#i wore a christmas sweater to work today!!! IT BEGINS
expelliarmus · 2 years
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mcufan72 · 1 year
Cold winter days, a lonely woman on a bench, a stranger in the park...
An Encounter in Winter ❄️
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Loki and female reader (18+)
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
18+/adult themes/talking/ flirting/ slow burn/fluff/angst/smut
Warnings: fluff, a small quarrel, smut (m receiving), two lovers some time apart and some angst...
At the end of January, you moved to Stark Tower and as one might expect you moved into Loki's apartment. Now it was yours, your shared apartment. You have been hesitant to do it because you neither wanted to invade his privacy too soon nor you wanted to rush things. But you two were too clingy and in love with each other so living together and sharing the apartment felt natural right from the beginning as if it had never been different. And it wasn't that Loki wouldn't allow you to bring your personality and style into your now-shared rooms.
You didn't change much in the apartment, you loved Loki's Asgardian style of living and his furnishings. You just added a few candles in jars and placed them in the rooms, and some of your small pillows in vintage style adorned the cuddly sofa. On the table in the living room was always a vase with a bouquet of your favourite green roses and Loki made sure they were always fresh. He even mounted a TV on the wall and he enjoyed watching series, movies and documentaries together with you.
Loki also insisted that you add your books to his book wall and he gave you a big amount of space in his walk-in closet. He loved to see your lingerie next to his briefs and boxers. Of course, he did and sometimes he picked something of your lingerie for you so you could put it on for him. He wanted to integrate you completely into his life. You were a part of him as much as he was a part of you and after a very long time, you now had a feeling of family life again. You had hated to live alone and so did Loki.
You also felt extremely comfortable in your new job, you had great teammates in the lab and Bruce was the best supervisor and laboratory manager you had ever had. He thought a great deal of you and entrusted you with a high level of responsibility. To work together with him was a great joy and you learned many new things, especially about creatures from outer space and their genetics. This job definitely expanded your knowledge and skills.
The weeks had gone by so fast and it was already spring. The Avengers had a long free time since Christmas, there had only been a few missions for one or two days and not every one of them was needed or had to participate in every mission. It seemed to be quiet in space these times and no invasions were in sight. It has been a really comfortable time for you and Loki and irrationally you thought it would never change.
It was an afternoon in the first days of April and Loki and you strolled through the park like every day. The days became warmer now and today you didn't even need a jacket. Loki wore a green long-sleeve shirt, only half-buttoned and black tight jeans like you. He never seemed to freeze but you didn't wonder about it anymore. And you loved to have a sexy view of his chest. You had a tight-fitting turtleneck sweater on because you didn't find it warm enough to wear just a blouse or a T-shirt. You two walked arm in arm around the lake, your one hand shoved into the back pocket of Loki's trousers so you could caress and kneed his sexy ass the whole time. How were you supposed to not do it? This man, your man, was just too sexy and too adorable.
Instead of the ice skaters on the lake, there were swans and ducks now in the water and they quacked like there was no tomorrow. You stopped there for a moment and watched the ducks and swans swimming in the water or cleaning their feathers at the lake's shore.
"Did you know that swans stay together for life once they have found their partner?" you asked him.
"Noo, but I think I want to be a Swan now because I want to be together forever with you" he replied.
Loki hooked a finger into your turtleneck and pulled it down, just a little bit. You turned your head towards him and he gave you a passionate kiss. He then kissed your cheek and his mouth trailed down to your throat and he sucked a hickey to your soft skin. He always knew to push your buttons right and you laughed quietly and moaned blissfully. His tongue circled around and over the fresh marking before he let go of your throat and pushed the turtleneck up again. There were so many smitten couples strolling through the park that no one paid attention to you.
"Lo, please," you giggled.
"What? I could do this all day, Snowflake."
"Yeah, I know that and I enjoy it but…"
"But what? Your hand on my arse, my mouth on your lips and your throat, that's just fair, isn't it?"
You laughed and he kissed you again.
"Do you know why I love to see you wearing a turtleneck sweater?" he asked you, his signature grin appearing on his beautiful face.
"Nooo, but I'm sure you're going to tell me, handsome."
"I can suck the soft skin of your neck and leave my marks and nobody else can see them but you and I know, they're there. And this I find extremely sexy," he murmured into your ear.
With his arm around your nape, his hand grabbed your chin carefully, turned your head towards him and he smacked his soft wet lips against yours. Your hand rested in the opening of his shirt on his naked chest and you felt his heartbeat against your hand. Why could you never get enough of him? And he was very clingy these days so it was even harder for you to keep your fingers off your lover.
"Come, let's walk to our bench, Lo."
"As you wish, my love." He stared deeply and lovingly into your eyes. You couldn't explain what it was but there was something different in his gaze. Maybe you just imagined it.
The daffodils, tulips, and grape hyacinths were blooming all over the meadow and in the flower beds. The Japanese flowering trees were also blooming and a small amount of the blossom petals whirled around and down to the ground like pink snowflakes. One could say it was almost kitschy but you loved it and for you, it was romantic and idyllic. And it was the first time that you could enjoy spring together with Loki.
You sat close to him on the bench, his arm wrapped around you, your head leaning against his shoulder. You both watched the scenery before you, looking at children playing in the meadow and listening to the chirping birds. Everything could be fine if there wasn't the strange feeling you had in your gut.
"Lo, is there something you want to tell me? I can feel there's something that keeps your mind busy."
He hemmed and hawed a bit before he told you what was coming.
"I can't fool you, can I?"
"No, you can't", and you smiled at him. You lifted your head from his shoulder and turned towards him.
"We…have to go on a mission, a big one. I can't give you more details, I'm not allowed."
"Okay…so the 'businessman' is back to business," you said smilingly. "I assumed it might be something like this and we both knew this day would come."
"Yes, we knew it, Snowflake. We just didn't want to think about it."
Loki appeared to be thoughtful.
"Can we stay in contact while you're in outer space? Via video calls or radio messages?"
"No, that won't be possible. We'll be too far away for that."
"Hmmh, I understand. But it's not too dangerous, is it?" You asked him insecurely.
He hemmed and hawed again and took a very deep breath before he spoke again, unable to look at you.
"There might be the possibility that we …that I… that I could…"
"Lo? Lo, what are you trying to tell me?" You felt nauseous and angsty now.
"I…there's a… possibility that I could get seriously injured or…killed in the worst case. This mission is a very dangerous one ."
"Please what?" you asked, astonished and upset. "You're a god. Aren't you invulnerable or even immortal?"
"Well, that's not entirely true. You know, it's not that easy to seriously hurt or kill me but…"
"Lo, you're a god, gods are immortal, aren't they? You and also Thor…you cannot die…", you asked him, panic in your voice.
"We can and we do…it just seems like we cannot die because our life span is so much longer in comparison with yours. Darling, listen…"
"Wait what? Okay, you…you can't get killed so easily…at least something, that's good...okay, I get that … and when will you have to leave for this… maybe deadly shit?" Your heart raced and you felt dizzy.
"Tomorrow…in the morning…", he answered quietly.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Loki?"
You freed yourself from his embrace hastily, stood up from the bench and made a few steps forward, away from him towards the meadow, crossing your arms in front of you. You were livid.
"Do you know what you are telling me here right now?", you asked him angrily.
"Snowflake, please…listen…"
He stood up and walked over to you, trying to hold you by your shoulders and calming you down.
"Don't touch me", you scolded him and pushed his hands away.
"Do you know what?" You turned around to look at him, a mixture of anger and sadness in your voice and on your face.
"By every single person in my life which I loved to the core I was confronted with a fait accompli. By my father, my ex and my sister! And all of them left me alone very shortly after they had spoken to me and they never came back. Whether I want to see them again or not, it hurts, Loki, it fucking hurts. And it scares me!"
You swallowed your tears and your anger down. You didn't want to shout at him. Not here, and not in public. And never in your favourite place, you both loved so much.
"Do you think I'm just a dumb earth girl? Do you really think I haven't recognised that something was going on after this mysterious meeting two weeks ago? I don't want to know the details, Loki. It's a secret mission and I get that. But it's my right as your girlfriend to know in time that you're going to leave me and that it will be a very dangerous and maybe… deadly mission. I would've liked to be better prepared for it. Together with you!
Don't you think it would've been fair to tell me sooner and not just one day before your departure? You should never underestimate my gut feeling. I can't even think about it that I might lose you on this mission, although it's absolutely clear that you and I will always have to live with that risk. But it would've been nice to be confronted with this upcoming mission earlier but…okay, for you it doesn't seem that serious and significant…"
"Are you done now?" he asked resentfully.
"And please don't suggest that I think that you're a dumb earth girl. That's not fair, Snowflake. You're my perfect woman which I love endlessly and you should know that. I just didn't want you to worry too long before I have to leave... or to worry longer than necessary. I always want you to feel happy and safe. Before I met you I never cared about if I would return from a mission or not. But now I do care. It's a new situation for me, too and I don't know how to do everything right. To make you happy and give you all of my genuine love, that's my purpose. That's why I didn't tell you earlier…I…I just wanted to protect you! What is wrong with that?" he said, vexed by your accusations.
"Now I know it was a mistake to keep silent for so long. I'm not perfect, Snowflake. I never was and I'll never be…I just wanted to protect you 'cause I love you more than my life, more than anything. I never intended to hurt you. I'm sorry, my love…"
You shook your head and stared down at your feet before you looked at him again.
"I don't want you to be perfect, Lo. I just want you to be honest with me and that you tell me about such important things earlier. Please don't take away my right to worry about you. I love you way too much not to do it," you said softly to him.
Your anger was gone. You saw that he just wanted to make everything right, that he would never hurt you intentionally and that he loved you deeply. You pulled him into a tight embrace and he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in the crook of your neck. You desperately clung to him, stroking your fingers through his curls.
"I just want one thing, Lo. Come back to me. I beg you, please baby come back to me. Promise…promise me!"
How could he give this promise to you? He didn't know what would happen. He couldn't look into the future. But he truly wanted to come back to you, he would never leave you alone as all the others did.
"I promise Snowflake. I'll come back." He felt like a liar.
"And you, my love, promise me you will come here every day. Always, every day until I'm back. Same time, same place. And I want you to think and dream of me then, do you hear me? Promise me! I need this assurance because I don't want you to break with our ritual. I'll be here with you then, in your heart and your mind."
You just nodded. You couldn't speak. Farewell pain and anxiety choked your throat.
"I need to hear you saying it!"
"Yes, I promise, Lo," you whispered barely audible.
"When I'm back, we will go on vacation, if you want. Would you like that? Where would you like to go, my love?"
You looked at him and smiled, playing with the collar of his shirt. You knew he just wanted to distract you from the concerns and anxieties you had and that he wanted to give you hope.
"Norway…I want to see Norway again."
"Then it will be Norway, my Lady."
He cupped your cheeks and gave you a passionate kiss and you let your tongue play with his. He never failed to kiss your anger and anxieties away.
"I still feel guilty for not telling you earlier…"
"Yeah, it's not okay but…I get why you didn't tell me earlier but don't feel guilty, Lo. I know you did it for love," and you gave him a smile.
"Let's go to the café and then you can tell me everything about a God's physical vulnerability and mortality. I want…no, I need to know everything about it, Lo."
"Are you sure you want to know all this? Every little detail?"
"Yes! I prefer to face the truth!"
"Then I'll do it, darling. But I really don't want to scare you further."
"You don't, Lo. I don't want to let you go with me having false, unrealistic ideas about what could or could not happen to you."
"Always straight to the point, hmm?"
"Yeah, always straight to the point, Sir!"
Loki smiled and nodded. He took your hands in his and first he kissed the backs of your hands and then your palms. He adored you endlessly and you never failed to give him the feeling of still being valued and loved even when he made mistakes. Arm in arm you walked to the café, for the last time before he had to leave you.
The night before he had to leave, he made the most tender love to you while holding your hand the whole time, his fingers laced with yours. He bathed you in love and bliss, peppering open-mouthed kisses to your lips and every part of your body. Loki glanced at you all the time because he wanted to memorize every single detail of your face and your body so that when he is on this mission he would always remember you and your beautiful face and the feeling of your velvety skin on his.
He inhaled your scent deeply and whenever you two reached another climax he softly demanded from you to look him in the eyes. He needed all of this because he knew he would miss you every single second he couldn't be with you. After all that tender love making he cradled you in his arms and you two fell asleep. You held each other as tightly as you could because you wouldn't see and touch each other for quite some time.
The next morning was awful. You and Pepper stood at the helipad to say goodbye to the Avengers. Everyone had already entered the spaceship except Loki. He still held you tightly to his chest and gave you a breathtaking last kiss. Everything you had to say to each other had been said the previous night and he had to leave now.
"Keep your promise, snowflake. I love you, never forget that."
"And you keep yours, Lo, love of my life. And don't flirt with other space princesses. You know that you look extremely sexy in your leather combat suit, don't you?"
"I know! It's because of all the fine Asgardian leather and metal."
"Arrogant, smug God! But you're my god, you know!"
"And you're my goddess. Why should I flirt with a space princess when my goddess is waiting here for me?", and you both chuckled.
Actually you felt like crying but you gave him your radiant sweet smile. You didn't want his last impression of you to be your tears. He should remember just your smile on the mission.
He kissed you on your forehead and gave you a last nod, turned around and entered the spaceship. He didn't look back. His eyes were wet with tears but they didn't fall.
When the ship wasn't to see anymore, you allowed your tears to flow and your heart wanted to break. Deep inside of you, you knew he would come back… just a gut feeling. To let him go was horrible but you also knew that you should quickly get used to it. This wouldn't be the last mission. Pepper placed a hand on your shoulder.
"I know it's hard to let them go. The first time is the worst. Loki will come back. They'll all come back, believe me."
"I know," you nodded sadly.
"Come! Let's drink tea together and afterwards get back to work. That's the best distraction!"
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go!", and you smiled at her.
You kept your promise and your ritual. Every day you walked to the park. Same time, same place, a lonely woman on a bench… from the outside, it might look like this but it wasn't nearly like that. You weren't lonely, Loki was with you, in your heart and your mind. You thought and dreamt of him as you promised and you were absolutely sure, he will come back to you. It just felt as if the time went by way too slowly.
You hated the empty bed at night. You missed Loki and his proximity, you missed him desperately and you hoped he would come back soon…that they all will come back soon. It was so silent in the compound without them. The uncertainty was the worst thing and not knowing if they were all okay and successful.
"Y/n? Wake up, they will arrive soon! Hurry up!"
It was two weeks after they left for the mission when a loud knocking at your apartment's door woke you up in the early morning. Last night you fell asleep on the couch and the TV was still on and you felt as if you hadn't even slept a minute.
"Y/n? Did you hear me?"
"Yes, Pepper, I'll be there in a minute."
You were so tired but the fact that Loki would be back soon made you wake up immediately. Finally! You were utterly happy to see him again.
You jumped off the sofa, sprinted to the bathroom to brush your teeth quickly, got dressed in leggings and Loki's hoodie, and ran to the kitchen where Pepper was waiting for you with fresh, hot coffee.
"When will they arrive?" you asked her excitedly, a big smile on your face.
"Honestly, I don't know, I couldn't understand everything Tony said. The reception was bad, probably the communication system is defective."
"Maybe we should go outside and wait there for them?"
"Yes, good idea!"
You two did what you had suggested and a few minutes later the spaceship arrived.
You two welcomed everyone back. They were all unharmed, they had just some bruises and scratches, nothing too serious. But they were worn and weary and everyone just wanted to take a shower and a nap because tonight you all would celebrate a small reunion party with family and a few friends and acquaintances. Tony would never miss a chance to throw a party even if it's just a small one. He had already planned it on their flight back home.
And then you saw him, your Loki, striding down the gangway. You ran towards him and jumped into his open arms. He hugged you while you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"Have you missed me?"
"Of course not, Sir!"
"I didn't miss you either!" You looked at each other and smiled.
"Are you okay, Lo?"
"I'm okay, my love. Just a few scratches."
"Fine!" you said, relieved, and kissed him longingly.
"I stink and I'm dirty. I need a shower, urgently!" he laughed.
"I don't mind. I'm just glad to have you back."
"I'm glad, too. It's good to hold you in my arms again, my love."
He let you down to the ground again and you two went to your apartment. Loki was already in the shower when you decided to join him. You got out of your clothes, went to the bathroom and entered the shower. Loki had already washed his body and his hair. His forehead rested against the tiles and he enjoyed the warm water rippling down his tired body. He felt happy when he heard you coming into the shower. He just wanted to be close to you again.
"I was scared, Snowflake."
"I know, baby. But you're back…back in my arms", and you hugged him from behind.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"No, not yet."
"Okay. Then just relax, baby."
Your hands trailed up and down and over his chest and abs, you turned your head sideways, resting your cheek on his back and pressed your body close to him. Loki moaned when your hands reached down and you trailed your fingers over his hips and inner thighs. Your one hand cupped his balls carefully, your other hand grasped his cock and you gently stroked it from base to tip.
Loki groaned sharply and sighed, and succumbed to your seducing touch. You felt him getting hard under your agonizingly slow strokes and you massaged and caressed his balls gently. He moaned faster when you started rubbing your thumb over his tip and two of your fingers stimulating him further by rubbing softly at his frenulum. In constant changes with firm strokes of his cock and massaging his balls his arousal grew quickly and his length twitched eagerly in your hand.
"Does it feel good, Lo?"
"Yess…it feels good…Norns, you're hands are…oh fuck … magical…"
"Then cum, Lo, cum for me, just let go…"
You kept holding his manhood in your hands, still softly stroking and caressing him so he could enjoy his orgasm and the blissful aftermath. You pressed tender kisses to his shoulders and his back until his breath came back to normal and his length got soft again. When he turned around to look at you, you let go of him and he cleaned your hands and his cock under the warm water. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you, longingly and thankfully.
You knew he was close and you were immensely turned on by his moans. Your own arousal was barely bearable and you felt your clit throbbing. You would love to have him inside of you. But you could wait, now it was just about him. You increased the pace of stroking his cock and stimulating his swollen tip and he began to tremble. With one hand Loki grabbed your buttocks firmly, his other hand he placed against the tile wall. His whole body was shaking. He tilted back his head and his muscles tensed up mere moments before he came hard with a loud moan and your name on his lips. He ejaculated all over your beautiful hands and then he looked down so he could see how his cum poured over them.
"Damn, Snowflake, that was good! Thank you my love, I've missed that."
"Me too, Lo, it's so good to have you back."
You two left the shower and dried each other off, went over to the bed and finally, you two slid under the big duvet. You looked at each other and Loki caressed your cheek.
"Your God would like to fuck you but I'm so tired, Snowflake. I'll make it up to you later, my love, I promise."
"Don't worry about it, Lo, just get some rest now", and you cuddled him up into your arms, his head resting on your cleavage.
You just wanted to hold him like this and watch him sleep. Loki was relieved to be back in your arms. He knew that this time he not only returned. This time, he came back home, home to you. His home was you. While you played with his still-damp hair and scratched his scalp, he fell into a dreamless, relaxing sleep.
In the evening you all, including some friends and acquaintances met for the small house party in the dining room and living room lounge to spend the evening together. Of course, the main thing to talk about was the successful mission. Every Avenger told her or his own version and however, at some point, you all could just laugh about the different heroic versions. But it was the best way to process the incidents and exhausting fights. Most of the time you sat sideways on Loki's lap, one arm wrapped around his shoulder and his hand stroked up and down your spine or caressed your thigh. The proximity of each other was all you two needed right now.
"Guys, seriously. We should raise our glasses now… to us and especially to Loki. While we tried to destroy the invaders and defend the planet we were lured into a trap. He sensed it and with his sharp mind, trickery and his incredible magic he saved us all so we could fight against the invaders again and finally, we won the battle altogether. Cheers, ladies and gents!"
"Cheers!" you all said in unison.
You had listened intently and attentively the whole evening and you were impressed by how brave and strong they all were and you were proud of Loki. Once more he could improve his loyalty, his bravery and his care for others. In the end, they all agreed that they were just glad to have done a good job and to be back home now. You gave Loki a tender kiss before you left his lap and went over to the table to eat some more cheese and grapes.
"I guess these invasive monsters will never die out, we'll stay very busy saving and defending innocent lives", Nat said annoyed.
"The universes are blessed to have you all. I still don't believe in monsters but if I had your combat skills I would immediately kill every monster that dares touch or attack me…but I think I better keep wearing my lab coat", you joked after you had returned from Tony's bar with another bottle of wine and everyone laughed.
You refilled Nat's, Pepper's and your own wine glass before you asked Loki.
"Lo, do you want some more wine, too?" and you turned around to the armchair he was sitting in. To your astonishment, he wasn't sitting there. He wasn't even in the living room lounge anymore.
"Where is Loki?" you asked and frowned.
The others shrugged their shoulders. They hadn't recognised him leaving the room either. They all had been busy telling everyone about the mission or talking to each other.
"Excuse me, guys." I just look quickly where my man is." You smiled at them and left.
Loki wasn't in the fireplace lounge where you assumed him to be so he must've returned to your apartment and finally you found him there in the bedroom.
He knew you would look for him. He knew that he couldn't keep this last secret anymore. You deserved to know everything about him. He had already been waiting much too long to tell you the truth. You had been so mad at him when he told you too late about the mission and he was so grateful that you forgave and still loved him.
"Loki? Why are you standing here in the dark? Did something happen?"
He stared out of the window. He knew that this time you wouldn't forgive him. He knew that tonight he would lose you forever.
@lokisprettygirl @wheredafandomat @fictive-sl0th @smolvenger @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokixryss @huntress-artemiss
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minthesin · 2 years
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↠ Summary: It was supposed to be a lazy Saturday morning, but things turned the other way when you came up with the cutest idea.
↠ Pairing: Yoongi x fem!Reader
↠ Genre: established relationship!AU, smut, huge amount of fluff
↠ Warnings: sub!Yoongi, dom!Reader, pegging, rimjob, handjob, anal fingering, breast kissing and sucking, discussion of safe word, Yoongi in a sweater (beware of cuteness overload), lots of kisses, reader is such a tease, just Yoongi being unbearably cute🥰🫠
↠ Word count: 4.4k
author’s note: This is my first “decent” one shot, so… yeah. English isn’t my first language, so I’m sorry if you find any mistakes, I tried my best to avoid them. I think this turned out pretty well. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this :) Here’s the sweater I’m talking about.
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“It’s Saturday morning. You wake up early to Yoongi still sleeping on his side, knees bent close to his chest and both hands resting under his squishy cheek, his lips formed into a pout, and his eyebrow slightly furrowed. He looks like a kitten curled up in a ball.
God, he looks so adorable, you want to squeeze those cheeks, but you don’t want to wake him up.
You step out of bed and look through the window.
It’s snowy outside. Streets and roofs are covered in crystal snow.
