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onlymingyus · 2 years
Lavender Tea & Honey
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pairing; jeon wonwoo x afab reader
genre; smut (minors dni), fluff, supernatural au
warnings; protected sex, fingering, oral, use of pet names, aftercare, mention/eating food and drink, aftercare, talk of magic, use of magic
request; no
w/c; 8.6k and some change
a/n; this is written for @wonwussy/@librarian-stacks - the wonwoo to my gyu (insert all the others we have) -- happy early birthday sj. i love you very much. you are so important to me and i hope you know that. i hope you have the best day because you deserve the world. i know this isn't much but i hope that it can be a little something to transport you somewhere magical and comforting. special thanks to @junkissed/@junhui-recs, @onlyseokmins/@spookyeomie, @multi-kpop-fanfics, @bitchlessdino/@onlychans for helping me with this one. You all reading, proofreading really made the difference for this one.
divider · divider · last divider made by me · header made by me @chogiwapadada do not use, repost, or remove my watermark
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“It’s a lavender tea, a bit of honey for sweetener. I know you don’t like things to be sickeningly sweet.” 
You raise your brows as you take the cup and saucer from the man behind the counter, your finger slipping into the delicate handle of the porcelain cup as you palm the small saucer. Dark eyes and a slight smile watch you as you bring the cup to your lips, your expression changing as the warm liquid slides easily down your throat instantly making you feel warmer and calmer. 
Wonwoo grins slightly before picking up his towel and wiping the counter as he sees the small smile cross over your lips past the dark lavender print on the cup. He always gave you this cup, it was his favorite and it fit you. You close your eyes for a moment before taking another sip letting out a happy approving sound before sitting the cup back onto the saucer looking at Wonwoo meeting his equally warm eyes that reminded you of the tea. 
“It’s so good. I really like it, thank you Wonwoo.” The man watches as you balance the cup starting to take out your wallet when he holds up his hand. “On the house.” You shake your head but feel your cheeks get warm as he looks down with a grin before meeting your eyes again. “Thanks Wonwoo.” 
He nods, putting the towel over his shoulder before watching you start to walk away. Swallowing hard he taps his hand on the counter twice before eyeing the old book he had brought with him to work that day before speaking up. “Hey, Y/N. I’m actually about to get off in about an hour. Would you want to get some dinner? I actually have that book I told you about.” 
You turn back towards him biting at your lip when he mentions dinner, your eyes searching over his face, the round glasses that sat on his sharp nose, his chiseled jaw, the sharp cupid's bow, before you made it back again to his eyes, those deep brown eyes and you nodded slowly. “I’d like that a lot.” 
Wonwoo’s excitement betrays him as you accept his dinner invitation, his smile becoming wider, a bit goofier as he speaks. “Yeah? Awesome.” You laugh and he clears his throat scratching the side of his neck trying to play it a bit cooler. “I mean, that’s really great. I will come meet you at your table once I’m clocked out.” 
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When Wonwoo takes off his half apron and tosses it off to the side his eyes are fixed on your table as your finger traces over the cup in front of you. He knew you had drank all of the tea, and the refills he had poured for you. So now you were just doing something with your fingers out of habit. Smiling, Wonwoo moves to the counter to pick up the brown book and his brown wool coat slipping it over his arms before putting the book securely in the inside pocket before he makes his way over to you. 
You sense him before you even see him, your smile widening as you look up from your own book closing it. “All done?” He smiles and holds up his finger to signal ‘almost’ before he takes your cup making you laugh. “Wonwoo, there are other people who work here.” He laughs under his own breath as he walks away speaking. “I know but this cup…is special.” You shake your head biting down on your bottom lip as you watch him disappear for only a moment before he returns to you and stands almost awkwardly. 
“Now, I’m all done.” You laugh again before shaking your head once more leaning to pick up your bag placing your book inside before moving to his side. “Where are we going?” Wonwoo shifts on his feet, his hands sliding into his pockets as he leans towards the door so you both can start walking. “I was actually thinking, are you opposed to going back to my place?” 
You pause only for a second as he walks through the door, the bell ringing as he does. You hadn’t expected him to ask that of you but you weren’t opposed. Smiling, you shyly shake your head before walking out into the crisp air with Wonwoo. “Great, I don’t live very far. Just a couple blocks actually. I’ll order some food for us and we can…you know, look at the book.” 
Wonwoo dares to glance at you, finding you looking at him which causes him to get shy. He pushes his glasses back up his nose where they had slid down very slightly before he looked back in front of him to focus on where he was walking. “That sounds nice Wonwoo.” You can’t help the small amused sound that falls from your lips at how he is reacting to you.
Normally you were the shy one, but with him it was like he was afraid he was going to say the wrong thing and you’d run in the other direction at any moment. When in reality you were so far from doing that. A gust of wind blows past the two of you making you both shiver, so you step closer to Wonwoo noting his smile out of the corner of your eye. Who said girls couldn’t make the first move? 
Wonwoo purses his lips in slight shock when you put your hand on his arm and then into his pocket so you can hold his slightly warmer hand. He was always a bit warmer so he had hot packs in his pockets but when your cold hand hit him he shivered for more than one reason. “Oh, you are so cold Y/N. You should wear a scarf tomorrow. If I had mine today I’d let you wear it now.” You laugh and shake your head looking at how cute his nose was, a very slight tinge of pink to it from the autumn air. 
“I’m okay. Your hand is warm, you are smart to have hot packs.” Wonwoo smiles a bit brighter, flexing his hand barely in his pocket before moving to lace his hand with yours letting the hot pack rest between your palms. “I try to think ahead.” You smile nodding, thinking to yourself how true that is, just knowing how he has been with you at the coffee shop. 
When the two of you reach a set of brownstone apartment buildings, a set of stairs with an ornate iron handrail, Wonwoo stops taking his other hand from his pocket before leading you up the small staircase. He only lets go of your hand letting it slip from his pocket so he can open the door for you letting you into the building moving in behind you. 
“Luckily I’m only on the second floor. No elevator in this old building.” You glance back at him with a laugh before shrugging as he gives you another shy look, taking the lead up the stairs. “And I promise, it’s warmer in my apartment.” You follow the man up the stairs watching him as he stops in front of a door marked 2C before he takes out his keys and pushes the door open. 
“Make yourself at home.” Sliding past him you can’t help but to glance up at him in the tight doorway, his warm spicy scent hitting your nose before you look away shyly this time moving past him. You find yourself in a cozy space, something you’d describe perfectly as Wonwoo. Lots of woodsy tones, the smell of spice that matched his cologne, and books stacked almost everywhere. You slip off your shoes and start to move in further to look around when something bumps up against your legs drawing your attention. 
Wonwoo watches you as he kicks his own shoes off before putting his jacket on the hook before taking his book out of the pocket holding it in his hand. You looked perfect here, you just matched the space. He wanted you here. You made it feel warmer somehow. He wanted to help you out of your coat and offer you a cup of tea but then you glance down at your feet and he can’t help but to smile into an embarrassed sound as he watches his cat rub around your legs before meowing. 
“That’s Ash, he isn’t, uh, usually so friendly with guests. Not that I bring guests over often, or ever really. This is rare if I’m honest. Is he bothering you?” Wonwoo watches as you sit your bag down on the coffee table before moving to sit on your heels, a smile lighting up your face as you run your delicate fingers over the cat's head and down his spine making the sleek black cat purr, his tail flicking eloquently. 
“He will never be a bother. I love cats so much. I have one of my own. Her name is Polly…she’s solid white actually. Almost like Ash’s polar opposite. He is stunning.” Wonwoo watches as Ash seems to beam with pride at your compliment as he glances over to his owner with a small meow. “Don’t stroke his ego too much Y/N. He’s very susceptible.” 
You laugh and scratch lightly under Ash’s chin before the cat seems to give you and Wonwoo some space trotting off before you stand when Wonwoo moves closer before sitting his book down on the table next to your bag. “Can I help you with your coat?” You smile and bite at your bottom lip before nodding. 
“Very gentlemanly of you Wonwoo.” The man laughs as you turn your back to him. His hands sliding up your arms lightly before he moves them around to gently take the collar of your coat and slide it backwards off your shoulders and finally your arms removing it. You turn to watch him as he hangs it up with his own by the door. “I try to be, or at least I want to be with you.” 
You can’t help the warmth that floods your cheeks at his words even as you watch him take out his cellphone and his thumb moving over the screen as if he hadn’t said something so impossibly sweet to you. “How does soup sound? There is a little bistro that delivers just down the street. The food is really good.” You sit down on the couch with a small approving sound as Wonwoo looks over at you, a smile crossing his lips as you nod. “Okay, I’ll get us that and make us some tea.” 
Watching Wonwoo, you sigh happily as he waves with his phone before disappearing into the kitchen leaving you alone in the living room. Your eyes glancing around, taking in all the things that were even more personal about him. The brown leather bound book on the table catches your eye first but you don’t touch it wanting him to give you permission first, so instead you glance at the shelf lined with books. You read a few titles from your seat before standing again moving to get a closer look. 
A Tale of Two Cities, Wuthering Heights, Moby Dick, and the Harry Potter series were just a few things that caught your attention while you ran your fingers over the shelves. A few picture frames adorned the spaces between books and bookends. You were able to pick Wonwoo out in a few of the pictures along with people who were probably relatives just based on similar appearances and others who were friends. 
You find yourself smiling as you run your finger over Wonwoo’s face in a picture of him with a group of 3 other men. The smile on his face was so wide and genuine it made your heart feel tight. You had been so caught up looking at the handsome man that when Ash rubs up against your legs again you jump slightly and laugh when you look down at the shocking green eyes of the cat who meows at you curiously. 
“Hello handsome.” Your voice is soft and melodic as you speak to the animal as you walk around him and back to the couch. Sitting down you are followed by the cat who jumps up and lays on your lap purring. “You do like me huh? Do I fit the bill for you dad? Is it bad that I hope so?” The cat lets out a small meow and you laugh as you run your fingers over his head with a sigh. “Can I tell you a secret and you keep it?” 
Wonwoo balances the tea cups in his hands as he starts back into the living room only to stop when he sees you talking quietly to Ash and hears you mention fitting the bill for him and then asking the cat to keep a secret for you. Wonwoo waits a moment though he feels a pang of guilt at knowing your secret as you speak, “I really hope so because I really like him.” 
A breath escapes Wonwoo’s lips as he closes his eyes hearing your confession, the cups shaking in his hands slightly before he steadies himself and moves further into the room as he clears his throat. “Alright, food should be here in less than 20 minutes and I made Earl Grey tea.” You watch as Ash stretches in your lap before he bumps against your arm and jumps down leaving you all to Wonwoo. 
You can’t help but wonder if Wonwoo heard you, but he doesn’t seem to give it away if he did. Smiling, you take one of the cups before thanking him as he sits beside you as he sighs softly. “I put a little milk in it and a couple of pieces of sugar. I know you like floral things but you did have a few cups of that today, I thought I’d change it up a little.” 
Wonwoo watches as you smile brighter, a piece of your hair falling down in front of your face as you glance down getting ready to lift the teacup to your lips. The urge to touch you, to push that piece of stray hair from your face is too much that he can’t resist so he does it. His fingers brush the tendril back slowly as you glance up before the cup even reaches your lips. Your eyes meet his as he gently places the hair behind your ear before letting his hand trail along the side of your neck as he pulls it away. 
“Sorry, I–you might have gotten your hair in your tea.” Wonwoo stumbles over his words, looking away as he sits his cup down as you take a sip of your tea before doing the same. “Wonwoo?” The man sitting beside you makes a questioning sound almost afraid to look at you but when your finger lifts at his chin turning his face towards you, he loses his resolve letting out a breath. “Y/N…” 
The electricity seems to ebb and flow between the two of you as Wonwoo says your name, his body closes the space. His lips brushing against yours causes a small sigh to fall from your lips, a smile pulling at his lips as he lifts his hand to brush at your neck again before letting his fingers slide into your hair as his lips seal with your own for the first time. The butterflies in your stomach are in a frenzy at the kiss, the feeling of his touch as he pulls you just slightly closer before gently leaning back to meet your eyes. 
“Is this too much? Too fast?” You shake your head, a pout almost forming on your lips as he starts to lean back before he smiles at your reaction. “God, Y/N…I’ve wanted to kiss you for months. Since the first time you walked into the coffee shop. You had on that sundress with the purple flowers. Your hair was in a braid.” 
Your cheeks burn slightly at the details he remembers but especially when Wonwoo reaches up to tug gently at the end of your hair at the mention of your braided hair. “You were…no, you are so beautiful.” Wonwoo shakes his head before moving his hand to run his thumb under your bottom lip, starting to lean in to kiss you again when there is a knock at the door. You jump and him sighs, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead to yours. “The food…” 
Wonwoo’s fingers run over your cheek as the delivery person knocks on the door once again before he sighs and moves from you, speaking, “Coming.” You watch as he slides from the couch and runs his hand through his hair. This was one of the first times you had ever seen him almost frustrated as he opened the door and nodded at the man holding the bags. 
Barely able to make out the conversation, you watch Wonwoo take the bags as he nods and the man glances passed him towards you nodding before he turns and leaves. With a sigh Wonwoo smiles, using his foot to kick the door closed before turning back to you when you hear the lock move into place as he moves back into the room. You watch him lift the two bags showing you the food, making you smile as you carefully clear the coffee table taking extra care with his book, putting it in the upper corner of the table away from anything that might spill. 
“So their special was their house tomato soup, so I ordered that along with whatever it comes with.” You laugh, nodding at his words as he sits the bags on the table and works to dig through the bags taking out everything making sure he puts things in front of you first. Large containers of soup and enough bread that neither of you could possibly go hungry. 
“This looks so good, Wonwoo. Thank you.” The man smiles and bites at his lip when you speak, taking the lids off the containers before offering you a spoon. You watch his hands before you take the spoon letting your fingers slide from his before he finally sits beside you as he simply watches you. A laugh falls from your lips as he doesn’t seem to make a move to pick up his own soup so you gesture towards the food. “We should eat it before it gets cold.” 
Wonwoo sighs and nods furrowing his brows. “I know…I just was enjoying things, you know before.” Your cheeks warm at his words as you bring some soup to your lips, swallowing the bite before meeting his eyes again. “I did too.” You laugh softly at his choice of wording as you watch him finally pick up the food dipping his bread into the soup before taking a bite of it following it with a sip of his soup. “I really hope that you will kiss me again later.” 
You continue to eat after saying that and Wonwoo can’t seem to understand how. Your words made his stomach flip with nerves and excitement. You watch him smile and glance back down at his food before he lets out a slow breath and shakes his head. “I promise I will. As much as you want, as much as you will let me.” 
