#i would watch a whole series of them just managing the gym
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pothame · 10 months ago
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irisintheafterglow · 2 years ago
End Game (volleyball captain!gojo x you)
summary: the captain of the boys' volleyball team has only one victory on his mind, and it isn't Nationals.
word count: 1.4k
cw/tags: mild language, jjk volleyball au, mostly just crack
note: hiiii so i think this will be the first of a series of drabbles about volleyball captain satoru because he's just mmmm. i don't really wanna call it a chaptered series just yet because i'm still working on plot or whatever, so i think for now it'll just be drabbles within the volleyball au itself. hope you like it!
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated <3
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He was infuriating, to say the least. 
The way he walked around with his long, lanky limbs, flashing a grin that could only be found on a pompous asshole; the way he winked a mesmerizing blue eye at any girls passing by, mouthing call me over his shoulder; the way he knew he was hot and that’s how he could get away with being such a prick; and you had to deal with all of it, five days a week, over six months for the past three years. 
“Do they ever end up calling you?” You ask him one day as you walk together to the gym. His bright white hair glints in the afternoon sun as he strolls beside you, sipping a fruity soda he’d nabbed before he found you. Ever since you were first-years, at the end of the school day, he always ended up coming to your last class to bother you, much to the entertainment of your classmates. 
“Your boyfriend’s here,” they teased, sticking out their tongues as his face appeared in the doorway. They swooned when he gave them a polite nod, whispering among themselves while you slung your bag over your shoulder. “Have fun, you two,” they sang, exclaiming how beautiful your children would be when you were out of earshot. It made you cringe, your mouth curling in disgust. Satoru was your friend, yes, but imagining a relationship with him was a line you never dared to cross. 
It became routine after you became a manager for the boys' volleyball team during your second year, Satoru coming to annoy you as you walked to the gym to open it for practice. Sometimes, before he met you at your classroom, he’d hurry to the vending machines and grab some sugary drinks, which you reluctantly accepted as you told him it wasn’t healthy for him to consume so much sugar before practice. You weren’t sure how he always managed to figure out where your last class was; you had a theory that Shoko was secretly supplying him with your schedule. With both of you in your third year, you came to expect the melodic call of your name down the hallway when the bell rang. 
“Those girls that you wink at and tell them to call you. Do they actually contact you?” He glances down at you with a look you can’t read and shrugs indifferently. 
“Nah. It’s more fun to flirt,” he drawls, tilting his head to the side with a lopsided grin and taking another sip of his soda. 
You laugh in disbelief. In all the years that you’d known Satoru, you knew that he’d never had a girlfriend. It wasn’t like he couldn’t get one; he had the whole school practically crawling over each other just to get his attention, guys and girls alike. You figured he liked the attention, and came to be one of the only people who could tolerate his constant shenanigans. “You’re a menace.” 
“You know you love it,” he quips nonchalantly. He watches you climb the steps to the gym with a satisfied look on his face. 
“I really don’t,” you smile over your shoulder as you flick through the keys for the gym door. “Go change, I need your help re-tying the net before the rest of the team gets here.” You finally get the door open, but Satoru doesn’t move from behind you. He stands there at the bottom of the steps, looking at you expectantly. You groan. He really was infuriating. “No.” 
He pouts, sharp eyebrows furrowing and bottom lip jutting out. “Oh, c’mon–”
You laugh him off, shaking your head. Three years, you’ve known him, and three years, he’s acted like he was still five. “I’ve told you this for weeks; I’m not doing it.”
“I’m just gonna keep asking then.” Your eyes find his, and you school your face to look as lifeless and irritated as possible. It doesn’t faze him. “Just once? Please?” You watch him unwaveringly as he turns on all his charm, flashing you another cocky smile. He sticks his hands into the pockets of his uniform, slowly walking up the steps to close the distance between you two. “I’ll stop asking if you do it.” His voice is enticing and manipulative, and you’d long since stopped wondering how he manages to get anything he wants. 
You exhale. There was no winning with him. “Fine.” 
Lightning-blue eyes light up like Christmas lights at your response. “Fine?”
“Yes, fine. I’ll make you a bet.” It was his turn to groan, and he threw his head back like a toddler during a tantrum, angrily following you into the gym. He runs a large hand over his face, careful not to smudge his sunglasses. “I will refer to you as captain if you make it to Nationals.” You let the words hang in the air, challenging him. It was a good bet, but it had a very likely chance of you winning. The school hadn’t gone to Nationals in decades despite being a former volleyball powerhouse. The trophy cases lining the halls and extensive frames of past teams were enough to explain the school’s long-gone glory. You knew there was potential this year, especially with how well the team worked together, but Satoru’s lax attitude as captain tended to negate any productivity during practices. 
He was silent for a moment, a determined look washing over his features as his eyes narrowed onto yours and appeared more serious than you’d seen in a while. “Easy. I’ll lead this team on a win-streak all the way to the top.” He’s close on your heels as you approach the net, inspecting the loosening cables. 
“Mhmm, I bet you will.” Reaching up, your fingers fiddle with the fraying ends but their height makes it difficult for you to create a strong knot. You huff, shaking out your arms in an attempt to try again. To your annoyance, Satoru’s arms easily extend over yours and tie the knot with nimble fingers. You silently curse him and his setter hands, unconsciously taking note of how close his body is to yours. He looks down at you, and you stare back, unfazed. He really was still trying to win a response out of you. 
“I’m the strongest, after all.” 
You nod patronizingly, ducking past him to grab the ball cart from the supply closet. “Mhmm, I know you are.” 
An indignant stamp of Satoru’s foot makes a chuckle slip past your lips. “Stop ignoring me!” 
“Get changed, Satoru.” Your hands wrap around the cool metal of the ball cart as you roll it to the side of the net. 
“You just want to see me with my shirt off,” he murmurs from behind you, and without a second thought, you lob a ball at his face. He yelps in surprise, forearm curling upward to protect his sunglasses before you fire a second ball, striking him squarely in the chest. He doubles over, moaning but still trying to flirt through the pain. 
“What’d he do this time?” Suguru’s voice calls from the doorway of the gym as he takes in the melodrama of his captain amusedly. He was Satoru’s best friend and his #1 partner in striking; when the team held practice matches, you couldn’t help but marvel at how well they understood each other during games. Satoru’s precision in setting and Suguru’s strength in striking formed a solid base for the rest of the team to support. Their sheer power and aptitude made them a dangerous duo during tournaments, if Satoru’s stupidity didn’t sabotage them in the process. 
“Exist,” you reply, scooping up the balls from where they’d bounced after successfully wounding Satoru. 
Suguru clicks his tongue disapprovingly. “Gotta stop doing that, captain.” 
Satoru ignores the first part of Suguru’s suggestion, instead whirling on you boastfully. “See! Even Suguru calls me captain!” A long, elegant finger points at his best friend, who shakes his head tiredly. “Our esteemed manager won’t call me captain unless we make it to Nationals,” he reports, and you cross your arms over your chest at his accusatory tone. 
“That’s fair,” Suguru says, unconcerned, stretching a muscular arm over his head. Dark eyes scan over Satoru, still dressed in his school uniform. “Shouldn’t you be changed?” he asks, casually switching arms. You stifle a laugh with a hand over your mouth at Suguru effectively dismissing the captain. 
Satoru’s mouth drops in fake-astonishment. “Neither of you love me.” 
“You’re correct.”
“It took you this long to figure it out?”
“Just you wait,” Satoru declares as he finally makes his way to the door. Fierce blue eyes zero in on yours, and a shiver runs through your body. “I’m gonna win.” 
And somehow, you don’t think he’s only talking about Nationals.
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stusbunker · 1 year ago
Spotless: Pomposo
Chapter Fourteen
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Sam, Dean/Jo, John/Kate, Adam, Ellen, Garth/Bess (in passing), Cas and Mary (mentioned)
Word Count: 4559
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining. MORE BACKSTORY AHEAD, story takes place currently in Dec 2017, flashback to Jan. 2004 in italics, talk of Sam's past use of hard drugs, hangovers, vomit, car accidents, injuries, character death, guilt, John was not so great a parent or husband, some paraphrasing of last chapter unbeta'd
Special shout out to @thoughtslikeaminefield who helped immensely on sorting out the backstory for this chapter too, way back when I started outlining this thing.
Series Masterlist
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Sam settled on some old school soul music to start their road trip and Dean couldn’t even come up with a reason to complain. Aretha sang in the background and they headed east, the world was their oyster and all that. Dean held onto the small bit of smug satisfaction from the interview with Meg as the city disappeared behind them. She really wanted him to crack, but he hadn't and that gave him some hope for going home.
They veered north for a bit and continued on I-40 until they hit Flagstaff. Dean liked the mountains, the air was infinitely better than LA and there was something about spending the holidays where it got cold that made sense. Unfortunately, it was just an overnight stay. How they managed a room in the first hotel they tried, he’d never know. He just shuffled in with his duffel bag and his ball cap over his now sleep-sloppy hair. There was a player-piano in the lobby and Dean had the fleeting thought about how Cas was spending the holidays.
Maybe he’d try and leave him another message, it had been months.
Sam called Madison after dinner and Dean decided to check out the amenities in order to not have to watch Sam get all goopy. Dean hadn’t packed a bathing suit, but a gym’s a gym even if it’s just three treadmills, a stair climber and free weights. So, he jogged for a little bit, watching whatever passed for news. He forgot his earbuds in the room and it really wasn’t worth going back for, he was finding his groove even without music as a buffer to the world around him.
After a solid 5k, Dean stepped down to stretch. Which worked out because a couple in their fifties came in just as he started some curls, leaving the treadmills open for their evening stroll. They talked about their family, the wife explaining what she got each of their grandchildren and where they were supposed to be on which day. Perfectly normal people conversation, but something about it made Dean sad, so he tried to tune them out and focus on his reps.
Part of his life after Cain and Alistair was a loss of gym time. Sure, he could work out at home or even do laps around the neighborhood, but it wasn’t the hours in the ring or at the bag or with a jump rope full-body-punishment that he had worked himself up to. It was also a lot more peaceful, less reactionary. And Dean decided he would find a balance between stagnation and self-destruction. Twenty eighteen was just around the corner afterall.
Dean got back to the room in time to shower and crash. If they wanted to push it, they could make it to their Dad’s place the next day. But neither of them were in a hurry, even in Sam’s fuckboy Charger it was nice to be on the road together. Dean took the first stretch towards Albuquerque, but Sam called it in Santa Fe. He had thought ahead and booked them a hotel instead of chancing it again, which surprised Dean for some reason. Sam had gone and gotten to be responsible while Dean was busy fishing himself out of professional purgatory.
“You talk to Bela?” Sam asked as they waited for their pizza to be delivered. 
“Uh, she texted me that she landed at Heathrow, but not really. Why?” Dean asked after taking a sip of his beer.
“Wasn’t sure if you guys were doing the whole gift exchange thing,” Sam shrugged. “Madison made me wait until after we get back to give her hers.”
Dean chuckled. “I don’t want to know what you’re giving her, alright?”
Sam rolled his eyes, but otherwise ignored the innuendo. “Won’t people be asking about what you got her?”
Dean hadn’t really thought about it. “I guess I could ask Trouble for some ideas, see if she thinks it’s necessary we post about it. I don’t know, I was kind of hoping of forgetting about the whole thing until New Year’s at Elizabeth’s, you know?”
Sam leveled Dean with a glare. “You know Dad is gonna ask to meet her.”
Dean set down his beer. “Well it’s a good thing she’s halfway across the world then.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes.
“Mom loved that show,” Sam said thoughtfully.
He was right. Dean had completely forgotten about why he’d recognized Bela the first time they’d met at your housewarming party way back when. But, yeah, Mary had watched ‘Red Sky in the Morning’ every Tuesday night after she put them to bed. Once Dean reached junior high, he was able to persuade her to let him stay up and watch too.
“I can’t believe it was on as long as it was, it was fucking awful,” Dean said playfully.
“Yeah, but it was her escape,” Sam added gently.
Dean took a long pull off his beer. “I guess so.”
When Sam went to meet the delivery driver, Dean turned on the television, banking on some sort of Christmas special to take his mind off memory lane. They ate quietly, letting last minute sales commercials drown out their thoughts. Tomorrow they were going home, or as close to it as they had outside of LA. Dean felt lopsided over getting to see Adam, having to navigate his dad, and tiptoeing Kate’s well-meaning but invasive nature.
But that’s family for you, nothing more important than that.
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Dean rolled over on the couch, something had woken him up and he was too hungover to let it win. But it didn’t stop, a trilling sound coming from his pants pocket, fuck, it was his phone. He cracked one eye open and checked the caller id.
He closed his eyes and answered. “Morning, beautiful.”
“Dean Winchester?” a harried voice asked, decidedly not Jo.
“Yeah, listen— there’s been an accident. Jo and Y/N were T-boned on Hound Drive last night. Can you come to the hospital? I just came home for a change of clothes, but I’m heading back there now.”
Dean sat up, liquor and a headache dulling his reflexes. “Ellen? What are they saying?”
“She’s in the ICU. I— we need you there.”
 Terror flooded Dean’s system, churning with a relentless guilt. Jo wouldn’t have been out so late if it wasn’t to see him. He swallowed. “Uh, of course. Do you want me to drive you? I can be there in ten minutes.”
“I’ll pick you up. I’ve got my truck, the roads are still a mess.”
“Right, okay, I’m at Dad and Kate’s— do you–”
“I’ll be there soon.”
“Ellen? Be careful.”
“Don’t you start young man.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
Ellen hung up.
Dean stumbled into the bathroom and threw up. He didn’t have time for a shower. Instead he grabbed his shaving kit and threw on a fresh layer of deodorant and brushed his teeth. He pounded three Advil with the water from one of those flowery Dixie cups Kate kept in a plastic dispenser on the counter. He couldn’t look at himself in the mirror, he knew how bad he must look. He stomped back into the living room and swapped his sweaty flannel for one that smelled neutral from his duffel. Adam showed up as Dean was shoving his boots on.
“Dean? Can I put on cartoons?”
He didn’t jump, Dean didn’t get scared of six-year-olds in footie pajamas. He was just on edge, was all.
“Knock yourself out,” Dean said.
“Where are you going?” Adam asked, stealing the afghan Dean had left on the floor.
“Uh, friend of mine had an accident, so I’m heading to the hospital. Can you tell Dad? I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
“You can tell me yourself,” John’s voice pressed in behind Dean as he came in from the kitchen, mug of coffee in hand.
“Dad—,” Dean looked at his father, a man who had been on the road cheating on his mother for years. The same mother who died in a fire because John couldn’t bother to make sure to keep the electrical in their shitty double wide up to code. “It’s Jo. Ellen’s gonna take me to the hospital. Dad, I—”
John’s entire stance changed. “Go. Call when you know something. I’ll send Sammy when he’s up, he’ll know what to do.”
They both knew Sam couldn’t stop whatever was happening, but he’d keep Dean from causing a scene.
A car honked in the driveway.
“I gotta go. Thanks,” Dean brushed past his dad without even a glance at Adam.
Dean wouldn’t let Ellen drive, even hungover he trusted himself behind the wheel more than a desperate mother. She only pretended to argue before sliding across the bench seat and letting him in. The roads were a mess. In the thirty minute drive to the hospital, Dean saw another two cars in the ditch. Though, it was clear now in the morning sunshine, everything was blinding in its whiteness.
“Listen, you shut up and keep your head down. Let me do the talking,” Ellen warned him as they approached the reception desk.
“Hi, I’m Ellen Harvelle, I’m here to see my daughter Joanna? This is her fiance.”
Dean squirmed, but nodded at the nurse who looked at him like she wanted to reach over and hug him. “Of course, right this way.”
She led Dean and Ellen down a hushed hallway, the beeping of machines and huffing of ventilators the only sounds escaping the doorways as they passed. Dean looked around for a trash can, the painkillers in his stomach threatening to come back up. Ellen took his hand and pulled him into a room. 
Jo was hooked up to more machines than should have fit in the tiny room. Her hair was matted with blood and she was drowning in the hospital gown. Her beautiful face was swollen and red, the bruises still forming where she hit the passenger side window— or maybe that was the dashboard, Dean couldn’t tell she was so misshapen.
“Oh, Jo,” Dean’s voice broke. He stopped himself from saying anything as the nurse talked, but all he wanted to do was sob.
 He didn’t realize he had let go of Ellen’s hand until he was clenching the rail along Jo’s bedside. Ellen stood on the other side of her, carefully brushing the hair out of Jo’s beaten face. Her one arm was framed in a metal fixator, skin angry from where the bone sliced her open from the inside. Her leg was in a brace, but at least that meant those bones were more salvageable.
“What happened?” Dean said eventually, unsure of when the nurse left. He eyed the machines tracking Jo’s heart rate, but he wasn’t sure if the readings were good or bad.
“Someone was driving on the wrong side of the road— couldn’t see the lines and Y/N swerved to miss them, they spun out and the other car didn’t stop. They took her to surgery– her right knee was shattered.”
“Jo took the brunt of it,” Dean stated the obvious, still too terrified to reach out and touch Jo. She was suddenly so very fragile.
Ellen sniffed.
“They are watching for internal bleeding before they’ll operate. Her brain—," Ellen couldn’t finish.
“Hey,” Dean rushed around the bed and pulled Ellen against his chest, finally giving his hands something to do. “They’re doing everything they can.”
“It’s not enough,” Ellen argued.
“I know,” Dean agreed, squeezing her tighter.
Ellen pulled back and wiped her eyes, muttering to herself about going soft. Dean needed to give her a moment, hell, he needed a minute to catch his breath. He told her he was going to find coffee and she told him they had a waiting area down the hall. He nearly ran out of Jo’s room.
He checked his watch, it was just after ten o’clock. And as exhausted and hungover as Dean felt, he was pretty sure Ellen hadn’t slept at all after closing the bar. He wondered if she’d even made it home before getting the call. He found the coffee maker and pushed a button for something hot and thin and caffeinated. He wondered if Y/N had passed a breathalyzer, knowing how much Jo had been drinking didn’t make him certain her driver was much better off.
He was gonna be sick again.
He left the paper cup on the grate and fell into one of the stiff plastic chairs around the small table. He put his head between his knees and breathed, resting on his elbows. Dean counted the flecks in the white linoleum squares beneath his feet.
Nothing made sense. They were just getting started. Last night there was the impossible giddiness of seeing her in person after so long and now the unabashed horror of her mother sneaking him into the hospital as her fiance so he could see her before…
She was eighteen-fucking-years-old and he was going to lose her.
And it was all his fault.
He stared at the floor until he couldn’t anymore. The coffee was nothing more than a passing burn on the way to his knotted stomach. But he couldn’t stop the tears and he wouldn’t go back to Ellen until they were dry, she needed him to be better than that. When he couldn’t cry anymore and after he used his last single for a pack of peanut M&Ms, Dean went back to Jo’s room.
Ellen was asleep in an ugly mauve chair with her hand clutching Jo’s good ankle over the thin hospital blanket. Dean found another blanket from a CNA and tucked it around Ellen’s shoulders. He stood guard, through Ellen’s brief nap and the three o’clock shift change, even after Sam came by with lunch but left because he wasn’t allowed on the ward.
The seizures started around five and Ellen and Dean were asked to wait outside. Before six, she was wheeled away from them into emergency surgery and by seven she was gone. Dean had to hold Ellen back from slugging the surgeon. He caught her when she finally sank into reality, and somehow Dean found more tears.
Nothing felt real, least of all Dean himself.
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Adam looked Dean in the eye and grinned.
“Get over here you little shit, I told you to stop growing the last time I saw you didn’t I?” Dean hugged his youngest brother hard, thumping him on the back as he rocked from foot to foot. “Good to see you, man.”
“You too,” Adam grunted out before Dean could release him.
Then came John, waiting for Dean as he walked through the front door. They didn’t say anything, just gave each other the once over and went in for the hug. John held him tight until he cleared his throat, stepping away from the vulnerable moment. Sam came in with his bags and hugged Kate first, who had been waiting in the hallway to the kitchen.
“Sammy,” John said, holding out his arms.
“Hey Dad,” Sam hugged with genuine warmth on his face, Dean never thought he’d see the day. But time does things to a person, and forgiveness was always Sam’s superpower.
“You boys hungry? I can reheat dinner, I know you’ve been on the road, wasn’t sure when you’d get in,” Kate offered as Dean went in for the obligatory hug. She had colored her hair, instead of her natural blonde it was a mature auburn, covering the gray and giving her a different air.
“Don’t worry about us, we can scavenge for something later,” Dean assured her. “I like your hair.”
That startled her. “Oh! Thank you, yeah I just figured I’d do something different for winter, you know.”
“Don’t she look good? I told her redheads are feisty,” John teased, wrapping his arm around her waist.
“Gross,” Adam called on the way to the basement, where Sam had headed down to watch him finish his game.
“Beer?” John offered and Dean gladly accepted.
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Arriving three days early was pushing their luck, Dean knew that, but there was nothing keeping him in LA. And after the novelty of catching up and last minute shopping in the tiny downtown of Mills’ Crossing, there wasn’t much more small talk to be had. 
Naturally, John started it. But it was over Sam that had Dean’s hackles up first. They were sitting down for a late lunch, having gone to church as a family for the first time since Kate and John got married when John made a comment about it was good to see Sam’s forearms ‘healthy’. 
What he meant was he was proud of Sam for kicking his habit, for staying clean. What John didn’t know was that Sam was so good at hiding it, Dean had to check between his toes before he finally got him into rehab the last time. Seven years since Sam had kicked it and John still needed to point it out.
The jam session that night seemed to clear the air. Adam had decided he was a drummer sometime after Dean and Sam’s first platinum album so John built him an entire soundproof room in the basement to go wild. Which meant the Winchester men were a full four piece, if they got to pick their parts. Dean abstained from playing lead because it was John’s house after all, but the old man’s hands weren’t what they used to be. And that gave Dean a little bit of satisfaction.
They rolled through the classics, even playing a couple of Phantom Traveler’s songs that didn’t rely too much on the keys. Dean made John sing though, laughing when he made up his own lyrics.
They ended the night with a drunken, almost punk rendition of Jingle Bell Rock after which Kate shut the lights out on them and told them to go to bed.
Christmas Eve was boring, Dean had gotten stir crazy and kept checking his phone. He knew you had gotten in the night before, but he couldn’t justify trying to hang out while you had such little time with your family as it was. Sam gave him a look and they started playing poker, teasing Adam that he needed to know every version of the game if he was gonna hold his own one day. 
Kate wiped the floor with them all.
They had eggnog and exchanged one round of gifts before going to bed, no expectations of Santa Claus or any set wake up time scheduled. It was just another day. Dean barely slept, anxiety churning inside him. He tried meditating. He even prayed, but God, who was understandably busy that night, didn’t save him. Because he woke up with a bug up his ass and, naturally, his father was the first one to point it out.
“You kiss your girlfriend with that mouth?” John asked after Dean cursed at Adam’s obnoxious ringtone.
“Do a lot more with it than that,” Dean muttered before he could stop himself.
“Dean Winchester,” John snapped as if Dean was still sixteen, still living under his roof.
“Oh, come on, kids in college, he’s heard worse,” Dean griped, going back to his coffee.
It all went downhill from there. Naturally, Adam got the lion’s share of gifts. Sam and Dean didn’t need anything, but it was so uneven it looked like John and Kate didn’t even remember they were coming to visit. Meanwhile, John’s plasma screen had arrived two days earlier and Sam and Dean were tasked with installing it in the living room midmorning.
Nothing says family time like manual labor and micromanagement.
Dean started drinking before Kate had taken the ham out of the oven. And while Sam wasn’t exactly keeping track, Dean felt like he was asking for whatever bitchface he got next. He just couldn’t stop himself once he started snarking.
Adam was telling them about the musical composition class he had finished and how he had written something for a string quartet. 
“Our new keyboard player went to Julliard, you should send it to him,” Dean said off the cuff, before shoving some venison sausage in his mouth from the snack trays Kate put out.
“So you upgraded from Cas officially now?” John asked suspiciously.
“Dad, Cas left the band last spring, of course we made it official,” Sam cut in. John already knew this.
“I know, I just hoped you boys would work it out.”
Dean laughed darkly. “Nothing to work out. Dude left, we moved on.”
“And why did he leave exactly?” John goaded Dean.
Dean rolled his eyes, John was one to talk. He had pissed off half of all musicians between the Rockies and New Orleans before he hung it up.
“Let’s call it the Winchester temper and leave it at that,” Dean smiled without teeth, then popped more snacks into his mouth.
“Yeah, cuz the Campbell blood held only saints,” John muttered.
“Dad!” Sam admonished.
“That’s fucking rich! Talking about her when she’s not here to call you on your shit. I fucking punched Cas, alright?! You happy?! And who, DAD, taught me how to do that? Huh? Winchester temper. Not Campbell. That one was all from you.”
John stepped into Dean’s space, but spoke to Sam. “Sam, take your brother outside for a walk to cool down before dinner.”
Sam grunted in confirmation.
“Watch how you talk to me in my own home, Dean. Or I’ll show you a Winchester temper,” John said lowly. “You understand?”
Dean rolled his shoulders and looked his father in the eye. “Who exactly paid for this house again, Dad? Yeah, I’ll talk to you how you deserve it. I’m out of here.”
Dean felt Adam watching from the corner as Kate pulled John out of the kitchen and into their bedroom to give him a piece of her mind. Sam nodded at their younger brother, silently thanking him for holding down the fort as Dean stormed out the front door.
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The Roadhouse was blissfully the same, with only a handful of beaten down cars in the parking lot. Dean had spent enough Christmases at bars or taverns throughout his life, but now he just wanted something that felt like home to get through this tightness in his chest. What they found inside was something altogether more special.
Ellen’s entire face lit up as they walked in, an empty plate in front of her and Garth manning the food line. Dean got his hug in first, but Sam took his time asking about what was going on. Then you were there, and Dean felt a hot shame creep up because he was this close to falling into old patterns. And that wasn’t how he ever wanted you to see him. He zipped his lips, pleading with himself to get a handle on his temper already.
He felt you breathe him in, the truth was never hard for you to suss out. And yet Dean held on, needing you close, being stupid and selfish as ever.
They took their free meal and ducked into a corner, watching as Ellen played angel to the downtrodden of Boone county. Slowly, Dean was able to set his shit aside. With Sam talking about anything and everything across from him; he accepted his resentment for his father, his frustration at himself and the stupid fucking feelings he had for you. It all seemed much more manageable when faced with people who had to get over much bigger obstacles with so much less. There was one more thing he promised he’d do while he was home, now that he’d visited Ellen. And he double checked that Sam was still good to go with him, to be his chauffeur.
They helped clean up, though Ellen moved a mile a minute and did tasks faster than she could explain them. And then Ellen was handing you off like a Christmas present, one that Dean couldn’t ever accept. 
Ellen said her goodbyes and left Dean standing in the parking lot without much of a guess on what you wanted to do next.
“I guess we better get going,” he said, asking Sam more than anything.
Then Sam reminded Dean about the cemetery and a new wave of guilt seeped into Dean’s stomach. When it came to Jo, you had first dibs. She was your best friend and Dean’d be damned if he’d visit her without you getting a chance to too. As macabre as it was, he felt he owed it to you.
You looked like you were going to be ill.
“Maybe we should ask her if she wants to go,” he told Sam, searching your eyes for permission at the very least.
You took your time with the idea, but turned him down. “If it’s okay, would you mind dropping me off first? I know it’s in the other direction.”
Dean felt you sinking behind a wall the further they got from the Roadhouse, you asked questions and made conversation, but you weren’t really in it. He probably shouldn’t have brought up Jo, but with Ellen and Christmas and the Roadhouse, she was already everywhere anyway. 
They let you out at your parents’ and headed back across town. The streets were almost empty with the sacredness of the holiday. The cemetery was decorated in pine wreaths and cheap red ribbons. The narrow paths were  silent beneath their feet. Dean had thought he knew what he wanted to say when he decided to take this little side quest to see Jo.
What he said once Sam was safely back inside the Charger was something else entirely.
“So, I’ve been better. Not like I’m bad now, but I’ve been doing actually better. I was a mess for a long time. And not just from you, but a lot of shit. And last year, I guess earlier this year really, I kind of imploded. I started hurting people, like actually hurting them and justified it to myself somehow. Then I pushed Cas away from helping me, after breaking his nose. And well, the bands a lot different now. But we’re still doing it. 
Look, Jo, I know you wanted me to live my dreams and see the world. Things I always wish you could have done. But sometimes dreams are regular everyday things, like bringing home pie or having somebody to say goodnight to. And I haven’t let myself have dreams in a long, long time. But I think maybe I’m starting to again.
And I just need you to know that I’m gonna be okay. And I am gonna do what I can to keep your people safe, because they’re my people now too, you know? You gave me another mom and a best friend without even meaning to. And we all miss you like crazy. But, we’re okay. Merry Christmas, beautiful. I  hope the angels pull out all the stops up there.”
Dean exhaled, his nose thick and eyes stinging in the cold air. He wiped his face and looked at Jo’s name one more time before turning back towards the road. Sam waited until Dean was buckled in before asking, “you good?”
“Yeah, man. Let’s get back before I cause more of a sensation,” Dean said, not meeting Sam’s eyes.
“Okay,” was all Sam said.
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Chapter 15: Rubato
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jeonminhao · 1 year ago
Headliner Mini Series Part 2 • Wonwoo x Reader
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Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (Idol! AU)
Part 2 featuring Mingyu's POV
A series of drabbles & Texts on your relationship with Wonwoo
warning : None, just fluff
A.N : pls lmk what you think/if you have any requests&prompts for the series!
Previous • Next
Kim Mingyu had become the unofficial third-wheel of the group and he knew it was his own actions and ideas that led him up to this predicament. It was him and his own brain that came up with the amazing ideas to introduce his two best friends because it would be a lot more fun to hangout together. He didn’t think hanging out together would mean Wonwoo and you on a date at his apartment with him sitting on a couch adjacent to the one you were sharing with your boyfriend. Jeonghan would’ve let out that stupid cackle of his if he saw this, Mingyu thought, shoving another handful of popcorn into his mouth. You may be friends with Jeonghan first but Mingyu was that one extroverted friend with golden retriever energy who thinks his bandmates’ best friends are equal to his best friends.
“Why would you introduce them to each other anyway? It’s like watching two Wonwoos, you know they’re gonna fall in love with each other. They’re too compatible together.” Seungcheol had jokingly commented when Mingyu first mentioned how he’d become the third-wheel in this friendship.
Mingyu only whined in reply. Yeah, maybe his drunk, past self thought it would be really cute to see Wonwoo meet someone who would understand him and that person was you. And maybe he had prayed more than a couple times for Wonwoo to speed up this whole courting process because you were both so slow. “We’re taking it slow.” You told him and Mingyu wanted to slam his head against the glass table. You weren’t slow. Both of you were just too dense and too shy to confess. 
Which brought him to his next ‘Mingyu’s Amazing Ideas’, which was to speed up whatever this thing you and Wonwoo had. Movie night that suddenly became a date night because Mingyu suddenly wants to go to the gym. A weekly dinner where Mingyu suddenly decided to skip out on after cooking you the best pasta of your life. 
He was plotting his own demise, really. He thought he couldn’t feel more single in his life but you and Wonwoo proved him otherwise. And it wasn’t like you were flaunting your relationship in front of his face. It was Wonwoo’s gentle touch on your hand, the way you would quietly play with Wonwoo’s hair while watching the movies, the tiny smile and twinkle in both your eyes that Mingyu always seemed to notice without wanting to. He was happy, really. But it just made him feel so single and so prone to be everyones’ butt of jokes.
And as the resident’s third-wheel, Mingyu also had the honor in witnessing the first huge fight of your relationship. It was the first break the group had in a while and he had been busy in the kitchen, experimenting with new recipes he had found during Seventeen’s latest tour when he heard it. Wonwoo’s quiet nagging and your annoyed voice. His ears perked up at the tense whispers that slowly grew louder. He almost grabbed a popcorn and called Jeonghan so they could watch this amazing spectacle together but his common sense thankfully won over his impulsive thoughts.
So he did what he did best. Sneaked into the living room and to say he was surprised was an understatement. You were crying on the couch, face turned away from Wonwoo who looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown himself. 
“You can’t be like this, Y/N.” Wonwoo sighed, looking more tense and frustrated by the second. You didn’t turn to look at him, opting to fix your gaze on the rain outside the apartment.
“I can and I will.” You had replied petulantly. “You were supposed to be on my side, Wonu!” 
“I am!”
“No, you’re not! You told my manager I should apologize to that stupid MC. My manager! I am so furious, Wonu. You know how ignorant that MC was and my reaction was justified! A few hate comments are worth it.” 
“I wouldn’t do that, Y/N, you know that. They posted an entire article on you and the comments were ruthless. I’ve read them. Your manager–” Wonwoo replied, this time with a gentler tone.
“I really thought my boyfriend would be on my side.” You suddenly stood up and grabbed your stuff, startling both Wonwoo and Mingyu. You turned to Mingyu, who looked like he was a deer caught in a headlight. “I’m going home. Thank you for having me, Mingyu. I need to go before I say something I regret.” 
“I need some space.” You said, wiping a lone tear from your eyes and quickly left before Wonwoo could stop you.
Mingyu stood awkwardly by the couch while he watched his best friend groan in frustration. He wanted to ask Wonwoo what happened, if he needed any help. But all that came out of his mouth was a little “huh,” earning a glare from the older male.
“Did something happen?” Mingyu finally asked after a good few minutes. 
It was a stupid fight, Mingyu realized, and he supposed even a mature couple like you and Wonwoo could have a stupid fight. It was all because of an interview you had yesterday, where the MC thinks making crude and sexist remarks in front of the quietest member of the group would be okay. He did not think that you would explode, replying with scathing remarks and leaving the interview earlier than scheduled. The behind scenes were leaked by a staff member and you were blasted on social media, some calling you for being so rude and impolite to a senior who was almost twice your age, some commended you for standing up. And Wonwoo, being the worried boyfriend that he was, had asked your manager what would happen to you, and your manager told him an apology would diffuse the whole situation. You, who was already overworked and in a foul mood, thought it was Wonwoo’s idea to make you apologize. You had cried during your drive to Mingyu and Wonwoo’s shared apartment, heart twisting at the betrayal. 
And Mingyu, unable to let his best friends suffer, had taken the initiative to smack Wonwoo’s in the head, telling him to put himself in your shoes before he went to his room to call you and reprimand you for not listening to Wonwoo’s whole story.
The fight had lasted a good few hours, with you coming back to the apartment not long after you left. There were apologies and kisses exchanged, which was more than Mingyu could handle. So he resorted back to his bedroom, taking out his phone to video call Jeonghan and update him on the situation. 
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lady-of-ocs · 3 months ago
THAT'S RIGHT! IT'S ME! I'M THE BITCH WHO'S DONE WITH THE SEMESTER AND READY TO BINGE ALL OF HAIKYUU OVER CHRISTMAS! I researched and wrote a five page paper in the span of about four hours today and that was the last thing I had to do because my acting professor cancelled our final meeting (he cancelled a lot this semester so I am not surprised...)
ANYWAY! I got through to episode 17! So let's talk about some stuff.
Kageyama is the least subtle guy on the team and I love him for it. Bless that socially awkward boy. I kind of love that he can acknowledge that Oikawa is good (because he is) but he's not letting it get him down anymore. YOU'RE DOING GREAT, SWEETIE!
Tsukki!!!! First of all, top tier comedy of him hitting Hinata's diarrhea pressure point and then just walking away. Hina's probably fine. I also love that he actually took Akiteru up on his offer! You can clearly see that this is great practice for Tsukki and it's very satisfying to watch him grow. Also, good old sibling bonding! It's what I live for!
I know I just saw them literally yesterday but IT'S NEKOMA AND FUKURODANI! MY OTHER BOYS! I'm glad that they're consistently scattered in throughout the show. They're all so great and have such nice relationship with the Karasuno boys that it would be a shame if we only got to see them during things like the training camp or official games. ALSO NOT KUROO AND DAICHI BREAKING MY HEART WITH THE "the dumpster battle is the last chance for us" THING. DON'T FUCKING REMIND ME, KUROO! I'VE LITERALLY ALREADY WATCHED YOUR DUMPSTER BATTLE AND IT MADE ME EMOTIONAL! DO YOU WANT ME TO CRY AGAIN, KUROO?
I enjoy training montages very much and I was really excited to see Yamaguchi seemingly pull off a serve against Nishinoya. I can't wait to see him successfully jump float serve in an official game. I'm going to have to take a lap around whatever room I'm in when that happens.
YES I DID SPEND TWO MORE EPISODES BEING THIRSTY FOR TERUSHIMA. I SAW HIM AND WENT "oh my god it's the sexy guy." Spent the entire Karasuno/Johzenji match kicking my feet twirling my hair every time he did something cool.
Stepping away from Terushima for a minute- THE BATHROOM SCENE. H E L P. I'D SEEN IT BEFORE BUT I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS THIS SOON IN THE SERIES. SOMEONE SAVE HINATA LMAO. I like Iwaizumi a lot, honestly. One of the people who will call Oikawa on his bullshit and who can actually get through to him. Also AONE! MY BIG QUIET BABY! I LOVE HIM! I LOVE HIM MUCHO (oh by the way I got a 57% on my Spanish final lol).
I like Tsukki's new glasses! I like them even more because 1. Akiteru gave them to him and 2. because apparently he's had them a while and Hinata's been consistently complimenting them every day. Underrated hilarious duo.
So, back on the Karasuno/Johzenji match. That was a fun one. You never really doubt that Karasuno is going to win (even if you don't already know the spoilers), but it's still an entertaining match. I have massive respect for Johzenji's manager! She whipped them into shape better than their coach could! And I'm really glad that by the end of the game, they realized her value and gave her the appreciation and thanks she deserved. They also had some wild plays during the game and those were fun. Their failed attempt at a synchronized attack at the end of the first set had me rolling. And I enjoyed seeing Karasuno use their whole arsenal of weapons against Johzenji! I knew nothing about volleyball (other than the basic stuff they teach you in P.E.) prior to watching this show but now I'm invested. I perk up every time volleyball is on at the gym.
FANTASTIC BLOCK, KAGEYAMA. NO NOTES. WELL, ONE TINY NOTE: DON'T BLOCK WITH YOUR FACE. In all seriousness, poor baby. I'm always glad to see Suga get to play, though! And I love that Yamaguchi was the one who shoved Kageyama away from the game so that he could get his nose checked out.
Daichi is a fantastic captain. You see that a lot, but it was really highlighted in the Johzenji match and it's been like that so far in the Wakutani match as well. I WONDER WHAT THE TEAM WILL DO WITHOUT HIM NOW THAT HE'S FUCKING DEAD-
Yachi remains a flaming homosexual (I see you looking at Saeko's boobs, girl) and I love her. This is my gay daughter, Yachi Hitoka, everyone.
Speaking of which, yes, I'm going to be heading home for break tomorrow! I've got about a month off, so I should have time to watch a lot more! I'm not totally sure I'll be able to keep up these big reaction posts, but I'll try! If I don't end up keeping them up, I'll make one when I get back! If that's the case, I'll see you all in the new year!
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jenyifer · 9 months ago
Wandee Goodday ep 4 initial reaction
Shhhhh I didn’t say I’d watch anything this weekend…. I had to…. Ugh… stare at the ceiling and relisten to an audio book after the disappointment of the Simon Snow Series ending. Anyways let’s get into this
photo review
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Oh noooo dead parent dreams very scary
However I can’t help but think of OffGun in Not Me.
Still was cute if a little shocking. I started off the ep and checked my YouTube to make sure I was on the right track.
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Okay but Dr Ter can’t have anymore red flags idk how Dee liked him for years. He’s the devil?! I wish there was something redeeming about him.
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Try to resist his puppy dog eyes you can’t
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Okay well… I hate this the whole scene is very “oh I need to keep you on the hook.” Idk why he keeps going for kisses when he wants to have his sex buddy help him with a girl? Is he just in denial or what? Really this is making him look bad bad. Also how did he get up there? He has a key for the gym at Dee’s building seems like a safety concern. Don’t you know how many women are attacked at their apartment gym by a random stranger just coming in? If they have to scan at least management knows the scumbag.
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IT MADE ME THINK OF YOU!!!!! (Boston my boy my babby’s bedroom. I was expecting a sexy scene against the cube walls again. But I was happy to see his home transformed into a gym)
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Okay Kao just made some terribly bad suggestions this episode. He starts off saying Dee should just guard his heart. Bitch he’s already signed and delivered it. Then? Dee and Yoryak are happy? Only when they are living in delulu land. Finally that roleplay would help them? It didn’t they can’t be honest with their feelings ever.
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Okay now maybe suggest getting on prep too. It’s also something you should get regardless of gender if you’re having risky spicy time. I did like their health promotion. HPV shot does actually hurt or mine did. Every time my arm hurt terribly afterwards.
