#i: lila x klaus
LILA: Are you sending cat memes to the old man ? because he's been grumbling all day long, it's intolerable .
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journalofabird · 1 month
What happened to the other 36 children that were born on October 1st 1989?
Why is Reginald Hargreeves an alien?
Why did Abigail say "Thanks for protecting me on the moon" to Luther?
Why was Jennifer inside a squid?
What happened to Sloane when all the others got to another timeline?
Without the comics, there are still so many questions left unanswered in the umbrella academy show itself.. and it's driving me crazyyy
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gravybasquiat · 1 month
Omg i can't believe they just put Klaus and Dave in a cottage, happy and in love, romcom style, that's exactly what we needed
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rhcenyra · 6 months
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DAY 3 — favorite dynamic(s) 
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agaypanic · 1 month
i wanna watch the umbrella academy again (i only watch S1 when it came out) bc i like the cast, but ive heard about the show’s ending and what happens between five and lila and i do NOT wanna watch that💀
plus i wanna write fics for the characters (five’s look in the new season is so hot, the middle part was the move fr) so id obviously have to watch the show for character accuracy. but idk if i can live through the luther x allison stuff again and after everything ive seen/heard, i refuse to watch the last season. i am NOT built to handle angst and awkward/uncomfortable situations like that
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ghysry · 17 days
In the last scenes of TUA S4, specifically the one where everyone is grabbing onto eachother as they disappear or whatever, I wish the directors had at least the decency to put Five between Klaus and Viktor so he could hold on to the people he cherished (not to say he didn't like the others but the guy definitely had favorites) in his life,,, or maybe even next to Diego?? So he could hold hands with his brother?? That he loves very much?? And not his wife?? (there is no five x Lila in ba sing se.)
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mozart-in-a-gokart · 29 days
My Thoughts On How Five Could Have Had A Romance In Season 4 That Doesn’t Involve His Siblings Or Lila
You guys voted for it so…
Here it is! So far it’s been an overwhelming majority telling me to share so here you go! There’s only two ways IMO that the introduction and execution of giving Five a love interest could have been done well.
I’ve never taken a screen writing class and this all may sound very fanfictiony. For that I am sorry. This is the first time I’ve actually posted a full rundown of a character that I’ve created online for people to read about, consider, and discuss with me! Also This post is so VERY long. I MEAN IT. I will not make you scroll through it if you aren’t interested! More below!
You can scroll down if you don’t wanna read any of the introductory info. It makes more sense if you do though. Your life though man! I’ll have it separated from the actual story bits!
!Start of Introductory Information!
Basic Character Information
I have given both love interests neutral names and tried to be as gender neutral with how I’m writing this as possible.
I am fully FOR the idea of Five being an Ace or Aroace icon. I adore his character and fully embrace all variations of him. (That being said I wish I had the ability to shove the home wrecker version of him we received in season 4 underwater and hold him there until I see the bubbles stop.)
Both of these options for love interests can and are intended to be open to being ace or non-ace regardless. These are just ideas that can be tweaked!
Also If you all like these I am debating writing either of the options into a few one shots? However, If you all hate them I won’t. (If you like anything you read in here I fully encourage you to use bits of it if you like the ideas. I love seeing people write stories and come up with their own versions. You all inspire me and helped inspire these characters!)
Both these versions of love interests would have bits of common background.
Both of these variants would start off as someone that he is established to work with at the CIA. (These organizations do not just let people do whatever they want whenever and with whomever they want.) They could have written it similar to season one with Diegos relationships. How Diego had this established life in an organization that he left. Diego established ties and interpersonal relationships with his coworkers which is not out of the norm. Acquaintances, Friends, rivals. All normal things that could develop between Five and a coworker similar in age to his physical body over the course of a SIX YEAR PERIOD.
Both of them will always take Five at his word. Neither variant of love interest would distrust him. Both know he’s not one to beat around the bush. If he says something he means it. Five is a blunt character regardless of how tired of all the work he’s doing all the time. This is an established character trait of his. The love interest would be USED to how BLUNT he is.
To Establish Age And Timeline: Five is stated to be in a 13 year old body in season 1 and that ends in April. Seasons 2 and 3 happen over the course of a few weeks for him. Then season 4 happens and he’s about 19 physically. I’m pushing season 4 so it’s more like a 7 or 8 year time-skip instead. Having Five be in a relationship like this ace or not at physically 19 is just odd for me. It feels wrong. So in order to make a romance work in this situation you’d need to push it further down the timeline. Make Fives physical age 20 or 21. It makes the audience feel better about seeing him involved with someone, Ace Or No Ace, and it allows for more wiggle room when they explain he’s now working for a government agency. People would be more inclined to believe he’s allowed to work for the government because he’s at the very least physically an adult man now. (Aiden Gallagher is 20 years old so him actually playing a 20-21 year old Five is not out of reach) — With that in mind both love interests would be the same physical age as Five and were recruited to the CIA because they were prodigies in their respective fields, but they went through training and recruitment with Five during the 7-8 year period we don’t get to see during the start of season 4.
This bullet is just so you understand some of the choices I make later in my run downs: Five has always just kind of done what he wants and gone where he wants so I think there’s a great opportunity for a running gag or even just a fun plot point about how in order to keep tabs on Five both love interests have their own special way of tracking him. (Explanations further below)
!End Of Introductory Information!
The Actual Characters
1—: Optimistic Opposite Partner : his handler researcher he always calls, personable, soft, NEEDS approval, and a prodigy
For this post let’s refer to Optimistic Opposite Partner as, Ash
2— Pragmatic Mirror Partner : his work partner, stubborn, practical , dry, Hot headed, and always left out
For this post we’ll refer to Pragmatic Mirror Partner as, Morgan
Both Ash and Morgan would highlight different aspects of Five’s character in, at least from my point of view, very delightful ways. I think characters like these would be a great addition to the story if we got more episodes to insert them and add more interactions with All of The Umbrellas. For now however I will only be inserting them into the story that we got so there’s less interaction with the whole Hargreeves family. I will however do what we all know is right and disregard the cannon ending. I will be writing this under the assumption that the show would end how I detailed in my previous post where I detailed how I thought season 4 should have ended. That post can be found HERE.
Another Note: I’m not writing fully fleshed stories just bulleted versions of arcs and scenes I believe would have been better than what we got. Specifically and mostly following the “lost in the subways among the timelines” bit.
Main Key Ash:
Five - Blue Text
Ash - White Text
Diego — Green Text
Lila — Pink Text
Luther — Orange Text
They are the cute and fun character that eventually gets pushed a little too far.
They are the person Five is calling at the CIA every time he needs background research done. And I mean every single time.