You instantly feel cold and are only in your pajama shorts and top.
You kick into the slippers and make your way to the wardrobe. You open the closet, and your eyes land on a blue knitted sweater.
It’s been a while since the last time you wore that sweater. It is oversized and thick, perfect for cold weather. Yoongi gave it to you last Christmas. It was your favorite thing to wear last winter. It made you warm even when it was freezing outside.
Without much thinking, you put on the sweater and head out to the bathroom.
After doing your morning skincare routine and brushing your teeth, you step into your bedroom again. Yoongi’s still fast asleep in his kitten-like position, and you can’t help yourself from muttering a silent “aww” under your nose.
It’s been a tough week for him since he had to finish the project he’s been working on for weeks. You decided not to wake him up because he deserves to rest after a tiring week.
Maybe you should do something nice for him? Maybe surprise him with breakfast in bed?
Of course, everything for your man. Even when he’d come home late, he’d still make time for you and ask about your day even when he was tired. So why don’t you make something nice for him as well?
You go to the kitchen and begin cooking breakfast. Scrambled eggs and butter toast. You also make breakfast for yourself because your stomach has been making the weirdest sound. You make a cup of cappuccino for Yoongi and a cup of tea for you. Everything’s almost done, but then you hear footsteps from the bedroom.
“Morning, honey. Are you making breakfast?”
And there’s Yoongi, standing in the doorway with nothing but a sweater and boxers on. His hair is still a little messy from sleeping, but you can’t stop yourself from thinking how cute he looks in that sweater. Brown oversized sweater with red lines around the neck. You got it for him last Christmas, and it was his favorite sweater that winter. You love it as well because he looks so lovable in it.
“Hey, umm.. good morning Yoongs, yeah, I’m making breakfast. I was about to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but since you woke up….”
He makes his way to you, hugs you around your waist and gives you a morning kiss on your cheek.
“Why did you wake up so early? I thought you were sleeping longer today. It's Saturday.”
“I know, but I smelled something nice coming from the kitchen, and there you are, making breakfast,” he murmurs in his raspy morning voice.
“Well, then, why don’t you sit down? Breakfast is ready.”
You both sit down at the table and begin eating breakfast.
“Hmm, this is so delicious,” Yoongi comments with a mouthful of eggs and toast.
“Thanks, I made this with love,” you smile at him. Gosh, you love your husband.
“I really like your sweater,” you comment.
“Thank you. It’s super comfy and warm. I put it on because it’s so cold today, you gave it to me last Christmas, and I really love it.
After a minute of comfortable silence, you speak.
“I wonder what you would look like in this sweater while I fuck you.”
Yoongi chokes on his food and lifts his head, confusion written all over his face and a tiny piece of egg clinging to the corner of his mouth.
“I bet you’d look very cute.”
Yoongi doesn’t know what to say, so you take the chance to speak.
“When I was buying you this sweater, I fantasized how you’d look like underneath me while I fuck your cute little bum.”
“Is this one of your sexual fantasies?” he asks.
“Well, I think you can say so. So what do you say?”
“You want to fuck me in this sweater?”
“Yeah,” you answer him feeling a little embarrassed because you really don’t know what he thinks about the idea. If he doesn’t like it, then it’s okay. Maybe he doesn’t want to be your little baby and prefers to be your dom. You and Yoongi talked about this before, that you’re going to share your sexual fantasies. Then why does he look so caught off guard? Of course, you’re peacefully eating breakfast and then, out of nowhere you tell him that he’d look cute in this sweater while you fuck his ass.
“Yoongs?”, he looks zoned out, he definitely doesn't like the idea, you think.
“If you don’t like the idea than it’s-”
“No, umm… I like it, actually”, you don’t get a chance to finish your statement when Yoongi comes back to Earth and dispels your doubts.
“I really like the idea of you dominating me. I just imagined how it would look, and I think it’d be hot, actually,” he confesses and scratches his ear in shyness, the habit Yoongi does when he feels embarrassed or shy.
“It’s been a while since the last time I pegged you. You looked so fucked up then and-”
“Okay, stop. You’re embarrassing me”, he interrupts you. You see just how much he blushes and looks down in shyness.
The last time you pegged him, he looked like a complete mess, begging you and almost crying because of how good you were fucking him. He felt so vulnerable being your little sex slave, but he’d lie if he said he didn’t like it because he enjoyed it so much he was a moaning mess. Yoongi was fast asleep that night till the afternoon.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“I know, you’ve told me that,” he says, fidgeting with his earring.
“I know you were craving for this, didn’t you? So what do you say? Wanna do it again?”
“Yeah, I do, but don’t expect me to be a mess again. Okay? I'll be dead serious. I’ll do it just because you want this”, he declares.
“Aww, Yoongs, you try to be cool, but I know that the minute I start fingering you, you’ll be melting and begging for more.”
“Not this time.”
“Sure you will. Within minutes, you’ll be moaning my name and begging for more,” you don’t believe him. You intend to ruin him and make him beg for your touch, just like he did the last time. And you’ll get what you want. You’ve known Yoongi for years, and you know that he acts like he doesn’t like or want something, he tries to act serious and isn't interested, but in reality, he likes it so much he can’t stop thinking about it.
“I’m serious,” he whines.
“But that’s the fun part. I want to ruin you. You know when something’s so cute you wanna ruin it because it’s unbearably cute.”
“I’ll do it for you. I’ll let you ruin me in this sweater just because you want this”, he says.
“Yoongs, you’re no fun. You could have said at first that you don’t want this,” you say. You want to tease him because you know how badly he wants you to fuck him, yet he acts like he doesn’t care anymore because you made fun of him.
“I do want this,” he utters and tilts his head, so now he’s looking at you.
“Hah! See, you want this so bad, don’t you.”
“Yeah, okay, I do,” he acknowledges.
“Okay, then go, clean yourself up,” you tell him.
“Wait, you wanna do it now?!" he asks you, surprised.
“Only if you want to,” you answer him on your way to wash the dishes.
“Okay, I’ll go then,” he says as he stands up and makes his way to the bathroom.
Ah, you love to mess with his head. You know that he wants to be fucked just as much as you want to fuck him.
While Yoongi’s in the bathroom, you’re preparing the bed. You put on black lace underwear, the one Yoongi got you on your birthday. You take a bottle of lube from the nightstand and place it on it. Then you lay on the bed and wait for Yoongi.
“Okay, I’m rea-... oh”, he steps out of the bathroom only to see you lying on your side wearing nothing but underwear. Gosh, you look so hot like this.
“Come here, honey,” you instruct him and pat the bed a few times.
He does as told and makes his way to bed.
“Aren’t you cold?” he asks.
“A little, but that’s nothing.”
“You should put something on.”
“I’ll get warm when I’ll fuck you, don’t worry, baby,” you answer him. It is cold, actually, but you don’t mind it. All you want to do right now is to ruin your cute little Yoongi. He looks unbearably cute in that sweater.
“Okay, Yoongs, before I do anything, say. Do you want this?” you ask.
“If it hurts or something, please tell me. Maybe we need a safe word?” you ask again.
“I don’t know. If you want to.”
“It’s up to you.”
“Okay, umm… Orange.”
“Orange? Why?” you ask him.
“Because tangerines are orange,” he answers you and looks down shyly.
“Aww, Yoongs, you're so sweet,” you can’t help yourself from smiling.
“Like a tangerine?” he asks.
You push him on his back and crawl on top of him. You cup his cheeks and press them together. Now he looks way too cute.
“Yes, my baby boy, you’re my little tangerine,” you kiss him a few times, then kiss his forehead.
“I feel so embarrassed right now,” he utters.
“You don’t have to, baby. I’m doing this because you look so cute, and I love you. You said you’ll let me do whatever I want with you.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Aww, Yoongie Boongie, you're so cute.”
You begin a kissing journey, starting from his forehead to his collarbone. You don’t leave a single area of his flesh unkissed.
Yoongi tugs his hands into his sweater and places them on your waist, stroking them up and down your curves. You instantly feel warmer.
“Hmh?” you feel something poking your thigh. You look down and notice a bulge in his boxers.
“Guess who’s seeking for attention,” your voice sounds excited.
“I know, baby, I know,” he answers while looking down.
You make your way to his side.
“I’ll take your underwear, okay,” you ask, already knowing the answer.
You pull down his boxers and free his hardened cock. He must be really excited about what will happen soon. He is, and you know it. You know he secretly adores being subby, but doesn’t want to acknowledge that out loud. He thinks it’s unmanly, but you know better.
“Spread your legs, baby,” you instruct him, and he does as told.
“Now, give me a small pillow.”
He takes one of your decorative pillows and hands it to you.
“Lift your bum,” you command.
He lifts his ass so you can place a pillow under it.
You kneel between his legs and lean forwards to kiss him. Yoongi cups your ass and squeezes it. His action sends chills down to your core.
“I love you so much, Yoongi, can’t wait to ruin you.”
“I love you too, darling,” you murmur to each other between kisses.
You then kiss him all the way down his tummy, kissing him through his sweater. You inhale his scent. He smells so good. There’s a hint of your favorite cologne of his.
“Look at you, you’re so hard, you’re so excited to be fucked aren’t you?” you tease him, admiring his fully erect cock.
“Can you touch me?” he murmurs quietly.
“What did you say?” you lift your head to look at him.
“Touch me, please,” he says. There he is, your needy Yoongi.
“Say that again.”
He sighs, remembering that he promised himself to be serious. You totally messed up with his mind. He still doesn’t know why he chose to be so severe. He regrets it, but there’s nothing he can do about it.
Yoongi knows that you want to make a mess of him on purpose, to prove him wrong, to prove that he, in fact, is your subby baby boy, and he knows that you’ll tease him about that afterward. But now, when you cought him asking for your touch, he can’t do anything but repeat himself.
“Can you touch me? Please.”
“Guess who’s needy, okay? I’ll touch you, baby boy, but just because you’re being needy, and I feel sorry for you.”
You reach out to the nightstand and grab a bottle of lube. You put some lube on your fingers and smear it on his rim.
Yoongi squirms.
“Something’s wrong?” you ask. You know that the lube is cold, and that’s why he squirmed.
“Nothing, it’s just...it feels weird.”
“You want me to stop?”
“No,” he insists.
“Of course you don’t, I know,” you murmur. You can tell that he’d do anything to have your fingers in his ass, judging from the way his dick twitched.
He’d be begging you to finger his rim if not for his attitude.
You purposely caress your fingers around his hole and don’t push them in yet. You want to tease him. You want him to beg for your touch, just like he did the last time.
“C-can you push your finger in already?” he murmurs.
“Say that again,” you’re being cruel. God, how badly he craves your touch. You’ll touch him in the best ways possible, but just not yet. You want to tease him first.
“___, just do it already,” he whines.
“Do what?”
In this case, he’d get upset and not want to do it anymore, but not this time, not when he’s so turned on. Yoongi loves the way you tease him, but he can’t tell you that, not when he promised to be dead serious. He regrets saying that, but he knows if he begins to beg you, you’ll tease him about that every time you’d get a chance to. So he tries to maintain his cool attitude.
“Push your finger inside.”
Yoongi hates himself so much right now.
“Say please.”
He inhales deeply and sighs. “Please.”
“Okaaay, now the whole sentence.”
“Push your finger inside me… please.”
“See, that’s simple. All you have to do is ask.”
You’d tease him more for a while, but you kinda feel sorry for him. You slowly push your index finger into his hole to stretch him a little; you don’t want to hurt him.
Yoongi scrunches his nose.
“How’s that?” you ask, lifting your head to look at his expression.
“Does it hurt?”
You push your whole finger to your knuckles, then pull it out, not entirely, leaving the tip of your digit inside. You repeat this action a few times to prepare him for more of your fingers.
But again, you purposely don’t add another finger, even though he seems ready to take in more of your digits. You wait for him to ask you.
You don’t wait too long, and Yoongi’s already asking for more.
“Please, more”
“Say that again.’
“___, please, don’t be so cruel to me. Why are you like this?” he whines.
You pull out your finger.
“Okay then, guess you don’t want this anymore,” you say as you act like you’re making your way out of bed.
“No, ___, please,” he sits up and grabs your wrist. You’ve never seen him so desperate.
You turn to look at him. He looks at you with puppy eyes and pouts.
“Please, ___.”
You sit there for a moment. You can’t just leave him like that. It would be too cruel. And you won't. Of course, you won't. That was your idea, after all.
“I won’t.” You make your way back between his legs again. Yoongi lays back down and looks at you.
You crawl on top of him, so you are now facing him. You caress his face and tug a stray strand of hair hanging from his forehead to his ear.
“I know you’re craving my touch like a starving man. I know you try to act cool.”
He just looks at you and says nothing.
“If you want me so bad, then use your words, baby. Okay?”
“Good.” You caress his blonde locks.
You make your way back between his legs.
You caress your finger around his hole, waiting for him to speak.
“P-push your finger inside me, please.”
“Good boy, see, all you have to do is ask.”
Then again, you thrust your finger in and out a few times.
You add another digit.
“How’s that?”
You curl your fingers.
“Mhm, do that again.”
“Curl your fingers again, please.”
You curl your digits again, hearing another whimper from Yoongi.
You continue fingering him for a while, thrusting your fingers in till knuckles, then curling them and pushing out, leaving your fingertips inside.
“Ah, fuck,” whispers audibly. No way you found the spot.
“What is it?” you ask.
“Please do that again, please,” he begs.
You do it again, curling your fingers on that exact spot you just did.
You’d mock him again about the fact that he’s begging you, but you decide to save that for later.
“Mhm, right there, fuck.” Yoongi has his eyes closed and mouth slightly parted.
“You think you can take in one more?” you ask.
“Okay then,” you push a third finger into his hole.
“How’s that?”
“Mhm, it feels good,” he murmurs.
You continue to fuck your fingers into his ass to prepare him.
“Do you think you’re ready to take in my dick?” you ask.
“I think yeah.”
“Okay then,” you make your way to the closet to take your strap on.
“Don’t look,” you tell him.
“I won’t,” he says and closes his eyes.
You come back with your dildo on and crawl back on the bed.
“You can look now.”
Yoongi opens his eyes, and there you are, kneeling between his thighs with a strap on.
You undo your bra and throw it somewhere in the corner. Now you feel even colder.
“Can I…”
“Words, baby.”
“Can I kiss your boobs, please?” Ah, he’s always been a sucker for your breasts.
You lean closer. Yoongi cups one of your boobs and sucks on the nipple.
Then he cups another one and sucks it as well.
He’s about to kiss the first one again, but you lean back.
“Okay, that’s it for now.”
He groans in annoyance.
You position yourself back between his legs.
His cock. So painfully hard. You should give him some friction.
You take his cock and stroke its head rapidly with your thumb a few times.
“Fuck, Aah!” he suddenly sits up and tries to take your hand away.
“It’s too sensitive, please,” he begs.
You can’t help your smile.
“Ah, Yoongs, you’re so dramatic.”
He lays back down.
You stop the torture and finger him a few times to prepare him for your dick.
You apply more lube on your dildo and position yourself in front of his rim.
“Are you ready?” you have to ask him; otherwise, you’ll feel bad.
“Tell me how bad you want this.” Again, you’re being cruel. Just fuck him already. You know he’s craving to be stuffed.
“Please, ___, fuck my ass.”
“Good boy,” you praise him.
You look down at his ass and realize that it will be difficult to fuck him like that. His butt is lying too close to the mattress, so he has to lift his legs.
“Bend your knees to your chest,” you instruct him, and he obeys.
“Good, now spread them so I can see you,” Yoongi does that as well.
You have the best view now. His dick is now on full display, leaking with precum.
“Here I go. Please tell me if it hurts, okay?” you ask him before sliding in.
“Mhm,” he instantly lets you know he understood.
You position yourself to his hole and slide in about two inches, then keep it for a moment and slip in more. You have your hands pressing his legs close to his chest. You lift your head to look at Yoongi, who has his nose scrunched and eyebrows furrowed.
“Does it hurt?” you ask.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, just need to adjust to your size,” he lets you know that he’s okay.
You slowly move back and then thrust in, this time adding a few more inches.
You move your hips back and forward at a slow pace, sincerely studying his expression for any signs of discomfort or pain. He stays silent, having his eyes closed and breathing faster.
“Can you go faster, please?” he asks you. You get instantly relieved. You don’t want to hurt him because once you accidentally did and felt really bad about him.
Now you do as he said, moving faster and deeper, but not too deep.
“Mhm, it feels so nice,” he rasps silently.
You need to bring him to the edge. You need him to scream your name and beg for you to don’t stop. You need to ruin this adorable little baby boy in the best way possible, but first, you have to find the spot that will send him to heaven.
You watch him the whole time you fuck his ass, admiring his blissed features.
“It does?” you ask.
“Mhm, fuck, yes.” He decided to end this stupid act. He knows you'll still tease him at the end of the day. He broke his promise because fuck it, you feel too good for him.
You increase your speed and thrust almost all your length into him.
Yoongi opens his mouth and sighs loudly. He looks so relaxed and floating in pure bliss.
With each thrust, you go faster, trying to find his sweet spot. You are looking at him. The way he looks so adorable in his knitted sweater, the way his mouth hangs open, the way his eyes are closed, and the way his hair sticks to his forehead. Everything about Yoongi makes your heart flutter.
“O-oh fuck,” he moans. “Mhm, right there, it feels so good.”
No way. You found it. You found the sweetest spot of his.
This is it. Now all you have to do is fuck that spot rapidly and send Yoongi to kitten heaven. Now you’ll ruin your cute little kitten in the way you had fantasized.
“___, mhm, please, don’t stop, please, never,” he begs.
“Guess who’s begging to be fucked, Mr. Serious,” you mock him. You’ll tease him even more afterward.
“A-aah, shut up,” he moans. He looks totally blissed out.
You look at him the entire time. This looks even better than you had imagined. Your little kitten in his sweater begging you not to stop. He’s so vulnerable right now.
You do the most unexpected thing. You drop the hold of his knee and grab his dick. It’s leaking so much with precum. You start jerking him off rapidly.
“Ahh, shit, ___,” Yoongi arches his back and throws his head back as much as possible. He got the sheets gripping, and his mouth parted wide open.
This is it. This is exactly what you wanted. The view does things to your core. You feel yourself dripping from this view. Definitely one of the best things you’ve ever seen.
Your hand hurts, but you don’t think about it that much. Yoongi is the one who’s got all your attention.
“Look at me, kitten,” you command.
He lowers his head, and your eyes meet. You’ve never seen Yoongi in the state like this. Words aren’t enough to describe how fucked he looks. He doesn’t think about anything but the upcoming sensation in his core.
“Mhm, ___, I’m,” he stutters. “I think I‘m close.”
“Look what you have become, moaning my name like it’s the only word you know. Who said it would be dead serious? Wasn’t it Yoongi? Where’s that Mr. Serious now? Oh, he’s under me, groaning and moaning like-”
“AHH FUCK!” Yoongi screams, and his voice cracks as his orgasm hits him like a train. He cums all over his sweater, and some of the cum even lands over his face.
“Yes, cum for me, kitten, good boy,” you praise him.
You drop the hold of his cock. Your hand aches like crazy, but it was worth it. You slip out of him, and he drops his legs on the mattress.
“Was it good,” you ask, already knowing the answer.
“Mhm, ___, that was amazing,” he answers. “I feel dead now.”
You lean to his face.
“You got cum on your nose, baby,” you wipe his cum from his nose with your thumb and lick it.
“Mhm, that tastes just like you,” you tell him.
“I feel so embarrassed now,” he murmurs.
“Don’t be. That was so fucking hot. You looked so hot. You know what? I won’t tease you about this, okay?”
“Mhm,” he hums.
“You want to sleep, kitten?”
“Okay, but let me take your sweater off, or your cum will harden, and it will be hard to wash,” you say.
You take off his sweater. He’s now lying naked on the bed, so you pull a duvet over his body and tug him up.
“Sleep tight, kitten.” You kiss his cheek, and he smiles. He rolls up to his side and falls asleep in a moment.
You fix yourself and go to the bathroom to put Yoongi’s sweater in the washing machine.
You feel horny right now, but you know that Yoongi will please you in return tonight.
You change your soaked underwear and put on a plain gray t-shirt. You are also tired, so you go back to the bed beside Yoongi and spoon him. You fall asleep in a few minutes.
You know what will happen when you wake up. You will eat dinner, watch a movie perhaps, and Yoongi will return his favor and send you to Hong Kong.
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In My Heart Is a Christmas Tree Farm
Here’s the ao3 link
Annabeth, Conner, and Travis plan on going home for the holidays, but Annabeth dreads having to face her parents and their opinions on her relationships, work, and just life in general. She intends on getting someone to go with her for the trip to pretend to be her boyfriend so she won’t have to suffer all Christmas vacation listening to her parents complain. That’s when she meets Percy…
-Chapter 10-
Annabeth wakes up to the sun shining through her window. Her and Percy are tangled up with eachother. She slowly gets up and puts an oversized shirt on. Then she lays back down beside him and shakes him awake.
“Happy Christmas Eve” she says smiling
“Happy Christmas Eve wise girl” he leans down and kisses her. She pulls away and scrunches her nose.
“Go brush your teeth.” She says. She gets up and goes to her suitcase. She bends down to pick out clothes and heads the bathroom door close.
She waits for him to get out of the bathroom then goes in there herself. She showers and brushes her teeth, then does her hair.
Annabeth puts on ripped jeans with the same red knitted sweater she wore before.
When she exits the bathroom she goes and sits beside Percy on the bed. She reaches over and grabs his hand
“You ok?” He says looking over at her
“Yeah, just preparing myself for a whole day of Susan” she says laughing and standing back up. She goes and stands right in front of him.
“I’ll be there with you all day. I promise” he says standing up too and wrapping his arms around her.
“Thank you” she smiles into his chest. “We should probably go down there” she says stepping back.
“No, one more minute” he says stepping towards her again and pulling her against him.
“Okay minutes up” she says after a moment.
Then he leans down and captures her lips in his. Her hands burry into his hair.
“No Percy we have to go downstairs” she laughs as she pulls back
His lips trail down her jawline. “But I don’t wanna” he says kissing her ear.
“But we have to” she says gently shoving him away playfully.
“Fine.” He says defeated.
She grabs his hand and heads to the door. He jerks her towards him.
“One more” he says. And presses another kiss to her lips.
He finnally releases her and follows her downstairs. She sees Susan and her dad making pancakes and Bobby and Mathew are sitting at the table.
“Morning” Mathew says as they walk in.
“Good morning” Annabeth says happily sitting down at the table. Percy takes the seat next to her.
“How’d you two sleep” Bobby says winking
“Oh shut up Bobby” Annabeth says blushing
“We slept good” Percy says laughing
Bobby continues talking to Susan about whatever they were talking about before Percy and Annabeth came in.
