#i wnt to end it
planetclosed · 2 years
sui ment//
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spitinsideme · 5 months
dosent ragatha have some special helish duty’s as the queen. Also does she have anymore powers
this is going to be a long post because i like to explain things in detail and also im going to add little drawings to some, so get ready
she does !!! she has some duties she shoukd be taking care of as youknow the queen of hell !!! like any other royalty in thr world, she does jackshit 👍 she just kind of .. created hell and is in charge of it .. soemtimes she likes to torture them herself for a bit of fun
she does have powers !!! i domt draw them much necause she doesnt really use them, but im going to give you a big list now ...
*shes invulnerable to any human or like world weapon or death, nothing can kill or harm her on earth (except religious stuff like crosses and rosaries and holy water, etc) BUT !! when shes close to someone she cares a lpt aboit (like pomni) she can be harmed and killed and also it significaly slows down her abiloty to heal .. here is a diagram to explain that
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she also is a pussy with pain becausd she is like NOT used to any earth things at all, like yeah she can be knocked around a bit by a demon but bwcause she heals quickly it has never affecred her, shes the tyoe of person to full on cry and refuse to move or do anything becwude she got a papercut
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*she has heightened sense of hearing and smell ! and also eyesight !! she can see in the dark which is very nice
*she can shapeshift oarts of her body into her demonic form. this meand she can grow the fur, have a tail, have sharper and bigger fangs and claws, change her horn shaoe into her demonic form one, and just all that stuff she can do ! she can also shapeshift into different creatures ! but they all have like soke demonic features added to then becaude ragatha is, in facy, a demon. and thehre also usuually way bigger than the original animal. not very good for blending in actually but the animald do look pretty cool and pomni finds it cute (pomni somwrimes asks ragatha to shapeshift to havw like .. the fur her demonic form has because its soft and she likes to sleeo in it, especialy during winter)
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*ragatha is always warm. literally immune to any other wearher or temperature. this isnr exactly a supwepower, this isjust her natural state. shes alwyas warm and whereever she goes she warms uo the place because of it. summer weather ? doesnr bother her, shes hotter than it and shes used to the heat (she likes it, makes her feel at home), winter weather ? canr even feel it because shee so warm, the cokd doesnt bother her or affect her
*shes very strong, shes less agile than the other demons because she relies more on strengtth than anything else, shes not vert fast either because, again, she relies on strength. shes faster than a human obviously, but not as fast as like some animals or a car. also she just doesnr enjly running because shes a cocky little bitch who knows dhe can kill whorver dhe want and whenever she wants
*shes the queen of hell, obviously she controls peoples souls. people still do contracyswith her youknow deals woth the devil are still a thing. she canr take a persons soul unless theyre mesnt to be in hell or theyve signed a contract for her to do so because then a whole fight woukd break our between her and heaven and she donesnt fancy all that. but yeah she can do all that !!
* because shes the queen of hell, she gets a special little power that only she has and no one else !!! she jusr knows what someone secretly desires, thats mosrly how she gets people to sign deals with her bur also shes a bit of a whore really so she mostly has used it for sex reasons, made a lot of peoppe go to hell by accodent because they didnr knkw they doing it woth the devil ! she likes that thoufh she finds it funny shes a bit of a bastard. she doesnt use it on pomni though because pomno told her not to, pomni feels weird about it and ragatha loves her and respecrs her and so doesnt do it. pomni ssys what she wnats anyways (soemtimes) so it works out
*she can control fire !thats soemthing shes able to do actually i decided now because shes like the queen of hell i mean comeon ?? flames of hell !? hell flames ?? it just works ... she cant do many fire tricks when notnin her demon form, but she can make fire appear with her fingers and also control it, she has verg good contrlm of it but soemtimes if she gets toomuch of a feeling she could just, potentially, light something on fire by accident. she needs to be very careful necause most of the times she doesnr want to loght soemrhing on fire by accident ! in her demon form, she can make larger fires appear and control them also. she can also control if they hurt someone or not, soemtimes she likes to start a bit of a fire that wont hurt someone but just scares then because it looks real and, therefore, dangerous. bit of a laugh for her really
*not exactly a power but someone once asked me if shes like hurt by cathokic or religoous imagerg things like crosses and rosaries and all that and yes ! she is !! it does burn her a bit and like a tingly .. stinging sensation ? it feels like if you fell into a pile of stingong nettles and then tried to scrape the skin off with a cactus. the pain is different for each thing !! ALSO !! VERY IMPORTANR !! the pain hurts less when theyre further away from it. for example, demon ragayha is in a chirch a lot because of pomni so shes always arouns relifious things bit as long as she doesnt touxh them or get VERY close to them they wont hurt her toomuch. if she gets really close to them or touches then they will hurt more
from lowest to highest on the pain scale, we have small obkects like rosaries or small crosses. the smaller the obkect, the less harm done. this is the lowest pain for that sort of stuff. overall 3/10 pain
then we have bigger obkects, things like statues or the bible woukd hurt more. this is like a bit more painful. overall 4/10 pain.
