglectful parent and rapist Morgause/Morgan? TH White’s fault.
How about added incest between one of the Orkney bros and their mother (which sometimes results in someone other than Gaheris killing her, say, Agravaine or Mordred)? Thanks, TH White, that’s just what Arthurian Legend was missing, more incest.
Ever see disabled, crippled, bad seed Mordred? TH White started that trend.
What about Guinevere assaulting Lancelot when she learns about Elaine getting him drunk and raping him? TH White really said “Lol what if Guinevere hits Lancelot and spits in his face while he’s crying?”
And the racism! TH White walked so Thomas Berger could run (derogatory). Discussions of race are so intense and so frequent and so random like one minute the narrator has paused the plot to talk about how war is bad and now it’s slandering Native Americans? Brother this is Medieval England what is even happening right now? Oh, look, another N bomb. The antisemitism! Weren’t you just comparing Mordred to Hitler? What do you mean the Orcadian/Scottish characters are evil because of *checks notes* “the incalculable miasma which is the leading feature of the Gaelic brain?” [Queen of Air and Darkness chapter 5] Thanks TH White for stripping Lot, Morgause, Gawain, Agravaine, Gaheris, Gareth, and Mordred of all nuance, a condition from which they have, literally, never recovered. Of course there are some retellings since that write one or two of them with a crumb of nuance, but they’ll never be like they were in the Vulgate. Not all at the same time. I feel sick.
It goes on and on. I have to stop listing examples or I’ll get pissed off. But frankly, more people should be pissed off about it! I’m tired of seeing five star reviews on storygraph and goodreads accompanied by a review excusing the most bigoted garbage I have ever read in a children’s book. It’s vile and everyone should feel bad about defending it. It’s inexcusable. This wasn’t a case of good-intentioned inclusion with dated language, this was an author going out of his way to be hateful. Period.
Big names in the fantasy book community like Daniel Greene should not be awarding five stars and leaving an uncritical review.
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Far too many readers acknowledge the racism and then rate it five stars anyway. Go to Hell, Spencer.
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Here’s some from storygraph with, of course, praise for Marion Zimmer-Bradley’s pedophilic power fantasy Mists of Avalon, another piece of hot festering sludge everyone should stop talking about. Kill the legacy already. The real life victims have suffered enough.
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There also seems to be a trend in these reviews that excuse the texts bigotry by referring to how “old” it is. Which is crazy to me for many reasons. TOAFK in its final form was published in 1958. That wasn’t that long ago. Also racism has always been racism, misogyny has always been misogyny, ableism has ways been ableism. Plenty of authors came before this and really make TH White look like a clown.
Let’s promote them. In reverse!
John Steinbeck wrote The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights in 1956 (published posthumously in the 70s, don’t go by that date). His depictions of Morgan and Guinevere are nuanced and fascinating, not to mention some original characters including an old granny who teaches Owain to be a warrior! This book also has a morally gray sun-powered Gawain without insulting his heritage, an emotional and thought-provoking Lancelot without marking his sin with a facial deformity, and a really sweet Marhalt who doesn’t often get much spotlight!
John Erskine wrote Restoring Palamede in 1932. He does exactly what the cover says, and writes a story about the Muslim knight Palomides beginning in his own country, living with his parents whom are both named, and follows him as he learns the ways of the world and finds an ally in his friend Brangaine! Tristan and Isolde are compelling here and while Tristan can still be a jerk to Palomides, it’s not the mask-off bigotry we’ve seen…elsewhere.
Howard Pyle wrote one, two, three, four books between 1903-1910. Two thumbs up from me. No notes. He drank his respect women juice, drew them with loving care, named so many previously unknown, and gave them voices. He was kind in his portrayal to Palomides and even some other knights of color from India. Morgause survives the narrative! We love to see it!!!
Henry Newbolt wrote Mordred: A Tragedy in 1895. A fascinating examination of family ties, all five Orkney brothers here AND their wives Lyonors, Lynette, and Laurel! (Minus Ragnelle bc life is unfair.) Guinevere and Lancelot are tragic and heart wrenching. Arthur struggles against his son Mordred and their destiny in a way that doesn’t outright demonize either side. It will rewire your brain.
Richard Hovey wrote his poetry between 1891-1900. A complex and interesting Guinevere and Elaine who are not enemies, Lancelot close with Galehaut during the war, destroyed by his torn loyalties between Arthur and Guinevere, Gawain who loves his friend Lancelot with all his heart, and so much more without tearing anyone down!
Oscar Fay Adams wrote his poetry between 1886-1906. Here we get a wide variety of character focus, with title-featured names from King Lot to Dagonet to Lamorak to Lionel. Each one is more fascinating and nuanced and fresh than the last, from a tour of Lot’s castle and meeting each inhabitant to Lamorak on Grail Quest learning to forgive himself from “sweet” Sagramore.
William Morris wrote his poetry between 1856-1910. All of it is on the Camelot Project but I also have this scanned book. Here we delve into Guinevere’s trial as she calls out those who have wronged her, lonely Galahad on Grail Quest relating to his father Lancelot and praising Palomides in his steadfast hunt of the Questing Beast, there’s even a poem named for Palomides himself!!!
Anonymous wrote Moriaen in the 13th century. It follows Aglovale’s illegitimate son Moriaen, who is of African descent. As he travels around Britain looking for his father, Moriaen meets many people who are afraid of his dark skin. BUT! All the Knights of the Round Table leap to his defense, even threatening townsfolk who try to demonize Moriaen for the way he looks and refuse him service. It is, essentially, an anti-racism story from the Medieval era. Not to mention healer Gawain’s care and attention given to the sick and disabled. That’s not even the moral/focus of the story so much as Moriaen’s journey, but it’s there and worth mentioning.
So here we are with a whole list of stuff to read that predates TOAFK and surpasses it. The last one is only sort of a joke. But it’s there to make a point about how inexcusable TH White’s racism really is. If Anonymous could give a black knight like Moriaen the narrative respect he’s entitled to for existing as a representation of real human beings that look like him, then TH White was capable of it too. Progress is not linear. This is not to say Medieval times were “better” than society today. But to write off any problematic story of the recent past as “a product of its time” as an excuse to make oneself feel better about liking it, well, I don’t know what to say. Maybe reflect on that. And while that marinates, read something else.
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cursedcola · 2 years
I loved the ask about them watching you sleep with a plushie! Could you do the same with Azul, Vil and Jamil, please?
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A/N: At last, it is time to wrap up this series. Many months later after I completely forgot about it lol (but who says there is a time limit on progress? Not me). I hope you both like this conclusion!
Azul and Trey can be found in pt. 2. Everyone else is below the cut!
Links: pt.1 ; pt. 2
Jamil Viper
A heart
There’s nothing like a morning run to boost morale!
Or in Jamil’s case, his sanity. The time he spends at clubs and doing athletics has become his outlet over the years. A place to vent his frustrations without having to do so verbally. If he doesn’t get these moments then he would have snapped long ago
It’s also important to keep your mind and body healthy. The last thing he needs is Kalim outdoing him while he wasn’t holding back - that would be humiliating
Which is why he is mildly sympathetic when you ask him to let you join in occasionally. A basketball match here, a jog there, a hike once in a while, maybe some footwork practice for dancing at future events. You merely want some fun outside of your usual chaotic life that has zero chance of getting you expelled. He gets it.
Please stop rambling in his ear. He isn’t going to say no but you’re stressing him out
If it was anyone else he would have instantly declined. For you? He agrees, but for more selfish reasons than your health
He just wants to see your ‘friends’ suffer with their precious prefect taken away. If you’re with Jamil then he demands your full focus. If this was a game, no side characters are allowed in his love events
He doesn’t wan’t to share teehee and it is absolutely gratifying to watch your little first year possey deflate in rejection. All because you’ve set aside time for him and no one else
It gets better. He gets your attention and free entertainment. Anyone else messing up a two-step move on the sixth time would annoy Jamil to no end. You can keep it up though. He gets to show off and watch your cute expressions of defeat after each mishap
Which eventually leads to him smirking with his arms crossed in pride once you succeed. You’re utterly exhausted but having fun - it’s endearing. Not that he’d tell you though haha
Those moments were definitely pique. At least he thought as such
Now Jamil is reconsidering. After one exceedingly long late-night jog, he questions if he’s possibly been pushing you too far. You were late to breakfast and obviously sleep deprived. You weren’t responsive enough to stop Kalim from tackling you to the floor, with your apologies afterwards being slurred
A quiet guilt gnaws at him until lunch, and Jamil decides to seek you out
You don’t show up to lunch, and half-way in he grumbles under his breath to check your previous classroom
Guilt fades to a warm fondness when he finds you asleep at your desk. Two blazers hang off your shoulders and he reflects on an iconic heartslabyul duo missing their coats in the dining hall
He scoffs, peeling them off of you and tossing them on a nearby desk. Underneath it all, you clutch a hideous red heart plush as a makeshift pillow
He has no clue where it came from. Sam surely did not sell something so cringeworthy. Or was it a present? Maybe. It has a small face etched in that sends shivers down his spine. It stares into his soul, mocking him, and he’s tempted to toss it in the discarded coat pile as well
Jamil resists the temptation, and instead shrugs off his own jacket to lay over your shoulders. Then he shuts off the lights and heads back to lunch, daydreaming of the fit your ‘friends’ will throw when they see their coats tossed aside
“The classroom is for learning, not for sleeping…Ugh. I guess there is no helping it. I’ll be back for this later,”
Eventually they will know their place. If the jacket isn’t enough, he’ll have to replace that heart somehow. Maybe with a scorpion. Yes. A scorpion.
Vil Schoenheit
I don’t even know anymore
Vil is not afraid of anyone. Not the thugs lingering outside his modeling shoots, or the woman screaming at the barista in front of him at his favorite café. He will talk them down to be smeared shit underneath his shoe in no time
He has a way with words. An infuriatingly charismatic way that is melded together with an insane level of stubbornness to get his way
No one can deny him. No soul has ever tried, until you.
And no, we are not discussing his overblot or the way you have influenced him.
No. We are discussing you and that thing that follows you everywhere.
Not Grimm, though the resemblance uncanny in Vil’s opinion
Vil’s winning streak was destroyed by that monstrosity of a stuffed demon that you insist on holding every night. With its matted fur, glazed over stare, and tail that clings to its body by a thread. He has tried to weezle it away from your clutches on multiple occasions. Offering you much cuter alternatives and even going so far as asking Rook to try and “put it out of it’s misery”
Yet you persist
He still remembers when you first met that thing. Little did he know his worst nightmare would come to be that day.
After much insistence, Vil convinced you to join him for a date. He was willing to take you anywhere. Be it a fancy resteraunt or to a private cinema - name it and it would be done
And of all the things. You chose some desolate no-name buffet. The food wasn’t even appetizing! If you wanted burnt fried chicken and soggy potatoes then Vil knows of much more…ugh, sanitary…places
He toughed it out for your sake, filling up on safe choices like salad and fruit as you ate your fill. It wasn’t so bad. He was able to ignore the fighting family of 5 sitting behind you both if it meant you could have a pleasant conversation over a meal. So long as no one recognized him. That would be awful.
He remembers how your eyes trailed to the claw machine game that was shoved in a far corner. You obviously wanted to play, and after the twelfth time he couldn’t ignore it anymore.
Being the gentleman he is, Vil offered to win you something - instantly regretting it upon realizing that he would have to touch the aged machine. A thin layer of dust sat on the joystick and -
And you really wanted the stuffed jellyfish inside. So he sucked it up and grit his teeth, pulling a glove worth more than the machine itself out of his pocket and praying it would protect him
A few tries and he is struggling.
Vil did not expect to touch one of these ever in his life! Why. Whywhywhy of all the things you could want from him did it have to be one of the few he never gave a single thought?
He wouldn’t accept defeat. It got to the point where he needed to win more for himself than for you - and after many tries, he did. Just not the jellyfish
No. He won the most ugly thing that could possibly exist, and you loved it. The moment it hit the drop box he was panicking because the claw grabbed it on accident. He was humiliated from spending well over an hour on the machine only to get you something so hideous…and you loved it.
You named it
Frab. Backwards for barf, since it makes Vil want to vomit.
Long after your date, he was still crushed. Still reliving the horrors of the day and trying to salvage it with a night of films and skin care. Then in the morning he could find another plush to give you. He will make one if he has to!
Yet you chose to sleep with that thing. Holding it close to your chest, it’s beady eyes boring holes in the back of his head as Vil tries to shirk away from it’s gaze. He could not even admire you! Not without it reminding him of his failures. Why did he pay both time and money for a stuffed cockblock
The morning is no different. You bring it to breakfast and he has to live in shame as you flaunt it to his dorm-mates
The rest is history. Attempt after attempt, day after day, night after night - you would not let it go.