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sxtvrns · 2 years ago
play the game, get the girl
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🎶 now playing: beautiful stranger - laufey
P: Koushi Sugawara x Fem!Reader
S: He sees you during a practice when you walk in with the team manager, late. What he doesn’t expect is to see you standing at the corner of a volleyball court for his games with a red flag in hand, and fall head over heels.
W: mild cursing, cute fluff, lack of knowledge about japanese school system + volleyball, haikyuu spoilers, VERY rushed, possible inaccuracy (i havent watched the show in two years)
N: I do scorekeeping during the volleyball season so I thought this was a cute thing to incorporate with one of the sweetest boys in the series. If the ending seems rushed, it is; I just needed to get something out of my drafts. L/N means last name, Y/N is your first name; this is in order to specify formalities. Apologies for anything that seems incorrect.
please interact if you enjoy!
Your eyes just begin to flutter shut as the teacher writes lines and numbers on the chalkboard, the sound of it soothing to your ears and almost making you doze off, only for the bell to ring and dismiss you for cleaning time.
You don’t really pay attention when you wipe down the boards or sweep the floors, outside sounds drowned out by your own thoughts while you do your unspoken assigned job that everyone is aware of, which is how you manage to not bump into people.
The classroom door opens as you finish cleaning, the rest of the girls in your ‘group’ leaving while the boys gawk at your friend standing by the entrance. “Y/N, come with me. The team has practice and I need someone to testify why I’m late.” You nod, tossing an eraser into the bucket by the teacher’s desk.
“Hey, put this back!” A boy shouts, him goofing off earlier and getting barely any work done. “You can put it back when you’re done. I have work to do.” You say, shutting the door swiftly before walking to the gym with Kiyoko. It would make sense for her to come to you to be a witness for her tardiness, since you could come up with lies on the spot that people were gullible enough to believe.
The whole practice stops at the sound of the gym doors opening, Kiyoko holding the door open for you to follow behind. One of the coaches, seemingly, yelled from where he was in the gym at the two of you. “Where’ve you been? You interrupted practice!” Kiyoko looks down at the floor, a small pang of guilt hitting you seeing her embarrassment. “She had to do a make up test before clean up! Cut her some slack!” Your voice booms, the coach wanting to say something but going back to doing his job, as if he was intimidated.
Sure, there were still a few eyes on you; you could sense it, but you couldn’t care less since your friend muttered a quiet ‘thank you’ before she began to focus on the practice rather than the gym floor.
The sound of squeaky shoes and intense running and hitting filled the gym, along with the occasional cheer, call, or scream. Then came water break, Kiyoko getting up and passing the boys their bottles, which impressed you given the fact she knew who’s bottle belonged to who and what they looked like. Some of them didn’t even have names written on.
“Could you pass me that bottle?” A boy asks, standing in front of you with a finger pointed at a bottle that was practically prone to knocking over. You wonder why he wouldn’t grab it himself, but then remembered misinterpretation if someone were to look over at a certain angle. He mutters a ‘thanks’ with a smile, wiping his sweat off with a towel that hung around his neck. “Watch this for me?” You nod at his request, someone yelling right after.
“Oi, Suga! Stop flirting with the girl and get back on the court!” The boy with the shaved head yells, Suga’s face going slightly red as his teammates giggle while he runs back to his position.
To be fair, he seemed like a nice guy, being wary of your personal space and asking you to grab something rather than having you assume that he was going to touch you inappropriately. A small act that you held onto before remembering you had to go home.
Suga saw you whisper something to Kiyoko, handing her his bottle before you left the gym. He talked to her before leaving, the feeling he used to get while being able to talk to her not sending his heart racing. “She had to go home.”
“Then how come she came with you?”
“I needed an excuse since I was late.”
She handed him his water bottle before helping the juniors to take down the nets. Tanaka scared him once everyone was back in their club room, patting his older teammate on the back a little too hard before slinging an arm around his shoulder. “Lucky bastard! Did ya’ flirt with her?”
Her, being Kiyoko. “No. She just gave me my water bottle.”
“The bottle the other girl watched for you, huh? She must’ve gotten bored not seeing you on the court.”
“She’s pretty. No wonder she’s friends with Shimizu.” Asahi chimed, the door opening to reveal the juniors standing there, tired. “Are you guys talking about L/N?” The seniors look at Hinata, befuddled. “You know her?” Daichi asks. “I run into her sometimes at Sakanoshita. She’s usually talking to Coach there.”
“What do they talk about? How do you even know her name?” Suga asks, tidying up his things. “I overheard him say L/N. At least, I think that’s her name. Apparently she’s been doing volleyball related things outside of school, and Coach asks her about it. Teams, players, I don’t remember what else.” Tsukishima scoffs. “What are you, some kind of stalker?” Hinata fumes and tries to pounce on the blonde before being held back by Tanaka.
“I haven’t seen her on the girls team. What could she be doing?” Daichi ponders aloud, bag slinging over his shoulder. “I pass by her sometimes, and I have a class or two with her, but she doesn’t speak unless spoken to.” Suga says.
“You haven’t said hi?” Asahi stands by the door with Daichi, waiting for his other friend. “Today was a lucky circumstance.” Suga slings his bag in over his shoulder, leaving the room last out of the three of them.
“Suga’s got a thing for Kiyoko’s friend!” Tanaka yells, the last thing that Suga hears before the door shuts behind them.
He sighs, his two friends giggling for a reason he was too tired to decipher.
“How’s my team? Pretty good, yeah?” Ukai asked as you look a long sip from your milk carton, shrugging. “I’ll see you at your match against Tokonami.” He cocks an eyebrow, wondering how you know their opponent. “You’re on the sheet?” You shake your head, the sound of the door of the shop sliding open, followed by Ukai yelling out a loud greeting. “Flag. I’m not cheating you guys points for free meat buns.”
Ukai’s eyes move from you to the person who just entered. “Skipped breakfast again, Suga?” Your eyes widen at the name, head turning to see him standing right beside you, waiting. “Couldn’t pack anything for later, and I’m busy during lunch break.” Suga says before noticing you leaning over the counter. He lets out a sheepish ‘hi’ with a bow before you bow back, exchanging some cash for his lunch.
“Suga.” Ukai calls, the boy’s head perking up at the sound of his name. “Take L/N with you. She’s gonna be late to school again because she keeps ‘forgetting to keep track of the time’.” Sarcasm slips off Ukai’s tongue as he makes fun of you, your mouth spewing one-sided insults back at him as you follow Suga out of the shop.
It’s mostly an awkward silence for the first few minutes of the walk, the urge to drown yourself in your own thoughts there, but something’s holding you back from doing it. “How are you so close with Coach?” Suga asks. The formality being used off the court surprises you, but it’s probably better than just calling him Ukai.
“He found out I worked in volleyball games outside of school. It’s all we ever talk about, really.” Suga’s head perks up. “You play?” The question has you struggling to answer. “Not necessarily. I’ll be at your Interhigh match.” The lack of detail makes him want to ask about you more, but is worried that he’d be prying if he were to ask.
“Do you have practice after school today? Kiyoko might ask me to go with her again.” The boy nods with a closed lip smile. “How come you left early?” Suga asked, the answer Shimizu gave lacking detail. “The invite was… sudden. I had plans and couldn’t stay for long. I would’ve stayed for a little bit longer.” You half-lie. “And you’re coming? Today?” Suga confirms. This time you nod, approaching the gates of the school.
“I’ll see you then?” He says, half question half statement. “Yeah. See you.”
“Suga!” You walk up to him in the halls, seeing him with two boys you also saw at his practice; one with short hair and the other with his tied up. “I had an extra and I know you didn’t pack lunch, so…” You hand him a bottle of ice tea, the gesture making your face heat up unknowingly to your peer. He smiles, taking it from you.
“Thanks, L/N. I needed this. I have to talk to these two for the rest of break.” He gestures to his friends, who you now realize they’ve been looking at you the whole time. “That’s what you’re so busy with?” Suga shrugs, taking a sip from the bottle. “Duty calls.” He jokes, bowing before retreating into the mostly empty room behind him.
The run-in has Daichi and Asahi pestering their friend about you later that day before practice. “She knew you didn’t have lunch? And she had a whole extra bottle of tea? No way this wasn’t planned.” Daichi exclaimed, Suga chuckling at his friend. “We ran into each other this morning. She was talking to Coach, and she’s watching our game next week.”
“Eh?! Did you invite her?” Asahi asks, surprised at Suga’s supposed boldness. “She said she works in volleyball games, whatever that means.” The gym doors open to reveal the antennae being set up, you at the farther end. Coach Ukai was at the other, adjusting the height before hooking it on to the bottom of the net.
“L/N!” Suga calls, sending you a wave when you look his way. You wave back, double checking the antennae before going to check the other, sliding it down a little bit. “You set it up all by yourself?” He asks. “Mostly. I came a little earlier since I had nothing else to do after cleaning. Kiyoko and Ukai came in after I set up the poles.”
You hand him his bottle. “Kiyoko told me to refill this for you.” He takes a quick sip from the bottle before responding. “Thanks. Where is she, anyways?” You shrug. “Refilling the rest. I don’t know why she only gave me yours.” Suga lets out a soft chuckle, giving you a pat on the shoulder before putting it down on the bench.
“What the hell was that, Suga?” Daichi sneers, letting out a laugh at the end. “I don’t know, it just happened! Impulse decision?” Asahi pat his grey haired friend on the shoulder mockingly, Suga brushing his friend’s hand off. “Stop that.” He muttered.
“What are they laughing about?” Kiyoko says after coming out of nowhere, startling you after standing behind you since who knows when. “I don’t know.” You answer, sitting down on the bench with your friend after the boys go on the court. “Have you ever thought about managing?” Kiyoko asks, eyes focused on the boys warming up.
“I have. I’d be too busy; it’d conflict with my work schedule, you know that. Besides, we’re both graduating this year and asking me to manage seems… pointless.” She lets out a sigh that seems to drown out Ukai’s yelling. “I know. I’m… struggling a little bit to find someone to replace me.” You give her a nudge. “Have you talked to the first years yet?” She shakes her head. “Only second. I should’ve thought of that first.”
“Damn right, you should’ve.” You mutter.
Days pass by and the Tokonami match approaches; you stand by the scoresheet desk as you clip your hair up, the bag for the flags on the ground by your feet. You sign the sheet, sitting on the bench wondering why the teams haven’t arrived when it’s 10 minutes to warm up time.
“Y/N!” Someone calls, attention drawn to Kiyoko and the Karasuno team standing by the open doors. You wave at each other, the down referee talking to you for a moment just long enough to have your school’s team situated at their bench when you turned back around. “I thought spectators were supposed to be up there?” She jokes, making you roll your eyes. “I am working right now, okay? Some of us have jobs, Kii.” Your friend is pulled aside to talk to the down ref.
“L/N? Shouldn’t you be in the stands?” Suga asks, slightly confused. “I’m working. I’m doing line judge for your game.” You explain. “Do you do the sheet as well?” You nod. “Sometimes, yeah. I can be qualified as a referee next year.” Suga’s face lights up. “Really? That’s so cool!”
His reaction has you a little bit flustered. “I-It’s nothing, really…” You cross your arms, cringing at your stutter.
“No, really, it is! How much do you get paid?”
“Around 16 hundred per hour.” (¥1600 = ~$16)
“That’s pretty good.”
You notice Hinata and his friend prepare for an attack, but everything happens so fast. One second the ball is set and the other the ball hits the ground with a hard, loud smack. It makes you jump. You haven’t seen a quick attack like that before. “What the hell?” You mutter. Suga chuckles, looking at you. “You haven’t seen them do it in practice?”
“I was talking to Kiyoko the whole time and I space out easily, okay? Jesus, man, what year are they in?”
Your reaction makes Suga laugh, the whole conversation seeming one-sided now as all he responds with is giggles. “You’re telling me they’re first years managing to do shit like that?!” He’s struggling to contain his laughter. “Hey,” he snickers, “watch your language or you’re gonna get fired!”
“I don’t think anyone really cares.”
“Suga! We’re warming up!” The shaved headed boy calls. “You can talk to your girlfriend after we win!” The libero teases. “Sorry about them. I’ve gotta–“
You send him two thumbs up. “Good luck!”
He smiles. “Thank you.”
The down ref eyes both of you. “Is he your boyfriend? I hope you won’t be cheating off points.”
“God, no, why does everyone think that?”
The ref blows the whistle after a few more minutes of warming up, signaling for the teams to get off the court. You unwrap the flag, waving it around. You wave it up, then down with a loud snap just to test it out. Luckily, the other games hadn’t started yet, so you wouldn’t get scolded by the ref before the game even begun. Giving a high five to the other line judge, you walk onto the court.
The ball is hit onto Karasuno’s side of the court, but your flag is raised, a finger pointing at the antennae still wiggling in the air. The point goes to your school after the ref gives you a nod.
The game progresses, for almost every time Tokonami hit the ball on your side of the court, your flag went up. They hit a few line shots, but they still couldn’t catch up, your school dominating and winning both sets straight. To see the quick attack again was… quite exhilarating. It always caught you off guard despite seeing it played multiple times and it being the main source of points.
Signing off on the sheet, you catch up with your school’s team, scaring Kiyoko by pouncing on her out of nowhere, giving her a tight hug. You let go of her and see your other friend lurking behind you. “Suga!” You give him a double high five, which he returns before giving him a hard pat on the back. “You did it!” You cheer, not noticing the gentle grip he has on your wrists since you were practically flailing around. It was the first win of your school you’ve seen in a while, so this was a valid reason to be so excited.
And it was a damn good game too.
“Are you watching the other games? I’m doing sheet for another match.” He shakes his head, which makes you slightly disappointed. “Will you be at the next game?” He asks, you nodding with a grin. The moment you realize he was holding your wrists, you panic and come up with some sort of excuse. “I’ll see you then, I gotta go. Bye.” You murmur quickly, unsure if he heard.
The team leaves the gym, Suga catching up with his coach. “Is she always like that? She isn’t usually so… jumpy.” He says, not wanting to be rude. “L/N’s like that when she sees good games. Gets her all pumped. It’s like… the energy flows off the court and out into the crowd, y’know? Maybe it’s because it’s her school’s first win she’s seen in a while.”
“Are you saying we played good today, Coach?” Daichi asks. Ukai pauses for a moment.
“You did good today, but we can be better.”
“Come on, man, just do it!” Tanaka encourages.
“You have a perfectly valid reason to offer it as well!” Nishinoya adds.
“I don’t really know if I should trust the two most hopeless romantics on the team.” Suga says. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” One of them yells, the club door opening. “What’s going on?” Ennoshita asks, trailing beside Daichi. “Suga wants to ask L/N on a date.” Nishinoya teases, making kissy noises until his teammate hits him on the head. “I’m kinda worried about Y– L/N. She usually walks with Shimizu but since she left early, she has to walk home alone.”
“Then Suga wants to walk her home and profess his undying love on the way!” Tanaka jokes. “‘Oh, L/N, I love you sooo much!’” Nishinoya mocks, the second years laughing before Suga knocks them both on the head. “To be fair, Suga, you do make it quite obvious that you’re attracted to her.” Daichi chuckles, packing his bag. “I do?”
“Ever since the Date Tech match, you two have been talking a lot and you tend to freeze up sometimes when she smiles.” Asahi points out, unintentionally embarrassing his friend. “I do not!” He denies, rummaging through his bag for a new shirt. “Suga, you froze last practice when you two looked at each other and you missed the set.” Daichi says. Tanaka and Nishinoya snicker, Suga glaring at the two.
“Suga, you left your water on the–“ Multiple shirtless men stare at you after you open the door, immediately slamming it shut.
Embarrassment and heat rushes to your face. To think that your eyes immediately darted to Suga, who was also shirtless, first thing? Absolutely humiliating. The one time you decide not to knock, you walk in on your friend half naked. What are the chances? You’ve seen other teams shirtless, so why should you care? It wasn’t that big of a deal so why were you blushing?
Your hands cover your face, the warmth of it making you realize how flustered you are. “L/N, are you okay?” Hinata asks, noticing you curled up into a ball on the ground by the club door. You give him a thumbs up, not looking at any of the first years that followed behind him. You get up, brushing yourself off and letting the cool air calm you down.
The door opens again, Suga looking back inside the room and saying something before his eyes land on you. “Y/N.” He mutters to himself. “I’m sorry, I should’ve knocked first!” You apologize, bowing profusely until his hand rests on the top of your head. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. Though, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen someone so… flustered.” He says calmly, chuckling awkwardly at the end, the blush on your cheeks growing just as it was starting to go away.
You hand him his water bottle, which he accepts with a smile, taking a quick drink before asking you something. “Um…” He hums, bringing your attention back to him. He looks nervous, as if he’s trying to say something but can’t seem to get the words out. “Well, Shimizu usually walks with you but since she left, I don’t want you walking in the dark alone and–“
“Yeah, sure.”
“You can walk with me. I was actually gonna ask you but… I chickened out.” The fact that both of you had thought of the same thing relieved Suga a little bit. “How’d you know I was gonna ask?” He asks, descending the stairs of the club rooms with you. “Sometimes you make things very obvious, Suga.”
“I do?”
“Well, obvious for people that are smart enough.”
You gesture to yourself with a grin, your friend laughing. “I hope you do well against Aoba Johsai. Oikawa keeps flirting with me and Kiyoko despite being scared off repeatedly.” A pang of jealousy hits Suga for a split second, followed by curiosity. “Who scares him off? The coach?” You shake your head. “I do. Sometimes the referee steps in, and all he does is stare at him until he runs off.”
The image of the referee giving Oikawa a death stare makes Suga laugh. You open your phone after it buzzes, seeing a text message from your mom; a message that said she left for work already and that there was food on the table to be reheated.
You catch Suga looking at your phone, closing it shut. “I don’t have a lot of people in my contacts, so there’s nothing interesting that you can snoop on.” He laughs, an idea popping into his head. “Can I have your number?” He asks. Though a friendly question, you think more of it and decide to raise the stakes. “If you win against Aoba Johsai, I’ll give you my number.”
“Really? What if we don’t?”
You shrug.
“Who knows.”
Suga pauses for a moment.
The rally for victory continues and seems never-ending, the sight of your school so determined nearly distracting you from your job. The score is way too close, with your school behind by one. 31 to 32.
Oikawa suddenly yells as Hinata prepares for his attack; three men on Aoba Johsai jump with their arms up, to change routes around the block being too late. A loud smack reverberates off Hinata’s hand and off the hands of the blockers, bouncing off their hand and onto the ground, where three other players lay in the ground as they failed to keep it in play.
Loud screams erupt from Johsai’s side of the gym, though all you can focus on is your school’s side of the court, the shock nearly making you drop your flag. The referee has to remind you to move to the other side for the teams to line up, the slip of paper in your pocket nearly tearing with how tight your grip is on it.
You borrow the scoresheet’s pen and quickly write down a note on your slip, signing the sheet after. You’re so overwhelmed by the upset that you don’t notice that you’re crying until you spend a long time in the bathroom trying to comprehend what just happened, staring at yourself in the mirror for longer than you thought. Some girls passed by, most of them asking if you were okay, and you only nodded, knowing that you’d start crying again if you tried to speak.
You left the bathroom feeling empty from letting that all out, deciding to leave the gymnasium entirely since you didn’t have anymore games to do. Running into Aoba Johsai now would be a really bad idea.
While walking mindlessly, you see a familiar jacket and a bunch of blonde hair entering a building. You stop at the door about to enter when you realize they managed to get in before the place was even open. Suddenly, the door slides open, an old woman greeting you and welcoming you in, though you deny her offer and instead ask her to get Ukai to come outside. For a split second, you notice the team crying silently as they eat, tears flowing down their face as they stuff their faces with mounds and mounds of food.
Ukai steps out, shutting the door before sighing. “How’d you find us? Nevermind that, do you wanna eat? It’s on me.” You shake your head, the words you want to say stuck in your throat. “Were you crying?” Ukai points out, this time you shake your head harder, fed up. “Could you just give this to Suga for me? Please?” You hand him the slip from earlier, all crumpled from holding it in a closed fist in your pocket, as well as a bottle of the same ice tea you gave him a while ago.
“Can’t ‘ya just do it yourself? I thought you two were already going out.” You hit him over and over until he agrees. “Ouch, ow– okay, I’ll give it to him! Geez, are you sure you don’t wanna eat?” You nod, bowing before you leave.
Ukai waits until the entire team finishes eating and leaves the restaurant to catch up with him. “Suga.” The boy turns around, looking at his coach. “L/N said to give this to you.” Suga’s eyes widen at the bottle, taking it eagerly. Ukai drops the slip of paper into Suga’s other hand before giving him a pat on the back.
Suga is seated next to Asahi on the bus, the ace staring out the window mindlessly at the sky. The paper had writing on it, he noticed after unfolding it.
You did a great job today. I’m proud of you.
He flips the slip over to see a phone number, realizing that it’s yours.
He never opened his contacts so quickly.
“Kiyoko, what are we waiting for?” You ask her, as both of you have been standing outside the open gym doors for what felt like forever. “I found a new manager. She should be here by now.” You drag her inside. “I’m sure she knows where to go, we should just sit down.”
“L/N!” Someone calls, that person jumping onto you and hugging you tight. “Hitoka?! What are you doing here!?” She lets go, looking at Kiyoko and freezing for a second. “Shimizu offered for me to become a volleyball club manager, and I said yes because I didn’t really have any club activities.” She half-lies, unbeknownst to you.
“To be honest, I didn’t really know you came here…” You mutter, Hitoka overhearing and pouting a little. “Well… we lost contact over the years, but I think our parents still talk a little. My mom told me you went here but I haven’t been able to find you.” She laughs awkwardly.
“You two know each other?” Kiyoko asks. “I used to babysit her when her mom went to work; we were really close when we were younger.” You ruffle Hitoka’s hair. “L/N, are you a manager too?” You shake your head. “I just come to watch. Kiyoko drags me here.” She gives you a playful nudge. “You come here to gawk at Sugawara whenever he’s on the court. I’ve caught you staring at him while he’s shirtless.”
“Shut up, I do not! You said that so loud!” Your face goes red as you playfully hit your friend, who’s laughing at you. Only then do you realize the amount of eyes on you, luckily Suga’s not being one of them. You nudge Kiyoko while Hitoka stands behind you, peeking out while your friend introduces their new manager.
The new manager squeaks and turns away, catching you off guard. “Hitoka, are you okay?” You look at whatever made her look away, regretting it instantly. Of course it had to be the boys shirtless, changing out of their school uniforms. including your... friend? It wasn’t until then that you remembered what happened last time, this time focusing on the ground.
“Y/N has a really big crush on Sugawara.” Kiyoko teases.
“Shut up.”
“You know that I’m not wrong.”
“And I hate that you’re right.”
It was true; you did have somewhat of a thing for your… friend. Who could blame you, you two hung out a lot ever since their loss to Aoba Johsai. He’s sweet, caring, and has one hell of an athletic bod. Not that you looked at him on purpose, it was always an accident.
Majority of the time it was an accident.
“Can I look now?” Hitoka asks, Kiyoko confirming with a laugh as the other manager turns around.
“Y/N, can you hold this?” Suga suddenly hands you his sweatshirt he always wears out of nowhere. One second he was on one side of the gym and the next he’s right in front of you. “Were you planning to wear that the whole practice?” You laugh, beginning to fold it instinctively. “I was cold.” He says before running back to his warm up partner. You turn and see Kiyoko staring at you. “Since when were you two on a first name basis?” She says with a smirk on her face. “First off, no one calls him by his first name and second, like… a few weeks ago? He said it by accident but I was fine with it.”
“Sugawara wouldn’t stop showing us the note you gave him at the practice you didn’t come to. He’s in love with you.”
The image of him seemingly so excited made your face go warm.
“I’m literally going to make Ukai fire you.”
“Suga! L/N not with you?” Daichi greets his friend, a bit surprised by your absence. “She’s with Shimizu right now. She’ll catch up with exam scores later.” Immediate worry rushes to the captain. “I really hope that Hinata and Kageyama pass…” He says, hand planted on his forehead. The other two third years remembered about the training camp, also hoping the same thing.
“I’m sure we did fine. As for the youngins…” Suga cuts himself off, not really having an answer for his statement. “What if they all fail and they can’t come to the training camp?” Asahi’s face darkens, Suga whacking him on the head. “There you go again! Negative goatee!”
“Suga, you seemed really excited talking about the scores. You’re usually worried and have your fingers crossed half the time.” Daichi points out, observing his friend’s content demeanour. “Well, Y/N kinda raised the stakes for me in a way…” His friends cock an eyebrow, intrigued. “Did she bribe you?” The captain asks, a hint of anger in his tone.
“No, no, it’s nothing like that! It’s just… I kind of told her I liked her during one of our study sessions.” His friends’ mouths hang slightly open, yelling almost a little too loud. “And you were gonna tell us this when?!” Daichi shakes him by the shoulders, Asahi trying to intervene. “What did she say?” The ace stops Daichi’s freak out to let Suga speak.
“She said that if I passed all my exams, she’ll start going out with me.” Asahi pats his friend on the back with a smile. “You got this in the bag, Suga! You’ve passed every year with flying colours!” It surprised Suga a little bit, seeing him so positive about his love life. “I don’t know if I should be more surprised about your boldness or the fact that you two have been studying together.” Daichi interrupts, eyeing Suga.
“I asked her first. She’s a good teacher.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re practically in love with her.” Asahi teases.
“Maybe, but I’ve passed all my exams so far, so I’m not wrong.”
“Is it a habit of hers to keep betting on things like this?” Daichi asks, remembering the Aoba Johsai phone number occasion. “I see it as a motivational thing.” Suga says, his friends sighing, both of them saying the same thing. “Of course you do…”
Time ticks and the bell rings, Suga anxiously waiting in his seat for his name to be called. He practically rushes up to the front when it does, almost embarrassingly fast, his classmates wondering how one could not be nervous. College preparatory exams surely had much more pressure put on them.
The passing grade is 40 points, majority of Suga’s exams within 75-86 points. The glee he had on his face showing you all his papers made you blush, knowing he wanted this as much as you did. Hard work came with small, celebratory moments.
“Welcome in!” Ukai yells at the sound of the door sliding open, pausing at the sight of both of you laughing. “L/N! Suga! How were exams?” You hold up your paper, a large 87 written in red in the corner. “I beat him by one.” Suga playfully shoves you, showing Ukai his score of 86. “So you’ll be coming to the training camp! Sorry, L/N, team only.” You shrug. “Obviously. Did anybody fail on your team?” You ask Suga, him shaking his head.
“No, not that I know of. Daichi probably does, but I didn’t see him after lunch.”
“That’s because you came looking for me first thing and not your teammates.”
Ukai eyes both of you, sensing something but not saying anything of it. “You two are here for the meat buns, I assume.” Both of you nod, Ukai denying your payment, saying it was a reward for doing well. You end up shoving your cash down his hoodie, dragging Suga out the shop with you.
“Old man is so persistent…” You mutter, Suga laughing before beginning to eat. “Suga… when you told me you liked me, and when I placed our relationship on the line, I had faith in you.” He swallows, looking confused. “What do you mean?” You take a bite of your own bun before you answer. “You’re a smart kid, Suga. I knew you were going to pass regardless of the bet.”
“So you’re saying the whole bet thing was already you saying yes? That you’d go out with me?”
You nod. “See, you’re smart. But I do have one thing I want between us.”
“What is it?”
“I don’t really want anybody else to know about this yet. Are you okay with keeping this between us?” Suga suddenly remembers telling his friends about the whole bet during lunch; the only thing he can do now is pray and hope that they somehow forget about it.
“Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
As if God was watching over him, Asahi and Daichi quite literally forgot about the whole bet, but only remembered the part where Suga said that he confessed his feelings to you. When asked about it, he didn’t provide an answer and simply requested for them to keep it a secret.
He made it unintentionally sound like you rejected him, which, in Suga’s favour, made them assume you didn’t like him, which was surprising to them.
His phone buzzed, revealing a text from you.
Hi~! How’s the camp going?
He smiles to himself before responding.
We lost our match today :( Turns out Hinata and Kageyama had to take make up exams and they came late
Who drove them all the way to Tokyo?? ಠ_ಠ
Tanaka’s sister did. She’s a lifesaver.
Tell me if anyone is hitting on Kiyoko. I’ll kick their ass.
What if you get fired for that?
Technically it won’t be during my work hours, my reputation just might be ruined. I don’t mind.
You say all these things but never go through with them ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Because I’m not an idiot! I will probably kick someone’s ass if they tried to hit on Kiyoko though. Is Hitoka okay? Not… overwhelmed by the amount of boys?
( ̄▽ ̄) She’s okay. I’ll let her know you checked in.
“Who are you texting?” Bokuto peeks over Suga’s shoulder, Hinata going on his tip toes to look as well. “L/N. She was just checking in.” Realization dawns upon the Fukurodani player. “Ah, L/N! She was a line judge at one of my games! I wonder if she still remembers me.” Suga’s phone buzzes again, another message from you.
Have fun, okay? Don’t get too worked up, you’ll be forced to be friends with your opponents. Stay safe, take care \(^ω^)/<3
Suga tries to hide the giddiness that grows in him after he read your message.
Thank you~ Sleep well ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
“Suga, who are you texting? You’ve been smiling like an idiot this whole time.” Daichi sits down in front of him, beginning to eat. The giddiness has failed to hide and reached his face. “Um… no one in particular.” He lies, putting his phone back in his pocket. At this point Bokuto’s been messing around the cafeteria, being reprimanded by one of his managers.
“Don’t worry about it. My friend is just checking in.” The word ‘friend’ soon has him wondering what terms you two are on now. You two were still friends, but it was certainly something more than that. You were both going out, but was there a label he could put on it that made sense?
Every single day after training, he’d open his phone and check for a text from you. If there wasn’t any, he’d text you first. His team members had caught onto his behaviour, sometimes watching from outside the room for a bit before entering.
Asahi saw Nishinoya lurking outside their team room, staring through the window. “Noya, what are you doing?” He asks, a bit bothered. “Suga’s giggling at his phone right now. I think it’s kinda funny, so I’m watching from here.” Confusion is plastered on the ace’s face. “Why don’t you just go inside?”
“Because if I do, he’ll try to hold in his laughs and hide his face and it won’t be as funny!” Asahi sighs in disbelief that his friend would do something as ridiculous as this, but ends up watching with him, understanding why it was so interesting. Sometimes he’d burst out laughing or he just ends up giggling like a schoolgirl, all while staring at his phone.
Kiyoko stood at the other window with not as good of an angle of the inside, taking a dinky little picture of Suga smiling at his phone and sending it to you.
Look at what you’re doing to your little boyfriend.
The photo makes you equally giggle behind your own screen.
Is he really that excited to talk to me?
I think he’s been deprived of you for a bit. You should come here.
I’d get kicked out! And there is no way I’m getting my mom to drive me all the way to Tokyo to a camp that doesn’t allow visitors.
You’re gonna miss out on barbecue on the last day then.
Tempting, but no
Kiyoko are you just persuading me because you miss me~
I don’t. Your boyfriend does though
How is he?
Don’t you have his number? Ask him yourself
Woww so rude
^ - ^
He’ll make it without me, I’m sure. I’ve just been checking in
Yeah and he falls even more whenever he sees a text from you
Shouldn’t you be doing manager things right now? Get back to work (c" ತ,_ತ)
He’s getting all pouty now because you haven’t been responding
You ignore Kiyoko, opening Suga’s contact instead.
The show of your boyfriend’s fits of giggles continued, this time with a bigger audience watching from the outside windows.
To say Suga missed you was a bit of an understatement. He practically needed to see you. The urge to hug you and spin you around in front of his team, look at you but decided to keep it on the low as you preferred, leaving his team at Sakanoshita when they decided to grab a quick snack from their coach.
He personally walked all the way to your house, standing outside your gate rather than ringing on the doorbell, pulling out his phone.
Y/N~ Are you awake yet?
Of course I am, it’s 4 in the afternoon…
You tend to take naps around this time though..(_ _).。o○
How was the bus ride? Are you home yet?
I’m outside
Outside? What do you mean?
Is it okay if I stay for a bit?
Almost immediately, the front door opens, the biggest smiles plastered on both of your faces. You don’t bother changing out of your slippers, running out the door, opening the gate and hugging him for the first time in what felt like ages.
“I missed you.” He says, the tension between the two of you growing. “I missed you too. You and your stupid grey hair and stupid face.” You pinch his cheek like a mom would, him wincing with a laugh. “Kiyoko sent a photo of you texting me.” His face drops, worried about what it was. “She said you were giggling and pouting at your phone. Do I really make you that excited?”
“Well, yeah, you’re my… girlfriend. I think. I don’t really know what terms we’re on.” You burst into laughter at his confusion. “I thought we already figured that out! I’ve been calling you my boyfriend all this time.” The formality echoes in Suga’s head. Boyfriend. He was your boyfriend. And you were his girlfriend.
“You never really said it in person… and you never mentioned it over text.” He defends, following you into your house. “Because you didn’t ask. But I guess I should’ve been more transparent about it.” You shrug, taking the blame. “I should’ve gotten you something from Sakanoshita… I was with the team for a bit but just decided to come here.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. My mom’s gonna ask you to stay for dinner anyways.”
Keeping your relationship a secret was a bit challenging, yet every time you almost got caught, you played it off and it made you realize how naïve men really are.
You’ve managed to keep it hidden all the way up to the Shiratorizawa match, which impressed you, given how many times you nearly gave in to the urge of PDA.
When both schools began to warm up, Hinata and Kageyama’s quick sending gasps across the gym. Suga’s hands are clasped together, his teammates surrounding him as you watch the setter try to warm them up in a panic. You abandon the scoresheet desk, since you weren’t doing much other than small talk with the referee.
“Suga.” He sees you walking over to him, embarrassed but also confused. “Y/N, what are you–“ Your hands clasp over his for a moment, guiding both of them to his cheeks, which, as expected, are warm. Your hands still rest on top of his, pulling his face in for a quick peck on his forehead. “Good luck. You got this.” You let go, Suga’s face bright red and looking like a kettle about to boil over.
The rest of his teammates wail in surprise, surrounding him and asking an abundance of questions.
“What the hell was that?!”
“You two are dating!?”
“When were you going to tell us?”
Kiyoko’s mouth hangs slightly open at your bold move, following you as you move from their bench to the scoresheet desk. The down ref eyes you and #2 on Karasuno. “You aren’t going to shift the game because you two are going out, aren’t you?” The assumption has you rolling your eyes. “I’m not stupid, I’d get fired. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” You reassure, the ref shrugging.
You leave the gym after holding in your tears for what felt like forever, eyes meeting with Suga’s first thing. You immediately burst into tears, head buried into his shoulder. “Oi, if you don’t stop, I’ll start crying again.” He laughs, making you pull away and wipe your face. “I’m sorry, I’m just… I’m so proud of you and your team. That spike was amazing.” His thumb strokes your cheek, pulling you in for another hug.
“As much as we are all astounded you two are finally going out… does Y/N need a ride?” Ukai interrupts, you responding with a nod.
The entire walk to the bus, you take pride in being able to hold your boyfriend’s hand without worrying about everything like you used to. The sight was certainly something the team would have to get used to, but it wasn’t horrible. Mostly.
They had a field day after Tanaka yelled out that you two were kissing in a bus full of tired teenage boys.
beautiful stranger, catching my stare. it’s fate we collided right then, back there. 🎧
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🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager🦊
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Inarizaki x Female Manager
Warnings: unwanted touching (but reader kicks butt 💅) this is the only one of the series with any warnings
AN: this is the 4th installment of the Team Manager series 🙌🏻 Next week, Fukurodani 🦉
Queue Season 4's Seijoh
Yep I'm saying it
Atsumu is season 4's Oikawa
With worse hair
But we still love him none the less 🥰
Much like Seijoh, Inarizaki didn't have a manager dude to Atsumu and Osamu reasons...
Poor Kita and Aran are just tired
So tired
Queue Miss YN 🙌🏻
Later dubbed the savior of Inarizaki by Suna
Let's get into how you got caught up in this
You transferred to Inarizaki your second year (your parents moved, idk how you ended up here)
You somehow ended up in class with Ginjima
Instantly, he took a liking to you
I mean, girl you're gorgeous 💅🥺
And 👀👀👀
You were completely unbothered by the Miya Twins
Heck you didn't even know who they were!
Girls would talk and giggle about how cute they were while you sat there watching Tik Toks
Literally RAN 🏃‍♂️ to Kita
Kita was very skeptical
They had been through this before
However upon his first meeting with you, his mind was instantly changed
You had been walking through the hallway, the boys volleyball team all gathered around for some reason
Atsumu and Osamu got in a fight
Shocking 😬
Some unknown reason, not important
You are walking down the hallway, when the boys fall in front of your fighting on the ground
You simply look that them and scuff
"🙄😒 grow up"
You step over them, not walk around, YN STEPS OVER THEM
Suna and Ginjima bust out laughing
Akagi, Omimi, and Aran just stare at you
Kita thinks they just found their new team manager
Ginjima escorts you to the gym after class for your managerial trial
Boy are you in for it
Atsumu puts you through the ringer!
Mans teases you and says off the wall comments all practice
Literally will not lay off!
Refuses to take a water bottle from you, purposely makes you run after the ball, doesn't hold the door open for you
Literally he's being a petty bby
Kita is MAD 😠
Aran is trying to save what little chances they have of finally having a manager
Osamu is actually nice to you and simply tells you to ignore his brother
You could really care less
The unbothered energy you display YN 💅
You continue about your tasks, a certain someone not making it easy on you
That is, until you praise everyone but Atsumu
Omimi blocks a spike 👉🏻 praise 🥰
Kita digs a ball 👉🏻 you jump up and down
Akagi keeps a ball in play after a hard spike 👉🏻 you scream his name
Riseki hits any spike 👉🏻 the whole school could hear your shouts of encouragement
Atsumu sends a perfect set leading to an amazing spike 👉🏻 🦗🦗🦗 😶😶
Suna has the whole thing record, you can go back and watch it
This goes on for several practices
Atsumu is getting needy
Mans feeds off praise and YN is the keeper of all the praise
Finally, after an almost flawless practice match, Atsumu blows
"What the heck YN? That toss was perfection! Are ya blind?"
You simply stare at him 😐
Then walk away
Oof YN 😬
Osamu and Suna can not 🤚🏻
Someone rejected Atsumu, quick someone get a camera
Just kidding Suna's on it
The next practice, Atsumu messed up almost all of his sets
This never happens
Panic ensues
You simply roll you eyes 🙄
Walking up to Atsumu, you pat his head and walk away
Instantly the mans perks up
Bad sets? What bad sets? We don't know them 💅
From then on, Atsumu and you developed a sort of truce
Not full fledged besties but a tolerable friendship
Finally the day of the big practice match between Inarizaki and another local team arrives
The team doesn't have a manager so coach asks of you'll help them
Of course you oblidge, helping out where you can
You took your job seriously 😤
You filled water bottles, took notes and helped set up
The other boys 😗
I mean, you were very attractive and very capable
Suddenly more balls would roll in your direction, water bottles emptied faster, they needed help with tosses
Of course you helped, you were sweet and kind to the visiting team 🥰
Inarizaki however 👀
Kita tried to keep you away from the team by having you help run errands
It didn't last
The captain of the rival team seemed to need your attention more
Akagi and Riseki bounded over to you in the sweetest way, grabbing your attention anyway they could
Atsumu, Suna, Ginjima and Osamu just glared
Literally 😑😑😑😑
The entire warm up 🤦‍♀️
Of course, you were unbothered
The boys were protective of you but you could handle yourself just fine
Miss Manager is a force
So when the teams captain "accidently" touched your behind while you were filling water bottles
You raged and screamed
The boys 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
Kita and the whole gang pull up
There you stand, beating the captain over the head with a full water bottle
Aran and Omimi run to contain you
It took both of them to hold you back 🤚🏻
Atsumu and Osamu are angry boys
They are ready to attack
Kita stops them
The other teams captain is curled up and crying in the corner already
"Serves you right you pervert" you scream
Kita is so proud 🥺
The boys help you back to the gym
They gush over you for the rest of the practice match
All spikes are aimed at the captain
The boys win all the practice matches
After the games, they all treat you to a snack and walk you home
Even through they drive you insane, you adore you fox bbys 😘
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primofate · 4 years ago
Genshin [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] What it’s like to be their manager Headcanons
Note: I think a lot of people misunderstand the role of the manager XD It’s not that the whole team is dating you. It’s that the whole team treats you like their family/sister. So you’d better bet that all of them are gunna be hella protective of you XD
Scenario: What do you do for the team and what do they do for you? :D
Warnings: not proofread, fluffy, might have some swear words, platonic relationships
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Tohma, reader as the team manager
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Genshin Volleyball Team manager
It’s just fuckin’ chaos
On your first day you’re already bombarded with questions by Tartaglia and Kaeya
“So which class are you?” “What’s your height?” “Are you single?”
Captain Zhongli just cannot be bothered to reign them in anymore.
So Vice Captain Diluc does it and grabs their collars. “You idiots, you’re scaring her off!”
Possibly Kazuha and Tohma are the ones you really try to rely on, on your first few weeks.
So how do you gain the trust of your team? Let’s start with each player shall we?
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Zhongli is just handsome and mature. He’s strict and needs to be the pillar of the team. 