Annabeth sips her coffee. She feels Percy’s hand trail its way up her thigh. She quickly grabs his hand and puts it in his own lap, silently giggling.
“Pancakes are ready” Annabeth’s dad says. Percy gets up.
When Annabeth starts to get up he says “I’ll get yours, stay right there” and walks to the counter.
He comes back with two plates. She begins to pour syrup on hers and then hands it to Percy. She start eating and looks over. Percy is quite literally drowning his pancakes in syrup.
“How do you even eat it like that?” She says laughing.
“What? It gives it more flavor” he smiles.
Annabeth rolls her eyes but doesn’t comment anymore.
“So what are the plans for today?” Annabeth asks her dad
“I think we’re all going to watch a movie together. As a family. We haven’t done that in a while” her dad says
“Watched a movie? Or be a family?” Mathew says.
Annabeth takes a sip of her coffee to hide her laugh. Percy isn’t even paying attention. He’s stuffing his face full of pancakes.
“Dude slow down” Annabeth says giggling at him
“These are some of the best pancakes I’ve ever had Mrs. Chase” he says looking at Susan.
“Thank you Percy.” She says with satisfaction in her voice.
They finish eating with no arguments and they all go into the living room and sit in their spots. Annabeth and Percy sit on the corner of the sectional. Bobby sits on the end and Mathew sprawls out on the other end. And Susan and Annabeth’s dad sit on the other couch.
Her dad puts a movie in that Annabeth has never heard of and sits back down. About fifteen minutes in Annabeth starts to get up.
“Where are you going?” Percy asks
“Bathroom.” She lies.
She goes into the kitchen and leans against the counter. Sitting there with everyone reminded her too much of her childhood. Before her mom had died, her dad, mom and her had always watched movies late at night.
And then after her dad got with Susan they always tried to do things as a family. But it just never worked.
She doesn’t know how long she sits there but she feels a tear escape her eye.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Percy says walking into the kitchen
“I don’t even know” Annabeth says, quickly wiping her tear away.
“Come here” Percy says reaching for her.
She relaxes into his arms.
“It’s ok, you can talk to me” he says into her hair.
“Just sitting there reminded me too much of when I was little.” She says against his chest.
Percy pulls back and wipes another tear from her cheek and presses a kiss to her temple.
“It’ll be okay” he says hugging her again. “We don’t have to go back in there if you don’t want to”
“No it’s fine um, you go ahead I’ll be in there in a second.” She says pulling back.
“You sure?” He says
“Yes seeweed brain.” She laughs
She watches him walk out and then leans against the counter again, trying to gather herself. Eventually she goes and grabs a blanket from the closet by the door. Then goes into the living room and settles back into the couch.
Percy wraps her up in his arms and cuddles her.
“Thank you” she whispers.
“Anytime wise girl” he says in her ear, and kisses her temple again.
Eventually the movie ends and Annabeth gets up to actually use the bathroom this time. She goes up to her bathroom so that someone else can use the downstairs ones. She shuts the door behind her and does her business.
When she exits Percy is waiting for her. He wraps her in another hug.
“What’s this for” she says into his chest
“Fun” he says smiling into her hair.
They go back downstairs and sit on the couch again. By that time it’s already noon so she texts Conner to see what he’s doing
Conner: eating lunch with fam. Wby
Annabeth: just watched a movie. I think we’re abt to watch another one. Idk tho.
Conner: fun. Call if you need anything
Percy wraps his hands around her waist.
“I love you chase” he whispers in her ear
“I love you too Jackson” she whispers back. She pulls back enough to press her lips to his. His fingers trace her jawline.
“Eww, can y’all do that somewhere else” Bobby says from the end of the couch.
“Shut up Bobby” Annabeth blushes, embarrassed
She sinks back into Percy’s side. Under the blanket she puts her hand under his shirt and rubs his abs. Her dad comes back into the living room and puts another movie on.
This time Annabeth doesn’t really pay attention to the movie. She pays more attention to the man she lying with.
She looks up and smiles up him. Her eyes search his. She stares into his sea green eyes for what feels like an eternity.
“Pay attention to the movie” he chuckles.
She turns her attention to the movie. But still all she can think about is his touch. The way his breathing is even with hers.
She must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing she remembers is Percy shaking her awake.
“Hey wake up” he says.
“No im tired” she says closing her eyes again
“The movies over” he says
“I don’t care leave me alone.” She says
“You’re so cute” Percy says pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Mhm” she says sleepily.
“It’s only 3 in the afternoon Beth” he says
“Beth?” She says opening her eyes
“What it’s a cute nickname” he says laughing at her expression
“Don’t ever call me that again” she says grumpily
“Beth” he says teasing her
“Can you two shut up” Mathew says from the kitchen.
“You shut up Matt” Annabeth yells
“Someone’s grumpy” Percy says running a hand down her back.
“No im just tired” she says leaning into his touch.
“Go back to sleep then” he says
“No cause then your gonna be all creepy and watch me sleep” she says. “And then when I wake up your gonna make fun of me again”
“Well would you rather me leave you here by yourself on the couch” he says chuckling
“No” she says pouting
“Exactly” he says satisfied.
“But now I’m too awake and I can’t go back to sleep” she say sitting up.
“Aw man, I really enjoyed being creepy and watching you sleep” Percy says laughing
“Oh shut up” she says gently shoving his arm
“So now what are we gonna do” he says pulling her back down against him.
“I don’t know” she says
“Why don’t we just stay like this for a bit” he says rubbing her arm.
“Okay I guess that wouldn’t be too bad.” Annabeth says softly.
Annabeth turns her head so that she’s looking up at him. He places a soft kiss on her nose.
“You look so cute when you’re sleepy” he says brushing a hair from her face.
“Why thank you kind sir” she says giggling.
He trails a hand up her waist and she wiggles away from his touch.
“Well, is Annabeth chase ticklish” he says laughing.
“No” she says
“Are you sure about that” he says.
“Yes. Percy I swear to god if you want to keep that hand attached to your body you should make sure to keep it to yourself.” Annabeth says trying to be serious
“I don’t think so” he says reaching back down to tickle her.
“Percy stop” she laughs hysterically
She grabs his hand and pins it underneath him.
“That was kinda hot” he says
“Oh shut up” she says blushing and letting go of his hand.
She leans down to kiss him hard. Then pulls back and gets up off the couch.
She goes into the kitchen to see what everyone’s doing. Her brothers are playing uno and Susan and her dad are cooking something.
Annabeth sits down at the table and watches her bothers play. Percy comes and stands right behind her.
He comes and puts both his hand on her shoulders. Annabeth looks up to see him and he places an upside down kiss to her lips.
“Ew gross” Bobby says
“Shut it” Annabeth says again
“Make me” he says
“Bobby we’re not kids anymore stop being immature” she says rolling her eyes
“Your the one that’s being gross” he says
Annabeth pushes down the feeling of sticking her toungue out at him and just ignores him.
Percy sits beside her and she leans her head against him. “I think we should make it our life’s goal to gross them out” she whispers
She can feel Percy smile against her hair.
“Whoever grosses them out the most wins” he whispers into her ear.
“Deal” she smiles into his shoulder.
“Can we play?” Annabeth says turning back to her brothers.
They deal them cards the next round and they play.
“Plus two Bobby” Annabeth says.
“Are you kidding me” he complains grabbing two cards from the deck.
Eventually the food is ready and they all sit and eat.
Annabeth can tell that Percy is trying to be overly touchy during dinner but it has no affects towards her brothers. He doesn’t know what grosses them out.
After dinner they go back into the living room and turn on another movie.
Annabeth lays down on Percy’s chest. She looks up at him and kisses him. His mouth moves against hers. His fingers grip into her hair.
“Gross stop it” Mathew says
Annabeth breaks apart from Percy and whispers “one point for me”
Percy chuckles but doesn’t argue. They continue watching the movie.
After the movie Percy grabs Annabeth’s hand and leads her upstairs. He presses her up against the hallway wall and kisses her.
They sit there for what feels like an eternity. They hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Do y’all have to do that right in front of my room?” Bobby says pretending to gag
“One point for me” Percy whispers.
Annabeth rolls her eyes.
“I’m tired, I’m going to bed” she says going into their room
Percy follows her in. She changes into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of old shorts.
She lays down in bed and feels Percy lay down too.
“It’s tied” he says pulling her close.
“I know. But I’m gonna win” Annabeth says
Annabeth falls asleep that night thinking about all of the stolen kisses from that day.
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thegreatbigfourmain · 2 years
“Let’s see… what do you think Pascal?” asked a certain blonde as she held her arm up to show her reptile her latest masterpiece. It was a drawing of her latest obsession; a sun surrounding by whorls of purples and pinks. Markers were sprawled about her coffee table from the night before as the images of snowflakes and the moon flooded her mind. She went to bed smiling of what new beautiful inklings she would draw up in the morning. And just as it rose, she dreamt of the sun.
Her chameleon friend squeaked in response to his human’s creation. Her emerald eyes brightened at how her intricate designs were able to work well on her forearm. As she snuggled up into her couch with her knees to her chest, an idea worked its way to her mind. Grabbing a brown marker, she drew a pirate ship on her thigh where it meets the knee. She used a black marker to outline the sails and shade in anything that needed it. After half an hour, a boastful ship looked back at her with waves accompanying the bottom.
“Oh! I forgot I have to go to the store after work! Let’s see, I need eggs, hazelnut, milk…” Rapunzel listed off her list of groceries while she wrote it down on her left hand. When she finished, she glanced over to her clock that yelled how late she would be if she didn’t start getting ready that very second.
Scrabbling around her apartment to ready for her work at her bakery, she settled on purple pants and a pastel pink sweater suitable for the winter that’s crept into the city of Burgess. She blew a kiss to Pascal before heading out the door. The crisp air hit her the moment she stepped outside, causing her button nose to turn a slight pink tint. Rapunzel always loved the walk from her apartment to her bakery, passing by her fellow business partners and friends. The flower shop displayed new bouquets for the holidays, bookstores straightened out Christmas romance books out on the window, and coffee shops smelling of new peppermint drinks filled the air as she past by.
She always loved this time of year due to how the city is blanketed by snow and lights on the trees in the streets. It all looked so magically, as if miracles were meant to happen during this time. It always filled her heart knowing that this is that season of giving and new beginnings. It gave her hope of there being something around the corner waiting for her discover. She just couldn’t put her finger on what it could be.
Rapunzel made her way into her bakery with a bright smile on her lips to start another day. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
A white haired male was next to come up to the register, placing a chocolate muffin on the counter. As he did so, Rapunzel could have sworn she saw a grocery list on his left hand at the exact spot she had hers. But it all happened so fast, she wasn’t sure.
“Umm, just this for today sir?” Rapunzel smiled as she brushed off the strange consequence to focus on the job at hand. He wore a navy blue jacket with ripped jeans and a plain white t-shirt. His black rimmed glasses didn’t hide the brow piercing he had that she couldn’t stop admiring on him. It seemed to match so well with his personality.
“I’d buy the whole store if I could, it all looks so good,” he chuckled a bit, his pearly whites shinning through his dashing smile that Rapunzel couldn’t help but notice. His baby blue eyes sparkled as he smiled, causing her stomach to do an astoundingly amount of flips.
“Oh well if that’s the case, please come back to try it all. It’s made fresh every morning by our staff and I,” the blonde responded with a bright smile of her own. If she didn’t know any better, she recognized a faint blush flushing his cheeks no doubt mirroring hers.
“Hard to pass that up. Thank you,” the beautiful stranger said with head tilt towards her and went on his way after paying. Even as she knew he was long gone, that didn’t calm down her nerves at how charming he was. Nor did the desire to have more of a compelling conversation leave her sense.
With a wistful sigh, she called for the next guest to ring them up.
“Oh! I forgot to write down fruit for Pascal,” remembered Rapunzel, grabbing a pen from her purse to write it down on her left hand. Once the work day was over, she hurried out to get everything on her grocery list and get back home to her friend.
She stopped in front of the coffee shop as she did so, hearing the bell atop of the door every time someone opened it. The smell of peppermint nearly made her float towards it on such a beautiful winter day. Perhaps some other time, she thought.
A soft gasp left her lips as her eyes widen at the writing that magically appeared on her hand.
‘I finally found you’ it read.
Confused, Rapunzel looked around to find a crowd waiting their turn to cross the street. It wasn’t until her emerald eyes met those icy blue irises that flooded her thoughts the moment they met.
The man from her bakery.
He stood there watching her, a warm smile tugging at the corner of his lips. She looked down to see that he held a pen in his hand.
As if being pulled by a magnetic force, she was drawn to him through the crowd, the male doing the same. Once they stood in front of each other, it was as if they were the only 2 people in the entire world.
“Did, did you write that? Just now?” she questioned.
He let out a low chuckle, raising his left hand where her grocery list was and the words he wrote himself where.
“I’ve always wondered who would be so creative enough to draw suns and moons in the middle of the night or the crack of dawn. I especially enjoyed your pirate ship this morning,” he grinned at his blonde soulmate.
Rapunzel blushed at the statement, questions waiting to be asked over dinner or coffee to this man who could very much be the miracle she’s been waiting for this season.
He held out his hand, which she took eagerly.
“So, you’re an artist huh?”
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surveysandthings · 2 years
How are you doing today? Eh. Could be better, could be worse.
What is the last song you listened to in a car? Like I remember.
Do you like prefer apple cider warm or cold? Isn’t cold apple cider just apple juice?? I do prefer apple juice over apple cider.
When did you last feel misunderstood? I always feel misunderstood, bro.
Have you ever visited The Louvre or would you like to? I haven’t but meh. I can see the same paintings online if I want.
Have you ever accidentally locked yourself out of your place of residence? Ugh yes. One time I walked out the door and down the stairs and I looked up to my husband shutting the door behind him and then asking, ‘you grabbed the keys, right?’ I never grab the keys, he does. So we had to sit and wait for an hour and a half for our landlord to show up and let us back in. I was also having an extreeemely heavy period that day and I literally soaked my pants while we were waiting. Good thing they were black.
Do you remember your favorite songs as a kid? Barbie Girl by Aqua is the only one coming to mind rn but that really was my favorite.
Do you currently feel calm? I’m feeling quite antsy rn.
When did you last lace up a pair of shoes? The other day when I wore boots outside. I have to untie and retie them every time I put them on.
What's your go to comfort meal? Definitely pasta.
Do you enjoy cloud watching? I don’t think I've ever done it!
Do you currently have any candles lit? No, but I should. I just got my order from the B&BW candle day sale in.
If applicable, what's your favorite sports team? The only one I have any affinity for is our local hockey team because we go to their games sometimes.
How many cardigans do you own? I can think of 3 off the top of my head.
How much is too much for clothes? It really depends. I’m plus sized so what I have to spend on clothes is more than what a regular person would spend. Tops should be $20 and under. Leggings $15 and under. No more than $50 max on jeans. No more than $25 for a sweater/hoodie/cardigan. I shop clearance and other sales as frequently as I can. 
How soon do you normally decorate for holidays? I used to always do it the day after Thanksgiving but that felt too late because we almost always take the tree down the day after Christmas. So I put it up at the beginning of November and now it feels like its been up too long. Idk. Christmas doesn't feel exciting anymore and I'm struggling with it.
Are there any important things happening this week? Not that I'm aware of!
Do you know anyone who is terrified of dogs? My mom had a friend who had a daughter that was friends with my little sister and so she would come home with my little sister some days when her parents were working and then her older brother would stop by when he was done with school to pick her up and walk her home and he was TERRIFIED of dogs. One day he came by to pick her up and it was literally -35 outside and this poor kid chose to sat on the porch and wait for his sister to get her stuff together, rather than come inside because our dog was there. I even put the dog in the garage and he still wouldn’t come inside and warm up. I felt SO bad.
What scent was the last soap you used? I think its oat milk and honey?
How old were you when you made your first big purchase? I bought my first iPad when I was 17 if that counts? 
What last made you angry? My mother. She continually shows blatant favoritism for my little sister and its so fucking frustrating to be 28 years old and jealous of your sister because your mommy loves her more but like...what the hell have I ever done to be continually forgotten about and left out? Ugh.
What's a color you think is underrated? Cream, honestly. It’s become my favorite color to wear lately because it’s so clean and fresh and versatile.
What are you usually doing when midnight comes around and you can't sleep? Just play on my phone until I get tired.
What is your favorite way to eat rice? (white, steamed, fried, brown, sweetened...) I love a good spam rice!
What color is the top you're wearing? Baby bloooo.
When did you last laugh so hard you cried? Oh god, its been a while!
What's your favorite horror movie? I can’t say I have a favorite. It’s not my fave genre.
What's your favorite and least favorite fast food restaurant? Favorite is probably McDonalds and least favorite is Arby’s.
How many pictures can you see in the room you're in? 2!
When did you last sign your signature? A return slip at Ulta a couple weeks ago.
What cover do you think is better than the original song? Miley Cyrus’ version of Heart of Glass is infinitely better than the OG!
Are you currently listening to music? Newp.
What do your favorite pair of pajamas look like? I really just wear a big T-shirt and undies to bed!
What is something you've been working on? Trying to get my mf anxiety under control and be happy. I hurt my own feelings way too much and I'm trying to just let shit go too.
What's something that excites you about the future? Bro the future scares the shit out of me.
How often do you drink smoothies? The only kind of smoothie I really like is strawberry banana and I can’t have bananas anymore so I don’t drink them very often..
What's a TV show you have gotten into recently? Sister Wivessss. I’m impatiently waiting for the next episode.
Have you ever had to have a tooth cut out? I had my wisdom teeth taken out!
When did you last rush for something? My husband got home at 4:30ish and we had to rush to make it across town to get our pup’s stitches taken out before the vet closed at 5.
How many blankets do you own? A handful. Under 10 for sure.
Have you drank enough water today? I’m quite thirsty rn.
Do you prefer apple pie or pecan pie? I’ve never had pecan pie but I love me some apple pie.
What color takes up most of your wardrobe? Cream/white/tan/brown.
What makes you feel alive? Tbh I haven’t felt alive in a really long time.
Who is your last missed call from? Spammm.
Do you have any unusual pet peeves? I really hate when people say they ‘seen’ something instead of ‘saw’ or name their dogs weirdly complicated names but I don’t think that's overly unusual.
What is a food you think is nasty that most people enjoy? Fish. That shit is nasty.
Would you rather never be sick again or be rich? Never be sick.
0 notes
helnjk · 4 years
Sweater - G.W.
George Weasley x fem!reader
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Requested: yes
hi could you write something for george weasley using prompts 29, 11, 36? if your requests are still open❤️⚡️
“i’m running out of jumpers, just so you know”
“i like having something that smells like you”
“how long have you been standing there?”
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: the 5 times George Weasley sees you in his sweater and the 1 time you get your own. 
Warnings: mentions of food
A/N: we’re just gonna //ignore// that this doesn’t follow the canon timeline exactly (especially where they spent christmas certain years) okay? cool. also! this was very festive so i guess this can be counted as a christmas fic 🥰
Prompts are in bold
The Gryffindor common room was freezing. Despite being situated as close to the fire as physically possible (without getting burned), you shivered and shook in your thin sweater. You were trying to work on a last minute potions essay, the last one before the Christmas hols began, but your current freezing state was stopping you from writing another word. 
You scanned the empty room, most students already having retired to bed that night. A flash of blue and yellow in the far corner of the room caught your eye. Quickly, you scrambled up off the floor and rushed to investigate. 
On the back of one of the squishy red couches hung a blue sweater with a yellow letter G right in the middle. You knew immediately who owned it: George Weasley, another Gryffinder first year like you. With another glance around the room, you quickly snatched it up and slid it over your head.
Immediately, the thick wool provided enough warmth for you to get back to your work. 
A while later, you finished the last sentence of your paper with a flourish, just as you heard someone shuffle down the spiral staircase and into the common room. Your head snapped up as the person in question came to view and your heart stopped.
“Y/L/N?” George whispered, barely making your face out since the fire was directly behind you. 
“Hi George,” You squeaked, “What’re you doing up so late?” 
His eyes darted around the room in search of something, and you felt your stomach drop. “Erm, yeah. I got cold so I was just looking for my–” 
When his gaze circled back to you he finally noticed what you were wearing, “Is that my sweater?” 
You nodded, squirming under his gaze. If it wasn’t past midnight in the dead of winter, and if he wasn’t hazy with sleep, he would’ve probably teased you senselessly about it. But seeing the sweater swallowing you, the shoulders slipping off and the sleeves way past your fingers, all he could do was grin. 
“It’s alright,” He said, “Just wanted to know where it was. At least now I know that it’s in good hands.” 
With a cheeky wink, he turned on his heel and trudged back up the boys’ staircase. You were left staring at where he previously stood, your mouth slightly agape.
Did that really just happen?
Gleeful shouts carried over from the snow covered fields and into the warm house. From your spot by the window, you could just barely make out the tiny figures zooming past each other, contrasting against the pale landscape. 
You clutched at a steaming mug of tea, basking in the warmth it gave your chilly hands. Despite your best efforts, you were still shivering in the house that most likely had several heating charms in place at all times. 
After being friends with the Weasley twins for nearly three and a half years, you were finally going to spend the Christmas hols at the Burrow with their family. To say you were excited would be an understatement. With everything going on in school, you were ecstatic to be able to spend some time with some of your best friends. 
The warmth and the heavenly smells radiating from the kitchen made you gravitate towards the door. Maybe helping out with the cooking could ease up some of the chill you had in your bones. 
“Would you like some help, Molly?” You asked hopefully, seeing her putter about in the kitchen. You knew that she had a whole hoard of mouths to fill, so you were happy to offer her some assistance. 
She tutted in response, “Nonsense, dear! I’m quite fine managing on my own. Thank you for the offer.” 
With a swish of her wand, several things in the kitchen began moving at once and you were left to your own devices. You spared a quick glance out the window, only to see the silhouettes still racing in the sky. 
An idea struck you and you made your way up the stairs as quickly as possible without drawing too much attention to yourself. Thankfully, the twins’ room was just on the second floor of the house and their door was left slightly ajar. 
You were quick to spot George’s battered old trunk laying at the foot of his bed. Your cold fingers nimbly popped the latch open and clutched onto exactly what you were looking for. His old blue Christmas sweater was soft to touch and a little worn, but you thought that it added to its charm. 
One of the main reasons why you rummaged through George’s things for his sweater, instead of Fred’s, was that his distinct woodsmoke and apple scent clung onto it and made you feel safe and warm wrapped in it. You pressed the soft fabric to your face and inhaled deeply, taking comfort in the familiar scent of your best friend. 
You were not sniffing the jumper because it reminded you of your crush on a certain redheaded twin, no. Not at all. 