“Dearest, I beg of you, please get rid of that disaster! It haunts me! I cannot stand it!” He breaks one night, relenting to his many passive losses and resorting to begging.
You smile, lifting the doll and patting it’s head, “but frab is cute! And you won him for me. Yeah he’s a bit rough around the edges but you worked hard for him. I love him like I love you…”
Oh you are rotten. Vil also plays dirty and was ready to pull the whole “if you love me then you will dispose of frab”…but you beat him too it
Vil sighs, upset with how he has influenced you and your charisma. Reluctantly he reaches out and gives Frab a pat on the head…it’s a start.
Jack Howl
Cactus plush
Jack is not the most adept when it comes to romance. You (unfortunately) got a front row seat to his short comings back when a ghostbride decided to host a wedding on campus
He still has not emotionally recovered from that disaster
Even so, he wouldn't go so far to say that he is hopeless...right? He managed to sort his own feelings out, and if his observation skills are right then he is confident that you feel the same
....if not, what he is about to do is going to embarrass him much more than failing to woo over a ghost
Your anniversary was coming up. NO! Not that kind (pfft he wishes), but your anniversary for coming to twisted wonderland. Summer breaks is nearing it's end, and soon he'll be back on campus as a sophomore.
Jack hasn't seen you since the end of freshman year. Sure, there have been calls and a bit too many texts on his end - but it's different from being in person.
and if he hasn't visited...Jack bets that no one else has either. Which means that you've been alone on campus for weeks by yourself
That doesn't sit well with him. At all. Yet he couldn't bring himself to invite you to his home without feeling bashful
His siblings noticed that he would sometimes lose focus while playing sports or when they were together - which is not like Jack at all. When he is with anyone, they will have his attention.
They crack his shell, and pity their brother. So they suggest that he make a grander effort to spend time with you this year beyond helping out with whatever mess you're dragged in
Hence, your anniversary. Sure, it was his and everyone else's too as returning students
but you're special
Who knows if you'll be coming back next year, y'know? He just wants you to know that you're appreciated and that he appreciates you being here
He picks out a plush after realizing that he doesn't know much about your likes despite being friends. He needs to fix that.
So he picks one that he thinks would suit you. A little cactus with a smile...cute. Small and inviting, kind of how you appear to him
He blushes at the thought and quickly pays for it. Then he wraps it with some candies from his hometown and a blanket for your dorm.
When Jack steps through the portal to NRC with his bags in tow, he's shocked to see you there. You're caught up in a conversation with Ace and Deuce, but you turn towards his way the second he catches sight of you. Like you had a sixth sense
His chest tightens when you're quick to pause your conversation and run up to him. He expects you to stop but you continue onward, and he drops his bags to catch you in a hug
"Jack! I've missed you so much! How was your break?" you break the hug in a swift movement, not giving him a chance to process it or respond. All he sees is your happy eyes looking up at him, and he short circuits
"I- uh...uh....uhm... it was good,"
"Just good?"
'Yeah? They hug you and all you can say is 'yeah'?' he thinks, and is quick to shove the wrapped present in your hands
The way you beam at the gift - he won't forget it. Not in the next decade. Neither the way you hug the plush or pop one of the candies into your mouth with a satisfied hum...or how your eyes glaze over as you thank him
"I'm happy to be here, but knowing you're happy too makes it even better. Let's have a great year, Jack"
His job is done, and he bids you farewell before his heart explodes
He greets his other first year friends as well and decides to ignore the 'where's my present??' jokes from the more 'fun-loving' members *cough*Ace*cough*Grimm*cough*Ruggie
Later that night as Jack is settling in, he gets a message on his phone.
Ace Trappola: You can thank me later. *IMG attatched*
Jack huffs, and debates on clicking the image link all together.
Deuce Spade: Open Ace's image. It's not a prank. You're welcome.
Alright. He gives up-
It's you, asleep on the floor of what looks like Ace and Deuce's shared dorm. Wrapped up in the blanket he gave you and holding tightly onto the stuffed cactus. There are drawings on your face and they're likely curtesy of your bunk-mates for the night. You must be in a deep sleep
Jack smiles at the picture, and has an internal debate on if it's considered an invasion of your privacy to be seeing this
Jack Howl: They are going to kill you tomorrow
Ace Trappola: Not if they kill you first
Jack Howl: I will show them these texts
Deuce Spade: Don't! Please!
Ace Trappola: Suuuuure, and then they'll know you have that picture ;)
Jack Howl: .....
Deuce Spade: Jack?
Ace Trappola: Dude? You good?
Jack Howl: ...I am not protecting you from their wrath. Goodnight.
Deuce Spade: TRAITOR!
Ace Trappola: ANSWER US!
Jack silences his phone, choosing not to save the picture out of respect. Not that he'll forget it...but at least this way only two people will have hellfire rained down on them in the morning.
Leona Kingscholar (Y'all are established partners in this one)
Killer duckie
It happened during TW's annual spring Spelldrive competition.
Compared to back when you both first met, this tournament is less large scale. There are no reporters and it’s more for the students than the publicity. Every spring one of the well known colleges of Twisted Wonderland would host a gathering for the members of clubs and sport teams to compete in friendly competition. Social networking, y’know? This year had RSA as host.
Leona never had much interest in it before. If there was nothing to win then why waste his time? To talk with a bunch of nobodies? He’ll pass, thanks. Last year he opted out before being asked. He planned to do the same this time around…until Malleus entered the picture.
NRC has a large Spelldrive following, especially with all the new freshmen. Which is why only the ‘best’ players would be sent to represent the school this year. There still is no prize - but Leona refuses to stay behind if Malleus goes. Not on his pride.
And not with you going alone. Grimm threw a tantrum about how RSA should be “honored” with his presence and athletic talents. Eventually he won a spot as the team’s “stand in” in case someone got injured, and as his other half you would be going
Now that’s two strikes. He doesn’t trust those RSA brats at all, and Leona will be damned if you spend three nights clinging to the Fairy King while he’s not there. Headmaster Crowley knew this would be the outcome and purposefully backed Leona into a corner (why else would they even humor Grimm competing in an official competition?)
Fast forward and Leona begrudgingly goes. The moment you stepped through the portal his tail instinctively snagged around your wrist. Not even five minutes on campus and he’s already ready to go home. It stinks of high egos here and who knows what annoyances could happen. At least you can’t get lost this way
RSA students watched from the sidelines as everyone came through the portal, and there were teachers directing students to their room and board
Prof. Vargas handed you a room key, and Leona blanched when he heard that you both will be sharing a room. He does not share….okay, whatever. Fine. He doesn’t trust anyone else to room with you anyways.
Aka. Malleus conveniently appeared to say that he had spare room, and Leona was not accepting that. He just pulled you along by the wrist and grabbed your luggage with a grumble
Spelldrive wouldn't be played on the first night. It was reserved for eating, socializing, and networking between all schools in TW. Leona wanted no part of it, and planned to go to sleep the moment you got in your room.
Once again, you push his patience. Ruggie can bring dinner so just stay put where he can keep you out of trouble, just this once.
You don't, and he almost turns his back on the closing door - until he caught ear of some RSA students inviting you to dinner
Leona allows you to drag him around campus for the remainder of the day. Not a second goes by that he does not complain, be it about the décor or the noise of the students. He only shuts up when you threaten to send him back to the room alone. Barely anyone approached you both during the RSA campus tour due to the aura of aggravation radiating off of him
Needless to say that he is relieved when the night comes. He collapses onto the bed and buries himself in the pillows
"You didn't have to follow me around all day, y'know. This is your own doing," - you say in a teasing tone, grabbing your night clothes to change in the bathroom
He emits a warning growl and peers an eye out from his pillow, "keep talking. As if I haven't done enough for you today," he says, and as the seconds tick by he finds it hard to stay awake
He blinks, and suddenly the room is dark. There is no light coming from the bathroom and instead moonlight shines in from the curtains. A blanket he did not have on him prior pools at his waist when Leona sits up to look around.
He must have fallen asleep
The sound of even breaths catches his attention, in addition to an extra weight tugging on his arm
To his side, you lay underneath the covers. Peacefully dreaming with one arm wrapped around his and the other curled around a stuffed duck
Huh. Prey cuddling with prey. Funny.
Is that a knife? His eyebrows draw together and he pokes the plush. It looks back at him as if to say "wish you were me, don't ya," and yes. Yes, Leona is getting jealous of a goddamn stuffed toy.
He runs a hand through his hair with a tired sigh and releases some of his braids from their confinement. Then he sits up against the bed's headboard, and frees his arm from your grasp.
You squirm in your sleep as if to protest, and he settles for letting you hug his waist instead. The sun begins to rise through the curtains, and Leona begins to dread yet another day of being forced to socialize
His hands rub soothing circles on your back, and he's hoping to keep you asleep at least through breakfast. Maybe the day won't be so bad if this is what awaits him at night...
Heck...he might come again next year. Only if you do as well, of course.
Ace Trappola
classic teddie
Relationships? Ace? Pah. Never again
One time was bad enough. Why would he willingly toss himself into another? It would take a mind-blowing event to make Ace even tinker with the idea of willingly giving up his time for something like that
All he needs are his friends. His mates. His chums. His brochachos. His amigos. His...ugh. Point made. He likes things as they are.
Don't tell anyone, but he does have favorites among his friends
There is Deuce, who sometimes get on Ace's nerves but always has hic back
And Sebeck, who is by far the most fun to mess with. He's the biggest sucker for pranks and Ace can get away with absolutely no effort in tricking him
He has definetly pulled the 'what's updog?' joke on Sebeck and succeded...many times. It never gets old.
Then he has his dorm mates...Riddle is a pain in the ass but is the reason Ace hasn't failed a test. So there's that...
Ace also has you. An unfortunate package deal with an ankle biter who demands tuna every five seconds, but you're not so bad.
Gullible enough to be pranked, serious enough to bail him out of trouble, reliable enough to rely on, and cool enough to match his vibe. Yeah. You are definetly up there in his top three homies
Homie...friend...brochacho...so what is this feeling in his chest?
When you both walked into class that morning there was a stuffed teddy bear sitting on your desk alongside a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. You gasped in a mix of surprise and delight at the sight; yet, Ace felt something churn in his stomach. A feeling familiar...jealousy? No way
There was a small note attached to the bear reading 'From your secret admirer,' that earned a laugh from you both. Yours was lighthearted, almost whimsical. Ace's? Strained. Awkward. Annoyed.
Luckily you interpreted this as him being upset that only you received candy, and so you offered Ace a piece. He accepted it yet couldn't bring himself to eat
For the duration of lecture he remained distracted, eyeing the piece of candy that was sitting on the corner of his desk. He was not catching feelings. This would pass. It had to.
It, in fact, did not.
You had promised to join Ace in his room to play video games together that night, yet you never showed. He waited until the clock struck curfew and yet you did not send a single text or call
Ace, being the hothead he is, assumed that you went off to find this 'secret admirer,' and stormed out of his dorm despite the late hour. If you were going to stand him up for some rando, then you could at least let him know!
He shows up at your dorm and bangs on the door. Moments pass yet no one answers...so he sneaks in through the window. He knows they don't have latches.
He's mentioned it to you time and time again, yet you never fixed them. Welp. Time to learn the hard way sweetie
He gets in through the kitchen easily, and notices flickering light coming from the living room. So...not only do you ditch him but you also ignore his knocking? He is f u m i n g
"Oi! You have sooooooo much explaining to do-ah"
There you lie, clocked out in a deep sleep on the couch and surrounded by textbooks. You must have fallen asleep while studying...
Ace clamps a hand over his mouth, and the lights shut off completely. From the corner of his eye he sees a flash of white disappear through one of the walls. Those trickster ghosts you live with must have messed with the lights to lure him
He'll deal with them later. For now, he is focused on the innocent teddie bear sitting comfortably in your clutches and the half-eaten box of candy on the table
The feeling from before returns. Nauseating jealousy that makes him want to take the stuffed toy and chuck it in the nearest pond
Ace can't do that though. You'll be so angry with him....crap, he sighs and moves to sit next to you on the couch
Ace narrows his eyes and scrunches his nose before flicking the bear on it's head. It's ruining your beauty.
"Ah, fuck it"
Maybe there is room in his life for both friends and...something else.
but before anything, that bear needs to go.
685 notes · View notes
it's a monster of a ppp essay
Finally writing about this film I’ve pretty much obsessed over for months! Hopefully I can put some order into this but in case I ramble you have been warned lol. Spoilers will be discussed. 
