#i will not elaborate girls who get it get it
my favourite bit of fantasy high freshman year that no one ever talks about is how fig and fabian were supposed to "bully" gorgug and riz to get on penelope's good side, but when they got ragh on their side to protect them, there was supposedly no point in doing that anymore. the four of them could finally interact on the school grounds, and i BET they made a big deal out of that. now imagine the poor freshmen seeing this 4'4 nerdy goblin boy with a briefcase straight up RIDING into the school on the shoulders of FABIAN FREAKING SEACASTER, son of one of the most fearsome people in the world, the most popular boy in school and the guy who's been treating him like hell for the past month?!?!? and now he is just sitting on his shoulders. he shows fabian something on his crystal and fabian lets out a big laugh and says: "oh, the ball, you're a riot!" and the entirety of augefort tries to understand what the hell is happening. in between him and figueroth faeth, the coolest, most rebellious girl ever, walks the Backpack Stealer, the guy who sings when he's upset, the boy who's been bullied so hard that even the bullies kind of feel bad about it. but instead of laughing at him, fig helps him with his drumsticks and fixes his hood cape when she notices it's upside down. and when the freshmen take a closer look at them, the goblin boy gives them a happy, crooked, a little insane smile with the look of absolute triumph, and they see that the big guy has so much pride and joy in his eyes. they did it. they no longer have to act scared and hide in the corners because they can finally show the world how much their friends love them. after that, the bad kids become a well known and loved party, but they never EVER elaborate on that and the rest of the school is left to wonder what did gorgug and riz do to win fabian, fig AND ragh over in a single day.
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hgfictionwriter · 2 days
A Show
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Clubs and EDM shows are not Jessie's thing. However, going with you, maybe she can have some fun.
Warnings: Smut! Public sex, strapping, packing (hard), fingering, language.
A/N: Combined a couple of requests for this one - public sex and packing. The most unrealistic part about this story? No line up for the bathroom.
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“Where are you?”
Jessie was hit by a wall of pulsing music and colourful, flashing lights as she entered the venue. She squinted as her eyes adjusted to the lights and visuals that emanated from the large screen behind the DJ's setup on stage and the elaborate lighting rigs fixated throughout.
This was really not her scene. But for you, she was willing.
She scanned the crowds of people but couldn’t spot you. She wandered through, checking her phone frequently until a text came through.
“Second floor balcony.”
Jessie looked up with a frown. Her frown deepened when she finally spotted you. You were against the front wall of the balcony. You were resting your forearms against it and looking down at the stage, but what really caught Jessie’s attention was the girl next to you leaning into your ear and speaking to you.
You didn’t seem interested; in fact, Jessie could even say you looked bored, but it sent a flare of jealousy through her either way.
In the time it took for that jolt of jealousy to go up Jessie’s spine, you’d spotted her and gave her a smile and a small wave of your fingers. Jessie wasted no time and headed up the stairs to you.
When she reached you, you’d turned around, leaning back against the wall and awaiting Jessie with a flirty smirk on your lips.
“Getting started without me,” Jessie said, giving you a slight look before giving an even stare to the woman next to you that caused her to clear her throat and break eye contact.
“Hi Baby. I wanted to get a good spot for the show,” you said as you welcomed Jessie into your arms, a hand on her cheek as you went to give her a short kiss. Jessie caught the flash of surprise on your face as she held you firmly and let the kiss linger. You gave her a curious smile as you pulled back.
“I could've met you earlier,” she repeated with another glance to the girl who had now retreated.
“Oh,” you said with a knowing smirk as your gaze followed hers. By the time Jessie looked back you were now giving her a teasing look. “I've only been here a few minutes. Don’t tell me you’re threatened.”
“No,” Jessie pouted with a frown. You gave her a skeptical look and she kissed your cheek, before giving you an appreciative once over. You didn't wear dresses often, so when you did it was a real treat for Jessie. "You look amazing, by the way. Can't say as I blame her. Anyway, can I get you a drink?"
"Oh, I already have one coming," you said with a nod towards where the girl had gone. You only lasted a second before laughing at Jessie's expression. You kissed her. "I'm kidding. I'd love one."
Soon Jessie returned with two drinks in hand and though she would rather talk with you about your day than dance, it was just too loud. You'd cupped her face and gave her a sweet smile before leaning in. "Baby, as much as I love that you want to hear about my day, we may have to defer that to later. I think now is about dancing and enjoying the show."
"Fine," Jessie pouted, but her disappointment was quickly nulled as you gave her a slow, deep kiss. Her eyes were slow to open, by the time she did so you were already turning around, but she caught the hint of a smirk on your lips.
She instinctively stepped forward to close the space between you and she wrapped her arms around your waist. You reached behind to caress the back of her head and nestled yourself into her arms.
A smirk crossed Jessie's face as you paused briefly in her arms before turning your head to give her an inquisitive look. She leaned in, her lips brushing against your ear.
"I wanted to have a little fun of my own tonight," she said as she rolled her hips up towards you, the strap she had on underneath her pants pressing into you.
You felt your face grow flush with heat and you tilted your head back to kiss her jawline as you continued to run your hand through her hair.
“Oh yeah? That’s presumptuous of you,” you challenged though you wore a flirty smile.
“Well, considering you were only in here a few minutes and already had another girl taking my place, I'm glad I planned for this. Sounds like my girl needs a reminder that she's taken.”
