#i would like to thank horikoshi for this victory
siflshonen · 1 month
I’d love to interpret bkdk as romantic but I will be honest, it is difficult to do when a het ship is being hinted at more explicitly. I’m still glad Horikoshi did not include a full-on confession though. We can do what we want in fics without having to rework canon.
Love your posts, thank you for your wonderful insights into bkdk. Your meta is always well-done.
I know this ask was originally meant for someone else, and you’re absolutely right that bakuhatsufallinlove does fantastic meta. You’re very wise to see how great of a job they do and it’s kind of you to say so. It’s also very kind of you to read my posts.
I’m about to not be quite so kind.
I hate Izuocha. And I’m annoyed by the insinuation that Ochako breaking down in tears over Himiko to Izuku - her big moment of bearing her emotions out in the open to him - is seen as an endgame romance, especially since the only other detail we have to go off of is Ochako smiling at Izuku in their hero suits when Todoroki is kinda doing the same thing, AND when I should DAMN WELL hope Ochako and Izuku are still friends and looking out for each other, especially since they bonded over the traumatic deaths of those they failed to save.
I’m insulted that Ochako’s confessions to Himiko are disregarded like that, or the tumultuous chaos she grapples with in her heart is brushed aside. I’m insulted by the insinuation that Ochako’s known love of seeing happy, smiling people is not acknowledged and instead her expressing joy over seeing that on Izuku’s face is painted over as being implied, for-sure romantic endgame. Maybe it is, sure. Anything is possible. I’m sure Himiko wants the best for Ochako and for her to be happy, and would probably think it was romantic that her feelings also reached Izuku by way of Ochako as being someone they mutually loved.
But Himiko is dead and it ripped Ochako apart, and her reaction to that is the last in-depth look we get at her feelings. Izuku recognizing that Ochako is a hero in her own right (not a heroine, aka a damsel for the hero to save and then end up with romantically per Japanese storytelling roles, not just “a female hero” like we think of it in English) is gratifying and wonderful. And I’m insulted by the insinuation that just because Izuku acknowledges that Ochako is and has been his hero and always saved him that this must mean that they are implied to be the romantic endgame. God forbid they mutually admire each other and respect each other and the story just ends there, and god forbid Izuku calling her his hero sends a totally different message.
Now, as for Katsuki. You cannot tell me that he doesn’t have some kind of deep feelings for Izuku. @bakuhatsufallinlove has posted extensively about unspoken feelings with a likewise unspoken understanding are common for Japanese romances, but I’ll admit I’m not here to talk about that.
Do you really want to tell me that Horikoshi-sensei allowing Katsuki and Izuku to keep their arms and have an implied handhold at the end doesn’t mean as much as whatever the fuck Ochako is doing in the final panel?
In Naruto, which BNHA takes many cues from, Sasuke and Naruto had their arms ripped off because the editor didn’t approve of the two of them holding hands in panel. Apparently, that’s too romantic and inappropriate for the male leads of a shonen. Given that, how interesting that the doctor recommended that Katsuki’s hand-holding arm be amputated. How interesting that Katsuki refuses. How interesting that Katsuki refuses while thinking not just of All Might, probably not really of All Might, but Izuku. How interesting that Izuku also keeps both arms, and we as readers are very certain they held hands even if it is not shown.
How interesting that Katsuki is not just the heart of Izuku’s mech suit project (and, in some respects, of the class,) but of Izuku’s image of victory, Izuku’s “Pro Hero with a quirk” origin, the heart of what he believes a real hero is like, and the literal actual heart of what he wanted to defend from ShigAFO multiple times over. How interesting that Katsuki’s story is in part him learning how to not be a burden to Izuku or used against him like, say, a heroine-damsel-in-distress might be used, AND it is also in part him learning to come to terms with his feelings for Izuku. In fact, we spend basically the whole manga dwelling on this with him. It’s that important that he reconciled Izuku with his heart and desires.
Izuku, who is so tearfully happy that Katsuki wants to be with him for the rest of their lives in whatever form that takes, even when they weren’t sure he was going to have a quirk and be able to be Katsuki’s superhero rival. Izuku, who is so happy to be with Kacchan and the class as a hero again, in part BECAUSE it is with Kacchan………….and everyone else on the next page.
Nothing is for sure. Nobody kissed or got married or whatever, sure. But you really want to tell me Izuocha is more heavily implied based on the ending?
Thanks for the ask. I’m sorry you feel that way. Get off my lawn.
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stillness-in-green · 3 months
First of all, thank you for Bring It All Back. Gave me chills. Second, what do you think about the newest chapters? It seems like Izuku took Gran Torino's 'killing to save' ideology to heart. Personally, I gave up somewhere around the Nagant arc.
Belatedly, thank you very much, @kermitthekrog-blog!  I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I’m particularly always happy to hear people say it was chilling, upsetting, enraging, or other such disruptive adjectives.  It’s a rabble-rouser of an art project, to be sure, quite intentionally so.
As to the rest, I’ve made a few posts here and there since I got this ask which probably make my opinions pretty clear, and I’ve got a new ask in the queue which wants to know my thoughts on the epilogue material thus far, so I’ll have more to say there!  But in the meantime, yeah, it’s pretty appalling to think back to all Deku’s talk about “saving” Shigaraki and realize that all of it predates the Gran Torino scene?
Like, he thinks he wants to save Shigaraki when they part ways at the end of the first war arc, sure!  And he tells the vestiges he wants to save Shigaraki!  But does that specific word choice endure once he wakes up?  Well, @codenamesazanka did some hunting recently (you can find two posts about her rereads here and here) and, it turns out, no; it doesn't.
After Deku wakes up and talks to Gran Torino, the focus switches to Deku understanding Shigaraki, choosing not to ignore him, finding out the nature of the Crying Child, all that stuff.  That word completely stops coming out of Deku's mouth, and very shortly after stops coming from any of the OFA vestiges as well.
It really does read, in retrospect, like, yeah, he sincerely took Gran Torino’s words at face value and to heart. “Killing can be a way of saving, so I can save him by killing him.”
Heck, if anything, given how little he focuses after that on saving, it almost feels like that’s the moment he resolves to kill Shigaraki—rather conveniently, it allows him a way to make peace with extrajudicial murder and avenge himself for all the people Shigaraki’s hurt that Deku can’t forgive him for.
The only thing that’s different from just killing him outright is that Deku wants to understand him first, as if he has to verify for himself that Shigaraki is secretly unhappy and why so he can justify that save-by-killing—putting Shigaraki out of whatever misery Deku can make himself believe Shigaraki is in—with a clean conscience.  But he absolutely does not make any further promises about not killing him afterward.
Grim fucking stuff, but it lines up.  One wonders what he would have done if the Shigaraki in the mindscape had changed to Sweet Innocent Tenko and never reverted back to Shigaraki Tomura at any point.  Would Deku have tried not to punch him to death?  Tried to call for Eri or Recovery Girl after AFO’s vestige faded out?  Felt like more of a failure because the “person” VFO devoured would have been that cute kid, meaning Deku failed to save the “child”?
As it is, he mostly just seems vaguely discouraged and unhappy about Shigaraki staying “the leader of the League” until the end—would he have preferred that his hands were ashen and flaking with the powdered remains of the crying child instead?
As to me giving up, the Nagant fight is one of two places I'd put that pin.  I was discouraged by the first war arc, when so many of the advantages Shigaraki had gained over the course of MVA were stripped away from him again.  I was dissatisfied with the second encounter with Muscular, when Deku's "victory" was framed in such a heroic, triumphant light despite being a categorical failure based on the standard Deku seemed to have set for himself.  But Deku’s fight with Lady Nagant was so bad for so many reasons that it served as the first true hammer blow to my belief that Horikoshi would be willing or able to seriously grapple with the societal problems the manga had been building up to at that point.
My patience with the manga, and the enjoyment I derived from it, continued to deteriorate throughout the rest of that arc and the following war arc, but the hospital attack is the other place I would point to as the sequence that completely destroyed my engagement with the series.
Just—the naked contrivances of it, the excruciating treatment of Spinner, the howling tone-deafness, the monumental unfairness of the demands it laid at the feet of its oppressed minority. The series presents a backstory like Shouji’s alongside current story elements like heteromorphs being turned away from shelters in the supposedly accepting and quirk-blind big cities and still somehow comes out valorizing passive endurance so hard it starts to look like willful self-subjugation.
It is the most comprehensively noxious moral in the entire endgame, rivaled only by Deku’s murder of Shigaraki under the guise of “saving” him, and frankly? I would still put that one in second place. At least you can point to Shouto (and possibly Ochaco, though that remains to be seen) as an indication that save-by-killing is not a story-wide moral about villains who have “gone too far.”
Conversely, pretty much everything the hospital attack mini-arc winds up preaching can be read outward onto the rest of the story's antagonists as well, including Lady Nagant. What else to make of her exchange with Hawks The Optimist, after all, than that the conclusion is that she should have just kept murdering whoever the government told her to until some outside player solved her problem for her?
A Hero is someone who is willing to suffer in silence. A Villain, then, must be someone who refuses to.
Truly, the hospital attack is the poisoned well that wipes out the entire village.
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chocmuffinsscones · 11 months
BKDK endgame theory
Another highly self-indulgent theory on how bkdk's gonna be endgame canonically
Disclaimer: Since I don't wanna jinx it or feel embarrassed for being so brazen about this mere silly thought of mine, I'll just keep this private until if things similar to what I've predicted became true. Otherwise, this will only be for my eyes alone. - edited 6 Nov 2023
Fuck all of that guess I'm just gonna put it out there and let y'all have fun as I embarrass myself. Just think it's all for lolz if none of these happen, at least I have fun writing to indulge my fantasy - edited 8 Nov 2023
So, what I think is that since hori's gonna keep giving us surprises and +u up his own game, my guess is that to clearly and subtly lock the pair without making it feel forced is to make bkdk make a promise to each other that hinted a lifelong warrant. Refer this to what toga said in her arc
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It's not exactly a love confession, but what'll you feel if someone promise to dedicate their whole life in making you feel happiness, loved? I think that's love disguise in a glass case
So, how's this gonna parallel to our favourite dorks who're both so emotionally constipated and verbally poor at confessing?
Me thinks that, apparently when the boys were pushed to the extremes -- to the moment when there's literally no time affordable to think of anything else besides the most important thing they hold in their life, that the moment their body has to move on their own by instincts -- we'll finally get to see, bright as day, where their true feelings lay.
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As far as we've seen, it has been clearly revealed (except for those who're illiterate or in a dilemma of spiralling denial) that on katsuki's side, Izuku's the one constantly haunting his head for the rest of his 10+ years. He'd jump into battle with him, rush in front of him to avert the blow, fight in pain to stay relevant in izuku's battle -- to the point of fighting to his death to protect his seniors and to yet remain as izuku's image of victory... all these, to atone his mistakes in mistreating Izuku.
Throughout his character growth, Katsuki had been to the extremes. What are the most extreme situations if not death itself?
After that, however, we see katsuki came back with his heart fully open (pun definitely not intended!), feelings more outwardly shown, saying thanks sincerely without hiding behind his explosive demeanor, smiling straightforwardly at his favourite idol AM 🥺
Katsuki had met his breaking point, met death itself, and came back a new man. A man who wanted to change before everything was too late. As soon as he woke up, he didn't waste time hesitating to allow further regrets, showing gratitude and humility whole-heartedly in any instant he should've done like any decent human being would.
Except, there's still one thing he hadn't yet achieve to reach a complete circle for his narrative.
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Pre-war, Katsuki's biggest dread, the constant looming threat choking around his neck, was being unable to be honest and sincere to Izuku.
"But wait! He'd already stated his apology, he has no regrets left!"
Well, if you have that complain, you're not understanding katsuki well enough. Katsuki is a man of action more than his words. It's quite a common habit for Asians too to put more thoughts into action rather than just spewing beautiful words. And Katsuki, through and through, was an all-in-or-nothing kind of guy. He would never stop at just apologising. If his prior intention for reconciliation was to make himself feel better, then the integrity behind his actions and words was nullified, since that would undoubtedly negate the whole building up of his character's motivation. Moreover, it would become a huge flaw in horikoshi's writing as that would depict him in a "fake hero" spotlight as well as contradict the character's self incentive to be the bestest hero there is. I wouldn't bet hori would decide to ruin his writing like this. In fact, this is such a huge plot point for katsuki's character development that such a small blunder at this point would greatly affect the whole endgame story dynamic to his readers. Not that he'd care if he really did chose that path... I mean 🤷🏻‍♀️😬
Anyway, personality-wise, I'd say Katsuki would be the first person to hate that particular kind of people if he sees one. He'd definitely be disgusted of himself if he were one. That's why I wouldn't bet hori will make that blunder, because hori had been writing him as an incessantly growing character, relentlessly pushing his limits to be the best and always showed his results through visible actions.