Wonwoo watches you smile as you eat shyly. The two of you share a casual conversation, him lifting a napkin to brush a crumb from your lips, you returning the favor when you notice a bit of soup in the corner of his lips. Once the two of you have finished you watch him clear the table, though you offer to help but instead he tells you to just stay comfortable and finish your tea. Ever the considerate man. 
Inside the kitchen Wonwoo leans his hands on the counter as he takes a breath. He wasn’t sure how he thought this night would go, how he wanted it to turn out, but what he did know was how he felt about you. Glancing down at his feet Wonwoo grins at Ash before leaning down to run his hand along the cat’s back as he meows. “Yeah? Me too bud. So much…” 
When Wonwoo moves back into the living room his teeth catch his bottom lip as he watches you holding your teacup as you look out of his living room window. The sun had pretty much set, the light in the room becoming even warmer because of the lamps. Your fingers wrapped around the cup but still under your sleeves much like how he usually had his, sweater paws you usually called them. 
“Y/N?” You smile at your name on his lips turning to look at him as he moves to sit back on the couch sliding in closer than he had before. His hand moves to slide your hair behind your ear before he glances at his book on the table and sighs. “I’ve never…shown anyone that book before.” You follow his eyes and then lean to pick up your purse taking out your own book as you cross your legs letting your foot rest against his shin. 
Wonwoo watches you carefully as you slide your hand over the leather book with a sigh. “I haven’t shown anyone mine either. “A grimoire is a very personal thing for a witch.” You smile and look at Wonwoo meeting his eyes before you speak again. “Or a warlock.” He nods, his fingers gently running over your cheek before moving to your neck, just barely grazing your skin before he looks down at your lap as you open your grimoire. 
“But I trust you Wonwoo. You are so careful.” You laugh again and lean into the man feeling warmer as you do, making him sigh out happily. “Though you did lock the door with a spell after getting our food. I think you did it subconsciously because you were frustrated.” Wonwoo wrinkles his nose and nods. “You noticed?” You nod and smile softly before looking back at your book, flipping through the first few pages showing him some of the spells that had been passed down to you through the years from your family. 
“Then I started crafting my own, as I got better. I’m better with runes. Not so much with potions, like you are.” Wonwoo feels his cheeks get warm at your compliment as he shrugs and you feel his fingers gently run along the back of your neck as he speaks. “It was just what my family specialized in. That’s why we have the coffee shop.” 
Wonwoo grins as you smile at him again, your warm smile drawing him in closer before he leans to grab his grimoire, opening it, placing it over yours letting you start to look through it. Recipes upon recipes covering the pages. Small drawings of what you could only assume were Ash in the margins. You run your fingers over the words and the drawings with a smile and a shake of your head. 
“Your mind is amazing Wonwoo. I wouldn’t think of half of this. Verbena mixed with lavender for protection…” Your brows furrow and you glance over to Wonwoo as he swallows hard at your reaction. “Have you been protecting me?” Wonwoo sighs and tilts his head. “If I say yes, are you going to be upset with me? I haven’t been doing anything that would cause anything negative. Not a true potion. Just…herbs.” 
The butterflies in your stomach were in a frenzy again as you closed his grimoire and then yours as Wonwoo watched you nervously as you placed the books on the table. He wasn’t sure what you were doing. Were you going to pack up your things and walk out? Could he blame you? He had been putting the herbs in your tea for a while now without telling you the true purpose. 
But instead of doing what Wonwoo had thought you might do, you turn your body towards him. Your hands move to hold his face as you lean in to press your lips to his gently, taking him by surprise. Wonwoo’s eyes widen before he lets them close, his hands moving to slide down your forearms before he moves his hands to your waist pulling you closer as he deepens the kiss. 
You smile against his lips before you let his tongue slip along your own. Your hands move to the sides of his neck as you move to your knees before Wonwoo groans softly into the kiss, his fingers tightening against your sides when he guides you over his lap. He grins into the kiss as your nose brushes against his as you sit down on his legs, his hands sliding along your hips to your thighs and back before he moves one of his hands to your jaw pulling your face that much closer. 
Wonwoo only breaks the kiss again to groan softly and work his kisses along your cheek before looking up at you as he checks to make sure you are okay with this before he goes any further, but when you bite at your lip and look at his lips he can’t help but to blow out a breath at the vision of you. This beautiful creature sitting on his lap, his hands gracing your body, his lips able to take yours, your skin…it’s almost too much that he can’t help how he is hardening under you. 
It isn’t lost on you that Wonwoo is aroused, you are just as aroused but you can see the question in his eyes. The same question was playing in yours but you wanted to see where this could go. You want more of him. His fingers playing at the hem of your shirt was driving you crazy, your skin erupting with goosebumps as you let out a soft sigh of his name making Wonwoo lick his lips and tilt his head. “Just tell me what you want and it’s yours Y/N.” 
“Take me to bed Wonwoo?” His eyes close briefly at your request, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat visibly before he nods and looks up at you letting his hands slide under your shirt over your soft skin making you instantly warmer. You wondered how he was able to do that with a simple touch. “God…Y/N.” Your name is almost a whine on his lips before he leans to kiss your throat making you whine this time at how sweet his kisses feel as his hands slide further up your shirt. 
Your breath quickens as your own hands move over his sides and up his chest to his shoulders as you roll your hips over Wonwoo for the first time. A groan falls from his lips as he leans his head back from you to lean on the couch, his hands trembling slightly on your back before he opens his eyes to look at you. “I’ll take you to bed.” You smile and slide from his lap before Wonwoo takes your hand bringing it to his lips kissing your fingers. He walks backwards, leading you towards a short hallway and finally an open door to a dark room. 
He never lets go of your hand, he only whispers “ignis” on your lips, a latin word you know to mean flame as he pulls you close to him wrapping his other arm around your waist. You watch the room become brighter with candlelight, four candles have come to life at his spoken word. 
Wonwoo sighs against your lips before stepping back to finally release your hand as he takes off his sweater tossing it on to a chair as your eyes watch him almost shyly. “If you don’t want the candles…I can put them out. I just wanted to be able to see you, especially the first time.” Wonwoo had a way of making your skin warm, be that with his touch or his words by making your skin feel flushed. You step forward at the sight of his skin, shaking your head as you run your fingers gently over his sides, your eyes following your fingertips as you smile into your words. “The first time?” 
A small laugh escapes the man’s lips as he lifts his hand to push your hair behind your ear. He sucks in a breath at your gentle touch over his stomach before your fingers move to his jeans, undoing them before you look up to meet his eyes before he answers you. “I hope this is the beginning of something Y/N. I like you very much. I hope that is obvious.” You smile and nod, meeting his lips in a soft kiss as your fingers work to push down his jeans. His fingers finally move to your shirt once again, gently lifting it at your sides before he pulls back, watching you lift your arms for him. 
Wonwoo can’t help but smile in wonder at you, how perfect you are. How you are everything he’s ever wanted. He watches as you shake your hair from your face as he carefully pulls the shirt from you and lays it with his own, his eyes traveling over your skin making him take a shaky breath. 
You loved how he watched you, like a man falling in love, or perhaps like a man who had been in love for a while. His adoring eyes travel over your skin, tracing the contours over your figure before he meets your eyes and shakes his head with a goofy grin spreading over his face. “You are so beautiful.” Wonwoo watches your lashes lower as you turn your back to him and he takes in a deep breath before running his finger over your spine watching goosebumps spread over your skin before he reaches the clasp of your bra undoing it. 
“It’s been a while since anyone has said things like this to me, Wonwoo, or seen me like this.” Wonwoo wants to say it’s a shame because you deserve to be told how beautiful you are and to be marveled at every day, but at the same time he finds himself happy to know that this is for him. He doesn’t have to share this with anyone, the jealousy would be too much. “I’ll tell you all the time Y/N.” 
You close your eyes as you feel his hands slide along your bare back up to your shoulders so he can guide the straps of your bra along your arms before you feel the cups fall from your breasts making you smile. Moving your arms, you let the garment fall to the floor before you feel Wonwoo’s hands slide along your waist and around your body. His fingertips take in the feeling of your soft skin over your stomach before he presses his lips to your shoulder making you shiver. 
“Would you like that? For me to be the one to tell you how beautiful you are?” You smile again at his words as you nod and lean back against him as Wonwoo’s hands move to undo your jeans. His nimble fingers work them down your hips, letting the fabric’s weight take care of the rest so his hands can move along your skin, explore more. “Can I?” 
Wonwoo’s fingers graze at the top elastic of your panties as his mouth moves along your neck up into your hairline making you whine before you nod and whisper out a yes. He smiles against your skin and uses his thumbs to slide them down slowly as his lips capture your earlobe making you moan his name as you arch against his chest. The colder air of the room hitting between your legs at the loss of the fabric but his warm body pressing against you makes up for it. 
You lean your head back on Wonwoo’s shoulder, letting him look down at your body which makes him groan as he runs one hand over your breast, the other sliding over your hip before he dares to let his fingers brush over the top of your slit. 
“Y/N…” You let out a soft moan at your name falling from Wonwoo’s lips as his fingers parted your folds. His middle finger grazes over your clit making your knees weak. “Wonwoo…please.” Your voice is more of a whine than you intend but it is enough to make Wonwoo weak. His finger sliding from you before he steps away to lead you to his bed, laying you down. 
“I don’t want you to have to want for anything. All that need in your voice, fuck…I can’t stand to hear you so needy without doing something about it baby.” You watch Wonwoo as he speaks, his eyes moving over your body before he moves on to the bed sliding his hands over your legs spreading them so he can lay between them. When he calls you baby for the first time you can’t help the way your heart tightens, those butterflies in your stomach doing flips. 
Wonwoo kisses your knee and you moan softly, reaching out a hand to him. He takes it with a free hand, lacing his fingers with yours as he slides in closer looking up at you. “Wonwoo…” You whisper his name, making him groan and squeeze his eyes shut before he presses a kiss to your inner thigh using his free hand to run his fingers through your folds again. 
You arch your back, rolling your hips towards his fingers as Wonwoo carefully works his index finger around your entrance before letting you push your hips over it as you lift your free hand to your lips, biting gently at your own finger to quieten your moan. Wonwoo smiles against your skin as he glances at you one more time before his warm breath fans your core for the first time. 
“Oh my god…” The words slip around your finger with a moan as Wonwoo’s tongue glides over your clit gently once, twice, before he slips a second finger into your warmth. Wonwoo’s mouth moves over your folds, sucking gently, his tongue parting them carefully so he can wrap his lips around your clit. “Wonwoo! Please…please baby.” 
Your cries cause Wonwoo to groan around your clit sending a vibration through you when you call him the pet name. Your toes pointing, your fingers holding tightly to his as your walls clench around his fingers while they curl up against the roof of your pussy against the rough patch of nerves making your thighs quiver. 
When you orgasm for the first time, the flames of the candles burn brighter in the room at your moan of Wonwoo’s name. Your head is thrown back against the pillows while you move your free hand to grip the bedding under you until the man between your legs slowly slides his fingers from you with a soft smile on his lips. 
Wonwoo kisses your wet folds before leaning back to lick his lips, his eyes finally looking up the length of your body again as he grins. “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my life.” When you smile trying to catch your breath, a laugh falling from your lips, Wonwoo laughs too before leaning to kiss your thigh again. “Come here, Wonwoo.” 
He nods, leaning to sit back on his knees before sliding off the bed as you watch him. His hands push his boxers down, causing you to bite your bottom lip when you see his cock for the first time. He was perfect, every part of him. Shaking your head, you reach for him again and Wonwoo laughs, taking your hand as he leans to open his nightstand, taking out a condom before he moves back on the bed. 
Your lips find his neck, making Wonwoo moan softly under his breath as he leans back against the headboard. His hand falls from yours so he can tear open the foil packet taking out the condom before he rolls it over his length with a slow steady breath. One of your hands moves down his abs before you wrap your fingers around his cock under his own hand. 
Wonwoo groans, leaning his head back at your touch, his tongue darting over his lips as he feels your hand stroke him once as you move your mouth across his jaw. “Y/N…I…” You smile against his skin as he tries to speak only to groan again as you run your thumb over his tip. “Baby, fuck. I’ll let you do whatever you want to me next time but if you do this tonight I’ll cum before…and I…” 
You silence him with a kiss as you hold him at his base before moving into his lap, nodding to agree with him. Wonwoo’s hands move to hold your hips as you hover above him before slowly sinking down over his length. Your mouth falls from his as you gasp softly into a moan at the stretch, your hands moving to Wonwoo’s chest as you sit on his lap much like you had on the couch. 
Wonwoo’s hands slide up to your ribs as he lets you adjust to him, your legs wrapping around his waist. One of his hands moving up to your neck and resting there, his thumb gently caressing your skin. “God, you feel so good.”  You lift your hand running it along his forearm to up his wrist holding it loosely when you roll your hips over Wonwoo letting him know it was ok to start moving. 
“Please move Wonwoo. I need you.” Nodding Wonwoo lifts his legs pulling you closer, your breasts pushing against his chest as he holds your hip with the other slowly thrusting up into you. His soft groan, music to your ears as he pulls you closer with his hand around your neck before he speaks against your lips. “So good, my girl.” You smile at the name and the ‘my’ in front of it. 
Wonwoo can’t help how he feels, the tightening in his stomach, in his groin, when you let out softly breathy moans of his name every time his cock brushes against your cervix. His hand drops from your throat to move to your hip so he can help you move easier as you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your lips to his to let him swallow your moans. 
You were so close again, your walls tightening around Wonwoo as his fingers pressed into your skin. His fingernails leave shallow divots in your hips as you whine on his lips coming undone for him for the second time that night. Wonwoo groans into your mouth when you roll your hips over him and he feels you cum around him. 
The way your body was pulling him in, your warmth, how wet you were, how you were holding him, kissing him…it was all too much for him to hold on for much longer. Wonwoo’s hands move from your hips to your back as a breath gets caught in his throat when his release takes over him and he spills into the condom with a few final thrusts. 
You can’t help but to smile against his lips as his hips come to a stop and you simply sit still for a moment feeling him soften inside of you while his fingers run along your back. Wonwoo’s lips moving against yours in a sweet but deep kiss before he pulls back to look at you. His long fingers pushing your hair back as he smiles and shakes his head. “Incredible…you made the candles burn brighter both times.” 
Wonwoo watches your lashes lower as you turn your face away, making him laugh before he moves his hand to your cheek feeling how warm your face had gotten from his words. “I think it’s sexy. God you are perfect…I want you to be mine.” You meet his intense gaze as Wonwoo runs his thumb along your bottom lip before you press a kiss to it. “Then I am Wonwoo.” 