Swiftly, you lifted the jumper above your head and slipped into it. You loved the feel of the warm wool enveloping your frame. It would have been almost perfect if you hadn’t heard someone clear their throat from the doorway.
Your heart jumped to your throat as you turned on your heel and spotted George leaning against the doorway. 
“Well, well, well,” He teased, making his way to you, “What do we have here? A sweater thief?” 
“How long have you been standing there?” You mumbled, wrapping your arms around yourself. 
“Long enough to see that you’re apparently obsessed with me.” He grinned cheekily. 
You rolled your eyes and tried to hide the fact that a blush was creeping up your neck and onto your cheeks, “Shove off, Weasley.” 
He swung an arm loosely around your shoulders, “Well I don’t think you can use that kind of language on me now, Y/N. Especially when that’s my jumper you’re going around wearing and sniffing.” 
You groaned, shoving your head on his chest to hide your embarrassment, “I just like having something th–”
“You’re going to have to speak up, love, I can’t quite understand you.” He said, and you felt like his teasing grin would be permanently etched onto his face. 
“I like having something that smells like you, okay?” You mumbled, this time a little louder and less muffled. 
When George didn’t immediately respond, your heart began to pick up its pace in your chest. Slowly, you backed away from his face and your gaze landed on the flush on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. 
A slow smile etched itself onto your face, “Have I just made the George Weasley blush?”
“Oh shut it sweater sniffer.”  
You laughed, the slightly awkward tension dissipating at the sound and the two of you made your way back downstairs. 
“Psst.” A voice whispered next to you. 
Your brows furrowed and you looked up from the book in front of you to see your boyfriend grinning cheekily at you, “Yes, George?” 
The Great Hall was practically silent, the only sounds resonating throughout the space were the scratching of quills and the rolling of parchment. Your voice was barely above a whisper as you weren't about to get scolded for chatting during study hall. 
“Nothing,” He said bashfully, “I just think you look very beautiful today.” 
Surprised at his sudden show of affection, you grinned up at him, “Thanks Georgie.” 
Your hand slid across the dark stained table to squeeze his and you hadn’t let go as you continued on with your coursework. You were able to get quite a bit done before you felt George squeezing your hand to get your attention. When your eyes met his, you sent him a look to say what is it this time? 
Slowly, he shuffled close enough to you to whisper directly into your ear, “I think you’d look much better wearing something of mine though.” 
With a roll of your eyes, you focused back on the rolls of parchment before you. Ever since you two had officially gotten together, George had a thing for you wearing any type of clothing of his. His most favorite, he had confessed, was when you wore his Christmas jumpers. The nostalgia attached to the piece of clothing and seeing it envelop you made his heart soar whenever you’d slip it over your head. 
The next Friday, despite the freezing weather, all students were required to head out to the Black Lake to watch the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament. You took it as an opportunity to adorn the blue and yellow sweater, making sure to layer appropriately for the below zero temperatures. 
You could hear the twins’ shenanigans before you even reached the stands. The pair of red hair stood out among the crowds and let you know which direction to make your way to. Thankfully, you also spotted Lee Jordan saving a few seats around him while the twins went and collected bets. 
When you reached him, he sent you a grin and patted a space next to him. The two of you chatted aimlessly for a bit, waiting not so patiently for either the twins to come back or for the second task to begin. 
From George’s spot within the crowds, he glanced back at where he knew Lee to be saving a seat for him. The sight of you all bundled up in his sweater made something in his heart stop. The chilly breeze nipping at your face had caused your nose to turn slightly pink, and the way your hands fumbled at the end of the long sleeves moved something in him. He’s suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling of wanting to keep you in his life for as long as you let him. 
You catch his eye from your position and send him a small wave. He grins and returns the gesture before Fred nudges him in the side to take the payment a third year is holding out. 
The whole house seemed to absorb the darkness that the Weasley clan brought with them. It was nearing sun up, and the lot of you along with Harry, Remus, and Sirius were all gathered in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, awaiting any sort of sign that Arthur was going to be okay. 
After being shaken awake at the dead of night by George who was a mess of stumbled over words and tight grips, you didn’t think of anything else but to slip on the sweater he had lent you and follow him to Dumbledore’s office. Professor McGonagall simply raised her eyebrows at your presence in the midst of the rest of the Weasley children, saying nothing as she saw how George had clung on so tightly to you. 
The illegal portkey Dumbledore created landed you right in the middle of the dreary old house you had spent much of your summer in. Remus and Sirius had tried their hardest to distract everyone from the brutality of the situation, but your boyfriend and his siblings wanted nothing but to sit around anxiously for any signal from the outside world. 
So far, you had nodded in and out of sleep, your head lightly tapping against George’s shoulder as you fought to just be there with him. His grip on your hand had not ceased, but you weren’t complaining. His leg bounced up and down anxiously and you could practically see the gears turning in his head. 
“It’ll be okay Georgie,” Became your mantra of the night, whispering it every so often and rubbing the back of his hand gently with your thumb. 
He wouldn’t say anything in reply, his red rimmed eyes were unfocused, but you knew he heard you with the way he squeezed your hand. 
When the message from Molly comes, spirits are slightly raised, but there’s still so much uncertainty. You decided to step out for a moment to use the restroom, splashing some cold water on your face in an attempt to wake yourself up some more. As you took in your sleep deprived and disheveled state in the mirror, you remembered that you’ve been wearing George’s sweater. 
Quickly, you haphazardly pulled the garment over your head, smoothing down the crumpled sleeping shirt you’ve been wearing under it. In a flash, you’re making your way to where the Weasley clan has settled in for what seems like the whole day and take a seat next to George once again.
Silently, you held out his sweater to him. It took a few seconds for him to realize that you were offering for him to wear it. 
“Thought you’d need the extra comfort right now,” You whispered, urging him to put it on. 
A spark of recognition blazed in his eyes and he gently took the soft sweater from your hands. The moment it slipped over his head, he was immediately engulfed in your scent. All of a sudden, he was transported to three years prior when you had told him you enjoyed having something that smelled like him. 
When his eyes met yours, you could make out a ghost of a smile on his lips. It had been the first expression he had pulled that night, or well it was early morning now, that wasn’t a grimace or a look of concern. 
You smiled tentatively back at him, and he took your hand in his once again. 
The pale winter morning light leaked in through the windows and you blinked blearily. The soft inhale and exhale of George beside you and the warmth under the covers almost convinces you that you could afford to shut your eyes for a few more minutes. Almost. You groan as you remember what day it is and that you should be up soon. 
It was Christmas morning. The first Christmas after the war had ended, and everyone was eager to bring some festive cheer back into their lives after having gone through such dark times. 
As silently as you could, you left the warm confines of the duvet and began to pad your way into the kitchen. Christmas morning called for a full english and a pot of fresh tea. On the way out of the room you shared with George, you snagged one of his older blue sweaters and pulled it over your head. 
Thankfully, that morning Fred hadn’t made it out of bed yet. Breakfast at the flat above the shop could go two ways; either you made it out of bed first and got the food cooking on the stove before one of the twins stumbled in sleepily, or Fred would be sat on the couch nursing his nth cup of tea that morning, having woken up due to some nightmares that he couldn’t quite shake off yet. 
With a flick of your wand, ingredients made their way into their perspective pans, and plates and utensils floated down from the cupboards and onto the kitchen table. Soon, the enticing aroma of your favorite meal of the day was wafting through the corridors and into the other rooms. 
As you were plating the steaming food, a voice called out from behind you, “I’m running out of jumpers you know.”
You looked up from your position fixing the plates of food on the table, to see George leaning against the door frame. Clad in only his pajama bottoms, you silently wondered if he was just never cold or if he did this to tease you on purpose. 
“What’s yours is mine, love.” You shrugged, walking over to him and pressing a small kiss at the very edge of his mouth.
“Guess it’s good that you make me wonderful food everyday,” He says, eyeing the food laid out in front of him. 
You roll your eyes playfully, “Oi, keep talking like that and I’m making meals just for myself!” 
Later in the day, you sipped peacefully on Molly’s famous hot chocolate, seated on the squishy couch as the rest of the Weasley clan began to open their gifts. Fred was sat under the tree, rummaging through the different wrapped packages and throwing them to whomever they were addressed to. Little by little, each Weasley sibling began to pull out their signature colored Weasley jumper. 
It filled your heart with so much warmth that you could all come together, especially after the last year you’ve had. Being separated from the people you loved and cared for the most had really taken a toll on all of you, so being under one roof together with nothing dark looming at the back of your minds, was such a blessing. 
“Hey,” George whispered from where he stood behind the couch, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
You turned slightly to look back at him, “What’s up, Georgie?” 
“Come with me,” He nudged his head in the direction of the door. 
“But I’m all warm and cozy,” You whined, motioning to the cup of hot chocolate in your hands, “Do I have to?” 
“Oh just come on,” He rolled his eyes, going to place his hands under your armpits in an attempt to lift you off the sofa. 
“Oi!” You complained, “I’m coming, I’m coming! Don’t get your wand in a knot.” 
A few of the Weasleys sent amused glances your way, but this kind of interaction wasn’t unusual in the household so they mostly left you to your own devices. You hadn’t noticed that Molly was eyeing you with a slightly cheeky glint in her eye. She knew exactly what her son had in mind. 
You gently placed your mug on the coffee table before turning around and linking your arm with George’s. He brought you just by the window of the kitchen and gave you a big grin.
“Alright then, Weasley. What’s all this about then?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“I just wanted a little privacy so I could give you your gift.” An eyebrow raised slightly, you waited for him to continue, “I just thought you would finally like one of your own this year.” 
To say you were confused was an understatement. You eyed your boyfriend nervously as he pulled a wrapped package seemingly from thin air. You wasted no time pulling the ribbon and carefully tearing at the brown paper. 
Inside was a sweater that matched the exact blue of George’s, and right smack in the middle was the initial of your name in the same shade of yellow. 
Your eyes darted from the gift and back up at the wonderful soul in front of you, and you couldn’t help but feel the prick of tears welling up. 
He noticed this too, “Are you alright? I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just thought that you loved my jumpers so much that I would make you your own–”
At the realization that he had made the sweater himself, and hadn’t commissioned Molly to do it, made the dams of your eyes break. Your tears were freely falling by now and all you could think of doing was throwing your arms around George and pulling him into a slightly salty but ever so sweet kiss. 
“I love it,” You whispered once you broke apart, “This is the best Christmas gift ever.” 
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nocapesdahling · 3 years
Winter Wonderland
Bucky Barnes x GN! Reader
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My Masterlist
Summary: Work has been stressful for you lately. Luckily, Bucky has the perfect idea to distract you. 
Rating: T
Warnings/Tags: Established relationship; Reader is stressed; Fluff; one instance of sexual innuendo; Bucky calls reader doll and sweetheart
A/N: This is the second of my winter/Christmas fics. I will admit that it’s a bit self-indulgent because work has been stressful for me recently, and it would be nice to have Bucky convincing me to take breaks. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.2k
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“Bucky, I’m trying to finish work. I need to get this submitted by the end of today. You know that, darling.”
You loved Bucky, and you wished you could be spending time with him right now. You knew even without looking at him that his blue eyes looked gorgeous against the blue sweater he’d put on that morning. You also knew that if you looked at him, you’d get distracted and end up taking a break from work whether you wanted to or not. You couldn’t resist him, just like he never seemed to be able to resist you.
So right now, you wanted him out of your office so you could finish this. Work had been so stressful lately that you couldn’t wait for Christmas break, but you had to finish some more things before then so you needed to focus. And Bucky wasn’t helping.
You heard him leave the room, and breathed a sigh of relief even as you fell back into your work. Your neck and back were tense from stress and your eyes were tired from looking at a computer screen all day, which made you wish that you’d fallen to Bucky’s charms and taken a break.
The door opened again as Bucky stepped back into the room and came closer to you. He placed his hands on your shoulders, his thumb brushing against your neck and making you shiver, before beginning to massage your shoulders and neck. Your eyes closed and you exhaled with relief. He really was too good at this.
“Oh, Bucky… right there, please.”
“You know sweetheart, if anyone heard you right now, they’d think we were doing something very different.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, even as you gasped. He had dug his fingers into one of the knots on your shoulders and the relief you felt was indescribable.
“Doll, you can’t keep doing this to yourself. The stress isn’t good for you. Trust me, I know.”
“I know it isn’t, darling. But what can I do? I have so much to do, and I want to have a stress free Christmas with you.”
“I know you do, sweetheart. I know you do. But you have to take breaks. It’ll help, and it just so happens I have the perfect idea.”
You knew that he would be able to convince you. “Fine, one break. Then, I have to go back to work. Only one, Bucky.”
Bucky’s laugh somehow conveyed both his amusement and skepticism. “You say that now, doll. But wait till you see what I have planned for all your breaks. Come on, sweetheart.” He stepped to the side of your chair and took your hand, closing your computer with the other ignoring your noise of protest. “They can live without you for a few minutes. Come on, it’s almost Christmas and I have something to show you.”
You let him lead you out of the room and waited as he grabbed your coat, offering you a pair of gloves, a scarf, and a hat. He had already pulled on his heavy coat and one of your favorite hats you’d bought him as something of a gag gift, but that he wore proudly every single winter. It was white and had wolf ears on top. His smile as he saw you taking in the hat was infectious. You loved him so much.
He grabbed your gloved hand in his as you walked to the door and hand in hand stepped outside. You stopped in your tracks. You hadn’t looked outside yet today, your eyes glued to your computer screen and your body glued to your chair, but somehow over the course of the day the outside world had become a winter wonderland. It was still snowing. Now, you knew why Bucky had wanted you to take a break. He knew how much you loved the snow.
You laughed for the first time in what felt like days before pulling him forward into the snow.
“It’s snowing, Bucky! It’s snowing.”
“I know, sweetheart. I know.” His voice sounded fond as he watched you let go of his hand and fling yourself backward onto the snow, starting to make a snow angel. He loved you so much.
Bucky pulled you up from your snow angel, so you didn’t mess it up and you both gazed at it for a moment. Then you looked up at the sky, sticking out your tongue and watching the snowflakes. You closed your eyes and let peace wash over you at the quiet that seemed to only ever be present during a snowfall.
Bucky took you in, his eyes lingering on your upturned face, before leaning down while you were preoccupied and making a snowball. He weighed it in his hand and made sure your attention was still elsewhere, before backing up and throwing it at your back.
You had been enjoying the snow falling on your face before you felt the snowball hit you in the back. You turned quickly only to see Bucky duck behind a tree, the wolf ears of his hat disappearing.
“I’ll get you back for that, Bucky.” You turned and quickly began making your own snowball, even as you felt another one fly over your head. You glanced up and saw his cheeky smile before his face disappeared again. “This means war.”
“You sure you want to do that, doll?” He sounded like he was laughing and as you came closer to his tree, you found out why. He had been making his own snowballs the whole time you’d been making yours, and he had way more than you did.
You threw the three you’d made at him in quick succession, watching as he dodged and got hit with one in the chest. “That’s not fair, Bucky! You have an unfair advantage.”
He put his hand on his chest in mock offense as he spoke, “Do I?” He waved with his metal arm, “You wouldn’t be referring to this would you?”
“You know I was, darling.” You hoped he’d be okay with you joking about his arm. You knew that he could still be sensitive about it.
“Well sweetheart, there’s no better time to use this then to win a snowball fight.”
With that, he smiled at you and threw multiple snowballs in quick succession that you couldn’t avoid. You fell over laughing before pushing yourself up and rushing at him, pushing him over into the snow with you on top of him. He laughed, his blue eyes happy and his smile bright. You took in the wolf hat and that smile, breathless, before kissing him. He kissed you back, his hands coming up to cup your face.
You pulled back and looked into his eyes, mesmerized by the snow on his eyelashes, before falling to lay next to him side by side. You grabbed his hand. “Thank you, Bucky. You always know what I need before I do, and I needed this.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. I’ll always be here to remind you to take breaks, though maybe next time you’ll be able to beat me. Because I won.”
“Really? Because I think I won.” With that, you rolled yourself back on top of him to kiss him again as the snow continued to fall around you.
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mochinek0 · 4 years
DD2020: Flowers
Marinette smiled as she walked into class. She had decided to dress festive this year for Christmas with a bit of inspiration from Gotham. She wore a black skirt with black stocking underneath. She wore a red sweater and light brown boots. To pull the whole look together, she tied her hair in her signature pigtails and tied them with the poinsettia flowers she had made.
Many of the class complimented her on her new look. She replied with a thank you. They were mostly intrigued with the flowers in her hair.
"I just wanted to be festive today." Mari smiled.
After lunch, Lila began to cough up a storm and sniffle as if she had chugged a giant bottle of hot sauce.
"Are you okay, Lila?" Rose asked, "I think I have a cough drop in my bag."
"Oh, you're so sweet, Rose." Lila chimed, "I don't think it would be much help though."
"Why not?" asked Ivan.
"It's my allergies." she commented.
"What are you allergic to?" asked Mylene, "I might have some Benadryl in my bag. Did you come in contact with it at lunch?"
"No. It was before lunch, but I didn't want to say anything." Lila stated.
"What are you allergic to?" Alya questioned, "We can get rid of it!"
"Poinsettias." she whispered, as the class turned to Marinette, "My mother always made sure to keep them out of my reach and away from me in Italy."
"Marinette, take them out of your hair now!" Kim shouted.
"Get them out of the room!" Alix cried.
"Shut up!" Marinette yelled, silencing the room, "I'm not taking my flowers out and I will tell you why! One: The poinsettias in my hair are fake. The flowers are hand-made so Lila can't possibly be having an allergic reaction. Two: Poinsettias are toxic flowers, especially if consumed by people or cats. Three: They are a flower grown in South America only! They are considered to be a winter flower and are used as decorations for Christmas. There is no way there were any poinsettias in Italy! Four: I did this after talking with my boyfriend's family. They have dozens around his house."
The room was so silent a pin could have dropped.
"I must say I agree with Marinette, here." Markov stated, disrupting the silence, "Everything she has said is correct. I must say that your work on craftsmanship is mighty commendable. I believe you also created a synthetic feather for Adrien Agreste because of his allergy to feathers, did you not?"
"I did." Mari smiled, "Thank you, Markov."
"Markov." Max called out and he dutifully returned to his creator.
Max instantly begins to look up about poinsettias and their origin.
"Yeah, right!" Alya replied, "We know that you are only bullying Lila because she like Adrien, too."
Adrien slowly turned to gaze at Marinette and gulped.
"I'm not thirteen anymore, Alya." Mari scoffed, "He was a passing crush."
"Oh, please!" Alya announced, "You're obsessed with the guy!"
"No, but I do know that my best friend, Kagami, is dating Adrien!" Marinette shouted.
"Kagami! When did she become your best friend! What happened to me?" Alya cried out.
"You became a real bitch!" Mari answered, as the bell rang.
Marinette grabbed her belongings and walked out of the class.
"Lila, why did you claim to have symptoms? Markov's analysis of Marinette's flowers were correct; they are synthetic." Max questioned.
Lila floundered as she tried to come up with a plausible lie.
"Adrien, are you really dating Kagami?" Nino asked.
"Yes. Marinette helps me sometimes with date ideas. She's always been the one I got to when I need advice." Adrien answered, leaving the class more and more confused, "We've been together for about two years now."
'Wasn't Marinette jealous?'
'Why was Lila saying they were dating if he says he's with Kagami?'
'Marinette helps him plan dates; since when?'
'What about those pictures that Lila showed us?'
'Why didn't we know he was dating anyone?'
Alix led group after Marinette and saw her outside in some guy's arms.
"I love the poinsettias you put in your hair, My Snow Angel." he stated.
Marinette stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips, before they walked away from the school.
The class was shaken from their stupor as one of their cellphones rang loudly.
"Hello?" Juleka answered.
"Where's Marinette?" asked Alya, fuming.
"She left with her boyfriend!" Rose shouted, "He called her his 'Snow Angel'!"
"But-" Alya sputtered.
"I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't of seen it, Alya, but he complimented her and she kissed him. Adrienette seems to have sunk like the Titanic and we never noticed." Alix spoke, taking the phone.
Alya looked back at the chaos in the class room as Adrien began telling everyone of his dates with Kagami and Lila was crying to Max about how Marinette must have sprayed the scent of the flowers in her hair. Adrienette had sank. Adrien seemed happy with Kagami. So what was Lila's deal?
'Time to get to the bottom of this.'
PERMANENT TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @rosiesimone819 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @immafangirl @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @loveswifi @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09
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gignikinszz · 3 years
anakin is on the train and this dipshit infront of him has been humming christmas songs everyday on his morning work commute for the past week and it’s the middle of fucking august so he’s ready to confront this motherfucker for his crimes against humanity and his eardrums then boom obi wan meet cute
anon. im obsessed 💍💍💍💍 ficlet under the cut xx
i took a few liberties with this, but i hope u still like it :)) modern au, annoyances to lovers but only from anakin's pov, 1.3k. mentions of christmas music and horrible hours of the morning beware
It was 5:15. Five-fifteen in the goddamn morning. It was six in the goddamn morning, and it was the middle of August. The seventeenth of August, to be exact.
The third week, to the day, of Anakin’s personal hell.
Some context: Anakin was on the train, just trying to get to his job at a local bakery, still trying to wake up. He’d been late that morning and hadn’t had time for coffee, and was therefore grumpy. Grumpier than usual. So fucking grumpy.
And that same motherfucker from the past three weeks was singing. Again.
Now, Anakin wasn’t a cold-hearted monster, okay? He wasn’t against singing, not at all. Not even at 5:15 in the goddamn morning on a Thursday. Not even on the train. No, what he was against, morally and spiritually and on all levels (including physical), was the fact that the stranger was singing Christmas music. In August.
Today, it was Jingle Bells, though really, the song should’ve been named Jingle Hell. Overly jaunty, reminiscent of fifth-grade showcases, jarring and horrid, even when sung with a voice as nice as Christmas Music Man’s. A disgusting display of Christmas cheer, absolutely murdering Anakin’s poor eardrums, making him wish for the fiftieth time in the past twenty-one days that his stupid dog and stupider cat hadn’t totally destroyed his earbuds fighting over them, and that he wasn’t too busy (lazy) to go get new ones.
God, he was going to lose it. If he heard one more annoying-ass sing, he was going to—
… you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special…
Last Christmas. The stranger, who always, for some sick and twisted reason, sat directly behind Anakin, was singing Last Christmas.
“Yo, dipshit, can you, like shut the fu—ck.” Anakin choked as he finally got a glimpse of the stranger. “Not up. Um. You can keep singing. Bye.”
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit. He was hot. Oh, fuck. Oh, god. He was so fucking hot and Anakin had just called him a dipshit. And spazzed out. And, worse, told him he could keep singing his awful Christmas music. He’d told the most attractive asshole motherfucker he’d ever seen that he could keep singing Last Christmas. At 5:15 in the goddamn morning. In the middle of August.