So then, back to the point, what were left to do if he had already apologised? What more does he need to do then to further compensate?
:) As I've mentioned earlier, nothing beats the offer of a lifelong compensation, of devoting one's own time and energy willingly to the other as long as they need, or provide care and attention whenever they deserve.
"Wait. What does that even sound like tho? Doesn't that seem like a huge burden to bear??"
For Katsuki however, it's as per usual: all in or nothing!
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A promise that hinted lifelong devotion though... That truly sounds like a heavy dedication to carry for the rest of one's life. Doesn't that kind of vow ring any bells? That's the only conclusion I could come to unfortunately. Because Katsuki is a perfectionist, he'll never aim at only atoning his mistakes for a "measly" 10-20 years.
But then, at what kind of situation he would promise a life-binding oath like that out of the ordinary?? Knowing our boys, there's no way they would open their ironclad mouths to say something as romantic as that out of the blue, right??
So here comes my prediction❗❗
📢 warning: take everything below with a grain of salt because at this point it's just me wildin' haha
Evidently, it's been awhile we're constantly warned about Izuku's lack-of-oxygen crisis. He was still fighting sAFO alone while Katsuki came back to focus on AFO himself.
There's a few ways things could go south from there. Afo could very well be dealt by Katsuki now with extra buffs(his new cluster moves), but Izuku was still in an unknown critical state. So while Katsuki busied himself distracting afo, Izuku could somehow got sucked into sAFO's vestige space in a moment's hesitation (or something happened that sucked him into vestige space). We might finally get our vestige space fight between Izuku and tenko & OFA vs AFO, or we could get a heartwarming talk no jutsu (as well as some sprinkle of action fights) between Izuku and Tenko. And all of these played out without the involvement of Katsuki -- as he's stuck in the physical world and is still dealing a rampaging afo. The dudebros would be happy about this. Finally they had a chance to laugh at us at being clowns for wanting katsuki's involvement in the vestige fight. But remember, hori is a troll through and through. He could troll us, he could troll the dudebros too. It's our temporary loss for not getting Katsuki fight beside izuku in afo vestige space, but we'll have something better later!
Because while all of those happen in the vestige space, apparently Tomura and Izuku's body will be out of it, falling to the ground and seemingly lifeless, out of consciousness to the eye of the people in the physical world.
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I can imagine Katsuki having no time to spare while dealing with Afo as this happen. He's got to finish AFO first to get back to Izuku. And I promise you it'll not take too long for him to do that, 'cause it'll be a combo attack from IN and OUT as Izuku counter both Afo and tenko in the vestige space -- but it'll feel a bit longer in Izuku's pov as timeflow seems to be slightly different in there.
Anyhow, as Katsuki was done with afo, what do you think he'll react then when he reached a passed out Izuku? When he arrived to the scene of Izuku and Tenko on the ground, Izuku probably temporarily *not breathing* and motionless. *not breathing due to the setback of gearshift
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Katsuki will be shocked and traumatized. After spilling his heart out to win AFO with/for izuku, how could he stand to win the battle if Izuku wasn't there to claim victory alongside him? He would hold Izuku's hand and kept calling out to him (maybe angrily or threatening but the words are sweet and all of it are very contrasting?👀), calling for his soul to come back. Surely he would start crying and confess all his regrets even more too. *reminder: these are only possible because all his walls were finally broken down after his revival, he's a changed man in and out.*
Then, even better! When the medic units and probably some other heroes arrived to the scene, Katsuki suddenly realised he could give Izuku cpr! He'll do it himself and think it'll work since he learnt it from emergency treating lessons, and he didn't want Izuku to leave his side but also didn't want to do nothing to help Izuku recover.
See? Plus Ultra. Katsuki giving Izuku cpr y'all. Bkdk won. All these too in front of some witnesses and recording cameras. :)
And, yeah, cuz hori is a troll, katsuki's kiss of life actually wasn't the *sole* reason Izuku came to (all for the ambiguity too, ya know ;) and besides, hori likes trolling Katsuki too, not allowing him to get what he wants)-- it was all Izuku's well-deserved victory on defeating afo and saving tenko from the vestige space that allowed him to return to his own body after the vestige world close up. In fact, Izuku didn't actually need it, he was merely away from his body to fight in the vestige space for a bit; if he won, he would eventually come back and wake up by himself, the problem of hypoxia naturally dissolved along with it.
In another words, the "kiss" was just a bonus. It's a heartfelt gift from hori-sensei to his bkdk/grateful manga readers. Because in the end of the day, it's the promise between Izuku and Katsuki that wrapped the deal of bkdk being endgame canonically. For Hori, it's a win-win situation; he could have fun building suspense over his readers, as well as finally letting his favourite boys earn their long overdue peace to be together. Also, completing both protagonist and deuteragonist narrative foil as save to win, win to save. AND not making the whole scene romantically charged, as the reason behind their actions aren't out of sexual desire nor sexual attraction, since tHis Is sTilL JusT a shOuNen mAnGa afterall. Just "bros" devoting their life to each other and occasionally hold hands to get comfortable of each other's touch because they're practicing their next combo move. 😀
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pikahlua · 1 year
I've read too many character studies and I'm confused: does Katsuki have a superiority complex or does he have an inferiority complex? If he has both, is it situational? (as in the inferiority complex is only in regards to certain people like Midoriya and sometimes Shouto) And about Katsuki's pride and arrogance, is it more of a cover up or hubris?
BNHA #403: The Symbol of Victory is back!!
Also, I think you portray Katsuki and his vibes (gremlin vibes and charismatically powerful at the same time) really well in Dragonheart 🐲 and I'd love to read that sports festival meta, and an even more comprehensive meta on Katsuki and Victory.
Believe it or not, superiority complex and inferiority complex are actually the same thing! Perhaps the presentation may be different, but both are complexes revolving around one's personal internalized feelings of inferiority. The superiority complex is just the version where someone hides their feelings of inferiority by putting on a front of superiority. It's when Katsuki's superiority front breaks that his feelings of inferiority rise to the surface and become plain for us to see.
Japan in particular loves referring to certain popular ideas of psychology as complexes in its media lexicon. Whether or not the Japanese-ified term for any psychological concept it co-opts actually means the same thing in the science world is another matter. Often, whenever you here the "-con" suffix moniker in Japanese, it really just means the person or character is obsessed with whatever thing is being discussed. But I believe in MHA they actually call Katsuki's superiority-inferiority complex a "complex" as opposed to just the pop psych name of "-con."
As for Katsuki's arrogance, yes it's most often a strategic front actually. It becomes more evident when he's in battle or danger, and in those situations his arrogant act looks more logical (because you can intimidate your opponents into making bad decisions if they don't know when you're on the ropes--aka bluffing). It's just that he keeps up this act in all social spaces even where most people would let it drop. The message we get is that Katsuki constantly perceives everyone as rivals first and foremost and that the competition to rise to the top never stops for him. You may have realized we're already deep into the "tatemae/honne" discussion again without even having to use those terms. Katsuki's arrogance and attitude and pride are all part of his tatemae persona. Even when everyone around him starts catching onto his softer lovable honne deep down, Katsuki maintains the delinquent tatemae as if it is the "role" he plays in each setting. It's the role in Class 1-A that he occupies (just like Iida is the class president and Momo is the rich girl and Shouto is the cool pretty boy and Mineta is the pervert and Jirou is the rocker and Kaminari is the doofus and...), and this all doubles as a self-aware meta element in MHA because not only are these roles to be played in a social setting, they're roles to be played in a story! They're fictional character traits and tropes for MHA to use and subvert and explore! But the fact that these roles truly play out as tatemae in many cases and that Katsuki occasionally breaks character and we see his kind, caring honne shows the depths to which Horikoshi has thought about these things and used them to flesh out his characters!
Also, I think you portray Katsuki and his vibes (gremlin vibes and charismatically powerful at the same time) really well in Dragonheart 🐲
🥺 Y-y-you do? [wibble] Thank youuuu. I wanna write it again now that he's back. He is my muse. My petty little chihuahua muse.
and I'd love to read that sports festival meta, and an even more comprehensive meta on Katsuki and Victory.
Stay tuned. I'm getting ideas, particularly for how to finally go about doing the former. Someday soon, possibly.
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gradelstuff · 3 months
ch427 thoughts
Tomura's last words remind me a lot of Twice's last words. Rather than say something to the whole League, Tomura and Twice both reserved their final moments to the person who was going to be the most affected by their death. For Twice, that was Toga. And for Tomura, that was Spinner.
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(ch266, ch423)
Twice and Tomura's final moments aren't perfect. Their parting words are practically apologies. "Sorry for everything" "Tomura Shigaraki fought to destroy to the bitter end". They both tried their best for the League, and especially for the person they had the strongest relationship with, but failed anyways.
Twice and Tomura both cared about the League, it's emphasized multiple times, but they likewise knew that there was one person who would be most affected about them dying. Just as Twice knew Toga would be the most hurt about his death, Tomura knew Spinner would be the one most hurt about his death.
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(ch266, ch427)
Twice made Toga feel like she belonged somewhere. Tomura made Spinner feel like he could have purpose.
"Thank you for saving me" "Shigaraki was my shining hope" They got apologies, but Toga and Spinner could only say thank you's in response. Their relationships were so real and important, yet cut short.
And right after realizing Twice died, Toga is given a much scarier appearance. The same goes for Spinner after learning Tomura died. Spinner and Toga both become 'scarier' when we next see them after Twice/Tomura's death.
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(ch273, ch427)
Horikoshi tends to draw Spinner and Toga kind of round/baby-faced, but in these moments they look "scary" and "villainous". Because Toga and Spinner are left hurt and angry, and it's all at the fault of the "heroes."
Hawks killed Twice and got away with it. Deku killed Tomura and became a celebrated hero. Am I saying Deku did exactly what Hawks did? - Yes.
I do not think Deku saved Tomura. I think Deku failed, just like how Hawks failed to save/understand Twice. Hawks and Deku both heard this person, this villain, say that they would rather stay with the League of Villains than be "saved" by them. And Hawks and Deku could not understand why.
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(ch265, ch418)
Hawks and Deku both wanted to save their respective villain, but the villain they reached out for dies by their hand instead. Worse, the villain's reasoning for why they couldn't be saved didn't make much sense to them either.
Just look at Hawks and Deku reflecting on the fact that they just killed someone that they wanted to save. They look terrible.
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(ch299, ch424)
(Also I have mixed feelings of them saying "Bubaigawara" and "Tenko," as if purposely avoiding the usage of their villain name..?)
It's like Nagant said. It's the people who die by a hero's mistake that REALLY keeps them up at night, regardless if that person is a villain or not.
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Hawks and Deku won, but at what cost? It's a hollow victory. For Hawks, that kind of sums up his situation with Twice and Toga, which later gets taken over by Ochako. However unlike Hawks, Deku does try to understand why he failed to save Tomura. I think
While Deku does not understand why Tomura did what he did, Tomura gives him a hint in the form of Spinner. Tomura asked Deku to deliver a message to Spinner, and Deku decides to do that. It's similar to how Hawks promised to deliver a message to the League for Twice. Except the Hawks & Twice thing wasn't rlly Twice giving him a message
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(ch265, ch418)
Hawks has so far failed to deliver any meaningful messages to Toga about Twice's final moments. But Deku. I think Deku does actually try. Horikoshi previously symbolized that Spinner would be that "bridge" between Deku and Tomura. In 418, it's Spinner who stands in-between Deku and Tomura during the vestige scene.
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Is Spinner acting as a wall between them? A barrier? Or is he meant to be the key for Deku to finally understand "Who was Tomura Shigaraki?"
For whatever the reason, Deku delivers Tomura's message to the person Deku probably hurt the most by killing Tomura. And unlike when Hawks encounters Toga, Deku faces the situation head-on.
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(ch374, ch427)
So Hawks loses his composure, but Deku is willing to keep going. This is also where Ochako is the one to help Toga instead. Ochako and Deku might not entirely understand their villains, nor their villain's situation. But maybe they want to. That's why Ochako and Deku try to face Toga and Spinner's grief head-on, unlike the adults.
Sure, Toga and Spinner look very scary at this point in time, but what led to that?