When you think of this dynamic think Varric and Zhu Li From LOK mixed with a dash of Garcia and Morgan from criminal minds. Ladybug And Maria from Bullet Train.
The first time we see them is when he gets out of the meeting with his boss in that first episode. Maybe Give goes to his office and there they are set up across from him with a quirked eye brow.
“So how’d it go? Wait let me guess? Not well?”
“I really don’t need this from you right now Ash.”
“Too bad.”
“You know what I really need is—“ he stops as the camera focuses on a to go cup of coffee steaming on his desk already.
“Why did you—“
Ash gets up “I figured you’d need it. You got a party to get to. Lots of screaming kids.” They wave as they walk out the door. “If I were you I’d chug it! Have a good night!”
We see five irritated beyond belief silently indicate that Ash has a point, pick up the cup and drink from it with no hesitation. In one scene we establish that at the very least Ash knows Five very well and Five seems to trust Ash because he without hesitation accepts the coffee and takes the advice to chug it.
Ash Tracks him through his phone. He has a government issued one. It needs to be used like this because as we saw in the show in other seasons, Five just goes where he wants. He did that when he had powers. He does it now. As his research assistant THATS EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. A scene that could happen is
“I can’t believe you’re in ‘New Grumpson right now.”
“I told you to stop tracking me.”
“How else am I supposed keep tabs on you Five? You never tell me where you’re going. What am I gonna do when you need back up? Just throw a dart at a map and hope I’m right?”
“Look can you just send me the file I need”
“I can’t just fax it anywhere it’s classified.”
“It’ll be fine just—“
“Too late I’m already here.”
Five gritting his teeth and looking up to see them getting out of a car waving the file at him. His siblings are there and it’s amazing for them and us as the audience to watch Fove unravel in front of us. We feel like an older sibling watching him be pushed around by someone he can’t retaliate against. Five shakes his head and just takes the file from them. If done right this interaction could be something that feels like it happens every single mission he goes on at some point.
It’s obvious to everyone else that this person cares about Five deeply already, but Five just kind of takes them for granted. He doesn’t not care about them. He just doesn’t realize how much he relies on them. This is communicated nonverbally through the show in the CIA building. (Ex. Like when he’s in the office and in the middle of explaining something and walking Ash is anticipating and handing him things to help him make his point before he realizes he’s going to need them. They’re his bubbly little shadow at the office. There could even be a scene showing this if it wasn’t 6 episodes and 10 instead. At some point Five is at the office and he reaches to his side or in front of him and he doesn’t even realize there’s nobody there with him. Like there’s a shot of their usual desk in the corner exactly as it was the previous scene when Ash left it. They aren’t here today and they are always here. It throws him off. We get to see him be a little taken aback by it.
Ash gets pulled into the Cleanse mess because they bring him a file in the Christmas town and get caught up in the gun fight.
Five tries to blink them out of the fight and they both end up in the subway.
Personally I like the idea of Five getting on the train and the door closing before Ash can get on. The train leaves and Ash tries to run after the train but is too cautious to try following the tracks. They don’t know how to leave the station and they don’t wanna abandon Five, so they’re just kind of stuck there. They walk around the platform for a few minutes and end up sitting on the bench and just as they do the train rolls back into the station. Five walks off the train having done what he does in cannon, albeit a little more unnerved. In the other timeline he gets off the train at the next station and leaves the platform. He discovers it’s an alternate timeline. He gets back on the train and goes back and gets off the train in front of Ash. He’s been gone for ten minutes almost but it was only 5 minutes or so For Ash. Ash sprints at him. Five is surprised to be hugged by Ash and hugs them back for a second before they quickly lets go and hold each other at arms length purposefully. Five doesn’t even let them speak. He just cuts in before Ash can and tells them how its alternate timelines. At this point there’s no use in hiding it from Ash and they’re here in the subway with him so they ought to know.
Ash is more spiritual and fate oriented as a character. They take Fives abilities to blink specifically to the subway as a sign of it being important. Lila still convinces Five to check out the subway again and they do. He encounters himself. They both come back, and Ash is the one whose been looking into The Jennifer Incident File for Five. He meets them at the office and they fill him in on the file.
Ash is the one who gets him to really think about Ben before he goes to Reginald’s mansion. They comment on the file explaining
“This is a somewhat biased account, I’ll give you that. It’s the guys you were fighting against so there’s always gonna be an amount of “he said she said”. But the guy who wrote this seems to be blunt as hell. Very factual presentation of everything. No punches pulled about how badly he fought or how his team failed to achieve goals.”
“What are you saying?”
“What I’m saying is… History is written by the winners Five. I don’t know your dad well. Hell I don’t know him at all, but I gotta ask… Is he the kinda man who would lie about this stuff? Is he the kind of man you could trust to tell you how you actually won? What do you remember?”
Five squints at them. “Nothing… I wasn’t there… but it’s an interesting thought.” He gets up and walks around to Ash’s desk.
“I try.” Five starts to leave and ash calls out after him “I’ll let you know if anything develops on this end.”
Five waves the copy of the File at them in aknowledgement and disappears out of the office door
Ash comes out with them to the Alpaca farm when they get the call about it. They’re standing with Five And Lila when she tries to convince Five to go back to the subway again. Five agrees he’ll go and take a look but not with her. This irritates Lila. Ash tries to level with Lila and this annoys her. She snaps that it’s none of Ash’s business and to stay out of it. Lila snapping at Ash is Five’s cut off. He tells Lila she isn’t coming with him to the subway because of her attitude right now. She’s acting way too impulsively right now and he’s not going to risk that. She needs to take a breath go regroup with Diego and Luther. Keep tabs on them. Lila is irritated by this and storms away. (This may be out of character for her but I truly have never understood Lila as well as other characters. I’m so sorry.)
Ash asks if they can come with. Five is about to ask them if they’re serious? He just denied Lila why would he bring Ash? Ash says that they’re just curious about this all honestly. Plus it’s always better to bring someone to watch your back. Five reluctantly agrees because Ash is right. Plus they’ve kept a very level head through all this. If something happens he can just bring them home. It’ll be fine.
So he brings Ash with on that second run to investigate and everything with the sparrow academy timeline happens.
Then as we know they both end up getting stuck.
They roll past their stop.
“Five? Wasn’t that our—“
“Stop? Yes. Yes it was.”
The montage of what happens down there wouldn’t really be a montage it would be an entire episode or at the very least half of an episode dedicated to following them over the course of these six years. (If it was a montage though, the song I feel like that would be amazing in vibe and fit would be “You’re Dead” By Norma Tanega)
We would get a lot more scenes above the subway when they’re looking for supplies and gathering information. Fighting things that are on the surface in these other timelines.