If not for the overwhelming music, Jessie would've heard the low moan that came from you. You rolled your hips back against her and began to sway them in time with the steady, throbbing beat of the music. Jessie hummed deep in her chest and her hands began to wander across your stomach.
Jessie wasn’t a dancer, but she sure loved when you danced for her. She was fixated on you, jaw slack, as you moved in time and soon her hands rest on your hips as they swayed sensually, knowing exactly what reaction it would draw out of her.
She looked around. The crowds around you two were focused on the stage or in worlds of their own. You looked so sexy dancing in her arms and up against her; you'd look even better leaned over that balcony wall as she railed you from behind.
She'd really planned on taking you to the bathroom to fuck, but you looked so good right here. And besides, you said you really wanted to see this show, so she couldn't deprive you of that, right?
As you moved in Jessie's arms, your eyes on the stage, she let one hand trace up and down the side of your thigh. And the way you had one arm back to caress her neck, left your neck open for her to lean in and lay slow kisses from the base up to your ear, her tongue giving a soft, teasing flick with each kiss.
"You are so fucking sexy," she muttered in your ear, sending shivers down you. "I hate clubs and DJ shows, but I couldn't turn down a chance like this." She subconsciously gyrated against your ass and exhaled heavily against your skin, sending another rush through you. "God, I want you so badly."
Your mouth fell open at her proclamation and you tilted your head back to kiss her lips. "What do we do?"
"Watch your show, baby," Jessie said as she nodded to the stage. "I'll take care of the rest."
Jessie brought a hand forward until her fingers were tracing the hem of your dress. She took another look around and although so many people were here, nobody seemed concerned with one another. Maybe this spot at the corner of the balcony also afforded them a bit more privacy than otherwise. All sort of consequences ran through Jessie's head, but she was drunk on you and wanted you now, like this.
With that, Jessie began to sneak a hand up under the front of your dress. You paused momentarily in her arms, causing Jessie to still as well until you shifted your legs ever so slightly further apart. Jessie tugged your earlobe roughly between her teeth as her other hand squeezed around your waist. "God, I love you."
The music pulsed throughout the venue and lights flashed various colours, people cheering throughout as the DJ played their set. Jessie scanned once more to find no eyes focused on them and she began to trace her fingers along the underside of your panties. The heat and wetness was immediately evident to her as she leaned into you, pulling you nearer.
"Mmm, baby. You're needy for me already. Guess I was right to be presumptuous," she purred, swaying you both and feeling how you moaned in her arms.
You gave a roll of your hips in emphasis.
Jessie kept running her fingers firmly across the fabric of your underwear, feeling more of your wetness start to seep through. She could feel your breaths grow deeper in anticipation.
She brought her hand back up a bit and this time slipped it under the band of your underwear. When she reached further down, her fingers made contact with your swollen, aching clit. Jessie squeezed your waist tightly to her as her fingers were soon coated in your arousal as she explored your wet lips and she released a grunt in your ear.
"Ah, fuck, baby," she breathed. "I can never get enough of you," she continued as she traced between your folds. She felt her own arousal growing as you rolled your hips in small circles, urging her to give you more.
"Is this what my baby wants?" She whispered in your ear over the booming music as she dipped the tip of a finger inside of you. She held you steady in her arms as your knees gave slightly.
"Fuck," you said as she slowly withdrew and dipped back in again. Your knees gave further as she used the base of her palm to rub your clit. She easily held you up in her arms.
She teased you a while longer until she pulled out and lay two fingers on your clit and began to firmly rub across it, sending repeated waves throughout your body.
Jessie's free hand began to drift up towards your breast, but she had to stop herself. As is, this wasn't entirely discreet, and doing that would've made it even more obvious.
Jessie continued to keep an arm wrapped around your waist, necessary to hold you up as she continued to rub your clit and she could feel your body grow increasingly heavy with pleasure as she steadily brought you towards your peak.
She noted how your breathing was shallow and quick and through your eyes were set ahead, they were unfocused and often drifted closed in impending ecstasy.
You were right at the edge when Jessie pulled her hand away. Your body doubled over in her arms temporarily before you craned your head back, trying to turn in her arms though she wouldn't let you.
"Wha-" you began to voice, before you felt Jessie's hand push between you and she began to unzip her jeans. You locked eyes momentarily, the sudden realization and excitement in your eyes evident for her to see.
Jessie grabbed you by the hips and guided you closer to the balcony wall. She gave a quick look around before she pulled out her strap. She smirked as you reached behind and gave it a couple of tugs. She grasped your face and gave you a quick, hard kiss before turning you around more fully again.
"Eyes on the stage, my love," she ordered as she hiked up your dress from the back this time and nestled herself in. She grinned at how you planted your feet further part this time. She took a moment to lean into your ear.
"Look at you, spreading your legs for me in public like this."
She felt you shudder in her arms.
"Only for you," you affirmed, before you began to try to grind yourself against her strap. She chuckled as she rubbed the arousal on her fingers onto the strap and pushed your panties to the side to run the head of the strap through your silky lips.
"Fuck, baby," she said at how easily it slid through and was coated in your juices.
With a final glance around, she settled herself at your entrance and carefully shifted her hips and slid inside of you. From the profile of your face, she could see your mouth fall into an 'O' as you leaned onto the wall and gripped the opposite side of the ledge.
Jessie slowly exhaled as her hips met yours and she held herself there for several moments. Eventually, she slowly pulled back, withdrawing to the tip, before sliding in again.