holy water is MUCH more painful on the scale. but holy watrr only works if it came from jesus birthplacr itself (nazareth) or if it was blessed from a priest, pope, or bishop. thats a proper 8/10 really painful for demons no matter your status (demon pomni and demon ragatha woukd both be hurt the same and feel the same amount of pain badically, doesnr matter the differences in status or strength for religious objects pain)
anything blessed by a priest or god themselves. also, if a priest, pope or bishop were to say a prayer and say it direftly TO them with intent to hurt (thats important, they have to say ir wirh intent to harm the demon) then this woukd be veryveru painful, proper 9/10 on the scale
i think thats it, tahts all i can think of now at least, if i think of more then ill add onto it !!
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
Are You Gonna Feel The Way I Feel? (Are You For Real, Joan’s Sister?) | Ona Batlle
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warnings: f for fluff
word count: 3231
summary: your friend, joan, introduces you to his sister and now you have two questions. the first, is she going to feel the way you feel? and the second, is she for real?
a/n: i think all of us united fans need some fluff today so here’s the fic that i’ve just finished writing, based off the song, cate’s brother by maisie peters, which i was beyond lucky to have been able to see live. this is also the very belated euros fic i always meant to write…
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You’d never watched football before. You’d never quite got the hype surrounding it either.
But when your friend Joan, suggested you come along with him to England, to support his sister who was going to be playing in the Women’s Euro, you couldn’t say no. You’d never been to England before and Joan had promised you a good time. It would be silly for you to say no.
That simple conversation is when you first heard Ona’s name.
That conversation also led to where you were now, standing in the friends and family section of Spain’s first game in the tournament.
When Finland scored, you could sense the unease in the Spanish supporters. But what amazed you was how they didn’t stop cheering. They kept chanting and waving their flags.
Their faith paid off because when the game finished, Spain had scored four goals to Finland’s one.
Joan makes his way down to the barriers as the players begin to greet their family.
One of Spain’s players strikes up a conversation with you and when it’s over, you see the prettiest brunette standing in front of your friend.
‘Did you meet my sister?’ He asks and you answer, ‘No I didn’t.’
As you do so, you can’t help but check her out.
Joan had pointed her out to you earlier, telling you that she wore the number two and played as a defender.
What he had apparently left out was exactly how gorgeous she is. From her many freckles to the tattoos you could see, she’s absolutely beautiful.
‘Hola, I’m Ona.’ She says, when you take too long to answer.
You blush with embarrassment but reach out to shake her hand.
‘It’s nice to meet you.’
Ona smiles at you and later, when you’re not looking, whispers in Catalan to her brother.
‘You didn’t tell me your friend is so hot.’
Joan only shrugs and laughs.
You attend all of Ona’s following games. You ignore your friend when he smirks as you loudly cheer every time Ona gets the ball.
Ona eagerly greets you after each game. By the end of the group stage, the brunette fullback had gone from shaking your hand to hugging you and giving you kisses on the cheek.
After she plays and wins against Denmark, she asks if you’re free to have a coffee with her.
Joan snorts but his girlfriend hits him lightly to get him to shut up.
