#i wish i could add more options bc like
ilovedirt · 1 year
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cinna-bunnie · 8 months
kinda wanna try hunting down all the lynels in totk. ever since i killed that silver one in the depths I'm just like wait omg i wanna go back and find those mfs who were giving me a hard time 😤🤺 ← she wants 2 dance !!!
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youdeserveprison · 2 months
i’m absolutely not complaining about ttpd as an album, i love it even more than i thought i would, but i do kind of wish she would’ve waited to release it until after the eras tour was over so it could’ve gotten its own tour :/ like the visuals and the stage design and the outfits are just sooo good and not only is it being cut down into only seven songs so it can fit into an already massive setlist, but everyone who went to the shows in the us, mexico, south america, asia, and australia — aka a huge portion of the tour dates — didn’t get to see any of it live. like it’s so impressive that taylor was able to add the ttpd section into the existing setlist but i can't help but feel disappointed bc this means we likely won't get a ttpd tour, which is something i would kill to see </3
#i know so many people demand new content from her constantly but with everything she’s been doing we didn’t NEED this album so soon yk#i personally would’ve been fine waiting another year or even longer if it meant ttpd could get its own era#bc it’s kind of impossible for it to fully have that when she’s already a year into this huge tour#she’s already had to cut so many songs to fit everything (not even everything bc there’s no debut set)#with lover/folklore/evermore not getting their own tours bc of covid it makes sense why she did the eras tour instead of a midnights tour#but now that touring is an option again it would’ve been nice for her to slow down her releases a bit to really focus on new albums more#idk maybe this is a hot take bc ofc the eras tour is incredible and i do feel so lucky to have gotten to go at all#but i just really wish i could see ttpd songs live and it seems like i won’t get that chance until the next tour#which will likely be years from now and who knows how many albums she’ll have put out by then#rn all i can do is hope that she’ll add another us leg or something so i can see eras again with the new setlist#but that’s very unlikely since she’s already added shows in miami/indy/etc none of which i can afford travel for let alone resale tickets#no one’s gonna even see this but if anyone does i hope it’s not taken the wrong way bc she’s given us so much in the past few years#sorry for the essay i just love ttpd and i want to see it live </3#lj speaks now
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tinylittlebab · 1 year
#ack. i wanna but a scale so bad but idk how much money i have rn#well at least since im restricting again ill have more money since i dont spend it all on food#wish i could get a job but id have to walk to it and i cant in the weather so im gonna wait till spring or summer#might wait till i turn 18 bc ill have way more options so i might aswell. its only like 2 months off from when i could even get one at all#hmmm. ill have to ask my mom to tell me how much is on my card bc i cant check it myself. im kinda regretting letting my sister not pay me#back immediately for $30 bc then i could buy a scale rn but she doesnt have much rn so whatever#going another month without a scale wont kill me. for the majority of the time before i recoved it didnt have a scale so whatever#but i remember feeling so awful not even knowing if the pain i put myself through did anything so idk if its worth that#i fall ever enough as is with my pots so idk if i wanna add starvation to tye mix when i cant even see the numbers drop#well. ill find out how much i have today and if i have a fair bit then ill buy one soon but if not then ill just cry ig#idk. i feel stupid for relapsing. i KNOW.it feels terrible and i dont even care much about getting skinny. i just miss starving myself#its not about getting skinny its just about seeing the number go down and hurting myself and i know it doesnt actually feel good but like#idk. my life has felt chaotic and out of control recently and i need something to hold on to even if it kills me#i dont even wanna die anymore either. i used to but now i dont. i have life plans that i wanna pursue. im not stuck in a moldy house with#people who abuse me. i live with my only friend in a place where i can actually go places. not many places but theres at least something#idk. i think itd be easier to be ok if i had other friends but i just have my sister. i dont even know how or where you meet people#everything i read either says scool for minors or bars for adults which is useless to me. the only others things are things not around me#idk. i guess ill have to get a car eventually and when i do that then i can go places. i feel so bleh lately#i just. i wanna be sickly and skinny. not bc i think im ugly but bc i wanna be sick. i dont dislike my appearance. im relatively thin#not that it matters bc theres nothing wrong with being fat but like. idk. i used to hate my appearance so much but i dont now#so it feels so weird that im relapsing anyway#idk
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icarryitin · 6 days
Trade Deal
spencer reid/gn!reader
i started this bc i was ill and feeling sorry for myself and it turned into a very not to me not if it’s you kind of vibe, mostly bc i frankensteined a couple of my favourite translations of That Scene so they could have their own version🥰🥰
series masterlist
word count: 1.5k // warnings: reader has a cold and all the grossness that comes with it, spencer is so Cute™️ it causes me physical pain
summary: In which Spencer Reid, known germaphobe, pretends he doesn’t know exactly how many pathogens have made their home in your sinuses.
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It starts with a scratchy throat on a Tuesday morning.
You don’t think much of it, blame it on seasonal allergies, knock back a multivitamin - you’re not about to be bested by a cough of all things. That is, until it gets to Friday afternoon. You’re trying, you really are. Your immune system has other plans.
“You stay right there, Patient Zero.”
Rossi’s comment would be funny if you didn’t think that laughing might trigger a coughing fit that could very well be the end of you, right there in the doorway of Hotch’s office. That’d be one hell of an epitaph - too stubborn to take a sick day, choked to death in boss’s office. Hotch, at least, already seems to know why you’re hovering.
“Going home, I hope.” He interrupts you with all the fondness of a concerned father. You don’t have the energy to argue, or to hold up an unaffected front. The men standing by the window soften a little as they watch you visibly deflate. Dave promises to send you his Nonna’s minestrone recipe, there’s nothing it can’t cure; right now, though, you’re only thinking about your bed.
The well wishes follow you through the bullpen, old wives tales and family cures that have never failed. JJ tells you to sweeten your tea with honey, Derek swears that a hot water bottle on your back will work magic. Even Emily pipes up from behind her germ shield, the folder held across her face so you can only see her eyes, and tells you to take a hot shower first thing in the morning - the steam will clear you out for the day. There’s a chorus of agreement, or disagreement you’re not sure. It’s a struggle to hear much over the cotton wool in your ears.
“We’ll see, with any luck I’ll die in my sleep. Love you!” You sniffle as you back out of the office, feeling all kinds of sorry for yourself, and determined to make it as far as you can without touching anything. Lest you actually start the next plague.
Spencer watches you go, shuffling backwards out of the office and turning towards the elevators. He’d elected not to add his own suggestions to the plethora of options supplied by the rest of the team. Unable to focus on much beyond just how tired you look. You’ve been fighting this thing all week, he’d passed over his own supply of hand sanitiser only that morning when you ran out. Ultimately, you put up a good fight, but there’s no cure for a virus. It just has to run its course. Just like his own feelings.
