#i will never get over the ova
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vinylbiohazard · 4 days ago
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goldenloverss · 9 months ago
She/her transgirl bret hart.. will be praying at her alter 2nite
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no1ryomafan · 1 year ago
Another giant robo related meme because I have brain rot even though I’m not rushing back to watch the last ep-if only because I have to finish new with my irls tomorrow and don’t wanna be burnt out bc this happened before-but I really wonder and fear for how many more “wtf is even happening” mechas there are and if each gets progressively more confusing.
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avicecaro · 9 months ago
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see. okay. this is true about chairs. and while i personally think “adult human female, female meaning of the sex which produces ova” is a very clear and comprehensive definition, not everyone agrees. and, for the sake of argument, that’s fine! but that’s not how the law works. lawmaking bodies agonize over the precise definitions of terms to ensure that the law does what they’re hoping it will do, and is not easily misused. that’s their job.
in ireland, the bread that fast food restaurants use is legally considered cake because of the sugar content. cake is regulated differently than bread. do you and i need to argue the finer points of cake and bread? how sweet do you think something has to be so we can consider it cake? does it matter? not really. but it does when you’re trying to tax staple foods and non-staple foods differently.
there have been multiple court cases in the US determining if a taco is a sandwich (as of May 2024, it is, as per the superior court of indiana, fun fact). is a taco a sandwich? i don’t know! i don’t really think so. if someone said “hey i made sandwiches” and gave me a taco, i’d be confused. and anyway, does it matter? not really. but it does when i’m trying to determine if a taco restaurant can open in a space that won’t allow sandwich shops.
is a barbershop different than a hair salon? i think so. i go to a hair salon, my brother goes to a barbershop, if we switched our appointments we’d both be unhappy. it matters for the sake of communication, but is it a super important distinction? not really. but what if i signed a non-compete agreement with the barbershop i work at that said i wouldn’t work at any nearby barbershop for six months after terminating my contract? can i work at a hair salon? now it matters.
if i needed fifty chairs for an event, and the company i contracted with sent fifty horses, or fifty tables, they could argue “but it’s something with four legs that a person can sit on!” and they’d be correct. but i would know i’d been given something different than what i asked for, and i would expect the chair supplier to know that, too. so if i want to demand a refund/return/exchange on the basis that i’ve received the wrong product, do i have a claim?
so, okay, you feel we can’t define the term “woman” perfectly. or maybe we can define it, as in we know what we’re trying to talk about, but we don’t have a good term for it. wouldn’t be the first time it happened! but if we are creating a legal category, it does in fact need to have parameters. meaningful parameters.
if i want to give some speeches promoting radical gender acceptance, i could probably get away with never outright defining the word woman. but what if i want men who kill women to have their crimes classified as hate crimes? i need to have a meaningfully defined category of what a woman is and what makes one different from a man. mexico requires that congressional candidates be split 50-50 between men and women to enforce gender parity. “woman” has to be a meaningfully defined category, or else … well, you’ll end up with the same problem they keep having to deal with.
if we want protections or resources for women, “women” have to be a meaningful legal category. if it is a category anyone can opt into, then it is a category that includes anyone, which is not a meaningful category when it is meant to include only half of people. also women aren’t chairs.
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fancyfeathers · 8 months ago
God I just had the funniest idea after watching the tea party ova of Moriarty the Patriot…
Just picture their darlings there because they all are a part of the household now.
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William’s darling, the shy little thing she is, is just clinging onto William’s arm or near his side the entire time. Half of the ladies present are glaring at her because she is a little street rat who took William’s heart before anyone else could have a chance that they didn’t even have in the first place. The other half of the ladies present are smitten with the adorable little wife of the mathematics professor, like the way a little girl would coo over their baby sibling or new doll that their parents bought them, they offer William to take her off of his hands for a day or perhaps a week, telling her how adorable she would look with a trip to her family’s country home and makeover, perhaps a new wardrobe and- While the ladies ramble on, she is just looking at William with pleading eyes to get her out of there.
Meanwhile Albert’s darling, who was born into nobility is taking the opportunity to visit with some of her old friends who are present, slipping away from Albert to fend for himself with all the ladies present. Many of those ladies she speaks to are the same ladies who have swept William’s darling away to fixate on her, and they are just talking to Albert’s darling while playing with her curls like did she do her hair? Oh she did, well isn’t that just adorable- oh and the earring and necklace she is wearing was a gift from Albert’s darling? Well isn’t that just the sweetest.
Louis’ darling has the most merciful fate because she gets to help her husband and the temporary staff in the kitchen away from all the commotion of the party, though if she does end up nicking herself once with a knife even once Louis will bandage it and send her upstairs so she can read or something, but chances are she will snag Von Herder’s darling from the basement where they are keeping watch over the things the others don’t want found and she will take her upstairs to read with her and people watch from the window.
Then there is Bonde’s and Moran’s darling who get to help out with the party, and by get to help it means they have to help due to all the pleading from each of their partners. The both of them stick close together, gossiping and making notes about the rich ladies at the party and asking each other what the other gets from the other’s partner in order to agree to do this and let’s just saw the answers they give one another they would have to hope none of the guests at the party overhear…
But of course by the end of the party those promises are put on hold due to everyone’s exhaustion. Bonde has his darling cuddled up next to him, his arms pulling the blanket around them both. Moran practically has to carry his darling up to bed because she is ready to fall asleep at any moment and run out the cramps in her legs from her heels. Louis’ darling cleans up the kitchen for him as the temporary staff is dismissed and her husband gets ready for bed. Von Herder’s darling has to pull him out of the basement so the two of them can go to sleep cause if she didn’t he would be down there all night. Albert and his darling go up to bed early and split a bottle of wine between the two of them before they pass out from exhaustion. William helps his darling get undressed and ready for bed and she quickly tells him as they settle into bed how she never wants to do that again and he fully agrees.
