#i woke up at 9 to finish this and it took so long the episode released before i could finish 😭
hanayanaa · 6 months
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...surely this is how the new episode goes, right?
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zer0brainc3lls · 22 days
Pineapple Chapstick
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summary: usually Friday is Newt and Thomas's day off but Thomas's grouchy boss Janson called him into work so Newt spends the cold day alone, with the exception of their cat bubbles. and newt has also lost his favorite chapstick.
TWS: none! super fluffy <3 (not re read, we die like Newt)
word count: 1.1k
Friday is Newt and Thomas’s day off, but today Thomas’s grouchy boss Janson called him in to work so Newt woke up to a cold empty bed and a house lacking the scent of breakfast. He sighs sadly and rolls over, slams his hand down on the bedside and moves his hand across the wood to eventually find his phone. He sits up and switches on his phone. 
No Notifications 
He pockets his phone before swinging his legs out of the bed, pulling the corner of the blanket away as he does so as to not get caught between the blanket. He claws around in his wardrobe grumbling to himself about Janson, quickly changing and popping his old clothes in the dirty laundry basket and walks over to the kitchen to make himself a small breakfast of jam on toast. 
The day is agonizingly slow for a Friday, usually Fridays are for movie watching and silently getting work done on the couch and that is exactly what Newt does except Thomas’s absence makes the day seem duller. Newt absolutely hates Thomas’s boss, constantly berating him and yelling at him for almost no reason at all and he always comes home looking ready to collapse. Newt opens the drawer with the cutlery violently until he hears a soft purr and feels warm fur rub against his leg. Newt looks down to see a white ragdoll kitten with black ears, muzzle along with black legs and tail that slowly fade into gray and eventually white. Big blue eyes look up at Newt as bubbles (Thomas insisted on the name) meows loudly. 
“Hey bubba!” Newt exclaims in a high pitched voice, crouching down to scratch the kittens head. Bubbles continues to meow impatiently. “Yes yes I know!” Newt babies as he goes to the cabinet to fetch Bubbles her food, Newt would never be caught dead using the tone he is using at the moment. One time Newt thought he was home alone so he used his usual baby talk with bubbles not noticing Thomas in their doorway RECORDING. (he still has not lived that down. Luckily only Thomas knows about that one) Newt quickly feeds bubbles and finishes making his own food.
Newt spends a few hours lounging around and getting some work done on his laptop, just answering emails and such. (it took so long admittedly because he was going down a youtube rabbit hole) eventually he goes to leave the house to run some errands, he throws on his coat before leaving. The cold in the air makes his lips more chapped than normal so as he walks down the street he reaches into his pocket for his pineapple chapstick to find his pocket empty. Must've left it in his dresser drawer. 
An hour or two later he throws his front door open to find his apartment to be no warmer than the outside. Unfortunately Newt and Thomas rent and cannot afford to buy heaters so he jumps onto the couch and covers himself in the blanket they have draped across the couch, bubbles practically waddling over and paws at the couch, much too short to jump up. Newt picks her up and places her in his lap, cooing and petting her. 
Newt turns on the TV and plays Brooklyn 99, attempting to snuggle into the blankets on the couch and rubbing his hands together. After 4 episodes of his favorite show Newts lips can no longer be kept at bay with just licking, where the hell did he put his chapstick?! Newt searches his dresser drawer, then Thomas's, then in between the couch, under the couch to no avail. “Did you take my chapstick bubbles?” He questions the cat sarcastically, hands on his hips and uses her proper name instead of calling her bubba, as if she's in trouble. Bubbles is sitting on the couch looking up at Newt quizzically, she tilts her head and meows as if replying back. Newt pretend gasps and says, “So you did take my chapstick! Well where did you put it?!” He walks off to the kitchen as he says the last sentence to look for his chapstick, talking more to himself instead of the innocent cat bubbles. 
many , many episodes of brooklyn 99 and much increased chapped lips later it is now 5:42pm and newt listens to the sounds of heavy footsteps walking through the apartment building, he hears keys clashing against each other before dropping to the floor and a familiar voice in behind the front door going 
“oh for fuck sake!” before picking up his keys and opening the door. 
“Honey, I'm home!” Thomas announces in a sing-song voice as if in a 90s sitcom. He says that every single time he comes home, despite this the overused joke manages to get Newt to chuckle before swinging his legs off the couch to greet Thomas. He quickly walks over eager to embrace the shorter man.
“Hey tommy!” Newt says in a chirpy tone, he slows to a stop in front of the brunette before lifting his chin with the side of his index finger and kissing him softly. Thomas’s hums against his lips, Newt can feel his lips curve into a smile. Newt pulls away, a strange stickiness now on his lips. He goes to lick it off, as he does his eyes widen in shock. 
“Thomas.” he questions, eyebrows raised. Thomas’s eyes widen in shock as if he's a child who got caught taking the last biscuit from the biscuit tin. 
“Did you, or did you not, steal my chapstick!” Newt accuses him, the taste of pineapple still on his tongue. Newt takes a step back and gestures with his arms wide to the whole apartment, “I searched all day for that!” he groans, trying to sound harsh but instead only sounding mildly annoyed. 
Thomas laughs saying with a grin “you want it back?” he takes a step towards Newt, closing the distance once more. 
“Yes I would actually-” Newt is promptly silenced as Thomas cups his face, making him tilt his head down slightly before kissing him deeply. Chapstick entirely forgotten Newt closes his eyes and wraps his arms around the shorter’s waist, pressing Thomas's body against his own. Thomas’s hand moves from Newt's face up into his hair, Newt hums happily at the change and bites Thomas's bottom lip, gesturing for him to open his mouth. Usually, Thomas obliges with hesitation but today he takes one of Newt's hands around his waist, places the chapstick in Newt's hands and pulls away. 
“There you go babe!” he says happily, kissing the corner of Newt's now agape, shocked mouth. Thomas’s walks away to the couch clearly fighting back a laugh, Newt stands there in shock for a moment before turning around, exclaiming “you're such a bloody tease, y’know that!!” Thomas finally breaks out into laughter, flopping down onto the couch.
Authors note!!: hehehehehe i came up with this idea yesterday when putting on pineapple chapstick, hence the name!! this is so stupid and random but i dont care lol and also I BET ON LOSING DOGS CHAPTER 4 IS ALMOST DONE!!! *silently cheers for myself because i have been struggling with it*
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
I need something nice and sweet for SandRay, like maybe (V)acationing together for the first time *_* thank you
You mean like the absolute gift that was episode 9??? (I realize you sent this in days ago, but I’m using it as an excuse to write more about their camping trip. I figured you wouldn’t mind 😂) Word Count: 1180
[V]acationing together for the first time
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When Ray woke up, he was alone. For a second, he wasn’t even sure where he was, but then memories from the night before came back to him: the fight with Mew, the drive to Nakhon Nayok, the confrontation with Sand. He was, quite frankly, shocked that Sand had let him stay, but he y would be lying if he said he hadn’t slept better in his arms than he had in weeks. Now, the sun was up, the birds were chirping, and Sand and Nick were nowhere in sight. 
Ray sat up, stretched, and then made his way out of the camper. He half-expected Sand, Nick, and all of their supplies to be gone, but they weren’t. Instead, Sand was standing just a few steps away from the door, minding the grill where he had breakfast cooking. Ray was so surprised that he froze right there in the doorway, sure he must be hallucinating. The camper door slammed shut behind him and Sand looked up.
“Sleep well, Princess?” he drawled. He looked annoyed, but not angry. It was a start.
Ray threw his nose into the air, determined to act like he knew what he was doing, even though he didn't. “I did. Thank you for asking.”
Sand rolled his eyes. “Breakfast is almost done. Take a seat.”
Ray did as he was told and then looked around in search of Nick, but aside from the sounds of meat sizzling on the grill, birds chirping in the distance, and wind blowing through the trees, the campground was quiet. “Where’s Nick?” 
“Probably halfway back to Bangkok by now,” Sand answered, turning off the stove and portioning out two plates of food. He handed one to Ray and then sat down at the table next to him. 
“He left?” Ray asked. Sand nodded. Ray knew he should probably feel guilty about that, but he didn’t. He was happy to have Sand all to himself again. He took a large bite of his eggs and moaned at the taste. It had been a while since he had eaten.
For several minutes, the two of them ate in silence. Ray wanted to talk, but he didn’t know what to say. So he said nothing. The meal was over half-finished before Sand spoke.
“You shouldn’t have come here,” he said.
It wasn’t the reception Ray had been hoping for, but it was the one he had been expecting. He tried to hide the disappointment from his eyes. “It’s a public campground,” he said with a shrug.
“Yeah, but it’s not a public camper. You can’t just barge in on other people’s vacations like that, Ray. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking,” Ray said, “that I wanted to see you.”
Sand scoffed. “Bit of a long way to drive for a booty call. Especially when you’ve already got Mew waiting for you back in Bangkok.”
Ray thought about explaining that Mew’s feelings for him weren’t sexual—that they hadn’t gotten anywhere near crossing that line—but he didn’t think it would help his case.
“Like I said,” he repeated through clenched teeth. “I wanted to see you.” 
If Ray was being honest, it had been more of a need than a want. He had been so stupid, trading what he had with Sand for a chance with Mew—a chance that had never been anything more than a farce. Mew didn’t want him; Mew wanted Top. Ray had known that and yet he’d pursued him anyway, even despite the feeling in his gut telling him that things had changed. That what he had always thought he wanted wasn't what he needed. And now, he was left with nothing.
After his fight with Mew, he’d craved Sand's presence with a desperation usually reserved for alcohol. He’d needed to see him to know that he hadn’t ruined everything. To convince himself that there was still a chance—no matter how slim—that happiness was waiting for him over the horizon.
“I’ve missed you,” he said because it was true and Sand deserved to know it.
Sand didn’t seem pleased by his words. “I haven’t gone anywhere,” he said.
“Yeah, but...things have changed.”
“And whose fault is that?”
It was Ray’s. Everything was always Ray’s fault. Maybe he should just go.
“Are you mad I’m here?” he asked.
Sand glared at him as if he found the question offensive. “You shouldn’t have come. It was too late for you to be driving up a mountain. It was dangerous and stupid and—”
“That’s not what I asked,” Ray interrupted him. “If you don’t want me here, I’ll leave.”
“Not without me, you won’t,” Sand argued. “With Nick gone, you’re my ride home.”
Ray rolled his eyes. Sand was way too smart to be this oblivious. “Sand. Please. Just answer the question: Are you mad at me?”
Sand took three deep breaths before answering. “I’m mad,” he said and Ray’s heart sank, “that I’m not mad.”
Ray smirked. Now that was more like it. “Really?”
“God, I fucking hate you, you know that?” Sand snapped, getting up and grabbing both of their plates to dispose of. 
“It’s kind of romantic out here, isn’t it?” Ray teased, ignoring him completely. “Almost like a date.”
Sand didn’t answer him as he scraped their leftover food into a garbage bag and tied it off. Ray maybe should have given him some space, but that seemed like such a waste when they were somewhere so lovely. He stood and snuck up behind him to wrap his arms around his waist. Sand froze.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Hugging you,” Ray explained unnecessarily. To his surprise, Sand let him for a solid ten seconds before he set the plates down and turned in his arms.
“I didn’t tell you you could hug me,” Sand pointed out. Ray wasn’t aware he needed to ask for permission.
“Thank you for breakfast,” he said and then lifted up onto his tiptoes. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
And he did, placing a single, chaste peck on Sand’s lips. When he pulled away, Sand was standing in front of him with his eyes closed as if maybe, just maybe, he had enjoyed the kiss too. Ray preened and when Sand opened his eyes and noticed, he pushed him away.
“Go get changed into something of mine,” he snapped, ushering Ray back towards the camper. “We’re going to the lake.”
That did not sound like fun at all. “Why? So you can drown me?”
“No. So I can enjoy the rest of my vacation that you so rudely interrupted. You coming or not?”
Although Ray would very much like to turn up his nose at the thought of touching nature, he didn’t have the luxury of saying no. If it would make Sand happy, he would do it. After all, he owed Sand a little bit of happiness after everything he had put him through.
For the Fluff Prompt ABCs
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swagexpertsong · 1 year
Adventure Time: Prince Gumball x Reader
I had an idea. Set in the original Adventure Time, Finn has an adopted older sister who is also human. She was the first to be adopted by Jake's family, and five years later Finn was adopted. (Y/N) was abandoned by her biological parents in the forest in the Land of Ooo. Jake's family found her shortly thereafter.
Finn's sister worked as Princess Bubblegum's assistant, helping her with her royal duties. She had a crush on PB for a while, but she knew it wouldn't work out, so she let it go. (Y/N) was also friends with Marcelina because they both loved music very much. While the vampire played her bass, the human played the violin that Jake had given her as a gift. 
One day, (Y/N) was helping PB with her project, but something went wrong. The experiment got out of control and sent the girl to another dimension. And that's how (Y/N) ended up in the Land of Aaa.  Fiona and Cake found her completely unconscious in the forest and then took her to their treehouse. (Y/N) was completely unconscious for three days, Fiona and Cake became worried and took her to Prince Gumball to figure something out and help her:
* Gumball was quite shocked when Fiona and Cake brought an unconscious human girl to his castle. The prince couldn't deny that she was beautiful.
* Gumball did everything he could to help her. He performed standard tests and gave her a drip. A few hours later (Y/N) regained consciousness, she was quite shocked when she saw the male version of her former crush.
* As soon as (Y/N) woke up, Gumball asked her a few simple questions about her current condition. Fiona then asked questions about where it was and whether there were more people. (Y/N) didn't know how to tell them that she was from another world where everyone was of the opposite gender.
* She finally told them everything in order. Needless to say, Gumball was excited to meet someone from another dimension. A few hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks. (Y/N) didn't know how long she had been in the Land of Aaa.
* Over time, (Y/N) began to develop feelings for Gumball, and he for her. But they didn't know how to tell each other about it. It also didn't help that the Ice Queen kidnapped Gumball every day and tried to kill (Y/N).
* Finally, Fiona and Cake had enough of looking at the "two helpless love birds". They both suggested Gumball organize a ball in the Candy Kingdom and invite the neighboring kingdoms.
* Gumball thought it was a good idea, so he organized a ball in his castle. And guess who his partner was...(Y/N)!
* Gumball had been thinking all day about how to ask (Y/N) to the ball, finally Cake had enough of it and asked the prince on his behalf. Oh my god, he was embarrassed and blushing. Although you couldn't see it on his face because it was already all pink.
* (Y/N) agreed and was very happy about it. She put on the same white dress that Fiona wore in episode 9 of season 3. She still had loose hair and a wreath of roses on her head.
* (Y/N) and Gumball danced together all night, they kept looking into each other's eyes and no one seemed to stop. Gumball finally gathered all his courage and gathered (Y/N) to his bedroom, where he had a romantic restaurant prepared.
* After they finished eating, Gumball told her how he felt about her and asked if she would be his girlfriend. (Y/N) was speechless and kept looking at him with a blush on her face. Our prince thought she didn't reciprocate his feelings and was about to leave when his crush kissed him. Gumball was shocked for a moment, but he immediately adjusted and kissed back. He placed one on her waist and the other on her face. They kissed for so long that they had to break away to breathe. That night they both knew they would be together forever.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Apologies for my posting So late. I just have had too much fun talking to my mom. What else is new.
I'm going to go to bed soon. But today has been a lovely day. Honestly I couldn't have asked for a better travel day, or a better trip so far.
It was still pretty hard to leave James. But they woke me up and gave me out goodbye. And then they went to work. And I slept until 9:30. I got up and I felt pretty good. I got dressed I picked up the apartment. And then I started making my trips down to the car to put the stuff from the wedding in there to take to store my parents. And I was ready to go by 10:15. Pretty proud of myself honestly.
When I got in the car though I put the GPS on and it said that there was closures on 95 and that the new route was the fastest and would take about 15 minutes more than normal. It's fine with me I wasn't in a rush. And so I headed to 83 like it wanted me to. And it took me the most bizarre way. I went 83 all the way up past camp to the Pennsylvania state line. I didn't have to go through Delaware at all. Instead it took me towards Harrisburg and then all the way to the Pennsylvania turnpike which I took all the way to my parents house. Honestly it was a super pleasant drive. I have no idea how much the toll is that I paid but beyond that it was great. No traffic interesting things to see. Lots of cows and sheep. Fun billboards. And it was basically going 80 the entire time. It was awesome.
I listen to two albums in a podcast. And I was having a blast. And I got to my parents around 1:00. I had a whole bunch of text messages to answer. Including ones from Jessica at work about different shifts this week. She wanted to know if I could do an outreach because someone else wasn't sure they were comfortable. But I really hate outreaches and so I declined and encouraged that the other person should be practicing since apparently they have asked to do more outreaches anyway. You're not always going to get to do them with another person so they really need to get over the fear of doing it alone. My fear is not a real fear mine is just anxiety. And I am perfectly capable of doing them I would just prefer not to and this person wants to do more. So Jessica was like that's cool and isn't going to make me do them.
That was really excited to see my parents. I came inside and I got settled and chilled on the couch with him for a long time. I didn't get to talk to my dad as much as I was hoping to but I spent a lot of time talking to my mom. We sat and talked for more than an hour and then I had to stop the conversation because I was so hungry. I had brought a couple cookies in the car with me but that it was all I had to eat so far. And so me and my mom drove over to saladworks. I drove us there and we sat and ate and talked about the wedding and I talked about the weird stuff that has been going on with family and work. And we talk about pictures and my feelings about stuff and our honeymoon coming up and all that. And it was just like a really lovely chat and meal. And I just love my mom very much.
We brought Dad a salad home. And We brought in the stuff from my car. We left it in the hallway and we would slowly start to bring it down later. I'll finish doing it in the morning. And then we all hung out on the couch. Watched a Netflix show. It's the watcher, which stresses me out a little bit. I don't know why but shows like I kind of give me anxiety. But I did like that I recognized a lot of the true cases that they were building this off of and so between episodes I got to fill my mom in on that kind of stuff. When Dad went to go change into pajamas I read Mom the entire Wikipedia article for John list and that crazy murder.
And before we start the next episode I grabbed my knitting and I worked on a few rows before Joanna texted me. She had texted me earlier in the day that she left work early because she wasn't feeling 100% and she was going to take a nap and then let me know about dinner. She didn't want to flake on me but I didn't want her to push herself too hard. But she would wake up and she had taken a Sudafed and felt well enough to chill with me for a little while. And I am so glad we did.
I had asked what she wanted to do for dinner and I didn't want to make her come all the way up here but she didn't want me to drive very far because I had driven all the way from Baltimore. And so we decided on friendly's for old times sake. And I told her to pick one and I would drive to it. The one she chose was in warminster and my GPS said it was only 17 minutes away. Dad argued that it was more like 40. But I pulled it up on the GPS and it seemed fine and we sniffed at each other for a few minutes but then I left. It turned out we were both right. It would be 40 minutes if I didn't take the turnpike but I did take the turnpike and it only cost me $2 so it wasn't the worst thing in the world. And I got there really quickly.
I did get there a few minutes before her which was fine. I chilled in the car and answered some texts and listen to music. And then she got there and I was so happy to see her.
And we were there for hours. We got there a couple minutes after 6:00 and we were there until 9:00. I left our waitress a very large tip because we were taking up the table space. And I don't know how I can keep reiterating this without feeling annoying to myself, but talking to her is like coming home. It's like taking a deep breath. And to talk to someone that knows you that deeply is so special. And I'm very lucky that my very intense relationships that I have with people can be beautiful like that even after years of being apart.
And that's really what this was. We were obviously like a little timid at first but I recognized myself so much in her and she recognized herself and me. When I was in college and I was very shy I told myself that people will like you more if you're more like Joanna. If you're bigger and brighter and more authentic with your personality, and more honest, people will love you. Because they loved her. And I think sometimes my "customer service Jesse" I put on at work or when I'm in the really good mood and very very comfortable, is just mirroring what Joanna used to be like. But at the same time Joanna says that she feels like throughout the last decade she's lost herself. And she's lost a lot of the socialization and she's been very isolated. And she sat her. But I hope us coming together can help fix that. It's going to take work. It takes a lot to maintain a relationship as an adult. Which is why I have so few friends but I think that this one is going to be worth it in the long run. I'm going to hold myself to that.
We just talked about everything. But each other about the wedding about life. I recognize that sometimes I talk about myself a lot. But it's not because I just want to talk about myself it's that I want you to tell me about you in return. But not everyone's comfortable doing that. So I told Joanna that I wanted her to tell me everything that she could about her life in the last couple years. I wanted her to give me a timeline. The last time we really seen each other was close to 2017, possibly 2018. And so she filled me in. About her jobs and an injury and her massive and impressive weight loss. Her surgeries and everything she's been through. The hardships and the things that she's found that she likes about herself and thinks that she's found that she doesn't. And some things that were really really sad and scary. And I realized how deeply she needs support. How much she came back into my life at the perfect time both for me and for her. And I really am so lucky that I know her still.
And it wasn't all intense. There were some silly stuff. Talking about how we were such mall kids and The culture that we grew up in and the way things were. We're like old ladies now. Talking about the good old days. But it wasn't even that. It was talking about how like we were very unsupervised. We were able to get away with so much. And how we both want to have kids and what that looks like. And how there isn't a rush but there still feels like there should be one and how the partners that we pick are not just our partners but they are future parents and how we view them and how a future adult will you their parents. And it was just like a beautiful conversation and I think we really got into some stuff that were very serious. And I wonder what the people around us were thinking because I'm sure they heard us. Honestly we probably would have sat there for the rest of the night if she wasn't tired and had a headache and honestly I think the restaurant was closing soon. We could have stayed there forever.
But I had to be the responsible adult and say that it was 9:00 p.m. and we needed to go. So I paid and we went to the parking lot and I showed her all my stickers on my car. And then we went home.
I got back here at 9:30, I texted her to let her know that I was safe. And then I got cleaned up. I washed my face and got changed and checked in with my dad. And he went to sleep and then I went down to the basement to hang out with Mom.
I found out the gray cat likes to drink from water bottles. And it was a bad decision, but I did share my water bottle with the cat and now my allergies are going crazy. But it was too funny to pass up. And then we just talked and talked and talked. I told her all about Tumblr stuff, and cold stuff, and Mom just lets me talk at her and I really enjoy it. She gets to hear basically every thought that I have. And I know, like I've been saying a lot lately, that I'm a lot. That I talk a lot and I talk too fast. But Mom says I'm entertaining. So at least I know I'm not boring her. And towards the end of the night while talking I told her about my experience a few weeks ago when I got a little out of hand. And I read her a couple text conversations and let her listen to a couple of audio notes where I was very ridiculous. And we were laughing and just having such a funny moment together. I'm really glad that I get these moments with my mom. These late night talks are very precious to me.