Okay, maybe he shouldn’t be comparing a virus to whatever it is he feels for you. Has felt, will feel - if there’s an end to this tunnel, he can’t see it yet.
“What about you, Spence?”
JJ’s voice pulls him from his thoughts before he can start spiralling down that particular hole. It takes him a moment to recall what they’d been chattering about before your long overdue exit - drinks, right. Yeah, that’s not happening.
“I’m busy, actually.” He shrugs, content to miss out on one night in favour of the plan currently coming to fruition in his mind. They won’t miss him too much.
“Busy? You weren’t busy when we talked about it last week.” Emily makes no effort to conceal her surprise. To be fair to them, it’s not like him to blow them off. There’s just something that’s come up, something decidedly you shaped, that’s far more important.
“Yeah, I forgot. Sorry.”
Spencer doesn’t miss the look that JJ and Emily share, he doesn’t miss the eyebrow that Derek raises in his direction. He simply chooses to ignore them.
At least the walk to your apartment is short, there’s still heat leeching from the plastic bag around Spencer’s wrist as he fumbles with his keys. You’d given him a bright pink key cap, so he’d know which one was yours, as if he wouldn’t know anyway. Eidetic or not, that’s one he would have committed to memory. The excuse had been because he was helping you out whilst you were down an arm, takedown gone wrong, you’d dislocated your shoulder. And then you’d insisted he keep it, because someone should have your spare key, and he’s the least likely of the lot of you to lose it.
He thinks you might be asleep at first, open plan living area lit only by a salt lamp and a set of fairy lights draped over your kitchen window, it’s cosy. And then you appear in the bedroom doorway, wrapped in a jewel toned blanket. The low light is forgiving, but Spencer would be able to spot the bags under your eyes from a mile away. Without his glasses.
“I brought noodles.” He says as he turns back to set the steaming bag on your kitchen counter.
“I’m so gross right now.” As if to demonstrate your point, another cough racks your body. You just about manage to catch it under the swathes of blanket clutched in your fingers, but at least he can’t claim you’re not truly disgusting in this moment.
“I don’t mind.”
You’re so set on denying him entry that you don’t even really register what he said - Spencer Reid doesn’t mind that you’re ill. He doesn’t mind. A younger, healthier version of you would swoon. You might anyway, although that’s probably the vertigo talking.
“You’ll get sick.” Your rebuttal is weak, resolve crumbling. Warm noodles do sound pretty good right now.
“Will you let me help you, please?” It’s the firmest he’s ever been with you. No room for argument, doctor’s orders. So you have to relent. Not that you have much of a choice, he’s already pottering about in your kitchen in search of bowls. As if he doesn’t remember where they are.
“Did you get me a number three?” Your voice is brighter than he’s heard it all week.
“With extra toppings, of course.”
And those extra toppings go down a treat, of course they do.
Spencer watches you carefully as you eat - usually he’d be a little more subtle about it, but there’s not a lot that could pull your attention away from the bowl in your hands. You’re cross legged on the couch, blanket bunched around your middle, happy as a clam. Something his mother would say. He wonders what else she might say, what she might think about the abandonment of his germaphobia. Convenient, probably. Diana would say it with a raised eyebrow and a sly smile, the one that’s just for him. She has always liked you.
He promises he’ll be back tomorrow, once dishes are washed and leftovers are tucked neatly in your fridge, to make sure you get that hot shower Emily mentioned. The steam will definitely help, he’s read about it. Arguing with him would be pointless. You don’t have the energy, he’d only show up anyway, and it’s kind of nice to feel looked after. Spencer’s never failed to make you feel like that. You’re far too delirious to start thinking about that, not while he’s still standing in front of you at least. So you let him tuck you into bed, let him leave a glass of water on the table, let him dote. Pretending is a comfort when you feel as awful as you do. You’re already drifting off before he’s even ready to leave, content enough in your bed with the sound of him in the other room. Just, tinkering.
The sound of your front door opening rouses you the next morning, just about. Just enough to raise your head from your pillow and witness the sorry sight in your bedroom doorway.
Spencer’s trying - key word, trying - to suppress his sniffles, but the red rimmed eyes and tissue clutched in his fist give him away. It’s impossible to keep the sad little smile off of your face.
“Oh no.” You reach out a tired arm to pat the space beside you. There’s enough room for the two of you in amongst the blankets, and Spencer’s so far gone that he doesn’t even argue. His shoes and bag find a home at the foot of your bed as he lets himself collapse into the nest you’ve built. Tension leeches out of his body the moment he hits the mattress.
You have to lean across him to get your phone, right arm outstretched over his back - you can feel the heat rising off of him through his sweater and yours. Fever, that’s day two. Which means he spent yesterday evening taking care of you whilst he began to feel worse and worse. Softie.
“Egg or no egg?”
There’s an affirmative grunt from where his face is buried in your blankets. Egg it is, then. You dial the number mostly from memory, elbow still resting on his shoulder blade when you put the phone to your ear. You feel a little better than you did, but dragging yourself to the front door is still probably all you’ll be capable of today. At least you won’t be suffering alone. The line rings for a moment, then clicks, and a grainy hello sounds from the other side.
“Hi, can I place a breakfast order for delivery, please?”
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i’m stuck on which chapter to work on next, do we want angst or yearning or fun flirty activities????🧡
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catscidr · 5 months
I think we have all seen the "Argenti thinks the Reader is Idrila" stuff on here. But what if the reader actually is Idrila? So I wanted to request Argenti/Idrila!Reader (gn or afab reader) headcanons or a oneshot where Idrila, who has taken on a mortal identity after [Insert tragic event here], and meets Argenti. They develop feelings for each other, Argenti finds out she is Idrila, they end up dating. (Maybe or maybe not in that specific order) I thought maybe after protecting her followers from Nanook she disappeared to ensure Nanook doesn't target them anymore? That part isn't as important so feel free to add whatever backstory you think fits^^ Thank you in advance, I really like your writing!
NONNIE omg im booting up star rail rn to stare at him lovingly. also i changed the scenario a smidge so reader is her own person while also being idrila? if that makes sense......?? yeah. also bc otherwise id be writing ten thousand words n i didnt want ur ask to grow dusty in my inbox d(;∀;d) but tysm for the prompt i couldn’t stop thinking about it ueue. also hey gang peep me trying to make my blog look more coherent n nicer looking. am i doin it ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ cw: a smidge of amnesia and soulmate trope (it’s not that bad, trust), fluff, love at first sight (does that even count in this scenario....), argenti and reader are dancing around the topic a lot bc argenti is a gentleman and doesn’t want to pressure her to talk. blurbs to set up the plot + a fic after them hehe. not proofread, writer’s block is killing me  includes: fem reader (he refers to reader as "my lady"), argenti, natasha, luocha is kinda there wc: 2,3k
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-ˋˏ You’d go to Natasha’s clinic at least once every other day because you always had the worst migraines. To the point where you almost got beat up by a Flamespawn one time when you were clearing out calyxes (thankfully there was a Silvermane guard patrolling the area, otherwise you would’ve been charred). The doctor always says the same thing; “Stop looking for fights so often”, “Let your body rest”, “I can’t prescribe you antibiotics”, and your favorite, “Stop slamming my door open I can’t do anything about your headaches”. She was a good friend, but whenever she repeated how she couldn’t be of any help to your predicament, you’d wish you could just take that glass vial hanging from her outfit and chuck it far, far away out of spite. 