Ona looks at you hopefully and you grin and nod. The Spanish woman’s smile grows even wider and she can’t stop herself from hugging you tightly again.
You hold her slim form against you, not minding how sweaty she is. Being close to Ona gave you butterflies inside and you found yourself liking it more and more.
Ona meets you at the coffee shop near her hotel with a bright smile and eager eyes.
‘Hey you.’
‘You look amazing.’ Ona murmurs, stepping closer and kissing your cheek gently.
You blush, looking down at your ripped jeans and simple white shirt.
‘You look amazing too Ona.’
Now it’s Ona’s turn to blush and she shrugs lightly.
Seeing her in Spain’s blue hoodie and a pair of black leggings, it only served to confirm what you already knew. That you didn’t only fancy her like crazy when she was in a football kit.
‘Come on.’
Ona tentatively reaches for your hand and she leads you towards the entrance, where she drops your hand for a moment, only so that she can hold the door open for you.
The brunette giggles at your use of her native language and upon hearing the sound of her laugh, you find yourself falling even harder for her.
You sit across the table from Joan’s sister, smiling at her as she sips her coffee a little too eagerly, resulting in her wincing and hurriedly setting down her cup.
She grins sheepishly at you and your heart goes, ‘Love her, she’s the one and we shall wed.’
Later that night as you sit alone in your hotel room, your head says, ‘Are you gonna work? Are you gonna hurt? Are you gonna last forever?’
You had always prided yourself on being independent, on being practical but you were developing feelings for Ona faster than you ever thought was possible. Your thoughts tell you that it’s unreasonable but Ona is just so kind and funny and smart. It’s so easy to talk to her and she makes you feel the most comfortable you’ve ever been when you’re with her.
You admire her passion for her sport, the way it so obviously shows whenever she’s on the pitch. It shows even when she’s off the pitch, in the way she studies how her opponents play.
Watching how her brow furrows in concentration as she looks intently at the screen where her game film is playing, your heart tells you again that she’s the one for you.
But you’re still scared.
Sitting cross legged on her hotel bed, you keep watching her. Ona had kicked the teammate whom she was rooming with, out for a few hours, telling her that she wanted to spend time with you.
She has such lovely chocolate brown eyes. The brunette is five-foot-five and she’s a little younger than you. She also liked to be fully prepared for her games and if that meant looking through hours of game film to study her opponents, she was willing to do it.
And you were willing to let her. She looks adorable when she’s focusing and you are more than content to just spend time with her. She was playing in one of the most important tournaments of her life and the fact that she wanted to spend time with you even as she did so made your heart swell with affection for her.
Five minutes later and Ona declares, ‘Okay. That’s enough work for tonight.’
Joan’s sister puts her ipad aside, moving closer to you.
She leans her head against your shoulder and softly asks, ‘How was your day hermosa?’
Your heart skips a beat and your cheeks turn red.
Ona hums and after a few moments of silence she lifts her head up hurriedly, ‘Was that okay? You’re not answering and I don’t mean to pry because Joan told me you can be a bit shy and reserved. I’m sorry-’
‘Hey. Don’t be sorry. I’ve had a really good day. It’s just that no one has ever asked me that before.’ You quietly admit.
‘Oh.’ Ona looks at you sadly before gently taking your hand in hers and running her thumb over your palm.
‘I’d like to ask you about your day every day, if you don’t mind of course.’ Ona murmurs, as she keeps soothing you with her thumb.
‘I think I’d like that.’
Ona leans over, setting your hand down so that she can cradle your face in her hands and give you a protective kiss on your forehead.
You travel to the stadium in Brighton with Joan and his girlfriend. You’re all nervous but upon seeing the confidence that Ona walks out with, your mind is set at ease. You can tell that it does the same for Joan because he squeezes your hand tightly.
‘She’s got this.’
For the next ninety minutes, you watch in awe as Ona plays her heart out for her country.
Her interaction with Beth Mead and the referee has you on the edge of the seat.
‘Come on Ona, don’t lose your head.’ You murmur anxiously.
Joan glances over but you barely notice, far too busy focusing on his sister.
A few minutes later, when Ona is tackled by another English player, you join the Spanish fans in their booing.