The bass of the music was bumping and the lights flashed, sending people in and out of focus. With her hands on your hips and after a few slow, initial strokes, Jessie eventually found a steady pace that, at least at a glance, could coincide with the music.
She grunted as you ground yourself against her every time she bottomed out in you, and she saw the way you were struggling to remain composed.
She pulled you up and kissed your neck before speaking in your ear.
"See what you do to me? Doing something I never thought I would do? You've got me so desperate for you, wanting you so badly I can't even make it home to fuck you. I have to take you here. Right here, right now, where anyone could see us."
You gripped her tightly, your fingers digging into her and you spread your legs further apart. Jessie groaned in your ear.
"That's right, baby. Open up for me."
She got in a few hard thrusts when the crowd went especially wild, but otherwise she was feeling pretty stifled. Even in the dim lighting though, she could see how flushed your face was and she had to hold you up every time your knees began to buckle as she thrust in and hit your g-spot.
She wanted to fuck you full tilt.
Jessie took another look around and pulled out of you, tucking away the strap and zipping up. She let your dress fall back down and had to reach out to catch you as your legs gave out.
She saw you begin to formulate a question and she grabbed you wordlessly by the hand and pulled you away and through the crowds until you reached the bathrooms. Jessie was pleased to see they were full-length doors and she pulled you into the far stall.
Not giving you a chance to speak, she pushed you against the wall with a deep kiss, immediately unzipping her pants and pulling out the strap once more as she lifted up your dress. You instinctively wrapped a leg around her waist and she helped you hold it there as she lined up the strap with her other hand.
You both moaned simultaneously as she sunk inside you again, your moans drowned out by the music emanating into the bathrooms.
Unhindered now, Jessie began pumping in and out of you with such fervour that you were driven up the wall and onto the balls of your feet with each thrust. Your head fell back against the stall and Jessie was quick to latch onto your neck, sucking hard on it and certain to leave a mark.
She laced the finger of her free hand with yours and pinned it against the wall next to your head as she fucked you hard, angling her hips with each thrust to make sure to hit your sweet spot and fill you deliciously. The expressions on your face and the way you gasped as she fucked you drove her wild.
"I had to bring you in here. I want you so much - I had to take you completely," she panted.
Your legs began to shake and Jessie released your hand to reach down between you and began rubbing your clit. Your knees buckled further, but she used her legs to help hold you up as she continued to fuck you relentlessly.
"Oh God, I'm gonna cum," you whined in her ear, causing her to buck against you especially hard.
"Cum for me, babe," she told you as she continued to pump steadily into you and play with your clit. Your breaths in her ear continued to rise and she grinned at how your nails dug into her back through her shirt.
Your cry got caught in your throat and you dug your nails deeper into her back as your orgasm overtook you. If not for her shirt, you would've definitely broken skin.
Jessie's strokes eventually slowed until she was resting still inside of you, though her fingers very slowly an increasingly delicately rubbed your swollen clit until she stopped altogether. She kissed the top of your head as you lay lax in her arms, working to catch your breath.
When ready, she bent her knees and gently pulled out of you, ensuring to hold onto you so you were supported as you regained your balance. You looked down and a blush rushed to your already red face.
"Oh," you said at a loss for words. She glanced down in question.
Your cum had dripped down her strap and had soaked the front of her pants.
"You know what, the lighting out there is terrible anyway," she reassured you as she tucked away her strap and zipped up. "And besides, knowing I made you feel that good is hot as hell to me."
You wrapped your arms around her and gave her a deep, long kiss. When you pulled back, your forehead still rest against her.
"I'm sorry, by the way," she said, glancing up through her eyelashes to catch your eye.
"For what?" You asked with a deep frown.
"You didn't exactly get to see your show."
"I'm not complaining."
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kaliforniahigh · 1 day
as a curly girl, this is a little bit of a self insert, because I've been thinking about Noah dating a curly girl for a while, so this is what I came up with
When you guys started dating, you would refuse the first couple of times he asked you to sleep over.
At first he thought you weren't comfortable yet, and that is ok.
But after the third time, he started to get worried you weren't as into him as he was into you.
So he asked you about it, he was nervous, but he had to do it.
And you thought you could get away with it for a while longer, but guess not!
So you explained to him that you felt embarrassed to sleep over.
He was like "???"
To get it over with, you told him "I have to sleep with a bonnet on"
You never felt embarrassed about this, but you were serious about this relationship and you really didn't want him to not feel attracted towards you.
He asked you what a bonnet was and you realized he probably never dated a girl who needed to wear one.
So you explained to him that it helped protect your hair during the night, at the same time making it easier for you to style it in the morning.
So the both of you decided you would try to sleep over next week, so you had time to prepare and feel better about it.
When the day came, you were getting ready in the bathroom and Noah was changing in his bedroom.
When you got into the bedroom he was laying down on the bed, and GUESS WHAT???
His face displayed a proud grin and you couldn't help but laugh. Because why on earth did you think this man was going to be any different from this?
He actually likes it because it prevented his hair from sticking up in all directions during the night.
After you got over this phase, you moved on to teaching him how to give you a head scratch.
Because the first time, he tried to run his hands through your curls and you just couldn't have that.
So you told him to concentrate on your scalp. Scratching or massaging it.
Found out your hair routine was more elaborate than just shampoo and conditioner.