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(Ch394, ch427)
Maybe Ochako and Deku feel partially responsible for Toga and Spinner's unresolved grief. It's honestly late. And not perfect. But Ochako and Deku seemingly try to give these hurt people some semblance of closure or understanding. It doesn't fix anything, but it's a start towards something.
Spinner ends up telling Deku things about Tomura. That besides the destruction, he was a gamer. He was relatable. Tomura gave Spinner hope when nothing else did, and Deku tells him that Tomura wanted to be their hero. Ochako listened to Toga's grief about Twice and how life is unfair, and Ochako calls Toga cute and acknowledges her bond with the League of Villains.
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(ch395, ch427)
It's a start to at least acknowledge that the Villains also had special bonds. Bonds that got hurt and lost after everything. It's less of a solution, and more like reaching an understanding between each other. Communication is better than nothing at this point.
And it kind of sucks that Hawks never did resolve the Twice issues with Toga, beyond telling her that he was "a great guy". I mean, Hawks and Deku are both Quirkless now, as if it was a consequence of their actions. I wish that got more introspection from Hawks. Maybe 328 will do something about the Toga & Ochako & Hawks stuff, but I don't think it will entirely "fix" anything. Since that's just been... a running theme lately .. . anyways yeah thats it.
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halt-kun · 11 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 406 - Understand your own quirk !
This chapter seems interesting, will we finally know if AFO is finally done for ?
Is Katchan good ?
I hope soooooo,
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not Ojiro and Ryukyu
they're probably against another tartarus escapee
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I had completely forgotten Eraser head and Present mic were abducted ?!?!? What's wrong with me ????
Thanks NAGANT, always rooting for the morally grey girls
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Bakugou is now on par with them with ONE quirk
he's such a good boy !!! BLOW HIM UP
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(i'm afraid)
I don't know what you learnt Bakugou but put it into words quick
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INSTADEATH is a problem
I'm afraid for my boy Izuku
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I'm scared
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Endeavor, I can understand why, and All Might, yes
it's true Dark Shadow is a bad match up against Katsuki but still my boy is fast and strong
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Unhinged good boy is my favourite lately
(Not talking about you Gojo)
don't destroy your body though please
it suffered enough Bakugou
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hitting the pavement that fast should kill you
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A perfect VICTORY
I really don't have much to say beside enjoying this character arc of his accomplish
His parents are there, I would also be worried af (in fact I am)
He's reaching Midoriya's level, he's beyond Endeavor's potential and didn't fall into morally bad stuff to reach that. He's still had a few bumps along the road in term of morality but nowhere near Endeavor's level. And it was in middle school which can be rough for a lot of people
ANYWAY finishing AFO now is prone to bring a lot of good
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Because he STRONK without an OP quirk stacking thing and you were so convinced of your superiority when it comes to blood lineage and quirks that you overlooked him and he's in fact leaps and bounds above you
You're like Katchan when he considered Midoriya to be below him but Izuku kept keeping up and showing him how much better he was at being a hero
Yes AFO, you're just a middle schooler in your head (a pyschopathic one at that with fucked up morals)
well now you're much younger than a middle schooler though, pre school era AFO
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Oh nooooo poor second user
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So that's whyyyyyy they look alike !:!!!
to annoy AFO even more and make him more pissed when he loses (thanks Horikoshi)
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Next chapter, he'll loose
Git Gud Bro
GG ez win
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hoe-doroki · 4 years
stats, stats, stats!
It’s officially 2021, ya’ll! Thank god, right? For a lot of reasons, but mostly because now we can do ✨end of year statistics✨ Nothing gets me amped up quite like looking at writing stats so let’s freaking do this thing
Okay. None of ya’ll know 2019 Ana, but she was a pretty cool chick (God, I miss her tbh). She had an awesome goal of writing 100 words a day every single day. (I missed ~10 days in the end, but you gotta be forgiving of yourself with resolutions!) It was the best thing I’ve ever done. I’ve been writing fanfic for 8 years, but 2019 really whipped my work ethic into shape. Without waxing poetic about the benefits of writing a little every day, I’ll just skip to the juicy stuff and let you know that in 2019, I wrote 172,386 words. I am certain that that’s more than I’d ever written before.
This year? I wrote approx. 247k
That’s an approximate number because this year was one of with a lot of editing. Most of 2019 was spent writing a 133k that I spent the first 3 months of 2020 (remember those?? Lololol) editing. And then, aside from some oneshots, the rest of the year through August was spent reworking a second draft of the fanfiction that will one day kill me, istg. Approximately ~45k went into that, but some of those words were adapted from the first draft, so that number’s pretty inaccurate too. All in all, those months yielded ~73k for Pokemon and 16,178 for other fandoms.
That leaves a whopping 157,624 for bnha (solely between mid-September to December)! Now, that number’s specific, but let’s be real, it’s inaccurate too. It doesn’t count the words cut from rewrites and all that. Plus, my manga impressions posts have contained thousands of words of nonfiction for bnha. (Additionally, I wrote thousands of words of other nonfiction this year.)
And, let’s be real, I do a shit ton of beta editing. I’ve done...maybe 570k of beta editing this year? And wow, I’m really glad I just added all that up, because I always shit on myself for not betaing fast enough but that’s a crap ton of work right there. If I’ve ever betaed for you, you know that I put a lot of work into every piece I beta. I’d say there are many times in which beta reading actually takes me longer than writing does, if you’d believe that.
Okay, okay, these numbers aren’t as exciting to anyone else as they are to me, so I’ll stop there. I’ve never written as prolifically as I have for bnha and that’s for a multitude of complexly intertwining reasons, some good, some bad. But overall? I’m pleased as punch. Let’s get rolling on that 2021 word count, bby!!
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zukuist · 3 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬
“just really random mannerisms they like about you”
my 1.5k special
fandom/s: 僕のヘロアカデミア // boku no hero academia [bnha]
includes: several characters
your name is shortened to y/n, gender neutral!
side note: lol i’ve been gone for 22 days 💀 so sorry for the wait guys! it was finals week during the first half of the month. but now that i’m done with the 9th grade, i can post more! there’ll be more to come later this week
thank you all for 1.5k !!
bakugō katsuki
when you do that cute little spin when you’re showing off your outfit for the day, especially before dates
he claims that he thinks it’s dumb, and that you should ‘knock it off’ or ‘quit fuckin’ spinning around like that’ but he actually thinks the opposite, believe it or not. he’ll still react like ‘🙄’ and smirk, like he’s going to make fun of you. however, if you look closely, that smirk of his is actually him smiling at you genuinely, and endearingly. i don’t think katsuki would be someone that would shower his s/o with presents constantly, especially with things like clothes (like.. you could just borrow his sweater, if you needed one) but! he finds himself buying you more clothes, just so you could sit him down, and do that little spin for him.
but, as to be expected of him, he’ll never outright admit that he finds it adorable. but maybe if you push the right buttons, the blond will admit it under his breath.
midoriya izuku
when you start talking with your hands during conversations and debates.
usually, he’s the one that rambles, and you’re the listener. and though he’s very grateful that you’re his #1 listener, he also really enjoys returning the favor by listening to you too! especially when he gets to stare into those heavenly eyes of yours. but! how can he do that, if you’re the type to speak with your hands? there’s something about it that intrigues him to no end. izuku doesn’t point it out right away when he first notices, but he tends to stare at them like ‘👁👁👀👁👁’, not at all conscious of his own stare, and until someone, or something snaps him out of it. try not to tease him about it, he’s just so infatuated, it’s excruciating for everyone to witness.
he probably has this mannerism written somewhere in his notebook. it’s not at all creepy, but the fact that he thinks it’s important enough to be written in his notebook makes you happy.
todoroki shōto
when you fix his hair, or appearance when he himself, doesn’t notice the disorganization
todoroki shōto is not a messy person. he’s organized, level-headed, and most of the time, he knows how to keep his appearance clean. but like everyone else, there’ll be that instance where he just.. doesn’t see it. and this is where you enter! he dislikes it a ton whenever people try to touch him, but when you do it, he really can’t find himself being angry about it, despite initially hating the idea of being touched without permission. if you’ll go out of your way to fix his appearance, he’ll be grateful! especially when you fix his hair, so his middle part is split nicely and perfectly.
of course, there are other things, like fixing his tie, and making sure that his collar is centered, and even smoothing down his eyebrows with your thumbs. sometimes, he’ll even mess up his appearance on purpose! he’s whipped.
kirishima eijirō
when you squeal whenever you’re surprised, and most especially when you see something you like and dislike
it actually does aid him a lot, in a weird sense. not sure if it’s because he finds these sounds helpful, or if he just finds those little squeals, and sounds of approval or disapproval adorable. it also helps him a lot, if you weren’t talkative in the first place. either way, it does help him navigate what you like or dislike. some may say it’s because it gives him an ego boost, or that eijirou gets a weird kick out of it, but it can’t be less genuine than this. whether if it would be a sound of adoration that escaped your lips when you received a post workout selfie, or if it would be a sound of disapproval when you feel the leftover hair gel in his scalp. either way, he finds it super adorable, 10/10.
but.. if you were to ask him, the faux red head would say that he liked your sounds of appreciation more than the ones of disapproval (duh). eijirou kirishima takes pride in making his s/o happy!
kaminari denki
the victory dance you do whenever you accomplish, or win something
it’s actually quite iconic at this point. the first time denki witnessed it in person, he was elated, mesmerized. first of all, where did you get those moves? and second of all, do you know how attractive this actually is to him? at this point, he should pull out a camera every time you do your little ‘dancey dance’ because he would like to learn the dance itself. i don’t care if you think the moves are absurd or random, nah. absurd is out of the question, because denki will just admire you, as you danced cheerfully.
people will sometimes ask him “out of all of the things he could’ve found cute, he chose this?” and he’ll just be like “yep.” shamelessly.
shinsō hitoshi
when you start toying, or fiddling with his fingers out of nowhere
please, as if this man’s oblivious about his level of attractiveness. newsflash, he’s aware. he knows that some people like his hands, but in his honest opinion, hitoshi doesn’t know why. he doesn’t have a physical quirk, so he doesn’t need to rely on his hands 100% of the time. but that doesn’t mean that this habit of yours didn’t catch him by surprise. you even did it when you guys weren’t officially together so, he kind of just.. allowed you. so that’s how things are. you’d talk to someone, and your hands would reach to play with his fingers under the table, and when you were a bit nervous than usual, you’d do the same.
he didn’t have to ask you too much about this habit, raising a brow when you first did it, only to receive a sheepish look in return. either way, he finds this habit really cute, and he’ll even start offering you his hand.
amajiki tamaki
grasping onto his hand, especially when you’re anticipating something, or when you’re nervous
he’s usually the one that needed some form of encouragement, support, or comfort. it’s always been that way for him, and there’s a part of him that desperately wished that he just woke up with mirio’s personality. he wishes he could be stronger, and the timid soon-to-be hero wishes there was an instant remedy. which is why, tamaki loves this habit! yeah sure, it flustered him, reducing him to being beet red, and a stammering mess, but moving past the first touch, he adores it. i mean, he doesn’t know if there’s a way he could say it, without making it seem weird but.. it feels nice, knowing you’ll grab onto his hand for comfort.
it makes him feel.. strong. knowing that he’s the one that’s doing the comforting, and not the other way around like how it’s always been. even if not a lot of words are exchanged during these times.
monoma neito
when you go to give him a hug or a kiss, and your foot lifts off the ground
yeah, i’m kind of referencing the princess diaries here. but out of everything neito could find cute, this would be at the top. man didn’t notice it at first, because well.. he’s usually kissing you, too absorbed to even notice anything else. but when he realizes it when your foot pops at a little peck on the cheek, he’s proud, boastful like how he usually is. this habit is very dreamy to him, something straight out of a old romcom, or a fairytale. to him, a good kiss would also be defined by this habit. he’ll smirk, “ohoh, your foot did the foot pop! guess i’m that good” he wants to see more of this little habit (habit or not, he still wants to see it)
he’ll boast about this cute habit to everyone, especially when the chance to boast arises. “can you make your s/o’s foot pop?!” he’ll erupt in laughter, absolutely proud of himself despite everyone not really knowing what that even is
© zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not steal ❕
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aitaikimochi · 3 years
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My Hero Academia DRAWING SMASH Exhibition Master Thread + Audio Guide Summary Translation!
