#i will post my other team.... whenever i get around to actually drawing them! :D
ff2-soda-pop · 1 year
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Here's my Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon team, comprised of Sage, a human-turned-Riolu, and Blaze, a Fennekin... The Unity!!
This was my team from my initial playthrough when I finally... Picked the game up after remembering I've had it for years and yet had never played it.
Now I have so many thoughts about them because, um.... well you ever just play a game and then it consumes your thoughts for months on end-
Random stuff about them under the cut because. why not!
a lot of it is just random thoughts though :D (though, there are some major spoilers mentioned!)
They tend to get really quiet when they're thinking or trying to figure something out. They'll kinda stop responding to people, and if they do talk it's usually really short one or two word replies and then just go right back to Thinking
Aside from Blaze, they're closest to Nuzleaf, Ampharos, and Mawile!
They view Blaze kinda like a little sister. They usually don't mention this out loud, though - they feel kinda silly about it yknow?? They also view Mew as a little sibling, though are a lot more open about that then they are with how their view Blaze
They tend to be Very Clingy to people they're close to - if you are close w/ them then ummmm. Get Hugged!
Y'know how Riolu's have their aura abilities? Well Sage has those because... Riolu. They've used those abilities exactly once and don't even remember it - they aren't even aware they have these abilities tbh!
Picked up on some things Nuzleaf says a lot, and sometimes will unintentionally repeat it or otherwise incorporating it into their own speech without realizing. They think it's embarrassing, Blaze thinks it's hilarious
She has ADHD! sage and blaze are autism 🤝 adhd solidarity together sdfghfd
Despite how fast she tends to recover from bad things happening, some stuff still kinda gets to her more than she wants to let on. She'll still try and hide it and act as if it's not bugging her, but she slips up at times
When her Harmony Scarf turns her into her evolved form, Blaze's eyes change color from their usual red to a bright blue (like Mew's eyes!)
Excluding Sage (and also Carracosta), she's closest with Ampharos, Buizel and Dedenne!
After the epilogue events she wanted to get back to regular expeditions the Very next day, while also still needing to get used to the whole... Existing again thing. Ended up falling on her face a few times while being like "I am completely ready to get back to work!!! lets go!!!!" and Sage and Ampharos just kinda stared at her for a moment like ".....um. yeah i'm not so sure about that blaze" sdfghgfds
She likes to race people places. Going to school in the morning? Race you there. Heading back to Lively Town after an expedition? Racing you there as well. She just thinks it's fun!
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90percentstudios · 18 days
What D&D classes would the CKC cast play as, and what would be their playstyle?
cody - changeling rogue. he'd get obsessed with trying to ride on the back of a hill giant instead of just freakin' killing it, and would probably forget he can do stuff like shapeshifting/bonus actions/etc 80% of the time. he's pretty deadly when he's locked in though, but it'd take some proof and convincing that an enemy is worthy of death. he'd also doodle while playing, heavily distracting him, but at least by the end of each session there's a bunch of silly drawings his friends can flip through.
mini - changeling cleric. the twins are both changelings cuz of everyone in the series, i think they're the only ones that've achieved being losers, cool kids, gods, averaged, AND banned. she's actually a big fan of making overly complicated plans, whether it's a heist, a jailbreak, you know she's got a dozen pastel gel pens to plan it all out! unfortunately she's got horrific luck, consistently rolling under 10. at least the plan goes well when someone else is carrying it out.
peter - human paladin. he has perfect recollection of all the rules and likes the game to be as immersive as possible, because convincing himself he's really a heroic paladin that people like and respect was his copium as a loser. that being said, post-series pb would have a bit more fun, especially with cody there to involve him in all his crazy antics.
juvie - tiefling barbarian/fighter multiclass. they frequently have to reassure their team they're not a violent psychopath irl, it's just that if you're playing in a world where you can do anything, why WOULDN'T you give every kobold a uniquely gruesome death and decorate your camp with their guts as a show of force? anyway they're very combat focused.
peggy - wood half-elf druid. any chance she has to transform into a unicorn she takes (it's not technically allowed but daniel allows her to turn into a horse that has a horn for flavor). she mostly trots around, eats apples, gives people horsey-rides, makes friends with other animals and often demands that daniel allow them to resurrect their friends (ahem cody) whenever they miraculously die.
holden - human bard. he actually brings his guitar and plays a short tune whenever he uses bard magic, it really adds to the immersion! he's also the party-face, meaning he's in charge of persuading the guards not to imprison everyone just because juvie tested the flammability of the local tavern's liqueurs. after a dozen of these instances he's gotten in the habit of telling guards "i've never seen that tiefling in my life."
daniel - elf wizard, (though he'd focus on dming, he'd probably include his own character in the campaign at peggy's request because "he'd be left out" if he didn't). his character would offer important exposition when it's already too late and punish the others for their reckless shenanigans by not helping them when they're in a bind. "it's better for character growth" he says.
gigi - sorcerer. she'd immediately grasp the rules, min-max the hell out of her character, remind people to use their ability modifiers and always be on the hunt for the best equipment, often getting holden to help bargain for them with his high charisma stat. her gamer-brain's also got a good memory for the lore of the campaign. "where was the grand exchange again?" "it was north east of kragmaw, remember?" "..." "in that cave in the side of the mountain?" "..." "you caused a cave-in that cut the water supply off from the local town, displacing hundreds?" "... ooooh, right."
rhyme - astral elf. would join the campaign a bit later than the others since she'd still be getting used to the friend group and all. everyone would welcome her in and they'd all grow as friends. she's annoyingly good at everything as always, yet somehow whenever she's near, mishap seems to follow. juvie's certain she's up to no good but no one believes them, until some pivotal moment when daniel reveals he'd invited her to play as a double agent on the side of evil and in order to complete the quest they must all fight to the death. when asked why the hell he'd do something like that he says "dammit i told you cody, FOR CHARACTER GROWTH!!" rhyme has stellar acting and everyone fights her with teary eyes, until... i dunno, they find some secret option of exorcising her of evil and completing the quest and no one dies and yadda yadda happy ending. anyway juvie gives a very well-deserved i told you so and rhyme admits her being the secret villain was a bit on the nose but she enjoyed the theatre of it all.
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jaggedwolf · 1 year
CR2 genderswaps, ranked
Obviously subjective opinions, file your complaints with someone else.
All genderswaps are to the gayest possible versions of themselves, because I am like this. (In other words, bi->bi, gay->gay, straight->gay). Pros is more of “interesting possibilities” section.
....this was supposed to be all of the Nein but I wrote this post in 2020 and apparently stopped after the top three so that’s all you’re getting! I think it was going to be Fjord and Yasha after the top three, and then Nott and Caduceus are like, the absolute least interesting to consider for this, why would you ever.
Look, for me, F!Caleb takes everything I like about the guy to the next level, while everything I dislike about him become things I’m here for her. Incredibly brilliant wizard with a dark past that she hates herself for? Nice.
Beau/F!Caleb as a ship is still one that murders me. They were colleagues oh my god they were colleagues
Genuinely trying to find one...ah, here, I think of canon!Nott as very straight, so losing Nott->Caleb seems unfortunate. But we’re not in canon territory here, my dudes. Nott can still think this smelly hobo looks attractive in a jail cell, and she and Beau bickering about it becomes even funnier.
There’s something to be said about M!Beau being the son Thoreau asked for, but still absolutely not the one he wanted - the boy has no care for propriety, he sleeps with the workers, he flippantly ignores the daughters of nearby important families, he gets so unbecomingly emotional in these family arguments tsk tsk
Which is to say, family angst-wise, I think canon Beau draws a little bit of comfort in that she was never given a fair shot because of the son nonsense. M!Beau? Nah, that’s all on him, or at least that’s a pretty easy perspective to have.
Rummaging through the candidates for M!Beau to flippantly hit on and realizing that it has to be Fjord is cracking me up. This half-orc cannot escape being flirted with. 
M!Beau/Molly probably happens in a hit-it-and-quit-it type fashion while in Hupperdook, between all the arguing and horny energy actually synergizing. And then Molly dies, and so Beau gets to be even more fucked up about it :D (And that tattoo...damn)
Absolutely nothing changes with the Nott dynamic, which is fun to realize! Except maybe now they both agree the minotaur is hot.
Probably not BFFs w Jester and I can’t abide that :( Their friendship really did kick off with the roommate stuff. Aw, would Jester end up rooming alone whenever Yasha wasn’t around? Maybe that would get them to somehow still room together
?????? with Yasha - maybe closer to the canon Caleb dynamic. Though actually, hm, I wonder if M!Beau would be more confrontational with her since he has neither guilty feelings or horniness distracting him. (Less jokingly, I do think canon Beau reacts to women differently, even outside of attraction being a factor, in a way where she’s more....protective or considerate of them.)
Has read all the gay smut that has ever existed, has recs, yes, still thinks that’s how romances work.
Overall, it’s kinda fun to imagine the slightly naive and very affectionate Team Heart of the Nein being a dude! Regardless of whether or not the Nein are still as protective of him, which is also an interesting question.
Both him painting wildflowers for Yasha and Caleb saying Jester is the one who changes people remain good moments
Marion still calls him Little Sapphire, duh
Again, the Beau dynamic is all ???
but it makes one contemplate m!beau/m!jester, which I am not opposed to
I suspect M!Jester would not be very popular (funnily enough, the caleb and beau swaps above might also swap the populations who really like them)
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
aurora, i just realized that we haven't really talked about our ocs' relationship dynamics that much :0 like, what are your thoughts about them, do you think any of them could be friends, rivals, enemies, maybe you have ideas for potential ships? 👀 i'm just curious!
Ooh~ Talking about ocs' relationship dynamics, eh? 👀
I actually made a post on Mia and Irene's thoughts on your RSA ocs, so that covers their relationships already. XD
I've sent in interactions for Avery with Slyvan and Iris before. I think both of them would want to befriend Avery for the same reason, but perhaps with different ways of going about it? They just see a cute angry boy and go: Wow! :D That's so cute. But whereas Slyvan is all smiles and offering gifts, Iris chooses to tease the poor boy instead.
We both already know how Violet thinks of Vance. 😶 There's potential for a genuine friendship though! Once Vance stops being such a chaotic troublemaker and Violet learns to let a few things slide. Wyn would totally get along with Vance though! Their cheerful energy would bounce off each other so well! Though Vance's fourth wall breaks do scare Wyn sometimes.
Reading Merrill's personality and unique magic again...Iris would be drawn to him like a magnet. He's flirty, mysterious, and somehow knows the juiciest romance gossip in NRC? She'll be eagerly looking for any chances to talk to him. Perhaps they'd get along really well, perhaps Merrill would find her exhausting. Either way, he's not getting rid of her for a while. 🤭
Allen and Mia would get along like a house on fire. Cheerful and energetic boy, always smiling? Mia would like to know your location. She doesn't even mind that much when he does something wrong and claims he didn't know it was wrong either. She actually believes him when he says that! She'll just forgive him and tell him not to do it again ajsajsasaaksa So yeah, they'd be great friends! 😄
Emile and Roland are best gardening buddies and I will die on this hill. I can imagine them pruning leaves together now. 🍃
Austin is like a prickly little hedgehog that won't stop biting people lmao. Good thing Zoya is immune to tsundere behavior. I don't think they'd ever be friends, really. Just acquaintances perhaps. Zoya tries to be friendly and teasing with everyone she meets, and she might double down on Austin because he actually fights back. She loves a good challenge. Wyn is another one that would try and befriend Austin! He thinks Austin might just be shy or has trust issues, so he tries his best to seem trustworthy! Hah...My poor sunshine boy will get hurt someday at the rate he's going.
Violet and Minnie are 🤝 constantly are we know it. Their energies are almost completely similar so it's safe to say they'd make a great team! (Aajsaiodiandi I can imagine Minnie and Violet scolding Vance and Seth now- 💀)
Aurora has taken an interest to Hayden, as he seems to change his personality depending on who he's talking to, so the poor boy will have a mini panic attack whenever they approach him now.
Xenon and Riley superiority, that's all I have to say on this relationship. I think Duran wouldn't mind hanging out around Riley either, as long as he stays quiet and doesn't draw any 'fans' over.
With time and effort, perhaps Chandani and Blythe could be friends! As of now though, Chandani sympathizes for her poor vice dorm leader in silence. Perhaps she'll bring her a snack to relax one day.
Aurora would be drawn to Seth at first, finding him to be super interesting and fun! He's already 18, but he's only a first year? How odd. They'd start to find him annoying once he shows more and more of his main character syndrome though, finding him to be too self-absorbed to get along with. Xenon would also find him interesting, but prefer to observe him from afar. Maybe he'll find out more about Seth than everyone else watching him from behind the scenes.
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
–Haikyuu characters playing 7 minutes in heaven with you
(W/ Oikawa & Ushijima)
(w/ drawings :))
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Hiiiiiiiiii<3 Sorry if I haven't post in a while. Something happened in our family, and so. . . Yeah, I can't post the past few days. But here is an apology give for all of you😔❤️
⚠️Warning⚠️: Crappy drawings
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You rolled your eyes. What did you expect, silence throughout the 7 minutes?
It's Matsukawa and Hanamaki in that closet.
Ofcourse, they would bang the closet with their hands and moan out loud purposely.
Annoying really.
Iwaizumi was there fighting with Oikawa to let them out of the closet, saying that his parents might hear them from downstairs and he would be the one to get scolded. However, Oikawa was enjoying all of this.
7 minutes was up and Oikawa opened the closet.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa pretended that their legs were sore, so they stumbled across the room.
They plopped down on the each side of you, giggling to themselves.
"Y'all are bad actors," Your rolled your eyes. "Dramatic,"
Hanamaki and Matsukawa snorted.
Oikawa excitedly picked a paper from the bowl, flapping it open to reveal the name.
"Y/N," He announced, showing the paper to everyone.
You shrugged, acting unbothered.
"I hope it's Oikawa," Hanamaki whispered.
"If it isn't Oikawa, I would literally throw the both of you in that closet," Matsukawa added.
You ignored the boys and waited for Oikawa to announce another name.
"And her partner would be. . ." Oikawa picked another name from the bowl and flipped it open. He gasped, jumping on the spot.
"IT'S ME!"
Matsukawa and Hanamaki bursted into laughter. They high fived each other, on the top of your head since you were sitting at the middle of them.
"C'mon, my lady," Oikawa winked at you, opening the closet, waiting for you to go inside.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki howled like wolves and Oikawa gave them a flying kiss. Iwaizumi
Your world immediately went black.
Oikawa's confidence immediately drained him.
You blushed, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine.
"D-don't worry, I'll protect you from the m-monsters that lurk in this closet,"
Oikawa felt that he stepped in something.
You sucked in air through your teeth. "That was my foot, Oikawa,"
"Shit! I'm sorry!" He immediately apologized.
You sighed. Oikawa can be a play boy but he won't be. He always embarrassed himself when he tries to flirt with a person.
"It's fine, Oikawa-san,"
Two minutes roughly passed by and it was only filled by silence. There was only an occasional grunt from Oikawa whenever he bumped his head against the top of the closet.
Somehow, Oikawa got his confidence back in just a split-second. He switched into a seductive boy as quick as flipping a light switch.i
"Hey Y/N," He place this hand on the wall your leaning on, just above your shoulder. "Do you know what people do when they're in a situation like this?"
He raised your chin with his pointer finger.
"They kiss," Oikawa leaned in. "They make out,"
Your heart pounded against your chest and he softly swipe his thumb across your lips.
Oikawa leaned in closer, his minty breath tickling your senses. Just then, he realized what he was doing and he stepped back and leaned in his own side of wall, stuttering.
"I'm— I– Shit! I'M SO SORRY!" Oikawa looked around but your eyes. You could still see him shaking due to the small amount of light that peeked through the tiny gap in the closet.
You sighed. You were sick and tired of him flirting out of the blue and suddenly stopping thinking you won't like it.
You stepped closer to him. Pressing a hand on his collarbones, you slowly dragged it down his clothed toned chest and then dragging your hand on his pants.
You hooked your finger on those belt slots and then tugged him forward, making him whimper and weaken his knees.
You rolled your eyes. "Such an idiot,"
Your grabbed his collar and tugged him down, you pressed your lips fully against his.
Oikawa stiffened, before whining and pulling you closer. Feeling braver, you sneakily slipped your tongue in.
The brunette opened his mouth, giving more access, tongues swirled lovingly and he melted in your touch. Smugly, you pushed him off and Oikawa gasped.
"HEY!" Oikawa frowned, crossing his arms. "We're not done yet!"
He stepped closer to you, his ego shooting up when you kissed him. "Can you give me another one, love?"
Blushing, you gently pushed him off again. "As much as I want to, we can't. Time is almost over,"
As if on cue, the door swung open, revealing Iwaizumi, squinting at the both of you suspiciously.
Oikawa held on your waist and kissed your temple, making everyone gasp.
"Be mine," He whispered in your ear.
Oikawa walked away and out the door, smiling softly to himself.
You smiled, he already knows what's your answer.
Ofcourse, Oikawa. I'll be yours.
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You giggled to yourself as you watch Semi and Shirabu get out of the closet, frowning but a deep blush flushed on their faces.
"How did it go?!" Tendou immediately interrogated.
Semi and Shirabu huffed, looking away from each other. "Bad," They said together.
Tendou snickered behind his hand, "I'm pretty sure if they get along in the first place, they would fuck,"
Before the two could curse, Tendou dug his hands in the bowl and picked up two pieces of paper.
"OH! How great! It's Y/N and our Miracle boy!"
The crowd cheered as your eyes widened. "Wait what—?"
Tendou grabbed the back of your collar and pulled you up. He happily pushed you in the old closet and you groaned in pain when you bump your head at the wood.
"Tendou-san—" A large built body stumbled into you and you were immediately enveloped in warmth as the person gently gripped your arms.
Ushjima pulled back, a flustered expression on his face.
"I'm really sorry about that, Y/N-chan," he grumbled.
He was once pressed again against you when Tendou pushed him in, closing the door and the small space darkening.
"Sorry again. . ." Ushjima quietly said, pulling his hands off you. Silence filled the musty closet, and the both of you stood at the other side against the wall, not exchanging a single word to each other.