You’re intimidated by him the first few weeks and he just seems...a little far. He’s always so focused that you can’t seem to catch a moment to just chat with him.
There’s a day where you notice that his form is a little off, you suspect that he hurt his wrist a little. 
You fidget uncomfortably in the gym as they practice, but finally turn to the coach “U-Umm... The captain is... I mean! I’m not sure, but... I think he needs to take a rest,”
The coach calls for someone to substitute Zhongli and suddenly asks you to check on him.
“Huh?! Me?!” the coach pushes you towards him, and Zhongli is just looking at you quizzically, you can practically see the question mark on his face.
“C-Captain, d-do you need some bandages on your wrist?”
Zhongli is taken aback, but silently puts his right wrist out for you to wrap.
Only when you’re done tending to it does he look you in the eye and ask.
“How did you know?”
“...Because I always watch, and all I can do is watch. If I can’t even spot that out then I’m not a very good manager am I?”
Zhongli has a newfound respect for you. He thought you were just a meek and shy thing sitting around and passing them balls but he feels his heart swell that someone like you is seriously watching over them.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Diluc is probably the second hardest to get along with or break the ice with.
But he gradually warms up to you when he notices that he’s always the first one you pass a towel and water bottle to.
You’re not doing that on purpose, it’s just him who always comes up first.
After a few days he deliberately goes to you faster cause he always wants to be the one to receive a water bottle and towel from you first. Secretly a puppy.
The moment he realized that you were reliable was when you stayed behind to help him practice when everyone else went home already. 
You didn’t let up in your constant praise of “nice receive”, “great spike!” and “that’s so cool!” 
He thinks he saw stars in your eyes at some point.
“Hey, Diluc, it’s getting late, let’s leave some energy for tomorrow, yeah?” he could tell from your mannerisms that you were tired too, but you tried not to let it show on your face and still cleaned up with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then!” you wave but you’re stopped by a quick. “No,” from him. You tilt your head in wonder and he just looks at you as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“It’s late, I’ll walk you home,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
You don’t have to impress this guy, anyone of the female gender impresses him.
lol jk
safe to say it’s not difficult to befriend Kaeya, just bring him a cheering squad and some food.
all jokes aside the way to this guy’s heart is through his stomach.
He’s not a particularly hungry person but there’s this one time he forgot to bring lunch. He was running late, or something of that sort, honestly not something new for him.
He ALSO didn’t bring money so he couldn’t eat food from the cafeteria.
Ask his friends for money you say? Tartaglia would go, “Haha no way!” Albedo would go, “Let this be a lesson for you,” his brother would go “Serves you right,”
By club time he’s famished and dramatic. “Guys, go on without me, this is as far as I go,” as he sprawls on the gym floor.
You ask if he’s okay and he doesn’t answer so Diluc is the one that answers for him. “He forgot his lunch, as always,”
You make a sound of understanding and the next thing you know you’re taking out a lunch box and Kaeya has lifted his head up, sensing food.
“I packed onigiri for everyone today, actually... In case someone was hungry. It’s not much but--”
Kaeya comes alive from the dead and clutches your hands to his chest. “Manager you really are an angel,”
Diluc jump kicks him away from you.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
You also don’t know how to approach this guy
He always looks mad or stoic or something. Like he’s always thinking about something.
He low key actually is always thinking about play strategies and how to set the ball better for his teammates.
You really do think he works so hard while the game is going on, so you decide to help him out a little bit.
You watch a few more of their games and somehow come up with a list of what kinds of sets are better for each different spiker in the team.
There’s surprise in his eyes when you pass the document to him and modestly exclaim “...but, it might not be accurate, since I’m not that experienced,”
He still nods and says “...It’s the thought that counts,” 
When he does read your report and try the techniques out he notices that it does hold some merit in it
Is amazed like how Zhongli is amazed. He thought you were just there to hand them bottles and cheer for them but he had never been so wrong as to what a manager’s role is.
Will trust you enough to ask you about his set performance.  
Will sometimes slam Kaeya with an insult. “Kaeya, your spike sense is horrid, Y/N can read the moves better than you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
It’s not that he has a hard time trusting people but let’s just say he has the tendency to make you feel like he likes you but then he actually does that to everyone.
For example: He’ll throw compliments like “Oh that’s amazing Y/N!” but then back in the classroom you’ll hear him say “Oh that’s amazing!” to, like, every other person. 
That kinda disappoints you cause then the comment doesn’t really hold that much meaning to it if he keeps on saying it to others too.
He encounters a crisis mid year because this guy is just... he struggles with his grades. 
Captain Zhongli has told him he can’t play volleyball if he fails even one subject.
This boy is panicking and has semi-accepted this is the end of his volleyball career.
So you offer to study with him and he’s legit stoked.
Intensive and strict study sessions commence. Note taking, pop quizzes, surprise questions and even sudden random calls from you wherein you ask him a question and he has to answer within 5 seconds.
You’ve pulled all the study techniques you know here, this man better pass everything.
Welp, he still fails History....but since he worked so hard Captain Zhongli excuses it.
He’s so happy that he can’t hold back the stupidly wide smile on his face. He turns to you and for the very very first time in months, he bows and THANKS you.
You realize that he’s never thanked you before. Not even when you pass him water bottles or towels. 
You consider it a win, getting rare and sincere appreciation from him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
One of the easiest to get along with but at the same time, he’s so mature that you feel like you’re not even in the same age range as him.
Definitely someone you can count on though, so you ask him many questions on the first week.
Still, it’s one of those things where you can kind of talk to him but there’s still a wall between you two.
One day while walking around in school there were these boys who were commenting about his height, and questioning his abilities as a volleyball team member.
You didn’t really think much about it when you speak up, “But he’s a really good middle blocker and spiker,” 
Those boys look at you weirdly and you realize that you’ve unconsciously spoken up. So you hurriedly walk away.
Little did you know that Kazuha was in some secret corner and heard the whole thing.
Just like that, the next day, it seems as if the wall between you two was gone, and you’re able to talk freely.
That, and he seemed to like asking you to help him practice his spikes and throw balls for him now.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
is deceivingly easy to get along with. Just has a rough exterior but is actually a softie if you squint.
You know this because there are subtle things he does. 
He doesn’t speak to you much but then he would be the one picking up the balls with you, or sometimes there’s magically a new set of clean towels on the bench that you don’t remember taking out from the storage room.
This guy is passionate for the game, so he really beats himself up when he isn’t able to receive a ball during actual games.
You worry about his mentality sometimes. I mean, it’s a team game, it’s not like he alone can save the whole game
So you talk to him about it the other day
“You’re already a really good libero Xiao, I mean... I’m not saying you should stop practicing but you don’t have to feel so bad...” you pause because this doesn’t feel like the message you want to convey
“Sorry, what I mean is... You CAN feel bad, but share the burden with your team, you know?”
He knows what you’re saying and contemplates it for a while. He knows that his team has his back, but sometimes just needs reminder about it.
He looks at you and asks, “...Can I share the burden with you too?”
You blink “Huh?”
“You said I can share the burden with my team, but can I share it with you too?”
There is a blush on his cheeks at this point.
“Oh, yea! Of course! I don’t play but I’m still part of the team you know!”
Ever since then, during games, if he feels a little frustrated he’d glance at you on the bench and you’d give him a thumbs up for a job well done.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
You’re like bffs the moment you see each other
lol jk
You’re still awkward with him the first few days cause that’s just how first meetings are.
But he is very easy to talk to and always makes you feel at ease
Will always be the one to ask how you are if you need any help or if class was okay in general
Seems like the type of person to care more about others than himself
So he’s surprised when you come into the gym and you beat him to asking his usual questions.
“Tohma, how are you today? Did you have a proper lunch?”
“Tohma, are you getting tired? Want some water?”
“Tohma, how was class today?”
All the other members of the team turn to look at the two of you, thinking ‘Why does Tohma get extra attention?’ 
Tohma certainly doesn’t get extra attention you just TALK to him more. The other members deadass are also getting cared for by you, just in different ways.
This boy has some insecurities though, when it comes to playing the game. He hasn’t been in it for long so he’s the least experienced and that gets to him sometimes.
“Oh, really? But you play really well! I couldn’t tell that you’re new” 
His serves are really amazing though.
“Also! You always score points for us with the serves. Sometimes, your serves are my favourite part of the game!”
Has practiced extra hard so as not to let you down.
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sunfish-studies · 3 years ago
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall. This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing.
Previous:  ‹ Cogs › | Next:  ‹ Let The Games Begin! ›
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Last day of training calls for celebration for everyone’s hard work, so it’s barbeque time!
“All right, meat!”
“I’m starving!”
While the boys freshened up after practice matches, the managers were already on the move to prepare for the barbeque. Since there were quite a lot of people, the coaches decided to held it on the backyard of the gym, where the sharp hill stood just beside it. The coaches helped setting up the grills while the managers divided to cater different things.
Yachi decided she would get the utensils they needed; paper plates, chopsticks, paper cups, trays for rice balls, and other things. Shimizu would cover for the rice ball making, Yukie and Eri were in charge on cutting the vegetables in bite-size, Kaori and Mako would clean the vegetables before it was cut.
Meanwhile, you’re in charge of preparing the condiments and sauces, unwrapping the meat cuts, and arranged them on a bigger plate. Aside from that you had to make sure the meats searing on the grills weren’t charred.
“[Name]-chan, please replace me for cutting the onions,” Eri sobbed, reaching out to you with grabby hands.
“Alright, senpai,” you giggled in reply because Eri was clearly needing a break and watching the meats seared was a great break for her. Quickly, you stood on her place and started slicing the tear-induced-menaces after washing your hands.
It didn’t take long for you to suffer the same fate as the Ubugawa’s manager–the first seven slices went through without a hitch, but when you reached the tenth your eyes started to sting and blurry from the pain. Then tears began trailing down your cheeks, and you wiped it you’re your shirt sleeve.
“D-Don’t cry, [Name]-san!!” you looked up, seeing Hinata with his place face quivering on his feet. “W-what should I do!?”
“It’s fine, Shoyo-kun, it’s just the onions,” you sniffled pointed towards the bowl full of it. “It hurts my eyes.”
“I can take your place, Otohaku-chan!” Lev popped up beside Hinata.
“Instead of cutting the onions, you’ll chop your fingers off,” Yaku deadpanned before offering. “Here, let me do it.”
“No, it’s alright, Yaku-san,” you shook your head. “It’s time for you to have a break, not working.”
Being persistent sometimes has it’s perks, it took numbers of rejection to finally have Yaku gave up. You knew he was just trying to help, but you didn’t want to rob his time relaxing. When all the preparations were done, the boys were already surrounding the grills with hungry faces. Coach Nekomata gave them a light speech along with praises for their hard work over the week, and they dived to grab on the meat straight from the grill.
Just like Kaori, you brought a plate of rice balls to offer and managed to witnessed Yukie’s enormous appetite. She practically inhaled four rice balls in one go and you’re not the only who was dumbfounded from it.
Konoha and Komi almost had their souls went to heaven from the frightening circle Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Taketora made. Well, they did elbow each other to encourage one another getting close or at least having a talk with Shimizu. The girl walked pass them holding a paper plate with food–looking extremely gorgeous and she didn’t even try.
“That was scary,” Konoha muttered underneath his breath. The three finally stopped because of Karasuno and Nekoma’s captain scolded them–the three immediately shrunk.
“They really had their guard up, huh,” Komi added, feeling his energy drained from such a scary encounter.
“Uhm, excuse me,” the two turned to look over their shoulder and that’s when they noticed–Karasuno’s other first year manager who’s Bokuto constantly talking about. The owl captain wouldn’t shut up about her much to their annoyance and now they knew why.
“Would you like some rice ball?”
“Sure,” Konoha replied dumbly.
“I’ll take two,” Komi followed with a daze. You placed one on Konoha’s empty paper plate and two for Komi upon his request. Smiling at them, you proceeded to excuse yourself so you could offer to someone else.
Following your figure dazedly, they noticed how the light shone even brighter and basked you in a beautiful glow. That’s when they thought of a conclusion.
A goddess just graces us mere mortals! They screamed in their head.
You tried to calm Yachi down from her traumatizing experience being surrounded by absurdly tall boys (“Titans, [Name]-chan! Titans!”). Thankfully, all of them were nice enough to made room so your friend could reach for some meat. Yachi almost cried in happiness from the real taste of meat.
From the sidelines, Shimizu and the other managers were watching the two of you while talking about the boys sometimes.
“How much are you going to eat?” Kaori questioned because Yukie was having a ridiculous amount of food towering on her plate and she just kept munching away without care.
“The third-years in Karasuno all seems pretty mature,” Mako commented.
“Our ace is weak-willed, though,” Shimizu smiled sheepishly.
“What? Really?” Eri replied in surprise. “Even though he looks that scary?”
“Though, I think that’s still better than our simpleton ace,” Kaori commented. “Still,”
Their eyes were directed towards where the said simpleton ace was standing and placing meat until it towered on your empty plate.
“Eat more, [Name]-chan! Or you won’t get even taller!” he stated.
“And eat more vegetables!” Kuroo added, placing cabbages and carrots to your plate, adding even more food.
“Have some rice balls, too.” Somehow, even Akaashi participated in this whole fiasco and put a rice ball onto your plate. Now, there’s a ridiculous amount of food on your plate.
“…I can’t eat this much,” you commented, staring at the food filling your plate.
“Nonsense, I don’t see you eat anything even when the others are,” Akaashi stated. “You’re too busy handling other things nonstop.”
“Have a break will you,” Kuroo patted your back. “Everyone’s having fun and you should too.”
“Have more meat, [Name]-san!” Hinata said.
“You can have my share, Otohaku-chan!” Lev followed and you immediately shook your head.
“At least he and Akaashi took care of our baby manager well,” Kaori sighed in relief.
“[Name]-chan is close with Fukurodani’s captain and setter, huh? Even Nekoma’s captain,” Mako giggled. “She’s drawing everyone in.”
“Well, it’s rare for a first-year to be as tall as her,” Eri grinned. “The boys are especially poles so it’s probably great not to strain their neck once in a while from looking down.”
“Karasuno’s pretty lucky to have her, huh?” Yukie said after swallowing her food.
“Yeah, we are,” Shimizu smiled.
“Did you have fun?” Sawamura asked you when you’re helping other managers to clean up the remaining plates left behind on the table along with other scraps littering around. He picked up a few paper cups and placed it into the trash bin.
“Definitely,” you answered without hesitation. “Everyone’s so nice, it’s probably the most fun I’ve had.”
“Thank goodness, then,” he gave you a smile.
“I’m really glad I joined the volleyball club,” you commented, grinning.
“And we glad to have you here,” the captain chuckled and replied.
Everything was over by the time the sun started to sink into the horizon–time truly flew by when you enjoyed it. Since Miyagi was quite a distance from Saitama, they needed to depart first or they would be back extremely late at night. Yukie and Eri were fake-crying and joking about refusing to let you go–in the end, you’re all exchanging numbers so you could keep in touch.
“Did you have fun, Otohaku-san?”
“Coincidentally, you asked the same question as my captain, Akaashi-san.” The Fukurodani setter, like before, helping you on carrying the extra luggage in hand although you did tell him it’s only until you reached the stairs. “And to answer, I am. These one week of training camp is fun. Somehow, I don’t want this to be over.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll meet again,” Akaashi replied. “At the Spring Interhigh.”
“I’m sure we will, Akaashi-san.” you smiled. “And thank you for helping me with luggage.”
“[Name]-chan!!” Bokuto bounded over with a grin plastered on his face. “We’ll be waiting at the nationals!”
“Karasuno, Bokuto-san. Otohaku-san doesn’t play volleyball.” Akaashi deadpanned.
“Just agree with me once, Akaashi!”
“Well, whatever he said,” Kuroo piped up, approaching the three of you. “Made sure your team go to the nationals so we could meet again and make the battle came true.”
“I’ll do my best, Kuroo-san.” Then Kuroo reached out to ruffle your hair, it’s been a while since he did that and you weren’t even going to lie about enjoying it. The cat captain was similar to an older brother now.
“Off you go then, [Name],” he removed his hand from your head. “And don’t miss me.”
“How could I when I have your phone number, Kuroo-san?” you snickered. “You’re probably going to bombard me with chemistry puns at 10pm.”
“Then, I’m gonna call you every day so you won’t have to deal with Kuroo!” Bokuto declared before laughing victoriously.
“Please block his number immediately, Otohaku-san,” Akaashi stated. “Or you won’t be getting any sleep. His talking is endless.”
“Why, Akaashi!?” the said boy whined.
“Aside from that, be careful on your way home,” Akaashi decided to ignore the captain and gave you a small smile.
You returned his smile. “Will do, Akaashi-san.”
With that, the whole week of summer training camps has come to an end. The whole team watched you guys drove away into the other way back to Miyagi.
“You have a match tomorrow, don’t you?” former Coach Ukai questioned, brows creased from the insistence of your combi. “That’s probably enough, then!”
“One more! Just one more!” Hinata pleaded.
“We’ll finish after this one!” Kageyama added.
Two days of practicing to prepare for the preliminaries, just a day before the match Sawamura dismissed them early to get some rest. Since it would be impossible to use the gym unless getting an earful from him, Kageyama and Hinata needed to look for another place. Former Coach Ukai lent them the court only for a bit, just until the others who wants to practice comes.
And you were there to hold a leash if they’re being stubborn or something.
“This is the last, alright?” you scolded the two. “We shouldn’t bother the others who wants to practice here. And you should rest before the match.”
Thankfully the older man letting them had the court just one more time and you couldn’t help but feeling grateful of it. You sighed before turning to face former Coach Ukai and bowed down. “On their behalf, I apologize.”
“It’s fine.” Former Coach Ukai dismissed it. “Their eagerness is a great thing, but even eagerness isn’t going to magically give them energy. It would be bad if they burnt out even before the game started.”
“[Name]-san! Can you throw us the ball?” Hinata called out.
In the end, the two managed to successfully killed the quick–and sure enough, it also impressed former Coach Ukai which added more reassurance that your team would be more than okay to face the entire preliminaries and became champions.
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beccascribbles · 4 years ago
can you please do an omegaverse fic with inarizaki having an omega manager that goes into heat during a game and she tries to leave but some guys from another team stop her and harass her but the bois pull up and protect her <3
a/n - right, just a warning, i’m a big atsumu simp and this became abundantly clear to me when i was writing this... it’s less inarizaki and more miya twins (with the addition of kita). whoops
warnings - harassment (unwanted touching, sexual implications)
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In hindsight, leaving the house without packing heat suppressants, or at least being aware of your own condition, was reckless of you. It wasn't your fault you had woken up late and had to rush to ensure you looked presentable by the time the twins came by to collect you. Though you would have loved to make the twins late (considering it was their fault - they didn’t have to get you hooked on a new TV show and leave the call midway through the season finale), you weren’t so keen on having any of Kita’s disappointment directed towards you. Therefore, when the twins arrived, Atsumu with a wide smirk at your slightly dishevelled self, you settled on directing a swift punch to their stomachs as revenge.
“Ouch,” whined Atsumu, rubbing his stomach with a pout. “What was that for, stupid?”
“Obviously she’s pissed off that we let her stay up late,” Osamu grumbled, also rubbing his stomach, though, instead of a pout, his lips were tugged downwards in a frown. “Although I don’t see how her terrible sleep schedule is our problem.”
“Don’t get me hooked on a new show next time,” you muttered, looping an arm through Osamu’s and beginning to pull him down the road. In your other hand, you held a cool bag with some snacks for the team. The only reason you had grabbed Osamu with your free arm was to prevent him from peeking into the bag. If he had hands free to look, he had hands free to eat the food within. Atsumu was less likely to eat the food, though that didn’t stop him from unzipping the bag and peeking inside.
“Oh, tasty!” he exclaimed, zipping up the bag and making eye contact with Osamu, whose head had turned in his direction once the words left his mouth. He was clearly pleading with his twin to reveal what was in the bag. Atsumu simply stuck his tongue out. “Why don’t ya use your nose to figure it out? You always boast about having a better sense of smell than me anyway.”
“Because I do,” snapped back Osamu, quickly becoming irritated, muscles tensing as he prepared himself to leap towards his twin. Your arm tightened around his, and you shot him a look, eyes holding a warning. With care, you let your scent wind through the air around the three of you, the twin alphas calming at the subtle shift in the air.
Atsumu looped an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, the bag you were carrying bumping awkwardly against his legs in the process. This action almost caused your arm to slip from Osamu’s, but he quickly tightened his hold. Atsumu was not going to pull you away from him. Almost in sync, they both turned towards you, noses nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You let out a slightly frustrated sigh, but let them continue scenting you. After all, when they were able to do this, they were at their calmest, and you still had a long bus journey ahead of you where keeping arguments to a minimum was preferable.
When you began to approach the school gates, you pulled out of their grasp, walking ahead of them. You began to walk faster, shooting a look over your shoulder to see the pair of them watching you with confused expressions. It was when you finally broke into a sprint, hefting the bag holding the food at a weird angle, that they realised what you had in mind. Letting out a laugh, Atsumu took off after you; Osamu quickly followed. If you had managed to get a bigger head start, you might have won. However, on this occasion, both twins pulled ahead of you, darting around a bewildered Kita and launching forward to touch the bus with their fingers.
“I won!” they declared in unison, an argument breaking out between them that you tuned out in favour of focusing your attention on Kita. Aran had already walked over to the twins, grabbing them by the backs of their jackets and hauling them away. It was this sudden movement that jerked them from their argument.
“Hey,” you greeted, giving Kita a weary smile as he reached forward to take the food from you. Together, you walked towards the bus. Kita, having arrived ridiculously early, had already packed away everything that the team would need. The only thing not within the bus was most of the team, their individual athletic bags, and whatever you had brought with you. You climbed in, reaching up to place the bag on the overhang above you. Once you had finished, you turned to face Kita. “I think we’re going to win for sure. I did some research on this team and they’ve put forward a series of underwhelming performances in official games, as well as practice matches. They’re no match for Inarizaki, especially with our captain ready to step in if the second years on court get too excited or lazy.”
The latter comment was directed towards Suna, whose head poked up from behind a seat near the back of the bus. He raised his middle finger up in response before refocusing on the phone he was holding in his other hand. You yelled over at him, “Good morning to you too.”
“Whatever, y/n,” he sighed, looking up at you once again. “Just sit down somewhere, preferably a place where the two idiots can argue over who gets to sit next to you.”
You just rolled your eyes, taking the seat you were planning on claiming originally. Kita stood in the aisle, giving you a small smile. “I’m glad you’re confident we’re going to win, especially with all the practice everybody has been putting in.”
“I know,” you grinned. While continuing with the conversation, you motioned towards the seat beside you, indicating for Kita to take it. You’d rather sit next to Kita than have to deal with the twins for the journey anyway. “Everybody has been putting in so much more effort. I swear I’ve had to physically drag Atsumu out of the gym most days.”
“He just doesn’t listen,” sighed Kita, resting his head against the headrest. “I keep telling him practicing too much is bad for his health. He even got a fever because he was practicing too hard.”
“He’s stupid like that,” you shrugged, a yawn cutting through whatever you were about to say next.
“You better be talkin’ about Samu,” interrupted Atsumu, taking the seat in front of you and turning around to face you. Osamu collapsed into the seat beside him, flicking him in the forehead.
“She was obviously talking about you, dumbass,” he quipped.
Osamu turned to you for confirmation, only to see your head resting against the captain’s shoulder. He questioned, “y/n?”
“Of course she’s asleep,” laughed Atsumu, nudging Osamu with his shoulder, previous comment forgotten in favour of teasing you. “She can’t take the late nights.”
“Keep it down,” Kita said, adjusting your head so that it was rested against him more comfortably. In response, you moved closer to him, an arm sliding around his waist to hug him as you mumbled something incoherent in your sleep. A furious blush spread along his cheeks, and he ducked his head to hide from the twins. Luckily, their attention was fixed elsewhere, on a video Suna had sent to Osamu, too lazy to get up to walk down the coach to show him. Kita let out a sigh, dropping his head to rest atop of yours. He chided, not that you could hear him in your slumber, “You should really try to sleep earlier.”
It was fortunate for you that you slept for most of the journey. You missed Osamu moaning about being hungry, and then proceeding to search up pictures of food to drool over. Consequently, you also missed Atsumu hitting his twin and being scolded by Kita, something that always made you laugh. However, Suna had got up to draw on your face, which would have been an unfortunate consequence. Luckily, it was only to shuffle back to his seat sheepishly, the sight of Kita beside you a deterrent.
“You had to fall asleep on Kita,” grumbled Suna, walking along beside you as you entered the gymnasium. You trailed behind the rest of the team, your footsteps unusually sluggish. You blamed it on your late night. “Why couldn’t you have fallen asleep on Atsumu? He would’ve let me draw on your face.”
“Yeah, well, I’m glad you didn’t,” you responded, transferring the food bag to your other hand. The weight, though it wasn’t abnormally heavy, was beginning to make your arm ache. In fact, your whole body ached. Eyebrows furrowed, you continued switching the bag from hand to hand. It made no difference. You still ached.
“You look constipated,” observed Suna, though he took the food from your grip. You gave him a thankful smile, which he waved off. “I’m not being nice. I just don’t like walking beside someone with such a stupid expression on their face.”
“I didn’t ask you to walk beside me,” you snapped, crossing your arms over your chest. They still ached, even without the bag. All you wanted to do was collapse on the bench at the sidelines.
“It’s not my fault you decided to walk so slowly today,” replied Suna, glancing over at you briefly. Something about you was off, though he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It was probably a consequence of your late night, but even when you had stayed up late before, you were never this sluggish. Usually, you walked at the front beside Kita, or with the coaches. It was rare for you to be at the back unless you wanted to annoy him, which evidently was not the case this time. “I didn’t voluntarily choose to accompany you.”
“Leave me then,” you snapped, eyes narrowing in a glare, your scent suddenly spiking. He let out a grumble, releasing some of his pheromones in the air to soothe you. Suna hated being on omega duty, one of the reasons why he was glad you usually opted to walk at the front.
“You know I can’t just leave you,” he sighed, placing a hand on the small of your back to urge you forward. “The sooner we get to the gym, the sooner you can leave me and sit on the bench.”
That caused you to perk up somewhat, which also had the effect of pulling your scent back to its’ ordinary level. Your scent may have regulated, but the ache in your body persisted, each movement making you fight back a wince. It was with gritted teeth that you sat on the bench, and pulled your clipboard towards you. Suna gave you one last assessing look before beginning to warm up.
Your gaze was unfocused as you stared down at the words you had written on the page. They swam in front of your gaze, coming apart and then joining again in dizzying confusion. As you stared, you found your mind wandering, nose twitching as you found yourself seeking out any scent that felt comforting, felt familiar. Your head snapped up from the clipboard, falling on a pile of discarded jackets. From the pile, and wafting towards you in the air, was Atsumu’s rich scent that made you recall moments where you were held in his arms and shielded from the rain, Osamu’s that brought forward memories of laughing in the kitchen and collaborating on random food creations, and Kita’s that filled you with comfort, reminding you of his quite support.
Before you could process what you were doing, you were moving towards the pile, hand clutching the first jacket you found. You buried your nose into the material, breathing in Atsumu’s scent, a soft whine escaping your lips. Your own team, too engrossed in warming up, missed the sound. It did, however, attract the attention of the team on the other side of the net.
You were unaware of the sudden, and unwanted, attention, shrugging off your jacket and pulling on Atsumu’s. You turned your head into the collar, taking in a deep breath. Though the scent satisfied you emotionally, the joy at being wrapped in Atsumu’s scent, caused you to release your own pheromones, made you feel slightly dizzy. A sudden spiking heat rushed through you, and a quiet ‘shit’ slipped from your lips. Hurriedly, you began to head towards the exit, keeping your head ducked and trying desperately to stop sending pulse after pulse of pheromones into the gym. You figured that, once you were safely in the confines of the bus, you could send a message to one of the coaches, apologising for having to leave and explaining that your heat had suddenly started.
A large hand wrapped around your wrist, causing you to come to a jolting stop. The owner of the hand yanked you back into his chest and you let out a surprised squeak. His arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him as he let out a pleased hum. His nose ran along the scent gland at your neck, making you stiffen suddenly. Fear made you kick out, knocking against one of his teammates who was standing beside him.
“Get off me,” you panted, weakly thrashing in his grip, a sharp and bitter scent escaping from you. Across the gym, Atsumu and Osamu’s heads snapped in your direction. “Just want to leave. Need to leave.”
Twin growls ripped through the gym, sending shivers down the spines of many people in attendance, including the male currently holding you. All you could feel was relief. He looked over his shoulder, making eye contact with the furious twins. Their fury had caught the attention of the rest of Inarizaki, who all suddenly stood to attention.
“No need to be aggressive,” chuckled the male, though he made no move to release you. “I was just going to take care of this omega.”
“Like fuck ya are,” spat Atsumu, lunging forward and grabbing the male by the back of his shirt. His eyes were dark, expression twisted as another growl ripped from his throat.
“Get the fuck away from her,” growled Osamu, who had taken the distraction Atsumu provided to step in front of the male. The rest of his teammates had wisely backed off. One who had been about to pull Atsumu away had been stopped by Kita, his grip tight as he had pulled the man away by his shoulder. Despite the warning, the male’s arm remained around you. Despite Atsumu at his back and Osmau at his front, he had the nerve to push his nose against your scent gland and breathe you in deeply. A nervous whimper escaped your mouth, all Osamu and Atsumu needed for any last bit of restraint they had to evaporate. He muttered darkly, “I gave you a warning.”
Osamu’s hand curled around the male’s wrist, yanking it upwards harshly and twisting. His other arm went to catch you, pulling you away as Atsumu finally snapped. His arm wrapped around the male’s throat, his muscles prominent as he tightened his grip, crushing his windpipe. It was clear Osamu was frustrated too, eager to leap at the male. Yet, you were beside him, looking up at him with fear, and his first instinct was to protect you. He pulled his gaze away from the scene in front of him, scanning the gym until he finally found Kita. Kita was already walking towards you, anger prominent in the lines of his body. He took you from Osamu, letting you wrap your legs around his waist and snuggle your head into the crook of his neck as he held you. Kita left Osamu with a nod, giving permission the other man had not needed, but appreciated, to attack the male who had harassed you. He would let the coaches break it apart. Right now, you were his concern.
Kita walked from the gym, heading towards the bus. It was fortunate he was always prepared. Though he was certain you would be responsible enough to bring your own, he had packed heat suppressors in the buses emergency kit just in case. You let out a soft whine, hands curling into the material of his shirt.
“Atsumu… Osamu… Are they okay?” you questioned, needing to know. Kita let out a comforting purr, coupled with a release of soothing pheromones. The scent wafted around you, easing your racing heart, though it did little to cut through the haze of your heat.
“They’re fine,” he reassured, hand rubbing a soothing circle into your back before he placed you gently on a seat in the bus. You wrapped your arms around yourself, nose immediately pressing against the inside collar of the jacket, breathing in Atsumu’s scent deeply.
“Want the twins,” you whimpered. It was normal for you to want to be close to them. You had been with them since you were born, the three of you inseparable as soon as you were able to toddle. It was their scents that made up the majority of your nest, with the occasional addition of something Kita or Suna or another member of the team had scented.
Kita ignored your comment in favour of grabbing the heat suppressants from the bag. He turned towards you, grabbing a water bottle from where the spares were kept. Deciding it might be better for you, more peaceful and less painful, he also decided to include a sleeping pill. Kita handed them to you. “Have these. It’s heat suppressants and a sleeping pill.”
He watched as you took the medicine, carding his fingers through your hair affectionately. He gave your fingers a reassuring squeeze, “I’ll be back, along with the twins, when the match is finished.”
You nodded, barely registering his words as you let sleep overtake you.
When you woke up, strong arms were wrapped around you, holding you against a chest. You snuggled into the warmth, letting the distinct scent of Atsumu wash over you. Fingers stroked your hand softly, tracing its shape before sliding between your own. Your hand was lifted up, soft lips pressed against it before a face nuzzled into your palm. Sleepily, you looked up, blinking up at the twins. Even in your half-awake state, you could see the slight bruising that peppered their skin. Despite it being two-against-one, the male had landed a few solid hits before the coaches got involved.
“You’re awake,” cheered Atsumu, brushing a kiss to the top of your head as his fingers ran up and down your back, sliding beneath his jacket and your t-shirt to rest against your bare skin. Osamu gave a small cheer as well, a warm smile overtaking his features as he gazed down at you. That warm smile didn’t stop him from scolding you, something you were expecting from Kita and not him.
“And an idiot for not realising you were starting your heat,” he said, reaching over to give your hair an affection ruffle.
“We always know when our ruts are so you should know when your heats are,” chimed in Atsumu, ignoring the weak punch to his chest that you gave him with the hand not being held in Osamu’s.
“That’s because I always remind you,” you grumbled in response, though your anger was short-lived. The pheromones they were pumping out were so distracting any emotion but bliss was hard to feel, let alone hold onto.
“Considering how long you’ve known each other,” said Suna, deciding to add his two pence to the conversation, “I would’ve thought you two dumbasses would know what her pre-heat symptoms are.”
“You’re her friend too,” protested Atsumu, the only thing stopping him from engaging in a fall-blown argument was you in his lap. “Maybe you should have realised.”
“I did realise,” smirked Suna. In a quieter voice, he continued, “I just thought she was tired.”
“Can you all shut up?” snapped Aran, to which Kita was quick to agree, explaining that you would appreciate the peace and quiet.
That put a stop to any argument that could have broken out, both of the twins refocusing on you. Osamu resumed lazily playing with your fingers, while Atsumu nuzzled into your neck, rubbing his face against your scent gland. You let out a content sigh, finding comfort in their touch and the scents of the team wafting around you.
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la-fille-en-aiguilles · 4 years ago
Dog Tags
Billy Russo x Female!Reader
Request by @nebulastarr​ : Hey! Whenever requests open up again, could you do a Billy Russo x Reader where the reader liked Billy but doesn’t want to tell him because she thinks he won’t feel the same way
A/N: I was going to wait and get down to writing this once I was finished with my series... But this one has simply hit a little too close to home. I couldn’t stop thinking about it when I saw it and I ended up putting a lot of personal stuff in it so I’m sorry if it feels chaotic at times. Thank you for requesting, love, I hope it lives up to your expectations.    The Only Living Thing series will be back with its third part next week.  The song: Isak Danielson - Power
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All you heard was an excited scream, that raised above all of the New York’s past-6-pm commotion, as a slender tall body smashed into you, locking you in a bone-crushing hug. You laughed happily, albeit feeling a little bit uncomfortable in Karen’s strong hold. You knew it didn’t seem that way, but Karen packed a wicked punch in those elegant arms of hers. Those self-defense sessions with Frankie boy that she’s been gushing about over the phone must have been finally paying off.
“Once I am done hugging you, I am so kicking your ass,” she breathed out into your hair as she squeezed you harder, as if reading your thoughts. “You’ve been ghosting me for what, a month now?”
You sighed guiltily as Karen pushed you slightly away, keeping her hands on your shoulders. You watched her as she studied your face, a creeping smile stinging at the corners of her mouth.
Grabbing one of her elbows, you groaned dramatically, pulling her towards the busy road. With your hands locked, you finally admitted:
“I did suck at communicating these past couple of weeks. Work’s been…. hectic”, the lie tasted bitter on your tongue, but this was the best explanation you’ve been able to come up with so far. “Please don’t kill me”.
Trying to keep up with your power walk, Karen let a bubbling laughter leave her lips.
“You’re not the one who should be worried then,” she gave you one of those bright trademark smiles of hers. “Next time I’m going to interview Russo, I’ll…”
You stuttered at her tirade as you walked, and of course it didn’t go by unnoticed. Karen was the best journalist you have ever met during your prominent career. She just sensed that sort of thing.
“I’m getting this ‘I-meant-to-tell-you-Karen-but-I-didn’t-and-now-you’ll-need-to-fight-it-out-of-me’ vibe”, she gave you a scrutinising look. “Want to maybe share whatever it is you’ve been not telling me before I go full interrogation mode on your plump backside?”
You rolled your eyes as you led her to a terrace-ringed Upper East Side high-rise, waving to the doorman through the glass doors. Jackson, a thirty-five year old ex-military with three kids and a labrador, gave you a brilliant smile as he hurried to open them for you.
“Good evening, Mrs Y/L/N!” He bowed his head in a stiff, very army-like manner. “A package arrived this afternoon for you, should I bring it up?”
From the corner of your eye, you caught Karen looking around, confusion written all over her face. You had a lot to catch up on.
“Don’t worry about it, Jax, just give it to me,” you didn’t mean to urge him, but you couldn’t wait to change out of your corporate attire into some comfortable old pyjamas and crack open a bottle of whiskey - that’s right, some habits did die hard. And to think you were a bubbles-kind of girl a year ago when you met him.
You could feel Karen’s blue eyes drill a hole in the back of your head as you took a small, envelope-sized package from Jackson’s hands.
It wasn’t until you both stepped into the elevator that Karen cleared her throat.
“When you said you’d rather have a girls’ night in, I asked Frank to pick me up from Queens, not from…here,” she spoke, her eyes skimming expensive red wood and mirrors. “Did you finally sleep with Russo and moved in with him?”
Whatever it was that Karen expected you to say to that, it definitely didn’t include you spitting out a roaring laugh, as you nearly dropped the package on the floor.
“Quite the opposite, actually,” you informed her after you finally restored your breath. “I left Anvil. And, well, Russo. At the end of last month”.
A half-bottle of whiskey for you and a bottle of white wine for Karen later, both of you were sprawled out on the lambskins thrown over the hardwood floor in your living room. Jazz music was seeping out of the speakers by the TV, a couple of Diptyque candles emitting a soft yellow glow.
You stared at the ceiling of your new living quarters, your mind a blur. As you folded your hands on your stomach, you felt Karen twitch as she bent her elbow and leaned her blond head on the palm of her hand, facing you.
“So let me get this straight,” she paused, narrowing her eyes. “After becoming the Forbes’ hottest CSO, concluding what can easily be described as deals of the century - especially the one with Anthony Stark aka Iron Man and his magnificent goatee…”
Involuntary, you giggled at this. This talk brought out some very dear memories that you wouldn’t trade for the world - the way Billy’s dark eyes shimmered in the dim lights of the opera house as he gave you a look that said you did it, ever the perfect team… Or the way he threw his arms around your frame, his long fingers sliding down your back… You knew you looked good in that dress, but the moment Billy saw you wearing it… You felt like the only girl in the world, the way his jaw dropped a tad, his lips opening up in awe…
Oookay, Y/N, can’t go there, your mind screamed at you as you wiped that dreamy smile off your face. Sitting down, you took your whiskey glass, and washed those memories away with a gulp of amber liquid.
Meanwhile, Karen ranted on.
“…you just quit?!”
She jumped to her feet all of the sudden, brushing her blond hair away from her face as she watched you excitedly.
“Jesus Christ, did Billy make a move?! He made a move on you, didn’t he?”
The urge to facepalm was fierce, almost overpowering, but you managed to resist. Slamming your empty glass against the floor harder than you intended, you gave her a bored look.
“No, Karen, why… Why in the world would you think that?” You sounded just a little short of desperate, so you cleared your throat. “I was his second-in-command, that wouldn’t have been appropriate…”
When you were done studying the flame, dancing within the glass walls of one of the nearby candles, you raised your eyes to meet Karen’s. She wore quite possibly the most blatant look of ‘you are shitting me’ on her face.  
“So you just quit?” she stared at you in disbelief, unblinking. “No explanations provided?”
“This wasn’t how it happened,” you said, hating the fact that you felt like you had to justify yourself. You brought your knees closer, hugging them tightly. “I…”
“…I’m here to see William Russo”. 