1) All My Hero Academia DRAWING SMASH Tweets and Info 2) Horikoshi’s Interview about the Exhibition 3) Pre-Order MHA Exhibition Merchandise
FULL AUDIO GUIDE SUMMARY TRANSLATION: 1) Welcome Message 2) Roaring Sports Festival 3) The Test 4) My Hero Academia School Briefs 5) ULTRA HEROES 6) WANTED VILLAINS 7) ONE FOR ALL 8) ONE’S JUSTICE 9) Ending Credits
All Might introduces and welcomes us to the My Hero Academia DRAWING SMASH Exhibition. Deku is also there and says that while listening to this audio guide, please don’t stop movnig as you will hold up the line and flow of traffic. He explains that the Exhibition is split into many different areas, and there’s tons of hand-drawn panels by Horikoshi-sensei on display too. There is also a section in the Exhibition that focuses on the anime too! All Might tells Deku that there’s a section dedicated to All Might himself, and Deku gets super excited and turns to Bakugou and says, “Kacchan, did you hear that? Uh Kacchan? Where are you?” Deku tries looking for Bakugou, but Aizawa comes and tells Deku to move along the line.
Ochako waves at Deku and says, “over here, Deku!” Deku goes to where she’s standing and looks at the different manga panels from the Sports Festival. He says thanks to Ochako, Tokoyami, and Hatsume, they were able to win that fight in the Sports Festival. Ochako sees her fight with Bakugou and says he was too strong, but she really wanted to win that fight for her Mom and Dad. Deku tells her it’s okay because she definitely tried her best. Ochako gets a bit flustered at this. Bakugou then passes by and asks, “Who did their best? No matter how many times I fight Deku, I’d obviously always win. But if Deku maybe was a bit more buff, he could PERHAPS put up a fight.” Ochako exclaims, “WOAH! Bakugou praised him! It’s definitely going to snow tomorrow.” Bakugou tells her to shut up.
Deku sees the next panel, which is the fight between himself and Todoroki. Ochako excitedly recites the line Deku said to Todoroki, which was the “It’s your power isn’t it!?” line. Deku gets embarrassed and tells her to stop. Todoroki thanks Deku and says it’s because of him that he remembered why exactly he wanted to be a hero in the first place. Bakugou yells at them for being sappy and gross. They then turn their attention to the panels featuring the fight between Todoroki and Bakugou. Deku said Todoroki performed really well, but Bakugou’s Howitzer Impact move was super strong. Bakugou yells that he doesn’t want to be reminded of his unwarranted victory from that fight. Todoroki apologizes.
Ochako says that Bakugou’s poor performance made his image look really bad since it was broadcasted on national television, but Bakugou says he could care less. Todoroki says he’s sorry he didn’t fight his best as he was troubled during that fight, but his head is clear now. Todoroki says he will be a proper hero. Deku says he wants to be like All Might. Bakugou says he wants to surpass All Might. Aizawa then comes and tells the group to move along as they are holding up the line.
Deku explains that after the Sports Festival, the Hero Class went on internships with Pro Heroes. Todoroki mentions that during this time, the villains started to make moves in society, such as when they encountered Stain. Deku then goes on to say that after the Stain encounter, their class went to do the Forest Training during the Summer. Ochako remarks that Bakugou got kidnapped during this training period, and Bakugou tells her to shut up. Todoroki then explains that he, Iida, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Midoriya went to save him. Bakugou continues to tell everyone to shut up. Deku then says he’s glad they were successful in saving Bakugou, all thanks to Kirishima. Bakugou says, “I told you guys to stop talking about this!”
Deku then talks about the next moment in the timeline, which was the Provisional License Exam. Ochako said she trained so hard using her Zero Gravity quirk that just thinking about it now makes her want to throw up. Deku says that even though it was really difficult to train for the exam, the training did help him master using the Shoot Style with his legs as well. Todoroki mentions that the move Midoriya came up with using his feet was very strong, and Deku said that he also got used to it. Deku thanks Hatsume for making the costume and shoes for him.
Ochako says the Provisional License Exam this year in particular was difficult as the passing rate was abysmally low. She asks Bakugou if the Provisional License Exam was difficult, and Bakugou says “shut up don’t remind me.” Todoroki then says, “Yeah, it must have sucked to fail the Provisional License Exam” and Bakugou says, “What the hell- you failed too!” Deku tells them all to calm down. He says that Bakugou’s team did well in the first exam thanks to Kaminari’s new technique made possible by the point shooter gear he got from Hatsume. Bakugou once again tells everyone to shut up.
Todoroki recalls that their entire class did well in the first round, but he personally messed up in the second round, which caused him to fail the exam. Bakugou mocks him and says “what a loser, failing the exam” and Ochako says “but you failed too.” Bakugou yells “SHUT THE HELL UP!!!”
This entire track is a recap of various events that happened at U.A. Academy on campus. Deku starts off by saying he was so nervous when he first started school at U.A. but was thankful that he was able to make friends with Iida and Ochako so quickly. Bakugou scoffs and says, “isn’t it because you just didn’t have any friends in middle school?” Deku nervously says, “I think I had a few friends…!” Todoroki asks Deku why he didn’t deny it though.
Ochako remembers that Aizawa first asked the class to test their quirks, and Aizawa comes in and says he did that because he wanted to see their potential. Deku gets nervous and wonders if Aizawa came up to them because they were holding up the line, but Aizawa said he didn’t even say anything.
Todoroki said being part of the Hero Class meant that they had tons of different types of classes, and it was sometimes quite confusing. Ochako says even though it was difficult, it was still fun, such as when they had to decide on their hero names. Bakugou scoffs and says, “Stupid Deku actually chose his Hero Name as ‘Deku’ the hell? Did he finally lose it?” Deku rebutts and says, “But I actually like that as my Hero name!” Bakugou asks Deku, “What’s so good about that name?” Deku then asks Bakugou if he had decided on a hero name yet, and Bakugou says, “Nah, I’m not gonna tell you.” Deku replies, “What, why not?”
Aizawa reminisces and says that Deku and Bakugou fought really well against All Might during the Final Exam. Bakugou said he did that so he could win against All Might. If it wasn’t for that why would he team up with Deku? Bakugou then yells, “Stupid Deku! I’m gonna Kill you!” and Deku gets confused as to why he’s saying this. Ochako mentions that saying stuff like that would definitely get them cut from all Hero interviews, and Todoroki mentions that they should be careful about what they say.
Bakugou gets mad and says he’s going to kill all three of them, and Deku asks, “so now you’re targeting 3 people!?”
Aizawa reprimands them and Deku apologizes, promising that he won’t argue anymore. Aizawa keeps a firm stance to Bakugou too. He tells Bakugou that heroes need to use their quirks to save people, not kill them. Bakugou says it wasn’t like he was actually going to do that, he’s not that kind of person.
All Might steps in and says they should put this behind them. He suggests that they should just go and see the other stuff in the Exhibition together in the U.A. area. He sees that there’s a section made just for Mineta. Deku says, “Wow it’s full of Mineta scenes!” Ochako looks at it and says, “Oh, how nice” and Bakugou says, “hmph, it’s just a place to show off an animal.” Todoroki asks Bakugou if he’s jealous that Mineta has the spotlight, and Bakugou says, “Ha! As if!!”
All might sees the Cultural Festival area and says, “Oh! This is the time when U.A. Academy held the Cultural Festival!” Ochako mentions that it was really fun. All might says Class A performed with both a band and a dance team. Deku mentions that during the Cultural Festival, the whole school gets together to create activities and open stands around the campus, and it’s not just the Hero Class but the General and Economics classes also join in too. All Might asks who’s idea was it to do the dance for Class A? Deku says it was Todoroki’s idea. Todoroki said he just thought it would be nice to have something that everyone can participate and have fun, and Deku says it was a great idea.
Ochako says everyone was able to participate in it too. Deku mentions Jirou was the one in charge of leading the band, Ashido was in charge of the dance team. Todoroki said they did well using their quirks to create a great performance. Ochako says she didn’t expect Bakugou to actually participate and play the drums for them, and she recites his line, “Let’s kill ‘em with sound!” Bakugou scoffs at her and Todoroki asks Bakugou, “why do you get angry when people praise you?” Bakugou replies, “What the hell are you even talking about!?”
Todoroki goes on to say that Jirou’s performance during the song was really great. Bakugou yells at hiim to stop changing the subject!
All Might asks if Deku enjoyed the Cultural Festival. He answers that it was really fun, and seeing people outside of their class was awesome, such as Eri as well. Deku mentions that they were able to finally let her smile, and that made him so happy. Aizawa also agrees.
All Might says it’s important for heroes to bring smiles to people’s faces. He tells them to never forget that. Deku says, “Of course, All Might!” Aizawa says to Deku that he’s stopping in line again. Deku apologizes, and All Might asks them to hurry along down the line.
This track plays in the area where you see all the Hero panels. The heroes on display are Mirko, Bakugou, Ochako, Deku, Todoroki, Hawks, Endeavor, Amajiki, Kirishima, Mirio, and Nejire. Ochako says, “woah, there’s so many heroes!” Deku gets excited and sees the first Hero, Mirko. He goes on a ramble saying she’s ranked #5 in the Hero Ranking, her quirk is using her bunny abilities. He says that Mirko has not only a ton of male fans, but female fans as well. Bakugou snickers at Deku and exclaims, “you’re such a Hero nerd!”
Ochako mentions that the next Hero after Mirko is Bakugou. Deku introduces Bakugou, saying “This is Bakugou Katsuki. He’s enrolled in U.A. Academy and sits in Seat #17 in Class A. He has a hero name, but he won’t tell him…”
Bakugou gets angry. Todoroki then continues and says, “His quirk is explosions by using nitroglycerin that he emits from his hands.”
Bakugou tells them to shut up.
Todoroki ignores Bakugou and continues with, “His personality is…”
Bakugou screams, “SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!”
And Todoroki finishes with, “…like that.”
Ochako then sees herself and says, “Oh it’s me!!” She explains her quirk and how she can cause anything to float if she touches then, but if she puts her fingers together, she can release the zero gravity as well. Bakugou then mentions that she also throws up if she uses her quirk too much. Ochako gets embarrassed and says that he really did not need to say that!
Deku says they should go on to the next person, which is him. He introduces himself as Midoriya Izuku, and his hero name is Deku. He whispers, “My quirk is…One For All…Please read the manga to find out more about it…” Todoroki asks Deku why he’s whispering, and Deku gets nervous and says, “Oh, it’s nothing at all!”
Deku sees that next up is Todoroki. Ochako introduces Todoroki and says “his full name is Todoroki Shouto, anad his hero name is just like his first name, Shouto!” Todoroki explains his quirk, and Deku says he has a truly impressive quirk since he can combine them together to create awesome attacks. Todoroki says he still needs to polish his quirk, and Ochako mentions he’s a very stoic person.
The next hero is Hawks, and Deku gets excited, saying “Oh it’s the winged hero Hawks!” Deku goes on to ramble details about Hawks, such as him being Rank #2 on the Hero Ranking Billboard, his quirk is using his feathers, but he keeps going on and Ochako says, “Ahh, maybe we should move on to the next one!”
Next up is Endeavor. Todoroki explains that Endeavor’s Quirk is called “Hell Flame.” He can emit fire at extremely high temperatures, but if he overuses his quirk, he gets burned instead. Deku says on that note, Todoroki’s quirk is better than his father’s since he can use the ice part to cool himself down. Todoroki muses that perhaps he does have an advantage over his Father.
The next Hero in line is Amajiki Tamaki. Deku introduces him as part of U.A. Academy’s Big 3. His hero name is Sun Eater. His quirk is transforming parts of his body into animals, and he can do this by eating food of that animal. Ochako explains further that if he eats takoyaki, he can use octopus arms, if he eats fried chicken, he can use the chickens legs. She then goes off saying, “tuna, beef, fish roe, mochi…” Todoroki asks if she just suddenly started rambling on about food because she just wants to eat those food, and Ochako says “I’m hungry…”
Deku sees that the next hero is Kirishima. He asks Bakugou to introduce Kirishima since they’re friends. Bakugou says, “What do you mean friends? He’s just my lackey!” Deku says, “Err…okay, Kirishima Eijirou, Hero name Red Riot. His quirk is Hardening.” Bakugou then scoffs saying, “He’s just an idiot who gets hard, that’s all!” Ochako comments, saying, “Well, you don’t need to be shy about it!” Bakugou then yells, “I’m not being shy!”
Todoroki moves the conversation along and mentions that the next Hero is Mirio-senpai. Deku introduces Mirio’s hero name as Lemillion and mentions his quirk allows him to go through things. Ochako says that according to Aizawa-sensei, Mirio is the closest to being the same rank as the Number 1 Hero. Bakugou grumbles and says, “No, I’M the one who’s going to be Number 1!” Ochako says, “Right…of course you are…” and Bakugou gets furious, saying, “YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF ME!?”