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kudouusagi · 13 days ago
Utsumi interview in April PASH
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There are spoilers for the OVA so I'm putting it all under the cut
Q: Please tell us any memories you have of the time you were making the character named Shindou Ainosuke (ADAM). Also, did you feel that the character “transformed” as the production progressed? A: When we first started working on the screenplay, I couldn't really picture what his position as a last boss was, and so I felt a bit conflicted about him. After studying other works and adding elements that were unique to him, he became what he is today but I never expected him to become the way he is...... His perversion and violence are his defining features, and I think the decision to include the former was made once the mask was decided. However, if he goes too far, he would become unclassy, so we had to control how much we used it, and I think it's really because Koyasu-san was such a classy Ainosuke (ADAM) that he become the character he is today. Q: What do you think makes Ainosuke (ADAM) so lovable? A: In 3rd place: The fact that when he gets excited, he wants to dance and starts tap dancing. In 2nd place: The fact that when he first came into contact with Langa, he tried not to touch him but that just made it seem like he was too conscious of it and made it seem even more perverted. In 1st place: The fact that when Langa hugged him in episode 5, he malfunctioned and started skating in circles and saying "Love... Love... Lovelyyy~~♡♡♡". It's adorable to think that he was so happy that he broke. Q: What is something you thought was important regarding the interactions between Ainosuke and Kikuchi in the series? A: During the first season I was conscious of the sharp, tense atmosphere between them because of their feud, but in the OVA, I assumed their scenes would take place after the first season ended, so the relationship between them is new. I can't really say what what their relationship is now, but it's definitely not the same as before. Q: Please tell us more about Ainosuke's school days! A: There are a lot of mysteries about Ainosuke's school days, aren't there? We have only determined what we have shown in the story so this is just my personal opinion...... But I imagine that he's able to do everything better than most people and so he probably found his classmates boring. That's why he was so absorbed in skating...... and thinking about that makes me sad so I'd like to see him attending class in gym clothes or a swimsuit. Q: There's just a little over a month left until Ainosuke's birthday (May 1st)! If you were to give him a present, what would it be? A. Huh!? I feel like if I tried to give it to him I'd be hit by a board but.... I'll be brave and give it...... I'll try to give him a giant rice ball made by Langa! I can do it! Let me have a go!!!
To the left, Utsumi wrote a letter to ADAM to celebrate his birthday.
Dear Shindou Ainosuke, Have you been doing well? This might be a little early, but happy birthday. I laughed when I saw that the request from the PASH staff this time was for a pinup of you on horseback. I'm sorry, please don't hit me. This is just proof that everyone loves you. I was happy that we were able to see a peak of various aspects of you in the OVA. When I saw you swinging the board around I got goosebumps. It's a terrifying technique. I'll continue cheering you on from behind the scenes. Sincerely, Utsumi Hiroko March 2025 PS: I made sure to hide your ass in the shower scene so please don't be angry with me.
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likes-words-and-shrimp · 2 years ago
I love Lloyd who is such an emotional character and shows those emotions without shame. Aspects that would be considered weak in typical strong male characters in media are presented as such an integral part of him-such as him crying for Colette and feeling fear and devastation over what she's going through, while Colette herself is taught to stem down her own emotions and fears. But Lloyd experiences them for her and it shows just how important that is to one's own humanity. He is still a hot-headed boy but he also shows such gentleness with Colette and is not closed off from his emotions or is stoic (like Kratos) or covers them up with a mask and acts sarcastic about such feelings (like Zelos). He is so genuine in how he acts! Lloyd Irving is so good.
More late night thoughts but the reason I focus on and like Lloyd so much is because he’s a very un-stereotypical male character. He wants to talk over fighting, he’s an open book with his feelings, isn’t afraid to cry and is very physically affectionate. It’s so refreshing especially in a time where we were stifled with toxic masculinity. He’s just come to represent everything I want more male characters to be.
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dr-spectre · 2 months ago
Ok... is it safe to talk about Sonic Movie 3 spoilers yet? The movie is out on digital and it's been over a month.
Idk. Anyways.
I am both curious and utterly terrified on how they are gonna write Metal Sonic and Amy for Sonic Movie 4.
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I will start off with my boy Metal first.
Metal Sonic to me is a very interesting character due to his goals and motivation. His goal to prove that he is the REAL Sonic and that he's better than the "fake" one. The way that he acts is a near perfect replication of Sonic's attitude, from the finger wagging to the poses he does in Sonic CD and the OVA, he is all about proving that he is Sonic the Hedgehog.
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Metal Sonic is just not a simple robotic clone, he has depth to him and they expand upon GREATLY when he becomes Neo Metal Sonic and becomes SO OBSESSED with proving that he's the real Sonic by turning into a monster and trying to rule over everything, just so he can finally kill Sonic.
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EVEN EGGMAN IS LIKE "Yeah naw dude we're fucked, we NEED the chaos emeralds to have a chance at beating him."
After his Heroes appearance, he became nothing more than a robotic clone used in spinoff games and in terrible mainline games like Sonic 4 and Forces. He only had splashes of depth to him in the IDW comics with this phenomenal scene.
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So when i see Metal Sonic and a whole army of him in the post credit scene of Sonic Movie 3, i can't help but feel VERY WORRIED on what they are gonna do with him.
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I mean don't get me wrong, the design is nearly on par with the game version, aside that fucking mouth piece thing, it looks AWFUL!!!! I HATE ITTTT!!
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But now I'm just wondering, will they give Metal Sonic that depth he used to have? Will we actually see Neo Metal Sonic or will the main Metal Sonic be the coloured one we saw?
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I don't want Metal Sonic to be like his appearances in Sonic 4 Episode 2 and Forces. I want it to rival his appearance in the OVA and Heroes dude. I want a fucking great antagonist, not a cheap robot that shoots out energy blasts.
I want a god damn intimidating robot Sonic.
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Now... Amy Rose.