-ˋˏ Obviously it wasn’t her fault- she'd done everything she could. Natasha even had you undergo the Underworld’s equivalent of an MRI scan because of how frequently you would visit her, insisting that something was wrong. The symptoms consisted of forgetting important things too often, feeling a foreign buzz in your limbs and brain, having a sudden burst of elemental energy come out of your attacks and a myriad of benign but annoying, irritating signs that something was up with you. 
-ˋˏ It became more of a chore than anything to leave your room. Some days you felt fine, but then when you’d go out again and beat up wave after wave of enemies in Caverns of Corrosion you would keel over, clutching your head while vague images of what could only be described as a fever dream ran through your mind. 
-ˋˏ You decided to leave the Underworld for some time- considering your absence like some sort of “vacation”. You heard of a wandering doctor (and merchant, apparently) by the name of Luocha and, from the people that crossed paths with him, it seemed like he was extraordinary at his job. A trek to the Xianzhou Luofu would be a long one, but after weighing your options you thought you’d give it a try (it was worth it if it meant you’d stop waking up at ungodly hours, holding your head in your hands while hoping, praying that the pain stops.) 
-ˋˏ You (somehow) made your way to the Xianzhou Luofu from Jarilo-VI. As competent as you were however, being stranded on a foreign planet with no map nor local to guide you was... a challenge. In retrospect, maybe you should’ve gotten in contact with that Luocha doctor and had him come to Belobog instead of you going to him since, well, he was a traveling merchant. Going from planet to planet is what he does (you assume). 
If you had read up more on general information about the Luofu you would have been aware of how many enemies were roaming around the docking area. But you didn’t. So, unbeknownst to you, a rogue mara-struck soldier was on your tail, trying to sneak up to you to snag the goods you hid in your bag (which were basically just different types of painkillers and sustenance that bodes well on an upset stomach. He doesn’t know that though.) 
Your head was throbbing; ever since you set foot on the planet, your physical health had slowly dropped down to levels you wouldn’t be enduring if it wasn’t for the promise of a competent doctor once you get to the main city. Painkillers weren’t working, your feet hurt and to make matters worse, you felt the familiar lack of something in your head. It was so bad to the point where you had to have a tangible mark somewhere to remind you that you did, in fact, just take something for your headache and if you took two more painkillers, your body wouldn’t agree with your decision. It was a struggle even remembering what you did five minutes ago, no way were you going to be in top shape, beating up every enemy crossing your way. 
Clouds began covering the bright sun, casting shadows over the desolate, geometric area. You huff, irritated that, from the looks of it, you won’t be able to find a cozy place to set up camp. Though sleeping on a ground made of primarily iron and steel was considerably less nerve-wracking than sleeping on the mushy, cold, dirty ground of Jarilo-VI. So, with a pout aimed at no one in particular, you find some place that you deemed decent enough to set your humble tent. It wasn’t often that adventurers slept outside of safe zones, however with your condition you couldn’t afford to miss out on some rest and possibly get even more lost than you already are. 
You set your heavy backpack down, rolling your shoulders to soothe the ache in your muscles from carrying something so bulky. As you ruffle through your belongings, you open a bottled soda and take a swift gulp, sighing contentedly at the pleasant taste on your tongue. Now that you were sat and could rest your bones (until you started setting up your tent, at least), your ears were able to pick up on some not-so-distant footsteps. 
There’s no time for you to react; the mara-struck soldier that had been following you lunges at you, aiming for your bag. Your eyes widen and you open your mouth to yell, but before any sound can leave your mouth, a long, red and gold spear pierces the ground between you and the rabid man, making you yelp in surprise. You scurry as far back as you can in your current state; however, the soldier doesn’t have time to take advantage of your weakened stature. The owner of the spear lodges himself before your shaking figure and the mara-struck, yanking his spear out of the ground with impressive elegance, and summons an array of thorny vines to catch your assailant. 
It takes little to no effort for the seasoned fighter to take down the mara-struck as he swings his weapon, swiftly knocking the blunt end on the soldier’s plexus, knocking the wind out of him. A strangled scream leaves his throat as he scampers away, leaving your belongings safe with you and the strange red-haired man. He lowers his spear, careful to keep the sharp edge far from you, and turns around to face you properly. His brows raise a smidge for a split second before he composes himself and bows before you, the action short and curt.  
“It would have been a shame to lose a beauty such as yourself,” he says smoothly, straightening his back to look down at you with a warm smile. He stretches his hand out, a polite offer to help you stand up, as he continues speaking. “My name is Argenti, I belong to the Knights of Beauty. What might you be doing so far away from civilization, dear...?” he trails off, waiting for you to introduce yourself. 
You were in a state of shock, your mind still processing what had happened in such a short amount of time, that you failed to notice the lack of pain at the back of your head. As you meekly tell him your name, you hold onto his hand to help yourself up- as soon as his armored glove comes in contact with your hand something flashes in your mind; too quick to allow you to think about it too much, or to recognize what you saw for a millisecond. 
“So far away from civilization... do you know how to get to the city?” you ask as you feel a glimmer of hope spark in you. His words were refreshing, probably the best thing someone has ever said to you in the past month. He nods, reaching into his pocket to fish out a blue handkerchief embroidered with a delicate gold trim. Argenti hands it over to you and you gratefully take it, blotting the sweat and... dust off of your face. 
“I have made my way around the Luofu for long enough to show someone the way,” he says kindly. “Besides, even if I didn’t, I would still offer to accompany you through your trek. It is my duty as a Knight of Beauty, for I must uphold chivalry and distinguished manners, in the name of the Goddess guiding me.” His words resonate within you, making you beam, nodding in understanding. 
Your reaction doesn’t go unnoticed by the knight. As you hand his handkerchief back, he smiles at you and gestures to your bag. “What brings you so far from your homeworld, my lady?” Argenti asks gently, though a glimmer of doubt swirls in his sparkling, verdant eyes. The question makes you pause, a memory flashing in your mind too suddenly for you to know what it meant. Although, from what you could tell, you knew you could trust him with what troubled you somehow. 