This version of Five is one who is coming at the fact he’s stuck in a never ending nightmare universe like this again as if it’s a personal slight against him. Like of course, of fucking course it happens to him again. OF COURSE. When his family needs him this happens AGAIN. (It’s a very self centered way of looking at it. The fact Ash is there and also dealing with this is not even on his radar at first. Ash's feelings about this don’t even register to him until later because as a defense mechanism he’s automatically slipped back into ‘survival apocalypse’ mode. ‘One problem at a time’ mode. ‘This physical problem in front of my face is what I’m focusing on’ mode. we can tell when he finally picks up on Ash's feelings about being stuck here but he doesn’t say anything to them about it. His character has never been good at approaching people gently and while they’re in survival mode gently isn’t really an option.
Ash is obviously so scared about the fact that they’re trapped there and don’t know how to get home. They just don’t want to show it. They put on a brave face the whole time and we watch it crack.
Ash can seem to sense Five’s irritation and just slips into doing what they do best. Following Fives lead.
So Five makes a plan. They are both agents for the CIA so they both should be able to survive out here. They both spend months staring at the map terminal and physical map, trying to decode it and it gets more and more frustrating for five. But Ash is trying their best to stay optimistic on purpose. You can tell it’s somewhat forced but still somewhat genuine.
Ash is also doing what they do best. Assisting Five. But at the beginning it seems like it’s much more difficult. Apocalypses and time travel aren’t anything they trained for. Plus their survival training was minimal since they joined the CIA as an analyst not a field agent. They aren’t sure what Five needs. There are moments we see Five hold out his hand out of habit and Ash just stares. They don’t know what he needs and it’s unsettling for both of them. Five realizes he has to reach Ash what they need to do out here and you can tell it’s irritating to him.
A full year passes and Ash's optimism seems to fade but they’re getting better at knowing what needs to be done to survive in the subway. They get better at anticipating things that are needed. When they talk Ash's smile doesn’t seem to reach their eyes as much. Five doesn’t notice this still. Five always seems slightly annoyed that Ash is always so upbeat.
Year two you can tell the smile isn’t barely real at all but Ash still pokes fun at five along the way. Ash is the one trying to keep them both feeling human. They have to force Five to do things like wash clothes, eat, sleep, comb his hair. Five is visibly irritated by it. He doesn’t want to be dragged away from the problem but he always begrudgingly acknowledges that Ash is right.
It’s around the middle of year 3 that they both break. Ash offers to help five shave (similar to how Lila does in the show) because he’s doing a god awful job of it. He hasn’t had to do upkeep like this since the first apocalypse and even then he just let his beard grow out then. We see Ash in the “mirror” Five is using to shave and even he can tell the smile is so forced it hurts to look at. Five glares at them and breaks his silence. He snaps at the about how shaving isn’t fucking important. Getting back home is important. At least when he was alone before he didn’t have to worry about some chipper chipmunk of a person following him around like a lost puppy. He berates them about the fact that they’re so chipper all the time and how irritating it is when all he needs to do is work. He Berates them for trying so hard at it. Why won’t they just admit that this all sucks. It’s awful. He wants Ash to get mad. He wants Ash to blame him. Ash needs to blame him. He implies that Ash doesn’t seem to care at all about the fact that they’re stuck here and that’s when Ash snaps back.
Ash isn’t smiling anymore. They go off at five about how much they care and how selfish Five has been. They know this isn’t a game. They understand the stakes. Theyre trying so fucking hard he has no idea. They’re just trying to keep it together because of they don’t they’re gonna go insane. (Essentially they lose it at him and tell him how much of a selfish prick he’s being.)
The two end up screaming back and forth at each other all sorts of things that devolve into nothing insults about little things that have annoyed them about each other (we as an audience get an insight into how well these two really know each other with how insanely specific some of the stuff is)
“At least I don’t gag when I skin a rabbit!”
“Oh I’m sorry apocalypse boy? Does my lack of enthusiasm towards skinning small animals upset you? I’m so so sorry you dad never let you have a pet rabbit! But some of us still—“
“Yeah, yeah, I remember your pet bunny. You’ve only mentioned sir pumpernickel 300 times. Im sorry you used to love one 👏🏻but 👏🏻we 👏🏻have 👏🏻to 👏🏻eat👏🏻this 👏🏻one 👏🏻to 👏🏻live👏🏻 so stop gagging and get it done.”
Ash then says something along the lines of “ You know? You talk about your ‘dad’ and you pretend you’re nothing like him, but you act exactly the same. Pompous and arrogant. So wrapped up in your need to stop the apocalypse and ‘save your family’ that you don’t give a shit who you hurt to do it!”
With that Ash storms off out of the station to whatever world they’ve stopped in.
Five is stunned by what they’ve said and lets them go still half shaven.
He turns back and tries to keep shaving and after a few minutes he realizes what he’s said to Ash.
He stops shaving and washes his face off. He goes up after them. He finds them washing clothes in the river he sits next to them.
Five helps them finish washing clothes. It’s silent the whole time. They bring clothes back to the station he offers Ash the barber knife. It’s an olive branch. Ash takes it.
We then get the shaving scene but it’s Ash and Five. The scene is silent save for the scraping of blade against skin. Then Five speaks.
“I’m sorry.” A pause. “For saying all of that and for treating you like—.”
“It’s okay. Stop talking, or I’ll end up cutting you.” More quiet scraping.
Five waits til Ash is finished shaving him and wiping off the knife before he speaks again. He says he’ll do better.
“Yes, yes you will.” There’s another pause “or else I’ll only shave half your face next time.”
This is the first time Five cracks a genuine smile in YEARS. Ash smiles back. There’s a renewed sense of understanding. A silent deal is struck essentially. Be kinder to each other in this.
The next two years we get scenes that are more gentle between the two very similar to the ones we get in the actual show. Five is more open to teaching Ash things about the worse parts of hardcore survival. Which in turn helps Ash feel more useful and lightens the load on Five. He can trust them to handle themselves more.
We watch them Slowly moving closer too each other over the course of the train rides. Falling asleep with heads on shoulders. Cooking for one another. Interspersed with scenes of them just entertaining themselves with the other. Reading from books they find in these universes. Playing chess together, cutting hair, sewing up cuts. Light Play fighting in the rivers they wash clothes in eventually leading to the sixth year five months two days conversation.
It happens just after a scene where we watch Ash set Fives Broken leg.
That’s RIGHT the reason they end up in the green house is a legitimate reason in this one.
Five loses his footing hunting in a previous scene and falls down a hill. He blinks and lands haphazardly on rubble in the subway startling Ash who has to immediately jump into action and help.