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As some of you probably know, i like a character wrapped in pink, is hyperactive, wields a giant melee weapon and is always mischaracterized in the fandom they are from. When i was younger, i used to dismiss her or think she was just funny and move on. But as i've gotten older, i've actually grown to really like the character, especially in the older 3D games and with retranslation mods. Her story with Gamma was beautiful, her speech to Shadow, her jokes, her flirty/fangirl attitude towards Sonic. It's really fun to watch. Most media has a boy fall in love with the girl, but with Amy and Sonic, it's the opposite. Their dynamic is unique.
I also love how in some stories, Amy can get REAL PISSED OFF and have anger issues. Even roses has thorns.
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However... in more recent stories like Frontiers, her personality has been mellowed out by a lot and her crush for Sonic is pretty much gone now. She's all about "sharing love with the world" now and her anger issues are gone.
Some say she's grown up and "oh she changed!" But we actually don't see this character growth at all. It's one thing to tell a story about how Amy learns that maybe her love for Sonic is too much and she learns to just be a good friend to Sonic. But it's another when the character has a MASSIVE personality change between Lost World, Forces and Frontiers. AND THEN THEY CHANGED GENERATIONS TO MAKE AMY LESS FLIRTY AND ANGRY LIKE.... HUH!?!? WHY!?!?!? THAT'S NOT HOW YOU WRITE A CHARACTER ARC!!!!! YOU GOTTA SHOW IT!!!! (A lot of Sonic characters have this issue too so it's not just an Amy problem.)
And them also doing the whole "Amy is no longer a damsel in distress anymore and her love for Sonic is over" is just... no dude. Amy was a damsel a couple of times and they never lasted that long. She's not on the same level as Peach. And the IDW comics tried to make her a Sally Acorn type character for some reason as well at first. Which was REALLY WEIRD! But maybe it's changed idk, i haven't kept up with the comics these days.
The only Amy that i really like in more modern stories is the one from The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog. Now THAT'S how you write Amy.
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So now, when i see Amy come in with a hood on and destroying Metal Sonics with ease, I'm left wondering, "oh no... how are they gonna write her?"
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Will they actually show Amy's crush on Sonic? Will Amy just have Sally's personality? Will they give her some damn thorns? Will they make it to where SONIC IS THE ONE WITH THE CRUSH!?!? PLEASE DON'T DO THAT! DO NOT GO THE GENERIC ROUTE PLEASE!!
If they make it to where when Amy takes off her hood in Sonic Movie 4 and immediately falls for Sonic I'll eat all of my words, but i doubt that would happen....
Anyhow, those were my thoughts, i know that it's too early to make a definitive statement on things but i just wanna voice my concerns due to other recent Sonic stories not landing in the characterisation department for me.
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centrally-unplanned · 4 months ago
California Crisis: Gun Salvo
I watched the 1986 OVA California Crisis, and it was really good! This anime, if you have heard of it all (which is unlikely), is famous for two things. One is its look:
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Which in anime form did not exist before, and has not existed since. When you research “California Crisis” in English the source everyone pulls from is this essay by longtime industry man Fred Patten, and he describes it as “the over-solarized art style most commonly associated with the commercial artist Patrick Nagel, who was very ‘in’ at the time.” I believe him on that being an influence - he worked with the creators after all - and my primary documents from said creators are quite limited; but those that I have never mention him. They certainly were aiming for Americana - but what is causing this unique look is the use of thick, black outlines on the inner shading of the characters (something Nagel doesn’t really do), which producer Yoshikazu Tochihira mentions as a common technique used on vehicles in anime at the time. Given how heavily cars and ‘copters feature in this, I think the look was also sort of its own idea to create stylistic cohesion between the key parts.
I am not going to say it always works - on our main girl Marcia it is sketch, those eyes man:
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But for our boy Noera it comes out a lot nicer:
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He has less demand to be “typical anime”; bishoujo can’t blend here but surfer bum absolutely can.
You get used to it over time though, and it excels at capturing the idealized West Coast aesthetic. In particular, by being “not anime” it really helps you feel like it is somewhere else than Japan. The OVA is filled with long panning shots of detailed Los Angeles streets and beaches, named restaurants and garbled English menu items aplenty. Our friend Fred Patton - who isn’t a fan - comments that “Animation fans at the time said, only half-humorously, that it looked like the main purpose of the video was for a handful of Japanese animators to come to California and take a road trip from San Diego to Los Angeles for location shots.” But that never happened - this was made on a shoestring budget, and according to the same source as before no such site visit occurred. Instead, reference material was gathered by “searching bookstores, travel agencies, libraries, and even the American Cultural Center”, and it was a lot of work to get the details even half-right from that. Stop spreading lies, Fred Patton! Wait until you get my strongly worded comment on your blog, I don’t care if you passed away 6 years ago (RIP an absolute legend), get your facts straight!