But we were both very worried that my post was not going up yet. And yes technically it is the next day but I have not gone to bed yet so it still counts. So I hope you all sleep good tonight. I'm hanging out with Jess tomorrow and we're going to paint pottery hopefully and it's going to be a good day. And then I'll go home and I get to see my James again. Sleep well everyone. Be careful out there.
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vethbrenatto · 3 years
okay, trying my hand at this meta again because i’m at this point in my rewatch and i’ve attempted to write it before and have never been fully been able to finish writing.
basically, i’m just always astounded at how well a bard’s lament and scanlan’s departure from the party works. to preface, this is not commentary on any of the old, hashed out debate of how right the party is vs how right scanlan is (which i have read plenty of and find generally ridiculous). 
this is commentary on how dungeons & dragons is an insane game and both dice rolls and character choices can support a narrative.
i genuinely have no idea when sam started floating the idea of leaving the party for scanlan seriously, i’m not sure if he’s ever commented on it, but my guess would be after his first death in the raishan fight in e80. obviously he planted seeds before that in scanlan’s attitude and attempt to rely on drugs, but i would guess the death was the catalyst for sam considering scanlan seriously leaving the party. 
and it’s an insane thing to do! i’m sure they didn’t know how long CR1 would last in its entirety, but to remove a central PC, even temporarily, almost 90 episodes into a 115 episode campaign. is crazy.
but it worked. and the sequence of events that led to it directly still floor me.
first, the disregard after e80 from the deaths in the raishan fight. both scanlan’s AND vex’s. now, this isn’t surprising- mid-battle deaths are often overlooked especially in a campaign like CR1 where people go down as much as they do, the player character is revived and because there was very little fanfare in the revival, it’s not seen as much as a “death” versus other deaths taken as seriously as a res ritual or non-battle revivify like percy’s ritual or vex’s revivify in the sunken tomb. both vex & scanlan’s deaths are very underplayed by the party because of the nature of them being mid-battle deaths, and this builds the narrative.
then, in the e83 raishan fight, it’s just poetry on the dice rolls. now, i’m guessing matt was clued in to scanlan’s mindset by sam at that point and maybe for that reason matt went a little harder on scanlan and that’s why he was downed (i actually don’t believe this at all, i think matt’s calls all seemed totally above board, just floating a possibility of how matt may have helped shape the narrative too)- but it truly did come down to dice. scanlan failed his first dex save for meteor shower and took 118 hitpoints in one blow, one of if not the only person in the party to do so (grog may have as well, not sure, but he’s a tank so it was just less of a blow). scanlan goes down a couple times in this fight, but the real hitter and nail in the coffin is “pike’s” (rolled by laura) dice roll to revivify scanlan not making a 12 DC (9 rolled with modifiers), making scanlan dead for the rest of the fight. because if scanlan doesn’t get a res ritual, it’s just another mid-battle revive and a bard’s lament doesn’t hit as well.
now, back to player choices with scanlan’s death. the choice to play a practical joke on a dead/recently dead man feeding EXACTLY into scanlan’s narrative. regardless of the relevance of scanlan’s points, the fact that his intended argument (which was also a deflection) had been building up as “you don’t take me seriously, you just see me as the haha funny man and like that sometimes i save you in battle,” and then scanlan WOKE UP having been pranked while dead. it was just. poetic. i know i’ve said that a word a lot but! it just makes the moment WORK. it ties it all together.
because scanlan flipping his lid in a bard’s lament? it’s a LOT. it’s intense roleplay. and i think all these factors of chance and excellent roleplay by both sam and the rest of the cast that i’ve talked about lead up to this narrative catharsis in that moment. without these elements, that scene doesn’t work. scanlan leaving, maybe it makes sense, but it doesn’t hit the way that hits.
it’s one of my favorite critical role scenes in existence, and emotionally, i don’t think anything else gets me like that scene does.
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mac-kd8 · 3 years
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                                                 Law x pregnant readers
Waking up, (Name) only felt tired as if she hadn't slept in months.  She  just blamed it from the late nights of working and nothing else. Not even realizing when she woke up it was already in the afternoon and the Heart Pirates were currently eating in the galley.
With a loud groan (Name) took off her Pj's and walked into the shower, she gasped slightly when the water presser felt a little more sensitive on her chest than usual.
(Name) shrugged it off, thinking it was because she was still healing from the last battle she took part of, so she didn't think much about it. Propping herself next to her captain like she always does, she quietly ate her late lunch while trying to keep her eyes open. Law being the observant man he is, grew quite worried about his beloved wife acting so fatigue. "Are you alright?" Law asked, trying to act he wasn't concerned. She only nodded before face-planting into her food with a loud smack. No one panicked or thought it was something to worry about, guessing (Name) was just having a narcoleptic attack.
Later that day, (Name) was currently laying on her bed while reading a book. Feeling like she was about to throw up, she put down her book next to her and quickly opened the bathroom door. She then puke out all of her lunch and maybe last night dinner as well into the toilet. Wipeing her mouth, (Name) then headed toward the sink to splash some cold water on her face.
Feeling a familiar presence, (Name) then turned her head to where Law was currently standing with a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I guess it's just a little food poisoning." (Name) said while scratching the back of her head.
"Alright but let me know when it gets worse."Law stated as he exited the bathroom.
(Name's) heart almost escaped from her chest when the submarine started shaking and yellow lights started flashing. Running onto the deck she could already see a battle taking place with men in white and blue uniforms on one side and men in colorful hats and white overalls on the other side. Unsheathing her twin katanas, (Name) then started cutting one marine after another but for some strange reason she already felt like she was out of energy. 20 minutes into the battle, with a large pant for air she finishes off the last of the marines before wobbling back to the submarine's doors.
"Damn why am I already out of breath, those marines were just small fries. My training methods haven't changed one bit, why do I feel so weak. "(Name) muttered to herself in annoyance.
(Name) only pushed her food around on the plate, hardly nibbling then she looked around the room. Everyone was so cheerful and she couldn't help but smile.
"Not eating much I see." Law commented, leaning over to whisper in her ear. Not like he needs to, over the usually loud noise that the Heart Pirates made at each meal.
"I'm just not hungry." She responded.
"Strange and I thought for someone who was out of breath just by fighting a few marines would be starving." Law stated in a matter-of-factly tone.
"Is it not to your liking, (Name)?" The head chef asked, catching sight of Law's actions.
"It's good. I'm just not hungry right now"(Name) said as she pushed back the plate.
"I'll put it in the fridge until you feel like eating again,"The chef said as he scooped up her plate of uneaten food.
"Do you need to lie down again?" Law asked her again for the third time today.
"I'm okay."
"Could I get some orange juice though?"(Name) sweetly asked the cook.
Then immediately , the crew got back to their usual antics paying no mind to (Name's) odd behavior.
She got to her feet while squeezing Law's shoulder gently. "I'm going to read a book." She said before taking a sip of the juice.
She was hoping that it was simply a case of stomach flu and not something alot more serious.
(Name) was once again in the bathroom and vomiting all of what she ate yesterday, which was not that much. (Name) felt terrible , as would anyone in these types of situations would, however, she still didn't want to bring the matter up. Luckily, Law hasn't woken up from his deep slumber , which made her sigh in relief. Slipping back into bed, she then let her eyelids close as she slept all the way through the afternoon again.
Then that cycle of having no appetite and vomiting lasted for this day as well, which made Law start to worry even more about his wife.
"(Name)!" She picked up her head by the ship's railing in surprise as she heard her name being called by Penguin. Her stomach hadn't seemed to settle, and now she is throwing up into the sea.
She then turned her head to the mechanic, trying her best not to look sick.
Penguin walked up to (Name) getting rather closer, causing (Name) to become nervous.
"You look pale." Penguin commented.
"I haven't been feeling well the last few days Penguin. So I'm probably a bit pale." (Name) stated .
"You're sick (Name)?" questioned Shachi. (Name) nodded her head, however quickly realized what she had brought up.
"I'm only slightly sick, just a little headache. Really."
"You sure (Name)?" Law asked as he walked up to the swordswoman, worried about her health.
She then gave a reassuring thumbs up to everyone to show that she was okay. Though internally, she was kicking herself for lying to the crew, even more so to her trusting and loving husband. The crew soon believed the lie as they continued with their day, however, Penguin, Shachi, and Law didn't seem to be convinced, so they kept an eye on her.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it." (Name) thought as she ran to the bathroom for the third time this week. She still was getting lucky with Law having once again already left their room or sleeping, but she knew that it was only a matter of time before they really began to be suspicious.
"This will pass. This will pass."(Name) kept telling herself furiously as she finished with her recent vomiting episode. She picked herself up, taking in deep breaths trying to settle her stomach. As she looked into the mirror, she noticed that she is even paler than yesterday.
Putting on a brave face, she then walked out of the bathroom and went onto the deck.
"Land ahoy!" Shachi shouted as he pointed at the piece of land.
All of the Heart Pirates gather around the railing in a disorderly long line, and lean over it, while watching the island they were about to dock. They had docked at a unique island well-known in the areas as vicious wild blood thirsty animals live there.
"Yahoo, a new adventure!" (Name) said happily before walking off the submarine's plank. As she got closer and closer onto the island, she felt someone grabbing her shoulder.
"I think it's for the best if you stay back in your current state."Law stated with a worried look on his face.
She only shrugged his hand off. "I'm fine, I feel a lot better today."
Before Law could protest, (Name) had already made her way onto the island.
And then she left, not running, but walking kinda in a slow pace into the forests.
After some time had passed, both Penguin and Shachi had returned after a troublesome adventure with some saber-tooth monkeys. Law was starting to get a little worry since (Name) wasn't back yet, so he went the same direction she walked in.
As Law walked deeper and deeper into the forest he finally made eye contact with the swordswoman. "Help!" (Name) called out as she was kneeling onto the tall grass while clenching her slightly bleeding shoulder.
Law was surprised, (Name) never called for help unless it's something really serious or life-threatening .
Activating his Room he switches places with (Name) while killing the beast in the process.
While Law was carrying (Name) through the forest, she leaned away from his chest so she wouldn't get vomit onto his clothes
"I'm going to take a blood sample." (Name) nodded as she rolled up her sleeve allowing Law to apply the alcohol onto her skin then inserting the needle. Only taking a tiny amount, Law removed the needle and quickly placed a band-aid on where he poke her. "You can leave, I will give you your results as soon as possible."
She only nodded before leaving the infirmary room.
Law stood there from where he was sitting in shock, not knowing how to feel after reviewing the results of her blood test. It was a mix of happiness, relief, fear and mostly parental love. It took all of his strength not to jump down like a crazy man who just won the lottery, because it was the middle of the night and he didn't want to wake up his crew. When he finally made it to the doors of his room, he put on a calm face and slowly and quietly opened the door. "Hi Captain, so did my blood test turn out good?" (Name) asked casually.
"Yep, it seems that both of you are fine." Law said with a big goofy smile on his usually calm and serious face. (Name) looked at her captain in surprise and in slight confusion, even already knowing the answer. "W-what do you mean the b-both of us?" (Name) managed to stutter out.
"I mean our baby. You're 9 weeks pregnant."
He was in love with (Name), and the idea of her having his baby was ideal to him, but it was still a shock, they'd never even spoken or brought up the subject. He wanted a family, but the idea still scares him. All the memories of his mother and father, and his little sister Lami all stuck to him. Then, the struggles and problems of them being famous pirates with both of them having large bounties on their heads. And all of the struggles that their child will face as well, everything he, (Name) and his unborn child, everything they will face together suddenly hit him in one go.
"Law I'm sorry, I should have been more careful." (Name) said while sobbing.
Law quickly, but carefully picks her up and sits her onto his lap while stroking the spot where their child was growing.
"Sorry for what? Making this the happiest day of my life." Law said before kissing her still flat stomach.
(Name) began to cry more but it wasn't tears of sadness, they were tears of joy. "We're going to be parents. I'm going to be a mom."
"And I'm going to be a dad. " Law said while showering her with even more kisses. (Name) squeaked when Law gently swooped her off her feet and began sprinting across the metal halls.
"What the... Law?!"
"Your shoulder, your shoulder was wounded. You're staying overnight, no, 3 nights in the infirmary. What if the baby got hurt. What if the baby got killed?"Law started listing off the things that could happen to their unborn child.
"Everyone, we have an announcement!" Law shouted loudly to get everyone's attention who was on the deck.
"We're getting a new crew member." (Name) said while trying to hold back her giggles.
"Oh, that's nice, when can we meet them?" Penguin asked.
"Less than 9 months." Law answered which made everyone go completely silent.
"We're having a baby!" Both (Name) and Law shouted cheerfully.
They were all staring at the expected couple, completely dumbfounded.
Astounded, flabbergasted, shock whichever word to describe their expressions and the tense atmosphere. Law's hand started to turn purple just by how hard (Name) was squeezing his hand.
"CONGRATULATIONS," Penguin and Shachi shouted in perfect unison.
"This is amazing, this calls for a party!" A Heart Pirate exclaimed.
"No alcohol for the pregnant woman though," Bepo smiled warmly at her from Law's side.
"(Name), don't cry, " Law said, reaching around her shoulders to comfort her.
"I know, it has to be the unbalanced hormones. I'm just so happy, this is a new chapter of my life." (Name) said as she cried into Law's chest.
Throughout the day everyone was partying while congratulating the new parents-to-be.
"So who will be the godparents?" Bepo asked.
"We have already decided that Ikkaku and you will be the godparents of our child."(Name) answered. Bepo then lifted both (Name) and Law off their feet and gave them a big hug while crying tears of joy. "Thank you, I'll be the best godfather ever." Bepo said, which made everyone in the Heart Pirates stare in jealousy, especially Penguin and Shachi.
"You guys will make great uncles." (Name)said with a big smile while hugging both of them in her arms.
"Lucky bear." Shachi muttered.
The 2 mechanics' faces turned a deep shade of red when (Name) kissed both of them on the cheek. "Don't worry, there is enough love to go around."
Then out of nowhere, a large explosion could be heard across the deck.
"Heart Pirates, Give up now or prepare to die."A marine holding a megaphone demanded.
(Name) smirked before unsheathing her twin katanas as she got into a fighting stance.
"Do your worst.''She retorted before Law used his devil fruit ability to transport her back into the sub.
Law shut the metal doors, ignoring the loud banging noises that were coming from the other side.
"Law, you ass, I want to fight too. Let me out, let me out." (Name) demanded as she kept on banging her fist onto the metal door.
"No, as your captain and doctor I order you to stay back and let us handle this. You're pregnant, you need to take it easy for now on."Law stated, which made (Name) slump down in disappointment. She hated being useless, she wanted to fight, she wanted to help, she wanted to do something besides laying down and doing nothing.
"Oh great, 7 more months of being totally useless." (Name) muttered under her breath while sighing.
A few weeks later-
(Name) felt like she was already going crazy. She wasn't allowed to do anything and she meant she couldn't do anything. First, the large weights she and Jean Bart can usually lift with ease have been replaced with 5 pound weights and she wasn't even allowed to use them for more than 5 minutes. Law had also forbidden( name) in certain places in the submarine as well, which was almost one half of the metal vessel that was off limits for her.
(Name) also swears, Law has super hearing because when she decides to get out of her bed, Law uses his devil fruit abilities to teleport himself right next to his wife's side.
"Law, go back to work. I'm just getting a snack."(Name) protested.
"Then ask me or someone else from the crew to get it for you. You're still in your first trimester of pregnancy, there is still a possible chance of miscarriages or physical deformities or all sources of possible medical stated as he called forth his room again then instantly a jar of peanuts appeared in his hand.
"Here, take these and go back to our room." Was all Law said as he pointed the direction of where their room was located, as if she was completely clueless of where she had been living for most of her life.
Rolling eyes (Name) went back to her room while munching down on the jar of peanuts on the way.
When the Heart Pirates docked onto an island, (Name) thought she could get some alone time to herself while getting the necessary items for the future stages of her pregnancy. And it was a good thing too since her pants and shirt had been feeling tight lately. "Bye Captain, I'm going to do a little shopping." (Name) said before she jumped off the submarine's front deck.
"Room, Shambles." Law now had (Name) in his arms.
"What the hell Law?" (Name) questioned.
"I'm coming with you, " Law stated as he tightly held her hand.
"Law, I'll be just fine. It's just a little shopping, I'm barely showing." (Name) retorted while trying to slip her hand from Law's strong grip.
"Nope, as long as you're carrying my child you're stuck with me." Law said, securitly wrapping around his arm onto her waist.
After 5 medical and clothes stores later, Law's arms were both covered in shopping bags while (Name) just carried a single bag with a small bottle of medicine inside of it.
"Law, let me carry that for you. You know I can lift 1000 times my own body weight." (Name) Stated with an annoyed frown.
"I got this, I don't want you to lift even one eight of your body weight. Your-" (Name) then cut off Law before he could finish the rest of this statement. "Yeah, Yeah, I know I'm pregnant and pregnant women shouldn't be exerting themselves."
Smirking devilishly, (Name) came up with a small plan to get away from her overbearing husband.
"Hey honey, I really need to use the bathroom."(Name) said as she pretended her bladder was about to burst.
"Very well."He responded, then they headed to the closest bathroom.
Reaching down in her left sock, (Name) grabbed a screwdriver and began unscrewing the bathroom's top window.
When (Name) was finally outside of the building, she began to grin like she has been in prison for 20 years and just now escaped. She was free, she could do whatever she wanted without worrying about Law dragging her back to their room and making her stay there until the next day.
In a swift motion, (Name) unsheathed her twin katanas and blocked an attack from a familiar mask man.
"Yo... it's been a while, when was the last time we fought together."(Name)greeted, enjoying the weight and feel of her swords when fighting. "Too long and this time I will become victorious." Killer responded.
Killer and (name) have been rivals ever since their crew had first met. The 2 of them will always break into fights everytime when they see one another. But so far they're about even, most of the time their fights usually ended up in draws.
The fight soon stopped when Killer stepped away and put back his scythe blades into its case. "Hey what gives, why are you chickening out now! The fight was just about to get better." (Name) shouted.
"I'm not fighting a pregnant woman, I want to kick your ass at your best."Killer stated while pointing to her slightly rounded stomach. "Damn, I knew I should have put on more baggy clothing."(Name) thought to herself as she tried to cover her baby bump.
"You're a pirate, why should you even care? Pirates do whatever they want."(Name) exclaimed while pouting slightly.
"I may be a pirate but I'm still a man who doesn't like fighting weak women." Was all he said before walking away.
"I'm not weak...fight me, please! Law won't even let me hold a fork. Please, I'm only on my 16 week."(Name)whined as she tugged onto Killer's shirt.
"No, and you look alot more further along than that."Killer retorted which made (Name) gasp loudly of being called fat.
Before Killer had any time to dodge, (Name) kicked him square in the balls which made him groan in pain.
"Meanie!" (Name) spat out before taking off into the forest nearby with small tears running down her face.
"Ouch!"He groaned loudly, laying on the ground while holding his sore nuts.
Law was pissed. But mostly Law was extremely worried. He couldn't find his wife anywhere, but what really worries him is that the Kid Pirate's ship has been spotted as well.
What if the Kid Pirates took advantage of his wife's current state or even worse killed her on the spot.
No matter how much observation Haki Law uses, he didn't have any lead on where his wife is.
"Captain, we know where she is." Penguin reported.
"Yeah, Killer from the Kid Pirates told us she kicked him in the nuts and went into the forest,"Shachi added.
"And why did she kick him in the nuts, (Name) doesn't usually use low blows?"Law stated with a raised eyebrow.
"Well,"Penguin started off while scratching the back of his head.
"He kinda called her fat." Shachi answered.
In a blink of an eye, Law called forth his room and teleported himself into the forest. Without even trying, Law hears small whimpers coming from the top of a tree so he looks up and sees the person he was looking for all day.
"(Name!)Law called out his wife's name.
"Go away!" She screamed then resumed crying again.
"No, I know I've been a little too clingy lately, but it's only because I want the best for you and our future kid as well. And to be fair, I don't really blame you for running away from me, so that is why I promise you I will try my best to give you your space."Law promised as he kneeled down.
(Name) stopped crying and looked at her husband.
"Okay, I'm coming down now."(Name) responded as she started climbing down onto one branch after another.
She gasps when one branch snaps from her weight and she begins to fall, face first into a painfull fall, and Law swears his heart stops for 5 seconds as his throat hitchs.
"Room, shambles!"
When his wife's stomach was only inches away from hitting the hard ground, she instantly appeared in Law's arms.
"Law, I'm sorr-"(Name) whispered her husband's name.
"That was way too close." He then looked and touched her baby bump gently.
"You're never ever leaving my sight until that baby is out of you. That's an order." Was all he said as he started walking back to the sub with his wife in his arms.
(Name) found herself laying flat on her back in the medical bay as Law prepared the new ultrasound equipment.
"Damn, that's cold." She hissed when the clear gel made contact with her stomach.
"Sorry," he apologised half-heartedly.
"Usually I would just use my scanning ability, but I think it would be a lot more useful to check in like this."Law stated then he turned on the monitor. He moved the device around her stomach slowly with his eyes on the screen, instantly stopped when he saw a gray blob in the middle.
"There's our child."He pointed to the blob.
As (Name) looked closer at the screen, she cock an eyebrow when another blob had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Honey, why are there 2 of them?"(Name) stated while pointing where the 2 blobs were located.
"You're just seeing things, there is no-"Law stopped himself when indeed there were more than 1 blob. "We're having twins."Law whispered so softly that (Name) had to ask him to repeat himself.
"We're having twins. Yes,! Now you don't have to get pregnant again."Law said again as his wife just stood there in shock, not knowing how to process the new information.
"Wait, you're not satisfied with one kid." (Name) yelled at her husband in which he only nodded.
"Great. I already get smothered enough with one baby, I'm sure it's gonna get worse."
"It's now double," his lips formed into a smirk. "For now you're going to have daily instead of weekly check ups. And you're no longer allowed to practice swordsmanship with real swords anymore."
"Excuse me? No way, I've been holding swords since I was only 5 years old, you can't do that." She sat up sharply.
"You lost all of your rights when you started carrying precious cargo. Now you must be twice careful with our little ones." He brushed his fingers against her stomach before kissing it gently.
The more (Name-s) belly got bigger and bigger, the more cautious everyone, especially Law became. In only her 30 weeks of pregnancy, (Name) already looks like she could give birth any day now.
The Heart Pirates were currently docked on a winter island while (Name) only watched from a sideline.
"But Law, I want to play in the snow like everyone else. Please, I've been cooped up in this submarine for far too long."(Name) begged while giving Law the puppy eye look.
"Fine, but you need to bundle up."Law exclaimed.
6 layers of thick clothing later, (Name) walked off the Polar tang's deck with Law right next to her side.
Working on her snow fort for about 30 minutes, (Name) started to feel a sneeze coming along and tried her best to hold it in.
"Achoo!" She then covered her mouth, in hopes Law didn't hear it.
She sighs and doesn't even put up a fight when Law's room incases her, and teleports her into his arms.