Was shocked when he found out how expensive it is cutting hair with a curl specialist.
Appreciates all the effort and love you put into taking care of your hair so he tries to help sometimes.
Like diffusing the back of your head or your entire head when your arms start to feel like Jell-O.
When you're oiling your hair he is adamant in giving you a head massage.
He revels in the feeling of how soft your hair feels in his hands.
Notices when you're running out of products and buys you new ones.
Accepts that you have to start getting ready HOURS before you guys have to leave.
Also accepts when you don't want to go out because you just don't have the energy to deal with your hair.
You have clogged the drain a few times. Don't blame me, blame the amount of hair that you have.
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flowery-mess · 1 day
I LOVE when men show their feminine side, absolutely love that. But...
I had my annual car check up today and I waltzed into that car place with my *i'm just a girl* vibe, in my cute dress and my red lipstick. Also my keys have key chain with that hamster with pink bow meme...
And there were few men in their work clothes, lots of cars and tools everywhere and I realized that I also love when men do manly things...
Like yeah please check my car for me I don't have a clue what's wrong with it. Yes please can you fix something in my apartment with your hammer and drill. Yes sir you can spend all day cutting the grass and then grill me some dinner.
And that gives me solid Matt vibes.
He's watching Grey's anatomy and taking care of his little plants, but he's also by your side the second you scream "Matt I need your help with this and that"
You know, get yourself a man who can be ✨🎀💗 but also 💪🏼🛠️🖤
Also feel free to elaborate on this✨
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Matt, when you tell him you let other man help you with something he would have done better
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carlyraejepsans · 1 day
biscia i need to know about that dess x undyne post. please dear god elaborate.
girl who enjoys hitting people with baseball bats x girl who enjoys getting hit with baseball bats as like. a macho thing. you know that video of the british boys hitting each other with chairs? couple that with a homoerotic teenage friendship that left you both fucked up for life and a dead father and you essentially have my vision for Insane UT dessdyne doomed Yuri™
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Taylor doing hoax in ireland.... feels right feels good
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
tales of the passerine - danny fenton being bruce wayne's first kid
okay okay. so this is like a continuation/elaboration of my oneshot/prompt i wrote about the idea that Danny was the first batkid. We have a lot of aus where he joins the family after the rest of the bats do, right? So hey! Lets shake things up a bit. Danny is the first to be adopted by Bruce Wayne.
Danny's parents and unfortunately Jazz die shortly after the events of TUE -- how so? I was gonna say an ecto-filter explosion, that would call back to the TUE explosion and trauma behind that. But lets do something new! Carbon-monoxide poisoning.
It's not too unexpected for something to break in the Fenton house, especially with the Fenton parents' questionable understanding of proper weapon handling and lab safety. The water heater broke from a stray shot by one of the weapons, and was promptly MacGyver'd incorrectly. Danny went to stay with Tucker for a guys' night, and came back to a dead silent house.
(Danny's neighbors got a very unfortunate shock when he ran to the next house over in hysterics.)
There was a lot of shuffling around with CPS, the police. People had to be called in to handle the equipment in the lab, and the GIW was rumoring to show up in aid to clearing the scene. When Danny heard of that, he immediately went and dismantled the ghost portal to the best of his abilities. He burned the physical blueprints of all his parents' inventions, their blueprints on the ghost portal, and their most dangerous weapons were destroyed beyond recognition. Anything to prevent the GIW from getting their hands on his parents' tech.
It opened up another investigation, but he was not under the list of suspects. He was placed in the care of Vlad Masters, where they then went back to the rebuilt castle mansion in Wisconsin. Danny, terrified of the future that has once passed and may do so again, shuts down in his grief. Inadvertently, he ends up somewhat repressing his ghost half. Something Vlad, who is grieving Madeline but relishing in Jack's demise and his custody of Daniel, is not very happy with.
Vlad's... gone into a bit of a mental health spiral. He's becoming increasingly possessive over Daniel, the final remnants of his friends and a liminal being like him. He doesn't like that Danny's repressing his ghost half -- both out of genuine concern as a ghost, but also because of his desire to control Danny and groom him into the perfect son. If you ever had a phase where you read Dark SBI found family fics, first off; me too bro, and second off; those are the vibes I'm thinking of.
Danny's mentally shut down from grief! And fear. He's dropped into a bad depressive state -- paralyzed with grief and the terror of the inevitable. Clockwork saved his parents because he believes in second chances, but what's the point of that when his family ended up dead anyways? Danny doesn't wanna believe that he's destined to become evil, and he's holding out onto that hope, but it's a thin line, and he feels utterly hopeless and trapped. He hasn't used his powers or ghost form since he trashed the lab, and Vlad has alarms set up to prevent him from trying to escape.
He's also unintentionally cut off Sam and Tucker -- both of whom are so scared and concerned for Danny too, and are trying their damndest to reach out to him. He keeps ignoring their texts. Danny basically haunts Vlad's manor. He goes out to eat if he has to, attends parties Vlad drags him to, and stays in his room all day if he can.
At parties, Vlad doesn't allow Danny to leave his side, or really talk to anyone -- not that Danny wants to. A product of Vlad's increasing possessiveness. Well, he almost doesn't let Danny leave his side. Danny has a habit of slipping off to hide somewhere for the parties whenever he can, and Vlad reluctantly allows it so long as he stays alone.