Aided in this sense of immersion is the OVA's second source of notoriety: the absolutely banging city pop soundtrack by pop star Miho Fujiwara. The OP, Streets Are Hot, lives up to the name, straight fire:
And while not as peak, the rest of the OST doesn’t disappoint. Anime Youtuber STEVEM has a video on California Crisis that digs into the music side, as the history of city pop is absolutely his jam; for me I will just comment that it is a little lost now how western city pop was in Japan. Today it is of course “peak Japan” after its 2010’s retro internet boom, but if you listen to pop music from 1970’s Japan you still hear a lot of blending of western musical sensibilities and more traditional Japanese vocal stylings and instrumentation. City pop was one of the earlier genres to fully shed the past and embrace synth instrumentation and modern vocal approaches. And the aesthetic often pulled specifically from California - these are not album covers that scream Tokyo:
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All of this is to say that this OVA is not only of its time, but it also embodies its time - a paean to the California Dream of the 80’s Tokyo youth:
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Fucking vibes, man, for this alone the OVA really hits for me. Though of course, for all the Americana it is still an anime:
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(Which by the way, Marcia rides a motorcycle on the highway and is clearly like 17, so Noera's rejection of an offer of sex here is more linguistic evidence for the bifurcated meaning of the word “lolicon” to refer to both actual prepubescent eroticization but also any preference for “youth” over “maturity” in typologies of femininity, intersecting with the bishoujo boom of th- okay okay, put the gun down, I’ll move on, geez…)
Sadly for California Crisis, its contemporary audience disagreed quite strongly with this being a symbol of the era; it was a huge flop. The OVA was the flagship project of a new anime venture by producer Hiromasa Shibazaki called Hiro Media Associates, and that shoestring budget was some very thin string. Shibazaki was launching his own anime+ magazine at the time, Globian (as seen in the links above), which was used to advertise their works - but towards that goal California Crisis only ever produced a single promotional image, which you see utilized everywhere it is mentioned:
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So it just didn’t have the resources behind it to draw in a crowd. And the crowd it did draw in, best I can tell, wasn’t enthused; the art style was off-putting, the plot itself is a bit of a meandering mess, the long panning shots are ~vibes~ yes but also ~budget~ and obviously so, and the ending is a bit of a vague question mark. It was supposedly going to have a sequel, but Hiro Media, and Globian alongside it, closed shop soon after it was released, leaving audiences feeling that it was unfinished.
I won’t begrudge anyone their taste, or pretend it is not a very uneven work. However, I want to redeem the OVA’s core narrative from its reputation; I think it is honestly great, and it absolutely does not need a sequel. So let’s get into the plot - this is a story of a 20-something bar hand Noera, who runs into motorcycle-riding teen Marcia alongside a quasi-sentient UFO orb that just crash landed on earth. It beckons telepathically to be taken to Death Valley, a call which Noera resists but Marcia commits to heart-and-soul. Along the way the military, the CIA, the Soviets, every deep state boogeyman you can think of, all try to stop them, car chases and gunfire akimbo. Our duo bond, eventually they succeed, and the alien gives off a Kubrickian abstract flash of light and then vanishes - roll credits.
Ignore all the details, the mechanics, the CIA, all that shit. Puzzling and unsatisfying when you are watching it as a 17 year old, sure, but you are smarter now, you can separate the wheat from the chaff. Instead, why does Marcia want to follow a random alien orb into Death Valley?
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Hilarious levels of on-the-nose buzzword dropping, oh sure. But behind that? Marcia is a teen, looking for meaning. She watches TV, reads books, dreams of being a hero, a protagonist, and this is it - the call of adventure! She is being offered the slot of main character and she isn’t going to turn it down. She literally name-drops Close Encounters of the Third Kind as part of her motivation, she is story-brained. When you first hear this line, you are like Noera, you eye roll it. But on reflection there is nothing more American than being the center of the universe - it truly is the American Dream.
But Marcia is not the main character of this story - the singular promotional image is lying to you. Noera is as well, and he has wisdom she doesn’t. Noera lives in the city fringe on a low wage service job, driving a beat-up Chrysler he presumably maintains himself. A blue collar man of habit, a himbo before it was hip. He follows Marcia to protect her, he casually rejects her post-car-chase adrenaline-rush-induced sexual advances. And, while they are escaping the military by hiding in a bar, he runs into an old high school friend Jack - who happens to be one of those military agents!
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We have been seeing this guy the whole OVA, running the entire alien hunt operation. Top of the class, super genius, going places. Noera is unphased, and he and Jack reminisce about gags and girls from the old days. Noera congratulates his friend for “getting out” of his hometown, as it were, and then plot-duty calls, Jack’s real life calls, and he has to leave. As he does, Noera calls out to him, “Come visit me!":
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And Jack leaves without saying anything:
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Because it isn’t highschool anymore, right? This guy is in the Big Leagues, he isn’t gonna schlep out to some podunk bar in Long Beach because a dude he used to help do his geometry homework offers him a dri-
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Oh, nevermind! Because none of that shit matters, right? We are all just dudes, let’s share a beer.
Marcia stares unaware through the entire scene by the way:
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This is Noera’s “culminating moment” for his story, and she doesn’t track it.
Chasey chasey fighty fighty Death Valley journey and Marcia delivers the orb, she wins, with Noera’s help she saves the alien. And so it pulses out a sparkly rainbow, something that could maybe be interpreted as a thank you, and then leaves - giving them absolutely nothing to show for their efforts. Marcia is left on a panning shot, shocked and disappointed, holding a now broken piece of useless glass. She was never the main character of anything. She just ran an errand.
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This is such good American Dream commentary! It ends the way all stories about the American Dream end - with it being a sham. Because it is. It’s all narrative, all marketing, all the outside trappings of something disconnected from the inner reality. Since this isn’t a midcentury novel but an anime OVA, the trappings of success aren’t a detached suburban home and 2.5 kids - it's being the hero of an action adventure epic. But fiction is fiction no matter the genre. Marcia doesn’t get that yet - but Noera already did before the VHS tape began to play. And Marcia’s budding realization is paralleled with Noera's own showcase of the socio-economic dilemmas that more typically define the genre - success doesn’t change who you are or what you need.
Once you step back from the sci fi spycraft stuff - which admittedly trails off - and see the themes, the ending is perfect, a sequel would totally ruin this. This is the best 80’s anime OVA commentary on the American Dream done through an otaku lens around. Definitely beats all the others in that category, for sure. Totally.
Anyway if you wanna fight me about my hot take meet me at the Waffen SS bar in 1980’s LA where I will be getting the shit kicked out of me for yelling my center-left political opinions while tipsily standing on the bartop:
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All that research and I still have no explanation for this shot.
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hypernova-writes · 3 months ago
What does she see? [Scout x Reader]
Synopsis: Once this beautiful lady graced their presence, all of the mercs were confused, especially Spy, at why the hell she went for a guy like Scout—
Pairing: Scout x 10 Class! Reader
Pairing name: Speedy Recovery (Scout/TheNurse)
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"You did such a good job out there Darling.."