Ash after setting and wrapping Fives leg tells him that he needs to rest. They have to settle somewhere and let his leg heal. Five doesn’t want to stop but has to concede that Ash is right. Ash starts packing up the camp and they brainstorm where would be the safest place to rest. Five brings up the greenhouse.
“The one with strawberries and that fun little office room?”
Five nods. “It was pretty clean and there was a desk there. I can still work on figuring out this subway while I’m bedridden…”
Ash rolls their eyes at him. “Like you’ll actually stay in bed once I make you a set of crutches.”
Five glares at them as they finish packing things up.
“Don’t be such a baby. It’ll only be for a few months till you can put weight on it. We aren’t giving up.”
And here’s the big change from cannon. THEY DONT GIVE UP.
They do rest there. Five recuperates there. He’s the one messing rolling about in a chair scribbling things down in a notebook while he messes the strawberries in the greenhouse. Ash goes Hunting instead.
They do have their cute little cottage core moments but they don’t give up. And it’s not in the green house that the strawberry throwing happens. It’s a basket of clothes that Ash brings in while five is WRITING IN THE JOURNAL trying to decipher the glyphs from the subway.
Ash throws socks at five instead of food. That conversation about winter happens and Ash DOES FALL but it’s into the handmade wheelchair that Five has been using while healing.
Five is always holding a notebook in his hands. I cannot emphasize enough HE IS STILL WORKING TO FIND HIS FAMILY.
THATS when the kiss moment happens.
“Was that not okay? I’m sorry. I know this isn’t the time—“
Five cuts them off with a kiss again and that’s answer enough.
They don’t ask if it’s weird because ITS NOT. They are two people with and established back and forth coming together in this moment.
Five finds the journal on one of his first trips out since his leg has healed enough to walk freely. The dinner is an anniversary dinner but more so to celebrate his leg healing. He shows it to Ash IMMEDIATELY. There is no fear of returning and losing them to someone because Ash is not married to his brother. 👀
Ash and Five end up staying in that greenhouse together while they make sure the journal is legit and figure it out together for a few days.
They finally figure out how to get home using it.
They wait a week to gather supplies to help them to continue on in case the journal screws them over and they got it wrong
Before they leave green house they have one last candle lit dinner and say good bye to it. They leave it all set up and all their things strewn about. Because the things don’t matter they’re going home together and there’s no question of will this last after they’re home because they don’t need to question it. Of course they are. It’s the same as Diego and Lila in season 2 and 3. There’s no questioning it.
They will stay together.
We get a fun scene at Lila and Diego’s house with the whole family talking about everything but Klaus is staring at Five and Ash. He is looking them up and down because they aren’t wearing suit jackets and pants anymore. They’re both in casual. Five is wearing his sweater vest and Ash is wearing jeans and a flannel. Diego calls it out.
“What is this then? No offense to, Ash, right? But why’re you here?”
“I vaguely recall asking you the same question about lila back in 63.”
“Lila’s different”
Lila has picked up on what five has indicated and his body language
“Not sure how different the situation is Di.”
This is when everyone on the couch picks up on it. Allison and Klaus immediately react silently. Klaus open mouthed impress and shock Allison bewildered looking at Ash for confirmation. Ash maybe makes eye contact with Allison and looks away a little embarrassed.
Diego looks at Lila confused “what do you— wait— You’re!” Diego accusatorially pointing a finger at Five. “Since when?!”
“My love life isn’t important right now Diego”
Only when Five says this does Luther pick up on it. He’s got a look of bewildered awe on his face and He looks right at Ash and addresses them.
“Wait, you two are dating?”
Klaus and Allison gag on their water like we got in cannon.
Ash looks like they truly have no idea what to say and five holds the bridge of his nose.
“Really not important right now. Can we get back to what’s important? Like the apocalypse? namely Stopping it?”
They continue their regular conversation about stopping the apocalypse
All of them leave and pretty much everything that happens leading up to my version of the “Cleanse” happens
These next bullets happen in the universe where my version of the ending is cannon once again you can read it here.
They have a meaningful moment on the subway after they’re all speeding away we get him asking them if they regret knowing him. Knowing what was gonna happen. Ash looks at him funny then says they could never.
“Besides. If we do get to live whole new lives… that means you still owe me all the years that we would’ve gotten in this one. Also a pet rabbit. You owe me a pet rabbit too.”
Five laughs “Of course.”
Five is holding them closely when the train hits the reset point.
The next we see them both is when the I detailed as his wife in the polkadot blouse comes walking into the classroom. Now Fives spouse in the true timeline, full name Asher Delores Murphy (Male/Female/ Or Nonbinary) Also PHD is wearing dress pants and a polkadot button up shirt
Maybe in the scene where they’re gathered around a tv in the physics building we see a rabbit cage in the corner. Five got them their rabbit that he owed them.
That’s Ash character arc. Five never stops looking and he falls in love with a character who is always willing and able to meet him where he’s at. Match his energy. Understand him without having to say anything to him. Someone we get to watch learn and teach Five to not shoulder a burden alone. Someone who carries the weight of the world alongside him, while simultaneously bringing out the human side of him that we as the audience rarely get from him.
Morgan is Different. Morgan is more one sided rivalry to realization that it was actually just tension all along. Fighting with him and being on his side and willing to go down with him in the end.
Main Key Morgan:
Five — Blue Text
Morgan — White Text
Lila — Pink Text
Klaus — Purple Text
They’re one of the CIA’s newest recruits and very similar to Five from season one. Also a prodigy.
Desperate to prove themselves
They don’t understand why Five keeps getting sent out into the field and they’re being denied the opportunity
“We’re the same age! We have the same experience! We’re technically partners! Let ME try for once!”
Five almost seems to pity them at first which absolutely infuriates Morgan
The first time we as an audience are introduced to them, is when they’re the one who comments on Fives lateness instead of the blond bespectacled operative we aren’t even properly introduced to in season 4
Five doesn’t need to have his suit handed to him he already has remembered it and is wearing it walking in the building.
Morgan is leaning against one of the pillars and they are quick to fall in step with five on his way.
“You’re late.”
“I am aware.”
“If you were aware, you wouldn’t have been late. Do you even know how to read a clock?”
“If anyone is gonna lecture anyone about time it’s me. I’m certain I know quite a bit more about how time works than you do Morgan.”
“Oh really? That’s interesting because last I checked, when you decide on a time to meet and a person gets there after that arranged meeting time, it means they’re late. That’s how time works.”