With a nonchalant gesture, you unbuttoned your Burberry coat, looking at a red-head secretary behind a desk that screamed power and status with every inch of its epic proportions.
Anvil was certainly new money. With all of those hedge funds injecting their cash into emerging companies, there was no shortage of these - entrepreneurial endeavours that didn’t last long.
You didn’t know that at the time, but you were going to make sure this one would.
“My name is Y/N Y/N/L,” you added, perching your sunglasses on top of your head. “He’s expecting me.”
The red-head gave you a polite smile before checking something on her Mac.
“Welcome, Miss Y/N/L,” she almost seemed shy, as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before standing up. “Mr Russo is indeed waiting for you. If you would like to follow me, please”.
As the redhead led you through the training grounds, packed with fit men and women that looked like they walked straight outta Gym Shark ad, you did notice a couple of vagrant stares in your direction. You couldn’t blame them. You looked slightly out of place; more Vogue than the setting allowed for.
You quit your job as the COO of a global FinTech company just weeks ago, looking for a new challenge. It was an adventure of a lifetime, and while your ex-executive board had literally begged you to stay, once you’d decided something, no promise of a generous promotion could make you change your mind. While you absolutely loved your job, working for one of the most prominent online payment giants in the world, it felt like it was time for you to step down. Due to all the processes and wise investments you’d initiated, the company could make millions of profits without their CEO having so much as to lift a finger.
And you, well, you lived for the hustle. And that’s exactly what you were here for.
You still had your doubts about Anvil’s owner and acting CEO, though. William “Billy” Russo had already become a household name in the financial circles, albeit the company he was spearheading had little to do with the FinTech space. Some said he had the potential to succeed; others badmouthed him for being ruthless and balancing on the very edge of legal limits.
In short, the man had you intrigued. So the very moment he called and invited you to drop by Anvil to talk strategy, you knew you had to meet him.
See the beast for yourself, so to speak.
The first thing you noticed about William Russo as you walked into his office, spacious and entirely transparent, with its glass walls overlooking the training grounds, was experience, for the lack of a better word. It was etched into his every handsome feature, especially into his scruff strong-willed jaw. As he raised his gaze to meet yours upon the red-head’s announcement, his black eyes swallowing you whole, you realized no light reflected on their surface. There was a certain confidence to him as he raised from his chair, his white shirt straining some over his chest, long dark strands of hair falling onto his long eyelashes. This man meant business, as those black impenetrable eyes zeroed in on yours. He almost seemed too flawless - to spotless to be an ex-marine, stained with blood and murder.
All that Hallmark handsomeness was nothing but a cover.
Before William Russo had even got a chance to open his mouth, you were determined to find out what was lurking underneath.
“Mrs Y/L/N”, the hot-shot gave you a polite smile. “Thank you for coming”.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Russo”, you didn’t move an inch. He may have invited you for interview, but he wasn’t the only one with a long set of demands.
You briefly wondered if he knew that.
Before your thoughts could take you further, William Russo made his way to you, composed and calculated. He stopped by your side, albeit for a moment; rolling the sleeves of his shirt further up, he shot the red-head a charming smile (nothing like the one he gave you).
“Olivia, would you please bring a fresh pot of coffee to the conference room? Mrs Y/L/N and I have a lot to discuss”.
When he turned back to face you, you noted unconsciously that he was taller than you expected, the top of your head barely reaching his shoulders. The cool and composed look was back on his face as he motioned towards the doors.
“Would you like to follow me, Mrs…”
“Y/N”, you cut in with a slight raise of your chin. “I’d also prefer to call you William while I tear Anvil’s strategy down”.
His reaction didn’t disappoint. Some tension left his arms, his stung-up body relaxing just enough for a spark of mischief and curiosity flicker its way to his eyes’ surface.
A twinkle of a smile danced across his lips as he bit on the inside of his cheek, nodding ever so slightly in approval.
“It’s Billy”, he said, amusement echoing in his every word. "I don’t expect any leniency, Y/N”.
“Good”, you replied instantly, looking him straight into his eyes. “That’s not what I came here for”.
He nodded again.
And this time, there was liveliness in the quirk of his brow and a touch of insecurity in the corners of his mouth.
Now that was the man you could potentially work with.
Working with William Russo was anything but predictable. There were, however, certain patterns to his way of handling things. Whatever the trouble was, Billy was good at seeing the bigger picture - he was usually able to put things into perspective, but there were occasions when he refused to. You dare say that sometimes, you felt like he thought that money didn’t matter - like Anvil’s financial prosperity didn’t matter - as long as his team got not to risk their lives one extra time. You watched him turn down several lucrative deals that you’d busted your ass to put on his table, because it involved sending his men a little too far from home, in a place where he had no strings to pull whatsoever should anything go south. A part of you (the part that wasn’t frustrated as hell) admired him for that - it didn’t, however, stop you from disagreeing with him, time and again.
You may have never been to Iraq, and may have never known the horrors of sleeping with the bombs exploding a mere kilometer away, but you knew a game-changer when you saw it. There were risks involved, there was no arguing about that, but those were calculated, and those kind of deals could make Anvil jump straight to the top of the private military sector overnight.
William and you disagreed.
When William and you disagreed, no voice was raised, no blood was spilt, but Billy usually became distant, cold and just short of snappy when those conversations took place.