A grin spreads across his face at your words, Wonwoo pulls you back down to press a kiss to your lips keeping you close for a moment longer before he groans softly into a sigh. His forehead resting on yours as he contemplates his next words making you smile. “We need to get cleaned up, but I’d like for you to stay the night.” 
No one had ever asked you to stay afterwards and you can’t think back to a time when you had really asked for someone to stay. Wonwoo’s words make your heart tighten once again and the butterflies in your stomach come alive once again. “I…could stay.” The man under you smiles when you agree, kissing you once more before helping you to move from his lap before sliding from the bed himself to begin cleaning up. 
You watch him for a moment, laying on your side as he throws away the condom and the wrapper before he picks up his clothes and yours, putting them all on the chair. A small smile crossing your lips as you bring your thumb to your lips biting at your nail to hide it when he looks back. “What?” You shake your head and Wonwoo narrows his eyes playfully before moving back to the bed to offer you his hand. “I think you’re laughing at me Y/N.” 
Taking his hand you sit up and slide out of the bed, moving to your feet before he pulls you into his arms looking down at you. “No, I’m just amused by your habits. I think you are sweet. You picked up our clothes.” Wonwoo glances at the chair then back to you with a shrug and a smirk. “I have to be a gentleman, I can’t leave your clothes on the ground. What kind of boyfriend do you think I am going to be?” 
Wonwoo moves back to your side, lacing his fingers with yours as you bite at your lip. His words constantly make your head spin. “I don’t know, I’m ready to find out though.” Wonwoo laughs softly as he leads you out of the room and to his bathroom so he can turn on the shower before he leaves the room, promising to come back and join you. 
With a moment alone you can’t help but to turn towards the mirror as it starts to steam up to take a breath. The day begins to catch up with you in your mind. It hadn’t been where you had thought it was going but you were happy with where it was ending. You step into the shower alone, letting the warm water run over you as you lean your head back, closing your eyes enjoying the calming feeling. 
Wonwoo returns to the bathroom with fresh towels, his eyes moving to the shower, the shadow of your form behind the curtain making him take a deep breath. Yes, he had just made love to you, but that didn’t stop how you were going to affect him every time. He wasn’t sure that even if he was with you for the rest of his life he wouldn’t have this reaction every single time. 
Biting at his lip, Wonwoo takes  in a breath of the steamy air before stepping behind the curtain to let his eyes move over your body as the water runs over it. Wonwoo let out that same breath that he hadn’t realized he had been holding before taking a step closer letting his fingertips brush over your waist making you jump slightly but a smile forms on your face as you open your eyes to look at him. 
“I didn’t even hear you. You are just as quiet as Ash.” Wonwoo smiles, his right hand tracing the contour of your hip before he takes his hand from your body to grab his body wash pouring some on to a washcloth. “Well, he is my familiar.” You watch him, taking in a deep breath of the spicy, warm, woodsy scent of his body wash before he rubs his hand over it making it lather. 
“Sorry, you are going to smell like me.” You shake your head and laugh as he starts to run the washcloth over your body beginning with your hip. “Why would you apologize for that?” Wonwoo meets your eyes with a slight smile as he moves the lather along your stomach and your breasts. “You smell like...comfort Wonwoo.” 
Wonwoo can’t help but to bite at his lip again as you turn your back to him, letting him wash your back before he lets you take over. “I do?” You nod as Wonwoo watches you finish washing your body, his eyes traveling the length of your legs before he makes it back to your face as you wash out the washcloth and grab the other. “You do, like spices and like a woodsy sort of smell.” 
He watches as you move closer to him doing the same he had for you with his body wash, running the washcloth over his body starting at his neck and working your way down as he shivers slightly at your touch. “You have a comforting smell too Y/N.” You laugh and tilt your head as you run the washcloth around his side before sliding it down his v-cut making Wonwoo groan softly. 
“Hm, what do I smell like?” Wonwoo sighs, trying not to get aroused so quickly again as he licks his lips, moving towards the water as you guide him towards it, stepping behind him to wash his back. “Like chai tea and lavender.” You smile as the water runs down his back and washes the soap away before you lean to kiss his shoulder, making Wonwoo close his eyes. His hand reaches behind him to rest on your hip as you put the washcloth to the side. 
Wonwoo’s eyes close again when he feels you kiss his skin again. Your soft lips make his resolve less each time. You feel his fingers press into your thigh before he turns and guides you to the shower wall leaning in to press his lips to yours. Wonwoo’s hand moving to your jaw tilting your head back slightly, his thumb caressing your skin lightly as he smiles on your lips before his tongue asks for permission against your lips. 
When your lips part for him, Wonwoo’s tongue glides along yours like a dance, slow and steady. He was never in a rush, never when it came to you it seemed. He wanted to savor it all. Remember it all. Your hand moves to rest on his forearm, the other his chest as the water gently rains over your bodies for a few minutes longer. Only when you smile does Wonwoo pull back, nudging his nose against yours. 
“The water will start running cold if I need you in here too long.” You laugh on his lips furrowing your brows as you press one last kiss to his lips before letting him move from you. He offers you his hand making sure you don’t slip while getting out of the shower before wrapping you in a warm towel, always making sure you are taken care of first before doing anything for himself. 
You watch him dry off before wrapping the towel around his waist as he smiles a bit to one side at you as he watches you finish drying off. “What?” The word calling from your lips in a gentle laugh. Wonwoo grins a bit more fully as he leans to kiss your temple shaking his head. “I just love having you here.” You bite at your lip at his words before he slips around you, heading back into his bedroom where you can hear the sound of his dresser being opened. 
Your eyes find the mirror in front of you once again as you run your fingers through your hair, considering his words and how those butterflies were seemingly in a race in your stomach when Wonwoo returns in a pair of shorts carrying some clothes. “I hope they will fit you okay and be comfortable. When this happens again…we can prepare better.” 
Wonwoo smiles at you in the mirror, his glasses back on his face. You smile as they steam up slightly from just being in the room. “You can come to my place next time, but you will have to bring your own clothes, Wonwoo. I doubt I have anything that will fit you.” He laughs running his fingers over your shoulders before moving his hand to your hair moving it from your neck so he can lean to kiss your skin making you sigh happily before his hands move to take your towel leaving you naked in front of him again. 
“If I had my way you’d sleep like this, but I do want you to be comfortable.” You glance up at his eyes again, a small smirk on your lips at his words before you turn in his arms and meet his eyes fully. “I am comfortable...but only if you lose the shorts.” Wonwoo smirks back at you, narrowing his eyes playfully as you feel his hands move around his hips before he pushes his shorts down and steps out of them. 
Your laugh is like music and Wonwoo will never get tired of it. His fingers lace with yours as he leads you back to the bedroom, you see the bed turned down with extra blankets that you know he had added in case you wanted them. Shaking your head, you lean your head on his shoulder for a moment before letting go of his hand to climb onto the bed, letting him follow you. Wonwoo pulls a few layers over your body worried you will get cold, making you smile as you move in close to him. “You are a worry wart.” 
“I...no, I am just making sure you won’t be cold. I am the reason you are naked and I don’t…” You laugh again before moving over Wonwoo making him groan and smile as you drape your leg over his hip, your leg brushing against him. He just repeats to himself like a mantra, later later later, as he wraps his arm around you. “I’ll be fine Wonwoo, I have you to keep me warm.” 
Wonwoo lets out a slow breath and nods, his cheek resting against your forehead as your fingers run over his chest, stomach, and hip under the covers. He can’t help but to laugh sucking in his stomach to how you are making him feel when he has to groan again. “You are killing me Y/N.” You laugh leaning to kiss his neck as you let your fingers finally stay mostly near his hip bone. “I’ll be good.” 
You close your eyes not thinking much about what you are doing as you draw shapes on Wonwoo’s skin as he mutters “extinguo”, the candles in the room extinuishing. His soft breath calms you down as you listen to him while you wind down. It isn’t until you draw one last circle that Wonwoo hisses softly and you both notice a faint purple glow under the cover. 
Wonwoo moves the sheet and looks where your fingers are, seeing a fading rune where your fingers tremble slightly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think…” His own fingers rub over the symbol, a larger circle, four on the points, a diamond shape connecting them, and a center circle. He had seen this in your grimoire. It was your protection rune. “A protection rune?” 
You look as the light fades from the rune completely, the moonlight from the window letting you see the lines that look more like a fading tattoo now. “Yes, but I wasn’t thinking. I can remove it. I crossed a line, I didn’t ask for your permission Wonwoo.” You start to move your hand, a word of latin on your lips when Wonwoo takes your fingers and shushes you. 
“Don’t…I want it. It’s a part of you with me now.” You look up to meet Wonwoo’s eyes as he smiles and lifts your hand to kiss your fingers, the same ones that had left the rune, “My little witch.” Your cheeks burn slightly as you smile before leaning up to kiss him gently. “Don’t make me fall in love with you so quickly, Jeon Wonwoo.” 
Wonwoo smiles on your lips, his fingers pushing your hair behind your ear as he kisses you before speaking furrowing his brows. “I can’t promise that, when I’m falling in love with you just as quickly Y/N.” You want to whine and tell him how unfair he is for being too unrealistic, too perfect but the feeling of something jumping on the bed draws both you and Wonwoo’s attention as Ash stretches at the end of the bed and curls up against your legs. 
“He agrees, you know? From the moment you walked in.” You sigh on Wonwoo’s lips before nuzzling your head under his chin laying on his chest. Wonwoo laughs softly and holds you closer making a silent promise to himself and you to make this last and keep you safe. He had plenty of verbena and you loved lavender tea with honey. 
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tag list; @bangchanbabygirlx @just-here-to-read-01 @niktwazny303 @strawberri-uyu @yeritheloml @tis-niki @noraehey @hoohoohope @otterpopchan @xuxibelle @foxdaisy @smileysuh @vern0nsworld @synthetickitsune @enhacolor @pandorashbox @yeosayang @gyuhanniescarat @yoonguurt @jwnghyuns @xoxodino @sakurasangcl @woniewhite @fantasy2wonderland @httpswonwoosglasses @rubyscoups @onlywonus @midnightvalentines @junhui-recs @woozis-wife @cheolsbestie @sunnyteume
please note that I am doing my best to tag all of you who have filled out the tag list form but tumblr won’t let me tag some of you. I think that is because either you have tags turned off or possibly a blank tumblr page. consider reblogging some of the fics you like from me or other writers. ♥
© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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vyvy4n · 3 months
Commissions info! DM me!🌈
(If you’d prefer discord my user is the same as here :>)
Heyyo! I’m James and I’m saving up for driving lessons (and something to drive) to finish school stuffs. I’m chronically ill and so cannot get a job or walk anywhere so I’m kind of putting a lot of trust in this single tumblr post✨. My goal is about £400, but depending on how life’s goin i may keep comms open
Current: 0/400
Examples of recent work
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Haven’t posted a lot here yet but my art tag is on this post too
Prices n stuff
Base price (partial sketch) — £10
+ Full body — +£5
+ Colour — +£5
+ Clean lineart & rendering — +£10
+ Highly detailed design — +£5
+ Another character in image — £5
+ Simple background — +£5
+ Detailed background — +£10
Possible questions
How do you accept payment?
At the moment I only accept payment through PayPal, once I have sketched out your drawing I’ll send it to you with a watermark, ask if everything is how you like it, and then give you my PayPal.
Will you draw ____?
Nonhumans (furries, robots, animals etc.), yes.
Create designs/redesigns, yes.*
(*all characters in the examples minus Wolverine are my own designs)
YCH/redraw of a reference, yes.
In a different style, yes.*
(*My regular style is very golden-age comics inspired, but I am in good practice of trying wildly different art styles)
Gore/injury or NSFW, yes but depending on how complex it is I may ask for a slightly higher price.
Anything else you’re not sure about we can discuss but I can’t think of anything I’d flat out say no to.
How long will it take?
As previously stated, I am chronically ill and so have a lot of time and motivation to draw. Sketches should take no longer than a day or two, and detailed drawings should take no longer than a week (as an estimation)
However, once I’ve started your drawing I’ll have a good idea of how long it’ll take and will message you beforehand :)
If you need the art before a certain time, let me know
Where can I use the art?
Anywhere! I’ll draw profile pictures if that’s how you’re specifically planning to use it, and if you’re going to post it anywhere please don’t crop my @ off. Anything else for personal use is completely fine!
I’ll ask if I can use it on my own page and if you’d like to be @ed on the post before I do anything with it myself
If you are going to use my art on an item you’re going to sell somewhere, please inform me before you do so; as I helped make the product I’d ask for a 25% cut. Any of my art used in a shop without my permission will have action taken against it.
Thank you for listening to an independent artist, I know that’s thrown around a lot but life living off of sporadic orders I may or may not get really is difficult.
If you can’t or don’t want to commission me, spreading my posts around to people who might helps me just as much :) <3
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alluralater · 8 months
Ok but can I get some tips on how you make your art just as adorable and sexy as the artist cause those kink jars are just so you and I wish I had the skills to draw such cute things
I’m debating making another account just for my art on here but I’m not sure since right now most of what I have are family portraits that I’m not sure I want on tumblr, I do have a few other drawings though
Should I take the plunge and make a second account?
i let my brain fully melt and enjoy the process <3 also practice makes perfect. i started something a week or so ago for this girl i’m into and i hadn’t been able to do much of it then, but today i found some time and it’s even BETTER than it would’ve been if i’d unreasonably pushed through the process just to get instant results. brain melt + practice + patience. all of my thoughts tend to slow down when i do any kind of art and it feels like my brain is melting lmfao, that’s the best way to describe it.
oh i basically refuse to post any of my actual art on tumblr. just quick fun draws of myself and little snippets because art theft is so prevalent + everyone is putting their fave artists into AI and i won’t have that happening to me. my art is so precious to my heart. if you like though, make another page for your art and turn off the reblogs if you don’t care about likes and such, credit yourself in the work (like your signature or your url in the pic + watermark on low opacity somewhere) <3 mfs will steal your whole personality if they feel like it. good luck!
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twopoppies · 2 years
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do you know what video these gifs came from? i’ve searched up and down tumblr and couldn’t find the gifs (which is ironic considering i obviously saved them from somewhere??? i mean i guess i couldve saved them from pinterest but i want/need to credit who made them) & i looked through a few bts videos from 2013 but couldn’t find the footage 😭😭😭 maybe there’s a watermark on the gifs that i haven’t noticed or something idk but just figured i’d ask if you knew. if not, that’s okay too !! i’m just looking for them bc they inspired a fic i wrote and i put in the beginning notes that i’d link the gifs as soon as i found them … and i posted the fic over a month ago so 🥴
Shoot. I have no idea. I do remember the gifs though. 🤔🤔🤔
Does anyone know?
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izumi-fanclub · 3 years
A3! Translation: Chikage SR Card “Raven in the Dead of Night” [ Hollow Fruit ]
Chikage hangs out with Izumi and Tsumugi while they handle berries.