Ochako notices that the next Hero is Nejire Hado. She introduces her and says her Hero name is Nejire-chan. Ochako explains how her quirk works, and Deku remarks that Nejire can also use it to fly. Ochako adds that Nejire also won the U.A. Beauty Contest during the Cultural Festival.
Todoroki says after seeing all the Heroes lined up like this, everyone truly has amazing quirks. Bakugou says they’re all underlings compared to him though. Ochako says, “Right…of course…” and Bakugou explodes once again, asking,  “What the hell, are you making fun of me?” and Ochako repeats, “right…of course” to which Bakugou curses. Deku says to the group, “We really should be moving down the line now…”
Aizawa asks All Might to look at the new data he pulled up on the computer about the League of Villains. The first villain they look at is the various Nomu. The file says that the Nomus are injected with quirks that are stolen or enhanced from either themselves or other people. The next villain is Stain, who Aizawa mentions killed many heroes that he deemed unfit to be a Hero. His quirk is being able to control people by drinking their blood. All Might says the next villain in the file is Gigantomachia. Aizawa mentions that aside from being able to make his body gigantic, not much is known about Gigantomachia’s quirk. What they do know is that he works for All For One.
The villain after that is Twice with a quirk that allows him to multiply hiimself.
All Might mentions that the next villain file is Shigaraki. Aizawa says he’s the current leader for the League of Villains. His quirk is the formidable disintegration quirk that can disintegrate anything that he touches with five fingers. Next up is Dabi. Aizawa mentions that his quirk is unknown but he has been seen using blue fire. Aizawa remembers fighting against Dabi during the Forest Training, and he saw that blue fire.
All Might pulls up Toga’s file afterwards. Aizawa mentions that she can turn into anyone if she has even just a sip of their blood. The villain after her is Mr. Compress, who is able to compress and decompress things or people. He can also use it on multiple objects at the same time.
The villain after Twice is Re Destro, who is the leader of the Meta Liberation Army. Aizawa says that his quirk is stress, which he builds up to release immense power.
All Might then opens All For One’s file. Aizawa says that they really don’t know anything about his quirk. The villain after him is the Doctor, who also has an unknown quirk. They do have information that the Doctor is the one in charge of creating the gruesome Nomu and High End Nomu too.
All Might mentions the League of Villains is probably plotting something even though he fought All For One and sent many of them to Tartarus. Aizawa said they must be scheming something since if the incident with the High End nomu is any indication. All Might says even if the League of Villains is on the move, the Heroes will not lose to them.
Track 7 is a monologue by All Might. It plays in the All Might section of the Exhibition where manga panels of All Might are on display as well as a ton of decoration with All Might on the walls as well.
All might says that in order to create a society where people can freely smile and feel safe, it was necessary to have a Symbol of Peace. He wanted to be a pillar where people can depend on and smile when they see him. All Might says he inherited One For All to do just that. He is the 8th successor of One For All, and all previous One For All holders and he worked together to try to defeat All For One. However, even if they lose their lives in the fight against All For One, their hope still passes onto their successors.
They need to be Symbols of Peace for the people. All Might says he wants to be the person who can bring smiles to people’s faces. No matter what happens, he needs to keep on smiling. Those who are able to keep smiling are the strongest. That’s why he smiles.
He says that Young Midoriya and he were both quirkless. But after meeting Midoriya and seeing the strong willpower that he possessed, he knew that he had to mentor him to be his successor. All Might says to Midoriya, “Everything, from One For All to my own feelings in my heart, I entrust them all to you. Young Midoriya, you’re next.”
Track 8 plays in the room where there’s panels leading up to the Paranormal Liberation War Arc. All Might starts off the audio track by explaining the big war between the Villains and the Pro-Heroes, which the U.A. Academy heroes in training also participated in. Endeavor, Miruko, and Eraserhead were dispatched to the lair of the Villains where Shigaraki unfortunately awoken as well. Once he woke up, he began destroying people and things one after another. However, the Heroes did not waver and fought back to villains while protecting the civilians.
What the villains want is to create a new world without heroes.
What Shigaraki wants is to destroy everything.
What Midoriya wants is to protect everyone with a smile.
What Bakugou wants is to be the best hero and not lose to anyone.
What All Might wishes is if Young Midoriya and Young Bakugou can work together and acknowledge each other, they can both become who they want to be.
To save and win, to win and save.
All Might says if they are able to do this, they can become the Strongest Heroes.
Deku then exclaims, “Go forward, Midoriya Izuku! Use the power All Might entrusted in you to save people. I will save and win!”
Bakugou then says, “I will win and save! That’s Bakugou Katsukis’ way of life on the path to become the Number One Hero!”
All Might ends the track with the line, “To destroy the word or to save it. One For All’s successor Midoriya Izuku fights head on with All For One’s successor, Shigaraki Tomura.”
All Might says he’s come to send us off and thank us for visiting the exhibition! Deku also says thanks for coming. Ochako asks if we had fun? Todoroki says they were able to relive a bunch of different moments at this exhibition. He says he is thankful for it, and Deku agrees. Ochako asks Bakugou how was the exhibition? Bakugou says screw this- they should all go back inside and just focus on everything Bakugou related, forget about the Villains or anyone else. Todoroki says, “Well, if we do that we’ll need to reserve tickets again so…”
Aizawa asks All Might to do the closing message. All Might thanks us again for visiting, but things don’t just end here! The world of My Hero Academia will only keep getting bigger and bigger! Deku hopes that we can always cheer them on.
All Might then leads everyone in saying “GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!!!”
Deku says to us, “Let’s meet again soon, everyone!” He then turns to All Might saying, “That’s good right? Oh, oh crap I still need to get in line to buy the limited edition goods only sold at the Exhibition! Wait let me go line up ahhh!” and scurries off.
All Might then laughs and says “as expected of the headstrong Young Midoriya!”
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guardianspirits13 · 4 years
Dabi’s Reconciliation
Okay, so we all are aware that Dabi is well past redemption, but I think what he both deserves and will likely be given is reconciliation.
Time and again the relationship between Touya and Natsuo had been emphasized in the Todoroki narrative, and Natsuo is the only member of his family Dabi refers to fondly. Natsuo is the only one who was there for him the whole time he was suffering and never hurt him, not even inadvertently.
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Now maybe this is just me projecting and wanting Natsuo to have a larger role in the series, but I genuinely believe there is evidence for him to play a key role in talking Dabi down. I will say again that Horikoshi writes very intentionally and uses Checkov’s gun a LOT in his writing. Everything he deliberately sets up pays off down the line, and this is no different. I alway wondered why Hori chose to focus so closely on the Todoroki family, and in the end it has had one of the most major impacts on the series and hero society thus far.
Horikoshi is also notorious for building bonds between his characters that are the difference between victory and defeat in dire situations. If Kirishima never built trust with Bakugou, he would still be stuck with the villians. If Bakugou hadn’t worked through his relationship with Deku, then Deku would have taken the blow and Shigaraki would still be at large. My point being that none of the relationships in this series are superficial, and they have a very real weight in the progression of the plot.
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I know everyone is awaiting Natsuo’s reaction to Touya being alive, but it wouldn’t be much of a payoff if nothing came out of it. I’m not necessarily saying that Natsuo is going to come running onto the battlefield (but wouldn’t it be convenient if his college was located in the general area?), but all of their history together has been building up to a reunion of some sort, and it would also be a cop out if they reunited after the battle. I predict that Horikoshi is building up to using the strength of the bond between two brothers who only had each other for years to turn the tide of the battle.
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There is something both poetic and powerful in Natsuo Todoroki, a likely quirkless kid who was ignored by his parents for his entire childhood, who grew out of a home of hatred and abuse to go on to be a medical student, to help people, who is so compassionate he has been putting up with Endeavor just to help entertain Fuyumi’s fantasy of a normal family, being the one to turn the tide of the battle.
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Everything would really come full circle if Natsuo, a normal college student and a genuinely good, selfless person, could talk down his villianous brother and end up saving Endeavor, the one who ignored him snd cast him aside for his entire life.
Touya Todoroki is now a villain at large, and at risk of murdering the number one hero.
And Natsuo is the only one who can stop him.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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makeste · 3 years
1) the most biting thing about natant getting blasted like that is that 'that was the intended outcome of the fight.' AFO deliberately withheld the info on Izuku having 6 quirks from nagant, putting her at a disadvantage against him, and loading her with that failsafe simply because he 'knew' izuku would talk-no-jutsu her, and to rub the futility in trying to save a tragic villain akin to tomura in his face. it makes a sick amount of sense though. not only does he get his kicks rubbing the
Pointlessness of heroism in izuku’s face, not only does he prove his point about Izuku being ‘worthless’ in failing to save somebody, but the entire focus he has is in stealing OFA from Izuku eventually. Due to his own sociopathic nature, he has to rely on somebody who can actually get emotionally invested in order to steal the quirk by proxy, hence him using Tomura. Demoralising izuku will just make it easier for him to steal OFA when he finally shows up for the rematch, and until then he’s
gonna get his kicks out of putting Izuku in no-win situations and watching him struggle and flail to try and save others to no avail. Nagant wasn’t sent to capture izuku, she was sent to ‘die’ in front of him, and she’s only the first of AFO’s scheme to break izuku’s willpower before they fight again.
yeah, I agree with pretty much all of this, unfortunately.
so just to get this out of the way first, the one thing I do hate about all this is that it takes away from one of the few bits of agency that Nagant's character had. first she's manipulated by the HPSC into being their hired gun, and then she gets manipulated by AFO into attacking Deku. so her turning against AFO should have been a triumphant moment where she finally makes her own decision based on what she believes is right, without following anyone else's orders. it should have been a moment of her reclaiming her own agency and deciding her own fate.
but instead, assuming that this theory is true, it means that even that moment of her turning on AFO was actually part of AFO's plan all along. so even that small victory winds up being negated, because it turns out that even her betrayal was part of AFO's manipulations. which to put it mildly really sucks, and I really hope Horikoshi doesn't plan to let her character arc end on such a bitter note. she deserves better than just being a discarded pawn in AFO's mind games. I hope she has a chance to kick some ass and get some payback in the final battle.
anyway, but putting aside that gripe for now, I do think this theory makes sense, and pretty much everything in the arc supports it.
first of all, AFO never needed Nagant to track down Deku in the first place. funny how he never mentions to her that he has full knowledge of Deku's whereabouts at all times, thanks to his connection to Tomura (and Tomura's Search quirk).
second, out of all the potential assassins he could have chosen, AFO goes with one who was never a proper villain to begin with. Nagant wasn't power-hungry or opportunistic or just straight up bloodlusty like many of these other villains; she was just tired of the two-facedness of hero society. and she had never actually done anything truly villainous before. the likelihood of her following through on something as unequivocally evil as capturing a teenage boy and taking him to AFO was pretty low, all things considered.
third, as you pointed out, AFO conveniently neglected to pass on vital information about Deku's quirk, something which proved to be a game-changer during the battle. it's safe to assume Nagant would have approached the fight very differently if she'd known about Float and Blackwhip, let alone the other SIXQUIRKS. she was basically set up for failure.
and finally, Horikoshi strangely brought this up out of the blue right before Nagant's introduction:
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basically a reminder that the battle between OFA and AFO is a battle of wills. and up till now, it's been a battle which AFO has repeatedly lost. not even Tomura's rage, which AFO spent years carefully cultivating, was enough to subdue his brother's strength of will, and the will of OFA's newest host.
but what if that was only part of AFO's plan? "cultivate a strong enough hatred to overcome OFA's will." that's all well and good, but as a strategy it's kind of limited in its scope. let's say that AFO is a battering ram, and OFA is a heavy door. if you want to break down the door, one approach is to keep trying with stronger and stronger battering rams until you succeed. but if you've tried all that and it still doesn't work, then another and perhaps better approach would be to try and weaken the door. burn it down, pelt it with cannonballs; whatever. in other words, chip away at OFA's will until you finally wear it down to the point where it can be overcome.
and that's exactly what AFO has been doing this whole time. he hasn't just targeted the OFA users physically; he's been aiming to destroy their hearts and spirits as well. that's likely the real reason why he specifically chose Shimura Tenko as his heir. it's more than just a grudge; it's all part of his plan.
and said plan is not just limited to Nana and All Might -- he's already started in on Deku as well.