"Couldn't have been without your healing Dollface..you treat me right everytime.."
Some of the others didn't understand what Y/N saw in Scout. The two ended up attached at the hip from when she first started here.
Scout was...Scout, brash, vulgar, doesn't know how to talk to women (in Spy's opinion.)
So how could he end up with this beautiful belle wrapped around his finger. All he had to do was call out her name and no matter where she was in the field, it was like she would magically appear next to him.
She was taller than him, more..mature than him, yet all she could is swoon over him when he would make some corny joke, or flex his barely there muscles.
Sniper called Spy jealous (to which he was NOT). While yes, she was a fine young woman, it was obvious she was...interested in the buffoon.
So one day, Spy decided to ask her himself.
Y/n was cleaning her syringe after a day of battle, She had asked Scout to get his room ready since she was sleeping in his room tonight so he was free to question the belle.
"Y/n. Do you have a minute? I would..just like to ask you something."
Y/n looked up with a small smile, setting her weapon to the side. "Hmm? Lay it on me, then Spy, you know I love questions~" she said in a teasing tone.
Spy sighed as he leaned against the table. "What do you see in zhat...Man Child? You're such a woman of class, two medical degrees..and you choose...zhat?"
Y/n paused for a bit before she broke into a giggle, she turned to Spy fully and crossed her legs.
"Well for starters he makes me laugh..He's such a funny guy, and I love a guy who can make me break out into a fit of giggles, keeps the romance alive..you would know that..right Spy?" Y/n says as she moves to stand up.
"But besides that, My darling Scoutie means the world to me, so what if he's a little stupid..all of us are. We don't know everything, well unless your name is Dell Conagher–" She joked before she continued.
"But..he's the first to ever, ya know..look past the persona I put up. And I love him for that..He's such a sweetheart to me." She finishes with a small sigh. Spy stares at her with a tilt of his head. He'd never heard another woman speak so...highly of Scout.
Usually they called him every word in the book for annoying..but never Sweet or thoughtful.
"Oi! Ya Shape Shifting Spook! Are ya borin' ma girl to death ova there?"
Right on cue, Scout walks back from the task that Y/n asked him to do. He wraps his arm around her waist before pulling her close, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Rooms all straighten' for ya..just fa me to mess it right up when I get ahold to ya.." He whispers in her ear making her giggle and a blush comes across her face.
She then waves to Spy, as Scout easily picks her up, his hands on both of her thighs, making her wrap her legs around him. "Have a goodnight Spy!"
"Yea..cause I know we sure are~, God you are so sexy~! Im such a lucky guy."
Spy watched as they walked down the hall before shaking his head, before turning to see Engineer standing there.
"What do you want, Hardhat."
"Nothin', just admirin' the young love." He comes up and stands next to Spy, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Stop bein' such a worry wart. She's gonna treat him fine." Engineer says before guiding Spy to the rec room.
"Now c'mon, the rest of us are playin' cards."
Spy sighs, rolling his eyes as he crosses his arms as he follows Engineer.
"I hope she does treat him right...He deserves zhat.."
He says to himself before finally leaving the hallway to join the others.
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BOOM SUPRISSSEEEEEE another fic in this little series I decided to do with the Mercs x The Nurse! I'm coming up with cute little names, like how the rest of the mercs pairings are. Feel free to drop some below!! Next is medic i promise!!
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pikahlua · 3 months ago
I think the moments where Bakugo, Shoto, Inasa, and Camie touched the hearts of the children during the Remedial Course arc were far better than Ochako's project. Ochako's interaction with the children felt off-putting to me. But Bakugo and the others truly connected with the kids beautiful. What do you think about this project? I can’t help but get reminded of the Remedial Arc, and it makes me frustrated. Don’t you think it’s similar?
I don't really have the energy to dedicate to picking apart 431. It's rushed and full of fluff and barely even cares about the context of the story that led up to it. The content reflects the same level of care as an anime-only OVA. It's not shocking that anything in the 430 chapters that came before it is more meaningful and deep and impactful than its 431 corollary.
And for anyone who's going "Wah wah wah you just hate the ship," I don't really care about the ship. I predicted a bajillion years ago it would end like this and I have consistently stated over and over again I just don't want an epilogue where they're grown up because I hate how these things always destroy the fantasy. I never wanted to see them as adults, not even in 430. It's NOT the best way to end a story and more often than not serves to contradict everything in the story that came before it, AND LO AND BEHOLD THAT'S WHAT WE GOT. And I think it's very conspicuous and telling how Horikoshi chose NOT to serialize this chapter in Weekly Shounen Jump and wrote a disclaimer about his mind-frame when writing it.
Anime/manga endings almost always suck. That's my personal feeling that is probably rooted in my upbringing and culture, but it's how I've always felt. I'm used to it by now. I could probably number the satisfying anime endings I know on one hand.
So yeah, of fucking course the Remedial Arc was better. It was better written by a long-shot. Even the final third of MHA was better written than this nothingburger, and I think Horikoshi knows it. It doesn't deserve the attention everyone is giving it. In fact, I'm cynical enough to suspect it was crafted in a way to piss people off just to get people talking about MHA like this again. I hate that most of all. It's ruined a perfectly wonderful story for so many people, and I am forced to watch from the sidelines in horror as people let this crap usurp their feelings about everything that came before. I'd rather stop feeding into that.
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no1ryomafan · 2 years ago
Ranting in my server how much it saddens me mechas impact on Japan is unknown in the states even now because most people don’t know of the old shows that brought up the genre especially when the take of “Evangelion is a deconstruction of mecha” is still a take I’ve unironically heard in this year-from one of my fucking irls no less-because I learn more and more how crucial this genre was to Japan-
but than I turn around and ago “yeah I watched maybe 4 mechas and don’t have the desire to really watch more even if there’s some I should probably get too” and I wonder if this makes me come off as a worse “umh actuahlly” person or this is showing how awful my commitment skills to anything as of late have been given there’s NON mecha anime I still need to watch.