"Are alright there?" Ushijima asked and you saw his shadow reaching up and scratching his nape.
You smiled. "Yes I am, thanks for asking,"
Silence filled again and seconds passed by, a heavy feeling sat at the bottom of your stomach making you nervous. Ushjima sat down on the floor, his legs pressed up against his chest not wanting to take your space.
You hummed in response, looking up once again at his mascular shadowy figure.
"Can I tell you something?"
There was a few momments of silence. You saw him turn away to stare at the door of the closet.
"Thank you for being a manager, Y/N, out team has become much more better with you," He silent said.
You smiled. "That's nothing Ushjima-san, I love being here, it feels like home,"
In the dark you could see Ushijima's shadowy figure look up.
"And I wanted to add that," A pause. "That over the time, I actually developed feelings for you,"
Your eyes widened and you choked on air.
Well that was unexpected.
"I know that you see me as part of the team, so I kept my feelings aside. But then, Tendou told me to confess to you," there was something distant about Ushjima's tone of voice. "I tried being a much more better man. . . Just for you," He said, his voice now merely a whisper.
You blinked in the dark. Your heart clenching when you finally realized he is being insecure.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my confession," Ushjima mumbled, his voice noticibly shaky. "I'm sorry,"
There was a ruffle as Ushijima slid down the wall and sat down. In the next few moments of silence, you were contemplating on what to do next.
Gaining some confidence, you slid down on your knees, facing Ushjima.
"You don't need to apologise, Ushijima-san," You softly said. "Because I like you too,"
"You do?"
You softly laughed. "Yeah,"
You leaned in, taking his soft cheeks in your hands. "I'm going to kiss you. Is that okay?"
Ushjima nodded frantically. Smiling, you pressed a kiss to his forehead and then to his lips. You gave out a giggle before pressing your lips fully to his.
The man below you gave out a groan, raising his hands up to keep place on your hips, running it up and down. He kept you closer, the pace of the kiss increasing.
Wet noises filled the small closet, it's not that both of you care, just as long as the both of you were close. Ushjima places one hand on the back of your thigh, bringing you closer and making you straddle him.
Soon, tongues were involved. A shaky hand went up to the back of your head pulling you closer, and at this position, your tounge went deeper to explore the mouth of Ushjima.
The both of you pulled back, pressing your foreheads together.
"I love you," you mumbled, running a hand through his dark green hair.
Ushjima shyly kissed the edge of your lips.
"I love you more," he paused. "Can you be mine?"
A giggle escape your lips. "Ofcourse,"
You were about to kiss again when a voice spoke up.
"Wow, congratulations guys,"
You and Ushjima slightly jumped and turned to the door, just to see Tendou peeking in between the door crack.
"I'm proud of you guys," he smiled.
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Guys I'm scared, I think I have covid.
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yeenybeanies · 3 years
INTRO: Clayton Hess
just some quick info to clear things up: this is a world wherein humans & human-sized things exist, but also centaurs exist, & centaurs are huge. this is normal. well... semi-normal. humans and giantfolk don't tend to interact much. but!! this is my first piece with my big centaur boy clay posting here as promised! one day late smh you can find this piece and others on my patreon!
OCS | clayton hess
5,671 words
no warnings
thanks for reading!
Before the sun had even risen, there was much activity on the floor of the towering megaforest. People scrambled about at the mouth of the path leading further in, calling out to each other, distributing supplies, reigning in their horses, calming their dogs. Everyone moved with an urgent, anxious energy.
“O’Rourke! All teams are ready to depart.”
The old man, O’Rourke, lifted his eyes first to the horizon, and then to the one addressing him. His fluffy, grey eyebrows stayed fixed, knitted in a stern, stony frown. “Good. Stay ready, ladies and gentlemen. As soon as that sun rises, we’re going in.”
“You said that we had one more joining us?” The same person, a woman named Sanouk, looked to the teams of people assembled around her. “Who are they going with?”
“Yeah, he said he’d be here.” O’Rourke continued to watch the sky, noting the changing colors. The pinks and purples were gradually bleeding into oranges and yellows. Dawn was almost over. “Don’t worry about placing him. He’s gonna be going on his own.”
Sanouk eyed him skeptically. “Why? We already have one missing girl to find in this megaforest; we don’t need to lose anyone else. He could go with Team Fou––. . ..” Her words trailed off, her attention suddenly occupied with something else. First she felt it in the ground: a low rumbling, almost like a faint earthquake; then she heard it as a steadily-growing thunder.
O’Rourke shook his head and waved off her concerns. “I don’t think he’ll be getting lost. He knows these woods like the back of his hand.”
“But––but that’s–-” Sanouk tried to speak, but her rising concern over the thundering and the quaking kept cutting her off. O’Rourke could see the worry on her face, and on the faces of everyone else present, but he chose not to address it. All questions would be answered momentarily.
The disturbance sounded like a landslide. It had not only the people nervous, but the dogs and horses as well. A few high-strung beasts reared up and hollered their concern, while others fidgeted anxiously. The noise crescendoed, then abruptly quieted to a slower, rhythmic thumping. Concern in the gathering turned to confusion. Still, O’Rourke looked unbothered.
All attention snapped to a rustling in the dense foliage lining the path’s mouth. Alarmed gasps and yelps rang out as the source of the disturbance––the rustling, the rumbling, the quaking––pushed his way through the trees and stepped into view. Dogs barked, horses whinnied, and a good many people retreated several feet away from the newcomer.
The two most notable things about this newcomer were his enormous size, and his four very equine legs––and equine body from the waist down. He was a centaur. From under the wide brim of his hat, he surveyed the crowd, noting the fear in many a human and beast.
“Mr. Hess!” O’Rourke removed his hat and waved it, drawing the newcomer’s attention. “Good morning! Glad you could join us.” The old man strode forward, through the still nervous crowd.
“Morning,” the centaur said, his voice unexpectedly, and intentionally soft. He remained where he was, neither wanting to scare the crowd more, nor risk getting any of them underhoof.
O’Rourke stopped a few yards away from the centaur and turned around to face the crowd. He waved an arm up. “Everyone, this is Clayton Hess. As you can see, he’s a centaur, so be sure to keep out of his way. He’ll be helping us in searching for that little girl. Sanouk––” He beckoned the woman to step forward, which she did after some hesitation, “––if  you’ll please give him a quick rundown of the plan, then we can be on our way.”
Sanouk stared up at Clay, her mouth agape. Clay paid it no mind, being quite used to the range of emotions humans felt whenever they first saw him. He took a couple of steps backwards and slowly lowered himself onto the ground, legs tucked neatly under him, out of the way. From there, he leaned forward, arms folded behind his back.
“Morning, Miss,” he said with a polite dip of his head. “I hope I can be of some help in finding––”
“Mani Sanouk,” she interrupted, her hand extended out to him. She moved stiffly, clearly uneasy.
Clay blinked, one brow raised. This wasn’t the first time a human had offered to “shake his hand,” but it was still an unusual gesture. Not wanting to be rude, however, he brought around one hand and, moving deliberately slow, offered his pinky to meet her. “Just ‘Clay’ is fine. Pleasure to meet you.”
Sanouk went rigid at his hand’s approach, so much so that Clay could feel her tension when they made contact. She was a tough woman, though; she held onto her nerve through their “handshake,” and didn’t flinch at his retreat.
“You as well. Here’s a map that shows . . . er . . ..” As she pulled said map from her satchel, Sanouk frowned. It was a rather large map in her hands, but, to a truly behemoth being like Clay, it was no bigger than a business card. “Erm, right. Teams One and Two will be covering these sections,” she said, pointing to the marked areas. “Three and four will be covering these sections.”
Clay squinted at the map. He couldn’t quite make out all of the writing, but the marked sections were clear enough. “Understood. I’ll cover those four sections to the East.”
“Four of them?” Sanouk’s head snapped up to meet his eyes. “That is a lot of ground. Are you sure you’re going to be able to––” she paused mid-sentence, reconsidering her question and the being she was talking to. Clay allowed himself some amusement and a faint smile.
“I might be able to cover more, depending on when and where we’re rendezvousing.”
“Right . . .. Right. Okay.” She looked back down to the map and pointed to a river bend. “We will all meet back at this bend in Joyelette’s River at noon. That will give each team about five hours to search their sections. Do you know who we are looking for?”
“I do,” the centaur said with a nod. “O’Rourke printed me a picture and gave me all the information I needed.”
Sanouk returned the nod and stowed her map once more. “Then we are good to start.”
Clay gave the woman a moment to step back, then pushed himself off of the ground and rose to his full, towering height. “I’ll head out first. Best of luck to all of you. Let’s find this girl.” He tipped his hat to the crowd, then turned and started off on the trail into the giant forest. Once he was several yards away, he could hear the other groups slowly filtering in behind him. Their horses and dogs still made nervous noises, but he figured they’d calm once he was out of sight.
It was always interesting to see how humans and animals that had never encountered a centaur before reacted to him.
                                                                        – – –
By ten o’clock, the forest had changed dramatically. The sun hung high in the sky, beating down on the landscape below. It was hot and humid, almost muggy. Birds swooped around Clay’s head, snatching up insects from the tiny swarm that he’d accumulated. While most of the insects were too small to actually bother him, there were still the occasional few that managed to make a nuisance of themselves. They had his ears flicking, his tail swishing. He lamented silently to himself for not bringing some sort of repellant.
“Pauline!” he called, his voice echoing amongst the trees. He tempered his yell, not wanting to scare the girl, but wanting to be heard, should she be around. “Pauline Kelly! Are you there?”
Silence. Clay sighed, his ears drooping momentarily. This wasn’t his first rescue mission, nor would it be his last; he was familiar with the monotony and the frustrating silence after every call.
Sometimes the missing person was found. Sometimes they weren’t.
He hoped, for this little girl’s sake, she would be found. It wasn’t just exposure that could kill out here. Megaforests were not meant for humans, let alone for human children. Like the massive trees and the greenery, the fauna in here were gargantuan in their own right. Most of the larger creatures wouldn’t pay mind to a human; it was the smaller ones––relatively speaking––that worried Clay more.
Clay stopped in his tracks, stiff, ears pricked. A scream. A scream broke the silence.
“Pauline? Pauline!” The centaur called out. “Pauline, can you hear me?”
There! Clay’s head snapped in the direction of the scream. Turning quick on his hooves, he leapt into a gallop. “Pauline! I’m coming!” From the sounds of things, she couldn’t be too far away. He raced through the foliage, running so fast that he might as well have been flying. The girl screamed again, making the centaur skid to a halt and reassess his direction. He looked around desperately, feeling his anxiety rising.
Atop a fallen log, a bear-sized, reptilian creature dug at the rotting wood with its claws. Another scream rang out, a little muffled. Clay gritted his teeth and rushed the lizard. Upon spotting him, it puffed up and hissed, but its threats were no match for his own. He halted before the log and reared up on his hind legs, forehooves kicking, promising something far deadlier than anything it could offer in return. Fighting a full-grown centaur was not worth whatever meal it could have made of the girl. It quickly deflated and skittered away, nearly losing its footing in its haste to avoid Clay’s punishment. Only once it disappeared into the underbrush and vanished from all his senses did Clay turn his eyes to the log, his expression softening.
“Pauline?” Carefully he approached the log, ears angled towards it. Quiet sniffles and whimpers came from within. Clay rested a hand atop the log and peered in through the hole the lizard was digging at. There, backed into a little nook, sat the girl from the picture––the girl they were all looking for. Dirt caked her skin, and her clothes looked torn. He couldn’t see much else of her physical state, but she was alive. Relief overcame the centaur.
Unfortunately, that relief was short-lived. The girl, upon looking up and seeing Clay’s massive face staring down at her, let out an ear-splitting shriek. Clay flinched, ears swiveling backwards to try and dampen the noise. His hands shot up in a placating gesture, though it only made the girl scream again.
“Miss Pauline––please! I’m here to help you. If you could just come out––awh––!”
The girl scrambled out of view. Clay bit back a frustrated groan and tried to catch sight of her again. From the sounds of things, she was crawling deeper into the log.
By the skies, it would have been better if one of the human groups had found her. She was, understandably, terrified of him. It was going to be a challenge to get her out of the log. He could tear it open, but that would just scare the little one even more, and could potentially harm her. He’d save that as a last resort.
Clay sighed. He rubbed his temples, digging under his hat. With a heavy thud, the centaur sat down on his haunches. He figured he might be here for a while.
“I know you’re scared, dearheart. You’ve been in this forest for two days, probably seen some frightening critters like that lizard. Probably hungry n’ thirsty. Tired too.” He opted not to say as much, but Clay figured that the girl would not have survived another night in the megaforest. She was lucky to have made it this long.
“My name’s Clay,” he continued. He kept his voice soft, hoping that he might be able to soothe her. “I know I’m big, and I’m kinda scary-looking, like everything else in these woods. But your Ma and Pa––Mr. Marty and Mrs. Lana Kelly––they’re both real’ worried about you. They sent me and a bunch of other people out here to look for you.”
The sniffling was softer now. Clay had to strain his hearing to catch it. He wasn’t sure if it was a good sign or a bad sign. He listened, silently willing the girl to give him something––any sort of sign that he was getting somewhere with her.
“Y-you… know my mom and dad?” came the small voice after a long silence. Clay’s ears flicked up. Oh, in this moment, her voice was the sweetest thing he’d ever heard.
“Er––yes. I know them.” Or rather, he knew of them. It didn’t matter right now. “They’ve got a whole lot of us combing these woods for you, Miss Pauline. They miss you bunches, want you to come home.”
The girl went silent again, much to Clay’s alarm. He stood up again and tried to spot her within the log. He hadn’t been able to get a good look at her the first time; he could only guess her condition. Was she injured? Had he been too late in chasing off that lizard? He couldn’t smell any blood, but maybe–––
Wait. The girl was on the move again, picking her way through the log’s hollow interior. Clay followed the sound with ears and eyes as she climbed down towards the lower end. Though he was tempted to meet her down there, he decided that it was best to remain still and let her come to him.
Hopefully she wouldn’t run when she saw him.
Once she reached the opening at the bottom––likely the same opening she’d entered the log through––Pauline timidly peeked around the jagged wood. Wide eyes first found the centaur’s giant hooves, then followed up his forelegs, his torso, and way, way up to his face, where he stared right back down at her. She shrank away upon meeting his gaze, but didn’t break eye contact. Clay felt a pang in his hearts.
“That’s it, dearheart,” he said, his voice as soft as he could manage without outright whispering. “You’re so brave. Can you come a little closer so I can see you better?”
Pauline shook her head quickly. It didn’t surprise Clay.
“Okay… that’s fine. I’m gonna sit down, alright? Don’t go nowhere.” He waited a moment for a response, and continued on when he got none. Slowly, and keeping his hands where the girl could see them, Clay got down onto his foreknees, and then dropped his hocks. The girl flinched, but didn’t run.
“Alright now. I know you’re scared, little one. I understand. But I promise, I ain’t gonna hurt you.” Pauline just continued to stare up at him. Sitting down did cut nearly a third of his height, but Clay still towered a good sixty feet over the girl. He did his best not to loom, impossible as it was.
He told her more about himself, about how he’d come into these woods many times to find lost humans, about how he liked to grow fruits and raise bees. He asked her some questions, too––some of which she even answered. Some of them, he already knew the answers too. Pauline Kelly was seven years old, an older sister, and she’d just had a birthday when she went missing. What he learned was that her favorite color was blue––like the color of his shirt, she liked to fingerpaint, and she thought his hair was pretty. That last point, wholly unprompted, caught the centaur off-guard.
“You like my hair?”
Pauline nodded. “Mhm.” She looked a little less scared now, and stood where Clay could better see her. Thankfully, save for some minor scrapes and bruises, she looked unharmed.
Clay pushed his hat backwards off his head, letting it fall and catch on the string around his neck. Black and grey locks spiked out at odd angles, only partially tamed with a swipe of his hand.
“You wanna touch it?”
His offer had the girl pause. She regarded him nervously, looking between his face, his hair, his hands, and… down at his tail. Clay followed her gaze. That could be a good first step. She could reach his tail on her own. He swished it around so the long hair, the same black and grey as was on his head, was closer, and more in his view.
“Go on ahead. I won’t move none,” he encouraged. Pauline hesitated, clearly debating with herself. Eventually, her curiosity won the debate. Though she remained wary of Clay, glancing up at him every other second, she shuffled out from the log’s shelter. She gave him a wide berth as she circled over to his tail. Even when she stood a mere foot from him, she paused. An approving nod from Clay granted her the last bit of encouragement she needed to sit down on her knees and run her hands over the dark locks.
Clay’s tail was kempt, for a farmer. He combed it and kept it neatly trimmed without sacrificing its purpose. Even still, the hair was coarse and wiry, as was the case with all centaur tails and manes. That didn’t seem to bother Pauline, though. She rubbed chunks of hair between her hands, combed her fingers through it, and even twisted a few locks into tiny braids. Then she stood up and moved closer to his hind hoof––the white-socked one. Clay watched her carefully, but remained still, wanting neither to spook her nor hurt her. She knocked her little fists against the tough, cream nail, and then the metal shoe underneath.
“Did this hurt?” She asked. For the moment, there was more wonder in her eyes than fear.
“Hm? The shoe? Naw, that didn’t hurt none. Barely felt it when I had them put in.”
Pauline moved on from the hoof and dared to step even closer, right up to his side. Clay leaned over to better keep an eye on her. She dusted her hands––what a polite girl––and raised them to feel the short, tan fur along his flank. It too was pretty coarse, though it was a bit softer than his tail.
“It’s a lot softer up here,” Clay offered, startling the girl. Her head whipped up to meet his gaze. She looked a little bewildered, as though she’d forgotten that he was alive and present. He pointed to his head of hair. “Softest you’ll find on a centaur. And I take real’ good care of mine.” He gave what he hoped was an encouraging smile.
Immediately, the girl’s nervousness returned. “Um…”
Clay twisted his upper body to better face her. He brought one hand down to the ground a few feet away from her, palm up, fingers flat. “Promise I won’t hurt you, Miss Pauline.”