Oh, fucking shit.
Anakin spent the rest of that (thankfully not-very-long, after his outburst) train ride in silence, rethinking his life, wondering how someone so hot could be committing such heinous crimes against humanity. It didn’t make sense, at first. The man had looked nice. Or just hot. Anakin didn’t know. He’d been wearing a sweater vest with nothing underneath, showing off his very muscular arms, and he’d had very soft-looking hair. How could someone who dressed like a slutty 80-year-old have such poor taste in music? Have such little respect for Anakin, and Anakin’s eardrums, and the world at large?
It didn’t make sense, but when Anakin talked to Ahsoka, who was opening with him that day, she told him it did.
“You know,” she said, “if he’s really that hot, there’s gotta be something wrong with him. So the universe is fair and shit.”
And Anakin had to agree. There truly was something wrong with the man. Deeply, deeply wrong. Disturbed, even. Not that it made it fair that Anakin still had to suffer every morning. Or that his eardrums felt like they might die.
The next morning, he resolved to put a stop to it, good looks aside. For the sake of both his sanity, and for the world. Well, the world of the train at 5:15 in the morning. It was important to him, okay?
So he steeled himself the next morning. Got up early so he could get coffee and fix his hair, because presentation was important in these sorts of confrontations. Not for any other reason. Anakin also wore his nice work shirt, the one without too many stains, for the impending argument, of course. He would’ve looked his best while telling any asshole to stop fucking singing Christmas songs on the train at ass-o’clock every morning, whether or not they were hot.
Okay, maybe it had something to do with the fact that the guy was hot. Whatever. Sue Anakin for wanting to make a better second impression.
When he got to the train, he felt all wound-up, just waiting for the inevitable. For Holly Jolly Christmas or All I Want for Christmas is You or Chestnuts Roasting on the Open Fire of Anakin’s Burning Hatred for Christmas Songs. Or whatever that last one was called. His knee was bouncing, fingers tapping, heart pounding in anticipation. For the inevitable confrontation, of course.
It began five minutes after Anakin sat down. 5:18 in the morning.
Fucking Spooky Scary Skeletons.
An insult to Anakin’s pride, to his honor, to his family, to the month of August, to Halloween, and to the world at large, that’s what the man behind him was singing. An insult of the highest order, and Anakin had only had one cup of coffee.
So he did something wild, something insane, something totally out of character for him.
He waited.
He waited until the train made its next stop, the one before his, and he moved quickly to sit across the aisle from the man.
“Hey,” he said before he could chicken out. “What the fuck is your problem?”
Hot Asshole turned to look at him slowly. “What do you mean?” He asked, all posh and British and refined, and wow, Anakin was beginning to understand the appeal of those love-hate, enemies-to-lovers, 100k slow burn type relationships. That was hot. Despite, or perhaps even more so because of, the man’s infuriating little eyebrow thing, it was really hot.
“Your stupid music,” Anakin heard himself saying, refusing to back down despite the sight in front of him. “Sir, are you aware that it’s August?”
The man smiled. Pretty, Anakin’s mind supplied. Shut up, he snapped back.
“What does that have to do with anything?” he asked, folding his hands over one knee, crossing it over the other.
Anakin blinked, slowly, trying to let his brain catch up. “Well, you’re. It’s. That’s a Halloween song,” he said, feeling dumber by the second.
“And?” The man was still smiling, all innocent, and Anakin was suddenly unsure if it was nerves or annoyance making his face flush.
“And, um—well—whoever you are, you’re singing Halloween music. It’s August.”
“I’m Obi-Wan,” the man said unhelpfully. “And I don’t see what the issue is. Spooky Scary Skeletons is about bones. The human body. Personally, I think bodies are relevant year-round, don’t you?”
No, it was definitely annoyance.
“That’s about spooky, scary skeletons. It’s a fucking Halloween song. And even if it was applicable, it doesn’t change the fact that you’ve been singing fucking Christmas music every day for the past three weeks.” Anakin gave the man his best glare, but it didn’t seem to phase him. On the contrary, he just smiled a little brighter.
“It’s just what’s been stuck in my head,” he said, sounding innocent. “I don’t know what you want me to do about it.”
“I—just—I—I want you to go out with me!” Okay, so Anakin didn’t mean to say that. In the slightest. And Obi-Wan was looking at him weirdly, and also, that wasn’t even a good solution to what Obi-Wan was asking, so Anakin opened his mouth to backtrack, but before he could—
“Okay.” Obi-Wan shrugged, smiling slightly. Anakin’s heart did a funny little somersault. “Is this your stop?”
And shit—it was, and Anakin hadn’t even gotten past the initial asking. No time to ask for horrible, hot, annoyingly heart-pounding Christmas Asshole’s number.
But that was fine. After all, Anakin was probably going to have to tell him to sing an appropriate song the next day, as well.
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maddiewritesstucky · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit (18+)
Pairing: Stripper Bucky / Architect Steve
Words: 3790
Tags: Sexy shower antics, post-exercise endorphin highs, Steve is a badass for like 10 minutes, Bucky is not a morning person (until he suddenly is), enthusiastic morning sex
A follow-up one-shot to the slow death of Steve Rogers. Many thanks to my radiant cassowary @kalee60​ for giving it your clever eyes. Infinite birdseed for you 😘
(Also on Ao3)
When Bucky wakes up, he is aware of two things, and two things only.
One - it’s way too fucking early for his eyelids to have peeled themselves back the way they have, if the rosy tint of the sky outside is anything to go by, and two - his foot should have connected with some part of Steve’s anatomy by now on it’s customary post-waking stretch across the mattress.
His body is coming online one limb at a time, and he grunts his displeasure into the rumpled sheets; gaze firmly averted from the clock on the bedside table. Putting a number to it will only make him angry, and the stupid beautiful soft dawn light filling the bedroom tells him everything he needs to know anyway. 
Why they had decided to move into Steve’s apartment when Bucky’s actually had things like properly functioning curtains, he has no idea. 
"Steve,”  he groans, voice thick with the remnants of sleep and the injustice of waking before he intended to. 
He kicks his foot out a little further; throws an arm out to join the search party too, but finds Steve’s side of the bed decidedly more vacant than it had been when he fell asleep last night. 
Running, some vaguely helpful part of Bucky’s subconscious supplies, you fell for a man who goes running at bastard o’clock in the morning. 
He flops over onto his back and scrubs his hands up over his face; up through the tangled mess of hair that seems to find new ways of defying its scrunchie-prison every night. His vision sharpens into focus and sticks a moment on the giant canvas print photo of himself and Steve smiling back at him from the far wall; a grinning relic of a Bucky who was not woken before his time.
It still makes his stomach flip a little, that picture - the two of them stuffed into the heavy-knit sweaters Bucky’s ma had made them last Christmas; both in the  throes of losing their shit over the comically absurd miscalculation she’d made on size. Steve’s got tears in his eyes, and Bucky’s aren’t even open, and they’re clinging to each other with that special kind of desperation that intense, prolonged laughter seems to spawn.
It’s everything good about their life together, that photo; the sheer warmth and joy they’ve found in one another over the past year, the sense of  home and family and right. 
It’s even more heartwarming, Bucky finds, when the sun is a reasonable distance above the horizon.
He drags his protesting body out of its sleep-warmed cocoon, his intentions set on the brand new bag of espresso grind that Last-Night Bucky had so wisely left sitting on the kitchen counter. 
He’s going to use Steve’s favorite mug, the one he’d happened across in a yard sale that reads ‘architects do it on drafting tables’  with a lewd stick figure drawing. Partially because it holds the most coffee, and partially because if Steve had remained in bed this morning, with all his familiar warmth and dependable big-spoon behavior, Bucky would have remained blissfully unconscious until his alarm went off. 
...Steve’s not here to actually  see  this particular middle-finger of a gesture, but that’s beside the point. Bucky will  know.
It’s not until he’s shuffling his way down the hall, already two steps past the closed bathroom door, that Bucky registers the faint sounds of water hitting tile, and the sporadic, off-key hum of a post-run Steve. 
His feet halt in their tracks before he’s even made the conscious decision that coffee can wait.
He wants to keep walking, to get his precious cup of bean nectar and crawl back into bed for another hour or three, it’s just...
Post-run Steve is kind of Bucky’s jam. 
He’s sweaty, and loose-limbed, and hopped up on exercise endorphins which, more often than not, make him inexplicably horny and give him the closest approximation of a bad boy complex that someone with Steve’s demeanor could possibly get. 
Post-run Steve is the only good thing about being awake at this god forsaken hour. 
The sunrise, and the stillness, and the smell of fresh dew can get fucked, but Bucky will carpe the hell out of a diem for some Post-run Steve.
He slips quietly into the bathroom, and is immediately grateful for the time he spent descaling the shower door yesterday when he’s met with an unimpeded view of Steve’s glorious back. What goddamn right an architect has looking like that, Bucky has no idea, but you wanna talk about some aesthetically pleasing angles?
Steve’s got one hand braced against the wall, head dipped to draw out the line of his back. His skin’s a little flushed; water channeling in fast-flowing rivulets between the soft ridges and swells of his drawn-taut muscles, and he’s breathing those quiet grunts of the recently-exerted. 
He’s a living, breathing thirst-trap, and the knowledge that he’d only blush and change the subject if Bucky told him so just makes it a thousand times better. 
Bucky pushes his soft flannel sleep pants off his hips and lets them fall to the floor, sending up another silent salute to Last-Night Bucky for going commando, and steps forward to pull open the shower door.
...Later on, when Bucky is reflecting on it all, he’ll blame the early hour and his pre-caffeinated state for the fact that he didn’t realise. The soft noises falling from Steve’s lips, the very particular bunch and flex of very particular muscles…
Any other time of day, Bucky would have known straight away. 
Any other time of day, and Bucky wouldn’t have even needed to be in the same room - he could be at the bodega down the street, and his nipples would inexplicably harden at the pluck of Steve’s distant arousal on the cosmic spiderweb. 
But as it happens in the moment, it’s not until Steve’s head is falling back on a low moan that Bucky realizes exactly what it is he’s walked in on. 
“Oh, shit...”
It’s off his tongue before he can reel it back in, and Steve almost jumps out of his skin. 
His head whips around, and for the briefest flicker of a moment, he looks shocked and uncertain and embarrassed as all hell. 
But this right here is no weekday-afternoon Steve. This is not the blushing, bumbling hunk of love meee that occupies the corporeal form of Steve Rogers 95% of the time. 
No, this is Post-run Steve, and it’s all of about two seconds before he’s schooling his features into something more akin to vaguely-smirking indifference; turning until he’s facing Bucky front on, and settling his weight back against the shower wall.
“Babe, I’m sorry, I didn’t--” Bucky begins, as close to apologetic as one can really be about seeing their significant other in a compromising yet Very Sexy position. But the words dry up on his lips as Steve lifts a finger to his own in the universal gesture of ‘shush.’   
He watches, rapt, as Steve first reaches over to the tap and shuts off the water, and then takes up the bottle of Bucky’s conditioner, squirting some into his hand before wrapping it back around his cock. 
And then that jacked-up idiot, that neuro-chemical flooded pseudo bad bitch, looks Bucky dead in the eye...and goes right back to jerking off. 
He’s putting on a goddamn show with it too - pulling at his cock, long and slow and tight; dropping his head back against the wall and letting his moans ricochet shamelessly off the tile. The sound of his fist working over his dick is lewd as hell, so much more audible for the fact that there’s no rush of running water to mask it anymore, and Bucky wonders briefly if he ever actually woke up at all, if this isn’t just all a very believable wet dream. 
It certainly contains all the usual elements - intense eye contact; a big fat dick getting rubbed off by a beefy, naked, wet dude (bonus that it’s Bucky’s actual, real-life boyfriend); the kinds of sounds you usually only hear in porn…
For all Bucky knows, he could still be tucked up in bed asleep, and not standing here naked and painfully erect in this steamed up bathroom, watching his boyfriend jack it like he’s starring in some locker-room porno.
“You need somethin’, or you just come in here to watch?” Steve drawls, arching a brow at him, and yeah  - there’s a  lot of things Bucky needs all of a sudden.
He rakes an assessing gaze over Steve’s body, stepping into the shower and pressing his palms to the swell of Steve’s pecs.
“I just wanted to make sure your run went okay,” he shrugs, “no pulled tendons, shin splints...aching muscles…that kinda thing.” 
He squeezes at Steve’s shoulders and his biceps and his tiny waist; threads his hands up through Steve’s hair and slots a thigh between Steve’s to push their hips together. 
Steve’s skin is so warm, and slippery, and he smells like soap, and Bucky starts mentally calculating just how much time they have and how much energy he can feasibly expend before their respective work days start.
He’s not on stage tonight, but he is on shift for his day job at the community center, teaching a preschool ballet class at 10am, and then a seniors ballroom dancing session at midday before his contemporary classes in the afternoon. Steve’s working from home today, so hypothetically it wouldn’t matter if Bucky wore him out a little…
He rubs his whole self shamelessly against Steve, pressing in so the barbells spiked through his nipples drag across the wet expanse of Steve’s chest. He kisses Steve’s neck and his tits and his mouth, hungry and handsy and a little frantic, and Steve laughs softly against his lips as he turns them to push Bucky up against the slick tile of the shower wall.
“Your concern is deeply moving,” he deadpans, caging Bucky in with hands planted either side of his head, “but I think we need to talk about your bathroom etiquette...didn’t anybody ever teach you to knock?” 
He’s staring Bucky down with eyes lit up something wicked; his body so very nearly touching Bucky’s but not quite, and it hits Bucky all over again that his boyfriend is, physically speaking...really fucking imposing.
It’s easy to forget, when he’s being...well, Steve. Perpetually polite, kind-hearted, goofy...Bucky feels like when he looks at Steve, he sees the softness of his nature, the quiet goodness that radiates out of him. 
He sees the sensible shoes and the khaki pants, the careful artist hands and the way Steve still sometimes carries himself like the much-smaller man he claims to have once been. 
He’s Stevie, and Bucky wouldn’t have him any other way. 
But all of that also happens to be contained within a 6’2”, 200lb frame, and right now...Bucky kind of wants to suffocate under it. 
“I am so sorry, Steven,” he says, though it’s entirely negated by the raging hard on he’s sporting and the giddy, gratuitous manner in which he’s still feeling Steve up. 
He skates his fingertips down the rippled plain of Steve’s stomach, down to the trail of dusky blond hair leading south from his belly button, but Steve catches his hands and pins them up above his head. 
“I’m sure you are,” Steve hums, “but I don’t think you appreciate the gravity of the situation here. See, you caught me in a very private moment, one that I was very much enjoying, and now I’m all thrown off. You got me feelin’ shy.” 
...There’s some very compelling evidence to the contrary rubbing up against Bucky’s hip right now, but that’s beside the point. Steve’s teeth are scraping a line all the way down Bucky’s neck to nip at the ice fractals tattooed across his shoulder, and Bucky’s more than willing to play along.
“However can I make it up to you?” 
He arches into the press of Steve’s body, the hard line of Steve’s cock nestled into the crease of his hip.
If Steve shifted just slightly, he’d be rubbing up against Bucky’s dick. 
It’s not an accident that Steve isn’t making that shift. 
“You really want to?” Steve kisses the question against his skin, making his way slowly back up to Bucky’s mouth, and Bucky nods vehemently.
He’s already wetting his lips in preparation for all the ‘making up’ they’re about to do; signalling his knees to get ready to bend and pulling at Steve’s grip on his wrists, but Steve doesn’t release him.
Instead, he pulls back just far enough to look Bucky square in the eye, and smiles entirely too sweet for the authoritative edge that rumbles into his voice. “Go back to bed, Bucky.” 
Bucky has to blink a few times as the words circulate in his ears. His expression turns from I’m about to get some D!  to  oh god I’m being denied the D in about 0.2 seconds flat.
Bed is very far away from the dick that is currently in need of reparations, he can’t achieve anything from bed.
“But—you said—I was gonna—”
“Go. back. to bed.”  Steve tightens his grip on Bucky’s wrists and leans his whole weight against him, right up in his space so his lips catch against Bucky’s as he speaks, “...and wait for me.” 
A big, stupid, ‘bout-to-get-railed grin stretches across Bucky’s face. He wriggles free of Steve’s grasp and stumbles out of the shower, stopping himself just shy of a wildly enthusiastic ‘yes sir!’
He thinks he can hear Steve’s laughter as he takes off back down the hall toward the bedroom, but it might just be his own echoing back to him. He throws himself down onto the unmade bed, still warm from when he got up not ten minutes ago, and honestly who needs to sleep in anyway? Sleeping in is for people who don’t have absolute poundcake boyfriends to screw them into the sunrise.
He should have toweled off, he realizes as his damp skin rubs against the bedding, but he cannot be blamed for life choices made before six am, and there are far more important things afoot anyway. 
Things like the sound of the shower turning back on for approximately forty-five seconds, then the muted pass of a towel being scrubbed over hair, and footsteps on the hardwood growing ever closer to the bedroom.
God, this is gonna be a good day. What  a beautiful day to be greeting the dawn, making the most of his youth, seizing everything life throws at him!
He has the good sense to snatch the lube out of the bedside drawer just as Steve walks into the room, eyeing him with amusement and hunger in equal measures. 
“You know what the problem is, with what just happened back there, Buck?” 
Steve saunters toward the bed with all the nonchalance of a man whose work day doesn’t start for another three hours. 
He wraps his sizable hands around Bucky’s ankles and yanks him down the bed a little - for no other purpose than to hear Bucky’s breath hitch at the unnecessary show of strength - and climbs up onto the mattress to straddle Bucky’s shins. 
“The problem is, I don’t like to make a spectacle of myself.” He plucks the lube from Bucky’s hand and pours some into his own, spreading it over his cock in lazy pulls. “Being the center of attention, having eyes on me...that’s more your speed.”
“Mhmm, yes, I am an attention whore,” Bucky nods, reaching grabby hands out at Steve who refuses to shift any further up his body, “and you are humble and handsome and have a big dick. Make out with me.” 
Steve tuts and shakes his head, reaching his unoccupied hand to flick at one of Bucky’s nipple piercings. 
“Oh, I don’t think you get to make requests right now. See, the worst part of you throwin’ me off back there? I was so fucking close.  So now what you get to do, James, is flip the fuck over, and let me finish what I started.” 
...Jesus, Bucky loves Post-run Steve.
He’s gonna marry Post-run Steve and have his hopped up little post-run babies, and make sure Steve never misses a single day of early morning exercise so he can bask in the glory of this magnificent bastard every goddamn day of his life.
Bucky flops over onto his front and gets his knees under himself, sticking his ass up in the air with a wiggle that’s probably a lot more comical than it is enticing. But the heat of Steve’s palms hook around the front of his thighs and pull them out from under him, sprawling him flat against the mattress.
There’s a sudden clamping of teeth on his ass cheek and the sharp swat of an open palm, and then Bucky’s being pressed firmly into the sheets by Steve’s weight settling high up on the backs of his thighs. 
“Here’s what’s gonna happen,” Steve sighs, planting his hands on the dip in Bucky’s spine, “I’m gonna use your ass to get off, and then I’m going to get back into bed, while you go make us some coffee.”
Bucky nods into the mess of blankets under his cheek, futilely trying to rock his hips up against Steve’s considerable weight. “Yes, agreed, punishment fits the cri-hi wow okay.” 
A wholly undignified sound is wrenched from Bucky’s chest as Steve skips all pretense of tease, and thrusts his slicked up cock into the crease of Bucky’s ass, rubbing off between his cheeks with a very singular purpose. 
Bucky scrabbles to grab hold of his pillow and drags it down, wedging it under his hips with as much success as can be expected when you’re being pinned by a 200lb adrenaline-testosterone cocktail. It’s enough though, to very favorably cushion the rub of his dick, and all things considered…this whole thing is working out pretty well for him.
He’s expending precisely zero effort, but the wet glide of Steve’s cock over his hole and the push of Steve’s hips rubbing him into the pillow is very much Doing It for him, and he lets his body go loose and pliant as Steve does all the work for the both of them.
And Steve is putting in work - rocking Bucky into the mattress with a fervor that knocks the breath out of him and sends the headboard careening rhythmically into the wall. 
“Y’hear that, Buck?” Steve pants, not for a second breaking his frankly devastating pace. “That’s what a fuckin’ knock sounds like.” 
“Oh my god.”   
This is exactly how every single day of Bucky’s life should begin. Naked, giddy, cocks enthusiastically rubbing up against holes, and Steve running his mouth like he won’t be turning ten shades of red about it later. 
If this is the payoff, Bucky will bust in on every single shower Steve has for the rest of his life.
“I love you,” he laughs a little breathlessly into the bedding, biting off a moan at the heat coiling low in his belly. 
It’s entirely sincere, and he says it because he means it...but if he also happens to know by now that those words are a direct hit to Steve’s prostate during sex?
That’s just a happy coincidence.
Steve makes a sound like he’s been punched, his thighs twitching and tensing where they’re clamped around Bucky’s hips. 
His breaths are coming sharp and shallow, his movements taking on a frantic edge that betrays exactly how close he is, and Bucky would ask him to slow down, except he really, really doesn’t want him to. 
“I love you, Stevie,” he says again, letting his own building climax bleed into his voice, “love you so much...come on, baby...” 
“Fuck,  Bucky, I...oh...” 
His weight falls forward over Bucky as he comes, and it’s all the shove Bucky needs to tip over the edge with him. 
He spills all over his pillow, burying a moan into the sheets and huffing under the weight of Steve’s body going lax on top of him.   
“Oh my god, Buck,” Steve groans, vaguely awed like it wasn’t his own efforts that just brought them both to sticky ruin, and Bucky reaches a hand back to swat weakly at him. 
“You said it, pal.” 
Steve nuzzles into the crook of his neck, planting breathless kisses against his skin and running his hands over every part of Bucky he can reach. 
It’s so tangible, that shift back to normalcy, back to  Steve.  It always hits Bucky square in the chest, the way he can feel Steve’s edges softening, feel that boisterous energy turn sweet and mellow in the aftermath. 
It’s kind of precious, actually, though Bucky would never phrase it like that to Steve’s face.  
He squirms beneath Steve’s weight, getting himself turned over until he’s on his back beneath him. “Good morning,” he smiles up at Steve softly, running his fingers through the still-damp tufts of his hair. 
Steve sighs happily, letting his eyes drift shut and tilting his head into Bucky’s hand. “Good morning, pervert.” 
“Hey, come on, you know I didn't do that on purpose!  ” Bucky laughs, cupping Steve’s face and kissing him all over his cheeks. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve rolls his eyes, though the smile on his face says Bucky’s doesn’t really have anything to be sorry about. “Guess I can forgive you this one  time.”
“You’re a gracious man.”