He only crossed the line once. 

You were three months into your job as Anvil’s Chief Strategy Officer when Mayhew happened.
The clock on your desk showed midnight as you paced in your office, on the phone with Rex Mayhew, the U.S. Ambassador in Cairo. A cat-and-mouse game between the Egyptian Armed Forces and the nefarious arms dealer group had become common knowledge since a week or so; the U.S. special forces got involved in the conflict when it’d been discovered that the arms were being transported onto American soil. Rex, an old friend from your Yale days, had let you in on the fact that General Richard Ravelin, in charge of the operation, was looking to reinforce his rangs with private military before “neutralising the threat”. This was a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity, with a potential governmental recognition in play… and Billy wanted to hear nothing of it.
You were exhausted and barely hanging in there; Billy was categorical and stubborn.
You’ve dropped the phone on your table promising Rex you were going to give him an answer in two hours, tops. Taking a deep breath, you walked out of your office, your bare feet thudding on the parquet floors of the corridor. When you reached Billy’s hideout, you found the man leaning against his desk with a glass of whiskey in his unnerved hand.
“Billy…” you spoke firmly, barely stepping through the doorway. “Rex…”
“Can go fuck himself”.
Oh, okay. No sugarcoating this. Alright.
You saw his lips barely touch the amber liquid as he slammed the glass against the surface of his desk.
“I said no, Y/N,” he wasn’t facing you anymore, leaning on his desk with his hands digging into the wood, his back tense. “Please just go home. Have a good night sleep. We will talk about this tomorrow.”
You could have sworn you felt your head starting to fume. This was the third time Billy Russo was shutting you down. For the third time he was making you feel like an incompetent fool when you were trying to do your goddamn job.
Why in hell would he hire you if whatever vision you had for Anvil didn’t match with his own?!
“You could at least say this to my face, Billy,” you spoke a bit harshly before you could stop yourself. “You know, to my tired and disappointed face, with a mouth that you have been shutting up every time it offers you a deal of the century”.
This sounded so much better in your head.  
“Why did you hire me?” you asked almost immediately, trying to soften the impact of the words that had already escaped. “If this isn’t the direction in which you want to take your company, maybe I should just…”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Y/N, just fucking leave already!” Billy snapped like a branch that’s been holding too much weight, the sound of it dry and final.
…maybe I should just rethink the entire plan.  
There was no point in finishing that sentence now, was there?
“I was there long before you came along, so I’d think I know a shitstorm in the making when I see one!” Billy was looking at you alright, brushing his hair back, his eyes black and void.
You had wished It would have been new to you - looking in William Russo’s eyes and not seeing him there. But it wasn’t. He was back to his Hallmark version of a man, but instead of playing a hero, he was now putting on his villain guise.
“Let’s get something straight here,” he leaned back on his desk, crossing his arms on his chest, his black eyes narrowed. “While you were making your way to the top of a rich-ass cookie-cutter FinTech company, I was crawling in the dirt in Iraq under a downpour of the Trident D5LE missiles. While the closest thing you’ve come to havin’ your hands dirty was bribing an investor or two, I was fucking beheadin’ people under the direction of the CIA,” his words were cold, measured and rhythmic, like a round of bullets being fired on a range. “You know nothing of what’s it like to be in the middle of that kind of shit show, princess, so when I fucking say no, you listen. Is that clear?”
Bark. Sit. Roll over.
“Crystal. Sir.”, you finally broke the heavy silence hanging in the air, just barely resisting the urge to salute him. “I’ll see myself out.”
Biting the inside of your cheek like your life depended on it, once you turned your back on him, your first thought was don’t you dare cry on his account, bitch and then almost right away wait at least until you’re home.
You could have sworn you heard William call your name in a stranded voice, but you made sure to slam the door somewhat hard as you left his office so you could pretend you didn’t hear him.
If you were to face him now, with all that power and toughness he exuded… You would never admit it, even to yourself, but you’d just end up on the floor, huddled into a shivering little ball.
You were grateful that the next day after the shit went down with Mayhew fell on a Friday. When you stumbled into your apartment in Queens at almost one in the morning, you immediately shot an email to the HR department asking for a day off. Once that’d been done, you dialled Rex to decline his offer to introduce Anvil to general Ravelin, washed the makeup off your face and crawled into bed, hugging the second pillow close to your chest.
You didn’t cry, if that’s what you’re wondering.
As you rolled out of bed in the morning at around 8 am, you took a shower and grabbed a coffee from the kitchen before settling behind your home office desk with a heavy head. When you opened up the Keynote presentation with your strategy outlined for the H1, you couldn’t help but steal a glance at the iPhone you left on your couch last night.
You weren’t going to check if you had any missing calls.
There was nothing you had left to say to each other.
…with your chest hollow, you powered up the screen. There were no missed calls and no new messages.
It all looked like you had another strategy to build now. If Billy Russo thought that calling you a rich-ass princess that knew nothing of the world, all butterflies and rainbows, was going to make you resign, then man, was he in for a surprise.
You once heard one of his men compare you to a military convoy, when the guy thought you weren’t listening.
He had no idea.
You spent the morning refilling you coffee cup and rebuilding your H1 plan from scratch. After about eleven calls with the people you knew could get you a foot in the door of the offices of some government officials, billionaires and generals, after typing, deleting and typing again for 5 hours straight, by 2pm you had a solid game plan. You were pretty sure it would still need some tweaking from Castle, who essentially held the role of the Chief Operating Officer, dispatching men and women on missions and planning operations, and, well, from Billy Russo.
The Badass-ex-Sniper-turned-CEO himself.    
You kept the email short and to-the-point, sending the document over to Russo with Castle on copy, saying you’d be in the office to debrief on Monday. 