She stared at his hand, once again debating with herself. Clay waited patiently, watching her, willing to accept if she didn’t want to come to him immediately. They still had another hour or so before the rendezvous at the river. So long as no danger came along, he would use that time to gain her trust. It’d make things easier for the both of them. The girl deserved to feel safe after two days of being lost in a megaforest.
With an understandable amount of hesitancy, Pauline drew nearer to Clay’s hand. Like she had his tail and his hoof, she first inspected it. Next to him, the girl was miniscule. From fingertip to wrist, his hand was longer than most humans were tall. With her, his pinky finger exceeded her in height. She gave the pad of his index finger an experimental prod, and flinched when it twitched in response. Clay offered a quick apology. It seemed to reassure her, if only a little. She put her hands to his finger again, feeling over the whorls and the callouses. Clays hands, though gentle, were not soft. They were the hands of a working man, rough and weathered..
It took the girl a few more minutes of touching and feeling, and a little bit more encouragement from Clay, before she felt confident enough to step up onto his hand. She took a few unsteady steps over his fingers, finding it a little unusual and difficult to walk on such a squishy surface. Where his fingers met his palm, she lost her balance and fell onto her knees with a yelp. Clay fought back the urge to cup his hand around her.
“You’re okay, dearheart. Why don’t you sit down in the middle right there, hunh? Get yourself comfortable.”
Pauline, finding that to be a good idea, did as told and sat herself cross-legged in the center of his palm. She planted her hands to either side of her for balance. Smart girl. Once she settled, his fingers curled in around her, not enough to enclose her, but to make a barrier to keep her from falling. She sat in nervous silence, glancing at her surroundings. Slowly, carefully, Clay lifted his hand from the ground. The girl tensed, but made no sound as he brought her up to eye level. It was even more obvious now how small she was compared to him.
Up close, Clay could get a better look at her. Her clothes were dirty and torn in places, she had a layer of dirt and mud caking her skin, and her arms and legs had a good many abrasions. Overall, though, she looked fine. Stressed and ready to get home to her parents, but fine.
Her sniffling snapped Clay out of his silent observation. He blinked twice and regarded the girl inquisitively. She’d begun shaking in his hand, and little tears pooled in her eyes.
“Now now, Miss Pauline. You’ve gotten this far. You can be brave for a bit longer.” A warm smile spread across his lips. She was a cute little girl. Tough, too. If she weren’t so terrified, the centaur might have given her a little nuzzle. Instead, though, he’d give her what she was promised for her bravery. Clay brought the girl closer and tipped his head forward, letting his forelocks hang closer to her. He closed his eyes, hoping that it might make the girl more comfortable. Once all stopped moving, Pauline stood up, still a bit shaky. She reached out to the long strands, taking a handful and filtering it through her fingers. Clay had not been lying; the hair on his head was much softer than that on his tail or his fur. Pauline was immediately enraptured. She ran her hands through it, rubbed a lock to her cheek, fluffed it and smoothed it again. She took a chunk and loosely braided it, giggling softly. Clay was content to let her do as she pleased. He was surprised, though, when she moved closer and ran a hand over his eyebrow. Said eyebrow twitched, then joined its counterpart in a furrow.
“What are you doing, little one?” He spoke not with any accusation, but rather kind amusement.
“You’re missing hair on this one,” she said, touching his right brow. Clay opened his eyes, but she was too close for him to focus on. His eyelashes brushed her arms, drawing another giggle from her.
“Yep. Got a cut a long, long time ago, and the hair never grew back.” His smile widened. A child’s wonder was a marvelous thing to see. To be the object of that wonder was, in a way, flattering. After everything this girl had been through over the past couple of days, she deserved some happiness.
“Could I please touch your beard?” she asked. Wordlessly, Clay obliged. He tipped his head back, lifting his chin so she could reach it. With far less hesitation than before, the girl pushed her hands into the shorter hair. It wasn’t as soft as the hair on his head, but still softer than his tail. It tickled her palms as she rubbed along his chin and jaw.
Clay glanced up at the sky, noting the sun’s position. There was still time, but noon was approaching.
“Dearheart,” he said, gently pulling his head back so he could better regard her. “I’d love to let you braid my hair all day, but I think it’s time I got you back to your parents.”
The girl’s eyes lit up, as if she’d suddenly remembered why Clay was here at all. She nodded eagerly.
Warmth filled Clay’s chest. He reached with his middle finger to give her a gentle pat to the head. “Sit down now, just like before. I’ll take you to them.” Obediently, she did as told and returned to her previous spot. Clay pulled his hat back onto his head, then cupped his free hand next to his occupied one for extra security. “Hold on, now. This might be a bit bumpy.”
That was putting it lightly. A centaur standing up was a rocky ride. He lurched as his hooves found footing under him, making the girl yelp and grab onto his pinky. She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped harder when she was suddenly lifted even higher into the air.
“It’s alright, Miss Pauline,” Clay said. “You ready to go?”
She nodded, though she kept her eyes closed.
Standing up was the rough part. Clay, like most centaurs, could keep his upper body steady through a full gallop. While walking, the worst Pauline had to endure was a little bit of easy swaying. He periodically glanced down at her as he picked his way through the forest, happy to see that most of her fear was gone. She looked around at the giant trees and bushes with a new sense of awe. From up here, things didn’t look quite so daunting. The fact that no predators could reach her provided a great deal of comfort too.
With comfort came confidence. The girl started asking questions about the forest, about Clay, about centaurs and other large creatures. Clay indulged her curiosity as best he could. Having lived with these woods his whole life, he was something of an expert. Were they not on a bit of a time constraint, he would have been happy to stop and show her some of the things he talked about, like the bright mushrooms or the abandoned bird nests.
Clay could smell the river before he could see it. He could hear it, too, as they drew closer. Over the sound of its flowing, he could hear some voices, too––human voices. Dogs barking greeted him first as the animals sensed his approach. He paid them no mind, nor the startled noises of the humans as he pushed through the trees and into the path that ran perpendicular to the river.
“Mr. Hess!” said a familiar voice. Sanouk waved to him, and he nodded in return.
“Afternoon, Miss Sanouk.” The centaur stopped a few yards away from the group of humans, both for courtesy and safety’s sake. He curled his fingers again to keep his charge secure as he once more lowered himself down to the ground. “I believe I’ve found who we were looking for.”
Sanouk eyed him curiously, then looked to his cupped hands. Her expression morphed from confused to elated. “You found her?” The rest of the group perked up at the news too.
Clay nodded and turned his attention to the girl in his hands. “Miss Pauline, these people were out here looking for you too. They’re real’ nice. I’m sure they’ve got some snacks and water they’d be happy to share with you.”
Pauline looked uncertain, but the mention of food and water brightened her mood. Clay brought his hands down to the ground and flattened his fingers. A few of the other humans cheered and whooped their joy. Sanouk looked ready to cry. She took a knee and held her arms out to the girl.
“Come here, child. Come get something to eat and drink. Your parents will be here soon.” She beckoned with her hands.
Pauline looked back to Clay, who gave her an encouraging nod, then she scampered out of his hands and ran into Sanouk’s arms. The woman embraced her tightly. She mouthed a word of thanks to Clay, then lifted the girl up and carried her to the crowd, many of whom already had water and food to offer. Clay straightened and crossed his arms, satisfied that the girl was now safe.
A few humans broke from the group to thank Clay for finding the girl. He humbly shrugged off their thanks, saying that they were all out here looking for her. Any one of them would have brought her back if they’d found her. He was just the lucky one. Still, it was nice to see that at least some of the humans were warming up to him.
Over the next half hour, the other groups filtered in. The Kellys were part of the last group to arrive. Pauline spotted her mother before either parent could receive the news. “Mama!” she yelled, startling the whole group. Both parents looked up, bewildered, to see their daughter sprinting towards them. Their knees hit the ground, arms outstretched, and cocooned the girl in a long-overdue embrace. A chorus of sniffles and relieved sighs echoed throughout the whole group. Clay looked away, not wanting to intrude on a personal moment. He was just happy to see the Kellys reunited.
After a few minutes, approaching footsteps drew the centaur’s attention back. Ears pricked, he turned his head to see O’Rourke walking his way. The old man wore a grin as wide as his face.
“I’m told you’re the one that found her.”
Clay dipped his head once. “Out in section six. Got to her just in time, too. Found her in a log with a lizard trying to get at her, the poor thing.”
O’Rourke raised a fuzzy brow. “Have any trouble catching her?”
“No, not really. I let her come to me. Figured she’d been through enough; she didn’t need me grabbing for her and scaring her more.” He lifted his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. His pinky caught on one of the braids the girl had left there. It brought a fond smile to his lips. “She okay? Didn’t look too banged up to me, but I’m no doctor. Certainly not no human doctor.”
“She’s fine,” O’Rourke said with a wave. “Better now that she’s back with her family. Thank you, Clay, for coming out today. We wouldn’t have found her without you.”
“I don’t know about that,” Clay said.
“I do. Don’t be so modest. You saved that girl’s life today,” the old man insisted.
Clay was ready to retort, feeling a little indignant with his modesty being challenged, but he paused when he spotted others approaching. O’Rourke followed his gaze to the Kellys, Marty and Lana, heading over. Pauline was held in her mother’s arms, clutching a snack bar that she eagerly munched on. They stopped next to O’Rourke, who gave the father a firm pat on the shoulder before he departed.
The father spoke first. “Mr. Hess…?”
“Clay,” he corrected.
“Clay…” he repeated, clearly uneasy. “I––we wanted to thank you for finding our daughter. We knew that if we didn’t find her today, she might…” he trailed off as his voice started to shake, and swallowed thickly.
Clay shrugged humbly. “No need to thank me, Mr. Kelly. I’m just happy I could help. Happy to see her safe.”
“You saved her life,” the mother said. She looked less afraid than her spouse, like her strength and courage returned with her child. “You’ve done us a great service. How could we ever repay you?”
Clay frowned. These humans didn’t listen, did they? It must be their tiny ears. He shook his head. “I don’t need repayment. A child was lost, and I helped find her. I just did what any decent man would do.”
He waved a hand, cutting off any rebuttal. “You wanna repay me? You take that girl home, get her cleaned up and healthy again. You take care of her and raise her well. That’s plenty reward for me.”
The parents stared up at him, clearly feeling contrary. Before they could say anything, though, Pauline started to squirm and protest the hold she was in. Once mother reluctantly set her down, the girl ran towards Clay. She beamed up at him, arms held over her head. The centaur went still, going so far as to halt his breathing.
“Clay!” the girl called, waving her hands. There was no trace of her previous fear.
Clay allowed himself a breath and a smile. “Yes, dearheart?” She pointed to his hands. Now it was his turn to be hesitant, but he did still oblige the child. He lowered a hand for her, offering her his forefinger. She latched onto it, hugging as tightly as she could. The gesture filled his hearts with a warmth he didn’t often experience.
“Now now, don’t go getting all sappy on me,” he chided gently. He couldn’t return the hug, but he could allow her to hold on for as long as she wanted. Her parents followed behind, both resting a hand on his knuckles.
“Thank you, Clay,” the father repeated.
The centaur shook his head. “It was my pleasure.”
Pauline held on for another minute before her mother coaxed her away. Clay pulled his hand back, still aware of the little warm spot where she’d held him. He gave the family a wave as they retreated back to the crowd, no doubt ready to head home and tend to their daughter.
Clay didn’t stick around much longer. There was nothing left for him to do here. The girl was safe. The family was whole. He was happy. With all humans a safe distance away, the centaur gathered himself up to his feet, tipped his hat farewell to the crowd, and turned to the forest to head home.
He could celebrate the day on his own with a bottle of his homemade cider.
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yamaoni · 4 years
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The Second Great War of Remnant has begun. Once more, Vale and Mantle are embroiled in a massive conflict, only this time, they are on the same side against Atlas.
I don't think it was a coincidence that so many people drew parallels with the last episode and WWI. We've never seen people fight that way in RWBY. Grimm don't use projectile weapons the way humans do, so the benefits of the trench are diminished; especially if you compare it to the drawbacks.
Now, I understand not everyone in the Atlas military has their aura unlocked and the squishy soldiers need some cover, but if The Long Memory didn't nuke every grimm on Atlas, the lines would have been overrun and then there would have been nowhere for them to retreat to.
You think the very real hand to hand struggles in the trenches of WWI were bad, imagine being trapped in a narrow trench with a bear. Or having this thing explode out of the ground under you.
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I refuse to believe no-one in Atlas ever thought, "if we put the dirt from the trench in a box, no only can we give our soldiers cover, we can also give them an elevated position to fire from."
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The top of a wall has been the primary defensive position for the people of Remnant for a long time. You can see them in the establishing shots of most settled places the team has visited. So why are we seeing a trench now?
Show, don't tell.
RWBY has done a pretty great job, especially in the last few seasons, of showing the audience what it is trying to convey without explicitly telling them. They especially like drawing from well known folk lore to give insight into the future of the show.
Only difference here, instead of drawing the parallel between characters, they're drawing parallels between worlds.
Remnant's first Great War started with Mantle suppressing freedom of expression, the destruction of Art and Color. Ironwood always has little in the way of color, but in his first broadcast since everything started hitting the fan, he has none.
That broadcast also included evacuation ships being blown up by fighter-bombers, Dunkirk. It threatend to level a city if they didn't surrender, Battle of Brittan. All delivered by a dictator trying to scare his opponents into submission through careful use of film.
If the rest of the season is WWII, I have several theories on plot direction. Considering how well they did keeping up with both ends of the battlefield it wouldn't surprise me if they followed all of them at the same time.
Operation Dunkirk
Or, the evacuation of Mantle.
Players: Penny, Nora, Ren, Happy Huntresses
The Happy Huntresses involvement is a given. Not only has saving Mantle been their goal the whole time, they're also stuck in the middle of it right now.
Penny is the Protector of Mantle. It would be a shining moment for her character to fully throw off the virus Watts implanted and overcome Ironwood's threats to do so. Just crossing my fingers that it doesn't end like the Iron Giant.
Nora is currently Penny's tether to sanity, so she has to go with, and I doubt they would separate Ren from her for the next arc so he's going too.
Surprise twist for this plot I'm betting will be the Starwars "they aren't warships, just people" scene everyone loves to rag on. After all, the broadcast went out that they needed help and, at least at Dunkirk, it was fishing boats and pleasure crafts that retrieved the 338,000 surrounded on all sides.
Why We Fight
Or, countering Ironwoods propaganda.
Players: Robyn and Qrow
For one, these two are unaccounted for and in the heart of Atlas' military machine. If anyone has means to do so, it's them.
The film, Why We Fight, also countered the dramatic cinematography of Goebbels propaganda by painting it as ridiculous and making a folksy call to action much like Robyn has done in the past.
Operation Fortitude
Or, the deception of Ironwood.
Players: Emerald, Jaune, Oscar
This is the mission to make Ironwood think the team is going after the relic. This theory is why I actually thought of and wrote out this whole thing. Thanks @maxiemumdamage, I had things I was supposed to do tonight.
Only difference in my theory and their's, is Jaune is going to be playing the part of Penny.
I say this for two reasons. One, Joan of Arc pretended to be a man. While we've gotten both Jaune pretending to be something he's not and him in a dress, this would pose the first time in the story he could do both. Two, it would put him on a direct collision path with Cinder. It needs to happen at some point to bring his arc to a conclusion, but man I hope we're not about to watch him burn.
With Ozpin active again, Oscar has to go along to direct them to the vault. He's also one of two backing the idea of Emerald joining the team and Jaune wouldn't be willing to work with her without him.
Operation Overlord
Or, busting down the doors of Atlas Acadamy.
Players: Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang
Where Operation Fortitude was the faint, Operation Overlord was the real deal. For those that aren't history buffs, this is D-Day.
I think this is the reason we've only seen the main team fighting together once since their split from Beacon. And even then, that fight was at most pairs of fighters and not all four of them supporting one another.
RWBY tricked us into thinking season 4 was the post-timeskip level up we come to expect from anime when really we ended up watching the training flashbacks as they happened instead.
We've seen hints of it with the various team ups and combinations, but are we really ready for how much ass kicking they are about to do?
I'm hoping for a One Piece level of badass entrance that can give me shivers whenever I go to watch it again like the walk to Arlong Park still does to this day.
(Aside: if you try telling me RWBY isn't anime, I'm just going to ignore you. Anime is an art movement. If you don't understand what that means, watch this video. https://youtu.be/uFtfDK39ZhI)
Now last and certainly not least
Operation Valkyrie
Or, the death of Ironwood.
Players: Winter and Marrow
The long awaited defection. Plenty of speculation has already floated around about if and when these two where going to cave to their morals and jump ship. I don't know how many of us were expecting the straw to break the camel's back to be a nuke held over Mantle, but I certainly wasn't.
What worries me, is Operation Valkyrie failed and all its conspirators were executed. As if there weren't enough death flags for Winter before.
Even if it's not Winter that kills him. I don't see Ironwood surviving this season. Even if it means he goes out like another hated dictator. It's not like it would be the first time RT had a fallen hero chose to use his own sword.
Or, Murphy will have his due.
Players: Cinder, Watts, Neo, Tyrian, Mercury, Clover
These players can go any which way. Three we know for sure are going to be active in the coming episodes and I wouldn't be surprised if the other three play a part as well.
Oscar made a hell of a light show for Tyrian and Mercury to see behind them. Not to mention, Salem will still need a ride home when she pulls herself back together.
Clover keeps getting mentioned even though he's hospitalized. If he was truly out of commission for the rest of the season, they would have made us think he's dead before bringing him back like they did with Penny.
Up to now, what we've seen is a three way conflict. But one of the hallmarks of Remnant's First Great War, was making temporary alliances to fight off grimm.
The grimm might be gone, but the wild cards can't complete their own objectives if they are dead. The question is who's goals better align with their own.
Two surprise twists I can see here. One, Mercury stabbing Tyrian on his way to defection. He was raised by an assassin and has not going to get a better chance than that. Two, Clover joining Operation Valkyrie. He might have accepted that sacrifice is a necessary evil to ensure Atlas' survival, but might go Schindler's List on us and find horror in what Ironwood plans to do.