This becomes an advantage when eventually, Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham after missing for years, and holds a bright charity ball to celebrate the return. Vlad has been chomping at the bits to get his hands on Wayne Industries, and with the return of its owner there is no better opportunity to wipe out his rival. He goes, and he as normal, brings Daniel with him.
Vlad thinks Wayne will bleed his little heart out for Daniel's poor orphan sob story -- he's a fellow orphan himself, after all. He's not wrong; Wayne's little heart will bleed, just not in the way that benefits him.
Bruce sees Vlad and Danny approaching before they're even close enough to introduce themselves - and like with many of the children he will soon come to care for, it's like someone set a mirror into the past right in front of him.
Danny Fenton's suit is tailor-made for him, and despite the fact that it's his perfect size, the sag in his shoulders, the ducked down head, and the way he hunches into himself all pictures the image of a child in shoes too big for him. There's a far away, glazed over look in his eyes and grief marble-cut into the lines of his face. There's not enough makeup in the world that will hide the dark circles under his eyes.
("My nephew, Daniel Fenton." Vlad's hands are possessive on Danny's shoulders. Bruce immediately notices the way the boy tenses under his touch. "His parents passed recently, and as his godfather I was designated his guardian.") ("I'm so sorry, the loss must've been terrible.") ("Yes, carbon-monoxide poisoning caused it. Daniel was out with friends, when he came home... they had already passed.") (Bruce immediately dislikes that Vlad shared the details of their death unprompted -- he likes it even less when Danny flinches at the reminder and hunches into himself.)
Danny runs off at some point earlier into the charity. At this point, parties are still being held at Wayne Manor (because iirc google search mentioned that was a thing at first before it was changed), so he disappears and hides in one of the empty rooms nearby. It just so happens to be the same room Bruce Wayne hides in when he needs a break from all of the socialization.
Thus begins a long, long process of trust. Bruce can't reveal his hand as being smarter than he looks, but he can be compassionate. Kindness needs no measure of intelligence. He keeps Danny company for as long as he can before he runs the risk of being found.
Rinse and repeat. Vlad insistently wants Wayne Industries, and he'll go to as many Wayne parties as he can to get his hooks into the man. The problem is that Bruce Wayne is never alone, and getting him alone is impossible. Finding him too. It's like the man never stops moving. Always talking to someone, always circling somewhere. He orbits around the room as if he isn't the sun of the Gotham Elite's solar system.
Danny's had such repetitive behavior that Vlad never thinks to believe that Bruce Wayne is disappearing to go talk to him. That "Vlad's" son is even interacting with him at all. Danny never gives him a reason to think so, and neither does Bruce.
Danny doesn't actually acknowledge Bruce until a handful of parties in, where he hands Bruce a small slip of paper he smuggled in that says; "don't trust Vlad". Danny's face stays carefully blank, but he's so tense that his hands are trembling, and he's purposely looking away from him. Bruce plasters a smile onto his face, slips the paper into his pocket, and tells him "okay".
(he's been busy with his own goals with the mafia, but he sets aside time to investigate Vlad Masters. He was holding off. Until now.)
Danny does eventually start speaking to Bruce, he's starting to really like the guy. He's starting to see a little hope, even as Vlad is starting to get more and more agitated with him the more he refuses to use his powers.
He reaches out to Sam and Tucker again, and starts trying to reconnect with them. Vlad has spyware on his phone, and he limits the amount of times he can talk to them. A weird parental control lock of some sort that leaves a time limit on how long he can talk to them for. 30 minutes. Danny doesn't tell them anything about Mr. Wayne.
Danny, slowly, wants out of here, and he's slowly gathering the motivation to do it. Vlad is genuinely scaring him -- and Danny wonders just how truthful the past-future Vlad was when he told him that Danny wanted his ghost half separate. He starts trying to come up with an escape plan.
Vlad has anti-ghost wards everywhere around the mansion, and while they're always on, they boost to full power at sunset. The doors and windows are always locked, all main exits have alarms set on them. The only reason it's not super extensive is because Danny hasn't tried leaving at all yet, so Vlad hasn't had to tighten anything.
At night, Vlad locks the door to his room and puts up an anti-ghost ward around the room. The mansion is on the outside westward side of Madison, more entrenched in rural Wisconsin. The closest town is a four-way stop sign with one house on three corners, and an open bar on the fourth. Not much to go.
He refuses to go to Sam and Tucker; Vlad would look there first. It's too dangerous. Vlad would sound alarm bells and have a manhunt looking for him, Danny can't risk going just anywhere. Too much risk of being found, sold out, or caught. There's really nowhere for him to hide.
Until there is. Bruce is telling Danny about the history of Wayne Manor, and says, as casually as saying the weather; "The manor has dozens of empty rooms, I'm sure Alfred wouldn't mind filling another one if he could." And quietly, hesitantly, Bruce places a careful hand on Danny's shoulder, unrestrictive and gentle; "He wouldn't mind getting one ready for you if you need one."
And there it is. There's his out.
Danny, just as quietly, replies; "I'll keep that in mind."
The ball starts rolling.
Now I've been trying to summarize this au as much as possible for length convenience, but Vlad has been steadily growing more and more controlling. More emotionally manipulative. More agitated at Danny for not using his powers.
He wants Wayne Industries under his thumb but he's been steadily growing more and more concerned with Danny. He's started grabbing him, yanking him around, shaking him; trying to goad him into using his powers. He gets angry when Danny doesn't react, or tells him he doesn't want to use his powers. He hasn't outright attacked him, but he's getting there. This has been happening over the time it takes for Bruce to indirectly offer Danny sanctuary at his home.