Five just sighs his defeated sigh and ignores them
He used to deal with worse from his siblings when they were younger. He’s completely fine with this. it’s almost welcomed by five it’s nostalgic for him in a way(the fact he’s never completely phased by the jabs you can tell is infuriating to Morgan)
At the last minute Morgan stops Five before he opens the office door and makes five look at them
Five has been wearing that gross mustache the whole time they’ve been talking
Morgan rips the mustache off Fives face and Five recoils
Morgan makes a quip about the mustache before pushing open the door and five walks in with them scowling
There could be a small bit where Morgan could also be suspicious of Five not checking in when his brother is kidnapped
Morgan is also in the room when Five blinks for the first time in eight years in their shared office.
We can tell what Morgan’s space and what’s fives space. Five’s is overly organized with books of mathematics strewn about and a chalk board covered in equations. Morgan’s side is covered in puzzle books. Sudoku, word scramble, decryption puzzle books, anagram puzzle books, books on linguistics, cryptograms. Notebooks with sticky notes just sticking out of every page. Morgan is obviously clever. Curious, a puzzle solver. Needs a challenge.
They just turn around and Fives just gone. They are fucking baffled. They think he walked out in the middle of a conversation. Rude!
Morgan leaves to get something and they come back and Five is falling into the chair bewildered and starts to keel forward.
Morgan is once again baffled. Then their face pass through a few emotions. Starting with irritation then suspicion And finally landing on concern
“I thought you’d left. In the middle of a— Are you alright?”
“No. I don’t think I am…” Five gets up and grabs his jacket and says he’s taking a sick day.
Morgan is absolutely taken aback. “A— You’re? Okay?”
Five ends up doing his thing and driving with his siblings up to New Grumpson
He calls Morgan from the pay phone and has them look into Sy Grossman and Jennifer Grossman
We watch it play out in a vertical split screen.
Morgan gives him the information but you can hear them just before Five hangs up
“There’s no one listed living in New Grumpson under those names Five. Are you gonna—“
“Thanks Morgan. Gotta go”
“Wait! Five! I’m your partner! you can’t just—“
The audience sees Morgan is slamming the receiver into the dock of the phone over and over again. This happens while the screen transitions Morgan off screen and focus back on Five
Everything that happens in New Grumpson still happens
Five ends up in the subway and comes back
They escape in the van and get into an accident
Five calls again and we get another vertical split screen. This is the call about running the Chrysler and Morgan is sick of this after Five hangs up this time. Instead of lingering on Five we linger on Morgan.
They’ve run the address and they message it to Five but instead of just leaving him to it that first time they meet him and his family at Gene and Jeans apartment.
Five is irritated but Lila doesn’t seem to care and Diego is trying to be cool for Morgan because they’re also from the CIA
Diego leaves and while Morgan is investigating something on the other side of the room Lila asks the blink question and they have that conversation with Morgan in the room.
Morgan doesn’t know what blinking is but it’s something they latch onto because Five can’t do it.
“What is it five? What do you mean by blink? You have to let me in! I can help!”
they’re poking him when Lila says to get back on the horse and grabs Five.
All three of them end up in the subway
Morgan is absolutely horrified and nearly throws up
“Oh my god! What did you do?! What is this?! Am I in hell? Is this 9-5 commuter hell?!”
Morgan is visible my freaking out in the background while Five and Lila argue about what she’s just done
Lila doesn’t care she’s just kinda whatever she doesn’t fully work for the CIA like Five does, she’s just doing it to feel alive again , same as Diego wants too. (look at that they’re Diego and Lila are husband and wife and they want the same thing? Who’da thought it?)
They are straight up just going to leave Morgan on the platform as when the tarain pulls into the platform (Morgan is not part of the family yet they are tagging along at this point.)
Morgan doesn’t wanna be left alone so they jump the train with the other two.
“Where you going to leave me there?!”
Simultaneously “You’d’ve been fine.” “Yes.”
“We’d have come back for you…”
“At some point”
Morgan glares at them both and is silent pretty much the whole rest of the trip. Lila cracks a joke at them about their crack about ‘commuter hell’ but Morgan scowls and ignores her
Five comments on how Morgan is taking this remarkably well. Morgan’s response is very curt and the only real response they give for a while
“I work for the CIA. Secrets are what we do. I will ask you more questions about those secrets when I’m no longer trapped in a weird freaky subway with you.”
“You aren’t trapped. Trust me. You’d know it if we were trapped here.”
Everything happens like it did before with the breadcrumbs commentary and being shot at by OG timeline Five
Morgan and Five deal with being shot at like pros and Lila is as she was in the show not the best at it and they all get on the subway. Lila is last this time.
They come back to apartment they blinked out of and learn about the file. from here on out Morgan refuses to leave Five alone.
Morgan comes with to Reginald’s house. They’re there for the conversation about Ben’s death and the mind control.
Five has obviously filled in some details on the way and Morgan is able to deduce details themselves and provide an outside perspective
All of the siblings are a little weirded out by the fact Morgan is there. They ask who Morgan is and Five tells them that Morgan is his partner. (This could be the fun start of a joke where Five NEVER elaborates on that word and all of the siblings are like what does he mean by Partner? But all of them refuse to ask because they know he’d never tell them.)
Reginald, Diego, and Allison I think wouldn’t appreciate Morgan being there but Five would actually stand up for them.
I don’t know how he would or what would be said but it feels like it would be a weird kind of turning point for the trust between the two
Then finally they get to memory machines and I’m not sure if he would let Reginald restore his memory or not. (If he did I think he’d tell Morgan to shoot Reginald if this looks like it’s going bad. And Morgan would respectfully agree to.)
Everything happens like normal and they get called out to the Alpaca Farm Massacre site where Ben murdered all those people
The conversations are the same including Lila convincing Five to use the subway except this time Morgan is present for it
Morgan Volunteers to go with instead of Lila
“I have the training. I think It would make more sense for me to go.”
This is when Lila snaps. She, like Diego, wants to be important to the mission but it’s more subtle than Diego. She doesn’t just wanna be a mom but also a bad ass and this subway stuff is scratching her itch and filling her need of getting out of the house and away from Diego for a bit. Morgan is threatening that.
“How on earth does it make more sense for you to go? I was raised an assassin and what are you some CIA puppy? New recruit Wanna prove yourself so badly? Think you’re tagging along on a fun adventure? It’s not fun. It’s life or death. I have way more experience with that than you’ll ever have.”
Five is staring at Lila a little taken aback at the outburst but Morgan is impassive and gentle in their response.
“i recall how dangerous it was Lila, but unlike you, I don’t have any family. I am, for lack of a better word expendable. If something happens Five can leave me behind and come back to let you all know that route is bust. It makes more sense for ME to go with him.”
