#i will not post spoilers don’t worry
sammysprincess · 1 year
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me at the listening party tonight
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fosliie · 2 months
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This is not a dream my friend, and it will never end. This one is the nightmare that goes on
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dogerbooger · 7 months
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Some Hermit gals………..what more can I say
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ricky-mortis · 1 month
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So uh…. That pose, huh?
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trash-bin-ary · 1 month
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Sometimes you gotta imagine holding your friends like this
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marcobodtlives · 6 months
I like the idea that Reiner and Annie both knew if anyone in the cadets accidentally pissed Bertholdt off enough he could actually blow them sky high.
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#8: Must've Been Something Else Then (S3E16)
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I adore this scene to the moon and back. 😍 It's at this moment that Rick officially lets Michonne know she's a part of the family. And of course, he does it with a dash of flirtation. 😋 Truly, this lovely scene feels like the earliest moment of the two hinting that there’s something oh so special between them...
I love the staging of the scene as it opens with Michonne looking up at Rick as he walks down the stairs. And there's just something sweet to me about the way they walk alongside each other in those color-coordinated outfits. 😊
It’s always commendable seeing that Michonne is so understanding of the difficult position Rick was put in with the Governor's deal about her. And it’s great that she directly addresses it rather than tiptoe around it.
Not only is Michonne understanding, but she’s still so completely on Rick's side and it shows how much she has always seen Rick for the good man he is. They trusted each other before they knew they trusted each other, I’ll say it over and over. 😊
And it’s nice that Rick gets to be met with compassion when so many other times characters have not given him this kind of genuine compassion.
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Then it’s good to hear Rick give a sincere sorry for how close he came to giving her up. Michonne proceeds to do what she’ll do many times in their relationship and reminds him of the good in him when she tells him “But you didn’t.” She’s confident that giving her up is really not what Rick wanted, and she’s right.
Once they got past their initial sussing-you-out tension, Michonne really did become Rick's bond that flowed with the most ease of all the characters. And she built him back up at every turn, even here in season 3 by affirming he's still a good person.
It’s nice cuz I feel like Rick is a character who can take on a lot of guilt, so it’s great seeing another character so assuredly relieve him of guilt to remind him that he might make controversial choices but he’s not a monster.
(& I have a feeling in TOWL, Rick will again be wrestling with a lot of guilt since he feels like he "failed" at getting home, but fortunately, the one person who can most restore him and relieve his guilt is on her way to save him both literally and emotionally 🤗)
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So Rick nods and then I love this silent little lingering look they have. The chemistry. 😏 I always think one of the cutest elements of Richonne's pre-canon days is the way they both so clearly feel this attraction to each other but are trying to keep it at bay - but like that passionate tension between them can’t help but seep out because...
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And in this subtle lingering moment, you can feel that while Rick and Michonne are in the early stages of their relationship, something more is absolutely brewing between them underneath. Anytime they look at each other long enough, that becomes clear.
Then Michonne acknowledges she never thanked him which is kind that after everything with the Governor deal, she actually wants to thank Rick. And it's also nice cuz the first thing Michonne ever said to Rick was, 'I didn’t ask for your help.' So it shows she's had some growth since then to now want to thank Rick for the way he helped her. And he significantly helped her by bringing her into this new family.
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Rick asks, "For what?" and Michonne says, “For bringing me out there that day. Taking me in.” And I know they’re talking about the initial day he brought her in but “taking me in” also feels like thanking him for the way he slowly brought her into the fold of their family.
I’ve always felt that part of the Clear run with just him and his son was Rick's attempt to really know that he could bring Michonne into the fam like he deep down wanted to. And I think Michonne knows that despite all his talk of sending her away, Rick really did continue to take her in more and more.
Also, I just like the wording of it cuz Rick’s eyes also always seem to be taking her in too, as he does in this very scene. 😋
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Rick responds saying, “If you didn’t have that baby formula, I wouldn’t have.” And Michonne and us both know...
