#i wish there was more timing options this is like a 3 day poll at best
tubapun · 1 year
You can decide if this means on purpose or accidentally and make arguments for your pony in the tags and replies thanks bye bye
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mabaris · 2 years
not to be that bitch who reads too much into things again but. it feels rly telling that not a single woman made it into the romance survey semifinals
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3k - A celebration!
Hey there, guys and gals!
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TLDR: There's a poll at the bottom asking which story deserves a sequel!
Today is a very special day, at least to me. After a little more of one year posting stories to Tumblr, I have reached the absolutely staggering number of 3000 followers. During this time, I have posted about 100 stories with a unbelievable (and I kid you not) 33,333 likes and reblogs. Yes, this is the exact number at the time of writing this post. Yes, I wrote a program to look that up and the number is accurate.
Let me just say: Wow. And thank you. 3000 of you found my writing enjoyable enough to want me in their feed. And there were exactly 33,333 times in the past year-and-a-bit that someone actually *liked* what they saw/read/skimmed over. I couldn't feel more honored, really.
As a celebration, I am going to do something I usually don't (even though I have been asked a couple of times): I will write a sequel or prequel or related story to one of those stories YOU liked most. Remember the program I wrote to find out my total number of notes? Yeah, the original function was to find out the stories with the most notes. Out of the top six of those, I will let you chose the one story you want to see more of. Additionally (although it is only at rank 10), as a seventh option I'll add "Your wish is my command", since that is the story I have received the most sequel requests. So, without further lamenting, here are the stories!
#1: 11:48
#2: Boyfriend Material
#3: ATArena
#4: Spice Up
#5: Beating Recession
#6: Calling the Plumber
#7: Your Wish is my Command
So! Which one is it going to be? Choose wisely!
That's it from my side for today. Stay awesome!
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riacte · 9 months
🥁 Welcome to the first ever "Choose an unhinged Renchanting moment" ✨ALL STARS EDITION✨!!! 🥁
In which winners of the previous nine (!!) polls and the Last Life burning tower scene will battle it out for ULTIMATE UNHINGED RENCHANTING MOMENT!! Deliberately made to cross over from 2023 to 2024 to wish for a new year full of Renchanting <3
If you don't want to read my lengthy and dramatic sports guy commentary you can skip to the poll right at the end.
Now, let's introduce our beloved competitors! With some clips sponsored by @ani-craft, thank you as always <3
Starting from Round 1, the OG, the beginning of this series in Feb 2023— congrats to "Ren calling Maidtyn "very very sexy" completely unprovoked"!. Now, fellow Tumblr users, this is a historical moment because the Maidtyn trend was the Tumblr response to Martyn being active on Tumblr, and it snowballed into the Mint Mistletoes of MCC19 wearing skins of maid dresses (and a butler suit). This is the tangible impact of the Tumblr fan community on MCC. And of course it's about maid dresses.
Round 1 was quickly followed up by Round 2, and narrowly winning by FOUR votes is... [drumroll] "r/place (2022) when Martyn helped place a pixel of blush on RK Ren"!. Truly a chaotic moment that somehow became a highlight even in the overall chaos of those few days.
But the numbers really peaked in Round 3, aka. the Limited Life edition when Martyn's lore stream repeatedly dropped bombs on us. 100% of these moments are from Martyn, by the way. But which unhinged moment was the most unhinged? Which moment will win like Martyn? Unsurprisingly, the most popular option are those two words that basically sum it up— "UNGUIDED HAND". An unhinged moment that won with a whopping 404 out of 1913 votes.
Things did not calm down after Limited Life. Some might say the moments only became more unhinged. 2.5 months after LimLife ended, Round 4 began. Most of these moments are also from Martyn. Most unhinged of all: "Martyn declaring in a low voice: 'Third Life never ended for me'." Yeah it sure didn't, buddy.
Fast forward to September 2023. Treebark Week 2023! Surely the perfect moment for a poll! Also, I need to add that I was so excited about Round 5 that I posted it before TBW ended and... let's say it immediately got worse the day after I posted the poll. My hubris for assuming it was the end... Anyways, Martyn's Tumblr shenanigans kick in once again. Congrats to "Martyn saying nothing about an ask that claims his character is in love with Ren", which also ended up being a significant post to Scurvyblr. For reasons.
Two months after TBW, the pining gets exponentially worse. And I do mean exponentially. Enter Round 6, which has a lot of insane moments, but there was one clear winner, a moment that swept with 32% of the votes— everybody clap and cheer for "Martyn's 50 word 3L AU drabble - "Luck be with ye.... Hand"!! At the time of writing, that post has 4.1k notes. Martyn's just like us. He's writing fanfiction and that's so real of him.
Merely ten days later, fires are crackling, demons are giggling— it's the Decked Out open day! And we got a Renchanting feast! Round 7 emerged from That Iconic Burning Stone Box and was dedicated to moments the stream day. With 39% of the votes, the unhinged moment that swept was "Ren to Martyn: You have very fine lips there and a wonderful neck for kissing". Honorable mentions go to Martyn's Twitch chat (for surviving), Martyn's viewers (for clipping it with varying degrees of "what did he just say??"), and of course, False (for locking them in and kickstarting whatever the improv demon roleplay was).
A few weeks later, the flames have died down— or have they? Round 8 enters with a steel chair and Ren has more unhinged moments now. Martyn's Tumblr takes home another win with "Martyn reblogging a post that calls Ren his “Minecraft boyfriend”!! This is the third win that's from Martyn's Tumblr blog. You love to see it.
Last but not the least, Round 9 from last week! It's finally Ren's turn to dominate. Our winner is.... "Ren mentions going to sleep and dreaming of Martyn’s 'beautiful, beautiful eyes'"!! Appropriately clipped with the caption "Insane".