“Ah, it’s a long story,” you start sheepishly, “I’ve been having these incredibly painful migraines recently. And sometimes I feel like my memory is fading too quickly for what would be considered normal,” you say, trailing off slightly at the end. “I’m looking for a healer, a doctor by the name of Luocha...?” 
Somehow, the doctor was currently the least of your worries. You’d never felt so refreshed before, at least not that you could remember; simply being in Argenti’s presence seemed to be enough to make your aches disappear like a starskiff smoothly gliding through a cloudless sky. 
“I’ve seen the man only a handful of times,” Argenti mutters aloud, pulling you out of your thoughts. “I can do my best to guide you to him, but if I may... you don’t seem to be injured?” the knight says, his voice trailing off into a questioning tone despite the observation. You shake your head, wondering how you should explain your predicament to the man. 
“Like I said, it’s a long story,” you say again, shrugging sheepishly. You wondered if you should even go into the nitty gritty- he could always just be making small talk to help you get comfortable or something. Sensing your unease, he changes the spotlight to him instead. 
“There’s no need to delve into details if you wish to keep them secret,” he says with a kind smile, bending down to take ahold of your hand- gently pressing a chaste kiss on the back of your hand. Red flushes your ears immediately, words caught in your throat at the sight of his hair cascading over his shoulders, a beautiful contrast from the gold and silver armor glittering in what was left of the sunlight. 
“As for myself, like I mentioned earlier, I am a Knight of Beauty. I’m on a quest to find my dear Goddess Idrila once more, for I need to pay my respects to them after they saved me from a particularly grim fate.” His words echoed in your mind, your brows knitting together as you felt what could only be described as a cold bucket of water being dunked on your head. “I-Idrila?” you parrot, your voice coming out as a choked noise. Argenti perks up, the hand that had been softly holding onto yours now holding it with a firmer grip, his other hand joining it. 
“Yes, Idrila. Have you ever heard of them? Or...” he trails off, looking deep into your eyes expectantly, almost as if he knew something you didn’t. His eyes seemed to suck you in, bringing a comfortable wave of warmth over you, making you yearn for something. 
“I...” you begin, your gaze falling down to look at your feet. As you thought long and hard about what you wanted to say, what you tried to remember, you slowly look over to his spear, lying flat on the ground- long forgotten since the fight earlier. As if a lightbulb went off above your head, you perk up just as he did, and look at him, beaming. The words were caught in your throat; there was so much you wanted to say, to declare, to do in this moment of clarity, but with how fast your mind was running to catch you up on the current events of your life it was a struggle. 
“Argenti,” you murmur, the name rolling off your tongue smoothly, as you realized seeing the traveling merchant was no longer required. Though the road might have been arduous, and you may have almost lost your mind in the process, being with Argenti suddenly made everything make sense. That’s why your migraines mysteriously disappeared as soon as you were in the knight’s presence, that’s why you had gaps in your memory, that’s why you were freakishly powerful... at convenient times.  
Everything clicked into place. 
The both of you share a pregnant pause, eyes locked together as the world seemed to come to a stop around you. If it were possible, you’re sure there would be delicate, silky rose petals floating around your figures, suspended in the air. You glance down at his lips, and for the first time, make a decision with a clear head. 
His lips felt smooth against yours, the faint taste of vanilla mixed with roses transferring to your own lips. The kiss almost felt like it could be the result of a symbiotic relationship; now that you had Argenti, or at least had him by your side once again, you didn’t think you’d be able to continue on without him. 
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razberrypuck · 9 months
do you have any predictions for the next adventure time eps? they will kill us all for sure, any thoughts on how exactly that could happen?
I'm gonna be so forreal I have no idea what they could possibly throw at us,,, they could do ANYTHING and 99% of the options would be horribly angsty. I don't have any specific theories/predictions so have an assortment of random thoughts instead
I will say that I don't think simon is gonna die. aside from betty's wish being for the power to keep him safe and him literally being in her presence, I don't think it'd be a satisfying conclusion to his arc. like,, every universe he's been to has repeatedly screamed the words "YOU, SIMON PETRIKOV, ARE IMPORTANT AND LOVED AND YOUR LIFE HAS VALUE" in his face, he learns nothing, and then dies. yeah it'd be sad, but from a story standpoint it's just not it for me. there are much worse things than death that he could experience.
I would like betty and simon to have an actual serious talk about the issues in their relationship but I doubt either of them have thought about it much jsjfjej with one refusing to grieve his fiancée and try to move forward and the other literally being an incomprehensible eldritch deity of chaos. even so I hope simon still calls her all the pet names he had and I hope how lovey-dovey this guy is with golbetty freaks the scarab out.
SPEAKING OF SCRABBY I've been thinking about it and I don't think golb is The Boss in question, bc it seems like The Boss sent the scarab directly to simon -- so unless golbetty completely misjudged how murder-y the scarab was, it probably isn't her. besides, why would the embodiment of chaos be in charge of the people keeping the multiverse in order? either way I want scrabby to be stupid afraid of golbetty. I think it would be Funny.
I've mentioned this before but I hope the b-plot is about our ooo, and how simon just Went Missing. I also kinda hope episodes 9 and 10 are structured the way 1 and 2 were, in the way that one episode is solely about fionna and cake, and the other is solely about simon. I think it would be a nice way to come full circle.
also I would like to see prismo again please release him from The Cube my man is INNOCENT
back to simon and betty. I want golbetty to tell simon to give her the crown and I want him to refuse, at least for a little bit. I want him to say he needs it, to save fionna and cake's universe. I want him to admit that he doesn't WANT to become the ice king again, that he never did, that he still despises every second he spent as that crazy old wizard, but people liked him more anyway and I'm helping people by doing this and that makes it worth it.
end of thoughts I might rb this and add more later but!!!!!! there's so much they can do and I'm afraid of All Of It I just hope simon doesn't get a horrific ending. ALSO feel free to add on your own thoughts/theories/predictions/etc (this goes for everyone :]) I want to see them!!!!!!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
"And what will you do when I can't recognize you?"
Eyeless jack x reader angst but it's based around my specific hc that "jack is cursed bc cult stuff and hes forced to eat flesh; and his mind and body are degrading into something not.. human"
So yeah basically reader and jack trying to cope with his whole monster metamorphosis
Cw. For body horror, and tbh this is mostly me rattling on about my hcs of how jack became eyeless jack
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That was something he said to you one night, unprompted
Of course you both had a vague idea of what was happening to him; but neither of you had answers... let alone fully understood
Of course, he knew more than you. He was the one living with this... curse.. and he had it before the two of you met
But even now, it was showing how ugly things could get, and it was only the beginning
Obviously; his appearance was changing. His skin became.. cold, veins were showing, he simply looked like he was dying. Obviously, he had pits for eyes, which were constantly dripping this cold black ooze. His ears and teeth were now pointed, and his fingers ended in claws. But other than that; he more or less looked like a normal person, if you overlooked those silly details
Oh, his tongue.. no matter how you may feel about it, the process of how he "obtained" the monstrous thing is horrifying.