"You're going back to the sub, I knew it was a bad idea to let you play in the snow."Law stated flatly.
And once again (Name) was laying flat on her back as she watched Law move the ultrasound equipment around her stomach for the fourth time this week.
"Is this really necessary?"(Name) questioned while pouting.
"Yes, unless you don't want our babies to be healthy. You're now forbidden to leave our bed until your cold has subsided. If you break any of those rules then I will bind you to the bed until your pregnancy has ended. Do I make myself clear?" Law questioned which only made (name) stick out her tongue.
"You 2 need to get out of mommy soon because I can't take another minute with your daddy."(Name) talk and rub to her rounded stomach when Law left the room.
2 weeks later and (Name) Was finally on her last trimester of pregnancy. "Law!" (Name) shouted his name loudly.
"Yes my darling, is there something you need." Law responded as he headed toward where his wife was currently sitting down.
"The babies are kicking, they're kicking again."(Name) said excitedly then grab's Law's hand to guide him where the kicking was happening.
Then the day when his children would be born.
(Name) woke up in the middle of the night when she felt a warm wet substance in between her legs and soon realized her water just broke.
"Law...Law." She shakes her husband awake.
"Yeah, what is it?" He muttered as he tried to rub away the sleep from his eyes.
"My water just broke."She then yelled in agony after she felt a contraction.
"Shit?!" Law then quickly moves to her side to help her into the wheelchair he had laying by for this day. "Bepo, round up the medical squad, it's time." Law shouted through a den den mushi.
"Whatt, I thought she wasn't due for at least another couple weeks." Bepo shouted.
"Well, the kids have decided to come now!" Law stated.
12 hours of shouting and a lot of pushing later, the first one came out.
"She's a beautiful girl!" Law said before handing the bundle of joy to Bepo.
"Come on just one more push." Law said then he could see the head of the baby.
"It's a handsome boy," Law said before handing the other baby to Penguin's arms.
"Law, what should we name them?"(Name) asked as she panted for air.
"Rosey for our baby girl and Corazon for our baby boy." Law answered, then placed a sweet and tender kiss on his wife's forehead.
"You need rest now, I will take care of them in the meantime."
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nonadjacent · 2 years
stupidly long ahh analysis of ONE 10 from someone who literally just woke up
[real analysis starts below, but before that, a small intro]
i should be preparing to go somewhere right now but who cares i literally woke up, watched ONE 10, and finished the episode crying /srs
literally if you want me to cry literally put any episode of ONE, especially after episode 6 and those tears are going to turn into waterfalls😎
fr i don’t even know why but ONE episodes make me sappy and ONE 10, holy crap i was nervous waking up, now i’m sobbing
anyway, analysis time because ONE 10 woke me up
what do we know about before the episode?
ONE 9 leaves us with Liam being out of the plane. He was gone for not 5 years, as some theories say; he was gone for 7 months. When Soda Bottle came back is something we do not know. With literally nothing left for him in San Francisco, he decides to go to Bridgeport where Soda Bottle is. No name for Soda Bottle has still been confirmed. Most importantly, Liam is left with sticky notes from Stone that they shoved into him (please do not take it out of context /j),  in which these sticky notes contain some code, preferably coordinates of some sort. (may be wrong looking at it now; think about it, would it make sense for a coordinate with a whole ass string of numbers with 1 decimal point?)  
what's new based on the episode?
ONE 10 mostly shows Liam’s journey from San Francisco to Bridgeport. It wasn’t a straight up long trip, he made stops in hostels along the way from the looks of it. From the scenes, the travel took around a week as Liam mentions. It almost was not worth it, since Liam was not greeted openly by Soda Bottle, shutting the door on him as he arrives. In a fit of rage, Liam explains that by having the talk with him may solve the unsolved with the plane. After multiple attempts to get SB to talk to him and leaving and coming back multiple times, after SB asks if “she’s” here, to which Liam answers “no” to, SB finally opens the door on him.
what details from the episode can be noticed?
“Rattlepate” from the title of the episode means someone who is a rattlebrain, thoughtlessly talkative. (Merriam-Webster, n.d.)
Soda Bottle has an incredibly instant change in expression as he sees Liam in front of him. After which, he is trembling, probably in fear. (trauma from the plane?)
We get new sticky notes, one being a drawing of a smokestack, another being an encircled “5″, and another being a laptop on a table with the word “silva” on it (preferably a password of sorts? if we base on language, it means a forest or woodland of sorts)
The more Liam talks, the more impatient he gets. He even explains he literally has nothing all for SB to continue ignoring him.
Time is confusing. Liam claims they were taken in February 10th and were stuck there for 224 days, meaning he came back September 8th and got to SB on the 15th: seven whole months. However, from one line in Liam’s fit of rage, he says after SB got eliminated, Airy dipped for also 7 months. It’s not sure whether that 7 months is in plane time, because it obviously does not make sense in real life.
Liam takes upon, what, how Amelia/Scenty confronts people? Notice how his fit of rage is similar and/or parallel to Amelia’s angry fits of rage towards Airy, especially in ONE 4.
This isn’t a super important detail, I saw Liam cry in the elevator and honestly same
Every noted timeskip in the episode had something to do with 10. “10 minutes later,” “10 hours later,” so on. (Not safe to assume even his roadtrip lasted 10 days, but it does fall within a week) (after rewatching ONE 8, even the small timeskip was 10 minutes I’m mildly convinced that that one was a coincidence but hmm)
Soda Bottle had to ask, “is she still there?”, referencing Amelia. Instinct-wise and semi-jokingly, I’d think he’s either intimidated or scared of Amelia. Come to think of it, both of them have not had a good one-on-one aside from in ONE 1.
Anytime Airy is no longer sorta “loud” to the flow of Liam’s life, there is no intro (y’know the opposite of endtro the intro song literally has no name and isn’t in the one soundtrack-). Notice in ONE 9, where Liam is eliminated, there is no intro screen nor intro music at all. Here, in ONE 10, the intro is no more, but the outro is completely different. (I don’t know if this was just all “oh haha new season new outro babey” but I’m still skeptic)
i spent a good hour writing this holy shit
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literaila · 4 years
tear me apart
spencer reid x reader
request: Omg hi! Could you write a BAU x reader based on the episode 23, season 7 “hit”. Where the reader is inside the bank while the robbery happens and tries to protect Will? I’m in love with your blog and would really love to read this! ♄
warnings: mentions of guns, mentions of blood, bullet wounds, angsty, robbery, a little bit of fluff 
oh and also I changed basically all of the plot. and skipped the second episode. its basically the same though!
It was an important day. 
The moment Y/N opened her eyes she knew that. 
She could feel it in the air, could feel it in the arm that was resting around her waist, in the warm breath on her neck, in the way she could feel the warmth radiating from his body, in the soft kisses she knew would be coming as soon as he woke up. 
It was a very important day. 
Y/N smiled and cuddled in closer to him, his warmth was intoxicating and she was always so cold. 
She loved important days. Loved how Spencer never forgot how important they were to her, loved how they both always took the days off, how they both just spent the day together because they deserved it, loved how it was always their secret little bubble that no one else was allowed in. She loved that Spencer loved them just as much as she did. She loved everything about them. 
And today was one of them. 
She could practically feel the butterflies in her stomach flying around, gliding in different directions, and moving her insides around. She wasn't particularly fond of the feeling, but it was a nice reminder of just how much Spencer affected her. 
She laid there for a long time, just listening to him breathing, feeling his chest rise and fall against her back. It was a lovely feeling. It almost made her never want to get up. 
When she finally felt his breathing change, when she could tell that he was about to get up when the clock struck 9:30 and like a child on Christmas that couldn't wait any longer, she jumped up out of bed, hoping that the loss of her presence would be enough to wake him up. 
She rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth before he could catch her. If they wanted to get on with their day together, she would have to finish the few tasks she had left on her to-do list. And then she could spend all day with him. 
With just him. 
The butterflies fluttered around her stomach some more. 
She was standing in front of the mirror, still brushing her teeth when Spencer walked into their bathroom. His eyes were still tired, and he was still slouched from sleep. But he was smiling. Y/N grinned and pretended not to notice him in the mirror. 
His eyes were soft as he leaned against the wall, he knew she knew he was there, but it was nice to stare at her. Just a moment with no interrupts. A moment meant just for staring. 
She turned around and raised an eyebrow at him. Her lips were turned up in a half-smile. Spencer raised his hands innocently and smiled back at her. 
“Good morning,” he said as he walked over to her, decreasing the amount of space between them significantly, and resting his hands around her waist. She tried to talk with toothpaste still in her mouth but, eventually sighed and gave up, and turned away from him and his warmth while he laughed at her. 
When she turned around she felt amazed by the smile on his face. It was one she didn't get to see often, one he kept hidden away for days just like this. She briefly thought that it was her favorite smile of his. 
She moved her hands up and intertwined them around his neck. She felt him pull her in, could feel his smile against her back. It was contagious. 
They stood there for a minute, holding each other and smiling. 
And then Y/N untangled her hands from around him and walked out of the bathroom. She laughed as he protested, hurrying into their closet so she could get dressed. 
Spencer, already knowing what she was doing, whined “Why are you getting dressed?” as he watched her grab a shirt from off its hanger. 
She looked over to him and gave him a teasing smile. “I have an errand to run,” she answered, moving to get some jeans. 
Spencer grabbed her wrist before she could reach them. “Don't you know what day it is?” he asked with a pout, his eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. 
“Of course I know what day it is.” she snorted, gently removing herself from his grasp as she continued to get dressed. 
“Then why are you leaving?” 
“Because I have to get something done,” she said as if it was that simple as if he would just nod and send her off. 
” he whined, moving in front of her so she couldn't walk away from him. 
“Spencer, it'll only take an hour,” she said softly, reaching up on her tiptoes to peck him on the forehead, and then moving past him towards the door. 
He followed after her as she slipped on her shoes and grabbed her bag. He was giving her a death stare as she continued to get ready to get out of the door. It was an important day. She shouldn't leave. 
“Spencer” she laughed looking up at him and grabbing his face between her hands softly. “We have the rest of the day. I’ll be back.” 
He just frowned at her, not saying anything, upset at her actions. 
She tried not to grin at him. 
Y/N pulled him closer and pecked his lips, once, twice, three times, and then he was pulling her in closer, removing the distance between them and glued their lips together. They stood in their doorway, and Spencer refused to let her go, refused to let her leave on a day like this one, refused to let her leave. Even when she tried to pull away he kept her stuck to him. 
Though it wasn't as if she was using all of her strength, her efforts to break away from him were futile as they both knew neither of them wanted to let go. 
Eventually, she built up enough resolve to actually pull herself away from him. 
She couldn't stop the smile from taking over her face. “I’ll be back sweetheart,” she said sweetly, and while Spencer tried not to, her smile was too infectious not to smile back. 
She kissed him one more time. Just for a moment. 
“Happy Anniversary,” she whispered against his lips. 
And then she was walking out the door before Spencer could protest. 
Spencer woke up to the sound of gunshots. 
Y/N had been gone a while. 
When she had left, he let the disappointment boil in his stomach, let himself be upset for a moment, before he thought of her words, of her soft kisses, of the way she was holding him only a couple of minutes ago. He thought about her for a moment, and his disappointment faded into anticipation. He couldn't wait to spend the day with her. 
But it was agony to wait. 
So, he had decided to try to go back to sleep, although he wasn't tired, and he was wide awake, sleeping would be a good way to pass the time. So he walked himself back to bed lazily, and while he’d been doubting that he’d actually be able to go back to bed, he’d fallen asleep much quicker than expected. 
And then he was startled awake by the loud bolt in his air. 
Immediately he looked up, his instincts kicking in, his eyes bolted around the room, trying to find the source of the loud noise. And after a moment of searching, he looked down at his bedside table and saw it was just his phone buzzing. 
Not gunshots. 
While he was relieved, his face turned sour when he saw the same on his phone. JJ. JJ meant that something was going on. JJ meant that there was a case, meant that Spencer wasn't going to get his perfect day with Y/N, that he wasn't going to get any time to himself on his day off. It meant that they had to go into work. 
He sighed and answered the call. 
“Hey Spencer, we’ve got a bank robbery. Hotch wants us to come in.” JJ listed off quickly, ignoring the fact that Spencer hadn't even greeted her. 
“A bank robbery? Why are we-” 
“I’ll send you the address.” She said, and with a click of the phone, JJ was gone. 
And Spencer had work. On their anniversary. 
It was their anniversary. It was the anniversary. It was the anniversary of the day they’d first met, of the day they’d both caught each other's eye.
It had been three years. 
Not long enough. 
The memory, that seemed so far away, still hadn't faded. Spencer could still smell the warm vanilla scent in the air, could still feel the cold air brushing against his neck, could still feel the rumbling of the voices around him. He could pinpoint everything that had happened, could remember exactly how it was. They’d met at a farmers market. A place that was completely unrelated to work, a place where they’d both seen each other for the first time, a place where they’d thought they’d never see each other again. 
Spencer could still see the light in her eyes, could still see the innocent way she walked around, looking for something. He thought about what she had told him a year after that day, a year later when they’d met officially through work, and had developed a fondness for each other. She told him that he’d seemed brighter than everyone else, that she’d watched him for a while before she left, that she was trying to commit him to memory so she wouldn't forget the light coming off of him. She’d told him that on their first anniversary. 
The memories that Spencer held of Y/N would never fade. 
And it was only their third anniversary, it was only three years together. 
Spencer smiled slightly. Let himself dream of her for a moment, dream of the day they could’ve had together. He let himself drift off for just a minute. 
And then he was back in reality. 
And there was a bank he had to get to. 
He pretended he didn't still hear the ringing of a gunshot in the air. 
There was no gunshot. 
Colonial Liberty Bank. 
Three robbers, one murder, lots of hostages. 
Seven bank robberies in seven months. 
Spencer was the first one on the scene, his teammates quickly followed, JJ being the last one there. As soon as he saw her run into Will’s arm, and rush to ask him if he was okay, Spencer understood why she had been so rushed on the phone, and why it was important that they were there. 
The robbers had killed 7 people before this robbery but had always been classified as robbers before murderers. Now, it was clear that there was something else going on. 
“No one kills 7 people without serious psychopathic tendencies,” Spencer noted as Hotch explained the circumstances. 
There were two men and a woman, they were being called the “Face Cards”, and no one knew what they were willing to risk to get out. 
There were too many hostages. 
Will explained what had happened when he and his partner had responded to the call when they’d showed up and tried to come up with a plan to get inside the building without anyone getting hurt when his partner had died from a bullet in the head. He explained how they were just getting out, how if he’d been a minute later they would’ve been gone. He told them about the man he had shot. 
There wasn't enough information yet. 
Y/N still hadn't shown up. No one had pointed it out yet, but Spencer had noticed. He wondered where she had gone, how far away she was, how soon she would be there. 
He chose not to say anything. She would be there soon. She was probably five minutes away. Probably. 
Working outside gave the robbers an advantage. Working outside meant that Garica had limited resources, that more people could get hurt, that they had to make do with what they could bring to the scene. 
The team walked into the truck Garcia was working out of, it held screens displaying the surveillance cameras in the bank. All of them watched as the female looked around, scoured around every part of the bank. They could all see the two males on the floor, one of them hunched over, holding his chest. That must have been the one that had gotten shot. 
It was strange that they hadn't cut the videos. It meant that there was something they wanted the police to see. None of them could figure out what. 
“They’re overconfident. Arrogant, even.” JJ said. 
“The face card masks add to their narcissism. Their personas are the royalty of poker.” Spencer listed off, as he messed with his phone, texting Y/N again, hoping she would answer this time. 
“JJ, Reid, and Prentiss look at past robberies, that's going to be our victimology. Pull another analyst if you need to. Dave, I want you to hand negotiations. And Morgan, strategize tactical options with the MPD.” Hotch reported back to them, they all gave one last look to the cameras, checked to make sure nothing else had happened, and then they walked away, ready to get to work. 
Spencer walked out of the truck with his head held down, staring at his phone, typing incessantly. When he knocked into another body he looked up startled, his eyes struggled on the figure beside him. 
“Chief Strauss,” he said, clearing his throat, and continued walking away. 
There was nothing he could do until he got back to the BAU, and while he had the time he was going to find out where Y/N was. 
Before he got into the car, he heard a voice say his name behind him. 
“Hey, Kid!” Morgan shouted, stopping Spencer before he could leave. Spencer looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “Have you seen Y/N?” Morgan asked, finally noticing that she wasn't there with them. 
Spencer sighed and looked down at his phone. He hoped he would see the three little dots, see her typing, just so she could tell him that she was stuck in traffic, that her car had broken down, just so she could tell him there was a reason she wasn't there. 
He frowned and looked back at Derek, his eyes squinting at the sun. “No, I haven't heard from her.” 
Derek looked at him doubtfully and noticed the way Spencer's eyes were worried, frightened at the prospect that she wasn't with him. “I’m sure she's fine kid.” Derek reminded him, not wanting Spencer to be distracted while they were working. 
Spencer nodded. Derek was probably right. She was fine. She was fine. He nodded once more than got in the car. 
She was fine. She would be there soon. 
“I’ll be right back.” the King whispered quietly. “Who the hell is this?” he answered, picking up the phone. 
Her heart was beating too loudly. 
“My name is David Rossi. I’m with the FBI. To whom am I speaking?” There was a slight murmur of the phone. But she couldn't hear what they were saying. 
“Alright. I want a doctor sent in, and then I want out of here.” The King answered, waving his gun around angrily. 
She looked over to see the Queen purse her lips, her eyes suddenly getting hard. Her body language was much more closed off than the other two. 
High demands, she thought. 
“Well, we certainly can discuss that. Let the hostages go and we’ll give you all the medical help you need.” 
The other man on the floor coughed, blood escaping from his lips. She knew that if they didn't send in help soon he would die, and there was a chance the rest of them would too. 
She looked at the faces around her, all of them panicked and shocked. Some of them seemed as if they were in denial as if they couldn't believe something like this was actually happening to them. The most present feeling in the room though was tension. She could feel it between every emotional tie that laid between the hostages, she could feel it in their petrified faces, in the way the Queen was pacing the room, in the way the King didn't seem to notice.  
There were children in the room, she knew that even their innocence wouldn't save them. 
The King suddenly started laughing. “I can't do that. I need the leverage,” he said, a threatening tone to his voice. 
“How about a sign of good faith? Send out the women and children and I’ll see what I can do.” the voice on the phone had gotten louder, and while she still couldn't make out the words, she knew that they were probably demanding for the women and children to be sent out. That was what her team would ask for. 
The King looked directly at her in disbelief. And while she knew that he didn't know, that he had no clue, she was still scared that something was going to happen. She didn't want him to look at her. 
“He's trying to negotiate.” The king said, now looking at the queen. 
“Negotiate?” she said in disgust. She noted how the Queen's stance hadn't changed even when the King was talking to her. She noted how there didn't seem to be a connection between them. “We’re not playing games.” 
She didn't like the tone in the Queen's voice. She didn't like the way she was looking around the room. She didn't know what to do. 
She watched as the Queen forcibly moved a little girl away from her father. She listened to the little girl begging, to her Father pleading with the Queen. 
She could feel her blood rushing, could feel her head clouding with rage, could feel herself reaching for a gun she hadn't brought with her. She shouldn't need her gun. 
What could she do? 
“Either we get what we want, or everyone in this room dies.” 
She looked around at all the people, looked at the King, feeling desperate, hoping that he would disagree with the Queen, that he had some morals, and had some sense of humanity. But all she was met with was a King who was nodding his head, holding up the phone so that the person on the other line could hear. 
No no no. 
“Do that and you get nothing.”
No no no. 
And there was nothing she could do. She only listened as the Father begged the Queen to trade himself for his daughter, only listened as there was a gunshot. 
A cry of a little girl. 
“You better send in some help, or more people are going to die.”
“Sir I found a thing. See, I took height and weight measurements and I crossed them with known related offenders who specialize in bank jobs-” 
“Show me.” Hotch interrupted, too busy to try to understand anything Garcia was saying. 
“Yes. These are brothers, Chris and Oliver Stratton. They are petty thieves from Philly, turned bank robbers in New Jersey.” Garcia said, her typing insistently in the background. “They were put into jail for two years after an attempted heist went sour, and they were released two months before the first Face Card robbery, and their measurements are a match.” 
Strauss suddenly spoke up, watching Garcia look through their files. “Why didn't the NCIC database connect them?” 
“Because the brothers have never used a third partner, and shooting people is not part of their M.O.” 
“Looks like they were not very successful criminals,” Hotch said.
“Maybe adding a woman to their team improved their game.” 
And then suddenly Garcia gasped. 
She stopped typing. Both Hotch and Strauss looked over to her, confused. 
“S-sir?” she stumbled out, her mouth going numb. 
And she was staring at the screen, staring at the girl on the screen, at the girl she knew so very well. 
They were all staring at her. 
“Reid?” Emily asked for the third time, trying to get Spencer out of his daydream. 
He wasn't paying attention. 
She still hadn't answered. She still hadn't even read his text messages. This wasn't like her. This wasn't something she would do. 
Where was she? 
“Sorry,” he cleared his throat and shook his head. Morgan said she was fine. She was fine. He had a job to do. “The women chose a different type of victim each time. It's not just the security guard. It's been a mother, a manager, and a young child-” 
“You can't tell Reid.” Derek insisted. 
“No. He was freaked out earlier. He can't know about this right now, not when he's trying to help Emily and JJ.” He continued. Spencer couldn't know. If he didn't, there would be nothing he could do. 
“We can't just keep it a secret,” Hotch said sternly. 
“Hotch. He can't know.” 
They still hadn't sent in a medic. It was going to be too late. 
She didn't want to think about what would happen if it was too late. Without the Jack, there was no telling what the King would do. 
Olly. She committed his name to memory. It might help later. 
The Queen was still pacing, still waving her gun at every person, still trying to scare all of them even though there wasn't any chance of any of them trying to escape. The Queen looked more and more irritated by the minute. 
She hoped the Queen wouldn't shoot someone again. She hoped they would send in a Medic. 
The phone started ringing. 
“Why hasn't anyone come in yet?” The King said desperately, but he didn't sound angry this time, he just sounded like he wanted to get the Jack out of there. She wondered why they were so close, what was so special about their relationship? 
“We’re sending in the Medic now Chris. Tell Oliver help is on the way.” 
“Hurry.” The King said, slamming the phone back down. “They know our names.” the King announced to the Queen, calmer than she would’ve expected. 
She wondered when they were going to make her go stand with the rest of the people, why they hadn't forced her off of the ground, why she was still allowed to sit. She wondered if they knew who she was. 
She told herself not to think about it. 
The Queen took her mask off, set it down on a counter close by. She tried to commit the Queens features to memory. “Not all our names.” The Queen said arrogantly, moving a couple of steps forward. 
She wondered what the Queen was doing. Why she was so confident in herself. She watched her put on lipstick, it looked like she was performing a show. 