But that's not all! In Round 1 + 2, I purposefully excluded the altar scene and the burning tower scene because I felt those two would sweep. Now, I think the altar scene is still untouchable but the burning tower seems almost normal now. (As normal as an unhinged moment could be.)
A new unhinged moment has appeared! Challenger approaching! Last Life Ren purposefully sets his tower on fire after knowing Martyn is watching him and Martyn runs to save him while screaming "Ren, what are you doing to yourself! Stop burning yourself!".
Okay, okay, my dramatic commentary is done. Hey, I'm not a Renchanting fan for nothing. Here's the poll. Have fun :D
Much love to all of you <3 here's to another year of unhinged Renchanting moments!
(Also sorry the r/place should be in 2022 not 2021)
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
03/18/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew; Samba; Leslie Jones; Taika; Rachel House; Rhys; Kristian; New Weekly Event Calendar; YouWear50Well; Ranker; AdoptOurCrew Rhys Radness; Fan Spotlight; Fundraiser Status; Kudoboard; Watch Parties; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Hey friends! Thank you for the kind words about my head injury! So far so good, not dead yet-- although I am a bit out of it so I apologize if i'm not totally articulate! I appreciate you all reaching out and sending love <3 You are the best crew ever!
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== Samba More BTS ==
Samba gave us a whole bunch more BTS today! This time regarding the Spanish Jackiez Set! (I ran out of room for images on this so please visit the stills links for the pile of pics Samba dropped.)
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Stills #1: Spanish Jackiez Stills
Stills #2: More Spanish Jackiez Stills
Video #1: Matthew confirming stuff
Video #2: "Hey Hey, Just mee and my big swords here" - Erroll
Video #3: "Are you a husband Kristian?"
Video #4: Flaming Bananas Practice
Video #5: Flaming Bananas Take
== Leslie Fucking Jones ==
Just, what can I say, this woman is on fire every time I see her. <3
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SRC: Leslie Jones IG
== Taika ==
Taika was all over the place today, which is AWESOME! It's so good to see him feeling more comfortable posting on SM again, he also apparently is in some sort of influencer era because he keeps posting product reviews, which is hilarious and awesome.
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=Rachel House =
Rachel House directed The Mountain, and Taika helped Produce it, she's out exhibiting the soundtrack that's available now!
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Are you currently in Aotearoa (New Zealand)? They've got some screenings of the Mountain and Q & A sessions with Rachel! Visit the @temauunga linktree for more information and availabilities!
= Rhys =
For those of you not already aware-- Rhys is having a cameo on Night Court! As the Duke of Greybog. Available on Peacock!
= Kristian Nairn =
Just Kristian being sweet and continuing to keep us updated
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= Gizmo = Poor Gizmo is missing Theo.
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== Mar 18 - 24 Event Calendar ==
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March 19th: London Billboard Round 2!
== YouWear50Well ==
Early reminder! The 21st is Rhys' Birthday! Since it'll be the 21st for some crew members earlier than others, @yronnia was kind enough to give us information early regarding the 50th birthday news! Please be sure to Post your birthday wishes to Rhys and show him your appreciation! Send your fanart and other creations using #YouWear50Well. Please Note: Please do not tag Rhys repeatedly! He's going to be getting a lot of notifications. Even just having notifications under #YouWear50Well will help keep everything visible :)
== Ranker ==
Wanna help boost Our Flag Means Death? There's another Ranker poll! Remember to rank OFMD up, and other shows down if you want to help keep OFMD up. Obviously vote how you like though :)
== Adopt Our Crew: Rhys Radness ==
So something I didn't cover yesterday was all the Rhys Radness going on over on Twitter! The first round of votes results were:
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There are 4 categories: Movies, Commercials, Short Poppies, and Television
Todays options were:
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Now one thing you'll notice, is the tv-show category between Stede Bonnet & Charles, and Steve and Murray got a bit out of hand. Most of the rest of the polls ranged in the 200-400 votes-- while those two ranged in the 7-9000K votes. Obviously somebody was having some bot fun. What's interesting is that during the day, once the bots started, they were heavily favoring Charles, and Murray, then the other half of they day they were heavily favoring Stede and Steve! We'll see who wins later tonight!
== Fan Spotlight! ==
Two more cast cards! This time Connor Barrett and Michael Crane! Our two captive Englishmen from Season 1! Thank you @melvisik for keeping these going :D
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= MaxFanFaves =
Our dear crewmate @iamadequate1 has been hosting their own #MaxFanFaves on Twitter-- and its down to the final 4!
Coyote Vs Acme / Harley Quinn, and Our Flag Means Death / Gentleman Jack!
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== Kudoboards closing soon =
Last chance! Thank you to @sharpenyersword on Twitter for setting up ALL THE KUDOBOARDS! Rhys' birthday kudoboard will close on the 20th, the rest will close on the 22nd.
Go send the cast and crew some love folks!
Rhys Darby's Birthday
David Jenkins
Nathan Foad
Con O'Neill
Ruibo Qian
Leslie F*cking Jones!
Matthew Maher
Vico Ortiz
Samson Kayo
Alex "Ass Tonight" Sherman!
David Fane
Kristian "Wee John Wednesdays" Nairn!
Samba "BTS and Baking King" Schutte!
Fellow OFMD Fan Crew!
== Taika Kudo Board ==
= Watch Parties =
== Wrecked ==
There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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New watch parties!
Movie: Boy Date: Sunday March 31st at Time: 10am EST / 2pm GMT. We're watching Boy (2010) Hosted By: @tillychmo & @regg_official Location / Hastags: TBA
== Fundraiser Statuses ==
eSIMS and Sanitary Products for Gaza
03/10/24 - $5689 / 191 Supporters / 71 %
03/11/24 - $5814 / 194 Supporters / 72%
03/18/24 - $6558 / 248 Supporters / 81%
Getting close all!