I first saw this film in Japan on opening day— prior to that I tried to gather as much information as I could via JP tweets and impressions, especially those of the pre-golden week screening on April 29, then adding more info as soon as spoilers were lifted to increase my understanding. And now a couple of months later, I finally have full context, but really happy that most of the information I got was accurate, and the only details that I had to clear up were related to the more complex elements of the plot, plus the ever-important talk-no-jutsus (tnj) in the film. 
If I were to give this film a score, it’s a 9/10. Prior to this, my fave iteration was case 3, being the ever-economic-just-over-an-hour-but-does-everything-right entry to the series. Maybe it’s my Akane bias but PPP just knocked that one right out of the park. The animation was great (I am not well-versed in this so you won’t hear me talk about it much), even if wonky Arata took me out despite the emotion in the scene. Voice acting, no one does it better than the JP actors, I will not be convinced otherwise. It’s my preference and frankly if you’ve never watched this in sub I do think you missed out. The music was TOP-TIER. I’ve not stopped listening to this OST ever since it came out, blessdt Ennio-Morricone-esque Is this your choice, Akane Tsunemori? track #27 CD2?!!?!??! *INHALE* 
I can’t actually use technical film critic jargon here so in short, I LOVE this film so much. 
A bit of background info from the recent interviews Director Shiotani participated during the roundtables/live stages in JP - the “switching” of the timelines were at the behest of the producers (Fuji TV), including the introduction of new characters, in order to continue the story indefinitely from a TV perspective (link). It was a ballsy move, and in hindsight it paid off, but not without its pitfalls which I will touch on later. PP3/FI was developed during PPSS, and PPP was developed during PP3/FI, so you can imagine the difficulty of making sure the creative team have crossed their t’s and dotted their i’s. That being said, apart from telling the story it wishes to tell, the purpose of this film was to tie the past to the present, and I think that they did it very well. 
My thoughts are still evolving, but interestingly enough, most of my impressions haven’t changed. So I’ll talk about some elements of the plot that interest me, then I’ll go to specific characters, and ofc I’ll talk about the ship (not the Grootslang 😉).
There’s a clear three-parts to this film: up to Saiga’s death, up to Atsushi’s death, and Akane’s career death (if it is to be said, so it is lol). Each part had their pros and cons, but it’s quite a feat managing to squeeze all the information in. There was no dull moment for me.
I think the deaths here (especially of the characters we were supposed to care about)— the manner and speed in which they perished, and at a certain point in the film, all for nothing— were part of the point.
Before I watched this with subs I actually thought that it would be more difficult to understand, but I have to say that the nolan-esque expositions were well executed and nicely placed, for example the talk about possession between Kogami and Shion was a good prep for the audience for when we actually get to hear about how it works from Akira. Also a great way to show both Kogami’s detective skills that have not dulled the slightest, and his and Shion’s closeness(?/familiarity? Call it what you want). Another example is the Mika-team essentially telling the audience what’s about to happen prior to us seeing Sugo get things done in the sky (also I forgot he was just flying a drone and was out of harm’s way ehehe). I would say that the hardest parts to piece together have to do with the elements related to PP3, including the involvement of Bifrost. I’ll touch on this later.  
I’ve talked about Saiga’s death to my friends way before the first trailer ever released. Him not being present in PP3 was the biggest clue, and not that I wanted it to happen, but it was necessary to raise the stakes and make it personal. As a fic writer, admittedly I’ve never been happier to be right 😅. His scenes with Akane and Kogami at the beginning of the film were standouts. I particularly love how Saiga and Akane are so at ease with having a simple conversation— they’re talking about work but he could so easily talk about his doubts regarding Atsushi, for example. I love how he’s the same with Kogami, how he clearly states his allegiance to Akane, and ofc reminding Kogami to apologize (and something else I picked up that I will discuss later). 
I can say that despite the initial ridiculousness of the Divider/possession, the way it was explained was quite convincing to me compared to how they brushed over how Arata’s mentalist skills worked in PP3. Also, there’s kind soul from the JP fandom who attempted to explain how it could probably work irl (link). It’s creepy, if you think about it, and well-documented too. Have a read if you’re interested. 
Action scenes, definitely a strong suit of this film - you just know they can’t help themselves sometimes LOL. Kogami v Akira is definitely the best one (RIP Kogami’s balls hihi), and I’ve said this before but they definitely have perfected Kogami’s animation when it comes to fighting, and he is always the most flawlessly animated, however I think they did Gino really well here too. There’s this other really wonky one where Sugo falls down the escalator and it just looks like he’s a solid object and not a human body asdlfkjaskldfj. Honestly I finally understood the critique that the Sugo drone scenes were definitely way too long (I didn’t notice this bec it was hella entertaining when you don’t have subs plus it was super fun if you watch it in 4dx/mx4d).
Really dropped the ball on the Stronskaya Papers imo. I think, for something that was meant to be so important, the exposition regarding its use was really a lazy excuse. “SEAUn essentially proved its value” ain’t gonna cut it. If this is something so important people choose to kill/die for, then the implications of it should have been shown to the audience, not told. 
I only noticed after the third subbed rewatch, but to me, everyone is being measured against Akane in this film. I will elaborate later.
Sibyl as an AI
Finally, the little complication about using the term "AI" when describing the Sibyl System. When the first impressions of this came out, there were a LOT of dissatisfied JP fans. Until it was described as such in the film, since the system constitutes actual human brains, then the interpretation is that it is human. I’m not sure if this was a general interpretation btw, but since this is the first time the term “AI” was used to describe Sibyl, ofc it rubbed people the wrong way, especially bec it feels like the whole concept of Sibyl was retconned. 
I somewhat agreed with this interpretation— I had always considered the Sibyl System as an independent character in this series, who was meant to be impartial but somehow acts/reacts as a human would— and it's not hard to think so, when you look at the way the system has acted and evolved throughout the show. At times, the system is shown to be curious, greedy, and even cruel. I am ofc talking about them as a whole and not their androids (Kasei, Misako, Chuan Han, Hosorogi, even the dude in Case 2, etc)— individual brains act as human with a CA constitution (so still slightly different from a normal human), that’s clearly shown in the series.
When I read about this through interviews of Director Shiotani, I didn’t quite get the full context as it was used in the film. My initial interpretation was that the system was human, but the mechanisms that make it work (the claws swapping brains supposedly without human intervention, the city/country-wide whole network/surveillance system, the immediate reaction to process a Dominator’s request, etc) were powered by AI. I thought that they used the term AI to update the terminology, since this technology is quickly becoming commonplace irl. Now I've seen PPP with subs and thought a bit more about it, I still somehow think this is the case but also, all things considered, the term AI also makes sense. 
Bear with me as I try to break it down. The Sibyl System is a system that is bound by its raison d'être: the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people (very important: not all). To achieve this, it has taken over control of the lives of its citizens via the Psycho- Pass, a quantified measure of mental states/psychological tendencies and aptitudes— a supposedly objective measure. This includes law enforcement, as the system is able to predict an individual’s tendency to commit crime. We also know that the Sibyl system has auxiliary functions, like planning citizens’ lives or recommending the best option for the individual’s happiness, matchmaking, art/cultural/historical/religious control. Its role is very simple: assign the best possible job that one is most capable of (essentially eliminating non-productivity as a society), and through psycho-pass measurements, maintain/execute (criminal) law and order under the PSB. It can be implied that other non-criminal laws can’t be divorced from Sibyl, since its functions make all these possible within the confines of what Sibyl constitutes as “right” (and is implied,) based on the rule of law. Sorta like a chicken and egg situation, but the law, being at the base of it all. Sibyl came into legal force - it is, first and foremost, lawful.
Applying that to the definition of AI, we could say that at its inception, the law would be Sibyl’s code/algorithm, prior research (be it criminal/non-criminal data/aptitude/psychology/physio etc etc) and eventually its actual application is its data set, and the use of human brains as its processing mechanism. If we review how the system has "acted" so far, it's all consistent with the fulfillment of their purpose, EVEN if exceptions, limitations and anomalies exist. 
A key concept that has been repeated in the show’s run is Sibyl’s “evolution”, which coincides with the same concept of AI “developing/learning automatically”. If I still have your attention, you will probably know that the main driver of Sibyl’s evolution has always been Akane, be it directly (S1, PP movie, PPP), or indirectly (PP2, PP3). This has been introduced from the start, with Sibyl itself acknowledging its imperfection, but insisting on the need to maintain its perceived perception in the interests of a peaceful society. 
What makes it a bit contentious is the fact that the individual brains ARE very obviously still human - so I think that the “the Sibyl System is an AI” really feels off somehow, or at least conceptually feels like it should have been carefully defined rather than left up for interpretation, given what we’ve seen in the series thus far. In any case, here are some references to help you think about it and make your own interpretation.
World Affairs (OffiPro)
Genesis 1-2
Genesis 3-4
Characters - I’m just gonna put this disclaimer, basically if I quote something from the film please just understand that it’s mostly paraphrased. 
Definitely one of my favorite additions to this massive cast. Not the first one to say it but what a shame (he’s so sexy UwU). He’s probably less complex of a character than Atsushi (oh we’ll get to him), since his motivations are not “heavy” enough for me to believe such a sacrifice. He volunteered to be a double agent, burned his face to prevent identification, took on the mental (physical, actually) load of the chips in his brain and for what? For the greater good? Where did we see that anywhere? It is implied that as an immigrant he’s had his fair share of exposure to wars/conflict - we all know this was the same case with characters like Kei and Maiko, for example, but if we’re simply relying on the context of this film, I got the impression that he was merely doing it for his brother. 
Things I love:
Dropping the machine gun post shootout with Kogami, signaling that he has no intention to go that far (gonna talk about the other side of this coin in a bit)
RECITING THE GREAT ASO on top of that holo cliff *chills* 
In the JP version, his very VERY noticeable voice change when he surrendered to Kogami and Gino
His “please take care of Kei” never fails to make my heart ache T-T AKIRAAAAAAAAAAA
Atsushi (& a bit of Yabuki)
One of the best characters in this film (who no one will invite in their wedding— oh the irony lol). I think that a good baseline from watching PP3/FI really helps appreciate him, though I didn’t actually care much if not for Niki making me notice in PP3 that there are conflicting accounts about him (a malicious one c/ o Obata in her testimony, vs Arata’s POV of him as a good and loving father), plus the more I learned about the complexities of Bifrost the more I got interested in him, too. Atsushi is clearly a morally grey character, and in this film it both comes out of his mouth (as a form of admittance in his speech), and shows in his actions. His speech: "The right choice can be wrong in a different time, that’s because righteousness is relative, but the truth is absolute. What we need is the truth, the means to accept that truth and choose the path where no one gets hurt." is clearly directed at only four people in that room. The speech also served as an admission of his guilt— and once again, the theme “he did what he had to/someone had to do it”.  
There’s a line during his interview with Akane where she says “you don’t make mistakes. Everything you do puts you a step further in your career, as if you’re following a path laid out before you.” When she seems to have hit the right line of questioning, he was clearly about to confess, but alas, it was not to be. I remember reading an interview where Director Shiotani said “he doesn’t get to have it easy” and you know what, ok fine. 
Atsushi and Yabuki’s approach is, in a nutshell, big picture thinking, the end justifies the means. They make difficult decisions, get things done and can’t avoid people from getting hurt. This is also driven home by Yabuki’s words to Frede “ideals are not enough to bring about change”. (He also said something good about needing that kind of power to exact justice and being prepared for the infamy that would result - help me if you remember this was my takeaway from it). To me, they both represent the kind of people who are about to become obsolete in Sibyl society IF it is heading towards the path people like Akane and eventually, Arata, are aiming for (put a pin on that). 
We know that he was a Bifrost Inspector, and interestingly enough, it seems that Yabuki is too since they’re communicating via the terminal we saw Kei use. As is on trend for anything related to Bifrost, you do not see the hands of these guys getting dirty despite all the dirty work they actually do. That said, Akira, Milcia and most likely Saiga, are probably foxes.
Things I love:
I think that he and Tonami, while they must have believed there was no other way at the time, acknowledged that there was no excuse, and as a result are inspired (or in Tonami’s case, persuaded though begrudgingly) to trust the newer generation to do it better than they could. I feel like Atsushi already knew his time was coming the moment the deaths of those he had personal ties with started piling at his door. 
His conversation with Kasei/Sibyl: “we’ve been watching you for a while”, implying Sibyl being complicit in all the dirty work he’s had to do. “Do you believe in the potential of humans?” and the response “of course. this is the reason why we exist” — really rubs the god/religious themes here, handing him the gun that will take his life as their parting gift, as if to say “this is your judgment”. I’m gonna touch on this again with Akane. 