It all comes to a head when Vlad stops going to parties at all -- something Danny has to pretend he isn't upset about -- because Vlad doesn't want him around other people anymore. Vlad rarely goes now without him, and only leaves to go to a Wayne function or to handle something at VladCo.
Danny can't wait for Vlad to leave long enough to escape. So he leaves during the night of a big storm. Vlad's locked him in his room, but Danny doesn't bother trying to go for it; he goes to the alarmed window instead. Danny's been repressing his ghost half so long that he can't access his powers immediately anymore -- he can feel it, he knows its there, but he can't quite reach it.
He breaks the lock by hand.
Immediately the alarm goes off through the entire castle, filling the room with red, and he scrambles for the rope the Wisconsin Ghost left for him a few months back. Danny's already out and climbing down the side of the castle before Vlad even reaches his door -- the only good thing about the entire room being ghost-proof is that Vlad can't get in that way.
The rope ends before it reaches the bottom, and he's still twenty feet in the air. It won't kill him if he lands it right. Danny takes his chances, and drops. He breaks his ankle, but he survives.
And he fucking books it to the back garden. He hears Vlad shrieking over the thunder and rain.
I'll save the full experience for a future oneshot, but Danny makes it out into the nearby woods and forcibly experiences what it's like to be in a horror game, trying to hide from the thing that's hunting you. There's only one thing going through his mind; "i'm going to die"
I have this mental image for this scene. Very stereotypical horror imo. Where Danny is hiding behind a tree, with a hand over his mouth, and Vlad is a few feet away from him, glowing ominously red through the trees, trying to search for him.
Danny doesn't get away from this unscathed, but he does get away alive. That's all he could ask for. He gets away by getting his ghost half awakened long enough to transform into Phantom and fly to Gotham.
But he gets to Wayne Manor, he gets to Bruce. Or, at least, Alfred answers the door from his insistent pounding. Danny's just in tears and Alfred gets him in the living room, wrapped in a towel, with ice on his swollen leg before he has to step out and alert Bruce.
Bruce already breaks multiple traffic laws on a nightly basis. And that's just with the sheer existence of the batmobile itself, not including the speeding and military artillery attached. He breaks double the amount trying to speed back to the cave and get out of the suit.
Right off the bat: Bruce will know, at least before Dick enters the picture, about danny's powers. He'll figure out something considering the fact that Danny traveled from Wisconsin to New York in a single night. That'll be a bit of complicated affair, but I've already got something in mind.
Actually it'll probably be very soon after Danny joins the family, because Bruce tries to offer to fight for custody for Danny - the state Danny was in at arrival is clear enough evidence for a trial. But Danny immediately shuts it down, says it's not going to work and then Vlad will know Danny's with him and he won't be safe. He tells him that Vlad cannot know Danny was with Bruce.
Danny's biggest regret was not telling his parents he was a halfa, and while he doesn't want to tell mister wayne (yet), he does tell him about Vlad being one. He needs to know why Danny can't be seen with Bruce. So he tells him, and Danny's current plan is to just hide out from Vlad until he turns 18. That way, he has no more legal jurisdiction over him. After that? He's not sure.
And to wrap this up, since this has already gotten very long and I can make more posts about this au later; I've thought about it, and I'm going to say that Danny does become a vigilante before Dick enters the scene. He goes by, as you probably guessed; Nightingale. "Gale" for short.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#tales of the passerine au#i dont want to overemphasize how much vlad sucks but also i dont want to downplay it. but also i didn't wanna make this post too long#i didn't emphasize enough on vlad's possessiveness but i wanted to make this post as general enough as possible for the au.#for some more wiggle room in the future if i make more posts about this au.#the consequences for Danny repressing himself was not a concern i was focused on for the post but i am thinking about it and mulling it ove#i'll be blunt my main specific reason for why this occurs shortly after tue is bc it means dani doesn't exist yet and it means i dont have#to include her in the continuation of this au. i love that girl but she's a dead weight. i dont wanna come up with an elaborate reason as#to why she's not in the picture when i can just say 'she never created in the first place' instead. i don't have anything for her to do#I don't want to risk giving her a poor plot line just so that she exists in au.#sometimes i really hate just how long my posts get. i feel like it kills my engagement. but i also don't want to make posts that have#a part 1 and part 2 just because I think it got too long.#i feel kinda bad for having Danny take the spot of 'first partner' from Dick. But that was part of the reason i was inspired to make this a#i've already got the skeleton of a reasoning for danny becoming a vigilante being made in my head.#He can't go by Phantom since that risks drawing Vlad's attention -- a new vigilante showing up in Gotham. a place the visited frequently#who goes by the name Phantom? He'd be on that faster than chickens on meat. and nightingale has familial meaning behind it due to being#part of an ancestral name. it follows robin's theme of using it to honor his parents while still having its own unique enough lore to stand#on its own without feeling like a cheap copy. plus the bonus meta reason that it follows the bird theme. which personally is vital to me#my other alternative to Nightingale is Sparrow. mostly because it has good phonetic structure for a hero name. not too many syllables#a good balance of consonants and vowels. dont want a hero name with too many syllables or unbalanced consonants. or worse; both.#my reasonings is that hero names should be easy for a civ or teammate to yell while still being understood. max amount of syllables before#it threatens to become too wordy is 3. If it goes over 3 it should have a balanced consonant-vowel ratio. Wonder Woman is a good example#some things got cut here that were in the initial oneshot. like danny giving bruce his physical ghost core and showing up bloody.#the first son au
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veronicathegoddess · 1 year
thinking about being his little domestic slut. the prettiest, most perfect housewife he could ever have but still getting abused and taken advantage of no matter how good i am for him. being shoved to my knees and taken by force as soon as he gets home from work because he had a bad day and i’m gonna pay for it. being beaten until i’m crying and apologizing to him even though i did nothing wrong but never wanting to leave. just repenting over and over again and working even harder to please him
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buttercup-barf · 30 days
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Had a dream about this game, and here's the closest I could get to replicating the title screen from it.