To spare the details, his original tongue essentially split into the half dozen tendrils it is today
Not good stuff, and he felt all of it
And of course there's the psychological and behavioral effects of the curse; to get the big bad out of the way, he can no longer eat normal food. No need to elaborate. Good news is, as of now, he doesnt need to feed often. But when he does, he runs the risk of losing control, almost becoming animalistic in the way he behaves
That's his main fear
He's expressed that those frenzies happen he finds it harder and harder to contain himself, or come back down
He worries that one day you'll be the one getting chomped on
Really, there's nothing either of you can do to stop this or lessen the effects of the curse
Bro only has two options; suck it up and become a monster that can't resemble anything of this world. Or die
There already were some nights where he may have snipped at you. He didn't mean to be aggressive, but he was trying so hard to keep it together. He needed you to leave the area and stay away for a while
Some days his memories begin to cloud, that's probably the scariest for him. It'd be scary for everyone, obviously
I dont typically like writing angst without adding some sort of comfort, or happy ending, but that sort of thing just. Doesnt exist here. Jack's fate is pretty much sealed, and what sucks is that he didnt ask to be dragged into this
This is all sorta based off that spin off backstory jack got (though tbf I dont recall if it was even made by his original creator, though my take is in a silly au), where he makes friends who are (unbeknownst to him) in a cult and had plans to use him
Bro didn't want this, and really the whole thing is tragic
Of course, I'll still try to add some comfort, as it feels wrong to just drag this man around like this
Smells seem to have a positive response
Makes sense; its said that the brain ties smells to memories, and associating it with certain things
So if you wear a certain perfume or use a certain detergent to wash clothing, he'll definitely remember and recognize it. It seems to help him come down after a bad spot
Journaling can help him keep track of the days; though you'll need to give him some time on that... hard to hold pencils when you have claws..
And of course, comfort him; be there for him
I wish I could end this kinda bummer hc ramble off on a lighter note, but the whole thing/this side of eyeless jack is just so
You know?
Anyways yeah I write all my eyeless jack stuff with these ideas in mind so
Yeah, that's why I tend to write EJ all gloomy and reclusive
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Hi!!!!! Again!!!
I was wondering if could get something with reader and Frankie being intimate for the first time and reader is nervous bc she has SH scars?
Or conversely, if writing about that is uncomfortable, reader gets nightmares?? I suffer from horrific nightmares bc trauma and wish I had someone to hold me when I had them 😭
If none of this speaks to you there’s 0 pressure, I hope you have a great day and I look forward to reading more Frankie!!! You write him so well
Thank you for the request, @romanarose and I'm sorry you had to wait so long! I wanted to go witht he first option and it's a difficult topic, I didn't want to get it wrong. I hope you like it <3
Frankie x f!reader
Warnings: PTSD, former trauma, former self harm, scars, Frankie Morales is Consent King, first time having sex (with each other, no one is a virgin here), nudity, kissing. All is soft and well <3
Words: 1,123
It’s not like you hadn’t thought about it. You thought about it a lot, in fact: every time you met someone new, you had to face the fact that there were so many chances for them to run for the hills. Or not understand. Or the worst yet: add to your trauma, worsen your injuries, break you even more.
Frankie seemed okay. You learned very quickly that he had his own demons: he shared his history of PTSD and drug abuse early on. Visibly nervous but with a clear voice and a firm eye contact, he told you a condensed version which ended with him reassuring you that he understood if you wanted to stop seeing him, that he knew that this was a lot to handle. You could just part ways amicably.
You shook your head and said that you had a dark past of your own, but you weren’t ready to share yet. He accepted that, and that same night, he asked you if he could kiss you. It was the first kiss you two shared, and it was sweet and full of promise.
Each time you saw him, hung out with him, kissed him, you knew that you were coming to this: you were going to have to get naked before him, and he would learn what your trauma had made you do to yourself. The shame was still there, even if therapy had helped a lot. But being naked with someone new was always daunting, and your scars just made it worse. You couldn’t even ease him into it because teenage you had been devious enough not to blemish your wrists, no, your whole history was mapped out on your thighs in a criss-cross of short, white lines.
And when that evening comes, and you’re making out on Frankie’s couch, his heavy yet comforting weight on you, his hard cock pressing against your through his jeans and yours, you feel it in your searing hot and sopping wet core that it’s going to have to happen. You can’t wait any longer: you want him, desperately, heart-achingly, completely.
He pulls his mouth from yours when you start to work his shirt off him.
”Are you sure?” he asks you breathlessly, eyes dark with desire yet softly searching your face. ”I don’t want to pressure you.”
”I’m sure,” you confirm, just as short of breath as he is, and embarrassingly eager to see his naked chest, to embrace him and find out what it feels like to be with him, skin to skin.
Frankie sits up and takes his shirt off, and you are free to caress the naked skin beneath. You sit up as well and trace your lips along the warm skin, kiss him over his wildly beating heart, his soft moan telling you just how good it feels to him.
Your top and bra follow his shirt onto the floor and Frankie's prickly chin is tickling the soft, sensitive flesh of your breasts as he flicks his tongue over your hardening nipples. Not until you are mewling does he come up for a sweet yet teasing kiss, before trailing his lips down between your breasts, over your stomach, all the way down to your bottoms. You lift your ass to make it easier for him to pull them down, and Frankie kisses every inch of revealed skin before him.
Then he stops, and you realize that he's seeing them. Your scars. You wet your lips nervously and start to stammer out explanations and excuses, but Frankie comes up to silence you with another gentle kiss.
"Can I take off the rest of your clothes?" he asks, his voice warm and sincere, and you nod mutely. Naked before him, more nervous about your scars than your body, you can barely look him in the eye. You try to still your shaking limbs but can't, your nerves having taken control over your twitching muscles.
"I used to cut myself," you finally offer quietly. "And I did it on my thighs so nobody would know."
Frankie has his big, warm, palm on your knee, and he's just silently regarding you. Relieved, you note that he doesn't seem disgusted or shocked, just... sad. Sympathetic, as if he had personal knowledge of that crippling anxiety that drove you to use a razorblade on yourself, time and time again.
"I'm sorry you had to do that," he eventually says. "I'm sorry you were made to feel that bad."
You try to shrug. "It was a long time ago. I'm better now."
"I'm very glad about that."
His smile is so gentle that it hurts your heart, and you press a smile back, but your lower lip is trembling. You're still shivering, your body a mess of arousal, shot nerves, and hope.
"Is this okay?" you want to know, your voice wavering slightly. "It's not too ugly?"
"Sweetheart," Frankie immediately pulls you into his chest, "nothing about you is ugly." He kisses the top of your head, his hand moving in soothing circles on your back. "You're beautiful, and you make the world beautiful."