I’m not the first person to say this but with the exception of Yabuki, who was killed, at the end, Milcia, Akira and Atsushi’s acts were extreme, and I’m just not gonna gloss over this, cowardly. Choosing to die instead of living. Choosing to be absent instead of being present (in his brother’s life, in her daughter’s life). Atsushi preached it to his son (“do not dive without a lifeline”) but not only failed to act on his teachings but continued his approach. You could say it was the only choice at the moment, but all their previous choices led them there, and it’s even worse that they got someone else involved and killed, even if that wasn’t their intention. 
HOWEVER, and this is going to be brought up again: someone has to do it, and therein lies the nuance in the other main character in PPP we’ll talk about later.
I don’t really have much to add except they made him especially handsome in this film… 😳 And ofc I love that he picked up the lack of people in the building, he really said you can’t hide anything from my keen observation skillz. I loved that he was pretty chill about it too, maybe he was trying to cool down his favorite student 🤗
Things I love:
Akane visited him at 23:41 in the evening, I am assuming on that same day (it’s the time stamp on his laptop, also confirmed by Director Shiotani). I guess the concept of after office hours does not exist bec it looks like they left for Dejima immediately after. 
“People aspire for comfort and find themselves unable to escape it, like me” and Akane immediately saying that’s not the case 🥹
Coffee on the lips. Leaning back on the couch. The toast and the chuckle RIP
“She’s not a saint/bodhisattva”: I’ve understood this to mean that she WILL enforce Kogami if it comes down to, hence he better apologize to her while he can. 
His very meme-able criticism of Kogami before they got on the elevator 
“Well, that was crazy!”
The desperation and VERY obvious there is no other way here when Akane’s whole body is about to fall just trying to hang onto him
That they muted Akane’s scream when he fell
That she went straight down to him without so much as looking back at the fighting still happening
That she fixed his body 😭
I’m really gonna miss him. I always used to hc that Akane and Kogami would have a moment with him at some point in the future, calling back to their visit to his house in s1 but alas… we can’t have everything we want, huh? 
AHHHH old man, old man. 
My favorite part about Tonami is that they clearly improved on making sure they don’t paint him as an evil guy. They tried to do this with Garcia, but frankly the novel did a better job at making him look more nuanced than the movie did— and that’s saying a lot since like I said, I love case 3. This is probably because they had the benefit of time, of course, and we’re gonna touch on this again later, they spend less time making Kogami look good (i mean, not physically) in this film. 
They were very economic with how they portrayed his character, too. With just that one scene of him and the kid, you immediately empathize and are forced to listen to what he’s actually saying. My favorite scenes of any iteration is the “reckoning”/tnj that Akane has towards the end, basically summarizing the thesis of the story, and the questions it poses to the audience. This film is probably the best at presenting the most nuanced argument of the series so far between two sides. Very simple, very straightforward, and the movie’s prior scenes have done the legwork for the viewer to connect the points each is trying to make, like neat little puzzle pieces that make you go oh.
Things I love:
“Don’t forget you were the ones who made me this way.” (mic drop).
Akio Otsuka’s voice acting, especially when Akane was crawling to grab the Dominator. THE FRUSTRATION IS REAL.
This was pretty much confirmed and I’ll touch on it again later: he was not going to kill Akane (link) . I thought this was up for debate at first, but actually after seeing the subbed version I am convinced this was actually not up for debate due to the following:
It was him talking to Kai when he killed Milcia, he asked “You killed her?” and said “You messed up, Kai” 
We do not actually see him kill unless there is a purpose. Killing the SAD guys to get to Milcia, killing the SAD guys to get to Saiga. He revived Bokamoso because he needed to get the papers (wasn’t convinced that Saiga really didn’t have it, as already established by Saiga a few scenes prior), and was biding their time when he engaged with Frede & Gino after Kai confirmed the papers were not there, probably waiting for Kai to finish with Kogami (“time is up”). Decided the ops team (Ko, Gino, Frede) needed to die after they were exposed and the safety of the General and Raphael were put in jeopardy. 
He shot Akane in the same place he shot Kogami a few scenes prior— this is also why I do not believe this is random, but rather just a means to incapacitate them while he needed to do what he needed to do: possess Kai bec he now knows where the General is and needed him out of there, (unclear whether he knew at the time that Kai had the papers but likely he did since he referred to the memory chip during his first meeting with Akane), and have Akane not bother him while he possesses the peacebreakers in battle).
Shooting Akane again, not fatally wounding her.  
Akane’s line “why don’t you just kill me?”. Like, really, why didn’t he? The link above sheds some light on the creator’s vision on this and it’s delicious, lol. IMO, if he had wanted her dead they’d not have even talked. Very simple.
This is not to justify his actions btw, in fact, Akane even called him out “the same wars you helped perpetrate”, and her lichrally saying “I promise to expose the truth about the peacebreakers, but this doesn’t excuse what you’ve done”. Madame Justice said YOU WILL BE JUDGED BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME AS AN INSPECTOR OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU ETC ETC  
He cares about Kai/Akira (the line to Atsushi “so Kai is your pawn, too?” at the helipad, and his concern about the divider overloading and his reaction that Kai is choosing to die). He clearly cares about the peacebreakers, too. Nuance, man. Delicious. 
“You can’t stop what you started here” CHILLS. Definitely reminds me of Kamui’s tnj in S2.
I have a soft spot for her. She’s clearly more loyal to Yabuki & the MFA than to Saiga, and, judging by her character we’ve seen so far, she’s taking after Yabuki as well 😉
The reason why? #21 in Director Shiotani’s Q&A space last June 15 (link).
So pretty when she was conflicted about not telling Saiga/Kogami about le grand  ̶f̶a̶i̶l̶  plan
I like how she calls Yabuki “boss” 🥹
Fave scene when Kogami calls her out for lying to Saiga LOL, I just love that he can just do that and that she doesn’t even bat an eye, I like that about them. 
He’s not my fave, but I’ve grown a bit soft on him here I have to admit. Love that they gave his devotion to Akane more context, and that this whole system of trust between them (and the rest of Div 1) is shown. 
He is right, it’s his ego talking (the boat convo). Akane didn’t and isn’t staying/tied to the CID bec of them (Ko & Gino) jeez man. It’s not about YOU. LMFAOOoOOOOooo 
Little Ginomika moment, I loved that. Speaking of…
“This is no time to be playing politician” sis— did anyone ever tell you that you have an aptitude for it? The whole plan about selling them out if they all die so she could save their asses, then actually coming to their aid when it truly mattered? Does your fave ever?!?!?! 
While she’s probably the one who has one of the best charadevs in the show, I fear a little that she’s starting to become a gag character, ALTHOUGH i’m arguing that she’s clearly still a writer’s fave with the way they give her critical hero moments when it counts (the whole rock star raid at heaven’s leap in PP3, then this “I got it covered” in PPP). I think Mika best displays the balance required to stay (sane) in this job. She’s able to take on what she needs to, and accomplish the role she’s set out to play, and at the end of the day she probably goes home and has a boba, binges netflix and has a good night’s sleep. 
I dunno where I read this - but there are main characters, and there are main side characters. This is Gino and Mika’s fate in the grander story, with their arcs pretty much over since Case 1.  
Finally, the good stuff. If this ain’t much of an overly long essay already.
Before I go off, my experience is as follows:
When the first trailer of PPP came out, his words “I have no regrets” were so jarring to me. I didn’t quite understand how that was supposed to add up to the Kogami in my head, the hopeful man who was ready to come home at the end of Case 3, and the guy who said sorry at the end of PPFI. This led me to find some answers by machine translating the PP3/FI novels, and the case 3 novel. 
In a nutshell, I had thought that the ending of case 3 meant that he was going to turn a new leaf and fight for the same justice Akane was (in short, no killing). Guess what? I forgot that he did kill Jackdaw in PPFI, and the novel pretty much confirmed his actions and thoughts around it (aka, he was really going to kill the guy— I mean, he came into the scene guns blazing, you know? AND I FORGOT ABOUT IT (I call this my akane-tinted glasses 😉).
Another line in Akane’s monologue that cemented my reinterpretation of Kogami, and I was immediately reminded of this passage when Akane sadly spoke to him right after he shot Tonami: 
“Believing in the meaning of the stars was something only she herself held, and it was as if she was being told that the stars were just stars by the others she believed to be her comrades. When she began to consider that perhaps it was not the incomprehensible others who were truly isolated, but rather herself, true loneliness arrived. The moment of being cast into the sea of true loneliness, without even the stars or the sound of waves.” (the stars here was implied to be either law, or justice)
It’s been confirmed by Ryo Yoshigami that Akane’s monologues in the PP3/FI novels were written with the plot of PPP in mind— so you all know, this was intentional. The novels really helped me take a step back and assess what I was really looking at as a character, and Kogami’s role in the overall story. I thought he was someone who was on his way to change, I was wrong. I thought that his values have aligned with Akane, again, wrong. Now I know what some of yall are gonna say, that you didn’t misinterpret him. Sure, this statement isn’t for you then. BUT don’t lie to me, those who DID. 🤪
As for the rest, go read and form your own opinion  (PP3 Novels)
Kogami’s sense of justice
As a main character of the series, Kogami’s journey has been up and down, but one thing that’s consistent about him, in the simplest terms: his justice is personal. Whether it’s one of revenge, which he had closed the door on post case 3, his inability to turn away from injustice, and in PPP, his acceptance and taking responsibility of what he stands for, and what he can do. 
In the beginning of Case 3, he was making an effort to avoid killing— even using it as a condition for cooperating with Kinrei on the raid in the train station. This was during a time when he was clearly at a loss of what to do, still swimming in his regrets and just letting himself go in whichever direction life takes him. Come the end of Case 3, we see his hopeful decision to return, and, in PPP, clearly stated during his convo on the boat, his reasons. He did not come back to die, but to help people. This is essentially an explanation of his choice and lack of regret that he failed to explain properly to Akane, but if it wasn’t clear yet, this is also where the lines have been drawn between the two protagonists, interestingly enough, since the beginning of the series. Akane’s sense of justice is directly tied to the law, whereas Kogami’s does not (and, I think a moot point to argue now, will never). 
He does what he does because it’s what he can do. The difference between Kogami S1 and Kogami PPP/PP3 is that he’s found a purpose/place that aligns with his sense of justice. He owns it, and takes full responsibility for it. It’s a facet of growth, though probably not in a direction that would bode well for him if he fails to look from above, as was Saiga's last words to Akane. I can take this apart in a few ways, firstly, and especially towards his “belief” in Akane, he’s a hypocrite (LOL). Says one thing, does another. Wanting to be judged after the fact is like, are you kidding me, man? Right in front of the blood of someone she just tnj’d “you will be judged according to the law”?!?!?!!
Let's take a break, I’ll throw him a bone.
He simply cannot turn away from injustice and would rather get his hands dirty than allow others to get away with their crimes
This is a great callback to his time with Garcia “you hesitated, and now someone’s dead.” See? Charadev. (I’m being sarcastic). It must suck for him that though he didn’t hesitate, Saiga is still dead. 
To me, he’s started walking forwards post case 3, and while he still regrets everything he did before that, he’s left that behind to fulfill a new purpose in his life
In this scene specifically, he would rather kill than have Akane be killed.
Very personal, very short-sighted, very impulsive, reactive sense of justice. That he agreed with what Tonami had said, for all that talk of his belief in Akane, he’s a funny  ̶l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ guy, isn’t he? 
I’ve always argued that if his aim was that good (and again, Tenzing commented on this, he CAN shoot to disarm someone), then why didn’t he? Kogami in PPP, in every scene, operates on a shoot to kill. I’m no longer here to apologize for the guy, even if he did, three years too late. I think that it helped me come to terms with their differences, and this is fundamental. Don’t get me wrong, I still like his character, maybe even more now that we’ve learned quite a few things about his… shortcomings (lol), but I’m not gonna make excuses for him in the same way he doesn’t make excuses for himself. He chose. He still chooses to. Cool motive, still murder. 
Where this will lead him, it’s been alluded to in the film. Tonami is what a misguided Kogami could become, and even Saiga clearly reminded him of it. That’s a matter for his future, but know that this movie is sowing seeds the creators may decide to reap someday.  