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I vividly remember the game having one of those lineless pixel art styles with puppet/rig-based animation, but I tried doodling the designs in a style sorta closer to my own.
You play as an old lady, who's supposed to babysit a rich artist guy's... Daughter? Niece? Sister? And less than a minute after he leaves, she sprints towards you with the intent to kill you. You had to do a series of specific actions all over the house, while avoiding this girl, in order to survive, and then escape. I also vividly remember the game being 3,99 €, for some reason.
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turnallthemirrors · 4 months
at some point during may of last year I sat with myself and said "taylor swift is my racist grandma" and it fundamentally changed everything about how I interact with Taylor and this fandom.
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romanticatheartt · 10 days
Rhysand and Elijah Mikaelson have the same font...
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danciinwith-myself · 15 days
the amount of tv girl edits and lyrics ppl keep putting to mclennon are insane . they are not beating the "are you sick of me? would you like to be?" "we'll find moonlit nights strangely empty, because when you call my name through them, there will be no answer" allegations
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jrueships · 1 month
What are the psychosexual consequences of the twolves dominance right now
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mmm.. i have been Chewing on this...
for quite some time .
so this is a thought i have always had tbh. These playoff results so far have just been bolstering my confidence in it.
Ant and Kat's love is loud love.
The Suns love is no love. Not that they dont have any love At All, because they do. But for each other? Im not so sure. The Suns is Men doing it all for the image of finally being champions so they can prove themselves to the people OUTSIDE their team.
The nuggets is domestic love. It's quiet, it's comfortable, it's won a championship, it's retired love. Retired does Not mean dead, it does not mean completely inactive, it means slower moving, at a personal pace, enjoying what you find to be the thing you wouldn't mind dying doing. Jokic and Jamal don't have to say they're in love 24/7 to let us know they're in love. Jokic doesn't have to talk about horses all the time to reporters for reporters to find out how much he actually does from him always going back to visit them. It's quiet, but it's so strong that it doesn't have to be anything but quiet to know
The mavs is a love built on respect. Wordless, they know they can depend on the other no matter what troubles the other may be dealing with or how much is happening, they Know someone will always be there to get the job done. They KNOW it's not a waste, whatever they're doing .
Kat Needs positive reinforcement, reminisces on it, dreams for it, grows restless and angered without it. Gets real self-conscious and starts faking everything to seem like he has everything so people can start treating him like he's not just some everybody in the world, but a SOMEbody in the world, someone whose opinions, thoughts, actions, and.. possibly most importantly.. WORDS will always be remembered as a meaningful contribution to the world.
Ant is a people pleaser. But he's not the meek, 'let your favorite teacher pronounce your name wrong until the grave' people pleaser where it can be pointed out as a problem, he's a Clever one. He's the kind of people pleaser who can step into a room and spotlight the targets that need the most self-value.. all so He can assure his Own self-value, and protect it. Because, ultimately, the phrase 'everybody loves Anthony edwards' is all about Anthony Edwards, which should be obvious, right? The answer's smack dab in front of your face, but the Confidence. The charisma of it all. Covers it. Conceals it just briefly, just enough for him to get away with it. Ant always knows what to say without even thinking twice. He's such a charmer. Except he's not. He's Always thinking, always brewing up the best ways to become a spectacle. Why even video himself saying that slur shit in the first place? Why not just keep that between him and his friend in the car like probably a good chunk other basketball players do ( because let's be honest. These are probably pretty straight men. They hate people like us. )
He can't. That wouldn't give him the best results in the kind of satisfaction he craves, which is all self based, when boiled down. He HAS to not only impress his one friend in the car with his in power teasing of others who don't even have a clue, he has to try and impress Everyone that he's included in his circle, and he just accidentally included the wrong crowd in that.
Ant and kat together are just two self-conscious people who like being together so they don't feel like they're two self-conscious people who like being together. Love can come in multiple forms, but, in my opinion, love oftentimes needs multiple forms to be at its strongest. When you pour all your love into one bucket, it leaves the others hollow. Love can be quiet, and it can be loud, it can be through words, through actions, through the easy times, AND the hard times, it is love.
I like to call Kat and ant the warped jaren and ja bcs unlike jaren and ja where it can all get spoiled from jaren saying something stupid like 'i love you' when they ARE in love and are just uncomfortable saying it, kat and ant NEED to say they're in love so they can feel like they aren't in it. It being Actual love, deep love that requires more than just pretty words and over-the-top compliments and sayings and comparisons and declarations. Actual love like ant going to kat's house and bringing the rest of the team because he knows kat misses having a stable family, hates the fact that something is missing and he'll never get it back.