She looked up and saw the cameras. 
There were cameras. 
The cameras were still on. 
If the camera were still on that meant someone knew she was there. That meant someone was watching. Someone was watching them. 
Why did they leave the cameras on? 
She hadn't been paying enough attention to see the medic walk in. 
But she did start paying attention when the King started yelling. 
“No! No! No!” he said as the Jack started choking. “Get over here!” The King pointed his gun at the medic, and stood up, as to make himself seem taller. 
She had a bad feeling in her stomach, had a bad feeling filling her chest. This wasn't good. Something was wrong. 
She watched as the medic started performing CPR, watched as he pumped the Jack’s chest, but she knew that he was dead, and so did the medic. She watched as the medic leaned down to listen to the Jack's breath, but she saw how he paused. 
Like he was being told what to do. 
And the King saw it too. 
And then there were more gunshots. 
“No, I just want you to buy us a little time. Don't be quite so efficient.” Hotch said. He needed time. They all needed time. She needed time. 
“Whatever you’re gonna do, do it fast,” Strauss said and walked away. 
Hotch sighed in relief. Just some time. 
“Alright, reasoning with them is still our best option.” He told Rossi, ignoring the panic in his chest, in the thought of keeping secrets, of one of his agents still in there. 
“That’ll be difficult, Chris just lost his brother and murdered someone in retaliation. We’re dealing with two killers now.” 
It wasn't as if they hadn't dealt with situations like this before. They had. They did it practically every day of their lives. But what could they do with her in there, how could they send an order they knew could end lives when she was in there? 
How could they not tell Spencer? 
The next phone call was different. 
Things were already so tense. The King and Queen seemed to be fighting each other, proving to the other that they were in charge. And the Jack was dead. The King was upset and threatened to kill everyone. 
They wanted a way out, they wanted to leave the country. They’d told that to the negotiators. 
She knew it wouldn't be long until they got their wish. 
Her instincts were telling her that she couldn't let them go, that they deserved to rot in jail, that they didn't deserve to leave the country. 
But the other part of her. 
The part that was being kept hostage. 
That part was begging the police to let them go, to get them out of there so that no one else got hurt. So she could stop feeling so helpless, so alone, so cold, in a bank she wished she’d never gone to. It was begging them to get her out of there, get her home, get her warm. She didn't want to feel guilty for the lives that had been lost anymore. She wanted to go home. 
It wouldn't be long. 
But the phone call was different. 
She couldn't hear anything the negotiator was saying, could barely hear the King talking, but she knew that he was upset. She knew that the negotiator was saying something the King didn't like. 
“You’re lying.” the King said suddenly, turning around to look at the Queen, his face was confused, and for a moment she felt bad for him. 
She shouldn't. He’d murdered that man. 
“Did you call the police?” he asked, nodding at the Queen. His body was tense, but his face didn't look threatening. 
The Queen giggled. It was the first time she’d heard her laugh. It sounded wrong. 
“Is that what they’re telling you?” the Queen asked, and she could see her body language change, she was tenser like she was trying to hide something. 
She was trying to hide something. 
“Of course not. What do you think? They’re trying to turn us against one another.”
“Why would you even do that? Olly’s dead because of that.” The King looked disgusted. He looked like he’d given up. There was no power in his voice, no anger in his body. He looked exhausted. 
“I wouldn't. I’m trapped here too.” the Queen said, stepping toward the King, insistent. 
And then the King changed. 
“Are you lying to me?” he accused, suddenly angry, suddenly full of emotion. His muscles were tense as he raised his gun to point it at her. 
The Queen didn't back down. “We’ve come too far for you to start doubting me now. Lost too much.” she took a step forward. “Hey,” she said, her voice softer, more like a girl now. “Hey..” she said again, pointing the gun away from her chest and moving toward the king. “Don't let them tear us apart. Right as we’re about to win,” she whispered, running her hands over his face. “If you do that, Olly’s death won't mean anything.” 
The King paused, stumbling over his words, staring at the Queen. 
She’d tricked him. 
“Enough. I’m done talking to you. I want to talk to someone who won't jerk me around, face to face.” the King said into the phone. 
“No more Feds.” the Queen confirmed. 
“I want to talk to the cop that shot my brother.” The King turned away from the Queen, suddenly angry again. 
He hung up the phone.
It was minutes later. Another man had died. 
The King was furious. He was going to kill someone else every minute the cop didn't come in. 
He was going to kill someone else. 
She had to do something. 
He was walking around. He was looking for the next victim. 
She couldn't breathe. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know how she could stop him and stop the Queen. She knew it wouldn't matter to the Queen if he was dead. She didn't know what to do. 
He walked around, his legs were right next to where she was sitting down. 
” he said looking at all the terrified people that were standing there. 
He was pacing back and forth, walking past her, walking past her. 
She could feel the panic rise up her throat, could feel the bile that came with it. 
She didn't know what to do. 
He stopped in front of her. 
She was the next victim. 
The team watched as he pulled another girl up. They watched while Will got ready to go in, got ready to go save them. JJ was standing next to him, looking terrified, begging him not to go in. She couldn't lose him, she didn't care about anything else, she wasn't going to lose him. It was too dangerous, it was much too dangerous, she wouldn't let him. 
They watched as the King grabbed a girl by her collar, forcing her to stand up. 
Their hearts stopped. 
“Hotch,” Spencer said. He said, and he wasn't breathing anymore. He dropped his phone and he wasn't breathing. 
She was in there. She was on the screen. She was standing there with the King right in front of his eyes. 
Y/N was there. She was there. The King was going to kill her, she was going to die, she was going to be dead. 
“That's Y/N,” Spencer said, his voice shaking, his hands struggling to move, struggling to get a hold on his body. She was in there, he’d been calling her this whole time, and she’d been in there with them. She was in there. He couldn't breathe. 
“We have to get her out. Hotch!” He said turning around to face his boss, “We have to get her out of there! We can't just- just- leave her.” 
Hotch was looking at the boy in front of him. He had a crazed look in his eyes, a frightening stance to his body, he was looking at the boy and he wished he had told Spencer earlier. 
“Kid, we can't go in there. Everyone will die.” Morgan said, grabbing Spencer's shoulder, trying to keep him from freaking out, taking over for Hotch who didn't know what to do. 
No one had told him. Everyone else had known. No one looked surprised. No one had told him. 
He looked back to the screen, looked back to see the girl he loved at the hands of a murderer, looked to see her face which was terrified, her body which seemed to be crumbling. She was grabbing onto her chest like she was trying to keep herself together. She was in there with him, she was going to die. 
“I’m going in.” He said, and he moved past all the people, all his teammates who were all staring at him. 
“Reid,” Hotch said, following after him. 
“I have to get her. I can't just let her die.” 
“Reid,” Hotch said again, more sternly this time. 
“No! No!” he said, throwing his hands up as to keep Hotch away. “I will not let her die! She cant die Hotch she can't die she cant.” He said. 
And as Hotch held him back with the help of Derek, JJ was struggling in Rossi’s arms. She was screaming and crying and Spencer couldn't pay attention to her. He couldn't feel anything but the panic in his chest, but the anger that was boiling in his stomach. He could feel himself tearing apart, his body was made of nothing but paper without her, he needed to get her, he just needed to go get her, she needed him, he needed to go get her. 
He couldn't watch her die. 
He couldn't. 
He didn't notice JJ screaming. Didn't notice Will walking in, didn't notice anything.
He was tearing in half. 
She was in there. 
She struggled in his arms. She struggled to try to get away, to get herself another chance, to figure out a way to live. 
He was dragging her towards the phone.
“Pick it up.” He said and pushed her towards it. 
Her hands were shaking, her heart was pounding, and she had no idea how she had managed to keep the bile in her mouth. She should’ve puked by now. 
She shook her head. She wasn't going to submit to him. 
“Pick it up!” 
And she did this time. She didn't want anyone else to die. She was smarter than this. She was. 
“Tell him your name.” 
“It's Y/N,” she whispered. 
And she wasn't prepared for the voice to be so familiar. 
“Y/N. We’re coming. You’ll be fine kiddo.” Rossi said, wincing at the sound of her voice. She sounded so small, so unlike the girl he knew. 
“Rossi?” she whispered again, this time with surprise. 
“We’ve got you, kid,” he said. 
She could feel the tears running down her cheeks, and she didn't want to hope, she didn't want to let herself hope for anything, because she knew how these things usually turned out. She knew she had a limited amount of time before he would shoot her. 
But her family was there. 
Her family.
“Tell Spencer I love him,” she whispered to Rossi, a shiver running through her bones. She was so cold. She was too cold. She didn't know how a person could be this cold. 
She whispered out her last words knowing that her time was up. Knowing that this was it. These were the last words she needed to say. 
For him. 
The King raised his gun up, ready to shoot her, and she was wincing, ready to hear the gun go off, ready to delve into darkness. She was going to die ice cold. She was freezing. Maybe it would be quick. 
And he was about to shoot. 
When the Queen said, “look.” 
Will was walking in. Will was walking into the bank. Will was here. He had shot the King's brother. Will. 
“Let these people go,” Will said to the King, giving a side glance to Y/N.
She wasn't dead yet. She hadn't died just then. Will was here. 
How could she still be alive? How could she still breathe in air, how was she still alive, how wasn't her time up. 
Her time was supposed to be up. She should’ve been dead. She was so cold. 
She knew the King planned to kill him. She knew what was coming. How could she help?
The King let three hostages go, a mother and two children. Relief flooded through Y/N’s body. At least three lives wouldn't be lost today. Three lives that Will had just saved. How to save him?
“Hey. What's your name?” The King asked Will, stepping towards him. Y/N watched as the Queen started to take something out of her bag. 
“William Lamontagne Jr. MPD.” Will said, and his eyes looked terrified, his face was sullen, and he looked defeated. He looked ready to give up. Y/N thought about Henry, she thought about his son, about his girlfriend that was outside, she thought about all the people that were depending on him, she thought and she thought. 
And she looked to the King, she saw his finger flex over the trigger of his gun. 
She thought one more time. 
And she jumped in front of Will. 
There were two shots. One for Y/N. One for Will. 
The cameras went out. 
Spencer wasn't thinking.
He couldn't think anymore. 
He felt like he had died. Died with her. 
“Did you see where they were shot?” JJ asked, her cheeks stained with tears, her eyes red. She was doing more than Spencer. She wanted to know if they had a chance if they had made it. “Are they alive or dead Garcia?” 
Spencer already knew the answer. 
How could he not?
He was two different parts, he’d been torn apart, he was alive but he wasn't breathing, he wasn't thinking, he was alive but there was nothing, nothing he could think nothing he could feel. He was alive, but he wasn't. He was gone. He had left. He didn't know where he was. 
If she was alive he wouldn't feel like this. 
He knew she was dead. 
He couldn't think. 
“Will was wearing a vest. He might be okay.” Emily said, trying to reassure JJ, trying to do anything for her friend. 
Y/N hadn't been wearing a vest. 
“Might be.” JJ laughed without humor, she looked down and shook her head. How could this have happened to her? How could this have happened to Will?
Rossi walked into the room, he looked at all of his teammates, most of them looked miserable. He tried to ignore that. “They’re not answering,” he said, joining the group. 
JJ stood up suddenly. 
“All right, we need to get inside,” she said, moving to walk out the door. 
“JJ, it's too risky,” Derek said, grabbing her arm to stop her. He wasn't going to let another one of his friends go in there and get hurt. It wasn't worth it. “We don't have eyes in there anymore,” he said. 
” she said brokenly, desperately. She had to go in. She had to. 
Spencer, who hadn't been paying attention, had barely been breathing, suddenly stood up, and moved towards the door. “I’m going to get her,” he said, almost as if he hadn't seen what had just happened. His voice broke as he said it, clogged with the tears that he wasn't letting escape his eyes. “I’m going to get her.” he repeated as if they hadn't heard him the first time. 
Derek stopped Spencer, tried to get his friend to look at him, but Spencer wasn't paying attention. He couldn't feel anything. 
Hotch looked at him, and then looked back at JJ who still had her eyes on Hotch. 
“Let's go in,” he said. He had to do it for his family. 
Will was down on the ground. He’d been shot in the chest. Y/N was luckier. 
She’d been shot in the leg. Another man, one of the hostages that were still left over, had ordered a worker of the bank to hold pressure on Will’s injury. 
She’d been so much more fortunate than Will. 
The hostage that had helped Will, was now talking to her, helping her tie a tourniquet on her leg to stop the blood. 
“Are you a Medic?” she breathed out, as the pain in her leg paralyzed her body. She winced and opened her eyes to look at him. 
“A former United States Marine.”
It was then that Will woke up. 
He locked eyes with her, didn't say a word, he looked around and started to get up. She didn't understand what he was doing, she didn't understand why he was moving, she didn't know what was going on. 
There was something wrong with her head. Her eyes were watering and her ears were ringing. 
She couldn't hear anything. 
But she watched as Will went up to the King, watched as he started talking to him, she could tell that he was in pain, that his chest was burning, but he was still there talking to the King. She didn't know where the Queen went. 
She watched as Will explained something to him, watched as they walked away. 
Her ears were still ringing, still keeping her hostage to the ground, moving the pain up her body as her eyes went blurry. She didn't know what was so wrong with her, and she didn't know why it was getting hard to breathe. 
“Where are they going?” she stumbled out, she could barely hear herself, but she knew something was going on. 
The man next to her was explaining something and was telling her something, but her eyes were so tired, and the ringing was so loud. When the Marine next to her finally discovered that she couldn't hear him, could barely see him, he motioned to the other hostages. 
And then she was being picked up. Her eyes were burning, and her head was being stabbed by a hundred needles as she felt the person carrying her walk. She couldn't hear anything, but she trusted that she would be fine. She was going to be fine. 
The ringing was so loud. 
She was whining, and the Marine carrying her was trying to ask her questions, hoping she would be able to hear him. 
But the ringing was so loud. 
She was about to sleep about to let herself sleep when she saw something. 
She felt herself being passed over to someone new. 
“Spencer” she breathed out, opening her eyes slightly. 
And then the ringing was too much, and she fainted. 
Spencer couldn't believe the relief in his chest. He was amazed by the feeling that had flooded his body at just the sight of her, at the air that had filled his lungs, at the feeling in his brain that made everything else seem okay. 
She was alive. 
They were in the hospital now. She had taken a bullet to the leg, had a concussion, and was bruised up in multiple places. 
But she hadn't died. 
Spencer couldn't stop smiling. 
He was sitting next to her hospital bed, and he wasn't really thinking, still couldn't really believe anything. He was just listening to her heartbeat. Listening to the constant beeping of the monitor next to her. 
Her heart was beating. 
She was alive. 
Spencer felt himself get stitched up with every beep that went by, with every reminder that she was still right next to him. 
He thought about her eyes, and her smile, and her expression. He thought about the way she had smiled at him earlier that morning, before everything, thought about the kiss she had given him right before she left. He wondered if he would still feel that happy when she woke up. 
People kept coming into the room to update him on the case, told him that it had taken more work to find them after the bank had exploded, told him that Will had survived, that Emily had saved his life. 
And while he was relieved, glad that Will was okay, that no one else had died, nothing could match the feeling he felt just holding the hand of the girl he loved. 
He felt selfish but at that moment, he didn't care about anything but her, didn't care about anything except the heartbeat that still surrounded his world. He couldn't survive without her, he couldn't think about anything but her. 
He patiently waited for her to wake up. 
It took 12 hours, 12 hours of sitting next to her, sitting and watching people walk in and out of the room, 12 hours of listening to her heartbeat from the monitor, 12 hours just right next to her. 
And eventually, her eyes opened. 
And Spencer didn't say anything, he let her wake up on her own accord, let her eyes adjust to the room, let her take a moment to think about where she was. He couldn't imagine the pain she was in at that moment. 
He waited patiently for her to look at him. 
And like always, her eyes were drawn to him, her mind was pulled to his, and it only took her ten seconds to look over and see Spencer. 
And despite the pain, despite the burning of her leg, the distant ringing in the background, despite everything she had been through, she smiled at him. 
“Happy Anniversary.” she coughed out, her voice raw. 
Spencer shook his head, amused at her, dazed by the sound of her voice. It was his favorite sound in the world. 
He got up to go get her some water, not wanting her to strain the voice he was so fond of. 
“You’re alive,” he whispered when she grabbed the cup from him. He whispered it as if he still couldn't believe it, even after listening to her heartbeat, watching her for 12 hours, even after hearing her voice, he still couldn't believe it. 
She sipped the water and watched his eyes, they looked exhausted, he looked exhausted, but she could see a light in them. A light she could always see in him. She smiled at that. He was still the same person she had seen three years ago. He was the man she loved. She was still alive. 
“I promised I would be back didn't I?” she whispered, trying to get him to her look at her. 
And he did, and suddenly he was moving toward her. 
He took her face in his hands, carefully so he wouldn't hurt her, and he kissed her. He felt a different kind of relief fill his body, he felt her melt into him, felt her lips strain against his. It was so much different now, so much different after he had almost lost her, it was so different but so so perfect. 
She smiled against his lips, and like always he couldn't resist smiling back. 
He pulled back, a smile still stuck to his face, and kept his hands on the side of her face. He was in love with the smile on her face. 
“Y/N,” he whispered seriously, looking from her lips to her eyes. 
“Yes?” she whispered back. 
“You feel his girl in between my hands?” he asked, and she nodded her head in his hands, confused at his words, pouting in concentration. He smiled at her and pecked her lips to remove the pout. “I can't live without her,” he said, now desperate for her to understand. “So I need you to take care of her okay?” 
And she laughed, tears running down her face. 
They’d almost lost each other. 
He was so warm. 
She smiled.
my masterlist here
thank you so much for reading.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Remember Us - part 6
Monday surprise!
As some of you might have read from my post from yesterday, I officially finished this fic and it will have 10 parts. this was the original plan and I am glad I kept it. The idea of having many more chapters of Rowan not recognising his family was far too painful.
Chapter 9 and 10 are so sweet that they will probably give you cavities, but I just thought they deserved the best happy ending.
Also, i got very attached to Thomas and he is a great fan of his parents.
Well, I hope you will enjoy this.
Rowan had been staying at Lorcan’s while Aelin still kept her distance. It had been two weeks and they had been horrendous. She had blocked him off of her life. She was not answering his calls or texts and apparently had told Elide not to tell him anything about her. He was furious. They should be together and face such a tragic moment in their lives, together. But Aelin would not listen. He had tried everything to talk to her.
Someone knocked on the door and, since he was home alone, he went to open it.
On the other side he found Aelin. But the woman in front of him had a lifeless stare and deep shadows under her eyes. She was the ghost of his wife.
” she said in a thin voice and then broke down in heavy sob.
Rowan didn’t even think. His arms pulled her at his chest and kissed her head. The sight of an Aelin so heartbroken was a shot to his heart.
“I am sorry.” She added, hiding her face in his chest and inhaling his scent that always gave her comfort.
 I am here. I am never letting you go again, no matter how much you shout at me.” Another tender kiss “I am coming home and we’ll get through this.”
Rowan was in bed and staring at the ceiling after the dream woke him up. The Aelin from the dream was a shell compared to the version sleeping at his side. He turned his head and stared at her sleepy face and a deep part of him hoped she was fine. That the baby was fine. Because he knew for sure he didn’t want to see her again in the conditions she had been in the dream. Seeing Aelin in pain or sad hurt him.
He sighed and got off the bed and walked to the kitchen but once he got there he realised he had no idea where anything was. Aelin had said he would make pancakes but could not remember the day she had said. 
A splitting headache hit him and Rowan sat down on the sofa, head in his hands and then for a moment he felt disoriented and could not recognise his surroundings. Panic hit him. He looked up and saw a boy staring at him. He jumped up and almost fell.
“Dad.” The boy’s voice was almost tearful.
And as quickly as the moment of disorientation came, just as rapidly it went away and lucidity returned.
“Tom,” he ran to the boy and hugged him to console him as soon as he started crying. He had scared him “I am sorry I frightened you.” Thomas hugged his father and stopped crying and Rowan relaxed for an instant.
“Do you want pancakes?” He asked his son, still not letting him go.
“It’s not Saturday.” Said the boy, looking at his father in his eyes.
” said Rowan with a finger against his mouth “You can have pancakes all the time.” He lifted the boy in his arms “but you need to tell me where everything is.”
Thomas grinned and pointed to the kitchen and once in there he started pointing at the doors and Rowan finally found a pan. Then he grabbed his phone and searched for a recipe, grabbed eggs and milk from the fridge and joined Thomas back at the counter who, in the meantime, had grabbed a chair and was kneeling on it so he could follow his dad.
“Will you be my assistant?” the boy nodded eagerly.
After ten minutes he was mixing the batter making sure it was smooth as the instructions recommended.
“Ok, Tom, are you ready for the first one?”
“Pancakes,” he shouted happily and Rowan smiled. He might remember a very few things about his son but he was definitely going to cherish that moment. It didn’t matter if it had been only a day. He was already in love with the two children. He just hoped he could become a good father to them once again.
Aelin woke up and found the bed empty and for a moment she thought it had been only a dream, but as she rolled over she noticed Rowan’s side was crumpled and gently caressed his pillow. He had always been an early riser and it seemed that some things had not changed.
She sat up, grabbed her fleece from the chair and left the bed looking for Rowan.
As she exited the bedroom she heard laughter coming from the kitchen and followed the sounds and once inside she could not believe the scene. Thomas was kneeling on a chair beside Rowan trying to cook something.
“Pancakes on a Wednesday?”
Thomas turned to her “shhh mum, it’s a secret.”
Aelin walked to her son and kissed his head “good morning, my love.”
“I am helping dad with pancakes. He doesn’t remember how to make them.”
Rowan flipped one and Thomas clapped “that is mine.” He grabbed a plate and placed the pancake on it “go and sit while I make more.”
Thomas climbed down the chair and walked to the table with his plate.
Aelin moved to Rowan’s side “did you sleep well?”
Her husband nodded and hesitated for a moment wether to tell her about his episode. Then he sighed and told her what had happened and Aelin looked at him with a doctor’s eye.
“A TBI can have such effects. It can cause moments of disorientation in which the person doesn’t know where he is. It can also affect short term memory, making it difficult to learn new things or even remember things you just did.” She placed a few more pancakes in Thomas’ plate “but there are ways to help you. We can do lists, have notepads and clipboards in the house. Have a note book and note down things.” She explained going back at his side “long term memory is stored already in your brain,” and playfully patted his head “you actually haven’t lost them. They are still all there. It’s just your brain has to sort through them again. It’s very complicated and technical, but they will come back. Short term memory is another issue. Do you still feel confused?”
Rowan shook his head and passed Aelin a plate with pancakes and then grabbed the jar of Nutella “go and scoff your breakfast.”
Aelin grinned “see? You remembered I take them with Nutella.”