Things I love :
He got his balls kicked!!! Love that for him 🤣
Used to complain about how lousy his shirt looked is in pp3 and whoooaa he took the jacket off and I'm sweating
The PP OST and the dominator UI, before he takes his first shot *chills*
Despite all my beef about him, I still really do love the guy. Now I just dunk on him every chance I get, it's fun. And ofc, I still have a tiny bit of hope about his future, and I’ll be holding him to that standard, otherwise yeah, he can die in a ditch (or if we’re going there, he can die whilst leading an uprising to destroy Sibyl) 😉 
So when I said earlier that everyone is being measured against Akane, I really meant it. She had taken a back seat since the PPSS films, and in PP3/FI the whole mystery surrounding her imprisonment was an invisible hand driving many elements of the show. PPP is HER film, and as a character, her continued relevance to the series' thesis cannot be discounted.
“The law doesn’t protect people. People protect the law.”
If Kogami was consistent about his sense of justice, she is even more so. What makes her leagues above him is that she’s driving change, and change DOES happen in the manner that does not allow her to break her principles… that is, until the end of PPP 😉. I’m not going to elaborate on her sense of justice, it’s pretty straightforward even if the series likes to throw stones at it as if following it is the hardest thing in the world. What makes Akane stand out is that it's actually not hard. Look, ask yourself whether it’s easier to kill another human being or not— I’m not talking about exceptional circumstances, but even then, I think you know the answer— there’s a moral and ethical basis here that she shares with a great number of people. Killing is wrong, it’s against the law to take another life. To me, the point of each iteration is to keep stacking odds against her through characters, each with their own complexities and nuance that the audience is made to empathize with and contrasted to her sense of justice, resulting in making it look like her principles are ideal and impossible to achieve, when actually, they're not. 
One of my favorite lines of the film, when Tonami says to Akane, “these are the facts that lie in the shadow of the peace that you enjoy”. Let’s be real. Akane is privileged. She’s not had to fire a gun to defend herself in a war torn land— but the argument against this is the same argument for it— it’s because she doesn’t have to. Kogami is back in Japan, it stands to reason that he must adhere to its laws, because despite his experiences abroad, he is not and will never be above the law. 
I’m gonna touch on something I already discussed on twitter, because there’s a difference between the way Kogami has killed, versus the way Gino and Sugo have. 
As far as the series has shown, the following are Sibyl-sanctioned “killing”, the last one specifically relates to PPP:
As judged by the Dominator (LE/DD)
In cases of national defense/during the execution of duties as members of the NDF
In cases of self-defense in the course of an official operation
It stands to reason that just because they are sanctioned does not save the person from their hue deteriorating, because that part is directly related to a person’s view of guilt. Throughout the show, the audience is constantly reminded that the act of (indirectly) killing does not necessarily impact one's hue (e.g. the PP of the person who manufactured the gun is not the same as the person who fired it, the whole premise of the foxes in PP3, etc), hence the "guilt" associated with the act falls on the person who does it, which may result in a higher cc. A person is able to absolve themselves precisely bec they know they're doing it within the confines of the law, but this doesn’t always follow (e.g. Sugo’s hue deteriorating in Case 2). There's a good example of this in action during Akane's operation in PPP, when Tonami issues the order to kill, and the team, who had been disarming/arresting everyone a few minutes before, was left with no choice but to defend themselves, often resulting in a kill.
While the Peacebreakers were able to hand over this guilt to Tonami via the Divider, Gino and Sugo could not. At the start of the film, they only used the guns when the Dominator was not functioning. The difference with their actions in the last third of the film is they participated in an unsanctioned operation with Akane, have killed as a result and are now likely above regulation. Had no idea the words “once the hounds have thrown away their collars, public safety will never tame them again” also served as foreshadowing as this is probably why Sugo and Gino were requested for transfer to the SAD. And if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that Gino actually gets the job done with fewer bullets than Kogami does. Kogami, from the start, comes into the scene, kills all his enemies on sight without hesitation. This is a huge difference, and this is what Akane is trying to keep him from defaulting to. Violence to fight violence was not the answer, but they clearly do not align on this. It’s a perspective thing. 😉 
So why did she do what she did? 
In principle, she made herself an anomaly, directly challenging the decision to repeal the law, by committing a crime in public while not having her PP deteriorate. In short, she pretty much broke the law to protect the law. So how did she objectively know that her plan would work? 
I had a few discussions on twitter surrounding this, and frankly the “she knows she’s doing the right thing, not for herself but for the greater good” doesn’t cut it for me, nor does the premise of “leap of faith”. To do this, she HAD to have known with certainty that her hue would not deteriorate because if the dominator suddenly activates for her, then it was a pointless act, and more importantly, she was fully aware (as stated in the PP3 novels) that she was committing a crime. 
There are cases to be made of course, the first being she knew that Kasei is merely an android and that Akane avoided shooting the brain (effectively keeping Kasei alive), but that still doesn’t establish the fact that Akane does not absolve herself of the act, and again, that she needed to objectively know this would work. This is theory time, but the only thing I can think about are two specific things, one in the film, one not. 
Defying Sibyl orders to enact her own operation in the Kuril Islands - this is directly disobeying Sibyl, using her Chief Inspector authority to assign temporary roles to Kogami and Frede so they could participate, loading the Stronskaya Docs to her Dominator and giving it to the General, all these, unsanctioned and should have at least raised her PP. My guess is, in the aftermath, she noticed that it had not, despite the scale and the effort and potential losses had things gone wrong, and decided that was enough to go ahead with the “answer” she found for herself.
She had to have procured a gun. This was not in the film - but procuring the gun establishes her intent/motive, and should have also raised her PP - my guess is it did not. This would have been sufficient, but you can imagine, until the point of carrying the gun to the venue (probably hidden inside her hat), the fact that she wasn’t flagged basically made it certain her plan would not fail.
In the June 25 roundtable (link) , Director Shiotani wished that if he had 3 more minutes to add, he would have added a scene right after Atsushi’s death where the men in the roundtable ultimately decided to proceed with the abolition of the law. In hindsight, I think adding this scene would have been better, because it takes away room for interpretation that Akane was actually in a desperate situation, and not just frustrated at the close of the case. In the movie, this was supplemented by Kogami’s line “what Tonami said is probably going to come true, the law will likely be abolished.” Not as desperate, if you ask me. 
The difference between Akane and Atsushi is that, Atsushi, in his capacity as a double agent and methodology as a Bifrost inspector, is like a puppet master holding the strings, indirectly enabling change and leaving mere traces of his impact while others either take full credit (or fall) from it, whereas Akane pushes change by directly challenging Sibyl head-on. We have yet to clarify Atsushi’s motivations in rising the ranks of Bifrost (he was alluded to be on the way to being a congressman or that he had the talents for it), and the fact that he’s played double agent for so long with his methods steadily growing shady over time just goes to show that there was clearly a better way (and he ofc acknowledges it). 
In the same way a CA can only be recognized by Sibyl by committing crimes OR if a Dominator was wrongly pointed at them, Sibyl becomes aware of these deviants (I’m gonna call them that) the moment they start defying Sibyl while being able to keep their hues clear. Perhaps Atsushi would be an imperfect version of a deviant, Akane the better one, and Arata probably the ideal despite being CA, sort of like Genesis 3-4’s Makami Sou. It would be interesting if Akane becomes APA, let’s see (read the Genesis links above 🙂). 
“Do you believe in the potential of humans?”
Post-op Akane was forcibly promoted to Atsushi’s role (iirc, a Department Head of Statistics in the Ministry of Welfare c/ o Steohsama's translation). I think it can be read two ways: one, in the context of the recently closed case, to get her fully out of the way and busy with other, bigger stuff that she was already dipping her toes in prior to Atsushi’s death (referred to during their convo, about her not “making a fuss”). Two, that she really did have the aptitude to be someone like Atsushi— only that her methods would clearly be different. Now that she’s back in the CID, there’s obviously a question of Akane’s future as a statutory enforcer (fun fact, the creators pretty much confirmed that it’s just a name for someone judged according to the law but whose PP did not deteriorate / someone who was appointed as an enforcer whose PP is below regulation ( link / link ). If Hinakawa will be promoted to an Analyst, then there’s a spot open for her in Division 1, assuming she’ll be playing detective. While I think this is likely to happen, I think it’s a boring outcome for her. Like Atsushi, I want her to move up in the world, especially if the world is gearing towards Sibyl going public. It’s going to be interesting what role she’ll play in the future, especially because, as Niki had so nicely put, “she can’t do this alone”. 
Oh, Koaka. 
Objectively, I no longer think the ship is romantic in canon. I’m gonna copy-paste some thoughts I already shared at length in discord and edit parts of it, but if you’ve seen me the last few months, this isn’t new.  
This is nitpicking, because I'm a writer and facts like they don't know each other, not really (they spent not more than 100 days in s1, maybe a few days in PPP) are things that are at the back of my mind always. I have yet to see Kogami and Akane treat each other more than the pedestals they put each other on (arguable for Akane but I think this is also why she keeps getting disappointed that their sense of justice doesn't align).
This divide between their sense of justice is their biggest flaw as a potential couple, and one that is too fundamental. I do not see compromise here, especially after the events of PPP. If Kogami were to gear towards a positive change, then there’s hope, but I leave very little room for that now. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing, either. I see it as a potential stance that the show is trying to make. “You murdered someone, you can’t go back.” If he had been heading towards change it should have been on the way for a while, not a “possibility” that he keeps failing to live up to. Getting over this hopeful assumption took me a while, but I think that it also helped me appreciate the wider story being told. 
That being said, I think that romance in stories is important and I would like to see the writing team go there, not just from a shipping perspective but from a storytelling/amping up stakes perspective. In PPP I felt how Gino was much, much closer to Akane, and I didn't see this previously. In the past he was more like a controlling dad esp in s2, undermining Akane's POV, improved a bit in the pp movie though he still felt a bit on the overprotective i know better than you side (nicely resolved in ppp where we see a piece of his mind btw)— there's a whole lot of trust there. With Kogami and Akane, while they cleared the air after the infirmary scene, once again I saw that trust shaken when he shot Tonami. 
These characters are depicted as human beings, and I think that entails grounding. While meaningful connections can be made through short moments (destiny, if you will), relationships built over time like literally and not let's have a nice moment in a film i'll see you next movie kind of thing, is something that, to me, means more. That said, Kogami was separated for a long time and it's lichrally impossible, but they're in the same place now. Where does that lead them? This is where part of my hope lies, small as it may be. Granted, this is not that kind of show and I'm fully aware of that, which is also why I'm happy to get what we get and that artists/fic writers are there to fill those gaps.
I still ship them but a lot less— I find it funny because even before PPP, I was always looking for more (I'm greedy haha!). I always saw the PPFI scene as just the beginning of their relationship— I wasn't convinced that scene was enough, despite the romantic undertones. And let me tell you the betrayal I felt when I found out the reason why they did the whole back to back thing in PP0308 was because... IT WAS AWKWARD FOR HIM TO CROUCH DOWN THE LITTLE WINDOW OF HER CELL and not the little romantic shit I had going on in my head— I just ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻
I went through the five stages of grief but at the same time it's not as bad since it's not like I didn't think that way from the start (it's just me being anal about it all, really. Because I would end up writing whatever I wanted anyway and canon didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things).
I do like their dynamic now given the recent developments, Kogami especially being particularly unskilled in the romance department just makes it all the more funny (I'm not capable of writing him that way though so I guess all my fics are ooc now 🤣). If they don't develop past the Arguably Platonic™️  way they treat each other then I won't be surprised if I stop creating for the ship, likely bec it will no longer satisfy my enjoyment of it.
Final Thoughts
I think it’s pretty much confirmed we’re getting more, it’s just a matter of when (can’t believe I’m staying here forever, huh?). Director Shiotani wishes that he will be making PP in the next 30 years, gotta love him for that. 
As the series progresses, there was a clear tonal shift and hopeful direction it seems to be heading towards. To me this is partially because in a practical sense, this benefits the prolonging of the show (which we already know is true), but in a thematic sense, destroying Sibyl means the end of the series overall. No Psycho Pass without the Psycho Pass. And to this I give credit where it’s due. This is not the kind of progress you’ll see if Urobuchi is still in the writer’s room, and frankly, the complexity and depth of the show ever since he left has pretty much taken off in great strides. I had wished they were heading towards a natural conclusion (Sibyl going public) and leave it alone for a decade before they pick it up again, but I guess the producers have other plans. After all, they don’t have any other IP that has withstood the test of time, is ahead of its time and continued to remain relevant as time went on. While not perfect, this is an amazing feat of a series, and this movie is a stellar addition to it. 