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Ah, Chikage-san.
Tsumugi, welcome back. You took care of the courtyard again today?
Yes. I just finished, so I thought I’d take a break.
I’m thinking of making some coffee, would you like some, Chikage-san?
Yeah, I’ll take you up on that.
Okay, please wait for a moment.
Looks like you’re not working today.
Well, it’s normal to have less work during the holidays. It’s not as inconspicuous as it seems.
Ahaha, I see.
But then again, what I was doing on my phone just know is a kinda like work.
… No, maybe a bit more important than work.
What... Do you mean by that?
I’ve been gathering info on new curry restaurants. I’ve been reading the reviews and looking for a place to go to next.
I see. That’s very like you.
Not just limited to curry restaurants, though. The number of shops is increasing each day. I have to check them out regularly.
     *Notification sound*
It’s a call from director-san. … It seems like she has some luggage that can only be carried by a car.
Then you better get to her as soon as possible.
Yeah, I’ll be there in a bit. Thanks for the coffee.
It’s nothing. Take care out there.
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Did you finally fix up the hawthorns’ pots? Let’s go already then.
Yup, by all means!
I’m sorry I called you so suddenly like that...
It’s fine. You called me since you knew I was the only one who would drive today.
If director-san expects such from me, I can’t help but respond right away.
… Thank you.
Speaking of, is this the season for groundberries? I think it’s a little early for that.
Usually, yeah. This one’s a little out of season.
An acquaintance of mine approached me and asked if I was willing to take it——.
Guess it was heavier than you expected and couldn’t take it home.
Yes... I thought it was just the groundberries, but I didn’t think it’d be a whole potted plant.
I felt bad about refusing to accept the gift since they gave it to me, and there’s still room in the dorm’s garden... so I took it.
I can see it.
Hey, don’t laugh at me. I was panicking on what to do.
Sorry, sorry. I was in the dorm today, maybe they’ll be happy to see this pot.
Even if they won’t be I have to put it down somewhere! Even if they say no, I’ll do something about it!
Director-san's mysterious insistency came out... You sure are stubborn in a weird way.
Part 2
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We’re home~.
Welcome back, you came home early.
… Aah, groundberries!
It’s unseasonal fruit, but I got it from a variety of reasons.
It seems to take them a little longer than usual... I wonder if it came from a cold place.
Tsumugi-san, can we put the groundberries in the garden?
Of course. There’s a nice, sunny spot over there that looks good, let’s bring it there.
I’ll carry it.
Izumi Thank you very much.
The groundberry fruit is kind of cute, right?
Yes, it is. You can even play with it by ringing it after removing the fruit’s insides.
There’s also a kind of watermarked groundberry, isn’t there? You can see the insides of the fruit while the outside’s just the veins of the leaves.
I’ve seen it before! It’s pretty strange—.
Actually, it’s not that hard to make. Would you like to try?
Eh! I wanna make it! Uh how do you make it?
All you have to do is soak it in water for about a week then the skin will melt.
In water? Then, should I do it in a tub or something?
That’s right. Also, there should be a lid on it to keep it from floating away.
Roger that! Then I’ll go prepare!
She ran like the wind, but... is she really going to make it right now?
Ahaha. Director sure is a woman of action, after all.
...The flower language for the groundberry flower’s a little scary, huh?
Flower language?
It’s got words like “deceit”, “false”, and “deception” connected to it that doesn’t really give out a good impression.
Heh. Tsumugi
There’s a theory that its name was given to it because the flower bears fruit with little to no content inside... that’s why it got its name.
An old man cracked open the fruit and thought, “I’ve been deceived!” is what I like to think.
Haha, I see.
(Almost like——.)
It’s a word that doesn’t sound like it’d fit Chikage-san.
Tsumugi What’s up?
Sigh. Tsumugi, you really...
Thank you for waiting~
I’m ready! Now, let’s harvest the groundberries.
Fufu, all right. Where should we start?
Hmm, then, maybe like this...
Chikage-san, are you leaving?
Oh no you don’t, Chikage-san, let’s make it together! I’ll even help you make the watermarked hawthorn!
Alright, alright.
Option 1: If it turns out well...
By the way, what should we do with the watermarked groundberries if it turns out well?
Let’s see, I know it’s beautiful to just have it on display but——.
I looked it up on the internet and it seems like there’s an arrangement where you can pull the insides out and use it as a lamp decoration for Halloween.
That sounds like a good idea!
The orange looks good for Halloween and more importantly, it’d be fun to make something like this with everyone.
Hey, Chikage-san!
Hey... so, I’m supposed to participate in making the decorations too, right?
Duh! Chikage-san was the first one who came up with the idea for the watermarked groundberries and Halloween decorations.
Option 2: I’m also wondering about the playing sound
The watermarked groundberries are good for now... I’m also curious about that “ringing” game you mentioned!
Then why don’t you ask Tsumugi to teach you? I have some groundberries that I haven’t soaked in water yet.
Alright, I’d love to!
If they hear the sound, I’m sure the others will want to do the same.
Tsumugi We can gather the people who want to try it out later.
Let’s do it! For sure! And of course, Chikage-san will be forced to participate!
I knew you’d say that.
Here, Chikage-san, take one of your favorite groundberries!
I got it, I got it.
Not similar at all... huh?
Story Clear!
---------- t/n:
The groundberries, here (or rather strawberry grounberries) refer to the Chinese Lantern plant, they talk about it in this backstage story but the real thing itself is really pretty!
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dailybayonetta · 3 years
what are your thoughts on gifmakers having a ko-fi? do you feel like it's profiting off of someone else's work? (whether it be movies, shows, animes, video games, etc) a mutual of mine is considering creating one but is afraid of the potential blowback. what do you think?
I mean, technically, people do this all the time, like, look at youtube essays and all that with their patreons, artist selling prints of a fanart, it isnt illegal to monetize your content even if it's a property based - unless you got copyright striked or DMCAed from a start, or you originally know the owners of said property copyright anything they see (look at most anime owners or Nintendo who's very strict with fan games and all that, or Genshin devs who require for you to fill what you do and how you do and where u sell it). Fair use does exists after all and gifs, I as much I know, do fairlu fall under that category. To the point that to promote stuff nowadays with gimmick accounts on twitter, that do make gifs for people to use and make gifs with official watermarks and etc, even though that’s what tumblr usually does but for free or hence it might even be just stolen content but people still like to speak as if this site is dead
And, I still think that kind of way (patreon/ko-fi/donations) of profiting IS miles better than what tumblr tried to do with it's subscrtiption posts and else. Like of all sites there it shouldn't be a thing, it's this one (hell, it's not even working properly 80% of the time). Not only tumblr is probably not going to protect you on your fair use, but overall the way your work isn't secured is like... whatever. At worst you'd probably got deleted and be done with it.
Honestly, back in the day (flash to stuff before 2017, as i got into making this blog) I would probably say that people trying to profit off gifs is silly or that it's not going to happen, but simply because I was giffing for fun and my works were usually pretty simple.
But once I started doing more complicated stuff and trying running dedicated blogs and being part of networks, I released how much of the time it takes put the actual sets on the consistent basis (along with answering to people, because I felt like talking too), hell, even on weekly basis it's was time consuming, you know? Finding good footage (or recording as i did to make it crisp as possible, or if it's shows for example getting somewhere bluray/DVD version, or taking time to restore old stuff so it would look GOOD), writing subtitles with no mistakes, making sure that gifs didn't scaled past 4MB (ah, old times), hoping that gifs would appear in the tag, or making something specific that barely few people would reblog but you still would make that because u just want and many more things people while giffing, despite staff constant efforts of making their tagging system and site worse. 
Like, I’d still probably wouldn’t do it, but I can totally get behind and see why people would open ko-fi or take donations, like it’s still just like the art posting, or video editing and different kinds of work and considering that users of this site like to ignore reblog button, always did, but in recent history even more, I can’t even be upset in any way and kind of sympathise with people who would probably open a patreon and ko-fi or something. 
Answering your question - I would probably say it would only backfire if your mutual is doing Disney shows/content or something (which I also doubt), do seen plently of people doing it and so far no big problems whatsoever. 
And just like I said, considering twitter is just a bunch of tumblr stolen content (the amoung of times I’ve seen gifs from my blog being reposted there, as if it’s original post or something, with no appreciation whatsoever or recongising mutuals gifs because i remember their URLs and twitter doesn’t even bother) and not mention that people just straigh up screenshot your gifs and post it to instagram (I’ve even been asked by someone if they are allowed to do so), I think people sure can be allowed to get something in return. For sure. 
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shijiujun · 4 years
I noticed that you've done Chinese calligraphy (very pretty btw) and I wanted to ask if you know of any good resources for beginners?
heya!!!! thanks for that!! this is a timely ask because i was thinking i’d do a round-up anyway some time down the road so this is good XD 
firstly tho, i’d like to put out a disclaimer that i’m no expert at this and am pretty much an amateur. so i took calligraphy classes for three years at a national calligraphy center (not that it made me a pro or shite because i don’t one bit have a natural affinity for it). if there are any calligraphy experts on this site, please feel free to add to this or correct me.
once again, i’m not claiming that everything i know is super accurate, all my basics were taught by a teacher so i’m not super sure where to go for self-learning but here’s what i know in brief for an unreliable, personal crash course:
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↳ there are a lot of types of calligraphy, but i’ll just simply go on two types for now:
(1) normal calligraphy 书法 with a 毛笔 (calligraphy brush)
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(2) contemporary calligraphy 硬笔书法 that’s done with a pen (can be 0.7/1.0 ball point or fountain pens with thin/thick nibs etc., although using fountain pens is considered something influenced by the west, and a lot of people prefer to use inky ball points instead for better flexibility)
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↳ in terms of font/style there are five main groups (of which examples i will give in calligraphy brush, not a normal pen), and the first two are the most commonly used ones:
(1) 行书 - semi-cursive script
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(2) 楷书 - regular script
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(3) 草书 - cursive script
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(4) 篆书 - seal script
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(5) 隶书 - clerical script
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↳ what are the differences and how do you pick a style to begin with?
in general people start with either 行书 or 楷书 especially for young adults these days because honestly, these are the more clearly visible forms that most of us that read chinese can decipher, as you can probably tell from the above differences. it’s literally chinese as most of us know it.
even those who’ve practiced calligraphy for a really long time are still kind of arguing on whether beginners should start with 行书 or 楷书, and the 楷书 camp advocates for the learning of regular script before they start inventing with semi-cursive 行书, which has its own merits. after all, with 楷书 you do learn the basics of how to start a stroke, end a stroke, the structure of characters split for the best composition (that’s why a lot of people practice on grid paper), but there are those who started with 行书 that say it’s easier to go to 楷书 after you learn semi-cursive.
the rule of thumb is, learn the style you like best and you think you can follow best. i began with 楷书 and honestly haven’t figure out 行书 much i have to say. although personally, if you are not familiar with chinese characters in general, i’d recommend going with 楷书 first. only because you know exactly how many strokes there are etc., whereas with semi-cursive there are some tricks to it that you might not need to know right now.
篆书 is considered like an ancient form of writing font and was used in certain periods and dynasties not that i know which ones, but if you watch certain cdramas, you’ll definitely have seen this font - this font is also commonly used to make stamping seals (i’ll explain what’s written on seals below)
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隶书 was invented sometime after that for, as the name suggests, administrative purposes where clerics required a faster font to write with. lastly, there’s 草书, which as you can tell, is a hell lot harder to decipher! this is because this font was created more as an aesthetic, art form than actual like reading. there are some that are of course written clearly, but the extreme curves and like sometimes even thicker brushes are used for aesthetics/style sake like this one:
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↳ some general advice when you’re practicing
(1) this is a time-intensive practice and requires a lot of patience but is incredibly rewarding - it’s not something that will come immediately even if you watch tutorials and practice a single word for like a week. just like english calligraphy, you’ll probably have to practice for months/years depending on how much you can practice BUT it’s not as if you need to put up ‘perfect’ work each time, and it’s more important to find your own style after getting the basics right
(2) my teacher and a lot of calligraphy enthusiasts always nag and say: chinese calligraphy is not about just technique, you need to write with the heart - [练字重在热情, 只要能坚持就好] this sound incredibly philosophical but is pretty much the old adage of if you like something and have passion for it, keep at it and you’ll get it eventually
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↳ brushes
okay, here’s where it might get a little complicated - the type of brush you need depends on the type of font you’re going for, and of course if you don’t have that many choices, just go for whatever you have as long as the ends of the brush aren’t split [cr: https://www.sohu.com/a/343812958_161249]
(1) 硬毫笔 (hard): made of wolf, horse, rabbit, deer hair etc.
(2) 软毫笔 (soft): made of sheep hair etc.
(3) 兼毫笔 (medium): mixed with hair used to make both hard and soft brushes
(4) i think there are now brushes made of synthetic hair as well now #technology especially if it’s a cheap brush, also there are only so many animal hairs you can grab XD
obviously, is it more difficult to start with (2), the soft brush - it is said that once you begin with the soft brush and master it, you can use any brush. i started with a hard brush, especially for 楷书 because you need a hard brush to help you end the strokes precisely but that’s because i’m half a noob
for 行书 and 草书, because it’s cursive right and requires flexibility, of course a soft brush works better!
length of the brush matters as well - it is easier to control a shorter and slightly thicker brush than it is to control a lengthier and thinner brush - i’ve tried both, and i died with the second one, you can see the different varieties here:
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*most calligraphy brushes for daily normal practice have pointed tips, the one you see on the far left is obviously a wide tip and this is only used for larger or huge pieces, those with four characters, and typically used with 草书
size of your desired font matters too - if you’re going for a dainty size, do use smaller, shorter and thinner brushes like these:
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regular sized fonts would do well with brushes like these:
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↳ paper
(1) print 
square paper is your best friend - beginners should honestly start with grid paper and the type that sections the square nicely for you here, but once you’re familiar, any square/grid paper will do for practice, any size works as well, depends on what size font you’re trying to go for
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square/columned/blank paper for final product
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(2) paper types
yellow or white thin calligraphy practice paper, made of rice or normal paper - usually comes in a huge stack, feels a little like felted paper - they’re also usually folded into huge scroll-like stacks
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normal A4 grid or column foolscap/paper - this list is not exhaustive, you can technically use any type of paper as long as it helps you to space out the words nicely
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↳ miscellaneous accessories
(1) ink and ink holder - there is a special kind of ink for calligraphy called 墨 and people usually just buy it in bottles these days. in ancient times you had to 研墨 rub/scrape the ink out (which you can see with the rectangular pieces below). it honestly has a really pungent smell in my opinion for certain brands especially the cheaper ones, but that’s the authentic type i guess!
as for ink holders, just use a tiny plate or a tiny sauce plate (i stole one from my grandma XD)
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(2) brush holder -  not really necessary unless you have a lot of brushes and need a place to hold them. the reason to have one of these is also because it’ll help the brush keep its shape and will help it last longer as well
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(3) stamps - for a final product, you should end it with a stamp! there are different types of stamps and different types of fonts, you can use the seal font for this as well, or just usual regular script this is your watermark/signature for calligraphy pieces
shapes come in ovals, squares, circles 
characters in the stamp - it can be your surname, your full name, or even like a full poem for a huge stamp 
ink - usually when you purchase a stamp and have it carved, it comes also with a red ink stamp pad, traditionally, stamps on calligraphy pieces are stamped in red
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(4) felt base - we use felt bases so that when you write the ink doesn’t seep through the paper! but honestly newspaper works as well, but i bought it for real cheap on taobao 
(5) paper weights - buy some nice chinese-style paperweight or just use whatever you have on hand because the papers are REALLY THIN and always end up flying somewhere
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(1) get your strokes right first 
honestly, get all your single/compound strokes right first! which means starting with words such as 一,二,三 and others
some videos: 
(2) move onto other more complex words, one at a time
(3) print practice papers, get tracing paper and trace over each
here’s one but any works: https://kuaibao.qq.com/s/20191230AZP1AK00?refer=spider
so that’s all i have!! let me know if you’ve got any other questions or need some other resources for me to point you to!