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at Jakku he witnessed Deku's reaction to Aizawa and Katsuki's injuries, and knew he'd found his in. remember how he immediately baited Deku right after Katsuki sacrificed himself, calling it "pointless"? what are the odds he was simply testing the waters to see how Deku would react. and when Deku responds by instantly losing his shit and going straight up feral, AFO knows he's found his weakness, and immediately sets in on widening the cracks.
so yeah. that's his goal. it's not enough for him to just capture Deku, because ultimately he'd still wind up in the same situation as before, unable to actually steal the quirk despite all of his efforts. capturing Deku is meaningless if it doesn't get him what he actually wants. what he wants is OFA. and for him to get that, he doesn't actually need to defeat Deku -- he just needs to find a way to finally break his spirit.
it's funny, because watching this arc play out, I'd been wondering if it might end with AFO laying some sort of trap for Deku. I was picturing a scenario in which AFO took advantage of all that angst clouding Deku's mind right now, and lured him away from his protectors. basically goading him into trying to fight alone, before he's ready. and I was so focused on that speculation that I think I might have failed to see the obvious twist here. the Deku angst isn't going to lead him into a trap -- the Deku angst is the trap.
demoralize Deku until his fears and doubts become strong enough to dampen his resolve. hammer in the futility of his goal until he finally starts to question whether he can really succeed. hurt him where he's most vulnerable. and inch by inch, slowly but surely chip away at his hope. that's AFO's plan. good old fashioned emotional siege warfare.
anyway, so now as always, I will end this latest Deku angst post with your daily friendly reminder that rivals fix everything, and so whenever Horikoshi is finally ready to solve this problem by throwing Katsuki at it, I will be there.
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jekacatrina · 4 years
Bakugou’s own brand of protection
The ever lovely @thatpinkbetch helped me put my ideas in order and this is what I've been thinking:
Remember the scene where Bakugou says that he made a pledge regarding victories. He is going to achieve perfect victory every time, right? He said so during class A VS B matches, basically inspired by Deku calling him his symbol of victory.
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Now, Bakugou knows how Midoriya's heart works when it comes to saving, how he is willing to sacrifice himself. So the "no casualties" part is very important to me. Bakugou has grown so much and he is still a win type of hero, but the absolute victory is saving and winning, but not at the expense of your own life.
Okay, so with chapter 284:
I keep thinking about the dark circles under his eyes, because Horikoshi made them very prominent. Bakugou is losing sleep over this worry.
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What I'm picturing is Bakugou doing extra training to keep up with Midoriya, because he knows first hand everything about Midoriya's control of OFA.
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What this last chapter confirmed something I already thought about their relationship.
Bakugou is pushing Midoriya to become stronger and stronger to save him. The fact that he doesn't hold back when they fight is a big tell of how invested he is in Midoriya controlling OFA, and I think that's his own brand of protection.
Bakugou wants Midoriya to own OFA, and be the force All Might used to be, and that way Midoriya can handle anything. Bakugou doesn't want anything to be too much for Midoriya, so he doesn't have to die for a cause or to save people. Bakugou is using his WIN attitude to drive Midoriya.
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At the same time he is pushing himself to maintain the level and be of use, not someone Midoriya needs to protect too, but an equal in strength. I love this frame because Bakugou didn't push himself to be ahead of Midoriya, he just used his explosions to be by his side.
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The conversation he has with All Might squeezed my heart because Bakugou is furious. He is worried there might be things he is not taking into consideration in his plan to protect Midoriya, he is scared he might not only have to protect the nerd from others, but from his own power.
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Bakugou is confronting All Might on his own, with Midoriya away, so there is no bullshit between them. Because both of them know that Midoriya would die for anyone at any given time. Even when he was quirkless, Bakugou and All Might saw him running into the fire to save Bakugou. And he has all this potential thanks to All Might and Bakugou is terrified of this new power, of the consequences they ignore.
All Might loves Midoriya so much, he is like his son. The boy that pledged to change the future so All Might could live and now he is carrying a burden that could hurt or even kill his boy. He doesn't want to put more weight on his shoulders. That's what I love about this conversation. All Might thinking is "No, I won't tell him, I'll protect him." Whilst Bakugou is: "No, fucking tell us, so I can protect him."
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This is something that has been eating him up but he doesn't want to shatter Midoriya's image. Maybe he is also scared of his reaction? Don’t forget that Midoriya and Bakugou shared the same ability to analyze and are often in the same wavelength. So maybe Bakugou thinks that Midoriya won't care about this new danger because he is changing his vision of his path. He is shifting from becoming a hero that saves, to the Wielder of OFA who's purpose is take down AFO. So, what if it kills him? What if this is his end? That's why he took over All Might.
I feel like Bakugou has been carrying the weight of Midoriya’s well being for a while and that he actually thought he had more time to help him train and atone for his past behavior before he fought AFO. And right now, Bakugou is looking at his worst fear become the reality.
Midoriya is actually sacrificing himself right in front of him and he can't do anything about it. He followed Midoriya to battle and fought without results. The adults are not taking care of the situation and that’s why it fell in his friend’s hands to fight. The conversation All Might promised him may not happen because Midoriya is willing to die and take down Shigaraki.
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I don’t know about any of you, but seeing Bakugou scream at Midoriya to hold on and then him carrying Endeavor to go and help his friend changed me forever.
I could go on and on but my point was that this is Bakugou’s brand of protection and I’m here for it.
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illyaana · 3 years
Hey... Could you maybe... Could you make a oneshot consisting of Bakugou's older sibling reader (I'd prefer it to be gender neutral with a more masculine style, however you prefer) x Midnight? 🥺🥺 I love her so much and Horikoshi did her dirty. You can do whatever oneshot that you want/comes to mind, I just want something fluffy. Thank you UwU
Udk how much I squealed getting this as my first ask!
(also whoever you are you made my day/week/month (。・∀・)ノ゙)
I agree, Horikoshi did her dirty. She had some moments but that was IT. I tried my best, hope you like it!!
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(it's more of a you being a hero and being in a relationship with Nemuri rather than a one-shot surrounding your relationship, but there's a bunch of fluffy stuff at the end, so gehe-)
Tags: Midnight x Bakugo's Older Sibling! Reader, Binaural, Fluff, Minor Cursing, Mentions of Blood
Your Quirk: Liquid Maker - You conjure a liquid in your hands (smtg like sweat) when you want to and it can become anything. Name it, you got it hun <3
Synopsis: You are a hero (obviously gehe-) and you were catching some villains. Suddenly a huge explosion came from the middle of Musutafu and you headed straight to the crime scene.
Word Count: 2163
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You woke up to the sweet smell of smoke coming from the living room. Groaning, you got off your comfortable bed and raced to the living room to stop Bakugo from his daily antics.
"You really got to stop doing this in the morning, Katsuki," you told the younger male, "It's literally," you looked at the clock, "8 am in the morning and my half-asleep self could've gotten hurt stopping you from breaking all hell loose."
Katsuki scoffed while looking at you. "Why aren't you at work yet? As you said, it's already 8 am."
"Later shift today! I only start at around 10 am."
"Wow, aren't you lucky?" Katsuki said as he walked towards the stove, "I'm making pancakes, but I won't make even one for you until you go bathe. You look disgusting."
"Okay, okay." You say, raising your hands and rushing to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
After bathing, you head back into your room and began to wear your skin-tight hero suit.
You groaned slightly as you slowly pulled the form-fitting clothing up your body.
"I swear to God this isn't getting easier."
"You are literally a fatass, so I'm not surprised," you heard Katsuki scream from the kitchen, "I pity Midnight. The fact she needs to be around a literal piece of garbage who doesn't even look good."
"At least I have someone, unlike your childish ass."
"I am a child," he retorted.
You sigh as you open your room door and head back to the kitchen.
"One day, you're going to wish you were nicer to the people around you."
"Maybe," Katsuki said while passing you a plate with a stack of three pancakes, "...but I am pretty sure you aren't going to be one of them, judging by how much you baby me."
"But you are a child! Didn't you say so a few minutes ago?" you say as you pinch his cheeks, earning a growl from him, "Woah, calm down dog."
"Shut up and eat, fatass."
You chuckle at his words and proceed with the order given by your younger brother.
You loved getting later shifts on Fridays. These were the quieter days in the Bakugo household. Mom usually took her extra days off on Fridays like today, extending her weekend. Dad left for work earlier on Fridays but he'd always buy some spicy thing for Katsuki and you to have in the morning. Something to wish us a good day, I presume. And to top it all off, you and Katsuki would have these "sibling" moments, which mostly consisted of you annoying him to the point he'd lash out at you.
"You're a really good cook, Katsuki. These pancakes keep getting better!" you compliment the 10-year old.
And there it was: you entertainment of the day - Katsuki trying to say thank you but failing miserably thanks to his own pride as a "man".
"T-than- that's obvious, isn't it?" he ends, a blush present on his face, "I make pancakes every single time you have a later shift because you like it. If I'm getting better, that means you've been getting more later shifts. That means you've been slacking off, you stupid Pro Hero!"
"...how did you even get to that idea?"
After calming down a raging Katsuki, you put on your gear and head to the entrance of the house.
"Have a good day at school, Katsuki. Don't do anything you'd regret," you playfully warn him before leaving the house.
The streets of Musutafu were usually peaceful. Ever since All Might became the Symbol of Peace, the crime rates have dropped extensively. Yet, there are always one or two little naughty kids that wanted to play with their quirks - or in simpler terms, people who act like kids and try to do minor crimes using their quirks.
Using the liquid formed in your hands, you aimed at the legs of the two running males in black and wrap their legs together. Within a second, the liquid instantly formed into a rope and bounded their legs together, forcing them to fall face down.
"You both gave me a good morning run, thanks for that!" You say as you place two handcuffs around their wrists, "But you should seriously think about another hobby besides stealing."
From afar, you heard a loud boom coming from the middle of Musutafu.
In an instant, you formed another bunch of rope and tied the two males around their waist and pushed them to the corner of a building.
"Run away and you'll get more than just jail time," you say as you rush off to the scene.
The minute you reached the scene, your eyes widened in fear.
Endeavor was the reason behind the whole catastrophe here?
From behind, you felt a pair of soft hands touch your shoulder.
"I know what it looks like, but trust me it isn't," Nemuri started, "A villain that has a mind control quirk is controlling Endeavor from a distance. I've been trying to locate them, but no luck."
You smiled, looking at your girlfriend.
"You managed to get all of that in a few seconds?" you ask, amazed, "I got a good one, didn't I?"
You felt Midnight pinch you from behind.
"As much as I appreciate the compliment, now isn't the time to flirt with me," the female hero said.
You nod, washing away the playful smile.
"You get all the civilians out of here and contact the heroes through the network. I'll try to get him down and knock him out," you say. Nemuri nodded and began to gather the civilians away from the scene.
"Now," you turn to face the 2nd best hero, "How does one take down someone much, much more stronger than you?"
You slowly gathered your liquid in your palm, allowing the fluid to grow in volume.
"You defeating Endeavor would be a sight to behold, not going to lie here," the villain said through Endeavor, "But I am willing to test out that theory."
You lunged at the fire user while creating a fire-resistant rope to tie him down in your hand. In the other, you managed to conjure a Haladie sword - a sword you've trained with ever since your days in UA.
Using the sword, you managed to propel yourself above Endeavor and cut his back. Using the momentum you built, you used both your feet to hit the back of Endeavor's knees, forcing him to kneel.
You immediately stabbed his dominant hand, preventing him from reacting quickly.
With a snap, the Haladie sword transformed back into its liquid state and wrapped around his left hand.
"I was never planning on defeating Endeavor but merely securing him, dear villain of mine," you say as you transformed the liquid around his left hand into a quick-cancelling glove, "It’s one point for Y/N, right now. No point for little Mindy over here."
You began to build up more liquid in your hands to hopefully form another Haladie sword or at least a blade.
The controlled Endeavor began to get up slowly and turn to face you.
"I didn't peg you to be a dumb one, Y/N."
You felt a blade pierce through your stomach.
A civilian sobbed as they pressed the blade deeper into your body, your blood dripping onto their office coat.
"I can't believe you let your guard down so easily. It was your fault to assume I could only control one person at a time, little hero," the controlled civilian said midst crying.
"And that will be your downfall," Endeavor said as small flames began to grow from the palm of his right hand.
The knife that once was in your body was violently ripped out of your body by the controlled civilian and then used to kill themself by piercing their heart.
Tears fell as you saw the now lifeless male bleed to death right beside you.
"Oh don't worry," Endeavor said, "I'll make sure you also go with him, too. That small wound won't kill you, I know that."
You saw Midnight running towards you along with Eraserhead and All Might.
"You know, I always pictured you crying over a dead Nemuri Kayama whilst bleeding from your stomach, have you?"