They’ve got a dilemma of course, because until now it seems they went with a serialized format (with a definite ending) versus an episodic one (criminal of the week). By choosing to expand the world and explore other facets of society, all the while connecting the threads in an overarching plot, they have to complete the “passing of the torch" before going back to an episodic format, which means they MUST give the new kids their time of day,̶ a̶n̶d̶ ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶,̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶p̶l̶e̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶n̶k̶s̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶e̶x̶p̶l̶a̶i̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶e̶a̶l̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶S̶h̶i̶z̶u̶k̶a̶. Shifting the timelines allowed them to usher in the new cast, but now they’re marketing the legacy cast and have to contend with their obvious popularity compared to the new, fully knowing that the legacy cast is returning to the back seat once we kick things off again. This is a problem that can be solved if a spinoff is decided for SAD, because at least a chunky (huehue) part of the cast will be cordoned off doing their business in Dejima, while the CID with its usual players can stay where they are. I think if you’ve been following Director Shiotani though, this is not happening without him in the driver’s seat, so it’s like… if they’re smart he will delegate this task to someone he trusts and we’ll get both a main and a spinoff, then a converging point somewhere in the form of a movie. 🎶Psycho-pass forever!🎶 (to the tune of Emilia Clarke "best season ever" GOT S8 interview, iykyk). 
Finally, I’m just gonna say that I love Akane so much, I’m glad she got the spotlight on her in this film. To be able to experience this film is unforgettable, I’m so grateful that it was possible for me. I’m training myself to expect she’ll take a step back next time I see her, but more than anything, I hope to see her happiness fulfilled, no matter what that entails. Once more, I just can’t thank these creators enough. They’ve made a series and a world I’m obsessed with, makes me think and makes me evaluate its implications in real life, makes me create!!!!! I’m so happy that they continue to believe in the stories they want to tell. I hope they are all healthy and resting now (until the next one, eheh!)
I’ve talked way too much and it’s really just because I want this out of my plate so I can start writing my fics now lololol. If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Always happy to discuss! 
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oreo102 · 5 months
Please I'm so so curious to hear your thoughts on 10/14
Ok so my thoughts on 10 are less than 14 so let’s start with him lol. I have not watched 10, so my hatred of him is more hatred by proxy of how the fandom treats him and proxy of 14, but I still do have a few specific thoughts and this will be long and definitely rambly
A) when talking about him I usually refer to him as Fandom’s Favorite White Boy or Pathetic Wet Cat/Twink mostly because it’s funny but for now I’ll use 10. The most I know about 10 is that he is angsty and in love with rose and besties with Donna… also that he’s pathetic but that’s more vibes
So- my hate of 10 is less tangible than 14 but i still have a few points, the main one being the way i see ppl talk about how he treated Martha and how obsessed with rose he was. I don’t think it’s ever compelling to have someone’s main personality trait be loving someone a whole lot which also honestly is my problem with rose (don’t hate her but don’t care about her)
From what I have seen and heard of 10 it’s rather… boring, honestly? Like it’s mostly clips out of context but for 13 and 15 I saw clips out of context and was like “ok wth is happening? /pos” with 10 it’s more like “wtf?” Also pretty sure his episodes were some of the ones I saw when my parents had the show on that played a part in me swearing the show off so
Ok onto the more tangible hatred of 14. A lot of this, admittedly, is more about the writing and showrunner decisions than 14 but those things by proxy makes me hate him
So- I have a lot of feelings on him quite literally starting from his first appearance in power of the doctor. I am SO PETTY that he doesn’t wear 13’s silly little outfit. Like I have gone on full rants about that fact to my friends and family
I’ve seen something claim that rtd didn’t want 14 to wear her outfit because people might be transphobic and derogatory towards him (even tho Dhawan!master wore it, and it’s pretty gender neutral) but then did nothing about the shit ppl said about ruby’s actor or about ppl who would be a bitch about rose the second being nonbinary(also i remember seeing a post about their deadname being mentioned in an episode? Not totally sure that’s true tho)
The 60th anniversary specials themselves don’t really celebrate Dr who as a whole as much as 10’s run with a few old villains but that’s not really my main issue with that. My main issue with the specials is that the Doctor gets their happy ending. With Donna. And her family. When fucking 3-4 episodes prior, their happy ending would’ve been yaz. It would’ve been staying with yaz. But nope! Donna! Because that’s what 10 would’ve wanted.
And I don’t want 14 to be with yaz, btw, I mean I want them to meet and for yaz to hit him, but I don’t want them to be a thing or like be together because I believe yaz is a lesbian but that’s not the point of this so moving on
I also have very much big issues with the scene where 15 and 14 are (presumably, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the full scene) talking about women they love and mention who I assume to be River and rose but not yaz, who again, they wanted to spend forever with 3-4 episodes prior. It makes the doctor seem like a douchebag even if it’s a writing issue and not a character issue
Also 14 being David tenant overshadows 13’s departure and 15’s arrival and since he is most likely going to show up at least a little bit in s14 he’ll overshadow 15 in his own series. It’s icky at the very least.
There’s something inherently bad about having the fandoms Favorite White Boy be with a contentious casting decision (because I have no faith in the Dr who fandom not to be bigoted) and even if no one has an issue with 15 being black and maybe gay (is he gay? He gives gay vibes) it’s still setting him up for failure by pairing him with 14
Also bigeneration is so fucking dumb and I hate it
Also also stop giving the Dr 19 year old companions it’s getting kinda weird now
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comfort-writing · 6 months
Hey y’all- I know I’ve been gone a WHILE lol. Life’s been hectic and fun. Recently had the urge to write. I jotted down some notes; would y’all read this?
Ok so, for context, last night I had a weird dream about this exact scenario and felt the insatiable urge to write it down. It wasn’t Eddie in the dream (it was a diff actor who I literally had never thought about before? Like weird but I imagined Eddie in it when I woke up so here you go):
- Eddie is high key obsessed w you
- But in a cute way? Scary way? You really are unsure
- Like you know he has a crush on you- you’ve known it for years
- He makes it incredibly obvious. He’s a dork, so he’s not great at flirting, but he constantly tells everyone how awesome you are
- Reader is like; really cool? I imagine college age
- Like, he goes around campus just openly being a bit weird but mostly harmless
- Like, shows up to your sporting events (maybe cheer? Volleyball? Softball? Idk man I was a dancer and in colorguard- lmk what yall want) in a t shirt he made- like kinda creepy (but like I said- mostly harmless- just a little odd)
- Rumors spread about how he’s planning to sacrifice you or something
- You find it odd at first, but then you start observing him and see that it’s kinda genuine
- You eventually warm up to him, allowing him to become your friend
- The two are friends for a while, not really hanging out, but like, if he’s somewhere you are (which you eventually realize is more often than not), you’ll make friendly conversation
- He drives you home from class one day bc it’s storming
- Slowly, you start to realize that, while he’s going about it wrong, he’s actually really sweet
- You guys end up at a party
- He’s literally being your scary guard dog (or option b- the one from my dream- he’s making a complete fool of himself saying how cool and awesome and pretty you are. He’s a lil stoned)
- You’re laughing (at him and with him simultaneously) and having a great time
- He offers you a little schweed, and you accept. You two go into a secluded area to smoke
- You have a realization that- man, this guy is kind of adorable
- You lean in to kiss him, but he backs away, mouth hanging open like a fish
- “Stop freaking out so I can kiss you!” You laugh
- “Give me a minute- I need to make sure Im not dead, dying, or somehow overdosing on weed” he said, taking some deep breaths
- “You can’t overdose on weed, jackass.”
- “Yeah well this doesn’t feel real- give me a sec.”
- “I’ll be right here.” You laugh, rubbing his thigh gently
- You kiss and oh my god it is the sweetest and spiciest kiss ever
- Light schmut insues (WHIMPERING)
- He says he loved you during this, then sputters and says you don’t have to say it back or anything- sorry I’m just rambling
- “It’s ok- give me a minute. You’ve known how great I am for a long time, but I’m just learning how great you are now.”
- Panty snatcher
- Omg I can’t do this I’m writing this at work
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folklauerate · 9 months
2023 Fic Year in Review
Thanks to @a-regular-jo for tagging me!
List of fics completed
take my hand, wreck my plans, that’s my man series
The Yellow Tulips of Texas
an affair, three ways series
cause I’m a mastermind (the west wing au)
in our perfect park
leave the light on
Santa Kate series
fuck it, it’s fine series
I’m on Fire
Modern Omega
Number of words written
502,159 😳
Your most popular fic
The Set Up by a laughably large margin. Although as I checked stats now to answer this question, I see that Bridgerton, Actually (my Love, Actually AU) is now second and it wasn’t before, quite recently actually! It seems it got a lot of holiday readership :)
Your personal fav
This is like asking me to pick a fav child! It’s difficult but I’d have to go with the professor au (take my hand, wreck my plans, that’s my man series). It came at a time where I was feeling uninspired and sort of adrift fandom-wise. Following the completion of Bridgerton, Actually, which was a behemoth and draining to write (though I loved it!), I was in the midst of taking some downtime to just… be. To consume without worrying about creating and to just reconsider. During that time, I read plenty of other things, including fic from other fandoms. I noticed tropes and things I simply hadn’t been exposed to ever/in a while, and found myself really drawn to the idea of an age gap with Kathony. Their fics feature them being near/the same age so often, in an effort to illustrate just how well matched they are. I wanted to do a sort of character study and love story when they had a significant age gap. I wanted to explore the ways Anthony might have been different if he was older, the fears of dying young (perhaps) abated but with no Kate to spur them forward. The Anthony I created in this AU was someone who had lived a bit of a life, hadn’t settled for a marriage for the sake of it, and had grown up and developed his own tastes in between teaching lectures and devoting himself to his family. I feel as though it can be popular to show Anthony devoid of taste or personality in terms of home decor or outside pursuits pre-Kate, and that simply wasn’t an option with him here. I really enjoyed developing this man with cultivated and exacting tastes. I’m getting rambly here so I’ll stop, because I could talk about this oneshot for a while. The point being—this oneshot marked a time of sort of creative freedom for me. When I started writing it, it felt nearly insane. I just wrote and wrote with no real reader expectation because I was writing a daddy kink in a fandom that really didn’t seem to have one. I was writing and entirely possessed by the story and characters and premise itself. I wrote that and nothing else for a while. I wrote it across continents and flights and subways and in my room, alone. I would text Kara about it nonstop and I’d post excerpts and just wrote it and didn’t think about it… and then it came time to post. I genuinely didn’t know how it would be received. And I need to add that it is far from the most popular Kathony fic ever, and it’s not even my most popular Kathony fic ever, but the response was nonetheless astounding. I genuinely couldn’t have expected the way it would be received and I’m so grateful for anyone who spent time with those words and maybe found themselves inspired to push boundaries in their own fic and writing.
Your fav scene
I genuinely can’t pick one. I think I’ve written too much hahaha. I’ll state a few that come to mind now;
In the Texas!Anthony AU I loved writing Anthony meeting Kate’s extended family. I loved giving her an extended family, filled with doting grandparents, noisy cousins, and all the fun hallmarks of Indian American kid life.
The papercut scene in the Prof AU.
Nearly the entirety of the spanking oneshot follow-up to the prof au
And also the Lover inspired fic in the prof au lol
I loved the Balmoral chapter of The Set Up, especially the beginning vignette of three; Charlie/Harry, Hugo/Willie, Kate/ghosts/legacy/history. The moment she lights incense and says a prayer in this really storied, old, English castle is unbelievably significant, I think, in ways that will come to play in the fic now.
So much of the roommates fic is a real love letter to NYC. I did a reread recently and was almost surprised by it myself? I think I’ve had enough time away to be surprised by it and I was. I know those places, I feel those places. I hope the sense of self comes across as significantly for the reader as it does to me.
Writing the aftermath of the shooting scene in The West Wing AU and Kate winning the election as well were really poignant. I cried writing them and I cry rereading them. They’re almost a brilliantly rebellious ode to hope in the face of the perceived hopelessness of US politics. Regardless of whether or not a president like Kate Sharma plausible, I center my politics and general life philosophies around hope. That fic felt like hope and belief in a better world.
A fic or scene that challenged you
Plenty! The Balmoral chapter challenged me a lot until I saw Angels in America and something clicked. I actually can’t think of more right now in a really specific way but I will say anytime I felt challenged I either ignored it or wrote through it. Writing through it was always the answer and right way to tackle it.
A line of writing you’re proud of
There’s definitely a lot I’m a proud of but I am currently traveling and CBA to trawl through over 500k words to find the line I’m proud of. There’s a LOT of prose I’m really proud of though. The recent chapter of Babel where I describe Simon’s party is some of my best work, I think. Sweet Like Honey (stepfather au) has some prose I’m exceptionally proud of. As does the Obsession AU. Some descriptions of Texas in the Texas!Anthony AU are gorgeous. If you can think of anything that stood out to you, let me know.