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by-inky · 3 years
art trades open!
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there that’s basically it
😎🤌🏼💖 what I accept:
ship art (you’ll get ship art in return ⇒ I can do cc x oc, oc x oc, or cc x cc if it doesn’t make me uncomfortable)
fics (I’ll very probably ask for oc x cc; I accept bulleted fics)
video edits (twisted wonderland voice lines, preferably without software watermark but it’s oki anyways) // THOSE ARE LIMITED; if someone offers to do video edits, I’ll only accept a certain quantity (5) since it’s all I need. After someone offers to trade for them, this option won’t be up anymore (I’ll edit this post if this happens)
😔🕶🤏🏼💓 rules:
I’ll draw the same you offer! if you offer a sketch drawing, I’ll give you a sketch drawing; if you draw a completely rendered pic, I’ll draw a completely rendered pic, etc. me = you
I have the right to reject your art trade request if it makes me uncomfortable. If you’re still up for an art trade before that, please request something else.
please be respectful while you request and understanding if I don’t manage to finish the piece after only a couple days. I have a social life too and my routine isn’t stable; it can change at any time.
the art trade order will go by request (FIRST ASK FIRST SERVE): the earlier you send me a text, the earlier I’ll put you on the list.
I’ll be accepting up to 3 art trades. Once those slots are taken, you’ll be put on a waiting list to reserve a slot once it’s opened again. f you're a mutual, it's more likely I'll get into your piece the first bc mutuals rights
please remember to give me references if you ask for ocs!! I can accept picrews too, but don’t get angry if I don’t draw some details you haven’t told me about.
I can trade art for video edits or fanfics too! I’d need some help for my ocs’ voice lines videos so it’d be very appreciated;;
→ about this, (pink text is what you’ll get)
- help on 2 video edits (I’ll give you the templates and the audio, you’d just have to put them together) = colored sketch
- help on 5 video edits (same as before, you’d have to put the audio to the pic) = rendered drawing, bust-height
- fic 100-200 words (accepting bulleted fics) = colored sketch
- fic 800+ words (accepting bulleted fics too) = rendered drawing, bust/waist height depending on the length
the piece can take from 1 week to 2 months, depending if I have free time or if I’m busy af
please send me a text via tumblr DMs or discord (by Inky#6188). It’s more likely I’ll answer quicker via discord since I’m more online there usually. We can discuss the trade easier that way!
I hope it’s oki if I post my part of the trade in this blog since otherwise I won’t post on weeks bANABDNDJH, ofc you’ll be properly tagged and credited for your oc if you ask for an oc drawing
I need you to add two specific emojis in your text. They’re written somewhere in this post, so you have to read carefully through all of it
you don’t have to have a pose in mind, but it’d be easier for me if you did! you can send me a pic or a rough sketch of it to facilitate the work
✅ will do:
ocs, canon characters
ship art (waist height max)
complicated outfits
❌ won’t do:
fullbodies (I’m sorry my anatomy sucks)
NSFW/ suggestive art
heavy gore
difficult backgrounds, like,, have you ever seen a drawing of mine with a proper background
pedophilia ships, or draw a person who resembles a child romantically with one who resembles an adult
furries, but I can do hybrids tho (example: cat ears and tail etc)
specific art style (I cry in agony to even draw my own stuff in twst or genshin style)
please add the emojis 🌸💖 somewhere in your text request so I know you read through everything!! if you don’t add them, I’ll conclude that you didn’t read them and I’ll mostly get pretty upset bBSNB
some art examples (you can see them all through my blog tho and in my masterlist)
colored sketch:
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fully rendered drawing:
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yeah and that’s it! thanks for reading until the end! art trades are open until I specifically state the opposite!! <3
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judysdoodlehole · 4 years
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happy valentines day guys! thought i’d celebrate with a quick max and monica, i think theyd be really cute together hehe this piece actually has a kinda funny (mostly weird honestly) story behind it, ill put that under a read more so you can read it at your own leisure ^^
so im in a dark cloud discord server and theres this user in here who is, to say the very least, curious to a fault? loves putting his nose in places whenever he wants as most of you have probably noticed i like adding my tumblr url on my art somewhere visible like a lazy kind of watermark, which means that when i post my art in that server my url is also there for all to see unfortunately for me, i like to make my username the same for pretty much every single website that im active on basically he looked up my username on google or something (not sure exactly what he did or why he did it for that matter) and the worst case scenario happened he found my fanfiction.net account its not like i write weird stuff or anything, its just that its a little embarrassing admitting that you write fanfiction to a server full of your peers, yknow? anyway i joined a voice chat once while he was in it and he asked me “hey, judy, do you know anything about max and monica dancing?” i didnt know what he was talking about so i kept denying because, as i said, i had no idea what he was talking about after a while though it hit me and i realized what he was referring to a few months ago i wrote a fic where monica teaches max a bit about ballroom dancing and its very cheesy but i was honestly pretty proud of it until i was put on the spot like that ^^; back to the art piece itself, i decided to base it on that fic i wrote because 1. i thought itd be kinda funny to people who knew about the situation and 2. i thought itd genuinely be cute thank you for coming to my ted talk
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screenphotography · 4 years
I keep seeing some of my pictures posted in other blogs or other twitter profiles. I know that with the internet it is just so tempting and easy to save a picture and post it, so I’m not even asking you to not do that. The only thing I ask is for you to give the proper credit. 
I always try to post different framing and angles from what we’re used to seeing online. I want my pictures to be different and have a real photography feel. It takes a lot of time to observe a scene to find something else that could be interesting for a picture, and it also takes a lot of time to edit it in the right way. As you may have noticed, I don’t put a watermark on the pictures, I want you to enjoy them to the fullest.
So, please credit, it only takes a few seconds.
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I’d also like to say thank you to those people who are always telling me when they see my work posted somewhere else. It is very kind of you. You know who you are, thank you!
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hayjeon · 4 years
Tips on creating fun fanfic headers!
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i had so much fun writing the fanfic writing tips yesterday and i got a few more questions about header-making, and so i decided to make one more of these! i hope these tips help somebody out there! hope you enjoy :) 
p.s. these tips won’t require any hard editing skills or photoshop skills, nor any expensive tablets/apps! 
typically i spend around ~5-10 min creating one header, and that’s either after i think of/finish a fic. i have so much fun doing it and sharing it with you that i figured i’d share how i do it! 
why headers? 
as I talked about in my fic tips, one of the most eye-catching things about fics are headers. when i’m scrolling through a rec page, my home page, a tag, or even someone’s masterlist, i’m immediately drawn to well-made headers. that’s what captures my attention, and then i’m more drawn in by the content. so, you can say that headers is your own version of an ad for your own fic, or an extension of it (like the cover of a novel!) 
if you were writing your own book, imagine how much time you’d spend figuring out what you wanted your cover to look like. i try to have as much fun and invest as much time making my own headers because it’s just the cherry on top to my finished product :) 
disclaimer: BUT HEADERS ARE NOT NECESSARY/DO OR DIE! if you don’t feel like you want to do this, then keep writing! its ok! this is just a suggestion. i’ve seen plenty of well-written fics without headers at all, so don’t beat yourself up over not having one/not wanting to do one. this is truly just a fun, extra kind of thing, and only keep reading if you want to learn how i do it! :) 
tips for people who don’t want to make headers: if you still want something to make your fic stand out, use gifs! i use them in my drabbles a lot! this will at least give ur fic a lil boost! 
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how to find pictures
I typically use unsplash, which is a free website in which photographers upload their HQ pics for free use. the pics are really high quality, typically stock photos, and don’t have any logos on them like other ones on google. unfortunately, you won’t find any pics of the members or anything, but you’ll find beautiful stock photos of typical scenes like “ocean scene” or “desert scene.” I found the stock photo for cut me open (shown below) on that site by just looking up “medical” or “doctor”. 
i used to use google a lot and just use keywords like “desert scene HQ” and edit the search settings to deliver HQ pics, and a minimum # of pixels, but unplash is definitely better in terms of quality, more aesthetic photos, and no logos/watermarks. 
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on some occasions, i will screenshot some scenes of youtube videos, turning up the quality to 1080p or 4k and zooming in so that the pixelation is as crisp as possible, and then editing it later to look good (which i’ll explain in a second!) 
the above photo was a scene from the specific characters from the drama, “100 Days My Prince” that I screenshotted from a youtube video that TvN uploaded, recapping the drama. I cropped it just right so that their faces were left out, which i’ll also mention soon! 
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things to look for when picking pictures: 
you want the picture to reflect a specific motif/theme from your fic! if its a moody fic, then try to find a moody scene that you can edit with filters/lighting to look even moodier; or if the characters’ jobs are a big portion of the fic (like cut me open/doctor theme) try to look for stock photos with that shown very clearly!
make sure its high quality: tumblr really dumbs down the quality of the photo when uploading it, so try your best to find something with a lot of pixels in it so that when you start editing, you don’t sacrifice too much of the quality already
try to look for something simple/clean: a picture with too much subject (ie. people in the background, or too much detail) may end up taking away from the main point of your header, which is your title. so find pics without too much clutter! 
try to make sure its landscape: which will help during editing to save some of the quality better. 
editing your pictures
now that you have a specific photo you want to use, now its time to edit! I use VSCO CAM (free app) and my own apple photos cropping tool for faster crops. 
crop/adjust: if your picture is too large/wide, crop it to at least a 16:9 ratio. i’d say aim for skinnier if you can, so that you don’t take up too much space (especially if you’re planning to add headers to your masterlist). also crop out any faces, any clutter, any unnecessary details, so you have a nice, clean slate to work on when adding text. 
contrast/sharpen/clarity/white balance/etc.: i’m not gonna give you a lesson on photography, but i’ll tell you I learned like 80% of everything that i know just by fiddling with it on VSCO! So just try it out and play with the app, see what you can make of it. i’d say a rule of thumb to follow is that you want happier fics with a brighter tone, and moodier/angsty fics with a darker tone so that it can reflect the nature of the fic further, without saying anything! 
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if you wanna be extra af like me, then go a step further and photoshop your pics. this one is a good example; when i screenshotted this scene from another youtube video for my fic One Year My Love part 2, i was specifically looking for a scene that would showcase the ornate/regal details of their clothing/environment in contrast to part 1′s modest clothing/scene (the first header in this post). 
i found this scene, but actually, this scene portrays the Crown Prince and the Princess, not y/n. So, the actors weren’t smiling at all! They were actually frowning at eachother in this scene, to portray the tension between the two characters and their marriage. 
So, I took the extra step, adjusting the pic with VSCO so that their shoulders/chins were at the same level, cropped off their faces up until their lips, and then used the adobe photoshop free app to photoshop their lips to be SMILING at eachother!!!! subtle, but important! 
call me crazy for taking that much time but i’m so proud of how it turned out and i loved every second of making this one. that way, this scene makes it portray the happy ending for Jungkook and y/n! 
adding text to your header
you can use any app out there, but i really like Font Candy! I actually ended up buying the 2$ version of this and never regretted it, but you can actually find a lot of their basic fonts on the free version; I tend to use the fonts: OSTRICH SANS, BEBAS, TREND, and INTRO the most! these are pretty clean-looking, block letters that look good whenever i put them as my titles. 
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I love this app too cause you can easily control the spacing between letters to make them take up more space, add shadows, or even make them contrast their background using the overlay feature; like this one i made for wildest dreams (see how the text changes depending on what part of the photo its on? amazing! it’s literally with a click of a button!!)
And i’ll always add “written by HAYJEON” or “by HAYEJON”, space it out, and add it somewhere underneath as my own branding.
if you want to be more creative, you can even go a step further and use whatever you have on hand to enhance whatever you’re trying to portray. 
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for this one, i ended up finding this amazing photo on unsplash and i thought it would do a create job of portraying the “movie-set” quality of what wildest dreams is going to be about. this stock photo had someone else’s names on it, so i used my ipad, and used instagram to just erase the existing writing with the color of the background, and then wrote in my own title and url with my own handwriting/apple pen!!! 
i thought this was pretty cool because it’s like wildest dreams is its own movie/has its own movie set, which, once it’s out, you guys will see that it’s supposed to be! 
this is pretty easy/obvious, but i figured i’d mention it. all the apps i mentioned are available on the appstore, and they will save directly to your photos. after doing that, i’ll just upload them into a special folder i have on my google drive so that when i’m finished writing a fic on tumblr using my laptop, i can easily download the photos without sacrificing quality. easy! 
and that way, i can save them forever; even if i have to delete them from my computer, i can always redownload them! 
side note: making text separators
i just recently started doing this, but ever since tumblr took down their text separators, i’ve just been cropping the bottom like 5-10 pixels of the header to use as my text separators! (with my laptop)
i saw some other writer doing it and thought that it looked better than what i had used previously (a cropped photo of a random line i found on google); i found that doing this tied my fics together a little better and just looked better aesthetically; 
so there it is! hope you enjoyed! :) i would love to see what other tips you guys have been using, feel free to send me an ask or reply to this post; and if you end up using any of my tips, please let me know! I love to hear from you guys all the time <3 
lots of love, especially during these times, 
hay <3 
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cas-backwards-tie · 4 years
Breakup Headcanons
Warnings: General Angst, Cursing, Slurs, Mentions of Cheating, Ended Engagement.