Bucky drags him down and kisses him right on his smile, sweet and lazy. When they pull apart, Steve’s got that dopey look on his face like he’s feeling a whole lot of something, and Bucky knows exactly what’s coming before Steve says it.
“Glad you love me, Bucky Barnes.” 
...He knew it was coming, but it still gets him every time. 
“Glad to love you, Steve Rogers.” He feels like he’s glowing a little as he leans up to peck Steve on the tip of his nose. “Now if I’m not mistaken, I owe you a cup of coffee...you’re gonna have to let me up if you want me to follow through on that.” 
“Mm, counter offer - we both go wash off, together, and then I’ll make us breakfast while you handle the coffee?” 
Bucky pretends to consider for a second before he nods, stretching his body out as Steve rolls his weight off him. 
“Agreed.” He waves a hand in the general direction of the door, shooting Steve a wink and a lopsided grin. “Lead the way, pal. I believe you are intimately familiar with where the shower is.”
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
Winter Memories pt. 2
Pairing: Axl Rose x reader
Words: 3,156k
Summary: The pressure of making a new album is finally hitting Axl. To get rid of some stress he decides to take a trip to Norway, however, he did not expect to meet a mysterious woman there.  (smut + fluff)
A/N: I am back with part two!! Let me know if you liked it! Sorry it took me so long! There will be some lines in norwegian again, the translations will be below in italics.
Warnings: Mature content, swearing and unprotected sex. (Use a condom, guys!) ​​
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car​​ @ladieswttda​ @teasid​ @metalheartofgold​ @slashscowboyboots​ @ginny-rose-sixx​  @rumoured-whispers​ @normatural​ add yourself to my tag list :)
Tagging who showed interest for a second part: @sugwinter​​ @vinylvintage​​ @fosterchild-3203​ @littlemisscare-all​​ @ultrabithc​
Part 1
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A year passed after that weekend. December arrived and Y/N got ready to spend another weekend at Anna's cottage.
As she packed her bags, she couldn't stop thinking about Axl, the mysterious redhead she had met the year before. He never left her mind, not even for a day.
But finding him would be impossible, so she ignored her heart's pleas that begged her to go to the United States to look for him. Her best chance was to hope he was in the cottage.
During the flight to the mountains, anxiety washed over her body. It was the longest two hours of her life. Her stomach was full of butterflies, as the memories of that night filled her mind.
Taking a taxi she asked the driver three times to go faster, ignoring the fact that the track was slippery with snow.
As soon as she reached the cottage she strode toward the front door, hoping to see him already waiting for her. But he wasn’t there.
After asking Anna she was sure, he wouldn’t come. His name wasn’t on the schedule list, nor had been since that weekend in December.
Han må ha gått videre med livet sitt, og du fortsetter å tenke på ham. She thought to herself.
He must have gone on with his life and you silly keep thinking about him.
Y/N tried to stick to her routine schedule, but spending twenty minutes on a bus to go skiing seemed too tiring. So she spent the entire Friday in her room, reading and whining about her life.
The next morning she woke up late and walked slowly down the steps. She had decided to have breakfast and go back to the airport, catch a flight to Oslo and try to forget all of that. Staying at the cottage brought too many memories to her mind.
“God morgen, Anna” She said calmly.
"Good morning, Anna."
“God morgen Y/N" The lady replied smiling.
"Good morning, Y/N."
Looking at all the breakfast options, she just couldn't feel hungry, so she took a big mug of coffee and sat at a table, sighing when she realized she had sat at the same table he was at the previous year.
After a few minutes, Anna came over, pulling the chair across from her to sit down.
"Hva skjer, Y/N?" The lady asked, touching the younger woman’s hand on top of the table.
"What's going on Y/N?"
“Det er ingenting, Anna, du trenger ikke å bekymre deg.” She gave a weak smile.
"It's nothing, Anna, you don't have to worry."
"Det er ikke gutten?"
"It's that boy, isn't it?"
Y/N looked out the window, avoiding the lady's gaze.
"Han så veldig trist ut dagen han reiste."
"He looked really sad the day he left."
She looked at the lady, seeing compassion in her eyes.
“Ikke bekymre deg, Anna. Jeg klarer meg. ” She smiled, trying to look convincing.
"Don't worry, Anna, I'll be fine."
During the next two years, she improved. She focused on work and was able to be distracted from her own thoughts.
She had a few boyfriends during that time, but she couldn't help comparing them to the redhead, and given his color and brilliance, all the others became gray and opaque.
During the nights, his face appeared in her dreams, they were always together and happy and she hated waking up every day and knowing that it would never go beyond that, a dream.
Sometimes she could even go a week without thinking about him, but then something simple reminded her again. Like when she wore the sweater she was wearing that night.
She felt stupid, it was ridiculous to feel that way after so long, especially for someone she only met for a weekend. But every time a rock song played on the radio, she remembered him.
He had said he worked with rock and she always wondered what he meant by that. Was he a band manager? Or was he a member of one of the bands that had already crossed her ears? She would never know and maybe it was for the best.
The sound of her name made her look up from the papers she was signing.
It was Hanna. She had moved from the United States to Norway the previous year, working in the office's accounting. The two became close very fast and today they were best friends.
"Hanna..." She looked up smiling.
“Guns n Roses will be playing here in June!! I can't believe it, I thought I would never see them live again! ” She gave little leaps of joy.
"Hmm that’s great, I'm happy for you," Y/N said, smiling at the girl one more time before going back to work. She didn't listen to much music so going to concerts and festivals was not quite her style.
"Come with me?" She crouched down in front of the table.
"Oh I don't know, you know I don't like these crowded places."
"Please. I don't want to go alone. ” She made puppy eyes, staring at Y/N.
"Do not look at me like that!" She pointed her index finger, but Hanna was persistent. "Ah, fine, I'll go with you!" She gave in.
"Yess!!" Hanna celebrated as she stood up doing a victory dance.
Y/N started laughing, making the girl stop.
"What's it?"
She pointed with the pen. Looking back, Hanna saw her boss shaking his head as he looked in her direction.
"Shit!" She scratched the back of her neck, sitting on the chair in front of Y/N’s table. "Do you think he's going to fire me?"
"No ... but he'll think twice before inviting you to the Christmas party this year." She giggled a little.
"Thank God..." She breathed a sigh of relief.
"What day will the concert be?" Y/N asked, going back to signing papers.
“June 10th. I'm going to buy tickets today after work, I'll bring yours tomorrow.”
Hanna looked like a child when she was happy, which always relaxed Y/N's serious mood.
"All right." She prolonged the first word, writing the day on a post-it note.
June 10th arrived and Hanna made sure they arrived two hours ahead to get a spot close to the stage.
Wearing denim shorts and a black T-shirt, she accompanied Hanna across the field until she reached the edge of the stage. At least she would be able to see the show up close.
The hot afternoon sun went down and a cool breeze came with the night, but Y/N's irritation didn’t fade away. The band was almost an hour late for the concert and every few minutes someone was bumping into her, making her wish she had stayed at home.
The stage lights came on and a guy with black curly hair came on stage, playing a riff that sounded wonderful to her ears.
Kanskje jeg vil glede meg over denne konserten. She thought to herself
Maybe I’ll enjoy this concert.
Soon the rest of the band members appeared and she became convinced that it would be a good show. That's until the vocalist entered the stage.
He was wearing tight white shorts and a leather jacket, his hair in a red bandana and her heart missed a beat.
Her mouth was slightly open and she put her hand on her chest, to make sure her heart was still beating.
It was him. Axl. The guy from the cottage.
He funnily ran and danced around the stage and his voice sounded so different from what she remembered. But there was no doubt, it was him.
"What's it?" Hanna screamed near her ear when she saw that her friend was not moving.
"It's him!"
"The guy from the cottage!"
She had told Hanna about the event, although she had never mentioned his name.
"Axl Rose??" Hanna's eyes widened, looking from Y/N to Axl and to Y/N again. "Holy shit!"
For the rest of the concert, Y/N couldn't take her eyes off of him anymore. But he hadn't noticed her. They were on the side and he spent more time in the center.
But then the guitar solo started and the same guy from the beginning took over from Axl, who started to leave the stage.
He was smiling, laughing at something and then his eyes shifted to the right and he saw her. The smile disappeared completely from his face and stopped walking.
The two stared at each other for a few seconds before he walked over to the edge, making the fans next to Y/N scream out of control.
"Good to see you." He smiled, lowering himself in front of her.
She nodded, smiling, not being able to form words.
Fans around her started trying to push her to get closer to him, the screams making it impossible for her to understand what he had said.
He could tell by her face that she didn't understand, pointing sideways with his thumb and making a sign with his fingers that meant later.
"Backstage later." He spoke again and she could read his lips, finally managing to assimilate the information.
She nodded quickly, giving him a thumbs up.
After the solo, the band played a few more songs before finishing. At every chance he got, Axl came over to her, singing while looking into her eyes, making a huge smile come over her lips.
When the show was over she pulled Hanna by the hand, heading backstage. Where a security guard at the entrance made her stop.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, Axl is waiting for me." She said with a small smile.
"Identification, please."
"She showed him the concert ticket."
"This is the common ticket, I’m sorry Y/N, but you can’t pass."
"Wait! Y/N? ” A man in a red button-down shirt appeared behind the security guard. "Are you Y/N?"
She nodded.
"Let her in, Axl wants to talk to her."
"What about this one?" He pointed to Hanna.
"She’s with me!" Y/N said, taking her friend's hand.
"Let her in too."
The security guard made room, letting the two pass.
"Come, this way." He started walking down several corridors. "I'm Doug Goldstein, by the way." He turned for half a second offering them a small smile.
"We're here," he said after almost a minute of walking.
Opening the door there was a spacious room with several couches, all the members of the band were there, except him. There were other women in the room, some on the lap of the band members.
"They are groupies." Hanna whispered in Y/N's ear.
"What is it?"
"They like rockstars, travel with bands and sleep with them."
Y/N nodded, understanding what she meant. "Lucky for them, they are very cute."
"Aren’t they?" She laughed softly.
"Hey, I saw you two at the gig!" A tall, blond guy said getting closer.
"Oh my God, Duff McKagan noticed me during the gig!" Hanna said, putting her hand on her forehead as if she was going to pass out.
Duff laughed.
"And you are?" He offered his hand for them to shake.
"My goodness!!" She gave a little squeak. "I'm Hanna and this is Y/N." She shook his hand. "I shook Duff McKagan's hand!!" She looked at Y/N. "Do you believe? Me?" Hanna pointed to herself.
Y/N and Duff laughed.
"Is she always that excited?" He asked as he shook Y/N's hand.
"She is a huge fan." She said laughing.
"I am! I am! I even have a T-shirt signed by Slash. I paid
200 bucks on it.” She said the last part with a little remorse for the money spent.
"We can get you another one, I can ask the guys to sign it for you." He smiled a little and Hanna smiled, nodding quickly.
“So you are the famous Y/N! Axl has talked about you for years! ”
Before she could answer she heard his voice saying her name.
Looking to the side, Axl was standing in the hall, wearing only his shorts while a towel was slung over his shoulder.
Det forblir varmt. She thought.
He’s still hot.
He nodded, indicating that she should follow him, so she did.
After a few steps, Axl stopped, opening a door that had his name written on it, and letting her in first. As soon as he closed the door, her lips were glued to his.
Their kiss was hot as summer rain and urgent as if they only had a few seconds to do it. Her hands touched his face, bringing him closer, while his hands infiltrated in her hair, gently pulling the strands at the top of her neck.
A small moan left her lips and he smiled during the kiss, pulling away just long enough to say, "God, how I missed that sound."
He moved his hands to her waist, starting to walk farther into the room, taking her with him.
"Axl." She sighed his name when their lips parted.
He moved away from her a few inches as he stroked her face with his right hand, the left one remaining on her waist, keeping her close.
"Fuck, you haven't changed a thing." He looked at every detail on her face, as if he wanted to memorize it.
"I missed you." She smiled, touching his face.
Axl closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling of her touch.
"I missed you so much, you have no idea." He opened his eyes, kissing her again.
The kiss grew hotter and when she realized Axl's hands were on the hem of her shirt. She lifted her arms, breaking and kissing and allowing him to remove the garment.
He let out a small growl in the kiss when she pulled his hair gently and he lowered his hands to her ass, squeezing her flesh before he propelled her upward.
Y/N intertwined her legs around Axl's waist and he started to move towards a sofa in the living room. He laid her down gently, removing his lips from hers just so that he could make a trail down her neck, slowly going into the valley between her breasts.
She moved her hands to her back, unclasping her bra and allowing Axl to enjoy her nipples. He took one of them to his mouth, sucking lightly by biting the skin while his fingers played with the other, causing a small moan to come out of her lips.
Y/N moved her hand towards Axl's shorts, feeling his already rigid erection over the fabric, making him moan and look her in the eyes. His gaze was filled with lust with a touch of malice, his pupils dilated.
Continuing his kisses to the south, Axl stopped at the waistband of her shorts, unbuttoning the garment and removing it from her body. His fingers caressed her core over her panties, making her gasp.
He slowly removed the last piece of clothing from her body, applying soft kisses to the extension of her leg, until the material was finally free and she was completely exposed to his gaze.
He stood up, removing his white shorts, tossing them on the floor before removing his sneakers in a hurry. He wore no underwear and the sight of his free and throbbing member made Y/N bite her lower lip while she sat down.
Axl climbed onto the couch, kissing her again. She moved her hands to his shoulders, pushing him to sit on the sofa, his back against the armrest when she climbed on his lap, making him smile mischievously.
Y/N touched his member, running its length a few times before collecting some of her juices with its tip and positioning it at her entrance.
Slowly she started to go down, keeping her gaze fixed on Axl's, she felt him fill her completely, letting a small moan leave her lips with the sensitivity.
She started with her movements, going up and down. Axl's hands found her hips, squeezing them firmly and guiding her movements until she reached a steady rhythm.
"Axl" She moaned his name, throwing her head back and allowing the sensation of pleasure to take over her mind.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful." He moved his lips to her now exposed neck, making her moan even more.
After a few minutes, Axl started to move his hips, meeting her movements, hitting her G-spot with strength and precision, making a loud moan leave her lips.
"Yes, moan for me, baby." He moved his thumb to her lips, allowing her to suck it, and he grunted at the sight.
"Axl ... I’m going to ..." Her breathing was rapid when she uttered the words between moans.
"I know baby. Cum to me. ” He said, moving his right hand to her clit, applying precise movements that made her moan even louder, if that was possible.
A cry with his name filled the room when she reached her peak, rolling her eyes and feeling her legs tremble with the wave of pleasure that spread through her body.
Axl's hands cupped her face, bringing her close to him as they continued to move. He enveloped her in a deep kiss and her hands tugged at his hair, knowing it was his weak spot.
"Oh, fuck." He groaned after a few minutes, parting their lips, but staying close enough that their noses would bump up every few seconds. "I love you." He said looking into her eyes, his thrusts becoming sloppier.
"I love you." She whimpered due to sensitivity, she could feel her walls tightening for another orgasm and she scraped his back with greed when a long moan left her lips and she closed her eyes.
“Fuck… Y/N.” It was all that Axl could say before they could both be hit by another orgasm, his jets filling her while her walls tightened his member, their juices mixing inside of her.
Sweaty and out of breath, all that could be heard in the room were their heavy breaths.
She leaned her forehead against his, holding his face with both hands as he hugged her.
"You don't know how much time I spent looking for you." He whispered.
She opened her eyes to meet his gaze.
"I hired a guy, but he never found you." 
She removed some locks of his hair away from his sweaty forehead. "I went back to the cottage the following year, but you weren't there."
"Shit, I was on tour." He giggled a little.
"When I was told we were going to play here, I couldn't help but hope that you would come."
"Well, I'm here now." She smiled sweetly, kissing his lips.
“Come to America with me? I don't want to be away from you anymore. ”
She stopped for a few seconds, thinking about his proposal.
"Please." He pleaded in a whisper.
Slowly she started to nod. “Yes, I will go with you! I don't want to be away from you anymore either. ”
The two smiled at each other before engaging in another passionate kiss, glad for finally being together again.
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exauhstedsunflower · 4 years
I Am Very Proud Of You
For @cynicalrainbows, a one shot featuring the idea that Catalina feels left out of mom!Jane’s pride in her so called kids.
This got long.
It’s been a while since the queens have reincarnated. They’ve long since passed most of their personal issues. They even settled in nicely to the current century. Anne and Kitty got jobs, working in a flower shop just down the road. Anna has picked up several volunteer shifts at a local animal shelter. Cathy is a tutor for adults at the neighborhood library. And Catalina works at a daycare, decidedly liking modern day kids over modern day adults. (They have all of the curiosity and none of the disbelief in her legitimacy as a former queen of England.)
And Jane, well, Jane is a stay at home mother. Kind of.
They live in the suburbs in a place where cost of living is pretty low, Kitty, Anne and Catalina make enough to cover their more indulgent purchases. Whereas the rest is covered by some anonymous donor, who they think is the reason they are even alive. There is no reason for Jane to have to get a job herself. Not to say she doesn’t have hobbies, she does occasionally visit the local art supplies stores, and sometimes she goes to the animal shelter with Anna. But she does actually prefer to stay home as an introvert.
As she does stay home most of the time, she takes up most of the household chores. She cleans, she cooks, she makes sure that there is order where there would normally be chaos. This also means that she’s taken on the more maternal place in the house. The others rely on her, whether they were reluctant to in the beginning or not.
Her biggest maternal habit is validating the other queens. She spent a lot of time in her last life being put down- they all had. The least she can do whilst being the glue that keeps their little family together is to make sure they all know they are doing great given the circumstances.
It’s a rather chaotic morning, she’s been running around like crazy. They all have, but her in particular trying to get everyone ready for the day.
That’s Anne, upstairs and probably looking for her jacket, which is hanging on the end of the railing at the lower level.
“Down here love, come and get your jacket before you and Kitty are late!”
She speeds down, almost crashing into Anna, who’s rifling through her bag with a piece of toast in her mouth. When she asks what the woman is looking for, she seems to forget about the toast. Jane reaches out and catches it in a moment of astounding reflexes.
“Ah! Don’t get crumbs all over my carpet, please.”
“Sorry! Have you seen my-“
“Jane! I can’t find my-“
“Kitty! I found-“
“Cathy, you-!”
Jane snorts, leave it to those two to have half conversations and still understand each other.
“What is it, Anna?”
She snaps back to attention, having been distracted by the yelling upstairs. Impressive how those two have the capacity to be that loud given the way they haven’t slept in two days. Yes, Jane knows. And yes, Jane will be intervening if they try to make it a third.
“My wallet, I can’t find my wallet.”
“Have you checked the hoodie you wore yesterday?”
“Shi- Crap,” Anna quickly corrects herself in Jane’s presence, “I forgot about that, let me check.”
She races off to check the coat closet, which is where she’s stuck most of her hoodies in an attempt for space in her own closet.
It doesn’t take long for Jane to find something else to focus on. Anne is currently making an attempt to find her snack pack for the day. Now, this is something that unlike what you might think, is not Jane’s doing. She does not pack lunches and snacks for the women in the house, if they want that they can do so themselves. Jane places Anna’s toast on a paper towel and decides to help.
“Isn’t it in the lower cabinet? Could’ve sworn you all changed where you keep them.”
“Oh! We did!
She finds her bag, likely filled with sweets, and stuffs the sandwich she was making and a water bottle into it. Then she does the same for the three others.
“Oh, you’re making lunch for everyone.” She observes.
“Yeah, everyone’s running a bit late this morning and I’m ready. So, might as well.”
Jane smiles, “I’m proud of you. That’s really sweet.”
Anne immediately flushes and thanks her bashfully, she never did get used to the praise.
Kitty then runs into the room, claiming she is ready to go.
Her outfit is a little different today. But, also, Kitty’s outfits are always a little different. Today it’s red lumberjack pattern leggings and a green sweater. There are several silver accessories that compliment her choker with a silver ‘K’ charm hanging off of it. Her hair is in a messy bun, unlike yesterday when it was straightened.
“Jeez kid, is it Christmas already?”
Jane rolls her eyes at Anne’s comment. “I think you look cute, good job Kit.”
The girl beams at the compliment. Her sense of style has been a way of expressing autonomy, a way of showing that she has full control over her body. Jane is incredibly proud that the girl has found something to help her deal with her past trauma in a healthy way. Even if it means questionable but admittedly cute fashion choices.
Cathy and Anna pass by Jane, grabbing their lunches with a quick thanks to Anne. Anna is holding her wallet, so Jane supposes it was in fact in the pocket of her hoodie. Cathy grabs a to-go cup and fills it with coffee.
“Cathy, thank you for being the only one to not scream for me this morning. I’m proud. But have we got any sugar for your coffee?”
Jane doesn’t remember buying any, but she does recall running out yesterday.
“I picked some up on the way home, it’s in the top left cabinet.” Anna supplies.
“That’s great, Anna. Thank you.” Jane is using her Proud Mom Voice. Anna also gets a lot of praise from Cathy, who forgot to buy more and was about to have to drink bitter coffee. (Not that she would have minded, but she prefers it to be a bit sweeter during the day. Black coffee is for night time.) She also smiles at Jane for her comment on her independence.
With the coffee made, and everything needed for the day found, it’s time for them all to head out. Anne and Kitty can walk, and Anna drives Cathy to the library on her way to the shelter. Sometimes Jane walks with her cousins to the shop. She’ll pick up a bouquet for the house or a new plant for the garden and that’ll give her something to do for about a half hour of being home. But today she’s not feeling up for the walk, even if it is just down the road.
She does a headcount of everyone and mentally goes through the list of things to be done in the mornings. Everyone’s lunches are made. Anne and her things, Kitty and her choker, Anna and her bag, Cathy and her coffee, Catalina-
Catalina isn’t down yet. She drives the other car, so it’s not much of a hold up for the rest. They all attempt to grab something small to eat to take with them as Jane wonders where the oldest queen is.
Her relationship with Catalina is a little different. Catalina’s the oldest, the most regal and independent, she doesn’t need a mother. And while Jane has proudly claimed the mom friend title, she doesn’t want to cross any boundaries.
Of course she still checks in on her every once in a while, but she’s not as forthcoming in the mothering with her. They both seem rather content with the arrangement, seeing as they’re both the more mature one’s in the house. They tend to be the one taking care of the others, not being taken care of.
Just as Jane is about to check in to make sure Catalina is alright, the woman arrives amongst the rest. She looks a little happier than usual.
“Sorry for the hold up, I was caught up doing something.”
Jane’s about to ask what, but Cathy beats her to it.
“Oh, it’s nothing really. Just finished applying for that child care class.”
Everyone cheers. That’s something Catalina’s been putting off for a while now. She hasn’t done it yet in fear of being rejected or putting herself in a situation she’s not prepared for.