Then you remain standing, tiptoeing to look over the heads of the other fans to make sure that you can see with your own eyes that Ona gets up and is okay.
When she does, you release the breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
Joan really turns to look at you then.
‘You care a lot for my sister don’t you?’
With pink tinged cheeks, you’re answering your friend a heartbeat later.
‘I do.’
You grab Ona’s hand as soon as she gets close enough to the barriers. The devastation and still fresh tear streaks on her face lets you know that she doesn’t need you to tell her she played well.
Every minute of the one hundred and twenty minutes she had played showed that. It was as clear as day.
So instead, you say, ‘I’m so proud of you.’
Ona shakes her head but you refuse to let her pull out of your embrace.
It had broken your heart when you watched her lie on the grass, her arms coming up to cover her face as she’d cried earlier, as soon as the whistle had blown. All you had wanted to do then was run across the field to her but you hadn’t been able to so you were hoping to make up for it now.
‘I am so proud of you.’ You repeat wholeheartedly, squeezing her gently.
That’s when Ona breaks down completely, sobbing into your shoulder.
‘We were the better team. It’s not fair.’ She chokes out.
‘I know. I know.’ You stroke her hair and she cries even harder.
Joan puts a hand on her back, rubbing it soothingly.
You don’t leave Ona alone for a single second. From the moment you hug her at the stadium, to the moment she’s back in her hotel room, you’re by her side.
When Joan and his girlfriend leave to get back to their hotel, you stay with the brunette fullback.
Joan gives you a knowing look as you see him out, squeezing your shoulder and murmuring a quiet, ‘Gracias. I know you’ll take good care of her.’
When you turn back to Ona, you see that she’s still curled into a small lump under her blanket.
You sit down on the bed beside her and say nothing else, simply reaching a hand under the blanket.
Ona grasping your hand tightly in hers a second later is more than enough of a response.
You lie beside her, holding her hand throughout the rest of the night.
Ona wakes up when the sun rises, a smile forming on her face as she feels your hand, still in hers.
Sometime in the night, you had pushed the blanket off her face so that she could breathe properly. Worrying about Ona was apparently something that you were going to have to get used to now.
The fullback brings your joined hands to her lips and gently, she presses a kiss onto the back of your hand.
You stir awake and are met with soft brown eyes that hold the most affectionate of looks in them.
‘Hi.’ You breathe and in answer, Ona whispers a quiet, ‘Hola.’
‘You okay?’
‘Better now. Thank you for staying.’
You shrug, ‘I was happy to. I’m even more happy to see you smile.’
Ona’s smile widens and she kisses your cheek lightly.
‘D-Do you have anything planned today?’
‘Want to get breakfast?
The nervous expression she’s wearing makes your heart skip a beat.
‘Ona, are you asking me out on a date?’
The Spaniard’s cheeks and ears flush adorably, ‘And if I am?’
‘Then I would say yes. But I would however, insist that I pay. I need to treat my favourite player right.’
Ona sits up then, a soft laugh leaving her.
‘Vale, I am honoured to be your favourite player.’
Ona invites you to watch the Euro final with her. She had managed to get two tickets in the German’s friends and family section and she was anxiously hoping you would say yes.
She had gone on a short impromptu trip to Austria with Joan and his girlfriend, her brother’s way of trying to take her mind off the quarter final game.
You found it adorable how much your friend cared about his sister.
You had explored London on your own while your friend and Ona were out of the country.
The brunette had insisted you wait to explore Manchester till she came back though. She was adamant that she be your tour guide in the city she now called home.
Ona didn’t want to rush things, the first date had gone so well and she didn’t want to jinx things by having a second date so soon. But she just wanted to spend time with you. She had missed you so much while she was away, even though it was only for a few days. Texting and calling just wasn’t enough.
The Spaniard didn’t have to worry because as soon as she had asked, you’d said yes. You wanted to spend time with her just as much as she wanted to spend time with you.
And Ona couldn’t stop herself from excitedly kissing your forehead.
You giggle and Ona’s gaze flicks down towards your lips just once before she meets your eyes.