A/N: @oh-adam​ this is for you! I know you just wanted a drabble for my choice, and... well it’s hard to choose so I decided to do headcanons for a bunch! :) I hope you enjoy! I put everyone underneath the cut since it’d get too long otherwise and no one would want to reblog lmao. Also here’s to me trying to write for Flip and Adam for the first time! also I think credit to @drivermisfit​ for using one of your gifs! I saw the watermark, so thank you <3
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Kylo Ren:
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“It’s for your safety!” Kylo explains again. Somehow he’s gotten the idea into his mind that by sending you to the outer-rim, somewhere you’re less likely to be found, that you’ll be safe from Snoke and the First Order.
“I don’t care!”
“Well I do, and what I say goes. I am the Commander. Get in! Don’t make me force you,” he threatens, his breathing starting to get heavier as his anger level rises, his fear getting more serious as the longer your relationship had gone on, the more and more he’d gotten feelings for you. “I love you,” he says your name, gloved hand reaching out to caress your face, “but I have to leave you. It isn’t safe anymore and I don’t know when it will be. My life is already at risk and I can’t risk yours too. I was foolish enough to think they wouldn’t catch on for this long.” Now that you’ve obeyed him and entered the starship, he closes the walkway and takes off his helmet. Placing it underneath his arm he guides you toward the cockpit, being gentle with you for a last time. 
You don’t say anything as you can’t find the words to. The cast on your arm and the bandage on your head are already warning enough. He straps you into the seat and has already set the ship up with coordinates before you’d both even come down to the hangar.
“Remember-” you cut him off and finish his sentence, “-when you arrive destroy the data so they can’t track me. Yes, yes, I already know, Kylo! It’ll be fine!” You reassure him. Sighing, you look at his face, never wanting to stop look, fear riddled in your body as you worry for what will happen to him when you leave.
“Okay... well... I love you. I always will, my star... please be safe,” he whispers, suddenly tearing up as he presses a kiss to your forehead, running his hand over your hair before pulling away. You hadn’t anticipated how painful the sounds of his departing footsteps would be, but teardrops run down your face as you silent let yourself sob, shoulders wracking as he leaves the ship, it already counting down and preparing to take off, leaving and tearing you away from the love of your life.
Charlie Barber:
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You knew it was coming when he’d started working late everyday. Charlie would be more than a few minutes late to your dates with really lame excuses and you started communicating less and less. Maybe it’s me, you thought, but ultimately forbid yourself from dwelling and going any further down that train of thought since you haven’t done anything wrong! “I’ve just been really busy with work!” Charlie argues, “Transitioning from theatre to film is not what it’s cracked up to be! Do you even know how many calls I’ve had to make? How many meetings I’ve had to take or how many of my days I’ve had to sacrifice seeing Henry?” A scoff comes from his mouth as he rolls his eyes, holding back tears as his cheeks start to turn a little red. “I can’t do this anymore,” the way he says your name is heart-breaking, the final acknowledgment that it’s not working and he doesn’t want to continue trying making your heart ache with pain.
“So that’s it, huh? After everything?” You ask, fed up with his lies and excuses, the defensiveness.
“For fuck’s sake! Yes! I’m done. I can’t do this right now. I can’t handle this. I’m done.” Gesticulating with his hands in the air, Charlie finally lets himself take a deep breath as the two of you just stare at each other from opposite sides of the room solemnly. “There’s just too much going on right now,” he whispers, and that’s all it takes for you to turn around and walk out the door.
Clyde Logan:
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“You what?” Everything else around you fades except for him, the only things running through your mind and ringing through your ears repeatedly are the words he’d just said. Your heart clenches, pain making you clutch at it as your cheeks sting with the threat of tears willing to surface.
“I said I went through with it. I enlisted. We’ve been talkin’ bout it an now that Ma and Pa are gone... Jimmy says this is the best bet for college an I agree. I’m leavin’ tomorrow mornin’. Darlin, please don’t cry. This is the last thing I want right now, but I... I have to do this... and while I’m gone I don’t want you waiting’ around for someone who might never come back.” Clyde takes a step forward, hands reaching up to wipe away your tears, but you turn away from him.
“I- I don’t want you to leave!”
“I know,” he whispers, his voice soft, sweet like honey, and calm like the lake in the morning, “but I promise ya that I wasn’t no good for ya anyhow. There’s gotta be a man that deserves you ten times more than me and can give you the life you actually deserve.” His hand rubs your back while the other one brushes your hair behind your ear. Before you can speak he calls your name, his beautiful brown eyes looking down into yours. “I just came to say goodbye... but,” he shakes his head, “god dammit if I can’t help myself... can I have one last kiss goodbye?” 
Nodding in response, too choked up to speak, you crane your neck to place your lips against his. The previous smile that’d engrossed your lips slowly melts and turns into a smile as Clyde’s sweetness never fails to brighten you up. One of his hands weaves into your hair while the other snakes itself around your waist. Your lips dance against one another, his soft plump lips pressing harder than usual against yours while both of your noses brush against each other. Curse him and his cute big nose!
It all feels like it happens too fast. While the kiss seemed to last forever, he’s suddenly out of your arms and on the other side of the parking lot and into his truck, then gone... almost like it never even happened.... like you never even knew him.
Adam Sackler:
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“Get out of here!” He screams, head and hair shaking with fury, “Fuck!” Of course, though, you don’t move. “I don’t want to hear you shit! I already fucking told you what happened! I can’t take it back!” Pounding his closed fists against his head angrily he beats himself up. See, Adam had told you that two days ago on Saturday night he’d went to a mutual friend’s house for comfort after the both of you had gotten in a fight. Now you couldn’t even remember what started the fight but it doesn’t even matter. Next, the friend convinced him to go to a party, where Adam ended up seeing Jessa... one thing lead to another and she kissed him, he pushed her away, but after another kiss and one more, they madeout. Of course he felt guilty and told you today, but that doesn’t change what happened.
“I just want you to know that I fucking loved you Adam! I fucking loved you and go and do this?!” He doesn’t care that you’re crying in his living room, no, at least it doesn’t feel like it cause all he’s been doing for the past five minutes is telling you to ‘get out’ and leave. 
“I don’t know what you want me to do!”
“I don’t know what I want you to do either! Do I think I wouldn’t fuck tell you if I didn't?!” Furiously wiping away your tears with the sleeves of your shirt, you try to ignore the throbbing in your head. “I fucking HATE this you know that?! I fucking hate that you’re forcing me to do this!”
“I’m not forcing you to do anything!”
“Yes you are!”
“No I’m not!”
“I c-” you choke on a sob, having to catch your breath, “I can’t do this. I- I’m breaking up with you Adam.”
“You can’t,” he whines, his expression suddenly changing at he looks at you with pleading eyes.
“It’s too late. I just did.” Making your way toward the exit, you know you need to get away from here and move on as fast as you can.
Paul Sevier:
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“Paul, can we talk?” You ask as you sit down in a chair at a corner table at a random cafe you’d picked to go to for lunch today. Keeping your purse in your lap, Paul doesn’t fail to notice that’s odd.
“Isn’t that what we’re already doing?” He jokes, smiling as he chuckles, scooting in his chair as he gets settled in the chair across from you.
“Okay, sure, but I mean seriously,” you sigh. He can tell this isn’t going anywhere good. Something’s up. “I want to break-up. I’m not happy anymore, I can’t do this. You’re a nice guy, I like you, sure, but I have this co-worker who I like and has been asking me out and... I just... I can’t do it. I don’t want to do that to you, so... I want to break-up.”
“But-” he’s taken aback, his jaw dropped as he shakes his head, eyebrows furrowed as he processes everything, “Uh... just like that? What about the wedding?” He asks stunned, his heart not even in pain as he can’t comprehend what’s happening in this moment. Where had he gone wrong? What did he do?Was it something he said?
Taking off your ring you place it on the table for him. “We never planned it, so there’s nothing to cancel. I thought I could live this kind of life, but with you gone all the time, I just... can’t do it. I don’t think I could live like that. I’m sorry. I don’t want to draw this out Paul, I really don’t. I loved you, I really did, and it broke me for a long time to even think about this. But I know that I’d never be happy just keeping this up. I really hope you find somebody. I have to go.”
Within another moment you’re gone. Paul doesn’t move an inch. The diamond ring glints in the mid-day sun on the table and he quickly springs into action to snatch it into his hand and stuff it into his pocket under the table, removing the scene of its evidence like it never even happened. The waiter comes up to the table and offers him a menu, greeting him with a smile which he doesn’t return. “I’ll just take one margarita please.”
Flip Zimmerman:
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Parking outside your house, Flip shuts the engine off and gets out of the car to lean against it. You know he said 7:30, so you should be out the door any minute now. He taps his foot against the pavement, admiring the way the trees blow in the wind, leaves starting to turn yellow and red as autumn approaches. A minute passes, then another before he pulls out his packet of cigarettes and his lighter. A breath of fresh smoke wafts into his lungs with his breath, he holds it for a moment before letting it out, the smoke curling up and disappearing into the air. Holding the cigarette between his fingers he perks up when he hears the screen door swing shut. A smirk displays itself upon his lips as you trail down the driveway, you dress swaying with your hips and your heels clacking against the concrete. It isn’t until you’re right up in his face that you go in for a kiss, only to halt a centimeter away, your smile turning into a frown.
“You lied to me Flip Zimmerman,” you accuse.
“Bout what, Doll?” He responds calmly, flicking the cigarette to knock the ash off and onto the street below. Small qualms like these don’t phase him, everyone’s got a bone to pick and Flip doesn’t have time for it. All of his days are spent dealing with fights and problems, the least he can have is his time-off spent with peace and coolness.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you say sarcastically, backing up a bit as you toy with him, “maybe the fact that you don’t work for Bobby’s mechanics, but you’re in fact, a fucking pig?!” Shoving his chest, Flip’s eyebrows furrow together as he takes another puff of his cigarette before tossing it aside onto the street.
“That’s what you’re mad about?” He asks seriously, taking a step toward you.
“You’re not denying it- so it’s true?” You put your hands on your hips.
“And what if it is? You got a problem with me being a ‘pig’?” He mocks you, hating the recent reputation the police have started to get, and the problem you’re personally taking up with him since you know fully well that he’s not like other cops, he’s a good man through and through. At least, he tries to be.
“Yes, I do, and for starts it means I don't want to be seen going around with no pig! So you can count yourself out, Casanova.”
“Fine! Whatever, as if I care! You weren’t the first and you won’t be the last, babydoll!” Rounding his car, he tears open the door and gets in, slamming it shut behind him before speeding off.
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pi-creates · 4 years
Hey Pi, the person posting your work is me. I want to keep myself anonymous but I want to say to you that I will stop posting your work. I didn’t know I was giving enough credit and I feel really bad about it. But it’s all good and keep doing what you do best! Safe travels and my dearest apologies💜
Believe it or not, anon - but if you’re the one who has gone back and changed your credits section on your posts.... then it’s not you that this is about.
Crazy right?
But I do appreciate your understanding on this, I don’t want to be the bad guy, and I don’t want to have to start... I dunno, watermarking or making my account less accessible to people without tumblr accounts. I’m not about that, I do want people to have access, but this whole situation is so frustrating to me.
So like.... everything below here is me rambling and trying to vent my frustrations about this issue - for people who have asked my permission or credit their edits appropriately, this is not about you.
I went down the rabbit hole and looked, and there are accounts that are directly just reposting 90% of my screenshots without edits or commentary... which is just reposting, and something I also don’t particularly like when it’s as extensive as essentially my whole blog somewhere else, being run by someone else who doesn’t actually make the things they post. 
I have even found people who have decided to not credit at all, or who put a filter on it and decide that means that they can put “Credit:Me” and think that’s accurate and covers everything. It doesn’t. You can say you are responsible for the final product of the edit - but you should still credit the sources.
And I took a sneak peak at the responses people are getting to these posts, and when someone comments on how they “like the images, keep it up!”, those go uncorrected by the poster - who then posts again. This isn’t ignorance, this is taking the praise and not correcting people when you know better.
This isn’t even about me wanting people to only flock here or anything so self-serving. I don’t own the characters, I don’t own the freecam coding, I don’t own the ability to take screenshots - anyone can do this, I encourage people to do this if they like it. I want you guys to be able to have unique images if you want them - but if you want to use mine for something, just say that’s what you’re doing.
If you want to do redraws of my screenshots? Great, use them as references/trace/whatever then tag me or credit me - I’d love to see it. That’s what these resources are good for.
Want to make an edit highlighting your favourite ship in a collage/video? Cool, maybe just put a note in the description saying where the images came from.
Want to use one of my screenshots as your profile picture or wallpaper? Yeah, you do that - if it doesn’t ruin the aesthetic, maybe put a note somewhere if it’s public viewing. 
Do you write fanfics and wanna use any image that isn’t yours as the cover image? Put a note in the description or at the start of the story to let people know where the image is from. You don’t have to repeat this every chapter, just something so a new reader is informed.
Like... I don’t think I’m being unreasonable. I’m just so tired. It’s demoralising to see this stuff, it makes me not want to post anything because it apparently only takes a few hours for someone else to post in somewhere else without crediting it.
I have enough frustrations going on in daily life right now, this is just another one that I don’t want to deal with.