We can focus on five and Lila’s reactions to this response. Lila seems embarrassed and agrees respectfully that
“yeah um yeah sorry no you make a good point. I gotta report in anyway.”
(I’m so sorry every time I try to write for Lila I feel like I’ve written garbage for her. I’m so sorry. She deserves better than me.)
Five doesn’t say anything to Morgan about that but you can tell it’s struck a cord with him. He doesn’t like the idea of that. Of Morgan thinking they’re expendable.
Diego walks over to Lila and they converse same as before while Morgan and Five walk over to their CIA boss they have the same conversation about babysitting Diego and Luthor maybe this time also Lila.
Morgan maybe mentions talking to Lila and Diego seriously about joining the CIA.
Five is once again taken aback by how considerate Morgan is being.
Everything happens leading up too Morgan and Five walking into the subway and just before they do five asks if Morgan is sure about this. Morgan agrees that yes they are.
“Field work like this is why I joined the CIA. I wanted to do big things and i don’t think it hets much bigger than trying to work out how to use an inter dimensional subway station to save the world from devastation.”
Five nods his head in a conceding motion and he blinks them into the subway.
When they get there Morgan pulls out a little book from their pocket and starts writing down more of the symbols from the walls and train.
We get a conversation about this where Five asks Morgan about it, and says he recalls them doing the same thing when they were on the subway earlier.
Morgan shrugs and explains that they’ve always enjoyed word puzzles.
“I’ve always thought that Decryption was just a more fancy way of saying puzzle, and you know how great I am at those.”
Five makes a sound of concession once again and we get our first real grin from Morgan. Morgan isnt being hostile this time and it’s shocking.
“Besides! It’d be good to figure out how to read what’s written on the walls. Could be helpful and it may be the key to understanding this place and why it’s here.”
Morgan is trying to be fun and interesting because they’re excited. They’re is excited that they’re finally in the field. That’s all they’ve been asking for. They just wanted to be allowed to try.
As the two board the train we hear Morgan comment out loud about how alien the symbols look. They aren’t typical symbols like other symbolic languages. They maybe comment on certain similarities to other ancient languages that are dead that scientists haven’t been able to place but that they’re still different. Gosh they wish they had their textbooks to study this better. That’s fine though. This note book will help when they get home.
After that the same things happen that Five did with Lila in the other timelines on this excursion with Morgan. (I.E. Traveling back in time in the sparrow timeline and all that with Five exasperatedly saying they aren’t going to wing this and it was a terrible idea. He’s immediately calling the mission and saying it’s a bust.)
Morgan runs into the train with him and tries to convince him that it’s fine! They can’t quit after only one attempt.
They’re having a back and forth about this still on the train when the train passes their stop.
Five notices and has to quiet Morgan
“That was our stop.”
“We just passed our station.”
“What do you mean what’s—“
The PA comes on and we hear garbled reversed speech and then “express”
Simultaneously “Shit.” “Shit!”
Instead of just a shot of the tunnel flashing green we get a shot of them inside the train looking at one another and both look shaken
A flash of green and we move on
Then it’s same thing as before we get a montage of the two losing their shit at one another over the fact that they’re lost. Which similarly to the other love interest before eventually the becomes mutual respect, care and love for each other.
It’s different from the previous love interest because they’re both “trained” as field agents. Both would have survival skills except one of them is also trying to solve an insane decryption issue at the same time.
While we watch this version of Five trapped in the Subway with Morgan it becomes clear to us as the audience that we are essentially watching the same thing we did in season 1, where Five was trapped alone, but with two people instead. In this case too we realize Morgan is taking on Five’s role from the original timeline. They are the one who seems to feel this intense drive to understand this particular problem. Five having done this all before becomes the Delores of the two. A support system. Always Helping and trying to keep Morgan sane. He recognizes and feels like he’s watching the same thing happen to Morgan that happened to him in season 1. However this time the key to understanding this isn’t something he can solve with mathematics. It’s words and he’s never been great with those. Sure, he can speak plenty of languages, but he’s never had to translate an entirely new language from scratch before. Morgan is the only one of them that has experience with that. Morgan is the key this time.
We get to see the years progress through Morgan’s “Notes” and it’s a montage set to “Dear God — Remastered” by XTC
The Notes are along the outer edges of the screen and the scenes we watch are super imposed on top of the “notebook” itself like we’re watching it on the books
The first year it’s just a bunch of wild scribbles Morgan isn’t writing anything down in it slowly. They’re frantic because they wanna get home. We see five and them arguing the same as we watched him and Lila do in the original
The second year they’re both in survival mode. Cooking food and making fires collecting supplies.
The notes are more organized. There are some sketches of the platforms. The symbols are better sketched at the top with more care. Morgan seems to be trying to visually keep track of stations
Year three is when the notes start to get more and more clear but still no words or even letters are decoded. There are notes about how time feels like it’s passing but “is it really?” Time is resetting every stop they make. Is the subway taking them back in time of freezing time everyone they’re in it? There’s a scene of Morgan scribbling angrily on the book and throwing it down the train car and falling down on the bench.
We watch Five get up like he’s done this a million times before (we get the sense he definitely has) and pick it up. He walks back over, slides it into Morgan’s pack and sits down next to them. Morgan leans into Five’s shoulder looking somewhat defeated. Five seems surprised by this but doesn’t push them away.
We get the chess scenes and in this variation they find a deck of cards so we get a billion scenes of them playing card games.
Year four the notes in the margins are sharp. Morgan is getting better at sketching the same things over and over. We start to see questions pop up about repeating letters and why doesn’t there seem to be any? Sketches of the PA system. Sketches of the train car’s interiors.
This is the year where there’s more laughter and intimacy in the interactions between them. There’s the visions of them caring for one another. In various ways Morgan bandaging Fives hand. Five fixing a dislocated shoulder for Morgan. Morgan shaving Five and Five cutting Morgan’s hair.
Year five is when interesting questions start popping up in the margins of the screen. We see sketches of the door mechanisms form in the train. Questions like is it possible to drive? WHO is driving? What is driving? Do we want to know? Can we get in there? A sketch of the drivers car through the window of the train but it’s impossible to see through a blacked out window in the sketch. A caption of “drivers car impossible to reach. new plan is the old plan?”
This is the year becomes clear there’s real feelings forming between the two but they are also looking really tired. Morgan starts falling asleep tucked next to Five.
Morgan just keeps staring at the book and you see scenes of five taking it from them and pointing to the sleeping cot or handing them food. They reluctantly take it and sit right next to Five and eat with their head on his shoulder
Year six is when the margins start fading from the screen and we pan up away from the book
A string of symbols on a page and the word “Station” circled. A double sided arrow connects the two as we pan away from this we see it’s written on the pages of the book that is in Morgan’s hand. They’re clutching it in one of their hands as they sleep and l are in the same position we saw Five a Lila in under the umbrellas.