I spent way too long writing this out. All the WWI imagery means we're getting a WWII movie with RWBY characters. Major death flags for Penny, Jaune, and Winter.
Also I finally figured out how to do a readmore. Apparently it's just been a long time since I updated.
Note: kept seeing things talking about clovers death and I kind of went ???? Isn't he barely alive in medical? Went back and watched that scene and though I am 90% sure he is dead still kind of weird that they have him in his own room instead of a morgue and the initial framing made my mind instantly think he was propped up on a hospital bed. I mean, I guess we needed to have all the ACEOPs there for their reaction to Ironwood... but it definitely made me think he was alive. That and they have a bandage on his chest wound... when he's supposedly dead. Also have a phantom memory of Harriet saying something about him being in critical but I think that's my memory playing tricks on me.
Having his face exposed instead of covered by the sheet and seeing him in the same frame as Winter being treated also didn't help my gut reaction of "Oh Shit! He's alive? How?!" If I'd followed up more on the "how" might not have made the blunder of writing his return as the final twist in my theory. Oops
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sweeteastart · 3 years
✨Day 7✨
for the @khoc-week 2021 !
Themes : 1. Home, 2. Genderswap, 3. What was your character creation like ?
Buckle up because this is going to be quite a long one this time around they were all pretty long posts until now but humour me x)
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1. For Mikana, spending time with Sakore, her sister and Nox, pretty much her adopted sibling, is the closest feeling to home. When she is with them, darkness, light and all her problems disappeared and she puts all her attention on them.
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2. Genderbend Mikana is... Pretty much just Mikana lmao. He is has aloof and friendly. However, in this men form, you can much clearly see Lea's impact on her design ahaha. He name would maybe something like Miko ?
3. Mikana is the oldest kh character i created. She was created around the end of 2019, start of 2020. i got really invested in kh quick late compared to most,,, Really i first created her because i was, and still am, a big fan of Lea. You can see the inspiration i took from his design from her side hair and bang lmao.
Mikana, like all the character i draw, soon took a life of her own. The more i drew and imagined scenarios with her, the more her personality constructed itself without me realizing it (she is aloof, level-headed, family oriented). I truly build most of it throught an AU of mine named "Magical AU". Her clothing style which is really 70/80's s still on of the thing i like the most about her.
The khocweek2020 also helped a lot (pass time, family ties, short terms and long term goals,...) !
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1. Eventually in the story, Sika just kinda absorb into the sea salt trio household. She lives with them like the others kids and is just like a sister for them all. However, even in this next found home found family go brrrr she has some difficulties waking up in the morning.
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2. Sika as a boy would just be her sweet self as always. This design ended up turning out much softer and sweet than what I anticipated but I kinda love it. When I was thinking about names, I couldn't really think of much only Soka came to mind at first and that's just a ATLA character lmao so I just kept Sika. I think it's neutral enough to fit a male or female character :D
3. Sika is a special case to say the least. At first, she was one of my fiction character. I never published it anywhere but it was 45 pages long of slice of life of her living in Twilight Town and being Lea and Isa friend,,, Again, herpersonnality build herself up without me thinking much about it (she is bubbly, kind, responsible, ressourceful). But what's truly different about it was that i had her personnality BEFORE i created her appearance. It's really rare for me to do that.
HOWEVER i wasn't satisfied. My writing was too confused... So i scraped all 45 pages of writing i did. i had a hard time doing so because it represented DAYS of work for nothing. I started everything from the beginning. It was then that i truly integrated Orion and Erid properly into the story and created Master Ivi. Some keypoint are still the same but i changed the story quite a lot.
Bunny and Anis
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1. Truly, Anis and Bunny always felt at home whenever they were with each other. This feeling extended to their significant other and close friends as they grew older. Whatever the house, what make them feel home is having the people taht matter to them by their side.
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2. Bunny and Anis were REALLY a headache to do. Since they are identical twins I feared their genderbend would just look like any another. However, I quickly realized I could use their controsting personalities to my advantage. Bunny genderbend looks like a quiet and successful uncle while Anis genderbend looks like this fun but a bit unhinged aunt you love.
Their names would be Anise for Anis and Hare for Bunny,,,
3. At the beginning, Bunny was simply my Khux player character. I didn't do much art or think much about her or her story. Funnily enough, this is last year khocweek that truly made me flesh her out ! Without it, Bunny would most likely stayed a surface level character. Her name was also mostly a joke but ended up really like it.
When it comes to personality, she mostly have the player personality from KHux and follow the same story. Well except for the final sacrifice (Anis took on this part x)).
Anis was created not too long after last year khocweek. I was simply playing around with the male dressing interface, creating a sort of genderbend of Bunny and... Got attached to the character lmao. With his name, i stayed in the food related realm really i tend to mostly name my character after food... .
His peronnality was mostly created based on the dynamic energic and calm character have. Since Bunny is a very calm and silent person, having a twin brother loud and energetic could make out for funny and ridiculous situation. I really like the dynamic.
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1. I have yet to decide a definite end to Pêche's story. Their story is yet to find the comfort in hurt/comfort in the current state of her fanfic x) However I can vaguely imagine that someday, they would be have healed enough to trust the guardians of light.
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2. Genderbend Pêche was really hard for me. Like some might have guessed Pêche's goes with neutral pronouns and have a generally androgyne appearance : the biggest reason is that I get the impression Pêche doesn't identify as anything. They are there suffering but hey they will have help and slowly heal from all the bad things they experienced. So I just altered their body shape a bit and cut their hair ?
3. Pêche wasn't a really serious character at first. For one, she was a fiction character and more importantly a sort of punching ball character. When i felt bad, i wrote her and felt better. But soon enough my brain started to really like her and from there, i couldn't help but fleshed her out. She needed a coherent story. Well coherent doesn't mean simple for me x) her story is a beautiful mess to understand.
Also i wanted to think about some kind of writing prompt i had : What if Xehanort had a student ? Eraqus as some but Xehanort never explicetly said he never had any so my brain went brrrrr ; What or when did Xehanort truly descended into darkness ? The old men is so intense in the game but Eraqus still think of him as good until he dies ??? It means Xehanort was at least okay for a bunch of time then, right ???? ; What if Xehanort succeded in completing a heart ? lmao this one made available so much angst i couldn't pass it,,,
So this is the end of my khocweek. Even with all my preparation I still had to rush the last few drawnings ahah. Anyways I had such a sweets and good week! I rarely have the occasion of talking about my ocs to strangers and have actual reactions. Interactions I get from the khocweek make my heart warms up 🥺 I thanks all the khocweek team and all the other talented participants from the bottom of my hearts 💜💜 I hope to be there next year and see some familiar ocs again 👀
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swimfuel · 3 years
okay humanstuck thoughts under the cut
i owe a lot of this to @/rhythmic-idealist's kankri/vantasposting bc holy shit theyve got such a big brain (ill link to their individual posts when im on desktop since im using this to keep all my thoughts straight and i agree with most of what they say wholeheartedly)
general status quo stuff:
signless works in an extremely demanding career involving helping others (i'm leaning towards an attorney who works with organizations and does pro bono work), and is also extensively involved in social justice work outside of his job... he is very rarely home
he loves and cares for his children deeply and tries to express it whenever they're face to face, but the couch in his cramped and messy office has seen far too much use over the years for him to have been able to say it enough
his habits of working himself to the point of exhaustion are handily passed down to his kids btw
the kids had to grow up quickly because signless was out of the house so often and so consistently—kankri, who was already pretty high-strung, has to learn to take care of himself and karkat
they grow up near ms firuzeh maryam, who's their pseudoaunt/grandma (she took in a nine year old kavana vantas when she was about twenty), but they just call her ms rosa
they spent a lot of time in the maryam house growing up, with miss rosa's two nieces. porrim is a year older than kankri, while kanaya and karkat are the same age
kankri grows kinda sensitive to people trying to mother him since it rubs against the notion that he's the "adult of the house" and that he can take care of himself and karkat just fine
(and it also kinda underlines the fact that kankri has no idea what he's doing at the best of times)
and ironically enough, kankri becomes overbearing and naggy towards karkat in his own right, which forestalls them becoming close in any brotherly sort of way
they grow up really just... unable to communicate with one another clearly
karkat develops his ornery exterior in response to kankri's constant stream of opinions and frantic attempts at making up for the presence of a guardian in the house
i think there would actually be some really interesting parallels with rose in this au.. maybe i'm drawing from my own experiences as well but i think he'd begin to assume that every time his brother opens his mouth, he's going to criticize karkat
but instead of reacting like rose with the "making yourself more of a puzzle"/passive aggressive stuff, he gets a more defensive/hackles raised/"argue with you before you can argue with me" approach
and the thing is that they do love each other and would take a bullet for the other etc etc etc.. but they don't know how to express it because they've fallen into these shitty patterns
and it really doesn't help that kankri has grown somewhat resentful of signless over the years... that mix of resentment and fear and love gets more extreme and more polar every time signless gets injured during a political demonstration
i think kankri and signless would also be slightly closer than karkat and signless, as signless' job really only started to ramp up when karkat was less than years old and kankri was in his early double digits
kankri autistic btw its word of god (i am god)
karkat has a pet crab. its name is also karkat. he vents his frustrations to it.
i feel like the vantases exemplify both the best and worst parts of their aspects with one another as well... the strength of their bonds keeps them together and grounded, but TOO grounded. [insert Blood rant here]
the Blood rant:
i define Blood as bonds, responsibility, and the "core". if Life is the fertile soil and everything living on a planet's surface, then Blood is the gravitational core of the planet keeping everything together
i also think Blood, Heart, & Mind work in tandem to define a person just as blood serves to connect the pieces of the human body... Heart is the soul and the self, Mind is the application of one's self through active choices (agency), while Blood defines both the self and the choices one makes in greater detail [and, as an aside, Life provides the physical spark of life needed to keep the heart pumping blood]
OKAY wow that got tangential anyways
SO BASICALLY! too much Blood makes you stagnate, so for example:
kankri is split between staying home with karkat or going to college across the country and being truly unbound for the first time in years
another crisis of Blood: signless is caught between his empathy and responsibility to the whole world and his responsibility to his own children
okay so here's more status quo stuff:
the maryam and vantas kids grow up together and its hilarious because you'll see them all together and its just like (girlboss) (girlboss) (physical manlet) (emotional manlet)
the maryam girls are actually miss rosa's nieces but she took them in when they were both pretty young
the pyropes know the vantases well enough considering pyrope senior and sign have known one another from their respective legal practices for years, but they live on the other side of town
the leijons lived in town when kankri and meulin were very young, but they moved and travelled for a long time before coming back and reestablishing their roots
the captors (psii being one of sign's oldest and closest friends) move into town with the peixes family pretty early on though
the condesce is.. a horrible spouse and guardian, to put it plainly. she's very emotionally manipulative and isn't averse to smacking people around, including her own family. she moves herself and her perfect little family into town so she can properly oversee a new business venture close by
feferi is one of the best young swimmers in the country and has a pretty good shot of getting onto the olympic team.. a lot of this drive to be perfect and to be better results from the condesce's unrelenting pressure and thinly veiled resentment throughout her whole life
so yeah psii, )(ic, feferi, and sollux all live together and it's really not great for anyone involved. (meenah ran away years ago, and crashed on aranea's couch for a pretty long while—mituna moved out with latula for college before psii and the condesce got married)
it gets bad to the point of sollux staying with the maryams for two months while the adults try to sort out that absolute clusterfuck and get the divorce proceedings going (meenah finally convinces feferi to get out and come stay with her and aranea for the duration as well)
in terms of relationships i think latula and porrim were really really close in high school, and probably had some kind of unacknowledged thing going on for a while that never actually turned into anything because latula and mituna were going steady
kankri has had a crush on latula for years but never acted on it for similar reasons
meenah still carries a lot of that give no fucks attitude (it's developed moreso as a defense mechanism here) and can't understand why feferi refuses to leave the condesce with her
okay back to VANTAS MANPAIN i also think that karkat feels the weight of a lot of expectations on his shoulders as well
he feels responsible to live up to the example his dad and his brother set, even if it's to his own detriment—and kankri's oblivious rambling about his grades and his teachers and all his clubs certainly aren't helping the matter
kankri is one of those overinvolved kids taking a million AP's while simultaneously shitting on the collegeboard at every single step
hes this super overachiever anal retentive perfectionist type dude and (just as karkat preemptively criticizes others to forestall their criticisms of him only to harshly criticize himself) kankri subconsciously holds the people around him to the same expectations he holds for himself
so karkat also develops this sense of lacking which, in combination with everything else, culminates in self loathing and thinking he has to solve everyone else's problems and getting horribly mad at himself for every little mistake
GOD i have a lot more but lemme post this before i accidentally close out of the app and lose it all
more little details:
vriska's mom and terezi's mom HATE each other like HATE HATE HATE one another it's so bad
karkat wrote a ten page review of my immortal in middle school
jade is one of nepeta's best online friends
sollux can't raise one eyebrow at a time.. karkat gives him so much grief about it
the vantases eat a lot of shitty renditions of persian dishes until karkat learns to cook because literally the only person in the world with a CHANCE of getting KANKRI VANTAS to make an EDIBLE DISH is miss rosa
kanaya is really good at persian dance too but is VERY VERY embarassed to perform in front of people.. however porrim definitely is not
karkat has insomnia while kankri just stays up stupidly late for assignments that really shouldnt be taken that seriously.. but they both have the same rumination/sleep anxiety thing where your brain goes insane with horrible and depressing scenarios as you try to sleep
and more ideas that i thought were interesting but idk how to fit in the context of this au:
signless and disciple getting married pretty late in life after having been in love for years, the vantases move in with the leijons and karkat suddenly has two sisters
nepeta and karkat are both juniors at this point, meulin is probably in her third year at a local college nearby while kankri is about to start his second year at a university pretty far away
the kids in general honestly but ill figure it out
more random hcs this time with kids:
kanaya and rose get into a flame war online that gradually settles into elaborate courtship rituals
also nepeta + jade online besties
also bec can inexplicably still teleport
the first sbahj movie comes out and the next six months of dave strider junior's high school career are absolute hell
actually hc that dave senior goes by d strider professionally. the d stands for a lot of things
aradia and dave frequent a lot of the same forums but never end up really interacting
meanwhile karkat and john frequent a lot of the same forums and DEFINITELY end up interacting. this turns into grudging (at least on karkat's part) friendship after they find themselves fighting for their lives defending an objectively shitty movie together on the same thread
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ais-n · 3 years
hello!! i just spent the past month or so reading all the icos books, scrolling through your account, and reading the notes you posted about the sequel on patreon. i’m absolutely amazed by this series and these characters, i don’t have words for how good of a time i had delving into this story. i started off loving hsin immediately and although it took me some time to warm up to boyd, he ended up being one of my absolute favorite characters that i’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. i really think boyd and hsin and their story, along with the stories of all the other amazing characters associated with them, will stick with me for a long time. anyway sorry for the long message, but i just wanted to express my gratitude for these books—they helped me out a lot mentally after everything post-2020 haha. i did have a sort of question though!! how did boyd deal with the loss of one of his eyes? did he train with hsin to help adapt? how did he deal with the insecurities and frustrations that came with that loss?
Just in case - **ICOS SPOILERS / FADE SPOILERS** :)
Hi! Aww that's awesome! I'm so happy you enjoyed the series :) And that you were able to find all the content on it right away too. It's also really cool how things shifted for you over the course of the series - because that means it did its job with showing character progression :) I mean, not that it matters if people end up liking all the characters or not - but if you start feeling one way and end another, that's awesome because it means there was character development that resonated with you in anyone and that's one of my favorite things when I'M reading a book, so it's one of my favorite things for if anyone ever reads anything I'm involved in writing. So that made me really happy to hear, thank you <3
I'm gonna put my answer behind a cut just in case for spoilers :) Hopefully this thing doesn't disallow you from clicking the Read More link which once in awhile tumblr does.
Spoilers behind cut :D
Regarding his eye, it was obviously in many ways pretty life-changing for him. Even though Boyd and Hsin by that point were much better about communicating, and Boyd would want to lean on Hsin whenever needed, although I haven't written out anything from those time periods (so it may change when/if I actually do, as sometimes the characters do things I'm not expecting) -- I have a feeling Boyd tried to kind of hide as much of the downside as he could from Hsin. Not because he didn't trust Hsin - he did, unequivocally - but rather because Hsin had seemed so regretful and seemed to have guilt/worry when Boyd first woke up and learned he lost his eye. He didn't want Hsin blaming himself for it, and if Hsin saw it upsetting him too much he would have probably worried about how Hsin felt.
It did take him time to figure out some things - his depth perception was fucked, and he couldn't fight quite the way he initially had learned because of that, along with other things. He would have let Hsin see him relearning things when necessary because that's inevitable, but he would have tried to play off anything much deeper if possible. He would have wanted to see if he could handle things on his own first (in typical Boyd style) just so he could spare Hsin extra stress. He felt like Hsin had already lost so much; it didn't feel fair to pile anything further on him.
So Hsin would have helped with some stuff when needed, and obviously I'm sure they talked about things as needed too. It's not like the topic was taboo or Boyd was super sensitive to it. As much as it sucked, it was also just a thing he had to accept. So in some ways, he kind of just rolled with it the way he'd had to learn to roll with so much else in his life.
Where it really was most frustrating and upsetting for him was the way it affected his ability to work. Even though he felt and was fully capable of many things, certain jobs just would not hire someone with one eye, period. Their rules didn't allow it, or they just chose not to, or so on. Because they had to stay on the downlow, he already had limited options in the first place, and that made it worse. Then on top of that, having an eyepatch made him more memorable. Once he eventually got his glass eye, it helped a bit with that, but he'd always had an unusual eye color so without contacts and different hair color and all that, if someone were looking for him they could still potentially track him down. Hsin was also incredibly memorable so it was a worry for him as well. Especially when you put those two together.
I don't think we ever talked about it but in my personal opinion, I would guess that they probably talked about their plans for the different cities/countries they were in, whether one or both of them would stand out more, what sorts of income they could get, what sorts of things they could do, what sort of places they could live incognito, and so on.