Refusing to check whether your email’d been opened, you slammed your MacBook shut.
The rest of the day rolled on uneventfully. You grabbed a coffee with the People Culture Officer from your previous company, who also happened to be one of your dearest friends; then you picked up your dry cleaners and did some shopping, cracking for a pair of new shoes in Saks Fifth Avenue.
Shoes were, indeed, your weakness.
By the time you got home, the tired sun was yawning, stretching its rays in one last effort before rolling into bed. Humming a Dua Lipa song under your breath, you were putting your new Jimmy Choo’s away when you suddenly heard your phone ring.
You didn’t even have to look at it to know who it was. 

You checked the time, however, noticing is was two minutes after the official end of the working day.
“Hi, Y/N”, Billy spoke, clearing his throat. “Are you… Um… Any chance you’re available to meet tonight? I would really appreciate it if you could give me fifteen minutes of your time. Please.”
It sounded like the real Billy Russo was back around. Insecure. Rugged. Imperfect.
“Can you pick me up?” you asked softly, “I’ll text you my address. There’s a pizza place just around the corner, I could use a free slice”, you circled the cold coffee cup you left on the counter with your finger. “Free as in you’re paying, Russo”.
A laugh that came somewhere from within caressed your ear.
“Uh, yes, I’m actually… Yeah, thanks. I’m leaving the office now,” even if he tried to hide it, a shocked surprise still seeped through the cracks in between the vowels.
You chuckled silently at his reaction.
“Just one more thing,” you ventured, placing the cup in the sink and making your way to the balcony - your small piece of heaven with a wooden chair, pillows and lavender. As you stepped outside, you put oyour free hand on the railing, just to feel the coolness of it, the evening air and the gentle flower smell stroking your skin. “What kind of car should I be on the lookout for?”
Billy hesitated, biting his bottom lip, running his nervous fingers through the thick strands of dark hair. The setting sun was hitting him just from the right angle, making his sculpted cheeks look like they were made of marble.
“A Rolls Royce Wraith”, he squirmed, rubbing his forehead, probably realising how lame and pretentious it sounded. “I’ll call you once I’m downstairs”.
“Uh-huh”, you smirked, leaning on the railing with your forearms.
You saw Russo pinch the bridge of his nose, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip again. 

Your small balcony provided quite a view, when you really thought about it.
“Don’t take too long”, you couldn’t help it, it really was stronger than you. “I’m starving”.
With a wide grin, you dropped the call and went back into your apartment.
You were planning to make him wait for ten extra minutes when he would finally “arrive”.
Just for the hell of it.
“That’s a lot of hot sauce for one pizza”, Billy commented, watching you spray your truffles and cheese generously with the piquant olive oil.
You gave him a mischievous smile.
“What can I say,” you shrugged, leaning back in your chair and licking the tip of your finger after you swept a drop of it from the top of the bottle. “I like them hot”.
That startled a laugh out of Billy as he eyed you with something in his irises looking a lot like awe.
Just when he was about to speak, a servant brought a glass of red wine for him and bottle of sparkling water for you.
You thanked the guy with a sweet smile, while Billy eyed him a bit coldly, obviously waiting for him to leave.
When the waiter had finally made himself scarce, Billy softly called your name.
You raised your eyes to meet him, struggling as hell to keep your stare vacant. (Which was hard to do with some foreign tightness in your throat).
“Before we dig in and I hope spend a nice evening as two friends, getting together on a Friday night”, he didn’t even blink? Was he blinking? You couldn’t tell, his black eyes swallowing you whole, again. “I want to apologise. I was completely out of line… It was unacceptable. You don’t need my validation, of course, but I still want you to know that you are doing a terrific job at Anvil, taking us to the heights I never even thought existed. It’s just… It’s hard for me sometimes to be a good CEO and someone who promised to take care of my men at the same time… Everything is happening so fast, I’m afraid to lose my footing.”
You reached out for his hand across the table before you could stop yourself. You didn’t take it, but your fingers brushed his ever so slightly before you realized what you were just about to do. Your eyes widened as you looked at him, searching for a reaction. 

Billy remained perfectly still, not taking his eyes off you.
You grabbed a napkin next to his wrist, pretending this was what you had meant to do all along. 

“We’ll get there, Billy”, you said, a small encouraging smile blooming on your lips. “We just need some tweaking”.
You weren’t sure if you were talking about strategy at this point anymore.
You had a great time at dinner.
(And a whole-hearted laugh as Billy finished your remainders of the truffle pizza, downing a litre of water to numb down the burning sensation in his throat afterwards).  
You talked about your respective lives, your ex-colleagues, your hopes for the future… You dared think this who the real Billy Russo was.
And he was incredible.
After the two of you were done with dinner, you offered him to come upstairs to your place and go through the new strategy together. He didn’t hesitate, although you could swear you’d seen something ambiguous flash in the depths of his dark eyes before he nodded.
(You must have imagined it.)
The two of you ended up sprawled out on your soft faux fur carpet talking game plan, bouncing ideas off each other. You watched Billy frown, as he rubbed his mouth with his long fingers, smile in excitement and shake his head in awe when you voiced your ideas - you felt proud and appreciated, and you wouldn’t trade the sensation for anything in the world.
A couple of hours later the two of you had finally decided that it was enough brainstorming for one night, and you rose to your feet to go and make Billy a coffee before he got behind the wheel. As you pushed the start button on your coffee machine, you heard him speak over the noise.
“You know I’ve done four tours - three in Iraq and one in Afghanistan”, you popped your head up, only to see him play absentmindedly with something on his chest. “And every time I’m considering a mission for Anvil, I find myself back in there again… A part of a death squad.”
You carefully picked up his cup of coffee and made your way back to him. You didn’t say a word as you leaned lower to hand it over to him, encouraging him to go on. 

Billy thanked you in a whisper before clearing his throat.
“Every time I have to send them somewhere, especially overseas, I force myself to stop and think… Is this really worth it? Is a fat check really worth putting the lives of my men and women in danger? And most importantly - you may think it’s stupid…” he avoided your gaze, staring into his coffee cup, a miserable smile on his lips. “I think, will it make a difference? If one of them dies on a mission, I have to at least know they made a difference… it’s selfish and it’s more about the peace of my own mind, but it is what it is, you know?”
When he looked up at you, his eyes were full, full to the brim. There was so much emotion in them, hatred, misery, hope, adoration, all whipped in a wild mix that was Billy Russo’s dark, velvet eyes.
“I carry these at all times,” the fingers of his free hand dropped to his chest, as he got a hold of something hanging around his neck. A necklace? “When in doubt, I just look at them - they help me remember where I’ve been and what I’ve done - and I just know if it’s worth it or not. The answer is usually no, by the way”.
He smiled again, the curve of his lips looking less haunted this time, as he sipped on his coffee.
Dog tags. Those were Russo’s dog tags.
“So they’re your reminder that, even being a badass CEO of a private military company”, you couldn’t help but feel some kind of zero gravity settling in your lower stomach as you saw him chuckle at your words. “…you still have a heart”.  
“How poetic”, Billy teased you without missing a beat, putting the empty cup on the floor next to him. “But yeah. Sort of, I guess”.
As you fell asleep that night, you dreamed about explosions, piquant olive oil and holding Billy Russo’s dog tags in your hand.
The time flew by after that. In 8-month time (after some tweaking) Billy Russo and you became a team. It sometimes felt like nothing could stop you, as long as you were together.
It should not have come as a surprise that the two of you earned yourselves a catchy nickname - at first, it was spoken solely behind your backs, but soon enough it became some kind of a title, more powerful than that of the CEO or the CSO.
Anvil’s men and women (and especially Frank - the fact that he invented the nickname secretly tickled him pink) - were now calling you Bonnie and Clyde. The ultimate partners in crime, against all odds, doing the impossible.
The two of you also settled in an almost homely kind of routine. Ever since that Mayhew fiasco and the day that followed, Friday had become the non-spoken partners in crime day. What it meant in practice was exchanging Friday jokes on Anvil’s internal communications suite…
(Billy once attacked you with a “would you look at this, just found the actual footage of your interview @ Anvil”. Before you even got a chance to answer, he forwarded you a cheesy meme with two old women speaking to each other, one of them saying “We need someone who can do the job of two men”, and the other responding “oh, so it’s only a part-time job then”. When you shot him back a message asking whether he really considered himself an arthritic old woman, that seemed to have shut him up).
…grabbing a beer in a bar nearby…
(you sometimes invited your colleagues to join you, plus it was an unspoken rule that Frank and Karen were to be there as well)  
…you making fun of Billy Russo’s eating habits…
(It was honestly a nuisance to have a lunch with him. The list of things he refused to eat went on and on: no asian food, no food chain restaurants (even high-rated), no soups, no cheesecakes… He sure was settling well in that peaceful life he earned after spending all those tours living off canned food).
…and just overall enjoying each other’s company.
By the time the ninth month of your being Anvil’s CSO had rolled in, you couldn’t imagine not seeing Billy Russo every day. Not noticing him rolling his eyes at a smart-ass comment you or Frank made, or his orbs lighting up every time you told him the deal with that or this decision maker had gone through. You simply could not understand how you managed to live day in and day out, and think you were genuinely happy, before you actually met Billy. Everything before him just faded away somehow, your memories lost their colour and spike in comparison to the life you were living now. You kicked ass at your job, your career thrived, but most importantly, you were feeling like this was exactly where you were meant to be, braving the obstacles by Billy Russo’s side, knowing he would catch you should you fall.
He would, wouldn’t he?
It was your usual Friday night outing, the seven of you - Billy, Frank, Karen, Curtis, James from legal, Ashley from mine clearance and yourself - occupying your usual table at Whimsy, the bar that must have made 90% or their revenus off of Anvil’s folk. It was just around the corner from the headquarters, after all.  
The overall mood of the evening was rather nostalgic. It’d been four weeks since you’d lost a team member in a crossfire in Falluja, Iraq. After everything was said and done, his loss still hung heavy in the air, and it felt right to get one more drink in Jasper’s honour. The conversation flowed easily, even though the topics you’d spoken about were anything but.
“I remember how I felt when I lost Andy”, Ashley nursed her beer as she stared into the distance. “I just literally had the weight of the entire world on my shoulders, pinning me to the ground, I just couldn’t move on”, she finished her bottle in one go and motioned for the bartender to bring her another one. “Sometimes, I just ask myself, what would have I done if I’d known he was going to die the next day? Would I have stopped him from going? I think I would,” she thanked the bartender as he put the beer in front of her, her eyes a bit foggy. “Yeah, I definitely would have.”
Frank grasped Ashley’s shoulder and squeezed it hard in a comforting gesture; Karen gave her a tender look.
You didn’t know why your mind had gone there, but all of the sudden a memory of Billy sitting in his office chair, laughing his ass off at some offhand comment you’d made flashed before your eyes; it quickly got replaced by the recollection of his hand brushing against yours during the Zoom meeting you’ve had with general Warren Singer; then you remembered him putting his hand on the small of your back, staring daggers at some army brat wanting to join Anvil, eyeing you like a piece of meat (you learned later that day that the man’d been thrown out before having a chance to introduce himself); until finally, your brain stopped dead at the picture of Billy running his nervous fingers through his hair as he called you from his car, telling you he was only leaving the office.
What would you do if you knew he was going to die tomorrow?  
Your heart sunk at the thought as you gulped hard, ducking your head and staring at your hands folded in your lap.
A soft touch enveloping your elbow had you facing the man of the hour, his black eyes shimmering with concern.
“Are you okay?” he half-whispered, half-mouthed, not letting go of your hand.
Nothing is okay, Billy.
I’m so happy that I met you, but you’re scaring the hell out of me.
I never wanted any form of eternity until now, I never saw the point…
So stay. Please, stay forever, and feel something for me, too.
“Yes. I’m fine,” you whispered back, staring into his eyes, hypnotised and helpless. You watched him turn away from you as if in slow motion, the warmth of his hand leaving nothing behind but emptiness in your bones.
“Here is to always telling the things that matter to the people who matter”, Billy spoke firmly, raising his beer. “Here’s to never missing a chance to open up to the people we love”.
Well, if this was his way of crossing the t's and putting the dots to the i’s regarding his feelings for you, he couldn’t have been clearer. 

As far as confessions of love went, this one was non-existent.
You tried, time and again, to convince yourself you had to go. You learned the hard way that your unrequited feelings were feeding on a sort of inadvertent parasitic relationship where every moment of your day depended on the level of Billy’s unintentional emotional indifference. Your days were spent questioning his every move - every look and every touch; until, the grown-ass woman that you were, you’d commanded yourself to stop second-guessing everything - stop feeling - and decided your best course of action would be… to work yourself into the ground.
If Billy ever noticed anything, he didn’t show it - your were still you, after all, working hard, laughing when he said something funny, calling him out on his bullshit when needed. He didn’t notice slight change in your eyes, when their icy surface cracked at every other compliment he threw in your direction (and there was no shortage of those). He didn’t realize the smile you gave him was different from those tightlipped signs of appreciation you gave to Anvil’s potential clients, he didn’t think twice about the reason for which you glowed around him, your every move softening, your every gesture emanating warmth.
Because Billy hadn’t really known you until you started to have feelings for him.
You knew this couldn’t go on forever. This entire situation was bound to result in some explosion of nuclear proportions, and then all hell would break loose. You needed to get yourself out of this situations, but you just… couldn’t. You couldn’t imagine your life without Billy Russo. You couldn’t leave him.
Even if being friends with him meant tearing yourself apart and suffering in silence. 

Long story short, you waited with fear in your bones for someone to walk into your life and to get you out. You’ve had no fight left in you to do it yourself.
Your salvation came in the form of a phone call on a Friday evening, when Billy was on a recruiting mission in California.
You were typing back a response to his cheeky message when the call cut in half-sentence.
Billy Russo: Please remind me to take you with me instead of Frank next time? He’s driving me insane trying to set me up with the ladies from the Organising Committee. Any ideas on how I can calm him the fuck down?
You: Sorry, Billy, but recruiting is out of my mission scope. As for the calm down part, try bondage maybe? :)
Billy Russo: I’m going to pretend you did not just suggest I engage in sexual practices with Frankie. Karen will have my balls.  
Billy Russo: But perhaps you’re right. Taking you with me is probably not a good idea. Wouldn’t want my new recruits’ brains to turn into mush because of how beautiful you are.
You: The flattery will….
“Hello? Y/N speaking”, you brought your phone close to your ear, your cheeks still a lovely shade of pink. If you were going to feel miserable when Billy came back, acting like nothing happened, you were sure going to make the best of that fuzzy feeling in your chest right now.
“Miss Y/N/L”, a smooth deep voice greeted you, and you could have sworn you’d heard it many times before. “I hope I’m not interrupting?”
Frowning in an attempt to remember, you urged:
“No, not at all. How can I help you?” you stared into the screen of your Mac, wheels turning in your head as you silently catalogued all the men you were in discussions with regarding a deal. “I didn’t catch your name…”
“Oh, how rude of me”, the man chuckled but there was no mockery in his voice, more like self-depreciation. “Tony Stark, from Stark Industries”.
Your mind went blank. Did you hear his last words correctly?
“Uh… Mr. Stark”, you quickly got a hold of yourself - well, as quickly as you could. “I appreciate you reaching out to me directly. What can Anvil do for you?”
You did a pretty bang-up job trying to mask your amazement with polite cheerfulness, and Stark had caught on that.
Tony Stark just called your cellphone number. What in the world?…
“We don’t really do alien invasions”.
Ohyourgod, did you just say it out loud?!
His uproarious laughter took you by surprise, reverberating through your entire body. It took every ounce of your self-control not to giggle in response.
“That’s a good one, I love it”, Stark finally said, restoring his breath. “And the better question would be, Y/N - can I call you Y/N? - what you can do for me”.
Before your brain could take you into some naughty direction, freaking Iron Man cleared his throat.
“Okay, this came out wrong,” he admitted with a sense of self-irony. “I um… I’m looking for the Co-Chief Executive Officer for Stark Industries. Well, Virginia Potts is actually looking for a Co-CEO, I’m just her errand boy. And my missions apparently include recruiting…. Anyway,” it was a bit of a challenge to follow Anthony Stark’s train of thought, but you were also still shocked, so that could explain it. “…I think you are the perfect fit for the job”.
You just stared into the screen front of you, your breathing barely audible.
“Mrs Potts and I would love it if you could swing by the A-Tower, let’s say, on Thursday? You’ll be surprised, but I can also whip up a mean cup of coffee…”
Say something.
Fucking hell.
Say something!…
“Thursday sounds great,” you blurted out without thinking. “Let me just shuffle my schedule around… I could stop by after lunch?”

 Your hands were slightly shaking as you clicked on your mouse, opening your schedule window.
“Whatever works for you, Y/N”, you could hear Stark smile. “Not to sound like a creep, but I’ve been following your career for quite a while now, and I think that the work you've done in such a short span of time for Anvil is outstanding, even though you still don’t offer protection from alien invasions”.
That made you chuckle, pushing you halfway out of your stupor.
“I’ll put that on the list of things for us to consider”, you promised.
"Tell Mr. Russo I sent my best,” Stark added, and you felt your heart drop to your stomach. “I actually might have some ideas for how we could collaborate. Let's discuss this on Thursday, too, shall we?”
After you said your goodbyes, you fell back in your chair, dropping your iPhone on the table.
You: The flattery will….
...get you nowhere.
You never finished that message, leaving Russo on Read.
Starting with that evening, things were moving fast - too fast for you to keep track.
After a three-hour long coffee and the tour of the A-Tower, Virginia Potts, the acting CEO of the Stark Industries, had offered you the job - just like that - and asked you to come back to her executive assistant should you wish to take the job, with your salary expectations and the information about your notice period. You thanked her for her time and promised to get back to her as soon as you made your decision.
Virginia Potts was a brilliant woman; but running a company like Stark Industries while being equipped with a vagina was certainly no walk in the park. Sexism was still very much present within the Boards of the Tech Businesses. You understood perfectly well why she wanted a woman in her corner - it would have been a massive slap in the Board’s face, but it was also about having someone to lean on, who just understood.
In any other circumstances you would have peed your pants in excitement. It was an opportunity to work for Stark Industries - no, scratch that - it was an opportunity to step in as a Stark Industries co-CEO. The idea of it still made you dizzy.
…but as you looked at Virginia’s email sent to your personal address thanking you for stopping by, your eyes were swimming with tears.
You weren’t ready to leave Billy. 
You just couldn’t. 
You couldn’t leave him. 

There was no epic finale to your story. There was no big revelation, no closure, no moment of relief, no acceptance, nothing. Only a fat-ass what if.
And you didn’t know how to let go of a what if with Billy Russo.
And that was exactly why you had to do it.
You heard Billy come in the next Monday earlier than usual. He was positively humming Usher’s Yeah! quietly as he made his way past your office’s doors straight into his own.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. You’ve been psyching yourself up during the entire weekend, telling yourself it wasn’t a big deal, we wouldn’t even flinch when you were going to tell him.
You had to tell him.
As you stood up from your chair, straightening you skirt with the palms of your hands, you suddenly heard the footsteps coming back in your direction. You froze in place like a deer in headlights when Billy swung open the door to your office, a box of Pierre Hermé macarons in his hands.
Your goddamn favorite Pierre Hermé macarons.
“You’re here!” Billy’s warm smile illuminated the room. “So much for a surprise, huh?”
He shook the box carefully in the air. You stared at it, dumbfounded, every single thought leaving you.
You couldn’t breathe.
In the hazy morning light seeping through the windows of your office, Billy looked beautiful and dissolute, shirt open at the collar, longer strands of dark hair falling into his eyes.
He was going to be the death of you. It really wasn’t fair.
“Billy, I have to tell you something.”
Was it you who spoke those words? They seemed distant and cold, so uncharacteristically detached.
Blood roared in your ears.
“What’s wrong?”
Billy’s reaction was instant. In three decisive steps he closed the distance that separated you, leaving the macarons on your desk. He stood still just mere inches away, and just like during your very first meeting, you had a fleeting thought cross your mind: you really were tiny next to him, the top of your head barely reaching his shoulders.
You bit the inside of your bottom lip, trying to keep your composure. He stared at you unblinking. He wasn’t touching you, but it felt like his eyes were looking straight into your soul, undressing you, blowing that wall you built around yourself into dust. They were taking you down, piece by piece, determined to see what you’d been keeping from him. 

Because, of course, he knew. He should have known something was going on. Hence the surprise this morning.
He had no idea what it was though.
“Maybe you should sit,” you said, making a physical effort to tear your eyes away from him, feigning sudden interest in the buttons of his shirt.

That chest…

…was going to be just fine. He didn’t feel the same way you did. He would just find someone else to fill your position. With brilliant women stalking him - in cooperative packs - that would not be a problem.
“You’re leaving, aren’t you”.
You squeezed your eyes shut as soon as his words reached your ears.

Fucking hell, you should have done that by phone. Or with other people around. You should have…
“You’re leaving”, you heard Billy repeat as his voice broke a little. He stepped away, burying his face in his hands as he dragged them down his jaw and neck, staring into the ceiling.
“Billy, listen, I…”
You were the one to close the space between the two of you this time, and before you could think too much into it… You threw your hands around his shoulders, burying your face in his neck.
The sensation struck you like a bolt of lightening when you felt his hands cross behind you back and pull you closer.
He smelled heavenly. Like a forest fire, a hint of smoke with oud and pine. You inhaled deep, deeper still, losing yourself in his comforting touch.
In his arms, just for a second there, you felt home.
“You… The company doesn’t need me anymore”, you nearly choked on words, screaming internally at yourself to keep the waterworks at bay. “It’s thriving, there’s not much else I can give you. My job here is done.”
I need to leave because your indifference is destroying me, and when I think I’m ready to let go, all it takes is one look from you, and I’m back to wanting you, to settling for anything you give me, like a goddamn fool.
“What the hell are you talking about, Y/N?!” Billy exclaimed, his hands grasping your shoulders as he distanced your bodies just enough for him to look into your eyes. “I nee- The company needs you! I was… You know, I was planning to make you the CEO of Anvil in a couple months time,” his smile, as earnest as it was, did not reach his eyes. “Yeah”, noticing your eyes go wide in shock,  he let his hands slide down your sides. “You’re so much better at it than I ever was. I was going to join Frank and just manage operations… under you”.
You just stared at him, dumbfounded, not feeling a stray tear escape your eye and rolling down your cheekbone.
“These are the tears of happiness, I hope”, Billy added, and you barely registered his touch as his thumb wiped the salty drop off. “Well, I guess Anvil will have to settle for the little old me. With my best girl going places."
You gave him a strained smile before you carefully wiped your cheeks, just taking a moment to look at him. To try and read him.
Billy Russo was a goddamn ceiling. Plain white, cool and unattainable. In all of your time working for him, you have never seen this Hallmark version of him before. Which one was it? 

Oh wait, you guessed you knew. The happy-for-you friend.
“So where are you going?” Billy asked, his eyes empty. “Who snatched you away from m- Anvil?”
The stutter was so subtle you barely noticed. You were finally tired of reading into shit.
“Stark Industries. I’ll be their co-CEO”.
Before you left Anvil you promised yourself you’d get the deal with Stark Industries up and running. There was no one in the world you trusted more in terms of security than Billy.
(The fact that you couldn’t keep your heart safe from him didn’t really count, did it?)
As a matter of fact, Billy and you were going to shake hands with Anthony Stark on the deal on your last night of being Anvil’s CSO. It was happening in The Metropolitan Opera and required both Billy and yourself to dress for the occasion. 