The six year montage ends not with despair but with a kind of hope
So the next time we see them their conversation isn’t about giving up. It’s about really sitting down and cracking into this. Morgan really thinks they can solve this. But it’s just so hard to focus like this. It’s off hand in reference to moving around on the subway
“Morgan, what do you need to solve this. Anything you need we’ll figure it out. You need to tell me what it is though.”
“If I could just.. I don’t know… sleep. Like really sleep. In a bed… bathe? Shower, if I can? I know I could get this… WE could get this… We’re so close…”
Five agrees and they have a conversation about instead of staying in the subway going somewhere to work in peace where they don’t have to scrounge. Just for a while until they’ve fully cracked this.
They debate and land on that greenhouse so they GO THERE to sit and decode it
We get a scene of them setting up shop. Just after they’ve cleaned up. And it’s a nice scene like you get in any romance show or movie where the characters are seeing each other for the first time in a new light for real. (like a wow look at you I never realized just how nice this person is to look at?)
And we get a few scenes throughout the episode of them slowly but surely solving it. More letters going up in a bulletin board connected to symbols with twine and other things salvaged. Interspersed with moments of them eating dinner and playing cards. Playful throws of paper. Morgan excitedly running in with a record player and putting it on. They drag Five away from the bulletin board and start dancing. Five argues they should keep working but Morgan says that if they don’t take breaks they’re gonna go crazy staring at the symbols so please just dance. Do something for himself you know?
Five kinda has a moment that you see where he recalls that’s exactly what happened with him originally. He NEVER stopped and he went insane on the OG timeline.
So he takes a real minute not like the games before. Just a real minute to dance.
The two laugh Morgan trips Five catches them
Five’s holding them close
They look in one another’s eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“Something for myself.”
He kisses Morgan and Morgan reciprocates.
The last scene we have of them in the greenhouse obviously more time has passed
Five does the same thing he did for Lila. He makes Morgan something. I think Five fixes them up a Rubix cube or even whittles them a cool wooden hand held puzzle. Like one of those puzzle balls or even a puzzle box that has something else in it? Idk. I just feel like a ring or any type of jewelry is too cheesy and fast to be in the box So maybe it’s just the box. Morgan loves it and gives Five something in return. They’re like it’s not as crazy as a hand carved gift but they took some time between solving the decryption to go and find him something special. It’s a mug that used to say “Life Is About More Than Coffee.” but coffee is crossed out with red paint and in big red letters it says Apocalypses so it now reads “Life Is About More Than Apocalypses”.
Five can’t stop laughing when he looks at it. It’s stupid. It’s a dumb joke that’s really insensitive to him the more you focus on it. He’s told Morgan all of stories about all 3 of the apocalypses he’s experienced in his life during these six years trapped here with them, but for some reason the fact they took time out of their day to repair this cracked mug and personalize a stupid word play joke at his expense makes him lose it. This also happens the same day they completely decode the alphabet. THEY CAN GO HOME BECAUSE THEY ARE ABLE TO READ THE MAP NOW. (I can’t begin to tell you how mad I am that that alien language was never talked about once. Or the fact that they never considered trying to decode it at any point? They’re stuck in this subway… LEARN TO READ THE SIGNS)
They’re excited but you can tell after the hype dies down it’s a little sad. They kind of liked this existence here. It was simple. Five could sit and do old man things and just keep them alive. He wasn’t the one the solution hinged on so he gets to rest a while. Morgan was spending their all of their time solving a HUGE puzzle. It was kind of heaven for both of them.
They pack up everything that’s needed and leave the deck of cards and a half solved crossword puzzle book they found previously on the table. Something for whomever comes across this place to find.
They have a conversation just outside the greenhouse about what they’re gonna do about what they’ve become when they return
Morgan responds by taking Five’s hand
“One problem at a time right? We’ve decoded the subway. Next is stopping the apocalypse. Then, after that’s done and we know for a fact that we can still stand the sight of one another while other people are present, we’ll worry about filling out the relationship paperwork at the agency.”
Laughing. “There’s paperwork for that?”
“Yes. Lots of boxes to check and forms to fill.”
“If it makes you happy.”
“It does actually. Soothes me.”
Five picks up their bags. “Once more into commuter Hell?”
“I said that one time!!”
There’s a flash of blue and the camera holds on the playing cards and their initials carved into the table (childish maybe Fanfictiony? Probably? I’m not a screen writer!)
I think we also deserve a pleasant little scene to replace when they get back and there’s the whole Lila/Five dramatic cheating reveal on Christmas at her families house 👀👀👀
It would be them all regrouping at Lila and Diego’s house because they get back and it makes sense to regroup there
They walk in holding hands. Five helps Morgan in and refuses to let go of them the whole time they regroup.
The funny stuff comes from everyone on the couch, while explaining their info, trying to figure out what is going on with Five and Morgan.
Five is sitting on the arm of the chair Morgan is in, his arm is around them and finally Klaus is the one to break tension and be like
“Obviously the elephant in the room though… what is THIS!?”
And just motions to five and Morgan and five and Morgan get to explain how the subway was a bust and they got trapped there for almost 7 years
Lila tries to push to use the subway again and they all get in an argument about using it
She argues that Morgan decoded it so they can read the map now.
Five argues back that they decoded how to get back here, it would take weeks to figure out which specific world would be the one they needed to do all of what they wanted
Lila is angry that they didn’t map that while they were stuck
Morgan jumps in with the are you kidding we were stuck there seven years because that’s how long it took to figure out how to read the map all while trying to survive. Sorry that wasn’t enough for them all.
Essentially we get that argument but then the same things cascade like before. Things fall apart and we end up at the end of the world again. Once again my version of the cleanse occurs. (Because I refuse to acknowledge the real ending and think all of them deserve happiness and to live. Sue me.)
These next bullets happen in the universe where my version of the ending is cannon once again you can read it here.
Morgan and Five’s moment of the subway train is not exactly the same as Ash’s but kind of similar. Five asks apologizes for the fact Morgan’s first ever field mission was ending like this. He asks if they regret getting involved with him now that they know what’s happening.
“Are you kidding me? This is the kind of mission kids get told stories about and then join the CIA because of. I got to decode an alien language, time travel, possibly save the world, and fall in love with a super hero… I almost hope this resets because…”
They put a hand on Fives cheek. “I’d love to do this all again… I only got to complete one mission with you as my partner so, please find me? Even if you forget me? Find me. So we can do more big things together.”
“Of course…”
Five is seated with them on the train bench. He’s holding them with one arm and holding his family with the other when the train hits the reset point.