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Survey #336
"get back, you’re never gonna leave him  /  get back, you’re always gonna please him”
What were your favorite things to draw when you were a lil kid? When I was a very little kid, idk. But once I got into meerkats... I drew them like crazy. Do you think there is something with or around you, like a spirit, angel, ghost or something else? How does this make you feel? No. Imagine you’re a stranger looking at yourself. What things would immediately catch your eye? Ugh, let's not. When did you feel the most confident in your life? Probably my senior year of high school. I was happy with Jason with plans for the future together, I was doing excellently in school... I thought I was really going to go somewhere. Do you think love is needed to have good sex? For some people, no. For me, loving one another is an absolute must. Do you think, or want to, die in the city you currently live in? Fuuuuuuuck no, I hate it here. What is the strangest thing you have ever encountered? Probably when I was otw home from my doctor appointment and we passed a random guy in drag walking on the side of the street... That guy is an icon. Favourite soft drink? It's really strawberry Sunkist, but I love it to a degree I don't even allow myself to drink it, because I will fucking destroy that shit so quick. So I tend to just say Mountain Dew Voltage is my fave. What do you like to put gravy on? I hate gravy, period. Have you ever gone canoeing/kayaking? No, but it sounds fun. What is one thing you know about your family history you’re proud of? Uhhhh idk. Who depends on you the most? My snake. Are you related to anyone famous or historical, if so who? Yes; William Clark and Queen Victoria or Queen Elizabeth, idr which. Would you ever donate a kidney to anyone, and who? Mom. She only has one kidney, so, y'know. She kinda needs at least one. I wouldn't even hesitate. What is the main quality you think makes a great parent? Unconditional love. What three things do you think of most of each day? My weight is #1. Every second of every day, it, as well as Jason, are somewhere towards the front of my mind. The final is financial and job-oriented stuff. Does/did your high school have pop machines? It did. Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? No. Have you ever slept in a water bed? Yeah. How often do you use Flickr? I pretty much abandoned my account; nowadays I only occasional check my friend's profile who works at the Kalahari Meerkat Project because she uploads wonderful pictures of the 'kats as well as gives interesting info about them! Who is the last child that you took a photo with? Mom took a picture of me holding my youngest niece Emerson because it surprised everyone; I NEVER hold babies. She crawled over to me and reached up though, so of course I was going to pick her up. How often do you wear hats? Never. Would you ever get a nature tattoo? Sure! Idk what, but I'm rather sure I'll get at leaast one. Is anyone in your family sick at the moment? No. Where do your siblings work, if anywhere? My older sister is a mammographer, and my younger sis is a social worker. Where is your favorite place to buy groceries? Wal-Mart, I guess. Who do you generally talk to the most? My mom. Is anyone saved in your phone under a nickname? Mom is "Mama Bear," and then my siblings are "Little Sister" and "Big Sister." Whose birthday is coming up? My lil sister has her birthday in April. Have you ever ordered from an informercial? No. When, where, and why did a needle last pierce your skin? I needed to get blood drawn for some testing. It was drawn from my inner elbow, obviously at the doctor. Have you been to an escape room? Was it a success? I never have, but it'd be fun. I enjoy puzzles. How many followers do you have on Instagram? I don't feel like checking. What’s the most recent music video you watched? Thoughts? "Mutter" by Rammstein. I picked a screenshot from it to draw, so I rewatched it to select one. It's a beautiful video, but also strange, which Rammstein is great at. Have you ever recorded a cover of a song? No. What makeup products are your go-tos? If I wear makeup, the bare minimum is black eyeliner. Are you going to school this year? No. I gave college as many shots as I could handle both sanity-wise and with finances in mind. I do NOT want to even ATTEMPT to imagine the debt I have after going to three different colleges and dropping out each time. What is your favorite water activity? I enjoy just kinda swimming around aimlessly, relaxing. What are your favorite video games? Okay, I talk about SH2 and SotC enough on questions like this, so I'll mention some others I really enjoy as well: the Silent Hill franchise in general, Spyro games, The Last Guardian, both The Evil Withins, The Last of Us, some Resident Evil games (the 4th in particular), etc. etc. I just love video games. Do you like jello? I enjoy the flavor, but the texture makes me squirm. When was the last time you gave someone "the finger?" Probably while riding in the car with Mom when a dumb motherfucker swerved into our lane. Or something like that, idr the exact occasion. Have you ever held a snake? Yesssss, I want to hold all the snakes. ;_; Most unique place you’ve ever been to? Uh. I guess maybe the Whirligig Park/"Acid Park" nearby us? It's just this large expanse of unique architecture that are mostly, as you guessed it, extravagant whirligigs. You've got to see it if you come to the town. I have some pictures on my deviantART if you wanna see a few pieces. If you were a superhero, what color would your cape be? NO CAPES! Have you ever slept out on your porch all night? Oh fuck no. I'd feel way, way too unsafe. Do you like horror movies? Yeah! What’s your favorite Coke product? Just normal Coke. Watergun or water-balloon war? Watergun. I don't like being hit with stuff. Do you know anyone that’s afraid of elevators? I kind of am. Is there anything in your room that belongs to a boyfriend, or a friend of the opposite sex? I have three plushies from Jason, Tyler, and Girt. My Marilyn Manson poster is also from Juan. Who’s your favorite Beatle? I don't know; I was never a big fan, so I don't know any of them as people well at all. Have you ever texted an ex whilst drunk? How’d that go? I've never been drunk, but no, I've never texted an ex because I was drinking. Do you have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss your boyfriend? I don't have one. The only instance where I had to do that was with Girt. Tall motherfucker. Have you ever been tackle-hugged? Yes. Those are the best. Have you ever rejected someone’s kiss before? Girt once tried to make out with me and I noped the fuck outta that situation. It was so fucking awkward. Is your mood or the overall tone of your day often affected by the dreams you had the night before? My nightmares definitely can. Do you think that there are any positive aspects or outcomes of suffering from a mental illness? If you have a mental illness, do you think it has changed you for the better in any way? I definitely believe my mental illnesses forced me to mature faster and also instilled a great sense of empathy in me. And don't forget emotional endurance. What is your opinion on celebrity culture and celebrity worship? Have you ever been guilty of putting a celebrity on a pedestal? Do you think it’s somehow more acceptable/understandable to obsess over certain types of celebrities (musicians over YouTubers, say) than others? At what point do you think an obsession like that crosses the line? It's dangerous and can be very blinding. An outsider could say I put Mark on a pedestal, but I've always been very aware that he's not perfect and really just another human, I just happen to love him a lot for the human he is, haha. As time's passed, my vision of him has become healthier though (not to say it ever reached the "unhealthy" threshold); it's gotten easier for me to judge him and stuff like that. I think an obsession crosses the line when you put on rose-tinted glasses to look upon someone and entirely ignore their flaws, or if you try to invade their personal lives, ex. being one of those creeps that loiter outside their houses and stuff. If you were to pursue a career in photography and had the opportunity and means to photograph whatever you wanted, what would most like to photograph? Ah, livin' the dream. If I had to choice and would be paid well regardless of focus, I would absolutely travel and photograph the local nature/wildlife. Is there a certain type of clothing (outerwear, activewear, loungewear, etc.) that you enjoy shopping for more than others? Shirts, 100%. Are you ever afraid to post your ideas, artwork, photography, etc. online for fear that they will get stolen or not credited? When it comes to OCs, yes, given that things have been stolen from me before. Photography doesn't worry me much because I don't think I'm good enough for someone to possibly want to steal it (and besides, I use a watermark), and I do the same for drawings. It's the unique characters I make I worry about being stolen if I share them. When is the last time you did something sexual? A few years back. Who is the last person you showered with, if anyone? I haven't showered with someone since I was a little kid and my younger sister and I would to conserve water. What do you think when you see roadkill on the side of the road? It really makes me genuinely sad, and I always wonder if it could have been avoided if the driver was more alert, slower, and thinking about more than the damage it could cause to their car... I enjoy photographing roadkill, brutal as it may be, out of respect for them and the desire to make their individual stories known and just kind of like, raise awareness of it. Too many people are just annoyed by hitting an animal versus more concerned. "Stupid deer," stuff like that. I sometimes worry that doing so can be interpreted as disrespect, to photograph and publish pictures of their corpses online, but I sure hope not. It's the least of my intentions. I just want people to see and care. Have you ever had an ex that just didn’t understand that it was over? Biiiitch I was that ex, 120%. But besides my situation with Jason, this was how Tyler was. I had to tell him about five thousand times to stop texting me. Are your fingernails currently short or long? They're always pretty short. Would you rather have big or small dogs? I like medium-sized dogs most. I'd have to pick large dogs between the two, though. What is your favorite sports drink? I'm not a fan of sports drinks. What was the last compliment you gave a guy? Yesterday, a guy in PHP shared two poems he wrote while hospitalized, and they were wonderful, so full of passion and emotion. I sure as hell told him they were amazing. He's going for his Master's for poetry, so he knows what he's doing for real. Does your jaw ever crack, pop, or lock? It's popped on very, very few occasions. Have you ever thought of how you would give your kids “the talk”? I don't want kids, so no, I've never thought of this. I certainly wouldn't wait for sex ed in school, though. I feel like it's a bit late. I feel children need to know what it's about at a younger age with how disgusting some people are... I want them to be informed on what consent and molestation are so they know to let Mama know so I can punch someone's face into a whole new galaxy if they're ever violated. Do you ever feel like you’re missing out on something? Oh, always. Do you ever write/draw on windows that are fogged up? I did as a kid, sure. Not so much now. If you were married, and your spouse’s parents became ill, would you let them move into your home? If they were truly sick enough to need assistance but not actual hospitalization, yes. I'd want my spouse to do the same for me. Have you screamed in a pillow before? Yyyyep. What do you like more, acoustic or electric? Electric. Did you actually have a cookie jar? We have a Santa one, though I don't even know if we ever used it versus just having it as a decoration. What’s worse, having someone mad or disappointed in you? Disappointed. What do you bite on more, your tongue, lip, or nails? Bottom lip. Do you think that knowing when and how you’re going to die would ruin your life? "Ruin" it seems a bit extreme, but I definitely wouldn't like it. Do you have a favorite bromance? From TV or a movie. Not really, if we're only talking those two options. Do you find flea markets and thrift stores enjoyable? Yeah, you really can find the coolest shit for great prices. What color is your wallet? Mostly red and white; it's a Harley Quinn design. Have you ever been somebody's photography subject? No. Nicki Minaj fan? I believe she's a very talented rapper, but I don't enjoy her actual music. I just don't like rap. Have you ever seen the Niagara Falls? No, I wish tho.
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hyliangrace-a · 4 years
oh, i ended up spending so much time on this, but - it’s done ! it’s far from perfect but i’m pretty satisfied that there’s a visual guide to my idea of hyrule, post-seven years war. & now, god help you all, i’m gonna talk about it lmao. click here if you want to see a full-sized version of the map, but i’m also gonna put it under the cut in this post with the original map for comparison, & go on for a bit about how hyrule has, in my interpretation, changed under zelda’s rule.
( this gets long. like, really long. like, over 4,500 words long. read at your own risk. i’d say i’m sorry, but i’m really not. & fuck drawing water features forever. )
first thing’s first - the map !
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( apologies for the giant watermark underneath it all but i’ve had my shit stolen before & i’m not enthused at the idea of having it happen again. clicking it open in a new tab should make it bigger if the link above doesn’t work. )
so, it’s slightly bigger than the original map which is featured in the game, haha. here’s a comparison of the two, actually, with my map over the top of the original so you can see what’s been changed or added & where. i’ll talk about what got added & why in a bit, i want to speak just about the actual map, first.
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i did my best to keep the main locations of hyrule as specified in the game in the same place, & i think did an okay job, tbh ! my biggest nitpick was just how many dang cliffs & rockfaces there are on the original map. i know they serve a purpose in-game, which is completely fair, but they limited worldbuilding a little by making the map so small, so i took some liberties. not with every cliff, of course - i kept some in the southwest to keep the border between gerudo valley & hyrule field intact, & kept the ridge the river runs through - partly for the sake of continuity, & partly because i’ve always loved the fact that falling into the river in the valley washes you down to the lake. expanding them into a new area was fun, too, because at least then they go somewhere, rather than just locking you in to a certain place.
my main point of contention, to be honest, was the giant rockface in south hyrule field. again, i understand why it was there, but, come on ! so i ended up just doing away with it all, letting it lead a path to two new areas i’d like to work into zelda’s canon. the map just fades out in certain places, too, particularly the gerudo desert, so i ended up expanding that a little more & having it lead into the cliffs above lake hylia - the river already runs from the valley to the lake, so why not have more of the desert lead into the mainland ? the mountains, too, got their range expanded, because they just seem so ... small, in canon, when they aren’t being used specifically as dungeon locations. i’d say the only place on the map i didn’t expand in some way is that little gap between zora’s domain & the kokiri forest - the forest is so hemmed in & the domain is literally inside a mountain, hidden behind a waterfall, so i was happy to just let that be empty space. if you manage to climb over the cliffs surrounding the domain, or break through the treetops in the forest, you get a view of the ocean, & that’s that !
it was fun to look at the maps of the games that came chronologically before this one & see how the position of things in hyrule change, but i’m kind of glad that there was only the three before ocarina of time, because the mountains alone move across the map at their leisure, good god. there was a bit of freedom in it, too, because in zelda’s canon timeline, the gods are going to flood hyrule anyway, so i could make whatever changes i wanted because it’s all gonna end up underwater & unseen in the end - plus, it meant i could add in more mountains to take up empty space on the map, because the hylians have to flee somewhere to escape the flood, & i don’t think the peak of death mountain could hold them all. most of the new locations were inspired by the minish cap, more than any other, so i’m going to start at the top of the map & move down to talk about them.
i always loved royal valley & the royal crypt in the minish cap, to be honest. it was spooky & cute, & i’m surprised it, or a concept like it, hasn’t made much of a comeback in later zelda games. the royal family’s tomb being in kakariko village never bothered me much as a kid ( other than the fact their headstone gets utterly destroyed & you get assaulted by what we can only assume are the zombies of previous hylian rulers ??? & then it’s just left open for anyone to stumble in & possibly loot slash get murdered by said zombies ??? actually, y’know what, this bothers me a lot more as an adult, what the fuck - ) but kakariko was a village founded by the sheikah, originally for the sheikah, so i did always find it a little strange that at some point, a ruler of hyrule went ❛ that’s cool, you do you, but make space for us in your graveyard. ❜ i know the history between the hylian royal family & the sheikah is implied to be murky ( thank you, shadow temple ) but that’s a meta for another day, so i’m not gonna go into too much detail, but it’s still something that sticks out as strange to me. call it the sheikah continuing to guard the royal family in death or whatever, but, hm. weird. anyway !
the point is, after the seven years war ends, zelda decides that what originally belonged to the sheikah should be given back to the sheikah. kakariko village was opened up to non-sheikah by impa prior to the rise of ganondorf, & that’s her perogative & not something zelda would ever dream of interfering with, but that applies to the living, & those who die within the village deserve to be buried in the same place. it takes time to get around to the rebuilding of hyrule castle & its’ town, but when it’s time to plan for it, zelda chooses to utilize the abandoned valley which lies behind the castle as the new home for the royal crypt, but not solely for that ! she establishes & sponsors a university on behalf of the royal family, with special consideration going to the preservation of hylian history ( a lot was lost in the hyrulean civil war prior to her birth, nevermind the seven year war following that so quickly, & we can see in other zelda games, such as twilight princess & breath of the wild, historical preservation within hyrule is ... terrible, to say the least. of course, it will all be washed away when the goddesses flood hyrule, but fuck, at least she tries. ) the university also covers a range of other subjects, but history is the one zelda takes an active interest in, & she spends a lot of time with scholars who specialize in it. the royal crypt lies at the very back of the valley, the university being closer to the castle, & then ... watch this space ! i’m likely to add more things to areas around the map in the future.