But it’s enough to let you know that the feelings you have for her are reciprocated.
It’s why you don’t hesitate to cup her face in your hands and gently kiss her.
Ona melts, sighing into your mouth and kissing you back.
Her hands reach for your waist, fingers sneaking under your shirt and brushing against your bare skin.
The brunette pulls back slightly, just enough to breathe before pressing her lips back onto yours.
The second time she pulls back, she closes her eyes and leans her forehead against yours.
‘I’ve wanted to kiss you since I first met you.’ She whispers.
You laugh softly and tell her, ‘Me too.’
Outside your hotel room is not the most romantic place to share a first kiss with the woman who could potentially be the love of your life but you wouldn’t change a thing about it.
Watching Ona jump to her feet, cheering at the top of her lungs for Germany’s players, you can��t help but smile.
Her excitement and joy are contagious.
The cropped white collared shirt and ripped jeans she’s wearing looks so gorgeous on her. The grin on her face makes her even more beautiful.
You were so happy that she was feeling better and that she had mostly stopped reliving the lost game over and over.
And again, your heart goes, ‘Love her, she’s the one and we shall wed.’
When a couple of Germany’s players ask Ona if she would like to come to their after party, Ona glances at you, silently asking if you’d want to go.
You give her a nod and the brunette quickly relays the answer to the Germans.
In the hours to come, you learn that the Germans really know how to party.
The alcohol and loud music play a large part in you getting the courage to ask Ona to dance with you.
Ona laughs, shaking her head and protesting, ‘I can’t dance. I’m truly awful at it.’
You have a hard time imagining Ona would be bad, let alone awful at anything but nevertheless, you plead, ‘Come on. Please. Just one song for me?’
Joan’s sister hesitates for a split second before setting down her bottle of beer and taking your hand in hers.
‘Just for you. But don’t blame me if I step on your toes.’
Laughing and giggling as you stumble down the corridor of your hotel, with Ona’s hand in yours, you feel like you’re floating with happiness.
Although that may mostly be the alcohol.
You’re both more than a little tipsy and you hurriedly tap your key card to open the door.
Ona eagerly follows you into the room and one moment she’s in front of you and the next, she’s letting out an undignified squeak as she trips and lands on top of you, on your bed.
You laugh breathlessly but Ona isn’t at all fazed, simply taking advantage of her new position and kissing you hard.
‘I love kissing you.’ She mumbles, kissing you again and again.
You respond happily, losing yourself in the feeling of Ona making out with you. The feel of her lips on yours is intoxicating.
When the fullback leans back slightly, you look at her with wide beseeching eyes that ask, ‘Why’d you stop?’
Joan’s sister caresses your waist lightly, ‘Lo siento. I just, I wanted to ask…Will you be my girlfriend?’
You freeze, looking at the hopeful expression on her face.
Her chocolate brown eyes are shining but your head is screaming, ‘Are we gonna make it, gonna break it when it’s now or never?’
Ona keeps looking at you, her thumb carefully stroking your hip over and over again.
The thoughts running through your head jump to, ‘If it’s gonna hurt, will it be worth it and will I recover?’
You must be taking way too long to answer because the Spaniard asks gently, ‘Talk to me? What are you thinking about?’
Your inclination to hesitate is overcome by Ona’s reassuring tone and it comes out as a tiny whisper, fraught with insecurities, ‘Are you gonna feel the way I feel?’
‘Are you for real, Joan’s sister?’ Is another thought that’s on the forefront of your mind but you keep that one to yourself.
Ona shifts her hand to your cheek, resuming her reassuring stroking there.
‘Hermosa, if you mean that your heart skips a beat every time I walk into a room, then yes, I feel the same way. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever you look at me.’
‘You do?’
It’s almost too good to be true. Here Joan’s sister is, telling you that she returns the feelings you have for her.
Hearing it from her own lips is everything you’ve dreamt of for the past month.
Your head and heart are telling you the same thing now, ‘Will we ever get together? We’d be perfect for each other. Will we ever get together?’
Ona kisses your cheek affectionately.
‘Listen, I like you so incredibly much. I won’t let you down or lead you on. I’m not like the others, I promise.’