A comment that touched you
I genuinely treasure every single comment I’ve received and I’m currently working through responding to many (if you get a months late response,,, I’m sorry). I will take this time to impress upon anyone who might be reading that leaving comments can be so encouraging and I do love hearing from readers. Fic really does feel like I’m writing directly for you guys. And so it’s great to get feedback or excited squealing because it makes it less lonely and helps me feel like I’m a part of it with you guys. I love when friends comment, I love when people who I only know through excited screeching on ao3 comment, I really love it all.
Recently, a longtime reader left a comment on my recent update of The Set Up just to thank me for writing this year and it was so moving and so lovely I teared up. It was unbelievably kind and thoughtful. That really snuck in at the end of the year for one that just took the cake for me.
Something that inspired your writing
Everything. Angels in America. Echoing Jo by saying Prince Harry’s memoir Spare. A lot of Haladriel and Darklina works and writers. Bruce Springsteen. Lysistrata. Babel by R.F. Kuang. Little Rabbit by Alyssa Songsiridej. Babylon the film. Singing in the Rain. The West Wing lol. Dachshunds (English cream) and Greyhounds. The British royals. Kafka. Religious trauma. Guts by Olivia Rodrigo (specifically bad idea, right?). Wet Dream and Chaise Lounge by Wet Leg. The people who broke my heart and the people who helped me stitch it back up. My fellow writers and friends, always.
Your proudest accomplishment
Getting over a bad depressive episode and writing slump and purposefully refocusing my attentions to: myself, why I felt compelled to write, and the people who did love me and read my writing and made that clear, as opposed to the people who didn’t.
Do you have any writing goals for next year?
To finish The Set Up. To finish some Perfect Park drabbles and revisit the west wing au for some good election year distraction. And, maybe, to take a little break as I work on original things. I am not leaving, don’t worry. I have set some professional and personal goals for myself that require more of my emotional and intellectual time/space/energy and I need to refocus some efforts there. But I’m not done and I will be back. I’m tentatively planning something quite exciting fic-wise. If it comes to fruition, I’ll tell you all in time.
Tagging @grantairesbottle @amalinwrites who is never on tumblr but I’ll annoy her to do it, @bad-surprise @inkbugfic @ladykettlechips and Rama whose tumblr @ I always forget to do this lol
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sadistic-kiss · 7 months
Appreciation Comment + comment on the chapter ( basically me rambling for a very long time) ♡
The way I dropped everything I was doing the second, I saw the notification for House of Alpha chapter 14. (≧ヘ≦ )
I remember finding the series when there were only 3 chapters out, and I've never been more grateful to have found it! I absolutely adore the series (and all of your other work too! I found you through Bloody Summer on AO3~) (σ≧▽≦)σ
I love your ideas, your style of writing, the plot, the cringe, and 2nd hand embarrassment I get when reading. I adore you! Did I say how much I adore you? Well I absolutely adore you! ( ≧∀≦)ノ
ANYWAYS, enough rambling about how much I adore you and your work, LET'S TALK ABOUT CHPATER 14!!
When the explosion went off and I started freaking out along with Raven... I was about to fight whoever was going to hurt my babies (the alphas are everything but babies but they're my babies!) (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻
Then, when I read that Nanami was injured and was bleeding, I was about to throw hands at the monster! Luckily (but still unlucky), it was just the poison... I need Nanami to be healthy again!! =(っ*´□`)っ
And then Satoru.
I'm biased since Satoru is my favorite, BUT THE WAY, MY HEART BROKE WHEN HE THOUGHT WE HATED HIM!!! I was screaming and crying no and how much I loved him. I need to hug my baby and smother him in my love. 。・(つд`。)・。
AND THEN THE ENDING OF THE CHAPTER! Had me screaming from the kiss, and now I'm so excited for the next chapter! Time is moving too slow for me, I want to know what happens next, and I absolutely can't wait! (Take your time. This is just me being annoying–) 。。(〃_ _)σ∥
I seriously can't believe this story came to you in a dream. Why can't it happen to me too!? I seriously can't imagine it. If the story came to me in a dream, I would have been so upset when I woke up! Like, let me go back to dreaming where I can have hot guys in my personal space! (´□`; 三 ;´□`)
This is actually my first time ever commenting despite reading and liking everything from you, so I'm just going to say, FROM NOW ON, I will leave a comment (on tumblr) on everything! If I don't, come and scold me because I need to smother you in affection for creating these masterpieces!! No, seriously, please remind me if I ever forget to smother you in affection because you absolutely deserve it! I'm counting on you to remind me if I forget to comment!
PS: Did I tell you how much I love you and your work?
PPS: You actually were one of the 2/3 writers who inspired me to start writing! Although it's still a work in progress because it's easier to imagine than write and because I'm procrastinating–
*Squeals and cry at the same time*
I like to type my response while reading a long comment but I’m already giggling and smiling like a damn idiot 🥹
I’m so glad you found me~ bloody summer was such a long time ago oh wow 😂. I have changed so much since my friend and I started that one. Sometimes I read it and hiss a bit, it is quite dark. I might rewrite it in my style? (Is that a writing style? I dunno I’m kind of new to this lol.) I was once a sadistic bean but I am now turned into a mushy chef 👩‍🍳(I swear I blame gege it’s his fault and I will raise my fist to the sky till the day I rest). Maybe I should change my name to chef’s kisses XD.
*giggles and kicks my feet some more* I swear i can’t stop smiling while reading this my cheeks hurt 😭.
Ooo~ just in case someone didn’t read chapter 14 yet I’ll put a spoiler warning hehe 🤭
⚠️House of alpha Chapter 14 Spoiler warning engage ⚠️
Yes 🥺, they are our psycho little pack but we must take care of them because they are silly and stupid at times.
I know our poor Nanami baby 😭🖤 (we are doing our best)
I’m bias about all the characters, my daddies can do nothing wrong XD. Gojo feeling sad because he’s feeling left out makes me do tha aaaahh~ poor bebe~
House of alpha is one of those stories where I’m writing a chapter and have to stop myself because I’m writing into the next chapter. I had planned to make chapter 14 longer but it was already peaking 4k and you know Gojo is going to want more from that kiss because he’s greedy 👀~. I also had fell asleep like right after I posted hahah. I was so mad when my work didn’t save I stayed up all night to finish it so don’t worry I’ll try to get that next chapter to you ASAP~ I do have two children that are not yet out the house (Looks at Desert Rose and House of Alpha stories) I must love them both equally so the next post will be for Desert Rose ~ don’t worry she’s almost old enough lol (not me treating my stories like kids XD) 🖤
Oh! Yes! I have very interesting dreams. I have so many ideas that I have to close off because I need to finish the stories I have lol. I like to focus on one or two stories at a time.
So~ I don’t think I can tell you how fucking hilarious it was when i ran away in my dream from the omega house. In my dream I actually was on the boat getting ready to sail. I was leaning on the side looking out at the beautiful ocean while taking a deep sigh. Like damn those were some hot ass alphas, I’ll never get that experience but oh well~ The captain sounded the bell for us to go but then stopped mid ring. that’s when two men stepped up beside me. Sukuna was snacking on fingers (he was a lot more gruesome in my dream. Like he actually killed miwa in my dream because he got pissy of the food she served him so I made sure to save her in the actual story and made that part part of the game story if that makes sense) while Toji just leaned on the side to admire the view with me. And Toji was like nice view Huh? And sukuna was like yeah imma stop you right here I don’t like boats get the fuck off And I looked at them like WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?! And toji was like oh we were just seeing where you were going but let’s stop it here prime omega. And the complete shock I felt when they told me they chose me sent me flying over board as I swam away and ran because I just can’t accept nice things XD. yeah hehe my dream was more of the smutty bits and plots lol I don’t want to spoil it 🤭.
But when I woke up I was left in awe. It was like i watched a really good movie but I can’t tell anyone to watch it because it doesn’t exist so I gotta retell the story like tenacious D singing their tribute to the greatest song in the world but it was the greatest reverse harem issekai in the world 🤣🖤. I was like the people must know of this story !
Omg! 😭 this comment was already worth a thousand comments hahah! And I love to spoil so please don’t feel obligated, it just makes me so happy to even read this 🖤. I waited till the morning to read it since I was super tired when I finished chapter 14 I wanted to make sure I could really indulge in your comment. I saw it before bed and couldn’t stop smiling because I wanted to read it this morning lol. I feel like I just drank a cup of coffee and I’m so excited to start my morning so thank you, this meant a lot to me. You could have literally put I love you and I would have been grinning all day 🖤🤭.
Oh! I love love love when others are inspired to write so please if you need help let me know! I write stories I want to read 😭😭😭! I have bookmarks of fanfics that haven’t been updated since last year, I am desperate for more fanfics haha!
Oh wow I typed so much I am so sorry sometimes when I get excited I can’t stop typing XD
P.S: I love YOU and will do my best to spoil you with more to eat. I love to feed and please👩‍🍳🖤
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sleepyrxsetea · 9 months
howdy cowboy, what brings you to this part of town? (i’m crying inside. i’m so sorry that you had to read that)
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well, anyways, hello! you can call me Rose and here is a bit about me :D
-writer (hope to publish a novel one day)
-avid reader (love Brandon Sanderson and TJ Klune books rn)
-video game enjoyer (open world rpg games for the win)
-non-binary entity
-music listener (specifically whatever the fuck Will Wood is)
-obsessed with greek mythology (and by extension Percy Jackson) and clouds (don’t ask questions, just know that i am for some reason)
-i live and breath for The Magnus Archives and Protocol with all of my heart and soul.
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about my blog/what is gonna be on it
-tiny rambles about whatever pops into my head
-creative writing!!!! that is what the majority of this blog is going to have (i hoped but now not really, lol)
-video games (currently playing Animal Crossing, WuWa and GI)
-tv series/movies/anime i’m watching (latest watch is Hannibal)
-books that are breaking my heart (just started The Way Of Kings by Brandon Sanderson)
-reblogs of things from mutuals/friends/other blogs I stumble across (promise i’ll do more of theseee)
-only writes in lowercase with lots of punctuation/ text emojis for funzies :)
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thank you for stopping by!! i really appreciate it! be sure to look around and find what you like :>
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yorshie · 10 months
How do you think the turtle boys would react if they catch you reading an erotic novel?
Oh boy. I’m not sure if you mean this as a request ask or as just a raccoon rambles project, but since I’m still debating whether to loosen my request rules to include more adult requests but still non explicit, I’ll stick to raccoon rambles for now. If I change the request rules in a bit like I’ve been considering, you are more than welcome to send this in again in a headcanon or blurb format.
Also since this is kinda risqué I just wanna reiterate that I set the bayverse turtles in 2023 so they’re 24-25
But as to how I think the bayverse turtles would handle catching reader reading erotica…. I think it depends on the turtle? And the book lol.
If you’re reading classy romantic, soft core stuff, I think they all would be intrigued enough to pick it up when you leave it to go to the bathroom or something. I think Raph would probably openly be turning pages when you come back to get your book. Leo would probably glance at the cover and then snort and put it back down. Donnie would likely order the next couple in the series for you if he notices you really enjoy the story. Mikey would be giggling conspicuously and probably drop the book where it wasn’t before in an effort to ninja away before you got back.
If you’re reading the “story comes second” type though, I hope you aren’t reading that in the Lair. The turtles have a great sense of smell according to fandom, after all. Poker face only goes so far, and they’ll all stop what they’re doing if they think something’s brewing, so to speak. You’ll likely have four very curious turtles shadowing you, trying to sneak the book away to figure out what exactly has you smelling so enticing. Maybe some of them will be discreet about it, but they will get that book from you eventually. And they will be scandalized. Basically Kombucha Meme girl, heads canting back and forth as they consider the book then you.
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bxriles · 11 months
Okayyy but real talk on jjk 239 and beyond. Just my general ramblings below the cut if you’re interested.
1. Listen, I love Gojo as much as the next person. I wrote a 300k+ word fic about him lmao. But I just do notttt see him coming back whatsoever. I appreciate y’all in delulu and I’m with you on some level! But realistically, I just don’t see it happening. Keep the delulu strong and prove me wrong tho 🩷
2. Does anyone actually think that Higuruma is going to survive? Because I don’t lol. Why would I when we’ve seen Sukuna kill everyone he comes into contact with? And if he dies, it’ll feel like a rehash of Nanami (i.e., killing the older male mentor/fatherly figure to Yuji) and that’s boring because we’ve seen it before.
3. Where the actual fuck is Nobara and why hasn’t her death been confirmed/denied at this point? I’m tired of this off screen bullshit.