He promised to come pick you up at 6pm sharp; you were putting on the Jimmy Choo’s you’d bought a coulee months ago in Saks Fifth Avenue when you heard a low knock on your door.
Straightening up, you threw a quick glance at your reflection in the mirror. You decided to go with a long Marchesa black velvet gown with a rather deep V-line, a pair of long diamond earrings and an elegant half-up half-down hairdo, soft curls in the front framing your face.
“I’m coming”, you yelled out, picking up your leather jacket (because why the hell not) and your purse from the kitchen counter. Sharply opening the entrance door, you realized moments later that you didn’t even take time to prepare yourself for seeing William Russo in a tux.
If you weren’t already half in love with him, the sight before your eyes would have sealed the deal.
God-fucking-damn, like he needed any help being unforgettable.
With a black jacket thrown on a crisp white shirt with a couple of buttons undone and the tie hanging loosely around his neck, Billy was here to make a statement, to leave a mark. His hair was coiffed back in his usual style; honest to God, he looked like he just stepped out of the Man of the Year special GQ edition…
Just when your thoughts were about to switch to the way you must have looked next to him, ridiculous in your simplicity, like you refused to make an effort…
…Your eyes met his.
And the way he looked at you was so intense, his big black eyes with galaxies in them probing into yours, his strong jaw slack. There was beauty and tragedy reflecting in those orbs, but only just for a second - just for a second, he looked at you the way he probably looked at the sky he could never reach. Just for a second, he looked at you the way that made your heart beat twice as fast, like the world could crumble all around him and he still would not have blinked.
Would not have taken his eyes off you.
“Wow, Y/N, you look… You look beautiful”, he finally said. “I just can't spot a part of you that beats the other.”
Something in your chest exploded silently.
“Thank you, Billy,” you smiled at him - a genuine and happy smile, because you felt on top of the world with his adoring eyes on you. “You’re quite a catch yourself”.
Before you could scold yourself for your choice of words, you stepped out of your apartment and locked the door behind you.
“Shall we?” Billy offered his hand to you, without hesitation it seemed.
“We shall”, you replied instantly, slowly sliding your hand into the crook of his elbow.
And, just like always, you were going to enjoy it while it lasted.
The crowd in the opera was so posh, the looks all the women had been throwing you first made you question your choice of outfit. It’s after overhearing their conversations that you realized, the reason they stared daggers at you was the man that kept by your side no matter where you went.
Virginia and Anthony welcomed you at the buffet with sun-stained sincere smiles. After a short small talk, Anthony Stark informed you both that he had signed the contract earlier today, thus officially giving Anvil an exclusive security deal with Stark Industries. As of now, Anvil was the only company allowed on the Stark Industries’ premises in the quality of guards and protection officers.
The look Billy and you exchanged spoke volumes; while your eyes were sparkling with excitement though, screaming “we did it!!”, his bottomless black eyes were whispering “thanks to you”.
The four of you then shook hands and went through rounds of gratitude and appreciation; when a pleasant woman’s voice announced the imminent start of Onegin, inviting the guests to go to their seats. Virginia immediately took you hand, leading you straight into the Opera house, saying something about leaving men to finish their drinks. You threw Billy a laughing look over your shoulder, mouthing “come join me” before disappearing out of his sight.
“So on the scale of one to ten, how pissed at me are you, Mr. Russo?”
Billy turned his head sharply to a side, leaning on the high table, and spotted Anthony Stark himself, nursing a glass of whiskey. “For taking your queen away from you? Excuse the chess metaphor, but that woman”, Stark took a sip of his whiskey and savoured it before swallowing it down. “Is a goddamn queen.”
Billy chuckled, straightening up, digging his hands into the pockets of his trousers.
“That, she is,” he whispered, his eyes still piercing the spot in the crowd where your smiling face was mere minutes ago.
When the opera ended, both Billy and you couldn’t be more relieved - because both of you hated it with passion.
Exchanging meaningful glances in the dark during the singers’ performances now and then, you had to bite your tongue in order to not just ask Billy if you could maybe sneak out. Russo proved to be more stoic than you, carefully covering your hand with his in what was meant to be a comforting gesture.
You didn’t look at him once after that, afraid to say or do something that would make him remove his hand.
How much more pathetic could you get?  
When the performance was over, Billy led you out of the opera house without saying a word, his hand hugging carefully the small of your back.
His silence was unnerving. You didn’t know what to make of it. Should you have shaken his hand off back in the darkness of the concert hall? Or should you have caressed it with your thumb?
Your mind was spinning in circles by the time he opened the door for you and you slid into the front passenger seat of his Rolls goddamn Royce.
When he got in the car and gripped his steering wheel, you reached out and placed your hand on his whitening knuckles.
“Billy,” you spoke softly, barely audibly. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes,” he whispered back, turning his head to a side to face you. His black eyes stared into yours, looking hypnotised and helpless. “Everything is fine.”
It didn’t take a degree in Psychology to see that he was lying. You could feel his gaze on you as you turned away from him, taking your hand away at the same time.
Billy started the car. The revving engine filled the silence, loaded with the unsaid words.
“…he then walked me to my door, we exchanged our goodbyes. And that was it,” you finished lightly, looking back at Karen.
Her eyes were red as she stared at you, unblinking.
“Unbelievable…” she whispered. “So you never told him?…” her lips barely moved.
You sighed.
“Have you ever felt like you’re potentially in love with someone? Like, you don’t actually love him, you know you don’t, but one day you realise that you could? You realise just how easy it would be for you to fall in love with him? With all the teasing and the banter, the play hitting each other, calling each other names, just…. You start to pick up on little things - like if you listen closely, in every shut up, there’s a barely-there ring of I could love you.”

You shifted on the floor a little, and Karen watched your memories transport you somewhere else again. While physically your were here, in your apartment - with your fluttering eye-lashes, uneven breathing and loaded expression - mentally, you were somewhere else.
“….You probably don’t notice it at first, but your body is drawn to him. Every accidental or absentminded touch…” you continued quietly. “And there’s that twinkle in his eyes when he looks at you and it messes you up, because - what’s going on with you? What the hell does it even mean? Are you imagining shit? You’re trying to make sense.”

Karen didn’t interrupt, still staring at you as if she were seeing you for the first time
“I mean, he didn’t ask for any of it, you know?” you finally raised your foggy stare at Karen, as if searching for confirmation. “Maybe he just did something dumb one day, smiled at you or said something that seemed important and then all of the sudden you’re full on Looney Tunes, seeing stuff that isn’t there?”
Your words barely audible, you swallowed hard, before continuing.

“…I just kept looking at him with what ifs, and could haves, seeing all that goddamn potential. It’s so fucking twisted. Over-analyzing everything? Waiting for a sign?…” you chuckled bitterly all of the sudden. “…I was so fucking scared of reading too much into it, of crossing that line, because… It would be so easy!… Falling in love with him would have been so easy.”
Oh sweetheart, Karen’s eyes glowed with comfort as she reached out for your hand and squeezed it softly. But you already are in love with him. 