I have always had in my mind that there was a period of time especially early on when Boyd was still healing and getting used to things, where he (as usual) tried to push himself a little too far a little too fast but Hsin stopped him because he knew how Boyd is and he knew if he was firm, Boyd would actually listen.
So for a time, Hsin was the main person going out to do things, get money, etc. There were hours Boyd would be alone wherever they were staying, and during that time all those doubts and frustrations and anger and insecurity and fear would come in. For awhile, I think he probably even drank when he was alone. Never to an addictive level or anything; just the actions of a man who felt depressed.
I'm sure some of his demons leapt on that--telling him shit like he wasn't ever going to have more worth than he did when he was used by Cyclone, or the Agency - shit like, maybe you're never going to be anything more than a valentine/whore for money in the future anyway. If people won't see you as anything other than the parts of you, and now the parts of you that are missing more than the parts that are there, maybe it's useless to think there's anything more of value in your life. That sort of negative thought process that you know isn't true but still buries its tendrils deep inside and twists.
The thing is, Boyd never really had much to call his own his whole life that people didn't attribute to others around him - one of the only things he had was his art. And losing an eye didn't make it impossible to do art, but in that beginning stage, it just felt extra awful to have lost something so integral to the one thing he had that was his alone, that hadn't been used and abused and destroyed by other powers in his life - it felt like maybe that just went to show he didn't have value other than what others assigned to him. Which is how the valentine stuff probably came to mind - through a bit of depression and also practicality, because he knew he could make money doing that if they needed it, even though it was the absolute last thing in his life he would ever want to do. But then the guilt would come in about not being able to do enough on his own, not pulling his weight, etc etc, and then the fear associated with all of these topics, and that's how the depression would have slid in and spiraled him down.
I always imagined that Hsin recognized how depressed Boyd was, even though Boyd tried to hide it, and eventually they would have had some sort of conversation about it all.
In my mind, somehow through that and any following conversations or actions or etc, Hsin was able to remind Boyd of all the things he could do still, rather than focusing on the things he couldn't. He would have reminded him that it was bullshit to think he had no value, and as for getting denied different jobs, it didn't matter - they were in this together, they'd figure it out together. He would have been able to remind Boyd to stop taking all the shit on himself and share the burden. And that Hsin didn't give a shit about any of that stuff - Hsin saw Boyd for who he was, and he loved him for that, and nothing would ever change that. Boyd would have probably told Hsin at that point he was afraid of Hsin blaming himself when it never had been his blame to begin with, and he never wanted to hurt Hsin, and etc. I imagine he told him that, but am not sure.
Either way, it would have reignited Boyd's stubborn streak and determination, and he would have been reminded of how much they could do together as a team. And how much they loved each other. And fuck the world, who cared what other people thought? He could do whatever the hell he wanted. He'd figure it out. He always had.
From then, he would have started working on things again - figuring out ways to fight that relied more on touch so his blind spot and depth perception were less of an issue (Hsin would have helped a lot with this), and he would have started painting and drawing again. It went from his offtime from Hsin being something dark and depressing to something largely productive. Obviously everyone still has bad days, but at least he was generally on the up. And they did eventually figure out jobs he could work too, or things he could do, so he wasn't just spending all his time alone when Hsin wasn't around. And so Hsin didn't have to have any pressure on him to do things alone.
I don't remember if I ever answered this question before and if I did, it's possible my answer was a little different. I often think about parts we didn't write down and I feel like I have an idea of how it would go, but until I actually write something down I never know for sure. We never planned for Afterimage, for example - but when we went to write past Evenfall, it became clear that was a thing that was going to happen, and so it did, and then things from that affected other things into Interludes, Fade, 1/27, etc.
So it's possible if ever any of these time periods are written down that maybe my view of what I think would happen ends up being completely incorrect or off. But right now, generally speaking, I imagine it went something like this.
Sorry for the long rambly reply!
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
So I'm curious what are some character designs you love? Not from RWBY, but just i general. I'm the same anon who got you to check out Berserk and I'd say essentially all of the designs are done damn well. Fit the character. Changes that makes sense for growth. Also make sense given the setting. Even women in armor that doesn't have those massive boob plates. Good designs impact so much subconsciously to have much we enjoy other aspects of a story.
Congratulations! You’ve unlocked my never-ending need to praise Yu Yu Hakusho! :D 
This long, picture-laden post needs two disclaimers going forward: 
I’m not an artist. In the sense that I’m not a visual artist who knows anything about what makes character design good from a technical/community approved standpoint. This is purely based on my own, personal reaction to a beloved series. 
Connected to that, I’m going into this under the assumption that people might really disagree with me (?). Based on the cartoons and anime that I see praised for character design, I don’t think YYH fits whatever list more knowledgeable viewers are pulling from. But I’m gonna lay out my thinking anyway! 
Major spoilers for Yu Yu Hakusho below. 
Alright let’s do this. 
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First off, when people start talking character design they often reference how cool a character is. Which makes sense. You want a character to be visually engaging and distinct. Something that makes you go “Wow!” whenever you look at them. However, one of the things I love about the YYH cast is how normal they are. Because they’re supposed to be normal. The trope of the main character having a crazy hair color has become so prominent that we’ve got memes about it now and that works for a lot of stories. You know who is important because, despite the assumption that they’re average people not dying their hair, they stick out like a sore thumb among the rest of the cast. 
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However, normalcy is a really important part of YYH. The entire point at the start is that Yusuke is not special. He’s not unique. He’s a delinquent kid who most assume isn’t going anywhere in life. When he dies this doesn’t unlock some Super Special Backstory - you were innately amazing all along! - he just gets caught up in the plot because of a paperwork issue. The afterlife doesn’t know what to do with an asshole kid who unexpectedly saved another kid’s life so they just kind of... shuffle him around until he’s given another chance to live. Then he gets to pay back that second chance by becoming a Spirit Detective. Yeah, Yusuke is talented when it comes to fighting and spirit energy, but at the start that’s rarely emphasized outside of “He’s the best street fighter among no-name street fighters so really, it’s not impressive once you take Yusuke out of his tiny world of school parking lots and the occasional alleyway.” The takeaway is that he’s a dime-a-dozen troubled teen who got involved in the spirit world due to an impulsive act and a bunch of bureaucracy. Indeed, it’s a HUGE moment of emotional growth for Yusuke to realize that people do love him despite his supposedly average, unremarkable, and otherwise negative personality. His normal-ness - and others’ expectation that he could someday make himself great if he learns to work at it - is crucial to where Yusuke starts out. Making him visually distinct in terms of Anime Protagonist Looks would undermine a lot of that. This isn’t supposed to be a Super Special Kid Destined For Greatness. He’s just... a kid. A normal kid. A kid who has to work and learn and grow if he wants to make something of himself. So he gets black hair, brown yes, and a green school uniform. He’s pretty damn average looking. 
Same with Kuwabara. Same with Keiko. Same with Atsuko. They’re just normal people going about their lives and I always appreciated that they looked the part. You can still easily tell them apart thanks to different hair colors, texture, jaw lines, and outfits, but none of them seem out of place in the average world they start out in. Which, as said, is crucial to a lot of YYH’s themes. The ones who look more visually distinct - Hiei and Botan - aren’t human. It makes sense that they wouldn’t obey these same average laws of the rest of the cast and they are our first taste of a world that, in terms of character design, will eventually get pretty wonderfully weird. They function as stepping stones. 
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This eventually becomes a story about the demon world and those demons wouldn’t come across as particularly scary/other if you begin the story with equally strange looking humans. Or even just “I don’t see people who look like that walking down the street” humans. Alongside many themes, there’s a contrast at work here. Yusuke stepping out into a stadium full of demons who despise him because of his species hits home when he is so clearly distinct from them. Suddenly, his normal is abnormal. 
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Once the ball gets rolling, Yusuke’s looks are constantly in contrast with both his environment and his inner self. He looks like a scary thug but then unexpectedly saves a life. He looks like an average human but is actually the strongest among a group of scary-looking demons. He looks like this badass spirit detective who everyone assumes with have an equally badass spirit beast but, uh... 
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Oh my god that’s a precious baby. By the time our cast is family and everyone accepts that Yusuke looks scarier than he actually is or ever was - once the core group is made up of not just humans but demon loving humans who are equally soft - we turn it all on its head again and reveal that Yusuke has demon blood. For the first time he looks as strange and powerful as he is. Yusuke’s normality is done away with the second he’s fully accepted his place in these worlds, throwing everything back into chaos. 
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Yusuke’s demon form becomes even more foreign looking  when he’s being controlled by his ancestral father. The above is a Yusuke who is still Yusuke and in many respects the design reflects that: natural hair color, human body, tattoos easily covered up with a shirt. When he’s gone full Mazoku though, something dangerous, the white, wilder hair and change to his expressions ensure we read him as something feral. For the first time in the series Yusuke is truly the dangerous creature he’s pretended to be since his principal was running after him at school. 
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As a side-note about character costumes, we see this emphasis on normality in their outfits as well. Obviously a story like RWBY is limited by how much time/money they have for animation, but it nevertheless has an impact to see the group almost constantly in their battle gear. They’re never not the main characters of an action-fantasy show, not even while just out around town with no expectation of entering a fight.  
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In contrast, Yusuke and Kuwabara are often animated in everyday clothing that remind us that they’re really just teens trying to live their lives outside of this crazy nonsense. Kuwabara wasn’t even formally hired for all this! The cast wears sweaters and jackets while out and about. More formal clothes for special occasions. Jeans and t-shirts when they’re unexpectedly caught up in a fight because, you know, they’re not ready for battle every second of every day. They’re drawn like normal folks because, outside of the ring, they are. 
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(We’ve also got a lot of parallels between Yusuke and Kuwabara’s civilian clothing, visually reminding us that they’re far more alike than they might be willing to admit.)
Despite often changing outfits, the group maintains a basic color pallet that makes them recognizable, yet it’s also not so limited that they appear strange for sticking to one (1) color for the entire time we know them. Yusuke, like most people, is drawn to particular colors, mostly greens, yellows, and blues, so each time we see him he’s familiar while also being distinct from the last time he changed. 
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Hiei, as someone who initially wants nothing to do with anyone else and relies on assassin-like speed to take out his enemies, is dressed almost entirely in black. Without that bit of white in his scarf/hair you’d lose him in the shadows... which is the point. 
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When he opens up and actually becomes friends with the team, his color pallet starts opening up a great deal too.  
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And we’re shown all the little changes he starts incorporating that speak to his growth: his Jagan eye, a bandaged arm hiding his Dragon of the Darkness Flame, the necklace connecting him to Yukina. 
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I’ve blathered on about the outfits enough but as a quick final note: EVERYONE WEARS APPROPRIATE FIGHTING CLOTHES. 
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No one (even the women to my recollection) wear heels. Everything is loose-fitted and looks easy to move in. They’ve got sensible belts, bandages if they need them, and... that’s it. No unnecessary bells and whistles that distract from what’s supposed to be the story’s real draw: good fights and good characterization. Even the more elaborately styled characters (usually) look like they chose their outfits practically first and for the aesthetic after. At no point do I recall watching this show and going, “WHY would you wear that to a fight??” 
Anyway, back to the designs. 
The exceptions to either side of these extremes - from human normal to demon monstrous - are Genkai and Kurama, both of whom straddle the line. Genkai is someone who has pushed her spirit and body far past the norm. She’s the first human we meet who truly goes beyond that normality, even if you don’t immediately realize it. Her pink hair (such a soft color in her old age it’s not at all distracting) is a slight hint that something isn’t quite right with her. She’s obviously human... but not a normal human. Not anymore. 
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Those unnatural looks are emphasized in her youth when she was at the height of her power. 
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Genkai as a young woman has vibrantly pink hair (a bright pastel like Botan’s), a softer face, and far more emotive eyes. She looks ethereal, which fits not just her own journey to power but Togoru’s as well. Her story is intimately tied up in what that power does to the human body/soul. So Toguro starts out like this 
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a pretty normal looking guy who is on the far end of what the human body is naturally capable of. He’s buff as hell, but not so much that it looks unreasonable. I’ve seen body builders bigger than him. He’s the average (dehydrated...) MCU superhero. However, he ends up like this
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In Togoru’s case his abnormality is explicitly presented as grotesque. Rather than giving him a cool looking characteristic that’s clearly supernatural (blue hair, an extra eye, curly horns, etc.), we’ve taken a human characteristic (muscles) and expanded them to an unnatural degree. He’s got some uncanny valley shit going on. 
Paralleling Genkai, we likewise see Kurama subtly standing out among his human allies. 
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He’s a demon in a human’s body. By in-world logic his appearance should be just as normal as anyone else’s, but a bit of his true nature shines through. His hair is long in a style not popular in YYH’s Japan. His red is far less of a natural shade than Kuwabara’s. He carries himself with the air of someone who is ancient, because he is. His human design deliberately reflects his true demon form so when that’s finally revealed we still recognize him as Kurama. 
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(Same sort of work with Hiei’s demon form.) 
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When we look at the cast together we have an immediate, visual impression as to who is normal and who is not - and those assumptions are embedded into the story. Yusuke is someone you’d overlook in the crowd, but he’s the most powerful. Kurama is clearly other in some way, but he’s desperate to live an average, human life. Kuwabara is designed to look and move like the fool and a lot of his development (his and others’ in relation to him, really. Like Hiei) is built around respecting him despite those looks. Hiei is tiny but will kick your ass. Genkai is tinier and will kick your ass worse. 
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Her size combined with her age - combined with her status as Yusuke’s teacher - is a continuous reminder not to judge power by looks alone. Don’t underestimate your opponent and get overconfident (a major flaw of Yusuke’s). Know that you still have a LOT to learn about the world. That woman you assume is just a rude grandma? She’s going to break your expectations over and over and over again. 
Speaking of size, that’s a major aspect of Koenma’s design as well. When Yusuke learns he’s meeting the head of the underworld he starts picturing a massive, demonic beast who (sensing a theme here) looks the part of a supernatural ruler. Seeing Koenma for the first time - an adorable toddler-like being - is an absolute shock. 
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It’s a gag for the audience, but it’s not just a gag. Due to his looks Yusuke is unable to take Koenma seriously, despite knowing the power he holds. 
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Which, even more-so than arrogance, is Yusuke’s greatest flaw throughout the series. He doesn’t take school seriously. His death seriously. Ruler of the underworld seriously. His teacher seriously, etc. Yusuke constantly acts like he doesn’t care, throwing basic respect and effort in the face of whatever authority figure is desperately trying to keep him from self-destructing. He’s on the receiving end of multiple speeches throughout the series (mostly from Genkai) that boil down to, “Care about something, dammit. Take this seriously!” and when he does it’s GREAT. It’s a moment of growth we’ve really built to in a hundred different ways, including how he reacts to others’ looks. Koenma’s design feeds directly into the primary flaw Yusuke is working to overcome. How will he go from a delinquent laughing in the face of the most powerful being to someone multiple worlds can put their trust in? Design assists with that. 
When Yusuke does respect Koenma (even if he still insults/teases him because that’s just an ingrained part of Yusuke’s personality) Koenma’s appearance can change. It’s no longer serving its original function, so he evolves into a very good looking young man (with references to Tuxedo Mask to emphasize those good looks) that just... happens to still carry a pacifier. 
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A pacifier that is revealed as an incredibly powerful weapon that will help save the world. Again: don’t judge anyone or anything solely on their looks. They’re never precisely what you’d assume they are based on your first glance - with the exception of minor villains whose looks serve only to convey their villainy: 
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For everyone else, looks are complex. Two of the most different looking characters (color-wise anyway) are actually siblings, their contrasts reflecting both differing cultures and the emotional distance between them. 
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The scariest looking monsters are just paper-pushers. It’s the handsome humans you should watch out for.  
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And this is our hero, a man charged with protecting three worlds. 
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I could say SO MUCH MORE but this is already disgustingly long so basically YYH (I think) does a great job of: 
Crafting characters that are distinct but not different for the sake of different. They always feel like they belong to their individual worlds and adhere to whatever “normal” is by those standards. 
Tying character looks really closely to the show’s themes and individual growth. Which, frankly, is something I think all good character design should do. 
It’s not nearly as flashy as other anime... but YYH knows what it wants to accomplish and went about it beautifully. Catch me still weeping over this show fifty years from now. 
Peace ✌️
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elecman108 · 3 years
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Man, I forgot to post 90% of my art here for the past while. I’m gonna do an art dump in this post under the cut. Enjoy the bonk emoji if you don’t click the read more, and man am I dumb and forgetful lmao.
Includes: OCs getting names, a Sonic impression, a D&D map, homosexual energies, a sheep floating in the astral sea, a birthday drawing I already posted, Hex Maniac Ender, D&D Characters, D&D Characters as Miis in Miitopia, Little Hater Axel, local Demon in the consciousness of my D&D character yelling at him, illegal plants, a necromancer being cute, an actual event that happened in a D&D game two days ago, and Mermay drawing.
That’s everything in here as a TL;DR, I guess. Enjoy your day!
I’m gonna try and sort of have them in chronological order, oldest first, but I may end up putting them in the wrong order. If I do... Whoops, I guess?
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[04/14/21] - This isn’t really new art, but I started to work on giving the four OCs of mine without a full name full names... I have not finished this bit, though. So Hunter and Akira have full names, and Warlock and Assassin only have temporary names. This may end up like Seven where I put in their names as a temporary name (7th OC I’d made at that time) and it just kind of... sticks. Lmao.
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[04/20/21] - Alone on a Friday Night? God, you’re pathetic. I didn’t colour this one because it was a half-attempt at a meme image I still like it, though, so I might end up colouring it. It’s gonna appear again whenever I do my “unfinished drawings art dump” at some point probably in... June? I know I said I’d post them last month but forget it, lmao, it’ll happen eventually.
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[04/20/21] - A D&D Map! This was to help me visualize the layout of my D&D character’s ship he used to be on. Also for my DM if they ever put us aboard the ship. The little fella in the corner is just there to vibe. This map is made of free to use assets from This Website, so while I’m gonna say DONT USE MY MAP WITHOUT PERMISSION, feel free to make your own!