hyrule castle & hyrule castle town i’ve left in the same spots, pretty much - i imagine the castle is rebuilt to be something like the one we see at the bottom of the ocean in wind waker, but i intend to put my own spin on that, too. zelda wouldn’t be focused too much on getting a castle up agaiin ( i’ve mentioned in a thread before that two years post-ganondorf, she is still sheltering at impa’s house in kakariko village, as rebuilding for the civilians is her main priority, & whilst i haven’t figured out exactly how long that lasts for, it’s a safe bet to say a good few years ) & she definitely wouldn’t want to be living anywhere especially y’know, grandiose & opulent, if her people were still struggling day to day. the castle town bounces back better than ever, expanding a little more to the left over time, but that’s a gradual thing. no real change except a distinct lack of redeads, which is always a bonus !
death mountain & its immediate surroundings, i was happy to leave as they are - it’s marginally wonky in place compared to the original map but it’s not a severe drift from canon, so lets just pretend it sits a little more to the left, shhh. it’s a volcano built into a mountain with a network of caves both inside & adjacent to it, plus a place of worship built into the heart of it, & you can’t really go wrong with that, so i focused on all that empty space beyond them left on the map. minish cap came in clutch again, because by fuck, did they have a mountain range, so i ended up dipping in to it for the names of this one. the gorons are clustered at the forefront of the mountain because everything beyond their city has been mined to the absolute death by those who came before for its resources, & abandoned by the same in turn, but they still send patrols to make sure it’s fine. 
there’s a story of how, before the gorons settled into the mountain, a man of great strength climbed the mountain alone to make his home within it - he faced eruptions from a then-hostile death mountain, fought off the creatures who called the range home & weren’t fond of sharing, & forged on to what was said to be the edge of hyrule itself. it wasn’t, not quite, but it was far enough away from the central provinces of the kingdom that the mountains became capped with snow, contrasting the temperate mountains to the west. the story goes that the adventurer decided to call the furthest reaches of the mountain home, & singlehandedly carved out what would become the beginning of the mines, in order to gather materials for his forge. it’s been disputed whether said man was hylian or goron, as the biggoron family claim lineage from him, but the mountains he once inhabited are named for him now, & are one of the places zelda hid whilst on the run & masquerading as sheik - despite the extreme temperatures playing havoc with her & nearly killing her, it’s one of the harder to reach spots in hyrule, so it provided a measure of safety that other places could not. melari’s hold lies in the northeast, but the cold spot on the mountain travels further south than would be expected, resulting in a cold spot - the ice cavern - to the north of zora’s domain.
real quick, fuck zora’s domain. there was no way to make the water feature coming from here look decent, or properly portray the types of cliffs it’s surrounded by, so please don’t judge it too harshly. at the end of ocarina of time, zora’s domain is still said to be frozen, but recovering from the curse ganondorf placed on it, which, great ! i’m gonna say, i could be completely off here in how it works, but i wanted to change things up a little, so if i am, i don’t mind that much. i like a bit of artistic license. also, if we can have literal fish people, a genderless species made of rock, children who don’t grow up in a magical forest which horrifically warps those who don’t belong, & a giant fucking overworld field where the skeletons of what look like fucking children come out to fight you at night ? i’m okay with this reckoning being off a little.
so, eventually, zora’s domain unfreezes. i personally imagine, as ganondorf’s power ebbed from hyrule, that the process started slow, until one day, it wasn’t. it’s said that zora’s fountain is the source of all water in hyrule, with the domain lying under the mountain it rests on top of, & a few secret passageways here & there, which is fine, usually - the fountain never froze, just the domain beneath it. that becomes a problem, though, when the magical freeze put in place by ganondorf wears off, & the excess water from the melt ends up flooding the domain. not a problem from those who live within it, with the zora being essentially amphibian in nature, but when that excess water begins seeping out into the fountain, through cracks in the mountain, through the entrance granted to those affiliated with the royal family ? that all goes over the fountain, down the sleepless waterfall, through the river, & that river completely bursts its banks. the water level of the river rises significantly, washing away much of the path previously taken by those who wished to go to the domain on foot, causing minor flooding in hyrule field as it travels downstream, & resulting in the waters of lake hylia rising when the overflow reaches it, hence the lake being larger in my version of the map. the rebuilding of a path to zora’s domain ends up becoming one of the earliest projects zelda undertakes as queen but it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare for a while, considering that, with princess ruto ascended as a sage, zora’s domain is now in a succession crisis. does it have much bearing on zelda’s life ? not especially, but i thought it was a nice bit of worldbuilding, so here it is.
kokiri forest, the lost woods, & everything within doesn’t change much. with the dark magic vanquished from the forest, & the great deku sprout able to thrive, the forest continues to grow, & overgrow. it’s still dangerous to outsiders to go within, still dangerous for anyone to enter the lost woods without a fairy companion to guide them & save them from a grim fate, but the children of the forest do grow somewhat braver about stepping out from their home to see the rest of hyrule. it never lasts long - not all of the kokiri are as brave as link was, after all, & hyrule is so vast compared to what they’re used to - but it sparks their curiosity & their desire to explore hyrule which eventually trickles down to the wandering koroks.
the area to the south / southwest of the kokiri forest is entirely my invention. as i said, in-game, it’s just cliffs to hem you in & prevent you from breaking the boundaries of the world, but there’s none of that in roleplaying, so i just … did away with them entirely. part of this is lake hylia not being as hemmed in by these walls as it is in-game, opening up into a new river & streams which travel through the south & southeast. crossing this river leads to three paths - take middle path, & you may find yourself in what’s known as the rito village. now, i’ll say here, i know that the rito don’t technically appear in hyrule until after the great flood, when the zoras somehow sprout wings, but nintendo’s strange decisions don’t change the fact that there are many wonderful people in the zelda rpc who play rito characters with crossover verses that let them interact with those who play characters in other parts of the timeline. in order to better facilitate interactions with these roleplayers, i decided fuck it, rito village in ocarina of time. canon can be easily bent. if, however, i’m writing with someone who wants to adhere to strict canon, then it’s just other hylians who live within the village, & rito is just the name chosen for the village, with no connection to the as-of-yet-unevolved race, just a nice little coincidence. regardless of who lives in it, though, the village & its name are fixed here in a southern woodland, with the village nestled amongst the hills within.
cross the bridge to the south & take the third branch in the path, you’ll find yourself inside the bremen woods. i honestly haven’t got much to say about the bremen woods here, but it’s not because i don’t have ideas for it - i have another headcanon brewing concerning myths, fables & fairy tales within hyrule, because … i am just that type of nerd. about eighty percent of my blogs before this one involved fairy tale characters in some way. it is, as the kids say, extremely my shit, & i’d like to tie the bremen woods into that, so i’m going to save what i have to say for that headcanon, but don’t worry. it’ll probably be a lot smaller than this one. ( thank god, i hear you say. i know, i know. i’m still not sorry. )
cross the bridge, then, & take the first branch in the path, & you better have a sword with you. the castor wilds are a lawless place, which is fitting for the corner of the world where the last remnants of ganondorf’s forces lie. any that weren’t killed during the restoration of the kingdom were beaten back to the edge of the world, & it’s not a friendly place. the last of the monsters shelter in a run-down settlement known as dragmire’s hold, the last place where those who sympathize with the king of evil can speak freely, & it’s murder to get to. the entrance to the wilds is a marshy swamp, thanks to the run-off of lake hylia, but if you manage to get through the mire, the land begins to dry out until you reach the hold, where the earth struggles to bear fruit & it seems the grass refuses to grow. it is, in a few words, fucking grim, & as a result, the go-to place for banishments within the kingdom. zelda isn’t a fan of harsh punishments, but she’s no fool, not anymore, & she won’t abide those who plot to throw the kingdom back into chaos, be it in service of ganondorf, or their own selfish natures. it’s rare that anyone actually finds themselves wandering the castor wilds, unless they actively choose to adventure there, but it is a very good threat, considering its reputation as the land where the devils live.
jumping across the map entirely, we come to the cliffs of coroa to the left of lake hylia. another spot on the map which is notorious for being hard to reach, the cliffs are an inviting challenge to those who want to boast of their climbing skills & durability. if getting up the cliffs doesn’t kill you ( & there is a very real possibility that it will, especially if you fall, ‘cause this water ain’t soft ) the journey down might do it instead, & that’s if you survive your trip at the top. there has been rumours of a great treasure hidden away in the cliffs for years, though the debate on what it might be was pretty intense, if you got into it. for a time, some thought the legendary blade rested within the cliffs, & only those who could brave the rockface would be able to lay a hand on it; others argued that it contained more mundane, but still desirable, treasures, such as a great haul from a band of thieves, left behind when they were hunted down by the crown, growing only more valuable by the minute. some, with sense, said that the only thing atop the cliffs was certain doom for the morons who tried to make their way up them. the truth ? there’s nothing up there. sometimes, cliffs are just cliffs, & those who try to scale the ones facing lake hylia truly are fools. the gerudo people, however, had the right idea of how to get to them.
again, another aspect of canon i was happy to leave as it was. the gerudo desert is a vast, harsh swathe of land, continuously assailed by sandstorms, bordered to the north by what is called ❛ the great sand sea ❜ & to the south by the haunted wasteland, & it’s not hyperbole. spirit guides appear to those who seek the temple of the goddess of the sand, but very few have ever made it through the wasteland if they enter in pursuit of something else. one of the few who did was the gerudo heroine, ashai. a well respected warrior amongst them, ashai was the younger sister to the exalted rishika, the chief of the gerudo at the time, & one of the first to vow to conquer the wasteland & see what lay beyond the storm. though her sister cautioned against it, as tales of people becoming lost in the wasteland were not uncommon, ashai was a headstrong young woman, & she could not be swayed. she took with her a party of twelve, & in time, three returned to tell their story. ashai had forged a path through the ever-shifting sands & left it well enough marked that her companions were able to find their way back. it’s said that some succumbed to madness during the journey, tormented by the ghosts of the wasteland, whilst others fell ill whilst they traveled, choking on the sand which gathered in their lungs. seven of them made it through the wasteland to the valley which lay beyond, but ashai had grown sick during the crossing, & knew she would not make it back. instead, she spent the time she had left exploring the valley, & found a way through it to the peak of the cliffs of coroa. the legend says that is there she died, watching the sun rise atop the cliffs, speaking only of her sister, & her companions laid her to rest within the valley, which her sister then named in honour of her. whilst the gerudo are happy to let those who have proven themselves attempt the journey to the desert colossus, no outsiders are permitted to walk the valley of ashai, where a shrine was built for its namesake - it is considered sacred to them, & the journey to pay respects to ashai is now part of the trial given to those who wish to become chief of the gerudo, should the bloodline of the previous chief die.
that covers just about all the main areas & landmarks of hyrule, i think, so to move on to the last thing, the various settlements, villages, hamlets you see across the map. hyrule is a big place. yes, quite a few of the races are localized to certain areas, & yes, it’s entirely plausible the hyrulean civil war could have decimated the population, with the seven years war exacerbating that problem, but hyrule field just looked so … empty, once everything else was finished. so, rather than stick to a number of locales i can count on one hand, i threw a few more settlements across the map to try & make hyrule feel more like a real kingdom. not to breath of the wild’s extent, of course, but just something a little more than what was given. all those who survived the fall of hyrule castle town apparently fled to become refugees in kakariko village, which was opened to all by impa, which is fair, but i imagine as the world returned to something close to normality, & families started growing again, the village would quickly find itself overwhelmed. as queen, zelda would make it a priority to make sure none of her subjects go homeless - she knows all too well that struggle - & so she would begin a program to make sure there was enough villages or townships for every one of her subjects. those who volunteered would be given a set amount of money & plots of land across hyrule to build a home, which zelda would then personally visit to inspect, to make sure her people were thriving.
there’s little to say in detail about them all as of right now, as i’m still fleshing them out, but i have a few basic ideas. most of the settlements were named after the first to attach themselves to the project, but the names have the potential to evolve over time. they certainly won’t retain the hamlet / settlement status, that’s for sure. the offer wasn’t restricted to hylians, either - any other race in the land was free to join, though only a small number of gerudo accepted it, the others preferring to stay in their homes & travel as they need. ciela’s settlement was the one spearheaded by the gerudo who accepted zelda’s offer, hence its proximity to the valley. a lot of young men volunteered to go to this settlement, but zelda was happy to let ciela make her own call, & many were knocked back - only those with what ciela deemed viable skills were allowed in, & still, it’s very much a female dominated settlement, but it is thriving under her leadership, & blossoms into a successful village as time goes on. lon lon ranch is, well, lon lon ranch. with funding from the crown, talon was able to take on more staff & expand it at his leisure, but it is one of the very few places in hyrule which has stayed constant over time, & he was quite content to keep it that way, & zelda content with his decision. 
to the south of lon lon ranch lies damia village, the largest of all the settlements from its inception. led by a fearless young man who gave his name to the village, it is a hub of activity which could rival hyrule castle town. with damia came many like-minded people, all eager to forge their own path in the world & prove themselves as he had, as he had been part of the group which volunteered to help beat back the remnants of ganondorf’s forces. many of the families within damia village are the families of soldiers who work at the castle & it has gained a reputation for being a village full of strong, capable, trustworthy people. arborwood, which lies further to the south in a more rural location, is an outlier in that the one who volunteered to lead in this settlement didn’t wish to put their name to it - they didn’t want glory, just a place to call home where they could finally live in peace. arborwood is an agriculturally focused village, filled with farmers & those who possess green thumbs. a lot of trade is done between arborwood & all the other villages - everyone in hyrule became proficient at growing & hunting their own food in the past thirty years, as was necessary to survive, but it’s nice to have a place to get food from which specializes in high quality meat & crops. why hunt rabbits, when arborwood can provide venison ? 
last but not least, lynna’s hamlet, which settled at lake hylia at the request of the owner of the lakeside laboratory. as he was getting on in years, he wished to find someone to continue his work, & so specifically requested that any like-minded hylians settle close to the lake so that he could impart his wisdom & let them take over. he got quite a few more people volunteering than he bargained for, be they scientifically inclined, interested in cataloguing the history of lake hylia, or just desirous of a change in scenery. the smallest of the new settlements, lynna’s hamlet never truly flourished the way others did, but the buildings were never empty - as time went on & people began to move elsewhere, it became a popular spot for those who traveled the land to rest at when they came to the lake, with a very successful inn eventually being run by the lakeside, its doors open to any who wished to visit.
it’s not a lot of worldbuilding when it all comes down to it, compared to other things, but this is something that i’ve wanted to do for a long time. as i’ve mentioned in the section regarding the bremen woods, more headcanons are likely to follow regarding places on the map & how they change & evolve as time passes during zelda’s rule, but for now, there’s this ! something which makes hyrule feel less empty than what it was before, whilst still respecting canon, somewhat which was the goal all along. if you’ve made it this far, holy shit, go outside & feel the sun on your face. it’s been eighty-four years - but i can’t thank you enough for reading ! at least next time, the headcanon won’t be so long. i hope.
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