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= In Soup Now =
03/10/2024 - £925 / 39 supporters / 18%
03/11/2024 - £1183 / 47 supporters / 23%
03/18/24 - £1833 / 69 supporters (nice) / 36%!
Still going-- 12 days left!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. It's that time again. Time for me to gush over you for a bit.
Look at you! Go look at yourself in the mirror. Whether you see dark circles under your eyes, someone you can't recognize, or someone feeling put together --- You're gorgeous inside and out.
You are a tenacious, strong, amazing person, and whether you are where you want to be or not, you are making progress.
You're doing so well, even when it feels like you're not. Progress is so hard to gauge when you're living it-- but I know, because I talk to you all every damn day, that you are getting there. You bring out the best in every one around you, and you do so without even knowing it.
Even when things feel down, just know we can see you growing and you bring so much joy to our lives. I continue every day to be thankful for finding this little corner of the internet, for letting me meet each and every one of you.
Nothing can stop you lovelies-- nothing at all.
You're gonna get there, it just may take some time--
Remember to take breaks and get some rest if you can, it always makes things feel more manageable. But whatever you do, don't give up <3
We're here and we believe in you.
Love you crew, <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme-- Driving! ... or parking, in Murray's case. And NO this does not indicate who I voted for. Putting Murray vs Steve was cruel to be honest, how am I supposed to choose between those two!? Darby Gif Courtesy of: @ofmooshd This terrible Taika gif is courtesy of me, cause I was gonna put it in his sighting section then realized I could just put it here.
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paraonyx · 2 months
Okay, so now that I'm done with Hero's post it's time to start a second poll :D
(Not really related but I wish there were more poll time limits. Like, it could just be me but a single day feels too short and a week feels to long. I wish there was some sort of middle option like 3 days or something)
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
One More Time - Sanji (pt. 3) f!reader
pt.1 | pt.2
notes - Hi cuties! My writing inspo is coming back!!! <3 This was for my most recent poll! I decided to do another part of this because this is actually a fun series to write! Thanks to all who love it too and expect a Law fic soon???? Love you bunches!!! word count - 1,064 tags - @sleepyhead0720
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The night went by too slowly for your liking. You were alone in that storage room jumping over the smallest noises, fearing that you were going to get caught.
You lied when you told Sanji that you had been in worse situations. You really hadn't. The Strawhat Pirates were famous and not in the good way. If even one spotted you, you would be dead meat. All of them combined had a bigger bounty than you could ever imagine.
But they were so kind. Why?
They looked like they were genuinely having a good time together, being human and laughing. Not only that, but you had heard from outside sources that wasn't the Navy that they had done so much to help others. Especially the captain. With a smile on his face in every wanted poster.
They were definitely a strange bunch, but they intrigued you; made you jealous. You were a crew bouncer, which meant that a lot of the time, you were just joining crew after crew for a pretty penny. Honestly, you stopped caring about the money and just wanted a home. But none of them felt like it.
But here? With all of these lovely people telling jokes and singing songs? It pissed you off. Why couldn't you live like that?
You definitely couldn't now that you were an enemy to them.
You tossed and turned in your sleep not having a clue what time it was because not only did you not have a watch, but you didn't even have a window that could give you a clue.
You were so tired though.
A sigh escaped your lips and you sat up. Sleep wasn't an option anymore, it seemed.
But you jumped to the roof when you heard the trap door open. Yeah, you were screwed. Too tired to fight and in a bad position with what little of a bounty you had on you.
"y/n?" You recognized Sanji's voice as he whispered your name. "y/n, are you down here?"
You peeked from behind a barrel and smiled. "Hey, Sanji!"
He walked over to you and turned on the light. "Hungry?" he asked as he kneeled down with a plate of food.
"I guess I am." you replied after your stomach gave a growl of hunger.
"We're almost to the island by the way. Sooner than we thought too." He leaned his head against a box as he sat across from you and sighed. "We'll be there in about an hour."
"What time is it?"
"Just past eight."
You hummed in response and kept eating. You weren't even on the boat for a full day, but you already missed his cooking.
"How did you sleep?" he asked, trying to hide that he as slightly blushing.
"I dunno. Probably slept a little bit, but I mostly just remember sitting." you admitted.
"I'm sorry."
You shrugged. "Not your fault. I'm the one who crawled on this boat."
For a moment, it was just silence, but Sanji quickly broke it.
"What are you going to do when you leave?"
"What I always do." You set down your plate and wrapped your blanket around your shoulders to warm yourself up. "Travel until I find somewhere to stay."
"That doesn't sound very fun."
"Eh, I'm used to it. A solo pirate, I guess."
"I wish you could join our crew." he giggled.
"Same." You played with a string that was hanging off of your blanket and sighed out of your nose. "But it's fine. I mean, I had fun while I was here. And had some pretty damn good food, if I do say so myself."
"Is that so?" he teased.
You laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "What about you?" you asked. "What are you gonna do once you get to the island?"
"Whatever the captain orders."
"Sounds confining."
"Surprisingly, not really." Sanji moved himself so that he was sitting next to you and slid his hand in yours, clearing his throat. "Better than being in one place."
"I got you there. Traveling is the best."
"No kidding."
You laid your head on Sanji's shoulder and squeezed his hand. "Have you ever felt alone, Sanji?"
He sighed. "Hell yeah I have."
You nodded and felt yourself drift off into sleep.
"Sanji! Get up here!" You heard someone shout from above you as you woke up. "We're here!"