In that instant they heard a cry and Aelin realised Freyja had woken up. She was about to stand when Rowan stopped her “Eat,” he commanded and again she had a glimpse of past Rowan. The one who would made sure she ate.
A moment later he came back with his daughter in his arms “I think our princess wants to join the breakfast club as well.” Freyja threw her chubby arms around his neck, snuggling close to him “what does she eat?”
Aelin went to the fridge and grabbed one of her pressed meals and Rowan began feeding his daughter.
It was an hour later when Aelin was ready for work “mum should be back very soon and I am taking Thomas to the nursery. Will you be okay with Freyja for half an hour tops? I changed her and she is fed, it should be easy.”
Rowan lifted the little girl in his arms “we should be fine.” And gave her his best reassuring smile.
“You call me if you have any problems.”
Thomas went to hug his dad before following Aelin out of the door.
Once he was alone with his daughter he stood, with her still in his arms and hobbled around the living room and stared at their impressive bookcase. Freyja leaned forward and with her hands tried to grab a book “ ‘tory” she babbled.
“Do you want me to read you a story?” He asked her and the girl green eyes were fixed on him and then she nodded.
He placed her down on the carpet and turned to the library in search of a storybook for her.
“I think I— ” he turned with a book in his hands and froze. Freyja was gone. Shit.
“Freyja.” He called her, panic rising in his voice. She couldn’t have gone far. How fast could a 18 months toddler go? He took his cane and started looking around the house “Freyja?”
In that instant Evalin came back and he breathed in relief.
“Rowan, are you okay?”
He was the worst father ever “I lost Freyja. I was looking for a storybook and when I turned she was gone.” He was preparing himself from some lashing from his mother in law but the woman burst into laughter.
“She does that. Thomas has been teaching her how to play hide and seek,” the woman explained calmly walking around the house and then going to the girl’s bedroom. Rowan followed her.
Evalin lifted the blanket from the side of the bed and pointed at under her bed.
Rowan heard a faint giggle.
“I wonder where my girl is.” Said Evalin keeping up the pretence. She opened the wardrobe “no, she is not here.” Rowan observed her and then joined in “she is not in the toy box either.”
Evalin placed her hands on her hips and grinned at Rowan then crouched down “here you are.”
The little girl screamed in delight as her grandma caught her.
The three of  them went back to the living room and Evalin passed Freyja back to Rowan and went to unpack her shopping bags.
“Do you need a hand?” He offered.
“No, it’s just fruits and veggies and a few more things. I love to go down at the market in the morning and buy fresh ingredients.” She told him, “you love to go too on your day off, wake up early and also go to the fish market and get the first catch.”
Rowan sat on a chair at the big table with his daughter in his arms.
“Aelin can cook, but you are the chef of the family.”
He smiled back and gently bounced Freyja on his knee and she giggled.
“How does it feel being back home?” She asked her son in law while stashing away the groceries.
Rowan sighed “it feels good and strange at the same time.” It was hard to explain how he felt without sounding like a lunatic “Some things are starting to feel familiar. But others feel totally new and others scare me.” He confessed but the woman in front of him looked at him with tenderness “the kids for example, I feel like I love them madly already but it pains me that the memories with them are still fuzzy. I want to give them back their father.”
“And Aelin?”
Rowan sighed “I think I feel something for her. I would not call it love yet. But yesterday we kissed and it felt like the most normal thing ever.”
Evalin smiled.
“But my memories are a jumble in my head right now. I have them, they are there and I found that being at home is triggering more and more of them. I want to do this. I want us to be a family again.” He grabbed his phone and showed her the photo on his home screen. The one on the beach, all of them smiling and happy. “I want this again. I just don’t know how to get there.”
“Rowan,” Evalin walked to him once done with the groceries and sat at his side “you have been awake for a month and at home for two days.” She patted his knee “both Aelin and I think that being home will help trigger more of your memories. Look through photo albums.” She stood and opened a cabinet and took out a box which once opened he discovered it contained a lot of photo albums. “Digital is good, but you and Aelin both love to print out the photos and make scrapbooks.” She rummaged in the box for a moment and then passed him an album “start with this.”
Rowan took it and it noticed it was their wedding album “Her friend Chaol took all the photos and then Aelin made a scrapbook and added notes and comments on it. She said she did not want the usual boring wedding album.”
He opened the first page and in big colourful letter and nice calligraphy it said Buzzard & Fireheart: the beginning of an epic tale.
The second page it had a picture of the two of them in an armour, back to back and swords drawn.
“You two hired some costumes for that photo.”
Rowan laughed and kept on flipping through the photo album. It was organised like a story, with small narrating paragraphs near the photos and he read each one of them.
“You two got married on a beach, then had a gigantic barbecue for all your friends and then when night came you lit a bonfire and had your first dance as husband and wife in front of the fire. Both of you barefoot.”
Rowan smiled “it sounds like fun.”
“It was a great day.” She bounced Freyja on her lap “all the albums tell a story. You did all of them like that so when looking back you could also remember more of those moments.”
Rowan reached the page where they were standing in front of Aedion, who officiated the wedding, and he stared at Aelin. Her light blue dress was gorgeous, but he was stuck on her smile. In the photo he was looking at she has the brightest of smiles and he realised that falling for her would be so easy. She was caring, brilliant, funny and sarcastic. She had passion. She had fire.
She was his Fireheart.
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word-scribbless · 3 years
Oh baby part 8
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Wooo this one has been in the works for a while! Sorry for the delay life has been very busy! @leroyjethrogibbsgirl and I are very excited for this chapter and the next (this one had to be cut off because it was getting super long so part 9 will pick up right where this one leaves off). We also have a little extra thing in the works we’re excited about!
We’re also very excited about a new character introduced in this chapter!
Side note this chapter and the next deal with some PTSD and anxiety so if that’s a trigger just be warned.
The 3 months after Jethro and the girls were reunited were not the easiest. Both Gibbs and his little girl were having nightmares and Y/N was trying her best to pretend she wasn’t having panic attacks every morning when Gibbs left.
While difficult, it was also a very snuggle and love filled 3 months. Their little family did anything the could together. They would snuggle every night before bed, spend days off together (like usual) but they didn’t take a single second for granted.
“Hey you” Y/N greeted.
“Morning” Gibbs smiled and kissed her while scooping Amelia up off the counter.
“Making breakfast together?” Y/N asked as she smiled at the stack of pancakes. “Pancakes on a weekday?” She questioned with a smile
“Yeah, we were up. Figured we’d spend our time making momma’s favorite.”
“Momma loves CAKES! Wiff chippies” Amelia shouted as she moved to hug her mom.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at her little girl and her husband, but something in her gut told her the reason they’d been up was because they were woken up by their nightmares.
“Rough night?” Y/N whispered to Gibbs when Amelia was distracted.
“Mhm, easier for both of us to just get up.” He said and Y/N frowned.
“Please wake me up next time? She can nap and I only have 1 class this semester, you are our super hero you need sleep!”
“I know” he smiled “just needed some time with her.”
Y/N understood, and wished she would wake up when Gibbs had nightmares, because he’d never wake her up. However her own daily panic attacks took so much out of her, she slept like a rock.
“Just wish you’d let me be there for you too.”
“Ya need your sleep”
“I need to know that you’re okay.”
He just nodded and kissed her head. Truly none of them were okay, but Y/N and Gibbs knew that together they’d get there eventually.
It was quickly approaching Amelia’s 2nd birthday and they were all using that to distract them. It probably wasn’t the best idea but both Gibbs and Y/N knew if they focused on their little girl then they’d be alright.
PTSD however, doesn’t care that it’s a few days from your daughters birthday. The Gibbs family found that out one night when Y/N came home from dropping Amelia off so she and Jethro could get party supplies for the weekend. Y/N walked into the house and noticed a side table flipped, and a vase broken. A few boxes were off the shelves and maganizes off the coffee table. Y/N automatically reached for her phone to call Gibbs and panic set in when his phone rang on the couch.
She stalked slowly to the basement where she head sobs. She ran down the stairs to find her husband curled up on the floor crying with two crumpled up papers in his hand.
“Baby, hey” she cooed and kneeled next to him. She winced when he shrunk away and pulled his hand away from hers.
“Jethro, hey” she tried again. “It’s just me can- can I help?”
She heard him sniffle but he didn’t move.
“Okay I- I’m just going to sit right here. if and when you’re ready I’ll be here. If you want me to go just tap my hand once.” She said, trying to keep her voice even. She wasn’t new to panic attacks at all of course.
She knew that with Gibbs and his PTSD from everything in his life, this was most likely an episode. He usually hid them from her, much like she did with her panic. After this, she knew that they would have to try harder to talk about it.
She waited for him to tap her hand to ask her to leave, she knew how much being alone helps him process. Much to her surprise, when she did feel him touch her hand it wasn’t a tap, it was him sliding his fingers through hers.
“Can I hold you?” She whispered after a few minutes of holding his hand.
He nodded slightly and she wasted no pulling him into her chest.
“I-I-I” he stammered.
“Shhhh” she assured as she stroked his hair. “We can talk in a minute baby, just breath. Can I see what you have?” She asked pointing to the crumpled papers. He nodded and tried to smooth them out a bit before holding them out to her.
She gasped as she saw what they were. It was a stack of letters, half from her that she had written from the safe house a few months ago and half from Shannon, that she had written from protective custody before they were killed.
Tears came to her eyes as she realized just how much it hurt him when they had to go away.
“Aw baby” she said as she kissed his head.
“We’re here, we’re safe. I’m so sorry you had to go through this again.”
“I- I found the letters and thought about how I lost them and I almost lost you and Amelia and I- I can’t lose you.” He cried into her chest. “I just- god it hurt all over again reading these”
“I know, I know” she said, tears falling slowly.
“Has this been happening a lot?” She asked him after about 20 minutes of just holding him.
“Not this bad” he admitted.
“I um- my panic has been bad too. I have been thinking about seeing some one, think maybe you should too.”
“Y/N-“ he started to argue.
“I’m not asking you to spill your guts, just try it?”
He nodded and took a deep breath “I’ll think about it.” He said and she knew that was the most she’d get for now.
Later that night as they were wrapping Amelia’s presents Gibbs finally remembered what she had said about her own panic.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were panicking again?” He asked, wrapping his arms around her from behind.
She leaned back into him and sighed. “I just was hoping it’d go away”
He nodded, getting that more then she knew.
“You gonna get help?” He murmured.
“I actually made an appointment yesterday, thinking about going back on meds.” She had been on them back when Ryan had first died but slowly cut back.
He nodded.
“Had one when I was with meals the other day... I- I- have to be okay for her.” She said and snuggled further into his grip.
He nodded and marveled at how strong and fearless his wife was. She would do anything for their little girl and he wouldn’t even go talk to someone after breaking down. He couldn’t, he just had to keep going. He thought if he was ‘strong’ enough he’d be able to fix them all, even though he knew Y/N would tell him being ‘strong’ didn’t mean you didn’t need help. He just never knew how to ask for it.
The next day Gibbs went in to work for a few hours, Andi and Josh still had Amelia until her party that night. Y/N had her therapy appointment and had to pick up her new medicine. She had one more stop to make.
She had set up the the perfect gift for not just amelia but her whole family.
She pulled into the drive way a few hours later and smiled to see Gibbs truck already there. He had made Amelia her first “Big Girl Bed” complete with railings on the side that they could remove to sit and read to her or when she didn’t need them anymore, and was planning to put it together in her room that afternoon. She smiled at the new member of their family in the back seat.
“Alright bud, hope dad isn’t too mad at me for this” she said and smiled as her new “son” barked from the back seat.
Y/N knew Gibbs loved dogs and that even if he wouldn’t admit he needed help to any other humans, maybe he’d let a dog help him.
She had contacted a program that trains dogs for people with panic disorder and PTSD. She also knew that a puppy would work wonders for their little girl who still woke up From nightmares every few nights. As soon as she saw this particular pup she knew he was theirs.
She walked into the house with the dog following close behind her.
“Jethro” she yelled and she heard “up here” from Amelia’s room.
“Can you come down real quick?”
“In a minute”
He said and she smiled and patted the dogs head as she heard her husband’s foot steps.
“Uh Y/N” he said when he spotted she wasn’t alone.
“Why do you have a dog”
“Meet Sniper, your new puppy son.” Y/N said as she nodded to sniper to go and see the man.
Gibbs smirked and leaned down to pet the dog who had moved to greet his new owner.
“Hi handsome” he said taking the dog’s head in his hands and scratching his cheeks.
“You got her a dog?” He questioned looking up.
“Got us a dog.”
Gibbs smiled and shook his head.
“You’re crazy” he laughed and kissed the dog’s head.
“So you like him”
“He’s our son now...of course I like him” he laughed and she smiled wide, sitting down next to him.
“Sniper huh?” He asked with a grin.
“Thought you’d like that” y/N smiled and he kissed her head.
“He’s trained for families who have members battling panic and ptsd”
“You did this for me?” He asked and she can tell he is a little apprehensive.
“You’re not the only one I did this for Jethro. He is trained for kids who have been through trauma as well.”
“You here to help us buddy?” He asked and smiled when the dog barked happily.
“Just like how we help each other.” Y/N said.
He smiled and kissed her, “you’re crazy, and incredible.” He laughed and hugged her to him.
“Meals is gonna love you” he said to sniper. “Hope you like hugs.” He continued and laughed as Sniper almost leaned his body weight into him, waiting for a hug.
Yeah, she made the right choice, she thought as she watched her husband with sniper.
It was almost time for Andi to bring Amelia home. They had decorated the whole house, Gibbs had finished her “big girl bed” they had put a big bow on it and Sniper was laying on his own bed next to hers with a big bow on his head.
Y/N opened the door while Gibbs stayed upstairs to keep sniper in his spot.
“Hi baby! Happy party day darling!”
“Hi momma!!!! Where poppa!”
“Well, you get most of your presents from momma and poppa on your actual birthday tomorrow, but you get two surprises from us today! They are in your room with poppa, should we go see?”
“Yeahhhhh” she squealed
“Poppa I home!” She yelled and swung the door open stopping in her tracks.
“Hi baby! Happy almost birthday!”
“Rrruff” sniper barked happily and wagged his tail.
“Amelia wanna come meet sniper?”
She nodded and walked over to her dad and the dog.
“He our doggie?”
“He is baby” Gibbs laughed and she pet him.
“I has a puppy brover?”
“Yup you have a puppy brother and poppa made you something too.”
“A BIG GIRL BED!” She yelled jumping up on it.
“Puppy come on my big girl bed?”
“Sure sweets, sniper can go up.” Y/N said looked at the dog “go ahead” she said and the dog jumped up and started licking Amelia’s face.
Gibbs laughed at how the little girl said sniper and smiled as he watched Y/N join the love fest.
“Come on gunny” Y/N said as she motioned Gibbs to join them. He shook his head and plopped down on the bed sandwiching sniper and Amelia between him and Y/N. Feeling all the more lucky for the ladies and now gentleman in his life.
Next chapter
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise of the Demon King ~ Chapter 8
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so..., Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously:
His brothers would always know whenever he went to see her as he’d always come back with a content smile on his face. Deep down, he wished that Y/N could’ve met Cynthia. They would have made great friends as they were the only 2 people who could make him smile like this. Mammon may not have been able to save Y/N, but he swore that he would protect Cynthia, no matter the cost.
CHAPTER 8 - The Great Pancake Debate (2261 words)
It’s been almost 6 months since you arrived in the Celestial Realm. Needless to say, you are quite certain that these last 6 months have been the craziest and stressful months of your life! When you told Simeon and Luke about you staying here, to say they were ecstatic would be an understatement. Luke jumped for joy and wouldn’t stop rambling about all the fun you were going to have. When you told them about God appointing them to help teach you about the Realm, Luke practically did a double take and it took an hour to calm him. Now you have Simeon teaching you about politics and Luke about how to use your wings and powers. On your second day there, Michael woke you up, or well came to get you as you didn’t get any sleep. Turns out, while the Devildom is constant at night, the Celestial realm is constant day and thanks to the floor to ceiling windows, there was no way for you to stop sunlight from coming in. You were introduced to the council at breakfast. Note to self, the brothers breakfasts are QUIET AND PEACEFUL compared to Archangels off duty. The first thing you saw were 2 angels passionately arguing over which pancake topping was the best, strawberries or blueberries. At some point a third angel cut in claiming chocolate chips were the best and all heaven (would you replace hell with heaven here? idk) broke loose. As for me, I just started chuckling in disbelief while making my way over to pick up a pancake of my own when the angel arguing on behalf of the strawberries saw you.
“Hey kid, what topping do you prefer, strawberries, blueberries, or chocolate chips? It’s strawberries right?”
“Actually, I prefer them plain with maple syrup. Although if Satan was the one making it, I’d go for the one with poison berries. Contrary to their name, they’re not actually poisonous and quite sweet.” All the angels present looked at me with a mix of shock and disbelief, save for Michael who just sat there eating his breakfast hoping to leave soon and get to work.
“Kid, did you say Satan?” The angel arguing on behalf of blueberries asked. “Yeah
 Blond hair, teal eyes, Avatar of Wrath, Luci’s son? Ring a bell?” Turning to Michael, blueberry angel asked,
“Micheal, who are they and why are they wearing Lucifer’s old get up?” “This is Y/N. They will be staying here and taking Samael’s spot on the council until their agreement with Father ends and they return to the Devildom. Father has asked us to teach them about how our Realm operates and how to successfully fulfill Samael’s former position flawlessly, unless they want to return now and leave heaven early?” Michael turned towards you with a smirk on his face as he asked the last part.
“Very funny Mike. You and I both know I won’t do that no matter how bad you want me to.”
“What did I say about calling me that?!” Micheal’s smirk turned into something short of a snarl.
“Well, if you won’t take me seriously, neither will I. You want me to call you by your name, earn it and stop being an butt
 I meant an butt
 Why can’t I swear?!”
“This is the Celestial Realm Y/N. Angels don’t swear.” Michael said smugly over the rim of his cup of coffee.
“God Dang it! Argh! Fudge!. Dang it! Ya know what, forget it, my entire mood is ruined. Thanks Michael!”
Shooting Michael one last glare, I sighed and turned to the rest of the baffled angels in the room.
“Yes, what Michael said is true. Stuff happened in the Devildom which I will not get in too-”
“The demon king made Samael kill them.”
“Ok, Mike, first off, he didn’t, I ordered him too, second, I thought I said I didn’t want to talk about it. What gives you the right to tell them huh?”
“I felt like it.”
“You son of a beach.” I turned back to the rest of the angels. “Not a word about it. Anyway, due to some personal issues, I made a deal with Father to stay here on the condition that I take over Lucifer’s spot on the council until he either kicks me out or until our agreement has ended.”
“If I may, when will this agreement of yours be over?” The blueberry angel asked.
“I will be returning to the Devildom once Lord Diavolo has been crowned king and his father is 100% out of the picture. Now if you don’t mind me asking, could you introduce yourselves?” “Oh how rude of us, I’m sorry, I am Gabriel.” Gabriel had chestnut brown medium length hair, reaching shoulders. His eyes were a dull green. He wore a white turtleneck and had a light green shawl with golden tassels. He pointed to the strawberry angel. “This is Raphael and he’s Uriel.” He pointed to the chocolate chip angel. Raphael had long reddish-orange hair put up in a high ponytail. His eyes were a stormy gray. He wore a simple light gray half sleeve with an off the shoulder white cape and little decor. Uriel had short gray hair and golden eyes that almost seemed to sparkle. He wore something that reminded you of an off white scholar's robe with gray accents. “These are Saraqael, and Raguel.” He pointed to 2 of the quieter angels who didn’t participate in “the great pancake debate”. “We make up the Archangel council and we’re happy to have you Y/N.” Gabriel finished off with a smile. You were just barely able to make out a little “Not all of us” from Michael. You decided to ignore it, and then, like all the decisions you’ve ever made, it was the wrong one. Sitting back down you asked,
“So, quick question. What started The Great Pancake Topping debate?”
Breakfast ended 2 hours later with upset angels, and pancakes, everywhere

In the Devildom. After they lost Y/N
Levi went straight to his room as soon as they got home. As soon as he closed and locked the door he went straight to Henry’s fishbowl, picked it up and sat in his bathtub, hugging the bowl as he cried. ‘Why do I feel like this?! I only like 2D characters and Ruri-chan, not 3D people. How do I miss them?... Why did they leave me? They were my player 2.’ “Well it makes sense, no one would want to stay with a worthless shut in of an otaku like me” he said to the empty room. Henry 2.0 glubbed a bubble in response. “You wouldn’t leave me, would you Henry?” *Glub* “No you wouldn’t
 I miss them.” Levi stayed in his tub hugging Henry 2.0 until he fell asleep.
It was another late night, Levi was bingeing a new anime ‘I fell in love with a 3D girl but I’m afraid she’ll leave me after finding out that I’m an otaku who rarely leaves their room’ . He was halfway through the 9th episode when he got a notification from Mononoke Island. One of his raid mates was stuck and needed some help. He paused his marathon to help his fellow mate and stayed up until the early hours of the morning switching between playing Mononoke and watching his anime. Stumbling into the dining room for breakfast the next morning, he was met with complete silence. Lucifer had left early, Belphie was asleep, Beel was too absorbed in eating, Satan in his book and Asmo on his phone to even notice him enter the room. Mammon was busy in the human world helping out sone witches. Levi sat down in his normal spot, taking whatever was left as he mentally prepared himself for the day. As soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day at RAD, still dressed in his uniform, Levi left as quickly as he could. There was an anime expo happening in the human realm right now and there was some ultra-rare limited edition Ruri-chan merch being sold there. He had gotten Lucifer’s permission to attend the expo so long as he was back by 11. Existing the portal and making his way to the expo, Levi thought about the last expo he attended with Y/N. They cosplayed as Erin and Levi from Attack on Titan and spent the entire day surrounded by fellow anime nerds. They had also booked a room at a nearby hotel. It was 3 days of bonding time for them. Entering the expo, Levi decided he would get something for them as decor for their headstone put in memory of them in the backyard of the House of Lamentation. Nearing the line for Ruri-chan merch, Levi noticed someone staring intensely at him. He decided to ignore them but keep a loose eye on them, just in case. He got to the front of the line and purchased 4 of the Ruri-chan collection kits. One for use, one for display, one to keep and sell in the future, and one for Y/N. He decided to wander around a little more to see if anything else would catch his eye while he was here. He spotted a Black Butler station and remembered the jokes he and Y/N would crack about Barbatos and Sebastian. He passed a Fate/Stay Night stand and remembered their conversations on which heroic class they would belong to. Levi would have been the perfect Lancer. He passed countless other stalls, each of them holding a memory he made with Y/N. Distracted by his trip down memory lane, Levi forgot all about the person stalking him. He went and purchased some dinner from one of the stalls before sitting down and pulling out his DDD and looked at some pictures of Y/N and him at their last expo. He didn’t look up from his phone until he felt someone sit opposite of him. Levi looked up to see some middle aged man just sitting there on his phone. He didn’t have any food, merch, or even look like someone interested in an anime expo. Feeling an uncomfortable aura emitting from this man, Levi got up and left. He took a quick look over his shoulder and saw that the man wasn’t following him. He left the expo and went down an alleyway to open up a portal back to the Devildom when he accidentally bumped into someone dropping his purchases.