You blink hysterically but the tears still rise and spill down your cheeks. "So do you, Frankie."
He hears the sob in your voice and kisses your wet cheeks before laying you down and peppering your neck with kisses.
"Can I touch them? The scars?"
"Uh-huh." You don't trust your voice to carry, but Frankie smiles comfortingly at you, and you cup his cheek, let your fingers wander and get lost in his thick, soft locks.
Your thigh muscles are tense when he brushes his lips to the first scar, but for each little show of love for the marks that you gave yourself during the darkest part of your life, you relax. Your heartbeat returns to the apex of your thighs, and you know you're slick down there, but Frankie doesn't go there, not yet, but instead focuses on instilling your scars with his devotion. You let him lull you into complete security and relaxation. You even close your eyes and sigh out your breath in a low, happy hum. He finds your hand and braids his fingers with yours, his thumb slowly stroking the back of your hand.
Your eyes blink open when he says your name. He's smiling at you, the beautiful crow's feet gathering at the corners of his warm, pretty eyes.
"You okay?" he wants to know. You nod, sitting back up and reaching for the fly of his jeans.
"I need you now."
"You got me."
When he finally sinks into you there is no longer any trace of shame left, only desire and a budding love that you somehow know will last for a long, long time.
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flarekitti · 4 days
If we ever get another PMD with a brand new story, what Pokemon would you choose for hero and partner?
*if ur talkin like, options for people in the game, then i think it'd be ok to limit the number of starters (as much as it'd suck), but I'm not sure how so.
*it'd be fun to do like... a random assortment in the style of like, each pkmn gets a nature like the original but it's random as to which u get?
*Obvi i wouldnt want them to get gender split personally
*anyway maybe like, say brave is charmander, pika, machop, rowlet or something. Game rolls a die when you open up a new game and ur option if u get brave is [drum roll] machop! But if you don't get brave that doesn't rlly matter except for partner choosing bc it's whatever u didn't get personality-wise
*any pkmn that didn't get rolled could even have some significant role in some other way, like maybe another personality type could be assigned to a rival team (a team is assigned brave leader timid partner, and since u rolled machop then they have to roll for a dif one and got pika and cynda)
*for non starter options, i think all the ones from previous are obvi good choices! Otherwise, maybe a couple more pika clones (pawmi, marrill, and emolga could work?); fairy types like flabébé, impidimp, and fidough; a few regional birds like fletchling and rookidee; maybe a bug type like dwebble or sizzlipede (though id be worried about balancing issues for bug types i still want them 🥺 ); zorua (why hasnt zorua been added ... seems silly bc how popular it is); maybe another dragon like noibat, dreepy, or applin (or all 3 lol); lechonk could be cute (like munchlax's inclusion); and i also think rolycoly could be a cool twist one
*personally heres what i would assign each of them:
Hardy: Riolu, Grookey, Rolycoly!
Lonely: Cubone, Dwebble, Hisuian Zorua!
Brave: Charmander, Pawmi, Rookidee!
Adamant: Machop, Scorbunny, Larvitar!
Naughty: Alolan Meowth, Zorua!
Bold: Pikachu, Chespin, Tyrunt!
Docile: Bulbasaur, Marrill, Teddiursa!
Relaxed: Squirtle, Sprigatito, Lotad!
Impish: Chimchar, Impidimp, Wattrel!
Lax: Munchlax, Litten, Lechonk!
Timid: Cyndaquil, Rowlet, Sizzlipede!
Hasty: Skitty, Galarian Meowth, Bagon!
Serious: Shinx, Oshawott, Venipede!
Jolly: Totodile, Fuecoco, Applin!
Naïve: Eevee, Emolga, Dreepy!
Modest: Mudkip, Fidough, Ralts!
Mild: Piplup, Sobble, Axew!
Quiet: Vulpix, Flabébé, Cufant!
Bashful: Chikorita, Tepig, Noibat!
Rash: Torchic, Fletchling, Aron!
Calm: Turtwig, Fennekin, Trapinch!
Gentle: Phanpy, Quaxly, Cutiefly!
Sassy: Meowth, Snivy, Amaura!
Careful: Treecko, Froakie, Snorunt!
Quirky: Psyduck, Popplio, Spheal!
*originally i stuck to the list i made but then only some had 3 so i went back and found more i think would fit so all the natures have 3 lol
*anyway im super partial to the personality quiz, i think it's really fun and makes you try out new things (and if u rlly want to stick to ur faves u can still game it / add a "you choose" option lmao)!!!
*so i wouldnt necessarily choose one myself, id try the quiz first and try my best hehe.
*out of just starters/the traditional picks, i would want to be charmander for sure, and whatever partner in the list covers charmanders weaknesses! (Mudkip mostly lol), but out of this entire list I'd be happy with most of em?
*if it was like gates and only the newest gen could be picked id choose fuecoco, if the last 3 gens were picked, I'd have a hard time deciding between litten and fuecoco (probs litten)
*i wish i had more time to sit and balance the list i made, bc on the surface i think i chose a good variety but also i probs am biased bc i love fire and dragon but then also i like little pathetic ones too so it's probs all over the place hehe.
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crimeronan · 1 year
re: raine and hunter bonding over their belos-flavoured trauma, how do you think they discuss palismen?
this is brought by the reveal that raine's violas, like the head of it, is their palisman. but that viola has been smashed open TWICE. we know from owlbert that having a staff cracked hurts, so having what is essentially 90% of your body ripped open has gotta hurt. (hypothetically it might not work the same way but shhh)
palisman are an extension of the self, so to me its a representation of how raine has worked themself to the bone for this revolution, literally becoming a tool of progress. parallel this with hunter and flapjack, as the latter allows the former to be something more than a tool of the empire, a real boy with hopes and dreams.
both of their palismen were hurt by belos, in different ways.
im thinking that if the fox didn't have a staff pre-belos, it was among the first things hunter made when he got his carving technique down. something something moving on something something if not for flapjack at least for someone else.
does this make sense? i am but a seething pot of Themes and Connections
i'm really liking the idea of raine's palisman getting to spend some time running around doing silly fox antics and getting into low-stakes trouble once belos is gone bc they've been in disguise for so long that getting to be silly is a Relief. in parallel to raine getting to breathe and relax for the first time in Ages after making sacrifice after sacrifice after sacrifice and being tortured for fuck only knows how long.
also very fond of the mental image of raine's fox often scampering off to be a nuisance to hunter specifically. probably others too like eda and luz and darius and the CATS but hunter more consistently than the others. and the concept that the fox has been left without a staff after damage to the viola is making me crazy
because i IMAGINE that raine's fox keeps gravitating toward hunter out of concern and recognition of his grief, the same way the other palismen do. and i imagine that hunter ranges from irritable to grudgingly accepting of this, because it's very difficult to resist a cute creature who keeps winding around your legs and/or neck like an obnoxious cat. and then upon realizing there's no staff, hunter's entire annoyed demeanor vanishes Immediately, like:
hunter: ...you're hurt??
and then hunter chases them all the way back to raine, whereupon the convo is just like
hunter, clearly having an epiphany: okay but. you guys shouldn't be dealing with stuff alone. there are people who'd want to know
raine, clearly Deeply pained about being called out: i wish this was not so obviously something you need to hear yourself so i could argue with a child instead. ok. perhaps you are right.
hunter: yeah. i am 🥰
and then yeah hunter carves a new staff when he's confident enough. i think it would take a while bc he'd be nervous about screwing it up but raine and their palisman are both incredibly patient so that's fine
incredible content thank you.