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[04/26/21] - Lesbian Day of Visibility drawing of yours truly, the disapointment! That’s... really all I have to say about this, honestly. It was just for that one day and that was it, lmao. I mean, I accidentally lined it in dark pink, so.. .That’s different, I guess?
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[04/30/21] - Do Astral Seas dream of Ensorcled Sheep? Does the City know what Sheepleb is going to do? What crimes he may commit? Who knows! This was fan art of Critical Role ep. 134 if I remember correctly, right at the end when they jumped into the portal into the astral sea and Caleb was a sheep. Using my knowledge of the German language, I knew the word for “shit”, and had to use it.
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[05/07/21] - This was already posted, but it’s going in here to dilinuate that it was drawn at this point. Also, aside from playing Miitopia, this is all I have to show for myself until the 12th.
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[05/12/21] - Hex Maniac Ender challenges you to a Pokemon Battle! WIll you win against my team? My sis, who loves fairy types, pointed out to me that there’s a fairy girl and hex maniac duo, so I’d be the hex maniac. I spent... Over a week drawing this, because I basically had to redraw the Hex Maniac art from scratch in a higher quality size, and then draw myself over it. So... You can excuse the low-effort background for once. It was basically this, and then my birthday doodle from May 1st to May 12th, and then I took a break to draw up several D&D characters quickly for fullbody references.
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[05/12/21] - Remember this art I made several months ago? I finally added my other two completed characters! I have three more named but without character sheet D&D characters, so for now this is just Kara, Axel, Golden Shadow, Kau, Cecillia, and Miri. Kress, Tempest, and Melia will have to wait until I make character sheets for them to be posted, and... For when I probably make more D&D characters. I have at least 9 additional, incomplete character ideas floating around, so... I’m never gonna be done this art, huh?
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[05/12/21] - Speaking of D&D characters, did you know I’ve been making them as Miis in Miitopia? So here is their finished full body art next to their Miitopia self! Some of them look a little off (Golden Shadow, Cecillia) because of limitations of the editor and shading issues, some of them look a little off (Kau, Kress) because this is a human face canvas that I’m using to make a non-human face, and some of them (Melia, Axel) look REALLY GOOD. Common traits among my D&D characters include green eyes and tall. You wanna know why? Because I am tall and... despite having red eyes, I do have green eyes under the coloured contacts.
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[05/15/21] - More D&D stuff! This is based around my D&D group’s current Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign where our Goliath Fighter, Nioh, ends up getting a little bit of hate for being cocky, and our little (well over 6′) hater, Axel, is just a man full of irritation. These are the tallest two characters of the group at the moment. Someone send help. Nioh belongs to one of the other D&D players, Axel (and his stupid additude) belongs to me.
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[05/15/21] - This is what me playing D&D feels like. Me, the demon entity trapped inside the head of my D&D character, yelling at them to do things while the dice decide that they’re gonna get bopped a hundred times by a yeti and somehow still survive. This is also a reference to our first or second game where I just ran off like sixty feet to one side of the battle map to fight a Crag Cat and was just in Gay Baby Jail until like two turns later when I could run back to the others. I also drew him not in his winter gear even though this is a bit from when we were atop Kelvin’s Carin in an icy cave, so maybe that’s why he’s at low HP.
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[05/15/21] - Melia has good gardening tips, such as Use A Mars Mii Trap To Hide A Body Because They Are Endangered And It Is Illegal To Dig Them Up. I love her a lot, because she’s the youngest of four, all four sisters based around the different seasons. She’s based around Autumn, so she’s all orange and yellow and brown and is so cute. Also she’s Chaotic Neutral, as if she didn’t need to be mildly more threatening.
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[05/15/21] - Cecillia is my Tiefling gal who lived in a very northern town plagued by cold weather and snow, and Axel is my Pirate guy who spent most of his time further south on the high seas and warmer weather. So, naturally... I’ll use the guy more acclimatized to the hotter weather in the campaign where we spend 99% of it in the snow. She uses Tarot Cards as her spell focus, and I decided to sneak my other D&D characters onto her Tarot cards so naturally, Axel is The Hanged Man, given his backstory and personality. She’s a very cheerful and friendly Tiefling Necromancer of the Hexblade, so she’d for sure take care of those around her to ensure their success. Especially if they’re on her Tarot Cards, and their spirit comes to her aid when she asks for them.
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[05/16/21] - Content Warning; Ryma thinks too much into local stupid moron’s lack of knowing how to answer a question and thinks too much into the reputation of Pirates. Poor Axel, man doesn’t know how to socialize with people who aren’t pirates and is used to being hostile towards everyone, so when he’s asked a question that his answer to is “uhh... no?”, he panics and ends up making a mistake that leads him to think that Ryma can read his mind. Ryma belongs to another of the D&D players. I guess me drawing all those spicy Cow Costumed OCs earlier just brought me to drawing Axel being a bottom in this, huh?
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[05/16/21] - It’s Mermay, which means more OC drawings! Here’s Theo after drinking some potion that turned him into a mermaid, and Seven, tiredly, collecting his stupid boyfriend so that Lailah can fix the fact he’s turned into a mermaid. Mer!Theo is based around his sword’s colours of indigo-purple with red accents, which looks a little weird since Theo is the Blue one of the group, but... it looks cool, I guess. Seven’s just the same outfit as always, just no gloves this time.
And that’s it for the art dump! This was, frankly, MASSIVE. I’ll try and remember to upload both on Twitter and Tumblr at the same time, but... Ah... I have been drawing a fair bit. Just mostly sketches and linework that I haven’t finished and may not actually finish. If they’re not completed, I’ll dump them all into something at the end of the month or whatever. Maybe you’ll get the old sketch of the Axel face in panel 3 because in the sketch phase it was an Ahegao face, in the clean sketch it was a lip bite, and in the linework and final it’s just horny face. lmao.
Top ten things I have to remember for drawing: AXEL HAS A SCAR AND GREEN EYES. I remember his eye colour now, but if you look at his fullbody ref, he’s got brown eyes. And, naturally, I keep forgetting to put in his scar. He has more, but most of them are located in areas covered by his clothes. So if I ever draw him shirtless I guess I’ll have to place them somewhere.
Also maybe finish the reference sheets I have left to finish so I can post more of them, since I have two “Pets” completed (Roko and Mona’s nameless pet), but I have to do up Hunter, Warlock, Assassin, Akira, Myuut, and Stella. I’m betting when I do complete two more, it’ll be Hunter and Akira. Those two are the most fun to draw, at least.
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Cuffing Language
*Daveed Diggs x Reader
*Summary: Daveed and Reader have known each other since high school and he invites her to a clipping. concert in Oakland.
*Warnings: Alcohol, swearing. Let me know if I missed anything.
*A/N: This was supposed to be posted back in October when I went to the clipping. show in Oakland but oops.
When you first met Daveed Diggs, you were the coaches’ assistant for your high school track team. You were a junior looking to beef up your college applications, and you knew having something to do with sports would make you look at least a little bit impressive, even if you weren’t actually on the team. You tended to just fetch things the team needed, or note down things the coaches were supposed to but didn’t want to. It was pretty easy, and you actually kind of had fun with your job.
You were doing your thing, passing out water bottles to the runners, when you first interacted with him. Even though a lot of the runners didn’t really know you personally, they at least recognized you. “Hey, Diggs, heads up,” you called out to him. He turned, and you tossed the water bottle to him.
“Thanks,” he said, drawing it out just enough so you knew he was searching for your name.
“(Y/n),” you provided.
“(Y/n),” he repeated. “I’d introduce myself, but you already know my name.”
“Yup, it comes with the job. Impressive times, by the way.”
“Thanks. You’re the coaching assistant, right?” You nodded, wanting to keep this conversation going (you couldn’t help it, he was incredibly cute), but then the assistant coach yelled for you to pass out the waters before the team had to get back to practice.
“Work calls,” you explained with a sheepish smile, picking up the box of water bottles. 
“We could talk after practice, if you want,” Daveed immediately offered, ducking his head with a shy smile as he waited for your response. In any other situation, you’d say he’d offered it a bit too quickly, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up like that. 
“Yeah, that’d be nice.” With that, you went back to work before the assistant coach could yell at you again. You didn’t want to overthink things too much; after all, you barely knew the guy. Surely there were completely innocent reasons for him wanting to talk to you a bit after practice. You were the coaches’ assistant, so he probably just reasoned that you’d be around practice a lot so he might as well get on your good side.
Once practice was over and you’d done all the clean up that the coach asked you to, you found Daveed waiting for you on the bleachers. Adjusting your backpack strap over your shoulder, you walked up to him with a smile. Even if it wasn’t a romantic interest, you knew you’d enjoy spending time with him either way.
The two of you ended up clicking instantly. You weren’t necessarily sure if it was in the romantic way or just in a friend way, but you always had a great time when you hung out. The two of you were almost inseparable for the rest of his senior year, but eventually the time came for him to head off to college. You were torn on his last day: you were insanely proud of him for going to Brown, but you were going to miss him more than you’d care to admit. With a promise to stay in touch, the two of you parted ways for the first time.
Fast forward all these years, and you’d actually kept that promise. While you stayed in the Bay for college and work, you watched as Daveed did his own thing all over the country. Whenever he came back to Oakland, you’d drop whatever to hang out with him, and he did the same if you happened to be wherever he was at the moment. It was kind of crazy how you were actually able to keep in touch and stay friends for all these years; there were even friendships you had from college that didn’t keep in touch as well as Daveed.
When Daveed told you clipping. was doing shows again and they were having one in Oakland, you made sure you got the day of and the next day off. You wanted to utilize the time you had with him, especially since you didn’t know when you’d see him next. You absolutely loved the fact that he was successful, and you were insanely proud of him, but sometimes you just missed having your friend around. You’d never complain about it, especially not to Daveed, it was just something you’d dealt with for years.
When the day came, you couldn’t help the excitement that engulfed you. You danced around your apartment, blasting clipping. on the speakers as you went about the process. You’d already had your outfit picked out - with a backup just in case - for days, but as you were getting dressed you couldn’t help but second guess what you wanted to wear. After an hour of going through that mess, you finally decided to just wear the first outfit you’d picked out - a velvet slip dress and black thigh-high boots, with a black leather jacket in case you all decided to go out after the show. Once you dealt with that entire mess, you still had to put on your makeup and style your hair.
A quick Lyft ride over to the venue later and you found yourself on the upper balcony with a drink in hand, looking down over the stage. You recognized a few of Daveed’s other friends around the balcony, but you didn’t really know them well enough to hang out with them. You watched the DJ set, enjoying watching the DJ go through his box of records. You were bobbing along with the music when you heard a familiar voice behind you. “Am I going crazy or did (y/n) finally get a few days off work to come hang?”
When you turned, you couldn’t help your wide smile. Standing there, drink in his hand, was Daveed’s best friend, Rafa. Finally, someone you could hang out with during the show. “Rafa! Shit dude, how long has it been?” You said, immediately walking up and wrapping him in a hug as well as you could without spilling either of your drinks.
“Does Diggs know you came out?” Rafa asked, releasing you from the hug. Rafa had been just as busy as Daveed, and you missed hanging out with him just as much. When it was you and the boys, you always had a ton of fun just screwing around and doing whatever. The last time you had the opportunity to just hang out as a group was nearly a year ago.
“Of course, man, who do you think invited me?” you joked. “Speaking of Diggs, have you seen him yet?”
“Yeah, he’s doing his rounds.” With that, Rafa took your hand to drag you to, you assumed, wherever Daveed was. Sure enough, you spotted Daveed over the crowd. He had that bright smile that you always loved, a second later throwing his head back in laughter at whatever the people talking to him just said. You could feel the little goofy smile growing on your face at the sight of him, and Rafa didn’t miss it. “You still got that little crush on Diggs?”
“Man, shut up,” you laughed. 
“I’ll take that as a yes then,” Rafa teased but dropped the subject. You and Rafa stood off to the side for a bit, waiting for Diggs to finish his conversation. The two of you caught up a bit, talking about your respective work and personal lives. You insisted Rafa should let you watch his dog when he needed a sitter, but for some reason Rafa wasn’t down for it. While you were having this little playful argument, Daveed spotted the two of you. He excused himself from his conversation, making a beeline towards his two best friends.
Before you could argue further about Rafa letting you dogsit Mia, you were lifted off your feet and spun around in a hug. “Daveed, put me down!” you laughed, trying not to get too lost in the feel of being in his arms. It’d really been too long since the last time you’d seen him.
“(Y/n)! Look at you! Wow, babe, you look amazing,” Daveed said when he put you down, holding your hand to twirl you once.
“Babe?” you questioned his word choice with a raised brow. You could immediately see him get a bit shy, looking down and then focusing his attention on Rafa.
“I heard you say it too, Diggs,” Rafa decided to jump in on the teasing. You could have sworn you heard Daveed swear lightly under his breath. He was cornered.
“You know, that’s some cuffing language right there,” you added. 
“Is it?” Daveed asked, replacing his shy smile with a small smirk. He figured he couldn’t win arguing he hadn’t called you babe, but he could bring you down that road with him. You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the heat rushing to your face at his not-so-subtle flirtation. “You look really nice, (y/n). I mean it.”
“Thanks, Diggs, you don’t look too bad yourself.” You ducked your head, trying to avoid seeing whatever his reaction would be. Rafa looked between the two of you before clearing his throat, drawing the attention back to him.
“So are y’all finally gonna get together or what?” Rafa asked bluntly. Immediately you and Daveed started stuttering out excuses and denials, much to Rafa’s pleasure. It wasn’t until you saw the wicked smirk on Rafael’s face that you finally realized he was just fucking with you guys. Once the realization hit you, you couldn’t help but throw up your middle finger in his direction, which he of course found hilarious.
“So, plots?” You asked, trying to change the topic. You really didn’t need Rafael spilling about the crush you’d had on Diggs since high school, even though you were pretty sure you didn’t do that good of a job of hiding it. If you guys started talking about plans for after the concert, you were sure you’d be able to get Rafael to stop talking about the whole thing. Well, for now at least. 
“I vote we do drinks at (y/n)’s place,” Daveed immediately offered.
“Sounds good to me,” Rafael agreed.
“Wait, excuse me?” You asked, taken off guard by the offering of your place.
“Hey, you asked for plots, we gave them,” Daveed laughed. “Two out of three, we’re doing drinks at your place.”
“We’re gonna have to stop somewhere then, all I have at my place is like two beers and a bottle of wine,” you complained. Your complaints were only half-hearted; you were going to agree to whatever plans they suggested, even though you didn’t have anything in your place to really have a night of drinking. Sure, everyone going to your place wasn’t ideal, but you’d deal with it to be able to hang out with your friends again.
“I’ll cover the alcohol then,” Rafael offered. “We can stop by my place, I know I have some stuff.”
“Why don’t we just go to your place then?”
“No, we already agreed on your place,” Daveed said, shaking his finger. Before anything else could be said, someone came up to Daveed and tapped him on the shoulder before whispering something to him. You could see the flash of worry cross Daveed’s face, and you and Rafael shared a look. The person left your group, and you gave Daveed a questioning look. “One of the openers got sick, so I need to go with the guys to see what we’re gonna do about it.”
“Shit, yeah, go deal with that. Just find us after the show,” you told him.
“Yeah, man, I’ll keep an eye on (y/n),” Rafael joked, throwing an arm around your shoulders. You missed the look that crossed Daveed’s face when he did that, but Rafa didn’t. Once again Rafa had that wicked smile on his face, but this time you had no idea why. Before you could question it, Daveed already began making his way to wherever the openers were at.
As the night continued, you really enjoyed yourself. The DJ ended up playing a double set while Daveed and them tried to figure out what to do, but you liked having the chance to really catch up with Rafa while everything was going on. The second clipping. was on the stage, though, your attention was completely on them. You loved watching Daveed perform: the way the normally shy man was completely in his element made you feel something you couldn’t quite name. It was a mixture of immense pride and attraction, but you couldn’t say that last part out loud.
When the show finally finished, it was already nearing midnight. You silently praised your past self for taking the next day off too, knowing that if you hadn’t, you would’ve had to call in sick instead. With the way the three of you got when you were together, you weren’t expecting to go to sleep until the sun was up. You and Rafa chilled by the bar while Diggs did his final rounds, talking to some fans and other people he knew, talking about the plans for the rest of the night. As far as the two of you were concerned, you’d get some food, get the booze from Rafa’s place, and then head back to your place to really catch up.
As soon as Daveed was done, he herded you and Rafa into the hired car they had for him. You teased him about having that ‘movie money’ now, being too good for that ride share and public transport lifestyle you lived. He took it all in stride, even when Rafa jumped in like he wasn’t getting that Nickelodeon money. The three of you actually followed the plan, getting pizza from a local place and then picking up the alcohol. When Rafa ran out to get the liquor, you and Daveed sat in the car, alone for the first time all night. “You know I’m just teasing, right?” You asked, suddenly feeling bad about your money jokes.
“Yeah, (y/n), I know. So, what’s new in your life? You got a little boyfriend now or something exciting?” Daveed asked, redirecting the conversation.
“Nah, work keeps me busy these days. I’m trying to convince Rafa to let me dog sit Mia and that’s the most exciting thing going on now.” You laughed, though you couldn’t help but internally question Diggs choice of conversation. “How about you? Don’t act like I don’t see you running around with that one girl on your Instagram. What’s going on there?”
You didn’t mean to make it sound accusatory, but it sure came out that way. It was like you were accusing him of running around behind your back, even if you meant for it to be a joke. You knew exactly who ‘that one girl’ was, but you didn’t want to make it seem too obvious you were keeping tabs on him. As far as you knew, they were together but not publicly. It wasn’t like you saw Diggs often enough to actually meet his girlfriend if they weren’t public. You were brought out of your thoughts when Daveed laughed. It wasn’t that full-bodied laughter that you loved, rather a smaller, more nervous one. “Yeah, nah, that’s Emmy. She’s a good friend, but I don’t really see her like that.”
You nodded, not sure where to go with the conversation from here. While you and Daveed had a friendship where comfortable silences happened, this wasn’t one of them. You never really found yourself at a complete loss for words before. Before the quiet could turn unbearable, it was broken by the sound of Rafa smacking his hand on the roof of the car. “Diggs, unlock this shit! It’s cold out here!”