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geekgirles · 1 year ago
Yumalia's Reunion
Back on my Yumalia brainrot, I can't get over all the layers and depths of their brief interaction in episode 11.
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The moment Yugo is done defying his mother and forced to watch her leave, for she had long made her choice, Amalia doesn't hesitate to reach out to him and hold his hand, which Yugo immediately squeezes right back. Even with the threat of imminent war for her people's safety, Amalia's first instinct is to go to Yugo and offer whatever comfort she can, and he just lets her because if there's someone who can ground him, it's Amalia.
That's exactly what she did at the end of season 3. Not only did she tell Oropo he would never be Yugo because Yugo would never willingly or knowingly sacrifice anyone for his cause (even during his fight with Ad during the OVAs he always thought his brother would eventually come back), but she unknowingly dissuaded the fears and insecurities that'd been plaguing him throughout the entire season, both regarding his past actions and his own relationship with her. Because even after all they'd been through and his insecurities hurting Amalia deeply, she still chose him, and she still reaffirmed her love for him in such a way it would allow for their interactions in season 4 to be that much more openly affectionate and less restrained.
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But not only that, back then she was also there to ground him when Oropo's passing and his absorbing of the Eliotropes overwhelmed him, helping him see all the good despite what they had lost.
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And she is doing that yet again when they finally reunite.
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But there is so much more going on here. So many emotions running deep between them.
Look at Yugo's expression, that mixture of surprise and awe etched onto his face. I feel like this is the moment where it truly clicks for him just how much he's changed and all the possibilities his new body entails, especially for their relationship. And Amalia is just happy, happy that he is alive and happy that he can finally see and feel like the great king and warrior she always knew was already there.
For the first time since he's met her, Yugo doesn't have to look up to meet his love's eyes, and you can clearly see how the mere thought takes him aback. But I believe there's so much more to it, so many things left unsaid.
He's looking at her like she's finally within reach, and not only because now they're closer in height. Yugo had to spent the last few years of his life watching how the love of his life grew into the most beautiful flower in Sadida's garden, into a queen, while he remained stuck in his child-like body, with only a title for show despite he too being royalty.
It's all in his eyes!
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He isn't just looking at Amalia. He is staring at her like a dying man stares at his salvation, like someone who's been wandering in the dessert for ages looks at an oasis. And it's not just because they might finally have a shot, but because she is there and she is real.
Despite Yugo's unrelenting optimism and will, upon being captured by the Nécromes, a part of him had probably been forced to accept he would never see Amalia again, either because he would remain the last of his days as their prisoner, or because she would too fall soon.
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Given his predicament, thanks to Oropo and Qilby's intervention, Yugo was most likely running on adrenaline when he noticed the portal in the Sadida forest and what it would mean for Amalia. His mind was set on protecting her, not on the fact that they would be reunited after such a horrible ordeal. And I don't think it really sunk in that he would see her again until she touched him, until she literally became tangible and attainable.
But she is real, and she is with him, they are together again. Only this time, they might actually get to be together.
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Look at such level of intimacy! Such tenderness mixed with the underlying unbriddled passion they feel for one another! Yugo might have been shown being okay with revealing his wings to his friends, but he always took the hood off himself; but not with Amalia. With her he trusts her enough to let her do the honours and all he can do is melt under her touch.
Seeing Amalia again after being held prisoner in the Nécroworld and forcibly aged has allowed Yugo to fall in love with her all over again and, more importantly, to finally allow himself to love her with his whole being in return. No more holding back, no more second thoughts, no more take-backs. No more denying themselves what they have been desperately yearning for.
He loves Amalia and she loves him. And he's going to hold onto her for as long as they both live.
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And I am so not normal about them.
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eyesxxyou · 2 years ago
Not anon since I actually wanna see this in my notifications if you do this requestlmao:
Plot twist, reader is vulgar, she wears semi-skimpy clothing, always making stupid (yet creative) sex jokes like ‘that’s what she said’ etc, Make-out champ and stuff but in reality she just does whatever and it works for Hobie when it was a wild guess. Like- sexually experienced she definitely isn’t yet always acts confident
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Knocking out 2 requests in one
{★} .. hobie brown x black!plus size!reader
rating. m
word count. 2.3k
synopsis. hobie never expected you to be a virgin and he's totally okay with that but you are not.
you and hobie mutually masterbate
🍓・.warnings❕no p in v sex, mutual masturbation, unprotected sex not advised, clothed sex, fingering, praise, cum on pussy, pussy job, Hobie as a dick piercing, mentions of religion and blasphemy, aftercare
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If you had told Hobie you of all people were a virgin before the two of you had started dating, he would have thought you were pulling his leg. You? You in your skimpy clothes that deliciously left nothing to the imagination? You and the well-developed curves you loved to show off? You and your teasing innuendos? No way in hell you were a virgin, but alas, here you were after making out with him for the past 10 minutes, stalling really because you— in a crop top so small he could see the beginnings of your full breasts and low-rise jeans that showed off your waist beads partially hidden under the pudge of your stomach— had no idea what the hell to do beyond that.
Not that Hobie believed in the concept of “virginity”. He simply believed that people either have had sex before or they haven’t and either way, one does not make the more pure or better than the other. But still, you never had sex? With the confidence you had in your body— confidence well deserved— he assumed that you had left a long line of broken hearts in your sexy stride.
“Well, is this sometin’ you wanna do? I don’ want you to feel like you gotta do anytin’ wit’ me.” Communication was important in moments like these. If he was going to be your first sexual experience, he wanted to make a good impression, didn’t want to leave you scarred and traumatized.
You signed a little, your confident demeanor melting away just a little while you spoke. “I just don’t think I’m ready to go all the way, ya know? I’m sorry if you wanted mor—”
“Don’t be sorry, luv. Never be sorry ova tha’. We don’t gotta do anytin’,” Hobie assured you with a slight caress to your thick thigh the size of his literal head. There was something almost commercial about the difference in your sizes and body types. No one would expect someone so tall and lanky to be with a person so short and chubby but anyone who dared to comment on it could expect get their head bashed in by Hobie’s guitar.