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(Also I love that this early pre-canon scene features Rick and Michonne talking about the baby formula for their daughter 😋) 
And again, I love that Michonne doesn’t let Rick run from the good man he is when she looks at him and perfectly delivers the line, “You could’ve just taken the formula” It's true tho. And people like the Governor would have done just that. Michonne knows that in this world, what Rick did for her was a gracious act, and she doesn’t let him downplay it.
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And then hearing Michonne say that is truly all it takes for Rick to drop the act and let her know that she’s right. I love how quickly he folds here. 😋 And why this moment makes this list is largely because of what Rick says next.
Cuz those Richonne tones make an appearance as Rick looks at her and just sends my heart soaring when he says, “Well, must’ve been something else then.” 
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I hadn't happy danced in these Top 30 posts yet, but this line right here is gonna do it for me every time. 😋 Ahhhh, I adore this response and the delivery of it. This is such a classic line in Richonne's story. 👏🏽
It's so special, especially because after these 5 words, Rick really fully accepts Michonne and is never hostile to her ever again. Richonne's connection has been powerful and magnetic since they first laid eyes on each other, and this is the moment they stop actively resisting that undeniable connection. And from here on out, they never look back. They only grow more and more fond of each other until they fall head over heels in love.
Low key, if I could ask a fictional character from the show something, I’d be Iike, Rick, friend, what exact thoughts were going through your head when you said this line right here? Like...
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Because no matter how I look at it, it just feels like it’s a moment of Rick deep down knowing something special draws him to Michonne.
I mean it’s factual to say the man is super attracted to her and, as I've often said, their love story was a slow burn but the attraction was instantaneous - so this line just felt like Rick coming close to telling on himself that he might like her more than he even understands at this early stage.
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I love that there’s something flirty about the fact that Rick makes the statement more ambiguous. He’s not showing all his cards just yet, but he’s clearly okay with Michonne knowing at least “something” is there between them. 
I know my Richonne brain is going to see this as so romantic-coded, but even if I were to turn my Richonner side of me off, this still just feels really telling that Rick can sense deep down that Michonne is something special and that he has a unique connection to her.
I'm just looking at Rick in this telling scene like I definitely know you are feeling her, and since it's still early...
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So I love the line but then I especially love Rick's reaction after he says it. 😊
To me, Rick's reaction after is almost more telling than the line. Because some would say the "something else" he was referring to was strictly Carl making the call, and that is definitely the larger aspect of it for sure, which is sweet in and of itself - but Rick's look after the line suggests that the "something else" really could have to do with his external and internal attraction to Michonne as well.
First Slick Rick looks down and then not so slickly tries to play off checking her out by looking up and around. Idk, if you ask me, I feel like something in him knows what that look down was about, and that’s why he so quickly tries to play it off by unsubtly looking every which way. Like what was on the ceiling that homeboy needed to look all the way up like this lol??
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Y'all, all that looking around was because of "something else" between them, if I do say so myself. 😋
But then, as Rick often did at the beginning of his relationship with Michonne, he tries to play off his own liking of her by letting her know that his son also has grown fond of Michonne.
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It's sweet to see Rick give credit to his son Carl, who is also Michonne's future son and bff, for making the call to bring Michonne in.
Rick tells her, "He said you belonged here." And I like how talking about Carl and baby formula for Judith makes this whole moment with Rick and Michonne feel even more familial. #DestinedToBeFamily.
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And then I always loved that while Rick lets Michonne know it’s Carl who embraced her and made the call to bring her in, he then says, “You’re one of us.” 
He could have added, 'that’s what Carl said,' or whatever, but instead Rick says it as an outright statement because Carl isn’t the only one who thinks this. Rick knows it’s true that Michonne is one of them, and I love that he tells her this directly as something he also believes.
And, of course, it’s extra great knowing just how true the statement will become as Michonne becomes Mrs. Michonne Grimes, the invaluable and beloved Grimes family matriarch.
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Michonne, who always can communicate so much even without words, just gives Rick a look in response to this, and I love the look.
Michonne is someone who can read people really well so I wouldn’t be surprised if in this exchange she somehow could read that the energy between them here is different.
Her look at Rick before she walks away is low-key giving...