But this is a great step! Because Catalina’s end goal is to open her own daycare center, and having the credentials to back it is super helpful. And she’s already flushed at the reaction that she got, so maybe that's why when Jane places a hand on her arm and says she’s proud of her, Catalina freezes.
It was an instinct, honest. She’d never do that on purpose, it's quite honestly probably a little patronizing to the woman she holds in such high regard. It’s just that she’s been praising all of the rest of the queens all morning and she’s still in that mindset.
She pulls her hand away slowly, and Catalina shakes her head as if she’s trying to clear some thoughts, and they move on.
“Right, so, everyone out! You’ll all be late at this rate.”
Jane herds the rest to the door, seeing Catalina linger for a moment. But she catches Jane's eye and seems to brace herself before walking toward the door herself. Jane does not ask if she’s okay, she doesn’t want to overstep again.
“You all got ready and you’ll probably be on time! Great job, love you all, see you later!”
She gets a chorus of “Bye Mum!” back from all except one. A common joke among the queens, based on her role in the house. It honestly fills her with pride though, so she never refutes the moniker.
Jane tries to catch Catalina on her way out to wish her a good day; but the woman dodges her and races to her own car, leaving Jane worried she offended her friend.
Catalina presses submit and leans back in her chair with a deep breath. This is a big step for her. It’s a good thing, but it’s also a commitment. It does help with her long term plans though, so she’s willing to do it.
The class would only take her seven months to complete, and it’s all something she’s invested in, it shouldn't be this scary to start. But it is, and she can’t help but resent that she has no support.
She shakes that thought away as soon as it comes. Of course she has support. The queens are very supportive. She knows that when she tells them she finally applied they’ll all be very happy for her.
Happy, not proud.
She shouldn’t feel that way. She should be happy that she’s been given this second chance, happy that she’s able to spend it with her loving family. And she is! But she can’t help but feel slightly excluded.
Catalina has half a mind to tell them to leave the poor woman alone. They’ve been calling for her all morning. But she does seem to enjoy that they need her so.
“Down here love, come and get your jacket before you and Kitty are late!”
“Jane! I can’t find-“
“Kitty, I found-“
She could never call for Jane like that. It’s more than likely she’d be judged for it. No, she’s independent. She’s the oldest, she doesn’t need Jane to take care of her. And honestly she does prefer to take care of herself. It’s not that that bothers her though.
It’s just that Jane always seems proud. Consistently, someone in the house is making her proud. Whether it be something small, like making a phone call; or something big, like getting their licenses. Jane always finds something to be proud of when it comes to all of the queens.
All except Catalina.
She’s honestly tried everything. She’s done the small things like make a big deal out of something menial and then finally doing it, to no avail.
(“Catalina, weren’t you supposed to make that call three days ago?”
Catalina bites her lip, hoping.
“Yeah, but it was making me nervous so I kept putting it off.”
That’s not even a lie. Catalina does in fact have a bit of anxiety surrounding phone calls. But usually she'd rather die than admit a fear. She hopes to receive some sort of reassurance out of this, as she’d had a rough week and this was pretty difficult. But instead she gets a frown.
“You shouldn’t put stuff like that off. If you need help with a phone call just ask.”)
Then she tried acting out, which truthfully made her feel quite childish and stupid. It didn’t work like it seems to work for Kitty or Anne, who Jane seems to have a soft spot for. But they’re family, Catalina reminds herself, real family.
(“I don’t wanna.”
Jane furrows her eyebrows, “What do you mean you don’t want to? You’ve been asking to cook this for weeks! I even set aside the ingredients.”
“Well, I changed my mind. I’m not cooking.”
She doesn’t get a gentle goading into whatever it is she changed her mind about suddenly, like Cathy or Anna would. No, this bout of unnecessary refusal to help out with dinner just lands her in hot water with Jane, who was already feeling a little stressed.
“All I ask is-“
Jane’s rant lasted about thirty minutes, and Catalina felt much like a child who was chided for disobedience all night.)
Needless to say, although she does acknowledge it in her head, Jane does not care for Catalina in the way she cares for the others. They do have a friendship, but Catalina does not receive the same type of love.
And it’s fine, totally fine.
Just that Catalina doesn’t quite want to face Jane this morning. Because she just did something really significant and if she has to face being treated unequal to the others when she mentions it she might have to go back to bed.
But she is happy she’s done it now. It’s like a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders, she’s been putting this off for so long now that she’d never thought she would do it. One of the other daycare workers had convinced her yesterday to do it as soon as she got home, and she put it off until this morning. She couldn’t just go into work and face that person saying she didn’t do it, could she? And so she did.
With that sudden burst of happiness after her anxiety, she prepares to face the chaos waiting for her downstairs. She’s already heard them all congregate to the kitchen, maybe she can grab a pop tart before leaving.
“Cathy, thank you for being the only one to not scream for me this morning. I’m proud. But have we got any sugar for your coffee?”
“I picked some up on the way home, it’s in the top left cabinet.”
“That’s great, Anna. Thank you.”
So, Jane’s in a praising mood this morning. Great.
She walks briskly into the kitchen and moves toward the counter that holds her lunch bag, thanking Anne for packing it this morning. As she does this she apologizes for holding them all up, they’re clearly all ready to go. She hopes they haven’t been waiting long.
“What were you doing?”
She glances at Cathy, then starts rifling through her pockets again to find her keys. She’s looked for her keys three times now, she knows she has them, but it’s something to focus on.
“Oh, it’s nothing really.” She tries to sound nonchalant as she says it. “Just finished applying for that child care class.”
Nothing could have prepared her for the cheers that sound through the room. Everyone seems so happy for her. And Catalina herself is really excited, so it’s nice. It’s nice to feel people being happy for her, even if she’s not making anyone proud.
Kitty hugs her, Anna starts talking about the future plans to own a daycare that they can all help with, Cathy congratulates her since she knew how hard it was for Catalina to make that step. Even Anne is smiling at her and pitching ideas for Anna to shoot down.
And then, Catalina’s heart stops.
Jane puts a hand on her arm, like she’s seen the woman do to every other person in the house, and tells her she’s proud. She even looks like she means it, for a moment.
Catalina can’t possibly respond, as she’s never had to respond to that before. She’s been trying to make it happen, but she hadn’t thought this far ahead. She just freezes and stands still, eyes wide with surprise and slight hope. And then Jane looks slightly regretful, and it’s enough to kill her mood completely.
Of course it was habitual, she’s been telling people she’s proud all morning. But she doesn’t act like that with Catalina. It wasn’t on purpose.
“Right, everyone out!” Catalina doesn’t hear the rest of what Jane says as she withdraws her hand. Everyone makes their way out of the front door and says their goodbyes. And once Catalina regains her ability to move, she quickly dodges Jane’s special not caring goodbye to her and practically runs to her car.
Her drive to the daycare usually takes about twenty minutes, it’s not unusual for her to arrive early to help set up. On days like today, where everyone is running late, she gets there with enough time to at least say hello to everyone before they open. But today is a special case. This particular morning, Catalina pulls into the parking lot of a convenience store/gas station and doesn’t care if she’s going to be late.
Hands shaking, she takes the key out of the ignition and stares into space. Jane said she’s proud of her. Not only that, but Catalina ruined it by freezing up. Maybe she wouldn’t have looked so apprehensive and regretful if Catalina had reacted better. Damn.
She tries to recall something to make her feel better. Something to make her at least stable enough to drive. A memory from her maids as a child or something funny from this life, anything at all. But as she goes through her head all she can find is that she can’t remember the last time someone was proud of her.
That may have been the first time in either of her lives that anyone has ever told her so.
She takes a deep breath. She needs to stop being so weird about it. It was out of habit, a lapse in character. It’s not as if Jane actually meant anything by it; Catalina should stop thinking about it. Her heart should stop its longing, she’s a grown woman. It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t have that kind of relationship with Jane, they’re still good friends. She doesn’t need Jane to feel that way about her.
God, she wishes that circle of thinking actually worked.
Jane worries. It’s something very known about her. If there was three things that signified Mom Friend to the group, it was her mom-like pride in her family, her hugs (which are soft,warm and inviting to all.), and her ability to inexplicably worry like no other.
Sometimes she frets over the other queens safety. Like when Kitty had wanted to go skydiving and brought Anna with her. Sometimes it’s at night time when she hears walking around. Although when that happens she can usually keep herself in bed if she hears more than one person up at a time. Today, she’s worried over if she’s just ruined her perfectly good friendship with Catalina.
She has so much respect for the woman, Jane would never intentionally cause her to feel uncomfortable. If only she’d just thought it through a bit more. Catalina clearly didn’t want the attention. But all Jane could think is that she was just so proud. Catalina’s been putting that off for so long now, Jane was so relieved to see it happen.
And now she’s alone, which doesn’t stop her worrying.
If anything being alone makes it worse, because now she’s overthinking what the woman's reaction could have possibly meant for them. Is she going to distance herself now? Will she be upset with Jane for accidentally being condescending? She would have every right to be indignant, Catherine of Aragon does not need to hear the praises of Jane, her former Lady In Waiting.
It’s been no more than thirty minutes since the others have left for the day, and Jane has already driven herself mad with anxiety. She tires to hum as she tidies the living room, only to feel herself becoming too impatient with the tasks. Then she attempted to watch TV, but ultimately could not focus. It seems today is a job for a bit of a more heavy duty distraction. Usually she’d work in the yard, but the hum of nature might hut more than help in the focusing department today. So, she picks up her most recent embroidery project and heads off to her bedroom.
She settles in, ready for a long day of avoiding her own thoughts. But the door downstairs opens, pulling her from her work immediately.
Who on earth could that be?
She opens her door and peers down the stairs, thankful that the location of her room allows her to see. Hopefully it’s not a burglar, Jane thinks she couldn’t handle that stress today. Not when she’d dealt with anxiety from yet another harrowing social interaction. Even with the queens, she finds a way to mess up. And they wonder why she’s an introvert.
The person who has entered their home starts coming up the stairs, and she sees. It’s only Catalina. Her heart slows in relief for a moment, before she remembers that Catalina is part of why she’s worrying. Then it shoots right back to the pace it was at before. Jane doesn’t close the door, she just makes eye contact with her and offers a smile.
“What happened with work?”
Catalina’s eyes flash an unfamiliar emotion before settling into a passive stare.
“Not feeling up to it today. I called out half way there.”
Now, usually Jane would rush to her fellow queens aid. But after this morning she doesn’t want to seem overbearing, so she stays rooted to her spot and keeps her tone even.
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
If Catalina were anyone else, Jane would be running to help. She’d probably insist on calling a doctor and rush her to bed before even hearing what’s wrong. Then she’d endure the jokes at her expense for the overreaction.
But Catalina for some reason is not the same, so Jane does not act like that with her.
“No, I’m just going to lie down.”
Jane nods, and closes her door. Apparently not seeing the dejection emanating from the other woman’s very posture.
Catalina seriously just needs to make peace with the fact that she isn’t one of the others. She’s a part of the family, but she’ll never be in with them. If she made peace with this, maybe it wouldn’t hurt as much when the examples of her isolation are so plain to see.
Instead of continuing to sulk in front of Jane’s door like a child, Catalina goes to her bedroom to sulk in her own space.
Catalina’s home.
Catalina is home, and Jane is so sure now that she’s made things weird. They can hardly make eye contact with each other.
She sits back down and aggressively picks up her embroidery project. Focus, focus, focus, focus! Her mind drifts back and forth between her hands moving swiftly through a stitch and her possible damaged friendship with Catalina. She should apologize, she won’t be leaving to focus until she-
Jane is abruptly pulled out of her thoughts by a subtle knock on her door. She knows Catalina is the only other queen home, but she can’t help but think that the knock is similar to Kitty’s on a bad day.
“Come in.”
The door opens slightly, and the woman on the other side ones her head in, “Jane?”
There’s a hesitation, which is probably because Jane has made things irrecoverably weird between them. But eventually after her mental deliberation Catalina steps all the way into the room and softly closes the door behind herself.
When she doesn't speak right away, Jane moves her stuff off of the bed and invites her to sit. After Cataina’s sitting, they both make an attempt to start the conversation.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable-“
“Thank you for saying you’re proud of me-“
They both stop and stare, wide eyed.
“Why would you have made me-“
“I just thought-“
“No! Never, I-“
“We’ve just been such good friends-“
“Yes! And so that was nice to hear-“
Jane looks at Catalina, astounded. Had she really been happy about the praise? She says so, but she seemed so put off by it before.
“Then why did you react like it was wrong?” She questions.
She watches Catalina take a breath before providing her own explanation.
“It just caught me off guard is all. You don’t really tend to say things like that to me.”
“I mean, I never thought you’d need it.”
Catalina’s knee jerk reaction is to say she doesn’t. But then she stops herself. If this conversation is going to be productive at all, she needs to be honest.
“It’s nice to hear every once in a while, though.”
Jane looks surprised by the admission, as if Catalina has just told her a secret.
“I always thought it would make you uncomfortable.” She murmurs back, although now she sounds like she’s back in her head.
Catalina gulps, now or never.
“I’ve actually been wanting to hear it.” She admits before she can stifle herself.
The other woman is still absolutely shocked; and if at all possible, her eyes get wider.
“What?” Jane stammers out in disbelief. Catalina kind of wants the floor to open up and swallow her.
“Not to sound needy or anything!” She rushes. “It’s just that you say stuff like that to the others all of the time, and this is the first time you’ve said it to me! And so I got excited but I knew it was just you saying it out of habit so I didn’t respond.”
“-Well I would have said it more often to you if I’d known!”
“But you didn’t know-“
“I was trying to respect your boundaries-“
“I get that, nothing has to change either-“
“Hell yes it does!”
Now it’s Catalina’s turn to be wide eyed in surprise. She’s never heard Jane sound so indignant before.
“You’ve- what? Been thinking I’m just, not proud of you? This whole time?” There’s a sense of urgency in the defensive nature of her voice. She needs to know the answer to these questions. So Catalina answers truthfully.
“Well, yes? And you certainly don’t have to be. I’m a grown woman, I don’t need to hear that you’re proud of me all of the time.”
She didn’t realize she’d been looking away until Jane grabbed her arm. It’s a soft touch, reminiscent of the way she held it this morning. When she meets Jane’s eyes all she sees is warmth.
“Catalina, I am so, so proud of you. Every day.”
Catalina opens her mouth to protest, but Jane speaks again before she can.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been showing it properly. I thought that you’d be uncomfortable if I treated you the same as everyone else. I have too much respect for you to do that.”
“I’ll say it more, now that I know you’re okay with it. Alright?”
Catalina can hardly nod, overcome with an indescribable emotion. All she knows is that she feels warm.
They lapse into a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company. They are good friends after all. Enjoying being around each other is the basis of their friendship, actually.
“Hey, Jane?”
“You know, calling out is really stressful.” She observes.
Jane’s eyes light up in recognition, “Ah, yes. What with them asking you questions and your phone anxiety. I imagine it’s very difficult for you.”
She nods bashfully, hopeful once again.
“Well, dear, I am very proud of you.”
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Christmas in Mykonos🏝
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It’s your first Christmas at your new home in Mykonos and, you decide to spoil your boyfriend with a gift you can both enjoy.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut, pwp
Word Count: 2.3k
Universe: Mama Mia!
Warnings: explicit smut (18+ only plz), language
Based on: this ask x
A/N: Hello and welcome to another installment of Merry Crizzmizz 2019! I’m so excited for the rest of the fics and, I wanna thank all of you for sending in your requests, I hope you enjoy what I’ve come up with. This can be read as a stand alone but, I highly recommend reading Mama Mia! as it’s based in that universe. Happy Holidays ladz!!!
***All bolded words indicate when characters are speaking Korean***
Back to the masterlist! (click here)
Christmas in Mykonos… 
Sounds like a dream right? 
Well, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary considering the fact that, ever since you moved into a villa fit for a honeymoon, you’ve spent most of your days wondering whether or not your life actually was a dream… 
You and Jungkook spent the morning exchanging gifts and eating your weight in chocolate chip pancakes whilst the ocean provided background music to your day.  
Everything had been perfect.  
You drank wine on the balcony, facetimed your families and, watched a few Christmas movies on Netflix. 
The two of you really wanted to eat dinner on the beach but, despite Greece being depicted as a beacon of sunshine, it has seasons like every other place.  
And todays’ season is: COLD. 
So, you settle for eating dinner in the dining room on ridiculously expensive Christmas china that Jungkook had imported from the Netherlands. 
Because, you know, what else is he going to spend his limitless fortune on? 
The night had settled slowly over the course of a few hours. You took a phone call with a friend while Jungkook popped into the wine cellar to check on his latest batches before heading up to bed.  
However, he was perplexed to find the room empty. He figured you would have finished up with your phone call but, he decided to leave you be, not wanting to interrupt you. 
He decides to get ready for bed, hoping that by the time he’s finished, you’ll be waiting for him. Jungkook never gets in bed without feeling clean so, he sheds himself of his holiday sweater and sweats and, jumps into the shower. The hot water feels good against his body and, the loofah does its job at scrubbing him clean although, he can’t help but wish you were there with him. Showering with you is amongst his favorite things; your hands are so gentle against his skin and, your shampoo always smells good but, it smells the best when it’s running down your back.  
As he washes over his hips he feels himself getting a little worked up at the memory of the last time you ended up in the shower together.  
You had been away on business for three weeks and, surprised Jungkook by catching an earlier flight and, slipping into the shower behind him. The sex was so rough and passionate that you ended up ripping off the shower curtain and, fucking onto the bathroom floor. 
It be like that sometimes.
Jungkook finishes up his shower, trying to hide his disappointment that you didn’t join him but, he stifles it cause he knows that your friendships are more important than his libido. He steps out, wrapping a towel around his waist and, pushing a hand through his damp hair. After a little bit of moisturizer and, some deodorant, he finds himself at the front of the walk-in closet you both share, wondering if he should even bother with pajamas. 
If he’s being honest, he’s hoping to get laid this Christmas but, he doesn’t know if showing up to bed naked will decrease or increase his chances. He opts for a white pair of linen boxers and, uses the towel around his waist to wipe the remaining water clinging to his back.  
He’s not even paying attention as he walks back into your bedroom but, the sudden change of lighting is enough to pull his gaze from the floor and, towards the center of the room.  
“Merry Christmas...” 
Jungkook feels his breath leave his chest as he takes in the sight of you. You're standing at the foot of the bed, dressed in the most sinful piece of lingerie he has ever seen. It’s a cherry-red baby doll made exclusively out of lace and chiffon par the silk that wraps underneath your breasts to neatly tie into a bow at the front of your body. Your hair looks so soft as it billows around you, your makeup is simple aside from the red lip stain and, Jungkook is certain he fell to his death in the shower and, is now in heaven. 
“Whoa jagi you look....” He gulps, his eyes raking over you greedily, “...yah...where did you get this?” 
At his sudden question, you giggle, sort of making your way over to him, “It’s from Agent Provacteur...do you like it?” 
He nods, his mouth hanging open a bit, the blood from his face rushing towards his cock. 
“You look...” He rakes a hand through his hair, unable to process what he’s seeing, “holy shit...”  
Your head falls back with laughter and, he laughs too, knowing that he sounds a little ridiculous but, he can’t help it. 
Not when you look this good and, he’s just supposed to accept it. 
“I’m hoping that’s a good thing, this was expensive.” You tease and, immediately, he laces his fingers with yours pulling you against him. 
“You look amazing.” He mumbles before leaning down to kiss you, letting out unstable breath as he does, “Am I supposed to behave tonight?” 
His voice is deeper now, rumbling in his chest whilst his hands squeeze against your hips.  
He’s asking because, you’re usually in charge. Jungkook likes it that way but, occasionally, he likes to have his way with you and, tonight, he doesn’t feel like behaving... 
“Hmmm...” You muse, taking his hand and, pulling him towards the bed, still kissing at his lips, “Are you gonna take care of me?” 
Something flashes in Jungkook’s eyes at the tone of your voice, its softer, more vulnerable and, a little submissive...not really your style but, he’d be lying if he said it didn’t turn him on.
As you hit the back of the bed, his hands slide up your shins, parting your legs so he can slot himself between them. 
He smirks, holding your gaze as he leans down to brush his lips over your inner thigh, “If you let me...I’ll take care of you all night.” 
His response goes straight to your core, which already aches in anticipation for him.  
“Then I’m all yours...” You whisper and, even though your words are submissive, Jungkook has the urge to drop to his knees for you.  
He knows his place but, god damn if he isn’t going to use this rare power shift to his advantage 
“You are all mine aren’t you?” He muses and, spreads your legs wider, groaning as he catches a glimpse of the matching panties underneath your babydoll, “Holy fuck...I’m gonna eat you alive...” 
All you can do is giggle, relishing in his attention, allowing your eyes to flutter shut at the feeling of Jungkook’s lips kissing up your thighs. 
“Do you think my pain is funny jagi?”  
“What’s Christmas without a little discomfort?” You quip but, immediately you gasp as Jungkook bites into the junction of your thigh. 
“Sorry.” He snickers, licking over the mark now adorning your thigh, “I can’t help it.” 
You jerk your thigh in response, knocking against his face playfully, causing him to laugh and, bite the skin there once again.
“Be nice...” Jungkook grins, pushing up the fabric of your babydoll, his accent peeking through his voice, “These are very pretty jagi...” He brushes his fingertips over the lacy material, smoothing his thumb up the length of your pussy, pressing a little harder as he nears your clit, “I kinda want rip them off though...” 
Whining in protest, you grab his face between your hands, “Don’t rip them, they were expensive!” 
He chuckles, his darkened eyes alight with amusement and arousal, “That word doesn’t mean anything to me...” With a tilt of his head, he secures his teeth around one of your fingers, nibbling on it playfully as he holds your gaze. 
You can feel your lips pouting, wiggling your finger in his mouth, “Please? I wanna wear them again for you...” 
Jungkook can’t really hide the affect you have on him, especially not when a shaky breath leaves his lips, and a low growl rumbles deep within his gut. 
He’s thankful he wore the linen boxers now; anything else would be uncomfortable against his hardened length.
You feel his tongue then, licking up the middle of your panties, his movements concluding against your right hip. His teeth dig into the red lace, catching your skin a bit as he bites down on the material before slowly dragging them down your legs.
It’s a cheesy move but, it’s kind of sexy, especially since Jungkook doesn’t take his eyes off of you the entire time.
He tosses them to the side and places his lips against the inner part of your ankle and, begins his ascent back up towards you. He kisses your skin tenderly, dragging his nose up the length of your leg, suckling when he gets to your thigh.
“I love your thighs so much.” He mumbles, placing a few more heated kisses against them before his eyes light up, “Why are you so wet jagi?” The grin on his face is smug as his eyes shift up to your face, “I haven’t even touched you yet.”