“NO, no, I want to do something, just not that yet. I’m still a little…unsure about it but you think we can try something else?” You asked, hopeful that he’d be down for something a little more unconventional, but you knew Hobie preferred unconventional to anything else. “Of course, wha’cha thinkin’?” He siddled up next to you, his lips caressing the round of your cheek while his hand grasped the fat of your ass. All of this, so much of your to love and worship. He wanted to leave a mark on every piece of flesh he could get his hands on, lavish over every part no revealed to the world, parts few and far between but all the more sacred because of it.
You gently scratched at the nape of his neck while his hands roamed tenderly across you body, careful not to make you uncomfortable and fully prepared to pull away at any sign that you weren’t feeling it anymore. “Let's masturbate in front of each other.”
“You’ve been tinkin’ ‘bout this fo a while, then?” It came too fast from your lips to be anything you thought of on the spot. You slapped him on the shoulder but did not deny his claim because you have. It would be a lie to say you haven’t been thinking of him sitting in one of his many bean bag chairs with his legs spread apart, his hand stroking the length of his cock while he watched you use your fingers to stretch out your unused pussy. You thought about what he’d look like when he came. What the consistency of his cum looked like, what it tasted like. Did he shudder when he came, did he whine a little, did he moan and groan, you needed to know.
“Please Hobie, I really wanna try it.” You pulled back to give him your infamous puppy eyes, hoping that might be what convinces him. If only you knew he’d do absolutely anything you asked him to because his worship of you bordered on the lines of blasphemy. “Of course, luv.”
WIth one last kiss, the two of you parted completely, Hobie getting up to go sit on a chair across from his bed where he left you. A bit anxious, you began to fumble with the button to your your spared jeans in a some rush to get them off like you were going to miss some deadline.
“Come’ere.” Hobie motioned you over with his fingers and without a second to hesitate, you obeyed, walking over to him with a wrinkle in your jeans at your embarrassing attempt to get them off. He reached up, his eyes locking in with yours while his long, slender fingers skillfully doing what your chubby, stout ones could not. His hands traced the curve of your hip as he placed a soft kiss against the pudge of your belly. “Take’em off slow fa me. Gimme a show, luv.” WIth that, he removed his hands from your body and leaned back in the chair to enjoy the performance he prompted you to put on.
Pretending to be sexy was something you absolutely could do. You stepped back a bit, trailing your hands up and down the length of your torso to caress the curves of your body. Hobie let out something of a sigh as you slipped your thumbs into the waist of your pants and the band of your thong to pull them down simultaneously.
You turned around to face away from him, working your pants down your hips and your legs in a seductive manner before taking them all the way to the floor and flashing just a peek of that little pussy of yours at him as you stepped out of your clothes and kicked them to the side. And by the time you turned back around, Hobie already had his cock out, half-hard in his hand as he stroked his twitching length.
It was pretty, long, veiny, chocolate brown in color with a slightly lighter tip leaking dribbles of precum over his knuckles. He had a piercing through the head of it, a Prince Albert. You wanted to kiss it, have it in your mouth, slave over it, suck it like it was your favorite flavor of lolli. Anything Hobie-flavored was your favorite.
You moved back, maintaining eye contact with your boyfriend as the back of your knees his the edge of the bed and you fell onto it, now making eye contact with the thick monster he had between his legs. The sight of it made your pussy quiver at the thought of it being closer, being inside of you one day, fucking the daylights out of you.
"Go ahead, spread those legs fa me, baby. I wanna see tha' pretty pussy of ya's." Hobie sighed out, his cock now to its full length. If he were to let it go, it would rest well to his belly button. He stoked a little harder, anticipating the sight of your cunt on display for him to enjoy and him alone. There was an odd sort of perverted satisfaction he got knowing that you’d never had a sexual experience with anyone else other than him. No one in the entire world got to see this beautiful sight as your propped your feet up on the bed and spread them to reveal your sacred little hole, glistening and wet with arousal leaking out of it.
You used one hand to place behind you so you could hold yourself up while the other was used to rub your fingers in the mess your pussy made of itself, spreading the slick to your clit where you put most of your focus. Hobie hummed from across the room, a soft, wet fapping sound emanating from him as he fucked his hand a little harder, using his precum as lube to slick his path while he pretended it was in fact your sticky juices coating his cock.
You bit your bottom lip, watching with hooded eyes the way he fucked his own hand like he wanted to fuck you, nice and evenly paced but ultimately desperate for release. In some feeble attempt to imitate what his length might feel like stirring up your guts, you slipped a finger into your inexperienced hole, that being the most you could ever manage to fit. But it left you severely disappointed as you knew one of your tiny fingers could never even imagine imitating the length and girth of that pretty cock of his.
You thumb at your clit to the pace that his hand rubbed his cock, his own thumb stroking his sensitive head each time it got the chance to. “Hobie~” You whined for him as your head fell back and your eyes closed, the pleasure of it all so overwhelming. But Hobie snapped at you between breathless groans. “Keep ya eyes on me, baby. I wanna see ya eyes.” So you opened them and looked at him, his hand fucking himself even harder now, his hips bucking uncontrollably from pleasure.
You could only imagine what the sight for him looked like, a finger in your pussy with your thumb on your clit, fingers wet down to the knuckle, lips wet from your tongue. Open and desperate for him as your back arched and your pussy trembled. “Please–” You begged of him. “I want your cum on my cunt. Please…Hobie.” You didn’t just want it, you needed it. You needed to feel the essence of him coating your pussy you wanted your fingers to play in in, to slip your messy fingers into your mouth and taste him.