"Coming! Just give me a second! You guys can get a move on without me, I'll catch up!"
You heard the sound of footsteps above you disappear and you rubbed your eyes.
"Looks like we're here, princess. Get you some beauty sleep?"
You turned to see Sanji smile at you and you smiled back.
"I guess so. I'll get out of your hair though. Thanks for covering me up."
"Don't mention it." He stood up and grabbed your hand, helping you up. "Want me to walk you out?"
"If it's not any trouble."
"I would be happy to."
Sanji slid his hand into yours as you two got off of the boat. The island in front of you was warm and very welcoming. Small, but perfect. You knew you were bound to have a couple nights of rest here.
"Well, I have to get some shopping done before me and the rest of the crew head out." Sanji said. "So, uh... this is goodbye?"
You looked at him and he had misty eyes. The wind blew and his blonde hair followed it along with his cigarette smoke.
"Yeah... Bye, Sanji. Thanks for everything." You went to turn away, but couldn't help yourself as you quickly turned around and fell into his arms. You hugged him so tight that his cigarette fell out of his mouth. His hand reached the back of your head while the other found it's way to your back. You hadn't been hugged like this in ages.
When you pulled away from the hug, it felt like something dropped out of you, made you feel empty. Another goodbye, that's all it was.
"So, you and your crew are leaving as soon as you can?" you asked.
"That's the plan." He ran his fingers through his hair and looked up at the clouds.
He felt your lips softly press against his, but when he looked down, you were gone.
If only he could see you. One more time.
one piece masterlist | pinned post | ko-fi
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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chambers003 · 1 year
I think now’s a good a time as any.
We’re holding part 2! I highly encourage you to expand your ideas in the notes! I love reading your ideas!!!
The first part of the poll is nearly identical to the original (linked here) and the second half is the more popular of the suggested options.
Notes and past statistics under the readmore :]
I combined both of Jimmy’s SMPs into one because i feel like USSMP counts. And Jimmy favouritism is real. Sorry but I’m not really.
Ok previous statistics.
Alright so. I wrote these down like 2 months ago, I don’t know how accurate they are, if you check yourself and I’m one or two off either way then. Ok. You got me there.
Here’s the full list of results that were mentioned in the tags in order of popularity:
3rd Life, 23 mentions
Demise and Last Life, equal with 11 mentions each
100 hrs and Double Life, equal with 8 mentions each (#100 HOURS SWEEP)
One Life, 5 mentions
Afterlife SMP, 3 mentions
30 days, Charlie Slimecicle’s 100 days, X Life, and Lifesteal, all with 2 mentions each
Limited Life, Hardcore Hermits, Hermitcraft 7’s Head Games, Impulse’s singleplayer hardcore, UHC, Deceit SMP, Secret Rivals, and Tumblr’s Demise 2 all got one mention each
Shoutout to that one guy that mentioned ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins you’re so real for that.
Also shoutout to the one guy that mentioned demise 2. i wasnt on tumblr when it happened and thus had no idea it existed but now i kinda wish i was, but at the same time i was like 13 at the time so maybe not.
I feel like at least someone should put rats smp in the tags. i think that counts as a life game. we’re getting really far into loose definition territory, but limited lives and ending in a hunt for our main characters lives? at its barest bones, that’s a life game. it wasnt my favourite but i enjoyed it. i feel like martyn would vote rats as his favourite life game.
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christiansorrell · 11 months
Play-By-Blog #5: The Isle by Luke Gearing
Welcome to my ongoing play-by-blog of The Isle by Luke Gearing! We are playing this adventure with its original system, The Vanilla Game (adjusted somewhat to fit the format). You can check out the Play-By-Blog Repository to get all caught up if you wish.
How Play-By-Blog works:
I write up the situation, NPCs, and more, just like a DM.
You vote in the poll to help decide the character's course of action.
I roll the dice, resolve actions, and write them up next week.
So on and so forth for the rest of the adventure!
[Text in brackets is out-of-character/GM text!] "Non-italicized quotes denote text from the original adventure!" "Italicized quotations denotes NPC dialogue."
Our character: Medon Girou - Magic Cutpurse
Our map: The Isle
[You can use the link's above to find Medon's Character Sheet and map of the Isle. On the map, you are currently at B.]
Now, back to the adventure!
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You continue watching the monk for a few more minutes. He is a capable fisherman, easily baiting his line and casting well (far better than you, anyway). He pulls a small fish up, dropping it in bucket resting near him on the jetty.
You feel like this may be your best chance at a favorable introduction with the monks, better to at least approach one and see, rather than face down the monastery itself. Still, best to keep your true purpose here quiet.
You step out from behind the rocky cliff side and holler down from the staircase leading down into the cove proper.
"Ho there! Beautiful day for it, isn't it?" It wasn't a beautiful day really, but it seemed nicer than most on this gray, wet rock.
The monk turns to you, surprised by the sudden noise and then shocked when he lays eyes on you and realizes you aren't a fellow monk. That you shouldn't be here at all.
He jumps to his feet, reaches into his robes, and looks towards the monastery, seeing the rocky cliff side of the cove blocking the building from his view entirely. He's too far from the others for them to hear him, but he yells anyway.
He draws a crooked fish-gutting knife out from under his robes. You can see a crude tattoo of a siren on his inner forearm. This monk carries himself like a sailor and one who certainly knows his way around a blade. [Reaction Roll: 3 - Violent]
[Initiative: 1 (Odd) - Enemies act first]
"I've seen your kind before. Here to put me and mine in the dirt, take our lord's wealth, put out the flame. Good luck then."
He rushes up at you, quickly scaling the short set of stairs leading up towards the path. Why couldn't you have followed a more elderly monk?