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Lol no but being for real, I am not saying Michonne or Rick are yet aware of their deeper feelings for each other at this point. And they’re definitely still in a healing stage from their past traumas that would prevent them from fully realizing that their ultimate love story is right in front of them.
It's just that Michonne's look suggested that somehow she sensed a little something between them, even if not yet cognizant of what exactly that something was.
And I mean, Rick couldn’t really ever hide that she has an effect on him so it's not like he was all that subtle - which I’m always here for whipped-out-loud Rick. 😋
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I know Michonne also really appreciates receiving this ultimate seal of approval from Rick that she truly is a member of tf and a very valued member at that. She's officially home. And you just knew Rick and Michonne would remain united through thick and thin after this.
Then Michonne walks away after their lingering look and Rick silently watches her and I love the little entranced spell Michonne seems to always have on him. And the scene ends with Rick following in her direction, as he’ll do many times in their journey going forward. 😊
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Y’all, this moment is just top-tier, and the spark between them was evident as early as s3. Like, you can't tell me this scene didn't shine a blinking neon sign that said Richonne’s story is a love story.
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Season finales pretty much always ensured we were fed with great Richonne content and this is the first Richonne season finale, setting the tone for all the greatness to come. I love that Rick and Michonne always end each season closer.
This moment, with Michonne showing so much understanding and compassion, and Rick so willingly telling on himself by letting her know that on the kismet day the universe brought them together there was something else, something deeper, that led him to bring her in, is a wonderful contribution to their love story and a glimpse into what they will become to each other.
And I’ll forever be grateful that Rick and Michonne weren’t brought together just to be partners in crime but rather to be something else too - to be soulmates with the best possible love.🥰
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gaysolangelo · 2 months
i was honestly so terrified when i started episode 7 of tdp season 6 and saw the episode title was “the red wedding”. the game of thrones reference had me anxious at first, i was praying nothing bad would happen to janaya
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tauforged · 1 year
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what if they got less doll-like and more human over time, like with the more spirals you completed and the more times you slayed them in wyrm form…… 🤔🧐
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faramirsonofgondor · 5 months
Ok I may be over analyzing this (I most definitely am) but I think the whole “It’s locked, you got a key?” “We don’t need a key. We’re firefighters.” and then Eddie kicking in the door has to be a metaphor for something bigger right? Like Buck and Tommy’s whole relationship is what got Buck to “unlock” this new side of himself (his bisexuality) and Tommy took a step back to wait for Buck to “be ready” with himself. Overall, their whole relationship started out a bit hesitant and gentle (not really sure how else to put it).
But I think Eddie is just gonna get smacked in the face with his feelings somehow, or somethings going to happen to Eddie and Buck is gonna get smacked in the face with his feelings. Either way, I think that while Buck and Tommy’s relationship arc is more sort of a nonchalant going slow type of thing, something dramatic is gonna kick in that door that leads to Buddie and I think it’s gonna be something that happens to Eddie. Maybe I’m crazy though I guess I just have to wait until it happens.
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goshdangitpaul · 2 months
I saw some people discussing this in the ninjago tag so I’ll put in my two (or four) cents
Arin is still shrugging off his fanboy view of the ninja— as perfect and incredibly cool people— which is completely wrong. (< maybe I’ll write a fic about that one day) Pushing the found family dynamic on Arin with Lloyd, in my opinion, doesn’t fit with Arin’s character, especially since Arin’s personal goal is to find his parents, and get back to his status quo: before the merge. In fact, I think the found family dynamic may create a distance between Arin and the rest, as opposed to a deeper bond being formed, especially if we push them into the average archetypes of family, aka mom, dad, siblings, etc. 
Sora’s situation is a lot different, but in general she doesn’t have a great idea of what parents are supposed to be like, other than the general “you should love me”. Therefore, in my opinion of her character, it’s extremely unlikely she could consider any of her mentors as something more, though if you decide to go into dragons rising thinking that the found family will happen, you will surely assume some evidence to be proof of your side (I think this is is called eisegesis). I also don’t think she’s ready to call the ninja her family.