The raw honesty in Ona’s voice is clear and you know that if she’s anything like her brother, she wouldn’t say something like this lightly.
‘How can I know for sure? It’s only been a summer.’
Joan’s sister tries to keep a straight face because even she can hear, from the tone of your voice, that you’ve already made up your mind. And it was in her favour.
‘Get a flight to Spain and you can meet my mother.’ The brunette says easily.
Ona giggles at the incredulity in your voice. She didn’t know how else to make sure you knew that she’s serious about the depth of her feelings for you.
‘Really. You already know my brother and he loves you. I’m sure my mother and father would too.’
‘Okay. I’d love to be your girlfriend and I’d love to go to Spain with you.’
The big grin on your face is matched by the goofy one on the brunette’s.
Ona cheers and leans down to kiss you, conveying all her emotions into the physical gesture. It nearly overwhelms you, the joy you feel. It assures you that you’re making the right choice.
That’s when you became her only girl and now you date Joan’s sister.
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Spanish Translations:
gracias - thank you
hermosa - beautiful
hola - hi
vale - okay
lo siento - i’m sorry
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getting-messi · 1 year
Women in football are barely paid, barely respected, barely believed, and barely heard ….
And you think that Spain’s win can only be about the players?
When people are already spitting on the names of the players that protested, saying that nothing Vilda did matters because he won them a World Cup, where the federation is trolling on Twitter and the president is comfortably kissing players on the mouth and telling them that he’s gonna fly them all out to Ibiza and marry Jenni.
How naive.
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funnierasafictive · 1 year
Wld u guys b interested in art commissions ^_^?
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meadowfoxglove · 6 months
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Sun lady
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lemongogo · 9 months
i need 2 get back into painting fish
#said in the ‘gary i need’ voice#or painting in general . i want 2 get into plein air#and go to like . arizona or smth and paint the landforms . soo red and orange and rocky and dusty and ❤️🫶#the round brushstrokes on tht 1 would be so much fun~_~#its such a tiresome medium though.like all the set up and cleanup and stuff#i refuse to learn abt oil precautions so i just stick to acrylic but even then it dries so fast and its like.mindgame trying to decide what#to focus on in the little time u have . and god forbid u paint on a layer too soon and u lift it off the canvas#HELLLLLLL. but the end result is always so worth it . like holding a physical piece.its 3d .its REALL#fish r so much fun to paint bc 1 u get to pay attn to their morphology but 2 they jave the best textures#im not averse to painting fur but i lovee . the interplay btwn light and fish skin. its so epic and awesome#the only other artist ik of in my family is my uncle & he METALWORKS!!! FISH !!! ITS SOOO FREAKIG COOL#i want to learn from him so bad . guh.GUAHHHHH. anyways i just think its funny that the two of us r fixated on recreating fish#crosses my arms .#okhh.. i also wnt to get into mosaics . god.GOAODDD#did i talk abt this 1 alr.. reread the b1p arc w the mosaic and fresco work and it makes me so sick why couldnt i go to art college and make#frescoes and mosaics .woe is me or whagever . no but its so tempting 2 just buy some tesserae and get 2 it ..#i saw a pigeon mesh mosaic n it like lit that fire under me . what we need js like one giant art collective#that magically provides all the supplies in the world for free and we hold hands and make art in 20 different disciplines 2000 different wys
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thekittyfox2999 · 7 months
I want to cuddle up against Watsonnnn
Why is he not reallll
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pajorko · 2 years
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This friendly wasn't too friendly, was it
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astrxealis · 2 years
i think haurchefant deserves the world. he deserves absolutely everything.