A loaded silence ripped through the air in your living room. The sound of an engine revving somewhere close squeezed its way through the slit of an opened window, and it seemed to break the trance.
Both Karen and you shuddered, and as you took in the realisation Karen’s eyes just bestowed upon you, you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“It’s pretty late,” Karen spoke up, reading you like an open book. She knew it was her cue to leave the stage. You needed time to process. “Frank is in a bar nearby with Curtis, let me just give him a call, okay, sweetheart?” she gave your hand one last reassuring squeeze. “You know where to find me when you need me”.
“Yes”, you responded, blinking tiredly. “Thank you so much for coming, Karen. I didn’t mean to unload on you like that…”
“Shut the hell up,” the blonde advised, raising her eyebrows. “But honestly, Y/N, please call me once you… come to terms with things, okay?”
You nodded.
When Karen left, leaving the sweet and pleasant smell of her perfume behind, you closed the door behind her and turned around, leaning on the cold wood and metal with your eyes closed.  
It’s been a month. This was supposed to pass by now. Billy was supposed to stop inviting himself into your dreams. You were supposed to heal.
You may have just realized you were in love with the man instead.
Letting out half a moan, half a groan, you peeled yourself from the door slowly, and brushed your hair back, wanting nothing more than to fall face-first into bed.
After you at least cleaned up a bit and put out the Dyptique candles, that is.
As your eyes scanned your living room in an attempt to asses the size of the job at hand, you stopped mid-way, zeroing in on the box Jax gave you earlier in the evening. It rested silently on the kitchen table.
Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you made your way to the kitchen area. Grabbing the package, you turned it around, looking for any indication of the sender.
The package wasn’t even stamped.
Curiosity getting the best of you, you took a moment to grab a knife from one of the drawers, and carefully swished it between the two cardboard sheets.
Flipping over the envelop, you heard something fall out of it before you could actually see it. A small sheet of paper floated in the air before falling on the surface, partially covering whatever fell out of the package.
Your heart squeezed the second your brain identified the object, attached to a worn silver chain.
With trembling fingers, you slid two metal pieces from under the paper, covering your mouth.
Finding their home in the palm of your hand, Billy’s dog tags shimmered in the dim candlelight.
Squeezing them in between your fingers, you grabbed the paper with your free hand, your eyes staring at one single sentence scribbled on its surface.
“You took my heart with you”.
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princess-of-inarizaki · 4 years ago
Hello, can you do Karasuno, fukurodani and Nekoma with a reader. She really love bake and making sweet, she usually bring cupcake, brownies, Daifuku,.. for the team but she always make healthy food for the team (because she know that too much sweet is not very healthy). She has a small bakery shop, she usually invite the team come and she never take their money. She is very small and always smile cutely (cute like u), she don't talk much but her voice is very cute UwU
Hello Anon-chan!! This is such a sweet and adorable prompt, and I'd be honoured to do it. I might even make this part of a series because I love it so much.
Thank you so much for the compliment. I think you're so cute too 👉👈💖
Is it okay if I add Inarizaki to this too? :D
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Sweetheart Bakery manager-chan
Characters: Karasuno, Fukurodani, Nekoma, and Inarizaki
Warnings: none :D
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I think our darling sunshine Hinata would be the one to recruit you. He goes to your bakery shop one day with Kageyama, after practice, and orders two chocolate cake slices.
As you're cutting and plating it, he curiously asks you which school you're from, which you answer with “Karasuno”
His eyes literally sparkle up so bright and he smiles. “I'm from Karasuno too!!” and he begins chatting with you about school and volleyball.
“Hinata boke, what's taking you so long?” Kageyama walks up to the counter to see you talking to his friend, and he blushes, apologising.
You smile and tell them to enjoy their cake, waving goodbye.
From then on, the team often comes to your bakery after practice. Hinata started bringing the other first years besides Kageyama, like Yachi, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima.
“I'm telling you guys!! She has the best cakes, they make me go uwahhh all the team” says Hinata excitedly, the first time he brought them over.
Tsukki loves your strawberry shortcakes, and sometimes even packs some for takeaway. You smile at him, liking him instantly, and even share your recipes with him.
The first years think of you as an angel, and they're close to you in class because you're always so kind and gentle.
One day, Yamaguchi suggests you become a manager so you'll be able to keep Yachi company when Shimizu-san graduates, and spend more time with them, your friends.
You immediately agree, since you're fond of Yachi, and high-five Yamaguchi, excited at the new suggestion of joining the team.
The next day, you bring a box of macaroons to the gym and softly and politely introduce yourself to the other members.
The first years (with the exception of Tsukki) immediately run up to you and give you a huge hug.
Daichi smiles and thanks you for your kindness to his teammates, and immediately accepts you as the third manager of Karasuno.
The whole team enjoys your macaroons after practice, and Tanaka and Nishinoya are incredibly impressed, taking pictures of the pastry to send their "city boy" friends in Nekoma.
As a manager, you are always soft-spoken and the team adore you very much, similar to Yachi.
You're also always bringing them to your small bakery after practices so that they can have a slice of cake, or a daifuku after a hard training session.
You never accept their money, and with a small smile on your face, tell them to dig in, and enjoy the dessert.
The team adores you very much, and would never let anyone harm you. You can definitely rest easy knowing the third years are always there if you ever need anything, the first years to protect you, and the second years if you're ever feeling lonely.
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I feel like Akaashi would have the hugest crush on you. He stumbles upon your adorable and quaint little bakery by accident, and after a stressful day of practice, and he's so thankful to see this darling little angel bringing him a slice of cake.
You seem to notice him, a customer and classmate of yours looking so unhappy, so you join him at his table with a small mug of hot tea. “Are you okay, Akaashi-san?” you ask softly. He shakes his head, but he's so touched by your gesture.
He starts coming by the bakery more often, because you calm him down and radiate such gentle and positive vibes. He's also began to get closer to you in school.
One day, you stop by the gym where he's practicing with the rest of the Fukurodani team to pass him a small box of cookies. You're stunned to see an owlish looking boy, inspecting you curiously.
He suddenly breaks into a huge smile and shakes your hand. “Hi!! I'm Bokuto! Why are you here?”
You softly explain that you want to pass something to Akaashi, and when he sees you, his face turns red and he walks to you and Bokuto. Akaashi bows deeply and blushes as you pass him the box.
Suddenly, Konoha spots you and smirks. “Oh Akaashi, you've been hiding her away for pretty long, haven't you?”
You nervously explain that you were merely Akaashi's friend, and that you owned a bakery near school, where he met you.
The team's all gathered around you at this point, and they collectively gasp after hearing you say that. They're determined to make you their manager now, after all, you can bake and you're obviously so small and sweet.
“But Konoha-san, we already have two managers.” says Akaashi, in desperate attempt to dissuade his friends, but their minds seemed to be made up.
“Y/n-chan, if it's okay, would you agree to be our manager?” asked a hopeful Bokuto, and his earnest expression was something you just couldn't refuse. You nodded shyly.
Since then, the team are so excited to have a new manager. Whilst Yukie and Kaori handle the strategical aspect of the game, you tend to the boys' needs by managing their nutrition and morale.
You're always there to put a smile on their faces through your soft and gentle gestures, and you're one of the few people who can cheer up an emo-mood Bokuto, which makes Akaashi love you all the more.
You also bake the boys cupcakes and cakes all the time, but are careful to use different alternatives to sugar and other ingredients which shouldn't be eaten in access.
You are, after all, very health conscious, and you try your best to make sure the team always feel good and healthy.
Bokuto loves carrying you around, since you're so small, and Konoho and Komi often visit your bakery too, and help you out sometimes, since managerial duties have filled your schedule.
In general, the team think so highly of their small, sweet manager, and they come up with nicknames for her related to the things she bakes, like "cupcake" or "shortcake"
It's very cute, and when you blush, they laugh and ruffle your hair, loving her more.
Very wholesome and adorable, and (similar to most Fukurodani manager fics), you're part of their family now. They'd do anything for you.
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I think you somehow accidentally became their manager. You walk into the gym to pass some papers to the coach and he mistakes you for the person who's going to become the new manager.
“Ah, I've been expecting you!” you smile and hand him the papers and he looks confused, “you're here for the position, right?” not knowing what coach nekomata meant, you nodded and he looked satisfied. “Kuroo will show you the ropes” was all he said before ticking something off in his clipboard.
You walk over to Kuroo, and the confusion further intensifies, as you realize there's been a grave mistake, but you're too shy, and Kuroo seems to be too excited at the prospect of having a new manager. He keeps ruffling your hair and saying “You're going to have so much fun with us, y/n-chan!”
I guess I'm the Nekoma volleyball club manager now. You think quietly, trying to map out a new schedule to fit club duties and your bakery duties.
You get better acquainted with the team, and they're all so excited to have you, with the exception of a blonde boy who looked tired and frankly looked like he couldn't wait for practice to be over.
You bowed and exit the gym, running over to your beloved bakery as you frantically checked your watch. The team was puzzled at your hurried actions, and curious.
“Maybe we should—”, “no.” interrupted an uninterested Kenma. “We shall not snoop into our new manager's personal life.”
Kuroo pouted, but knew his friend was right, and walked home with him quietly.
The next day, Kai came early for practice, and since you were already there too, offered to help you understand some of your duties, when an excited Yaku ran into the gym.
He wasn't present yesterday when you officially became the manager, but he was here today, and he stopped in his tracks when he saw you. “You're from the bakery, aren't you?” asked Yaku with a look of awe.
The team was extremely impressed at having such a capable manager, who knew how to bake, manage her own store, and undertake managerial duties.
Kuroo was all the more excited, and he follows you to the bakery whenever he can, sampling the cakes and cookies, and helping you bake, all whilst singing the dorky periodic table song.
You warm up to your new team slowly but surely, and as they start becoming such a huge part of your life, you can't help but appreciate them for their individual characters and quirks.
They too, fall deeper in love with you, and go out of their way to show you they care and make you happy. Each member of the team comes by your bakery at least once a week on different days, to keep you company during the evening shift.
I also think that Kenma would try to remain cold and unbothered with you, but deep down he loves it when you stroke his hair and bake him cookies.
Lev is your baby, and he follows you around partly because you smell so nice, and partly because he's addicted to the calming vibe you have to you.
Kuroo would be so addicted to holding you close to him and sniffing you, because you smell amazing. Like lemon, and sugar, and baked goodies from your bakery, he's practically addicted.
You bake them cookies for their team games and training camps, and they love bragging to other teams about how their manager is the best, and how her cookies taste better than ones from any store.
Manager-chan just blushes quietly, grateful for that one tiny slipup, and accident which led her to become the manager of this group of crackhead angels.
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I might just make this a series in the upcoming future because I love this prompt so much hhhh.
You're assigned to be Suna's lab partner in class, and he's pretty glad, because you aren't one of his fangirls, and you're always so quiet and smart in class.
You grow to be close friends with Suna, because he's quiet, just like you are, and you're comfortable being yourself around him.
He realises you own a bakery one day, and ask you if he could visit, and you're more than happy to agree. You bring him to your beloved bakery after school one day, and let him sample all your cakes on display.
He's quiet about his reactions, but his eyes are expressive and he widens them after each taste, showing you how much he likes it.
He starts spending less time with the team, in favour of helping you with the bakery. The twins are obviously not happy.
“Suna, what're ya hiding from us?” groans Atsumu, with a pout. “yeah, as dumb as he is, he's right. Yer barely spending time with us afta' school anymore” says Osamu, visibly upset.
Suna just reassures them that it's nothing, and the twins, definitely not believing him, follow him after practice one day.
They see him walk into your bakery, wrap his arms around a girl, enveloping her in a hug, and then waiting by the counter. So he had a job, then?
The duo causally walked in the bakery, and Suna rolled his eyes. “I'm just helping my friend.” he said, as he gestured towards you.
The twins finally get a chance to look at you properly, and they think you're so adorable! You have a shy smile, and beautiful eyes, they can't stop staring, feeling warm and happy themselves.
“Would you like some brownies?” you ask them in a soft and mellifluous voice. “I baked them today.” and without waiting for a response, you cut them two thick slices and expected them to try. Atsumu and Osamu were still speechless, and quietly munched on the treat, their eyes not leaving your face.
“Yer adorable.” was all Atsumu managed to say, before blushing a deep shade of red. Osamu elbowed him, and bowed, thanking you for the treat.
You assured them it was alright, and refused to accept their payment. The Miya twins were now genuinely convinced they were in love. You can expect them to be so fond of you, and try to convince you a thousand times a day to be their manager.
You disagree at first, worried that it might clash with your duties at the bakery, but the twins assure you they'll help you here, and so will Suna, which finally makes you agree.
To be honest, they all just really want to spend as much time with you as they can.
You meet Kita, the day you hand in your application, and he inspects you, finally deciding that you were perfect for the job. He welcomes you to the team, and as expected, the other members fall in love with you and your shy and generous personality right away.
Suna's always there for quiet times with you, and sometimes the team finds the two of you asleep on the bleachers together, his head on your lap, before practice starts.
Osamu loves sharing recipes with you, and making you things to eat in his bento box. “Y/n-chan, I uh, I happened to have two onigiris in my bento, would you like one?” with the sweetest smile on his face.
Atsumu loves carrying you around, since you're so small, and telling you cheesy pickup lines. Although he dismisses them as jokes, he's secretly hoping you'll realise he means them all. Very protective of you too! His fangirls don't dare hurt you, in fear of him.
Kita appreciates how wonderful you are, and finds himself thinking about the way you tuck your hair behind your ears, or look so focused when you're baking something, determined to do a perfect job. It's only when he's up till three does he realise he might be in love.
Aran is always there to help you carry anything, or lessen your burden with managerial duties. Although you've assured him countless of times that it's fine, he insists on helping you with anything he possibly can!
And finally, Akagi brings out the giggly side of you, which definitely flusters all the boys. Seeing their adorable manager giggling when Akagi is telling her a funny story? Priceless.
You always bring them baked goodies during practice and allow them to visit you in the bakery anytime they want. If they're not at the gym, they're definitely at the bakery. It doesn't matter to them, as long as they're near you.
Are worried to have you follow them on training camps, but you assure them it'll be fine, and always remain their comforting and sweet manager to congratulate them after good games, and comfort them after bad ones.
Each and every one of them love you with all their heart, and dedicate all their wins to you in hopes of making you proud.
Taglist!! ~ @k-sakusa-old @osamusriceballs
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Please Me: Oikawa's Oasis Part 3
⚠️This Fic is 18+, Minors DNI⚠️
Welcome to week 4 of the Please Me Series!  A collaboration with @axoxtxhxh! This weeks theme is Virginity Loss featuring Oikawa and Goshiki!  This weeks fics are broken into 3 parts! Parts 1 and 2 are linked in the master list below! Please check out Joey’s fic, Guiding Goshiki!  I will also link it in the Please Me master list!  
Warnings: swearing, slight angst, fluffy ending, virginity loss, kissing, male oral receiving, thigh riding, masturbation,  locker room sex, shower sex, unprotected sex, creampie, guided female masturbation, sub! oikawa, fem dom reader, petnames, one hell of a safeword 
Word Count: 5,000
Staring at the wall, you heard your alarm sound the following morning as you slowly arose from your bed.  You hadn’t slept at all since you had arrived home last night.  You couldn’t shake the feeling of shame and guilt for running away from Torū.
You’re feelings were valid, you knew that. But you knew it wasn’t right to run away from him like you did. You should have talked to him.  In a way, you probably made him feel more self conscious then you had your first time.  
You sighed as you got up to shower and head to the gym. You knew you needed to talk with Torū.  You needed to explain to him that none of this was his fault.  
Locking your door, you headed to the gym as you mentally prepared yourself for the conversation that would follow.  You wanted to tell him about how you were afraid you would ruin his first time.  How your first time failed miserably and that you didn’t want him to regret anything.  
Torū had become very special to you as both a teammate and a friend. You didn’t want to make his time with the team awkward in anyway.  You knew the conversation would be a difficult one but you had to do it.  
Arriving at gym you saw several of the other players nursing hangovers and you began setting up for the days practice.  You yawned as you went to the bench, to grab your notes as the teams captain approached.
“You must have really worn Torū out YN” he said nudging your side as you looked at him confused “he texted me this morning telling me he was too ‘worn out’ to come to practice” he said throwing up air quotes “I’m actually surprised you’re here today.”
Hearing the Torū wasn’t coming to practice hit your like a ton of bricks, the feeling guilty washing over you as you felt the urge to cry.  You turned away from the captain as he watched you walk away in silence, going to fill the teams water bottles.  
Stepping from the gym, you felt the tears flow as the guilt and shame of your actions washed over you. How could you act so immature?  How could you just run away?  
You cried as you went to fill the teams water bottles. God I probably made him feel so insecure. I’m such an idiot you thought to yourself as you tried to calm down enough to finish your task and excuse yourself to your office.  You could camp out there the rest of the practice, telling the coach you had some work to catch up on.  At least then you could cry in peace.
Torū groaned as he woke up from his small nap. He hadn’t been able to sleep because of what had transpired between YN and himself.  He felt so shamed, so inadequate.  These were feelings he didn’t often have, causing chaos in his mind as he jolted hearing the sudden ring of his phone.
He answered the FaceTime call to a smiling Iwaizumi as he tried to bring a smile to his glum face.
“Shittykawa what’s the matter with you?  I didn’t expect you to pick up. Don’t you have practice? Iwaizumi says as Oikawa just stared at him.
Iwaizumi was confused. He had known Oikawa for many years and this was the first time he had ever seen the former high school captain so gloomy. Even losing their 3rd year volleyball tournament hadn’t made the captain as sad as he was now.
“I messed up Hajime” Torū said as Iwaizumi reeled back.  Oikawa never used his full name.
“What happened? Are you ok?” He said as Torū tried to hold his composure in. His emotions were all over the place, he had never felt so vulnerable, so destroyed “Hey Torū, are you ok?”
That did it. Iwaizumi saying his name caused Torū to cry like he had never cried before. He wasn’t even embarrassed, not one bit. He didn’t have time to feel embarrassed. He felt too ashamed.
“Hajime” Torū said finally calming down “she- YN doesn’t want me.”
Iwaizumi was stunned.  Never had this ever happened. A girl didn’t want the Torū Oikawa?  What kind of alternative dimension was he living in?
Iwaizumi watched as his friend wiped his face with his palms, trying to figure out what to say.
“Uhh- well umm what happened” he managed to muster up as he tried hard to still comprehend the previous statement made by his friend.
“Last night, I went out with the team.  Things with YN got heated.  We came back to my place.  Everything was going so well.  Then I told her I was a virgin and she freaked out and ran” he said as he looked down, unable to make eye contact with his friend.
Iwaizumi couldn’t help but chuckle to himself and try as he might, he was unable to hold a straight face.  He laughed loudly as Torū’s head whipped up into view, sending glares at him.
“Dude, I'm sorry” he laughed “but please tell me that you just didn’t say ‘YN I’m a virgin’ and expect her to be like ready to rip your v-card from your grasp.”
Iwaizumi laughed loudly as Torū just continued to stare at his friend “I don’t think it’s very funny Iwa-chan” he said he  scuffed at his friends laughter.
“Boy, you really are lame shittykawa” he said chuckling “are you sure you really are good with women?  I mean I don’t blame her one bit!  Taking a guy’s virginity would suck!  I mean men really don’t know shit about pleasuring women so what’s in it for her?”
Torū thought hard while his friend talked. Maybe he had approached it wrong to begin with. Not that he thinks about it, his method of delivery was a bit hasty.  
“Dude, I think you need to just talk to her You don’t really know why she turned you down.  I mean it sounds like she likes you from the way things went last night. Maybe you just made her nervous.”
Torū knew his friend was right. You had never given him any indication that you didn’t like him and he knew that, last night you felt something just like he did.
Torū looked at his friend as he smiled “you’re right Iwa-chan I’ll talk to her tomorrow.” Iwaizumi laughed as he watched the light stream back into his friend’s face.  
“Good luck idiotkawa” he said hanging up as Torū laid his phone down.  It was getting late, well after practice had ended. He knew he should try and get to the gym to practice some before tomorrow. He gathered his gear as he made his way to the gym, hoping someone was still there so he could practice.
You had managed to avoid the team for the entire practice. The coach had bought your excuse and you stayed cooped up in your small office until after practice.  
You signed as you stood up from your chair, tired from sulking and crying the entire afternoon.  You grabbed your bag and locked the office door.  Thankfully it was Friday and you could spend the weekend sleeping.  You were exhausted but yet somehow found the strength to cry for hours on end.  
You approached the gym doors as the all too familiar sounds of volleyball slamming into the floor radiated into your ears.  You checked your phone, nothing that it was 7pm and well past practice time.  You approached the gym doors as you quietly peaked in to see a sweating Torū setting up a serve, smashing it straight into the net  
“UGH DAMMIT” he said shouting as he prepared the throw another one up, once again managing to net the ball.  He leaned over, placing his hands on his knees and he grabbed his towel and headed to the locker rooms.  He had only been practicing for an hour but he was just unable to get into it.  
You watched as he made his way into the locker rooms, following to the doors as you slowly opened them, hearing him shout from inside.
“Torū,you idiot!” he shouted as you winced at his words.  You felt awful. You knew he was like this because of what had transpired between the two of you the previous night.  
You walked in the doors, standing for a moment as you see Oikawa sitting on the bench, a towel placed over his head and his elbows rested on his knees.
You knew you had to say something.  You couldn’t let him think any of this was his fault.  This was all your doing and it was time you owned up to it  
“Hey Torū” you said softly as the locker room door closed behind you and Torū’s head snapped up to meet yours. He looked at you as you walked over to him, sitting directly in across from him on the other bench.
“We need to talk” you said as he put his head down, trying not to cry again.
“It’s ok YN.  There’s nothing to talk about” he said he went to stand up, stopping when you grabbed his forearm.
“No Torū” you said as you sniffles lightly “I need to apologize.”
Torū was confused as he sag back done the bench, removing the towel from his head.  He stared at you questioningly.  What were you apologizing for?
You played with your fingers for a moment as you tried hard to muster up the courage to talk.  You knew what you wanted to say, rather what you needed to say.  
“Torū, I’m sorry I ran out on you.  I shouldn’t have done that.  I- I just got really nervous” you say, still looking down at the floor as you took a deep breath and tried hard not to cry.
“When you told me you were a virgin, it made me nervous.  I remember my first time all too well and I- well I just don’t want your first time to be like mine was” you speak as Torū looks at you, still confused.
The whole time the issue hadn’t been that he was a virgin, it had been that you wanted him to have a good experience?  He was shocked.  Here he though the issue was him, when in reality the issue was your own self doubts. He listened as you continued to talk.
“My first time wasn’t good Torū.  I didn’t know what I was doing and I thought I had feelings for the guy but like he didn’t have feelings for me.  And I really like you Torū and I just don’t want you to regret anything.  The fact that you trusted me with something so special made me nervous and scares” you said as your eyes went up to meet Torū.  
He looked at you, staring into your eyes as he tried hard to comprehend everything you had just said. He felt awful that your first experience wasn’t good but he also knew his feelings for you were valid and now he knew you had feelings for him too. He continued to stare as he worked his way thought the issues in his mind.  
You frowned as you took his silence as a bad sign, sighing as you stood up.  
“Thanks for letting me explain myself Torū.  You are so amazing and you deserve someone special” you said as you went to leave the locker rooms.
Torū snapped from his thoughts as he quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you back into his as he placed a light kiss on your lips. He smiled as you looked at him, very confused as to what had just happened.
Torū put his forehead on yours as you smiled softly.  
“YN, you don’t get it.  I want you to be my first because of how I feel about you” he said as he looked at you softly. You had become an oasis for him. An escape from reality and daily life. You had loved volleyball as much as him and you had always been genuine with him.  
You smiled as you grabbed his neck, kissing him softly again as he pulled your body flush against his as he deepened the kiss.  He placed his hands on your soft waist as he moved his hand up and down your back as you grabbed at his hair pulling him in closer to you.
You break from the kiss, staring at each other as your lips hovered over his.  Your body hearing up as you could feel his erection forming against your thigh.  You kissed his chin to his neck as he pulled your pelvis in closer, grinding where he could, trying hard to gather any amount of friction to ease his aching cock.
He backed away from him as he watched in confusion as you approached the locker room door.
Not again he thought as he heard the lock click, watching you stroll back to him, pulling him back into a full embrace.  He needed you and bad.  He couldn’t stand this pain in his cock anymore. He needed relief and the only medicine was you.
You push him back to the bench as he sits down looking up at you as you smirk down at him.
“Torū do you really want this?” You said as he groans, looking up at your gorgeous figure.  
He nodded frantically as you took his chin in your hand “I need a verbal response Torū” you said as his eyes widened.
“Yes- yes YN I want this” he said as you step back, removing your shirt and leggings, watching him ogle at your nearly naked form.  
“Ok Torū, I want you to pick a safe word just incase things get to be too much for you” you said as he gawked at you in your bra and panties. He was having a hard time concentrating on the task at hand with you standing tall in front of him.
“Torū!” you repeated as you snapped your fingers in front of his eyes, trying to get his attention turned back.
“Oh shit- yeah a safe word, umm how about ‘Kageyama’?” He said as you stared strangely at the word.
“I’ve never heard of ‘Kageyama’?  What does that mean?” You said as he stood up from his spot approaching you as he grabbed at your scantily clad hips.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s just something will definitely snap me out of the mood” he said as you chuckled lightly embracing Torū in a heated kiss.  
Your tongue licked his lips lightly as he granted you access, opening his mouth to your wet muscle as you massaged your tongue against his, pulling light groans from his pretty head.
You tugged on his shirt as he lifted his arms up, letting you pull the shirt from his body as your fingers and palms run up his sculpted chest.  
Your fingers graze lightly over his nipples as he shutters and groans.  His body was so reactive to every touch, every movement. The fact that you were about to engage in intercourse with the setter still made you a bit nervous but you tried hard to cast the self doubt aside, wanting to make the experience memorable for both you and Torū.
As if on queue, Torū looked at you sweetly as he brushed the tip of your nose with his. “you know YN, we could just count this as your virginity loss too.  I mean clearly you are as nervous as I am” he said chuckling as you laughed loudly throwing your head back.  
“That’s a good idea Torū but I am experienced in pleasuring a partner” you said as you push him down to the bench “just be a good boy for me and let me take the lead, ok?”
Torū gulped as he eyes widened at as your form sunk to your knees in front of him.  This was really happening and in the team locker room.  Not an ideal place to lose your virginity but he was not about to interrupt you.
“Umm YN” he said as he looked at you , kneeling before him with your hands placed on your plush thighs “don’t you umm, don’t you want me to make you feel good too?”  
You chuckled lightly as you reached up pulling him into a heated kiss as he gently rubbed his hands along your soft arms.
“How about I show you what I like while I make you feel good, then you can try?” You say as he nods quickly watching your hands go to his gym shorts, pulling his erection free as he shifts his hips upwards, helping you to remove his pesky shorts.
Your eyes widen at his size as you think about all the possible ways his cock will pleasure your wet cunt.  You felt your core heat up as you looked up to Torū.  
He was completely blissed out. Lost in translation between here and fantasy.  He’s eyes sparkled with excitement as you tested the waters, lightly kicking the tips of his hard cock.
Groaning he threw his head back in pleasure as you smirked to yourself, going in for another lick.  Your tongue laying more and more on his stiffened cock as he writhed in pleasure under your control.
Your body headed as you watched his abs contract in the moment, his mouth hanging open as his tongue lolled out in ecstasy.  He watched as your fingers traced lightly from his legs to your own, peering down at your chest as your fingers danced lightly over your clothed clit.
“Fuck YN” he moaned as he tried his hardest not to come from the sensation of your tongue on his cock.
Taking one final lick, you stand up as you slowly remove your panties from your body, revealing your cunt to him as he stares at the wetness coating your inner thighs.  
“Did you- did I” he said staring at you as you laugh, pushing him back on the hard bench, placing one leg on each side as you rub your clit with your fingers.
“Yes Torū you made me this wet” you say as you widen his legs on the bench, his cock standing tall as you bend down, grinding your cunt on his lower thigh.  
“Holy shit-” he groans as you moan throwing your head back as his leg rubs your clit perfect.  He grabs his cock as he slowly begins to stroke himself, trying hard to concentrate on your moments and pleasure as he feels the wetness pool on his legs.  
You lean over, placing two of your wet fingers in his mouth as he sucks violently, causing you to grind faster and harder.  Your orgasm builds as moans and groans fill the air
 Your body heats up rapidly as the cord in your stomach tightens. Your pace quickens as does Torū’s as you feel the cord begin to loosen.
“Oh fuck Torū” you moan as Toru groans deeply, letting go of his aching cock to watch as you tip over the edge.  
“Come on baby, come for me” he says as the pet name tips you over the edge, your cunt pulsing on his thigh as he watches your face contort into pleasure.  
“That was so hot YN” he says he has gently caressed your arm and leg as his cock aches painfully beside you.
“We are just getting started Torū” you say as you adjust yourself over his pelvis, pushing his cock between your wet folds as your grind back and forth, trying hard to ensure your good and ready to take his cock.
“Fuck YN- I, I’m not going to last long” you say as you shush him, halting your movements.
“Hey its OK.  I already came so now we need you to come. How do you want to come Torū?” You say as he bites his lower lip, watching your pussy settle above his cock.
“Please YN- please put it in. I need to be inside of you princess” he squeaks out as you smirk at his request. You knew he wouldn’t last long inside of you.  One thing you prided yourself on sexually was your ability to ride a cock and boy was Torū in for a treat.  
You line his cock up with your wet cunt, slowly bending your knees down as you impaled yourself in his cock.
The stretch was delicious as Torū’s mouth fell open as he groaned and panted beneath you.  You knew he could feel the tightness you felt as you waited for him to adjust to being inside of you.
Torū’s hands flew to your hips as he tried his hardest to remain calm.  Your cunt was so tight and so warm around his cock. The pleasure was unimaginable.  All he wanted was to feel the release.
“Torū are you ok?” You said as you steadied your hands on his chest watching to make sure the man below you was still coherent.
“It’s so tight YN, please” he moaned as his hands went to your hips and you ground a little down on him as his core shuttered, causing his dick to jolt inside you.
“I’m going to go slow ok” you said as he nodded.  Your feet planted firmly on the ground, you pushed lightly on his chest as you propelled your hips up and down, impaling yourself on his cock over and cover again.  
The pace was agonizing for Torū as whimper and moans fell from his mouth.  You could feel your orgasm building and you knew Torū couldn’t hold on much longer.  You needed to go faster.
“Torū” you groan from above him as you continue your leisurely pace “I’m close can I go-”
“GOD PLEASE BABY FUCK ME” he shouts as your hips speed up, jerking his cock as you felt the familiar knot began to unwind “fuck YN I can’t hold out-”
“Almost baby” you moan as you feel the cord snap inside your stomach as your cunt pulses on Toru's cock causing him to groan and grunt.
“FUCK FUCK FUCK-” he shouts as his hips still into you, painting your walls white as he grips your hips firmly, whimpering below you as he tried his hardest to come down from his high.
He felt absolutely spectacular, like his body was floating on air.  He couldn’t believe how amazing his first time had been. He never imagined it would happen the way it did but he wasn’t complaining.  His body and mind were in complete bliss.
Coming down from your high, you laugh as you look at Torū’s blissed out state.  He smiles at you as he opens his eyes slowly caressing your cheek.  
“That was amazing YN” he said, breath shaking as he came down from his high, breathing steadily.
Your chest filled with pride as you felt sheer happiness fluid your body.  You had redeemed yourself and you had made Torū’s first time amazing.
Standing up slowly, Torū watched as his cum leaked down your thigh as you stood in front of him.  His eyes traced your form as he felt his cock jolt to life again, ready for another round.
Standing up, he quickly grabbed you in a bridal carry, running towards the shower as your screamed and laughed as he set you down, turning the water on and pressing your body against the shower wall.
“eww Torū, this wall is gross” you groan as his lips attach to your neck as you feel his erection growing against your pelvis.
“It’s fine YN, I’ll clean you up afterwards” he says as he kisses you deeply, pulling your body against his as he pulls you under the warm water.  
You break the kiss as you smile softly up at his tall form, water cascading down his body as you feel his hardened chest under your hands.
“I need you” he says as you smirk at him, turning around to face the wall.  You grind your ass into his already hard member as he grabs your hips, pulling you firmly into him.
“Then fuck me Torū” you say as you peer over your shoulders, watching Torū’s face fill with excitement as he lines up his cock with your still damp cunt, slowly pushing in as he slowly sinks deep into your hole.
“fuck YN- your pussy is just amazing” he says as he slowly pulls his cock back out, moving at a snails pace in and out of you.
“Torū” you moan as you mouth falls open  “give me your hand” you say as Torū’s hand appears in front of you as you place it between your legs on your hardened clit.  Torū moans when his fingers hit your clit as you rotate his wrist, showing him exactly how you like to be pleasured.  You let go of his hand as he continues to rub tiny fast circles into your clit as you propel yourself faster onto his cock, meeting his thrusts half way.
The air feels with the smell of sex and the sound of skin slapping as your ass meets his hips over and over.  
“Fuck baby” he groans
“I know Torū, just a little more” you squeak out as he picks up his speed, meeting your ass fast and harshly as his fingers speed up on your clit.
“TORŪ FUCK-” You scream as his hips still on your ass as he presses hard, his head falling to your shoulder as he tries to gain control of his breathing.
“Ahhh fucking hell- FUCK” he shouts as he chest heaves in relief as you both come down from your highs as he releases you and you turn to face him, kissing him softly as he grabs you, pulling you into a tight embrace.  
“Thank you YN” he says whispering into your neck as you smile softly.
After cleaning up and getting dressed, Torū helps you clean up the gym as you get ready to leave for the night.  Locking the gym doors, Torū grabs your hand as he pulls you along with him.
“Torū” you say laughing as the brunette pulls you hastily out of the building “my apartment is the other way!”
“Who said the night was over YN-chan?  I need to practice pleasuring you” he smirks as you gulp, following behind him quickly.
You sure were in for a long night ahead.
taglist: @chaotic-nick @yep-seeyalaterbranflakes @serostapesweat @lovelyzabrak-meadow​
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karasunology · 5 years ago
✎ . . . hello since your requests are open may i request vbc teams (karasuno, nekoma and shiratorizawa) + shy manager with anxiety and asthma? i rlly am hungry for some team dynamics and your work is amazing so if you may? YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DO IT THOUGH!
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ nekoma vbc <3
[ trigger warnings ━ none ]
[ other parts coming soon . . . ]
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➜ after finding out about karasuno having TWO managers now,
➜ like they  m u l t i p l i e d ✖➗➕➖
➜ and with taketora's failure of recruiting one,
➜ kuroo was PRACTICALLY BEGGING YOU to be their manager
➜ his reasons being and i quote; “ giving more motivation to the team ” and of course “ to show those bastards the sanctity of nekoma ”
➜ and rooster boi was a determined person, once he sets his mind to something ─ he will do everything to attain it
➜ you knew kuroo ever since you first started first year with him, the both of you quietly competing against each other on your collage preparatory class but soon grew closer to be called friends
➜ but he'd always call you his rival even though it was lowkey one-sided
➜ and after hearing that the club you joined in this year, just for the sake of joining; disbanded, and kuroo was UNASHAMED to ask of you to be the manager of their team
➜ it's been two ever since nekoma had a manager and he was TIRED™ of not having one and it was already his last year playing
➜ you having no other reasons to object, you agreed, but not without asking in a small voice to help you introduce yourself to the team
➜ you were shy to new people ─ hell, even after knowing him for three years you would still get shy around him
➜ and because of that, kuroo was already one step ahead of everything;
➜ talking to the reliable third years ─ kai and yaku, about looking out for you explaining your slight anxiety and asthma problems
➜ homeboy would have a team meeting just to discuss and announce about a new female manager
➜ the third years weren't shocked, since kuroo already had a word with them seperately
➜ kuroo knew that lev would be ALL UP ON HER FACE if he doesn't do anythibg about it, so he threatened on benching him if he ever does something to scare away this ONE CHANCE of having a real girl manager
➜ fukunaga was curious to say the least, he wondered how it would be like to have a girl manager helping them around since it's always him and yaku
➜ inuoka, being the bubbly boy he is, was excited to have a female manager, since it is his first year in the vbc
➜ kenma was just straight up vibin, he already knew alot about everything he needed to know about you because of kuroo
➜ but still listened as he played with his psp
➜ shibayama and tamahiko were neutral about it honestly, satisfied because their team needed a bit more motivation if they wanted to win nationals
➜ kuroo just wanted to make you feel comfortable and safe with the team
➜ genuinely, the team didn't know how it would honestly flow with actually meeting their manager
➜ scared of scaring her off, they remained uncharacteristically toned down abit right before they meet you
➜ kuroo opened the metal doors to the volleyball gym, while peaking your pretty little head out to see where the members where; you were shocked to see them straightening their backs the second they saw your head peaking out from behind kuroo
➜ it was . . silent, and it was weird since, you've once secretly dropped by on their practices and they were evidently chaotic just by the sounds of their voices which echoed around the gym
➜ your palpitations slowed down a bit as you fully showed yourself to the members before flusteredly bowing at them
➜ it was quiet for a second, before you hear sobbing as you lifted your head up to see yamamoto trying not to cry
“ this, this is my first time having a female manager . . . ” with snot drooling from his nose
➜ being the worried sweet senpai manager you are, you hurriedly took out your unused napkin from your pocket which you packed for the sole purpose of avoiding smoke; offering the napkin to him as it only made him burst into TEARS streaming down his face
➜ like that scene where the third years and second years bursted in tears when kiyoko put up their banner?
➜ yeah that
➜ but it's just taketora LMAOO
➜ before their captain could tell him off, a small laugh came out of you and kuroo just looked at you like
➜ 👁👁
➜ kuroo : ma'AM DID YOU JUST ─
➜ cue kuroo also dying inside because YOU. RARELY. LAUGH.
➜ since you're more on the reserved side
➜ kai and yaku almost had to put their foot down because now you have broken their captain until you spoke out
“ i was honestly anxious when you guys were quiet, since i've never seen you guys as serious whenever i try and drop by to look. ”
➜ in the end of the meeting you've got acquaintaned yourself with shibayama and inouka, though the former seemed a bit flustered.
➜ you've also hold a small conversation with kenma, the both of you kinda clicked right away since both of you were a bit shy aswell. while you listened to lev rambling excitedly, not noticing your slight trembling figure
➜ after meeting them, the team had already attached themselves in your heart
➜ baby girl you are ATTACHED
➜ though it was subtle but you've noticed how the boys really cared about you ─ bruh even coach nekomata since he has noticed that you are a great asset to the team
➜ if not yaku, kai would always remind you of taking your meds for your asthma if you ever have been prescribed one
➜ kenma would always be the first one to notice if you were ever tensed up or your anxiety was acting up
➜ since he's very perceptive and observant
➜ he'd grow a soft spot for you and if he ever sees you stressed, he'd let you borrow his psp
➜ shibayama, inouka, fukunaga and tamahiko would ALWAYS help you carry stuff around because they don't want your asthma to act up or else tHEY WILL ACT UP
➜ fukunaga would always tell you his jokes since now he finally has someone to tell them to whenever he's in the sidelines watching the others play
➜ yamamoto would PROTECT you from any dangers, like literally, mans knew he was done for the day you gave him your napkin 👁👄👁
➜ you're literally one of the first girls he isn't shy to talk to and one of the first girls to not scurry away whenever he's near
➜ as i said, yaku would BE YOUR MOTHER, he'd one step ahead with having extra masks for you on his bag and an extra inhaler he borrowed from you in case you have forgotten yours
➜ period. periodt. periodism. periodic table.
➜ would not let any guy from other teams come your way and bother you while being the good manager you are
➜ and while doing so, shows you off as they are basically saying “ this is the sanctity of nekoma, you bastards wish you were us. ”
➜ these boys CARE FOR YOU like alot and they love it when you reciprocate their love
➜ whenever you surprise them every other day with their favourite snacks despite always being anxious of looking at the eyes of the guy on cash register,
➜ always having their towels and waterbottles ready for them to use after practice
➜ giving them clarity of mind before a match and whenever the non-regulars start to feel insecure
➜ overall, they'd be the sweetest boys of yours that would give and likely to give you the world to you as you would to them😡💝
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . i'm crying bubs, y'all had me at 200 last night ?? um okay i didn't even know people like me enought to even follow me 🥺 y'all cute or whateva😳✋ i'm not even DONE WITH MY LOVE LANGUAGE HEADCANONS FOR 100 FOLLOWERS HSJSJDJ but here's a manger headcanons mini series one of my nonnie's requested for to celebrate 200 of you guys !! <33
[ 📼 ] . . . I also know a bit of about asthma because i also had experience with it when i was young, and my little brother still has them while i've already grown out of it.
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attemptinghaikyuu · 4 years ago
Fake Dating: Goshiki
A/n: I’ve heard people bang slander this amazing character, and just... unbelievable, it’s such a cute haircut ,,•-•,,
G/n reader
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Strangely enough, you’re rivals </3
Competing for the top spot in any and everything
You both have a ton of common interests and always seem to be put against each other
School projects, one of you getting the last book left for your favorite series, and competing in the subjects you’re both the best at
It was a constant contest of who could outdo the other
Each of you brag to each other whenever possible
It doesn’t even have to be something you were both fighting over, you get the best score on a test in a class you don’t share??
Made cookies for your older neighbor who always pinches your cheeks and gives hugs?
Yep, bragging over that too
Y’all act like you’re outdoing one another when in reality you’re both unintentionally feeding each other’s egos
Goshiki: Wha-! That was amazing! I didn’t know that was something you could do. :0
Y/n: Ya well! It was thanks to your tip that I figured it out and was able to. You helped me step up my game to do it!!
When you get asked to become the volleyball teams manager, the only reason you except is to mess with Goshiki
Woke up and chose chaos I see
Being a manager is surprisingly hard
If you’re struggling with even the smallest thing, Goshiki’s jumping in to show and prove how they don’t need you as a manager
He was lokey pissed when you joined, volleyball had been one of the only things you guys didn’t compete in, and he was already working to be better then Ushijima
Now he was working extra hard to be better then you too
And all his ruder remarks were messing with your confidence :(
You thought it would be fun to be manager but Goshiki had a meaner edge in the club
He didn’t even notice he was being like that till you started distancing yourself from him at practice
And school altogether
Baby feels so bad when he realizes what’s going on :(((
He’s wondering how to make things better between you two, when you’re both called to talk to the coach
Washijou is terrifying and you’re kinda petrified as you sit in his office
You’re worrying you must have murdered someone for him to look at you and Goshiki like that
“I need this team at its top condition.”
Now he looks like he’s about to murder y’all
“If this couple’s quarrel can’t be resolved, then I’m taking you both off the team.”
He thinks you guys are dating😐
“Hey what?! No, you can’t do that!! Especially when we’re not to-
He interrupts you, “You think I didn’t see how you were before this started? I wasn’t born yesterday. Now you better figure this out, and if I don’t see anything changing, you can kiss both of your spots on the team goodbye.”
He kicks you out of his office, not bothering to listen as you continue to argue with his decision
Goshiki is panicking
“We- we’re not dating! What do we do?! I can’t stop playing volleyball!!”
He looks like he’s gonna cry, so you grab his hand and tell him you have an idea
And you do unluckily
He agrees to your plan because desperate times call for extremely drastic measures
Pretending to date should be easy enough
Except.... you’re both so bad at it
It’s almost concerning as you guys try to be a couple
Coach is just watching with his deadpan expression, as you attempt to give Goshiki a hug, instead managing to trip and drag him down with you (you got nervous and panick ran into him... how do you even do that..?)
Goshiki tried to toss you a ball when you dropped it, but he ended up hitting your head😔
And also, you can’t fight over who gets to hold who’s hand, it doesn’t even make sense??
Please, Tendou steps in to help because you two are hopeless
He knows what’s up and he thinks it’s great
Free entertainment✨
He says the first step is actually talking about how you want to do this
Communication is key
After a couple heartfelt apologies and rule setting (no kissing), you guys are ready for Tendou’s second step in how to fake date
This is where the fun starts >:)
Starting off slow, you both start to gradually add parts of a romantic relationship into your daily life’s
Goshiki making you a bento a couple times a week, and he’s a really good cook so the food is always *chefs kiss*
You going out of your way to give him little notes telling him something good about himself or giving a bit of encouragement
“Tsutomu, you look good today!” “Nice job acing that test :3”
When he was feeling extra down, you gave him one that was a detailed description of how amazing he did and how awestruck you were, by his playing in the last game they had (the one they lost)
Goshiki had been avoiding the team, giving anyone who talked to him a fake laugh saying he was fine, and for whatever reason, that hadn’t sat right with you
He cheered up almost instantly, and with watery eyes, pulled you into a hug
Goshiki loved your notes, the compliments felt more important from you then other people
You choose to ignore the warmth bubbling up in your chest as he told you this
After falling into that routine, you finally ask Tendou for the next step in fake dating
Except he says you both have to figure that one out on your own
You have a feeling you’re supposed to know what he’s talking about
Humming, you decide to talk to Goshiki about it once practice is over
It goes by slow, like time itself is trying to tell you something
Too bad you’re dense
Pulling Goshiki aside as everyone piles out of the gym, time at last going back to normal, you feel that all to familiar flutter as he smiles at you
Taking a large breath you open your mouth, only to find no words
Huh, you do know what that next step is
Shaking your head, you decide to start this differently
“Tsu... you wanna hear something cool?”
“Oh ummm, ya, what is it?”
You grab his hand, swinging them back and forth as you walk
“I like you.”
You turn to gouge his reaction, surprised to find he was staring intensely back
You take his bright red face and the excited smile that he’s attempting to hold back, as good signs though
“You do?” He asks, smile finally taking over his whole face when you nod
“Me too!”
Vibrating with the flutters in his chest, he starts running, pulling you along with him
You can’t help the laughter that overtakes you, as he stops at coach Washijous office, saying you and him should thank him for what he did
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