4. Whereeeee the fuckkkkkkk is Yuta!??!?!??! I feel like I’m back in the Shibuya arc where every other chapter I was yelling into the void about where tf Yuta was.
5. Lol. As fun as this current Kenjaku v. Takaba fight is, does anyone actually think Takaba is going to be successful? I know Takaba has all this potential but like… does Gege seriously expect the fandom to be satisfied with Takaba killing Kenjaku when fucking Yuki (a special grade) couldn’t? Bffr.
6. I am now Team Sukuna lmao. Let him cook and destroy everything. Who’s gonna stop him when the most powerful sorcerer couldn’t do shit and instead was part a pointless fight that ultimately meant nothing? Like come on. (Secretly praying for yuji to beat his ass tho)
7. If Kenny is doing his shenanigans for the “mad scientist does wild shit just because he can” trope then I’m bored.
8. I’m bored.
Anyway. I’ll continue to rant about this series because it’s like a bad car accident that I can’t look away from. Here’s to hoping Gege returns to form and makes me eat my words ✨✨
I fucking doubt it tho
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thetorturedlovergirl · 5 months
A little to know about me and my blog!! :
Hii! I’m Sasa, I’m 17, bi and I use she/her pronouns (they is also ok but I’m more used to she/her). I speak Spanish (🇦🇷) and English (this is my second language and I’m still learning so I might do some typos).
Some of the things I’m interested in (interested as in: obsessed, hyperfixated, I’ll talk a lot about it): Doctor Who (this is my current hyperfixation so my blog is 99% dw material), Percy Jackson, Good Omens, What We Do In The Shadows, Taylor Swift, All the Grishaverse (Shadow and bone, Six of crows, King of scars), etc (I don’t remember everything now(? This list will get longer)
I also love The Owl House, Amphibia, She-ra, etc (many cartoons bc they’re my confort and they’re so interesting and have such an interesting lore)
For my thoughts that have nothing to do with series, movies, singers, etc and more about my personal life I’ll use: #Sasa rambles
I’ll also post some headcanons I have bc I’m too scared to write fanfics but I can’t stop thinking and dreaming about them and wanted to share (after I correct every mistake and don’t forget lore, bc I want them to be okay) !!
Im also a very anxious person so I may not answer everything quickly bc I get scared but I see everything and love it !!
And if you ever want to speak to me just send me a dm!! I love making friends lol feel free to text me
so yeah, think that’s all, enjoy ❤️
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karamell-sweetz · 6 months
welcome to my blog!
time to remake my info post :D | last updated 16 september 2024
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my name is karamell! its a pleasure to meet ya :D
i go by she/her and am cis female :3 not too fussed abt pronouns tho!
at present i am 17, my birthday is the 16th of june. i’m australian + filipino, so sorry if i post something at an ungodly hour for your timezone lmao
this blog will be for my fandom reblogs, art and countless ramblings! i have a separate account dedicated to undertale multiverse content -> @karamellz-multiverse-l0g (i don’t post there a lot because undertale is on the backburner for now!) i’m currently aiming to get into an animation course for university, so all my art is working towards that :3
i am also self-appointed chairwoman of the rui kamishiro fanclub! not that that’s too important… but i like saying it lol
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i don’t tag my reblogs/queue usually so uhh good luck poring through that >< all of my original posts are tagged for convenience though, you can find my tags in the search bar :3
in relation to that i’m VERY multifandom so srry if you get bombarded with stuff that doesn’t relate to you haha! but hopefully you’ll like the stuff i rb too, i’m a firm believer in the power of brainrot spreading and most of my fandoms are from the same niche anyway!
i dont have a dni because realistically i cant rlly control who sees my stuff, but if you or the stuff you post make me uncomfortable i’ll just block you. no hard feelings <3
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project sekai - rui kamishiro, tsukasa tenma, wxs, n25, okay actually its everyone i love proseka soo much
vocaloid - miku, una + deco*27, n-buna, kikuo, pinocchio-p, inabakumori, picco, harumakigohan, maiki-p
d4dj - unichørd, hapiara, lyrilily
bandori - pasupa, morfonica, hhw, ras
enstars - trickstar, alkakurei
love live - rina tennoji, shioriko mifune, hanamaru kunikida, ruby kurosawa, you watanabe, ayumu uehara
fragaria memories - romarriche
milgram - amane, yuno, mahiru
undertale (utmv) - xtale, ink, murder time trio
danganronpa - shuichi saihara, kaede akamatsu, k1-b0
twisted wonderland - heartslabyul (deleted the game because UGH the grind)
denonbu - harajuku district
revue starlight - lalafin, karen, aruru (i love all of them tho)
cookie run kingdom - had a very minor fling with this one so you won’t see it a lot
genshin impact - also minor fling, have not played past liyue. solely here for the banger character designs
mcyt (idk if i’ll reblog anything from here but i know a little bit of the dsmp lore and am attempting to understand life series??)
other things you may see: lalaloopsy + other doll lines from that era, mlp, warrior cats, cute art i think is nice, lunime gacha games (i was very much a ‘gacha kid’ back in its prime), puyo puyo, writing stuff, THE COLOUR PINK, webcore, memes, cool crafts, yorushika, other teenage girl things idk
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karamell yells - ramblings and random stuff, may include headcanons and analysis
karamell doodles - my art! mostly fanart at the moment
karamell’s wips - works in progress (stuff i’ll never finish probably)
karamell’s pocket - posts i want to come back to
karamell gaming - random game screenshots
karamell rolls the gacha - my gacha pulls of varying luck
karamell’s mailbox - asks, submissions, tag games, all that fun stuff
karamell’s rq pile - drawing requests (which are always open btw, feel free to send some in if you’d like!)
karamell stop missing the blonde clown - thirsty? brainrot posts about tsukasa tenma because boy do i love him
karamell’s confections - various big projects (videos, edits, etc). all the cool stuff i make that isn’t normal art basically
karamell’s burning pile of ocs - see image below:
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(utmv submissions for this will be posted on my sideblog)
UPDATE: the number is now 350 instead of 244!
when in doubt. rui scribble - various random scribbles of rui kamishiro because i like drawing him
karamell asks a question - mostly polls and stuff i need help with
say hi to my sideblog guys - self rbs from my utmv sideblog @/karamellz-multiverse-l0g. just for a little bump! :)
karamell’s project precure au - project sekai x precure (updates never)
wxs revue au - project sekai x revue starlight (updates randomly)
karamell’s birthday treat cafe - food-themed fandom birthday drawings (on break for a bit)
kamikou seniors trio - tsukasa ena rui posts because i want them to hang out
the mizuruiena agenda continues - mizuki rui ena hanging out
rui dress agenda - rui in dresses what did you expect
rui fanclub sekai - read my blog description. just silly things about a hypothetical rui fanclub
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youtube - karamell-sweetz!
tiktok - karamell.sweetz
pinterest - mirai_spxrk
art fight - karamellxsweetz
bandori - 4636316 (karamellxshowtime!) (i might be out of friend space tho)
d4dj - ffzoJpPf (mirai.chørd)
project sekai - 168505012555628545 (karamellxshowtime)
enstars - 7709727947 (karamelloid)
starira - 1324761851 (revue.sweetz)
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that should be all. enjoy your stay on my silly little corner of the internet!! 🫶
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coyotestarcraft · 8 months
Hello! I’m Coyote!
I thought I’d finally introduce myself here.
So here are some things I feel you can know about me.
Note: I will change this post often if I think of new stuff to add.
My actual name is Austyn but you can choose using Coyote or my real name it doesn’t matter. (I’ve been referring myself as Coyote since 2015)
Age: 22
Gender: Non-Binary
My pronouns: They/Them
My sexuality: Aroace
My Hobbies: Drawing and Writing (you’ll only find writing on here, if you wanna see my art check out my instagram is CoyoteStarCraft)
I am a college student and I have a lot going on at home, so when sending in requests please note that I will not answer them immediately at most it’ll take a month or 2 to answer them all, so if you lack patience I kindly ask to find someone else.
I come off sarcastic but I promise I’m nice it’s just a front I put on.
I have ADHD, so my attention span is all over the place and I ramble about things I find interesting.
My favorite things to talk about is anything weather related.
Hurricanes, tornadoes, but also earth stuff…
Like earthquakes, volcanoes.
5 rapid fire facts about me!
1. Despite having a learning disability, I am actually pretty smart when it comes to a lot of things. I give good advice when need and I have really good reading skills. (I took a placement test for college when I was applying, I got a level 5 in reading which is really good.)
2. I’m an introvert and my people skills suck, I do not know how to read a room or pick up on social cues so if your trying to hint anything at me, just know I will completely oblivious lol.
3. I curse a lot, I love it, it’s part of what makes me a person so if you don’t like cursing I suggest you stay away cause I ain’t stopping for shit.
4. I am an artist! I have been since I was 5, but I really started to get into it around 2014, I joined fandoms made up characters for said fandom and made my own stories. 2020-2024 was when my art really started to improve, I made even more characters between those four years and I fucking love them!
5. I like to read! If you ask me what I like I’ll just say…if it looks interesting I’m buying it.
My favorite series right now is Maximum Ride.
Some of the fandoms I’m obsessed with right now is iCarly, Good Omens, TMNT 2016, and Hazbin Hotel.
More so Good Omens/Hazbin Hotel at the moment and it’s the current fandom I write for so that’s all you’ll see for now lol.
Uhh I think that covers it all! So now if you question this blog or the person behind it you have a little more context of who I am!
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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forbidden-sin-bin · 3 months
Heyyy Bestieeeee!!!
I’m loving By Your Side so farrrrr. Its just soo goood. The writing its just fab, the pacing perfect imo, and the description of y/n is so realistic and easily likeable - like we get to see her insecurities and flaws, what personally troubles her, as well as her hopes and dreams, the people she feels close (and their relationship feels credible!) etc…
Its just so well written that I can see myself in her on many occasions, and connect my emotions with her. Idk, maybe I’m rambling a bit.
Anyways, as I’m currently hooked on this story, and can’t get it out of my head (I created a Spotify playlist for this 💀) I just wanted to ask, if you have an exact date of when you’ll post chapter 5?
Btw, heads up, I think you forgot to put the link of chapter 4 in the By Your Side masterlist, can’t see it there
Now - this is taking way too long, and I’ll just head out, Peace ✌🏻
Hold on a sec-
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I waited too freaking long to reply to this I’m so sorry but this was so sweet and thoughtful I literally couldn’t stop tearing up every time I read this. I wanted to give a thought out response to this so if you’re seeing this thank you for waiting this was amazing to see in my inbox-
THANK YOUUUUUUU!!!!!! Oh my god. Holy shit. This. This made my month. I truly didn’t know how to respond so I kept on holding this off from immediately responding and freaking out/appreciating everything you wrote. Finally I got my thoughts together after two long weeks!
also speaking of which I gotta get that part 1 playlist updated lmao
Literally that first paragraph made me flatline I swear. I’m so freaking glad cause I was hellbent on making y/n realistic as a person whilst also having them make choices or have characteristics that are reasonable enough for most people to be able to relate to or picture themselves in! So I’m incredibly glad you like her, flaws and hopes and dreams and all!
I literally have so, SO MUCH more that I want to mention or say to add to the above but I keep on deleting and rewriting anything else I try to add cause it makes a lot more sense in short DM’s instead of full on sentences lol.
Second paragraph knocked me outta my body and no you’re not rambling at all! I was worried that the reader’s perspective wasn’t realistic or relatable so hearing that you’re able to connect with them made me feel a lot more comfortable, thank you so much!
When I started this series, I wanted to have a Reader self-insert fic that was in a way, a possibility of what life could’ve been if we had the chance! I know I absolutely had that feeling where I always said to myself: “MAN. I wish I was born earlier.” Not that I don’t appreciate my life right now! I’m certainly incredibly lucky to have a life where I get to meet so many amazing people like you and have the chance to write like this!
AND FOR THE RELEASE DATE OF CHAPTER 5: Oh man, I thought I could get it done mid-late June but assignments man. Goddamn assignments handed to me without warning. I don’t have an exact release date for chapter 5 and I’m incredibly sorry about that. I know you’re looking forward to it and I am as well! Once I know for sure and I’m confident enough to say that I’m ready to post it (I suffer from the perfectionist and the ADHD curse I’m so sorry), I’ll let everyone know beforehand! I promise.
But once again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! If I had another reason to keep going and keep pushing myself to keep the series going I know that you and everyone that’s waiting and supporting are many, many reasons. And that’s more than enough to make sure I bring you the best possible fanfic to you all!
Much love,
- Sin Bin
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