He swings in at you with the knife [Attack Roll: 5 (under AV of 10) - Success, Damage Roll: 5-1 (for small weapon) - 4 damage] and connects, slicing away at some of your traveling clothes, nearly striking a deep flesh wound [You have 3 Grit and 6 Flesh remaining]. You know that if you try to pull away from him, he'll strike at you again [This is called a Free Attack and you can do the same to him].
[Because you took damage this round, you cannot cast a spell due to the time and danger involved. You can do anything else though. For the purposes of the Play-By-Blog, I am going to create poll options that are overall goals for the combat - so we don't have to play out each round week-by-week.]
EDIT: [If you'd like to fight and subdue (but not kill) him, please vote for one of the Kill Him options and we'll adjudicate that in next week's poll - sadly, I can't alter the poll after the fact. Sorry for overlooking that option!]
[An exciting turn of events! See y'all next week! - Christian]
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alterchaos · 4 months
Hey everyone!
I'm back today with a bit of an unusual announcement.
In taking time away from this series and social media, I've recovered and took the time to reflect on where I was setting my priorities. For context, I work full time and am pursuing my masters. In the limited time I had away from those responsibilities, I wasn't making sure to take care of my health and close relationships, avoiding them in favor of pushing out more and more pages. That wasn't healthy, and I'm at a much better place now, ready to continue this series within my limits.
Before continuing on with Seven Rings or anything else for that matter, I wanted to work out what those limits are and how to best move forward. You all deserve the best I can give. Without setting limits though, what I give can't be my best. This series is my passion project and I want to be able to give it all the love I can.
I broke apart my original method and narrowed down my options to three possible paths. Though I wish I could do all of them, I made sure I felt good about each before posting. The hardest part was choosing just one, and that's what leads me here. I need your help to decide which path I should take. Since I feel equally good about each option, I wanted to reach out and ask what you all would like to see most and where I should focus my attention moving forward. Do you love the thrill and mystery of the story, or are you intrigued by the expansive world-building? Maybe you love the style of art and want to see fully painted or designed scenes.
The power to change fate...
...is in your hands.
(Note: the most time I could give for this poll was one week, so no posts this week as I review the results)
1. WRITER'S PATH: I post all of the chapters from my archive in bulk (maybe not in one day since there are a lot, but as I feel like until completed). They are posted as they are, meaning most will be either written, incomplete, or in sketched/half-sketched format with an attached script. This will bring us to the Moonbeast Saga finale, where I will pick up and continue in writing, drawing only the occasional concept or page as I feel like/if time allows. (pacing would be fast and more regular since I can write anywhere; story and plot would be at the forefront with great detail, love and care)
2. ARTIST'S PATH: Context doesn't matter and I work on individual pieces spanning across the entire series with little blurbs attached to each art piece. Spoilers will be posted with or without context. (pacing would be slow and posts more rare with a focus on character and scene art; playing with various styles)
3. DIRECTOR'S PATH: Context semi-matters as I focus on posting wips, scripts, and little concept sketches. I may hold out on certain spoilers but will mostly jump around, posting things from any saga. Multiple iterations of the same scenes would also be explored and more focus put on a behind the scenes look at my thought processes and ideas. (pacing would be random and sporatic, more focus given to world-building and the creative process)
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pro-bee-sisters · 1 year
Retiring from Miraculous
Hello everyone, so if you all saw my recent post or if you saw my post on my main blog, I announced that I will be officially retiring from the Miraculous fandom as well as the show for good.
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I'm really sorry to those who followed me and only liked me for Miraculous content, but after hearing about how the recent episodes of Miraculous have been (*coughDerisioncough*), I don't see the show improving or getting better anytime soon nor do I see myself enjoying it the more it continues. Especially with how the recent season has been nothing but: Multiple retcons, terrible character development, scenes cut from the final version for the most stupidest reasons ever and to make the show have bigger plot holes than ever, inconsistent writing, and lackluster plots, I really don't see myself following through with it anymore.
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I won't be officially retiring at the moment!
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Yep, even though I do plan on retiring from Miraculous, I won't do it for a long time for these 5 reasons:
I wanna rewatch the entire series until I start on S5 since I'm waiting for the whole season to drop at once. I mainly wanna see what still holds up and what doesn't after these 8 and a half years the show has run for. (And I think we can all agree which ones didn't age the best)
I mainly wanna watch S5 to see if I can use it as a rewrite for some of my AUs; mainly The Lost Miraculous. I know this one might be tricky to do since from what I heard, S5 did retcon a lot of characters and plots, so I'm not entirely sure if I can rewrite the whole season, but I do plan to add a few new elements to my rewrite if I ever do.
Speaking of AUs, that's another reason why I won't retire immediately from the show: I'm still hoping to use it as a source of inspiration for my AUs as I still wish to write them. Mainly The Queen Bee and the Vesperia, The Lost Miraculous, The Undercover Tales of Rena Furtive and Invisible Hornet, The Bee Sisters Duo!, Bug and Wasp Game, A Fox and Her Club, and more!
I'm incredibly excited for the Awakening movie coming out this July, and I do hope that it will at least be one last hope for the show to get better. If not, then I guess we can call that one the real canon while ignoring the show itself, LOL.
I still wanna post some of my views on Chloe and Zoe themselves.
All in all, while I won't necessarily retire from the show permanently (as of now), I will be saying goodbye to it as time goes by because it's about time I move on and start looking through other shows that have similar Magical Girl themes.
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Speaking of which, I made a poll on my main blog asking people what should be the next Magical Girl show I should try while I wait to end my time with Miraculous, and when I cut ties with it. If you wish to vote, please click right here.