Again the next we see them both, is when the person I called his wife in the polkadot blouse comes walking into the classroom. Now Five’s spouse in the true timeline, full name Morgan Delores Murphy (Male/Female/ Or Nonbinary) Also PHD is wearing dress pants and a polkadot button up shirt is handed a puzzle box when they sit on Five’s desk in the final montage.
In the scene where they’re gathered around a tv in the physics building we five holding a mug aloft. Five drinks from it. It’s personalized to say “Life Is About More Than Rocket Science.” They’re still the same couple who make the same jokes and give the same gifts. No matter what timeline.
That is Morgan’s Arc. Someone who desperately wanted to be Fives equal and prove themselves. Someone who Five saw himself in and refused to let become him. Someone who is helped through the speedrun version of what happened to Five and comes out the other side fulfilled, safe and supported not wired up, scared, and paranoid. Morgan’s character is essentially meant to be a mirror to reflect all of what Five has been doing to others back at him. So Morgan becomes Fives equal by literally experiencing a smaller scale version of what Five went through and being allowed to process it all along side Five in real time.
Thank you so much if you’re still here! I appreciate you taking the time to read this. You’re amazing. If you liked this or have thoughts on it, I would love to discuss these things more with you! Message me! I want your feedback! If you hated this don’t message me. I’m terrified of your feedback! I’m so sorry, and if I could erase it from your memory, I would. Please forgive me.
Thank you so much for reading this far if you have!
Have a wonderful day!
Extras if you want:
These are other things I think would be great but have no clue where they could go In the timeline or where they’d be appropriate:
A scene where five asks Morgan about how they were enjoying field work and Morgan says to remind them to tell the boss they never want to go into the field EVER again.
A bit with Ash where it’s established that they always pick up ( I cannot emphasize enough that no matter WHAT TIME. THEY ALWAYS PICK UP) and this is mentioned at some point in the story. maybe they get kidnapped by Gene and Jean. (This is if it’s a 10 episode season and there’s time for this)They don’t pick up. And this is something that Five is immediately shaken by.
I didn’t explain how Morgan would track Five in their outline but it would be kind of a gag I think. Morgan pops up in places where Five asks how they found him. Morgan always replies with
“I put a tracker in your ____”
it’s always a different piece of clothing. His socks. His Tie. His jacket. His hat. His Shirt. and the next time five pops up he’s either removed that piece of clothing or replaced it. The reality? It’s in his shoes. The tracker is in his shoes. And when this is finally revealed to Five in the subway he can’t stop laughing. Of course. He only has like three pairs and one pair is exclusively for work of course that where Morgan would have planted trackers. God he’s an idiot. Morgan is very proud of themselves for this.
An interaction as follows when they’re in the subway or maybe when Viktor says Five’s name:
“Max huh?”
“Yes, it’s short for Maximillian and I hate it. Please don’t start.”
Laughing then “Don’t sweat it. I understand. I’m not a huge fan of my name either.”
Five gives them a curious look.
A Sigh “My Full Name is (Morrigan/Asher) Delores Wilcox.”
We get a shot of Five’s whole demeanor shifting, like he’s been punched in the gut. He’s short circuiting. He’s blank. No fucking way. No FUCKING way. No fucking WAY. That is NOT their middle name. (If he had a nickel for every time he’d been stranded somewhere in time for a great many years with only someone named Delores for company, he’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s insane it’s happened twice)
Love interest takes this as a sign he hates it too.
“Yeah see?! Even you think it’s awful. God damn it! Please don’t—“
“It’s wonderful.”
“I love it. It’s perfect for you.”
“Really? You don’t think it’s too fancy?”
“I think it suits you…”
“Oh, well… thank you.”
There’s silence while they go about doing things. Five breaks it suddenly
“Weird question but… how do you feel about sequins?”
“I love them?”
“I fucking knew it.”
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Wait guys what tf does "suggest content label " mean coz I accidentally clicked it on a post of someone else's and the fucking post disappeared and it said "we'll take a look at that for you" or some shit like that and I actually wanted to just fucking reply to the post 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 someone help
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clairoscharm · 15 days
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aww look at them 🥰🥰🥰🥰
(tiktok link!)
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liameowlia · 1 month
the lila x five storyline has only two services; as inspiration for fix-it fanfictions and reference material for five x reader content.
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kookiekult · 1 month
Steve Blackman count your days I will never forgive you for what you took from us
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                   ˜”*°•.      Everything  was  rather  new  to  her  -  being  part  of  this  family ,  having  people  around  her  that  similar.  And  she  appreciated  them  -  was  thankful  for  the  opportunity  to  belong .   However,  when  it  came  to  actually  playing  the  role ?  She  was  still  uncertain  of  how  she  was  supposed  to  communicate,  what  she  was  supposed  to  say ,  how  much  she  was  expected  to  participate .  Yet,  seeing  Klaus  like  that ?  Well ,  it  didn’t  take  a  social-genius  to  realise  that  something  was  going  extremely  wrong .
❝ Why  are  they  fighting ? ❞  She  asked  curiously  as  she  took  a  seat  beside  him .  Sure,  she  could  mimic  his  power,  see  them  herself.  However,  communicating  with  ghosts  at  the  moment ?  She  wasn’t  sure  whether  she  was  in  the  mood . 
 ❝ It  is  kind  of  late,  even  the  grumpy  old  man  went  to  sleep .  How  comes  and you  didn’t ? ❞  They  had  saved  the  world,  the  Apocalypse  was  over,  everything  was  perfectly  fine .  And  judging  from  Klaus’  current  facade ?  She  doubted  he  was   happy  drinking . 
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@theseance444 | Continual from here
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fiyero3305 · 2 months
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I love this scene so dearly, it could even be my favorite in the series, but Allison's absence hurts so much. For Luther to say this is all he's wanted, the family together, but their sister is missing...
It bothers me. She attended the wedding, she was able to push through for the siblings she still has an ok relationship with, she could have been part of this. The unaccepted apology with Viktor could have come after this moment.
I'm not ok with her not being a part of this.
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xtraordinaryfangrl · 16 days
crack is how I cope with atrocious series finales:
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hellomagicalsouls · 1 year
making myself feel better over potential daddy Diego being no more cause my brain. but IMAGINE that man as a dad??? and Lila as a mom???
tbf Diego has had more than experience handling children with Klaus as a sibling. my man is already a father
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tiredemzz · 28 days
I need somebody to talk about there tua oc with me cus I only found like.. 2 people?
Also cus I’m interested on learning about the oc’s history and backstory cus tua gives me history vibes- which is funny cus I’m taking government this year lel
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