Your eyes widened at the statement.
There was no way you were going to let that villain kill her.
"Eraser," you screamed, "Erase his quirk and get Midnight out of here."
'Please don't fail on my now, buddy,' you told to your body as you ran towards Endeavor, 'You still have to live for the people you love.'
You quickly formed another Haladie sword and vaulted from the floor towards Endeavor.
You managed to grab the hand aimed at Midnight and pushed it towards you. Using the remainder fluid you had, you formed another quirk-cancelling glove on Endeavor's right hand.
You could hear a sigh of relief from both Nemuri and Shouta, making you smile.
From afar, you heard All Might saying that he caught the villain that was controlling both the civilian and Endeavor. You were shocked when you heard the number one hero's laugh of victory.
You were amazed at the skill the male had.
A villain that took two people to search for was found by him in a few minutes.
Soon, the wound formed by the dead civilian began to take effect as your vision became hazy.
Before you could lose consciousness, you felt Nemuri's hands wrap around you, catching you before you fell.
When you woke up, you heard the sound of hospital monitors beeping. You felt a small hand gripping around your left hand.
"Why did you let them stab you, idiot," you heard your younger brother say, "Don't go teaching me a lesson with your death - it won't work."
You chuckled, looking at the younger blonde. "If this doesn't work on you, I don't know what will."
Katsuki began to sob on your blanket while gripping on the four fingers his small fingers could grip.
"It's okay, Kacchan," you saw a green-haired boy patting his back, "He is here and he is alive. That is all that matters, okay?"
You smiled, looking at the greenette.
"What's your name?" you ask him.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya! I'm friends with Kacchan," he says with a beaming smile.
"Kacchan, huh?" you tease, "You are really close friends with Kacchan, aren't you?"
Before Izuku could reply, you felt Katsuki pinch your leg.
"I don't even know why I care for you, you fatass."
"Oh, how you wound me," you feign sadness as the ten-year-olds left your room.
You smile at the sight of the greenette consoling your brother as they walk out of the room.
You look up to the ceiling, sighing.
"You are a bit too young to be sighing so loudly, Y/N," Nemuri said as she slowly opened the door, "I saw what you did there. Don't tease Katsuki so often, he is quite mature for his age, you know?"
You smile, looking at Nemuri with her hands on her waist.
"He's growing too fast. I need small moments like this to remember how innocent he is before he becomes the raging little twit I know he'll become."
"Woah, Woah, Woah," she says, laughing, " 'Raging little twit'? You really are a bad brother."
You begin laughing, "I have to be the playful one or else the Bakugo's would be a family of three brooding people and one peaceful man."
Your eyes widen.
"You aren't supposed to agree, you know?"
"My mother taught me not to lie," she says, smiling.
"Well, white lies aren't bad."
She sits beside you and holds your hand. Tears slowly escape her eyes as she looks at you.
"You are okay, right?" She says, sniffling.
You slowly wipe off her tears and put the palm of your hand on her cheek.
"I'm fine, Nemuri."
You slowly move towards her and place a kiss on her forehead.
You pat the empty side of your bed, "Want to join me?"
She slowly nods as she walks to the empty side of the bed and gets in. Her legs immediately wrap around your left leg as she places her head against your chest. Her left hand extends around your waist and hugs you.
"What are you, a koala?" you joke.
"What can I say? You are a comfy tree."
"Well, I am glad to be of service."
Soon, Nemuri goes to sleep. Soft snores can be heard from her as she rubs her head against your chest.
'The koala became a cat,' you thought to yourself.
Your right-hand goes to the top of her head, ruffling her hair.
"I love you so much, Nemuri Kayama. I always will. If I had to, I would gladly lay my life down so that you'd be safe. I know you're asleep and probably can't hear this, but you are the most important thing in my life - don't forget that," you tell her sleeping figure as you fall asleep.
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codenamesazanka · 3 years
I know this would never happen, but what do you think would happen if Dekuand the others ended up permanently ending the villains? Do you think they would die a martyrs? More civil unrest? Possibly fear from civilians? Maybe a country so divided that they may not recover? Not saying I want the villains to die cuz I really stan them, but despite Shigaraki wanting help from OFA, I do feel like Hori might make him irredeemable. Like just rebuild Tartarus and through them all back in there. Just wanted to know your thoughts.
Thanks for the really good question!
Addressing the last part of your ask first - I very much doubt Horikoshi will let his story rebuild Tartarus and let it continue functioning. Everything we’ve seen of that prison is framed as horrific - from the manga outright stating that it’s the dark side of quirk Society, to the guards unabashedly dehumanizing the inmates, to having the same guards bringing up how they’ve been accused of human rights violations and scoffing at that, to implying it’s there for indefinite detention and some of the captives are include political prisoners— Tartarus is not a good place. It is not a just place. It’s something that - if we want the Heroes to be victorious then go on to make the world better and just - cannot exist in this new, better society. I think it’s very unlikely there will be a Tartarus 2.0.
Locking up an (unwilling) Shigaraki in a Tartarus 2.0 would mean the story has net zero development. Nothing has been learned; nothing has been improved. That’s such a bleak ending that I think is out of place in My Hero Academia. All that talk about bright futures and saving people in the manga? Moot.
So an irredeemable/reluctant rehabilitating Shigaraki in Tartarus probably won’t be a possible ending. This leaves us with: 1) irredeemable Shigaraki that’s killed; or 2) atoning Shigaraki that willingly enters rehabilitation (that won’t be isolating its inhabitants 24/7 and watched over by cruel guards); or 3) enlightened Shigaraki that disappears to ambiguously live on or not. There are other endings that I’m not thinking of (like the one where Shigaraki is turned into a baby again…), but I feel like, from the trajectory of the narrative, those three are the most likely options. No. 1 means Deku has failed; No. 2 and 3 means Deku succeeded in saving Shigaraki.
I too worry about Shigaraki’s survival. I want to believe he’ll live, but idk! What I do know that Possible Ending No. 1 will be a tragic ending. extremely bittersweet if Shigaraki isn’t saved but Deku is so affected he spends his life improving the world so that another Shigaraki Tomura will never manifest. In which case, as you mentioned, Shigaraki (and the Villains) would be… maybe not martyrs, but cautionary tales and memorial of a societal wrong that won’t be forgotten. Their exploits and deaths would be shameful history but will teach future generations to do better. Because being unable to save the Villains would be a tragedy, not a victory.
In such a case, I don’t think there would be more unrest or the country splintering into new states. That would be cool, especially with MLA remnants around, but from a meta perspective, this would be further proof the Protag Failed; and in story, the Heroes have also failed their job and nation. what an ending that would be.
Possible Ending Option No. 2 is essentially what people call ‘Talk no Jutsu’ in which the protag changes the villain’s heart and he decides to turn good. I know many fans think that’s bullshit. There’s various reasons offered about why it’s bullshit, but I know one of those is that Shigaraki is too dangerous to be left alive. Yet this option would actually be the most efficient solution to completely stopping Shigaraki. Someone who stops on their own and chooses surrender and voluntarily stay in rehab really does solve the problem of ‘what do we do about this super dangerous guy’ - with the added bonus of not needing a Tartarus-like prison.
Then No. 3 I admit I threw in because it appeals to me, and because that’s sometime a trope that occurs (man wanders the land to help people to atone for his sins) and I can see it as a compromise between ‘Shigaraki can’t exist (in a place where people know him)’ and ‘Shigaraki shouldn’t be killed off’. Death by personal self-achieved witness protection. mostly this, I feel it. Maybe i’m totally wrong tho.
to summarize: if the League dies, they’ll be remembered, possibly mourned, and to a lesson and stepping stone to Heroes improvement; there probably won’t be continued unrest; Tartarus likely isn’t going to be rebuilt; and is Shigaraki irredeemable? Debatable, up to Horikoshi, but I say no.
Thanks for reading all of that! Hope it helped?? 🙇🏻‍♀️
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 362 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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Page 1
1 俺が失敗すれば おれがしっぱいすれば ore ga shippai sureba "If I fail"
2 棺の中にいる皆 このなかにいるみんな ko no naka ni iru minnda "everyone in this coffin"
3 殺されてお終いだ ころされておしまいだ korosarete oshimai da "will be killed and it'll be over."
tagline 1 放て必殺‼︎ はなてひっさつ‼︎ hanate hissatsu!! Fling and kill with certainty!!
4 胸張りいや環 むねはりいやたまき mune hariiya Tamaki "Stick out your chest, Tamaki!" (Note: This is an idiom where Fat Gum is telling Tamaki to stand with pride.)
5 さすがっス先輩‼︎ さすがっスせんぱい‼︎ sasugaSSU senpai!! "Way to go, upperclassman!!" (Note: Literally this means "just as we expected of you.")
6 俺知ってるんだぜ おれしってるんだぜ ore shitterunda ze "But I know"
7 おまえが本当はすげェ才能持ってること おまえがほんとうはすげェさいのうもってること omae ga hontou wa sugeE sainou motteru koto "that the truth is, you have amazing talent."
8 眩い光の言葉 まばゆいひかりのことば mabayui hikari no kotoba "The words of a dazzling light"
9 他者が与えてくれた宝もの たしゃがあたえてくれたたからもの "Treasures given to me by others"
tagline 2 No.362 Light Fades to Rain  堀越耕平 ナンバー362 ライト フェイズ トゥ レイン  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 362 RAITO FEIZU TU REIN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 362 Light Fades to Rain   Kouhei Horikoshi
10 俺はこれまで受け止めきれなかった おれはこれまでうけとめきれなかった ore wa kore made uke tome kirenakatta "I never could receive them until now."
11 宝の重さに潰されてしまうから たからのおもさにつぶされてしまうから takara no omosa ni tsubusarete shimau kara "Because I would have been crushed by the weight of those treasures."
12 自分を卑下してる内は楽だったから じぶんをひげしてるうちはらくだったから jibun wo higeshiteru uchi wa raku datta kara "Because that was easy for me, who humiliates myself."
13 皆 みんな minna "Everyone"
14 ありがとう arigatou "thanks"
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Page 2
1 小ざかしい! こざかしい! kozakashii! “Insolent!”
2 混成大夥 こんせいたいか konsei taika Vast Hybrid
3 波動砲︎‼︎ プラズマキャノン‼︎ PURAZUMA KYANON!! Plasma canon!!
4 俺を強くしてくれる おれをつよくしてくれる ore wo tsuyoku shite kureru Please give me strength
5 吹つ飛べ‼︎ ふつとべ‼︎ futsutobe!! "Blow him away!!”
Page 3
1-2 いい加減に理解…しろ! いいかげんにりかい…しろ! ii kagen ni rikai...shiro! “Just understand it...already!” (Note: This is an idiom so the translation is not word-for-word exact.)
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Page 4
1 なんで nande “Why”
2 考えてみろ…! かんがえてみろ…! kangaete miro...! “Try to think...!”
3 全盛期のオールマイトが ぜんせいきのオールマイトが zenseiki no OORU MAITO ga “Would All Might in his prime”
4 死ぬかあ? しぬかあ? shinu kaa? “die”
5 こんなもので……! konna mono de......! “from something like this......!”
Page 5
1 ��しは すこしは sukoshi wa “Just a little,”
2 考えてみろ!!! かんがえてみろ!!! kangaete miro!!! “try to think [about it]!!!”
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Page 6
1 ば… Ba... “Ba-...”
2 他の皆頼むわ ほかのみんなたのむわ hoka no minna tanomu wa “Take care of everyone else.”
3 勝たなきゃなぁ……出久… かたなきゃなぁ……いずく… katanakya naa......Izuku... “I have to win, huh......Izuku...”
4 ダメだ行くな‼︎ ダメだいくな‼︎ DAME da ikuna!! “No, don’t go!!”
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Page 7
1 右 みぎ migi “Right[side]”
2 見て みて mite “He saw”
3 避けた⁉︎ よけた⁉︎ yoketa!? “and dodged it!?”
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Page 8
1 "個性" "こせい" “kosei” Quirk:
2 爆破 ばくは bakuha Explosion
3 掌の汗腺からニトロのような汗を出し爆発させる てのひらのかんせんからニトロのようなあせをだしばくはつさせる tenohira no kansen kara NITORO no you na ase wo dashi bakuhatsu saseru The sweat glands on his palms secrete a nitro-like sweat he can then detonate.
4 彼の編み出した"クラスター"には本人も知らない副作用があった かれのあみだした"クラスター"にはほんにんもしらないふくさようがあった kare no amidashita “KURASUTAA” ni wa honnin mo shiranai fukusayou ga atta The Cluster he devised had a side effect even he doesn’t know about.