From Rafa’s, the three of you headed back to your place. As soon as you were through the door, you opened the pizza box Daveed was carrying and stole a slice, ignoring the protests from the guys. 
The night continued about as chill as you could be hanging out with your friends. The three of you caught up, even though it was more like you were catching up with what was going on in Daveed and Rafa’s lives than they were with each other. As you all told stories, you knew your voices were getting louder until it reached the point of everyone trying to talk over one another. It wasn’t like anyone was arguing or anything - you all just got loud when you were together, and adding in drinks didn’t help make the situation any quieter.
It was around three in the morning when you all decided to call it a night. Out of the three of you, you were definitely doing the best. While you tried to figure out what to do to get the boys home, you looked over at Daveed and Rafa on the couch. Diggs looked like he was all of three seconds away from passing out where he sat, while Rafa was talking to him, definitely more aware than his friend. You didn’t think Diggs would be okay on his own, so you figured you’d just let him crash on your couch for the night.
“Hey, Rafa,” you called out, getting the man’s attention. He looked up and nodded at you. “Are you good if I call a Lyft for you? Like you think you’ll be able to make it to your place and not die or mess up my rating?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. What’re you gonna do about Diggs though?” Rafa asked, tilting his head towards the other man.
“I’m thinking he’ll just sleep it off here,” you told him. “He seems pretty gone.”
“I’m still right here,” Daveed said, raising his hand slightly. “I can hear what y’all are saying.”
“Yeah but you’re like half asleep already,” you said. “Unless you wanna head back to wherever you’re staying.”
“Nah, I’m good here,” he said, leaning his head back to rest it on the back of the couch. “I’m ready to sleep.”
You rolled your eyes before turning your attention back to Rafa. “Alright, when do you wanna head out?”
“Whenever you order the car for me,” Rafa told you. You nodded, already loading up the Lyft app so you could get him a ride home. As soon as you confirmed his driver, Rafa started grabbing his things, even though he didn’t bring much to begin with. Once he was near you, though, that’s when he took the opportunity to pull you into a conversation. Rafa took one last look at Diggs to make sure he wasn’t paying attention before he started talking. “Trying to get me out of here so you can have Diggs to yourself, huh?”
“What’re you talking about?” You asked, trying to ignore the heat you immediately felt in your face.
“I get it, you can’t make your move while I’m around,” he continued his teasing. Well, you thought it was teasing. You sure hoped it was teasing. “Just make sure you kids are safe. We don’t need little Diggs babies running around.”
“How long until your ride gets here again?” You asked, looking at your phone. The driver was still five minutes away. It was meant to be a joke, but if you actually had to put up with Rafa’s incessant teasing for five more minutes, you might just lose it. He was the only one you’d actually admitted your crush to, and he was really pushing it tonight. “Man can you chill it?” You asked, stealing a look at Daveed.
“Chill, he’s practically asleep. He’s not paying attention to us.” Rafa laughed at your pained look, trying to get you to look back at him. “Listen, I’m just messing with you, dude. But if you and Diggs end up together or something, I’m rooting for you.”
“Nothing’s gonna happen, man. I’ve been into him since high school, if anything would’ve happened, don’t you think it would’ve happened by now?” You asked, keeping your voice low.
“Trust me, (y/n), there are some things you don’t know about him,” Rafa replied. Before you could ask what he meant, your phone lit up with the notification that your driver was approaching soon.
“Alright, I’ll walk you down to the car,” you said, trying to ignore his vagueness. “Diggs, you cool to stay here if I walk Rafa down?” 
Rather than actually answering, Diggs just mumbled something as he proceeded to curl in on himself a little bit. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your keys, nodding to Rafa for the two of you to leave. Getting Rafa into the Lyft with a promise to text you when he was back didn’t take long, and before you knew it, you were back up in your apartment. Diggs was passed out on the couch, but you felt bad looking at him trying to fit his entire body on the small couch. You walked over and shoved his shoulder. “C’mon, Diggs, let’s get you to bed.”
“‘M fine here,” Daveed groaned, slowly blinking awake.
“No, you’re not. You can sleep in my bed and I’ll take the couch,” you said, pulling him to his feet. He stumbled a bit, and you struggled to support him. “C’mon, just walk with me.”
Daveed seemed to be just aware enough to help you out, walking with you as you led him to your room. You helped him to your bed, content to just let him pass out while you went back to clean up before falling asleep on the couch. “Wait,” Daveed called just as you turned to leave.
“Yeah?” You asked, going to stand beside him. Daveed surprised you by tugging you down to lay in bed next to him. “Do you need something?”
“Nah, I just missed you,” Diggs mumbled, pulling you into his hold. If you weren’t sobered up before, you definitely were now. “I don’t like being away from you, never did.”
“Yeah, Diggs, I missed you too,” you said, biting back your hopes and figuring this was platonic.
“No, like, I really missed you. I wanted you with me, sleeping with me like this.” With that, Diggs cuddled himself further into you, which was a little ridiculous considering the size difference. “I kept thinkin’ you’d finally found some guy to keep you busy cuz I was too slow to say anything.”
“What’re you talking about?” You finally decided to ask him. He was half asleep and drunk, and you knew you could actually talk about this tomorrow, but a drunk Diggs was a brutally honest Diggs. You knew that from experience.
“I don’t want you with Rafa or some other dude-“
“Wait, Rafa?” You couldn’t help but cut him off. You were pretty sure you’d never shown any interest in Rafa, especially since you weren’t attracted to him. 
“Yeah, didn’t like the way he had his arm around you. I thought he was gonna make a move on my girl to get me to do something like he said he would,” Diggs whined, pressing his face to the crook of your neck. “Can’t even say you’re my girl, but I want you to be.”
“Daveed, you don’t know what you’re saying,” you tried arguing with him, even though you didn’t do anything to stop the physical contact.
“No, I do. I’ve wanted you to be my girl for a while now.”
“Diggs, go to sleep and we’ll talk about this in the morning when you’re sober, okay?”
Daveed hummed his agreement, but once you moved to get up, he pulled you close once again. “Stay with me, please.”
You wanted to argue, but you knew you couldn’t deny him. So instead, you relaxed into his hold and responded in a near whisper that you weren’t even sure he heard. “I’ll stay.”
When you woke up the next morning, you were immediately aware of the solid weight of Daveed’s arm around your waist. You were still cuddled with him, his chest pressed against your back as he nearly curled around you in his sleep. His breaths were still deep, so you knew he was still out. You moved slowly, trying your hardest not to wake him up. Once you were out of his hold, you made your way to the kitchen, figuring food would help ease the conversation the two of you needed to have.
You were brewing coffee when Daveed finally walked out of your room. You pushed a mug in his direction, and he took it with a grateful smile. “So, you’re awake. You remember anything from last night?”
“I remember pizza and drinks but not much after I started falling asleep,” Daveed admitted. “I kinda remember Rafa leaving?”
“Alright, well that makes this a little bit more difficult,” you said, looking down at your own mug. You decided to turn to your fridge, looking for something to make as you tried to figure out your next words. Once you found something, you turned back around to find Daveed staring at you expectantly.
“Makes what a little bit more difficult?”
“Alright, well, last night you said some stuff when I was putting you to bed. You probably don’t remember, but I feel like we still gotta talk about it,” you explained.
“What did I say?” Daveed asked. If he wasn’t nervous before, he definitely was now. He was avoiding eye contact now, his coffee suddenly becoming the most interesting thing in the world.
“Well, first it started out with you saying you missed me-”
“Yeah, you’re one of my best friends, of course I missed you.”
“Yeah, but do you tell all your friends you want them to be your girl? And you’ve wanted them to be your girl for a while?” You asked. You were even kind of shocked by how forward that was. You were expecting to dance around the subject for a little while until Diggs finally dragged it out of you, but here you were, addressing the issue fully in the form of a half-joke.
“You heard what I said.”
“(Y/n), I’m so sorry,” he said after a pause. You felt your heart break a little at the apology. Of course he didn’t mean it; he was drunk, tired, and just saying things. Checking the time on your phone, you wondered how long you could stand this before it wouldn’t be considered rude to ask him to leave. “I didn’t mean to tell you-”
“Yeah, I kinda figured,” you interrupted him.
“Like that,” he continued anyways. Now it was your turn to pause.
“Wait, what?”
“I mean, I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while now, I just didn’t expect it to be like that. You know, so this wouldn’t happen,” he explained. “Yeah, I like you, and I want you to be my girl. I just really hope this doesn’t make things different.”
“Diggs, no matter what this changes things at least a little,” you started. You could feel the heat rising in your face, the change in conversation not something you’d expected. You’d wanted this to happen since high school, and now that it was, it was kind of unbelievable. “But I’d like to be your girl, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“It’s not going to be easy, especially since we’re both so busy.”
“I know what I’m getting into. I’ve known you for how many years now?”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Daveed said with a small smile. “Am I allowed to stay for food?”
“Yes, you’re allowed to stay,” you told him, trying not to let him see your own smile. “I think we should talk more about all of this anyways.”
“As long as you’re my girl, I’m fine with whatever we need to talk about,” Daveed said, walking over to you and bringing you into a hug. You stayed there for a second, enjoying the feeling. You didn’t know exactly what the two of you would talk about, but you had a feeling it would involve a lot more cuffing language.
Permanent Tag List: @treatallwithkindness
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Will Byers: The Great Debate
I know I still have some requested analyses to do, but I’m in a rotten mood, and I need to vent.
This whole debate on Will and whether he is gay has me infuriated. Yeah, I know I’m heavily biased due to my identification with the character, but I’m still pissed. The assumption that Will isn’t gay until they explicit state it is solely based on heteronormativity. In pop culture, people are simply assumed straight until proven otherwise. It’s the reason why they were able to hoodwink everyone with Robin in the first place. With just a mention of her saying she was obsessed with Steve in high school, everyone assumed the two of them would be a thing by the end of the season. That was a totally acceptable assumption to make. Thinking Will is gay? No, they need to tell us that.
There are reasons to think Will is gay, and certainly more than the casual fan probably realizes. I will go over them here, not that I need to lecture anyone who actually reads this on the topic.
1) Will is stated as having sexual identity issues in the original character summary.
Let’s just get this one out of the way. Yeah, it’s not known to the average viewer, but it’s still valid. Sure, they could have since deviated from the original plan, and by itself it may mean nothing, but it’s supporting evidence.
2) Will is bullied for being gay.
This is another one that doesn’t mean anything by itself. Will is bullied for being gay by both his father and the local bully. They could have used any number of similar characteristics, but they went with gay. Will is small, sweet, and honest, so there’s possibilities like mama’s boy, sissy, etc that could have gotten a similar point across without bringing in sexuality. It’s not just a passing mention. It comes up when Joyce talks to Hopper, and he even asks if it’s true. Troy is an absolute monster as he twists the knife in Mike’s wound. Troy bullies the other three for cruel, but accurate, reasons. He mocks Lucas’ race, Dustin’s lack of teeth, and Mike’s face (Mike kinda got off easy if you ask me). Now Troy may or may not be correct, but he probably thinks he is. He digs into each character’s deepest insecurities. He exists to tell us this information. If Will’s sexuality is unimportant, then why have Troy bully him the same way Will’s own father did? Troy simply could have made fun of him for being poor.
3) Will is especially close to Mike
This is made clear in every season. Yeah, they’re best friends, but Will and Mike are depicted as special. From the very start, Will can’t bring himself to lie to Mike. Yeah, I know, you can excuse the whole “It was a 7.” thing as just him foreshadowing his ordeal, but why set it up with Lucas telling him it’s ok as long as Mike doesn’t know? Mike is similarly shown as close to Will, with him being the most concerned. Dustin and Lucas are clearly worried too, and upset when the body is found, but Mike is shown taking it the hardest. They’re telling us the two of them share something special. Season 2 doubles down on this  hard. Mike is the only one Will trusts with what’s happening to him. Mike is the only one he is shown remembering other than is mother. Mike is ultimately the one who breaks through to him. 
4) Will is extremely jealous when Mike and El get together.
I don’t know why this one is hard for people to see. Maybe they’re just not looking for it. Yeah, some of it is just some good, subtle acting. Will is upset every single time Mike is shown showing affection for El. It technically starts in the Season 2 script with Will’s eyes being on Mike as they were all dancing. I know I’ve seen a clip of Will glancing over and looking upset, but I don’t remember that from the actual release. Was that a deleted scene? If so, its removal is conspicuous, especially with that released script. The jealousy is still apparent throughout Season 3. The sad looks on Will’s face whenever Mike and El are together, when Mike says he loves her. The anger he shows towards Mike, and only Mike, despite Dustin and Lucas similarly being focused on girls. I know I’ve seen people say he smiles when El dumps Mike. I honestly can’t tell, but he does look away, suggesting he doesn’t want his reaction to be noticed.
5) Mike is able to evoke emotion in Will
For the most part, Will is a quiet kid. He’s soft-spoken and has an innocence about him. He has a little frustration in Season 2, due to people treating him differently (though he leaves Mike out of his accusations), but he’s generally a go with the flow guy. Mike has the power to calm Will, to cheer him up, and make him cry both good and bad tears. Even in Season 3, his D&D annoyance is a slow build. It’s ultimately Mike’s rejection that sets him off. It’s specifically the fact that he feels he’s losing Mike. They were building that frustration alongside the D&D the entire season to that point. Is it really that much of a stretch for D&D to be a metaphor here? He jabs Mike over El when Mike tries to apologize, accusing him of throwing everything away over a “stupid girl.” Now, this “stupid girl” is supposed to be a friend of his, one who has helped save him twice. Will looks around Castle Byers at a D&D book and a drawing of Will the Wise. Both are accompanied by flashbacks beginning with Mike’s voice. He tears up the photo from Halloween, the night of the Crazy Together moment, right down the middle where Mike and Will are depicted. Will ends up destroying Castle Byers, berating himself the entire time, before collapsing in anguish. Yeah, it can be open to interpretation, but it’s not hard to see that Will could be calling himself stupid for thinking he and Mike shared something special now that El is in the picture. I’d like the people who think Will just isn’t ready to grow up to explain to me why that scene felt more like a breakup than a friend fight.
6) Will seems relatively trauma-free
Now, this is actually an issue I have with the show, as Will, along with pretty much the entire cast, should be amazingly traumatized. I bring it up only to counter the idea that Will has lost a portion of his childhood to the Upside Down, and so he’s not ready to grow up. Will has lost about two weeks of his childhood. He showed some issues in Season 2 before getting possessed, but he’s also shown enjoying his childhood as well. Just because we rejoin his life when bad stuff returns to Hawkins it doesn’t mean he had no life in the interim. He didn’t spend every day since getting rescued from the Upside Down in a hospital or deprived of his friends. There’s honestly no reason why Eleven would be more ready for adolescence than Will. If anything, Will should be associating his trauma with D&D and avoiding it like the plague. It should be causing him post-traumatic stress. He should want to get as far away from reminders of what happened as possible. A game with mindflayers and demogorgons isn’t something he should want. He has a reason for wanting D&D, and it’s not that he’s still a kid inside, because he still had other interests before Season 3, like comics, drawing, and the arcade.
7) Will not liking girls doesn’t just mean he doesn’t like them yet
This is the other counter argument I’ve noticed: that Will just hasn’t matured to liking girls yet. While it’s not unbelievable for a boy his age to not start sexually maturing, there’s really no indication of this. He isn’t just uncomfortable dancing with the girl in Season 2, he flat out doesn’t want to do it. He also has no problem with Max joining them for Halloween, stating that Dustin and Lucas were excited about it so he ok’d it. He understands boys liking girls. He shows no real hostility towards Dustin or Lucas for it. When he tells Joyce he’s never going to fall in love, it doesn’t sound like a kid who finds the idea of dating gross. He sounds sad as he says it. When Mike says it’s not his fault Will doesn’t like girls, Will is stunned into silence. Now Mike doesn’t know if Will is gay, and Will may not really know either, but it cuts deep.
In conclusion
By no means is my interpretation definitely correct. I could be absolutely wrong. But why is my interpretation seen as ridiculous? My theory isn’t perfect, but I have evidence. I have rebuttals to alternate interpretations. If we’re not meant to think Will is gay, why does it seem like they keep giving us reasons to? If it’s not important, people from the show could easily just say so. Noah and Finn end up having to awkwardly respond to questions they may not even have the answers to. 
It’d be very strange if the Duffers and their team somehow painted themselves into a corner by accident. It’s possible, sure, but I don’t see how it could keep happening. Finn had said they had other takes of “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls!” including one that added “yet”, but stated that they ultimately went with the one in question. Well, I mean, they chose to go with that one. I don’t know why, but neither do the people saying Will is just immature. We speculate, and if I speculate that they went with that one because that’s the storyline they’re going for and are trying to keep it under wraps, then I should be allowed to do so without being scoffed at. I may be biased because of my bisexuality, but they’re also biased because of their heteronormativity. 
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alphabees-writes · 5 years
Glee - S1 E6 (Vitamin D)
They call it vitamin D for the whole thing but wasn’t it just a component for some really hard drug??? We love the bullshit
The millionth step ball change... And we’re only 6 episodes in
Mr Schue just said “Maybe so” and now all I can think of is the gif meme thing
heheheheheheh.......Sorry. Funny youtube. 
Sign #27 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He’s eating that sandwich in the GROSSEST WAY POSSIBLE. He’s chewing with his mouth open, breathing really loud, talking with his mouthful, and he’s clearly being messy about it because there’s mustard all over his chin!!! How is Emma crushing on this dweeb
Sign #28 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: When Emma says he’s got a “cute Kirk Douglas chin dimple” (barf) he doesn’t say, hey! Maybe don’t flirt with me, I’m married!
I’m genuinely starting to feel ill whenever I have to just look at Mr Schue...