You roll your eyes at his comment, giggling as he nips at your inner thigh again,
“Are you goiiiing to touch me?”
He licks his lips, cocking his head, as he narrows his eyes toward you, “No…” Jungkook smirks as his mouth gets closer to where you want him most, “Not exactly.”
Jungkook spends quite some time between your legs, licking you slowly, teasing you, toying with your orgasm before slipping two of his fingers inside of you to give you the relief you desperately need.
“Fu…Jungkook…” Your breathless moan fuels him to lick you into another orgasm; his eyes wide open to watch you fall apart. “You’re going to kill me…”
“Sorry jagiya, you just taste so good…” He sucks at your clit once, causing you to sit up, tugging at his hair, an exhausted giggle leaving your mouth, “Nooo, I’m not done yet.”
His protest is spoken against your lips, his expression pleased and drowsy with arousal. Jungkook loves kissing you and although he was set on eating you out until you couldn’t take it anymore, he is quickly distracted as you begin teasing his lips with your own. Your hands get to work on unravelling him, running over the taut muscles in his back that ripple underneath your touch before you move to palm at him through his boxers.
They’re wet with his arousal and, you’re filled with satisfaction at how worked up he seems to get just from pleasure.
As he shudders underneath your fingertips, you smirk, your teeth tugging at his bottom lip, “Why are so hard Jungkook? I haven’t even touched you yet…”
If you had a kink for Jungkook speaking his native language, Jungkook had a borderline obsession with you doing the same. Hearing you teasing him in his mother tongue causes desire to erupt inside of him and, he can’t take it slow anymore.
The next thing you know, he’s pushing you back towards the head of the bed, pulling off his boxers in the process before hastily tugging the babydoll off of your body.
“Why are such a brat huh?” He croons into your ear, his hand wrapping around his dick, “Is that what I get for being so good to you? You don’t wanna show your appreciation?”
A giggle leaves your lips as you place a kiss against the shell of his ear, nibbling on it before you respond, “How exactly should I show my appreciation?”
He pulls back, his hand still positioned around his length, to stare at you, his mouth curved up in a dark smile, “By wetting my dick…”
You don’t even have time to process his next move but, the next thing you know, Jungkook is inside of you, pumping into you with a slow but steady rhythm, his eyes locking with yours.
“Fuck…” You whimper, your hands frantically coming up to brace against Jungkook’s shoulders as he slowly increases his pace inside of you.
The smirk lingers on his mouth as his eyes widen in mock innocence, “I know that face…” A moan interrupts him and, he squeezes his eyes shut as a jolt of pleasure rocks through his body, “Does it feel good baby?”
“Mhm…” You’re pulling him down so, his body is close enough to kiss on because, while you know Jungkook definitely has the upper hand this time, you’re not content unless he feels the same amount of pleasure he’s giving you. “…your dick feels so good.”
“Shit…” He mutters, his hips stuttering as your words affect him. He drags his nose up the side of your face, nipping at the apple of your cheek, his saliva coating the skin there, “You sound so pretty with my dick inside of you.”
Your hand curves around the back of his neck, pulling his lips to yours, kissing him with everything you have as you begin pushing up against his dick.
“You’re gonna make me cum…” Jungkook’s voice is shaky and, its reminiscent of how he usually sounds.
You feel your own release coming on too and, watching him fall apart is enough to get you there…
“Cum for me then…” You coo, sucking on his bottom lip and, lets out a shaky whimper as his hips increase to a rapid rhythm.
With a desperate locking of your eyes, Jungkook lets go, muttering obscenities and words of admiration as when does.
“Gonna cum…gonna cum…fuck…fuck I love you…”
He manages to continue his rhythm through your orgasm before he finally caves in due to sensitivity, his upper body resting on yours.
The two of you lay there for quite some time, trailing your trembling hands over one another. When he finally rolls off of you, he pulls you into his side, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Best Christmas present ever…” Jungkook whispers as he pulls the soft throw blanket over your bodies.
“The sex or the lingerie?” You giggle, snuggling into him.
He grins to himself as he secures you closer, “You.”
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Please Have Snow and Mistletoe
Hello my Reindears!  Please indulge me, this idea for a Christmas/Holiday story came out of nowhere lol.  Don’t take it too seriously it’s choc-full of clichés and holiday fluff.    Still, I hope that you enjoy the fantasy and fun of it all!
Summary: Temari was hoping to be home for the holidays.  A winter storm grounded her plans but along with it brought a handsome man with a proposition for her. 
Chapter 1: Flight 4XMAS
“How can there be no flights available?” Temari demanded trying to keep her frustration in check. She knew that it wasn’t the girl’s fault but her anger needed to go somewhere. 
“I’m sorry ma'am but the weather conditions are so severe that flights are grounded till the storm passes. You are welcome to check in the next few days to see when flights will resume.” 
Temari sighed but nodded her head. “Okay, thank you.” 
Visiting her family for the holidays was the bright spot in an otherwise bleak year.  Temari had moved away from home and it had been months since she’d seen her family.   She had wanted to surprise them by arriving early but the storm had delayed her grand plans. Still, as long as she’d be able to make it home she’d be thankful. 
“Excuse me.”
Her teal eyes met the deep brown orbs of a handsome man. His long dark hair was pulled back and away from his face. The expensive black sweater framed his lean muscles perfectly.
“I overheard your conversation and I think that I can help.” She peered at him curiously. How could he possibly help her? 
“I can get you home for Christmas. I’ll just require your help for a few days.”
“Doing what?”  She asked carefully, he didn’t come off as a creep but it was hard to tell these days. 
He chose his next words carefully.  “An acting job if you will. I’d need you to pose as my girlfriend for my family.”
Temari’s eyes widened in confusion. “What?”
“I know, it’s ridiculous but my mother is expecting me to bring someone home.  I was supposed to be home a few weeks ago, I lied.  I told her that I couldn’t leave earlier because of my girlfriend’s work schedule and promised that she’d be coming for Christmas.” 
Shikamaru didn’t blame the utter confusion and disbelief on the poor woman’s face. He knew how crazy it all sounded but his mother was a force to be reckoned with. He didn’t want to think about what she would do if she found out he lied.
Words failed Temari.  This had to be a joke right? She was about to ask that very question aloud but his eyes were serious and sure. 
“So I help you out by pretending to be your happy loving girlfriend for three days and you make sure that I can get home for Christmas.” 
He nodded and she felt herself agree. She could try to wait it out but there was no guarantee that in the next few days she’d even be able to get a flight.  This was her best shot.
“I’m Shikamaru by the way.” The name sounded so familiar but she could quite place it.
“How can you expect me to remember all of these names?”  Temari groaned, taking another sip of her drink. At least the jet had a great assortment of liquor. 
“Temari, you’ll be fine. They’ll be more interested in you anyway. We just have to get our story straight.” 
She shrugged her shoulders.  “That’s easy, we use what happened today. We met in an airport blah blah blah.  It’s not a total lie.”
He considered the idea carefully.  It was better than making up an elaborate story.  “That could work.”
She could see the tense look across his face. It was sweet if she thought about it. His family meant the world to him and this elaborate scheme all so that he didn’t disappoint them. In exchange, she got to fly on private jets and enjoy holiday traditions with a rich handsome stranger. 
He’d walked her through all the people that she’d been meeting and all the various family events. It would be a busy few days but nothing she couldn‘t handle. 
“Your family loves the Holidays.”
Her assessment was correct.  “Naras are very serious about their traditions.” 
Temari’s eyes shot wide open. “You’re Nara Shikamaru?” 
The Naras were one of the wealthiest families in Japan. There was little known about their son other than that he’d amassed an incredible amount of wealth on his own. That explained the private jet. 
“Seriously? You could have easily picked up some celebrity to play your girlfriend. Why pick out some random girl at the airport?” 
He shrugged unaffected by her shock. “I don’t know, I just had a good feeling when I saw you.”  Temari couldn’t help the blush that crossed her face at the idea he saw something special in her. 
Shikamaru glanced at her from the side. Temari wasn’t what he’d expected but he was pleasantly surprised. She was witty, interesting, and even now despite learning his lineage didn’t seem intimidated by him. All of this on top of being gorgeous.  He knew that this was a risky move. Temari could easily take this information and out him to his family or worse the media but she didn’t seem like the type. 
He glanced down at his phone seeing a message from his mother and groaned. 
“My mom wants a picture to be sure that we’re on our way.”  Nothing got past that woman.  Temari nodded and took a seat by his side and his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Her face flushed at how close they were but smiled for the photo. She couldn’t help but think that they did make an attractive couple. 
“You really think we can pull this off?”
“I have no doubts.”  He told her reassuringly and it was hard not to believe that they could. She rested her head against his shoulder the stress of the day getting to her.  
“Alright Shikamaru, I trust you.”
Shikamaru sat there while she slept thinking about just what he had gotten them both into.  He was usually so specific and detailed in his plans.  In this case, they were working off a wish and a prayer.  Still, part of him knew that this would work.  That they could convince everyone and once it was all said and done, well he wasn’t sure.
When they finally landed they drove past the city.  They arrived at a quiet and dense forested area dotted with large family homes.  His home was the grandest of them all.  It was a large stately mansion with numerous Christmas lights that gave it a warm glow.  It was something straight from a fairy tale. Temari could make out a couple standing at the front waiting for them. 
“Ready for this?”  Shikamaru asked, placing a gentle hand on hers. 
“It's a little too late to be asking that now.”  She frowned beginning to second guess her decision to help.  
“Don’t worry Temari, they’ll love you.”
She was barely out of the car before she was swallowed up into a hug.
“Temari, my dear it is so wonderful to meet you.”  She met warm brown eyes so similar to Shikmaru’s and returned the affectionate hug. 
Yoshino was absolutely overjoyed at her son being home but especially because he’d been accompanied by Temari.  She had been worried that her son would simply work himself into the grave, never experiencing all the joys that made life worth living.  She prayed that perhaps this relationship, that Temari might be the one to change it all.
“Mrs. Nara it is a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Yoshino linked her arm with hers.  “None of those formalities. You’re practically family.  Call me mom.  You are absolutely gorgeous dear.  I can’t understand why our son would keep you hidden away from us so long.”
She barely had a moment to greet Shikamaru’s father who he was a splitting image of before she was swept inside. 
It was a blur of faces and names once inside the home.  His mother and father were there of course along with his extended family.  They joked that they needed to see her for themselves. 
Temari was thankful that Shikamaru had given her a rundown on the plane of the people that she’d be meeting. They were all welcoming and shared the same sentiment.  That it was about time that he’d brought someone home and how he could have kept their relationship a secret for so long. 
She’d been nervous and worried for the entire experience but as the night wore on the conversation flowed and the laughter came easily.  His family was far too kind and inviting and they were more than happy to welcome her into the fold. The night turned into the early morning hours and even then she could have stayed up with them.  
“Okay kids time for bed. We’ll have more time together tomorrow. Temari please let Shikamaru know if you need anything.” 
“Thank you...mom.”
Yoshino’s smile was bright and beaming and she couldn’t help but draw Temari into a tight hug.
“I’m so happy that you are here.” 
“We’ll continue our Shogi game tomorrow Temari.  You can ask Shikamaru for some tips.” Shikaku told her with a smile. “Good night kids.”
They were put into Shikamaru’s old room. His awards and old photos lined the walls.
“And who is this?”  She grinned holding up a worn stuffed deer. 
“Careful with that, he’s an antique.  I can sleep on the floor, and you’ll take the bed.”  It would have been strange to ask for separate rooms.
Temari rolled her eyes.  “Shikamaru please, we’re adults. If you promise not to grope me while we can sleep in the same bed.  Besides your mother seems like the type to just barge in here.  It will be hard to explain why you’re on the floor.” 
“Okay, you’re right. Feel free to use this bathroom. I'll go to the one down the hall.” She nodded watching him leave. 
Temari slowly unpacked her luggage and finally had time to reflect on the last few hours. Shikamaru was something else entirely. A genius, mogul, and devoted son.  His family had been so sweet to her that it wasn’t hard to love them.   If she wasn’t careful she’d get caught up and forget that this was all just an act, a lie.  Whoever did manage to capture his heart one day would be so lucky.  
Temari was already snuggled under the covers when he returned and she couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the reindeer pajamas. 
“Laugh all you want but I guarantee that she will have a set ready for you tomorrow.”  
“I look forward to it.”  He shook his head and got settled into bed.
They both naturally turned to their sides to face the other. His eyes were soft as they gazed at her.  
“Thanks again Temari.”
She smiled at the appreciation.  “I’m enjoying myself Shikamaru, your family is wonderful.”
“Thank you.  They really like you.”  
“Really?”  She didn’t realize how much she hoped that they did. 
“I haven’t been around too much the last few years, my own fault.  Seeing my mom smile so much well it means a lot.  It’s hard to get my parents a present as you can imagine.”  His hand casually pushed a lock of hair behind her ear.  
“Bringing you home is the best gift I could have given them.”  
Temari was floored by the compliment. Maybe, just for a little, it wouldn't hurt to get caught up. She leaned into his warm hand.  
“I’m glad that I could help then.  Good night Shikamaru.”
“Good night Tem.”
When Shikamaru woke up the following morning he felt an unknown weight on his chest.  He grinned seeing Temari’s hair sprawled across his chest his stuffed deer held between them.  At some point during the night he must have pulled her in and she hadn’t let go. 
His hand gently brushed over the top of her head. The quiet of the early morning and warmth of Temari against him created a kind of peace within him. He’d dedicated the greater part of his adult years chasing accolades and accomplishments.  Never stopping to pursue things like love and relationships.  And he was content.  It was enough.  Now, even after just a day with her and his family, it created a strange emptiness in his chest.  Seeing her cook with his mother, and learn how to play Shogi from his father were images he never wanted to forget. Scenes he wanted to view again.  
He had just a few days and maybe in that time, he’d know just what he wanted for Christmas. 
Okay my loves, the game is how many Christmas cliches can we fit in one story haha.  This is going to go fast.  Then I promise I’ll work on Stalemate and Yamanaka week.  No smut in this one, you can read Stalemate or my Lemonade series for that.  This is just going to be sweet and fluffy.  Love you my dear readers!  Thank you!
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harmonie-writes · 4 years
Mission: Christmas Kiss
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To @elcie-chxn​
Merry Christmas my dear! I hope you have a wonderful, safe holiday!! Things have been a bit hectic recently and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to post this a few minutes ago): But I’m your Secret Santa! I hope you like the fic! 
Pairing: Chan x YN
Genre: fluff, friends to lovers, high school au
Warnings: maybe language, but really it’s fluff and occasional crack
Since the beginning of time, or really since the time you and Chan have known each other in your neighboring homes. The shared birthdays and the movie nights that ended up turning into sleep over, and the holiday breaks you’d spend together glued at the hip. In all honesty, everyone saw the blooming connection between you both except for the two in said party and it stayed like that all the way until high school ended.
The most memorable moments were always during winter break though, and how your holidays were spent. Doing Christmas shopping for friends and family, and trying to sneakily hide the gifts that you bought for each other from said person. Even going with his crazy friends to go sledding or ice skating even though you know that Jack Frost would be nipping at your nose the moment you set foot out of the house, and neither of you would ever think twice about the weather. Maybe it was hidden at the time, but regardless you both felt warm and unbothered by the weather when you were together.
“-an? Chan?”
“Huh?” Chan was pulled out of his daze as he moved his focus to Soonyoung. 
“My guy, you’ve been in lalaland all day, and by that I mean you’ve been making heart eyes at YN since she got here.”
Chan looked away with a small scoff in hopes to hide the fact that he was caught, but also to hide the blush that touched his cheeks. “I have not been making heart eyes at them… that’s how I always look at them.” He couldn’t help the way he fiddled with his sweater sleeves as he mumbled the last part, not knowing that Soonyoung still heard him. 
“Oh my god!” Chan’s eyes grew wide before slapping a hand over his senior’s mouth to muffle the rest of that sentence while looking around to see if anyone noticed. 
“Shhhh! Don’t be so loud!” Chan hissed only to jump when he felt a hand clamp on his shoulder.
“Why are we ‘oh my god-ding’?” Jun asked as he walked up with Minghao. 
“Because there is half price hot chocolate!” “Chan likes YN!” They exclaimed at the same time before Chan shot him a death glare which went unnoticed by Soonyoung. 
Minghao patted the two of them on the back before shoving them in the direction of the hot chocolate stand by the skating rink, “Boys this is old news.”
“What do you mean ‘old news?’”
“He means we figured it out during our Halloween party when you’re dearest showed up as a sexy pirate, and if you didn’t make it so obvious I would’ve volunteered myself to be locked in the brig,” Jun commented as he trailed behind them with his hands resting behind his head.
“I’m just saying, but! That’s not the point right now, right now our mission is to fill in the guys and start planning our ship!”
Soonyoung pulled out his phone and opened up the group chat to fill in the rest of the guys. “As payment you will buy us hot chocolate.”
“One, why do I have to buy the hot chocolate? Two, you’ve never had a significant other so how do you know this will work?” Chan asked, as he glared at the three boys in front of him while still pulling out his wallet.
“First reason is this will be payment for our services, and secondly, don’t bring that up,” Jun pouted as he was being called out. 
“The guys will be here in about 15 minutes,” Soonyoung announced as he turned back to the group.
“Well, while you guys get the drinks I’m going back to the rink, because we left YN when we left to check on you two,” Minghao said as he waddled on his blades back to the ice.
Eyes fixed on the grooves ingrained in the ice from other blades you let your mind wander to where the boys went before briefly drifting to ways of getting Chan to notice you, only to remember that the costume you wore during Halloween didn’t seem to work. It wasn’t until you heard the scraping of ice that you turned and saw that Minghao had rejoined you.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“Same as usual.”
“Have you ever, oh I don’t know, considered making it more obvious to him? This is Chan we are talking about,” Minghao sighed as he skated in front of you. 
Rolling your eyes you held out your hands, “I have tried. I even took his joke idea for the Halloween costume, but he didn’t really say anything other than it looked nice.” 
“I can’t deny that that was his best moment, but I don’t think he actually thought you’d wear it,” Minghao hummed, as he drug you to the furthest side of the rink. “But that doesn’t matter since that was months ago. What we need to do is plan a way to get you to make the first move.”
“I guess so,” you shrugged, letting your gloved hand fall from his. 
Deciding to give both of you a push in the right decision seemed to be the better form of action and what better way of doing it than subtly hinting to you while giving Chan a plan. “You know what we could do?”
You just hum in response waiting to hear what your dark haired friend had to say.
“Why don’t you manage to lure him to an area with an overhang… like the entrance to the park? I could take one of the guys with me to set up a mistletoe.”
Your lips purse as you ponder whether or not this would be the smartest decision, and honestly it wasn’t a bad idea, certainly better than your idea. “Alright, we can do that, and if he doesn’t want to kiss me then I guess I can settle for a forehead kiss like normal.”
“Perfect. We start tonight.”
Glancing down at his phone Jeonghan saw a message from Minghao pop up in the group chat. “Alright, today we get our baby his first love!” He passed his phone to Joshua who read the message out loud for the group.
“When you said you were going to do a mission I didn’t realize that it would be happening tonight…” Chan mumbled, sinking down in his chair.
Lightly slapping the back of Chan’s head, Soonyoung chuckled, “There is no time like the present, and what better day than today? And it’s Christmas!”
Rubbing the sore portion of his head Chan rolled his eyes, “Thought we’d be planning more than rushing in.”
“Don’t think, just do. Besides you like them anyway so why wait?” Soonyoung said, as he started dragging the youngest back to the ice. “You guys set up the entrance and we will see you soon!” Soonyoung called over his shoulder.
The air between you and Chan seemed to crackle with electricity as you both thought of the events that would precede after, completely oblivious that the other had knowledge of the plan. 
Seungkwan glanced over at Vernon who was mindlessly scrolling through his phone as he waited for the text saying that they were done. Finally hearing the phone ping, they decided now was the best time to leave the two of you alone. 
“Alright, we are gonna go and get the apartment ready for the movie marathon. Are you guys still going to come?” Seungkwan asked, looking over at the two of you sliding to the edge of the rink.
You glance over at Chan and see him nod his head. “Yeah, we will be coming over shortly, we just need to grab your gifts.”
“Sweet, so you’ll pick up some snacks before coming over?” Vernon asked, as he started walking towards the others.
“Do we have a choice?” Chan frowned as he helped you step off the ice.
“No, no you don’t. See you!” Seungkwan waved over his shoulder.
The two of you watched as they walked further from the two of you leaving you with the building anxiety of what was about to come.
“I guess we should go since we have to stop and get food before heading over,” Chan said, while picking up both sets of skates.
You followed behind slightly and fiddled with the ends of your coat as a few bad scenarios played out in your head. Breathe YN, breathe. Everything will be fine. 
As you trained your eyes on the entrance you could see the small plant hanging from the arch, and it seemed like Chan noticed as well when he took hold of your hand. This small action sent your heart thumping wildly in your chest. Did this mean that he felt the same way? Were you just crazy? 
Again you were pulled from your thoughts when Chan had cleared his throat only to see the creeping blush rush to his cheeks and him scratching his neck. 
“There’s uh, mistletoe,” Chan mumbled, “you know what they say about mistletoe.” He gently turned you toward him as you both stood directly underneath the tiny plant. In all honesty, Chan was happy you couldn’t feel how his palms started to sweat from his nerves, but he was damn sure you could hear his heart thundering in his chest. 
A small smile touched your lips as you glanced into his dark eyes, “I think I’ve heard a thing or two about it.” 
Taking that as a good sign Chan started leaning in and was pleasantly surprised when you met him half way. Feeling the press of your lips against his sent a warmth through him, and he couldn’t help but deepen the kiss by bringing his hand to your cheek. But like all good things, they must come to an end thanks for the need to breathe. 
Sucking in a breath Chan rested his forehead against yours and couldn’t help but bask in your presence. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long,” he murmured, feeling your arms wrap around his middle.
“Wait, you have?” You pulled away from the hug to look at him.
“Way too long.”
Before any other notes on the subject could be said Chan’s phone started ringing, and you both looked at the caller ID before putting it on speaker. “Minghao?”
“As touching as that moment was we are freezing.”
“Wait… where are you?” You both frantically whip your head around to see the twelve of them huddling behind a park bench.
“Oh my god…” you breathe feeling heat on your cheeks for a whole new reason. 
Chan hung up the call with a roll of his eyes and a small chuckle, “I’ve wanted to say this for awhile now, but I think I’m in love with you.”
“I love you too Channie, but let’s continue this conversation later I’m getting cold,” you pout.
“Alright, alright. Oh and YN?” Chan pulled your hand back as you started to head towards the group.
Placing a brief kiss to your lips Chan smiled, “Merry Christmas YN.”
“Merry Christmas Chan.”
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