“That’s quite alright.” The stranger extended a hand out to let him up. “Say, I’d love to know where you got your uniform from. No schools around here have uniforms like that one.”
Looking up, Levi saw the same man that was watching him with a twisted smile. Masking his fear, he mumbled an excuse about being in a rush and tried to dash around him. Before he could get 2 steps down the alley, the man grabbed him and pushed him further into the alleyway. Levi’s head struck the wall hard leaving him dazed for a moment.
“I didn’t think my intel about finding a RAD attendee at the expo would be true but whaddya know? Seems I caught myself a demon.”
Levi, now more aware of his surroundings, realized he was cornered by a demon hunter. Despite being in an alleyway, there were too many people around for him to do anything rash. Without missing a beat, the hunter pulled out an enchanted dagger aiming straight for Leviathan’s heart. Levi rolled and dogged last minute before colliding into someone’s chest. That person in question wrapped his arms around Levi’s chest and put their own dagger to his throat.
“I know you’re there! Come on out and I might spare your friend's life!” The hunter holding Levi yelled. When no one stepped out, the dagger held by Levi’s neck began pushing on his skin. Levi felt a flare of pain and against his better judgement, transformed. His tail wrapped around hunter 2’s leg and flipped him over while the first hunter charged at him, only to be blown to the ground as a powerful gust of wind knocked him over.
“Jeez Levi, you’re lucky I was here. Seriously, why didn’t ya do somethin’ earlier? Maybe then I wouldn’t have ta save yo ass.” Mammon stepped out from the darkness with a bored look on his face.
“Come on, Lucifer’s waiting for ya back home. LOOK OUT!” Levi turned around just in time to see Hunter number 2 taking a swing at his neck and managed to duck just in time. Mammon then charged over punching the hunter square in the face, knocking him out cold.
“T-thanks M-mammon.”
“No problem. Come on, let’s get ya back home before any more of them show up.”
Stepping through the portal, a question plagued Levi’s mind.
“Mammon, how did you know I was in trouble?”
“Some witches summoned me. I overheard them talk about some hunter group getting a tip about a possible demon being at some expo. Then I realized that it was the same one you were going to, so I decided to go there myself to make sure ya weren’t followed. I’m glad I did too.”
“Th-thank you Mammon. Really.”
“Of course, what are big brothers for. Anyway, about my payment, maybe you can forget about the money I owe ya?”
Groaning, Levi started walking faster, leaving Mammon and his whining behind as he made his way back to the safety of his room.
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yn-x-animeboy · 3 years
Jungkook x y/n (as a famous artist) Pt.3
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sinopsis: You are a popular artist in America, pretty famous, loved and well-known by the general public (actually you were one of the top 10 artists in the world but you are pretty humble and naĂŻve to realize your popularity), one day during one of your fan meets you talk about how much you love BTS, and not only how you wish to meet them and work with them but how Jungkook is one of your celebrity crushes. During the meet you fangirled with other ARMYs in the crowd; video clips of you fangirling and talking about BTS at your meet where posted and reposted all over social media. This obviously broke the internet because you were not only a famous singer but you also were always accepted and loved by ARMY and this made a lot of people happy. Suddenly it felt like everyone wanted you to meet the seven handsome and talented idols and collaborate, but you could only wish, you believed they didn't even know who you were...or so you thought
pairing: reader x Jungkook
genre: fluff, romance, for entertainment purposes
BTS x Fem Reader
Parts: 1 here & 2 here
Part: 3 - The Jimmy Fallon Show
A couple of months have passed since your fan meet episode went viral and since BTS saw the video too. A lot has happened since then tbh, you kept working hard, you just put out your 5th studio album which is doing amazing in the charts, it reached no.1 for album of the year and 3 of your songs stand in the first places amongst other artists on the top 100 songs as well. BTS have also been working on music and projects, not a lot of time for you all. 
Even though it has been a long time since your ‘fan meet’ episode was aired  the media still brings up your episode highlights where you talk about BTS, it is not another really, it doesn't seem to affect you. Neither you or BTS have openly spoken about this to the general public, to them, it seemed like a cute exchange between you and your fans where they got ‘close and personal’. The only difference now is that your fans and ARMYs now have a ship name for you and Jungkook, and they still wish their ship could sail someday
Thanks to the success your album has had in the short time it was published, you have been invited to multiple talk-shows to promote your new music and to basically catch up with the media. As an artist the whole publicity thing is important for your team and company. Even though it can be hard to ‘do press’ as a celebrity, you enjoy it and always do your best for your supporters. Your fans and everyone who became a fan of your infamous episode would troll around twitter writing things like ‘will BTS be on this show appearing with y/n?’ ‘AYe y/n watch out, they are going to surprise you with BTS’; but you didn't really have time to see them, only your team was aware. Your days working + rehearsing + promoting don't really give you time to scoop around your social media.
Today on your schedule: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Tonight you will be performing and having an interview for the show. You love this show so much, you have been invited before,  and you really feel comfortable on set in the company of Jimmy and his team/staff, they are always super nice and welcoming. You haven’t been there for an interview in a while and you are excited. (Even though it went viral, and it was your fantasy, the whole “I WISH I COULD MEET BTS AT A TONIGHT SHOW” was not really on your mind today, probablly because of how hectic your day was. You woke up super early and took a flight on your jet to New York, then you went to rehearsal to rehearse the song you’ll be performing tonight, went to the hotel and took a shower, went to two important business meetings for your record company, barely had time to eat, then went and had hair and makeup done for an afternoon interview for a radio show and finally some rest before you went to the Jimmy Fallon studio)
The Tonight Show starts at 10:00pm but you have to get there earlier to greet Jimmy and the staff, to quickly rehearse your performance, to go over details about the show, get ready, etc. You arrive on set at around 6:00pm in sweatpants, a baggy Ariana Grande merch T-shirt, sneakers and fresh hair from your second shower today. You walk through the door next to your personal bodyguard Lee and Manager Sam, followed by your stylist Meg behind you, you look around to see if you could recognize any familiar faces, The camera crew were setting up their high budget equipment, staff members cleaning, running around and preparing for tonight's live interview. Jimmy comes out from behind a door with casual clothes and messy hair, nothing like his sleek professional look on TV. Smiling he greets you and your team; he takes a step forward and hugs you tightly “Hi y/n it’s so nice to see you, it has been a while we have missed you, ever since your interview was scheduled for this week the staff has been excited to see you again, including me, you are one of our favorite guests to have over i swear” you look at him sweetly with hands on your chest from his hind words (the reason why they loved you so much was because you were different from other celebrities on the show, you were always super polite and nice to the staff and took time out of your schedule to greet everyone and introduce yourself, even though you were one of the biggest stars in the world you humble personality attracted many). “Omg stop Jimmy you are so sweet, I love your show so much it’s always an honor, thanks again for inviting meI wanna say hi to the staff, can I?” You said; Jimmy has been like a mentor to you when it comes to interviews and press, he was one of the first people to believe in you and interview you when you debuted. “Yes of course you go ahead, I’ll talk with your manager while you do so to catch up.” (They were good friends too)
While Jimmy and Sam catch up, and your stylist and bodyguard follow an assistant to put your stuff in the dressing room; you walk around introducing yourself to the staff; you visit the camera crew, the audio booth, the lighting crew, the producers, the PD, the meeting room, even the cafeteria. This helped you also to loosen up and feel more comfortable and confident for the show. After the greeting you quickly rehearsed with your talented backup dancers for the performance to get used to the ‘stage’ and the spacing.
One of the sweet staff members you just met offered to show you to your dressing room where Lee, Sam and Meg were waiting for you. You entered the spacious dressing room and sat at a small couch next to Lee (he was your bodyguard but sometimes even acted like a father/guardian to you, you were thankful you had a close connection with your team) You treated them all, including your dancers, to a mini banquet of food from the cafeteria and chatted about nothing before you had to start getting ready. Sam started getting constant phone calls, as your manager he was constantly busy on the phone, he ignored a couple of them but the caller seemed insistant, Sam saw the caller ID and shot up and ran outside to answer. “Ey no phones on the table mister” you teased as he was halfway out the door, he flipped you off and you back at him and proceeded to finish your snack; “Who would be so insistent, the company handles the calls when Sam has something to to with y/n
 this interview has been scheduled for a month now
” Meg, your stylist commented, but you just just shrugged her shoulders as you swallowed the last bite of your sandwich, not really thinking too much about it. You stood up to brush your teeth after finishing eating. (what you failed to notice was Lee making a face to Meg basically telling her to ‘shut up’.... they knew something you didn’t but you didn’t see said interaction at all)
After 20-30 mins Sam came back as if nothing happened, you were now sitting in front of the large vanity mirror and Meg staring at your hair behind you. “Is everything okay Sammy?” You asked, thinking the call could be from a family member or an emergency, judging on the time it took. “No, yes- um it was just a catch up call, apparently the company did not answer their call in my place so they called me directly ignoring the fact that I was here with you.” he spoke. “Ah yeah, well that's good, well we finished our food and cleaned up so the girls (referring to the 2 backup dancers) and I could start getting ready but I left you and Lee some cookies and coffee on the table” you said pointing to the small coffee table in front of the couch that was previously filled with food, Lee, a 6’5 tall man sitting in a tiny couch with a cookie on his right hand and coffee on his left making space for Sam to sit next to him. cute. 
You finish getting ready, hair done simple and comfortable for your interview and later performance, light natural makeup letting your natural beauty show off and fancy yet comfortable outfit that allows you to sit and dance comfortably. You felt really pretty and powerful. It was 9:30, only 30 mins before The Tonight Show started. before The live audience was allowed inside the studio you went over your dance quickly to make sure your outfit was safe to dance in, to make sure the music was the right one and to let the camera crew plan out their shots for the dance and interview segments. Once again you bought your head towards the staff and wished them good luck and a good show, you introduced yourself to the live band that accomplies Jimmy for the show as well and went backstage again for the final touch ups and waited for your turn to come out.
“.... and now here is your host...Jimmy Fallon'' he was introduced as the audience clapped for him and he walked across the set to his desk. “Hi, everyone, and welcome to THE TONIGHT SHOW!!!” The crowd cheered again for Jimmy. “Normally we have multiple guests on this show and from 10:00 pm to 12:00am we talk to multiple guests but today is a little different, today we have a very very special guest who will be with us. the. full. show!!!” The audience was comforted by a lot of your fans since it was announced you would be the guest tonight they prepared, and as soon as they heard this immediately stood up and cheered knowing it was you he was talking about. “She is one of my favorite artists, she is the sweetest, most talented artist today. Everyone welcome
. y/n'' The crowd went crazy as you came out from behind the curtain. Seeing everyone you bowed down to the audience and waved your hands, then you took Jimmy's hand to help you up the steps to the couch next to his talk show desk and sat down again bowing your head and mouthing ‘thank you’ to the still cheering audience.
“Wow the people love you y/n'' Jimmy said. “Hahaha no, stop, Thank you all, I love you so much I don't deserve you all.” you said blushing a little from the overwhelming support. The interview started normally, Jimmy introduced you properly to the camera and audience, you spoke about yourself and answered the general questions (‘What have you been doing these days?’ ‘Tell us about your album’.... blah blah)
After a couple of questions you did a fun activity with Jimmy where you created a funny sketch similar to the ones on SNL, you followed the lines on the promter and it came out to be a really funny and light activity to interlude the show. Then after a small break you went back to your seats and continued the Q&A.
“It's crazy, y/n’s latest album is the number one album in the country and she also holds the first, second and third spots for the billboard top 100 hits. You even broke a record for this, to being the youngest and first woman to ever achieve this.” Jimmy said as you smiled and looked at the cheering crowd. “Its crazy, I never thought one day I could even hold a place in the top 100, and now I actually hold 3 places plus another 1st place for album of the country, Thank you all so much for supporting me, this would've happened if it wasn't for all of the people who supported my music, Thank you for giving my music a chance.”
“So actually the next billboard award show is tomorrow, and y/n, we heard you are going to be performing.. is that so?” Jimmy smoothly transitioned form question to question, topic from topic. “Yeah I was blessed to not only be nominated for an award but to also be invited to perform for the ceremony, I am so excited, It is an honor, it not my first time performing at the billboard’s but I have so much fun every time, hopefully the audience will like my performance and the other guest performers of the night, I can’t wait.
“What are you performing tomorrow y/n?”, “Shhh it’s a surprise Jimmy, I can give you a little spoiler, I am performing one of my new album’s songs, it is one of my favorite songs on it” You smoothly avoided actually answering what song you would be performing tomorrow. “Mhm okay how about you tell me in secret during the commercial break I have to know
” Jimmy insisted “Sure Jimmy I’ll tell you”. “Okay so guys let's go to a short commercial break, but don’t leave cause when we are back y/n will be performing live, don't you miss it!” Jimmy said and waved with you as the producer called for the commercial break. 
After the commercial break you got to perform one of your hit songs next to your back up dancers, you let yourself go to the music and enjoyed the performance; you really got lost in the music and dancing every time you had an audience, you loved this so much. After your performance you received a standing ovation form the people present on set, Jimmy went over from his seat to you, he congratulated and complimented you. He then guided you to your seat and gave you some water; he made some ads/sponsorship bits while you grabbed some air and while Meg retouched your hair and makeup while the cameras weren’t on you.
Jimmy then came back after another small break to proceed with the interview: “So y/n I actually wanted to talk to you about something really big” you made a face at Jimmy’s word choices (you had somewhat of a dirty mind) “Hahahaha, Don't make that face y/n, it's not what you think
 God.. what a dirty mind you have; I meant I wanted to talk to you about something that recently happened and I’m sure everyone wants to have an update on'' Jimmy made himself clear. “Hahahaha oh, okay sure, tell me” 
“A couple of months ago you went viral on social media after you talked about BTS on one of your episodes, and your fans and ARMYs went crazy, not gonna lie even I got excited” As soon as you heard Jimmy say “BTS'' your face dropped making the audience giggle at your reaction, you started to get anxious. “Hah-, um yeah that happened, I didn't expect for it to become such a big thing tbh Jimmy” you said.
“So in the episode you got asked by one of your fans something about how you would want to meet them or something and you mentioned how you would like to meet then on a talk show
 like this one” Jimmy said with a smug expression taking over his face. You quickly spoke before he could say something else “Omg Jimmy stop, I swear if I look behind this couch and BTS is hiding behind it I will have a heart attack, please don't play with me, I’m not ready, stop that''
 The crowd and Jimmy laughed at your cute panic. “Don’t worry y/n, no, I swear they are not there” Jimmy treasured. “IDK MAN, I’m gonna look behind the couch
.” you dared; “Go ahead y/n” Jimmy fired back; this made you more nervous, you made a ‘I’m tough’ face at Jimmy and moved your body sideways, “If there is someone behind here I will run Jimmy, I. WILL. RUN. I don’t know where or how far but I will run out..” Jimmy and the audience laughed again and stopped as you looked behind the couch
.. and

 there behind the couch

 there was

.. nothing. You started laughing as you went back to your original sitting position, the audience looking curiously at you. “Hahahaha ahhhh there is nothing there” whipping some laughing tears off the inner corner of your eyes you looked at Jimmy who was too laughing at you. “I told you y/n! ahahahah”
Jimmy looked at the camera and directed to the audience “For the people who don’t know what we are talking about and/or haven't seen y/n’s latest episode we have some clips for you” You looked at Jimmy and at the crew wanting to refuse due to your embarrassment, you felt exposed. The video played on the screen, the screen was split so that while the episode clips showed on screen your reaction could also be seen at the same time. Only a small trailer was played, which made you confused, you thought they would play the clips where you deeply talk about BTS

The video stopped and the audience clapped, “Well that's just a small trailer of the full episode if anyone would like to go over and watch it it was pretty fun
 I really enjoy ‘y/n’s camera roll’ episodes, I highly recommend” you smiled and appreciated the free proportion but you went anxious again as Jimmy spoke, “But y/n I actually have a small surprise for you, actually BTS saw your episode and reacted to it on camera
” You went stiff
. he said what???? BTS saw your video? they learned who your where?.... wait. THEY SAW THE VIDEO????? THEY SAW YOU FANGIRLING OVER THEM AND THIRSTING OVER JK AND HERD YOUR STUPID FANTASY????
 “OMG Jimmy no
. AHHH no
.” You said as realization dawned on you and you covered your face with your hands.
“oh y/n yes
 and we have the video of their reaction here, for the first time ever, an exclusive for the Tonight Show
. watch the screen y/n'' The screen was again split to show your reaction + the video. You lifted your face from your hands and held on to Jimmy’s hand on the desk, bracing yourself for further embarrassment and probable rejection. The video played: 
(BTS reacting to your episode. {the bullet points are your ‘present day’ reactions to BTS reacting to you})
The video started . “Oi, it’s y/n'' Jin immediately said as soon as your face appeared on their screen, “Is this a new episode?” Jimin asked out loud, “Wait what day is it? they normally go up on Friday, did we miss it?” Taehyung spoke.
“OMG no way, they know who I am, omg I’m crying Jimmy” You actually started tearing up and Jimmy squished your hands tighter as he read the subtitles added (you understood Korean).
“Hello everyone welcome to another episode of
. f** I don't even know what we call these videos, jajajaja” “Wait what?... jajajajaja omg guys thank you, I'm so sorry, yeah you heard them, welcome back to y/n’s camera roll, I can’t believe I forgot that, anyway today’s episode is a little different

” the boys chuckle at your genuine personality “hahaha gwiyeoun” (haha cute) Suga added, J-Hope agreeing with him as he gave Suga a piece of the food he was having. Kookie was currently watching the screen not even blinking, he hadn’t taken a bite out of his noodles or a sip out of his banana milk, Jimin noticed and pointed at him looking back at the guys with a silent laugh.
You kept crying and making faces reacting to them every time they spoke
“Hi, y/n, can I ask you another question?” “I saw that you liked an instagram post about BTS a while back uploaded by a fan account and I also saw that you actually follow their personal twitter account. ALSO in your behind the scenes video for your music video shoot you can be seen in the background dancing the Boy with luv choreo. So I wanted to ask if you were an ARMY and if you know them personally? and like should we be expecting a collaboration soon?”
“No way
.Omg what she says she hates us” Jimin said. “Imagine if she said she hates us, is this why you guys are making us watch this?” Suga looked  at the staff.
“OMG I could never, NO omg how could I hate them” you commented wiping away your tears and back to squeezing Jimmy’s stretched hand on the desk
 “Can we keep watching hyungs
” Jungkook said looking around at the others, a bit desperate to find out what you said next. “Oi, wouldn't you want to know guki
” Jin teased him, wiggling his eyebrows and slapping the back of his head playfully. Before Jungkook could fight back RM reached over them and pressed play, preventing a ‘playful’ fight between the youngest and oldest member to take place.
You froze at the interaction between Jungkook and Jin
 but kept watching not wanting to overthink it.
“OMG hahaha I love you so much, what an amazing question, Okay so first off no I don’t know them personally and sadly no plans of collaboration are on sight. Oh wow I have never been asked if I liked BTS before, I’m excited hahaha. Yeah I am an ARMY, I love them so much I am one of their biggest fans, and they are also one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to work ethic and professionalism, listening to them or watching them gives me motivation to keep doing what I love, which is this. anyway I am rambling I should stop; you guys can say y/n stop whenever I start rambling okay? hahaha''
RM stood up with hands on his head; Jin and J-Hope held on to each other with their mouths wide open looking at the screen; V was still sitting in the same spot, frozen, as if he was paused in time along with the now paused screen; Suga stood up with his hands on his mouth bouncing his knees lightly; Jimin reached to RM behind him and stretched his arms out with a ‘Did you hear that?’ expression; Jungkook leaned over the table and pulled the screen closer, he was smiling from ear to ear letting out a small “wow” under his breath, then he replayed your answer to listen to it one more time, rereading the subtitles under the video making sure he did not miss any words.
You chuckled at their individual reactions and resumed your crying at their reactions because you couldn’t believe they knew you and could be so cute towards a video of you
 “y/n Okay so, who is your favorite member?” “Well first off, I don't have a favorite member. I really mean it when I say this. I love them all equally and I love them all as a group. I don’t prefer one over the other or like one better.  I really do support them equally. I mean there is nothing wrong with having a bias, as long as you also respect the other members, hope that all made sense lol” Everyone seemed moved by your support towards them and nodded.
Again the boys reacted, they were so surprised they paused again and walked back and forth making sounds of excitement
Jimmy smiled proudly at you and helped you wipe a tear with a tissue 
“Y/n so you don’t have a favorite, but do you have a crush on any of them?, like if you could date one of them right now, which one do you pick?” A fan asked. “okay...well...Like I said just to be clear I don't have favorites amongst the group members, but I do have a type
. I consider one of them to be my celebrity crush”......“So in that case, if I had to pick someone that I would date in real life...i would say
. Jungkook” 
You put your forehead on Jimmy’s desk, you felt embarrassed, you knew what was coming, the audience was also reacting along and they got super excited at this part. You were scared over what BTS would think/say about this.
The. Guys. Went. Nuts. Jungkook immediately stood up and lifted his hands up in the air as if he had won an award, he paused the video and started smiling like crazy; 
A staff member spoke to Jungkook on the video : “How do you feel Jungkook?” He lifted his face from his hands and ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes were glossy and his smile wide. “I-I don't know what to say, I can’t believe it,” he said as he sat down looking  at the pause screen, looking at your still image. His hyungs patted him on the back; Jimin turned his head to the staff as he was rubbing JK’s back with one hand, “You know Jungook has had the biggest crush on y/n for so long now” Jimin told the staff. 
you completely froze, you started shaking, Jimmy was looking at you happily, the audience was going crazy, even the crew was invested in the k-drama worthy content. You went numb, you kept looking at the screen frozen.
Jungkook looked up and spoke to the staff: “Yeah I remember listening to her debut song for the longest time without really thinking about who the artist was. When her first studio album broke records I decided to look her up, I watched a video of her talking about the album and her experience as a new artist and I think ever since then I have had a crush on her; she is my ideal type”
Everyone was going crazy in the Tonight Show studio. EVEN Jimmy let go of you and stood up pacing around his desk, no one was expecting this. You came out of your trance as Jimmy shook you and you wiped more tears clouding your vision.