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა ffxiv ໒꒱ *·˚#dear god i don't think he's even in my top 10 or even 15 but i love him with all my HEART ...................#just so happens my way of favouriting characters is like mhmmhmhmhmh yeah your vibe fits mine frfr#ANYWAYS i will one day write him just talking to my wol. w hot choco#my wol is like me and so smiles and happiness are central to her and important to her but she keeps giving#and doesn't really know how to take. in a way. like me haha. and it connects to how she's a Hero. the warrior of light#and shes light. she's joy. she's a star. but she's also just an adventurer and she doesn't know who she is anymore#outside of her being the warrior of light ... hence i should insert drk in her lore somehow. idk how. but somehow#and that's why her meeting zenos AWAKENED something in her. and that's why fandaniel did too. and. reaper#but in the end she's a summoner and astrologian! she heals and she accepts like. ig help. from others#and i think g'raha and haurchefant both are really a big help in that. and i think my wol is pretty alike to raha#but since shb she's been more assertive ............... man wtf my wol is so similar to me sobs </3 ANYWAYS. ANYWAYS. yeah#i love my warrior of light vv much and all my xiv ocs even if i don't have coherent thoughts#i was thinking making uhmm . i still haven't decided a name for m viera. BUT. i was thinking of making him have a twin#but like. Opposite. then i rmbr i already have twin warrior of lights bcs me and my irl twin like to yeah oops. so yeah#I FORGOT THE LORE I WANT FOR MY OCS NOOOOO aside from their ancient counterparts SOBS#anyways i'm just rambling abt my ocs now so whatever hi. 2 minutes to 4 am goodness me#so my wol is romantically involved w raha ever since arr! don't wnt to make her poly even tho i think poly is very valid bcs ya#BUT i think yeah aus maybe. but also no. i'm so attached to raha that idk tbh#raha's gone for some time so in that time she kinda has stuff goin on w others ..... like lyse and magnai! zenos! idk who else.....#but then uhmm she canonically at the very least has stuff going on w themis and hyth. and zenos. man idk how to do fandaniel though#themis and her get along really well in pandaemonium but i forgot how i was gna go about w it all eeeee#and w hyth! i know the whole thing going on w azem wol hyth themis at least hehe yes. + raha.#idk yet how i'll be able to insert zenos in canon tbh. and i want to put fandaniel somewhere at the very least but nah nvm#i have au ideas too tbh like if wol joined zenos's side. idk how i wanted that to go. just thought it'd be interesting#oh shit it's 4 am GOODNIGHT
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arcadequeerz · 2 years
I miss my dad.
#Cade.vnt#Closer it gets to Christmas the more it gets real and the more i hate it.#keep feeling like he's back on the road in his truck but i know he's Not and he's not coming home ever#N idk if its pathetic because me and him didn't get along and yada yada but i always expected him to outlive me#he was supposed to outlive me and he didn't and its Fucked Up and wasn't supposed to be like this.#old fuck was supposed to outlive all of us and he ended up dying in a hospital bed hooked up to machines and i didn't even get to say#goodbye#he didn't even eake back up#and i think thats what fucks me up the most that he didn't get to die here ay home- comfortable in his bed#or didn't get to make some stupid fucking joke that he Reall y shouldn't of said but still would make us laugh-#he left too quietly. he should of gone laughing#it isnt fair. it isn't fucking fair and i hate it and everyone keeps telling me its okay he's 'with god' now#and i dont want him to be i just want him back here. was suppoed to be a xonstant in my life and now#there's this fucking absence and i hate it so fucking much#we still dont even know what happened.#they kept throwing shit around and never said anything for certain.#anyways. my mom cut up a bunch of his shirts this evening- she sais she's gonna make a qult with them#she let me keep his pink floyd shirt though. crying and getting snot all over it rn#i just kind of need 2023 to be kinder to me. and my family. please i cant take anymore loss or pain#it feels like the universe hates me and wnts me dead.
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planetclosed · 2 years
the thoughts r getting bad. i might use my vent again jst to like. write shit i dunno how to say out loud.
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meowkotoyuki · 3 months
ughh...im so hrtbrkn
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vamp-luvr999 · 3 months
I'm sorry, mum and dad, I wish everything was okay. I wish I could promise you that things will be okay. I wish we had a better relationship and that we loved each other. This is all my fault and I'm sorry, I really am. I hope you'll forgive me one day, and one day we'll make peace with each other. I'm sorry.
— sincerely, your child who loves you so much. (2024)
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nikidykeachu · 9 months
I've been trying to post my niki puffy Hannah drawing for the past few mins.....
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