Everybody trying to learn their choreo and they’re just.... Spinning. Kurt’s about to fall over, Matt and Mike are bumping into each other, and Brittany’s just Tasmanian Devil-ing her way across the room. Love em
Brittany completely ignoring Artie’s high-five and him being like “oh-- okay...” is underrated
Matt Morrison just delivered “simply stopped trying” really weirdly. I don’t know what’s throwing me off about it, but it is
You’re right, Sue. Bones won’t grow properly without fear. AND EMMA’S BLOUSE IS INSANE
“I don’t understand how lightning is in competition with an above-ground swimming pool” You’re RIGHT KURT and you SHOULD SAY IT! Bears and sharks aren’t in competition either! Call out post for Mr Schue: The man knows NOTHING of the most basic ecology!
The look Quinn gives Finn when he yawns... Let my mans nap!!!
Kurt did his best to get to the girl’s side. Can you fucking blame him? Puck’s still an asshole to him as far as we all know!
Santana and Brittany just casually linking arms... Be still my beating heart
Kurt just walking along with Finn to football practice... Look at those brothers go!!! I am ignoring Puck
Ohh Sue’s journal... A wonderful character
You’re right, Sue, Will Schuester IS to blame for the world’s problems. Please do destroy the man
“I’ve always thought the desire to procreate showed deep personal weakness” Got ‘em
And thus begins the saga of Sue pushing problem people down the stairs. I’m not saying she should do that to Mr Schue... I’m just saying, why doesn’t she?
If Will wasn’t flirting with Emma, he wouldn’t get all nervous and upset when his wife turns up. Them’s the facts.
Does Terri know about Emma’s germophobia...? Because if so, it’s probably not cool for Will to have told her that. Unless Sue did, but I wouldn’t put it past him
As if they could get away with hiring a random unqualified woman as a school nurse?
Is “route” really pronounced like that......? Huh
Finn getting Biofreeze in his eye will forever be hilarious.
LEVEL 2!!!
I hate hats. I don’t know why, but I do. And I want Kurt to live his best life, but man, I hate that hat
Cory Monteith really got paid to drool. Goals
“Puck, with respect, you’re more helpful when you don’t contribute” Tell him, Artie!!!
Everybody making fun of Quinn :C Britt, you’re better than this!!
People (I’m people) can hate on Rachel all they want but this scenario is one example of her actually working harder than anybody else in the group. Yes, the solos should be shared more equally, but it’s hard to be mad at her when the others are claiming her ideas as their own and sitting around when they should be rehearsing. Except Brittany! She’s stretching, at least, love her
Terri let him NAP. WITHOUT DRUGS.
Finn’s having some serious mental health concerns but he’s not getting what he needs and I hate it. Help him!!!
Why does Terri care if Finn’s not faithful? Like, yeah, he should be, but it’s not going to affect the baby!
Surely if she took those pills for ALL of high school, they would’ve lost their effect after a while?
God I love high Finn. He just CHUCKED Matt outta that chair. 
Puck knows what’s up. Kurt thinks it’s vitamin C, because Vogue said so, and Iove him. He also looks SO weirded out
Terri gave him a whole BOX huh?
Time for season 1′s best mash-up. I love this so much. They’re all going so HARD and Finn looks like his eyes are about to pop right out. The way he’s rubbing the mic... How could they not tell he was off his face???
I feel like I shouldn’t find this performance cute because they’re all meant to be high as shit BUT THEY’RE JUST SO EXCITED???
Kevin McHale bumps every song features in up by at least 2 letter grades and that’s just a fact
I would say the same for Matt but then I’ll get sad about him being dumped into the void in like 16 episodes time
Oh Rachel worrying about Quinn... Be still my gay heart
Rachel just cuts right through her bullshit without hesitating for a second. She knows what it’s like to feel like the odd one out and she’s doing the absolute most to make sure Quinn doesn’t feel that way and I love her for it
The way Quinn slowly turns to face her... And Rachel says they don’t have to be enemies and Quinn can’t understand why Rachel would offer her a second chance... 
Quinn legit draws porn of Rachel it’s canon. I mean it’s fucked up but there are only so many reasons a person would do that
“I would’ve tortured you if the roles were reversed you know” “I know” And then the way she watches Rachel walk away... My HEART
Ken and Terri, the power duo of awful
“Laughing... Talking... All the stuff she never does with me” I hate it. They suck. Emma is a dumbass for agreeing to date a guy who she just genuinely doesn’t like and Ken’s just an ASSHOLE for bullying her into it
And now Ken’s about to propose because he’s being bullied into it. Why the fuck does this happen?
I don’t buy that Rachel took this long to berate all the girls for not prepping their mash-up harder after the boys killed theirs. She’d be right on that
Kurt I love the waistcoat and the bowtie but WHAT is happening on your ELBOWS.
You really wanted those guys in cornrows, Kurt? None of them have the length for it. ALSO I love that the exotic bird feathers thing comes back next season 10/10
F-ROD!!! GO OFF RACHEL!!! Even if Finn doesn’t know what half these words mean!
Rachel really wakes up with flawless hair, huh! And then she just... Does all that. She never stops being extra...
Did they just start walking in the opposite direction?
I feel like it’s dumb that Rachel doesn’t just tell Mr Schue that they all took pills, but it’s more in character for her to not waste an opportunity to perform anyway
Howard Bamboo,totally unqualified man who absolutely isn’t staff, is just allowed on campus to deliver DRUGS? HELLO???
Quinn only gets folic acid... And yet I’m pretty sure she manages to keep up with everybody else. HOW?
“What’s up with Ken?” [FRANTIC PAPER SHREDDING] 
I don’t care how married you are, no person should lick another person’s face
I can physically feel the awkwardness between Will and Terri. JUST DIVORCE ALREADY
Don’t like ya Will but you’re right, shit’s not healthy if there’s no space!
Imagine proposing in the staff room at work just because a random woman told you to
“Emma Pilsbury, this is not an engagement ring” “Oh thank god--” “No, I mean, it is” Just take the L, Ken
Quinn’s so fucking concerned. I love this
I usually don’t like yellow clothes but these girls make it look so dang CUTE. More pastels plz
Again, I have no idea how pregnant Quinn is keeping up at all...
Kurt’s wearing those blocky shades so the boys can’t see his betrayal
Where the hell did this mock-stage set up come from
“We came up with the idea together!” No... Will, that was Sue. Sue gave you the idea
Emma’s pretty much explicitly told Will she’s only marrying Ken because Will won’t be with her. EVERYBODY SUCKS
This argument between Terri and Emma is a nightmare. The most confrontational person VS the least... I’d fucking evaporate if Terri came at me like that
The way Emma’s voice shakes when she tells Terri that Will deserves better... Ouchie
Quinn is just adorable. Diana made this character, and she did such an amazing job... She’s more empathetic than she lets anybody realise
The fact that Terri won’t even help this TEENAGE GIRL pay for the baby that she’ll eventually adopt is a nightmare. Where do you expect her to get the cash from?
Wanting to get married without being married is kind of a mood... Secret marriage
Finn and Rachel both realising they screwed up is perfect. 
Finn continuing to not know what any words mean is also perfect
This is a cute Rachel moment actually... Yes girl compete WITH your friends!!! You’re a team!!!!
Ahh, methamphetamines! That’s what it was. Yeah, fuck Terri
I’m still looking at Matt Morrison’s lips and trying to figure out if he’s had fillers. They just curl too far!!!
Mr Schue being called out for making things too competitive - fine, I guess. Bringing in SUE to rectify that...??? Hello? Figgins?
Those white jeans are a LOOK Kurt. He’s like a twink Steve Jobs rn
Britt and Santana’s little smiles at each other when Sue’s announced as co-captain... Hell yeah future wives
I’d like to think Will’s upset about Emma marrying Ken for the right reasons (i.e. Ken’s an asshole) but we been knew he’s not. He’s looking at her like he’s just been shot
I really just love how stupid this show is! It makes no god damn sense and I fall for it every time!
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troofless · 4 years
Just finished watching a walkthrough of Tales of Zestiria, and I must say it is as HYPE as its opening.
My favourite parts:
Sorey and Mikleo bickering — actually, every sormik scene
I swear 99.9% of Mikleo revolves around Sorey, the other 0.1% is him getting teased by everyone (this could be his biggest writing strength and flaw depending on who you ask)
The opening song. A BANGERRRRRR
The different branching routes you can take in Ladylake. Sell the knife? The pipe? Don’t sell both? Sell the pipe later on to get a cool hat as well? How do you enter the Sacred Blade ceremony? YOU CAN CHOOSE
Mikleo leaving Sorey, in the game: Oh don’t worry, Mikleo will be fine, I trust Mikleo to take care of himself :) :)
Tbh the argument ‘arc’ he has with Sorey? One of the best parts of the game.
'Does a frog think of getting rid of snakes?’ ‘OH SO AM I A FROG NOW?’ ‘Your LIABILITY will be waiting in the inn’
When in the manga this slow burn (JUST GET CONTRACTED WITH MIKLEO ALREADY) gets extended to after Sorey contracts with Edna
When Mikleo calls Sorey out on his blindness in a skit THEY NOTICE EVERYTHING ABOUT EACH OTHER OKAY
Yeah also, just thinking about how Sorey’s known Mikleo’s true name for a long time now HNNNRNNHSDGGGGGHHHH
Mikleo using his rod not as a conduit for magic but as a whacking tool. He has a mystic arte Crystal Rod where he throws his rod at the enemy saying NOPE (best...) and a mystic arte Final Player where he uses it like a hammer saying “I’ll crush you! Again! Again and again!!” smacking the enemy into the ground LOLLLL
That One Mystic Arte where Edna rides on her umbrella like it’s a flying broomstick and shoots out earth rocks with a finger gun
Zaveid coming out of nowhere at random times, busting out his persona shooting himself in the head and demanding that they fight him
Rose shaking her hands with Sorey at supersonic speed when Sorey gets her to hear the seraphim and she thinks she’s hearing ghosts
The whole ‘we’re married’ scene when they get to Rolance, and the whole joke of Sergei continuing to think Rose and Sorey are married
Dezel laughing at Lailah’s lame animal jokes in the background
Dezel not being able to see, but that’s okay… because he can read the wind!
Dezel being the walking encyclopaedia for all animals and plants bc he’s been everywhere
Rose wants to catch a butterfly and sell it for money, but Dezel interjects and tells her it’s a ‘shae monyurose’ moth, so Rose gives up on catching it, saying people don’t pay a lot for moths
Another skit where Sorey and Rose want to catch these rabbits to eat, (they’re cute... AND delicious.) Dezel is horrified and chases them away by shouting really loudly (HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT??!!)
Everyone who plays Zestiria complaining about how Alisha isn’t a permanent team member, then having mixed debates about whether the anime saved or broke the story with Alisha-Armatization
“My way is to put the hellions back in hell” Zaveid says while doing the Dio pose
I love how he just appears out of nowhere and gets him to fight you, multiple times, in both Zestiria AND Berseria
Dezel suggesting they could just fly all the way to the top but Sorey and Mikleo go “But we WANT to see the ruins...!”
In the bad ending Heldalf is just like ‘nothin doing… just standing here…’ when the team goes in and slays him
Heldalf: You want to defeat me, right? But if you do, you can’t get the TRUE ending… bitch
I love how Rose and Alisha are uncommon heroines, using lances and twin blades instead of magic (Mikleo takes that one, hah). 
It’s like the writers of Zestiria were like Hmm. How do we explore the dark elements in this game by showing how people in Age of Chaos possess immense malevolence in their hearts and align it to the main story, and then went, Got it. Assassins. (Story of how Shepherd Sorey went gallivanting around with a princess *cough cough redactedbecauseshedoesn’texistinthegame* and an assassin~~)
Mikleo: Zaveid, there is literally NO REASON for us to fight. At all.
Zaveid: You gotta beat this ass first
And I think that is very sexy of him
Apparently if you take Dezel out of your team during the third fight with Zaveid, he will yell at you
Zaveid, T-posing on the ground: oh don’t mind me, just setting death flags for the only other wind seraph in this game so I can fill the XXX-shaped hole in your team later on in the game. Also here, take my glock
Dezel 🤝Eizen
    being the same person
GIVE ME THE HIDDEN DEZEL AND ZAVEID LORE (but Dezel doesn’t appear in Berseria…)
Rose “I just noticed, whenever Mikleo gets angry, it always has something to do with Sorey” after merchants look at Sorey and think he’s a con artist Shepherd, then in a later skit comments that No, that’s not true Mikleo does get angry even when it doesn’t involve Sorey, then Sorey says, Nah, he’s not angry, just overreacting.
When the plot says Sorey and Mikleo were destined to be the Shepherd and Sub Lord all along :o :v :O
Sorey and Mikleo in a skit talking about how they’re not really affected by their past bc their real family now is Elysia. It’s a really quiet and sweet moment.
Zaveid in a skit doing flower fortune readings bc he’s worried that the group hates him bc he was all FIGHT ME! before, but Lailah cheers him up with her own flower fortune telling (‘Uh, your origami flower only has... one petal Lailah’) saying Zaveid is their friend AWWWW
gdi I know we see more Pacifist!Zaveid in Berseria but I want a sequel nowwwwww
Sorey and Mikleo having a final conversation under the stars
SOREY FILLS IN MIKLEO ON HIS PLAN breaking the trope of not telling his team that he’s going to save the world by disappearing
One of the main messages Zestiria delivers is how one person shouldn’t take all the burden on themselves and how Sorey learns to rely on other people
Like Lailah staying silent bc of her oath and how that pains her
Like Mikleo... forming a pact with Sorey.....
God I love Zestiria for breaking tropes everywhere
Did I mention how Alisha and Rose have such good platonic relationships with Sorey? Yeah and you can take out the romantic hinting and it is still a good relationship? Without any shoehorning of ‘forced het couple’?
Sorey calling back to the time he had to close his senses to get Alisha to hear Lailah, tying it back into the main plot!!!! :o GALAXY BRAIN
How the hell is Muse alive and not, like, a hag
Love how the final part is Sorey going “I’ll defeat you with the power of friendship!! And this gun I found”
*flashback to AFOvsAll Might* Sorey: You thought it was over with that punch? I have TWO HANDS!!!!
Ok no lie the final fight was epic
fsdljfnsdkflsfs;fsf look all the seraphim went into the battle not expecting to live and Sorey went in fully expecting to kill his seraphim friends and prepared to KILL
Compared to the start when Sorey was full-out 'don’t kill hellions Zaveid how could you!!!!’, you can see how the darker themes shine here
What I wouldn’t give for a corrupted!Sorey though, I was expecting it bc of clips I saw on Youtube BUT IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! Lowkey sad tho. Would love an arc where Sorey gets overcome by malevolence and becomes, like a jerk, but as like a morally grey character not fully blown evil (like Jerk Rose ig)
The epilogue with everyone!!! The Lord of the Lands (yeah Uno is very pretty)!!! Lucas!!!! Sergei and Alisha!!! The little drawings in the credits detailing Sorey’s journey!!!! Awwww
Overall a happy ending for Sorey and friends which is GREAT
oh god I swear they are lowkey married they just don’t mention it to anyone look if you go back and play the whole thing with that in mind NOTHING ABOUT THE PLOT CHANGES
Mikleo my friend you have too many cape thingys on your back PLEASE
The callback to Sorey catching Mikleo though is so cute. In the anime we get the callback to “So this is the world!” htgdgmfgmmmmgfg idk the anime is one hole I don’t want to explore rn
sfaljdfsdlf but yeah though the epilogue was nice and clean and up to reader’s imagination, I wished they expanded more on the epilogue (LET US SEE SOREY..... *fighting back tears*), at least THANKS TO THE ANIME we get to see post-Heldalf Alisha and Rose tho hnggggrrgh
*chanting* D-L-C, didn’t know they had a D-L-C
ROSALI VIBES jkahdfjksdfs give it all to meeeee
Rose and Alisha catfighting sjdnflsjdfadfhgnfghth THIS IS THE ICONIC ROSALI VIBE I SWEAR
Because of this, this DLC is now elevated to god standards
Edna and Lailah casually talking while Rose and Alisha roll in the background LMAOOOO
Rose must be the most unconventional Shepherd ever and that is GREAT
Bruh is Alisha wearing an abbreviated costume of Mikleo’s
Anyway she’s so cute in her DLC outfit!!!
Alisha ditching keigo is so. Very. Cute.
Alisha and Sorey: :) :D :)))
Alisha and Rose: Bitch. }:(  >:V
Love the girl’s party vibe, and how we get cameos of Zaveid and Mikleo (LET US SEE MORE DEVASTATED MIKLEO PLEASE....) along the way
Sadly no more DLC episodes :( wonder why that got axed, bc fans didn’t like it?
Overall I must say the Zestiria cast is awesome, I really like all the characters and how they are fleshed out very neatly with their own quirks and goals. Edna being god tier with her monotone sarcasm (she is QUEEN....), Zaveid being that dumbass that looks like a stripper (HIM.... baby...), Mikleo being ultimate waifu and how his comedic moments shine with Edna and everyone else when he’s being teased, Sorey being so pure and cute when he geeks out with Mikleo and how his character arc is just such a refreshing take on the hero archetype, Dezel with his stoicness Imma Get Revenge but also his cast knowledge and love for animals, Rose for exploring the side of reality in the malevolence in people’s hearts and her :3 smile and her determination to get things done and how she’s so different from Sorey which only brings out her charm, Lailah with her awful puns and eccentricity and quiet compassion. And uh, Alisha for being the bait-and-switch heroine but a decent character with her own personal goals that are separate from the main character. Sergei and Lucas are also very lovable.
As for the setting, Rolance and Hyland as two kingdoms seem a little small scale compared to lets say if they added one more kingdom, but seeing as this is a 2015 game I think the exploration map is pretty good (then I compare to Xenoblade Chronicles which came out in 2010 and just change the subject). Love the outside game mechanics Giant’s Fist, Wind Stepping and Water Shield (when Mikleo protects Sorey with that!!! And Sorey calls him out by saying he’s been practicing it for a long time... And you recall every time Mikleo asks Dezel and the other older seraphim to teach him stuff so he can get stronger to help Sorey and how 99.9% of his character revolves around Sorey). ‘That spinny mist thing sure gets the job done’ haha. 
Anyway, great game and plot, please go check out if you have time, esp rn since animes and other games coming out will be stalled it is a great time to check out older games aaaaaaa
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