“Why is she your ideal type?” a staff member in the back asked JK. “Ha. um. well  I think my ideal type of girl is someone who is funny and has a bright and cool personality; someone who as soon as they step into a room they immediately light it up; someone who is goofy and isn't afraid to become a joke or mess up; A confident person; someone who isn't too girly or too boyish; someone who likes to learn new  things and from who I can learn new things too; someone who is younger than me; Someone who loves dancing and singing a lot, etc. And y/n is kinda all that and more tbh; 
You felt like you were dreaming
 Totally forgetting you were on live television. The butterflies in your stomach felt more like birds. your heart pounding out of your chest and body glued to your seat.
The video of you time skipped again to the ‘fantasy’ answer’: “Okay so, my literal fantasy is to one day meet them at a talk show, you know how hosts like to surprise their guests with something/someone they like?, I believe Ellen has done it multiple times where she surprised a guest with their idol or celebrity crush, you know?” The group nodded, invested in your fake scenario “Well i would be invited to like the Jimmy Fallon Show, where he would just randomly surprise me with BTS. Then I would be given the opportunity to introduce myself and tell them how much I love and support them. I would also be able to show them my korean speaking skills, I learned Korean and Spanish back in school and I have never been able to actually use either them, lol, anyway...well after that we would all become really good friends, and we would collaborate and put out one or multiple songs for you guys. I mean that's basically it, I wish I could meet them, and become their friend and write songs with them, even produce songs with Suga or RM if I could'' 
you cringed at the sound of your voice, you were so embarrassed. The audience, crew and Jimmy found this and your reaction to be so adorable.
“What???? does she speak korean?” / “OMG Jungkook is she speaks korean marry her” / “OMG I wanna meet her now”  / “That's so cute” / “She is so cool” 
oMg, even after the video stopped you kept crying and sobbing, it almost felt like you had made it in life, you curled into a ball, you didn't care if you were live or not.
(end of video, camera was back to you and Jimmy only)
“y/n this is amazing, this was my first time watching the video too, how do you feel, hahahaha stop crying this is good y/n” He rubbed your hand and passed you a new tissue from his desk. You cleaned yourself up and accepted a new water bottle from a crew assistant.
“I- I’m at a loss for words Jimmy, I cannot even process it; I love them so much hahaha” You sniffed and looked at Jimmy innocently. “By the way I am so sorry for crying like this, ew I’m a mess right now, I so sorry for anyone watching” 
“No no, you are good, your fans love you and love to see the real you; right guys?” Jimmy said looking at the crowd and once again they all cheered for you, this made you happy and you smiled again. “Thank You all so much, thank you to anyone involved in the making of this reaction video and this segment of the show AND FOR WHOEVER ADDED THE SUBTITLES FOR THE STUDIO hahaha, I am so happy, I want to keep crying but I will compose myself for now and once I go home cry some more hahaha” 
“Y/N so obviously you are an ARMY, would you mind playing a small game with me?...” You nodded at Jimmy. “Okay so after the break we will be back  with y/n, and she will prove how big of an ARMY she actually is
Another commercial break was called, Meg again came over and cleaned you up, she fixed your hair and makeup and then made you change into some sneakers (you performed in heels), fresh sweatpants and a shirt that compliment your figure. Your manager told you that for the next segment you needed comfy clothes. You had so much in your mind right now you didn’t even question it.
“Okayyy and we are back everybody, so right now as you can see y/n has changed into a more sporty outfit, right y/n?” you looked at him and at the camera and answered back. “Yeah, i’m in my natural form now” you said as you modeled your comfy wear
“So today I will put your BTS knowledge to the test, I will play a snippet of a BTS song, to your right you have two buttons ‘dance button’ or ‘sing’ button; you can either dance to the part being played when you hit the dance button or keep singing the song if your hit the ‘sing’ button.” Jimmy challenged you as he explained the next activity, to the left of you a small table with both buttons and a mic was set up, you accepted and started the challenge; the game went like this; Dynamite, dance; Mic Drop, dance; No more dream, dance; Daechwita, sing/rap; the crowd was super hyped and Jimmy was loving your energy and the way you executed the songs perfectly, suddenly you recognized Euphoria being played, you clicked the sing button and you started to complete the lyrics as the music was switched to ‘karaoke mode’
 you started to sing and suddenly you heard a voice behind you singing with you, and you couldn’t even turn around to prove yourself you were not mistaken, you knew that voice too well, the live audience was losing it, the crew looked excited, you went numb, you looked back and it seemed like a joke, a complete dream
The seven guys were coming out from behind the curtain, being led by Jungkook, he was singing the bridge of the song, mic in hand and just looking at you. Your knees gave out and you curled on your knees as you cried on your knees, ‘there is no way’, you could even begin to process what was going on, The boys were a little shy and stayed behind you as Jimmy lifted you from the floor and made you look at them.....
AHhhh I love this part hahahhaha
Hope you liked it. PArt 4 is up; please give me a lil <3 if you liked this. :) Xx
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
could you maybe do jean with 9 + 18 please ??
yess!! of course omg, i’m so weak for him jdsjhj. i hope you like it!! <3
❁ 9.-[smirk] & 18.- [what about a kiss?]]
❁ jean x reader
It was really late at night when you woke up. The clock on Jean’s bedside table read 4 AM. There was no light on your room besides of his clock, but you could easily found your boyfriend’s body. He was sleeping, his head near yours and his arm wrapped around your waist. You could feel him against you, his chest going up and down with his breath. You were thirsty so, carefully, you took Jean’s arm and moved it from your waist, trying to not wake him up. He let out a little sound before searching your waist again, palming softly the bed. You were already sitting.
“Babe? It’s 4 AM...” he says. You laugh a bit.
“I know, I know. I just want to drink some water. I’ll be right back, right?” You stand up and walk towards the kitchen, were you take a glass of water. You sit there, drinking slowly, enjoying the sound of the rain outside. 
You had little insomnia problems, sometimes you’re awake for hours in the middle of the night without reason, snuggling between Jean’s arms and staying there, warm and hugged, until you sleep again. You take some cookies to the table, eating them pacefully. You listen your boyfriend's steps.
"Are you coming back?" he asks in a whisper. You forgot he was awake. His hair is a mess, and his pijama pants are rrally down his hips. He lets out a yawn before sitting next to you.
"Sorry, I was about to go. Go back to bed, I'm there in a minute." He looks at you and then to his clock on his wrist. 4:20 AM.
"Do you want some chocolate milkshake?" he asks, standing up and taking all the things.
"You're going to prepare a milkshake?" he nods. "Then yes, please."
He works fast, half dressed and half sleep, but getting more and more awake every minute. He gives you a glass and he drinks his, with his long body resting against the table. Once you're finished, you make your way to bed again. The sheets are now cold.
"You've got insomnia again?" he asks. You nod quietly. His face is close to yours, now that you turned around. "Do you want to talk?"
"It was just a little episode. I'm okay." you smile. He looks at you.
"Can I do something for you?" he asks. You think, getting closer to him. His chest almost touching yours.
"I'm sure I'll feel way more sleepy if..."
"Be careful. You know I'm serious and whatever you say will be an honor for me to do." he says, a smirk starting to form on his mouth.
"... if you kiss me." you end. Jean's eyes look at you, his smile getting a bit wider while he gets closer. You feel his smile against your lips, a really pleasant sensation. His body is really close, his hands into your t-shirt. He parts for air, but he smirks again.
"I know a way to make you feel even more sleepy and tired, wanna try?" he's trying to be confident, but his cheeks get blushed. You laugh and lend closer to him, if that is possible.
"Okay, show me, Mr. Kirstein."
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skellebonez · 3 years
What about prompt #3 with the Macaque/Tang pairing? That one art is getting me REALLY curious about what their potential dynamic would be like
I had an idea a long while ago about what could happen to Macaque after episode 9, and I have my Deadpool-seque immortality HC for him as well, so I’m combining those ideas and setting this between episodes 9-10 since we don’t know how long MK was training with Wukong after their fight. This is also very different from how I would write them if they met outside of this very specific circumstance.
Warning: vague descriptions of his injuries, descriptions of his healing abilities, mentions of emotional manipulation in canon (none to Tang himself so you don't have to worry about that here).
I’ve been waiting to get to know you from the moment I first saw you.
There were worse positions that Six-Eared Macaque could have landed himself in, especially after his fight with Sun Wukong’s successor, so all things considered... the immortal monkey was incredibly lucky at the moment.
He was in a very soft bed, firm enough to not give too much when he moved but laid on top of extra plush bedding now that he wasn’t bleeding as much as he had been it was much more comfortable. Half of his body was still coated in bandages, though they were more makeshift casts wrapped around items to keep his limbs still than anything else at this point.
Only his right arm and head had managed to make it out mostly unscathed, both fully healed by now. This meant he wasn’t completely unable to entertain himself, a thing called an “e-reader” held in his hand. And as the door to the house he was in opened he thought about his luck.
There was no way this man didn’t know who he was when he found Macaque. Even if the Kid managed to be taken in, apparently his tale hadn’t been completely lost. This house, what little he saw of it when dragged inside and through the halls, was filled with books and art of the Journey. Not everywhere, but just enough to be noticeable. And the recognition on the man’s face when he found him, laying in the rain soaked ground and covered in blood and mud and looking like death itself was instantaneous.
And yet, despite that... and despite the pictures of the Monkey Kid himself he saw on the walls...
“Macaque, you’re awake,” the man spoke, voice still soft and tentative but with a layer of genuine relief and excitement under it. His name was Tang. “I hope you’re feeling as well as you could be.”
Macaque took note of the fact that he didn’t say “better” or just “well” as he lowered the e-reader, bring pulled from the genre known as science-fiction. “As well as he could be”. He seemed mindful of both his condition and his abilities at all times.
“I suppose you could say that,” He said evenly, watching as Tang prepared some kind of medicine for him. He never bothered asking what it was, just some kind of pills and ointment that numbed him enough to make the pain manageable. “I take it nothing happened today.”
It felt odd. Talking like this. He hadn’t just talked to someone in centuries, not really. But what was there to lie about here? Tang knew that he had manipulated the Kid, he said as much to him when he woke. Tang knew of his history, knew who he was and was apparently angry that he hadn’t elaborated on the fact he could have been the same Macaque from the story and not another one (given the story greatly exaggerated his death... or, well, exaggerated that he had stayed dead).
Tang knew he was evil. Knew that he hurt someone he cared about. Knew that he would have been fine eventually if he left him outside, if in a great deal more pain. So why take him in? Why wash his wounds? Why dress them? Why feed him and give him things to entertain him through his bedridden days? Why talk to him, why ask him about the accuracy of the stories?
He was at first annoyed by all his questions but after a day he had given in and just talked and... and he never realized how much he missed just talking to someone. But he still didn’t know why.
He never built up anything to ask. Tang never explained. It lingered between them like a soft breeze, always there and threatening to grow strong. But not causing any disturbance, not yet.
“No, but there are rumors about something going on with the Demon Bull King...” Tang trailed off, genuine worry peppering his tone. It wasn’t as if Macaque was particularly interested or as if he could actually do anything with the state of his healing as it was... but something about that tone made something sink in his chest and he didn’t like that.
Tang was... different, from most humans he had met. Not entirely unique, he wasn’t that different from others, but still. It had been a long time since he met someone who would talk back to him and tell him to “shut up and let me help you”. Reprimand him, him, for trying to leave the bed before his bones reset. Who took his sass with an unbelieving raised eyebrow and a “yes, I totally buy that” and even had the gall to toss food like pieces of candy into his open mouth when Macaque went on an angry rant just because he could. He knew all about him already and he didn’t take any of his bullshit.
He hated to admit it... but he didn’t hate this human. Tang. He didn’t hate Tang.
Neither said anything as Tang handed him the pills, pain killers he called them, and water once Macaque put them in his mouth. Neither said anything as Tang tested the spots on his arms and legs where there were breaks, his ribs long since beating them both to healing, testing to see exactly where anything needed to be reset or rewrapped due to Macaque’s movements in his sleep.
It had been a long week and a half... Macaque almost didn’t want them to heal.
Healing meant he would have to...
“At the rate you’re going,” Tang started with a mirthful laugh, looking equal parts happy and sad. “You’ll be out of here by the end of the week.
Macaque said nothing, setting aside his water and scowling for a moment. He mulled the thought he just had in over in his mind before deciding that... if Tang had let him stay this long... he may as well say it. It wasn’t like it would change anything except whether or not he was happy when he left.
“What if I don’t want to?”
Tang’s head shot up from where he was inspecting his arm, face one of shock and confusion and... if Macaque looked deep enough into his eyes, he could swear he saw something akin to hope that he was being serious.
So he took a chance.
He lifted his good arm and placed his hand on the back of Tang’s head, pulling him closer slowly as he waited for him to fight back or say something. But Tang didn’t. He let the demon pull him closer and closer until his nose touched Macaque’s and Macaque stopped... and Tang moved forward and pressed their lips together.
Macaque knew then and there that he had made a mistake and both of them would hurt when he left the second a fire lit in his chest and his eyes closed and the kiss deepened.
The next day he finally asked Tang why he had given him a chance.
"I’ve been waiting to get to know you from the moment I first saw you."
(Tang was right. Macaque was ready to leave by the end of the week. So he did, in the midst of the chaos of the Demon Bull King taking everything over. Tang hadn’t come back one day and he watched the news from the house well outside the city. He stayed around outside, just long enough to watch Tang come home, watch him find an empty made bed, watched him grab the e-reader he had given Macaque and slam it into the wall and yell about how stupid he had had been to fall for the demon monkey. How he should have known he would leave.
Macaque left before he allowed himself to actually feel regret and comfort the man who had taken him in and helped him and made him feel something more than hatred and the rush of victory for the first time in centuries.
They both mourned a relationship they never had.
And maybe one day Tang came home to sweets and other gifts after the Lunar New Year Festival.
And maybe one day a dark furred monkey mistaken for Sun Wukong helped a certain Monkie Kid from the shadows because he remembered the sad look his father figure held when he watched him talk about him being hurt.
Maybe one day Macaque returned, angry and confused due to plans unable to be finished as he time after time remembered the human who helped him heal in more ways than physically over 2 weeks and that healing, while not enough to change him then, had lead to him second guessing his decisions for the months to come.
Maybe Macaque would ask for a second chance, gruff and hating every moment that he had to be nice to anyone else who wasn't Tang. But begrudgingly trying. For Tang and no one else.
Or maybe not.
Who am I to tell.)
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
Always be Yours- 11
Tumblr media
Word Count: 7,214
Story Summary: Follows Dean and the reader throughout season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: When Garth turns up as a John Doe it brings you and both boys back together to investigate a seemingly harmless pack
Warnings: cursing, blood, fights, death
“Baby..wake up Y/N” you groaned at the feeling of Dean gently shaking your arm. You glanced at the time before saying “Dean check out isn’t until eleven. What’s wrong?” He saw the way your eyes flicked towards his arm and shook his head “Nothing like that. I think I found Garth” that woke you up. You were on your feet and grabbing your bag to get dressed before he could even finish talking.
Garth had been hit by a car and admitted to a hospital. The problem was that no one had laid eyes on him in so long none of you even knew what he’d been up to. Dean’s plan was to give him a shot of adrenaline to wake him up and question as to why he had left Kevin high and dry when the kid had been put into his care.
You stood on one side of the bed watching while Dean uncapped the shot but the door opening made you call his name. You both turned and you smiled slightly to see it was Sam coming in. Dean cut his eyes at you “Did you call him?” “No, she didn’t call me” Sam answered. You could feel the tension rolling off them both so you spoke first “Guessing you saw his john doe on the police wire?” Sam nodded and walked to the side of the bed so you moved to the foot of the bed putting yourself literally between the brothers.
“Where you coming from?” Dean asked him and you glanced up at the fact that they were actually talking. “New Mexico” “Well, that’s a haul, especially considering we got this pretty much covered..so if you want to” Sam ignored Dean and looked at you “Have you spoken to him yet?” You shook your head “No, he’s been out since we got here” Sam touched the handcuffs holding Garth to the bed then questioned what he was being charged with “Killing a cow” Dean replied with a shrug. “Why?” Sam questioned so you pointed towards the syringe in Dean’s hand “Well the plan was to see if we could find out” then looked glanced towards Dean “Want me to lock the door?” he nodded so you walked over flicking the lock to the side.
“Woah are you trying to jump start him or kill him?” Sam questioned when he saw the size of the shot. “I want answers! He walked out on Kevin. He walked out on us. So if you got a better idea” Dean explained so you looked between them “Whatever you two are doing, do it before a nurse tries coming in” Sam looked at you then back to Garth before drawing back and slapping him across the face. Garth shot straight up screaming so you moved to his side quickly in an attempt to quiet him “Garth! Chill, it’s us!” he gasped a few more times looking around before his eyes focused “Y/N?..Sam?..Dean?” “Welcome back man” you greeted with a small smile.
“Is this a hospital? Am I in heaven?” he was still a little panicky so you grabbed his shoulder “Breathe Garth. You’re in Wisconsin” “You were hit by a car” Sam added before Dean asked if he remembered anything. “Vaguely” he answered, then realized he was cuffed “What’s with the hardware?” Dean scoffed “You tell us and while you’re at it, why don’t you give us the lowdown on why you went awol for the past six months?” Sam went about getting the cuffs off Garth while Dean questioned him.
Garth looked at you so you explained “We found you because you offed a cow” “Offed a what? I..I was on a hunt” He stammered so you nodded trying to encourage more information out of him “For what Garth?”  before he could answer you saw when he turned green around the gills “Oh no. get back” you quickly moved to the side to allow him a straight shot to the bathroom.
“Good thing I didn’t give him the adrenaline” Dean admitted
Dean sat on the side of the bed so you sat next to him and Sam sat across from both of you in a chair while the three of you sat in silence filled only by the sound of Garth vomiting. You hated this, the tension between them. “Anything on Gadreel?” Dean asked. You glanced up at Sam as he replied “Actually uh yeah. Turns out he left some grace in me before he bolted” you bit your lip with a shake of your head when Dean said “You know how wrong that sounds right?” 
Sam shook his head and explained “Wouldn’t worry about it. Cas took care of it” Dean scoffed so you and Sam both looked his way “What?” Sam questioned and Dean shrugged “I’m gone for two weeks and you’re like an episode of teen mom” Garth had another bad wave hit him and you grimaced slightly at the sound. “Just breathe Garth!” you called out and Dean added “Work it out!” 
You glanced back towards Sam and saw when he noticed the mark on Dean’s arm. “What happened to your arm?” Dean turned to look at you so you tilted your head as a way to say you weren’t going into that explanation so he pulled up the sleeve far enough that Sam could see the entire mark “It’s a gift from Cain” “Like the wrestler?” Sam questioned and you huffed out a breath “I wish” Dean caught your look before saying “No the uh the old testament dude. He got all biblical on me and gave me his mark” 
You could hear the toilet flushing again but by then Sam was questioning “What does that even mean? How did that happen?” “Crowley fucked Dean over yet again” you blurted out and shrugged when they both looked at you “Well Dean, I love you but it’s the truth. He put you in that position to get the mark to use you as a blunt weapon against Abaddon”
“You two worked a job with Crowley?” Sam asked and Dean replied “The devil you know” you realized no sound had come out of the bathroom in a while so you nudged Dean’s side before calling Garth’s name.
Garth had in fact went out the bathroom window. It wasn’t until all of you found his discarded hospital gown that the thought occurred to all of you that no one had tested Garth. Dean noticed security cameras so he offered to check the feed and suggested you go with Sam to speak to farmer Brown who’s cow had been killed. “I’ll call you if we find out anything” you told him after he’d left a quick kiss on your lips. “I will too”
You watched Dean walk back into the hospital then followed Sam across to the car he was driving. “So did I hear you tell Dean you loved him?” you nodded as you slid into the passenger seat. Sam pulled out onto the road before asking “How did that happen?” you let a humorless laugh slip “Oh the father of murder actually told us we were in love with each other” “What?” he asked and you ran a hand across your face “Just drive, I’ll explain”
Farmer Brown had lost multiple chickens the week before the cow. All of them killed in the same manner, the organs ripped out. You thanked him for the help then nodded to Sam when he chunked you the keys and said he’d call Dean while you drove.
“Back to the hospital?” you asked and he nodded. By the time you were pulling into the parking lot Sam had Dean on speaker as he explained that the cow had been eviscerated. “Why was Garth there?” Dean asked so you spoke up “Hunting what did it?” “Why would he run?” Sam asked and Dean scoffed “I don’t know. I didn’t get anything so you wanna just drop Y/N off back at me because I know asking her to head back to the bunker with you isn’t going to do any good at this point”
You walked around the corner of an ambulance about the same time Dean did and grabbed the phone out of his hand then slid it into your back pocket while Sam grabbed the photo out of his hand. “Really?” you asked glancing at the photos in Sam’s hands. “That’s a make, model and license plate honey” Dean shrugged “Me and Sam can’t hunt together. It’s for his own good. I’d ask you to go too especially now but I know that’s a lost cause” you shook your head but remained silent as Sam said “I hear you and as soon as we get to the bottom of this I’m gone but until then, no more games”
“Well whose car did he get into?” You asked, meeting Dean’s eyes. “Belongs to a girl named Bess Meyers, she lives in the next town over” You nodded “Sam I’m riding with Dean to make sure there’s no more games. Dean let’s go” Luckily neither of them chose to argue with you. Dean simply reached out for your hand so you begrudgingly let him take it, a little put off by him trying to lie to Sam and still wanting you to leave him despite the conversation after what happened at Cain’s.
Dean parked right outside the address so you climbed out of baby and looked back where Sam was climbing out of his car “Got a silver clip?” he nodded so you pulled your gun from your lower back and glanced over at Dean “You two in first?”
The boys kicked the door in so you followed close behind them and heard Garth holler “WOAH WOAH. I can explain” you walked in and saw Garth with both hands up but the boys hadn’t lowered their guns so you kept yours up as well. “This is just a simple misunderstanding” Garth tried. “Who were you talking to?” Dean asked, stalking towards Garth. It felt wrong to be treating a friend like an enemy but when everything was pointing that direction. “What?” Garth asked so you added “Were you talking to the girl?” “What girl?” Dean picked up a bra off the table in front of him and held it up. “What the..” Garth tried to act confused but Dean shook his head and motioned for you and Sam to spread out.
“Guys..Y/N..everyone needs to take a chill pill and put their guns down” you checked one room while Dean and Sam checked others but kept glancing over your shoulder to not lose track of either of them. “Clear” you called out, stepping back into the main room with Garth who smiled “See? Let’s all be grown ups and have an adult conversation”
The closet door near Sam burst open and a blonde werewolf popped out and made a grab for Sam. You dropped your gun then grabbed the silver blade from your side on instinct and sliced her forearm then spun it around for a killing blow but Garth slid between the two of you “Y/N! Please don’t hurt her” you could feel Sam and Dean both at your back with their guns drawn.