Wyldfire already has parents, it’s just a different species and a robot. Kai is really only teaching her self control and general fire skills, while also learning how to teach someone like Wyldfire (like Shi-fu in Kung Fu Panda!) I don’t really know much about Wyldfire, but more knowledgeable fans of her are free to comment on her arcs on their own!
As for the actual ninja involved, none of them, again, in my opinion, display parental love to any of the new characters. Lloyd doubts himself severely in even being a good teacher. All of them also have very… interesting parents. Which of course can muddle the idea of parenthood for them. They’re also dealing with a lot throughout Dragons Rising, with Lloyd’s visions, Nya’s Jay situation, and Kai literally being in the nether space. None of this makes them parents to Sora, Arin, or Wyldfire. They simply are teaching them.
Of course, you’re free to headcanon whatever you’d like! But considering the family dynamic canon is not very well supported in the show so far. If I'm spewing nonsense here, tell me because I have no idea what having kids nor the effect of having bad parents is like. (I’m blessed familial-wise)
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cross-d-a · 4 months
Jecki Lon: Yord put the tits away
Yord Fandar: 😢😢😢
Jecki Lon: Don’t make me tell you again
Yord Fandar: *quietly and very sadly slips his cloak back on*
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anthonycrowley · 11 months
another thing i think is very funny in this show is
things ofmd will film:
ed’s dream where stede returns to him as a merman underwater, created mostly or entirely with practical effects
things ofmd will not film:
battle scenes where the crew appears competent
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orionis13 · 7 months
Still catching up on fhjy but I’ve been thinking So Much about everything going on with Cassandra but I Can Make Anything About Astronomy and that’s about to be everyone else’s problem SO!!!
Thinking about the red rage stars that came from Cassandra. Thinking about the giant gods from the mountains of chaos and the god whose name has been erased. Thinking about the potential of a star god leeching power from Galicaea and Sol. Thinking about red giant stars.
A red giant is a dying star. When a star doesn’t have enough hydrogen for nuclear fusion, gravity acts on it harder and the compression makes it hotter, so it expands greatly and glows bright red, but since this heat is spread out over a greater surface area the surface becomes relatively cool. When the red giant’s core collapses in on itself, it becomes a white dwarf and ejects material into a nebula. This is the most violent stage of a star’s life.
It’s possible this giant god (Cassandra’s spouse) whose name has been erased was an old star or sun god, losing followers when sol came to prominence and being presumed dead, when it instead entered a red giant phase. They no longer have followers of their own to draw power from, so they leech off of the sun and moon for what little power they can get in their nameless state. Their influence is spread thin (like the demon that Lydia and her party fought) but they are fueled by this rage.
This dead god being a sun/star god for the giants would also explain the texts found being written in Giant, and would also explain the ties to Lucy Frostblade and her goddess, bc I’m sure there’s some sort of connection there
Also on a kind of meta level I know there’s a third party dnd compendium with a fallen star warlock patron that is p cool (i doubt they’re using that handbook specifically but there is a precedent for this thing)
On another meta level I think that the red giant pun is too good to pass up idk it’s fun to me
Anyway this might be nothing but it’s been on The Dome <333
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wigglys-dikrats · 11 months
we’ve finally dropped off trending, dikrats
o7 it’s been an honour
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froggychair05 · 3 months
Sorry if this was asked before or already mentioned in the fic, but how did petra and lukas or lukas and aiden meet each other?
No worries!! I think I might have mentioned Aiden (I forget where, so I’ll say it again) but I know I didn’t mention Petra.
Lukas met all of the Ocelots in middle school. They were assigned to a project together and just stayed hanging out. They’d seen each other around before then, of course, but they only became friends then. (Lukas has always felt a little out of place, but he’s also just happy to have friends.)
As for Petra, she and Lukas met in high school. I think Jack and Nurm would have moved around a lot for their job, so Petra was never in one place for long. She was the new girl at school and quickly gained a reputation for being outspoken and hotheaded, so teachers sat her next to Lukas because he was one of the quiet kids. One day Lukas was just really upset for some reason and Petra noticed, so she tried to cheer him up and they became friends. It didn’t take long for them to become as close as they are now.
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