“You wan’ me to cum on ya pussy, dirty girl?” Hobie began to sit up, ready to give you just what you asked for. You whimpered, nodding in desperation, watching him make his way over and push you back onto the bed. He pulled your hand away from your core and tapped the tip of his weeping cock against your clit, letting out a few wet smacks at the contact before he grabbed the thickest part of your thighs and forced them up to your chest. “‘m gonna give ya jus’ what’cha wan’.” His voice was dark, feral. His piercing glistened with precum as he stroked his cock between your swollen, wet pussy lips.
Everytime he pulled back, his tip positioned itself right at your entrance, always threatening to push itself inside and give you all you were looking for. But it never did. It just stroked yoru hole a bit before gliding over it, his cock rubbing your pussy and clit until you were crying out his name like it was the only thing you could remember to say.
Each stroke of his cock left you more sensitive than the last, each rub of your clit sending jolts of pleasure throughout your body. An orgasm just on the horizon threatened to crash over you and destroy you much like a tsunami. It built itself in the pit of your stomach, your legs trembling and flexing in an attempt to close themselves and cast him out to avoid the unfamiliar feeling but Hobie forced them open without a care. “Open, keep’em open fa me.”
“Hobie, please, I can’t!”
“Yes you can, luv. I’m almost there.” He thrust against your pussy so hard his balls began to slap against your ass. “You wan’ my cum on ya pussy, righ’? You wan’ me to defile you, make ya all dirty fo me?” You nodded vigorously. You wanted that more than anything else in the world right now.
“Then take this dick.” Something about those words sent you over the edge. The tsunami crashed over you and seized your body like a demon. Your back arched off of the bed, muscles spasming and thrashing with an orgasm of an intensity you’ve never felt before. “Hobie!” You cried out his name, pussy spasming as you came. Hobie kept stroking, kept fucking, kept pleasing despite your calls, his breathy moans all you can hear as he nears his own orgasm.
And when it comes, so does he. His hips still and his cock twitches as he releases all over the face of your cunt. He coats your clit, your lips, your hole and paints them in milky white before spreading it about with his cock. “Goood girl.” He cooed at you in praise, slapping his cock in the mess he’s made of you. He claimed you as his, his for life. He owned this pretty pussy. It belonged to him. “Why does this pussy belong to?”
“You, Hobie, you.” You whimpered as he slapped his dick a little more against your pussy, sending jolts of overstimulating pleasure through your body until your toes curled.
“Tha’s righ’, don’ forget i’.” He bent over between your legs and kissed you, sliding his tongue into your mouth as his hand grabbed a fistful of your breasts. His cock was soft now, but it if kept stroking against your pussy, it would quickly be otherwise so he better stop while he’s ahead. “You did so good, luv. So good to me, so good fa me.” He bit your bottom lip as you hummed breathlessly into his mouth. “Lemme get you cleaned up.”
Hobie stood up and tucked himself away before going to the bathroom to grab a washcloth. You heard the water running for a little, some shuffling in the bathroom before Hobie came back with the washcloth damp. He parted your legs a little more and used the cloth to watch you, apologizing with a soft kiss to your knee and you jolted and whined when he went over your clit. And once he’s done he tosses the cloth into the dirty clothes and climbs into bed with you to hold you, whispering soft praises into you ear so you don’t feel used or taken advantage of.
“I love you.” He whispered as you were just on the cusp of slumber and took no offense when you snored softly as a response.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 4 months ago
I know it's probably never going to happen because the TWST Anime is focusing on the Manga/light novel version of them instead of the game version, but do you think the anime will have OVAs of the Side Characters events?
Like an OVA beach bonus episode because of the Lost in the Book with Stitch if that makes sense?
[Referencing this news!]
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I don’t think we can say for sure one way or another right now. Of course, I’d personally love it if we got vignettes and/or story events animated (the first anniversary PV proved it could be gorgeous 😩), but at this time there is too little information to tell.
I don’t want to say “yes” or “it’s highly likely” because then we might get our hopes up over nothing. I don’t want to say “no” or “probably not” either, because I think it’s fine to speculate or imagine what could be. Not only that, but I think there would have to be some kind of padding for the anime, as there could be periods of content drought for fans of later dorms (whose characters don’t get to show up or do much early on), so as to maintain interest or hype. I don’t know if that would mean full-on OVAs (especially since some events don’t have a lot of story to them if you cut out the sightseeing), but it could mean something smaller, like cameos or anime-exclusive bonus scenes or short adaptations or mentions of vignettes.
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switchnx · 5 months ago
It was recently revealed that X2 was originally going to have a plot twist that Zero was a modified Roll? I had an AU idea of if that had happened much earlier in the timeline. (Basically Roll becoming a FtM kid Zero like how Star is a MtF Mega Man)
Presenting: Zero R
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What I was thinking was that it could possibly take place after the OVA after Roll attacks Wily, which ends up giving him an idea. He could also catch wind of her armor by using Reggae as a spy drone or something. Late one night he sneaks into Light Labs. Roll notices him, dons her armor and attempts to sneak attack him. Unfortunately, Wily was counting on this, and uses this to kidnap her and bring her back to his base before anyone notices. As a distraction, he goes to his usual shtick of unleashing 8 robot masters to terrorize the world the next morning. In the meantime he began the conversion process. However, in between the redesign process and the brainwashing process, he gets distracted. Zero comes to and manages to escape and sneak off to join the battle. Zero realizes that he might actually be able to use his new design to his advantage. Since in the OVA, Mega Man didn’t want Roll fighting (admittedly it never sat right with me that he wouldn’t support her, but it works surprisingly well for this plot), if he’s not recognized at first it could pose less of a conflict. Of course this works out perfectly, as when Mega Man and Proto Man are having trouble against a particularly difficult boss, Zero shows up (introducing himself as such) and takes it down. Not only that, but to his surprise they also mistake him for a boy, though he decides not to correct them. This turns out to be a good decision, as over the course of the adventure leading up to the big reveal, Zero notices that being referred to as male just feels right for some reason.
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