Alrighty, that's all I have to say for now. Please be on the lookout for any upcoming stories from me and please remember to follow my 3 other blogs:
@muggle-born-princess (Main Blog)
@princessgemsart (Art Blog)
@pens-and-gems (Writing Blog)
Have a fantastic Sunday everyone or whatever day it is in your region LOL
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academiawho · 9 months
Hi!! wow okayy I really want to get some neet guidance from you. I'm in 11th right now will be giving neet in 2025. The field that I'm choosing later on is Veterinary.
so uh I've had some 720 marks test, and I have only scored like in the range of 390-400/720 (ik these are really the worst marks) and after the paper I get my mistakes reviewed from my teachers but again in the next exam my score is the same or just a couple marks above or below.
Now I really want to keep a consistent score, and I want to have that burning passion (which I don't) and stubbornness to study which I don't )
Can you give some guidance on how you studied in 11th and did you face issues like this? btw, my zoology professor once was just having a deep conversation over this scores and all, and he said that not all the time you might score what you wanted to score, there will be times when you'll fall back the stairs. But you can slowly climb back on them. It's exactly like the quote success doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and patience.
Uh anyways, you can ignore all of that. I just wanted to ask you how you used to manage your studies and the entire day and how did you prep for it during 11th?
Thank you in advance! <3
Hey, thank you for trusting me with this information, and thank you for waiting for *checks watch* *sees that eons have passed by till I answered* such a short time
I'm not aware of the depth of your passion for Veterinary Sciences, but I believe that it wouldn't hurt to keep options open.
The Round One cutoff for All India Counselling this year saw BVSc close at AIR 1,13,272 in case you wanted that information.
As for the mock tests, the marks, while not being downright horrible, aren't quite fully descent either. But what was the test syllabus, you failed to mention... Starting out at that score is but a stepping stone and you can progress from that with the right motivation.
I think more than a consistent score, one at your stage in preparation should focus on consistent concept-learning. Keep practising concepts, chapters, cover your NCERT thoroughly and keep writing tests at regular intervals after you feel like you've completed a particular portion of the syllabus that you can be tested on.
When I was in 11th, covid had just hit and I had just changed education boards and schools so it was all new to me. I wasn't aware of the importance of NCERT, especially for biology so I roughed it through 11th. But in 12th and my first gap year, it really sunk in and I marked up my NCERT, attended my online lectures and made sure I was clarifying concepts which I was poor in.
My advice for zoology is: NCERT is the best source of information you will find, but its format is often confusing. If your coaching offers any mindmaps of NCERT, I suggest you use those to revise. But each and every line of NCERT is important (for human physiology ESPECIALLY) so find a way to keep reading it. However casually you can read it, how many ever times you can set eyes on it, how many ever questions you can make out of the lines.... It's all on how you utilise the material provided to you.
(and maybe, start out with small, non-720 marks tests first, like little unit tests, quizzes or polls first)
Hope you have a nice day, wishing you a rise in your marks graph. If you need any more advice or talks about neet or anything else, I'm always here to lend a ear💛
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avvail · 2 years
I'm loving this new series author 🥂🥂
But like.......points?????? i genuinely can't understand that part
thank you so much! i’m so glad 😊
no problem, i'll explain it in a little more detail ;)
for some options, if it’s interacting with a character, there are certain poll options that, if chosen, will earn you these points.
the higher the character points, the better relationship you have with them. if you have a poor number of points with a character, it will effect how good your relationship is with them, and therefore (could possibly) even change the course of the narrative
so, to start off with, each character you’re going to see, will have 0 points. Completely neutral for the time being. If you choose a certain poll option, i have a note of how many ‘points’ that’s worth with the character, and it may either go up or down.
I’ll give an example:
Imagine Sidekick comes up to you with a present, and wishes you a happy birthday. Which might be a bit awkward...since your birthday isn’t for a few days. Some options could include:
Tell them politely they got the wrong date.
Laugh at them...be a little mean.
Take it and pretend it is.
Pretend you’re busy and make a run for it.
Something like that. I have a note (that you obviously will not be able to see) of how many points that’s worth for each option!
Tell them politely they got the date wrong. (+2)
Laugh at them...be a little mean. (-1)
Take it and pretend it is. (+1)
Pretend you're busy and make a run for it. (±0)
Let’s say, ‘tell them politely they got the date wrong’ won the poll. Then, congratulations! You collectively earned 2 more character points with Sidekick, and your relationship is stronger. I will make a note of the relevent character points you’ve earned at the end of the poll for each part.
These points can be used to change the narrative (for better or for worse), or, if you have enough, be able to choose new poll options.
hope this helped and explained it all a little easier! <3
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Once upon a Midnight Dreary Chapter 3
Tw: mentions of murder, violence, grief, insanity, and other dark subjects
Also this takes place around the 1800s, so be aware that some of the reactions are implied to be typical of the period. This does NOT reflect my perspective on mental health. Note: A bit of a tamer chapter. Not particularly my favorite, but it's to estabish more the setting.
Chapter 4 will be the introduction of Daisy and Nick. I am working on chapter 5
I will wait a bit for the poll to get more votes. I didn't intend it to make it a week, but it was the only option I had. I will eventually post it on AO3 soon
Previous chapter:
Next chapter
Chapter 3: Interrogatory
My arrival at the psychiatric institution has become a blur of memories. It was ironic as I swore not to forget my first day, as it was a source of my deep hatred and revenge against the man who convinced everyone I was mad. I suppose that my tired brain decided to remember the hatred and pain I felt. I could recall being forced down to a stranded bed and being forced fed raw eyes, or it was something like that. The only thing that came to mind was being unable to throw up.