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gauldur-amulet · 5 months
Have a ramble about Legends Arceus bc I’m playing it again and am being reminded how much I love it
We were given so much with Arceus only for much of it to be taken away with scarlet and violet. Don’t get me wrong I love Violet like I have some criticisms but it’s more related to the push of having a new pokemon game every year. Similar to SwSh ScarVi very much would’ve benefited from a delay in its release and just having more time to work on it. Anyways this is not what puts Arceus above them instead what I actually love about arceus is this:
This is more aesthetics more than anything but I absolutely love the ui for arceus. I honestly prefer having the headshots as icons for each Pokémon to be better than the tiny full body ones. This is just a little thing but I wish ScarVi kept the ability to see which Pokémon were shiny just from the preview icon. Like let me actually see it so I don’t accidentally mistake one as not shiny. Another element that I love and wish wasn’t removed was the ability to evolve from the menu. Auto evolving once they reach a level is nice but I don’t know having it as more of option for you to choose is really nice. It is especially good whenever you get Pokémon that are well past their evolution level and therefore take a lot more to level them again so that they evolve. Then you have to repeat the process again if it’s a three evolution line.
2. The Open World + side quests
While Arceus wasn’t the first introduction to open world I still feel it was the one that really mastered it. You just had a lot more space to roam and honestly I kind of like the idea of the varying biomes being divided into different areas you have to unlock. But I think what really helped the open world aspect was the number of side quests you could get. Because this truly encourages you to explore and wander. It was just going from one point to another. There were multiple other things you could do in between. Also I feel compared to ScarVi and SwSh the open world in Arceus just felt a bit more alive in a way. This point I’m not sure what it is that sets Arceus apart in this way. Maybe it’s bc the area you were in felt a lot more like you were out in the wilderness. Which given the basis of Arceus makes sense. And as far as main series games I’m not sure how this would be accomplished without repeating arceus again.
3.The Pokemon catch + shiny system
I don’t know there’s just something I love about not having to start a battle to catch a pokemon. It just really breaks away from the uniform formula that every other game has followed. And just finding other methods to effectively catch them without engaging in battle adds to it. Just let me throw pokeballs at pokemon without restraint. It’s very Pokémon rangers-esque honestly. Also while ScarVi does have overworld shinies I just wish they still kept the alert sound. Especially bc some Pokémon are very subtle. Also for me I’m the type of person that will just go running through an area with complete tunnel vision and the only thing that keeps me from passing shiny Pokémon is the alert sound. Just bring that back.
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1296-very-good-year · 2 years
SPOILERY thoughts on da absolution:
Mostly enjoyed, but the core dynamic in the show between Miriam/Neb/Rezaren was lacking a lot of juicy context for me.
I get why there wasn’t more - 6 half-hour episodes to reintroduce an established world with new characters and stakes and make us invested and tell a complete story? I do not envy the writers - but IMO the finale/resurrection would have hit a lot harder with just a little more time devoted to their backstory bc:
I would have felt more during Neb’s goodbye to Miriam if we had, you know... heard him speak before that moment.
We saw nothing of Miriam and Neb’s relationship. He served as a mirror for Miriam rather than a character. He was the voiceless, dead version of her that she would have become if she had remained a slave. Which is cool in its own way and adds an extra layer of creepiness to how Rezaren talks to his body, but sibling dynamics are my jam and I felt its absence :(
Rezaren’s obsession with bringing Neb and Miriam back could have been way more compelling if we saw more of their childhood! Did the twins ever love him as a brother too? It’s never addressed. For all we know it was entirely one-sided which is ALWAYS the less interesting option (give me the conflicted fucked up feelings!). Did Rezaren hate his mom as much as the twins did? There are suggestions peppered around that he did, but that’s it. Having that confirmed would have done wonders to emphasize his isolation bc he could never truly be close with the twins either.
Obviously that is all unnecessary to the story they decided to tell bc they had Rezaren take off a mask and reveal that he was just entitled garbage underneath. I’m curious if there was a longer version of the story that got hacked way down where that doesn't happen (or happen as quickly).
More important missing context:
So stay with me here. We first see Miriam seething and wanting to kill Rezaren as soon as she hears him, so you’re thinking “Oh wow! He must have done terrible things to her while she was a slave! She says he killed her family! That’s shitty!” And then... the only justification Miriam gives for hating Rezaren (before his big reveal) is that he “failed to protect” her and Neb during the harrowing, and she blames him for Neb’s death. But like... that’s not even a good reason?? He didn’t do anything malicious there at all, he just failed a ritual. Rezaren’s mom was the one to kill Neb and he wasn’t in a position to stop her.
For all we are shown, Miriam falsely associated Rezaren’s actions with those of his mother. WHY give the hero a misplaced justification to hate the villain when you’re just going to prove him to be a monster by the next scene anyway? 
Basically, Miriam’s hatred implies that Rezaren was complicit in her slavery growing up but we don’t actually learn about it. I think seeing him turn a blind eye to the abuse of slaves or participating in it in some way in present day or a flashback (outside of him being a child witnessing it) would have better clued us in that he wasn’t the charming josh keaton voiced soft boi he pretended to be before making the turn from (paraphrased) “You’re my sister” to “You’re my property” a couple lines apart.
Anyway I don't hate how it was all handled I just can't help wishing for more... family drama? Instead of simple and uncomplicated master/slave drama
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flockofdoves · 6 months
help me choose living room furniture!!!
so i was mocking up my living room and it turns out i have less space for couches than i hoped and there are just not that many love seat options that match the sleeper sofa i want this is so fucking sad...
but i still wanna be able to have seats for more than a few people so im trying to figure out which of these is best. i'd love input:
two notes:
other room is the kitchen so its full i just didnt bother putting anything there but the kitchen table
i want a tv stand but am not planning on getting one yet so the dimensions on that could be flexible if needed. same thing with a lamp. and some of these include a short bookcase for boardgames but thats experimental and i may not end up getting one.
ok!! lets start
this first one is very similar to how my old roommate had things set up so i know it works and i like it on an 'ease of walking from upstairs or the front door to kitchen' level
but also i kind of hate it because there are no ceiling lights on the living room side and there are no windows beyond that window behind the blue couch and the sliding glass door in the kitchen so with the tv there it made the whole space feel even darker than it does right now
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this one below is maybe best as far as like. compromising between ease of walking around it, walking through it, and not blocking off light?
but while it doesnt matter that much i wish there was more room for side tables while still having it easy to walk through. there arent that many small sidetables available rn i like but maybe could add the teal and red decoupage one to this?