Actual love like being awkward with each other
Which they Hate. Terribly. The two of them.
So they'll say how much they're in love with the other, how fondly they think about their memories, how they're so close. They'll tease and laugh and try to instruct the other. And the media laps it up, of course. Especially over the quiet love. It's just so boring in comparison.
Love is thrilling, and it is also boring. Like doing menial activities together like watching the news when you two could actually be the ones on it by doing something crazy together, but you don't, and you aren't, because you both agreed it's going to be a cozy day today where you'll both just be a cute pair of couch potatoes on a sofa watching TV together.
Ant and kat CANT be boring. They CANT just sit in that silence together. They have to say something. They have to know the other doesn't consider them a waste of their time because they don't have that same assurance in themselves.
Love is being scared.
Theyre not scared.
They can't Be scared.
Being down by 2 doesn't mean anything besides we'll bounce back. We're not scared about it. I played well, the shots just weren't falling, but i did good. We are doing good. We love each other. We swear.
We're not scared .
(TV loves confidence)
(Love loves fear)
#love is being terrified. petrified. of losing smthing permanently#whatever u do. it will never be enough to get back what u loved the most#im not saying theyre not in love. or they havent felt it#they are in it. they call each other family now and they have both felt a deep love for people they call family before#and they have both lost people that they love#ant & kat are like the im not like other girls powder puff ( girls football) player tomboy who used to make fun of girls wearing makeup wit#her asshole guy just friends cus im one of the guys friends (even tho the guys would criticize an 'ugly'/nonconventially attractive girl fo#not wearing it ten seconds later) falls for the dopey incredibly kind but thinks she's dumb bcs she's pretty and blond volleyball player#who always tags along with ant at bars so ant can ask guys if they wanna see them make out bcs they find it hot without knowing that kat#finds it hot too#& it turns out ants tomboy obsession with makeup is from her denying love of feminity on others#it's appealing. it's entertaining. it's everything u want to see blossom and grow#but. it takes TIME.#time that places like the ruthlessness of businesses might not always have no matter how captivating#if you are a waste then youre a waste#kat and ant cant stand waste. they cant stand the idea of all this acting like theyre in love (LOVE. love) is all for not#is all for not Actually being in love. just a big elaborate talked up grandiose excuse to say theyre not afraid to be in love#now THATS television!!!!#is it a sturdy relationship though? will something have to change to survive? will SomeBody (or somebodies) have to change? um.#cut the cameras.#deadass.#ted asks#ted longer#ant eds#katman#TY for this ask. i have been munching like a goat. uve probably forgotten abt this.. but i... i never forge-#im like an Elephant <-watched a replay of game 2 & thought it was an entirely different game
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cervideity · 5 months
Are there any FS manga ideas you've had which you haven't really seen anywhere but wish were more common?
RUBS MY HANDS. ok so bc i havent been here that long i havent really seen even a fraction of all the fan content for this thing (although i comb through oldER threads, fanworks, and deviantart fairly often) so i cant say anything on it not existing... plus this is pretty basic
but onw of my fav concepts i dont see utilized too often is pairing off two of the 4/maybe5 guys and putting them in a damn situation by themselves. most of the time , at least the fancontent I see has them all together, by themselves, or paired off like they were in the manga. which is FINE. maybe im just geared different. but what better way to enjoy their characters like its new. what better way to analyze . fuck you scoops up red and vio puts them in the Labrynth with devious creatures. .yaknow?
just for you anon N9BODY ELSE LOOK !! /joke. some very * rushed in the fervour of inspiration * [badly drawn] concepts for a green n shadow dungeon
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kaythefloppa · 1 year
It’s that time of year to ruin y’all’s childhoods [jk] by presenting my LK/LG Pride Headcanons!
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#The lion guard#the lion king#Pride month#pride 2023#pride headcanons#2023#lgbtqia +#I cheated with Bunga and Anga since Bunga’s VA is bi and Anga’s is lesbian#But idgaf#Vitani’s a lesbian but I don’t see her getting a relationship or having kids for a while#Rafiki being genderfluid was based off of the Broadway musical where he was a girl.#Do I even need to say anything with Timon & Pumbaa? Lol#Baliyo x Beshte are bi4bi - I can and will elaborate why I’ll die on that hill#He and Askari are also trans idgaf#I know that the show implies that Fuli and Azaad get together but that motherfucker looks way too old for her and they leave it open-ended#So I have him as aroace and her as bi#Jasiri is also aromantic and doesn’t get with Janja [partly for that and bc she tried to fucking incinerate her and her children]#As for Janja he gets with Makucha - Spotted bfs for the win [that’s an edit btw so if you steal it then you fucking suck#Tiifu and Zuri are both lesbians who take 0 interest in Kion or Baliyo#Kion and Rani are of the same PRIDE [get it?]#Mohatu is ace and had Ahadi via surrogacy#Kovu is demiromantic and Kiara is an bi-ace queen#And the OG King and Queen are bi-cons#happy pride month#homophobes dni#transphobes dni#basically if you have an issue with the idea of TLK characters being anything but allocishet then scroll off#Also please no “But they’re different species” comments - Simba was raised by a warthog and a meerkat and these animals have human emotions#And they may not be able to have kids but they can adopt [or just choose not to have kids]#So fuck off with that “the can’t be shipped bc they’re diff species and can’t have kids” hogwash
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bidokja · 1 year
kim dokja 🤝 laios touden
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