That was only a spoon of the misery I would be forced to live with…
The rest of my days were quite similar, due to the established routine by Dr. Gubberson himself. I would wake up in the middle of the night hearing the bells that announced my parents dead, being forced down to bed by the doctors and knock out until morning came. Then, I would be dragged by the doctors for examination, being force down some bitter medicine before eating whatever cardboard flavored mess they served me as my daily meals. Finally, I would be left inside a cold room, isolated. According to the doctors this would help me out to calm down. 
Only a fool would bite up that tale. I was sure that they placed me there to desperately break off my spirits until I complied and behaved accordingly to how they wished for me to behave. I learned to become a better liar and an actress. A good manipulator, in fact. I learned to adapt my behavior to become pleasant towards the doctors to force their defenses up. I became excellent at becoming mindless and swallowing down my rage every time I was referred to as a murderess. 
It was not an easy task to learn. My arms were swollen with bruises, and my wrists were purple due to the straight jacket, and the daily pushes from the doctors. I was rarely allowed to shower, and if so it would be in a humiliating manner that I refuse to address; but you can let your mind wander off at how monstrous I look. I was the embodiment of a mad woman, but I was stable as ever…
My parents memories were the main thing that kept me pretty much sane from my tortuous mornings. A reminder that I was not to be called mad. 
“She has become much tamer than once she initially arrived, Dr. Gubberson.” I remember how the doctors used to practice their speeches. Those fools, they were thinking they could fix what wasn’t even broken to begin it. Hearing them gloat was an utterly entertaining way to keep me in check. Knowing that I was sane was something I strive to maintain, just to imagine the faces of those idiots once they realized they wasted their time.
“She has regained some weight and no longer hisses at us!” The fools gloated. 
“I am sure the Captain would thank me for helping the wretched Ruckus girl to get her height straight!” I could simply smirk. Savoring my victory once I was able to prove my innocence. Getting please and starting to like the idea of a subtle revenge.
Oh yes, acting up as a little virus in their pathetic system. Getting at their weakest point and strike, but that was simply the seed of vengeance starting to slowly grow. It wouldn’t flourish until much later. 
This was my routine for the next two months, until summer came. I was starting to bore the doctors with my good behavior. I wasn’t exactly doing or exhibiting any sign of improvement besides my usual behavior. So, I was started to be left longer at that empty isolated room. Alone with my own thoughts as the doctors were trying to figure out what to do next. I suppose that they eventually realized I was merely adapting to their hostile behavior or that I haven't broken completely. Either way, their attempts to break me were fruitless, as they only grew little by little my desire to get my vengeance. 
Eventually, they decided to “attempt” to make me talk about a crime I did not commit just a week after the Captain that supported Dr. Gubberson, became a Commander. I did not care about this change, as it would be eventually shorted lived and I would perhaps have an involvement in.
A bloody involvement…one that lasted d around 7 nights of seeing the Captain rest.
“So, the damozel refused to say a word?” I remember hearing the captain speak from afar the day of his first visit. I believe he was speaking with Dr. Gubberson or one of his doctors. I could not tell as the other voice was almost like a whisper. The captain continued after a long brief of silence, where the person he was talking to finished speaking. “Well, it is not surprising at all. The only thing she ever talk once we met was that she was not insane.”
There was a brief silence from the Captain. Probably the other gent speaking. 
“Very well. I’ll do my best to make her talk.” The captain said. “They won’t last long before they break. Late Commander Breadstone would tell ya.”
There was a moment of silence before some laughs ran from the room. The Captain's laugh was strong, so strong as it was the most recognizable one I could hear. So, that was the only information I knew so far, as when I was taken by the doctors to some interrogation room, only the captain was there. There was no other sign or hint he was talking to Dr. Gubberson, so that’s only my major speculation.
“Ah Riley Anne Ruckus.” The captain greeted me. I did not respond but stared. It was my way of defiance, showing that I was not afraid of the idiot. He proceeded to ignore my silence and remarked. “I am not sure whether you look better or worse than I first saw you at the Ruckus’ manor.”
I was silent as ever. Not taking slightly any attempt at being hilarious or crude as serious.
“I’ve heard that you have become tamer or so it seems.” The captain said. “God only knows what is going into your messed up ill-head. At least…you have become quieter, and less defensive.”
I simply stared at him expressionless. Staring right into his eyes, telling him he wasn’t worth my time. He simply tapped the table with his fingers, becoming slightly annoyed at my silence. 
“So…you want to pretend to be mute. How adorable.” The captain huffed. He leaned towards me before gripping my chin. His fingers pressed her almost as he intended to break it. “I am sure you can talk, Riley. Don’t force me to make you permanently mute…”
I knew he was only trying to threaten me. He knew my confession was worth it. I could tell he wanted me to submit to his threats and confess I was a murderer. I simply stared defiantly into his eyes, ignoring the blood dripping from my lips.
I remember the hand of the captain trembling. He was starting to hesitate. 
“Release her now, sir!” One of the doctors ordered. The old man stared at him unimpressed. His hand did not leave my chin, not for a second. The doctor continued, this tine his tone become darker. “Dr. Gubberson will not tolerate the use of violence against one of our patients. He will not allow you to return or speak with Miss Ruckus if you break any bone or cause any injury to her.”
With that warning, the captain released my chin. I refrained from smirking at my small victory. 
“Very well.” The captain hissed. He stared at me furiously. “I suppose that I must find alternate ways to make you talk, don’t you? 
This was how I eventually learned about what happened to my home. After the captain’s death, the other policemen continued with his example. None succeeded, but they fed the fury that kept me alive…
“The bank took your inheritance from your parents.” He muttered with a sly grin. I remained calmed as I could, and refuse to give in into his attempts at provoking my anger. “The bank donated the money to the police force to their investigation of your father’s murder. So, you are peniless, Miss Ruckus.”