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ok actually maybe its possible to have an ok amount of room to navigate and have two side tables if you just remove the bookshelf (could also fit this with the leather top table and the hexagons or brass and glass tables if anyone thinks those look better)
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and then heres what full size couches look like when i try to put them with the tv against the wall. a little weird with how couches overlap with other stuff so idk if its worth it and would practically and comfortably amount to more seating
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for the one above: second one is a little better for walking past and eventually could try to find one matching sidetable, but could be nice to have two like the first one (the hexagon tables fit about equally if those look better to people)
and then heres similar but with loveseats instead so it fits a bit better
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and then for the rest of these: it seems kind of weird to have the tv like this because i'm a little worried about knocking into the tv if i ever walk to the kitchen in the dark but it seems like its easier to fit a lot more stuff this way while still not blocking light from the windows
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i already own that circle table and its pretty but also its too tall for a normal side table so i've been trying to sell it but maybe instead of a floor lamp i could just put a normal lamp on it if theres already a big square of space between the couches? or alternatively instead of the one hexagon table jutting out i could just not have the circle table and put the hexagon there instead
or just have the little teal and red table
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and then could also just have a love seat in this arrangement too i guess and then thered be even more room to walk by than if the tv was on the wall
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idk if this swan one really goes with anything and its so expensive but its so pretty so heres a couple with it..
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god idk theres even more combos that could be good that i gave up on trying to figure out bc ive like lost the plot and am driving myself crazy with this
but yeah!! i really would love any input
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aewrie · 11 days
some thoughts i didn't feel like cramming to the tags on that
my trans characters tend to lean no/minimal medical transition bc with where im at, that resonates with me, but then also, i write almost exclusively high fantasy, and with that comes two things to think about
first is a personal preference thing. do i write a wish-fulfilment world where life is good for everyone, bigotry doesn't exist, everyone can access all necessary/desired health care etc etc? bc for me, trying to do that would just make me miserable. for me, things aren't perfect but life goes on and we make the most of it is much more comforting. i don't want to add all the worst parts of reality to my fictional worlds 1:1, but having some of it reflected in there has value.
and then regarding trans characters transitioning specifically: i could have simple magic that less or more everyone has access to that can easily change anyone's body in whichever way is desired, but boy does that open a can of worms when you consider magical healing/body modification in the context of disability, and just in general with the possibilities of non-consensual body modification. and rather than deal with the headache that all entails wrt to the worldbuilding (how would this sort of thing be controlled or overseen? are there restrictions who can/is allowed to do what sort of modifications? can it just as easily be reversed? is there a cost/consequence if someone's body gets altered a lot? if this kind of magic is so simple/accessible, what else is, and what are the overarching consequences of that?) im gonna generally go with something more reflective of what options are/used to be easily available for the average person irl, plus small magic things. more complex magic also, but, more situationally.
(but that's not to say the people who want the polar opposite are wrong. they just want different things out of their fiction.)
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tarmac-rat · 1 year
Then and Now
I saw a few people in the fandom doing this and I was a bit hesitant to put this together because I started screenshotting comparably late through my timeline-- I didn't have the confidence to attempt it until 1.5, and in some cases I still am a bit resistant to sharing-- but I thought "meh, I haven't talked about Riley and I still have all my old files, let's go back in time". So here's a bit more of an in-depth look into my V's evolution from launch until now:
Click images for better quality.
Version 1-- V1.0 - 1.2
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This is probably the most radically different version of Riley I've made. I used different scarring, different facial cyberware, and different eye makeup, though I believe her body, eye, freckle, and earring presets have always been the same. Her chin is squarer and her face is a bit more angled, but back in the day I really enjoyed what I had come up with even if I never took her out for photographing.
The blue hair was darker than I really wanted it to be, but back in 1.0 it was pretty much the only option for light blue so I stuck with it lol. I ended up using the bob solely because I didn't really like 95% of the hairstyles and this was one of the only ones I could tolerate, but I honestly grew to dislike it for her after a while. I hated that it covered up her ears and I never found it really photographed that well because it hung in her eyes.
I actually still really like this facial build-- it doesn't suit Riley but I like how mean it looks, like a built in RBF-- and honestly I would probably try to reuse it for a different OC if I ever made one.
Version 2-- V1.2 - 1.4
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This was the new version I built for another run-through on 1.2 and serves as the bridge between the original Riley and the current Riley. I switched the scars and the facial cyberware out to what I would eventually end up sticking with, but I still stubbornly stuck with the bob and somehow I made her face....softer? That wasn't my intention but her whole face has lost the bite it originally had-- I always refer to this version as my "Valley Girl" preset because idk I just always imagine that drawl coming out of this face.
Looking back on it I hate her lip preset on this face. IDK why they look so pink bc I don't have lip makeup on (I literally checked when taking the photos) but UGH they're just not a good fit for her they make her look too...is it mean of me to say "too happy"?
Yeah this one in hindsight is my least favorite it just doesn't look good on her based on what was I going for. Feel like I missed the mark big time.
I don't know why I added that neck tattoo lol it was spur of the moment.
Version 3-- V1.5 - 1.6
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Current Riley! Remade during 1.5 when 1) I wanted to finally make a V I could screenshot and 2) we got the new cosmetics and finally got light electric-blue hair I always envisioned her having.
Finally buckled down and spent more than 15 minutes in the character creator. oven so I could properly sculpt her face. Got rid of the softness, gave her a bit more angles and a bigger nose, lightened her freckles a bit, gave her thicker eyebrows. AND I DITCHED THE BOB. BYE BOB GET OUTTA HERE.
Also finally got the chance to show off her ears-- bronze was another new preset added into 1.5 so that's what I chose, but I believe before that update all her piercings had been silver.
The one thing I wished I had done was give her a bit of a broader nose, but overall I'm pretty happy with this design and I've used it for over a year now.
I've always claimed that my V is about 55-60% accurate to how I imagined her because there's just so much I can't add in vanilla basegame, but this is probably as close as we can get with what I've been given haha.
Bonus: Below are first ever photos I took when I finally mustered the confidence to use my XBone screenshotter around the 1.5 drop. Vanilla definitely has it's limits, but I can at least say I've improved from my starting point-- definitely enough to know what decent lighting is:
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