“She’s a werewolf Garth” Dean reasoned causing her to growl at him which made you consider throwing the knife until Garth said “So am I”
You stood between Sam and Dean watching while Garth bandaged the wound on Bess’ arm. “What are they doing here Garth?” She asked as if the three of you couldn’t hear her. “They’re friends I promise” “They’re hunters” She stated, both of them looking up at the three of you. You crossed your arms defensively as Garth said “All right. We’ve all gotten off on the wrong foot here. So let’s do things right. Boys, Y/N.. this is Bess...My beloved” you looked from Sam to Dean then turned your attention back to Garth who pointed at Dean first “That’s Dean. Now, he could start a fight in an empty house but deep down inside he’s just a big ol teddy bear” you let out an amused sound which caused Dean to shoot you a look. 
You shrugged with a wink before Garth pointed towards you “That’s Y/N. She’s protective over those she cares about. She puts on a tough front but she’s a doll deep down and you couldn’t find a better friend” you smiled at his words then he pointed to Sam “And Sam here can be a bit insecure at times but for good reason..bless his heart”
“That all’s real sweet but can we circle around to the werewolf?” Dean asked so Garth nodded “All right guys look, months ago I was outside Portland, Maine hunting this big bad wolf. I took him down but he bit me in the process” “And you couldn’t call one of us?” Dean questioned to which Garth replied “And tell you what? That I messed up?..No I knew the deal. There’s no cure so I accepted my fate. Ate my favorite dish of egg fu yung, watched the world’s greatest movie rocky three, and then was ready to eat a bullet when Bess here found me” You could tell whatever had happened that her feelings for Garth seemed to be genuine.
“And how’d she do that?” you asked and Bess answered “Smelled him, how else?” “Yeah, she talked the gun out of my mouth and as they say the rest is history. We’ve been married four months now” “You’re married?” Sam asked and Dean added “To a werewolf?”
Bess looked up “Yes and my pack has taken him in as one of our own” you were at a loss and neither Sam or Dean was in better shape, “It’s not what you think”Garth quickly added before continuing “We don’t hurt people” “No you just go all wolverine on cattle” Dean offered and you bumped his hand with your own trying to get him to dial it back just slightly. He had reason to be skeptical but your view was to try to talk first at least. 
Turns out Bess was in fact a born werewolf. She wasn’t bitten. “Can the three of us talk to you for a second? Alone?” Dean asked at that discovery. Garth suggested Bess go find some ointment for her arm and as soon as she was out of the room Dean questioned “What the hell”
Gath looked at you befores saying “Look I know you boys normally shoot first, ask questions later but I checked everything out. This pack is clean. Everything’s kosher” “Minus the part where your wife attacked Sam then growled at Dean” You threw out and Garth shrugged “You three came busting in here like a house on fire! Guns waving, their jawlines, yours and Sam’s hair. It’s all very intimidating. What’d you expect?”
He looked back at Dean “No one wants any trouble. You got my word on that” Dean shook his head “Oh no, that ship has sailed. We’re gonna need a hell of a lot more than your word” Garth nodded “Ok, tell you what? You want proof? Come pray with us” Dean looked at Sam then at you so Garth added “Bring Y/N too. I’m sensing you two aren’t quite just friends any more?”
You knew Dean would try to say no because the idea of you in a wolf pack would freak him out so you shrugged “Why not?”
Sam headed to the sheriff’s station while you and Dean headed to the address Garth had given you. Dean reached out to touch your back as the two of you walked up the steps. You glanced over at him and gave him a small smile “Breathe baby. We’ll be ok” he nodded but didn’t look very convinced.
You stopped when you heard singing and cut your eyes at him. He smirked “What? A pack doesn’t bother you but singing does?” you smiled “Not exactly the music I’m used to hearing”
You stood next to Dean while he knocked. An older woman answered the door and smiled “You must be Dean and Y/N. I’m Joy, Garth’s mother in law..uh step mother in law which I always thought sounded so silly” She opened the screen door then motioned the two of you inside “Please, come in. We’re just finishing up” You started to cross the threshold but Dean stopped you with a hand on your arm “Why don’t you just tell Garth we’re here?”
Joy looked between the two of you then smiled “Dean you have my word that you and Y/N are safe under my room. I only ask the same in return. After all I’m not the ones carrying a good amount of silver” you cut your eyes at Dean who slid his arm around your waist so you could both step inside together.
You stood to the side next to Dean watching the group of werewolves singing hymns in the living room of the house. There were people of every age and even some kids. Bess met your eyes and smiled as she sang. You didn’t want to appear glued to Dean’s side but it was a little surreal at the least.
The pastor you were guessing dismissed the group so you and Dean moved for everyone to walk out past you as Garth stood from where he’d been playing piano and walked over “Hi you two. What’d I tell you? It’s all good right?” you glanced around the group still dispersing as Dean asked “Everyone’s a wolf?” “Yeah” Garth replied and Dean scoffed “Yeah, not all good”
Garth smiled “Come on Dean. You’ve just got to meet them. Y/N a little help?” you reached out for Dean’s hand moving to leave both of your gun hands free. You leaned closer to giver yourself the illusion of privacy despite knowing everyone in the room had enhanced hearing “Breathe baby” his fingers tightened slightly in yours but he nodded “Ok Garth. Introduce us”
He introduced the two of you to Bess’ cousins on Joy’s side Russ and Joba. They both nodded with a smile. Then he nodded towards the pastor “That’s reverend Jim, Bess’ dad. Leader of the pack and a good man” Jim walked over when he saw the two of you “Dean and Y/N isn’t it?”
You smiled and nodded “Welcome” he greeted extending a hand to Dean “Jim Meyers  people usually call me reverend Jim” you shook Dean’s hand you were holding so he quickly shook Jim’s hand with his free one then dropped it just as quickly “Got it”
Anyone could see the tension in Dean even if you hadn’t been in a room full of people who could damn near smell it. “I understand your apprehension Dean. Hunters and our kind don’t have the best history” “But I think you’ll find we’re not much different from you” Joy added and Dean shook his head “Oh sister I highly doubt it” You shook your head trying to maintain a more friendlier decorum to offset Dean’s. Jim looked towards you then said “Why don’t we break bread and see?” “Why would we do that?” Dean asked so you spoke up “Because Garth is our friend and we were invited” Dean turned to stare at you for a moment and when you didn’t flinch away he rolled his eyes “Fine”
You sat across from Dean glancing at the steak that had been sat in front of you. It was done to your liking but what had your attention was the raw hearts on everyone else’s plate besides yours and Deans. “Everyone eat up but save room for pie” Joy said with a smile so reverend Jim added “Sister Joy’s pies are famous throughout the badger state” Garth smiled “Dean loves pie” and you had to cough into your hand to not laugh at how betrayed Dean looked. You were just as unnerved as he was but really didn’t want to shoot any of Garth’s in laws without reason anyways. Everyone dug in but Dean looked at you then asked “Don’t you guys say some sort of a grace or something?”  “We’re more spiritual than we are religious. We believe much like the american indians did, that nature and man are one” Dean nodded “Yeah, that really worked out well for them” 
You squeezed his knee under the table before cutting a small piece off the steak. You seriously doubted there was anything wrong with it considering Garth had cooked it. You saw Dean glance at Bess’ cousin and realized he was looking at the necklace around his neck, a silver bullet. “So why are a bunch of werewolves wearing silver bullets around their necks?” he asked and you grimaced just a bit. You loved him, you really did but at times he was extremely blunt.
Garth coughed “We don’t use the W word. We prefer the term lycanthrope” “Excuse the slip” you offered glancing at Bess who smiled and pointed to her necklace “Many of our kind see themselves as indestructible. This is a constant reminder of how precious our lives truly are” “It doesn’t burn?” you asked and Garth explained “It does a bit but that’s kind of the point. It reminds us of our fragility” Reverend Jim spoke next “My daughter Bess was born a lycanthrope. It was one of the proudest days of my life which soon turned tragic when a hunter killed my wife” you felt Dean tense at your side and reach for your leg when Jim continued “Believe me when I tell you I wanted to make someone pay then I looked at Bess and realized the road to revenge is a dark and lonely one which you never get off. And that hole in the pit of your stomach? You never fill it, ever” Dean’s grip tightened on your leg just slightly before he said “Yeah, no I get it”
Jim looked between the two of you “So I chose to look forward not backwards and the minute I did the powers that be brought this beautiful, compassionate, amazing woman into my life and she helped me raise a little baby girl as if Bess was her own” Bess smiled “I can’t take all the credit Daddy had a hand in it too” “Daddy?” you asked and she smiled again “My father, bless his soul was the previous reverend of our church. The third generation in our family to serve” “So you’re fourth generation lycan?” you asked feeling Dean’s grip move from your leg to your hip and knew your knife was also close to his hand.
“Yes” Joy answered proudly. 
You were standing with Garth and Bess when Dean kissed your cheek “I’ll be right back” you shot him a questioning look and he added “Just stay with Garth and Bess, please”
You let a few minutes pass but felt like something was off so you followed Dean into the kitchen and saw Russ and Joba standing in front of Dean. You cleared your throat and all three looked at you “Dean, Garth wanted to talk”   Joba turned to look at you and god you’d seen that look so many times. Not only from a supernatural being but from plain men as well. You were a woman, shorter than them and no where on the same strength. You were supposed to cower but you didn’t blink “Unless there’s an issue?” “No ma’am” Russ replied before the two of them walked out and you in fact heard Garth walk in behind you “Everything good?”
“No Garth, it’s not.I know you drank the kool aid but this..all of this there’s no way it’s what it seems”Dean replied pulling you closer to him. “Look, I know this all looks nuts but I found it. Love and a family. Who cares where that comes from?” “I do” Dean answered and you knew his tension had only risen when Joba had confronted you. The urge to protect you making the distrust he’d already felt worsen even more.
“I get it. When I first got here I couldn’t let go either, waiting for the other shoe to drop, but when it didn’t I had to accept the truth” Dean scoffed “Well I got another truth for ya. We were all in the dark when you went awol. I didn’t know whether you were dead or worse. You should’ve reached out. Even if not to me and Sam, Y/N would’ve picked up” “Was I supposed to tell her I’m a werewolf? I was embarrassed. I thought it was best for everyone that I stay away but that didn’t mean I didn’t think about and miss both of you, Sam and Kevin” you felt a twinge of pain at Kevin’s name and one look at Dean’s face made that pain worse to see the guilt in his eyes.
Garth’s face fell when he saw the look you and Dean passed so you slowly met his eyes “Kevin’s gone” “What?” he asked and Dean replied “Gone for good” “What happened?” Garth pushed. It hurt your heart when Dean’s hand moved from holding yours to just rest at your hip “When he needed me I wasn’t there. That’s what” you shook your head and made a mental note to try to talk to him about it all again later when you weren’t neck deep in werewolves. He hadn’t let Kevin down anymore than you had. Hell Gadreel wasn’t even truly to blame, it was all Metatron.
The two of you decided to meet up with Sam to discuss what had been found out on both ends.
“So they gave you two lunch, offered pie..Why are we still here?” Sam asked. “Yeah, you’re right. Garth’s good if you want to hit the road you can” Dean offered and you glanced back at him as Sam said “This isn’t the first set of friendly monsters we’ve met” you didn’t want to start an argument either way but Russ and Joba had given you a bad feeling. Before you could say anything though Sam’s phone started ringing. “Agent Perry” he answered then after a beat said “Sheriff how can I help you?” you and Dean shared a look then Sam made a come on motion “Really? Ok” 
You slid into baby’s backseat leaving the passenger seat for Sam while he repeated the directions the sheriff had given him. Supposedly there’d been another animal mutilation.
Dean slowly pulled the car to a stop when he saw the sheriff standing at the side of the road “Y/N you good?” you smiled at him in the mirror “aces” he nodded then climbed out the car waiting until you and Sam were on either side of him before walking towards the sheriff.
The sheriff greeted Sam “Well you wanted weird agent. You tell me what tore up that deer, nothing that runs in these parts” You glanced over at the boys as the three of you walked past the sheriff to examine the deer. Dean crouched down next to it and touched the side of the corpse “This is fresh blood” “So whatever did it is close” you added at a whisper. “It’s still warm Y/N” Dean confirmed and you looked between him and Sam “Then that means it died after we got the call..”
The three of you spun around to face the sheriff but he already had his gun drawn “Couldn’t just accept that all was good and move on could you? You have no idea what you’ve walked into, do you?”  You felt Dean’s hand slid under your shirt where a silver blade was as the sheriff’s teeth and eyes changed “Doesn’t matter you won’t be walking out” he taunted. You stepped far enough to the side that Dean could throw the knife and it landed directly in the sheriff’s heart.
“Well that was anticlimactic” you drawled as Dean pulled your knife free then wiped it on the sheriff’s shirt and held it hilt first out to you. “Thanks,” you replied, putting it back in place. Sam leaned over the body “Hey, look at this” he snatched a necklace off and you saw it was a silver bullet just like Garth and his pack was wearing.”Dean, that’s the favorite accessory of the good reverend” “And his flock” he added with a scowl.
Sam looked back down at the bullet and you stepped closer to see there was a word on the side right before he read “Ragnarok?” “Yeah, that’s uh Thor, Loki, Odin stuff right?” Dean questioned and you nodded “Norse mythology, end of days” “But why’s it etched into a bullet?” Sam added but Dean shrugged “Who cares? We got all the answers we need” “I don’t know Dean. I think we need more” Sam disagreed and you weren’t sure who you agreed with. 
Dean motioned to the sheriff’s body “Sheriff Andy Taylor wasn’t good enough?” “Enough to kill Garth?” you asked and Sam nodded “She’s right. We need to do this right” Dean sighed “Ok. You two clean this up, grab Garth and lock him up until we figure out what’s what. I’m gonna go check out that church” “I’ll go with you” you offered but he shook his head “Sweetheart please just this once go with Sam. I’ll be fine but I need you in the less amount of danger” you wanted to argue, insist you were going with him but he sounded so damn defeated “Ok. This once” you sighed and he leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your lips “I love you” then looked past you to Sam “Watch her back Sammy” “Always” Sam replied with a nod.
Sam didn’t really say anything besides run of the mill talk while the two of you cleaned up from the sheriff. It wasn’t until he was parking outside of Garth’s place that he glanced at you “I see what you mean about the protective thing” you nodded slowly “I don’t know what that mark’s going to do to him Sam and it scares me” he patted your arm comfortingly and offered a smile “We’ll handle it”
You followed Sam through the empty hallway but stopped his arm right before he touched Garth’s door. He shot you a questioning look so you mouthed “It’s open” he nodded and pulled his gun so you did the same.
“Garth?” you called out as the two of you stepped into the living room. The place was trashed, looked like you’d missed a fight. You moved together checking each room and you shook your head when the last room proved empty and just as trashed “Call Dean” he was already pulling out his phone as the two of you slipped your guns back into place.
You could hear Dean ask “You two find the lovebirds?” Sam shook his head “No Garth, No Bess and the place is a wreck” “What? They were taken? Well that fans-friggin-tastic” “Tell us you got something?” you asked stepping closer to the phone so he could hear you. “Well this ragnarok, end of days crap. Star of the story is a wolf named Fenris who kills the god Odin before the world ends” “And that helps us how?” Sam asked so you shrugged. “There are cults that consider Fenris a wolf deity and worship him. They call themselves the maw of Fenris” 
“A Cult of werewolves?” you questioned and Sam added “What do they want?” “Well Ragnarok is not just a bible story to these nutjobs. It’s an action plan..human extinction total and complete werewolf domination” you swallowed hard then asked “So this is the ground zero for their movement?” “Freakin Wisconsin..well time for Reverend Jim to go down” Sam nodded then said “Yeah, need any help?” “No I got it. You two just find Garth” “All right” Sam hung up then looked back at you before the two of you headed back out of Garth’s apartment.
You stepped into the hall and you saw Joba a second before feeling a hard hit on the back of your head then the world went black.
You groaned as you slowly started to wake up. God your head felt like you’d had a block dropped onto it. “They’re awake” Joba announced so you lifted your head slowly rolling it over to look at Sam who was tied to the same tractor as you then you spotted Garth and Bess across the barn.
Joy walked across the barn towards the two of you with a gun in her hand and a smile on her face “Well don’t you two look good enough to eat?” You glared at her while Sam asked “Why are you doing this? I mean us I can understand” you nodded towards Garth and Bess before adding “They’re your family, your pack” She smiled and nodded to Russ and Joba who walked out the barn.
She began to load the gun in her hand as she spoke “Last winter, my little brother Charlie was killed by a hunter” you counted the bullets she was loading. They were silver and there was one for you, Sam, Garth and Bess. “My husband counseled patience,restraint just as when he took over our beloved church. He preached a new direction lycanthropes and man would co-exist. Peace was more important than dominance”   Keep talking was the only thought in your mind. You and Sam were both working to free your hands and you had no doubt Dean would come just if he got here before this bitch shot any of you.
“I tried so hard to make his way work..to be a preacher’s wife but then Charlie was murdered. And I couldn’t help remembering my daddy’s sermons and by golly turns out he was right. As long as there is a man there can be no peace because man destroys” she turned back towards you and Sam so you stopped moving. She crouched down closer to Sam as she said “And I for one am sick of it” “Well honey normally I’d agree with you about the whole man destroys thing but I’m in a fairly new relationship that’s going good and these two fellas you’ve got tied up here has always been good friends to me so I think your panties are just in a wad” you grumbled turning her attention towards you and off Sam and Garth. 
She let out a harsh laugh “You are something Y/N” “So I’ve been told” you replied with a smile. “Yeah Y/N, why co-exist when you can rule?” Sam scoffed turning his head to look at you as if the two of you were having a private conversation. “Bingo” Joy confirmed with a smile then shrugged “But my husband doesn’t see it that way. See he was bitten, not born into it like I was. He still holds onto his humanity..which is why I am so pleased it will be his claws that start Ragnarok not mine”
You knew the confusion was clear on yours and Sam’s faces so she clarified “The three of you coming here was a blessing from Fenris above. You two cornered Garth here” she pointed across the barn towards Garth “And then when Bess came running in to see what the fuss was about you killed her” “No!” Garth screamed and you doubled your efforts on your restraints. Bess was innocent werewolf or not you weren’t about to watch her be killed. You saw Sam trying to get free as well. Joy ignored Garth and stood over Bess “Silver to the heart”
You heard a growling and your eyes widened to see Garth transforming. “You’re gonna frame the murders on us” Sam questioned and Joy shrugged again “My husband turned his cheek once. I don’t think he can do it again” She walked towards Bess and Garth screamed “STAY AWAY FROM HER” “Killing you gives me no joy but Ragnarok is bigger than all of us” “You’re sick” you spoke at the same time Bess said it.
Joy stood back to aim at Bess but Sam managed to kick the gun out of her hand and Joy turned towards the two of you “You’re dying for me to get my claws dirty aren’t you” then she looked your way “I’ll rip her apart in front of you” You saw movement out the corner of the barn and let out a breath when you saw it was Dean, gun in hand.  Before you could let out a warning Joba dove from the upper part of the barn down onto Dean. “DEAN!”
They struggled and you felt your heart stop until Dean stood up shoving Joba’s body to the side. He was ok. “Wearing Russ’ coat to hide your scent, smart” Joy admitted and Dean leveled her with a glare “Oh, I’m full of surprises” “As am I” Joy smiled and they both dove for their dropped guns.
You flinched when the shots fired and you saw Joy’s body hit the ground. “Dean!” you screamed because you couldn’t see him. You were struggling against your restraints feeling them dig into your arms but not caring until he ran over to your side “I’m ok. I’m ok” he untied you first and you practically dove into his arms burying your face in his neck. The two of you only spared yourselves a second to check on each other before you moved to unchain Bess and he went about freeing Sam and Garth.
The next morning you stood back watching Sam and Garth hug with a small smile. Dean was leaned against the doorway so you were leaning against him. In the last few hours he hadn't left your side. Sam turned after hugging Garth then nodded to the two of you before walking out.
Garth walked over towards you and Dean so Dean looked towards Reverend Jim “How’s he doing?” “He’s taking it pretty hard. Feels like he should have seen the signs earlier” You tilted your head slightly because well yeah maybe? Dean scoffed “Yeah well maybe you were right. He seems like a good man..considering” Garth nodded then said “Yeah and you were right. Everything around here wasn’t copacetic. I screwed up again. First Kevin, now this”
Dean shook his head “Hey, Kevin? That’s on me” you cut your eyes at him then said “You’re not the only one who failed to protect Kevin or are you forgetting I was there too?” Garth looked between the two of you then offered “Guess there’s enough blame to go around” Dean nodded then touched your arm before turning towards the door.
Garth stopped the two of you before you could make it outside “Yeah?” “I know this might sound a little crazy but maybe I could come back and hunt? I mean with my werewolf mojo we’d have an advantage” “Yeah, look Garth..” Dean started but Garth cut him off “I want to make this right. I never should’ve left you guys, especially Kevin. Kevin was my friend. Friends don’t do that”
Dean looked at you then brushed his fingertips against your arm before saying “Garth you said it,who cares where happiness comes from? Look we’re all a little weird, we’re all a little wacky..some more than others but if it works, it works” Garth smiled at that so you added “You’ve got something here Garth, even if they’re werewolves, lycanthropes whatever don’t let that go”
Dean looked at you before he said “Or you’d never forgive yourself” then looked back to Garth “Beside somebody has to live to tell this damn story someday and who better than you” “Now shut up and hug us before Dean changes his mind” you teased. Garth hugged both of you tight then stood back and looked between you “You two are good together, you really are” “Thanks Garth” you smiled then raised your voice a little to say “Bye Bess. You have my number if you need it” she smiled and waved.
You patted Garth on the shoulder before following Dean out of the door.
Dean pulled up to drop Sam off back at his car. Sam glanced back at you before telling Dean “I’ll send that postcard” and climbed out.
“Dean” you spoke softly and that was all it took. He climbed out the driver’s door so you followed close behind. You watched them talk for a moment before walking over to them. They both turned to look at you so you raised your hand “Can I talk?” Dean motioned to say go ahead so you took a breath “You’re both stubborn assholes. Dean don’t look at me like that, it's true. This life we live is shitty at best but when the two of you are on the same page it’s a little less shitty. I’m in love with Dean and Sam, I love you because you’re my best friend. I can’t do this any longer. I can’t keep being the go between. If you two can’t work this out I’ll take myself out of the equation for a while. I could stay with Garth and Bess or bounce between Bobby’s cabins again. I don’t mean to lay down ultimatums but I guess I just did”
Once your piece was spoken you walked back over and climbed back into baby’s backseat watching them. They each nodded and passed a few more words before they walked over to the impala. You knew them both well enough to see their little tells that whatever was said once you were out of ear shot caused some tension but at least they were both willing to be in the same car. You looked at Dean in the mirror silently questioning if he was ok. He gave a sharp nod so you leaned back against the seat. If you could get both of them back in one place maybe things would start to move back towards whatever the three of you could call normal? You knew what was broken between the two of them couldn’t be fixed overnight but you refused to let them give up on themselves or each other. There was too much going on with the angels and Abaddon for the three of you to not be together on it.
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278
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