5 汗を溜め玉として放出するこの技は掌の腺に多大な負担を強いる あせをためたまとしてほうしゅつするこのわざはてのひらのせんにただいなふたんをしいる ase wo tame tama to shite houshutsu suru no waza wa tenohira no sen ni tadai na futan wo shiiru This technique, which discharges his sweat as a ball, puts a huge strain on his palm glands.
6 勝ちを見据え腺に"玉"を溜め続けた結果 かちをみすえせんに"たま"をためつづけたけっか kachi wo misue sen ni “tama” wo tame tsudzuketa kekka As a result of his glands continuously accumulating balls of sweat in anticipation of victory,
7 "玉"は「別の出口」を求め体中から漏れ出す "たま"は「べつのでぐち」をもとめからだじゅうからもれだす “tama” wa 「bestu no deguchi」 wo motome karadajuu kara moredasu the ball seeks out another exit and leaks out from his whole body.
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Page 9
1 全身からの爆破が ぜんしんからのばくはが zenshin kara no bakuha ga Explosions from my whole body
2 更なるスピードを齎していた さらなるスピードをもたらしていた saranaru SUPIIDO wo motarashite ita were bringing out even more speed.
3 体中が痛え からだじゅうがいてえ karadajuu ga itee I hurt all over my body
4 痛みん中でバトんのも癖ぇ見つけてバトんのも いたみんなかでバトんのもくせぇみつけてバトんのも itamin naka de BATOn no mo kusee mitsukete BATOn no mo Whether it was fighting while in pain or finding little habits and fighting (Note: “Finding little habits” refers to Izuku’s tendency to look for patterns, like with Katsuki’s “right...finger...feint” a few chapters ago.)
5 全部てめーが通った道だっけな ぜんぶてめーがとおったみちだっけな zenbu temee ga tootta michi dakke na that’s all the way you did things, huh. (Note: Literally, he says “all of that is the path you took.”)
6 なァ出久 なァいずく naA Izuku Hey, Izuku
7 俺まだ おれまだ ore mada Can I still
8 おまえに追いつけるかな おまえにおいつけるかな omae ni oitsukeru ka na catch up to you?
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Page 10
1 何故苛立つのだ なぜいらだつのだ naze iradatsu no da Why am I getting irritated?
2 OFAを持たぬ一般人に ワン・フォー・オールをもたぬモブに WAN FOO OORU wo motanu MOBU ni By this extra who doesn’t have OFA?
3 何故僕は今焦っている⁉︎ なぜぼくはいまあせっている⁉︎ naze boku wa ima asette iru!? Why am I so anxious!?
4 ぶっ壊れろ‼︎ ぶっこわれろ‼︎ bukkowarero!! “Break the hell apart!!” (Note: This is flair I’m adding to a word that otherwise just means “break.”)
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Page 11
1 あぁ… aa... “Ah...”
2 そーだ soo da “That’s right.”
3 いや… iya... “Nah...”
4 まァ… maA... “well...”
5 出会い方があんなでよ… であいかたがあんなでよ… deai kata ga anna de yo... “with the way we met...”
6 色々クソみてーな頃だったし いろいろクソみてーなごろだったし iroiro KUSO mitee na goro datta shi “there was a bunch of shit happening then, and”
7 なんとなく言う機会なくなってったんだけど…… なんとなくいうきかいなくなってったんだけど…… nantonaku iu kikai nakunattettanda kedo...... “somehow I didn’t have the chance to say it, but......”
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Page 12
1 俺 おれ ore “I”
2 サイン欲しかったんだよなぁ サインほしかったんだよなぁ SAIN hoshikattanda yo naa “wanted your autograph.”
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Page 14
1 有志の気象情報によりますと 先程まで快晴だった関東・中部・関西地方ですが ゆうしのきしょうじょうほうによりますと さきほどまでかいせいだったかんとう・ちゅうぶ・かんさいちほうですが yuushi no kishou jouhou ni yorimasu to  sakihodo made kaisei datta Kantou・Chuubu・Kansai chihou desu ga “According to the weather information from volunteers, until a while ago, the Kantou, Chuubu, and Kansai regions were fine, but”
2 急激な温度上昇が起こり気象に乱れが生じているとのことです きゅうげきなおんどじょうしょうがおこりきしょうにみだれがしょうじているとのことです kyuugeki na ondo joushou ga okori kishou ni midare ga shoujite iru to no koto desu “apparently there has been a sudden rise in temperature and a weather disturbance is occurring.”
3 雨でも降るのかしら あめでもふるのかしら ame demo furu no kashira “I wonder if it will rain.”
4 先の戦いを擦っているだけじゃない… さきのたたかいをなぞっているだけじゃない… saki no tatakai wo nazotte iru dake ja nai... “Weren’t you just wearing yourself down in that last fight...”
5 何故勝てると思った? なぜかてるとおもった? naze kateru to omotta? “so why do you think you can win?”
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Page 15
1 僕たちは準備した ぼくたちはじゅんびした boku-tachi wa junbi shita “We prepared.”
2 魔王の身体は完成した ラスボスのからだはかんせいした RASUBOSU (kanji: maou) no karada wa kansei shita “The body of the last boss (read as: demon king) was completed.”
3 理解したか?この先は りかいしたか?このさきは rikai shita ka? kono saki wa “Do you understand? From here on,”
4 "敵"の物語だ "ぼくら"のものがたりだ “bokura” (read as: VIRAN/teki) no monogatari da “is the story of us (read as: villains/enemies).”
5 あの子雨嫌いなんだよねぇ… あのこあめきらいなんだよねぇ… ano ko ame kirai nanda yo nee... “That kid hates rain...”
6 心臓がーーーーー しんぞうがーーーーー shinzou ga---- “His heart----”
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Page 16-17
tagline 道半ばでーー… みちなかばでーー… michinakaba de---... Midway through---...
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Part three of three. Let’s close this match out in style.
[No. 40 - Emancipation]
Endeavor is, unsurprisingly, thrilled with this development. He yells his son’s name, marching his way down the steps of the stands as he continues to shout. He’s pleased with Shouto finally accepting his fire, and that it all starts now for him. With Endeavor’s blood in his veins, he will surpass him and fulfill his ambitions. 
Shouto… doesn’t even seem to hear him. 
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Endeavor, Toshinori, and the audience in general are left in an awkward silence. Eventually Present Mic makes light of the sudden pep talk from Endeavor, calling him a ‘doting parent’ with probably a bit of wry humor, and that it’s a bit unexpected since they’re not on good terms. 
Shouto wipes away his tears, looking back up at Izuku. Izuku is still proud of his victory in getting through to Shouto, which prompts Shouto to ask why he’s smiling. With his wounds, and in this situation, he must be crazy. It’s not Shouto’s problem what happens to him now. The two pull up the full power of their quirks as they face each other down, ready for the deciding blow.
Cementoss, meanwhile, gets up and calls to Midnight for help in stopping the match before it goes any further. Cementoss sends out a wave of cement, while Midnight tugs open her costume and lets her quirk loose.
Shouto sends out another massive glacier, which Izuku leaps over by sacrificing his right leg. Izuku thinks on how he has to get close and give it everything as he brings his right arm swinging around, thinking of his own words to Shouto to give everything he’s got. Shouto brings up his left hand, wreathed in flames, as he thanks Izuku.
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Not gonna lie, I really do appreciate the anime for how much more epic they were able to make this, mostly because of the advantage of sound + music + animation in conveying battle scenes. But also, the art style… Horikoshi really started out great and only got better from there. God, those flames...
Also, it’s such a small thing, but I can’t help but notice that thank you, so small against the rest of the full page spread, basically lost among everything else happening in that instant… it’s questionable whether Izuku even heard it over the noise of everything happening - we can certainly guess no one else did. And it’s so important, that acknowledgement, even if it’s unheard, to what Izuku did for him. 
In the aftermath, smoke covers the arena, making it impossible to see the results. Cementoss comments on how he doesn’t believe bigger is better, but that was something else. Present Mic, knocked over from his seat, is in shock, asking what is up with Aizawa’s class. Aizawa replies that all that chilled air had been heated in an instant, making it expand. Present Mic comments on the blast and the heat, as well as being unable to see anything. He wonders whether the match has been decided. Midnight is picking herself up as well, her hair a mess and mask blown away. 
The smoke clears just enough to see one of Izuku’s shoes scritching against the ground. Toshinori and Endeavor are tense as the smoke continues to clear, enough to see that Izuku-
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-is out of the ring and out for the count. His unconscious body continues to slide down the wall, hitting the floor with a heavy thump, while Shouto, conscious and just inside the ring, watches on. Midnight calls the match - Izuku is out of bounds. Shouto moves on to the third round.
The crowds murmur and comment. Izuku got straight up blown away… was he just provoking Shouto without a plan to back it up? Did he even want to win? Or was he trying to lose? Either way, that was some impressive power… he’s got some moxie, for sure. He put on a good show up through the cavalry battle, anyway.
The scene closes out on Katsuki’s contemplative expression.
In the back stage walkways, Endeavor tracks down Shouto once again in order to talk. SHouto says nothing, prompting Endeavor to make a comment on Shouto not telling him to get out of the way this time. Without control over his flames, going all out is dangerous - but he’s finally put aside his childish rebellion. He’s ready to replace Endeavor - to surpass him, even. He tells Shouto to work at his side after he graduates, and that he’ll guide him down the path to supremacy.
Shouto butts in, saying he hasn’t put aside anything. Endeavor is struck speechless. Shouto is not one to be turned that easily. It’s just that… in the moment… in that instant… he forgot all about Endeavor. Whether that’s good, bad, or something in between… that’s something he’ll have to think about.
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God, I love this, not just for Shouto managing to hit harder with those words than all his anger before, but because Endeavor himself is struck speechless with this change and blunt admittance. It’s a small peek into his character development to come, and god does it make me want a look into his head in that instant.
...honestly. In retrospect, and acknowledging how far he’s come since here, I can’t help but wonder if this was actually a kicking off point for his development, that only really got seen much further down the line. 
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We shift to Recovery Girl’s office, where Toshinori looks on his heavily injured successor. Recovery Girl tells him that Izuku’s right arm is shattered, and that it won’t be easy to set back to normal. First, she has to remove the bone splinters from his joints, and healing comes after. The boy admires All Might so much that he’s willing to destroy himself. Toshinori lit that fire. Toshinori moved him to this. She doesn’t like it, not one bit. Toshinori is overdoing it - him and Izuku - so he’d better not praise the kid for it. 
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Several of Izuku’s friends slam their way into the room, worried for him. Poor Toshinori is startled in the process, clutching at his chest. Ochako gives an aside greeting to him, while Izuku notes that the next match is coming up. Tenya tells him that the arena was mostly destroyed, so there’s a break while it’s being repairs. Ochako adds on that they came because they were worried. 
Mineta comments on how that was scary as hell, and that no pro will want to hire him. Tsuyu slaps him with her tongue, commenting on how she can’t say she likes his rubbing-salt-in-the--would style. Mineta argues that he’s right, though. Recovery Girl tells them to pipe down as she starts shooing them out the door, stating that it’s fine to worry, but he’s about to have surgery. All of the kids are shook at this.
Izuku gets Toshinori’s attention by apologizing. He couldn’t do it. Maybe if he’d just shut up… but he had to say what he did to Shouto. Toshinori is speechless for a moment, seeing how distressed Izuku is at his perceived failure. 
He eventually notes that Izuku was trying to bring it out of him. Izuku agrees, saying that it was just too sad. He thought, maybe he should just mind his own business… but, he had to… at that point, he couldn’t take it anymore. It was so frustrating. He forgot why he was there… he lost himself. He then apologizes again, leaving Toshinori with no words. 
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Recovery Girl finally succeeds in shooing out the other kids as Toshinori finds his words again. He calls the match an unfortunate outcome, indeed. And calling Izuku a fool won’t change what happened. However, giving help that’s not asked for… is what makes a true hero. Izuku himself seems to have no reply to that. 
We close out with a few shots of Shouto making his way into the arena with a new uniform to replace the one he half-destroyed, while the narration notes how Izuku finished in the top eight. 
Sorry for this being late by a day, but just. Wow. This match is just… in the manga, it feels just a bit different. And this aftermath, I think, makes it hit all the harder, what Izuku gave in order to save someone from themself. He feels like he disappointed All Might for prioritizing someone else’s life, and I just. This kid. This kid.
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I’ll try to get through the rest of the chapters of this arc over the next week, then take a break before tackling hosu and all that stuff. See y’all tomorrow, hopefully.
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