This came out to be a lie. I would eventually learn that after the will was handed to me. Sadly, that was the only lie told…
“Money is not up your interest? Ummm, perhaps I should talk about what happened to your parent's belongings.”  It was then when I slightly trembled. He took this as a sign to continue. “Your father’s clothes were sold to some rich folks along with your mother’s dresses. Her wedding dress was sold the highest, probably shredded to pieces by some seamstress.”
The dress my mother promised that I would have when I got married…the one my father fondly kept in his room and stare ever since she died….
I only took my pain as nutrients for my growing seed of vengeance. The captain continued on. “We Also sold your father’s books. All of them in fact. We thought you wouldn’t need them.”
The books my father collected throughout his life, and the ones we used to read when I was a little girl sitting on his lap. The ones that decorated the beautiful library of his study…
“You no longer have your beloved manor…” That was the last attempt he made. I forced myself not to cry. There was no use into giving any sort of weak feeling or emotion that could give an advantage of the cruel captain. As much as it pained me to hear how my parent’s legacy was slowly destroyed, there was nothing I could do myself.
The manor was eventually destroyed after the police gathered as much as they could for their investigation. Majority of our stuff was sold, even majority of our family paintings, and my mother’s collection of taxidermy over the years. One painting did remain, thankfully, but this is something that does far into my tragic story.
That was a long day. A tiresome interrogatory I went through. It was the first one to come, but certainly not the last. The captain would eventually visit me every single day, mentioning details, showing family values that were sold or gifted to charity. He was becoming desperate to make me shed a tear or break. I could listen to his heart beating louder, and louder. 
Sometimes I felt it underneath the ground, but I was so very gentle and cautious not to show I was well aware of that.
Eventually the Doctors and nurses themselves became tired and irritated with the lack of progress. Word eventually reached Dr. Gubberson himself. He momentarily cut out the Captains visits into twice a week, and demanded my treatment to change. That was the end of my straight jacket and being locked, isolated in a cold room. I was allowed to look more presentable myself and start to interact more among with the other prisoners of this hell.
According to Dr. Gubberson, I was no longer a threat. I was still mad as ever as ill, but he believed I would feel more comfortable to speak if I started to have interactions. That was the beginning of how I met two important people into my particular bitter tale:
Nicholas Nathaniel Nack and Daisy Charlene Danger.
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rebelrayne · 2 years
Ohhhh that one is hard! I’m giving it my best go! Thanks for the ask!
1 sexuality headcanon
I think he might be straight. I can’t say for sure, but his vibes say that. He’s young though, not around long enough to get a full feel. He seems like like overpowering women… he’s def got a type.
2 otp
Hear me out: Cora. I really wanted to see that? Or MC obviously. But either of them would have been great options.. yk.. over the ones he had
3 brotp
Bruno. I’m a little upset we didn’t get to see more of it. Talking about footie and everything? Where’s my gem scene of Bruno, Kobi and Tom arguing about football while Youcef sits back and says things like “yellow card? Red card?”
4 notp
Lexi and Juliet. Period. The fact it’s a throuple at the end- fusebox. Message me. I’ve said it thrice now.
5 first headcanon that pops into my head
That literally him, Bruno and Tom are going to a football match. And Youcef is there but wishing he wasn’t. I actually do need someone to write that fix (not me, I know nothing about soccer)
6 favorite line from this character
“Oh my days! I about fell out of my seat when you showed up!” But also when he talks about Angie being old and wise LMFAO Kobi noooo
7 one way in which I relate to this character
I think when we’re younger, we all have trouble deciding what we want but try to act more mature. Also that he’s close with his dad and have the same profession. That’s how I am with my mom.
8 thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment about this character
The fact that Juliet was a big bitch and he defends it. Shut up, Kobi. Next time I want your opinion, I’ll hop on my socials and conduct a poll (Damn I should have added that one liner to my Tom answer!!!)
9 cinnamon roll or problematic fave
Both honestly. He’s easily manipulated by both Lexi and Juliet - which I guess would make him a cinnamon roll and problematic
Character Ask Game
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voreinthehouse · 7 months
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Februpony 2024 D28 - Draw Whatever
Twilight laid down restlessly on her bed, wishing she could find a more comfortable position but fully unable to move - some ponies would say there was a much easier way to deal with her first Friendship Mission than to eat a whole cultist village on her own with assistance of her newfound alicorn body resistance and magical prowess, but those ponies have never found themselves in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by brainwashed extremists and a charismatic but impatient leader ready to take away all your magic with a dumb stick. Twilight panicked! She couldn’t let her first Friendship Mission be a failure! What kind of princess of friendship would she be if she failed?
To be fair though, she wasn’t sure what kind of princess of friendship she was now. She’d succeeded in defeating Starlight Glimmer before she could take her magic away, swallowing her whole down her alicorn gullet before proceeding to do the exact same to all the other ponies in the village, filling her mighty gut until she found herself grounded with a belly that was 5 times her size.
Somehow she managed to get back to her castle in Ponyville and notify the princesses of the developments.
In time, and with a few magical spells to ease the process, the incessant squirming died down inside Twilight’s belly, the cultists lulled to an endless slumber - well, most of them. Crushed under the weight of her own actions, Starlight Glimmer still remained alive and awake, protected against the strength of the alicorn’s digestive track by her own powerful protective spells. She cursed and yelled and kicked around, swearing up and down to enact the most torturous vengeance upon the princess of friendship.
Celestia, who’d been quick to visit her bed-ridden student, reassured Twilight on her actions, proud to see her blossom into such a proactive and efficient problem solver; as soon as ponies and villains-in-the-making heard of her new bad-guy-disposing method, she was sure there’d be a massive decrease in problematic activity within the kingdom. After all, who would want to be eaten by an alicorn princess?
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